#wealeys twins
shadowbriar · 2 years
George Weasley - Loved and Lost You
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Pairing : (F/M) || George Weasley x Gryffindor!Reader Word Count : 4.8k  Warning : Mention of food. One foul language. Synopsis : Fake dating gone wrong when she realises that her silly idea to help the Hufflepuff boy costs her her bestfriend. Notes : I had no idea how to end this, definitely not my best ending to date but I hope you can still enjoy it. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
“What would I do without you, truly?”
She shrugs, passing the redhead his quidditch robe, “I don’t know, actually. Probably died a long time ago.”
The boy grins, receiving the said item thankfully.
The sun was beaming, steady wind blowing that lovely morning as the Gryffindors began to crowd the quidditch field. It was another typical practice but for as long as she could remember, she has always been a constant audience of the activity. She wasn’t sure if it was purely caused by her admiration of the said sport or was there any other hidden meaning she tries so hard to bury inside her chest, but if Voldemort himself is not outside of her doorstep and threatening her with the cruciatus curse, best believe she would come and cheer for her favourite Wealeys.
Yes, Weasleys.
Though it was obvious for everyone else that she has always been more fond of one of the twins, she would always argue that they both are her best friends and that she loves them equally. Sure she has been more open with one of them, spent more time on his bed and shared more of her heartfelt stories with him, but that doesn’t mean that she has any special feelings for him. They simply connect better, like the way honey fits best with tea instead of sugar.
“Say, do you have any plans after this?” He asked, putting on his robe in the process “I was wondering if you’d like to do that Charms essay together?”
“By together you mean by copying mine?”
He grins sheepishly, “You know me best.”
“Yes, I’ve heard that before.” She says as she rolls her eyes “Meet you here after?”
He ruffled her hair, the very dear habit he does whenever they’re going to part ways, before he jogs lightly to the field.
She finds herself walking to the bleacher, finding a spot next to Hermione who was trying to bite down her smile, “What?”
“Oh, don’t ‘nothing’ me, Hermione. I know something’s running wild in your precious witty brain.”
“It’s just that,” The younger Gryffindor vents, turning to her “You and George look so cute together. Whatever is stopping you two from dating? Everyone could see the heart eyes you’ve been exchanging with each other.”
She rolls her eyes, “There’s no heart eyes between us. Don’t make up words, Hermione, you know how rumours go wild in this school.”
“Oh, but there totally is!” She argues, feeling rather curbed over her emotions “George has never looked at anyone the way he looks at you and vice versa. You both are neck deep in love with each other yet refuse to acknowledge it. Merlin, you both are denying it for no reason, really!”
She turns her head to watch the game, not entertaining the younger girl any longer.
Hermione wasn’t the first to question their friendship. In fact she’s one of the least vocal about it, compared to Ginny and Harry would blurt out the questions right in front of the younger twin, making the atmosphere to be awkward for the next 2 minutes to come. It would be a lie if she never pondered about the underlying truth beneath the curious accusations their friends made, but being best friends with the Twins was all she’s known for since she first stepped in Hogwarts. She’s been the honorary third twin, so Fred called, and their close relationship has always been something of her identity. There really isn’t anything more than that.
They were all just making things up, she was sure. There’s no heart eyes, no soft gazes and George definitely doesn’t like her that way. If he does, she would’ve known about it because who else could read him like an open book? Right?
Her attempt on keeping her giggles in was evidently failing as George continued to nudge her under the table. Troubles in Potion is always the worst and she wouldn’t want to get any of them detention from Snivellus, but what exactly can you expect from sitting next to one of the Twins? It would be a cold day in hell if they don’t try to tickle or at the very least make silly comments about the Professor throughout the lesson.
And as if on cue, George was pulled up from his seat abruptly, arm being yanked away by the foul Professor, “Switch your seat with Diggory. Now.”
The joy on both their faces turn into horror in the blink of an eye. George nods silently, packing his belongings. She shot an apologetic smile at him, watching him as he shuffled away from their table. Diggory, who looks surprised that his name was being called, is now walking to their table, his unfinished essays disorganised in his hands.
She smiles, nodding, “Hello, Diggory.”
She glances at George, making sure that the boy wasn’t much affected by Snape’s wrest, though she knew that it would require much more than the Professor’s assault to frighten the boy. Hell, she wasn’t even sure there would ever be anything George Weasley is afraid of. That boy has always been confident and undaunted no matter how severe the circumstances he was in. Yet she still couldn’t stop herself from checking in on him. It has become an unconscious habit she picked up over the years.
George wiggles his eyebrows at her, showing his unphased state as he takes a seat. She rolled her eyes. Of course he’s still being his jesterself.
She turns her head back to her paper, only to notice Diggory’s eyes glued to a few tables in front of them. She follows his direction, raising her brows as she realises that he was watching Patricia Stimpson intently. She looks back at Diggory who still hasn’t blinked from the last she saw him.
“Is there something on Stimpson’s face that I didn’t notice?” She asks aloud, making the boy snap out of his thought “Is it only noticeable from your side of the table?”
“No, there’s nothing on her face.” He answers, cheeks turning rosy “I was just spacing out.”
She squints her eyes, noting the nervous shift of his gesture, “Are my eyes deceiving me or are you blushing right now, Diggory.”
“Shut up.”
“Oh, Merlin!” She exclaims quietly, grinning at the secret she’s just learned “You fancy Stimpson, don’t you!”
“I said, shut up.”
She nudges the boy, teasing the poor Hufflepuff who’s now trying to bury his head under his arm, hiding his face that is as red as a tomato. In no time the two strangers become close. Funny how one fortuitous action could bring the two close in no time. It was as if they’ve been friends for years.
And the sight wasn’t left unnoticed by a pair of jealous eyes.
George chews on his lower lip with anxiety. He’s never seen her grow close with someone as fast as this, not even with Lee who has been their fourth wheel for years. What is it about Diggory that seems to be such a magnet for girls? Was it his pretty face? His humour perhaps? Surely he couldn’t have better jokes than the prankster of the castle.
The redhead’s bubble of thought burst as a crumpled paper hit his head. He turned to the direction where it came, seeing his twin who’s gesturing him to open it. With a huff, he opens the parchment paper and his frown grows even more sour.
‘Losers Weepers.’
She throws her head to the back as she laughs her heart out, giving George light punches to the arms. The Gryffindor table was full of familiar faces. It has been a while since the whole squad was present. With the different year they’re in, different classes they’re taking, and evidently different teenage troubles they’re facing, spending breakfast together seems like an impossible task to do. Now that everyone’s present, she couldn’t find a reason to leave the table early.
But one.
“Hey, you.” A voice calls, greeting her with a smile as she turns to face him “Ready to go?”
“Of course!”
George’s brows were furrowed, disapproving her who’s now standing from her seat, “Where are you going?”
“Oh, Cedric and I are planning to do our Potion essays early.” She explains hastily “Also, George, you wouldn’t mind switching partners with him, would you? I kinda need his help with the upcoming assignments.”
The boy blinks, completely taken aback at the wave of information and requests she’s throwing at him.
“Brilliant!” She exclaims, taking his silence as approval “Let’s go, Ced.”
The whole table was left appalled, watching as she walked away with the Hufflepuff boy. Ginny and Hermione were audibly gasping when she linked her arms with him and he ruffles her hair, skipping out of the Great Hall happily. The sight was so peculiar they would’ve preferred seeing Dumbledore wearing a bikini than to witness the situation for the second time. The things she was doing, linking arms, laughing, and getting all jumpy was a sight they would see with George, not Cedric.
Since when were the two close?
“What’s just happened?” Harry broke the silence, blinking his eyes “What’s she doing with Cedric Diggory?”
“Didn’t you hear? They’re going to do their Potions essay.” Fred comments mockingly, knowing that his twin isn’t capable of making up for an answer “I didn’t even know we have Potions essay.”
The younger twin stabs on his innocent sausage as if trying to butcher it to its death. His eyes were vacant, feeling a silly pool of knots forming inside his stomach. To know that she prefers to do Potions essay than to spend time with her literal family at Hogwarts shows exactly where Cedric is positioned in her priority list.
Disappointed would be the most understated word he’s feeling at the moment. She has never been that close to anyone but him. He had always been the one she would drop the world for yet now he could sense that the seat was filled with others. He knew that something was going on. There’s no chance in the seven hells that they simply want to do their Potions essay early. Since when does she care about Snivellus’ classes anyway? Yet the realisation only further stomps him, making him drown deeper into the pits of anguish.
“I’m sure they’re just friends, like we all are.” Hermione comments, noticing the dejected look on George’s face “There’s nothing really to be worried about, George.”
He chuckles bitterly, not looking up to see the girl, “Why would I be worried?”
The table went quiet. They all could see the sorrow bleeding out of his skin. It was common knowledge to the pack that he’s madly in love with her. In contrast to her blatant denial whenever their relationship was being questioned, George chose the more vague path of simply smiling and clinging his arms around her shoulders, showing a sign of approval but not really. As if he was waiting for her to stop denying it so he could finally shed the mask he’s been wearing all these years.
Yet it seems like he wouldn’t ever get the chance to take it off now.
“I’ll see you guys at the field.”
The boy shoots a weak smile to the group, standing up as he picks up his satchel and exits the Great Hall. The group stares at each other, feeling the mutual sorry for the heartbroken boy. Everyone could see the quidditch robe left unconsciously on the table and yet, for the very first time, she wouldn’t be the one giving it to him later.
“There’s Stimpson.” She whispered to Cedric before faking a laugh, glancing at the girl who’s just entered the Great Hall “Quick, put your hand around my waist.”
“Is that really necessary?” He comments but still does the gesture “Could she even see my hand under these giant tables?”
“Stop, Ced, you’re hurting my stomach!”
The boy chuckles, watching her fake laughter with glee, “You’re entirely something else, you know?”
She grins as she takes a bite of her toast.
The plan was in motion. The two of them have done more public display of their intimacy, indicating that a romantic affair is happening between the two without telling anyone the truth behind such actions. Cedric found the idea to be ridiculous initially, but now seeing Stimpson to be taking silent glances and frowning lightly at the sight of them together, he came to the realisation that not only is she a great actress, she’s one hell of a genius too.
Yet he couldn’t help but to notice that the green emotions were radiated not only from Stimpson but from one of the Weasley twins too. If anything, the younger twin seems to be in a different level of jealousy that everytime he looks in his direction, he would find the Gryffindor’s eyes to be throwing him daggers.
“You know,” Cedric starts, clearing his throat “As much as I’m grateful for you for this stunt, are you sure it is fine for you to be fake dating me?”
“Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?”
“Because something tells me that one of the Weasley twins is despising it.”
She frowns, turning to see the Gryffindor table where the twins usually sit. Her eyes met George’s for a brief second before he looked away, joining the conversation Lee and Fred was having. She notices from afar the light hue of grey underneath his eyes and how his smile doesn’t seem to reach his eyes, no wrinkles around it as he laughs.
Guilt starts to creep inside her. When was the last time she truly looked at him? He looks awful, despite still looking as charming as ever. She could tell that something was bothering him and she feels terrible for not knowing what caused it. She used to know everything about him like the back of her hand. How long has she been gone, really?
