#well I just wanted to scream I'm bi I just wanted to declare I was into girls as well
starsurface · 7 months
hello! Are you still feeling sick? I hope you feel better soon! I recommend drinking plenty of tea (if you're having trouble sleeping, I recommend fennel tea)
Well, I would like to ask for headcanons of Regressor Bihan with Kuai Liang and Tomas as caregivers? If you're not feeling well enough to do it, I'll completely understand.
rest well and don't exert yourself too much!
I'm feeling much better now, thank you for the advice!!! :D <3
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CG Tomas & Kuai Liang w/ Regressor Bi-Han Hcs
❄️ Bi-Han didn't regress with someone for years, even when Tomas walked in on Bi-Han small
💨 This was mostly because Bi-Han was too scared to regress around anyone, even his own brothers (especially his own brothers)
🔥 The first time he regressed with them was and still is an extremely fond memory between the brothers (even if it was a little sad)
❄️ Bi-Han had had a extremely stressful week to begin with, everything made him snap, everything annoyed him, everyone was stupid, and nothing was going his way
💨 Eventually Tomas was getting fed up after getting shouted at the fifth time that day (he wasn't the only one) and ended up asking Bi-Han if he was done throwing a hissy fit
🔥 Bi-Han froze him, and ran to his room, declaring Tomas stupid and incompetent
❄️ ^ Don't worry, Tomas was okay, Kuai Liang unfroze him
💨 Later Tomas and Kuai Liang checked up on their Grandmaster, since no one had heard from him since the morning, and found Bi-Han borderline in tears as he hide in his blankets, feeling incredibly small and about to break down
🔥 He, very reluctantly and with much convincing, crawled onto Kuai Liang's lap and let himself be held and cradled and they had a very relaxed day just babying Bi-Han
❄️ He never exactly verbally apologized to Tomas for freezing him . . . But he did make Tomas a pretty picture with the scratched out words ‘I'm sorry’ and instead ‘For You’ on it (Kuai Liang suggested it and helped him spell)
💨 Bi-Han will never go out right and tell either of his brother's he's small, but he'll knock on their doors late at night and will hold out his book
🔥 Other times he'll tug one of their sleeves or sit beside them poutingly
❄️ Tomas makes a really good babysitter/big brother
💨 He's really good at being super energetic for little Kuai Liang, but also really peaceful for little Bi-Han
🔥 Kuai Liang's also an incredibly good cg, very warm and comforting when Bi-Han needs him to be
❄️ The only reason Tomas is counted as a babysitter is because Bi-Han refuses to admit that he sees him as a caregiver (he does, he's just too prideful)
💨 Bi-Han is borderline nonverbal, but willingly so
🔥 He doesn't like his voice while small, and he'll instead make grabbby hands or point
❄️ Very grumpy baby, but his brothers know how to handle him
💨 Kuai Liang talks through his little tantrums and hissy fits, and Bi-Han usually calms at the sound of his voice (it’s very comforting to him)
🔥 Tomas will hold back his usual snidemarks or comments and instead let Bi-Han cry and scream before practically smushing him in a hug (which Bi-Han craves for)
❄️ Bi-han’s a very touch starvered person, but also hates telling his brothers he wants cuddles or forehead kisses
💨 ^ However, when he doesn’t receive them, he’ll start tearing up and pushing them away
🔥 Incredibly luckily, Kaui Liang noticed that Bi-Han acted positive when he’d hug Bi-Han when Bi-Han purposely sat beside him instead of ont he other side of the couch (his implication of wanting cuddles)
❄️ They only found out about the forehead kisses because Tomas did it once and it made Bi-Han smile, so they kept doing it
💨 ^ One time they didn’t and Bi-Han sat in his bed for hours waiting for them to come back (he eventually went and got them, and they all had a cuddle party at one in the morning)
🔥 While Bi-Han does adore the touch, he also needs to initiate it most times
❄️ His version of initiating is deliberately sitting next to them, or tugging on their sleeve and leaning towards them
💨 Kuai Liang runs incredibly warm, and it’s great during the winter time
🔥 Normally Bi-han doesn’t accept his hugs (too prideful) but little Bi-Han loves to cuddle beside him
❄️ Kuai Liang adores squishing and pinching Bi-Han’s cheeks ebcause he’s a big meanie >:(
💨 Kaui Liang thinks it’s adorable when Bi-han gets incredibly pouty and fussy over the cheek touching
🔥 Tomas adores the fact that Bi-Han will run behind him and tell him that Kuai was being a big meanie
❄️ Tomas adores playing peek-a-boo with Bi-Han
💨 Bi-Han . . . doesn’t react much
🔥 He’ll stare as Tomas plays, and continues to stare even when Tomas brings his favorite stuffie in to try and make it fun
❄️ Tomas thought he didn’t like it, but Bi-Han practically screamed at him when he tried to stop their little game
💨 He did get scolded for that, but Tomas was more than willing to continue playing peek-a-boo (Bi-Han just doesn’t like seeming babyish so he didn’t react that much, but his eyebrows were lifted and he didn’t push Tomas away)
🔥 Will get a bit pouty if Tomas doesn’t play peek-a-boo with him every once in a while
❄️ Also gets pouty if Kuai Liang doens’t squish his cheeks (he secretly adores it, but will never tell them)
💨 When Kuai Liang found out how irregular, and borderline dangerous, Bi-Han’s regression schedule was, he immeantly set a weekly schedule
🔥 ^ It was only ‘dangerous’ becuse Bi-han had a habit of involunteringly regressing incredibly small, mostly due to pushing off his regression for weeks, almost months on end
❄️ ^ And if he regressed on a mission, it would be terrible
💨 The schedule really helped, even if Bi-Han was incredibly relunctant at first
🔥 While Tomas and Kuai Liang are both his CGs, he also really likes having playdates with them when there also small
❄️ He’d never run around with Kuai Liang, but he’ll sit down and color with him
💨 Also really likes petting puppyspace Tomas’s hair, does have a habit of tugging too hard sometimes though
🔥 Tomas is really good at scolding Bi-Han, he keeps his voice maintained and his words softer, especailly because he knows Bi-Han can break down really easily when he’s small like this
❄️ Kuai Liang . . . has a bit of a rougher voice, and has caused Bi-Han to cry on complete accident (which ended with much praise and comforting for the boy)
💨 Bi-Han needs everything to go his way, and usually it does, but sometimes it doens’t
🔥 Both men are really good at gently, and firmly, putting their foot down when Bi-Han’s throwing a hissy fit over something incredibly tiny
❄️ They’re also learning newer ways to have Bi-Han learn that he doesn’t need to lash out to be heard or express his anger, and there’s many better ways that screaming at them
💨 Tomas got Bi-Han his first stuffie, a Grumpy Carebear, and Bi-Han broke down and shouted at him
🔥 Tomas didn’t take it too much to heart, and let Kuai Liang help Bi-Han calm down
❄️ Bi-Han only freaked out because he was terrified someone would find it and question it, he’s Grandmaster, how could he explain that? How could Tomas be so stupid? Anyone could find that thing!! The Elders would question him, his people would question him-
💨 Luckily, Kaui Liang helped Bi-Han process his fears and Tomas apoligized for making Bi-Han freak out by accident
🔥 Bi-Han also apoligized for yelling at him, a very quiet apology, but it was also clearly proccess made and both brothers were proud he did so without having Kuai Liang telling him to
❄️ That bear doens’t leave his side while he’s small (does not care for the show though)
💨 Bi-Han doesn’t care for tv in general, but will watch something if it means he gets cuddle time
🔥 Likes Tomas reading to him more, because Tomas is better at doing funny voices
❄️ But also likes Kuai Liang because his voice is easier to fall asleep to
💨 If Bi-Han is regressed at night time, which he usually is, the brothers will have a sleepover in one of their rooms (per to Bi-Han’s request)
🔥 Tomas’s nickname is Tommy, sometimes Bubba
❄️ And Kuai Liang’s nickname is Kuai, one time Dada (they never spoke of the moment, but it made both smile)
💨 Bi-Han has a million nicknames, including Baby Boy, Snowflake, Precious, Sweetheart
🔥 Usually Tomas uses the nicknames and Bi-Han will cover his mouth because he’s emarressed
❄️ Only for Kuai Liang to start using them and now Bi-Han’s being targetted!! >:(
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Hope these are decent enough!! I can always make a part 2 or something!!! <3
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dontcare77ghj · 2 years
Hell's Belles
Lily x OC x Belth
A/N I have been obsessed with @see.ya.later's series on TikTok Hell's Belles and my need to write fanfiction called.
The signs were very clear on the way down to Hell. 
Plastered on the walls, signs pointing down the stairs and to the last door of the hallway, Calla knew she had reached her destination.
Calla Shepard had been murdered. At twenty-three years old, Calla had had her life stolen from her by a cruel church and her parents, who had declared her unfit to make decisions for her own life.
Calla had left her parents' church days after she had moved out of her parent's home at sixteen. Both Calla's parents had made sure their daughter knew their opinions on what was right and wrong in the world, and for her to oppose them was to oppose God.
At sixteen, Calla had taken a small bag from her parent's home and ran, using the savings from her two years of working to rent a dingy apartment that was not up to code in the slightest.
It was then Calla was free to explore herself, her sexuality, and her religion. It was then Calla was able to discover things about herself she would never have allowed to in her parents' home.
Like the fact, she was bi and had enough love in her heart to share with more than one. Calla was also able to decide to leave her parents' God behind and discover she was better suited to following the pagan's path.
And for seven years, Calla was free.
Until her parents tracked her down. Being a broken child and desperate for her parent's love, Calla invited her parents back into her life.
However, when they saw the woman she had become, strong, beautiful, and comfortable in her skin, they lost it. 
The two worked behind her back to have her declared unfit to take care of herself, and being a catholic town, many were quick to turn a blind eye when Calla's parents had her dragged from her apartment in the middle of the night, kicking and screaming.
For two months, Calla was locked in the basement of her childhood church. Beaten by overenthusiastic members of the parish, the fight was quick to fade as her body was starved.
