#we still gotta have a little bit of teasing back and forth haha
distant-velleity · 4 months
Summary: The moment everyone's been waiting for, a non-memey first kiss for Chrysos and Santiago. Word count: 800+ A/N: I stayed up a little too late writing this last night because it was only supposed to be a 30-minute drabble before bed... then I had the idea to add imagery and metaphors and similes and some tension and--you get it. Anyway, enjoy! <3
When they finally escape the hustle and bustle of the post-victory party, the waxing moon is hanging high in the sky. The air has settled to be deliciously cool for a near-summer evening, soothing the heat they still radiate after emerging from the crowded cafeteria. 
“Well,” says Santiago, gently nudging Chrysos’ shoulder with his as they walk, “here’s to the merman right next to me, who contributed to Night Raven’s first Spelldrive win against Royal Sword in a century.” 
He raises his distinctly non-alcoholic plastic cup of fruit punch, its translucent red contents lightly sloshing about in an imitation of wine. The sight causes Chrysos to snort.
“I didn’t do that much,” he argues, objectively. “Draconia got the final hit in, in the end.”
“Yeah, but who had the sense to use the flashy spells I taught him? Who took the initiative when the Ignihyde and Heartslabyul reps started arguing? Who helped Jamil give Malleus the perfect opening for a coup de grâce?” Santiago barely has to reach over to tap Chrysos on the chest. “I say it’s the guy right in front of me.”
“That’s… You’re…”
Chrysos doesn’t fancy himself a poet, but something about the way Santiago smiles fondly at him could be considered poetry—something about the ambient green lighting, the glow reflected in those golden eyes creasing with affection, the shockingly pure stutter it inflicts upon Chrysos’ heart. Something about the way he drops genuine praise shamelessly when he’s on the high of victory-inspired euphoria. Something about their proximity, the way that they’re drawn together like two magnets of different poles.
“I’m what?” asks Santiago teasingly.
“You’re…” Chryso grumbles a little under his breath. “You’re exaggerating.”
“Nuh-uh. Not for you. This is the truth right here, buddy.”
Chrysos, growing a bit red in the face, is glad that Santiago looks away to chug the last of his punch and toss the cup into a bin after saying that. 
It’s just the heat and humidity of having been stuck with so many people in one place, he wants to think, but even he knows better by now.
Meanwhile, they approach the wishing well in the courtyard, where emerald firelight gives way to the pearlescent illumination of the moon and the stars. 
“Hearing praise coming from your mouth somehow feels unusual,” Chrysos remarks, to hide how good all this praise makes him feel. To hide how he feels about it coming from this very sweet, very pretty beastman.
Santiago slows to a stop before the well.
“Then…” He opens his mouth to say something—before, apparently, quickly thinking better of it. “...Ahh, nevermind. That’s cheesy, even by my standards.”
“What?” Chrysos furrows his brows, coming to stand so close to the other that their arms—his crossed and Santiago’s prone at his sides—brush and press against each other. “So now you’re going to shut up? Just because it’s unusual doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear more.”
It’s Santiago’s turn to have his cheeks darken, one lanky hand coming up to hide his mouth. “But it’s sort of…” 
He hesitates for a few moments, maddening in how they feel like they last an eternity, then shakes his head with newfound determination. 
“You know what? It’s now or never.”
Chrysos holds his breath as Santiago leans in a little closer and caresses his cheek with a feather-light touch that gradually becomes more grounded, more confident. 
The beastman’s eyes, normally bright with a challenging sort of spirit, are semi-lidded but still possess the fierce earnestness of the sun. Their inherent brilliance puts to shame the moonlight veil draping over their surroundings; and while he searches for the courage to speak up, those eyes express the beginnings of what he wants to say. 
A gentle breeze blows past them amid the silence, carrying with it the entwined scent of the rainforest and the sea. 
“If you can’t believe in my praise,” Santiago murmurs at last, “then how about this?”
When their lips meet, gravitating towards each other in a slow start but quickly seizing the moment and pulling together, it’s not at all the messy thing Chrysos had been expecting. Instead, it’s drawn together by a sentimental magnetism that draws power from their polarizing differences. Rough but careful; desperate but precise; passionate but planned. It feels like someone has stolen the air from his lungs in the best possible way, replacing his senses with the endless freedom of flowers, fruit, and the open sky. 
It’s undeniably Santiago, and Chrysos—unafraid to use that forbidden four-letter word—loves it.
…Eventually, the sensation of their breaths thinning from metaphorical altitude leaves them with no choice but to pull away from the kiss. 
“I hope I did that right,” Santiago whispers, a little sheepish yet giddy with basking in the afterglow of it all.
“There’s no such thing as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ when kissing,” Chrysos replies breathlessly, “only good and better. When it comes to you, at least.”
It’s hard to miss the way Santiago puffs up with pride, eyes glimmering.
Chrysos’s smile, one he hadn’t realized was tugging at his lips, grows. “Now hurry up and do it again. Even better this time.”
“On it, boss,” answers Santiago with an affectionate lilt to his voice, leaning in for another kiss.
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lepidopteragirl · 1 year
HI HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! okay so i saw this post the other day, and went haha wouldnt that be funny if knap? this is canonically happening in the same time frame as the first chapter of the red wedding fic which you can and should read here! otherwise this might not make quite as much sense!
night meats. you agree. reblog
The morning of the wedding, Karl is the first one up, perhaps for the first time in his life. He’s sitting up on the bed humming a Taylor Swift song and scrolling through his phone when Sapnap’s alarm goes off. Sapnap hasn’t even had the time to click his alarm off properly before Karl is eagerly throwing himself on Sapnap’s chest and kissing him all over his face at once.
“Hi baby,” Sapnap grins sleepily, voice still rough from sleep as he tips his chin up to smooch Karl’s cheek. “Good morning.”
Karl grins back, practically bouncing up and down in place. “Good mooorning Sapnap! Sappy! Pandas! Baby! Darling, sunshine, my stars, my sun, my sky, my soulmate, love of my life!”
Sapnap hums happily, slowly easing himself up to sit leaning into the pillows, dropping a kiss on top of Karl’s curls on the way up.
Karl gives an exaggeratedly sad look up at him, wailing. “Baby? Baby? Whyever did you leave me, Sapnap, I’m all alone now, I’m cold and alone on the morn of my own wedding. Tragedy and Woe!”
“You stink.” Sapnap teases, bending down to kiss the tip of Karl’s nose, pretending to pull back waving his hand in front of his nose at Karl’s breath.
“You haven’t brushed your teeth yet, by chance, have you?” Sapnap says, laughing quietly.
“Not yet…” Karl says brightly, drawing out the word as he lets his head fall into Sapnap’s lap to look up at him with big, laughing eyes. “Why?”
He’s giggling impishly to himself, curls falling across his forehead and into his eyes in soft, sleepy tangles, and the sun is falling through a gap in the curtains onto in a bright ribbon across his cheek, turning his freckles and hair a warm gold.
Sapnap can’t wait to marry him.
And he can’t wait to marry Quackity too, who’s probably still asleep in his room however many doors down. Their room feels empty without him, a little bit, an empty slot where he’s normally curled up into Sapnap’s left side, playing with Karl’s hair and laughing quietly as the two of them go back and forth.
“I miss Quackity,” Sapnap says to himself, a little wistful, already imagining the wedding as he talks.
“We should get him a present,” Karl proposes, swinging himself up and into his ready prepared bunny slippers at the side of the bed.
Sapnap blinks at him with a fond sleepiness, not quite awake yet and otherwise too caught up in the thrill of marrying the two of them, today, to do anything but smile stupidly wide as he watches Karl jump around the room looking for his second slipper like an overjoyed puppy.
“Besides me, I mean,” Karl elaborates as he emerges from under the nightstand, bunny slipper in hand and miraculously only a little dusty. “Since he’s been away from us for so long and is probably wasting away from loneliness right now. We gotta make it up to him
“Like what?” Sapnap asks, following Karl out of bed and grabbing his own bathrobe and the hanger with his suit on it so he can shower before they head over to the church.
Karl screws up his face in thought for a second, then shrugs. “I’ll think on it. In the ol’ noggin, y’know?” Karl taps his finger to his temple solemnly.
Sapnap nods along with a laugh, letting himself into the shower.
Sapnap smiles as he slips his suit coat on, listening to Karl move around in the hotel room, chattering along to a Jeopardy! rerun and making tea in the tiny little microwave. Sapnap’s pretty sure he was singing, a second ago, while the shower was still running, and Karl thought he wouldn’t hear it.
A few minutes later, though, the tv turns off, and he’s greeted by an excited knock on the door and Karl’s head and a little waving hand pokes through the crack.
“Knock!” Karl says cheerily, swinging the door wider to let himself in when Sapnap waves back at him. “I’m keeping you company now.”
“Aren’t you not supposed to look at me until the wedding?” Sapnap teases, rummaging around for a comb.
“You’re pretty,” Karl says earnestly, smiling at Sapnap beseechingly.
Sapnap feels his cheeks go pink, dipping his chin and pretending to ignore Karl to hide his little smile.
He’s doing his hair, special and formal and even without his bandana, to make his wedding extra special and formal. (Quackity insisted, and one thing about Sapnap is that he would do anything at all to see Quackity’s smile, even after three years.)
“Sapnap.” Karl announces, swinging himself up onto the bathroom counter. “I have an idea.”
“Yo? That’s awesome dude,” Sapnap says, distracted, words a little distorted from his thoughtfully sticking out tip of his tongue as he runs a fine-tooth comb across the top of his head to properly part his damp hair.
“Listen Sapnap, listen, this idea, its huge, okay?”
Sapnap hums in assent. “Since you’re here, you can help me out dude, here. What do you think? Should I leave my hair down, like this? Or do I pull it back into a little ponytail, like this?” Sapnap asks the reflection of the back of Karl’s head in the mirror, demonstrating as he talks.
“Look Sapnap, listen, listen, listen, pay attention. I have a big idea, an important and highly relevant idea!”
“Okay,” Sapnap says, turning to look properly towards Karl, letting his hair fall back down across his cheeks as he drops his hands.
Karl smiles devilishly. “I’ve got a plan Sapnap, a big plan. A huge one.”
Sapnap waits, bemused.
“Ask me what my plan is, Sapnap,” Karl sighs dramatically.
“What’s your plan, Karl?”
Throwing his arms wide, Karl leans closer, in a move that is not quite as effective at hiding his almost-topple as Sapnap thinks it was supposed to be. “Okay, hear me out. Before the reception, right? While everyone’s all milling around, I sneak in, through the jaws of death! And then I collect us a nice plate of all the most delectable meats there and sneak it out to your car and take them back here. Then! Later! We can have Night Meats!” Karl lowers his voice to a dramatic whisper as he talks, eyes going wide. “But I need your help.”
Sapnap is enthralled, to say the least. Night meats! Sometimes he thinks Karl is the cleverest man he’s ever met. “Anything, baby.”
Karl giggles for a second, then becomes deadly serious once again. “I need you to help me distract them. Who knows what’ll happen to me if I get caught?”
Sapnap nods solemnly. Maybe it’s just because it’s his wedding day, and he’s been waiting for today for so very long, and maybe he just loves them so much either way, but either way he thinks he starts tearing up from the sheer romance of it. “You would do that baby? For me? For us?”
“Of course,” Karl grins with a self-assured hair flip. “This is our wedding day; I’ve got to up the romance!”
Sapnap tears up yet again, tips of his ears a little red as he fumbles with his hair and stares up a little lovestruck at his soon to be husband(!) still perched on the bathroom counter.
“And leave your hair down,” Karl says, brushing said hair behind Sapnap’s ear as he jumps down from the counter, leaning down and dropping a wet kiss on Sapnap’s cheek. “Its cute like that.”
Sapnap watches him go, chest full of a warm feeling. This is going to be the best day of their lives. He knows it already.
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
i have a request!!
ler gogs ler quackity lee sap: they’re streaming together and obvs gogs and quack bounce around a lot more than sap does. basically they go feral and accidentally find out that saps ticklish and mess with him for it.
kinda love the idea that sap is too stubborn to admit that he’s ticklish hehe.
Woo I finally got this finished!
Debates ending in laughter
George, Quackity and Sapnap had met up and were doing their first official stream together! Karl would’ve been there but he was stuck filming for mr beast and Dream was at a family reunion so thus the three were left alone! They had decided to do a Q&A and despite it being titled “chill Q&A with the boys!” It was anything but chill! Currently the three were debating over whether apple juice or orange juice was better and it was semi calm at first seeing as Quackity and George agreed but things quickly grew less calm when sap said he leaned more towards orange juice…
“I’m just saying I like both but I lean towards orange juice” George shook his head “Well you’re wrong that’s just wrong” “what do you mean wrong ?! It’s an opinion?! And most importantly my opinion so it is definitely not wrong!” Quackity shook his head smiling a bit “man I gotta agree with George here you’re wrong” sapnaps mouth gaped open “Quackity how could you?!” George giggled softly “Quackity is just cultured and has good opinions unlike you sapnap” sapnap scoffed and lightly shoved George and George shoved back to sap shoved back and George shoved again and sap shoved again sap poked at George’s chest and so George went to poke at saps chest but accidentally poked his ribs instead
Sapnap jumped and squeaked as an instant pink tint could be seen on his pale cheeks “EEK!” Quackity and George looked at each other and then at sapnap,
Quackity was the first one to speak “Oh sapnap.. what was that?” He had a devious grin as did George “yea sapnap what was that squeak about?” Sapnap cleared his throat as he says “what what squeak? I didn’t squeak you guys must be hearing things” Quackity shook his head smiling excitedly “no no you definitely squeaked! George what did you do?! Do it again!” George shrugged “all I did was poke him like this” George poked sap again and sap once again squeaked but George kept poking which make giggles begin to slip past sapnaps lips and so that’s when it clicked for Quackity!
“Oh I get it I get it! Sapnap here seems to be a little ticklish” sapnap was quick to disagree but his nervousness and voice crack gave away the true answer “WhAt no I’m nOt!” George Quackity both burst into giggles at his voice crack and George rolled his fondly saying “yea sure like we believe that” he looked to Quackity who had a big excited smile on his face and they both nodded, Quackity quickly got up and held sapnaps arms above his head while George straddled his waist! Sapnap had already begun pleading “guys guys guys you really don’t have to do this!”
Quackity shrugs and says “Well yea sure we don’t have to but we want to! Only if you want to tho dude” sapnap blushes brightly he’s thankful that Quackity is being sure he’s okay with this but something about admitting he was okay with this was very flustering…he couldn’t find the way to use his words so he just nodded his head yes softly, Quackity and George smile brightly and usually they would tease him about something like this but opted not to seeing as he was already so flustered.. George smiles softly “okay so where should we start?” Quackity thinks for a moment and says “hmm try his sides” George nods as he begins poking at sapnaps sides
Sapnap squeaked as he shifted back and forth with each and every poke “eek! Geeheohohrrgehehe!” George smirked softly “what sapnap can’t take a little poking? I’m barely doing anything” Quackity giggles softly using his over exaggerated British accent as he “aww is sappity nappity too ticklish for the pokey wokeies?” Sapnap blushes darkly as he giggles “friihihicckkk ohohofff duhuhuddhehehe!” George snickers softly “wow sapnap if you’re giggling this much from just some poking I can’t wait to see what happens when I do this” he begins digging into sapnaps sides! Sap shrieks and falls into laughter “AhAH GEORGEHHE HAHAHAAHA!”
George smirks softly “wow sapnap never knew you were so ticklish!” Quackity nods excitedly “yea man why would you keep this from us?! This is pure gold!” Sapnaps face turned even redder at their teasing as he says “ BEHEHEHECCHAHAHUHUHUSEHEHE IHIHIHI KKNHEHHEWWW YOOUU WOOUULDDD AHAHBBUHUSSHEHWHE. IHIHITT EEEEP!” He squealed as George switched to vibrations along with a mixture of random squeezes, also his statement was a bit of a lie while he did know they would abuse his ticklishness he didn’t actually not tell them because of that… the true reason he didn’t tell them was because he was too embarrassed to ever bring it up, he actually didn’t mind them abusing it a bit and to be honest he more than didn’t mind it he liked it… he just silently hoped they wouldn’t realize that but unlucky for sapnap they did indeed realIze it
George snickers softly “well for someone who didn’t tell us because he knew we would abuse it you certainly haven’t tried to get away” Quackity nodded in agreement “yea sapnap you’re definitely stronger than both of us yet you haven’t even tried to get away why is that?” Seeing as sapnaps face could not go much redder his ears began to turn red, George paused his tickling for a moment to give sap a small breather and allow him to answer “ihihihi uhuhuh ihihi ihihittsss hahaharddheherrr fahhacihihinngg ahahggahahinnsstt yoouuu ahahttt the same time..” Quackity rolled his eyes chuckling softly “yea uh sure, hey sapnap why are your ears so red?” Quackity gently traces the outer shell of one or sapnaps ears
Sapnap squeaks as soft melty giggles pour out “eeek! Nhahaha dohonnttt dohoho tthahahattt!” George’s eyes widen as he smiles brightly “No way! Look at him he’s practically a puddle of jelly! You should try his neck next!” Sapnaps head snaps up at George’s words “NONONO DONT!” George’s smile morphs into a devious grin “why not sapnap is your neck too ticklish? Can it not handle the tickly tickles?” Quackity laughed at George’s teases as he joins in “yea sappynappy is your neck too ticklish for me to even do this?” All he did was place his hands on saps neck and sap flinched a small quivering smile on his face, George couldn’t help but laugh softly at cute it was “no way he literally can’t look at him he’s already about to break!” Quackity maneuvered his head so he could see sapnaps face and he broke into laughter
“PHAHAHhhaha dude no way! So imagine what would happen if I-“ he began fluttering his fingers all around sapnaps neck making his neck instinctively turn and twist on every way possible to try and escape the sensations “EE QUACKITY NOHOHO AHAHAHEHEHE HAHAHEHHEHHAHAHHA FRIHIHICCKK!” George shook his head “Sapnap I literally don’t understand how you were able to hide this from us for so long, is this why you always wear hoodies?” Sapnap through his laughter manages to say “NOHOHO IHIHI JUHUHUSSTT LIHIKKEHE HOHOHDDIHIHIEHESSS”
Quackity rolls eyes his light heartedly as he stops and says “whatever you say man” George hums softly as he says “where should we go next? Maybe….here?” He experimentally pokes at both sapnap’s armpits giggling when he sees sapnaps arms twitch, sap squeaks as he shakes his head “eek! Nohowherhehe you should go nowhere” Quackity smirks before using sapnaps words against him “oh trust me sapnap I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere for at least a few more minutes haha” George giggles softly rolling his eyes fondly at the two before wasting no time scribbling in sapnaps armpits
Sapnap squeals as he twists back and forth, half heartedly trying to get his arms down “EEP GEORGE NOT THERE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA FRRIHIHICCKKK HEHAHAHAHHAHA!” George smirked a bit as he says “oh ticklish armpits sapnap how cute!” Sapnap blushes bright red as he says “SHUHUTTT UHUHUPP IHIHIMM SUHUHURREHEE YOOUURRRSS AHHARRHEHE JUHUHUSSTT AHASS BAHAHDD” George blushed lightly and Quackity laughs “geheheohorrggehehe your sohoho pihinkk!” George grumbles softly “shut up I’m sure yours are just as bad as well” Quackity immediately shut up looking away his face now pink…
George simply smirks as he begins focusing on the middles of sapnaps pits making him shriek “gAH GOHOHOGGYY NHAHHAAHAHAHAHA!” George grins “oh are the middles the worst hm? Well I won’t stay here too long I still wanna get that tummy of yours” Quackity nods “yea sap I bet your tummy is really ticklish isn’t? I bet you can hardly take it” A few moments pass and George stops and just rests his hands on sapnaps shirt, sapnap giggles residually gratefully taking in air “hohollyy frihihicckk yooouuu guhuhyysss ahharrhehe rhehehahallyy gohohoddd ahahttt thihihiss”
Quackity smiled brightly “Thank you thank you I take a lot of pride in being good at this” George snickers softly “yea thanks for the compliment, you ready to finish now?” Sapnap nods shyly “yea sure…” George nods smiling very slightly “so uhm are you good with me lifting your shirt?” Sapnap hesitantly nods “uh sure” George lifts it just enough to expose his tum button and curiously pokes around his stomach, sapnaps stomach jumps at each poke and he squeaks falling into giggles “eek! Geheheohohorrgehehe juhuhusstt gehehettt ihihitt ohovvehehrr wihihitthh dohohonnttt thehehahahseee”
Quackity scoffs softly “dang someone’s impatient” George laughs a bit “ohohkay then you asked for it” he began quickly skittering and scratching his blunt nails all around sapnaps tummy! Sapnap squealed as he fell into soft laughter “EEP GOGS ahahAHAHAH!” Quackity’s eyes widened slightly before narrowing as he blushed slightly “dang his stomach is pretty bad” his blush was due to the realization while sapnaps stomach was pretty ticklish it wasn’t near as bad as his own…. Suddenly sap shrieked bringing Quackity back to the situation at hand “EEE GOGS NOT THE BUTTON!”
George smirks softly “oh? Not the button? Is this little button too ticklish?” Sapnap nods softly and George softens a bit “well I won’t stay here too long then okay?” Sapnap smiles gratefully and Quackity smiles at the softeness of it all, usually he would make a joke about how sappy all of this is but he decided not to, George quickly dipped his finger in wiggling it around! Sap shrieked again as his back involuntarily arched up “AAhh HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA NNAHAHHAHA!” True to his word George only kept it up a few short seconds before stopping
“Hey sapnap can George try one more thing?” Quackity curiously asks, through his tired giggles sapnap says “yehehahhaa ihihi gehehuhuhuss” Quackity smiles excitedly “George do you know what a raspberry is?” George nods “yea it’s a fruit duh” Quackity rolls his eyes as he says “no no no not that kind! Here switch positions I’ll do it” and so they swiftly switched positions and Quackity wasted no time leaning down and blowing the biggest raspberry he can over sapnaps tum button!
Sap actually screamed before falling into silent laughter! “AAAAHHHH QUACK ………….” Upon his silent laughter George immediately let go of sapnaps arms and Quackity began rubbing away the excess tickles as sapnap giggled residually “You good sapnap?” Sapnap nods through his giggles “yehehehahaha” suddenly George gasps and they both turn to look at him and Quackity is first to speak “what?” George blushes as he says “uhm we forgot about stream…” Sapnap immediately sits up and looks at the camera and then slides down into the floor
Quackity laughs a bit not at sapnap though but at the ridiculousness of them forgetting to turn it off and how none of their friends bothered telling them… or so they thought but actually they all just forgot they had so not disturb on on their phones so they didn’t get any notifications though to be fair Dream can get through George’s do not disturb so Dream must’ve just not tried to get through… They quickly wordlessly end stream and promptly all break into laughter
Sapnap is first to speak “well that’s definitely getting clipped” George nods “oh please it’s probably already trending on Twitter!” Quackity nods in agreement “I bet vod channels are already uploading it right now” suddenly sapnap smiles a bit deviously “so next Q&A which one of you is getting wrecked?” Quackity and George blush stuttering and pointing at each other “definitely him!” George says, “no no no George started this so it should definitely be him!” Sapnap laughs “I’m sure they’ll be many more Q&As in the future so I’ll get you both back eventually, now I’m starving let’s go get food”
And so the night was spent rather uneventful apart from the shared laughter at Twitter
The end
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bibbawrites · 3 years
Papa and Maggie’s Weekend - Single Dad!Charlie x Owen
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Request: none
Word Count: 5924 words!!!
Summary: Part 11 of Single Dad!Charlie, Charlie goes camping for the weekend and leaves Margaux in the care of Owen 
Warnings: referenced drug use, swearing
A/N: i’ve had this sitting around for so long that i actually have almost two more full parts done so i figured i’d get this one out there before they stack up any more haha, i know most of you don’t care about this series much any more but it’s my comfort series so i’m gonna keep writing it for me (and ella, this is our series @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ lol)  anyways, enjoy almost 6000! words of owen and margaux being the cutest little buddies and owen just trying his best 
Tag List: @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ @herbrutals​ @youngbloodblog​ @courageous-she​ @littlemissaddict​ @gloomybrieyxb​ @itsyagorlemmalyn @jatpxmultifan​ @moneybagmgk​ @emeliii1​ @mybradforddream​ @lovesanimals​ (the strike through means it wont let me tag you)
“Be good, okay?” Charlie crouched in front of Margaux. She nodded sleepily, the early morning wakeup something she wasn’t used to. 
“When will you come back?” She mumbled, rubbing her eyes with a fist. Charlie swallowed, willing himself not to cancel the whole trip. They needed to do this, he had to get used to spending time away from her eventually. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow night. So you and Papa will spend all day today and then all day tomorrow together and then Daddy will be back in time for bed time tomorrow.” Charlie explained, his voice soft. 
“Why can’t I go too?” Margaux pouted. 
“Because it’s a big person trip.” Charlie sighed slightly. He knew this wasn’t going to end well.
“I’m a big person. I’m four!” Margaux protested. 
“You need to be a little bit bigger to come. But I promise we can go camping next week, okay? Just you and me.” Charlie promised, knowing there was nothing Margaux loved more than going camping with her dad. 
“Pinky promise?” She questioned, holding out her hand, and Charlie wrapped his pinky around hers. 
“I pinky promise.” He agreed, before catching sight of the time on his watch. 
“Fuck.” He mumbled. “I gotta go now baby, I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m gonna miss you.” 
He pulled the four year old into a hug, biting his lip as she started crying. Maybe leaving when she was tired wasn’t a good idea after all...
“Don’t go.” She sniffled, and Charlie pulled back, kissing the top of her head gently. 
“I gotta.” He whispered. “I love you so much.” 
“Daddy, don’t go.” She cried, throwing herself back into his arms and Charlie felt his eyes prick with tears of his own. 
“I’ll be back before you know it.” He promised. “I love you.” 
“Love you Daddy, don’t go.” Owen stepped forward, reaching out and taking the crying four year old from Charlie’s arms. 
“Go.” He instructed, as Margaux screamed out, Charlie’s heart breaking with every cry of his name. He stood up, hesitating, and Owen gave him a small smile. 
“I’ve got her. Go have fun. We love you.” 
“I love you too.” Charlie replied, and with one last glance towards Margaux he turned and climbed into his car. 
And no one had to know if he cried all the way to the organised meeting spot. 
Charlie’s car pulled away and Owen waved slightly, knowing that his boyfriend would be taking this separation just as hard as his daughter was. The blond boy sighed, carrying the still screaming four year old inside, humming softly as he walked in an attempt to soothe her, his mind drifting back to the first time Charlie had left him alone with Margaux on the first day he had met her.
“Just watch her for a second, I need to pee.” Charlie said, standing up and placing the two year old down next to Owen, before walking away. Margaux watched him go, her face scrunching up as she began to cry. Owen’s eyes widened. What was he supposed to do now? He reached out, patting the top of Margaux’s head awkwardly. 
“Don’t cry.” He mumbled, in what he hoped was a comforting tone. Clearly it wasn’t, however, since Margaux’s cries got louder, causing people to start to stare. 
“Hey, Maggie. It’s okay. He’ll be back soon.” He tried, moving to pat her back. Still no use, and Owen began to panic. What were you meant to do with a crying kid? He bit his lip, still awkwardly patting her back. 
Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Charlie heading back over to the table, and Owen breathed a sigh of relief as the older boy scooped up his daughter, holding her close to him and mumbling something in French. Margaux relaxed into his arms 
“I didn’t know how to make her stop.” Owen admitted, as Charlie sat back down, Margaux still wrapped up in his arms. The Canadian boy laughed. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll learn.” He replied. Owen gave him a small smile. 
He sure hoped so, for everyone’s sake. 
As usual Charlie was right. Owen did learn, and now here he was, officially on his own for the weekend with Margaux having a complete meltdown in his arms.
He bounced her slightly, humming the tune  to Stand Tall, hoping the familiar tune would calm the four year old. 
“Daddy!” Margaux wailed, her face red with anguish. 
“Papa’s here.” Owen reminded her, swaying back and forth with her head tucked into his shoulder. 
“I want Daddy.” She protested. Owen bit his lip. 
