#we've been friends for half a year and were already saying i love you before we started dating haha
kennythetrampvamp · 5 months
Reblog for bigger sample size maybe? I really wanna know!
Watching tv, u grow up feeling like everybody starts dating in highschool at the latest and that that's what's supposed to happen, but it's really so different for everyone. I now know plenty of people in their 20s who have never dated anyone.
(Tbh I don't hang out with many people older than me so I haven't heard much from those demographics yet (I'm 22))
Also please tell me about your first date and/or first partner! If u want to :)
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yoongiseesawmp3 · 8 days
too sweet - san
summary: model!san x designer!reader. it's love at first sight when you see san. he's perfect...for your runway show! he's the top model right now, and everyone wants him. you want him a little more, but we'll unpack that later. can you get the it boy into your collection?
word count: 8.6k
warnings: afab reader
"how many more?" you whine, collapsing onto the table in front of you. your dramatics shuffle all of the model cards out of order after you spent the last hour organizing them. your system is ruined, so your mood goes too. the only thing to pull you back to reality is jen, your right hand man. she pulls you up, encouraging words on her lips, and gets to reordering the cards you just messed up.
"we only have a few more," she reminds you. "and the last few have been good! i think we'll have plenty of options for your show."
"yeah, the girls have been great," you agree. "but the guys are all meh. i thought i was being all forward thinking doing a coed collection but now i wish i hadn't."
"oh come on," jen nudges you. "these guys were hot!"
"they're pretty, but this guy tripped, this one didn't bring a portfolio, and this one has conflicts from now until the show," you list off. "i need at least two more, or i'll have to cut the men's pieces."
"we'll find one," jen ruffles your hair. "you want me to go bring in the next model?"
"nah, we've got a few more minutes on our break," you tell her. "i'm gonna go get a coffee, do you need anything?"
"a water is fine," she replies as you slip out the door. you try to avoid the waiting area so you won't run into any potential models. you make it to the coffee machine down the hall, and of course it's just your luck that there's a tall skinny man already there.
"y/n?" he smiles. "i didn't know this was your show!"
"seonghwa?" you smile back. "i swear, you get taller every time i see you."
"what can i say? i eat my wheaties," he jokes, pulling you in for a polite hug. "how long have you had this gig?"
"few months," you reply. "i've been shitting bricks the whole time."
"i'm sure," he nods. "but you're doing a great job. i've never seen this many top models in the same place for years. everyone wants to walk for you."
"well that's very flattering," you mumble. "but you'd think 'top models' would come more prepared. half of these bozos have not impressed me."
"she's talented and determined," seonghwa notes. "guess i gotta bring my a game."
"i guess you do," you tease him. "hey, you don't know anyone who could come audition before the end of the day, do you? i need more guys."
"i could make a few calls," he thinks. "what do you have in mind?"
"is it too vain to say someone sexy?" you laugh. "we're looking for someone intimidating, good walk, strong features. it's a dramatic piece so i want someone unique."
"i might know a guy," seonghwa nods.
"anyone i'd know?"
"i guess you'll know when you see him," he replies. "i gotta go, i think i'm next, so-"
"right, right, go make yourself pretty," you tell him. "it was so good to see you!"
"you too," he smiles at you genuinely. "proud of you."
"hey, no shmoozing before your audition."
seonghwa got a place in your show, obviously. now you only need one more guy. jen convinced you the tripper could work with some help, and there was another model from earlier in the day that you think deserves a call. you still need someone for your final piece, though, and you're running out of hope.
"so how do you know seonghwa again?" jen asks as you wait for the last model to show. "and how well do you know him? and how well would he like to know me?"
"we worked together a few years ago," you laugh. "he was one of the models in my first show."
"so you gave him his big break? he's indebted to you?" jen asks. "he has to make it up to you by, i don't know, going on a date with your best friend and best stylist?"
"we'll see," you frown. "you know i don't like messing with models."
"i hate that rule," jen mumbles as she sits back in her seat. "where's this last model? i wanna go home."
"seonghwa said he pulled a favor getting him here," you explain as you check your phone. "so he might be running behind. i can wait for him if you wanna go."
"no, if he's anything like seonghwa i want to be here to ogle him."
at that, there's a knock at the door, and you call out for them to come in. who steps through the door is maybe the most beautiful man you've ever seen. he's striking, strong, and smiling shyly like he's not used to having eyes on him despite his profession.
"hi, i hope i'm not too late?" he asks, standing by the door.
"no," you quickly reply. "not at all, come in. you're seonghwa's friend?"
"yep," he confirms, walking up to hand you the most professional looking portfolio you've seen all day. and this guy wasn't even expecting to walk! no way you're hiring those other losers now. "i'm san."
"san, hi," you smile at him, and jen stifles a laugh next to you. somebody's smitten, she thinks, but she won't say anything just yet. "i'm y/n, i'm the designer, and this is jen, my stylist."
"nice to meet you," jen presents her hand, and san tentatively shakes it. "firm handshake, i like it. you have soft hands."
"thanks?" he laughs nervously. "um, so do i just-"
"yes, yes," you motion for him to head to the back of the room. "whenever you're ready."
as if you weren't already convinced this was the guy for you (i mean, for your show) then his walk sold it. his presence is so commanding, his movements so precise, and you've never seen someone with such perfect posture. it makes you sit up straighter as he walks toward you, and you almost swoon when he winks at you before turning around. you squeeze jen's hand under the table, and when san finishes his walk you fight the urge to applaud.
"that was great!" jen comments once san is finished. "y/n, what did you think?"
"you're perfect," you breathe out, and jen nudging you brings you back to earth. "uh, for the collection."
"thanks," san smiles proudly. "hopefully i'll hear from you soon."
"hopefully you will," you smile back. "thanks for coming on such short notice."
"it was my pleasure," san says, waving as he ducks out into the hall. as soon as the door is shut, you turn to jen and say, "i love him."
"i know you do," she laughs. "so is he in the show?"
"in the show?" you scoff. "he is the show. he's exactly what i was imagining. i want ten more of him."
"i'm sure you'd like that," she says with a waggle of her eyebrows.
"stop," you roll your eyes. "i just said i don't mess with models."
"mhm," jen nods. "so who else are we casting? we have one spot for sure..."
san and seonghwa were cast immediately. well, maybe not immediately. you both looked through their portfolios, ooh'ing and aah'ing over their looks before deciding they had to be in the show. when you and jen decided on the next two male models quickly, you figured this would be an easy discussion. wrong! you have four female models you're willing to fight tooth and nail for, and jen has her own four that she's just as committed to. you've been deliberating for a while now, so you decide to take a break. you head to that same break room you met seonghwa in earlier, and you thought briefly about taking san's portfolio with you. for research purposes, obviously, but you decided against it.
as soon as you step into the hallway, you hear faint sounds of music. not unusual for this studio space, but still, you proceed with caution. you don't want to interrupt anybody, so you walk quietly until you find the the source of the sound. it's san! and he's...dancing?
"oh god, sorry," he bumbles as soon as he sees you. he rushes to his phone, propped against the window in front of him. "god. that's embarrassing."
"what were you doing?" you smile at him.
"embarrassing myself," he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. he wiggles his phone in the air and explains, "my agent wants me to post more, says it'll help me get booked, and he sent me a couple tiktok trends he wants me to do. so i was.."
"dancin' your heart out?" you tease, and he blushes.
"you could say that," he smiles shyly, again making it seem like he's not used to having attention on him. does he know he's a model?
"wait, how long have you been out here?" you ask, worried he might have heard you and jen (mostly you) gawking over his portfolio.
"just a few minutes," he shrugs. "part of why i was able to come walk for you is because of another audition i had on the other side of this building. so i was over there for a while, and came back here to humiliate myself in front of my favorite designer, it seems."
"your favorite, huh?" you ask. "good thing we've cast my show already, otherwise i'd think you're sucking up."
"damn, so i'm too late?" san laughs.
"who else is auditioning models here?" you change the subject.
"kim hongjoong?" san says it like a question, and you nod in recognition.
"he's good," you hum. "i hope you don't get it though."
"what?" san balks. "why?"
"because i want you in my show," you shrug. "and i don't wanna fight hongjoong for you, even though i know i'd win."
"you sure about that?" san asks. "he's been working out, i hear."
"oh i could so take him," you assure san. "i'm a biter." you notice a flicker in san's eyes, a hint of something, but you feel yourself blushing and cough so you have an excuse to cover your face. "excuse me. i should probably go, we've got a few more models to cast.."
"wait, so you just drop the bomb that i'm in your show and then you're gone?" san asks, following you down the hall. "how do i know you're serious?"
"because you have my word," you furrow your eyebrows. "but if you really need the confirmation, i'm sure my people will call your people soon." as if on cue, san's phone starts buzzing, still perched on the window. san looks to it, then you. you feel vindicated as you turn and walk on to the break room with a flick of your hair over your shoulder, leaving a stunned model and the smell of peaches in your wake.
all the models have been cast, and it's the morning of your first fitting. you slept in your studio last night because you had so much work to do. it was mostly tiny alterations to ensure the pieces fit their new models, but you also spent half the night cleaning. you don't let people into your studio usually, or if you do, it's people that know you well enough to know you and your work are a mess. but today, you're the boss. you need to look put together, and so does your studio.
you're standing by the door, taking everything in, and decide that this is as clean as you'll get it. there's still fabric, zippers, stray threads strewn all over your work tables, but you're a designer. that's normal. if the models have complaints they can deal. being next to the door, you hear something in the hall, but write it off as one of your artistic neighbors at work. you start to walk away, toward your coffee station in the back, when the doorknob to your studio jiggles. you hear a quiet "shit" and then a polite knock, so you walk over cautiously. one look through the peephole reveals who it is.
"san?" you ask, opening the door. "what are you doing here?"
"realizing i am," he checks his ridiculously expensive watch, "an hour early for my fitting. sorry." he adds a sheepish smile at the end and you fight the urge to coo. he looks like he just woke up, and that he definitely rushed here. his clothes are mussed, hair in a beanie to hide it not being done, eyes puffy with sleep. still, he looks perfect.
"was the email confusing?" you ask. "i was worried that-"
"no," he shakes his head. "no, i was just, um, i'm really excited," he explains shyly. "i almost couldn't sleep last night, so when i woke up this morning i thought i had overslept. i should've checked."
"no worries," you say as you blush. he was excited? for a fitting? man must love his job. "here, come in. i just finished cleaning, so you get first dibs on space. there's a couch in the back if you want to nap before we get started."
"how long have you been here?" san asks, looking around at the studio. he sees a lot of chaos, but it's beautiful chaos. colors that compliment each other perfectly, strange techniques that have made something stunning. he can't believe he'll be part of this show.
"uh, since last night," you admit, finally reaching your coffee machine. "i had a lot to do."
"you slept here?" san frowns, tossing his stuff onto a table before joining you. he leans against the wall as he watches you.
"yeah," you shrug. "i hate waking up early, so it saved me from getting here grumpy if anything."
"but did you rest?" he asks, looking out at the studio. "this is a big space for one person to clean."
"jen helped," you tell him. "she was here last night to bring over the shoes for each outfit."
"which one is mine?" san asks with an eager smile.
"wouldn't you like to know?" you stick your tongue out at him for good measure. "yours isn't out here. it's so big i had to keep it in my office, i couldn't move it out here by myself."
"it's big?" he looks a little scared.
"that may not be the right word," you think. "it's heavy, so that's why i needed someone strong to wear it."
"you think i'm strong?" san smirks, and you blush. "how'd you know?"
your mind thinks to his portfolio still sitting on your desk, full to the brim of him in scantily clad photoshoots. you've seen pictures of his chest, his abs, his arms. muscles that had to take hours in the gym to sculpt. you wonder shyly if his portfolio is still on your desk, open to a picture of him in a pink outfit with a hint of his chest on display. you'll have to cover it quickly if it is.
"i asked seonghwa how you two met, and he said you go to the same snooty model gym," you explain, which is the truth. seonghwa had been in a couple shows with san before they became friends, but it took the two of them working out together to actually become buddies. they've been looking out for each other ever since, seonghwa told you. san seems to think your explanation was enough, so he hums and nods before turning his attention back to your collection.
"so how did you and seonghwa meet?" he asks casually. you tell him about your first show, as an independent designer no less, and how seonghwa found you stress crying backstage. as you always do when describing seonghwa, you stress how your relationship was friendly, but nothing more. you never want anyone to think you're fooling around with one of your models. but san finds himself thinking, hm, that means seonghwa isn't his competition.
"do you want anything to drink?" your voice pulling san from his thoughts. he looks at you, cupping a warm mug of coffee, and smiles.
"no, thank you," he says. "i try not to have anything before a fitting, i never want to mess up the sizing and put more work on the designer."
"san that doesn't sound healthy," you frown. "and what kind of designer is sticking you in clothes so skin tight you can't have a glass of water? i need names."
"it's a lot of them, i'm afraid," he laughs. "most people cast me expecting to show off my abs, or something else, so i don't have much space to mess up during show season."
"yeah, you are always showing some kind of skin," you think about it.
"you been studying me?" san teases, and you blush.
"i'm a designer, it's my job," you mumble. "i reviewed everyone's portfolio thoroughly."
"what was seonghwa's last shoot then?" san quizzes you. you make a guess, but you get it wrong. "and what was mine?"
"vogue, right?" you answer immediately, and san responds with a shit eating grin.
"i'm so telling hwa i'm your favorite model now," he says, resting against the wall again as he folds his arms over his chest. his very muscled arms, and his broad-
"knock knock!" jen shouts from the door. she steps inside and asks, "you know you didn't lock this- oh hey san."
"good morning," he nods to her. "nice to see you again."
"nice to see you too, so bright and early," jen says as she looks at you. "how long have we been here?"
"me since last night, san since a few minutes ago. he didn't read the email."
"i read the email!" he whines. "i was just excited!"
"that's sweet," jen coos as she dumps bags onto one of your worktables. "i hope i'm not interrupting anything?"
"jen, do you have a favorite model?" san asks, and she thinks for a moment.
"no, i don't," she shakes her head. "there's too many good ones, so it depends on the day. why do you ask?"
"i just found out i'm y/n's favorite," san explains with a smile.
"you just found out?" jen laughs, and you groan. san looks like he's gonna say something else but you speak before he can.
"hey, since y'all are both here, come help me move this table," you command. "we need space for the models to walk." they do as you say, but share a knowing look while you're distracted. it's a bad thing to have your best friend and your crush in cahoots, but you'll figure that out later.
since san was here early, you got to work on his fitting first. jen finished setting up the workroom while you and san went to your office. jen made a show of putting headphones in to listen to music, and you wanted to pinch her so hard. she's making it obvious that you have a thing for san, and you're hoping beyond hope he doesn't notice.
"oh my god," he whispers when you open the door to your office, revealing the piece you've dedicated the past few months to. "that's incredible."
"you like it?" you turn to him, unsure. "it's a lot, i know."
"i love it," he smiles from ear to ear. "i've never worn something like this before."
"i hope no one has," you laugh nervously. "i tried a technique to emulate fur, so i'm hoping this is a super cool fashion innovation that'll take the industry by storm."
"how'd you do it?" san asks, looking at the piece in awe. "and how long did it take?"
"so, i shredded pounds and pounds of natural fabric until it looked so fine it could be a better alternative to faux fur," you explain. "and it took me about...four months?" san whistles lowly, his hands twitching at his sides. "you can touch it if you want."
"i want to put it on," he turns to you excitedly. "how do you want me to wear it?"
"don't hate me," you beg. "since this is such a big piece, and i want it to draw attention, i don't have a shirt for you."
"that's ok," san nods. "adds to the natural element."
"exactly," you smile, blushing anyway. "and there's just white pants underneath, for contrast. they should be super comfy, to make up for the workout you'll get walking around in the jacket."
"i can't wait," san says happily. he turns to you fully, looking between the outfit and you. "do you want me to strip, or...?"
"oh god, let me turn around," you say. "the pants are on the desk. let me know when you have them on."
"you're very polite," san chuckles. "most designers try to manage every single thing, including how models get dressed."
"it's pants," you scoff. "if you can't put pants on how did you get out the house?"
"i'm ready," he says, and you turn back to find him in the pants, yes, but still with his shirt on.
"um, do you mind?" you ask, tugging at the neckline of your own shirt hoping he gets the hint. it distracts him just enough that you have to call his name, and he looks at you with a hum. "can you, uh, take your shirt off?" he responds with actions, pulling his shirt off in one swift motion. you squeak out, "great!" and then shuffle toward the mannequin. "i might need help lifting this."
"no worries," he hurries to your aid, his hands brushing yours as you push the jacket off the form. "wow, this is no joke."
"if it's too heavy i can-"
"i can handle it," san says firmly. "help me into it?"
you hold up one side while san slips his arm in, and then help him into the rest. you take a step closer, trying to fasten the clasp on the front, but it won't meet. you struggle for a minute, hands ghosting so softly over san's chest. he doesn't realize he's holding his breath until your voice pulls him from his focus.