Calla Shepard died in that basement. The last thing she heard was that Hell would be nicer than what the church had planned for her.
Calla's hand slightly trembled as she reached for the door handle that radiated a scorching heat.
'Do it, witch!'
The blonde flinched as she heard his voice in her head, and her fingers tightened around the doorknob.
Not wanting to hear his voice again, Calla twisted the door open, a wave of heat hitting her as she stood in the doorway.
The woman didn't hesitate to enter through the doorway, the door closing behind her with little more than a click as she stared at the realm before her.
Oranges and yellows lightened the otherwise darkened stone. A set of twisted iron gates stood taller than any building Calla had seen in her twenty-six years.
Continuing forward, Calla made it into one of many lines, slowly moving towards, what she assumed to be, a demon with a clipboard.
"Next." The demon called, sounding bored as he looked down at the clipboard he held in one hand.
"I'm supposed to be here," Calla spoke, the saliva catching in her throat as she stared up at the tall demon.
The demon looked up from his clipboard before looking down at Calla, his brows furrowing.
"Are you sure about that?" He questioned almost gently.
"Yes." The woman nodded, cracking her knuckles as she stared up at the giant man.
"Alright, um, why don't you head up to the Hellp Desk and ask for Lily?" The demon suggested, gesturing through the gates. "It's just through there. You can't miss it."
"Thank you." Calla nodded before stepping through the gates of Hell.
The Hellp Desk was set up barely a minute's walk away from the gates. Several desks sat next to each other, some had demons as well as what Calla assumed to be mortal souls attending them, as well as the angry souls before them, but one caught her eye.
The only desk without an arguing soul before them, and the one with the plaque 'Lily' on the front.
A redheaded woman sat behind the desk, her eyes closed a horned, grey-skinned demon rubbed at her shoulders.
"Um, hi?" Calla whispered as she stood before the desk.
"One sec." The woman said, holding up her finger as her eyes remained closed.
The demon at her side gave Calla an apologetic smile as he continued to massage the woman's shoulders.
"And you got the knot." The woman happily sighed as she opened her eyes. "You ever considered opening up a massage parlour?"
"And deprive you when you want one? I'd like to live." The demon snorted.
"Hm, fair point." The redhead shrugged before turning to face Calla. "Hi. Welcome to the Hellp Desk, I," She started, looking over the desk before frowning. "I don't have a file for you."
"I was told I had to come down here," Calla told the woman. 
"There might have been a mix-up at the Front Deathk. This system hasn't been here for a year yet. Why don't you take a seat, and I'll try to sort this?" The redhead suggested as she picked up her phone.
Doing as she said, Calla took the offered seat and began to recrack her knuckles.
"While she tries to fix this, I'm Bel." The demon before her introduced himself. "And this is Lily. And you are?"
"Calla." The blonde nodded, ripping her hands apart before offering one to the demon.
Bel gave the blonde a smile, half at how nervous she was but also at the fact this mortal soul had willingly offered her hand to the grey-toned demon.
"Nice to meet you." Bel nodded, shaking the offered hand as Lily hung up the phone.
"So, according to this," Lily said, tapping the file that had suddenly appeared in her hand. "You are not supposed to be here."
"No, I have to be down here." Calla insisted. "I can't go back up there."
"I don't know what's happening," Bel muttered, taking the file from Lily's hands. "Oh." He breathed after reading what was before him.
"I know you've only just died, and I also know you ran from the Front Deathk and orientation, but you're dead. And those who hurt you in life cannot hurt you here." Lily said, holding her hands out towards Calla.
"But, he said this is where I have to be." Calla shook her head.
"That Pastor has no power down here," Lily told the woman.
"And when he does expire, he's got a place on level nine waiting for him," Bel added. "Remind me to call Greg." He said, putting the file down.
"According to this file, you were a good person," Lily said. "There is no judgement system in this universe that would say otherwise. You have a paradise waiting for you because of the person you were in life."
"I don't deserve it." Calla shook her head. "I brought everything that happened to me onto myself. I don't deserve a paradise."
"Oh, honey." Lily sighed, her shoulders sagging. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do here." She said, turning towards Bel. "I can't just put her on a level. I want you to heal, Calla, but I understand it's something we have to do on our own time." 
"You said you wanted a trainee, right?" Bel asked. "Maybe working at the Hellp Desk would help you see you don't deserve being down here." He suggested, turning to Calla.
"That. That is brilliant." Lily sighed, leaning up to kiss the demon, causing his cheeks to turn purple. "Would you like that? Would you like a job?" She turned to Calla. "You don't have to say yes, but I agree with Bel. This could be good for you, plus your file says you worked in customer service."
"You still got some anger in your system from that?" Lily raised a brow.
"Oh, yeah." Calla shook her head. The only jobs she could work in the seven-year separation from her parents had been minimum wage ones, and each had been worse than the last.
"Perfect. You're gonna love this place." Lily said, standing up and holding her hand out to the blonde. "Bel, go play with your trainees. I'm gonna take mine around the office."
"Have fun, baby." Bel shook his head before shooting Calla a wink. "If she gets too much, just give me a call. Sometimes you need backup with this one." He joked.
"How dare you?"
As the two argued before her, Calla found a small smile crawling its way onto her face. The playful arguing, the banter, reminded her of a happier time with the friends she'd had topside.
Maybe she really did need to be down here.
Six months later.
"No, you don't get to argue with me."
"You interrupted my book. They were about to do it on the couch, and you interrupted. I have a knife and endless time." Lily deadpanned, staring at the woman before with disgust. "Now you can choose how you leave this room. Either, you can walk to your level, or I can take you down there. Piece. By. Piece." She said, waving her large dagger around.
"Fine. But, just know, I will be speaking to someone about this." The soul scoffed before turning towards the stairs, narrowly avoiding bumping into Calla who was standing in the doorway.
"Hi, Calla." Lily smiled, placing her dagger and book down on her desk.
"Hi, Lily," Calla smirked, moving forward, holding the tray of coffee high as the redhead gasped happily.
"Is that what I think it is?" Lily grinned, making grabby hands at the blonde. "Gimmie."
"You sound like you've had a fun morning already." Calla shook her head as she took her seat beside the woman.
"Don't even get me started." Lily groaned. "No one seems to understand that they're here for a reason, and we all know it, but they still lie."
"I can't even give you an answer for that, Lils."
In the six months Calla had been dead, the blonde woman had changed in many ways. 
No longer was Calla scared of her own shadow or the enemies of her past. Calla felt like the person she had been before her death.
It had taken working at the Hellp Desk with Lily, being introduced to Bel's friends, and meeting several of the deities she had prayed to in life to remember who she had been.
And while her death, and the events that led up to it, were not forgotten, Calla had found a way to move past them. Though that had come, in large part, from the help Lily and Bel were willing to give her.
The two had quickly become her friends, the two forcing Calla to join other souls and demons for game nights, trivia and movies. Lily and Bel had forced her to become a person again, and she couldn't be more thankful, even if at the time she hated the idea.
"How are my two favourite girls doing?" Bel asked as he strolled up the stairs. "Did you get coffee without me?" He gasped, holding his hand to his heart. "Betrayal."
"I'm sorry, did you not get cake pops without us yesterday?" Lily asked as the demon sat beside her.
"That was completely different," Bel said, taking the coffee from Calla's hand and taking a sip. "Oh, that's nice. Sweet."
"I will stab you if you drink all of my coffee again, Fruitbat." Calla deadpanned, causing Lily to smirk as Bel paled slightly.
"Who gave you a knife?" Bel asked, handing the coffee back to the blonde. "You're tiny. Tiny people shouldn't have sharp things." 
"Oh, well, you're going to hate what I gave to Sharkie." Calla smiled. "Also, I'm 5'7, and Hecate gave me the knife. She says every witch should have one."
"That's true. However, what did you give Sharkie?" Lily asked, giving Calla a nervous look that Bel shared.
"Greg and I gave them a mace." Calla shrugged.
"Why would you do that?"
"Why would Greg do that?"
"Well, they kept stealing Greg's, so Greg got me to ask them why, and they said they were getting ready to start helping out down here," Calla told the two. "So, we just got them their own."
"Remind me to put a notice out." Bel sighed, leaning back in his chair. "We're gonna get so many calls about this."
"Personally, I'm all for blaming Greg." Lily volunteered. "He did kill me in Among Us last night."
"I told you he was the imposter, and did you believe me?"
"In my defence,"
As the two began to debate who was in the right and who wasn't, Calla's mind began to drift slightly as she came to an incredible discovery.
Calla was happy.
Here, at this moment, watching her friends mock each other, she was happy, but it was also more than that.
Calla wasn't just happy at this moment. She'd been happy for weeks. 
And she didn't feel guilty about it.
"Guys?" Calla spoke, both demon and soul turning to face her.
"I think. I think I'm ready." She said, giving the two a nervous smile. "I think I'm ready to go to my paradise." Calla elaborated, causing both Bel and Lily to smile at her.
"That's great." Lily gushed, putting her coffee down on the desk as she took Calla's hand and gave it a squeeze.
"It really is. Did you want to go now?" Bel asked the woman.
"I was hoping the two of you could come with me," Calla admitted, chewing on her lip as she looked between the two. "You don't have to, but I just really would like you guys to be there."
"You didn't even have to ask."
"Of course, we'll come.
The two spoke together as they stood in unison.
Calla ended up standing between the couple as they all stood in the elevator. Lily's arm was wrapped around the blonde's waist while Bel held onto Calla's hand despite how hard she squeezed it as her nerves became greater.
When the elevator opened, Calla was greeted by the sight of millions of doors, all different colours and different shapes, and Calla had no idea where to start.
"How, how do I know which one's mine?" Calla asked, trying to see the end of the level.
But there was no end in sight.
"Just follow your heart. It'll lead you there." Lily said, letting go of Calla's waist as Bel squeezed her hand once before also letting the blonde go.
"I kinda thought the whole being dead thing meant my heart didn't work anymore." Calla tried to joke.
"You know what, I mean." 