“Are you sure nothing’s going on between you two?” Cedric asks, breaking her train of thought “I really don’t want to be the cause of your ruined relationship.”
“What, no. Nothing’s going on between us. We’re just friends.”
“Doesn’t seem like it.” He argues with a shrug “I mean I’ve seen you two around. Even a blind man could tell that something’s going on between you two. Do you not reciprocate his feelings, is that it?”
“What feelings?”
Cedric stares at her with disbelief, a teasing smile tugged on his lips, “You’re joking.”
“Do I look like I'm joking?”
“He fancies you!” He exclaims with a nudge “Come on, surely you’re not that daft to see it.”
“George doesn’t fancy me.” She comments, looking away from the Hufflepuff boy to hide her blush “Why does everyone keep telling me that.”
“Maybe because that’s the truth.”
She glares at him before looking back down to her breakfast.
Her thoughts were running wild. Being told that George was in love with her by their group of friends has always been something of an ordinary. She never thought much of it as she figured it was just one of those friendly teasing you make within your group of friends. But now hearing it from Cedric who was the literal definition of an outsider makes her ponder if such words ever actually hold some meaning. Is it really that obvious for others that he hoards feelings for her?
“Look, all I’m saying is this fake dating goes both ways.” Cedric continues “On my end I get to make Stimpson jealous and it seems like it’s working so far. On yours, I think that it’s making one of the twins jealous. What I’m questioning is, are you up for such a consequence? Are you ready if he somehow changes his demeanour around you because of our fake relationship?”
She frowns, “George wouldn’t change just because we’re dating, fake or not.”
“Are you sure? Because it looks like he’s ready to hex me to death.”
“Positive.” She rolls her eyes at him “In fact, I’ll come over to their table now and show you that his actions would remain the same.”
“Bet you 10 galleons he wouldn’t.”
She shows a disapproving expression before standing from her seat, planting a small kiss to Cedric’s cheek before walking away from the Hufflepuff table. For some reason she could feel her heart beating faster, unsure if she’s more afraid to prove her words wrong or true. Neither of the outcomes seem to be pleasing for her. If George really has feelings for her then she wouldn’t know how she could live her life knowing that she’s hurt him with the fake dating. Yet if he doesn’t, why does she feel like she would crash and fall from the bitter truth?
“Morning, Gentlemen.” She greets the table “Saved a seat for me?”
“Aren’t you already secured one with the Hufflepuffs?”
Her smile dilutes, George’s cold tone poisoning her, “I’m still a Gryffindor, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, well maybe there’s another spot open down the right.” George continues, still not looking up to her “You can join Ron and his group of friends.”
“There’s a spot right next to you, George.”
The boy picks up his satchel, placing it in the mentioned space, “Full. Sorry.”
She blinks at his callous gesture. It’s hard to believe that such words came out of his lips, the very one person who has always showered her with affection and warmth. She could see the same appalled expression shown on Fred and Lee’s faces, who didn’t expect George to be this bitter at her. Sure they know that he’s been struggling with the new sight of the couple, but never in a million years have they expected to see George being this hard to her.
“I see.” She replies, forcing a smile now “Well, I’ll see you guys at the field then.”
“Don’t even bother coming if you’re going to be with the enemy.”
“What’s got your wand in a knot, George?!” She bursts “Why are you suddenly so cruel to me?”
“Me? Cruel?” The boy questions, this time looking up to see her with angered eyes “I’m not the one tossing their friends away for some pretty boy she’s only befriended with for weeks!”
“Toss away? I didn’t come to one of your quidditch practices and you think that I’m tossing you away?” She questions, chuckling bitterly “I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that being friends with you meant that I couldn’t date someone I like.”
George smirks, “At least you got that part right.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You really think that Diggory likes you?” He asks, this time standing up to tower her “You really think that someone like him would ever like someone as bland like you? You’re dense if you think that he ever likes you back.”
She let out a shuddering breath, tears starting to prick on her eyes from his harsh words. George seems to realise the weight of his words too as he blinks, facial features turning softer yet still showing the much bottled anger he’s erupting. He opens his mouth before closing it again, unable to make up words to follow his last.
“Fuck off, George.” She says with a cold tone, glaring at the boy.
Fighting her tears, she walks back to the Hufflepuff table with a broken heart. The possibility that George likes her has certainly been crossed out. The words he uttered are not the ones you said to someone you like, let alone someone you love. His words were only the reflection of his jealousy and bitterness that she’s now found someone who could appreciate her as much as he does. Well, did, as she swore not to ever befriend the red head again.
She takes the seat next to Cedric, sniffling slightly, “Kiss me.”
“What?” He questions, looking worried at her teary eyes “What happened? Are you alright?”
“Just kiss me, Ced.”
And so the boy leans in, kissing her gently on the lips. For the first time the couple finally shows intimate gestures, something more than holding hands or hugs, something that further proves that the two are indeed in a romantic relationship. The stunt was witnessed by the eyes of the Great Hall. Some were gasping in awe, some raised their brows in confusion, and two were staring at the couple with a sinking heart. One having a worse anguish than the other.
She chews on her lower lip, trying to focus on the words Cedric was telling but his first sentence rang in her head like a broken record. Stimpson has finally asked him for a study date, meaning that she’s finally taken interest in him. The objective of the fake dating is achieved, there really isn’t any reason left for them to keep the act.
She should be happy that Cedric could finally get the girl he’s always been pining for, yet a bigger part of her wished that Stimpson would approach Cedric a bit later. Perhaps a few weeks from now when things between her and George were already settled. When he’s finally come to her and apologise for the hurtful words he spat on her that day. She knew that there was no way that Cedric would ever like her, it’s not like she cared about it anyway, but did he really think that she was bland? That she wasn’t worth Cedric or any guy’s time? Is she really that unattractive?
“Hey, you okay?” Cedric asks, looking worried at her now “You seem off today.”
“I’m fine.” She says with a smile, taking a sip of her butterbeer “So we should end this act, then.”
He nods lightly, “I suppose.”
“Why don’t you sound happy about it?”
“Because I know things between you and one of the Weasley twins is yet to be resolved.” He explains, taking her hand and giving it a light squeeze “I’m very sorry that with my uprising, comes your downfall with him.”
“Don’t be silly, it wasn’t your fault.” She rolls her eyes, smiling “We’ll figure something out. He’ll come around.”
No, she wasn’t sure that he'd come around. It has been weeks since their dreadful fight and George has made every effort to avoid her. She hardly ever saw him, not even at the Great Hall or the Common Room. It was as if he was a ghost that used to reside inside her brain, now gone into thin air as some beautiful myth she’s to tell to others.
But at the same time, George was there. He was still in their classes, still at quidditch practices, and every other activity that they used to do together. The fact that he hasn’t made any effort to fix their friendship hurts her. She didn’t realise that the foolish idea she proposed to Cedric would lead to such a devastating outcome.
And she too didn’t expect that their fight would make her realise that she’s in love with her own best friend.
Perhaps she was denying everyone’s question about their relationship because she was scared that the affection only flows one way. George has never approved nor denied the accusation thrown at him about them anyway and he certainly never made any effort to advance with his feelings should he ever have any in the first place. It was hard for her to tell if what others say was true about them and she didn’t want to have high hopes over something that he himself hasn’t approved of.
But now that the fight’s happened, how he blatantly says that she was bland, she knew that the words others say were mere lies. George had never liked her that way. She has always been a friend to him, nothing more. The affection he’s shown to her was nothing more than platonic and it broke her heart.
“So should we end it here? Right now?” She asks, taking a deep breath “The sooner we break up, the sooner you can woo Stimpson. Might want to be fast before she loses interest.”
Cedric smiles, nodding and standing up to give her a hug, “Thank you, and I hope you can reconcile your friendship with Weasley.”
She nods, waving goodbye to him who’s now walking out of the inn.
She let out a sigh, feeling pathetic to herself now at the corner of the Three Broomsticks. She’s lost George and now she lost Cedric too. Just how worse can her life be now?
Yet as if she’s spoken too fast, she saw her group of friends entering the inn. Fred waves at her, followed by Lee who calls for her name. George was standing not far behind them, seemingly not ready to meet her yet still follows the other two.
“Hello, stranger.” Fred greets, walking to her table “Long time no see. Where’s pretty boy?”
“Freddie,” She replies with a smile “Gone, we broke up.”
Fred’s smile fades, frowning, “I’m sorry, Love, I didn’t know.”
“Yeah, it just happened, actually.” She answers nonchalantly, turning to George this time “Supposedly you're happy now, aren’t you George?”
The boy didn’t say a word, only staring at her with an apologetic expression.
“You know what, I have to go.” She says, not wanting to spend any more minutes with his presence “I’ll see you guys around.”
And so she takes her purse and walks away from the table. She exits the inn in a hurry, not wanting to be followed by any of them. Her chest was tight and head loud. So many things running inside her mind and every one of it revolves around one particular ginger.
How could she face him now? How could she face him after their fight? He was being a jerk that day and now that they’ve broken up, it would only further feed his ego. Being right about their short lived fake relationship would be something George would wear like a badge of honour. She couldn’t care less about him being right, what bothers her is the fact that not only was he right but that she’s also the loser who hoped that her best friend was actually in love with her too.
Why couldn’t George be jealous the way Stimpson did? Why does he have to be jealous for a whole different reason? Why couldn’t he like her?
“Love, wait!”
She fastened her pace as she heard his voice calling from behind. No, she’s not ready to talk to him. Her head is still fuzzy from all the questions and self blame. Meeting him would only lead to another argument and she’s unsure if her quivering heart could survive another turbulence.
“Wait,” George says as he catches her arm, making her stop on her track “Please, I just wanted to talk.”
“Well, I don’t want to talk, George.” She says, still not looking at him “You’ve made your point and you’re right, no need to rub it on my face.”
“No, that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. What I wanted to say is-”
“Look, I’m tired, alright? It’s been a long day and I really want to get back to my room.”
“I know, this would be fast, I promise-”
“Not now, George.”
She turns her body, ready to walk away before he grabs her wrist again and turns her.
Before she could complain further from his persistent action, she finds herself being kissed on the lips. She could feel how tense George’s body was, in contrast to how gentle his kiss was. His eyes were tightly shut, as if afraid to see her rejection from the abrupt action. The grip on her wrist loosen, giving her the chance to pull away and shove him off if she would want to.
George lets out a nervous sigh when he pulls away. He could see her appalled expression when he opened his eyes, his blood running cold from the possible outcome of his hasty action. Would she hate him even worse now?
“I’m sorry.” He gathers, voice barely above whisper “I- I don’t know what came into me. I just-”
She didn’t let him finish his words. She pulled him for another kiss, this time showing him how to properly kiss a girl. She pulls him close, eliminating any distance between them that seems to be growing further apart lately, He hesitantly rests his hands on her waist, showing more meaning and confidence to his action. Both of their hearts were beating wild, adrenaline pumping through their vessels as they prayed that the other party wouldn’t regret this once they breath for some air.
