#we switched the cats to wet food but i decided to keep giving him some dry food as well
savethepinecones · 5 months
woke up to the sound of jack throwing up on the bed aughh
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yukidragon · 7 months
Sunny Day Jack - Cat AU
Okay, so, two particular pieces of beautifully drawn fan art have collided together in my head to create a light and fluffy self-indulgent image that I just had to share with you all.
@okamiliqueur's heartbreaking picture of Jack's lonely and forgotten box from the new demo made me think of cats abandoned in boxes, "free to a good home." Only in the case of the game's story, he was left out in the rain to rot, the owner having given up giving him a good home.
@jazzylovetodraw's picture of Jack as a cat has been buzzing in my mind for quite a while. I just love how precious he looks in both forms, and when I was thinking of Jack being like those abandoned kittens in cardboard boxes... well, the combination was obvious.
I know that Jack's fursona is a snake, and I know being a cat is Shaun's thing, but I'm a sucker for kitties. I'm as biased towards cats as I am for dragons, if my avatar and username didn't offer enough of a hint. ;3 I'd love to see all the characters as kitties honestly.
Tempting though it may be to go with Fruits Basket rules for kitty Jack, like I toyed with over on twitter, I think I'm going to play with a different and simpler set of rules. In this universe, Jack is stuck as a cat until his sunshine's love allows him to become human again.
Admittedly, it's kind of hard to imagine Jack being alone for very long when he looks so adorable. Who wouldn't fall in love with that precious kitty face instantly? Most everyone would be putty in his paws.
Content Warning: I wind up touching on a couple explicit headcanon details near the end. I mean, I did say this is a pretty self-indulgent image with my OTP.
Maybe Jack was stuck as a cat via a curse ala Hocus Pocus and is guarding the box/tape/etc. Maybe he was stuck as a cat instead of in the tape and no one could see him until MC came along. Maybe he's got a tragic backstory like the cat from Fruits Basket.
Since this AU is more about the vibes, I'm just going to leave the how and why parts of the lore up in the air. All that matters is that Jack is stuck as a cat and left out in the rain in a cardboard box until MC decides to take him home.
I'm just going to switch over to Alice and what she would do in this scenario. Poor lonely Alice is out on the town, when she comes across the box out in the rain and sees an equally lonely kitten. Poor little thing, all wet and sad... She just has to take him home with her.
Alice cleans Jack up, gets him wrapped up all nice and warm in a blanket, and even gives him some chicken she bought for her own dinner that night. She'll have to get cat food and other things for her new furry companion tomorrow, though she should probably look for his owner and take him to a vet.
At first, Jack isn't sure what to do about the situation, though he is grateful. No one has even acknowledged his existence until Alice came along. She's so soft and warm. He loves it when she holds him. She's so kind too.
Alice does find it surprising Jack doesn't put up a fuss when being given a bath. Jack didn't exactly like the feeling of being all grimy, and don't get him started on fleas and other gross things cats have to deal with on the streets!
The vet isn't as fun, though Jack is well behaved, though very clingy to Alice throughout the appointment. He can't help but fear that she'll abandon him too. He'll keep up the helpless and adorably needy kitty act if it means she'll stay with him.
There's no ID chip, no tag, and no missing notice for any cat that looks like Jack. It's clear that the poor guy is a stray.
Alice is hesitant initially. She's wanted to get a pet cat for a long time now, but she has barely been able to take care of herself. How can she handle taking care of an innocent life that needs her when she's struggling so much with her own life?
That hesitation doesn't last long. Jack loves on Alice so much, constantly purring and snuggling up to her. He curls up with her when she sleeps or relaxes. He was hesitant at first, and she assumed that was because he was wary of her, when in reality, he just didn't want to cross any of her boundaries. He didn't want to do anything that might upset her and make her get rid of him. When she started petting and cuddling him, he wholeheartedly returned the affection, absolutely starved for it.
The first thing Alice thought when she saw Jack was that he was lonely, just like her. He's so sweet and can't stand to be apart from her. How can she just get rid of him when he makes her feel loved and needed?
Of course, a cat's life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Cat food is a step down from people food, and a litterbox is anything but sanitary. Jack just skips that nonsense and goes straight to using the toilet despite the awkwardness, which shocks the heck out of Alice. He also snubs all cat food in favor of human food.
Yes, I could go with Jack being a ghost(?) cat that doesn't need food or to use the toilet, but then he wouldn't have gone through the indignities of a vet visit.
Then again... it would be funny if Alice brought Jack to the vet, only for them to think she's crazy, since to them all she's carrying is empty air.
Hmm... yeah, I think I'll go that route. As hilarious as vet hijinks and typical cat care with Jack while he possesses a human mind and identity might be, this would be a more interesting and tragic route. No one else can see Jack but Alice. He's lived for who knows how long in a world full of people that don't see him at all, unable to even be human anymore. It'd be a different type of hell than the one in the video tape, similar to what I talked about in my previous ramble.
Imagine if the 1984 incident Jack died and became a ghost(?) cat because he was secretly a cat shape shifter or something. Or maybe something more supernatural happened during the incident. Either way, cat ghost(?) Jack is very, very lonely.
Man, I just realized, it would be even more tragic (and complicated) if I go with the reincarnation route for this AU. Ghost(?) cat Jack probably had to watch Mary die slowly in the hospital after the incident, unable to help her or let her know that it's him. He couldn't even offer her comfort in her final days. It would've been so traumatizing.
For now, let's just play with this AU without the reincarnation angle, since this is supposed to be mostly light and fluffy feline fun with the OTP.
Jack, even as a cat, tries to do his best to help Alice out. If he can make himself useful, make her need him, then he won't ever lose her. He sneaks out when she goes to work to keep her company even though she initially tried to get him to stay home. No one sees him, so it won't matter. Besides, petting an invisible kitty is a good stress relief when dealing with awful customers, and certainly beats regular stimming.
The more Alice cares for Jack, the more powers he gets back, starting with the ability to talk. It's a huge shock for Alice of course, but Jack makes it clear that it's because of her love for him that made her stronger.
Of course, that love is platonic, at least at the start, which Jack knows full well, but he'll work on shifting things to a romantic love... especially after he gets the power to shift back into a form that has hands.
Like in typical canon, Jack answers Alice's questions as best he can. He probably lost his sense of identity like in game canon, so he references CloudyTown and stuff "he" did there, mixing up the show's lore with his own past. It's also intermingled with his many years spent wandering the streets being ignored and going crazy from the loneliness.
Jack does let Alice know that he used to be able to change from a cat to human. He just... can't anymore. He thinks it was because he was forgotten. He doesn't know why no one can see him until Alice came along.
It's so sad and tragic that Alice can't be unmoved by his plight. Sure, it makes things a bit awkward knowing that Jack is sentient and used to have a human form, but she feels for him. It also makes sense now why Jack always turned away whenever she changed.
Yes, Jack could have peeked. He could have even watched Alice while she was bathing, but he didn't. He refuses to do anything she won't allow. Cuddling her and sleeping in her bed is innocent, but the thoughts he'd have about her when she was undressing were anything but. He loves her too much to take advantage of her innocent trust in him. He needs her to want him to see her in that vulnerable state... even if it drives him crazy lusting over her. Poor pitiful kitty can't even have a good wank off session with his paws.
Still, despite knowing that Jack was human and is sentient, it's hard for Alice not to fall for his feline charms and not think too deeply about that fact. She still winds up cuddling him and petting him.
Of course, when it first hits Alice that she's treating a human like a pet, she stops and apologizes, but Jack insists that it's fine. He enjoys their cuddle time. He gives her the big, pleading kitty eyes as he begs her not to stop, and she can't help but give in.
Awkwardness soon fades and settles into a strange new normal. Alice does wonder if Jack really is real or if she was just so lonely she imagined something this crazy... but his presence is comforting. He keeps her company almost all the time. She doesn't feel alone anymore thanks to him.
Also... now that Jack can talk, he says such sweet things. It's weird to have a "pet" take care of her, but he reminds her of when it's time to brush her teeth, wakes her up for work, helps her get chores done despite how awkward it is with his paws and small size... It's so endearing.
The encouragement and assistance Jack gives Alice is wonderful, and his jokes are so fun and silly, but it's the praise that leaves her feeling flustered. If she didn't know any better, she could swear that he's almost flirting with her sometimes. She's in denial that's what it is, but it feels nice to be told that she's cute, and Jack is so sincere about it... and how can she not melt when he says sweet things with such a sweet face?
It's one morning that things change drastically. Alice's bond with Jack strengthened over time to the point that Jack finally can change back into a mostly human form, though he does have cat ears, a fluffy tail, and whisker markings.
It was a big surprise to them both really, as Jack transformed in his sleep. Alice had gotten used to cuddling up to a talking cat during the night, so it was a shock to wake up in a pair of big muscular arms. Jack was so happy when waking her that morning, giddy to show her his (mostly) human side, that it slipped his mind what a shock it would be.
Naturally, Alice bolted back against the wall away from the stranger in her bed. Jack quickly started reassuring her of who he was and that she wasn't in danger. He stooped down to her level, pretty much wilting really, with ears folded back, as he apologized for scaring her. He was just so happy that he wasn't thinking about how it must look from her side...
Seeing Jack so pitiful and sad, Alice feels her heart go out to him. Once things calm down, she can't help but be amazed by how he looks. Unthinkingly, she reaches up to pet his ears and feel how they attach to his skull. She only fully realizes how forward she's being when Jack starts purring.
Flustered, Alice immediately pulls back, only for Jack to whine at the loss of her touch. He didn't mind it at all. He always loves it when she cuddles with him.
It's a complicated feeling for Alice. On the one hand they've been very close for so long. On the other, Jack is definitely a human, so it feels different now.
Yet, Jack is so sweet. He's mindful of her hesitation, even if he's disappointed. It's harder for him to hide his feelings with such expressive ears. Alice can't help but want to reach out to him, especially after they've already spent so much time together, getting to know one another. He's chased away the loneliness that had been haunting her for so, so long.
Of course, now that Jack has a human form, Alice finds her feelings slipping into "dangerous" territory. He makes her feel so good, so loved, and she feels for him too. She doesn't want to dare assume he might feel anything more for her than just a friend, but she can't help but notice the way he looks at her, the way he clearly longs to be near her. He's so tender and gentle... and they've already been so cuddly.
It's easier for Alice to find herself cuddling up to Jack, letting him and taking guilty pleasure from his gentle warmth. He pets her hair too in return, and it feels surprisingly good... a bit too good at times.
The line between friend or something more blurs with all the cuddles and petting. Alice feels guilty about it, but Jack keeps encouraging her until, finally, something has to give and their relationship changes. Both of them feel relieved when it does, as they couldn't help but worry that their feelings might not be reciprocated.
In a lot of ways, it's pretty close to the normal continuity, just with some fuzzy ears on top. Jack can change into a cat at will now. As he gets stronger, people can start to see him, perhaps as a feline silhouette, or maybe with some unsettling shadows not from a cat. He's certainly going to be a bit territorial and not be afraid to hiss and use his claws if absolutely necessary.
Still, this kitty is pretty content thanks to Alice. Jack loves it when Alice carries him around as a teeny kitty, warm and snuggly against her chest, even in the cleavage of her shirt at times. Naturally, he returns the favor, carrying her around the apartment as often as possible. It's only fair after all~!
Naturally, Jack wants to get intimate with Alice as soon as she lets him. He's so pent up. Even with hands to take care of himself, all the cuddling and now kisses just make him ache for her even more. He longs to be inside her, biting her gently and growling in pleasure as he takes her.
A bonus with Jack being part cat is that he gets to have some vibrating action when he purrs. It adds a whole new dimension to their lovemaking, whether he's using his mouth on her sensitive parts, or thrusting himself deep inside.
Oh, I'm reminded of the cat-like features I mentioned in the Omegaverse AU. I guess Jack, having feline features, would have a dick that's ribbed for her pleasure too. Tongue too. Neither would be sharp because rule of sexy, but it would add a very pleasurable texture that a clever man like Jack is going to take full advantage of~
Of course, Alice can take advantage of those feline features too. The base of Jack's tail and ears are quite sensitive, and she quickly learns what spots get his motor running. Of course, getting Jack excited will lead to him pouncing on her and getting rather frisky, but Alice would certainly be expecting that result~
I can imagine Jack could make himself look fully human without any feline features, but he knows Alice finds his cat side to be adorable. She has a hard time resisting petting him when his ears and tail are out, and he certainly wants to encourage her to pet him as much as possible. He also wants to encourage her to let him pet her as much as possible.
Of course, if Jack can become powerful enough that other people can see him, he'll have to stick with only cat or human form when out in public. Still, even when other people can see and hear him, he prefers to be in Alice's company. Cats have their preferred human, and Alice is Jack's.
Naturally, Jack would have to be sneaky about showing Alice love when in public if there's a chance of getting caught. Good thing he has that perfectly innocent little kitty form to hide in. I can imagine it would lead to some interesting interactions where someone shows up only to find Alice incredibly flustered with a slightly disheveled appearance, while her "pet" Jack is just casually looking smug, as all cats do.
Person: Whoa, what happened to you?
Alice, not looking them in the eye: Uh... Jack, m-my cat just... ah, got a bit excited.
Person: Heh. Cats, am I right?
Alice: Haha... right.
Jack: :3c
Hmm... I wonder then if the other love interests should have cat transformations in this AU too. It'd be a crime if Shaun doesn't have that ability but Jack does. Jack already gets together with Alice, so I don't want to be extra cruel to Shaun.
Admittedly, I don't have too many ideas for other characters with cat modes. Well, aside from an image of Shaun taking care of his baby MoonPie by carrying her around by the scruff. This post was mostly just indulging in sweet moments with my OTP with a bit of feline flavor sprinkled on top. Maybe I'll revisit the idea again if I get more ideas than just a bit of fluff.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this silly romp with Alice and Jack having some feline fun times!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
REDACTED verse - Aggro makes everything better
Prompt: Any Fandom | Any Characters/Pairings | Taking a nap together on the couch
Word Count: 1,016
Author/Team: LadyMonotone
Fandom/Original: Redacted ASMR (Milo/Sweetheart with Aggro as a special cameo!) 
Rating: G
Triggers: NA
Summary: After a long day at work, what better way to unwind by cuddling with your pet cat? Oh, Milo can join too, Sweetheart's supposed. 
ConCrit: Y
Darling's oneshot was a little heavy on the angst, so I want to focus on writing something light and fluffy for this round! 
"Milo? I'm home!"
Sweetheart returns home when the late afternoon sun paints the dark aqua walls of the living room with a warm, orange tinge. As they closed the door behind them, the noises and chatters of the outside world tapered off. 
The silence of the apartment greets Sweetheart. 
"Huh. Guess Milo is still at work." Sweetheart murmurs and throws their keys into the bowl on top of the shoe racks before switching on the lights. 
Dahlia has been getting colder lately; time has moved them all into another season, Autumn. It might have taken another step into the future, but Sweetheart can't help feel as if they continue to remain in the past. 
Sweetheart idly putters around the apartment to let their thoughts run before texting Milo to let him know that they're home. 
So many things have happened in just half a year. 
After that whole ordeal with the Shade, Sweetheart's life intermingled with Milo until they became lovers, and it wasn't long before they moved in together. 
Sweetheart never thought domestic bliss suited them well. 
Meeting the Shaw Pack as well as the Mates of said Pack members had been an incredible experience. The Mates were very welcoming; especially Angel and Babe. They endeared themselves to Sweetheart very easily and quickly. 
So whenever their boys are having their Pack meeting, Angel would gather the Mates to the patio while Babe quickly whips up pots of tea, coffee and snacks for them to enjoy. 
During this little get-together, Sweetheart (and sometimes Sam) would be the star of the conversation. Since Angel and Babe are Non-Empowered humans, they love listening to Sweetheart's stories and adventures as a Magical Investigator of the Department. 
They're charming and kind people. The ones Sweetheart are grateful to have as friends. 
A low, sweet 'mreep' startle Sweetheart's musing; They blink and glance down on the floor. In the midst of wiping the dining table and kitchen counters, Aggro made himself known by weaving in between Sweetheart's long legs. Sweetheart smiles fondly when his tail wraps itself around their left leg. 
"Hey there, handsome. Are you hungry?" They coo at Milo's furbaby. 
Aggro meows loudly in confirmation before rushing towards his food and water bowls. When Sweetheart is too slow for his liking, he expectantly looks back and meow once more. 
"I'm coming, I'm coming," Sweetheart assures the cat and grab some cans of wet tuna from the upper cupboard. They crack the cans open and dump them all into the food bowl. 
Without any seconds to waste, Aggro dive in. For an elderly cat, he sure has an active appetite. 
And so, while Aggro is happily munching on his dinner, Sweetheart fills his near-empty bowl of water and finish up cleaning the rest of the kitchen. What should they have for dinner, they wondered. They got enough ingredients in the fridge to cook stir-fry noodles with veggies for four servings but would Milo be in a mood for something home cook? 
Today is their date night, but he might be running a little late to head out to their usual bistro. What with the preparations for the E&E Games and all. 
"I should probably text him if he has any plans tonight..." Sweetheart decided. They pad into the living room to wind down on the couch. 
The moment they sink into the couch, Aggro runs towards Sweetheart and jumps onto the couch too. Sweetheart giggles when the cat tentatively climbs onto their chest and settle himself comfortably on Sweetheart's stomach. 
"Will you hang out with me, Aggro?" Sweetheart asks while petting Aggro's head, their smile widens when the cat leans into their warm touch. Aggro slowly blink his eyes at Sweetheart and trills, much to their delight. Their voice drops to baby talk as they scratch underneath Aggro's chin. "You will!? Milo might call me his Sweetheart, but you're definitely mine, Aggro. Aww, who's a good kitty? You are, handsome!"
Cuddling with Aggro on the couch after a long day of work melts the tension and stress on Sweetheart's shoulders like butter in the middle of Summer. It helps that Aggro is such an even-tempered cat too. Some pets near the butt and a few rubs on his head make Aggro one happy Ragdoll. 
It's only when Aggro starts to yawn and curl himself into a loaf that Sweetheart begin to feel sleepy too. 
So after shooting a quick text to Milo, Sweetheart cuddles with Aggro a bit longer before sleep claims them both. 
After a whole afternoon napping with Aggro, Sweetheart wakes up to a gentle shake on their arm and an exhausted yet happy Milo leaning over them. "Hey, Sweetheart. Aggro keeping you company, huh?"
Said cat's ears and tail flickers in response but otherwise remain as a loaf of bread on Sweetheart's stomach. 
"Welcome home, Milo." Sweetheart sleepily greets Milo. When he leans closer for a kiss, they oblige him. 
"Thanks, Sweetheart." Milo's heart jumps, seeing how both his Mate and cat are so comfortable together. It's a wholesome sight to return home to. "Got your message a while back. Do you think you're still up to have our date night, or do you want to take a rain check?"
Sweetheart ponders for a moment. "I'm good. Give me a few hours to get change, and we can go." Sweetheart replies with a big yawn.
It isn't difficult for Milo to assume that his Mate had a long day. So an idea suddenly comes to him. "Scoot over. I want to join in on this cuddle session too."
While Sweetheart does as Milo requested, Aggro protests. He jumps away from them when Milo lies down on the couch beside his Mate; it's a tight fit, but they manage. Especially after he wraps his arms around Sweetheart and pulls them close to his chest. 
"We still got some time before the dinner rush sets in the bistro," Milo explains as they snuggle; he loves when Sweetheart starts to hum in content. "We can nap for half an hour, and then it's date night, OK?"
"Sounds like a plan."
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sub-danny · 3 years
I really need Niki to be put in his place, it is a Drabble so something small, some remark of his hitting where it shouldn’t.
The boy has to learn to keep his pretty mouth shout
I'm glad sub!Niki is finally getting appreciated! And how we all agree on how much of a brat he is.
I hope you enjoy this drabble I made V 😌, I've got a few more requests I'll get to over the week including another sub!Niki one so keep checking my account or the tag #subdanielbrühl to see more content!
I'd also like to thank my amazing beta reader @thesuitkovian for their help editing this! 😊💞
Warnings: Sub!Niki, f!reader, femdom, oral (f receiving), slapping, brat, slight praising,
The sound of the repetitive knocking upon wood as Niki’s fingers drummed on the table had your fists clenching the cutlery, the grooves of its pattern imprint in your hand as you look up from your plate.
Niki sits opposite you, his plate already cleaned and now he leans his face on his hand, letting out a huff of annoyance as he watches your plate, seeing how you slowly eat your food. His fingers drumming is a clear indication that he is bored out of his mind as he waits for you to finish.
When he notices you have stopped eating however his eyes flicker to your own making him frown.
“What?” he grunts.
“Is there a problem Niki, you seem to be bored.” you hiss back out at him, taking on the same annoyed tone he had given to you.
“Of course I’m bored! You’ve been eating for the past half an hour, could you be any slower?”
You glare at him for his rudeness, then slam your cutlery down onto the table, your appetite fading because of his attitude.
“We aren’t all racers like you Niki,” you glower at him, but Niki just rolls his eyes as he finally leans back in the chair and crosses his arms.
“That much is obvious. It seems I’m quicker than you with everything, including eating!”
You could feel yourself quiver with anger at his words, but then as you thought them over a spark lit in your mind. It burned brightly as ideas weave themselves together and Niki’s eyes narrowed at you as if he could see the way your eyes were suddenly alight with excitement.
“Yes, you do seem to be quite quick with that mouth don’t you, always coming up with remarks, annoying little comebacks. You’ve never known how to shut it up do you?”
For a minute it might have seemed as if he wouldn’t respond. His eyes widened with surprise from your comment and he sucks his cheeks to swallow back the shock, to think over the words, yet as typical Niki, he manages to find his voice again.
“Why would I want to shut up, I know how much you love my voice.”
You stand up from your place at the table, and slowly without taking your eyes off Niki you start to walk towards him. Niki watches with hesitance, like a rat caught in the gaze of a cat.
“Well you’re not wrong darling, I do love listening to your voice, all the precious little sounds you make,” you purr as you go to stand in front of Niki. You raise your fingers and place them on Niki’s chin and instantly he raises his face to stare back at you, unwilling to lose this staring contest. However, he almost finches when you move your fingers past his chin to trace his jawline, and then linger over his neck, pressing down slightly on the pulse that has started to beat rapidly against the smooth skin of his neck.
Ultimately, the intense eye contact between the two of you is broken when both your hands suddenly grasp the collar of his racing suit, the flaps which hadn’t been zipped up. He flinches and his eyes break from yours to glance down at the hands upon him with anticipation.
“But I know so many other things you could do with that mouth that doesn’t involve talking.”
Before he knows it you have stepped back and with all the strength you can muster you pull Niki to his feet. He sways unbalanced but manages to catch himself before he collapses back down, though he relies on the strength of your hands holding his suit up to continue to keep him steady.
“Y-y/n?” he manages to stutter out, all his previous attitude seemingly was starting to fade which makes you throw your head back slightly as you let out a light laugh.
“You’re beginning to sound better already.”
You don’t let him have another chance to speak as you let go of one side of the jacket and still holding the other you swiftly turn on your heel and drag Niki off to the bedroom.
You kick the door open and pull Niki in and instantly you walk straight towards an armchair you have in the bedroom, but before you decide to sit down, you turn back to Niki, raising your other hand back to the front of his jacket, this time however grabbing the zipper.
With one quick motion you tug the zipper down to his abdomen and push the front of it off his shoulders so that while the suit is still on him, the tight, white shirt he wore underneath is clear to see. You watch the way his chest heaves before you, his mouth open slightly as he watches your every movement, trying to guess what you should do next.
His tongue flickers out to lick his lips and he opens his mouth further to speak again but you don’t give him the chance. Your hands grasp the curly mop of hair upon his head and pull his lips down onto yours. You instantly pull his top lip into your mouth, biting it slightly and then moving your lips upon it. You let your tongue slip into his mouth and poke his own which started to eagerly follow your own movements as if dancing together in a ballroom of saliva.
A jolt of desire echoes through you as you feel Niki moan into the kiss, the vibrations of it seemingly working its way down your spine. Still holding onto his hair, your lips ravaging his, you take a step back and slowly sit down upon the seat and it makes Niki have to bend down and eventually get on his knees just to still be able to touch your lips.
When you eventually push him off you, he falls back on his ass, having to use his hands to catch him before his whole back collides with the floor. He’s breathing heavier now, his chest heaving in and out with every deep breath and he looked up at you with a sense of wonderment.
You tilt your head, observing his appearance then smiling wickedly at him.
“Why don’t you show me exactly what that mouth is good for.”
His mind becomes blank for a second, his eyes lingering on you till they slowly slip down to the crotch of your jeans that is now on display to him. With sudden vigour he shuffles forward on his knees, slotting his body between your open legs and bringing his hands up to the button of your jeans. As fast as he can he tugs the jeans and your underwear down, not wanting to waste a second of your time. He is able to pull them down to your ankles and when he looks back up he sees how wet your cunt has become for him.