Calla fiddled with the hem of her shirt as she looked between the two.
Bel gave Calla an encouraging smile and nodded towards the doors as Lily gave her a thumbs up.
Taking a deep breath, Calla stepped towards the doors, all labelled but none that called to her. 
Calla walked through the rows of doors, some brightly coloured, others covered in cartoon-styled pictures, but none held her name or felt like the right one.
Until she came to a green one covered in ivy. Every muscle in her body froze as she stood before the door, and her hand was itching to reach for the handle. 
Looking back over her shoulder, Calla saw both Lily and Bel standing behind her gesturing for her to go ahead and open the door.
Calla gave the two a nod before reaching for the brass handle. The metal was warm beneath her hand but Calla didn't think long about it as she pushed open the door.
It was like the TARDIS, so much bigger on the inside than Calla would have thought.
For as far as she could see, Calla was surrounded by woods. Tall, strong, green trees created canopies of shade above the small wooden cottage down the dirt path. 
As Calla walked towards the ivy-covered cottage, the blonde could hear the sounds of animals and a stream nearby. The blonde stopped before the house as she let out a gasp.
Two unicorns appeared from around the back of the house, letting out happy whinnies.
"Calla? How does it feel?" Lily asked, causing the blonde to turn to her with tears in her eyes.
"This feels right." Calla smiled. "I think, I think I deserve this."
"You do. You deserve this." Bel told the blonde with a smile. "Also, can I pet the unicorns? I haven't seen one in decades." He said, causing Lily to hit his side as Calla laughed.
"Come on." Calla held out both hands to the two.
"And you, my good piece of shit, can escort thyself down to level six," Calla said, playing with the dagger on her desk.
"But I don't want to go to level six." The soul complained, stomping their foot.
"So here are your options, you can walk yourself and maintain whatever dignity you think you have, or I can drag you down by the balls." Calla smiled, causing the soul to pale before scampering away.
"How you can say all that while looking like a woodland fairy, I'll never understand," Ruggy said as Calla rose to a stand, her back cracking as she did so.
"It's a gift." Calla grinned. "I'm gonna get a coffee. Does anyone want anything?" She asked the room.
"I'm good," Ruggy said.
"Can I have a hot chocolate, mama?" Sharkie looked up from the bat she was cleaning.
"Of course, baby." Calla nodded. "Penny? Judy?"
"I'll take a coffee." Penny yawned.
"I'd love a tea if you could, baby," Judy said, and Calla smiled at the woman who'd become her mother.
"Of course, Judy. And Penny, I'll get you the biggest size I can." Calla promised as she moved to stand at Lily's desk. "Do I even need to ask the question?"
"No, you do not," Lily said, putting her book down. "Oh, listen, Bel wants to play chef tonight, and I'm banned from the kitchen, so did you want to come over and play sous chef?"
"To keep your house from burning down? Yes, I will." Calla nodded. "What's on the menu tonight?"
"Bel got some of those steaks that you like, the ones with the rosemary, so he wants to make fettuccine with it."
"Oh, you two spoil me." Calla happily sighed. "You know, I made bread last night. How about I bring that over?" She asked.
"Now, who's spoiling who?" Lily asked with a smirk.
"I'll pick it up after work," Calla told the redhead. "Coffee?"
"Yes, please."
"Cool, I'm going to pick up one for Bel and Greg, so I'll be a little," Calla said before walking into the elevator.
"So," Ruggy started, sliding up beside Lily. "That sounded like a date."
"It's not a date." Lily denied her face turning as red as her hair.
"Lily, c'mon, unlike Calla, we are not oblivious to the massive crush you and Bel have on her," Ruggy said, Penny, nodding at her words.
"Yeah, mom, you and dad are not subtle," Sharkie told the woman.
"The whole of the afterlife knows, Lily, and we do have our bets," Judy added.
"Okay, I know that we're not subtle, but we don't want to push her." Lily sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I mean, none of you were here when Calla got her, and she's healed so much, but she needed us as friends when she got here, and we don't want to ruin that."
"Lily," Penny reached over to take the redhead's hands. "Breathe."
"I mean, breathing's really not necessary down here, but yeah, you look like you're gonna pass out mom," Sharkie said.
"Now, Lily, I am going to break a confidence, but I think this will comforting for you and Bel," Judy said, dragging her chair closer to Lily's. "That girl is mad about the two of you. Somehow she can add either of you to any conversation, and the two of you always bring a smile to her face. She is in love with you, but Calla has said she is content to love you from afar and be your friend rather than 'ruin' your relationship as she's put it."
"She wouldn't ruin anything." Lily shook her head. 
"We know that. You and Bel know that, and as far as we're concerned, the three of you have been a threesome longer than any of us have been here." Judy said, the rest of their made family nodding along.
"Judy's right," Penny spoke up. "You told me once not to be afraid of going after what I want. So, what's stopping you and Bel?"
"You're right." Lily sighed. "You know what, I'm gonna talk to Bel before dinner tonight." She said, causing the women around her to grin.
"There has been a grave mistake." A voice said, ruining the moment.
"Seriously? Every time." Sharkie groaned, turning to look at the one brave enough to disrupt them. 
"I have been sent to the wrong place." The man dressed as a pastor stated.
"Is there a script that these guys are given that I'm not aware of?" Ruggy asked, turning to Judy.
"No, baby, they just all believe the same thing." Judy rolled her eyes.
"According to your file, oh, oh, shit." Penny started, her eyes growing wide as she read the words before her. "Oh, you're fucked." She said, handing the file to Lily.
Lily's brow creased as she read through the list of offences that were each worse than the last.
And then she saw it.
"You murdered five women," Lily spoke carefully.
"Call Bel," Ruggy whispered to Penny, but the brunette was already way ahead of her.
"I did no such thing-"
"You murdered Calla," Lily said, and the room seemingly got warmer as she glared at the pastor.
"Who?" The pastor asked.
"Oh, poor choice of words."
"Mother fucker."
"Let me just put my glasses down."
"You murdered Calla, had her beaten and starved, and you dare to not remember her name," Lily said as she continued to read. "And you did what to her body?" Lily looked disgusted.
"I was doing the lord's work." The soul said. "I was trying to get one of his soul's to return to his herd."
"I'm going to enjoy this," Lily said, grabbing the sword from beside her desk.
"Okay, hot chocolate for Sharkie, tea for Judy, the largest coffee I could find for Penny, and the usual for you, Lily darling," Calla spoke, everyone turning to face the blonde as she skipped into the room.
"Demon whore!" The pastor snarled, causing Calla to freeze.
"You." The woman whispered, the tray of coffee falling from her hands and staining her skirt.
"How could you? I did everything to save your soul, and you end up down here." The pastor snapped.
"Hi, Lord, can you send those accurate angels of yours down here?" Judy asked as Lily made her way over to Calla, pulling the blonde into her arms. "Oh, all of heaven's on their way? Great, I'll add you to the list.
"You're okay," Lily whispered to the blonde, who'd begun to shake. "You're okay."
"You whore! We worked to corral those urges of yours, and you dare defy the church?"
"You worked with me?" Calla breathed, pulling out of Lily's embrace. "You kidnapped me. You beat me, starved me, locked me in that basement until I couldn't breathe anymore."
"I was trying to save your soul. But you still ended up down here." 
"No, I didn't." Calla shook her head. "I got into paradise, and you ended up in Hell. I choose to be here, and you don't have a choice about where you're going."
"How dare you speak to me like that?"
"I dare because I got the option to heal. To find people like me in paradise and throughout all the afterlife's." Calla told him. "You don't get to hurt me anymore. You can't hurt anyone anymore."
"I was trying to save you and all those other girls. I tried to save you." The pastor persisted.
"There were others?" Calla gave the man a disgusted look before she reached for the file Lily had left on her desk.
"Calla, you don't need to read that." Lily tried to warn the blonde, but it was too late.
"You were a necrophile." Calla breathed. "You raped your victims when they were dead."
"No, no. I did no such thing."
"Don't fucking lie to me!"
"You were too much of a disgust for me to even try. I couldn't rise to the occasion." The pastor said as if that made anything better.
"Oh, God." Calla was quick to snatch Lily's trash can as her breakfast made a reappearance.
"Let it out, honey," Lily said, gathering Calla's hair in her hands as she glared at the pastor. "Who wants to start with this piece of shit?" Lily asked.
"I'd say you're going to have a tough time deciding on that one," Bel spoke, surrounded by all those who had come in support.
The legions of Hell, the entirety of heaven, deities, and everyone who had had even a minute's interaction with the blonde were here.
"No, I claimed first go," Judy spoke, rolling up her sleeves. "The rest of you can sort it out between yourselves, but I am first. I'll show him what happens when someone messes with my baby."
"Hey, you done?" Bel kneeled beside the women as Calla raised her head.
"I think so." Calla nodded, wiping her chin. "I don't want to stay." She said, closing her eyes as the pastor began to scream.
"And you don't have to," Bel promised.
"C'mon, you're coming home with us," Lily said, sharing a look with Bel.
"I can go home. You two can stay if you want." Calla tried to argue.
"You're more important than this piece of shit." Bel shook his head.
"There will be plenty of other opportunities for him to be afraid of us," Lily added.
Quietly the trio snuck out of the lobby and into the elevator, falling into a very familiar position. Calla was stood between the demon and redhead, Lily with her arm wrapped around the blonde's waist with Bel's arm slung over Calla's shoulders.
The three went to Lily's paradise, Hobbition being the place the three felt most comfortable.
As the three entered Lily's home, Max was quick to greet them, weaving his way between their legs.
"You want a coffee?" Lily asked as Calla and Bel sat on the couch.
"You got anything stronger?" Calla wondered, causing both Lily and Bel to smile at her. 
"I have a bottle of your favourite waiting for you," Lily said, moving into the kitchen.
"Are you okay?" Bel asked, pulling the blonde into his side. "And you can give me the real answer, not the one you'd give to anyone else."
"No. I'm not okay." Calla answered honestly. "I really didn't want to be working when he came through and to find out what he did to those other women and what he wanted to do to me. It's disgusting."