“We have so much to talk about.” George says in between the kisses “How is this happening?”
“Less talking,” She answers short “More kissing.”
George grins through the kisses. He now has his hands cupping her cheeks gently, giving her his most possible soft caresses. Merlin knows how much he waited and prayed for this to happen. The second guessing and self doubt now has dissipated, melting away with every peck they share. At last the denial has come to a close. Both acknowledging and embracing their long hoarded feelings for each other with glee. What was once loved and lost, have now returned, giving them the chance to properly show their devotion this time.
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shadowqueenjude · 7 months
Fred And George Wealey 😭😭😭
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Ahhhh, I need the twins and Lucien to meet. Eris too. Crossover event.
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fangirlies · 2 years
Never apologise for your Elliot brain rot (you know I'm all in for it...)!! Oh, geez, what a loaded question... I've had so many such crushes and still have. I think my most prominent, the longest and active is Percy Jackson - what a guy! It's been decades and it's still going strong.
Stiles Stilinski! The Wealey twins, Eren from AOT (i'm not gonna elaborate...), Steve Harrington, Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield's, it's been a love since the first movie), Robbie (the secret if Moonacre) and many more, these are just the ones on top of my head. Love me my sarcastic boys that try to act tough, but they all really need the tightest hug and a cookie. Well, and Xavier and Elliot of course!! My favourite troubled, brooding boys :З
I would also love to mention Zendaya, all my adoration and admiration go to her! What a wonderful person, she has my heart.
What about you, bestie??
Hii bestie!
Man I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to get into the Percy Jackson series. I used to be a nerd for Greek mythology. I remember taking a class in high school where they taught us different religions and when we got into the Greek gods, I was hoooked!
Im grateful for xavier/elliot bringing us together because I don’t think I’ve ever been into all the other people you’ve listed. Mine would be 1D, Austin Mahone, 5sos, Carl grimes, and then now thorpe boy 🫶🏻
Zendaya is literally a goddess walking on this earth. Her euphoria character ripped me to pieces. And I can’t think of any other woman her age on her level 🤐
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whack-ed · 4 years
Between (Fred Weasley x Slytherin Reader!) Part 1
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Synopsis: Y/N Y/L/N never quite understood why all these things always happen to her. Nobody understood why she was put in Slytherin. But in her fifth year at Hogwarts, many things were cleared up. Your parents, your friends and also, that one should not be named, all these things explained the why. Her blood was stained, but she could not disagree more with the philosophies that made it like this. Between blood and love. Y/N had to make a choice.
Warnings: agnsty; mentions of death; sad reader.
Reader: Female
Words Count: 1.5k
Author's Notes: Am I doing my first imagine? You bet I am. This plot was from a fiction that I wrote on wattpad, but I decided to turn it into a imagine here on tumblr. The  idea of this imagine is that it has some chapters, so if you want to be taged in the next chapters, comment "i solemnly swear that i am up to no good" here. Also, and also, the names of your family members are fixed. So let's go to the history.
It was a rainy sunday morning at the Y/L/N family mansion. The house was known to many in the magical world. There had never been an owner who was not a family wizard, the mansion was always passed down from generation to generation, there is no Y/L/N who had not lived under this enormous roof. It is a typical English mansion, made of stones in dark brown tones, with three floors (visible to the naked eye, at least), small trees symmetrically cut to follow the same straight lines as the mansion, filled the front garden and, a considerably large staircase leading up to the huge entrance door. Y/N never really liked the place, she thought it was too big and not very welcoming, especially now. As much as the house was always full of relatives and employees, to the girl it always seemed very empty.
Y/N grew up inside the Y/L/N mansion, along with all her family members who lived there, she detested most of them, especially her parents. They had an obsession with blood purity and maintaining the family's reputation. She did not agree at all with the philosophy of her parents, and the rest of the family. The only person she had ever been able to talk to, the only person who really understood her, was her paternal grandmother. Harriet Y/L/N was a very friendly lady, with a wide nose and a small smile, very delicate blue eyes. Mrs. Harriet, or as she likes to be called, Grandma Harriet, did not match the layout of the mansion. She was always wearing loose white clothes and a witch hat adapted for those who care for plants, Y/N reminded of the hat that Professor Sprout wore. Everyone in the house always saw Grandma Harriet as a basketcase, thought she was crazy, but Y/N always thought she was the wisest person in the family.
Despite the presence of her grandmother, the year that ended was not easy for Y/N. She had finished her fourth year at Hogwarts, together with the Triwizard Tournament, and also with Cedric Diggory, who was to be her best friend. After the unfortunate event, the information that the Dark Lord had returned came as a bonus. Many said that Harry Potter was lying and that Dumbledore had gone mad. How Y/N wanted these people to be right. She, more than anyone, knew that the Dark Lord had indeed returned, and her family ... She would rather not even think about it. All the girl did during the winter break was to advance reading the fifth year books, so she could even for a moment forget everything that happened and everything that was going to happen. He exchanged letters with his friends too, including Draco Malfoy. Draco's family was very friendly with Y/N's family, as they shared the same ideals. Although Y/N thought completely different from Draco, the two had a great friendship. They were in the same house at Hogwarts, they were the same age, and despite their regrets, they had a good laugh together when it came to making fun of teachers.
- Daughter, dinner is ready. - Said Eva, her mother, when opening the door to her room.
Y/N was lying on her bed reading a letter she would receive from Draco in a few minutes. The boy was just saying that he was about to go crazy, as the climate inside his house was getting heavier and heavier. Y/N knew, and so did Draco, where all of this was going to take him, all these meetings at the Malfoys' house, was not a good thing.
- Letter from whom? - Asked his mother entering the room.
- Draco - Y/N replied without taking her eyes off the letter.
- Draco? I like his family a lot, I'm glad you are friends, he ... - Said the woman standing in front of him looking directly at a photo in which Y/N was with Hermione Granger. She hated the fact that her daughter was a friend of a mudblood. - It's a good influence for you.
- Yeah, I agree with half of what you said - Y/N said finally looking at her mother, with a sinus smile on her face.
The rest of the night spent slowly at the Y/L/N house. Y/N couldn't bear to hear the prejudiced comments from Klaus and Hanz, her uncles. Usually whenever the girl thought about saying something, her mother looked at her with an explicit disapproving look. But lately, even that the girl was not doing, she was quiet, something in her will fade. Since Cedric died she had not argued once with her uncles and cousins, which was the custom for a girl. Everyone had noticed the difference, but no one dared to say anything, they preferred it that way.
At the dinner table her father, Petrus, commented on the change in the Hogwarts faculty, that Dumbledore was a scum, that it was absurd that no one had done anything about it yet. Nothing new to everyone at the table. As soon as dinner was over, everyone went to their corner of the house, and before Y/N could go up to her room with a jar of caramels, the doorbell rang. As she was closer to the door, she went to answer it before Pugsley, one of the mansion's house elves, did so.
- Okay Pugsley, I tell my dad that you were busy polishing his shoes, he won't be bothered by that, will he? - The girl laughed.
- Thank you my mistress - The elf smiled making a short bow - You are the cool soul of this house.
- Coolest, Pusgley, coolest soul of this house. We need to improve your vocabulary huh, I'll help you later. Now, I need to answer before someone sees us, you better go.
And so the Elf went to enjoy the rest of the night somewhere, until he was asked again.
Y/N opened the door and was surprised, she just couldn't tell if it was good or bad. In front of him were Lucio, Narcissa and none other than Draco Malfoy. The girl smiled when she saw the boy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, what a surprise to see you. - He smiled politely at the couple in front of him, pretending the best he can. - Draco - He nodded and gave a half smile. - Come on in - Y/N gave the couple and their son a ticket to their mansion.
- Very good to see you Y/N, you are more beautiful every day - Narcissa said sympathetically.
Lucio was about to say something to Y/N when Petrus arrived against the couple, greeting them like the great friends they are. If the friendship of the two families was not based on horrible concepts, they would even look like nice people. Draco's parents were accompanied by Y/N's parents to the living room to talk. The boy stayed behind with Y/N.
- Hey. How are you? - Draco said with a loose smile on his face, he knew his friend was not doing well.
Y/N didn't say a word, just indicated for stairs and the two went up to the girl's room. Once there, Y/N closed the door and simply burst into tears while hugging his friend. She had been holding them for almost a month. Draco could be insensitive to many people, but with Y/N it was different, he really cared about the girl. As much as he didn't like her friends, including Cedric, he would never deny her a hug of comfort. And deep down, even though he didn't want to admit it, Draco wanted that hug to last forever.
While Draco and Y/N were in an affectionate and personal moment up the stairs, their parents had other plans for this meeting.
- So you really saw him, Lucio? Petrus asked the blond man in front of him, pouring him a glass of whiskey.
- Yes, he is stronger than ever, he thanked me for being one of the only ones to be on his side, it was an honor - Lucio replied, even though he knew it had not been so.
- Merlin! It must have been wonderful - Eva said with a smile on her face.
- And as it was, finally after years of waiting he finally came back. I can't stand to see Hogwarts in that state anymore, full of ... wizards of an impure lineage. Teaching that we can mix, what will become of our race in this way? - Lucio commented with disgust in his voice.
- Don't even tell me, every day I have more problems with Y/N, she insists that we can mix with these people. But I know she says it out loud, we created it so well, it's just a phase - Eva said, wanting to believe her own words.
- When the time comes, she'll have to make a choice, you know that don't you, Petrus? - Said Narcissa sitting like a lady on the dark sofa in front of the fireplace.
- Yes. And certainly she chose the family, I have no doubt that she will be a great diner - Firmed Petrus.
The truth is that none of the four adults there believed in it very much, but none of them would have the audacity to speak out loud, that perhaps, when the time came, Y/N would be a traitor to her own blood.
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draco-and-tom · 4 years
Whose name?- George Weasley
WARNINGS: Unprotected sex, Dom!George, slight dry humping, Public sex, Unprotected sex, teasing, jealousy, slight hickey kink, possessive kink
A/N: barely edited on 3/29/21 for accuracy.
You were so excited for the summer this year. Normally you hate going home, but this year you get to spend it with your boyfriend. Your parents aren't normally nice to you, so when George told you that you could stay all summer you were ecstatic. All five of you walked inside the cozy home and set your trunks down. “I know it’s not much and you're going to have to sleep with me an-” you walk over to George quickly and hug him tightly “thank you,” you say into his chest. When you pull away you see a big smile on his face and can't help but smile back. He was the sweetest person you’ve ever known. “Come on then,” he said, grabbing your hand to hold in one of his, the other holding both of you’s trunks. You wave to the rest of the group as you walk up the stairs to Fred and George’s room. As room as the door opens you look at him, not able to help the huge smile that comes across your face. “I love it here,” you say “which bed is yours?”. George points to a bed and smiles. You walk over to your boyfriend’s bed and lay down, “Everything is so cozy”. George chuckled “glad you like it, love,” he said, kissing your cheek. “I don't know why you thought I wouldn't like sleeping with yall. I mean come on….. I get to snuggle with George Weasley” you laugh and he lays down with you. “You would like that huh?” he asked, wrapping you in his arms, you humming in response. “Love you” you mumbled, “love you too darling”.