“Daddy will be back tomorrow but for now, think about how much fun we’re gonna have together! We can paint each other’s nails and get pizza for dinner and watch all of your favourite movies. Or we could go out if you wanted to go somewhere? We could go swimming?” 
“Don’t wanna.” Margaux cried. 
“Okay.” Owen sighed, moving over to the couch and sitting down on it, shifting Margaux so that she was in his lap. Surely she’d tire herself out eventually, especially since it was barely 7am... maybe the best thing would be to just let her cry. 
 So that’s what Owen did, let the four year old cry as much as she needed, as he held her tight and hummed whatever songs he could think of, his fingers tangled through her curls.
Margaux cried non stop for the first hour until she fell asleep in Owen’s arms, exhausted from her tears. Owen sighed. He knew there were things to do but he couldn’t bring himself to leave Margaux’s side. 
So he stayed on the couch for almost four hours, Margaux curled into his chest, while he played video games on mute waiting for her to wake up. 
Eventually she did stir, just before lunch time, which Owen decided was the perfect distraction. 
“Good morning princess.” He whispered. “Are you hungry?” 
Margaux yawned before nodding. 
“I found a really cool place for us to go have lunch and some friends we can invite along to come play with us. How does that sound?” Owen suggested and Margaux just nodded again, staring at the TV blankly. Clearly it was going to be a bit harder to get her to talk than he’d thought. 
“Should we get dressed? You can even pick your own clothes!” Margaux didn’t reply, so Owen just stood up, the four year old still held safely in his arms, and made his way down the hallway to her bedroom. 
He kicked open the door, and placed Margaux onto the ground, before opening her wardrobe. 
“What do you wanna wear?” 
Margaux stepped forward and Owen internally cheered at the slight progress. The tiny blonde scanned through her clothes, eventually grabbing at a pair of overalls, before turning back and looking at Owen expectantly. 
“You wanna wear those ones?” He asked, and she nodded, before grabbing onto a Julie and the Phantoms shirt that Madi’s dad had made her. Owen smiled slightly, taking the two items of clothing out and quickly helping Margaux get dressed. 
“Now, what’s next?” Owen mused, hoping to get a reaction from Margaux. She didn’t answer, staring down at the ground as Owen grabbed her hairbrush and settled down with her standing between his legs as he sat on the end of her bed.  
“How do you want your hair?” Owen asked, running the brush through her curls. Margaux thought for a moment. 
“Bun.” She mumbled, and Owen grinned. 
“There’s that beautiful voice of yours. I missed it.” He teased, and Margaux smiled slightly. 
“Okay, let’s get this bun going.” He pulled her hair back, tying it somewhat messily in a bun. “How’s that?” 
“Good.” Margaux replied. 
“Yay!” Owen cheered and Margaux giggled, the sound warming Owen’s heart. 
“Do you wanna go watch Paw Patrol while I get dressed? Or you can stay here and play?” Owen suggested, and Margaux shook her head, clinging to his leg. 
“With you.” She mumbled and Owen sighed but took her with him nonetheless. 
Two steps forward, one step back. 
Almost an hour later Owen climbed out of an Uber, before unclipping Margaux from the safety seat, removing the safety seat from the car, and thanking their driver. 
“You ready to make some friends?” He questioned, looking towards the large building that housed an indoor play centre where they would be meeting a few members of the cast. 
“No.” Margaux replied and Owen laughed. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll like them.” He said. 
They entered the indoor play centre and Margaux’s eyes widened in excitement, taking in the various areas of the room, before settling on a high ropes course in the middle of the room. Of course Charlie’s kid would choose the most adventurous thing in the room to be excited for. 
“Owen!” A voice called, and Owen turned to find Cheyenne heading towards them, with his twins holding onto their father’s hands.
“Hey guys.” Owen greeted. “It’s so good to see you.”
“You too. And little miss Margaux here, look at how much you’ve grown!” Cheyenne gasped playfully and Margaux grinned, Owen smiling at the switch in her behaviour. 
“Cause I’m four.” She boasted. Cheyenne smiled. 
“So are my little ones. This is Willow and Ethan.” He smiled, gesturing to each twin as he introduced them. “And this is Margaux.” 
“Hi!” Willow grinned and Margaux smiled slightly, leaning into Owen. 
“She hasn’t had very good experiences with kids her age.” Owen explained. “Plus we’ve had a bit of a rough morning.” 
“That’s okay. Why don’t we head back to the table we’re at. Kenny and Sacha are there and Tori and Jadah are coming soon. Kenny booked the whole place out for the day so there’s no rush and no other people.” Cheyenne said, and Owen nodded, following the older man through the entrance and over to a table where Kenny and Sacha were sitting. 
“Hey guys.” Owen smiled, once they arrived at the table. 
“Hey Owen. How are you?” Kenny questioned. 
“Not too bad. Hopefully will be better soon.” Owen replied with a small grin. 
“Daddy can we go play?” Ethan questioned, and Cheyenne nodded. 
“Why don’t you take Margaux with you.” He suggested and the twins both turned their attention to the blond, who turned to Owen, a worried look on her face. 
“You’ll be okay.” Owen promised her, moving to take her shoes off as she clung to him. “I’ll be right here the whole time.” 
“Okay.” She decided, and Owen placed her on the ground, watching as she hesitantly took a hand of each of the twins and allowed them to drag her towards the biggest playground. 
“How was this morning?” Kenny questioned as Owen flopped down into an empty chair. Owen sighed, watching Margaux climb the stairs of the playground, any hesitation already gone.  
“Not good. She was okay until Charlie said he had to go and then she had a complete meltdown. He was about 30 seconds away from cancelling his trip, you could see it in his face. So I grabbed her and made him leave, and then she cried for literally an hour until she fell asleep again.” He said, and Kenny smiled sympathetically. 
“How long is Charlie gone for?” Sacha asked. 
“He comes back tomorrow evening.” Owen bit his lip. “I’m worried about how she’ll go tonight when she realises he isn’t there to put her to bed.” 
“You’ve got this.” Kenny assured him. “We’ve all seen you do it before and you do this all the time with Charlie around.”
“I hope so.” Owen replied. “I’m kinda hoping she’ll exhaust herself here and just pass out tonight.” 
The group laughed. 
“That’s pretty likely.” Cheyenne agreed. “I’m hoping for the same thing.” 
The door chimed again, signifying another arrival, and both Kenny and Sacha stood up to go greet the newest guest. Cheyenne gave Owen a small smile. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, you said Margaux hadn’t had very good experiences with kids her age. What happened?” He questioned. 
“Charlie had something to do, I think it was some beach cleaning thing, so he enrolled her into a childcare program. She lasted a few hours before she got into disagreements with the other kids about her not having a mum, and the bitch teacher backed them up saying she had to have a mum. So next minute Charlie’s being called in to discuss Margaux’s “issues with authority figures”, and she never went back.” Owen explained, and Cheyenne frowned. 
“That’s horrible.” He said. “I’m glad she didn’t go back.” 
“Me too.” Owen agreed. Cheyenne gave him a reassuring smile.
“At least we know with my kids they won’t worry about her not having a mum.” He joked and Owen smiled, instinctively glancing towards the playground, where Margaux and the twins had decided to attempt to climb up the large slides the wrong way, the three of them giggling loudly as they slipped back down. 
“She reminds me so much of Charlie.” Cheyenne commented, following Owen’s gaze. “They have the same adventurous spirit and cheeky personality.” 
“She’s his clone.” Owen laughed. “Everything except the hair.” 
“Personally I think her hair makes her look like your daughter.” Cheyenne said, and Owen’s heart skipped a beat. 
“Really?” His tone was filled with disbelief. He’d never considered that before. 
“Definitely. If people didn’t know they’d assume she was yours biologically.” Cheyenne nodded. Owen smiled slightly. 
“That means a lot to me.” 
“Anytime.” Cheyenne smiled, as they were rejoined by Kenny and Sacha, who were now accompanied by Tori and Jadah. 
“Now,” Kenny started, as everyone sat down around the table. “Should we order some food?” 
So maybe not all kids her age were horrible, Margaux decided as she sat at the top of one of the large towers in the playground. The twins seemed nice enough and her Papa promised her that he would be there, and she knew he wouldn’t let anyone be mean to her, ever. 
“Do you have a brother or a sister?” Willow questioned, plopping down next to her. Margaux shook her head. 
“No.” She said. “Just me and Daddy and sometimes Papa. But he lives in Oklahoma most times.” 
“You don’t have a mummy too?” Ethan asked, joining them. Margaux shook her head again. 
“Do you have a mummy?” She glanced between the twins, who also shook their heads. 
“We have Dad and Daddy.” Willow told her. Margaux grinned. There was no way they’d be mean to her about not having a mum if they didn’t have one either. 
“Do you like Paw Patrol?” She asked, and the twins nodded quickly. 
“Yeah! I like Skye.” Willow answered. 
“I like Marshall.” Ethan added. 
“I like Everest cause she likes snow and I like snow too.” Margaux explained. 
“Can we go on the slides again?” Ethan questioned, and the girls exchanged a look before nodding. 
“You go first.” Margaux instructed, and together the three made their way through the tunnels, back to the slides. 
Yeah, Margaux thought as she followed the twins, maybe all kids weren’t mean. 
After several hours of running around, the three four year olds were clearly exhausted so the group decided to call it a day. 
“Do you need a lift?” Cheyenne asked. Owen nodded, glancing down at Margaux, who was hugged tightly between Willow and Ethan. He couldn’t wait to tell Charlie that she finally had some friends her own age. 
“That would be great, thanks.” Owen smiled, which Cheyenne quickly returned. 
With a few last goodbyes to the rest of the group and promises to meet up again soon, Owen, Cheyenne and the kids left, Cheyenne leading the way while Owen brought up the rear to make sure the kids didn’t wander. 
And before he knew it Cheyenne was pulling up in front of Charlie’s place and Owen was unclipping Margaux’s seat as she clung to the twins, begging to see them again soon. It was only after Cheyenne and Owen promised they’d organise something that she let Owen lift her out of the car and the two of them stood and waved goodbye to the car as they drove away. 
“Come on Maggie, lets go inside and decide what we want for dinner.” Owen said and Margaux’s eyes lit up. 
“Pizza?” She asked. Owen chuckled. 
“Sounds good to me.” He agreed, unlocking the door and letting her in, placing the car seat near the door in case they needed it again. 
“Can we watch movies?” Margaux questioned, squirming in Owen’s arms until he placed her down on the ground. 
“We sure can.” He smiled. “Whatever movies you want.” 
“Nemo?” Margaux suggested as Owen flicked the TV on, going to Disney Plus and finding the movie in response to her request. 
And once the movie was playing Owen settled down onto the couch with her, and was determined he wouldn’t move unless he absolutely had to. 
Eventually it was time for the moment Owen had been dreading. Bedtime. 
“Okay princess, it’s time to go to sleep.” He said, as the credits rolled on Frozen 2. 
“Daddy said he would come back for bedtime.” Margaux frowned.
“Bedtime tomorrow, remember?” Owen reminded her softly. 
“Oh.” She pouted, tears threatening to fall. Owen’s eyes widened, trying to think fast. 
“I know!” He exclaimed, and Margaux looked at him curiously. “We should have a sleepover. We can get your toys and sleep in Daddy’s bed and maybe even watch TV until we fall asleep.” 
Margaux grinned widely. 
“Yeah!” She squealed. “I wanna do it!” 
“Okay, well we’ll have to go get your friends from your room.” He said and Margaux grabbed onto his hand. 
“Hurry.” She giggled, tugging him down the hall to her bedroom. He flicked the light on as they entered, and Margaux jumped onto her bed, eyeing the large pile of Squishmallows stacked at the end of the bed. Madi had bought her one and ever since then she had been addicted to the stuffed toys. 
“Okay, who are we bringing?” Owen questioned, sitting down on the edge of the bed, already grabbing the toy penguin that Margaux never slept without. The four year old frowned at the pile before reaching towards an orange octopus, depositing it in Owen’s lap. She scanned the pile again, grabbing a small brown and white cow, a grey dragon, a green dinosaur and a large purple and blue cat that was almost as big as she is. 
“That’s all.” She decided. Owen nodded, grabbing the toys in his arms. 
“Anything else we need?” He asked, and Margaux grabbed her blanket. 
“Done.” She decided. Owen grinned, standing up. 
“Lead the way Miss Maggie.” He instructed, and Margaux giggled, rushing out of the room and across the hallway into Charlie’s room, leaving Owen to follow her after struggling with the light switch. Eventually he got it off and entered Charlie’s room, dropping the toys onto the bed for Margaux to sort out. 
“Do you want to watch one of those house hunting shows?” Owen asked, flicking the TV on. Margaux hummed in response, too busy figuring out the placement of her Squishmallows to pay full attention to him. 
“What’s it ‘bout?” Margaux mumbled, settling into the middle of the bed. Owen pulled off his shirt before climbing in next to her, smiling when the four year old latched herself onto him in the same way she did to her father.
“It’s about people who are looking for a new house.” Owen explained.
Margaux thought for a moment before nodding.
“Okay we can watch it Papa.” She agreed, so Owen changed the channel to the lifestyle channel. 
Hopefully the show would put the four year old to sleep.
It did not put her to sleep.
It was well past midnight and somehow Margaux was still awake, happily watching a couple decide between an apartment close to their ideal location, or a large house a little further out.
Owen yawned, glancing towards the time.
“Maggie, aren’t you tired darling?” He questioned, and Margaux shook her head.
“I’m awake! My Squishmallows wanna know if they buy the little house.” She informed him. “I want the big, big one.”
If Owen wasn’t half asleep he would have laughed at how invested Margaux was, but he was struggling to keep his eyes open and her not being asleep was not something he found funny in that moment. 
“After this we’re gonna turn it off and go to sleep, okay?” He told her, and Margaux frowned, shaking her head. 
“I wanna watch more.” She replied, and Owen groaned. 
“We gotta go to sleep, otherwise we won’t be able to wake up for Daddy coming home tomorrow.” He said, and Margaux pouted. 
“I wanna watch it more. You said I could watch it ‘til I sleeped, and I’m not sleeping yet.” She reminded him, and Owen cursed his past self for using those words, and cursed Charlie for raising such a smart kid. 
“But I’m falling asleep.” He whined. 
“You sleep then.” She answered, and Owen sighed. Time to put his “parent voice” on. 
“Margaux, we’re turning it off after this episode, and we’re going to sleep.” He said firmly and Margaux glared at him. 
“No.” She retorted and Owen tensed up. Now what was he meant to do? Margaux was rarely in trouble so he didn’t really have experience in how to discipline her if she acted out. 
“Margaux Ivy.” He warned. “Do you want to go back to your own bed?” 
Margaux shook her head. 
“Then after this episode finishes the TV goes off and we’re going to sleep. And if you go to sleep straight away maybe we can go get breakfast somewhere in the morning. How does that sound?” He tried, hoping the promise of a nice breakfast would make her back down. 
“Don’t wanna.” She mumbled. “Want Daddy. You’re a meanie.” 
Owen stared at her, his heart shattering at those three little words. 
“You don’t mean that, you’re just overtired.” He said, his voice sounding small, not quite sure who he was trying to convince. Margaux crossed her arms. 
“Yes I do. You’re a big meanie and a bossy pants and I don’t like you now.” She replied firmly.
“Maggie...” He trailed off, not knowing what to do. 
She ignored him, turning her attention back to the TV where the couple were about to sit down to decide between the three houses. 
Owen bit his lip, reaching for his phone to text Charlie, even though he knew the chances of Charlie replying were probably slim. He was probably out of cell range, or already asleep, or both. 
Messages between OPJ and Char
OPJ one day without you and she hates me
Charlie’s reply was almost instant. 
Char  she could never hate you O, i promise
Owen sighed, glancing at Margaux who had tucked herself into a ball with her chosen Squishmallows surrounding her, and was mumbling something under her breath in French. 
OPJ  she said, and i quote, that i’m a “big meanie and a bossy pants and she doesn’t like me now” so yeah, pretty sure she hates me
Char what happened?
OPJ she got sad at bedtime so i promised her we could watch tv until we fell asleep and now its 1 in the fucking morning and she’s still awake watching house hunters and i told her its time for it to be turned off, like the asshole i am, and she said no so i used my parent voice on her and now she hates me and she’s still fucking watching tv and i don’t know what to do
Owen had barely pressed send when his phone began to ring, Charlie’s photo appearing on his screen. 
“Hey.” He answered sadly. 
“Give the phone to Margaux.” Charlie’s voice came through the phone and Owen didn’t respond, holding the phone out to the four year old. 
“It’s for you.” He said, and she glared at him, but took the phone nonetheless, face lighting up when she heard her father’s voice. 
Owen flopped backwards onto the bed, relaxing instantly as Charlie’s scent engulfed his senses. He zoned out, just focusing on breathing, until he was jolted back to reality by Margaux poking his cheek. 
“Daddy wants to talk to you.” She informed him, and he took the phone, pressing it back to his ear. 
“She’s gonna go to sleep now.” Charlie said, and Owen breathed out a sigh of relief. 
“Thank you.” He whispered. “I’m sorry I disrupted your night and bothered you when you’re trying to have time off.”
“You didn’t.” Charlie assured him. 
“I couldn’t even get her to go to sleep.” Owen mumbled, glancing at Margaux, who was already fast asleep, just proving how tired she had actually been. “I’m a failure.” 
“You are most definitely not.” Charlie replied firmly. “You’ve made it all the way til now with no issues, even after the complete meltdown she had this morning. Parenting isn’t always easy Owen, even I struggle with overtired Margaux.” 
Owen sighed, reaching for the TV remote and turning the TV off, engulfing the room in darkness. 
“Fuck, can you just promise me you believe me? I’m too high right now to figure out a better argument.” Charlie whined and Owen giggled, only just noticing how out of it Charlie actually sounded. 
“Kid free time is going well then?” He teased, thankful for the lighter topic. 
“I haven’t been this high since she was born, it’s nice to be able to smoke without worrying about her waking up or not being sober by the time she gets up the next morning.” Charlie replied, and for a moment Owen felt an overwhelming sadness for the 18 year old Charlie who had been forced to grow up so quickly, with no chance to be an actual kid himself. 
“I miss you.” Owen admitted. “It’s hard being here with her without you.” 
“You’re halfway there babe, just keep going.” Charlie reminded him and Owen blushed slightly at the pet name. 
“I will. Thank you again, for getting her to sleep.” Owen replied. Charlie hummed in response. 
“Any time. How was the rest of your day?” He questioned. 
“After you left she cried for a bit, and then slept until lunch time. And then we went to this indoor play centre thing with Cheyenne and his twins, and Kenny, Sacha, Jadah and Tori, and Mags loved the twins.” Owen recounted. 
“She did?” Charlie cut in, and Owen could hear the smile on his face. 
“She did.” Owen grinned. “She begged me to see them again soon, so you’ll have to organise something with Cheyenne. Then we just had pizza and watched some movies before we went to bed.”
“Sounds like you had a great day.” Charlie replied. Owen opened his mouth to respond, but instead yawned, eyes drifting shut for a second. 
“Go to sleep babe.” Charlie’s voice was gentle and Owen nodded, before realising his boyfriend couldn’t see him. 
“Okay.” He answered. “Night Char, I love you.” 
“I love you too Owen. See you tomorrow afternoon.” Charlie replied, before hanging up. Owen let his phone fall to the pillow, too tired to even plug it in to charge. 
And with Margaux’s steady breathing in his ear, he finally drifted off to sleep. 
Owen woke the next morning to Margaux attempting to braid his hair, Bluey playing quietly on Charlie’s iPad. 
“You awake Papa?” Margaux questioned. Owen hummed in response. 
“Yep.” He replied, voice deep with sleep. “You doing my hair?” 
“Yeah.” Margaux responded simply. After a moment she spoke up again. 
“Are you still mad with me?”
Owen sat up, reaching out to the tiny blonde. She wriggled closer, settling into his arms. 
“Oh darling no, I could never be mad at you.” He told her. Margaux thought for a moment before looking back up at him. 
“Do you still love me?” She asked, her voice small. Owen’s heart shattered. 
“Of course I still love you. You’re my little girl, I will always love you. Just like how your Daddy will always love you no matter what.” He assured her. 
“But I was mean to you.” Margaux frowned. “And Daddy said that’s naughty.”
“It is naughty, but I forgive you. Because I know you were just very tired.” He told her. She sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry Papa.” She said quietly. Owen pressed a kiss to her head, playing with her curls like he knew Charlie did, hoping the familiar gesture would reassure her.  
“I know honey, it’s okay, I promise.” He whispered. 
“Love you.” Margaux mumbled, pressing her face into his neck. Owen smiled, wrapping his arms around her tightly and squeezing. 
“I love you too.” He replied. “Now how about we get dressed and go out for breakfast?” 
“Yeah!” Margaux grinned, perking up instantly at the mention of food. Owen laughed. 
“Okay then, let’s do it.” 
Just over an hour later the two of them were curled into a tiny booth in the back corner of a café, the table chosen especially to try to remain unnoticed by any fans that may have been around. Owen loved the fans but sometimes they could be a little much, and having Margaux with him made him hyperaware of how necessary it was to remain anonymous. He had no idea how Charlie did this. 
Owen glanced around the room, picking at his eggs. There didn’t seem to be anyone around who might recognise them, but there was never a guarantee that they wouldn’t be noticed.  
“Can I have some of your one Papa?” Margaux questioned, catching Owen’s attention. 
Owen’s head snapped back, his attention now solely on the four year old in front of him. 
“Which one darling?” He asked. 
“That one.” She pointed to the cooked tomato that he had pushed off to the side of his plate. Owen nodded, placing it on her plate and shaking his head when she dipped it into the leftover maple syrup. Charlie really was raising his clone. 
“Are you full?” Margaux questioned after scoffing down the tomato, eyeing his eggs. Owen chuckled, scooping the eggs onto her plate too. 
“Hungry this morning huh?” He teased. Margaux grinned at him, her mouth full of his eggs. 
“Patrick says it’s cause I’m a growing girl.” She informed him. 
“I think Patrick is right. You were only tiny when I first met you and now you’re huge!” He emphasised the last word and Margaux laughed loudly. 
“You’re silly Papa.” She said between laughs. Owen grinned. 
“Excuse me?” A voice came and Owen’s heart stopped for a moment, looking up to find an elderly woman smiling at him. 
“Yes?” He answered politely. She didn’t look like the type to watch the show, but you could never be sure. 
“Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to compliment you on how well behaved your daughter is.” She smiled and Owen couldn’t help the light blush that covered his cheeks. 
His daughter. 
“Thank you.” He replied and the woman nodded, smiling at Margaux, before wandering away. 
Owen took a deep breath, collecting himself, before tuning his attention back to Margaux. 
“You ready to go kiddo?” He questioned. Margaux nodded, so Owen stood up, taking her hand and leaving the cafe, thanking the waitresses as they left. 
“So what do you wanna do today?” Owen asked as they began the short walk back to Charlie’s place. Margaux pulled a face as she thought. 
“Can we watch some more House Hunters?” She questioned, making Owen laugh. 
“Of course we can.” He agreed. 
It was just after 2pm when Margaux shifted in his arms, where she had settled down to watch House Hunters hours ago. 
“Papa? I’m hungry.” She mumbled. Owen played with one of her pigtails. 
“What would you like to eat?” He asked. 
“I don’t know.” She shrugged, as Owen’s phone vibrated in his pocket. 
“Why don’t you have a little think then.” Owen suggested, pulling out his phone and smiling when he saw Charlie’s name on his screen. He answered quickly. 
“Hey!” He greeted. 
“Hey babe. I’m just leaving now, will be home in maybe an hour?” Charlie’s voice came through the phone. 
“That’s great, we can’t wait to see you. We were just talking about getting some lunch, would you wanna pick something up on the way home?” Owen asked. Charlie laughed. 
“I can do that. Anything in particular?” He questioned. Owen turned his attention back to the blonde in his arms. 
“You decided on what you wanna eat yet Maggie?” He asked. She shook her head. 
“No.” She replied simply. Owen chuckled. 
“Want Daddy to pick something? He’s coming home now and he’s gonna get lunch for us on the way.” He suggested. Margaux lit up at the suggestion. Or maybe the idea that her Dad was on his way home. Probably both. 
“Yes please.” She grinned. 
“Hey Char? Your pick. Just not pizza cause we had that last night.” Owen informed the older boy. 
“Okay cool, I’ll see you guys in like, 30 minutes then.” Charlie answered, and Owen could hear his car starting in the background. 
“See you then.” Owen smiled. He really had missed Charlie, and he knew Margaux had missed her father just as much, if not more. 
“Love you.” Charlie’s voice came, breaking Owen out of his thoughts. 
“Love you too.” Owen replied, before hanging up and turning to Margaux. “Okay Maggie, what house are they picking?” 
The four year old paused, thinking. 
“The blue one.” She decided. 
“With the pool?” Owen checked, and she nodded. 
“Yeah that one.” She said. He looked up at the TV, just in time to see the house again. 
“Cause it’s got a pool?” He questioned. Margaux nodded, settling back into his arms again. 
“And it’s blue.” She giggled. “Blue house and blue pool. That’s the best one.” 
“You know what? I think you might be right.” Owen laughed, and the two of them turned their attention back to the TV to find out which house the couple chose. 
Just under half an hour later Charlie arrived home, unlocking the front door and entering the quiet house, his arms full of Chinese takeout. 
He could hear muffled giggles coming from his bedroom, so he dropped his bags and headed down the hallway, entering his room to find Owen and Margaux curled up in a pile of Squishmallows, the lifestyle channel playing loudly on the TV. 
“Daddy!” Margaux exclaimed, jumping up and throwing herself at him. He stumbled, but caught her, handing the food off to Owen so that he could properly hug his daughter. 
“Hey baby.” He greeted, squeezing her tightly as she clung to him like a baby koala. 
“I missed you.” She whined. “Don’t go away again.” 
“I’ll try not to.” He laughed. “Did you have fun with Papa?” 
She launched into a complete recount of her weekend as Charlie placed her back down onto the bed and plopped down next to Owen, snuggling close to the blond in greeting. 
“You survived.” Charlie grinned, placing a kiss to Owen’s shoulder. Owen chuckled. 
“Barely.” He replied, scooping fried rice onto one of the paper plates that the restaurant had provided. Charlie shook his head.
“But you survived. That’s all that matters.” He said, and Owen glanced at Margaux before nodding. 
“Yeah it is.” He agreed. 
And as Charlie settled back into Dad life, he couldn’t help but wish that this was how life could be every day. 
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weeb-writor · 3 years
Meeting Shouta’s parents on Christmas
Hello all you beautiful people! So here is the last part in the Aizawa mini series. I fell in love with all these Characters and this head cannon so I will probably revisit them! As usually the reader is neutral in every since of the word! I hope you guys enjoyed this series. 
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
After a month of preparation you meet Aizawa’s Parent over the course of a week
Words: 3,098
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
“Ooh my goodness what are we gonna do!?” You said pacing around your living room. Shouta looked at you and chuckled at your frazzled state.
“We get in my car and drive to my family house as planned, pretend to enjoy ourselves so we can come home and cuddle with my fat cats.” He said, pulling you into a hug. 
“You want me to show up to meet your parents without the gift I ordered for you dad? Shouta are you outta your mind.” You said to him with a pout.
“Well that's debatable but I do know my parents and they aren't even expecting anything so it's fine. You can just tell them we’ll get it to him when we get it. Now let's go!” He said trying to drag you to the car.
“Aizawa Shouta! I am not going anywhere unless it's to a store to buy your Dad a gift.” You said giving him a glare. He stared back as if to question if you were being serious. You cocked an eyebrow at him, challenging him to disagree.
“Were gonna be late to get there, do you want that?”
“Better to be late than to show empty handed especially when everyone else has gifts.” You said with a shrug. Aizawa laughed but nodded as you both went to the store. You wandered around the place for an hour before you found something you actually liked. Now you were in the car messily wrapping in as you pulled into the driveway of your destination.
“Okay goodness gracious we barely made it but we're here and I have gifts for all your siblings and their lovers and their kids! Didn't think I would pull it off but here we are in one piece.” You said mostly to yourself.
