#we never quite got that moment in pt2
canthelpit0 · 5 months
Enemies (With Benefits) PT3
Pairing: Cold!Chris x Reader
Word count: 3.9k +
Summary: Chris and reader have always been enemies ever since they’ve known each other. neither knew why they had this burning feeling in their gut. So one day they decide to fuck it out. Until, eventually doing it regularly
Warnings: language, smut, mentions of weed, (implied) RichKid!Reader, jealous!Chris, pet names (cherry), choking, humiliation, heavy degradation, sub!Chris, dom!Reader, I think that’s all.
(A/N: I got this idea from this request. Tysm for the idea & inspiration. Hope this is good.)
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I haven’t talked to Chris ever since that party.
wich wouldn’t be too shocking, since we hate each other. but I’ve been ignoring him fully. I wasn’t even responding to his mocking or arguing with him.. just…
The entire situation of us, two people who hate each other so much, and have for so long, hooking up, is extremely toxic.
And I’m self aware, I know that.
It just never bothered me before... But he was treating me like shit. And I’m done with it.
It’s been a week now, and I don’t think he cares that much honestly. At first he went on like normal making witty remarks trying to start arguments and disagreements, but since I didn’t respond he started to do it less and less.
It feels so refreshing not to have a headache everyday.
Only con is, that we share most classes. So i have to see his face all the time. Tho I just ignore him.
At first I saw him walking a round with charlotte, and honestly I don’t know why she is still talking to him after almost hooking up.
I don’t know what he was trying to achieve with that. But if the point was to make me jealous he is so bad at it.
I’ve been talking to Ethan a lot though.
And like I thought, he’s a nice guy, and he always shares his weed.
Even though I have enough friends, most of them are ‘lunchbox friends’. Well except for Matt and Nick, but I can’t really talk to them often considering I’m trying to avoid their brother.
I feel like most of my friends are fake. Wich they are.
We’ll talk and have fun in school, but if I walk past them at the mall they will act like they’ve never seen me in their entire life.
Ethan though. Ethan is nice. His skater friends not so much. Well I guess they’re just critical. After all I’m not any type of alternative at all, and I frankly, don’t know how to skate.
But at least they respect me. Probably because I’m wealthy but ih well.
Ethan and I haven’t done anything.
Other than kiss.
I walk out of history class, a class I share with Ethan. We walk down the hallway side to side.
When we get to my locker- wich is only two away from Chris’ -I unlock it to put my books in it.
All this time Ethan had been complaining about how his next class would be math and whatnot. I had noticed that Ethan was skipping less and less classes now. I never realized how many classes we shared because he was always skipping. But now he wasn’t. And the lack of tobacco in his system was making him itchy and I could tell.
Once you got to know him he actually got quite talkative.
I look over my shoulder to look at Ethan but see Chris in the corner of my eye.
Without thinking I grab the collar of Ethan’s sweatshirt roughly crashing my lips onto his.
Ethan, having not expected it, doesn’t do anything for a moment, before he kisses back.
Pushing me against the lockers behind me roughly. His tongue finds its way into my mouth as we start to make out.
In the middle of the hall.
My arms wrap around his neck holding him close.
He was kissing me like i was the only source of oxygen. And it felt good. I could tell he liked kissing me, and he wasn’t bad at it.
“Gonna suck face in the hallways now too?”
I pull away slightly. My breath was coming out in short and harsh pants.
I ignore the voice. Chris’ voice.
Instead I stare back into Ethan’s eyes. I try to focus on the way his hands feel on my waist as he holds me against the lockers.
His grip isn’t too tight, but it was firm. His forehead pressed against mine as I stare back into his dark eyes.
I look over at him at the disgusted tone. I scoff. My eyes lock onto Chris’ and it feels like electricity shoots up my spine.
Ethan looks a lot like Chris, but he doesn’t have the blue eyes.
The blue eyes that I-
I pause all the thoughts leaving my brain as I hear Chris let out an irritated huff.
And suddenly the feeling of Ethan’s hands on my clothed skin feels too hot. Even tho he unironically resembles Chris a lot, he isn’t Chris.
And god when did my standard become: Chris.
I tare my eyes away from Chris’ gaze. My eyes locking back onto Ethan’s dark eyes.
While Chris’ seem cold and icy, Ethan’s are warm and welcoming. But I don’t want to be welcome and the warmth seems too hot.
It feels like going out in a hoodie on the hottest summer day.
“Fuck off Chris. You’re not any better”
I say to Chris, while staring back at Ethan. But before I can hear Chris reply the bell rings.
I let out a breath. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Chris slam his locker harshly and leave. And once he does I leave a peck on Ethan’s lips.
I slide out of his grip chuckling.
“Imma go now pretty boy, I’ll see you later” I smile at Ethan.
I quickly take out my stuff for my English class and speed walk past him.
★ ★
I’m late to my class but I can’t help but not care.
I share this class with none of them.
Not Ethan, not Chris, not charlotte.
Wich was a relief. Because I don’t know what that was. Ethan has never done anything to make me feel uncomfortable.
Chris had.
So why am I comparing them.
Why do I feel like the lack of just simple bickering with Chris is giving me withdrawal? Why does his glare burn through my soul? Why does it feel wrong being near Ethan when Chris was there? And why the tell did it feel like Ethan’s touch burned?
Why did I want Ethan to be Chris?
Well no let me rephrase that.
Why did I want Chris to be nice to me.
He’s always been rude and mean. I knew what I was getting into. And I liked it, and it felt great. So why am I missing the attitude.
Am I that much of an attention whore?
My eyes trail around the room. I take in the whiteboard none of the words written on it register in my head. I look over the students, mostly only seeing the back of their heads, since I sat all the way in the back
I’ve never felt so loved, alone and hated at the same time.
I know Ethen likes me, and it feels like I’m using him for escapism. To distract myself. I’m leading him on..
I feel so alone. Literally the only people I would usually tell, are the brothers of the problem.
And I’ve felt hatred so intense from Chris. And I know he hates me, and I know that’ll never change
★ ★
He days seem to pass so fast, yet so slow. And at this point I don’t know what I’m doing.
I stick to Ethan. Sometimes I’ll make out with him other times I’ll just stay close to him. Especially when Chris is around.
And I can see that he is getting more and more pissed off.
I’ve been wearing more revealing clothes. Atleast as revealing as it can get with the dress code and all. Mocking the fact that Chris can’t do anything about it.
I was hanging out at home. Alone since my siblings were once again at a sleepover. It wasn’t like they were always at one. And I feel like they’re too young to party and I trust them.
I trust that they aren’t lying to me.
Anyway, since they’re only one year apart they share some friends. So they both went to a sleepover birthday party from one of them.
I’m sitting on the couch, for once enjoying the pice and quiet. I have a movie playing, but I’m drowning more in my own thoughts than watching the movie.
I pause when I suddenly hear the doorbell ring.
I think that maybe it could be my siblings? No neither can drive yet.
Maybe it’s a package. Did I order something? But no it’s midnight they wouldn’t still be delivering orders at midnight..
I get up anyway trading over to the door.
I mean if it’s a killer and I go out this way…. Oh well.
My eyes meet Chris’ as soon as I open the door.
I go to slam the door in his face, but he catches it roughly throwing it open.
“Cherry, please” he huffs. He walks in his sharp eyes trained on me. Chris closes the front door behind him.
“Chris get out” I sigh. I purse my lips glaring right back at him.
If he stays i don’t know for how much longer I can control myself. I feel like I’m having withdrawal symptoms. I miss the way he hates me.
“Cherry, listen” he snaps slightly. I raise an eye cockily. I shift on my feet and cross my arms. My glare doesn’t let up.
But Chris is looking at me different. He doesn’t glare, he looks at me with… desperation?
“What?” I snap back harshly.
“Cherry, please? Literally give me anything?”
Oh, so he is as desperate as he looks.
“Give you what?” I play dumb. My arms stay crossed. I keep looking back at him, his pathetic state only serving to piss me off more.
He can’t even drive, how the fuck did he get here. Nobody knows were fucking so he probably didn’t ask Matt. But Ubers are expensive at this time.
“You know what I mean. Cherry, I’ll literally get on my knees right now and beg.” He says that slightly jokingly. He doesn’t actually think he’ll have to go that far, but if he needs to he will.
“So, get on your knees than, Chris” I mock back, thinking that he wouldn’t actually do it.
But before I can blink he’s going down on his knees right in front of me.
I raise my eyebrow staring down at him.
He dramatically puts his hands together making a begging motion. “Please, please, please cherry??”
I look down at him. He looks so cute when his eyes don’t look like they want to bore through me.
He actually looks desperate and needy right now.
I know I said I wouldn’t hook up with him, and I’ve been doing good at ignoring him for almost a whole month. But god he looks so cute, so… god
I thread my fingers through his messy long hair. His wavy brown hair. And I suddenly pull him up. He winces at the harsh treatment, but he lowkey deserves it for being an ass.
I hate how he stands just a little bit taller next to me.
I crash my lips on his and it feels like fire works go off. I’ve kissed Ethan so many times these past few weeks but it never felt this good.
My arms wrap around his neck. My fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck. Chris’ hands instinctively go to my waist. He holds me flush against him and I feel so comfortable under his touch.
I pull off of the kiss scoffing. My hand wraps around his neck harshly. I pull him down to my eye level while slightly choking him, and he just lets me.
“Hm? Did you not get your dick sucked by someone else?” I mock him, my tone is harsh and condescending.
“Did she not do it as good as I did?”
“Don’t flatter yourself” he grumbles under his breath. He has the audacity to roll his eyes at me.
My grip on his neck tightens and he lets out a sharp breath, one that almost sounds like a moan.
“And yet you still came to my house, got on your knees and begged for me?”
He falls silent at the harsh words. He purses his lip staring back at me with what looks like shame in his eyes.
I move him harshly, changing the place where we stand so I’m close to the door. I harshly squeeze his neck before letting go.
“Go to the living room, I’ll be right there” I nod to the living room behind him. Chris eagerly nods before going to the living room.
I sprint up the stairs and with in a minute I’m back again.
“You’re so fucking pathetic you know that?” I glare at him while towering over his sitting figure.
I go to slowly straddle his lap. His back is pressed against the back of the couch. He looks up at me with ever so pleading eyes. Looking at me like he was desperate, wich he was.
“Such a pathetic bitch. Going to your enemies house and begging to be fucked” I say harshly. My grip goes back to his neck as I choke him slightly. Not enough to actually choke him, but enough to make him lightheaded.
“Sorry, sorry” he closes his eyes for a moment before opening them again.
His eyes meet mine and he looks purely submissive now. It’s funny to me how he is so needy. Maybe I need to ignore him and make him submissive more often, because I like this sight.
I pull him closer by his neck kissing him again. His hands ghost over my sides not daring to actually touch.
I pull away abruptly, listening to his whine.
“Undress.” I says simply standing in front of him.
While I watch him undress I turn off the TV fully. The movie had been paused, but I hadn’t paid attention to it anyway.
He does as I say. He slips off all of his clothing. He’s left fully nude in front of me for me to look at.
He squirms under my harsh gaze. But he is turned on. It’s obvious by his rock hard dick. It’s already red and swollen, leaking pre cum, looking for some release.
I pull out the vibrator from my pj pants pockets. I had gotten it from upstairs. Chris never let me use it on him, unless he was being really submissive.
And since he was, I might as well have fun.
I press it to his tip gently, not turning it on anything yet. I look back at him. I capture his mouth in a kiss. And then turn the vibrator on. He actually flinches at the sudden stimulation.
The kiss is messy, mainly because Chris can’t focus. But The vibrator is literally on the lowest level.
I pull away from the kiss listening to Chris whines and moans. He keeps his hands at his sides. He knows better than to try to get it away. But he looks like he’s itching to just push it away, overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure.
“You look so stupid right now” I chuckle.
I put the vibrator on the secound lowest level. But that alone is high enough for Chris to physically hold himself back from flinching. His moans and whines turn into breathless whimpers.
“Answer.” I scoff. And before I knew it I slap him across the face harshly. The clap echos through the room.
I was letting my pent up enger out, but Chris was enjoying it. As soon as I slap him, his mouth falls open in a silent moan.
Chris didn’t seem like the type. But he had a raging degradation kink.
The sting of the slap traveled right to his dick. His length was twitching in my hand. He was sinking further and further into the couch. He was enjoying this.
“I know-“ he breathes out. But I cut him off by turning the vibrator on higher.
His body practically jolts forward in pleasure. He tries not to come right then and there.
His hand grabs my wrist, the one that was holding the vibrator. “I’m close-“
“I don’t care Chris. If you come now you’ll have to go through the rest overstimulated.” I shrug. Then I abruptly turn the vibrator to its highest setting
He tries to curl his body in on himself but I push him back. And within seconds hes coming all over himself.
I keep the vibrator situated on his tip. I watch how he stays rock hard. His dick starts twitching as his whines get louder and needier.
He weekly pushes my hand off. But after A moment I take it off fully.
While he heaves for breath, I start to undress. I straddle him. When he feels me sink down on his tip his hands go to my waist out of instinct.
I sigh at the feeling. We haven’t fucked in what feels like ages. The stretch hurts. But still I purposefully clench around him to make it even tighter.
His eyes are clenched shut. He’s a moaning mess.
“Chris open your fucking eyes” I slap him again. His eyes flutter open.
“You look so cute all submissive” I taunt. I’m only half way down and I’m struggling. But he doesn’t need to know.
Before he can whine in answer I ram myself down. I wince at the feeling. But Chris’ moans are louder.
I start to gently bounce on him. But he is growing overstimulated quick.
I keep on doing that, my glare focused on Chris. Chris’ eyes shut tightly for a moment. He breaths harshly.
His eye meet mine again. He looks purely submissive. His head tilted down slightly, mouth slightly agape.
“Handsome boy, all needy to get fucked like this hm?” I wait for him to answer but he just whines and moans in response to my movements.
“Can you talk baby?” I ask, huffing. I grab his face, slightly squishing his cheek together with one hand. “Hm? You like getting fucked like this?”
He gasps when I speed up the pace. He blinks a few times, halfheartedly throwing back his head.
Another slap echos through the living room. His head is turned to the side his eyes wide. His mouth is agape as he tries to hold it together. “I told you to fucking talk Chris”
One of his hands goes to his cheek. He grits his teeth trying to formulate words.
But before he can, my hand goes to his neck gently squeezing as I start to ride him harder.
“So good- fuck-“ he breaths out harshly.
His eyes are half lidded. The rough treatment only serves to turn him on even more.
“Yeah, you like that?” I scoff. My hand snakes from his throat to his neck. I pull him in for a sloppy kiss. He can barely focus on anything, every sense in him overwhelmed.
I pull away from the kiss. My hands both move to his shoulders, To use as leverage to ride him harder.
Chris throws back his head, his eyes shutting. He only gets increasingly louder. My movements get harsher and more relentless.
I take one of his hands from my waits and position it at my clit. “Rub it” I demand. And as soon as I do he starts to rub it vigorously.
I clench around him, feeling my release wash over me. Chris’ hand on my hip gets harsher and harsher. I keep moving though, until I feel him twitch.
I quickly pull off an hover over him.
I sit down on his thighs, then start to jerk him off harshly. I put the vibrator back to his tip and turn it on.
Chris’ body harshly jerks forward. I put a hand on his chest and push him back.
And within a few seconds Chris is coming all over himself again.
We both pant as I stare at him. I keep sitting on his thighs as I watch him for a moment.
I lean down and leave a peck on his forehead. I pull him into me. My arms wrap around his neck, putting his face into the crook of my neck.
I pull away from him and slowly get up off of him. I pull on my panties, and pj pants again. As well as my top. Quickly getting dressed again.
I really don’t want to, but he needs to go. As much as I missed him, I made it a point to not hook up with him.
And now that I have, I might as well treat him like he treats me.
“You have to leave.”
He pause looking at me questioningly, It’s like he hadn’t expected me to tell him that. Like he expected us to just hang out and cuddle or something.
Which is not going to happen.
“What?” He questions, his tone sounding blunt, almost harsh.
“Christopher, I want you to leave” I say more sternly. I overpronounce every word to make sure his stupid brain understands it.
“Why” he scoffs frustrated. He stares at me like I’m crazy. Like I’m crazy for telling him to leave when leaving is literally all he ever does.
“Christoper.” I grit out my tone more harsh and serious.
I can’t help the loud scoff that I let out. I walk to the nearest bathroom. I grab a towel halfheartedly dampening it.
I walk back to the living room, where Chris sits mildly stunned. I throw the damp towel on him watching as he awkwardly cleans himself.
“What’s up with you” he sasses me. His gaze is judging.
