#we need to fucking burn capitalism to the ground man
rottenlittlefink · 7 months
Google, how do I stop feeling guilt, shame, and impending doom every time I need to take a sick day :3
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plussizefantasia · 4 months
Trust Issues
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Bucky x BlackCat!reader
Chapter 2/6 of the BlackCat!reader story that I had a request for!
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Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Language, Bucky and Reader being kinda mean to each other.
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” The first words Barnes has uttered in nearly two hours. “There's only one fucking bed.” It didn’t occur to you to ask the front desk woman if there would be two beds, after all, you and Bucky were supposed to be playing a couple this weekend and couples didn’t need two beds. “Well buck up, Buckaroo, looks like we're sharing for the weekend."
“I’m not sharing a bed with you, you kick in your sleep and snore like a buzzsaw.”
“You’re a filthy liar Barnes, I do not snore.”
“No comment on the kicking?” He raises an eyebrow at you. You just roll your eyes and push further into the room. 
“Well, I’m not sleeping on the ground. So you can either be a chivalrous manbaby and curl up in that tiny-ass armchair or be a grown-ass man and split the bed with me. Your choice.”
Bucky grumbles under his breath, in a language that you don’t speak but hearing it admittedly sends a shiver running down your spine. You don’t really have time to stay and talk him out of his funk. The two of you are only here for the three nights and the last night was the gala so any and all recon needs to be done before then. 
Of course, the team of low-ranking agents who just want to do their fucking part to save the world or some bs like that have already put together a file of information for you. You’ve been burned before though and like to take care of yourself more often than not.
So you inwardly thank Tony Stark for the nice digs and head to the bathroom to get changed into your suit. 
You want to scope out the event space tonight as well as the governor's office the only problem was that the two buildings were practically on opposite sides of the city and you’ll have to take pretty much the whole night in order to get what you need. 
That means despite the fact that you are ridiculously tired from being in the car all day you’ll have to dawn your fur-lined catsuit right away and book it to the State Capital building before the last of the over-caffeinated halfway to burnt-out political interns leave for the night and your usual slip-in-behind-someone-who-isn’t-paying-attention entrance will fall off the table.
You pretend that you don’t see Bucky’s eyes bulge when you walk out of the bathroom in your full get-up, but you feel flattered nevertheless. There’s something to be said about the way donning your suit makes you feel, when you have the mask on and the suit zipped all the way up you feel invincible, powerful, badass, and let’s not kid anyone, sexy as hell.
The way Bucky can’t keep his eyes off you as you move about the room gathering the things you’ll need for your night of recon makes you think that he’s on the same page as you about that last one. But that’s all it is, you remind yourself. You’ve got good assets and when they’re tightly wrapped in a nice little bow they look alright, Barnes doesn’t like you he’s a man… he likes tits and ass. They all do. 
“I’m heading downtown, need to scope out entrances and exits and see if there’s anything in the governor's office that could help us bring him down.”
“I’ll come with.” Bucky moves to grab the bulletproof leather jacket that Steve had gotten him for Christmas this past year.
“Thanks but no thanks Barnes, I’m perfectly capable of doing recon on my own. Besides, you’re not exactly what I would call… stealthy.”
“I’m stealthy as fuck kitty.”
“Don’t call me kitty, and whatever you need to tell yourself, old man. I'll be back. Treat yourself to room service or something, I heard brooding makes you hungry.”
“I don’t brood.”
“And I don’t snore. See, we can both lie.”
Your night is uneventful. The only thing catching your eye is how suspiciously squeaky clean the governor's computer is. You don’t find much that can help you in your mission. The ballroom is a bust too although you do manage to come up with several escape routes should things go sideways the night of the gala. You end up rolling back into the hotel room at around three-thirty in the morning. Not expecting Bucky to still be awake you try your best to make as little noise as possible so that you don’t wake him.
It ends up not being necessary as he is already awake, lounging in the armchair nursing a glass of whisky, and staring at the door you've just come through.
“Don’t tell me you waited up for me? That’s so sweet Barnes.”
“I didn’t want to be the one to tell Fury that his favorite pet got in some trouble.”
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, Barnes, I am not Fury’s pet any more than you're Steve’s.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” He scoffs and takes another sip of his drink.
“Well, you’re off the hook I guess I’m back safe and sound so you can finally go about getting some much-needed beauty sleep.”
“You really can’t take anything seriously, can you? I’ve been waiting here for hours because you left without letting me in on your little plan.” Bucky stands up and places his glass on the side table next to him. You have no idea where the hell this anger he has is coming from but you’ll be damned if you let him talk to you like this. “We’re supposed to be doing this mission together and the first moments you’re left to your own devices you run off and risk yourself unnecessarily.” He's getting heated and it's rubbing off on you.
“What the hell is your problem James?  I didn’t ask you to wait for me! You’ve been a bit of an ass all day and I’m really fucking tired of it. I’m here to do my fucking job, are you?” Hindsight is a bitch though and you realize after you say the words to him that poking the bear is probably not your best option at the moment, nevertheless, you’re a glutton for punishment so you dig in even more. “I mean first you get all moody in the car because of some shit you brought up in the first place, then you stay up waiting for me like you’re my dad or some shit making sure I get home safe. I know that you don’t like me, I get it and if I’m completely honest I don’t really like you either. No matter what you think or want though, we have a mission to complete and I’ll be damned if I let some metal-armed brute fuck up my perfect completion record.” You don’t really remember taking breaths but obviously, you have or you’d be passed out after that long ass speech. 
It doesn’t get you the reaction you want though, instead, Bucky just clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and lets out some long-suffering sigh like you’re the bane of his existence or some shit. You let him throw his grown-man tantrum and don’t move to stop him from huffing and puffing around the room until he goes to lie down on the floor.
“What are you doing?” you ask, every syllable dripping with exasperation.
“Sleeping, what does it look like?”
“Yeah, I can see that your trying to sleep like a caveman on the cold hard ground what I don’t understand is why, given the big ass bed right here.” You carelessly lift one hand and gesture towards the California King bed with admittedly really comfy-looking sheets spread across it. 
“I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you Kitty, I thought I had told you that.” He practically snarls.
“I thought you were kidding. What? Afraid you’ll get cooties or something?” 
“I’m not sharing a bed with you Y/N. Drop it.”
“Fine. You know what? Fucking be like that.” You grab a pillow off the bed and throw it down at him. Before grabbing one for yourself and taking up position on the floor a few feet away from him.
“What are you doing?” 
“Funny, I thought I just asked you that.” You reply laying down on the ground with your back towards him.
“You’re not sleeping on the floor Y/N it’ll mess up your back.” `“Well then I guess you have a choice to make. Either you get over yourself and we both get to share the nice bed, I’ll even put up a pillow wall to protect your dignity if you’re that worried about it.  Or we both sleep on the floor and I wake up tomorrow morning as grumpy as you because my back hurts.” You let the silence reign for a few seconds after you're done, still facing away from him and waiting for him to make the decision.
“God you’re so annoying you know that?” Bucky groans out as he moves to sit up and make his way towards the bed.
“I’ve been told it’s one of my best qualities.” You stick your tongue out at him and follow him to the bed. You follow through with your promise of a pillow wall placing three pillows length-wise between the two of you. Afterward, you turn around and turn off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into darkness. 
You wait for a few minutes thoughts racing endlessly in your mind. “Bucky?” You call out.
“What?” he mumbles back.
“Will you tell me a bedtime story?” You ask.
“Go the fuck to sleep.” You do.
The next morning you wake up to an empty bed, but an intact pillow wall so deem the night a success. Rolling over to check the bedside clock you see that it’s about seven and groan at the fact that Bucky’s absence apparently woke you up an hour before you had planned.
Bucky’s absence doesn’t last long, however, as minutes later he comes strolling into the room. He’s wearing a simple grey tee shirt and some black sweatpants but the entire front of his shirt is soaked making the grey a darker shade than it was originally. Similarly, his hair is dripping wet and you honestly can’t tell if he’s taken a shower yet or if he's just soaked with sweat. What confuses you more is that you don’t know which you’d prefer.
“Morning Sarge.” You call out from your place in bed. Bucky jumps a little like he forgot that you’d be in the room. 
“Morning.” He mumbled before making a swift turn and essentially hiding away in the ensuite bathroom. When you hear the shower turn on you know he's still in a mood from last night. You swear to whatever god there might be that this man is going to be the death of you. 
“I’m calling room service for breakfast do you want anything?” You shout at the bathroom door.
“Eggs and toast.” He calls back. You roll your eyes at his basic order but relent anyway and pick up the phone to call for the food. 
His shower finishes right about the same time that the food arrives. When he walks out of the bathroom in just a towel wrapped around his waist and a smaller one in his hand ruffling his hair to dry it you about choke on the food you hadn’t even started eating yet.
“Your foods over there.” You point to the little sitting area on the opposite side of the room from you. You're sitting crisscross across the ottoman at the foot of the bed. A plate of stuffed French toast with a side of sliced peaches perched on your lap.
“I figure that we should probably talk about the plan for the rest of the weekend, to avoid any more… angst between us.” You speak between bites of your breakfast.
“I thought we already had a plan but apparently that doesn’t mean much to you does it.” He turns his body to face you and crosses his arms over his chest.
“I’m not starting the morning off like this, James. You can either talk to me like an adult or you can sulk in the corner it’s your choice.” 
“I don’t sulk.”
“For a guy who doesn’t sulk or brood you sure spend a lot of time doing both.”
“I just- I don’t know why you always have to be putting yourself at risk.” You aren’t prepared for the tone shift of the conversation.
“I’m an adult Bucky, I can make those kinds of choices for myself.”
“I know you can, I just don’t see why you feel the need to.”
“What do you mean?” You can physically feel yourself start to get defensive. 
“I mean that for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always gone the extra mile, covered every base that needs to be covered and even some that don’t. You push yourself to the point of exhaustion and you don’t seem to care. You do the job of ten people when you don’t need to and it makes me tired just watching you.”
“I wasn’t finished. Take last night for example. You went out and re-did recon that our team already did for us because you didn’t trust that they had done enough and what did you find? Nothing. Nothing that you didn’t already know from reading the mission file.”
“When did this become a fucking therapy session? I don’t recall giving you my insurance information Dr. Barnes and I’m not sure I can pay your hourly rate.” You try to deflect. He's right, you didn’t find anything new and you’d been a little pissed at yourself because of it, but you don’t need that shoved back into your face.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Push away your real feelings with jokes, Peter and Tony do the same thing and it drives me up the wall.” He stares at you.
“I don’t know what you want from me Bucky. I don’t know who you want me to be, you call me a kiss-ass when I try too hard, but you’ve been pretty clear on the fact that you don’t think I can be redeemed. You seem to care about me and yet give me shit about anything and everything that I do. I don’t know what to think or feel around you and it throws me off.”
“I do care about you.” 
You don’t know what to say to that, so you don’t say anything. You and Bucky sit in silence for what could’ve been seconds minutes or hours. Neither one of you is willing to be the one who breaks the spell that has settled over the room. Both of you are saved by the bell when Bucky’s phone rings on the desk in front of him.
“It’s Steve, I’ll be right back.” He gets up and moves to take the call out in the hallway. You still don’t say anything. But you do flop onto your stomach across the bed the moment the door closes behind him. 
You grab the nearest pillow to your outstretched hand and bring it to your face, screaming into it and letting out as many muffled curse words as you can before you run out of air. When you’re done throwing your mini tantrum you stand up, run a hand through your hair, and take in the deepest breath you’ve ever taken in. 
It seems that Bucky’s call with Steve is going to go longer than you thought so you might as well get ready for the day. You put on the flowing wide-leg pants and halter tank that you packed, it gives just the right amount of classy that goes along with your cover in case you needed to interact with anyone, while still being easy to move in and pretty damn comfortable to boot.
You return to your perch at the foot of the bed, this time with the mission files in your hands. Despite how many times you’ve poured over them you still want to make sure that you’re ready for the gala tomorrow night. The best use of your time right now is trying to figure out the best way to get close to the Governor at the party.
Since his computer had been a bust the best way to get him was going to be a verbal confession to some of his backroom dealings. Maybe with more time, you’d be able to pull together a bit more of a sting operation and pull out all the stops trying to catch him but you were on a time crunch. The gala is tomorrow and then after that the governor starts his reelection campaign.
Bucky walks back into the room and throws his phone on the bed next to you, “Steve said the analysts back home got word that there’s a new player to be aware of tomorrow. The Governor's son is gonna be there, he's been flouncing across Europe for the better part of the last five years and we’re not exactly sure why he’s back but we know it’s important. Think you can handle it?”
“Did you actually just use the word ‘flounce’ in a sentence.”
“Can you handle it or not.”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist Barnes, I got this.”
“I don’t doubt it, Kitty, in the meantime though maybe we should do some asking around to see what we can get on the kid.”
“Honestly, James I’m a little hurt that you think I’m that far behind you. Besides, I know exactly where to look to get the answers I’ll need.”
“And where is that exactly?” Bucky looks at you and raises an eyebrow. 
“His Instagram.” Snapchat, Twitter, and any and all other social media you can get your hands on. You know rich kids better than any other group of people in the world, they’re incredibly naive most of the time and some of the easiest targets because they’re sharing their entire lives with the world. If there's something to know about this guy, you’ll find it on his socials. 
You and Bucky spend the rest of the day and well into the night, doing your research. At some point, you’d been given access to the full guest list which allowed you to add some names to your internet stalking session. By two in the morning, you can confidently say that you know this guy and several of the other guests who would be attending better than they knew themselves. 
“Alright doll, it’s time for sleep.” Bucky grabs your laptop and closes the lid before taking it off your lap completely and plugging it in for you.
“What? I was just getting in the groove! I found another rabbit hole.”
“I don't know what that means but I know that it’s late and we have to be on our best game tomorrow so sleep it is.”
“You can sleep, but I need to keep working,” Bucky calls your name.
“This is the type of stuff I’m talking about, working yourself to death. Trust in the work you did today, trust that you’ve got everything you need. I do.”
You will never admit to the way that your heart thumps when you realize just how much faith Bucky has in you. 
“I’ve made that mistake before, trusting myself and trusting others, it never goes well for me.”
“Well then, work yourself to death and be sloppy and tired tomorrow if you want, but do it over there with just a desk lamp because I’m going to bed.”
“Fine. I will.” Stubbornly, you pick up the notebooks and files that surround you and move them all to the too-small desk in the corner of the room. You flick the lamp light on and groan at the dimness of the bulb. Bucky’s words bounce around your skull, you wouldn’t be sloppy. You were never sloppy. Sloppy meant getting hurt or worse. You couldn’t be sloppy.
Fuck. You couldn’t be sloppy, especially with Bucky’s life on the line too. 
You growl low in your throat as you flick the lamp off and begin getting ready for bed, pretending not to hear the triumphant snort that comes from the lump on the bed.
“Scoot over, you fucking starfish, leave some room for me.” You shove at Bucky’s back, nothing happens of course but he takes pity on you and scooches over anyway. “Do I need to construct another pillow wall Your Highness or do you think you’ll be okay for one more night?”
“I think I’ll survive. But know that if you kick me in the middle of the night I reserve the right to shove your ass onto the floor.” 
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Tw politics rant.
I am so frustrated at everyone being like how the fuck can you support Biden. He supports genocide. I can not vote for him. Am not voting they are both so bad.
Look at how he talks he is clearly losing it.
Trump's going to make it so much worse. Like Biden isn't doing a great job okay but like he trying to get a peaceful thing to happen. He trying to get it to stop even if he not doing a good job.
Biden has speech problems we know this. He isn't great at the debate he has trouble getting words out right.
So do I
Look at the good things his administration is trying to do.
He is working on putting protections in for us queers he has tooken down a lot of Trump's don't say gay stuff.
He is FUVKING TRYING TO MAKE IT SO YOU CAN FILES YOUR TAXES WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY A CORPORATION !!! FO YALL KNOW HOW BIG THAT IS???? he going against one of the biggest people who line politicians pockets to make it so the American people are scared of doing their taxes wrong and getting in jail. So they pay TurboTax to do it for them.
When really the big companies are the ones who are doing things wrong and getting away with no paying enough.
ALSO IT DOESNT JUST MEAN HIM IT MEANS HIS WHOLE TEAM AND THE PEOPLE HE PUTS AROUND HIM. he will actually listen to people and professional who knows things. Trump for hell doesn't he puts yes man next to him and does whatever he can to get money in his pocket and companies.
How is this a question. Protesting by not voting is just giving more votes to trump and a lot of us are not going to live through that.
If y'all want someone better then we should get behind someone in the beginning and push for them to have a chance and become the Democrat candidate. You have to be starting that shit really early. Don't be saying now how bad he is and we should have someone else.
Right now it is him and Trump. Who do you want out of those two to be in control?
Weather you like it or not it's one of those two so who?????
Cause for me it is a very clear answer. Be a fucking grown up and live with the reality. If you don't vote your giving more of a chance to trump.
You think his followers aren't going to vote for him???? They tried to take over the Capital by force last time. You think they not going to vote????
While y'all are dreaming about a better world others are actively making it worse. So either do something to make it better or at least do the minimum and let people into office who are not making it worse and trying to do some good.
Send money where you can to GoFundMes or organizations to help people who are dying. Call/email your representatives and say you need to do better. Tell them their lose your vote don't tell us on social media. But do vote blue. Cause Red is just going to make things worse and help burn everything to the ground. Tell those in power your give money to the other side if they don't do better. Lie to them. Even if you won't give money to anyone. Lie to them make them actually feel like they need to do better. If you really want to show your hate tell them that they are losing money/votes thus power if they don't do better. That actually get them to listen. Don't just decide to not vote and then get the wrose people in power then cry about how life is unfair.
Life is unfair go do something to help then.
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starship--aurora · 11 months
episode one liveblog (sort of) let’s go
jon sims you dramatic fucker. /aff
did not miss the four minutes of ads LMAO
you can HEAR the contempt in his voice as he talks about gertrude.
”i don’t count martin” giggling, i love asshole jon.
”tim, sasha, and. yes, i guess, martin.”
”recording by jonathan sims, head archivist of the magnus institute, london” DUDE. i don’t know why that took me so aback.
mike. like michael. goddamnit jonny sims, what’s it with mikes and michaels.
“can i have a cigarette?”
i love the background music so much.
i remember thinking how much he got into it, how much of a theatre kid he seemed to be.
”i looked at their feet, and saw that they weren’t quite touching the ground.”
torch. i always forget that torches are the same thing as flashlights.
“statement ends, this was fucking stupid”
sasha mention <3
”look at this drunk creeper, ell-oh-ell.” i hate how he says lol, i don’t know what it is about it LMAO.
episode two!
i remember one time while rambling to my mother about joshua, she kept thinking i was saying “lesbian” and not “gillespie”.
got bored this is being continued hours later.
joshua gillespie you absolute fucker, i love you and want to kiss you on the mouth.
oh no, what ever shall you do, waking up with the key.
”perhaps a bit elaborate” Joshy Boy Elaborate Is What You Need.
”it’s odd how fear can become as routine as hunger.”
yeah, my living room coffin is making weird noises, Music Time.
ooo, knock knock.
hi john. surprised to see you, shocked to see me.
smash smash on the ground.
breekon and hope, let’s go. i love.
joshua gillespie, the hero. we salute you.
”it’s always nice to hear my hometown isn’t always devoid of odd happenings”
giggle that was great.
episode three!!
tmagp ad, oh em gee (<- this loser listened to tmagp premier today and is very normal about it)
”she sleeps with other women” what is this ad, i want to listen to this podcast. /hj
”rusty quill presents… the magnus archives…” stop with your verbal ellipsis, dude. LMAO
”jonathan sims, head archivist of the magnus institute, london”
GRAHAM!!!!! I love Graham so much.
”hey man, i always see you writing, how’s your notes coming along?” “i. i don’t take notes?”
sexy graham rights.
the amount of times i’ve had to rewind because i didn’t process it.