“Kitty Cat you start talking to yourself and I might leave you to enter the den of wolves by yourself.” Aizawa said as you both got out of the car. You let him take in your overnight bags and get help for the millions of presents somehow packed into your small car you didn't wait long as you felt as presence behind you.
“Hello you, perfect example of a gorgeous human being!” The voice said from behind you.
“Shinji, how nice to see you.” You said with a sigh.
“You know if you’re tired of sighing that way… I have a better way to make you sigh.” He said winking at you. You had to push back all the thoughts of murdering him and just smiled but before you could say anything another voice interjected.
“See I told you we had to come out here! Shinji stop hitting on y/n their dating our little brother you snake.” Saika said, hitting him over the head.
“Can't help it, sis!” He said with a laugh.
“Well for this week you absolutely will have better control overself or so help me God Shinji! Anyway y/n you’ve got me, Shinji and sora at your beck and call, what do you need help with?” Saika said with her graceful smile.
“Oh just this.” You said pointing to the car packed with presents. Sora seemed to choke on air at the amount of gifts.
“God, didn't Shouta tell you didn't have to buy everyone a gift, you poor thing!” Saika said hugging you.
“Well he did but I just really like you guys and loved getting to know you this past month so I wanted to.” You said waving her off.
“More like you wanted to impress our parents, huh cutie?” Shinji said teasing you before he started to grab presents as to avoid his sister wacks.
“Ignore him! My mom is dying to meet you, Shouta’s never brought anyone home.” She said as her and Sora grabbed some more presents. As they went in you pulled out the last two rounds of presents and waited for Aizawa who wasn't far behind.
“Hey love are you ready?” Aizawa said, picking up the presents you set out.
“I am totally not!! I barely remember everyone's name! We should just slip away right now!” You said beginning to pace some more.
“Babe i'm gonna go inside and wait on you, come in whenever you want but remember we are late.” He said with a light chuckle.
“Sho!! don't you go into your house without me!” You said picking up the gifts and following him like a lost puppy. That was that and soon you were inside the house with a lot of eyes on you. You followed aizawa while bowing and placed the toys underneath the huge tree.
“Alright now that that’s done let me meet the one whose stolen my baby’s heart so effortlessly!” A woman said coming over to you. You bowed deeply to her and she let out a melodious laugh.
“How cute, no need to bow so deep! I should be bowing to you, you who is able to make my stoic Shouta blush, giggle and pout!” She says grabbing your face and pulling it around as if to inspect it.
“Oh Honey, you stop it! They are just being polite, you know like Japanese culture requires them to be.” A tall man said coming over to you.
“I'm just saying! Anyway you can call me Mina and this is my parasite of 41 years Hirohito! Nice to meet you!” She said hugging you, you were a bit surprised by how informal and kind they were.
“Excuse my parents, they were born and raised in America! No less Japanese but they are a bit more informal and that does shock a lot of people.” Shojiro said scratching his neck. 
“Oh hush boy! Don’t put a warning label on me and your mom as if we are damaged goods.” Hirohito said, knocking him over the head.
“Now it’s getting later we should all wash up and get ready to eat! I made something special for you all. And Sho I put a king size bed in your room since you’ve finally brought someone home. If you want to take advantage of that and make me some grandchildren then don’t worry we will hold up dinner for you!” His mom said kissing his cheek. He groaned and grabbed your hand and pulled you away and soon you were in his room.
“See, was that so hard?” Aizawa said with a flushed face.
“Ehh you look like it was, tomato paste! But I think it went okay! I can do this!!” You said hyping yourself up.
“Yes you can, kitty cat. After dinner only 6 more days to go.”
“WHY do you guys do Christmas gatherings for a week!” You whisper yelled at him.
“Because we have a doting mother who wants to smother us every chance she gets and a father who would do anything for her.” He said serious, you laughed and got ready for dinner. When you and Aizawa made it to the dining room, you were met with three huge dining tables. Almost every seat filled.
“Sweetheart, you and y/n come sit right here! I’ve got so many things to ask you!” His mom said waving you over.
“Thank you… Mina. Your way to kind!” You said with another bow. Dinner was pretty quiet at first but how quiet can you be with like 30 people in one room.
“Saika, dear, you were in charge of the schedule this year can you read it off for everyone.” Mina said.
“Of course! So on the 20th aka tomorrow it’s all about decorations and the tree! 21st is all about taking the kids to see Santa! 22nd is Family photo day! 23 is the gingerbread houses contest and reindeer games! 24th is sugar cookie making and movies! 25th is a grand breakfast and present opening! Bring forth the cup of straws!” Saika said giggling. Sora rolled his eyes but got the cup and passed it around, everyone taking a straw. 
“Okay now blow into if red dust comes out you’re in charge of taking the kids to see Santa!” She announced and everyone did. Of fucking course red dust billowed from you straw. You looked at Shouta and he shook his head at you and your heart dropped.
“So then it’s me and you, how fortunate!” Shinji said waving at you. You couldn’t control yourself and your head dropped onto the table dramatically.
“Haha, Shinji y/n already knows what a pain in the ass you are! you must be losing your style dear! Not to worry y/n, Shinji will be on his best behavior won’t you?” Mina said as an ominous silence fell over the room. Shinji didn’t hesitate to nod.
“Okay then! Y/n, welcome to the Aizawa family. I hope you enjoy your first Christmas with us! With that let us begin the 6 days of chaos!” Mina said laughing lifting her glass, everyone joined laughing. Okay maybe this won’t be so bad you thought for a brief second.
20th - 5 Days till Christmas
“Dad I understand you like to hang lights up dangerously but do you have to drag y/n into it.” Aizawa said as he watched you nervously. You were on the roof helping his dad put up a few decorations and lights.
“Of course I did, if they’re gonna be an Aizawa one day they gotta learn all our trade secrets.” He retorted as if it was common knowledge.
“I’ve never seen my little Sho so worried. I can’t figure out if it’s because your kind and you love him so much or if you’ve got him by the balls or maybe even both.” Mina said with a slight chuckle. This made you warm in embarrassment and you lost your footing and began to fall, of course taking the old man with you.
“Shit!” Aizawa said as he quickly used his capture weapon to grab both you and stop your impact from being damaging.
“Yeah alright, me and y/n are opting out of decorations this year.” He said dragging you who was still in his captured weapon toward the door.
“Oh honey calm down it would have just been a small bump and maybe a sprain. Would you at least help Shinji and Sora with the kids, decorating the tree?” She said with a kind yet manipulative smile. Before either of you could respond yelling was heard from inside
“Damn it, Yukio stop breaking the glass ornaments and Maki stop recording and help me!” Shinji yelled. 
21st- 4 Days till Christmas 
“Shinji what the hell do we do!” You said pacing.
“Hold on stop talking I’m thinking.”
“Like hell I’m trusting your brain! We just have to ask them to let us take pictures anyway.” You said with determination. You see everything was going well until and elf said something to Haru that Jun took as bullying. A fire light in that boy like you had never seen he was on top of the elf giving him the business in seconds. After he just mumbled things like ‘Bakugou said you can’t let people bully you.’ And ‘gotta put bullies in their place.’. Then when you tried to get him to apologize he glared and said ‘no, I can’t let that bully win’ and just like that y’all were kicked out.
“No look let’s just disguise them! Tetsuya and Haru stitch clothing and Haru and Umi switch! Then Maki will take them and her pictures with them.
“What about Maki though they saw her!” You said not believing you were actually going along with his crazy plan.
“Oh I have a change of clothes, gotta be prepared when you’re going out with uncle Shinji!”  She said cheerfully.
“That’s my girl! Now go do this thing!” He said giving her and high five. Someone how Shinji’s ridiculous plan worked and the parents didn’t even notice, they were all too drunk or tired. 
22nd - 3 Days until Christmas 
“There is no way I'm taking pictures wearing this.” Sora said as he pulled the clothes from the box.
“Yeah mom, why did you make Sho pick clothes this year you know he cant even dress himself! It’s because you babied him so much, you know.” Shojiro said, looking as equally as disgusted at the clothing.
“Hey now! I put my baby in charge of the clothing and you all are gonna wear it, end of discussion. Also if anyone babied him it was all of you so blame yourself.” Mina said, ending the discussion as Shouta wore a crazed grin.
“I like the clothes Uncle sho’ta.” Nozomi said rocking on her heels.
“They are pretty cute huh?” He said ruffing her hair.
“Ah ah ah! Don't you go infecting my kids with your bad fashion sense!.” Saika said, covering Nozomi's ears. At this you all broke out into laughs before heading to put on the outfits and prepare for maybe the most embarrassing photos known to man.
23rd - 2 days till Christmas
You were not an artist by any means but when you heard the winner got the honor of passing out presents you were purposely trying to lose. You knew them apart mostly but if they were all wearing the same pajamas with their hair tied back it was going to be a stuttering mess. However your plan of making a 3 out of 10 gingerbread house was foiled quickly. Aizawa wasn't really a competitive man or so you thought but when you to were paired against Shinji and Shojiro he went berserk! You looked at the gingerbread MANSION with a sigh.
“Shouta i’ve never seen you so invested! It's amazing.” Said Shizumi the resident artist in the house.
“Yeah uncle Shouta and L/N! You definitely got my vote!” Daisuke said smiling at you, you smiled back at him warily. The family all wrote down the people of their choosing and put it into the Santa hat. Now as names were being drawn you were biting your nails.
“Shouta and Y/n will be our Clauses this year.” Hirohito said with a small smile.
“Yay y/n wins.” Haru and Jun danced around you. You giggled before glaring at Aizawa in a way that said when we get home your sleeping on the couch, he just kissed you sweetly.
24th - 1 Day till Christmas
“Uncle Shouta stopped making so many cat cookies! Santa wants other shapes too!” Tetsuya said, hitting Shouta repeatedly on his legs. You laughed evilly as you formed another cat cookie and wrote Shouta’s name on the corner.
“I like your cat cookies.” Nozomi said, playing with her hair. Aizawa picked her up and spun her around.
“Okay, yep that's weird Baby brother! Why is Nozomi clinging to you? What did you do?” Shiori said looking back and forth from you and Shouta.
“Nothing.” Shouta said with a smirk. The family then looked at you hopeful.
“Well would you look at that! It's about time to watch the Grinch isn't it, Rei?” You asked the young boy. He eagerly nodded wanting to escape the situation. 
“You got Rei too? What is happening!” Saika said as she grabbed Rei bringing him to her chest.
“Huh where is your DVD player? I got to put the disk in.” You said completely ignoring her.
25th - Christmas Day
The gift giving had been going pretty successfully. You only Stuttered a few times but you hadn't given anyone the wrong present and let Shouta take the ones with Nicknames you didn't know. But this right here was the moment of truth, the moment you had been preparing for. In your right hand you had a gift for Shizumi and in your left one for Saika. You looked at the two twin like sisters and handed the gifts to each respectful sister hoping you were right. They opened the gifts and smiled so you guessed you were correct had everyone's eyes not been on you, you would have done a happy dance.
“Alright last gift before Mom and Dads are for Miss Nozomi!” Shouta said signaling you to get the present you and him picked out for the young girl.
“Alright this is from me and Uncle Shouta!” You said to the girl handing her the blue box. She said a quiet thank you before tearing into the box. Inside the box was a note which she took out.
“Look at your favorite uncle.” She said before looking straight at Shouta making all the other brothers gasp. In Shouta’s arm was a cute 3 legged kitten which had the girl darting toward him but slowed when she got to him so as not to scare the cat.
“Thank you!” The girl said, rubbing at her teary eyes. You and Aizawa had been teaching her how to care for cats knowing she wanted one. In all honesty she knew she was getting a cat she just didn't know when. You had asked her parents as well but didn't tell then when either so as to have a bigger reaction from the family.
“No need to thank me! Just promise me to take care of him real well.” Aizawa thumbed away the last of her tears. She nodded rapidly before snuggling the kitten who seemed to enjoy the attention. The last arc of gift giving went well as did the extravagant breakfast you had all prepared together. Now you were all saying goodbye.
“Y/n dear I do have one last parting gift for you.” Mina said as you rounded the corner with your bags. You placed down your bags and went to her side.
“I know you and Shouta haven't been together too long but I want to thank you. He acts tougher than he is. He would rather bear all the responsibility and pain and suffer alone. Not to mention the way he puts himself in danger rather than ask for help. With you he seems different, and you put him in his place. You’ve made me feel at ease for the first time since he entered UA as a student. So welcome to the family, we're so glad to have you.” She said putting something into your hands. You bowed at her and opened your palm to see a key to this house and a few pictures taken over the course of the week. You waved goodbye to them all and got your bags and made the short trip to your car where Shouta was waiting.
“Why do you look like you're going to cry.” He said worried.
“Because there are 365 days till next Christmas.” You said to him smiling.
MHA Masterlist
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layniapetrovnaaa · 4 years
“No boys”
 Request: @soytrash
Hey beautiful 🤍 how about a cute little moment between reader and Logan with Laura regarding a crush 🥺And Logan is just overprotective, but prior to Laura coming home from school and talking about a crush, Logan is trying to get some from reader 🥵 please and thank you hun let me know if that’s okay or not 🥰 (maybe with the baby from your family series too) sorry if it’s too much I love your writing 🥺🤍 
Warnings: Smut, swearing (if you squint).
A/n: Do you guys picture yourself when reading fanfiction? Cause I do and don’t haha. Typically when I read/write for Logan I picture myself as Scarlett Johansson in Match Point and The Island lol. I’d love to hear about you guys, so just let me know!
Reader is written as under 30 y/o, if you are older, just change the number :)
I hope this is good enough (I’m not really that confident in this one). Let me know if you have any constructive criticism. 
[The Howlett Family series] 
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It was a particularly warm day in the Canadian Rockies, warm enough to open a few windows and have the cozy log house smelling of the fresh outdoor air. the window above the sink that you were currently standing at let a breeze into the house that tickled you just enough to have your body bear a small chill. 
As you rinsed one of the bowls you had used this morning to prepare breakfast, your hips swayed side to side in a fluid manor that matched the rhythm of the song that lightly boomed out of the speaker which sat by the fruit bowl on the counter. The reason behind the low volume was that Logan was currently trying to put your youngest daughter down for her daily afternoon nap. If the wails and grumbling coming from the baby monitor was any indication, it wasn't going very well.
You dried off your hands and picked up the monitor, holding down on the button that allowed your voice to come through on the other end.
“You need some help?”
“We’re fine. I just cant find her goddamn pacifier.”
“Did you check on the shelf by her changing table?” you spoke again.
Suddenly the crying stops and you smile knowing he found it.
He lets out a quiet “Thanks.”
You set the monitor back down and go back the the half a dozen dishes left in the sink.
“Kid’s quite the screamer hm?” you announce as Logan walks out from the hallway a few minutes later.
“Yeah she is, I think she got it from her mother.” he jokes walking around the island to be closer to you.
You let out a breathy gasp like-laugh.
“Oh really?” you say in an exaggerated tone, humor still consuming it.
“Mhm, and speaking  of screaming...” he places his hands on your waist and squeezes a bit.
“We can’t baby, Laura's gunna be home in like ten minutes.”
“Ten minutes is enough time. I can’t help it, you just look so sexy--”
Before he can finish you interrupt.
“Logan, you know damn well ten minutes isn't enough time.”
“I just need something [Y/N].” he says as his hands find your breasts and you let out a small moan, abandoning the dish towel and griping the counter.
He kisses your neck, sucking and nipping at the soft flesh, which brings forth light breathy moans from your mouth.
You turn your head to kiss him and you can feel yourself throb a bit when your lips meet. his hands dip into your top and pull your breast out of their confines, teasing your nipples with his fingers.
He continues to grope and kiss you as his dominant hand makes its way into your pants.
You moan loudly into his mouth as the pad of his middle finger circles your clit a few times.
His lips separate from yours so he can speak.
“Hmm, You like that?” he says in his breathy and gruff voice.
You can’t seem to make out any words, so instead you offer an almost whiny sounding “Mhm.” as his fingers inch lower.
You gasp, throwing your head back onto his shoulder, your right hand coming up to hold the back of his neck, as his middle and ring fingers enter your tight lubricated hole.His fingers curling in the classic “come hither” position, making you squeeze around his digits.
Even after all of the time you had spent with Logan, your body still didn't know how to handle the pleasure, that being evident in the way that your back arched and you sporadically bucked your hips back into his crotch with every jolt of pleasure that you felt.
Your moans were absolutely erotic as he seemed to push further into you, finding that spot that did in fact make you scream.
And the explicit squelching noises were making you even more desperate as he fucks you with his fingers.
As you let out another slew of loud moans, you feel his hand come up to cover your mouth.
“As much as I love hearing those pretty noises you make, baby, you gotta be quiet.”
Your eyes rolled back and fluttered shut at his his words and the vibrations from your moans bouncing against his cupped hand.
His thumb starts to circle your clit in the same rhythm that his fingers were moving in.
God, you were so done for.
He releases his hand from over your mouth before he asks:
“You gunna cum?”
“Mhmm” you let out in high pitched whine.
“Ouh! Don’t stop.” you pleaded as that marvelous feeling started to take over.
“That’s right baby, jus like that.” he speaks, egging you on until your mouth falls open and your eyes squeeze shut, your orgasmic euphoria taking over.
Eventually your body comes back down to earth.
“Look at that, you got three minutes to spare.” he coos in a triumphant tone.
Your breath is heavy and you whimper slightly when he pulls his fingers out of you.
You glance over to the built in clock in the stove before readjusting yourself and catching your breath.
Turning around, you plant your hands on the space where his shoulders and neck connect, and kiss him. Your tongues danced together sensually until you pulled away.
“I wish I could return the favor...” you hum and he kisses you again.
“You will later.” he says as the screeching of the school bus tires alerts you of Laura’s homecoming.
You look up at him and bite your lip, giving him a sensual smile as you nod.
You separate from him as you hear the front door open, going over to greet Laura.
“Hey honey, how was school?”
You could hear Logan in the kitchen, chuckling at your total change in demeanor. 
You turn slightly to roll your eyes at him, but the small amused smirk on your face gives you away.
You turn back to your daughter as she answers you while getting her homework and lunchbox out of her backpack.
“It was alright. We got to watch a movie in my english class, so that was  nice.”
You follow her to the kitchen where she sits at one of the bar stools at the dark wood island, slapping her purple folder and pencil onto the table.
You noticed something off with the young mutant, like she wasn’t telling you something.
When she looked up to see you and Logan analyzing her, she knew she would have to put on a better performance if she wanted to keep her secret. Fortunately for you, she wasn’t feeling up for a challenge today. And it’s not that she wanted to hide what her friends had told her was called a “crush”, but she knew how her parents would probably react.
“Laura, is there something you need to tell us?” Logan spoke.
“Sweetheart, you know you can tell us anything, right?” you squeeze her shoulder in a loving manor.  
She nods, taking in a breath before turning to you and muttering: No puedes decírselo a papá... (You can’t tell daddy...)
Hearing this concerned you. Laura and Logan had a pretty open relationship, despite their constant bickering.
Your eyes quickly flick over to Logan, who was watching you and Laura, his arms crossed while he leans against the kitchen counter.
“Que es Laura?”
Logan was accustom to yours and Laura’s more private conversations you had in spanish. He wasn't really a fan, only because when they would occur, he felt left out. But, he figured this must be important and waited patiently before asking you what she had just said about him.
“Hay un chico en mi clase que está enamorado de mí.” (There is this boy in my class who is in love with me). Her voice is quiet, but her tone sounds exasperated.
Logan's brows furrowed when he heard “un chico”. He didn't know much spanish, but he did know that un chico meant a boy, and he did not like the sound of that.
You snort, your hand quickly flying up to cover your mouth before you speak.
“Aww Laura!”
A shy grin spreads across her face.
“What did she say?” Logan speaks up
You bite your lip, trying to hold in your small bit of laughter. You look over at Laura and can tell that, although she is nervous for what her fathers reaction may be, it would be best to tell him about her dilemma.
“Laura has a not so secret admirer.”
“He wrote me a note.” she says, grabbing a crinkled white paper from her pocket.
You could tell by her humorous tone that she found the situation comical, and didn't seem to reciprocate the feelings.
Logan on the other hand had immediately gone into full protective father mode, snatching the note from her hand, and reading over it to make sure nothing obscene had been written/drawn on it.
After he is finished looking at it he crumples it up and puts it in the garbage.
“No boys until you are 30.”
“Logan don’t be ridiculous.” you say, walking over to fish the note out of the can.
“I am not being ridiculous.” he scoffs, incredulously.
“In fact, I think I’m being a bit lenient. 30 years old is a perfectly reasonable age to start being romantic with someone.” he says, and now it was your turn to scoff as you hand the paper to Laura.
She makes a disgusted face and holds the very corner with her pointer finger and thumb. You couldn't tell if it was because it had been in the trash, or because of it’s contents.
You turn back to face Logan and cross your arms.
“You do realize that we’ve had a baby together and I’m not yet 30, right?”
He retracts slightly, and grumbles:
“That’s different.”
“Uh-huh” you reply sarcastically.
“The feelings are not mutual by the way.” Laura finally speaks up. Deciding to clear the air before an argument started brewing.
“I don’t have a crush on him.”
“That’s my girl.” Logan says, and you chuckle.
“That conversation is not finished by the way.” you say while you walk over to the pantry to get Laura a snack, Logan grimaces, thinking of the conversation that would come later.
“How did you and Mama end up together?”
“Uhh, well...” he starts, glancing up at you, not sure if it was the right time to share.
Yours and Logan’s story was a bit controversial. The reason being that you were only 19 when you first “got together”, and Logan was your ex-teacher. And it wasn't exactly the most orthodox either. Instead of the typical flowers and a dinner date, it was more like neither of you could sleep one night, and one thing led to another, which led to you waking up in his arms in the morning. You had always had romantic feelings towards The Wolverine. Though they were never truly discussed, you both knew they were there, and you knew they were unbreakable. So, after that night, you two became exclusive.
“We met at Charles’ school, you know that.” you speak, setting the packet of crackers in front of the pre-teen, and walking over to grab an apple to cut up for her.
Laura sighs, knowing that she probably wouldn't get the answer she was looking for if you weren't willing to share it.
She rips open the wrapper, glaring at Logan when he steals a cracker from her.
“Well, how did you know you had a crush on each other?”
You chuckle lightly as the knife cuts into the ripe and scarlet colored fruit.
“We didn’t exactly have a crush on each other, Laura.” Logan starts, but a dry cough finishes the sentence.
You look up at him, asking if he was alright with your eyes.
He gives you a blunt nod as he lets out a deep breath.
You notice your daughters furrowed brow as she munches on the biscuit, and elaborate on Logan’s previous statement.
“Your father and I’s relationship is a bit complicated and unconventional, Laura. What he was saying was that we have and had a connection on a level so much more than a crush.”
She nods and pops another cracker in her mouth.
“But,” the crisp sound of the apple interrupts you slightly.
“usually when you have a crush on someone, you get the feelings of butterflies in your stomach whenever you see or think about that person. You smile when they smile, and laugh when they laugh. You want to be around them all the time, and you try to get their attention. You sometimes get nervous, and jealous of others that are close to them.”
You place the apple slices on a plate and slide it over to her, cleaning up the slight mess you had made and you glance over at her.
Laura sat starring at the plate as she thought of all of her symptoms you had just listed.
“Why were you asking?” Logan asks, his voice stern and suspicious.
She looks up, once again nervous.
You smile, getting an inkling as to where this is going.
“Well, there’s this-”
“No Laura. No boys, remember?” Logan interrupts, his custodial protectiveness resurfacing.
“It’s not a boy.” she mutters.
Logan blinks a few times, looking over to your grinning face.
“It’s a girl?” he asks, making sure that he wasn’t getting mixed up at all.
Laura looks up from the oxidizing apples a second time and nods.
“Well,” he leans back in his seat, breathing out.
“Tell me ‘bout her.”
She grins and you smile back, lovingly.
And then she doesn’t stop talking about the girl with the dark umber skin and curly caramel highlights until you have to remind her to eat her apple slices.
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vintagedolan · 4 years
alone (egd)
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it’s not very often that you and ethan get the house to yourselves... and you’ll be damned if you don’t make the most of it
word count: 8k (holy shit haha)
warnings/tags: smutty smutty smut lets goooo, christening the house hehe,  ITS A WILD RIDE 
feel free to send in requests! and check out my masterlist if you wanna :)
It was almost like watching a scene in a sappy romance movie, but instead of the typical girl in the sundress with the handsome man, it was two handsome 6 foot tall men standing outside the airport, staring at each other uncomfortably.
“Just make sure you text me when you land. You got your charger and everything?”
“Yeah E, I’ve got it. I’m gonna miss my plane man, I gotta go,” Grayson said, but he wasn’t moving, obviously unsure of what exactly to do.
“Bye Gray, have fun and be safe,” you decided to step in, giving him a goodbye hug. He squeezed you back, swaying a little bit back and forth.
“Keep him alive and fed for me, will yah?” Gray teased, ruffling your hair like he always did before letting you go.
“I think I can manage that for four days,” you teased, stepping back. There was an odd awkwardness in the air - the twins weren’t very experienced in saying goodbye.
You stood to the side, watching them hug. It was a genuine one, with just a hint of unease in it - the boys hadn’t spent this much time away from each other since they did their one week without each other video. 
When they were done, the two of you waved at Grayson until he was out of sight inside the terminal. And then you climbed back into the tesla, you in the passenger seat like usual.
And it was time for the real fun to begin.
Riding in the car with Ethan was one of your favorite little parts of your relationship. It was such a simple thing, to sit next to him in the passenger seat with the music playing. And his hand was always on you somehow - fingers intertwined, pressing kisses to the back of your hand. But it wasn’t often that you didn’t have Grayson in the back seat. This time was different.
As soon as he was merged back onto the highway, his hand was on your thigh, thumb rubbing over the bare skin left by your shorts. It was innocent enough to start, but his fingers trailed higher and higher with each mile he drove, and when you looked over he was chewing on his lip - one of his tells.
“Mind on the road,” you teased, but you opened your legs just barely anyways.
“Baby I drive a tesla. My mind can be anywhere,” he reminded you, a bit of his ego popping through.
“We’re five minutes from home,” you breathed as his hand moved further up, brushing over the zipper of your shorts. There was a nervous energy filling the car, and it reminded you of how you felt before you slept together for the first time. You felt giddy at the thought of having Ethan all to yourself, and the house empty except for the two of you, for four whole days. 
“Wanna make sure you’re ready,” he said, voice low and gruff. It sent chills across every inch of your skin. 
“Oh trust me, I am,” you sighed, squirming just barely as he rubbed over your skin. He knew exactly how to press your buttons and get you worked up in a matter of minutes.
“Shit,” he muttered under his breath, squeezing your thigh. He edged the speedometer up, wheels flying over payment in a desperate bid to get home even a few minutes earlier. 
“Hey, we can’t fuck if you crash before we get home,” you reminded him, messing with your nails. When you looked over at him, his pupils were blown wide, incredulous. The easiest way to get him worked up was with your words, and you used it sparingly, knowing if you always said all the dirty things in your mind that it wouldn’t hold the same effect when you decided to use it. It was the only way you could even the playing field - Ethan could have you in a puddle with one touch. 
He slowed down, but only a fraction, and you were itching to get home just as much as he was, maybe more. The gates at the end of the driveway felt like they took an eternity to open when Ethan punched in the code, and you had already undone your seatbelt before he even had smooth cat in park. 
You both jumped out of the car, giddy like unsupervised teenagers. He took your hand, lacing his fingers with yours as he started towards the house. To your surprise, he didn’t open the door immediately. Instead, he turned to you, catching your hips with his hands.
“I have a proposition.” 
“Oh do you now.”
“New house. All to ourselves for four days.” 
“Mhmmm.” Not sure why we’re not acting on that right about now, you wanted to say, but you held your tongue. 
“Christening.” The word hung in the night air for a moment, slowly disappearing into the song the crickets were making. Images flashed through your mind of all the furniture, the floor plan, the layout. Fuck.
“You bought a very large house, with a lot of rooms,” you started. His face fell just a fraction, and his lips parted as he started his rebuttal. You stopped him with a finger. 
