#we will wait to introduce the big metal older brother he should show up at a bbq or smth eventually
wazzappp · 1 year
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Fond thoughts overwhelming my brain
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My Love| Echo pt 3
Note: i'll edit this later, my mouth hurts from wisdom teeth removal but wanted to get it out for you.
Warnings: No real warnings, but there is a semi spicey scene and mentions of nudity towards the end, but doesnt go into too far of detail. And Echo's legs are cannoned a bit lower than tcw meaning yes Echos got an ass, but his legs and thighs stuff like that are still metal so
Reader: Male
Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 5 | 6
Master list
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Y/n watched the boys try there food. They're faces lighting up as the room became silent, people busy digging into there food.
Y/n ate his own, his hand on Echo's thigh under the table, Echo's leg touching Y/n's.
"Ma'm this is way way! Better than rations!" Wrecker cheered.
"Im glad you like it so much, so tell me boys. What brought you over here?" Margie asked.
Hunter swallowed his food, "well we wanted to meet Echo's boyfriend Ma'm, we had no idea they had been dating for so long."
It was lucky for the group that talked they stayed together, near the head of the table where Margie sat, a small kid or two down from her.
"Echo's been nothing but a delight. To both my son and my family." Margie praised, "he's a good kid, Im assuming he gets it from his older brothers?"
"Oh...uh." Hunter spoke.
"He's older than us." Crosshair responded for the group.
"Oh?" She smiled, "you learn something new every day."
She looked at Y/n who nodded and smiled, "Yep."
"So where are you boys staying?" She asked.
Oh shit. Was the only thing Echo could think of. His brothers? Staying here?
"Oh we have our own place." Tech responded, "We live in a building complex called the Marauder."
Well that was a lie.
"Wait. Isn't that the name-" Y/n was cut off when Hunter kicked him.
"Sorry. Foot must've slipped." Hunter responded his head slightly jolting towards the side, Echo was lost in his food, eating small spoon fulls, he was listening inteny even though he tried to cover his easedropping up.
"Oh! Yeah!" Y/n chuckled, Echo's frame slightly picking up.
"Oh. Nice place then?" Margie spoke.
"Oh..uh yeah. Decent..just a bit cramped but we don't mine." Hunter told, "we do alot of delivering off world too, so we work a decent amount...Echo! Echo here works the hardest. He may not be the strongest but he sure knows how to uh-"
"Pack a crate! And log the ports data. He's also a skilled mechanic!" Wrecker joined in.
What were they doing? Fake Prasing him? Why?
She smiled, "You boys seem like you like your jobs."
The boy's nodded, Y/n watched as Tech, Hunter and Wrecker hyped up Echo. The boy's trying to support Echo, "and you? Crosshair was it?"
Crosshair stopped from putting a spoonful in his mouth, "Oh. I.-" he looked at Echo infront of him, "I have a long way to go, a lot to learn."
"The youngest then?" She questioned.
"Yeah..." Crosshair responded bringing the food to his mouth.
"That's a sweet little bussniess you all have then," she congratulated, "We'd have to work with you one day, we have a business of our own."
"What's the bussniess if I may ask?" Tech questioned.
"Well our main bussniess is a food bussniess, you know selling buying, producing, but recently we've started a non-profit organization for battle droids."
"For battle droids? Clankers?" Wrecker asked.
"Thats what them clone boys call them," She smiled, "we basically rehab them, and send them back into the world, most as servants, translators. Small things."
"That's uh well..."
"I know I know. But here we believe that everything stands a chance." She contuined, "Echo has helped us alot on efficent repairs."
Echo nodded as he put a spoonful in his mouth.
"We have one that takes care of the animals in the small barn." Margie told, "Y/n! Have you showed them the animals dear?"
"No ma. This is only the second room they been in." Y/n informed.
"How dare you not give them a tour!" His mother spoke fake harshly, Y/n chuckling his mom soon following after.
"Oh mommy dearest I ask your humble apologies even though I don't deserve it. I suppose I'll sleep outside in the barn."
The two laughed as they smiled at one another.
"I'll show them around afterwords. Prepaired for your world to be rocked." He told the boys infront of him.
"Well I welcome you to the family boys. Its always a pleasure to have another few join the bunch!" She cheered.
"Thank you." Hunter spoke.
She smiled for a final time return to her food as did the others, small talk. Kids started asking to be excused, when excused they took there dishes and walked into the kitchen to clean there dishes and put them on the drying racks.
Echo finished before Y/n asking to be excused he got up with his dishes and went to clean them. Wrecker asked next, he being excused as he grabbed his own things and left.
Echo was along cleaning his dishes, his plate flat in the sink as he scrubbed the plate with one hand.
"Wanna hand?"
Echo turned his head, "oh. No. Im good."
Echo turned back towards his plates.
"Echo. Im. Im sorry." Wrecker apologized, "he's better than any lady you could date."
"Oh. Uh." Echo spoke, "thanks..."
"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Wrecker told him.
Echo frowned, "I. I know Wrecker. I shouldn't of yelled at you."
"We've should of waited for you to explain."
Putting his dishes on the drying rack he turned to Wrecker who stood next to him, Wrecker's dishes sat on the counter patiently waiting for his turn.
"It's. Okay." Echo responded, "I, I forgive you, at the end of the day. I'm the only one dating him. Right?"
Wrecker smiled, "So. We're okay?"
Echo nodded, quickly being picked up in a hug as he chuckled, patting Wrecker's shoulder.
"Now do your dishes before Y/n's mom cuts your head off." Echo joked waving smally to him.
Echo walked back out, going down the hall and too the living room, the room filled with silence as he collected the cups from eariler.
Bent over setting all the cups down accordingly there was a whistle, a soft one, not loud enough for anyone to hear if they weren't in the room.
"Would you look at that ass." Y/n spoke, Echo standing straight as he turned around, "aren't you a gifted fellow?"
Echo chuckled, "You should be careful what you say in here."
It was Y/n's turn to chuckle.
"Why's that?"
"Why do you think?" Echo questioned as he watched Y/n walk forward, grabbing his hips and pulling Echo closer.
"All I do is tell the truth," Y/n smiled.
Echo's arms drapped on Y/n's shoulder's, Y/n holding his hips.
"Now this is something we shouldn't be doing in here." Y/n teased.
Echo smiled, "One kiss never hurt anyone?"
Y/n smiled, leaning down kissing Echo. His hand running through Y/n's hair, Y/n pulled away from Echo, foreheads resting on one another.
"I love you." Y/n told him.
"I love you too." Echo smiled.
Y/n pulled him into a short kiss, "You wanna sit on my lap again baby?"
"Gladly-" Echo was cut off again with a kiss, a chuckle filling his mouth from Y/n.
"Get a damn room!"
Y/n pulled away, glaring at the teen.
"Well Enzo. I am in a room! So get out of it!" Y/n argued, Echo's head in Y/n's shoulder.
"Well mom wants you to give those guys a tour." Enzo responded.
"Alright." Y/n spoke, turning back to Echo, "Later baby."
Echo was give a kiss on the lips, Y/n grabbed the tray.
"I can do that," Echo spoke stopping Y/n.
"How about you can do this one day, when we have our own home." Y/n spoke, "you know when we're married and have a little farm."
Echo flushed deeply, a farm? With him and Y/n all by themselves? Sounded...sounded. amazing.
Y/n pulled away from him tray in hand, "come on let's give that tour."
Echo followed Y/n dropping off the tray and then taking the boys around, introducing them to all the kids, big, medium small to twilek, zabrack, human to torguata. All of diffrent personalities. Some reading on there bed, some working out, some listening to music, others playing with dolls and action figures.
And then there was his room, nothing special, Echo and his favorite record in sitting still as the song had finished, a box of records tucked under the small table the record player sat on. The sheets a dark purple his pillow cases a matching dark blue a window at the far end.
"Please come in." Y/n responded offering them to come in and look around.
They filed in, the room fitting all them comfortably.
"It's quiet simple," Tech explained, "Your personality is a bit more bubbly so I was expecting something wild."
"Like that?" Crosshair questioned.
"Like what?" Tech responded turning around to face the wall behind them.
The wall was filled with photos, drawings and dried flowers, a vintage theme, branching off into its sub groups.
"There it is." Tech repsonded adjusting his glasses.
"Please feel free to look around." Y/n responded.
Crosshair stood next to Wrecker as they looked at the photos.
"Hey! It's Echo! Look!" Wrecker cheered as Crosshair peered over, the photo of Echo asleep on the couch, kids knocked out with him, "and Kamino!"
"How's you get a picture of Kamino?" Hunter questioned now also looking at the photos.
"Echo here got it for me." Y/n smiled as Echo rubbed the back of his head, "Its not just my memories up there- Hey! Lets get our own photo up there!"
Y/n got up going over to his desk as he lifted the top up pulling the old porloroid out.
"Echo." Crosshair spoke as the clone came over, "wanna explain this one?"
Echo looked at the photo, he clearly knocked out in Y/n's bed, his back bare hinting towards what had happened before hand, the blanket covering to his mid back and down, his arms tucked under a pillow permentatly fluffing it up as his cheek was baired into it.
"Not bad." Crosshair spoke nudging his brother, he was trying.
"Here is is new film and all." Y/n smiled going towards the group, "Come on! Gather around."
Y/n smiled as the group akwardly grouped together infront of the window. Looking at the group he rushed over, pushing them closer together.
"It'll be on a timer so I only have a few seconds." Y/n told them walking back over, "ready?"
"Uh sure?"
Y/n quickly pushed the button rushing over to the group, he quickly stood next to Echo. There was a click as Y/n rushed back over. The photo coming out the bottom as Tech rushed over intrested.
"Oh nice its comin through already." Y/n smiled, soon waving the square around as he walked over to his desk picking out a red and black thumb tack.
"Hmm..." y/n spoke rushing over to the wall looking around, "hah! Echo come here! Help me put this up."
Echo walked over as the boys watched him hand Echo the image and tack.
"See right there." Y/n pointed a spot above the door, dead center towards the ceiling.
"We'll move this one." Y/n said pulling up an old photo besides the light switch "up there."
Handing Echo the old photo they swapped Y/n pinning the new one with the group with a smile.
Echo was grabbed by the legs, Y/n picking him up as Y/n grabbed the back off his thighs.
"A bit higher." Echo spoke as Y/n pulled his arms back, tight on Echo's thighs he pushed the clone upward, his thighs now trapping Y/n's face as Y/n's hands vanished behind Echo's kama skirt.
"Got it?" Y/n asked his chin resting at Echo's belt.
"Yeah." Echo spoke, his face red as he cleared his throat.
"No- Y/n-" He spoke as Y/n laughed walking towards his bed, "Y/n! Y/n! I'll kill you don't- Ah!-"
Y/n tossed the trooper on the bed he bouncing as he let out a grunt, Y/n only chuckled turning back towards the boys, "come on i'll show you that barn they were talking about."
Y/n lead the boys along to the backyard, showing them the small barn his father worked on fixing a small animals leg, waving a B-1 droid showed up in a happy matter the others ready to fight.
"Master Y/n!"
"Please Y/n is fine B." Y/n smiled, "Boys this is B. He helps with the animals."
With an akward introduction the batchers kept there distance, but with the end of the small barn came the end of the tour. It now late in the hours of the day as the boys made there way our. Excusing themselves for the night.
"You'll have to come back." Y/n smiled.
"If its okay with Echo and your mother. " Hunter spoke, "and you of course."
"We'd be delighted to have you again." Y/n smiled, "Please. Come anytime with Echo. Or by yourselves. We're open doors."
Hunter nodded, the batch saying there goodbyes and thanks once more. They started there way away from the home, Tech staying back, "I suppose not all regs are regular after all. And that's good."
With his last comment Tech rushed to join the others.
Echo stayed behind with Y/n who smiled as the boys vanished.
"Now. That we're. Alone." Y/n teased.
"Alone? Really in this house?" Echo teased back.
Y/n chuckled, "as alone as we can be."
Echo smiled as Y/n closed the door.
"I'll go make some more milk and honey, you. Go get ready to cuddle." Y/n ordered playfully.
"Thats something I can do."
Him and Y/n unfortunately went separate ways, Y/n cleaning the cups and pot setting them to dry as one of the old B-1 droids would put the mass of dishes away during the night.
He pulled out another pot, putting it on the stove filled with the sweet liquid he wipped the tray clean, putting a fresh set of cookies on a small plate and two cups. Just in time as the pot started to whistle, pulling it off the stove he turned the gas off and went to his room.
Holding the tray in one hand he opened his door, "hey hope you didn't miss me too..."
Y/n's frame filling the door way, but froze seeing Echo's bare back facing him, a blanket sat high waisted on him as Y/n quickly stepped in, quiet with his steps he locked the door behind him, Echo now standing up and facing Y/n the blanket still around his waist.
"I uh..." Echo responded with a flush, "thought...you might like this first..."
Y/n flushed as Echo dropped the blanket, setting the tray on the nearest surface big enough, the floor flush against the wall besides the door, he walked over, kicking his shoes off in the process.
"Baby you have no idea how much I like this." Y/n told him, Echo's gaze away.
Maker. Y/n took his thumb to Echo's chin, Y/n's soft skin lightly tapping up Echo's chin to look up at him. Holding Echo's chin in place with his thumb and index finger Y/n smiled smally, his eyes filled with love for the pale male infront of him.
"Y/n. I..." Echo trailed off.
"Shh..." Y/n hushed softly, his thumb running down Echo's lip and back to his chin, "You don't have to say anything..."
Echo raised on his toes, leaning up to kiss Y/n, Y/n leaned down, the first kiss was almost shy, there lips only pressing together in sweet presence of one another. The small kiss leaving Echo breathless. They pulled away shortly. Another one soon be initiated, Y/n nudging Echo to sit down softly, he following Echo's movements, Y/n sitting besides him, the kissing barely any more intense, Echo swinging a leg over Y/n's straddling the taller male.
Y/n held the small of Echo's back, the two's makeout session growing in heat as Y/n's hands running down Echo's back and to his ass, where he gladly let his hands rest of Echo's warm skin while they kissed.
It was soon for breathe they pulled away, Y/n attaching himself to Echo's neck. Echo's hand through Y/n's hair as he hummed against Echo's pale skin, earing a soft mewel.
"Y/n...take me...take me away..." Echo whispered, Y/n laying Echo down on his back, his lips never movinv from Echo's shoulder.
"Take me away...Y/n..." Echo meweled softly, the words spilling from Echo's vocal cords once again.
Y/n stopped momentarily to lean up into Echo's ear, "only if I can come along baby..."
The night was filled with passion, hair being pulled in pleasure, moans dripping off each others lips, ripped from there vocal cords in call for the other one. Pleads drawn from the bottom as Echo left a few new scratch marks on Y/n's back, along with a line of hickeys following Y/n's collar blade to sholder. Y/n did the same, leaving hickies along Echo's body, where skin met metal.
Echo laid flat on his stomach now, his head turned towards Y/n. Y/n held a stupid large smile on his face, his finger's interlaced with Echo's.
"That was somethin else babe." Y/n told him softly, "Parched after the time of your life?"
Echo chuckled as Y/n pulled himself up, and out of bed. Echo receiving a pleasent veiw of Y/n's behind with one side having present marks, they currently defined and fresh, marks both darker and lighter spotted Y/n's back, mostly towards his shoulder and nape of his neck.
Echo watched Y/n pick up the tray and make his way back to the bed setting it on the nightstand, climbing back in the covers as Echo nuzzle up to Y/n.
"Clingy now are we? Let me pour you a cup atleast." Y/n chuckled.
Pouring them both cups Echo was handed one cold cup, "Thanks."
"Mhmm," Y/n acknowledged the two cuddled up, "shame its cold. Must sat for too long, needy thing arent you?"
Echo flustered, but took a risk himself, "Could still be longer."
"Oh? And what are you gonna do that I haven't done to you?" Y/n teased, Echo took a heavy drink, hoping it would bring him energy later taking Y/n's he sat it on the nightstand next to his own side of the bed.
Echo pushed Y/n onto the bed flat, the covers still hiding Y/n's lower half.
"I haven't rode you." Echo told boldly.
Y/n smirked up at him, "You're right you haven't,"
Echo's leg's swinging over Y/n, "Think you can handle me?" Echo questioned.
Y/n chuckled, "Baby you have no idea what I'd endure for you." Y/n sat up, holding Echo's face with a hand.
"Lets see then." Echo responded Y/n biting his lip as he pushed the covers down with a foot.
Y/n was pulled into a kiss, his hands running up and down Echo's back as Echo pushed him to the bed, the kiss never breaking.
Read the Next Part here if you like smut or stay generally sfw here
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impalas-r-important · 3 years
Branch Out - Chapter 1
Summary: Y/N left everything she's ever known, and Dean just wants to be left alone. With both of them trying to heal from heartache, they might just end up finding what they need in the last place they'd ever look.
Word count: 6219
Pairing: Dean x reader (eventually, maybe?)
Warnings: I don't think there are any for this chapter, but if you think i should add one, feel free to let me know!
A/N: I started this series a long time ago and just barely had the motivation to start it up again. I really love this series, and have been enjoying writing it. Let me know if you want a tag!
My Masterlist
Branch Out Masterlist
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Thank heavens for GPS, there’s no way you would have found this place without step-by-step directions. A narrow gravel driveway branched off from the worn mountain road and wound to a homely cabin. You stepped out of your old pickup truck and pulled out the key the realtor had given to you. Buying a house sight unseen wasn’t the smartest idea and you second guessed your impulse decision as you took in the dense woods that were so foreign to you. The seasoned wooden boards of the porch creaked under your feet while you made your way to the door and let yourself into your new home. Dust rested gently on every ledge and the frigid January air was lined with a twinge of must from sitting unoccupied for so long, but something felt so promising about the sturdy structure.
A modest kitchen and living room made up most of the house with a bedroom and bathroom on either side of a small hallway. A small, metal woodburning fireplace sat just next to the backdoor and you had a feeling you would end up putting that to good use if you ever figured out how to use it.
Your hand was subconsciously touching the bruise that was prominent on your forearm and when you realized, you pulled your sleeve down to cover it. The decision to leave your family and friends behind was a heart-wrenching one, but you knew you had to make a change if you wanted to heal completely. You needed to do something for yourself, and you wanted a fresh start. A small cabin in the freezing cold woods of Idaho was about as far from what you knew to be normal as you could have gotten, but a seed of hope was planted firmly in your chest.
When a job posting for the assistant city accountant had fallen in your lap a few weeks back, you applied without thinking twice. A few online interviews later, you had secured the job and things fell into place effortlessly, as if some external force was paving your path to this small town. You bought this quaint home with the help of a local realtor, packed your things, and left the only home you had ever known in Arizona, despite the protests of your family. Not knowing what your future held was scary, but something about this place felt right from the moment you pulled in.
You had brought only what you needed to in hopes of making a quick escape, meaning you had only a mattress, some clothes and a few personal belongings. After working for a few years, you had a built up a good savings account and figured it would be easier to buy furniture once you got here instead of trying to move big pieces by yourself. It didn’t take long to move your things inside, and you felt grateful that you called ahead to have the power and water turned on so you could shower once you had unpacked what you needed for your first day on the job tomorrow. Anxiety sat like a rock in your stomach, so you skipped dinner and went straight to bed, burying yourself under a mountain of blankets to shield you from the winter chill that had settled in your bones.
Your nerves woke you up well before your alarm went off, so you dragged your feet across the frozen floor and pulled your clothes on quickly before digging through your boxes for some granola bars for breakfast. You leaned against the kitchen counter and began to make a list of things you would need to buy since you were essentially starting from scratch. Double checking the email that you had received with instructions for your first day, you took a deep breath and headed out.
City hall was a historic, two-story red brick building that was shared with the fire department. It looked like something out of a storybook, but then again, this whole town did. You pushed the door open and looked around at the empty lobby, checking your watch to make sure you weren’t crazy early. Rustic chairs lined the walls by the door, and a few empty desks were placed behind the tall front counter.
“Hello?” You asked, turning your head left and right to look for any signs of life.
“Oh!” A muffled voice responded, and distant footsteps quickly scuttled your way from the back room. “You’re here!” A pretty, dark haired girl gave a few excited claps as she made her way to you. “You must be Y/N. I’m Sarah. Sarah Blake.” She eagerly pulled you into a hug which caught you by surprise and she chuckled a bit to herself before taking a step back. “Sorry, my boyfriend says that my enthusiasm scares new people away. I’ve just been so excited since I heard they hired you. I’ve been praying for someone my age to come work around here for a long time.”
“Don’t apologize, you’re the first person I’ve met in town so it’s nice to see a friendly face.” Her warm welcome calmed some of your nerves.
“That’s right, you just moved in yesterday, huh?” You tiled your head in question, wondering how she knew that. “It’s a really small town, everyone knows everything, especially when it comes to new people. You’ve been the talk of the town the past little bit.” She shrugged. “Well, I’m the marketing/PR girl here, and we all just kind of pitch in with working the front desk. Come on back, let me give you the grand tour.”
Sarah led you around the corner and stopped at the first office on your left. “This is Ellen Singer’s office. You’ll be working under her, she’s the lead accountant.” She looked at the clock on the wall. “Hmm, she should be here by now. I bet her car is giving her trouble.”
A friendly voice called out to Sarah from down the hall and she motioned for you to follow her as she stepped just inside the end office which was significantly bigger than the rest.
“Y/N, this is Garth Fitzgerald, he’s the mayor. Garth, this is Y/N.” Sarah introduced you and he stood to shake your hand.
“It’s great to meet you, Mayor Fitzgerald.”
“Please, call me Garth.” You smiled and nodded. “We’ve been excited about you around here. I think you’ll make a great addition to our community.” His phone ringing broke the conversation. “Excuse me, ladies. Oh, and welcome to Wallace, Y/N!”
“Next up is Arthur Ketch, he’s the city planner. Sometimes he can be a little abrupt, but deep down he’s a big softie. Don’t let him scare you.”
He was on the phone, so he simply waved to you two as you passed. Sarah’s attention was drawn back down the hall when two police officers walked in. “Jody, Donna!” She hollered to them.
“Heya, kiddo! Who you got with you?” The blonde officer sent a warm smile your way.
“You must be Y/N!” The other responded.
“Oh, that’s right! I heard you were coming to town. I’m Donna and this is Sheriff Jody Mills. It’s so great to meet you.” She pulled you in for your second hug of the day.
“Everyone here is seriously so nice. I don’t know why I didn’t move here years ago!” You joked.
“Well listen, if you need anything, you can always come to me, okay?” Jody put her hand on your shoulder. “We’re all so excited to have a new face around.”
“Thank you. You’re all making this transition so much easier than I thought it would be.”
Sarah waved to the officers as they left and pulled gently on your arm. “Come on, let’s chat while we wait for Ellen.” She took a seat at one of the desks in the front and you sat across from her.
“Thanks for showing me around, it’s nice to know that I have a friend at work already.” Sarah’s eyes lit up when you called her your friend.
“Are you kidding me? I’ve been dying for you to get here. I knew we’d get along.” She folded her arms and sat back in her chair proudly. “So, where did you move from?”
“Phoenix, Arizona.”
“And you moved to Idaho in the middle of January? Are you crazy? I would give anything to go lay out in the sun for an afternoon.”
“Yeah, I might be!” You laughed. “I guess I just needed a change, you know? It was just time to move onto the next chapter of my life.”
“I get that. I grew up here and couldn’t wait to leave for college, but as soon as I was gone, I missed this place.”
“I can see what you’re talking about. It has a good feeling to it here.”
“So, now to the juicy stuff.” Sarah leaned forward. “Are you dating anyone? Because there’s a whole pool of eligible bachelors I could set you up with here.”
“No, actually I just got out of something kind of messy, so I don’t think I’m really looking for anything at the moment.”
A sympathetic look was sent you way. “I’m sorry to hear that. But if you ever feel ready, you let me know, okay?”
“You will be the first. What about you? I heard you mention you have a boyfriend. Tell me all about him.”
A smile spread across Sarah’s face and she pulled out her phone to show you a picture. “This is Sam, we’ve been together since high school.”
She handed you her phone and you looked at the tall, handsome guy whose arms were wrapped around her. “He’s cute, nice work!” She beamed as you handed her phone back. The expression on her face was clearly one of adoration as she looked at the picture.
“We actually broke up before we went to college. He went to Stanford and I went to the University of Oregon and we figured it would be easier to break it off on good terms rather than fade away in a long-distance relationship. That lasted about two weeks and we’ve been together ever since.”
“Do you think you’ll marry him? You guys are so stinking cute together.” You weren’t sure if you had ever seen a better fitting couple.
“I overheard Sam talking to his older brother about buying a ring. I don’t think he knew that I was just in the other room, but I’ll let him try to surprise me.” Sarah giggled. Your conversation was interrupted by someone walking in the back door.
“Hey, Ellen.” Sarah greeted. “Your reinforcement has arrived.”
Ellen looked at you with relief in her eyes. “Oh, honey, you have no idea how happy I am to see you. Come on back here and we’ll get started.”
“Have fun!” Sarah left you to meet your new boss as she went up to help someone at the front desk.
“Y/N, you’ll have to forgive me for being so late. My stupid car has been giving me hell the past few weeks. You’d think with my husband owning the only mechanic’s shop in town, I’d have a reliable vehicle, but here we are.”
“No worries. It gave me a chance to meet some people around the building. I’m excited to get started though.” You sat in the chair across from her desk and she plopped down with a sigh as well.
“I’ve been begging Garth for two years for some help, so you are a light at the end of my tunnel. I’m hoping to retire in a few years and hand you the reigns, so let’s get to it, shall we?”
