#we may not agree on anything but we don’t judge each other in the heroes fandom cmon man. lol
petrellicest · 7 months
People who like/rb my heroes gifsets (from my main tbf) and then I go on their blog and they’re like NO INCEST NO PETRELLICEST EW GROSS BAD. Buddy this is the freaks n degenerates fandom. cmon man
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bi-lavelent · 3 months
Lone Wolf (Quinn Fabray x Fem-reader part 9)
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Warning: Fluff, Angst, Bullying, Cussing, Homophobia, Sexual Assault, Rape, Smut
I walked into the school. I saw Rachel and walked over to her.
“Hey do you know where Finn is?” I asked her
“No, I actually don’t.” She said
I saw my sister (Hope) and Santana talking to each other and I walked over to them.
“Hay do either of you guys know where Finn is ?” I asked
“No the last time I saw him he was holding Quinn in his arms after you and Puck fucked up her life.” Hope said
“I didn’t fuck up her life. Puck did I told sue to keep her on the team and when she took Quinn of the Cheerios; because, she thought the dude she went on one date wanted them to be exclusive and then walked in on the dude making out with the person he works with. It pissed her off and took it out on everyone and I yelled at her and have gone against her. I’m just looking for Finn because okay when I was pregnant. Money was a big issue so I have more than enough money for Quinn but she won’t talk to me so I will give it to Finn and make him the hero.” I said
“God your to nice.” Hope said
“I agree” Santana said
“Okay well I will catch up with you all later I’m gonna find Finn” I said
I finally found Finn leaving Cheerio practice that afternoon. I didn’t realize that Santana,Hope and Brittany were near by listening in on the convo.
“Hey, Finn” I said
“Hello, What do you want?” He asked
“I just wanted to give you this. Give it to Quinn from you she’ll really appreciate it.” I said
“What is it?” He asked
“It’s 14,000$ in cash.” I said
“How did you get this is dirty money.” He asked
“No Finn it the money that I have been saving since I was 8 to leave Lima. You and Quinn need it more than me. I still got this year and next year to find a way to leave Lima. You guys need this money right now. You guys and your family don’t deserve to go into debt over a mistake that you guys made. Your still kids.” I said
“Thank you Y/N, You know I don’t understand why everyone in Glee dose not like you.” He said
“What?” I asked
“Nothing forget I said anything.” He said
I handed him the packet and walked away everyone in Glee dose not like me. That made since as to why they were talking bad about me the other day.
That day in Glee club. We were all sitting around everyone was talking and I was doing my favorite thing listening. I just with that I usually had popcorn but Glee gossip was boring. Then Mr.Schue came in
“Alright guys we’re doing a new number for sectionals. I know that pop songs have sort of been our signature pieces but I did a little research on past winners and it turns out that judges like songs that are more accessible stuff that they know uh standards, broadway.” Mr. Schue said as he passed out papers
“Defying gravity I have an iPod shuffle dedicated to exclusively selections from Wicked this is amazing.” Kurt said
“Do you think you can handle it Rachel?” Mr.Schue asked
“It’s my go to shower song and my ringtone.” Rachel said
“Why do we have to go all vanilla on this song see what we need is my chocolate thunder.” Mercedes said
“Look don’t have time to re-arrange a song for you Mercedes Rachel is singing it. Don’t worry will find something for you to dip in chocolate.” Mr.Schue said
“Oh on item two the school won’t pay for the special bus we need to take Artie with us in his wheelchair to sectionals”
“W W W W what”
“That completely unfair”
“Doesn’t that count as a form of discrimination that will get hundred of government funded organizations on this school’s ass in hopes of shutting them down. Like ADA. The us goverment has laws stating the following Article 7 page 15 section 2 paragraph 1of the American Disability Administration A school May not refuse to allow a person with a disability to participate in a service, program, or activity simply because the person has a disability. A school Must provide programs and services in an integrated setting, unless separate or different measures are necessary to ensure equal opportunity. A school Must eliminate unnecessary eligibility standards or rules that deny individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to enjoy their services, programs or activities unless “necessary” for the provisions of the service, program or activity. Schools Are required to make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, and procedures that deny equal access to individuals with disabilities, unless a fundamental alteration in the program would result. A school Must furnish auxiliary aids and services when necessary to ensure effective communication, unless an undue burden or fundamental alteration would result. A school May provide special benefits, beyond those required by the regulation, to individuals with disabilities. A school May not place special charges on individuals with disabilities to cover the costs of measures necessary to ensure nondiscriminatory treatment, such as making modifications required to provide program accessibility or providing qualified interpreters. A school Shall operate their programs so that, when viewed in their entirety, they are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.” I said
“I’m sorry how do you know this?” Mr.Schue asked
“What I wanted to be a powerful politician when I was younger. It was my dream job so I memorized a lot of laws. It was like music to Rachel.” I said
“Okay well as fun as it would be to test your knowledge. Unless you can get ahold of the government and get them to come here.” Mr.Schue said
“Actually they have their Ohio office right outside Lima. There main building in Ohio were you would go to file a complaint against a company or a person or whoever is located in Columbus.” Artie said
“Okay well that is 3 hours away.” Mr.Schue said
“I will totally go there after school. I’m staying at a hotel in Columbus anyway.” I said
“Wait why are you staying in a hotel.” Mr.Schue asked
“Because she got into a fight with our mom and got kicked out of the house.”” Hope said
“Nice going yes my mom kicked me out of the house and yes I’ve been living in hotels. No Puck I haven’t hired any hookers or prostitues.” I said
“How’d did you know I was going to ask that? How’s she know I was going to ask that.” Puck asked
“Because you are extremely predictable.” I said
“Anyway your living in hotels” Mercedes said
“Yes I don’t really have anywhere else to go. My mom got mad because I brought her to rehab to hopefully get clean. My dad is always working. But know that my moms back from rehab the second she got home she had found it was me who sent her and she went ballistic.i don’t know if she’s been drinking when I got home three weeks ago I walked in and all my stuff was in bag and boxes and my clothes were in suitcases. So I have been staying wherever I can. Some time I just sleep in my car.” I said
“Y/N do you need some support you know that Mrs.Pillsbury can help you.” Mr.Schue said
“No I am fine I would have gotten kicked out this summer when I turned 18 anyway. It’s not a big deal.” I said
“Yes it is” Mr.Schue said
Everyone agreed except for Rachel
“Can we get back to Arties problem and the song and stop focusing on Y/n’s pathetic life.” She said
I just stayed quiet as Mr.Schue and everyone looked at me.
“Okay let’s finish this up” Mr.Schue said
“So if the thing that Y/N suggested doesn't work will have to raise money to pay for it ourselves.” Mr. Schue said “See when I was in Glee club and we need money for regionals we did a bake sale.”
“Your joking right bake sales are kind of bouje.” Santana said
“so people stopped eating delicious sugary treats.” “It’s not that it’s that most of us don’t know how to bake. I find recipes confusing.” Brittnay said
“You find everything confusing” Puck said
“Shut it Puck you find breathing confusing” I said
“Yeah you find walking to class confusing” Santana said
“My family is fully committed to take out.” Rachel said
“Yeah Mr.Schue things are different than when you went here we got homework and football and teen pregnancy and lunch.” Finn said
“Can’t Arties dad just take him.” Mercedes asked
“ I can’t believe how insensitive you are all being are you a team.” Mr.Schue said
“Ofcourse but Artie understands don’t you?” Quinn asked
I knew that it was finally time to speak up
“You know what you all shut up Mr.Schue don’t act like you are not insensitive to. Maybe this is just who you all are you guys make me feel like shit every day including Artie. Do you wanna know why I was on sues team I didn’t make since well I have autism okay and I’m tired of all of you guys taking about how we are lower than the special Ed kids on the popularity pyramid or we looked like we stepped off the short bus. You all make me feel worthless and like shit everyday. Okay I can make you feel the same way make me and Artie feel. Rachel you have made out with Finn twice and gave him a boner in the auditorium before the Cheerios even joined Glee right and they you told Rachel in the hallway you don’t know who you love same thing you told Mr.Schue wife.” I said
“Okay that enough” Finn said
“Oh really another thing Finn you think it’s okay to call people Fags. I heard you call Kurt one the other day in the hallway. Most of you think that calling him or anyone else in the school that is okay to do well that me tell you something Kurt might not fight back but guess what this LESBIAN right here will and I can beat the shit out of all of you.” I said
“Y/N stop we get that your going the a lot but you’ve crossed a line. So stop or your gonna be kicked out” Mr.Schue said
“Schue don’t get me started your wife yeah the one carrying your child. She really isn’t pregnant she had a hysterical pregnancy and is wearing a fake bump and is trying to buy babies to keep you from knowing the truth. If you don’t believe me ask Quinn she told her that she’d give her the kid but done blame her she’s a scared child your wife is physcopath and also Mrs.Pillsbury like you and you clearly like her so before she gets married to the coach leave you pathetic wife and get a semi normal person.” I said
“Y/N stop you can’t act like this at school.” Hope said
“Oh I’m sure everyone will love to know why the Cheerios are actually here. If I’m not wrong you’re here to end Glee. On sues orders. Right well maybe you’ll think about what you’re saying before making people feel like shit again. Also I’ll drop the 600$ off in Figgins office for the bus you’ll all need Artie if I’m not there.” I said as I got up and exited the room leaving everyone yelling at each other. For the news I just spilled.
As I made it out to my car. I started to break down and Cry. I finally stopped when I heard a banging on the door I was expecting to see someone from Glee to yell at me probably Quinn I had come after her the hardest. Which hurt to do but everything was true. As I looked up I saw Santana
“Let me in” She said
“Fine” I said as I unlocked the doors the second she sat down I relocked the doors. “Well that was one way to try to end Glee club. With the truth.” Santana said
“That wasn’t my plan I didn’t want to destroy Glee club anymore I wanted to make Sue pay for kicking Quinn off the team. I just couldn’t take it anymore and then I ended up hurting Quinn more than Sue did.” I said
“Look I texted my parents asking if you could come live with us they said yes and I really think that you’re gonna need some people after you went off on all of them.” Santana said
“Can you drive?” I asked
“If I’m with someone over 18” I’m close enough
“What if we get arrested.” She asked
“The only person who’s out around this time is the sheriff and I use to sleep with her I was underage and she’s married so I think will be fine.” I said
“K where are we going.” Santana asked
“Your house I need somewhere to drop all of this stuff off.” I said “ and if you don’t mind helping me receive the other stuff from the hotel tonight that would be great.”
“I totally don’t mind.” Santana said
On the way to Santanas house I got a ton of angry messages from everybody in Glee. Some of the really affected me the one Artie sent: You made me feel like shit when you made my problem your problem twice. Thanks for nothing. And my sister sent: You made my life a living hell everyone made at me because I’m related to you and I’m the closest thing to you. Furthermore Matt’s made at me and won’t even talk to me thanks for nothing loser. Santana saw how much this affected me and grabbed my hand to comfort me. Almost driving us off the road.
“Eyes on the road babygirl” I said
“What did you call me?” Santana asked
“Babygirl.” I said
“Why did you call me that.” She asked
“That’s what I call people who I let get close. Which I rarely ever do consider yourself lucky.” I said
As she drove to her house I looked at her. She actually didn’t care about what I had said in the Glee room she was willing to take me in. She made me feel not horrible about lashing out. Somehow she understood me.
“We’re here, my parents don’t get home till tomorrow morning there on vacation.” Santana said
“Thank you. You know you’re not as bitchy as you let people believe.” I said
“Well we will drop your stuff in my room for now. My mom’s gonna clean out the other room tomorrow.” Santana said
She helped me carry everything into her room.
“Wow this is not what I thought your room would look like.” I said
“What did you think it would look like ?” Santana asked
“I don’t know I thought that it would look all happy and have bright colors and Pom Poms everywhere.” I said
“Is me being a Cheerio all you know about me ?” She asked
“No I know that you are in Glee, Your a good singer and Your Latina.” I said
“Well I guess we’re both gonna find out a lot about each other.” Santana said
“Hey, put on something nice I want to take you to a nice restaurant in Columbus for being so nice.” I said
“You don’t have too.” Santana said
“Yes I do you deserve it after years of eating at Breadstix. You deserve someone to take you somewhere fancy.” I said
“Well you go get dressed and I will organize these boxes so that we can have a place to put the other and we can have somewhere to sleep tonight.” Santana said
I walked out the room and went to her bathroom and put on clothes that were in my suitcase that I had in the car. Luckily I had some nice clothes in the bag.
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I walked out and went to sit on the bed.
“Oh my god.” Santana said
“What do I look bad?” I asked
“No not at all you actually look really hot.” Santana said
“The Santana Lopez think that I am hot ?” I asked
“Shut up” Santana said
“Now get out of that Cheerio outfit.” I said
“What do you not think that I look good in it cause I’m pretty sure you stare at the Cheerios as we practice.” Santana said walking towards me
“I’m watching my sister.” I said
“Oh sure you are is that why you’re blushing well watching us.” Santana said
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said
“Okay sure you don’t. Do you have any water?” Santana asked
“Oh sure the pocket of my backpack.” I said
She grabbed one of my water bottles and took a drink.
“Not that one.” I said
“Jesus why do you have a water bottle with straight vodka.” Santana said
“You think that I can make it through school sober.” I said
“Yeah most kids do.” Santana said
“Okay we’ll give me my Vodka. There’s two other water bottles in there. If you want some.” I said
“Wait I’m not gonna drive with you well you’re drunk.” Santana said
“Do worry I have only taken two sips today okay. You probably drank more than me.” I said
“Well I thought it was water.” Santana said
“How about you go get ready unless you want to spend the night in the hotel room.” I said
“Is there a couch” she asked
“There’s a fold out chair” I said
“Well what if I did want to spend the night in the hotel room.” Santana said
“Go get changed” I said
“Not until you admit that I look hot in my Cheerio outfit.” Santana said
“Not answering that.” I said
“Why is it illegal for you to call me hot?” Santana said
“No im 17” I said
“Okay I’m still not changing until you tell me.” Santana said
“Okay fine you look decent in your Cheerio outfit but you looked really hot in that country outfit for Glee.” I said
“Oh is that why you were looking at me licking your lips.” Santana said
As she ran into her bathroom with her clothes to get dressed after 30 minutes she came out look as gorgeous as ever.
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“Why do you still talk to me everybody hates me after today?” I said
“Because you’re a good person.” Santana said
“Well why do you still flirt with me? I mean I pretty much screamed myself out of the closet today.” I said
“Maybe because I understand you. How did you know?” Santana asked
“Know what?” I asked steeping closer to her
“How did you know that you liked women?” Santana asked
“Oh well I guess that I always knew. Atleast after puberty. I couldn’t watch a movie without there being a hot woman. But in reality I thought that I was straight for a long time. Then I developed a celebrity crush on Scarlett Johansson. I thought that I was Bisexual and leaned more towards men. Then atleast a year after that I realized that I was Bi and it was even. But my eighth grade year I realized that I leaned towards liking women more. In high school I got a boyfriend who knocked me up but the sex with him never felt right. I felt uncomfortable. Then sophomore year I slept with a girl and everything just slid into place i didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Why do you ask?” I asked
“Well there’s a couple of girls at school that I think that I could see myself dating but I don’t know what that means.” Santana said
“Well if it helps women are better than men.” I said
“Shut up” Santana said
“I’m not joking you clearly have already fucked a ton of dudes she should try out a woman. It’s like you master bating but you don’t have to do any work or they can give you head which is like a female BJ or Scissoring which is when you just rub up against each other.” I said
“Maybe you’ll have to show me sometime.” Santana said
“Oh you’ve crossed a line.” I said
“Maybe that was a line that I wanted to cross.” Santana said walking towards me
“You don’t want me” I said pushing her away
“Why not it’s clearly we are both attracted to each other.” Santana said
“You’ll get kicked off the Cheerios if you sleep with me let alone secretly date me. If Sue even finds out that we had this conversation.” I said
“She loves you she acts like your her child.” Santana said
“I’m done with her bullshit you’ve only know her for two years so you might not hat her yet.” I said before getting cut off I sat on the bed
“I have hated her since the day I met her.” Santana said sitting next to me “Why were you so close to her in the first place?”
“Sue found me breaking down when I found out that I had Autism my freshman year. She is protective of me. But she treats everyone else like shit and I got tired of it after a while. What she did to Quinn was just a final straw. Which I know was something against Quinn because she wanted me to be on the Cheerios even when I was pregnant.” I said
“Why would she kick me off if she liked you so much?” Santana said
“Because I promised that I would destroy her. If she finds out I am staying here she will either delete you off the Cheerios or have you go after me and you're right I think you’re hot. I like you and I can’t afford to lose you too.” I said as I looked at her
“Shut up” Santana said as she kissed me
As she put her lips on mine and her tongue ran over my lips looking for an entrance I opened my mouth to allow her access.
“Maybe this dinner could be a date. Nobody we know will be near by.” Santana said
“Maybe I would like that. There is just one issue.” I said
“And that is?” Santana asked
“That our reservation is in at 6:00 and it is currently 4:50 and it’s an hour and 30 minutes away.” I said
“Well then we better head down.” Santana said
As we both headed down to the car she went over to the passenger side and I opened the door for her. I went over to my side and got in.
“Do you want to listen to music?” I asked
“Sure” Santana said
As I scrolled through the stations as speeding down the streets.
“stop I love this song” Santana said
As Will Smiths Parents Just Don’t Understand
You know parents are the same No matter time nor place They don't understand that us kids Are going to make some mistakes So to you, all the kids all across the land There's no need to argue Parents just don't understand
I remember one year My mom took me school shopping It was me, my brother, my mom, oh, my pop, and my little sister All hopped in the car We headed downtown to the Gallery Mall MY mom started bugging with the clothes she chose I didn't say nothing at first I just turned up my nose She said, "What's wrong? This shirt cost $20" I said, "Mom, this shirt is plaid with a butterfly collar!" The next half hour was the same old thing My mother buying me clothes from 1963 And then she lost her mind and did the ultimate I asked her for Adidas and she bought me Zips! I said, "Mom, what are you doing, you're ruining my rep" She said, "You're only sixteen, you don't have a rep yet" I said, "Mom, let's put these clothes back, please" She said "no, you go to school to learn not for a fashion show" I said, "This isn't Sha Na Na, come on Mom, I'm not Bowzer Mom, please put back the bell-bottom Brady Bunch trousers But if you don't want to I can live with that but You gotta put back the double-knit reversible slacks" She wasn't moved - everything stayed the same Inevitably the first day of school came I thought I could get over, I tried to play sick But my mom said, "No, no way, uh-uh, forget it" There was nothing I could do, I tried to relax I got dressed up in those ancient artifacts And when I walked into school, it was just as I thought The kids were cracking up laughing at the clothes Mom bought And those who weren't laughing still had a ball Because they were pointing and whispering As I walked down the hall I got home and told my Mom how my day went She said, "If they were laughing you don't need the, "Cause they're not good friends" For the next six hours I tried to explain to my Mom That I was gonna have to go through this about 200 more times So to you all the kids all across the land There's no need to argue Parents just don't understand
OK, here's the situation My parents went away on a week's vacation and They left the keys to the brand new Porsche Would they mind? Umm, well, of course not I'll just take it for a little spin And maybe show it off to a couple of friends I'll just cruise it around the neighborhood Well, maybe I shouldn't Yeah, of course I should Pay attention, here's the thick of the plot I pulled up to the corner at the end of my block That's when I saw this beautiful girlie girl walking I picked up my car phone to perpetrate like I was talking You should've seen this girl's bodily dimensions I honked my horn just to get her attention She said, "Was that for me?" I said, "Yeah" She said, "Why?" I said, "Come on and take a ride with a helluva guy" She said, "How do I know you're not sick? You could be some deranged lunatic" I said, "see 'mon toots, my name is the Prince Beside, would a lunatic have a Porsche like this?" She agreed and we were on our way She was looking very good and so was I, I must say - word We hit McDonald's, pulled into the drive We ordered two Big Macs and two large fries with Cokes She kicked her shoes off onto the floor She said, "Drive fast, speed turns me on" She put her hand on my knee, I put my foot on the gas (She did the movements as the song said) We almost got whiplash, I took off so fast The sun roof was open , the music was high And this girl's hand was steadily moving up my thigh She had opened up three buttons on her shirt so far I guess that's why I didn't notice that police car We're doing ninety in my Mom's new Porsche And to make this long story short - short When the cop pulled me over I was scared as hell I said, "I don't have a license but I drive very well, officer" I almost had a heart attack that day Come to find out the girl was a twelve-year-old runaway I was arrested, the car was impounded There was no way for me to avoid being grounded My parents had to come off from vacation to get me I'd rather be in jail than to have my father hit me My parents walked in I got my grip, I said, "Ah, Mom, Dad, how was your trip?" They didn't speak I said, "I want to plead my case" But my father just shoved me in the car by my face That was a hard ride home, I don't know how I survived They took turns - One would beat me while the other one was driving I can't believe it, I just made a mistake Well parents are the same no matter time nor place So to you all the kids all across the land Take it form me Parents just don't understand
“Damn we sound good together.” Santana said
“Mhm.” I said
“What did I make you flustered.” Santana said
As I recomposed myself I said “You always make me flustered.”
“Good I like having control over you.” Santana said
“You know what maybe we could skip dinner.” I said
“No waiting will make it better trust me I’m feeling the same way as you right now.” Santana said
“No we’re not because I know that tonight is gonna be the best night of your life.” I said
“Oh it can’t be that much better than men.” Santana said
“Oh you’re in for a strong change in opinions.” I said
“You better live up to the standards.” Santana said
“Too bad I can’t.” I said
“Why ?” Santana said
“Because you’re gonna need to walk tomorrow for school.” I said
“Well damn. Maybe we should do it this Friday then and we just take it slow that would make me more comfortable.” Santana said
“Whatever makes you comfortable. This isn’t about me this is about you.” I said
“Damn this is different than men.” Santana said
As we pulled into the restaurant parking lot
“Hello I have reservation for Y/L/N” I said
“For two?” The hostess asked
“Yes mam” I said
“Right this way” she said
“So tell me something about you.” I said
“I’m from America.” Santana said laughing
“Oh you don’t say. I guessed that you were from Ohio.” I said throwing bread at her.
“You know how many people just expect that I am from Mexico.” Santana said
“So racist if I were you I would beat the shit out of them.” I said
“Actually I go all Lima heights on there ass.” Santana said
“Damn that must be hot.” I Said
“What’s it like being a senior ?” Santana asked
“It sucks especially because I have to come back next year.” I said
“You do?” Santana asked
“Yeah I’m missing to many credits.” I said
“Well maybe you should go to class. You have no problem making it to every Glee practice or every Cheerio practice.” Santana said
”what can I get for you both.” The waiter asked
“I’ll do the lobster and your moctail of the day.” I said
“Yes mam and for you lovely lady.” The waiter asked
“I will also have the lobster and I will take a Water.” Santana said
“So back to what we were talking about maybe it’s easier to attend things when you get to secretly stare at people you like.” I said
“Yeah well maybe we could get some classes together next year if you fail another one of your junior classes.” Santana said
“What if we don’t like each other next year.” I said
“Look even if we don’t workout will still be friends.” Santana said
“Follow my lead.” I said
“What?” Santana said
As Sue came over and stood in front of our table
“What are you two doing here together.” Sue asked
“Glee project. Schue is having us sing in pairs songs that describe different Ohio towns. We got Columbus.” I said
“So I suggested we come down here after Glee and explore to see what song would work.” Santana said
“Oh well what have you found.” She asked
“We were thinking Wide Open Spaces by Emily Ann Roberts , I’ll Find My Way Home by Jon and Vangelis or Y/N suggestion of the Michigan anthem.” Santana said
“Those sound like great choices but I didn’t really even care.” Sue said walking away
“Bye Sue” I said
Soon our food came we ate and we’re waiting for the bill when the waiter came over.
“Hello I am gonna give this to your mom if that’s okay.” The waiter said looking at Santana he handed it to me and walked away
“Did he just say I was your mom.” I said opening the bill “Wow apparently they have discounted us for a single mom with her kid.”
As I left cash on the table
“Well then let’s go mom. I have school tomorrow.” Santana said linking arms with me and waking to the car laughing
“Well I guess that’s my new nickname for you.” Santana said
“You know that will totally work actually work nobody will know any better especially if you say it as snarky as you say everyone else’s nickname especially Rachel. I am gonna miss it I am gonna miss singing with you guys.” I said
“Hey no they deserved it okay they were talking bad about Artie all I said was that a bake sale was old fashioned and you can’t tell me that it isn’t.” Santana said
“You’re right it is. That’s why we’re gonna run by the bank so that I can get some money.” I said
“You’re not even part of the group anymore.” Santana said
“I know I just also want to help.” I said
As we drove through the banks entrance I left and walked inside to get the 600$. I came back out and sat down in the car.
“Give this to Schue tomorrow pls. I will meet you outside and drive you home if that’s okay.” I said
“That’s perfect know let’s come up with a nickname for me.” Santana said
“I have one It would just tell others that we are dating because it one of the only good one I have besides Mercedes who I call the chocolate angle.” I said
“What is it?” Santana asked as she grabbed my hand
“Latina goddess” I said
“Damn why do I like that. It makes me feel hot and sexy.” Santana said
“You are hot and sexy.” I said
“Oh I know.” Santana said
5 minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. We both got out of the car and headed inside and into the elevator and up to the room.
“I know I said that we should take it slow but I really need your lips on mine.” Santana said
“Yes my Latina Goddess.” I said as we attached our lips to each other we made out until early hours of the morning. Until I rolled over.
“Wow” I said
“Yeah Wow” Santana said
“That was…” I said
“Amazing.” Santana said “Even if it was just making out that was incredible.”
“See I told you that woman were better at everything.” I said
“Maybe I’m starting to believe you but we might need to do it for a little longer.” Santana said
“No you have school in 6 hours and we need to wake up in 5” I said
“We could just not go to school and I can say I’m sick.” Santana said
“No because I’m not gonna get introuble for being a bad influence on you. Also you’re not sick.” I said
“Okay Mom” Santana said
“Wow that nickname isn’t as hot and adorable as it was earlier.” I said
“We do need to go to sleep.” Santana said
I got four hours of sleep and then I woke up the next morning with my hand holding Santanas hand and her head on my chest. I carefully moved her and got on some clothes and brought the boxes downstairs and put them in the car. Then I went into the lobby for the free breakfast. As I sat down at a table and drank some coffee and ate some toast and eggs. I grabbed some coffee and Cereal and brought it back up to Santana.