“We better get started.” 
night one, 11pm, living room two
You’d never realized just how soft the purple sectional was; probably because this was the first time you were naked on it. Ethan had made quick work of everything you had on as he lead you in the door, past the small living room, through the kitchen and dining room, and into the small sunken living room two, as they called it.
“Odd first choice,” you mused, not really caring where you were. All you were worried about was the fact that Ethan was still fully clothed, which was wildly unfair in your opinion. 
“Well, we’ve already done our room and bathroom, so no need for repeats. Not gonna do Grayson’s room or bathroom, cause that’s just weird. Figured we could work our way across the house. Living room two, dining room, kitchen, living room one. Come back and get the office, guest bathroom, laundry room.” He listed off the rooms like he was reading from the floor plan as he shed his shirt and started to work on his belt.
“You’ve really got this planned out huh. Been daydreaming about having sex with me all over the house?” The smirk on your face was playful, and he just laughed, shaking his head as he shoved his Louis V pants down his legs along with his boxer briefs and stepped out of them.
“I’m always thinking about having sex with you. Duh.” He crawled over top of you, coaxing you to lay down flat on the couch. One of your favorite things about sex with Ethan was that it was always versatile, and not just in positions. You’d had every mood of sex in the book - playful, funny, dirty, kinky, angry. You were so comfortable around each other it wasn’t even funny.
So you weren’t surprised in the slightest that he nudged your hip with his knee and muttered ‘scootch’ so he could get himself comfortable above you. And you also weren’t surprised when you both realized that there was no way in hell that this position was going to work in any way, shape or form on that narrow ass couch.
“Floor?” He asked.
“Floor,” you confirmed, following him as he rolled off you and onto his back on the rug. Now you were hovering over him, straddled over his abs. His hands found the back of your thighs, pushing lightly.
“Come up here,” he grinned, and you knew exactly what he was asking for. You maneuvered your way up until you were hovering above his face. 
“Let the christening... begin,” he said in his most dramatic voice, smile wide on his face as his hands came up onto your thighs to pull you down closer to him.
“That’s the cheesiest shit you’ve eve- oh.”
“Mmmm, what was that?” He asked, pulled away from where he’d just been.
“Nothing! Nothing,” you squeaked, suddenly desperate for him to put his mouth back on you. He obliged, starting to work you over slowly. You shifted your weight onto your knees so you could get closer to him, hands going to his hair, which was finally getting just long enough for you to get a grip on. 
It didn’t take long for him to set a rhythm with his tongue that has your hips grinding, thighs shaking just barely at the tension of you holding yourself at just the right height. He’s always been so damn good with his mouth, even since the first time you slept together.
But it wasn’t until you bit down on your fist as you came that you hear him groan, and he’s tapping on your thigh, signaling you to dismount. You climbed off, catching your breath and relaxing your muscles, coming down. 
“What’d you bite your fist for?” He asked, sitting up and moving towards you like he had on the couch, coaxing you down onto your back again, his fingers ghosting over you.
“Didn’t do it on purpose.” You were still a bit breathless as he ducked down to kiss you.
“Well for once we don’t have to be quiet. Wanna hear you babe, while we can,” he said, more of a request than a demand. You nodded in response as he lifted up slightly, lining himself up. You let your legs fall open to the sides, giving him more room as he dipped down, grazing over your folds. 
You let out the breath you’d been holding as he pushed in, moving slow and easy. He held himself up on his hands, which were splayed on the floor above your shoulders to hold you in place. You bit down on your lip, a force of habit.
He grunted above you, moving down to his forearms, rolling his hips as he shifted his weight to one side so he could bring a thumb up, guiding your lip out from under your teeth.
“What’d I just say,” he groaned, a hint of dominance creeping into his tone. You just nodded, overwhelmed as he continued to stretch you out.
“Fuck E,” you moaned, hands coming up onto the skin of his back, nails dragging down. A tiny part of your brain realized it felt weird to be so loud, but the pleasure took over that as you felt everything start to tighten, an overwhelming feeling that you’d become familiar with.
“God, I can feel that,” Ethan breathed, speeding up the roll of his hips, somehow getting even deeper than he already was. “Shit baby, you feel so good.” 
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” you whined, pulling him as close as you could, lifting your hips up just barely to meet him. The new angle was electric, just the tiny shift making all the difference, and suddenly your thighs were shaking and you could feel him release, filling you up before he collapsed on top of you. 
“Holy shit,” he breathed, rolling off you smoothly. You were only on your back for a second before his arm wrapped around your shoulder, rolling you over onto him. 
“We’re gonna have to pace ourselves if we’re gonna make it through every room in the house,” you laughed, trying to catch your breath. He ran his fingers over your back, feather light over your spine. 
“Fuckin’ hell, you’re gonna wear me out,” he laughed with you, reaching his other hand up to run through his hair.
“Your fault, you bought a big ass house,” you grinned, squishing your cheek against him, smiling when you heard the rumble of his laughter in his chest.
Eventually, he somehow mustered the energy to get the two of you to your feet and back towards your room, the unspoken agreement that you were done for the night. 
“We should shower,” you mumbled.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Ethan answered, crawling onto the sheets.
“E! We’re gross!” 
“Totally disgusting,” he agreed, curling up further into the bed. You thought for a moment about trying to drag him to the shower, but it was no use. If he didn’t wanna move, you couldn’t make him - you’d learned that lesson many times.
Instead, you gave in and crawled over to him, peppering kisses on his bare back. “You’re washing the sheets tomorrow.”
“Deal,” he sighed, twisting to wrap you up in his arms before you both fell asleep.
morning one, 9:42am, kitchen
As you did every morning, you headed into the kitchen alone. The wood was cold against your bare feet, sending goosebumps up your legs. You’d thrown on one of E’s shirts out of habit, but skipped the shorts when you remembered that the house was empty aside from a quietly snoring Ethan. 
You made yourself a cup of coffee and turned on the speakers, just loud enough that they might wake Ethan up. The playlist that was just a massive dump of every song the three of you liked started to roll through, and you danced along to it, deciding to make a more complicated breakfast than normal. If there was one thing you could cook, it was breakfast. 
The boys had started to branch out and find more vegan substitutes, so you were happy to find all the ingredients you needed to make vegan breakfast bagels - an egg substitute, vegan cheese, even veggie sausage that would work great. While everything cooked away, you cut up some fruit and sipped at your coffee, getting more and more into the music as it played, especially when your favorite Cudi song came on - the boys had gotten you hooked as soon as you moved in, said it was a ‘house rule’ that you stan Cudi.
Lost in your own little world as you scrambled the ‘eggs’, the poke to your hip made you squeal and almost drop the spatula. You turned and saw E, a goofy close lipped smile on his face.
“What’d you poke me for?” You grinned, getting up on your tiptoes to kiss him good morning. He answered by poking your cheek again, then squeezing it gently between his thumb and his index finger.
“Just makin’ sure you’re real, and that I’m not dreamin’,” he sighed, brushing some hair back from your face, proud of the blush he brought to your cheeks.
“You’re such a simp.” You turned back to the ‘eggs’, cutting off the burner, happy they were done so you could give him your full attention for a few minutes.
“Am not.”
“Are too,” you countered. “Okay maybe not a simp, but definitely a sap. Over here poking me to make sure I’m not a dream,” you teased, but you loved every second of it.
“But you are a dream,” he said in his most dramatic voice, hands going to your waist to guide you away from the stove. With one swift move he spun you around and lifted you up so you were suddenly sitting on the island, now just a hair taller than him.
“I wake up to you, cooking a damn good vegan breakfast in my kitchen, with Cudi on the speakers, in my shirt-” he reached for the hem, moving it slightly up from where it sat on your thighs, obviously expecting shorts. He groaned when he didn’t find any.
Immediately, his hand was coming around to the back of your head, fingers curling in your hair as he pulled you down towards him, lips on yours. Usually his kisses were a bit lazy in the morning, but right now he was more than awake, and you could tell. 
It wasn’t another minute before he was guiding you backwards and you were laying on the counter, cold marble setting all your nerve endings on fire as his fingers hooked into your panties and pulled them down in one swift motion.
He pressed kisses to your thighs, morning scruff tickling your skin as he made his way up, coaxing your legs to open for him. It was on odd sensation being out in the open like this, but you didn’t have the energy to care once his mouth was on you.
“Fucking shit,” you groaned, the sensitivity left from last night elevating things immediately. 
“All good?” He murmured, looking up to you for reassurance. He knew your body almost as well as you did by now, knew you’d be sensitive.
“Yeah, yeah keep going.” You were practically begging for it already and it had only been a few seconds. He started with long, flat tongue licks that he knew would have you squirming, even if he didn’t add a finger like he did.
“Jesus E, fuck,” you whimpered, fingers grasping at the smooth counter, desperate to find something to hold onto as he worked you over. He just hummed against you, satisfied that you were being vocal and adding to the sensation all at the same time. 
His tongue moved up to your clit and you gasped, sitting up slightly and grabbing at his head, fingers trying to find purchase in his short hair. It didn’t faze him in the slightest and he continued his work, knowing you were close.
“Fuck, fuck fuck fuck,” you squeaked, body tensing up and then relaxing all at once, causing you to collapse back onto the counter. You barely had enough left in you to make sure that your head didn’t hit the marble. 
“Well, kitchen can get checked off,” he breathed, pressing kisses to your skin as you tried to settle back down. After a few moments he helped you sit up, leaving you to relax while he picked up where you left off with breakfast as if nothing had just happened. That was one of your favorite things about Ethan - he was a giver, through and through, and he never did anything to get something in return.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t going to repay the favor.
“You are getting the best head of your life later, so prepare yourself.” You tried to stay serious, but your voice was still a bit breathless as you came up beside him. 
“Like I said. Absolute. Dream. My fuckin’ girl,” he smiled, reaching a hand around to cup your ass and pull you up against his side as he continued to cook. 
evening one, 6:33pm, the laundry room
You watched him put the blue liquid into the washer, filling up the little cap and putting it into the little container on the right side. You weren’t sure why, but watching Ethan do domestic shit was one of the hottest things to you. 
“Did you just put fabric softener in with the sheets?”
“Of course I did,” he responded with a smirk. 
“Absolute. Dream. My fuckin’ guy.” You quoted him from earlier with a smug grin, moving from where you were watching in the doorway to right beside him. The washer started to hum, filling up with water as you spun him around so his back was against it.
“Oh?” He quirked an eyebrow, looking at you in surprise - you weren’t usually the one to initiate things, not because you didn’t want to, but because Ethan usually beat you to the punch.
You didn’t answer. Instead, you pulled on the waistband of his shorts and briefs, reaching down to find his cock, which was already rising to your attention.
“Laundry huh? That’s what does it for you?” Ethan said, trying to seem unaffected, but his breath was already catching in his throat. He always got very overwhelmed when you took care of him like this - he was so used to being the giver, sometimes he wasn’t exactly sure what to do as the receiver. 
“Shhh, just relax. I told you to prepare for this, remember?” You teased, getting up on your tip toes to kiss him while you pushed his shorts and briefs down. They pooled around his feet and you followed them, sinking to your knees.
“Fucking shit.” He breathed it out, barely audible over the machinery behind him that he started to brace on as you took him in your mouth. 
You just hummed as you worked him over, knowing exactly where to get him weak in the knees. He liked slow, long strokes at first, but you surprised him by coming up to cup his balls, rolling them in your hand.
“Oh fuckkkk,” he whined, thigh twitching and hand coming down to your hair. His fingers tangled in it and you didn’t ease up at all, knowing you were about to get him right where you wanted him. 
You backed off for just a second, just to see his reaction as you looked up at him. His eyes had been closed for a bit, knuckles white as he gripped onto the washer. But with the loss of contact they flew open, just as you wanted them to.
With his eyes on you, you grabbed onto his hips, opening wide and taking him as far down your throat as you could. You fought the urge to gag, grinning a bit when his hips stuttered and his breath hitched. He even bent over slightly, body unsure of how to handle feeling so good. 
He wasn’t even forming words anymore when you started to suck again, paying special attention to the vein that ran along the side as he practically came undone.
When your hand came back up to his balls, he was done for. He came quickly, and you let it slide down your throat, leaving him in your mouth until he guided you off. 
You stood up proudly, wiping the corner of your mouth with your shirt while you waited for him to catch his breath. 
“You are incredible,” were the words he chose, boosting your ego and making you blush all at the same time. 
But you didn’t get a chance to respond, because suddenly he was bending down, your hips colliding with his shoulder as he scooped you up, grabbing onto your legs as he stood up.
“Ethan!” You squealed, bracing your hands on his lower back to hold yourself up. “Your ass is literally in my face.”
“You love it,” he teased, reaching up to give an easy slap to yours, making you  squeak as he headed to the next room.
evening one, 7:07pm, guest bathroom
He didn’t even sit you down - he just waltzed right into the shower, opening the glass door and turning on the water. 
“Cold, cold cold cold!” You gasped as the water ran over your back, hitting your shirt and soaking the fabric through. 
He didn’t react to the water - he only squatted down so he could put you on your feet, hands immediately going to your waist to push you up against the wall. The water was starting to warm up, but the tile was so cold that it still took your breath. 
It wasn’t helping that Ethan’s touch was making you feel like your skin was on fire, flushed and warm as he bent down slightly to catch your nipple in his mouth through your shirt. You moaned at that, back arching off the tiles when he nipped at it with his teeth. 
“Not supposed to shower with clothes on,” you whimpered, already overwhelmed by just his hands on you.
“Not gonna shower, don’t even have soap in here. Christening, remember?” He whispered it, barely audible over the sound of the water hitting the floor. You didn’t have to ask his plans - he showed you, one hand moving to cup your core. He groaned when he felt a different kind of wet.
“All this, just from sucking my cock huh? Don’t deserve you, truly,” he grinned, hand coming up to the waist of your panties and yanking. The fabric tore, making you gasp.
Somehow, Ethan was already impossibly hard again, ready for another round. He pinned your hips back against the wall, foot pushing your legs just a little wider so he could line himself up. He pushed up in one swift stroke, stretching you out yet again. Somehow, it was even better than the day before, and you were so lost in the bliss you barely felt him pull your shirt over your head, leaving you completely naked.
“Fuck E, feels so good,” you moaned, arms going around his neck as he started his rhythm, deliciously slow yet fast enough at the same time. Only he could fuck you like this, you were sure.
“Tell me how good baby, tell me how I make you feel,” he urged, hands moving to the tiles behind your head as he thrust into you, grunts and groans falling from his lips with every move.
“So good E, so fuckin’ good baby, you’re so deep, fuck,” you let the words tumble out, not thinking twice about them. When he leaned in to kiss you it made you clench all over and he hissed against your lips at the feeling.
“So tight for me baby girl, fuck, my fuckin’ pussy.” The mixture of his groans and the filth coming out of his mouth was enough for you to get yourself right to the edge.
He felt it, felt you lift up on your tiptoes, felt your walls tighten and start to flutter. He reached between you, fingers finding your clit just in time. He rubbed quickly, causing you to stop breathing as every muscle in your body tensed and then you were shaking, so hard your teeth chattered. If his dick wasn’t still inside you you probably would have sunk to the ground. 
He pulled out of you as soon as you were done, leaving you feeling entirely empty. You watched with hazy eyes as he turned off the water. 
He came back over to you, strong arms wrapping you up and lifting you with ease, even with your skin slick from the water. You let him do whatever he wanted, just relaxing into his shoulder as he carried you out of the shower with your legs wrapped around his waist.
“We’re gonna make a mess on the floor,” you mumbled, watching the water fall off his body and drip onto the wood.
“Shhh, it’s fine,” he reassured you, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he started to walk towards your room. You couldn’t help but feel that he was still hard, practically throbbing below your entrance as he carried you. 
“Where we goin’?” You asked quietly, sitting up. 
“Our room.”
“No repeats, remember?” you mumbled. “Put me down.” 
He did as you asked, but there was already concern written all over his face. He kept a hand on you as you wobbled slightly, knees still a bit weak.
“Baby, you don’t have to-”
You just took his hand.
night two, 7:30pm, living room one
“Sit down,” you instructed him, pulling him towards the couch. He plopped down on the gray fabric - you knew there would be a wet patch there when you all were done, but you didn’t care. 
Before you could say anything else, he reached out, hand on your thigh, thumb rubbing over the skin.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay if you’re not up for it. Really, I mean it. The whole christening thing is just for fun.” His voice was so soft - he was obviously worried that you were overdoing it. After all, you did have a history of being too sensitive for so many rounds in a row; Ethan always took it as a compliment. 
But now, you were somehow still horny, and you knew he was painfully hard, especially since it was his second go round. So, you decided to prove to him that you were perfectly fine, leaning over, hands going to his thighs as you got in his face.
“Are you trying to convince me not to sit on your dick right now?” You said it slowly, drawing out your words. “Do you not want me to ride you?”
You actually watched him swallow, and he shook his head like a school boy being scolded. 
“That’s what I thought,” you grinned, climbing onto his lap.
You wasted no time, bracing yourself on his shoulder so you could lift up and sink down onto him. There was barely a stretch this time, and you were glad, because you could immediately start up the pace you wanted. You went to your knees so he’d stay deep inside as you started to roll your hips like you knew he loved.
“Shit,” he choked out, hands moving to your ass, squeezing the flesh there as you leaned forward, adding a bit of a bounce to your movements - having your tits in his face was just a bonus.
“Not gonna last, fuck baby, just like that.” The words disappeared into your skin as he buried his face in your neck while you kept moving. Wanting to see his face, you tugged on his hair until his head came back up and you could kiss him.
His hands were desperate, wandering all over your skin as he tried to keep it together, lips rough against yours. It took so much focus for you to keep your pace as your own orgasm started to build, especially when you felt Ethan rising up to meet you, trying to get impossibly deeper.
“C’mon baby, cum for me.” You didn’t care that it had only been a few minutes - you knew he was so close, you could feel it.
He groaned at your words, and you gasped as his hands came to your hips, actually lifting you slightly just so he could pound into you harder. And just that slight shift of angle was enough to build you up in just a few strokes, and suddenly you were cumming with him, seeing stars as your body tried to process the third major orgasm of the day.
“Holy shit,” was all Ethan could say once he caught his breath. You were still speechless, body totally spent as you just sat there, exhausted. “Three in one day, that’s a lot for you,” he praised, pressing kisses to your temple. “My pretty girl is all fucked out huh?”
“Mmmm,” was your only response, and even you didn’t know what it was supposed to mean. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said, moving so he could stand up. He shifted inside you, making you whimper until he was able to lift you off of him. He mumbled an apology, hands coming around to your ass to hold you up. You rested your cheek on his shoulder as he carried you back to your room. 
Ten minutes later and the bathtub was full with hot water, waiting for you as you rinsed off in the shower first, deciding your hair desperately needed washing. Ethan watched you through the glass door as he waited in the water for you, soft smile spreading across his face when you finished up and headed to join him, limbs heavy.
He sat up to help you step into the massive white tub, immediately wrapping his arms around you as you settled back against his chest.
“You remember how you said we needed to pace ourselves?” He murmured in your ear. “Well, we only have two rooms left. We’re beasts.”
“What’s gonna happen when we have our own house? We could do this every weekend,” You teased, twisting around so you could rest your cheek on his shoulder, pressing a few kisses to his neck and collarbone.
“Do you want our own place?” 
You thought on it for a moment, as much as your blissed out haze would let you. “Not for a while. I like living with Gray.”
“Wait. If we didn’t live with Gray, would you just walk around with no pants on all the time?” The seriousness of his tone made you giggle.
“Probably,” you shrugged.
“That’s it, we’re moving, I’m getting on Zillow right now-” he sat up slightly as if he was going to get out of the tub, making you laugh and cling onto him.
“Stop, you know you love living with your brother. You miss him already and it’s only been like a day.”
He sighed, chest rising below you. “You’ve kept me plenty distracted.” But you both knew that you were right.
morning three, 10am, office
Your second whole day at home alone was so... soft. There was no other way to put it. You’d woken up on your own time, thrown on some comfy clothes and went together to your favorite vegan bakery, getting lattes and the best banana bread.
E had driven you up to a lookout and you’d had breakfast together watching the waves crash on the coast. And when you got home, you spent the whole day just moseying around the house, dancing around to the music on the speakers, playing cards, cuddling on the couch and watching movies. 
“Can’t wait till this is us in our house with a few little mini you’s running around,” Ethan had said, pulling you closer to him on the couch.
“Mini me’s? Why not mini you’s?” 
“Oh god, I wouldn’t wish a mini me on anybody, just ask Li,” he’d teased back. And the night had devolved into the two of you talking about what you thought your lives would look like in the future - living either in Jersey or LA, but definitely with Grayson as a neighbor. Two or three kids running around, not too far apart in age. You could picture it all in your head so clearly, and it had even seeped into your dreams later that night when you fell asleep on Ethan’s chest.
So when you woke up on the third morning, you pouted a bit when you didn’t find Ethan beside you in bed. You climbed out from under the covers, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and going in search of him - you wanted to tell him about the little mini-him’s you’d dreamed about, and how cute they were. You checked each room as you went along, finally hearing his voice and peeking into the office. 
He was spinning slightly in the office chair, cell phone pressed to his ear.
“Yeah, I think that’s fine. If we restock in July, then we should have enough time to get enough surplus built up before the holidays.” He caught sight of you then, face lighting up. He waved you in, wanting you to join him. 
You could hear the voice on the other side of the line as you got closer, and recognized it as Nathan, one of the main product managers for Wakeheart. He’d made sure not to plan any meetings for the days you had the house to yourself, giving himself a ‘mini-vacation’, but you knew he couldn’t stay away from work that long. You didn’t mind - his ambition was one of your favorite things about him.
So you simply headed over to settle onto his lap, nuzzling up into his neck as you straddled one of his thighs and cuddled up. 
He pulled the phone away from his ear for just a moment, turning his head to kiss you good morning.
“Do you think we should make a holiday line? Grayson and I were talking about it, or we could just run some specific packaging deals, with mini’s or something.” He kept talking, spinning about 45 degrees in the chair and then back again, using his foot to move him.
What he didn’t realize was that just that movement was making your core shift on his wide thigh, and your thin panties weren’t doing anything to help the situation.
You still had a bit of residual sensitivity, but it didn’t hurt - now it just made it that much easier to get turned on. You tried to ignore it for a minute - Ethan always took his work so seriously, and you really didn’t want to interrupt. 
But soon it was too obvious - you knew that if he didn’t already feel the wetness on his skin, he was going to soon. Almost against your own will your hips started to move just slightly, desperate for any type of friction across your throbbing core. 
And of course, Ethan noticed. You sat up, trying to get a new angle and his eyes were blown wide, mouth actually hanging open slightly because holy shit, you were actually riding his thigh while he was on a business call. 
With a devious grin, he bounced his leg once, and you squeaked so loud that you had no doubt that Nathan heard it. Your hands immediately went up to cover your mouth, cheeks bright red in embarrassment. 
“Just my floor, sorry. What’d you say?” He played it off, pressing a finger to your lips and still smirking at you as you started to grind again, one hand going to his shoulder, the other bracing against his right thigh to give you leverage. 
“Yeah, we could do two separate mini bundles, with one set for enterlight and the other with the signatures, maybe spruce it up with some festive packaging.” His voice was devilishly calm, and somehow that only turned you on more. The fact that he could be so unaffected by you literally getting off just using his leg had your skin flushed and hot, a mixture of embarrassment and want. 
“We’ll have to run it past Gray once he’s back. Right now it’s just me and my girl at the house, Sterling isn’t even here, so it’s just us.” His eyes were on you, but you didn’t realize how intensely he was watching you until he brought his other hand up to grab your jaw, tilting your head back until you had no option but to stare directly at him. 
You bit down on your lip hard, fighting with yourself to stay quiet as you worked yourself up, moving fast, the chair starting to creak just barely with your movements. A few whimpers still slipped past your lips and you could actually see his pupils blow wide at the sound. 
“Yeah, uh, actually Nathan I think Y/N needs me for... something. Can we finish this up later?” There was a slight gruff to his voice now, the first real sign that any of this was getting to him. “Alright, talk soon. Bye.”
His phone hit the desk hard as he practically dropped it, both hands moving to your hips as his mood turned on a dime.
“God you drive me insane baby. Don’t know what’s gotten into you lately but I love it,” he groaned, gripping onto your hips as you continued to move, so lost in the feeling that you barely even heard his words.
“Fuck Ethan, I’m close, I’m so fuckin close,” you breathed, digging your nails into his shoulder hard enough to make him suck in a breath through his teeth.
“There you go baby girl, c’mon, get yourself off on my leg, c’mon, you’re almost there,” he encouraged you, starting to barely bounce his leg to give you that extra little bit of friction you needed.
“Fuck, fuck fuck fu-” your breath caught in your throat, cutting off your words as your whole body tensed up, thighs closing together to squeeze around his as your toes came off the ground and every muscle in your legs started to shake. It rolled through you in waves, keeping you tensed up for almost 30 seconds before you were finally able to breathe. You gulped down the air you’d been missing, collapsing forward onto Ethan’s chest as his arms wove around you. 
“Woah. That was a good one huh?” His voice is soft as he rubs up and down your back as you caught your breath. “If you needed me, all you had to do was ask.”  
“Was just comin’ to tell you about my dream,” you stood up, moving to close your legs and sit on his lap sideways instead, too sensitive to stay like you had been. 
“Oh yeah? And what did my girl dream about, hmm?”
You launched into the story, talking about how the two of you had a daughter and son, both with dark curls like Ethan’s that bounced around while they played in the treehouse that Grayson had built for their kids to share. 
“It really sent the baby fever into overdrive,” you sighed, tracing over his collarbone tattoo as you finished.
“You know,” he leaned down, getting closer to your ear. “If you want a baby, you gotta at least give me a chance to get my dick in you.” 
“Stopppp,” you blushed, burying your face in his neck. He just laughed.
“Oh so now you’re gonna get bashful on me huh? Just came in here and rode my thigh into oblivion while I was on a business call, but me mentioning putting a baby in you, oh no, that crosses the line.” 
You sat up and pouted at his teasing, but he just kissed it right off your lips with a laugh. “You know I love it, don’t be embarrassed.” 
afternoon four, 3:32pm, dining room
“Babe, c’mon, if we’re late Gray’s gonna be pissed,” you called out, grabbing Grayson’s water bottle from the counter and filling it up - you were always thirsty after a long flight, and you figured he’d appreciate the gesture.
Ethan came around the corner then, taking one look at you and immediately turning around with a groan, heading back to your room.
“You’re wearing that? You don’t even have a shred of mercy for me, do you?” He was exasperated as soon as he came back into the kitchen.
You looked down at yourself - you just had on a sundress, it was no big deal.
“What do you mean?!”
“I’m already trying to get over the fact that you’re gonna start wearing pants again all the time and you’re out here looking all... all tempty,” he pouted, and you couldn’t hold back your laugh.
“Tempty? That’s a new one. And hey, technically I still don’t have on pants,” you offered, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Is that supposed to be helpful right now?” He asked, making you realize that pointing out the fact that your were in a dress probably wasn’t helping the already growing bulge in his pants.
With devious eyes, he glanced over at the clock. You had a few minutes to spare before you absolutely had to leave to avoid being late, and he knew it too.
“Ethan... no. No,” you cautioned as he started to walk towards you, but you were laughing at the fact he looked like a cat on the prowl.
“C’mon, we never finished our christening! All we have left is the dining room! You know I hate giving up.” He was pouting again, even sticking his bottom lip out as he kept walking and you backed up until you bumped into the wooden table. 
“We’re gonna be late,” was your last possible defense, and even that was half assed. You were already wet god dammit, all he had to do was look at you.
“Please baby? We’ll be quick, I promise.” 
You answer by turning around, bending over and reaching back to flick your dress up over your ass. His knees almost give out at the sight.
“Absolute.” He leaned down and presses a kiss to your left asscheek. “Dream.” He kissed the other, making you laugh.
“Thought we were gonna be quick,” you teased, secretly loving all the attention. As excited as you were to see Grayson, you sure as hell were gonna miss this.
“So greedy,” he chuckled, moving up to catch your thong with his fingers and pull it down to your knees. You heard the rustle of him getting his shorts down, and a gentle tap at your slit with his tip was your only warning before he pushed himself in.
