#just adding something in the tags because I need to let it out
Dick Grayson's Obsession with Smalltown!Reader
A/N: Why dialogue hard? Why so hard? Y'all I tried, once again. I saved Dick for last because I really really really did not want to screw up his character. I did end up adding a scene from Part Seven in here. Just to give it some pizzazz.
A/N: Part Eight is in the works, but it’s either gonna be massive or I’m going to have to divide it up. Also, people be posting so straight up fire in the Yandere Bat tags lately. Good stuff, I needed that.
Warnings: Yandere themes, physical affection.
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Out of everyone, Dick was the most enthusiastic about Reader coming to Wayne manor, while also being the most melancholic. The tragedy of their arrival wasn't lost on him, despite the thrill he had over the thought of having another person to add to hi life. Already, the need and wanted to smoother them in comfort and care was there. But, the life experiences he had allowed him to realize it was probably best not to overwhelm them.
Therefore, it came out in short burst of staggering affection at times. But, only when he was visiting. (There was no denying the fact that he was extremely tempted to call them on the phone just to make sure they were settling in just fine. And, that he fought that temptation every single night.)
That didn't stop him from feeling some minor annoyance with Bruce for keeping the fact that they existed a secret. Dick had seen the affects of this life and even felt them, but to let the family nearly miss out on something so honeyed with normalcy was cruel. (It would have been preferred if they didn't have to lose their parents in order to join the rest of the family, but it was hard to think like with how busy his schedule was and soft they felt in his arms.)
Admittedly he may have latched on to them too hard in the beginning. They felt stiff the first time his arms wrapped around them. The guilt of it gurgled in his throat, which is why he cut it short and went about his business. But, he couldn't stop the urge to do so each time they crossed each other's paths in the manor halls.
And, much to his glee, they start to soften. Slowly, but surly, they start to cling to him a little longer when his arms wrap around them. They start to depend on him. For once the thought of someone so conventional depending on him as Dick rather than as Nightwing, because everyone seems to depend on him as Nightwing, doesn't fill him with anxiety. It makes his chest flutter in a different way. Not with anxious butterflies, but with a flicker of a warmth.
It's completely innocent, the way the craving starts. He has to talk himself out of rearranging his entire schedule to be around them. Especially after the kidnapping incident. But, the Rouge break out gives him plenty of work to distract himself, and more frequent chances to find them in the manor for a dose of his new source of comfort.
His feelings finally start to become clear when rather than holding him longer and tighter, they finally reach for him themselves.
“And, how is my favorite person today?” Already Dick has his arms opened wide for you when you walk out of the kitchen. He always appears from the depths of the manor, before he wraps around you like a slow creeping vine blooming with all sorts of sentiments.
"Alfred was doing good last I saw." But, by now you've grown to appreciate the way the tendrils curl around your limbs and burrow themselves into you. A small grin forming on your face at the chance to finally have someone to talk to, even if he isn't consistent company.
"Alfred isn't my favorite person, and you know it." The banter between them enjoyable and the undertones of his words ignorable in your obliviousness. "But, seriously, how are you doing today? You look like you have something on your mind. If it is you can tell me, you know that right?" The concern pouring put of his lips, as his grip tightens.
He had seen you through the cameras and had overheard the longing phone calls. The fact that your birthday was coming up had crossed his mind, and the realization that this would be your first without your parents did register in his brain. (But, it would also be you first with them. With him.) Bringing it up to you seemed like a bad idea. But, he would still try to encourage you to spill your feelings to him.
"No, no. It's nothing I promise." Your reply was soft and dismissive. But, the dishonesty was noticeable in it still.
Dick's arms seemed to tighten around you as you spoke, as if he was trying to decode the root of your troubles from the way your heart was beating against his chest. Eventually, he does loosen his limbs around you.
As he looks down, you known and he knows you’re lying. For a moment you think he going to push. To try to choke the words out of your lungs with another tight squeeze. But, he doesn't. Instead he lets you breathe.
"Okay," is all he says.
No extra nor unnecessary words. No constant reassurance that he'll always be there for you. Just a single word and the room to breathe. Those other things have already been said. Multiple times, in fact.
It's this one instance where he lets you breath that somehow gives you lungs the air it needs to blurt out what's bothering you as he pulls away.