“I hate you, Chris. I always will.” My words are harsh. And the more I talk the more I can see him narrow his eyes at me in anger, growing more upset by the second.
“Just because we fuck, doesn’t mean I like you. You’re a shitty person.” I take in a deep breath. I feel like I could say worse than that.
“I hate you, and you should leave.” I purse my lips. I watch his expression shift. His jaw clenches, and I can see that he looks like he is about to blow up on me.
The withdrawal symptoms of not fucking me were too much, but now he feels the rage. He remembers why he hated me so much. I can literally feel the hatred and anger radiating off of him.
His already sharp jawline only seems accentuated by the way he clenches it. He swallows his Adam’s apple bobbing.
Chris’ eyes narrow at me, but he just gets up and puts his clothes back on. He looked furious.
I hate him, so why would I let him stay, why would I forgive him. He got the Sex he wanted, so why was he so pissy about leaving?
Now fully dressed he walks closer to me, not touching me.
“What’s wrong with you?” He scoffs. His mood was now definitely sour.
“That’s how you always treat me Chris. Now leave” I snap back at him, getting just as angry as him.
“Okay cherry, have it that way” he gives me a halfhearted sarcastic nod. He then brushes past me to the door, opening it, before a loud slam echoes through the house.
I had sworn to not hook up with him anymore. And if I did that I’d treat him like he treats me. But why do I feel so shitty now?
Can’t a girl have sex and then he all giddy and want to cuddle?
Yes but Chris’ presence irks me. It’s disgusting. He is disgusting.
A/N: requests are always open. pls give me ideas on how to continue this <3 comment if u wanna be on the taglist
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos
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themultifandomgal · 6 months
Mark Sloan- Try Again Pt2
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“What’s going on?” Mark says walking into the room where I’m about to have an ultrasound
“I might be miscarrying” I tell Mark as Callie holds my hand in hers and Mer holds my other hand
“You're not miscarrying” Lucy replies
“Well then it’s an ectopic….”
“It’s not a molar pregnancy is it?” Mark asks making me worried
“Why don’t you let me have a look and we can figure out what’s going on”
“Who are you first and what are your credentials?”
“Lucy Fields, Harvard MD, Duke 0BGYN resident now a Maternal-Foetal Medicine fellow at Seattle Grace Mercy West. Damn good at my job. Who the hell are you”
“For god sake just stick the thing in me and tell me the bad news”
“Everything’s going to be ok” Callie says squeezing my hand.
Lucy turns the screen towards us
“There’s your baby, there’s the yolk sac. Everything looks good. Your still to early on to hear a heartbeat, but at your next appointment you will be able to”
“But the bleeding?”
“Your a doctor, you should know that many woman experience spotting early on in their pregnancy, it doesn’t mean they’re having a miscarriage, however better to be safe than sorry. I’ll go and get that appointment arranged while you get changed”
“Thank you” I smile at Lucy as she leaves
“Here let me help you”
“I’m capable of getting off a bed Mark” I comment
“Sorry, just want to help”
“I know I’m sorry I’m just cranky today”
“I’m gonna give you two some time to talk”
“Thanks for coming with me Callie”
“That’s what friends are for” Callie smiles at me before leaving the room
“I’ve got to go. Everything’s fine in there and I can’t wait to have a niece or nephew” Mer says placing a kiss on my forehead. I watch her leave and then go to try and untie the back of the gown but I can’t seem to undo the knot
“Can you erm…” I ask turning around so my back is facing mark
“Oh yeah sure” I feel his hands undoing the knot
“I feel like Im having dejavu” I joke back to what got us into this predicament making Mark laugh
“Just this time I’m undressing you for a different reason. There” I turn back around to face Mark. We look into each other’s eyes, as if we’re having a moment, but before anything could happen I clear my throat
“I erm need to get changed”
“Oh right yeah. Erm I’ll just, I’ll go” Mark leaves the room letting me get dressed. What am I doing? I’ve already let Mark back in once and look how that’s ended up? Granted he’s always going to be in my life now.
I finish getting dresses and leave the room where Mark is still stood outside of
“I thought you would have go back to work by now?”
“Are you ok?” He asks
“I erm…”
“And don’t lie. I know you” tears starts to threaten to spill
“When I saw the blood this morning I was so scared. I’ve always wanted to be a mom and after we broke up I thought I’d never get the chance. I just couldn’t stop thinking the worst, like if I lost this baby, I don’t know what I would do. It’s not like I have a partner i could try again with and…”
“Ok woah slow down. Come here” Mark pulls me into his chest “shhhh” he strokes my hair “we’re fine. Everything’s fine. Come on let’s go grab something to eat”
“Ok” I sniffle
“Anything you fancy?”
“Baby would quite like a pizza with fries”
“Hmm they would would they?” Mark laughs. He goes to pull away
“Wait, I’m not ready to let you go yet. Just, hold me for a little longer”
“Of course. I’ll hold you for as long as you need.
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catwrites9 · 1 year
can you write a happy tara and reader fic where you show them getting together with a little angst and it’s hard because of what tara’s gone through and reader also has something they’re hiding for whatever (good reason) and then we see them get together and be happy in the end 🫶
The Lie I Never Told
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Warnings it’s scream so blood and killing, gut like a fish, cussing, use of y/n and she/her pronouns, and I think that’s it.
W/N I know you said a good reason but I put a little twist on that, and I know you said happy for the end but if you want to skip the last few paragraphs, I kinda got a little carried away. Possible part 2?
Masterlist Pt2
You and Tara fell in love from the first sight across the campus, later finding out that you both had the same scendue. After one month you guys started dating, keeping it a secret from everyone even though you were in the same friend group you still decided it was the best. That was until ghostface came back, you got attacked by ghostface and while getting attacked that ghostface told Sam about you two.
“Hello Sam,” Ghostface said.
“What the hell do you want”
“You really should be nicer to me considering the fact I have someone you care about in front of me”
Same looks around to everyone in the living room” Clearly your lying because everyone’s with me”
“Oh I’m sorry Sam, I forgot that Tara kept her a secret” Everyone’s heads turned to Sam while Sam’s turned to Tara. Ghostface continued talking” Honestly if I was you I would listen to me or you’ll lose Tara considering the fact that I have her girlfriend in front of my begging for her life as she bleeds out from multiple stab wound, Gutted like a fish”
Those words rerunning through Tara’s head. “Would you like to hear Y/N cry for her life” Ghostface said, not waiting for a anser as they turn off voice isolation from the phone call mic. Hearing you as you choke on the blood feeling like it was filling your lungs.
“Where the hell are you-you mother fucker” Tara yelled while geting up.
“Her apartment, it’s quite funny how much she cares about you and how I’ll gut you like a fish just like her”
“Shut the fuck up” Tara yells while going twards the front door caring a pocket knife.
“Tara, what are you doing?” Sam asked while going in front of her.
“Yeah Tara, are you trying to be gut just like her,” Ghostface joined in.
Your able to get three words out, those words staying in her head forever “please help Tara”
“I’m going to save my girlfriend, move Sam.”
“How do you know this is not just a way to get you over there”
“Because I just know Sam”
“If you're going I’m going” Chad spoke up, he was who introduced you to Tara but never knew you were dating, even though his sister was skeptical from when she first saw you.
They all get up and follow Tara. By this time Sam hung up and lectured Tara about getting a girlfriend as they ran to your apartment.
Once they got to your apartment they heard banging happening, Tara tried opening the door with your spare key but remembered that your deadbolt doesn't work with that key.
Over the course of 8 ish minutes they stayed there as the heard banging and rusling insinuating a fight was happening. After it stopped they heard the door open but what they didn’t expect was you falling as you had multiple stab wounds and blood all over your body, you fell into Tara and Chads arms as Chad picked you up running to the closest hospital.
That attack happened a year ago, the date being the exact day you almost died just because you were dating Tara. Those moments she thought about it as they were the moments she blamed herself for getting the woman she loved hurt.
You didn’t remember the day you got attacked well you remember the attack but not the exact date like Tara did. You noticed Tara not being her normal happy self when she was on campus so you decided to check on her after class but you couldn’t find her even after joining the group for lunch. So you waited till after school and after Sam went to therapy to go to her apartment. You knocked and you waited for her to answer which didn’t happen. So you did it again, and again, and, and again till she answered the door. Tara’s eyes were puffy showing she was just crying.
“Tara” was all you were able to get out as you put your hand on her cheek, following her into the house as she closed the door. “What’s wrong? '' She didn’t answer you and just hugged you as she pushed you back to the couch so that she could sit next to you.
As she sat beside you she had her head down” I was just- I’m sorry for being the reason you got hurt”
“Oh Tara it wasn’t your fault that I got hurt it was Ethan’s and Quinn’s, and Bailey’s I forgot about him”
“No Y/n it’s my fault you got hurt if I wasn’t you girlfriend you wouldn’t have got you hurt”
“But you're my girlfriend and you can’t just take it back because I love you and I would have confessed anyways because of Chad presuring me.”
“Sometimes I wished I never made eye contact that day” Tara mumbled but loud enough for you to hear.
“Wha-“ You tried holding back your tears. “You don’t mean that Tara”
“I do because if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have almost died oh wait you did die for 5 minutes”
You let your tears fall but you knew you had to tell her.
“Tara, your not the reason I almost died it’s me”
“The Secret I Never Told, the one Ethan kept talking about during the whole killers reveal”
“What is it?” she questioned while now looking at you.
“I don’t want you to think of me differently but I’ve seen how you and Sam are and I fear that you’ll stop loving me”
“Just tell me Y/n, I won’t stop loving you”
“You know I’m the same age as you right”
“My father was Stu Macher”
She stayed there shocked, you feared that she was gonna be mad at you for waiting so long to tell her.
“How is that possible”
“My father basicly stored his semen at a place that then later on was used for when my mom was ready to have kids after his death.
She thought for a moment,”You thought I wouldn’t love you just because of your dad”
“Yeah I mean I’ve seen you’re relationship with Sam and I heard about the moment at the hospital you both had”
She smiled as she grabbed your shoulders pulling you into a hug. “I’ll never stop loving you just because you father is Stu Macher”
“Her fathers who now” The worst moment to walk in on Sam's part.
“Sam,” Tara said.
“How is that possible, isn’t she as old as you?” Sam asked while leaning on the wall..
“Yes he just stored his semen so that later on my no could have kids with him”
That moment felt like an hour of her just going from staring at you to staring at Tara.
You broke the silence with “Which is why I told you me and you were similar Sam”
“Honestly you guys do whatever you want I'm too tired for this, but if you hurt her I’ll make you die a painful death” She said and then walked away to her room.
“Damn she really is tired if she only threatened me with dying a painful death.” You joked while putting your arm around her.
You both laughed and then you then watched a movie while waiting for pizza to get delivered and in the middle all of the movie having Chad, Mindy, and Anika come over. They all invited some new people you all met, Mattew, Anthony, Johnathan, and Liam. You were just happy she loved you for who you were. You walked to the bathroom looking into the mirror seeing him behind you.
“If you tell me to kill someone then I reserect you just to kill you again”
“You did good kiddo, I know I haven’t been the best dad but i want to be you dad, even if I’m a hallucination I won’t tell you to kill people….. as often, but you did good”
“Thank you it means a lot” you walked out sitting back down with Tara watching the random movie Mindy put on while she takes about every detail about the movie. You loved moments like this wishing you could live forever like this.
Tara’s phone starts ringing showing up with no caller id. Of course moments like this could never last forever.
You pick it up showing her, the room being quite, scarily quiet. But that still made you not hear Sam come up behind you as she sees what happened. Sam picked it up and answered it.
“Hello Sam,” Ghostface said.
She didn’t answer.
“Please pass the phone to y/n”
You grabbed it put it to your ear
“Hello y/n you didn’t tell her about your mom did you, the fact she was also ghostface, sad really but the even funnier thing is that I just recreated what the last ones did to you but this time with your adopted mom, Sidney Prescott, and now I’m about to go gut your brother so have Fun” Ghostface then hung up.
You immediately called your mom.
She answered “Hey Y/n what wrong”
“Mom where are you ghostface just called me saying they killed you”
“I’m in nyc I was going to surprise you but ghostface is back”
“Yes and they said there gonna get D”
“Fuck, I’m coming right now”
“No don’t it’s better if your somewhere safe, because if they are telling the truth then they’re is multiple and they’re gonna go after you and him”
“Or they were lying thinking that you would chose me over him and are going after him.”
“Or I lied about both and I’m going to kill you” you heard from the corridor of Sam and Tara’s rooms. Ghostface was there ready to strike at the slightest movement.
“Run” Mindy yells as ghostface started running at everyone.
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klausysworld · 1 year
hi, can you do a one-shot for the 21st century human yandere klaus mikaelson, where klaus has been in love with y/n for quite some time, and one day he has a car accident and klaus is the first to visit her because she is super in love with her and when she wakes up with amnesia and Klaus uses this to his advantage and makes her believe that he is her husband and since y/n doesn't remember anything and klaus seems to know her and know everything about her, she believes him and goes to house with him
^^saw a film with a very similar plot called^^
‘Secret Obsession’
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We’ll go slow
Klaus had never rushed somewhere faster after seeing the accident on the news. As soon as he saw the number plate he was on his way.
He knew she had a lack of family to claim her and so he had to make sure she got the proper care and treatment, he would be her family to pay her medical bills and hold her hand.
He ran straight to the receptionist asking for her but the lady was confused
“I’m sorry we don’t have a Y/n Y/l/n” she told him after looking her up in the system
“No no i saw her, the car accident, she was in the car accident” he explained hurriedly
“We have a Jane Doe in a car accident from not long ago, we would need some sort of proof that you know her. What is your relationship to the patient?” The women asked while typing away
“Husband” he answered without missing a beat
“I don’t see a ring” she muttered
“We were going through a rough patch, it doesn’t matter now, is she okay?” He lied quickly and the women looked at him with a sigh
“Can you tell me something specific about her?”
“She has a tattoo of a heart at the top of her hip” he told her and she made a call to a nurse to check. Once confirmed they put her name in the system and brought him to her.
“Now she has suffered from a head injury, and this next part may be difficult to hear…but she is currently experiencing some memory loss. We can’t say for sure how long this will last or how long she has forgotten but we think it’s probably years. I know that this may be a shock, if you need a moment before seeing her..” the doctor informed him the devastating news but it was only a jackpot for him.
Memory missing for years? Years she could have married him, moved in with him and had a life with him. Finally he had been given an opportunity to have her as his own.
“No…it’s okay. I just need to see she’s okay” he whispered and the doctor nodded before opening the door to go inside.
His eyes softened as he saw her battered state. Bruises coating her skin, all up her arms and her face.
Her eyes flicked to his, confusion clear as she looked to the doctor beside him who cleared his throat and made his way over, he leaned down beside her and spoke to her quietly
“Y/n, the man at the door, was-is your husband. We know you might not remember him so if you want him to leave you just say so and he’ll take a step outside okay?”
She agreed timidly and looked back over to her ‘husband’.
He slowly made his way past the doctor to take the seat facing her. He gently took her hand in his, glad that she squeezed his back and gave him a small smile
“I’m so sorry sweetheart. I should never have let you drive off like that” he whispered, leaning down to kiss the back of her hand
“I’m sorry…I don’t know what you mean….where was I going?” she asked him quietly
“You were upset…we had a silly fight and you went out on a drive, I should’ve just apologised” he made up
“What was the fight about?” She wondered and he quickly thought of something
“I kept working late. You thought i was um…cheating on you… I brought up someone from your past that I shouldn’t have. It’s my fault” he told her while forcing tears to his eyes.
Her expression softened as she brought her other damaged hand to hold the ones on top of hers
“You shouldn’t blame yourself, i started the argument, and i chose to drive away” she convinced and he knew that this would be far simpler than he originally thought.
“I know that you don’t remember me…” he whispered with a sad smile “…but could i hold you for a moment?” He asked. He needed to know how hard it was going to be to gain her trust. He watched the reluctance seep into her before hesitantly nodding
“Okay..” she uttered before pushing herself forward to let him slip beside her, arm around her waist as he pulled her on top of him gently so her head to tuck under his chin.