The next few hours were spent introducing you to all of the systems and procedures. After receiving a call from her daughter, Ellen decided to call it a day just after three in the afternoon and the two of you agreed to hit it hard tomorrow. You gathered your things and returned to the front area where Sarah was scrolling through her phone. She looked up when you entered the room.
“Hey! How are things going?”
“Ellen has to take off, so we’re going to call it a day and just work a little longer tomorrow.” You sat at the desk adjoining Sarah’s and set your things down.
“Take any desk. It’s just you and me out here. Charlie is the county IT girl and works out here sometimes, but she hops from building to building.”
“Well, I suppose this one is as good as any.” You unpacked a picture frame and a few supplies at the desk across from Sarah’s. “Hey, are there any places to buy furniture around here? I only moved with the bare essentials so I’m in desperate need of a few things.”
“So, what you’re saying is you need to go on a shopping spree? I’m in! I’ll drive.” Sarah grabbed her purse and coat and led you out the door.
She took you on a short tour of the staples around town before arriving at the only big box store nearby. You browsed up and down the aisles, pulling all the necessities off the shelf and tossing them in the cart. You’d have to order some of the bigger furniture pieces online since it was a small place, and they didn’t have anything like here.
Sarah had a basket and was creating a good-sized stockpile of her own. “Sam has been trying to put me on a budget for a while now, so I’ll have to hide this stuff before he sees.” A guilty smile pulled on the corners of her mouth.
“Just tell him you were shopping with an accountant and I approved all your purchases.”
“Hah! We’re going to be good friends.” She picked up a candle, smelled it, and placed it in her basket.
“Where does Sam work?” You asked as you looked through the bathroom towels.
“He’s the lawyer for Winchester Lumber, the sawmill in town. A lot of people work there actually, it’s kind of the main business that brings people in. Sam’s great grandpa started it and it’s stayed in the family. Sam’s older brother, Dean, runs the place right now, but I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to hand the throne over to their Dad when he gets back. He got cancer a few years ago and they moved to Kansas to be closer to medical treatment.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. How is he doing?”
“He’s doing really well, actually. He’s in remission and they’re hoping to move back soon.”
The rest of the afternoon was spent checking things off of your to-do list and grabbing dinner with Sarah. She dropped you off back at your truck and you thanked her for showing you around before you went your separate ways.
Back at home, it took you a few trips to unload your haul, but you were just happy to have a few more things to fill your empty home. Your first day had gone better than you could have imagined, and you were filled with confidence in your decision to uproot your life.
Sarah opened her front door and did her best to sneak her shopping bags past Sam and Dean who were sitting in the living room, sharing a pizza and some beers. She successfully stowed her treasures away in the hall closet and joined the boys.
“Hey hon!” She placed a kiss on Sam’s forehead before grabbing a slice of pizza and plopping down on the couch next to him.
“You’re in a good mood.” Sam noticed his girlfriend’s chipper energy.
“I made a new friend today.” She took a big bite and gave a smile.
“Don’t you already know everyone in town?” Dean’s voice sounded as pessimistic as usual.
“No, actually. There’s a new accountant at city hall, Y/N. She just moved in yesterday.”
“That’s great! You’ll have to invite her over sometime.” Sam placed his hand lovingly on Sarah’s knee. “Where’s she living?”
“She bought a cabin up in the mountains sight unseen, so we went shopping for some essentials. I think she might be kind of close to you, Dean.”
Dean frowned, trying to think of which cabin the new girl would have bought. He moved up there to be alone, so the thought of a neighbor was disheartening. “You mean that old shack just off of Placer Creek Road?”
“Yeah, I think that’s the one.”
“She’s got a lot of repair work to do on that place.” Dean shook his head, glad that it wasn’t him that put any kind of investment into what he was sure was a money pit.
You awoke early the next morning to find that it had snowed overnight. Growing up in Arizona, you had never really experienced snow like this before. Every breath you took felt like your lungs were filling with ice and you couldn’t help but cough, willing the warm weather to find you soon. Winter was one thing you didn’t think about when moving to a mountain town, so you wanted to give yourself plenty of time for the commute. After packing a few things for lunch, you stepped outside to find your truck buried in a mountain of frozen powder.
“Ugh!” You groaned and threw your head back, looking around for a stick to help you dig out your vehicle. You made a mental note to buy a scraper after work. Ten minutes and one soaked pair of shoes later, you had finally freed your car. You twisted the key, forcing the engine to sluggishly turned over, then blasted the heat on high while you ran inside to change into dry shoes and socks before taking off down the road.
The feeling of your back wheels slipping around on the frozen dirt road was so foreign to you, and you weren’t a fan. About two miles away from the main road, your engine began to sputter as it struggled to trudge ahead through the wet snow.
“Please don’t do this to me…” You steered towards the side of the road as much as you could while the truck wound down to a full stop. An annoyed sigh escaped from your lips. “Great.” You turned the car off and then back on, willing it to start up again, but the clicks of defeat that sounded from under the hood dashed your hopes.
You hadn’t had the time to buy a heavy winter coat yet, so you zipped up the light jacket that you had on and began walking. You didn’t want to make a bad impression on your second day of work by calling in sick, so you picked up your head and kept going. One of the points of starting your new journey was to be more self-reliant, and this definitely fell under that category. Ten minutes had passed, and your toes were so cold that you were sure they would snap off and rattle around in your shoes at any point now. The sound of an engine coming down the hill made you look over your shoulder to see a snowmobile barreling around the corner and straight towards you. You quickly side-stepped out of the way, but not enough to avoid the kickback of snow that was thrown into your face as the machine drove past.
“Seriously?!” You yelled as you shook the snow from your clothes. The snowmobile stopped and slowly backed up to meet you.
“What are you doing up here?” The man abruptly asked as he pulled off his helmet. If you weren’t so annoyed and cold, you might have thought he was attractive.
“Being buried alive by some maniac speeding down the mountain.” You retorted and brushed the snow from your hair with your fingers.
“I’m going to assume that’s your truck back there?”
“Lucky guess.” The wind-chill blew through your jacket and you crossed your arms. “I don’t think it likes the cold, and I don’t exactly blame it.”
His eyes assessed you. “Crappy shoes, thin jacket, and no gloves. I’m going to assume that makes you the clueless new girl.”
“What an ass...” You thought to yourself.
“I guess it does, Kowalski.”
“Kowalski? Really?”
You were surprised he got your reference to Clint Eastwood’s infamously crotchety main character.
“If you’ll excuse me, I gotta get to work.” You didn’t find much point in continuing on this conversation with such a smug jerk, so you continued on your path down the road and heard the snowmobile make a sharp u turn to climb back up the trail.
Ten more minutes later, you could see the main road just ahead of you had been plowed, and you were thankful that you wouldn’t have to be hiking through any more ankle-deep build-up. You could hear a vehicle slowly coming up behind you and you made sure to move as far over as you could to avoid being blasted with snow again. The truck slowed to a stop next to you and you looked over to see the same man from earlier rolling the passenger side window down.
“Get in, I’ll give you a ride.” His voice still sported an undertone of condescension and he rolled his eyes when a doubtful frown from you was sent towards him. “Just get in.”
Hundreds of episodes of Dateline should have taught you to not get in a car with some stranger, but you figured that even if he didn’t murder you, you’d end up dying of frostbite and decided to you’d rather die inside a warm truck. You opened the door and took off your damp jacket before getting inside.
The man’s knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel tight. You placed your hand by the heater on the dashboard in hopes of defrosting your fingers enough to feel them again.
“You shouldn’t drive a pickup in the winter.” His gaze stayed firmly glued on the road ahead.
“Uhm…” You dramatically looked around, “aren’t we in a pickup right now?”
“Yeah, a pickup with chains on the tires and a weighed down bed.”
“Well, I’m still pretty new at this whole snow thing…”
The man glanced at you from the corner of his eyes. “I couldn’t tell. You’re Y/N, aren’t you?”
“Should I be concerned that you know my name?” You raised an eyebrow.
“No, no,” he must have realized how creepy that came off, “I know Sarah. She’s dating my younger brother and she was telling us about you last night.”
“Oh, it all makes sense now. You’re the grumpy older brother. Dean, right?”
Another eyeroll made an appearance, but you could tell he wasn’t going to make any further comments.
“Well, I appreciate the ride. I’m sorry if I screwed up your morning routine.”
“It’s no big deal.”
It wasn’t hard to tell that Dean wasn’t a man of many words, and you were okay with that. You weren’t really one for small talk either. Dean’s eyes moved to your arm that was extended towards the vent blowing heat.
“That’s a gnarly bruise. How’d you manage that?”
You pulled your arm back quickly, hoping that your sudden move didn’t come across as suspicious. “Oh, you know, just being a clutz. They never tell you that moving by yourself is a dangerous game.” You chuckled casually while watching his eyebrows knit together ever so slightly as he glanced at the bruise one more time. No further remarks were made so you assumed he bought your story.
Dean pulled up in front of City Hall and stopped as close to the door as he could get. Before you could reach for the door handle, Dean instructed, “give me your keys.”
“What?” Your face twisted in confusion.
Yet another fed-up sigh escaped from his chest. “Bobby Singer down at the auto shop owes me a favor. I’ll get him to tow your truck down and take a look at it.”
“Oh.” you weren’t expecting such a generous gesture from such a grumpy guy. “I don’t want to put you out any more than I already have.”
“Hand it over.” The tone in his voice remained gruff, but the bluntness was slightly faded at this point. You reached into your pocket and pulled out your key ring, sliding the truck key off and placing it into Dean’s outstretched hand.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” Dean’s eyes avoided yours and you took the hint that it was time to leave.
The wind blew flurries in the air, forcing you to quickly sprint to the door, meaning that you missed Dean watching you with curiosity. Sarah, who was observing from the front desk, didn’t miss his wondering stare. He quickly averted his eyes when he saw her spying and peeled away.
“Kowalski.” He muttered to himself with a half-entertained chuckle once he was a few blocks away. Dean would have never admitted it, but he quite enjoyed the witty nickname.
Sarah couldn’t stop the mischievous smirk that crept up on her face and leaned on the counter to greet you the second you stepped through the door.
“You look like you’ve had quite the morning.” She greeted.
“Yeah, something like that.” You hung your jacket up on the coat rack in the corner to dry and stomped the packed snow from the tread of your shoes.
“Am I going blind or did Dean Winchester give you a ride to work?” She quickly cornered you.
“Yeah. My truck broke down and then he tried to bury me in snow, so he gave me a ride.” Goosebumps covered your arms as you made your way to your desk. You had never been more grateful for heat.
Sarah crossed her arms and sat on your desk as you took your seat. “You know, people call him the Grinch because he moved way up the mountain to be all broody and alone.”
“I can’t say I don’t understand it. It’s kinda fitting.” You logged into your computer, but Sarah continued to press for details.
“Well did he say anything on the ride over or did he just glare at the road?”
“A little bit of both I guess. He told me I shouldn’t be driving a truck in the winter, but that’s about it.”
Ellen arrived and cut the chatter short. “Hey girls. You ready to get started, Y/N?”
“You bet.” You stood from your desk, but not before Sarah pointed an accusing finger at you.
“This conversation is not over!” She warned.
After lunch, Ellen had given you some expense reports to review and organize. It was tedious, but you didn’t mind the slow afternoon after a crazy morning. Sarah was helping you to punch holes in the stacks of papers and organize them into departments while the two of you chatted away. The snow had kept most people inside, so it was a slow day at the front desk. Just before it was time to call it a day, the bell of the front door dinged, and Sarah walked over to see who it was.
“Hey, Dean. You going over to Benny’s tonight?” She greeted.
“Not sure yet.”
Dean’s hands were shoved into his front pockets as he stared Sarah down, not wanting to give her any more room to speculate as to why he was here.
“Hi.” You smiled softly, trying your hardest ignore Sarah’s curious stare as you joined in the conversation.
He pulled a key from his pocket and set it down on the counter. “She’s all fixed up. Battery terminals were corroded so I cleaned them up a bit, but you’re going to need a new battery soon. That one doesn’t have much juice left in it.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize that you worked at the auto shop.” You remembered Sarah saying something about Dean working at the sawmill.
“No, I used to. But I figured it would be an easy fix, so I took a look myself. I stuck some old grates in the bed for some weight. Take it into Bobby’s tomorrow after work and he’ll take care of the rest. He knows you’re coming.”
“Wow, I really owe you one. Thank you.” You slid the key from off the counter and fiddled with the metal ring.
“Don’t read into it.” Dean tapped his fist on the counter twice before swiftly leaving.
Sarah was biting her lip, and you slowly turned your head towards her. “Spit it out.” You gave permission for her onslaught of questions.
“You didn’t tell me he was going to fix your car for you!”
“He said he would have Bobby tow it back to the shop and take a look at it. I didn’t know he was going to fix it himself.”
“I’ve known Dean for a long time, he’s pretty much my older brother at this point, so I can see past all the grumpiness. He’s a really good guy, he’s just been dealt a hard hand the past few years that made him swear off people.”
That was a feeling you could easily relate to. “He really went out of his way to bail me out today, so he can’t be all that bad.”
“He’s all bark and no bite. Granted, it’s a big bark.” Sarah checked her watch. “Closing time! Hey, would you want to come back to my place after we clock out? Sam’s playing poker at a buddy’s house tonight so I figured maybe we could grab some take out and find some furniture for you online?”
“Yeah, that’d be great actually! It definitely beats the PB and J I would be making otherwise.”
After work, you ran home to change and Sarah stopped for some Chinese food, then the two of you met at her apartment.
Some crappy TV movie played in the background while mostly empty take-out containers littered the kitchen counter. You were sitting on the floor with your laptop on the coffee table, browsing through loveseats while Sarah lay on the couch behind you giving her input.
The door gently swung open and the man you assumed to be Sam walked through. Sarah stood up and stretched before giving her boyfriend a hug.
“How was the poker game?”
Sam tossed his keys on the counter and pulled off his jacket. “About the same as always. Benny won most of the games, Cas still has no clue what he’s doing, and I lost a little too much pride.”
“You’ll get them one of these days. Come on,” she tugged on his shirt sleeve, “I want you to meet Y/N.”
You stood when Sam and Sarah walked into the room. “Y/N, this is Sam.”
“Ah, the infamous Y/N, I’ve heard lots about you the past day or so. It’s nice to put a face with the name.” He shook your hand. “How are you settling in?”
“Honestly, the move has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. Everyone here has been super welcoming and helpful.”
“Including Dean.” Sarah gave a knowing look to her boyfriend, who was clearly confused.
“My brother, Dean?”
“The one and only. He gave Y/N a ride to work and fixed her truck up for her.”
Sam’s face read skeptical. “My brother, Dean?” He repeated.
“I found myself knee deep in snow and car problems this morning. I’m sure he helped me out of pity more than anything.” You tried to explain, not wanting to make a big deal of the situation.
Sam rubbed the back of his neck. “Wow. I guess that’s why he was late to work today. Well, I hope he didn’t scare you off too much.”
You shook your head with a smile. “Not at all, he really helped me out. But I have to admit, I feel bad. He would barely acknowledge my thank yous. I don’t want to come across as ungrateful.”
“Yeah, that sounds like him. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure he heard you loud and clear, he’s just hasn’t been properly socialized yet.”
Sam finished off the rest of the Chinese and got to know you a little better while Sarah sat next to you on the floor, scrolling through furniture.
“Where’d you go to school, Y/N?” Sam stacked the empty red food containers together and set them aside as he pulled his feet up on the couch.
“University of Arizona. I didn’t originally plan on staying so close to home, but a full ride soccer scholarship is hard to turn down.”
“No way! That’s awesome.” Sam’s face lit up with an idea. “Oh! Every summer we do this obstacle course race thing here in town as part of the summer festival. Maybe you can be on our team this year?”
“That sounds super fun! Count me in.”
“Yes!”’ Sam made a fist in the air. “We’ve used to win every year, but we’ve come in second the past three times, so maybe you’ll be our secret weapon.”
Sarah joined the conversation once she’d had her fill of online shopping. “I was thinking, Y/N, I don’t know if you’re much of a baker, but if you wanted to say thank you to Dean, he’s a sucker for a good pie. I know he wouldn’t just brush that off.”
“It’s true. He’s a pie whore.” Sam nodded.
“Sam!” Sarah scolded.
“Noted,” you said through your laughs.
The clock in the corner of your laptop screen caught your eye and you realized how late it was getting. “I should probably start heading home before I hate myself tomorrow at work.”
“At least it’s not supposed to snow tonight.” Sarah teased.
“Wow, it’s going to be like that, huh?! It’s a learning curve, okay?” You stuck your tongue out as you gathered your things.
Sam stopped you after Sarah had said goodbye. “Hey, Y/N, I know Dean doesn’t make the greatest first impression, but do me a favor and don’t write him off just yet. He’s had a rough go the past little while and could always use another friend in his corner.”
“I won’t. I’m sure there’s a great guy buried under all that angst.” You gave a reassuring smile and Sam gave you a hug before you left.
The next day was Friday and between training and helping out with the front desk, the workday flew by. You needed to take your truck in to get the battery switched and Sarah had agreed to give you rides while you were without transportation. After work, you dropped off your truck at Bobby’s, and Sarah took you home. You were glad for a little time to yourself so you could clean up the house before the first delivery of furniture tomorrow morning.
On your lunch break earlier that day, you had gotten all the ingredients to make blueberry pie bars as a thank you for Dean. Time was in short supply, so you hoped these would be a suitable place holder in lieu of a regular pie. You quickly threw them together and loaded up a plate once they were cool enough. Baking had always been a stress reliever for you, and the way it filled your small cabin with warmth and sweet smells felt so cozy and charming.
Dean’s place was only a ten-minute walk from yours, so you bundled up and began your hike. You had finally gotten yourself a suitable coat and boots and couldn’t believe the difference they made as you crunched through the snow that was matted on the gravel road. His cabin was much newer than yours, and considerably nicer. A long staircase on the right side of the house led up to a wide porch. Smoke spilling from the chimney and lights beaming through the windows told you he was probably home, so you knocked on the door.
Clattering of locks being undone broke through the silence a few moments later and an expressionless Dean opened the door.
“Hi,” you began, “I just wanted to say thank you for helping me out so much the other day.” Dean stood silent and stone-faced, so you awkwardly continued. “I, uh, heard you were a big fan of pie, but I didn’t have enough time to make one from scratch, so I hope these will do.” You extended the plate of goodies and he looked at them doubtfully.
“Look,” a gravelly voice ended his vow of silence, “I don’t know what you’ve heard about me, but I’m not looking for any new friends or whatever this is.” He began to shut his door when you interjected.
“Listen, this is nothing more than a simple thank you for bailing me out when I really needed it. I’m not going to force you to eat them, but I’m also not going to take them home with me. Maybe just wait until I’m gone before you throw them away though.” You set the plate on a neatly stacked pile of firewood off to the side of the door. “Don’t read into it.” You echoed his parting words from yesterday and took your leave. A sneaky glance over your shoulder as you walked away revealed that Dean had picked up the plate and was looking at it with a half-impressed nod. You assumed that was as much of a reaction as you’d get from him and marked the trip to be successful.
Chapter 2
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marvelslut16 · 3 years
Almost lost him
Pairing: James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes x Stark!reader 
Synopsis: Tony’s little sister had always had feelings for one James R. Rhodes. She’s kept it a secret for years, but will everything come out after he is injured during the fight against Cap?
word count: 2.4k+
Warnings: Brief cannon violence. Angst. Mentions paralysis. Swearing. Age gap. Also I have a specific age for the character mentioned. 
A/N: This has been sitting in my WIP’s for over a year because I loved it so much and I didn’t want to end it poorly lmao. I know no ones gonna read it since he isn’t a popular character, but oh well. I love this fic and I love Rhodey so that’s all that matters. 
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Tony and (Y/N) Stark have saved the world from terrorists once again.
“Can you believe this title?” you laugh showing Rhodey the article on your phone. 
“I was there too,” he says gruffly. 
“You just aren’t special enough,” you tease, sticking your tongue out like you’re five and not thirty-six. 
“Not everyone’s lucky enough to be a Stark,” Tony, your annoying but lovable older brother, enters the compound’s kitchen.
Tony took you under his wing and raised you since your parents died. It was a lot for a twenty-one year old to handle, no one he knew had to take care of an eleven year old. Especially one with newly discovered powers. They weren’t much, but when emotions would get overwhelming you would have white colored beams come from your hands. This later helped Tony come up with the idea for the repulsors on his Iron Man suit, which you helped him build.
As the years passed, you got a better hold on your new found powers. The more you and Tony dug into your parents past, you started to think that your dad had either given you something when you were a baby or your mom was given something while pregnant to make you like this. Your Dad always called you special, but you never thought you were this special.
“Any progress with Steve?” you ask hopefully. You know how much Tony values his friendship with Cap, he just won’t admit it. Especially because he’s hurt. 
“No,” he grunts, but tries to brush it off like he doesn’t care. You and Rhodey give each other unamused looks, clearly not believing the bullshit Tony is trying to feed you.
“I think you should try to reach out to him again, you clearly miss him Tony,” you frown at the dark haired man in front of you.
“I agree with (Y/N/N),” Rhodey speaks up from behind you. He’s closer than you remember, and you shiver as you feel the little licks of his breath on your neck as he speaks. 
“You love birds can shut up now,” Tony rolls his eyes, he leaves the kitchen without anything. 
Heat immediately rushes to your face and you can’t look Rhodey in the eye as you stutter out an apology for Tony’s actions. You quickly leave the kitchen before he can respond, wanting to put distance between your blushing self and the man you had been in love with for years. 
You had hoped that the conversation in the kitchen would have convinced Tony to reach out and make amends with Steve and half of the Avengers. But things only continued to escalate, where it seemed a battle between friends was unavoidable. So that's how you ended up in Germany, with your newest recruit Spider-Man, facing off against the people you cared most about in this world.
“Rhodey!” you scream as you watch him plummet to the Earth. Time seems to slow to a near standstill and all you can do is watch, too far away from him to be able to help somehow. Your knees buckle and you hit the ground at the same time his body does. There's a scream that’s so loud it rattles the windows of the airport hanger, a scream you weren’t even aware left your own lips. 
Vision tries to approach you, but you let out a sound that's between a sob and a scream as he gets closer. You’re angry, and scared, you can feel a rush of something in your veins. You ball your hands in fists, bringing them to your chest as you curl into yourself. 
The sound of metal crunching together pulls you from your rocking back and forth on your knees. You see a white glow, one that you're extremely familiar with, dissipating from around two shipping containers, now crushed together where vision was hovering. If he had stayed solid, he would have been crushed. You’re shaking even more as you stare down at your hands, you had never been able to move objects before. You could have hurt somebody. You can’t dwell on it too long because Peter runs to your side, telling you that Rhodey had a heartbeat and help was on the way. 
It had felt like hours since Tony, Peter, and you had landed back down in the states. Dr. Cho was working with a spine specialist and a neurosurgeon to figure out the extent of the damage. After a while, they had updated you three, telling you that Rhodey broke his spine and they were taking him into surgery. Tony had left to go fiddle with one of his suits, his coping mechanism. He left the kid with you because he didn’t want you alone. 
“How did you two meet?” Peter breaks the silence.
“Hmm?” you look away from the painting in front of you for the first time since you sat in the waiting room chair, to look at the boy. 
“Mr. Rhodes, how did you two meet?” he clarifies. 
“That’s a long story,” your eyes glaze over as memories start to come flooding back.
“I have time,” Peter gives you a small smile, you can really see what Tony see’s in the kid. The kindness that his Aunt May has taught him is abundantly clear, you know he’s only asking for your benefit.
“He met Tony when they went to MIT together, he somehow found a way to put up with my brother's antics. I didn’t meet him until two years after Tony graduated, so I was eleven,” you let out a little laugh as you realize just how long the older man has been in your life, and in your heart. “He came to my parents funeral for support for Tony, but he became my support system. Everyone seemed to ignore me and go straight for the golden boy, but Tony became too overwhelmed quickly. He introduced me to Rhodey who was the first one, besides Tony of course, to ask me how I was. He ended up spending the entire wake and funeral with me, giving me support and effectively distracting me from my pain.”
You look over at the younger boy, who seems to be staring at you with fascination. He sees the pain on your face when you stop talking, reaching over he grabs your hand loosely. Testing the waters to see if you’ll pull away from affection like Tony has with him. You give him a thankful smile and hold his hand before continuing your story.
“He joined the military not long after that. At first I would send him care packages and letters so he didn’t feel alone when he was deployed. One day when I was writing a letter one of Tony’s flings came into the kitchen and called me a pathetic child because I was crushing on Tony’s friend after I explained what I was doing. He never got that letter, or any after that. We didn’t really talk much after that, if he came to visit Tony I’d be pleasant before locking myself in my room. I guess I was embarrassed over my school girl crush. Years passed, lots of years, before Tony went missing, James was the one that told me what happened. And in those following months he would rarely leave my side, he wanted to make sure I was okay. We were finally both adults, and we gained a real friendship.” 
“That sounds like more than a friendship,” Peter sends you an innocent look. You furrow your eyebrows at him in response, Rhodey definitely doesn’t like you back. “I’m just saying, if Liz was like that with me I would be ecstatic that she liked me back.”
“He sees me as a little sister, Peter,” your heart breaking a little more knowing that you’ll never be able to be with the man you’ve loved for years. Before Peter can refute you, Rhodey’s Neurosurgeon walks into the waiting room- some guy named Dr. Strange. 
“How is he?” you jump out of your seat, Peter quickly following suit, his hand falling from yours at the movement. 