"I know, and I know this won't heal everything he's done, but he is getting his punishment. Every afterlife has shut down to get a piece of him." Bel promised. 
"It doesn't fix everything, but it helps," Calla admitted, giving the demon a small smile. "But it doesn't make sense."
"What doesn't?" Bel cocked his head.
"Why would they all do that for me? There's going to be so much backlog. Why would they do that to themselves?"
"Because they love you," Lily said, coming back into the room with a bottle of whiskey and three cups. "You have made friends with everyone you've come across, and they love you for it."
"I don't know about that."
"What do you mean? I mean, look how quickly you became friends with us." Bel said, knocking Calla's shoulder with his.
"That's different." Calla shook her head, taking the offered glass from Lily.
"Well, it is." Calla shrugged. "It's you two."
"We're not any different to anyone else," Lily said, sitting on the coffee table.
"That's a lie." The blonde snorted. "There is no one like the two of you. And no one comes close to either of you." She muttered, but Lily and Bel heard it.
The demon and the woman shared a long look before nodding at once. 
It was time.
"You know, it's the same for us. There isn't anyone else like you for us." Bel said, his wing extending around Calla's shoulders.
"You're our best friend," Lily said, placing her hand on Calla's knee. The blonde gave a shaky smile, quickly downing her drink.
"But it could be more." Lily continued, taking the glass out of Calla's hands as the blonde's brow furrowed.
"What does that mean?" Calla cocked her head. "There's not a lot more we could be. Is there?" 
"Well, you could be ours," Bel said, causing the blonde to freeze.
"You could be ours. Our girlfriend. Our third." Lily elaborated, looking more nervous than Calla had ever seen her.
"Unless you don't want to." Bel was quick to say. "We can stay friends, and nothing will change if you don't want it to."
"But you're so happy together," Calla said, looking between the two.
"We are, and we're not trying to add you into our relationship to 'fix' anything if that's what you're worried about," Bel reassured the blonde, Lily smiling as he spoke. 
"We have been in love with you for, well years now," Lily said. "The only reason we didn't say anything was that we didn't want to rush you into something you weren't ready for, and, well, we've been scared you'd say no."
"You think I would've said no," Calla said slowly. "You two, who made me smile again, not feel afraid, you two thought I would've said no despite the fact you're both the first reason I refused to reincarnate?" She asked, causing the two to smile at her.
"Really. I didn't want to leave you two." Calla said. "I've loved you since, I don't know how long, but it's been a long time."
"So," Lily started, moving to sit on the other side of Calla on the couch. "Is this okay?" She asked, cupping the blonde's cheek.
"Yeah," Calla whispered, leaning into the touch.
"And this?" Lily wondered, moving closer.
"More than fine."
"And what about this?" Lily asked before attaching her lips to Callas.
Calla hummed as Lily pressed her into Bel's chest, the demon trailing his claws gently up the blonde's arm, who hummed happily.
Lily's lips were soft and tasted of coffee, Calla noted as she became bolder, her hands grasping onto Lily's shoulders as if they were a lifeline.
Lily's tongue darted out, brushing against Calla's lips, causing the blonde to let out a surprised squeak as Lily pulled away, a Cheshire grin on her face.
"I was right, baby." Lily looked at Bel. "She tastes just like sugar."
"Does that need a second opinion?" Bel asked, tilting Calla's head back.
"I think it might," Lily said, causing Bel to grin.
"Good," Bel said before he slotted his lips against Callas.
Bel kissed with much more fervour than Lily did, his lips pressing so harshly against hers Calla knew they'd be bruised by the end of the night.
His arms wrapped around Callas shoulders, tugging her closer as Lily moved into the blondes back. 
Lily's lips attached themselves to Callas neck, eliciting a groan from the blonde and a smirk from the demon.
"Jut like sugar." Bel murmured as he pulled away.
"Told ya." Lily smirked, nuzzling the other woman's neck.
"I think the only question is weather those are the only lips that taste like sugar." Bel said, looking down with hungry black eyes.
"What do you say, hon?" Lily breathed into Calla's ear, sending a shiver down her spine. "Is this moving too fast?"
"If you don't hurry up and do something, I'm take care of things myself." The blonde said, looking between the two.
"Well, you heard the lady." Bel said, lifting both women into his arms at once before moving them towards the bedroom.
What have I got myself into? Calla asked herself despite the small on her face.
Well, she was about to find out.
Remember, all Taglists are open, as are requests. Taglists include the main taglist, individual characters, all male/female, and venom stories.Taglist@rvgrsbrns @smilexcaptainxx @hopingforbarnes @starlingelliott @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @jelly-fishy-babie @skeletoresinthebasementtt @agent-barnes40 @reann-shitpostingg @skadikh @summergeezburrrr @buckybarton03 @sunshinepower177 @bindythedemonon @natasharomanoffismywifefee @keenmarvellover @bbybarness @storiesbystarlight @buckybarnesplumwhoreumwhore @bromieeomiee @marvelmenarebeautiful@niki-is-a-thingg @pauloonig @abyssiniapleasantt @beautybyfiree @officalmarvelbaby @acertainredheadd @reapersans-blogg @adoreyou9766 @casperlikejjej @songbirdcannabee @montygator17 @cecedrake2217 @nyx2021 @black-dhalias @idontwannagomrstarkk @chiyongberry @bunnyweasley233 @ratzy
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 1 year
OKAY. I just rewatched the scene in which Eddie tries to propose to Shannon (the second time) and I am COMMITTING to the theory that Eddie is actually a repressed, closeted gay man.
1. First time he proposed... was after Shannon got pregnant, right? And they were very young. Eddie was brought up catholic, and to 'be a man'. All that and the timing kinda screams 'responsibility' and 'duty'...
2. Second proposal... Was after Shannon suspected she might be pregnant again. And Eddie wasn't exactly confident about wanting to be with Shannon before that. Nope, he talks about how 'he wished for a sign and got one".
3. Not ONCE during the proposal does he say 'Shannon, I'm in love with you', or "I love you, Shannon"!! etc.
Sure, Eddie talks about loving her, but the way he says it?!!!
The dialogue goes:
Shannon: You're a great dad.
Eddie: Well if I am it's because he deserves it. But he deserves his mommy too. He loves his mommy. And so do I.
It's like he doesn't love her as a person, or as a woman... No, Eddie loves her as Christopher's mommy.
And maybe I'm just not kinky enough, but calling your partner 'mommy'...? That's kinda strange. I just feel like there's no real passion, or romantic love.
Other than that, the most emotion Eddie manages to talk about is when he says that he's realised he misses her.
'I miss you' is an awfully lukewarm declaration during a proposal, isn't it? It doesn't really scream romance, love or passion, does it? People miss their friends, parents, children... And single parents tend to miss having another adult around; for company, for emotional support, to help them run a household.
Anyway. Then... Eddie talks about how much CHRIS means to him... And about how much Shannon means... to CHRIS!!!
...Remember how Shannon's asks 'Is that what I am to you, Christopher's mother?' during that beach scene. And Eddie doesn't really deny it. He just rambles about how 'these past months have been good', says 'I don't know' TWICE, and tells her that he's waiting for a sign for which way to set.
Curiouser and curiouser. Seriously, either he's gay or he's totally ace. Nothing else makes sense to me 😅
Edit. I'm an idiot who dismissed his GRIEF being the reason why he's such a stagnant repressed weirdo.
So update is that I think he's bi.
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moodandmist · 2 years
WIP WEDNESDAY (plus a fic rec!!)
(the way I just spent so much time beating myself into posting and then almost said "who cares" and deleted it. literally screaming at my own brain.)
Oh boy, well as usual, I was not prepared but feel inspired by you all. I've missed a ton of tags lately for lots of wonderful shares and tag games, and I'm so sorry.
After @cutestkilla and I gifted our song to Pati last week (linked at the bottom if you haven't heard it yet!) I started working on another song.
This is a cover of an old favorite, All I Have to do is Dream by The Everly Brothers. I wanted the song on the playlist for my WIP fic, currently known as sad!Baz, but couldn't find a version that felt as helpless, depressing and full of agonizing longing as I needed. 🫠 So...just trying to do it myself.
How do you transform a song, made to showcase gorgeous harmonies, into its most depressing version?? How about slow it down, strip it back and take away the harmonies so it's obvious just how alone you are in this deep pit of despair and longing. (sorry Baz, "it helps to hurt the most")
This is very rough, just literally kinda free styling vocals, (and not hitting notes, messing up Uke fingerings) and seeing what works.
Also I can NOT stop thinking about a particular scene in What's Left, by @cutestkilla while working on this song. (If you've read the fic you know. The hotel bed, waking from dreams. 😭❤️) And right away I was like, screw my playlist this should be a gift for Dre...but Dre is also the person I've been sending messages to non-stop about how to make this song work 🤣 so...not much of a surprise there. Dre, I'm publicly declaring this song will be dedicated to you and that scene. ❤️
INCREDIBLE FIC REC If you haven't read What's Left. Please don't let the tags scare you away. This fic has changed me as a person. It is beautiful!! Do not miss out!
Gift Song by @cutestkilla and me, for @aristocratic-otter.
Thanks for tags lately and new tags: @fatalfangirl @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @whatevertheweather @cutestkilla @bookish-bogwitch @skeedelvee @whogaveyoupermission @artsyunderstudy @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @shrekgogurt @yellobb @palimpsessed @aristocratic-otter @martsonmars @johnwgrey @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @forabeatofadrum @facewithoutheart @jbrrring @raenestee @basiltonbutliketheherb @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @confused-bi-queer and probably so many more. I'm not good at juggling things lately.