“Fuckin’ shit baby,” you croaked, hands balling into fists at the sensation. You weren’t sure how it felt so good to be stretched out so nicely - surely you’d get used to it eventually, but you secretly hoped you never did. 
“Hmm, feels nice huh? You feel so good every damn time,” he praised, hands squeezing at your ass as he pulled out to the tip before thrusting back in. “Always so soft for me.” He was lazily rolling his hips, giving you just enough to get you worked up but not enough to get you there.
“Fast Ethan. We’re going for fast,” you reminded him, a bit of sass creeping into your tone. You didn’t want to deal with a cranky post-travel Grayson if you were late.
He stilled his movement entirely, leaning forward to nip at your ear. 
“You asked for it.” 
And then he was moving, pulling your hips so he could slam into you fully, only letting go to reach around and rub at your clit, making your whole body tense up at the sudden change in pace.
“Fuck yes Ethan, fuck just like that, yes, yes yes yes,” you whimpered, a hand even coming to smack at the wood on the table as you tried to process all the sensation happening so quickly. 
“Already tightening up, look at you.” His breathing was already labored as he continued pounding into you, grunting with the force of it. Neither of you were going to last long, it felt too good. “C’mon baby, wanna feel it. Cum for me, I know you’re close.”
You brought one hand down over his, guiding him to just the right spot over your clit, the callouses on his finger giving you just the right friction that had you tumbling over the edge. 
You collapsed onto the table with the force of the orgasm, smiling when you felt Ethan chasing his own high and spilling into you only a few moment later, only your name falling from his lips. 
It took a few minutes for you to calm down, and then you were waddling off to the bathroom to clean yourself up quickly before pulling your panties back up. Ethan watched you with a smug smirk as you tried to walk normally, his ego bursting.
“Shut it,” you threatened, pointing a finger at him. “This is your fault.”
“I said nothing.” But his smirk was enough. “Better get that figured out before we get Grayson, or he’ll never let us live it down,” he grinned, offering you his arm as you rearranged your dress and let him lead you out to the car. 
40 minutes later and you were climbing out of the car, legs not giving too much away as you watched Ethan run around the car and engulf his twin in the biggest hug, both of them more than ecstatic to see each other.
“Missed you bro,” Grayson smiled, looking over at you. “Missed you too munch,” he said, throwing out the nickname that only he was allowed to call you. Once Ethan let him go he moved over to you, giving you the biggest bear hug and spinning you around. Ethan reacted before you did, reaching a hand out to keep your dress down in the wind.
“Woah, easy, that’s only for my eyes,” Ethan huffed, pulling you to his side once you were back on your feet.
“Righttt, I forgot. But hey, I’m home now, so you’re gonna have to start wearing pants around the house again. Sorry to ruin the no-pants party,” Grayson smirked, watching the blush spread across your cheeks as you whirled on Ethan.
“You told him?” You squeaked, embarrassment running through you from head to toe.
“Thanks bro, real fuckin’ nice,” Ethan said over your head before looking at you. “That’s the only thing I told him, I swear.” 
“You’re so dead,” you narrowed your eyes at him, and he knew he was in for it later.
“Ahh, so nice to be home,” Grayson grinned, wrapping you both up in a hug as he laughed.
SORRY this took so long guys. also if u love me u should message me which room was your favorite just for fun haha thank you for reading, ily guys!
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naomiidaniielle · 3 years
Our Whiskey Lullaby
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Rating: Non-Explicit Word count: 1.9k~ Warnings: Major angst w/ a little bit of happiness at the end, crude language, mention of character death. (Joel x f!reader) Author’s Note: This prompt was heavily inspired when I listened to the song Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley ft. Alison Krauss. I recommend you listen while you read~ :) “Yeah, give me a moment!” you shout from the shed door. You grunt from the heavy weight of the old metal door, finally managing to open it. The dust swarms around your head and you cough from it entering your lungs. “Ellie, I thought you said you cleaned it out?” you yell back towards the house but no response came back to you. You sigh before turning to walk inside the shed. Tools, guns, and wall posters decorate the old shack and you couldn’t help but smile. “I can’t believe all this stuff is still here.” your hand caresses the old wooden workshop table against the wall with band posters hanging above.  On top of the table lays a guitar case and a confused expression draws on your face as you wipe the dust off of it. Your hands are slow and precise when you reach to open the case, the top coming up with a ‘pop’. “Is this...?” your voice trails off when you recognize the familiar shimmering instrument in the black case. You pull back like you were burned by the sudden image and your breathing turns short. “Shit...” you curse, covering your mouth and throwing glances back to the house. A pained groan escapes your lips from swallowing the lump in your throat, turning back to the guitar. The lid is lifted up a little more and you take in the gorgeous design. You remember all those haunted, sleepless nights where Joel would play you a soft lullaby to bring you serenity. The lingering thought made your heart squeeze in your chest when you bring the guitar out. A shaky breath escapes you lips, pulling the stool close to your body to sit down. All was quiet as your eyes glare down to the guitar in your hands and you prop it up on your leg. You strum a little with the strings, not really knowing how to play but remembered the basic chords Joel showed you. There was a chord sheet and you hesitate. Whiskey Lullaby, a song that Joel had played for you.  The notes were soft and clear, echoing in the small shack. You swallow nervously as you felt the pressure of messing it up but you did as Joel always told you. Take it slow. She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette She broke his heart; he spent his whole life tryin' to forget. Joel’s eyes burn into you as you stand before him. You huddle close to Ellie, feeling the pressure start to settle down on you. “What the hell is this?” Joel growls, looking to Marlene. Tess had the same sort of expression, a demanding glare at the wounded woman. Marlene gasps as her wound festers and burns under her hand, panting softly. “Listen...I know this isn’t something you signed up for...” “Damn straight it ain’t!” Joel shouts, making Ellie and you flinch. “I didn’t sign up to become your fucking babysitter. Have someone else do it. C’mon, Tess.” he goes to walk out, Tess lingering behind. “Tess?” Tess glances to Joel, biting the inside of her cheek. “And if we do it?” “You get the weapons.” Marlene answers her immediately. “You’ve gotta be fucking-” Joel grumbles in annoyance, before looking to you and Ellie. “this better be worth the trouble.” The memory floods your mind as you continue to play the song, tears already burning at your eyes.  We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind Until the night Ellie raises a brow as she pulls one of Joel’s guns out of his backpack. You smirk right next to her. “You should probably put that back, El.” “Hold on, I just wanna hold it a little- hey!” she shouts as the gun was ripped from her hands. “What the fuck, dude?” Joel towers above you and Ellie with an accusatory finger pointed at the both of you. “Don’t be goin’ through my things. Theses ain’t for kids.” he stuffs the gun back into his backpack. “Hey,” you jump up to defense and march over to face Joel. “you need to stop treating us like fucking kids. How are we supposed to defend ourselves out there? With our minds?” Joel stares down at you before brushing past you. “I don’t have time for this, kid.” You scowl at him with a huff and incoherent mutter, asshole. A shuddered breath pushes through your lips as you play in raw emotion, all you could think about was Joel’s face. It felt like he was right there beside, a comforting hand on your shoulder. He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger And finally drank away her memory Life is short but this time it was bigger Than the strength he had to get up off his knees “How could you just leave her like that?” you shout at Joel, pointing back down to where Tess had stayed behind to hold the military back.  Joel ignores you as he continues to trek on, Ellie standing in between you two with a worried expression. “Hey! I’m talking to you asshole!” you scream at him as you run up to him and shove him harshly, tears gathering up in your eyes. “How...could you just leave her behind like that?” “She was infected! We couldn’t help her anyway so I gave her what she wanted! She didn’t want to be turned!” Joel yells back at you, making you take a step back. “You think I wanted to leave her behind? I didn’t have a fuckin’ choice, y/n!”  Your chest rises and falls quickly as tears stream down your face. Ellie rushes to your side when you feel your legs try and give out. “C’mon, let’s go.” Joel voice cracks and he turns to walk on. We found him with his face down in the pillow With a note that said 'I'll love her 'til I die' And when we buried him beneath the willow The angels sang a whiskey lullaby “Joel?” you shout his name, sprinting as fast as you can from the pack of runners trailing behind you. “Joel, do something!” Joel grabs your hand and pulls you to run faster, taking you by surprise when a runner nearly tackles you to the ground. “Just keep runnin’! Don’t look back!” he instructs you and you nimbly nod, fear racking your whole body. “Don’t worry, I won’t let go.” The rumors flew but nobody knew how much she blamed herself For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath She finally drank her pain away a little at a time But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind Until the night You wake with a sudden jolt as you felt the pain flash before your eyes. The living nightmares that haunt you every night broke you down and you let out a blood curling cry. “Y/n?” Joel’s voice bursts through your room and he hurries to your side and kneels down beside you. “Y/n, y/n, what’s wrong?” he asks you softly as you rock back and forth. “It hurts, Joel...it fucking hurts...” you whimper as you cradle your head to block the screams and voices out. “make them stop.” Joel frowns at how much you were in pain and he brings you into his arms. “It’s okay, baby girl. It’s okay, I’m here.” he whispers to you, his fingers brushing through your hair. You held onto him as you cried.  She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger And finally drank away his memory Life is short but this time it was bigger Than the strength she had to get up off her knees You lay there on the cot, watching Joel as he strums away on his guitar, trying to remember all the notes. “Are you sure you know how to play?” you tease him. ”Haha, very funny. It’s been awhile, okay.” Joel scoffs, glancing back at you. “Give me a minute.” You hum, rolling onto your back as you listen to him play around with the chords. Soon enough he starts playing a song and it nearly knocked the breath out of you. You say nothing as he plays you the song, tears pooling in your eyes as it spread peace over you like a blanket. Joel stops singing but turns to look back at you. “How was that?” You nod your head, already feeling sleep consume you. “What’s...it called?” you yawn and curl up into a ball. Joel strums the chords on the guitar, silent for a moment. “It’s called Whiskey Lullaby.” he didn’t see it, but you were smiling. We found her with her face down in the pillow Clinging to his picture for dear life We laid her next to him beneath the willow While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby You didn’t know you could run so fast. Your legs and lungs burned but you didn’t care as you ran as fast as you could push yourself. All you had on your mind were Ellie and Joel. “Ellie? Joel?” you call for them as you burst into the base, looking around for them. You hear something in one of the rooms and you jog over, slamming the door open. Ellie was laying on the floor, trying to push herself up off the ground. “Ellie? Are you okay? What happened?” You couldn’t understand what she said but all she could do was point and you look in the direction she was trying to tell you. Your heart dropped all the way down to your feet as you slowly stand up. You were nauseous and your ears were ringing. “J-Joel?” The image of his body on the ground, bloody and beaten were engraved in your head as you fall to your knees. “J-Joel! Get u-up!” you crawl over to him, shaking his cold body to wake up but nothing happened. “Joel!” Your hands come to a stop, the chords hanging over you head. A hand flies up to your mouth, to stiffle your sobs. The guitar falls from your lap and onto the ground as you hunch forward. It felt like you couldn’t breath. You cry out in desperation for him. In that moment, you could feel a hand on your shoulder and you quickly recognized who it was. You regain control over your sobs as you sit up straight. “I struggled for a long time with survivin’, and no matter what, you keep finding something to fight for.” His words rattle in your head and you felt that same kind of peace when you were caught up in the darkest of nights. You wipe your eyes, a smile growing on your face. “Okay, Joel.” you pick up the guitar and place it back in its case. The chord sheets for Whiskey Lullaby lays there and you grab a pencil, writing something down quickly before laying the pencil down. “Y/n, is everything okay?” you hear Ellie shout to you from the house. You smile, turning your head slowly towards the door. “Yeah, everything is just perfect.” you turn the lights off and walk to the door, looking back inside one more time. The door closes with a soft click and the chord sheet flutters from the blocked wind. Our Whiskey Lullaby.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Homesick recordings
This is the first part of my 1.5K celebration. I present to you the sequel to “Moments in the life of Y/N L/N”, the angstiest piece of trash I’ve ever written. Thank you 1.5 K guys it means a lot, thank you for being here and reading my crap writing and thank you for supporting my blog. Love ya 💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
When Y/N learns that her little girl is gonna leave for high school she suggests she tries recording herself when she’s feeling homesick. Sky believes that she won’t need it but as time passes she realizes that she might need her mom more than expected. 
Monday, April 4th 20XX
“Okay so how do I do this exactly? *camera falls from its spot* Ah crap crap Jesus! Is it still working? Yep yep it is there’s my ugly face hehe. God why is my hair like that? Anyways um…. Hi, I guess? Do you say hi to a recording? This is weird to say the least. Today was the first day of school as you might have guessed and it was ….awkward. I got lost in that huge building twice and I ignored some kids by accident because they called me by my last name! I’m used to people referring to you when they say our last name ugh this is gonna take some time getting used to. The teacher is ....unique. He came into our classroom in a yellow sleeping bag and proceeded to worm around the room like a caterpillar. I don’t think he is the really giddy giddy fun teacher; he wrecked us during training. Gave us a freaking heart attack with a so called prank he pulled. *exasperated sigh* Who says that you’ll be expelled if you score last?? I don’t get it!! His name is Aizawa-sensei and I already believe he doesn’t like me. He stared at me for a solid five minutes with a frown on his face during training. If I’m being honest he was watching me the whole day which is kinda weird. I don’t know how to take that. Is he interested in my quirk or is he asking himself why they put me in his class? I can hear his voice saying ‘why do they keep sending me imbeciles?’. Well mister you can’t get rid of me now I got in and I’m staying! HA! *bang on the wall* YO SKY KID KEEP IT DOWN MAN! SORRY TOYOMI-SAN…..That was one of my roommates….She is a social worker I think. Oh I almost forgot, the apartment I found is nice. It deserves its price I mean. But you already know that since I called you once I got back from school…. See why this is stupid??? I’ll keep telling you things you already know because I have Alzheimer and I don’t remember what you know. *sigh* Oh well I guess you’ll have to endure this torture, you are my mother after all and I’m your precious only daughter so what can you do really? I finished my costume design. It turned out pretty cool, I like it. The jacket you suggested makes it ten times better. I look like a pilot. Well technically I am a pilot. I pilot clouds and now that you’re not here to scold me when I’m flying around I’ll take full advantage of it. You can’t stop me mother! Anyways, it’s getting late and I have school tomorrow so I’ll end this here. I don’t know when I’ll record next…. Most likely when I’m feeling home sick again. Haha it's the first day away from home and I’m already missing you and those two idiots. *soft snort* Goodnight mom, love you.” *recording ends*.
Wednesday, April 27th 20XX     
“Hello again, it’s me, your neighborhood cripple. *wince* You could say I’m a sight for sore eyes because I’m sore all over. You’ve seen the attack on the news. Of course you have, everyone’s shaming UA high for lack of security. Why you haven’t called me yet is a mystery, I guess you’re at work? And before you start throwing a tantrum about me not calling first and blah blah, I wanted to record this first, let you see the actual injuries before I minimize them when I call you. *stares off* Something weird happened during the attack. Apart from the fact that well we were attacked and our homeroom teacher was almost beaten into a pulp, the villains were ….. interesting. When they first appeared I was teleported by this minecraft portal looking ass to another part of the USJ and to be honest I kicked some serious ass. That *wince* that was not the weird thing. While I was fighting I saw Aizawa-sensei facing some type of giant ostrich? Although that that thing wasn’t an ostrich…. I don’t know what it was but mom it was terrifying. *visible shiver* It just grabbed him and mopped the floor with him and I just couldn’t sit there and do nothing. So I went to help or at least that was my goal. That person who teleported me at the beginning tried to do it again and I may have snapped a little bit. I got so angry when he moved me to the other side of the arena that for a moment I totally forgot about what was happening. While I was fighting him his quirk kinda connected with mine. It was strange. Every time I shot a cloud at him the mist that surrounded him kinda engulfed it. It wasn’t only happening to me. I could manipulate his mist. Not every time just like he couldn’t sabotage my clouds every time, but it still happened. I don’t know why it happened or how it happened and I have no idea what I’m gonna do about it.  Maybe it was part of his quirk but it didn’t happen to anyone else…..*wince* God I have a headache. *chuckle* You do realize you are never going to see these videos right? Seeing me like this would send you into a comma and then you would come back to haunt me and my classmates. Anyways, I’ll call you and then I’m going to sleep. Love ya mom.” *recording ends*
Tuesday, June 3rd 20XX
“*walking back and forth in her room* You know how I said that Bakugou is a really fun person to tease? Well that was before he exposed me to the whole class.*laugh* In reality I’m not really mad, it was a nice comeback and if I’m being honest it was hilarious but it was still a shocker. We were going back and forth with that tik tok challenge where you expose your friend’s flaws. So I was standing there pointing out his superiority complex when he dropped the bomb…… ‘It’s the daddy issues for me’......THIS KID. THE AUDACITY. I thought my daddy issues were kept on the down low!!! I’ve done nothing to trigger this comment!! Sure I may or may not have told Mina that you raised me alone and about that counselor incident but that doesn’t mean I have daddy issues. *grumble* You need to have a dad to have daddy issues. Ughh God I hate him sometimes so very much. Thankfully the summer camp is tomorrow. I’ll get to wipe the floor with him in volleyball. I’m gonna draw those anger issues out…. I need some air. *three hours later* I’m back… yay. It’s weird to think about it you know. What you must have gone through when he passed. I know you don’t really like talking about him or anything before I came along but I would love to know what he was like. I’m not gonna ask you in real life of course, I would never do that to you. I know it hurts. I just wanted to say it out loud…*barely audible sniffle* … Well this got sentimental real quick. I think I should go to bed. I love you mom, goodnight.” *recording ends*
Friday, March 14th 20XX
“Of all the things that could’ve happened, this one was the last one on my list. Actually it wasn’t even on the freaking list, dammit! *sniffle* You know things like this don’t happen to everyone. I must be a really lucky person. Tell me one other person who gets to meet their dead parent in a high surveillance prison?? And above that I got an explanation why he was like this. Amazing right? God this is so stupid! I hate it. I hate this situation, I hate that I can’t tell you about it, I hate keeping you in the dark because at the end of the day I’m not the one who was in love with him. He may be my dad but I don’t have a connection with him! I never met him! He wasn’t there when I started walking or talking, he wasn’t the one who dropped me off on the first day of school, he didn’t teach me how to ride a bike, he-he * sob* I shouldn’t-shouldn’t be upset over this. Aizawa-sensei and Present Mic should be the ones sobbing on their floor. Not me. He doesn’t - I don’t- ugh - I don’t mean anything to him in the end. He died 15 years ago. That’s it. He was in love with you, he knew you, I was nowhere to be found. If he could reach out to us more than just a few words he wouldn’t know who the hell I was. *sobs* I have a picture of you two you know….It’s the one I had found when I was five. When you told me that that was my dad I felt like I could form a connection with the person in that photo. So I kept it, you never went through your old photo albums anyway and you never looked for the missing photo. And I kept it with me. I tore a small pocket in my backpack and put the photo there. I thought that having both of you with me at all times would bring me luck. I liked the fact that I looked like him. Now I realize how painful that must have been for you, seeing him in me everyday….and Aizawa-sensei, god, having me in his class must have been torture. He didn’t know that I was his friend’s daughter of course but I looked enough like him to bring back memories. God this sucks…. *deep breathes* I-I have practice so I gotta go. Love you.” *recording ends*  
Thursday, March 20th 20XX
“Hi, it’s me again. I know that I’m recording almost a week after the previous one but… mom I have been assigned a mission and it’s major. It’ll be an attack at a hospital where we believe that experiments are being conducted. We got that information from um what do I call him? *shakes head* from a prisoner in Tartarus, the high surveillance prison I was at last week? Yeah that one. The mission will be really dangerous, that’s what we’ve been told and I can understand that. I mean we are attacking a major operation of AFO, of course it’ll be dangerous. Since we are students we are to stay away from the hospital and monitor the surrounding area but…. I asked Present Mic to go with them in the hospital. I can help keep things in place and I can move people in and out quicker than any of them, plus this is personal. I think Present Mic understands that. He said he’ll talk to Aizawa-sensei about it but regardless….. I’ll find who did that to him, I promise you that. I want to know if...if this was all some grand plan because what they did to him they did to dozens other people and as much as I hate them for taking my father away, I also hate them for what they’ve done to all those other families…… I’m recording this because I don’t know if I come back in one piece or if I come back at all. This is very dangerous and we don’t really know what to expect. What we are getting ourselves into. I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for giving me everything that I needed in life. Thank you for being the best mom anyone could ever have. You raised me by pushing your own sadness and grief to the side and doing the best job you could. So thank you for being my mom and I’m sorry for the pain I caused you. I love you mom, so very much. Bye, bye mommy.” *recording ends.*
@iwaqchan @the-arcana-fan-fic @angelwritings @axerrri @reinyrei  @dnarez-mangetsu @bemorefiction
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gospelofme · 3 years
Ponds Has A Potty Mouth
Disclaimer: YES I know Star Wars doesn’t use a ton of our swear words. But I’m too lazy to look up some good replacements. And this is supposed to be assuming anyways.
Installing the new holoscreen
Ponds was getting frustrated. They had hooked up and unhooked this screen at least 10 times already and still nothing. Aren’t these things supposed to be smart? Why didn’t the delivery guy set it up himself?
“Poor bastard probably doesn’t know how...” he muttered to himself.
“What?” He heard General Windu ask.
“Nothing sir.” Ponds grumbled, placing his head against the back of the screen.
“In the delivery man’s defense, the motherfucker probably didn’t want to be trapped on this floating bitch with a bunch of grumpy clones and their ornery General.” His General spoke up. Ponds snorted a small laugh.
“I thought you didn’t hear me you old man.” The Commander teased. He and his General had a very close relationship. When General Windu was with his clones, he showed a bit more of his personality. When with other Jedi, he felt the need to set a good example. Particularly with General Skywalker. In private, Windu had a bit of a potty mouth and it was something his clones had picked up on.
“Sometimes there are no other words to describe how you feel. And sometimes those words help release pent up emotions. It’s safer to call someone a bowl of pickled dicks than punch them in the face.” That was some of the wise wisdom of the General Windu that his men were privy to.
“Okay, let’s consult those goddamned instructions. Don’t tell Kenobi and certainly not Skywalker.” Windu sighed, opening the small booklet that was included with the shipment. Ponds walked over to him to look over the instructions as well.
“Son of a bitch! Motherfucker sent us the ones that are all in Rodian!! This damn piece of shit had better not all be set in Rodian! I can’t read that!!” Windu exclaimed.
“It shouldn’t be sir. Jax can read Rodian.” Ponds informed him.
“Of course he can. Jax!” Windu barked into his comm, “get your smart bitch ass up here!”
“Kay.” Came Jax’s reply. A few minutes later, their explosives expert arrive.
“The smart bitch ass has arrived. You’d better make that my new fucking call sign.” Jax announced.
“Yeah yeah, read this shit for us and then we’ll talk.” Windu smirked, throwing the booklet to Jax.
The butt dial
Obiwan, Anakin, Yoda, and Plo looked concerned at the holotable. The check-in from Master Windu had been cut short due to an ambush. They anxiously awaited a call back. Suddenly, like the Universe heard them, the call was reestablished, but it was hard to see what they were looking at. It was dark, but there were flashes of light and it sounded like something would bump against the holodevice at times.
“What’s happening?” Kenobi asked.
“I think-“ Anakin started, but was interrupted by a very annoyed Ponds.
“Son of a bitch, that spark shower singed my blacks!” Ponds scolded.
“Hahaha, well at least it was your arm and not your dick!” Windu replied.
“Fuck yeah, poor Chaser.” Ponds pitied the shiny.
“Oh damn, we got some of those metal fuckers coming in from the right!” Windu alerted his troops. Blaster fire and the sound of a lightsaber deflecting shots took over for moment.
“Haha!! Did you see Chaser cunt-punch that battle droid!!” Windu laughed. “They don’t have cunts son!! You gotta just shoot ‘em in the head.”
“Or where the dick would be!” Ponds added. Windu laughed.
“Cover me General, gotta get another blaster charge.” Ponds said, there was suddenly a burst of light in the holomessage and they saw gloved fingers search around.
“Oh fuck fuck fuck, sir...” Ponds seemed to have discovered the transmitting device. The device suddenly showed the gathered Jedi the surroundings of where Windu and Ponds were, it looked like a forest.
“Motherfucker.” They heard Windu mutter. They heard him clear his throat, and then,
“My apologies you heard that Masters.” Came a very dignified Windu.
“Very animated you are.” Yoda noted, giggling a little.
“Er, yes Master. I’ll check-in officially after we subdue these droids.” Windu promptly shut off the device and stowed it away in a backpack.
“There. That should keep it from snitching on us.” Windu gave his Commander a nod.
“Fuck yeah! Hey you droid! Yes you! Do you know me?”
“Uh no?” The droid replied.
“Why not? Your mom was yelling my name last night!!” Ponds yelled!! Windu busted out a laugh as he deflected a blaster bolt over at the confused droid.
Yo Mama Jokes
Ponds and Windu loved trash talking droids. They usually didn’t the get opportunity, but sometimes the Universe saw fit to reward them. The two often alternated yelling some very colorful jokes.
“Yo mama’s so fat, when she skips a meal, the stock market drops!” Windu yelled.
“Yo mama’s so fat, I swerved to miss her in my speeder and ran out of fuel!” Ponds added.
“Yo mama’s so fat, she can’t even jump to a conclusion!”
“Yo mama’s so fat, she was overthrown by a small militia group and she’s now known as the Republic of Yo Mama!” Ponds called, Windu busted out laughing.
“Tell the Admiral one!” He wheezed.
“Oh yeah! That’s a good one! Yo mama’s so fat, if she was an Admiral she’d be called Admiral Snackbar!!!”
“AHHHHHH AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Windu laughed, doubling over.
“Yo mama’s so stupid, when they yelled ‘Order in the Court!’ she asked for fries and a shake!!” Windu wheezed out.
“Yo mama’s so depressing, blues signers come to visit her when they’ve got writers block!”
“Yo mama’s so dumb, she though a quarterback was a refund!”
“Yo mama sucks so much dick, her lips went double platinum!” Ponds yelled.
“Damn son, I like that one!” Windu complimented.
“Thanks! Just thought it up!” Ponds explained.
Their banter went back and forth for a few more minutes. Obiwan and Anakin quietly listening in on the Vigilance due to another unfortunate butt dial.
“Should we say something?”
“Ahaha, Admiral Snackbar!!” Anakin giggled.
Tag list: @jgvfhl @simping-for-fives @xalvy-zen @nelba @leias-left-hair-bun @showmetheclones @carlycrays
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Boo! - Yoosung Kim
Another day, another part of my randomly generated Halloween “series” of one shots. Today is bb Yoosung. If you saw this posted already 👀 no you didn’t.
Warnings: spoilers for Yoosung’s route
Prompts: haunted house, bb is scared, make out in a secluded spot (I swear I didn’t make this happen y’all could’ve gotten apple cider but this is what the generator chose HAHA)
Summary: Yoosung, freshly injured, wants to spend a fun Halloween night with his partner. He thought after he took all that pain he’d be brave enough to conquer a haunted house. He was wrong...
Yoosung has planned out the whole date. It was your third time going out together since the RFA party. His eye injury had healed considerably, but he still had to wear an eyepatch when he was out and about or focusing so that he wouldn’t get headaches. Still! He didn’t let it get him down. In fact, it made him even more confident. You would never have expected him to plan everything out like this when you first met over the messenger.
It was definitely a Halloween date. Of course, it was Halloween, but what really hinted you in was Yoosung asking you if you had the stuff to dress like a pirate. After a quick run to the store you did.
In fact, you looked kinda hot ? Like not to flex, but you did look really good, bandana and poofy shirt and all. He has asked you to meet him at his apartment and then the two of you would start the date together.
It hadn’t dawned on you why he chose pirates until he walked out, fully dressed. You had just assumed that was the costume he already had and would be easy to coordinate. But nope. It was because, well, his eyepatch. You covered your mouth to hide your shock upon seeing him.
“Pretty smart huh?” He asked, putting his hands on his hips proudly.
“Can I laugh?” You asked timidly, moving your hand away from your face slightly so he could hear you.