“hey graham” “HOLY SHIT”
public transport is scary, no judgement there.
i honestly never understood the statement giver’s discomfort with graham. to the point you couldn’t even let him see which building.
yeowch graham what did you do. 😔
“apparently he was gay.”
weird hooks weird hooks weird hooks woo.
graham’s notebooks 🥰.
graham honestly sounds like an interesting guy, i think if i’d ever met him, i’d befriend him.
wait. wait wait wait. oh my god.
it is i think.
stalking your coworkers is Creepy. jon, please don’t take ideas. (jon then proceeds to take ideas)
driving through ohio at night is fun, ngl.
i saw him take one of his notebooks. he ate it.
wowza, all sexy gay people eat notebooks, do you eat notebooks?
“i even saw him freak out at the ice cream truck” that is honestly me. any loud sound? i panic like there’s no tomorrow
memorizing his pizza order <3
fuck capitalism. (“i had to drop out of the college course to work late nights”)
notthem notthem notthem wooohooo
okay i take it back, ohio backroads are NOT fun at night.
notthem <3
yeah i kinda. just stood there.
the background music slow rising!!
”from my months of watching” haha
imposter? like…… among…
i love the description so much.
aw man, bye notebooks ✌️
hey amy, i’m going to come to your house.
statement ends!
tim mention ❤️❤️❤️.
“i trust coworker testimony as far as i can burn it.”
ohio hills and sharp turns at night are not fun, my stomach is in my throat.
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harmcityherald · 1 year
hope the proud boys burn. its the least of what they deserve. oath keepers too, and any other trump cult for that matter. My thought is it won't stick. these fuckers and all the little fuckers before and after them have always had the protection of a racist police and judiciary elements instilled in our american govt. now that shit goes all the way to the top because my generation didn't watch the ball. so what have we left to pass on to our kids? fucking nazis. I hate every one of you that allowed this to happen. american pride my pimply white ass. all republicans should be burned at the fucking stake. lets start with Marjorie. Then again, even though it enrages me to no end, it is the right wing fuck faces in civilian society who are making "vigilante justice" a fucking thing. killing 6 year olds with an errant basketball or choking a hungry homeless man to death on a subway. no arrests. I begin to think calls for revolution and uprising are becoming more acceptable. stand your ground fuckers need to be buried in that ground. racial violence masquerading as vigilante justice. there's no justice in racism. burn these fuckers at the stake. show them what a real witch hunt is. I don't like to make a call for violence but how long will we sleep while they crush our people? when I say our people I have a broad demographic. all that matters is we are the lowest classes. race, sex, religion, none of that shit matters. you are oppressed by the big machine of capital. We are allies no matter how they try to divide us. the enemy isnt a color or a dogma, its the fucking rich. until you see it and fight the true enemy, I can't take you serious. bunch of faux ass justice posers. but you still don't hear me. you are truly a slave of the machine. they will kill me and people like me and my words will fade away unless one of you fucks actually listens. I visited an occupy camp once. they had guy fawkes maskes hanging in their tents and I will tell you like I told them. until you blow something up or take actual action I can't take you seriously and you using that mask as the face of your movement is a fucking lie. radicals who are not radical. freedom fighters who don't want freedom. a fad of protest for the sake of protest.
until you kick a republican in the balls you are just another cashier at dollar tree.
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badger-writes · 2 years
Been doing some thinking on it and I’ve come to the conclusion Fink’s private chambers are the most existentially horrifying location in all of Bioshock Infinite.
The man has rigged all of the doors in his entire living quarters to a time-released mechanism centered on the clock in the center of the room. Over eight hours of his day is dedicated to WORK down in the laboratories of his factory, and that’s per day. Already this is an eminently unhealthy schedule, but that’s somehow not the worst of it. 
The chapel in his PRAYER room is littered with bottles of booze and mocking heresies scrawled on marble statues of the Founders - Columbia’s perversions of Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin. Fink clearly perceives any kind of spiritual need for belief as a vulnerability to grift that and can’t even fathom that Comstock himself would see his position as Prophet as anything less. He comes here to laugh at the yokels and rubes for being so easy to exploit.  ABLE PROPHET - UNTOLD PROFIT.
His LEISURE center consists of a single armchair and a side table in the dead center of the room. One wall is dominated by a chalkboard where he is puzzling out how to make Vigors more economical. There is a Voxophone sitting on the table wherein he bitches about ADAM being such a pain to get ahold of. A confiscated Kinetoscope that plays Vox propaganda is in the corner of the room almost as an afterthought, surrounded by some other junk, like he couldn’t be assed to find a proper storage closet for the stuff. Even when he’s supposed to be relaxed he’s still fixated on his business.
His SLEEP chamber is a waking nightmare. He has a pauper’s cot with a metal bedframe surrounded by telephones and radios and at all hours of the day it is being drowned in sickly, flickering light from the five (5!!) huge CRT screens showing surveillance footage of the factory grounds. These screens are on when we come in; nothing suggests that they have ever once been turned off. He burns the evidence of the Luteces’ existence in his fireplace in individual pieces like he’s still savoring the memory of their deaths. The key for winding the clock governing the doors outside is here as well. It has, as far as we know, never been used.
There is nothing here but slavish devotion to the work of soulless corporate oppression and exploitation. And Jeremiah Fink finds it good and proper that he should live his life this way.
And this is the really fucked up bit - there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Jeremiah Fink. 
He’s not sick, he’s not delusional, he’s not suffering from Tear Sickness. This is just-- how he lives. This makes him happy. This is fulfilling for him. He made a choice a long time ago to spend his time on earth in this extremely specific, joyless way on purpose.
For me, it’s one of the few times where the cartoonish haunted house worldbuilding of Binfinite’s setting actually lands. The thought that a human being could so totally devote themselves to hollow, grinding robber baron-style capitalism as to have a home life that resembles nothing so much as an alien landscape provokes so much dread in me that I feel like I should take a shower before getting back to the gameplay. Utterly repulsive. Well done, Irrational.
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cuquitalocita · 3 years
...oops |rowaelin month- day 5|
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rowaelin masterlist
an: i had a dream about this and i kind of hate the ending buttt enjoy! :)
word count: 3,988
“You did what?” 
It wouldn’t take a genius to note that twenty one year- old Princess Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was fuming. And it would have been to no one’s surprise if the princess herself brought the very palace down in flames herself in a matter of moments. 
The Queen of Terrasen sighed and with a small shake of her head, daintily placed her teacup on the table in front of her. With her hands crossed in her lap, she turned her blue gaze to her daughter’s twin one, this one holding a fire many would cower from despite the girl’s young age. But it seemed that Evalin Ashryver feared no one but the gods, and she faced her daughter’s seeth head-on. 
“An arranged marriage? I wasn’t aware I was a doll who’s life you can just play with. Is this top okay or would you like to change me into a new pretty dress?”
Evalin merely rolled her eyes at her only daughter, allowing her to rant and fume as she pleased for what seemed like hours before the princess finally collapsed into the chair beside her, blue in the face and a vein popping out of her forehead. 
“Fireheart,” she began again, this time gentler. “You have to understand, your father and I are simply doing what we believe is best for the country. For our people.”
“By selling me away? I’m not a child anymore mother, and I can make my own decisions just fine.” The anger had vanished, now replaced by a look of utter despair in the princess’ eyes as she gazed at her mother, an attempt to delay what she knew was inevitable.
“We know that Aelin, of course we do, and we would never do anything to purposefully hurt you. Terrasen is… is struggling right now, my love. You may be our only hope.” 
The look in her mother’s eyes settled something in her chest and she realized there would be no fighting this- although she most certainly would try. Her parents were set on an arranged marriage for the Princess of Terrasen. 
And as she stormed through the door of her chambers, Aelin’s thoughts settled on one in particular.
The Prince of Doranelle better be handsome.
The Wild Princess of Terrasen, they called her.
Well- Aelin thought as she gunned the Corvette through the streets of the capital- if they wanted a wild princess, a wild princess is what they would get. 
She remembered a time where her mother had rolled her eyes when her daughter had told her she wanted a Corvette for her sixteenth birthday. She didn’t even have a license, and she would never be driving herself, so what good would it do?
Aelin smirked. Apparently they were perfect for fits of rage. 
She vaguely remembered a few lessons Brullo had given her when she had managed to bribe the grumpy body guard with cookies enough for him to teach her how to drive- unbeknownst to her mother, of course. Aelin bet that Evalin Ashryver would just about have a heart attack if she knew her daughter could drive.
Aelin swerved into the left lane without her turn signal, earning an angry honk and a few unkind words from the car behind her.
Well- sort of knew how to drive. 
Oops, she thought. From then on, she turned her speed down just a bit. 
As Aelin careened through the streets of Terrasen, she realized that as a princess, she truly had been deprived of her own country. Sure, she had been escorted through the streets during the annual parade, and her father used to take her to Malakai’s for her favorite cake every once in a while, but the streets she drove through now were unknown to her. 
She passed jogging college kids and mothers with strollers and toddlers, couples holding hands and homeless people that scattered some of the streets. The sight made her heart clench and her knuckles turn white on the steering wheel. 
Aelin was so focused on the people around her, she forgot to look forward as she drove through a glaring red light. Luckily there were barely any other cars around her, and the only indication that she had done something wrong came from a distinctly aggravated male voice screaming, “What the fu-”
Aelin slammed her foot down on the breaks as her gaze came into contact with a man in front of her- she was going full speed towards him as she tried crossing the cross walk. The car came to a screeching halt directly in front of him, but the momentum proved to be too much as the Corvette did in fact make contact with him.
She thought time slowed down as the man went shooting to the ground with a groan of pain. 
Yes, she had just hit a man with her car.
But her mother was going to absolute assassinate her. 
Another loud groan from outside the window had Aelin shoving the car into park and flying out to the man in front of her, heart in her throat. 
As she took in the man, she wondered what the odds were of hitting a person with your car and having them be one of the most attractive people you’ve ever seen. Pretty low, Aelin would think, but like everything else in her life, statistics did not seem to be on her side.
The man was clearly young, maybe a few years older than her, and even though he wore a thick winter jacket to protect him from the Terrasen winter, he was clearly built like a greek god. With silver hair almost matching the snow around him and tan skin that signaled to Aelin he clearly wasn’t from around here, the man could have been on the front page of any popular magazine. 
Aelin kneeled down beside the man who was thankfully still conscious, face scrunched up in pain and clear anger. It made him look older, she thought as she finally looked at his eyes. They were a stunning green. She wanted to hit herself with her car. Of course they were. 
“A-are you okay?” She helped him up, placing a hand on his lower back and pushing him up until he sat forward enough until he could support himself.
The man glared at her, teeth clenched in pain as his gaze burned into her own.
“Are you crazy?” he growled, his voice even deeper than Aelin thought it would have been. “Am I okay? You just hit me with your fucking car!” 
Aelin jerked her hand away from him, suddenly defensive. “Look, I am so sorry. I- I wasn’t looking where I was driving and-”
The man scoffed. “Obviously.” 
Aelin saw red. 
“Well what the fuck were you doing on a crosswalk two seconds before the light turned red? You had plenty of time to move out of the way and you’re blaming me because you couldn’t look around?” 
It was moments like these where Aelin realized why Elide’s fiancee liked to call her ‘fire breathing bitch queen.’ Sure, she could acknowledge it. She had just hit the guy with her car, and Aelin had foung a way to blame him. 
“Maybe if you had been less careless about crashing Daddy’s car you would have been a bit more careful and we wouldn’t be here right now, Princess.” 
Aelin almost slapped him, if not for the derogatory way her title slipped through his tongue. And that was when she realized that he had no idea who she was. The man in front of her didn’t look like an idiot. He wouldn’t be insulting her if he knew who she was. And Aelin realized she didn’t want him to know. Not as the words that spilled through her lips could ruin her entire legacy.
“Watch it.” The words were low and dangerous, and something flashed in the man’s eyes that signaled to her than he had caught the anger lacing her tone. “You don’t know shit about me.”
“I don’t think I need to. Nor do I care enough to want to.”
“Well you’re clearly fine, if you can spew ridiculous insults out of your head at the drop of a dime,” Aelin deadpanned. “So, can we wrap this up?” 
“Gladly.” He made to get up, placing his weight on his arm as he pushed himself upward, cutting off with a loud gasp of pain before sinking back to the ground, his green eyes alight with agony. The sight made a pang shoot through Aelin’s chest and she grabbed his arm to steady him before his momentum his head careening toward the ground. 
“Shit, we need to take you to the hospital.” She rose, already on her way back to the car.
“No way am I going anywhere with you.” 
“That’s fine.” Aelin’s smile was purely saccharine. “You can stay here if you’d like. It’s supposed to drop to -10 in a few hours when the sun goes down but you look pretty toasty to me. Of course, your fingers will fall off before the ambulance gets here, so it’s really give or take.”
The man growled and rubbed a large hand through his hair.
“So what do you say, Superman?” Aelin gestured to the car behind her. “What’s the worst that can happen? I already hit you with my car today.” 
If the tone of his voice was any indication, the man was in enough pain to barely put up a fight.
“Fine. But get into another accident and I’m calling the police.”
Aelin almost laughed. Little did he know that she owned the police.
It was only during the awkwardly silent drive to the hospital that Aelin realized the workers at the hospital would recognize her, and then the man beside her would. The thought put a sour taste in Aelin’s mouth. She liked fighting with this man- liked the fact that he treated her with the same amount of respect he would anyone who hit him with their car. Even if he was an infuriating prick of a man. 
“Alright,” she pulled the car into park. “Here we are.” The man grunted in acknowledgment.
Surprisingly enough, the ER was close to empty on the Thursday evening and Aelin was grateful that it meant fewer people would recognize her. Who knew how the paparazzi would react if they saw their crown princess in the ER with an unknown man. 
As if her ‘issues’ weren’t plastered in the tabloids enough already. 
Aelin hadn’t realized how tall the man was until he was standing solidly behind her at the check-in desk. He was close enough that she could feel him at her back and she swore her shoulder had bumped below his own. Gods, he was strong.
She shook her head, clearing her thoughts, and turned to the man at the desk. 
“Hi um, I’m here to check in a patient.” If the way the man swallowed was any indication, said patient was glaring daggers from beside her. He turned to the monitor in front of him and began typing something into the computer.
“And, what’s the reason for your visit today?”
Aelin cleared her throat. “Just- just a checkup. He had a bit of a fall, we just wanted to make sure everything is okay.” She felt what must have been a scoff from behind her but ignored it. The man nodded without looking at her or stopping his typing.
“Okay,” he finally said after a few moments of silence. He handed a clipboard to Aelin holding a few pieces of obvious paperwork. “Fill this out and give it back to me when you’re done. It’s a slow day so you should be able to meet with the doctor in just a second.” Aelin nodded, thanking the man and making her way to the empty seats across the desk, dragging her silver-haired friend with her until he collapsed into the seat beside her with a huff. 
She ignored him in favor of flicking through the paperwork as casually as she could, attempting to not draw attention to the fact that she clearly knew none of the personal information about the man beside her.
Aelin leaned close to him and almost rolled her eyes when he leaned significantly away.
“Hey,” she whispered. She watched as he rolled his eyes.
“What’s your name?” he leveled her with a confused look and she held up the paperwork. But really, what kind of an idiot hit someone with their car and didn’t ask for their name. Aelin was such an idiot. Such an-
“My name. It’s Rowan.” She raised a brow,
“Whitethorn.” Rowan Whitethorn. The name sent a pang of familiarity through her and Aelin struggled to ruffle through her mind to find where she had heard it before. 
“What do you do for work?” The question was out of her mouth before she could berate herself for how stupid it was. His eyebrows shot up to the top of his head.
“Is that on the form?” his voice was defensive but Aelin shrugged nonetheless and Rowan sighed before running a hand through his hair. “Let’s say I’m involved with politics.” 
Aelin grimaced. Maybe that was why her mind had blocked out his name. Anyone involved with any kind of politics was automatically dislikeable in Aelin’s eyes. She had been around enough politicians to recognize their slimy exterior. 
Rowan clearly noticed her face and scowled at her. “Well not all of us have a choice in our future just because we’re young and irresponsible.” Like you, was what he didn’t have to say. Aelin wanted to kick him. If only he knew. Instead, she rolled her eyes and looked back at the sheet in front of her.
“Date of birth?”
“December 8, 1995.” Aelin almost dropped her pencil but instead turned to Rowan, surprised to find him already looking at her.
“Seriously? You’re twenty- five?”
“What’s your point?”
“All of the high and mighty, ‘I’m your elder’ attitude and you’re only four years older than me.” She shook her head and turned back to the form, ignoring the glare she could feel burning into her skull and trying her best not to think about how good Rowan smelled from beside her. She never would have thought that the scent of pine could be so intoxicating. 
“Place of birth?”
“Doranelle.” Aelin wondered if he knew anything of the infamous prince she was to marry. She really should have done some more research before storming out of the palace. 
“6’ 4”.” 
“Any allergies?”
“Blondes.” Aelin ignored that one. 
“Any family history of fatal medical issues?”
“Type and reason for pain?” 
“An irritation in my head from the woman beside me.” 
Aelin threw her pen at him and watched as he winced before looking at her with wide annoyed eyes. But she frankly didn’t give a fuck anymore. She could have let him freeze to death outside and here he was complaining about her.
“You know, this whole thing would be a lot easier if you weren’t such a prick.”
“Actually this whole thing would be a lot easier if you hadn’t-”
Rowan was cut off by the clearing of a throat in front of them, signaling someone had come through the door. The two had been too preoccupied with one another to even notice the doctor standing in front of them. 
She’s beautiful, with cinnamon skin and curly hair, and she wears an amused smile on her face as she looks between the two. Aelin and Rowan automatically calm themselves into an acceptable demeanor and Aelin stands to shake hands with the doctor in front of them, handing her the unfinished paperwork.
“Alright, Mr… Whitethorn. I’m Doctor Towers and I’ll be helping you out here today. Why don’t you come back here with me and we can check you out.” Rowan stood up to follow her out of the room before Doctor Towers turned back to look at Aelin. “You can come too, Mrs. Whitethorn. We’ll probably need you to clear a few things up.”
Aelin hated the blush that sprang to her cheeks at the implication that she could be married to Rowan, and she almost laughed. As if she could ever marry someone like him. Their protests are cut off by the creaking of the door and neither Aelin nor Rowan bothers to correct the doctor as she leads them to a section of the hospital filled with open hospital beds and shitty curtains for ‘privacy.’
Pulling one shut, Doctor Towers gestures for Rowan to sit on the bed. Once he does, she leans back on her heels and pulls out her own clipboard. 
“Okay, what seems to be the problem today?”
They’re silent for a moment, both looking at each other with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. Eventually, Aelin clears her throat. 
“Um, we had a bit of an accident-”
“I would hardly call it an ‘accident.’ She-”
“He decided to walk through a crosswalk during a green light and-”
“You hit me with your car!” 
It seemed the entire hospital went silent for a moment before sound resumed once more and Aelin allowed her head to fall into her hands.
“It wasn’t like that. I-”
“You slammed straight into me!”
“I barely knicked you!” 
Doctor Towers had been watching the sparring match between the two with wide eyes, clearly still hung up on the fact that he had been hit by a car and was still alive. It took a moment before she shook her head and scribbled a few things down on her piece of paper. 
“I hate to ask this,” she cleared her throat. “Was this- um, a crime of passion?”
Aelin and Rowan stared at her blankly before turning to each other, both confused. She tried again.
“I mean- when a wife hits her husband with a car-” Realizing what she was implying, Aelin and Rowan were quick with their rebuttals. 
“She’s not-”
“I’m not his wife!”
“Most definitely not-”
“As if I’d ever marry this prick-”
“I would rather hit myself with a car than voluntarily pledge myself to her.” 
Aelin rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her defensively. “Now that’s a little dramatic.” 
“Well, you did hit me with a car.” If Aelin didn’t know any better, she would say that it almost looked like amusement twisted his lips. 
“You’re never gonna get over that, are you?” 
“Not likely.” 
Doctor Towers cleared her throat from beside them, causing the two to snap their gazes back to her. Whatever they found there had them shut their mouths like scolded children.
“So…” she arched a brow. “It was an accident?”
Rowan nodded while Aelin muttered, “Unfortunately.” 
Doctor Towers ignored the comment in favor of looking at Aelin closely. She watched in despair as it clicked in her head who exactly was standing in front of her and Aelin found herself holding her breath. But surprisingly enough, the doctor said nothing, simply turning to Rowan with a knowing look.
