#we’re damaged
sapphicslut777 · 4 months
song of the day bc i remembered that this musical existed and then had a sobbing breakdown over an intense highschool relationship i had where we would literally just sing these beautiful ballads to each other and i truly miss feeling like i could do anything with this person…
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had a dream dan got cancelled so he and phil hard launched in his apology video for damage control
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
I hear your “I’m so excited for tlovm season 2! It’s going to be so fun!” and I raise you “The central theme of this season is bone-deep crushing guilt and grief”
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dandy-andyyy · 9 months
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the beautiful ones, they hurt you everytime 💔
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it-wasntaphase · 12 days
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royaltea000 · 6 months
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Someone on Twitter said to try drawing this meme with your two comfort characters and I hate it 😭
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comradekatara · 6 months
Postwar: any particularly amusing situation where Katara becomes even more indignant than usual
okay i know it’s cartoon physics and the cartoon violence is very funny and it’s an iconic scene from an iconic episode and "a girl has her ways" is one of the funniest lines katara ever says, but sometimes i do think about katara somehow running into those two boys she froze to a wall in gaoling for the crime of being kind of rude to aang. when they approach her, based on countless past experiences, she’s expecting them to ask her for either help with a problem or an autograph, but instead they’re like “you’re that crazy girl who froze us to a wall!!! you know we had to wait all day for the ice to thaw, only for us to fall flat on our faces from a considerable height, unable to move or to protect our faces from getting damaged because our limbs were completely frozen?? we got frostbite, pneumonia, concussions, and permanent brain damage from you!! we shattered our teeth and some of our fingers nearly fell off!! you activated chronic autoimmune conditions and shortened both our lifespans considerably!! what do you have to say for yourself after causing us unimaginable pain and ruining both our lives??” and katara just scoffs and goes “well! you deserved it for saying ‘nunya business’ to aang.” and they’re like “okay, but did we???? did we really????” and she’s like “uhhhh….. i was being a #girlboss???” and eventually she offers them free healing sessions and financial compensation but she really digs her heels in at first, claiming that she was just having a hot girl summer and that she shouldn’t be held accountable for her actions as a fourteen year old and that she can’t be a bad person because she’s ontologically Good!!!! and when they’re like “are you sure you’re not pure evil??” it triggers a crisis of identity that lasts a full month. but eventually she just forgets about it and goes back to being the Goodest person who ever lived.
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mcmeasle · 30 days
I need more moments in fics where people talk in front of Kevin about how hot Wymack is before they know he’s Kevin’s dad
I need Kevin taking the psychic damage and not being able to say anything to stop it because he’s keeping his secret
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tsnbrainrot · 2 years
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How Did They Ever Make a Movie of Facebook? (2011) Andrew Garfield & Jesse Eisenberg
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pixlokita · 2 months
No cuz like I live in upstate New York and 3 hours away from NYC, but I didn't feel shit lol. I didn't even know there was an earthquake until you started posting and getting asked about it lol
HAHAQHWGJSBS to be fair I found out like 12 minutes after i happened because I was on my break having some cereal and coffee :’v glad you didn’t feel it tho xD that would give some major anxiety the rest of the day 🙏
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shynerdwantscuddles · 7 months
Honestly, the way that so many queer events are labeled to make them seem like only binary-gendered cis people attracted to (only) one gender are welcome isolates so much of the queer community. There’s so few queer events in my area, and even less that I feel like I’d be welcome in. The lgbtqia+ community has a history of exclusion, whether you want to admit that or not, and a lot of the people who don’t fit perfectly into the “ideal label” are not going to know if they’re welcome unless you explicitly say so.
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ivymoonstudios · 7 months
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katniss everdeen
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wingsofescape · 8 months
I jokingly posted on Twitter that I could write an entire essay about how the Barry the Chopper episode fundamentally changes Ed’s relationship to intimacy and thus Winry… little did I know people would want the essay so guess who’s outlining now
Let me know if you want the essay on tumblr too I guess?
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lordenverwhoretash · 7 months
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God loves you, but not enough to save you
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404unfortunately · 3 months
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zeb-z · 7 months
Swapping between perspectives near the end was so fucking funny because Blue and Green are quiet, clear comms, strategizing, and then Red is just dying killing themselves screaming confessing their sins /lore becoming cannibals in just a 40 minute auditory overload
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