You wake up to an owl squawking at your window. George could sleep through almost anything, not that he had a choice with how many siblings he has.  You get up and walk over to the window opening it for the bird. You recognized the owl, it was Oliver's. You take the letter from the bird’s beak and read who it’s for.                                 To: Fred & George. From: Oliver Wood You walk over to where your boyfriend is sleeping and smile at how peaceful he looked. You pepper George’s face with kisses, not being able to help yourself. George starts to wiggle in his sleep before he smirks with his eyes closed. You noticed, but keep on kissing him. “Nice way to wake up might I say” George opens his eyes to look at you when you stop kissing him. You rolled your eyes “Sorry” you said, trying not to blush, but feeling your cheeks burn. He chuckled “no please don't be sorry. It’s adorable honestly.” He leaned in and gave you a soft meaning full kiss before pulling away. “What’s that?” he said pointing to the letter. “Oliver wrote to you and Fred” George closed his eyes and put his hands over his face mumbling something like “goddammit Fred, fucking ass-” you pulled his hands away and could tell he was frustrated “What’s wrong?”. George looked up at you and rolled his eyes “Fred invited Oliver to play quidditch. I told him not to invite him” he groaned “It’s hard not to punch him in the face when he’s looking at you like he would take you up against the wall”. You blushed “George...he doesn’t like me like that. And even if he did I love you and only you. I'm all yours.” George nods. “Promise?” he asked “I promise”. George leaned up and kissed you softly and kissed you passionately. You kissed back, loving the feeling of his lips touching yours. You could always tell how much he cared when he kissed you. George flipped you over to where he was on top and started to kiss down your neck. You began to whimper as he sucked a mark on your skin until his hands started to tickle your sides. “AH GEORGE STOP THAT YOU T-TWAT” you screamed through your laughter. George stopped and you both laughed. “Thanks, George I was kinda getting into that before you ruined it!” he smiled “I know. I mean you should’ve seen it. You were whimpering and I could see your lip quivering, I even heard my name a couple of times,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows and you. You blushed and rolled your eyes. You look over to see Fred in the doorway with an almost scared look on his face. “Bloody hell you two, get a room”
When Oliver arrives
You and George are cuddling on the couch and watching some muggle movie when Oliver opens the door he walks in and looks you up and down. “Hello there Y/N,” he said “Hey” you responded before looking at your boyfriend to find he was already looking at you and tightening his grip on your body. “Hey y/n” Oliver tried to get your attention. You gave George a reassuring peck on the lips before looking at Oliver “Yeah?” you asked. “What's that bruise on your neck?” he asked, leaning closer to get a better look at it. “Well if you must know wood, it’s a hickey” Oliver backed up to his original spot and made a surprised face “hmm… kinda weird looking don't you think. It’s got a weird blob shape to it eh’? “. You rolled your eyes, starting to see what your boyfriend was talking about. You could feel George stiffen at his words. He tended to be confident in the moment, but self-conscious afterward. “Actually I  like them,” you say looking at Oliver “you know sometimes I wish he would do it more often to be honest with you”. Oliver looked at you like he didn’t know what to say, so you turned your attention to someone more important, your boyfriend. George leaned over to whisper in your ear “Is that true love? Cause if so… I'm sure I can make some arrangements”. George pulled back to watch your reaction. You felt your cheeks get hot and look at your hands in your lap, biting your lip “Mhm” you mumble.  George chuckles and kisses your cheek and you hear Oliver walk out of the room. “You know…” he whispered “I can't tell if seeing you flustered makes me want to fuck you into my mattress or cuddle with you, but I'm debating doing both,” he said, causing you to whimper. George kissed you on the cheeks and got up from his spot on the couch. “Well, I should go get the others so that we can plan out the whole quidditch thing,” he said. Once everyone was in the living room George and Fred spoke up “what are the teams?”. Ginny smiled “Well, I was thinking we could change our plans” she smirked. “Mom and Dad left a little while ago, so I thought we should play truth or dare”. Ron rolled his eyes “Really ginny, we aren't little kids anymore”. Ginny scoffed “Actually Ronald, you didn’t let me finish” you fought to keep in your laugh. Ron really does have a problem with cutting people off. “I was going to tell you that I have some  veritaserum,” she said grabbing a glass bottle out of her pocket, “thought we’d make the steaks higher. If you refuse a dare, or pick truth, then you have to take some” she smirked. “Oh, I'm so in,” you and George said at the same time.  George and you looked at each other and started laughing, making Oliver roll his eyes. The six of you all began to walk outside to the fire that Fred made for the game, before sitting in a circle beside it, Ginny set the bottle in the middle. “y/n” she asked “truth or dare”. You rolled your eyes and chuckled “truth”. She nodded her head and people around the circle laughed “okay. Take a drop” she gestured to the potion. You reach for the veritaserum and put a drop on your tongue. “Okay y/n” she giggles “Have you and George had sex, and if you have how good was he”. You can't stop the words from coming out of your mouth and immediately respond. “Oh yeah, a few times actually.” people around the circle laughed. “And for the second question… god yes. Don't even get me started on how good he feels,” you said “okay y/n that’s enough” but you continued “I mean god, I would be down to let him fuck me right now if you all weren't here.” Everyone in the circle starts to laugh except for Oliver and George. Oliver looked pissed and George was well smirking proudly.  “I mean he knows a lot more than he’ll tell you I ca-” Ginny cuts you off, giggling “Okay y/n, we get it,” she said, trying to catch her breath “it’s another turn,” she said and turned to George. “Truth or dare?” she asked. “Do you even know me?!” he asked, pretending to be offended. Ginny rolled her eyes “I dare you to go have 40 minutes in heaven with y/n”. George smirked and grabbed your hand, pulling you with him back into the burrow. Once you were inside George kissed you “Did the potion wear off yet?”. You nodded your head, “I think so.”. He hums “Do you touch yourself thinking about me?” he asked. You looked down at the ground and blushed. “Yep. It’s worn off,” he said and pulled you over to the couch. He lightly pushed you onto the couch and climbed on top of you. George kissed you and you wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling how hard he was. He took his lips off of yours and started trailing them down your neck, leaving marks along the way. “You’re already s-so hard” you whimpered “How could I not be? A few minutes ago you were bragging about how good I make you feel. As soon as you started talking I knew that I was going to have to take care of you later. Ginny’s a good wingman” he said, moving back up to your jawline. You whimpered at his words and the feel of his lips on your skin. “George I want you so bad. Please make me feel good” you said through your whimpers, causing his hips to buck against yours on accident. You moaned loud at the friction you’ve been needing. George smirks at your reaction, this time rolling his hips against yours on purpose. You moan louder “George! Please”. George moves his mouth up to your ear “Did you want something darling?” he asked. “Please fuck me George. I need you, all yours” you whine out. George groans “Damn right you are”. He gets off of you and starts to take off his clothes as quickly as possible, you soon follow his reactions. George moves over to the couch “come here beautiful” he said and you oblige. You get on top of him, unable to hold in your whines. You knew what was about to happen, George has fucked you like this before, It’s probably your favorite position.  Your boyfriend helped you lift your hips and aligned himself with your throbbing pussy before slowly pushing your hips down. “Fuck you’ve got such a tight little hole” he grunts. George’s grip on your hips tightened as he lifted you off of his cock and slid you back down. George got faster with every thrust. He was fucking up into you and you lived for it. “George” you moaned loudly, making the boy fuck harder and deeper into you. You writhed above him, taking everything he gave you. You started feeling yourself clench around George’s cock. “I'm so close George'' you whined “Me too,” he said between uneven breaths. George’s movements stop for a moment, hearing the front door squeak. George looked to the door frame and saw Oliver looking at them, deciding to let him hear you. He was going to make it clear that when you moan, you moan for him and him only. You didn’t know that Oliver was there, you were feeling too good to pay attention to your surroundings. George pounded roughly into you. You cried out broken moans of his name with every thrust. George kept eye contact with Oliver. George could tell that Oliver was pissed and didn’t give a fuck, he wanted George's girl. “Who do you belong to again?” he growled “You!” you moaned out and tucked your head to suck marks on his skin. “I'm sorry darling. I didn’t catch their name” he groaned “who makes you feel this good?” you moaned louder for him “George Weasley!”. George smirked at Oliver and knew how close you were, you get louder and -if possible- tighter. You cum hard, tightening around George’s cock and whimpering his name. George couldn't handle going much longer after hearing your pretty little whimpers and came inside of you. You lift your head and look to see what George was staring at “oh, hey Oliver”
TAGLIST: @georgeswh0re
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Imagine.. the Stoll brothers, the Weasley twins, Leo Valdez and Jesper Fahey meet....the chaos
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In Love in Luxor | B.W.
Pairing: Bill Weasley x reader
Summary: Y/N and Bill are working together in Egypt when his family comes to visit. Will they still only be working together when the family leaves?
Word count: 4,1k
Warnings: swearing, a bit angsty, mentions of a bad relationship with family, bit of fluff
Author’s note: reader can be from any house!
Disclaimer: GIF is not mine!
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“Oi! Y/L/N, you up?” Y/N heard someone yell outside of her cabin door. She had just showered and gotten dressed and was enjoying a nice cup of coffee when her coworker decided to rudely disturb her peace. She marched towards the door, still clutching her coffee, and opened it abruptly. She was met with the long ginger hair of Bill Weasley, her colleague. 
“Yeah, yeah. Now shut the fuck up, will you?” she snapped back before taking another sip of coffee.
“All you do is drink coffee and say bad words,” he joked. 
“All you do is drink coffee and say bad words,” she mocked in a childish tone. “Now let me drink my coffee in peace, I’ll be out in five,” she added, before closing the door in his face. After working with her for nearly four years, he knew how grumpy she could be in the morning.
Y/N and Bill were both curse-breakers, working primarily in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt. They had developed a rather interesting friendship. Y/N was known to be fierce, sarcastic and impulsive, while Bill was more friendly and patient. However, they understood their differences and most importantly - although Y/N would never admit it - they respected each other. Because of that, they worked quite well together, with the occasional snappy remark of Y/N of course.
When Y/N had finished her cup of coffee and grabbed a little bite to eat, she exited her cabin. Outside of said cabin, there was a clearing with four other cabins. In three of those cabins lived her coworkers. The fourth one usually stayed empty, as it was meant for visitors or when some Gringotts representatives came. In the middle of the clearing was a gigantic tent with all the stuff they would need in their day to day work, as well as a table, where they would sometimes all sit and eat together.
Besides her and Bill, there was Daniel Buchanan and Flynn Atkin. Dan was the healer on hand. It was quite necessary, curse-breaking was dangerous and the wounds you could end up getting had to be treated at once. And Flynn was a historian, specialized in the Egyptian eras. He could be quite handy in deciphering hieroglyphs or estimating what kind of objects they came across. 
Y/N made her way to the tent in the middle of the clearing where she found Flynn, Dan and Bill sitting at the table, conversing.
“What are y’all sissies sitting there for! Let’s go, we got some curses to break,” she called out. Bill raised his eyebrow at this, while Flynn was getting up.