“Shit y/n I-” he begins to say but suddenly his face is thrown to the side, instantly his right cheek stinging with sharp pain.
You lower your hand as Niki turns back to face you, the left side of his face now a bright red as the blood quickly flows to it. His eyes brim with tight tears from the sharp pain but his jaw hangs slack, his tongue quickly flicking across his overbite as he feels within his suit his cock twitch.
“I don’t want to hear another word leave your mouth, Niki. You only get to use your mouth for one thing now, and you better prove you are as good with it as you are with being an annoying brat.”
Another little moan leaves his lips as you order him about, and it means his arousal picked up more, but being the good obedient boy that you wanted him to be, he shuffles closer to you, placing his hands on your thighs to keep you held open as he firstly bumps his nose into your cunt, pressing it through the slit to smell your sweet smell and then finally he starts to kitty lick where he knows your clit is.
It makes a few sparks of pleasure run through you feeling the way his tongue lightly licks upon it, but you need so much more, and you know he could deliver so much more.
Your fingers find his hair again and feeling the soft curls getting wrapped in your fingers again, you push Niki even further into your cunt, to the point where he almost can’t breathe.
He got the message however and chooses to wrap his lips around your clit, sucking it with all the strength he can muster. Each little suction makes you feel like rocking your hips yet you hold back. You didn’t want Niki to start feeling like he has some power over you. You are the one in charge.
With your hand in his hair, you slowly push his face down further until his mouth is by your entrance. You can feel the way his overbite presses into it unlike the bottom part of his mouth, but you didn’t have long to focus on the sensation when you felt the warmth of his tongue eagerly press into you.
The sensation of his tongue pushing into you is maddening, the heat and wetness of it have your walls fluttering around him, trying to pull him in further. Obeying its command he pushes his tongue in as far as he can into you, thrusting in and out of you as fast as he can, excitement flooding him as he feels the way your thighs start to strain against his hands and how small moans leave your lips.
He starts to switch between focusing on your clit, lapping and sucking at it to thrusting his tongue greedily into you, moaning as he lets your juices coat it and he’s eager to taste you more. By now he is rock hard in his suit and he subtly shifts his body so that your leg fits between his knelt ones. Slowly he starts to thrust his hips into your calf, desperate for any slight friction on his aching erection.
You of course noticed his hard erection pressing against your leg, making you chuckle at how desperate he is for you. His cheeks heat up from embarrassment knowing he has been found out but he still desperately delves his tongue into you and lets his hips rut up against you.
“I’ll tell you what Niki,” you begin to say, and he stops his movements into your entrance for a moment to listen to your command. “If you make me cum in the next three minutes, I’ll let you cum inside of me.”
His breath hitches at the thought and with greed and urgency he buries his face back into your heat. You can hear how wet you became and the sounds of his lips smacking with your wetness, the slurping as he tried to drink it all in. Now you don’t hold back and start to move your hips upon his face, your grip in his hair pushing him in further as you didn’t bother to hide your moans and pleasure anymore.
“Fuck Niki, you’re such a good boy when you want to be. Isn’t this such a better use of your mouth? Better than all those annoying remarks you make, you-you, shit, you are so much better being underneath me, being forced to shut up and remember who is in charge of you.”
Your words cause Niki to groan into your cunt which makes your walls vibrate. As the time ticks down he pushes into you further and finally, his tongue presses inside you far enough that he hits that sweet spongy section of skin within you, making your hips quiver upon his face as you finally come.
You hold his face tightly to you as you ride it out, feeling his tongue attempt to lick up everything. You can feel the way his lips mouth onto your entrance, hearing him nonstop gulping as he takes it all in, and he lets out a little whimper as you finally pull his face away from you.
Your slickness is dripping all down his chin, his lips are red and puffy from the pressure upon them and he breathes heavily, gasping for air that he had been deprived of for the past five minutes.
“Such a good boy,” you whisper, taking your hand to trail his chin, picking up a part of your wetness and then placing it upon his lips, pushing it in and instantly he sucks your finger.
When you pull it out you smile down at him, pleased by him.
“Go lie down on the bed Niki, and don’t you dare say anything.”
He obeys your command.
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wanderingcas · 4 years
C’mon Inn destiel, 3k words. a commission for @jensenackhles, who had the most AMAZING prompt of “what if Dean and Cas stayed at an inn that kept making them go into each other’s rooms?”
. . . . 
There is absolutely no way that Dean Winchester would ever stay at an inn. Much less a bed and breakfast. Breakfast should be a hearty plate of bacon and pancakes, not unsalted egg whites with freshly-picked garden vegetables piled on top of it. And especially not topped with garnish. 
Dean full-out shudders when the innkeeper (an older woman in her fifties with greying, tied-back hair) explains the meal to him. And he would have gotten the hell out of dodge right then and there, too, if Cas hadn’t elbowed him sharply in his side.
“That all sounds wonderful,” his ex-angel partner says with a forced smile. “What time are you serving it?” 
“Seven in the morning,” the innkeeper, Cherry, cheerily proclaims.
Dean grins at Cas’s horrified face. Serves Cas right for suggesting this inn of horrors in the first place. “Bright and early, huh?”
“Oh, yes,” Cherry says. “And don’t be surprised if you hear me down in the kitchen earlier than that—I wake up every morning at five, without fail.” She winks.
Dean is beginning to see why this inn has such an open vacancy in the first place, more than the fact that there’s cat wallpaper and decorations on every inch of the walls. 
“That’s…” Cas works his jaw and forces a smile. “That sounds wonderful.”
Cherry beams. “Now, which room would you like: Tabby cats or Maine Coons?” 
Dean resists an eye roll. “Whichever is fine.” 
“And I’ll take the opposite,” Cas adds.
“Oh, you won’t—be staying together?” Cherry asks. At the shake of their heads, her face twists into a frown. “Oh dear. This inn is really for couples only. I know it sounds strange but it’s really better if guests are staying in the same room.”
Cas looks down at their bags with a face that Dean knows well: he calls it Cas’s if I don’t get into a bed and sleep right now I’m going to lose it expression. Dean leans forward onto the welcome desk and gives Cherry his sweetest smile.
“Listen, my friend and I—we’ve had a long day,” Dean says, “and all the hotels in a thirty mile radius are booked up for some god-forsaken reason—” 
“The Big Ten Championships are in Columbus this year,” Cherry pipes in.
“Okay,” Dean says, teeth clenched in a smile. “So basically, ma’am, you’re the one who’s deciding if we’re sleeping in a car or a bed. Which one is it gonna be?”
Cherry looks between them. She sighs, and holds out two keys. “Second floor. The Maine Coon suite is right when you walk up the stairs and the Tabby suite is at the end of the hall.”
Dean’s shoulders sag in relief and he grabs the keys. “Great, thanks.” He yanks his duffel bag over his shoulder, along with Cas’s, ignoring his friend’s glare. 
“Just, before you go,” Cherry calls after them, tentatively. “If you notice anything—well, strange. Just call me down here in the front desk.” 
“Strange?” Dean repeats. 
“Yes. Anything unusual.” 
Dean narrows his eyes. “Whaddaya mean—”
“We will,” Cas says impatiently, pushing at Dean’s back. “Thank you.” 
“You think we should keep our eye out here?” Dean whispers to Castiel as they climb up the narrow staircase. “She seemed kinda freaked.” 
“I don’t care if a Wendigo comes out of the closet,” Castiel replies, wincing at each step of his injured leg. “I just want to sleep.”
“Fine, you big baby.” Dean deposits Cas’s bag in front of the Maine Coon room and turns the key in the lock. “You can take this one.” He opens the door, switches on the light, and looks in horror upon the Maine Coon wallpaper and framed photos of various Maine Coon cats. 
Cas he walks through the door, eyes wide. “Do you suppose this counts as something ‘strange’ to notify Cherry about?” 
Dean snorts. “Well, you gotta appreciate a woman who knows what she likes.” He picks up a Maine Coon plush toy from the dresser and grimaces.
“If I wasn’t injured, I’d be tempted to salt and burn this room,” Cas groans, lying on the bed with mud-stained clothes and shoes and all, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Cas,” Dean gasps, dramatically covering the stuffed animal’s ears, “they can hear you.” 
Cas narrows his eyes. “Dean, as much as I typically love your antics—right now, they are very irritating to me.” 
“Which means you want me to—”
“Leave, yes.” 
“Nice way to treat a guy who carried your bag all the way to your room.” Dean picks up his own bag, pointing to Cas’s leg wound. “I’ll be back to clean and dress that thing in the morning.” 
“Fine,” Cas sighs, already turning over and pushing his face into the pillow. 
After a moment of hesitation, Dean walks to the bed and pulls the quilt over Cas’s body. “You don’t want to catch a cold, idiot,” Dean explains to Cas’s questioning look as he tucks the blankets around Cas’s shoulders.
Cas rolls his eyes, but nonetheless says, softly, “Thank you, Dean,” as Dean shuts the door behind him.
. . . 
Dean wakes in the middle of the night with a raging urge to pee. He blames it on the Gatorade that he chugged at the gas station after the hunt. He lays in bed for a minute, considering his options, and deciding that peeing where he sleeps would not be in his best interests. 
Hauling his aching and bruised body out the bed, he scratches at his bare chest and stumbles to the door of the attached bathroom. He opens it, and—
Comes face to face with Maine Coon wallpaper. 
He blinks into the dark room. Cas is snoring loudly on the bed, limbs flailed across the bed and head tilted back. Dean looks back at his own room, through the door of what he thought was the bathroom, then back at the bedroom.
“I’m dreaming,” Dean says to himself. “Either that, Winchester, or you hit your head a little harder than you thought on that damn hunt.” 
He backs up, shuts the door, and goes to use the bathroom in the hallway.
Cas is running a fever when Dean checks on him the next morning. He peels the bandage away on Cas’s leg, and hisses at what he sees.
“Is it bad?” Cas asks, gritting his teeth in pain.
Dean examines the deep gash and the red splotchy skin around the edges of the cut, thinking about how to put it nicely. “Well, you’ll probably lose the leg.”
Wide-eyed, Cas grabs at his thigh. “What—”
“Nah, it’s just an infection. You’ll be fine.” 
Cas flops his head back onto the pillow. “Has anyone told you that you have the worst bedside manner?”
“Maybe Sam, once or twice; but he’s a natural-born complainer.” Dean starts winding a fresh bandage around Cas’s leg. “You’ll have to rest up for a few days, get your fever down. No way we’re traveling while you’re like this.” 
“That means we’ll have to eat—” Cas winces at the pressure of the bandage around his wound, “—inn breakfast.” 
“There’s worse things, Cas. Like, for instance, having to amputate your infected leg.” Dean ties the bandage tightly for emphasis and smiles sweetly at Cas’s glare.
. . . 
“Your friend won’t be joining you?” Cherry asks as Dean picks scones off one of the many plates scattered across the table.
“Uh, no. He’s feeling sick. Actually, I should be getting some food up to him, so I can’t really stick around.” Thankfully, Dean doesn’t say.
Cherry seems put out, but forces a smile anyway. “Oh, that’s fine!” She watches as Dean piles eggs on a plate (they’re scrambled with cheese, Cas’s favorite) and a few pieces of toast. “You didn’t notice anything strange last night, did you?” 
Dean frowns at the lack of bacon on the table, or meat at all for that matter. “Strange?” he asks distractedly. 
“Oh, it’s nothing, I just—I’m just wondering.” 
“Nope, nothing strange.” He balances a plate on one hand and two mugs of coffee clutched in the other, giving Cherry a nod. “Thanks for the breakfast.” 
He’s really focused on balancing the plates, so it could just be a matter of him not paying attention; but when he goes through the swinging door of the dining room, he only has to walk a few steps when he’s once again in the hallway, right in front of Cas’s bedroom door.
“Huh,” he says to the empty hallway. Making a point to investigate that later, he walks into Cas’s bedroom to give him his breakfast.
. . . 
It keeps happening so many times the rest of the day that Dean can’t even chalk it up to distraction, or a concussed head, anymore.
He walks through his bedroom door to the hallway after a phone call with Sam only to find himself in Cas’s bedroom again. Cas goes to bed early that night, and ends up back on the porch where him and Dean were sitting, trying to get some fresh air. Dean walks through his walk-in closet door only to find Cas in the shower, who’s yanking the shower curtain around his body to shield himself.
“Something’s very wrong with this inn,” Dean says, sitting on the bed next to a dripping wet Cas.
“I didn’t even get a chance to condition my hair,” replies Cas, petulantly.
“Dude, you could have finished your goddamn shower.”
“How could I finish, when you walked straight into the shower curtain, Dean? Would you really like me to have continued washing my hair while you were—” 
“Okay.” Dean holds up a hand. “Focus on the real problem here, Cas. This inn has something supernatural going on with it.” 
Cas frowns down at his bare feet. He wiggles his toes a bit, and Dean instructs himself not to find it adorable. “Does this inn seem malicious to you?”
“No. More like it’s fucking with us.” 
“Then there’s our answer.” Cas gives him a lopsided smile. “I hardly think a bed and breakfast that likes to play practical jokes is something worth fretting over, Dean. It’s just some harmless entity. I sensed plenty like it when I was an angel.” 
Dean crosses his arms. “Well, I don’t like it.”
“You don’t like it because you presume everything supernatural is going to be dangerous.” 
Dean opens his mouth to protest—closes it when he sees the smile in Cas’s eyes. “Fine,” he says. “But if it does anything to piss me off—”
“We’ll investigate it, yes, of course,” Cas says. “Can you please leave my room so I can continue showering?”
“No shower, only a bath,” Dean says, pointing to Cas’s injured leg as he stands. “I don’t wanna have to pick your ass off the floor when you slip and fall on that bum leg of yours.”
“Okay, mother,” Cas says with a roll of his eyes. Dean sniffs in annoyance as he turns the door handle and yanks open the door to walk into the hallway.
He meets Cas’s surprised eyes when he walks right back through the closet door of the bedroom. “Son of a bitch inn!” Dean barks.
. . . 
Cas’s fever spikes in the middle of the night. Dean only knows this because when he goes to the bathroom to get himself a drink of water from the sink, he ends up in Cas’s room instead.
“Not again,” he groans, beginning to turn around, when he hears Cas’s rough voice call his name.
“Cas? The hell are you doing up?” Dean whispers in the dark.
“My leg, there’s—” Cas hisses, his words cutting off, “a lot of pain.” 
Dean forces down the spike of worry in his gut. He flips on the bedroom light and walks to the bed, where Cas has burrowed himself deep into the blankets. Putting a hand on Cas’s sweaty forehead confirms his fear. “Okay, buddy, you’re burning up. I have Tylenol in my bag, just hang on.” 
Cas nods, wincing as he adjusts his leg on the bed. Dean turns before his eyes linger too long on Cas’s pale face. He walks through the door to the hallway… only to find himself back in Cas’s room via the closet.
Dean grinds out a curse and tries again. This time, he makes it to the hallway, but instead of walking through his room, he finds himself in the middle of Cas’s bathroom. He stalks out to the bedroom and ignores the amused look on Cas’s face.
“Look, you goddamn house, I’m trying to get him some freakin’ painkillers!” Dean yells up to the ceiling. “I’ll be right back, so don’t get your panties in a bunch. Jesus.” 
“I don’t think the inn has ears, Dean,” Cas says.
Dean points a finger menacingly. “Shut up and rest, and let me deal with this.” He shakes out his shoulders, takes a starting pose, and sprints through the door to the hallway before the house can realize what he’s doing. He continues running down the hall, like an idiot, to his bedroom. 
“At least it’s providing you a shortcut,” Cas says sleepily from the bed as Dean walks through his bathroom, Tylenol in hand.
“This inn is an asshole,” Dean replies. “Sit up.” Parking himself at the edge of Cas’s bed, he hands Cas two small Tylenol tabs and a plastic water bottle he found at the bottom of his bag.
Cas eyes him as he drinks the water, his throat a long column as he swallows the pills. “Don’t make that face.” 
“What face?”
“Your worried face. It makes me worried.” 
“So your leg got clawed to shreds by a ghoul, you have an infection, and you want me to not be worried? Is that what you’re sayin’?”
Cas leans against the headboard, arms crossed. His eyes are glassy from the fever, but they still retain a fire of defiance. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” 
Dean gusts a frustrated sigh. “You’ve barely been human for a month, Cas. I don’t want you pushin’ it.” 
“Dean.” Cas lays a hand over Dean’s, and Dean represses a shudder. “I’ve been through worse.”
“Yeah. As an angel.” 
“Being human doesn’t make me any weaker.” 
Dean glares at their joined hands. “Yeah, whatever.” His thumb rubs over Cas’s knuckles distractedly. “You still can’t beat my ass at pool.” 
“That doesn’t require strength, Dean. Simply skill.”
“A-ha!” Dean points triumphantly at Cas. “Last time you lost, you broke a pool cue and said it was the stupidest game in human history and now you admit that you were wrong!” 
“Oh my god. I’m going to bed.”
“Yeah, okay,” Dean says as Cas rolls over, his back to him, “just say that again real quick. I’m gonna record you on my phone.”
“Dean, please. I could die of a fever tonight.”
Dean knows it’s a joke, but that annoying prick of worry pokes him again painfully in his chest. He stands and deposits the Tylenol bottle forcefully on the bedside table. “Take this in four hours, okay, drama queen? I’ll be back to check on you.” 
Cas peeks over his shoulder at Dean. “Fine.” 
They hold the gaze for a few heavy moments. The offer to stay with him is on the tip of Dean’s tongue. 
“Just go to sleep,” Dean blurts, turning quickly on his heel. He shuts off the light before he leaves the room, and opens the door. He takes a steadying breath, and forces himself not to succumb to the pull of wanting to get into bed with Cas, holding that feverish little idiot to his chest until he sleeps off the infection.
But Dean’s resisting Cas’s gravity for years—so he resists the pull, and walks through the door.
Only to end up inches away from Cas’s bed.
They stare at each other, again, by the light of the moon spilling through those gaudy pink curtains. Dean works his jaw, trying to figure out what to say.
Cas finally shakes his head, and pulls the blanket up from his body; an invitation. “Well, we may as well do what the inn says.” 
“Uh. Are you—”
“Dean,” Cas says. 
With a grumble, Dean obeys, tentatively sliding into bed with Cas next to him. He clears his throat awkwardly as he settles in next to Cas, carefully not touching him, pulling the fluffy comforter up to his chest. They both lay next to each other on their backs, staring up at the ceiling.
“I have a thought,” Cas says into the dark.
“Did that hurt?” Dean asks.
“Shut up. I’m serious.” Cas takes a deep breath. “I feel as if the ultimate motive of this inn is to bring us together.”
“So perhaps we should—I don’t know. Let it.” 
Dean swallows a rock in his throat, and his voice is husky when he replies, “Uh-huh.” 
Cas turns his head to the side to look at Dean over his pillow. “Do you understand?”
“Yeah, Cas, I’m not an idiot.”  
But Dean doesn’t move. The fear won’t let him. And Cas sighs with the exhaustion only an ex-angel would have, saying, “Dean. My leg hurts very much, and I would like to sleep. Can we please just—cut the bullshit, as you would say, and you just—hold me?”
“You really are a grumpy bastard,” Dean says. The words come out gruff because of his nerves. He rolls over to push his chest into Cas’s back. He wraps one arm around Cas’s waist, and slips another under Cas’s neck. Cas grips Dean’s arms, and finally relaxes against Dean’s chest. Dean feels like he can die happy.
“I still think this inn is an asshole,” Dean mutters into Cas’s hair.
“You can burn it in the morning,” Cas says, placatingly tapping Dean’s arm where it lays across his chest.
And Dean may be imagining it, but as they drift off to sleep with their breaths moving in tandem, the walls sound as if they’re settling into a contented sigh, the buzzing energy of the house wilting into a dull murmur.
There is no way that Dean Winchester would ever stay at an inn.
But if it means holding Cas in his arms as he sleeps—maybe he’d do it again.
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toastedqueso · 3 years
Show Me The Way
Pairing: Yuta x Original Female Character | Reader
Genre: Friends With Benefits, Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Explicit sexual content (Oral Sex, Unprotected Sex), Language, Yuta has tattoos and nipples piercings (I put that out in the universe, please make it happen)
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: After an unpleasant meeting with her mother, Chloe seeks comfort in her best friend Yuta. She thinks back to how they started and how they got here. Two hearts beating together, but can the two hearts be together?
Random Word Generator Prompt:
Must be about Yuta
Must contain these words: Therapist, Benefit, Judgment
A/N: This is part of the Random Word Generator Challenge with a friend. I tried to keep to 2k words, but it's slightly longer. Oops! Also, please practice safe sex!
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Dinner with her mother leaves Chloe fuming. Chloe’s mother has a habit of dropping by unannounced under the guise of motherly duty only to remind Chloe how disappointing she is. In her eyes, Chloe could never meet her standards for perfection. After graduating high school, Chloe left to go to college on the other side of the country to escape her mother’s suffocating clutches. Unfortunately, her mother started making unannounced visits when she sensed Chloe trying to distance herself.
For the sake of her sanity, Chloe always spends their time together going through a list of her favorite things - shows, songs, food, even her favorite socks. This was something her Therapist had taught her to do - do something pleasant when faced with something unpleasant. This time, she only makes a list of 25 songs before her mother cuts their meeting short. Fortunately for Chloe, her mother has to get drinks with her business partners - the real reason she’s in town.
Now back in the comfort of her apartment, Chloe does breathing exercise from a meditation app to calm down. This is step 1 in her “post-motherly interrogation meltdown” recovery manual. Step 2 is waiting for Yuta’s text. A notification appears on her phone alerting her of Yuta’s text.
Yuta I’ll be over in a sec your mom she sucks
The text calms her a little. Step 3 was set to go. Yuta is the only person she finds she can confide in without judgment.
While she waits for Yuta to arrive, she thinks back to how their friendship was molded. They met during Freshman year when they both ran into their English class late and the Professor kept them both after class to reprimand them. They both sulked out of the class, but once out of the classroom they burst into fits of laughter. Their shared misfortune from the start of their college careers led to their inseparable friendship.
Yuta was an open book. He spoke freely and Chloe never had to second guess his intentions. It took Chloe some time to open up, but Yuta was patient and never pried for information. Chloe’s relationship with her mother further strained when she told her she switched her major from Business Administration to Psychology. Yuta was there to witness the call and was there to lift her spirits by dragging her to a wild night out to get absolutely trashed.
Their relationship took a turn after Chloe had drunkenly confessed to Yuta how sexy she thought his tattoos were.
“Only my tattoos?” Yuta teased.
Chloe shoved Yuta. “You’re sexy. And I’d fuck you right here. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
Yuta laughed. “I only wanted the truth. And for the record, you’re sexy and I wanna fuck you too.”
Chloe blushed, more from his words than the alcohol. She leaned in to give him a kiss with more tongue than her sober self would have allowed. Yuta broke the kiss and looked in Chloe’s eyes.
“While I want nothing more than to fuck you till you can’t walk, you’re drunk. If you remember this tomorrow, then we can pick up where we left off,” Yuta offered.
The next morning, Chloe sported a hangover, but remembered everything from the night before. Yuta knew she’d be embarrassed to face him, so he came over with breakfast to help lighten the mood before they talked. She was silent while eating breakfast, but after her stomach felt slightly better she had enough courage to broach their drunken proposition.
“Soooo the cat’s out of the bag,” Chloe tried to joke.
“You mean pussy?” Yuta replied in a playful tone.
Chloe scoffed while Yuta laughed at her reaction.
“Well, we’re both hot and we know how we feel about each other, SOOOO,” Yuta replied. Though he wanted more, he wanted Chloe to decide what she was comfortable with.
“Yuta, I don’t want a relationship,” Chloe shot down instantly. Judging by the look of shock on Yuta’s face, she knew that wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
“Don’t get me wrong, I want you. I want you SO bad, but, you know, me and relationships, they don’t work out,” Chloe explained.
Yuta did know. He witnessed Chloe have her heart broken countless times throughout their friendship. He guessed her failed relationships might have also had something to do with her mother.
“Well, you can have me how you want me, Chloe. We can still be the same Chloe and Yuta, best of buds, but now upgraded with the physical benefits. You know, friends with benefits,” Yuta suggested cautiously. He looked rather shy and seemed a little unsure of himself.
“Are you okay with that?” Chloe eyed him carefully.
“Seriously? Already trying to kill off my genius idea?” Yuta reverted back to his usual playful nature.
“I don’t want to hold you back from relationships. If you ever want to move on or get tired of me, just tell me. I’ll be fine.”
Yuta reached out to cradle her face in his hands.
“Chloe, don’t overthink it. I’ll never get tired of you. We’ll always be friends. We’re just two very hot friends having sex like all the time. It’s what the universe wants.”
Chloe laughed and sealed their deal with a kiss.
The knocking on her front door breaks Chloe from her reverie. She quickly opens the door and Yuta practically jumps in to hug her.
“I came as fast as I could,” Yuta says out of breath. Chloe feels slightly guilty for making him rush over.