"what?" he looks down at you. "why are you frowning? it looks great."
"it doesn't fit over your chest," you pout. "i thought i had your measurements right-"
"oh, sorry, i've been working out," san admits. "and i think i gave you an old portfolio since i was in a rush, so my information may not be up to date..."
"shit," you mumble, and san tries to fix the situation. he starts tugging at the jacket, but you gasp and grab his hands, stilling them instantly. you look at him sternly as you instruct, "i'll make it fit, you just have to wear it. please don't do my job for me."
"sorry," san whispers. you're so close he could just lean down and kiss that pout from your lips, but that wouldn't be professional of him. but boy does he want to.
"before you take it off, let me find your shoes," you look around. "i want to see the whole look together...maybe jen knows where they are."
you open your office door and peek your head out, gasping at what you find. jen is pushed up against one of your work tables, and seonghwa is standing before her holding her waist like she could slip away at any moment. they're making out like they've done this before, and you clear your throat to get their attention.
"hi," seonghwa mewls. "this isn't what it looks like."
"looks like two of my employees are goofing off when they should be doing their jobs," you mumble, wandering around the studio. "jen, where are san's shoes?"
"um, by the door?" she guesses. "i didn't see his outfit in here, so i didn't know where to put them."
"it's in my office," you respond. "that's why i took him in there."
"i didn't know," she shrugs. you find the shoes and then glare at them, but neither one takes you seriously.
"seonghwa, your outfit is labeled with your name. it's an easy piece, simple closures, so you shouldn't need any help getting it on," you explain. "jen, come here. we have a problem."
"holy shit, you look awesome," jen says as soon as she sees san. she looks at you and asks, "what's wrong with it?"
"his chest is too broad," you frown again, staring at san's chest. "i can't get the jacket to close."
"he can't hold it when he walks?" jen suggests, and san tries it out. you start shaking your head before he finishes, and he actually whines when he sees your reaction.
"no, it's gonna fall off your shoulders if you do that," you say. "i want it to stay in place, and i need the clasp to work for that to happen."
"so what are you gonna do?" jen asks.
"not sleep until i fix it?" you reply. you look at her in defeat and add, "i don't know what else i can do."
"can i help?" san offers, but you shake your head again as jen says, "yes, you can." you try to protest, but she cuts you off.
"he can cut the initial shreds!" she offers. "then you do your magic putting them into the jacket. it takes out a step for you so hopefully it'll be quicker."
"what she said," san butts in. "let me help, please."
"i can't pay you for your extra time," you say softly. "i don't want to impose-"
"don't care," san shakes his head. "i've got nothing else going on."
"perfect!" jen claps her hands together. "you two figure that out, i'm gonna check on hwa..."
the rest of the fitting goes well. it's perfect, actually. you have the best models you've ever worked with, every piece fits, and the collection looks beautiful all together. you tear up watching them all walk before you, and the piece san is wearing literally makes a hush fall over the room. he still walks toward you with a wink, but this time it doesn't affect you as much. you're too focused on how much time it'll take to add a couple more inches to the coat. when san finishes, everyone looks to you expectantly, and it takes jen calling your name for your mind to catch up with your mouth.
"i don't know what to say," you admit. "you all did an amazing job, and this was just a fitting! imagine what this show will look like on a real stage. um, a couple things to note..."
once you finish your boss spiel, the models all start changing and leave one by one. you make sure to thank them all before they leave, and in a few minutes it's just you, jen, and san left.
"seonghwa didn't wanna stick around?" you ask jen.
"you scared him," she replies. "he left so fast i'm surprised he didn't leave a trail of smoke."
"i'll talk to him," you brush it off. "keep your paws off him in my studio though."
"no promises," jen sighs, gathering her things. "i need to go get another pair of heels for our tall girl, so do you need anything else from me before i go?"
"a hug?" you think. "i couldn't have done this without you."
"she loves me!" jen says to san, and he smiles encouragingly.
"you two are amazing," san says. "i don't know how just two people put together such a stunning show."
"lots of work," you say.
"i cried a few times," jen adds.
"we both did," you conclude. "but it was fun, so it was worth it. right?"
"fun, sure!" jen agrees.
"get out of here," you push her playfully. "please rest. no boys."
"you too," jen wags her finger at you. then to san, "don't let her work too hard!"
"i'll try my best," he salutes her, and jen leaves with a laugh. he turns to you and asks, "what can i help with?"
"i need to buy more fabric," you think. "so if you want to grab food while i-"
"no, we'll both grab food, and then fabric," san decides. "or fabric then food. either way, i'm buying your lunch."
"nope," he pulls you into his side and walks toward the door. "can't work hard on an empty stomach!"
you find yourself enjoying san's company more than you were expecting. he's easy to talk to, easy to laugh with, and he's so kind. he insisted on buying your lunch, even though that was going to be your payment to him for helping. he even tried to buy the extra fabric, claiming it's his fault you had to buy more anyway. you get back to your studio, smiles on both your faces, and get to work.
"so we need these in strips about an inch wide," you explain as you lay a few yards of fabric out on a work table. "tear them into strips, then we'll cut them in half, and then i can start shredding and adding them to the coat. sound good?"
"got it, captain," san nods. "how many do you need?"
"i don't know yet," you make a face. "you're a big guy."
"i'm just so strong," san rolls his eyes, flexing a little bit as he does.
"stop that," you laugh. "get to work. you want music on?"
"yeah, whatever you wanna listen to," san says as he straightens the fabric. you watch as he measures carefully, taking the fabric cutter over the material slowly. he holds up his first strip, looking to you for approval. "is this good?"
"perfect," you tell him. "now make like a thousand more."
"what are you gonna do while i work, hm?" san asks. "i've got a lot to do and you're just gonna watch me?"
"gotta make sure you're doing it right," you reply. "but i need to pack up some of these other pieces, they're getting shipped to the venue in the morning. my least favorite part of the job."
"how many shows have you done now?" san asks, and you fall into comfortable conversation with him while you work. you get most of the collection packed up before you know it, so you walk over to his table to check on his progress.
"not bad for a model," you say as you inspect the pieces. "you could make a mean designer's assistant."
"you in the market for one?" san asks, and you notice how close you are. he's a little taller than you, so all you'd have to do is stand on your toes and- "what are you thinking about?"
"what?" you whisper, taking a step back. san's hand catches your waist, holding you in place.
"what were you thinking about, just now?" he asks again. "you were staring."
"you're a model, i'd expect you'd be used to everyone staring at you," you whisper back.
"you're not everyone," he says softly. his eyes flit down to your lips, and before you can think you lean in and kiss him. it's quick, barely a touch, but you kissed him, and his hand on your waist tightens. when you look up at him, he's blushing. "what was that for?"
"um, for helping me with your outfit?" you reply.
"anything else you need my help with?" san smirks.
"san, i'm sorry, i shouldn't have done that," you whisper.
"yeah, you pulled back too quickly," he pouts.
"no," you laugh shyly. "no, um, i have a rule that i don't mess around with my models."
"got it," san sighs. "bummer, but i understand."
"i should start shredding these," you say, grabbing a pile of fabric. san's still holding onto you though, so you look at him expectantly. "you gonna let me go?"
"you don't mess with models, ever?" san asks. "or is it just models that are working for you?"
"um, the second one," you think. "but san-"
"then we'll talk about this again when the show is over," san says with finality. "i don't mind waiting."
"as long as you can keep things professional," you tell him.
"says the one who kissed me," san teases.
"whatever," you roll your eyes. "i'm gonna go work on the jacket."
"um, do you think these are enough strips for now?" san asks sheepishly. "i actually have to leave for an audition..."
"my god," you look at the time. "please, go. i'm sorry i kept you for so long."
"i'll come back when i'm done," san says like it's nothing. "i don't really want this show anyway, but my agent booked it, so i have to go."
"that's good to hear," you mumble. "because i don't like sharing."
"make sure you take a break while i'm gone," san points at you accusingly.
"go to your audition," you say as you walk to your office. "i'll be here when you get back."
san thinks about you the whole time he's gone. he breezes through the audition and gets an offer before he leaves, but after being in your show this designer seems scattered, unprofessional, and just not as good as you. his collection is fine, but it's nothing impressive. san can't wait to get back to your studio and see the progress on your coat, but when he knocks at the door there's no response. he waits, tries again, and still nothing. he tries the door and it opens easily, so san wanders in calling out your name. he doesn't see you in the work room, but there's a light on in your office.
"y/n?" he calls, stopping at the door when he sees you slumped over your desk, snoring softly. he looks at the mannequin next to you and lets out a gasp. it's more dramatic now with more fabric, and san thinks briefly it'll be even heavier to wear. he doesn't care though. right now, he's more concerned about getting you to someplace you can rest.
"you're back," you mumble, sitting up as you rub your eyes. "i fell asleep."
"i see that," san chuckles. he walks over to you and holds his arms out. "come on, we gotta get you home."
"what are you doing?" you ask, letting out a shriek when san picks you up. you hit his back weakly, but he carries you out of your office, through your studio, turning lights off as he goes.
"where's your bag?" san asks. you point and he carries you still, handing your things to you before doing a sweep of the studio. "ready to go?"
"where are we going?" you mumble into his shoulder. "i was sleeping just fine-"
"i'm taking you home," san says. "you need to sleep in a bed. not hunched over your desk."
"why are you being so nice to me?" you whisper as you nuzzle into him further. he doesn't reply, but you wouldn't hear it anyway. you drift off in his arms, only waking up when san slides you into the passenger seat of his car.
"you know how to get home from here, sleepyhead?" san asks as he ruffles your hair. you type your address into your phone, handing it to him before he closes the door carefully to rush to the driver's side. he laughs nervously when he sits down and finds you staring, so he asks, "what? too much?"
"i really want to kiss you again," you admit.
"but you can't," san coos. "remember your silly rules?"
"hmph, i was gonna say screw my rules, but then you made fun of me, so-"
"no, no i take it back!" san cries, but you turn and lay your head against the window. you smile to yourself as san begs you to turn back around, giggling as he tugs on your arm. you pretend to snore and san gives up, but his hand has moved from tugging your arm to just holding your hand. you stay like that the whole way home.
the runway show is tomorrow. you still aren't done with san's jacket. and you still aren't sure what to do since you kissed him. jen has ideas, though.
"climb him like a tree," she tells you for the nth time as she helps you unpack outfits at the venue. "he sooo wants you. and you sooo want him."
"doesn't matter who wants who," you mumble as you try to hold at least three pins by your teeth. you're securing a new zipper to your favorite dress. it wouldn't be a runway show without things falling apart last minute, and you could have punched a wall when you unpacked this dress to find the zipper literally holding on by a thread.
"the show is tomorrow, y/n," jen says sternly. "you can't hide behind your silly 'no models' rule for much longer."
"i won't," you assure her. she looks at you surprised, but she can't ask any follow ups because there are voices coming from the entrance.
"hello?" seonghwa calls out. you yell back that you're backstage, and when he appears he immediately finds jen to pull her into a hug.
"what are you doing here?" you ask him. "you don't have a fitting today."
"i brought him for moral support," san says from behind you. he's so close, and you didn't hear him come up, so it makes you jump. his hands fly to your waist, trying to soothe you, but the touch makes you jump too. "why are you so skittish?"
"i'm stressed," you respond, stepping away so you can find his coat. you look over your shoulder as you tell him, "the jacket still isn't done."
"what?" he whines. "do i need to tear more fabric?"
"no," you laugh. "just come here." he joins you further among the mess that is your collection, following closely behind you through the maze of clothing racks. you stop by his mannequin, turning to find him still incredibly close to you. "it just needs a clasp. as long as you didn't get broader over night."
"no promises," he smirks before pulling his shirt off. "can you help me get it on?"
"you've never needed my help before," you frown as you try avoid staring at his chest.
"yeah well, it's like ten pounds heavier now," san says. "and i'm just so weak..."
"bullshit," you laugh, helping him lift the coat anyway. you hold one side for him while he slips his arm in, then help him hold onto the other. "ok, stay here." you scurry off to get your sewing kit, and san finds jen's gaze through the clothes. she gives him a thumbs up and an exaggerated wink, and he stifles a laugh as you come back. you're holding more pins between your teeth, and san cries out. "what?"
"that can't be safe," he says as he reaches for one, but ends up pricking himself. "ouch."
"no touching," you mumble. "and hold the jacket like this." you guide his hands to hold the coat in place, and san watches intently as you work. you have to hand sew extra buttons on to support the new weight, so it takes a while. san tries to talk to you, but he's so worried about the pins in your mouth he can't focus.
"let me hold these," he grumbles, carefully pulling a pin from your lips. he takes the rest and cups them in his hand, accidentally pricking himself again. "ouch."
"that's what you get," you laugh. "you didn't have to hold them for me, i'm an expert at this by now."
"yeah, but if you had pins in your mouth, i couldn't do this," san says as he uses his free hand to cup your chin. he looks down at you with a smile before he kisses you. he kisses you and holds you against him, his lips so soft on yours. you sigh into the kiss, lost in the feeling of having him so close to you. you can feel his heart beating in his chest, and your hand that had been gripping the coat falls to his warm skin. you push him away, a little gasp on your lips when it hits you what's happened.
"what happened to being ok with waiting?" you ask him, and his head falls to your neck, leaving one kiss against your skin before he pulls back.
"i forgot," he whispers.
"well remember at least until i finish these buttons," you tell him.
"and then what?"
"then you gotta show me your walk," you say. the way you look up at him makes san want to kiss you again, but he does his best to refrain. you hold your hand out for the pins, and you put them back in your sewing kit as you say, "in a few minutes, your coat will finally be done."
"can't wait," san hums, his hands back to holding the jacket in place. "but i admit i'll miss having a reason for you to be so close to me."
"i'm sure you'll find more," you mumble, focusing on the last button. when it's sturdy enough to hold weight, you try securing the jacket together just enough for it to stay on san's shoulders. "hands off," you instruct, and san moves his hands from the coat to your shoulders. "hands to yourself."
"aw," he pouts. you start to walk away and he follows, but you tell him to stay put.
"stay there, then walk toward me," you direct him. "i wanna see how it moves now."
"you want me to go full model mode?" san asks. "can you handle it?"
"just show me," you groan, and the cocky grin on san's face should've warned you. it's like he changes into another person, his demeanor completely different. you realize now that the san you know is not model san, because the man before you is...intimidating? you almost back up as he walks toward you, his gait powerful and his stare petrifying. everything is so dramatic and the movement matches the coat perfectly. he still winks at you as he comes closer and turns, moving the coat so each layer of fabric, each shred explodes into an arc before you. san finishes his walk, turning over his shoulder with a shy smile on his face. he's back to the san you know as he asks, "how was that?"
"you're perfect," you stammer out, mimicking your words from the first time san walked for you. "for the collection. for this piece. everything. this is exactly what i imagined."
"good," his smile widens. "and the weight isn't too bad. it's distributed better now."
"good," you cough, trying to calm yourself down. watching that made everything real to you. this show is happening tomorrow. your nerves are hitting you now, and san can tell.
"are you ok?" he asks, rushing to your aide. he looks like he's going to pull you into a hug when you hear jen calling for you somewhere, and you disappear before san gets a chance.
the hours leading up to the show are a blur. in the hours leading up to the show, you are a blur. you don't stay still for more than a few minutes at a time. there's just so much for you to do, so many people to talk to, and so many people that need your help. a stylist asking your opinion. a model with loose threads down her back. a man with pleading eyes that you know is watching you from afar, ready to jump in if you collapse from nerves, or exhaustion, or both. you find jen at the accessories table, helping a model find bangles that won't fall off her arm as she walks. you grab onto jen, leaning in closely to rest your head against hers.
"i'm so tired," you whine. "and scared. and sweaty."
"ew, then get off me," jen pushes you away playfully. she finishes up with the model and sends her away before asking, "are you ok though? really?"
"why did i think dressing san without a shirt would be a good idea?" you whisper to her, watching him as he laughs with seonghwa about something. it's like he can feel your eyes on him, because he looks toward you and winks.
"because it is a good idea," jen says. "and he's not gonna be shirtless for long. you need to go help him into the coat, the show's about to start."
"shit," you curse, checking the time. "i have so much to do-"
"wait!" jen shouts, holding you in place. "something's missing."
"my will to go on?"
"no, you need lipstick," jen decides. she digs into the bag at her hip and finds the perfect pink shade for you. it matches your dress (that you designed) and it matches the warm pinks that you sprinkled into the collection. "there. you're ready."
"no i'm not," you mumble. "i didn't get to practice my welcome speech."
"go practice it with san!" jen pushes you in his direction. "five minutes!"
your palms get sweaty the closer you get to san. you're not sure if it's him, or the running countdown in your head reminding you that your show is about to happen. when you finally make it to san, he's alone, and he's smiling at you nervously.
"time for the coat?" he asks. you nod, and he follows you to the mannequin in the back. "how do you feel?"
"like i'm gonna pass out."
"i'll catch you," san jokes.
