#we should get a free one when summer fes starts
celandeline · 8 months
Summer of Like // Farleigh Start x OC (31)
Farleigh and I fly back to England for Venetia’s funeral. I book us a hotel room a short drive from the church it’s being held at for two nights - the quickest turnaround time for a flight back home. Neither of us want to stay there longer than we have to.
Dressed head to toe in black, we sit at the back of the church. The pews are scattered with people - most of whom I don’t know. I spot some of the Henrys near the middle, and of course the Cattons at the front. I’d sort of expected Elspeth to greet us when we arrived, but so far no one’s spoken to us. Farleigh doesn’t seem surprised at all. 
“Do you know who all these people are?” I mutter under the music of the pipe organ so that only Farleigh can hear me. 
“James and Elspeth’s friends, mostly.” He mutters back. “I don’t know about those girls over there though.” He nods to our left. 
I subtly turn, glancing in the direction he nodded. I recognize a few of the faces - girls from Cambridge that had only pretended to be friends with Venetia because of her family name. None of them liked her really - they just liked her allowance. I scoff louder than I mean to, and a few of them turn to look at me. 
“Cambridge groupies.” I say.
Farleigh rolls his eyes. “I think we might be the only two people in this room who actually cared about her.”
A sad longing flares up in my chest, and I start crying. It’s really all I’ve been doing for the past week. I’ve started carrying around travel packets of tissues in my pockets. Farleigh pulls one out of his suit jacket and passes it to me. I wipe away my tears - black streaks of makeup come away with them. I have no doubt I look like a mess. 
“Okay?” Farleigh asks.
“Yeah.” I sniffle. “You?”
He nods as the organ swells, the song changing to a proper funeral dirge. My heart sinks as I hear the vestibule doors open behind us. Slowly, Venetia’s casket comes into view, a floret of dainty white flowers placed on top, ribbons streaming down the sides. My vision blurs with tears again, and I pull another tissue from the packet. I loved her. I really loved her. 
The congregation begins to sing as the pallbearers bring her up to the altar, where a priest awaits with open arms. A sob forces it’s way out of me, and I’m glad that the organ is loud enough to mostly mask it. Farleigh places a hand on the small of my back, steadying. 
“I really miss her.” I say, wiping at my face with another tissue. “I think I’ll miss her for the rest of my life.”
“I know.” He says, and I know he does. I can tell just by the sad way that he looks at me that he feels the same. Probably more, considering that he’d known her for much longer than a year. She was his sister in a way. 
I sniffle, forcing the snot trying to run out of my nose back. “I would have loved her.” I say, my voice falling hoarse. “If she’d let me.”
His free hand comes up to brush away a few tears from his face. “I know.”
I pass him a tissue, my attention returning to the front of the room as the priest begins the service. The words float in one ear and out the other. I really would have loved her - I think, since I met her, I’d always been a little in love with her. How could I not be, when she was as beautiful as she was pitiful? She was unlike anyone else I’d ever met. I could talk to her for hours at a time and not get bored. I should have never left her. 
My vision blurs, and tears drip off the end of my chin. 
“Please stand.”
I rise up from the pew as the organist plays the first few notes of a song. There’s a rustling of pages as the congregation ruffles through their songbooks, and then the singing begins, a dampened chorus. I don’t bother - if I try to sing right now, I know I’ll just end up sobbing. I’m so tired of crying. 
“There’s no fucking way.” 
Farleigh’s hiss draws my attention away from the altar, and I wipe my eyes. “What?”
“It’s fucking Oliver.” He almost snarls it, staring at the front of the church, where James and Elspeth are sat. I blink a few times, until my vision clears, and tilt my head so that I can see around the people in front of us. Sure enough, a few feet away from Elspeth, a small figure at the end of the pew. For a minute, it just look like anyone, but then he turns, and I would recognize those icy blues anywhere.
“What’s he doing with James and Elspeth?” I whisper. 
“I’ve no fucking idea.” Farleigh says, his stare filled with rage. 
“You don’t think he’s…?” I trail off, unwilling to even really entertain the idea. There’s no way that he’s still at Saltburn, not after Felix died. 
Farleigh just huffs out a spiteful laugh, and shakes his head. 
I don’t have time to really think about it before the song is coming to an end, and the priest rises from his seat, his voice booming out over the church. “In the name of the father… the son… and the holy spirit…”
“Amen.” My voice melds with the rest of the congregation. It sounds a lot like ‘I miss you’. 
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The Mastermind & the Promoter
How I get along with ESTPs as an INTJ
First, let’s toss all that is Chad about ESTPs and start from zero. Extraverted Sensing is gathering local detailed data at high fidelity and intensity. Like a high resolution camera which you have a long range control of the hue and contrast settings. Introverted Intuition is recalling global holistic data. Working together, Ni/Se users compare the details of reality against their vision. ESTPs take a step further by “painting” their holistic Ni canvas and materializing it onto the Se real world.
You traveled far and studied about everything that could be relevant to your vision. With Introverted Thinking, you’ve built from what you’ve seen as a guide to a utopian dream, a philosophy, or a set of ethos. With Extraverted Feeling, you believe these are the life principles everyone should abide by. Fe/Ti users are students and teachers of ego management. ESTPs take a step further to influence others by becoming the living proof of their own ideas.
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You’re constantly picking up micro expressions, reading body language, researching deep convoluted literature, or analyzing theories. You can amplify the details out from both the physical and the conceptual. It’s not uncommon for ESTPs to have many advanced degrees, speak multiple languages fluently, and excel at just about any hobbies they’re passionate about. So instead of being the dumb jock the MBTI community has made you to be, I see ESTPs as the most potentially gifted out of all the types.
"Well, my legs may be too small for my body, but my head is too large, although I prefer to think it is just large enough for my mind. I have a realistic grasp of my own strengths and weaknesses. My mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his warhammer, and I have my mind... and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. That's why I read so much, Jon Snow." - Tyrion Lannister, from A Game of Thrones
That’s the thing about ESTPs — y’all make it look so simple. Your NiTi understands that life can be overwhelmingly complex, yet you see that it works around a few thematic factors. And as long as we respect and make our moves based on those factors, it all becomes easy and intuitive. Let life happen, stay on course and we’ll figure the rest out as we go. Our energy is best spent on the now; focused towards our goals.
Like many ideas though, it’s easier said than done. You look into people’s eyes and you see how it can be complicated for them. People have many reasons why they’re not working on their goals. Of course there are some considerable excuses. But it could be a lack of confidence, fear, confusion, anger, or just plain laziness. Your SeFe sees those emotions and pulls them right out to the surface to deal with them.
Through my SeTe, I see that we live in a cold and over-complicated machine that sucks the souls out of us and programs us into mass manufactured drones. I see that many of us get bogged down spending our lives on unwanted obligations, unhealthy habits, and unfulfilling jobs. I try my best to navigate through it and be free and happy. To stay pure with ourselves and live as sincerely as we can. We both want that.
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‘Free and happy.’ I was camping during a summer vacation on one of the tiny islands in the Philippines where I could walk around the perimeter in a half hour. There was one shack where a family lived to upkeep the island. I watched the kids all day playing tag on the beach, swimming as far out as they can, driving dad’s boat, carrying big smiles without a weight of burden. I asked myself — when did I grow up? When did things get so complicated?
"Yeah, fuck politics, man. Yeah, like literally that’s feckless. I’m telling you, I’m on my ‘kindness conspiracy’. As long as I’m kind to people, like if we live by an ethic of kindness, if we foster trust amongst each other, it will matter less what corporations and politicians say, because we’ll be able to trust our society’s cohesiveness." - Dave Chappelle
As a kid I couldn’t wait to be a grown up. I didn’t think too hard about it, I just wanted to be a big grown up like Mom and Dad. I did well in school, got a good job, and made lifelong friends. I’m grateful that I got to pursue my passions and cross a lot of my goals off the bucket list. Yet with all of the money and possessions I have, I really longed for that pure weightless joy these kids had. Don’t get me wrong, I’m living a good life. But I guess it really is just complicated.
I gotta admit. When you try to pull out my Introverted Feeling, I feel manipulated. As an INTJ, I’m possessive about my emotions. Only I can deal and experience them, I don’t outsource the control of them to anybody. I feel very seen when your darty eyes are pointed in my direction. I feel you weeding through my bullshit. I feel you are testing me for who I am as a person.
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It can easily be a tug of war, until I take a moment and remind myself it doesn’t have to be. The ESTPs I’m close with are all good natured and genuinely curious. In the back of their minds, they understand we mean nothing in the scale of the universe. And they’ll ask “So what are you gonna do about it?” Without beating around the bush, I’m challenged to answer how I’ll be using my limited time on this Earth.
Having NiFi, I’m constantly contemplating how to attain the most self-realized life possible. I have this sheer curiosity for what I’d find out in being the best Me, the truest Me. But I honestly have no idea what it means to be all that I can be. There’s no standard nor proven roadmap to this. I come up with my own plans, constantly considering the rules of my environment and consulting my feelings. That’s what’s complicated. Without any instructions, I spend so much time in my head trying to figure life out.
"Money is a tool — it’s the means, not the end. Inspiration is the metric that dictates whether or not a project is a success. It’s more realistic than trying to aim for radio play, or trying to satisfy an A&R, or the other gatekeepers on these platforms. I don’t even know how to create with those things in mind. But if you tell me the goal is to inspire? That makes my job a lot easier." - Nipsey Hussle
So when you ask what I want to do in life, I want to look back during my last years saying to myself that I did pretty good. I want to be happy, stay healthy, see my parents enjoy their retirement, help out in the family, grow old with my friends, and do good in society. I’m afraid of how naïvely simple that all sounds. I can’t underestimate how difficult reaching these goals can be. In today’s environment, it seems logistically impossible without an abundance of time, money, and luck. Having only one shot at life, I have to do my due diligence to figure out how to best accumulate these resources.
As you’re focused on me trying to answer, I realize what you’re doing is checking up on my ikigai — a Japanese word which doesn’t exist in other languages that essentially means ‘a reason to get up in the morning’ and ‘a reason to enjoy life’:
The word ‘ikigai’ is usually used to indicate the source of value in one’s life or the things that make one’s life worthwhile (for example, one might say: ‘‘This child is my ikigai’’). Secondly, the word is used to refer to mental and spiritual circumstances under which individuals feel that their lives are valuable. There is a difference between ikigai and the sense of well-being. Ikigai is a more concerned with the future: for example, even when one feels that one’s present life is dark, possessing a desire or goal for the future allows one to feel ikigai.
Ikigai gives individuals a sense of a life worth living. It is not necessarily related to economic status.
Ikigai gives individuals a sense of a life worth living. It is not necessarily related to economic status.
Behaviours which make one feel ikigai are not actions which individuals are forced to take, but they are spontaneous activities which people undertake willingly.
Ikigai is personal; it reflects the inner self of an individual and expresses that faithfully.
It establishes a unique mental world in which the individual can feel at ease.
- Noriyuki Nakanishi, Department of Public Health, Osaka University Medical School, “‘Ikigai’ in older Japanese people”
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ESTPs have an intuitive sense of this concept. You understand that the sum of small joys in everyday life results in a more fulfilling life as a whole. Ikigai is all we need. As long as we keep it pure and close to us, everything’s gonna be alright. And to do that, we must live in the moment. Having faith for the future means to enjoy the now, to enjoy every little thing and everyone we come in contact with. As someone who’s so future oriented as I am, I appreciate you for reminding me that.
I have no philosophical idea why we try to be happy. Maybe it’s tied to our will to survive. Whatever it is, I just know it feels beautifully good. To feel like those kids in the Philippines, to live each day like that and eventually to fondly look back. We’re given a chance to live, we should see how special that is. For you to teach me that, you’re a gift anybody would be lucky to have.
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risukadarlin · 3 years
[dear♥vocalist evolve] vol. 5: momochi - track one
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1; helix
So annoying…
Turn it off…
Hurry up and stop it.
Huh? It’s mine?
Oh, you’re right.
I have a meeting about the new song.
I don’t need any.
I’m not hungry.
I’m going to smoke and then shower before I go.
Ahh, it looks hot today.
I don’t want to go outside.
Yes, do it.
Tell them to pick me up outside the entrance in 30 minutes.
I’ll die if I have to walk to the station in this heat.
So annoying.
The sheet music is finished.
What do we even need to have a meeting about?
I’m sick of it.
Huh? When did that come off?
Where’s the back?
It should be somewhere around here.
You look for it.
Thank you.
You want one too? Why?
What the hell?
You like it when we match?
Just how much matching stuff do you want us to have?
Get as many piercings as you want, then.
Okay then.
I’ll buy you the jewellery on the way home.
I have to go to Shibuya after this anyway.
But… Prepare yourself.
Cartilage piercings hurt a loooooot more than lobe ones.
What’s wrong?
Are you scared now?
So you don’t want one?
Then wait with baited breath for me to come home.
So… I wanted the main single to be Japanese style rock this time too.
Everyone loved the Katari-dori remake from last year’s album.
Yes, the Fes went really well too!
I think Cheers would love more songs like that.
You think so?
I’m glad!
I’m happy you all like my ideas.
I’m free whenever! 
But we have to work on the second track too, so I think we should start recording as soon as possible.
Yes, the PR department said we have time off during the Bon festival, but…
We still don’t really know if that’ll happen.
You’re right…
Ever since the Survivals started, we haven’t really been able to have vacation at this time of year.
Then let’s start recording after the holidays.
You all want to be able to rest during Obon at least, right?
You can go on vacation or visit your parents.
Huh? Me?
Ah, I don’t know.
Everywhere will be full by now.
Huh? Pft…
Oh no. You all believed that?
It’s not like I’m not related to ninjas if you go far enough back.
I don’t really know much about it myself, to be honest.
Management put that on the website without my permission.
My parents just run a normal kimono shop.
Maybe? Hahaha…
Please just keep this between us, though.
Management keeps telling me not to say anything about it too, so…
That’s showbusiness, isn’t it!
I don’t want to cause any trouble for anyone…
Right, I have something to do, so I’m going home now, okay?
I’m sorry, can you ask them to book the studio for after vacation?
Yes, you guys too!
Have a good holiday!
Visiting my parents, huh?
Must be nice, being so carefree.
Looks really fun…
Okay, here I go.
I told you, didn’t I?
It hurts more than your lobe.
Make sure you clean it every day, okay?
Especially now it’s summer.
But you never really go outside anyway.
Not in summer or in winter.
I guess it doesn’t matter.
Anyway, see how it looks in this mirror.
How is it?
You happy?
Ah, but, you wanted to match with me, right?
You’re not quite there yet, then.
Hmm, should I?
Maybe if you’re a good girl, I’ll do your next one too.
Good luck, then.
Hm? Oh, I’m supposed to have time off starting this weekend.
You’re not going to tell me you want to go somewhere, are you?
Everywhere is busy during Obon.
And I have a release coming up.
Don’t ask for impossible things.
Then it’s fine.
I planned to stay at home the whole time anyway.
Also, this has nothing to do with Obon, but…
Don’t you have to visit your parents?
Do your parents not say anything about the fact you never leave here?
Hmm, I see.
So if I abandon you, you’ll be 100% completely alone?
Knowing you, you don’t have any friends, right?
Serves you right.
What? You’re telling me you’re fine with that?
You’re way too relaxed about the idea.
Don’t get too conceited.
I don’t belong to you or anything, okay?
I told you before, didn’t I?
I don’t love you and I don’t want you by my side.
Did you forget that already?
Then --
Hm, I see.
Then try your best.
Clinging to me and trying to please me is what you do best, after all.
But you feel loved as long as you’re with me, right?
You’ve never been loved before so you don’t really understand what love is, do you?
Did that kiss make you feel loved?
But I’ll never love someone like you.
Hm? Even if you don’t say it out loud, I know eeeeverything you’re thinking.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Please, help me understand Fi more.
Hello! I hope you are enjoying your day!
I was hoping that could help me understand xSFP types and Fi types in general better, because as an ENFJ most of them seem reckless, annoying and egotistical to me. It’s easy to resonate with some of their fears and desires, however, I don’t really get them.
E.g.: in ‘Shadow and Bone’ Alina Starkov’s whole personality is a huge red flag. It is quite difficult to understand how one can think only about herself (and Mal sometimes) when there are much stronger forces at work and you can feel that historical events are literally at your doorstep. It’s quite surprising to see Alina not making any effort(she doesn’t really want to know other Grisha or train or even think about what is going to happen). She gets a chance to feel normal, to fit in, to have a kind of family with other mages, and yet…
As you have probably guessed, I have no problem understanding Kirigan’s intentions, but I would like to understand Fi a bit better, as there a lot of main characters with Fi.
Thanks in advance.
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I am enjoying my day, thanks. I got done with work early, and realized I’m exhausted, though, so I doubt I’ll get much more ‘productivity’ done today.
SFP / SP types “live in the moment” and focus on what is immediately in front of them; they don’t see or look for the big picture, and whatever Ni flashes of insight they have are rational “sequence of order” premonitions. For that reason, you cannot judge them from an NF big-picture perspective, because their focus is here and now. Sometimes, they are reckless; other times, they are “on point” and skilled at seeing what is coming and doing something about it (either being part of it, or getting the hell out of Dodge).
I had a conversation with a friend one time about Marie Antoinette, as we debated whether she was ESFP or ISFP, and she pointed out that Marie could not have been ESFP, or she would have had a quicker sense of the reality of her situation. One of her ladies in waiting, an ESFP, saw what was happening and the way the trend was moving toward beheading aristocrats and left France. Marie was swept up in it all, and a casualty of it, because her feelings (subjectivity) outweighed her Se objectivity.
That is, in a nutshell, what is happening with Alina. Her personal feelings are directing every decision she makes. You have to “get” her not only from an ISFP perspective, but a 6 perspective, and factor in that she’s a social-blind Enneagram type. Her feelings are all that matter to her. Her feelings dictate her actions. Who she cares about influences her choices. She is a Fi-dom. Fi-doms have barometers that are in flux between “I love this,” “I hate this,” and “I don’t care.” For love, they love a lot. For hate, they loathe. And for the “I don’t care,” there’s no middle ground, and no need to think about it further, because they really do not care. Fi weighs everything according to itself – what its ethical judgment is about this thing, person, situation, belief, etc. How *I* judge it.
Alina is an orphan who has only ever had her best friend, and she is ripped away from him without any choice in the matter, and forced to attend a magical school where the only other person who seems to care about her, and offer her protection and guidance (the same thing Mal did) is the general. She’s an sx-user – if she doesn’t have fire with someone, she doesn’t “bond” with them. She’s an sp-user, she wants to feel safe and keep herself “okay.” She has no social instinct, which means friends aren’t to be made for “casual reasons.” (To be honest, that baffles me to; I have strong soc and not to make friends, take an interest in the other girls at the school, and think about what my role is would never occur to me.) She is a Se user, so she’s thinking about what is immediate and what she wants rather than seeing the bigger picture. It takes her time to start doing that, to start breaking down things and trusting her Ni, and by the end, she has a sense of her place of “belonging” in the world, but it’s still… about the person she cares about the most. It will always be that way.
She’s a Fi-dom, she has sx, and she’s a 6 – she NEEDS Mal. The story is all about a 6 learning to trust herself and do things for herself, rather than relying on other people all the time; like the Darkling’s mother said, you can’t always be using “amplifiers” (other people), you need to do it yourself. Every 6 must learn this. She’s about her connection to Mal (and later, the Darkling) and protecting that person; that is the central focus and drive of her life: I need you and me to be safe, and to be together. Other ISFPs aren’t like this. Harry Potter is one, and he takes on plenty of things that are “not his problem” because his Fi says, “Wait a damn minute here… this is WRONG. I MUST ACT.” SFPs act on what they feel is right – you see it in Harry Potter, in Buffy Summers, in Legolas Greenleaf, in Thomas from the Maze Runner. Feelings lead to action.
Fe/Fi conflicts a lot, and it’s not hard to see why, because it’s going in opposite directions. FJs want to be situationally-appropriate, FPs want to live their truth. FJs feel like they are obligated to society, to put themselves aside and work for a greater good; FPs feel like society is made up of individuals who should make their own choices, and not be “forced” to do anything. For an FP, it’s a choice of “*I* am going to do this, because it’s the RIGHT thing to do.” Consider Frodo in LotR. He didn’t have to take the ring, and throw his entire life into the toilet in the process, but he decided, with his Fi, it is the Right and Moral thing to do, and that the task should be his. The Ring came to him. It’s his responsibility.
Alina was not given a choice; she was revealed to have magic, and forced away from the man she cared about, her entire life uprooted – and it was not her choice. IFPs just want to live their life free of outside interference and for others to be able to do the same. Some of them are selfish, some are generous. Some of them would make friends, others would not. Some of them would say, “I have a responsibility to society to do X,” others would say “X is not my problem.” It’s all dependent on the individual. That’s what you need to remember about Fi: it’s all subjective. Everything for a Fi is subjective. You won’t find two Fi’s who are exactly alike in terms of what they think is right, if they feel responsible for what happens, or what should happen. They live in a world of a continuous testing of the outer world, to see where their barometer arrow swings. Do I care? If so, what am I going to do about it? If not, then what?
Ironically, an INFP introduced me to this show. As it turns out, her Fi only cares about the trio of Crows, so she watched it focused on them and sometimes felt angry about the changes to the book / their characters; she didn’t care about anything else, so she didn’t absorb it (or even necessarily watch other scenes). I watched it, absorbed everything, but only cared about the Darkling’s arc, as I found him the most interesting. As a result, we have nothing to talk about after seeing the show, since she only cares about the Crows and I don’t care about the Crows. For both of us, the viewing process was a process of looking for something to care about, something that means something to us as individuals, and devaluing everything else. That’s how Fi works: if I care, I care a lot. And this matters more to me than that does. It comes with a subtle tone of dismissal at times -- I don’t care about that -- but it’s really a process of what draws Fi.
That is just the tip of the iceberg about Fi; you can read a lot more about them and all the types in my upcoming MBTI book. ;)
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iamnotawomanimagod · 3 years
If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power - A Reluctant Ranking of Every Track
Disclaimer: This entire album is incredible, truly no skips, and I also think it’s an album that is hard to separate into individual tracks, because it all goes so well together. But I still wanted to try! This is just my personal opinion, and it’s subject to change. (Also I surprised myself. And I bet I’ll change my mind by tonight.)
Please feel free to do your own and tag me in it!! I wanna see!!
13. Girl is a Gun
It’s not that I dislike this song, it’s just a sound that I didn’t expect on this album. I think it would’ve fit in better on Manic. I don’t love how it kind of just repeats over and over again, especially on an album so full of complex, intricate lyrics. But it’s a really upbeat, sexy song and I bet it’s going to be so fun live.
Favorite lyric: 
Time is a blessin', to me, it's a lesson And I can't be stressin' to give you attention 'Cause, oh, it's never enough, so I'm givin' you up And you'll be better with a nice girl, darlin'
12. Lilith
Similar to “Girl is a Gun,” I simply wasn’t expecting this kind of sound on this album - could’ve seen it on Hopeless Fountain Kingdom though! The bass is amazing and I love the rhythm.
Favorite lyric:
You know I get too caught up in a moment I can't call it love if I show it I just fuck things up, if you noticed Have you noticed? Tell me have you noticed?
11. Darling
This song is so sweet and charming, especially if you compare it to “More,” which I think it acts as a sort of sequel to. Something about the melody hits me just a little wrong. When they start singing, I can’t help but hear the verses of “Hopeless.” That might’ve been intentional, but I can’t get past it to hear this song as its own thing.
Favorite lyric:
Never knew the feeling of a stable home Been a couple years of living on the road Couldn't really tell you where they'd leave a stone To visit me when I am dead and gone
10. The Tradition
I love the haunting piano and vocals. It feels like a song that was written for the film specifically. (Was it even in the film, lol?) I really love the sound of it, but the lyrics don’t do very much for me.
Favorite lyric:
And I hope what's left will last all summer long And they said that, "Boys were boys", but they were wrong
9. The Lighthouse
This song reminds me the most of a Nine Inch Nails song - fitting that Trent Reznor provides backing vocals on the final verse. I love the grimy guitars, and and discordant beat, and the way it builds up. The melody is cool and liquid. The final verse really feels like waves crashing. It’s a well-written song that really shows off Halsey’s alternative side.
Favorite lyric:
Well, that should teach a man to mess with me He was never seen again And I'm still wandering the beach And I'm glad I met the devil 'Cause he showed me I was weak And a little piece of him is in a little piece of me
8.  Ya’aburnee
This song makes me really emotional. It makes me think of all the people I love the most and it makes me want to cherish my time with them even more. That’s an incredible feeling for an artist to create. It’s such a bittersweet song. I wanna cry but it also makes me smile.
Favorite lyric:
But what's worse? Telling you my feelings or to die without revealing That you crawled inside my head and set a fire there, instead Letting all my insecurity Devour me with certainty
7. honey
If you’ve ever felt this way for someone, this song stings in the best way possible. I love the rhythm and the drums and the guitars - this is peak pop punk and Halsey fits right in. I love the honey imagery, especially that she included some imagery about bees and the way honey clings.
Favorite lyric:
And now she's impatient and I'm complacent With just a little taste of wasting time Looking for honey But she stings like she means it She's mean and she's mine
6. 1121
Now this is the sound I expected from this album. Cinematic, dark, dramatic. The piano is so haunting and so beautiful. It evokes so much imagery through sound alone, even with the lyrics being relatively simple. And their voice is so incredible. The song overall reminds me a lot of Evanescence, which is high praise. And I really appreciate the “self-loathing in love” theme, I can relate to it a lot. I’ve already been singing the chorus at the top of my lungs whenever I play this song.
Favorite lyric:
Take one in the temple My tongue is a vessel I try to be careful with The thing inside my chest You shoot for the memory So you can forget me I'd leave if you let me, oh
5. Bells in Santa Fe
Ever since we heard a snippet of this song in the first film trailer, I’ve been desperate to hear the rest of it. It didn’t disappoint. I love her lower register vocals, the tinkling piano and the frantic rhythm. And I relate too much to the message of the song - loving someone so much but refusing to accept that they want forever with you, insisting that they’re better off without you, warning them that you could slip away at any moment. It hits me where I live.
Favorite lyric:
Jesus needed a three day weekend To sort out all his bullshit, figure out the treason I've been searching for a fortified defense Four to five reasons But, Jesus, you've got better lips than Judas I could keep your bed warm, otherwise I'm useless I don't really mean it, 'cause who the fuck would choose this?
4. I am not a woman, I’m a god
This song fucks. Claiming their power to create life - recognizing that as godly and divine, while also insisting this is not a power that makes them a woman. I can’t wait for it to become a smash hit and for people to be singing about a nonbinary/trans experience without even knowing it. I honestly have trouble even articulating why this song is so awesome, it just is. I’m pumped every time I hear it.
Favorite lyric:
Oh, I just wanna feel something, tell me where to go 'Cause everybody knows something I don't wanna know So I'll stay right here cause I'm better all alone Yeah, I'm better all alone
3. You asked for this
I really like the 90s alternative sound of this one, it reminds me of Alanis Morrissette and certain No Doubt songs. I think it’s a very realistic depiction of how settling down in life can be very bittersweet, and the things that we ask for are sometimes not what they seem to be. But we also come to realize that settling is a part of growing up. Still, Halsey sings about wanting everything, knowing there are contradictions in that. The chorus is fun and easy to sing to, and the final verse is so amazing.
Favorite lyric:
I want a beautiful boy's despondent laughter I want to ruin all my plans I want a fist around my throat I want to cry so hard I choke I want everything I asked for
2. Whispers
This one hits hard, but god, it’s so good. The way they whisper certain phrases. The simple piano under the first verse, the way it becomes more complex, the way the beat comes in. You want to dance and cry at the same time. The lyrics - I know so many of us can relate to them. The themes of self-sabotage and self-loathing are so strong in this album, which definitely hits me right in the chest.
Favorite lyric:
I've got a monster inside me That eats personality types She is constantly changing her mind on the daily Think that she hates me I'm feeling it lately Might have to trick her and treat her To 70 capsules or fly to a castle So at least we could say that we died being traveled
1. Easier than Lying
I’ve had this one on repeat since the album came out, and that surprised me at first, but god, this song is addictive. The crunchy guitar at the beginning, the driving rhythm, the way her voice contrasts with that. The scream-singing on the chorus. It’s the kind of song you want to drive way too fast to. The bridge!! Aaah! It’s just so badass and listening to it now gets me too hyped!! Also the way it can kind of be seen as a sequel to “Lie,” - the growth of going “if you don’t love me no more, then lie” to “losing you is easier than lying to myself” is so meaningful and so empowering.
My heart is massive but it's empty A permanent part of me, that innocent artery Is gasping for some real attention Some undivided hypertension I tell it "quiet down, you're being loud" But it beats harder every time you come around But do you love the sound?
I’m gonna tag some mutuals, just to share, and also to see if anyone else wants to do this! Also you don’t need to go as in-depth as I did if that’s intimidating or too much, I’m just wordy.
@demonzplay @easiersthanlying @ttpane @yoursalwaysleo @anarkyandmadness @feelingsiwontforget @tolerateit @tommyhardyx @elysiems @imacreepygirl @finallybeautifulstranger @inthenameofloveforthesakeofpower and I know I’m forgetting some folks, I’m sorry! Please feel free to steal this and also tag me in yours!
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crestbound · 3 years
in another life, i was free.
In one lifetime, they’re gathered around a fire—him, Dimitri, Felix, and Ingrid. It must be summer in Fraldarius; Sylvain can hear the crash of ocean waves off the towering cliffside far away. They’re not old enough to be here completely unsupervised, but neither are they too young to know how to sneak away. The Fraldarius maids must be turning the castle upside-down.
The fire crackles. Sylvain remembers that look on Felix’s face; it’s the look he gets when he boasts about something Glenn had done, to be inevitably followed by his own plans to follow in his brother’s footsteps. 
(He misses that look. He misses when Felix’s eyes used to shine with a world of things to look forward to.)
“I wish I had a sibling too,” Dimitri admits. “Someone strong, like Glenn... or smart, like Miklan!”
No, Sylvain thinks wryly, you really don’t.
But the one huddled by the fire, handing Ingrid a skewer of meat, doesn’t agree. This one looks happier. This one is braver.
“I can be your brother, Dima,” he says, which is everything wrong and everything he’s ever tried to be. “I can be everyone’s big brother!”
“Oh?” comes a familiar voice, carrying over the sound of footsteps on sand, of waves yet to announce a storm. Sylvain feels his heart jump once and catch in his throat when Miklan walks into view. It’s almost a knee-jerk reaction, to run in between them. 
“Miklan—” he begins, but even his breath tangles in his lungs when Miklan simply walks right through him. (Run. Why are you here? I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry—)
“Forget about being a brother,” Miklan says, lacking so much vitriol that Sylvain has to turn, light-headed and nauseous, to stare at him again. “You’re going to be grounded, first. All of you are. The whole castle’s in a panic; Glenn’s about to round up the entire Fraldarius army just to look for you brats.”
“But we wrote a letter!” the young Sylvain protests.
Miklan rolls his eyes. (Wrong shade of brown. His hair’s so much shorter, here. He’s missing the scar on his jaw.) “You wrote ‘off to play.’ That’s not a letter, Syl.”
His heartbeats grow louder and louder in his ears, crashing against an incessant ringing, the howling gusts of his breaths. Miklan’s never called him that. Miklan’s never been this nice, either. Miklan is...
(If it weren’t for you...!)
...Miklan is...
Shall we try again?
In another lifetime, the Margrave is ill. They say he caught a sweating sickness from the north, where the Srengi have been tearing down the border walls and pillaging the villages just beyond. He’s expected to die within the moon.
Sylvain is six years old when the margravine tells him.
“Oh,” he says, and looks down at his feet. His mother taps her finger on the table once, too proper to clear her throat. Sylvain straightens up to look at her until she smiles. “When is Miklan coming home?”
“Perhaps in a week or two,” she replies. “But I trust he will be present for the exchange of seals.”
They’re to destroy the margrave’s official wax seal stamp, made of gold and treated blackwood, and create a new one—this time, with Sylvain’s initials instead of his father’s. It’ll be used to seal the letter to the king, announcing the death of the margrave and a schedule for his heir’s arrival at the capital. In Fhirdiad, he’ll kneel before the throne and swear his pledges again.
Sylvain frowns, and resists every urge to shift uneasily in his seat. “...He has to be. Isn’t it going to be his ceremony?” After all, Miklan is the margrave’s firstborn. He’s charismatic, and he’s smart, and he’s terrifyingly brutal with a lance. There isn’t a single soldier in the Gautier cavalry that doesn’t admire him.
But the margravine isn’t part of the cavalry. Though she hasn’t said a word of it herself, everyone in the castle knows that their lady, a paragon of every feminine virtue belonging to the nobility, laments every day for her one failure in life: Miklan Anschutz Gautier, born to her without a Crest. 
Imagine that.
“Oh, Sylvain,” she tuts. Her hands are soft when she reaches out to touch him, brushing the hair out of his face and tucking unruly locks behind his ear. “Don’t be silly; of course it will be you. You’re our son.”
But not Miklan. Not Miklan, whose eyes are a closer shade of hazel to the margravine’s than Sylvain’s are; not Miklan, whose laughter echoes the same way the margrave’s does, heavy and confident. Not Miklan, born with a blessing from each of the Four Saints, from Macuil’s keen eye for strategy to Indech’s indomitable strength. 
But not Miklan, Crestless and worthless, of the right flesh but not the right blood.
The margravine pulls back. She looks satisfied with her work. “Now,” she says, “Let’s enjoy some tea, shall we?” It’s one of her favorites, a cinnamon blend with a touch of honey. In this life, Sylvain likes it, too.
His brother ends up returning home in five days. Just an hour after sunset, Sylvain—older, taller, the one that survived—watches Miklan kill him. 
Neither of them flinches when a sickening crack sounds from the bottom of the well.
In this lifetime, that’s the end.
—we try again?
The next life starts with blood.
He’s angry. Not him, but him—the Sylvain of this life, thrown away and forgotten. There’s a jagged scar that runs from his left temple down to his right cheek, a sick mirror image of Miklan’s worst injury.
And it strikes him, then, that this is the life where it finally happens; this is the life where everything’s turned around. Flames devour a small village just on the border between Gautier and Fraldarius. They don’t have much to plunder, but it isn’t about what can be stolen; it’s about the message that’ll be sent.
Even here, Fraldarius and Gautier enjoy a good relationship. Even here, Sylvain is smart enough to know the best way to hurt his father is through shame.
Your son did this, they’ll tell him. Control him.
And what can he do but try? Even disinherited and stripped of everything he has, Sylvain is still a Gautier. He’s the margrave’s responsibility, especially when he begins causing trouble for the duke.
But of course his father would never come himself. Sylvain can burn a hundred villages, kill a thousand civilians, steal a million bars of gold, and still, still, he’d send his prized son, his Crested son, his only son, to clean up the mess. That’s what he’s good for, after all. That’s what he’s worth. Riches and loves, hearth and home, all because the right blood sings in his veins.
“Miklan,” he rasps, smoke thick in his lungs. “Of course he’d send you.”
“That’s enough now, Sylvain,” Miklan replies, brandishing the Lance of Ruin. It titters and glows in his hands.
Sylvain—the real or the fake, the one that doesn’t belong, the one that should, that wishes, that doesn’t want to be—releases a quiet breath. Then another. A sound, then two, then three.
Then, he laughs.
Miklan kills him here, too.
—try again?
There’s a war in this life.
Behind him, on top of the hill, Dimitri refuses to die. He is a torrent of anger that threatens to tear open the heavens to drag down the Goddess by her neck. Several feet in front of him, Ingrid is already dead. She’s half-crushed by her pegasus, bent and twisted in all sorts of ways. 
Between her and Sylvain—the one fighting, the one losing—is Felix. The Sylvain that doesn’t belong knows with a sinking feeling in his gut that the blood on his cheek is Ingrid’s.
Sylvain lifts the Lance of Ruin. It’s tittering more than he’s ever seen in his life, stained through with blood and ichor.
“Hey, Felix?” His voice sounds tired. “Remember when we were kids and we made a promise about dying together?”
Felix doesn’t flinch. He’s always been like that—stubborn and unyielding, willing to commit himself to his decisions to the bloody, sad end. “I remember.”
Sylvain smiles, and it’s a pathetic thing, cracking at the edges. “Well,” he says, “seems we’re about to kill each other.”
There’s one moment where their heartbeats crash against each other, in sync. The next beat, they’re skewed again. One sounds like wardrums; the other, a funeral dirge. It isn’t hard to guess which is whose.
“Sorry, Sylvain.” There’s a flash of a blade. Sylvain—both—wonders if the blood that’s still on it is Ingrid’s.
“You’ll die first.”
(I know.)
That’s enough.
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rogerioreal · 4 years
Nearly every track that Larry Levan played at The Paradise Garage.