“Does it hurt when i hold you sweetheart?” He asked softly, his arms lightly draped around her
“Only a little bit” she whispered
“Do you want me to let go?” He questioned, he didn’t want to scare her before she could fall in love with him
“No…you feel safe” she uttered while breathing in his scent from his henley. His lips upturned at her words, his hand holding the back of her head lovingly
“I’ll never let anything hurt you again” he promised
“What were we like before the argument?” She asked quietly
“We were…are very much in love. We have a beautiful house, with a lovely garden. I know how much you like to take care of your plants.” He murmured
“Where do i work now?” She queried
“You don’t actually, you stay at home. You wanted to be ready for when we started a family.” He told her and she subconsciously gripped his sleeve
“We were going to have a baby?” She whispered
“Yeah, we wanted two actually” he mused and she smiled slightly “of course…that won’t be happening soon…or ever maybe, it’s really up to you my love”
“Well- not soon or anything…maybe in a couple years? I’m sorry, I know you must’ve been excited and I don’t want to slow down your goals or anything-“ she sniffled softly curling to him
“No love, no it’s okay. I just want to keep you safe. We’re gonna go nice and slow, nothing you don’t want. I want you to be happy sweetheart” he promised while kissing her hair
“I think i could be happy with you…I loved you once right? So…so i can do it again” she nodded and he sighed happily
“Only if that’s what you want” he added while twirling a strand of her thick hair
“We’ll still move slow?” She checked
“As fast as you are comfortable with”
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thommi-tomate · 21 days
People about Thomas pt2
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Hermann Gerland:
Mr. Gerland, you knew Thomas Müller as a young man, what makes him so special?
If Thomas Müller is not there, something is missing. He's always been like that. The guy has been scoring goals, goals, goals since a young age, but that's only part of his great skills. Thomas has a gift: the right nose, on and off the pitch. An unimaginably clever guy, a gift to every team, to every club.
Can you describe his skills in more detail?
Sense, that's what he is: a unique sense of the situation. It can't be explained, it can't be learned. He is never tangible on the field and always knows exactly what to do off the field. I still remember his younger years: Thomas and David Alaba were always pressing. Players like that come to every training session with a positive attitude that rubs off on the whole team. Thomas used to say to me when he'd had a bad game: 'Tiger, next time I'll give it my all'. That's how you have to approach things, then you'll be something! It also confirms my view that it pays to train hard when you're young. If you look at Thomas, you think he'll collapse at two meters, but that's not the case: more than 700 games as an FC Bayern professional says it all!
Where does it rank among the elite of international football?
Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo play spectacularly. Thomas Müller plays unspectacularly, but incredibly well! For almost two decades, he has been more than a player in world football, a player like no other. No one could have imagined this career, but Thomas Müller has absolutely earned his place in the history of FC Bayern and in the history of football as a whole, alongside all the greats of the Munich side, such as Franz Beckenbauer and Gerd Müller. Thomas Müller represents the modern era of FC Bayern.
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Miroslav Klose :
Miro, what did you think when the young Thomas Müller, with his skinny legs, joined the professional team in the summer of 2008?
Thomas didn't really look like a footballer (laughs). He was also quite unnoticed at the beginning. Back then, his football wasn't as complex as it is now. But I immediately connected with him. We got along very well because we have a similar vision of football. Over the years, eye contact was frequent because we both saw something in the defenders.
What does Thomas Müller have that others don't?
Thomas has it all: He has a great nose; he can give goals or score them himself; he knows how to move into spaces; he has the timing to attack spaces; and he also runs for others. But the biggest compliment that can be paid to him is that Thomas, quite simply, understands football.
In the 2014 World Cup semifinal against Brazil, he assisted on your World Cup record goal.
His pass wasn't that good either, it took me two tries to put the ball in (laughs). Seriously, I really enjoyed playing football with Thomas.
Do you have a special "Thomas Müller moment?Before the 2010 World Cup quarter-final, the Argentinians came off the bus dancing and playing music. They also raised the alarm when we lined up in the catacombs. Thomas turned around and said, 'Guys, I think something is going to happen to us today.' We all burst out laughing. With that one sentence he made everything more lighthearted, and the result is well known. That's Thomas. He always seems totally relaxed before matches and still talks on the phone to his wife in the dressing room. But as soon as the whistle blows, he's just there.
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Pep Guardiola:
Have you coached a player like Thomas Müller again?
No other player is like Thomas Müller. He is one of the best players in the history of FC Bayern and the sport of football. Not only because of his many titles, but because he is always there when his team needs him.
Is Thomas Müller an underrated world star?
No. Football fans around the world know his value on the pitch. He is an intelligent and unpredictable player who always knows where to go.
What was it like working with him at Bayern?
My start in Munich was not easy. Jupp Heynckes had done an incredible job with the triple win, we were traveling a lot and I was trying to bring in new ideas. But Thomas was always positive and open. He understood that we were trying to build something at Bayern Munich that would last
Your favorite moment with Thomas Müller?
In the 2016 Champions League, we played Juventus and were losing 1-2 with a minute to go. He scored the equalizer (2-2) and took us to extra time. We won the game 4-2. What I've always found most impressive about Thomas is how modest his celebrations are: nowadays, when footballers score a goal, they run out to celebrate. Thomas is different, perhaps more generous, above all he wants to embrace his teammates after scoring a goal.
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idkbitch2 · 5 months
Pt1 pt2 pt3
was how theodosia learned the weird neighbours name randal a weird name for a weird men That was not her thoughts apparently and she said that to mr.randal and the guy just weirdly smirked which theo gathered that was his way of laughing Theodosia expected the summer job to be a total tutore but it was quite the opposite randal was not always grumpy and dry all the time not like her father, her father acted like she didn't exist but randal was grumpy to everyone he talked to and answered them with sarcastic and cool comebacks The first month of summer went like this:wake up at 7 go buy milk water the plants do what ever randal says which was surprisingly fun because the tasks were never repetitive or boring On her brake days she would do what she always did go and play with her skateboard all day and avoiding home as much as possible hoping Paul would come looking for her she even stayed the night out but Paul again was expecting it After a month of working for randal one morning when she went in his house with a pocket of milk in her hand she didn't find him after calling him a few times and getting no answer for a very bad moment she thought that tandal got bored of her too and now is avoiding her she wanted to pour the milk on his couch and killing all his useless plants untill randal answered "in here" the voice came from his room It was weird he never went to his room or let her go close to it When I entered the room I saw him sitting on a table and cleaning his guns to be honest it didn't really shock me him being a Gardner was more shocking
"Do you know what are these?"
"I live in new York man course I know"
"No I mean what type are they?"
When the girl looked closely she figured she has never seen guns like that they weren't balck they were bronze
"are they a expensive generational collection or something?"
"Kinda but I don't let them eat dust like rich cunts do I use em"
"So your in a gang?"
"What do you do in that gang that uses bronze glocks"
"We eliminate traitors"
"Be fucking for real you sound like a fast and furious character"
"I am for real"
"Alright if your for real why are you telling me these-oh"
"Yeah like I said I'm getting old and I need a right hand kid a fresh breath why do you say"
"Fuck yeah man fuck yeah"
0 notes
silentsockfeet · 4 years
my strongest argument for there being a part 3 is that ellie never finished singing future days! she only ever sang the first line or two. that in itself is physical proof that ellie’s story isn’t finished yet, because the song isn’t finished
part 3 releases and the story comes full circle when ellie and dina reconnect and ellie sings the whole song to her. ellie being able to sing the song shows how much she’s grown since the farm, since this was something that she originally shared solely with joel, but now she’s allowing herself to fully open up and share this with dina too. she’s able to do what she couldn’t before and what led to her leaving the farm, which is being open and allowing herself to remember joel and share that side of her life with dina.
bonus if she plays it on a left handed guitar, because that’s also a physical manifestation of her working through her trauma. she’s able to teach herself to play guitar despite her missing fingers, and in this way is able to reconnect with joel again. it symbolizes how she’s worked to rebuild herself and her relationships and grow past her trauma, physically and emotionally.
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
Professor Romanoff (Pt1)
Hey! This is just a little idea that @lyak12 helped me with. This will have more then one part so I’ll add them when theyre written. Im gonna get some requests done next, I just wanted to get this out!
Pt1 <
Summary: Natasha Romanoff is your teacher. You’ve always had a small crush on her. But when shes sick, her guard is let down. Now what?...
Any spelling/grammars are mine, sorry :)
Tiny bit of backstory: R is attending one of the leading universities. Most people who attend end up graduating and becoming Agents for Fury/SHIELD. Nat teaches two classes and R is in both of them. So, the both of them have a good friendly relationship and are quite comfortable with each other.
You happily hummed to yourself as you walked the short journey to your next class. You put a little dance into your step as one of your favourite songs began to play in your headphones. You quicken your pace slightly as you glanced down at your watch, you were hoping to arrive slightly early to have a quick chat with your teacher, Miss Romanoff, or Natasha as she preferred you to address her as.  
The university you attended was well-known for producing high-quality agents for SHIELD and as a result many of the Avengers ran side-classes for a select body of students. Luckily for you, you had been selected to participate in two of those special classes. Both being taught by Natasha.  
Your song finished on cue as you pushed open the door to the main building, after 3 years of studying on campus you confidently knew your way around the building and you found yourself outside the door to your lecture hall within a few minutes.  
The door swung open as you walked into the room, stopping abruptly when you noticed your missing teacher. Where was Natasha? She was always at least 10 minutes early to every lesson without fail, there hadn't been a time in your whole time of attending the university where Natasha hadn't been early.
How strange. You had really been hoping for some advice on your upcoming final exam. Well, you could always see her after class. The rest of your class gradually arrived as the minutes ticked by, with still no sign of Natasha showing up. There was an uneasy grumble of small convosations, everybody wondering the same thing. After another long 10 minutes people were beginning to repack their bags and collect their things.
At that moment, the door swung open and Natasha came rushing into the hall. “Sorry guys!” She apologised as she got herself ready. You couldn’t help but notice the twinge in her voice, it sounded slightly off, a lot raspier than usual. If you didn’t know her better you would've thought that she sounded tired.
“Okay guys, can we get out our notes from last lesson please.” She asked, shooting you a brief smile as you made eye contact with her. You couldn’t help but watch in awe as Natasha took control and began her lesson.
Thankfully it seemed like you had an easy lesson for today. It was mainly focussed on revising combat strategies and methods of stealth. Stalking of stealth, you couldn’t help but notice that Natasha was routinely rubbing her throat and muffling small coughs into her arm, if you weren't watching her so closely you would have missed the small actions altogether.
Scribbling down another set of notes you were surprised to hear Natasha’s voice announce, “Well guys. We can call it a day here, make sure to revise!” Her voice broke off and you looked up to see her stifling a sneeze into her elbow, not so much as a sound to give her away.
The room was filled with a satisfied hum of noise as she made her accountment. Everybody was surprised, Natasha’s lessons never finished early, never mind by a whole 20 minutes. People were quick to leave, fearing she would change her mind. It didn’t take long for the room to empty leaving just you by yourself.
You grabbed your bag and slowly walked over to the big desk at the front of the hall, which Natasha was currenting sitting at, her head in her hands while she rubbed at her temple. She hadn't even noticed you approach the desk until you spoke, “Hey.”
“Oh hello.” She answered with a tired smile as she glanced up at you before signalling you to take a seat.
You sat down at the opposite side of the desk before giving into your concern and asking, “Are you okay? You seemed tired during the lecture.”
“Oh.” Natasha really wasn’t expecting anyone to pick up on her current situation, she was almost embarrassed that it was so noticeable, “Its fine, I'm just a lit- Hh.. S'cuse me.. Hht’shoo!” Nat's nose interrupted her sentence as she sneezed against her wrist and sniffled slightly afterwards.
“Bless you.” You hummed lightly, fidgeting with your fingers slightly as you considered what to say next, before you had your chance to say anything though you were interrupted by the small hitching of the tired professor's voice. Somehow it seemed that Natasha had managed to stave off the ongoing tickle in her nose as she lightly pressed a finger to her nose, sniffling to herself lightly.
“You alright?” You asked wishing there was something else you could do for her. You longed to wrap her up warm and lay by her side, attending to her every need. You had never seen Natasha show even the slightest sign of sickness ever. You dreamed of her laying beside you in bed, huddled under a shared blanket. No! She was your teacher, your role-model. There was no way anything could ever happen between you, even with the small age-gap... Still, you couldn’t help but let your mind endlessly daydream at the thought of being with her.
Nat quietly grabbed a tissue and blew her nose before speaking back up, “I'm fine Y/N. Don’t worry about me dear. Are you ready for your finals?” She asked as you felt a small blush seep into your cheeks as a result of her pet-name for you.
“I think so. I just need to remember to keep calm in the exam. I have a habit of getting really nervous beforehand”  
 “You’ll do great. You’re smart, remember that.” She broke off to muffle a deep rattling cough into her elbow. She sounded terrible. “Excuse me,” She sighed, grabbing another tissue, “I think I'm starting to catch a little bit of a cold.” Her voice trailed off as she quietly admitted that last part.
“I think so too,” You agreed, clicking your pen to stop yourself from fidgeting, you weren't sure whether to finish there but despite your better judgement you decided to add, “Hey... Listen it must be more than a little cold if it's making you feel sick. Maybe you should just go easy for a few days.��� You must’ve been out of you mind as you reached over, gently cupping Natasha’s hands in your own.
You could’ve sworn that her face turned a deeper shade of red as she held your eye contact for a moment for quickly snapping her face towards her shoulder.
“Hhshtooo! Sorr-”
“Bless you.” You cut Natasha off before she was able to complete her apology, “You definitely don’t sound well though.” You added sympathetically.
“I’ll be fine Y/N. Don’t worry about me, just focus on revising.” She looked down to glance at the time on her phone, “E-Excuse me dear.”  Natasha retracted her hands which were still cupped beneath your own, she slowly began to pack her equipment, avoiding eye contact as you abruptly stood up.
“I should get going. I need to study.” You quickly chucked your backpack over your shoulder, slowly walking towards the door, heat beginning to rush to your face as your mind raced. Had you overstepped a limit?
“Oh.” Was that disappointment in her tone? No. It couldn’t have been.
“I hope you feel better.” You added before turning to leave the hall... Had you just messed everything up?
“Thank you.” Natasha’s voice trailed off as she watched you quickly walk towards the door. God I’m such an idiot. She thought to herself as you left, a piece of her heart leaving with you. Truthfully all she wanted was to be beside you, cuddling against your warm body as you played with her hair. Stop it, Natasha argued with herself. She was your professor; she was meant to be a role-model. This could never happen, right?  
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lokiskitten · 3 years
I NEED a part two of “first time”
Loki Laufeyson | first time pt2
Loki Laufeyson x fem!reader
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plot : ( refer to pt1 ) after experiencing a first intercourse together, Loki insists on crossing the path towards the end. With only the fear of being seen by the other variants holding you back, you end up agreeing to follow the excited man’s proposition.
warnings : smut, extremely short moment of none-con followed by a consent check up, mention of virginity loss ( male ), unprotected sex ( pls for the love of god wrap it ) and lowkey sub!Loki.
“Now that was... ah. Nice.” You affirmed tiredly, knees colliding with one another though your feet remained slightly parted. Your organism was still trying to wash away the orgasm you had just reached with Loki’s divine help. Meanwhile, the god of mischief carried on staring at your body, resembling a scientist who led an experience on the human anatomy. He wanted to ask a thousand questions, but didn’t feel brave enough to dare to open his mouth just yet. In fact, he felt as if he was disturbing an intimate and personal moment of yours. It nearly managed to make the god feel flustered and awkward.
Looking closer, Loki was able to spot your own love juice dripping out of your entrance, coating your swollen lips and settling a deep emotion of lustful hunger within his soul. He wanted more, he needed more- and only you could potentially satisfy his crippling and frustrating sexual appetite at the moment. His hands rested on your knees, forcefully parting your thighs before he allowed himself to slip in between. Upon feeling a weight suddenly add up against your own mass, your eyelids moved open which allowed you to make eye contact with Loki. You felt surprised to see him there, and even more surprised to witness him behaving in such a way.
“What are you doing?” You asked, attempting to move your chest up with the help of your elbows- which led Loki to back away to sit down on his knees between your legs. “Well, I’m doing the thing. Isn’t that what people do next?” He explained, earning a frown from your shocked self. Though, you were still willing to be patient with him. “No, you always ask. Always. Do you understand?” You affirmed seriously, earning a shy nod from the demigod who didn’t really enjoy to be treated like a child. Though his aim wasn’t to ruin this moment by starting unnecessary drama- especially as he appeared to be in the wrong. But once this small moment of embarrassment had passed by, Loki felt like explaining the reason to why he appeared so frustrated.
“Look, I have a very painful..” he began, only to end up being cut off by your staring self who admired the long shape traced from within his pants. It was too big to miss. “Boner.” You finished before looking up at him, earning an embarrassed gasp coming from the demigod. “And I really want you.” He finished on a nearly sorrowful tone adding up to a puppy face- a note that managed to reach your heart. You shot a glare at the small wooden cabin in which Mobius and the other variants were having dinner, anxiety taking over your organism at the thought of potentially being seen or caught by them. “I don’t know..” You explained, earning a frown from Loki sitting before you who didn’t appear to understand why you were refusing the offer after you had both experienced such fun.