"arms up please," you squeak out. he helps you lift the coat silently, sliding into it like it's the most comfortable thing in the world. "and just let me secure it..."
"y/n," san whispers. "look at me." you don't listen, fussing over the buttons instead. you're smoothing out the warm pink fabric as san's hands cover yours, stilling them over his chest. "breathe for a second."
"i'm freaking out," you admit, looking up at him. "i have to go out there, and do a speech, and then watch my clothes, my life for the past year, all be judged by these strangers, and-"
"and you've done it before, and you survived," san smiles softly. "you're pretty great at this, in case you didn't know."
"nope," he shakes his head. "it'll be great."
"it will," you say unsurely.
"say it like you mean it."
"the show will be great," you declare, and san squeezes your hands before he lets them go.
"and then after the show..." san trails off, and you feel your heart start to race. "i don't know, maybe i could take you out to celebrate?"
"san, i can't think about that right now," you shake your head. "i can't-"
the stage manager starts calling out models for the line up, and san looks away sadly. he nods like he's got his answer and starts to walk away, but you pull him back. you don't say anything, just cup his chin and leave a delicate kiss on his cheek.
"we'll talk after the show," you whisper. the stage manager calls for him again, and he looks at you one more time before he leaves. you let out a nervous breath, checking your reflection in the vanity next to you. it's now or never. you walk up to the side of the stage, and your heart drops to your ass. something is wrong.
"what's going on?" you hiss, walking up to find make up artists swarming san. "this can't be happening."
"you did this," one of the artists whisper shouts back, pointing to san's cheek. fuck. the lipstick. your lipstick left a bright pink mark on his skin. "we don't have time to fix it!"
"then don't," san shrugs. "i like it."
"y/n?" the stage manager looks at you. "we have one minute. are we fixing this?"
"uh, n-no," you stammer, and the crowd disperses, leaving you and san again. "here, i can wipe it-"
"don't," san swats your hands away. "now i'll have a piece of you with me while i walk."
"you're wearing my clothes, you already had a piece of me with you," you tell him.
"yeah, but this one's just for me," he smiles. "plus the lipstick matches my jacket."
"y/n, you're on!" jen grabs you, a gleeful look on her face. "oh, your lipstick is smudged."
"i don't know how you planned that, but i hate you for it," you say as you try to hide your smile.
"i just thought it would be a cute touch for photos later," she smiles as she fixes the smudge and reapplies more. "i didn't know you'd go around kissing him, marking your territory."
"that's not what i did," you blush.
"we don't have time to argue about this," she pushes you toward the stage entrance. "go be great!"
you're able to introduce the collection without tripping or fumbling over your words, so you'll call that a win. even bigger win: the collection is a hit. each piece got the reaction you wanted, but the show stopper was definitely san. the crowd hushed when he walked out, and they went wild when he got to the end of the runway with his flourish move he showed you the other night. as you watch the show backstage, you blush when you see the lipstick mark shining under the bright lights.
it ends up being a hit, almost as much as the coat itself. fashion bloggers lauded it as a perfect touch, basically sealing the collection with a kiss. they also speculated about your relationship with san, which certainly wasn't helped by the fact that he held your hand tightly in his as the collection walked the runway all together. san lifted your hand in triumph as you made it to the end of the stage, and he lets go, stepping back so you can have your moment. you soak it in as long as you can take, then scurry back to his side and grab his hand as you run backstage. he lifts you into a hug as soon as the curtain closes behind you, surrounded by cheers and models talking about how great the show was.
"put me down!" you squeal, swatting at san's chest so he'll let you go. "i need to talk to everybody."
"you can do it from up there," san says. you don't think you'll win this one, and he's right. it might be easier to address your models and your team from a few inches higher up.
"first of all, thank you," you say sincerely. "i wouldn't have a show without you all, and i had the best show because of you all. so thank you. if i could make you all vow to only ever work with me forever until the end of time, i would, but that's not ethical. so instead i'll say: you all have a spot in any show i do for the rest of my career. thank you. thankyouthankyouthankyou."
the crowd thins out as models get undressed, artists pack up their things, and the stage crew follows everyone around to remind them to clean up after themselves. miraculously, you and san are alone again.
"so," he hums. "i walked good?"
"you didn't trip," you nod.
"everyone loved it," san smiles.
"they loved you," you say, busying yourself with straightening the coat again.
"all i care about is what you thought."
"i've told you already," you start. "you're perfect."
"you say that, but earlier i think you were about to turn me down," san laughs nervously.
"what?" you're confused. "oh, i didn't finish. i was gonna say i can't go out with you tonight, but i'm free tomorrow."
"tomorrow? you'd make me wait so long?" san smirks.
"i have a business dinner to go to tonight," you explain. "so unless you wanna be my arm candy for the people who sponsored the show, then yes, you have to wait so long."
"i'm good at being arm candy," san says. "it's basically my job."
"fine," you shrug. "then put a shirt on and come with me?"
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vivalas-vega · 17 days
unexpected / bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x reader
howdy y'all - we've got another rooster fic. i feel i've neglected this man too much on my blog and wanna start writing for him more so here we are with a fleet week fic inspired by my own journey onto a navy ship yesterday!!! (the similarities between my fic and the real deal start and end with waiting in line. my guide was cute but let's just say he was no bradley bradshaw). it was very cool and educational and if your city does fleet week i highly recommend checking it out! this fic will have maybe three parts total. anyways hope you enjoy :)
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unexpected / bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x reader
follow my taglist blog and turn on notifications to be updated @vegaslibrary
word count: 3.2k
warnings: slight language, naval inaccuracies!! (even tho I just did my own fleet week tour I still don't know shit, I'm just a girl)
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The ocean breeze filtered through your hair as you stood off to the side, eyes fixated on the impressive carriers in front of you. The sun felt hot on your skin and excitement was buzzing through your veins as you listened to your best friend in your ear… well, half-listened.
“We’re brunching! Come on, meet us at Malibu Farm,” Maggie said and you sighed.
“I told you it’s Fleet Week, I’m already down here,” you replied and you could feel her eyes roll on the other side of the phone.
“I would be supportive if you were trying to bag one of those Navy hotties but come on… bottomless mimosas and all the dirt on Stephanie’s breakup are better than some boats,” she said.
“I will see you for drinks tonight,” was all you replied before hanging up. You’d tried (very unsuccessfully) to convince some of your friends to come with you, telling them about how cool these carriers were and how you only got the chance to see them up close and personal once a year but they had zero interest… you were the only one in your circle who found this sort of thing interesting, and you would have been bummed except for the fact that you were more than okay doing things by yourself.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to go to a concert or a museum solo, you actually enjoyed it… you loved hanging out with your friends but it was nice to not be tied to what the majority of the group wanted to do (or didn’t want to do), and as you waited in line you were actually a little glad none of them had taken you up on your offer. If Maggie were here she’d be ogling the cute officer who appeared to be getting ready to take your group on board, and she’d spend the whole tour trying to flirt with him instead of listening to what he had to say. 
You were content to wait in line as long as it took, taking in the beautiful ships to your left before switching to people watching, you knew this week drew all kinds of visitors and you found it entertaining to see such an eclectic mix of people all in one space… there were the obvious ex-Navy types, returning to their roots and reliving the glory days, there were couples who looked a little out of their element but excited for something new to do as a date, and families with kids… you even spotted an entire elementary class on a field trip. Spare your friend group, most people were more than interested in the opportunity to spend a day aboard multi-million dollar vessels and you were one of them.
Across the way Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw was chatting with his teammates about how much they wanted today to be over… it wasn’t that he hated Fleet Week, because he did enjoy it for about the first hour, but after that it became tiresome to give the same spiel over and over and over. They’d all tried to get out of it, Natasha had even gone so far as trying to manifest a deployment, but according to the higher ups there was no excuse for the Navy’s best and brightest to not make an appearance at an event happening so close to their home base. 
But then he saw you and he couldn’t help but smile as he watched you seem so enamored by everything around you… you didn’t hold an ounce of annoyance over the fact you’d been standing in that same spot going on half an hour now, something he’d seen from other visitors a dozen times already, and when a gust of wind kicked up your hair and sent it fluttering around your face you gave a half hearted attempt to tame it, but really you were just enjoying the breeze and the sun on your skin and he knew he had to know your name. He watched Jake getting ready to take your group aboard and he had to know if you’d abandon the formal tour in favor of letting him take you up instead.
You were eavesdropping on a conversation between a sailor and a kid just ahead of you, a soft smile on your lips as you listened to just how excited both parties were to be talking about the ship in front of you and you were so focused on them that you didn’t notice a person approaching you, not until his shadow cast across your face and when you turned you saw a man who nearly knocked the wind out of you… he was tall and solid, arms straining against the short sleeves of his khaki uniform and you thought that no one should look good in that color yet here he was proving you wrong. His golden brown waves glistened in the direct sunlight and he had a slight smirk beneath a mustache that you really wanted to hate, but you really didn’t… he was handsome, potentially one of the most handsome men you’d ever seen, and here he was standing directly in front of you and you looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something.
“Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw, ma’am,” he introduced, extending his hand for you to shake which you did as you gave him your name and a smile. “What brings you out today?”
“A bizarre fascination with ships the size of planets,” you replied and he laughed. It was warm and a little rough around the edges, much like you’d appraised him to be in your short interaction, and you wanted to hear it again.
“Well, my day wrapped up not too long ago and I couldn’t help but notice you waiting for a tour…” he started, leaning in slightly with a mischievous look on his face as if he was about to tell you a secret, “and between you and me, your tour guide is a dud.” he finished and you looked towards the man, tall, blonde and oozing charisma and you had a feeling Bradley was lying to you as you watched him charm the entirety of your group with one sentence… but you weren’t feeling too keen on calling him out on his fib.
“Oh no, is that so?” you replied, disappointment lacing your tone.
“Mmhm,” he hummed. “I think you oughta let me take you up, make sure you get the tour you deserve,” he propositioned and you nodded, a smirk tugging at your lips.
“I think that might be for the best… for the sake of a thorough Navy education and all,” you said and he nodded, gesturing towards the ramp and he held out his hand for you to take as you pulled yourself onto the steep landing. His hand was warm in yours and all-encompassing as he held it and made sure you made it safely before letting it fall back to your side and you were almost a little disappointed when he did.
He led you into the cargo hold, a massive room filled with so many things your eyes had a hard time adjusting at first. You trailed alongside him as he explained everything to you, sparing no detail as he went and you were particularly fascinated by the boat that was rigged to be deployed at a moments notice, positioned right in front of a hatch door, and he told you it was primarily there for search and rescue missions as he rattled off information about how long it takes to get it down into the water and pointed out the crane used to move it around as needed.
You listened with rapt attention as you continued through, you added a quip or a question here and there but mostly you were hanging onto his every word as he pointed out things like their freezer and the gym, and you realized you might have been content to listen to this man read you his grocery list and you had to make a conscious effort to focus on the words themselves and not just the voice that was speaking them. As you made your way up a steep and narrow stairwell, so much so you might have described it closer to a ladder than stairs, he stayed right behind you where he could catch you if you fell and you tried to ignore the fact that his diligence almost made you want to fall.
“There’s a lot up here,” he said as he led you down a hallway lined with doors, “but it’s mostly just bunks and offices. We’re not technically supposed to show you this, but… I won’t tell if you won’t,” he added as he pushed one of the doors open and you pretended to lock your lips and throw away the key as you peeked inside, taking in the modest living quarters with multiple twin beds.
“So, this is where you sleep when you’re deployed?” you asked and he nodded, brow furrowing when you looked at him, clearly skeptical about something as your eyes trailed him top to bottom before returning to the beds in front of you, “how do you even fit?” you followed up and immediately you flushed, not meaning to ask that at all but it was the first thing that popped into your head and it flew out of your mouth before you could stop it.
“Not comfortably, sweetheart,” he replied with a laugh and you smiled softly at the term of endearment as he shut the door and nodded for you to follow. He talked about the photos lining the walls, telling you who was who or what was what in the ones he recognized before you went up another stairwell and before you could walk through the door frame in front of you he placed his hands on your shoulders, stopping you in your tracks.
You turned your head to look at him, an unasked question on your face, and he gave you that addictive smirk of his, “now this is the really fun part that very few people get to see,” he prefaced and you felt anticipation brimming as he kept his hands on you and guided you forward.
“Just breaking all the rules today aren’t you, Lieutenant Bradshaw?” you replied and he wanted to tell you that you could just call him Bradley but one look at the mischief in your eyes told him you knew that… you just liked calling him Lieutenant and he liked hearing it too much to stop you. When you turned your attention forward you were faced with two beautiful jets right in front of you and you faltered for a moment, stunned by the sheer impressiveness of the aircrafts.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, careful of your step as you approached one of them and Bradley tried to commit that look of awe on your features to memory, his heart stuttering at the sight. You instinctively reached a hand out before snapping it back, realizing you probably shouldn’t be touching things with price tags you couldn’t comprehend.
He chuckled, “go ahead, it’s mine so do your worst.” 
He thought you might get whiplash with how quickly you turned to face him, “yours? How have we made it through this whole tour without you mentioning you’re a pilot?”
“Thought I’d keep you on your toes,” he replied as you returned your focus to his jet, hand trailing along the smooth metal as you walked around it.
“I never thought I’d get to see an F/A-18 in person… at least not one that’s active,” you sighed, and now he was certain his heart had stopped in his chest. “Tops out at what, twelve hundred?” you asked and he blinked in surprise, only able to nod in response because he didn’t quite trust his words right now. He knew he liked you as soon as he saw you, so much so he was taking you on his tenth tour of the day when all he’d wanted to do previously was go to the bar, but now he was worried he was in a little over his head as you appreciated his jet, having identified it immediately without any help from him. “God, this is incredible, Bradley,” you said, maybe a little breathless from how excited you were and before you knew it he was disappearing, leaving you standing at the nose with a confused expression.
You laughed when he returned, rolling a ladder to the side of his jet and beckoning you over. He hadn’t anticipated you to know anything about planes, or really have any interest beyond the first minute of being in front of it, but now that he knew otherwise he wanted to show you everything. He held onto your hand as you took each step, trailing right behind you just as he had in the stairwells and when you got to the landing he started pulling the canopy back and you let out another soft gasp.
“Can you get in trouble for this?” you asked, turning to look at him. You knew private tours with high ranking pilots were not standard for Fleet Week, and you also knew this wasn’t an area most people would be allowed in, and you worried for a brief moment what would happen to him if anyone caught you.
He shook his head, “you’re accompanied by a Lieutenant, we’re fine,” he answered, smiling as you leaned over slightly to look inside his cockpit and his heart was thudding in his chest at the sheer wonder in your eyes. He started pointing out all of the controls, telling you what they did and why, and he answered your every question just as he had with the rest of the ship. “Sweetheart, I’ve gotta be honest… I’ve never met anyone who gave a damn about these jets that didn't work in or around them already.” 
You pulled your attention back to him with an incredulous look, “how could they not?” you asked, and you wanted to keep your gaze on those pretty brown eyes that were locked on you, but the novelty hadn’t quite worn off yet and you looked back inside the jet. “I mean… this is next level engineering wrapped up in a pretty package, what’s better than that?” He thought you were beautiful when he saw you standing on your own with your hair blowing in the breeze and the sun kissing your skin, he thought you were beautiful when you laughed at his dumb jokes in the cargo hold, but right now he was certain he’d never seen anything more beautiful than you slightly bent over and leaning into his cockpit as you truly appreciated the one thing he loved most in this world.
“Please let me take you on a date,” he blurted out, unable to stop himself and you looked at him a little surprised. You’d been hoping since he approached you that he’d ask, but you couldn’t help but laugh a little at the unexpected timing.
“Ask me again after the tour,” you replied with a smirk and though it vaguely sounded like rejection he couldn’t help but smile. If you wanted to make him work for it then he absolutely would. You asked him a question about the gauges and he told you exactly what they measured, and when you finally made your way back down the ladder he even let you sit on the second to last step as he wheeled it back to its place.
“Bradley!” you squealed when he whipped it around, hands bracing on the poles on either side of you and you were a little breathless when you were suddenly facing him, looking up at him as his strong hands gripped just above your head as he continued pushing you through the open area.
“Just wanted a better view,” he replied and you flushed at the compliment. Even though it was only two steps he still offered you his hand as you got off and of course you still accepted it, lingering for a moment before dropping it. He took you back through the carrier a different way than you’d came so he could show you absolutely everything, still narrating as he went. Truthfully, there wasn’t much difference on this route than the other but it was longer and he wanted to drag this out. He knew as soon as you stepped off the ship he wouldn’t have any reason to keep you longer than he already had, and he wanted to postpone that moment as long as he could. 