2 Puerto Ricans, A Blackman And A Dominican - Do It Properly 198752nd Street - Cool As Ice 1983 52nd Street - Tell Me (How It Feels) (12") 1986 80's Ladies - Turned On To You 1981 Adele Bertei - Build Me A Bridge 1983 Adiche - Get Ready (12") 1985 Adonis - No Way BackAdvance - Take Me To The Top 1983 Affinity - Don't Go Away 1983 Al Hudson - If You Feel Like Dancing 1977 Aleem - Confusion (12") 1985 Aleem - Love's On Fire (12") 1986 Aleem - Release Yourself 1984 Alexander Robotnick - Problemes D'Amour (12") 1985 Alfie - Star (12") 1985 Alfie Silas - A Puppet To You (LP or 12") 1982 Alfie Silas - Communicate (LP Cut) 1982 Alfredo De La Fe - Hot To Trot 1977 Alfredo De La Fe Alicia Myers - I Want To Thank You (LP) 1982 Alma Faye - Don't Fall In Love 1979 Alma Faye - It's Over (12" ext. mix) 1979 Alma Faye - Stop, I Don't Need No Sympathy 1977 AM-FM - You Are The One 1982 Amii Stewart - I'm Gonna Get Your Love 1982 Andrea True - NY, You Got Me Dancing 1977 Andrea True - What's Your Name, What's Your Number 1977 Ann Margret - Everybody Needs Somebody Sometimes (Larry played Instr. 1981 Anthony & The Camp - What I Like (12") 1986 Anthony White - Block Party (Inst.) 1977 Archie Bell - Anytime Is Right 1981 Aretha Franklin - Freeway Of Love (12") 1985 Aretha Franklin - Get It Right 1983 Aretha Franklin - Who's Zooming Who (12") 1985 Arpeggio - Love & Desire 1979 Ashford & Simpson - Ain't No Stopping Us NowAshford & Simpson - Bourgie Bourgie 1977Ashford & Simpson - Don't Cost You Nothin' 1978Ashford Simpson - Found A Cure &It Seems To Hang On! (Special Disco Remix) 1978Ashford & Simpson - Outta The World (12") 1985 Ashford & Simpson - Stay Free (LP) 1979 Atlantis - Keep On Movin' & Groovin' 1982 Atmosphere - Atmosphere Strut 1976 Sojka and Pike on Elite Atmosphere - Dancing In Outer Space 1981 Atmosphere - Disco Juice 1976 Atmosphere - Spaced Out 1976 Attitude - Love Me Tonight 1983 Aurra - Checking You Out 1982 Salsoul Aurra - Make Up Your Mind 1981 Ava Cherry - You Never Loved Me 1980 B.B. & Q Band - "On The Beat" 1981B Beat Girls - For The Same Man 1982 B.T. Taylor - You Can't Have Your Cake (& Eat It Too) 1982Babe Ruth - The Mexican 1973Baby'0 - In The Forest 1980 Bad Girls - Too Through 1981 Bananarama - Cruel Summer (12" Mix) 1984 Barbara Fowler - Come And Get My Lovin' 1984 Barbara Mason - Another Man 1984 Barbara Pennington - 24 Hours A Day (12" Vers.) 1977 Barbara Streisand - Promises (LP) 1981Barry White - Let The Music Play 1976Barry White - My Sweet Summer Suite 1976Basement Boys - Love Don't Live Here Anymore (12" or Comp. LP) 1987 BBCS&A - Rock Shock 1982 Bell & James - Livin' It Up 1978 Ben E. King - Music Trance 1980 Bert Reid - Groovin' With You (Levan 12" Mix) 1984 Betty Wright - One Step Up, Two Steps Back 1984 Beverly Johnson - Can't You Feel It (LP) 1979 Bill Brandon - We Fell In Love While Dancing 1978 Billie - Nobody's Bizness 1983 Fleetwood rds Billy Frazier - Billy Who? 1980 Billy Nichols - Give Your Body Up To The Music 1979 Levan mix on West End rds Billy Ocean - Love Zone (12") 1986 Billy Ocean - Nights (Feel Like Getting Down) (12" Remix) 1981 Billy Ocean - Stay The Night (12" Vers.) 1981Bionic Boogie - Cream Always Rises To The Top 1978Bionic Boogie - Risky Changes 1978 Black Ivory - Mainline (12") 1979 P Adams and L Burgess Black Light Orchestra - Touch Me, Take Me 1977 Black Mamba - Vicious (Levan 12" Mix) 1984 Garage rds Blackbyrds - Happy Music 1976 Donald Byrd Blackwell - Boogie Down & Mess Around 1978 Blancmanage - Feel Me 1982 Blaze - If You Should Need A Friend (12") 1987 Blondie - Rapture 1981Blue Magic- Look Me Up 1974Bo Kool - Love Money 1982 inspired 'Love Honey Love Heartache' On Tania records, UK track Bob-A-Rela - Spend The Night 1979 Bob-A-Rela - Stop 1979 Bobbettes - Love Rhythm 1981 Bobby Thurston - Check Out This Groove 1980 Bobby Thurston - You Got What It Takes 1980Bobby Womack ‎– I Can Understand It 1972Bohannon - Let's Start The Dance 1978 Boney M - Daddy Cool 1977 Bonnie Boyer - Got To Give In To Love 1979 Booker T - Don't Stop Your Love (12" Remix) 1981 Boris Badenough - Hey Rocky (12") 1986 Brainstorm - Hot For You 1979 Brainstorm - Lovin' Is Really My Game 1977 Brainstorm - We're On Our Way Home 1978 Brass Construction - Can You See The Light (12" or LP) 1982 Randy Muller Brass Construction - Changin' 1976 Brass Construction - Give & Take (12") 1985 Brass Construction - Walkin' The Line (12") 1983 Brass Construction - We Can Do It 1980 Brecker Brothers - Don't Stop The Music 1977 Brenda & Tabulations - Let's Go All The Way (Down) 1977 Brenda & Tabulations - Superstar 1977 Brenda Gooch - You And I Together 1980Brian Eno - David Byrne ‎– The Jezebel Spirit 1981Bruce Johnson - Pipeline 1979 Bruni Pagan - Fantasy 1979 Patrick Adams on .... Vanguard Bruni Pagan - Lovers (LP) 1979 Buffalo Smoke - Stubborn Kind Of Fellow 1978 Bumble Bee Unlimited - Love Bug (Original Red Greg 12") 1976 Greg Carmichael Bunny Sigler - By The Way You Dance 1978 CJ & Co - Devil's Gun 1977 C-Bank - One More Shot 1983 John Robie C-Brand - Wired For Games 1982 Cameron - All That's Good To Me 1981 Cameron - Boogie's Gonna Get Ya 1981 Cameron - Let's Get It Off 1980 Cameron - The Magic Of You 1980 Candi Staton - When You Wake Up Tomorrow 1979 Candido - Dancin' & Prancin' 1979 Salsoul Candido - Jingo 1979 Salsoul Candido - Thousand Fingerman 1979 Salsoul Capricorn - Capricorn 1980 Captain Rapp - Bad Times (I Can't Stand It) 1983 Captain Rapp - I Can't Stand It (12" - 2nd Press) 1986 Carl Bean - I Was Born This Way (12") 1987 Carl Bean - I Was Born This Way (Orig. Motown 12") 1978 Carly Simon - Why 1982 Atlantic WEA Carol Douglas - You're Not So Hot (12" or LP Vers.) 1983 Next Plateau Carol Hahn - Do Your Best 1982 Carol Williams - Can't Get Away From Your Love 1982 Carol Williams - No One Can Do It Like You 1981 Carol Williams - You've Reached The Bottom Line (12") 1983 Carolyn Harding - Gonna Get Your Love (12") 1985 Carolyn Harding - Memories (12") 1986 Carolyn Harding - Moving On (12") 1987 Carolyn Porter - I Said It And I Meant It (12") 1987 Carrie Lucas - I Gotta Keep Dancin (Original Vers.) 1977 Cat Stevens - Was Dog A Doughnut 1977 Celi Bee - Superman 1977 Central Line - Don't Tell Me 1981 Central Line - Walking Into Sunshine (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Cerrone - Cerrone's Paradise 1977 Cerrone - Je Suis Music 1978Cerrone ‎– Love In C Minor 1976Cerrone - Supernature (whole album) 1978 Cerrone - Take Me 1977 Cerrone feat. Jocelyn Brown - Cherry Tree 1980 Chaka Khan - I Know You, I Live You (LP) 1981 Chaka Khan - Tearin' It Up (12" Levan Remix) 1983 Change - Angel In My Pocket 1980Change - Paradise 1981 Change - The Very Best In You 1982 Change - This Is Your Time 1983 Chantel Curtis - Get Another Love 1979 Chantel Curtis - Hit Man (LP) 1979 Charlie Calello Orchestra - Sing Sing Sing 1979 Charo - Dance A Little Bit Closer 1977 Salsoul Chas Jankel - Glad To Know You 1982 Chemise - She Can't Love You 1981 Cher - Take Me Home 1979 Cheri - Small Town Lover 1983 Cheri - Star Struck 1982 Cheryl Lynn - In The Night 1981 Cheryl Lynn - Keep It Hot (12") 1979 Cheryl Lynn - Love Bomb 1979 Cheryl Lynn - Star Love 1977 Cheryl Lynn - You Saved My Day 1978 Cheyne - Call Me Mr. Telephone (12") 1985 Chi-Lites - My First Mistake 1977 Chic - Chic Cheer 1978 Chicago - Street Player (12" Mix) 1979 Columbia reds Chip E. - Like This (12") 1985 Chocolette - It's That East Street Beat (12") 1985 Choice 4 - Come Down To Earth 1977 Circle City Band - Magic 1983 Circuit - A Little Help From My Friends (12") 1985 Circuit - Release The Tension 1984 Cissy Houston - Think It Over 1978 Citispeak - I Don't Need Your Handouts 1984 Citispeak - Rock To Rock 1983 CJ & Co - We Got Our Own Thing 1977 Class Action - Weekend (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Sleeping Bag rds Claudja Barry - Down & Counting (12") 1986 Claudja Barry - Johnny Please Come Home 1978 Claudja Barry - Sweet Dynamite 1977 Clausell - Don't Let It Be Crack (12") 1986 Joe Clausell ??? Coffee - Purpose (LP) 1982 Colonel Abrams - How Soon We Forget (12" Remix) 1987 Colonel Abrams - I'm Not Gonna Let (12") 1986 Colonel Abrams - Music Is The Answer 1984 Colonel Abrams - Over & Over (12") 1986 Colonel Abrams - Speculation (12") 1985 Colonel Abrams - Trapped (12") 1985 Colors - Am I Gonna Be The One (12" Dub Vers.) 1983 Colors - Pay Me Back My Love (12") 1986 Columbus Circle - If You Read My Mind 1982 Conquest - Give It To Me 1981 Conversion - Let's Do It 1981 --> Leroy Burgess Conversion - Sweet Thing 1982 Cookie - You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover 1982 Cory Daye - Pow Wow 1978 Crown Heights Affair - Dancin' 1977 Crown Heights Affair - Don't Wanna Change You 1980 Crown Heights Affair - I See The Light 1980 Crown Heights Affair - Say A Prayer For Two 1978 Cuba Gooding - Happiness Is Just Around The Bend 1983 Streetwise rds Cultural Vibe - Mind Games (12") (Not the same record as Quest) 1986 Easystreet reds Curtis Hairston - I Want You (All Tonight) 1983 Curtis Hairston - I Want You All Tonight (12") 1985 Curtis Hairston - We All Are One 1984 Curtis Mayfield - Tell Me (How Ya Liked To Be Loved) 1979 Curtis Mayfield - What Is My Woman For? 1979 D Train - Keep On 1982 Prelude D Train - Music 1983 Prelude D Train - Walk On By 1982 Prelude D Train - You're The One For Me 1981 Prelude D.C. LaRue - Cathedrals 1977 D.C. LaRue - Let Them Dance 1978 D.D. Sounds - Cafe 1978 Dan Hartman - I Can Dream About You (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 Dan Hartman - Love Strong 1979 Dan Hartman - Relight My Fire 1978 Dan Hartman - We Are The Young (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 David Bowie - Let's Dance (12") 1983 David Christie - Don't Stop Me, I Like It 1978 David Joseph - You Can't Hide From Your Love 1983David Williams - Come On Down, Boogie People 1977 Dazz Band - Let It All Blow (12" Mix) 1984 Debbie Jacobs - Don't You Want My Love 1979 Dee Dee Bridgewater - Bad For Me (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Dee Edwards - Put Your Love On The Line 1980 Delegation - Heartache No. 9 1980 Denise McCann - Tattoo Man 1976 Dennis Coffey - Wings Of Fire 1977 Denroy Morgan - Happy Feeling 1982 Becket rds Deodato - Are You For Real 1984 Deodato - Keep It In The Family (LP) 1982 Deodato - Keep On Movin' 1982 Deodato - Night Cruiser 1980Deodato - Super Strut 1973Deodato - Whistle Bump 1978Deodato 2001 ‎– Also Sprach Zarathustra 1986Desmond Child & Rouge - Our Love Is Insane (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Dexter Wansel - Disco Lights 1977 PIR Dexter Wansel - Life On Mars Dhar Braxton - Jump Back (12") 1986 Sleeping Bag rds Diamond Touch - Love Line (12") 1985 Diana Ross - The Boss 1979Diana Ross - Love Hangover 1976Diana Ross - "No One Gets The Prize" 1979Diana Ross - Once In The Morning (LP) 1979 Diana Ross - That's How You Start Over (LP) 1983 Diana Ross - Work That Body (12" Version) 1982 Dianne Marie - I've Waited Much Too Long 1982 Dinosaur[/color] - Kiss Me Again 1978 Sire rds Dinosaur L - Corn Belt (Levan Mix; Comp. LP) 1986 Sleeping Bag rds Dinosaur L - Go Bang 1983 Sleeping Bag rds Direct Current - Everybody Here Must Party 1979 Don Ray - Got To Have Loving 1978 Don Ray - Standing In The Rain 1978 Donald Byrd - Love Has Come Around 1981 Donald Fagen - New Frontier 1982Donna McGhee - It Ain't No Big Thing 1979Donna Summer - Autumn Changes 1976Donna Summer - Bad Girls 1979Donna Summer - Hot Stuff 1979Donna Summer - I Feel Love 1977Donna Summer - Last Dance 1978Donna Summer - Love to Love You Baby 1975Donna Summer - MacArthur Park 1979Donna Summer - Spring Affair 1976Donna Summer - Summer Fever 1976Donna Washington - 'Scuse Me, While I Fall In Love 1981 SalsoulDonny Hathaway ‎– The Ghetto 1969Double Exposure - Every Man Has Got To Carry His Own Weight 1976 Salsoul Double Exposure - I Declare War 1978 Salsoul Double Exposure - I Got The Hots For You (12" Mix) 1979 Salsoul Double Exposure - My Love Is Free 1977 Salsoul Double Exposure - Ten Percent 1976 Salsoul Dynamic Superiors - Nowhere To Run 1977 Earons - Land Of Hunger 1984Earth, Wind & Fire - Africano 1975Earth Wind & Fire - I Think About Lovin' You 1971Earth, Wind & Fire - Moment of Truth 1971Earth, Wind & Fire - Power 1972Earth, Wind & Fire - Side By Side (LP) 1983 Eastbound Expressway - Never Let Go 1979 Ecstacy, Passion & Pain - If You Want Me 1981 Roy B rds Ecstacy, Passion & Pain - Touch And Go 1976 Eddie Drennon - Would You Dance To My Music 1977 Eddie Kendricks - Ain't No Smoke Without Fire 1978 Eddie Kendricks - Girl You Need A Change Of Mind 1973Eddie Kendricks - Goin' Up In Smoke 1976 Motown rds Eddy Grant - Living On The Frontline 1978 Eddy Grant - Nobody's Got Time 1980 Eddy Grant - Time Warp 1977Eddy Grant - Walking On Sunshine (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Ice rds Eddy Rosemond - Funk It 1979 Edgar Winter Group - Above & Beyond 1979 Ednah Holt - Serious, Serious Space Party (Levan 12" Mix) 1981 West End rds Edwin Birdsong - Rapper Dapper Snapper 1980 Salsoul rds El Coco - Cocomotion 1977 El Coco - Dancing In Paradise 1978 El Coco - Let's Get It Together 1976 Eleanor Mills - Mr. Right (12") 1987 Electric Mind - Zwei 1983 Eloise Whitaker - Don't Turn Your Back On Me 1981 Empire - Freakman 1981 Empress - Dyin' To Be Dancin' 1981 Prelude rds Empress - Take A Risk 1982 Prelude rds Erasure - Sometimes (12" Remix) 1987 Erotic Drum Band - Plug Me To Death 1978 ESG - Moody 1981 99 rds Esther Williams - I'll Be Your Pleasure (Levan Remix 12" or LP) 1981 Esther Williams - You Gotta Let Me Show You 1976 Evelyn King - Your Personal Touch (12"/LP) 1985 Evelyn Thomas - Heartless (12") 1985 Exodus - Together Forever 1979 Expose - Let Me Be The One (12" Remix) 1987 Extras - Haven't Been Funked Enough 1979 Faith, Hope & Charity - You're My Piece Of Mind (Ext. 12" 1976 Fancy - Come Inside (12" Mix) 1984 Fantastic 4 - Got To Have Your Love 1977 Fantastic Aleems - Hooked On Your Love 1980 Fantasy - You're Too Late 1981 Farley Funk - Love Can't Turn Around (12" Dub Mix) 1986 Farm Boy - Move (12") 1986 Fat Larry's Band - Act Like You Know 1982 --> see Whatnauts Fat Larry's Band - Lookin' For Love 1979 Fatback Band - I Found Lovin' 1983 Fatback Band - Is This The Future (12" Vers.) 1983 Fatback Band - Spanish Hustle 1976 Fatback Band - Take It Anyway You Want It 1981 Fatback Band - The Girl Is Fine 1983 Feel - I'd Like To 1982 Feel - Let's Rock Over & Over Again 1982 Sutra rds Fern Kinney - Groove Me 1979 Final Edition - Betcha Can't Love Just Once 1980 Fingers, Inc. - Can You Feel It (Comp. LP) 1987 Fingers, Inc. - Mystery Of Love (12") 1987 Fingers, Inc. - Never No More Lonely (LP) 1987 First Choice - Breakaway 1980 Salsoul rds First Choice - Doctor Love 1977 Goldmind rds First Choice - Double Cross (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul rds First Choice - Let No Man Put Asunder (Remix) 1982 Salsoul rds First Choice - Love Thang 1978 Goldmind rds First Love - Don't Say Goodnight 1980 Five Special - Why Leave Us Alone 1979 Flakes - Sugar Frosted Lover 1980 Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies (12" Remix) 1987 Flower - Classical Love 1979 Fonda Rae - Heobah 1983 Posse rds Fonda Rae - Over Like A Fat Rat 1982 Vanguard rds Foxy - Tena's Song 1978 France Joli - Gonna Get Over You 1982 Prelude rds France Joli - The Heart To Break The Heart 1980 PreludeFrankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax 1984Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Ballad of 32 1984Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes 1984Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome to the pleasuredome (The Whole 13:40 version) 1984 Fred Fowler - Girl You Need A Change Of Mind (12") (Kendricks Remake) 1986 Freda Payne - I'll Do Anything For You (12" Vers.) 1978 Freda Payne - Love Magnet 1977 Free Life - There's Something Better 1979 Freeez - I.O.U. 1983 Fresh Band - Come Back Lover 1984 Frida - I Know There's Something Goin' On 1982 Frisky - You Got Me Dancing In My Sleep 1979 Aretha Franklin - Jump To It 1983 Front Page Orchestra - Love Insurance 1979 Frontline Orchestra - Don't Turn Your Back On Me 1981 Full Circle - Workin' Up A Sweat (12") 1986 Full House - Communicate (12") 1986 Funk Deluxe - This Time 1984 Funk Fusion Band - Can You Feel It 1982 Funkapolitan - As Time Goes By 1982 Gary Criss - Rio De Janiero 1978 Salsoul rds Gary's Gang - Let's Love Dance Tonight 1979 Gayle Adams - Love Fever (12") 1981 Gayle Adams - Stretchin' Out 1980 Gayle Adams - You Brought It On Yourself 1980 Gayle Adams - Your Love Is A Life Saver 1980 Gaz - Sing Sing 1978 Salsoul rds Gene Chandler - Get Down 1978 Gene Dunlap - Take My Love 1981 General Johnson - Can't Nobody Love Me Like You Do 1978George Benson - This Masquerade 197 George Duke - I Want You For Myself 1979 George Kranz - Din Daa Daa (Original 12" Mix) 1984 George McCrae - Love In Motion 1977 Geraldine Hunt - Can't Fake The Feeling 1980 Gibson Brothers - Cuba 1979 Gibson Brothers - Oh What A Life 1980 Gino Soccio - Hold Tight 1981 Gino Soccio - I Wanna Take You There Now 1980 Gino Soccio - It's Alright 1982 Gino Soccio - Try It Out 1981 Gino Soccio - You Move Me (LP) 1982 Gino Soccio - Dancer 1979 Giorgio - I Wanna Rock You 1979 Giorgio Moroder - Evolution 1978Giorgio Moroder - Knights in White Satin (Full Album Version) 1976Girls Can't Help It - Baby Doll 1982 Gladys Knight & The Pips - Save The Overtime For Me (12" Vers.) 1983 Gladys Knight - It's A Better Than Good Time 1978 Gladys Knight - Love Is Always On Your Mind 1977 Glass - Let Me Feel Your Heartbeat 1982 West End rds Gloria Gaynor - Let's Make A Deal 1976 Gloria Gaynor - Let's Mend What's Been Broken (LP or 12") 1981 Goldie Alexander - Show You My Love 1982 Goody Goody - It Looks Like Love 1978 Atlantic --> Montana Goody Goody - Let Me Work On You 1982 Black Sun rds Grace Jones - Do Or Die 1978 Grace Jones - Don't Mess With The Messer 1979 Grace Jones - Feel Up (Levan Remix) 1982 Island rds Grace Jones - I'm Not Perfect (But I'm Perfect For You) (12") 1986 Grace Jones - La Vie En Rose 1977 Grace Jones - My Jamaican Guy 1978 Grace Jones - Nipple To The Bottle 1982 Grace Jones - On Your Knees 1979 Grace Jones - Pull Up To The Bumper (Disconet mix)1981 Grace Jones - Slave To The Rhythm/The Fashion Show/Ladies & Gentlemen (all 1985 1985 Grace Jones - Sorry 1976 Grace Jones - Warm Leatherette 1980 Greg Phillinganes - Behind The Mask (12") 1985 Gregg Diamond - Danger 1979 Gregg Diamond - Star Cruising 1978 Grey & Hanks - Dancin' 1979Grover Washington Jr. - Mister Magic 1975Gunchback Boogie Band - Funn 1982 Gwen Guthrie - Hopscotch (LP Version) 1983 Island rds Gwen Guthrie - It Should Have Been You 1982 Gwen Guthrie - Outside In The Rain (Levan 12" Remix) 1986 Gwen Guthrie - Padlock (Levan Remix - EP) 1985 Gwen Guthrie - Peanut Butter (LP Version; Levan remix released in 1985) 1983 Gwen Guthrie - Seventh Heaven (LP Version) 1983 Gwen Guthrie - Seventh Heaven/Getting Hot/Peanut Butter (Levan Remix - EP) 1985 Gwen Guthrie - They Long To Be Close To You (Levan 12" Remix) 1987 Polydor rds Gwen Guthrie - Ticket To Ride (Levan 12" Remix) 1987 4th and Broadway rds Gwen McCrae - Funky Sensation 1981 Gwen McCrae - Poyson 1981 Hanson & Davis - I'll Take You On (12" Levan Mix) 1986 Fresh rds Hanson & Davis - Tonight (Love Will Make It Right) (12" Dub Mix) 1985 Harlequin Fours - Set It Off (12" - female version) 1985 Harold Faltermeyer - Axel F (12") 1985 Harvey Mason - Groovin' You 1979 Arista rds Heaven & Earth - I Really Love You 1981 Heaven 17 - Let Me Go 1983 Herbie Hancock - Tell Everybody 1979 Hercules - Seven Ways To Jack (12"/Comp. LP) 1986 Hi-Gloss - You'll Never Know 1981 Hindsight - Stand Up (12" Remix) 1987 Hot Cuisine - Who's Been Kissing You 1981 House People - Godfather Of House (12") 1986 Hugh Masekela - Don't Go Lose It, Baby 1984 Jive Africa I Level - Give Me 1981 I Level - Minefield 1981 Ian Dury - Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick 1978 Ian Dury - Reasons To Be Cheerful 1978 Ian Dury - Spasticus (Autisticus) 1981 Idris Muhammed - Could Heaven Ever Be Like This 1977Idris Muhammad ‎– One with a Star 1978 Imagination - Burnin' Up 1983 Imagination - Changes 1983 Imagination - Instinctual (12" Remix) 1987 Imagination - Just An Illusin 1983 Imagination - Looking At Midnight (12") 1983 Imagination - State Of Love 1983 In-Sync - Sometimes Love Lets You Down (12") 1987 Indeep - Last Night A DJ Saved My Life 1983 Inner City Jam Band - What I Did For Love 1977 Inner Life - Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Garage Mix) 1981 Salsoul rds Inner Life - I'm Caught Up 1979 Prelude rds Inner Life - Let's Change It Up (12") 1985 Inner Life - Make It Last Forever (Levan Remix) 1981 Salsoul rds Inner Life - Moment Of My Life 1982 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Body Shine (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - I Got My Mind Made Up (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Just Because You'll Be Mine 1983 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Slap, Slap, Lickedy Lap (Levan Mix) 1979 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Why Don't You Think About Me 1979 Salsoul rds Intrigue - Fly Girl (12") 1985 Invisible Man's Band - All Night Thing 1980 Island rds Isaac Hayes - I Ain't Never 1980 Isaac Hayes - Moonlight Lovin' 1978 Isley Brothers - Harvest For The World 1976 Isley Brothers - Inside You (12" or LP) 1981J Geils Band- Give to me 1973J.M. Silk - I Can't Turn Around (12") 1987 J.M. Silk - Let The Music Take Control (12") 1987 J.M. Silk - Music Is The Key (12") 1985 J.R. Funk & Love Machine - Feel Good, Party Time 1980 Jackie Moore - How's Your Love Life Baby (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Jacksons - The Hurt (LP Cut) 1984 Jago - Are You Going To Go 1983 Jaki Graham - Set Me Free (12" Remix) 1987 Jakki - Sun Sun Sun 1976 Jamaica Boys - Spend Some Time (12" Remix) 1987 Jamaica Girls - Need Somebody New (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Sleeping Bag rds Jamaica Girls - On The Move (12") 1986 Jamaica Girls - Rock The Beat 1982James Brown - Give It Up Or Turn It Loose 1970James Brown - It's Too Funky In Here (12") 1979 James Brown - Living In America (12") 1985James Brown - The Payback 1973James Wells - My Claim To Fame 1979 James Wells - True Love Is My Destiny 1978 Jammers - And You Know That 1982 Jammers - Be Mine Tonight 1983 Salsoul rds Jan Leslie Holmes - I'm Your Superman (12" Disco Mix Version) 1984 Janet Jackson - What Have You Done For Me Lately (12") 1986 A&M rds Janice Christie - Heat Stroke (Levan 12" Mix) 1986 Supertronics rds Janice Christie - My Love Is Money 1984 Janice Christie - One Love (12") 1985 Janice Christie - Taking Me For Granted (12") 1987 Janice McClain - Smack Dab In The Middle (Levan Remix) 1980 Jean Carn - Time Waits For No One 1976 Jean Carn - Was That All It Was (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Jeanette "Lady" Day - Come Let Me Love You 1981 Jeanette Thomas - Shake Your Body (12"/Comp. LP) 1987 Jeff Lorber - Step By Step (12") 1985 Jeffrey Osborne - New Love 1982 Jeffrey Osborne - Plane Love (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 A&M rds Jeffrey Osborne - The Borderlines (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 A&M rds Jennifer Holliday - Hard Times For Lovers (Ext. 12") 1985 Jennifer Holliday - No Frills Love (Ext. 12") 1985 Jenny Burton - Bad Habits (12"/LP) 1985 Jenny Burton - Remember What You Like 1983Jesse Green ‎– Nice And Slow 1976Jimmy Bo Horne - Is It In 1980 Jimmy Bo Horne - Spank 1979 Jimmy BoHorne - Let's Do It (12") 1985 Jimmy Cliff - Peace Officer (Dub 12" Version) 1982 Jimmy Ross - First True Love Affair (Levan 12" Mix) 1981 Quality/RFC rds Jimmy Ruffin - Falling In Love With You 1977 Jimmy Sabater - To Be With You 1976 Jimmy Williams - All Of My Lovin' 1983 Joan Armatrading - Kind Words (And A Real Good Heart) (12") 1986 Jocelyn Brown - Love's Gonna Get Ya (12") 1985Jocelyn Brown "Somebody Elses Guy" 1984Joe Church - Don't You Wanna Be Mine (12") 1987 Joe Simon - Love Vibration 1978 Joe Tex - Ain't Gonna Bump No More 1977 Joe Thomas - Plato's Retreat 1978 John Davis - Night And Day 1976 John Rocca - I Want It To Be Real 1984 Johnny Dynell - Rhythm Of Love (12") 1985 Johnny Harris - Odyssey 1980Johnny Mathis - Gone, Gone, Gone 1979Jomanda - I'll Give It To You (12") 1987 Jones Girls - You Gonna Make Me Love Somebody Else (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Joy - I Need Your Love 1983 Joyce Kennedy - Hold On For Love's Sake (12") 1985 Judy Cheeks - Mellow Lovin' 1978 Salsoul rds Juggy Jones - Inside America 1976 Jupiter rds Jungle Wonz - The Jungle (Comp. LP) 1986 Jungle Wonz - Time Marches On (12"/Comp LP) 1987 Junior - Mama Used To Say 1982 Mercury UK rds Junior - Not Tonight/Look What You've Done To Me (LP) 1985 Junior - Tell Me 1983 Mercury UK rds Kano - Can't Hold Back Your Loving 1981 Emergency rds Kano - I'm Ready 1980 Emergency rds Karen Silver - Nobody Else 1981 Karen Silver - Set Me Free 1981 Karen Young - Detour 1982 Karen Young - Hot Shot 1978 West End rds Karyn White - Facts Of Love (12" Levan Remix) 1986 Kashif - Help Yourself To My Love 1983 Kashif - I Just Gotta Have You 1983 Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (12") 1985 Kebekelektrik - War Dance 1978 Salsoul rds Keith Barrow - Turn Me Up (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Kellee Patterson - Turn On The Lights 1977 Keni Burke - You're The Best 1981 Key Of Dreams - Africa 1983 Kid Creole - Going Places 1981Kid Creole And The Coconuts - I'm A Wonderful Thing Baby 1982Kid People - Life's A Party (12") 1985 King Errison - Manhattan Love Song 1977 Kinky Foxx - So Different 1980 Kleeer - Get Tough 1981 Kleeer - Keep Your Body Workin' 1978 Klein & MBO - Dirty Talk 1982 Klein & MBO - Wonderful 1982 Klinte Jones - In The Heat Of The Night 1984Kokomo ‎– I Can Understand It 1975Kokomo - Use Your Imagination 1976 Komiko - Feel Alright 1982 Konk - Konk Party (12") 1986 Konk - Your Life (12") 1986 Kool & The Gang - Fresh (12" Remix) 1985 Kool & The Gang - Misled (12" Remix) 1984 Kool & The Gang - Open Sesame (9 min. version) 1976Kool & The Gang - Summer Madness 1974Koto - Japanese War Games 1983 Kraftwerk - Music Non-Stop (12") 1986Kraftwerk - Numbers 1981Kraftwerk - The Robots 1978 Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Express 1978 Kreamsicle - No News Is News 1984 Kurtis Blow - The Breaks 1980 Mercury US L'Amour - Let's Make Love Tonight 1984 Lace - Can't Play Around (Levan 12" Mix) 1982 Atlantic rds Laid Back - The White Horse 1984 Lamont Dozier - Going Back To My Roots 1977 Larry Graham - Sooner Or Later 1982 Larry Page - Slinky Thighs 1977 Larry played) 1982 Laurice Hudson - Feel My Love 1982 LAX - All My Love 1980 Legacy - Don't Waste The Night (12") 1985 Lemelle - You Got Something Special 1982 Lemon - A-Freak-A 1978 Lenny Williams - Choosing You 1977 Lenny Williams - Please Don't Tempt Me 1977 Lenny Williams - You Got Me Running 1978 Leon Huff - I Ain't Jivin', I'm Jammin' 1981 Leon Love - Once Is Not Enough 1984 Les Lee - I'm The One You Want (12") 1985 Level 3 - Central Line 1982 Level 42 - Something About You (12") 1985 Level 42 - Starchild (12") 1985 Level 42 - World Machine (12") 1985 Lime - Agent 406 1981 Linda Clifford - Gypsy Lady (Ext. 12" Vers.) 1978 Linda Clifford - Runaway Love (Ext. 12" Version) 1978 Linda Evans - Don't You Need 1979 Linda Hopkins - It's In Your Blood 1977 Linda Taylor - You And Me Just Started 1982 Lipps, Inc. - All Night Dancing 1980 Liquid Liquid - Cavern 1984 99 rds Lisa Lisa - I Wonder If I Take You Home (12"/LP) 1985 Living In A Box - Living In A Box (12") 1987 Liz Torres - Can't Get Enough (12") 1987 Liz Torres - Mama's Boy (12") 1987 LNR - Work It To The Bone (12") 1987 Logg - I Know You Will (Levan 12" Remix) 1981 Salsoul rds Logg - You've Got That Something 1981 Salsoul rds Loleatta Holloway - Catch Me On The Rebound 1978 Loleatta Holloway - Crash Goes Love 1984 Loleatta Holloway - Dreamin' 1976 Gold Mind rds Loleatta Holloway - Greatest Performance Of My Life (Levan Remix) 1979 Gold Mind rds Loleatta Holloway - Hit & Run (12" Remix Vers.) 1977 Loleatta Holloway - I May Not Be There When You Want Me 1978 Loleatta Holloway - Love Sensation 1980 Salsoul rds Loleatta Holloway - So Sweet (12") 1986 Loose Change - Straight From The Heart (12" Mix) 1979 Loose Ends - Choose Me (12") 1985 Loose Joints - Is It All Over My Face (Levan Remix) 1978Loose Joints- Is It All Over My Face (Original Male Version) 1978Loose Joints - Tell You (Today) 1983 Lorraine Johnson - Feed The Flame 1978 Lorraine Johnson - The More I Get (Remake of Teddy - Larry played both) 1977 Love Club - Hot Summer Nights 1983 Love Committee - Law And Order 1978 Love Unlimited Orchestra - King Kong Theme 1977 Lucy Hawkins - Gotta Get Out Of Here 1978 M - Pop Muzik 1979 Machine - Is It Love 1980 Machine - Marisa 1979 RCA rds Machine - 'There But For The Grace Of God Go I' 1979 RCA rds Macho - I'm A Man 1978 Prelude rds Made In The USA - Melodies 1977 Madhouse - Six (LP) 1987 Madleen Kane - Forbidden Love 1979 Madleen Kane - Rough Diamond 1978 Madleen Kane - You Can 1981 Madonna - Everybody 1982 Madonna - In The Groove 1984 Madonna - Open Your Heart (LP/12") 1986 Magazine 60 - Don Quichotte 1984 Mahogany - Ride On The Rhythm 1982 Mai Tai - History (12") 1985 Mai Tai - Hold Me (LP) 1986Malcom McClaren - Buffalo Girls 1982Malcolm McClaren - Madam Butterfly 1984 Man Friday - Jump (12" Levan Mix) 1986 Man Friday - Love Honey, Love Heartache (12" Levan Mix) 1986 Bo Kool Man Parrish - Hip Hop, Be Bop (Don't Stop) 1982Manu Dibango - New Bell 1972Manu Dibango - Nights In Zeralda 1972Manu Dibango - Soul Makossa 1972Mandrill - Get It All 1973Mandrill Fench Walk- Fencewalk / Hagalo 1973Mandrill - Hang Loose 1973Marc Sadane - Exciting 1982 Marc Sadane - Sit Up 1981 Marcia Griffith - Electric Boogie 1983 Margie Joseph - Knockout 1982 Marianne Faithful - Why Did You Do It 1979 Marjie Joseph - Prophecy 1976 Mark IV - Rainy Days (12") 1985 Marsha Hunt - The Other Side Of Midnight (12" Vers.) 1977 Marshall Jefferson - Move Your Body (House Music Anthem) (12") 1987 Martin Circus - Disco Circus 1978 Martin Circus - I've Got A Treat 1978Mary Jane Girls - "All Night Long" 1983Mary Jane Girls - In My House (12") 1985 Mary Wells - Gigolo 1982 Mary Wells - These Arms 1981 Mass Production - Sun Dancer 1983 Mass Production - Welcome To Our World 1977 Master C&J - In The City (12") 1987 Matrix - Stay, I Need Your Love 1982 Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride (12") 1983 Maze - Twilight (12") 1985McFadden & Whitehead ‎– Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now 1979Melba Moore - It's Been So Long (12" Remix) 1987 Melba Moore - It's Been So Long (12") 1986 Melba Moore - Standing Right Here (Ext. Remix LP) 1979 Melba Moore - You Stepped Into My Life 1978 Merc & Monk - I Get Carried Away (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Metropolis - New York Is My Kind Of Twon 1978 Metropolis - The Greatest Show On Earth 1978 MFSB - Love Is The Message (14 min. Remix Vers.) 1981 PIR rds MFSB - Mysteries Of The World 1980 MFSB - We Got The Time 1976 Michael - Jackson - 1987Michael Mauro - Susie Q 1980 Michael Wycoff - Still Got The Magic (Sweet Delight) 1982 Michael Wycoff - Tell Me Love 1983 Michael Zager Band - Love Express 1978 Michele - Can't You Feel It 1977Michele - Disco Dance 1977 Michelle Freeman - Where'd You Get What You Got 1979 Michelle Goulet - Stop & Think (12") 1986 Michelle Wallace - It's Right 1982 Michelle Wallace - Jazzy Rhythm 1982 Mick Jagger - Lucky In Love (12" Dub Remix) 1985 Midnight Rhythm - Workin' & Slavin' 1978 Midnight Star - Curious 1983 Midway - Set It Out 1984 Mighty Clouds Of Joy - Mighty High 1976 Mighty Pope - Sweet Blindness 1979 Miguel Brown - Symphony Of Love 1978 Mike Anthony - Why Can't We Live Together 1982 Mike Theodore - Cosmic Wind 1977 Mike Theodore Orchestra - The Bull 1978 Mikki - Dance Lover 1981 Mikki - Itching For Love 1981 Millie Scott - Every Little Bit Of You (12" Remix) 1987 Millie Scott - Prisoner Of Love (12") 1986 Ministry - Work For Love 1982 Minnie Riperton - Adventures In Paradise 1976 Minnie Riperton - Stick Together (Ext. Mix) 1977Modern Romance ‎– Can You Move 1981Modern Romance - Salsa Rapsody (Import 12") 1981 Moment Of Truth - Chained To Your Love 1977 Mona Lisa Young - Rock Me Down (12") 1985 Mona Rae - Do Me 1981 Montana - Who Needs Enemies (With A Friend Like You) 1983 Montana Sextet - Heavy Vibes 1982Montreal Sound - Music (Very Special Disco Mix By PAJ) 1977Monyaka - Go Deh Yaka (Go To The Top) 1983 Morris Day - Color Of Success/The Character/The Oak Tree (All LP) 1985Mtume ‎– Green Light 1983Mtume - So You Wanna Be A Star 1980Munich Machine ‎– Get On The Funk Train (Part I+II) 1977 Munich Machine - Party Light 1979Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok (12") 1985 Musique - Push Push in the Bush --> Patrick Adams Musique - Keep on Jumpin' --> Patrick Adams N.V. - It's Alright 1983 N.V. - Let Me Do You 1984 Nancy Martin - Can't Believe 1982 Narada Michael Walden - The Nature Of Things (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Native - Love Ain't No Holiday 1984 Nature Zone - Porcupine 1976 New Birth - Deeper 1977New Birth ‎– Until It's Time For You To Go 1973New Order - Blue Monday 1983New York Community Choir - Express Yourself 1977 Nick Straker Band - A Little Bit Of Jazz 1981 Nick Straker Band - The Beat Inside (LP) 1981 Nile Rodgers - Land Of The Good Groove 1983 Nile Rodgers - State Your Mind/Stay Out Of The Light (Levan 12" Remix) 1985Nina Hagen - African Reggae 1982NJ Connection - Love Don't Come Easy 1981 Nona Hendryx - Keep It Confidential 1983 Nona Hendryx - Transformation 1983 Nona Hendryx - Why Should I Cry (12" Remix) 1987 Norman Connors - Once I've Been There 1977 North End - Happy Days 1981 North End - Kind Of Love (Kind Of Life) 1979 Nu Shooz - I Can't Wait (12") 1985 Nu Shooz - I Can't Wait (12") 1986 Nuance - Love Ride (12" Mix) 1984 O'Jays - Extraordinary Girl (LP) 1984 O'Jays - Put Our Heads Together 1983 Odyssey - Easy Come, Easy Go 1977 Odyssey - Inside Out 1982 Odyssey - Use It Up And Wear It Out 1980 One Way - Do Your Thang 1981 One Way - Music 1980 One Way - Shine On Me 1983 Originals - Down To Love Town 1976 Originals - Hurry Up And Wait 1976 Pam Todd - Let's Get Together 1979 Pamela Stanley - Coming Out Of Hiding 1984 Paradise Girls - Holding Back (12" Dub Mix II) 1986 Passion - Don't Bring Back Memories 1980 Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield 1983 Patrick Juvet - I Love America 1978 Patti Austin - Betcha Wouldn't Hurt Me 1981 Patti Austin - Honey For The Bees (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Patti Brooks - After Dark 1978 Patti Labelle - I'll Never, Never Give Up 1983 Patti Labelle - Music Is My Way Of Life 1979 Patti Labelle - Something Special (12") 1986 Patti Labelle - The Spirit's In It 1981 Paul Hardcastle - 19 (12") 1985 Paul Hardcastle - Don't Waste My Time (12") 1986 Paul Jabara - Pleasure Island 1978 Paul Simpson - Treat Her Sweeter (12") 1985 Paul Simpson Connection - Use Me, Lose Me 1982 Peech Boys - Come On, Come On (Levan 12" Mix) 1984 Peech Boys - Don't Make Me Wait 1982 Peech Boys - Life Is Something Special (Levan Remix) 1983 Peech Boys - On A Journey (Levan Remix) 1983 Peech Boys - Warm Summer's Night (LP) 1983 Pennye Ford - Change Your Wicked Ways (12" Remix) 1984 People's Choice - If I Knew Then What I Know Now 1980 People's Choice - You Ought To Be Dancin' 1980 Pete Shelley - Witness The Change 1981 Peter Brown - Disco Love Breakdown (Flip of "Do You Wanna Get Funky With Me") 1977 Peter Godwin - Emotional Disguise 1982 Peter Jacques Band - Fire Night Dance 1979 Philip Bailey - I Know 1983 Phreek - May My Love Be With You 1978 Phreek - Weekend 1978 Phyllis Nelson - I Like You (12") 1985 Phyllis St. James - Ain't No Turnin' Back (LP Cut) 1984 Pieces Of A Dream - Warm Weather 1981 Pilot - You Are The One 1984 Planet Patrol - Play At Your Own Risk 1982 Players Association - I Like It 1977 Players Association - Love Hangover (Inst. Remake of D. Ross' version) 1977 Pleasure- Take a chance 1980Pleasure Pump - Fantasize Me (12") 1987 Pockets - Come Go With Me 1977 Pointer Sisters - Automatic (12" Remix) 1984 Pointer Sisters - Dare Me (12") 1985 Pointer Sisters - Happiness (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Pointer Sisters - We've Got The Power 1980 Positive Force - We Got The Funk 1979 Positive People - This Feelin' 1981 Poussez - Boogie With Me 1979 Powerline - Journey 1981 Precious Wilson - I'll Be Your Friend (12") 1986 Pretty Poison - Catch Me (I'm Falling) (12") 1987 Prince - Controversy 1981 Prince - Just As Long As We're Together 1978 Prince - Sign Of The Times (12"/LP) 1987 Prince - When Doves Cry 1984Princess & Starbreeze - The Drought (12"/LP) 1987 Princess - Say I'm Your Number One (12") 1985 Private Possesion - Are You Wid It (12") 1986 Private Possession - This Time (12") 1986 Professor Funk - Visions (12") 1987 Project - Love Rescue 1979 Projection - Love Struck (12") 1987 Pure Energy - Breakaway 1981 Pure Energy - One Hot Night 1984 Pure Energy - Party On 1980 Pushe - Don't Take Your Love Away 1984 Q - The Voice Of Q 1982 Quando Quango - Love Tempo (12") 1987 Quartz - Beyond The Clouds 1978 Queen - Another One Bites The Dust 1980 Queen Samantha - Take A Chance (12" Vers.) 1978 Quest - Mind Games (12") 1986 Rainbow Brown - Til You Surrender 1981 --> Patrick Adams Rainy Davis - Sweetheart (12") 1986 Ralph McDonald - We Need More Calypso (12") 1985 Ramona Brooks - I Don't Want You Back 1980 Ramsey Lewis - This Ain't No Fantasy (12" - Female Vocal Side) 1985 Randy Crawford - Don't Wanna Be Normal (LP) 1986 Raw Sex - Stop The War 1982 Raw Silk - Do It To The Music 1981 --> Nick Martinelli Raw Silk - Just In Time And Space 1983 Raww - Don't You Try It 1984 Rebbie Jackson - Centipede (12" Mix) 1984 Reel To Reel - Love Me Like This 1983 Relevation - Feel It 1981 Rene & Angela - Keep Running 1983 Revelation - Holdin' On 1982 Rhonda Parris - No No Love (12") 1986 Rhyze - Just How Sweet Is Your Love 1980 Rice & Beans Orchestra - You've Got Magic 1977 Richard J. Smith - Don't Go Walking Out That Door 1982 Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (12" Remix) 1987 Rick James - Glow (12") 1985 Rick James - You And I 1978 Ripple - The Beat Goes On 1978 Rita Hart - Pardon Me Mister 1984 Ritchie Family - Alright On The Night (LP) 1982 Ritchie Family - I'll Do My Best For You 1982 Ritchie Family - Life Is Music 1977 Ritchie Family - Put Your Feet To The Beat 1979 Ritchie Family - Quiet Village 1977 Robert Gorl - Darling Don't Leave Me (Import 12") 1983 Roberta Flack With Donny Hathaway ‎– Back Together Again 1979Roberta Flack - First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 1972Roberta Flack - Lovin' You Is Such An Easy Thing To Do 1981 Rochelle Fleming - Love Itch (12") 1985 Rock Candy - I Got Love 1982 Rockers Revenge - Walking In Sunshine 1982 Rockers Revenge - Walking On Sunshine 1982 Rod - Just Keep On Walking 1982 Rod - Shake It Up (Do The Boogaloo) 1980 Rolling Stones - Missing You (12" Vers.) 1978 Rome Jeffries - Good Love 1983 Ronnie Dyson - All Over Your Face 1983 Roschelle Fleming - I Know Just What You're After (12") 1987 Rose Royce - Do Your Dance 1977 Rose Royce - Love Me Right Now (12") 1985 Rose Royce - Still In Love 1982 Roundtree - Get On Up (Get On Down) 1978 Roundtree - Hit On You 1982 Roy Ayers - Don't Stop The Feeling 1979 Roy Ayers - Running Away 1977 Royal House - Can You Party (12"/Comp. LP) 1987 Rufus - Any Love 1980 Rufus - One Million Kisses 1983 Russ Brown - Gotta Find A Way (12") 1986 --> Tee Scott Salsoul Orchestra - 212 North Street 1981 Salsoul Orchestra - Don't Beat Around The Bush 1976 Salsoul Orchestra - How High (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul Orchestra - It's Good For The Soul 1976 Salsoul Orchestra - Love Break (Remix 12") 1982 Salsoul Orchestra - Magic Bird Of Fire 1977 Salsoul Orchestra - Run Away 1977 Salsoul Orchestra - Take Some Time Out For Love 1982 Salsoul Orchestra - You're Just The Right Size 1976 Salsoul Orchestrat w/ Loleatta Holloway - Seconds 1982 Samantha Fox - Touch Me (I Want Your Body) (12") 1986 Samson & Delilah - I Can Feel Your Love Slippin' Away 1984 Sandy Anderson - It's Over (I'm Through) (12") 1987 Sandy Mercer - Now That You're In 1979 Sandy Mercer - Play With Me, Lay With Me (12" Vers.) 1978 Sandy Mercer - You Are My Love (12" Vers.) 1978Santa Esmeralda Starring Leroy Gomez ‎– Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 1977Santa Esmeralda Starring Leroy Gomez ‎– Esmeralda Suite 1977Sarah Dash - Low Down, Dirty Rhythm 1983 Sarah Dash - Sinner Man 1979 Satin & Green - Spectacular 1982 Screamin' Rachel - Fun With Bad Boys (12") 1986 Seawind - Whatcha Doin'? 1980 Second Image - Can't Keep Holding On 1982 Secret Weapon - It Must Be The Music 1982 Serena - Get Your Body Up 1983 Sergio Mendes - I'll Tell You (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Serious Intention - You Don't Know Pow Wow or Easy Street records? (1986) Seven Deadly Sins - Lust 1977 Shades Of Love - Keep In Touch (Body To Body) 1982 Shalamar - My Girl Loves Me (12" Ext. Promo Only) 1985 Sharon Bailey - Cosmic Dust 1981 Sharon Brown - I Specialize In Love 1982 Sharon Paige - Tonight's The Night 1980 Sharon Redd - Beat The Street 1982 Sharon Redd - In The Name Of Love (LP) 1982 Sharon Ridley - Changin' (Closing Song at Garage) 1978 Sheryl Lee Ralph - In The Evening 1984 Shiela & B. Devotion - Spacer 1980 Shiela E. - A Love Bizarre (12"/LP) 1985 Shiela Hilton - The Bed's Too Big Without You 1980 Shirley Lites - Heat You Up (Melt You Down) 1983 Side Effect - Always There 1976 Siedah Garrett - Do You Want It Right Now (12") 1985 Silver Convention - Dancing In The Aisles 1976 Silver Convention - Mission To Venus 1978 Silver Convention - Voodoo Woman 1977 Silvetti - Spring Rain 1977 Sinnamon - I Need You Now1983Sinnamon - Thanks To You 1982 Siren - Open Up For Love 1979 Sister Sledge - Lost In Music 1979 Skatt Brothers - Walk The Night 1979 Skipworth & Turner - Can't Give Her Up (12") 1986 Skipworth & Turner - Thinking About Your Love (12") 1985 Skyy - First Time Around (Levan Remix) 1979 Skyy - Here's To You 1980 Skyy - Let Love Shine (LP) 1983 Skyy - Show Me The Way 1983 Skyy - Skyyzoo (Levan Remix) 1980 Skyy - Super Love 1980 Slave - Feel My Love 1981 Slave - Wait For Me 1981 Slimline - If You Can Dance, You Can Do It 1982 Sly Cabell - Feelin' Fine 1982 Smokey Robinson - And I Don't Love You (Levan 12" - Larry played Dub) 1984 Sofonda C. - Pick It Up (12") 1987Soft Cell - Seedy Films 1980Soft Cell - Tainted Love 1982Softones - That Old Black Magic 1976 Somethin' Special - Come Make It Feel Good 1981 SOS Band - Take Love Where You Find It 1980 SOS Band - The Finest/Borrowed Love (LP) 1986 Soul Sonic Force - Planet Rock 1982 Southroad Connection - You Like It, We Love It 1978 Space - Carry On, Turn Me On 1977 Sparkle - Handsome Man (Levan Mix) 1980 Sparque - Let's Go Dancin' (Levan 12" Remix) 1981 Sparque - Music Turns Me On 1982 Sparque - Take Some Time 1984 St. Tropez - Fill My Life With Love 1978 St. Tropez - One More Minute 1979 Stainless Steel - It All Comes Down To Love 1978 Stainless Steel - More Than Meets The Eye 1978 Staple Singers - Slippery People (12" Mix) 1984 Stargard - Wear It Out (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Starshine - All I Need Is You 1983 State Of Grace - That's When We'll Be Free 1982 Status IV - You Ain't Really Down 1983Steel Pulse - Blues Dance Raid 1982Steel Pulse - Ravers 1982Stephanie Mills - Medicine Song (12" Remix) 1984 Stephanie Mills - Put Your Body In It (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Stephanie Mills - You Can't Run From My Love (12" Vers.) 1983 Steve Arrington - Dancin' In The Key Of Life (12"/LP) 1985 Steve Arrington - Nobody Can Be You 1983 Steve Arrington - You Meet My Approval (LP) 1983 Steve Hurley - Jack Your Body (12") 1985 Steve Miller Band - Fly Like An Eagle 1976 Steve Miller Band - Macho City (12" Vers.) 1982 Steve Shelto - Don't Give Your Love Away 1983 Stevie Nicks - Stand Back 1983 Stevie Wonder - As 1977 Stevie Wonder - Go Home (12" Remix) 1985 Stevie Wonder - Love Light In Flight 1984 Sticky Fingers - Wastin' My Love 1978 Stimulation - Stimulation (12") 1985 Sting - If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free (12" Remix) 1985 Stone - Time 1981 --> Tee Scott Strafe - Set It Off 1984 --> Walter Gibbons Strikers - Body Music (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Strikers - Contagious 1982 Strikers - Inch By Inch 1981 Subject - Celebrate (12") 1986 Subject - The Magic, The Moment (12") 1985 Sun Palace - Rude Movements 1980 Supremes - High Energy 1976 Supremes - Let Yourself Go 1977 Suzi Lane - Harmony 1979 Suzy Q - Get On Up And Do It Again 1981 Suzy Q - With Your Love 1981 Sweet Cream - I Don't What I'd Do 1978 Sweet Life - I Get Lifted 1983 Sweet Pea Atkinson - Dance Or Die 1982 Sweet Thunder - Everybody's Singin' Love Songs 1978 Sylvester - Body Strong 1979 Sylvester - Dance (Disco Heat) 1978 Sylvester - Do Ya Wanna Funk 1982 Sylvester - Don't Stop (12") 1983 Sylvester - Give It Up 1981 Sylvester - I Need Somebody To Love Tonight 1979 Sylvester - I Need You 1980 Sylvester - Menergy 1983 Sylvester - Over and Over 1977Sylvester - Stars 1979 Sylvester - Too Late (12" Mix) 1984 Sylvester - Trouble In Paradise (12") 1983 Sylvia Striplin - Give Me Your Love 1980 --> Uno Melodic rds Syreeta - Can't Shake Your Love (Levan Remix) 1981 System - You Are In My System 1983 T Connection - At Midnight 1979 T.C. Curtis - Body Shake (Instr. 12" Version) 1982 T.C. Curtis - You Should Have Known Better (12") 1985 T.S. Monk - Can't Keep My Hands To Myself 1981 T.S. Monk - Candidate For Love 1981 Taana Gardner - Heartbeat (12" Levan Mix) 1981 Taana Gardner - No Frills 1981 Taana Gardner - When You Touch Me (Levan Mix) 1979 Taana Gardner - Work That Body (Levan Remix) 1980 Talking Heads - Burning Down The House 1983 Talking Heads - Slippery People (12") 1983 Talking Heads - Swamp 1983 Talking Heads - Take Me To The River 1978 Talking Heads - This Must Be The Place 1983 Tamiko Jones - Can't Live Without Your Love 1979 Tammy Lucas - Hey Boy (12") 1986 Tasha Thomas - Shoot Me (With Your Love) 1978 Tata Vega - Get It Up For Love 1978 Tata Vega - I Just Keep Thinking About You Baby (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Tavares - Don't Take Away The Music 1976Tavares - Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel 1976Teddy Pendergrass - The More I Get, The More I Want 1977 Teddy Pendergrass - You Can't Hide From Yourself 1977 Temper - No Favors 1984 Tempest Trio - Love Machine 1979 Tenderness - Gotta Keep Trying 1978 Tenita Jordan - I Don't Wanna Think About It (12"/LP) 1985 Teri DeSario - Ain't Nothin' Gonna Keep Me From You 1978 Terri Gonzalez - Treat Yourself To My Lofe 1982 Terri Wells - I'm Givin' All My Love (12" or LP) 1984 The Affair - Please Don't Break My Heart (12") 1985The Clash ‎– The Magnificent Seven 1980The Cut - Kindness For Weakness (12" Levan Mix) 1986The Edwin Hawkins Singers* ‎– Oh Happy Day 1969The Emotions ‎– Flowers 1976The Emotions - I Don't Wanna Lose Your Love 1976The Family - Screams Of Passion (12"/LP) 1985 The It - Donnie (12") 1986The Jackson 5 - Dancing Machine 1974The Jackson 5 - Hum Along And Dance 1973The Jackson 5 - Mirrors of My MindThe Jacksons - ABC 1970The Jacksons - Show You The Way To Go 1976The Joubert Singers ‎– Stand On The Word 1985The Limit - Say Yeah 1984 The Police - Voices Inside My Head 1980 The Quick - Rhythm Of The Jungle 1982 The Quick - Zulu 1981 The Who - Eminence Front 1982 Thelma Houston - Don't Leave Me This Way 1976 Thelma Houston - I'd Rather Spend The Bad Times With You 1984 Thelma Houston - I'm Here Again 1977 Thelma Houston - If You Feel It (12" Remix) 1981 Thelma Houston - Just Like All The Rest (Dub 12" Vers.) 1983 Thelma Houston - Saturday Night, Sunday Morning 1979 Thelma Houston - You Used To Hold Me So Tight (12") 19 84 Theo Vaness - I Can't Dance Without You 1979 Theo Vaness - Nobody But You 1978 Theo Vaness - Sentimentally It's You 1979 Third World - Dancing On The Floor 1981 Third World - Lagos Jump 1983 Third World - Now That We Found Love 1978 Third World - One To One (12") 1985 Thomas Dolby - Dessidents: The Search For Truth 1984 Thompson Twins - In The Name Of Love 1982 THP Orchestra - Good To Me 1979 THP Orchestra - Two Hot For Love 1978 THP Orchestra - Who Do You Love 1979 Three Million - I've Been Robbed (12") 1983 Three Ounces Of Love - Star Love 1978Tim Curry ‎– Paradise Garage 1979Timmy Thomas - Stone To The Bone 1977Timmy Thomas ‎– Why Can't We Live Together - 1972Tin Tin - Kiss Me 1982 Tina B. - Honey To A Bee (12" Mix) 1984 Tina Turner - Afterglow (12" Promo) 1986 Tom Browne - Crusing 1983 Tom Tom Club - Le Elephant 1981 Tom Tom Club - Pleasure Of Love 1983 Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood 1981 Tomorrow's Edition - You Turn Me On 1982 Toney Lee - Reach Up 1982 Tony Cook & The Party People - On The Floor 1984 Tony McKenzie - Ha-Chica 1983 Tony Orlando - Don't Let Go 1978 Tony Paris - Electric Automan (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Total Contrast - Takes A Little Time (12"/LP) 1985 Total Contrast - The River (12") 1985 Touch - Love Fixation (12") 1987 Touch - Without You (12") 1986 Touchdown - Ease Your Mind 1982 Tracy Weber - Sure Shot (2 different 12"s; one has a Instr. Version that 1982 Tracy Weber - Sure Shot (Instr. Version released as "B" Side of One Step At A Time) 1983 Tramaine - Child Of The King (12") 1986 Tramaine - Fall Down Spirit Of Love (12") 1985 Tramaine - The Rock (Levan 12" Remix) 1987 Trammps - Body Contact Contract 1977 Trammps - Can We Come Together 1976 Trammps - Disco Party 1977 Trammps - Love Insurance Policy 1979 Trammps - People Of The World 1977 Trammps - Stop And Think (Remix LP) 1977 Trammps - Wha Happened To The Music 1983 Troiano - We All Need Love 1979 Trussel - Love Injection 1980 Twennynine - Fancy Dancer 1981 Two Tons - Do You Wanna Boogie, Hunh? 1980 Two Tons - Earth Can Be Just Like Heaven 1980 Two Tons - I Got The Feeling 1980 Ullanda McCullough - Bad Company 1981 Undisputed Truth - You + Me = Love 1976 Unique - What I Got Is What You Need 1983 Universal Robot Band - Barely Breaking Even 1982Universal Robot Band - Dance & Shake Your Tambourine 1977 Unlimited Touch - Searching To Find The One 1981 Upfront - Infatuation 1983 Valerie Oliver - Get The Money 1983 Van McCoy - Party 1976 Van McCoy - Rhythms Of The World 1976 Vanilla Mix - Easier Said Than Done (12") 1987 Vanity - Under The Influence (12") 1986 Vesta Williams - Don't Blow A Good Thing (12" Remix) 1987 Vicky D - This Beat Is Mine 1982 Vikki Love - Stop Playing On Me (12") 1985 Village People - Fire Island 1977 Village People - San Francisco 1977 Viola Wills - If You Could Read My Mind 1980 Visage - Fade To Grey 1980 Visual - Somehow, Someway 1983 Visual - The Music Got Me 1983 Voice In Fashion - Only In The Night (12" Dub Mix) 1987 Voyage - From East To West 1977 Voyage - From East To West 1978 Voyage - I Love You Dancer 1980 Wally Badarau - Chief Inspector/Novela Das Nove (12") 1986 Wally Jump, Jr. - Don't Push Your Luck (LP) 1987 Wally Jump, Jr. - Private Party (12") 1987 Wally Jump, Jr. - Turn Me Loose (12") 1986 Wanda - I Must Be Dreamin' 1982 War - City Country City 1972War - Deliver The Word 1972War - Galaxy - 1977War - Southern Part of Texas 1973War - The World Is A Ghetto 1972War - You Got The Power 1982Wardell Piper - Super Sweet 1979Warp 9 - Light Years Away 1983 Was (Not Was) - Tell Me That I'm Dreaming 1982Was (NotWas)- Wheel Me Out (Long Version) 1981Weather Girls - No One Can Love You More Than Me (12"/LP) 1985 Webster Lewis - Let Me Be The One 1981 Weeks & Co. - Go With The Flow 1982 Weeks & Company - Rock Your World 1981 Whatnauts - Help Is On The Way 1982 Whitney Houston - Love Will Save The Day (12" Remix) 1987 Whitney Houston - Thinking About You (12") 1985 Will Powers - Adventures In Success 1983 Willie Colon - Set Fire To Me (12") 1986 Willie Colon - She Don't Know I'm Alive (12") 1986 Willie Hutch - In And Out 1982 Winners - Get Ready For The Future 1978 Wish - Touch Me (All Night Long) 1984 World Premiere - Share The Night 1984 Xena - On The Upside 1983 Yarbrough & Peoples - Don't Waste Your Time (12" Remix) 1984 Yaz - Don't Go 1982 Yazoo - Situation 1982 Yazoo - State Farm 1983 Yello - Call It Love (12" Remix) 1987 Yellow Magic Orchestra - Computer Games 1979 Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (12") 1983 Yoko Ono - Walking On Thin Ice 1981 Young & Co. - I Like What You're Doing (To Me) 1980 Young & Company - Such A Feeling (12") 1986 Yvonne Gage - Garden Of Eden 1981 Zena Dejonay - I've Got To Find A Way 1983 Zulema - A Mother Cries 1981Zulema - Change 1978Zulema - What's In It For Me 1982Roberta Flack - First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 1972
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love-pyramus · 3 years
NAME: ___________________________________ ROLE: ____________________________________ 2 NEWSIES ACT ONE PROLOGUE: Rooftop, Dawn #1- Overture (Summer, 1899. A figure sleeps peacefully on a rooftop amid the moonlit Manhattan cityscape. It is JACK, a charismatic boy of seventeen. Across the rooftop, another figure stirs. CRUTCHIE, a slight and sickly boy of fifteen, walks with the aid of a wooden crutch. He crosses to the fire escape ladder and fumbles, trying to climb down. JACK stirs.) #2- Santa Fe (Prologue)- Jack, Crutchie JACK: Where you going? Morning bell ain’t rung yet. Get back to sleep. CRUTCHIE: I wanna beat the other fellas to the street. I don’t want anyone should see; I ain’t been walkin’ so good. JACK: Quit gripin’. You know how many guys fake a limp for sympathy? That bum leg of yours is a gold mine. CRUTCHIE: Someone gets the idea I can’t make it on my own, they’ll lock me up in The Refuge for good. Be a pal, Jack. Help me down. (loses his footing and almost falls, yelps.) Whoa!!!! (JACK rushes to CRUTCHIE’S rescue, pulling him back from danger.) JACK: You wanna bust your other leg, too? CRUTCHIE: No. I wanna go down. JACK: You’ll be down there soon enough. Take a moment to drink in my penthouse high above the stinkin’ streets of New York. CRUTCHIE: You’re crazy. JACK: Because I like a breath of fresh air? ‘Cause I like seein’ the sky and the stars? CRUTCHIE: You’re seein’ stars all right! JACK: Them streets down there sucked the life right outta my old man. Years of rotten jobs, stomped on by bosses. And when they finally broke him, they tossed him to the curb like yesterday’s paper. Well, they ain’t doin’ that to me. CRUTCHIE: But everyone wants to come here. JACK: New York’s fine for those what can afford a big strong door to lock it out. But I tell you, Crutchie, there’s a whole other way out there. So you keep your small life in the big city. Give me a big life in a small town. THEY SAY FOLKS IS DYIN’ TO GET HERE, ME I’M DYIN’ TO GET AWAY TO A LITTLE TOWN OUT WEST THAT’S SPANKIN’ NEW AND WHILE I AIN’T NEVER BEEN THERE I CAN SEE IT CLEAR AS DAY IF YOU WANT, I BET’CHA YOU COULD SEE IT TOO 3 CLOSE YOUR EYES, COME WITH ME WHERE IT’S CLEAN AND GREEN AND PRETTY AND THEY WENT AND MADE A CITY OUTTA CLAY WHY, THE MINUTE THAT YA GET THERE FOLKS’LL WALK RIGHT UP AND SAY ”WELCOME HOME, SON WELCOME HOME TO SANTA FE!” (CRUTCHIE is taken under JACK’S spell.) PLANTIN' CROPS, SPLITTIN' RAILS SWAPPIN' TALES AROUND THE FIRE 'CEPT FOR SUNDAY WHEN YOU LIE AROUND ALL DAY SOON YOUR FRIENDS ARE MORE LIKE FAMILY AND THEY'S BEGGIN' YOU TO STAY! AIN'T THAT NEAT? LIVIN' SWEET, IN SANTA FE CRUTCHIE: You got folks there? JACK: Got no folks nowhere. You? CRUTCHIE: I don’t need folks. I got friends. JACK: How’s about you come with me? No one worries about no gimp leg in Santa Fe. You just hop a palomino and ride in style. CRUTCHIE: Feature me: ridin’ in style. JACK: I bet a few months of clean air and you could lose that crutch for good. JACK & CRUTCHIE: SANTA FE, YOU CAN BET WE WON’T LET THEM TOUGH GUYS BEAT US WE WON’T BEG NO ONE TO TREAT US FAIR AND SQUARE THERE'S A LIFE THAT'S WORTH THE LIVIN' AND I'M GONNA DO MY SHARE JACK: WORK THE LAND, CHASE THE SUN JACK & CRUTCHIE: SWIM THE WHOLE RIO GRANDE JUST FOR FUN! CRUTCHIE: (stands on his own.) WATCH ME STAND! WATCH ME RUN... (CRUTCHIE realizes his recover is just a fantasy, and turns away from JACK.) JACK: Hey... (CRUTCHIE looks at him. JACK wraps his arms around his friend protectively.) DON'T YOU KNOW THAT WE'S A FAMILY? WOULD I LET YOU DOWN? NO WAY JUST HOLD ON, KID 'TIL THAT TRAIN MAKES SANTA FE (CRUTCHIE leans against JACK as the sun rises behind them. The church bell tolls 5 a.m., which breaks the spell.) JACK: Time for dreamin’s done. (JACK takes CRUTCHIE’S crutch and bangs it on the fire escape metal, sounding an alarm.) Hey! Specs, Racer, Henry, Albert, Elmer. Get a move on, boys. Them papes don’t sell themselves! #2A- Prologue (Playoff) SCENE ONE: Newsboys’ Lodging House & Newsie Square (RACE, a little tough guy, calls to the others as he dresses.)
4 RACE: Hey, Albert, Elmer, Specs! You heard Jack. Get a move on. (ALBERT appears next to him, still wiping the sleep from his eyes.) ALBERT: I was havin’ the most beautiful dream. My lips is still tingling. RACE: A pretty girl? ALBERT: A leg of lamb! #3- Carrying the Banner- Jack, Newsies, Nuns (More BOYS begin to appear as they dress and wash. ALBERT smokes a cigar.) RACE: Hey! That's my cigar! ALBERT: YOU'LL STEAL ANOTHER. SPECS: (Referring to the other BOYS,) HEY, LOOK, IT'S BATH TIME AT THE ZOO. HENRY: I THOUGHT THAT I'D SURPRISE MY MOTHER. ALBERT: If you can find her. NEWSIES: Who asked you? ALBERT: Papes ain’t movin’ like they used to. I need a new sellin’ spot. Got any ideas? RACE: FROM BOTTLE ALLEY TO THE HARBOR THERE'S EASY PICKIN'S GUARANTEED. FINCH: TRY ANY BANKER, BUM OR BARBER. THEY ALMOST ALL KNOWS HOW TO READ. JACK: IT'S A CROOKED GAME WE'RE PLAYIN', ONE WE'LL NEVER LOSE LONG AS SUCKERS DON'T MIND PAYIN' JUST TO GET BAD NEWS! (The NEWSIES move outdoors to the Newsie Square.) NEWSIES: AIN'T IT A FINE LIFE CARRYING THE BANNER THROUGH IT ALL! A MIGHTY FINE LIFE CARRYING THE BANNER TOUGH AND TALL. WHEN THAT BELL RINGS, WE GOES WHERE WE WISHES. WE'S AS FREE AS FISHES, SURE BEATS WASHIN' DISHES. WHAT A FINE LIFE, CARRYING THE BANNER HOME FREE ALL! (KATHERINE, a lovely young lady, walks by with a friend. ROMEO spots her and starts towards her, but JACK sees her too.) ROMEO: Well, hello, hello, hello, beautiful. JACK: Step back, Romeo. Nothin’ what concerns you here. (moves ROMEO aside and shoots to KATHERINE.) Morning Miss. Can I interest you in the latest news? KATHERINE: The paper isn’t out yet. JACK: I’d be delighted to bring it to you personally. KATHERINE: I’ve got a headline for you: “Cheeky Boy Gets Nothing for His Troubles!” (KATHERINE brushes past JACK and joins her friend.) ROMEO: Back to the bench slugger. You struck out. JACK: (Feigning pain) I’m crushed. FINCH: Hey, Crutchie. What's your leg say? Gonna rain? CRUTCHIE: (shakes his leg) No rain. Partly cloudy. Clear by evening. FINCH: They oughta bottle this guy. RACE: And the limp sells fifty papes a week all by itself. CRUTCHIE: I don't need the limp to sell papes. I got personality. IT TAKES A SMILE THAT SPREADS LIKE BUTTER 5 THE KIND WHAT TURNS A LADY'S HEAD. RACE: IT TAKES AN ORPHAN WITH A STUTTER, FINCH: WHO'S ALSO BLINDALBERT: AND MUTEELMER: AND DEAD! JACK & CRUTCHIE: SUMMER STINKS AND WINTER'S FREEZIN' WHEN YOU WORKS OUTDOORS. JACK, CRUTCHIE, BUTTONS, SPLASHER, & TOMMY BOY: START OUT SWEATIN', END UP SNEZIN', NEWSIES: IN BETWEEN IT POURS! STILL IT'S A FINE LIFE, CARRYING THE BANNER WITH ME CHUMS, (STILL IT’S A FINE LIFE, CARRYING THE BANNER) A BUNCH OF BIG SHOTS, TOSSIN' OUT A FREEBIE TO THE BUMS. (A BUNCH OF BIG SHOTS, TOSSIN’ OUT A FREEBIE) FINCH: (calling to the NEWSIES) HEY! WHAT'S THE HOLD UP? WAITIN' MAKES ME ANTSY. I LIKES LIVIN' CHANCEY NEWSIES: HARLEM TO DELANCEY. WHAT A FINE LIFE CARRYING THE BANNER THROUGH THE... (A group of NUNS appears and distributes a breakfast of coffee and doughnuts to the NEWSIES) NUNS: BLESSED CHILDREN, THOUGH YOU WANDER LOST AND DEPRAVED, JESUS LOVES YOU. YOU SHALL BE SAVED. ELMER: Thanks for the grub, Sistuh. NUN 1: Elmer, when are we going to see you inside the church? ELMER: I don’t know, Sistuh. But it’s bound to rain sooner or later. (SIMULTANEOUS) NUNS: BLESSED CHILDREN, AH. JESUS LOVES YOU, AH RACE: CURDLED COFFEE, CONCRETE DONUTS SPRINKLED WITH MOLD, HOMEMADE BISCUITS, JUST TWO YEARS OLD. ELMER: JUST GIVE ME HALF A CUP. HENRY: SOMETHING TO WAKE ME UP. ROMEO: I GOTTA FIND AN ANGLE. TOMMY BOY: IT'S GETTING BAD OUT THERE. MUSH: PAPERS IS ALL I GOT. SPECS: IT'S EIGHTY-EIGHT DEGREES. JO JO: JACK SAYS TO CHANGE MY SPOT. ALBERT: WISH I COULD CATCH A BREEZE. FINCH: MAYBE IT'S WORTH A SHOT. BUTTONS: ALL I CAN CATCH IS FLEAS. JACK: IF I HATE THE HEADLINE. I'LL MAKE UP A HEADLINE. JACK & A FEW NEWSIES: AND I'LL SAY ANYTHING I HAVE'TA JACK & MORE NEWSIES: 'CAUSE AT TWO FOR A PENNY, IF I TAKE TOO MANY WEASEL JUST MAKES ME EAT 'EM AFTA.
(The NEWSIES continue their journey through downtown Manhattan.) NEWSIE GROUP 1: (SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH NEWSIE GROUP 2 BELOW): GOT A FEELIN' 'BOUT THE HEADLINE! I SMELLS ME A HEADLINE! PAPES ARE GONNA SELL LIKE WE WAS GIVIN' 'EM AWAY! 6 BET'CHA DINNER IT'S A DOOZY, 'BOUT A PISTOL-PACKIN' FLOOZY WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE A NEWSIE'S DAY NEWSIE GROUP 2: I DO, TOO! SO IT MUST BE TRUE! WHAT A SWITCH! SOON WE'LL ALL BE RICH! DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER WAY TO MAKE A NEWSIES DAY! NEWSIES: YOU WANNA MOVE THE NEXT EDITION? GIVE US AN EARTHQUAKE OR A WAR. ELMER: HOW 'BOUT A CROOKED POLITICIAN? NEWSIES: YA NITWIT, THAT AIN'T NEWS NO MORE! UPTOWN TO GRAND CENTRAL STATION, DOWN TO CITY HALL, WE IMPROVES OUR CIRCULATION WALKIN' 'TILL WE FALL! NEWSIE GROUP 1 (SIMULTANEOUS WITH NEWSIE GROUP 2 BELOW): BUT WE'LL BE OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER MAN TO MAN. WE'RE ALWAYS OUT THERE SOAKIN' EV'RY SUCKER THAT WE CAN. HERE'S THE HEADLINE: NEWSIES ON A MISSION! KILL THE COMPETITION! SELL THE NEXT EDITION! WE'LL BE OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER! SEE US OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER! ALWAYS OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER! NEWSIE GROUP 2: GOT A FEELIN' 'BOUT THE HEADLINE! I SMELLS ME A HEADLINE! PAPES ARE GONNA SELL LIKE WE WAS GIVIN' 'EM AWAY! BET'CHA DINNER IT'S A DOOZY 'BOUT A PISTOL-PACKIN' FLOOZY! DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER WAY TO MAKE A NEWSIE'S DAY! I WAS STAKIN' OUT THE CIRCUS, AND THEN SOMEONE SAID THAT CONEY'S REALLY HOT, BUT WHEN I GET THERE, THERE WAS SPOT WITH ALL HIS CRONIES. HECK, I'M GONNA TAKE WHAT LITTLE DOUGH I GOT AND PLAY THE PONIES! WE AT LEAST DESERVE A HEADLINE FOR THE HOURS THAT THEY WORK US. JEEZ, I BET IF I JUST STAYED A LITTLE LONGER AT THE CIRCUS... (The NEWSIES have arrived at the locked gate in front of the World- a prominent newspaper owned by Joseph Pulitzer.) FINCH: Hey, look! They’re puttin’ up the headline. SPECS: I hope it’s really bloody. With a nice clear picture. ROMEO: Please be murder, please be a murder! (A large chalkboard looms above. The NEWSIES watch in anticipation as a MAN writes the headline in large letters, “TROLLEY STRIKE ENTERS THIRD WEEK.”) ELMER: The trolley strike? IKE: Not again! RACE: Three weeks of the same story. FINCH: They’re killin’ us with that snoozer. SCRUB: I was hopin’ to eat today. (Two tough-looking boys, OSCAR and MORRIS DELANCEY, unlock the gates.) MORRIS: Make way. Step aside. 7 RACE: Dear me, what is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night. PEPPER: Or could it be... NEWSIES: ...the Delancey brothers. FINCH: Hey, Oscar, word on the street says you and your brother took money to beat up striking trolley workers. OSCAR: So? It’s honest work. ALBERT: But crackin’ the heads of defenseless workers? OSCAR: I take care of the guy who takes care of me. RACE: Ain’t your father one of the strikers? OSCAR: Guess he didn’t take care of me! (As if to make his point, MORRIES grabs CRUTCHIE and throws him to the ground.) MORRIS: You want some of that too? Ya lousy crip! (JACK pulls CRUTCHIE back to his feet and then confronts the DELANCEYS. The NEWSIES back up to give JACK room.) JACK: Now that’s not nice, Morris. RACE: Five to one Jack skunks ‘em! SWISH: My money’s on Jack! JACK: One unfortunate day you might find you got a bum gam of your own. How’d you like us pickin’ on you? Maybe we should find out. (And with that, Jack takes CRUTCHIE’S walking stick and smacks the DELANCEYS in the shins, knocking them both to the ground.) OSCAR: Wait till I get my hands on you. JACK: Ya gotta catch me first. (A chase ensues as the NEWSIES sing and dance their way in through the front gate....) NEWSIES: WE'LL ALL BE OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER MAN TO MAN. WE'RE ALWAYS OUT THERE SOAKIN' EV'RY SUCKER THAT WE CAN. HERE'S THE HEADLINE: “NEWSIES ON A MISSION!” KILL THE COMPETITION! SELL THE NEXT EDITION! WE'LL BE OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER! SEE US OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER! ALWAYS OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER! AH, AH, AH, GO! (The NEWSIES arrive at the distribution windows of the World. WIESEL, an ill-tempered, rumpled man,
appears with the DELANCEYS to collect the money and distribute the papers to the NEWSIES.) WIESEL: Papers for the Newsies! Line up! (JACK is first to the window.) JACK: Good morning, Weasel. Did you miss me? WIESEL: That’s Wise-el. JACK: Ain’t that what I said? (Slapping down his money.) I’ll take the usual. WIESEL: A hundred papes for the wise guy. (OSCAR hands over the papers and RACE moves up to the window.) RACE: How’s it going, Weasel? WIESEL: At least call me “mister.” RACE: I’ll call you sweetheart if you’d spot me fifty papes. (The other NEWSIES laugh.) WIESEL: Drop the cash and move it along. 8 RACE: (slapping down his coin) Whatever happened to romance? WIESEL: Fifty for the Race. Next! CRUTCHIE: Good morning, Mr. Wiesel. WIESEL: Fifty papes for Crutchie. (DAVEY, a 17-year-old-boy who appears out of his element, and his kid brother LES, are next in line.) Have a look at this: a new kid. LES: I’m new too! KNUCKLES: Ya don’t say. RACE: Don’t worry, kid- rubs right off. DAVEY: I’ll take twenty newspapers, please. WIESEL: Twenty for the new kid. Let’s see the dime. DAVEY: I’ll pay you when I sell them. WIESEL: Funny, kid. C’mon, cash up front. DAVEY: But whatever I don’t sell, you buy back, right? WIESEL: Certainly. And every time you lose a tooth I put a penny under your pillow. This kid’s a riot. C’mon. Cough up the cash or blow. (Davey hands over a dime, gets his papers, and looks them over.) Come on, move along. Albert, lemme see your money. ALBERT: You have a very interestin’ face. Ever think of getting’ into the movin’ pictures? WIESEL: You think I could? ALBERT: Sure. Buy a ticket, they let anyone in. WIESEL: Beat it, will ya? DUCKY: Twenty papers please. DAVEY: Sorry. Excuse me. I paid for twenty but you gave me nineteen. (EVERYONE freezes and watches. JACK swoops in and quickly counts the papers.) WIESEL: You seen how nice I was to dis new kid? And what did I get for my civility? Ungrounded accusations. DAVEY: I just want what I paid for. OSCAR: He said beat it! (The DELANCEYS start to crack their knuckles.) JACK: New kid’s right, Weasel. Ya gave him nineteen. I’m sure it was an honest mistake on account’a Oscar can’t count to twenty with his shoes on. (OSCAR threatens to attack. WIESEL pushes him back and tosses another paper to DAVEY.) WIESEL: Here. Now take a hike. JACK: (flipping a coin onto the counter) Give him another fifty papes. DAVEY: I don’t want more papes. JACK: What kind’a Newsie don’t want more papes? (Oscar hands DAVEY a stack of papers. DAVEY follows JACK with them.) DAVEY: I’m no charity case. I don’t even know you. LES: His name’s Jack. CRUTCHIE: This here is the famous Jack Kelly. He once escaped jail on the back of Teddy Roosevelt’s carriage. Made all the papes. JACK: (to LES) How old are you, kid? LES: I’m ten. Almost. JACK: If anybody asks, you’re seven. Younger sells more papes, and if we’re gonna be partners.... DAVEY: Who said we want a partner? CRUTCHIE: Sellin’ with Jack is the chance of a lifetime. You learn from him, you learn from the best. 9 DAVEY: If he’s the best, what’s he need with me? JACK: ‘Cause you got a little brother and I don’t. That face could sell a thousand papes a week. (to LES) Look sad, kid. (LES makes a sad face.) We’re gonna make millions. LES: This is my brother David. I’m Les. JACK: Nice to meet ya, Davey. My two bits come off the top, and we split everything 70-30. LES: 50-50! You wouldn’t try to pull a fast one on a little kid. JACK: 60-40 and that’s my final offer. LES: Deal. (JACK spits in his hand and holds it out to shake. LES copies him and they shake.) DAVEY: That’s disgusting. JACK: It’s just business. (to ALL) Newsies, hit the streets. The sun is up, the headline stinks, and this kid ain’t getting’ any younger! #3- Carrying The Banner (Tag)- Newsies NEWSIES: WE'LL ALL BE OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER MAN TO MAN. WE'RE ALWAYS OUT THERE SOAKIN' EV'RY SUCKER THAT WE CAN. HERE'S THE HEADLINE: “NEWSIES ON A MISSION!” KILL THE COMPETITION! SELL THE NEXT EDITION! WE'LL BE OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER!