“Thanks Yuta. Sorry if I interrupted something,” Chloe says as she sits on the couch. He shakes his head to brush off her apology.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Yuta asks softly as he sits down and places a hand on her knee.
Chloe is touched by his genuine concern, but brushes it off. She takes his hand off her knee and straddles him.
“You know I didn’t call you here to be my Therapist,” Chloe replies. She grabs the bottom hem of his shirt and swiftly takes it off.
“You want me that bad?” Yuta tilts his head back on the couch and laughs.
“Shut up and kiss me, idiot,” Chloe demands. Yuta smirks before he molds their lips together. He starts off slow and tender, before she licks his lower lip signalling him to go deepen the kiss.
Chloe quickly takes her clothes off while Yuta struggles out of his jeans. Growing impatient, Chloe pulls Yuta closer as she sits naked on the couch. She moves her hands down his chest before her fingers delicately brush over his nipple piercings. He lets out a soft moan before he grabs her hands.
“Tonight it’s about you,” Yuta says, taking her hands off of him.
Yuta kneels in front of her and throws her legs over his shoulders. He licks her clit and feels her legs shaking already. He slowly inserts a finger in her pussy while he continues licking her clit. He sneaks a peek at Chloe and sees her writhing in pleasure.
“You’re so wet,” Yuta comments.
“Shut up and make me come,” Chloe demands. She grabs his hair and pushes his face closer to her clit.
Sensing her impatience, he adds another finger and picks up the pace of the thrusts. He slightly curves his fingers and goes back to licking her clit. Chloe tightens her hold on Yuta’s hair and curses when she feels her orgasm come over her. Once she comes down from her high, she lets go of Yuta’s hair. She looks down and sees Yuta looking in her eyes while licking his soaked fingers.
Before Yuta takes his boxers off, Chloe pushes him onto the couch. Chloe kneels in front of him and softly kisses the butterfly tattoo peaking out of his boxers on his left hip. She grabs his dick out of his boxers and smiles at how hard he already is. She licks the head of his cock before slowly licking up and down the shaft. Yuta lets out a moan when she takes his whole dick in her mouth. The sight of her sucking his dick makes him want to lose control and fuck her mouth. Chloe’s mouth keeps a steady pace on his dick, which makes him whine.
Yuta grabs her hair and pulls her up for her kiss. Tasting Yuta’s restlessness, Chloe straddles him and lines up his cock to her pussy. Without breaking the kiss, she slowly lowers herself before raising her hips then slamming back down faster. Yuta grabs her face to break the kiss.
“God, your pussy feels so fucking good,” Yuta says before he delicately kisses her earlobe.
Chloe finds her rhythm and picks up the pace taking him deeper each time. Yuta’s hands move up to massage her breasts, inciting a moan from Chloe.
Yuta can sense that Chloe is about to reach her orgasm soon by the way she’s digging her nails into his shoulders. Taking over, he grabs her hips to steady her before he starts thrusting up into her pussy at a rapid pace.
“FUCK! I’m gonna come,” Chloe warns as she starts rubbing her clit.
Chloe moans as her pussy tightens around Yuta’s dick. Yuta kisses her as she rides out her orgasm. Yuta reaches to pull out, but Chloe stops him.
“I want you to come inside me,” Chloe whispers in his ear before she kisses his neck.
Yuta grabs her ass to press her body closer to him and picks up the pace of his thrusts. Chloe kisses down his chest before licking his left nipple piercing and rubbing the other.
“Fuck! Keep doing that,” Yuta demands.
Not long after, Yuta feels the familiar feeling of pleasure and comes deep inside Chloe. He pulls her face away from his nipple piercing to meet him in a kiss. Coming down from his high, he holds her close as they steady their breathing.
Yuta quickly grabs some tissues as he pulls out and wipes his cum off before it drips out Chloe and onto the couch. He throws the tissues away before returning to the couch to snuggle with Chloe.
Although neither of them would say it out loud, cuddling after sex was one of their favorite things to do together. Yuta buries his face in her hair, pondering how to best choose his next words. He gives Chloe a kiss on her temple, catching her attention.
“You know I’m here for you whenever you need me.” Yuta reminds her as he combs her hair with his fingers.
“I know,” Chloe replies, fearful of what Yuta may say next. Yuta wasn’t usually much of a talker after sex.
“Chloe, I want to be there for you even more than I already am. If you let me,” Yuta confesses.
“Yuta,” Chloe starts. Even if he doesn’t explicitly say it, she knows he wants more.
“Come on, Chloe.”
“You know why. You know what I’m like.”
“Yes I do and that’s why I want you,” Yuta tries to convince her.
Yuta accepting her despite all her issues and flaws should be comforting, it is comforting, but Chloe doesn’t want to let him in. Chloe sighs and closes her eyes. This was not what she wanted to deal with after mindblowing sex. She needs to keep herself centered from her conflicting emotions.
“Forget what I said. I’m leaving,” Yuta announces. He quickly picks up his boxers and jeans from where they were strewn.
Chloe stays silent as she watches Yuta get dressed, unable to find the words that might comfort him. She would be lying if she said she didn’t feel the same as Yuta, but she didn’t feel that she deserved something so good when there was so much bad in her life.
“The sooner I’m out of here, the sooner you’ll want me back anyway,” He lashes out as he grabs his shirt.
“Yuta, It’s not like that,” Chloe starts.
“No it’s cool. I know my place.” Yuta hastily slips on his shoes and opens the front door. “See you tomorrow.”
He steps out of the apartment without turning back.
Chloe feels bad for putting him through this. She feels bad he wants more. She feels bad she can’t bring herself to say she wants more too.
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iboughtaplant · 3 years
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Honey, You’re Familiar Like My Mirror Years Ago
Prompt: Loss of Powers 
Relationship: Eskel/ Geralt 
Rating: T 
Warnings: no warnings apply 
Summary:��Eskel is a witch and he is in love with his familiar, Geralt. It only takes them both temporality losing their powers for him to admit it. 
Second prompt fill for the @witcher-rarepair-summer-bingo
Read it on AO3 
Eskel was hunched over his work table, working intently on figuring out the ingredients for some spell or potion. Geralt, in his cat form, walked across the window sill and hopped down onto the wooden counter, sauntering across the herbs and papers Eskel had laid out. He rubbed his body against Eskel’s forearms and Eskel finally lifted his eyes to look at his familiar. He immediately huffed out a laugh when he saw the dirty state of Geralt’s soft white fur.
“Have you been wrestling with the neighbor’s barn cats again?” Eskel asked Geralt. In response the familiar just daintily started licking one of his white paws.
“I think you might need an actual bath with soap and water. I have more of that grapefruit and bergamot soap you like so much.”
Geralt agreed with a mrrow and Eskel scooped him up into his arms. With Geralt in his arms, Eskel walked to the bathroom and turned on the tap to fill the tub. The tub filled up quickly aided by Eskel’s magic.  
Eskel placed cat Geralt into the bathtub full of steaming water. Once in the water, Geralt shifted into his human form and leaned his arms on the edge of the tub, looking up at Eskel with his golden eyes.
“Help me wash my hair?” Geralt asked in his rumbling voice. It always reminded Eskel of how he purred when in his cat form.
“Of course,” Eskel said as he sat on the floor next to the tub. He pushed the sleeves of his maroon sweater up to his elbows and gathered his own hair up into a knot to keep it out of the way.
They both knew that Eskel could magic Geralt’s hair clean, but Geralt loved physical affection in any way and Eskel loved being able to care for Geralt. Eskel also loved the feeling of Geralt’s long, white hair in his hands.  
Geralt leaned back and let Eskel leisurely wash his hair, humming every now and then as he relaxed in the warm water.
When Eskel was done washing Geralt’s hair, he did however magic his hair dry and quickly braid it knowing how much Geralt hated feeling his wet hair on his neck. He then climbed to his feet and left Geralt to finish his bath with some privacy.
Geralt turned to look at Eskel as he got up, for a cat shifter he was really good at giving Eskel puppy dog eyes. “You can stay,” Geralt said. “You know I don’t mind.”
“I have some salves and balms I need to finish making.”
“Alright,” Geralt said, a bit dejectedly. He picked up the bar soap and a washcloth as Eskel moved to the door. “Thanks for the soap,” Geralt said before Eskel walked out of the bathroom door.
“Anytime,” Eskel said. They both knew he only made that scent of soap especially for Geralt.
When Eskel left the bathroom, he pressed his forehead to the closed bathroom door and let out a breath before going back to his work table in the kitchen. He did have some unfinished salves and balms he could work on, but it wasn’t urgent. It was an excuse. He couldn’t stand to be so close to Geralt and not be able to tell him just how he felt.
Eskel didn’t think he would ever tell Geralt that he not only loved him, but was in love with him. But that was the thing. Was Eskel truly in love with Geralt? Or was it just their bond playing tricks on him? He didn’t want to take advantage of Geralt like that. He was Eskel’s familiar. It was a sacred bond and Eskel was beyond lucky to have Geralt in his life. But that didn’t mean he was in love with him.
Eskel kept thinking about it while he finished making the salves and balms—he figured he might as well follow through with the excuse he made. The thoughts of what Geralt was to him continued to plague him as he switched over to making dinner for the two of them.
He chopped the vegetables and prepared the meat before grabbing two pans out of the cupboard and placing each on a burner. He then lit the flames under the stove burners with a flick of his hand. He added oil and tossed the vegetables in once the oil was heated, satisfied by the sizzle the vegetables made when they made contact with the oil. He left them in the pan to cook while he seared the seasoned meat in the other pan.
Once the steak was cooked he let it rest on a plate. He washed his hands and wiped them on the tea towel thrown over his shoulder. He grabbed bowls and cutlery from the cupboard to set the small table in the corner by the window.
Once the table was set, he realized he had forgotten to make the rice. So he grabbed a pot, added the rice and water and set it on a burner. He waited for it to come to a boil before putting the lid on. He then muttered an incantation to speed up the cook time. He enjoyed the process of cooking and only sped up the cooking process when he needed to.
Before he knew it, the smell of food had lured Geralt out from wherever he had been in their small house. Geralt waltzed into the kitchen on silent feet, but Eskel knew when he entered, their bond ensured it. He was in his human form since they were about to eat, and only wearing a pair of linen pants and a tank top.
Geralt didn’t really like wearing clothes. He wore them when he had to, but Eskel had gotten used to him preferring to wear as little as possible and often shifting into his cat form. It meant that Eskel was mostly desensitized to Geralt’s nudity. It also meant that he constantly found piles of Geralt’s clothing around the cottage, and sometimes outside of the cottage.
“Thank you for making dinner, it smells delicious.” Geralt said once he slinked into his chair across the table from where Eskel had seated himself in his own chair. Geralt got himself situated, sitting sideways and pulling one knee up to his chest while he stretched his other leg out to knock his foot against Eskel’s feet. Geralt’s foot, clean from his recent bath, against Eskel’s feet, dirty from always walking around without shoes on.
“Of course.” Eskel said with a smile as he pushed his feet into the touch of Geralt’s. He liked making dinner for them both and being able to provide for Geralt.
Their dinner was the same as always with them chatting and teasing each other. Eskel was glad that everything felt normal, despite how flustered he felt earlier. He just focused on being happy in Geralt’s presence and tried not to think about how he wanted more. He pushed down the butterflies in his stomach as he pushed his food around on his plate.
The next morning, Eskel loaded up the big wooden crate strapped to the back metal rack of his faded red bicycle. Numerous glass jars and bottles containing various salves, balms, and herb mixtures. He also had two new batches of soap that he made—not the grapefruit and bergamot though, he saved all of those bars for Geralt.
He made sure to weave rolled up tea towels between the glass bottles to keep them from clinking against each other as he rode into town to the market.
He sold his wares, both magical and mundane, at the weekly market held in the center of the tiny town his cottage was on the outskirts of. He was the only witch within miles, so his products were often in high demand.
He just finished making sure everything was secure when a white blur raced past him and jumped into the smaller crate strapped to the bicycle’s handlebars.
He turned to stare at the cat in the crate, and then looked at the pile of clothes on the ground a few feet away. “Really?” He asked. “Why even bother getting dressed then?”
Geralt just stared at him before curling up in the crate. Eskel rolled his eyes fondly as he walked over to Geralt’s discarded clothes and picked them up. He walked back over to the bicycle and shoved Geralt’s clothes into the crate next to him.
Geralt looked up at him as if offended.
“Well you’ll need clothes if you decide to shift back. We can’t have you scandalizing anyone again.”
Eskel then slung a leg over the bike, flicked up the kickstand, and pushed off to ride down the dirt road to the market.
“What did you fall into? You smell absolutely foul,” Eskel said as he backed away from his familiar who was seated on the window sill. His white fur was a disaster, a few briars stuck to it in addition to the general dirt and grime. But the worst was the smell. He knew Geralt couldn’t be enjoying it either.
But his attempt to jump into Eskel’s arms proved that he must have purposely made a mess of himself to justify a bath. Not that him taking a bath needed to be justified. But Eskel knew that his familiar enjoyed the routine of Eskel dumping him into the bath in his cat form and then washing his hair once he shifted.  
“Alright, fine, I’ll play along. Come on, I’ll start the bath.” He picked up Geralt under his front legs and held him at arm’s length instead of curled to his chest like he normally would, he really did stink.
Once in the bathroom, Eskel maneuvered so he could turn on the tap before magicking the water to fill quicker than it could have on its own.
Once the tub was full, he deposited Geralt into the water. But his familiar didn’t shift into his human form like he normally would. It was worrisome, but Eskel figured Geralt was just messing with him or wanted privacy before shifting. It was unusual but not uncalled for.
Eskel turned to leave, he had his hand on the doorknob when Geralt meowed one of the most pitiful meows he had ever heard. It caused Eskel to instantly turn around and look at Geralt. The cat shifter looked afraid. Still in his cat form, sitting in the warm bath water.
“What’s wrong, Geralt?” Eskel asked, kneeling down on the floor by the tub. “Not feeling well? I mean there was that one time a few years ago when you got sick from drinking that potion you thought was tea and were stuck in your human form for a week. Do you think this is like that?”
All Eskel got in response was another scared mrrow, as Geralt’s eyes looked even more panicked. And that was the thing about shifters. While Geralt might shift into a cat, he was not actually a cat. While he couldn’t speak while in his animal forms he still retained all of his human thoughts and feelings. His eyes showed his emotions and he was able to communicate with Eskel a bit through their bond.
It worried Eskel even more that he could feel the worry rolling off of Geralt.
“Are you trying to shift right now?” Eskel asked.
Geralt meowed the affirmative.
“And it’s not working?”
Another affirmative meow, though it sounded even more dejected.
“We’ll figure it out. But first let’s get you clean. I can still wash your hair, well I guess fur in this case,” Eskel said as he pet Geralt’s wet fur.
Once Geralt, still in cart form, was clean and dry he followed Eskel into the living room/library. Geralt hopped up on an armchair and then onto the bookshelf as Eskel flitted around pulling books off of the shelves and flipping through their pages.
“There has to be something about familiars being stuck in their animal form. I mean, you can’t be the first this has happened to, right?” Eskel asked even though he knew he wouldn’t get much of an answer out of Geralt. He was taciturn at the best of times in human form and sometimes, on a normal day, shifted into animal form if he wasn’t up for talking.
So he was sure that being stuck in cat form was not fun for Geralt even if he knew his familiar loved being in his animal form. Eskel figured that having the choice of being able to shift taken away from him was not something Geralt—or any familiar for that matter—would be happy about.
Eskel eventually sat down on the rug, books spread out around him as he took notes and tried to see if there was any useful information. He found a few tidbits of information, but nothing that seemed conclusive.
He was ready to chuck a book at the wall in frustration, when Geralt padded over and delicately plopped himself down in Eskel’s lap. He curled up and started purring. Of course Geralt was still able to read Eskel’s moods, in this case his rising panic and frustration, and came to comfort him.
Eskel pet Geralt’s soft white fur and took a deep breath. He felt himself calm down a bit. He continued petting Geralt with one hand and  he flicked through the pages of a few more books with the other.
Eskel was exhausted and he knew he should eat or at least drink something, but he was not about to disturb Geralt asleep in his lap. His familiar was curled up in a tight ball and purring in his sleep.
He flicked his hand, focusing on the tea kettle in the kitchen to have it warm up water on its own. Another flick to add a tea bag to a mug before he had the mug full of tea hover into the living room, plucking it out of the air and taking a sip.
He then set it down next to his knee and went back to sifting through book pages in search of answers.
Eskel jerked out of the daze he had fallen into when he felt Geralt stand up in his lap and stretch. There was no longer any sunlight streaming in through the windows, just the faint light of the waning moon. Eskel grunted as he felt how stiff his body had become from sitting in the same position for so long.
Following Geralt’s lead, he stretched his arms and neck. He reached for his mug of tea knowing it had long gone cold, but he knew a quick flick of it hand would bring it back to steaming.
When he raised the mug to his lips the tea was warm, but nowhere near the temperature he had been aiming for. “I really must be tired,” he mumbled as he still drank the warmed tea.
He flopped back onto the floor from his seated position, bringing Geralt with him to  rest  on his chest. He sighed. “Guess we should get up and go to bed huh? Try to research some more in the morning,” he squinted to look at the clock on the other side of the room, “well, later morning since it’s already 2 am.”
Geralt kneaded Eskel’s chest a few times, then stretched again before getting up and walking down the hallway. Eskel took that as his cue to get off of the floor and follow.
The next few days followed a similar pattern as Eskel kept researching and even reached out to a few other witches he knew to see if they had any ideas of information. One day he even rode his bicycle—of course with Geralt seated in the front basket to come along for the ride—to the library in town and pursued the minuscule section of magical texts that they had.
It of course ended up being a bust, since the tomes they had were ones he owned and had already looked through.  
Eskel sighed when he exited the library. He felt defeated and he was no closer to figuring out how to help Geralt shift again. He did smile a bit when he came across a young girl petting Geralt where he still rested curled up in the bicycle basket, despite the crooked angle as the bike rested on its kickstand.
He smiled at the girl as he walked closer and she smiled back before running off to join her mom who was calling her from the library entrance.
Eskel smiled down at Geralt, and gave him a few pets himself. “Nothing new,” he said to his familiar. “Looks like we should just head back home and maybe I can try some of those potion recipes I found in the back of that one book. Can’t hurt to try right?”
Geralt meowed in what Eskel took as agreement. It felt like it was getting harder to read Geralt’s responses.
He gave Geralt a last scritch under his chin before swinging a leg over the bicycling and heading down the long dirt road towards home.
Of course their leisurely ride home was interrupted when Eskel crashed the bicycle out of nowhere. It wasn’t much of a crash to be honest. More like the wheel got caught on something and the balance was thrown off.
Geralt was smart enough to leap out of the basket and onto the ground as the bike started careening and Eskel landed on his side on the dirt ground with a solid thump, the bicycle in a heap next to him.
He groaned as he sat up on the ground, resting his head on his knees in frustration. He felt soft fur brush against his arm and raised his head from his knees.
“Geralt, are you all right?” Eskel asked as he drew the cat close to him and checked over his feline body for any injuries. Finding none, he left out a sigh of relief. “It  would have been just my luck to be responsible for you getting hurt while I am already responsible for you being stuck as a cat.”
Geralt just nudged his head against Eskel.
“I’m fine,” Eskel replied. He then got to his feet and examined his bicycle laying on the ground. He bent over it and examined it for damage before focusing on the front wheel.
There was a hole in it. Well, more a tear than just a hole. It must have gotten caught on something sharp in the road.
“Well, it’s nothing a little magic can’t fix,” he muttered. He flicked his hands towards the bicycle wheel intending for a patch on the tear to be created. But. Nothing happened.
He tried again and still nothing. He had never had his magic fail on him before. It must be the stress and exhaustion getting to him he figured.
He looked to Geralt, who just blinked up at him from where he was sitting, waiting.
Eskel groaned, he had been doing a lot of frustrated groaning lately. He ran his hands through his hair and then looked at the bicycle and then back at Geralt.
“I guess we’re walking home.”
He righted the bicycle and leaned it against his legs as he bent over to pick up Geralt. HE cradled his familiar in one arm while he used his other hand to hold the bike’s handlebars to walk it down the long road home.
A couple more days passed and Eskel could confirm that it wasn’t just stress and a lack of sleep, his power was truly gone. He felt a bit helpless even though he had never been one to rely too heavily on magic. Not that it meant much when not having access to his magic made him feel like a part of his soul had been ripped out.
But it was fine. He was managing. But he couldn’t stop thinking about it and about how he was now useless. He could no longer use his magic to try and find a solution to Geralt being stuck in his cat form.
What a sorry pair they made: a witch who lost his powers and a familiar that couldn’t shift.
Eskel felt like was just going to wither away, like his plants on the windowsill that were in various states of wilting as he hadn’t had the motivation to bother tending to them.
He almost felt more tired now that he had been when he was staying up all hours and frantically searching for answers. It was as if not using his powers was making him weaker.
He also observed how Geralt had started acting more and more like a normal cat. He didn’t really feel like Geralt anymore. He hated the water when Eskel tried to give him a bath again, hoping that it would calm him. He also hunted field mice and left them outside the front door, something Geralt had never done before.
And he let Eskel pet him less, even if he did still like being held. Eskel knew Geralt was still behind those golden eyes, but he felt further and further away.
Eskel was tired, well actually he was exhausted. He never thought that not having his powers would drain him so entirely. But then again he never thought he would be stuck powerless.
He was sure most of the exhaustion was caused by worry and not the actual loss of his powers. He was worried because Geralt was also powerless. He was stuck in his cat form and unable to shift back. Eskel had never heard of a familiar being stuck in their animal form unable to control the shift.
It had been a little over a week now and they were both still stuck. Powerless and exhausted. Eskel spoke to Geralt as much as he always did when he was in his cat form, well more he figured since Geralt had solely been in his cat form since this all started. But there was less of a spark in those golden eyes he adored so much.
He was worried that Geralt wasn’t just stuck in his cat form, but was slowly becoming more cat than human. He wouldn’t be a witch without a familiar. But more than that, he wouldn’t be Eskel without Geralt.
Geralt was the best friend he had ever had and the most important person in his life. They were meant to spend their lives together. To grow old and live out their longer than human lifespans together.
Eskel was leaning his hands on the work table, looking at Geralt. Geralt who was standing on Eskel’s work table, all gleaming white fur and golden eyes amidst the detritus of Eskel’s research and potion attempts.
“I don’t know what else to do, Geralt. I don’t have enough chaos left to even try,” Eskel said as he could feel a lump forming in his throat and tears starting to streak down his cheeks.
“I don’t know what to do. And usually when that happens you’re there to help me realize that I do know. But you’re fading even more than I am and I’ve let you down. A witch is supposed to be able to take care of their familiar and I’ve failed at that.” Eskel said through tears still trailing down his face.
Geralt mrrowed and Eskel looked at him, only feeling even more tears and snot on his face.
He picked up Geralt and cradled him in his arms. HE had no idea what else to do, but Geralt cuddling into him always helped ground him, whether he was in  human or cat form.
Eskel rested his forehead against Geralt’s soft fur and felt himself calm at least a little bit.
He spoke again. “You are the most important thing in my life. I try to tell you, but I’m never sure if it’s enough.” He paused and took a deep breath. It was now or never and he was always told that love was one of the most powerful sources of magic.
Eskel let out his deep breath before whispering, “I  love you Geralt, and I will always love you even if you are stuck as a cat forever. Even if I can never do magic again. Even if we both fade to nothing soon. I love you. And I am in love with you.”
He paused again. Hoping something would happen, but nothing did.
Eskel sighed. He looked down at Geralt in his arms. And in a last ditch effort, muttered “I love you” again and kissed the space between his pointed cat ears.
Still nothing happened and Eskel was sure was going to have a mental breakdown. He felt his body slump, his willing giving out.
Which is of course when something happened. One second he was holding Geralt’s small feline body to his chest and in the next he had a very human, and very naked Geralt in his arms.
“Geralt,” Eskel all but sobbed. He clung to the other man, moving his arms around Geralt’s back and leaned forward so that Geralt could sit on the counter. Eskel didn’t want to risk dropping him.
He leaned even further forward, pressing his nose into Geralt’s neck as Geralt wrapped his legs around Eskel’s waist.
“I thought I was going to lose you,” Eskel murmured into Geralt’s skin. “I didn’t want to lose you.”
“I’m right here. You didn’t lose me.” Geralt said in his rough voice. Eskel swore the fresh tears rolled down his face when he heard Geralt’s voice for the first time in more than a week.
Geralt moved his arms from where they were wrapped around Eskel’s sturdy shoulders and cupped his jaw, urging Eskel to look at him.
Their eyes met and Eskel swore he would be happy to drown in Geralt’s golden irises.
“I love you too, Esk.”
And Eskel felt yet even more tears, but this time happy tears. He had never cried this much in his life, but he supposed love made him weepy. Because that’s what it was: love. He was in love. And Geralt loved him back.
Once the shock of having Geralt back wore off a bit, Eskel realized that Geralt was still very very naked and sitting on Eskel’s work table, his legs still wrapped tightly around Eskel’s waist.