When you entered the now familiar cargo hold you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, you didn’t want your time with Bradley to come to an end but it seemed it was inevitable as he led you down the ramp and back onto solid ground. Your eyes were bright when you turned to face him and you still had that smile on that hadn’t seemed to leave your face all day and it was another sight he wanted to commit to memory. You had surprised the hell out of him, turned his boring day around the second he saw you and he knew with certainty he couldn’t get enough of you… and you were in the exact same boat. You knew when you got here today you’d have a good time, that the other man Bradley insisted was a dud still would have given a good tour and you’d have gotten exactly what you came for but the man in front of you exceeded every one of your expectations and then some, and you weren’t looking forward to the moment you had to go back to your car and not have his eyes on you anymore.
“Bradley, that was…” you sighed, “that was incredible, I don’t really know how to thank you for that.”
“Let me take you out,” he replied easily and you flushed, the tour was over and he was wasting no time in asking you out again, and this time you let him. 
You nodded, “I’m free tonight.” His grin was wide as he fished his phone out of his pocket for you to input your number, and you couldn’t help but mirror him when he told you to put your address as well so he could pick you up… if this was anyone else, if you hadn’t just spent the afternoon with him catering to your every query and whim, you would have told him no. You would have said you could meet him somewhere, but you trusted him. The few hours spent together showed you that you could, and that wasn’t lost on Bradley. If you’d said no he wouldn’t have even blinked, he would have suggested something else that made you more comfortable, but you didn’t say no… and that caused his chest to tighten as he looked down at your beautiful smile.
“I’ll pick you up at seven,” he said, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your cheek and you felt your skin tingling as he pulled away. “Wear something comfortable.”
You nodded, a little curious as to what he could have planned but you could just tell if you asked he wouldn’t say, and you were more than happy to let this man surprise you. “I’ll see you tonight, Bradley.”
“And I’ll be counting down every second.”
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poweringthroughthis · 4 months
love in three acts | kim mingyu, wong yukhei
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nsfw, mature content, minors DNI! (ftm friendly)
ship: wong yukhei (lucas) x male reader, kim mingyu x male reader
warning: extreme feminization, reader is a femboy,
(reader's genitals are referred to as pussy/tits).
pure filth, read at your own risk
act i.
Life is not what it is portrayed to be in cinema. (name) learned as much now that he was well into his 4th semester of college. Society has romanticized the college experience to such an extent that one dives in, expecting alcohol, parties and an enchanting love life to be the frontrunners, while in actuality, it is assignments, exams and stressful days filling the void most of the times.
Nothing changes if you don't make it happen yourself. Your dream life doesn't manifest one day magically, and your love life doesn't become one for the books by itself either. You need to start living the way you want to. That, is the only viable form of happiness in today's world. At least that's what (name) taught himself during one of his loneliest nights, freshman year, which culminated with a self-therapy session.
Then the nerdiest, biggest pushover of a guy, (name) was now a changed man. He had the biggest glow-up: his slender curves, thick thighs and pretty eyes, putting everyone's wildest dreams to shame in comparison. He embraced his true self fearlessly, taking control of his life and living the way he wanted to. He had definitely been happier ever since then, but he believed it did little to better his dating life as he was still boyfriend to a man seemingly afraid to love him in public.
Wong Yukhei is a lot of things, but inherently smart, he is not. Which is why he doesn't understand why his boyfriend is upset with him right now. "W-what do you mean?"
"Seriously Lucas? We've been over this before. Every time I as much as I lean into you in public, you go off to do something else with your friends. It's like we're strangers in public." (name) explained, perplexed.
"It's not like that! You know I love you. It's jus-just.." Honestly, Lucas didn't know himself why he'd been subconsciously dodging his boyfriend's advances while they were out. It's not like he never indulged in PDA with his previous partners. Maybe he'd been getting too caught up with his friends that he unintentionally neglected his boyfriend each time they were in the public eye.
"You know what? I need to go. Come find me when you have an answer. " (name) scoffed dejectedly, storming out of the empty classroom, leaving the flabbergasted giant behind. (name) started wondering if he wasn't attractive enough for Lucas.
If only he knew how wrong that assumption was. Because if that was the case, he wouldn't have the hunkiest man to ever exist (besides his own boyfriend), eye-fucking him from behind. The large man traced (name)'s every movement with great intensity: the way his hips swayed as he walked quickly, the way his skirt rode up just enough to show his supple thighs, even the way his ass looked perfect as he bent down to pick up his fallen stationery.
Kim Mingyu was a lot of things. And like every other guy, being inexplicably horny at the sight of a pretty boy, was one of them. he snapped out of his daze, dashing to (name)'s side, helping pick up his belongings from the floor, without failing to catch a peek of his bra underneath the dress. needless to say, he had to physically restrain himself from popping a boner then and there.
"Hey, you okay? Looking a little sad there" he offered his charming smile, making (name) look up as he straightened himself. His gaze fell on the handsome man's huge biceps, that flexed under the weight of his stack of books, threatening to rip his half-sleeved tee that was already too tight for his massive chest. It was hard not to, when a 6 ft hunk was sizing up his body shamelessly.
"I'm Mingyu. I'm in this faculty too. 3rd year"
"(name). 2nd year." Offered he, politely.
"Boyfriend problems?" Mingyu inquired, (name) taken aback. "Just guessing", he clarified, knowing fully well he eavesdropped into the couple's conversation earlier. What? He just wanted to see for himself who bagged this hot specimen before he could. Before (name) could respond, Mingyu moved closer.
"I won't pry into your personal life, but tell you what. Any man that doesn't appreciate you enough, is a loser."
He ran his hands all over (name)'s curves, finally slipping underneath his skirt to grope his ass and lift one of (name)'s legs against his groin, making the boy gasp.
"Someone who loves the beauty that you are, y'feel me?" His breath fanned over (name)'s face, the boy feeling 50 emotions at once.
"I,I shou-"
"Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" the duo turned towards the source of the voice: (name)'s seething boyfriend. Lucas stomped over to them, snatching (name) from Mingyu's grasp and wrapping his bulky arm around his waist, pulling the boy flush against his hard chest.
"Not so shy touching him in public anymore?" Mingyu teased. If Lucas wasn't mad jealous right now, he'd probably wonder how Mingyu knew about the couple's fight. But he couldn't care less right now. He all but dragged (name) back to the empty classroom, heels clacking against the tiled floor and slammed the door shut.
"What's wrong with you Lucas ?"
"ME? The fuck's wrong with him? How dare he lay his hands on MY boyfriend?" Lucas fritted his teeth.
"I might as well let him. Since YOU'RE so ashamed of touching me. I bet, with his huge arms and adonis-like body, he can easil-"
"You mean, these?" Lucas threw his stupid smirk (name)'s way as he flexed his massive biceps that threatened to spill out of his half-tee.
"Lucas! W- what if someone sees us? The door has a huge window" (name) stuttered, turned on by his boyfriend's manly display.
"I don't give a fuck anymore." Lucas said, taking off his shirt over his head in one swift motion, using only one hand.
Throwing shame out the window as all coherent thought left his body, (name) ran firm hands all over the muscle mass that was rock hard under the touch. He squeezed the giant pecs as Lucas made them bounce. "You like that?" He smirked.
"So fucking much, you're so big and strong for me." (name) moaned, latching his mouth to suck on the bulge of Lucas' biceps, the giant flexing them hard in (name)'s mouth. The musky scent of sweat filled the air making (name) hornier as the recalled how hot Lucas looked playing basketball earlier, all sweaty and pumped up.
He ran his tongue over all his muscles: the abs, the meaty chest, the armpits, licking every crevice of the result of his boyfriend's hard work.
Lucas moaned, throwing his head back, grabbing a fistful of (name)'s hair as he pushed him further towards his body.
"Yeahh, worship those muscles like the good boy you are."
"You're so fucking hot, baby. Look how fucking huge you are."
Lucas growled, turning (name) around harshly, removing the string of his dress with one hand, the piece of fabric falling aside at once.
"This little pussy is mine" He landed a smack on (name)'s hole, cupping him hard through his panties, the boy shaking from the recoil of Lucas' strength. "Gonna ruin it with my fat cock, baby."
"Yes, daddy. Do it, fuck me!" (name) cried.
Lucas delivered more slaps on his clothed cunt, (name) tearing up and thrashing from the impact, but Lucas held him in place with one hand and he continued using the other to smack his pussy. "Crying already? Wait till I'm done with you. you're gonna cry harder than now, begging me to stop, but I won't."
(name) sobbed at the prospect, loving every second of it. Lucas grabbed a fistful of the boy's ass, kneading the flesh hard, digging his nails deep into his plump flesh. "You have the fattest fucking ass" Lucas groaned, slapping it hard again, and again, and again.
"I'll make sure this fat ass bounces when I fuck you."
Lucas turned him around, grabbing him by the back of his thighs and lifting him up easily.
"Ah! Lucas, fuck! You're so strong."
"Yeah? Want me to throw you around? Use my muscles to manhandle you and fuck you real hard, huh? Like this" Lucas lifted him up in the air and threw him on the desk. He leaned in, pushing his muscular body flush against (name)'s soft one.
He grabbed the boy's neck, squeezing it hard and forcing him to look him in the eyes. "I'm going to wreck you."
"Please" (name) choked out.
Lucas released his grip, sliding the panties clean off and shoving three of his fingers in.
"Look at how small your little clit is, baby. This is so cute, I'm gonna enjoy stretching it out."
He rubbed his calloused thumb on his swollen clit, teasing it in circles as he pushed his thick fingers deeper, adding his pinky.
"Fuck! Oh my god, you're so deep. I can't.
"That's right. Scream my name. Make everyone hear that you belong to me." The giant rammed his digits harder, abusing (name)'s sensitive spot. His body jerked forward and fell on the table behind him, hands scrambling for support.
"Fuck! I can't, please-ah!"
Lucas didn't relent, adding his pinky to the mix, his knuckles rubbing against (name)'s walls. "Take it! Take it like a good boy."
The taller boy continued his merciless assault, ramming his thick fingers in and out of his boyfriend. (name) felt the familiar knot in his stomach as the pressure kept building. "Cumming, please-!"
"Yeah? Gonna cum? Gonna cum all over my fingers? Cum like the good boy you are."
(name) did as told, clenching and shaking, squirting all over his boyfriend's fingers. Lucas took out his digits slowly, admiring the mess, licking his fingers clean and tasting his boyfriend's juices.
"Fuck, you're delicious. Turn around."
"W-wait, I'm sensitive-!"
"I don't fucking care. I'm gonna eat this pussy till I'm satsified. "
(name) turned and laid down, the hard wood of the desk supporting his back. Lucas grabbed him by the ankles and hooked them over his broad shoulders, spreading his legs apart. His heels almost reached the top of the man's back, but it did not deter him as he leaned down and pressed a kiss on the wet slit, his warm breath fanning over (name)'s sex.
"You look so beautiful right now. Your tits spilling out of your bra, and your legs spread wide for me."
Lucas dove right in, burying his face in the boy's pussy, licking and sucking at the swollen clit.
"Ah, Lucas-fuck! So good"
(name) gripped the hair on the man's head, bucking his hips as he was sent to another realm. He felt the wet tongue prodding and sliding, the sensation overwhelming his body.
Lucas captured (name)'s labia in his mouth, suckling hard between his lips and pulling it back with a pop sound. The lewd action made (name) cry out as he was eaten out, his pussy abused and raw, the man's tongue lapping at his entrance.
"Lucas, I-I can't take it. Too much, ahh"
"Yeah? Like how I eat your fucking tight pussy?
Lucas licked and sucked his boyfriend's clit, slurping up the juices from the sensitive hole. "Fuck, I can do this all day."
"L-Lucas, wait! I can't! Please-ah!"
Lucas kept at his pace, eating (name) out, the latter feeling his orgasm approaching rapidly. "I'm-cumming! "
The giant smirked, completely pussy drunk. " Yeah? Eating this little pussy so good, huh? Go ahead and cum all over my tongue, baby. Cum on my fucking face."
(name) was a panting and moaning mess. He couldn't take the pleasure and pain mixed together, and it all culminated as he squirted all over his boyfriend's mouth, the giant swallowing it all up.
Lucas sat on the teacher's desk, pulling (name) harshly onto his lap. He massaged his tits through the bra, growing hornier and more aggressive by the second. He couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful view of his boyfriend in nothing but heels, the black material covering his breasts.
"Take that fucking bra off" Lucas growled, pinching the buds beneath the fabric.
(name) reached behind him and undid the strap, the garment falling and pooling around his waist.
"Fuck" Lucas whispered as he squeezed the soft mounds in his large palms. He brought his head down and suckled the rosy buds, biting them harshly and leaving marks around the skin.
"Oh fuck! Please, more!
"Yeah, you like that? My mouth all over your pretty little tits?"
"Mmm, yes"
Lucas continued his ministrations, slurping noises filling the room as squeezed and sucked harder.
"Oh fuck, I need you, now. Turn around and show me your pretty little ass."
(name) slid off his lap and turned around, his knees resting on the wooden desk and his palms spread in front of him.
Lucas unzipped his pants and pulled out his throbbing cock, already leaking precum. He gave his length a few strokes before sliding the mushroom tip across his boyfriend's pussy, the heat of the wet flesh driving him crazy.
"Please, put it in. Put it in!"
"Yeah? This is what you wanted all along, huh? Wanted to be fucked stupid in the middle of class? Wanted me to breed you full?"
"Fuck yes, please"
Lucas didn't waste any time, grabbing his thick member and pressing the head against (name)'s sopping entrance. The hole twitched at the touch, aching to be filled. He pushed the head in and watched as the hole stretched to accommodate his size, a moan escaping his throat.
(name) whined at the feeling of being filled to the brim. The cock inside him was massive, stretching his insides and reaching the deepest parts of him.
Lucas grabbed his boyfriend's waist and rammed into him, his cock disappearing into the warm cavern. "Fuck! You feel so fucking good, babe".
The man kept his pace, his thrusts getting deeper and rougher. He leaned forward and bit the boy's earlobe, whispering filthy nothings to him.
"You take my cock so well, huh? Such a fucking good little boy.
"Ahh, please. Faster"
"Yeah, you want me to fuck you faster? Wanna feel my cock in your stomach? Wanna be fucked stupid?"
"Please! I'm so close, please let me cum!"
Lucas grabbed his boyfriend by the back of his neck and pushed his face down on the table, his hips never ceasing their movements. Lucas' strength never failed to amaze (name). He always sent himself over the edge thinking how the giant could easily snap him into two.
"Ah, I'm- I'm cumming!
"Go ahead and fucking cum. Squeeze my dick, milk me dry."
(name) shook as he squirted all over the thick cock, his walls tightening and convulsing around his boyfriend's length.
"Ah, fuck!"
Lucas slammed his hips forward, his balls smacking the boy's ass cheeks. His seed flooded the insides, filling him up to the brim and painting his walls white.
He pulled out his length and watched the cum trickle down the boy's thighs, the sight making him twitch.
(name) laid exhausted on the desk, his eyes shut and his lips parted. Lucas tucked his dick back in his pants and carried his boyfriend bridal style, the boy resting his head on the man's broad chest.
Lucas kissed his forehead as he left the classroom, carrying his boyfriend to his car.
Little did they know, they were being watched in this classroom, yet again.
Kim Mingyu let out ragged breaths, his head against the cold wall of the lecture halls, eyes closed and lips parted. He was sweating profusely and his jeans felt unbelievably tight. As he came down from his high and removed his hands from over his crotch, he looked down to see what the stickiness was.
He was so crazy over seeing (name) being wrecked in nothing but heels that he came in his pants.
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slytherinn-xo · 2 months
Swim Tryouts at 7:30- Danielle Van De Donk
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Danielle Van De Donk X USWNT Player! Lyon Player! Reader
Synopsis: When Daan has football at 7:00 and swimming practice at 7:30, while at the world cup.
851 words
Being a US player that plays outside of the US is rare, like extremely rare, but being the only one to have never played in the NWSL, now that's rare. 
I was born in the USA, raised in Memphis Tennessee, but when I was 14, I moved away to Germany as that's my father's home country. When I spent the next three years before I started off my career in the German Women's top League.
I've played for four leagues, now, starting off my career in the German League with Bayern Munich in 2017 for just one season. Getting to play with the greats over there, learning so much from Frido, Sara Dabritz, Jill Roord, Leupolz, and Leah Galton.
Before I signed with Arsenal in 2018, for the next three seasons, until 2021. Where we won the WSL title once, in my first season.
Which was where I met Daan, I fell in love to say the least. But she was already in love, with Beth Mead, so I watched on from the side lines, like I was waiting to be subbed on now.
But she was my best friend, it was her, me, Viv and Jill when she finally came and joined us. The Dutchies and the American.
But they were my family.  
And then I moved to play for Barcelona for just one season after they won the Champions League in 2021 til 2022. Before I moved, and I got the chance to be with the girl I was in love with. 
So I joined in 2022, which was where we reconnected, and to say we both fell in love was the truth. We've been dating now for 10 months, and we do hide it, but we don't at the same time. 
We're private people but not a secret.
So facing here now in the group stages of the Women's World Cup, it was hard. 
But with less than 3 minutes to go of extra time was on the clock, and I turned back after the whistle was blown. 