SEE US OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER! ALWAYS OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER! AH, AH, AH, GO! (The NEWSIES exit as the scene shifts to...) SCENE TWO: Pulitzer’s Office, Afternoon (Editor SEITZ, secretary HANNAH, and accountant BUNSEN huddle in a business meeting. The mogul, JOSEPH PULITZER, is having his hair cut by NUNZIO, the barber.) PULITZER: Staff, the World is in trouble. Our circulation is down for the third quarter in a row. SEITZ: But, Mr. Pulitzer, every paper’s circulation is down since the war ended. PULITZER: Whoever said, “war is a tragedy”, wasn’t trying to sell newspapers. BUNSEN: We could use an exciting headline. PULITZER: What have we got today? SEITZ: The trolley strike. PULITZER: That’s not exciting? It’s epic! HANNAH: It’s boring. Folks wanna know, “Is the trolley comin’ or ain’t it?” No one cares why. SEITZ: And the strike’s about to be settled. Governor Roosevelt just put his support behind the workers. PULITZER: That man is a socialist. SEITZ: Teddy Roosevelt is no socialist. He’s an American hero. PULITZER: The man wants to outlaw football for being too violent. Football! Violent?! You’re right. He’s not socialist. He’ a commie! NUNZIO: Mr. Pulitzer, please, you must try to sit still. PULITZER: Gentlemen, please, you are making Nunzio nervous. And when Nunzio gets nervous, I don’t look pretty. (PULITZER sits back.) HANNAH: You never liked Roosevelt. You wrote and editorial against him day after day when he ran for governor. And guess what? He got elected. PULITZER: How can I influence voters if they’re not reading my opinion? 10 SEITZ: Big photos attract readers. PULITZER: Do you know what big photos cost? BUNSEN: But without flashy photos or headlines, how are we supposed to sell more papers. PULITZER: There’s an answer right before your eyes. You’re not thinking this through. People... #3- The Bottom Line- Pulitzer, Seitz, Bunsen, Hannah PULITZER: NUNZIO KNOWS WHEN HE’S CUTTING MY HAIR TRIM A BIT HERE AND THEN TRIM A BIT THERE JUST A MODEST ADJUSTMENT CAN FATTEN THE BOTTOM LINE NUNZIO: Mr. Pulitzer, please. PULITZER: SHAVING IS TRICKY: THE RAZOR SHOULD FLOAT SHAVE ME TOO CLOSE, AND YOU MAY CUT MY THROAT IT’S THE SIMPLEST SOLUTIONS THAT BOLSTER THE BOTTOM LINE BUNSEN: But how does that help us sell more papers? HANNAH: We don’t sell papers, silly, Newsies sell papers. BUNSEN: I’ve got it! Right now we charge the Newsies fifty cents for a hundred papers. PULITZER: Yes... BUNSEN: But if we raised their price to sixty cents per hundred... PULITZER: Now you’re getting somewhere... SEITZ: A mere tenth of a penny per paper. BUNSEN: Every single Newsie would have to sell twenty-five more papers just to earn the same amount as always. PULITZER: My thoughts exactly. It’s genius. HANNAH: It’s going to be awfully rough on those children. PULITZER: Nonsense. I’m giving them a real life lesson in economics. I couldn’t offer them a better education if they were my own. GIVE ME A WEEK AND I’LL TRAIN THEM TO BE, LIKE AN ARMY THAT’S MARCHING TO WAR PROUD OF THEMSELVES AND SO GRATEFUL TO ME, THEY’LL BE BEGGING TO PAY EVEN MORE! WHEN THERE’S DIRT ON OUR SHOES, BOYS, YOU HAVE TO RELAX! WHY THROW THEM OUT? ALL WE NEED IS SOME WAX LISTEN WELL TO THESE BARBERSHIP LESSONS FOR THEY’LL SEE YOU THROUGH! SIETZ, HANNAH & BUNSEN: WHEN YOU’RE STUCK IN THE MUCK, YOU’LL BE FINEYOU’LL ERASE ANY TRACE OF DECLINE SEITZ: WHAT A TRIM! HANNAH: AND A SNIP! BUNSEN: AND A SHINE! PULITZER: AND THE POWER OF PRESS, YES! ONCE AGAIN IS MINE! PULITZER: The price for the Newsies goes up in the morning! PULITZER: JUST A FEW COMMON CENTS, GENTS, THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE! SIETZ, HANNAH & BUNSEN: EV’RY NEW OUTCOME IS INCOME FOR YOU, THANKS TO THAT BOTTOM LINE! (The lights shift from the office to the NEWSIES during the scene transition.) #4A- Carrying The Banner (Reprise)- Newsies 11 NEWSIES: SUN UP TO SUNDOWN, KNOWIN’ WHERE MY CUSTOMERS’LL BE SUN UP TO SUNDOWN, WATCHIN’ ALL THE LADIES WATCHIN’ ME WALKED MY SHOES OFF, GOT THE DOUGH TO SHOW IT PROBABLY I’LL BLOW IT, THEN BEFORE YOU KNOW IT WE’LL BE OUT THERE, CARRYING THE BANNER….
(The scene shifts to...) SCENE THREE: A Street Corner (JACK leans against a building as DAVEY attempts to peddle papers to a GROUP OF GIRLS.) GIRL 1: And he said I couldn’t see him again! GIRL 2: Who? Your father? GIRL 1: Yeah, just because he didn’t… GIRL 3: Wait, I thought he worked for him? DAVEY: Paper. Paper. Evenin’ pape here. Care for a paper ladies? (The GIRL GROUP giggles) GIRL 2: No thanks. GIRL 3: He was cute! JACK: Sing ‘em to sleep why dontcha? (Snatches a paper from DAVEY and hawks it.) Extra! Extra! Terrified flight from burnin’ inferno! You heard the story right here! PASSERBY: Oh no! What burned down? (PASSERBY snatches the paper from JACK, hands him a coin JACK: Thanks madam! (PASSERBY opens the paper and exits in a rush.) DAVEY: You made that up. JACK: Did not. I said he heard it right here, and he did. DAVEY: My father taught us not to lie. JACK: And mine taught me not to starve. (LES comes up empty-handed.) LES: Hey! I just sold my last paper. DAVEY: I got one more. JACK: Sell it or pay for it. LES: Give it here. (takes the paper, sidles up to a WOMAN and SALLY passing by, and puts the saddest look on his face.) Buy a paper from a poor orphan boy? (LES coughs gently.) WOMAN: Oh, you dear thing. Of course I’ll take a newspaper. Here’s a dime. (The WOMAN and SALLY exit with the paper. SALLY turns and smiles at LES before leaving.) JACK: Born to the breed. LES: This is so much better than school! DAVEY: Don’t even think it. When Pop goes back to work, we go back to school. (While the boys talk, SNYDER, a sinister looking man, sees JACK and steps back again a building. He seems excited to have spotted the boy. Cautiously, he flags down a POLICEMAN and whispers to him.) JACK: So’s how about we divvy up the money, grab some chow, then find you’s somewhere save to spend the night? DAVEY: We gotta get home. Our folks will be waitin’ dinner. JACK: Ya got folks, huh? LES: Doesn’t everybody? DAVEY: (Elbows his brother) Our dad tangled with a delivery truck on the job. Messed his leg up bad, so 12 they laid him off. That’s how come we had to find work. JACK: Yeah, sure, that makes sense. Too bad about your dad. DAVEY: Why don’t you come home with us for dinner? Our folks would be happy to have you. LES: Mom’s a great cook. JACK: Thanks for the invite, but I just remembered I got plans with a fella. He’s probably waiting on me right now. (SNYDER and the POLICEMAN have been slowly moving toward the BOYS. LES spots them and points.) #5- The Chase LES: Is that the guy you’re meetin’? (JACK looks up and sees SNYDER.) SNYDER: Kelly! JACK: (grabbing LES) Run for it! SNYDER: Officer, grab him! You, Jack Kelly, stop! Kelly! (JACK, DAVEY, and LES leap onto a fire escape ladder and take off. The POLICEMAN and SNYDER try to follow. The BOYS climb over the roof and back down the other side, into the flies of a burlesque house.) SCENE FOUR: Medda’s Theater JACK: Slow down. We lost ‘em. DAVEY: Someone want to tell me why I’m running? I got no one chasing me. Who was that guy? JACK: That was Snyder the Spider. A real sweetie. He runs a jail for underage kids called The Refuge. The more kids he locks up, the more money the city pays him. Problem is, all the money goes straight to his own pocket. Do yourself a favor and stay clear of him and The Refuge. (MEDDA LARKIN, a burlesque star, appears in a revealing costume. The EMCEE and two showgirls, the BOWERY BEAUTIES, get ready for the performance.) MEDDA: Hey, you up there, shoo! No kids allowed in the theater. JACK: Not even me, Miss Medda? MEDDA: (recognizing the intruder) Jack Kelly, man of mystery. Get yourself down here and give me a hug. Where have you been keepin’ yourself, kid? (JACK, DAVEY, and LES come down to the stage.) JACK: Never far from you, Miss Medda. Boys, may I present Miss Medda Larkin: the greatest star on the Bowery today. She also owns the joint. MEDDA: The only thing I own is a mortgage. Pleasure, gents. DAVEY: A pleasure. (DAVEY bows gallantly, but LES just stands wide-eyed, staring at the BOWERY
BEAUTIES. DAVEY smacks him.) What’s wrong with you? LES: Are you blind? She got no clothes on! DAVEY: That’s her costume. LES: But I can see her legs! MEDDA: (to DAVEY) Step out of his way so’s he can get a better look. Theater’s not only entertaining, it’s educational. (posing) Got the picture, kid? JACK: Miss Medda, I got a little situation out on the street. Mind if I hide out here a while? MEDDA: Where better to escape trouble than a theater? Is Snyder after you again? LES: Hey Jack, did you really escape jail on the back of Teddy Roosevelt’s carriage? DAVEY: What would the Governor be doing at a juvenile jail? JACK: So happens he was runnin’ for office and wanted to show he cared about orphans and such. So while he got his mug in the paper, I got my butt in the back seat and we rode together. 13 LES: You really know the Governor? MEDDA: He don’t, but I do! Say, Jack, when you’ve got time, I want you to paint me some more of these backdrops. (Indicates a park scene drop behind her) This last one you did is a doozy. Folks love it. And things have been going so well that I can actually pay. JACK: I couldn’t take your money, Miss Medda. LES: You pictured that? MEDDA: Your friend is quite an artist. JACK: I don’t get carried away. It’s a bunch of trees. DAVEY: You’re really good. MEDDA: That boy’s got natural aptitude. LES: Geez. I never knew no one with a aptitude. (The EMCEE calls to her.) EMCEE: Miss Medda, you’re on! MEDDA: (strikes a pose) Yeah? How’m I doin’? (to the BOYS) Boys, lock the door and stay all night. You’re with Medda now! EMCEE: (announcing MEDDA as she moves toward the stage) Ladies and gentleman, please welcome the star of our show.... Miss Medda Larkin! (MEDDA is captured in a spotlight. The BOYS watch from the wings, completely entranced, while she performs to the crowd of NY CITIZENS.) #6- That’s Rich- Medda MEDDA: I'M DOING ALL RIGHT FOR MYSELF FOLKS: I'M HEALTHY, I'M WEALTHY, I'M WISE. MY INVESTMENTS AND SUCH HAVE ALL GONE UP SO MUCHSEEMS WHATEVER I TOUCH STARTS TO RISE. I’VE BEEN ALL KINDS OF LUCKY AND YET THE THING I WANT MOST...I CAN'T GET. I LIVE IN A MANSION ON LONG ISLAND SOUND. I PULLED UP A WEED, THEY FOUND OIL IN THE GROUND. BUT YOU TELLING ME YOU DON'T WANT ME AROUNDNOW, HONEY, THAT'S RICH. (to audience members) SOME GUYS GIVE ME ERMINE, CHINCHILLA AND MINK AND GIVE ME DIAMONDS AS BIG AS A SINK, BUT YOU WOULDN'T GIVE ME AS MUCH AS A WINKNOW, BABY, THAT'S RICH. I GET BRANDY FROM ANDY AND CANDY FROM SCOTT. OH, AND FRANK AND EDUARDO CHIPPED IN FOR A YACHT. I GET STARES FROM THE FELLAS AND PRAYERS FROM THE POPE, BUT I RAN OUT MY LUCK GETTING STUCK WITH THIS MOPE! MEDDA: (to audience member) Oh, honey, I was just talking about you! (To “Him”) NOW, LISTEN, SPORT, THIS LIFE'S TOO SHORT TO WASTE IT ON YOU. IT MAY BE ROUGH, BUT SOON ENOUGH I'LL LEARN TO MAKE DO….WITH THE MANSION, THE OIL WELL, THE DIAMONDS, THE YACHT, 14 WITH ANDY, EDUARDO, THE PONTIFF AND SCOTT AND FRANK. AND MY BANK! SO SPILL NO TEARS FOR ME, 'CAUSE THERE'S ONE THING YOU AIN'T THAT I'LL ALWAYS BE, AND HONEY, YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, THAT'S RICH! THAT'S RICH! THAT'S RICH! MEDDA: That’s rich! (MEDDA bows. JACK’s eyes are drawn to a box seat out front where KATHERINE sits watching the show. The set shifts as he crosses the stage and climbs the stairs.) #6A- I Never Planned On You/Don’t Come a-Knocking- Jack, Bowery Beauties MEDDA: And now, gents, let’s have a big hand for the Bowery Beauties! (The BOWERY BEAUTIES begin to dance.) BOWERY BEAUTIES: DON’T COME A-KNOCKING ON MY DOOR JACK: (climbs into the box) Well, hello again. KATHERINE: This is a private box. JACK: (Moving closer) Want I should lock the door? (Moving closer still) Twice in one day. Think it’s fate? KATHERINE: (Dismissive) Go away. I'm working. JACK: A working girl, huh? Doin’ what? KATHERINE: Reviewing the show for the New York Sun. JACK: Hey! I work for the World. KATHERINE: Somewhere out there someone cares. Go tell them. JACK: The view’s better here. KATHERINE: Please go. I am not in the habit of speaking to strangers. JACK:
Then you’re gonna make a lousy reporter. The name’s Jack Kelly. KATHERINE: Is that what it says on your rap sheet? JACK : A smart girl. I admire smart girls. (Admiring KATHERINE) Beautiful. Smart. Independent. KATHERINE: (Getting loud) Do you mind!? MEDDA: (Hollering up to JACK and KATHERINE) You got in for free. At least pay attention. JACK: Sorry Medda. (KATHERINE returns to watching the show, but JACK only has eyes for her. He takes a piece of newsprint ad a pencil in his pocket and begins to sketch of portrait of her. The image of the drawing appears in projections behind them.) JACK: I GOT NO USE FOR MOONLIGHT OR SAPPY POETRY. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT'S FOR SUCKERS, AT LEAST IT USED TO BE. LOOK, GIRLS ARE NICE, ONCE OR TWICE, TILL I FIND SOMEONE NEW, BUT I NEVER PLANNED ON SOMEONE LIKE YOU. (Sings simultaneously with the Bowery Beauties) I GOT NO USE FOR MOONLIGHT OR SAPPY POETRY. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT'S FOR SUCKERS, AT LEAST IT USED TO BE. JACK: NO, I NEVER PLANNED ON NO ONE LIKE YOU. BOWERY BEAUTIES: DON'T COME A KNOCKING ON MY DOOR. 15 YOU AREN'T WELCOME HERE NO MORE. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN YOU STUNK LIKE YESTERDAY'S TRASH THE NIGHT YOU STOLE MY HEART PLUS FORTY DOLLARS IN CASH. TURNS OUT MY BEAU IS JUST SOME BUM. TURNS OUT THAT LOVE AIN'T BLIND, IT'S DUMB. YOU NEVER TOLD THE TRUTH OR WORKED A DAY IN YOUR LIFE. IN FACT, YOU'RE SO REVOLTIN', I FEEL BAD FOR YOUR WIFE. KATHERINE: What are you doing? JACK: Quiet down. There's a show going on. KATHERINE: You are the most impossible boyJACK: Shhh! KATHERINE: Ever. BOWERY BEAUTIES: I WON'T BE SHAVING YOUR BACK ANYMORE, NO, SENOR. JACK: NO, I NEVER PLANNED ON NO ONE LIKE YOU. BOWERY BEAUTIES: DON'T COME A-KNOCKING ON MY DOOR! BOWERY BEAUTIES: DON'T COME A-KNOCKING ON MY DOOR! BOWERY BEAUTIES: DON'T COME A-KNOCKING ON MY DOOR! (JACK places the newsprint on the empty chair as he exits. KATHERINE looks at it and sees the portrait of herself, beautifully rendered. We can almost see her blush.) #6B- To the Distribution Window SCENE FIVE: Newsie Square, Next Morning (A few NEWSIES convene outside the distribution window of the World as the circulation bell tolls.) SPLASHER: Them fire sirens kept me awake all night. MUSH: Sirens is like lullabies to me. The louder they wail the better the headline. And the better the headline, the better I eat. And the better I eat... SPLASHER: (cutting MUSH off) ...the further away from you I sleep! (LES and DAVEY arrive.) DAVEY: ‘Morning, everybody. Sorry we’re late. GUM GUM: You didn’t miss nothin’ yet. NEWBY: What made your mornin’ excitin’ this early? DAVEY: We had to help our mom with something. RACE: They gotta mudder? I was gonna get me one. ROMEO: What’d you do with the one you had? BUTTONS: He traded her for a box of cigars. RACE: They was Coronas! LES: We have a father too. BUTTONS: A mudder and a fodder. RACE: Ain’t we the hoi polloi? LES: So, how’s it going today? TOMMY BOY: Ask me after they put up the headline. (LES looks up to read it.) CHICKLET: Here it comes now. 16 ALBERT: (reading) “New Newsie Price: Sixty Cents Per Hundred.” MUSH: What’d you say? (The NEWSIES begin to take notice.) DAVEY: Is that news? MIKE: It is to me. ALBERT: They jacked up the price of papes. RACKET: Ten cents more a hundred! ELMER: I can eat two days on a dime. CRUTCHIE: I’ll be sleepin’ on the street. JO JO: You already sleep on the street. CRUTCHIE: In a worse neighborhood. (JACK arrives.) SALAMI: Wait’ll Jack hear’s about this. IKE: He’s gonna lose it. CRISS-CROSS: Here he comes now! KNUCKLES: Jack, check this out. JACK: What’re you all standin’ around for? CRUTCHIE: Get a load of this, Jack. ROMEO: Like Pulitzer don’t make enough already? CHICKLET: The rich gotta get richer…. CURLY: While we all gotta starve ta death. (WIESEL opens his window for business. He stares at the NEWSIES with a malevolent smile.) WIESEL: Papes for the Newsies. JACK: Relax. It’s gotta be a gag. WIESEL: Line up, boys. (JACK goes up to the window and slaps his money down.)
JACK: Good joke, Weasel. Really got the fellas goin’. I’ll take a hundred and be on my way. WIESEL: A hundred’ll cost ya sixty. JACK: I ain’t payin’ no sixty— WIESEL: Then make way for someone who will. (SPECS and a few more NEWSIES arrive.) JACK: You bet! Me and the fellas will take a hike over to The Journal. NEWSIES: YEAH!!! SPECS: I’ll save you the walk. They upped their price too. JACK: Then we’ll take our business to the Sun! WIESEL: It’s the same price all around town. New day. New price. BUDDY: Why the jack-up? WIESEL: For them kind’a answers you gotta ask a little further up the food chain. So, you buyin’ or movin’ on? JACK: C’mere fellas. (The NEWSIES huddle together as a gang.) FINCH: They can’t just do that, can they? RACE: Why not? It’s their paper. CRUTCHIE: It’s their world. HENRY: Ain’t we got no rights? CRUTCHIE: We got the right to starve. C’mon, let’s get our papes and hit the streets while we still can. HENRY: At them prices? CRUTCHIE: We got a choice? PICKLES: If it’s the same everywhere, then I don’t see another option. 17 JACK: Hold on. Nobody’s payin’ no new nothin’. TOMMY BOY: You got a idea? SCRUB: What is it Jack? JACK: Keep your shirt on. Lemme think this through. BUTTONS: What’s your angle? (LES pushes the other boys away.) SPLASHER: Let’s hear the idea, Jack! LES: Stop crowdin’ him. Let the man work it out. (The NEWSIES back up and watch JACK think.) Hey, Jack, you still thinkin’? RACE: Sure he is. Can’t you smell smoke? DUCKY: I don’t get it. JACK: All right, here’s the deal: if we don’t sell papes, then no one sells papes. Nobody gets to that window till they put the price back where it belongs. DAVEY: You mean like a strike? JACK: You heard Davey. We’re on strike. DAVEY: Hold on. I didn’t say— JACK: We shut down this place like them workers shut down the trolleys. FINCH: And the cops will bust our heads! TOMMY BOY: Half them strikers is laid up with broke bones. JACK: Cops ain’t gonna care about a bunch of kids. Right, Davey? DAVEY: Leave me out of this. I’m just trying to feed my family. JACK: And the rest of us is on playtime? Just because we only make pennies don’t give nobody the right to rub our noses in it. DAVEY: It doesn’t matter. You can’t strike. You’re not a union. JACK: And what if I says we is? DAVEY: There’s a lot of stuff you gotta have in order to be a union. RACKET: Like what? DAVEY: Like membership. JACK: What do you call these guys? DAVEY: And officers. CRUTCHIE: I nominate Jack President! (The NEWSIES cheer their approval.) JACK: Gee, I’m touched. DAVEY: How about a statement of purpose? JACK: Must’a left it in my other pants. RACE: What’s a statement of purpose? DAVEY: A reason for forming the union. JACK: What reason did the trolley workers have? DAVEY: I don’t know. Wages? Work hours? Safety on the job? JACK: Who don’t need that? Bet if your father had a union you wouldn’t be out here sellin’ papes right now. Yeah? DAVEY: Yeah. JACK: So, our union is hereby formed to watch each other’s backs. “Union’d we stand.” Hey, that’s not bad. Somebody write that down. LES: I got a pencil. JACK: Meet our Secretary of State. Now what? 18 DAVEY: If you want to strike, the membership’s gotta vote. JACK: So let’s vote. What do you say, fellas? The choice is yours. Do we roll over and let Pulitzer pick our pockets, or do we strike? NEWSIES: Strike!!!!!! #7- The World Will Know- Jack, Davey, Les, Crutchie, Newsies JACK: You heard the voice of the membership. The Newsies of Lower Manhattan are now officially on strike. What next? CRUTCHIE: Wouldn’t a strike be more effective if someone in charge knew about it? RACE: It would be a pleasure to tell Weasel myself. JACK: Yeah? And who tells Pulitzer? Davey? DAVEY: I don’t know… I guess… (giving in) You do, Mr. President. JACK: That’s right, we do! (To DAVEY, a bit hushed.) What do we tell ‘em? DAVEY: The newspaper owners need to respect your rights as employees. JACK: (Loudly to the group.) Pulitzer and Hearst gotta respect the rights of the workin’ kids of this city. DAVEY:
SCENE SIX: Jacobi’s Deli & Street, Afternoon (The NEWSIES settle in at their favorite hangout. The proprietor, MS. JACOBI, arrives with a tray of glasses, which he proceeds to hand out.) MS. JACOBI: And here we go... a glass of water for you. And one for you. And one for you. And you. And, ah, who’s the big spender what ordered the seltzer? ALBERT: Over here. MS. JACOBI: And that’ll be two cents. ALBERT: Two cents for a glass of seltzer? Just gimme water. MS. JACOBI: (switching out glasses) How did I ever see that coming? SWISH: Could I get a water too? PEPPER: Oh! Me too! NEWBY: Me too! GUM GUM: Over here as well! MIKE: Just bring another round of waters please. MS. JACOBI: Yeesh. Let me do the dishes to get a few more glasses clean first. (She exits.) DAVEY: (toasting) I’d say we launched our strike in a most auspicious manner. (The NEWSIES try to figure out what DAVEY said.) MUSH: I don’t know about that, but we sure scared the bejeebers outta Weasel! CRUTCHIE: Did you see the Delanceys? PICKLES: They didn’t know which way was up. JACK: (to DAVEY) So, what’s next? DAVEY: Now you have to spread the word. Let the rest of the city’s Newsies know about the strike. JACK: You heard the man. Let’s split up and spread the word. MUSH: I’ll take Harlem. RACE: I got midtown. JO JO: I got the Bronx. BUTTONS: And I got the Bowery. JACK: Specs, you take Queens. Tommy Boy, you take the Eastside. And who wants Brooklyn? (The NEWSIES cringe and look away.) C’mon. Brooklyn. Spot Conlon’s turf. Finch, you tellin’ me you’re scared of Brooklyn? FINCH: I ain’t scared of no turf. But that Spot Conlon got me a little jittery. JACK: Fine. Me and Davey will take Brooklyn. DAVEY: (still struggling) Me? I have to...(KATHERINE enters) KATHERINE: Why’s everyone so scared of Brooklyn? JACK: (smiling) What’re you doin’ here? 21 KATHERINE: Asking a question. Have you got an answer? JACK: Brooklyn is the sixth largest city in the entire world. You got Brooklyn, you hit the mother load. (sidling up to KATHERINE) For someone who works for the New York Sun, you spend an awful lot of time hanging around at the World. So, what’s that about? You followin’ me? KATHERINE: The only thing I’m following is a story. A rag-tag gang of ragamuffins wants to take on the kingmakers of New York. Think you have a chance? JACK: Shouldn’t you be at the ballet? KATHERINE: Question too difficult? I’ll rephrase: will the richest and most powerful men in New York give the time of day to a gang of kids who haven’t got a nickel to their name? CRUCHIE: You don’t gotta be insultin’. I got a nickel. KATHERINE: So I guess you’d say you’re a couple of Davids looking to take on Goliath? DAVEY: We never said that. KATHERINE: You didn’t have to. I did. JACK: I seen a lot of papers in my time and I ain’t never noted no girl reporters writing hard news. KATHERINE: Wake up to the new century. The game’s changing. How about an exclusive interview? JACK: Ain’t your beat entertainment? KATHERINE: This is entertaining... so far. JACK: What’s the last news story you wrote? KATHERINE: What’s the last strike you organized? ROMEO: (pushing his way in) You’re out of your league, Kelly. Methinks the lady needs to handled by a real man. KATHERINE: (waving him off) You thinks wrong, Romeo. ROMEO: How’d she know my name? DAVEY: (to JACK) I say we save any exclusive for a real reporter. KATHERINE: (Almost angry) You see somebody else giving you the time of day? (desperate) Alright, so I’m just busting out of the social pages. But you give me the exclusive, let me run with the story, and I promise you I’ll get you the space. CRUTCHIE: You think we could be in the papes? KATHERINE: Shut down a paper like the World and you’re going to make the front page. JACK: You want a story? Be in front of the circulation gate tomorrow morning and you’ll get one. And bring a camera. You’re gonna wanna snap a picture of dis. (MS. JACOBI comes to shoo the NEWSIES out.) MS. JACOBI: Let’s go, boys, play outside. I gotta set up for dinner. I got payin’ customers need tables. #8-
The World Will Know (Reprise)- Jack, Davey, Les, Newsies FINCH: C’mon. We got Newsies to visit. RACE: You won’t be shooin’ us off when we gets our mugs in the papes! (The NEWSIES exit the deli and head to the street.) NEWSIES: AND THE WORLD WILL KNOW, WE BEEN KEEPIN' SCORE. EITHER THEY GIVES US OUR RIGHTS OR WE GIVES THEM A WAR. WE BEEN DOWN TOO LONG, AND WE PAID OUR DUES. AND THE THINGS WE DO TODAY WILL BE TOMORROW'S NEWS. AND THE DIE IS CAST, AND THE TORCH IS PASSED. NEWSIES GROUP 1: AND A ROAR WILL RISE… 22 NEWSIES GROUP 2: …FROM THE STREETS BELOW, NEWSIES GROUP 1: AND OUR RANKS WILL GROW… NEWSIES GROUP 2: …AND GROW NEWSIES GROUP 1: AND GROW NEWSIES: AND SO THE WORLD WILL FEEL THE FIRE AND FINALLY KNOW! DAVEY: Come on, Les. The folks are waiting. (The Newsies disperse as DAVEY and LES head home. JACK lingers behind with KATHERINE.) KATHERINE: So, what’s your story? Are you selling newspapers to work your way through art school? JACK: Art school? Are you kiddin’ me? (KATHERINE holds up the drawing that JACK did of her.) KATHERINE: But you’re an artist. You’ve got real talent. You should be inside the paper illustrating, not outside hawking it. JACK: Maybe that ain’t what I want. KATHERINE: So tell me what you want. JACK: (shamelessly flirting) Can’t you see it in my eyes? KATHERINE: Have you always been their leader? JACK: I’m a blowhard. Davey’s the brains. KATHERINE: Modesty is not a quality I would have pinned on you. JACK: You got a name? KATHERINE: Katherine... Plumber. JACK: What’s the matter? Ain’t ya sure? KATHERINE: It’s my byline, the name I publish under. Tell me about tomorrow. What are you hoping for? JACK: I’d rather tell you what I’m hoping for tonight. KATHERINE: Mr. Kelly.... JACK: Today we stopped our Newsies from carrying out papes, but the wagons still delivered to the rest of the city. Tomorrow, we stop the wagons. KATHERINE: Are you scared? JACK: Do I look scared? But ask me again in the morning. KATHERINE: (writes down the quite and starts to exit) Good answer. Good night, Mr. Kelly. JACK: Come on, where you runnin’? It ain’t even supper time! #9- Watch What Happens- Katherine KATHERINE: I’ll see you in the morning. And, off the record, good luck. JACK: Hey, Plumber. Write it good. We both got a lot ridin’ on you. (JACK walks off as KATHERINE heads to her office.) SCENE SEVEN: Katherine’s Office (KATHERINE sits down at her desk and begins to write her article) KATHERINE: You heard the man, “Write it good.” Write it good, or it’s back to wheezing your way through the flower show. No pressure. Let’s go. (typing) “Newsies Stop the World.” A little hyperbole never hurt anyone. (typing again) “With all eyes fixed on the trolley strike, there’s another battle brewing in the city...” (pulls paper out of the typewriter and rips it up) ...and if I could just write about it... (puts a fresh piece of paper in the typewriter) Come on, Katherine, the boys are counting on you. Oh, you poor boys.... 23 "WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW" SO THEY SAY, ALL I KNOW IS I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE OR THE RIGHT WAY TO WRITE IT THIS IS BIG, LADY, DON'T SCREW IT UP THIS IS NOT SOME LITTLE VAUDEVILLE I'M REVIEWING POOR LITTLE KIDS VERSUS RICH GREEDY SOUR PUSSES HA! IT'S A CINCH! IT COULD PRACTICALLY WRITE ITSELF AND LET'S PRAY IT DOES, CAUSE AS I MAY HAVE MENTIONED I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I'M DOING AM I INSANE? THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR WELL THAT, PLUS THE SCREAMING OF TEN ANGRY EDITORS “A GIRL?” “THAT’S A GIRL! HOW THE HECK?” “IS THAT EVEN LEGAL?” “LOOK, JUST GO AND GET HER!” NOT ONLY THAT, THERE'S A STORY BEHIND THE STORY THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN, EXPLOITED, INVISIBLE SPEAK UP, TAKE A STAND, AND THERE'S SOMEONE TO WRITE ABOUT IT THAT'S HOW THINGS GET BETTER GIVE LIFE'S LITTLE GUYS SOME INK, AND WHEN IT DRIES JUST WATCH WHAT HAPPENS THOSE KIDS WILL LIVE AND BREATHE RIGHT ON THE PAGE AND ONCE THEY'RE CENTER STAGE, YOU WATCH WHAT HAPPENS AND WHO'S THERE WITH HER CAMERA AND HER PEN AS BOYS TURN INTO MEN THEY'LL STORM THE GATES AND THEN JUST WATCH WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY DO! KATHERINE: (reads aloud what she’s written)
“A modern day David is poised to take on the rich and powerful Goliath. With the swagger of one twice his age, armed with nothing more than a few nuggets of truth, Jack Kelly stands ready to face the behemoth Pulitzer.” Now that’s how you turn a boy into a legend! PICTURE A HANDSOME, HEROICALLY CHARISMATIC PLAIN SPOKEN, KNOW NOTHING, SKIRT-CHASING, COCKY LITTLE SON OF A LIE DOWN WITH DOGS AND YOU WAKE UP WITH A RAISE AND A PROMOTION SO, HE'S A FLIRT, A COMPLETE EGO MANIAC THE FACT IS HE'S ALSO THE FACE OF THE STRIKE WHAT A FACE, FACE THE FACTS, THAT'S A FACE THAT COULD SAVE US ALL FROM SINKING IN THE OCEAN LIKE SOMEONE SAID, "POWER TENDS TO CORRUPT" AND ABSOLUTE POWER, WAIT! WAIT, CORRUPTS!? ABSOLUTELY, THAT IS GENIUS! BUT GIVE ME SOME TIME, I'LL BE TWICE AS GOOD AS THAT SIX MONTHS FROM NEVER JUST LOOK AROUND AT THE WORLD WE'RE INHERITING AND THINK OF THE ONE WE'LL CREATE THEIR MISTAKE IS THEY GOT OLD, THAT IS NOT A MISTAKE WE'LL BE MAKING NO SIR, WE'LL STAY YOUNG FOREVER! GIVE THOSE KIDS AND ME THE BRAND NEW CENTURY AND WATCH WHAT HAPPENS IT'S DAVID AND GOLIATH, DO OR DIE THE FIGHT IS ON AND I CAN'T WATCH WHAT HAPPENS 24 BUT ALL I KNOW IS NOTHING HAPPENS IF YOU JUST GIVE IN IT CAN'T BE ANY WORSE THAN HOW IT'S BEEN AND IT JUST SO HAPPENS THAT WE JUST MIGHT WIN SO WHATEVER HAPPENS! LET'S BEGIN! (Blackout.) #9A- Watch What Happens (Playoff) SCENE EIGHT: Newsie Square, Next Morning (JACK and the other NEWSIES nervously begin to assemble. As DAVEY and LES arrive, DAVEY pulls JACK aside.) DAVEY: Is anyone else coming? JACK: Don’t got a clue. RACE: Youse seen Spot Conlon, right? What’d he say? JACK: Sure we seen him. DAVEY: Him and about twenty of his gang. LES: And them Brooklyn boys is big. JACK: And I gotta say, Spot was very impressed. Wasn’t he? DAVEY: I’d say. RACE: So they’re with us? DAVEY: That all depends on how you look at it. If you look and see Brooklyn, then they’re with us. JACK: They wanted proof we’re not gonna fold at the first sign of trouble. FINCH: Are we? JACK: We are not! There’s us and Harlem— MUSH: Not so fast, boss. Harlem wants to know what Brooklyn’s gonna do. JACK: How about Queens? SPECS: Queens will be right here backing us up— JACK: Ya see! SPECS: ... as soon as they get the nod from Brooklyn. RACE: I got the same fish-eye in midtown. (The DELANCEYS walk by on their way to work.) MORRIS: Say, Oscar, looks like we got bum information about a strike happenin’ here today. Not that I’m complainin’. My skull bustin’ arm could use a day of rest. (The DELANCYES move on.) LES: Are we doing the right thing? DAVEY: Sure we are. RACE: Maybe we put this off a couple a days? DAVEY: No. We can’t... (desperately to JACK) Say something. Tell them if we back off now they will never listen to us again. #10- Seize The Day- Davey, Jack, Les, Newsies JACK: (to the NEWSIES) We can’t back down now. No matter who does or doesn’t show. Like it or not, now is when we take a stand. FINCH: How’s about we just don’t show for work? That’ll send a message. 25 JACK: They’ll just replace us. They need us to stand our ground. (turns to DAVEY) C’mon, Davey. Tell ‘em. DAVEY: (on the spot, timidly begins a pep talk) NOW IS THE TIME TO SEIZE THE DAY. STARE DOWN THE ODDS AND SEIZE THE DAY. MINUTE BY MINUTE, THAT'S HOW YOU WIN IT. WE WILL FIND A WAY. BUT LET US SEIZE THE DAY. (CRUTCHIE arrives with a rag painted “STRIKE!” hanging from his crutch.) CRUTCHIE: Hey Jack. Look what I made! Good, huh? Strike! RACE: (To Crutchie) That’s great. (To Davey) That’s pitiful. LES: Don’t be so quick to judge. Maybe Pulitzer will it out his window and feel sorry for us. JACK: (call up to chalkboard platform) Hey Specs, any sign of reinforcements? (thumbs down) Davey…? DAVEY: COURAGE CANNOT ERASE OUR FEAR. COURAGE IS WHEN WE FACE OUR FEAR. TELL THOSE WITH POWER, SAFE IN THEIR TOWER, WE WILL NOT OBEY (DAVEY steps up next to JACK as the scene shifts to the distribution window.) DAVEY & JACK: BEHOLD THE BRAVE BATTALION THAT STANDS SIDE BY SIDE, TOO FEW IN NUMBER AND TOO PROUD TO HIDE. THEN SAY TO THE OTHERS WHO DID NOT FOLLOW THROUGH,