“Aw come on. What could possibly go wrong?” He cheered, giving your shoulder a gentle fist kick in order to lift the mood. Unfortunately, you couldn’t help but remain stoic. “Well, loads of things in fact.” You responded, leading Loki’s smile to drop instantly. “What if we get caught? That would be an embarrassment I’d never be able to get over. Not to mention the whole pregnancy issues if your princess self isn’t capable of pulling out at the right time.” You carried on, offering Loki multiple exemples to why this upcoming sexual intercourse could possibly go wrong. Ironically enough, he appeared more concerned and offended over the fact that you had just called him princess rather than getting worked up about the horrible consequences program you had just settled.
After spending a couple of seconds making useless eye contact with the raven haired man, you ended up breaking this one in order to shoot another glance towards the wooden cabin. The surroundings appeared calm, which managed to ease your anxiety. Besides, after leading you to cum in such an incredible way, you believed that maybe Loki deserved a release too- adding up to the fact that you’d feel proud to be the woman who would take care of breaking through his virginity. Turning your head back towards his, a nod was the only gesture that escaped your body. It instantly managed to lift the demigod’s mood. “Really?..” Loki asked, and that in order to make sure you weren’t tricking him, the most famous trickster.
“Yeah, lets give it a try.” You responded on a friendly tone, a discreet smile adorning your features as you watched Loki summon a blanket for the two of you. He had probably noticed the way you appeared to avoid dust with the help of your pants, and wanted to offer you better then this piece or clothing to protect your sensitive skin. However, he appeared to organize this upcoming event in quite a religious way. He made sure to keep the blanket flat against the floor, brushing away the wrinkles until you finally stopped him by taking ahold of his wrist. “This is the part where you take your clothes off.” You affirmed, underlining the fact that he probably should stop worrying about the wrong matters especially as you were running out of time.
“Oh, right right.” He answered politely, taking a seat on the green pled before he began to precariously unbutton his TVA shirt. You watched as his tone muscles were revealed, his abs shifting as he got rid of his upper piece of clothing for good. This checkpoint led you to look up at his greenish eyes again, the two of you exchanging a smile before he began to go for his belt. The shape of his hard member was still visible through his trousers, a length that would soon be set free once Loki would finally get rid of his pants. No shame or embarrassment seemed to fill his organism upon his lower clothes being pulled down to his knees- his crotch being revealed to your respectful sight. In contrary, Loki appeared more than proud of himself for finally getting to go through such a thing, which held him back from accumulating negative emotions.
Your two naked selves then laid down on the blanket, wrapping your arms around one another’s body and engaging in a rather friendly but passionate hug. You enjoyed this warm and safe physical contact, and you expected Loki to enjoy it too. The sensation of his moist tip rubbing against your stomach only made it better- as you still felt amazed regarding the size of his member. It combined both generous length and girth, and was also gifted with the perfect shape any woman, or man, could ever ask for. “You smell nice..” he affirmed, his nose being stuck to the crook of your neck as you happily passed your hands through his black hair. He ended up looking up at you, pressing a shy and respectful kiss to your lips. You smiled.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to roll around, switching to Loki now resting on top of you. He smiled down out you out of pure excitement, his tip already trying to find a way into your entrance- as clumsy as his hips could be. After taking notice that he appeared to have a hard time lining himself up with your hole, you slipped a hand down between your legs and gave his balls a gentle caress, earning a couple of sensitive moans coming from your excited partner. However, your hand then proceeded to slither it’s way up his shaft, delicate digits wrapping around this one’s girth in order to move it to where it should and wanted to be. When you felt like Loki was now ready to carry on on his own, your hand made its way back up to his shoulder before passing underneath his arm and wrapping around his smooth and muscular back.
The raven haired man looked down at you with slight panic in his eyes upon being aware that a single hip thrust of his could begin the intercourse, his shoulders now having to carry a great responsibility he simply wasn’t ready to fail. Unfortunately, Loki once again appeared to struggle with pushing himself in. Even when looking down at your crotch, he still didn’t manage to properly slide inside of you. However, upon taking notice of his distress again, you agreed to slip your hand back down to his groin, taking a gentle hold of his shaft which you locked between your thumb and index finger before offering him a little bit of help regarding penetration. Thankfully, his cock was now able to slide inside of you on it’s own even if it remained a slow process.
Moving your hand away, you allowed Loki to fully take over the penetration process as you watched his facial expressions clench and contract. Eventually his eyelids shut close, hips colliding with yours as his tip dangerously brushed against your sensitive cervix. You could tell that this was brand new for him, and that he visibly had a hard time handling it. “You’re doing amazing.” You affirmed empathetically, your hand gently caressing his flexed biceps. Meanwhile, Loki couldn’t help but focus onto the warmth your walls provided him, his brain still attempting to process how nice it felt to finally get to be coated in a woman’s love juices. It was tight, moist, and warm- long story short : the perfect environnement for his needy member.
“Maybe try to give moving a try..” you proposed shyly, your organism beginning to feel more than overwhelmed by Loki’s filling presence inside of you. After hearing about this offer, Loki began to slowly back away from your crotch, shiny length, which was coated in your love juice, sliding out of you with relative ease. The two of your moaned, though you appeared calmer than your friend at first- who you didn’t forget was currently going through his first intercourse ever. Therefore, judgment wasn’t present. It didn’t take long for a regular thrusting process to take place, your overly sensitive walls nicely reacting to the friction caused by Loki’s cock especially after getting to orgasm beforehand. Your arms remained wrapped around his back, the two of you rocking back and forth against the green blanket.
“You’re doing so good..” you whispered in his ear, eyelids remaining closed as your hand had now taken ahold of his long raven hair. Your main goal was to enhance him through this event, and give him the happiness and recognition he clearly deserves as a bed partner. However, your natural tightness adding up to the more than large size of his girth was overstimulating Loki’s genitals, sending shockwaves of pleasure down his shaft and straight into his tensed balls which repetitively bumped against the area located beneath entrance. “Don’t forget to- to pull out.” You begged breathlessly, his thrusts becoming more primal and intense now that he had gained some extra self esteem regarding the situation.
You couldn’t help but grow worried and work yourself up over this intercourse’s potential end, wondering if the man on top of you was going to be able to control himself and pull out before his cum could penetrate into your womb. Thankfully, this annoying state didn’t last for long and you soon found yourself lost into lust again. Your arms wrapped around his neck, teeth gently biting down onto his earlobe as you allowed yourself to tug on it in a primal yet harmless manner. Loki seemingly appeared to appreciate this move, another wave of moans exiting his mouth as he unexpectedly pulled out of your cunt in order to allow his own hand to wrap around his shaft.
A couple of pumps were enough to see white liquid spring out of his urethra, the sperme landing on your stomach and staining your delicate skin. You were both left breathless, for nearly the exact same reason as one another. Resting your hand onto your chest, you panted whilst looking down at the substance on your tummy which appeared surprisingly appetizing. “Loki..” you moaned gently, fingers brushing against one of the stained parts of your stomach before you brought your digit up to your lips. Even if you hadn’t tasted many, his cum appeared different than the rest on the gustative level. “That was amazing.” You affirmed with a smile, extending your arm for him to join you on the blanket. You were craving for his touch, more than you had ever craved anything before.
[ part one available right here ]
As requested, here’s part two! I hope it was enjoyable for you guys to read. Don’t hesitate to leave feedback, it means tons. Stay safe and happy❤️
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toxxic12 · 3 years
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Pt 1 here:
A couple weeks later, the day had arrived. James was called to the professor's office after his classes were done for the day. His tailored suits were ready and his wardrobe was about to change for good.
When he arrived in the professor's office, he was expecting to see the new clothes. As weird as the thought of wearing them everyday, and as scary as the "or else" looming over him. James was actually fairly excited. "Follow me, we aren't going far" the professor bellowed. James just whitely followed along assuming that they were on their way to the tailor to pick up the clothes. He didn't feel it appropriate to ask any questions.
James was confused as they entered a brownstone right next to campus. "Welcome to your new home", the professor said with a smirk. James was taken aback and confused but continued in. "You'll be moving in with me and David, this way i can keep a proper eye on you through the day. I've already spoken with housing, you'll need to move out of your dorm by Friday. Future housing payments will be covered by your employment".
The place was immaculate and huge. James could never afford a place like this, and all James could think about was the fact that his debt was ever growing. He followed the professor to what James assumed was his room, where he saw David looking through a rack of new suits. "Welcome to your new room and your new life" said David.
"One last major thing" said the professor as he handed James what looked like large metal underwear. "Take off your pants and underwear and put this on, we'll be just outside if you need help". James was immediately confused as right as he was about to ask a question, both David and the professor left the room with a loud crash of the closing door.
He spent a moment pondering what this was, maybe a tracking device, maybe something for posture. Perhaps just a way to make sure his junk didn't show through his pants. Either way he knew he had no choice and he did as he has was told. It took him a second to figure it out, things needed to be tucked accordingly, but eventually he figured it out. For the first time in quite a while he spoke, "I think I've got it".
Right then the professor opened the door and James realized that beyond this thing, he was still naked from the waist down. "oh shi-" he shouted trying to cover himself up.
"Don't worry, we're roommates now, i imagine we'll be seeing much worse of eachother, anyways...", The professor said leaning down to inspect the device before quickly putting a padlock on the front latch.
"This is a chastity device, it will help you avoid distractions, as well as serve as a reward if you exceed expectations. I know you've been concerned about me firing you, and while i should emphasis that you should maintain the excellent behavior you've had so far. This will give me a way to punish you for bad behavior without fully terminating your position. Now put on a suit, your first day is just beginning"
"Wait are you seriously ...", James cried out. But David and the professor were already gone. James went from occasional misapprehension to being fully horrified about the situation he was in.
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kira-fluff · 3 years
Hey heyy, have you thought about writing another common trope headcanon / oneshot with the MysMe guys?
Because the “only one bed” was extremely good!!
Even if you decide not to do it, just know that your blog and your talent amazes me<3
a/n: Did you even have to ask??? OF COURSE IF YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME LOL thank you gorgeous <3 I decided to try putting it in a fanfic (one shot unless requested) format since it's definitely quite long and making a mini-series featuring those you request for me to include in my next fic or a pt2! :) also this is a slow burn and is quite spicy <3 Also, I did my best not to make it like the whole share the room thingy again!! ***I’m not fluent in French pls don’t @ me
Length: 6k lol 
A Series of Unfortunate Events Fake Dating - Jumin Han 
A sudden message beep surprised you, causing you to look down at your phone. It was a text message from Jumin: Call me.  Immediately suspecting the worst, you quickly pressed his contact, the number dialing in seconds. There was a few seconds that ran by before the other end answered with a curt, "Y/n."  "Jumin, hey, is something wrong?", you asked, worriedly.  "Everything is perfectly fine. I was calling to ask you a favor -- feel free to decline." Jumin never asked for favors, or your help in general.. you knew whatever it was you were determined to assist him in the best way possible. "Of course, Jumin! Anything."  There was silence for a moment as if he was contemplating whether or not it this favor was truly worth asking before he spoke, "Please decline if you are unable to but... I was wondering if you'd be willing to indulge my father. He's insisted that I bring you with me to our business closure."  "Jumin", you began, "I'd be honored. I'd love to!"  On the other line, there was a sigh of relief (or of worry, you weren't sure). "Mr. Kim will be at your apartment to pick you up tomorrow. The meeting is taking place in Monoco -- pack for a ten-day trip" There was a pause before Jumin breathed out a quiet, "Thank you."  You couldn't hold back your smile, thankful that the conversation was over the phone, making it impossible for him to see your dopey expression. He hung up, leaving you to pack. Your mind quickly wandered from what you needed in your suitcase to worrisome waters.  You and Jumin had a very deep friendship following the party you’d thrown, spending the time following the ginormous celebration to get to know each other. It warmed your heart that your newfound friend took so much joy in being with you -- even when he tried not to show it. You lost track of the number of times you ended up sleeping over at his penthouse after accidentally staying up until 4am talking with him, swishing expensive wine in your mouths.  You didn’t expect falling in love to come so easily. You were someone who was quite choosey with your partners -- you weren’t one to fall easily for anyone. Even in your past relationships that sometimes lasted years, you’d never felt the way your heart felt now that you were with him. And yet, you were best friends. You were sure you meant something to him in so far as friendship, but you had respected him when he’d gotten drunk one of the first nights he met you and spouted out his heart to you.. 