I just saw an orange shirt on the floor. "Who is it?" I asked Lindsay, my Lyon teammate, as I couldn't read from that far away. Well that and I'm dyslexic and can barely read myself.  
"Daan." She muttered before I ran over to my girlfriend. I couldn't hide all of this, I was scared, my girlfriend is on the floor not bloody well moving. 
"Schatje." I told Daan standing by her as she was led on the floor not moving, crouching by her as I had my hand on her shoulder. 
"Poepie." Daan muttered back to me. 
"Not that name." I told her with a smile, that was one good sign she could still understand me and knew who we were around her. 
When the Dutch medics made their way over to Daan you saw the first showings of blood slowly coming out of her hair, but you had no idea how much there would be under there. 
I wasn't given a choice but to move away from her as the Dutch staff moved me out of their way, pushing me back away from my girlfriend. 
"No, stay!" Daan told me as she locked eyes with me, trying to reach her hands out to grasp onto me. 
"I'm right here." I told her as I kept eyes with her. 
I watched as they placed some gauze over her wound, before just placing a swimming cap over it. 
I laughed at her. 
"Not a word!" Daan told me, pointing that finger at me, wagging it at my face. 
"You look like you've got swimming practice in half an hour." I told her with a smile. 
"Oh shut up." Daan told me as she stood up. 
"Make me!" I told her walking away from her backwards as she was escorted of the pitch before she could return to play. 
"Are you two doing okay, it looked rough on the pitch?" The interviewer switched to English seeing me walk up to Daan, and I stood a bit behind my small gal. 
"The best players are always the most competitive." I told the interviewer as I interrupted Daan's interview. 
"Best friends?" The interviewer asked us both, as my arm was around Daan's shoulders but Daan's was holding onto my waist. 
"The best." Daan answered like clockwork for us, squeezing my waist twice, doing our code, for when we wish we could say our feelings. 
"Go get that checked out properly." I told Daan raising one eyebrow up at her, as she nodded, looking deep into my eyes. 
"I will, ik houd van je." Daan told me, trying to politely kick me out of the interview. 
"Ik houd van je." I told her back quickly kissing her before walking off to Lindsay who was gasping at my actions, before I froze. 
"You didn't mean to do that?" Daan asked me. 
"No I didn't!" I said shaking my head, before running back to kiss Daan one last time before running away back to Lindsay as we were both bright red in the face now. 
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mssonepiece · 6 months
🩷High School Sweetheart🩷
🩷Chapter 1🩷
The Text?
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Megumi Fushiguro x fem!Reader; Modern AU, no curses, cursed spirits or possession of cursed techniques; Reader and other characters are in college.
1.3k+ Words
Next Chapter
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Dear Megumi, we've been friends since middle school and I've been thinking maybe it'd be nice to know if you feel the same way that I do about you.. I hope I don't regret this... I feel more close to you than any of our other friends and lately I can't stop myself from wanting to be around you all the time, it's okay if you don't feel the same. I love being your friend and I'm so scared to lose that because of this.
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Looking at the message you typed out on your phone five minutes before you think of how this is the corniest text you've ever written up in your life. It would be utterly embarrassing to send this message just to be left on read or be told that your feelings are not reciprocated, making things awkward between the two of you. But you've felt as though you've had this crush on Megumi for so long that it's either shoot your shot and try to be something more or force yourself to stop hanging out with him in hopes to lose all romantic feelings toward him. Will that ever happen though? Would you be able to lose feelings even if you did ignore him? The more you think about the situation the more you feel like the text is a bad idea. Is it a good idea to ruin this friendship for the chance of something... more. Ding
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~After The FaceTime With Maki~
You and Maki talked on the phone for a good hour and a half before you had to end it short for a bit of grocery shopping. You should have done it much earlier in the week, then you could have stayed on the phone longer. If you don't go today though then you will have nothing to eat tonight. On the way there you think back about what Maki told you over the phone. She of course had more to say about Mai, they've been living together for a year now in an apartment their parents pay for but Maki is the only one doing the daily chores around their house. You think that if you were her, you would have made Mai do more or move out way sooner. Maki of all people is surprisingly patient with her though.. at times.. It seems like she's also having the usual problems with her father too. They always seem to have some sort of dispute going on but today was particularly bad. He doesn't accept what college she has chosen to go to and is trying to have her drop out and transfer to the same college that Mai attends. Mai goes to a more high-league school but Maki has no interest in going to a school that is only to help her family's public image... It's that bad. Well her father called again pestering her this morning and when she declined for the hundredth time, he called the college board saying that Maki was very interested in transferring soon, even asking for her transcript. He's taking things too far, you can't help but feel bad for her. Wishing you could have talked to her more on the phone and carried on walking the short way to your local market.
The sun is setting, casting a beautiful blend of colors across the cloudless sky. On the side of the sky where the sun has already subsided, stars are starting to appear. Your feet slowly stop moving forward as you crane your neck up, getting a better view of the whole night sky. You could look at it forever but the awkward feeling of standing in the middle of a sidewalk was creeping up on you, making you take slow steps towards the market again. It's a silent walk other than the cars and people passing by. It's peaceful. Well until the sudden thought of wanting to share this moment with Megumi. Leading to a slideshow of thoughts. Your head felt like it was spinning and full of so much information that it just wanted to drop on the hard concrete ground.
The market doors seem to appear in front of you out of nowhere, arms instinctively reaching out to pull the handles. Maybe you've been a little in your head lately because of this whole Megumi thing but none of the choices of action are appealing. If you were to end up ruining your friendship with Megumi over some high school crush then you’re sure you could never forgive yourself. He’s always been there, mentally and physically. Ever since you first became close in middle school he has been the first friend you would choose to hang out with, even though he can be a bit of a bore sometimes he is good company. You could be sitting in silence together for hours, him reading a book and you playing a video game, watching a show, or sometimes reading along with him and neither of you would have anything to complain about. But if you carry on feeling like this without ever telling him then it would soon be too hard to even be around him anyway. It’s slowly becoming a comfort to have him just hanging around whenever you have something you need to do. You would have even asked him to come along shopping with you if you had not felt embarrassed by the whole text you wrote up earlier, and didn’t even send. The urge to text him now is strong but what to say isn’t coming to mind. You’re better off getting what you need from the market and going back home. Maybe then you'll be able to think of something to send him.
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Setting the few bags of grocery’s down on your dining room table you finally take a deep breath for the first time in what seems like hours. Reaching back for your phone from the back pocket of your jeans, you open the messages app. 
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After updating Kirara and texting Maki again about your crush situation, you decide it’s best to put your phone away for a bit while you make dinner. Choosing to ignore the fact that you told both of your friends you were going to text Megumi. But also sending a text to Nobara that will catch her attention, riling up her pho mo.
Your kitchen isn't very big, only having a small one bedroom apartment often doesn't come with much foot space. You still try to make it look nice with decor and furniture. Plants really have helped with brightening up your home, bringing different greens and yellows throughout your house. It makes you feel like your apartment is 'homey' and more livable. Everywhere you've lived before here never really felt like your own. Going from your family home, to a year long roommate situation, and finally now you rent your own apartment off-campus. It's such a different feeling knowing that you have the place to yourself and of course the responsibility of the bills will definitely make you feel that difference too. It's close to campus, just a short five minute walk. You're even able to stop by Starbucks everyday, you don't.. but you could. You basically live in the center of town so you can walk to most places with ease, making rent much more tolerable too when not having to pay for a car. You'll have to deal with your college loans later in life, but that's the least of your current worries.
Dinner is as boring as usual, chicken and rice. Anything that is quick and easy to make so that you can relax sooner. It doesn't take long to make the rice and start on the chicken. You start to feel like it would have been better to order food but it's all worth it when you get to sit on the couch with a steaming bowl of chicken and rice. Situating a pillow in your lap, then the bowl of food on top. You use your right hand to hold the bowl in place on your lap and the other to reach for the tv remote now that you're comfortable, turning on the television to Netflix most recent watches. Episode 13 of "Orange is The New Black" brightens the display from the dark loading screen previously there. You raise your hand to the spoon sitting in the white glass bowl and take a bite from it as the show starts. You hear a faint ringing of an iPhone from the kitchen but choose to ignore it til the end of the episode.
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Let me know if you want to be on the tag list!
Tag List~ @m00nglad3-mp3 @we-loveebony
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the-badger-mole · 10 months
It was always fun when they got together, but this was a special occasion. In three days, Katara and Zuko would be married in a private ceremony attended by just close friends and family. In four days, they would have the lavish royal wedding to be attended by world leaders, nobility and whatever Fire Nation citizens would fit inside of Caldera. In five days, Katara would be crowned Fire Lady in a ceremony at least as lavish as the royal wedding. Tonight, though, it was just the six friends in Zuko's suite, reminiscing, catching up and drinking perhaps a bit too much.
It was well into the earliest hours of morning before everyone started drifting off to their rooms. Sokka and Suki, the proud parents of a six month old who was just beginning to sleep through the night, went first. Then Zuko, who was extremely reluctant to leave, but had business to take care of in order to make sure his honeymoon would be uninterrupted. Toph left soon after Zuko. She had fallen asleep on the rug in front of the fire, but when woken, she insisted she was just resting her eyes. Katara chuckled at her friend, but managed to convince her to rest her eyes in her own bed. The sun would be up shortly, so she was getting ready to go to turn in, too. Aang, though, lingered at the table they'd all been sitting at. He knew where his room was, so Katara thought nothing of letting him take his time getting there.
"Going to bed already?" Aang asked as Katara stood up.
"Yeah," she nodded, stretching her arms over her head. "I have a last minute meeting with the wedding planner before lunch, and then I was planning to spend the rest of the day with my dad and Gran Gran."
"I can't believe you're getting married," Aang said, shaking his head. "It doesn't feel real."
"Tell me about it," Katara laughed. "We've been planning this for a year, and it still feels like we didn't have enough time to plan."
"You think it's too soon?" Aang asked.
"Absolutely not!" Katara replied emphatically, a wide smile spreading over her face. "I was ready to marry Zuko three months into dating him. We only waited as long as we did because he wanted to make sure I'd be comfortable here." Aang was silent for a long moment, and Katara was starting to feel fatigue creeping up on her. She was about to say goodnight, when Aang spoke again.
"Are you sure about this?" He said it so quietly Katara wasn't sure she heard him correctly.
"What?" she asked mid yawn.
"Are you sure about this?" Aang repeated a bit louder. "About him?" Katara's brow drew down in confusion.
"Of course I'm sure," she let out an incredulous laugh. "This is a lot of effort if I wasn't sure." Aang shrugged.
"I mean, it's not too late to back out," he said. "If you decided it wasn't what you want." Katara blinked hard and shook her head. The alcohol and the late hour must have been getting to her. Nothing her friend was saying made any sense.
"I'm not backing out," she said. "Wait...did Zuko mention something about not wanting-"
"No!" Aang said quickly. "No, that's not...I'm just...Why him?"
"What?" Katara felt as if every nerve in her body had suddenly been electrified. She gaped at Aang in shock. He sat at the table, fidgeting with his half-empty cup. He took a breath and squared his shoulders. He turned his wide, grey eyes up at Katara.
"Why did you choose him?" he asked. "Why Zuko? Why not- why not me?" Katara was at a loss for words. She knew Aang had had feelings for her once, but that was years ago. They were adults now, and she thought he had long since moved on.
"I love him," she told Aang simply. "I've loved him a long time. Longer than we've been together."
"But I love you," Aang said. "I've loved you since I first opened my eyes and saw you there." Katara shook her head.
"You love an idea of me," she said. "You love that I took care of you. But Zuko...he loved me in my grief, and my anger. He loved me when I wasn't kind and sweet. He loved me when I wasn't at my best." Aang snorted and thew back the rest of the contents of his cup.
"So because I didn't encourage your worst parts I didn't measure up?" he demanded. "You chose him over me because he didn't expect better of you?" Katara gasped as if she had been slapped. Then she got angry.
"For your information, Zuko pushes me to be better all the time," she snapped. "He just doesn't pretend that my anger is out of character for me. He listens to me vent. He lets me be upset. He doesn't expect me to put on a smile and pretend like the situation isn't as bad as it is."
"I'd let you be upset!"
"Oh please!" Katara snorted derisively. "The day after Ozai captured my father, you wanted to go play and got annoyed when we wanted to plan our next steps!"
"I was a kid then!" Aang protested. "I wouldn't do that now."
"You think I just got over that?" Katara demanded. "Aang, you are my friend, and I love you, but you haven't done anything since then to prove that you care about any of my feelings that are inconvenient to you! And that's fine. That's our relationship because I am the one who takes care of you. That's what you needed from me. But, Aang...I my feelings were never going to turn romantic from that. You're like my little brother. Sometimes my son. I can't turn to you the way I turn to Zuko. He's...he's my best friend."
"I thought I was your best friend."
Katara sighed. In nearly ten years, Aang had come a long way from the boy that she and her brother had rescued from the iceberg, but perhaps not as far as she thought. She could see the traces of the kid she'd taken care of in the sag of his shoulders, and in the way his mouth turned down in his disappointment. For an instant, Katara wanted to pull him into a hug and comfort him, but she knew that wouldn't be the right move here.
"You are a friend I love dearly," Katara told him. "But I can't turn to you with my problems. I can't be my full self with you. If I had chosen you, it would've been for the wrong reasons. It would've been because I thought you needed me, or I was afraid of hurting your feelings, or I felt like I owed you for defeating Ozai."
"What's wrong with any of those reasons?" Aang was near tears at this point, and Katara felt awful. Still, she reasoned to herself, it was kinder to kill any hope of her he had been harboring.
"I wouldn't be choosing you because I love you," she told him. "I was never in love with you. If I chose you, it would've been because I felt obligated to, and that wouldn't have been fair to either of us. We both deserve to be loved for who we are completely. I have that with Zuko. I hope you let yourself find it with someone else." Tears were flowing down Aang's face now. Once again, Katara had to hold herself back from pulling him into a tight embrace. If their friendship had any chance of lasting, she knew she this was a wall that needed to be built high and strong.
"There's no one else in the world for me other than you," Aang said. Katara sighed and shook her head sadly.
"I really hope one day you'll realize that's not true. Goodbye, Aang."
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dontfindmerain · 1 year
Making out with revivebur-
That’s it.
okay now this i can do ;)
revivebur is the same as wilbur. you know this. just your average, psychopathic, former president. the man you had served through countless battles and never saw as anything more than a good friend.
so why is he so goddamn hot?
maybe it was how roughed up he was, or the smell of cigarette smoke he now seemed to carry with him, or maybe even the trench coat that was folded over his arms, which of course were showing due to the rolled up sleeves of his button down. always those fucking button downs....
so.. how did you end up pinned against a wall of his stupid burger van with his gorgeous lips against yours?
quite easily really, all he had to do was say your name with that authoritative tone and you were already dumbed down. he took note of that immediately of course, softly cooing at you sweetly and luring you into the van before roughly slamming the door shut and shoving you up against the nearest surface. he kissed you with a hunger more intense than anything you had ever seen, which seemed fair considering he's been deprived for thirteen and a half years.
he takes his time at first, simply enjoying the way your lips feel on his. he could do this for hours, gripping your waist and pushing himself against you every so often. It's too bad that he's just too desperate.
"So pretty and all for me, right darling? Yeah? All fucked out and I've barely even touched you, gods you're pathetic," he breathes, harshly pressing his lips against yours, his long fingers wrapping themselves around your neck and squeezing. when you gasp into him he takes advantage and invades your mouth with his tongue. he fucking adores the sounds that pour out of you, so much so he doesn't even realize that his hips are twitching and bucking against yours.
how unfortunate that humans need oxygen, but of course as he pulls away he bites your lower lip, relishing the whine you let out, drawing blood and licking it up before he moves his attention to your neck.
"Well, look at that, it appears there is empty space here. We've got to do something about that, wouldn't you agree, my love? cant have you walking around without everyone knowing that you're mine." the smirk on his face is smug and his tone condescending as he coos, "Oh but don't worry, dear. I have all night."
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sarahwroteathing · 8 months
Project Amaranth (4)
[Bucky Barnes x Reader]
Word Count: 2268
Summary: Bucky and Sam move you to a new safe house.
Warnings: None
A/N: AH sorry, my loves. I had class tonight and didn't notice that the post didn't go through when it was supposed to. Nice to know that my queue still only works half the time. Reliably unreliable. Anyway! Happy Halloween!
Catch up here!
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"How does he already look mad?" Sam sighed as the car cleared the last bend in the long, heavily forested road to Steve's house.
He was waiting on the porch, leaning on the rail with crossed arms and a displeased expression as he watched them approach up the gravel drive.
"His face got stuck that way when he was eight years old. Try not to take it personally," Bucky said mildly, smirking at the snort it elicited from Sam.
"Alright, I'll go talk to him. Let him know what's going on before we spring his new roommate on him"
"He's not going to say no," Bucky said, glancing at you where you sat in the backseat, hands tightly clenched in your lap.