“You’re naked,” Eskel said with a giggle.
“You’ve seen me naked before. I’m almost always naked if we’re being honest.”
“Yes, but this time you are naked in my arms and we love each other.”
“We’ve always loved each other,” Geralt replied, affection coloring his voice and his gaze as he looked at Eskel.
“I know,” Eskel said. “And I was an idiot who didn’t want to admit to being in love. I didn’t want you to feel like you had to love me. Didn’t want you to think it was just because of our bond.”
“So what if it was?” Geralt asked.
“I didn’t want to force you. Or...take advantage of you.”
“You would never take advantage of me. Just because we have a bond doesn’t mean I don’t have free-will. And if the past week’s events are anything to go by, I think our bond is strengthened by our love.”
“You’re a sap,” Eskel teased.
“Takes one to know one.” Geralt said as he squeezed Eskel’s waist with his muscled legs and leaned in to kiss his scarred cheek and then his neck above the collar of his sweater. Eskel groaned before tilting Geralt’s chin up and placing a chaste kiss to his cheek.
“Can I kiss you?”
“You just did,” Geralt responded cheekily.
“You know what I mean, wiseass.” Eskel said as he gently pinched Geralt’s thigh wrapped around him.
They both laughed and then leaned forward at the same time, their lips meeting gently. It was the best kiss that Eskel had ever experienced.
One kiss turned into many, as their lips kept meeting each other. When their lips separated Eskel continued kissing Geralt’s soft skin. His jaw, his neck, his collarbone, his shoulder.
It was Geralt’s turn to groan. “Esk, mmm, can we take this somewhere else? Gonna have a permanent mark from the counter on my ass if we stay here any longer.” Geralt joked.
“Well we can’t have that,” Eskel said as he shifted a bit and gripped Geralt under his thighs to lift him off of the counter.  
“So I can get you to carry me when in human form. Too heavy my ass.”
“I mean, there is a lot of it.”
“Hey, don’t press your luck, I could drop you.”
“You would never.”
“Only onto my bed.”
“You think you’re smooth now, huh?” Geralt asked teasingly.
“Well I do have a gorgeous naked man in my arms, so something worked.”
“That something being a magical intervention in the form of us temporarily losing our powers to sort our shit out.”
“So you admit it worked out.”
Geralt nipped his ear and then spoke directly into it, “Just make love to me already.”
“Of course,” Eskel said, gently dropping Geralt onto his bed. “I’d love nothing more.”
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Nothing Holding Me Back | Tom Hiddleston x Reader | Part One
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Summary:  Tom and the reader have been dating for some time. The reader is dying to take this relationship to the next level but Tom is hesitating. So the reader takes things into her own hands and sets up a date night that will certainly light up Tom’s fire.
Warnings: none for this chapter.
You and Tom had been dating for about a month but nothing serious. Everything had been very low-key with no expectations but you were getting antsy for Tom to make a move. Your last three dates had all been lovely. There had been fancy dinners, long walks, holding hands and chaste kisses goodnight. And Tom had been a perfect gentleman. Which was part of your frustration. You were craving something with a little more heat and….well….sex.
So with the help of Luke (who was completely supportive by the way), you had arranged this little date night. Luke had been kind of enough to cancel the dinner reservations Tom had made. Instead, he suggested a few ideas to add some excitement to the evening. Tom was hesitant at the last minute change of plans.
“Darling, you know I don’t like surprises,” he protested when you called the morning of to break the news.
“Tom, I promise you will have a good time. And if for any reason you feel uncomfortable, you can pull the plug and we will go,” you assure him.
After about 15 minutes of cajoling, he agreed to the mystery date as he had taken to calling it. But it was clear he was not convinced.
“Only for you. But I am not pleased with this arrangement. I will be keeping you on a short leash.”
You smile into the phone and can’t stop yourself from responding, “Oh, Tom, I never thought you would ask.”
You start giggling and Tom laughed, regretting the comment. “You know what I mean.”
“I do. And I didn’t know you had it in you,” you retorted not letting up for one minute.
Tom cleared his throat and changed the subject. “I will pick you up at 6.”
“I will be ready.” And with that you hung up, leaving Tom anxious about what was going to happen that night.
Tom’s anxiety melted away when you emerged from your home a few minutes after six and a sense of lust replaced it. You could not hide your smile when you saw his eyes widen and him swallowing hard when he saw your outfit.
You had picked out a form fitting dress that showed off your body. The low cut neckline of the dress showed a tasteful amount of cleavage and the hemline skimmed your thighs. Your legs looked miles long thanks to five inch heels.
“You look ravishing,” he stumbled over his words and he snaked his arm around your waist to pull you in for a kiss.
He kissed you deeply. His scruff scratching against your cheek as he continued to kiss you. You could feel the heat radiating off his body through his button down shirt. You could feel heat building up in your core and a dampening in your panties. You would have loved nothing more than to grip him by the lapels of his coat and yank him into your house. And then have your way with him all night but where was the fun in that? You wanted to torture him a bit. All is fair in love and war, right? You pull away.
“Thank you, you don’t look too shabby yourself.”
You step back and take in the tall drink of water Tom is. His curly ginger locks tousled from your embrace and his skin slightly flushed. You take his hand and lead him to the car.
“Come on, we don’t want to be late.”
Tom breaks out into a huge smile as the door shuts behind the two of you. You started the night with food truck tacos. The food was tasty, decadent and sloppy. Tom managed to get sauce on his coat. Upon getting back into the car for the second destination, he quickly shed his jacket.
As he leaned forward to pull his arms out, his face comes within inches of your ample cleavage. You decide to tease him a bit. You stretch your arms up which moves your chest that much closer. You see his cheeks flush and his eye widen for the second time that night. Hopefully, not the last.
“Why Tom, I never thought you the type to strip for me,” you commented as he leans back, shifting in his seat next to you.
Desired effect achieved.
Tom, becoming wise to your plans, leaned over to whisper in your year.
“Only for you, darling. And the night is still young,” he used his “Loki” voice. The one that makes you puddle.
His velvety voice causes you to shuddered and now it was Tom’s turn to smirk in satisfaction. The rest of the evening was going to be a game of the two of you seeing how awkward and aroused you could make the other.
The next stop after tacos had been karaoke. The air in the bar was thick with the smell of decades of smoke from when smoking happened in bars. It was the kind of place where even if a celebrity showed up, no one would care. Unpretentious and discrete. Luke had done his homework.
You both agreed to pick the song for each other and that is would be a surprise for the singer. With a thin crowd that night, you did not have to wait long until the emcee called Tom’s name.
“And up next is another newcomer, Tom. With a sexy little song that makes all the ladies weak in the knees and wet in the drawers. He will be singing that Marvin Gaye classic, “Let’s Get It On.” Come on up Tom!”
If looks could kills those baby blues were daggers. You throw your hands up in a gesture as to say “You asked for it.”
With a glint in his eyes, Tom saunters up to the stage, taking the mic. Tom’s head drops as he looks at the ground and he waits. The familiar opening notes come on and Tom’s head pops up. There was a look of hunger and need in his eyes. His blue eyes were even more brilliant than you had ever seen before. The heat radiating out of them could bore a hole to your soul. You could feel your core heating up once again. Now you were the one squirming with discomfort.
Of course, his singing is near perfection. His hips swaying to the rhythm of the song in a hypnotic dance.. There were few women in the dark bar besides yourself but the ones who are were under the Hiddleston spell. You see them gazing at Tom on the stage with a look of lust that made you feel a twinge of jealousy. He was yours and no one else’s.
Tom’s song ended and he got a resounding round of applause from the audience. A couple of ladies gave a standing ovation.
As he sat you pulled him close and gave him a deep kiss on the lips, marking your territory. You could feel every eye of every female in the room staring you down with jealousy. But your moment of triumph was short lived as the emcee started up again.
“And up next we will have a newcomer, Wow, another sexy little number. She is singing that 80s one hit wonder, I Touch Myself by the Divinyls!”
You throw a dirty look at Tom, who throws his arms similar to yours earlier. You stand up and walk your way up to the stage, swaying your hips with each step. From behind you, you hear a few wolf whistles and you step up onto stage and snag this mic from the emcee.
The strains of the music start and you look at the computer screen in front of you. As soon as you start singing, you turn the sex kitten switch on.
You belt at the tune like no one is watching. You make sure to rake your hands up and down your curves making sure to brush your hands repeatedly over your crotch. You can feel all the eyes on you but you don’t care. You want to play Hiddleston, okay, let’s play.
And of course, when the moans came up in the lyrics, you give your best impression of hitting an orgasmic high. With your eyes closed, you couldn’t see Tom’s reaction but if you had you would seen him with a look of shock and arousal. He fidgeted in his seat. Mostly due to the discomfort he felt in his trousers. You ended your song, you received a resounding applause for the mostly male audience, with several standing.
You sashayed back to your table only for Tom to rise quickly from the table. You lose sight of him but turned to hear the next singer as he starts to sing some off key notes to “Welcome to the Jungle.”
Tom was gone quite some time, such you were worried something had happened to him or he had bailed. Just as you turned to look for him again, you feel Tom grab your wrist to pull you up from the table.
“Time for us to go, Darling.”
You open your mouth to protest but Tom takes his other arm, snakes it around your waist and roughly pulls you close into him.
“This is not a negotiation. We are leaving.”
His tone is not menacing but urgent and authoritative. Not wanting to push your luck, you are left with little choice but to allow him to usher you out a side door.
Tom steps away from you, pulls his phone out to make a call. The cool L.A. air hit your skin and you quickly shivered from the loss of Tom’s heat. You turned to see what he is doing. You overheard snippets of his conversation.
“Is everything all set?”
“Can you call the driver?”
“And he knows what to do?”
Placing the phone back into his pocket, he turned to face you. He had a hungry, lustful look upon his face. His eyes wide and skin flushed. Almost instinctively, you backed away, but you quickly felt your back against a wall. Cornered, now it was your time to swallow hard. You couldn’t tell by his face, if he was aroused or pissed off but you prayed it was the former.
Like a cat, he slinked towards you and placed an arm next to your head. He leaned in and you thought he was going to kiss you but instead he put his lips to your ear and in a low, seductive whisper, he said, “You have been quite the naughty girl tonight, Y/N. You have teased and tortured all night.”
You gulp and felt your face flush. You have suddenly lost some of your nerve from earlier in the night in the face of this different Tom. He was dominating and frankly, it was an incredible turn on. He continued.
“I thought you wanted the romantic dinners. To take it slow. But clearly I misjudge you.” He stepped back as though he was sizing you up. You found your voice and step forward. You get inches from his face.
“I did want them! But I want the sex and the heat as well! Can’t I have both? I mean what is the point of having a hot as fuck boyfriend if you can’t enjoy all of him,” you said a bit more forceful than you had intended to.
Tom blinked and then pulls you in for a deep kiss. You moaned into his mouth which allows his tongue entry to your mouth. You gripped the back of Tom’s head, fingers intertwining with his curls and pull him closer, if it was possible. With tongues and mouths exploring each other, the two of you are lost in a private world. So oblivious to the outside world, the two of you didn’t notice a limo parking beside you. If it was only when Tom broke the kiss, you noticed the long, black car.
With bated breath, Tom said, “Get in the car.”
You looked at him with shock.
“This is not our car.”
“It is now. I thought we needed something with a bit more…err.. privacy. Now get in the car.”
He opened the door and you slide across the seat in the back seat. It is dark inside with just some small interior lights along the door lighting the inside. The partition is up and there is no indication inside of their destination.
Tom quickly followed you inside and shut the door behind him. Without any instruction, the car began to move. You had a sense of excitement and anticipation in your stomach. You looked over at Tom. He licked his lips.
“Now…where were we?” he questioned in mock confusion. You took the opportunity to shimmy your already short skirt up to your upper thigh. You swung your leg over Tom and straddled his lap facing him.
“I believe this is where we left,” you said with a smirk as you grabbed his collar of his shirt and continued the kiss from outside the limo. Tom hungrily enters your mouth and you both groaned against each others lips.
With the privacy of a limo, Tom allowed his hands to explore your body. He raked his fingers up and down your curves of your body. You felt the heat radiating from each digit. His fingertips grazed softly over your breasts, heaving from your panting. You grind into his lap and felt the beginnings of his arousal through his trousers and now it was Tom’s turn to groan.
“Oh fuck, darling, why did we wait so long to do this?”
“You were too busy being a gentleman,” you respond and bit down on his lower lip. He let out a soft moan.
“Well I will never make that mistake again.”
With that, he grabbed your ass and pulled you in another embrace and began to attack your mouth with a wanton desire, like a man who had been starved for weeks and was put in front of a banquet.
As you grind together, you both groan into each others mouths which just fuels the passion. Tom’s hands are everywhere. As he grabs your ass, he moves your dress up and up towards your hips, exposing your panties. A black lace thong. Tom approves.
“Darling, you do come prepared, don’t you?” he commented as he sucked red marks in the crook of your neck.
Your only response is a moan into his lips. As you prepare to attack his neck, Tom suddenly pulls your dress back down. Confused for a moment, you hear a deep voice ring out.
“We are here, Mr. Hiddleston, do you want me to use the side entrance?”
Tom leaned to look over your shoulder, but kept a firm on your hips, grinding you in his lap. Making sure to push his engorged member through his trousers and onto your ever more wet entrance. You went to moan but Tom brought a finger to your lips to shush you.
“Yes, James and thank you.”
Tom just holds you in place until the car comes to a stop and then slid you off to the side. The door opened and Tom held your hand and helped guide you out of the car.
“Where are we?” There was an unfamiliar hotel in front of them.
“Well, darling, after your little performance, I felt we need a bit more privacy than my flat or your home. Plus this was much closer and I didn’t want to wait to ravish you.”
Tom led you quickly through the back entrance and before you knew it, the two of you were all over each other in a service elevator. Tom grabbed your wrist and pulled you down the hallway towards the door at the end. He fumbled the key for a bit and after some struggle, which only led to frustration, he got the door open and pulled you in.
He led you to the bed before climbing on top and kissing you fiercely with the hunger of a man with lust on his mind. You squirm underneath him. He pulled back.
“Darling, I am going to take my time, so the less you squirm and fight, the better off you are. I would hate to have to tie you down,” He shot you a naughty glance.
You raised an eyebrow.
“Very forward, Mr. Hiddleston, like you could actually control me,” you smirk back.
His eyes darkened.
“Just watch me.”
And with that you continued to his attack upon your body, pinning your wrist above your head. You groaned and moaned to his touch and hoped this night was just the first of many.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Treats For You (M)
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↳ PAIRING: yuzuru hanyu × reader
↳ PLOT: You tend to a nervous Yuzu the night before a skating competition.
↳ WORD COUNT: 9k | one shot | domestic au, smut
↳ WARNINGS ⚠️ pwp, dom/sub, feeding yuzu treats, pegging, some very wet oral (m giving), cum play, oh lord it gets graphic, fingering, crying, mommy kink, yuzu’s crazy back arch, rough sex, masochism, aftercare, some asthma talk
↳ CARO’S NOTE: inspired by this juicy gif. PS: since i usually post for other fandoms — if you’re unfamiliar with yuzu, visit this intro post. 
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Just two minutes after you switch off the light, he starts fidgeting. 
Repeatedly, all while messing around with his pillow. Soon enough, the blanket you share becomes all disheveled. 
You turn your head towards the window to check. All as usual. The blinds are perfectly drawn to shut out the moonlight. Meanwhile, the humidifier infuses the air in gentle ten-minute intervals. Not even the heater is bumbling tonight. Yuzuru keeps on rustling beside you, still. Some of his plushies fall off the bed, one after the other.
Of course he can’t sleep. It’s daunting, no precaution ever helps. The blanket couldn’t be any more crumpled up at this point.
„I’m so nervous,“ he finally sits up another minute later, causing the duvet to lift. A little sigh follows.
Eventually, you turn in the sheets yourself, now facing him. Or rather, what you can vaguely make out as his crouching silhouette.
„Hey,“ you mumble from your left side of the bed. „You watched all of the performances from last month.“ You pat Yuzu’s pillow, hoping he would sink down on it again. „At least twice. Or more.“
God knows for how many hours he stretched in front of the TV on his spongy blue yoga mat, reviewing mountains of footage with a furrowed brow worthy of a restaurant critic.
Every jump and every turn, analyzed over and over. Down to the millimeter. Even the costume got its fair share of scorn. Too wide there, this detail on the collar could be different, that part gets in the way while doing spins.
„It’s all— I don’t know what I’m lacking these days.“
The silhouette doesn’t look like it’s headed to lie down again for the time being. You reach toward your bedstand’s squiggly designer lamp. After fumbling about in the dark, you find the bulky switch at its bottom. On goes the light again. Perhaps a bit too bright, both of you squint hard.
„It’s not like you’re dropping to second place anytime soon.“
Given how you thought you could call it a day before Yuzu started to fidget, maybe your voice is not fully resonant yet. It still carries a little unspoken ‚…right?‘ with it. 
As soon as you finish the sentence, you feel how he can pick up on it already. The humidifier dryly comments by puffing out a cloud of lavender steam.
„I don’t really know,“ Yuzu retorts twisting, going into a deep shrug. He is completely sunken now.
„Looks like a simple big hug won’t do, hm.“
Yuzuru ends up nodding. It’s more knowing than admitting. But you don’t like the sense of resignation that comes with it, at all. The problem goes a little deeper than just motivating him with the stats he ironically already knows, times better than you, even.
It’s been going on for the entire day. The last time he made such a grouchy face at his videos was around Christmas. Back then, he couldn’t quite get the jumps right at the start of his routine. But now? His scores are just fine. Not to mention the jumps.
„I didn’t think you were lacking,“ you say. „You just fell once during training.“
And that was because he was fooling around during a break, not in the serious exercises.
„Sorry for bothering you,“ he buries his face in the blanket, beginning to ruffle his hair all over the place. Frustrated Friday-evening-Yuzu always does that, but the energy doesn’t seem to go anywhere this time.
The murmur of his stomach isn’t hard to miss either. You lay your hand on Yuzu’s back.
„Is it because you didn’t eat?“
You wonder what he had for dinner.
Only more guilty stomach growling reaches you as a reply. Figures: He skipped it, and lunch, too. His breakfast was so frugal, you don’t even remember whether he had his milk or not. 
Yuzu was already pacing around in the living room at that point. Recalling the tricky parts of the upcoming choreography, treading his feet into the carpet, humming the steady rhythm of his skating program.
„Maybe I’m turning into a snickers diva,“ a muffled little comment emerges from where his chaotic hair sticks out from the duvet. At this point, his face is all buried there.
„I mean. If you allow me to baby you…“
Three minutes later. You rub your eyes, shift from leg to leg. The kitchen floor is as cold as ever so you regret not putting on socks. Meanwhile, there’s no problem raiding the fridge. 
You could go to the grocery store five times a day and buy everything Yuzu’s mouth waters over — it’d still be stacked to the top. Snacks, veggies, particular sports drinks in weird blue colors, Japanese pickled plums, gyoza left-overs, salad, various fizzy drinks, mostly lemonade.
It’s like that with any food. Out of sight, out of mind. He won’t bother getting up from the yoga mat if he’s fixated on the TV.
After making two distinct picks and checking whether the fridge door closes properly, then bustling at the sink with a towel, you trot back to the bedroom. Equipped. In the meantime, Yuzu has recollected his plushies from the floor, gently aligning them next to his pillow. 
They’re all in their strictly defined place again. You enter just the second after he’s arranged them in the usual half-circle order, centered around his favorite, all-time friendly-eyed Winnie Pooh bear.
„Will you look at that,“ you plant your little kitchen conquests onto the bed, rousing approval noises from Yuzuru who sparkles right at the box and plate you brought along. The grouchy face dissolves, curiosity takes its place. His food reactions will always be the cutest to you.
„From the market. Wasn’t too expensive.“
Freshly doused in the sink, plump and very ripe.
„And rice cakes!“
Truth be told, there couldn’t be a bigger comfort food on his list and you shamelessly exploit the very fact.
„Every competition has a victory meal. Here, fruits first.“
After plopping down on the mattress yourself, you pick up one, then two strawberries. Immediately, Yuzu’s little upturned mouth opens wide as if a tiger baby was yawning. 
He chews more eagerly than you thought. If you pass him pretzel sticks while he reviews things on the TV, he barely eats one or two of them.
„I like these,“ he swallows, prying for the next fruit in your hand already. „Sweet!“
„Tastes best with cake,“ you rearrange your sitting position, making sure to park your cold feet next to Yuzuru’s very warm ones. His toes are readily brushing against yours, Yuzuru perhaps not even noticing they do. He’s too fixated on the little cakes. In all things he does— focus incarnate. He can’t help it.
„Yes, I wanna try!“
You rummage in the packaging you brought along, draw forth a first treat. A second one you set aside on the plate. Tiger baby opens his mouth even wider, in goes the first chunk of the rich delicacy. Lord have mercy on his stomach, it’s 11:15 PM. But what’s normal to him, anyways.
Ten more minutes pass. After the strawberry box is two thirds empty and three juicy rice cakes have embarked on their last journey, Yuzu looks a lot more content than before, even if his bedhead arguably makes him look like a mad scientist. Junior professor Yuzuru Hanyu, escapee from his genius lab that exploded in a blaze of smoke. 
You take it as your task to brush the outlaw strands back into their place with your fingers after pulling out a wet wipe — those with the way too astringent citrus flavor— from your bedstand, cleaning your hands off the rice. It’s not like your hands aren’t sticky on the regular.
To your satisfaction, Yuzu looks like a swaying cat, nestled into his blanket. With no more stomach growling audible, gladly. You put the plate on the bedside table, lean forward to kiss his belly, and shoot him a fracture of an ambiguous gaze.
„So… Fancy getting even more stuffed?“
„Sure! Is it a surprise?“ Yuzu looks around, presumably searching for more food you brought along.
The pure soul.
„Well, we already had dessert.“
„Oh, right! But, what’s the food, then?“
A little pause follows. Yuzuru couldn’t look any more thrilled. You decide to go with it.
„You’re too innocent,“ you lower down your pants by an inch, thumbs demonstratively hooked into the hem. You raise your eyebrows into a question that he cannot miss. „If you want. You might wanna grab your spray first, though.“
Only the last part fully registers in Yuzuru’s expression that finally goes from curious to… sheepish. He caught on.
Asthma spray at 11:30 PM is a cue he’s gotten familiar with over the last four months. Not in a million years did he think he’d ever have to use it late at night. Whatever decision process is rattling through Yuzu’s brain right now, it’s a fast one, though.
„Ha— okay!“
„Alright, Yuzu.“
„Just once second!“
Food round number two, it is. You kick off your pants and underwear but make sure they don’t land any place where plushies are. Yuzu is already busy at the other end of the room, visibly at work with shaky hands, browsing the cupboard with meds next to the window.
Now that he’s double nervous, you curse your idea, but remind yourself of the last late-evening time Yuzu had his head between your legs. ‚I dunno, I was just concentrated‘ are the words that stuck with you after asking him how on earth he kept his breath for what felt like 45 seconds. 
Whatever masochist devil has been driving him, it gave your boyfriend skills you never even knew were possible to have out of absolute nowhere. Not to mention how easily it distracted him from anything else in the world.
Maybe that focus is an effect easy to replicate, you think. Anything that can take his mind off the competition tomorrow is worth trying.
Carefully, you move over to the right side of the bed. Then, recline on Yuzu’s pillow — on his explicit wish two months ago, you meticulously keep that tradition — and feel surrounded by plushies already. 
Back then, Yuzu insisted that he shouldn’t be the only one watching out for you when you’re having sex. And that the pillow just smells really good of your hair afterwards. So there you lay, feeling all kinds of horny. Given that Yuzu is already returning to the bed, swiping his hair off his forehead. Looking very refreshed, letting his breath play. Sexy.
And there it goes already. The I dunno, I was just concentrated gaze. You arrange your legs wide enough for Yuzu to settle in the middle, him still sitting upright. His hands are still shaky when they reach around your outer thigh, but his eyes don’t lie to you in the very least.
„Your breath alright?“
A little nod, but he doesn’t heed the question for any longer. There’s gladly nothing that his lung doctor can’t figure out. You count on that, but asking doesn’t hurt.
Meanwhile, Yuzu’s eager eyes are already drawn downwards. Getting bigger and bigger. The surprise he had anticipated in fact now dances over his face, flighty and polite, but nonetheless apparent to you. He’s smiling, and it looks shy in the light of the bedstand lamp.
„I, ah…“
It’s as if he hasn’t seen you naked before, every time. For whatever reason, Yuzu always reverts to virgin mode with his first glance. You admit it’s flattering and amusing alike, but also — leaves you with Hitchcock level suspense. 
Yuzuru has proven himself to be an expert in summoning a beginner’s zeal, an almost childlikeness. That keeps you on your toes and promises an intensity that routine and pragmatic energy management could never give you.