“So Mr. Whitethorn, what hurts?”
“Besides everything?” Rowan grimaced as he circled his shoulder. “Mostly my shoulder. I don’t know if I pulled it today specifically, but it’s been bothering me for a while. I think today just aggravated it.” 
“It could be a stress fracture,” she mused. “Has anything happened recently in your life that could have caused your anxiety and stress levels to shoot up? It could be anything really from, an increase in work to a big change or big news…”
Rowan let out what Aelin assumed was some sort of laugh. She ignored the shiver it sent down her spine.
“You could say that.” 
Doctor Towers didn’t press for more information, merely nodded and wrote something down before looking at Rowan again.
“The only solution I can really offer you right now is to ice it as often as you can for about eight to ten weeks, and it should heal on its own. No cast necessary.”
“Really?” Aelin exclaimed, unable to hold back the relief in her voice. Maybe her mother wouldn’t kill her after all. “That’s great.” 
“It is,” Doctor Towers gazed at her through a knowing smile and narrowed eyes. “Just try not to hit people with your car anymore Pr-, ma’am.” Aelin almost laughed at the comment, even more at the mistake she had almost made, but instead nodded with a small smile.
“I’ll see what I can do.” 
Turning to Rowan, Aelin found him already watching her, a strange look on his face as he gazed between the two women. He opened his mouth to speak when the door to the ER burst open, and the Queen herself strutted through.
Aelin thought that if a look could set a flame, she would be ashes by now. 
She felt herself pale as her mother walked toward her on near-silent footsteps, leaving citizens bowing in her wake. But the Queen only had eyes for her daughter. Very angry eyes. 
“Aelin Ashryver Galathynius,” she hissed, and Aelin tried not to cringe. “You are in so much trouble young lady.” Aelin opened her mouth to defend herself. “Sneaking out, close to Yulemas in fact, when crime rates are highest, stealing a car-”
“It’s not stealing if it’s mine-” Her mouth snapped shut at the look her mother gave her. 
“You’ll come to learn Aelin, that as future queen of this country, you have a status to uphold. You have an image- a reputation, one that should not include sneaking out of the palace unsupervised and ending up in the ER.” 
She felt the words like a stab to the heart. Aelin knew the last thing her mother wanted to do was hurt her, especially with her words. But Aelin felt the truth of them to the bottom of her toes, and she was swept into a tidal wave of disappointment in herself. No wonder her parents wanted to marry her off. Of course she couldn’t lead a country on her own.
“Mother, I’m sorry I snuck out. I was just so upset with you. And do you think I meant to end up in the ER? I hit him with my car for Gods sake! I couldn’t just-”
“You’re the princess?” 
The surprisingly choked voice came from Rowan, and the two pairs of Ashryver eyes snapped to him in a millisecond. Rowan was looking at Aelin like he had never seen her before, and she frowned at him in confusion. Maybe he hadn’t met a princess before, but this was hardly how she thought he would react. It was as if he was going to be sick.
From beside her, Evalin let out a strangled laugh and Aelin gazed at her mother incredulously. From beside her, Aelin’s mother burst into peals of laughter. 
“Well, this is quite the situation, isn’t it?” she laughed. It was a moment before she composed herself and turned to Rowan.  “Rowan Whitethorn. I suppose introductions aren’t necessary.” 
Rowan was bowing, green eyes hard as they met Aelin’s and stayed there, even as he addressed her mother. “Your majesty. Allow me to express my gratitude for welcoming me into your country.” 
“Oh, that won’t be necessary,” Evalin insisted, still smiling as if she couldn’t believe what was happening. “You’re practically family, after all.” 
And that was when it hit her.
Let’s just say I’m involved with politics.
Recent stressful news.
His name. 
Rowan’s eyes were on hers as the realization struck that Aelin not only fell into the statistics of people who hit attractive strangers with their car but also happened to hit members of royalty.
No- Aelin thought as she gaped at her betrothed- she most definitely did not fall in favor of most statistics. But they had fallen with her on one account.
The Prince of Doranelle was handsome. 
this prompt was: “i accidentally hit you with my car”
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filthforfriends · 2 years
Italian fans: I’m so fucking done with Måneskin being in the US and writing their album there
Me: yes, word
Italian fans: I hate that country. Honestly I kind of hate American fans and I know it’s taboo to say that but it’s how I feel
Me: super valid
Italian fans: and their music in Italian tends to be better than their music in English. I wish they would write in Italian more, if their album is a bunch of English songs I’m gonna be so pissed!
Me: *finger snaps*
Italian fans: honestly fuck that country! I know it’s citizens can’t help it but the United States is trash!
Me: oh for sure
Italian fans: Måneskin need to stop Americanizing anything because being Italian is what makes them good!
Me: absolutely
Italian fans: And all these English speaking fans shitting on Giorgia is making us look bad too! Not that Italian fans don’t, but she wouldn’t be getting anywhere near this much hate if they hadn’t broken the American market.
Me: yes, obviously
Italian fans: and it’s not that I don’t want them to successful at all! It’s just I feel like we’re loosing them.
Me: so true
Italian fans: and we know we don’t own them! But it feels like the identity we’ve come to know and love is slipping away in some ways and we’re powerless to stop it.
Me: that makes a lot of sense
Italian fans: We loved them first, okay? Måneskin will always have Italy, but without Italy the world wouldn’t have Måneskin, but people don’t appreciate that.
Me: straight facts
Italian fans: and it fucking sucks that we don’t get to speak out against this cultural shift because there are so many American fans that will push back!
Me: truth to power baby!
Italian fans: It seems like the band is so caught up in needing America to reach global success that they forget they need us to have any success!
Me: *cheering*
Italian fans: Also I know it’s not cool because now they’re hard rock or whatever, but I miss the Il Ballo Della Vita era! I loved that music, having that music made my life better!
Me: definitely
Italian fans: now all these snotty American fans gatekeep rock music! Unless their scene decides by arbitrary standards that it’s cool or whatever, it doesn’t count as real rock music. What kind of system is that?
Me: total bullshit, agreed
Italian fans: you know what? FUCK THE UNITED *microphone dies*
Me: *hands then a blow horn*
Italian fans: *looking unsure* as I was saying um…
Me: fuck America?
Me: woOOhoOO
Italian fans: man, that felt good to-
Italian fans:
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testingcheats0n · 3 years
Massive Dream SMP Fic Rec!!
Hey- Hi, I just feel like there are a ton of fanfiction that's really underrated in this fandom- so I'm going to dump it on your dash!!! Most of it is going to be Tommy-centric or SBI-centric, but they are very good!
Source: Me
Finished Fanfics:
Multi-chaptered Fanfics:
that's, like, a hundred miles by No_one_you_know
Dream would kill him. Dream was going to kill him- he was going to- no, he wouldn’t. Dream was his friend- friends don’t hit each other- Dream was supposed to take care of him- Dream /was/ taking care of him.
It hurt to breathe. It hurt to think. He couldn’t clear his thoughts as he stumbled to the family computer, pulling up a tab on google and frantically typing the name into the search bar.
The words Technoblade Watson stared back at him, the little black bar at the end of the letters blinking slowly, mocking him.
Why, of all people, did it have to be Technoblade?
in short: the one where dream sucks as a parental figure, tommy runs away, and visits his least favorite family member technoblade
Hard-hitting, but has a happy ending, though I recommend reading the prequel (in the same series) first, otherwise, it's lowkey depressing.
you’ll rise above (crowned by an overture bold and beyond) by azvremoon
Tommy is not sixteen. He has faced too many open wounds, dripping ichor onto blood-stained warzones, to be just a child. He is Blood and War and needless Death, an all-in-one special of everything that can ruin reality.
(Tommy is the blood god. No one should know, but this server can't stop pushing him over the edge.)
+2 more Works that were Inspired by this one
Tommy is a BAMF and Dream, Technblade, and Phil get fucked it is what it is.
Responsible Forever by SilverWing15
“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” /////
“So,” Techoblade says, slow and deliberate, his face shows clearly just how unbelievable he finds all of this, “you saw a boy last night, in the middle of the night, living with raccoons and eating our garbage?”
“I know how insane it sounds,” Phil says, “but I know what I saw. We need to help him, who knows how long he’s been out here?”
“Okay,” Wilbur interrupts, “let’s say that raccoon-boy is real. What is it you want us to do? We can’t go searching the woods for specific bunch of raccoons, I don’t know if you’ve noticed Phil but there are a lot of them out there.”
“Going out and hunting him isn’t going to get us anywhere,” Techno says, “we have to let the raccoon-boy come to us. He’s already come once, you know how tenacious raccoons are. If they came to the garbage pit once, they’ll come again. We just have to set a trap.”
“Those raccoons aren’t gonna know what fucking hit them,” Wilbur mutters.
Or: RaccoonInnit taken well beyond its logical conclusion
Tommyinnit is a Raccoon boi that lives with other Raccoons
Protecting the Traumatised Youth by spookyserpent
Sam blinks. “What?”
Even behind the mask, Sam has the distinct impression that Dream is grinning at him. “A week and he was begging for my attention, even after I stole and burnt his armour, even after the beatings. He couldn’t stand me leaving him because I was the only one to show up, to pay him attention. It was hilarious.”
Sam is going to be sick.
Or, Sam decides to ask Dream about his intentions and ends up becoming a big brother to Tommy and Tubbo. All the while, Dream and George fight, Niki and Jack plan child murder and Ranboo is slowly getting adopted into the SBI.
Awesamdad written back when it was possible... ahhh
Chaos In a Bottle by Lovetribable
After a realization, Tommy leaves the pillar, but instead of going to Techno. He just disappears, leaving everyone to think he's gone.
It takes a war to bring him back.
+2 Sequels and an Alternative Ending
Dadinnit!! + A Sympathetic Dream
Absolutely Anything For Them by Numanum
“There’s a lot you don’t understand, Tubbo,” Dream sighs, meeting his eyes cooly. Tubbo, back against a tree, shudders at his tone, at the look on his face.
The sword at his neck skims across his skin as Dream shifts his grip on it, and he flinches back into the rough bark behind him. Dream smiles at his reaction, seeming pleased- like the cat that’s been toying with a mouse that always tries to run no matter how many times it’s caught. And, despite this being his first encounter alone with the man, he thinks that the comparison is fairly accurate; Tubbo has never felt smaller than he does now. There’s supposed to be a buddy system to prevent things like this- he shouldn’t be alone here, stuck in this situation.
Or: Tubbo becomes a traitor to save everyone and has to struggle with his choices
Traitor Tubbo, but it has the happiest ending possible since it follows the rest of the story.
Where Did You Come From, Kit? by KadeAK (zacixn)
Hybrids are an ancient species of humans crossed with animals, blessed with the favour of nature. They used to live in peace on the SMP’s land, but ever since the dawn of humanity’s modern culture, they have become ostracised and hunted by their once-brethren. Now, the once-thriving subspecies of hybrids have been reduced to ashes, the majority of their peoples struggling to survive in a city capital that can't stand their presence.
To the members of L’Manburg, General Wilbur Soot is just another mildly prejudiced human being, stuck with a hybrid fox kit for an adopted child. However, that assumption could not be farther from the truth. As it turns out, there's a reason why he is the man he is today.
This fic is entirely pre-L’Manburg.
Part of a series, very good.
Take It Easy by sweet_magnolias
Five times Techno scared Michael, one time Michael scared him, and the resolution of those fears.
AKA - Techno learns how to be an uncle.
Technoblade's POV, so expect some Tubbo bashing on the margins of all that Michael fluff.
I suppose it’s never my time to die, is it? by Birb_Whale
The first time it happens, he barely remembers. The second time is when he realized. The third... Twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern
“It’s not your time to die yet, Tommy”
Messed up, but not unrealistic. Purely for the Hurt/Comfort lovers.
This Wasn't Planned, But It'll Work Out by Anonymous
Dream isn't sure what to think when he finds a kid on his doorstep, but he can't just leave him there, now can he?
(He doesn't know what he's getting into, or what he's gotten the kid into, either)
Long, and angsty, with a bittersweet ending Imo.
let's play a game by Aria_Cinabun
Tommy was once a slave. That's gone now - shoved in his past with the memories of blood and gore and death. He wants to forget who he was; what he has to do to survive. Of course, the Elementalists will always come back to haunt him. They aren't the ones who killed his mother, but they're close enough. And now he and his brother have been dragged into the mess, as Elementalists with their own, separate covens, to find the Pit - the place where he'd lived and killed and hurt for the first twelve years of his life. His coven can't know. Can't know who he really is, what he can really do. Can't know anything about his past. He doesn't want a coven full of Elementalists who don't trust him; one of whom he's pretty sure despises him. He doesn't want that life. He wants the life of a pickpocket, on the streets, because nobody questions street kids, and nobody comes asking about his past and pushes him to tell his secrets that he holds closest inside. Tubbo tries to tell him to trust people. But trust is how you die.
Good fantasy AU, has SBI, and is thus fluffy.
Turn of the Tide by SilverWing15
Tommy’s fins twitch at the mention of Dream’s ancestors. Dream talks about them a lot, how they made their fortune hunting down mer pods, how they were cruel and greedy. Nothing like Dream is. They’ve both overcome their roots he says.
Tommy is nothing like the wild mer out in the ocean, who spend their lives scraping by just to survive, who kicked him out of the pod when he was a baby because he was too small. He’s also better than the pit mer, who can’t overcome their wild instincts and know nothing but fighting.
He’s different from them, he’s better than them. He’s Dream’s. //// OR: Change is like the tide, when it comes, you can only sink or swim. You would think that a mer would be better at keeping afloat.
Mermaid AU Pooog. Part of a series.
Snapped by AmberRunnel
“You don’t know what I went through in that prison cell.”
Jack burst out laughing, blinded with rage and the overwhelming urge to hurt Tommy, to give him everything he deserved. “Oh, is the poor child traumatized? You want pity now?” He twisted his blade, and Tommy’s axe was sent clattering to the ground.
“If the prison was so awful, why don’t I send you back there?”
Jack doesn't handle Tommy's revival well. There's a simple solution, though. Kill Tommy, and Dream revives him right back into that cell. Problem solved, kid dealt with.
It takes a few confrontations for Jack to realize he's an asshole.
It's fucked up, but god does it hurt in a good way.
the sky is coming down blue by salinesolution
An imagining of New Milo's perspective throughout the Skyblock Randomizer adventure. What did he think of the world he found himself in, and how did Wilbur's feelings and actions change things for him? Here's my way of answering those questions.
He made the fish think, funniest shit I've seen.
You told me to be a hero (so let me die like one) by spiromachia
"You told me to die like a hero," the blond interrupted, spinning on his heel to face the others, holding his arms wide open, "So why not fulfil the ending that was always meant to be."
Across the battle field, through the chaos and destruction, a tree burned.
Even the sound of explosions and cries and bloodshed felt distant enough for the world to become silent for a few moments, each individual slowly coming to the same conclusion, each of their bodies tensing.
Tommy's face broke out into a grin as he lowered his head, glowering at the people around him, and Philza's face flashed with recognition.
"Kill me."
Or... In the middle of Doomsday, Tommy decides to ask Technoblade to be the Lycomedes to his Theseus.
Heavy and dark, but at least Dream gets it.
tomorrow night by meridies
Tommy is desperately searching for his missing brother. Techno is the reluctant psychic who unfortunately got dragged along.
or, two people, more alike than different, learn what it is to have a family at their side.
It's cute what can I say :]
maple syrup by itisjosh
"We could run," Tubbo stares at the sun. "We've got everything we've ever wanted right here. We could run."
"Yeah," Tommy agrees, feeling his head swim. "We could."
(or, tommy and tubbo run away together)
Children get away from toxic adults :)
Why’d it have to be so sunny? (The sun shouldn’t shine without you.) by AToZRainToBe
‘A realisation hits Phil in the face like a truck. “Wi- Ghostbur,” Phil says, turning to his grey-scale, translucent, actually-dead son. “You definitely told Tubbo that Tommy’s alive, right?”’
To get away from Dream, Tommy agrees to fake his death, going with the cover story that he jumped from the pillar in Logstedshire. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell Tubbo.
Misunderstandings are one of my favorite tropes.
sugar and ice by princedemeter for Aenqa
“He is my son,” Philza says. “Mortal or not, I would see him grow strong.”
Technoblade looks down on earth, at the tiny, angry bundle of cloth and pinking, wrinkled skin. This mortal child, he thinks, lungs filled with breath from the king of gods himself, will not grow strong.
It's mostly centered around Technoblade and Wilbur with Phil being a shitty dad. Pog Gods AU.
a matter of time by meridies
Tommy is twelve years old when his wings first appear, and he is twelve years old when Phil tells him, "All it takes is time and patience, Tommy, and soon you'll be flying even better than me."
or, Tommy grows up feeling like a failure, and it takes him a while to figure out where he's happiest.
Tommy is just finding his place in the world. Powers AU.
That Time a Baby Decided to Raise a Baby by Scitrust
Tubbo wasn't good at making excuses, so when Schlatt asked him why he was leaving in the night, he made something up on the spot. That had been months ago.
At least he sort of had an alibi for that, now.
Or, in which Tubbo finds a baby in the woods on his way to see Tommy, and promptly adopts it.
Part of a collection!! Read it all.
spider lily by blue000jay
Wilbur has a body.
The freckle on the base of his left pinky finger (shared with Techno). The scar on his chin from when he was twelve and over ambitious, diving into too-shallow water. The scar on his throat from the final control room, and the puckered skin on his shoulder from the poisoned arrow that killed him next. Various other nicks and things that litter his skin from years of rebellion and living wild, a kid thrown into a vicious world with too little self-preservation.
(Resurrection AU, for when/if Wilbur comes back.)
The author knows how it's like to live with chronic pain, and it shows :(
Hands tied loose by rabiddog
"Let's run away, Tubbo." Tommy breathed; a wide grin split across his face as his hope grew. "Let's get out of here – far away. We can go anywhere, can't we? Let's just go, you and me right here, right now."
Tommy needs to leave. He has to get out of L'Manburg, he has to leave the Dream SMP for his own sanity, and he wants Tubbo to come with him.
But Tubbo has a family now, a better life - something that he can't give up... not even for his best friend.
Unhappy ending :(
The serpent underneath by rabiddog
Tommy and Techno sit at the memory-filled bench and talk. Technoblade reminisces, he talks, he admits his pent-up feelings, he cries. And Tommy? Tommy listens. (That's all he can do.)
“I’m sorry for everything, you know? For all of it. I’m so sorry about... about the first war, about the withers and the fighting, about...” Technoblade's fingers began to curl around Tommy’s blonde locks. “About Wilbur and everything after. I'm so, so sorry.”
Damning choices by rabiddog
Ranboo would have never expected to find himself in a horrifying situation such as that one - quite literally sandwiched between a rock and a hard place, with three lives dangling over his head and the answer on the tip of his tongue.
Tubbo, Michael, Tommy.
It's his choice. He chooses who lives, and who dies. His new family, or his first friend. But Ranboo... Ranboo already knows.
"Ranboo," He hissed out, voice cracking and somewhat staticky, "It's not your fault. It's not. You had no other choice; I know that, okay? I- I know that- I know- I know..."
Jealousy is a disease by rabiddog
Tommyinnit isn't new to the idea of jealousy. He understands it completely. He understands the way it runs rampage through his body each time he catches even a glimpse of Tubbo and Ranboo's new relationship, he understands that the emotion makes his heart clench uncomfortably from time to time. He sees it, feels it, and yet he doesn't care.
He doesn't care at all.
"You took Tubbo away from me. You took him away. You took my best friend, and now he's- now he's not my best friend anymore, and I-!"
Word of Honour by rabiddog
Tommy could only stand and stare as Technoblade agreed to hand him over to Dream - as his brother traded him off like he was nothing. Like Tommy wasn't important.
Technoblade was a man of honour. He was a man of pride and sticking to his word. He knew that he owed Dream a favour, and no matter what that favour might be, he'd be compliant with it. Nothing would change his mind. (Not even Tommy.)
Almost canon. F.
Sweet Repentance by rabiddog
Perhaps Tommy should have told Phil about his arguably life-threatening injury the minute his father had opened the door. But of course, Tommy being Tommy, did not.