"I know, but we still need to give him a chance to."
Sam put the car in park, pausing for a moment to meet your eyes in the rearview mirror.
"One way or another, we'll figure this out. We've never been good at giving up on people. You okay with me telling Steve everything you've shared with us so far?"
The corner of your mouth tugged down, but you nodded.
"Okay. I assume you two need to talk too. Bucky, I'll text you when we're ready for you. But take all the time you need."
With one last nod that seemed more for his own benefit than for yours or Bucky's, Sam climbed out of the car, leaving the keys in the ignition. You watched in silence as he approached Steve, clapping him on the shoulder and drawing him into a brief hug before gesturing him inside. Steve glanced towards the car curiously, but made no show of protest, disappearing into the house and closing the door behind them.
"You didn't warn him," you said quietly. "About me. He doesn't know I'm here or what you're going to ask him to do."
Though your words had a ring of accusation, your voice was flat, emotionless. He knew it well. It never meant anything good.
With a bracing breath, Bucky unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed out of the car, moving quickly to join you in the backseat before you could jump to any dangerous conclusions. You looked a little startled by his sudden closeness, but you tried to hide it, scooting a couple inches away from him while masking it as a change in position. Your shoulder pressed firmly against the door, but you didn't reach for the handle, watching him closely.
"We didn't tell him because we didn't want to risk anyone else finding out. Sam called to tell him we were visiting, and that was enough to let him know something was going on without tipping off anyone who might have been listening."
You pursed your lips, turning your head slightly to scan the surrounding trees while keeping Bucky in your peripheral.
"I thought you said he was your best friend. Do best friends not visit each other?"
Bucky smiled a little.
"I visit. I just never ask."
Your eyes returned to his as you gave a speculative hum.
"And Sam Wilson?"
"Sets up visits at least a week in advance."
"He sounds like a better friend."
"He might be. But Steve's known me too long to give up on me now. He's always happy to see us anyway."
The small smile you'd been sporting slipped a little.
"Not this time."
"He's just worried. He'll get over it. I just want to make sure you're still okay with this plan before we go inside."
"Well, I don't have a better one, so..." You sighed. "Nothing can be worse than where I was before."
"Come on now. The couch wasn't that bad."
Bucky smiled when his comment shocked a laugh out of you. Fleeting and confused, but a laugh nonetheless.
"That's - That's not what I - "
"I know," Bucky said with a shrug. "But it made you smile for a second."
You stared at him, something strange passing through your eyes. He thought you may have been about to speak, but the chirping of his phone had you receding again behind a stoic mask. 
Sam, telling him they were ready. 
“You alright?”
You nodded.
“I trust Steve with my life,” he reminded you quietly. “He’ll always try to do the right thing. He won’t hurt you.”
“What if I hurt him?” 
“Do you want to?”
“No, of course not,” you said quietly, frowning down at your hands.
“Then you won’t,” Bucky said with a shrug. 
“That simple?” you scoffed, but Bucky stayed steady, nodding slowly. 
“This time? Yeah, I think it is.” 
You broke eye contact again to tug restlessly at the neckline of your borrowed sweatshirt. 
“I guess.” 
Bucky slipped out of the backseat, holding the door open for you as you followed. Neither of you spoke as you approached the front door, the crunch of gravel beneath your boots softening to a nearly silent step on the porch. He couldn’t tell whether it was intentional or instinct.
Sam and Steve were sitting on the couch when the two of you walked in, but Steve stood slowly as you came into view. You held position one step behind Bucky and half a step to the right. 
“Hi,” Steve said with a gentle smile, keeping his hands shoved deep in his pockets to curb the habit of a polite handshake. “I’m Steve.” 
You gave an uneasy nod, face tense and blank like you were unsure how to act or what to say in this situation.
“I know we’ve just met, but I’m really glad you’re here.”
Your brows furrowed slightly, head tilting to the side in question as your eyes darted to Bucky and back to Steve again. Steve wasn’t smiling anymore, eyes solemn and projecting that 110% sincerity that only he could pull off. 
“Whatever happened before and whatever Hydra did to you, I hope you know that you didn’t deserve this.”
You blinked hard, faltering a shuffled step backwards. Bucky stepped in smoothly before the overwhelm could shift to panic.
“Does this mean she can stay here with you?” he asked. 
“Of course. As long as she needs.” 
Bucky glanced over to you, and though you still looked slightly dazed you nodded your acceptance. 
“Okay. Her stuff is in the car. Give me a hand with it.”
The sharp clap he landed to Steve’s shoulder left no room for argument, and you lingered uncomfortably in the hall as Steve followed Bucky outside. 
“You’re going to need to ease up a little, pal,” Bucky said softly as they trailed down the porch steps. 
The sun had already set, but full dark had not yet descended. Between the gaps in the trees, the clouds were clinging to the last of their fiery glow. 
“I just wanted her to know where I stand,” Steve said, holding out his hands obligingly as Bucky reached into the backseat for your borrowed duffle bag and the two heavy backpacks from the bunker. 
“I get that, but you can’t treat her the same way you treated me when you found me again. Even when I could barely remember you, I still loved you. Like muscle memory. It made things easier. But if you try to talk to her about her feelings, she might punch you.” 
“Give me a little credit,” Steve said, accepting the duffle and choosing not to comment when Bucky kept a tight hold on both backpacks. “I wasn’t going to start with that.”
“I mean it. Go easy.”
Something shifted in Steve’s eyes at the severe expression Bucky leveled him with. 
“Okay,” he said softly. “I’ll give her space. I’m not trying to scare her off, Buck.” 
“I know you wouldn’t mean to. But your heart's too big for your own good, and that can be… a lot. For people who aren’t used to it.” 
Steve nodded slowly, a smile starting to creep up the corner of his mouth. 
“What did Sam call it again?”
“Aggressive compassion.” 
“Yep that’s the one,” Steve said with a snort. “I’ll try to tone it down for now. No promises.” 
When they reentered the cabin, Sam had managed to convince you to sit on the couch with him. You still looked uncomfortable, but you seemed to be making a concentrated effort to push through it. 
Bucky surrendered custody of the backpacks to you immediately, and as you started to tuck them between your feet and the couch, Steve spoke up.
“Let me show you where you’ll be staying. So you have somewhere safe to keep those.”
You looked up at him, fingers tensing slightly around the straps before you nodded.
The guest bedroom Steve led you too was the same room Bucky always stayed in when he visited. He’d probably spent more time here than he had in his own apartment bedroom. It was small but clean, the queen bed in the center was crisply made and covered with a plush green duvet. There was only room for one bedside table, equipped with a small lamp, a candle, and an unopened box of tissues. There were two extra phone chargers in the drawer. 
Steve set your duffle bag down on the foot of the bed.
“It’s not much, but I hope you’ll be comfortable. There’s a fan and an electric blanket in the closet if you get too warm or too cold…” he trailed off, looking around the room for inspiration before shrugging. “If there’s anything you need, just let me know. The bathroom is across the hall, and it’s just for you. I use a different one.” 
“Thank you,” you said quietly. 
“You’re welcome. We’ll give you some space to unpack. Look around.”
You nodded absently, already opening the closet and shoving the two backpacks into the back corner. Steve didn’t comment, leading Bucky back out to the living room in pensive silence.
“Everything good?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah, we’ll be fine,” Steve said. “How long does she need to stay for? What’s the plan?”
Sam looked pointedly at Bucky who rolled his eyes.
“We’re working on it.” 
“Working on it…” Steve repeated, his face carefully neutral.
“I’ve been focusing on getting her somewhere safe,” Bucky said, crossing his arms defensively. “I haven’t had time to think much farther than that.” 
“Okay…” Steve said quietly, but the slight strain lurking behind the calm facade made Sam snort. 
“I think you’re breaking his brain.”
“He’s done plenty without a plan before,” Bucky argued. 
Steve hummed noncommittally. 
“Having no plan is better than having a bad plan.”
Sam obligingly switched sides, hearing the frustration in Bucky’s voice. This was intensely personal for him. He was terrified of fucking it up.
“Give us a couple weeks. We’ll come by again and figure things out,” Sam said, standing from the couch.
“Okay,” Steve agreed, accepting the handshake-turned-hug Sam offered.
“We should probably go. Let you guys get settled,” Sam said, turning towards Bucky. “You ready?”
Bucky glanced back towards the door of the guest room. 
“I’ll meet you at the car. I wanna…” He gestured vaguely at the hallway, and Sam shot him a significant look.
“This was your idea, you know.”
“I know. I’m not - I just want to check on her before we leave.”
“You told me you’d be cool about this.”
“And I am. But I wanna see where her head’s at.”
Sam sighed. 
“Alright. Five minutes.”
“Or what? You’re gonna leave me here?” Bucky asked skeptically.
“No. But I am gonna talk to you about boundaries and countertransference all the way back home.” 
“Fine. Five minutes,” Bucky said with a grimace, waving Sam towards the front door. 
Steve shot Bucky a curious look that he pretended not to notice before following Sam.
You were sitting on the bed when Bucky entered the room, looking around the small space with the frown of a lost child. You glanced up at the sound of his boots on the old hardwood, but your expression did not change.
“Are you going to be okay here?” he asked, resisting the urge to close the door behind him. Sam and Steve would be outside by now. “You feel comfortable?”
You tilted your head curiously, gave a little shrug.
“I’m fine. Better than the alternatives.”
“So you’ll stay?” he asked carefully. “You’re not going to run?” 
“For now, I will stay,” you confirmed.
Bucky studied you for a moment, the way you always studied him. You sat still, patiently allowing his gaze to linger without comment. You looked sincere, as far as he could tell. Nervous but not quite restless. He had no way of knowing how long your resolve would last, but for the moment it seemed that you at least wanted to stay.
“Could you tell me if that changes? Please?”
Your eyes narrowed slightly. Not anger. Focus. 
“You’re worried,” you said softly, and Bucky took a deep breath.
“Tell me why?”
He bit his lip absently. He didn’t want to lie to you, but he wasn’t sure how much of the truth to share. How much would make you feel safe. How much would make you run.
“I want to help you, but I’m not sure I’m doing it right,” he said finally.
You sat with that for a moment, never taking your eyes off him. 
“I’m not in chains,” you said. “I’m free to walk away when I want to. That’s what you told me.” 
“If you weren’t helping me the right way, I would leave.” 
“That’s… true.”
“It is,” you said insistently, standing to move a little closer to him.
“Okay,” he said quietly. “So… good, for now?”
“Good. For now.”
I've been missing this one - what about you? How are ya feeling? What are we thinking?
Tags: @shifutheshihtzu @internalbullshit @lilasiannerd-blog @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @iwillbeinmynest @scotlandasshole @netflixa @hardcorehippos @singingprincessstudent @sophiealiice @blue1928 @tinuviel015 @a-book-pressed-rose @bbparker @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @feelmyroarrrr @orangespocks @multifandomgirl-us @creideamhgradochas @buckybarneshairpullingkink @rebekahdawkins @xxbuckysbxx
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stargazer-sims · 10 days
A Walk On The Beach
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Stephen: Ginger! What are you doing?
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Ginger: I'm going for a swim. You know I've always liked swimming at night.
Stephen: But, you... you took your clothes off.
Ginger: I could hardly swim in my dress, could I?
Stephen: I mean, you took your clothes off in front of me.
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Ginger: *laughing* My goodness, Stephen. What’s the matter? It's not as if I'm naked. You've seen me in a bathing costume loads of times.
Stephen: Yes, but I’ve never seen you undress.
Ginger: Is that a problem?
Stephen: No, I like it. It’s just… I’m very nervous.
Ginger: You’ve been anxious all day.
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Stephen: Were you wearing your bathing suit under your dress the whole time?
Ginger: Do you mean to say you aren't wearing your swimwear under your clothes?
Stephen: Well, ah... yes. Yes, I am, but...
Ginger: Then, what are you waiting for? Take your clothes off and join me.
Stephen: *dying internally*
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*pile of clothes*
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Ginger: That wasn't so bad, was it? Aren't you more comfortable now?
Stephen: I suppose that depends on the definition of 'comfortable'.
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Ginger: What do you mean?
Stephen: Well, I don't know if I actually anticipated a swim. I wanted to talk to you about something important, and I thought maybe we'd have a longer walk after dinner.
Ginger: Yes, I remember you wanted to tell me something, but we can talk in the water. Come along. I want to cool off.
Stephen: All right.
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Stephen: W-what are you doing?
Ginger: I think I've already worked out what you wanted to discuss. This is it, isn't it?
Stephen: What?
Ginger: You don't give a woman flowers and take her to a five-star restaurant and then for a walk on a practically empty beach just so you can tell her about your latest business endeavour.
Stephen: How do you know?
Ginger: You're not the only man that's ever been in my life. I've got prior experience, you know.
Stephen: You think of me as a man in your life?
Ginger: Unless I've been misled, I'm certain you're a man. And you're most definitely in my life.
Stephen: Ah...
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Ginger: Darling, look at me. Take a deep breath and try to relax. I promise, this isn't going to be nearly as difficult as you think it is.
Stephen: It feels very difficult.
Ginger: Tell me something. How long have we known each other?
Stephen: Twelve years? Twelve years in August, so eleven and a half.
Ginger: Right, and in that eleven and a half years, how many times have we gone on outings? How many times have you taken me to dinner or invited me to some event or other as your plus one? I've been going on holiday with you, Sebastian and Sofia for years, and we're together nearly every day at home.
Stephen: That's true.
Ginger: And we've gotten to know each other well.
Stephen: Yes.
Ginger: In all that time, how often have you felt as anxious about having a conversation with me as you do right now?
Stephen: Maybe not at all? I've been nervous, but not like this.
Ginger: What's different now?
Stephen: I have something to confess.
Ginger: Go on, then.
Stephen: Promise you won't overreact.
Ginger: When have you ever known me to overreact? It'll be all right. Just say what you want to say.
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Stephen: Ginger, I... I'm in love with you.
Ginger: *smiling softly* I know.
Stephen: You already knew?
Ginger: Yes, but I needed to hear you say it. You needed to say it out loud too, for yourself as well as for me.
Stephen: How did you know? When did you...?
Ginger: I realized it quite a while ago.
Stephen: You never said anything.
Ginger: Would you have wanted me to make the first move?
Stephen: I would, if you said you love me too.
Ginger: I do. I love you. I've never said anything before because I didn't want to overstep. You are technically my employer, after all, regardless of us being good friends. I didn't know if it'd be appropriate, or if you would've welcomed it even if it were.
Stephen: I would've more than welcomed it, and I don't think it's inappropriate, but...
Ginger: But, what?
Stephen: Do you really love me? What about Nikolai?
Ginger: Nikolai is like my brother. We tried to date, but we should've known it'd go nowhere. Of course I love him, but in an entirely different way than I feel about you.
Stephen: I wish I'd had the courage to tell you before he came back into your life. Then, I wouldn't have had to worry about it.
Ginger: He's never been out of my life, but there's no reason at all for you to be worried about it. He's getting married, remember? And he's head-over-heels in love with his fiancé. I doubt he's even giving a second thought to our little experiment these days.
Stephen: Why did you do that experiment? Did you already realize how you felt about me before you tried to have a relationship with him?
Ginger: Yes. I've loved you for a long time, but I didn't think I could have you. I wanted... something. A companion, a partner. Someone to share every part of my life with. Nikolai knows all my secrets, but there are some things we could never share.
Stephen: Could you see yourself sharing those things with me? The things you can't share with him.
Ginger: I could. I do love you, Stephen, and perhaps I should've said something long ago, because the last thing I would've wanted would be for you to worry about losing me to someone I was never in love with in the first place.
Stephen: I don't want to lose you. That's why I had to be brave and tell you now. Sebastian isn't going to compete forever, and he won't need a coach in a few years, and I... I don't know how I'd cope if...
Ginger: You aren't going to lose me. I'm right here, and I'll stay forever if that's what you want.
Stephen: I do.
Ginger: Then, consider it settled.
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Stephen: We're both fools, aren't we?
Ginger: I reckon we are.
Stephen: We lost so much time.
Ginger: We haven't lost anything. We've been together since Sebastian, Sofia and I came back from the UK. Ten years together doesn't seem like lost time to me.
Stephen: Together, but not together.
Ginger: I see what you mean, but we can do something about it going forward, can't we?
Stephen: I'd really like that.
Ginger: Me too.
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Stephen: So, will you be my partner? Or... girlfriend? I don't even know the best way to describe this.
Ginger: Partner. I like partner, and I'll gladly call myself yours.
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Stephen: Would it be all right if I kissed you?
Ginger: I think you'd better.
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*soft kiss*
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Ginger: What do we do now? We can hardly go back to life as normal after this, can we?
Stephen: *whispering* You could marry me. Right here in Tartosa, before we go home.
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Ginger: No, not like this. I've already had one elopement, and I don't want to do that again. If you're going to propose to me, I want you to do it properly, when we're both ready.
Stephen: When do you think that'll be?