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opinated-user · 2 years
I'm Jewish. My dad is Muslim. I'm multiracial (Beta Israeli/Ethiopian on my mom's side, Berber/Indigenous North African + Albanian on my dad's). Lily comparing self-identifying as queer to a Nazi using a slur made me so angry I remember physically shaking with rage, and her refusal to listen to anyone who actually knows queer history just made it worse. I know what it sounds like when someone is shouting slurs. I know the intent. I see the hatred in their eyes that is deeply rooted and would motivate more extreme and physical actions if only they knew they could get away with it. I know what it's like to be viewed as less than human, less than a person, lower in someone's eyes than fictional characters who they scream at me need to remain white as if I personally have declared war on them personally because there's a show or a movie with a non-white lead. I've been spat on, kicked, shoved into 'accidentally' until I smack into walls and lockers and I have been pushed down a flight of stairs and broken my shoulder due to racists bullying me. I have heard my father called a terrorist and a sand-n*gger, I heard my second teacher call my mother a n*gger and compliment her on having 'good hair for a black woman' and saying 'she's so well-spoken' as a compliment. I'd heard my brother called a thug, a gangster, intimidating, creepy, all for being soft-spoken and bad at eye contact. I've been taken aside by security at local events from flea markets to art exhibits with small souvenir stands and been searched and treated like I'm a chronic criminal who needs to be kept in check, a risk the white people have to manage, a cancer infecting their perfect progressive white city where no one can be racist because hey we have a Hispanic mayor and we voted for a black president once.
Someone identifying with a word that brings them joy is not the same thing. I'm not queer, I can't speak to the lived experiences of the queer community, but I've seen girls reclaim 'bitch', I've seen black men reclaim the N-word, and early on when I was a kid I took the word white girls used to mock me, coal (my last name begins with Kol, pronounced the same) and told them, "Diamond comes from coal. Nothing good comes out of you." and hung onto that so hard that to this day comments about my dark skin that use the word remind me of my father telling me, the first time I was called that and cried, that diamonds come from coal and that I'm the most precious thing in the world to him.
I'm not queer. I don't know what the word means to y'all. But I have a pretty good guess and it's not the same thing as a slur. It's an affirmation. It's like me saying yeah, I'm dark as coal - yeah, you're not cishetallo, and there's nothing wrong with that just like there's nothing wrong with being dark skinned. There's nothing wrong with who you are and having a word that embodies that feeling is so uplifting and so sustaining emotionally. Lily Orchard wanting to take that away from people is appalling. Not wanting to use it herself? Totally valid. Not everyone is cool with the same word. The lead singer of the band Korn is attracted to multiple genders but hates the word bi because his childhood sexual abuse happened at the hands of a bi man, for instance. If Lily had similar discomfort with it - "don't use it for me, it reminds me of X, and thus it has negative connotations to me" - then I wouldn't have an issue with it at all.
But telling people what they can and cannot draw strength from, what they're allowed and not allowed to say, is unacceptable. And trying to gaslight people into thinking that finding a home in the queer community and under the queer label is not only bad somehow, but on par with a Nazi yelling a slur? That's abusive. That's manipulating strangers into feeling like shit based on her opinions rather than on facts. That's trying to take away their joy, their community, and their right to identify as they so choose. And for what? So total strangers won't use a word she doesn't like. Absolutely, utterly fucking disgusting, just like white people policing black people's language or Christians people saying you can't use words like Torah or Quran because it's confusing so you don't get to use your own words in their presence anymore.
IDK, I've waffled a lot on sending this in (I've had this tab open for a few hours as I mull it over, tbh) because I'm not queer and I don't want to speak for anyone but myself and I certainly don't want to speak over any of you - your voices should be centered in conversations about queerphobia, 100%. But that was definitely the moment I gave up on Lily.
I'm know I'm not queer but queer people, I just want you to know: you are not wrong to want your label that gives you community and power. You have nothing in common with the people I've seen spit slurs and live to hate and hurt others. You are in the right here. Lily is in the wrong. You have done nothing wrong and to whatever limited degree I'm able to as a straight person, I do try to educate people on why the 'queer is a slur' rhetoric is TERF-y and how flawed it is. I will fight for your words because you have the right to be called what you want when you want by who you want and I hate this monster for trying to take your rights away from you just for her own sick satisfaction.
Lily Orchard, when she screams and rants, sounds more like the actual slur-using Neo Nazis I've met than anyone in the queer community ever has.
(Sorry for the long post. I just have a lot of disdain for how LO treats minorities and marginalized people.)
i don't think i have anything else to add, anon, this was very kind of you.
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Hello! Why do you fell like a fool? Did something happened?? Sending you lots of hugs!!!💞💞💞🌈 hope you are feeling better m
Hey hey! I'm alright, just hyped myself up thinking my crush likes me, but I'm such fool for thinking that haha. We're close but I don't think she sees me as anything but a friend. And how much it might hurt, I have to accept it and move on I guess. Thanks for the hugs, sorry I made you worry, I'll be fine.
Have a lovely night 💙🏳️‍🌈
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clawsnoir · 2 years
Not really a question and more of a declaration, but thank you so much for open Riddler slander! He's a great villan and character, but the constant uwu-fication (?) is just exhausting. Everytime I search the Batman tags on any app, all I see are cutesy concepts of him that are completely out of character, like being *screams* a discord kitten.
The Riddlebat stuff is everywhere and so little appreciation is given towards Selina, if at all. Like how do you manage to just flat-out ignore one of the best Catwoman portrayals we've gotten? Especially one played by a non-white actress? Ugh. Riddler stans have said the worst takes on her I've ever heard, such as but not limited to:
She's not a well written character, and that the writers thought they "girlbossed" when she only became independent when she wanted to kill.
She was completely unnecessary to the plot and the movie would've been better without her.
Accused the movie of "queerbaiting" between her and Annika (think what you will about their relationship, but everyone should know her and Bruce are a thing ☠️)
And the typical, "no chemistry between her and Bruce"
This is the first time I've explicitly complained about any of this since most of my mutuals (though i love them dearly) often bandwagon on the woobified Riddler; it's fun to have fun ofc, but it's just irritating when its constantly the main focus and the only takeaway of the movie. Sorry for the long ask, but I really appreciate you and some others on here talking about this stuff-- definitely makes me feel less isolated on the topic :)
anon I love you, be my friend :)
you didn't ask me to do this, but as a selina kyle stan I am compelled to defend my girl against any and all slander so I'm going to refute each of those points:
1) selina is an objectively well-written character. whether or not you (the audience member) can connect with/empathize with her motivations, they are presented clearly in the text. she has an arc in this film, one that is followed to it's narrative conclusion without ever losing the logical or emotional threads.
2) 'the movie would have been better if there were only men (almost exclusively white) on my screen' honestly can't even say anything to this. a clear sign of being brain dead.
3) there was no queerbaiting, selina doesn't have to date women onscreen to be bisexual lmao she's always been bi, the same way the love of her life is always going to be bruce wayne. he's the only man she's ever loved. he's her soulmate. if you don't like that, then you don't really like or understand catwoman, sorry!
4) 'chemistry' is a bullshit axis of analysis in the first place so I hate to even entertain this nonsense, but anyone who says this probably has some implicit biases they need to interrogate. chemistry between actors is subjective, well-written tension and romance between characters is not, and batcat were absolutely serving every sizzling second they were onscreen together.
the woobification in this fandom has genuinely reached a disturbing level, imo! there are plenty of people capable of separating fiction from reality, but it's becoming increasingly obvious by the reaction to the riddler that those people are not in the batman fandom 🙂
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toomanyfandomsuhoh · 4 years
please stop misusing the word “queerbaiting”
hi, so I’ve been seeing a lot of buddie posts with the term “queerbaiting” inside, and I feel like saying that it isn’t queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is a very serious word to use and I don’t think it should be thrown around.
so, first of all, what is queerbaiting? Sarah Z made a pretty good video explaining what it is.
TL;DW (tho I strongly recommend you watch to educate yourself), a general definition of queerbaiting is that it is a deliberate attempt to hint at a queer relationship through editing, dialogue, editing, irl declarations without ever intending to actually portray the queer. It is usually done because creators want to attract the queer fanbase and gain more money without ever facing the possible backlash from homophobes and country bans and so on
classic queerbaiting examples include 🎉sherlock🎉 In the show, there's s o m u c h subtext (uh go look at some meta if you can't see where) hinting at johnlock. But the creators (mofftiss :'D) just make fun of it. It's played off as a joke where a lot of characters often mistake sherlock and john as a couple, john screams "i'M nOt gAy!!!" at them (yes dear we know you're bi, contrary to popular belief, you're not just a myth), people laugh at the "no homo bro" and the show moves on.
so, 911 is definitely not queerbaiting. It has good LGBTQ+ representation. 911 isn't queerbaiting because it already pOrTrAyS tHe QuEeR!! Quite loudly, I'd say. For example: Hen and Karen, Michael and David, TK and Carlos (technically in lone star but still-)
And these characters are the main ish characters. They have episodes and plot lines dedicated to them, and they aren't discarded once the show has a ✨badge of progressiveness✨. It's not like they went "boom you're gay"ed (cough Rowling cough) on the characters just to get support from the queer fanbase
911 portrays real challenges the queer community faces (unlike movies that only have straight gay teens <- go watch). So it's definitely safe to say that 911 doesn't queerbait at all.
okay, then what's up with the buddie relationship subtext?? Here's a pretty good article on the difference between "queerbaiting" and "ship teasing". TL;DR (again, do go read when you have the time, it's short), ship teasing is basically hinting at a relationship but not delivering it (yet?)
All queerbaiting is ship teasing but not all ship teasing is queerbaiting. The difference in between is that queerbaiting tends to focus and hint more on the sexuality part, instead of the romantic potential. Basically, not all queer subtext is queerbaiting. I really like the conclusion paragraph of the above article and it kinda says what I've been thinking. So I'm gonna quote it here:
Queer representation isn't as simple as characters kissing. It's about nuanced and diverse representations of LGBTQ lives. It's superficial to say queer rep is invalid if characters don't end up dating and it's even more superficial to say that if a queer relationship doesn't meet an individual's standards, then it's queerbaiting. This term is necessary for discussion of queer rep -- but please use it correctly.
I'm not saying "oh all hail fox, it's just ship teasing". Ship teasing could be done right and would be a fun little game to play with the audience if it's a slow burn.