-  “Y/n, to tell you the truth.... I’ve never fallen in love before.” He gazed up at you lackadaisically from his position on the sofa -- head rested over the top of the sofa cushion, his arm lazily resting under his chin. He started at you for a moment, his gray eyes gazing into your own with a hazy, absent feeling in them.  You laughed, “I find that hard to believe.” You walked over to him, absent-mindedly running your fingers through his tousled hair. He let out a long, uncharacteristic sigh, his eyes closing gently.  You leaned in close to him, looking him in the eye. “Can I tell you something, too?” He nodded. “I haven’t either.”  -  You grinned at the memory. You firmly believed that conversation was what brought you and him together closer than ever before. He’d always found an excuse to call you over for the silliest of reasons. Either he needed a certain form that he was positive he accidentally slipped into your bag on accident and needed to see it first-hand to check, or he realized he’d bought more wine than was necessary for a night alone.  It made you smile for months that he couldn’t get out the words “I miss you” or “I want you to come over”. Even to you, the words sounded intimate.. but that was the way your relationship worked -- you were very close with each other, as two best friends ought to be.  Still, as much as you tried, you couldn’t control the way your heart began to constrict when he got especially close to you. You couldn’t help it when you’d shiver when he gently brushed cat fur away from your cheek. You were shocked that despite his perceptive personality, he didn’t seem to notice or acknowledge your deep blush during these interactions... maybe he was uncomfortable with them.... you hoped not.  There were times the air was knocked out of you. Literally. Once, you weren’t paying attention to the fact that the sidewalk had ended and you were walking straight into oncoming cars coming off the highway when a muscular arm slid around your waist and pressed your body flush to his own. You stared with eyes wide open at Jumin, who comically seemed equally surprised at his actions. You couldn’t help the way your eyes trickled down to his sultry lips, taking in their beautiful red-wine color, blooming like dark roses. Thankfully, he seemed too preoccupied with your current state of mind and physical wellbeing. When you finally managed to get your mind out of the gutter, you thanked him profusely, grabbing his hands impulsively and begging to reward him in some way. His answer surprised you, “I--uh-- a movie. I’d like to do more research watching one of those movies you enjoy watching.. for business sales and such.”  “Sure!! I can recommend anything! I’ll drop the email by your office tomorrow” you answered.  A panicked expression took over his face for a moment before returning to its familiar stoicism, “You won’t watch it also?” Your eyes widened in confusion before you answered hurriedly, “Oh! Yeah, I’ll watch it with you. I just wouldn’t want to bother you if you were doing it for work purposes.”  You could never bother me you thought you heard him say, but you couldn’t be sure.  Yep, you were in love with Jumin.  When you at last finished packing, you went to bed, looking forward to the mystery that befell tomorrow.  -  You rose bright and early to prepare for the exciting trip that was bound to come. You couldn’t help the extra bit of effort you ended up putting into your appearance in anticipation of seeing Jumin again and.. possibly sitting next to him on an aircraft.  Right on time, you received a text message from Mr. Kim, indicating that he had arrived at your apartment right on time. As you opened your apartment door to carry your luggage downstairs, you were met with numerous familiar faces of Jumin’s employees who quickly took your heavy luggage items for you. You thanked them, making your way to the elevator with them.  You texted Jumin: Thanks for the help with my luggage :)  In a matter of seconds, you received a reply, Jumin: You’re welcome.  Grinning down at your phone, you didn’t notice your driver's light chuckle, a look of astonishment in his eyes. These blind kids.  You continued to chatter along with Jumin on your phone, at last arriving at the rendezvous point where Jumin and the Chairman pulled in identical black limos alongside your own.  “Thank you, Mr. Kim. I can take it from here.”  Mr. Kim nodded in obedience, ushering you to go to Jumin. Jumin patted the leather seat next to his own in the sleek limousine. You held back a laugh, there were plenty of other seats open for you to sit.. but it warmed your heart that he wanted you right next to him. As friends. The Chairman joined the two of you, sitting across from his son, a mischievous glint in his eyes that only Jumin could recognize. A silent conversation took place between Jumin and his father -- Jumin beginning with a raised eyebrow. The Chairman replied with a sly smirk. Jumin with a scowl, his father with a growing grin. You watched the conversation continue silently before the Chairman at last spoke, “Jumin, my son, I’m overjoyed to see you’ve brought your Y/n with you.” A flash of annoyance crossed Jumin’s face as he said, “My... Y/n?”  You blanched.. of course the thought of you being his made him uncomfortable... but you didn’t think he’d be angry.  “Y/n, I’m glad you could join us. However, as much as I hate to ask this of you, there is something I desperately need from you.”  Before you could speak Jumin interjected, “Absolutely not.”  You caressed his hand, looking up at him with kind eyes, “Jumin, hey, it’s okay.” Looking toward Jumin’s father you said, “Whatever it is, I’ll do my very best.” Jumin’s jaw feathered a bit, but he said no more.  He grinned, “Aren’t you a kind girl. Well, in this business deal, the contract was originally contingent on Jumin marrying his daughter -- which I was against from the beginning. After all, I know the importance of loving the one you wish to be with.” (Jumin rolled his eyes at that.) “Anyway, I declined the offer.”  You were confused, unsure where your part came in.  As if reading your mind, he continued saying, “However, I perhaps let it slip that you two were engaged. I figured you both are so close with each other already, that it would be no issue to play a bit of husband and wife for the sake of business, no?”  Jumin was furious, his nose flared, jaw clenched with hands gripping his knee. “How dare--”  You glanced at him, biting the inside of your cheek, a worried expression painted your face. When he glanced at you, his eyes widened and his shoulders relaxed. This did not go unnoticed by the Chairman.  “We’ll do it, won’t we Jumin?” he looked surprised but made no objection. You leaned in close and whispered shyly, “I want to do something as thanks for this amazing trip.. and for you.”  - Jumin dared to swallow. For me? What the hell does that mean? You were driving him crazy. Every time he looked at you he had to fight to readjust his attention to something else. Does she know what it does to me when she touches me? Even a little bit?  When you’d put your hand on him, Jumin felt his chest and neck grow impossibly hotter, hotter than he’d been feeling when you’d first sat down next to him. Hotter than when you leaned in close and breathily asked him, “Jumin... how long until we’re at the airport?” It was like you’d drawn out every syllable, breathing out every consonant -- your breath tickling his neck. He imagined what it would feel like to have your plump, rosy lips on his neck, on his chest, on his lips, on his-- he was in over his head. He cursed himself for his lack of control. Usually, control was not an issue for Jumin -- in fact, he considered it one of his greatest strengths. From his leadership position in his father’s company, C&R, to his well-controlled temperament and stress management.. Jumin just didn’t do “no control”.  At first, it intrigued him. He could remember the exact day it hit him. He’d invited you to an elegant dinner his company hosted to celebrate (in a sort of “humble-brag” sort of way) yet another successful business closing with one of the biggest corporations in America. He’d been finishing off yet another glass of his new Domaine de la Romanee-Conti he’d bought when his eyes at last placed you at the front of the champagne server. His eyes raked up and down the soft, silk gown that clung to your body in all the right places. The gown hung loosely, exposing your back and most of your chest, a sultry slit separating one of your elegant legs from the other hidden in the fabric. It was a breath-taking emerald color... but all Jumin could really think of is how he’d take it off. Your hair was curled and done-up marvelously with little white pearls decorating the crown of your head like you had stars in your hair... but all Jumin could really think of was how he’d mess it up. His cheeks were on fire. Everything in his body had risen in temperature of what felt like a hundred degrees. He twirled his wine glass between his fingers before setting it down at one of the well-decorated tables. I must have a fever, he thought, that must be it. Your eyes found his person just as he was turning around to leave, speed walking to one of the penthouse balconies for fresh air. You raced after him or at least followed him as fast as your obnoxious heels allowed you to go.  You breathlessly met him as he was staring out into the night. Jumin realized that his temperature was slowly returning to normal. Perhaps the room was a bit suffocating. I’ll be sure to message Mr. Kim about increasing the air conditioning in the room. But... looking back on it now, Jumin knew he was lying to himself even then. Because, when he turned around he almost let out a shout. And his breath became uneven again, and it felt so burning hot all over again.  You slowly crept toward him, donning a concerned expression saying, “Jumin... are you alright?” Jumin backed into the marble railing. He was so eloquent normally but all he could let out then was a choked, “Fine.” He couldn’t take his eyes off you. Every step closer, he wanted to run. The stars were reflecting in your eyes and the moonlight made your supple skin look impossibly softer... You gently cupped his face and whispered, “Jumin, talk to me..? Please?” Jumin was heaving, looking down at you with rosy red cheeks and burning ears. “I--I think I have a... fever. A fever.”  You gasped, taking one of your hands and lightly grasping the back of his neck, pulling him down slightly. His eyes widened as you took your other cold hand and placed it on his burning forehead. “Oh my god! Oh my gosh, we -- ambulance! An ambulance.. a doctor? Or.. are you... drunk?”  “My room... please,” he begged.  You looked him up and down, examining his face for strain or discomfort. When you couldn’t find any, you let out a breath -- perhaps you’d overreacted. Nonetheless, you swung his arm over your shoulder and trudged through the now quiet dining area. Most had filtered out to the ballroom for dancing. You’d been here a million times, so remembering the way was no chore. You fished through his shirt and coat pockets, running your gentle digits across his chest, assuming the moan Jumin gave off was due to pain, still, a blush flushed your cheeks. “Sorry, I’m almost done.” You held him against the wall since at this point he couldn’t stand. Maybe I am a little drunk, he thought. You moved down to his pants pockets, your hands roaming through a business card and other odds and ends, eliciting another soft groan from Jumin. “Almost there...” you breathed, at last pulling out a key card and with a soft beep, opening his penthouse suite. You gently carried him to his bed before going to grab a glass of water and a cold washcloth. When one was placed on the table and the other on his forehead, you at last placed a warm throw blanket you’d found in his closet over him.  ...That memory became a source of numerous dreams. Jumin couldn’t forget it, no matter how many times he’d wished he wanted to (or wished it all to happen again).  - You gazed at him, looking at the way his expression hardened at times, softening and then suddenly switching to an expression you’d never seen before. What was he thinking about? You bit your lip, nervous that Jumin might change his mind upon meeting this woman his business partner wanted him to marry. She was certainly more beautiful, right? After all, Jumin hadn’t necessarily made any physical contact voluntarily toward you more than an occasional back rub in your asked after a long day at work, or if he got drunk while you two accidentally stayed up late -- then he’d sometimes caress your face with a love-sick expression and saying little things like, “You’re beautiful.” It was cute, for sure, but what drunk doesn’t turn into a soft puddle of goo, complimenting everyone around them?  You leaned into him as subtly as you could manage, closing your eyes to concentrate for a few minutes.  - You jumped awake when a deep voice rumbled in your ear, “We’re here.” You could hear the slight smirk in his voice, and sure enough, when you looked up, you saw a slight smile on his face. “Did you have a good dream?” You looked toward your left, thankful the Chairman was already out of the limousine and speaking on his phone to someone. “I--I had a dream?”  Jumin’s smirk stretched a little wider, “Yes. You said my name a couple times.”  Your eyes widened in shock before saying, “Oh! That dream! Yeah, I was dreaming that you were being eaten alive by bears and I was forced to watch!” God, you were such a bad liar. Jumin blinked. He felt sort of stupid. “Oh,” he cleared his throat awkwardly, “I see--”  Grateful for his gullibleness, you added, “Why, what did you think I was dreaming about?”  Jumin avoided eye contact saying, “Not anything in particular.”  A call for Jumin interrupted your conversation, making Jumin almost run out of the limo. You smiled a bit, a little flush rising up to your ears.  Jumin returned again, grabbing your hand. “This way,” was all he said. You followed him to the private jet that the Chairman was already boarding. You caught yourself staring at Jumin again as you followed him up the stairs to the entranceway of the cabin. Jumin smartly chose a seat far away from his father’s field of vision. He’d had enough of his unnerving looks when you’d fallen asleep on his shoulder, whispering things Jumin was beyond grateful only he could hear... at least he hoped. When you occasionally began to whine a bit louder he’d quiet you down by running his hands through your hair and stealing glances toward his father nervously saying, “A nightmare.” He wondered if he’d fooled his father, because the Chairman lightly chuckled and made his way to the passenger seat of the limo, sliding the privacy door shut. It had only gotten worse from there, you almost shouted his name, but he covered your mouth. Heat had been pooling in his stomach for a while now, but he didn’t know how much more he could take. Still, every time he thought of waking you up, you’d grab at his chest or legs,  effectively completely embolizing him.  You, of course, were unaware of all of this. You sat down next to him eagerly and wrapped your arm around his, pulling him close to watch a movie on the jet screens. It was almost 9pm by now, the night sky beginning to close in on the quiet aircraft. Neither of you could remember when you fell asleep, only waking up to the soft announcement of arrival from the pilot on the overhead and a soft blanket placed over the two of you.  You both groggily made your way to your waiting limousine to take you to the complimentary hotel stay at one of the chains owned by your expectant future business partner.  “Of course, I know you two are just friends.” The Chairman looked at you two before continuing, “So I have two hotel rooms, you’re 17 and you, Miss Y/N, are 18. I’m in master suite 3, so feel free to reach out whenever.” His eyes glittered as he said, “Have fun. Remember to act like a loving fiance! Especially you, my son." Jumin pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in contempt.  You turned your head toward Jumin, “Um, well, I’m pretty tired as you could probably already tell,” you laughed uncomfortably, “so I think I’ll head off to bed.”  Jumin blinked a few times before saying, “I will as well. Goodnight, Y/N.” You whispered a shy goodnight in reply before slinking into your hotel room.  - You awoke the next day to a call from a maid outside your door - room service. You thanked her before diving into your waffles, complete with chocolate dressing, whipped cream, strawberries, and powdered sugar. A glass of orange juice was delivered along with various other breakfast options and a bowl of kiwi, dragonfruit, apple, watermelon, honeydew, and almost any other fruit you could think of. Following your delicious breakfast, you padded over to the bathroom, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and running the shower. Going through your morning routine helped calm you despite the role you weren’t at all prepared to play in just a few hours.  You jumped at the knock at your door. Looking through the peephole, it was Jumin. Flinging the door open, you looked at him expectantly. You were met with silence other than a few “uh.... uh....”s. You looked at him sarcastically, “What?”  He continued to stare, not at your face, however. You laughed but quickly grew silent as you met his gaze. You were an actual moron. What. The. Fuck. You were still in your fucking panties?!?! You slammed the door shut, running to slip on some shorts you found lying on the ground in the bathroom. Taking a deep breath you gently opened the door this time. Jumin was standing still as a statue when he snapped out of his trance at last. He looked away, “Try not to be dressed. I mean STRESSED.” he sputtered, “I-I’m going to leave now--”  “Um, Jumin?”  He slowly turned around, face as red as a strawberry, “Yes?”  “Um, sorry. About before. Um. Do you-- do you want to get some coffee? I’m still waking up, if you couldn’t already tell,” you laughed nervously.  He smiled warmly, “I’d love to.”  You awkwardly nodded before shutting your door. You ran to your hotel bed and screamed into one of the pillows. You cursed under your breath before making your way to the bathroom once more to finish the makeup look you had begun before being interrupted.  After 45 minutes, you looked your outfit up and down. You packed outfits that were elegant -- you bought clothes that looked expensive but in the kind of way that was subtle. Nude tones and deep colors, specifically. You were aiming for a look that said, “I’m not rich, I’m just comfortable. And by that I mean I’m rich.” You were never insecure about the difference in your and Jumin’s paycheck.. but when you’re supposed to play a part. And if you showed up in your comfy joggers and t-shirt like you normally wore when you visited Jumin or were free from work.. you had a feeling their reaction wouldn’t be the most inviting or understanding.  At last, you stepped out of your room, turning left to knock on Jumin’s door. He beat you to it, opening his door unexpectedly. This caused you to instead lean forward from your momentum and place your hand on his chest. You hurriedly adjusted his tie, doing your best to act as if that’s what you’d meant to do all along.  Jumin appeared to be just as surprised, but grinned, “No leggings and t-shirt today?” You jabbed him with your elbow as you made your way to the coffee bar, “Do you think they’d be all welcoming to your soon-to-be wife if she showed up in lounge clothes?”  “I’ve never complained.”  You scoffed, “Yeah, well, that’s because you’re nice. And, you apparently understand that not everyone can live in a suit every day.”  He paused for a moment before mumbling slightly, “Who cares what they think anyway.”  “I do! I don’t want to let your dad down. I told him I’d do this. We’re in Monaco, Jumin! C’est la vie!” “Parles-tu français?”* “Oui..?”  Jumin chuckled darkly before leaning in, saying, “Tu es juste trop mignonne.”** You blinked before replying, “...oui...?” Jumin looked at you incredulously with a slight smile on his face as he laughed, lightly ruffling your hair.  Jumin ordered for you -- apparently, it was quite clear you only knew a few words in French. Unfortunately, he also paid for you, despite your objections. Before you could yank his platinum card out of his hands, the transaction was already complete. He gazed down at you, an eyebrow raised with a triumphant smirk, “Elle aura aussi beaucoup de crème dans son café.”*** “Hey, what are you saying?! Jumin!! Speak Korean or English or Japanese! Something I can understand!!” You complained.  The worker interjected, “C’est tellement agréable de voir un couple sur leur ‘oneymoon.”**** You instinctively interjected, “Oh, that’s not--!”  But Jumin just smiled and nodded.  Upon sitting down at one of the many open tables, you let out a little giggle, “I wonder what it’ll feel like when I’m on the real thing.” Jumin quickly looked up from his staring contest with his coffee, “Real.. what?”  You grinned dreamily, “Honeymoon.”  “You.. want to get married?” “Don’t you?”  Only to you, he thought. “Maybe. If the right person came along.” If you’d ever say “yes”.  You held back the nervous twinge you felt in your throat, “Alright then, don’t be shy. What’s your type?”  “My.. type?”  “Yeah! Like, your ideal girl.” He paused, looking pensively at you. “Well, then I suppose my ‘type’ is a girl who is beautiful, and smart, and pretty... and always makes me laugh. And is bold but also shy.” His eyes widened as he grew quiet, “...something like that.”  You were shocked. He said he’s never fallen in love before.. but it sounds like he already has some girl in mind. “Wow. You’ve... thought a lot about this.”  Jumin looked surprised at himself -- he cleared his throat, “Just some ideas.”  You were still skeptical but changed the subject, “So, what exactly does this whole ‘wifey’ thing entail?” “Most likely just a ring on your finger and a fake smile.” “Oh come on, there’s more to it than that.”  “I’m sure my father has the details.” As if on cue, his phone chimed. “Ready to head out?”  “Yep!” You weren’t entirely sure, but you were beside yourself with nervousness and a bit of excitement. If you can’t have the real thing, you shouldn’t complain about a chance to fake it, right? And sure, you knew it was much more complicated than that -- what if he realized your true feelings?! ...You shook the thoughts out of your head and made your way to the waiting vehicle outside of the hotel. - “Monsieur Lorenzi! Good to see you!” The Chairman shook hands with who you assumed was the boss. “Let me introduce to you my son, Jumin, and his beloved fiance, Y/n.” You waved, smiling despite the twang in your heart. You and Jumin shook hands while Mr. Lorenzi introduced you to his daughter.  “It is so nice to meet you! This is my daughter, Ginevra.”  Immediately, you sized Ginevra up -- and she does not look happy. “So.. you’re the bitch who stole Ju-Ju from me?” “Ginevra! Be polite, please?” Mr. Lorenzi practically begged her, but she wasn’t budging, “Oh, come on. Their ‘engagement’ hasn’t even been released to the press yet!”  You looked worriedly between Jumin and Ginevra, but Jumin lovingly put his hand over yours, a soft smile on his face, “I’ll handle this, sweetheart.” He couldn’t help himself and lightly pecked your cheek, smirking into the kiss when he heard you elicit a small “oh!” Facing the irate woman, though, Jumin smiled in a way you’d seen him smile when he wasn’t particularly...happy.. about something. “Miss Ginevra, I can assure you Y/N and I are completely in love. She is my fiance, after all. That being said, we decided not to alert the media because we wanted our own privacy until the wedding.”  Ginevra scoffed, “Please. You barely even look like you’re dating. Face it, I know you want me, Jumin.” She bit her lip in a way that was supposed to be seductive, but Jumin couldn’t hold back the slight cringe that crept onto his face.  “T-that’s enough Ginev--”  “God! Shut up, Dad!  Mr. Lorenzi backed down at that, looking apologetic and embarrassed toward the Chairman and Jumin, and especially toward you.  You were growing tired of the entire conversation, “Shall we sit down?”  All except Ginevra agreed readily, the Chairman coughing in a way that sounded more like a laugh he was trying to conceal. Jumin's jaw clenched when he sat next to you, to your left and Ginevra quickly sat in the seat to his left. The meal went as well as expected. Jumin's father recognized that Jumin had his hands full and spent the majority of the dinner talking business with Mr. Lorenzi without his son.  Meanwhile, you were awkwardly playing with your filet mignon, avoiding eye contact with everyone until Jumin leaned his face down to your avoidant eye level. You snapped out of your trance immediately. You looked up at him -- his eyebrow was raised with an inquisitive expression. Okay, that was adorable. You held back your intruisive thoughts, blinking up at him, silently asking, "What is it?"  Jumin stared a little longer than necessary, before snapping out of his own trance and leaning in further and whispering in your ear, "...Are you alright?"  You nodded in reply, "Just a little uncomfortable."  Jumin gazed down at you in concern, "We can leave if you--"  "No. No, I'll stay." Who knows what that girl will do if I leave. He didn't look convinced.  Suddenly, Ginevra was calling for Jumin. Repeatedly. He turned in annoyance, "Yes?"  Her voice got low, clearly to exclude you from the conversation, "Let's go somewhere..." she looked Jumin up and down slowly, "...else.." And with no shame, she lowered a manicured hand to his knee, slowly trailing it up to his thigh. He immediately grabbed her wrist, saying in a low, deadly voice, "I have a fiance."  She sighed in frustration, "You're kidding yourself, baby--"  Jumin's eyes widened suddenly, and not due to anything Ginevra was saying. Your hand was high on his thigh as you leaned into the conversation you'd heard the entirety of. "Miss... whatever your name is.... Jumin is my husband. Soon. We have something you could never dream of every having because your personality sucks. And honestly, only you can fix that."  There was silence at the entire table for a moment before Ginevra turned her head quickly toward her father, "Daddy?!"  Her father had already gotten up, ushering the business conversation to continue rather than deal with his trainwreck of a daughter. She huffed, looking red in the face, perhaps in embarrassment as well as anger. "Well, you still can't prove that you're even dating!"  You very furious now, your glare cold enough to freeze the desert, "Is proof really the only thing that will shut you up?"  Before she could even answer, you geared your pissed off expression toward a semi-intimidated, semi-turned on Jumin and grabbed his face, meeting his lips with your own. Your kiss was meant to only last a few seconds at most, but when you tried to pull away, Jumin only deepened the kiss, pulling your face harshly toward his own. He tugged at your hair, earning a loud moan from you as he forced his flush lips further onto yours, his tongue gaining entrance into your mouth. His eyebrows were deeply knit into a consentrated expression, groaning as he felt you readjust your position onto his lap. You stradled his lap, a leg on either side of him, your tongues battling for dominance as you fished for air between you two. At last, you both parted, heaving in big breaths as a string of spit clung between your mouths -- only to go in for another searing kiss. You began to roll your hips against his own, gently at first but quickly gaining more momentum and roughness as you two continued to make out. You'd noticed his hard-on the moment you'd straddled his lap but it only grew as you two began to explore the other's body. And just like that, you realized you were still in a formal dining setting. With other people. You pushed against Jumin's chest, looking around you in a frenzy. Ginevra was long gone along with the Chairman and Mr. Lorenzi. It was just the two of you, it looked as if it was after hours for the dining here. Soft jazz still played melodically through quiet speakers. Your eyes met back again with Jumin. He was smirking, still breathing heavily, his eyes glowing with mischief and a clear message that said something you probably would blush saying out loud. You laughed a little at the sudden turn of events. Did he like you? You wondered. He made quick work of dragging you (because your legs turned into jelly) out of the dining hall and back to his hotel suite. Jumin hurridely opened his hotel door before slamming you against the wall and continued to kiss you furvently on your neck, chest and of course, lips. He began to grind on you, letting out a soft curse when you mewled in his ear. Both your cheeks were completely red from the heated exchange and the embarrassment that both of you felt at your candid feelings. Yet something still bothered you. You pushed him away with all the strength you had because he was just so addicting. "J-jumin.... wait..." You gasped between breaths, "...I-I don't do this sorta thing... for fun..."  Jumin frowned at this, his jaw feathering as he said darkly, "I don't either."  You shook your head, "No, Jumin... I mean... I-I......" You took a big breath of air, "I'm in love with you. Have, for long time... pretty sure you don't feel .... the same wa--"  Jumin's eyes narrowed as he dove in for another kiss with so much force that the air was nearly knocked out of you. "Y/N," he began, "Do you have any clue how much I've held back? Even now, do you know how hard it is for me not to pick you up and fuck you right here and now? Do you know how long--" He laughed sardonically, "Y/N, I swear you're doing this on purpose."  "Doing wha--" "Making me fall deeper and deeper in love with you! I'm already pass the point of no return. Hell, I've never felt a fraction of what you make feel in a moment... in my entire life."  You took a moment to really look at him. The expression of complete and udder desperation was now clear as day on his face, his cheeks flushed, breathing heavily, his tie loose around his neck, chest slightly exposed. He began again, "Please. Please... put me out of my misery. Say you're mine, please."  Your eyes never leaving his, tears prickling your eyes, you answered, "I always was Jumin.. and I always will be. And, and if the offer still stands--" You blushed, looking down shyly and your feet, ashamed of your own boldness.  Jumin's eyes pooled impossibly darker as he picked you up and led you to his bed, laying you down gently and asking, "I know this is probably soon but... Y/N, will you make me the happiest man on earth?"  You laughed, pure joy on your face as you shamelessly cried, "Yes!" over and over again.  Jumin couldn't hold back the huge grin that took over his face as he kissed you in between laughs.
TRANSLATIONS: * “Do you speak French?” ** “You are just too cute.” *** “She will also have a lot of cream in her coffee.”  **** “It is so nice to see a couple on their honeymoon”
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gingerxarmy · 3 years
Confessions pt2 - Reader x Driver
So here we have part two of Confessions . I had a hard time to understand how much I wanted to actually write. But it ended with some hard makeout session at the end. So if you ain't comfortable to read it to (--), it's nothing graphic more than naked skin. BUT ENJOY!
You ended up meeting him for the date night he promised you
Words: 2700 (ish)
Warning: Mention of alcohol and smut-ish
To overthink was nothing new, somedays you had better days, but lately it has been a constant thing for your to-do-list, everything started when you realize that he was the only one with a new phone number. You couldn’t contact him, if you didn’t send a direct message on Instagram. But thanks to him being a famous racing car driver you knew that he wouldn't be contactable on the app.
After that night you had been waiting for a text, a phone call or just something to ease your racing mind. To make you know that he thought about you just as much that you thought about him. He had confessed his love to you. If he wasn’t just drunkenly babbling stuff. But drunk sayings are sober thoughts as they say.
One thing that really made you uneasy is his reputation, what was so special about you that made him want to change? It was an open secret around the sport that he was a player. He always liked the attention, the girls flocking around him. Or so it appeared in interviews and videos. He would give a lucky girl a night to remember, but for him, it was only a challenge to get a girl the fastest and take her home. And you, you weren’t a one night stand kind of person, never been and never will be.
So here you are now, one and a half weeks later, in total radio silence. Waiting for him to reach out. In the heat of the moment you didn’t think about getting his number as well when he asked you about yours. And it felt wrong to send him a message on Instagram of all places. And who knews, he probably never checks his direct messengers on the named app. If it was you, you wouldn’t even bother to check the thousands of messengers they probably get sent everyday.
With phone in hand you scrolled through Instagram, trying to smooth the nagging feeling in your chest by looking at his profile. The whole circus was in the Netherlands this weekend to race. The new posts from this week were only pictures on his car from practise sessions. Which in say might not be so bad, the car’s livery is amazing this seson and you couldn’t say that it wasn’t kind of hot to see him drive on track. But just in this moment, you missed his face. Just to see in his eyes that he maybe did just as bad as you did to be countries apart.
You sight and put away your phone, it doesn’t make anything better to be here, late at night, looking at pictures of a man who probably only thought about racing this weekend. It was late, midnight was soon about to pass and you were working tomorrow. Bedtime it is, you decided.
After brushing your teeth and getting ready for bed you heard your phone go off. Vibrating like it’s life depended on it in the silence of your apartment. You picked it up and faced the display, unknown number it said. Who would be calling you at this time? A small part in you hoped that it would be him. That he had been laying awake, thinking about you, not being able to sleep and just needed to call you, hear your voice. You answered the call with hope in your chest. What if it wasn’t him?
“Hi,” you let out a breath you didn’t know you held when a familiar voice came through the line. “I’m sorry that I haven’t called earlier. It’s been a stressful couple of days.” You could hear it in his voice how tired and apologetic he sounded.
“It’s alright. I understand, It’s been a lot for me too,” you lied. It had been calm at work the past couple of days and it stressed you out. You needed customers to keep your pub going and the few regulars wasn't enough anymore when the business premises rent increased.
“So, I’ve been thinking about that date we talked about.” He said and your heartbeat started to race. Was he actually serious about that date after all?
“Yeah, what did you realise from that?” You let yourself ask.
“That I miss you, dearly,” you melted. He was actually serious! Or so you hoped that he was. “And we have two weeks till the next race after this one. So I thought about paying you a visit. If that’s not a problem. And like, I don’t know, make that drink I now owe you.”
“I would love that,” you smiled to yourself.
“Perfect, I really need to sleep now. But I call you and we make up the day and time!” You let out a small giggle and agreed, wishing him good luck on the weekend and a good night’s sleep before ending the call. The anxiety you had felt the last couple of days disappeared in an instant, making you fall asleep with a smile stuck on your face.
It was five days after the phone call that you decided to meet up, he was supposed to pick you up at five to invite you to dinner at his place, at his place! You were elated and had been trying to pick out something to wear for the last hour. What was the meaning for this date? Get to know each other? You had been talking at your pub for months. Sure, you didn’t know who he was alone, between the four walls he called home. But you could say that you knew who he was quite well when he was out. But five different dresses, two pairs of jeans and a skirt later you decided for something casual. A dress would be fine, it was quite sexuall in you should be honest but you felt yourself tonight. It was him, you had seen him drunk more times that when you had seen him sober at this time.
Five past five you got a text messenger that told you that he was outside, waiting. Putting on a jacket and your shoes, you made your way outside. His sports car stuck out along the sidewalk, making you feel small and out of place. He was rich, you knew that, but did he have to flex it on you?
You open the car door and slink into the soft seat. It was an amazing car, the outline of it made it easy to look at and the inside was screamingly expensive.
“Hi, you look beautiful tonight,” he said quietly. It made you feel better that he acted as nervous as you felt.
“Thank you,” you gave him a smile as he put a hand on your bare thigh. As a reflex you put your hand on his. Everything felt so natural, like the two of you had done this thousands of times before.
“I’m going to say this now so you are aware. But I got a spare room! But I promised you drinks and I’ve been to the shop just now, and I’m going to drink as well so I won’t be able to drive you home later.” You appreciated his honesty. But if you should be honest, you had been secretly wishing for a night at his place.
“I’m fine about that. Kind of had it coming when you talked about alcohol involved.” You watched the city move past the windows off the car as he drove you two, music on low volym and his hand still on you. Your chest is warm with so many feelings that you couldn’t name.
The car ride wasn’t long, the both of you had made smalltalk about the previous race weekend and his result. How he felt about it and what he expected for the next one. It was easy, almost too easy, you couldn't shake it off how everything felt so right.
“So, this is me.” He had said when you later had parked the car and made your way up to his apartment. He opened the door and the first thing you noticed was the view. It was a beautiful city you lived in and his apartment had the best view. The sun was setting and the pink and orange colors colored the white walls with a livingness you otherwise only saw in your dreams.
“It’s beautiful,” you say when you could tear your eyes away from the view to look around his home. It wasn’t big but it was really cossy. The kitchen was neat and the living room was framing the big windows that caught the beautiful city outside.
“Thanks, I thought about making you dinner first, don’t want you to get alcohol poisoning from my amazing drinks,” he said as he was on his way to the kitchen.
“Oh, please. I don’t think it’s something positive to kill someone on the first date you know?” He flashed you a challenging smile.
“If you say so.” The two of you started the dinner he had preplanned. You prepared the potatoes as he got the meat ready. Set the table and lit candles. It was melting your heart to get to do all this with him. To set the atmosphere together.
The food soon was placed on the table and you both enjoyed the meal. Talking about how both of your jobs went and what the plans were in twenty years, what you had for goals in life.
“Okay, I’ve been practicing. I’m not gonna lie.” He said as he started to take out a couple of bottles. “And because everyone likes Moscow Mule, I'm going to make one for you as a starter.” You nod in agreement as you watch him mix Smirnoff and Ginger beer.
A couple of minutes later he poured up two glasses, one each, and made his way over to the soffa where you had seated yourself with a pillow you found in your lap. You take the drink from him when he takes a seat next to you, an arm behind you on the backrest. You take a sip from the drink, trying it, seeing if it’s as good as the one you make daily.
“This is really good,” you say. And you can hear it in your own voice how the surprise came out.
“I said it before, I only go to your pub to get to see and talk to you, I usually make my own drinks if I feel like drinking.” He says and you feel how he lays his arm around you, it’s hesitated but he hugs your shoulder and you can’t help yourself as you lay your head against his shoulder. Taking another sip on your drink.
The candles now on the coffee table in front of you make it perfect. The two of you, a drink each and the small tune of some romance playlist he absolutely should have playing in the background. You had been arguing about the music before you started to cook the food, but now, he was right. It was an amazing playlist and fit the mood.
You finished your drink when you saw that he was already done with his. You had decided that you should be taking turns on mixing drinks. You gesticulated for his empty glass and made your way over to the table he had put all the bottles on.
“One or two?” You ask.
“Hmm, which one is the strongest?” He asks with a smile on his lips.
“They are quite equal in that, but I think you would love this one,” you said and started to blend the ingredients. You bring the finished drinks back and give him his glass back. Watching him take a sip, trying it out.
“Oh, my God. This is amazing.” He says and takes another sip. You laugh.
“That’s the name of it. Isn’t it amazing. The Oh, My God drink.” You laugh and take a sip of your own.
“It’s an amazing name for it.” He places his arm behind you again, playing with the ends of your hair. Drinking the drink and watching the candle dance in front of you.
His hand found his way into your hair, feeling how it stops and how he starts drawing circles behind your ear. How he gently turns your head so the two of you face each other. You get eye contact before you turn your gaze away, the nervousness starts to creep up on you. Your heart sped up and you can’t help but let your gaze linger on his lips. Wishing for the plump lips to be on yours. But what you didn’t know was that he was thinking the exact same thing. You could see how his lips came closer to your face as you let your eyes meet him. You can see the question in his eyes, licking his lips. And without overthinking about it, you press your lips to his, placing your drink on the table and then place your hand in his hair. Oh, what you had fantasised to drag your fingers through his hair.
He had placed his own glass at the table and soon had his hands on your hips, guiding your leg over his so you straddle his hips. Deepening the kiss as you feel his hands roaming your body as he tries to remember every inch of every curve that makes your body yours. You both high on each other, his hands not still on one place longer than a second and your hands in his hair, trying to get a grip on the situation. You feel how his tongue tries to get past your lips, and with no resistance at all, you part your lips. Both your tongues fight for dominance as you continue. But soon the air in your lungs ends and you need to break the kiss.
“If we continue this, I’m not sure I can end it.” He says breathlessly. His face is buried in your neck and you feel how he leaves kisses from your ear down to your collarbone.
“I don’t know if I want you to stop,” you let out a moan as he placed a kiss behind your ear on your sweet spot.
“You sure?” He asks, leaning back to look into your eyes. You meet his eyes and for a second you only sit like that. Letting the situation sink in, you in his lap, his kiss swollen lips and a desire for the both of you ecually strong for each other. You let your eyes close as you lean into his touch, breathing in his scent and feeling how he guides you to a new kiss.
“Then let's take this to the bedroom instead.” He grabs your lover back with one hand and carefully stands up by pushing himself up with the other hand. You lock your legs around his hips as his free hand finds its place under your bum, squeeze it as he connects your lips once again.
He guided the both of you to his bedroom, never breaking the kiss more than to breathe. He stops walking and you break the kiss to ask why he stops, but the only thing that leaves your lips is a small surprise sound as he drops you onto a soft fabrik, the bed.
“I’ve been thinking about this for so long, you have no idea what you do to me,” he says and buries his head in the crock of your neck, leaving kisses downwards.
“So have I, and I hope all your rumors are more than talk.” He looks into your eyes before pushing your dress up, letting his hands explore your naked legs, but his eyes never leave yours.