Dying seemed like a nice enough option as long as he was with his family.
Tommy just wanted acceptance, forgiveness, and peace. He wanted to close his eyes for the last time and finally be able to let go.
Tommy dies painfully.
A White Tulip by astervoid
He picked the white tulip from the bottom of the stem, standing up carefully as he held it pinched between his fingers. It would die now, inevitably, but Tommy relented and held the flower to his chest. What a silly, stupid thing to ground him. He almost hated that it made his breaths come easier and his steps feel lighter. Almost.
Tommy & Ranbooo chill on the bench.
lying to the authorities (again) by touchgrass
"Please tell me that my right-hand-man, my soon-to-be vice president, one of the people I trust the most on this godforsaken server, did not lie straight to my face and tell me he was twenty-fucking-years-old.”
Tommy opened his mouth to protest, but then closes it shut at the furious look on Wilbur's face. Oops.
It is the day of the elections and Wilbur Soot could not have chosen a worser time to realize that half his staff is underage.
The ONLY fic with this premise I've seen on Ao3.
Dear Theseus by rabiddog
Tommy had thought that they'd won - thought that they'd finally beaten Dream, and that everything would be okay. As it turns out, however, apparently Dream had called in that favour from Technoblade after all.
“Please,” Tommy whispered after a beat, quivering hands edged upwards to hesitantly press against the tip of the sword striking through his chest. Why, why, why? Why him? Why now?
Tommy almost wins.
A Shifting World by AplusIsRoman
How was Wilbur supposed to know it would end like this?
The smoke hung in the air and soot clung to his skin. His brother - adopted, but older by two minutes - stood back-to-back with him. The chilling cries of people and the calls of the withers rang through the air above the chasm that was once his home.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
How could he have known this would happen?
Sequel to A Child's World
Age-swap AU. Has a prequel.
heart of the sea by RyDyKG
Here is the secret that he barely thinks about, a secret that he shoves deep and far down in himself:
Wilbur Soot is a siren, and he’s not exactly proud of that fact.
Wilbur-centric. Urban Fantasy AU.
He knows, ok? by Ralli
By some means, Techno has given his raccoon younger brother some cotton candy. It doesn’t end as well as either of them would like.
Very, very cute :)
that's it, it's split (it won't recover) by Jk_Kat
Tommy has always been the fighter.
He has never been the fought for, and he knows it, with every whisper Tubbo directs at Ranboo, with every glance thrown his way- Tommy knows, the way he wishes he didn't, that they think he's dead.
If they're so convinced he's still dead, maybe the one good thing left he can do for them is die.
Or, Tommy gets addicted to being dead and thinks that nobody cares about him. The people who very much do try to pull him back from the brink before Dream can't resurrect him anymore.
Messed up, but with a happy ending.
Hugs 'n PTSD by rabiddog
Ranboo knew from the start that the recovery process would be hard - that moving on from quite literally being beat to death would be something hugely difficult to step away from, and that's if Tommy could even manage it at all.
He knew that it would be stressful and arduous, demanding and tough... he just hadn't expected to be holding Tommy through a PTSD-induced panic attack only days after his release from Pandora's Vault.
Ranboo isn't typically an overbearingly protective person. But for Tommy? He just might be.
I love this author if you can't tell.
Big Men don't cry by Shiny22Snivy
The room is small and warm, almost stifling compared to the cool openness of the ravine. It’s cosy and candlelit, and a chest sits open in the corner, full of what looks to be burnt rags of a former smart suit. And sitting in rumpled blankets on a bed, cradling a mug of something steaming, sits Tubbo.
At first, Tommy forgets all about Niki’s vague warning. He’s just so happy to see his best friend again, alive and well and all in one piece. Tubbo’s okay. Tubbo’s okay, and in front of him, and suddenly everything bad in the world is gone, if only for just a moment.
And then Tubbo turns to look at him.
Clingyduo fluff.
sins of the father (i broke all my bones that day i found you) by ryter
The thing that hurt Wilbur most was when he saw Fundy tear down the walls of L'Manburg. After all, those walls had gone up to protect his son. But in this world, Fundy trusts his father just a little bit more, and it ruins him.
Or: there's only one way Wilbur never becomes the villain. It's unclear whether this was the better path.
Sad, but cathartic.
i’m dropping ALL the fucking revived tommy headcannons on you guys today get ready for some ANGST
this is different from what i usually post but it was fun
i don’t think there’s a lot i need to put warnings for, obviously there are mentions of the way tommy died and the aftermath of that (i.e. injuries and trauma), but if there’s anything that needs a warning please tell me!
What it says on the tin- not really a fic.
Unfinished Stories:
Ongoing (Less than a month since the last update):
Over the River Styx by CorpseArt
I feel like we should name him.
There’s a scuffle at the back of his mind as he rolls up, curling tight with a shiver despite the heat of the flames licking up his back.
I mean, he’s like – us, but like a worse version clearly because oh man, this is just weirdness. There’s a flare of a tangle of emotions, complicated and fearful, resentful and livid with anger. I can’t believe this is what I’ve been reduced to, stuck in the mind of this- this child.
He’s like your age, Tommy. Are you calling yourself a child?
I mean, I am one so fucking duh. Child murderer.
Or: trauma bonding in the most unconventional of senses.
Just- Read it. Show the writer your support, it's unique, it's amazing and there needs to be more of it.
If history is dead and gone by iregretallmydecisions
“Don’t come any fucking closer,” Tommy shouted, startling Phil into stepping back. Tommy was still looking around wildly, like a trapped animal “Don’t fucking do it.” ---- In which Tommy finds himself faced with his splintered family, while it was still mostly whole. The past is not an easy place to be when the future was not kind. His family is forced to deal with the fall out.
It's better than Rewind, but you didn't hear that from me.
Wilbur Soot's Redemption (OR Ghostbur's Retry) by luckykitty0523
Wilbur had many regrets in his life, being lost in his madness and the urge for revenge drowned leaving a shell of who he once was. It was only in his dying moments that he regained himself but it was already too late for him leaving him drowning in wishes and regrets. However waking up in another different universe where wilbur was never born and family soulmates exist, so when wilbur said he wanted to fix the mistakes he never expected this turn of events.
In one world wilbur dies and he would return as a ghost missing his memory and trying to fix what he did in life but in this one wilbur dies and wakes up in another world where soulmates exist and the wilbur of that world was never born so wilbur/ghostbur takes his place and tries to make up his mistakes to the other version of his friends.
Wilbur adopts SBI + Fundy + Dream.
A Talk Long Overdue by penink
Tommy has his first therapy session with Puffy.
Tommy gets therapy.
Into the Night by Interjection
“Don’t touch me,” Tommy hisses, leaning against the railing. “I will - I will-”
They’re a hundred stories up. Wind lashes against Phil’s face. Next to him, Sam makes choked noise.
“But why?”
Tommy looks up to meet Phil’s eyes, terror struck so deep in those pale blue irises Phil thinks they must hold all the world’s fears within them.
“You’ll die,” he whispers. “And then I’ll die. But I’ll come back.”
“And I don’t want to come back.”
Others have the freedom to live. Tommy doesn’t even have the freedom to die.
But maybe they can teach him that living doesn’t have to be so bad.
(Superpowers AU where whenever someone touches Tommy, they both die. But Tommy will always come back to life eventually. He just wants it to end - but instead, he’s on the run, terrified of how his power will be exploited if he’s caught.
A few people reluctantly team up to save him.)
Funky SBI dynamics + a Sam that cares. Also a lot of angst.
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itsagrimm · 3 years
Imperial!Tech 2
Is it even romantic without murder?
Imperial!Tech is a delight and I am worried why I have fun writing a murderous lost nerdy boi. will likely do a part 3.
about 2.000 words
part 1
Part 3
CN insults, violence, murder, discriminatory behaviour, very toxic behaviour, soldier life in a fascist state, tiny bit of fluff or Manipulation depends on your perspective, blood, pain, talk of injury. imperial!Tech is a bit of a tease but he will come around
Imperial!tech X they*them Y/N reader
“This will not suffice. Repeat.”, Commander Tech ordered.
His command was calm and detached, a contrast to the exhausted and heavily panting Elite Squad soldiers.
They looked at each other. None of them having the strength to continue their practice. But also none of them having the will to argue with their commander.
Y/N looked up to the observatory deck. Commander Tech was up there, his black armour contrasting with the white walls.
“Is there a problem, ONCE?”, the voice of the commander echoed in Y/N helmet, using the moniker the elite squad had given Y/N.
“No sir. Can we get a short break before a new try?”
The commander glanced down before looking at the holopad in his hands again.
“The elite squad endurance and recovery time is miserable as expected. I calculated your performance to be at least on par with regular clone troopers. I see now that it was a mistake, and I will have to lower my expectation further & readjust my strategies to your … lacking skill level.”
“I am sorry, sir.”
“It is not your mistake to be born inferior.”, the commander stated flattly, “Your next round will be in 5 minutes standard.”
The Elite Squad looked at each other. Their commander was in a mood. Since his injury on Bracca the Squad had not been in action and commander Tech worked them into the ground with his bone breaking practice runs.
“It is impossible.”, ES-02 said using a private chat without the commander, “Who is he comparing us to? The commanders’ expectations are inhuman. Only some kind of super squad could execute his mind-boggling plans in the time he gives us.”
They nodded in agreement.
“He expects us to be at least as good as the regular clone troopers.”, ES-04 stated.
ES-03 laughed: “Yeah we are better than thosemeat droids. And what does he mean with regular clones? Is there even fancier cannon fodder out there?”
“Commander Tech is noticeably different from other clones. Maybe there are more like him out there?”, Y/N pointed out.
“Oh maker, imagine more copies of that pretentious smart mouth up there.” ES-03 rolled his eyes.
“Get in position and execute plan 8C.3 .”, the commanders voice cut through their chatter. ONCE felt as if they got caught bad mouthing Tech.
“Yes sir.”, they replied and got into position.
A ping from a private channel ringed. It was ES-03.
“You are quiet protective of our commander Tech, my dear ONCE. Is there something I need to know?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Well, … it is always ‘yes sir’ and ‘of course sir’ and sometimes you are both gone in the night. And our dear commander got a lovely visit in the med bay when he was wounded. You even bring him caf somet-“
“ES-03, mind your business.”
“No need to get so aggressive. I am sure it is nothing. And I am sure it is just a coincidence that he leaves you out of punishments or giving you the safest positions in his strategies…”
ONCE said nothing.
Since that time in the hangar the commander had some allure and to admit that meant a defeat ONCE could not afford.
“Well my dearest ONCE, got nothing to say about that? I-“
Static cut through their transmission.
“ES-03, I must inform you that I am very disappointed by your unprofessional behaviour within the Elite Squad which I will not tolerate anymore.”
“Commander? Is that you?”
“Yes of course, who else did you expect?”
ES-03 turned around and looked up to the observatory deck.
Commander Tech’s expression was unreadable, his eyes hidden by the reflecting glasses.
For a moment none of them moved. Then ES-03 took of his helmet and started shouting.
“Are you spying on us? Are you listening to all our private conversations???”, he screamed with a red head.
The commanders lips moved but up there and without his helmet ES-03 could not hear the commanders answer.
“Calm down”, ES-04 tried to defuse her squad member’s anger.
“I am NOT calming down! The sick dirty clone listens to our private channels!”
“Mate, it is not worth it to start a fight like this now.”, ES-02 added, “put your weapon down and think about it.”
“Are you serious??? Do you think I am a threat with this crappy old DC-17? A danger to any of you?! No, it’s this meat bag of a clone who should be afraid of me!”
ONCE flinched at ES-03’s words and readied their weapon.
He was out.
An angry man was a dangerous man.
ONCE former life as a bounty hunter had taught them this lesson well.
Static cut through their helmet again before ONCE heard commander Techs voice.
“Tell ES-03 that the Empire has issued an order to all commanding officers to listen into all communication of their soldiers. It is also very much encouraged to record it.”
“Are you sure that will calm him down, sir?”
“I don’t care about that. He either learns how to live with imperial command or he does not.”
“You are testing him.”
Tech paused.
“Follow your orders, soldier.”
He cut the transmission.
ES-03 was still shouting. His spit landed on ONCE helmet when he turned toward them.
“What did that clone say, my dearONCE??? You two just talked, didn’t you?!”
He sounded furious. His eyes burning like laser blasts into ONCE body.
“He said, checking all communication between soldiers is the new imperial standard to which the commander simply has complied.”
“Fuck that!”
ES-03 stepped closer, his DC-17 blaster still in his hands.
“Fuck that! Fuck that clone! Fuck the Empire! Fuck YOU, you little imperial whore!”
He raised his blaster, aiming for ONCE.
ONCE got cold. Trained instincts kicking in. They rolled sideways behind one of the training blocks to avoid the shot.
A blue blast slightly grazed their helmet, but the adrenaline made it impossible to tell whether or not ONCE got hit.
“ES-03! Stand down!”, Tech’s voice commandeered from somewhere close. He must have left the observatory deck.
“HA! What are you going to do, little nerdy boi? Do you want to protect your little pet over there?! Don’t even try! You are not even a real man!”
Another blue blast shot through the air.
ONCE could hear the Tech and other Squad members taking cover.
“He really did go full rage.”
“Not everyone is cut out for the soldier life.”
“Not everyone is cut out for the Empire!”
“What do we do?”
“Cut the chatter, soldiers”, Tech commandeered, “Take ES-03 out. Shot to kill.”
“We can stun him!”
Instead of an answer Tech jumped over the training block he was couching behind and kicked ES-03. ONCE heard the blaster slide over the floor and the sound of fists colliding with skin.
Over and over again.
The sound got wetter.
ES-03’s screams turned into pleas before going silent.
Another rotation on Kamino. Another dark night in the bunk room of the Imperial Elite Squad. Another nightmare.
Y/N woke up and looked around. Everything was calm except for the rain knocking at the window and the slow breaths from their fellow soldiers. Commander Tech was missing as always.
Weeks since the Commander had been hurt on Bracca. Days since ES-03 s death. Hours since he – since Tech – had looked at y/n. Why was that such a painful thought? He was a horrible man, a murderer!
He is just a good soldier, he follows orders. Just like you.
Y/N closed their eyes. Pictures of Tech beating ES-03 to death flashed before their eyes and with them the realization that whatever crimes and murders Tech committed, Y/N committed them alongside him. Two monstrous beings in service of a monstrous Empire.
The door to the bunkroom opened silently, only a light draft giving away the silhouette in the door frame. Y/N glanced to the door. It was the commander. He looked at the sleeping elite squad members and through the room as if he was searching for something.
Y/N got up on their elbows and looked at the commander.
Their eyes met.
“ONCE”, he whispered, “Come with me.”
Y/N got into their boots and followed the commander. The long white halls of Tipoca, the kaminoan capital, were empty and quiet. Tech lead the way but surprisingly they passed the hangar and soon arrived at his little office.
He turned around.
“I require your assistance, ONCE.”, he explained in a calm voice, using the moniker the elite squad had given Y/N.
“Now?”, ONCE answered.
“Yes, now.”
They looked at each other. Tech looked horrible. He had dark circles under his eyes so prominent, that even his glasses couldn’t hide them. His head wound from Bracca had left severe, still bloody scars and his hair was unkept and in patches from the burn he survived.
“What is it, commander?”
Instead of an answer he opened the door to his office. It was a little room, full of unfinished projects and gadgets, a wall scribbled with complex formulars ONCE was not in the mood to fathom and a littered table with various unfinished reports.
The workspace of the commander surprised ONCE. It was a stark contrast to the thoroughly planning and executing commander they knew.
“Can you cut my hair?”
“Sorry, sir?”
ONCE turned away from the room and faced the commander. His face was reserved but his voice had a telling neediness in it. The commander, Tech, he needed help.
“Well, I cut my own hair. I can try cutting yours. But I am no professional.”
He nodded.
“I noticed.”, he paused and smiled apologetically for his ambiguous phrasing, “That you cut your own hair, I mean.”
ONCE was speechless. He had smiled.
“I have my personal reservations towards the imperial service corps and their droid hairdressers. And the other option is to ask another trooper since I do not have the skill to cut my hair. But quite frankly the thought of trained regular soldiers having blades near my throat and more importantly my still healing wounds being opened up by some well meaning yet bad practising self-learned barber, is distressing which is why I require you to cut my hair.”
“In the middle of the night?”
“I was not aware of the need for sunlight in order to cut hair. Can you elaborate?”
ONCE suppressed a smile.
“I am sorry, sir. The circumstances are just a bit unusual. But I can try cutting your hair. And I do not plan on cutting your throat.”
“Good to know.”
He nodded casually, satisfied with ONCE’s answer, and produced a hair clipper from somewhere before seating himself on a chair with his back towards them. It was a captivating moment. ONCE looked at the hair clipper in their hand with its tiny blades and the commanders turned back to them. He had defined yet narrow shoulders for a soldier and a muscular back, visible through the thigh blacks. His bare neck was visible, and his occipital moved under his skin when he turned and looked at ONCE.
“It is alright. Feel free to give me whatever hair cut you choose to be fitting. As long as it is functional, I am content.”
ONCE breathed in. That was the commander. And they were about to cut his hair like they were good ol’pals or family. Like they were more. It was a sign of trust so unusual on Kamino, yet he had asked for it.
“You will need to take your glasses of.”
He complied and waited.
ONCE touched his hair to feel its texture before cutting. It was soft. Like a child’s.
They started cutting both sides to even out the burned parts and help with the sensitive skin around his scars before shortening the rest. Burned curls after curls fell on his shoulders and he brushed them away with his hands.
His hands. His murderous hands. They were large and had long fingers with little cuts from tinkering around. How did it feel being touched by them?
ONCE finished cutting, walked around Tech to look at the commander and squatted to see him from an even perspective. He looked good.
“This will work, sir.”
Instead of an answer he stretched his arm out and grabbed ONCE’s jaw.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
He got up and turned away.
Part 3
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helioleti · 4 years
I've been rewatching ATLA several times lately and this time I especially ended up wondering a lot about Iroh and Ozai's past and characters in general. I just can't help but think it weird that Ozai is the ultimate trashbag of a humanbeing while Iroh ended up preaching harmony and peace. It just doesn't make any sense. These guys are brothers. They were brought up by the same parents, in the same fascist imperialistic nation, they were taught the same values growing up. You're trying to tell me the difference is that Iroh was destined to be the person he eventually came to be, but Ozai was just born evil? No, I don't think so.
I have two hot takes that I'm gonna elaborate:
1. Iroh had a guidance Ozai lacked
2. Ozai was the less favored son
(Disclaimer: I haven't read the comics yet so I don't know how deep they've already gone into this subject at some point. I'm trying to interpret and analyze the stuff that I got from the animated series only. If anything I say contradicts what has already been confirmed in the comics, feel free to correct me.)
Hear me out. Iroh wasn't born a saint. Everyone is aware of this, especially Iroh himself. He laid siege to Ba Sing Se for 2 years, costing the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom thousands of lives. Everyone knew that if the Fire Nation took over the capital, it meant almost ultimate victory for the Fire Nation. He even went as far as making a offhand sadistic jokes about burning the city to the ground in that letter to Zuko and Azula.
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Iroh acknowledges it himself; He was a different man.
So what changed?
Yes, his son died. It broke and shattered him from the inside, making him drop all efforts to continue fighting in the war. To continue what had been his lifelong ambition, what he believed to be his destiny. He had a literal vision about taking over Ba Sing Se when he was a child, and that had been what he'd been pursuing ever since. But the death of his son managed to crumble all of that into nothingness. How is that possible?
Don't get me wrong. I think it's completely valid. I just don't understand how Lu Ten and Iroh could've had such a loving and caring relationship in the first place, when that's clearly something unusual among the royal family. Ozai burned and banished Zuko without a second thought, not to mention all the other shit he did to him growing up. Ozai didn't give two shits about Azula either, he only ever intended to use her as his weapon. Doesn't seem too surprising, if you ask me. Azulon didn't hesitate to demand that Ozai kill his own son if he wanted the throne. That's the man that raised Ozai, so it's just logical that Ozai learned that behavior and those values from his own father.