“Please do! This was the plan.”
You burst out laughing. You walked over to him and gave him a hug. “You’re literally the cutest, Yoosung.”
“Okay here was my thought process,” he leaned against his door, preparing himself for his story. “You remember when you were trick-or-treating as a kid and it was cold and you had to put a jacket on? That might be too specific... but you know what I mean?” You nodded, listening intently. “But then the jacket ruined your costume and you were all upset. So you vowed that the next year your costume would be something warm with long sleeves so you wouldn’t need a coat. That’s what I did. I didn’t want my eyepatch messing up the costume.”
“It makes the costume,” you added.
His cheeks flushed bright red. “You look really nice by the way. Really, really nice.”
You finally took a good look at him. He looked pretty dashing as well. He has a floofy shirt on too, with a pretty deep cut V-neck, laces tying it up pretty tight to avoid showing much skin though! He paired it with a red vest, some dark jeans, and boots. “Aw you do too Yoosung! I really like the look. I feel like most men’s pirate costumes are like... goofy, but yours looks really good on you,” you babbled on. He simply chuckled in response.
“So, uh, what do you say? Are you ready to see what I have planned?” He asked, hands shoved into his pockets awkwardly.
“Yes! Please tell me!” You grabbed his wrist and pulled lightly. He got the message and pulled his hand out to intertwine it with yours.
He swung it as he walked out the door with you. “I thought maybe we could go to a haunted house.”
“Nuh uh! Have you ever been?”
“Uh...” Yoosung looked at the sidewalk. “Not really. But I bet it’ll be fun!”
“Definitely. I might get scared though. Sometimes these things are really good but other times they’re laughable,” you explained. You knew your fair share about haunted houses and things; you just wanted to prepare him beforehand.
“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you,” Yoosung puffed out his chest. “But, uh, will you drive us?” He asked. He had led you to your car. You giggled and got in, beginning the drive, Yoosung feeding you directions.
The place was kinda scary honestly. Okay, it wasn’t really a haunted house per say, but one of those places with multiple “fear buildings” set up. The goal was to get through as many buildings as possible, one leading to the next, but there being an area in the middle where you could get refreshments and take a break if needed.
Still, the atmosphere was spoopy. Someone at a nearby building was reviving a chainsaw, the buildings looked dreary and abandoned, and you could hear screams nearby.
“Sounds scary,” Yoosung commented, a smirk on his face.
“You’re so brave lately,” you giggled, grasping on to his arm.
“If you think about it... I was literally tortured. I think I can handle people jumping out yelling ‘boo!’ at me,” he joked, rolling his eyes.
You laughed at his joke. “I don’t think they’re going to yell ‘boo!’ Yoosung. That would not be very scary.”
“Well why don’t we go find out?” The two of you began walking to the first building. You had to wait in a bit of a line to enter, people all bloodied up walking back and forth past you, jumping at those in line. “You can hold my hand if you want.” Yoosung commented. You grabbed onto his hand.
The first room wasn’t that bad. There were lots of twists and turns, and it was kind of hard to see in the dark, but nobody jumped out at you. A table moved. Yoosung jumped, looking underneath the table to make sure nobody was there. You dragged him along, not wanting to find out.
The next room looked like a jail cell. A girl covered in blood was rocking on her heels, muttering the phrase ‘help me’ over and over again. Again, you did NOT want to face this girl. They usually weren’t too bad unless provoked. But Yoosung had never been and wanted the full experience.
“Stop! We’ve gotta help her,” Yoosung pouted, pulling you back into the room.
“I don’t wanna,” you complained, pulling in the opposite direction.
The girl pounced at Yoosung so quickly that you didn’t even see it happen. She was screaming. He was screaming. You were pulling him to the next room.
Here’s the problem with screaming in a haunted house. When the workers know you’re easily scared, they just keep it coming.
The next room was neon rainbow. The lights were so bright your eyes had trouble adjusting. Oh hell no. A guy was disguised with the wall, running at you. This time, Yoosung pulled you along.
You slowed down while heading to the next part of the building, pausing to catch your breath. “Having fun?” You teased.
You stopped. You hadn’t expected him to admit it. “Oh. I’m sorry.”
“I’m not brave. I wanted to be brave for you and I can’t do it I don’t like it,” he ranted, nervously fidgeting with your hands.
“That’s okay. You’ve been so brave. It’s okay to be scared,” you comforted. “Let’s take a break after we get outta here, okay? We’ve just gotta make it out first.”
His eyes were determined. It was like you were speedrunning the haunted house. Every time someone jumped out at you or something fell towards you, Yoosung kept moving, pulling on your hand. He wouldn’t even glance in the direction of the commotion. You were out probably in record time.
“Congrats!” The clown at the exit exclaimed. “You’ve made it through the first trial. If you’re ready for the next, it’s right down this path.”
“Hell no!” Yoosung exclaimed, running from him as well.
You were trying so hard not to laugh. You would agree, it was an overwhelming experience, but Yoosung was just so unbearably cute. He pulled you towards the center where the more frightened parties gathered.
“I don’t wanna do anymore,” he whined. You could see a tear in his eye. You felt kinda bad, even though it was his idea to do this.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed. You cupped his face in your hands. “Are you okay?”
He pouted, puffing his cheeks out. It made you laugh again. “I’m scared.”
You stopped for a moment, weighing your options. “I can help you take your mind off it if you want,” you suggested innocently, a finger stroking lightly under his jaw.
He gulped and nodded quickly. You two had kissed before, obviously, but not too much. He was a little eager when you did, though. Maybe it was how attractive you both looked in your costumes, but you both just really wanted to make out.
You led him back toward the car, but he couldn’t seem to wait that long. His eyes glanced at the building next to you, the seventh trial, as it was marked. Once you got close enough, he pushed you to the wall of the building, pinning you against the stone exterior. Your head bumped against the wall and you let out a little noise of shock, but ignored it for the most part.
His lips were on you before you had time to think. He wasn’t as slow and as loving as he has been the past few times. His lips, and his tongue at that, were passionate, leaving you no opening to come out for air. His mouth dominated yours, and you let out a small sigh as he continued. He pulled back for a moment, biting your lip before giving you an opportunity to breathe properly
“Jesus Christ Yoosung,” you panted. He took a step back instinctively. Even under the moonlight you knew he was blushing bright red. You grabbed at his waist and pulled him back to you, almost flush against you. “I didn’t say to stop,” you grinned, capturing his lips in yours again.
Your leg hooked around his waist to pull him closer, his hand moving up to your chest. Your eyes were shut right, focused on how good his touch felt. You grabbed a lock of his hair to pull him closer; he let out a small whimper, swallowed by your lips, but you still heard it. You were so caught up in the taste of him, the feeling of his fingertips grazing your skin, that you hadn’t even noticed...
“Boo!” You heard. Your eyes opened quickly and you jumped, bonking your forehead against Yoosung’s, who had also jumped. It was the clown from earlier. “Might I suggest you two carry this on somewhere else? This is a family-friendly establishment,” he teased. His whole spooky persona was gone. He seemed more like a tired teenager at this point.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” Yoosung apologized profusely. He let go of you and distanced himself a little bit between the two of you. “Yes. Thank you. We’ll be going now.”
He started walking stiffly and you followed beside him, grabbing his hand again, swinging it along. “Don’t be embarrassed. We’ll never see that guy again,” you spoke aloud, noticing how sweaty Yoosung’s palms were.
“I... I... that’s not it.” He shook his head aggressively. “That... was really hot.”
You laughed, unlocking the door to your car. “Sure thing, especially the part where you actually got scared when the guy said ‘boo!’” He sighed, looking at you expectedly as he situated himself in his seat. You had to deliver. “I told ya so,” you grinned, winking at him.
“If I remember right, you jumped too.”
“Hey, watch it.” You put the car into drive. “Or we won’t continue what we’ve started once we get home.”
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oliviaischillin1204 · 4 years
extra credit
Thanks for agreeing to be my canvas today, hun. I know it’s super last minute, but I’m pretty much certain I failed the written final, so this extra credit is all I can do to pass the class.
Yeah, I was worried about your little sensitivity problem, too. Obviously you could never handle the feeling of soft, silky brushes tracing shapes and delicate outlines on most parts of your body— your tummy, sides, neck, legs, feet, and basically any body part that would make a good canvas is way, way too ticklish for that. Aw, look at your blushy face. Well, it’s true, isn’t it?
But this is a great solution I came up with! Lying on your tummy gives me full access to your entire back; it’s not just great as a canvas, but it’s also great because you can’t be ticklish there. It’s perfect!
I’m gonna tie your arms and legs to the bed frame, if that’s okay? I just don’t want you accidentally shifting too much. Wow, your face got even redder now that you’re spread eagle. Is it because of the memories you relate to being in this position? All those times you’ve been tied up like that, tummy-up of course, while I made sure to stroke and scratch at every inch of your beautifully ticklish skin? Haha, look at how squirmy you are now. I’m not even touching you!
Oh, gosh, we’ve only got a few hours until the deadline. Calm down now; we have to get started. I’m gonna take this wide brush to do a base layer of white paint first, from the top of your shoulder blades to the small of your back. It might be cold. 
Alright, this is gonna look great! I’ve got to go slowly to make sure it doesn’t streak. I’ve got such a great idea for what I’m gonna— oh! Did you twitch? Oh, that’s okay. I only got about halfway down your back. I told you the paint would be cold! I’ve got some wet washcloths here, I’ll just scrub that off real quick. We can just start over— wait… why are you laughing? Yes, you are laughing! All I’m doing is scrubbing this thick washcloth along the back of your ribs— there it is again!
Oh… oh, no, are you serious? You’re actually ticklish here? How is that even possible? I’ve never met someone whose back is ticklish before, and now look at you— a soft brush and a washcloth have you giggling already. And this is just the base layer!
Okay. Well, I really don’t have any other options here. I can make it work as long as you at least try to keep still. Are you still okay with being my canvas?
You are? Oh, thank you so much! Okay. Let’s get back into it.
Now that I know this tickles you, I’ll have to keep an eye out for movement. So I’m gonna take this brush extra slow down your back. What’s that? It makes it tickle more? Just hold on, we’re almost done! With the first area, that is. Luckily this brush is pretty wide, it can cover your entire back in about 3 long strokes, but they each need to be perfect. No pressure.
Woah! Okay, I was not expecting the giggles to get worse as I paint down your spine. Seriously, have you ever heard of someone being so ticklish on their back of all places? And I can’t imagine this position is helping, either— you can’t move, you can’t curl in to protect yourself from the tickles, you can’t even see where my hands are moving next! Wow, and I can see your blush traveling all the way to the back of your neck and the tips of your ears. It’s so red against the white paint on your back!
Oh, what’s that? I’m making it worse by teasing? I’m not trying to tease you!
…Well, okay, maybe I am. What? Call it payback for not telling me how ticklish your back was before we started. Plus, I just can’t help it— my cute little lee, all tied up and giggly. You know I can’t resist you.
Last side. You’ve been doing really well so far, actually— your giggles are shaking your body a little bit, but it’s barely visible. I just gotta move so gently past the back of your ribs— wow, that’s really a hotspot for you, huh? I feel kinda bad now; my design kinda depends on paying a lot of attention to some pretty sensitive parts of your back. It’s gonna be like torture for you, especially with the knowledge that if you move too much, I’m gonna have to start all over again. Oh, I’m teasing again? Ha. Sorry, hun.
Okay, done with the base paint! Once it dries, I’m gonna add some color— let’s start with this bright yellow. The next brush is smaller than the other, but the bristles are pretty stiff— maybe this won’t tickle as much? I have to draw a spiral around the very middle of your back, halfway down your spine. Okay, the white paint looks dry now. Are you ready? Three, two, one…
Ah ha! There we go, this is looking good. I can hear your giggles already, but this seems manageable. Because it’s a spiral, it might feel like I’m zeroing in on one random spot for no reason, but I promise you it’s gonna look amazing! Just gotta get this one, long circular stroke to be even on all sides… nice and even… nice and slow… and… okay, done! Phew, that was close. I could tell you were really tensing yourself to not wiggle from all these tickly feelings, and I really appreciate that! Now I just have to fill in the spaces between the spirals with this orange paint— ha, what’s wrong? You did so well the first time, surely you can handle this again!
Here we go… slowly… slowly… slow— okay, you kind of smudged the paint. Let’s just keep going— hey, you moved again! Alright, I’m almost done, just gotta stroke right over the center of your back…. just right here… and done! Yeah, that got a little messy. It’s okay though, really! I can just repaint each of these smudged parts��� what, you don’t want me to tickle you there again? Well, you shouldn’t have moved! I have to fix these wonky lines, especially right here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And… here. Woah, calm down, giggly! I’m done with that part. Just catch your breath. Man, maybe we should’ve done this a long time ago! 
Okay, next step. We’re gonna switch brushes again: I found these really cool round ones, they kinda look like makeup brushes, with super soft bristles. We’re gonna use this nice robin’s egg blue paint, and… oh! Did that surprise you? I know I didn’t tell you I was going to paint right up against your neck— I already knew that was a tickle spot. But with this method, I don’t mind if you move, because I’m just gonna be dabbing the brush over and over again to get a nice, textured look. So feel free to squirm! Especially if I get too close to those helpless little underarms. I don’t need to paint them, but they’re just so open and vulnerable, they’re practically begging for some tickly touches! In fact, let me just put this brush down really quick…
Alright, alright! I’ll stop with the pit tickles. I just couldn’t help myself, especially when you make such delightful little squeals when I scratch my fingers just so. Ah, but I’m getting off topic; this extra credit isn’t gonna paint itself!
Let’s get back to the blue paint: I know it must be nerve wracking to have no idea where I’m gonna paint next. I mean, I don’t even know where I’m gonna paint next! I just do what feels right. Like, this section is looking a little bare, so let’s just do some dabs right here— aw, are your shoulder blades ticklish too? Which one tickles more, the left or the right? And does it tickle more when I do light dabs with the brush, or when I press down a little harder to really get the texture of the bristles on there? Aw, look at how bright red your blush is now! It’s— uh oh, it’s gone all the way down your neck to your shoulders! How about that? Well, I gotta make sure that gets all covered up. I’m sure you won’t mind if I do just a few more layers until the red is all gone! Hey, if you want it to stop, all you gotta do is stop blushing. No? You can’t? Well, I don’t have any other choice. Hold still, now.
Ah, there we go. Picture perfect! Let’s switch brushes again: this one is skinny, with stiff bristles. I’m dipping it in the green, and we’re just gonna do some small quick strokes all over your lower back, as fast as I can. There’s one! There’s two! Three, four, five, six… I know, it’s too many to count. Listen, maybe it’ll help if you just try to ignore the tickly feeling? I know that might be hard, but just try for a second. Don’t think about the fluttering feeling all around the bottom of the back of your ribs. Don’t think about how I’m occasionally darting up to trace little squiggles along the back of your hips. And especially don’t think about how I’m covering the small of your back, that sensitive little dash of skin right above your underwear line, with tiny little strokes, over and over and over again, no matter how much you throw yourself back in forth in your spread eagle position. Are you thinking about it? Does it tickle too much to ignore? Wait, I did too much paint on this side, let me just… ah, shoot! Now there’s too much on this side. Okay, hang on, this might take me a minute to work out.
Ah, there we go. It’s finally even! I guess that took longer than it had to, judging by how out of breath you are, but I had to get each side equally coated. I blame you for distracting me from my work; how am I supposed to focus when your cute little butt is waving in my face, trying to get away from the wittle tickles? Aw, what’s that? You don’t like my teases? I think someone is lying… I can see your smile! Oh, you’re not smiling? Maybe this will change your mind…
What? You don’t like it when I squeeze your inner thighs? Or when I ever-so-lightly trace the backs of your knees? Then why are you laughing? Does it tickle so bad? So bad you just can’t take it? So bad you just wanna scream and laugh and thrash around in your bonds, just to get these little fingers away from your giggle spots? Aw, honey, you know I know you too well for that. You like this. In fact, you love this, don’t you? Say it or I’ll stop. Say it… ah, there it is! You do love it, I knew you did! Cootchie cootchie coo, sweetie pie! A tickie tickie tickie here, and here, and here…
Oh. Oh, gosh, I only have half an hour left to submit this extra credit! No, no, of course it’s not your fault. I would never blame you, especially when you volunteered to do this for me as a huge favor. I think I can finish in time, we just have to do these last parts. And lovebug, I’m sorry, but it’s gonna tickle a lot.
What am I gonna do? Well, I have these tiny detail brushes, and this really fancy black paint, so what I want to do is draw the outlines of some flowers on the backs of each of your ribs. The only problem is that, with black paint, every mistake is super noticeable, so this pretty much has to be perfect. Please, try to hold still as much as you can.
I’m starting the outline on your left side… here we go…. I’m drawing the petals; each curve has to be symmetrical. Around, and around, and around, and a— no! You twitched! No, it’s okay, but… I have to wash it off so I can redo it. Yes, I’m serious. I know this washcloth was what started tickling you so badly in the first place, but I have to get this right. I’m about to scrub the black paint off without taking off the white paint— oh my gosh. Does this really tickle so badly? Just my fingers scratching lightly through this fuzzy washcloth? Well, let’s try again. Starting with the petals. Ready, set…
Okay, we’re doing good, just hold still. I hate to tell you to hold in your gorgeous giggles, but it might keep you from moving. Just don’t laugh. I’m about to draw the stem now; it’s long, narrow, and it has to curve down to your sensitive side. Don’t. Laugh.
Okay. One outline down, one to go. Starting with the petals on your right side, let’s— woah. A little twitch already. That’s okay, I’ll just scrub it away real quick, and start again. Petal number one, petal number two— oh! Sorry, you moved again. Let me just— I know washing it off tickles so badly, but try to keep cool. Starting again. One… two— okay. This is getting harder. Time to wash it off again. Wait, what? It feels like the washcloth is making your skin feel even more ticklish? Wow, I didn’t even think that was possible for you— sorry, not helpful. Hm, let’s see, what do I need to do to keep you still… oh! Duh! I know what to do.
Don’t worry, that’s just my hand. I’m placing it palm down on the back of your ribs, using my fingers to stretch the skin out. This is what I do when I want to keep your belly still for tickles, remember? Uh oh, I can feel your giggles building up already. Well, get them out now while I get more paint on this brush. Yes, I know that this makes your belly tickle so much worse! But at least I know it can keep you still, and that’s all I need right now. Are you good for me to start? The sooner we do this, the sooner it’ll be over. You’re good? Okay, here I go.
… Wow. I’ve almost never heard you scream like this before. I cannot believe I didn’t know how ticklish you were back here! Literally, this is some of the lightest, most delicate painting I’ve ever done, but you’re almost in tears from how much it tickles. I wish I could take more time to relish in it… make sure that the lines are all thoroughly painted, tracing over them once, twice, three times. Adding little polka dots and wavy lines and wild zigzags over your most favorite spots. I’ve never felt this creatively inspired before.
Did you know it would come to this? You must have; you must have known that I would realize your little secret. Or did you think you could keep it together?  Did you think you could hide this from me, even when you agreed to be tied face down, forced to feel every single bristle as they trace over and over your most special little tickle spots. Oh, you love this, don’t you. You’ve just been waiting for me to notice this. My darling little lee, you were practically begging for me to take you down, all with the help of these little. Tickly. Paintbrushes. Well, you’ve gotten your wish, haven’t you, baby? Tickle. Tickle. Tickle.
And… we’re done.
Yes, really! I had to add a lot of details to the flowers, but I’m done now. All I have to do is take a quick picture to send to my professor, and— Oh my gosh! I got an A on my final! Wow, I got an email about my grade this morning, and I didn’t even know. Isn’t that great?
Oh. I guess I didn’t need to do this extra credit, after all. Well, thank you so much for helping me anyway, darling. I know it was hard for you— what’s that? You had fun? Aw, I’m so happy you did! I did too. In fact… how would you feel if I just kept going? Oh, not for a grade, sure. But I still have a lot of paint left. And you have a lot of tickly skin left untouched. Maybe I can show off some of the other techniques I’ve learned in this class. Practice makes perfect, you know! And of course, I’ll help you wash it all off when we’re done. I can pay extra special attention to some of those hard-to-reach places… like your back, for instance. 
Does that sound fun? Yes? Alright then. Let’s begin.
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diamondsableye · 4 years
“Can I practice my crafting skill again?”  Pale inquired from underneath the large classroom table, the interior shadowed by a mass of sheets having been draped around the rectangular surface like a veil punctuating the distinction from a temple’s inner and outer sanctums. 
“Mmm... Roll to see how much you can improve it.” Stated Grimm after a brief moment of thought, passing the multi sided die to his classmate.  The quartet had managed to sneak out one of their teachers emergency flashlights and were using it to illuminate their mishmash of character sheets, crudely constructed miniatures, and an extremely basic game map decorated with cardboard structures and held together by scotch tape and crayon scribbles.
Pale let the plastic decider of fate slip from his fingers and roll onto the game board, careful to make sure that it wouldn’t collide with his kingdom under construction.  The four souls watched with baited breath as the die spinned and swirled, ultimately landing unceremoniously with a large 5 displayed on its upturned face.
“Aw darn are you serious?  That’s my third low roll in a row!”  The upset juvenile wined, before snatching up the die in his small greedy digits to inspect a cause for his loss.  Marvelously, the die refused to reveal its secrets, and stubbornly let the child stew in his own frustrated bad luck.
“Haha!  Oh man Pale, at this rate you’ll never stop your kingdom from collapsing!  I’m gonna win the gaaammmeee~!  I’m gonna win the gaaammmeee~!”  Jeered Radiance, taking her sweet time to rub in Pale’s foul luck with her annoying sing song taunts.  The boy’s white chitin near instantly flushed scarlet from his friend’s teasings, his mood soured by the moth’s playful gloating.
“Shuddup shuddup!  Once I improve my skill enough you are so going down!”  Pale barked with a newfound competitive rage boiling inside him, more determined than ever to take down the fluffy pest.
“Nuh uh!  You’ve got no chance.  Besides, it’s your fault for taking over my village tribe anyhow.  Why couldn’t you have just beaten up Grimm’s dumb troupe?”  She inquired with a raise of her eye, the harsh judgement of her look not lost on her fair companion who solemnly shivered and shrunk back at the snarky attack.  As soon as the boy had backed off from his haughtiness, Grimm suddenly barked back up with a fever of his own, not as used to the jagged back and forth as his friend was.  With an insulted glare, he joined in on the aggravated spit, ready to stand up for his beloved world.
“Hey!  It’s not dumb!  It’s a-”
“-Dark nightmare cult and all with nightmares and stuff, we get it.  You have a bard as your right hand man.  Sooooo lameeeee”  Radiance cut off the batty bug with a quick, dismissive sway of a wing, shutting down Grimm’s meager defense before he even had the chance to mount it.  His own face flushed an even deeper crimson than his angrily beaming eyes, burning hotter than the dark fire he knew was raging inside his poor defiant soul.
“Hey don’t make fun of Brumm!  He’s my friend’s character, and he’s perfectly awesome as is.”  He stated almost matter of factly through his growl of a response, quick to stand up for the currently not present Nymm.  It was one thing if himself was being fussed at, but he would not let the moth so criminally down-trod his dear companion.
“Mm whatever you say.”  She mused out of boredom, waiting for Pale’s still prolonged turn to be finished up.  With all the wait this game seemed to love making her endure, sometimes she just needed to rile the boys up for a bit of entertainment.  They always managed to be so easily pestered it was almost too rewarding.
“I.. Still don’t understand why you need to improve your crafting stat so much... We already have our own knights, why do we need more?”  The quiet juniper suddenly peeped up from the quieting uproar as if to quell the currently dwindling stream of advancing insults and tauntings. She looked up with a puzzled look as she mindlessly toyed with a small figure of her own creation, its three prominent horns visible even in the relative obscurity of the dim table tent.
“Ah my Queen Lady, we need more guards cuz Raddy wants to take over Hallownest, but we can’t use our knights because of Rad’s Tell-a-path-y.  We can’t just make new characters cuz that takes too many resources, but since we don’t need character based perks, it’ll be more efficient if we just build guards instead!”  Pale mused in a surprisingly coherent ramble, considering how it was he whom had insisted the installation of saw blades at every corner for protection, and now required to perform a dexterity check each time he wished for his character to walk between rooms.  No wonder why his queen chose to stay in her own gardens most of the time.
“Yeah, if you can level up your crafting skill any” Radiance couldn’t help but snark, stifling giggles and failing horribly in her attempt to do so.  Suddenly, before another eye rolling round of crude insults could come to pass, a glum, audible sigh was heard from outside the drawn curtain of sheets, suddenly parting to reveal a highly sultry bemused arachnid.
“Ugh you dweebs.  It’s Tel-lep-a-thy, not Tell-a-path-y.”  The spider had practically groaned as she invaded the group’s sacred game space, leaving Grimm practically hissing at the sudden light as a touch of the normal classroom lighting managed to seep its way in.
“Herrah!  What are you doing in here?  Were you spying on us?”  Wailed Lady, a tremor of meek fright catching in her voice as the gang’s closely held secret had suddenly been unveiled to the outside world.
“You’re playing a game under a table with nothing but a thin sheet separating you guys from the rest of the class.  Like.  Everyone can hear you.”
“Well what do you want then?  Can’t you leave us alone?”  Bemoaned Grimm, folding his pudgy cheeks in his hands like a heavy weight of boredom being supported by two pillars of barely sustained contempt.  It was obvious her mere presence was enough to put off any enjoyment he was previously having.
“Well I want to join you guys, and Hornet does too.” Herrah demanded, sneering dully to the agitated lad sitting front and center in the circle of friends and miscellaneous game pieces.  Their eyes were tensely locked together in a silent bitter clash, like a sputtering cooking pot ready to harshly steam and boil over at any moment.
“Why do you want to join us?  You have your other weird friends, and do we even have to consider your annoying little sis?  Seriously?  How does she know about our game anyways?”  Grimm drilled, attempting to interrogate the nosy arachnid.  With a huff, he shot back to sit upright again, his arms tucked into a condescending cross as he waited for her to answer him.
“Oh Pale’s younger brother is good friends with her, and he was telling her about how much fun he was having with you guys.  Simply put we’re bored and we want to do something fun.”  She puffed herself with a scowl, returning the impatient gesture mockingly.  She parted the curtain wider, forcing herself into the group of collected youngsters to cement her position for now at least.
“Aww man not Pure!  I told him to keep his mouth shut.”   Pale softly cursed under his breath, begrudging his sweet younger brother’s overly friendly nature for once.  At least Ghost still hadn’t learned how to talk yet, and Kin was unable to, sort of.  Herrah almost immediately caught the mutter and smirked to herself with a smug sense of satisfaction, she was moving into this group faster than she had imagined already.
“Well yes Pure.  He sounded so happy to let her play too, and so she wrote out some demands for how she wants to be included.”  Herrah relayed with an all too noticeable touch of cunning and snark, sure to implicate the younger sibling’s attachment as a tool to her advantage.  It would be such a shame if the kind lad was let down by his role model of an older brother after all.  Before Pale could give into his own sympathy however, Grimm suddenly interjected with a fiery snap, not allowing defeat to such an unfair intrusion just yet.
“Hold on we never said we were gonna include her, or you for that matter too!  We’re already packed full as is!” He snarled full of bitter energy, his small sharp fangs clicking together like a strike of lightning to punctuate his contempt.  This was his game after all, and he most certainly didn’t feel like sharing with a fake fan of the occult like Herrah.  He knew practically for a fact that she would ruin his whole carefully planned world if given a place in it.  The firm slap of denial rolled off her shoulders like a light mist of rain, and much to his surprise, her smile only widened with a sickening deviance.
“Well you better, otherwise I’m telling miss seeker.” She lulled softly, almost like she was singing a lighthearted tune, void of the very real threat her words held.  Upon hearing this, Grimm let out a soft gasp, his eyes partly draining in color as the implication hung over him like a heavy storm cloud.
“You wouldn’t dare you tattle-!”
“I will.”
With that, Grimm shuddered as if he was attempting to down a foul tasting medicine, practically writhing in his seat as he tried to make peace with the necessary deed of evil.  He groaned and writhed, his snakelike tail twisting and coiling as he threw a minor fit, all the while Herrah savored every moment of discomfort the young bug was performing so beautifully for her.  Finally, he breathed a deep, angered huff of a sigh, agreeing to allow her to join.