“Oh, baby, you have no idea what I can do to you,” and you hadn't, the evening had ended with the both of you, high of the orgasm and a new feeling he had named that day in your pub when he had first told you about his feelings. He was the love of your life as well. And you hoped that your story had only started.
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
could you write Raiden and Shinnok being jealous and protective too?
Jealous and protective Pt2
Just a heads up I'm not to good at Shinnok just becuase I've never done stuff for him really or knwo much, so I just did a 3 hour study of him so I could try this he may not be in charcater but I hope I did him well. And well i wanted a fic of Raiden getting a massage from his partner too becuase man's stressed 25/8 and jealous makes him sad. So I hope it all goes well.
Warnings: talk of killing, stripping. About it I think.
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Shinnok: jealous and protective.
Shinnok has a very short list or mortals he like let alone ones he trust. His S/o is one of them. He Himself doesn't know how they came go be close, but one thing is for sure.
He hates raiden being within the same building as them. And now Raiden stood trying to convince his S/o that Shinnok was only using them and in the end would kill them and their world, after all that's who he is. The God of death.
"Stay away from my Lover Raiden" Shinnok hisses as he stands infornt of His S/o. Raiden takes a step closer.
"Leave Raiden!, I am not interested in what you have to say" (y/n) replys moving to stand beside their lover.
"You would let him destroy you're world?, they place with your family and friends" the thunder God ask taking his stance ready to fight.
"Shinnok has done more for me they anyone else ever has, and I'll be damned if I let you hurt the man I love" they hiss taking hold of Shinnok's hand. Shinnok yells something to Quan Chi, the next moment we are walking back into the neather realm.
"My soul?, are you alright" Shinnok ask as he places his hand under his lovers chin bring them to look at Him. Their eyes flick up to his as they smile.
"I'm fine, just glad we got out of there" they say before resting their head against his shoulder. Shinnok closes his eyes as he holds them close.
"Tho I must know is it true, would you kill me?" Its quite for a moment. Ad he contemplates if he tells them the truth. In the end he doesn't like to his lover.
"At start, I saw you as little but hired muscle, someone to be disposed of once we were finished. But as time continued I grew to enjoy your company, your input and banter, I would only kill you if you betrayed me." He says looking away from them.
His lover places their hands on his face bringing him back to look at them. "I wouldn't expect anything else under those circumstances" they say leaning in to press their lips to his. Shinnok hums lightly holding them closer before they pull away.
"I am glad to hear that Raiden will not sway you, it has been a fear of my for a while" he admits. "I hate the God of thunder with a passion, he's ruined my plans on many occasions and I will not let him take you" he grumbles into his S/o shoulder.
"If much rather my God of death over earthrealms God of thunder" they reply and press a kiss to his cheek.
"I'm glad to hear that my love"
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Raiden: jealous and protective
Raiden unlike what he tells people. He gets jealous very easily. He knows as much and it happens we he sees his S/o around his brother. Most times it's harmless but it effects him a little, he will see his brother hanging our wirh his partner and think that they are better off with Fujin then himself.
but they always come back to him with a bright smile and reassurance that they love him, and it helps lighten the burden of not being there all the time. All though there are other people who do invoke a more fight or flight reflex out of him when they are near his S/o most times he will be quite about it.
Raiden sits meditating trying to clear his mind of these thoughts, it did him no good feeling jealous of others, he was the one who is lucky to have the beautiful person that he is with. He tries to relax and release the tension in his body. His shoulders hurt and he has a slight headache from all the tension.
It doesn't help that of recent days things have become more calm then he is used to but be tries to enjoy the peace while he can. His eyes open and flick to the spot of pillows and blankets where his partner normally sat while he mediated becuase they enjoyed being near him. It sat empty at the moment.
"Raiden, Raiden?" He can hear his S/o calling out to him. He smiles lightly as he stands up from his spot that he was meditating in.
"I am in here sweet one" He calls out making his way over to them. He can hear the pitter patter of their bare feet as they make their way to him. He smiles gentle at them.
"Hey Rai, was looking for you" his S/o says wrapping their arms around his middle. He lets out a soft chuckle before pulling them in for a hug. "Forgive me, I thought you were out with the others. I did not know you would be back yet"
They pull away and look up into his pale glowing eyes. "You look tired babe, are you alright?" They ask lifting their hand up to the side of his face. Raiden leans into his S/o hand humming lightly.
"I'm alright, have a bit of a headache and shoulders hurt a little but nothing to cause worry" he reassures them. His S/o grabs his hand before leading him able over to his spot where a small collection of pillow lay from last time they were there. "Ok hot stuff, loose the hat, cowl and top half. Them lay down on your stomach" they say earning a rasied eyebrow from the thunder God.
"Please, I promise you'll enjoy it" he sighs before doing as asked. He removes his hat placing his gently down and undoes his cowl. His So watches as his white hair falls down his shoulders and back.
Raiden disrobes and moves to lay down on his stomach agaisnt the pillows and blankets. "Ok cross your arms infornt of you and rest your head against them" his s/o says. He does as he is told.
(Y/n) moves to rest on his back sitting gentle as the run their hands up his back. Raiden's breath hitches as his partner's hands run up his back and begin to massage his muscles around his neck, shoulders and back. He hums lightly closing his eyes as his S/o runs one hand thought his hair, pulling gentle at the knots and tangles before pressing soft kisses to his to skin.
"Let me know if I'm hurting you ok?" He hums lightly in response feeling his body loosen and not hurt as much as earlier. They stay like this for a while. Soft hands against hard muscle.
"How do you feel now Raiden?" Y/n ask as they move off of Raiden's back. His eyes open gentle as he smiles at them. "Relaxed, I don't wish to move now" he says and pulls his love into an embrace, They both laugh gentle.
"Your hairs so fluffy, you should wear it down more often. Give me a chance to braid and play with it" Y/N says running their hand thought it again.
" perhaps I will, just for you" he presses a gentle kiss to thier lips as they lay in each other's company.
"Glad your feeling better handsome"
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zeezelweazel · 4 years
Genshin Impact| Nightmare Scenarios Pt1 | Pt2
I was feeling angsty so here you go :)
Lumine's was kinda short sorry about that :(
Characters included : Fischl, Beidou, Lumine
• Fischl •
You and Fischl had gone on an adventure together in Fontain.
You were both very excited for this adventure but after a lot of traveling you were also exhausted.
You were staying in a inn, not far away from a small village.
You liked your room, even though it wasn't spacious, it was very cozy. There were two separate beds, a bookshelf, a small table and a cabinet.
You were sleeping like a rock, dreaming of nothing in particular, but you woke up when you heard a scream.
You jolted up looking around in alarm and your heart broke when you saw Fischl sobbing, hugging her knees up to her chest trying to comfort herself, Oz already summoned by her side.
"Fischl?" You wishpered softly as you slowly got up from the bed.
She whipped her head towards your voice, shocked, scared and tear filled emerald green eyes found yours and your heart clenched painfully in your chest.
"Hey, hey it's ok, it's going to be ok" You fell on your knees and took her hands in yours unsure if touching her more is ok.
"Y/N! Y-you are-" her sentence was cut off by a sob.
"I'm here and I'm ok it was just a nightmare my princess."
Upon hearing the pet name Fischl crushed on your arms hugging you, clinging into you as if you'd disappear into thin air.
You ran comforting circles on her back and whispered sweet words in her ears.
Oz too, nuzzled his head on her shoulder and tried to comfort her.
After a few minutes passed she finally looked into your eyes and a shaky sigh left her lips.
"Mein Fräulein" Oz looked at her with a strangely compassionate stare.
"It was just a nightmare, nothing to worry yourselves with, I-I am all right now and I wish to rest."
You nodded, not wanting to pressure her. Oz had already disappeared into feathers and electro energy and you made your way to your bed.
The next day Fischl was acting completely normal, as if last night never happened, until you came across a few Fatui agents.
Normally you would be on the front lines wielding Y/W ( your/weapon ) with pride, your Y/V ( your/vision ) shining as you brought your enemies on their knees, while Fischl and Oz would fight from a safe distance.
Today though, Fischl pushed you behind her and summoned Oz, bow already at hand with a charged shot.
"F-Fischl hey, we don't have to start a fight, I know the Fatui are scam but we're here for another reason. This fight is pointless-"
"No, it's not! They could hurt you! That's why I Prinzessin der Verurteilung am going to protect you."
That's the moment it all clicked on your mind. The nightmare. That's why she was so protective. She lost you on her dream.
You stepped in front of her and placed your hands on her shoulders. She lowered her weapon and locked at you, opening her mouth to argue further.
" I know that you're scared but I'm going to be ok." You said as you hugged her.
"Are you?"
"Now and always, my princess. I'm never leaving you."
• Beidou •
You decided to join Beidou in one of her voyages after you came back from an adventure.
It was a quiet night, the only sounds you could hear were the waves hitting the vessel of the Alcor.
Or that was the case before you heard grunts and growls coming from the bed next to you.
You opened your eyes and saw Beidou tossing and turning in her sleep, her brow frowned.
You didn't panic as many would, you two have been a couple for quite some time. It's not the first time her past have come to haunt her in her dreams.
You placed your hand on her shoulder and started shaking her softly.
"Beidou, wake up. Come back to me."
As if actually hearing your words Beidou shot up from the bed, a strangled cry leaving her lips.
Your heart ached, when you say the way she was shacking and her hand instinctively came up to press on her wounded eye.
You hugged her and brought her close to your chest, slowly rocking back and forth.
"Y/N we have to get up. H-he's here. Haishan-"
"Is dead. You slayed him long ago. He's never coming back."
You were shocked when all you heard as an answer was a broken chuckle.
"Yeah, he's gone. Just like all of them. And the blood is on my hands."
You placed your hands on both sides of her face and forced her to look you in the eyes.
"Their blood is on no one's hands. They chose to follow you, you never forced anyone to do anything. They're legends now, known amongst the people of Teyvat for their bravery and courage."
You stopped your small speech once you felt hot tears wet Beidou's face and your hands.
After many years of being together this was one of the only times you have seen Beidou cry. This fact alone made you want to cry too, but you have to be strong. For her.
"I know. I still wish I could have saved them though. I wish that..... I wish that they were here. I wish I could sing sea shanties without feeling guilty, like I'm replacing them, forgetting them and moving on as if nothing ever happened. They've been gone for so long but I still can't get them out of my head. Their screams, their blood-"
Beidou cut her monologue off and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.
You knew that she wasn't calming herself down. No, this was the worst bart. The part when she completely broke down.
Beidou, the Uncrowded Lord of the Ocean, the woman that the storms feared, breaking down in her girlfriend's arms.
Sobs, and choked gasps leaving her lips. You hugged her close and let her get all of the sorrow of her chest.
You didn't talk. Didn't whisper reassuring or sweet words in her ear. You just embraced her. Made sure that she knows being emotional doesn't mean she's weak.
After a while she calmed down. You tucked her in the blanket and immediately she cuddled up to you. You placed sweat kisses on her forehead, her nose and lastly her lips.
She hummed, now even more tired than she previously was.
The next day, just like every day after her nightmares, Beidou was looking as she always does.
Dorky, happy, loud hot and slightly intimidating.
She was piloting the Alcor, eager to get back home, in Liyue, so you can be alone.
You approached her when you heard her sigh.
Your hands snaked around her waist and your chin rested on her shoulder.
"I want them to rest Y/N. I really do, but I don't want to forget them."
"You won't. And if I'm being honest with you, you'll probably always feel a little sad when thinking about them. That's how it feels when you lose someone. You can let them rest without forgetting about them. And you can stop blaming yourself for their deaths, they wouldn't want that. It won't be easy but we'll fight this battle together."
• Lumine •
Lumine was not from this world and you know this. She has told you that she's here to find someone but she never explained further. Whenever you asked about it, her gaze became distant and she avoided the conversation.
After a few months of being together you stopped asking. If and when Lumine was ready, she will tell you all about it.
Although, now, when you two were supposed to be resting at Wangsu Inn but Lumine was trashing around mumbling what you supposed was her brother's name, you couldn't just stand there and watch her suffer.
"Lumine. Please, wake up."
No matter how many times you asked her to wake up she didn't.
You thought it would stop, but it only got worse.
Now there were tears sliding down her cheeks and her voice raised in volume.
"Lumine! Wake up!"
Your Y/V was glowing from the night stand, as if feeling your horror.
Lumine woke up with a heart wrenching sob after what felt like hours.
"Ae-Aether! Wher-e are you. Please, I need you to come back."
"Lumine, your brother isn't here. Please calm down."
Lumine looked at you, her eyes filled with devastation.
She immediately started sobbing uncontrollably and you quickly hugged her close to your chest.
After she had calmed down she looked up at you. She looked tired, lost and confused, nothing like the girl she normally is.
"I'm sorry I woke you up."
You wanted to laugh. You really did. This girl just woke up from a devastating nightmare and then started sobbing for hours but still the first thing that she says is ' I'm sorry '. Now that is like the Lumine you know and love.
"Don't be sorry Lumine. I care about you and I want to help you, but I can't if you don't tell me what's going on. I know that you're used to taking care of others and their needs all the time but please just this once let me return the favour."
At that Lumine sighted and looked down at her hands.
"I do want to tell you about everything Y/N. I really do."
"I don't feel comfortable with talking about it. Not yet."
"Ok. I understand that it's probably something horrible, but I still want to help you."
" Can you hold me?"
"Of course I can baby."
You two snuggled up together and slept the night away.
At least Lumine did, you stayed up watching her sleep, now peacefully.
You kissed her forehead and closed your eyes. You know you can't sleep but you're going to stay here with her. Like she asked you to.
The next morning your adventures continued.
The air between you felt different. There was trust, devotion and a promise.
"I think I'm getting better at controling my geo powers."
"You were always good at it Lumine, you're just getting stronger."
"You think I'll get strong enough to take my brother back?"
"I'm sure you will. And whatever crazy thing happens I'll always be here to support you."
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urijihoons-blog · 4 years
Bokuto: Clarity
/ Kōtarō Bokuto x reader /
genre: angst to kind of fluff ish(?)
wc: 1507
summary: After you leave Bokuto in the hotel, crap hits the fan.
warnings: none.
a/n: thank you guys so much for your love!!!! :)) means the world to me!! pt1 can be found here :)
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Where could she have gone? This is all my fault. Is she safe? I need to fix this. Am I strong enough to?
Bokuto took long strides back to the hotel room with the full intention of finding you and making sure you were at the very least safe. He made you this way, he made you upset and irrational.
You flinched under his touch. The memory still freshly burned into his mind, for a brand is something that cannot simply be erased.
He shakes the pain away, focusing on the task at hand, finding you. He swipes the room key and glides around the suite, finding warm clothes for his search in the night. He checks his phone every couple of seconds in between his clothing search. It’s made clear almost immediately that you’ve turned of your phone, sending him to voicemail and making him unable to see your location. Great.
When he’s completely ready to leave the room, he can’t find his rental car keys anywhere. He searches the bedside table, the dresser, the bathroom, and that’s when he finds it. On the bed sits the box containing his anniversary present from you.
He doesn’t even know when you laid it here, which is strange because he can remember every heart-wrenching second of you being in this room. He picks it up tenderly, and sits soundlessly on the edge of the bed. He can guess what it is, it’s not everyday you get a box shaped like this. His throat goes dry, vision already getting a slight blur around the edges.
The tiny box is covered in black silk, soft to the touch. He presses it open with a snap and his shoulders tighten. Inside is the wedding ring you had picked out for him. It is a thick band of pale silver, with an inscription on the inside of the bend. It read, ‘Forever, my love.’ Bokuto gingerly takes the ring from the box, and puts it on. It’s a perfect fit, and it looked just as he was sure you intended it to.
“I have destroyed my own happiness.” He whispers to himself, alone in his dark hotel suite.
His phone starts to buzz in his jacket pocket and he frantically tries to pull it out, not even noticing the stream of tears staining his shirt. Is it you? Are you okay? Where are you?
“Bokuto, you won’t believe what Tamra is saying to everyone in the bar right now! Did you really do that to Y/N? I-“
He cut Hinata off quickly, trying to clear his name, “I promise, it isn’t at all wha-“
“Uh, I’ve got to call you back.”
You have to recompose yourself again as you walk into a crowded building going straight for the noisy bar area when you hear a clear, familiar voice ring, “Uh, I’ve got to call you back.” You turn in that same direction where you see Hinata and a couple of the other guys out having drinks. Great. “Y/N?” You barely hear over the sounds of drinks clinking and people bustling.
“Shoyo, I-“ You start off, just trying to be alone right now.