“Well, lovely of you to finally join us, princess,” Bill said.
“Don’t call me princess, Weasley,” she warned him menacingly.
When you saw Y/N, you wouldn’t exactly call her princess. On colder days in the Luxor desert, she wore black skinny jeans, a t-shirt or a top and was almost never seen without her black dragonhide jacket. However, Luxor could get quite hot, like today, so she then wore a simple black top with black shorts and perhaps a light, loose cotton blouse overtop, to protect her arms from the sun. And a pair of sunglasses of course. 
Flynn, Bill and Y/N then made their way to the tomb of Ramesses I, where they were currently trying to break a rather stubborn curse. Dan usually stayed behind. He would be notified if someone was wounded and then he would apparate immediately, but most days would pass without any incidents. On those days, Dan would take care of all the correspondence with Gringotts and the more administrative aspect of the job. 
When the three of them arrived at the tomb, they all just stared at it. They had managed to finally break the entrance of curses the day before, but now the trickiest part came. You never knew what kind of boobytraps or curses you could find inside of those tombs.
“So, what do you suggest, Y/L/N?” Bill asked her, still gazing into the tomb.
“Set it on fire,” she said without missing a beat. Bill and her kind of had this inside joke - could you even call it a joke? - where she would always suggest to set things on fire.
“Why is arson always your first answer?” Bill sighed.
“‘Cus I like fire. But no, I think we should maybe investigate the hieroglyphs around the inside of the entrance first. But we shouldn’t get too close,” she finally suggested.
“Yes, let’s do that,” Bill agreed. “Flynn, amaze us with your knowledge, mate,” he said, turning to Flynn, who was already grabbing a quill and some parchment to take notes on the hieroglyphs.
When they finally finished their work day, Bill and Y/N could always be found around the table in the tent, playing some kind of wizard - or sometimes even a muggle - game. Today’s pick was wizard’s chess. And Y/N was losing badly, as always.
“Checkmate,” Bill said triumphantly. Y/N glared at him.
“I wanna punch you, but that’d ruin that pretty little face of yours,” she grumbled.
“Hey! My face is not pretty! It’s handsome,” Bill protested.
“Aw, did your mum tell you that?” Y/N mocked.
“She did, actually. Speaking of my mum, she’s coming to visit soon. Well, the whole family is actually,” he said, gleaming. Anyone could tell that he was really excited for the arrival of his parents and his many siblings. 
Bill had told Y/N all about his six siblings. Charlie, the dragonologist with his head in the clouds. Percy, the studious soon to be Head Boy with his nose always in a book. Fred and George, the genius, mischievous twins who had a love for terror. Ron, the sweet, sometimes overlooked boy, who was - together with Percy - the usual object of said terror. And lastly, Ginny. She was fierce and could take any one of her brothers without a blink of an eye. In the way Bill spoke of Ginny, Y/N could tell she was secretly his favourite. 
Y/N loved hearing the stories of Bill and his siblings, although it came with a pang of jealousy and hurt. She never showed it though, she wasn’t one to openly show her feelings. But she never had the family experience Bill had. Far from it actually. She came from a pureblood family that - opposite to the Weasleys - wasn’t close at all. Her parents were not opposed to Voldemort’s visions when he gained power when she was younger. She never understood it. She had an older brother who shared the same beliefs. So, at Hogwarts, she spent the Christmas holidays there and during the summer vacation she usually avoided her family. Their house - well, more like castle - was big enough to only see each other during meal times. The minute she graduated, she looked for a job that would get her out of her house as soon as she could. And so, being a curse-breaker in Egypt seemed like one hell of a good offer. However, she could never bring herself to tell Bill about her dysfunctional family. It’s not like she didn’t trust him - being curse-breakers together meant you had to literally trust each other with your lives - she just never really felt like opening up about it.
Bill and Y/N played for another while, making light conversation - and sarcastic comments - as they did so and then parted ways to their respective cabins. 
When Y/N was lying in bed that night, she let her mind wander about what she thought the Weasley family would be like. Sure, they would all have the same deep red hair and freckled skin Bill had, but she wondered about the dynamics in the family. She wondered what it would be like to chat about sweet little nothings while having a cosy dinner. Or just hang out together for no reason. Tell each other secrets your parents couldn’t know. 
Y/N wasn’t one who fell in love easily, but she thought that if she was to ever fall in love and start a family - big emphasis on the if here - she would make sure the family was as close as she could get it. She had no clue how she would do it, of course. But if she ever committed to a family, she would commit fully. However it was unlikely she would ever get that far. The closest she had ever come to loving someone was Bill, but of course she didn’t have any romantic feelings towards him, whatsoever. He was just her best friend. Nothing more. At all. 
Sure she thought he was handsome. And she liked hanging out with him. No, she loved it. She was convinced there was no one else she could spend so much time with. They were together every day of the week, including the weekends. Of course they didn’t have to work on those weekends, but two days was too little to travel home and back. So they usually hung out in the clearing or sometimes they visited other parts of Egypt together, or just went to the city of Luxor. But it was always the two of them. He had become her constant companion and she loved that. 
However she didn’t have any romantic feelings for him. Correction: she wouldn’t allow herself to feel them. She was too scared of it. She wasn’t used to feeling things like that, all giddy and sparks in her stomach, so she told herself she would ignore it until it would eventually go away. Because, above all, Y/N treasured her independence. If she wanted, she could just give up her job of Gringotts and move to the other end of the world. Sure she had to tell Bill, but she could still do what she wanted without having to take others into account. And if she admitted to herself that she liked - maybe even loved - Bill, it would be like a piece of that independence would go away. And she couldn’t bear that thought. It was that same independence that had gotten her through the rough relationship she had with her family. She wasn’t ready to give it up.
And with that, she fell into a deep slumber.
When Bill’s family finally arrived, he was ecstatic. Y/N could tell by the way he couldn’t sit still, always glancing at the ‘entrance’ of the clearing, where his family would meet up with him. Bill had asked Gringotts for a vacation of two weeks and they had obliged.This meant Y/N - and therefore Dan and Flynn as well - also received said vacation, because curse-breaking on your own was too dangerous.  
Y/N and Bill were sitting at the table in the tent and playing - or attempting to play - a muggle cards game they both didn’t understand the rules of. Dan - who was muggleborn - had taught them a thousand times, but they kept forgetting how it went and were currently making up their own rules. Speaking of Dan, he and Flynn had gone home to their families for the two weeks worth of holidays. 
A crackling sound made both of their heads snap up and Y/N saw a bunch of gingers walking excitedly towards them. They all hurried to Bill, who had gotten up from the table. A small girl, around 11 years old, was the first to jump into Bill’s arms and Y/N figured that was Ginny. She looked at Y/N curiously when she noticed her, but stayed behind Bill for a bit. The next to hug Bill were Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. After they hugged their eldest son they made their way over to Y/N.
She extended her hand politely. “Hi, I’m Y/N,” she smiled. She couldn’t exactly pinpoint why she wanted to make a good impression on Bill’s parents, but she wanted to nevertheless. However, instead of shaking her hand, Mrs. Weasley pulled her in for a hug. Y/N was a bit taken aback, but soon hugged back a bit awkwardly. She wasn’t used to receiving hugs, let alone motherly hugs. 
“Oh so you are the famous Y/N Bill writes so much about!,” Mrs. Weasley gushed, making not only Y/N flustered, but even Bill was starting to sport a redder shade than usual. He quickly turned back to the rest of his family, pretending that he hadn’t heard what his mother had said. “My name is Molly and this is Arthur,” she introduced her and her husband.
“Nice to meet you both,” Y/N said, still a bit flustered. 
“The pleasure is all ours, dear!” Molly responded. 
Arthur had noticed the game on the table and looked back at you, a gigantic grin on his face. “Is that a muggle game?” he asked you.
“Um, yeah, but Bill and I forgot the rules so we just made it up,” Y/N laughed. Arthur nodded, the grin still plastered on his face, mumbling: “Interesting, interesting.”
Bill’s siblings had all hugged him by now, so they joined Y/N and their parents.
Y/N saw two identical looking boys and assumed those were Fred and George, although she had no idea who was who. She figured that the tallest redhead, aside from Bill, was Charlie. An awkward looking boy next to Charlie seemed too old to be Ron, so she assumed that was Percy, which left one boy who she assumed was Ron.
After all chatting for a little while, it was time to make the sleeping arrangements. The guest cabin had two rooms with a king size bed each. In Bill’s cabin, there was a guest room with a king size bed and Bill’s own room that also had a king size bed.
“So, Mum and Dad can sleep in the guest cabin, together with Ron and Percy. Fred and George can share the bed in my guest room and Charlie and Ginny can share my bed,” Bill suggested.
“And where will you sleep?” Y/N questioned.
“I can sleep on the couch,” Bill shrugged. Y/N looked at him shocked.
“No. I have a guest room as well, someone can sleep there!” Y/N was too stubborn to say no to and Bill knew that. He sighed in defeat. 
Before he could ask who of his siblings wanted to sleep in Y/N’s guest room - or before he could suggest that he would sleep there -, Ginny piped up: “Me!”
“That’s settled then! Come on, let’s go,” Y/N said to Ginny, who was already excitedly grabbing her bags and following Y/N to her cabin. 
The rest of the family soon grabbed their bags and went to the cabins they were assigned to sleep in. 
The month that the Weasley family stayed with her and Bill in Egypt was among one of the best of Y/N’s life. Being born in a cold, distant family, she had now for the first time in her life gotten a taste of what it was like having a family that cared for you no matter what. She wasn’t officially part of the family of course, but even so she had felt more at home than at any other moment in her life.
She had spent time talking to Arthur about muggle magic he called electricity. Molly had taught - or at least tried to teach - her how to knit, but it turned out she wasn’t a natural, at all. She had also spent ages talking about dragons to Charlie. She had recommended Percy a few of her favourite Arithmancy books, as she knew the boy was interested in the subject. She had also spent quite a lot of time with the twins and they reminded her of herself when she was still in Hogwarts. She had been a quidditch beater as well and didn’t scare away from a prank or two, though she was never near as extreme as the twins. However, she still gave them some tips on how to get into Snape’s supply closet, though they had to promise her first not to tell a soul. Next, she spent endless evenings playing wizards’ chess with the youngest Weasley boy. For being so young, he sure was a genius in wizards’ chess. She lost every time, but as time went on it was harder and harder for him to beat her - though he still managed to every time. He even gave her tips on how to play better and explained which moves would’ve been better. And lastly, she spent the most time with the youngest Weasley, Ginny. 
Sharing her cabin with Ginny resulted in Y/N having a really close bond with the girl. She could still remember the first night Ginny spent with her at the cabin. They had drunk a cup of tea together and Ginny just asked bluntly: “Are you dating my brother?” Y/N almost choked on her tea and had to ask where she got that idea. “Well, he always talks about you in his letters, so I thought that maybe you were his girlfriend,” the red haired girl had answered, before going back to sipping her tea.