"YOU'RE STILL OUR BROTHERS, AND WE WILL FIGHT FOR YOU." (The circulation bell rings. The NEWSIES ignore it.) DAVEY, RACE, JACK & CRUTCHIE: NOW IS THE TIME TO SEIZE THE DAY. STARE DOWN THE ODDS AND SEIZE THE DAY. (Other NEWSIES gradually join in until all are singing.) NEWSIES: ONCE WE'VE BEGUN, IF WE STAND AS ONE, SOMEDAY BECOMES SOMEHOW, AND THE PRAYER BECOMES A VOW, JACK: AND THE STRIKE STARTS HERE AND NOW! (The circulation bell rings again. WIESEL pushes his window open.) WIESEL: The sun is up and the birds is singin’. A beautiful day to crack some heads, ain’t it? Step right up and get your papes. MORRIS: (stepping forward) You workin’ or trespassin’? What’s your pleasure? (EVERYONE tenses. Three SCABS walk on and head toward the circulation window to collect their papers.) DAVEY: Who are they? JACK: Scabs. What do you think? FINCH: If they think they can just waltz in here and take our jobs – CRUTCHIE: We can handle them! (The NEWSIES move menacingly forward as the SCABS collect their papers from the distribution window.) ROMEO: Let’s soak ‘em boys! FINCH: Yeah! Let’s get ‘em! DAVEY: No! We all stand together or we don’t have a chance! (calling for help) Jack! JACK: All right. I know. I hear ya. (Looks to his NEWSIES, then addresses the SCABS.) Listen, fellas… I know somebody put youse up to this. Probably paid ya some extra money too. Yeah? Well, it ain’t right. Pulitzer thinks we’re gutter rats with no respect for nothin’, includin’ each other. Is that who we are? Well, we stab each other in the back and, yeah, that’s who we are. But if we stand together, we change the whole game. 26 And it ain’t just about us. All across this city there are boys and girls who ought to be out playin’ or going to school. Instead they’re slavin’ to support themselves and their folks. Ain’t no crime to bein’ poor, and not a one of us complains if the work we do is hard. All we ask is a square deal. Fellas… for the sake of all the kids in every sweatshop, factory and slaughterhouse in this town, I beg you… throw down your papers and join the strike. LES: Please? SCAB 1: (The SCABS look at each other, and the first steps forward) I’m with ya. (The first SCAB throws down his papers. The NEWSIES surround the two remaining SCABS.) DAVEY: NOW IS THE TIME TO SEIZE THE DAY! NEWSIES: NOW IS THE TIME TO SEIZE THE DAY! DAVEY: ANSWER THE CALL AND DON'T DELAY! NEWSIES: ANSWER THE CALL AND DON'T DELAY! WRONGS WILL BE RIGHTED IF WE'RE UNITED! LET US SEIZE THE DAY! (The second SCAB throws down his papers and joins the NEWSIES. MORRIS DELANCY reaches for the bundle, but JACK stops him.) SCAB 3: You’re kidding, right? SCAB 2: At the end of the day, who are you gonna trust? (to DELANCEYS) Them… (to NEWSIES) or them? (The second SCAB throws his satchel back at WIESEL as the NEWSIES surround SCAB 3.) JACK: NOW LET 'EM HEAR IT LOUD AND CLEAR! NEWSIES: NOW LET 'EM HEAR IT LOUD AND CLEAR! JACK: LIKE IT OR NOT, WE'RE DRAWING NEAR! NEWSIES: LIKE IT OR NOT, WE'RE DRAWING NEAR! PROUD AND DEFIANT, WE'LL SLAY THE GIANT! JUDGMENT DAY IS HERE! (The third SCAB throws down his papers.) SCAB 3: Oh… who cares? Me father’s gonna kill me anyway! (The NEWSIES cheer.) NEWSIES: HOUSTON TO HARLEM, LOOK WHAT'S BEGUN! ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE! STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE, OH….. STRIKE! (JACK leads the NEWSIES in a triumphant dance. The DELANCEYS break in, punch DAVEY and JACK, and grab LES. The rest of the NEWSIES save LES, chase them off, and celebrate.) NEWSIES: NOW IS THE TIME TO SEIZE THE DAY! THEY'RE GONNA SEE THEY’LL HAVE TO PAY! NOTHING CAN BREAK US NO ONE CAN MAKE US QUIT BEFORE WE'RE DONE! ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE! (KATHERINE arrives with her PHOTOGRAPHER, who shoots a triumphant photo of JACK, DAVEY, LES, and the NEWSIES. The ecstatic NEWSIES toss newspapers all over the square.) #10A- Seize The Day (Tag)- Newsies 27 NEWSIES: NEWSIES FOREVER! SECOND TO NONE! ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR… ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR…
(The gates swing open to reveal WIESEL, the DELANCEYS, and several GOONS. The NEWSIES stop dead in their tracks. – then a fight ensues.) #11- The Fight WIESEL: Time these kids learned a lesson. (The MEN advance.) JACK: Newsies! Get ‘em! (The NEWSIES run to the wagons and toss bundles of papers at the MEN. The MEN surge forward and the fight is more or less even. Suddenly a POLICEMEN appears and blows his whistle. ROMEO runs excitedly to him.) ROMEO: It’s about time you showed up. They’re slaughtering us— (The POLICEMAN smacks ROMEO to the ground. SNYDER appears.) JACK: Cheese it, fellas! It’s the bulls! (As more POLICEMEN arrive, many NEWSIES take flight. Some are hit, others are snatched up and taken away. The NEWSIES are helpless against the MEN. SNYDER appears.) SYNDER: You can’t run forever, Kelly! (JACK sees SNYDER and starts to make his escape.) CRUTCHIE: Jack? Wait for me! (JACK reaches back for CRUTCHIE, but he is grabbed by OSCAR and MORRIS DELANCEY. JACK continues to run.) OSCAR: (to CRUTCHIE) Where ya think you’re goin’? CRUTCHIE: Jack! Help! Romeo! Albert! Finch! MORRIS: Shut it, Crip. (MORRIS punches CRUTCHIE, knocking him to the ground. SNYDER beats him with his crutch and slaps on handcuffs.) SNYDER: It’s off to The Refuge with you, little man. (to the POLICEMAN) Take him away. (JACK watches as the POLICEMAN drags CRUTCHIE off.) JACK: Crutchie! SNYDER: Jack Kelly! (JACK ducks out of the square and runs to the safety of his rooftop.) SCENE NINE: Rooftop (Papers flutter down on the emptying square under a haunting moon. Lost in the wreckage of the failed protest below, JACK paces, desolate.) #12- Santa Fe- Jack JACK: FOLKS, WE FINALLY GOT OUR HEADLINE "NEWSIES CRUSHED AS BULLS ATTACK" CRUTCHIE'S CALLING ME POOR CRIP'S JUST MOVES TOO SLOW GUYS ARE FIGHTIN', BLEEDIN', FALLIN' THANKS TO GOOD OLE' CAPTAIN JACK CAPTAIN JACK JUST WANTS TO CLOSE HIS EYES AND GO! LET ME GO FAR AWAY SOMEWHERE THEY WON'T EVER FIND ME AND TOMORROW WON’T REMIND ME OF TODAY AND THE CITY’S FINALLY SLEEPIN’ AND THE MOON LOOKS OLD AND GREY 28 I GET ON A TRAIN THAT’S BOUND FOR SANTA FE AND I’M GONEAND I’M DONE NO MORE RUNNING. NO MORE LYING NO MORE FAT OLD MAN DENYING ME MY PAY JUST A MOON SO BIG AND YELLOW, IT TURNS NIGHT RIGHT INTO DAY DREAMS COME TRUE. YEAH THEY DO. IN SANTA FE WHERE DOES IT SAY YOU GOTTA LIVE AND DIE HERE? WHERE DOES IT SAY A GUY CAN’T CATCH A BREAK? WHY SHOULD YOU ONLY TAKE WHAT YOU’RE GIVEN? WHY SHOULD YOU SPEND YOUR WHOLE LIFE LIVING TRAPPED WHERE THERE AIN’T NO FUTURE EVEN AT 17! BREAKING YOUR BACK FOR SOMEONE ELSE’S SAKE! IF THE LIFE DON’T SEEM TO SUIT YOU, HOW ABOUT A CHANGE OF SCENE? FAR FROM THE LOUSY HEADLINES, AND THE DEADLINES IN BETWEEN SANTA FE, MY OLD FRIEND I CAN’T SPEND MY WHOLE LIFE DREAMING THOUGH I KNOW THAT’S ALL I SEEM INCLINED TO DO I AIN’T GETTING ANY YOUNGER AND I WANNA START BRAND NEW I NEED SPACE. AND FRESH AIR LET ‘EM LAUGH IN MY FACE. I DON’T CARE SAVE MY PLACE, I’LL BE THERE JUST BE REAL IS ALL I’M ASKING NOT SOME PAINTING IN MY HEAD CAUSE I’M DEAD IF I CAN’T COUNT ON YOU TODAY I GOT NOTHING IF I AIN’T GOT SANTA FE! (End of Act One.) 29 ACT TWO SCENE ONE: Jacobi’s Deli, Next Morning #12A- Entr’acte (DAVEY and the NEWSIES are quietly ignoring their drinks. MS. JACOB enters.) MS. JACOBI: Drink up, boys. And don’t never say I don’t give you nothing. And before you say water is nothing, just ask a fish in the desert. (MS. JACOBI exits.) FINCH: Why do old people talk? RACE: To prove they’re still alive. (KATHERINE arrives with a newspaper.) KATHERINE: Good morning, gentlemen. Would you get a load of these glum mugs? Can these really be the same boys who made front page of the New York Sun? ROMEO: Front page of what? (The NEWSIES rush towards KATHERINE and snatch the paper.) SALAMI: Lemme see! Lemme see! BUDDY: Look at that!? RACE: Would you lookit? Dat’s me! Dat’s me! JO JO: Front page and you ain’t even dead. TOMMY BOY: There I am! (Pointing to the paper) ROMEO: Where’s me? Where’s me? BUTTONS: Wait till my old man gets a load of dis. I won’t be last in line for the tub tonight.
DAVEY: (to KATHERINE) You got us the pape? KATHERINE: You got yourself in the pape. MUSH: “Newsies Stop the World”- now, there’s a headline even Elmer could sell! ELMER: Hey! SPECS: What else do you got? KATHERINE: Mine’s the only story that ran. Pulitzer declared a blackout on strike news, so even I’m shut down now. I heard they arrested Crutchie. Did they get Jack too? ALBERT: The Delanceys are spreading a story that he took it on the lam, first sight of the cops. LES: (charges ALBERT) Jack don’t run from no fight! ALBERT: Take it down, short-stop. I’m just reportin’ the news. CRISS-CROSS: Where’d he go? SPLASHER: I checked the usual places. No luck. CURLY: Wonder where he ended up? RACE: For jumpin’ Jack’s sake. Can you stow the seriosity long enough to drink in the moment? I’m famous! HENRY: What of it? RACE: Are you stupid or what? You’re famous, the world is your erster? HENRY: Your what? RACE: Your erster! Your erster! Your fancy clam with a pearl inside. HENRY: How much does bein’ famous pay? RACE: Ya don’t need money when you’re famous. They gives ya whatever ya want gratis! HENRY: Such as...? 30 #13- King of New York- Davey, Katherine, Les, Newsies RACE: A PAIR OF NEW SHOES WITH MATCHIN' LACES... ROMEO: A PERMANENT BOX AT THE SHEEPSHEAD RACES... HENRY: PASTRAMI ON RYE WITH A SOUR PICKLE... FINCH: MY PERSONAL PUSS ON A WOODEN NICKLE.. RACE: LOOK AT ME: I'M THE KING OF NEW YORK! SUDDENLY I'M RESPECTABLE, STARING RIGHT AT' CHA, LOUSY WITH STA'CHA. ALBERT: NOBBIN' WITH ALL THE MUCKETY- MUCKS, I'M BLOWING MY DOUGH AND GOIN' DELUXE. RACE: AND THERE I BE! AIN'T I PRETTY? RACE & HENRY: IT'S MY CITY. I'M THE KING OF NEW YORK! JO JO: A SOLID GOLD WATCH WITH A CHAIN TO TWIRL IT... LES: MY VERY OWN BED AND A INDOOR TERLET... MUSH: A BARBERSHOP HAIRCUT THAT COSTS A QUARTER... DAVEY: (indicating KATHERINE) A REGULAR BEAT FOR THE STAR REPORTER! RACE: AM-SCRAY, PUNK, SHE'S THE KING OF NEW YORK! KATHERINE: WHO'D'A THUNK! I'M THE KING OF NEW YORK! NEWSIES: WE WAS SUNK, PALE AND PITIFUL, KATHERINE: BUNCH OF WET NOODLES, KATHERINE & NEWSIES: PULITZER'S POODLES. LES: ALMOST ABOUT TO DROWN IN THE DRINK, BUTTONS: WHEN SHE FISHED US OUT RACE: AND DROWNED US IN INK! KATHERINE: SO LET'S GET DRUNK! NEWSIES: YEAH! KATHERINE: NOT WITH LIQUOR. FAME WORKS QUICKER WHEN YOUR KING OF NEW YORK. NEWSIES: I GOTTA BE EITHER DEAD OR DREAMIN', ' CAUSE LOOK AT THAT PAPE WITH MY FACE BEAMIN'. TOMORROW THEY MAY WRAP FISHES IN IT, BUT I WAS A STAR FOR ONE WHOLE MINUTE! (The NEWSIES and KATHERINE dance in the deli.) KATHERINE AND NEWSIES: LOOK AT ME! I'M THE KING OF NEW YORK! WAIT AND SEE: THIS GONNA MAKE BOTH DELANCEYS PEE IN THEIR PANT-SIES. FLASHPOTS ARE SHOOTIN' BRIGHT AS THE SUN! I'M ONE HIHFALLUTIN' SON-OF-A-GUN! I GUARANTEE: THOUGH I CRAPPED OUT, I AIN'T TAPPED OUT! I'M THE KING OF NEW- 31 FRIENDS MAY FLEE. LET 'EM DITCH 'YA! SNAP ONE PIT'CHA, YOU'RE THE KING OF NEWHISTORY! FRONT PAGE STORY, GUTS AND GLORY, I'M THE KING… OF NEW YORK! #13A- King of New York (Tag) SCENE TWO: The Refuge #14- Letter From The Refuge- Crutchie (In an empty corner, CRUTCHIE is sitting on a bed holding a pencil and paper. A lighted candle sits nearby. Other REFUGE KIDS are sleeping on the floor around him. He reads what he’s written.) CRUTCHIE: “ Dear Jack. Greetings from The Refuge! HOW ARE YOU? I'M OKAY GUESS I WASN'T MUCH HELP YESTERDAY SNYDER SOAKED ME REAL GOOD WITH MY CRUTCH (writes) OH YEAH, JACK? THIS IS CRUTCHIE BY THE WAY (back to reading) THESE HERE GUARDS, THEY IS RUDE THEY SAY "JUMP BOY, YOU JUMP OR YOU'RE SCREWED!" BUT THE FOOD AIN'T SO BAD LEAST SO FAR, 'CAUSE SO FAR, THEY AIN'T BRUNG US NO FOOD! HA, HA I MISS THE ROOFTOP (stops reading, daydreams) SLEEPING RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN IN YOUR PENTHOUSE IN THE SKY THERE'S A COOL BREEZE BLOWIN' EVEN IN JULY (stops daydreaming, continues reading) ANY WAY, SO GUESS WHAT! THERE'S THIS SECRET ESCAPE PLAN I'VE GOT! TIE A SHEET TO BED, TOSS THE END OUT THE WINDOW CLIMB DOWN AND TAKE OFF LIKE A SHOT! MAYBE THOUGH, NOT TONIGHT I AIN'T SLEPT, AND MY LEG STILL AIN'T RIGHT!
BUT HEY, PULITZER! HE'S GOIN' DOWN! THEN JACK, I WAS THINKING WE MIGHT JUST GO, LIKE YOU WAS SAYIN' (daydreaming again) WHERE IT'S CLEAN AND GREEN AND PRETTY WITH NO BUILDINGS IN YOUR WAY AND YOUR RIDING PALOMINOS, EVERY DAY! ONCE THAT TRAIN MAKES (A KID on the bed kicks CRUTCHIE.) REFUGE KID REGGIE: Shut it crip. CRUTCHIE: Sorry. Ugh. This place (back to reading) I'LL BE FINE. GOOD AS NEW BUT THERE'S ONE THING I NEED YA TO DO 32 ON THE ROOFTOP YOU SAID THAT A FAM'LY LOOKS OUT FOR EACH OTHER SO TELL ALL THE FELLAS FROM ME, TO PROTECT ONE ANOTHER! (pauses, writes) THE END. YOUR FRIEND... (thinks, writes) YOUR BEST FRIEND... (hesitates, then crosses it out, writes) YOUR BROTHER...CRUTCHIE.” SNYDER: (offstage) You in there- pipe down! (CRUTCHIE blows out the candle.). #14A- Letter From the Refuge (Playoff) SCENE THREE: Medda’s Theater (JACK paints a backdrop of the Taos Mountains. It’s almost finished. MEDDA enters in a dressing robe.) MEDDA: Here’s everything I owe you for the first backdrop, plus this one, and even a little something extra just account’a because I’m gonna miss you so. (MEDDA hands JACK an envelope full of money.) JACK: Miss Medda. MEDDA: Jack. JACK: You’re a gem. MEDDA: Just tell me you’re going somewhere and not running away. JACK: Does it matter? MEDDA: When you go somewhere and it turns out not to be the right place, you can always go somewhere else. But you’re running away, nowhere’s ever the right place. (DAVEY finds his way in through the stage flies, excited to see JACK.) DAVEY: How ‘bout lettin’ a pal know you’re alive? MEDDA: I’ll leave you with your friend. (MEDDA exits.) DAVEY: Where’d you go? We couldn’t find you. JACK: Ever think I didn’t wanna be found? DAVEY: (indicating the backdrop) Is that a real place? That Santa Fe? (suddenly remembering, holds out the newspaper) Hey! You see the pape? We’re front page news, above the fold. Oh, yes. Above the fold. JACK: Good for you. DAVEY: Everyone wants to meet the famous Jack Kelly. Even Spot Conlon sent a kid just to say: next even you can count on Brooklyn. How about that? JACK: We got stomped into the ground. DAVEY: They got us this time. I’ll grant you that. But we took round one. And with the press like this our fight is far from over. JACK: Every Newsie who could walk showed up this morning to sell papes like the strike never happened. DAVEY: And I was there with them. If I don’t sell papes, my folks don’t eat. JACK: Save your breath. I get it. It’s hopeless. DAVEY: But then I saw this look on Weasel’s face; he was actually nervous. And I realized this isn’t over. We got them worried. Really worried. And I walked away. Lots of other kids did, too. And that is what you call a beginning. (LES enters, calling to KATHERINE behind him.) LES: There he is, just like I said. JACK: For cryin’ out loud... where’s a fella gotta go to get away from you people? DAVEY: There’s no escapin’ us, pal. We’re inevitable. 33 LES: (to DAVEY) So, what’s the story? Can we have the theater? DAVEY: Pipe down. I didn’t ask yet. LES: What’s the hold up? I need to let my girl know we’ve got a date. DAVEY: Your girl? LES: You heard me. I’ve been swattin’ skirts away all morning. Fame is one intoxicatin’ potion. And this girl, Sally, she’s a plum. JACK: (sees KATHERINE) Word is you wrote a great story. KATHERINE: (tentatively approaches JACK) You look terrible. LES: (studying the painting) Hey, Jack. Where’s that supposed to be? JACK: It’s Santa Fe. KATHERINE: I’ve got to tell you, Jack, this “Go west, young man” routine is getting tired. Evan Horace Greeley moved back to New York. LES: Yes, he did. And then he died. JACK: Ain’t reporters supposed to be non-partisan? KATHERINE: Ask a reporter. Pulitzer’s had me blacklisted from every news desk in town— LES: Can we table the palaver and get back to business? Will Medda let us have the theater? DAVEY: (to JACK) it’s what I been trying to tell you: we want to hold a rally – a citywide meeting where every Newsie gets a say and a vote. And we do it after working hours so no one loses a day’s pay. Smart?
JACK: Smart enough to get you committed to a padded room. KATHERINE: The guy who paints places he’s never seen is calling us crazy? JACK: Want to see a place I seen? How about this? #14B- Jack’s Painting (JACK turns the backdrop around and reveals a large, passionately executed political cartoon of the Newsies being crushed by Pulitzer in Newsie Square. DAVEY, LES, and KATHERINE stare in awe.) JACK: Newsie Square, thanks to my big mouth, filled to overflowing with failure. Kids hurt, others arrested— DAVEY: Lighten up. No one died. JACK: Is that what you’re aiming for? Go on and call me a quitter, call me a coward. No way I’m puttin’ them kids back in danger. DAVEY: We’re doing something that has never been done before. How could that not be dangerous? JACK: Specs brung me a note from Crutchie at The Refuge. I tried to see him. Climbed down the fire escape. But they busted him up so bad he couldn’t even come to the window. What if he don’t make it? You willing to shoulder that for a tenth of a penny a pape? DAVEY: It’s not about pennies. You said it yourself: my family wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in now if my father had a union. This is a fight we have to win. JACK: If I wanted a sermon, I’d show up for church. #15- Watch What Happens (Reprise)- Davey, Jack, Katherine, Les DAVEY: Tell me how quitting does Crutchie does any good? (JACK doesn’t answer him.) Exactly. So... HERE'S HOW IT GOES, ONCE WE WIN AND WE "WILL" BE WINNING, MAKE NO MISTAKE JACK: WE'LL BE WHAT? DAVEY: WE'RE ALREADY WINNING 34 JACK: RIGHT DAVEY: AND WE'LL TELL THEM STRAIGHT OUT THEY LET CRUTCHIE GO OR THEY KEEP GETTING POUNDED JACK: DAVE, WHAT THE HECK? DID THEY BUST UP YOUR BRAINS OR SOMETHIN'? AS I RECALL, DAVE WE ALL GOT OUR BUTTS KICKED, THEY WON. DAVEY: WON THE BATTLE. JACK: OH COME ON DAVEY: JACKIE, THINK ABOUT IT, WE GOT THEM SURRONDED JACK: HERE'S WHAT I THINK, JOE'S A JERK! HE'S A RATTLE SNAKE DAVEY: YOU'RE RIGHT! AND YOU KNOW WHY A SNAKE STARTS TO RATTLE? JACK: NO WHY? DAVEY: ‘CAUSE HE'S SCARED. JACK: SURE. DAVEY: GO AND LOOK IT UP. THE POOR GUY'S HEAD IS SPINNING. WHY WOULD HE SEND FOR THE GOONS, AN ENTIRE ARMY? DOZENS OF GOONS AND COPS, ANDJACK: YOU KNOW YOU MAY BE RIGHT DAVEY: THANK YOU, GOD! JACK: IF HE WASN'T AFRAID - DAVEY: EXACTLY! JACK & DAVEY: HE KNOWS WE'RE WINNING JACK, DAVEY, KATHERINE, AND LES: GET THOSE KIDS TO SEE WE'RE CIRCLING VICTORY AND WATCH WHAT HAPPENS WE'RE DOING SOMETHING NO ONE'S EVEN TRIED AND YES, WE'RE TERRIFIED BUT WATCH WHAT HAPPENS JACK: YOU CAN'T UNDO THE PAST DAVEY: SO JUST MOVE ON DAVEY & KATHERINE: AND STAY ON TRACK LES: STAY ON TRACK JACK, DAVEY, KATHERINE, AND LES: ‘CAUSE HUMPTY DUMPTY IS ABOUT TO CRACK KATHERINE: WE'VE GOT FAITH! DAVEY: WE'VE GOT THE PLAN! LES: AND WE'VE GOT JACK! JACK, DAVEY, KATHERINE, AND LES: SO JUST WATCH WHAT HAPPENS... WE'RE BACK! LES: And I've got a date! #15A- Back to Pulitzer’s Office 35 SCENE FOUR: Pulitzer’s Office & Cellar, Afternoon (The MAYOR, SEITZ, BUNSEN, and PULITZER are in a heated discussion. KATHERINE sits, listening quietly.) MAYOR: ...but I’ve read your editorials, Mr. Pulitzer. How can you express so much sympathy for the trolley workers and yet have none for the Newsies? PULITZER: Because the trolley workers are striking for a fair contract. The Newsies are striking against me! MAYOR: I’d spare you the embarrassment if I could, but Miss Medda’s Theater is private property. BUNSEN: He can’t order a raid without legal cause. PULITZER: Mr. Mayor, would the fact that this rally is organized by an escaped convict be enough to shut it down? MAYOR: An escaped convict? PULITZER: A fugitive from one of your own institutions. A convicted thief, at large, reeking mischief on our law-abiding community. (turns his desk chair around to reveal SNYDER and holds out the newspaper.) Mr. Snyder, which one is he? SNYDER: (pointing to the photo) That one there: Jack Kelly. MAYOR: And how do you know this boy? SNYDER: His is not a pleasant story. He was the first sentenced to my Refuge for loitering and vagrancy,
but his total disregard for authority has made him a frequent visitor. MAYOR: You called him a thief and escaped convict. SNYDER: After his release I caught him myself, red-handed, trafficking stolen food and clothing. He was last sentenced to six months, but the willful ruffian escaped. PULITZER: So you’d be doing the city a service removing this criminal from our streets. MAYOR: If that’s the case, we can take him in quietly and— PULITZER: (exploding) What good would quiet do me??? I want a public example made of him!!! (HANNAH rushes into the office.) HANNAH: Mr. Pulitzer- the boy, Jack Kelly, is here. PULITZER: Here? HANNAH: Just outside. He’s asked to see you. PULITZER: Ask and ye shall be received. Mr. Snyder, if you please. Sit. (PULITZER directs SNYDER to retreat to the shadowy corner and spins KATHERINE in the swivel chair so she’s hidden as well. HANNAH escorts JACK into the room.) HANNAH: Mr. Jack Kelly. JACK: Afternoon, boys... PULITZER: And which Jack Kelly is this? The charismatic union organizer, or the petty thief and escaped convict? JACK: Which one gives us more in common? PULITZER: Impudence is in bad taste when crawling for mercy. JACK: Crawlin’? That’s a laugh, I just dropped by with an invite. Seems a few hundred of your employees are rallying to discuss recent disagreements. I thought it only fair to invite you to state your case straight to the fellas. So what’d’ya say, Joe? Want I should save you a spot on the bill? PULITZER: You are as shameless and disrespectful a creature as I was told. Do you know what I was doing when I was your age, boy? I was fighting in a war. JACK: Yeah? How’d that turn out for ya? PULITZER: It taught me a lesson that shaped my life. You don’t win a war on the battlefield. It’s the 36 headline that crowns the victor. JACK: I’ll keep that in mind when New York wakes up to front-page photos of our rally. PULITZER: Rally till the cows come home. Not a paper in town will publish a word. And if it’s not in the papers, it never happened. JACK: You may run this city, but there are some of us who can’t be bullied. Even some reporters... PULITZER: Such as that young woman who made you yesterday’s news? Talented girl. And beautiful as well, don’t you think? JACK: I’ll tell her you said so. PULITZER: No need. She can hear for herself. Can’t you, darling? Katherine stands up. JACK steps back in surprise.) I trust you know my daughter, Katherine. (lets that sink in) Yes. My daughter. You are probably asking, why the nom de plume and why doesn’t my daughter work for me? Good questions. I offered Katherine a life of wealth and leisure. Instead she chose to pursue a career. And she was showing real promise, until this recent lapse. But you’re done with all of that now, are you, sweetheart? KATHERINE: Jack, I— PULITZER: Don’t trouble the boy with your problems, dearest. Mr. Kelly has a plateful of his own. Wouldn’t you say so, Mr. Snyder? (SNYDER steps into sight.) SNYDER: Hello, Jack. (JACK tries to run for the door, but is stopped by the DELANCYES. He realizes he’s trapped.) PULITZER: Ow! Does anyone else feel a noose tightening? But allow me to offer an alternate scenario: you attend the rally and speak against this hopeless strike, and I’ll see your criminal record expunged and your pockets filled with enough cash to carry you, in a first-class train compartment, from New York to New Mexico and beyond. (to KATHERINE) You did say he wanted to travel west, didn’t you? JACK: There ain’t a person in this room who don’t know you stink. PULITZER: And if they know me, they know I don’t care. Mark my words, boy. Defy me, and I will have you and every one of your friends locked up in The Refuge. I know you’re Mr. Tough Guy, but it’s not right to condemn that little crippled boy to conditions like that. And what about your pal Davey and his baby brother, ripped from their loving family and tossed to the rats? Will they ever be able to thank you enough? #16- The Bottom Line (Reprise)- Pulitzer, Seitz, Bunsen PULITZER: TIME’S RUNNING OUT, KID SO WHAT DO YOU SAY?
COWBOY OR CONVICT, I WIN EITHER WAY! YOUR ABJECT SURRENDER WAS ALWAYS THE BOTTOM LINE! PULITZER: Gentlemen, escort our guest to the cellar so he might reflect in solitude. (The DELANCEYS lead JACK out of the office and into the cellar.) TOO BAD YOU’VE NO JOB, JACK, BUT YOU DID RESIGN TOO BAD YOU’VE NO FAMILY, BUT YOU CAN’T HAVE MINE BE GLAD YOU’RE ALIVE, BOY- I’D SAY THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE SEITZ: LIKE THE PIED PIPER YOU KNEW WHAT TO PLAY PULITZER: TILL THOSE KIDS ALL BELIEVED YOU WERE RIGHT BUNSEN: LUCKY FOR THEM ALL BUT ONE GOT AWAY PULITZER: THEY MAY NOT BE SO LUCKY TONIGHT The DELANCEYS deposit JACK in a dark space populated with nothing but a printing press.) MORRIS: We been given discretion to handle you as we see fit, so behave. 37 OSCAR: But, just in case, I been polishin’ my favorite brass knuckles. (Morris pulls the dust-covered tarp off of the old press and tosses it to JACK.) MORRIS: You can sleep right here on this old printing press. (slaps the hard surface) Now that there is firm. (OSCAR and MORRIS exit as JACK hopelessly takes in his surroundings. Suddenly, a familiar drumbeat sounds in military style. Voices are heard offstage.) #17- Brooklyn’s Here- Spot, Newsies SPOT: Come on Brooklyn! BROOKLYN NEWSIES: Newsies need our help today! (Newsies need our help today) Tell 'em Brooklyn's on their way! (Tell ‘em Brooklyn’s on their way!) We're from... (Brooklyn!) We are... (Newsies!) We are… (Brooklyn) Newsies! (The scene shifts to the Brooklyn Bridge as a cavalry of BROOKLYN NEWSIES make their way to the rally.) SCENE FIVE: Brooklyn Bridge & Medda’s Theater, Evening BROOKLYN NEWSIES: JUST GOT WORD THAT OUR BUDDIES IS HURTIN', FACIN' TOTAL DISASTER FOR CERTAIN. THAT'S OUR CUE, BOYS: IT'S TIME TO GO SLUMMIN'. HEY MANHATTAN, THE CAVALRY'S COMIN'! BROOKLYN NEWSIES GROUP 1: HAVE NO FEAR! BROOKLYN NEWSIES GROUP 2: YOU KNOW WE GOT YOUR BACK FROM WAY BACK! BROOKLYN NEWSIES GROUP 1: BROOKLYN'S HERE! BROOKLYN NEWSIES GROUP 2: WE'LL GET YOU PAY BACK WITH SOME PAYBACK! BROOKLYN NEWSIES: WE'RE THE BOYS FROM THE BEACHES OF BRIGHTON, PROSPECT PARK AND THE NAVY YARD PIER. STRIKES AIN'T FUN, BUT THEY SURE IS EXCITIN'. LOUD AND CLEAR! BROOKLYN'S HERE! SPOT: BOROUGH WHAT GAVE ME BIRTH, BROOKLYN NEWSIES: FRIENDLIEST PLACE ON EARTH. PAY US A VISIT AND SEE WHAT WE MEAN, AND WHEN YA DO, (WHEN YA DO, WHEN YA DO) WE'LL KICK YA HALFWAY TO QUEENS! (The BROOKLYN NEWSIES arrive at Medda’s Theater. With JACK’s political cartoon of Newsie Square as the backdrop, the theater begins to fill with NEWSIES from all five boroughs, singing and waving banners and placards.) BROOKLYN NEWSIES: NOW THEM SOAKERS IS IN FOR A SOAKIN'. WHAT A SAD WAY TO END A CAREER. THEY'S A JOKE, BUT IF THEY THINKS WE'RE JOKIN'. LOUD AND CLEAR! MANHATTAN NEWSIES: MANHATTAN'S HERE! FLUSHING NEWSIES: FLUSHING'S HERE! RICHMOND NEWSIES: RICHMOND'S HERE! WOODSIDE NEWSIES: WOODSIDE'S HERE! BRONX NEWSIE: SO'S DA BRONX! BROOKLYN NEWSIES: BROOKLYN'S HERE! ALL NEWSIES: LOUD AND CLEAR: WE IS HERE!! 38 (The NEWSIES go crazy. LES is seated with SALLY. SPOT shakes hands with DAVEY in the center of the stage as MEDDA steps forward.) MEDDA: Welcome, Newsies of New York City. Welcome to my theater and your revolution! (CROWD cheers.) DAVEY: Let’s here it for Spot Conlon and Brooklyn! SPOT: Newsies united! Let’s see what Pulitzer has to say to you now. SALLY: Hey Les, where’s Jack? FINCH: Yeah Davey, where is Jack? NEWSIES: Yeah. We want Jack! Where is he? (DAVEY looks to MEDDA for help.) MEDDA: Sorry, kid. No sign of him yet. Looks like you’re doing a solo. NEWSIES: JACK! JACK! JACK! JACK! (DAVEY timidly takes the stage.) DAVEY: Newsies of New York... look at what we’ve done! We’ve got Newsies from every pape and every neighborhood here tonight. Tonight you’re making history. (NEWSIES cheer.) Tonight we declare that we’re just as much a part of the newspaper as any reporter or editor. (The cheers grow louder.) We’re done being treated like kids. From now on they will treat us as equals. (JACK appears from the back of the theater and starts down the aisle.)
JACK: You wanna be talked to like an adult? Then start actin’ like one. Don’t just run your mouth. Make some sense. DAVEY: And here’s Jack! NEWSIES: Jack! Jack! Jack! (JACK climbs up onto the stage as DAVEY heaves a sigh of relief. KATHERINE has arrived and stands in the balcony.) JACK: (quieting the NEWSIES) All right. Pulitzer raised the price of papes without so much as a word to us. That was a lousy thing to do. (The NEWSIES cheer.) So we got made and let ‘em know we ain’t gonna be pushed around. (More cheers.) So we go on strike. Then what happens? Pulitzer lowers the price so’s we’ll go back to work! And a few weeks later he hikes the price back up again, and don’t think he won’t. so what do we do then? And what do we do if he decides to raise his price again after that? (Davey and the NEWSIES look to each other, confused by what JACK is saying.) Fellas, we gotta be realistic. We don’t work, we don’t get paid. How many days can you go without makin’ money? However long, believe me, Pulitzer can go longer. (The NEWSIES boo.) But I have spoken to Mr. Pulitzer and he has given me his word: if we disband the union, he will not raise prices again for two years. He will even put it in writing. (The boos are now drowning out JACK.) I say we take the deal. Go back to work knowing that our price is secure. All we need to do is vote “NO” on the strike. Vote “NO”! (The boos overwhelm JACK. He walks toward the wings, where BUNSEN is waiting with a wad of cash. He holds out the money out and JACK pockets it, looking around guiltily. LES reaches out, but JACK muscles him away and rushes out. The NEWSIES are furious, and their booing echoes across the theater, and the city, as the scene transitions...) SCENE SIX: Rooftop, Night #17A- To The Rooftop (KATHERINE has discovered JACK’s drawings stuffed in an air vent pipe and opens them up. JACK arrives.) KATHERINE: That was some speech you made. JACK: How’d you get here? 39 KATHERINE: Specs showed me. JACK: (snatches his drawings) He say you could go through my stuff? KATHERINE: I saw them rolled up, sticking out of there. I didn’t know what they were. These drawings...? These are drawings of The refuge, aren’t they? (takes the drawings back and studies them closer) is this really what it’s like in there: three boys to a bed, rats everywhere, and vermin? JACK: A little different from where you were raised? KATHERINE: Snyder told my father you were arrested stealing food and clothing. This is why, isn’t it? You stole to feed those boys. (JACK, embarrassed, turns away.) I don’t understand. If you were willing to go to jail for those boys, how could you turn your back on them now? JACK: I don’t think you’re anyone to talk about turning on folks. KATHERINE: I never turned on you or anyone else. JACK: No. You just double crossed us to your father. Your father! KATHERINE: My father has eyes on every corner of this city. He doesn’t need me spying for him. And I never lied I didn’t tell you everything... JACK: If you weren’t a girl you’d be trying to talk with a fist in your mouth. KATHERINE: I said that I worked for the Sun, and I did. I told you my professional name was Plumber, and it is. You never asked my real one. JACK: I wouldn’t think I had to unless I knew I was dealing with a backstabber. KATHERINE: And if I was a boy, you’d be looking at me through one swollen eye. JACK: Don’t let that stop ya. Gimme your best shot. (JACK presents his face to her. KATHERINE, out of nowhere, grabs JACK and kisses him full on the lips. They part. A moment of silence and then JACK tries to get another kiss, but is blocked.) KATHERINE: I need to know you didn’t cave for the money. JACK: I spoke the truth. You win a fight when you got the other fella down eatin’ pavement. You heard your father. No matter how many days we strike, he ain’t givin’ up. I don’t now what else we can do. KATHERINE: Ah. But I do. JACK: Oh, come one... KATHERINE: Really, Jack? Really? Only you can have a good idea? Or is it because I’m a girl? JACK: I didn’t say nothin’...