“He’s out of surgery Miss. Stark,” his voice coming out as cocky and full of himself, like he’s overly proud that he did this surgery. “But the recovery will be the difficult part.”
“What happened? What’s still wrong? And when can I see him?” you’re shooting out questions faster than the surgeon can answer.
“I’m not at liberty to discuss that with you Miss. Stark, and you can’t see him until he’s out of the ICU,” the smug look is still on the surgeon's face, making you grow angrier with each word that leaves his mouth. 
“Excuse me?” Peter looks between you and the surgeon with wide curious eyes. 
“You aren’t family,” he states matter-of-factly. “Therefore I can’t tell you and you can’t see him.”
Your eye twitches in anger as your body starts to warm, your powers start to react to the strong emotion. You take a deep calming breath, keeping you from accidentally lashing out at the surgeon. 
“I suggest you rethink that answer,” you say deathly calm, Peter stares at you in awe as you talk back to the man. “And consider who paid for all of the new state-of-the-art Stark technology and equipment you have in this hospital. Things I’m sure that you used in that surgery, that I donated to this hospital through the outreach program that I created. Technology created by both me and my brother.”
“Is there a problem here?” a man’s voice comes from behind you, he sounds irritated that someone’s making a scene. You turn around to face the man, who is wearing a badge that says medical director on it. Perfect. His eyes widen as soon as he recognizes who you are. 
“Actually there is,” you frown. “My colleague, my friend. My favorite person after my brother really, he just had a pretty big surgery, but your surgeon here won’t tell me any details or let me go see him. So yes, we have a huge problem.”
“I’m so sorry Miss. Stark,” he exclaims. “Why don’t we go update you in private.” 
“Did I sound like a bitch?” you frown, whispering to Peter as the two of you follow the MD and the surgeon. He nods a little with a smirk adorning his face. 
“But it was awesome!” you grin at the young boy, remembering the excitement you felt when you saw Tony use his name to get what he wanted for the first time. 
“He’s paralyzed,” the surgeon throws the statement around like it isn’t a big deal as soon as the four of you enter a separate room. “From the waist down. There was nothing we could do.”
Your heart and your lungs seem to stop working at the same time. Peter discreetly uses his super strength to catch you as your legs give out at the surgeon's words. Tears start to pour down your face as you realize all of the things Rhodey will never be able to again. Like never being able to help defend his country again, or chase after you when you steal the last cookie that he wanted. 
You can’t help but feel guilty. If he had never met you and Tony he would be fine. He would still be able to do what he loves. He never would have been put in that situation. He’ll never be able to walk again. He won’t have the opportunity to dance at his wedding or chase his children around if he decided to have either of those. 
“I know it’s a lot Miss. Stark,” the MD’s voice is muffled. “But there was nothing we could have done-”
“When can I see him?” you cut the doctor off. 
“I could take you to him now,” he glares at the surgeon. “He won’t wake for at least a few more hours.”
“Peter, go call Tony and tell him the update,” you look at the young boy, he gives your hand a reassuring squeeze before heading back to the waiting room. 
The surgeon and the MD both ramble on about Rhodey’s condition but their voices sound muffled- like you’re underwater. You feel like you're suffocating in all the pain and grief you feel for the love of your life. He’s lying on the bed, oxygen tubing up his nose, at least ten wires connected to him, and the disgusting beep of his heart monitor reminds you how lucky you are that he’s still here with you. 
The two men quickly leave you with Rhodey, but not before the MD promises that he’ll be under constant supervision and he’ll receive the best treatments they offer. Not that you're shocked to hear that with the scene you cause in the waiting room. You grab Rhodey’s hand, careful to avoid yanking the IV in it, pulling his hand up to your mouth to give it a feather light kiss. Tears slip down your cheeks as you stare at his still body, you were so close to losing him today. 
The tears have stopped by the time Tony shows up close to an hour later, he had dropped Peter off at home before coming up to the hospital room. Your older brother looks as distressed as you feel, although he seems to be tryin to hide it more than you are. 
“How is he?” his voice is quieter than you imagined, like he’s afraid any louder will make you crumble. 
“Stable,” your voice is monotonous, and you refuse to tear your eye’s from Rhodey’s face as you respond to Tony. “About as good as he could be I guess.”
“How are you?” he cuts you off as you go to respond that you're fine. “And don’t bullshit me (Y/N/N), you’ve been in love with him since you were eleven. How are you feeling?”
You don’t respond, not with words at least. Instead you do crumble, letting out a quiet sob as you grip Tony’s hand that he was about to place on your shoulder. Tony runs his free hand through your hair and down your back, trying to soothe you like he used to when you would have nightmares after your parents deaths. 
“We almost lost him today Tony, I almost lost him-” another sob racks through your body. “And now he’s paralyzed. He can never walk again, can never defend his Country again. And for what? A disagreement between you and Steve? We could have lost him Tony for something so fucking stupid.”
Before Tony can respond, a muffled voice breaks through the tension in the room. The voice is gravely, but one you love so dearly, it’s Rhodey’s. “(Y/N)?”
Permeant tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny @mrs-malfoy-always​
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handmaid - prelude
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N: i’m so excited to be starting this fanfic a bit sooner than expected, but i’ve been outlining it since i finished the outline and end for the unseen one and decided to go ahead with it when i saw a nice pink aesthetic board. i hope you enjoy the prelude, let me know what you think xx
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handmaid: a female servant, a subservient partner or element.
The lights were unusual shades of blue, green, and red. That was the first thing she noticed as she walked inside the club Genevieve had picked for her last night of freedom, as she called it. Of course the lights weren’t the only thing that was bothering Y/N: the loud music which made it impossible to have a civil regular conversation, the heels that were too tall and did not belong to her, the equally borrowed tight see through black dress, the long earrings that got tangled in her hair whenever she slightly turned her head to the side, the constant on/off rhythm of the lights and the need to squeeze between a sea of people to get anywhere were some of the things that made her want to return home, curl in a nice thick cozy throw and watch TV until her eyes were too heavy to remain open.
Nevertheless, she was to be constantly by Genevieve’s, or Gwen as she preferred to be called, side, mostly by her father’s orders. Therefore, here she was in a Friday night, dressed in mostly Gwen’s hand me downs that would normally lay in a cardboard box in the back of her wardrobe. Soon enough, Gwen had found herself a nice booth, after all being the daughter and apparent heir to the west mob family had its perks. Sometimes, even more perks than dangers. 
       - Oh, Y/N this is Nathan. - Gwen introduced her to one of the man that were sat at her booth. He was the picture perfect look of man she normally surrounded herself with, the type of man you would see in a teen sitcom with plump skin and a Californian-like vibe to them. It wasn’t exactly a hard job for her to attract them either as the young heiress was, in a word, stunning. Her unruly red locks were constantly slicked back in a straight hairstyle, dark makeup and a red pout constantly got her whatever she wanted. However, tonight she was kissing all of that goodbye as first thing in the morning, she would finally be formally presented to that who was to be her husband. 
It had been arranged way before Gwen had even been born and despite the glamourisation and complete debauchery seen in most mobster movies Y/N had grown up watching, most weddings occurred that way, planned. This one in particular was a special one considered the Stan family mafia and Gwen’s had been sworn enemies until the day she was born when her father signed her hand away. It was mostly a tactic to unite both families in a way that was very permanent. Y/N had learned not to be shocked about it, however, she still didn’t like to think of two grown men deciding the future of a unborn baby girl as if she were currency. Yet again, she was a woman and since she had an older brother, who despite working as a doctor and giving up on the lifestyle ages ago was still pretty much the one expected to take on the mob boss title, she was either to life in complete bliss or to get married. 
Her betrothed however was a completely different story. Gwen wasn’t much to talk about either, saying that they had met once when she was eighteen at a formal her father had thrown and that he had pretty much ignored her the whole night, so most of what Y/N knew about him came from rumours. The Stan mob family had quite a reputation, specially when it came to hits and their associates, however they were always somehow shrouded in mystery. Sebastian Stan himself was one to adore that sort of aura, so much that despite it all, Y/N had never seen him or knew what he looked like. She knew him to be older than Gwen, with a sharp tongue and a certain allure that attracted bottom feeders, but other than that, she knew nothing.
      - Gwen, we should probably go home. - she urged, constantly checking her phone and watching the hour number increase as if time was nothing. However, the young girl had no absolute interest in going home, specially when she had found herself a rather interesting company. - Gwen, your father is gonna be mad. 
      - If you’re so worried about my father then don’t question me. - Gwen returned to her flirtatious conversation with the blonde boy, leaving Y/N to huff, grab the pink sugary drink she’d been drinking for the past two hours, and venture herself in the club, they sure probably had a smoking lounge which led to some sort of air she could inhale. In all honesty, even inhaling smoke sounded better than inhaling the smells of the main floor. 
Weak on her feet due to the oversized and worn out heels, she made her way through the crowd, her eyes paying no help at finding any sort of stairs of doors that would led to some sort of freedom due to the constant blinking lights. Defeated, she decided it would be better to return to Gwen before she decided to abandon her for Malibu Ken however, Y/N quickly found herself in the middle of the dance floor being pushed from side to side. Whenever she tried to walk some way, the sea of people would make her walk the other way like some helpless puppet until she hit something rock hard, spilling her drink and sending her crashing to the floor. She felt her chest hit the coloured blinking ground hard, and had it not been for her own hands holding onto the floor, her head would’ve ping ponged off the pavement too. 
Nevertheless, none of that mattered because what first came in sight as she looked ahead were what looked like a very nice pair of leathered shoes which made her face pale and her heart stop. She had spilled her drink on someone. No, not just someone. Someone either rich or with enough connections to get inside one of the most elite clubs of all of New York. 
Y/N looked up, not completely being able to make up every single feature of his face but being able to make up that it was a man, a much taller man who probably did not have a smile on his face. At the thought of being screamed at or thrown out, she immediately rushed to her feet, noticing the big pinkish stain spreading on what looked like a pristine crisp cotton dress shirt. Her hands flew to the napkin holders in one of the tables, immediately grabbing enough tissues to clean a whole country only to dab the drink out of his shirt, her heart racing as nothing came out of it. 
     - I’m so sorry. - she probably said for the 100th time, tissues bunched in her hands as she finally got a good look of his face. He had an unreadable look on what she thought was probably the single most gorgeous face she had ever seen in her whole entire life, and that was something coming out of someone who had met half the models at Paris Fashion Week with Gwen. It was somehow being stoic and classic, like a 50′s mysterious Marlon Brando. He stopped her motions, grabbing the tissues from her hand and placing it at the bar. That was it, this is how I die, Y/N thought to herself. - I’m so sorry, I’m ... I can pay for the shirt, I really didn’t mean to spill it on you. I just wanted to get some air but everything is confusing here and ...
     - It’s alright, angel. - the man raised his hands, showing no harm but still maintaining an aura of mystery, almost as if she wasn’t supposed to be talking to him. 
     - I have to return to my friend. - she stumbled onto her feet, praying not to fall in front of anyone else as he looked at her leaving. She was just a doll and he couldn’t help but observe as she got lost in the middle of the crowd like a sheeps in a wolf’s den. He was hypnotised by her figure in that god awful oversized dress, thinking about how beautiful it would look draped on his floor, how radiant her eyes appeared looking up at him ..
    - Everything alright, boss? - his view of the crowd was obstructed, the clear sight of her disappearing and being replaced by the ugly mug of one of his men. Had he had his gun with him, he would’ve been laying on a pool of his own blood right now. - We saw the girl and ...
    - And now you’re gonna go fucking look for her. Invite her to the VIP room, don’t keep me waiting. - he watched as they rushed into the crowd like headless chickens looking for a girl they barely got a look of. He snickered, taking a step forward to return to the only place where it didn’t stink of cheap liquor. He stopped, noticing he had stepped on something and slowly moved his feet away to see a small dainty necklace with a pendant that looked like some sort of bird. The man scrunched his face as he lowered to grab the chain, probably some cheap metal, before sticking it in his pocket, taking a quick look of the crowd.
Y/N meanwhile was being dragged out of the sleazy club by Gwen who was no longer interested in her boy toy. The girl couldn’t lie, she was happy she was being dragged away from the club, however, rushing down the street in oversized heels. Due to the rush of exercise and adrenaline coursing through her blood and turning her rather breathless which led to her putting her hand over her chest and noticing the lack of her necklace’s chain.
      - Wait, Gwen. - she stopped the heiress before they could get inside the car where the chauffeur had been patiently waiting their arrival. - My necklace, I don’t have my necklace.
      - Maybe you didn’t bring it, Y/N. - the redhead spoke up, already inside the car, phone in hand. - C’mon, it’s probably home. 
      - I’m sure I brought it.
      - You’re worrying too much, c’mon. - Gwen patted the leather seat of the car. The young girl took a long full look at the club, Gwen was probably right, maybe she didn’t bring the necklace. With a quick motion, she closed the door of the car, watching as the club became more and more distant. 
A memory.
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fanfictiongalore · 3 years
College Monsters - Part 2
Chapter 2:
The group leaves the library, curious and in suspense of what information they’re going to find on their old friend.
Back in Luis and Joel’s dorm, all huddled around Luis and his laptop. They go through every single result pertaining to Sam and Dean, including news articles from different states about the brothers being wanted for everything under the sun including credit card fraud, breaking, and entering, grave desecration and murder. Surprised by what they’re reading, Gabe accidentally blurts ‘What great lives they’ve led’. They exit that page and click on the next one, which shows a video of a man in a weird pig mask, talking to a camera in front of another man, laying and strapped down to a metal table. The man in the mask explains that he’s got something special, a new item. ‘Introducing, Mr. Sam Winchester!’. They’re dumbfounded. They’re left speechless in regard to what they’re watching.
‘That’s Sam? He looks so much different from the last time we saw him.’ Sarah accounts. ‘What is this, some kind of stupid sketch?’ Joel asks, but no one answers. ‘He looks scared, this doesn’t feel right.’ Luis remarks as the masked man starts listing off numbers and exclaims ‘SOLD! And now, ladies and gentlemen. Let’s begin the auction for Sam Winchesters heart!’, he points to Sam strapped down and struggling on the table ‘Can we stop this?’ Sarah asks as the man points a gun to Sam’s head and as soon as the bullet fires, they all look away. Scared to look back at the screen, they hear ‘show’s over’ from a man they don’t recognize. Joel slowly turns back, expecting to see his old friend dead. ‘Guys he’s okay.’ The other three, terrified of what they might see on the screen, peer suspensefully at the screen but to their surprise, they see Sam, still alive on the table, breathing heavily and a man in a long black coat, untying the brown leather straps that held his brother down.
The group, all except for Luis, move back from the screen. Luis keeps his hunched position in front of the screen, he doesn’t move. ‘What is wrong with those guys’ Gabe asks, with no answer from the others. Sarah hesitates, ‘Do you think… they’re still alive?’, Luis’ hand shakes in fear as he exits that tab and clicks another link, this time finding a forum called “The Lose-chesters”… ‘That’s a… that’s a great name’, Sarah remarks, clearly laughing at the name opposite to their last names. Some of the posts are recounting experiences the anonymous people have had with the brothers; other posts show photos taken of the boys to alert other “monsters”, as they’re called on the site, to their locations. “The big tree and the meerkat are in Baltimore Maryland, watch out.”, Gabe reads the username of the person that posted it, ‘What kind of name is “Vamp_1ady” anyway?’ They shuffle against each other, clearly uncomfortable and unable to say anything. Time passes as the others sit down on Joel and Luis’ bed, slowly pulling out books to read and passing out on their beds. Luis, still sitting at the computer hours later clicking on different links over and over, doesn’t even realise that it’s now 6am. He should get some sleep. His butt is numb from not moving all night, his legs are shaky, and his back is burning from hunching. With his stuttering legs, he stands up and slowly stumbles over to his bed where he finds Sarah, with her glasses falling off her face and a book in front of her. He looks over to his roommate’s bed and finds his friends Gabe and Joel inching ever so closely to each other, asleep. ‘Cute.’ He thinks as he flops onto his bed and instantly, his eyes fall shut as if they’re being weighed down by a ships anchor.
The next day
The boys parked outside an older diner just outside , waiting to leave. ‘Dean, I don’t understand why you insist on getting pie now when we’re a few miles away from the college. They have perfectly fine pie there.’ Sam, sitting and waiting impatiently in Baby reading about the case they’re headed towards. ‘You don’t know that Sammy’, Dean remarks but doesn’t register Sam’s confused expression. ‘I went to school there, does your old-man-brain remember that? I’ve tried every single mediocre college food and pie they have there.’ Sam, with a prideful expression plastered on his face, becomes intimidated as his brothers turns from happiness and pure pie-induced bliss to frustration. ‘You know, if I didn’t love pie and Baby, I would have thrown this at you right about now. Watch yourself’.
‘’Yeah, sure. Ok so about the case it’s obviously at Stanford and students have reported a giant rat creature chasing them down the streets during at around 12-2am every night. One sophomore student, Lily Franchi, barely escaped it and got away with a fractured forearm. She says the creature held her down, bit and began twisting it around probably trying to tear it off, it’s a miracle that her elbow didn’t explode.’ Dean finishes his pie and interrupts, ‘She was pinned to the ground, and it was trying to rip off her arm? How did she even get away?’, Sam, still troubled by this himself answers ‘No one knows, according to other students and a professor, it just up and left. One student caught a video of it too, here’, Sam pulls out his phone and plays the video for Dean, a blood-curdling scream coming from Lily and other sounds like car horns and shouting from the people behind the camera can be heard.
‘Man, Splinter really let himself go huh?’ Sam, pulling his confused puppy face ‘The rat from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?’ Dean says, probably even more confused that Sam doesn’t understand his reference. ‘Whatever’ He starts the car and they’re off to Stanford, once again. After a while of driving, they get closer to the school, the former student becomes more anxious by the second just by the thought of going back there and seeing his old friends and being unable to answer the questions they’d have, his heartrate fastens and it feels like it’s about to burst out of his chest, he begins to shake, ‘Where did you go? Where have you been these past few years? Why didn’t you come back?”, he feels a pit grow in his stomach and grabs Dean’s jacket sleeve without realising.
Dean looks at him and instantly pulls the car over ‘Sam? Sammy, you, ok?’ Sam opens the door, jumps out and hunches over waiting, eyes closed hesitantly for something to come up from his stomach. Dean follows and rushes around the car to his side ‘Sam? What’s wrong?’ Sam looks up at Dean with a small river of tears in his eyes, still trying to calm down ‘Nothing, nothing. I’m fine. I was just- just overthinking.’ Dean reaches into the car and pulls out a bottle of water, handing it to Sam, now crouching on the ground like a scared dog with its tail between its legs. ‘Thanks’ Dean sits next to Sam and waits for him to calm down so they can get back on the road. ‘No problem.’ They sit there for ten minutes. ‘You wanna tell me what that was about?’ Dean questions him. Sam, whose hair is covering his face, doesn’t even look up. ‘I was thinking about someone there.’ Dean notices a tear fall from his face onto the dirt below ‘Jess?’ Sam looks up at Dean ‘No. Someone else, still alive.’ Dean’s surprised, someone other than Jess?
Who could have triggered such a strong reaction from Sam.
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emmakillianfan · 3 years
A Christmas Story for You
To @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ for Christmas. While I haven’t had as much time for it as I had hoped, I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas and enjoy this little story that kind of got away from me. Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you!
Due to illness and post graduate studies I’m a bit rusty on the fanfiction story writing, but I hope you enjoy it. I have loved the opportunity to be your secret santa. As I said from the beginning, I’m a big fan of your writing.
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Getting to Know You at Christmas
Emma Swan hated to mingle at these social events her parents held each year as a welcome to the holiday season. Her mother easily socialized with people, remembering names and details of each person’s life in the coastal town of Storybrooke, Maine. Her father was just as gregarious, shaking hands and clapping older gentlemen on the back as the mused over details of long-ago exchanges and funny occurrences that she never quite could understand. She liked people, even had friends. But there was something missing for her from the conversations and laughter that seemed to lift over the swell of Christmas carols and the flashes of lights from the tree and cameras snapping shots of huddled groups of friends, family, and compatriots.
“Your mother is worried about you,” Ruby Lucas-Gale said with a knowing smile as Emma reached for another mini pizza and shoved it in whole. “You don’t look happy.”
Keeping her lips sealed, Emma shot her friend a plastered smile and shrug.
“You could at least move away from the bar. She’s going to think this is a re-do of last year’s party where you went to bed with a bottle of tequila under each arm after telling everyone that you were sleeping until the new year.”
“I should have kept that promise,” Emma groused, giving a slight wave when her mother looked at her pleadingly. “I could have avoided the Christmas Karaoke party at Victor’s, the cookie exchange at your grandmother’s, and let’s not forget the pot luck at Regina and Robin’s where I was shamed for bringing your grandmother’s frozen lasagna as my contribution. Not only had Regina made one, but I didn’t even realize it was still frozen.”
“You brought a pie too,” Ruby reminded her. “I don’t remember anyone noting that was store bought.”
“I ate it in the car working up the nerve to go inside because my mother set me up on a date. Who does that? Blind dates on Christmas?”
“She means well,” Ruby added consolingly, patting her hands down her red dress that seemed to creep up her toned thighs each time she moved. “And Graham was…”
Emma held up one hand in protest. “Don’t defend him. First he was your ex. He was nice but a little or more than a little too intense with his whole getting back to nature and communing with animals thing. My mother has horrible taste in men for me. For a woman who believes in fairy tales and calls my father her prince charming, I don’t think she would survive a day on Tinder.” It had been the long running commentary at the parties that somewhere in the crowd was there to be set up with Emma. Some who did not partake in the dancing or singing along around the piano would try to guess who it was going to be this year. Bets were currently on about a gawky man with a green tie who was currently chatting up Zelena Mills in the corner.
“Just remember she means well.” Linking arms with Emma, Ruby pulled her friend out onto the makeshift dance floor and began to sway her hips to the beat of a modern Christmas tune that Emma knew was by some current pop singer. “So I’m guessing your next date is in here somewhere. Where oh where could he be?”
“You are annoying,” Emma pouted, folding her arms over her chest yet still swaying a bit to the up-tempo beat. “I thought you had money that guy in the green tie.” He was the typical type her mother would love to see her date. She could hear the school teacher turned public servant now telling her how she just knew he was the kind of guy she would love to get to know.
“Possibility,” Ruby said, tapping her bright red lips in mock thoughtfulness. “What about Archie?” He’s been hanging around over in that corner in a conversation with Regina and Robin for a little bit now. Seems to look over here every once in a while.”
“Everyone is looking at you, Ruby,” Emma hissed in exasperation. You are showing more skin that is advisable with the temperature and you’re currently bumping and grinding to Christmas tunes.”
“Maybe he’s setting up some pre-marital counseling for them. Okay…one of the guys from the mines? Leroy?”
“That’s a tad incestuous since they are practically my uncles.” Emma scanned the crowd to see her father and mother in conversation over by the French doors leading out to the patio that had been sprayed with twinkle lights and that included a new audio system he had spent the day fiddling with as her younger brother tried out the microphones in his own rendition of some sort of heavy metal meets classic rock rendition of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. He was just 14 and still at that awkward stage, suffering the embarrassment of parents who doted and friends who loved to point that out to him. Her own son idolized him though. “I’m thinking he’s a no show. My mom is in her plotting mode. Look at the way she’s talking to my dad.”
Sure enough her parents were furtively whispering, her mother holding up a hand to hide her mouth as though nobody would notice. It would be debated for years to come which of the two women noticed him first though. A slender, tall man with piercing blue eyes and sardonic smile seemed to rush up to her parents and hug them in turn. Even though Emma couldn’t make out the words, her father gave the man his double shoulder clap before spinning him about to the crowd and pointing out a few people.
“Maybe him,” Ruby said, lifting onto the balls of her feet even higher than her shoes allowed and balancing herself against Emma. “He’s a hottie.”
“Doubtful,” Emma noted, swinging her gaze across the room to the man in the green tie who was now eating a banana and doing nothing for his resemblance to a simian creature as Ruby had declared. “I don’t have that sort of luck. My mother doesn’t…” She never got to finish the sentence when she noted who had just entered the party and made a line straight toward greeting her parents. Neal…the once love of her life turned affection into weapons and her self confidence into a puddle of what if. She was better now, but the sight of him seemed to jangle her nerves in a way that made her doubt her recovery. They managed to co-parent their son with little trouble, but he wasn’t one she wanted to see socially. The fact he always had a date on his arm just added to her discomfort.
Ruby was one of the few people who understood. Twirling her in the direction of the mystery man who was now noshing on a few of the crisp veggies without bothering to dip them into the various sauces, Ruby leaned in and whispered loudly in Emma’s ear. “Don’t question it. Just go introduce yourself. It’ll be less awkward that way.”
Emma would forever question the logic in that, but for the moment felt her feet begin to move one after the other and in no time she was standing in front of him. His eyes were even more striking up close and she caught a whiff of his cologne that was a spicey scent that she would later blame for her mouth watering and her words feeling like they slid off her tongue without regard to custom or reason.
“Emma,” she said by way of invitation. Her smile was a little forced and her hand held out in mid air a beat too long as he shoved a celery stick in his mouth and raised his own in greeting. “I guess my parents probably told you that.”
“Your parents?” he repeated, the smiled he was giving her lifted higher on the right side of his face as did his right eyebrow. He seemed to be surprised by her, almost as if he was not expecting the conversation. That irritated her a bit.
She gave a wave over her shoulder to where they stood by the fireplace. “Mary Margaret and David. The Nolans. You were just talking to them.”