“Hey Latina Goddess it’s time to get up.” I said
“Good morning hey can you not look at me I don’t look good.” Santana said
“What ever you want there’s coffee and cereal on the night stand but if we’re being fair this is the hottest I have ever seen you even hotter than the cowboy outfit.” I said
“Shut up no I’m not” Santana said
“There’s a reason I call you a goddess you definitely could give Aphrodite a run for her title.” I said
“I’m gonna go use the restroom.” Santana said
“Okay” I said
As Santana Changed in the restroom I decided to make sure that I had grabbed everything from the room. I also started working on some homework for Mr.Schue I didn’t want to get worse on his side than I already was after yesterday. So as I sat down and started working on my Spanish homework which included boot verbs and conjunctions as well as family members, I also had to write an essay about me and another person. I easily did the conjunction and boot verbs I did most of the family members only struggling on Son, Daughter the step family members, the half family members and cousins. I started working on the essay but was struggling I wasn’t sure how to say what I wanted I would usually ask my teacher for help but I doubt that Schue would help me. As I started at the page with my head resting in my hand. Santana came out and walked behind me she placed her hand on my shoulder.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Santana asked
“Spanish homework.” I said
“Do you need help from a hot Latina goddess.” Santana asked
“I wouldn’t mind. But we should probably get going soon so that we aren’t late to school.” I said
“You know we could jut lay in bed all day working on homework.” Santana said
“As nice as that sounds I need to go to school today. I signed up for a college tour through the school and we’re going today.” I said
“Oh we’re are you going?” Santana asked
“The university of Michigan.” I said
“What would you do there?” Santana asked
“I don’t know but we have the rest of this year and next year to figure that out and be friends or whatever this is.” I said
“Fair” she said moving my hair out of my face
“Let’s head down to the car?” I said
“Will you be back in time to pick me up after Glee?” Santana asked
“Yes I will I promise the school has to get us back before six o’clock. It’s a 2 hour drive there and a 2 hour drive back we have a 3 hour long tour. We are leaving at 7:20 A.M. so we will be back in time.” I said
“Well then we need to head down to the car.” Santana said
As we both headed down and got in the car. We were driving for at least 20 minutes.
“What re we you said whatever we are what are we.” Santana asked
“I don’t know I don’t care it’s whatever you are comfortable with. You’re the one who I still trying to figure things out and I respect what ever you choose.” I said
“Can I have time to decide.” Santana asked
“Of course you can.” I said
We continued to drive until we were five minutes away from the school.
“I can drop you off two blocks away like I do with my sister so that people don’t see you hanging out with a loser outside of Glee club.” I said
“You’re not a loser. You’re really cool everybody at school likes you you’re not popular but people like you.” Santana said
“Yeah but after yesterday everyone in the school knows that I am a lesbian and that I have autism. If the most excepting group at school bullied me what should I accept from the rest of them.” I said
“Fair but if anyone messes with you I will go all Lima heights on their ass.” Santana said
“As sexy as that sounds I hope that doesn’t have to happen.” I said
“Drop me off at the front door.” Santana said
“Are you sure?” I said
“Of course my popularity isn’t that fragile.” Santana said
“We’ll have a good day at school.” I said as I pulled in front of the school
“I’ll see you later if anything changes I will let you know.” Santana said
I dropped her off and went and parked my car in the senior lot. I stepped out of my car and headed towards the school I was going to the front office to meet with the other students that were going to look at the college. I went in and sat on one of the chairs waiting for the others. As the kids started piling in the room and was hoping that the bus would arrive soon. I kept my head down once I realized that the secrets I told about myself in Glee yesterday had spread around the school like wildfire. It wouldn’t have been that bad but Michigan was known for its sports so there was a ton of basketball players, football players and hockey players. There was also a couple of younger students freshman whose parents were forcing them to be there. It wouldn’t have been that bad I thought until I found out that most of them were in the Christian club at our school. I had already payed to go so I couldn’t back out I just had to keep my head down and not listen to them and the comments they were making. We soon got on the bus I headed towards the very back of the bus the single seat so that I could just get homework done. Soon enough we arrived to the college. We all were gonna take a tour of half the campus have a lunch and then take the other half of the tour. Lunch had arrived and I had go to wash my hands in the bathroom before lunch.
As I was washing my hands I was fixing my outfit cause even though I was wearing sweats and a Bennie it was still cold and so I kept tucking my sweatshirt in to try and stay warm.
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Then six guys came out of the bathroom stalls. One of them went over to the door and locked it well taking out a camera and filming. I thought that they were going to bully me. “Hey Lesbo” One of the dudes said walking up to me and putting his hand on my ass
“I’m not interested.” I said
“Well you see we have a plan to change that.” Another guy said
“Yeah how about you just do what we say and then nobody gets hurt.” Another guy said
“What is it that you want me to do.” I said
“Take your clothes off.” The guy whose hand was on my ass said
“and if I say no.” I said
“We’ll do it for you.” The guy with his hand in my ass said as he slowly started to pull my pants and underwear down.
“You can’t scream either.” Another guy said as he slowly started taking off his own pants and boxers
I tried to run but got pushed down by the other four. Two of them grabbed my legs and held the down as the other two started to hold my hand down. Well the guy continued to walk around with his pants down. He slowly started to take off my shirt and Bra. Once he was done he took off all of his clothes. He dropped over me rubbing his dick all over my body finally bringing it up to my face.
“You see this? This is what goes inside a woman. Not tongue, Not fingers, this goes inside a women nothing else.” He said as he continued to stroke it in his hand “it was designed for the three holes on a woman the mouth” he said as his friends opened my mouth as he stuck it in. They soon let go of my lips and then pressed my checks together as he thrusted in and out till he finally cum in my mouth. He then walked over to the sink and put a condom on. “The asshole he said” As his friends dragged me over to the sink held me hands on the sink and my feet under the sink so that my ass would stick out. He had traded with one of his buddy’s who also got naked before I knew it they were all naked except the guy with the camera. They all stuck their dicks into my ass thrusting in and out until they cum into the condom. “And the pussy.” He said “wow you’re the driest woman I had ever seen.”
“Maybe that’s cause I don’t like dick.” I said
“Yeah well we’re gonna fuck you until you change your mind. We’re gonna fuck you until you no longer like women. We will get everyman on this visit if need be.” He said
the laid me down and held my feet in the air. As each of them individually put their dick in me. The first time I didn’t speak trying to decide what to do to get out of this situation.
“Fuck dude I need some lube.” The first dude said as he couldn’t get his dick in me
“Here man I got you.” His friend said handing him some lube
He used it and slowly slipped in me “You see we’re not stopping til we all make you orgasm.” He slowly thrusted knowing that it would take longer causing me to squirmed under him.
It wasn’t like I hadn’t had sex with a man before but this was different. Ideas popping in my head I could let them actually make me orgasm or I could fake it. By the time I had thought of the two ideas and was thinking of the possible outcomes he rolled over so I would be on top of him his hands still holding me down. “You see this way you can’t fake it. Will know if you orgasm.” He said thrusting harder
Knowing that there was nothing I could do I just decided to give in giving them what I wanted. It’s not like I hadn’t acted before hopefully I would be believable.
I put my game face on and decided on lines that I could use to fulfill his ego. I know that it would be easier to orgasm. If I thought of someone who I actually liked and to make myself believe that I was master bating. I thought of the people who first came to my mind Santana, Brittnay, Quinn. I thought of how I finally had gotten Santana in my arms last night. We decided to take it slow and to just make out but at some point hopefully it would be her under me. She seemed interested in it last night.
I closed my eyes and it finished in what felt like hours. They all got dressed as I laid on the ground naked. They started to punch me. On my stomach and arms and on my legs. The punched my face but only in places that could be easily hidden. So that they could get away. After they left I had crawled over to the corner of the room and grabbed my phone from my pants. It was almost 4:00 it was 3:40 I had missed the entirety of the lunch and rest of the tour. The thing is I really liked this school I had seen myself coming here and know all that I see is bad memories. I quickly got dressed and ran to the bus right before the doors closed. I sat in the front next to the teacher. The next two hours were tortures. I sat down and kept my head down I made sure that I was wearing the sunglasses that were in my purse so that nobody could see the bruises forming on my eyes.
When we got back to school we all got out of the bus and I went straight to my car and sat down waiting for Santana. I saw her come out an hour later with the Glee club kids and her and Brittnay came towards my car.
“Hey can you bring Brittnay home too we have an assignment we need to do.” Santana said
“Of course. How was your day?” I asked
“Good I had a test that I got an A on in Spanish.” Santana said
“Wow your saying someone whose family speaks Spanish got an a on his Spanish test.” I said
“Do you want help on your Spanish homework or not.” Santana said
“Yes sorry. My Latina Goddess.” I said
“Brittnay’s in the car mom.” Santana said
“Hey Brittnay anything interesting happening.” I asked
“I’m just trying to figure out my rights from my left because Santana had to help me.” Brittnay said
“Oh well that’s easy put your hands in front of you make two L’s the one that looks like L is the right one. You can also tell because your left hand has mole right under your knuckle.” I said
“Oh my god it dose thanks Y/n” Brittnay said
“No problem Britt.” I said
“Why did you have to help her ?” I asked Santana
“Lady Hummel made us take an oath that we wouldn’t vote for him just cause he’s popular.” Santana said
“Does he know what being popular is.” I said
“Exactly what’s I thought.” She said grabbing my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine
“Anything else ?” I asked
“Schue is having us all roll around in wheelchairs so we understand what Artie feels also he said thanks for the money.” Santana said
“Schue left his wife because of you.” Brittnay said
“Really. Wow I didn’t think my outburst would do that.” I said
“You told him his wife was lying to him about being pregnant and trying to buy his students baby.” Santana said
”Fair” I said
“Quinn won’t talk to us because Santana is living with you.” Brittnay said
“Really?” I asked
“Yes don’t worry about it though I rather you be safe then Quinn be happy.” Santana said
“Thanks” I said
“Did anything interesting happen at the tour.” Santana asked
Should I tell her what happened what would she say. We weren’t even technically together. What if her and Brittnay react like it’s not a big deal.
“Nope nothing the campus sucked though so I’m definitely not going there.” I said
“Good cause hopefully we can stay friends and go to college in the same state if not the same school.” Santana said
“Can I come too.” Brittnay said
“Of course you can trust me when I say me and Santana both need the optimism that you bring to our lives.” I said
As we drove home listening to music.
“I miss you in Glee Y/N” Brittnay said
“We both do.” Santana said
“I know it’s weird but I miss Glee. I miss performing and singing. Even if Mr.Schue is a complete idiot who is getting paid by Rachel’s dads to give her the lead and Schue is just shipping Finn and Rachel together.” I said
“Wait really her dads are paying.” Santana said
“of course I saw it well I was snooping through Mr.Schues stuff. That why he does not give songs to people who actually match the voice. Rachel’s got musical theater voice, Hummel has got a High school, college band voice and don’t even get me started on Finn almost none of the song that Schue picks match his voice. But then we got the two people who should always get the lead and the next two below them if there sick and the other two who are below that who needs someone to sing with but is great with out just not for too long and that goes top Two is Mercedes and You if Mr.Schue got you too to sing together we would definitely win sectionals. You too carry Glee already I can’t even imagine bin the next two years. The next two are Quinn and Hope and Tina they got great vocals but there no Mercedes Jones and Santana Lopez no matter how much they try. Next is Lady Hummel and Berry. Then there’s Brittnay and Me we know how to sing but we can’t sing the entire song if we do we need to harmonize with someone else. Then there is the people who can sing some songs but not all of them we got Artie in first he works with most songs just not all. Then Puck he sings well he just could never lead. Then Finn he can sing but only a few songs the rest sound like he’s stretching his voice. Then you got Matt and Mike whom I have never actually heard sing so I don’t know where to put them.” I said
“I’m actually one of the first. I mean I always thought that I was but you conforming it is amazing.” Santana said
“Oh trust me you are Just promise me when you win your Grammys and when your number one on the Billboard and you selling out football stadiums of adoring fans remember me please.” I said
“How could I forget you.” Santana said
“Look the worlds messed up, people are messed up and you’re lucky if you meet people as messed up as you but the world is still messed up so you don’t get those messed up people forever.” I said
“Okay that’s just sad.” Brittnay said
“What is the assignment you’re doing?” I said
“U.S. history. It sucks” Santana said
“Can I help!! That was my favorite subject.” I said
“What was your grade in the class?” Santana asked
“I ended the year with a 99.98%” I said
“Wait so you actually went to that class.” Santana said
“Shut up” I said
“Make me.” Santana said
“Brittnay’s in the car.” I said
As we drove to the house and parked we got out.
“What about the bags and stuff.” Santana said
“We can get it later if that’s okay.” I said
”Yeah that’s fine.” Santana said
“Hey let me go say hi to my parents and then I’ll be up.” Santana said as Brittnay ran inside with her backpack
“Hey can I come with you. I want to thank them for letting me stay here and make a good first impression. Because if even if we’re just friends I don’t want them thinking that I’m a bad influence.” I said
“But you are.” Santana said
“Why cause I own a motorcycle and have tattoos and I like women and protect my friends by beating the shit out of people.” I said
“Exactly now my mom is royalty in Spain so you need to bow.” Santana said
“Wait really. I can’t meet royalty like this.” I said
We both went in Santana said hi to her parents first and hugged them both.
Then I went and I shook her dads hand “Hello Mr. Lopez.” I bowed and then shook her moms hand “Hello Mrs.Lopez.” I said
“Why is are you bowing.” Mrs.Lopez asked
“Santana told me that you were royalty and know I realize that she was messing with me.” I said looking at Santana on the stairs
“Well yes she was.” Mrs.Lopez said
“I don’t know you’re a Queen in my eyes.” Mr.Lopez said
“Anyway I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to stay here I really appreciate it.” I said walking towards Santana
“SANTANA LOPEZ YOU BETTER RUN YOU MADE ME EMBRACE MYSELF.” I said chasing her up the stairs and into her room where Brittnay was.
We all worked on our homework Brittnay and Santana on there U.S history with my help. Afterwards Santana helped me with my Spanish homework well Brittnay drew
“Why do you want to write about.” Santana asked
“Realistically I would always write about Quinn or Brittnay, Mostly you and change a couple attributes about you guys and Change your name.” I said
“Okay well what would you say if you were writing about me use my name and we can change it if need be. Santana said
“Mi relacion es muy complicada con Santana Lopez. Ella es gupa y muy Linda. Ella me gusta animadoras y dormir. Ella ama la comics y Ella chicas. Ella no me gusta atrevido porque Ella es Asustada. Ella tiene ojos marrones y cabello castaño. Ella es intelligente y Ella es no stupido. Yo Realmente espero que ella sea mi novia incluso en secreto. Mi diosa latina sexy caliente.” I said
“Damn hay Brittnay is your mom almost here.” Santana asked
“Yeah she got here five minutes ago I just wanted to say goodbye.” Brittnay said
“Yeah bye.” Santana said
As soon as Brittnay left Santana said “Lay on the bed and spread your legs.”
I gladly obliged even though my body had enough orgasms already but one from Santana would be different.
As she went over to her door and locked it.
“Are you sure?” I asked
“Of course you know you’re really hot when you speak another language.” She said talking off her top
“Oh really” I said standing up and pressing my body against her back as I slowly kissed her neck. I went up to her ear trying to leave very few marks. She moaned as I kissed the back of her neck right below her hair line. I put my hand over her mouth.
“As much as I love that sound your parents are downstairs.” I said whispering in her ear
“I will try to be quieter mom.” Santana said quietly as she started to take my shirt off and I started un buttoning her bra
“ho bisogno del tuo corpo sotto il mio.” I said quietly (I want to see you under me)
“Si por favor.” She said taking off my bra. (Yes please)
I threw her on the bed and pulled her legs off the bed so that she was sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Look there’s no turning back after this okay once we do this there’s no completely going back so I just need to make sure that your 1000% sure and that wasn’t just the heart of the moment.” I said keeping my eyes fixed on her pants.
“Look me in my eyes okay. This isn’t a heat of the moment this is every fantasy I have had about you. You’re my hot sexy secret girlfriend okay.” Santana said
“Okay” I said “do you have a CD player or speaker.”
“Top drawl under the box of condoms.” She whispered in my ear.
I put in the nearest CD that I could find and went back to her pants as she started unbuckling my bra
“If you want to stop just let me know okay.” I said
I went over to her desk and grabbed her lotion. I put it to the side as I pushed her back onto the bed. I started kissing her lips and slowly started making my way down her body. Only leaving hickies where she could easily hide them. Under here uniform. I slowly made my way down towards her underwear. I got right above her underwear and stepped away. I pulled her back to the edge of the bed. So that I could easier access towards her core. I slowly pulled down her soaking wet underwear with my teeth make sure to lick from the top down to feet “Wow I guess that I must be doing a good job. You’re making this a lot easier for me. My Latina goddess you look so good from down here.” I said
“I like this view of you too.” Santana said
“I just need you to stay Quiet so that my job will be easier and I won’t be worried about your parents hearing.” I said
“Can we not talk about my parents well we’re doing it.” Santana said
“Oh baby we haven’t done anything yet.” I said
I said as I grabbed the lotion and rubbed it onto her upper thighs. After I could see her body squirming. I carefully edged my fingers closer to her folds. Rubbing my thumb up In down until it got to much for her and she pushed my head down. I looked up at her stooping and shaking my head. I slowly inserted two of my fingers they started to make themselves familiar with the location. as soon as I found her G spot I pressed it a couple times and started pulling out slowly with every time. I started speeding up soon I could see her starting to arch her back I put my head closer to her putting my tongue inside her and started sucking on her well I was curling my fingers. I kept my tongue and fingers going in and out. When I could feel her on the verge. I stopped and waited until she begged me.
“Pls let me finish Y/N” Santana said quietly
I slowly moving my tongue and fingers in closer. I put my fingers and tounge in and out. She finally came I pulled my tongue out but let her ride the rest of her orgasm out. “Oh god you taste amazing.” I said
“Do you wanna taste” I said moving my fingers up to her mouth.
“I bet you taste better.” Santana said
I slowly started to take my pants and underwear off. And pulled her back up to the top of the bed and strattled on top of her grinding my pussy of top of hers until our pussy we’re connected with each other we rubbed up against each other until we both slowly edged closer to our climax. We both speed up to make sure we could both ease our pulsating pussys. As we cum into each other. I sat back on top of her and made out.
“Wow that was the best sex ever you definitely live up to the hype you gave yourself.” Santana said
“Oh sweetheart that’s nothing. It was your first time with a woman so I took it easy.” I said
“Well I would like to please you the same way you pleased me.” Santana said
“Well that sounds great.” I said “Good thing that I already got wet we’ll satisfying you.”
“I don’t know how to do it.” Santana said
“It’s just like master bating imagine doing everything you wish you could do to yourself if you were looking at your own pussy.” I said
“Okay well then you’re in for a ride.” Santana said
“Okay well there is a strap on in the box in the corner of your room.” I said
“A what?” Santana asked
“ A dick for women. That entire box was my sex drawl at my house.” I said
As Santana went over pulled out a blind fold and handcuffs. She jumped on top of the bed slowly humping my vagina as she handcuffed me to the bed. I bucked my hips giving her a ride. She put her boob in my mouth.
“Suck on it for me” Santana said
“Yes sexy.” I said
I started sucking on it. As she left hickies on my neck. She slowly pushed her self up and moved her way down. She grabbed the lotion on the bed and started rubbing it all over my body. Once she got down to my vagina and started rubbing her thumb over my folds. Slowly til she opened me up and slid three of her fingers into me.
“Is that to many?” She asked
I shook my head No. She slowly started to move into me looking for my G spot.
“Further babe.” I said
Once she found it. She kept pulling in and out of it. Stopping randomly and rejoining at random paces making my body cum faster than it had before. “Wow you’re good for this being your first time.” I said
“Oh we’re just getting started.” She said as she came up and started to suck on my boob. Once it was hard she went to the other one sucking on it.
She dropped down her bed and but my legs up behind my head inserting her tongue. As her tongue searched through my body. I could feel the warm waves already building up inside me.
“God Santana I need you.” I said Quietly
“Shh be quiet well mommy’s working.” Santana said
I obliged as she found my G spot and started licking it causing suction to happen. She pulled out and grabbed a message gun from her sex drawl she put it on the side of her cheek causing her tongue to vibrate. I was rising into the climax bucking my hips into Santana bringing her tongue further into me.
When suddenly there was a knock.
“Santana it’s mom I need to come in?” Mrs.Lopez said
Santana quickly pulled out causing me to moan I quickly put my hand over my mouth.
“Hang on mom” Santana said hitting me
“What’s going on in there.” Mrs.Lopez said
“We’re filming a music video for Glee.” I said
“Okay well are you guys almost done pizzas here and I need to put Santanas laundry away.” Mrs.Lopez said
“Mama” Santana whined
“What shes gonna be living here she would have found out at some point.” Mrs.Lopez said
“Yes mam we’re almost done just like half a hour more. We have to make sure that we get everything perfect.” I said
“Okay you kids have fun.” Mrs.Lopez said
“We will” I said winking at Santana
We soon heard her mother go back downstairs.
“How did you do that.” Santana asked
“When I was still in the closet my mom almost caught me and y girlfriend several times. So I learned how to make a believe able lie.” I said
“Well good job. We’re gonna have to stop though.” Santana said
“Okay go get changed.” I said
“What will you do” Santana asked
“I am gonna go master bait until I finish what you started and then I’m gonna bring your sheets into my room and hide them and come home early tomorrow and wash them so you’re mom doesn't find out.” I said
“Wow thankyou.” Santana said
“No problem and now go wash our relationship off of you and then we will act like we’re just friends.” I said
“it would be nice to do this again.” Santana said
“Oh we definitely will.” I said
Santana showered well I got my stuff done. We both went downstairs 40 minutes later.
“What song are you guys doing.” Mr.Lopez asked
“Jungle Fever Mr.Schue had us choose songs that were banned in a country and made it big in another.” I said
“Oh well I would love to see the video when you guys are done if that’s okay.” Mr.Lopez said
“Of course sir.” I said
“Well we finished your room early today Y/N” Mrs.Lopez said
“Thank you. Um Mr.Lopez could I use your help and your daughters help I have some heavy boxes in my car. You look like you’re strong and your daughter is a cheerleader so she has to be strong.” I said
“Of course.” Mr.Lopez said
All three of us went out to my car and slowly started grabbing boxes. After 20 minutes we had finally finished. We all went back inside.
“Thank you both of you.” I said
“Hey kiddo do either of you want more pizza.” Mrs.Lopez asked
“I will take it.” I said
I sat down and finished the rest of the box. Santana came and sat down next to me stealing a couple pieces.
“You know Sue will be mad at you.” I said
“Cool when isn’t Sue mad.” Santana said
“Fair” I said
“Hey kids we’re going up.” Mr and Mrs Lopez said as they went upstairs and into there bedroom
“Earlier was amazing. I wish it never ended.” Santana said
“We have to film that video for your dad so how about instead of skipping class to make out with your boyfriend. We film it.” I said
“Yeah okay. Also who told you me and Puck got back together .” Santana said
“Oh come on your our schools on and off again relationship.” I said
“What does that mean?” Santana said
“It means we all know you guys aren’t meant for each other but you find comfort in each other so you always come crawling back. Okay well I’m going to bed I’ll see you later.” I said
I went upstairs and headed into my bedroom and laid down on the bed. I closed my eyes daydreaming about Santana. Falling asleep soon enough. One of the few nights that I didn’t have insomnia.
Time skip Lunch the next day
I was right outside the lunch room and saw Brittnay with Becky.
“Hey Y/N” Brittnay said
“Hi Y/N” Back said
“Hi guys what you guys doing?” I asked
“We’re about to get cupcakes from the Glee club.” Brittnay said
“Can I come with you” I asked
“Ofcourse” Brittnay said
Me,Brittnay and Beck walked into the lunch room together and Finn,Puck,Quinn and Santana were sat at the table. They were talking about us.
“See so many and see how pretty they are Becky.” Brittnay said
“Wow” Becky said
“Brittnay you’re supposed to be in your wheelchair.” Santana said
“I lost it.” Brittnay said
“Are you a cheerleader?” Becky asked “it’s so cool”
“So is buying a cupcake that’s really cool.” Brittnay said
“But I don’t have any money.” Becky said
“That’s okay I have some.” As Brittnay opened up her backpack and payed for Becky’s cupcake
“Thank you.” Santana said mean
Becky got her cupcake and walked off.
“What do you want to run our lives more” Quinn said to me
“No I just wanted cupcakes” I said
“Well haven’t you already payed enough for this bus.” Puck said
“Well dose that mean I don’t get a cupcake I have 100$.” I said
“You want to buy all the cupcakes?” Finn asked
“Yes it’s my day to get Snacks for Key Club and I forgot.” I said
What’s that club.” Santana asked
“We donate time for community service it’s actually really nice.” I said
“So like community service hours when you go to jail?” Puck said
“Who would willing do that.” Finn asked
“Well I have worked at the fire station answering phones and I’ve also worked at the local VFW and I have also worked at a soup kitchen which I still volunteer at on the weekends okay this club is like my cheerleading and football. It makes me happy. I started a non-profit for veterans my sophomore year.” I said
“Wow I didn’t know that you did all that.” Brittnay said
“There’s a lot you guys don’t know.” I said” Now can I have my cupcakes.”
“Yeah here you go.” Santana said handing me the trays
“Do you need help bringing those to the room.” Quinn asked
I was surprised why did she care.
“Yeah but you guys have glee at that time so it’s fine if you can’t help.” I said
“Well we will keep them in the Choir room and then help you after school.” Santana said
“Thank you.” I said
“No problem you helped us out with this bus more than enough.” Santana said
Time skip to the next day
“Puck can we talk.” I said walking into the lunch room were the Glee club was selling cupcakes
“We have a line here.” Puck said
I leaned over the table so that only the Glee kids could hear me “You put drugs in the cupcakes. I get that you wanted to make money and I won’t tell on you but you put drugs into the cupcakes.” I said
“How could you tell.” Puck said
“I know what drugs taste like.” I said
“How?” Quinn said
“Because I used to take them and I still take them when I go to parties.” I said
“Puck are you kidding me. Come on I gave you another chance we’re breaking up again I can’t willing be with someone who puts drugs into cupcakes.” Santana said looking at puck then me and smiling
Later that day we got into the car.