But ship teasing could also hurt. A lot. If buddie isn't canon or endgame, all the subtext and the hinting will just feel like the creators are laughing and making fun of us. Well, I guess all we can do now is pray and hope lmaooo. At least give us bi!buck and maybe buck and josh🥺🥺
in conclusion: 911 isn't queerbaiting, please stop calling it that and make a prayer circle for slow burn buddie
anyway, this is getting a bit long and I have a ton of hw that I have been disregarding for the past hour. Please correct me if I got anything wrong or left out anything!!
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Hi there! I'm not sure if this fits the request, but if it's okay, could I request Muriko with a female s/o coming out as Bi. Like nobody expected it, then Muriko is like "HELL YEAH, THAT'S MEANS A CHANCE FOR ME" and asks her out last minute before some guy did.
[ So, I got your other message saying you wanted a one-shot and the plot you laid out. Just so you know, I only watch the anime. I don’t read the manga...yet. So I’m basically winging our little Bunny girl. But, I hope you enjoy nonetheless. ] 
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Being a sidekick might not be glorious, but it had its advantages. You were recognized for one, praised for your help, and when you distanced yourself from your hero and bravely fought against the villains. Held down your own. Your hero rank rose, just a little. Given you were more than happy to be working alongside Mirko, the often overexcitable, rule-breaking, bunny hero. Of course, many were surprised when Mirko announced she’d be taking a sidekick as she preferred to work solo most of the time.
Teamwork wasn’t her style as many would say, yet that didn’t stop the thousands of sidekicks that flocked to her Agency in hopes to pass the audition and get the spot next to her. You weren’t a well-known hero, you worked a regular day job and merely got your hero license so you could protect others when needed. But you were nothing compared to the Pros out there, still, you felt as though you needed a change and forced yourself to go to the audition.
Though it was a little intimidating considering most of the sidekicks that were present, had a good record, and were rather high in popularity while you...were not. But somehow or another, Mirko had chosen you out of the bunch. For what reason, was unknown and while you had tried to get an answer from her. She’d only smirk and point her finger at you, “What’s it matter eh!? I chose you and that’s all! Be happy there, pretty face!” she’d always slap you on the back after and you’d groan, she hit hard even when she wasn’t trying.
There was something strange about Mirko that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Given she was a beautiful and sometimes reckless woman, you often felt her stare on you whenever you returned to the Agency and somehow or another, whenever you got hurt. It seemed like she was more concerned about your well-being, even if she had gotten a few bruises herself. Whenever you were walking up to her and she was in the middle of a conversation with someone else.
The moment she saw you, her eyes would light up and she’d pull you close. You’d always choke when her arm pressed against your neck. She was a little rough around the edges. “There she is! My little kickass sidekick! Isn’t she just adorable? Huh, huh!?” you’d always get embarrassed, it was almost like Mirko wanted to show you off. But you weren’t some sort of doll, even though you owed the hero a lot.
If it weren’t for her you wouldn’t have gotten a taste of the spotlight. You were happy to serve under her and even protect her when you needed to, not that she needed it. At all. But you liked to pretend you could protect your hero. Regardless, being around Mirko was like being around a completely different type of energy. Which you didn’t necessarily mind, but sometimes it became too overwhelming and you needed your own space.
On days like this, you would often shy away from Mirko and spend time with your coworkers. The fellow people that made this Agency run smoothly, though one male employee seemed awfully interested in you. “Where’s Mirko? Aren’t you usually with her after a mission is completed?” he questioned and you shrugged, “Sometimes I just need a break, Mirko is great and all but…” you paused as you finished putting quarters into the machine and pressed the drink you wanted.
The machine made a noise but dispensed no drink. “Huh? Oh, cheap piece of junk!” you snapped and slammed your fist against it. “Damn it, I don’t have any change left…” you muttered as you reached into your empty pockets as if coins would magically appear. “Hey that’s alright, I got you.” you blinked and looked at your fellow coworker. “Wait...really?” you questioned as he got up and stepped in front of the soda machine.
“Yeah, consider it a thank you for protecting the city and...just because you’re cute.” you felt a little uneasy as he winked at you, was he trying to flirt? Meanwhile, Mirko was becoming a little restless. Eagerly tapping her foot against the floor, “Where the hell is she? Where’s my sidekick!? Her attractive ass should be here with me…” Mirko spoke with a soft growl and the receptionist nearby noticed the unusual behavior.
“I believe she said something about getting a drink, try the soda machine down the hall,” they suggested and Mirko turned to glare at them. “I could have bought her a drink…” she muttered before stomping away, her tail angrily twitching. “Hm?” when she caught the sound of your voice her ears perked up a bit, however, she also picked up someone else’s voice. “Ah, what the hell.” she groaned, though she hated to admit it.
She often got jealous when you, her precious little sidekick, talked to others. Yeah, yeah you had every right to. But Mirko still considered you hers. Even though she knew she didn’t have a chance, which sucked. She narrowed her eyes once she had you in view and couldn’t help but cross her arms with a huff. This is the kind of man you chose to flirt with or rather that you attracted?
She could easily beat any suitor that was after you that is if...if only you weren’t fucking straight. She had half a mind to walk over there and smash the man’s face in, but unfortunately as a hero that wouldn’t be good for her image. Instead, she stood there in the shadows. Deciding to eavesdrop on the conversation with a frown on her face, you sounded like you were having a good time talking to him. Didn’t she make you happy too? She growled softly, feeling her stomach twist with jealousy.
“Aw, come on! You gotta eat don’t you? We can just consider it a business lunch...” you couldn’t help but chuckle, he tried so hard. Though you always turned him down, you didn’t exactly understand why he always tried to flirt with you. There were other female coworkers he could spend time with, your time, in particular, was dedicated to Mirko.
“I’m not really hungry, but thank you for the offer,” you replied, making the man drop his shoulders in disappointment. “Is it me?” he questioned, “I mean...it must be me, right? I’m no big strong hero. I just work here as part of the insurance company tied to Mirko’s Agency.” you wanted to roll your eyes, part of you hated when others played the role of the victim when it wasn’t necessary. You took a deep breath and shook your head.
“I don’t care about looks or status, hell I don’t even care about gender. I swing both ways, but the point is. I’m not too sure if you’re my type and well…” you paused when you noticed the strange looks you were getting. The few coworkers that surrounded you seemed wide-eyed and you weren’t really sure why. Was it something you said? “Uh, you guys okay?” you questioned, however, Mirko seemed rather overjoyed.
Practically clamping down on her lip to prevent herself from screaming out in happiness. YES. So her attraction to you wasn’t wrong! Hah, perhaps she shouldn’t have doubted herself so much. After all, she could turn the straightest of women into bunny lovers. That is if she really tried, but now she had a clear mission. She wouldn’t let anyone else have you, by the end of the day. You’d be telling everyone “I’m Mirko’s girlfriend.” she chuckled to herself as she rubbed her hands together.
“Oh fuck yeah! You’re gonna be mine.” she declared before pumping her fist in the air. Of course, there were obstacles in the way and she’d take care of one right now. She grinned as she kicked off the ground, skillfully maneuvering her body so her legs were straight out. You didn’t even register she was above you until you watched her land on your coworker. He gave a cry as his face was implemented into the floor, leaving behind a large dent.
Your jaw immediately dropped and you looked horrified, but Mirko was smiling. Like she had done something worthy of being praised. “Hi there, pretty face,” she said before brushing a piece of her hair back. “Come, let’s get lunch.” she insisted before grabbing your wrist and dragging you along, unlike most. You knew better than to argue with Mirko. Despite the fact you weren’t hungry, Mirko insisted on sharing a plate. That wasn’t like her seeing as the woman typically liked her food and she even bought you a drink.
Though you had tried to argue it was too early to drink, she laughed your words off and you got a little buzzed. The rest of the day after lunch was typical. You stayed at the agency and filled out the necessary forms from your patrol as well as spoke to the police and listened to the scanner in case any villains tried anything. It was a rather boring ending to the workday.
Mirko seemed rather intent on staying by your side and you weren’t too sure if you could trust that smile she wore and despite your best efforts to avoid her when leaving the agency. She caught up to you and once more insisted you go out to eat with her. “Look, I’m still a little dizzy from the first time we ate out so…” Mirko scoffed in response to your words and grinned before pulling you close.
“Come on! That’s a shitty attitude to have! I promise dinner with me is going to be amazing! I’ll spoil my little sidekick good!” she said before ruffling your hair. “And after, we can hit the bar! I’m sure your little ass can dance right?” you looked hesitant but once more you knew there was no chance in hell you could argue with her. “I don’t know about dance or if I can take any more alcohol…” you responded quickly before Mirko laughed and slapped your back, causing you to stumble forward.
“That’s quitters talk, pretty face! You gotta drink when you’re with me. We’ll have dinner at that exclusive restaurant, oh what the fuck is it called? I forget, but it doesn't matter.” she concluded before looking at you with a mischievous glance, “Uh...” you stepped away. “Just what are you…” you gasped when she quickly moved behind you and scooped you into her arms. You gave a squeak and your arms immediately wrapped around her neck.
Though you were a hero of sorts, you hated being off the ground. “Aw, what’s a matter? Are you scared?” Mirko teased and you growled, “Shut up!” you snapped, wondering what had gotten into the woman today. She usually wasn’t this touchy-feely or even insistent you spent time together like this. Then again, she was over-enthusiastic and did enjoy showing you off. So maybe you were merely overthinking things.
You held on tightly as she kicked off various buildings, sending both of you airborne and while you were terrified. The view of the night city was rather beautiful and almost put you at ease, in a way it made you feel like a damsel in distress. Being rescued and carried off by the hero, which more often than not was depicted as a male hero. Someone strong, brave, and handsome. Yet you were in the hands of a petite but strong and courageous woman who could handle her own.
Though, if that were true then why did she feel the need to have you around in the first place? What was her want in getting a sidekick in the first place? Once more you were reminded that you had never gotten an official answer from her. “Mm…” you muttered just before Mirko landed on the ground, “Ready for some good eats?!” she exclaimed and somehow you felt butterflies when you watched that smile come to her face, she was almost...cute.