“Aye, David and my older brother went to school together back in the day. They invited me to…”
She brushed off his explanation. “No, I get it. It’s so them. They don’t think I have any skills in that area at all. Apparently, they have given up on finding someone local.” She shrugged and when he seemed he wasn’t going to answer, she reached across and grabbed a carrot stick. Placing it in her mouth she made a face and immediately removed it. “Rabbit food.”
“You do know how to flatter man, love. I’m not sure I would want to be just one of the multitudes.” His smile was wider as he watched her, his questions about her easy and slick as she tried to explain that her parents were young when she was born and waited nearly two decades before their miracle child was born. He seemed to know nothing about her, which was odd for a set up. Maybe he was just being polite.
“So you’re not from around here,” she asked when he paused to take a drink. Even over the rim of the cup his eyebrows raised again. “I’m the sheriff. I sort of notice things like accents. I do sort of like accents like yours. Different than other guys around here.”
“Boston by way of London,” Killian answered. “And you, love? Always a resident of this seafaring town?”
“Most all my life,” she admitted, leaving out a few pit stops along the way. “Mom probably told you that the best place to take me for a dinner date is Granny’s. She loves it there, plus Granny will spy on us and give her updates every few minutes. I’m more into this Italian place near the docks. Awesome seafood and pasta. And their lasagna isn’t frozen. It’s more date like, I think. You know, checked table clothes, drippy candles, wine, and all that.”
“A classic romantic?” he asked, clearly amused.
“Well, I mean if we have to go out, it makes sense to go someplace like that.” She held out her hand and gestured to his phone. “I’ll give you my number in case mom hasn’t already. A date is a date, but might as well get a good meal out of it.”
“By all means,” he said, handing her the latest device on the market. She noted that he did everything with his right hand, his left staying next to his side and covered in a black glove. She was about to mention it when she heard her father’s voice and laughter.
“You’ve met our Emma,” David said, joining the duo at the table and placing one hand under Emma’s elbow. “Our daughter can be a bit blunt. I hope she hasn’t insulted you or made you change your mind.”
“Dad,” Emma said, swatting him playfully.
“She’s been absolutely brilliant,” Killian answered, shoving his phone in his pocket. “By the way, love, name’s Killian Jones. I don’t believe I properly introduced myself.”
David nodded knowingly. “Killian is here to work with your mother on her bid for the mayor’s office. He’s a wiz when it comes to all things in local politics. Very highly recommended.”
“Work for mom?” Emma asked weakly, trying to ignore the not quite so humble smile that played about Killian’s mouth. “You mean he’s not…”
“Of course, Regina is taking time off to plan her wedding and then get settled into married life. She recommended Killian to run your mom’s campaign since Archie is considering and Mal has already announced. Anyway, it is good you met. Killian’s going to need to talk to you about your role in promoting our family. Maybe you can meet up at Granny’s later this week.” David glanced around the room and gripped his daughter’s arm harder. “I wanted to introduce you to someone I met when I was buying supplies for the farm. His name is Walsh.”
Emma stammered a bit, her face turning pink as Killian continued to hold that smile that showed both bemusement and cockiness. “Walsh…”
“Go ahead, love,” Killian said. “We’ll finish our conversation at this Granny’s or perhaps you might like the atmosphere.”
Emma was sure that her face was bright red as his eyebrows lifted up and down in a way that made her wonder just what lascivious thoughts were rolling around in that head of his. She felt those blue eyes on her as her father made another excuse and led her over to the man in the green tie who was smiling nervously at her and oblivious to her discomfort and not so secret looks over at Killian Jones.
She nodded appropriately and even asked a few questions about Walsh and his furniture design business. Her own rental was outfitted with castoffs and hand me downs that had seemed comfortable and worn at the time. He was telling her why it was important to have pieces that spoke of her uniqueness and character. At least that was what she heard on the occasions she bothered to listen and didn’t internalize the flinches and groans as her parents introduced Killian Jones to every person in the room. She wasn’t pleased to see most of the single women giggling and flashing him flirtatious smiles that he easily returned. There was no need to be jealous, but still the emotion was creeping up her spine as she watched him actually kiss Ruby’s hand like something out of a novel.
“I could show you sometime,” Walsh interrupted. She jumped at being caught unaware and repeated the words back to him in hopes of making some sense of the situation. “My shop. I have some really beautiful pieces I think you would like.”
“Well, if I am ever in the market,” she said, realizing that he was holding out a business card with his personal number written on the back. “Have you met August and his father Marco. They do some of the most beautiful woodwork you have ever seen. Come on, I’ll introduce you.”
~~ CS ~~ CS ~~ CS ~~ CS ~~ CS ~~ CS ~~ CS ~~
“We were right about the monkey guy,” Ruby said defeatedly, kicking off her shoes and reclining on the bed in Emma’s childhood bedroom. The room didn’t quite do justice to the angsty teen she had been, but still boasted teen idol posters of boy bands and even the dollhouse brought by Santa one year. “But that other guy was cute and quite the charmer. Even I was about to hit on him. I had such high hopes for your mother.”
Emma flinched as she unclipped her hair and left it to fall around her shoulders in soft waves. “Yeah, so he’s not my set up of the year. Yet I asked him out, sort of. I don’t know. I made a fool out of myself.”
“He didn’t seem too offended,” Ruby suggested. “I mean I was distracted once Dorothy agreed to dance but every time I looked in his direction he was looking in yours. And I might add that was pretty often.”
“Right, he was probably trying to figure out what was wrong with me.” Emma was about to bemoan her embarrassed state a little more when her phone dinged out one and then another text message. She reached over to grab it and groaned with the realization. It was Killian. Ruby immediately wanted to know what he had to say and proceeded to inspect the picture he sent just in case Emma was confused if he was the guy in the green tie or not.
“Emma, you might have had a rough start, but he’s hot. And he’s clearly interested. Why else would he text?” Passing the phone back, she shrugged. “And let’s face it, you and commitment aren’t that strong of allies. He’s from out of town. Mary Margaret said he travels all over to do these little campaigns. I’m seeing excellent fling material.”
The text was taunting her, a coy comment about Italian restaurants and then a reminder of who he was with the picture. “I should answer him. I mean it would be rude not to answer, right?”
“Your mother would say not to be rude to anyone, but I’m telling you there is no reason to be rude to that guy.” Ruby reached over and grabbed a 10 year old magazine from the table, clearly bored with the conversation. “But I mean it is up to you. Text him. Don’t text him. Your choice.” Ruby flipped the pages casually, bringing up what dresses Regina was going to want them to wear at her wedding. She insisted that red wouldn’t be that garish at a Christmas event. It wasn’t until Emma refused to correct her that Ruby even looked over cautiously. “You haven’t texted him?”
“I was thinking about it.”
“You like him, don’t you?” Ruby propped herself onto one elbow. “It’s written all over your face.”
Emma shoved the phone back in her bag and let her head loll against the mattress as she sat cross legged on the floor. She rarely was in this room now, but somehow it felt comfortable and almost nostalgic to discuss dating and boys with her friend just down the hall from her parents. At least she wasn’t practicing writing his name with hers or anything like that. “I don’t get crushes.”
“You’re much too tough for that.”
Emma wasn’t exactly wrong about her aversion to crushes. She was in her twenties and already sheriff of the small coastal town. She wore practical boots or sneakers more than heels and her long hair had not seen princess curls in months. This event at her parents was the first time she’d worn a dress except to church. “If I did, and I’m not saying I do, what difference does it make. I’m a grown woman, mother of a 10 year old, and I have a career. I’m hardly going to make cootie catchers and see if his name comes up after saying some horrible rhyme.”
Ruby nodded thoughtfully and went back to the magazine. “Not to mention horribly ugly and boring. I don’t know how I put up with you.”
“You are going to pay for that one, Ruby,” Emma laughed, tossing a pillow and joining in as Ruby cackled with laughter. They were both laughing so hard that Emma barely heard the familiar chirp of her phone ringing. Holding up a hand to silence her friend, she shushed her and reached for it. She only hoped she sounded less winded than she felt as she said her own name and waited for the response.
“I hope I didn’t call to late,” a male English accent sounded on the other end. Even without seeing him in person, she could already picture that bemused smirk and light in his eyes. “I meant to check back with you, love, but time got away from me and then you were gone.”
“Oh um…good…I mean great…I mean you didn’t call too late,” Emma gestured wildly at her friend who was making choking signs in response to her word vomit. “But why did you call?”
“Well, love, you did give me your number,” he reminded her. “I tried texting, but didn’t get a response. I thought perhaps you were screening, but I had to give it a shot. I was hoping you might have a bit of time for me tomorrow – breakfast perhaps? I know you said you preferred that little Italian place, but I have never known such an establishment to be open very early. Perhaps that Granny’s, you spoke of? We could save the Italian place for our dinner date. I have been craving some ravioli lately.”
“Date?” Emma stammered, ignoring the way that Ruby looked ready to pounce. “I…”
“You did sort of ask me out and I must say it was a masterful way to do so. I would love to accompany you for dinner, Emma. But first we have a bit of business to discuss about your mother’s campaign. Breakfast then? 8 a.m.? Granny’s?”
“I’ll be there,” she answered dully as he spoke politely for a moment about thanking her for her time.
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Emma’s father had not gotten the memo that she was going out for breakfast, as he was flipping pancakes onto a large plate as she descended the stairs, handed her son his permission slip for the field trip, and dodged the family’s collie that seemed to be underfoot. Her mother showed no signs of worry as she sipped her morning coffee and reminded Emma to wear a scarf and hat as she consoled her husband that there were not too many pancakes and Emma wouldn’t have eaten them all anyway.
She pulled her yellow bug up in front of the diner, taking the last of the spots at 8:05 a.m. That was early for her and not a big worry that she was late for meeting with Killian. That was until she walked in, kicked a bit of the snow off her boots (the black ones with a heel that were in her old closet and could not be described as practical – don’t judge), and spied Killian at one of the booths talking to Tink. The bubbly blonde was petite and perfect, a face and voice like a cherub in a painting. Every year she had the solo at the church choir’s Christmas Eve performance and every year people wiped away tears at her beautiful rendition. She didn’t look very angelic as she perched on the edge of her seat and leaned forward to talk animatedly with Killian. Her smile flashing at him and even an occasional stroke of his arm with her hand to emphasize a point. Even in the 90 seconds she had been standing there kicking her boots and unwinding the mile long scarf from her mother, she had watched the waitress stop by and lean across the table to give Killian quite the view down her shirt.
Ruby must have noticed too, as she left her spot behind the counter and fluffed Emma’s hair with an encouraging nod and a teasing note that Emma was wearing lip gloss. Spinning her with one hand on her shoulder, Ruby sort of nudged her in the direction of the booth with a hissed reminder to smile.
“Killian,” Emma said, ignoring the pout from Tink, whose real name was Isabella but didn’t want to be confused with the town librarian, Belle, “sorry I’m late.”
“Don’t trouble yourself, love,” he said, scooting out to stand as she arrived. “I was going over a few notes for the kick off and Tink here was catching me up on some of the ideocracies that make small town politics so fun.”
Emma flashed a quick smile at her childhood friend, watching her slink out of the booth and tell Killian she was in the town directory if he wanted to call. He did not follow her with his eyes as she sashayed toward the door, nor did he smirk like Emma wanted to do when Ruby called after Tink to tell her that she still owed for her morning tea. It wasn’t that she disliked Tink, but there was that feeling that made her feel ill when she saw her flirting with Killian.
He gestured for her to sit down a simple glance toward the counter sent the waitress scrambling to bring them menus and take their orders. Or maybe it was just his order, as he had to call her back to get Emma’s. Despite his seemingly healthy eating style the night before, he matched her order of a hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon. Granny had even fancied it up with chocolate shavings.
His questions were easy at first, wanting to know about her childhood and then her job. While a few were personal, he did not seem to be prying. She even managed to ask him a few and he offered some answers of his own without objecting too loudly and then quickly getting them back on track. She learned of his naval experience that paid for his education and how he had become involved in the campaigns and politics of small cities and his love of the ocean and aged rum.
“So is your position as sheriff an elected one?” he asked, casually resting back in the vinyl seat across from her.
She was taking two sips to his one when she noticed the way he smiled as he watched her. Instinctively she raised her hand up to swipe at the whipped cream that might have gathered on her nose but found none. “What?” she asked in exasperation. “Did I make a mess?”
“No, I am simply enjoying watching you share your experiences as sheriff. Your passion for it shines on your face, love.”
She knew she was probably blushing and rolled her fork through the home fries as a distraction.
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For the next few days they saw each other often. There was the announcement of her mother’s candidacy where she helped place signage. She ran into him when she went to inspect a license of one of the vendors at the skating rink and ended up sharing a drink and conversation. While pondering which type of creamer to buy, he popped up out of no where and offered a suggestion. He was even there when the church choir had a rehearsal, claiming he was talking to some potential volunteers. He did apologize for that when the choir director called Emma out for missing two of her cues in a row because she was watching him, in the words of Regina, make doe eyes at her and silently flirt.
In the mean time, her mother had been talking up Walsh’s skills in design and potential as a date for Emma. There was now a gaping hole in the living room at the farm house where her mother was having him design a custom entertainment center. Her brother was already complaining that the television on the floor was not the greatest idea. Emma tried to explain Walsh wasn’t her type, but her mother wasn’t hearing it and was asking when she was seeing him again. Given that she had not saved his number and had mutually agreed with him that they weren’t really each other’s type it seemed unlikely. However, Mary Margaret was so cutely sure she had done well this year that Emma hadn’t the heart to tell her.
One morning over doughnuts at the station her mother read the speech Killian had written for her campaign and asked her daughter for feedback. Emma offered a few remarks as the woman adjusted the clutter on her father’s desk.
“I think he’s handsome,” her mother said at one point. “Kinda has that mysterious look to him.”
“Who?” Emma asked distractedly. “Dad?”
It was the pronoun game.
“No, I was talking about…” The phone ringing cut off what Emma was sure was a pep talk about Walsh. The conversation was left unfinished as Emma went to investigate the case of the missing trash can lids. Spoiler: some of the kids were using them for sledding.
It was a full two days later before she saw Killian again. Granted he had texted a few times and called her “by accident” when he claimed he had meant to call her mother to discuss strategy. He was humming a tune and scrolling through his tablet when she and her son, Henry, spotted him inside the library. Apparently, he had set up shop in the corner and had everything but a receptionist there to greet visitors. Her son, who had heard his name a few times from his grandparents, pointed him out in a totally obvious way that made Emma want to crawl under the table. Somehow she managed to take a few steps closer and do more than the wave she originally planned.
“Nice office,” she said of the table he had commandeered. “Quiet I guess.”
“It has it’s perks,” he offered. “I was heading over to talk to your father. He said he would be at the station this afternoon. I take it you are not?”
“Short break to get my son home before I go back to face the files on my desk.” She knew her son was already done checking out his three books and would be joining them any second. She only hoped he would not blurt out an inappropriate question. She was about to send up a silent prayer when she noted that the glove Killian normally wore on his left hand was off and a synthetic material prosthetic was in its place. Before she could say anything, he looked down at the hand as though surprised by it and shrugged.
“Naval accident, an accident.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize,” she said not sure what else to say about it. It was clearly an old injury and hardly one she had a blame in causing.
“Tis an old pain,” he told her. “Most days I don’t really think of it.”
She nodded, glancing at her son who was still in conversation with Belle. “Does that mean you are getting more comfortable with me?” She instantly regretted saying that, as it came off a little weak.
“You do seem to put me at ease, love.” He winked at her and leaned a little to the left as her son ran up beside her. “You, lad, must be Henry. Your grandparents tell me you are quite the author.”
Henry nodded enthusiastically and continued the conversation for a few more beats, nearly forgetting his mother was there. Even a comment from another patron, Will, that Killian was clearly trying to get to the mother through the son, went unnoticed by all but Emma who stood taller and tried to let it slide. Killian was quite the conversationalist, observantly noting that Henry was holding a book on piracy along the New England states. That really got them going until Emma reminded Henry that she needed to drop him off at home to meet the tutor and get back to work.
That was how she ended up with Killian sitting in her living room and then the two of them walking side by side back to the station to interview her father. He opened doors for her, asked her less probing questions, and complimented the way she handled one of the boys known for getting into trouble with a stern look and warning. She was starting to feel natural about it all when he stopped short at the wreath decorated double doors and scratched behind his ear.
“I was wondering, love,” he said, shifting his eyes to the door and back to her again. “Rather I was hoping you might…well, bloody hell, I was hoping to ask you on that date. I gather you weren’t aware of who I was or why I was here when you sort of asked me.”
“I thought you were the guy my parents set me up with this year. It wasn’t my finest moment.”
He smiled nervously, his lips tight and his eyes again darting to the doors. She realized he was looking to see if her father was lurking. “It was rather adorable actually and I was thinking…”
She closed her eyes as he searched for the words, something she was sure he rarely did in his life. He always seemed to know the perfect thing to say and the perfect way to say it. “Killian, you don’t have to…”
“And if I want to?”
“Then maybe we could meet up tomorrow evening? Or wait no…tomorrow is the winter carnival for the kids at the orphanage and I am hosting the movie portion. Maybe Thursday…no Henry’s got his soccer game. I would say Friday but I’ve got choir practice and Saturday is mom’s campaign rally.” She truly looked sorry about her schedule as she shifted from one foot to the other.
“Busy lass,” he muttered. “I suppose we’ll have to consider another time. Or by chance are you free this evening?”
Biting down on her lip, she closed her eyes briefly. “I want to say yes, but my father is in there and I’d rather not mention this to him. And given that my son is likely to either eat potato chips and chocolate milk for dinner, stay up past bedtime for video games or inappropriate movies, or worst yet burn the place down in an attempt to see what he can melt in the oven, I’m thinking I need a back up babysitting plan that doesn’t include my parents.”
“Rather not hear the I told you so? Or are you hoping to keep me your little secret?”
“My parents are a little on the enthusiastic side when it comes to my love life.” She tilted her head back for a moment and then made eye contact again. “I have a plan, but you have to swear to me that we won’t be going to Granny’s or any place else they would be spotted.”
He assured her that paper napkins weren’t on the menu. “I have no issue with being circumspect, love. Trust me, I can plan an evening for us.”
If she didn’t trust him, she didn’t show it as he ushered her inside and greeted David. His cheeks were a little red from the cold and she knew hers were too. However, David never seemed to notice their conversation outside. She saw him pulling out his notes when she spoke up and asked David if Henry could perhaps have dinner with them. She managed to ask nonchalantly, simply a scheduling glitch.
“Any particular reason,” David asked, barely hiding his smile.
“I’m going out,” she answered vaguely, crossing her denim clad legs and pulling a stack of files into her lap. “Did you see Leroy’s file? I need to check about his court date.”
“Haven’t seen it. Anyone I know?” He was trying to watch her in the reflection of his computer screen, sneaking a few knowing looks at Killian who was flipping casually through his notebook.
“Oh you know,” she said, pausing to look at a document, “that guy from your party.” She didn’t want to lie to her dad, but she could tell he was not going to let up. It was one thing to have her father believe it was Walsh but another to flat out tell him that.
Killian seemed to understand, interrupting the awkwardness with a cheeky smile. “Since Emma appears to be on a deadline and you’ll be entertaining the lad this evening, it sounds like we need to get through these questions to prepare your wife’s talking points. Let’s start with the most obvious. You have a role that is second in command here at the station and in the community. How does that work with you effectively reporting to your own daughter?”
Emma let out a little sigh and as her father droned on about how proud he was of her, she shot Killian a grateful look. Her father seemed to take pride in both his work and how well she did her job, showing him pictures of celebrations after tough cases were solved and the commendations she had gotten from the governor. Most grown children worry that they aren’t successful enough or are somehow a disappointment to their parents. Emma didn’t have that worry when David Nolan talked about her.
He was still talking about how well Emma had worked with Regina who was stepping down to concentrate on her new life when Emma slipped out to change. Neither he nor Killian seemed to notice that she almost spoke up twice to tell Killian that maybe tonight wasn’t the best timing. Then she reminded herself of Ruby’s advice. He was a nice and more than good looking man. He didn’t even live here. So what if she went out with him. It was just fun.
She repeated that to herself as she went to her car to head home and change. That is until the realization hit that she didn’t really have anything to wear. A trip to one clothing store in town would rouse suspicion and the tailor was a friend of her mother’s. There was only one place to go.
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“No leather, no spiked heels, no red, no plunging necklines, and I would preferably like to sit down without flashing everyone in town,” Emma said as Ruby dove into the bowels of her closet up above Granny’s. The woman had squealed, hugged Emma, and asked if certain parts had been shaved or waxed. Emma assured her that was not an issue and that she just needed something that didn’t have the capacity for her shoulder or hip holster. Ruby had of course said she had just the thing.
With no sign of her wardrobe addition, Emma looked at her phone and two unread texts.
Killian: Your father is in search of your old scouting badges. I feel like we should have code words. Perhaps not. Meet me at the docks at 7?
She answered quickly, not wanting Ruby to interfere with the response that would probably be inappropriate. A quick see you then and an internally debated smiley emoji would have to suffice. The next message was from her mother.
Mom: David says you have a date. Very exciting. When you come by to pick Henry up, I want to hear all about it. I’ll wait up.
Her mother was going to be an issue. She loved the eternal optimist that was her mother, a woman who had more than her fair share of darkness, including losing two parents early in life, but rose above it to see the good in people. Wasn’t that what Emma was doing. She was seeing the good in Killian despite the voices inside that said this was a bad idea. Well, she could rationalize it that way. Her mother truly wanted a happily ever after for her daughter, something even  Emma couldn’t disagree with in scheme of things. The fact that her mother even believed in such things was pretty amazing.
Ruby emerged with a black dress that looked more like a set of random strips all stitched together. Beneath it was a red dress that flared out and looked more appropriate for dancing. And beneath that was a soft mauve frock with a full skirt and wrapped bodice. She knew that was the one she wanted to wear, but knowing Ruby she had to at least try the others. Half an hour later she was wearing the lighter colored dress, matching nude heels, and her hair was what her friend called casually curled.
She was standing with her arms crossed for warmth at the docks at 7:01 when Killian emerged from one of the sailboats with a single red rose in his hands. “Apparently,” he said, steadily walking the gang plank despite the swell of the waves that had her not quite sure if she was standing still or not, “it is nearly impossible to procure just a rose this time of year. You almost ended up with a pot of poinsettias.”
“It’s beautiful,” she remarked. “You didn’t have to go to the trouble.”
He assured her that it was no trouble and that she was beautiful herself. Below deck he had a small table set with real dishes and flatware, a bottle of wine and containers of pastas and sauces from the Italian restaurant she had mentioned. The only thing, he mused, was that he could not do the candles since such items were not really safe on a boat.
“Confession time,” he said, clinking his glass with hers. “I borrowed the boat. I don’t have one here in Storybrooke.”
“I knew that,” she admitted. “It’s my uncle Leroy’s boat.”
“Short man, scruffy looking, kind of grumpy?”
“Always grumpy, yes. It’s nice of you though. Not too many prying eyes.”
He took a sip and pondered that for a moment. “I take it that you would prefer to keep things clandestine just in case. I am also guessing that you gave the information to your friend Ruby just in case I turn out to be a murderer.”
“I can take care of myself.” She squared her shoulders off.
“Aye, I believe you can, love.”
The rest of the meal passed with pleasant conversation and only a few awkward pauses that were usually filled before it got to be too much. Killian had even brought along a set of speakers to stream music allowing them to dance. It was a tough that even Emma thought was sweet as his arms were around her in a way that she admitted fit. She wasn’t sure how much life was left in his phone or when the clouds that had been building all day would open up with snow, but time seemed to stand still as they swayed. Her eyes closed and her head resting against his right shoulder. He lifted their entwined hands and softly kissed hers. She was glad her eyes were closed and her head nestled against his chest.
She could feel his breathing change and his hold feeling tense. Her name came out as a whisper from him. She lifted her head and found his eyes searching hers. “Emma? I would very much like to kiss you.”
“I’m not sure you can handle that,” she teased in just as soft of a voice. Yet she closed the space between them and let him close the rest. Their lips touching softly at first and then with more passion. Her hands gripped at his shirt, pulling him toward her and his hand hovered at her hair before threading through it with a sort of awe she had never experienced.
They might have stayed like that for a while had the siren of her dad’s cruiser not shattered the cold and quiet night. Maybe they should have stayed below deck, ignored her father’s presence on the docks. However, that plan faded as his footsteps grew closer and she knew, just knew that someone had spotted them on Leroy’s boat and reported it. Resigned to the fate that her father was about to find out who her date was with and probably have an opinion about it, she took a step back and turned to climb up into the cold. While he said nothing, Killian placed his own jacket, a worn leather one, over her shoulders. It was a gentlemanly gesture and one that shouldn’t surprise her.
“Dad?” she asked, holding one hand over her eyes to shield it from the giant flakes falling silently from the sky. “Did something…”
Her father looked startled and even a little embarrassed to see her there. His breathing was normalizing when Killian emerged too, which sent his eyes wide and his gasp of surprise sharpening. “I didn’t realize…”
“Everything okay, mate?” Killian asked. His dark colored shirt and black vest offered little warmth against the plummeting temperatures. However, he did not indicate it by shivering or otherwise complaining.
“Sure…I mean I was just answering a call about someone attempting to break in cars when I saw Emma’s bug. Someone said they thought they saw the suspect run this way and…”
Emma gave her father a nod, taking a deep breath to switch back into her role as sheriff. “Any description?”
Her father’s eyes drifted to where Killian’s hand was covering hers and giving it a slight squeeze of reassurance. They narrowed and his voice faltered as he answered, “light colored hair, red sweatshirt, about 5’9”, thin.”