Even 9 year old Azula thinks it laughable that Iroh would fall apart at the death of his son. She is a child and this is how she thinks. The reason Zuko doesn't think like this is because he's had the guidance of his mother, unlike Azula. This is the kind of mentality these kids grow up with. They grew up with war and so did Iroh and Ozai.
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So why was Iroh's relationship with Lu Ten so different? Where did Iroh experience the kind of compassion and love he passed on to his own son, that Ozai definitely didn't? People act on how they've come to learn, so where did Iroh learn to care about his son to a point that it made him give up on his lifelong ambition?
Let's review a very crucial information we have on Iroh and Ozai as siblings: They have a huge age gap.
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Frankly, I'm guessing about 10-20 years. Looks more like 20 to me, but that could also be Iroh's greater amount of endured pain and war making him look older than he actually is. But no one can deny that an age gap is definitely there. Which can also indicate they had different upbringings, despite having grown up in the same family as brothers.
What does this mean? Well, that's just me theorizing now, but I can definitely imagine that Iroh had someone, a family member maybe, there for him who wasn't around or didn't care to be when Ozai grew up. There must've been someone there who gave Iroh emotional security and guidance throughout his upbringing. Who? That's up to imagination. A friend of the family? A friendly uncle? His own mother ((or father))? (The last two things worked out for Zuko in the end, didn't they?) Otherwise I can't really explain myself why Iroh had enough values to love the way he loved Lu Ten, while Ozai clearly didn't give two fucks about his children at any point in his life.
Iroh was the firstborn son, the one who had a vision very early in his life that his destiny was to take over Ba Sing Se. Probably the one who got to have a family member care about him enough to show him how to love.
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(I like to point this out a lot because I find it very interesting, and very significant. Please A:TLA give us more info on Iroh's past!!)
Which brings me to my second take: Ozai was the less favored son.
Iroh was clearly a son to be proud of. He was a master firebender, the "Dragon of the West", if you will. He apparently had a vision as a boy that he'd conquer the most "impenetrable city" in the world. He probably lived up to his parent's expectations for his whole life, especially having no sibling to be compared to for a significant part of his life. He broke through the outter wall of Ba Sing Se during his siege. Yada yada yada, you get my point. He's the best son they could've wished for.
And Ozai? As far as I know, he barely even has any military achievements. Taking over Ba Sing Se was Azula's doing. While Iroh laid siege to the capital, he was at home chilling in the palace. He's the younger brother to an established hero and was never meant to be firelord. Now, I haven't read the comics for more info on Ozai's biography, but this man barely had a chance to live up to his parent's standards with Iroh as an older brother. If my theory is correct, Ozai also didn't have any person to provide him emotional guidance throughout his life. (*cough* like Azula)
The logical outcome is: infinite jealousy.
And when Ozai suggests to Azulon that he revoke Iroh's birthright to become firelord, this is Azulon's answer:
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Azulon doesn't even hesitate to call Ozai out on his bullshit. He doesn't hesitate to take offense at the suggestion of betraying Iroh, and he even seems to care about Iroh's suffering. Not to mention that Azulon is overall annoyed with Ozai's request for an audience and sends the rest of Ozai's family away as soon as he can, to get whatever it is Ozai wants over with.
I could also mention the fact that Ozai tried to impress Azulon with his daughter's skills (Azula, even named after him) and the overall strained relationship these two seem to exhibit. It's obviously very different from Azulon's relationship with Iroh, if the way he talks about said man is anything to show for.
What if Azulon treated Ozai the same way Ozai treated Zuko? (Probably without the physical abuse, but you get my point.) What if this is where Ozai learned to treat a "useless" kid like shit, maybe also in a way to cope with how he was treated himself?
Getting deeper into the fact that Ozai is rather a loser compared to Iroh, without any big military achievements and without value for anything beyond that, this also explains a lot about Ozai's constant need to establish his dominance.
First; Becoming Firelord through radical manners (you know, killing his own son or killing his own father)
Second; Publicly burning and banishing his own son whom he considers a weakling, who dared to speak up in his war room. Doing this to have everyone know that he doesn't associate himself with weakness and that he will not ever tolerate any form of disrespect.
Third; The whole Phoenix King act. No one can tell me this isn't a madman's doing. This is literally to show off that he is the most powerful person in the world.
Ozai is so obsessed with proving himself and his superiority to everyone, including himself and probably Iroh too. This makes most sense if we consider that he probably lived in his brother's shadow for his whole life, ignored by probably every guiding figure he's ever had in his life, maybe even considered a laughingstock by his own father.
Perhaps this is also the reason Ozai didn't have any problem with Iroh accompanying Zuko in banishment. His brother, the hero in whose shadow he grew up, and his son, the failure he'd wanted out of the way for a long time already. It would erase Iroh's image that made him superior to him, once and for all. For himself and the world. I believe that branding him a traitor was the biggest satisfaction Ozai had ever experienced in his life.
I absolutely despise Ozai with every fibre of my heart, but it amazes me how ATLA continues to leave so much room for interpretation and explanation for a character as despicable as him. Writing this, even had me feel sympathy for him at some point. Feel free to disagree with me or add anything, I'm eager to hear everyone's thoughts about Ozai and Iroh's backstories because I'm geniuinely very curious.
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Hi Again! I was wondering if you wrote for the clones? (I'm thirsting for Wolffe!!) If not, that's ok! And if so, I thought maybe something fluffy and a bit hot with Wolffe? I'm a huge sucker for the trope- Reader tries to hide that she hasn't been feeling well and turns out she's pregnant? With twins! She's scared because even though they're committed, it wasn't planned? And then fluff and some love making?? <3333
Hi lovely, welcome back! I am open to writing for the clones, I just haven’t done so yet! I too thirst for Commander Wolffe so you’re in luck! This trope is def very cute, the end turned out more fluffy than spicy, I hope that's alright.
Commander Wolffe x fem!reader Rating: E (18+) Warnings: explicit sexual content, unprotected p in v sex, unplanned pregnancy, swearing (first time writing for Wolffe, may be slightly ooc)
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There was never enough time. You really should not have been surprised by the revelation, you were at war, but it still sat heavy on your chest. Always needed elsewhere as soon as you completed a mission. Never time to rest, even in transit. Someone always needed your attention for reports, strategic planning or council meetings as the GAR cruiser hurtled through hyperspace. It never left you enough time for him. Thankfully, the stubborn nature of your clone commander allowed him to make time, even if just a spare moment, for the two of you.
“Oh fuck,” you throw your head back against the door as he reaches that spot deep inside you. Pushing you ever closer to the edge. “Wolffe, please-” you’re whining as he grinds up into you, throbbing inside you. He’s always had the uncanny ability to read your body, he knows better than you when you’re close to bliss and he enjoys drawing it out. To think Commander Wolffe was a fucking tease.
“Please what, cyare?” His smug grin slides across your chest following the trail of marks he’s littered across your skin where no one will see. “What does ner jetii need?”
“Please, ‘m so close,” you tighten your legs around his waist, trying to draw him in closer, anything to reach your release, “please, Wolffe!”
He groans into your neck as you tug at the curls fallen loose at the nape of his neck, “well when you ask so nicely, cyare.”
His sudden thrust up pushes the air from your lungs. Your mouth falls open in a silent scream as he pounds into you, all teasing forgotten. He’s relentless as you tighten around him, the coil in your belly threatening to snap.
“That’s it,” he grunts, “come on my cock ner jetii.”
His words and his gloved thumb brushing over your bundle of nerves has you falling apart around him. White hot pleasure rolls over you, leaving you a limp, moaning mess in Wolffe’s arms.
“That’s it, mesh’la. Squeezing me so kriffing tight,” he groans, hips stuttering, his own release fast approaching. “Fuck.” Wolffe manages a few more thrusts before he buries himself in you, spilling himself inside you. Whispered praises fall from his lips as he comes down from his own high. His lips ghost over yours in a chaste kiss as he withdraws, tucking himself away before he lets you down.
Your legs cry out in relief when they meet solid ground, not longer clinging to Wolffe for support.
“Good, cyare?” his hand sweeps over your brow, so tender for a man with such a fierce reputation, even amongst his brothers.
“Mhmm,” leaning into his touch, he chuckles at your blissed out expression.
“Someone’s bound to come looking for you soon, General. Let’s get you cleaned up.” You don’t protest as he helps you redress, though you do moan about how unfair it was he just had to remove his codpiece and you had to strip completely out of your robes for these little storage closet rendezvous’.
“I don’t think jedi robes were designed to allow for easy access, cyare.”
You pout, “you’re probably right.” There was that whole bit about no attachments you were blatantly ignoring after all.
Before the commander can come back with another sharp retort your commlink blinks to life. “Yes?”
“General, General Plo is looking for you on the bridge.”
You sigh, “thank you, Sinker. I’ll be right there.”
Never enough time.
The next couple of months continue much the same. You and Wolffe sneaking away between missions when you can, trying to find solace in each other despite all the horrors you both see on the battlefield. In a war that seems to stretch on forever he is your rock. As he watches his brothers fall, one after the other, you are his comfort. It breaks your heart to be apart from him but there is little you can do to control it. When the council requests you to join Obi-wan and Anakin for a series of missions you cannot object. Instead, you drag your tired self out to the far reaches of the outer rim to help them as best you can.
“You look exhausted, my dear.” Such tact this one possessed.
You roll your eyes, “you don’t look much better, Kenobi.” Though you doubt he has been waking in the middle of the night to empty the contents of his stomach like you have for the past week.
“This war does seem to be pushing us all to our limits.”
“I’ll race you!” Ahsoka sprints by, apparently headed for some target or another with her master hot on her heels.
Cody chuckles under his bucket, shaking his head as the two disappear into the distance.
Obi-Wan scrubs a hand over his face, “it’s pushed most of us to our limits.”
“What I wouldn’t give to have the energy of a padawan again,” you groan.
“I agree wholeheartedly,” Obi-wan nods, “we should all try to get some rest while we can. We need to break camp near dawn.”
You agree and bid your fellow jedi an early goodnight. With the headache you could feel coming on, sleep sounded like a good idea. As you go to stand the world spins around you, any sense of balance you had gone. You reach for the crate you had been sitting on to try and stay upright but you miss by a mile. Knees giving out you collapse to the floor, the world around you still spinning. You can barely hear Cody shouting over the ringing in your ears.
“Call for a medic! The General’s collapsed!”
By the time you regain consciousness you’re no longer planet side. Obi-wan had been quick to have you medevacked to the closest med-station for testing. The unholy white lights of the station burn your eyes when you finally come to. Your sudden groaning draws Kix back to your bedside.
“General. Good to see you’re back with us.”
“Kix?” You try to focus on the 501st medic instead of the bright lights, “what happened?”
“You collapsed back at the forward camp. We weren’t able to determine what was wrong with the limited medical supplies we had on hand, so General Kenobi called an air lift for you.”
Another groan bubbles up, Obi-wan had been forced to waster precious resources on you. “Were you able to find out what’s wrong?”
The clone’s face falls, “yes.”
You’ve never heard the medic sound so meek before. “Kix?”
“I’m not sure what’s the best way to explain this, General… but you’re pregnant.”
“H-how far along?”
“Looks like just over two months,” Kix shifts from foot to foot, pointedly not looking you in the eye. You can’t blame him for being uncomfortable, this isn’t quite the medicine he’d been expecting to practice. He was a combat medic not an obgyn. “We were able to get an ultrasound, would you like to see?”
Nodding, you sit up, your head now spinning for completely different reasons. Kix brings you a datapad displaying the grainy black and white image.
“Kix… am I seeing this right?”
“Yes, general.”
“There’s two…”
“Yes general. You’re having twins.”
Oh fuck.
Kix is a godsend, having worked with Anakin and Rex long enough to know reporting everything may not always be a good idea. The official report on your sudden collapse reads that you suffered from a foreign infection your body had not been prepared to fight, coupled with the battle fatigue, your body had shut down in order to force you to rest. Obi-wan and the council believe it, ordering you back to Coruscant to recover and rest. You knew you would have to tell them; it would not be long until you were showing, but you would much rather deal with the council in person than from your medbay bed.
Before your escort arrives, Kix slips you a disk with a copy of the ultrasound pictures, “in case there’s someone you want to show them to.”
“Thank you, Kix,” he blushes when you give him a quick peck on the cheek, “you’ve done more for me than you’ll ever know.”
You do your best to rest on your trip back to Coruscant but its incredibly difficult when your mind is going a parsec a minute. Besides the council there’s one other person you have to break the news to. While you two had talked about what life would be like for the two of you after the war, this was not something you had discussed. You were not sure if Wolffe wanted kids ever, let alone now. Having twins while the whole galaxy was at war was not ideal. Not when the two of you were expected to put your lives on the line for the Republic.
Panic washes over you when you arrive at the capital to find the wolfpack waiting for you on the tarmac. They’d just arrived back for some long overdue shore leave and Plo had informed them of your sudden illness. Normally you would be touched by how much they cared for you, but now all you can think about is how you are not ready to face Wolffe. Not yet.
You can feel his gaze heavy on your back as you field Sinker and Boost’s barrage of questions.
“I’ll be alright, I just need to take my medicine and get some rest. It shouldn’t be long before I’m right as rain again.” You hate lying to them, but you did not want them worrying unnecessarily either.
It seems to appease them; the pack wishes you well and invites you out to 79’s with them as soon as you’re recovered. Wolffe hangs back, watching his brothers go.
“I’ll walk you back, general.”
“No.” It comes out much harsher than you’d like. The surprise that washes over his face feels like a stab to your gut. “There’s no need, Commander. I’ll be alright.”
His voice drops, brow furrowed together, “cyare?”
“Not now, Wolffe,” you frown, “I just need to go lay down. We’ll talk later.”
But you don’t. You cannot find it in yourself to answer any of his calls or messages over the next few days. Instead, you wrap yourself up in as many blankets as possible and hole up in your quarters while you try to figure out what to do. You watch Coruscant go by from your window. It’s only when Sinker and Boost call that you’re freed from running around in circle inside your head.
“Boost? Sinker? What’s going on?”
“Oh thank goodness you’re alive, General!”
“Boost what are you going on about?”
“The Commanders been going crazy! He hasn’t heard from you in over a week and we don’t think he knows how to handle it!”
Although you and Wolffe did your best to keep your relationship hidden, in such tight quarters it was hard to keep it from Wolffe’s brothers. You’d never outright admitted it to them, but you figured they understood what was going on. You were glad for it now.
“I’ve seen him pace before, but never like this,” Sinker adds.
Oh Maker. “Where is he?”
“The barracks, General.”
“I… I’ll speak with him, alright? Hopefully that will calm him down.”
“Thank you, General! We were running out of ways to distract him!” That was the kind way of saying ways to annoy him to keep Wolffe’s mind off you.
“Thank you, Boost, Sinker.”
“Good luck, General!”
You were going to need it. This was not a conversation to have over the com so you make your way down to the barracks, doing your best to avoid attention when you can. It was not like you weren’t allowed there, but the last thing you needed was more questions.
Boost and Sinker were not lying about the pacing. Punching in the access code to his quarters reveals a tightly wound Wolffe, pacing back and forth across the length if the tight space. His armor has been haphazardly discarded around the room. You’re surprised he hasn’t worn a path into the floor yet.
“General?” Surprise and then relief fall over his face when he catches you standing in the doorway.
“Wolffe, I-”
“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be resting.”
You’re thrown off by the sudden cold tone in his voice. “I-I came to explain, Wolffe… to apologize.”
“I’ve been avoiding you Wolffe,” your voice cracks despite your best efforts to remain calm, “and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have, I just needed to find a way to tell you and I couldn’t.”
His frown deepens, “tell me what?”
“That I’m pregnant.”
“What?” He looks at you live you’ve grown another head.
“I’m pregnant, Wolffe.”
It takes him a moment to wrap his mind around your words, but you can see the instant he does, his mouth dropping into an ‘o’ as his jaw falls slack.
“You’re pregnant? With my… with my baby?”
“Babies,” you correct.
His brain seems to sputter out again, “babies?”
You nod, “twins.”
Before you can blink, he’s got you wrapped up in his arms, spinning you around the room. “Twins. You’re having twins.”
It takes everything you have not to start bawling. Kriffing hormones. You’ve never seen Wolffe this happy. This was beyond any reaction you could have imagined. The awe on his face when he sets you down makes your heart melt.
“This is why you were sent back? Your sudden illness?”
“Well yes… but Kix’s report was that I had an infection. I wanted to talk to your first before anyone else. I just didn’t know how.”
His warm hand oh-so-gently cups the side of your face. You lean into the touch. After even just a few weeks apart you’re starving for him.
“Why were you worried, cyare?”
“We’d never talked about kids. And we’re in the middle of a war. Not to mention we’re not even supposed to be together on the first place… I didn’t know how you’d react…”
His face softens, his amber eye drifting down to your nonexistent bump. “I’ll admit, I’m surprised. It may not be how either of us hoped, but it is a pleasant surprise.”
“Really, cyare.” You cannot help but smile as he pulls you in for a kiss. His lips slanting against your own as he holds you close. “I know there may be somethings we need to work out, but we’ll take it one step at a time,” he murmurs against your lips, hands tracing patterns across your back. “We’ll figure it out together.”
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lunarblazes · 3 years
i made a desertduo playlist and then decided to be a nerd and write explanations for all the songs! like a nerd!
playlist link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5ZGylutQpyTbgX7MY7Lrzz?si=t8_kBwBHSYG5kxTvZoIrTQ&dl_branch=1
QUICK DISCLAIMER: i am aware that a lot of these songs may have or imply romantic connotation! i would really really like it if these were not read as though those romantic connotations carry over to scar and grian. even if we’re just talking about the third life characters, i would prefer not to ship them or imply romance between them on this post. thank you so much and keep reading if you’d like to see the playlist analysis!
and now that that’s out of the way, PLAYLIST TIME!
passerine- the oh hellos
“you were the song that i’d always sing/you were the light that the fire would bring/but i can’t shake this feeling that i/was only pushing the spear into your side again”
this song really just... firstly, it’s one of my favorite songs, and the line i chose there pushes home the sort of terrified devotion i think the desert has. plus there’s a fun line about the cold wind blowing in from the north in the ending bits that i think very much fits their conflict with the red army, and a lot of legally obligated flight imagery that i need to have in every possible song because i’m a fuckin nerd.
no children- the mountain goats
“i hope that our few remaining friends/give up on trying to save us/i hope we come up with a failsafe plot to piss off the dumb few that forgave us”
i will admit that no children isn’t a perfect fit, but the general vibe of sort of defiant pessimism and betrayal fits very well with them! it’s very triumphant in its death, and i think that is very desertcore, because what’s more triumphantly dead than being the last duo left alive?
skulls- bastille
“when all of our friends are dead and just a memory/it’s always been just you and me/for all to see”
okay like this entire song is SO MUCH DESERT VIBES? LIKE SO MUCH. if i were to ever make an animatic for them i’d do it with this song. “a match is our only light, it’s day of the dead i’m indiana jones, yeah,” “i hope you can make me laugh six feet under when we’re bored of each other,” “i don’t want to rest in peace, i’d rather be the ghost that annoys you,” IT JUST KEEPS GOING. i think this song would work well with any third life duo, honestly, but these two in PARTICULAR just because of how it ended with them literally ‘buried’ next to each other, and again, the chaotic death vibes.
freaking out- mystery skulls
“i just keep out of my tongue/til all you want is done/and you just wanna leave me, oh yeah”
this song is a very third life grian song to me in particular! it could be my bias because of my little headcanon of grian burning on his red life, but seriously, this song is very reminiscent of the back and forth of loyalty that grian has with scar. the above line is sort of representative of the betrayal on red, and of course grian’s life debt.
night running- shin sakiura
(this song is in japanese! these lyrics are the rough english translation i found on google.) “someday we will stand at this place once again/for sure we will stand up again and again/we will watch it will the end/i want you to live freely”
this song is actually the ending theme for the anime bna, which i adore, and i just added it on a whim before looking at the translated lyrics. but um. holy hell the lyrics hurt me because they’re about running in search of someone, running for no reason, looking for something, and it just really hit, because the desert never really had a goal! they didn’t expect to survive, they were trying to survive, but what was their longterm goals? nothing. so that sort of endless search felt fitting for this. plus the song is a parallel for the two estranged best friends of the show so! perfect.
summer nights- siames
“it’s summertime/singing al green in your car/heading to a party/and the night air feels alive”
okay again, i will admit this song is mainly on here because i absolutely love it, but i also do think it fits well. it’s also about healing/estranged friendships, with a very distinct feeling of nostalgia for a happier time. maybe for a time when this was all a game, when there was no blood or betrayals on their hands. little canon divergent, but it’s fun for me, so into the playlist it goes!
allies or enemies- the crane wives
“are we allies or enemies/this will be the death of me, this will be the death of me/all’s fair in love and war but i can’t fight with you anymore”
. i just. points to that lyric. it literally led to both of their deaths. are they allies or enemies? it also fits with scar still wanting grian to be his friend even after he’s no longer indebted with the line “what happens now? do we have another go, do we bow out?” another very good animatic song that i’ve considered heavily. i listen to this playlist a lot
burn him down- kitsch club
“you must destroy, oh you must destroy, beyond all recognition/you gotta burn him down, you gotta burn him down, beyond all recognition”
this song just has a lot of fire and arson and high energy vibes. my little war criminals look at them go
rose- the oh hellos
“what's true is like a sickle/it'll cut you to the middle/your rose is without a thorn/but no, my mouth don't taste of metal/from the pot here to the kettle/i think we got a lot we gotta learn”
this one is like the exact opposite vibe of burn him down. the oh hellos are so poetic and this song just... feels like the healing potions after a battle. many of the metaphors here fit, i think
lone digger- caravan palace
“hey, brother, what you thinking/that good ol' sound is ringing/they don't know what they're missing/(they call it lonely diggin')”
okay this song is straight up just a dance song. i added it because i like it and also for some reason it feels ominous to me? i’ve got no idea why, it’s seriously just a club song, but it’s a banger and it’s in this playlist because i said so
feed the machine- poor man’s poison (suggested by my friend argonaughtkeene!)