Their nightly tea time then became a tradition of sorts. They drank a cup of tea - which usually ended up in multiple cups - together every night and spilled all kinds of secrets to each other. Ginny had told her all about her crush on Harry Potter and Y/N in turn had told about some mischievous things she had done at Hogwarts, giving the small girl tips on how to not get on teachers’ bad sides.
Bill had noticed how close Y/N and Ginny had gotten and it made him even more absolutely smitten for the girl. Yes, he had denied it for a long time at first, but seeing how well she was with his sister, he couldn’t run away from his feelings any longer. He was absolutely in love with Y/N. He loved all her sarcastic remarks and the witty comments she could throw at his head with no effort, but in the last month he had gotten to know another side of her that made him fall even deeper than he deemed possible. She was kind around his family, a trait he never really saw in her before. And she seemed happier. Not to mention that she wasn’t as grumbly as she used to be in the mornings. Of course he had loved her before, but it seemed like she was now more authentically herself now and that only made him fall deeper.
During the first two weeks of the month that the Weasleys spent in Egypt, Bill - and Y/N - didn’t have to work. Y/N had mentally prepared herself to barely see Bill for the next few weeks, when he would show his family around the tombs they had rid of curses and other magnificent parts of Egypt. However, Bill, Molly and Ginny insisted on Y/N tagging along, as she would be all alone in her cabin otherwise. So she joined the family on their little trips, adding a bit more information when Bill seemed to have forgotten.
However, when the last two weeks of their visit rolled around, Bill and Y/N were expected to work, so they could only hang out with the family after work and on the weekends. Molly and Arthur took that time to visit the more tourist-y spots with six of their children, like they enjoyed a boat trip on the Nile and visited all the pyramids they could find. 
And when it was finally time for them to leave Egypt, Y/N had to try her absolute best to hide the tears that were forming in her eyes. She really wasn’t one to openly show emotions like that, so it was quite a new feeling of having to hide watery eyes. Molly had given her about the thousandth motherly hug and she hugged Molly back a little more tightly than before. As if Molly knew what that meant, she made Y/N promise that she would write often and even visit the Burrow sometime.
When they were gone at last, there was an empty feeling in both Bill and Y/N. This resulted in Y/N inviting him to drink another cup of tea in her cabin, which he happily agreed to.
“This was a little tradition of Ginny and me. We would drink tea every night like this. She truly is an amazing kid,” Y/N started.
“She is. She’s going to do wonderful things, I just know it,” Bill smiled.
“You know, you’re really lucky with a family like that,” Y/N mumbled after a while.
“I know. Growing up with them wasn’t always easy, but Godric I wouldn’t change any of it for the world,” he smiled nostalgically. 
“You know, growing up, I never had that kind of relationship with my family. They were all so… cold,” Y/N began and Bill gazed at her. He suspected her home situation wasn’t all that. She had never once received a letter of a family member, nor had they ever visited. He felt happy that she finally felt comfortable enough to tell him about it. 
“They all believed in pureblood supremacy and money and I was so glad to get out of there the minute I got the chance,” she continued. “And don’t get me started on my older brother. He was the worst of all. But it’s fine. They’re out of my life,” she concluded finally. Bill didn’t really know what to say, but Y/N understood what his silence meant and she appreciated it.
“Now, let’s play a game, shall we!” she exclaimed, abruptly changing her mood. She was already going outside to the tent, where all their games and board games were. Bill followed her soon after.
“What do you wanna play?” he asked her.
“Wizards’ chess!” He chuckled at her response and grabbed the familiar game.
He sat it down on the table and his eyes began to gleam with the Gryffindor courage. “What if we make this game a little more interesting,” he suggested.
“What did you have in mind, Weasley?” Y/N asked, not opposed to a challenge.
“If I win, you have to go on a date with me,” he said confidently, courage still soaring through his veins. Her telling him about her family made him see that he was even more in love with her than he ever could’ve dreamed and he had to make it known to her. Y/N stiffened at his request ever so slightly. She still treasured her independence, but after spending a month with the Weasley family, she learned that independence wasn’t everything. So she agreed.
“Okay, but what if I win?” she asked, a small smirk playing on her lips.
“Like you’re going to win,” he joked and shot her a wink. Yet deep down he was all giddy that she hadn’t exactly rejected him. Had she not wanted to go on a date with him, Bill knew she would’ve rejected his offer immediately.
They started the game and Y/N tried harder than ever before. Not because she didn’t want to go on a date with him, but because he thought she couldn’t do it and Y/N wouldn’t be Y/N if she didn’t try everything in her power to prove him wrong.
And so, when she could finally say the word she had been longing to say ever since Bill and her first game of wizards’ chess, she was gleaming with pride. “Checkmate!”
Bill looked at her incredulously. He hadn’t expected her to win the game. “Okay, so you won, you can choose something I have to do now,” he sighed, looking down.
“Kiss me, Weasley,” she said confidently. His eyes snapped up to meet hers. They were full of determination and passion.
“What?” he all but gasped.
Y/N shoved the board onto the side and climbed onto the table until their faces were mere inches away from each other. “I said: kiss me,” she repeated, sitting down on the table in front of him. Bill didn’t have to be told twice - or well thrice - as he cupped her face gently and crashed his lips onto hers. As their lips began moving hungrily in sync, his hands moved to her waist and he pulled her off the table and into his lap so that she was straddling him. Y/N took this as an opportunity to deepen the kiss. Their tongues began combatting for dominance, both too stubborn to give up. Meanwhile they were pouring their feelings into the kiss. It wasn’t just a kiss. It was the kiss they used to tell each other that they loved each other.
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gii-heylittleangel · 3 years
Hermione: Bye Fred! Bye George! Bye Harry! Bye Ron! Bye Fred!
George: You said, 'bye Fred' twice.
Hermione: I like Fred.
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Driving Me Mad [G.W] - Part 1
Series Description: You and George come up with a plan to help each other out by pretending to date each other. But what happens when you actually start to catch feelings...
Pairing: George Weasley x Gryffindor fem!reader 
Word Count: 2.2k
Description: You reconnect with George during a friendly game of spin the bottle.
A/N: This concept was inspired by one of my favorite 90s teen movies, Drive Me Crazy (which everyone should watch btw). I wrote this a few years ago and recently re-worked. This is part 1 of 8! Enjoy :)
“1…2…3…4…” you heard Fred calling. You took off at a run to find your spot. You were playing hide and seek, like you always did at these reunions. The Burrow was the best venue for hide and seek because there were so many great hiding spots, both inside and out. Fred and George seemed to be the best at this game, but you had one secret spot where no one could ever find you. You ran down the stairs quickly, hoping you wouldn’t be heard or spotted. Your parents were in the sitting room with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, waiting for the roast to finish and you tip-toed to the one area where you shouldn’t have been, the kitchen. It was an unspoken rule that the kitchen was off limits when Mrs. Weasley was preparing dinner, but you were never one to follow rules. You heard the adults talking in the other room and knew you had a very limited window to get situated. You opened the cabinet under the sink and went to climb in when you realized there was already someone in there.
“Hey! This is my spot!” you whispered, still trying to keep your cover.
“Well too bad, I was here first,” he spat back. 
“READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!” Fred called. Your eyes went wide in panic and you shoved yourself into the cabinet.
“Slide…over…” you said as you dug your elbow into George’s side. You knocked over stacks of bowls and pans and you quickly shut the cabinet door hoping to muffle the noise.
“I can’t believe you took my spot,” you grumbled.
“Your spot? I don’t see your name on it,” he teased. You smacked him and he winced. “Now, that wasn’t very nice.”
“Shh…you’ll give our position away.” You heard footsteps coming across the tile floor and held your breath. 
You sat there for what seemed like hours, whispering insults back and forth and laughing about stupid things. The hardest part about sitting there was that dinner was starting to smell amazing. It was torturous. That was the downside to having a great hiding place; you were stuck there until you got found.
“Okay, I give up. You guys win. Just come out now,” you heard Fred calling.
“Should we?” you asked George.
“Nah. It’s more fun this way.”
By this point all of the kids were looking for you both, and maybe even the adults. It was hard to tell for sure, considering you were curled up in a cabinet, but you could hear lots of footsteps and your names being called repeatedly.
“Kids, come for dinner!” Mrs. Weasley called.
“What about now?” you asked George, thinking that the seekers would stop looking for you the minute their eyes caught sight of the meal. 
George shook his head no and you trusted he knew what he was doing. “Just wait for it…” he whispered.
As if on cue, both the cabinet doors suddenly flew open. You had been caught. You then realized, it was Mrs. Weasley who had caught you and she had yet to notice two children were in place of her kitchen supplies. She was turned and was calling for the older boys to come and set the table. 
Slowly, very slowly, she turned around and bent down to tend to the cabinet. George’s face broke into a warm smile, knowing what was coming next.
“AAAH!” she shrieked upon seeing your childish figures cramped into such a small space.  You and George erupted into laughter at her reaction as everyone else scurried in to see what had happened. Mrs. Weasley was leaning against the counter, clutching her heart before she essentially beat you with a dishtowel to get you to come out.
“George! Y/N! What on earth were you thinking? You nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Weasley! We didn’t mean to. We were just playing hide and seek,” you spoke, innocently enough. Her mood completely changed and it was as if nothing was wrong.
“Well…alright. Go wash up for dinner,” she said. 
Fred approached the two of us, “That was brilliant. Couldn’t have done it better myself,” he said, giving you both high fives. 
Dinner was full of laughs and merriment as the two families conversed over a lovely meal. George sat across from you at the table and every now and then he would kick your shins and give you that evil grin of his. This was your relationship. You were essentially the second Weasley girl, and according to the twins you were more fun to torment because you could dish it back.
Dinner drew to a close, which meant you could continue playing again. The adults stayed and talked more over tea as you all made up imaginary games, pretending to be people you weren’t. Then, soon, your parents would call you and give you the twenty-minute warning, which always meant you were leaving in an hour. You would say your goodbyes like it was no big deal, but once you started heading home you grew infinitely sadder knowing you’d be playing alone until your next trip to the Burrow.
A lot of time had passed since the hide and seek days. Now, hide and seek was used when you were playing hard to get, which happened quite often now that you were a 5th year. You also didn’t see as much of the Weasleys as you used to. When you were younger, you would go over to the Burrow all the time. But now you only really saw them in passing at Hogwarts. You were still friendly, of course, but you had found yourself in a different friend group. 
Recently, you’d been spending a lot more time with the Ravenclaw’s largely because you were dating Roger Davies. You had started dating towards the end of your fourth year and things had been going great. You were particularly excited for the upcoming school year because they had announced the Triwizard Tournament.
The champions had just been announced and you were in  Room of Requirement, sipping a butterbeer and celebrating with a majority of the Hogwarts population.
“Here ye, here ye!” someone called out. Your attention shifted to the center of the room where the Weasley twins were making an announcement.
“As you all know, we are here for two reasons. One: to celebrate the success of our fellow Hogwartsians,” one of them spoke. The crowd cheered. Cedric’s friends clapped him on the back while Harry stood awkwardly in the corner with a handful of Gryffindors from his year. 