“Sounds like a juvenile,” Emma assessed. “I’m assuming we don’t have any camera visuals. Last time we investigated over here the cameras were malfunctioning and I haven’t noticed…”
“Emma,” her father said, his boots shuffling a little on the worn planks of the dock that were beginning to be covered in snow. “You don’t have to…I mean…You’re on a date…I guess you are.”
“Well, yeah,” she said, glancing at Killian who seemed to be enjoying the moment. Suddenly she felt the urge to clear up the misconceptions she had caused. “I didn’t mean to…” She cleared her throat. “I know you probably thought I meant I was seeing that Walsh guy.”
“Your mother’s buying an entertainment center from him,” David answered with confusion. “It’s not my business who…but where is Walsh?” He did manage to lower the flashlight and seem less ominous there on the docks, but still had his hand on his hip and was rocking backwards as he waited for explanations.
“I’m not really sure. I haven’t exactly seen him since the party.” Emma glanced at Killian who was standing closer to her than she realized. That wasn’t exactly unpleasant as a prospect. “Killian and I…”
“You and Killian,” he father parroted with the confusion that it hadn’t dawned on him. “You and Killian what?”
Killian gave her hand another squeeze and took a step forward as though offering himself as tribute. “Aye, mate. I do fancy your daughter and she and I have been spending time together.”
Blinking back at them, David appeared to running through the occasions he had seen them together and attempting to digest this information. “So the conversation about intentions toward Emma should be delivered to you and not Walsh?” It was too dark to know for sure, but Emma thought he looked a little disappointed.
She reminded him that there was a potential thief on the loose and he assured her he had it under control and to go back to her date. Killian just sort of shrugged and offered his analysis that it wasn’t that much of a secret after all. They talked a bit longer, took a slow walk toward her car, and both hopped in with him saying he would walk to Granny’s after she was safely at her parents with her son.
“That’s ridiculous,” she said, speeding up the wipers against the snow. “I can drop you off. No need for you to freeze.”
He looked toward her in the dark car and gave her a soft smile. “Your father is bound to have told your mother about our date, love. I know you had hoped to keep it secret. I only wanted to offer my services should you want them to fend off her disappointment and concern.” He jumped when she placed her hand over his prosthetic.
“I didn’t mean for it to be a secret. I guess I just don’t want to disappoint them with another failed attempt at matchmaking. My mother has to be ready to give up by now.”
“Perhaps,” he said thoughtfully, “she might have to give up anyway. If we were to date, surely she would not attempt to replace me each year.” Her hand jerked away fast, something he noticed. “I hoped you might want…”
She sighed, turning her car off the coastal road to the one that led toward town. “Killian, I am the one who originally asked you out. Even if that was a misunderstanding. I had fun. I enjoy spending time with you. But…”
“But we live in two different cities. The special election is going to be over next month. What kind of relationship can we have when you’ll be off on your next job and I’ll still be here? I’m not 18 and free to wander around after you. I have a job, parents, a son, and responsibilities.”
“We could…”
“Killian, I like you. I like spending time with you, but I’m not interested in starting a go no where or long distance relationship. I want more than a pen pal. Think about it. You do too.” The driveway of the farmhouse was coming into sight and then disappeared as she passed it. “I’ll take you back to Granny’s. No sense in talking to my mother about this. We’ll just say it was a one time thing.”
“As you wish.” His voice was quiet, deep, and almost wistful.
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As the holidays grew nearer, Emma’s parents and Killian went into campaign overdrive. There were photoshoots of the whole family on the farm. Her mother even managed to sneak in a few candid shots of Emma and Killian. Speaking of Mary Margaret, she was only mildly disappointed at Emma’s secret that she was not seeing Walsh. That was quickly erased as she said she had considered setting her daughter up with Killian, but was quickly dissuaded when her internal voice said her daughter would object. Nobody corrected her on it.
For his part, Killian worked hard and would try to sneak in time with Emma. They shared a few lunches, walked around the farm discussing a few strategies, and shopped together for a present for her parents. He sat with them on Christmas Eve when Emma performed with the choir for mass, looking just as in awe and proud as her parents did. He even joined them for the evening meal on Christmas, leaving behind a gift for Emma rather than making a big deal of her opening it in front of everyone.
As the wreathes were removed and the snow seemed not as white, the election day finally drew close and Killian was even more of a fixture. He was constantly showing up with a new tactic and shoving his client in front of cameras to announce a proposed initiative. Everything from illiteracy to hunger would be addressed by Mary Margaret Nolan for mayor. When election day arrived, more than 60% of the voters chose her and he beamed proudly from the sidelines. Most people noticed the hug shared between Emma and Killian, but it seemed to be just part of the celebration. It went so long into the night that nobody really saw the two of them saying goodbye the next morning.
“I wish it was different,” she admitted, folding her arms over her chest. “I’m sorry.”
“Perhaps someday, love. After all, nothing stays the same.”
She watched as the Uber driver loaded his bags and Killian reluctantly slid into the backseat. Their eyes were locked and the unsaid words hung in the air. She wasn’t sure she even breathed again until she was pulling up in front of her parents’ house. Her father was flipping pancakes, but her mother was at the doorway even as she dragged up the steps of the front porch.
“I like him,” her mother said. “He’s a good man.”
“Yeah,” Emma agreed, accepting the hug and hurrying in before the next gust of wind. “I just…I don’t want this every time we see each other. I don’t want to miss him and have the constant feel like a clock is counting down the hours.”
“I know, Emma. And that is very practical, but if you…”
Emma didn’t wait for her mom to finish the statement before greeting her father and asking about setting the table. It wouldn’t be the last time that her mother brought him up. She would over the next few months, mentioning seeing him at some event or another. Emma never asked, but her mother would always update her on his well being. It wasn’t that Emma didn’t know. He still called. He texted. When he was in the area he would invite her to dinner or to an event. She occasionally went but always told herself it was just casual. He never tried to kiss her again and she never sat herself too close to him, despite Ruby’s advice to do so.
A book he had mentioned to her once said of the protagonist and her lover turned best friend, “they would continue to call and write until eventually they were just acquaintances and no longer a real part of each other’s lives.” That’s what Emma resigned herself to when he didn’t answer her text or voicemail inviting him to her parents’ annual party. He’d been pretty scarce for the past few weeks. Their conversations short and usually interrupted by something or someone. She once even heard a female voice in the background and wondered if he was seeing someone. That idea hurt more than she wanted to admit.
She wore red to her parents’ party, her hair hanging loose and the smile on her face tense and unyielding. She was sipping on champagne and watching as Regina and Robin twirled around the room still in bliss nearly a year after their wedding. Walsh was there too, dancing with Zelena and inking a new design deal with Marco. Neal had brought Tink as his date, which made Emma roll her eyes. And her parents were at their prime greeting and hugging all of those in attendance.
“Emma,” her mother called out when a few more guests were greeted. “Come here. I want you to say hello to someone.”
Ruby gave her a sympathetic look as Emma begrudgingly dragged her feet over to where her parents were standing. And there he stood, Killian in a freshly pressed suit with a wide smile on his face as she approached. Her mother was giddy as she mockingly introduced them. “Emma, you remember my old campaign manager, Killian, right? Well, he was in town getting settled because his new job at the governor’s office starts next month. I was thinking that he might be just the kind of guy you’d like to get to know.”
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onestowatch · 3 years
For Louyah, One Viral TikTok and His Closest Friends Changed Everything [Q&A]
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It's a tale as old as time; through the power of friendship and the internet, Staten Island-born singer-songwriter and producer Louis Attillio Vigorito’s, better known as Louyah, life changed forever. In a car ride with his friends in New Jersey, the artist had the surprise of a lifetime when he realized his friends had secretly worked to get one of his singles, “I Used to Care,” played on the radio.
Eight million views and counting later, the 25-year-old has proven his versatility as an artist and established himself as an impressive rising talent. Raised in South New Jersey, Louyah entered the music scene as a vocalist and guitarist in metal bands Premonition and Idle Minds. After six years as a band member, he took the plunge and launched his solo career. Rather than focusing on one genre, Louyah’s strength lies in incorporating an eclectic yet balanced mix of pop, rock, rap, and R&B elements.
We had the opportunity to chat with the artist about the viral, wholesome moment, how their life has changed since then, and what fans can expect next.
It's safe to say the last month has been a whirlwind for you. You went from playing in a bunch of bands to setting off on your solo career in 2019, followed by releasing your first album to now being catapulted in front of the internet. What has been the most eye-opening experience during your journey so far?
The most eye-opening thing that hit me was that, just when I was ready to move forward with the whole album and ready to say fuck it let's put something else out, out of nowhere my friends got me on the radio, and that just changed everything. It was a very "expect the unexpected" moment.
How do you spend your time now? Has anything in your life drastically changed?
I keep writing songs! I've honestly been writing a lot of music. Other than that, I've been just kind of doing the same thing. Keeping to myself and hanging out with my friends and my family. I wouldn't say anything's changed, because I'm a very family-oriented person. So, I mean, a lot of people have definitely hit me up, and I think it's awesome. Personally, though, I don't know a lot of people and, for me, it's hard to want to do a project with someone if I know I haven't met that person. I just stick with what I know in the moment. Once I'm introduced to somebody in person, then I'll feel better about it. But as far as making music with people who are hitting me up, it's... I don't know. I just blew up and you're hitting me up. It's a weird feeling.
You want to make sure the connections you make with people are genuine and authentic before you make music together.
Definitely! But as far as you know, DMs are cool. Pink Sweat$ follows me now and that made me happy. I messaged him in 2018 and I said, “You're an inspiration to me. I can't wait to work with you,” and then he followed me and I was like, no way, you just followed me and he said, “Your music's dope,” and I was like, wow, okay. But that's it. I'm not gonna ever be like, “Let's work together! Let's do XYZ.” I feel like it should naturally play its part, just like it did. And there's gonna be a time and place where I sit in a room and he's there and he'd be like, “Louyah!” and I'd be like “Pink Sweat$! Hi.” And then from there, maybe we become best friends or maybe it doesn't have to be anything more than music.
You've mentioned that you still hang out with your friends and family and that nothing in your personal life has changed. What are some things that you do to keep yourself grounded?
I enjoy watching gamers on Twitch and the people I watch are my friends. Outside of that, I spend all my time on music. I really don't do anything else. I would love to travel and music is now giving me the opportunity to travel. Like I've never owned a car. I'm 25 and I've spent my whole life working for this moment. This is all I've ever wanted, and I'm ready for it and I've been ready for it. I've been ready to just accept everything that's happening right now. 
If you could leave tomorrow, where would you go?
Japan. Catch me in Tokyo. I just think the culture is beautiful. I think everything's beautiful. I will respect it. I will love it. I will enjoy it. And I just want to see all the cool shops that they have. I want to see all the interesting foods that they make. I think the way they present things is just insane to me, and I would love love, love, love, love, love to go to Tokyo and take some cool photos at night with all the neon signs and just absorb the environment.
Now that you're working on your next record, can you tell me more about the evolution of Louyah and your creative process?
So young Louyah, just Louis. There was no Louyah. I was a 16-year-old kid that loved metal music, so I picked up the guitar and started playing. I then joined the band as a guitarist and after that band broke up, I was a vocalist, so I screamed at people for a little bit and that was interesting. There was a whole metal scene community that loved our band and what we talked about. We talked about a lot of heartfelt things.
Heartfelt things like what?
I talked about my father's struggle with addiction. And that was a big part of my life before I even ventured into Louyah. The band and I were helping people that were not able to talk about those things and just be open and be honest. I would do this thing where I would have everybody close their eyes at my show, and I would say, “Raise your hand if you're struggling with addiction.” Everybody would close their eyes and you would be so surprised at how many people raised their hands. And then I would have everybody open their eyes and I'd be like, “Alright, now look around you. What do you see?” I've watched people just start crying, because they're like, “Oh, my God, my friend is standing right next to me. And he has an addiction. And I didn't know that.” My whole thing was just being a part of that community, helping people in those realms because that was a big struggle of my life. Through my father, and me, my two brothers, my whole family, we all struggled in that. Once that had kind of cleared up, I stopped doing the band stuff. A few of the people were getting older. Some are married, some had kids. I was looking for something else to do. I didn't want to do the five-member band thing, I wanted to just do something that was a little bit more solo. So, I started Louyah.
And how was that change for you? Was it difficult setting off on your own?
That was a big change for me, because I did listen to hip-hop. I was a fan of hip-hop, I love Biggie Smalls. My parents showed me older stuff, but my brother was constantly recommending artists to check out that he thought were cool. And he was like, “Well if you're going to do hip-hop, you should do it the way you want to do it,” because I was a little on the fence about doing it. He just told me to do it the way I want to do it and see how that works. So, I've been using that method. I've been doing it the way I've wanted to do it this whole time and that's working out well. I'm still technically in a band because I work with a whole group of people. Is the band all on stage with me? No. But I think they all play a really big part just like any other band would. That's my band of brothers. One of them has been my best friend since first grade. He makes all my music videos, he does my graphic design content, and he’s also my live drummer. I remember being young and being like, “yo, we're gonna work together, one day we're gonna be in a band together....” and we are now.
Is he one of the friends that got you on the radio in that TikTok clip?
No, he wasn't one of the friends that were in the car. The reason why I put “friends” is because those guys are basically my best friends and also more or less family. But behind me in the car was my little cousin Young Pwavy. And then behind the driver is my friend Gervs. He's actually on the album. He is such a talented singer. And the person that is driving is actually my brother. All three of them went ahead to just put a smile on my face when I needed it and they knew I needed it, because I dropped this record, and just nothing happened. So they just were like, “Yo, you put a lot of work into this, and we see how much work you put into us,” because I record them and I help produce for them, and they just wanted to make me happy. They literally are the reason my whole life changed.
If you don’t have friends like this you’re missing out ❤️ #radio #song #louyah #newjersey
♬ I Used to Care - Louyah
I can only imagine how much joy you must have felt in that moment.
I cried. I cried A LOT. Yeah. I cried to my mom, my brothers, I just cried. There was nothing to do but cry for like, three, four days straight. I would go on live and I didn't even know what to say. I would just cry. They would ask why I was crying and I was just like, “I'm happy.” I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I don't know.
What can we expect from the next stage of Louyah?
I think everyone’s in for a surprise.
So a polka album?
Yeah definitely. Or jazz. Snake jazz!
People would love it!
Yeah, of course! But seriously, I think people are in for a surprise. Like I said, this first album was released in February, and I was ready to move on and move forward. I changed a lot of things about Louyah. Let's just say this new stuff is leaning more towards hip-hop than it is pop and rock. It still has similar elements but it's more hip hop. I'm not changing my voice or anything that crazy. There are some cool things that I'm doing, especially with the new song “La Da Di Da” I just put out. I've been working hard. Like, I have too much. I have too much music that needs to be listened to.
I know genres are arbitrary, but would you call yourself a hip-hop artist? What would you call yourself if you had to call yourself anything?
Honestly, that's a great question but also the hardest question for me. It's so changeable because I could say hip-hop right now, but a week from now, I could say rock. And then another week from now, I could say, pop or alternative. I can even say acoustic, because I do make acoustic music too. So I think at this point, it's just music. For right now, I can’t slap a label onto it because a label will box me, and I do not want to be boxed in any way.
What do you want to manifest for yourself in the year to come as an artist and as a person?
First and foremost, a house for my mom and a house for my dad. Also, a place to be more creative that has more room for the whole team that we have. That's number one, because I know that needs to happen. As for other manifestations, I want diamond records. I want plaques. I want to do US tours. God, I want to tour. I love touring, and I love traveling. I want to do sold-out shows. I want to sing in front of thousands and thousands and thousands of people that just all are connecting with me in that single moment, because that always felt like a very surreal moment, and I had just a short little taste of that at my own sold-out show for five hundred to six hundred people. 
I want to work with Post Malone. I want to work with Don Toliver. I want to work with JACKBOYS, Cactus Jack, and so many others. But these are big-name artists. On the real low, I've manifested the actual people that I love working with, which are Gervs, Young Pwavy, my friend Alec, and Kevin. Oh, and Dakun. I can't forget Dakun. Dakun mixes and masters everything and produces with me. I can't forget Dakun. All of those people I have manifested. I really did manifest everything I've wanted, and now it's just opened to more wants and more needs. So I'm excited to see what else comes of those things because, at this point, I don't even know what could happen tomorrow. There's something new every day.
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jeongyunhoed · 4 years
Two Mutants are Better Than One
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Chapter: 2 / ? (Chapter 1 here)
Member: San - Mutant/Metahuman!San, Hitman!San Genre: Mystery / Fantasy
T/W: Mentions of murder, possible mentions blood and gore. Possible mentions of graphic violence. Possible. Still, just keep that in mind! Content: EXTREMELY Multi-fandom, but it mostly centers on San and the main character. Replace the OC with y/n if you wish!
Chapter 2
Before Mirae, San, and Jihoon could walk any further, a tall young man stepped out of the house. They noticed he was wearing a tuxedo, followed by a woman in a pink gown, whom they assumed was his sister because of their resemblance. “Lee Mirae?” He said, and she raised her hand. “Hello, I’m Cheondung, we spoke on the phone. This is my older sister Dara” He introduced them and they exchanged bows. 
“I’m Mirae, these are my partners and brothers, San and Jihoon,” She said this time. “I would bring the rest of my colleagues but they are away for the meantime so it is just me. Where is the body?” Mirae asked. 
“Park Cheondung, Park…this family sounds familiar...” San tried to think as he followed them inside the house. They noticed everyone was in their formal wear. “How ironic, at a time for celebration this had to happen” He muttered. 
“Shh” Mirae nudged him and they stopped inside the dining room, where they saw what seemed to be the rest of the family and a few other guests. All of them were standing behind their seats, looking at the old man crouched over his plate of food with his glass of wine spilled over the table. 
“Picture perfect, isn’t it?” Jihoon murmured, and San nodded. 
“So,” She cleared her throat. “How did it happen?” She asked everyone that was in the room. 
“She’s Lee Mirae of Bermuda Investigations, I’m her brother and partner Choi San, and this is Park Jihoon, her other brother,” San suddenly spoke, taking Mirae by surprise. 
“If you’re all related, why do the three of you have different last names?” One of them, a much younger woman in a black dress said. “I’m Seohyun, Park Senior’s wife,” She said. 
“Ah, ironically picture perfect” Jihoon murmured, stifling a laugh. He noticed Dara’s expression stiffen. 
“It’s not important how we’re related, but may we know what happened that led to his death?” San asked. 
“Wait, before we ask that, we should ask if the body has been moved,” Mirae said. 
“Oh yeah, yeah, that, of course” San nodded. “We should ask that no one leave this house too” He said. 
“Ask both at the same time” Jihoon cut in, and the two faced the crowd again. 
“We-” Mirae and San spoke at the same time and stared at each other. “I’ll speak first, San” She said to him, and he nodded. “First thing’s first, no one is allowed to leave the house. This whole house will be on lockdown. If you try and escape, I will know, San will know as well and you definitely would not want either or both of us to chase you,” she turned back to the group. 
“Another thing, has the body been moved?” San spoke this time. 
They shook their heads. “Are you all sure? As of right now, you’re all suspects to this man’s death,” Mirae asked.
“Of course we’re sure,” Cheondung said. 
“Okay, just checking. You sent for us, we have to be thorough,” Mirae pointed out. “So, back to our first question, what happened?” She asked. 
“We were having dinner, and he made a toast, and when he drank, he crashed on his plate” Dara explained, and they nodded. 
“Okay, please stand on the other side of the room,” San gestured for them to move. They approached the body to take a closer look. 
Mirae took a look at the glass and at the contents that spilled over on the tablecloth. “San, we may have to move the body ourselves a bit” She said. 
Jihoon helped the two of them push back the old man’s body back on the seat. Mirae and San frisked for anything unusual. He looked down in case there was a weapon involved. “Was he sick? Did he have any existing condition?” He asked them this time. 
“Nothing, he was in great shape,” Dara replied. “He exercised everyday, he ate well, even his doctor would say he was in good shape for his age.” 
The three of them nodded. “Jihoon, escort all of them into the living room or main room, keep them there while San and I continue examining the body,” Mirae instructed. 
Jihoon did as he was told, making sure everyone else left the room. One of them, a young man in an all-black suit with blonde hair that nearly went down to his shoulders, they noticed, was looking at them, as if in familiarity or as if he knew something about them before he left the room. Once the doors closed, they turned to each other. “It’s impossible to tell what happened without an autopsy,” Mirae said. “Or someone with X-ray vision or something,” she muttered. 
San frisked the man’s clothes, feeling around for something that could give them more information. He felt a thin wad of paper and took it out. Unfolding the black pieces of paper, he read the large print at the very top. “Noona, I think we’ve got something,” He said, showing her what was on the paper. 
Mirae leaned over to read it. “The will,” She scanned the document. “He was going to leave everything to his wife, Seohyun, well, at least now we know his immediate family is suspect,” She said and continued frisking the body, until she felt something moist on the man’s lower back. Pulling her hand back, she saw a red tinge on her fingers. Blood. “San, pull up the jacket at the back, he’s got a wound or something,” She said. 
San pocketed the will and did as he was told, noticing a big patch of blood on the man’s waistcoat. He pulled up the shirt even further, uncovering a red patch of skin that had blood seeping out of it. “What in the world-” He knelt down to take a closer look. He tried to wipe off the blood that was coming out, but more seemed to be seeping out of the spot. “What is this, this doesn’t look like anything I’ve ever seen from a wound.” 
“Me neither, internal hemorrhage maybe, but,” Mirae looked back at the patch of skin. “This looks like something else.”
“What do we do?” He asked. 
“I think I should probably call Junhong up, he’ll know what to do,” Mirae got back up and took out her phone to make the call. 
“Junhong?” San looked puzzled. 
“Yeah, he’s our tech guy, he worked with us in the Center for Paranormal Research, now he’s at Summerland with the rest of the people like us” Mirae replied, standing straight when she heard Junhong’s voice on the other line. 
“Yes, Mirae?” He asked. 
“I’ve got a case, but there’s something about the body that you have to see, can you come and examine it? I’ve placed the house on lockdown so no one’s allowed to leave. Jihoon is keeping watch over the suspects. Just come and examine the body so we know where to go from here” Mirae said. 
“Okay, just send me the address and I’ll be right over” Junhong agreed, and hung up. 
Mirae tapped her phone a few times to send him the address, pocketing her phone again. “It’s the first time I’ve had to use my phone on a case” She paused at the realization. 
“You don’t use your phone in cases?” San asked curiously. She shook her head. “Oh, because they’ll track you down whoever’s going after you?” He asked and she nodded. 
“Do you use your phone?” Mirae asked him this time. 
“Burner phones,” He replied. “Another reason why no one I know or knew has ever been able to contact me.” 
“Figures” She shrugged. “So did your powers make that bit of your hair purple?” 
“Hmm? Yeah, white actually, but I decided to dye it purple” San replied, holding up the lock of his hair that had the purple streak. “Purple’s my favorite color.” 
Mirae nodded, and looked back at the body crouched down between them. “Junhong has to hurry before rigor mortis sets in and we can’t do anything” She muttered. 
They heard a ruckus coming from outside the room and they rushed out to take a look. Two men were trying to fight each other, Jihoon pushing both of them back as they were held back by the rest of the people in the room. “This is not the time to fight!” Jihoon stared both of them down. 
“He did it! He knew Park Senior was going to give up his shares in his company but he wouldn’t give it to him!” The man on the right, whose name they learned was Jang Wooyoung, pointed to the other, whose name they knew was Lee Minho, who looked slightly older than him. 
“That’s a load of bullshit and you know that! I didn’t care, but you! You were trying to get close to Park Senior because you loved Dara! You knew Park Senior would never approve of you especially because she was going to marry me!” Minho yelled back and tried to charge at him again. Mirae and San stepped in to further break up the fight. 
“Wooyoung-” Dara looked shocked. “-You loved me?” 
“Whatever I feel about Dara is none of your business but mine,” Wooyoung pointed out, glaring at Minho. “Only you would say something like that to distract everyone and make yourself less suspect! You’re just as guilty as everyone here, so get off your high horse!” 
“Why you-” Minho tried to charge at him again. 
“That’s enough!” San and Jihoon pushed both men back. 
They heard the doorbell ring. “That must be Junhong, I’ll be back,” Mirae said. She eyed the rest of them. “Like I said, you wouldn’t want either San and I to chase you,” she added, and sprinted to the door. Junhong stood behind it, holding a small metal case. “Thank goodness you’re here” She sighed in relief. 
“I’m surprised this was your latest case. It’s a swanky neighborhood you’re in. Who else is with you?” He asked. 
“Jihoon, and,” Mirae looked reluctant to say it. “My half-brother, San.” 
Junhong gaped at her as he was shown to the dining area, where the body was. “Half-brother? Do you mean biological or like Jihoon?” He asked. 
“We have the same father, but he kept his mother’s last name instead,” Mirae explained. 
“And he’s a mutant too, isn’t he?” Junhong said, kneeling down before the body to examine it. He took out a silver object from the case and turned it on. 
“Yeah, with the streak of white hair and everything,” Mirae sighed. “He’s an active hitman, part of the Sleepers gang, and apparently he was trying to find me all this time ever since he ran away.” 
A flash of blue light came from the gadget in Junhong’s hand and it started scanning the body. “Now I’m suddenly curious about your father, if the mutant gene was active within him or something, I’ve only heard the rest of you about your cousins, but not direct siblings or half-siblings,” He said, still not looking at her but at the readings he was getting. 