After letting his eyes linger a little more, his lips become visibly impatient. He’s already licking them. You’d promised food, and he takes it seriously. That Yuzu’s fingers stroke rather weirdly at your thighs does not escape your attention either. They’re practicing.
„Help yourself, touch.“
The stroking ceases. Yuzu doesn’t hesitate to reach down with his left. How he touches you sends a row of tingles down your legs. His fingertips are amazingly dainty and soft. He explores. Then, soon keeps on caressing about, leans his head forward, all still from his seated position. It doesn’t take too long until he goes straight to getting you off with his right hand.
„This is, wow,“ he mumbles to himself, already immersed in rubbing your clit. Going in circles, taking his time. Alternating between index and thumb.
„Yeah. That’s the spot,“ you shift in the pillow, eventually finding a good position to relax. You exhale, focus on his hand.
„So smooth,“ Yuzu traces his joining left hand up and down your labia.
„Maybe someone wants a taste?“
You were right that he would forget practically anything else. The yoga mat worry brow is blown off his face. Substituted by— appetite.
„Not just maybe, actually.“
Spreading your legs a little more is invitation enough to have Yuzuru lower his head onto your pubic bone, tongue already searching for its favorite place. Your fingers gently interlace in his hair as soon as he starts sucking. Keeping his bangs out of his eyes.
How unafraid to bury his face he is you soon get to witness. You can feel the bridge of his nose glide from lip to lip, and the feathery light brush of his lashes at the base of your inner thighs. 
Yuzu’s tongue has always been cheeky, but today, it feels particularly adventurous and slippery. He can’t help but fumble about with his hands simultaneously. Beginner’s zeal, you knew it’d come.
The bucking of your hips comes too naturally to be controlled. Nor does Yuzuru know just how to hold his head back from thrusting. This little shit. Whatever is in those rice cakes, it made him a new level of keen. Soon enough, his tongue has riled you up plenty, and his focused eyes have become entirely monotone. Only preoccupied with one thing and one thing alone. 
Just how much he dedicates his attention has to be a thing for the books. You feel like blowing up and moaning like crazy at this point, but manage to at least puff out. He knows you’re way too close. There’s a little smile you feel in the way he eats you.
„So that mouth gets a cum filling,“ you twist your fingers out of Yuzu’s wild hair. It’s all tangled again. The return of the mad professor. He has all the space in the world to bop his head as much as he wants now. One, two, three plushies fall over and tumble around the mattress. He doesn’t notice.
The warmth between your legs has been growing ceaselessly. Now, ready to brim. With Yuzu’s agile tongue slipping back and forth over your clit in erratic intervals, you feel like losing your mind with every lick. The way his lips excite you gives off the lewdest sucking noises. All wet, and resolute like a chess player not to drop you off that high. 
He keeps his laps consistent, leans in more, and eventually— tips you off the edge with a fast sequence of letting his tongue dip under the hood of your clit. And letting it stay there, all until your legs start twitching. You groan out.
Yuzu gets a big. Fat. Cum filling indeed.
Your breath goes short, you grab his shoulders. Growling, cursing. Trying to ride the wave, but the contractions catch you harder than you thought. You can practically feel how much you ooze out and ruin his face. 
Bratty he is, Yuzuru forms his mouth all kissy and pecks your clit through every throb. Until the shockwaves subside, letting your shaking thighs off the hook eventually.
Too fucking intense. The surge of pleasure keeps on making your mind hazy long after your orgasm is over. To add fuel to the fire, Yuzuru rubs his belly, as if he just had two happy meals for the price of one.
Pulling off, his face is all bright and slobbery in its remaining smile. His lips are cum-glazed, and more than just plain sweat trickles down his nose. Nothing better than a facial right in front of twenty plushies. Who knew Winnie the Pooh himself would ever be eye witness to Yuzu’s sporty head game. 
Friendly bear he is, it doesn’t seem to bother him. From unsuspecting comfort teddy on Yuzu’s lap 23/7 to live-action porn audience. First row, no popcorn though, but HD sound quality and claims to free spit. The guy is living his absolute best life, isn’t he.
„You… growling. That was pretty hot,“ Yuzuru says. His jaw is hanging all loose and most of his speech is slurred. Yuzu looks all satiated. In your mind, you pat yourself on your own shoulder. Boyfriend corruption: almost complete.
„Like being spoiled? I want you to clean that up.“
Yuzu squeaks out giddy in reply. A moment later, he goes back to lean down again, swallowing and licking up cum from your drenched, swollen lips. His slurping noises are indulgent, wet, and desperately slutty. He succeeds in cleaning you up, but keeps on messing up himself even more. Yuzuru delights in rubbing his whole face into your dripping pussy until his eyebrows are sticky, his lids and cheeks are damp, and you feel capable to get up from the pillow.
Despite not being underneath the blanket, you notice that your feet aren’t that cold anymore.
He sits on the bed like a mermaid, huddled close to you. Normally, he would visibly sort his thoughts like that, but now, all he does is blink and nuzzle up against you with his forehead. 
Settling, Yuzuru doesn’t seem to know where to put his hands and you take it as a chance to pepper them with kisses. The back of the hand, the palms, the wrists. It calms you, and it calms him.
You feel entirely drenched, refreshed and relaxed at once. How Yuzuru cuddles against your legs makes your heart warm, and the moment is blissful.
One lavender steam cloud later, you feel like moving again. Maybe there are two restless people in this relationship. The thought of it is funny.
„We could go on a little more,“ eventually, you pat his head. „With something different if you want.“
„Do you still have energy?“ he asks. His breath is somewhat slowing already. It feels hot against your leg.
„More than before, actually.“
He sits up. Looks like you surprised him again. Little does Yuzu know how much he shakes you up.
You nod, twirling at his bangs now.
„I have an idea. So… you remember what’s been waiting in a box for a month.“
You can tell he knows exactly what you mean. No doubt he didn’t take very long to recall it, either. That tells you something.
„Can we use it?“
That answer was fast.
„It’s what I’ve been thinking.“
„We’ve been putting this off but I’m still curious.“
And your guess was correct. It’s definitely been on his mind.
„Yeah, you’re right.“
Promptly, you direct your eyes to the bedroom cupboard to your far left. The one containing various kinds of skating blades in slender packagings, tracksuits in dark colors, fan presents, and mail orders. Among them, a larger jet black box—
That neither Yuzu nor you dared to open given it was a product of a reckless button click at 2 PM.
Admittedly, after Yuzu passed you a way too expensive bottle of sake that he got for his birthday. Since he’s allergic to alcohol, somebody thought she could give it a sure try instead. Pouring $200 into the sink would have been the better option.
Said black box soon sits between the two of you, wide open to reveal the truth of what sake can do.
„Oh man. What have I done.“
That button click comes back to bite you big time.
„This looks, I think, realistic—?“
At least on the surface.
Of course, you drunk fool had to order the ‚sculpted, real-life imitation‘ version. You couldn’t be any more embarrassed. No more alcohol in this flat, that’s for sure. What else to do but take it in stride now that the box is already open, though.
„I uh, think so. At least with the veins.“
„It’s… it is really big.“
At least three times Yuzu’s flaccid size if you don’t hallucinate right now.
„I don’t know how I’m not gonna tear you apart. How many inches are these, 12? My drunk self is too ambitious.“
Maybe you shouldn’t have used that word and said ‚reckless‘ instead. Because ambition surely and habitually triggers a prancing and posing Shia LaBeouf shouting ‚do it!‘ in Yuzuru’s athlete brain. You can see it in his eyes and already regret thinking out loud.
„We can still try.“
„If that’s a good idea or not we will probably see,“ you begin to inspect the contents one by one up close. „I think I bought a weapon.“
„Now I know why they call guns a strap,“ Yuzuru equally peaks over the edge of the box, looking like his future just flashed before his eyes.
„Next time I pass the sake to your coaches or something,“ you end up pulling out the red harness kit that glaringly lays on top of the contents. All looking very adjustable indeed. „That’s what my midnight fantasy seems to look like.“
Yuzu snakes his hand into the box himself now. Pulling out a transparent, orange-pink 13 oz bottle with a bubbly-looking fluid inside. Gaudy stuff, but a generous amount.
„Mister Lube. My new best friend,“ he says, laying the bottle aside and then pulling off his black PJ shirt. Although he strips quite leisurely, you can tell that Yuzuru is a little tense in his torso. That you will attend to in a minute, you think. But beforehand, you let your eyes roam for something else.
„They probably have something to clean it with in there as well. Let me see.“
You find that even if you might have ordered all this pretty tipsy, the toy set does have its quality. Just before you want to ask Yuzuru to warm up, he visibly ponders, then cleans his pajamas off the bed to make space for a little area.
„If you don’t mind, I stretch my muscles,“ Yuzuru puts aside a couple of plushies, too, but keeps Pooh close, assuming his typical pre-training stances.
He knows himself. That’s good.
„Tell me if you need help for the thigh stretching.“
In the meantime, you ease into the red kit and arrange the box contents on the bed. There seem to be fifteen things going on at once. If this would be public in the slightest, you believe the two of you must look like a bunch of eccentrics to anybody who’d watch you.
Ten minutes later, Yuzuru might just be in Olympic shape, has downed almost half a liter of spring water in one go. You know that he could probably deliver a quintuple jump on the spot if he wanted. The strap-on is all assembled, clean, and you have stored away the practically empty box of sake sinnery.
„I’ll skate cross-eyed and cross-legged tomorrow,“ Yuzu stares right at your crotch, face buried in his palms. Only his eyes peek through the fingers. „Godspeed to my ass.“
You sure as hell won’t disagree. This strap is a threat.
„I don’t know why I had to order supersize out of all possible things. You need a prayer circle after this. Where’s Mister Lube?“
„Here, over here,“ Yuzuru passes over the bottle, shaking it.
„I’ll relax you as good as I can, okay. Before I get arrested for possession of weapons without a license.“
And annihilating Yuzu’s insides with that XXL dick that he sure as hell doesn’t just want halfway in. Lord have mercy. You can only shake your head at yourself for buying this.
„Honestly though. Does it really fit in?“
Yuzu leans his face toward your hip, now on all fours, taking the sight in. He still can’t believe his eyes.
„We’ll see. Let your body decide, not your pride okay,“ you poke the tip of the strap-on into his left cheek. Hoping that it takes away some of the tension, at least. „And you can still tap the mattress.“
„Okay. Tap the mattress.“
He nods quite avidly. Same protocol as always. No spoken safewords, only something that Yuzu can make use of with his reflexes. Speech? Nothing you can both count on as soon as horniness kicks in. 
You tried that for the first two weeks and quickly settled for tapping instead. Especially because Yuzu likes to have fingers in his mouth every so often.
„I mean. You just did like five splits, didn’t you. Warm-ups always help. If your ankle doesn’t fall off?“
That mini workout was more than just impressive, in fact. And still, you eye Yuzuru’s notoriously injured foot. The slim little fella has a long history of recovery behind him.
„The ankle is decent, the usual stuff.“
„I wish we had a smaller toy to start out with,“ you scratch your head. That might be the one thing that’s been missing from the box. „We still have Mister Lube, anyway. Watch this,“ you pick up the orange bottle, flipping the cap open. „It’s actually scented! Worth ruining the bed if you ask me.“
On goes the fluid, you rub it all across the length of the dildo. Must be cherry flavor or something. Yuzuru sure makes big eyes.
„I knew I could count on Mister Lube.“
„Yeah, we use lots. And I’ll be very gentle.“
The cherry scent is gladly much less tacky than the bottle itself, not too artificial-smelling either. You squeeze out a second load and distribute it over the strap-on just to be sure. Yuzuru’s breath goes faster.
„Can I ask something beforehand?“
„Go right ahead.“
„I wanna suck first if you…“
Who knew. The lube probably made his mouth water.
Being honest, you think that it might be a good idea to get this going. Better than blowing his pretty back out right away and making a mistake, even if he is much less tense now.
„I don’t mind, Yuzu. You already have some chapstick on, right? Here.“
You level your hips to line up with his mouth more easily. You can tell that Yuzuru, after some heavy blinking, eventually braces himself. There’s nothing more telling than his tunnel vision plastered all over his face. His eyes, lids heavy, are hypnotized and seem darker. Yuzu’s bedroom gaze is the best in the world.
„Okay, I’ll start.“
A first kittenish lick. A second. A third. Then, brave lips — enclosing the tip. He audibly nips and swallows.
A few more licks, and repeat. Mister Lube seems to taste pretty good. You bless the shady company that manufactures the black box of sin for once. 
You let Yuzu explore, pump his hand around the shaft, lick from all directions he fancies. Compared to his wrist, the dildo doesn’t really fall short in diameter, but with Yuzu’s face up close you are relieved it’s not a complete David versus Goliath match. 
Soon enough, he musters the courage to open his mouth a little wider, cramming a bit more in than just the tip. You can’t deny you’re getting turned on again with the way he slurps and hums around your dick. With the minutes, he becomes bolder, moving his head.
Even if the lube gathers at his chin and seeps down to the bed, he keeps on sucking, now with a first pearl of sweat lingering on his forehead already. You’d never think it’d make him break a sweat. To be fair, he just did fifty jumping jacks in the warm-up.
„Want me to move?“
Two nods. You glide in, let your hips do the work how they want to. You don’t trust your online shopping choices, but your tempo, at least. Yuzuru is making all choked up noises trying to gobble up all the girth he gets, his fingers entangled in your harness. It keeps him in a steady place.
You can work from that, angle a few superficial thrusts into his mouth to get the saliva flowing. The blotch on your bed is already pretty nasty. The slow pace is apt enough to fill Yuzu’s mouth with spit bubbles that begin to foam out bit by bit.
After two more minutes of light back and forth, Yuzuru pulls off to speak.
„Please do it stronger. I don’t mind being hoarse.“
Not a second later, all he does is slurp up a very dripping shaft again. With difficulty jamming it in past the first few inches, but determined, anyway. You didn’t expect anything else.
Yuzu’s lips and eyes are all glossy by now. The portion of lube-infused spit has accumulated at his jaw already, soon to travel down to his throat. 
Stronger, he says. Why not.
„Okay, get ready.“
An abrasive jab follows a shallow one. If it wasn’t for the lube, your dick would scrape right down his upper throat. But this way, the first dip goes in with sufficient slip and slide, not leaving Yuzu with too much dick in his neck for long. All your strap-on does is bounce right back.
What you do hear is Yuzu’s gag reflex… claiming its rights. Still understated, but nevertheless there. After three more thrusts, you decide to stay about halfway balls deep, watching Yuzuru squirm, even try to shove in about an inch more by pressing his head forward. His breath is clean and deep through his nose. You put a checkmark on the my-boyfriend-has-asthma list in your mind.
„You look good with a dick in your mouth.“
What is supposedly a ‚thanks‘ ends up as gargling and choking. Yuzuru starts getting wet eyes at this point. Even a little bow of his head is something that doesn’t slip past your attention. Mannered guy, isn’t he. 
That praise makes him do the horniest noises is also something that you make a memo of. Along with seeing how it’s rendering him all aroused. You’ve seen those neck veins and red chin spots come out plenty of times to know.
A couple more thrusts are not a bad option, you decide. Although it seems that Yuzuru had the idea to hollow out his cheeks that very moment. The vacuum first makes your cock plunge in a little too fast than intended, then naturally pulls Yuzu’s head forward once you move your hips back again. 
It’s why the second thrust catches him off guard, flattening his lips and making your dick slide into his throat with air going in. Yuzu ends up choking hopelessly. It doesn’t look like he’s retreating his head in the very least, however.
Instead, you feel his hands grab at your either hip to secure himself in place. A glance from above, slightly angled sideward, shows you just how hard and throbbing Yuzu’s own dick is, tipping against his stomach. 
Once again, you make an impressed-my-dear face that he doesn’t overlook. His cheeks go hollow again and he keeps up the indulgent speed. Increasingly getting rougher and more pain-craving. Messier. Desperate. 
Yuzu opens his mouth wider not to have his teeth get in the way. It’s serious business now. His throat makes the most disgusting, grunting noises. Oh. Shit. Yuzu’s greed and sloppy lips make your body burn up. Soreness is the very least he’s headed for.
„Wow, Yuzu. Wow.“
It’s not something you didn’t know already. This man is without a singular doubt a lunatic. You whisper more praises to him, your hands grabbing hold of his head to sustain the movement rhythmically. 
Yuzu’s gag reflex has proven to only rebel every other thrust so you can pound away, at that time already giving up even the mattress that must be sopping wet to its core with Yuzuru drooling all over it. Too late for a towel altogether but fuck it.
Yuzu takes the choking well. He’s leaking spit all over, surrenders to your hands. Even if he doesn’t manage to deepthroat the entire length of the dick, he manages an awful lot of inches. By now, he’s gotten the hang of not letting too much air in. All while relaxing his muscles. 
Beautiful hums, chokes, little whines. Too bad your phone isn’t close by. Recording this has to be your very next bucket list entry. You’re glad he asked about this.
You go on thrusting for a few more times until you feel your hips going tired. Once his nose starts getting all runny, you naturally slow down even more. Eventually, you help Yuzuru pull his head off. His lips are all puffy.
„B—woah,“ it’s all he can moan and splurt out, and you help him wipe the glob of saliva and snot from his chin with your sleeve. 
Your pajama shirt might be ruined, but not as much as Yuzu’s tonsils. Who knows just how many times you were deep and fast enough to make them throb from all that friction. Seven, eight times? His food for tomorrow can be a light soup at best. Not even you were as sore after riding and sucking every last drop out of his dick last Monday. 
You’re glad he has the rice cakes going through his system right now. Poor onlooker Winnie the Pooh is probably traumatized by now. There’s only so much crazy dicksucking a bear can handle watching. And still, he gazes at the two of you— in good spirits as ever, cheeks big and bright. In a way, he looks like Yuzu in this very moment.
„How you like it?,“ you softly caress his pinkish lips. „I need to know how many stars to leave on the website.“
It takes a few moments until he can form words again. His speech is fast. He’s still staring at the dildo.
„It was in so deep and, and on my tongue. The dick veins, I could feel them. They were like, like, it was massaging my lips. And I almost thought I could swallow it.“
You raise your brows. Lord knows how deep your cock was inside his brain, but he still picks these things up.
„Attention to detail. Nice.“
Maybe 4.5 stars are a fair deal. At least for throat fucking. The rest — remains to be seen.
„Did I do well?“
His eyes widen. The question is genuine. It’s not something you’d think he would ask. Whenever he trained, he would always rely on his own judgment.
„Ask yourself first, you were the one feeling it.“
That’s not the answer he expected, and he ends up getting red cheeks.
„I liked it,“ he stammers. „Was really hot.“
„It’s what I saw, too. Good job, babe.“
He’s blushing even more now.
„Ah— I think I tried my best.“
You smile and cup his slobbery face. So you’ve taken his throat virginity in the most spit-heavy way possible. He looks cuter than ever.
„Listen. You’re a champ. If I could, I would cum deep inside of you.“
„I think, that would be romantic,“ his wet lips break into an upbeat smile. Yuzu’s eyes get all crinkly.
„You bet.“
A big doting kiss for Yuzu’s forehead is the only thing your brain can conjure up at this point, so you briefly lean down to do it. Maybe Shia LaBeouf is not just exclusively at home in Yuzu’s imagination. 
What you have to admit is that Yuzu’s overflowing athlete’s spirit has easily taken over your hips. You didn’t think you could move properly for that long. Maybe you still have some energy reservoirs left.
„And, and now?“
„I can stuff you with more dick. Up to you. Mister Lube didn’t run out yet. And if Pooh still likes watching.“
By instinct, Yuzuru’s hands snake behind his back to grip his ass, stroking what he knows is your delightful next target. You can tell by his eyes that there are a thousand scenarios going through his head.
„Pooh likes this… very much. He’s never seen something like that before. I think he is curious.“
It doesn’t take a Sherlock’s mind for you to know that he means— himself.
„I mean. I was surprised. If that monster fits into your little throat,“ you add, „anything is possible.“
That’s the final straw.
„I’ll do it,“ he says, moments later on all fours, face lowered and then rested sidewards on the bed, spreading his ass cheeks. Decision making when it comes to strap stuff is Yuzu’s forte, you jot that down in your invisible sex life journal. Not one bit of hesitation. By the looks of it, a very twitching entrance is waiting for you.
Testing period is over.
„Alright. I got something to drive home.“
Now that you think of it. If his ass is already only half as naughty as his mouth, you’ll need the help of a higher power.
„Shit. I think, it relaxes.“
At the expense of your mattress and blanket getting even more greasy with lube, you ease in the tip after massaging it into his sphincter. Yuzu’s ass still has to deal with that new sensation given how his leg muscles are going all bonkers. But indeed he’s grown receptive.
„Comfy like that?“
„Attention, just a little tweak before I go on. Here.“
You softly press down on his spine with your palm entirely flat, and his back obliges immediately. His arch is leaving you breathless. 
Yuzu’s head and chest are snug and soft against the bed while his ass is far, far up. He smiles seeing you venerate his back, he didn’t miss your reaction in the least. No surprise a third of your cock gets sucked into his ass just moments later. It caught you off guard.
Judging by Yuzu’s little yelp and his eyes rolling back, the way you went right into him has found pleasure. The bedposts creak a little because Yuzuru’s legs are shivering. As is his voice.
„I love it, I lo-, please, my, my ass!“
„Can I move?“
„Yes, please!“
The arch did the trick. You love your boyfriend. What follows is a slowly plunging series of rewards, ten, eleven times, pulling at his gripping asshole until it surrenders into going loose. Yuzuru has almost accommodated a third of the length you’re engraving into his ass. You’ll definitely keep using that brand of lube.
„Here, babe. I got a present for your prostate.“
Yuzu is making your favorite lawless face when you hit the spot, controlling the base of the dildo with two your fingers going around it like a cock ring. He looks as if someone just handed him a trophy too big to carry. From his perineum, a thread of lube comes dripping down with a squelching noise. The poor sheets. It’s another virginity taken.
In the meantime, Yuzu grabs hold of the duvet with unsteady hands. His entire torso is nothing but a shaky mess. So erratic. And sweaty. And docile. And beautiful. You want to award him plenty, your little present from above, the jittery boy underneath you.
Pounding away and making him grit his teeth is worth heading for a mean cramp, you don’t care. Watching how your cock is plowing in and out of him at jerky angles with the absolute lewdest, bubbling noises recompensates for anything. 
Yuzu’s rolling eyes have become spaced out and teary, making him look like a crying saint about to enter the golden gates of heaven. Who knew angels had black hair.
With every stroke, his ass becomes every bit accepting to the point of almost glaring open to let you thrust in. Thank God. You compliment yourself on not falling short of the arguably lofty promise to relax him. Moaning Yuzu’s little ass is swallowing it all. 
By the time, his rectum is going hollow and sticky, welcoming every move of yours by giving you ample right of passage. During some thrusts, you don’t even see his sphincter hold on to the dildo at all. His ass is almost as dilated as his loose mouth itself. Your thrusts are working on their own again at this point. What instinct is propelling you, who knows. 
You love the sight and the happy squeals. You tease him with more speed. Not without effect, your hips lunge and aim deep all the more. You penetrate him far enough to start an excavation for ancient relics next Monday. With the tempo increasing, so does the chesty volume in his voice.
„It’s,“ he cries out, „in my belly! Ah! Ah, shit! Shit...“
You see Yuzu let go of the duvet with his left hand. It promptly darts way down to his abdomen where his fingers grope around.
„I can feel it,“ he whines, „It’s rubbing there, it’s a big bump!“
You sure won’t deprive your own hand from that sensation and reach right down, too. Which means leaning forward— and stuffing your strap even harder into his guts. Yuzu gasps out loud. Both your hands meet fondling about, cupping the sensitive area in search for the imprint of the dildo.
What Yuzu says is not understated. His slender little belly is all bulged out in the bottom quarter. Since he’s so thin, it’s almost scary how much your cock just dents him out and twists around.
„Jesus, Yuzu,“ you let your hand roam next to his, even lightly squeezing the area. It’s what really riles him.
What you thought was the maximum for him to take turns out to be nothing but a mere start. Yuzu is so obsessed to feel the bulge more that he starts bucking his ass onto your cock with the most unbridled voice cracks.
You can’t lie. His moans make your jaw drop. His usually so controlled body on the ice is now wrecking and writhing itself to get more dick. 
A thin line of sweat goes on a pilgrimage down his spine already. He impales himself more, gyrates his hips more, whines out more. You wonder how he keeps it together and doesn’t spritz all his cum over the bed and the floor tiles.
It’s the sheer force of will. Always hungry for the next level. You can’t help but admire how enduring he is. And that’s just the first time.
Yuzu’s feet have become agitated on the sheets, responding to every thrust by dangling and swishing around. Yesterday, his right ankle was all stiff and even a bit swollen. Now, it’s moving all over the place. Looks like doggy style is putting all the tension off the ligaments. It’s something else you take deliberate note of.
After five more thrusts and hearing his whimpers getting all drawn-out, eventually, you retreat for a break, letting your cock rest on his left ass cheek. Yuzu inhales, gathering himself. He looks at you with big, glazed bambi eyes. Maybe even a bit incredulous.