KATHERINE: This would be a good time to shut up. Being boss doesn’t mean you have all the answers. Just the brains to recognize the right one when you hear it. JACK: I’m listening. KATHERINE: Good for you. The strike was your idea. The rally was Davey’s. and now my plan will take us to the finish line. Deal with it. (KATHERINE takes a piece of paper from her pocket and hands it to him.) JACK: (reading) “The Children’s Crusade”? KATHERINE: (snatches it back and reads) “For the sake of all the kids in every sweatshop, factory, and slaughter house in New York. I beg you...join us.” With those words the strike stopped being just about the Newsies. You challenged our whole generation to stand up and demand a place at the table. JACK: “The Children’s Crusade”??? KATHERINE: Think, Jack, if we publish this- my words with one of your drawings- and if every worker under twenty-one read it and stayed home from work... or better yet, came to Newsie Square- a general city-wide strike! Even my father couldn’t ignore that. JACK: Only one small problem: we got no way to print it. KATHERINE: Come on, there has to be one printing press he doesn’t control. 40 JACK: (suddenly remembering) Oh no. KATHERINE: What? JACK: I know where there’s a printing press that no one would ever think we’d use. KATHERINE: Then why are we still standing here? (KATHERINE starts climbing down the fire escape ladder, but JACK stops her.) JACK: Wait. Stop. What’s this about for you? I don’t mean “The Children’s Crusade.” (indicating the two of them) What’s this about? Am I kiddin’ myself or is there something... KATHERINE: Of course there is. JACK: Well don’t say it like this happens every day! KATHERINE: Oh, Jack... JACK: I’m not an idiot. I know girls like you don’t wind up with guys like me. And I don’t want you promisin’ nothin’ you gotta take back later. But standing here tonight... lookin’ at you... I’m scared tomorrrow’s gonna come and change everything. #18- Something To Believe In- Katherine, Jack JACK: If there was a way I could grab hold of something to make time stop. Just so’s I could keep looking at you. KATHERINE: You snuck up on me, Jack Kelly. I never even saw it coming. JACK: For sure? KATHERINE: For sure. TIL THE MOMENT I FOUND YOU, I THOUGHT I KNEW WHAT LOVE WAS. NOW I'M LEARNING WHAT IS TRUE, THAT LOVE WILL DO WHAT IT DOES. THE WORLD FINDS WAYS TO STING YOU AND THEN ONE DAY, DECIDES TO BRING YOU SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN FOR EVEN A NIGHT. ONE NIGHT MAY BE FOREVER, BUT THAT'S ALRIGHT, THAT'S ALRIGHT. AND IF YOU'RE GONE TOMORROW, WHAT WAS OURS STILL WILL BE. I HAVE SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN, NOW THAT I KNOW YOU BELIEVED IN ME. JACK: WE WAS NEVER MEANT TO MEET, AND THEN WE MEET, WHO KNOWS WHY. ONE MORE STRANGER ON THE STREET. JUST SOMEONE SWEET PASSIN' BY. AN ANGEL COME TO SAVE ME, WHO DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE GAVE ME SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN FOR EVEN A DAY. ONE DAY MAY BE FOREVER, BUT THAT'S OKAY, THAT'S OKAY. AND IF I'M GONE TOMORROW, WHAT WAS OURS STILL WILL BE. 41 I HAVE SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN, NOW THAT I KNOW YOU BELIEVED IN ME. JACK AND KATHERINE: DO YOU KNOW WHAT I BELIEVE IN? LOOK INTO MY EYES AND SEE. (JACK and KATHERINE kiss until JACK pulls away.) JACK: If things were different... KATHERINE: What, if you weren't going to Santa Fe? JACK: And if you weren't an heiress. And if your father wasn't after my head. KATHERINE: (teasing) You're not really scared of my father. JACK: No, but I am pretty scared of you. KATHERINE: Don't be. JACK: AND IF I'M GONE TOMORROW... KATHERINE: WHAT WAS OURS STILL WILL BE. JACK AND KATHERINE: I HAVE SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN, NOW THAT I KNOW YOU BELIEVED IN ME. JACK: I HAVE SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN, JACK AND KATHERINE: NOW THAT I KNOW YOU BELIEVED IN ME. (Lights fade as a drumbeat is heard.) SCENE SEVEN: Pulitzer’s Cellar #19- Seize The Day (Reprise)- Newsies (In the semi-darkness, the NEWSIES cross the stage, lanterns in hand, spreading the news to NY CITIZENS in conspiratorial whispers.) NEWSIES: NOW IS THE TIME TO SEIZE THE DAY STARE DOWN THE ODDS AND SEIZE THE DAY
MINUTE BY MINUTE, THAT’S HOW YOU WIN IT. WE WILL FIND A WAY, BUT LET US SEIZE THE DAY. (JACK and KATHERINE enter the cellar. She hands him a ring of keys.) KATHERINE: I’ll get the lights. You get those windows unlocked. JACK: (goes to work undoing the window) You got enough keys here for the entire building. Has someone been picking daddy’s pockets? KATHERINE: The janitor’s been working here since he was eight year sold and hasn’t had a raise in twenty years. He’s with us one-hundred percent. (KATHERINE turns up the lights and uncovers the printing press. DAVEY, RACE, and a few other NEWSIES pour through the window. Two well-dressed kids, BILL and DARCY, go straight to work on the printing press.) JACK: (to DAVEY) You bring enough fellas to keep us covered? DAVEY: We could hold a hoe-down in here and no one would be the wiser. JACK: Good job. DAVEY: It’s good to have you back again. JACK: (apologizing, appreciatively, in his own way) Shut up. KATHERINE: Here she is, boys. Just think, while my father snores blissfully in his bed, we will be using his 42 very own press to bring him down. JACK: Remind me to stay on your good side. (RACE goes to the printing press) RACE: Is this what they print the papes on? DARCY: I can see why they tossed this old girl down to the cellar, but I think she will do the job. KATHERINE: Jack, this is Darcy. He knows just about everything there is to know about printing. JACK: You work for one of the papes? DARCY: My father owns the Trib. JACK: Whoa! KATHERINE: And this is Bill. He’ll be typesetting the article for us. JACK: (being funny) Bill? So I suppose you’re the son of William Randolph Hearst? BILL: And proud to be part of your revolution! JACK: (in awe) Ain’t that somethin’? KATHERINE: In the words of the little one, “Can we table the palaver and get down to business?” DARCY: A little grease and she’ll be good as gold. BILL: Great! Let’s get to work. #20- Once And For All- Jack, Davey, Katherine, Newsies DAVEY: All right. Here’s how it’ll work: as we print the papes, Race, you’ll let the fellas in and they’ll spread them to every workin’ kid in New York. After that…? (RACE takes his position at the window.) JACK: After that it’s up to them. THERE'S CHANGE COMIN' ONCE AND FOR ALL. YOU MAKES THE FRONT PAGE, AND MAN, YOU IS MAJOR NEWS. JACK & DAVEY: TOMORROW THEY'LL SEE WHAT WE ARE, JACK, DAVEY & KATHERINE: AND SURE AS STAR, WE AIN'T COME THIS FAR….TO LOSE! RACE: Here they come! (More NEWSIES take up their positions.) NEWSIES: THIS IS THE STORY WE NEEDED TO WRITE THAT’S BEEN KEPT OUT OF SIGHT, BUT NO MORE! IN A FEW HOURS, BY DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT WE'LL BE READY TO FIGHT US A WAR. THIS TIME WE'RE IN IT TO STAY. TALK ABOUT SEIZING THE DAY! JACK: WRITE IT IN INK OR IN BLOOD, IT'S THE SAME EITHER WAY: THEY'RE GONNA HAVE TO PAY! NEWSIES: SEE OL'MAN PULITZER SNUG IN HIS BED, HE DON'T CARE IF WE'RE DEAD OR ALIVE. THREE SATIN PILLOWS ARE UNDER HIS HEAD WHILE WE'RE BEGGIN' FOR BREAD TO SURVIVE. JOE, YOU CAN STOP COUNTIN' SHEEP. WE'RE GONNA SING YA TO SLEEP. THEN WHILE YA SNOOZE, WE’LL BE LIGHTIN’ A FUSE WITH A PROMISE WE’SE ACHIN’ TO KEEP. (BILL typesets the Newsies Banner.) JACK: ONCE AND FOR ALL, IF THEY DON'T MIND THEIR MANNERS WE'LL BLEED 'EM! NEWSIES: BLEED 'EM! 43 RACE: ONCE AND FOR ALL WE WON'T CARRY NO BANNERS THAT DON'T SPELL NEWSIES: “FREEDOM!" FIN'LLY WE'SE RAISIN' THE STAKES, THIS TIME WHATEVER IT TAKES, THIS TIME THE UNION AWAKES, ONCE AND FOR ALL! (DARCY pulls the first proof from the press and hands it to RACE. He passes it across the NEWSIES to KATHERINE.) KATHERINE: (reading) “In the words of union leader Jack Kelly, ‘We will work with you. We will even work for you. But we will be paid and treated as valuable members of your organizations.’” Riveting stuff, huh? JACK: (to KATHERINE) Get going. You’ve got a very important man to see. KATHERINE: Keep your fingers crossed. JACK: For us, too. (KATHERINE exits. The printing press churns away at a rhythmic pace. Papers are bundled. Bundles are passed between NEWSIES and collected for distribution.) NEWSIES:
THIS IS FOR KIDS SHININ' SHOES ON THE STREET WITH NO SHOES ON THEIR FEET EVERYDAY. THIS IS FOR GUYS SWEATIN' BLOOD IN THE SHOPS WHILE THE BOSSES AND COPS LOOK AWAY. I'M SEEIN' KIDS STANDIN' TALL, GLARING AND RARIN' TO BRAWL, ARMIES OF GUYS WHO ARE SICK OF THE LIES GETTIN' READY TO RISE TO THE CALL! ONCE AND FOR ALL THERE'LL BE BLOOD ON THE WALL IF THEY DOUBT US. THEY THINK THEY'RE RUNNING THIS TOWN BUT THIS TOWN WILL SHUT DOWN WITHOUT US! NEWSIES GROUP 1: TEN THOUSAND KIDS IN THE SQUARE! NEWSIES GROUP 2: TEN THOUSAND KIDS IN THE SQUARE NEWSIES GROUP 1: TEN THOUSAND FISTS IN THE AIR! NEWSIES GROUP 2: TEN THOUSAND FISTS! NEWSIES: JOE YOU IS GONNA PLAY FAIR, ONCE AND FOR ALL! NEWSIES GROUP 1: ONCE AND FOR ALL! NEWSIES GROUP 2: ONCE AND FOR ALL! NEWSIES GROUP 1: ONCE AND FOR ALL! NEWSIES GROUP 2: ONCE AND FOR ALL! NEWSIES GROUP 1: ONCE AND FOR ALL! NEWSIES GROUP 2: ONCE AND FOR ALL! (Ready to hit the streets, the NEWSIES raise their papers in defiance.) NEWSIES: THERE'S CHANGE COMIN' ONCE AND FOR ALL. YOU'RE GETTING TOO OLD, TOO WEAK TO KEEP HOLDIN' ON. A NEW WORLD IS GUNNIN' FOR YOU, AND JOE WE IS TOO, TILL ONCE AND FOR ALL, YOU'RE GONE! DAVEY: ONCE AND FOR ALL! JACK: ONCE AND FOR ALL! DAVEY, RACE, SPOT, MIKE, IKE, & MUSH: ONCE AND FOR ALL! NEWSIES: ONCE AND FOR ALL! (The sun rises as KATHERINE heads to her meeting, the Newsies Banner and JACK’s drawings in hand.) #20A- Once And For All (Playoff) 44 SCENE EIGHT: Pulitzer’s Office, Next Morning (The office is in full panic mode. HANNAH and BUNSEN scramble to answer phones as they continue to ring incessantly. PULITZER sits furiously at his desk.) HANNAH: (into the phone) I’m sorry, Mr. Pulitzer will have to call you back. BUNSEN: I’m sorry, but he’ll have to call you back. HANNAH: (next phone) He can’t talk. He’ll call you back— BUNSEN: I’m sorry, but he’ll— I’m sorry. I’m sorry. PULITZER: Silence those phones!!! (HANNAH and BUNSEN remove the receivers from their cradles.) BUNSEN: The entire city is shut down. No one is working anywhere. And everyone is blaming you. HANNAH: They’re all calling: the Mayor, the publishers, the manufacturers... and such language! (JACK, DAVEY, and SPOT enter merrily, chased by SEITZ.) SEITZ: You can’t just barge in... JACK: (offers up the Newsies Banner to PULITZER) How we doin’ this morning, gents? PULITZER: You’re behind this? We had a deal. JACK: (tosses bribe money on PULITZER’s desk) And it came with a money-back guarantee. And thanks for your lessons on the power of the press. SEITZ: (examining the article) Did you read this boss? These kids put out a pretty good paper. Very convincing. PULITZER: No doubt written by my daughter. JACK: (now reclining in an office chair) I’d sign her before someone else grabs her up. PULITZER: I demand to know who defied my ban on printing strike material! JACK: We’re your loyal employers. SPOT: We’d never take our business elsewhere. SEITZ: (examining the paper) The old printing press in the cellar. PULIZTER: (taking measured steps toward JACK) I made you the offer of a lifetime. Anyone who does not act in his own self-interest is a fool. DAVEY: What’s that make you? This all began because you wanted to sell more papers. But now your circulation is down seventy percent. Why didn’t you just come talk to us? JACK: Guys like Joe don’t talk with nothin’s like us. But a very wise reporter told me a real boss don’t need the answers. Just the smarts to snatch the right one when he hears it. (NEWSIES sing in Newsie Square below Pulitzer’s office.) #20B- Seize The Day (Reprise 2)- Newsies NEWSIES: NOW IS THE TIME TO SEIZE THE DAY STARE DOWN THE ODDS AND SEIZE THE DAY MINUTE BY MINUTE, THAT’S HOW YOU WIN IT WE WILL FIND A WAY. BUT LET US SEIZE THE DAY. HMMMMMM……(The NEWSIES continue to hum as a drum beats steadily.) SPOT: Have a look out there, Mr. Pulitzer. In case you ain’t figured it out, we got you surrounded. JACK: New York is closed for business. Paralyzed. You can’t get a paper or a shoe shine. You can’t send a
message or ride an elevator or cross the Brooklyn Bridge. You can’t even leave your own building. So, what’s your next move? (BUNSEN rushes back into the room in a tizzy.) BUNSEN: Mr. Pulitzer, the Mayor is here along with your daughter and... oh you’re not going to believe 45 who else! (In walk the MAYOR, KATHERINE, MEDDA, and GOVERNOR TEDDY ROOSEVELT.) MAYOR: Good morning, Mr. Pulitzer. I think you know the Governor. PULITZER: Governor Roosevelt? ROOSEVELT: Joseph, Joseph, Joseph. What have you done now? PULITZER: I’m sure when you hear my explanation— ROOSEVELT: Thanks to Miss Medda Larkin bringing your daughter to my office, I already have a thorough grasp of the situation- graphic illustrations included. (brandishes JACK’s drawings) Bully is the expression I usually employ to show approval. But in your case I simply mean bully! (to KATHERINE, referring to JACK) Is this the boy of whom you spoke? KATHERINE: Yes Sir. ROOSEVELT: (to JACK) How are you, son? I’m told we once shared a carriage ride. JACK: Pleasure’s mine, Mr. Governor. ROOSEVELT: (to PULITZER) Well, Joe, don’t just stand there letting those children sing… endlessly. Give them the good news. PULITZER: What good news? ROOSEVELT: That you’ve come to your senses and rolled back your prices. Unless, of course, you want to invite a full state senate investigation into your employment practices. PULITZER: (red with anger) You wouldn’t— ROOSEVELT: After the pressure you wielded to keep me from office? I’d do it with a smile. Come along, Joseph. There’s only one thing worse than a hard heart, and that’s a soft head. (PULITZER growls and postures.) And think of the happiness you’ll bring those children. (to HANNAH) He doesn’t do happiness, does he? HANNAH: (hushed) No sir. PULITZER: (cornered, shifting tactics) Mr. Kelly, if I may speak to you...alone. (The OTHERS withdraw from the room.) ROOSEVELT: (to JACK) Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. You can do this. (ROOSEVELT exits. JACK and PULITZER are alone.) PULITZER: I cannot put the price back where it was. (JACK starts to move away.) I’m sorry, I can’t. There are other considerations— JACK: I get it. You need to save face front of all these folks. I’m young, I ain’t stupid. PULITZER: Thank you for understanding. JACK: But I got constituents with a legitimate gripe. PULITZER: What if I reduce the raise by half and get the others to do the same? It’s a compromise we can all live with. JACK: (he thinks…) But you eat our losses. From now on, any papes we can’t sell, you buy back- full price. PULITZER: That’s never been on the table! What’s to stop Newsies from taking hundreds of papers they can’t sell? My costs will explode! JACK: No Newsie is gonna break his back haulin’ around papes he can’t sell. But if they can take a few more with no risk, they might sell ‘em and your circulation would begin to grow...(mocking PULITZER) “It’s a compromise we can all live with.” PULITZER: (calming considerably) That’s not a bad head you’ve got on your shoulders. JACK: Deal? (JACK spits in his hand and holds it out for PULITZER to shake.) PULITZER: That’s disgusting. JACK: Just the price of doing business. (PULITZER spits in his hand. JACK grabs it and shakes. Deal sealed.) 46 SCENE NINE: Newsie Square #21- Finale Ultimo (Part 1)- Company NEWSIES/BROOKLYN NEWSIES: AND THE WORLD WILL KNOW, WE BEEN KEEPIN’ SCORE EITHER THEY GIVES US OUR RIGHTS OR WE GIVES THEM A WAR WE BEEN DOWN TOO LONG, AND WE PAID OUR DUES AND THE THINGS WE DO TODAY WILL BE TOMORROW’S NEWS. AND THE DIE IS CAST, AND THE TORCH IS PASSED NEWSIES GROUP 1: AND A ROAR WILL RISE… NEWSIES GROUP 2: … FROM THE STREETS BELOW NEWSIES GROUP 1: AND OUR RANKS WILL GROW NEWSIES: AND GROW AND GROW AND GROW AND GROW AND GROW AND…. (JACK, KATHERINE, MEDDA, SPOT, DAVEY, ROOSEVELT, and PULITZER come out to the square. PULITZER, ROOSEVELT, and JACK mount a raised platform to address the CROWD.) JACK: Newsies of New York City... we won!!! (The CROWD cheers. JACK quiets them.) And now I’d like to
introduce my own personal pal, Governor Theodore Roosevelt himself!!! (The CROWD cheers.) ROOSEVELT: (recognizing this historical moment) Each generation must, at the height of its power, step aside and invite the young to share the day. You have laid claim to our world and I believe the future, in your hands, will be bright and prosperous. (to JACK) And your drawings, son, have brought another matter to bear. (signaling offstage) Officers, if you please. (A police whistle sounds. CRUTCHIE appears, blowing the whistle and waiving.) RACE: Hey lookit, Jack. It’s Crutchie! NEWSIES: (ad lib) Crutchie! CRUTCHIE: Hiya, fellas. You miss me? NEWSIES: (ad lib) Yeah. Sure. Ain’t been the same without ya. CRUTCHIE: And lookit what I got yis: straight from The Refuge. (calling offstage) Bring him in, fellas! (Two POLICEMEN enter with SNYDER between them.) RACE: It’s Snyder the Spider! MUSH: He ain’t lookin’ so tough no more, is he? ROOSEVELT: Jack, with these drawings you made an eloquent argument for shutting down The Refuge. Be assured that Mr. Snyder’s abuses will be fully investigated. (to a POLICEMAN) Officer, take him away. CRUTCHIE: (to ROOSEVELT) Please, Your Highness... may I do the honors? (ROOSEVELT gives him the approval. CRUTCHIE slaps handcuffs onto SNYDER.) SNYDER: You’ve got to be joking. CRUTCHIE: And you’ll be laughing all the way to the pen, “little man.” (CRUTCHIE gives SYNDER a kick in the rear.) So long, sucker! JACK: Thank you, Governor. (JACK races down to embrace CRUTCHIE. PULITZER steps forward, snatching JACK’s drawings away from ROOSEVELT.) PULITZER: (to JACK) I can’t help thinking... if one of your drawings convinced the governor to close The Refuge, what might a daily political cartoon do the expose the dealings in our own government back rooms? (to ROOSEVELT) What do you say, Teddy? Care to have this young man’s artistry shine a lantern behind your closed doors? 47 JACK: Don’t sweat it, Gov. With the strike settled, I probably should be hitting the road. (DAVEY and KATHERINE move towards JACK.) DAVEY: Don’t you ever get tired of singing that same old tune? What’s Santa Fe got that New York ain’t? Tarantulas? KATHERINE: Better yet: what’s New York got that Santa Fe ain’t? CRUTCHIE: New York’s got us. And we’re family. PULITZER: (bellowing from above) Didn’t I hear something about a strike being settled? (WIESEL and the DELANCEYS open the distribution window as PULITZER exits.) WIESEL: Papes for the Newsies. Line up, boys. These papes ain’t gonna sell themselves. MEDDA: (exiting with ROOSEVELT) Come along, Governor, and show me that back seat I’ve been hearing so much about. KATHERINE: (teasing JACK) Well don’t just stand there, you’ve got a union to run. Besides, didn’t someone just offer you a pretty exciting job? JACK: Me work for your father? KATHERINE: You already work for my father. JACK: Oh, yeah. KATHERINE: And you’ve got one more ace up your sleeve. JACK: What would that be? KATHERINE: Me. Wherever you go, I’ll be right there by your side. JACK: For sure? KATHERINE: For sure. JACK: DON’T TAKE MUCH TO BE A DREAMER. ALL YOU DO IS CLOSE YOUR EYES. BUT SOME MADE-UP WORLD IS ALL YOU EVER SEE NOW MY EYES IS FINALLY OPEN. AND MY DREAMS, THEY’S AVERAGE SIZE BUT THEY DON’T MUCH MATTER IF YOU AIN’T WITH ME (JACK grabs KATHERINE in an embrace and they kiss.) LES: (pointing to the public display of affection) Guys! (The NEWSIES catcall and whistle their approval.) DAVEY: Well, Jack… you in or you out? (JACK leaves KATHERINE. With a big smile, he approaches WIESEL, slaps his money down on the counter, and snatches up his papes.) #21A-Finale Ultimo (Part 2)- Company COMPANY: WE'LL ALL BE OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER MAN TO MAN! WE'RE ALWAYS OUT THERE, SOAKIN' EV'RY SUCKER THAT WE CAN. HERE'S THE HEADLINE: NEWSIES ON A MISSION! KILL THE COMPETITION! SELL THE NEXT EDITION! WE'LL BE OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER! SEE US OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER! ALWAYS OUT THERE CARRYING THE BANNER! LOOK AT ME: I'M THE KING OF NEW YORK!
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batboysandgirls · 5 years
Jason Todd x Reader - What a Night
Title: What a Night Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Summary: Your commute home turns into a kidnapping, but at least you’re not alone tied up in this warehouse…  The Red Hood got kidnapped too. Words: 4k
When you come to, you stopped yourself from panicking.  You were tied to a chair in what appeared to be a pretty empty warehouse, and you were 80% sure that the Red Hood was sitting next to you.
The last thing you remembered was walking into the metro station at about seven in the evening, and a huge explosion.  One would think this was a totally new and shocking experience, but you lived in Gotham.  This was the third metro stop explosion you’d wandered into in your twenty-one years in Gotham.  (Public transit was just too appealing, apparently.  The bad guys either like dramatic encounters on trains or just revel in messing up the commutes of a few thousand citizens.).  Now, both the previous times, you’d woken up in an ER, and watched on the TV above hospital bed your as some of the bat vigilantes stopped whoever was behind the attack.
So, the whole being tied to a chair was a new, unpleasant development.  Also, the Red Hood.  Your chair was angled in a way so that you could only see the guy through your peripheral vision, but the mask was pretty recognizable to anybody.  His head was slumped down, though.  He must have gotten knocked out, too.  Good to know the only guy who’s probably been in this situation before was KO’d.
Well, time to get to work then.  You wriggled your fingers… Rope.  Okay.  Workable.  Maybe you could shimmy out of them.  But your wrists were tied together separately from your body behind the chair.  Not great.  You made your muscles tense then relaxed them a few times, opening and closing your hands.  You felt one of the loops around your left wrist shift a little, and you tried to slide your hand out a bit.  Your left hand was just about free when you heard a grunt next to you.
“Ouch.  This is a doozy.”
Did the Red Hood just describe this situation as a doozy?
“Um,” you said, “I’ve got one hand free.  I should be untied in a couple minutes.”
“It’s always nice when hostages taken initiative,” Red Hood replied.  “Sometimes you guys just flounder.  I respect the hustle.”  He was trying to break free of his own ropes, it seemed.  Flexing and wiggling around to find some slack.
Your left hand was free, so you started on the ropes around your chest.  You were merely done when you heard a snapping sound and turned to see Red Hood had literally broke his hands free from strength alone.  That was kind of impressive, alarming, and attractive all at once.
“Wow,” you said, slightly in awe, not realizing you were even speaking aloud.
“Don’t be too impressed yet.  This was the easy part,” Red Hood said as he came over to your chair, but he stopped to stare at you.  “Wait, I know you.”
You grimaced.  “I’m kind of a famous gymnast.  I was in the last-last summer Olympics, not the one last month, but the one over four years ago now, uh.  I was in some advertisemen—”
“Oh, so you’re ____ _____, then?” Red Hood said, helping untie you.  “Cool.”
(There was something odd in his voice. Your name came too easily to him.  Like he had recognized you as soon as he saw you, but wanted to pretend he didn’t.  Something like that.  File that under “weird” and “vigilante fan of my gymnastics trying to play it cool?”.)
“So,” Red Hood said as the ropes fell away, shaking out your sore wrists, “Like I was saying, that was the easy part.  The hard part is getting out of here, and figuring out why we’re here.”
You frowned.  “Did you see the explosion?  Or did whoever did this get you some other way?”
“An explosion?”
“At the Gotham U East Metro.  It was pretty empty as I walked up, and then halfway down the stairs everything exploded and I woke up here.”
“I was attacked by a group of mobsters a few blocks from there.  Seems like Two-Face’s guys.  One injected me with some kind of strong sedative, and I passed out.”
You furrowed your brow.  “Two-Face?”
Red Hood sighed.  “Yup.  Just need to figure out his stupid plan for this time.”
Stupid plan… You made a little ‘oh’ as a thought occurred to you.  “Do you think the attacked the Gotham U East Metro, but not the West one?  Or maybe the East Metros across the city?  As part of his half thing?”
Red Hood was staring at you again.
“What?” you asked, immediately feeling foolish.  “Is that dumb?  I haven’t—”
“No, no,” Red Hood… chuckled?  He seemed to find it amusing.  “It’s pretty smart, actually.  You just remind me of my—my associate Red Robin.”
“Associate?” you repeated, feeling yourself smiling.  What an odd way to phrase that.  “Or is he a more of colleague?  A comrade?  Is Nightwing an associate? He seems more like a wingman, you know.”
“I—“ Red Hood begins, before clearing this throat. He turned away and seemed to be surveying the space.  “First off, that pun was very bad, and I’m not begrudgingly smiling under my helmet about it.  Secondly, it’s—associate is just cause—look, honestly you don’t need to know this, but I’ve got a kind of complicated relationship with the other Robins, current, former, whatever.”
He paused and glanced at you as if to gauge your reaction.  You were still standing and listening to him.  He took a breath and continued, “We’re almost like brothers.  The rest of them are, but I don’t fit so nicely in their little family.”
It seemed he was finished, so you spoke, slightly hesitantly.  “Have you talked to them about it?  Either the Robins or Nightwing?  I—I mean, we don’t have to talk about it if you want.  We probably should be focused on getting out of here.  But, if you—”
Shkk.  You were cut off by Red Hood suddenly pulling out a grapple gun from his belt and coming up next to you.  Okay. Strictly business then.  No more oversharing.
“Mind if I…?”  Red Hood’s arm was hovering next to you.  Oh, this was cute.  Very cute.
You shook your head, and Red Hood wrapped an arm around your waist, firing off the grapple gun into the rafters with his other hand.  Your heart sped up as you landed in the support beams of the building.  That was scary in an exciting way.
Red Hood put away the grapple gun, and started to fiddle with something on the side of his mask, opening up a panel and pulling at wires.
“Mask’s communication got fried somehow.  Hoping I can fix that.  Better signal up here.”  You nodded, and there was a pause before he spoke again.  “I haven’t talked to them about it.  I’m not as buddy-buddy with the other bats like Nightwing is.  My M.O. is too different…”  (You resisted the urge to look at the now empty gun holsters at his sides, which when full of pistols distinguished him from any other Gotham hero.)  “…so we’ve had our ups and downs.  But I like the Robins.  They’re good kids.  And I do like Nightwing, even if he’s an ass a lot of the time.  So I’m trying to be a better…”
He trailed off, fiddling with the helmet absentmindedly.
“A better associate?” you offered.  You couldn’t tell if the Red Hood was smiling behind his mask, but you hoped he was.
“Exactly.”  Then he added quietly, as if to himself, “And maybe at some point I’ll be a better brother, too.”
It was kind of odd he felt comfortable talking about this with you, but maybe because he knew you as an athlete, or maybe because he just really needed to say it aloud.  Either way, you felt like maybe you helped him, which made this whole affair feel better. The eyes of his helmet lit up, and Red Hood let out a satisfying “Aha!” as he shut the little panel.
“Oracle?  Nightwing?  Anyone hear me?”
Sitting right next to him, you can hear the faint sounds of someone talking to Red Hood through an earpiece in his helmet, but only his side of the conversation is clear.  You weren’t sure who Oracle was either, but it was probably a woman based on the pitch of the voice you heard.
“It’s Two-Face.  His guys got me.  He attacked Gotham U East Metro.  The hostage I was with thought maybe he was going after the East metro stops across town.”  He turned to you, and you gave a nervous shrug.  Twenty second pass before you saw him freeze up.  “Okay.  That’s bad, but okay.  Can you track our location?”
He paused, listening to something from the other end, before he turned to you.
“So, you’re right.  They hadn’t realized the pattern before but Gotham U East blew up, then the Wayne Tower station too, except—”
“Except the Wayne Tower station is technically Old Gotham East, right?  No one ever calls it ‘Old Gotham East’ unless you work for GCTA.”
“Right.  But after checking other East stations, there’s definitely bombs set up at Fashion District East and Robinson East.  Probably more they haven’t found yet.”
You frowned.  “So, that’s bad, but where are we?  And why did they just leave us here?”
“Radio came through but location tracker is still down.  Still working on theories for the why question,” Red Hood said, standing up and scanning the roof above for an exit.  He darted up some of the beams and started slamming different places with his fist to see if one was loose.  After thirty seconds, he found a loose section and Red Hood was able to bend a panel to the side, exposing a little panel of night sky.
He returned to you and helped you climb out onto what seemed to be a fairly innocuous warehouse roof.  To your left you could see what looked like the Vincefinkel Bridge.  Behind you was the water, so you must be not far from Chinatown.  Huh.
“Why did Two-Face take us half-way across town?” Red Hood asked, echoing your own thoughts.  Your eyes widened in realization.
“Red Hood, Chinatown East Station is just a fe—”
He was already moving, holding you to his side as you fly from the warehouse roof into the city itself.  Grappling up to the rafters of a warehouse was one thing.  Hurtling through the air several stories high was another.  It was exhilarating, but you also felt yourself cling a little tighter to Red Hood when you glanced down.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” he said quietly, as he felt your body tense.  Your heart fluttered at how gentle his voice was.  Agh.  Why did superheroes have to be so attractive and noble?
Soon he dropped you down about a block from the station.  A barricade had been put by the entrance, but unhappy (and slightly bored looking) commuters stood dangerously close to the entrance, waiting for it to reopen.  You didn’t blame them.  This was Gotham City.  Metro attacks were a favorite of supervillains.  Whenever one station was attacked, the whole system got shut down, which was an annoyance.  Most of the time, if something happened to one metro stop across down, you’d probably be fine waiting next to another station.  Key phrase being “most of the time.”
“I need to find the bomb,” Red Hood said, “But tell everyone to get away from the station.”
You didn’t have a chance to say “okay” before he was gone, swinging around the block and vanishing behind the station.
The next five minutes were a blur.  You ran up to the station and, calmly, explained that the East metro stations were being targeted in a series of attacks and everyone commuting need to give the entrance a wide berth.  Most people raised an eyebrow and quickly hurried away.  A few people asked how you knew this or waved off your warning, but you (quickly) explained that you’d discovered this with the Red Hood when you were both kidnapped by Two-Face.  You didn’t know whether the name drop of Red Hood or Two-Face was more persuasive, but everyone backed off.
When the police arrived a few minutes later to barricade off the whole block, you were the only person even remotely close to the station from where you stood across the street.  One of the bats must have tipped them off.  You waited at the barricade as seconds passed by agonizingly slowly.
You didn’t want the station to explode, but you really didn’t want the Red Hood to explode either.  At the very edge of the explosion, you’d been knocked unconscious.  At the center of it, after failing to defuse it…. You inhaled and exhaled.  You’d lived in Gotham your whole life.  You didn’t want to see another vigilante die thanks to this crazy city.
Maybe ten minutes passed when a police officer near you leaned their ear to their radio and let out a sigh of relief.
“Bomb defused!” she shouted into the ground behind the barricade.  There were a few sighs, some cheers, and a couple of grumbles about “this goddamn city.”  The metro was going to be closed for the rest of the evening, so pretty much everyone cleared out except you and the people who lived on the block.  The police said the barricade would be up for another half hour or so as they secured the area.
You stayed, and you didn’t know why.  Well, you did; it was more like you didn’t know why you bothered.  For some reason, you thought maybe the Red Hood would be back.  You wanted to thank him, or just see yourself that in fact he did not get blown up.
When the barricade lifted and he still didn’t appear, you gave up.  You were actually closer to your apartment from Chinatown than Gotham U. It was still about a half hour’s walk at night in Gotham City, but cabs weren’t an option—you didn’t have money.  Your bag must have been taken by Two-Face’s guys or lost in the explosion.  You hoped maybe the cops would find it in the next couple days.  Thankfully you’d stuck a key underneath the potted plant in your apartment’s hall, so at least you wouldn’t be locked out.
You had been walking for about ten minutes, staying pretty on edge from the night’s events, when a familiar voice came from behind you.
“Headed home?  The night’s still young for some of us.  It’s not even three yet.”
You turned around to see Red Hood leaning against a street lamp.
“It’s been a long day,” you replied, “And it’s a long walk home.”
“Would you mind some company, then?”
You smiled as Red Hood moved beside you.
“Not at all.”
You were walking for a while in silence, but it was the peaceful kind.  You weren’t as afraid now since you 1) weren’t alone and 2) had a crime-fighting walking companion.  Red Hood was whistling as you walked, which was kind of wild.  Tough gun-wielding vigilante whistling for fun?  Sure.  Honestly not the weirdest thing that’s happened in the last few hours.
“The cops said you did a good job getting people away from the station before they blocked it off,” Red Hood said.  “Thanks for that.”
“Oh, no problem,” you said, “I’m just glad everyone was safe.  Especially you.”
“Especially me?” Red Hood repeated, “You’ll make me blush.”
“You saved my life basically, and saved all those people,” you explained, “Not to mention how many people you probably on a nightly basis.”
“I think you might want to consider that you saved all those people,” Red Hood said.  “Batman, Oracle, or Red Robin probably would have figured out the East metro thing sooner or later.  Their brains work like that.  But you made that connection before all of them did, and getting it that quickly saved a lot of people.”  You shook your head, feeling your cheeks color a bit at the compliment, but Red Hood didn’t let you off the hook.  “I’m serious, _____.  You impressed the ‘world’s greatest detective,’ if you believe that.”
“I’m just glad to have been a help,” you said, positive your face was flushed at this point.
When you arrived at your apartment building, the Red Hood nodded his head at you.
“Enjoy the rest of your night.  Oh—” He seemed like he was about to leave but paused as he reached to grab something near the back of his belt.  He held out a small blue bag…  Wait, that was your bag!
“Oh my gosh,” you said, taking it.  You looked in.  Your wallet, phone, keys, metro card (important), and headphones were all safe and sound.  “Thank you!  Where did you find it?”
Red Hood shrugged.  “After we took care of all the bombs, I went back and found all of Two-Face’s guys.  In police custody now.  They had meant to kill us, but there were troubles with some of the bombs so they just left us alone for later.  I figured they might have taken your stuff, so I checked and they had your bag in one of their desk drawers.”
He had actually looked for things?  Just to be nice?  Wow, the Red Hood really did get a too bad a rep.  He had been a pleasure all evening.
“I can’t thank you enough, Red Hood,” you said.  “For this and for everything.”
“Don’t mention it,” he said, pulling out his grapple once more.  “Later.”  You stood outside your apartment until his figure moved into the darkness of the rooftops above.
What a night.
✹ ✹
“OH!  Damian, you’ll never guess what happened to me yesterday,” you said near the end of your most promising student’s private gymnastics lessons.  “I got kidnapped by Two-Face’s goons, but I worked with the Red Hood and kind of helped stop those metro bombs.”
Damian launched off from the uneven bars into a slightly messy landing onto the mat in front of you.  Oof.  That looked awkward.
“Hey, make sure when you let go that your body is s—”
“_____, pardon my bad form.  I’m trying to understand why you spent the entire warm up monologuing about how you want to bake more but you hate getting your kitchen messy, and you didn’t lead with your kidnapping?”