She seemed to notice the way you stared, “What’s a matter? Lovestruck already?” you felt your face flush at her words and quickly glanced away. “No.” you denied, damn her. She chuckled once more and set you down on your feet. “Whatever you say, pretty face. Now let’s go get some grub.” she grabbed you by the shoulder and dragged you inside. Guess the advantage of being with a popular hero was the fact that you pretty much got whatever you wanted handed to you.
In this case, Mirko was granted an exclusive table and offered a bottle of wine which she immediately opened and insisted on a toast. You felt your stomach twist as you swirled the cup of wine before looking to Mirko. “A toast! To one of the best and originally unwanted sidekicks ever and the only fucking sense of normal I have in this otherwise kick-ass life! Cheers!” you blinked in response as she clinked your glasses together and promptly downed her glass.
Though you couldn’t help but wonder, what did she mean by sense of normal? How true was that? Was she hiding some secret from everyone? You glanced to the side, your wine untouched. You couldn’t help but look around, everyone else was dressed in such fancy attire that you couldn’t even hope to afford. You weren’t much for high-class places, so why did Mirko bring you here? It was almost like she was trying to impress you without actually taking part in the high-class act.
“Ah!” The bunny girl in question licked her lips after she finished her wine and slammed the cup back onto the table, catching some looks from the surrounding tables. But she outright ignored their stares as she was more focused on looking directly at you. “What’s a matter!? You haven’t touched your wine.” you jumped when you heard her voice and snapped your head back, “Oh uh...n-nothing. Um, I was just thinking…” you said sheepishly before taking a sip of your wine.
That seemed to be your weakness, trying to analyze not only a villain’s moves but everyone’s. Why they said what they did and what it meant. Maybe you’d be better off working for the police but the truth is, you loved being a sidekick. You were almost relieved when the dinner was over, almost. The horror came back when Mirko dragged you to the bar next door, you began to wonder just how much this woman could drink before she was satisfied.
The bar itself had dim lighting and a small dancefloor that provided the only real lighting as it flashed between colors. Mirko had insisted you sit at the bar while she ordered the drinks, you assumed that translated to she knew the bartender. You couldn’t help but sigh and curled your hands in your lap, this wasn’t your scene. In fact, you felt a little out of place. Well, maybe that was an understatement.
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn’t notice your coworker from earlier had sat down next to you. “Y/n.” your head turned, “Huh?” it was a little hard for you to recognize it was them at first. “Oh...hey, uh how are you? I didn’t know you came here.” he chuckled in response and laid his hand on your thigh, something that made you a little uncomfortable. “I could say the same for you,” he said as he leaned closer and that’s when you noticed the bruises on his face.
Guess that was the result of getting your face slammed into the floor. “I’m here with Mirko.” you replied in a flat tone and watched his face twist with panic, “She isn’t around right now is she?!” he exclaimed as he frantically looked back and forth. “Uh…” why was he freaking out so much? You reached down to push his hand off your thigh before answering him. “She’s getting the drinks,” you replied and though he still looked worried, his shoulders relaxed.
“Well, that’s too bad. I was going to buy you a drink, maybe I still can, what do you say?” he questioned with a purr and reached over to take your hand, “Uh…” you replied before he brought your hand up to his lips were he pressed a kiss to it. The action made a shiver run down your spine, “Um, right...I don’t know about that.” you said as you pulled your hand away from his.
“Well, how about we go out?” he questioned and you jumped in your seat. “Uh what?” he chuckled and a playful smile formed across his face. “I said how about we go-” his sentence was interrupted when several alcoholic beverages were poured over his head. You could smell the difference mixtures lingering in the air and it made you gag, “What the hell is your problem!?” he snapped as he whipped his head around to see Mirko, she stood there with a smirk.
“No problem here, but I’d prefer you don’t bother my date with your bullshit. It’s clear pretty face doesn’t want to go out with you. So get before my foot impales itself into your ass!” Mirko growled and for a brief moment, you got scared as you watched her face twist into a more devilish expression which seemed to be more than enough to scare your coworker away. You blinked in response before looking at Mirko.
“Uh...that seemed…” you tried to search for the right word, but Mirko just scoffed. “What unnecessary? Give me a break, those guys are just like villains. Can’t take no for an answer.” she declared as she placed her hand on her hip and looked at you. “Besides you’re my date and I don’t plan to hand you off to any half-assed shithead.” your eyes widened, “W-What do you m-mean d-d-date?” you responded, not that you didn’t like the sound of it.
Just, you didn’t recall Mirko even asking you out on a date. She seemed confused by your question. “Uh, what else does a date mean?” she responded before rolling her eyes. “Yeah, I didn’t ask you out or anything. I couldn’t find the time between all the bullshit, so I decided to try and spoil you instead. Besides that fool has been trying to ask you out for months. Had to beat him to it, didn’t I?” she questioned as she took the seat next to you.
“I’m going to have to get more drinks…” Mirko pouted but you were still full of questions, just staring at her with blank eyes. “Hm?” she turned her head to look at you, even in the dim lighting you could see her raise her eyebrow. “What?” she questioned before trying to flag down the bartender. “Look I promise I’ll ask you out properly later,” she said which made you finally drop your stare. “Just enjoy tonight for now and if you’re good, I might end up bringing you home tonight,” she said with a wink and you nearly fell out of your chair.
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aphroditeslesbian · 3 years
I'm not sure how you can even call yourself a radical feminist when you're saying that being "bored and horny" is a reason why lesbians and gay men would sleep with the opposite sex. This is exactly how homophobes say that gay people have exceptions and how sexuality is fluid.
First of all this is not radical feminist discourse, this is lesbian discourse. But if you wanna talk about that, I don't know how you can call yourself a feminist and believe women are marked for having sex with men. That having sex with men could be so relevant to a woman, it could actually change her sexuality. That's misogyny 101. As well as homophobia.
And oh I've never heard of lesbians being bored and horny and sleeping with a man, and I did not say that anecdote applied to lesbians, nor did I imply it. I was talking exclusively about gay men, because they're the ones I've known to do this.
Gay men do feel freer to do whatever they want and still be sure of their sexuality. I know gay men in my personal life who only date and get involved with men but have actively chosen to have sex with women. No one forced them, they just wanted a hole to fuck and they don't respect women so they did what they wanted and later retold the story as though it were funny and meaningless. My point bringing this up is not that these men are not bisexual. My point is that no one has questioned whether these men are gay. They are allowed to "self declare" and, independent of their behavior, no one is questioning them. There is no relevant discourse about this.
Maybe they are bi. Maybe they're misogynistic and treat women like sex toys as much as het men do. My point is that no one is making them question their every decision and behavior.
Unlike y'all do with lesbians.
With the goldstar discourse I was very obvious from the beginning that the circumstances in which a lesbian may sleep with a man are not willy nilly circumstances. This happens before they know they're lesbians. This happens because they feel some sort of pressure from society. This is not something they enjoy (obviously), this is often traumatic.
No actual lesbian would say lesbians can sleep with men casually, as part of their lives, forever. But lesbians can (and do) have a past of trying to conform.
What strikes me as homophobic is the implication that performing an action, even if the action is sex, would change or define someone's sexuality. Biologically and physically lesbians would be able to have sex with men. Societally, this is expected of them. Psychologically... I can only imagine how fucked up that is.
I am not talking about women who currently and continually have sex with men, and I've been very clear about this. I'm talking about women who have tried to conform, found that it was wrong for them, and never did it again, because they know they are exclusively same sex attracted.
I know at least one lesbian irl who literally said "people kept questioning me, so I forced myself to be with a man to see if I had been wrong about my sexuality. I hated every second". That woman allowed herself to experience the very violating experience of being with a man because people do not understand that women can exist outside of men, outside of dick. She loves and only loves women, though. What part of her desire to only ever be with women, her ability to only ever love women, screams heterosexual attraction to you?
I've been clear as well that I think the ideal world would be one where no lesbian ever sleeps with a man. But we do not live in a perfect bubble. Lesbians are constantly bombarded with the idea that they will never be full members of society unless they act heterosexual. I don't know how it's so impossible to conceptualize that someone can be pressured into consenting to something they don't actually want.
I've thankfully never been with a man, but I grew up in a conservative, relogious environment, I know that if I hadn't questioned everything I used to ake for granted, I could have wound up in a bad situation myself. I don't consider myself more sexually pure or clean than women who have been with men.
Sexuality is defined by attraction. Sexuality is biological and immutable. Nothing can change it. You are born as your sexuality, but society does try to change that if you're homosexual. You can try to change it yourself. But that won't be possible.
Also... having sex is not all there is to sexuality. Romantic love, being able to care for and about someone, is very much a huge part of sexuality. If one would never be able to love, to care about, to be involved in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex... They are not opposite sex attracted.
There is no split attraction model. Either you're all in, or you're not attracted to those people.
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I LOVED your headphones post for Bakugou x reader!!!! If you have the time, could you make a sequel for when truth or dare happens and what may happen afterwards?????? Your writing is great and I'm hella enjoying it. Have a wonderful day/night!
Bakugou x Reader - Headphones Pt.2
I’m mighty glad that my writing is enjoyable and that you like it. Thanks for requesting. I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to get around to. I enjoyed writing this part and I hope it’s okay! When you should be studying for finals but you just want to chill and write for MHA
Read part 1 here!
Oh, and there’s slight swearing here. What can I say?
You’d enjoyed resting on Bakugou. He was soft and warm like a giant hot water bottle or those plush toys that were microwavable so you could heat them up. Yeah. That was it. As promised the game of truth and dare had come up and Bakugou had been forced to stay. Mina had found an empty glass cola bottle and everyone sat around in a circle. There was quiet music in the background that’d been put on so it wasn’t silent in the meanwhile.
“Okay, so whoever goes gets to spin the bottle and choose the dare for the person it lands on.” She declared cheerily. No complaints came up. It was an unspoken rule that if someone couldn’t think of a truth or dare, then they’d be given suggestions.  You were still on the sofa, on Bakugou. However, at realising the game was starting, you sat up and slid off the couch to sit leaning against it. At your call for him to join too, your pillow let out his trademark ‘tch’ and slid down to sit beside you.