„Am I, am I gaping?“
You don’t have to check twice to know.
„All lose. If you knew how far I can see inside of you. Hole new world.“
He can’t hold eye contact now.
„Naughty, huh. But I like what I see.“
Goddamn great ass. You firmly smack Yuzu squarely across his right butt cheek. He twitches, clenches, bites his lips more. They tremble.
„Ah! You tease!“
„Want me to put it in again?“
Wild nodding. Looks like Yuzu’s usual voracity on the ice does an easy, albeit not entirely seamless transfer to bed, too. He still ogles what is about to stretch him out again with due respect. He still can’t fathom something this massive was inside of him, you can tell.
Once you start moving again, you notice his feet and thigh muscles violently jerking. His prostate has gotten all sensitive. Probably all spongy and large by now.
You decide to angle yourself differently and take a deep breath. Impossible to draw this out any longer. From the vicinity of Yuzu’s pillow, you grasp the Winnie Pooh plush toy and maneuver it into his awaiting embrace. He holds it tight in an instant.
With impatient hands, you fumble around the bed for the lube bottle until you find it next to his right foot. Two, three, four generous squeezes onto his asshole, not very accurate at all. Several fine, oily traces end up trickling down his inner thighs. You don’t even bother closing the bottle properly anymore. Too much adrenaline.
„Grab those sheets and Pooh, Yuzu, grab hard.“
„I got it!“
„Time I fuck you up. If you’re ready?“
„Yes, make me cum, make me cum! Please break my ass,“ he’s whimpering. So badly. „I want it! I want it all inside.“
Mister Lube has a last job to handle.
Yuzu has crammed three fingers into his mouth once you get a hold of his hair and deliver the last hard movements. He takes the blows all babbling and sucking himself off. How his ass is not completely falling apart by now is a miracle of nature. Or maybe, just the blessing of his daily training.
The room is heavy with the scent of sweat and cherries. He’s loosened his core so much that sliding in is not a question of you avoiding a cramp anymore, but technique. You feel focused to zero in and not miss the sweet, tender spot. It makes him mewl the first time you push your dick tip right into it. 
The second time, his eyes get big and fluttering.
„Please. Please, hurt me,“ he salivates, then eventually, grabs his plush harder. „Hurt me bad. I’m really begging you.“
Fast to oblige, you claw your hands around his waist and pull his body backwards. The ten nails digging into him are only the last needed set-up. The last jab comes in crisp, landing a severe and punctuated shock. Yuzu’s ass smacks up hard at your loins. The pain quickly snakes right up his spine and leaves his face contorted.
„Oh fuck…!“
Small, shaking Yuzu cums like fifty fireworks going off at once. Not even releasing his screams into the duvet really helps to mute out the heaviness of the first waves. You keep your cock right in place and let it buffer into his prostate at will. 
Yuzu’s legs kick and tangle under you like pasta in boiling water. He cries and groans and curses, and cries out even more. You can see his entire back muscles at work now, going like clockwork. His moans each sound so ecstatic, it registers as a different language to you. He spirals far into his orgasm, sobbing, and it looks beautiful.
„Amazing, Yuzu.“
His semen lands all over his sternum and the sheets, shooting out in several bursts, one more pumping than the other. It’s almost as if all that strawberry juice converted nicely into a blotchy, white fluid. 
His dick is still tensing up completely sensitive. Releasing cum, up until his legs stop going all over the place. Yuzu doesn’t let the sperm cool for twenty seconds that he already reaches down to pick it up, jerking his cock a last dozen times, only to bring to his mouth what his fingers collected. He sucks up all of it.
„Delicious, baby?“
„So nicely milked.“
His relished expression. You imagine that this must have been how the gods first tasted nectar.
While he licks away, Yuzu goes limp head to toe with you carefully pulling out your dick. Inch by inch. Not pulling. Only gliding.
Once you’ve removed the tip, he collapses into a sniffing, giggly puddle of serotonin. Crying, even when you lend him both your hands to lay his face into.
He’s so gorgeous. 
Breathing hard, sweaty, drooling and messed up. His body is so steamy and loose, splayed out all the way before you. His entrance has turned all pink so beautifully. Hot. As. Fuck.
Most psychologists would envy you for being able to gaze this far into Yuzuru Hanyu’s innermost clenching being. How his ass is going to close until tomorrow’s competition, you don’t know. 
Time to pray he won’t digest these savory cakes too fast. Then again, he didn’t eat properly at all. His body is probably soaking up all the fruit and rice in their entirety. 
You pat his lower back gently, making sure to lay him down into a sleeping position already. Pooh is right by his side. Yuzu’s legs are still so dangly.
He’s really let go completely. You’ve not fucked his ass, but his soul.
You want to thank him for trusting you so much. Beside the shady black box manufacturer. 
The bed is a glorious mess.
Removing the strap-on harness makes you feel just how loosened your own limbs have become, too. Come to think of it, this might be your new heavy-duty workout. None of your friends know you do this kind of cardio involving the best ass in the whole city as your personal trainer.
Yuzu’s butt has turned you into a drenched, wobbly homo sapiens that will probably look in the mirror by tomorrow and proclaim herself a bodybuilder from those sheer muscle burn gains. 
When the two of you show up at the rink tomorrow, you both need hunky guys carrying you in by the armpits or something. 
And the whole world will wonder how Yuzu’s wonky ankle magically recovered overnight but he can’t sit.
Changing the duvet at quarter past twelve with an unmovable Yuzu on top of it seems like a thing of the impossible. It’s soiled, it’s sweaty, it would probably make it to the first page if a reporter ever got hold of it. 
But you take it pragmatically and opt for sleeping on Yuzu’s cleaner side of the bed intertwined. It’s surprisingly dry there. Big laundry day tomorrow, anyway.
The only thing you manage to do is reach for the window to open and to grab a glass of water from the bedstand to share. He’s chugging the remaining half down in one go. His hands? Oh wonder.
More than steady.
He calmed completely. After he puts down the glass, you scoot closer to him.
„Your foot — better?“
„Oh? I didn’t even think about it.“
He wriggles his left leg back and forth underneath the blanket, then concludes with a surprised face:
„It’s turning pretty well? I think you hit a nerve. Maybe you should split me in half more often.“
He shrugs. Yuzu’s serious face while saying that so dryly makes you laugh.
„Looks like it,“ you draw out the open lube bottle from beside you, finally closing the lid. „Do you… need a towel?“
„I just need you. I have to be disgusting for once.“
„I’ll scrape that all off tomorrow before we leave. Hot shower, five tons of shampoo. I’ll be breaking out the stuff you clean your skates with if I have to.“
That makes Yuzu chuckle. In fact, he beams a little.
„Sounds like something to look forward to.“
„I hope you can walk, anyway. Is it painful?“
Your biggest sorrow at this point. Taking his mind off was easy, but now he’s got boneless legs. Your conscience nags you for dicking him down out of all possible things.
„You have your weapon license now. I gotta admit… the last one…“
…was ass destruction 3.0, you complete his sentence in your mind. It’s nothing a normal human being could have stomached. „I’ll manage, though. I still feel my legs.“
„God, how does he do it.“
A smug „He’s Yuzuru Hanyu, that’s how, aw yeah!“  is what you imagine God’s answer to sound like. But instead, all you get is a little smile. Very well, from the little God in your bed.
„Pooh did this. When I squeezed him, I knew I could take it.“
He reaches to the middle of the bed. Five consecutive head pats for the bear plushie and Yuzu looks content already.
„Winning medals with just one working ankle is the same as doing it with a demolished ass to you, huh.“
„It’s not demolished, it’s improved and overhauled,“ he smiles. „Never felt any better. It was really good how you did this.“
It’s his strangest sport philosophy yet. But if you know one thing, it’s that Yuzu’s bizarre body hacks have gotten him the podium every time. You can already see him asking for another strap round before your mind’s eye. Before the next competition, at least.
„You honestly blow my mind.“
„And your dick, tomorrow night,“ goes Yuzu’s cheeky winner grin. There it is. Insatiable how you love it. You already feel the need to google ‚hip thrust strengthening exercises’. 
Maybe, if science advances to that point one day, you honestly clone yourself so double your capacity. And so that you can spitroast him. Maybe you order another dildo from the website and pin it to the wall, anyways.
„Must be Mister Lube who did all of this.“
„I want to buy more of it tomorrow. Any other groceries we need, anyway? I’ll be cleaning the floor, too. I hope I’m not too worn-out after skating.“
„We’ll do one thing after the other, alright. There are still rice cakes left for breakfast, those will get you through the day.“
You’ve seen how much of an energy burst the cakes gave him. 
„I really like those,“ he mumbles, then nuzzles into the pillow, sucking in your hair’s scent. Oh, it’s the moment you waited for. „Snickers diva… happy.“
A very cheery, puffy face slowly comes to rest beside you now, hair going in all directions. Infallible and ever-returning: Professor Yuzu’s explosive hairdo. Pooh is all clingy at his chest. A little worn from all the squeezing, but still with an amicable chuckle. You smile from ear to ear. It’s the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen.
You kiss Yuzuru’s little nose and lips until he’s making sleepy sounds. Either this is a late-night mirage created by your very moan-tested ears, or he is actually purring. You make sure the Pooh plush resting at his chest faces him correctly, then clear away the remaining strawberries, shut the window, arrange the blanket, put on your pajamas properly.
The humidifier whirrs in the background while tiger baby does one last big yawn before drifting off. In a matter of two minutes, maybe even less than that. 
Just as you reach toward the bedstand to switch off the light, Yuzu’s hand curls into your shirt from behind. You turn, he is all dozed off. Not one leg fidgeting. However, talking in his sleep with his hand nestled into your PJs.
„Big hug please, Pooh mama.“
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© 2017-2020 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. do not repost.  for entertainment purposes only. all portrayals fictive.
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
Eret 11 MAY 21
Cat and DSMP Part 1/1
Cat! Goose!
Goose my beloved.
Eret’s streaming very late for me again. So I’m not staying the whole time.
Hello Elaina. Enjoy Goose.
Fundy! Kinda...
Fundy hearing the donations. LOL.
Fundy enters a stream and it starts to scuffed. Scuffed just follows Fundy wherever he goes.
A wild my beloved on the cube.
The Drista stairs.
Wait what. Why is the tower gone?
I have missed some lore.
Ah... it’s part of the nightmare thing.
Eret offering Fundy housing like a good almost adoptive parent.
Sounds like Fundy about lost a lung. Good gracious.
The bargaining between these two.
Cat, Handsome, said cube was massive
You know what that works.
It’s hard to keep the audio right for Eret’s stream for my headphones. It’s either too quiet or the loudest my headphones can go and my family can hear it.
On stream explosions. Noice.
Wow youtooz. Not super cool. Permission is usually a good thing.
Eret keeps on sizzling.
Getting dirt for scaffolding. Going old fashioned Minecraft for this.
“Why is the Cube kinda hot” cue Eret losing faith in her chats sanity.
Cube go poof.
Oh. Red stone. That’s dangerous.
I like this song. Oh klahoma. Gorgeous song.
Love joy is such a fun band. I want to make a plushy of the cat.
It’s kinda sad that Eret can’t see themselves the way chat and their little fandom sees them. Most all of us think they look fabulous.
Not Arson. Just bombing. A bit of anarchy by the king.
Demolition. Now there’s the word.
Controlled ish demolition.
Ah I’ve almost saved enough channel points for water. Nice. I’m not going to redeem it I’m just going to keep hoarding the points.
Flame Arrow. Nice.
Eret cleaning up the SMP eye sours.
Watch me attempt to sleep to Eret here in an hour or so, but keep getting distracted.
Explosion time.
Someone get ready to clip it.
Bye Bye Cube. Let’s go.
Gotta get a song that fits the vibe.
Hayloft. Time to go poof.
Turning up my brightness just to watch this explosion in the best way possible.
Still wearing the red dress I see.
I hope the music isn’t too loud to get this part muted.
Drum roll...
Drum roll continues...
Drum roll still going...
That was so smooth and good looking!
Overall a very good explosion.
Just a little bit of a hole in the other building.
Twitch Pr-
Poor being’s so confused with his hair. Someone help them.
Twitch bleep.
Everyone attempting to give hair styling advice. Everyone’s trying to help the being.
That bird is majestic. I remember seeing that tiktok.
Animals just decided Eret was the animal whisperer.
Yes! Disney Princess Eret fanart! Someone make it, I shall reblog all of it.
Likes to hug cute animals and cute animals like being hugged by her. Nice.
It’s alright. Names are difficult. I have to like put name tags on people to learn who they are. That or name tags on their space (like on campers bunks and door decs on dorms)
It does feel very February. But I’m very ready for summer because that means I get to do my favorite job.
Hooray. I hit 15k points.
Eret trying to prove to us a ponytail won’t work. Like we aren’t going to hype them up no matter what.
Gotta heart in the chat. All Eret’s chat does is hearts and encourage. It’s a lovely place.
Oh Eret forgot his cat ear sub goal. It’s alright I know I forgot.
Pride is next month. Nice.
Oh. We’re almost halfway already. Why does the world spin so quickly?
We forgot a dirt tower. Whoops.
I would wear Eret merch. I like it when people release merch around Christmas. Then I can ask for it as a gift.
Oh it wasn’t a dirt tower.
Just looking at Elaina’s stream in the stream selection screen it like very cozy.
All the way up the Drista stairs.
Look it’s the museum!
Eret’s got most of the builds around there. The museum. The fortress. Nice.
Some things are too historical to remove. Somethings are historical because they are being removed.
Oh no. L’sandburg.
It’s taking over the summer home.
Ah the lore is coming. It just seemed to be too early.
Hello unofficial ranboo Raiders.
Foolish making the awesome tall thingy!
Foolish’s builds are so neat. I want to watch Foolish’s streams more. Maybe just in the background but I start wanting to delayed liveblog and that requires attention.
Oh the giant portal turned out well. Sorry that was the lady’s foolish stream I watched.
Shulkers. The forbidden mob.
Eret with just a pit in the desert filled with llamas. Bones. And discus.
The mansion has been finished?
Alright is better than bad. It’s alright to be alright.
Lucky being not getting tired. I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and I was so so tired. I also had just no appetite.
Eret doing an smp tour. And looking at foolish’s builds.
Flickering the switch on the rainbow beacons.
Eret just knowing where everything is.
Kinoko is super pretty. Just for the aesthetic value of the kingdom I appreciate it.
Yeet. Just defenestrated himself out the window.
Oh? Spectator fly over the smp?
That would be really neat to like. Watch in VR. I think I’ve only used VR maybe twice.
Pretty Rainbow beacons.
The nurse who gave me my vaccine hid the needle from me because I mentioned to her that I was afraid of needles. It wasn’t a big deal at all.
30 minutes till I attempt sleep. Woo.
Goose my beloved. Someone make the gif because I’m not quite sure how to make it.
Oh yeah. Goose in Marvel. I hear MCU and think Minecraft cinematic universe. Not marvel.
Ghibli is so nice. It really romanticize small moments of life.
Yeah the characters are all really supportive in Ghibli movies.
Someone subbed for nine months “that’s enough to make a child” -Eret
That mansion is like a maze. I’m so lost already.
Everyone encouraging Eret and telling her she looks pretty. Good.
Eret needs all the hype and encouragement.
Antarctic empties flag. Yeah it does have a similar color pallet.
Michelle! Hello!
Fortress work. Nice.
Do it. I’ll listen the Eret play other games.
I don’t usually watch game play for non Minecraft games. But I’ll listen to it all.
Hbomb and Eret living in the same city feels like two worlds that shouldn’t meet. But it’s awesome that they have.
TOS means against twitches terms of service. Nice. Glad to finally have an explanation of what that means.
Look at our handsome and pretty streamer. All the hype.
I keep turning down the stream to hear the show my mama has on because I’m curious about what happens.
Yeah. Backseat gaming can be annoying. That’s part of why I share my thoughts here just in case I do start backseat gaming.
Almost to the sub goal. Hooray!
Ooo food.
No no. I see where they are coming from. Eret does give a bit of cat bus vibes. I can’t explain it but the vibes are there.
Creeper causing issues at the fortress.
Ed Sheepran my beloved.
I should draw more ferrets. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe I’ll draw us doing stuffs.
Actually I kinda want to make a little animatic of some heels walking across the screen followed by a hoard of ferrets. I think it’ll look cool. But I need the artistic ability and the ability to not scream making that.
Woop. Ad time. Off to the void of where ever the ads game me.
Bread. Flowers. Ted. Crown. And of course Eret.
We V O I D and get our streamer bits.
Hush the chat is V O I D and the occasional emoji or emote.
The void being centered looks good. Maybe that’s just the symmetry speaking but it’s good.
Oh. We hear the being. The being in void mode. And spooky mode.
Chat just starts yelling corpse.
Hydration. I try to stay hydrated. But I fail often if I’m not doing something active.
Casually makes and snags tree.
Eret does read chat often. It’s strange. And it is weird how often it ends up being you.
You can tell I’m a tumblr peep. I may say stuff in chat but I’m fully not expecting or wanting to be noticed by the streamer.
Others hitting darkness o’clock and saying goodnight.
It’s sleep to the stream hours y’all. Whoop.
I need to visit the parks out west. I’ve only really seen the eastern US ones. But I have been to the Great Smokey Mountain park which is gorgeous.
Eret thinking of his friends triggers when naming his cat.
Eret’s builds are so casually pretty. Not like Foolish’s which are intricately pretty. Not like Phil’s or Sam’s which are complicated pretty. All pretty. Just different breeds of pretty.
Alrighty. It’s sleepy hours for me. As much as I love Eret I want to read some fanfiction and daydream a bit before I head to sleep.
Have a good rest everyone and may all your coming meals be delicious.
Wait no is it our turn with goose?
Eret honey that’s the ceiling.
Cat stream. Cat stream.
Sleepy kitty. A cat cam would be good.
Yeah. That happens with cats. Especially strays.
Goose captured the computer mouse.
Goose straight up chose Eret and Elaina.
Goose really just chose not to leave.
Oh my stream connection is acting sad. But I want Goose content.
I want to draw Goose now.
Maybe I’ll do water color for Goose. I know I tried to do that with Boots (Fundy’s cat)
Hopefully there will be some Goose face screenshots I can see. Maybe I can see him well in the Tiktok.
Artists just violently refusing payment. Sounds about right. The MCYT artists just kinda go “yeah give credit and we cool”
Cowboy cat. Nice.
I want to paint Goose in the cowboy hat.
Hype train! That we are zooming.
Bucket sponge?
WATER BUCKET FROM WET SPONGE! Tiktok people giving all the cool info.
Go Goose. Catch the computer mouse and the screen mouse.
Just sitting here at 11:30 at night getting screen shots of Goose for painting purposes.
Goose please. Look at the camera babe.
My phone is dying. And I can’t charge it and type.
Alright the camera is off the cat. The cat is also blocking the screen.
But no cat on camera means I’m getting some sleep. If I do any of the projects I’ve mentioned I’ll let y’all know.
Have a good rest everyone.
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youarejesting · 4 years
Herb Jimin x reader
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Pairing: Dealer!Jimin x Reader Beta: @bubblebunnylia​ Genre: Romance, Smut, Fluff, NSFW Rating: recommended 18+ (or whatever the legal age is in your country) Words: 3.3k Warnings: Blow job, oral female receiving, voyeurism, sex, cum mentioned, slightly rough but not extremely, unprotected sex. Summary: Jimin was the mary poppins of drug dealing. What ever you wanted he had and he NEVER disappoints his customer. That is until he met you. He finally decides to take matters into his own hands to fulfil your order.
[Masterlist] [Herb.2]
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Not much was known about the young Korean man who showed up to all the parties. No one knew how he got there. All anyone knew was that he was the biggest flirt and had the herbs everyone wanted. Honestly, it didn’t matter what you wanted, he had it somehow. 
Everyone has their story with him. ‘I said I needed a bandage and he had it’, ‘I asked if anyone had any cat food cause we found a stray cat and he wipes out a bag, it was weird’, ‘He is like a sexy Mary Poppins, he gives you the dank weed but he also has pool floaties in his bag’ and you’re personal favourite  ‘I was so hungry and he pulls out a whole casserole and apologized because he ran out of vegetable bake’.  You had heard it all, it seemed like drunk fairy tales but no good party was without him. 
You remember when you first met he asked you if you needed anything, and when you asked him for love he froze up and apologized, sheepishly  claiming he didn’t have it. You knew he had his limits and that’s what kept you skeptical of his abilities. But something about his charming nature keeps you searching to meet him again. 
And it wasn’t hard. You met him, again and again. Each time he approached you and asked if you needed anything,  you always replied the same. “Love” and he would always grow quiet. You thought one day he might actually come up with a solution but you were yet to find out.
You were at one of ‘these’ parties, it wasn’t really your scene. Usually, you had no problem but tonight you really just couldn’t deal with it. It had been a long day and you had a headache. So you were trying to find a place to take  a quick nap,  using the stairs to stray further from the heavy base, which had started to cause some anxiety within your body. The sound upstairs was muffled and yet still so loud. Hoping to find an empty room and an equally empty bed so you could rest. 
You opened the first door to see if you were correct. This was Namjoon’s bedroom and there was an unspoken rule of no sexual activities in the host’s bed. Opening the door to see a modern style bedroom with white and black furniture and a few figurines. On the bed was the Host Namjoon with his boyfriend Seokjin kneeling on his knees in front of him. 
“Can I help you, Y/n?” You weren’t surprised that he knew your name, Namjoon knew everybody. But you were surprised by their blatant disregard of modesty. You had to  seal your expression from the two and the sexual act being performed was making your ears grow warm in embarrassment. 
“Ah, I was looking for somewhere to take a nap.” You admitted while looking away.  You didn’t want to overreact, only the coolest of kids got invited to Namjoon’s parties and you thought after high school popularity wouldn’t matter, but it still  does. 
Everyone at these parties had high libido’s. I mean, they are friends with Namjoon himself. If you were invited, you have either previously had relations with the host or you were a planned notch on the insatiable young man's belt. 
You were invited after a heated make-out session in the university’s auditorium with Namjoon and his loquacious boyfriend Seokjin.
Though your head was in fact turned you were still able to hear every obscene noise. The wet suction and smacking of lips, the throaty moans of Namjoon and the muffled encouraging moans and other elicit sounds from Seokjin. You could hear Seokjin's throat squelch around the large cock and you fought the urge not to blush any further.
“We will be finished in a— ahhh!” He hunched forwards, fingers clutching firmly to Seokjin’s blonde locks as his forearms tensed, the veins popping out. You saw every thrust of his hips. Seokjin waited patiently, you heard and saw how thick he swallowed and felt your pulse beating rapidly in your tight jeans. 
With every thrust he would swallow again. You could clearly see in detail the pronounced girth of the shaft sliding in his throat with fervor. Until the broad-shouldered gentleman pulled back in order to breathe, the action sending another twitch to Namjoons hips, and a final shot of cum just made it to the edge of Seokjin’s mouth and lips.
“We are done!” Seokjin said, standing as Namjoon readjusted his large and yet softening member back into his pants. “You can have the room or perhaps if you want we can entertain you?” 
The two smirked and you again, trying to play it cool, gave them a flippant reply. “No I really am tired and want to sleep, I was working on a thesis all night last night and–”
“Say no more sweetheart, rest.”  You avoided the place at the end of the bed where the two lovers had been. Snuggled in the blankets while falling asleep slightly as your head touched the pillow. Seokjin switched the light off and shut the door, allowing you to drift off peacefully.
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The light switch flicked on and even with your eyes closed you felt blinded. You couldn’t stop the harsh shriek that pierced the air. “What? What is it now!?” 
“I am sorry,” the voice was soft and familiar as its owner switched the lights back off, “Can I sit for a moment?”
“Sure.” you mumbled, laying back down.  You could smell the stranger’s beautiful cologne and you got curious as to who it might be. 
“I just need to hide out for a while, someone not so nice is looking for me.” Their voice was hard to describe but sounded like a melodic ache.
“Who are you?” You asked, suspicious of the stranger climbing into the bed with you. 
“Who is asking?” The tiny trill showed he was amused by his dismissive answer, he was trying to act cute.  You turned on your phone  and used the light of your lock screen to examine the stranger’s face. Ash-blonde hair parted on the side, he smiled, wetting his thick lips with his tongue. 
“Ah, it’s you.” dropping your arm back to the bed, no longer feeling uncomfortable. All  the encounters you had with him were pleasant, he always used endearments because he never remembered names. 
“You know me, baby?” He took his phone and repeated your process to stream a soft light over your face. “Oh my, baby it is you! What are you doing in here sleeping? You're  usually the brightest in the room.”
“Huge Thesis.” you mumbled and he hummed, taking your hand. 
“Hey listen, how about I make you an offer tonight? You  can ask for anything you want and I will give it to you for half the price.  If I don’t have it I will give you the next best thing for free.” the lamp beside the bed was clicked on, giving a soft orange glow throughout the room. 