“somethin’s goin” on, just look around/fear is on the rise, and there’s blood all over the ground/let’s all just blindfold the poor, we all know what’s in store/ we got ‘em now, just break ‘em down a little bit more”
this song is a VIBE for both desertduo members. there’s parts for both of them. it’s ruthless, gritty, very maniacal, perfect. listen to it and you’ll immediately understand why i added it.
sweet tooth- scott helman
“i hold hands with cosmic entities/i’ll take this two-ride if i please/i got this sweet tooth baby, yeah i got this sweet tooth baby/i exploit my opportunities/some broken hearts, some cavities”
sweet tooth is super upbeat and bright with these strangely dark lyrics? like i’m pretty sure it’s about addiction. in any case, i thought the “i hold hands with cosmic entities” very funnily fitting for both of the desert boys. it’s a banger!
necromancin’ dancin’- bear ghost
“when i’m necromancin’, everyone’s dancin’/nobody can stop me, i dare you to try/the dead are infused with insatiable groove and they’re coming for you, there’s nowhere to hide”
necromancin’ dancin’ just. bastard vibes. there’s not much more to say it’s just huge villain song vibes. i adore it.
crazy = genius- panic! at the disco
“if crazy equals genius/then i’m a fucking arsonist/i’m a rocket scientist/if crazy equals genius/you can set yourself on fire/but you’re never gonna burn, burn, burn”
i. yeah. y. yeah. more bastard vibes. also shoutout to an artist i saw (i think it was strifesolution?) who made a desertduo piece to this song because i have not stopped thinking about it ever
sweet bod- lemon demon
“i’m diggin’ up your coffin/and pouring out the contents/your sexy, sweet solution/is ripe for distribution”
you know how i said freaking out was a grian song? this one is a scar song. it’s my favorite lemon demon song and also it has the total macabre capitalism vibe that third life scar NAILED. more bastard vibes good for him <3
drunk- the living tombstone
“feel so much better than usual/i feel indisputable, oh/but now i’m feeling so beautiful/don’t wake me up from this spell i’m under, if i’m still breathing/i know that i will be ugly when i feel like myself again, oh/but right now i’m feelin’ so beautiful”
the descent of this song, starting off with a polite gathering and ending with a gasping drunk in the parking lot gazing at the stars that he can barely see? yes. yeah. mhm. i used a line from this song for a fic, actually, it fit so well.
oh no!- marina
“one track mind, one track heart/if i fail, i’ll fall apart/maybe it is all a test/cos i feel like i’m the worst so i always act like i’m the best”
bubbly pop track about false confidence, the ruthlessness of the pop industry, and the influence of the media? you know why this is here. it vibes. it rocks.
do it all the time- i don’t know how but they found me
“we’re taking over the world/a little victimless crime/and when i’m taking your innocence/i’ll be corrupting your mind/no need to cry i’m only doing everything i want to do because i do it all the time”
EVEN MORE BASTARD VIBES! SOMEHOW THERE IS MORE! this playlist is half villain songs and half heart-wrenching ballads and that’s the real desert experience i think.
the phoenix- fall out boy
“i’m gonna change you/like a remix/then i’ll raise you/like the phoenix”
BATTLE SONG BATTLE SONG! i’ll be honest i partially chose this song because i am a huge sucker for phoenix grian imagery in particular, but it’s also just a very good war song for them. villain song no 18372948 except this one originally had a hero vibe and now it’s changed specifically for them?? wild. their power
the other side- the greatest showman
“right here, right now/i’ll put the offer out/i don’t wanna chase you down, i know you see it/you run with me/and i can cut you free/out of the treachery/and all you keep in”
scar and grian’s desert monopoly conversation went exactly like this canonically because i said so fuck you <3
icicles- the scary jokes (suggested by my friend demizorua!)
“icicles don’t soften when they die/so why should i, why should i?/oh, icicles don’t soften when they die/they sharpen into sabers and they stab you in the eye”
this song actually has specific parts for both grian and scar! my cool epic friend mx demizorua pointed both of them out to me and i adored it so much. it’s a very spiteful song, just like the desert boys. also it feels vaguely murderous. perfect
problems- mother mother (suggested by my friend demizorua!)
“i’m a loser, a disgrace/you’re a beauty, a luminary, in my face”
literally this entire song fits them. particularly their relationship with the flower husbands, to me, honestly— the whole “when we meet at the pearly gates/you’ll get the green light/and i’ll get the boot in the face” reminds me a lot of them hdksjdks
tongues and teeth- the crane wives
“i know that you mean so well/but i am not a vessel for your good intent/i will only break your pretty things/i will only wring you dry of everything”
h. yeah. this song is literally gaslight gatekeep girlboss and i attribute it to the desert for that reason alone. songs to commit murder to!
you’re nobody til somebody wants you dead- saint motel
“you’re nobody til somebody wants you dead/and the list, it grows, and grows, and grows/it grows, and grows, and grows/and grows, and grows, and grows/until it’s everyone you’ve ever known”
this one is very self-explanatory. enemies pogchamp
curses- the crane wives
“there’s a fire in my brain and i’m burning, love/oh my, oh my/keep running to the sink, but the well is dry/oh my, oh my/every word i say is kindling/but the smoke clears when you’re around”
okay again! this one has two very specific parts for both of them. grian’s the first verse, which is above, and scar’s the second verse!! i really do like my fire imagery for these two don’t i? well, i blame them for having a fuck ton of tnt on them at all times and literally burning their enemy’s banners as a final act of defiance.
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esta-elavaris · 2 years
WARNING. spoilers for catch the wind.
i have been gone for a few days — i was wallowing on my self-pity while ‘celebrating’ my birthday, and oh my god! your new chapters are fire! my flat is high likely about to burn to the ground. i did not expect the whole thing! i so badly wanted theodora and james to jump together like the jack and rose thing, but oh no. i should’ve known it was coming but it still managed to blow me off the stand! like the reviews i read for the chapter, i agree with them.
i feel so bad for theodora. i don’t know what elizabeth thought she was doing, but babes, she better have a good explanation because what the actual fuck? CRYING.
excited to have my heart hurt so much, i’ll wake up to reality in a work fiction! call me the term of someone who likes pain in books. i am obsessed with angst. i will live and die for angst. i will carve out my heart and lend it to you just so you could write letters on it using a knife, stomp on it. do anything you want with it! i will pay you to stab me on the chest tbh.
you never fail to surprise your readers with the twist of your work and your ability to make us feel! i am so ready for your next update!
ps. i kinda get embarrassed when i put reviews like this and some really weird ones on ff.net because i feel like i seem like a noob on there with all the comments and missing spaces, punctuations, and capital letters which i do not deny. i feel like i express too much, but i also get this thought like, ‘it’s the internet. i’m already weird enough having this unhealthy obsession with james bloody norrington.’ so here i go having yet another long train of thoughts written off to be seen by the internet.
Man, birthdays are rough, I'm sorry you're going through that. I think it doesn't help that there's always such an expectation for them to be fantastic and amazing days that for those of us where they don't feel that way, it's even more of a let-down at times? Idk, maybe that's just me. Either way, I'm sorry! I hope you're doing okay and you're taking the time to do something nice for yourself.
Catch the Wind spoilers beneath the cut.
Ahahaha thank you for your thoughts on this latest chapter. I did get some (valid!) constructive criticism a wee while back that they thought I was being too nice to Elizabeth and glossing over her flaws, but this scene has always been in mind so I kind of knew I had to pre-emptively make up for what she was going to do otherwise there'd just be no chance of redeeming it. Plus I just really liked the contrast between Theo having "seen" it happen one way in the movies (where James kisses Elizabeth) and then seeing it happen this way (where he very much did not instigate it, or really participate in it at all) brings a lot of inner conflict between what she thinks she knows from the movies, vs what is actually real to her in this story.
Especially because there's been so much focus between them on the matter of "well in the movies you love Elizabeth" and "well in the movies, you don't exist at all, you need to stop treating them as fact". James has been amazing with trusting Theo so far. Now we get to see if she'll be able to return the favour. Ah, the angst potential.
All of that aside, I promise we'll hear Elizabeth's reasoning very soon although I did slightly hint at it in the chapter itself so I'm excited to see if anybody picks up on that, and I have a fair few scenes other planned between here and the end that I'm very excited about! I also share your love of angst, it just makes everything in a story feel that much more rewarding if it's hard-won, it's why I really couldn't go the route of them just getting away quickly and easily.
Thank you so much for your lovely words! Reading them made my day. And honestly I'm happy for you to share your thoughts with me whenever you want via Tumblr if you're not comfortable doing so in comment/review sections on the actual sites the fic is posted on, but I will say that I've never found your way of writing to be strange or flawed in any way, so please don't worry about that! Plus, I've now written 300k words of sheer James Norrington thirst so I'm really not in a position to judge any kind of obsession haha -- we're all mad here B)
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Javier Peña / Ceasefire
Prompts: “You don’t know me”
Summary: Javier’s been in a bad mood -- and you realize why: you. 
Warnings: NSFW, Jealousy (Javi being a jealous idiot), Smut, exhibitionism (why does this keep happening?), dirty talk, swearing, oral (f receiving), i wrote this after watching 2 episodes of narcos help, no y/n 
Word Count: 3,004
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“What are you two talking about?” You and Steve’s snap up from the file you’re looking at. The file falls closed in Steve’s hands. His eyes flicker between the empty glasses of whiskey, face twisted in a scowl. 
Javier is a foul fucking mood, his anger a bitter lime, souring the taste of everyone in the office, or rather now, only, you and Steve. The office is dead and the streets quiet, for once. A temporary ceasefire and a strict curfew bought them some time. But time for what really? They never had enough anyway. Even now. There was only the sound of the low buzz of the flickering lights overhead, dying. But everything seemed less alive when you were surrounded by nothing but death. 
And Javier was no different. 
A dark cloud had been brewing over his head since the day before, when he found you and Carrillo in his office, pouring over plans that he hadn’t gotten to see. Lightning cracked down on anyone who dared to enter his radius. The entire office had steered clear of him since, including you and Steve. 
Steve says nothing, but shoots you a look that says everything, asshole, “Nothing, Javi, didn’t know you were one to take interest in our personal lives.” 
“Didn’t know you had all the capital on being a nosy fucking busybody,” he bit back, grabbing the file out of Murphy’s hands, before flipping through it, pausing, “This isn’t work.” 
You roll your eyes, leaning back in your chair, hem of your dress riding up, “We’re off the clock, Peña, not like it’s any of your business,” 
“Wedding pictures are how you guys like to spend your off time?” he whistles, his eyes unabashedly raking over your bare legs, “I thought I told you not to go too crazy on the weekends.” 
“Not that you asked, but I needed some help with an anniversary gift for my wife,” Steve sighs, crossing his arms, “didn’t think you would be interested.” 
“And why would she be?” He jerks his head to you, tilting it, before tossing the file back onto Murphy’s desk past your head, “she doesn’t believe in marriage.” 
You snort, rising from your seat. “And how would you know anything I believe in?” you brush by him intentionally, shoulders colliding, you ask, shrugging on your coat, “you don’t even know me.” 
His eyes flash dangerously, eyes catching the reflection of the dancing lights — but there was something more than just light — anger. You catch how his fingers flex in place, his lips a tight line, but he says nothing when he spots you leaving. Instead, you see him continue to discuss something quietly with Murphy, as you turn the corner to leave. 
You walked to your anger, gritting your teeth as you burst through the double doors of the embassy. You tugged at the collar of your shirt, feeling the sweat already begin to drip down your neck. Out of one suffocating night and into another. 
You didn’t know what his fucking problem was, the metal of your keys digging into your fisted fingers. Your steps echoed against the pavement, the streets of Bogota quiet for the first time since you had arrived. But the silence wasn’t a comfort, instead it was only an irritant for your nerves. Maybe it was the same for Javier — the feeling of standing still was worse than always moving — it was easy to ignore problems when the world was constantly shifting under feet. But at a standstill — you unlocked your car — it was easier to get consumed by everything that was wrong. 
You had barely opened the door, when you found yourself pressed against it. Breath sucked from your lungs, your hands fumbled for your gun, ready to shoot whoever had chosen to grab at a federal agent, but instead you found a familiar voice whispering to you in Spanish, “I don’t know anything about you, huh?”
Relief washes over you, only to be replaced with white hot anger, “Javier, what the fuck—” 
His lips are at your neck, peeling back your all too warm jacket, freeing your skin to the Colombian humidity that clung to the air desperately. Almost as desperately as Javier’s lips were, burning kisses into your already searing skin. Your jacket slid helplessly to the ground, as helpless as you were under his touch. His fingers quickly pull apart your shirt, nearly ripping the buttons from the fabric to expose your neck to his touch. 
You felt anger bubble up in your throat again, only to be distracted by his large hands grasping at your hips, squeezing and pulling you impossibly closer. Closer. He was quickly stoking a different fire in you — one growing quicker and spreading faster, especially as his knee parted your thighs for him. 
“I know that you like this,” he continued, his fingers already between your legs, fingertips pressing against your soaked underwear, as your hips roll against his touch, “You cannot deny it, hermosa — your body certainly isn’t,” his chuckles rumbles against you, making you shudder against him, “does he know how you you feel? Wet, tight, pliable under my touch, my touch,” he sweeps your tied hair to one side before pulling it from its constraint, “Does he know how you sound when you beg for me every night? Beg me to come? Does he?” 
“Does who?” You growl. 
Of course, you knew who he was talking about. And of course they didn’t know — you both did your damnedest to make sure no one knew. You knew the reputation that Javier carried, bore it proudly on his chest without any shame. Why would he need to feel it? He was a man after all — he wasn’t married, even if he was, there was no shame for a man to fuck around with his informants. Not when it was the name of justice and fairness. But was there anything fair about how his teeth were dragging across your pulse point, sucking and licking at the newly formed bruise, “Steve’s fucking married and Carrillo—” 
“Married is another word for trapped, and you don’t see the way Carrillo eyes you when your back is turned,” He hisses, fingers squeezing your ass, his hardness pressed against your thigh, “there’s a lot you don’t know.” 
“Just like there’s a lot you don’t know about me,” you spit back, “you’re just fucking pissed because I said you don’t know me, because you don’t.”  
“I know you,” he whispers against your skin, licking a stripe up your neck, “I know you.” 
You rip his fingers from your body, turning to lean against the car, chest heaving, fingers digging into the cheap paint of the car, “Prove it,” His pupils dilate, as he moves closer, panting in your ear, as he fumbles with your back door, but you shut it and lock it, “you want everyone to know that I’m yours, right?” you sit on the back of the car, looking at the empty streets, “it’s a ceasefire. No better time.” 
He growls, the noise sending heat straight down your body, as he presses himself against you wholly, as your thighs wrap around his waist to pull him in closer, “I will know every inch of you after tonight. I will drag my body down every single place, until you are begging me to let you come tonight.” 
His calloused fingers trail up your soft thigh again, lingering this time, no longer quick or rough. He made good on his promise, as his fingers explored your lower thigh, his lips mapped your collarbone, “Javier,” you breathed, “this isn’t going to make me beg — this is just making me impatient.” 
“Now, now, hermosa,” his fingers finally rake across your core, as his eyes flicker with that same dangerous gleam, “Don’t we Americans say, all good things come to those who wait?” 
“We’re not in America,” Your fingers pulled at his collar, tugging him closer, fisting the fabric of his shirt, as he presses a kiss to your soaked underwear, “Maybe I should find out if Murphy or Carrillo are available—” and his fingers slid your panties aside, two thick fingers sinking inside you, “Javi— Fuck-” 
“Would they be able to fill you like this? To satisfy you?” A derisive laugh cut off by a short groan, his fingers sliding in and out, his thumb brushing against your clit, “look how you’re dripping for me, and I haven’t even put my cock in you yet.” 
“Javi,” your hips roll against his fingers, feeling your body begin to crest just as he slides another finger in, “Javi, please,” 
His fingers slow and then withdraw completely, and you nearly sob into his shoulder at the absence of his touch, biting back tears. He kisses each cheek, before trailing open mouthed kisses down your body, until he sinks to his knees, “I haven’t even gotten to taste you tonight,” he mutters, thick fingers sliding your underwear down, his mustache now tickling your thigh, “would you like me to, hermosa?” 
“Yes, fuck, Javi—” your head brushes against the car, barely holding yourself upright, and his mouth presses a kiss to your weeping warmth, fingers pressing the soft flesh of your thighs apart to keep them from jumping. 
“You’re going to have to tell me what you want, sweetheart,” he says, voice thick with desire, your fingers fist in the soft curls of his hair, guiding him to where you wanted him. He clicked his tongue, nearly brushing against your dripping cunt, his dark eyes flickering up to meet yours, “because I don’t know you, remember?” 
“Taste me,” you demand, the seething anger undermined by the breathy gasps that fall from your lips after his broad tongue takes a quick stripe up the middle of you. Your fingers form fists, pressing him closer to yourself, his head caught between your thighs. His tongue circles you slowly, painfully — barely touching your clit, before falling into the same rhythm again. Your nails dig into his scalp, “Javier—” 
“Would you beg for anyone else like this?” he sucks a pretty bruise onto the skin of your inner thigh, soothing it with his tongue, “could anyone else have you like this? In public?” you know he sees your clench at the thought, “tell me, or your pretty pussy will anyway.” He noses your inner thigh, hot breath against your parted thighs. 
“No, Javi,” you breathe, and his tongue flicks against you, one of your hands digging into his shoulder, “No one else, just you. Only you. Please, I—” 
His tongue slides into that moment, no longer taking his time, mouth twisted around you, allowing your hands and legs to bring him closer and closer. Your hips roll against his mouth, nearly falling backwards, boneless. And his tongue retreats only to be replaced with two fingers. You feel him smile against your sensitive skin before he sucks your clit into his mouth. 
“Javi, I’m—” A hand is buried in his hair, the other on his shoulder, knowing you’ll crescent indentations all over the crest of his shoulder blade, and he only seems to pump his fingers faster, until you reach that peak. And he groans around you when he hears you moan his name, your throat raw, as you steady yourself with his body. He rides out your orgasm, swallowing your essence with sloppy lips and his broad tongue. 