There were a couple of fun rounds to start with. Mina also declared that the penalty for chickening out either meant drinking a concoction of whatever they could find in the kitchen. Now that was a scary thought.
Mina spun the bottle to see who was going to start and it landed on Kirishima who in turn spun it around and got Mina who cheered. When the red-head came up empty with any dare ideas, someone remembered that Mina enjoyed dancing and the suggestion came up to see if she could twerk. Indeed she could. And well.
Sitting back down after bowing with a grin, she spun the bottle and landed on Jiro who they ended up playing music from Kaminari’s phone on. How on earth that worked was anyone’s guess.
A couple more rounds went over. You sort of zoned out to check your phone and when you looked back up, it was because Mina and Kaminari had jumped up and gone over to the kitchen and had begun to brew a concoction. “Keep playing!” Mina called while opening the fridge to see what nasty thing they could make Iida drink.
Iida spun and it landed on Midoriya. Naturally, Iida didn’t have any good dares. Bakugou was throwing out a demeaning comment or two but eventually, it was Jiro who came up with one. “How about you get out your notes on someone from our class and show us.” This got the class curious and the boy was soon pressured into revealing one of his treasured notebooks. He was forced to read out his notes on Bakugou to which the blond grumbled and called it creepy before looking at the notes on Uraraka and Momo since it seemed some of the boys thought that the plain kid might not be so innocent but there was nothing that would’ve interested Mineta on those pages and thus he retained his reputation as a bit of a cinnamon bun.
However, as the fates would have it, he ended up with his spin landing on Bakugou to which the blond obviously found personal offence in and yelled at the green-haired kid. Mina popped back with a grin and halted the choosing of Bakugou’s fate to give Iida their nasty drink.
It was green and goopy and thick. The list of ingredients was too long to list and too gruesome to think about. It stank too. With cheers from the class, Iida downed a quarter of the glass and looked as though he was going to vomit. Using his quirk, he dashed off to the sink and got himself some water to rid the taste with. Poor, poor Iida. That’s the fate he got for refusing to do anything inappropriate or demeaning.
However, now Mina and Kaminari were back and in the circle along with Kirishima. Bakugou swore that he was going to murder Kirishima if he let slip the fact that the blond had confessed to having a very slight crush on you some time ago. He did not need this.
There was a suspicious amount of whispering and giggling from the Bakusquad before Sero looked up and grinned. “Well, apparently we’re starting out tame, so have a girl sit on your lap for the rest of the duration of the game without exploding them.”
“You get to choose who!” Mina put in at the last moment as well. Damn them! They were going to make him choose you. He was debating just how bad the concoction was before you sighed and plonked yourself down on him to which he had to stop himself from screaming and going red.
You didn’t look amused, but you rolled your eyes. “Well, who else is going to deal with being so close to your explosive ass?” You huffed and shifted slightly on him to get comfortable. The Bakusquad was giggling like cartoon hyenas and the rest of the class seemed to be shocked. Whether it was because you’d actually sat on him or because he hadn’t exploded was a mystery to you. Or perhaps it was because he’d gone red despite his best efforts not to.
You suddenly realised that now the gazes had turned expectant. Ah, the bottle. It was just out of arms-reach and you mentally slapped yourself. You were sat on Bakugou so he obviously couldn’t reach it, meaning you’d have to.
You had to move forward, making yourself uncomfortable again to spin it.
The bottle was spun and once again, you had to settle down so that you didn’t have to be super uncomfortable for the rest of the game. However, just as you were getting comfy, two hands went to your waist and stopped you deftly. You huffed and sat still, getting the hint.
What you didn’t know was that part of the reason he’d gone red and why he’d stopped you wasn’t just from the sheer embarrassment or irritation. It was actually because the feeling of your ass rubbing against his front was far too uncomfortable and it was making him extraordinarily fidgety, trying to focus on anything else but the feeling of you sat on him. Those damn extras. He’d be sure to give them a piece of his mind later, providing he made it through this game without internally dying.
So the game continued uneventfully, there were a couple of truths, revealing a couple of crushes and things like that. There were some slightly less inappropriate truths, followed up with some games of fuck, marry, kill. Some of the answers were surprising, some weren’t. Everyone laughed when Bakugou had to choose what to do with Midoriya, Todoroki and Mineta. When he spluttered and couldn’t answer, you sniggered and he told you to shut up and without thinking, asked you what you’d do. Answering flawlessly, killing off Mineta and doing as you pleased with the other two, you gave him a triumphant look and dared him to give a steady answer.
What a mistake. He was crushing on you and even if it was a game, the mere thought of one of his rivals screwing you and the other marrying you was enough to severely piss him off. He answered sheerly out of anger and everyone could indeed tell that he’d done it without thought. As laughs erupted, you too chuckled at the idea and he growled at everyone, shoving you off him to spin the bottle for him. The trouble was, now that you were sat on him, you were both taking the penalties. Although admittedly that round had been aimed at Bakugou as Sero had been the one to land on the both of you and had said it was for Bakugou, not you.
However, it seemed that Mina had noticed how agitated Bakugou had become and was to do something about it. After a couple more rounds of mindless truths and ‘would you rather’ games, it was back to the both of you. Before you had a chance to say anything, Bakugou declared that you were both to do a dare. He was not having someone throw Midoriya into a fuck, marry, kill scenario for the fourth time. Why did everyone always put him as one of the options?
You huffed but knew you’d have to go along with it. It was actually Todoroki who’d spun on you after being asked to heat up a hot water bottle for Mina. She was making the most of her opportunities after all. Denki had been dared to buy her whatever food she wanted as long as it was within reason for the next two weeks. He’d agreed since he knew what was in that nasty looking glass on the side and he was not prepared to drink any of it.
It was the bi-coloured boy who’d spun on you so you weren’t too worried. This was Todoroki after all, so how bad could he be. He paused to think of something to make you two do. He’d been struggling to come up with anything outrageous all morning. It wasn’t like Kirishima hadn’t noticed his best friend’s predicament though. Kiri smiled and called out “Well, why don’t you two love-birds kiss already? You’ve been arguing like an old married couple a bit already this evening.” Mina instantly jumped to agree. And thus peer pressure meant that Todoroki nodded at their proposal and gave you that dare.
You knew Kirishima was referring to when you’d been given the options of Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou for screwing, marrying or killing. Purely and utterly to wind the ash blonde behind you up, you’d said you’d kill him and did as you pleased with your other options. He’d yelled at you and you’d just grinned at him in response and made sly remarks. When it was proposed to you again because everyone knew you were just winding him up, you said you’d screw him. Marriage was a little much and you didn’t want him getting any ideas that you’d just throw yourself at his feet. His ego was big enough already and you had no idea how seriously he’d be taking all of this.
He’d promptly gone red much to the amusement of everyone else.
Midoriya was miffed that everyone seemed to be finding making fun of Bakugou amusing - usually everyone made fun of him. At least in before UA, anyway.
So now, here you were, slightly flustered at the proposal for you and Bakugou to kiss with the rest of 1-A watching. The girls were giggling as were the Bakusquad along with whispering among themselves. Of course they would be. You’d gathered from the Bakusquad’s reactions that they obviously thought that Bakugou liked you or something. Why else would they be acting like shipping-crazy schoolgirls?
As for the rest of the girls, you were well aware that they’d picked up on the slight hints in your body language around him and a couple of other things. This is what you got for trying to be nice and offering him an earphone.
You were debating taking the drink before curiosity got the better of you. What would it be like to kiss the fieriest personality in your class? He growled and was having an internal conflict. Okay, so maybe he wanted to kiss you. He’d never admit that, but maybe he did. However, this was not the scenario he ever thought it’d be in.
That was a lie.
From the second Mina and Kirishima had seen the two of you on the sofa together as you had been with truth or dare on the horizon, he knew this might be a potential outcome.
Bakugou Katsuki was no idiot, he knew what teenagers were like.
Especially Mina, Sero, Kirishima and Kaminari.
You shifted to face him and sighed, having finally managed to shove down your blush, even though you were still internally flustered. Better not let him see that.
However, you’d found a loophole. You quickly whipped around and kissed his cheek. “There, that was a kiss, moving along swiftly,” You grumbled, trying to hold down your internal screaming as you spun the bottle quickly.
“No way!” Mina exclaimed. She wasn’t going to let you get away with that! She stopped the bottle and pointed an accusing finger at you. “The dare was for both of you and a kiss involves both people! Suck it up and do it properly or you can drink the whole mix!”
Now that was a serious threat. You sighed. Damn her. You moved so that you could comfortably look up at Bakugou. “Well, let’s get this over wi-”
You were cut off since he’d grabbed your face and quickly pushed his lips to yours. It was rushed; it wasn’t neat and it was certainly quite rough. However, it was gone before you knew what’d even happened and as you were trying to compute that you’d just been kissed by your crush, he’d reached past you and spun the bottle so aggressively that Midoriya had to move back so that the edge didn’t collide with his knee.
Bakugou was flustered once again by his own action but that was that. It was done. There was a moment of silence in shock before everyone burst out in cheers, laughing and only then did you realise that at least three of your classmates had whipped their phones out and taken photos.
“Oh my gosh, what’re we going to name the ship!?” Mina cried and instantly, the game was long forgotten as the Bakusquad and the girls jumped at fussing over your new ‘ship’ and the details. The others looked on and smiled at the others’ joy and cheerful chatter.
Bakugou had thrown you off his lap to which you’d sharply retorted that you hadn’t done anything and that it was his fault.  At once, he’d stormed off, his ears red and burning while everyone else laughed. They’d expected no less.
They were not going to let this go anytime soon and you knew it.
Your suspicions were confirmed when you hear Mina yell. “Alright, I declare us the (Ship Name) Shipping Squad! Let’s make this ship sail.” There were a number of cheers in agreement and laughter.
Oh boy…
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