“Sue put Becky on the cheerios.” Santana said annoyed
“Becky’s one of my friends. I’m happy for her.” I said
“Why are you guys friends?” Santana asked
“Because she’s like me the only difference is her chromosome malfunction makes her look different.” I said
“Okay well I’m just going off based off what I’ve learned.” Santana said
“And that is.” I asked
“Nothing” Santana said
“You’re right because we don’t learn about people different than us. I know that you know how that feels. I’m not comparing racism to ableism but I’m just saying that they both stem from not understanding. Hopefully I can help you understand more.” I said
“Okay I guess me being mean to Becky isn’t that okay I’ll be nice to her.” Santana said
“I’m not saying that.” I said
“So treat her how I treat you?” Santana asked
“Not how me and whoever else you’re dating gets your hot sexy naked body. Just treat her like you’d treat anyone else.” I said
“Okay.”Santana said
“Let’s go to your house.” I said
“Let’s go home it’s the weekend and my parents are at a wedding I have several things I would like to do to you in that time.” Santana said
(Sorry it took so long it took me a long time to get through the rape part. I hope you liked it.”
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Altered - Heaven and Hell 8
Author: Akira
Characters: Eichi, Tsumugi
Translator: Mika Enstars
"…Is that really true? Is it really true that we really had no chance to beat the Five Eccentrics using proper methods?"
Season: Winter
Location: Time Treet
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
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Tsumugi: Even still, I think the specifications for OO are good as-is, even if they didn’t have any other options.
If there are no uniform rules and everyone just behaves as they please, it would make things confusing for the viewer. There’d be nothing to grip them, so to speak.
Eichi: I agree. That’s the reason why we created the Dream Fes system.
Idols are singers, dancers, announcers, actors, and gravure models[1]—
—They’re a peculiar existence, unlike anything else, technically speaking.
A complicated and unusual existence such as idols has to be displayed and judged through easy-to-understand numbers. And then compare those numbers, like a card game.
Doing so, anyone would be able to comprehend the quality of the idols.
It didn’t matter if it didn’t actually showcase the idol’s true abilities. We just needed to create an environment in which everyone would evaluate idols according to the criteria we had prepared.
With those rules established, we could then make the world aware of the “truth” that fine is superior to the Five Eccentrics.
The world, especially adults, only see such numbers.
That is the only way we had a chance to defeat the Five Eccentrics.
Tsumugi: …Is that really true?
Eichi: What do you mean?
Tsumugi: Is it really true that we really had no chance to beat the Five Eccentrics using proper methods?
We were trying our best, back then. Of course you and I were, Eichi-kun, but Hiyori-kun who appeared to be unmotivated was too.
I think seeing his best friend, Nagisa-kun, desperately trying his best to become a human, an idol, really inspired him.
On the day that triggered the start of the war, the day of the Venus Cup and such, the day before the day of revolution arrived, each of us had already made progress—
I’d thought we had evolved a lot as a unit. So if we had continued to work hard and earn experience, we could do it, eventually.
Exactly when, I don’t know. But eventually, we could’ve become idols—a unit that could genuinely beat the Five Eccentrics in a straight fight.
Eichi: Do you mean you have a grudge against me, for eliminating that possibility, by refusing to wait for your growth and instead forcing you to join a bloody war?
Tsumugi: I don’t hold any grudges against you, Eichi-kun.
It’s thanks to you, I who always lived as just an extra in the crowd, was able to shine, even if for a moment.
As a hero of a story… Or, maybe just a character.
I really was so happy. I was feeling so much joy and happiness I didn’t know how to stop myself.
How could have everything been your fault alone, Eichi-kun?
Or could that be why you pushed us all away at the last minute? To create the disposition that everything was your fault.
And that we were simply victims of deception and exploitation.
Eichi: If anything, that is an overly benevolent representation of me. At that time, I didn’t even have the luxury to think about those around me in such a way.
Everything was at its limit. I was worn out and exhausted. Your voice couldn’t even reach me, despite you being the closest. I couldn’t even understand you.
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Eichi: But, yes. I know this may sound weird, but I wish that were what happened.
Me being a friend, who for your sake, sacrificed myself and single-handedly shouldered all the sin.
I wish I were a hero as honorable as that. That’s the kind of protagonist that was portrayed in the story.
One that didn’t only simply deceive and hurt you, but also who protected you at the end of the day.
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Eichi: It really would be great if that were the case.
If the reality was that I was that type of protagonist, it would have made a lot more sense.
Of course, as disappointing as it is, this is reality, not a story of fantasy. I know more than anyone else, that I am nowhere near that cool.
At that time, I felt nothing but frustration, and guilt from having hurt someone else for the first time using my own hands. A mix of these feelings, all with depression.
Just remembering it makes it heavy in the pit of my stomach.
Whenever I see the word “youth”, which everyone boasts about…
All I can think about is blood and darkness.
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Obligatory note, since googling “gravure” often results in risque modeling—The type of gravure modeling this refers to is more akin to the fanservice of looking cool or suave in photoshoots to appeal to the viewers.
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mochegato · 3 years
The Night of the Consequences
Continuation of Well, Well, Well, If It Isn’t the Consequences of My Actions
Ladybug’s eyes widened, recognizing the voice booming through the Watchtower halls without even having to turn around.  She eyed Chloe nervously.  Why did these things keep happening around the nosy blondes in her life?  She turned around with an overly wide smile.  “Oh… hi… um… M.… Wing,” she stuttered out.  
Son of a bitch!  She really should have prepared for this.  She knew it was coming.  Granted, she didn’t know it was coming today, but it had to be coming soon, they couldn’t afford to let just anyone go around knowing their identities.  If the family was really worried, they couldn’t afford to wait to talk to her about… well… her.  
Bee side eyed her with an incredulous stare.  “What the actual fu…” she started quietly.
“Is there something we can help you with?” Ladybug asked loudly, cutting off whatever rant Chloe was going to go on.
“Um well, first off,” he gave her an overly wide, supposedly charming grin, “you can call me Nightwing.  M. Wing is my… father.”  He cringed as he the last word came out.
Bee raised an eyebrow.  “I thought your father was M. Bat.”
Nightwing puckered his lips.  “Yeah… that’s… true.”  He shuffled awkwardly.
“If you’re going to use that line, you’re supposed to say we can call you Night, which I’m not going to do, by the way,” Bee said flippantly and starting to study where her nails would be if she didn’t have gloves on.  “Otherwise it really doesn’t work.”
“Bee!” Ladybug lightly chastised.  She turned to Night… Wing… Nightwing!  She wasn’t calling him Night either.  “Sorry about her.  I’d say she’s just tired, but that would be a lie.”  She ignored Bee’s scoff and continued.  “You said ‘first’, so I assume there’s a second?” she prompted.
“Right, right,” he nodded, finally seeming to settle a bit, his face becoming a bit more determined and the ‘charming’ smile returning.  “I wanted to ask you about someone.  She gave your name as a reference and I just wanted to see if it was someone we could trust.”
Bee leaned over to Ladybug’s ear.  “Why does he keep smiling like that?” she asked in a normal volume.  She shivered dramatically.  “Creepy.”
Ladybug pursed her lips to stop the noise that wanted to escape, some kind of a combination of frustrated whimper and raucous laugh.  “Okay,” Ladybug smiled tightly, focusing entirely on Nightwing. “Who was it?”
“Yeah, a name would be useful here, Smile Boy” Bee added in.  “Or we could just give our opinion on everyone we know, along with a fashion critique.  We can start with your costume history.”
“Bee, didn’t you have something else to do?  Right now?” Ladybug’s voice was sharper than an obsidian edge.  This was her boyfriend’s… future boyfriend’s?... love interest’s?  Yes, love interest’s brother.  She did not need to piss him off while he was asking her as a ‘reliable source’ about her.
“Nope,” Bee smirked back.
Ladybug groaned and turned to Nightwing.  She nodded off to the side.  “Should we…”
Nightwing nodded and followed her over.  “Ugh, whatever.  I didn’t want to hear anyway,” Bee grumbled and walked to get coffee.
“So, the woman I’m asking about is Marinette Dupain-Cheng.  You may have come across her in Paris?” Nightwing prompted.
Ladybug nodded.  “I have yeah. She’s actually…”  She bit her lip.  She really should have planned this better.  How much should she tell him?  Clearly she wasn’t going to say it was her, but maybe she could say she was a part time hero?  Or maybe she could just say they trusted her.  The point was whether she could be trusted with their identities so maybe exposing her identity, one of them anyway, wasn’t the best idea.  Maybe just that she knew their identities and had never told anyone?  That should work, right?  She just had to…
“It’s just,” Nightwing spoke up misinterpreting her silence, “my brother has kind of fallen for her.”  He watched her face carefully when he said it to see if there was any indication of what she thought of the idea.
Ladybug’s eyes bugged out.  That was not the approach she had been expecting.  She thought he’d focus more on the identity aspect more than the personal aspect.  Not to mention ‘fallen’?  That was… they’d only just met.  She knew he liked her but fallen was pretty strong.  Did Jason really feel that way toward her or was Dick… Nightwing just exaggerating?  And she didn’t even think Jason had told him they were seeing each other, let alone how he felt about her!  She looked up and met his expectant eyes.  Oh right, he was waiting on her to respond.  But how did she respond to that?  “Oh?”  Very eloquent.  Her eloquence was clearly not improving around the bats.
His face scrunched as he studied her reaction.  It was definitely odd.  “Yeah. It’s kind of bizarre really.  Not to say anything bad about Marinette,” he rushed to assure her.  “I don’t know her well enough to judge her, obviously.  That’s why I’m here asking you about her.  But he’s really taken with her really quickly.  I’ve never seen him like this.”  He suddenly stopped and his eyes blew wide.  “Oh God!  Don’t tell her that.  Jason’ll kill me if he finds out.”
“Oh… um…” she looked away suddenly trying to hide her sudden blush and searched for a way to answer.
“Oh my god, y… Dupain-Cheng bagged another hero?” Bee exclaimed slapping Ladybug on the shoulder with her elbow and handing her one of the cups in her hands.
“Bee!” Ladybug exclaimed.  “I thought you didn’t care!  What are you doing here?”
“This is the thanks I get after bringing you tea?” she scoffed in pretend offence.
Ladybug rolled her eyes and let out a long suffering sigh.  “This is just water.”  She brought the cup to her lips.  “Not even hot water!  You brought me a cup of tepid water.”
“Oh my God, can’t you just be grateful I thought about bringing you tea?” Bee exclaimed, exasperation clear in her tone.
Ladybug gave her a deadpan expression.  “Did you though?”
“No, not really,” she shrugged.  “Let’s get back to Dupain-Cheng somehow managing to entice yet another hero though,” she continued, malicious glee sparkling in her eyes.
Ladybug’s mouth dropped in offense.  “She does not date a lot of heroes,” she rushed to assure Nightwing. “Only the one, really…”  She paused and looked at who she was talking to and her eyes widened in realization.  “… not that there’s anything wrong with dating a lot of superheroes… if that’s… um… what you want to do,” she finished weakly.
Bee snickered at the flustered cover-up.  “Yeah, she’s not like some heroes that date everyone they shake hands with.”
Nightwing gave an offended scoff.  “I have not dated that many people… or heroes.”
Bee scoffed.  “Maybe not that are officially sanctioned by the JL.”
“We didn’t say that you did,” Ladybug promised, “did we Bee?” she hissed at Bee through gritted teeth.  “And even if you had, there’s nothing wrong with that.  Right, Bee?  Because there’s nothing wrong with dating around.  Is there?”
“No,” Bee groused.  She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted for a moment before the pout became a vicious grin.  “Yeah, sure, we can stop talking about his dating history.  So, anyway, back to Dupain-Cheng…”
“Oh fu… I can’t believe I walked right into that,” Ladybug grumbled into her hands.
“It may be just the one she actually dated.  The rest just have wet dreams about her.”  She smirked at her.
“Bee!” Ladybug exclaimed her cheeks rapidly turning a dark scarlet.
“Relax, I know you and Dupain-Cheng have a… unique relationship, but that doesn’t change facts.  And pretending like she isn’t getting lusty looks from other people doesn’t change it either.”  Bee rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee.  The cup wasn’t nearly big enough to hide her widening smirk.  “You’re just going to have to suck it up.”
Nightwing perked up at that comment.  Well, that was an interesting tidbit.  “So you must know Marinette very well considering you know her dating history so well.”
Ladybug nodded while still glaring at Bee.  “Yes.  You could say that.  We know each other rather well.”
“Extremely well,” Bee agreed, her grin getting even sharper.  “I’ve known her since we were children but Ladybug still knows her much more intimately than I do.  Why don’t you tell him about her?”
“And I would trust her,” Ladybug continued over Bee.  “I have trusted her with a lot, both in and out of the suit.”
Bee cackled at the answer “Yeah LB do tell.  Go on about her amazing attributes.  Tell us all about her.”
“Bee,” Ladybug whined, her cheeks heating up.  Nightwing observed the interaction with a raised eyebrow.
“Come on, he’s going to think you don’t like Dupain-Cheng,” Bee teased.
“What! No!”  Ladybug straightened quickly, her eyes going wide.  “I do!  I like Dup… Marinette,” she glared quickly at Bee before she whipped back to face Nightwing with wide eyes.  “She’s great! She’s ama… She’s…” she faltered.  This was so awkward.  If she and Jason ended up getting serious, Nightwing was eventually going to know who she was and remember what she said here and if she overplayed it, he’d think she was pompous and hate her.  Then his whole family would hate her and Jason would break up with her because his family would convince him she was a terrible influence.
But! But if she wasn’t complimentary enough he’d think she didn’t like… herself and that she wasn’t trustworthy. Then he would convince Jason that it was a mistake to be with her and he’d break up with her because he’d trust his family’s word over hers and think she wasn’t a good person and deserved to be miserable.  She looked back up at Nightwing with a sigh.  “She’s a good person.  She deserves to be happy.”
Nightwing stared into her eyes for a few moments as if trying to read a part of her soul.  Finally, his eyes softened to a more sympathetic glint.  “I was worried about her knowing our identities but I’m mostly worried about him.  He’s been through a lot and he can be pretty hot and cold because of it and I just…”
Ladybug’s eyes softened too.  She looked down for a moment trying to figure out how to word her response.  “She’s… Marinette’s pretty understanding.  She’s had to deal with that before and it didn’t work then but… I don’t think that was on her…”  She pursed her lips and looked down while the memories washed over her. When she looked back up there was a bittersweet look in her eyes.  “She fights for the people she loves.  She puts effort in.  If you’re asking if I would trust her with an identity, I have before and she’s never let me down.  If you’re asking me if I would trust her with your brother’s heart, I would.  Whether it works out with him or not, she’ll still be there for him.  She’ll do everything in her power to protect it.  If you trust me, you can trust her.”
Nightwing reached out and squeezed her shoulder.  “Thank you.  This has been very helpful.  I’m sorry if I brought up any bad memories.”
Ladybug shook her head.  “No, it’s fine.  I hope I made you feel less worried about her.”
Nightwing nodded.  “You did. Thanks again.”
“You’re welcome,” Bee interjected loudly.  “Even though you didn’t ask me my opinion.”
“Sorry.  I hadn’t been given your name as a reference,” Nightwing said with only the tiniest touch of condescension.  
“I grew up with her,” Bee scoffed.  “And even though you didn’t ask, I’ll tell you my opinion anyway.”
“Bee…” Ladybug started, but her voice was tired.
“I don’t know who your brother is, but whoever he is…”  Ladybug sighed deeply and dropped her head.  “…he isn’t good enough for her.”  Ladybug’s head snapped up and her jaw dropped.
“Are you… are you admitting you like m… Marinette?”  Ladybug gaped.
“Relax, I’m not like hitting on her or anything.  I’m just...  Shut up.” She crossed her arms over her chest and looked away with a pout.  After a few seconds she looked back at Ladybug from the corner of her eye and rolled her eyes.  “Close your mouth, LB.  There probably aren’t flies here to fly in, but Beast Boy could always be transformed as a fly for whatever ridiculous reason and if you swallow him we can’t go on our date.”  
“You’re dating Beast Boy?  When did that happen?” Ladybug exclaimed.
Bee grabbed Ladybug’s arm and tugged her back in the direction they had been heading originally.  “I was trying to tell you before we were so rudely interrupted.”
Nightwing watched them walk away with a smile and a small wave.  That was a lot to take in, but at least now he knew she was trustworthy.
Marinette had just gotten home and immediately collapsed into her bed after an extremely long and wearing day when he heard an incessant pounding at the door that wouldn't stop.  “What the hell,” she groaned.  She pushed herself off the bed with a great deal of effort and shuffled to the front door. “Somebody better be about to die,” she grumbled to herself, “or someone’s going to be.”  She looked through the peep hole to see a frantic looking Jason. 
She whipped open the door for him.  “Jason! Are you okay?”  She reached to check him over to assure herself he was okay.
Jason stared at her for just a second.  “Dick just… He said… You slept with Ladybug!  She’s the one you dated?” he yelled.
Marinette blinked at him a few times trying to take in what he just said.  “What!?”
Continued in Truth so Cold
@jasonette-july-event @maribatserver @ashbrea381writings
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shroudcore · 3 years
Speak now, or forever hold your peace. (Finale)
Summary: The ghosts may have left, but the wedding they officiated is not something to be easily forgotten. Will unsaid feelings remain hidden? Idia thinks so, after seeing you with your admirers. 
Idia x GN!reader. Reader is MC, or takes the role of MC in this story.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Warnings: none
After that 3-star difficulty sidequest, it was finally time for the ghosts to leave. They were filing out through a shimmering silver portal to the Land of the Dead, which you joked about jumping into “for the meme”. Idia was quick to discourage it. The joke would’ve been funny at any other time than right now. 
Each ghost made sure to give the newlyweds their congratulations. Each congratulation made Idia want to take off into the night, never to be seen again. It was beyond embarrassing. Unbearable. Way past his limit of social interaction capability. Things were getting way too much to handle for his now-empty Energy bar. 
While Idia longed for the comfort and isolation of his dorm room, you were the one who thanked the well-wishers and said the goodbyes—from a safe distance, of course. 
“When we return, I want you to meet our baby!” Eliza announced before she stepped into the portal. You and Idia shared a look. As if reading each other’s minds, you checked your schoolmates’ faces for their reactions—which did not disappoint. Different ways of saying “Don’t come back!” filled the hall, in varying degrees of anger and vulgarity. Before she disappeared for good, Eliza huffed and stuck her nose up in the air—an expression that tonight’s failed suitors knew all too well. 
At her departure, the portal shrunk into a mere speck until it completely disappeared. Then came the loudest cheers of the night serving as Victory fanfare. It was all over! But before he went, Idia hoped to say goodbye and take a look at you in your suit one last time. Or maybe even ask you to hang out tomorrow, depending on his current Courage level. 
While he silently rehearsed his thank-yous and good-byes, he wondered if you knew that you were still holding his hand. He decided not to mention it. 
Unfortunately, his brief moment of (weak) celebration was cut short when he noticed that the now-mobile Groom Rejects were approaching. They might as well have red bars floating over their heads to warn him of danger. He froze, contemplating whether to: 
> Bear it and stay with you just until he was prepared to say goodbye (+10 relationship points -20 comfort LV)
> Just run off on his own without saying anything, ignoring your calls. (-10 relationship points +10 comfort LV)
For now, he decided to stick with Option 1. Just a little bit longer. 
“That was amazing!” Deuce exclaimed, rushing over to give you a high-five. You laughed and  met other high-fives, low-fives, fist bumps, and head pats that came your way with that lovely smile of yours. 
Suddenly, Ace rips you away from him. Suddenly, you weren’t holding hands anymore. The loud first-year put his arm around you and Idia couldn’t help but notice how easy and natural it looked. Meanwhile, there he was: someone who needed to rehearse his goodbyes. 
Clearly, there was a huge level difference here and Idia was the one disadvantaged. 
“Our hero!” Ace yelled, inspiring more cheers. The distance between you and Idia grew as your wave of admirers and friends swept you farther and farther away. He was an outsider once again, stuck watching the fun from the sidelines. Their eyes sparkled. Their mouths smiled. Their loud voices laughed and praised you and laughed with you again. 
They loved you. And Idia was no different. 
Everyone’s Friend and the Weird Shut-in. Was there hope?
“Brother, I’m so glad you’re safe!” Ortho’s voice cut through his stream of thoughts. Immediately, he feels the weight on his shoulders lighten. 
He watched as his brother, his beacon of hope, made his way around your fan club until he eventually reached his spot. Ortho wouldn’t care if he looked like a loser, standing there awkwardly at the side all alone. Finally, he was saved. 
My savior! “Ortho! Thank you, thank you…” 
“No injuries… tense muscles… an increase in cortisol production,” Ortho muttered, frowning. “Are you okay?” 
Ortho nods. “We’ll return to the dorm, then. But before that, we should thank the Prefect.”
“Oh… right.” Idia looked over to you, still surrounded by your “fans” like the SSR character you were. You listened to Azul, who prattled on and on about something that was oh-so-interesting that you couldn’t take your eyes off him. And Vil judged your suit’s design, reaching out to fix something near your neck. You cracked up at something Floyd said. You posed and smiled beside Cater as he took a selfie with you. 
His mind raced as it continuously spotted the students on his list and everything they did. What was so interesting about Azul? What was so funny about Floyd? Did you like Vil’s hardworking, confident attitude? Did you think Cater had a way with words? 
He looked away. 
“Ortho, I’m going back to my room,” he said with a heavy heart, admitting Defeat. He was underleveled, had zero energy, and zero SP (social points). He’ll see you… some other time. After his cry-sesh, maybe. 
“Huh? Don’t you want to talk to the Prefect first?” 
“I’ll just… DM them later,” he lied. In truth, all he wanted was to drown himself in a video game while he gorged on candy and tried not to think about you. Ortho’s eyes narrowed, but followed him as he sneakily left the hall anyway. 
You’d understand, right?
Once he and Ortho were out, he looked back at the hall doors, hating himself for being too shy and cowardly to make a move. He imagined charging back into the room, wedging himself in between your friends, grabbing your arm, and pulling you away. Then he’ll kabedon you and—
Who was he kidding? He can’t do that, and you probably wouldn’t like that. 
“It was terrible, brother. Nobody wanted to help!” Ortho said, and Idia thinks he didn’t need to be reminded that nobody liked him. 
“When the Prefect and I reached Diasomnia, we expected them to reject us too…” he mused. “But Malleus Draconia agreed to help us! Can you believe it?”
“Wait… Malleus-shi?” 
Ortho nodded enthusiastically. “Yes… because the Prefect talked to him… and then he cast a charm on them to help us ward off those ghosts! It was really nice of him.”
“I see…” Idia knew that you and Malleus were friends. But to actually help you and him? Maybe your relationship with the Diasomnia dorm leader ran deeper than he thought. Why else would he go through that trouble? 
“The Prefect volunteered without needing to be asked, you know,” said Ortho, who he now noticed was observing him carefully. Idia tried to ignore the way his brother’s eyes lingered on him as they walked (floated in Ortho’s case). 
“...I’m so glad their plan worked!”
Wait, what?
“Volunteered? Their plan?” All this time, he thought you’d been forced to do this by the Headmaster! You did always rant about Crowley promising you different sorts of rewards if you did jobs here and there. But… you got yourself into this mess… all for him? 
Idia looked at the hand you held just moments ago and dared not hope again. Maybe you would have done this for anyone else in his place. Maybe you treated everyone the same, and it just so happened that he was the one kidnapped by a ghost bride. 
Still, he felt bad for not doing as Ortho said earlier. It was too late to turn back, however, as Idia and Ortho finally reached the Hall of Mirrors. 
“Finally… I’m so tired,” said Idia, meaning it in all ways. But as he put one leg forward to enter the door to Ignihyde, he heard someone’s voice, along with the scuffle of shoes against the floor coming closer and closer to where he and Ortho stood. 
“Idia, wait up!”
Oh no. It’s you. Enter now! Enter now!
But no matter what his head told him to do, he remained rooted to his spot. He stood still despite his pounding heart, that elevator-like feeling in his stomach, and the blaring alarms in his head. 
Object of affection at 5m…
Ortho was probably seeing his vitals going haywire and giving him that look again. He turned to look at his brother… only to not find him there. 
Help… oh no…
“Hey,” you gasped out, catching your breath. “When I turned around, you were gone…”
Yeah, same. Just like Ortho… 
No one said a word for a while. The silence was only filled by your heavy breathing as it slowly evened. Inwardly facepalming at himself, he decided to take the chance to tell you everything he should’ve said before he left. 
But before he could open his mouth and apologize for leaving, (gods know he had too many things to apologize for after tonight), he was taken into a warm embrace. 
“I thought I was too late.” you mumbled into his suit. 
At that moment, without anyone else around, nothing else mattered but the safety of your arms. And damn, how good it felt to be embraced. Did anyone else get these hugs from you? Idia didn’t think so. He hesitantly lifted his arms up and hugged back. 
Looking up at the domed castle ceiling, he wondered what he did to deserve something this good. 
It’s okay. I can have this. He allows himself to melt into your arms, head drooping down to rest against your neck. 
“G-good thing you weren’t,” he finally whispered back, freezing as he heard you sob against his chest. Oh no, oh no, what do you do when your love interest is crying? Quick, quick, pull up the archive of romantic scenes from your memory. 
“Hey, hey, I-I’m okay, you see?” he said, patting your back awkwardly. You let go after releasing another sob to wipe your eyes with your sleeve. 
“Sorry I got your suit wet,” you said softly, turning your face away. “I’m really, really sorry about what happened there too.”
“About what?”
“The whole wedding thing...” You took a quick look at him but immediately dropped your gaze to the ground. 
Idia blushed. “I-It’s okay! D-don’t worry about it… I-” 
Come on, say more! Ugh… I hate myself. 
You pulled at our vest and slipped something out of it—an envelope. “I… wanted to tell you everything through a letter.”
Tell me what?