“And two is to have a bloody good time!” the other twin shouted. That statement was followed by even more applause. People clinked their butterbeer bottles together as the twins made a few more remarks to the group.
You mingled around the party for a bit, keeping your eye out for Roger who hadn’t seemed to arrive yet. After a few butterbeers, you stopped worrying so much about your boyfriend’s whereabouts. 
“Who wants to play spin the bottle?” you heard someone call. That certainly caught your attention. All the participants sat in a circle on the floor.
“What rules are we playing tonight?” Cho asked. 
Fred spoke next, “Spinner gets one spin. Whoever the bottle lands on can decide if they want one kiss in front of everyone or five minutes in the closet. You only get a re-spin if the bottle lands on yourself. And all wands in the middle of the circle. We don’t need any interference. Sound good?” Everyone nodded in agreement and the festivities ensued.
Since Cedric was the champion, everyone agreed to let him spin first. His bottle landed on Lavender Brown and she chose to enter the closet with Cedric. Cho looked pissed, as she had her eye on Cedric this year. The two emerged from the closet minutes later, Cedric looking sheepish and surprised and Lavender trying to hide the grin creeping up her face. 
You waited and waited for your turn, and you found yourself getting bored. You were about to leave the game and head to bed but then you heard your name.
“You’re up.” 
The bottle slid over to you and you decided you would leave after your turn was up. You held the glass bottle for a moment before placing it in the middle of the circle and giving it a good spin. The bottle was almost mesmerizing as it completed rotation after rotation before finally slowing down to land on someone. You slowly looked up to see who was at the receiving end of your spin and you internally cringed to see that familiar smile. 
“Alright Y/L/N, I will see you in the closet,” he said. Everyone ‘oohed’ like you were preteens as he stood up and made his way to the closet. You reluctantly followed, knowing this was your ticket out of here.
“Well if it isn’t my first girlfriend,” he smiled as you made your way through the door.
“You wish, George. We were six…it didn’t count.”
“That’s what you think.” You rolled your eyes at his comment.
“Just so you know, nothing is happening in here. I have a boyfriend.”
“Ah of course. Well how are things?”
“Things are going great between us. We’ve been dating almost-“
He cut you off, “I wasn’t asking about Roger. I was asking about you. We haven’t talked in a while.”
“We run in different circles, George. We aren’t kids anymore. We’re barely even friends.”
He clenched his heart, “Ouch. That hurts.”
“Well it’s true!”
“Just because we don’t hang out or talk doesn’t mean we’re not friends.”
“Yeah, whatever,” you mumbled. 
“I bet I know more about you than your so-called friends, Cho and Marietta. In fact, I think I know more about you than Roger.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, “Is that so? Prove it.”
“Well, I know that your favorite color is purple, your best subject is Charms, and you hate the cold but you love Christmas.”
“That is not that impressive. Roger knows all of that.”
George took a step closer to you, “Does he know that you secretly love watching Muggle movies, you’re ticklish on your left knee and that there’s a little star shaped mole just behind your ear.” He gently tucked your hair behind your ear and ran his finger right over the hidden mole. You looked up into his eyes and felt an unusual feeling that you weren’t sure how to define. For a moment, you thought you saw him leaning in towards you. He was going to kiss you and for some odd reason, you were going to let him. Just as your lips were about to touch he turned away as there was a series of knocks on the door. 
“I think our time is up,” you spoke softly. You slid from under his gaze and opened the closet door. “They all bolted…” you stated. The room was full of discarded cups and empty bottles, but no familiar faces to be seen.
“Filch or someone must’ve come by,” he said, “The knock was a warning.” You shrugged and without talking you made your way out of the room. “Heading back to Gryffindor tower?” he asked you. You had briefly thought about going to Ravenclaw tower to check in on Roger, but you decided against it.
The journey was silent, for the most part. Neither of you felt the need to talk. Just as you were about to turn a corner, George grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. You turned back at him confused and he said, “Not that way, we’ll get caught. Filch is usually patrolling that corridor.” You gave him an unamused look, thinking he was just trying to make things difficult when he added, “Trust me.” 
You weren’t sure why, but you did trust him. You followed him down a dark hall that you’d never been down before. You hoped he knew where he was going. It was dark and you couldn’t see very well but you didn’t want to give away your position by using Lumos. Out of nowhere, George took your hand and helped guide you down the hallway. You didn’t really understand why he was being so nice to you. You had barely talked over the years, aside from the occasional family gathering. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pop of light. You looked up and the two of you were face to face with Professor McGonagall. 
“Professor,” he spoke.
“Mr. Weasley…Ms. Y/L/N. Is there a reason you two are out of bed past curfew?” she asked you sternly.
“Yes, but it’s not a very good one,” you said. You were toast. If it had been Flitwick or Moody you could’ve talked your way out of it, but McGonagall was too strict. You only hoped your punishment wasn’t too severe.
“Ten points will be taken from Gryffindor. Each. And you will report for detention later this week.”
“Yes ma’am,” George spoke.
“Now back to bed, both of you!” You scurried past her as you realized how close you were to the common room.
“So much for not getting caught,” you muttered.
“Hey, lay off it. I was trying to help,” he snapped. “Sometimes you can be such a bitch,” he added under his breath.  You weren’t expecting that, but you admittedly deserved it.
You reached the common room and you went in and immediately went up to your room. You curled up in bed and tried to sleep as best I could.
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chamberofwords · 3 years
preview of my upcoming fic - 'yellow'
this was 0.9k words btw. obviously, this was not proofread yet!!
Periwinkle was the colour of the twin’s swaddling blanket when Molly and Arthur Weasley brought their newborn twins home from the hospital. The bright blue contrasted against the dull maroon of their beaming parents’ outfits. The shade also served as a clear indication of their twins’ gender. The same blue followed them as party decorations that adorned across their warm living room when Molly and Arthur held a sip & see party for their friends and relatives to celebrate their childs’ arrival together. It seemed that the guests had the same idea of wrapping their push presents with the colour blue – because at the end of the day, their dining table were drowned by the various hues of blue thanks to the stacks of presents they received. Unwittingly, the day Fred was born was also the first day that the colour blue was introduced into his life.
Ever since then, Fred had always showed a preference for the colour blue. It was the first colour that Fred has associated himself with, mainly because he was taught to just accept it as a colour that represented him. Molly had decided that the eldest twin would be colour-coded blue while the youngest would be green – just so that the rest won’t have a hard time to differentiate the twins together. That would mean that while Fred’s jumper comes in lapis blue, George’s was basil green. When Fred’s bedsheet was dyed in oxford blue, George’s was in emerald green. Heck, even their undergarments were colour-coded; Fred’s was tinged in a shade of teal while George’s was in forest green.
Even at a young age, Fred has always been known as someone who preferred to live life easily. He was a child who just accepted facts without knowing its rationales, so he could easily say that blue was his favourite colour without questioning himself why. However, as the years passed by and Fred starts to grow a little taller and older, he decided that it was time that he paid more attention to what he likes and dislikes.
Just during the period when Fred was about to start his first year in Hogwarts, Fred silently declared to himself that from then onwards, his favourite colour would be orange. After all, it was the colour of the hair that runs in the entire family, and dare he say, the entirety of his house (Molly would probably deny this if he confronted). Fred doesn’t tell anyone, but he’s convinced that the colour of his blood and the rest of his family members is orange and not red like what his anatomy books had told him.
To further commit to his stance, he made sure that the clothes he bought for the upcoming school year were mostly orange. It can’t be helped that his wardrobe still contained traces of blue, since it was the colour that he grew up with. Furthermore, it’s too wasteful to throw it all away. Also, he’s sure that his mother would nag his ear off if she were to ever find his old clothes lying in the trashcan.
Fred also secretly bought a pot of orange ink to use for school without his parent’s knowledge. He decided to use the money he got from Aunt Muriel who had gifted the cash to him as an early birthday gift. Though honestly, he was unsure if he would ever get a chance to use the bright orange ink in school. Mostly because students are only allowed to use black ink for writing. But hey, Fred made a commitment - and he was going to stick to it.
Unfortunately, Molly found the jar on the day before Fred was supposed to get onto the Hogwarts Express for the first time. Fred was never a neat person. So when Molly came into the twin’s room to help them pack properly for school, she had accidentally kicked something hard under the pile of Fred’s clothing that he had set aside near his trunk. Thinking nothing of it, Molly only wanted to pick up the item that she had accidentally kicked and put it back into place out of respect. Consequently, that led to Molly picking up the jar, and realizing instantly that no one in the family had orange ink in their possessions. Only until when Molly turned the glass over to read the tag under, she yelled out the older twin’s name out of anger and pure shock. At that moment, she simply could not believe that her son Fred Weasley had spent a large amount of money on a small jar of coloured ink under her damn nose. In the end, Molly Weasley did nagged his poor ear off. Literally.
Clearly, Fred Weasley was truly committed to the colour orange.
It became a huge part of his daily life now – the jumper under his robe, his quills that he use for school (somehow, he managed to dye it even), the orange candies that were scattered on his desks, his everything. Yet somehow, there was a tiny part of him that was still unsure if he loves the colour orange. Maybe, if he was feeling bored, he would go with the colour red just to mix it up a bit. The reasons were simple; it was the colours of his house. His tie, his robes, his dorm – red was a colour that was impossible for him to avoid.
Still, Fred wasn’t exactly sick of the colour orange. The word ‘sick’ is too strong of a word to describe such a feeling. He would just say that he was so used to see the colour orange that he got numb to it. He wouldn’t mind living in a world of orange. He was just comfortable, yet never satisfied.
This phase lasted until his fourth year, just when his fifteenth birthday was round the corner.
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dapperappleton · 4 years
Dear Author I love the Weasley Twins x reader poly imagines Can u please do more fanfic of them x reader in a poly It’s the Twins and reader getting married And after the wedding ceremony and party they and the reader went somewhere for honeymoon And it’s fluff and it will be smut eventually Pleaseee🥺 Thankyouu🙏✨✨
A/N: Thanks for the request!! I love polyships, particularly with the twins. I’m sorry this took awhile to write, I haven’t been feeling the greatest. Hope I did your idea justice!
Warnings: none (I don’t do n$fw)
“Well, Y/N Weasley.” Fred lifted you up bridal style and threw you on the bed. “How about we celebrate our new marriage?”
Y/N smirked and hopped off the bed. They knew what the boys were thinking about, but they had other plans. They walked over to the record player sitting in the corner of their bedroom and played a muggle record.
Instead of going to some famous, yet beautiful, city like most people would for their honeymoon, George, Y/N, and Fred had decided on going to a cottage in between a forest and an open meadow. It was beautiful and very homey. The soft sunlight filtered through the windows onto the wood floors and the wood furniture. If you stood in the middle of the kitchen and looked out one window you would see the peaceful forest and the dark greens and browns it held, but if you turned around you could looks out another window onto the meadow, a mix of yellows, greens, and the odd burst of colour from flowers. It was the prefect place for a honeymoon with your two boys.