“Please, I’ve had enough of the blast from the past, in the form of Choi San, I don’t need to be reminded of my birth father, and even my adoptive father because we all know how that turned out” She said with another sigh, watching him. “They insisted on coming with me.” 
“Mirae, you know, you were probably able to go on your own missions without anyone at some point in your life before you joined the Center, but stuff like this, you will always need someone,” Junhong pointed out, his brows furrowing. “Huh...” 
“What? What did you find?” Mirae asked. 
“That’s interesting. The scanner noticed the patch of blood at the back, but internally, there’s nothing. No organs were damaged, no tissue damage, no nerve damage, no brain damage, nothing,” Junhong said. 
She was in disbelief. “What do you mean there was no internal damage?” She asked. 
“No internal damage. I perfected this thing to detect even possible poison ingestion or fatal substances within the body, and...nothing” Junhong showed her the readings. 
“So it’s almost like the guy’s heart just stopped beating?” Mirae asked. 
“Pretty much, unless…” Junhong gave her a knowing look. 
“Powers?” Mirae said, and he nodded. “Are you saying one of those people out in the living room is a mutant too?” 
“More or less, some energy or life-force sucking creature, or someone who practices magic, but even with magic, there’s always a trace,” Junhong explained. “Most likely a mutant did this. As to why they did, I don’t know, but it looks out of the ordinary” He added. “It’s like that patch of blood at his back is seeping out of his pores like sweat. I should tell you to be careful, but I know you’ve got this under control.” 
“I hope I do, I’m starting to think I’m losing my touch” Mirae shrugged. 
“You don’t have the time for self-esteem issues, Mirae, just do this” Junhong assured her. “You’ll be fine, and you’ve got family with you to do it” He smiled. 
“I have to admit, it’s still awkward with San. or it’s awkward overall” She frowned slightly. 
“Take this chance to bond, then. Both of you seem to hate your father anyway, the least you two could do is stick together from now on,” Junhong advised as they made their way out. 
“That’s exactly what Jihoon said,” Mirae smiled. “I’ll try.” 
“Good, I’ll see you soon, and keep in touch, I can help you, you know. Things in Summerland are a little boring now that everything seems to be sorted out” Junhong chuckled as he left the house. 
Mirae closed the door and returned to the living room, where they saw both San and Jihoon making rounds and asking each one to explain themselves. “So, what did you find out?” Cheondung suddenly turned to her, making San and Jihoon turn around. 
“There was blood on his back, and it seems like his death couldn’t have come at a better time for his immediate family,” Mirae replied. She eyed San and Jihoon and gestured to the side. “Oh, and everyone can go home, but I wouldn’t go anywhere, at least out of Seoul or out of Korea altogether if I were you” She added. 
San and Jihoon followed her to the corner of the room. “What?” He asked. 
“A mutant did this. One of them is a mutant, sucked out the life of the guy” She kept her voice low. 
San and Jihoon gaped. “Are you sure? I mean, there’s only one person I know that can do that and you’re his girlfriend” Jihoon pointed out. 
“There are people who can have the same powers, Jihoon,” she remarked. “There’s no nerve, tissue, organ damage to the body, there were no traces of poison either. I’d rule this out as a murder, but the patch of blood on his back says something else” She whispered. 
“So we really are looking for a mutant” San said, and they nodded upon their realization. 
“Which is why we have to be very careful, or else someone else from them is going to die while we look for the one responsible” Mirae warned them. “Did they say anything unusual when you were questioning them?” 
“Nothing out of the ordinary, just what they did before it happened, but the immediate family is still suspect,” Jihoon explained. He suddenly smiled. “So this is what it’s like to go on cases, huh.” 
“Don’t get so used to it” Mirae poked his arm. “You only came along because you happened to be around when I made the call.”
“I guess we’ll do some more digging tomorrow and hopefully get this sorted out without anyone getting hurt, huh?” San muttered. 
“That’s exactly what we’ll have to do” She shrugged. “We’re stuck like this until we figure this out. They can’t not leave the house either, we’ll have to call in the police too once we’ve figured it out” She added. 
“Isn’t the reason why we’re the ones on this case is because they don’t want the police knowing about this?” San raised a brow. 
“But we’re not police. And we? I’m the investigator here, you two tagged along” Mirae reminded them. 
“Stop, stop, before you two start bickering,” Jihoon cut in. “We’ll let them go, leave the police to collect the body, and we’ll go home. Okay?” He turned to both of them, and they nodded. 
They returned to their building that night, Jihoon and Mirae leading the way up to their apartment. “Who else lives on this floor?” San asked curiously. 
“Uh, our other investigators, but most of them are away on a trip with the rest. Juyeon’s in there, though, but he’s probably tired from a busy day at the restaurant, best not to disturb him,” Mirae replied, pressing the code to the door of the apartment she shared with Jihoon. Lee Juyeon worked at Viva Polo as one of the sous chefs during the day. He had the ability to transform his body into indestructible metal. While he was in his metal form, he had enhanced strength. “The door at the very end is the extra unit I turned into a training room, Juyeon spars with me there too,” She added, opening the door for them to go inside. 
The three of them took their shoes off and San carefully walked further into the apartment as if trying to take in everything he was seeing. To him, it felt more like home than his own apartment, and he figured it was only because she was his family. He noticed some of the photos on the wall, including their certificates saying that they were somewhat cured of their mental disability from the sanitarium. He also noticed the other photos on the walls of the two of them, and along with another group of guys whom he figured were her colleagues and friends with the Bermuda Investigations door behind them. 
“If you have space in your closet, Jihoon, share with San” Mirae said, following the younger boy into the apartment. 
“A lot of space, let me just move my training bag to the other side” Jihoon said, padding into his room. “Make yourself at home, San, you’ll be staying with us” He beamed and closed the door. 
San just nodded and sat down, opening his bag to sort out some of his things. He watched Mirae go into her room and close the door. He saw the light reflecting from the silver object that was in Mirae’s bag on the counter. It made him look down at his harpoon gun, and it made him think about the white streak in her hair. He couldn’t fault her for snapping, as he pondered over their argument at the restaurant. He probably reminded her of their father even if he wasn’t exactly the splitting image of him. But he was prepared to make things right and be the brother he always wanted to be, or at least have some family even if the circumstances were like this. 
They weren’t that different, and that gave him something to look forward to. The doors of both rooms opened and Jihoon and Mirae stepped out. “There are towels in that closet by the kitchen,” Mirae suddenly said. 
“I’ve made space in my closet too, you can put your stuff in there now” Jihoon gestured to his room. 
“Thanks, I just need to sort out my things” San sat up straight and looked through the rest of his bags again, peeling off the bottom part of his bag to reveal wads of cash and a few guns that he owned in case his harpoon wasn’t enough and cartridges of bullets. 
Mirae observed him, then turned to Jihoon. “If you have classes tomorrow, just make yourself ramen,” She said. 
“Yeah I do and I will” Jihoon replied. “It’s been a day, I’ll go shower now” He grabbed one towel out of the closet and went straight into the bathroom. 
As the door closed, San turned to Mirae. He wondered what else to say. “This is a nice place you have here,” He said. 
“Thanks” She replied, looking through her bag. “Lived here for years, I actually used to live where Bermuda Investigations is right now, and then I had a small place away from the store, but I gave the only room to Jihoon.” 
“You and Jihoon do seem very close” He said. 
“We were interned in the same asylum together,” Mirae glanced at him. “He was my only friend there. I promised him that when both of us got out, we’d stick together. He got out not long after the Seoul attack, and I said he should stay with me, I’d be able to raise him, and now he’s in university on scholarship” She smiled to herself. 
San smiled as well. “You’ve come a long way.”
“I guess I have,” She said. “In a way, I’m kind of glad I got interned, I wouldn’t be where I am now. Anyway, make yourself comfortable, I’ll figure out our next move tomorrow.” 
“Why don’t we figure it out now? Together? I did interrogate them, you know” San pointed out. 
Mirae stared at him. “You’ve got a point. What did you find out? I know Jihoon said there was nothing out of the ordinary.” 
“Well, yeah, there was nothing out of the ordinary that they said, but we just found out more information about them. Dara’s fiance, Lee Minho, is one of the executives along with Jang Wooyoung, both of them work closely with Dara’s father” San explained. 
“What about the brother? The one who sent for us?” She brought them cups of hot chocolate and sat down on the couch. 
“He was actually being groomed by his father to take over the company when the time came, completely bypassing his sister. Cheondung says their father is still a traditionalist when it comes to those things,” San said. “But then, based on what he was telling me, their father decided to change his mind and pass on the company to his young wife.” 
“Why? If Park senior was such a traditionalist, why would he give the company to his wife than his eldest son?” Mirae looked puzzled. 
“He changed his mind, I guess,” San shrugged. “Or she got down on her knees for him one night to convince him, if you know what I mean.” 
Mirae cringed. “When a woman as young as Seohyun, marries a man as old as Park senior, chances are she didn’t marry him for his body,” and San cringed as well. “Seohyun has a clear motive, Dara seems to have a clear motive as well, even her brother, even her fiance. But what about the other guy?” 
“Ah, the blonde guy? Kang Yeosang. He says he’s known Park senior since their days in the military. The two of them served in the war, and I wasn’t even sure if he was kidding or not because he still looks very young, and I mean very” San looked bewildered as he recalled the conversation. “Other than that, he said he’s an associate of Park senior’s, an engineering executive or something like that, but he’s also a big shot.�� 
“And naturally they wouldn’t admit if they had any grudges against him, did they?” She asked, and he shook his head. “It’s easy to see why all of them would want to kill him. There’s a lot of money at stake, a lot of shares in the company at stake, estates, stocks, bonds. Whoever would inherit all of these probably won’t need to work a day in their life for the rest of their lives” Mirae deduced. 
“That’s the dream” San looked wistful. 
“You’ve got the money to do it, though” She pointed out. 
He shook his head. “It won’t be long before this life catches up with me, especially after what happened when I left the gang…” He said. 
“What happened when you left?” She raised a brow curiously. “...Are you in trouble, San?” 
“Yes and no. The last job was overseas, I took most of the cut, the rest of them fought over what was left. I deserved taking most of the cut because I did most of the work. The rest of them tagged along,” San explained. “...Some of them might be coming after me, that’s all you need to know.” 
Mirae nodded. It was enough to know about her own half-brother for the time being. She got up, and suddenly noticed that San took out a plush animal from his bag. “Is that a dog?” She suddenly asked. 
San smiled. “Mhmm, I call him shiber.”
“I almost forgot how young you are,” She sighed, a small smile appearing in the corner of her lips. “Get ready for bed. Good night,” she patted his shoulder and got up, bringing her mug to her room. 
She turned around. “Hmm?” 
“I’m so happy to see you again… sis.” 
She nodded slightly and closed the door behind her. 
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nocturnegyser · 4 years
The Start of Clean Trash
Warren x Raccoon(reader)
A/N: I wanted to expand this little world a bit and make a story about the band Raccoon started, it’s also kind of a prequel to, “The Feels”, so plz enjoy but if it sucked plz be mean. (I can also take requests if u want...)
(y/n) has been at Xaviers for over a month, and has been doing relatively fine for the most part. Considering this is the first time she’s lived apart from her older brother.
(Y/N) also played guitar and always dreamt of starting a rock band, she could shred like Brian May and had the voice of Haley William, she was the perfect punk rocker.
She and Warren would occasionally would rock out together but never really perform in front of anyone, plus Warren was busy with X-Men training and (y/n) with classes.
That’s when (y/n) decided to start a band.
One day after classes, after getting permission to start a band from Charles, (y/n) was making posters for her band.
The poster read, “Wanna join a band? Join me! (y/n) anytime at the music room after 3:45pm to 6:45pm!”
(y/n) was hopeful about the turnout, expecting at least a few people to show up.
After putting up the last poster on the message board outside, “You think anyone’s gonna show up?” Warren asked.
“I’m hoping so, there’s gotta be at least one other individual here not too busy to join a band,” (y/n) responded
“Yea, sorry I couldn’t join..”
“Nah you’re fine, when responsiblites call, you answer.... at least I think that’s how that saying goes,” (y/n) snickered
Both headed inside for the time being.
Not too long after, a relatively new boy walked up looking at the poster
“....New band huh?.. that could be interesting.”
The next day (y/n) was waiting at the music room for what felt like hours, even though it had only been 29 minutes.
“Ugh!! Man.. I thought at least SOMEONE would have been interested. Oh well... I guess all that convincing was for not.” (y/n) said to herself discouraged
Almost at the same time as she began to lose hope, a tall boy came walking in the music room with a maroon instrument case.
The first thing (y/n) noticed was his big rat ears and tail, and secondly, his eyepatch.
“Uh... I was wondering if you were still holding auditions for the band?” the intriguing character asked
“Uh... yeah sure, of course. What do you play exactly?” (y/n) asked astonished that anyone came at all
“I play the bass,” the boy responded
“Oh wow! Exactly what I looking for,” (y/n) responded, both smiling a bit, “Tell me a bit about yourself, Mr.....”
“Palneski, Mars Palenski, I started coming here about 3 months ago.”
“Oh that’s perfect, I’ve barry been here myself, a month and a half now to be exact.”
“I’m an Aries, I began playing bass when my sisters boyfriend taught me...”
“Yeah, he ended up going to jail on running an underground poker ring.”
“Yeah.. he was pretty cool, he made me this eyepatch”
Accidentally mishearing him, “He put you in that eyepatch??!!?”
“No no no! You misheard me, I said he made me this cool eyepatch, my dads the one who put me in it,” Mars then flipped his eyepatch up revealing a red bloodshot eye
(y/n) was a bit horrified but even more intrigued
“What happened there?... if you don’t mind me asking..” (y/n) asked
“Meh, pops went off the deep end one night on me and my mom, she had clipped her ears and tail before she met my dad, imagine their surprise when a freak like me popped out,” Mars revealed
“Well you’re not the freak in this situation,” she reassured him
“But other than that, I’d like to join your band if that’s cool”
“Yea yea of course, you’re the only person to show up so far so... show what you can do”
“With pleasure,” Mars replied, then plugging his bass that was pastel pink with purple paint splatters
Mars took a deep breath and began playing the baseline from Vulfpecks Sky Mall
(y/n) immediately knew what he was playing and was impressed he was pulling it off
Like every musician, there were things he needed improvement and missed a few notes but (y/n) hardly noticed or didn’t care
After his more than adequate performance, (y/n) stood up clapping with sparkles in her eyes
“You’re in! Welcome to..... I don’t have a band name,” (y/n) giggled
“Awesome! when are practices?” Mars responded
“Well that’s the thing, you’re the only one to really show up to this, we don’t have a drummer yet,” (y/n) responded.
“But if you want, you can help hold auditions for a drummer if you”
“Meh, not like I’m doing much, I don’t see why not,” Mars replied while packing up his bass
With that, (y/n)’s band finally has a start.. somewhat
The next few days proved to be fruitless.
No one showed up or wanted to join (y/n)’s or Mars’s band
“Man... you’d think with a prestigious enough music programs you’d think there’d be at least one other kid wanting to wail on drums,” Mars sighed
“Yeah... well I almost started this with another drummer but he’s got training,” (y/n) signed in response
“You know a drummer? who?” Mars asked
“His name is Warren, big metal wings, thuggish looking”
“Oh I saw him around, didn’t think you two hung out”
“Yeah, our schedules don’t always link up unfortunately,” (y/n) then staring off in thought about hanging out with Warren more
Mars noticed this and decided to speak up, “You like him?”
This caught (y/n) way off guard, “W-what??! what makes you say that??”
(y/n) now blushing
“I can tell by the way you stare off when talking about him,” Mars teased
“Well... it’s not that I LIKE like him, I just think he’s... cool, ok?”
“Yeah, cool. Got it,” Mars then looking forward himself a little surprised he was able to get that out of her
Finally, after almsot 2 weeks of waiting around, (y/n) finally had someone audition for drums
(y/n) and Mars were overly excited, (y/n) more than Mars
(y/n) immediately began interrogating the individual trying for the drums but they didn’t seem all that interested
“So tell us a bit about yourself,” (y/n) began, Mars was just sitting back in his seat with a semi interested look
“I guess I started drums in middle school band,” they replied
“Awesome, you ever play in a rock band before? Not that that’s a requirement, neither of us have either, we’re just curious,” (y/n) asked
“No, I don’t play to rock, mostly classical or school songs,” the already disinterested drummer responded
“Oh, well uh, we’re a rock band so.. I dunno if that’s-“ (y/n) began explaining before Mars cut her off
“Listen, we’re not looking for anything in particular, but I can tell you don’t wanna try out for this band, do you?” Mars immediately taking over
“Not really, I haven’t drummed in a while and honestly, wanted to drop it forever ago but my parents wanted me to try out..”
“So... you don’t want to join?” (y/n) asked a little sad
“No, sorry”
“That’s ok, let us know if you change your mind,” (y/n) letting them know before they walked out
“UGH!” (y/n) then slamming her head on the table
“We didn’t even get to hear how they sounded!”
“I��d imagine maybe not very good if they haven’t played since middle school..” Mars added
Immediately the next day, Warren was waiting in the music room for Mars and (y/n) with an audition ready, but not from him, his apprentice.
(y/n) stood there trying to take in what she was looking at
Warren Worthington III, one the the schools most intimidating residents/students and former horseman of the apocalypse... with a 5th grader drummer apprentice
Warren immediately began explaining what was happening, “Ryan here, decided he wanted to give your band a try, (y/n).”
(y/n) still standing there dumbfounded, sat down and began asking Ryan the usual
“So... tell us a bit about yourself, Ryan”
Ryan, very timidly began, “Well... I’ve only been going here 2 months and... and...”
Taking a deep breath, finall let out what he wanted to say, “I would like to join your band!”
Ryan now blushing
(y/n) finally grasping what was happening, understood what was going through Ryan’s head
“Ok, go ahead and play us something if you’d like,” (y/n) then motions towards the drums
This is the moment Ryan had been waiting for, the moment he spent hours training under Warren
Ryan began with a slow tempo Single Stroke Roll which transitioned into a picked up tempo Rebound Stroke
Warren had been watching from the door while (y/n) and Mars sat there in awe at what Ryan was able to do
after finishing, Ryan sweating and breathing harder than ever
(y/n) and Mars both immediately began clapping and both at the same time in unison said, “You’re in!”
Ryan having aspired to join a band of his own, finally happening, he bang crying and ran off the strage to go hug Warren to thank him for everything
(y/n) seeing this interaction made her heart flutter a bit
Seeing how good he is with kids, she began having thoughts
I wonder how he’d be with his own child, what kind of father would he be?
Immediately realizing what she’s thinking she began blushing
Ryan then decided to introduce himself to Mars and he took a liking to Ryan immediately and took him on as an apprentice as well
(y/n) walked up to Warren, both blushing a bit
“Thanks for giving Ryan a chance, (y/n).” Warren thanking (y/n)
“Ah, well, I was more than likely gonna let him join anyways, no one else was showing up, well one other person did but they weren’t interested”
Both giggled to themselves
I’ve never seen Warren giggle to easily (y/n) thought to herself
“Well.. I suppose we should get our newest addition situated and uh...”
“Oh, yeah for sure.. I guess I’ll just...”
“Yeah.. I’ll see you around I guess”
Both still blushing as Warren exited
Both Mars and (y/n) having gotten to know Ryan, (y/n) decided they should come up with a band name
“It should be something that represents all of us,” (y/n) stated
“How about... overnight heartbreak?” Mars suggested
“I never got my heart broken before... not by a girl at least,” Ryan responded
“The harmonies of The Gifted?” (y/n) already not liking her own name idea
“.....Well.. Ryan can manipulate water... you and me are trash animals..” Mars pointed out
“Trash animals??” (y/n) raising a question
“Yea, rats and raccoons are primarily found in trash cans”
“I’ve only been found a dumpster ONCE, and that was to find my tamagotchi I accidentally threw away,” (y/n) retaliated
“I’ve been found in multiple dumpsters, multiple times,” Mars said almsot bragging
Both forgetting Ryan was right there
“Uh well... I like cleaning so.. I’ve never been in a dumpster...” Ryan chimed in
“Cleaning huh...” Mars commented
“Clean... dumpsters.... trash animals..... cleaning trash animals....” Mars was saying random thought out loud to spark an idea for the other
“Clean Trash!!”
Both Mars and Ryan going back and forth before in unison coming up with a name
(y/n) immediately loved it and the trio had finally decided on their name
“This is gonna be fun,” (y/n) said fist bumping both Ryan and Mars
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argylemikewheeler · 5 years
so. i had an idea about will and mike as bucky and steve for halloween (in some strange alternate timeline bc comics), then @zombiebowlcut came up with the best idea of those comics not being so fantasy after all...there have been weirder things living in hawkins. despite the show’s title, this is the strangest thing i’ve ever written. pls excuse the word dump (and being four months late):
“Are you sure we should go up?” Mike asked, gripping his pillowcase around his hand. “I don’t really know who lives there. And we’re a bit older than the other kids... Maybe they’ll be upset with us.”
“They live in two streets down, Mike.” Will said, taking another step forward. “They can’t be evil.”
“Uh, you have lived in this town, right?”
“Yes, and we’re probably the most dangerous things in your neighborhood for miles.” Will laughed and grabbed Mike’s hand. “Come on, Super Soldier! Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“In my basement, on the couch with you under my arm.” Mike tried to argue with very little heat. He readjusted his homemade shield on his back, teasing Will with a throw.
“One more house and then we’ll go back.” Will promised, starting to drag Mike along. The well-decorated sleeve and glove may have been impressive as a false metal arm, but it couldn’t do much to contribute to moving Mike forward. “Michael, come on.”
“No, don’t use that voice on me.” Mike laughed, yanking on Will’s hand in return. 
Will stumbled forward into Mike, trying to catch his fall by pressing his hands against his chest. It was a sure-fire way to get Mike’s arm around his shoulders and lips pressing a kiss onto the top of his head. Will played right into it, and never minded-- but also knew they were out in public. As much as Will said anyone living in Mike’s neighborhood, or anyone adjacent by that means, wasn’t evil, they were definitely not very progressive. At least, that’s what Will had come to understand.
They separated before anyone around them could even spare half a glance. Will grabbed his pillowcase with both hands and led Mike up to the door. They knocked twice, immediately startled by the sound of a dog barking. Mike reached his hand out and braced Will’s back, lifting his eyebrows.
“If you say the people aren’t evil, the dog definitely isn’t.” Mike whispered with a chuckle. His hand splayed across Will’s back, pushing him up but also pulling him a fraction closer. Their shoulders touched and Will couldn’t help but smile. 
His smile faded as the door swung open on them, the sound of the turning knob completely unnoticed in their moment.
A tall man, not much older than their parents-- if at all-- stood in the door. The dog they’d heard was now silent, and barely noticeable, standing behind the man. Will tried not to be rude, and forced his eyes to stay on the man’s eyes and not the knotted long sleeve hanging only two inches from his left shoulder. He smiled and let their “trick or treat” hang in the air.
“Hey, sweetheart? You might want to come see this.” The man leaned back and called into the house. “We finally got kids.”
“What? We weren’t even trying this time.” The voice that emerged down the hall was that of another man. Will tried to keep his face still again. That was another man. And the rugged man standing before him just called him sweetheart with the most sincere and soft voice Will had ever heard-- outside of Mike’s. He knew what that meant, but he still didn’t know what to expect.
“I think they have great costumes, what about you?”
The two men stood in the door frame with bright smiles on their faces. One was blond, holding a bowl of candy in one hand while the other went around the waist of the man holding the door. They looked homey and comfortable. They looked happy-- and they were living in Hawkins.
But they also looked... strangely familiar. Separately, Will was sure they’d mean nothing to him-- hell, he’d probably passed them before in the supermarket-- but standing together, there was something itching at Will’s brain. He blinked, pillowcase still closed and by his side, and turned to Mike. He was standing with his mouth wide open, eyes the biggest Will’s ever seen.
Will was embarrassed, thinking it was the shock of seeing another genuinely open couple out in Hawkins, but another sense of embarrassment overtook him.
He looked down at his costume, then over at Mike’s. Oh. Oh no.
“You know, Buck, I think they do look pretty sharp.”  Will refused to believe who was speaking. But he knew it. He heard the name. He knew the comics were based on real people-- on a real conspiracy. God, why does every secret go to hide in Hawkins? And why does it always find him?
“They do... I just... I can’t place who this one is.” Buc-- no. They weren’t young twenty-year old soldiers. They were war veterans now, Will thought-- Mr. Barnes pointed at Will lightly. It wasn’t accusatory, but Will still felt himself shrink under it.
“Well, we have Captain Marvel over here.” Mr. Rogers said, motioning to Mike with the candy bowl. “And this has to be Million Dollar Man.”
“No. No. That’s Ironman.” Mr. Barnes said quickly, poking Mr. Roger’s stomach playfully. “That has to be Ironman.”
"You know what, you’re right.” Mr. Rogers nodded slowly. He leaned over and kissed Mr. Barnes’ cheek and Will thought he was going to fall over. He reached over and grabbed Mike’s arm instinctively. Mike was already in the process of reaching over and intercepted his hand halfway.
Then they were stood there, holding hands in front of their costumes’ namesakes. Looking like complete idiots; in love, and probably in the safest place to do so definitely, but complete fucking idiots.
“Not to extend a strange gesture but,” Mr. Rogers peered over their heads at the chattering groups of children down by the street. There were eyes everywhere. “would you boys like to step in for a moment?”
“A-Are you sure?” Mike sounded like the words were choking him. Being polite had never been so difficult.
“If it’s too strange to ask, we understand.”
“Trust me.” Will said with a sigh. “It’s not weird. We’ve uh, we’ve dealt with weirder.”