“But… Eliza came and took you before I could give it to you.” You avoided his eyes as your fingers tightened around the white envelope. Idia’s breath hitched, expecting you to crumple it. But to his relief, your fingers relaxed. Then, as if it took all your courage, you handed it to him with a slightly shaky hand. 
“It's old-fashioned, I know but yeah... just read it!” 
In the hall’s silence, he could hear your breaths quicken once again. 
“Th-That’s all I came here for. Goodbye!” 
Before he knew it, you were running off. Your arm waved frantically from a distance as every step carried you farther, farther away. He lifted his arm to wave back but you never saw it. You were gone and all he had left was the letter. 
His curiosity made him impatient. With fast and purposeful steps, he sprinted on the way to his room. What did he feel? Excitement? Dread? An unpleasant mix of both? His room, feeling farther than usual, was the only safe place he could experience whatever it was.
After a lot of walking and almost slipping over someone’s spilled soda (he cursed the shoes those ghosts made him wear. His very own would never fail him like that), he found himself in front of the doors, which slid open, revealing Ortho already inside. 
“You left me there!” Idia huffed. 
“Couples need alone time, brother,” replied his brother, innocently blinking.
“Wh-wha… we’re not a couple!” 
“Hmm? I could’ve sworn the signs were all there...”
A blushing Idia threw off the silly coat those ghosts made him wear and threw it over his desk chair. He sat on the bed, fingers racing to open the envelope. Ortho watched with great interest as two sheets of paper covered in your handwriting slipped out.  
Unfolding the first page, Idia took a deep breath and began reading:
Hey Player 1!
Sorry I couldn’t make it tonight last night. Maybe you can show me your new manga tomorrow? I know how excited you are about it.  I’m writing this while Grim’s asleep. He’ll never let me hear the end of it otherwise. 
I figured that this would be the best way to communicate my thoughts and feelings. This way, you won’t feel pressured to respond immediately. You can open and read it whenever you’re ready, in the safety of your room. I know it’s old-fashioned. But to me, a handwritten letter feels more personal—like I’m giving you a piece of myself. So here’s that piece of myself. Please, handle it with care. 
Beware. I’m about to get sentimental and mushy and cheesy and everything you cringe at! I hope you read on, anyway. 
First of all, I want you to know how much I admire you. Right from before we were friends, I was impressed by your intelligence and knowledge with technology. I’ve seen nothing like it back home. I always wondered why you hide yourself and those talents away. My curiosity drove me to want to get to know you. I’m glad I did. 
You were closed off. To you, I was just another normie. Do you remember? Your dismissal annoyed me, so I challenged you to a 1v1 match. I thought I was good, but you crushed me. I guess that’s where it started: our friendship… and something else. Soon, I found more and more reasons to admire you. Honestly, I find more with each passing day. 
I should have known, right from when songs started to make me think of you, that I was falling. I started to see you as, well, more than a friend. Your quick mind, your expressive hair, your soothing voice, your precious grin… your voice when you talk about things you love, your love of cats, and your candy, and your cold hands… Okay, I think you get the point.  But if you have time, I could go on forever. 
There’s something different in your eyes when you truly care. You say you’re bad at being sentimental and feel-y, but that’s okay! We express love differently. I see your love pour out in the way you perfect every detail on Ortho’s modifications, anyway. I’m sure he knows how much you love him. 
I want you to know how special you are to me. You’re so amazing, Idia. I wish you knew that. I want you to know that. 
I know it’s hopeless. You’re the young master to a noble house. I’m just… me. A homeless, magicless foreigner with nothing to my name. Nothing to offer but my feelings (and my superb gaming skills of course). I’m not asking nor expecting to be your special someone. But hey, I can be a top-tier teammate. A worthwhile BG opponent. A movie buddy. And most importantly—a friend. 
Our time together has always been a highlight of my difficult stay in NRC. The times we hung out in your room were my refuge from the outside world’s demands. Somewhere I was untouchable and safe from harm. Safe from demeaning remarks. Even if you never get back to this letter and decide you never want to see me again, I will always treasure the matches we played, the movies we watched, the candy we shared, and the memes we laughed over.
That’s all of it, really. Please don’t sleep too late. Watch your sugar intake. Listen to Ortho. Take care of yourself. 
Oh, and enjoy your new manga. 
Your best raid teammate, 
Player 2
Wide amber yellow eyes glistened as they repeatedly flitted over the words. A shaky thumb caressed the smudged ink from where a fallen teardrop marked the paper. Burning different shades at once, fire-hair slowly released itself from the tie it was forced into. Now free, it swathed Idia’s back in warmth like it should.
“Th-This can’t be real!” he sputters as he waved your letter around like he was fanning a bonfire. In a way, he was. 
However, Idia knew his hair wasn’t the only thing that kept him warm. He stared at the letter and it stared back. But no matter how many times he blinked, the words remained the same. You felt the same. 
“What have I done to unlock this route?” Idia clutched the letter to his chest, but noticed he was wrinkling it. “Nooo!” He quickly smoothed it over again. 
“They… they like-like me!” Saying it out loud made it more real. It was a fact! It was true all this time! Thinking of everything you did tonight: rescuing him like a true hero, running after him because you couldn’t keep your feelings secret for much longer… he couldn’t stop himself from swooning. 
“Like-like… did you mean love?”
“L-love?” Idia exclaimed. He suddenly felt dizzy, so he fell back onto his bed and talked to the ceiling. “It’s too early for that word!” 
But he knew the effect which that word had on him didn’t go unnoticed by Ortho. Well, at least he knew now that Idia wasn’t suffering from an illness. Can love be considered an illness? Idia recalls a documentary that said it was. Back then, he ate that up. Love made people do crazy things, after all. 
But ‘illness’ wasn’t an apt word to describe this dizzying happiness surging through him, was it? It was way too wonderful for a word like that.
“I’m so glad the Prefect finally confessed!” Ortho bounced happily, reflecting his brother’s joy. “I knew they would do it soon!” 
Mouth hanging open, Idia looked at his brother. “Wait… you knew?”
“I’ve known for a while,” Ortho giggled. “Vitals can’t keep secrets!” 
Contrary to plan, Idia didn’t touch his video games, nor gorge on candy, nor cry himself to sleep. Instead, he replayed the night’s events in his head over and over like a song he couldn’t get enough of. It had been two hours and thirty-five minutes since he read your letter. Two hours and thirty-five minutes since his world was turned upside down. In his reflection on the dark screen of his off tablet, he almost looked different. He saw someone who was admired. Wanted. Loved. 
Was that what you saw whenever you looked at him?
Ortho told him what the next move was: asking you out. He was scared. You might have changed his view of himself a bit, but that didn’t mean he was suddenly ready to go the distance and conquer the world, or whatever those overenthusiastic extroverts say. The night was still too much, and maybe he still needed those three weeks of being a complete hermit. 
Okay. Maybe with your help, I'll get there little by little. 
Perhaps you could watch a movie in his room... Would you be okay with that? You always hung out with him in there. But what if you wanted to do something outside? Eh, maybe it all didn’t matter, as long as you were together. 
When he put on his headphones, he knew which song to choose right away. There was one forgotten song in his music library that he couldn’t bring himself to delete. A love song. It wasn’t a bad one, because Idia would never keep a bad song in his music library. It’s just that the lyrics  were too happy—its singer so blissfully in love that it amplified the loneliness that had always been there.
Now playing: “Immortal Flowers” — SERPINA
This time, it’ll be different. Tonight, he puts it on repeat. He listens to it with a head for once clear of uncertainties. Instead, he thinks of fluffy otome scenarios. 
That date idea would have to wait. For now, he’ll imagine and dream of you, with your warm smile and open arms—skin basking in the glow of blue fire light. 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
There you have it! Thank you for reading. I had fun writing this 4-part series. Would love to hear some feedback! 
Btw, the title of the song Idia listens to at the end comes from “Conversations with Persephone” by Nikita Gill. “What Hades gave me was a crown made for the immortal flowers in my bones.” 
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Dream SMP Recap (May 31/2021) - Deck of Cards With a Green Smile on Them
Wilbur and Tommy visit Las Nevadas to have some words with Quackity. 
Wilbur Soot
Captain Puffy
- Punz mines out an entire chunk of the server
- Wilbur and Tommy meet at L’manhole. Tommy brings Wilbur to the quarry and shows him the Tommyboxes full of stone
- Tommy and Wilbur walk down the Prime Path and Wilbur notices all the new changes in the builds, including that Purpled’s UFO has been destroyed. Wilbur claims that someone’s being “a copycat” with TNT, figuring out exactly how it was destroyed
(Wilbur is also repeatedly puzzled by the appearance of Oogway throughout the server)
- Wilbur tells Tommy that he received a book: “PROJECT NEVADAS.” It rings a bell, and Tommy says it’s Quackity’s new place that he’s been staying out of
- Wilbur tells Tommy that the book says to come to Nevadas (not saying what it actually reads), and Tommy leads Wilbur there
- The last time Wilbur saw Quackity, they were fighting together for L’manburg -- but he gets the impression, judging by everyone else aside from Jack Manifold, Tommy and Phil, that everyone probably dislikes him. He assumes Quackity won’t have the best impression of him
- Tommy’s never been to Las Nevadas, but the person who told him about it said it was just a little town. They’re awestruck by it as they arrive
- Quackity comes up to meet them, surprised to see Wilbur alive. Tommy asks what happened to his face, but also notices that his piss neck is gone
- Wilbur says he’s glad to see Quackity out of the presidential outfit, and he never thought Quackity was fit for the Vice President role anyway. Quackity tells them that he owns this entire place
Wilbur: “Oh, so you’re -- you’re like a -- a President, then!”
Quackity: “I’m the President, man!”
Wilbur: “...You’re the President.”
- He shows Quackity the book and accepts Quackity’s “invitation” to work alongside him. Tommy asks to move in as well
Quackity: “Wilbur...That was not an invitation, I’m sorry Wilbur...That’s not an invitation. Wilbur, my nation will not be subject to your unpredictability.”
- Wilbur tells Quackity that while he may have been unpredictable in the past, he’s turned over a new leaf and doesn’t lie anymore, he’s forgotten everything he knew about TNT
Wilbur: “Quackity, look me in the eyes...I am your servant. I am at your service, I have run countries, I’ve won elections, I’ve done everything you would need in a leadership role, Quackity! Even not in leadership -- I can be, you know, assistant to the President! Just, I...Quackity, this is everything I’ve dreamt of in a solid marble and quartz...Quackity, you’re making a mistake, man, you need to let me in--”
Tommy: “Wil, this is so cool!”
Wilbur: “TOMMY, SHUT UP! I mean -- Tommy, come over here.”
- Quackity tells him he’s not going to let the same thing that happened to L’manburg happen to Las Nevadas. Tommy points out that it looks like they’re kissing. 
- Wilbur walks around the sandy area asking what Quackity owns, and Quackity owns all of it. Quackity still means to discuss things with Tommy. Wilbur makes his way to the forest next to Las Nevadas
Wilbur: “What’s the point in capitalism without healthy competition?”
- Quackity asks what Wilbur’s about to do. Wilbur leads them over to a nearby spot and welcomes Tommy to their new “headquarters” as they “break ground” there.
- Tommy doesn’t want to start a new country, preferring Las Nevadas. He also repeats that Wilbur and Quackity looked like they were kissing and he feels like he’s getting third-wheeled
- Quackity and Tommy talk one-on-one and Quackity reminds Tommy about how they spoke about the hotel and possibly working together. Tommy brings up Quackity’s eye again, remembering how Quackity has had many “conditions” for a long time
Quackity: “You ever hear about the Butcher Army, Tommy? One day, we were going to execute Technoblade, and we got in a...we got a fight. And this is how this thing showed up on my face.”
- Tommy is surprised that he went to kill Technoblade and asks when this was, if this was during his exile
Tommy: “You’re meaning to tell me that you put in all of the effort to kill Techno instead of helping me?”
- Quackity says he’d be happy to sit down and discuss it, that he’s not Tommy’s enemy. He gives Tommy the choice: Tommy is welcome to join him, even if Wilbur isn’t. He can offer Tommy a management position, a job
- Tommy goes to speak with Wilbur and leaves Quackity, noticing what Wilbur’s built
Wilbur: “It’s a penis of safety!”
- Wilbur asks Tommy to work with him. He won’t stop Tommy, but Tommy is all Wilbur’s got. Jack Manifold’s busy and Phil has ideas about authoritarianism Wilbur disagrees with
Wilbur: “Tommy, I don’t want to make a country. I’m past that, man. I want to make an HQ. I want to make a place where we can be safe for once. Tommy, it’s been so long since we’ve been safe. And man, you deserve it. You’ve been through so much, done so much. Tommy, you’ve changed the world, and all you have to show for it is some scars and some trauma. Tommy, you deserve this safety and this sanctuary, and that’s what I want to make with you, and you won’t get it over there. You know what they say about casinos? It’s all lights and it’s all plastic, it’s all glitter, that there’s nothing of substance. Do you know what has substance, Tommy? Family. Blood. Please stay with me, Tommy.”
- He tells Tommy he needs to make a choice now. 
Wilbur: “I’m not gonna hold you back. If you pick Las Nevadas, what am I gonna do, man? What am I gonna do? I’d never hurt you. I’d never want anything bad for you, Tommy. You can go with whatever you want, but...Just know what you’ll be doing to me. That’s all I wanna say, man.”
Tommy: “There was a time when you weren’t here on this server, this SMP, when I went against...put a lot of things to the side that I shouldn’t have. I prioritized a lot of things -- I put revenge over humanity, humaneness. I guess all I’m seeking now is just someone that’s gonna be honest with me and a place that I can feel safe. I...I betrayed Technoblade, and I just couldn’t admit it. And I did the wrong thing with Tubbo, but...”
Wilbur: “This can be a safe place for them.”
- Tommy agrees to stay here, but dislikes that Wilbur has built the penis into a wall. The two start building a penis in the lake and Quackity comes over. 
Quackity: “History repeats itself, Tommy. You’re just letting this guy use you. You’re letting him emotionally manipulate you.”
- He and Wilbur start talking over each other, bickering
Quackity: “Who wanted a better outcome for L’manburg, Tommy? Who did? Who wanted to run a ‘democratic election’ with just one party? He’s right up there, Tommy! He’s right up there above you--”
Wilbur: “Remember the pit, Tommy. Remember what happened in the pit. Don’t. Trust. People. Who would’ve fought you in the pit.”
- They continue arguing. 
- Tommy gets a chance to speak and says none of that made him feel safe. Quackity apologizes and offers them a tour of Las Nevadas. They head over and Wilbur apologizes as well
- Quackity shows them around, including the restaurant that they’ll need to hire people for (the villager is no longer there). Wilbur tells Tommy he’d be fine with Tommy working here as long as he’d still hang out with Wilbur too
- They start going to the casino (Wilbur and Quackity both hurry to block off the strip club) and Quackity brings them into the gambling hall, giving them diamonds to try out the machine with
- After using the diamonds, Tommy puts Linda the shovel into the machine and loses the shovel in the machine. Quackity takes them out of the building and to the top of the Needle. Tommy remarks that it would be a good place to jump off of
- Quackity turns to Wilbur and asks how he’s alive. Wilbur explains that he was swapped with Ghostbur
- Quackity remembers the last conversation he and Wilbur had together, just after the elections. The conversation they had after the debates. (Wilbur looks at the “PROJECT NEVADAS” book again) 
Quackity wants to “pick Wilbur’s brain” again
- Wilbur’s lost everything. He’s lost decades, he’s lost most of the people who cared about him and many don’t even know he’s back yet
Wilbur: “Life is paved with the mistakes you make, and it’s not about when you made the mistakes or what you did, it’s about how you can improve from them, and...I guess that’s what I’m trying to do.”
- Wilbur’s seen Jack Manifold, Phil, Ranboo, Tommy and now Quackity so far, but there are a lot of other people who he’d like to talk to and apologize to and thank them
- Tommy tells Quackity he doesn’t want to sit back and run a food stand. Wilbur gets things done. Quackity respects his decision, but this is something else, not another L’manburg
- Quackity asks Wilbur about the revival again, and Wilbur admits that it was Dream who brought him back. Wilbur has many people he wants to thank and say sorry to, and Dream is one of them, as he saved Wilbur’s life. Dream is his hero.
- Quackity asks when this happened, and Wilbur says it’s been a while since, that hopefully Ghostbur isn’t too lonely in Limbo
Quackity: [About Dream] “He’s not been lonely. Wilbur, Wilbur, I think his loneliness is the last of his concerns. I’ve been keeping him company, uh...as he’s been there. I’ve been visiting him quite frequently.”
Wilbur: “What, Dream or Ghostbur? I’m talking about Ghostbur.”
Quackity: “I’m talking about Dream.”
Wilbur: “Oh, gosh! You’ve been visiting him? Oh, he must love that!”
Quackity: “Yeah, no, he likes the company. He likes the company for sure. Uh...it’s a cool little thing, uh...Tommy, you know about this, right?”
Tommy: “Yeah, yeah, Wilbur -- that’s how I got to go and see Dream."
- Tommy tells Wilbur that Dream killed him, to which Quackity says Sam’s bettered the security system (Wilbur’s surprised to hear the prison has a warden and a system to visit) 
Tommy: “Why would anyone want to go to the prison? You’ve been going, Big Q, to torture the shit out of him, I’ve heard...”
Quackity: “Tommy, what? Tommy...Tommy, where did you -- where did you get that from? What are you talking about?”
Tommy: “Well that’s how -- I assumed, ‘cause of the scar, you’ve been going to beat the shit out of him?”
Quackity: “Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, don’t say that -- not even as a joke, Tommy, come on.”
- Wilbur says goodbye to Quackity (he has “work to do”) and leaves with Tommy. He’s overjoyed that he can meet Dream through the visitation system, while Tommy protests
- Wilbur throws Tommy the “PROJECT NEVADAS” book, saying that Quackity was writing about the old Wilbur, that Tommy made the right choice in not joining him. 
- Wilbur promises Tommy that going to visit Dream to thank him isn’t a bad decision. He wants to tie up loose ends. Dying is a big deal. This is like a funeral, saying goodbye
Wilbur: “Tommy, all I’m saying is, you know...what could go wrong in a prison?”
- Wilbur leaves. 
- Tommy asks Quackity for an Ender Chest
- He listens to “Cat,” alone in the rain, on a small wooden bench by the lake.
Upcoming Events:
- The final Egg lore stream
- Puffy’s lore
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Ponk’s lore stream
- Dream’s lore video
- Sapnap’s possible lore stream
- Awesamdude lore stream
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five-rivers · 3 years
Danger First
Chapter 6
@pocketramblr another :)
Shouta trudged back to the staff break room. His counseling session with Midoriya had lasted a little over an hour, so while there were still teachers in the building, many of them had left. With the exception of semi-retired heroes like Recovery Girl, everyone working here had two full time jobs. Hizashi, despite his carefree air, had even more than that in the form of his radio show. Hizashi had probably left with the students.
But Hizashi wasn't either of the ones he wanted to talk to. Not today.
He opened the door. Three, no, four teachers were there, but Snipe didn't count, seeing as he was completely passed out on one of the couches with his gas mask half off. He must have had an early shift patrol today, poor sucker.
Nemuri was there, too, with most of her hero outfit on. She was applying her hero-grade makeup (water proof, resistant to three common contact poisons, and guaranteed not to react badly with mace).
More importantly, Kan and Yagi were both there, poring over papers on the same desk, no less. Shouta walked up to the table and looked down at sheets and sheets full of incomprehensible numbers.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
'Don't tell him!" said Kan, urgently. "This is going to be my class's leg up on Aizawa this time around."
"Haha! Good one!" Yagi slapped Kan's back, and apparently even in his skeletal form he could pack a punch, because Kan had the air knocked out of him. Before he could recover, Yagi continued, "I'm making personalized nutrition plans for his class!"
"One of my undergraduate degrees was in nutritional and health sciences, after all!"
Wow, there was a lot to unpack there, but Shouta was more than happy to leave it in its box. He had other fish to fry and topics to interrogate. Small talk requirement fulfilled, he moved on.
"How well do you know Midoriya?"
Yagi blinked and put down his pencil. "Moderately so? We met about this time last year and have been meeting regularly since then."
So, so much to unpack.
"Ah, he... impressed me, I suppose? He was involved in the bodysnatcher incident last year."
That was an understatement.
"He had a lot of heroic spirit!" continued Yagi. "But... not so much in the, ah, body category. I thought it would be a shame, a waste, really, if he wasn't able to pursue his dream, and a hero school prep course wasn't really in the cards for him, considering his quirk status and the timing... And I did have this degree..." He waved his hands vaguely at the table. "I just gave him a little help."
"What brought all this on, anyway?" asked Nemuri. "Midoriya is the little green haired kid, right? One of Chibiida's new friends?"
"If you keep calling him that, I won't be held responsible for when he snaps and attempts murder. But, yes, that's Midoriya."
"He told me I was the best teacher he'd ever had."
Nemuri started laughing.
"Oh," said Yagi. "I'm glad the two of you are getting along so well."
"I think he's pulling your leg, Shouta," said Nemuri, coming over to pat him on his shoulder. "Man, I didn't think a friend of Chibiida's would have it in him. Such youth!"
"I cannot even begin to tell you how much he wasn't."
Nemuri's laughter died off.
"Judging from some comments he made today," said Shouta, "not to mention the discrepancies between his record and his observed behavior in the classroom, I'd say he's been the target of severe quirkism in the past, particularly from his teachers. Did he ever mention anything like that to you?"
Yagi's face darkened and the mood in the room grew much more somber. "Not in so many words, no. However... some of his comments about his teachers disturbed me enough to bring it to the attention of the Musutafu Educational Services District, but as an unrelated stranger without concrete proof..."
("You can use the acronym, you know," muttered Vlad.)
"You're telling me they ignored the number one hero."
Yagi made a face. "I didn't go to them as All Might. Can you imagine the media frenzy if I did that? I didn't want to paint that kind of target on young Midoriya's back."
That was fair, actually. If largely-anonymous Shouta had enemies, All Might had ten times as many. Not to mention supposed fans.
"Other avenues of inquiry were also fruitless," said All Might, countenance darkening. "I asked some of my police colleagues, but they don't have full discretion over the direction of their investigations, and, again, if I were to use my weight to move them... It would get out, and people would wonder why I was so concerned with an apparently normal middle school."
"Did you try talking to Nezu about it?"
"No? Why?"
Shouta reminded himself that although Yagi was an alumnus, he was also very new as a teacher, and was as of yet unfamiliar with Nezu's more interesting traits.
"I'm going to," said Shouta, "and you're going to come with me." He turned to Kan. "Have you heard anything from Bakugo about quirk discrimination?"
"All I've heard from him are explosions, threats, and some kind of complex I don't have nearly enough psychiatric training to- They're from the same school," he realized.
Kan pinched his brow. "So, the sweet shy kid you keep gushing about-" Both Shouta and Yagi attempted to reassure Kan they weren't gushing, "-and the demon brat are from the same school."
"That is what their records say," agreed Shouta. "Did you know, Yagi?"
"Oh, that they knew each other? Yes. Actually, I was rather under the impression they were childhood friends, as Midoriya ran out to help him during the bodysnatcher incident."
Shouta grunted. It was possible. He hadn't seen the two of them interact, at any rate.
"I'm going to Nezu with you," said Kan, standing up. "No matter what else this hell school did, they deserve to suffer for inflicting Bakugo Katsuki on me with those recommendations full of lies."
"Why don't you just expell him if he's that bad?"
"Because he's talented, hardworking, and hasn't actually broken any rules except for the swearing. He's just a pain I wasn't prepared to deal with and will probably contribute more to my hearing loss than Yamada by the end of the year."
"Wait, wait," said Yagi. "What exactly are you expecting Nezu to do in this situation?"
"Well," said Nemuri, who still hadn't left yet, "let's just say there's a reason hid name is 'god' in the staff group chat."
Terrible did not even begin to describe how Izuku felt when he woke up. His skin was static. His mouth was dry in a way that hurt. It felt like a siren was going off in his brain, and also like it was too quiet. He wanted to both run all the way to the school and hide in his closet.
This, of course, left him paralyzed in bed.
He hadn't felt remotely like this since the first time someone had left spider lilies on his desk at school. What was wrong with him?
No, that was the wrong question. All signs pointed to him having Danger Sense. He was in danger. And also immobile in bed.
With a great deal of effort, he turned to his bedside table and grabbed his phone. The clock in the corner read 4:42. Far too early to call anyone. And yet...
With shaky fingers, he navigated to Mr. Yagi's contact information and pressed dial. To Izuku's surprise, it only rang once.
"Young Midoriya? Is something wrong?"
The sound of his voice loosened the terrible knot under Izuku's breastbone. "I- May-maybe? I don't- I don't know, I think so."
There were sounds of movement on the other side of the line. "What happened?"
"I just- just woke up, and I- I think it's Danger Sense. It- Something bad is going to happen."
"I'm on my way. Is your mother with you?"
"N-no. She's at a- at a tech conference in Tokyo. She won't be back until- until tomorrow. Mr. Yagi, I don't- I don't think it's something here. I think it's later... at the school."
There was a pause. "My boy, are you quite sure?"
Izuku's laugh was just a little hysterical. "I mean, I'm- I'm pretty new to this, but..." he'd like to think his flight or fight reflex would have a more constructive response to am immediate threat. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have woken you up, I should have waited-"
"Nonsense! Forewarned is forearmed, and time is one of the most valuable resources a hero can have! I'm still picking you up, I'll just-" Mr. Yagi coughed, "-take the car instead."
"The car? You mean Hercules!?" The excitement was enough to free Izuku from his paralysis and propel him into a sitting position.
"Well, yes, but, my boy, how did you know? I don't think I've ever mentioned the name in my interviews..."
"But you did! In one of your American interviews. It was for a local station and you and Mr. Shield were on together."
"But those were in English."
"I know! When I found out about them, it really motivated me to work on my English! I think I could probably pass the Level Two fluency test..."
"Young Midoriya, have I ever told you how glad I am that you aren't a villain?"
"Hikage, did Danger Sense ever make you feel this bad?" asked Nana as Yoichi fussed in the background.
"Super Anxiety made me feel this bad all the time. Sometimes, it made me feel worse. I got used to it."