The record played smoothly while a fire crackled in the fireplace. You walked up to George and held out your hand. Not sure what you were up to, he took it. You pulled him into you and started to dance slowly with him. You both moved around the room slowly, socks shuffling on the wooden floors. It felt like an hour when it was probably only five minutes, but the way George stared into your eyes, into your soul really, made time seem to disappear. You both had soft smiles on your faces, revelling in the fact that you were theirs and they were yours forever and always. George glanced down at the beautiful rings — you had one from each twin — on your hands.
It was not a moment later that the music switched from the slow song that you didn’t really recognise into a rock song. It startled you, but before you could question it Fred grabbed your wrist and spun you around a few times. You were a little dizzy but laughing nonetheless. Fred had started to dance poorly, and George had joined in at dancing as stupidly as possible. They almost looked like they weren’t in control of their bodies and long limbs. You laughed and shook your head. Fred looked at you and pouted.
“Come on, Y/N. Join us! Become what you were meant to be!”
“And what would that be Freddie,” You retorted. “A fish on land? One of those wavy guys at car dealerships?”
George snorted before pulling you into his chest. Fred ended up behind you. They both had their arms around, Fred’s on your shoulders and George’s on your waist. Fred places a lingering kiss on your head. You were trapped in a cage of prankster.
“Y/N Weasley,” George pondered. “It sounds so fitting. However, I still liked Y/N Weasley’s-Wizard-Wheezes. It would be good advertising.”
“No it wouldn’t you dork.” You laughed into his chest. “You’re lucky I love you.”
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herohallpotter1233 · 4 years
Harry Potter imagine - face masks.
There is no doubt in my mind that Ginny and Hermione forced the Weasley boys including Harry to do face masks in the summer. After years it because a tradition each year adding new family members.
Ginny Telling them from the scars and injuries and all the battle wounds they endured throughout the school year that the mask would do them wonders.
We know this because Ginny’s skin was immaculate and after some time so was Hermione’s.
They brought and made magical and muggle masks. Clay, peel off, Charol, funny colours and smells and textures.
But now imagine Mrs. Weasley hearing loud laughter as she opened the door the Ron’s attic room to find Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred and George all absolutely Wetting themselves, crying and banging on the floor because Hermione is trying to rip the peel off black mask from Ron and he’d having a meltdown. Imagine them laughing because Ron can’t talk properly with it on.
Imagine George and Fred having bubble masks on and are in bits feeling it bubble up and blowing bits into each other faces.
Imagine Harry’s got a clay pink mask on and has clips to keep his fringe back and Ginny finds it adorable as well the fact that He can’t see because Ginny has his glasses in her hair.
Hermione got a magical detox mask on she created herself and it’s green and moving and she looks like the thing from the blob. That’s what started the laughter fit because Ron screamed bloody murder and told her to back away.
They are all just sitting around laughing, eating and cracking jokes together in their pjs looking younger than they had in months.
Mrs. Weasley listens form the door, loving the sound. Never disturbing them knowing in a few months they won’t be teenagers anymore. They’ll be war survivors, maybe not to even survivors maybe victims. So she lets them be and hold this memory tight in her chest as tears fall down her face.
Just my little imagine.
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anastasiawrites · 4 years
HP Requests:
Request are closed!
You can ask me to write about you (x reader) with those following Harry Potter characters:
-Hermione Granger
-Luna Lovegood
-Lily Luna Potter
-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-The Wealsey twins (Fred and George)
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Percy Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Oliver Wood
-Scorpius Malfoy
- James Sirius Potter 
- Albus Severus Potter
Note- I do not write:
Teacher x student relationship
an age gap of more than 20-25 years.
You can always add what house you want y/n to be (it would help a little with his/her personality)
Have a nice day!
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envision-fandom · 6 years
Counter Attack
Fred and George Weasley fanfiction
Reader x Fred and George
Defence against the dark arts was your passion.
Ever since your parents had told you about the magnificent wizarding school-Hogwarts and all of the classes you would attend, you knew instantly the line of work you wished to go into to. 
Risking your life to protect your loved ones and saving the world from dark witches and wizards had become your dream. 
When you finally became a student, you attended every lesson early and earned full marks in every quiz. You thought you would never get bored of learning new defensive spells and about the dark creatures that lurked in every corner. 
That was until the day the new defence against the dark arts teacher was announced and you had instantly come to despise your DADA lessons. 
Professor Lockhart was a spineless fraud, with a fake smile and vain attitude. 
He made a mockery of himself and his work and the way the girls in your class fawned over him made you sick. 
You couldn’t understand how he had managed to become a professor at Hogwarts or how none of the other professors questioned his ability, as clearly everything he had written in is books were lies. 
You rested your head on your desk and let out an aggravated sigh. Fed up with Lockharts lecture, which was supposed to be on counter jinxes, yet mainly focused on stories about himself. 
The Weasley twins, who sat on the desk in front of you, looked over their shoulders in sync at the sound of your sigh, seeming surprised that the top student in the class was no longer paying attention.
You began to flick through your book, embarrassed that they were looking over at you and decided to read into jinxes and counter jinxes for yourself. You found a particularly interesting jinx and feeling infuriated at Lockharts lecture, decided it was best to learn through a practical approach. 
You pulled your wand out of your robes and aimed it towards Lockhart from under your desk. You summoned the spell ‘levicorpus’ in your mind, and instantaneously Lockhart was lifted up in the air by his ankles, which then caused his wig to fall to the floor. 
The whole class sat in a stunned silence,before erupting into laughter. 
Lockhart began calling out for help, which you found amusing, considering he was teaching a class on counter jinx’s and could easily undo the jinx if he was well versed in DADA. 
Your eyes met Lockharts and you couldn’t help but smirk after seeing the pure panic on his face “Ah Y/N. Please could you show the class how you undo this particular jinx?.” He pleaded and you had to admit you enjoyed the satisfaction of him asking for your assistance and secretly knowing you could do a better job as the defence against the dark arts teacher than him. 
You smiled darkly “Of course Professor.” You summoned the counter jinx ‘Liberacorpus’ in your mind and let him tumble to the ground, not bothering to help soften his fall.
He hurriedly put his wig back on his head and glared over in your direction. You were worried that he had found out it was you who jinxed him in the first place, but was surprised when he reprimanded the Weasley twins in your stead. 
You felt guilty for having them take the blame, but at the same time you didn’t wish to ruin your reputation as a diligent student and luckily they were only given one night of detention. 
You headed straight to the Library during lunch, taking your usual place at the back of the library and studying whilst you ate. 
You had made a few friends, but to you, studying to become an Auror came first. 
After a few hours of cramming in your homework, you began to head back to your dormitory. 
You passed by the trophy room and stopped when you heard a noise inside. You pressed your ear against the door and heard muffled voices. You were about to walk away, before remembering the twins had received detention because of you and were being forced to clean the trophy's. 
You sighed in defeat and decided to open the door, feeling guilty for them being punished on your behalf. 
You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight before you. Fred and George were surrounded by a pile of trophies and were laying on the floor looking utterly defeated- clearly being forced to clean them all without any magic. 
The sat up at the sound of your laugh and you tried to put on a straight face and look as innocent as possible. 
“Ah Y/N, kind of you to join us.” Fred began. 
“Are you here to take responsibility for your reckless actions?” George finished. 
You stumbled back, feeling ashamed “What do you mean?” You ask. 
They both lift their eyebrows at you disbelievingly “Now don’t play coy Y/N. We know it was you who jinxed Lockhart.” Fred said, 
“Yeah no one else could pull of a jinx like that in their mind, and besides...” George continued. 
“We were watching you.”  The finish together. 
You couldn’t help but blush at their words and avoided their gaze “Oh... well sorry. I didn’t mean for you to take the blame. Please don’t be mad, I’ll pay you back somehow.”
They both smirk over at you “Don’t worry Y/N. We aren’t mad. However, we do know of a way you can pay us back.” They smile mischievously and walk over to you, taking your hands in theirs. 
“You can become our secret weapon!” 
You look up at them confused “Huh?”
Fred pulls you towards him and places his hands on your cheeks “Well Y/N, that stunt you pulled in DADA was genius and you were able to get away with it, considering your perfect reputation.” 
George stands behind you and pats you gently on the head “And we wish to cause as much mayhem as we can, but are constantly getting caught. But with you by our side, you can pull some amazing pranks from the sidelines, and they will be unable to prove it was us!” 
You processed their words, and after remembering the thrill you received from messing with Lockhart earlier that day, you were unable to refuse. 
You smiled up at them and took their hands in yours “Sounds good to me.” 
They laughed and pulled you into a group hug, before each placing a kiss on your forehead, causing your heart to skip a beat. 
Your next few months at Hogwarts were definitely going to be a wild ride. 
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axelsagewrites · 6 years
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luvrcami · 3 years
Oh yay! Can I request hcs of being Camilo's best friend (bc I'm soooooo into loud and annoying pranksters like the Wealey Twins Leo Valdez and the Stoll Brothers) and he sets you up with Luisa bc mc has been crushing on her since Camilo's gift ceremony??? And Dolores and Antonio help while Mirabel and Isabela talk to Luisa?
Ok yhat was kinda long ajdjejrjejdjsjsj
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‹𝟹 %: i hope u like this! i didn’t really understand so i apologize in advance if this isn’t what u meant sdfhjqkl
˚ · . luisa madrigal x gn!reader and camilo x reader (platonic)
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✫ ∿ You two are the most iconic duo ever!! literally
✫ ∿ You guys are chaotic and always get yourselves into problems with your pranks
“I have told you two to not pull pranks on the other villagers!” Abuela yelled at you and Camilo. You stifled a small giggle causing Camilo to look other at you, holding in his laughter. “Yes, abuela. we understand” Camilo said. Alma shook her head with a sigh and walked away. Once she left you two bursted out in laughter.
✫ ∿ Since Camilo knows you have had a crush on his prima Luisa since Antonios ceremony he had to do something
✫ ∿ He asked Luisa and you if you two were free this friday and since you both said yes he grew excited.
✫ ∿ Soon after that dolores found out about his plan and begged him so she could help
✫ ∿ And then Antonio found out, his little bird had told him everything and he also wanted to help
“Carlitos told me everything and now i want to help!” The small dark boy exclaimed with a grin. Camilo sighed, while dolores stood besides him with her eyes big as always. “Fine, but that’s it. Only you guys” He said sincerely.
✫ ∿ they had planned to set you two up on a date
✫ ∿ luisa and you were basically dragged to a fancy restaurant, neither of you knowing what was happening
✫ ∿ you both sat down awkwardly and then looked around for Camilo but there was no sign of him
✫ ∿ camilo shapeshifted into a waitress to serve you two food without you guys knowing it’s him
✫ ∿ you were a blushing mess >_<
“I really didn’t know this was going to happen” Luisa’s low voice spoke. “M-me neither honestly” You stuttered out. Luisa smiled at you. “You look cute right now though” She said and took a sip of her drink. “Oh uh really? I would’ve dressed better if i knew this was gonna happen” You replied anxiously. 
Your face was flushed a crimson red color causing Luisa to let out a quiet chuckle.
✫ ∿ You two got to know each other a lot more and then you had agreed to go on another date. this time with the both of you knowing.
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