“.... okay finneeee but not cuz you told us to.  You can have a minor role.”  He groaned as if he was agreeing to help out with something awful like housework or giving up the TV to let his dad watch sports.  At least he knew he could count on Radiance to keep the mischievous spider at bay.  Herrah however, was not so satisfied with this answer.
“Well if I can only have a minor role then you gotta give Lurien and Monomon roles too.” She added, the ever present threat of her ratting out the group to their pleasant yet firm teacher Miss God Seeker still holding with every word she spoke.  The gang each stifled a collective shudder to various degrees of uncertainty, eyeing one another as Grimm continued to barter with the persistent arachnid.
“Your weird friends too?  Well... give us your snacks for the rest of this month’s break time and it’s a deal, same thing goes for those two also.” Grimm haggled, he was gonna make sure that if he couldn’t keep them out, he and his friends would at least make out like kings with them joining.  Herrah pondered the new request, mulling it over in her mind for a bit before responding again.
“Maybe, but you still have to meet my sis’s requirements exactly.” She replied inconclusively.  Grimm knew that if this was going to go any farther then he’d need to see all the terms of agreement first.
“Okay Okay.. let me look them over first.” He asked with his small waiting claws outstretched.  Herrah unflinchingly handed the list over, written in a crude scrawl with red marker.  Most of it was legible enough to the youngin, and he sounded aloud the requests one by one, Herrah nodding along accordingly to every single point.
“So... Super fit and pretty, Super awesome ninja tools, Cute fluttering dress, super cool sword she can tie to invisible ninja spider silk ropes... Oh hrm...well she can’t be a princess.” Grimm finished disconcertingly, the hesitation palpable enough to be cut through.  He exchanged a nervous glance to the “royal couple” and watched as the queen returned a sour look and subtly scooted even closer to Pale in her seat.
“...Excuse me?”  Herrah questioned with a harsh bite of scrutiny, the broiling vitriol just barely contained within her tightened throat.  She glared to the boy fumbling with the childish manuscript, her eyes demanding explanation.
“She can’t.  Pale is the only king currently and-”
“And I’m already the queen!” Lady cut off with a possessive wine, wrapping her arms tightly around her kid crush, returning the spider’s gaze with a too cute to be serious pout.
“Okay I don’t have to be the queen whatever, I just want my own space like she does, and it’s not fair she is the only one with royal heirs.” Herrah bemoaned to the Castles and Keepers Master, before turning her attention to the wimpy King.  ”If you and lady can pretend your younger bros are your princes, then I’m sure it wouldn’t take much for you to pretend my younger sis is your princess.”
“Oh come on, my mom forced me to let them play too after finding out I didn’t want them to join in and ruin everything.  Your little sis doesn’t need to be royalty too!”  Pale returned with a half groan half whine, he didn’t want to have to share his perfect kingdom with yet another younger kid.  Herrah listened to his grievance uncaringly as she rolled her eyes to his meaningless complaint.
“But if you didn’t want them to be royal then why couldn’t you have just-”
“Because me n Pale are gonna get married one day so I gotta practice being a mamma!  Pale would never marry a  weird girl like you!  Girls aren’t supposed to like creepy crawlies, especially spiders!  Everyone else calls you a beast for a reason!”  The petite sapling let out with a jealous squeal, quick to defame the intruding girl in any way possible.  As she wrapped herself even tighter against the young bug, the humored arachnid couldn’t help but try and hide an entertained grin.  Lady was sure one to talk for one Herrah knew how to fuss all too well.
“Oh I’m sorry, I forgot you screamed and wet your pants the day I brought Miss fuzzy to class!  Miss scaredy Lady!”  She shot back with a malicious smirk, teasing the small tree in nearly the same tone as the moth used to stir up trouble.  Instantly Lady’s eyes sparked with an aggravated jolt of color, huffing frustratedly as the taunt instantly managed to bury under her branches.
“Meanie!  You tried to put her on my head!” She cried back, her eyes growing glossy and damp from her rage and embarrassment.
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
“Enough!!  Whatever sure you can have your character and Hornet can too and she can even be a ninja princess whatever too.  Give us your snacks for the next month now and I’ll let your friends also get roles, but say anything to Miss Seeker and I’ll undo all of that!” With a sudden snap, Grimm broke through the bickering before either had the chance to start screaming, more than ready to meet any demand as long as it would bring the toneless cacophony to a standstill.  Both girls backed off, Herrah with a proud, gratified smile and lady with a sniffle and a wipe of her eyes, which was quickly fixed with a hug from Pale.
“Only for the next week, no way I’ll give for a month.” Concluded Herrah, seemingly more than willing to negotiate now that she knew a position within their game was all but secured.  Grimm pondered it, humming to himself with his eyes closed in thought, snapping to attention once he believed to have mulled it over enough.
“Fine then, for the next two weeks?”
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missjosie27 · 4 years
Year 2 Part 9- The First Vault
Hello, everyone.
There is good news! I seem to have my mojo back, that spark every writer needs to adequately make their craft. So expect updates to come a lot more often.
This chapter is the vault chapter though it will not mark the end of Year 2. For the record, I intend to write all seven years but that is going to take a hell of a long time given JC's very slow updating schedule haha.
Anyway enjoy this chapter! As always comment what you think. I enjoy it immensely.
Year 2 Part 9. The First Vault
Ben’s hopes for an uneventful end of the semester turned out to be oddly prophetic. The number of ice attacks dropped so significantly that even the first years seemed to be more relaxed going into the latter part of May and into June. Tension ran much lower and even the most brooding Slytherin or skeptical Ravenclaw had to admit things were looking up. Though Dumbledore was still noticeably absent, Professor McGonagall filled in more than adequately as deputy headmistress.
All the while, David felt…conflicted. He was certainly happy that the ice attacks had stopped, and the danger seemingly gone. But that didn’t lead him any closer to finding out what happened to his brother nor the identity of ‘R’ and what they wanted in general. Would he trade for more clues about the cursed vault just to have more information on Jacob? No, he wasn’t that selfish, unlike those such as Merula who only thought about themselves. But it didn’t ease that same longing he’d felt since he was nine years old, nor satisfy his curiosity.
Ben, of course, was ecstatic and Rowan tried to see the bright side as usual, telling him that no curse meant more time to study for their upcoming exams (whoop de doo) and reduce their chances of getting in trouble with the teachers. Bill, however, was the only one who remained unconvinced that the danger had truly passed.
“A magical cursed vault doesn’t just stop cursing people,” he explained one day while at the training grounds. “From what I’ve researched, cursed objects are often unpredictable and not at all stable due to the sheer amount of dark magic they contain.”
“Are these vaults even dark, though?” Rowan pointed out, as he fired a stinging hex towards his target. “It could just be a natural defense mechanism of someone trying to interfere with it.”
“I don’t personally trust anything that has the capacity to seriously maim or kill someone,” David opined.
Bill send a burst of flame forth, incinerating a dummy to ashes.
“If it turns out that this was nothing more than a false alarm, I won’t complain,” he said. “But until we can actually confirm that, it’s best to remain on our toes.”
And remain on their toes they did, thanks to Bill. Three times a week, they were down by the ground training and when they weren’t Rowan was often in the library searching for more books on the ancient Aramaic language they found the previous year, or anything on the vault’s origin. Penny received several new potions books from her mother and was pouring through them for more ideas or possible brews they could use in the event of an attack.
For his part, David tried to juggle the rest of his schoolwork with the vaults. His mother in particular was expecting higher marks this year and constantly reminded him of that in her letters.
Do as I say, not as I do he lamented. It was typical of his mum to offer instruction but little sympathy in doing so. If only Dad actually had a backbone. Whatever, it’s not like they’re actually here seeing what I get up to
All of these things were to bound to come to a head sooner or later and when it did, it was in the most unexpected fashion imaginable.
The day of pandemonium coincidentally was on the last Quidditch match of the season, where Gryffindor was due to play Ravenclaw for the title. The air was abuzz with excitement, and though the Slytherins were more than a bit glum at being out the running, it was expected to be an even, prime time matchup. It was not an atmosphere concerned with the cursed vaults.
That included David and Bill, who in their eager anticipation of the match, rose early and sped down to breakfast both for the purpose of eating and wishing Charlie luck. Since his first match against Slytherin, his ascent into superstardom had been rapid. The game against Hufflepuff was as equally lopsided, with Gryffindor winning 400-100 in a span of about half an hour. But it wasn’t simply the score that had the Lions on the cusp of their first cup since the late seventies, it was a generational talent and that person was Charlie Weasley. His natural ability on a broom was so spectacular, many people openly talked of him playing for England someday. True to his nature, the second eldest Weasley merely shrugged such talk off, choosing instead to focus on the Quidditch Cup but the chatter was undeniable.
“Good luck, little bro,” Bill teased him moments before heading down into the locker room. “You know Fred and George are going to want a full play by play after you win.”
“Knock it off, Bill,” Charlie said, rolling his eyes but there was a small smile on his face all the same. “Just have the butterbeer ready when we come back.”
Giving each other fist bumps, Skye Parkin called over as she tossed the quaffle back and forth between herself and fellow chaser Ruth Barrett.
“Oi, Weasley! Orion’s called us to the pitch! Let’s go!”
“She has a way with words,” Bill observed mildly.
Charlie raised his hands as he got up from the table.
“Just who she is.”
“Knock em, dead, mate. We all know you’ll be brilliant,” David encouraged, giving one last slap on the back.
The red head thanked him and quickly exited the Great Hall to the applause of the Gryffindor table, while the Ravenclaws paid them no mind.
“Gotta say, definitely different than playing Slytherin from a pregame standpoint,” David observed.
“Ravenclaws don’t need to use shady or underhanded tactics to try and intimidate opponents,” Bill pointed out. “Their talent and tactics are usually enough. Besides, their team left for the locker room already.”
“Good point.”
Checking out his watch, David began to wonder where Rowan and Ben were. Both had assured him they’d be down just after himself. Even if his best friend wasn’t the earliest riser when it came to Quidditch matches, he was usually sufficient enough to dress and shower quickly.
“Where are those guys?” he muttered to himself. The Great Hall was beginning to empty out. Even the Professors were absent from the table. Something wasn’t right.
Bill tried to reassure him in his usual cool, collected manner.
“I’m sure they’ll be along s-”
He never was able to finish the sentence as screaming and panic began to erupt from outside of the hall. Whoever was left eating breakfast immediately ran to the scene of the commotion, including the two Gryffindors. What they saw was pure pandemonium: adolescents and teenagers from all houses were running back and forth and wasn’t hard to see why. Numerous spores of ice were blooming all around them, growing at a rapid pace threatening to engulf all in their path.
David and Bill, both glanced at each other, simultaneously gulping. Suddenly, wave of blonde slammed into them.
“Ack! Penny?!”
“Dave! Bill! Oh, I’m so glad I found you,” she said through a tight hug around David’s midsection (he blushed ever so slightly). “Is this the cursed vault?”
“Has to be,” the young Gryffindor replied. “What else could be making such gigantic icebergs?”
Just then, a large mass could be seen moving towards them through the crowd and given his height advantage it wasn’t difficult to spot who it was.
“Dave? Bill? All yehs thank goodness yer alrigh’.”
“Hagrid? What on earth is going on?”
The exceedingly large man’s warm, beetle eyes were saddled with watery worry.
“The cursed ice is spreadin through all o’ Hogwarts!” he replied, nervously tapping a pink umbrella by his side. “It’s getting ter be madness out there. Gryffindor Tower is completely blocked in, the dungeons got icicles stickin out everywhere. An’ apparently the Ravenclaw Quidditch team are trapped inside the changing rooms. The blasted ice is expandin so fas’ that the Professors can’t keep up with it and there’s only so much they can do. Especially with Professor Dumbledore off searchin fer that curse-breaker.”
Hagrid paused and mumbled to himself.
“Ah, shouldn’ta said that, should not have said that.”
“What curse breaker?” David asked curiously. But the groundskeeper waved off their concerns with one of his trash can lid hands.
“Never mind tha’ now. My job is to keep you lot safe until the ice is under control. Now head back into the Grea’ Hall while I go assist Professor McGonagall.”
As he sped off, or as fast as one of his girth could go, David looked back towards his two companions, blocking out the hysteria around him.
“We have to move fast,” he told Bill and Penny. “It sounds like the ice is back with a vengeance.”
“But shouldn’t the Professors handle it?” the blonde asked, fear evident in her crystal, blue eyes.
“It sounds like they have too much on their plate in order to properly deal with the cursed ice. And this time it might not be enough to save the day,” David pointed out.
“We’re forgetting one key thing,” Bill added. “The Professors don’t even know where the origin of this ice is. They may not be able to fix it.”
“But we do. And we can,” David declared. “Bill’s right. No one besides us knows where this vault is located. It’s time for a third and final visit.”
Bill looked over his shoulder to ensure no one was listening, simultaneous worry and conflict on his handsome features. However, he also appeared resolved.
“I didn’t want to go back in there without at least four or five us just so we could have each other’s backs, but it looks like there’s no choice. The three of us will go in, break that curse, and save Hogwarts.”
David nodded in complete agreement. As much as he wanted Rowan and Ben with them, his two roommates were effectively trapped within the common room. They were the last remaining hope.
“It’s settled then. Penny, are you in?”
Though her own misgivings could still be seen in her face and body posture, Penny didn’t hesitate in her answer.
“Absolutely. I told you David that the next time something like this happens to involve me. Well, you’re going to keep that promise whether you like it or not.”
She truly is the most loyal Hufflepuff I’ve ever seen
“You’re amazing, Penny. Alright let’s go!”
And without so much as a second thought, the three teens took off running towards the thirteenth corridor.
It didn’t take long to reach the corridor nor for David to reveal the hidden entrance. Being the third go around, he could pinpoint the spot precisely and the power of being an advanced Transfiguration student certainly didn’t hurt either.
When the eerie hallway and steps were exposed, Penny was taken aback.
“Whoa,” she uttered softly. “I’ve never seen a cursed vault before, but even this is a lot to take in at one time.”
“Stay close,” David nodded towards her. The last thing he needed was more casualties on this trip. Rowan and Bill had nearly frozen to death in each of the last instances. He would ensure nothing of the sort happened to Penny. However, her inexperience was showing already. The two Gryffindor teens already knew what to expect unlike the blonde Hufflepuff.
“Don’t worry,” he tried to reassure her. “It’s okay to be scared. We all are.”
“But it always helps to have a bit background. Especially for someone who’s never seen all of this macabre rubbish,” Bill joked.
Penny gave a frail smile, nevertheless she remained quite frightened of the ominous knights and ancient statues that surrounded them.
“What should I expect?” she asked bravely.
“If memory serves correctly, there will be a chamber with a massive door of ice in front of us, guarded by a giant shield shaped like a snowflake,” Bill explained to her.
“You’re taking the mickey, right?”
David resisted the urge to laugh despite the seriousness of the situation.
“It sounds pretty unbelievable but trust me, Penny. We’re not lying.”
As if to prove his point they came across the same giant wall of ice that stood against their path to the doors, twice as thick and formidable as before.
“Well…this is a problem,” David observed. “Will the knockback jinx be enough, Bill?”
“It’s our only hope, mate,” Bill told him, pulling out his wand. “If we hit it at the same time, it should be enough to create a big enough entry way for us to fit through.”
The two second years copied the older boy and prepared to fire.
“Give it all you got, Penny,” David told her, giving a look of encouragement. “Whatever ounce of power you think you have….summon every ounce of it.
I’m going to need it too
“On the count of three,” Bill announced and Penny’s normally cute, bubbly features took on an uncharacteristic degree of determination. “One….two….THREE!”
Beams of blue light struck the ice with a tremendous force but to their dismay, only a slight dent was made, indicating the defenses were much stronger than originally thought of.
“Try it again. One…two…THREE!”
This time a small hole was made through the ice, but it was barely big enough for a man to go ice fishing.
“One more,” Bill breathed heavily. “We can do this. On my count…one…two…THREE!”
This time, their efforted yielded paydirt as the combined power of their spells blasted the ice apart, leaving a man sized opening just big enough for them duck through.
“When you get inside, spread out and be ready when the door starts blasting its freezing charms,” the eldest Weasley informed them. “Penny, you remember the fire spell, yeah?”
“Incendio, right?”
“That’s the one. As soon as you get close enough to it, blast it with all your power.”
David nodded in affirmation. There was no time to think or get fancy, the only objective was to get past that door and ensure that this curse was broken once and for all. As for what came after….they could deal with that later.
Sure, enough as they entered the icy chamber and drew close, the snowflake shield began firing off freezing curses, causing the three teens to roll off to one side in order to avoid them.
“I see what you mean!” Penny yelled, drawing her wand. “Also, really wish I’d worn something other than a skirt had I known we’d literally be going into a cursed vault!”
David fired a knockback jinx to buy them some time, but their offensive nearly stalled as a freezing spell nearly hit Bill, causing him to slip forward on the slick, unstable surface.
“That was too close,” he muttered. “Alright, after the next curse it shoots off, fire away with everything you got.”
David drew his own wand and aimed carefully, shrinking low on the steps, concentrating all of his magic into the biggest inferno ball he could imagine in his head. By the hardened look on Penny’s face, she was evidently doing the same. As soon as the next freezing spell (aimed for Bill again) passed, he and the Hufflepuff were on their feet charging the door.
“INCENDIO!!” they roared simultaneously.
With their combined strength, huge plumes of fire issued forth and made contact with the shield attached the door. Through the heat and acrid smoke, David could see that the icy fortification was melting into a pool of water onto the floor. By the time the fire barrage ended, it was completely gone.
“YES!” he exclaimed. “We finally got rid of that bloody thing.”
The group barely had time to celebrate however as ominous rumbling could be heard from inside of the door, the ground quaking as though a giant were approaching.
“I don’t like the sound of that,” Penny stated, anxiety back on her face.
“I just realized, David,” Bill said turning to him. “All this time we thought this door was keeping us out of the vault…but what if it was keeping something IN?”
It was a consideration they had no time to discuss more for at that moment, as the massive doors opened to reveal a terrifying sight: an Ice Knight, made of iron but covered completely in chunks of snow and frost, about ten feet tall carrying a massive sword. It did not look pleased at their intrusion.
“Merlin’s Beard,” Bill breathed. “Everyone, take cover!!”
But he was too late. The knight struck out with his sword creating an icy wind so fierce, so deathly cold that one could not stand against it without plunging into a winter induced coma. In a quick succession, Bill’s body was quickly entrapped in ice as was Penny’s. Fortunately for David, he had managed to jump out of the way in time, all except his foot, which he managed to free.
“Blasted thing…” he muttered, ripping his foot away and breaking the containment. He ignored the rising chill in his bones as he saw his two friends stuck in blocks of ice so thick, it was a wonder they could move at all. Both of their faces were already turning blue.
“L-look out!” Bill warned threw chattered teeth as the knight swung his blade once more.
Again, David had to dive out of the away to avoid getting caught in the same prison. Wheeling around, he aimed his wand and issued out another fire blast. It caught the knight square in the chest, causing it to reel back but otherwise had no effect.
“Uh oh.”
For the third time, he avoided a blizzard blast but only just barely. There was no telling how long he could keep this up. Not to mention the health and safety of his friends were increasingly in jeopardy. He wasn’t going to win by simply dodging the strikes.
“D-D-Dave,” Penny managed to utter out. “C-c-come here. Reach into m-m-my j-j-jumper pocket.”
He did not argue, running over to her and doing as instructed. Within seconds, a bottle of green potion was in his hand.
“It’s f-f-fire breathing p-p-potion. I know i-i-it’s risky b-b-but it might be our only h-h-hope.”
“S-s-she’s right!” Bill called out in agreement. “You h-h-have to use it n-n-now!”
In a split second David managed to consider the options: fire breathing potion could damage someone’s esophagus and stomach beyond repair if too much was ingested at one time. And would it be enough to actually take down their adversary? Unless…
Wait a second, I have an idea
Ducking another blast from the Ice Knight, David wasted no more time. He quickly chugged the potion, feeling its warmth rush down his throat and into the pit of his gut (it was rather like ingesting tasteless, extremely hot water). Putting his wand directly in front of his mouth, he ran up to the Knight, and knelt down on one knee.
Summoning a deep breath, David aimed straight for its midsection with only a second to spare.
The fire breathing potion combined with the spell of his wand issued a concentrated beam of fire so powerful that it cut through the giant’s armor like a hot knife through butter, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of its body. As soon as the damage was recognized the silent knight looked down, fell to its knees before bursting into a cloud of snow and dust.
Panting heavily, David barely even registered his victory, rushing over to help Bill and Penny. Using the last of his fire breathing reserved, he managed to carefully blow a ring of fire around the ice, cracking it to the point where both could effectively free themselves.
“D-Dave, do you know what you j-just did?” Penny asked him, her pretty features in full awe.
“Careful, Penny. You’re still shivering pretty badly.”
“F-forget me, that was the m-most amazing thing I’ve ever s-seen!”
“She’s right you know,” Bill concurred. His body still quaked as well but his larger size and body mass ensured he did not feel the effects quite as badly. “Dave, I’ve never seen a second year do that before. You just took down something ancient, something way beyond what most wizards have ever seen.”
It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate the compliments, but David had seen this story before. Rowan and Bill each required sufficient time to recover from the door blasts and the knight’s power was far stronger than that. They needed to get to the hospital wing.
“Guys, let’s go see Madam Pomfrey before you freeze to death, come on-”
“Not before you enter that vault,” Bill cut him off.
“Forget the vault,” David insisted, supporting Penny with his own body weight. “We need to leave this place.”
“Leave after everything we did to open the bloody door?” Bill barked out with a laughter. “Not likely. David we’ll be fine. This is what you wanted: the first step in finding the answers about your brother. Go, I can take care of Penny.”
Before he could protest, the blonde placed a soft, feminine hand over his mouth.
“Hush,” she said with a smile. “B-Bill’s right, we’re b-both okay.”
Swallowing, but also nodding his head, David acquiesced to their insistence. He didn’t like the idea of leaving them behind whilst they were still in considerable trouble, but curiosity and desire overrode his fear. Any immediate threat was gone now. It was time to see just what was behind those frozen doors.
“Together,” he said to them. “All three of us.”
His friends smiled at him.
“If you insist, David.”
And just as he insisted, the three friends stepped inside the doors into the unknown.
In contrast to the snowy, ice cream covered walls of the chamber outside, the inside of the vault was quite similar to the hallway in its décor and decoration. It was also considerably warmer. Inside was a dark, copper green colored room lined with four different knight statues, all resembling the one they had just fought. In the center was a lit column, situated upon a stone pillar, lit by a soft, yellowish glow the emanated from the inside. Upon the column, was an ancient language, the same that Rowan translated a year earlier.
“Unbelievable,” Penny breathed out.
“There is definitely something to this column here,” Bill said, rubbing his chin.
“Perhaps it has something inside?” David suggested to which eldest Weasley shrugged.
“Only one way to find out, mate. You can do the honors.”
The second year Gryffindor didn’t hesitate. Foolish as it may seem to touch a mysterious magical object of unknown origin and power, the nagging desire was too much to resist for him. He didn’t know what to expect really, if anything at all. However, a curious thing occurred upon his finger resting on the column. It began to shift and unfold as though it were a flower in bloom. What lay inside was odder still. They seemed to be hovering in midair in a yellowish mist.
“A broken wand and a book? Not exactly the treasure I was hoping for,” Bill observed.
“Who knows? Maybe their clues,” David countered. And before he could stop himself he reached inside and attempted to take the two objects. Upon doing so, a familiar voice began echoing loudly inside his head.
Find the other four vaults, David….Find my room…
Could it be…Jacob?
“Find your room?” he asked the voice aloud. “I don’t understand.”
You can’t let ‘her’ get there first! Hurry!
“Who’s her?” he asked again. “What do you mean?”
Just then he was pulled back from the center of the column by Bill.
“Dave! Snap out of it!”
Bill looked at Penny and back to him, his expression confused and concerned.
“You were in some kind of trance. You kept talking to someone lime if they were in the room with us.”
“I…heard a voice,” David admitted, not knowing what else to say.
“My brother….told me to keep finding the other vaults. You must think I’m mad, don’t you?”
They must think I’m off my rocker. I don’t blame them either
To his surprise, neither Penny nor Bill seemed to regard him as a madman waiting to go to the looney bin.
“For what it’s worth, I believe you, Dave,” Penny spoke up.
“So do I. I could believe anything after what we just went through,” Bill agreed.
“Did he say anything specific?”
David regained his senses and analyzed the situation for a moment. How was it possible that he had just heard his brother? Even in the wizarding world, witnessing voices that weren’t there was not a good sign and yet he couldn’t shake the feeling what he heard was not the work of insanity.
“He told me to locate his room and that there are four more vaults, specifically. And to find them before ‘her’. Whoever that is.”
“Her?” Penny repeated. “This just keeps on getting weirder.”
“I concur,” Bill said. “But what about the wand and book?”
David inched closer once more and took both of the objects without further visitation from the voice. Upon inspection, he recognized the wand’s true owner.
“This is Jacob’s wand. The one he had while at Hogwarts. I’d know it anywhere.”
Bill took the leather bound journal from him and began flipping the pages, his eyebrows furrowed in befuddlement.
“This book, whoever it belonged to, is nothing but scribbles and random drawings. It appears the author was quite mad.”
“Could it be a clue to the location of the next vault?” Penny asked.
David didn’t know what to think. Far from answering questions, their journey and entry to the vault seemed to invite more questions, thickening this mystery even further. The quest to find his brother now took on a whole new meaning.
“I have no idea,” Bill said quietly after a moment of pondering. “But what I do know is that we need to get out of here before we get caught.”
Snapping back to his senses, the second year almost forgot how long they had been in here. It was long past overdue for their departure.
“Bill’s right. We don’t want to find any of the teachers waiting for us by the time we get back. It’s time to go.”
“Do you think that we stopped the cursed ice for good?” Penny wondered aloud. “I hope no one got hurt.”
It was a sentiment they all shared but one they had no way of knowing until they returned back to the halls of Hogwarts. With enough adventure completed for one day, the trio made their way out of the vault and into the thirteenth corridor.
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airakorainies · 5 years
Trapped Against You
((... the sexual tension in this title-))
New? it’s part six of THIS saiibo (or sailboat thanks to autocorrect) fanfiction!
“I have no clue what I’m going to do!” Shuichi was pulling at the ends of his hair, pacing back and forth. His breath fell out fast, rushing like an elaborate river of anxiety. “I have literally nothing else besides the exact same clothes to wear. I didn’t even plan a time to meet up with Kiibo and I’m too afraid to ask. I’ve got terrible bedhead on of course the best day to have it. And my anxiety is so bad I feel like I’m going to puke.” The detective sighed and he defeatedly stood still, crossing his arms.
Tsumugi felt a small smile of pity amuse itself onto her face, her hands neatly folded in her lap. She readjusted her legs as she scooted a little more forward on Shuichi’s bed. Then she quickly let out a small chuckle. “I think this is the longest I’ve heard you ramble about something besides a trial and murder, Shuichi.”
“It’s not that amusing to me.” He sighed and tilted his head. “Maybe I should just call it off.”
“Now hold it right there!” She jumped up and walked in front of him, placing her arms under her bosom in anger. “You worked so hard to achieve this date with Kiibo! And you want to call it off because of a little bedhead?! I promised I’d come help you get ready, but if you’re scared just because of this? Then maybe...” she shook her head and turned around, a small glance over her shoulder full of disgust took place. “Maybe you don’t like him at all.”
“N-No!” Shuichi panicked and felt tension run through his body. He gritted his teeth before shaking his head. He wondered if Tsumugi could hear his heart. “I know I like him! I’m sorry. I’m just so nervous.” He heard the girl giggle and turn around, readjusting her glasses.
“Good! Now I won’t have to worry about scraping this fanfiction!”
“This what now?”