Nana let out a sigh of relief. It sucked to Ninth right now, but if it was normal for the quirk...
"That's good, then," said En. "Not for Ninth, obviously, but if that's just how the quirk works, he'll be able to figure it out. What did it usually mean, when you felt like this?"
"Generally, that someone was planning on killing me in the next few hours."
Dead(er than usual) silence.
"Ah," said En.
"You know," said Nana, "sometimes the kinds of lives we led slips my mind, but then the universe is always real happy to turn around and slap it back into me."
Yoichi started screeching.
"Do you feel any worse now that we're here?" asked Mr. Yagi after shutting Hercules down.
"Not really," said Izuku. He slumped down in his seat and looked away. "I'm sorry, I dragged you out of bed and this is probably just a stupid pointless meaningless panic attack..." He felt tears begin to prick at the edges of his eyes. He was so stupid. And selfish. All Might could be out helping people right now. Or taking care of himself (which, according to Recovery Girl's comments during their training sessions, he didn't do nearly enough of).
"Hey, hey, there's no need to cry, it's alright."
"Because you're here?" asked Izuku with a sniffle.
"Well, yes, but also, even if it was 'just' a panic attack, I'd still want to be here for you." He reached across the central console to pat Izuku on the shoulder. Then his face twisted into something rather sheepish. "But on the subject of panic attacks, something did occur to me on the way here."
Izuku looked back down at his knees. "What is it?"
"This is the anniversary of the day we met."
Izuku... had known that, actually. Waking up as he had had driven it from his mind, but the date was marked on his calendar. He'd even gotten All Might a gift, although he hadn't yet talked himself into being brave enough to give it to him, and with what happened today, it would most likely languish in his desk drawer for an indefinite period of time as the idea of giving it became progressively more awkward.
"My boy? I can't quite make out what you're saying. You're mumbling."
Izuku clapped his hands over his mouth. "Sorry."
"It's quite alright. I'm just an old man with hearing problems."
"You're not old! It's... I just- I just don't see how- how that's connected to this." He gestured at himself in all his vaguely-trembling glory.
"Young Midoriya... you almost died three separate times that day. That's traumatic. And sometimes anniversaries are... reminders."
"I only almost died once?"
"The first time with the sludge villain, grabbing on to my leg- and I don't think I ever apologized for telling you to let go, I was just so surprised- and then the sludge villain again."
"But I only almost died the first time..." He trailed off as Mr. Yagi gave him a look. He'd thought his mother was the only one who could give looks like that... "Do you really think this is connected to that?"
"I don't know," said Mr. Yagi. "Do you feel like it might be?"
"I don't know," said Izuku. He bent over and knotted his fingers in his hair.
"Do you think it might help to stay home today?"
"No!" yelped Izuku. "No," he repeated, trying to calm his racing heart.
"Alright, alright. Never fear, my boy." Mr. Yagi gave him another steadying shoulder pat. "In that case, let's go into this with the assumption that this is danger sense, and it is attempting to warn you of a real threat."
"Okay," said Izuku. He rubbed at his eyes. "What do we do first?"
Mr. Yagi tensed and looked up at the top floors of UA. "Well..."
"Hm!" said Nezu. "That is something of a conundrum! The extent of your quirk is unclear, and it is not properly registered, so we cannot go through the official routes we normally would for a warning given through a precognitive or clairvoyant quirk, even given that we are aware of One for All and the probable nature of Danger Sense."
Nezu knowing about One for All had been a bit of a surprise. In retrospect, maybe it shouldn't have been. All Might would have had to tell Nezu something so that Izuku was allowed on campus before he was really a student, and seeing as how All Might was originally teaching here to find a successor... well, it made sense. Izuku just wished he'd been told.
How many other people knew was a question for later, however.
"Your inexperience with the quirk and other circumstances further complicates the matter."
"Sorry," said Izuku.
"Whatever for? It isn't your fault." Nezu did not wait for an answer. "Then there is yesterday's incident to consider... You say you felt something with the reporters?"
"Y-yes, sir."
"Hm. Yes. Toshinori, I so believe you have a contact who could clear this up much more efficiently."
"I know," said Mr. Yagi. "He isn't picking up his phone."
"You don't think-?" started Izuku.
"No, no, he just hasn't been speaking to me lately."
"Oh? I was under the impression you had been communicating with him regularly since returning to Musutafu."
"He thought I would change my mind about something I didn't change my mind about, apparently. It doesn't matter. What else can we do?"
"A good number of things, luckily. Midoriya, I am going to make a series of phone calls. I would like you to tell me if the sensation you are experiencing changes at all while I make them."
"Yes, sir."
Nezu began methodically going through Izuku's list of teachers, warning them that something 'like yesterday' might happened and going over lesson plans and safety procedures. Nothing really changed. Until Nezu called Thirteen.
(Oh, gosh, they were going to go to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint on a field trip today? That was so cool!)
But after Nezu talked to Thirteen about checking safety systems, a little bit of the tension he'd been holding onto leaked away.
"Interesting," said Nezu. "Perhaps we should reschedule rescue training until-"
Izuku dove for Nezu's garbage bin.
"-or perhaps not," mused Nezu as Izuku expelled the meager contents of his stomach.
It was a good thing he hadn't eaten breakfast.
"Hikage," said Banjo. "I'm sorry for calling you a dead-eyed emotionally stunted bastard with a warped sense of humor if this is what you had to put up with all the time."
"You called me a dead-eyed emotionally stunted bastard?"
"Not to your face, but yes."
"Well. It isn't as if those things aren't all true..."
"I'm okay," said Izuku. "That just... felt bad."
"No cancelations in that case," said Nezu as Mr. Yagi hovered.
"Y-yeah. Oh gosh, now I know how Uraraka feels..."
"Perhaps you should stay home-"
"No! I can't! That would be..."
Nezu held up his hands- paws? "It was merely a suggestion. Can I offer you some tea?"
"Yes, please," said Izuku, voice catching uncomfortably on his raw throat.
"I do have a few more calls to make. Do you feel up to staying, or would you prefer to head down to Recovery Girl? Or perhaps even the cafeteria? I imagine you haven't eaten breakfast."
"I'd like to stay."
"Very well." Nezu picked up his phone again. Izuku could just make out the click on the other end when it was picked up. "Am I a mouse? A dog? A bear? One thing's for sure! I'm the principal!" There was laughter on the other end of the line. "No, not at all! I am in fact calling for you, Tensei. Or should I say, Ingenium? I'm aware this is last minute, and you were planning on taking the day off- How do I know? It was quite simple, really- but between the break-in yesterday and a tip I received this morning regarding a threat to the school, I would like a few more hands on deck than usual. Why, yes, you can stay with your brother's class. Do try not to tease Shouta too much. He has a reputation to maintain." After a few more pleasantries, Nezu hung up. "Midoriya?"
"I... think that's better? I'm sorry, it's hard to tell what could be the quirk and what's just me feeling bad."
Nezu nodded. "In that case, I do recommend that you head to Recovery Girl's office. My other calls will be similar, and the other heroes will not be with your class."
"Why not?" asked Mr. Yagi.
"Because Midoriya's reaction to the field trip being canceled suggests that the danger may not be limited to himself or his class. Oh! And one more thing. Midoriya, I noticed that you put in some costume alteration requests. Naturally, most of them will not be finished until some time next week, however, some of the support items you mentioned are fairly common. If you have time before the field trip, you should pay a visit to Power Loader."
Izuku hadn't expected it, but he did feel much better after eating, despite his continuing sense of impending doom. It was also about half an hour from the beginning of homeroom, so he had the time to go to the support department and check if they had anything he could take.
He hoped they had grappling hooks. Izuku had always wanted a grappling hook.
Mr. Yagi took him most of the way there, but students had started to arrive at this point, and Izuku convinced him to go prepare for classes (and hide in the staff area so that no one would wonder why he, a skeleton man not recognizable as a hero, was at the school). Before too long, Izuku stood in front of a rather sturdy-looking metal door. He hoped this was the right one.
He raised his hand to knock just as something crashed into him. Ah. This was it for sure. The way he would die. The danger he had foreseen.
No. Wait. Never mind. He was fine, just on the ground.
"Oh! There was a person there! You okay?"
"U-um," said Izuku, sitting up and rubbing his head. "I'm fine, just a little startled."
"What're you doing here, anyway?"
"I- I'm here for... support... gear?" He sort of trailed off as he looked up.
It was the intense pink haired girl from the other day. As he watched, her expression changed from one of mild concern to calculating interest.
"Support gear, you say?"
Shouta answered his phone as he walked down the hall. "Nezu, I've already done every security check I can think of that'll fit-"
"Not quite why I was calling, although I can see why you would think so. One of your students needs to be rescued from the support department."
Shouta changed direction without missing a beat. "It's Midoriya, isn't it?"
"Why, yes."
"Did you send him down there without warning him?"
"Yes, again. You know me so well!"
Shouta hung up.
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musette22 · 3 years
Hi Minnie! Hope you can help me settle an argument my brother and I are having about EG!Steve. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this with shipping goggles off, looking at it purely in terms of characterization, narrative, and good writing. Better hang on though, it's going to be a long ask! (sorry in advance for spamming you!) 1/7
So my brother and I were watching FatWS and once again got into a debate about whether Steve's last actions were a disservice or in line with his characterization and narrative, given that the Russos confirmed (and therefore it's Word of God/canon, even if it did sound reactionary to the immediate backlash after EG) that Steve created an alternate reality when he went back, and didn't just live in hiding in the past of the OG timeline. 2/7
Because of this, my bro argued that: 1) the total character assassination that is the idea of Steve just sitting back and letting all the shit happen happen is no longer a problem - for all we know, the alternate reality oldman!Steve came from might have become utopic already due to his presence and foresight. He played coy when talking to Sam so we don't know for certain he didn't save Bucky, get rid of Hydra, and enact social reform when he had the chance. 3/7
Likewise, 2) the accusation that Steve would rob Peggy of her husband and children is a non-issue as Steve went back to a time before Peggy and Daniel got together - I argued here that it was still wrong for him to do given that he KNEW for a fact that Peggy lived a happy life, whereas it was a gamble if he could give her the same. My bro shot back when you truly loved someone, you want them to be happy and to have what's best for them. 4/7
So if Steve chose to go back to Peggy, he had to have believed that he could give her the best life. That Steve based that decision purely on his own assessment is pretty in character (e.g. pushing to become a soldier because he thought that was how he could do his part, even though at the time, he'd have just been a danger to himself and other soldiers; not signing the Accords because he believed in his team's judgment in crises above gov't oversight that might be influenced by politics). 5/7
And lastly 3) he might have settled into the past and started to move on, but what was wrong with him choosing to be selfish and going to the past when given a chance? Why was it wrong for him to go back to a time he knew, where he was beloved by both Peggy and the public, and when he could also save Bucky early? In terms of character growth, wouldn't it be fair for him to finally learn he could be a bit selfish and choose happiness, after a lifetime of nearly suicidal selflessness? 6/7
Our debate was based on confirmed canon with shipping put aside. So I put forth the sin of leaving a traumatized Bucky, Sam, and world behind, that Steve's actions were surely the result of a man broken by grief again and again, and that choosing the past was him running away - which, I argued, was a horrible way to end his character arc. But my brother asked me why I thought so, because wasn't this the so-called 'soft epilogue' that Steve deserved, one that was most in line with canon? 7/7
Hey love! Very interesting argument you and your brother are having here… I’m sure he’s a great guy but I have to say that I vehemently disagree with him (as you probably already guessed lol). Soooo many people have done an excellent job at explaining why, shipping aside, Steve’s ending in EG was absolute bollocks, and I’m certain I could never argue this case as well as all of them have. Nevertheless, I’ll do my best to explain why, in my opinion, your brother is wrong :p I’m going to put my reply under the keep reading tag, because it is long.
1.      The Russos and Markus & McFeely (the writers) never managed to agree on whether Steve really did go back to an alternate timeline, and if so, how that would have worked, exactly. When they were asked, after EG had been released, about whether Steve would have just sat back and let everything he knew was happening/going to happen in the decades to come, both to Bucky and to the world at large, they came up with this ‘alternate timeline’ solution, but they kept contradicting each other on the logistics and technicalities of it (like how would old man Steve suddenly be able to jump timelines to come back to give Sam the shield in EG? And how did EG Steve attend Peggy’s funeral, like they also suggested, which would technically have been in a different timeline?). Which makes it pretty clear that this wasn’t something they’d considered beforehand or even all agree on afterwards, and therefore it can’t technically allowed to play a role in judging the rightness of Steve’s ending in EG if we’re looking at it from a ‘the creator’s word is law’ perspective. Moreover, there is nothing to indicate in EG itself that Steve knew he’d be able to create alternate timelines, so that would’ve been a crazy gamble on his part. Also, him ‘playing coy’ in that final scene with Sam really isn’t a convincing indication that he was actually, canonically, talking about anything besides marrying Peggy.
2.      Which bring us to point two: Peggy had literally told Steve she’d lived a happy life with her family, and told him in no uncertain terms to move on. If Steve really loved her, he would have accepted her wishes and allowed her the dignity of her choice (something Peggy herself, in CA:TFA, had told Steve was important to do when you care about someone) to move on from him once she believed him dead. Steve deciding that he would be better for Peggy because he believed was a better man than the person she ended up marrying originally would be the most un-like Steve thing to do, ever. Steve has never once shown that he thinks of himself as the hero or better than other people – he simply wants to do the best he can to help make the world a better place. He would never say “Peggy deserves the best and I believe I am the best, therefore she will have me, regardless of what she thinks or wants.” Steve drinks respect women juice, that’s clear from all of his movies, and deciding the course of her entire life for her, taking away her agency, whether in his own timeline or another, would be utterly disrespectful to Peggy.
3.      As for the next point: of course there’s nothing wrong with Steve being selfish for once – Steve is human, and all humans are selfish sometimes, and that’s okay. But, as Chris Evans already explained multiple times prior to Endgame, Steve had already made selfish decisions in the past, namely when it came to getting Bucky back and keeping him safe. Shipping aside, Bucky was presented in all the Cap movies as Steve’s very best friend, and was even called his ‘soulmate’ (platonically or otherwise) by M&M (the writers). So when, in Civil War, Steve was presented with a choice between duty/what was expected of him by the government versus saving Bucky/keeping Bucky safe, Steve was selfish and chose Bucky. That, canonically, made sense. Peggy being presented as the ultimate love of Steve’s life, who he loved and valued more than anyone or anything else in the world (which is what happened in EG), canonically does not make sense. 
In CA:TWS, Peggy told Steve to move on. When Peggy died, Steve buried her and mourned her, and then not long after, he canonically kissed Peggy’s niece. Then, in Infinity War, Steve saw Bucky turn to dust before his very eyes in the “Blip” (a conscious decision on the writers’/directors’ part to show how Steve once again lost what was most important to him while helplessly standing by) – and the next thing we know, Steve is leading a support group for other people who lost loved ones in the Blip, and starts talking about losing… Peggy? Huh. Also, Steve going back to a time which your brother calls “a time when he was beloved the public” doesn’t add up, either: technically, Steve went back to a time where people loved an idea of him, but also believed him to be dead. So either he would have had to have found a way to convincingly stage his own resurrection (meanwhile possibly leaving the other version to vegetate in the ice..? depending on how this timeline malarkey was supposed to work), or he would have lived his whole life hidden behind some fake persona – which does not sound like Steve at all, does it?
4.      Finally, let’s talk about Bucky some more, because I think we need to to be able to assess the situation properly. I understand that your brother may believe that shippers are often delusional and only see what they want to see etc, but there is ample evidence, canonically, of Bucky being the most important person in Steve’s life – the person he would give up the shield for, the person he would give up his other friendships for, the person he would give up his life for. Peggy may have been a recurring character in character in the three Cap movies, but she was never presented as the principal motivator of his actions, or as the love of Steve’s life. You know who was? Bucky. Sure, that love wasn’t canonically romantic in nature, but there can’t be any doubt that Bucky meant more than anything to Steve. Therefore, Steve choosing to have a ‘soft epilogue’ that entails him spending the rest of his life without Bucky – and, more importantly, Bucky to spend the rest of his life without Steve – contradicts everything we’ve learned about their relationship (platonic or otherwise) in the rest of the movies, does it not? 
Also, the Russos have said something to the effect that Bucky and Steve were now both mentally ‘well enough’ to not ‘need’ each other anymore (because as we all know, that’s exactly how friendships work…), but it’s pretty clear from EG that Steve was still traumatized by everything he’d been through, and going back to the 50s would have meant he would never be able to get proper help with that and in fact could only talk about any of it with Peggy and Peggy alone. Moreover, M&M have literally said in interviews that Bucky wasn’t all that well yet, mentally, and TFAWTS also shows convincingly that Bucky was not actually in a good place when Steve left him. So that would have meant that Steve either did not see this (unlikely, given how close they were) or did not care (unlikely, given how close they were). 
It would have meant that for the first time in all these movies, Steve decided “to hell with Bucky’s needs, I’m gonna just be selfish because I’ve earned it and claim my trophy wife because actually I am the best man for her, despite the fact that she’s already lived a happy life that I will be negating against her wishes, but that’s fine because maybe I’ll be able to create a different timeline, and maybe I’ll be able to save Bucky from all his trauma anyway, but then again maybe not, but that brings me back to my first point of to hell with Bucky’s needs” - which does not make a lot of sense to me, personally. Not to mention that, in exchange for his ‘soft epilogue’, Steve would also leave the world to sort out the post-Blip mess without him, and leave all the other friends he still had left and clearly cared about a lot to boot. I would not call that character growth, I would call that character disintegration. If your brother insists on taking the creator’s word as gospel and that we have to accept that Steve really did do what he did at the end of Endgame, and that wasn’t just a case of bad, lazy writing fuelled by greed, then to make a decision like this, Steve would have been either an asshole in disguise all along, or mentally extremely unstable.
There you have it, my two cents! I hope this helps a little in settling the argument with your brother, anon! Lots of love ❤️
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 3 years
I don’t know if you’re taking crossover prompts but if you are I’d love to see little Lena helping Sam Carter/SG-1 save the Earth.
Samantha Carter was an old hand at navigating the patriarchy. She’d been raised into the military, after all, and STEM wasn’t exactly a walk in the gender equality park. Combine that with a decade of experience meeting new cultures through the Stargate and Sam clocked the instant the alderman’s gaze ticked to Lena Luthor and stayed there. When the village head man did the same, Colonel Samantha Carter was immediately on her guard.
She signaled Teal’c with a minute nod towards their guest. He acknowledged with a tilt of his head-- he’d seen it too. Knowing he wouldn’t let the doctor out of his sight, Sam allowed herself to survey the rest of the village. Nothing seemed out of place since their last visit, nothing to indicate a threat beyond the attention of a few powerful men laying eyes on a beautiful woman.
Doctor Luthor had followed the pre-mission briefing to a tee: she’s reported for her pre-gate check-in wearing standard BDUs with her hair in a simple braid, sans makeup. Even so, Lena Luthor was strikingly beautiful, and Sam’s hand drifted towards her zat’nikatel when she saw the way Lena’s smile of greeting rippled through the crowd of men gathered to greet them. Having been on the receiving end of such attention, Sam knew the negotiations for access to the ancient site would only end one of two ways: well, with the alderman and head man tripping over themselves to accommodate Lena and earn her favor, or-- very, very badly.
As the negotiations commenced, Daniel introduced himself as their chief negotiator, but before long the alderman began directing his responses towards Lena, who-- with a nod from Sam-- responded smoothly.
“And of course, we will accommodate anything you require, Dr. Luthor. You will remain a guest of utmost honor for as long as you wish to remain.”
Lena shot Sam a look, but to her credit didn’t show any other indication she was surprised by the assumption that she would be staying longer than the three days she was scheduled. Even SG-1 was only here to open the table for the negotiations-- the actual work of building and working the mines would fall to local labor trained by other SGC personnel.
“Thank you for your gracious invitation of hospitality,” Lena replied, turning her gaze and her smile back on the alderman, “but I’m afraid I’m only here to confirm that your ancient site is what we’re looking for. Likely a few days at most.”
“Doctor Luthor is very important to us on Earth,” Daniel interceded, seeing the way the alderman traded looks with the head man. “We are very lucky she agreed to visit at all.”
“Yes, yes of course,” the alderman returned. Quickly, the conversation turned elsewhere, but Sam couldn’t shake the feeling that they’d discovered how these negotiations were going to turn out-- and it wasn’t the first option.
Later that night, Sam handed Lena her own GDO. Lena accepted it with question in her eyes.
“If we get separated, head straight for the Stargate, by any means necessary,” Sam instructed. She took a deep breath and held it, swallowing against a wave of sudden nausea. “You remember how to dial Earth?”
Lena nodded. “You noticed it too, then.”
“It happens.”
“You think there’s going to be trouble?”
Before she could respond, the nausea overcame Sam, sending her lurching for a chamberpot. Trying to ignore Lena’s panicking gaze, Sam gave in and vomited up her entire dinner. And then some. And then some more.
“I think--” Sam paused to spit. “I think we already have it.”
At that moment, Daniel came bustling in, looking green around the edges. “We may have a problem.”
According to the villager who caught Daniel vomiting outside their guest home that night, Lena Luthor was the spitting image of Magdalena, the village’s moon goddess. The timing of SG-1’s arrival with Doctor Luthor coinciding with both a lunar eclipse and a new moon had left the alderman certain that Lena was the goddess in human form, and that she would need to be returned to the sky in order to retake her rightful place among the stars.
And since Lena wasn’t planning to stay long enough for the moon to return, the members of SG-1 had been dosed with a mild poison, so that the alderman’s men could seize Lena while they were incapacitated.
“That’s… strange,” Sam finished, jaw clenching. It wouldn’t be the first time one or all of SG-1 were mistaken for gods, but usually the misunderstanding came with bigger feasts and easier negotiations.
“They see it as some sort of test-- a goddess walking among them to judge how well they protect the ancient site.”
Lena looked between them. “And… should we be concerned about how they intend to return me to the sky?”
Daniel grimaced, shoving his glasses higher on his nose. “They’ll need to, ah… destroy your physical form.”
Lena paled. “Oh.” A beat passed. “I see.”
“It won’t come to that.” Even as she said so, Sam felt her stomach churn, and not just with apprehension. She turned and vomited again. She didn’t try to stop it-- the sooner it was out of her system, the better. When she was finished, she straightened, ignoring the way her stomach cramped painfully.
“We’re leaving.”
“Colonel…” Lena trailed off, her meaning clear.
Sam shook her head, even though the motion made her want to puke again. The chills had started halfway to the gate, quaking her limbs so badly Lena was carrying most of her weight while Teal’c supported Daniel. They’d made it out of the village undetected, but it wouldn’t be long before they were followed, and now just outside the clearing where the Stargate stood, Sam doubted they would make it through the five men on guard.
“Don’t even think about it,” Carter grunted.
“You’re a down to single man,” Lena justified, “and it’s me they want.”
“Moon returns in two nights,” Daniel huffed, panting between retches. “They won’t risk letting you live until then.”
“Then you have two days to mount a rescue.” Lena began to strip off her pack, unburdening herself of the extra weight. “I’ll draw them off while you and the others head through the gate. Teal’c,” she directed towards the Jaffa, the only functional member of SG-1. “Make sure they get there.”
Sam’s lips curled into a scowl, even as she tried to keep from retching. “Luthor--”
“When you get there--” Lena paused only long enough to grab Sam by the hand and press a watch into her palm. “Call Supergirl.”
With that, she turned and pelted full tilt into the clearing. She froze at the sight of the guards, giving them a good long moment to recognize her before dashing off into the underbrush. The guards, having spotted their quarry, gave chase. In their wake, the Stargate was left free and clear for their approach.
God damn you, Luthor, Sam thought, as Teal’c hoisted her and Daniel up by one arm each and marched them towards the gate.
You better be right about this.
“Call Supergirl??” General Jack O’Neill drawled. “Who the heck is Supergirl?”
One round of anti-emetics later, Sam and Daniel each sat on the edge of an infirmary cot with barf bowls in their laps. The informal debrief had been short, punctuated with a single, “you lost Lena Luthor?!”
At least the puking had stopped.
“Supergirl is the alien hero who defends National City,” Teal’c stated. Jack shot Sam a look, but she could only shrug. She didn’t keep up with news as closely as Teal’c did.
“Great,” Jack muttered. “I don’t suppose any of you happen to have this hero’s phone number?”
At that, Sam offered him the watch Lena had slipped into her hand. “She gave me this.”
Jack took it and examined it. Sam watched him fiddle with it, and blinked with the watch face slipped open to expose a single button in the shape of an unfamiliar glyph. Jack wordlessly handed it to Sam, who could only shrug before handing it to Teal’c.
“That is the symbol of Supergirl,” he confirmed, returning it to the general.
After a consideration that lasted but a moment, Jack’s eyebrows shrugged. He pressed the button.
A moment passed, then another. Daniel and Sam shared a look. “Well, we are several hundred feet below ground,” he pointed out, pushing his glasses higher on this nose. “Maybe we need to--”
Suddenly, there was a loud bang that echoed throughout the entire base, followed by a squeal of tearing metal. A sudden wind gusted into the infirmary. When the air calmed, the entirety of SG-1 turned and stared at the tall, muscular woman standing before them, arms akimbo.
Piercing blue eyes regarding them in turn.
“Where is Lena Luthor?”
Supergirl declined a set of BDUs.
“I don’t work for you,” she told Jack when he suggested the idea. It had already been an exhausting debate even to allow Supergirl to join the rescue mission, which ultimately culminated in Supergirl dialling up the President on her smartphone and handing it over to Jack.
Authorization received, vehemently, it now came down to strategy.
“We don’t want to disrupt the negotiations any more than they already have been,” Jack warned. “You may not work for me, but while you’re offworld, you answer to Colonel Carter, is that understood?”
“Crystal,” came the clipped reply. Sam didn’t bother pointing out that she had no way of asserting her authority against a being who could throw her into the sun.
But when they stepped through the Stargate onto Hava, Sam was relieved to find that the woman didn’t immediately zoom off to the village, or the ancient site beyond.
“SG-1 and SG-3 will recon the ancient site,” Sam ordered. “Do not engage. Remain out of sight until I give the signal. Supergirl-- stay here.”
The hero bristled. “But--”
“How quickly could you travel to the village and back?” Sam asked quickly.