You shrugged, gesturing at Damian to follow you as you did a handstand.
“Honestly, I still think I’m processing it all, but it was surprisingly lowkey for a kidnapping.  I was barely harmed, and I didn’t really interact with my kidnappers.  Red Hood helped me get out.  I don’t know.  I was debating making pancakes this morning as a treat for yesterday evening, so I guess that was more actively on my mind earlier.”  Damian grunted in response, and you let your legs fall forward and resumed standing.  Damian followed suit.
“I’d appreciate hearing about any attempts on your life immediately,” Damian said.
“Run your routines twice through, and I promise I will tell you upfront about any dangerous encounters I’ve experienced between lessons.  Then we can call it a day.”
Damian nodded and started his routine: without complaint.  That was slightly miraculous!  About three months into your lessons, Damian began to have some semblance of respect for you.  Before then it has been an uphill battle with the young teen to get him to listen to your instructions.  It just took constant effort and patience, and him discovering your former Olympic glory, to form a productive relationship.
Though Damian seemed to be mocking about you burying the lede, you knew his tumble from the bars meant he was genuinely concerned.  He could see it in his eyes, too.  Damian was a good kid, even if he was a bit full of himself.
As Damian went through his routine, you alternated between watching and doing his moves yourself to pass the time.  He had the routines down pat other than a couple of his more complicated dismounts.
You were finishing a series of two flips, landing right on the edge of the mat in front of you, when you find yourself face to face with Jason Todd.  Like, faces just a few inches apart.  You were reminded how, of all Damian’s ridiculously attractive brothers who’d come to pick him up from gymnastics lessons, Jason always managed to disarm your the most.  Something in those stunning green eyes peered into your soul.  And you always wondered if his hair was as soft as it looked…
You immediately took a step back as Jason clapped. “Ten out of ten from this judge, although I don’t think they score it like that anymore.”
You couldn’t help but smile.  “Not quite, but I appreciate it nonetheless.  You’re sneaky, I didn’t even hear you come in.  Your turn to pick up the little Wayne?”
“Unfortunately.  I was going to tell him to just take the metro to my apartment, but that got screwed up,” Jason said, a twinkle in his eyes.
“Oh, I know.  I actually was there when the station exploded last night.  I had just finished coaching the women’s team’s night practice when it exploded just as I walked in.  It was a long night,” you replied.
From across the room, mid-flip, Damian shouted, “She got kidnapped by Two-Face’s guys, then saved by the Red Hood!  Can you believe it, Todd?”
Jason had a slightly funny look on his face but looked at you intently.
“Really?  Are you okay?”
“Oh, I’m fine.  It was nothing.  Red Hood was nice, and the goons didn’t even hurt me.  Just tied me up.  I even helped Red Hood figure out that Two-Face was targeting East metro stops.”
“He must have been pretty impressed, it sounds like,” Jason said with a still slightly funny smirk.  What was that about?
“Uh, well, it’s kind of hard to see his face behind the mask, so I don’t really know.  But he seemed happy enough with me.  He actually recognized me right away, I think.  He was weird about it.  Maybe he was a fan back in the day.  Was really nice to me, though.  Polite, and honestly kind.”
Damian finished his routines and did an extra flip to land right next to you.
“I’m sure he was more than impressed.  Enamored by your Olympic and intellectual prowess, I’d wager.  Probably why he was so weird.”
Uh.  What?  Where did that come from?  You looked at Damian quizzically.
“Damian, what—”
“_____, how are you getting home tonight since the metro is down here?” Jason asked, glaring at Damian.  He looked almost…embarrassed?  It was a weird enough remark to create some second hand embarrassment.  You decided to let the topic slide for now.  Maybe you’d pry Damian more about it next lesson.
“Um, I don’t have a car or anything, so I was just going to walk.”
Damian frowned.  “But you don’t live near here.”
“It’s about 40 minutes.  But I don’t min—”
“Woah, woah.  It’s almost eight o’clock, and it’s already dark.  You really shouldn’t be walking alone at night.  That’s good practice everywhere, but we live in Gotham City.  It’s basically a necessity.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but Jason held up his hands.
“You did manage to get yourself out of a kidnapping situation with some help, but, at least for tonight, let me drop you off at your apartment on the way home with Damian.  It’ll be easy.”
“I’m out of your way, Jason, you really don’t hav—”
“I want to.  Alright?”  He was smiling.  Damn.  How could you resist that?
As you got into the car a few minutes later, Damian asked you loudly if you thought you’d see the Red Hood again.  Jason was glaring at him again, this time via rear view mirror.  You were in the passenger seat next to Jason and turned to face Damian in the back.
“Well, I’d hope I’m never in another situation where I’d need his help again.  But maybe I’ve ‘enamored’ him like you said, and he just won’t be able to stay away,” you said, narrowing your eyes at the young teen.
Damian scoffed.  “Look, all I meant was that Red Hood has a reputation for not being very friendly.  So if he was so nice to you, it probably means he found you attractive.”  You scoffed back, mimicking the sound, enjoying Damian’s slightly offended face at the mockery.
“Okay, well, a couple of counter-theories.  First, maybe he’s just not as mean as people say.  Second, even if he is meaner, maybe he was just in an overly friendly mood yesterday.  Third, maybe he was a fan of mine, so he was extra nice.  None of those scenarios involve him finding me attractive.”
Damian opened his mouth to protest, but Jason spoke before he could.
“Let’s let _____ not relive what was probably an unpleasant evening, okay, demon brat?”
What affectionate names the Wayne brothers called one another.
You turned and smiled at Jason, who smiled back.  A warm feeling in your chest blossomed as you did, and it didn’t vanish long after you were safely laying in bed at your apartment.  You were trying to picture something other than the soft smile of Jason Todd or the brilliant green of his eyes…
Man.  What a night.
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pjstafford · 4 years
A Look at my 2020
The end of the year is upon us. It’s been a tough one for all of us. It is a year we will all remember forever. I want to do a positive reflection of this year. I will probably write a blog about what I hope our country’s New Years Resolutions should be. The thoughts on that have been rolling around my head for a few days. But today, December 16, at 4:30 a.m. and unable to sleep, that 2020 familiar dread of what will happen today waking me early, I want to look at some positives. I want to unwrap the positives of 2020 like a Christmas gift before Christmas so that I can wrap myself in them as a blanket of warmth. One thing that I have been truly impressed with is the resilience of the human spirit. Let’s call this a resilience exercise.
Counting my blessings one by one...
1. I am alive. Surviving is a cause for celebration. As far as I know I have been COVID free...although there were a few days in April or early May when I was sick with something and in Feb I had the strangest cold in my life and this time last year weeks of fatigue ended in frozen shoulder syndrome on Christmas Eve. See, I want to be thankful, but I don’t want to be naive in my retrospection. Best to be honest. I’m not sure if I had COVID or not, but if I did I survived with relatively minor symptoms. Every cough or sniffle I feared in a completely irrational way was COVID. There was the week I walked around sniffing everything to make sure I could still smell. It dawns on me it is going to be difficult to write a honest and, yet, positive, retrospective of 2020. I am alive, but I have never been less healthy. I’ve gained weight. I haven’t had the physical exercise to which I am accustomed and now when I try to take a long walk I realize my stamina is gone. It will take years of concentrated effort once things are “back to normal” for me to become normal again. It wasn’t that I didn’t try. I did yoga daily in the Spring and switched to an online Tai chi class in the summer, but I don’t live near beauty or anything interesting so wasn’t motivated to walk and just my everyday life of lockdown in a studio apartment meant less movement. All of which sounds even to me like not very good justification. Did I mention though that I survived. I am alive. I will take that as blessing number one.
2. No one I care about very deeply has died or even been seriously ill from COVID. Doesn’t March 2020 seem far away? I don’t want to be dismissive of 300;000 dead especially with more to come. I or someone I love could still be gone by New Years Day. But in March and April we held our breaths for an apocalypse and at some point most of us decided to take a breath. I don’t know really if it’s good or bad that we have simply adjusted our normal and the number deaths we are willing to accept. It’s bad, what am I saying? It’s bad. But how long can we wait in fear? So I don’t know, but I want to count as a blessing that those I love have all survived to date. I cannot vanquish the fear, but I can be grateful for survival.
3. I have maintained employment in a bad economy and have mostly been able to work from home. There have been some struggles. Sometimes the work I do is depressing. Sometimes I feel I don’t make a difference. There has never been a worse time to be an advocate...or a person with disability, or a caregiver, or a provider agency, or a health care professional. I have maintained employment.
4. I count among my blessings the fact that I had a wonderful 2020 before....remember there was a 2020 before. I love when my work takes me to Santa Fe for a prolonged time. A friend came out in Feb for a wonderful weekend. Another friend came to Albuquerque to see me for my birthday in early March. I remember thinking how social I was in those first ten weeks in 2020. It’s as if I somehow knew....it sustained me.
5. I count among my blessings that when I felt my mental health despair getting at its worse...the strain of living alone in a studio apartment, working from that same apartment and following the Governor orders not to go or do anything. ..that I had friends and two weekends of “risky” behavior; a friend who came for the Fourth of July holiday and an out of state trip to Durango in late September. I’m fortunate that when I had to have human contact my closest friends were there for me
6. I count as my blessings that Biden won the election. It’s not simply a matter of politics. I’m not sure if the last eight months of the Trump Presidency wasn’t worse for my morale than the pandemic because Trump kind of lost whatever semblance of sanity he had. Part of the trepeditation over what each new day will bring is what Trump will say, do, tweet, exacerbate. I still fear revolution in the street before Jan 20. The pandemic is not the worse of what America has gone through. That’s the oddest thing about this year.
7. Here is the blessing which probably will be unpopular. The lockdown and stress of all we have experienced is tough, but the slowdown is a blessing for me. My life had gotten pretty busy. While I miss travel, it’s ok for a year not to have had the time suck that travel for work entails. I will be so happy the first work trip I get to go on, but I feel like 2020 has given me the gift of time. It’s odd because, like many, my creative sense has suffered. I have written almost nothing. Still, I often think of a Dylan lyric, maybe in the next life I will be able to hear myself think. I could hear myself think this year. Unfortunately I thought about the existentialist angst of the meaning of life and my failures as a human being and I don’t think there is enough time still to process the effects of the pandemic and I’m sick to death of the sound of my thoughts, but....I have been given this unique gift of time. Even on December 16th I am not rushed to shop, to cook, to decorate, to go to a zillion parties. It’s a different year. The Holiday will still come. It is pleasant not to feel urgency over, let’s face it, non-urgent things. I am mentally and emotionally fatigued, but not nearly as physically exhausted as I was this time last year
8. The next one is a big one. The gift of living in the moment. I have spent my entire life since 7th grade when Miss O’Neil gave me a copy of The Rubyait of Omar Khayyam trying to live with the philosophy of living for the now. Clear the cups of past regrets...tomorrow, why I may be myself with yesterday’s seven thousand years. The only time I have ever truly experience this is in a handful of concert experience. Even now, I fear for my future and I blame myself for my mistakes. Still, my relationship with time has changed. There is the sun rising and setting and that is a day. Seasons will change. But the gift of time means I can approach my day differently. When five o clock comes on a workday, a needed nap is a step away. No where to go on a Friday night... no where I can go...means the weekend rhythm exists only as I define it. The simple pleasures we always take for granted mean something more now. There is a coffee truck that stops near me on Fridays and Saturdays. When it first started stopping I was over the moon that I could walk and get a latte with fairly little risk. If I go to the grocery store and have a conversation with a stranger, it is different than it was before. Mindfulness exercise and meditation is one thing, but nothing can compare with this year to further my lessons in this pursuit. May I take the lesson with me into years to come.
9. Zoom...yes, of course I have zoom fatigue. But five friends in five different states having a monthly drink together on zoom is a benefit of the pandemic. I watched a movie this year with someone who lives in Brazil. I celebrated a friend’s sixtieth person even though I couldn’t be with her. I’ve attended book discussions and readings in New York and I already have tickets to an event in March. Kind of love New York. I’ve never been there in person. Just a lot happens there. Educationally and socially the world is now open to me. I am not limited to what is going on in my community. I hope this doesn’t completely go away.
10. Finally, storytelling and music. I found it hard to read new things in the lockdown for a while, but in March friends asked me to a virtual book club of three books I already read and we reread them together which took us into the summer. I rediscovered the Foundation series of Asimov and suddenly I could read again! My favorite book I’ve read published in 2020 is Jess Walter’s The Cold Million. I did read a digital advance copy of David Duchovny’snew book due out in 2021 and it is, in fact, the breakout novel I knew this hot young writer would eventually write. Looking forward to 2021 book club! I finally binged Breaking Bad and The Travelers as well as The Queens gambit and watched Peanut Butter Falcon. I am doing a disability focused watch on the X Files and I better kick it it the rear because I’m presenting on it in Feb. at a conference. My God, Dylan put out his first original music in eight years. It will take me eight years to fully ingest it and enjoy it. You see, no matter what happens, humanity will tell its stories and gather to make its songs. It’s that human resilience. Creation of art is not trivial. It’s vital. It has continued in this odd and strange year. It is humanity’s greatest gift and I have definitely used it this year as a resilience and growth tool.
Those are my top blessings in this horrific and, yet, wondrous year. However, you have been impacted, what we all share in common is that In a very short time it will be a memory of a year in the past.
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dandelionflower · 5 years
Felix Month
Day 18: University AU
There were a great deal of long-standing traditions among the students of Crysanthimum College, but none as widely followed as the triangle rivalry between Mr. Culpa, the business professor, Miss Marinette, the design professor, and Ms. Rossi, the acting professor.
It was confusing, to say the least. The business and art students, even the ones working with other professors, would not associate with each other while any business or art class was in session, and if they absolutely had to, it was cordial at best.
There were only two things the students would agree on. Devotion to their professors, and a united hatered for the acting professor.
Professor Culpa and Miss Marinette were pure opposites.
Culpa had started the year with telling the students his name and what was to be expected of them. He never repeated himself. Students had taken to bringing tape recorders to class, so they could listen to it over again. He was the reason his class got along so well, they needed to work together in order to understand half of the content.
Marinette had brought her students together, but in a completely different way. She encouraged the students to collaborate, learn from their varying strengths and support each other in their weaknesses. She would open her class to students who were having difficulty learning, in any class. She was seen spending long nights in her office, learning a new subject all for one student. In her free time she would go to different professors’ lectures, so that when someone needed a new way of understanding, she was there.
Then there was Ms. Rossi. She was arguably the worst teacher on campus. It wasn’t yet clear how she had managed to get into the school, but after a few internet searches, it was obvious that she had no credentials. Most of the students in her class would gravitate to the empty art room, for Marinette’s classes. She wasn’t as good as a trained acting teacher, but she was better than Rossi, who would spend most of the class talking of her own achievements and not teaching.
Luckily, Mr. Culpa and Marinette were all too willing to bump Ms. Rossi down a few notches. They would actively keep her from talking when there were assemblies. They would keep any and all students far away from her (especially the ones who called her out.) Any student who didn’t want to be near her wouldn’t see her ever again.
There were many rumors surrounding Marinette, Mr. Culpa, and Ms. Rossi. Some students suggested that they were in some sort of love triangle. Others said they were in a foster home together. When asked, Marinette and Mr. Culpa both replied “We were in school together.”
No one wanted to ask Ms. Rossi.
The most influential rumor of the college was that of Marinette’s last name. She never told anyone and it wasn’t on the school website, just her maiden name, Dupain-Cheng. There was a rumor circulating that when a student graduates, she will give them a hug and tell them her last name.
Harley Lahiffe was about to find out.
It had been a difficult year for Harley, personal-wise. Her mother had flipped when she heard that Harley was associating with Marinette and not Ms. Rossi. She tended to stay at campus or hotels over the holidays since then. In the summer, she would stay at Marinette’s parents house.
Marinette had been a sort of refuge for Harley. Keeping her strong. But now, seeing the woman who was her only support, walk up to her with arms open wide, Harley broke.
She stumbled forwards into the professors arms. “Thank you! Thank you so much.”
“You’re going to do so well. You’ll take the business world by storm, I’m certain.” She murmured, stroking Harley’s hair. “And I have something for you.” They pulled away and Marinette handed her a bracelet. “Just a little good luck charm. I usually give kids a card with my contact information, but I think you know that already.” She winked.
Harley pulled her back into the hug. “Thank you so much Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
She pulled away. “Culpa? You mean…” she pointed to her former professor. “Culpa?”
Marinette Culpa giggled and nodded.
“How? What? When?”
“About twenty years ago, around when you were born. It was the final straw between Alya and me.” Her eyes teared up. “Anyway, you better be off, I’m sure there are all sorts of people looking to take pictures with you.”
“Yeah, I guess...” Harley turned to look at the rest of her class. Her eyes landed on a man with a familiar pair of headphones. “Dad? Dad!” She ran to her father, burying herself in his arms.
Marinette smiled and turned to the next student. There was a long line for hugs with Marinette and Mr. Culpa that day. Ms. Rossi stood there, bitterness over losing to Marinette yet again.
“Fe?” Marinette and Felix were cuddling on their couch as they looked over the notes and pictures they recieved from students over the years.
“Do you think I did okay? With Harley, I mean. I wonder if I should have maybe told her more or less or-“ She was cut off by Felix pressing a gentle kiss on her lips.
“Marinette. Harley adores you. She was the only one of my business students who sided with solely the art students. That’s a huge accomplishment.”
“I… I know.” She sighed. “But, I, every time I look at her, in Nino’s old hat, I just. I wonder if I did okay, allowing things with Alya to just stop like that.”
“You did absolutely fine, Netta. Let’s talk about something different. How did the students react when you told them your last name?”
She giggled. “Even worse than last year! Kobe, he actually went as far as to assume we were cousins.”
“Really? Tell me more.”
And as the light of the fireplace died out, the two Culpa’s fell asleep clutching each other, just as they did when they were fourteen.
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bssaz97 · 5 years
Random Post AU Post
“Laundry Day”
4 Year old Rowan: (Looks side to side in laundry, sees no one around then grins) Perfect!
The young boy grad a red bed sheet, pair of under pants and a his mom’s eye mask. *Same one since Vol. 1*
Rowan jumps on top the coffee table from the living room. He has put on all the gathered items and wears them as a costume, he completes the transformation by strikes a superhero pose!
Rowan: Have no fear, Hunter-Man is here!
Distressed Citizen: Help me Hunter-Man! Help! (A cry from the Kitchen/Metropolis)
Hunter-Man: I’m on my way! (Jumps from coffee table and begins to make his way to the Kitchen while having both arms extended to simulate flying through the make believe city)
Mince he arrived to the Kitchen/Metropolis he sees a group of citizens/various toys tied up in rope with a cooking timer and a packet of fire crackers.
Hunter-Man: ‘Gasp’ Do not worry citizens I will save you!
???: Not so fast Hunter-Man you still need to defeat me! (Dastardly voice)
A figure drops from the Kitchen island/building and lands in between the masked hero and the citizens. There Hunter-Man meets his arch nemesis....Grimm Queen. Dressed in a over sized black hoodie turned inside out, and wearing white powder with badly drawn makeup, and her blonde hair combed in way that has it all frizzy, his arch nemesis lets out a wicked laugh.
Summer/Grimm Queen: (Dastardly Voice) We meet again my old friend, but for the last time I’m afraid! As you’ve seen I have taken all the citizens of Kitchen Metropolis and trapped them next to highly explosive bomb!
Hunter-Man: You fiend! I will bring you to justice, and save everyone!
Grimm Queen: Perhaps but you cannot save everyone because I have also taken hostage your best friend! (Brings from under her ‘shroud of darkness’ a stuffed grey bunny plushie with a sowing needle drawn towards its neck) Pumpkin Pete!
Hunter-Man: No! Not Pumpkin Pete he never did anything to anybody!
Grimm Queen: Well then you have a decision then hero, will you save the people or will you save your friend, you cannot save both!
Hunter-Man: Heh. That’s what you think you vile temptretss of evil. For I have this! (Brings out a Dill Pickle) Vinegar Crystal!
Grimm Queen:(breaking character) Hey I thought that weakness was retconned!
Hunter-Man: Nope that was before the universe rebooted itself to our current one so your old weaknesses still carry over. Now face this my pickle fury! (Runs at her with the pickle)
Grimm Queen: Ew! No! Get it away From me! (Runs away and dropped Pete in the process)
While she runs away, Hunter-Man takes the chance to disarm all the bombs and untie all the citizens and Pumpkin Pete, freeing them from their confinement.
Hunter-Man: Haha! I have outsmarted you once again my nemesis! Now Kitchen Metropolis is saved once again!
Grimm Queen:(Dastardly Voice) Don’t think you’ve won just yet! I still have one last trick up my sleeve! (Pulls out a bag of uncooked brussel sprouts in a clear bag) Since my weaknesses were rebooted that means yours has as well. Now face my green fury!
Grimm Queen jumps off the table cackling and goes to tackle her nemesis. What she didn’t account for is her nemesis stepping to the side to dodge and effectively bellyflopped face first on to the kitchen floor.
Grimm Queen:.....
Hunter-Man: Um, Gr-Grimm Queen....
Grimm Queen:.....‘Sob’
The Grimm Queen looks up from off the ground with a build up of tears bubbling at the corner of her eyes, her mouth quivering uncontrollably and a red bruise on her forehead. Eventually she couldn’t hold the persona anymore and did what any four year old would do in a situation like this.
Summer:(Bawls uncontrollably in pain, mascara trail down her cheeks) AAAAAHAHAHAOOOOWWW! OWWWWWIE! OOOOWWWIIIEE! MOOOOMMMYYY! MOMM-hehe-YYY!
Storming down the stairs and moving quickly to the kitchen in a instant in a cloud of rose petals. Ruby sees her daughter lying on the ground bawling her eyes out with her mascara ruined.
Ruby: Summer! Oh poor baby! What happened? (Cradle the poor girl in her arms)
Summer:(Blubbering) M-me a-and R-Rowan were playing a game I jumped off the island and—and ‘Sniff’ I FE-E-ELL! (Bawls once more)
Ruby: Oh my sweet baby, I told you both that you should not jump off high places in the house or you could hurt yourself.
Rowan:(Guilt straining his voice) I’m sorry mommy I didn’t know she would jump off the island like that.
Ruby: Rowan it doesn’t matter if you expect it or not, you two should always be careful of your surroundings and not play too rough. ‘Sigh’ Come on let’s go to your room.
Rowan: Yes mam. (Looking down)
- Some time later -
Ruby: How are you feeling, Sum Sum?
Summer:(Lying in bed face up) ‘Sniff, Sniff’ A little better.
Ruby: That’s good. You stay right here, I’ll bring you some more water. Ok sweetheart.
Summer: Yes mommy.
As Ruby leaves the room, she sees her other child sitting outside the room looking at the floor and holding her sleeping mask. She kneels down by his side and places her arm around her shoulder.
Ruby: You ok sweetie?
Rowan: ....No.
Ruby: What’s wrong?
Rowan: It’s my fault...I made her jump off the island. I-I was a big jerk and now she’s hurt because of me...
Ruby: Oh my baby.~ (Hugs him) It was an accident and Summer is ok now, thankfully she didn’t get any serious injuries.
Rowan: But it’s my fault! I wanted to win the game so badly that I made her jump off the table.
Ruby: Rowan, you didn’t make Summer do anything, she said she jumped off the table by choice and you didn’t persuade her to do anything she didn’t want to do. I should’ve been more careful to keep an eye on you two otherwise none of you wouldn’t have gotten hurt. So you have nothing to be sorry for, but if you feel so convinced then talk to Summer. She won’t view you any different.
Rowan: O-Ok.
Rowan gets up to walk into his shared room with Summer. He goes to her bed to see her looking straight up at the ceiling until she sees him standing by her bed looking at her.
Summer: Rowan what are you-?
Rowan crumbles to the edge of the bed face down and starts to cry himself.
Rowan: I’m sorry sis. I’m so sorry! ‘Sob’ I didn’t mean to push you like that. I didn’t mean for you to hurt yourself like that. And sorry for always being a butt in that stupid game! I promise I won’t make you play it anymore if you don’t want to! I-!
Summer:(Grabs one of his hands) Please don’t cry Rowan. Because if you keep crying I’m gonna start crying too.
Rowan:(Grips her hand too with equal strength) ‘Sniff’ Ok. I’m sorry. ‘Sigh’ I shouldn’t have pushed you too hard while we were playing I got so caught up in the moment that I didn’t think about how you felt. Could you ever forgive me?
Summer: ....Hehehehehe! You dummy. Of course I forgive you. Besides I’m the one who jumped off the table. I should’ve thought that through than just trusting you would catch me.
Rowan:(Lets go of her hand) Wait, you thought I would catch you?
Summer: Duh, that’s the role of a hero isn’t it. To save everyone they can.
Rowan: Oh.....on hindsight that would make sense. Wait! No, then we both would have been hurt!
Summer: Yeah, like I said didn’t completely think it through. (Presses her finger tips together)
Rowan: Well, anyway like I said, if you don’t want to play Hunter-Man vs Grimm Queen anymore then I won’t force you.
Summer: (Turns her head to look at him suprised) WHAT?! Are you kidding, why would I want to stop? I mean, yeah it hurt like hiffle to hit the floor like that but that won’t mean I’ll stop playing with you. I still have to get you back for that Pickle trick you got me with!
Summer/Grimm Queen: (Clears throat to talk Dastardly) Mark my words Hunter-Man I will get my revenge on you for this!
Rowan: .....hehehehe. (Puts on the Sleeping Mask)
Hunter-Man: Not on your life Grimm Queen, I still have a city to protect and I will be there to stop you!
Summer/Rowan: (Laughing joyfully)
Summer: Hahahha, ‘sigh’ I love this game too much to just give it up. So as long as you don’t try anymore of those cheep tricks then I forgive you.
Rowan: (Nods and takes off the mask) Thanks Sis. You’re the best.
Summer: You’re welcome, one of us has to keep your hero worship alive.
Rowan: Yeah.....hey! What’s that supposed to mean!
Summer: It means you’re a goody two shoes to the core. But that’s ok. I like you this way.
Rowan: (Smiles) Thanks sis.
Ruby: Well I’ll say that went well.
Both twins look to see their mom standing outside the door with a glass of water in tow.
Ruby: So can I assume you two made up. (Hands Summer the glass of water, which she takes and starts to drink)
Summer: Mmm. Yep, everything is all good here mommy!
Ruby: Good! Because now it’s time for you two to go to bed.
Rowan/Summer: Aaaaawww! But Mom!
Ruby: Uh uh uh! None of that! It’s past both your bed time, you’ll have plenty of time to play when you’re Auntie Yang comes back home from her mission.
Rowan/Summer: ‘Gasp’ REALLY?!
Rowan runs to his bed, grabbing Pumpkin Pete along the way and Summer finishes her glass of water. Then in a matter of seconds both of them are tucked into their individual beds. Ruby could only chuckle over their eagerness to see their favorite aunt, which doesn’t honestly suprise her. She goes to each of their bedsides and gives them a kiss on the forehead. Then she goes towards the doorway and puts a finger on the light switch.
Rowan: Oh! Wait, Mommy I still have your sleeping mask!
Ruby: ....You know what I think you can keep it, you’ll probably get more used out of it than I have in years.
Rowan: Really?! Thank you mommy!
Ruby: You’re welcome sweetie. Good night, sleep tight my little blessings.~ Sleep tight.
Rowan/Summer: Good Night Mommy!
Ruby turns off the light and closes their door shut. She makes her way to her own bedroom walking inside and sitting down on her bed, sighing in relief. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a familiar black garment turned inside out that she recalled Summer was wearing as her Grimm Queen persona. She giggled as she moves towards the garment moving to change it’ll the right side.
Ruby: I don’t remember owning a shirt this big, where did she even-!
Once she turned it right side out she feels the breath leave her mouth, instantly recalling where this garment came from. Ruby knows because she could never forget the grey bunny logo on the center of this hoodie as well as the owner of such a silly garment. She tries to smile at the sentiment, but it quickly crumbles as she sits back on her bed and brings the garment to her face to absorb her tears.
Ruby:(Sobbing) I-If...if only...I could have....saved you....t-too!
Ruby continues to cry her eyes out, crawling into her bed with only the garment of her lost love, the father of her children, to comfort her as she quietly tries to lower the sound of her crying. Not wanting to awake her children so soon after she set them to bed. After awhile she calms herself down and turns off her lamp light, darkening the room around her while clinging close to the garment in her hands.
As she drifts to sleep she doesn’t notice the door of her room creaking open or the small sound of foot steps on the floor. Ruby senses a small bit of movement on both sides of her bed and feels two sets of arms wrapping around her torso from front and behind. She doesn’t question it as she has become too tired. Only sighs and sets her hand around a set of joined hands and drifted off to sleep. Allowing just a small smile on her face as the mother shares her bed with her two blessings. Soon sleeps overtakes all of them and they dream of life for the next day.
- End -
*Hope you guys enjoy this one shot into RWBY Post AU, a little bit of family life for the Rose household. So I’ll see you next time. I gotta go cry my eyes out for that ending.*
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calpalirwin · 5 years
Difficult and Stubborn
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Summary: When country difficult meets rock stubborn there’s bound to be a clash. And there’s bound to be more than one side to the same story.
A/N: So, in case y’all didn’t know, I’m a country music ho! And Morgan Wallen’s Chasin’ You gave me angsty Ash fic vibes so I paired it up with 5SOS’s Want You Back. And I think it worked?
Content: Swearing. Angst. Some fluff because I can’t write bad endings? I dunno. Same shit, different fic.
Word Count: 5,200-ish.
And, (like always) away, and away we go! (Have y’all caught on to this joke yet?)
March 2019
“You know you gotta perform this song with me, right?” Morgan asked me.
“What?” I asked, my eyes going wide. I was a song writer, not a song-singer. Why did the people I wrote songs for keep rewarding me like this?
“C’mon, we sing it so much better together,” he winked.
I rolled my eyes, patting the man’s shoulder. “I’ll sing with you,” I relented. “But that’s it!”
“Great!” he grinned, hugging me tightly.
I rolled my eyes again and gave out a small laugh.
“Y/N?” a familiar- too familiar really- voice sounded and I ducked behind Morgan, eyes taking in the man strolling down the hall towards me. The brown curls I had spent many a night running my fingers through were now bright red. More tattoos decorated the arms that used to hold me tight. And Ashton Irwin was the last person I wanted to see before I was about to perform the song I had written about him.
March 2019
Ashton’s POV
“Ash, c’mon, mate,” Calum’s hand pulled on my arm.
“Yeah, right behind ya,” I said, following him down the hallway, before my eyes took her in. I stopped, blinking. It couldn’t be, could it? Despite being in the music business, we had managed to run in different circles. But it was. I would recognize her anywhere. “Y/N?” I called out, before I could think about it. She froze, recognizing my voice the same way I would recognize hers. But, instead of turning, she ducked behind the man she was standing with. 
I was about to call out to her again, but Calum gave me a sharp tug, pulling me along. “C’mon, mate. Don’t do this,” he told me, his voice low.
March 2017
“You know you gotta perform this song with me, right?” Kelsea asked me.
“Kels, I just write the songs. I don’t perform them,” I said, holding up my hands, declining her offer.
“Oh, c’mon Y/N,” the pretty blonde pleaded. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for your songwriting.”
“Just thank me in your speech, and we’ll call it even,” I assured her.
“Kelsea, you’re on in five,” a stagehand directed.
“Get her mic for me, would ya?” she winked at the stagehand, who shrugged and pushed a microphone in my hand.
“No, I do-” I protested, handing it back to him.
He looked at Kelsea, wondering what to do as I tried to get him to take the microphone back. “She’s doing this,” Kelsea smiled brightly at him. “Make sure they announce us both. That’s songwriter Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Yes ma’am,” he said, rushing off.
I narrowed my eyes, “I could kill you right now.”
She just turned her bright smile to me, “You could, but then you’d have to perform solo.”
March 2017
Ashton’s POV
I sunk low in my chair, bored out of my skull. Being at an award show just to show face was the dumbest idea my management had come up with thus far.
“Drink after this?” Calum whispered to me.
“Fuck yeah,” I agreed. “What about Luke, though?”
“It’s an after-party, not a bar.”
“Performing Miss Me More, country music artist Kelsea Ballerini, and songwriter Y/N Y/L/N!” the host announced and our conversation got cut as we clapped politely as two women came out on stage, the blonde perky, the other shooting daggers with her eyes.
“Who’s that?” I nudged Calum.
He just shrugged, “But if looks could kill, yeah?”
I nodded, keeping my eyes on the woman who looked like she would rather be anywhere else in the world than on stage as the music started.
Kelsea sang her way through the first verse of a rather upbeat, ballsy fuck-you country tune, before the other woman joined her on the chorus. Then, when that second verse hit, it was just the other woman alone singing “I put on my old records that I hid in the back of the closet. And I turned them up to ten. And then I played them all again.” She got into it at that point, giving a little sway of her hips as she continued, “I found my independence, can’t believe I ever lost it. What you wanted, ain’t it? It’s what you wanted.” She gave a smug smirk and a wink at Kelsea before they both continued with the rest of the song.
“Thanks, y’all!” Kelsea grinned, taking a small bow to the applause. “Let’s give it up for my talent friend, Y/N!”
I don’t know what compelled me to do it, but I was on my feet, whistling through my fingers, suddenly feeling way better about being here.
March 2019
“Please welcome to the stage, Morgan Wallen and Y/N Y/L/N and their new hit Chasin’ You!” the host announced and Morgan’s hand took mine as we walked out.
Morgan sang the first verse by himself, and I swayed quietly on my stool, my eyes closed, enjoying the music before I opened my eyes and joined him for the chorus.
“Chasin’ you-ooo-ooo like a shot of whiskey. Burnin’ goin’ down, burnin’ goin’ down. Chasin’ you-ooo-ooo like those goodbye headlights, headin’ west to anywhere out of this nowhere town. Chasin’ that freedom, chasin’ that feeling, that got gone too soon. Chasin’ that you and me, I only see in my rearview. Yeah, I’m layin’ here tonight holdin’ someone new, still chasin’ you. Still chasin’ you.” 
My eyes glanced across the crowd watching us and I found him easily, too easily.
March 2019
Ashton’s POV
Her eyes found mine as she started singing the second verse, a sad smile on her lips.
“You always used to talk about LA. I heard you got as far as Santa Fe. Oh, wait. You know I tried to track you down, but I only got as far as Guitar Town. Singin’ bout a boy I used to know, used to know. You should know that I haven’t given up, I’m just on your radio.”
I sucked in my breath as her eyes stayed locked on mine. I knew the song was about me. I just wondered how much of it was true.
I got up from my seat, Calum’s arm grabbing my arm in protest, but I yanked from his grasp and strode out, my mind racing.
God, how had her and I gone so wrong, so fast? How did we get back to the people we were when we met? How did anyone come back from a breakup in a relationship you were never sure you had in the first place?
March 2017
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I said, clapping a hand over my mouth as the man jostled me.
“Oh, nah, that was my fault,” he apologized. His words were either accented or slightly slurred as he pushed his brown curls out off a set of honey-gold eyes. “Oh, hey! You’re that girl,” he smiled as those eyes took me in.
“It’s Y/N,” I said with a small laugh, offering him my hand.
“I’m Ashton,” he told me, his large hand enveloping mine. “That song rocked. And I don’t even like country all that much.”
“More of a rock band type?” I asked, my brain clicking through the names and faces I knew and not finding his, but recognizing his name anyway.
He tapped a finger to his nose knowingly. “Typical, I know. The drummer of a rock band likes rock music. Go fuckin’ figure.”
“Ah!” I said, my eyes lighting up in recognition. “You’re Ashton from 5 Seconds of Summer. What were you guys doing at the award show?”
“Showing the world that LA hasn’t swallowed us whole,” he shrugged, holding out his arms, the drink sloshing around the lip of the cup. 
“Easy there,” I said, laughing and wondering if he felt the same jolt of electricity as I did when I touched his arm to bring it down. “The booze may seem free, but the cost is gonna be one wicked hangover.”
“Can’t be hungover if I never stop drinking,” he winked, taking a long sip.
I laughed again. The man had some solid logic, even if it was heavily flawed. “C’mon you, let’s see if we can’t sober you up a bit.”
March 2017
Ashton’s POV
I wasn’t drunk. I wasn’t even close to it. But I let her drag me outside anyway. 
“Okay, maybe this was a bad idea,” she chuckled, rubbing furiously at her bare arms. 
“Here,” I said, shrugging off my leather jacket and placing it around her shoulders. 
“Won’t you be cold?” she asked, sliding her arms in, letting the warmth envelope her.
“Nah, I’ll be good in this,” I said, pulling at my long sleeves. The leather jacket, combined with the small buzz I was working on getting, and the way she looked was making me too hot, so I was glad to shed the layer I could, letting the early spring night air cool me down. “So, do you live in LA?” I asked.
She shook her head. “Nashville with all the other country folk.”
I nodded. “So you write, but you don’t sing?”
She laughed. I liked it. “I could ask you the same thing, Ashton.”
“I’m a drummer, what’s your excuse?”
“I don’t need my name up in lights. I write music for me, not for anybody else.”
“Sounds a little hypocritical to sell those songs then, no?”
She shrugged. “Gotta make a living somehow. Might as well make money doing what I love. But I don’t need all the glory that goes with it.”
I nodded. “That’s almost a shame, really. Cuz you sound great.”
She smiled, “So do you.”
Maybe it was the alcohol in my system. Maybe it was the way she looked in the streetlight glow in my leather jacket. Maybe it was a combination of the two or something else entirely. But the next thing I knew my lips met hers and her hands were in my hair and mine were on her hips.
March 2019
“Y/N!” Ashton’s voice called as I walked down the hallway headed for my seat in the theater. 
I stopped and turned, trying not to lose my composure over how nearly two years had only made him more handsome. I’m not sure what I wanted him to look like. Maybe broken like I was? No. I didn’t want that. He didn’t deserve that pain I felt in my chest looking at him. God, it was pathetic. I was pathetic. We were barely a thing when we were a thing. And now we were back to being nothing. Two strangers in a hallway. God, if only that were true. “Ashton,” I answered, keeping my voice level, cold even. 
“Ashton? Really Y/N? That’s how it’s gonna be?” He gave a shake of his head, a hand rubbing at his neck, a breath coming out in a slow, shaky huff.
“What do you want, Ashton?” I asked, the iciness from my tone giving way to weariness.
“To talk?”
I rolled my eyes. “What about?”
His eyes darkened. “Jesus, are you always this difficult?”
“Are you always this stubborn?” I shot back. 
March 2019
Ashton’s POV
A low frustrated growl ripped through my throat. “I’m stubborn?! Jesus, woman, I’m just trying to talk to you!”
“I don’t have time for this,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “You don’t have time for this,” she added, her eyes locking on my fist that was clenched around the drumsticks. 
“Later then, yeah?”
“Later. Break a leg, or whatever,” she muttered, before walking off.
I watched her, shaking my head. God, even when she was mad she was hot.