“I will never get sick of how you taste —” he peers up at you with hooded eyes, lips shiny as his tongue darts across the length of his lips, “best pussy I’ve ever had,” He presses butterfly kisses across your inner thighs, hands rubbing up and down the length of them. Groaning, as you pull at his hair, tugging him up your body, as you pull him into a deep kiss. 
You groan when you taste yourself on his lips and his tongue, which flicks against your own. Your hands smooth the front of his jeans, before massaging his prominent bulge in the coarse material, fingers toying with the button, “Sweetheart,” he warns, until your fingers tug down his pants and boxers with it, fingers immediately closing around his erection. 
Swears spill from his lips as his hips stutter under your touch, tracing the large vein with your pointer finger, before you squeeze, And suddenly his large hands are underneath your thighs, hooking your legs around his waist. The tip rubs against your clit, and you suddenly realize just how hot you are. Sweaty, sticky bodies in Bogota’s impossibly humid night, sweat rolling down your bare shoulder, his head buried in the nape of your neck. 
“I need you, Javi,” you admit, shaking your head, as the edge of the car digs into your ass, “please.” 
“What do you want, hermosa?” he mutters darkly against your collarbone, lips an inch from yours, “you have to tell me.” 
“I want you to fuck me,” you tell him, and his cock only brushes your folds, “I want you to fill me, remind me how much you exactly know me. Never let me forget what it feels like to have you inside me—” 
He growls, a growl pulled from deep in his chest, “We’ll make sure of that, won’t we, hermosa?” He slides into you, first few inches parting your folds as he grunts, “So fucking tight for me, only for me.”
He bottoms out in you, your muscles contracting around his thick cock as you take him deeper, deeper. His hips rock against you, and your warmth welcomes it, soaking wet and swallowing him. His arm steadies you from behind, wrapped around your back, your chests brushing against each other. 
You can’t stop the moans from falling from your lips, echoing in silence of the night. You know he’s unwilling to let stop it, corner of his lip pulling as he watches himself fuck you harder, “I wonder if Steve can hear us, hear how good I fuck you,” you clench around him tighter, another moan pulled from your mouth, “Imagine if he walked out to get to his car, imagine if he saw us, would you like that? To see you all fucked out by me? With my cum slipping down your ankles?” 
“Javier—" he lifts you higher, sliding into you deeper at this angle, and you nearly sob at the sensation, "fuck, I—" 
"Tell me," he groans, as his hips begin to stutter,  "tell me who can only make you feel this way," 
"You, Javi, only you," you nearly scream, as his fingers rub down hard on your clit. 
"Cum for me," he grunts in your ear, as you tip over the edge, your walls tightening around him, your back arching as his arm steadies you around him. His hips continue to thrust into you, until finally they stutter, as he cums in you. 
He slowly stills inside you, his breath coming in soft pants. He presses your forehead to yours, for a moment, eyes squeezed shut. He slowly eases you down, pulling himself out, as he straightens your underwear and clothes. His fingers linger at the hem of your dress a moment too long. He adjusts himself, as you lean against your own car, eyes never leaving you still. 
His gaze darkens when he sees you glance at the embassy doors, "Javier—" 
"Let me take you home," he says, lips pressing a kiss to your forehead, "come on. You can leave your car here." You raise a brow, as his arm wraps around your middle, "Or I'll have a buddy drop it off. Let's just go, hermosa." 
You don’t argue with him, instead leaning into his touch as he leads you to his car instead, your head buried in the collar of his shirt. The smell of sex mixed with the faint scent of cigarettes is nearly overwhelming, you resist the urge to press a kiss to the hollow of his throat. 
The car ride is silent, your head resting against the cool glass of Javi’s car. His hand grazes your knee innocently, resting there and occasionally squeezing, as if he was reminding himself that you were there — you were with him still. 
As you pull up to your small house, your eyes slide over to him, as he puts the car into park. Hand still resting over the gear shifter, his eyes turbulent — but a different storm than before — not one of lightning, but one of rain. 
“Javier, I don’t understand what you want—” 
“Sweetheart—” You shake your head. 
“No, we both agreed to keep this a secret. To just stick to fucking outside of work,” your eyes blink away memories of the first time it happened — his lips still tasted of the whiskey he had drank at the bar, yet somehow tinged with a sadness, a yearning for a distraction from all the death and danger that followed them and that they had followed — “But this — getting jealous of Carrillo? Of Steve?” 
A frown twists at his lips, “I’m sorry, okay?” he leans his head back against the headrest, a sigh parts his lip as he pulls a cigarette from his pack, “Look, you’re better off with someone else—” 
“I thought tonight was about proving I wasn’t,” you shifted in your seat, still sticky with the proof of that fact. His eyes snap to the movement before rising back to your face, a twitch of his upper lip, “Javier, what are you so afraid of?” 
He gives a bitter chuckle, “I’m not scared of a lot of things, hermosa,” 
“But you are scared of this,” you say, as his eyes fall to his lap instead, and you let it go, exhaustion pulling at your limbs. There was another time for this conversation. You open the car door, “Are you coming?” 
He blinks, tilting his head, “You still want me to come inside?” 
You grin, tugging at his collar, before plucking the cigarette from between his fingers, “You know me so well,” you press a kiss to the corner of his lips, hand cupping his cheek, “tell me what you think.” 
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vasiktomis · 3 years
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Pomegranate, Chapter 17: Quiet Earth, Part I.
John Seed x Female Deputy
Rating: Explicit.
Read it on Ao3 here!
Notes: Thanks all who have been keeping up with this! I'm so consistently floored by the amount of content creators we have in this fandom corner and the sheer level of workmanship that exists here. This is the first chapter of Pom that I'll be posting to tumblr, and I'm hoping to draw up a little sketch with each update. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them! Big thank you to @shallow-gravy and @consumedkings as always for dealing with my stupidity and being a pair of top-notch angels, and also just like, everybody who takes time out of their day to engage with this? Y'all really sticking with ultra slow burn and I swear after some wicked angst in the next couple of chapters I'll finally be able to throw some well-deserved smut at you. WARNINGS: Forced conversion, descriptions of dissociation and derealisation, explicit language, sexual content, depictions of violence, guns, blood and gore. Canon-typical debauchery.
“Don’t touch him!”
Mary May lunged with enough force for John to feel the wake of air sweep through him, even with how quickly she was snatched up and yanked back to her place. The soles of her tennis shoes squeaked against the floor as she was dragged to the far side of the room, unable to be trusted with providing audience to Nick’s Atonement.
A shame, really. It was nicer as a shared experience.
The Baptist rolled his jaw, off-setting some of the tension arising from the shrieks that the blonde flung at the back of his head. He righted himself, taking the tattoo gun from one of his faithful with a gracious nod, and turned his attention down to the pilot currently pinned to the floor. Without a word, he sank to his knees, straddling the man, keeping silent as he could just to listen out for any change in his demeanour. Fear. Grief. Defeat. Acceptance. A sign to prove his readiness.
Nick didn't flinch, breathing hard through his nose and watching with hateful eyes. John hovered an indicating hand over the man’s bare chest, bruised from the fight he’d put up against his capture, mentally mapping out placement. Then, he came in with the needle, beginning with the stem of an ’E’, right in the centre of Nick's sternum.
The pilot snorted, masking discomfort with indifference, turning a wince into a scoff. “Figures you don’t use stencils. I ain’t got a hope in hell of this turning out good, do I.”
That casual old Nick attitude. He missed it.
If only he’d let him do this 5 years ago. He wouldn’t have had to miss it.
John feigned offense. “Oh I’m sorry, Nick. Did you want me to do the rest in cursive? Add a feather? Infinity symbol?”
“For fuck’s sake-”
“Talk about tonal dissonance. It’s not meant to be pretty.” He grumbled. “Might’ve gotten a little more practice if you’d-”
A yell from the rear entryway pulled John’s hand away from his canvas. More squeaking. More interruption. Jerome Jeffries getting hauled into the church, held under each arm by the pair of Chosen that John had sent looking for him.
The Baptist cast a look over his shoulder at them, content with the sight of Jerome adequately beaten and bloodied. “Ahh. Pastor. Try to run and hide? It’s no wonder your flock ran astray with a shepherd so quick to leave them to the wolves.”
Jerome ignored him. No reply. No eye contact. A crime John noted to make worthy of capital punishment in the New Eden. The Pastor was set down beside Mary May, who immediately began seeing to his injuries. Murmuring bubbled between them.
“Did you reach them?” The bartender asked. Must’ve been a negative, because the next thing she did was curse.
“The Deputy was calling when they caught me.”
And if she had half the spine to come and broker an agreement for her friends, she’d be inbound.
“Could you at least gag them? I’m trying to concentrate.” John ordered no one in particular, earning another scoff from Nick. “The faster we work, the less we’ll have to get through once she arrives. The quicker we can be out of this heinous town.”
“Stay away from her, shitbag.” The pilot ground out, this time unable to save face when John retaliated, pressing the gun just a little too hard, digging down through an extra few layers of skin.
“Nick Rye, you’re a married man.” John tutted playfully, resuming his work. “That sin of yours again. Take, take, take. Didn’t think the Deputy to be your type. Wouldn’t say you’re hers, either.”
Nick looked downright disgusted at the prospect. Less concerned for the state of his wife - which meant she'd been a likely getaway. “Always been so fuckin’ jealous.”
“Come again?”
“Think folks are stupid? Think I don’t know you?”
“You don't know me, period.” John bit back, skin on the back of his neck flushing between boiling and freezing.
“Anyone else givin’ you this much trouble’d be long dead by now. That shit on the radio? Reckon you’d be talkin’ like that if your family could hear you across the river?” Nick continued, averting his gaze when John shot him a particularly poisonous look. He didn’t, however, find it necessary to respond to such a veiled accusation.
At least until -
“Everybody knows you wanna stick it to her, John-”
As if he’d been awaiting the chance, John’s free hand shot to Nick’s jaw, aching in protest when he squeezed, not stopping until he could feel the man’s molars beneath his flesh. “That’s about enough from you.” He crooned.
John had his desires, yes. He’d accepted that much. Had he not been sworn to celibacy, he might have jumped at the opportunity to respond to Cora’s advances last night. That said, she was still an outsider, and while her Atonement made the prospect less dicey, he couldn’t consciously consider laying with the woman in real life.
No matter how torturous it had become to gear his thoughts toward anything else.
He could be content with just her company, without making any further advances on her. Last night had simply been a moment of weakness, and he’d prevailed by stepping away.
“If you’ll excuse me.” John switched off the little machine once he’d completed his piece and promptly stood to beckon for replacement parts. Mary May might have gotten away with an allergic reaction last time he’d attempted this, but considering he’d be slicing it out of her within the hour, he couldn’t see any reason for her to be complaining. The bartender had been a thorn in his side from the start. While Nick and his wife had once lent John their...whatever a sinner’s closest equivalent was to friendship, Mary May had always been trouble. Wore her heart on her sleeve and trusted no one she hadn’t grown up around. Bolshie. Almost fucking killed him, once.
John busied himself with needle transfers and a pleasant expression. He could feel the woman’s eyes on him.
Did she think what Nick proclaimed? That complete and utter lie?
How fucking crass. No, he did not want to ’stick it’ to Cora. At least, as far as anyone else was concerned. He was fond of her, and - while yes, he had encountered temptation - if one disregarded the cum-stained, stolen panties in his pocket, and the conjured fantasies, and the purely incidental erection he’d maintained after the Deputy stuck her tongue down his throat last night - there was simply no evidence to suggest to anyone else that he was even remotely tempted to break the rules.
Sex was the furthest thing from his mind. It was mere coincidence that today had just so happened to fall on a morning in which he’d needed to trim.
If, however, she were to decide that she wanted to continue what she’d attempted last night, then surely he couldn’t be to blame if he only failed to stop her. It wasn’t technically fornication if he didn’t initiate it. Nor was it considered intercourse if -
“Brother John.”
John jumped, heart stopping, whipping his head around to the Chosen standing at the door of the church.
“What?" He asked thickly.
“The Deputy’s arrived.”
Right on cue, the crackling of gunshots drifted in alongside the Chosen’s announcement.
“Tell everyone to hold their fire.” John ordered. “We have them outnumbered tenfold. The Deputy can’t be stupid enough to create a hostage situation. Direct her here, and peacefully.”
The Chosen’s throat bobbed, swallowing back outrage, and John squinted hard at him, trying to dispel the flicker of green light in the mist outside as it settled against the man’s temple.
“John, I don’t think-”
He never got a chance to act on that incoming insubordination.
Instead, he jerked, cut off by a sickening crack as a section of his skull blew out of his head. Red mist and liquified brain matter followed, splattering against the doorframe, and the Chosen slumped lifeless onto the front step.
John wasn’t so much shaken by the killing as he was irritated by everyone else’s apparent refusal to let today go according to plan. Maybe also the pile of brains and hair now sitting on his once-pristine red carpet. He’d made this easy for the woman: kill everyone he could round up, leave her with no one to claim duty to, and get this all over and done with. Have her home by mid-afternoon. Embark on a new chapter and achieve salvation. It was that simple.
Woe to him for trusting in her common sense.
“Fuck’s sake. Wrath begets more wrath.” He muttered, smoothing a hand over his chin. He didn’t have the patience for this any longer. “Fine. Sister -”
A woman stood from the pews as soon as John made eye contact, equally as unshaken by the scene mere feet away.
“Send out word: the Deputy wants to sacrifice her friends for the sake of a fight.” John punctuated the end of his sentence with a click as he returned his focus to jamming the needles into his tattoo gun. “Give her what she wants. Take her by force.”
The smokescreen was beginning to clear, but despite the weight it was taking off her lungs, Cora would’ve preferred it remain just a little longer. At least until they’d cleared out the town. Had they been quicker, it might have lasted longer. Covered their approach to Fall’s End. Given them more cover to sneak about unseen.
The streets, while still hazy, were visible now. It wasn’t a difficult task watching Peggie silhouettes run from building to building in search of her team. Resistance members and civilians were either in the process of being rounded up, or littered the road and pavement, dead. The Ryes, Mary May, and Pastor Jerome were yet to be seen amongst either group.
Same went for Boomer.
Aside from the barking of orders from Chosen and faithful, there was little sound. Knowing how much of a fuss her dog had put up the last time he’d been caught by the Project struck Cora’s nerves. He was his own alarm, and he would not go peacefully.
Not hearing him was an indication of the worst.
Some part of her brain argued against the idea. Vouching that John wouldn’t have hurt the creature. That was her dog. He had to be an exception to the massacre, no matter how vicious he behaved.
She had to find him, and creeping through the rear entry of the Spread Eagle was the first point of call.
Luckily enough, the back door had yet to be boarded up. Peggies who rushed past covered windows hardly stopped to peek inside the place for fear of being tainted by the presence of alcohol. Sneaking in was simple enough, too, at least once Jess had picked the lock.
“I’m going to pretend that door was open.” The Deputy murmured her equivalent to praise, passing into the building.
Grace headed straight in after her, taking a left to search for any sign of Mary May while she took a right toward the stairs.
“You pretend the Cook’s head was already gone when we found him?” Jess whispered.
“Freak accident. You all saw it.”
“First floor’s clear.” Grace announced from the serving hatch in the kitchen, clearly unhappy about it.
“Right.” Cora acknowledged, “I’ll check up top.”
The second story was as dead-quiet as the first. Furniture had been knocked over in the hallway and bedrooms had been raided. None of it indicated anything good, but she still had to know.
Cora pushed open the door to her room, and while she held no expectation of what she’d find, her heart sank anyway.
It was empty.
Boomer was gone.
Only his makeshift collar and a tattered bandana remained atop the rug he’d been snoozing on that morning.
Her dog.
John had either taken him or killed him, just like the rest. He’d do the same to the rest of her team. She should’ve taken the Baptist’s offer before the latter had even become a possibility.
“No sign?” Grace affirmed once the Deputy slipped back down to the first floor. “My guess is either they’re in hiding, or John’s giving them special treatment. If they were dead he’d be parading them.”
Sharky and Hurk exchanged a frown when Cora offered only a nod, notably more meek than usual.
“Was he in there, darlin’?” Adelaide asked, a little too gently not to invite a sting to her eyes.
Cora felt her jaw clench. It was a different breed of nausea, trying to keep her composure under the scrutiny of the rest of the team. She managed to shake her head, and Adelaide’s hand found her shoulder.
“Could still be with the others, yet.” The woman offered.
“So how do we find them?” Jess asked.
Find John Seed, of course.
“Finding them’s one thing. Getting to them might be the harder part.” Cora began. “The smokescreen’s only getting thinner and there’s Peggies everywhere. It's grasslands from here to the hills. No way we can herd everyone across a field on-foot, safely. We’ve got to make sure they stay freed, first.”
“And?” Jess huffed. “We’re gonna kill some Peggies, right?”
The blonde considered that.
“We split up. Search the buildings for anyone who hasn’t been caught yet. Round them up and plant explosives as we go. With enough chaos, maybe we can have a shot at turning the tide in the short term.”
Sharky was practically trembling. “Explosives, like, everywhere?”
“Everywhere. The more damage, the better.” Cora replied. “Adelaide, Xander, pair up. Sharky and Hurk, same with you.”
“And us on range?” Jess grinned, trading a look with Grace who maintained absolute stoicism. “I’m so into that.”
“Say what?”
“No more ranged attacks. I need you and Grace to head back to the van -”
Jess was advancing on her before she’d even finished her sentence.
“You’re pulling me outta the fight? The fuck gives?” The huntress loomed over the Deputy, incredulous. Cora made an effort to stay put, but Jess’s insistence managed to outweigh her stubbornness, forcing the blonde to compromise by leaning as far back as she could without falling.
“We can’t keep running on short-term wins.” Cora insisted. “We have to put our foot down. No more small assaults. No more hoping John gets demoralised enough that he hands himself over.”
Sharky frowned. “What’re you saying?”
She met his gaze, puffing out her chest, retaking her space. “I’m saying the Henbane Bridge is unmanned right now. If we get word to the County Jail, there’s no roadblock to stop them from helping us win this. John Seed’s throwing everything he can at us. I say we try for the same. I say we end it for good. We’re gonna take back Holland Valley. Today.”
“...You really like that dog, huh.”
“That too.”
Jess looked unconvinced. “So the two of us are running errands while the rest of you are holding the fort? Fucking bullshit.”
“I told you. No more range.” Cora bit back, jabbing a thumb toward Hurk and Sharky. “You’d rather send Boshaws and Drubmans to convince Tracey to send us her best people? No offence.”
“None taken, bitch.” Adelaide grumbled.
Grace exhaled, throwing away momentary hesitation. “We’ll be fast.”
Cora traded a nod with the sniper before looking to Jess once more.
Still unconvinced.
“They have cars with guns on them, remember?”
The corner of Jess’s mouth ticked. Temptation.
Mission accomplished.
The tacky fucking carpet was the first thing she noticed, creeping along Main Street. Bliss petals had been sprinkled all over the road leading up to the church.
The carpet ended at the door. An invitation if she ever saw one. Boastful. Arrogant.
A pang of dread ached through Cora's bones, holding her in place while she drew her revolver. It could be an ambush. It probably was an ambush, but there was nothing she could feasibly do to avoid it. If the others were in there, then she couldn't wait around any longer.
She had to do this. At least hold out until Jess and Grace returned, with or without help.
She'd been running for long enough. All other options had been exhausted. At least John offered the least awful defeat.
Drawing close to the entrance, the Deputy pointedly avoided examining a dead crow that had been impaled upon the wall. She inhaled, holding the breath in her lungs, steadying her heart rate.
It was only freedom.
She opened the door, immediately training the gun out before her, following its guide into the room.
About a dozen Peggies dotted the space, leaning against walls, lining the pews - all angled at the pulpit, observing Nick on the floor. He stifled a cry while John sliced through the final remaining layers of skin binding the tattoo to his chest, peeling the word 'GREED' out of his flesh. Blood pooled on the floor around them, and the moment John had stepped away, the pilot was descended on with antiseptic and bandages.
The Deputy waited for nausea at the sight to take its course. It never did. She was all but numbed to the sight.
"Deputy, run!"
Mary May's voice cut through the silence, and the bartender lurched from her own spot on the ground. Guns raised all around the room, swinging around to aim for Cora.