Supergirl’s brow furrowed. “Less than a second.”
Sam nodded. “It doesn’t matter where you wait, so long as you’re out of sight, and considering you don’t exactly camouflage, it’s safest here until we’re ready.”
Scowling, the woman relented. “Fine.”
Sam nodded to Reynolds. “Let’s move out.”
Sam moved towards the ancient site with her heart in her throat. Dressed in a gown of white linen with flowers woven in her hair, Lena stood bound to a maypole that had been erected in the center of the clearing, a pile of dry brush bundled at her feet. Barely a yard away, the alderman stood with a burning torch in his hand, sermonizing solemnly as the entire village watched and listened with their hands clasped in prayer.
Sam could see Lena’s head moving on a pivot scanning the area around her for any sign of rescue, her features edging on worry. They were cutting it close. Too close.
Sam reached for her radio. “Super--”
Before the word fully left her lips, Sam felt a whoosh of air as a blur of red and blue rushed past her before coming to a stop beside the alderman, her hand locked around his wrist before it could descend to spark the kindling at Lena’s feet.
From her bonds, Lena smirked. “You asked for a god?”
Supergirl glared at the alderman’s gaping face. He dropped the torch, only for Supergirl to release a gust of chill breath, extinguishing the flames before it landed harmlessly among the bushels. The gathered crowd gasped, and Sam swallowed the urge to do the same-- knowing of the alien’s abilities in no way prepared her to see them in action.
A blast of heat vision severed the rope binding Lena to the pole, and when the crowd shrank away with a collective cry, Supergirl swooped in to scoop Lena into her arms, flowers and all.
“I’m not a god,” Supergirl said, her voice carrying over the open radio channel. Belying her words, the Kryptonian lifted off the ground to hover over their heads with Lena cradled in her arms.
“Just a hero,” Lena murmured, relaxed now that she was no longer in the path of imminent immolation.
Sam edged away from the gathering, melting back into the forest. “Fall back to the Stargate,” she ordered.
Situation contained, she left the scene, making quick work of the hike back to the Stargate. When she arrived, Supergirl was releasing Lena’s wrists from the rough cord binding them. Sam didn’t miss the way Supergirl’s thumb caressed the reddened skin, or the brief touch to Lena’s cheek as she verified Lena was okay before they both turned to face Sam.
“Thank you for trusting me, Colonel,” Lena issued by way of greeting.
“You’re lucky we decoded your riddle in time,” Reynolds said, tucking his rifle against his chest. Sam tried not to feel irritated that he’d answered on her behalf.
Lena’s eyebrow arched as she eyed him. “I didn’t think ‘call supergirl’ would stump America’s best and brightest,” she drawled.
“The people here will find their own way to explain what happened here today,” Supergirl piped up before Reynolds could find a retort. “But I think you’ll find that your negotiations won’t be adversely affected.”
“Thank you, Supergirl,” Carter said. Her gratitude was sincere. Despite everything, they’d managed to avoid an interplanetary incident. “You saved lives today.”
“All in a day’s work.”
Lena rolled her eyes. “Come on, Miss Hero. I need a shower.”
Supergirl smirked. “I dunno,” she said out of the corner of her mouth, “the floral thing is kinda doing it for me.”
“I changed my mind: put me back in the fire--”
When Supergirl silenced Lena’s joke with a kiss, Sam met Reynold’s gaze with a smirk before they both turned towards the gate.
“Let’s go home.”
// prompts are closed
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gryffindorcls · 4 years
The Surprise Guest
Hello, lovely readers!
A few months ago I was asked to write a piece for the @mlpandemicreliefzine​. It was such a fun project to be a part of, and now that it's been out for a while, I am happy to share with you the fluffy Marichat one-shot I wrote for the zine.
Happy reading!
SUMMARY: One Friday night, Chat Noir accidentally barges in on a "girl's night" sleepover happening in Marinette's room. After being encouraged to stay, Chat joins the group in a game of truth or dare during which Marinette reveals the name of the boy she loves.
LENGTH: 2972 words
Marinette’s heart stopped.
“Is someone knocking on a window?” Alya pushed herself off the ground and padded across the room.
“N-no! I...uhh...it’s probably just the wind!” Marinette sprang out of her seat and tried to pull Alya back to the circle of girls sitting in the middle of the floor. “Don’t worry about it! Mario Kart is waiting for us!”
“There it is again!” Alya stood on her tiptoes and peered out the window next to Marinette’s desk. “That’s funny I could have sworn-”
The hatch above the lofted bed swung open with a bang. All heads turned towards the sound as a mop of blond hair poked through the opening.
“Princess, are you in here? Are you okay? I was knocking, and I didn’t see...oops.” Chat Noir’s eyes scanned the room. “Hello, ladies.”
“Oh, look!” Alya locked eyes with Marinette and gestured towards the hatch. “The wind has a face.”
Marinette groaned and buried her face in her hands. “This can’t be happening.”
“Oh, but it is, and I can’t wait to hear you explain your way out of this one.”
“It’s not what it looks like.”
“Really? Because to me, it looks like one of Paris’s heroes is asking to come in, and judging by his cute little nickname for you, I’m guessing that this isn’t the first time he’s paid you a visit. How am I doing so far, Princess Marinette?”
“Unfortunately, you’re doing pretty well.”
Chat ducked behind the lip of the opening. “Did I come at a bad time?”
Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose. “I told you that I was busy today.”
“I forgot.”
“If he’s here, does that mean there’s an Akuma?” Rose smashed her hands against her cheeks. “Is it after one of us?”
Chat shook his head. “No Akuma tonight. Everyone is safe.”
“If there’s no Akuma, then why are you here?” Alix narrowed her eyes. “Are you two dating or something?”
“No!” Marinette raised her hands in front of her. “It’s nothing like that. He just visits sometimes.”
“Yup!” Chat chimed in, “Every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday night!”
“Not helping!” Marinette hissed at the boy through gritted teeth.
He sunk further behind the ledge. “Sorry.”
“You have scheduled visits!” Alya chuckled and placed a hand on Marinette’s shoulder. “Girl, I expect details.”
Chat cleared his throat. “Should I just leave the snacks and go?”
“Aha!” Alix exclaimed, pointing towards the hatch. “He brought snacks. They’re totally dating.”
“We’re not dating!” Marinette stamped her foot on the ground. “We’re just friends. I swear!”
“I don’t know. My brother always brings his girlfriend food, and he’s always talking about how in love with her he is.”
“Chat is my friend.”
Alya crossed her arms. “And tell us, how did you manage to become friends with him?”
Marinette looked at Chat, and after finding the silent look of approval in his eyes, she swallowed and took a steadying breath. “One night I was really upset, so I decided to sit out on the balcony. I may have started crying, and that’s when Chat found me. He told me he was also feeling down, so we talked for a few hours. He checked up on me the next day, and that’s when we realized that we enjoyed hanging out with each other.”
“Did you invite him to hang out with us tonight?” Mylene asked, cocking her head to the side.
Marinette sighed. “No, I did not.”
“You know, I should just go.” Chat tossed a canvas bag overflowing with snacks onto Marinette’s bed. “I’ll see you on Sunday, Princess.”
The unspoken sadness behind his words sent a pang through Marinette’s heart. “No, stay. It’s fine. Besides, I think Alya would kill me if I told you to go home before she had the chance to grill you at some point tonight.”
“You know it.” Alya chuckled and shot a finger gun in Chat’s direction.
“Wait.” He peeked the rest of his head over the ledge. “Really? I can come in?”
“Yup, and we were just about to play Mario Kart.” Marinette watched as Chat hopped onto her bed and scrambled down the ladder. “Did you want to play with us?”
“Do I?” He vibrated with excitement as she handed him a controller. “Is this what normally happens at sleepovers?”
“Have you never been to one?”
“No. I’ve only ever seen them on television and in movies, but those people are always doing each other’s hair and playing Truth or Dare.”
Alix’s eyes lit up. “Ooo, yes! We should play Truth or Dare.”
“No!” Marinette switched on her computer and loaded the game. “We are not playing Truth or Dare.”
“Ugh, lame!”
“We are playing Mario Kart, and then we are watching a movie.”
“I don’t know, Marinette. Playing Truth or Dare with a superhero sounds kind of fun.” Alya shot her a grin.
Marinette glared at her. “Video Games. Movie. Bed. That’s it.”
“You know,” Chat interjected, “I’ve never played Truth or Dare either.”
“Of course you haven’t.”
“It could be fun.”
“But you know what would be even more fun?” Marinette leaned in and flicked Chat’s bell. “Kicking your butt at Mario Kart...again.”
He chuckled. “That’s some big talk coming from someone who’s about to get crushed.”
“So says the boy who loses every time he’s played against me.”
“Oh, it’s on, Princess.”
“Jeez, if you two lovebirds are done flirting, some of us are ready to actually start playing,” Alix huffed, flopping onto the floor.
“For the last time, we are not dating.” Marinette crossed her arms and looked at Chat. “Right?”
“Yeah, we’re not.” She could have sworn that she saw his eyes dim when he spoke his confirmation, but surely it was just a trick of the light.
“See!” She said triumphantly. “We’re just friends.”
“Could have fooled me!” Alix held her stomach and laughed. “I’m just kidding. Anyway, are we playing or not?”
“Yes.” Marinette pressed start on her controller. “We are.”
As the first race began, she settled herself next to Chat Noir, accidentally brushing her knee against his. Her heart sank when she felt his body stiffen under her touch. Usually, Chat had no problem getting close to her. More often than not, they found themselves wrapped around each other under piles of blankets.
She couldn’t help but wonder if she’d done something wrong. Maybe he was upset that she’d said no Truth or Dare. Maybe she was too harsh. Maybe she should have said yes. After all, it was his first sleepover, and playing Truth or Dare wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.
Despite the internal debate that raged through her mind throughout the gaming session, Marinette came first in almost every race. After her eleventh win, she leaned over and rested her head on Chat’s shoulder.
“Better luck next time, kitty.” She looked up only to see him quickly turn his head away.
He must really be upset with her.
Alix slammed her controller onto the ground. “Ugh, can we do something else now? I’m getting bored.”
Alya rolled her eyes. “Are you sure you’re not just getting tired of losing?”
“Actually, I also wouldn’t mind doing something else.” Rose set down her controller and smiled. “Marinette, didn’t you say that we were going to watch a movie tonight?”
“A movie would be cool,” Juleka mumbled under her breath.
Marinette looked at Chat Noir. “Well, I’ve been thinking about it, and I thought that maybe we could play Truth or Dare...as long as we’re careful, that is! We’d have to promise to not ask Chat anything that could reveal his identity.”
Alix threw a celebratory fist into the air. “Yes!”
“Are you sure, girl?” Alya furrowed her brows. “You seemed pretty against it before.”
She nodded. “I’m sure. Besides, I think our surprise guest really wants to play. What kind of hostess would I be if I denied him the full sleepover experience?”
He met her gaze. His mouth rounded into a small “o” as a dusting of pink peeked out from underneath his mask.
“Are you okay?” Marinette asked tentatively.
He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. I would love to play!”
The rest of the group excitedly agreed and reformed a circle in the middle of the floor. The first few rounds filled the room with laughter as Mylene did the worm and Alya showed off her best Nino impression.
Once the giggles died down after watching Alix's reaction to putting ice cubes down her shirt, Alya adjusted her glasses and smirked. “Alright, it’s your turn, Marinette. Truth or dare?”
The last thing Marinette needed was for someone to dare her to kiss Chat Noir. “Truth.”
Alix rubbed her hands together. “First truth of the night. Let’s make it a good one.”
A wave of regret washed over her. “Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes! Who do you have a crush on right now?”
“I guess I should have seen that one coming.”
A pang shot through Marinette’s chest. She lowered her head and swallowed the heartbreak that threatened to resurface.
It had only been three months since she’d made the choice to move on from Adrien, and the wound still felt fresh. She’d done her best to bury the feelings she had for him, but her heart always circled back to the selfless boy who shines brighter than the sun.
However, she learned that as long as she didn’t actively think about Adrien, the hole inside her heart wasn’t as noticeable. Chat’s visits had really helped take her mind off of everything, but now it looked like it was time to face her feelings head-on.
“Oh, I know!” Chat blurted out, “It’s Luka!”
“No, it’s not.” Juleka’s hands covered her mouth while she spoke. “Marinette turned him down when he asked her out.”
“Wait, really?” He turned to Marinette. “Isn’t he the boy you’re in love with?”
Alya shook her head. “No, they had a connection, but I think we all know who really captured her heart.”
“You mean you really don’t know? She never told you?”
Hot tears welled in the corners of Marinette’s eyes. “I’m trying to move on.”
“Do you still love him?” Rose asked quietly, "Because it's okay if you do. Feelings like that don't just disappear overnight." “Yeah, but it doesn’t matter now. He’s with someone else. I lost my chance.” The words tasted bitter on her lips.
“No, you didn’t.” Juleka shook her head. “Don’t tell anyone, but I saw Luka kissing Kagami last weekend.”
A collective gasp filled the room as Marinette’s head shot up. “Are you serious?”
“Mmhmm, he doesn’t know that I know, but she comes over a lot.”
Alya nudged Marinette’s arm. “I think you just got your second chance.”
“But he and Kagami were so close!” Marinette grabbed her pigtails. “I could have sworn that they were dating.”
“You know, I don’t remember him ever saying that they were dating.”
“I guess I just assumed. I thought I saw them kiss.”
“I don’t think they did. I know he didn’t tell Nino that he kissed her, and those two pretty much know everything about each other.”
Chat held up his hands. “I’m sorry, who are we talking about right now?”
“It’s a boy from our class. You might know him. He was in that fragrance ad that seems to be on every billboard in the city.” Alya pointed to the class picture hanging on Marinette’s wall. “His name is Adrien.”
“Hold on.” The intensity in his eyes startled Marinette. “You have a crush on Adrien Agreste?”
“Um, yeah?” She shrugged. “I thought he was dating Kagami, so I tried to make my feelings go away. It didn’t really work.”
“But why?” His voice had dropped to a whisper. “Why him?”
Marinette thought back to her encounter with Adrien in the rain–the day love became more than just a word in the dictionary. “I accused him of something when we first met, but instead of getting angry and brushing me off, he reached out to me and asked to be friends. Is he one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen in my entire life? Yes, without a doubt. But it was his kindness and selflessness that made me fall for him.”
“You really love him, don’t you?”
“With all my heart.”
“Is that why you were crying that night on the balcony?”
“Yes, but you made me feel a lot better. Thank you for that.”
Chat pushed himself off the ground and began pacing around the room. “I...he made you cry! You’re so sweet and kind, and he hurt you. How are you not mad at him?”
She reached up and grabbed Chat’s hand as he passed in front of her. “It’s not his fault! I never had the courage to tell him, so he doesn’t know. He’s a wonderful person.”
“Doesn’t sound like it.”
“He broke your heart, Marinette.”
She shook her head. “No, if we’re being honest, I kind of broke my own heart. I never told him how I felt.”
He took a deep breath. “You should tell him.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“What if I’m not the one for him? He deserves to be happy!”
“I have a hunch that things will work out pretty well if you tell him.”
“Look, it’s not that I haven’t tried before.” Marinette buried her face in her hands. “But all of those attempts ended in disaster. How would this time be any different?”
“Easy.” Alix pointed to the cell phone on Marinette’s desk. “I dare you to text him.”
Marinette crossed her arms. “Nice try, but it’s not my turn right now. It’s Chat’s.”
“Fine. Truth or dare, Chat Noir?”
He plopped down on the ground. “Dare.”
“Excellent.” Alix grabbed the phone and handed it to Chat. “I dare you to help Marinette send a text to Adrien.”
“No!” Marinette snatched her phone out of his hands and held it against her chest. “Why?”
“Because it’ll be hilarious.”
"But it's my phone!"
"And it's his dare."
Marinette grabbed Alya’s arm. “Help.”
“No can do, girl.” She shook her head. “Alix is right. He got dared.”
With a sigh, Marinette reluctantly handed her phone over to Chat. “Please don’t do anything too embarrassing.”
“Trust me, Princess. I’ll make sure you get that date.” He took the phone and got to work.
“You may have to spell it out for him. Adrien’s a great guy, but he’s a little dense in the love department sometimes.” Alix’s laugh rang through the room.
Chat glared at her. “Rude.”
“If you knew him, you’d agree.”
“Unfortunately, I have a feeling that you’re right. Rude, but right.”
Marinette didn’t know if she should scream or run away. “Please don’t tell him that I like him in a text. That should be something I tell him to his face.”
Chat ran his fingers through his hair. “I know. All I did was write out a message asking him to meet up with you in the park tomorrow.”
“Did you already send it?”
“I...but...what if he’s not free?”
“Oh, he’s free.”
“How do you know?”
“Uhhhh.” Chat scratched the back of his head. “I read somewhere that his father is out of town for the next week. I guess I just assumed that Adrien had nothing on his schedule.”
Marinette did her best not to hyperventilate. “Okay, yeah...this is great. Goog...I mean doog...I mean...oh, no, I’m stuttering again! It’s been weeks since I’ve done that. I’m going to make a complete fool out of myself tomorrow!”
“No, you’re not.” Chat rested a hand on her shoulder.
“How do you know?”
“Because you’re amazing, Marinette, and he’d be crazy to not like you back.”
His smile melted away her fears and calmed the restless beating of her heart. It was amazing how safe he always made her feel, both in and out of the mask. Marinette knew she was lucky to have him as her partner and her friend.
“I know everyone didn’t get a turn to go, but I really don’t think we can top that round.” Alya walked over to Marinette’s computer. “How about we watch that movie now?”
“Works for me!” Marinette leaned against Chat. “Want to sit next to each other?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I do.”
While Marinette set up the movie, her guests made a cozy nest of blankets and pillows on the floor.
When she was finished, she took a seat next to Chat. She soon found herself wrapped in his arms with her face against his chest.
Although sitting like this had become a regular occurrence between them, tonight felt different. Instead of the loose hold she was accustomed to, Chat held her as if she’d slip away if he let go. To her surprise, she really enjoyed the change.
As the movie droned on, the steady beating of Chat’s heart relaxed every fiber of her being. Reflexively, she reached her arms around him, snuggled closer to his side, and reveled in his warmth.
All too soon, Marinette gave into the heaviness of her eyelids. Still vaguely aware of the world around her, the whispers of an oncoming dream beckoned her further into the depths of her subconscious.
She felt a gentle pressure against the crown of her head before a hazy voice etched its words onto her heart. “You make me happy every single day. You always have, and now it’s my turn to make you happy. You’re the perfect girl for me.”
And for the first time in months, Marinette was at peace.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow, Princess.”
That night, she had the sweetest of dreams, and the next morning, she woke up with Adrien’s response in her notifications.
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Ok, I saw some people do this for other fandoms, so why not the Disney Villains? Behold...
The Android AU!
Hello you lucky user! You have decided to order one or more of our very special androids. Select the ones that appeal to you most!
Maleficent ( $4,000)
— She’s perfect for those who prefer quiet but passionate droids. She‘s also independent
- Mostly active at night but will attend daytime activities with you
- When taking outside, keep it only to an hour at most. She doesn’t want to stay outside long.
- Will get ill tempered if you are seen with an Aurora, Philip, or the three fairies droids.
- Comes with other clothing in case of rip or tear to current clothing, staff include. If you would like to add the Diablo pet bot, that will be $300 extra
- This unit is also fire proof. Her horns are very sharp so keep hands away at all times.
- She is ok with other droids in the home as long as they are not the following: Horned King, any hero droids
Hades ( $6,000)
- A sarcastic but hot headed droid. Might flirt with master. Has a long lasting battery.
- Very opinionated, he’s not afraid to tell you what’s going on in his head.
- Don’t be alarmed if unit is caught smoking, it doesn’t effect his hardware.
- Can stay outside for long periods of time. Please be prepared for any freak outs that may occur with this unit. If a Hercules, Meg, or Zeus unit is to be seen, take him somewhere else.
- Unit is fire proof as well as equipped with pyro like weapons. Be warned, this unit can and probably will use this on people or other droids. He comes with a fire extinguisher for this reason. He is NOT water proof, keep away from water - A Pain and Panic bot are available if he wants them. Cost $200 each.
- Is good with living with other droids as long as they are in the villain category.
Jafar ($4,000)
- A bit judging but is good for those who seek gossip and secrets. He will judge guests that attend the household.
- Unit may deny doing acts such as: Theft, pickpocket, or snooping.
- Like the Hades unit, He can go outside for long periods of time, as long as it’s hot. Keep him away from a Aladdin, Jasmine, or Genie unit or else he may attack.
- Comes with his usual attire along with a Sultan suit ( He may wear that more often). A snake staff is included, he will hit people in the head with this. An Iago bot can be purchased with Jafar but this unit doesn’t shut up.
- Is fire and water proof though he still doesn’t like to get wet.
- Gets along with other droids from the villain category.
Ursula ($5,000)
- If you love loud and musical women, you will absolutely adore Ursula! She also gives life advice
- We recommend that you have a large body of water area as the unit loves to swim. Will complain if there isn’t.
- Takes pride in her looks, may act hostile to you or others that may call her crude comments.
- Ursula doesn’t often want to go walking around in public unless she switches to her Vanessa mode. The Vanessa mode looks quite different from Ursula herself, but fret not, it’s still Ursula deep down.
- She may grab things or others with the 8 tentacles she is equipped with. If she grabs you with them, she’s most likely doing it in a friendly manner. If she starts to squeeze hard, simply tickling the tentacle will cause her to let go.
- Jetsam and Floatsam bots are available in pair, only $200 for both. Must be kept in water, cannot function in land.
-Gets along great with villain droids, some hero droids are ok with her as long as she agrees to it.
Captain Hook ($3,000)
- Get ready for an adventure with this unit as he loves to explore. Keep out of swamps, does not do great reptiles such as gators and crocs.
- He‘s a gentleman, often taking your coat or pulling out a chair for you. He also plays piano if there is one available.
- Comes with usual attire, as well as an iron and gold hook. His sword is also available. The Mr. Smee unit is available at $500, this unit will help with any meltdowns with Hook.
- Does not mind walks around town as long as he doesn’t have to interact with the Peter Pan or Tinkerbell unit.
- Like the Ursula unit, he is water proof. Keep him away from open flames, clothing is flammable. - Is good with any droid in the home as long as they are not annoying children
Gaston ($2,000)
- Very egotistical, we recommend that the Master of this unit be male but any female willing to stand his remarks are welcome to order.
- Unlike other units, Gaston will hunt meat for you if you live in a wooded area. Will bring home antlers to decorate, even if you don’t want them.
- He absolutely loves walks around town. If he sees a Belle unit, he will pose and flirt with her. If a Beast unit is present, take him somewhere else, he will not win that fight. If another Gaston unit is present, you will be surprised to see how protective Gaston can be of you.
- Gaston is great for heavy lifting around the house, can move items 4x his weight.
- He is ok with pets as long as they are dogs or horses. Anything other then those two, he might be neglectful of them.
- Gaston should often be the only unit in the house sense there are complaints that he does sometimes pick fights. That’s why a Lefou droid is available at $500, Lefou may feed Gaston‘s ego.
Cruella De Vil ($4,000)
- If you like loud, fashionable, and judge women, Cruella is the droid for you.
- We recommend that the master of this unit live in a big home that’s close to a city.
- Cruella will often be smoking but it doesn’t effect her hardware.
- She will usually be the one to instigate walks around town, she doesn’t care if its morning or night.
- DO NOT, we repeat, DO NOT HAVE PETS IN THE HOME OR AROUND HER IN GENERAL. She try to take their skin to make coats. That means you can not have the Scar or Shere Khan models in their animal mode in your home. You have been warned.
- Be ready to possibly empty your wallet for her as she loves to accessorize.
- She will help you pick out clothing or get ready in the morning.
- Gets along great with any villain droids, has been reported to be cruel to hero droids.
Scar ( Lion: $3,000. Human: $4,000)
- Scar is incredibly sarcastic in both lion and human models. Like Jafar, he will provide gossip.
- If purchased as a lion, Scar cannot be living with pets. The only animals allowed to be living with Scar are Shere Khan in the tiger model or Zira in the lion model. — If purchased as a human, he will be ok with pets in the home, but he isn’t always nice to them.
- Scar is opinionated and will make his voice heard if he does not agree with something.
- If you plan to take walks with Scar in the Lion model, we recommend in parks and not towns or cities as he might attack and maul people or other droids. - The human model is just fine with cities, he just doesn’t want to be out long.
- Do not order our Simba, Nala, or Mufasa units if you order Scar in any model. Other then that, he is seen to be ok with any villain android.
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shinsouskitten · 4 years
Hey Kat🤗 I was wondering if you could write about Bakugou, Shinsou, or Hawks meeting the reader’s family and something goes wrong and they don’t like them at first. Or possibly the parents think they are a negative influence on the reader.
Hey hey hey
I asked my mom how she’d react if I was dating someone she didn't like and she rlly just said “you wouldn’t be dating them if i didn’t like them”
like damn sis okay chile
Warnings: does it count as angst if the parents are the ones being mean? if so, there’s angst, but also fluff, bakugou is bakugou
💥 Katsuki Bakugou:
It wasn’t the best first meeting. You had planned to introduce your long term boyfriend to your family at your own pace, but of course the villains of the city had other plans. 
You were on a date, en route to the cinema to catch a new movie amidst Bakugou’s insistence that it was a ‘stupid unrealistic movie’. Mere metres from the entrance a villain came rushing past, a handful of gold jewelry in his arms. He pushed you to the side in order to keep running, which of course enraged Bakugou, who immediately took off after the villain, completely oblivious to the sirens following his path. 
Unsurprisingly he caught him within moments, but what you hadn’t realized was that all the events had been caught by your dad, standing on the other side of the street. Your dad knew you had a partner, and he knew that they were a hero, given you cancelled every opportunity to meet with the excuse of ‘another villain attack’. What he hadn't expected, however, was for your partner to be possibly his least favorite hero currently climbing the ranks. 
Later that night, after your forfeit on the movie date in favour of a much more simple date with your bed, you had a series of texts from your parents. 
So, Ground Zero is the partner we’ve heard so little about?
He’s a bit aggressive, isn’t he?
You should’ve told us sooner.
We just don’t want you getting hurt.