“And then, someone knocks on the door, and guess who it is?” A woman laughs obnoxiously, loud enough for the whole bar to cringe. That voice. “It’s his girlfriend! The look on her face when she saw me in just a towel-“
You walk over calmly to the table containing Bokuto’s teammates, all of them looking extremely uncomfortable by this story. When you come into complete view, the whole group stiffens. Hinata is trying to stop you, saying something you can’t quite hear. Everything is moving so fast in your mind, as if you’re not in control over yourself anymore, you’re simply along for the ride. You stroll right up to stand face-to-face with her, staring into this girl’s, Tamra’s, eyes. “I’m not a girlfriend,” You lift your left hand up while wiggling your ring finger, and put your right hand’s palm on the back of her head, slamming it onto the table. “I’m the fiancé.”
At the sudden sound of a crack of wood fills the room, the building goes completely silent. You jump back in surprise at your lack of control in this moment, equal parts horrified and satisfied. You walk briskly out of the building, hoping that you could escape before someone decided to call the cops on you for assault.
As you walk down the empty street, tugging your collar to hide your neck and cheeks from the frosty air, your barriers come down yet again. Your knees buckle and you have to steady yourself on the nearby wall of a building just to keep from completely collapsing to the ground. Your shoulders are heavy with the weight of today, and you just want to forget it all happened.
I don’t want to believe this, I can’t believe this, my Bo would never.
But he did.
You saw the evidence, you heard the story. The hands you gave your heart to keep safe tore it in two right in front of your eyes. It’s all right there, slapping you over and over again. Random flashes of the night start playing in your mind, reminding you of your fresh wounds. To escape the windy night, and your misery, you decide to try another bar.
After you enter, you realize it’s a pretty low-key place. It was dim, the bar area was almost completely empty, and they were playing calming orchestral music in the speakers. You found a chair to call your own for the night, felt someone claim the seat beside you, and after that everything’s a blur.
“Kuto, you are never going to guess who I just saw at the bar!” Hinata practically screams into the phone, right into Bokuto’s ear.
“Y/N!” He says excitedly, “She overheard Tamra and she-“
“Where is she? Please go grab her! She’s run off and turned off her cellphone!” Bokuto expresses his worry. “Better yet, where are you? I’m on my way.”
Bokuto stands from the bed immediately, finally finding the keys in his jacket pocket. He had them the whole time? Ugh. He stomps out of the hotel room, hastily walking to the elevator. “Oh, she left a little bit ago, we had to stop Tamra’s nose from bleeding.” Hinata let out a little giggle. “We thought she broke it.” Bokuto let out an internal sigh. Wait-
“What happened at the bar again?”
“Come to our usual hangout and I’ll explain everything when you get here.”
Bokuto arrives on the scene to a smily Hinata, a sea of angry stares from his teammates, and a pissed-off, red-faced Tamra. As he sat down at the table, no one made a sound. “Where’s your little slut?” Tamra broke the silence, managing a devilish smirk. She stepped towards Bokuto with ease.
“I don’t believe you have any grounds to call someone a slut, not today not ever.” Bokuto spat back, his eyes dark with resentment. Tamra stiffened immediately. “Get away from me, now.”
“That’s not what you were saying earlier,” her eyes narrowed, taking another daring step closer, trying to keep her seductive air about her. “you know, in your hotel room?”
“Oh yes, yes I did, you just don’t know how to listen.” Bokuto shot back, pushing off the table to tower over her. He looked down at her in disgust. “Now, get away from me.” Tamra flinched under his glare, and wordlessly walked into the crowd.
“What do you mean you told her to get away?” “Wait-“ “Does this mean-“
Bokuto looked over at his teammates, all of them sharing similar facial expressions of confusion. “What I’m trying to say is that I didn’t cheat on Y/N.” The table’s faces went from looks of confusion, to relief, and ended in gloom as Bokuto explained the entirety of his whole night. He finally sat back down after he finished, slamming his fist on the table in complete frustration. He mournfully looked down at his left hand, thinking of your sad eyes on the elevator. The woman he loved so much, turning away from him. “What am I going to do?”
“Tell her!” Hinata grabbed his hair in his hands, tugging on it with aggravation. “Freakin’ duh!”
“But,” Bokuto couldn’t lift his head to meet his team’s eyes, his shoulders slouched, “I’ve lost her trust.” He said just above a whisper. “She left the hotel and turned off her phone. I’ve left countless text messages, so many voicemails. She’s somewhere out in this city alone, and I’m afraid for her and her safety.” He closes his eyes, his eyelashes wet. “What if she doesn’t believe me? I wouldn’t blame her. Worse, what if she does believe me, and still chooses to leave?” He sniffles. I don’t think I could live with it. “What am I going to do?”
“That’s why you have us, Kuto.” Hinata places a hand on his tense shoulder. “We will help you find her.”
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I really hope this lived up to pt1, and if you really enjoy it like/comment for a pt3!! :)))) again, thank you so much for the love and support, it means so much!!
Update: heres part 3 :)
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Im making this gender neutral cause I feel like I did pretty damn good here. And it had a bit of a fairytale ending but I couldn't figure how else to tie it up prettily
Also tried of tumbler adding gaps to all the paragraphs when i copy and paste from docs to here so y'all just gonna have to deal. this fic is way too damn long for me to fix it like i normally do
Also i went over the aparent limit so just look for the words "pt2" in green for the extension
Letting go is one of the hardest things one can do. But understanding why you had to let go is harder.
You and Izuku knew each other for the longest time. Hell you were the one that lifted him back up when Bakugou knocked him down. So why…. Why after all that were you not good enough?
He never said you weren't, he'd never do that. But the worthlessness you felt as you watched her hand him a love letter. You thought, he won't accept, afterall she's one of the many girls and guys that had confessed since the beginning of U.A. Hell you were surprised Ochaco even had the guts to confess.
But the small blush and smile that overcame his face as he finished reading the letter, was one you've never seen before. In that moment you wished you'd decline coming with him for support.
The sick feeling in your stomach grew larger as they hugged each other tightly. That sickness translated into a smile when he looked back at you.
From then on, your sunny disposition was a fabrication of what once was. You didn't hate her, you even saw the appeal, having the slightest crush on her as well. You just hated that he chose her. Was the years of companionship worthless?
As the two grew closer, you grew farther and buried yourself in training and school work. Days went by, months, and by the time graduation came, you were all 3rd years.  You and Deku had become nothing more than aquaintences.
The others tried to stop your descent into isolation, Including you in everything they did, ut it wasn't the same.
"Hey Y/n." You wiped your sweat with the towel around your neck. You'd been at it for most of the day and had shed most of your clothes. Izuku was dressed casual for once and looked gorgeous in the setting sun.
"Yes Midoriya?" Ouch. When did you start calling him that? You couldn't quite remember. Deku looked over the trees, green hair blowing with fall wind. "You know we haven't hung out in a while." You took a drink of water as you sat on a fallen log. "Oh really?" 
That came out harsher than needed and you both knew it. "Since we are graduating tomorrow, I was wondering if you would join us for once as a last farewell. 
You didn't miss the undertone in the last comment. Deku watched in silence as you put your tank top back on. "I don't think I can make it."
Izuku's fists clenched as he glared at the floor. "Why?" You eyed his fists,"I have other things to do." Deku scoffed, "Give me a break, school is over what more do you have to do?!" "More important stuff than partying."
There was a change in the air and at the last minute, you jumped back as Deku's foot slammed down in the floor causing a sizable crater. "Stop lying Y/N! What could you possibly have to do that's more important than hanging out with your friends?! Don't you understand that this is the last time we'll have this much free time to see each other!?"
A small smirk crawled onto your face. 'Still a crybaby huh?'  tears trailed down Deku's face as he looked at you, "We haven't talked in years y/n." You would not break, this was for the best, you would not fall back into this cycle. "We talked this morning." "Hello is not a conversation y/n"
"What do you want me to do then Izuku?" 
Nothing, just like you expected. "Listen Deku, Sometimes, people grow apart and..." You have to take a deep breath, cause if you don't you'd break all over again. "Sometimes we just have to accept it." 
Izuku says nothing more and leaves, heartheavy. During the party,  Izuku spent his time with Uraraka, both day-dreaming about their future, though Izuku wasn't as engaged as he usually was. You sat alone in the common room, looking down at the feastivities below. Mr. Aizawa was the only one who noticed.
As a pro hero you stayed in a moderate range in regards to popularity. About the same level that Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods used to be. 
Watching Bakugou and Midoriya's ranking teeter back and forth like hot potato was amusing as the fiery blond would call you to complain since he knew you would simply listen.
Your love life was non-existent besides the occasional fling with a cute chick at a bar or a himbo™ at the local gym. You weren't looking for anything sold anyways and that was not only due to your hero work, but because no one peaks your interests.
The gang of course flocked together in regards to their love lives. Kaminari and Jiro were finally a thing. Momo and Todoroki were dropping hints to each other but they are both a bunch of oblivious bimbos and that is not going to change anytime soon. 
Tsu and surprisingly Mineta prefered the bachelor life and worked hard on building their teams. You were greatly surprised when Mineta asked you to come to his house and genuinely asked your opinion on trainees. 
Unlike the rest, Mina, Kirishima and Bakugou, were trying to figure out the ins and outs of a poly relationship. Bakgou of course being the word if reason as the other two goofed around.
 All was in its place as you all conformed to your new adult lives. You had no faint clue where the other boys were besides Kouji's and Satou's engagement.
It was a Thursday evening when you walked into your condo, shuffling through your mail until a white envelope with gold trimming for your attention. 
You are invited….
Of course how could you forget Deku and Uraraka. When was the last time you saw those two? Most likely the last day of school. How the hell did they get your address?
You tossed the envelope on the couch and walked to your kitchen to get a bottle of wine. You spent that evening drinking the petty thoughts away, altering between cursing Ochako, to reminiscing on how they were truly a match made in heaven.
By 4 in the evening, you were beyond tipsy and could barely stand to answer the door when the bell rung. 
"Whatdoya want Midoriya?" You said, leaning a little too far to the left. Deku looked at you with concerned eyes. "Are you drunk y/n?" Your roll your eyes and turn around, walking back into your home. "What does it look like?" 
You slump on the couch as Deku walks throughout your home. He was alot bigger  than you remembered. His curly green hair was almost touching your ceiling as he looked at your disheveled body.
"I'm just here to make sure you got my invitation." You tug the envelope from where it fell between the cushion and wavs it in front of your face. Izuku acknowledged it as he sat down, "Well are you coming?"
You shrugged your shoulders as you reach for your glass. Izuku tried to take it away and you smack his hand. Even though you could taste the unresolved tension, you wanted to make things a bit lighter. "I don't know deku, what's the theme? If it's green then I can't come, you know that clashes with my complexion."
He doesn't laugh, not even a smile. Oh well not your problem. The bottle is empty much to your disappointment as you held the opening over your mouth. Deku sits there, fists on his knees as he makes a conflicted face. "How many bottles have you drunk?"
You slap his back, slightly impressed that his solid form didn't move. "Oh calm down worry wort!" A lazy grin comes over your face and a teasing tone slips into your voice. "I'm not an alcoholic...mmm, yet."
You both sat in silence, Deku swirling in his own emotions for  seeing you this way. You looked completely fine on the surface but he knew you better. They all knew you better. Bakugou's weekly gossip visits were nothing more than a check on your personal health.  Even Mineta had to pitch in.
"Hey Deku?" You looked off into thin air as you spoke but Izuku hung off your every word. 
"Can you kiss me?"
Deku didn't mean to stand up the way he did. You didn't react, you expected it if anything. "Y/n, you know I can't do that. Why would you even ask!?" You rubbed your eyes to rid yourself of the smallest threat of tears. You weren't an emotional drunk and you weren't going to start being one now.
"Mm just thought that if you did, maybe I could get over this fuzzy feeling in ma'chest." Deku blushed, from what you. didn't know, but you did notice how he sat back next to you, closer than before. "If I do…..will you come?"
I was going to come either way idiot
"I'll think about it."
Your lidded eyes picked up on the smallest movements and you shivered as Izuku held your chin between his fingers. The kiss was gentle and nothing more than a simple press. You would have been fine with that, that's all you wanted. What you weren't expecting was for Deku to continue.
You could feel your chest flair with the familiar discomfort of things being out of your control. His rough hands came home to your face as he deepened the kiss. You couldn't help but let out a small whimper as his tongue swiped against your bottom lip and he took that chance to delve deeper.
You pushed him away and stood. You both looked at each other, darkened eyes and veins fluttering with adrenaline. "Why?" you whispered, voice betraying you as it cracked. Izuku held his fist over his heart where you pushed him. "I..I did what you asked." You shook your head.
No, no this is wrong
Izuku stands up and tries to console you. The words that left his lips unrecognizable.
It's over isn't it?
"Y/n calm down please and let's talk." You put your hands over your ears. "You're so selfish." You wheezed. Why was the room getting darker?
It's over isn't it?
Strong hands grip your arms and you scrape them off. "Get out."
You won and he chose you
As a last resort, Deku tries to kiss you again, holding you close back your lower back, even daring to nibble your lips as he pulls away. "Y/n can you please focus!?" Why was he making it worse? You are not a home wrecker!!
And he loves you so he's gone
Izuku helplessly watched you fall into your own thoughts as you gripped the wall so hard your knuckles turned white. 
It's over isn't it?
You blindly stumble into your room and close the door, falling against it.
Why can't I move on?
Izuku tested his forehead against the door, trying to listen for any sign of life, even a heart beat. On the other side you fall into a dreamless sleep.
War and Glory
It rained on their wedding day. And in the worst way possible or made the ceremony even more beautiful as light drops of water tangled itself in Uraraka's veil. 
The pictures were to die for and so was the food. "Y/n come on, take a picture with me!" You sip some champagne and prepare yourself for your sin  free facade as you walk over to the new bride.
Her dress was gorgeous yet modest, one would confuse this gathering for a party since you were forced to wear white  with her and Deku despite you explaining  how weddings worked.
You kneeled to adjust to her height as she held the camera the highest she could. "You want me to do it?"  You took the phone and held it above you. Ochaco pouted as you dwarfed her and gripped her small hands on the front of your clothes.
She smelt of strawberry's and soap. 
Before you could pull away, she tugged your down as she came to whisper in your ear. "I know." She pulled away with the same small smile she wore since the day began. Your face mirrored one of fright and she quickly noticed.
She raised her hands in surrender as she tried to calm you down. "Hey what's that face for, it's fin-" you flinched as she reached out to touch you. Backing up, you ran into Deku who quickly held onto you to prevent you from falling.
You do your best to calmly untangle yourself from him, but subsequently jumping away as if you were on fire. The newly weds shared a look and you shivered as they both narrowed their eyes at you. Focused the same way they were when on a mission.
Walking through the crowd of fans and distant family was no hard feat as you headed to the hotel the wedding was taking place behind. The two followed you and you tried your damnedest not to simply run.
You had almost made it out conservation free but Deku's hand quickly slapped on the side of the door before you could close it and he forced his way in as a limping Ochaco followed behind. "Come on Y/N, these heels are uncomfortable!" 
You could feel tears falling down your face as you backed away from the two. It wasn't out of fear, but shame. Shame that you had feelings for your friend. Shame that you kissed a taken and engaged man. Shame that his  wife knew.
"Y/n calm down it's fine, I don't mind!" You looked at her with confusion and bristled as Deku came closer. "I told her the day after it happened." You focus on Ochaco, preparing yourself for any physical attacks the small woman might deem necessary. "I'm sorry Ochaco, I-I didn't mean for it t-to happen."
Anger at the memory filled your brain and you almost didn't notice small hands taking hold of yours.
Her attention
"It's okay Y/N." Ochaco smiled warmly at you, bringing your hands to her lips as she kissed them gently. "I don't mind, infact this was the goal for a long time." You look at Deku for some coherent conversation, "What is she talking about."
Izuku blushed, "We've been trying to get your attention since highschool. We knew how you felt and didn't mind you joining us like Kachan, Kiri, and Mina." A steely gaze with the power of Aizawa's death glare, casted over Izuku's face, "But you kept running."
Ochaco waved her hands to divert the sudden hostile energy. "Anyways, we were planning on announcing it at the flower toss." Ochaco reached into her bussom and pulled out a small jewelry case. Inside it held a silver ring, strikingly similar to the one she now wore on her left hand.
"I know we really haven't got to get to know each other that well. And I know your feelings don't lie for me but, if you would like…" Deku gingerly plucked the ring from Uraraka's hands and the both lowered to their knees. (Ochaco with more effort as the fluff of her dress almost tipped her over)
Oop looks like i went over the limit?
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