“Like this?” Mike said under his breath. “El is pretty tame compared to this.”
“I just put some water on for tea.” Mr. Rogers said, motioning over his shoulder.
“You drink tea?” Mike said suddenly, as if that was the most important thing. Will pulled on Mike’s hand, nearly knocking him over.
“I’m just... surprised is all!” Mike hissed, face going beat red.
“What? Do regular people not drink tea anymore?” Mr. Rogers laughed. “Are we really that outdated?”
“No, that’s you. You’re the one who’s old. I’m surprisingly still ‘with it’, Steve.” Mr. Barnes shrugged. “I mean, I’ve got the cool kids dressing like me. How come I don’t see you around that often?”
“I-I uh, I don’t like in this development. Mike does.” Will said, still squeezing his hand.
“Mike... Wait! Wheeler, right?” Mr. Rogers was hit with realization, but didn’t look very pleased. “Ted, right? That’s your dad?”
“Yeah.” Will could see the horror on his face; if Ted had no problems shouting at his son just outside of church everything he thought about him-- and his plans to go out with Will on God’s day-- then Will could only imagine what he’d tell strangers.
“I’ll offer again-- do you want tea?” This time, the offer felt heavy. It wasn’t about the tea; it was an impromptu shelter thrown over their heads. A chance to take off their disguises on a night all about costumes. They nodded. “Great! Please, come in, Mike and...”
“Will. This is my boyfriend, Will.” Mike had never spoken the word aloud to anyone but their friends. Never to someone over the age of twenty. Will had never heard Mike come out with such ease. He was fearless-- or at least calculating the damage very quickly.
“Nice to meet you, Will.” Mr. Rogers nodded to Will, smiling. He seemed to be just as relieved to meet them as Mike and Will were.
“Come on in, Will. Oh- and don’t mind Tasha, she’s just my service dog. Since I’m with Steve she knows she’s not working so she will bother you to pet her. You can.” Mr. Barnes stepped back and grabbed the dog’s collar carefully. He kept her at a distance as both Mike and Will stepped into the foyer. “She’s really friendly.”
“You have a service dog.” It wasn’t much of a question. “Does she... help?”
"Yeah.” He nodded and his single word seemed to collect more weight the longer he let it sit in the silence. “When I first came back, she was a really big help. If you, uh, if you ever need a dog to sit with, Tasha’s your girl.”
“We should get you a dog, Will.” Mike said offhandedly, placing a hand on his back. “I’m sure your mom would like another one.”
“You think so?” Will asked. He’d never thought anyone considered his weird nightmares worthy of that much help. Maybe he’d have to try.
“Well, if you ever need help with anything, I’d be happy to talk to your mother. Or whoever.” Mr. Barnes offered, walking forward.
“D-Do you know my mom too?” Will was sure most people in the neighborhood knew his mother. She never let her presence be discovered; she liked to let everyone know as soon as possible who she was and why one should never pushed her around. Will loved his mom-- and his brother-- they always made introductions mildly unnecessary. It even seemed like introducing himself to Mr. Barnes and Mr. Rogers was redundant.
“Of course we do.” Mr. Rogers stepped quickly around the dining table and waved the boys to the kitchen. “She’s the sweetest. Always helps Buck pack his car when he goes to Melvald’s.”
Mike sat down at the kitchen counter first, holding his am out and waiting for Will to sit beside him. It was something Mike would only do if they were alone together, but for once the audience didn’t seem to feel like other watching eyes. Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes didn’t hover on their closeness; they moved around the kitchen grabbing mugs and bags of tea.
“You know, Will, Hopper would probably like another dog too.” Mike said. “You can’t lose.”
“And if I do, you could definitely beat him up again.”
“I did not beat him up-- I was like, thirteen! He’s like triple my age!”
“Michael, just admit it you did!” He leaned in and whispered. “That’s not very Captain of you...”
“Will, I did not!”
“I’m sorry, did you say you just... beat up a grown man?” Mr. Rogers said with a laugh, turning around. Mr. Barnes chuckled quietly and shook his head.
“He beat up the chief of police.” Will corrected. He never saw it himself, but Lucas was a great storyteller, even years later.
“Oh god.” Mr. Barnes laughed again. “Sounds like someone else I know.”
“That’s my boy.” Mr. Rogers said with a proud smile. “You have him on the ropes, huh? Really at your mercy?”
“Definitely.” Mike nodded, rolling his eyes. “I literally fought the law.”
“He really deserves to wear those colors, doesn’t he, Buck?” Mr. Rogers smiled, but it wore differently on his face than one of simple amusement. He looked proud, relieved almost; there was someone else. “Good to know some people in this town have some fight left in them.”
“Left?” Mr. Barnes echoed. “Oh, Steve, I don’t think these kids have even gotten started. They’ve raised some hell but, they’ve only started. You don’t fight a cop as your last offence.”
“That’s true.” Mr. Rogers slid the two mugs toward them. He looked at him, almost studying him-- both of them. “They’re heroes. I can tell.”
“Uh,” Mike reached for the mug impulsively. “I don’t think a whole army of--”
“Oh no.” Mr. Rogers lifted his own mug to his lips. His gaze cut through the tight coil of steam to the both of them. Mike’s arm was still arm Will’s shoulders. “We’re still fighting the same thing. Monsters and bad men are all the same-- it’s just hate changing shape.”
“But,” Will spoke quickly, as if his answer startled him.”I think love changes shape too.”
Mr. Rogers paused, blinking. “I suppose you’re right about that. Think it’s in pretty good shape now, don’t you?”
Will spun his mug around slowly. He leaned into Mike’s side, his mouth crumpling into an embarrassed smile. “Yeah. I like to think so... Can probably take on a whole lot more evil.” Will sighed. He knew it wasn’t a hypothetical.
“Let’s not go looking for trouble, please.” Mike muttered, nudging Will’s side. He refrained from kissing the side of his head. “I don’t want anyone to ruin the best night of the year--”
“Don’t worry. I think we’re fine,” Will said, reaching to tap Mike’s faux-armor. “I think we’re safe.” He paused, looking at Mike like they were back in his basement-- or sitting safe by his bed, but hidden from the door-- all alone. “We’re safe, Mike. I can feel it.”
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aweirdkindofyellow · 4 years
The Royal Invitation, Pt.3
Aerowyn Matilde George Rothchester might seem like a very long name, but it definitely is not for a royal in the Kingdom of Dalewin.
After her grandfather, the beloved king, passed away, Aerowyn (also known as Winny) is called back from her art school in New York. She’s thrown back into her royal duties, expected to know what to do.
But with the Royal advisor on tour with the new king, Winny is left to figure things out with his stepson. The only problem, he has no idea what he’s doing, after all he’s only the lead singer in a band.
Co-written story with @scream-tears.
Chapter 3
Winny’s POV:
I was stood beside my father. Together, we were looking out over the sea of people in the ballroom. It felt exceptionally strange standing there in an area usually used for celebration with a funeral coming up so soon. But we had to accommodate all our guests in some way or another. At least everybody was acting different to usual. There wasn’t any loud music playing and people weren’t dancing. This was just a reception before dinner. Anybody who was relevant or important was here now. It was custom here for a royal death to be a large long event.
The dress I was wearing had been made in quite a hurry. Usually they’d take a few weeks or even months to get me fitted before a big event, but once again this time it was different. I had only arrived a few days ago and they had started on my mom first. Honestly, I would have just pulled out a dress from my closet, but I couldn’t even try that anymore. Eyes were on me. I might not have been on the throne, but people were now watching closely for the future.
I couldn’t really complain though. I got clothes designed and made especially for me. What person didn’t like that? The black dress cinched at the right height and the right tightness around my waist. Further down, the hem of the flowing skirt stopped just above the ground, measured and cut precisely. And then the lace short sleeves didn’t even look bunched up either. Not even I could buy something like this in a store.
My dad raised up his glass just the slightest bit, grabbing the small spoon from the polished silver tray a servant was holding. The clinking sound of metal hitting crystal glass rang through the entire room, silencing everything and everyone. All attention was turned to my dad, meaning I was in complete view. Luckily all I had to do that day was stand there for support.
“Now that we are all here,” my father started, his voice somehow reaching the furthest corners of the hall, which was something I had yet to learn, “I would like to thank you all for being here. Although our king, my father, had been ill for a while, his passing still came as a shock. I will forever be grateful to every one of you.”
As he held up his glass everybody with a drink did so back. Most took a sip and then went back to their previous conversations.
The speech might have seemed so short and insignificant, a nuisance if anything. But that wasn’t the case at all. This was exactly how things were done. It was some left over thing back from centuries ago. Alliances, partnerships, and deals were all tense and at risk of crumbling when the king died. It was up to the next king to keep them going. Nobels from around the country and continent would come out for the funeral. The new king would have to show his loyalty without seeming vulnerable and easy to manipulate. It was an art, really. How do you show loyalty and grief without seeming weak?
It was custom for the king not to have to move to talk to people at events like these. Everybody who wanted to speak to him came up to him. It meant that constant conversations were held. I was there at his side the entire time. Technically, I didn’t have to, but it looked the best. Standing with him meant that I got to listen in on everything and so understood the politics for in the future. But showing constant interest would eventually get tiring especially since I didn’t really get much of a say. The occasional people who did include me were refreshing and definitely got a stamp of approval in my dad’s book.
Eventually a man just a few years older than my dad and a guy around my age came up to us. I had seen the man before, but never this person with him. I could only assume it was his son. They both had a very similar bone structure, deep set eyes and a slightly sloped nose. Their suits had a few medals which I once used to know all the meanings of but not anymore.
“Your Royal Highness, your Majesty.” They both bowed.
“Larnamont!” My dad greeted back as I did a subtle curtsy, holding his arms out to show he was literally welcoming them with open arms.
“I wanted to introduce my eldest son, Lysander,” Larnamont gestured towards the boy, smiling proudly and with some sort of expectancy.
My dad gave a small nod while I held out my hand and waited for Lysander to shake it.
“Nice to meet you.” I smiled brightly as he took it. As I went to look into his eyes, my gaze flickered past Alex in the background.
He was standing there taking a glass of some sort of brown-toned liquor from one of the waitresses. Coincidentally, he was already looking right back at me. Rather than immediately breaking away his gaze, like I did, he continued to stare and took a sip from his drink. He was one strange man. Luckily, over my time as a princess, I had had to deal with many different types of people. There was nothing I couldn’t ignore.
Larnamont really did come over to us just to introduce Lysander. There wasn’t really any other small talk, but it also wasn’t necessary. Now wasn’t exactly the right time for that. People just paid respects, any more could only be considered rude. So, Larnamont and Lysander left us soon after. However, I knew I would have to find them later. An introduction was made after all.
Luckily, the next person who came up to us wasn’t as much of a stranger. It meant I could relax a little bit and not have to worry as much about my duties and composure. This man had taught me a lot and continued to do so. He was more like an uncle figure who still needed to be treated a bit more officially. He was the one and only Garry.
“Your Royal Highness, your Majesty,” he greeted and bowed just like everybody else.
“Garry!” I grinned and leaned forward to give him a half hug and a respectful kiss on the cheek. Strangers were either greeted by handshake or curtsey, friends were greeted in a more intimate way.
“So how have you been holding up?” He asked with a sympathetic tone. I hadn’t seen him yet since I came in from New York.
I looked up at my dad for him to answer. I could only imagine what it must have been like to suddenly become a ruler. The pressure must have been immense and all the jobs overbearing. One day I was going to have to do the same, but for now my dad was going through it.
“He’s asking you,” my dad looked down at me with a paternal smile.
“Well, you know how I always have to acclimatise myself again when I come back,” I responded, my answer directed at Garry. I knew he was asking about my grandfather’s death, but I could hardly show my feelings about that right now. “It’s great to see you again.”
“Likewise.” He gave me a slow single courtly nod. “Unfortunately I don’t think we’ll be seeing each other for very long. I’ll be going with your dad on his tour.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“I’ll be leaving somebody who I trust dearly to take over and help: my step son. He should be around here somewhere,” Garry started to look around him, but only briefly as to not attract attention.
“I’ve met Alex,” I told him, causing a smile to form on his lips.
“Really! I hope he has been behaving.”
I started nodding, but then my eyes fell on Alex now all over the waitress from before. He was standing super close to her, his arm at her waist, his nose in her hair as she giggled. I immediately stopped my nodding and directed my eyes at Garry again, deciding not to tattletale.
“He has,” I calmed his worry before my shock became too apparent,” although I must say he’s one peculiar fellow. He did help me with an art piece I was working on.”
“Well, you guys must get along just fine then. He’s quite the artsy type himself. He’s a musician actually.”
“That explains a lot,” I laughed. Not only did it explain his, what seemed like, his strange talent for posing in front of a camera, but it also explained his tendency to be a flirt.
Right at that moment my mom walked up to us and stood at my dad’s other side. Her dress was also black to represent the mourning, only her was a lot tighter and more formal. She was older and the queen now after all.
“If you won’t mind, I’ll go mingle with some of the guests now,” I announced as I looked at both my mom and dad. Now that she was here I was no longer obliged to stay at the king’s side.
“You go do that.” My dad winked and dismissed that.
I didn’t know exactly who I was going to go to, but it soon became clear that Alex wasn’t even an option. He was still all over that waitress and she was still under his spell. Only, this time, they decided to make it a bit more private. I saw Alex take lead and slip out of the room, holding the waitress’ hand and pulling her along. If I had been back in New York or not in public, I would have definitely rolled my eyes.
The next familiar face I looked for was my brother. He was somewhere further in the back speaking to my cousins. They were all younger than me, so they always got a long together a little better. It also didn’t help that I usually was in the study with private tutors and teachers getting a special education to prepare me for my inevitable future job.
Lucky for me, just as I was making my way over to them, I noticed Lysander standing by himself trying to catch my attention. He already had a drink in one hand and picked up another as he gestured that it was for me. So, I smiled politely and slowly floated over to him so nobody would mistake my actions as eager.
“Thank you very much.” I gently took the glass of wine from him, careful not to let the fragile material shatter.
“It’s been a real honour being allowed to join on such an occasion.” He did the traditional thing of being grateful and loyal, but it made for a very difficult conversation.
I didn’t know how to respond other than to accept what he said. There was nothing in particular he was beneficial for either except for the fact that he was the heir in the Larnamont family. A good connection to keep, but I had nothing to thank him directly for. He was still learning the ropes of his family. As was I, of course, but it was still different.
Fortunately, Lysander wasn’t as strict in traditions and rules as his father. He could also clearly sense that this silence was just a second away from turning really awkward.
“You know, my father has told me many stories about this castle,” he confessed. “Ever since I was a little boy, I tried to imagine what it was like. But it’s even more spectacular than I imagined.”
“It has been quite a nice place to grow up in.” I smiled softly, remembering all the good times I had with my brother when we were much younger. I had to remind myself not to take it for granted. As much as I longed for the simple life in New York, I was very lucky.
“There’s so much history here, it’s fascinating.” He looked up at the ceiling and took some time to admire the paintings and gold leaf.
“This room was only built in the 17th century, but there are parts left over from the original 11th-century castle.”
He looked at me with wide eyes. “Only 17th century! Eleventh– I can’t even imagine that amount of time. Wow.”
“I actually have a whole collection of books all about the history of the castle, all the way from the beginning. I could lend you a couple.”
“You would do that?”
I chuckled quietly and nodded. “I rarely meet anybody with such interest. Who would I be to withhold all that information from you.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Let me go get them now before other duties sweep me away.”
I excused myself and slipped through the door Alex had sneaked out just shortly before. Although the castle was quite large, luckily my library wasn’t too far away. The grand staircase was just through the short corridor with two other doors. My heels clicked loudly on the steps, echoing off the walls with paintings.
The corridors felt even more empty than usual knowing that everybody was collected in the ballroom.
After just three minutes, my hand was grazing the gold-toned handle on the old wooden door again. I could still remember how I could barely open it as a kid; I always had to lean against it or pull with all my weight, it was that heavy. But it was also secure. Now I could open that door in one swift movement.
Although I wished I couldn’t. I wished I could have opened it slowly to shield myself from what was inside.
There were already people in my library. But they weren’t there reminiscing about good times with my grandpa or enjoying a good book. The two bodies were completely naked and intertwined on the custom desk my grandpa had gotten made.
“Oh my god!” I screamed, not bothering to close the door behind myself like I usually would. “What the actual fuck is this?!”
“Oh, shit,” Alex gasped as he looked over his shoulder and made eye contact with me.
“Are you fucking shitting me!”
Alex immediately removed himself from the girl he had swooned downstairs. He stood there frozen while the girl tried to grab all her clothes as quickly as possible while simultaneously hiding her face.
“Oh, come on, Elsie,” I scoffed, feeling the rage now course through my blood like fire. “I fucking know who you are. I saw you all over each other downstairs.”
“I-I’m so s-sorry,” she stammered, sounding like she was on the verge of tears, “p-please don’t fire me.”
I didn’t say a word in response to her plea. Although I had the authority to fire any of the help, I had never actually done so before. I was seriously considering it. She was supposed to be downstairs doing her job. But I couldn’t risk it. I’d have to explain my grounds and it would ruin Garry.
I just waited until she scurried away with all her clothes clutched to her chest. With her now gone, I tried my best to walk past Alex calmly and collected as I refused to even look in his direction. There was somewhere I actually had to be, and I wasn’t going to get distracted any further from my goal. That didn’t mean I was actually okay now, though.
“You, umm, you look good,” Alex told me awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head. “I didn’t get to tell you earlier.”
“Fuck off,” I seethed and pushed away the rolling ladder to have access to the first book.
“Oh, umm–”
“No.” I stopped him as I pulled out the book and spun around to look at him. “Shut up.”
I was planning to walk out of these without looking back, but when I walked past Alex for the second time that day, I changed my mind. I wasn’t done. He didn’t get to walk away unscathed.
“My grandfather fucking dies and breaks breaks this stupid shithole of a tradition. I get to inherit one thing. He fucking leaves me behind this library. And now you have to come and ruin it. Go suck a dick,” I spat and continued my path, the sound of the heavy door shutting rushing down the hallways.
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Are you willing to write a Stucky with a child that has Cystic Fibrosis? If so, can it be a domestic fluff? Like Bucky finds the kid and they remind him of Pre-serum Steve so he and Bucky take them in. Thank you if you can. (I'm sorry just want to see a CF character in a fandom I love)
Hi dear!! I was very nervous to write this as I wasn't very aware of the symptoms of CF. I went on a lot of medical sites and I think I have the information right? If not I am so so sorry and I will redo it!! Also I'm going to make their child a daughter but feel free to switch up the pronouns!  -Selenophile
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Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition, which means that it is something you are born with. Cystic fibrosis is known to cause your lungs to produce extra-thick, sticky mucus. This mucus builds up and clogs your airways. Side effects include persistent cough with phlegm, postnasal drip, wheezing, shortness of breath, inability to exercise, as well as poor growth and low body weight despite a good appetite.
Y/N reads the doctors note every day. When she was younger, she didn't understand one word of it. At two years of age she would hand over the card to the family that had high hopes of adopting a little girl. They would usually leave without her. Her housemother, Mrs. Hamilton, always played it off as a different type of superhero form the comic books. Not a lot of adults want superhero babies. It was so easy to believe that. Now she’s 18. She getting released into the real world Luckily, her friend offered her house just till she can find a college to stay at.  Y/N had to learn the hard way that adults don't want a sick kid.
“Hey kiddo” Mrs. Hamilton said, her tone soft like silk.  “You read that dumb note everyday. It means nothing.”
“It apparently does. No adult wanted me in my 18 years of being here.” Y/N retaliated. 
“Don't think about that. They didn't deserve you anyway.” 
Y/N sighed and picked up her tote bags. “I’ll miss your kindness, Mrs. Hamilton.”
“You have my number if you need me.” 
“I know”
They shared a long tender hug. Y/N pulled away once she felt a little tickle in her throat. The tickle sadly turned into a whole fit. 
“Hey, if you ever need me to pay for your Bronchodilators, please text me. I don't mind.”
“Of course Mrs. Hamilton. Ill see you around.”
And with that, Y/N made her way down the stairs. This place, so familiar, was now going to be apart of her past. She remembers running all around with her “brothers”. Patiently eating dinner with her “sisters” was the best. Even exploring the world with their gender-fluid and non-binary siblings was so exciting. Mrs. Hamilton and her always had the best talks. Mr. Hamilton helped with her homework. So, so many memories from this place. She’ll miss it.
The outside world was so much different now that Y/N was out on her own. She took her meds this morning, so that once gross, pollen-infested air didn't even bother her anymore. Her brave feet carried her away from the place she used to call home. The first order of business before heading to her house of 2 months though, get some lunch. Wendy’s has a pretty amazing salad and it was only 2 blocks down. Lucky for her, 2 blocks was her walking limit. Off she went.
That's where Bucky and Steve were enjoying a lovely lunch as well. Steve had a hamburger, and Bucky had some chicken nuggets.
“Alright dear” Steve said “Check Wendy's off your list”
“Already did. I think its pretty good! Not my favorite though.” Bucky replied happily. 
The newly-founded couple have been going to one fast food place a week to introduce Bucky to different types. Any fast food restaurant one could think of, they're going. It was a mix of a date and bringing Bucky up to modern times. It was good for them.
“Bucky, all you get is chicken nuggets you should branch out.” 
“Leave me aloneeee I love my chicken nuggets”
They giggled together, and returned to eating. That's when Y/N walked through the door. She was already panting. Not even realizing, she passed the two men who would change her life. 
Y/N stood patiently, waiting to order. Bucky watched her. Her small, skinny stature reminded him so much of young Steve. Even the way she panted after walking in. Steve would do the same.
“Who are you looking at my love?” Steve questioned.
“Oh, the girl on line. She reminds me so much of you. Skinny, Small, I heard her panting. Look she's coughing now too. What was it called?”
Steve turns around and smiles “Bucky she's cute but what's your point?”
Bucky jumped up “I'm gonna talk to her!”
“That's cute love but please come back id like to enjoy our date before our next mission”
The long-haired man nodded, skipping happily over to Y/N. Just as he was approaching though, an older man came behind her and snatched her wallet. Bucky was ready to pounce, but Y/N was first to it. She was so weak, so she flung right off with a simple push of the man.
“Hey doll, you alright?” He asked softly. 
She nodded weakly, already shaking. Steve rushed out the door to follow the man.
“That's my boyfriend, he’ll get your wallet. Why don't you sit with us? I’ll get your lunch! What would you like?”
Y/N looked up at him. “I-I” she took a minute to wheeze out a cough “T-that's too kind of y-you.”
“Please its my pleasure! what would you like?”
Y/N tells him a simple Caesar Salad. He happily picks her up, along with her stuff. Bucky told her where she was sitting, and she made her way.
This is so weird. Y/N thinks to herself. She takes a seat regardless through, watching the tall blonde walk towards the shorter brunette. She sees her wallet and feels at ease. 
“She’s either a runaway or an orphan whos turned 18. We need to take her in” Bucky whispered into his ear. 
“Or she's just heading off to college? I cant put a girl a risk” Steve whispered back. 
“Please Steve. She reminds me so much of you. She cant survive out here one her medication runs out. And to be honest? She seems like she has a low dosage the way she's still wheezing and coughing like that.”
“One day James. If she changes my mind in one day, we can keep her”
Bucky happily kissed Steve's cheek. He carefully grabbed the salad and took it to the girl. 
They ate together rather happily. The couple learned her name was Y/N. She’s and 18 year old girl who just came out of the system, just like Bucky hypothesized. To sum up her condition , she showed them the note - which was only kept for nostalgic purposes - which made Steve feel connected to her more. 
“So no one adopted you because you have Cystic Fibrosis?” Bucky asked
“No one wants a sick kid”
Steve sympathized. “I used to have CF too. Once I got the super solider serum I never had to deal with it again. I understand where you come from though. Being constantly underweight and small, also no matter how hard you try you cant become better at exercise. I get it.”
Bucky took Steve’s hand and kissed his cheek. Y/N smiled, continuing to eat her salad. She didn't even question the fact that he was Captain America, she understands how it feels to be bombarded with questions. 
They managed to convince Y/N to stay for the night. She fought them on it, telling them they were being way too nice for a girl who was about to ruin their night. Bucky continued to tell her to shush it, while Steve was having a change of heart.
It was a good night. They watched TV together, enjoyed a lovely home cooked dinner, talked some more about each other and even played some old timey board games. Y/N had the time of her life. No way on Earth would she do this with any other adult who offered her help. Since Steve had a similar experience and Bucky helping him through said experience, it gave Y?N the confidence to take the offer. She never regretted it
That one day became one week. That one week became one month. The one month became a year. Steve and Bucky were there every step of the way. Convincing to ask the little web slinger Peter Parker out to prom, taking said prom pictures, helping Y/N with homework, taking her on cool adventures. The day of her high school  graduation they gave her the gift of a car. She gave them the official title of Dad. When the papers for official guardianship were clear, it was the happiest day of the trio’s life. 
Now, its the night before Y/N goes to college. Her bags were packed. Her small, cozy bedroom looked so vacant now. Her dads were cuddled up on the couch.
“Got any room for a jellybean?” She asked softly. 
“Yes we do! Always!” Bucky cheered happily,splitting apart from Steve. The small girl jumped in, which was a big mistake since she was already taking deeper breaths. 
“Did your school accommodate for your CF?” Steve asked, giving her a big fat kiss on her cheek.
With a giggle, she replied “Yeah dad, They put me in the closest dorm to the classroom. They also put me on the lower floor on the dorm building. AND Peter said he was gonna help me out.”