That had been the moment you were waiting for. Anyone who didn’t know Bakugou (and a few who did) would describe him as a never ending pool of anger, too aggressive to be a hero and too mean to be a good partner. But if they knew him the same way you did, they would know that’s not always the case.
Of course he’s angry when he has to deal with stupid villains interrupting every date he plans, or news reporters crowding him like an animal in a zoo whenever they got the chance. But he was different with you, more relaxed. He didn’t exactly express his emotions in the best ways, but he loved you, and he’d never hurt you.
Your parents practically demanded a meeting the next day, and blatantly refused to accept any excuses of villain attacks or the like. The meeting was awkward, with your father almost attempting to provoke Bakugou simply to prove a point, but your boyfriend knew this. He put on a good face, masking his worry and anger with an uncharacteristically kind attitude and baffling you all.
Maybe he’d changed his ways. Or at least, that was the conclusion your parents came to by the end of the night, wishing you well as you made your way home. You fought the urge to laugh at Bakugou’s sudden change once your parents left his view, and held back a smile throughout his mutterings of ‘stupid extras’.
He kept up appearances for long enough, but by the time your parents noticed it was a farce, they realized there was nothing they could do to stop the love you held for each other. After all, he may be an ass, but he’d never hurt you.
💜 Hitoshi Shinsou:
Shinsou, on the other hand, wanted to meet your family pretty quickly. If anything, just to get it out of the way, but there was a part of him that wanted the validation that he was good enough for you. Sometimes he just didn’t feel like he was, so if your parents liked him, it’d definitely be a weight off his shoulders.
The two of you picked out a nice restaurant, keeping in mind your parents favorite foods in an attempt to butter them up, then send them a text asking you to meet you and Shinsou for dinner. They replied eagerly, especially when you mentioned the two of you were covering the bill. 
You arrived first, giving your name at the door and sitting down on the plush leather anxiously awaiting the arrival of your parents. When you finally saw them, the two of you stood up to greet them, you offering hugs while Shinsou held out his hand with a smile. 
“It’s nice to meet you.” He said.
Your parents nodded, a false replica of a smile on their faces as they ignored Shinsou’s hand.
The air around you was thick, no one willing to be the first to break the uncomfortable silence, until you eventually suggested you all sit down. You made a mental note to tip your waiter extra when the night was over. It was clear they could sense the awkwardness, and thank the lord they came over at the exact moments you feared a bomb might explode.
The meals went down perfectly, but the atmosphere made it difficult to enjoy anything. Your parents spoke little, and when they did, it was always to you, almost as if Shinsou wasn’t even present. 
To be truly honest, he’d expected this reaction, although he hoped he was just overthinking. He knew people didn’t react to his quirk well, and there were many misconceptions about how much he used it. He had hoped your parents hadn’t been so quick to judge.
By the time your waiter delivered your check, you were ready to curl up in your bed and not emerge for a good few weeks. The four of you walked to the door silently, but before you could wish them goodnight, Shinsou spoke up, his hand holding yours tightly as he faced your parents.
“I just want you to know, whether you like me or not, I love Y/n more than anything, and I would never do anything to hurt them. I will protect them until my last breath, and I hope that we can sort out any differences with time.”
Did he really just confess his love to you in front of your parents? Yup. Well, at least it seemed to get a response this time, as your dad replied:
“I should hope you do.” Your dad held out his hand, and Shinsou took it a bit more than happily. “Or I’ll kill you myself.”
Shinsou laughed awkwardly, not sure whether to be scared at your dad's threat or not, especially when he ended it without another word, turning and walking towards their car. 
I mean at least he spoke to him, right? That’s an improvement?
Either way, Shinsou quickly realized in reality the only opinion that mattered to him, was yours. 
oof having a good dad who cares about you? couldnt be me. also i absolutely hate this one and idk why, but shinsou’s my bby and i feel i disappointed him
🍗 Keigo Takami (Hawks):
The meeting was almost completely by chance. Keigo often took you on sky-high (not mile-high get your minds outta the gutters ppl) trips on his off days, and while flying one day, you saw your parents' house from the clouds. They hadn’t met Keigo yet, so you suggested that you pop in for a moment. He agreed, and in seconds, you were standing on their porch, hand raised high to ring the doorbell.
Your mother opened the door, surprised to see you, and even more surprised to see the bird standing behind you. Nevertheless she invited you both in, and as your father called Keigo over, your mother pulled you to one side, whispering quiet enough that the two men wouldn’t hear her. 
“The news says he’s a bit of a playboy.” You said.
“The news says a lot of things.” You rolled your eyes. 
“And his fans?” She asked.
“What about them?” You replied.
“Well,” she paused, “he can get a little friendly with them, don’t you think.”
You sighed. Your mother wasn’t the first person to bring up Keigo’s fans when discussing your relationship, but you knew that in reality, he couldn’t be bothered with the swarms of people throwing themselves at his feet when he had you waiting for him at home. 
“He’s a friendly person.” You shrugged.
“You don’t really believe that, do you?”
“Just say what you want to, mom.” You rounded on her, the heightened volume of your voice drawing Keigo’s attention from the other side of the room. “Say it. Go on.”
She glanced around, seeing both Keigo and your father now watching the two of you. 
“Fine.” You continued. “I know he has hundreds of fans who would kill to be in his bed at night. But you know what? He’s not there. He’s with me, watching crappy tv and binge eating kfc (CANNIBALISM). If you don’t like him, that’s your problem. But don’t try and convince me to do anything but love him, cause you’re not going to do it.”
Baffled, your mother stammered for a response, but you weren’t about to wait for one.
“C’mon Keigo,” you called, “we’re leaving.”
He was next to you in moments, and you grabbed his hand to pull him out of the house, stopping only when you were satisfied you were out of sight of your parents. 
“So, kid…” He looked across at you with a smirk, wrapping an arm around your waist as he lay his chin on your shoulder. “You love me?”
“Shut up bird brain.”
again i hate this but where my baby birds at?
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amethystroselilith · 4 years
If Lost Return to the 11th Harbinger (Babysitter Childe ft. Chilumi)
Finally, I get to write my first Chilumi fic! Hard to find a peaceful time to write cause of family demanding attention haha
SUMMARY:  In which Childe has to babysit 3 girls that means a lot to Lumine
Can also be read in ao3: here
“You know, sometimes, I think he’s doing it on purpose.” Childe sulked, wrapping his arms around Lumine’s waist in an attempt to ditch her plans for the day and spend it with him instead.
The bed looks cosy right now and Childe would pretty much like for Lumine to get back in there with him and maybe lure her into various activities they can play on the sheets.
Lumine chuckled, “I’m sure Zhongli doesn’t mean that.” before running her hand through his hair, letting him hold her for a while, a warm feeling blossoming on her chest as she watched them cuddled together in the mirror she was using to get ready for the day.
She wouldn’t admit it, but feeling Childe’s bare chest against her back makes her just want to stay with him a bit longer, but unfortunately for her lover, she knows how to control herself.
“Yeah? You really think he didn’t plan to tag you along with whatever rites he has to prepare whenever I’m in Liyue?” Childe huffed, burying his face against her neck.
“People don’t schedule when they’ll die, Childe.” Lumine rolled her eyes.
“Can’t he find someone else to help him?” Childe pouted up at her, displaying the best puppy eyes he could put on.
“Hm, didn’t really ask.” Lumine shrugged, earning a whine from her clingy lover.
“You mean we could’ve thrown someone else with him? But you didn’t ask?” he huffed.
“He invited me to help. I accepted. Besides, he helps me a lot during my stay here, it’s just fair to help him back. May I remind you he also pulled some strings to have you here without any Milleliths watching your every move?” Lumine hummed.
Childe rolls his eyes, “I’m pretty sure you could’ve convinced them to leave us alone, you’re a hero here, they know you kicked my ass, they trust you and all.” 
“Same hero that’s dating the same man who almost destroyed their city.” Lumine rolled her eyes, “I’m pretty sure they’re a bit wary of me as well ever since you decided to shout we’re officially together in public.”
“First of all, that’s to declare I won against all my rivals and they should fuck off.” Childe shrugged, “Second… I mean, how could they blame you? I’m charming as fuck.” Childe snickered.
“Right. I’m out.” Lumine said as she unwraps Childe’s arms off her.
“Ojou-chaaannn…” he whined as he tries to pull her back, “It’s the truth, come back.”
Lumine was about to say something back, but a knock on the door caught their attention. 
“You think he’ll take Paimon if I throw enough mora on them?” Childe tried, to which Lumine just chuckled and walked to the door.
“Good morning.” Lumine greeted their guest as she opened the door, “Oh?” her eyes widened in surprise when not just Zhongli appeared, but also three little girls.
“Qiqi brought friends.” Qiqi simply said.
“Onee-chan! Klee and Diona found you!” the excitable girl in red waved, “Diona said she missed you! Me too so we looked for you!” 
Diona freaked out, “I-I did not! I don’t care! If she doesn’t want to return to Mondstat and see me then that’s her problem!” she huffed, looking away with a red face.
“You went all the way to Liyue?” Lumine’s eyes widened, “Does… anyone know you two are here?” 
“Yea! Kaeya-oniichan!” Klee smiled.
“Oh,” Lumine breathed out in relief that they’re not alone, “So, where is he?” 
“I dunno, he was sleepy when I asked him, but he said ‘yes’, so Klee is good, no?” she smiled.
“He’s passed out drunk outside of Angel’s Share,” Diona mumbled.
“But we still asked permission and he said ‘yes’!” Klee argued to avoid getting in trouble. 
“No need to worry, Ms Lumine, I have taken care of that. Rest assured that their guardians are aware of their little ones’ whereabouts.” Zhongli intervened when he saw the blonde’s about to have a heart attack.
“I’m glad you found them before anything bad happened.” Lumine sighed in relief, while she knows Klee and Diona aren’t helpless when it comes to fighting, she still can’t help but worry. She’s especially fond of the 3 little girls, protective of them as a mother would be of her child.
“Yea, I recognised Mister during your visit in Mondstat and Qiqi as well! So Klee is good with not following strangers.” Klee nodded with a proud smile.
“Good.” Qiqi agreed, it may not be seen, but she’s also excited with the thought of playing with her friends again, “Play with Qiqi and friends?” she looked up at her with hopeful eyes.
“Ojou-chan, what’s taking so long?” Childe emerged, now wearing a shirt, “Oh?” 
“Qiqi brought friends,” Qiqi informed once again.
“Hi! Will you join us in playing too?” Klee asked excitedly.
Childe caught a glint of mischief in Zhongli’s eyes, “Unfortunately, Ms Lumine and I can not join you, but Mr Childe here will be playing with you for the whole day.” 
“Eh?!” everyone looked at him with wide eyes, additional pouts from the 3 little girls.
Zhongli just chuckled before kneeling at the little ones’, “Ms Lumine and I will need to take care of some urgent errands, but we will try to finish them as fast as possible, but for now, will you be good for Mr Childe?” 
And just like that, Zhongli had dragged Lumine away for whatever errands he has to do, leaving Childe with 3 innocent eyes looking at him curiously.
Childe hasn’t been around much whenever Lumine visits Mondstat, it’s always been the usual party of Lumine, Qiqi, and Zhongli since Childe still has duties to fulfil for his Queen. Duties that would make things complicated for his relationship with the Honorary Knight, but he believes that as long as they work together, not hiding dirty secrets from one another, they may be able to find a peaceful resolution for all parties.
But that’s something he has to think of for another day, today he has to entertain three little girls.
Three little girls that Lumine holds dearly, and for some reason, Childe feels a bit pressured in trying to win their favours, well Qiqi should already be won with coconut milk and the fact that they both work together in Lumine’s main party, but he’s not too familiar with the other 2 besides Lumine and Qiqi’s story. 
Klee seems to be easier to win over because of her energetic and friendly nature, Diona however, may take a bit of work with her shy and independent personality. 
But they’re still kids. Childe has experience with kids, his siblings love him, so this shouldn’t be too difficult, right?
“So, do you guys have any games you want to play?” he asked after watching the 3 finish the last of their breakfasts.
Klee pursed her lips, “Well, we were supposed to play house but, Mr Zhongli and Lumi-oneechan are gone so we don’t have a mama and papa anymore.”
“Ahaha, why are they mama and papa?” Childe laughed through gritted teeth.
“Are they not Qiqi’s mama and papa?” Klee tilted her head.
“No.” Qiqi answered, “But Lumine can be.” she hummed, “No papa though.”
“Ah, well, ojou-chan and I are very close-” 
“But I guess Zhongli can be papa, he gives Qiqi flowers.” the zombie child hummed.
A vein popped in Childe’s forehead, “Ah, Qiqi-chan, I give you coconut milk too, remember?” 
“But you’re always gone.” Qiqi shrugged.
Childe frowned.
“Ah! Kaeya-oniisan can be our papa?” Klee added, “He’s the bestest!”
“He’s always drunk, he won’t spend time with us.” Diona huffed.
“No.” Diona hissed, ears and tail raising.
“Yeah, he’s weird.” Klee nodded, “He doesn’t smile. Weird.” 
‘Just how many men does ojou-chan know?’ Childe’s eye twitched.
“I guess Zhongli is papa?” Qiqi proposed in their little meeting.
“Ahaha, I mean, what about me?” Childe smiled since apparently not smiling will make him weird according to Klee’s logic.
The three looked at him, eyes focused, judging him thoroughly until Klee perked up.
“Does Mr Childe have a huge crush on onee-chan?!” the red girl gasped excitedly.
“Ah, you caught me, you’re a very observant girl.” Childe went along, just glad that he’s getting acknowledge as a potential papa for their mama.
It doesn’t really make sense since he’s the one dating Lumine, but being ignored by the three girls as a candidate as a papa just doesn’t settle well in him. Especially losing to Zhongli… he may have tricked him once, but there’s no way in hell Childe’s going to lose to him again. 
Even as a hypothetical father figure to these girls.
“Hm, well if you want to date Lumi-oneechan, then you have to go through us!” Klee declared with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“I suppose you’ll be a better boyfriend than that drunkard captain and evil Diluc.” Diona shrugged.
“If you become Qiqi’s papa, then will I get more cocomilk?” Qiqi asked with hopeful eyes.
“Eh?!” Klee protested, “We have to give him tests first! Like… like how the prince has to go through challenges to get the princess’ hand!” she huffed.
“Okay.  A cocogoat, please. Thank you.” Qiqi nodded.
“A giant Jumpy Dumpty!” Klee’s eyes sparkled.
“Destruction of Mondstadt wine industry!” Diona requested.
‘What the actual fuck…’ Childe gulped.
Childe likes to pride himself as an ‘amazing storyteller’. 
His finest work is “Snezhnaya’s Greatest Toy Seller”.
He just released 3 new stories;
“Unfortunately, the Cocogoats have to be Kept in a Special Cocomilk Production Place to Spread Cocomilk Joy”
“Oh, Have You Not Heard of the Secret Survival Rule? A Giant Jumpy Dumpty, Leads to Confinement Solitary”
“Destruction of Mondstadt Wine Industry Will Make The Good Lord Barbatos So Mad He’s Going To Destroy Us All”
The 3 girls are in awe as he tells an elaborated story, each nodding in understanding, though he’s pretty sure Qiqi will most likely still look for her cocogoat, Klee will still create a huge bomb, Diona will still try to destroy the wine industry in Mondstadt. 
Childe wonders what kind of environment Mondstat is that turned Klee into a pyromaniac and Diona having such strong ambitions… 
He’s going to beg Lumine to take him there soon.
“That’s so pretty, Mr Childe!” the three awed as Childe finished weaving a flower crown made of Violetgrass.
“A pretty flower crown for a pretty princess.” Childe smiled placing the crown on Qiqi, who was beaming at the new hair accessory, hugging her hat tightly to her chest.
His little sister had always loved flower crowns, and with some random flowers he found nearby, Childe had made one in hopes of impressing the girls. He was testing it on his head when it immediately attracted Qiqi’s attention. With some spare Violetgrass she has with her, she shyly asked if Childe can make her one too. The pretty little crown on Childe’s head had also caught Klee’s and Diona’s attention by the awed look on their eyes, and Childe offered to make one for them out of the flowers that catch their eyes.
“Thank you…” she smiled shyly, carefully checking if the crown is secured on her head.
“Me next! Me next!” Klee jumped, plopping some silk flowers she gathered around Wangshu Inn on Childe’s lap.
“Oh, these will be very pretty as well.” Childe complimented, earning an excited squeal from Klee, “Have you found some flowers you like as well, Diona?” he asks.
The catgirl blushed, turning away, “I don’t want one anyway.” she huffed, crossing her arms.
“Hm?” Childe frowned a bit, he was sure Diona was also excitedly looking around, but then it hit him, there was not a lot of choices for flowers around Wangshu Inn, and it looks like she wants a unique one as well and with only Silk Flowers nearby, she came back to him empty-handed and disappointed. 
She can also feel the disappointment coming from Qiqi and Klee, who had been talking about taking pictures with their flower crowns with Childe’s Kamera.
Childe’s face softened, “Is it because there are not enough flowers that you like nearby?”
Diona just looked down in embarrassment, ears flat on her head and tail wrapping around her leg.
He just chuckled, “Well, don’t worry, there’s a village here with some glaze lilies nearby, maybe you’ll like those?” 
“T-that’s still far though…” Diona mumbled. 
Childe chuckled, “Don’t worry about it, I know a fast way to get there.” he said hydro vision glowing.
Despite Diona’s displeasure with water, she ended up having fun sitting on Childe’s shoulder as he literally rode the waves to Qingce Village, the other two clinging on both sides of his waist, secured by his arms wrapped around them protectively. 
The girls giggled as Childe softly landed them on the flowery field. Their entrance would’ve given them weird looks, but Childe had already done this a couple of times with Lumine. It’s one of his favourite moments to spend with Lumine, they would just chill in the flowery area, Childe’s head on Lumine’s lap, his hair being played with while Lumine sings softly, Glaze Lilies blooming beautifully. 
The thought sends a warm feeling in his chest, smiling softly at the thought of being lucky that the blonde made him a bigger part of her life.
“They’re beautiful!” Diona’s excited gasp pulled Childe from his thoughts.
“Well, then go and pick them while I’ll work on Klee’s crown.” Childe smiled before sitting down on the flowery field.
The three nodded and began collecting the flowers. Childe checked his surroundings first to make sure everything’s safe before taking his eyes off them. 
Childe was halfway done with Klee’s crown when he noticed that it suddenly got too quiet. His head raised, heart stopping when the 3 girls are nowhere in sight. 
He rose to his feet and began searching through the fields, hoping that they’re just hiding within the flowers. 
He started panicking when he can’t find them. Not only are these children his responsibility right now, but he’s sure his beloved ojou-chan will murder him if there’s even just a small scratch on them.
“Qiqi, Diona, Klee!” he shouted as he searches, cursing under his breath when there’s no villager nearby to help him.
A patch of frost caught Childe’s eye. 
Qiqi and Diona are cryo users, and it’s a high possibility it’s from them. There’s a burning patch just ahead of it, and Childe’s certain it’s from Klee.
The relief within him didn’t last long when a realisation hit him.
If they’re using their vision, it must be because they’re fighting someone. 
And Childe needs to move fast.
Childe followed the tracks, his pace increasing as soon as he heard even the softest sound from the three. 
As soon as he reached closed enough, his hydro daggers appeared on his hands. It has to be treasure hoarders.
He jumped in the area, a clever phrase in the tip of his tongue.
“Mr Childe!” Klee cheered.
His eyes widened, there was no treasure hoarders insight. Just the 3 girls with a mora weasel in Qiqi’s hand.
“...Wha…?” he stared at them in shock as his daggers slowly disappeared. 
“We caught a mora weasel!” Diona said proudly.
“Oneechan always runs after them so we thought we’ll help her,” Klee explained.
Childe took a deep breath, relief washing over him as he lives for another day for escaping his lover’s wrath, “I understand that you want to help her, but please don’t run off like that without me, okay?” he gently smiled as he walks to them.
“It runs too fast,” Qiqi said, raising the animal to Childe.
“Are we in trouble?” Klee asked in worry, “We just want to help.” she said looking down.
Childe chuckle, “I’m just glad you all are safe, but please let’s avoid doing that next time, alright? Liyue is a bigger place than Mondstat so it’s quite easy to get lost.” he explained before patting her head.
He then took the weasel from Qiqi, retrieving the mora before letting the animal go, “Now, why don’t we get back and finish your crowns, yeah?” 
They smiled and followed Childe back to the field.
It was late at night when Lumine got back to Wangshu Inn thanks to Zhongli’s high standards when picking the materials for the rites. Paimon hadn’t even bothered staying around when it started getting late, making an excuse about meeting Xiangling for an important taste testing. 
Though the whole experience wasn’t bad, she was just worried about how Childe can handle looking after the three alone. Zhongli assures her that Childe is probably experienced looking after children since he’s from a big family. Which worked and all, but she also remembered how busy Childe could be from that experience with Teucer, what if they run off when Childe wasn’t looking?
Zhongli shut that down by reminding her that the three are vision holders and Lumine just huffed and pouted, but agreed.
She opened the door to their room, careful with her steps assuming Childe must be asleep. 
When she opened the door to their room, she can’t help but have her heart melt at the sight.
Three little girls are asleep on their bed, a sleeping Childe sat on the chair beside the bed, a forgotten storybook on his lap.
With a soft smile, she made her way to Childe, chuckling softly when she caught glimpse of a photograph on the side table.
It was of them 4 posing for the camera, each has a flower crown adorning their heads.
“Ojou-chan?” a tired voice called softly.
“Look like you all had fun.” she smiled warmly.
Childe returned the smile, pulling her gently on his lap. His arms quickly wrapped around Lumine’s waist, face nuzzling against her neck. Lumine sighed in relaxation, leaning back and running her fingers through his hair.
“I’m guessing they liked you a lot they decided to sleep over?” she teased.
Childe chuckled, “More like the Knights were a bit busy to get them, and sent a letter to apologise for the inconvenience. Klee and Diona don’t seem to mind though, and I’ve never seen Qiqi excited for having her friends stay for longer.” 
“Hm, well that shouldn’t be an issue, we can bring them home ourselves tomorrow, I do have some things to go over with Jean.” Lumine hummed at the thought.
“Do you think they’ll welcome me warmly?” Childe teased.
“If you behave.” Lumine rolled her eyes.
“Shame. I was planning on picking a fight against the Cavalry Captain and the Dawn Winery owner.”
The blonde shifted to face him, her eyes glaring, “You will not. Why would you want to in the first place?” 
“I heard they’re great opponents.” Childe just smiled, hiding the jealousy from Klee’s story about how these men had also shown interest in his beloved ojou-chan. 
Lumine rolled her eyes, “I’ll make sure to tell Zhongli to keep an extra close eye on you.” 
“I’ll fight him too.”
“Promise me you’ll behave and I might just invite you in the shower.” 
“Bold of you to assume I won’t do it anyway,” Childe smirked.  
“Behave and you’ll be thoroughly rewarded after.”
“Oho, what reward are we talking about?” he grinned.
Lumine just chuckled before unwrapping his arms off of her, “Depends on how good you will be.” she smirked before heading to the shower.
Childe grinned before following after her.
Deciding that he’ll just pick a fight with said rivals another time.
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dadoroki · 4 years
Reminder [1]
Dabi x F!Reader x Hawks
Warnings: violence, fluff, Dabi is Touya and we know it clap your hands 👏🏻 👏🏻
Description: The League of Villains prepare for their upcoming raid. Dabi takes the time to study you, who he is already quite familiar with. The only problem is the one obstacle in his way.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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The team of villains watched the screen closely. The Hero Billboard Charts had started not too long ago and this was the perfect opportunity to study the enemies.
Dabi scoffed in annoyance. The ceremony was just an entertainment event judged by popularity and had no real purpose. It goes to show how pointless the title “hero” really was.
Number three! She may not be the number one hero. However, she is the number one in stealing hearts! The hero who makes dreadful weather look beautiful,
Lightning Hero: Storm!
Dabi’s full attention was now on the screen, watching the camera pan up to your contoured face. The last time he saw you was when you both were kids. Now you’ve grown into something more beautiful than ever.
You gave the crowd a wink and turned to the camera, blowing a kiss to the audience from the other side of the screen. One thing that never left you was your flirtation and Dabi was glad you kept it. Twice squealed, tugging on Toga’s sleeve who shared the same reaction as him.
“She remembered us! That gives me a better reason to love her.”
Toga nodded and twirled around the dim room with blushed cheeks. “I know! Isn’t she dreamy? I wonder what her blood taste like!”
She stopped beside Dabi, leaning back on his arm. “Don’t you agree? Look at you, you’re blushing!”
The man shoved her off, looking away from the live video. “Shut your mouth. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“All of you be quiet! You’re supposed to be studying them for battle and you’re all doing the exact opposite!” A furious Shigaraki yelled, silencing everyone and becoming more serious.
Number Two! He does things his own way but he’s fierce! With great momentum, he’s reached the number two spot!
Wing Hero: Hawks!
The hero ravishly posed with a hand placed on his hip, the other behind his head. Yeah, Keigo definitely didn’t change at all.
The top heroes stood in a line with Hawks already fidgeting with boredom. He whispered something to Endevour before turning to you, a hand covering his mouth from the audience. “Hey, you’ve heard what the media’s saying about us, right?”
You didn’t dare to take your attention away from the crowd infront of you, not even sparing the man one glance. “Because of you, people think we’re an item.” Hawks smirked, returning his gaze towards the audience. “What’s so wrong about that?”
You let your head fall forward, slowly shaking it back and forth in defeat. You had known Hawks at a young age, working together in the same commission. The more you both grew older, the more the bond between the both of you blossomed.
Apparently, Hawks had grown bored of the hero speeches, moving forward to grab the mic. “Hey, chicken wings. Wait your turn.” You hissed which he ignored. “Lets see.”
Flapping his big red wings, Hawks began to levitate above everyone. “If we’re just talking approval ratings, Storm is number one with the charm and flirting she does with the fans.” Hawks looked back at your annoyed face, smirking at your reaction. “Second is me, third is Edgeshot, and fourth is Endevour. I’ll skip the rest.”
“I think approval rating is the most important number right now. Though, I think the most important news everyone really cares about is if Storm and I are a thing.” You furrowed your eyebrows at the man above you. “What do you think you’re doing?” You whispered. The winged-hero ignored you, continuing on.