”Hold!” John barked immediately, unconcerned when the Deputy shifted her aim to him. Instead, he busied himself with washing his sullied hands. “Hold your fire.”
His followers obeyed.
Cora, meanwhile, cocked the revolver in her grip. One foot edged into the room, and she glanced around for the Project’s captives before returning her gaze to John. All on the other side of the room. Pinned. Fuck.
“Hope County Sheriff’s Department.” She announced, staring the Baptist down, ignoring the grin that crept onto his face - like he found it fucking funny. “Weapons on the ground. Step away from the hostages.”
“Hostages?” John snorted. He gestured Pastor Jerome, Mary May, and Nick. “These are guests! This is their Atonement. This is your Atonement.”
“Drop the fucking weapons.”
John’s patience thinned. Quickly. “I’m not doing this with you.” He replied simply. “Not today.”
With his own look around the room, John inclined his head. An unspoken order to which everyone carrying a gun turned them on her allies.
“We both know you don’t have enough bullets for everyone. Nor do you have the time. So why don’t you put down my gun and surrender.”
“Don’t-” Mary May was cut off with the tap of steel against her temple. Warning.
John was right. She was outnumbered. There was no chance of getting any of them out with force alone.
She inhaled. Exhaled. Watched the fondness slip back onto John’s face like it had never left, and set the gun on the floor.
“That’s my girl.” John murmured. Then, he motioned. “Get her ready.”
Cora’s stomach dropped as two sets of arms coiled around hers, each pulling and pushing, prickling at her skin with unfamiliar, sickening touch. Biology told her to resist. Escape the sensation. The downward pulling.
“No, stop it.” Escaped her while she squirmed. “Get off. Stop touching me-”
“Her friends can’t be far. Find them.” The Baptist ordered, turning away toward the pulpit.
Cora’s knees hit the floor. There was no holding the repetition of protests, but even as she consciously elevated the volume of her voice, it grew quieter in her ears. Calculated attempts to jerk away and make an escape became automatic twitches.
One of John’s followers - a female - crept into view, fingers tugging at the top button on her uniform collar. John readied a tattoo gun over the woman’s shoulder, and the Deputy’s mind screamed alarm bells. Get out. Escape. Fight back. Regain control.
“I won’t hurt you, sister.”
This time, she sank, curling forward, angling herself away from the woman. Another attempt, and she wrenched away again, snarling. Then, the Peggies around her must have gotten tired of all the fuss, because the tear of cotton clawed at her ears. Ringing through her brain.
Her back felt cold all of a sudden.
Green material slipped down her arms, and at the sight of her own uniform pooling in shreds in her own lap, Cora ceased her thrashing. The shredded shirt was yanked from her belt and tossed aside, and she watched with growing resignation while John turned back around.
His gaze found hers. Then flickered downward, first to the compression bra, then a margin to the right. “Here I thought you’d be unmarked.” He commented, inspecting what was visible of the old ink on her lower ribs while he approached.
Hands pressed against Cora’s shoulders, and she drifted back until her shoulder blades hit the floor.
John continued to loom until he stood directly over her. He sank to his knees, expression softening with his descent until he was on all fours on top of her. He looked almost adoring, and she hated how it comforted her, just slightly. She hated how the hands had disappeared from her limbs, and yet she still made no further attempt to escape. He had every ounce of power now.
She didn’t know she’d started trembling until his free hand swept over her collarbones, mapping out her chest, calming the gooseflesh beading on her from the chill, or the fright, or perhaps just that this whole thing felt so humiliatingly exposing.
A blush swelled over John’s throat, maybe indicating some straying line of thought. He snapped out of it and settled to sit on her hips. “This looks familiar, doesn’t it?” He teased, hovering the tattoo gun right over the centre of her sternum.
“Dont.” Was all she could manage. Weak. Pleading. “I don’t want you to.”
“You have no idea how good you’re going to feel after this.” John cooed.
One of his fingers drifted along her jaw. An attempt at comforting her, but to no avail. He looked equal parts gentle and feral with excitement.
The machine buzzed, lowering pitch when the needles finally pressed into her flesh.
This was it.
She’d lost. There was no going back, anymore. No more normal, no more ridding herself of this family. They’d taken everything, and now they were claiming ownership over her, too.
The others were being hunted. It was only a matter of time. John was working too quickly. They’d be gone before the Cougars even crossed the river.
Cora’s nerves muted. Sound closed to just the rumble of blood in her ears. She receded into herself. Found a backseat in her mind, away from the sensory overload and the humiliation and her own failure while her body quietly continued: ”Dont, don’t, stop.”
She’d lost, and John wouldn’t stop. Not while he was branding the evidence of his victory into her flesh.
Defeat tasted worse than anticipated.
Bullets whizzed overhead while Sharky and Hurk took cover beneath the window, watching helplessly as the aisle of potato chips and bar nuts was torn to shreds by the onslaught. Dorito dust filled the shop like mustard gas.
“Cuz, I think they found us!” Hurk barked, snapping an arm over his head in defence when a stray round ricocheted off the front counter.
“What gives you that impression?” Sharky hit back, hurriedly setting down his shotgun and shrugging his backpack to the floor.
“How many are there?”
“How about you check?”
“How about you check?”
A moment of quiet occurred while the cousins glared at each other, leaving their standoff to a battle of no blinking. Then the Peggies outside must’ve finished re-loading, because the back wall of the shop was suddenly being shot into swiss cheese.
They were okay. Everything was cool. Addie and Xander had taken their share of explosives and gone the quiet route. Grace and Jess were gone. Shorty had disappeared into the church, and while he couldn't count the best, Sharky was pretty confident that John had caught her.
Could they have kept on looking for survivors and breaking out captives? Sure - but why do that when they could kill, like 40 birds with one stone and beeline for the gas station? It was conveniently across the road from the church, empty of any and all life barring the dormant tanks underground. An explosion that big was sure to fuck up like a good portion of Main Street. Not even the Chosen would be able to resist checking it out.
Disconnecting the safety switches had been easy. He’d been arrested for doing it like 5 times already. Cops, Peggies; it didn’t matter - Sharky knew what he was doing, and without the giant swinging dick of the law hanging over him, the man was on a mission. Cultists shooting at him was fine. He was used to that.
Threat of death or no, he wasn’t giving up the chance to see this place blow sky high.
“We’ll be outta here any second, Hurky.” Sharky assured. “Just gotta sprinkle a little C-4 around the place and we’ll be gone before it even goes off.”
Hurk was sweating. A lot. He was accustomed to being shot at, but normally, he had more than just Sharky to get him out of a tight spot. “Alright, bro. Gimme some. Many hands and what have you.”
“Fuck yeah. First step, toss some at the tanker outside. We wanna get the place as fiery as possible up here to wake up the big boys underground, and-”
Sharky stopped in his tracks, eyeing the backpack he’d just been in the process of unzipping.
“Hurky, can I be real with you?”
“Is now the best time for a deep and meaningful?” Hurk hissed, crawling toward him nonetheless.
The arsonist stuck his hand down the pack, rifling through fluff and mesh. “I, uh, I think I brought the wrong bag. And by think I mean know without a shadow of a doubt.”
Hurk watched as his cousin tugged the green, furry headpiece of a dragon out into the open.
“You brought-...”
“I brought my fursuit.”
“Not the C-4?”
“Not the C-4.”
“Okay, bro. That's fine. I'm not mad. Human error. Not even a little bit?”
Sharky checked again, just for good measure. “Nope...so, uhm...you got a match?”
Hurk ran a hank through his hair. “Not to poo poo your ideas, but that probably ain’t the best move.”
So just like that, they were fucked.
Jess and Grace still hadn’t come back. The others were nowhere to be seen. Shorty was holed up in that church, and he and Hurk were about to be rounded up by born-again virgins.
Shit, if that were the case -
“Well, if this is gonna be the last opportunity.” Sharky grunted, tugging the suit out and unzipping the back. “May as well enjoy our last minutes of freedom, huh?”
Hurk took the cue, creeping across the destroyed shop floor and reaching for a popped bag of pretzels. He sat back against the wall, leaning against the rocket launcher he’d propped up against the corner.
“Man.” The brunette sighed, staring at the floor. “If only we had some other kind of ranged, explosive device.”
“No shit.” Sharky agreed. “Some high velocity shit would fix this.”
They exchanged a sympathetic look once the arsonist had zipped himself up and crept over and sit beside his cousin, both leaning on either side of the RPG.
Hurk held out the bag.
“Was that so bad?” John asked, placing the tattoo gun aside and framing the Deputy’s marked chest. ’WRATH', in true black, beading with blood. The skin surrounding the text was mottled and inflamed. Excess ink covered the area in patches, gathering in the dip of her cleavage, disappearing beneath her sports bra.
All that sin, already leaking out through the exit he’d made for her.
Cora didn’t respond. That was fine. Shock was normal. She’d thank him once this was all over. For now, she just trembled, lock jawed, dissociated gaze searching what John had thought was him until he sat up. No, instead she was watching the ceiling.
John flashed a smile, blocking out a tiny streak of dread at the sight of the woman so vacant. Sweeping a lock of stained hair over her shoulder, he smoothed his fingers past her neck, attempting to gently angle her focus back to him. “Hey. You can come back now. We’re all done.”
You're finally on the other side. React to it. React to me. Look at me-
The boom came first, hollow and deep, and John felt the floor beneath him rumble. Chandeliers and decorations wobbled from the disturbance. Several of his followers shot from their seats, immediately abandoning the Resistance leaders they’d guarded in favour of pacing back and forth, trying to get a look at whatever was happening outside.
“Is this it?”
“Is it the Collapse?”
“It’s time?”
“John, is it the Collapse?”
The panic escalated quickly, forcing the Baptist to break his attention away from the empty woman below him and rein in the flock.
“Calm down.” He exclaimed, “It’s not the Collapse. It’s probably just-”
Another boom. Almost deafeningly loud.
This time, the whole church shook. Windows shattered in their creaking panes and smashed to the floor while pews squealed heavily in protest.
Contrary to his assertion, John dove down, covering the Deputy with his body. Holy shit, was it the Collapse?
The tremor must have been enough to snap Cora out of her trance, because a muffled “Get your tits out of my face.” buzzed against John’s chest.
Tragically, however, the Baptist never got the opportunity to reply to her. Had it not been for the fucking tennis shoe colliding with the side of his skull, he imagined he’d have something very clever to say. Alas, pain shot through his head and he jerked to the side, fighting against the blow to stay put. A snarl from Mary May, his apparent attacker, sounded in retaliation. She dove into him, knee driving into his ribs, throwing him off of the Deputy.
His thoughts left him for the briefest moment, overtaken by ensuing gunshots and shouts and the shrieks of the bartender as she was clawed away from him. Her hand shot forward right as she was yanked up, intended as a punch. It didn’t land, and John couldn’t help but shoot her a smirk for her failure.
“Deputy, gun!”
Nevermind. It wasn’t a punch after all. Mary May had been pointing over his shoulder at the revolver that had been surrendered on the floor. His revolver. The same one Cora was now scrambling toward.
John lurched, heart leaping into his throat.
Not now. Not after he’d won. Not when they were so close.
His hand found the leg of Cora’s pants, wrenching, pulling her away from the weapon, and she kicked against him. Her finger tips slid against the barrel of the revolver, tugging it into her palm.
God wouldn’t fucking undo his victory.
John snarled, catching the Deputy’s wrist when she tried to aim - at him no less. Without her own recovery time achieved, he was able to wrestle the weapon from her easily enough, flattening her struggling body beneath his just long enough to hook an arm around her waist. He twisted around, holding the woman’s back against his belly. Her squirming ceased with the press of the muzzle against her head, and the moment her allies had taken notice of the change, everything went still.
A little civility.
Several of John’s followers lay on the floor, either dead or close to it. Only a half-dozen remained, though the pair of Chosen had survived and placed themselves closest to their leader.
Pastor Jerome had procured a handgun from within his own bible - something that pulled a breathless laugh out of John as he surveyed the others. Nick hadn’t been able to arm himself, but he’d still tackled one of the faithful to the ground. His knuckles were bloodied. A familiar sight. Mary May had wrestled a gun of her own away from the woman who’d seized her. She aimed it shakily at John.
Armed but outnumbered, outgunned, and now, they were in check.
They never learned, did they?
“The way you people behave, you’d think salvation was a bad thing.” John tittered. “Right. Now, let’s try this again. Atonement, or damnation.” To punctuate his meaning, he tapped the muzzle against Cora’s head. She grunted in protest, and he ignored her. Of course it was a bluff. No one else knew that but him, though. It was too risky a move for the Resistance to let him do away with the one person that banded their factions.
She was their leader. They couldn’t lose her.
John looked around the room once more, locking eyes with Jerome first - then Mary May. “Are we going to behave?”
The answer was immediate and clear: a gunshot cracking through the Baptist’s ears and the flash of a blast spilling from Mary May’s weapon. Cora’s elbow driving into his stomach and the reaction time of his Chosen snapping to attention, covering him, already hauling John out of the church and onto the street.
Fuck no, he wasn't leaving without his prize.
"GRAB HER!" John howled, struggling against the attempts to get him to safety. "Leave the rest!"
It was a reluctant effort, but the Deputy was yanked along as well, shoved into Johns arms on his repeated orders, with me, with me.
“Mary May, what the fuck!” The Deputy roared over her shoulder.
“Sorry Deputy! I missed!”
“You sure about that? Jesus fucking Christ!”
More shots sounded, but only the noise pursued them from the building. It wasn’t until John had shoved Cora into the back of the waiting truck that he realised how warm his hand had gotten. Wet, too.
“Get to the ranch!” One of the Chosen snarled up front, casting a look back at the Baptist while the vehicle took off, watching as he peeled away from the blonde to inspect himself.
He was bleeding. But where from? Barring the sting of his scabs and that kick to the head, nothing hurt. There were no wounds hiding under his sleeves or -
A hiss sounded from the Deputy beside him, curling in on herself.
She hadn’t elbowed him.
“Cora-” John scrambled for her. "Cora, let me see."
“Told you not to call me that.” The Deputy grit out, kicking at him until she’d well and truly jammed herself into the corner of the seat and the car door. Her left hand gripped her right forearm, just below the elbow and to no avail. Crimson coated the skin on her side, encasing her arm completely and seeping through her fingertips.
She was bleeding. Not heavily, but steadily.
”Deputy.” John bit back, advancing. “You’re hurt. Let me help-”
Just like that, the kicking resumed. “Don’t touch me-DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME-”
“For once in your fucking life, just relax!”
Only incomprehensible snarling came in response.
John rolled his jaw, brimming with as much irritation as he was adrenaline. The Resistance had made their choice. Regretful, but final. He’d gotten what he came for, and he wasn’t intending on losing her just because she was too stubborn to accept help.
He glanced at the revolver still in his grip. Then back at Cora, rotating the grip toward her. A threat. “Are you going to let me help, or am I going to have to calm you down?”
“Don’t you dare.” Her words came hoarse. She gave scowling a red hot go, but without the rationale to deny him, the Deputy lacked conviction. She exhaled. “Fuck it. We've done this enough already. You get ten minutes. Then you’re under arrest.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Her cheek twitched. A weak chuckle. The slightest flash of acknowledgement as she let him press his weight over her forearm. Thankfully, the wound wasn’t pulsing; nor was there a puncture wound. A gouged strip had been carved into her flesh where the bullet had grazed, but nothing vital seemed to have been struck.
“That - you can keep saying.”
"You're a flirt when you're in shock, Deputy." Had John not been too busy regulating about a dozen other emotions, he might have flushed at her words. For a moment, he just sat there, basking in the borderline friendliness on her face. Then, it occurred to him that they were among watchful company, and he cleared his throat, returning to his task.
Minutes passed. No more words were exchanged. Not until they’d passed the Rye and Son’s sign.
The Chosen in the front passenger’s seat looked over his shoulder, dismissing another over the radio before regarding the Baptist. “The Resistance isn’t making ground. The faithful are still rounding up stragglers, and we’ve taken casualties, but numbers are looking strong. Medic will meet you at the ranch, John. We can deliver our newest sister to the Gate while you recover.”
John inclined his head. “Much obliged. We need this one to stay with us until she’s completed her vows. She can’t be trusted unsupervised, but I won’t put the responsibility of containing her back on our people again.” He looked to Cora, then. Her face had run pale and she’d gone clammy, but she remained upright. Just...woozy. Pacified, for now.
He’d got what he came for. Fuck the rest.
“I have something to say.” The blonde announced, swaying against John’s arm. “I know why Mary May shot me.”
“This another one of your jokes?” John deadpanned.
“This one’s funny, I swear.”
“...go on, then.”
“It’s because I never tip.”
For a moment, Cora looked very satisfied with herself. Then, she retched, slumping forward into the Baptist’s lap when he instinctually jolted out of the potential line of fire. He hurried to steady her, keeping tight hold over her wound, and grimaced while the noise escaped her a second time.
Thank God nothing came out; his shoes would’ve been the first to know about it.
The Deputy didn’t sit back up.
That was fine. So long as she wasn’t dead. So long as she wasn’t fighting back.
“It’s all the sin escaping you.” John explained, off-handed, when a complaining grunt sounded below. “Evil being expelled from your body. You’ll feel better soon.”
“Pretty sure it’s my blood pressure, actually. Soon as I’m good again, you’re history.”
When one disregarded the fact that she’d had a gun trained on him earlier - and the blood drying uncomfortably on his clothes - and the persistent pounding of a headache from Mary May’s heel, this was almost pleasant. The quiet roads. The Deputy, all but atoned with her head on his thigh. Not fighting back. Conceding defeat. Peaceful.
He got what he came for.
He’d won.
He was saved.
Passing his thumb over Cora’s ribs, John’s attention was pulled back to the old ink peeking out from beneath the band of her top. Text, blurred and flattened enough to be years old, and too obscured to decipher.
“Thought I’d be your first.” The brunette murmured.
“Don’t be ridiculous. What’s it say?”
“‘The Mountains Are Calling’.”
A sickening wave of dread passed over the Baptist. The rock forming in his throat, icy and bitter and seizing him against any reply.
The mountains are calling.
Jacob. Joseph. The Trials. Atonement wasn’t the final step. Handing her over to his brothers was the final step.
He got what he came for, but the woman in his arms wasn’t the trophy intended for him.
He was saved. He’d redeemed himself. He’d completed his task and Joseph would permit him beyond the gates. That was all he was supposed to do. That was enough.
That had to be enough.
“‘And I Must Go’.” John completed quietly.
Cora tilted her head a little, not quite looking at him - almost like she was trying not to. “You know John Muir.”
“Not enough to warrant a photo on the bedside table.”
“Shut up.”
There was nothing convincing about the chuckle he offered. He was too busy observing her, studying the side of her face. Committing her to memory as if he hadn’t spent years acquainting himself with every spot and micro-expression.
“Maybe working for you will be bearable.” She murmured, and John’s heart only sank further. "If I don't manage to arrest you."
The mountains are calling.
She still had no idea that all the promises he’d made her had been fabricated. That she wouldn’t be staying. That he’d lied to her.
The mountains were calling. In a few days time, she’d know it. She’d despise him. She’d be taken off his hands and he’d assume his regular duties once again.
He’d saved both of them.
Cora’s thumb absently grazed back and forth on his knee. Ignorant. “Can I ask something?”
It took everything in him not to mirror the action against her skin.
“Of course.”
“Can I start next Monday?”
"What happened to you being such a workaholic?"
"To be honest with you, I'm really fucking tired."
She’d be incredible. Jacob would love her. Joseph would be proud. John had accomplished something near-impossible for his family, and even if the Deputy hated him - even if she forgot him entirely, he was content with the knowledge that he’d have brought her to salvation.
Even if they never saw each other again, he’d know that she’d passed through the gates. That she’d climb to the surface once the world had been scorched clean. She’d rebuild, and marry, and have children, and he’d do the same.
Hopeful anticipation and the agony of longing had never felt so similar before.
“Fine.” John smiled, giving in, sliding his fingers up her arm and coaxing a stray lock of hair out of her face. There were no promises he’d be able to do it again after this. “But on one condition.”
“Spend those days with me.”
Cora stirred, angling to peer up at him out of the corner of her eye. She smiled crookedly.
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