Ginger: I think when we're ready, we'll know. For now, let's take our time and enjoy this.
Stephen: We'll have to tell Sofia and Sebastian.
Ginger: Can we give that a couple of days? I rather like the idea of having a secret romance.
Stephen: *laughing* Is that what they do in those books you like?
Ginger: Sometimes.
Stephen: Is there anything else they do in those books that I should know about?
Ginger: All sorts of things.
Stephen: Such as?
Ginger: Sweet things. Naughty things. But, the most important thing they do is live happily ever after.
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aita for not wanting to travel to meet people important to my partner?
Before I say anything else the issue I have is with the traveling not meeting these people. It's just that my issues with travel are bigger than my desire to meet them, and that's where this post comes in.
I'm 29, my partner is 27, and we've been together a year and a half. They have friends that live a few states away who are really important to them and who they miss a lot. luckily, they just realized they are due to earn an extra weeks vacation by next summer and just excitedly called me with the idea that we could spend a week or two in Ohio with them. They were so excited.
I said that sounds like a great idea. You can absolutely do that, but that's not something i would be willing to do.
Now. This is something my partner knows about me. We've had this conversation many times. I do not like to be away from home for more than a night, maybe 2 if need be, but preferably, i would always sleep in my home. Not to go into too much detail about my issues, but it's severe enough that just considering it while I type is making me really anxious. We're still discussing different ways we can have the other vacations they want while I still feel safe (bringing our pets is an option we've talked about, but they're cats, so thats not exactly easy)
Anyway my partner seemed very upset that I said I wouldn't go so I backtracked and said I'd think of a way that I could come for maybe a night and get back home on my own so they could enjoy the rest of the time with their friends. I know this wasn't a good enough solution for them. I know they are hurt that meeting these people isn't "worth" the discomfort for me. we've already had issues with me refusing to stay at their parents' house a state away (I've met them, I love them, and I will not sleep in their house).
This isn't something I just accept and expect to live with forever, I'd like to be able to travel! I'd like to not be afraid to sleep other places! but me and my therapist are not going to figure this out in just a few months. This is years of trauma we're sifting through.
Am I wrong to not just deal with it? I will if I must because I love them, but I also know that that's risking me having a full on panic attack in front of these strangers and several states away from my home, so... aita for just saying no?
What are these acronyms?
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aphrodisiac-siren · 1 year
Dynasty of Flames
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen-Royce Reader
Summary: Being born into the most respected and equally feared houses in the realm made people look up to you as if you were a god and the devil himself, in equal measure. People say that when a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin; and when news of the birth of Daemon’s firstborn- a girl, spread, people could only wait in anticipation to see which side of the coin faced up during her birth. 
Warnings: Incest (duh), maybe some swearing??
Part 1, Part 2,
Part 3
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The morning air was cold and a thick fog surrounded the boat that swiftly floated top the waters, sailing along the path that led to King's Landing.
Y/N stood on the upper-deck, facing the port side of the boat to gaze into the distance as she doodled in her little pocket book; though there was very little she could see, courtesy of the fog. She wondered why there was such a big concern regarding Luke's succession when he was already named Lord of the Tides and furthermore, why it required the entirety of the family to travel to the Keep to settle the dispute. It was not that she did not like the Red Keep, she just did not like sailing.
"Have you eaten?" Jace walked up the stairs to join his half-sister on the upper deck. Even though he was a few years younger, he'd formed a habit of mother-henning his siblings, fitting into the role of being the one who would one day sit the throne and take on the job of protecting them.
"I did, before we left home" Y/N sweetly smiled at the boy, momentarily looking toward him. Jace had grown up to be rather loving around her, given their history of never getting along at first and she was glad to have someone such as himself by her side.
"It's a good thing you do not get seasick like our brother" he chuckled "he's finally fallen asleep now, though I believe he will awake in a rather bad mood"
"He does get grumpy after his afternoon naps" Y/N playfully grinned at all the past memories of Luke waking up and just being an irritable puppy until it was time for tea "Are you nervous about going back? Luke seemed a touch uneasy"
Jace sighed at the question. He did feel a bit hesitant with regards to going back and facing the other half of his family; the half that did not like him. Though, even if he would never admit it out loud, he knew he and his brother played some part in creating a tense atmosphere between them and a certain uncle.
"I won’t lie, I am a bit nervous yes" Jace pressed his lips into a line.
"Aemond?" Y/N asked and Jace heaved a long sigh before he nodded silently.
"Whatever happened, it was all years ago" Y/N tried to provide some comfort "I'm sure he won’t lash out at the mere sight of you"
"Of course you'd think that, he's your friend" Jace chuckled softly to himself "but us boys, we've never been even remotely close to that"
"Again, that was years ago. People change Jace" the older girl looked at him adoringly "and if he initiates anything, I promise I'll be by your side unlike the last time"
"Thank you sister" Jace replied with an appreciative glance though he had a feeling that deep down the princess would side with Aemond. The both of them had been together ever since they’d learned how to walk and he knew that if things ever got heated like the last time, Y/N would once again rush to Aemond's defence.
It took all morning to reach King's Landing and everyone was more than happy to leave the boat and walk on land once again. Thankfully the carriage ride back to the castle was a short one.
Upon their arrival, neither the queen nor her children were present to welcome Rhaenyra and her family. No one had expected for the King to be present for he was far too ill to do so. Still, at the very least his hand, Otto Hightower could make himself present. Instead, Lord Beasburry stood at the doors to welcome them.
"How lazy can one get to not make any effort to simply walk to the doors of the courtyard" Y/N mumbled to Luke and Rhaena "Is it really that big of a task to greet your guests?"
Luke chortled at the older girl's rant. She most certainly was Daemon's daughter.
Once they'd all entered the castle, everyone headed off into different directions to look around. Rhaenyra and Daemon to meet with Alicent, Baela and Rhaena to look for their grandmother Rhaenys, Jace and Luke to have a look at their former training yard. The younger boys went along with their mother while Y/N decided to visit her old nursery.
The castle felt so familiar but at the same time, so different. It was hard to describe but it did have that sense of home that Y/N found rather welcoming.
As she grew closer to her old room, she heard a faint and distant sound of someone singing from within so she cautiously and silently walked closer. She stood by the doorway as she looked into the nursery. It was so much different from when she'd last seen it. The drapes were no longer blue: her favourite colour, but they were now a pale shade of yellow and the cradle that used to sit closer to the window was now in the very middle of the room. There was a baby inside cooing at a man who was looking into the cradle, playfully wiggling his fingers in the child's face as he sang a calming melody.
He had his back facing Y/N but judging by the pearly white hair, It couldn’t be anyone other than the king's sons. He had a lovely voice, Y/N thought. She couldn’t see his face but he had hair that was short, and slightly wavy.
The boy leaned away from the cradle, standing at his full height before turning around to face Y/N. There was a moment of confusion before he smiled warmly.
"Princess" he stretched his arms out "I am so happy to see you Y/N, though I am a touch insulted you mistook me for my brother"
Yes, I can see that now, Y/N thought to herself when she saw the boy she was talking to had both his eyes.
"Apologies, prince Aegon" the younger girl smiled back "It's just that Aemond too has short hair and I noticed-"
"Oh, it’s fine Y/N" Aegon laughed as he waved his arm at her "I was just teasing. Did you just arrive? How was the journey?"
"Quiet tiresome. Terrible storm that toppled our boat and then I had to fight off a sea serpent" Y/N scoffed as she pretended to wipe sweat off her forehead "I had to swim all the way back"
"Quiet the adventure" Aegon chuckled but was interrupted by the sound of the baby giggling "Ah, seems like Maelor is just as fascinated by your voyage. Come, let me introduce you to my youngest son"
Aegon gently picked up the babe in his arms who cooed adorably in his father's embrace.
"Maelor, I would like to introduce you to the most beautiful girl in all of the seven kingdoms" Aegon softly bounced the little boy, a gesture that made him giggle.
"Oh hush now" Y/N laughed as she lovingly smiled at Maelor "Hello little prince"
The small boy stretched his arms toward the girl, indicating that he wanted to be carried by her and Aegon let Y/N hold the baby. Maelor looked up at the princess, wide-eyed before he reached up to grab her hair in his little hand, pulling it closer to put in his mouth.
"Ah ah" Aegon tutted as he uncurled Maelor's fingers to free his grasp "Please do not tug on her hair, I'm afraid that job is solely reserved for your uncle, Aemond"
"Aegon" Y/N gasped at the statement that made the older boy chortle at her reaction "Aemond is my friend"
"Of course princess" he suppressed his laughter "do not use that word in his presence, might upset him"
Y/N rolled her eyes. Ever since they were children, Aegon had been teasing them both.
The girl tilted her head to see Helaena by the door and immediately her face lit up. The both of them used to write to each other a lot over the years and had grown quiet close. Aegon took Maelor from her arms so that she could greet his sister-wife.
"Oh, I've missed you my dearest" Helaena engulfed Y/N in a warm hug.
"And I you, my darling" Y/N hugged her tighted as Aegon cleared his throat.
"You see that?" He turned toward Maelor "Y/N is stealing away your mother from us"
"Stealing?" Y/N raised a brow "Helaena was always mine. It was you who stole her away from me"
"Oh shut up" Aegon rolled his eyes with a chuckle.
"Perhaps we could run away tonight and get married in Dorne" Helaena nudged the younger princess' arm "You ready the kids and I'll ready Dreamfyre"
"I'm right here, you childish imbeciles" Aegon made a face that had both girls burst into fits of laughter.
"Have you met Aemond yet?" Aegon asked "He should be at the training yard, if I’m not mistaken"
"Why aren’t you training as well?" Helaena asked.
"I was on my way, but Maelor wasn’t in his best mood" the older boy explained "I decided to stay with him in the nursery"
"In the training yard, you say" Y/N gave each of them a curt nod "may I be excused? I should go and.. meet him"
"If you intend to snog him, now would be a bad time" Aegon shouted from the nursery as Y/N walked out "Cole is with him presently but I would be happy to drag the knight away to give you both privacy!"
Y/N shook her head as she laughed at his antics.
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By the time Y/N arrived at the training yard, it was for the most part, empty.
The twins who served as knights of the king's guard, Ser Erryk and Arryk Cargyll were putting away the weapons near the little shed under which all the weaponry was kept.
Y/N spotted Ser Criston Cole not too far from the twins and made her way toward the knight.
"Ser Ciston" she greeted and she could swear she saw him jump just a little when she called his name while approaching from behind.
He too, just like Aegon, did not recognise her at first but one look at her unique hair seemed to remind him of who it was he was talking to.
"Princess" he bowed "how nice to have you back after all these years. You've grown even more beautiful from when I last saw you"
"Oh you flatter me" Y/N smiled at the compliment "I was told I would find Prince Aemond at the training yard, is he here?"
"He is"
Y/N bit her lip to reign over the girlish grin creeping to her lips. She hadn’t heard his voice in years but she knew exactly how he spoke despite him sounding nothing like how he used to. The accent, the tone delivery; it was obvious that it was Aemond who was stood right behind her.
The girl spun around slowly to look at the prince. He was taller, so so much taller than her. And his hair too was much longer than how it was a child. She found it funny how she mistook Aegon for Aemond because of how short he'd kept his hair meanwhile Aemond outgrew his hair like how Aegon once did. The only difference was, Aemond's hair wasn't as wavy and unkept as Aegon's. His left eye, or more like the place where his left eye would’ve been, was covered with an eye patch.
He wore black, as opposed to the green he always incorporated into his wardrobe as a child. Y/N liked it, he looked absolutely dashing.
"Hello" she simply said with a smile and Aemond's facial features softened
"Lovely to see you again, princess" he reached out to take her hand in his and brought it to his lips to place a gentle kiss, never once tearing his gaze away from hers.
"You've grown taller" the girl stated and Aemond breathed lightly in amusement, without even a hint of his familiar warm smile.
"And y-you.." Aemond trailed off, still processing the fact that she was standing right before him, her hand still in his. Not realising he'd momentarily zoned out, his gaze fixated on something his mind wasn’t aware of in the present.
"If you are contemplating commenting on my breasts, I would advise you not to" Y/N raised a brow and she heard Cole drop one of the weapons behind her, perhaps in response to her blunt forwardness "Unless you are attempting to have me despise you"
"What- no, that’s not what I-" Aemond fumbled over his words, something he never did. He only just realised that while he had spaced out into oblivion, his disassociated gaze had fixated the décolletage of her dress, that allowed for a bit of her cleavage to be exposed without compromising her modesty "My apologies princess, I did not mean to-"
Y/N chuckled at how his cheeks turned pink, just a tiny bit. She did frown inwardly when she noticed that his freckles that she liked so much had faded away.
"I've missed you" the princess earnestly said as she looked up at him with her beautiful lavender eyes "Issa rōvēgrie naejot rȳ mōrī rȳbagon aōha elēni"
"It feels nice to finally hear your voice"
"Likewise" Aemond responded tenderly. He was slightly surprised to hear her speak Valyrian with such fluency. When they were little, they used to have lessons together to learn the language and she always had a hard time with it. He knew he shouldn’t be that surprised though, she was Daemon's daughter after all. He was well aware her father used to help her a lot when it came to speaking Valyrian, something he wished his own father would’ve done.
"You don’t smile as much" Y/N pointed out all of a sudden. He seemed so closed up and cold. He usually was rather talkative around her, always ranting about something he'd read in a book or about how one day he would have a dragon of his own and they could both fly together. But now he was so rigid, barely saying a few words at a time. It made her a touch disappointed that she was so eager to see him; meanwhile, he seemed not to be.
"You weren't at court" the boy simply replied; a comment that had Y/N grinning ever so slightly and lifted her spirits a bit after his cold demeanour had drowned them.
She wanted to stay and talk some more after years of being able to do so only through letters but she knew her father would be expecting her along with the others. He'd told her that he needed all of them present in a bit when they would go to greet the King. Besides, Aemond did not seem to want to talk to her as much as she did.
"I'd love to talk some more but I must find kepa, he'll be expecting me" she informed as she took a few steps away from him and walked toward the castle. Deciding to push her luck, given her bold nature, she made another statement that she hoped would make Aemond loosen up a bit.
"Ēdā mēre hen olvie gevie līrinon" she told him before she turned away.
"You had one of the most beautiful smiles"
"īlē se drīve inkot bē pōntoma" Aemond whispered to himself as he watched her walk back inside the castle.
"You were the reason behind almost all of them"
Taglist: @yentroucnagol
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cindersfireplace · 4 months
4town Valentine's Day 💘
Jesse, Taeyoung, Aaron T, and Aaron Z walk through the hallway to their hotel room after taking a stroll around the neighborhood:
Taeyoung: There's nothing like bird watching on a calm afternoon.
Aaron T: I'm just glad there was an ice cream truck. That was one of the best chocolate cones I've ever had. Thanks for helping me chase it down Z.
Aaron Z: *walks behind him exhausted* Anything for you buddy 😊
Jesse: You good Z?
Aaron Z: *gasping * Yeah when I catch my breath next week I'll be able to function again 😮‍💨
Jesse: I wish Robaire came with us. It's good to get outside once in a while.
Taeyoung: I'm sure he has his reasons.
*Jesse opens the hotel room door*
Jesse: Yeah probab- sweet cheese and crackers! What's all this!?
*The room is decorated with heart, banners, balloons, pillows, roses, and LOTS of candles*
Robaire: Welcome home my friends! I thought I would put up some decorations for Valentine's Day. *Sigh* Love is in the air.
Aaron Z: I didn't know love smelt like *sniffs* vanilla and *picks up a candle* … Late winter breeze. Whatever the heck that smells like.
Jesse: We were gone for like an hour? How?
Robaire: I'm very efficient when I'm passionate about something.
Taeyoung: So that's why Jess is always yelling at you to do your taxes.
Aaron Z: Were you not efficient enough to get any cookies or candy?
Robaire: That will be for the gift exchange.
Aaron T: Why can't we just buy cards?
Robaire: Because first of all the 4town best friend Valentine's super special gift yearly extravaganza exchange -
Aaron Z: I still say we should shorten the name.
Robaire: -is a time to appreciate each other's gifts and is a testament to how well we know each other. I love giving gifts and I put a lot of thought into them.
Jesse: And I very much still appreciate those custom ‘Art Dad’ oven mitts, but shouldn't we be focusing on our gig that day? The 4townies are so excited to see us perform One True Love live for the first time next week, and after the show I want to go to bed.
Robaire: Then go right to bed on another day of the year but you have to be there for the opening of gifts. Besides we've already drawn names for it so no going back now.
Jesse: Fiiiine if I must.
Robaire: That's the spirit.
Jesse: Uh I think a spirit is what we'll be if all of these candles stay lit. This is most definitely a fire hazard. I'm only agreeing if I get to put half of them out.
Robaire: Fiiiine. If I must.
Aaron T: We've known each other for a while shopping for each other should be easier. Right Z?
Aaron Z: Totally….
*Skip to the day before Valentine's Day at the mall*
Aaron Z: …Not.