“Mate…” Calum’s voice said, his eyes following where I was looking. “I specifically told you not to do this.”
“I’m not doing anything, Cal. She’s the one doing it.”
June 2017
“C’mon,” he said, his eyes wild as he shed his shirt.
“Ash, you’re crazy!” I laughed.
“Live a little, baby,” he whispered in my ear, placing a kiss on my lips that tasted like the whiskey he took a swig off. Then, he was running down the river bend in the moonlight.
I took a swig of my own, then ran after him. I would chase that boy anywhere.
“You ever gonna chase me to LA?” he asked when I caught him. Okay, I would chase him almost anywhere.
“We talked about this, Ash,” I said, my voice soft, not wanting to have the same fight we've been having for three months.
“You’ll chase me all around Nashville, but not LA? Baby…” his voice begged with a small chuckle of disbelief. “You can still write in LA.”
“You can write in Nashville,” I countered. Then, “Can we not do this? Can we just enjoy whatever this is?”
He pushed his hair back with a click of his tongue and a shake of his head. “Yeah, whatever.”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re really going to be mad at me for having a life, Ash?”
“I’m not mad that you don’t have a life. I’m mad you only act like were a thing when I come here.”
“I was in LA last month, and you ignored me!” I shot back.
“I was busy!”
“So what? I have to change for you, but you won’t change for me? How is that fair, Ash?”
“I’m not asking you to change!”
“Then, why are you trying to ruin a good thing, Ash?” I asked. “C’mon, be here with me.”
“In Nashville?”
“No,” I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, taking his hands in mine. “Here. This moment. Me and you. Nobody else.”
A small smile crept across his lips and I knew we were done fighting. “You drive me crazy, you know that, baby?”
“Honestly, how you put up with me, I’ll never know,” I said, reaching up on tiptoe to kiss him deeply.
“Mmm, it’s cuz you kiss like that,” he told me, his eyes shining in the way that sent shivers down my spine.
“Like what?” I asked innocently, repeating the kiss. “Like this?”
“Just like that, baby.”
“Keep calling me ‘baby’ and there will be plenty of kisses just like that.”
“Baby,” he grinned, placing his lips on my neck to leave his own kisses and marks. “Baby, baby, baby.”
July 2017
Ashton’s POV
“You never change, do you?!” she screamed at me in the parking lot, the summer rain making it hard to tell if she was crying or not.
I kept my face neutral, deciding to say nothing. I had just asked if she wanted to join me on tour and she was acting like I set her on fire.
“Say something!” she yelled, her voice cracking- yep, she was crying- her hands pushing hard at my chest, enough to make me have to throw a foot back to catch myself.
I dropped my gaze, deciding to take this moment to memorize her before I never got another chance. Her hair was starting to frizz in the light drizzle. Her voice that could be so soft was loud and harsh, ringing out in the parking lot. Her thin shirt- my favorite one, the one with roses on it- clung to her skin. “All I asked was if you wanted to join me on tour,” I said simply. “Didn’t even have to be for the whole thing. Just thought maybe you were in the mood to travel. With me. Your boyfriend.”
“Oh, is that what you are?” she asked with a disgusted laugh.
I blinked, dumbly.
She let out a wild scream of frustration. “I broke up with my ex because I valued my independence. I thought you respected that. We never said what we were, Ashton. You just come around every now and then, shake up my world for a few days, and then leave.”
“I do respect that! But you can’t have it both ways! You can’t get mad at me for leaving, and then turn around and get mad when I ask you to come with me!” I shouted at her, losing my temper the way she had already lost hers.
“Because when I did come, you ignored me!”
“You’re really gonna keep using that argument?!”
“I make time for you every time you come to Nashville! But you couldn’t do the same?! And you think you’re my boyfriend?! God!” Her hands came to rest on her head and I knew what was coming next. “I do- I don’t know how we’ve been working for as long as we have. We don’t work. You and I will never work.”
“Message received,” I said shortly, grateful we each had met up so I didn’t have to endure a hard silent car ride that may or may not led to make-up/break-up sex. I could just leave, here and now. Before I shattered.
March 2019
“And now, 5SOS with their new hit Want You Back!” the host announced and I clapped politely, but wished for the theater to open up and swallow me whole. I couldn’t hear this song. Not here in front of people.
“Can’t help but wondering if this is the last time that I’ll see your face. Is it tears or just the pourin’ rain? Wish I could say something. Something that doesn’t sound insane, but lately I don’t trust my brain. You tell me I won’t ever change, so I just say nothing,” Luke sang the clean acoustic version, but my eyes were on the man just beyond the blonde. God, how could he make something as simple as snapping look so damn sexy?
His eyes were closed, lost in the music, and I was glad for it. It meant he couldn’t tell that I was watching. It would have stayed that way if he had kept those damn honey colored eyes that I saw every time I closed my eyes shut. But, I wasn’t lucky when it came to Ashton Irwin. No, those eyes snapped open with his fingers and locked with mine. So much for pretending to move on.
March 2019
Ashton’s POV
I had kept my eyes closed, because I knew that if I looked I would find her and I really didn’t want to break down on stage. But the first verse ended and my eyes opened up, almost without my permission, and found her watching.
“No matter where I go, I’m always gonna want you back. No matter how long you’re gone, I’m always gonna want you back. I know you know I will never get over you. No matter where I go, I’m always gonna want you back, want you back,” I sang into my microphone along with the rest of my band, swallowing the lump in my throat, and the pain swirling in the pit of my stomach.
I wondered if she was sitting there thinking the same thing I had when it had been her up here instead of me. I wish I could tell her that every word of it was true. I would never not want her. But, that confession would have to wait.
September 2017
I chucked my phone in anger. I needed to stop. God, it wasn’t even like we were a thing to begin with. So why did it hurt so bad? Why was I constantly scrolling through his band account to see whether he looked broken up or happy? Why was I still hung up on him?
I pulled my notebook closer, gave my pen a quick tap, and started writing.
“We used to taste that Chattanooga fray. Couple kids in a Chevrolet. Catch a little air when we hit the tracks. Sipping on something from a paper sack. You hang your shirt on a maple limb. Slippin’ through the moon to the river bend. Wasn’t very long I was jumpin’ in, jumpin’ in. I guess I’m still doin’ now what I was doin’ then,” I sang along, plucking out a melody, figuring maybe putting him in a song would get him out of my head once and for all.
November 2017
Ashton’s POV
My fingers itched as I clutched my phone tighter. “Don’t do it. Don’t you dare do it,” I whispered angrily to myself.
“Give it to me,” Calum said, his brown hand outstretched.
I sighed in defeat and handed it to him. “I don’t know what to do, Cal. She’d push, and I’d pull. So, I would push, and then she would pull. I never knew what she wanted me to do. Did she want her freedom? Did she want me? Did she want both, and I just didn’t know how to give her that? God, I can’t think straight!”
“Here,” he said, pushing a notebook and pen in my hand. “Get it out. Maybe getting it on paper will clear up your head.”
I offered him a small smile of gratitude. “Thanks, Cal.”
“I’m always here for ya, mate. Now turn this moping into a hit.”
I chuckled for the first time in what felt like a while, the sound strange to my ears. I opened the notebook and the words came easily- too easily.
“I remember the freckles on your back, and the way I used to make you laugh. ‘Cause you know  every morning I wake up, yeah, I still reach for you. I remember the roses on your shirt when you told me this would never work. You know even when I say I’ve moved on, yeah, I still dream for you.”
March 2019
I got up out of my seat. I couldn’t sit here and watch him up there anymore. It was my own damn fault. I hadn’t wanted a relationship, so I had kept him at arm’s length, and every time he tried to close the distance I pushed. But then I would get mad when he didn’t pull me close anyway. I had wanted him to fight for me and every time he did I balked, scared of risking losing myself like I had in my last relationship.
My wandering in my dazed state led me to the hallway backstage, and as fate would have it, I smacked right into the person I still wasn’t sure about.
March 2019
Ashton’s POV
“Whoa, easy there,” I said, grabbing her arms to hold her steady as she stumbled back. “You okay?” I asked when her eyes traveled up and I got a good look of her face- broken, struggling to keep her composure.
“I’m fine,” she all but snarled, her eyes hard despite the rest of her face being soft, jerking out of my grasp.
I held up my hands and took a small step back. “Just making sure you don’t fall on your ass, baby.”
“Don’t you dare call me that.”
“Baby, baby, baby,” I taunted, crossing my arms.
“Stubborn asshole.”
“Difficult baby.”
“You infuriate me.”
“Oh yeah? Is that why you wrote a song about how you haven’t given up? Because I infuriate you?”
“That song’s not about you. It’s Morgan’s song about his ex,” she lied.
“Bullshit it is,” I scoffed.
“Oh, like you didn’t just perform a song about me?” she challenged.
“I never said I didn’t.”
“So, I’m the fake betch who treated you really wrong?” she asked, accenting the words like Luke and I had, not realizing she had just admitted to keeping tabs on me.
I laughed harshly. “That’s the part you chose to focus on? The part where Luke and I were dicking around as he tried to make me laugh for the first time in months?”
“I’m not fake, Ashton. I wasn’t faking anything with you.”
“I never said you were.”
She rolled her eyes. “I don’t even know why I’m trying right now.”
“Trying what? You’re the one acting hostile. All I did was keep you from falling flat on face.”
“If you wanted to keep me from falling flat on my face you should- nevermind.”
I tilted my head. “I’m sorry? I should’ve what?”
“You going to the after-party?”
“Cool. We’ll talk there, yeah? Maybe without the hostilities?”
“That depends, are you going to be stubborn?”
“Are you going to be difficult?” I asked back.
Her eyes narrowed, but she fought the eye roll. God, all I wanted right now was to kiss that hard look off her face. “Just find me later, Ash,” she finally said, using the shortened version of my name as an act of good faith.
June 2018
I wasn’t sure why I was watching the video. The last time I had watched a video of him I had cried for hours wondering if he really thought I was a fake bitch who broke his heart like it was nothing. Did he really think I was a monster? Was I a monster? Hell, maybe I was for pushing away a guy who only wanted to hold me together. God, I was so stupid!
I was expecting Ashton to go off on what the lyrics meant to him as I watched the video against my better judgement, but he surprised me by talking about the process of writing the song, rather than what it meant to him personally. Maybe he wasn’t drunk enough yet. Maybe he had written the song to move on, and it had worked for him. Good. At least it had worked for one of us.
July 2018
Ashton’s POV
“So, you actually wrote this song, Y/N, is that right?” the radio host asked her in the live stream of the video I was watching.
She nodded. “Yeah. I mean, I wrote the lyrics anyway. Morgan and his team wrote the music for it.”
“She’s being modest,” Morgan cut in with a laugh. “She had a guitar melody in mind when she showed us the song that we worked with.”
“And yet, you let him sing it?”
She laughed. “Yeah, or I try to anyway. I keep telling Morgan I’m just the song writer, not the song singer, but he can be very persuasive.”
The radio host leaned in, “Oh, so is Morgan the someone new you’re holding?”
She laughed again. “No, Morgan and I are just friends. There’s nobody new I’m holding. It was just a good fit lyrically.”
The radio host leaned back, clearly disappointed that there wasn’t an exclusive scoop for him to exploit. I sighed in relief, as that line had tore me up inside every time I heard it. “Rumor has it the song is about a certain rock drummer you were spotted getting friendly with last year. So, were you and Ashton Irwin of 5SOS dating, and is the song about your breakup?”
She shrugged, and I watched the small flash as her face fell before she kept it neutral. “It’s based on experience, like all my songs are. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s about a breakup, though. Ashton and I…” her voice trailed off as she struggled to find the words. “We had fun. We had potential. And, uh…”
“He’s just a feeling you’re trying to chase?” the radio host supplied.
She let out a breath that held the trace of a laugh. The sound of shoulda/woulda/coulda beens. “Ash was more than a feeling, but uh, yeah. I guess you could say that.”
I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.
March 2019
I took a swallow of my water, waving my hand dismissively at the harder drinks being offered my way. I needed to be stone-cold sober for this chat I was mentally hyping myself up to have with Ashton. If I could stop being so damn defensive that was. God, I was the one who had pushed him away. I had no right to play the victim. I forced a smile, that really didn’t feel all that forced, as I saw him shouldering his way through the crowd towards me.
“Found ya,” he said simply.
My smile widened. “You did. So, that talk?” I asked, deciding to jump right in.
“Outside?” he suggested.
I nodded, taking his hand and letting him lead me out to the balcony. I fought against the nostalgia washing over me at finding my hand in his again, instead shivering against the night breeze. I really needed to learn to bring a jacket. I felt his hand leave mine and then the enveloping warmth that was his leather jacket and scent on my shoulders. “Thanks,” I mumbled, thrusting my arms through the sleeves. “You didn’t have to do that.”
He shrugged, his hands going into the pockets of his black jeans. “Didn’t want you to be cold.”
I sighed, looking out over the city. “What are we doing?”
“It’s just a jacket, Y/N.”
“I don’t mean the damn jacket, Asht-” I started, feeling angry at all the emotions I’d kept bottled up for nearly two years. “I’m not talking about the jacket, Ash,” I tried again, keeping my voice calm and level.
“I know. But it’s a good metaphor all the same, don’t ya think? You fighting back against every nice thing I did like the difficult woman you are?”
His tone was teasing, so I didn’t feel too bad when I rolled my eyes and gave his shoulder a small shove. “You mean you fighting me like the stubborn man you are?”
He let out a small laugh and shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve been known to be stubborn, yes.”
“And I’ve been known to be difficult,” I relented.
“So, where does that leave us?” he asked, his honey eyes locking on mine.
“Right about here?” I suggested, reaching up on tiptoe to kiss the lips I had missed kissing more than I cared to admit out loud.
March 2019
Ashton’s POV
“Fuck, I’ve missed you,” I murmured against her lips, pulling her tight to me.
“I’m sorry,” she was whispering back as her hands snaked into my hair, her lips letting go of mine so she could look up at me. “I didn’t know how to keep you and my independence. But this freedom? It’s suffocating.”
“I never wanted to keep you. I just wanted you in any version you were willing to give me.”
“Keep me. Please.” Her voice was a heartbreaking plea.
“Anybody tell you that you’re difficult?” I asked with a chuckle.
“Anybody tell you that you’re stubborn?” she shot back, playfully. “Ash, I’m finally asking you to hold me close like you wanted. Are you really going to say this isn’t want you want anymore?”
I shook my head. “You drive me crazy, you know that, baby? But, I love it. And you.”
“You love me, huh?”
“I love difficult, what can I say?”
“Good thing I love stubborn, then.”
I tilted my head back, chuckling into the night. “Baby, your love is gonna be the end of me.” 
“You love it when I kiss you like this?” she asked with a playful laugh, kissing me the way she knew I loved being kissed.
“Just like that, baby,” I nodded, my fingers dancing across her waist to hold her tight.
“Keep calling me ‘baby’ and there will be plenty of kisses just like that.”
“Baby,” I grinned, placing my lips on her neck to leave my own kisses and marks. “Baby, baby, baby.”
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sunshine-memes · 5 years
Newsies Sentence Starters
Santa Fe ( Prologue )
“ they sucked the life right outta my old man. ” “ but everyone wants to come to new york. ” “ give me a big life in a small town. ” “ me? I'm dyin' to get away... ” “ while I ain't never been there, I can see it clear as day! ” “ close your eyes, come with me... ” “ welcome home, son, welcome home to santa fe! ” “ ain't that neat? livin' sweet! ” “ there's a life that's worth the livin'... ” “ don't you know that we's a family? ”
Carrying the Banner
“ hey! that's my cigar! ” “ I thought that I'd surprise my mother, ” “ who asked you?! ” “ it's a crooked game we're playin', one we'll never lose. ” “ ain't it a fine life! ” “ when that bell rings, we goes where we wishes, we's as free as fishes! ” “ what's your leg say, gonna rain? ” “ summer stinks and winter's freezing... ” “ waiting makes me antsy. ” “ though you wander lost and depraved, jesus loves you. ” “ you shall be saved. ” “ if I hate the headline... I’ll make up a headline! ”
The Bottom Line
“ bankrupting me even faster! ” “ shaving is tricky, the razor should float. shave me too close and you may slit my throat... ” “ It's gonna be awfully rough on those children...” “ they'll be learning a real life lesson in economics. ” “ give me a week and I'll train them to be like an army that's marching to war! ” “ every new outcome, it's income for you. ”
That’s Rich
“ I'm doing alright for myself folks, ” “ I'm healthy, I'm wealthy, I'm wise! ” “ I've got men, I've got money, and yet... the thing I want most? I can't get. ” “ uh, that feels good. I like that. ” “ this life's too short to waste it on you. ” “ it may be rough, but soon enough I'll learn to make do. ”
I Never Planned On You / Don’t Come a-Knocking
“ please go away. I'm working. ” “ I got no use for moonlight, or sappy poetry. ” “ love at first sight's for suckers, at least it used to be... ” “ girls are nice, once or twice, ‘til I find someone new. ” “ but I never planned on someone like you... ” “ don't come a-knocking on my door. ” “ I should have known, you stunk like yesterday's trash! ” “ turns out my beau is just some bum... ” “ turns out that love ain't blind, its dumb. ” “ you never told the truth or worked a day in your life! ” “ you are the most impossible boy... ever! ”
The World Will Know
“ the world don't know, but they're gonna pay! ” “ the world will know that we've been here! ” “ when you got a hundred voices singin', who can hear a lousy whistle blow? ” “ we got a ton of rotten fruit and perfect aim! ” “ now we got no choice but to see it through... ” “ either they gives us our rights or we gives them a war! ” “ everyday we wait is a day we lose. ”
Watch What Happens
“ all I know is I don't know what to write, or the right way to write it. ” “ it could practically write itself--- and let's pray it does, cause as I may have mentioned, I have no clue what I'm doing. ” “ this is what I've been waiting for! well that, plus the screaming of ten angry editors. ” “ there's a story behind the story. ” “ just look around at the world we're inheriting, and think of the one we'll create! ” “ no sir, we'll stay young forever! ” “ all I know is nothing happens if you just give in. ”
Seize the Day
“ tell those with power safe in their tower: we will not obey! ” “ someday becomes somehow, and a prayer becomes a vow. ” “ and the strike starts right damn now! ” “ no one can make us quit before we're done! ”
Santa Fe
“ let me go far away, somewhere they won't ever find me, and tomorrow won't remind me of today... ” “ and I'm gone, and I'm done. ” “ just a moon so big and yellow, it turns night right into day... ” “ dreams come true. yeah they do. ” “ where does it say you gotta live and die here? ” “ why should you spend your whole life living trapped where there ain't no future? ” “ if the life don't seem to suit ya', how about a change of scene? ”
Watch What Happens ( Reprise )
“ there's no way I am putting them kids back in danger. ” “ so here's how it goes once we win, ” “ did they bust up your brains or somethin'? ” “ and you know why a snake starts to rattle? ” “ yes, we're terrified, but watch what happens! ” “ you can’t undo the past, so just move on and stay on track. ”
The Bottom Line ( Reprise )
“ time's running out, kid, so what do you say? ” “ your abject surrender was always the bottom line. ” “ too bad you've no family, but you can't have mine. ” “ be glad you're alive, boy, I'd say that's the bottom line. ”
Brooklyn’s Here
“ that's our cue, boys, it's time to go slummin'! ” “ pay us a visit, you'll see what we means, ” “ now them soakers is in for a soakin'! ” “ what a sad way to end a career... ”
Something to Believe In
“ ‘til the moment I found you, I thought I knew what love was, ” “ the world finds ways to sting you and then one day decides to bring you something to believe in. ” “ one night may be forever, ” “ and if you're gone tomorrow, what was ours still will be. ” “ I have something to believe in, now that I know you believed in me. ” “ do you know what I believe in? look into my eyes and see. ”
Once and For All
“ there's change coming once and for all, ” “ and sure as a star, we ain't come this far... to lose. ” “ this is the story we needed to write, ” “ write it in ink or in blood, it's the same either way, they're gonna damn well pay! ”
“ wherever you go, I'm there right by your side. ” “ don't take much to be a dreamer, all you do is close your eyes, but some made-up world is all you ever see... ” “ but they don't much matter if you ain't with me. ” “ Suddenly I'm respectable. ”
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bluepunkmon · 5 years
Fe Gen Week Prompt #1: Ride
In which Henry and Ricken (by extension) try to tame a very angry pegasus. Rated G, no blood or violence
Friendship, or really, any relationship, with Henry mandated that one become acclimated to a high level of strangeness. Even if the current subject of conversation, item being considered, or activity being suggested didn’t immediately sound strange, the strangeness would come through eventually.
So, when Henry told Ricken he started training to become a Dark Flier, a totally innocuous and sensible thing given the Shepherd’s current campaign, Ricken knew to be on the lookout for something strange. He found it quickly, in the form of Henry’s choice of steed.
“Where did you even get it?” Ricken asked in a voice that held an equal mix of fear and awe.
He and Henry watched from a distance as the army’s pegasi were tethered and given their evening feed. Amongst the familiar faded dappled grey coats and feathers was a new presence; one larger, sharper and darker than the rest. It was a jet-black shape that loomed over the rest of the flock like a storm cloud blown into a calm summer day.
As if it heard him, the large pegasus turned its head to stare at Ricken. He didn’t know pegasi could even have red eyes.
“In the last town.” Henry answered. “Tied up outside without food or water. The owner was going to kill her because she wouldn’t take any riders. I was just going to free her in the middle of the night, but Robin found out and said they’d pay for it so I wouldn’t steal her. Said I had ‘free reign’ to try to tame her.” He smiled at the pun.
The animal did look skinny despite its height, especially beside such honed war animals – though that didn’t lessen the intimidation factor of its glare at all. It ruffled its dark wings and snorted, stomping a hoof.
“So, it doesn’t like people?” Ricken asked.
“Oh, no, not at all. But I think she gets along with other pegasi, and Sumia said she has the right temperament for battle.”
A pegasus knight walked up to the winged horses, water, brush, and rags in hand. The black horse twisted, red eye watching the newcomer. As they got closer, the pegasus grew more tense, and when the knight reached the animal at the end of the row the winged horse reared and shrieked, slicing the air with gigantic black wings and sending the knight stumbling back.
Henry’s smile fell a bit. “Well. As much as she could tell, from a distance. But I think she’ll be great! And when we’re a team, you can be the first person we give a ride to.”
Ricken looked back at the beast just in time to see it snap up some small scurrying creature and swallow it whole. “Great.”
Over the next few weeks, every moment Henry was not in battle or preparing for one was spent caring for and trying to tame, the foul-tempered animal. And, over the next few weeks, every moment Ricken was not in battle or preparing for one was spent trying to make sure Henry didn’t get killed or maimed in the process.
The winged horse didn’t like any humans, at all, and Henry didn’t appear to be an exception. Henry worked, often times alongside Sumia, to calm it and establish a routine to gain its trust. From Ricken’s perspective, none of it worked. She was always on guard, never accepting food or brushing. At best, it wouldn’t react when Henry stood a few meters away to speak to it, which he did fairly often, (so at least he had someone new to tell his more painful word play). The winged horse was always unresponsive, but if the dark mage even thought about moving closer it would start getting threatening. A few times it went beyond threats, and Ricken would run interference to make sure Henry didn’t get too hurt, because he refused to raise a hand against the thing, even in self-defense.
Ricken at least got to receive a crash course in pegasi behavior. He knew now what parts of the wings they were most protective of, that they were born with canine teeth that were usually removed, that they didn’t like to fly if they could help it, all sort of things. He committed them all to memory – habit of an education in magic – but he didn’t think it would ever be useful. He wasn’t not Miriel, craving knowledge for knowledge’s sake.
After too many of these sessions, Ricken was healing a bruise on Henry’s arm while they sat on the grass a safe distance from the beast in question. The dark mage glanced back at the pegasus and said, “I think that went well.”
“But – she just chased you.”
“Yeah, she just chased me! And she went pretty slow, she could have caught me if she wanted.”
“She bit your finger off yesterday!”
“And you reattached it good as new!” Henry answered.  “Also, she spat it out instead of eating it. She didn’t have to do that. Progress.”
Would anything get through to him? “But she’s still as mean as when you first got her.”
“Nah, not mean, just defensive.”
Ricken finished healing the last of the bruises and sighed. “How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Keep believing she has potential, despite all this.”
Henry looked up to the darkening evening sky in thought, slow to respond. “I’m sure she has her own reasons for being the way she is. And she’s never aggressive with the other pegasi, or even the other horses! She always watches over them, and grooms them, even if they don’t groom her back. Just because an animal doesn’t like humans doesn’t make them mean. Sometimes it just means they’re smart.”
He blinked. “Oh, wow, it’s later than I thought. Got to go, I was supposed to help with dinner ages ago.”
Henry left in a hurry, and Ricken was left to fetch two very harried knights to tether the pegasus with the other winged horses. They only glared a little bit at the request.
Ricken edged closer to her when the knight’s finished, keeping well out of biting distance. The dark pegasus glanced up, ears pricked and alert. Now that he looked, Ricken could see old raised welts along its back and legs, the kind that might have come from a whip.
“You really lucked out,” Ricken said, voice low to avoid startling the animal. “That Henry found you. You couldn’t have found a nicer person.”
As close as he is, he can see that, though the pegasus had lost some of the thinness from before, her wings were still in rough shape, with pieces of leaves and twigs caught in the feathers. There was a large-ish one stuck neat a joint, a place most pegasus dreaded even having touched. Carefully, the young mage case a small wind spell, one tight and controlled enough to straighten some feathers and dislodge the stick.
He couldn’t help much, but he could do this at least.
It proved to be both the least he could do, and the most. After another week, the pegasus was no more tame than before, and Robin tells Henry that the army wouldn’t be able to keep feeding and sheltering the beast for much longer if it kept refused riders.
Henry was still smiling when they go to collect the beast, but Ricken sensed tension behind it. “I’m going to call it quits today. Want to go with me to set her free?”
Ricken agreed, and walked with them away from camp and up to higher ground.
“Why did you want this one, anyway?” Ricken asked. “We have the money to get a tamer pegasus. Or at least a less bitey one.”
Henry’s smile didn’t look like a happy one. “It’s silly, but I just didn’t want her to die. She reminds me of someone I knew. I figured I probably couldn’t tame her, but I wanted to give her a chance to grow strong again. Wild pegasi get picked off by wyverns a lot, but maybe now she’ll have a fighting chance. Though she was still raised on a  farm…”
He trailed off, then shrugged. “Ah, well. That’s life! Can’t say we didn’t try.”
“I’m sorry.”
Henry laughed. “Why? You’re not the one who was gonna kill her.” He shook his head. “The strangest things bother you, Ricken.”
He stopped walking, and the mage stopped with him. They were high up enough for Ricken to see the soft wind blow back distant treetops.
“This should work.” Henry said. He moved to undo the bridle while Ricken stood by, ready to heal in case the beast tried to bite off any more fingers. The pegasus barely reacted to the close contact, only giving a half-hearted huff of breath.
The dark mage stepped back, bridle in hand. “This is it! Fly free my friend, take care of yourself!”
The black pegasus blinked, flared its wings, and without much warning launched itself into the air dazzlingly quickly (Ricken might not like them much, but it was still fascinating to see a thing that didn’t look like could ever belong in the air fly so gracefully).
They watched the shape shrink into the distance.
“I hope she’s okay.” Ricken said, surprising himself.
“I hope so too,” Henry said. “Come on, let’s go back.”
All the way back down the hills to camp, Ricken’s chest felt oddly heavy. The pegasus was not a nice animal at all, but he’d still miss it. His mood was so low, he felt chilled, like the sun disappeared.
No, wait. He did actually feel cold, like someone was blocking out the sun. He looked up, and his jaw dropped as Henry started laughing beside him.
The black pegasus dove down, and for a moment Ricken thought that this was it, this was how he died, not in battle or of old age but from an extremely irate flying horse.
But it doesn’t swoop down to start biting or stomping either of them to death. Instead, it did something even more startling; It landed, gigantic wings folding neatly along its back, stalked up to Henry, and slowly lowered its head near his shoulder. Equally slowly, Henry reached up to stoke the bridge of her nose. The pegasus glanced over to Ricken, and gently nudged his shoulder with her snout.
It was strange, and incredible, and Ricken can’t help but to laugh too.
Henry did eventually take him on the ride, after Henry and Hemlock had even enough training to get the all clear from the other pegasus knights. It’s as terrifying as expected and only cements his decision to keep his feet firmly planted on the ground in the immediate future.
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bethhxrmon · 5 years
All I Ask of You Pt. 35
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“Look how far we’ve come, we can’t give in. It’s one foot forward at a time, dust off all that grit and grime, we still have a lot left to do” - “Drive” from The Lightening Thief
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female OC
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Some more Seattle shenanigans, a big part is coming!
Warnings: None???
A/N: Wooo! I’m getting these chapters out and the story is getting to an ending point. As always, I love hearing feedback and I also have the masterlist in my bio!
After what felt like hours, Peter and Annie finally got their drinks and left the coffee shop. Neither of them said anything for a few moments, and Annie was almost positive that she knew there was going to be some kind of question about what in the world had just happened. The worst part was, Annie wasn’t even sure what she would say about it. Even though, if it had been nearly nine months before, she would have had far more to say.
“So… I’m just a friend?” Peter asked.
Annie’s jaw dropped, “No, I just…”
“You didn’t want to tell her. Fine, but why? And are we going to be like that when we go back home? Because I want to know now before something like that happens again,” he said, looking down.
Annie frowned, “That was Jen, I didn’t want to tell her because she would see some form of weakness coming from me. And she probably would’ve brought you into it. I didn’t want that for you.”
“Well I could’ve taken it. You shouldn’t choose what I can and can’t handle. We’re not even going to see her again, so why does it even matter?” he questioned, looking over at her.
She sighed, holding onto the hot cup a little tighter with one hand and then using her free hand to pull Peter into an alleyway, “Look, I told you about everything that happened. Jen and Greg were a thing, I stole Jen’s role and I stole her kinda boyfriend. It was stupid, I was stupid. And she blames me for Greg killing himself, which is fine… well, not really fine, but that’s it’s own thing. And when I left, I thought I wouldn’t see her again, and then I see her and everything just kind of short circuited.”
“That’s supposed to make me feel better because… why?”
“Because, it’s not gonna happen again. Peter, I like you, I want to be with you. Trust me, if I didn’t think this was gonna work out, I would’ve said something by now.”
“Do you promise?”
Annie nodded, “Yeah, of course. Now let’s go find Ned and Harper.”
Though, they didn’t have to go far to find Ned and Harper practically sprinting down the street. Harper was dragging Ned, seeming completely confident in their direction. Ned, on the other hand, looked like a chicken running around with its head cut off.
“Hey… guys… Christ, that was a workout,” Harper panted, “We needed to find you quick…. Wait, you said… you were…” they paused for another breath, “Gonna be at the coffee shop.”
Annie grimaced, “About that… we got the caffeine, but Jen was there. Figured you wouldn’t wanna see her again.”
“Oh yeah, I totally hate that bitch. If you’d just listened to me the first time when I told you to not bother with her, you would’ve been fine,” they said.
Ned cleared his throat, “What about the actual important thing?”
“Oh, right… um… you see, when I was snooping around my parents’ place, as you do, there was a news broadcast. And, well, what had happened was, well-”
“Harper, just spit it out,” Annie said, taking a sip of her coffee.
Harper shook their head, “Carnival’s causing all kinds of destruction in the city. You guys need to get back there and, like, destroy him or something.”
“Y-you’re kidding, right?” Peter asked.
Ned frowned, “It’s not your fault, Peter, you guys needed to come up with something. We don’t know if Mr. Stark knows yet, but we figured that we should tell you guys as soon as we found out.”
“I knew something like this was happening. This is why I didn’t think leaving was a good idea. Just, we needed to stay closer. Now we’re over here and we need to get there. How bad is it?” Peter asked.
"It's pretty bad, but it's something that can wait another day. We can't just hop on over to New York, Peter. I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but you know it's true. We just all need to take a deep breath and find Tony and Pepper quickly and we'll figure it out," Harper assured with a small smile, "Now, let's go get some coffee because I'm actually exhausted from all that running and sneaking around."
Annie grinned a little, "Oh yeah, how did the whole 'running around my parents' house' deal work out?"
"It went about as well as you could expect. The tuatara guy almost got us caught. But Ned was actually a freaking great lookout," Harper said, heading in a different direction.
Ned shrugged, "What can I say, I'm waiting for the CIA to sign me up already."
"I figured you'd be waiting on SHIELD or something like that," Annie commented.
Peter pouted, "I thought you were just gonna stay my guy in the chair for the rest of our natural born lives."
"I'd love to do that, but being guy in the chair pays about as well as being Spider-Man does," Ned responded.
Annie laughed, "That was some serious shade."
"Whoops... I was only pointing out the obvious," Ned said.
The teens continued down, Harper and Annie leading the way as the rain started to clear up to a slight mist. Annie wasn't sure what she should say to Peter, of there was even anything else that he wanted her to say. How in the world was she supposed to know? Everyone always claimed that girls were difficult, but Annie was finding guys to be just as difficult, if not even more so. Sure, Annie wasn't always blatant with what she wanted, but would it have killed Peter to tell her what she could have done to make things better? Then again, they had sort of been interrupted before they could really get anywhere.
Still, Peter reached out for her hand, holding it tightly. Annie breathed a small sigh of relief. Maybe he did believe her. There was no reason for him to not believe her, right? She hadn't done anything that was meant to hurt him before, and she wasn't going to start now. If anything, she wanted to try and protect him. A part of her wasn't even sure if she wanted to go back to New York. Why couldn't they just stay in Seattle? Why couldn't they just go back to Lake Tahoe and then never go anywhere else? Life would be so much easier and she could deal with whatever baggage she had there. Then, maybe if things cleared up enough, they could both consider going ahead and travel around for a little bit.
Except, Annie knew that she was neglecting some of the more obvious facts. They both had to go back to school once the summer was over. Not to mention, they both had powers. Peter always felt obligated to help people, and Annie knew that if she didn't use her powers, she would more than likely go insane. That was what had nearly happened last time. And maybe that was because she had completely isolated herself, but she also didn't doubt that ignoring her power had contributed at least a tiny bit.
"Okay, we're here, the second best coffee shop in this lovely city," Harper chirped, opening the door.
Peter looked around, "YOu don't think they'll get mad that we have some other place's coffee?"
"Not if we buy a pastry or something. Granted, most places don't care as long as you're just not loitering around. It's a city, Peter, just think about what you would normally do," Annie told him, squeezing his hand a little bit.
Ned sighed, "I um... I kinda left my wallet in my room."
"No worries, I'll cover it," Harper said, pulling out their wallet.
He shook his head, "You really don't need to do that."
"But I really insist."
"But you shouldn't, you're gonna be a broke college student."
"But it hasn't happened yet, I'm fine on money."
"But I don't want you to."
"Shut up and let me pay for your damn coffee," Harper sighed, shaking their head.
The barista looked between the four teens and smiled uncertainly, "Hello, what can I get you all?"
"I'll have one black coffee, and he'll have..." Harper trailed off.
"Um... a caramel macchiato," Ned finished.
Annie looked between Harper and Ned before leaning towards Peter, "Five bucks that they admit to having crushes on each other before we leave Lake Tahoe."
"That's gonna literally be in less than twenty four hours. Not gonna happen. I'm not taking the bet," Peter whispered.
She smirked, "Because you're scared of losing."
"No, I don't want you losing your money."
"Fine, whoever loses has to take the other out on the date of their dreams."
Peter looked at Annie, "You know it's so not going to happen. Ned hasn't had a crush on someone in ages."
"Because he hadn't met Harper yet. I know chemistry when I see it."
"Like how you know physics?"
"Shut up, Arachnerd, are you taking the bet or not?" Annie asked, crossing her arms.
Peter sighed, "Fine, I'll take it. But you better be ready to plan out the best Star Wars marathon that I've ever had."
"Deal, that's gonna be so easy. I just need to show up."
"You're lucky you're cute," Peter replied, rolling his eyes.
Annie gasped, "That's my thing! You're the cute one."
"I beg to differ."
"Yo, Lovebirds, are you getting anything or not?" Harper asked, looking between peter and Annie.
Annie thought a moment, "Yep, let's get one of those freaking huge chocolate muffins."
After finding a table and waiting for Tony and Pepper, the teenagers seemed about as calm as they could get. Which really meant everyone but Peter was relaxed. He, on the other hand, was shaking like crazy and looked like he was about to stand up and pace around the whole coffee shop.
“That’s not gonna make waiting go by any faster,” Harper remarked.
Peter sighed, “I know, but people are getting hurt.”
“People get hurt without some crazy monster terrorizing them,” Annie pointed out, “If we didn’t do this, we’d be going into a fight completely blind. Remember what happened the first time?”
“Hey, in all fairness you shocked me.”
“Not the point. We both still almost died, and that’s just what would’ve happened over and over again. But I feel like we’re actually ready now. And I would rather go into something knowing that things were going to turn out okay than end up dying.”
“Do we always need to talk about getting killed?” Ned asked.
Harper shrugged, “It’s an angsty high schooler thing, just saying.”
Right then, Tony and Pepper made it into the coffee shop, “Alright, kids, we gotta go. We’re leaving tomorrow morning.”
“Can’t we just leave now, Mr. Stark?” Peter asked.
Tony shook his head, “Not a great idea, you guys are gonna have it rough leaving tomorrow as it is, leaving now would make it a bit worse. And we don’t even have our things together.”
“I think having one last night with everyone together like this would be good for us,” Annie said.
Pepper nodded, “Exactly, and then after all this is over, we can let you guys all recoup together.”
“I don’t remember agreeing to that,” Tony said.
Pepper raised an eyebrow, “So you were just going to have them all go back home so suddenly?”
“Either way, we need to go now! How can you think otherwise?” Peter asked.
Annie reached for his hand, “Because, it won’t make too much of a difference. Carnival is slow-acting, we’ll get it figured out. Trust me.”
“Your girlfriend’s got a point, we can leave after we’re all rested and packed tomorrow, so let’s get a jumpstart on both of those things,” Tony replied.
Annie nodded, getting up. It still felt odd, thinking about whether or not Tony was her biological father. The odds weren’t completely there, but crazier things had happened to her. But she wasn’t going to mention it to the others until she was positive it was true or not. And she wasn’t sure if Tony had done the same either.
And before she knew it, they were on the plane to go back to Lake Tahoe. Was she ready to leave again? It still felt like there was something about the city that she just couldn’t get anywhere else, but there were also things back in New York that she couldn’t get anywhere else either. She stared out the window intently, just trying to grasp the last bits of her home that she could.
Peter wrapped an arm around her, “Hey, we’ll come back here sometime, okay?”
“Well, yeah, I’d drag you back here if I had to,” she responded, smiling at him.
No one ever said that she couldn’t just visit Seattle every once in awhile. How could anyone just leave somewhere that they loved? Sure, there were things she didn’t like, but there was so much more that she cared about.
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