“Something warm?” You hummed while looking over at him curiously. You were craving a body. To be exact, human contact and love. He opened his jacket. 
“I got a warm meatball sub, a packet of lollipops, and a container of home cooked spaghetti. I got spare underwear in all different sizes, this is a set of slippers when your feet get sore in heels, juice mixers, spirits. I got herbs for days, this one will make you happy, this one calms you down, this one here has you seeing pretty colours, this one has you sleep until morning, this is my house special, it  tastes like a cinnamon donut.” he looked over. “Anything yet?”
You shook your head and he sighed, lifting a gym bag onto the bed, “alright brace yourself, I got spare clothes, ramen packets, a scented candle, batteries, pet food. I got condoms, a razor, a vibrator, lube. I have painkillers, cold medicine, I have this thing which I think was an Easter egg. I got a 3DS, a switch and a variety of games. I got a can of tomato soup, yet no can opener, weird. I got a heat pack, I got this adult diaper and I don’t know why, and a spiderman comic?”
“No,” you sighed.
“Tell me what you want and if I know I don’t have it it’s free.” he hummed, running his hand through his hair and looking so amazing while his plush lips were always so glossy and soft looking. 
“I want a fuck,” you breathed, “a good stress relieving fuck.”
“Aha, I do have what you want!” He held up  the vibrator and you shook your head. 
“No, I want heat and hands and so much more. I need to be loved right now, I need to just fuck until I forget everything. Last I checked I can’t get plowed into the mattress by a vibrator. So, unless you have a willing male hidden in that bag I don’t think you have what I want.” 
“Not in my bag, no, but I have one under my jacket,” he pulled his jacket off and held his arms out, “and I am free.” he grinned kneeling beside you.
“I have never done a deal like this, I am going to be honest. No one has ever asked for this. Would you like to make the purchase?”
“You sure you have what I want?” You bit your lip after you said it because look at him, he was sexy as hell and he knew it.
“I can fuck you until you forget everything, you won’t know anything but my name.”
“But I don’t know your name?” you raised an eyebrow. 
“Really? Pretty baby  doesn’t know my name?” He pouted “What do you call me in that pretty little head of yours?”
“I call you the herb man.” he laughed heartily, looking too cute for this proposition, almost falling over from his cute giggles causing you to sigh. “look, maybe I’ll just go home?”
“I have a reputation, I have what everyone wants. If word gets out that I, Park Jimin, let someone down not once but multiple times? I- we just can’t have that.  Now tell me how you want it.” he smiled, pulling his hair back with his fingers and revealing his forehead whilst licking his lips. You felt like you just got slapped with how quick he went from a soft boy to this deep gazed daddy.
“I don’t know..” you whispered, lying. He cupped your cheek looking you in the eyes and trying to search them for what you needed. Maybe he was just a people pleaser, he couldn’t let anyone down. You didn’t know why he was always so eager to make others happy.
“Kissing, touching, fingering, oral sex, what positions? What’s your kinks? I can provide it all.” 
“I want it all,” you whispered. He rolled on top of you, straddling your hips and caging you in with his body as he took your chin, tilting it upward and pecking you gently. Gauging your reaction, he looked down at you, you were looking up at him pleading for him to use you. But this wasn’t about him. He wanted to give you what you wanted.
He kissed you slowly, deeply, you felt loved, the tension in your shoulders easing slightly. He grinned, pulling off his shirt before continuing to kiss you. His hands starting to wander along your body as he massaged your breasts, squeezing them, making you whimper and moan into his mouth. 
His plush lips moved to your neck and he smiled when he found out how sensitive you were there. “You bought me, pretty baby. Use me however you wish.”
Without hesitation you grabbed his face kissing him again and running your fingers through his hair. The music downstairs was loud but you still refused to make too much noise. His hands slid down your side and thighs before sliding back up and lifting your dress,  revealing your underwear which he quickly slipped down your legs. He didn’t waste any time. 
Spreading your legs and smiling up at you. “Please,” You breathed and he smirked, biting your thigh. You yelped feeling yourself grow wetter.
“My name is Jimin, use it?”
“Please Jimin.” You said and he smiled thankfully, obliging to your whines. 
“With pleasure my pretty baby.” He gripped your thighs and took your clit in his mouth, it was so sudden. You were so surprised that a loud moan pulled from your chest. You tried to stifle your moans and he mumbled, “Make noise baby, no one can here you and no one cares.” 
He began making enthusiastic noises while he caressed you with his tongue. He alternated between sucking and flicking your clit, his fingers curling up inside you pressing against all the sweetest spots. Your thighs trembled in his hands and he giggled against you, pulling back with his chin glistening. “You’re shaking.” 
“Please jimin I need you!”
“Ooh, you sound pretty when you say my name.” He smiled, removing your dress entirely and your bra before he took his belt, unbuckling it. You noticed the bulge in his pants as he slid his tight ripped jeans and briefs off. He took himself in his hand pumping lazily, he was  more than ready. 
“Is this really what you want?” He asked softly, calling your eyes back to his, he looked shy once more. As he grabbed a condom, you took it from him, and threw it onto the bed hands pulling him down over you.  
“I am on the pill,” your words made him smile, nudging your legs wider apart with his thighs and lined himself at your entrance. He took his time entering you, rolling his hips forward, sliding effortlessly inside you. Each thrust fills you up completely. 
“I apologize if I finish too quickly,” His eyebrows knitted together in concentration, his mouth forming an o-shape, his breathing becoming forced pants. “Oh god, you feel so good, I’m sorry!”
He came. The sounds he made were beautiful and you felt disappointed as he pulled out.  He smiled, “I always last longer the second time, if you are still willing? I haven’t satisfied you yet and that is what’s important. It is what you asked for.”
At your enthusiastic nod he flipped you over, pressing his hand to the small of your back and guiding you into position, your hips rolling forward so you were at the perfect angle to receive him. 
“Oh fuck!” You gasped, this made him feel deeper inside of you and the angle has  him pressing heavily against your G-spot. Making you cry out every time. “Don’t stop, please!”
“Don’t worry pretty baby, I would never until you tell me you are satisfied.” He grunted, reaching around your waist to press two fingers against you, stimulating you further in time with his thrusts. 
“Jimin, please!” The urgency in your tone was registered by him; he pressed your chest into the mattress and pistoned his hips trying to help you finish. Your eyes flashed white as an immense pleasure filled your body. You couldn’t hear anything or see anything, lost in a void of white for eternity, while the pleasure screamed through your body. It was maddening with  how nice it felt, but it faded back to reality and your eternity of bliss was, in fact, mere seconds.
Jimin didn’t stop, flipping you back over. He was inside you again. You came again in a short time and he looked down amazed. “Seems you come quicker the second time,”
“More!” You pleaded as you were chasing your high, that moment in the white void of pleasure when there was nothing else and you had no other worries.
He kept going. Each orgasm becoming less intense, and harder to reach. Until finally, instead of a white void you saw black and it was peaceful. But you weren’t alone. Jimin was there, just with you and you felt safe. 
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You woke up a while later to people talking. Realising the dark void was actually a dream, involving you and Jimin. Opening your eyes you saw Namjoon and Jin standing at the end of the bed while Jimin spoke to them quietly. “She passed out after seven rounds.”
“Next time invite us to join. It is my room,” Namjoon laughed and you turned to see Jimin beside you, sitting up, dressed in everything but his shirt.
“You are awake.” He had a placed a damp cloth on your head, “I am sorry if it was too much, I didn’t mean to make you pass out.”
“No, it was amazing.” You laughed.
“Was everything okay, pretty baby?” He raised an eyebrow and tucked your hair behind your ear. Your cheeks flushed, “Anything you like or dislike so I know for next time?”
“Next time?” You asked.
“Of course, if you need me again,” he smiled.
“Um, well, you are really good at oral, I am sure other girls will enjoy that a lot, so keep doing that, but some girls might not like a fast pace so keep that in mind.”
“Hey, listen I am not planning on doing this with anyone else this is an exclusive offer for you.” He smiled rubbing the back of his neck, “I don’t really like sharing and it would feel too much like cheating if I did this with every girl that asked. I am a one at a time guy, if you ever need me, I am here.”
“Oh thank you, I will call if I ever need anything.” You nodded, taking your phone from him and turning to the other two grinning in the room. 
“You are both so cute,” Seokjin pointed at you both. You stepped out of the bed wearing Jimin’s shirt. It was quite large on you since he wore baggy clothes often. You felt a warm trickle and looked down to see the small trail of liquid both Jimin and yourself had created. It continued to run down your thigh, a hot white liquid that made each male in the room moan at the sight. Namjoon licking his lips, as if imagining the taste.
“Next time you use my room we all have to share.” Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows, earning a slap to the back of his head by Seokjin. 
“Didn’t you just hear him say he doesn’t share?”
“Look at the mess you made on my bed, that is amazing!” Your eyes widened as you turned to see the sheets darkened with mixed arousal, jimin was as flushed as you, his phone buzzing. 
“Someone downstairs needs something to eat,” You saw him adorn his hoodie and duffle bag, reaching into his Mary Poppins Esque bag and grasping the container of spaghetti he had mentioned earlier. “If you need anything let me know.”
You went to the ensuite and got dressed, looking in the mirror. You looked happy, even you could admit that. “How is she so blind, he looks for her at every party, always asks her if she needs anything because he hopes he can talk to her,” Seokjin said “Jimin and y/n I ship them so hard!”
“I will ship you so hard, come here.” You heard them start kissing and ducked out. “Thank you for letting me rest and use your bathroom!” You smiled, waving as you left the room before they could start anything.
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Calling it a night you wanted to return the shirt Jimin let you borrow, he was over by the pool handing out a few things and he waved with a smile. “Jimin,” you said as you got closer, “Your shirt!”
“Ah thanks,” He placed it into his duffle bag and you nodded, feeling awkward. “I am going to go.”
Halfway to your car you heard, “Wait, Y/n!” you turned on instinct, genuinely surprised he knew your name. He stopped in front of you. “I um, I wanted to you know-”
He rambled for a while and you thought perhaps you or he was having a stroke. None of it made sense and you blinked. “Jimin slow down, I am listening!”
“I asked you every party for almost a year what was the one thing you wanted and you answered love every time and I was thinking...” He took a deep breath looking at you nervously playing with the hem of your dress. “Do you maybe want to go out?” 
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If you like this please hit the heart or the button that looks like you are trying to throw it in reverse in UNO to share this with others. If you enjoyed the story please feel free to check out some of my other stories on my [Masterlist]
Click here for [Herb.2]
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painted-crow · 4 years
Do you think house pets can have primaries and secondaries too? If so, do you think they might reflect what their owners have?
They definitely have Sortings! This is an excellent ask 😂
I don't think the owner has a whole lot to do with it, though. They influence the way their pet's Sorting shows up in behavior, but the animal's personality itself is their personality, you can make them more or less stable and confident but I don't think they mold themselves after you.
Sorting my family's pets
My folks have eight animals in the house. Eight. My mom is “slowly” turning into a crazy cat lady and I’m absolutely fine with this. However, this post is actually long (and silly) enough that I’m switching to my laptop to put it under a cut.
Lots of cat and dog stories incoming :D
Tesla (my cat)
Double Slytherin, easy. He's ridiculously sweet towards me and mostly ignores everyone else unless they have food. (He's warming up to my mom though.) He's also a great actor. He's tricked everyone else into thinking he isn't cute and affectionate because he only acts needy and adorable when he's alone with me.
Funny story: he badly pulled a muscle in his back leg from a missed jump the year before last, and he REALLY liked the attention he got from me while I was nursing him back to health. I had a kind of kitty painkiller/anti-inflammatory stuff that came as a paste and could be mixed into wet food, which he normally only gets as a treat because too much upsets his stomach, but he was getting it every day for the medication. I also set up a special bed for him with a heating pad and kept checking on him and giving him attention.
He took a long time to heal, and the vet said I was doing the right thing, but I think I might have made it worse by being so nice to him because he really didn't want to get up and move around! He kept up the "I'm completely helpless, keep babying me" act for a year.
My mom finally took him to the chiropractor, who clicked his tail back into place and gave us some kitty physical therapy stretches for his leg... which he did NOT like, and unless someone was petting him at the same time to distract him, he'd scream like we were murdering him.
So, yes. Slytherin secondary 😂
Aardman (my brother's cat #1)
Huffleclaw. Loves everyone, including kids and babies--he's not only very patient with them, he's really enthusiastic and affectionate with them.
Knows EXACTLY how to get into mischief. Will grab your butt as you pass on purpose to get your attention. Often found in weird places, looking proud of himself: "look, I figured out how to get on top of the kitchen cabinets! I'm gonna knock stuff over now."
Thaddeus (my brother's cat #2)
Double Gryff. He's got big jock energy. This cat actually greets people with a loud meow and that upwards "sup" nod. If he wants attention he isn't subtle about it, and if you don't give it to him he'll play attack your toes. Very charismatic and friendly. He's also kind of an idiot who will fall off of things if he gets distracted while lounging.
He's a Gryff primary because when strangers come into the house, he'll vibe check them and decide if he's going to hide from them or smother them in love and cat hair. My mom was talking to a few different contractors about fixing something in the house, and Thaddeus was totally spooked by one and loved the other. I'm not saying that's why we chose the one he liked, but...
Gracie (my mom's cat)
Slytherin primary. Definitely my mom's cat, reluctant to interact with anyone else but very possessive of Mom's lap.
Possibly a Gryff secondary, or neutral state Slytherin. This house has a lot of cats in it and Gracie is tiny, but she takes zero crap and will smack the others in the face if they think they can push her around.
Isador / Izzy (pack mama cat, doesn't have a favorite human?)
You could make arguments for both Slytherin and Hufflepuff primary for Izzy. She loves all her humans and will yell at any of us for pets. We don't know how old she actually is (all our cats are rescues) but she looks and sounds like a prim old lady, which is appropriate since she's the matriarch of the house.
She does have favorites among the other pets, though. The dogs are her babies, she's known them since they were puppies and is very protective of them (which is pretty silly, since they're 65lbs apiece). She does NOT like Tesla, who is the biggest cat and full of ego, and doesn't really respect her lol 😂
She also didn't like the kittens at first. Gracie and Thaddeus were both kittens, only a few weeks old, that were abandoned in our neighborhood a year ago. Gracie showed up in the back yard, mewling, and Thaddeus was brought over by a neighbor who had found him but wasn't prepared to get up several times a night to bottle feed a kitten. My mom took both of them and we ended up keeping them. Izzy was a little bit hostile towards them at first, but she came around and now they’re part of her pack.
Hufflepuff secondary. If any of the other cats talks back to her, she hisses at them and the dogs come running over to check on her.
Maybe she's a Ravenclaw with a very Loyalist looking system? She cares a lot about keeping the peace. Yeah, you know what, Ravenpuff Izzy sounds about right.
Shawn (my mom's cat #2)
Slytherin primary, I think. My mom was visiting the shelter for dog tags or something basic like that, went back into the cat room to give the strays some love, and this gorgeous gray-and-white long-haired kitten climbed up her shoulder and wrapped himself around her neck and wouldn't let go. She had been Chosen.*
Shawn is also kind of a status hound within the house! The boys keep score of who's top cat... well, I don't know if Thaddeus cares (and Izzy knows it's actually her). Shawn likes to play dominance games with the other cats. He'll pick on Aardman and play wrestle with Tesla (who is twice his weight, but Shawn is very fluffy and he clearly thinks they're the same size, which is hilarious).
One of the Improvisational secondaries. I think he's a Gryffindor.
*Tesla also did this. The shelter lady took him out of the crate and within minutes he'd stretched out on my lap, belly-up, so relaxed he almost fell off. This is how you get a cat. I was actually looking to adopt on purpose, though, which my mom wasn't 😂
Rowan (my dad's dog)
This idiot dog. This absolute buffoon of an animal.
Actually, my mom is convinced he's not all that dumb, and he's tricking us all into believing he is so he doesn't have to be an obedient dog. If so, he's a VERY good actor. Slytherin secondary. (He also weaponizes the 🥺 eyes and my dad falls for it every time.)
Slytherin primary. Every time he misbehaves, my dad insists he's my mom's dog, but we all know better: he waits for my dad to come home and runs up and wags his entire body. He's SO affectionate with my dad and doesn't really care about anyone else's opinion. My dad lets this 65 pound, made-of-elbows idiot creature sit on his lap in the least comfortable positions possible, and baby talks to him.
Alex (my mom's actual dog)
Double Ravenclaw. I know, right? I haven't been Sorting many Ravenclaws in this list.
Alex is a very smart and fairly obedient dog. He is also a border collie (both he and Rowan are). He has also decided that Tesla needs a babysitter, and will follow him EVERYWHERE, doing that border collie staredown thing they normally use to herd sheep.
Yes. This dog tries to herd cats. He's very good at it, actually. All of our cats are indoor only animals (it's dangerous for them outside) but Shawn used to be a real escape artist. I'm not sure how we discovered that the dogs could do this, but we can call the dogs and tell them "get the kitty!!!" and they will work as a team to literally herd the cat back into the house. We didn't train them to do this. They're purebred border collies and they just know.
Anyway, Tesla and Alex get into drama. If I'm holding Tesla, Alex is ALWAYS staring at him. I think it's that, although he likes Tesla, he doesn't trust him and he's trying to make sure Tesla doesn't hurt me. Tesla is Very Dramatic and will yell or pretend like he's going to bite me if he's stuck in a position he doesn't like on my lap or he thinks another cat is going to try to steal my attention, and Alex Does Not Like That. Tesla won't actually hurt me on purpose, but he puts up a front in public that he's only tolerating me.
Alex doesn't care if I tell him to go lay down somewhere else. He is going to stare at this cat no matter what. Sometimes, the thing Tesla is yelling about is that the dog is staring at him and he's not in the mood for that nonsense (or, he also just likes when I scold the dog on his behalf), and this doesn't help matters. Alex has decided he Must Protect, and that dog code is more important to him than my opinion 😂
Alex is a Ravenclaw secondary. He's put in the effort to learn to communicate with humans, and he's very expressive with his body language and pointing with his eyes/nose. I think if we got him a set of those word buttons people give dogs so they can "talk," Alex would pick up on it right away and use it a lot.
That’s all the animals for now! Will update next time my mom finds a cat xD
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kyojurolover · 4 years
best friends: (3) stuck on you
Series Masterlist 
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader 
Summary: a story about two best friends who slowly realize they’ve been in love this whole time & would do anything for each other
Author’s Note: nothing too interesting happens in this chapter tbh ... hope you guys still enjoy it tho ! (Taglist is open !!)
Warnings: language, kinda long 
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  Peter knew something was up with you when you had left that quickly from Flash’s party. And the fact you had pretended like you were good was weird. It had been bothering Peter the whole weekend. You had always told him what was on your mind and this was the first time you hadn’t. 
  Maybe he was making too big a deal out of it. Peter was known for overreacting sometimes; he’d lost count how many times the people in his life have had to continously reassure him whenever he felt like something was off. 
  But Peter knew in his gut that you weren’t being honest about how you truly felt. Your voice had sounded strangled before you had left and you didn’t give him a hug or even one of your cute, dorky smiles. 
  “You’re one distracted kid, huh?” Aunt May’s voice snapped Peter out of his thoughts. 
  Aunt May laughed. “I was wondering if you had any plans for today? It’s a Sunday and you’ve been cooped up inside all weekend.” 
  That wasn’t all true. Peter had snuck out at night to do his job as Spider-Man which only was stopping a gang from mugging someone, getting a cat back to its owner, and making sure to keep a close eye on any cops patrolling around. 
  The whole time he had gone on his nightly outings on Friday and Saturday, his mind had been filled with thoughts about you. He couldn’t help it. It was like his brain was a TV and instead of being able to switch to multiple channels, it was stuck on you. Twenty-four/seven. 
  “I..I don’t think I’m gonna go out today,” Peter said as he played with his food. 
  “Oh.” Aunt May looked surprised. “Haven’t you and Ned been wanting to go to the movies?” 
  Peter shrugged half-heartedly. 
  “What about Y/N? You two are usually connected at the hip.” 
  “I think she’s busy.” 
  Aunt May raised an eyebrow. “‘Think’?” 
  Peter put his fork down and threw his head back. He rubbed his eyes as he said, “I don’t know! She...she’s been giving me mostly one-word responses and I feel like I’ve probably done something that messed our friendship up.”
  “Well, go visit her and see what’s wrong.” 
  Peter looked at her skeptically then back down at his plate. Maybe she was right. He should go over to your place and demand to know what was bothering you. 
  But what if that just made you more closed off? No. If the situation were switched around you’d definitley barge in through the door and coax some answers out of him. You’d be there for him. And he was going to be there for you. 
☆ ☆ ☆
Peter was nervous as he climbed down the fire escape to your place. He didn’t know why he was nervous. Maybe it’s because this would be the first time he’s seen you over the weekend when usually, like Aunt May said, you two were “connected at the hip.” 
  Peter went over to your window and put his face close to the glass. You weren’t in there. 
  He sat down, with his back against your window. 
  Where were you? Were you hanging out with someone else? 
  Peter felt confused. And jealous; jealousy was coursing through his whole body. Jealous of the person you were hanging out with right now. 
  He knew it was wrong to be jealous. But you rarely hung out with anyone outside of school besides him, Betty, and sometimes Ned. Mostly with Peter, though. It made him feel special. 
  A sudden thought slowly came to him. Were you..with Flash?
  The night of the party flashed in his mind. His heart fluttered when he remembered you two dancing in the backyard and how good you looked and smelled. His face got warm when he remembered the way you had leaned in towards him, your eyes on his lips. And then when you had left and Peter had decided moments later to follow you, Flash had gotten in his way. 
☆ ☆ ☆
  At the party, Peter tried to go after you to say goodbye and ask why you had scurried away so quickly but he had been stopped by none other than Flash. 
  “So...you and Y/N, huh?” It seemed by the tone of his voice that he was trying to sound calm and collected but the dark look in his eyes conveyed he wanted to hit Peter. 
  Peter looked over his head to see where you had gone but you were nowhere to be found. That meant you had already gone out the front door and Peter had lost his chance to talk to you. 
  He brought his attention back to Flash. “What are you talking about, man?”
  “You two are a thing.”
  Peter raised his eyebrows so high he probably looked crazy. “Me...and Y/N?” 
  “Yeah. Who else?” 
  Peter shook his head. “Noo. No way, dude. She’s just my best friend.” 
  Flash scoffed in disbelief. “Nice try, Parker. One of my friends told me they saw you two dancing together outside.” 
  Peter tried really hard not to roll his eyes. “That’s the kinda stuff we do. It’s just platonic.” 
  “I’ve seen the fucking googoo eyes you make at her. And you two hang out a lot for people who are ‘just best friends.’”
  Peter’s stomach dropped at Flash’s googoo eyes comment. Did he really do that? 
  But he tensed his jaw and stared Flash down. “If you’re insinuating that Y/N cheated on you with me you’re fucked up in the head. She’s a very sweet person and she loved you a lot, Flash. You broke her heart. I’d never do that to anyone, even you, and neither would she.” 
  Flash’s features seemed to relax and as he opened his mouth to say something, Peter walked past him, purposefully bumping his shoulder.
  Flash grabbed his arm and turned him around, though. 
  He seemed anxious as he said, “That’s why I broke up with her. I thought she was secretly seeing you behind my back.” 
  Peter didn’t know whether to smack Flash or laugh in his face. Instead he breathed through his nostrils and asked, “What did she say when you told her that?” 
  He already knew the answer before it came out of Flash’s mouth. 
  “I didn’t tell her that that was the reason. I told her I wanted to break up because I thought it was for the best and that I was already stressed out by a bunch of stuff.” 
  Okay, well, now tell him he’s a fucking dumbass, Y/N deserves better, and flip him off. 
  “You should talk to her. She needs to know.”
  Why’d you say that??
  Flash nodded curtly. And Peter stormed off. He needed to let out all this pent up energy and anger. Anger because Flash didn’t know how lucky he was to have you in love with him, how lucky he was to be able to hold your hand in the hallways and pin you up against your locker for a kiss, and how dumb he was to make you cry over losing a dickwad like him!
  Peter had been out for a while, swinging through the city, feeling nothing and everything at the same time, and he had made it home just in time for Aunt May to not get suspicious. And that night he had laid in bed thinking about you. 
☆ ☆ ☆
  Had you and Flash gotten back together?
  That was probably why you weren’t being yourself with Peter. Flash probably told you the real reason due to your breakup, how he had cleared it all up with Peter, and you were already upset and it increased further now that you knew what Peter had kept from you. 
  Peter hung his head between his legs. He decided he’d wait for you. Wait until you showed up with that hard look in your eyes and with your arms crossed. Wait, even if it meant you’d be yelling at him or giving him one word answers or simply ignoring him. Peter just needed to see you. See your beautiful face and the nice outfit you had picked out for yourself today.
  He missed you like crazy even though it had only been a day and a half. A day and a half of worrying, regret, anger, anxiety, and sadness. 
  Yeah, seeing you would put his mind and heart at ease. 