Jesse: Come on Z it'll be fine.
Aaron Z: Not when I'm shopping for Robaire it won't. I don't know what to buy and he's definitely gonna try to one up us with his amazing gift.
Jesse: Does anything else in this world motivate you quite like your need to be better than Robaire?
Aaron Z: Absolutely, this is just a continuous priority of mine.
Jesse: So no then. Got it.
Aaron Z: I will search through every isle of this mall if it kills me. I will be victorious.
Jesse: Or you could breathe and let it go…and he's gone. Valentine's is gonna be fun.
*The next day*
Taeyoung: That must have been our best performance yet! Everybody was so excited, and despite my mild fear of heights trying to convince me otherwise, the rising heart platforms weren't so bad after all.
Robaire: Told you it would be incredible!
Jesse: Anyways now that that's over we can open gifts now.
Aaron T: Yeah guys the sooner we get this over with the sooner old man Jesse can take his nap.
Jesse: I'm not ol-
Aaron Z (whispering to Aaron T) You just want to get candy from your gift don't you?
Aaron T (whispering back): Shhhh I just care about Jesse's health…and my blood sugar.
Robaire: Anyways, who wants to go first?
Taeyoung: Me! I got T! Here you go! *Shoves present box into his hands*
Aaron T: YESSS! *Opens package* *gasp* It's a book of skateboard tricks! These are some of the most advanced out there and….a box of chocolate. Thankyou *hugs Taeyoung and whispers* This is why your my favorite.
Taeyoung: No problem at all.
Aaron T: So I guess it's my turn to give and I got Jesse *gives him a very messily wrapped package with 50 bows on it*
Jesse: Geez this looks interesting *opens the box* *gasp* ITS THE SUPER SMOOTH 3000! I've been trying to find this blender for months! My fruit smoothies will be so much better now! Thank you *lifts Aaron T off the ground in a hug*
Aaron T: Your *cough cough* welcome. Could you please put me down now?
Jesse: *Drops Aaron T* I'm next and I got Taeyoung. So here you go?
Taeyoung: *Carefully takes the box from his hand and opens it* Woah! Bird watching goggles! They even have little doves on them! Thanks Jess. I'm gonna have so much fun taking these to the park.
Jesse: I'm so glad you like them. They were some of the best I could find.
Aaron Z: I guess Robaire and I are last. You can go first Ro 😊
Robaire: No, I insist. You go first 😁
Aaron Z: Well this day means the most to you so you should go 😊
Robaire: And I like to share that joy with my friends so you should go 😁
Aaron Z: You.
Robaire: You.
Aaron Z: YOU.
Robaire: YOU!
*While these two keep going back and forth Taeyoung and Aaron T give each other a look and then open the presents themselves (whilst Jesse has too little sleep in him to deal with this)*
Taeyoung: Wow Robaire this is a really nice Destiny ‘s Child record.
Robaire: That's the exact one we listened to when we first met 🫢
Aaron T: Dang Z you got this cool basketball trophy. It even says ‘best basketball player I know ‘. Nice Sentiment.
Aaron Z: That was one of the first things I told you that I dreamed of receiving 😯
*They hold the gifts in their hands for a moment appreciating them*
Aaron Z: *clearly struggling* Th-th-th-
Robaire: Are you trying to say thank you?
Aaron Z: Nah I'm trying to say ‘That's all folks’. Yes I'm trying to say thankyou. Anyways thank you … for … this.
Robaire: Then I guess I want to say thank you too…I guess.
Jesse: Awww this is too sweet.
Aaron T: Maybe it wasn't about who got the best present after all?
Robaire: Mhm. Even though we all know it was me.
Aaron Z: Wh- if anything it was me!
Robaire: No you didn't!
Aaron Z: I got you the record that you sorry self was too BROKE for when we first met!
Robaire: I got you a CUSTOM TROPHY 🏆! Do you know how much that is in this economy?!
Aaron Z: But did I ask-
Robaire: But my-
Aaron Z: No but Robaire answer the question. Answer the question! Did I ask though? Did I?
Robaire: No but you can't just throw that in my face when I'm trying to be nice.
Aaron Z: Clearly not nice enough to admit I'm better…
*Senseless arguing continues in the background*
Jesse: T! They were this 🤏🏻 close to having a nice moment.
Aaron T: Sorry, I was just trying to bring some positivity.
Taeyoung: I'm positively sure they will be arguing for a while so I'm just gonna go now.
Jesse: Agreed. *yawn* 🥱 I'm going to sleep.
Aaron T: And I shall consume all this chocolate within the hour. I love Valentine's Day!
*Later that night Aaron Z and Robaire go to bed setting their gifts down on their night stands smiling at them and then turning the lights out to sleep*
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lesbiandanhowell · 7 months
you know what time it is
Sam reacts to: Dan and Phil are Getting Divorced
First of all the title had me GAGGED but also I love the way they clickbait without clickbaiting? They know thar we've learned not to take any of the titles too serious so it's just like an inside joke by now.
- I have played this before with a friend so I know the story and can judge if they are being stupid or good at it. UPDATE: They are incredible, like they are endlessly better than me and my friend were. Funfact: I played it with a friend after she broke up with her girlfriend and didn't have anyone to play it with anymore
- The different buttons on Xbox vs Switch IS A CRIME so true Phil.
- It looked like Phil wanted an answer after "we can do team work!" and just didn't get one, sad moment.
- The household chores banter is so domestic fuxk me j am crying (live reaction I will leave this unedited)
- "That is also sucking not blowing" OKAY THEN. Despite all the openings for innuendos this video has surprisingly little innuendos or even half dirty jokes? Very kid friendly language.
- I am sorry but Dan's lack of reaction at Phil calling himself husband has me raising an eyebrow, like Dan is not fazed because it happens all the time.
- They are working together so much better than I expected you can tell they have a inherent connection. This is obviously the type of game they are more used to playing and their shared brain from sharing a life for 14 years becomes so clear in the way they play together.
- How are they already codependent in a game they played about 20 minutes... (Phil saying he doesn't want to play alone).
- "Highfive me motherfucker!" That made me laugh out loud because it is SO Dan.
- "They could just go to therapy" - the friend who recommends everyone therapy after they went, we all have them.
- They have such a intrinsic way they work together? Like when they are confronted with a task where they have to work together, they don't even have to discuss who does what it just works out organically. That only comes from being together as long as they have and being such a perfect match.
- Phil knocking Dan's head >>>> love language for real
- "Which one?" Daniel Howell you are a homosexual I don't think Phil was asking if you'd smash the woman?!
- This is the most real Dan we have ever seen. Yes he will trick Phil into getting him killed but he also GENUINELY compliments Phil when doing well or winning a minigame, like that we don't get in their competitions.
- "Excellent work Lester" The last name use got me feeling some type of way not sure why.
- Dan: "I've been on grindr" Phil: "You literally made me die saying that"
- They are SUCH a good team, nothing shows this more than co-op games.
My biggest take away from this was just how much they praise and compliment each other? They are so polite and appreciative and say thank you and everything so many times in this video, probably more than in any other gaming video we have seen before. I think this is how they play video games together personally and I am glad we got to see this calm, less chaotic and to me more real version of them. I enjoy their competitiveness but this was a very wholesome insight into another side of them.
Can't wait for the next part because if they don't finish this game series I will commit crimes.
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snippychicke · 6 months
It's Just Business
Part Five: Lifestyle
I don't know when I can get on my computer next, so instead of making you wait I figured I'd just post via mobile. Not as fancy, but who cares, right?
AO3 | Master post
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You and Nami split a bedroom, filled partly with items from your old ship and her own items.
It was your first time having a female friend - was it too soon to be friends? - let alone one your age. It was both thrilling and nerve wrecking at the same time, especially considering you were now living together.
"So hey, I have a question," Nami spoke as you settled in for the night.
"Uh, shoot?" You said as you climbed into your hammock, pulling a blanket around you.
"You and Sanji?" Nami asked. "Half the time you two are acting like a couple, the other half you're arguing and he's flirting with me - or any other women in the area for that matter. What's up with that?"
You were still stuck on the whole 'couple' notion that you barely heard the rest of her words. You? Sanji? A couple? "W-we we aren't… no. Not at all."
She tilted her head as she settled into her own bed, a wicked smile on her face. "You say you're not, but your red face says otherwise."
"We aren't a couple," You stated more firmly. "Never have been, and-and probably never will." Ow. You did not expect that to hurt as much as it did to admit that outloud. "We've been friends since we were kids, and were never really around others our age very much, so we just kinda… bonded. In our own little odd way."
Nami hummed thoughtfully, though she still had a faint smile on her face. "How do you feel about him?"
"Is this an interrogation?" You protested as you tried to shrink beneath your blanket.
"Sorta. Girl talk really," She teased. "Apparently it's a thing women do. Talk about our crushes, do each other's hair and nails. Gossip." You frowned at her, a bit uncertain, and her expression softened. "Relax. It's … well, I'm used to the others, but I don't know Sanji or you very well, and now that you're part of the crew…"
She just wanted to get to know you better, and the most obvious thing was probably you and Sanji's… dynamic.
"It's… complicated," You finally answered, deciding to admit some of the truth. After all, it was already clear that you two were not the typical pair of friends. "Sanji's my best friend, my only friend. Between him being raised at the Baratie and me being raised on my parent's merchant ship, neither of us had any other kids to talk to. No matter how much we'd argue and fight we knew no matter what, we had each other."
"But?" Nami hedged as you lapsed into silence, apparently able to tell there was more to the story.
"He's a massive flirt," You confessed, as if that part was surprising. "I've known this for years now, and before it never bothered me." Which was a lie, but it hadn't been too terrible. "He's just a stupid playboy after all. But now it does bother me, and I'm not sure what to do. I mean, I’m following this idiot to who-knows-where just because…"
You loved him. He looked at you with those puppy-dog eyes and you knew whatever he asked of you, you would give him in a heartbeat. Including abandoning everything else and setting sail on a pirate ship.
But you didn't think-- nor expected-- him to care for you the same way. You were thick as thieves, and that was the only reason he asked you to follow.
Nami's smile had faded, sympathy evident in her eyes, making you wonder if she had caught the words you refused to say. "I get it. I'll smack him if he tries to flirt with me, especially in front of you."
You laughed dryly with no humor. "You don't have to. Well. Unless you don't want his attention, then I'll be happy to help smack him until he starts thinking straight. Unfortunately, I think he's quite smitten with you."
Nami shook her head. "After serving Arlong all these years, I just wanna live for myself for a while. I joined Luffy's crew because I wanted to. I'm going to follow my dream. I don't want to worry about any romantic relationships right now."
You smiled softly and felt a sort of pity for Sanji. You knew how much he was pining for the redhead after all. "Then I'll make sure the idiot sees and respects that too."
You weren't sure how you ended up at the Baratie, or why.
You remembered being pulled from the wreckage of your parent's ship, sitting in front of the Marine Captain Axe-hand Morgan as he tried to draw information out of you. Unable to speak but just staring at the glinting metal of his arm. Remembering the metal of the pirate's swords. The cannon balls as they ripped the ship to pieces around you.
How the dark metal gleamed with the blood of your parents.
You remember the marines leaving you at Shells' Town port when all you had was the bloodied stained clothes on your back. And that was really the last thing you remembered, though you must have somehow convinced someone to take you to the floating restaurant - or maybe you had boarded the first ship that took pity on you, and fate had already decided your fate.
The next thing you knew, you were walking mechanically through the doors of the Baratie. Nemo, the Maître d’, paled when he saw you enter, and abandoned his post to rush towards you and quickly pull you into his arms. You numbly allowed the hug, as well as following him as he led you back into the kitchen. You vaguely remember him saying something, but you were too numb to really pay much attention.
Shortly after entering the kitchen, you were surrounded by the cooks all swearing your name and pulling you into strong-armed hugs. You still felt numb, but finally felt cracks appear in the thick sheet of ice as everyone stated how glad they were to see you. How worried they had been.
Sanji pushed through the crowd, eyes wide before pulling you out of Patty's arms and into his own. Tears finally stung your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his frame, breath hitching as he pressed a kiss to your temple, thanking whatever gods that existed that you were okay.
Then Zeff stole you from his apprentice, his bear hug twice as tight. "You're safe. You're home now," Zeff muttered, though whether to you or himself, you weren't sure. You didn't care, because he was right.
And that's when you broke down crying.
It was late when Sanji knocked on your door, opening it slightly despite not receiving an answer. "Hey, uh, I saw your light was still on, so I brought some hot chocolate."
"That sounds nice," You managed to mutter, your throat feeling tight despite having stopped crying hours ago. You were still sitting in the corner of the small room, back pressed against the wall for the sake of having some kind of stability to ground you.
Sanji opened the door all the way, careful with the tray of not only hot chocolate, but a plate full of treats as well. You had to admit, him taking a seat beside you on the floor without even hesitating eased the tightness in your frame more than the mug he placed in your hands.
Even when nothing was said for a long time, it was nice to not be alone. To have him beside you, grounding you more than being huddled against the wall ever could.
"I… can't say I know how you feel," Sanji started after a long moment. "Losing parents that loved you. But after the shit I've been through… I can say that things do start getting better again. It takes a while, but I promise it does."
You had heard, of course, of how Zeff and Sanji met - though you still had no idea about any of his life before that. Zeff wasn't his father - at least not biologically - so what happened for Sanji to part from his parents was a mystery.
However it happened, it didn't matter. You rested your head against his arm, hoping he understood what you were silently trying to convey.
Sanji moved, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer to his side. "And until then, you got me, Zeff, the whole crew, okay? You're not alone. You'll never be alone."
"Promise?" You whispered as you snuggled into his side.
Sanji pressed a long kiss to the top of your head, his hand rubbing your arm. "I swear it. No matter what, you got me sweetheart."
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silawastaken · 3 months
Surely Chuuya will understand that Dazai declining mental health isn’t his fault or Dazais fault or anyone’s fault, really, though certain people definitely have had a bigger part in it than others (looking at mori). Surely Chuuya will understand that Dazai didn’t talk about any of it because he’s mentally ill and genuinely doesn’t believe anyone should care about him, and that lashing out at Dazai isn’t going to help the situation. Surely! Surely! The confrontation between Dazais, now traumatized, younger sister who really only has him and who will now refuse to stop clinging onto him and his older brother figure who just lost the love of his life will be much worse than the confrontation with his soulmate. Surely!!!!!!! SURELY CHUUYA WILL BE UNDERSTANDING AND SUPPORTIVE!! AND NOTHING VAD WILL EVER HAPPEN EVER AGAN!!!!!!
Also I’ve finally had time to reread chap 21 and really read it you know, and I just wanna say that scene where dazai complains about being hungry and everyone else immediately handing him food? that shit was GOOD! I’m a fan of slowburn and ssk abd all that good shit but it’s nice to see whenever their friends do shit like that. Reminds me of when dazais bag broke right after Oda died. It’s just cute :3
So, Chuuya in chapter 22 is special to me, and i responded to a comment about it- Because of how he reacts.
Chuuya's first reaction is fear. He's scared, because the person he loves the most had tried to khs, and Chuuya didn't notice. He didn't put it together. His next, as Dazai continues to try and run and hide despite it being obvious Chuuya knew, was anger and frustration because of the fact that he's scared.
He's scared, worried, he's just had something he's been freaking out about for weeks revealed to be the one person he didn't consider, and that one person is extremely mentally ill. Like any sixteen year old- He doesn't necessarily react in the appropriate manner.
Of course, as he calms down and figures things out, his reaction becomes more understandable and appropriate- more focused on getting through the day to a place it's safer to process all that happened, and he doesn't push when Dazai says he doesn't want to talk about it.
He's just worried, and hurt because of how blatantly he's been lied too. There's likely a degree of guilt he feels, and will feel, regardless of how much he's aware that it isn't his fault.
An Elise/Ango confrontation hasn't happened yet, but you're right, the likelihood would be that that confrontation would be worse than the Chuuya one. Because, like you said, Elise walked in on Dazai's half dead body, and Ango just lost the most important person to him, and Dazai is that person's younger brother.
There are so many ways that confrontation could go, and while it wouldn't necessarily be explosive the way the Chuuya one was, it would almost certainly hurt worse imo, given everything else that has happened to his siblings and Ango.
The next chapter is going to be pretty heavy I think, given we've moved past the entire soulmate thing, this is picking up loose ends. And lots of those are centered around Dazai and his abuse.
But yeah. Chuuya was specifically written so that he wouldn't instantly have an understanding reaction, so that he would go through different layers of emotion before his finally got to the understanding stuff, because he's human, and also pretty fucking traumatised from this whole thing, and therefore it's more realistic for him to have a negative reaction first, before beginning to understand and be nicer about it.
And yeah that scene with Dazai having food thrown at him was so nice, I wanted to specifically include a bit that confirmed that after they realised about how bad Dazai actually was with food, they were all looking out for it.
Anyway you probably were NOT looking for this long ass rant but thank you for this ask cause it really had me thinking <33
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