“Shuichi, did you know the way you wear an outfit can make it become a totally different outfit on its own?” She quickly changed the topic as she began to unbutton her top. Shuichi panicked and turned around. She giggled, “No no. I’m not taking it off. I’m just showing a bit more of my undershirt!” She tugged down at her skirt, staying conscious of how much she could. She rolled her sleeves up and pulled her hair to the side. She loosened up her undershirt just a tad and removed her ribbon from around her neck. She took away her glasses and placed them on the end table. “Turn around.” She ordered, her attitude weirdly changing.
Shuichi did as he was told and when he saw her, he had to step back a bit. She seemed like a completely different person. Her eyes retreated to a smaller size as her face appeared more defined. Her stance was different as she placed a hand on her hip and cocked it outward a little bit. She seemed more relaxed. More casual. More... Shuichi found this an odd way to describe it, but more herself.
She giggled and placed her hands out in a jazz hands sort of fashion. “Ta-da! See? I told you. It’s how you wear the clothes that make an impression. I’ve learned this from a many a year of cosplaying and conventions.” As she spoke, she reversed the process in which she had changed herself. “Now! Let’s see what we can do to fix you up. Oh, and about the time, I don’t think you’ll have to worry. Gonta has it covered!”
A breath of relief escaped from the edge of Shuichi’s lips. In his hectic panic, he had forgotten all the help his friends so graciously have given him. To be fair, it was because of them he has even made it this far. Both in the game and in his relationship with Kiibo. A small ray of light illuminated on his face as contentment washed over him. Everything would be just fine.
Tsumugi couldn’t help but furrow her eyebrows and play a small pitiful smile. She then cleared her throat. “First, grab the cleanest set of clothes that you’ve got.” Shuichi nodded and turned towards his closet, examining each set of clothes closely.
After a moment, a click of the hanger suggested he had made his decision. “I think this might be the one. I have yet to touch this one so far so I guess this will make due.”
Tsumugi put a hand to her chin and closed her eyes nodding. She then moved her hands behind her back and laughed as an expected order fell from her pink lips, “Now strip!”
“W-What?” Shuichi gasped loudly, his face flurrying in all assortments of rose colors. She couldn’t help but grace the air with a giggle.
“Don’t worry! People have to get changed quickly in conventions all the time. I’m used to seeing some things! But here, I’ll go into the bathroom while you get changed out here. Quickly though! I’ll only wait two minutes. We must make progress!” She began to walk towards his bathroom door before he called back to her.
“W-Wait. Just let me change in the bathroom. No point in having you wait around in there. Plus, I think it would be rude to have my guest wait in the bathroom.”
Tsumugi shrugged and seemed to show no difference in emotions. Despite her teasing, her interest in Shuichi seemed to not desire anything past just being friends. No blush came to her cheeks as she danced around with his emotions and due to his kindness, her fun seemed to slow a little. She, at that moment, realized how Kokichi feels. “Oh what a lie!”
“Um, what did you say?”
Tsumugi giggled, “I agree to your terms. But you better hurry! Your date is waiting.” Her smile held no sort of tease this time. A genuine smile. One jealous and yet pitiful of love. Her heart heated for one person, and yet, she could never have what Shuichi has. Tsumugi walked over and sat on the bed, and began to hold back something that had begun to stir within her.
Shuichi moved right along into the bathroom, a content smile and pale red painting a beautiful masterpiece upon his acute face.
“Kokichi!” Kiibo cried out in a panic, hearing the little gremlin laugh with excitement. The poor robot’s face was nothing but deep shades of red. His body seemed hot and sweat began to emerge from the compartments on his head.
“Haha!” Kokichi laughed, poking Kiibo, who had buried his face in his hands, everywhere he could. “That dream told you something Kiiboy! It told you how much of a naughty, naughty boy you are! Nishishi!”
Miu couldn’t help but laugh as she used her wrench, screwing some bolt on a large machine into place. “I just can’t believe you had the kind of brain power to think such perverted thoughts!” She dropped the wrench quickly and had an idea. She then turned around, drool seeping from her mouth. She hugged herself tightly, her legs rubbing together. She stared right at Kiibo as she just kept laughing. “Did it make hard and wet down there? Did you want to see more you dirty robot? I can’t help but give you some credit! I bet you fucking loved it!”
Kiibo started to scream before Kokichi pated his shoulder, a face of pity masked on. Kiibo wanted to find out if it was a lie or just a prank. Or both. “Now now Miu,” Kokichi spoke, shaking his head as if he were disappointed, “You can’t say that to our poor robot friend here. We don’t even know if he has a dick to do such things!” The laughter from Kokichi told everything. Kiibo sighed heavily, quickly moving away from Kokichi’s arm. Who, very quickly, snapped up and looked excited at Kiibo. “Wait a minute! If you can remove the outer shell off your chest, then can you remove everything else?!”
Miu jumped at that. She ran over besides Kokichi and leaned in with him. A new form of determination filled their eyes. “Now this I gotta see!”
And with Kiibo screaming, they pounced.
It was only just a moment later when the door to Miu’s lab was slammed open by a gentle giant. “Kiibo?! Is everything alright? Gonta heard you scream!” The sight he had to take in was quite the... how to describe it. Kiibo on the ground, tears beckoning on his eyes. His body was pinned to the floor and Kokichi and Miu were on top of him. “What’s going on?!”
“Gonta! Help me!” The smaller robot cried and Gonta nodded. In less than a second, Kokichi and Miu were lifted up and placed gently under two arms, wrapping around both of them.
“D-Don’t be so rough...” Miu muttered, her face red as she reached up and scratched it. Kokichi bit his lip and genuinely felt a little bad. Quickly, they were placed down into two chairs.
“Gonta is disappointed in the two of you. Gonta knows you enjoy teasing Kiibo but this was too far. We are supposed to help him, not scare him. Understand?” His words were sweet and gentle, his body down on a kneel as he spoke like a father towards them.
“B-But Gonta! I wasn’t going to do anything! All I wanted to do was see his di-“
“Kokichi!” His face squinted as he cast a disappointed look on his face. He sighed and then placed a gentle hand on top of the much smaller boy’s head. “Gonta knows you’re not feeling well. And that it hurts right here,” Gonta’s other hand moved over his heart, “But that doesn’t mean you can take it out on Kiibo, or Shuichi, or anyone else here for that matter. Besides, Gonta already promised he’d help you later.”
Miu just stared. For whatever reason, Kokichi’s face of hurt when he was scolded seemed so out of place. So... real. For once (and maybe for the better), she was at a loss for words.
“W-Wait,” Kiibo spoke as he scrambled off the floor, “Kokichi is upset? Why?” Despite the constant out-lash he gets from Kokichi, the robot’s kind heart couldn’t help but be concerned.
Kokichi suddenly laughed and peered over Gonta’s shoulder. “I have no idea what he’s talking about! Haha!” That was a lie. An obvious lie.
“Besides! We need to go ahead and get you ready Kiibo. Oh and...” the purple liar stood up and nodded to Gonta, showing he will do no harm. He walked up to Kiibo, who justifiably stepped back, and looked down. He sighed before looking straight in the eyes, a different kind and rare smile on his face. “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have done that to you. And I hope this won’t make you feel any different from when I tease you in the future!” He giggled and then quickly ran off, gently patting Kiibo’s shoulder as he ran by.
The robot sighed and turned to Gonta. Who then turned to Miu. Her foot began to stomp on the ground, her face red and she looked away. “D-Don’t look at me like that! Ugh fine!” She quickly jumped up and approached a hand out to Kiibo. “Look I guess I’m s... so.... sorr.... s-so....” Though despite her troubles, her excited and red face showed this dialogue was from a different sort of embarrassment. She then quickly shook her head and looked Kiibo in the eyes as well. “I’m sorry alright! Geez! With a look like that, I can’t help but... never mind. I’ll give you a free oiling later as an apology. I guess I got...” She didn’t wanna finish. Her laugh became short and creepy as she scratched her chin. She then cleared her throat. “Right! Well! I promised you could use my lab to ready yourself with Gonta. I’ll go out and meet the others!” It seemed so out of place for Miu to be nice without asking for her boots licked in return. In a way, Kiibo felt it was as if she really did feel bad.
He felt a small smile appear on his face, causing him to turn to Gonta. “Alright.” His face then quickly melded into one of anxiousness, “Help! What do I do on a date?!”
“Okay. Okay. Just deep breaths Kiibo! You’re ready. You talked with Gonta. You dealt with Kokichi and Miu’s wild antics today. You’re ready to face the boy you like!” And that sentence right there caused Kiibo to let go of the pool’s door handles and slap a hand to his face, sighing as he tried to hide his red from people who weren’t there. His appearance didn’t change much at all. He could remove his outer shell but at the moment, it leaves many wiring and gears exposed and he was afraid of Shuichi somehow hurting himself. Or Kiibo oddly hurting himself on himself. What he did do was prep talk himself to be ready for anything! He even had Miu include a water resistant coating on his body (before the whole ordeal with Kokichi and her) so he may swim if Shuichi so chose to. Gonta had told Kiibo about the pool being the date area so Kiibo wanted to make sure he was ready for any scenario.
Well, all scenarios besides looking at Shuichi. Kiibo knew that it’d be hard to even look at Shuichi. He did something so embarrassing in front of everyone by accepting it the way he did. All he could think about is how it may have affected his good friend.
He quickly shook his head, knowing that if he kept worrying here all day, he’d never actually go inside. So he returned the hands onto the handles and walked inside.
Two towels near the pool, two seats neatly moved close together under an umbrella. A smoothie made by who knows sitting peacefully on one of the pool tables, two straws in it. There were flower petals all sprinkled about, a red hue gracing the ends of each yellow petal.
The robot couldn’t help but blush yet again at the view. He knew his friends had set up the area but it didn’t mean it still wasn’t embarrassing. He then walked with a weird pep in his step onto the sky blue towel, sitting down with his legs laying off the edge of the pool. He placed his hands into his lap and fiddled with his fingers as he watched the calm water before him.
All he can do now was wait.
“Ah! Kiibo?” His voice carried easily through the silent room, reaching to the ears of a certain nervous robot. Quickly, Kiibo turned into the direction of the voice and felt the world slow.
There he was. Beautiful as could be. He had his normal clothes on but it was... different. His jacket was unbuttoned revealing a black t-shirt from underneath. It was untucked and was hanging slightly over his knees. His sleeves were folded back into cuffs that laid just slightly above his elbows. He held his hand up, scratching his cheek in nervousness. His eyes couldn’t meet with Kiibo’s as his blush contrasted his pale skin. His hair was slicked back in the front, giving his outfit the complete effect. The detective cleared his throat and approached Kiibo.
“A-Ah! Shuichi you look...” Kiibo stumbled, still staring.
Shuichi sat on the dark blue towel next to the robot. He laughed as he looked over towards his boyfriend. “Weird, right? Tsumugi was really set on ‘transforming’ my look. I still can’t believe what she did with my normal outfit haha.”
“N-No! You don’t look weird! In fact, you look,” Kiibo’s face became a quick red as he fumbled with his fingers even more, “you look handsome.”
Shuichi’s face became a deep red, brighter than before. His face showed one of shock and then embarrassment. It was so bad he couldn’t help but laugh in the face of his nerves.
Kiibo thought to himself how much he adored Shuichi’s laugh.
And then the silence fell. It was so awkward. But yet, it was a peaceful silence. Something comforting about being alone with your significant other. But Shuichi’s nerves couldn’t take it. It was then he noticed a box. “So, I’m really happy our friends set this place up for us. But, um, why did they put a Monokuma looking box here?”
“Huh?” The clueless robot asked, looking in the direction Shuichi was pointing. He was right. There was a weird Monokuma themed box across the pool. The detective rose, beginning to make way before Kiibo spoke up. “Wait! Shuichi! I’ll come with you.”
“Kiibo,” he spoke his name softly. A sense of longing and protection hidden within his sweet tone. “I’m just going to go check it out. I don’t want you getting hurt if it’s a little trick Monokuma put out for us.”
The smaller boy shook his head, puffing out his delicate cheeks while his face lit up a small shade of red. “I can take care of myself, thank you very much! If anything, I’d want to be the one protecting you.” It was then his face was torn away to look up directly at the detective.
His hands were soft. The robot couldn’t helped but reach up and twist his fingers around Shuichi’s hands. His eyes widened slightly, shocked by both his boyfriend and his own actions. Shuichi, despite having an extreme blush on his face, narrowed his eyes and looked towards Kiibo with nothing but pure love in his eyes. “Let me take care of you, at least.” He spoke, his voice as sweet as a graceful raven’s. He released Kiibo’s face before turning around. “It will only take a moment. I promise.”
“R-Right.” Kiibo cleared his throat and went to sit back down. He had to suppress the urge to just stare at the beauty of his boyfriend. His insides were churning with something he had never experienced before. Something inside of him was racing. Pumping and beating with each short breath he took. Kiibo couldn’t help but put his hands up to his face, so off balanced by his own actions and reactions he wanted to cry.
Shuichi gave a small sigh to himself, pulling his hand up in front of his body to keep Kiibo from seeing just how much his hand was shaking. He couldn’t help but smile at his own nerves. He was surprised by his own actions.
He arrived at the box and saw a hole on the top of it. It was rectangular and hard to peer in to see what the box held. He then noticed the writing above the hole. His body froze and his eye twitched.
“Don’t forget protection! Puhuhu!”
Shuichi reeled his foot back and then kicked the box, watching as it flew forward and bounced between the wall of the school and back down onto the ground. He sighed and brushed his hands together, as if he just finished some hard work.
When he returned, Kiibo had his knees all tucked up next to his chest and his arms were wrapped around them. He looked up at Shuichi and lifted his eyebrow. It seemed, too, the robot had reclaimed some composure. “So? What was the box?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just a dumb joke by our one and only.” Shuichi shot a glance at a camera nearby.
“Oh, I see.” Shuichi returned to his spot next to Kiibo and leaned back against his hands, watching the water sway back and forth. It was quiet at first but with each passing moment, a smile crept up on Kiibo’s face.
“Y-Yeah?” He stuttered, a little jumped for being torn from his daze.
“I heard from Kaito that if you look into the pool, you can see your future reflection! Like, what you will look like in the future.”
Shuichi gave a small smile and shook his head, a breath full of cheer escaping his pale lips. “I think Kaito is just pulling your leg, Kiibo.”
Kiibo turned and gave a puzzled look. “But Kaito is not here to pull my leg? But anyway! It’s true! I looked into the water and saw my functions different! My face got an upgrade too!” Shuichi raised his eyebrow and became curious.
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check.” He slowly creeped out from his spot and looked over the pool’s edge, staring into the water. “I don’t see anything different- WHOA!”
It was very quick. The small shove from the giggling robot to the tiny shriek of distress from the detective. He fell into the water and felt his world be bogged down by heavy clothes and water. He resurfaced to hear the song of an angel’s laughter. He looked up at Kiibo with a smile on his face.
“Oh Shuichi! I can’t believe you fell for that! Everyone knows I’m ahead of my time! Besides, it was really cute for me to-“ but he too became surprised. It didn’t take much for Shuichi to pull the robot down into the water with him.
The detective then panicked. “Wait Kiibo! I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking please come back up-“
“It’s alright Shuichi,” Kiibo spoke when he resurfaced, “I have implemented water functions and resistances in my body for just the occasion! Now we may have a casually romantic swim together.”
A smile and reddened cheeks answered the detective’s worries. He then floated over to the edge of the pool and stood up, reaching down to the bottom of his shirt. He began to unbutton his detective’s jacket and moved it over. It was only when he began to pull of his undershirt that the robot screamed!
“W-Wah!! W-What are you doing?!” Kiibo the pure bean buried his face into his hands. But, he couldn’t help but raise his head and split his fingers apart to see.
Shuichi felt his face flush but also had to laugh. “Sorry. I guess I should have warned you. But I’m not gonna swim with heavy and wet clothes pulling me down.” An idea struck his mind. Shuichi is not exactly the type to take initiative but teasing his boyfriend was something he wouldn’t mind doing.
He spun around with a smirk plastered on his face and a new sort of sparkle in his eyes. Kiibo looked up with both amazement and confusion. “W-What is it?”
Shuichi took a couple steps closer. “Could it be that you were upset because...” He took as many steps as it took before he stopped and towered only slightly over the robot. He moved his hands up and cupped the Kiibo’s face within them. He then moved closer and whispered softly into his dear’s ear, his breath sinking into the metal skin of his boyfriend. “You wanted to removed my shirt yourself?”
Shuichi could practically feel the chills that ran up Kiibo’s spine. He was pushed away and was rewarded with a gorgeous sight. Kiibo so red and so shocked his mouth seemed screwed closed. His hands were up and shaking very badly. He could feel the strength that was holding him upright give way and he slowly sunk into the water. Just a tad before he readjusted himself. He tried to look back up at Shuichi but he couldn’t look anywhere else but his boyfriend’s bare chest.
“Consider it payback for throwing me into the water!”
“W-What? I did that for fun! You teased me because your cruel.”
“Aw.” Shuichi’s eyebrows furrowed and he waded through the water. Kiibo jolted but didn’t move. He felt his hand be grasped and lifted out of the water. Gently, it was placed against the detective’s chest. He could feel Shuichi’s heart. Each beat. It was going abnormally fast. “If it makes you feel any better, that took a lot out of me. I feel like I’m going to collapse I got so nervous. So consider it even.”
“No!” Kiibo’s face became determined. “Don’t collapse! Here. Let’s get you back on the edge there.”
And the night fell, their feet in the water. They seemed closer and their smiles were content. Shuichi was wrapped up in a towel while he was leaning his head down against Kiibo’s shoulder. All seemed right.
No jokes.
No games.
No murders.
No betrayals.
And no more lies. Everything, right now, is right.
“That was adorable!” Tsumugi was crying so hard as she peered into the pool’s window. Everyone else was celebrating (and eavesdropping in their own way too).
Kaito had a hand against a cheery Maki and had tears of his own streaming down his face. “My boy became a man today!”
Kokichi wasn’t looking at the window but was, instead, making fun of everyone else. “Come on! You’re all such babies haha!”
“Ah Young Love! What a wonderful thing to have!” His voice sent panic through everyone, scaring a few.
“Kaito. Get out from my arms.”
“S-Sorry Maki Roll. He just spooked me...”
Monokuma giggled. “Puhuhu! But oh what a shame! It seems like it’s nighttime and their feet are in the pool! That is a school regulation is that being broken right there!” His smile grew devilish. “You know what that means!”
“Please! Leave them be!”
Monokuma only laughed more. “But rules are rules! I can’t make exceptions just because you said ‘pwetty pwease’! Now if you’ll excuse me-“
Kokichi stood between Monokuma and the pool’s window, his hands up as if he was protecting the window. Tears were streaming down his face. The restless classmates fell silent and even Monokuma greeted the quiet. “If it’s one thing I won’t stand for, it’s seeing people I care about being hurt! This game has twisted me from the inside and I can’t breathe anymore! But if you think you’re going to kill the person I lo- the people I care the most about just because they’re young and in love, then you’re so wrong! Take another step, Bear, I dare you!”
Normally, Monokuma would immediately take Kokichi down and move on. But it seems letting him live would be more torturous. The bear smiled and put a paw up to his chin. “Weeeeell~, if they were to prove their love, I might let them go this once. Like a kiss maybe~?”
The faces of all the suspects sighed, smiles appearing on a few of their faces.
Monokuma’s vanished. “Why aren’t you all worried? They probably won’t kiss! Your friends have to do something they don’t know about to even live!”
Kokichi held his stomach as he spoke, a large smile on his face distracting from the tears. “Have you met those two? They’re too lovey dovey to NOT kiss! Besides...”
He turned his head over his shoulder and gave a soft smile no one could see. “He’s not one to let opportunities to slip by...”
His heart was beating. Or well, his chest was exploding. Shuichi was leaning against him. His eyes were closed and he looked so peaceful. His body was exposed and the air was still. Not a sound or worry in sight. It reminded him of the shed.
Though now, circumstances were better. Kiibo slowly moved his head down and leaned it against his boyfriend’s head.
Shuichi stirred.
He shot back up.
“Kiibo.” His voice was quiet and rasp, like it was the last word he would ever say.
“Y-Yes?” The robot felt the weight on his shoulder disappear and a small new weight pressing on his heart. He felt himself wishing they stayed like that a little while longer. He turned his head and saw Shuichi’s face close... too close. He couldn’t help but blush at the distance.
Shuichi paused for a moment, staring at Kiibo before he looked down. A look of shame fell upon his face. “I’m sorry.”
Kiibo blinked and placed his hands in Shuichi’s shoulders. “Why? You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“No I’m sorry. I can’t win. This killing game it... it keeps tearing us apart from each other. I can’t stop it. I’m trying my best but I just can’t.” Shuichi reached his hands up and placed them around Kiibo. “I can’t protect you. I’m sorry.”
“Shuichi...” His voice was calm and soothing. He reached his hands up and cupped his hands around Shuichi’s head, forcing him to pull off and look him in the eyes. After a moment, Kiibo began to stare at his boyfriend. His face shifted as the moon appeared on his face. “Your eyes are very pretty.”
“Ah-!” His face flourished with a red that Kiibo had to smile at.
“Can I look at them closer?”
“What do you mean-“
A connection of fate. A twist of life. How cruel it must be. Everyday your life hangs on the edge of death. But yet, you make the best of it.
They were soft. Both his lips and their hearts. His eyes couldn’t stay open as much as he would have loved to keep gazing at the stars in his beloved’s eyes. The eyelashes fluttered down as he found himself being invited in. It was their first.
And it was their last.
“Kiibo...” He gasped his name as they moved apart, as much as he wanted to stay closer.
“Shu.” Kiibo smiled at the nickname he deemed for his boyfriend. But it wasn’t long before he panicked. “S-Shu! Why are you crying?!”
The tears fell down gently, but it wasn’t as gentle as the smile on his face. He pulled Kiibo in close for a tight embrace, the poor boy surprised and startled. “Thank you.”
His words were simple. They chimed in Kiibo’s ears. But he knew Shuichi had everything poured into those words. So he reached around and returned his embrace. “Shu, I’m happy to be here. As awful as this place is, even though we are trapped here. I’m happy to be trapped against you, with my body snug in your arms. I will do all I can to keep you from harm.”
My love.
Trapped no longer.
Our love.
Stuck forever.
((HOLY FUCK I’M DONE! 😭 I’M SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! I reeeeeeeally wanted it to be special! I hope you liked it. And I really really like the next part 👀. It’s gonna break all our hearts :D thank you for reading! Till next time!))
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Finished ep4 again.
Random thoughts as the episode progressed:
AJ’s opening narration is wonderful. Seriously, his voice acting throughout this season has been top notch and it really shines here.
Lilly’s dead body fills me with more joy than it should and I’m growing more and more concerned about that...
AND there goes my hat! Oh well, the thing was probably cursed anyway
LOUIS MY BOY! ❤️❤️ Seriously, I’m always so happy to see him, though I’m still surprised to see him so early. I’m glad that they did it this way so that I didn’t have to worry about him through half of the episode.
Also that clouis hug is just ❤️❤️❤️❤️
And I still am baffled that they blinded Violet. Like, I know the hints were always there but I didn’t actually think they’d do it, y’know? And Louis seeing her and how his eyes get so wide as the realization hits him is terrific.  If there was one thing I could add to this season is more Louis and Violet brotp moments, like a hug or something. But having them hold hands as Louis guides her to safety is pretty great. ❤️
The raiders are dying oh no...
And Minerva’s super fucked. She’s bit and out of her goddamn mind.
Like, two inches in front of AJ but I’m sure he’s not grossed out or anything haha
Damn Minerva calm down sheesh
AJ calling Tenn a dummy 😂
Is it just me or is Tenn’s voice deeper? Like, he sounds different than he did last episode. 
I know walkers could break into this cave any second but I gotta get them collectibles
James and his eyebrows are still mad at me...
Bro why ya gotta try and kidnap my son? Didn’t you see what happened to the last people who tried to do that?? 
Seriously though, the whole argument with James is wild. 
“you had him empty an entire clip into that woman’s head!”
“nah just half a clip” 😂😂😂
James quit pacing like that! I can’t take you seriously with that hilarious snarl on your face!
James’ voice acting is really damn good, though. I mean, it’s Johnny Yong Bosch so I wouldn’t expect anything less but it really makes the entire scene having him and Melissa Hutchison together going back and forth like this. 
Also, Tenn throughout this whole thing has to be SUPER uncomfortable haha
“You can trust me to make the hard calls.”
*exaggerated, drawn-out whale noise of despair*
But AJ’s right... he’s certainly not going to enjoy his next kill jfc
Bye James... I love you, walker man...
“You’re not dead. That’s good.” ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Why wasn’t there an option to smooch him here?? Like, we didn’t know if he got away completely safe? He didn’t know if we were alive or worse?? Like, if there was ever a time to get some smoochin’ in IT’S NOW! I don’t care if there are children present! You literally smooched two inches in front of AJ before! PUCKER UP!
Also, I can’t be the only one who got such a dreadful vibe during this scene and while they’re walking to the bridge? Like Louis is all “It’s over! Yay let’s build a house together!” and all I could keep thinking the first time I played was “I swear on Mitch’s Masterpiece if someone just shoots Louis dead while we’re having a moment I’m going to CROAK”
But then talking about building that purple, 914-floor mansion with a tree house is basically one big “I love you” in disguise I mean c’mon
Also, I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before but Louis’ theme is my favorite. Every time I hear it during a clouis moment I practically swoon.
 “Can I help?”
“Of course you can. You’re in charge of painting.”
*gross sobbing intensifies*
Goddamn it Minerva can you just... NOT.
Tenn’s dead and I hate everything.
In all seriousness, though, as furious as it makes to me to give Minerva what her crazy, delusional ass wanted, I still feel this is slightly better than letting Louis die. It’s hard to explain, but Tenn dying this way, making the same mistakes, just seems more tragically fitting? While I feel like Louis dying because of it... isn’t. Maybe it’s selfish of me, but I’m too attached to his character to let him go like that. If Tenn wants to run into the arms of his “sister” while she’s literally being DEVOURED by walkers then... fine.
There is no right answer to this.   
While I hate this consequence and that fact that either Tenn or Louis HAVE to die, I won’t deny that it’s impactful and emotional.
 Clementine’s bit and I hate everything. 
Cue flashbacks of me repeating: “YOU HAVE AN AXE! CUT IT OFF!”
Playing as AJ is one of the sickest things in this game and I absolutely love it. 
Y’all they were really trying to make us cry, huh...?
Oh no. Clementine’s dead. Oooooooh nooooooo...
Oh hai Eddie, funny running into you here- aaaaaand he’s dead. Well.
I’m not sobbing over little baby AJ I swear-
Goddamn fish I hate fishing
I crossed out Violet and Minerva’s initials because I don’t want Violet to see them and be reminded of what her girlfriend became- wait...
Tenn, even as a walker, still found his way back towards the school AND is still doing his hand thing. Goddamn.
"Take Us Back” is such a great song...
Oh hai Clementine
Goodbye foot.
“Eh, wasn’t my favorite foot anyway.” WHY WASN’T THAT A LINE??
I don’t see Mitch’s grave, therefore, he’s still alive and in hibernation
don’t fight me on this
Omar’s laugh tho ❤️
Ruby that burp was weak. You’re never going to impress Aasim like that LEMME SHOW YOU HOW IT’S DONE
Well, while I’m not thrilled that Violet forgave Clem so easily, I am glad that they’re friends again, y’know?
Louis, I love you and I will miss you and you’re my absolute favorite and I love you and-
Aasim chasing Willy around like an older brother teasing and playing with his little brother? That’s the good shit right there.
“Did I do a good job?”
*Clementine will remember that*
Jeez, here! Just take my heart, goodness sake!
I’m crying again. 
Lilly’s fucking dead.
And I left Louis feeling loved. 
All is good with the world. 
except there’s still walkers roaming around but still
I’d say this is my second favorite episode because I think I like ep3 just a teeny tiny bit more, but I will note that this one did make me cry just a little bit more than ep3. Ep3 had me tearing up at Lee’s scene, but ep4 is just a rollar coaster of chaos and angry tears and sad tears and happy tears...
 All in all, this season is my favorite out of all of them. Yes, even beating s1. It really makes me wish there were 5 episodes rather than 4, but for what it is, it’s special and I love it and I can’t wait to come back and play it again.❤️
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