“You and Peter are too cute, I'm happy he takes interest in you”
“Thanks Dad 2″
Y/N leaned right into her dad 2 where she was scooped under the chilly metal. Steve got up, moving to the fleshier side of his husband. Yes, in the year Y/N lived with them, they finally got themselves together and got married. Y/N was Bucky’s maid of honor, and she joined in on the couples first dance. 
They watched the stupid soap opera that was on late at night. all three of them couldn't even keep up with what was happening.
“Dads, I love you” Y/N blurted out. 
“Woah kid, you better catch your breath, because we love you too.” Bucky responded as Steve reached over, playing with the girls hair. Her happy giggled gave Steve and Bucky the message: they changed this girls world.
Send all requests to the Inbox!!💌
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archivedatl · 18 years
AP web exclusive: All Time Low tour diary
Posted by Scott Heisel on 08-Dec-06 @ 04:43 PM
Last month, Baltimore pop-punkers All Time Low took to the road with Sugarcult for a series of shows on the West Coast. Here's some of what they saw, in words and pictures. Learn more at www.alltimelow.com.
#1------------------------------------------------------------ Ooohooo So last night we celebrated two awesome occasions...well 3 since matt's molars finally grew in...anyways yesterday was Haloween and our first night of our tour with Sugarcult. I must say, it is pretty strange touring with a band who I spent the better years of my middle school life watching on MTV. Regardless of where this band has been, it definetly didn't eff with their personalities. They were all super nice to us and each came up and introduced themselves. The show went pretty well but it wasn't a good judgement of our the whole tour is going to be because Sugarcult didn't even headline, the Eagles Of Death Metal did, and the tickets for $25 on Haloween night :) I'm sorry but I would never go to a show if those were the circumstances...I'd be out expanding my collection of holiday treats. Tonight the 'real' tour begins so we will see how it goes. We are playing Washington State University in Pullman Washington. We haven't done too many college shows, so this should be interesting...anyways before we got on the road a couple days ago we were couped up in Ben Harper's (formely of yellowcard, now in amber pacific) house/studio in long beach, CA working on our new CD :). We demoed some hot licks that were going to send over to our producer matt squire so that he can put in some input. I heard my blogs are going to be posted on the Alternative Press website for this tour, so if that's the case then...helll yeah! Well I just woke up from sleeping in the van so I am gonna walk out into the freezing streets of Pullman, WA crack my back and grab some Qudoba. Much Love, Jack --jbstar #2------------------------------------------------------------ Yoo dooodds, So I'm gonna update you guys on the passed couple shows...on Wednsday we played Washington State University. Those kids are freaking crazy! Everyone seemed to be having a good time and we made some awesome new friends. I cannot stress enough, how cool the Sugarcult guys are. Which is really cool because I have been listening to those guys since 6th grade! Anyways before we played, matt thought it would be a good idea to have a fork and knife fight backstage...yeah it turned pretty ugly and we should have some footage online soon enough. That night we partied at 'The Christmas House'. Lets just say that I'm pretty sure alex made out with a dog...I really miss Hit The Lights :( Anways...we played Seattle after the college show and it was offf the hoooook. Everyone in the room was dancing and it got pretty redic. As soon as we told them the alex/dog story they went nuts. We met up with the Pink Spiders that night. We were nervous about that because we've heard some stuff...but for real those guys are the shit. There all super nice and we have no complaints about them. We have yet to tour with a band who we don't get along with (fingers crossed). We also heard that we may be doing a few shows with Cobra Starship in Dec, if that happends that would be sick. I'll keep you guys updated. Someone made us a bucket of the craziest donuts ive ever seen at the portland show last night!! They were reallly good. Sorry for the lack of pics, I'll make sure my next post has more, its just hard to take good pics on a sidekick :). Talk to you guys soon!!Jacko #3------------------------------------------------------------ Yo Babaayyss, Last nights show was off the hook! I love playing at The Boardwalk in orangevale calii. The crowd was as wild as usual and a bunch of kids were singing along. A lot of the same kids who saw us there on the Amber Pacific tour came back. Its always cool to see so many familiar faces,,,cough cough hint hint nudge...you get the idea folks! The next couple shows should be interesting...reno and vegas. I wont be able to gamble but at least ill be able to look at a lot of lights. We all have family comming out, so that should be exciting. I havent seen my brother and sister in ages and i know their gonna be wasted so that means they will be even more friendly :) Also Meg n Dia join up in vegas which is sick, SO SIKED FOR THAT!!! We met them on warped and their super nice. anyways i think its time, i go to In and Out because after this tour im not going to be able to go back for a while :( im going to eat there everyday twice a day until we leave Arizona. Ive attached pics from our set on the Epitaph stage at this years Bamboozle Left and also some pics of our acoustic set the 2nd day! Thanks to everyone who watched us either/both days :) love you peace peace n a bottle o' hair grease, jack #4------------------------------------------------------------ Wow...vegas has to be one of the strangest places on this earth. First of all we showed up in Reno (shity city) only to find that only sugarcults crew was there and the show probably wasnt going on. We were welcomed by a hooker in a pink tanktop and no teeth asking if we had any shirts we could give her...Thankfully we have power windows and middle fingers. Thankfully zack was asleep or he might have took her up on some of her offers...he's getting desperate you know..just kidding! Anyways we decided to hang out with sugarcults crew for a little then start the drive to vegas early since it was 8 house. We got to go over the Hoover Damn which was sweet. It's seriously Vegas Vacation all over again! Anyways, we got to vegas around midnight and it was a fantastic site! My bro and sis were staying at the MGM so thats where i headed. Rian to the Excalibur, Alex and Matt to the Venecian and Zack to the Luxor. We all split up and hung out with our fam for the evening. My brother took me around vegas and boyyy was it interesting. I was approached by numerous drunk people. It was basically like an Ocean City, Maryland for older people. It's just a place for adults to drink, walk around drunk, act like teenagers and maybe gamble a bit here n' there. it was Akward to say the least. Anyways the next day was the show at the House Of Blues at Mandalay Bay...probably one of the nicest venues we have ever played. We introduced ourselves to the Meg n Dia folks and got to know our new tour mates as we shared a dressing room. We soon found they are awesome people and they share a love for getting wild! The show was pretty cool, and the crowd was big. It was weird though because the merch was not in the venue, it was in the cassino haha. Anyways Vegas was an experience we wont forget, and I cant wait till we go there again. I hope the next time we go, were 21...actually nevermind because that would be three years :)stay rad, Jack #5------------------------------------------------------------ Lame! Tonight was our last show on the Sugarcult Tour featuring The Pink Spiders and Meg n Dia :( Damone will be taking our place on this great lineup. I am jelous that they get to join up! Anyways we made some lifetime friends on this tour and it was a great experience for everyone. Every single show was amazing and the fans never let us down. Traveling to bumfuck arizona and hearing a couple hundred kids sing your song is the coolest feeling ever. Sugarcult was very warming towards us and their personalities suprised the shit out of me. they were such cool guys and even when zack was sick they made him soup and gave him Emergen-C. WHO DOES THAT !?!? Thats like something my mom does...so in a way Sugarcult are our parents. They actually reffered to us as their younger brothers on stage. At the last show of the tour in Little Rock, Arkansas us and Meg n Dia ran on stage during "Bouncing Off the Walls" and started bouncing around and took over Tim's Guitar n Mic, Marko's (my twin) guitar and Airens Bass. It was so fun to bro down with a band that ive been listening to since middle school haha. Alex also got to soundcheck with sugarcult at Texas AM College because tim was at the hospital taking care of his sickness (i think he had a nasty cold). It was so crazy to see alex soundcheck with a band who for the past few years have held a special spot on my ipod and in my cd player :) I attached a pic of him sound-checking for fun. At the end of the show we said our goodbyes and gave our hugs. This is'nt the end of these friendships though, only the beggining...now we head home to write a new cd. Catch us on the road in the northeast in december when we head out with Cobra Starship! Stay safe, Jack
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devilbat · 5 years
Paid Valentine
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Warning: fluff angst maybe 😂
My sister @jpat82 requested 41 and Bucky
41. “So let me get this straight. You want to hire me to be your date to a Valentine’s Party?”
When you got the invitation to your sister valentine’s party you weren’t overly thrilled about it. She was always one to throw party’s any chance she got. Well now it seem she was going to start a new one. On one of the worst calendar days. Sure it was cause she wanted to show off her new restaurant. But you knew the real reason. She started dating someone not just any someone, a god and not just any god, it happened to be the god of Thunder, Thor. Yeah you were the one to set up the date. After the whole thing with Jane dumping him and his brother death “again”. Thor had been rather mopey, never being his cheery care free fun loving self. You sister happened to stop by the tower one day to drop some stuff off. When you watched Thor eyes lit up as you sister entered the room. So that’s when you took it upon yourself to introduce him to her. You knew she would like him. He was some what her type. After they met Thor was himself again, and you sister seem to be happier. So happy that she’s planing a party now. Knowing that no matter how hard you would try there was no way you were going to get out of it. You would have to be practically dying and on you’re death bed to get out of it. Even the she would drag you.
You though about going alone like you always did. But this seem like there would be all these couples, and how pathetic would it be to show up alone. So you racked you brain on who you could convince to be your date. The problem was you sister would know you were lying if you asked Steve he was with Tony. Clint had a family. Bruce was with Nat, and well Thor was with your sister. Peter Parker was way to young. Vision was with Wanda. Wolverine and Deadpool god only know what they were doing down under. T’challa has a Kingdom to run. It really didn’t leave you with too many options. Right about now is where you wish loki was alive he could shape shift into an imaginary boyfriend, that and it would be rather funny to see Thor’s face when loki stabbed him again. And well this really was Thor’s fault in away.
Really the only two left it would seem that we’re single was Wilson and Barnes. Though Wilson would just drive you nuts. To the point you would kill him. He would just sit there and flirt with you let alone tease you about the whole thing in the first place. The only problem with Bucky really was that the two of you really didn’t get along all that well. But really who else could you turn to. Sure you had a thing for him. He was extremely good looking, and you wouldn’t mind seeing him out of his normal cargo pants and dirt shirts.
Arriving at the tower earlier then normal. Knowing the Bucky and Steve both were up and on a run. You figured you would wait for Bucky in the kitchen. You knew his schedule, hell you knew everyone’s schedule, it was your job. Tony payed You well to keep everyone in line and in routine. Ok everyone but Thor now as he spent more time with your sister then at the tower. Though it wasn’t hard for him to be at the tower in a moments flash or in his case flash of lighting. Though have Thor around the house had been nice. Specially when the power went out. Or to laugh at your sister when her hair was standing on end like she stuck her finger in a light socket after the first “time” with him. Hehe. Finally Bucky walked in the kitchen as you sat there waiting for him at the kitchen table. You took a moment to admire the fact that he was not wearing a shirt. Though it pissed you off that him and Steve didn’t sweat after running like more everyone else.
“Y/n, your here early. Didn’t even know you could watch up this early.” He attempted to tease you.
“Haha Barnes, Im here to talk with you about a “mission” if you can handle it. Though it might go past your bed time.” You snipped back. ‘This might not be such a good idea’ you thought. As he walked to the refrigerator grabbed the Orange juice out. He set it on the table as he went to get a glass and a bowl of plums. Always predictable. You could hear his metal arm clink around as he moved. It sounded like he needed WD40.
“All right what you got for me?” He asked as he sat across the table from you. Pouring the contents of the jug in to the glass. His eye trained on you, making you rather nervous now.
“Well it’s a private mission. Meaning no one can know about it. Do you understand?” You leaned in you elbows on the tables as you rested your chin on the knuckles of your hand.
“All right. What you got?” You watched as he bite into one of the plums. Making you wish that you ate breakfast. Or wished you were that plum.
“So this mission if you choose to except, is an undercover mission...” you paused. God his gaze was intense making you squirm. “I need you to go to a valentine party with me that my sister is hosting at her restaurant. I don’t want to go alone and everyone else is currently taken or to young, dead or in another Country. And I’ll even pay you.” You managed to say all that in one breath now wether or not Bucky understands any of that was another story. As you felt you face heat up.
“Wait who’s dead?” Bucky blinked a few time trying to wrap his head around what you just said.
“Loki, Thor’s Brother. God get with the times old man.” You sighed heavily. “Yes that was an option, but one problem he’s dead now can we move along here.” Trying to get this whole ordeal over with.
**“So let me get this straight. You want to hire me to be your date to a Valentine’s Party?”** Bucky inquired his brow raised. He was trying not to laugh at how flustered you looked.
“Yes, isn’t that what I said. What part didn’t you get?” You huffed. You really didn’t have time for this.
“Why not Sam, I mean he is closer to your age?” Bucky chuckled. The faces you were making were rather cute.
“Well A. I would kill Sam. And B. Thor is like 1400 years older then my sister, and your like what only 400 years older then me?” You grumbled.
“Hey now lets not make me any older then I em I’m only a 100 here. Geez woman. You know with this attitude towards me. How are we going to make this work as a dating couple?” He shook his head.
“I’ll figure that out later. Is that a yes or a no there Barnes? You know I do have to work.” You snipped. Really maybe you should just become a cougar and ask Peter.
“Doll, has anyone ever told you, you’re wound up to tight. Your starting to sound more like Tony. But yes I’ll go with you. But you owe me big time for this. Though how are we going to fool old thunderbolts, and that rather cute sister of yours?” He raised his eye brow.
“You do realize she is my identical twin right?” You sighed god what have you gotten yourself into.
Permanent tags: @kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @jackheart180 @miraclesoflove @wolfcore227 @mr-hiddlestons-pet @madleiine @teageowen
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Summary-Virgil wants to do something special, but he might need some help from the other demons.
Virgil honestly didn’t know what to expect to happen. A hit perhaps, like he was used to in Hell, but as he stood in the growing silence, eyes clenched tight, but as the silence grew louder at him he timidly opened his eyes.
Dark was kneeling on the floor, Anti on his back like a kola, knife poised over Dark’s eye, but the larger demon had a hand around his wrist. Not that it mattered as they both had frozen, eyes wide as they stared at Virgil. Here he thought they wouldn’t register what he told them if he came and talked to them during their biweekly ‘sparring’ session as the two tended to tune everything out when they were fighting. Instead of saying what he wanted and leaving after they hummed in agreement he now had his two older brothers’ entire attention on him.
“I’ll just leave now, Have fun with your sparring!” He quickly said turning around and sprinting away from them. He only made it two steps before he collided with another form. He gulped looking up into Anti’s face with a timid smile.
“You don’t just get to say something like that and leave, Virgil,” Dark’s deep voice hummed through him making him shiver.
“I was kinda hoping you wouldn’t be listening again,” He mumbled. Honestly, he liked that he could vent to them without them showing any reaction to his words.
“Like you can say something like THAT and NOT expect us to notice!” Anti scoffed, “Come on Jitterbug, we’re not deaf.”
“Yeah,” Virgil mumbled, fingers going to his hoodie strings, twisting them in between his fingers, “It was stupid of me to ask, I know-”
“The only stupid thing,” Dark interrupted hand resting on Virgil’s head, “is how you think we’ll let the fact you have a serious significant other that you haven’t told us anything about and expect us not to interrogate you on him. ”
Virgil’s face burned bright at the twin Cheshire grins shoot his way.
“You guys... don’t care?”
The older demons start at the timid question, but it clicked almost instantly what he meant. Personal Demons weren’t allowed to court in hell instead, being assigned breeding partners to continue the subspecies. It was never pretty when anyone found out that a personal demon was romantically involved with anyone, even their breeding partner.  
“It’s not like that here, Virgil,” Anti mumbled, butting his head against the taller demons cheek making Virgil giggle slightly, “You’re allowed to love and be loved. Remember?”  
Seeing the youngest demon gulp before giving a nod Dark stepped forward, placing a hand on his head.
“You never need to fear how we’ll react to you learning and discovering who you are, Virgil.” Dark said, eyes twinkling, “Now what do you remember of our lesson on rings?”
He gave a small shrug, “That they mean a lot, a promise to stay and love the recipient for as long as they’ll have us.”
The rough and tough demon pair would deny it for the rest of their existence, but soft and loving smiles broke both of their faces.
“That’s correct,” Dark purred, “and we need to make sure it’s perfect.”
“How do we make them?”
Anti smirked, “Bim and the Jims are where Dark went for his ring for Googs~”
Dark flushed, sneering at Anti, “Fuck off, glitch. At least I have a lover to give a ring too.”
“Oh I have a partner, I just am waiting for the right time to give him the ring I have for him,” Anti replied with a cheeky giggle making Dark blink.
“You’re dating someone?”
“Someone wants to date you?!” Virgil broke in with a raised eyebrow but breaks down into laughter as soon as Anti takes a swipe at his head.
“At ease, Glitch,” Dark chuckled, pushing his shoulder lightly, “We have more important things to attend to.”
When the trio entered the Studio later in the afternoon Dark only had to lock eyes with Wilford before the pink mustached man to exit. Even the eccentric man knew that some things are better left alone and anything that got the majority of the Demons together was one of those things.
Bim merely raised an eyebrow the Jims flanking his podium, an ingrained show of power that they could seem to break. Luckily their welcoming smiles and relaxed postures didn’t send Virgil into a panic.
“Well well well,” Bim purred, batting his What brings you three to our humble studio?”
Anti giggles at the show as Dark rolls his eyes and glances at Virgil. The Side took a hesitant step forward.
“I… um…” He glances back at the dark egos for a second shallowing thickly. They said it would be fine, that Bim and the Jims wouldn’t care, “I was wondering if you could make me a ring, a promise ring?”
Virgil winced away as RJ and CJ leapt from the stage and descended on him, nearly cowering as they surround him.
“Iplier, Septic, or Sander sized?” RJ asked, pen poised over his ever-present notepad.
Virgil fidgeted for a second, eyes flickering towards the floor, “Iplier…”
Anti and Dark both hummed, sharing a look, not as easy as finding out one of the others, but it was a start.
“And what stones would you like in the ring?” CJ questioned, “Maybe amethyst for you and a Peach Moonstone for your partner?”
“Actually… I was thinking a dark lavender pearl for me,” Virgil said, glancing up. They were offering to make the ring… that means they didn’t care right? He could make requests for his ring… right?  “And does the gem for them have to be in their skin tone?”
“Wellll….” Bim drew out, from where he had gone to dig through the metals and gems they had stored in the Jims’ section,  “By demon standards, they're supposed to be, but here, we really don’t care if it matches their skin tone or not. Dark had us use sapphire for Blue since he felt that color more represented him.”
Virgil nodded, “Then... could we use yellow amber instead of a moonstone?”
One could hear a pin drop in the studio after his question. The silence seemed to unnerve Virgil, who drew his hood up, eyes trained on the floor, but the others were too stunned to do anything at the moment.
“Are all of us dating androids?!?!” Anti barked out, drawing all eyes to him as his eyebrows disappearing into his hairline.
“Wait, which one are you dating?” Virgil asked the virus.
“Jim’s dating Red,” RJ said, pointing at Bim.
“And Jim’s dating Green,” CJ continued, pointing towards WJ. The called out pair both sputtered, looking at the youngest imps with betrayal.
“JIM!” They both squeaked making the twins crack up. Dark just gave a sideways glance at Anti.
“Bing really?” He asked, making the tips of Anti’s ears turn green.
“Fuck off, He’s amazing,”
“But,” Virgil said with a raised finger, “He’s only sixteen, isn’t that ya know weird?”
“And I had just turned eighteen in human years when I got here,” Anti brushed off, “What’s the big deal.”
“You’re eighteen!” The group gasped making the virus blink. 
“Yea?” He said, “I didn’t think ya’d make a big deal out of it.” 
“But you were Brigadier!” RJ said, “There’s no way they’d have an eighteen-year-old be that high up.”
Anti looked at them with scrunched brows before realization dawned on his face, “That’s right none of you were around for when digital demons came to be. Let’s just say things worked on a different pace for us compared to other demonic creatures.” 
The others shared a look. He wasn’t wrong, the most recent of their timelines had been before they were made into egos was the Jims in 1942, the first digital demon forming late into the 1950s. 
“So AJ, RJ, CJ, and Blank don’t have a bot,” Virgil mused, going back to the lighter conversation, “That’s sad, someone should tell Mark to make more androids.”
“Don’t joke,” Dark moaned, fingers pressed into his eyes, “Mark would actually do it.”
“What you got there, Dormammu?”
Virgil startled, velvet box nearly slipping from his grasp. 
“Nothing, Roman,” He said, trying to tuck it into his hoodie pocket only to stop as another voice cut across the room. 
“Is that a not ring box?”  
He flinched as Deceit's question caused Patton and Logan’s heads to snap up from their activities. 
“A ring!” Patton cooed, accidentally flinging some floury dough from his spoon in his excitement, “How sweet! Who’s it for?” 
“Yes, Virgil, who is it for as this is the first I’m hearing of you dating someone,” Logan asked, brow raised as he closed his book, “I was under the impression that it was tradition to introduce your family to your intended before proposing.” 
The dark side squeaked, “It’s not like that Lo!” 
“My guess is not a promise ring then,” Deceit hissed out teasingly, eyes glowing fondly. Virgil burrowed deeper into his hoodie, face burning. Why did the stupid Naga that knew more about demon traditions then he did have to be there at that exact moment? Virgil didn’t know if he could explain this, it was too... personal.
“What do you mean promise ring?” the logical side asked, cocking his head to one side, “Like those rings given out between children-”
“Hey!” Virgil snapped, heart pounding. This meant a lot to him he wasn’t about to let any of them call it childish. 
Roman stopped, all of the sides surprised by the outburst making Virgil pinch the bridge of his nose and take a calming breath. He pulled out the box, running his fingers gently over the velvet.  
“It... Jewelry means a lot in demon culture,” He started just as Dark had to him, “A promise ring is given to the person you’re courting as a way to say you’re head over heels for them and you hope that one day they’ll allow you to marry them and replace the ring with a proper mated band.” 
He gave a soft laugh when the others didn’t say anything, “... Hell, I’m surprised I’m even giving one of these away. I would have been burned alive for touching one of these before.”
Deceit winced in sympathy as the others reeled back at the statement. 
“Whoa, Whoa!” Roman said throwing his hands out, “Time out! What do you mean by ‘You would have been burned alive for touching one of these before.’, You couldn’t seriously mean-”
“Any hint of romance that was seen between personal demons was stamped out before it could start even before it could begin, even between assigned mating partners. If a personal demon were to touch something seen as nearly scared... Virgil is right, they would likely not see the next sunrise.” 
The group wiped around to see Dark leaning against the banister of the stairs, solemnly. 
“Dark,” Virgil greeted, “Thanks for dumping that steaming pile of bleakness onto our cheery conversation.” 
The entity snorted, “Ah yes, I interrupted you answering Patton’s and Logan’s question on who you’re dating~” 
“Language!” Patton and Dark chorused, the former stern while the latter was nearly mocking with his reprimanding. 
“May I not guess?” 
“De...” Virgil groaned. 
“Be my guest, Deceit,” Dark agreed, making the others turn to the half snake who smirked. 
“It couldn’t possibly be the yellow bot that Virgil went on about for several months before the accepting anxiety video went up.” 
“Oliver!” Patton gasped, clasping his hands in front of his face, “Oh Virgil, that’s so cute you and Ollie!” 
“I would imagine you would make a very loving and appealing couple to deal with, “ Logan added with a hum. 
“I certainly can see how opposites attract on this one,” Roman laughed, nudging Virgil lightly in the arm. 
He blinked at them, “You guys don’t mind?” 
“Mind?” Logan’s eyebrows were raised, “Why would we mind you dating Oliver? It’s not as if the rest of us aren’t homosexual and fairly sexually and romantically attracted to the Egos as well, just because you were the first to uh ‘land a boyfriend?” 
“Perfect usage,” Roman commented at the flash card held up, making Logan mutter a small ‘yes!’ to himself, “And he’s right, Sebastion, why would we be upset?”
“I guess...” Virgil hunched in on himself. It was stupid to think they would care that he was dating, why did he think they would?! God, he was such an-
He glanced up at the soft but stern tone Patton used unable to look away from the parental softness in his gaze, “You’ve been hurt before because you have a heart full of so much love, by us and by Hell but know that we’re happy you found someone that you treasure.”
“Couldn’t have said it better Padre,” the Prince agreed, wrapping an arm around the short demon, “We may not have been the kindest to you but you’re Ohana now, and Ohana means no one gets left behind-”
“-Or forgotten-” the rest of the sides chorused with him. 
“-for any reason, let alone who they ” He finished as if they hadn’t chimed in.
Virgil couldn’t keep his lips from twitching upward, nor the tears from pricking the corners of his eyes.
“Oh start crying on us,” Deceit sighed, leaning back on the railing of the stairs, “Everything they said was a lie and you know it. Just accept that you’re still in hell and nothing has changed. You're in danger here.” 
“Hey- Oh wait... lying thing...” Patton yelled then cut himself off with a mumble as he put together the actual meaning behind the snake's words.
You’re safe here... That was a nice thought and made Virgil’s chest grow tight as Dark wrapped an arm around his shoulders. 
“Come on,” the leader said, smirk turning wicked, “I need to interrogate Oliver before you offer up that ring, Jameson is barely keeping Anti off of him as we speak.”
“Have I ever mentioned how much I hate you?” the smaller demon groaned rubbing his eyes
“Knock them dead, Mephisto!”
“Have fun, kiddo!”
“Enjoy your date, Virgil.” 
“Bad Luck Virgil!”
The anxious demon flipped them off. 
“You’re smiling,” Dark pointed out as he pulled them through his void. 
“They don’t need to know that, and you need to leave Oliver alone”  
“Not going to happen, Wise Head.” 
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