“There are speculations that we are dating, that we are hiding our relationship, or that we are even married. But the truth is, the rumours are just rumours. We aren’t together. At least not yet.”
You squeezed the bridge of your nose, growing more annoyed. “Hawks, cut it out.” You were tired of reading articles and sources giving false accusations and now, Hawks was doing them a huge favour by stirring the pot even more. He flew towards you, stopping beside you with a wide smirk. “Lets give the fans what they want. If I save the day yet again, you have to agree to go on a date with me.”
“A public proposal!” The moderator exclaimed in excitement. Cheers erupted from the crowd and you could practically hear it from around the world. You glanced up at the cocky man. He knew exactly what he was doing and he knew you’d have to agree in order to keep the people happy. He lowered the mic to you. “Well, what do you say, Y/N?”
Everyone grew in anticipation for your answer, even the heroes beside you and the moderator. You desperately wanted to say no but Hawks had you pinned in every corner. You sighed and gave in. “Fine.”
Everyone in the packed stadium shouted in joy, clapping and rising to their feets. Except for the ones who wanted Hawks’s spot, groaning in disappointment. You just got yourself into a terrible unfixable mess. Hawks lowered the mic, never looking away from you and keeping that same cocky little smirk. “There’s no going back now, babe.”
From the League of Villains lounge, a groan from Twice and Toga escaped. They were upset but not as angered as Dabi. He clutched his fist tightly. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This was never supposed to happen.
A young Keigo and Touya was sitting on a curb by the building. Touya began to fiddle with his fingers, thinking deeply about something that’s been bothering him.
“Do you think Y/N likes me?”
Keigo released the red feather he was playing with and faced the flustered boy. “Maybe, but who knows? She could possibly like me instead.”
Keigo was always competitive. His words didn’t affect Touya because he knew deep down, it was all just Keigo’s competitive nature. Plus, the boy promised him that he’d never in a million years like you. That was until his “disappearance”.
Even though Touya was “dead”, he was never really gone. He cared for his friends and watched over them. That’s when he noticed the change in Keigo. It would start off as subtle moves, gradually growing into full-on flirting. Of course you just had to be oblivious, your natural flirtation not helping the situation at all.
Touya felt betrayed. Not by you. He’d never blame you for anything. But who he did feel betrayed by was Keigo. The boy was supposed to be his friend. He swore he’d never see you as anything more than just a friend. And there he was, laughing with you, smiling at you, holding you close.
Touya’s trust in people would never be the same and he’d do anything to get back at Keigo.
“You alright there, Dabi?”
Dabi ignored the worried Twice and stormed out of the room, leaving everyone confused.
With weeks worth of preparation, the small group of top pro heroes hid quietly behind the buildings, getting ready to initiate their plan. Thankfully for you, you weren’t partnered up with Hawks but instead with Mirko.
“Pretty lady, do you copy? Do you copy, pretty lady? Over.” Psss
You placed a hand on your earpiece, scoffing at the nickname. “What?”
“Oh, you’re alive. Good. So for our date, where do you wanna go? Over.” Pss
“You don’t have to say ‘over’ everytime you’re done talking. You know that right?”
Silence from the other line.
“Yakitori, got it. Over.” Pss
You sighed, releasing your hold on the piece. Mirko nudged your arm with a grin. “Was that your boyfriend?” Just hearing those words made you roll your eyes without the intent of even trying. “No, don’t have one and don’t want one. Unless you wanna be that special somebody to me.” You teasingly winked as a joke.
A signal interrupted your conversation, indicating it was go-time. You watched as the league exited their building and you raised your arms far apart, letting your quirk do the work. Clouds began to huddle against each other and violent lightning struck down, one hitting a power pole which caused an explosion. A perfect distraction.
With that, the heroes rushed into action. You flew your way to a group of Twice’s duplicates and took a stance. You didn’t even have to fight since the men were already giving you heart eyes, arguing with one another on who loved you more. That allowed you to send a huge storm of wind their way, causing them to fly in all types of directions.
Before catching a break, you felt a shadow behind you which made you fully turn, quick to grip the sharp blade by your neck. Toga licked her lips and maliciously smiled at you. “Storm, right? I’m such a huge fan.” You hissed at your opened wound that began to slowly drip of your blood. “Yeah, I bet you are, sweety.” You gazed up at the newly crowded clouds you created, sending a lightning strike to the girl who fell down unconscious.
You were about to attack one of the Nomus until one of the villains caught your eye. Dabi slowly trailed his way towards a busy Hawks with angry eyes. But they weren’t just angry. Those eyes held frustration, disgust, even a look of lifetime rage.
Dabi didn’t have enough time to meet with Hawks but instead, he was met with you as you flew infront of him. He smirked and dusted his hands on his black pants. “Well isn’t she a beauty?”
You scoffed at the compliment, preparing yourself for battle. “Ever wondered what would happen if you mixed fire with lightning?”
The man only held his smirk, prepping his hands. “No, but I’d like to see what it could create if you know what I mean.”
Electrical discharge shot out of your hands and towards Dabi, him doing the same with his flames. Both lightning and fire met eachother in the center and it was an ongoing battle to see which person it’d end up striking. Instead, it caused another huge explosion and the impact caused you to shoot back.
You fell to the ground, scrapes and bruises forming on your body from the rough fall. Smoke surrounded the two of you and you heard the villains retreat from the battlefield.
“I guess our time is cut short. I’ll see you around.”
Dabi began to walk away before stopping, taking one last glance at you.
“Oh, and Y/N...”
Your head shot up at the sudden call of your name. The name you’ve never heard come out of anyone’s mouth with an exception of Hawks. He was the only person who’d be able to call you by that forbidden name.
“Don’t forget that promise you made for me.”
What promise? You’ve never met this man until today. With that, the scarred man left you with nothing but confusion.
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shotofire · 4 years
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•Overview: two people with scars find peace in one another
•Warnings: sadness, tears, cursing, a lot of talk of abuse, mentions of anxiety.
•Season: not specified
It’s weird to think something as simple as a scar is what drew Todoroki in the first place. But it was more complex to him, he knew marks like his and yours had stories behind them. They had meaning even if it was horrible story. Even if it pains each of you to talk about, you both still found peace knowing someone else felt the pain.
You were extremely hard to talk to at first. Many of your classmates tried to befriend you but it became hopeless. You were a loner and always had been, people didn’t appeal to you much. People have hurt you more than anything else, and a person is who put this permanent mark on your body.
Todoroki could understand you without having to hear you say a word. The power you had without your quirk involved was insane and never failed to shock the class. A quiet girl like you could have Bakugou slamming on the ground. Pain makes you stronger and you’d had plenty of it.
As the months of the school year went by you grew closer to Todoroki. You may not have talked much compared to him but his company was something you never knew you needed. He made you feel wanted and safe, something you hadn’t felt in awhile.
It was currently Friday night and you didn’t have much to do. It felt weird having this kind of free time, it had been weeks since you’ve been able to just chill like this. But yet you wanted something to do.
Sitting around like this didn’t feel right, you did want to be a working hero and they’re always on the go. You found yourself sitting on the balcony connected to your dorm room looking up at the stars that filled the night sky.
The building was quiet, many of your classmates had already gone to sleep. It was peaceful and you felt at such ease. You couldn’t remember the last time life felt this carefree.
Thoughts of Todoroki slipped into your mind as always. You really liked him, you couldn’t even deny it. He’d made his way into your life and you got attached. That had always been your fatal flaw, you become attached to others way too easily. That’s why you try to avoid others, becoming close always ended up with you getting hurt.
Your spinning thoughts are disrupted when your phone buzzes in your lap. The light your device gave up was blinding in the dark, making your eyes squint as you read the text. It was from Todoroki.
Can I come see you?
The heartbeat in your chest increases at an alarming speed as you take in the words across your screen. He wanted to come see you and that made you all types of happy.
You contemplated if it was a good choice considering the time. Sure it wasn’t even ten o’clock yet but Mr. Aizawa would have a cow if he knew. But then again, how would he find out?
Yeah, i’m on my balcony.
You texted him back with shaky fingers and the feeling of your heartbeat in your toes. It was nerve racking for many reasons. Todoroki had never asked to come see you at this time of night if everyone was already in their own space. If he did ask to see you he’d tell you to come to the common area where everyone else was, not alone in your room.
As much as you denied it to yourself, Todoroki adored you. He knew how much you’d been hurt in your short life and the way you continued to hold yourself up was admiring. He’d told you what caused the burn on his face but you’d never built the courage to do so yourself.
He completely respected that and didn’t want to push you in anyway. Yours looked more painful than his and more spread out. Early on he noticed you didn’t like talking about it at all. You’d even become visibly uncomfortable when someone looked at it.
Long sleeves were your best friends and turtle necks were your signature mark. You didn’t like it to be pointed out or drawn attention to in any way, shape or form. Most of your classmates hadn’t noticed until you and the other girls were tricked into wearing a cheerleading uniform.
It was absolutely dreadful, and you’ll never forget the looks on everyone’s faces as they took in the bright red marks scattered on you body. That day was the first time Todoroki really talked to you. You’d ran to one of the waiting rooms crying your eyes out from embarrassment and shame, and he was who comforted you through it all.
He kept telling you it was nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of.
“They made you stronger in the long run, you’ll see that one day,” he had said to you.
His words really stuck with you and you began to hate them less. Everytime you’re with him he says something to boost your self confidence. At this point, without Todoroki, you would’ve hated yourself too much to become a hero.
You truly believed that Todoroki was your person, that you two were meant to meet. He was always there for you and you were in return. Your friendship flourished everyday in so many ways. It had gotten so loving and so deep that the feelings developed into more. You wanted to be more for him, not just a friend.
Sadly your confidence hadn’t built up enough to confess your inner feelings about him. Even someone who loved themselves struggles to do things like that, rejection is way too scary.
“What are you thinking about?”
The deep voice knocks you out of your thoughts and makes you jump a little bit. You’d gotten so carried away thinking about him that’d you’d forgotten he was even coming.
“Too much stuff,” you groaned.
It was true, your mind had been racing way too much lately. The stress of school and your feelings for Todoroki were extremely overwhelming.
“Oh yeah?” He sits down in the chair next to you, “Tell me about it?”
You can’t. There’s no way he feels the same way about you, he had to see you as just a friend. He was so cute and you believed there was nothing special about you.
You look up at the sky taking in the beautiful sight once again. Sometimes you wished you could fly up there and shine the way the stars do without a care in the world. Your gaze looked back at him and he was staring at you in awe, but that wasn’t the way you saw it.
“I want to be a star,” you whispered.
He smiled at your words, “don’t we all?”
It stayed silent for a bit. You each looked up at the sky with heavy eyes. It was getting late and he knew he needed to get back to his room, but he really didn’t want to. All he wanted was to be with you and bask in your presence.
You had built up a lot of courage for a moment like this, when you two were truly alone. There was never time to tell him what had happened to you. And even if there was time in the past it didn’t feel right, and in this moment it did feel right. You felt calm, collected, and safe.
“I think i’m ready,” you said.
Todoroki looked at you a bit confused but it immediately started to make sense. He knew this day would come, maybe not this soon but he always knew. He’d never asked you to talk about it or pushed you. He wanted it to be on your own time, for it to be your choice.
“Make sure you know you’re ready,” he says with soft eyes.
The sparkle in his eyes made your knees weak. This boy had the biggest effect on you without a single clue. All he had to do was look at you with sweet eyes and a small smile and you were a mess, his mess.
“i’m sure,” you say followed by a deep breath.
You turn your body to face his wanting this to be intimate. You were about to tell him a horrible part of your life that no one knows the details of besides yourself and who did this to you. You felt anxiety spreading through your body and you began to tremble a bit.
Todoroki immediately noticed and grabbed both of your hands. He was warm to the touch and it calmed you some but not completely. It was enough to remind you that you were safe and he’d never judge you about anything.
“I’m not sure how to start this because I didn’t put much thought into it,” you begin, “but I knew if I thought about it too much i’d never reach this point.”
He nods at your words before squeezing your hands. You knew why he wasn’t saying anything, this was your time to talk. He didn’t want to say anything that would increase your nerves, he knew how sensitive you were getting by the minute.
“My parents d-died when I was young,” your voice began to tremble but you stayed strong, “but I can remember t-them, certain small memories. I-I know they were good parents and loved me very much. They took me new places all the time, I think they wanted m-me to see the world.”
You smile a bit as you go on, it’s been awhile since you’ve let yourself think about them.
“But then a s-stupid villain decided that their l-lives meant n-nothing,” you choked up on that sentence, “that’s when my whole life c-changed. I was sent to live with my u-uncle who I had never met before, I didn’t even know w-why he agreed to take me in. He was basically a stranger to me and I was to h-him.”
Todoroki hadn’t moved his eyes from you. He wanted to make sure he was hearing every word. This story was already breaking his heart and he wanted to hug you so bad, but he needed to let you keep going. A disruption may cause you to second guess yourself and that’s the last thing he wanted.
You took a deep breath trying to control your stuttering. The shaking your body was giving off was beginning to increase as the story got worse. You closed your eyes and tried to calm down. The warmth in Todoroki’s hands increased, he was trying to remind you he was there and that it was going to be okay.
“It started to makes sense as time went on living with him,” you picked back up, “he basically wanted a maid to do everything for him. I brought him his beers when ever he wanted, cleaned his house, fed his animals, went to the store for him, just about every basic thing he was supposed to do for himself was thrown onto me. And even if i’d do one little thing the way he didn’t like,” you’d stopped.
Tears began to fill your eyes and looked down. You didn’t want Todoroki to see you so broken, so vulnerable.
He put his finger under your chin and lifted your head up. Your eyes met his, he was looking at you with such love and you could feel it. It was practically radiating off of him.
“breath,” he whispered as he wiped your tears with his thump, “he isn’t here. It’s me, i’m not going to hurt you.”
His kind words were the best thing you’ve ever heard. He always knew what to say and when to say it.
“Thank you Todoroki,” you sniffle, “It’s just hard to talk about, but i’m doing better than I thought I would.”
He smiles at your words, “You’re doing amazing,” and pushes your hair behind your ears.
You grabbed his hands wanting to feel the warmth of them again. They made you feel so safe and you couldn’t get enough of them. His eyes looked at you, but they didn’t seemed annoyed or bored. He was completely patient and willing to wait hours for you to take your time.
“He had different ways of punishing me,” you continued and kept your eyes locked with Todoroki’s, “It could range from cigarette burns to just slapping me across the face. One day, after about a year of living with him, I couldn’t hear him yelling from my room. I usually always kept my door open so I could hear him, but I had so much homework and his television was so loud,” you let out a small cry that you couldn’t hold back anymore.
The memories were so tragic and overwhelming, but you needed to keep going. You could let a man who wasn’t even in your life anymore control you like this.
“He came in my room so angry. He swung the door so hard that the whole doorknob slammed into the wall,” you said before Todoroki could wipe your tears again, “He started yelling and grabbing at me and I couldn’t even make out what he was saying. He drug me to the kitchen and started demanding I make him food. I did as he asked and I remember crying the whole time.”
You took a well needed deep breath, “He came back in after awhile to see what I was making. And it only exculated from there. You wouldn’t think a grown man would get so upset over a simple dinner, but he did. He started throwing the pots I had out across the room. I remember the panic I felt when he picked up the tea pot. I tried to tell him there was stuff in it, but now that I think about it it probably wouldn’t have made a difference.”
Reliving this moment was odd because you hadn’t done it in so long. You started to remember the color of the kitchen, the rotten way it smelled, you even rememberd the yellow tea pot that he hurled at you.
“The boiling tea splattered all over my neck, chest, and some of it went down my arm. It was horrible and the pain was the worst thing I had ever felt. To this day I don’t think i’ve felt anything as bad or even close to it. And i’ve been slammed into walls, punched by pros, and knocked out by villains. My burns were too bad to not be treated and I ended up in a hospital. The story came loose and I was thankfully taken away from my uncle.”
Todoroki felt happy for you that you didn’t have to stay with him after that, the pain he’d inflicted on you was too much. He knew your story had to be bad if it took you this long to talk about it, but he had no idea it’d be to this extent.
“I had other family that lived on the other side of Japan, and that’s how I ended up here. Well, not here, but near here. They treated me so kindly and life started to get better. I was still afraid and hadn’t reached my full potential, and I still fear that all the mean things he said to me will continue to weigh me down. But you’ve really helped me Todoroki,” your eyes were filled with tears again.
He couldn’t stop himself from beginning to cry too. Your story was so moving and he felt so deeply for you.
“I will never let anyone hurt you like that again,” he said as his body trembled like yours, “I love you so much and i’d do nothing to keep you safe.”
Your breath hitched at his words, “You love me?”
His eyes widen realizing what he had just said. He didn’t really know if you felt the same way back, the act of bringing up something like that was too much for him to handle.
“I m-mean,” he stutters
He clears his head and tries to think straight. He basically just admitted his love for you and was freaking out on the inside. He may be a smooth dude who concealed his feelings well but he definitely just slipped up big time.
“I love you,” you say before he can try and cover his tracks. He almost chokes at your words as soon as they come out.
“Todoroki you’re the best person that i’ve ever met. You’ve filled my head with positivity and cleared the clouds of doubt and self loathing that had filled it before. My uncle constantly called me hurtful names and took advantage of me. I’d grown to believe everything he said was true and that I meant nothing. Then I met you, and everything changed.”
His cheeks heat up at your words, he had no idea this is how you felt. He didn’t know the impact he has had on your life.
Before he can even think, he’s leaning forward and attaching his lips to yours. Goosebumps rise on both of your body’s and he squeezes your hands once again.
“You’re the best thing that has happened to me too,” he says after pulling away.
Your head felt like it was spinning and your stomach was filled to the brim with butterflies. This couldn’t be happening, you were totally dreaming. You pinched your thigh and jumped a bit at the action. Todoroki giggled at you, knowing exactly why you did it. He felt like he was dreaming too, as if he was floating.
He attaches his lips back to yours and you’ve never felt so loved.
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fairfaxleasee · 3 years
Happy Friday ^^ "Now, where were we? Oh yes, in the Pit of Despair." but it's actually a Bone Pit expedition with a party of your choice.
For @dadrunkwriting
Paring: Fenris/f!Hawke
Rated T (cannon-typical violence)
"Now, where were we? Oh yes, in the Pit of Despair." The mage sounded proud of his little joke. Too proud if the self-satisfied chuckle was any indication.
"You're not needed here, mage!" Fenris snarled in the man's direction.
He picked up his pace so he could walk even with Cassia Hawke. She was the only reason he'd come to this Maker-forsaken place (the mages that were tagging along with them weren't helping the ambiance, but even without them Fenris couldn't say he would be too happy to be back at the Bone Pit). He... liked being with Cassia, even when the setting and company left so much to be desired. And he thought that she just might like being with him, too. Cassia could be difficult to read - she wasn't overly expressive and was a bit hesitant in their interactions, but she did seem to be seeking him out more often than she had been. And he didn't think it was just because Aveline was busy preparing to take over as Guard Captain.
And the faintest smile that brightened her features and set her blue-grey eyes with amber rings sparking was why he thought she liked him accompanying her.
"Hi, Fenris." He wasn't sure whether she'd said the words or just mouthed them.
"Hawke." He could feel a smile twisting his own mouth in a gesture he'd almost forgotten how to make.
"Thank you... for coming."
"Yes, well, I can't say it was purely for your benefit. I enjoy following you."
Anders glared at the elf's back as he sped up to walk with Cassia. He had no idea why the man was so insistent on making him out to be the villain so he could play the hero for her. Or, well, maybe he understood exactly why Fenris kept doing that but that didn't mean he liked it at all.
What does she possibly see in him?
It didn't make any sense. Given what she must have seen of the way mages were treated from her father's and sister's experience, the woman's callous disregard for the elf's attitude (and treatment of mages in general) was totally incomprehensible. She could do so much good if Anders could only help her see it.
"Ugh, I know."
Anders turned to see Bethany, Cassia's younger sister, walking next to him. "I... Sorry?"
"Her and Fenris. Her whole life, she never looks twice at anyone and now she's decided she wants to have a crush on an angry fugitive who hates half her family. I wonder if this is her way of trying to get back at our father somehow."
"Cassia and your father didn't get along?"
"I..." Bethany frowned and looked away quickly. "I... probably shouldn't talk about it. Just forget I said anything, please."
"Okay..." Anders had no idea what to make of any of that, so he decided to try and re-direct the conversation in what could hopefully be a more fruitful direction. "So... any ideas on how to make her come to her senses?"
"Cassia?" Bethany smiled and shook her head. "No, Miss Logic can't be talked into, or out of, anything. Once she makes her mind up about something, or someone," Bethany glared ahead of them again, "It's made."
"'Miss Logic'?"
"Oh! Did I say that out loud? Please don't tell her I called her that. I shouldn't, but she's just so..."
"Cold?" Anders offered. Whenever he tried to talk to the woman it reminded him of that time he'd tried to escape the Circle naked in the middle of winter.
"Yes. It's just... hard, you know? Having a sister like that."
"I... no. I don't. I'm not even sure if I have any sisters - like that or not."
"Ah. Right..."
Fenris glared behind them at the mages whispering to each other. He turned back to Cassia, "Are you sure it's a good idea having them along?"
"Hm?" She glanced over her shoulder. "No. But I'm sick of Bethany complaining at me about 'leaving her behind' all the time. And there shouldn't be anything that dangerous here seeing as we routed the dragons last week."
"Hmm, those might be some famous last words, Hawke."
"Well what do you think Anders is here for? We won't have to outrun the dragons, just him."
"...I like the way you think, Ca-" He covered up his mistake with a cough.
"Fenris? Are you feeling alright?" She turned to look at him as she walked, but because she was facing him rather than where she was going, she put her foot on a loose stone and stumbled over the ledge they were walking along.
"Hawke!" He leaned over the ledge. Cassia was lying about 30 feet below him. Judging by the glint of metal stuck in the dirt wall, she'd tried to use her daggers to slow her fall. He just hoped she'd been successful enough.
"Don't move! I'm coming!" He attuned his tattoos so he could reach a hand into the dirt to control his fall (if they both ended up down there unable to move they'd need to rely on the mages for a rescue and Fenris did not like that plan at all).
She was just getting to her feet when he reached the bottom.
"Hawke! Are you alright?"
She winced as she moved her right arm - he could see the gash the dirt and stones had cut in it as she slid down the grade. "I mean this stings like a fucking bitch but it's not going to stop us getting out of here."
They looked up to see Bethany and Anders looking over the edge.
Her sister continued. "Hang on! I'll be down in a minute and-"
"NO!" Cassia cut Bethany off. "You and Anders stay up there - this was excavated deliberately, I can see the hand-holds. Fenris and I can climb out."
"I... are you sure?"
"Yes. Now if you want to help go find a rope or a ladder or something. It could help things go quicker!"
"I... alright. Anders, do you remember seeing-"
Fenris couldn't hear the end of Bethany's question, or Anders' response, but he was fine with that. He turned back to Cassia. "How can you tell this was excavated?"
"I can't. I just didn't want either of them thinking it would help things if they came down here with us. Two people stuck in a hole while the other two look for a way fucking out of the hole is a better situation than four people stuck in a hole." She ran her hand along the dirt wall. "But this is loosely packed and not sheer, so we could try to climb out if you don't want to wait around for them. But sliding down it isn't fun in case you were wondering."
He shook his head, "I'll take your word for it. I... think we could make the most of waiting."
She bit her lower lip and glanced away, "I-" She took a step away from him and brandished her unbroken dagger. "I think we should take care of them first."
Fenris turned to see a pack of dragonlings running towards them.
I hate this mine...
He unstrapped his broadsword and swung it at the nearest dragonling, cleaving it in two. He wasn't sure where Cassia had gone, that wasn't unusual - in battle she preferred to flit in and out to take advantage of openings and opportunities that most other fighters would miss. He focused on taking out as many of the beasts currently bearing down on them as possible.
Fortunately, dragonlings were a fairly minor threat (at least on their own, if an older dragon showed up he may have to be slightly concerned). Their biggest advantage was numbers, but Cassia was managing to pick them off from the edges while Fenris kept the majority of the pack busy. It wasn't long before they stopped coming. He turned to look for Cassia.
And raised his broadsword again at what he saw. The last of the dragonlings was falling dead before her, its neck sliced almost in half with a cut that traveled up the length, but Cassia wasn't holding a weapon that could have done it. And the thing's blood was dripping between her hands.
"Stay back, blood mage!" He spat at her. Something was constricting his chest. Making it hard to breathe.
She turned to look behind her, then up towards where Bethany and Anders had disappeared. "Fenris, I don't-"
"I said stay back!" He raised his sword to point it at her chest. He felt something stinging at the edges of his eyes.
"I-" she looked down at her hands. She opened her mouth in an 'Oh.' She looked back towards him and slowly shifted her hands out in front of her.
Now that they were level with each other, he could tell that the blood wasn't suspended there through some sort of magic, it was dripping from something that was strung between them.
"Catgut," she whispered.
"I..." he lowered the sword. "What?"
"Catgut. They use it for instruments. Its tensile strength is impressive, so when you have something like a dragonling with a large weak spot like the neck you can use it to cut through. Works better than a blade because you can string it all the way around - the more something resists or tries to break away, the deeper it bites. I keep some with me, you know, in case."
"I... 'm sorry."
She shook her head quickly, "No, it's fine. I didn't-"
"No. I'm sorry."
She looked like she wanted to say something, but they were interrupted by Bethany calling down to them, "Are you still down there? We found a ladder!"
"Um, yeah. Thanks Bethany." Cassia sounded a bit shaken to Fenris. He looked away - he was fairly certain it wasn't the dragonlings that had unnerved her. "There were some dragonlings down here. It's fine now, though."
Fenris wasn't sure he agreed with that last part, but there wasn't much he could do about it as he watched the ladder being lowered. Cassia tilted her head to indicate he should go up first.
He shook his head at her offer. "No, I'll make sure you get up okay." He reached out for her arm. Judging by her expression as he lifted it slightly to examine the gash, she'd forgotten she'd hurt it on her way down. "You should have Anders heal this when you get up there."
"I..." she looked away.
"It's fine, Hawke. I'll be right behind you."
She nodded and started up the ladder.
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