  Twenty minutes. Thirty minutes. Forty minutes. Peter had been waiting for forty minutes and you still hadn’t shown up. 
  He pulled out his phone and got ready to send you a message. He typed out “where are you?” but immediately erased it. It had been almost three hours ago when you had left him on read so clearly you didn’t want to talk to him. 
  Peter tried not to notice the wetness in his eyes as he climbed back up the fire escape and back into his room. 
  That night, he’d gone out as Spider-Man, his mind still stuck on you. 
chapter 4
☆ ☆ ☆
Series Taglist: 
@xroselights​ @liljennyx3​ @just-a-littlebit-of-everything​
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mother-snake · 4 years
🎶Guess whos back🎶 🎶back again🎶
It's me! With more Janus angst! Well, more fluff then anything... It's fluff (did you really think we could pass the 4 year anniversary of sanders sides and I wouldn't send something in?)
So!! The sides are having a huge party to celebrate 4 years. The living room is decked in all the colours of the rainbow. A mixture of all the sides music are playing through the speakers and all their favourite foods are set up. Everyone is in the living room, talking and dancing mostly but Virgil did climb on top of the fridge when Roman took out glitter. Well, everyone is in the living room except for a certain snake like side.
Janus didn't join the party. Hes still in his room in the mindscape. Not from lack of effort from the others. They knocked on his door for half an hour straight with no answer. So they just accept that Janus is going to miss this year.
At least all accept Patton.
Patton snatched Remus from the party and made him lock pick the door open. Patton opened the door slowly -so that if Jan was sleeping it wouldn't disturb him. Patton felt his heart drop when he saw the yellow side's room.
The walls were covered with scuffs and tears in the Victorian wallpaper, almost all the furniture was flipped and destroyed -burns coating some of the edges, Janus' prized record player was smashed to pieces and all of the light bulbs were shattered. Stuttering out a soft curse (holy smokes, fudge, sugar honey ice tea, etc) Patton summoned the others.
Instant chaos. Virgil immediately goes to "oh my god, Janus is dead. I need to pick up a larger work load. Thomas is never going to be able to lie again. Patton is trying to hold back tears and calm down Virgil Logan is looking throughout the room, deducing that there was a massive struggle, some things are burned but only in concentrated places and there is a small pool of blood by some shattered glass. The twins say that they feel some magic from the imagination in the room. The sides decide to follow the clues and go to the imagination to see if they can find anything else.
Luckily for them! The imagination works with a different time! 24 hours in the imagination is one hour irl. So they should be back for the party!!
When they enter the imagination the first thing they see is a bowler hat that is stained with blood and a set of foot prints. They follow it as well with picking up the hat.
Logan notices that the corner is burned and the blood is fresh -still wet and it hasn't darkened yet-
While walking they pay close attention to their surroundings and chat about what movies they want to watch when they get back to the party. The footprints are becoming scarce so they follow the occasional droplet of blood and torn piece of clothing.
They walk for hours with only the birds and setting sun to keep them company. They decide to stop and rest for the night when Logan almost falls in a hole that was hidden by the lack of light. Roman summons a few sleeping bags and sets up a fire while Virgil takes first watch. Switching throughout the night.
The next day continues more or less like it did the day before. Walking and talking.
This time ,after crossing a river, they find a yellow glove soaked in blood, some scales stuck on the fabric. If their hurry wasn't there before it was now. They quicken their pace even more. Leaving the forest they were in and moving into some plains, they thought they heard distant shouting.
"don't let me right now you monster!"
"you have no idea what I'm not capable of when I'm mad!"
"Sooner or later the others won't catch up with you!!"
All with the S' slurred and sarcastic tone that they knew oh so well. They walked up a hill to see Janus tied to a pyre, blond curls a mess and matted with dried blood, clothes torn and some scales torn off. They looked to the insane bastard that thought kidnapping the snake was a good idea to see not just one bastard. But over 30 bastards!!
Janus got kidnapped by a cult.
The cult was very stereotypical; black cloaks, a few sacrificed goats and white porcelain masks with painted scales on their face -wait a sec... Scales? Yes scales. Deceit has a cult devoted to him- and thats when it clicks for them. They want to sacrifice Janus to appease Deceit. This cult doesn't know that Janus IS Deceit. The sides face palmed when they realized how dumb these cultists are.
The cultists seem really annoyed with Janus' complaining so they gag him all while he was yelling at how he was going to skin these fucking people alive to make a skin suit -Remus was proud- but sadly. Threats don't mean much if you're tied to a pole and about to be set on fire. The people continue to prepare the dumbest sacrifice ever while the others try to figure out how to free Janus.
Virgil looks closer at the items the cultists have laid out. A spider corpse, an octopus tentacle, a bulls horn, a cats eye and a few crow feathers... This wasn't a Janus cult. This was a Dark Side cult. Virgil let out a heavy sigh and told the others his plan.
Remus and Virgil turned into their dark forms. Spider legs coming out of Virgil's back along with six more eyes sprouted, his hair also turned purple. Remus had oozing green tentacles rip from his back and his skin took a sickening green tinge, his white hair stripe also turned neon green. They teleported behind the cultists and let out animalistic growls.
The cult turned around to see the people they worshipped having a pissed off expression on their face and instantly knew they fucked up. They fell to their knees and begged for mercy all while Virgil chewed them out for kidnapping the actual Deceit -thats when that threat of a skin suit really sunk in- and how creepy it was to try to burn someone alive and to at least have some class when sacrificing someone- that went on for a while.
The other three snuck behind the cult and untied Janus, the second they untied his hands Janus ripped off the gag and turned into his dark form.
He grew six arms and his eyes glowed with a intense yellow. Golden snakes wrapped around his arms and then he let out a low hiss.
Janus sent the snakes to tie the cultists arms behind their backs and stepped down from the pyre. To be honest; every side there thought that Janus was going to murder 30 people and actually skin them, but that is NOT WHAT HAPPENNED!!!
No one expected Janus to yell at them like a disappointed mother for 2 hours straight and keep their mouths shut with his powers.
"-AND NOT ANOTHER THING! If you ignorant self centered pricks ever, and I don't mean ever, lay a single hand on another side again. YOU WILL ALL BE BURNED AT THE FUCKING STAKE!-" he went on for a while...
The ironic thing was that Janus was the youngest side so this was equal to hearing your toddler threaten arson.
After Janus was done he turned around and snatched his glove from the nearby table and changed back to his normal form all while mumbling about "some insane crazy assholes who fucking kidnapped me in the middle of scale care, fucking pricks." The other sides just followed him. Virgil and Remus changing back as they quickly caught up with Janus.
Remus could not stop laughing, Virgil was shocked that Janus could be a disappointed mother without having children, Roman was just amazed by the fact that the snake was still standing after some of those injuries. Patton wanted to give him a hug.... Ok multiple hugs... Fine he wanted to snuggle. And Logan? Logan just wanted to know more about the dark forms.
The walk was quicker back then it was to rescue the snake all while listening to Janus complaining that the pricks broke his record player and that they had the bloody AUDACITY to kidnap him! All they could think about was when Thomas called Janus the main mean girl and that they couldnt even deny it anymore.
When they made it back they patched up Janus and let him take a shower before sinking back out to join Thomas, who was just watching the office for the millionth time (pick another show sanders, I beg of you) he did perk back up when he realized that the sides were back. Then he saw the pissed off look on Janus' face... and he asked what was wrong. That set JanJan Binks off again as the others were getting a bit tired of hearing this again for the fifth time that day. So like how you distract a child.
They put on 'Chicago, the musical' and let the songs of Roxie Hart distract the snake. It worked, he shut up real quick!
The sides vowed to never let Janus get kidnapped ever again because that was.... An experience, that they DO NOT want to do again!
Thankfully the rest of the day went off well.
And that was an idea from 1am from someone who should be asleep! I was gonna make this angsty but all I could imagine was a pissed of Janus yelling at 30 adults.
I doubt you would want to use this but feel free! I hope this is as funny as my sleep deprived brain thinks it is!
(I'm sorry for any typos, it is very late)
(I got it! Just forgot to post it yesterday ^-^')
One, Yes. I love it. The beautiful angst... And ferral janus is something I absolutely die for.
(would say more but my brain has short circuited and I'm in boi, strict teach... But I'll put more later!)
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onebatch2batch · 4 years
kastle + “Do you even own a shirt?” please!!
Thank you so much for the prompt, this was really fun to write!!
The worst part about finding a new roommate, Karen finds, is the staggering amount of bullshit to wade through just to find someone who isn’t going to kill her. Or smell her hair in her sleep. Or something equally as horrifying. The first person to answer her ad in the newspaper had been a small, mousy girl that wore cat ears and cried when Karen asked about it. The second person had been a man a few years her junior who reeked of weed and waggled his eyebrows when he asked if they’d be sharing the room and the rent. The next blunty told her he was only interested in the room as a rendezvous point for his mistress.
And so on.
Karen likes to think she’s not picky. She’s honestly, truly not picky. She’d been living with Foggy for three years before he and Marcie got engaged, prompting them to get a place together uptown. Foggy had been a good roommate—never late on rent, easy to spend time with, non combative about sharing a bathroom and chores. He also never took out the trash and was a serial dish-breaker. But everyone has their quirks, and she’s prepared for some level of weird. Just not as weird as the people she’s met with today.
So when the sixth person knocks on her door, Karen is less than optimistic. According to their brief phone call earlier in the day, his name is Frank Castle. He’s an ex-Marine, fresh out of service in need of a place in the city. He’d been polite and cursory on the phone, giving nothing else away–so when she opens the door to a handsome man with a clean shaven face and a charming smile, she’s a little shocked. And when he takes off his jacket during the tour to reveal thick, corded arms and a shirt drawn tight across his chest, she very nearly gives him the room on eye candy potential alone.
Common sense overrules her–if she really does give Frank the room, it would be a living nightmare to hook up with him. What if they sleep together and then have a falling out? She would still have to see him every day. She’ll have to vet him just like everyone else and make a decision fairly. Part of her hopes that he has a pet tarantula or something. Any reason to turn him down.
Unfortunately, the universe doesn’t work that way.
“I’m clean,” he tells her as he casts an eye over the vacant room. She watches the back of his head, enraptured by the low timbre of his voice. “And I’m quiet–I do play guitar sometimes. If that’s alright.”
Because of course the stupidly hot, charming man asking to live with her plays guitar. Of course.
“Do you work?” she asks him, leaning on the doorframe as he opens the closet door to look inside.
“Uh huh. I work construction. Sometimes I work odd jobs on the weekends.” He flashes her a quick smile. “And I promise to keep the parties down to a minimum.”
She offers him the room.
Two months after Frank moves in, they’ve settled into a rhythm. Admittedly, not the kind of rhythm that Karen thinks about when she’s alone at night and with him just across the hall but–
–yeah, they have a rhythm.
After a brief period of awkwardness and some time spent learning each other’s little quirks, Karen finds that she really enjoys Frank’s company. He’s funny in a very subtle, deadpan kind of way. He’s respectful of her space and privacy, and just like he said before–he’s quiet. Most nights find them at separate ends of the couch, Karen typing up an article for the paper she works at while he reads or strums his guitar. Sometimes he’ll cook them both dinner, pulling some old family italian recipe out of nowhere, table set by the time she gets home. She’s pleased to find he’s as clean as he claimed, and that sharing a bathroom isn’t as terrible as it could be. It seems neither of them have a very active social life, which suits her (and her growing crush) just fine.
Four months in, Karen decides that Frank is trying to kill her. She knows that he is a disciplined man; he starts every day the same way. He wakes up long before her. She knows this because the coffee pot is always nearly done brewing by the time she drags herself out of bed around 6am. In fact by the time she’s done pouring them both a cup–his black, hers with cream–his keys jingle in the door like clockwork. Frank spends every morning, seven days a week, running five miles before the sun even decides it’s going to rise. And then he walks in like it’s nothing, and Karen sits in her bathrobe and makes small talk and pretends not to notice the sweat glistening on his skin.
It really sinks in that Frank’s trying to kill her on a humid June morning. Even in the apartment with the AC circulating she feels the wetness of the air, and she lounges at the kitchen island with her coffee and watches the door. Frank’s keys sound a moment later, and then he walks in and nearly has her falling out of her chair.
Of course she’s seen him shirtless once or twice, but it’s always a brief flash between the bathroom and his bedroom door after a shower. It still leaves her wholly unprepared for the sight of Frank Castle’s chiseled abs, sculpted chest and thick, sinewy arms at half past six in the morning. She’s suddenly very awake.
“Mornin’,” Frank tells her easily, picking up his mug with a quick nod of thanks. He heads down the hall towards the bathroom and Karen takes a sip of her coffee, heart thundering in her chest. The image of him half naked, sweating for a whole different reason, fills her head. She thinks about him balanced above her, moisture beading on his forehead as he bruises her hips with his own. She thinks of what would happen if she made his heart race without even leaving the apartment–and if she even could.
The shower turns on and Karen groans, snapping out of her daydreams. She’s fucked.
She suffers through this newest form of torture in silent agony. Day after day, morning after morning, she considers staying in her bed until the shower switches on. And then day after day she pulls herself out of bed, far too eager for someone who can’t afford to have this big a crush on someone she’ll be splitting rent with indefinitely.
It’s seventeen shirtless morning later–not that she’s counting–when she finally cracks.
Frank strolls in before she can even take her first sip of coffee. As soon as she sees him, a flush rises on her cheeks. He’s got a nice, even tan over his skin that seems to glow under the lights of her kitchen. His hair is a little shaggier than normal, which means it’s about time for a trim. It gives him a softer look. There’s a sheen of sweat on him that she’s not embarrassed to say she finds ridiculously hot. When he directs one warm, wide, post-exercise smile at her she feels her insides turn to mush.
“Mornin’, Karen,” he greets, picking up his mug.
“Good morning.” By some small miracle, she only sounds a little strained.
Regardless, Frank raises a brow at her, leaning against the counter. “You alright?”
“Mhm.” She searches for a safe topic, one that will steer him away from looking at her like that when she knows she must be flushed red. All she can come up with is: “Do you even own a shirt?”
Frank blinks once. And then once more, for good measure. He glances down and then back up at her with a sudden clarity. The slow, shit-eatening grin that spreads across his face makes her palms sweat.
“Am I makin’ you uncomfortable?” he asks with a lilt in his voice that tells her he knows exactly what he’s doing.
“Not at all,” Karen mumbles, watching through lowered lashes as he makes his way around the kitchen island. “Just…you know. Um. It’s not really fair.”
“Yeah? What’s not?”
Frank’s close now. He smells of sweat and sunshine, and he should smell gross so why she’s suddenly getting poetic about it gives her pause. Enough of a pause for him to huff out a laugh.
Karen’s eyes lower unwittingly to the sharp jut of his jaw and the slopes of his collarbone. She traces it down, over nipples pebbled in the cool apartment air, past the uneven ridges of his abs, and then back up into his amused gaze. She panics. “I can’t walk around without a shirt,” she tries, grappling at something–anything–other than it’s not fair because I want to see you take your shirt off after you take off mine. And then I want it to stay off, and I want to–
“You could take your shirt off.”
Karen gapes at him. “What?”
“I wouldn’t be complainin’.” Frank fixes her with a wide eyed look that she thinks is supposed to mimic innocence.
This is it. This is how I die. Frank Castle is the world hottest roommate and we shouldn’t be flirting. But we definitely are. I think. And he’s–he’s–
–he’s walking away.
“I’ll put a shirt on after my shower,” he tells her, tossing her a grin over his shoulder. The bathroom door closes softly.
Now…now he’s just doing it on purpose.
One day Karen sits on the couch and types an article. At soft footsteps she glances up only to meet the wide plane of Frank’s bare chest as he casually traverses the carpet towards the kitchen.
Or another day, late afternoon on a Sunday, she walks into the apartment and he’s doing shirtless push ups in the middle of the living room.
Or another day she comes home from work and he’s cooking dinner in gray sweatpants and her apron—the one that says “whisk it real good” that she got for her birthday from Foggy last year–is far too small on him. Karen stares as her face flames, knowing how the next time she wears it she’ll only think of him.
And then the day that she snaps:
Karen comes home late. It’s nearly eight o clock by the time she manages to get her key in the lock, and she can think of nothing but bed, wine and food. And not particularly in that order.
“Frank,” she calls. “I’m home.”
There’s a scuffle from his room, and then the closing of a door before he appears in the hall. He has a guilty look on his face that almost distracts her from his shirtlessness. Almost.  
“i got somethin’ to show ya.” He pauses. “Don’t be mad.”
Karen sets her bag down, eyeing him with trepidation. “O…kay…”
With a gesture, Frank leads her back to his bedroom. She’s only been inside it once or twice–she knows it’s sparsely decorated, neatly kept, and the bed is always made. In any other instance she’d be excited that he’s bringing her into his space. Now, with the tautness of his shoulders and stiff, awkward smile–she’s just nervous. He puts a hand on the doorknob and then pauses, looking back at her.
“It’s nothing bad,” he starts, and then opens the door before she can reply.
A large ball of fur comes barrelling towards her and careens into her legs. Karen yelps, stumbling forward into the room. Her hip bumps his dresser but she doesn’t pay it any heed.
“Aw, come on, Kare–” Frank leans down to scoop the excitable, yipping puppy into his arms. It’s young with that blueish grey sheen of a pitbull and wide blue eyes. It wiggles in his arms in an attempt to escape, snout sniffing in her direction.
Karen crosses her arms, trying and failing miserably to be upset with this new development. She certainly doesn’t have time to take care of a puppy, but if Frank wants to she knows she’ll be unable to say no. He takes in her failing stern expression as he wrestles with the writhing mass of fur in his arms.
“She’s just a puppy,” he says in a rush. “I found her out behind the buildin’. She was diggin’ through trash, Karen. I figured I would bring her in and get her cleaned up and then if you don’t want her in the apartment then I’d–…”
He doesn’t finish, trailing off. It’s obvious he didn’t have a plan for her rejecting the dog. Frank peers at her over the puppy’s head, and the image is too much for her to handle. The puppy, the imploring stare he is directing at her, his half-naked state, being in his room with his masculine, earthy smell in the air–Karen huffs and smiles in defeat. “What’s her name?”
Frank’s eyes widen, and then his grin nearly knocks her over. He steps closer and hoists the puppy up, holding her so that Karen can pet her. The dog nearly falls out of his arms with excitement when Karen starts to stroke her soft fur. Karen laughs. Frank watches her, smile gentling.
“I liked Blue.” He meets her gaze with a touch of shyness. “Unless you can think of somethin’ better.”
He’s standing close enough that she can feel the heat of him on her skin. At this distance, she sees the five o'clock shadow across his face. He smells of laundry and cologne and a little bit of wet dog, but that doesn’t stop her from stepping close. “I like Blue. We can keep her.”
His expression perks up, and then quickly shifts to cautious hope. He ducks his head slightly, hiding a smile. “We?”
Something tells her that if she were to inch closer, lean close and brush her lips over his, he wouldn’t mind. That instinct is right because before she can muster up the courage, Frank beats her to it. His kiss is brief and chaste. He pulls away to gauge her reaction but Karen pulls him back impatiently, slotting her mouth over his in a kiss that he reciprocates gladly. It would almost be perfect except for–
“Blue,” Karen sighs, pulling away as the dog clambors out of Frank’s arms into her own. The puppy whines excitedly, licking at Karen’s cheek until she laughs and pulls away. “Okay, okay. You’re lucky you’re cute–I’ve been waiting on that forever.”
Frank chuckles, reaching over to scratch under Blue’s chin. When Karen meets his gaze, it’s warm and pleased. She feels it all the way to her toes.
“She’s not sleeping in the bed with us,” she tells him, fighting a smile.
Frank’s eyebrows raise. He huffs. “Try tellin’ her that.”
But she wont–she’ll let the dog sleep in the bed every night as long as Frank’s there too.
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Day 8: Hair Down
A little late, but hope you enjoy anyways :)
“Let operation Best Sleepover Ever commence!” Nino grinned.
“What do we do first?” Adrien asked. He had already changed into his pajamas, fuzzy Ladybug patterned pants with a plain white t-shirt. He’d decided against the matching top since his blanket and pillow were already Ladybug themed too.
“Tom and Sabine always make tons of food,” Nino said. “And Marinette mentioned something about decorating cookies, so that’ll probably be first. Then we can watch a movie – hey, maybe you, me, and Alya can finally convince Mari to watch a horror movie!”
“Not happening!” Marinette called from upstairs.
Nino shrugged but sent him a wink, “We’ll see about that. Oh, and Alya will probably want to play truth or dare at least once.”
“But first –” a large pile of blankets tumbled down the stairs and Marinette emerged at the bottom with a grin, “Time to build a fort!”
Adrien suddenly forgot how to breath and Nino's laughter was little more than ringing in his ears. All he could see was her.
Marinette's hair was free from it's usual pigtails, falling in a sheet around her face. She was just as breathtaking as the first time he'd seen her with her hair down, even as the static electricity of the blankets made it frizz out in all sorts of directions. A soft “Wow” escaped his lips.
Pink dusted Marinette’s cheeks as she mumbled a thanks.
They built a fort from the blankets and couch cushions, Alya joining at some point, but Adrien hardly noticed. Maybe it was good Marinette didn't wear her hair down often, he couldn't imagine focusing on anything else. She was cute all the time, but there was something special about her hair being down. Especially when she blushed or laughed. Her laugh was magical, lighting up the whole room. She had so many different laughs too. Her laugh was different with Chat Noir, completely unrestrained. With Alya there were often shrieks mixed in with laughs. Nino was somewhere in the middle of those two, and with Adrien she giggled.
Adrien had been lost in trying to think of a good pun to get her to laugh when he realized they'd moved to the kitchen. His gaze kept being drawn back to Marinette. Marinette with the same cat pun t-shirt he’d once gotten for Ladybug. Marinette with her hair down and icing on her nose. Marinette laughing as Alya smeared some on her cheek. Marinette who made works of art on her cookies. Marinette who, for everyone of Alya’s Ladybug cookies, had made a Chat Noir cookie insisting one couldn’t exist without the other. Marinette who was definitely going to be the death of him by the end of the night.
“Um, dude, you alright there?” Nino asked, pointing down to his try of cookies. A giant glob of pink icing was covering his hands and several cookies. Marinette had been laughing at joke Alya told.
“Oh, I’ll get a towel!” Marinette said, glancing over at them.
“Sorry,” Adrien cringed.
“Don’t worry about it,” Marinette said. “I’ve spilled entire sacks of flour before, this is nothing.”
Only when she came back with a wet rag did Adrien notice the design of icing on her face. The bit on her nose had been smudged into a triangle, three streaks for whiskers on either side of her face. That must’ve been what Alya had been doing when she smudged some on Marinette’s cheek.
As Adrien wiped off his hands Marinette began redistributing the icing more evenly over all the cookies. “Time for a game then?” Alya asked.
“As long as it’s not truth or dare,” Marinette warned.
“Aw, but Marinette, don’t you want Adrien to get the complete sleepover experience?”
“We could play Mahjong, we’ve got four people, it’s perfect!”
“But – okay, actually, that sounds fun, I’ve never played before,” Alya said, frowning. “But don’t think you’re getting off easy, Marinette, we can play truth or dare after!”
“We'll see about that. Mama taught me when I was little, it’s a lot like cards actually,” Marinette put the tray off to the side, wiping her fingers on a nearby towel. “I’ll go get the tiles.”
A few minutes later Marinette had begun explaining the rules and setting up the tiles, “We’ll leave the flower tiles out since it’s your first time. Nino’s played at least a few times before, but I’ll start as the East Wind. Nino you might want to sit in the South seat so you can be East after me.”
“This is so much fun, I’ve only ever played the solitaire version,” Adrien said, the game distracting him from being too absorbed by Marinette’s beauty, even if he ended up losing spectacularly.
“How?” Alya groaned as Marinette declaring mahjong with her two North wind tiles. She’d managed to win using entirely dragon and wind tiles, tripling her final score. She’d won each hand but the second, each with a different score modifier.
Marinette shrugged, “This was one of the only games I would play for a while, so I've gotten a lot of practice. At first I just thought the tiles were pretty and I liked the noise they made but I picked up some strategy along the way.”
“Wait, Mari, didn’t you make your own set of tiles for an art project one year?” Nino asked.
“Oh yeah, they’re still around here somewhere. I think Mama put them away for safe keeping though.”
“I vote we switch to truth or dare before Marinette finds someway to win that too,” Alya said, still shaking her head as they put the tiles away.
“Don’t give her any ideas!” Nino protested.
“I dare you to compliment Marinette,” Alya smirked.
“Aren’t dares supposed to be hard?” Adrien asked.
“Well, I’d say until she blushes, but that ship has sailed,” Alya nodded in her friend’s direction.
“Marinette, you’re the kindest, bravest, most creative person I know,” Adrien said. Except for maybe Ladybug. Maybe. “Also, you look beautiful with your hair down.”
“Eep!” Marinette squeaked, burying her face in a nearby pillow.
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