"I wanna go home." The words escape your lips when you finally exhale and reach for him. The words coarse. "I just really want to go home for a bit. I miss home. I miss my family. I just—“
Dick doesn't even let you get halfway before he's enveloping you again. A slight tremble in his hands as he sprouts around you once more.
This. This is what he's wanted. You coming to him with your raw feelings. And, he knows he's the first person you've said this to at all.
"How can I help you?" He asks instead of questioning the statement.
"Can you help me convince Bruce to let me go, please, Dick?” The tentative way you ask and look up at him has him caving immediately.
"Of course!" Perhaps it was a good thing you didn't grow up in Wayne manor. If Bruce hadn't spoiled you, he most definitely would have. "I'll bring it up to B as soon as he gets back."
"He's gone?" You hadn't been informed of him even leaving, but then again, you were hardly every informed about anything it seems.
"Yeah, work emergency. It wasn't a big deal, but he'll be back soon." Dick can sense the mild tone shift, but manages to shift it back to something more lighthearted. "I'll make sure to butter him up for you. I swear. Puppy-dog eyes and everything."
It works, because before he can even clutch you to his chest you already wrapped your arms around his torso and pulled yourself towards him. Just the way you hug him tells him how genuine this type of embrace is. This is how you hold people. And, now, this is how you hold him.
"Thank you, Dick. Thank you." Comes your muffled reply into his chest.
The way you nuzzle into him like that's where you belong, because that's where you do belong, and the way you say his name causes his heart to melt. And, his mind to slowly sinks into the puddle it became.
Dick could stay like this for hours, but you start to pull away after a solid minute.
"I should let you get going. I know you got a lot of stuff to do." Your words sound so hopeful and understanding as you him go. The way you look up at him like he is your hero just for this simple small thing is touching.
Inwardly, he curses. The criminals of Gotham. The criminals of Blüdhaven, the team, the family, his schedule. Everything. He curses it all for that moment, because he could be holding you to his chest longer and having you look up at him like that instead. But, he lets it pass. He manages to let it go just as you pull away.
"Yeah, I do. But, don't think I'm going to brush off helping my favorite person in the world." Plastering on a well practiced pretty smile as he speaks.
"So, that means you got somebody more important off world? I see how it is." You tease in return as you fall for the practiced charm.
"Maybe." Dick lets the banter easy his mind. In reality, even off this world, you're probably his favorite, still. It should scare him, but it doesn't. "I'll let you know how Bruce takes the request. But, I'm prepared to sneak you out of here if necessary."
"I'll get the spy music ready, just incase." Things are starting to look up, and it's nice to have someone in your corner in this massive estate.
"Mission Impossible theme?" His grin become less practiced at the thoughts of having an adventure with you.
"Nah, the Pink Panther one. Just for the shenanigans." Your own grin growing wider and wider.
"Now I want to sneak you out just for fun." And, he means it. Already mentally planning your trip back home with him escorting you. And, then you possibly coming and staying in Blüdhaven with him in his guest room. Just to get you out of the manor, of course. Clearly you need it.
He can't ignore the way his pocket keeps buzzing, though. Clearly the others are in the cave waiting for him. But, they can wait a bit longer, he thinks diving in for one last embrace.
As you wholeheartedly reciprocate, he can see one of the secret security camera out the corner of his eye and he can't stop the smug smile from forming on his face as his gives you one last squeeze in front of it.
With the way his phone stills, he can tell the rest of them saw. It's not his fault they're too scared of physical affection to actually hug you. But, it does give him a monopoly on it with you.
As he makes his way down to the Batcave there's a skip in his step and that smug smile is still on his face.
He makes sure to look at everyone's faces as he joins them. Soaking up their envy. All of that wasn't to make them jealous, but it's kind of nice to have.
"Was all that necessary, Grayson?" Damian being the first to break the silence by practically spitting the words out through his gritted teeth. Even with his perfect poster the tension coiling in his limbs is visible to the untrained eye.
"Someone's got to be the one to do it, little D. And, clearly, they needed it." Dick's tone was placating, but his smile wasn't. The way he stands in the center of the room reminiscent of an orchestra conductor.
"Don't use them as an excuse for your touch-starved tendencies, Dick." Barbara retorted, rolling in her chair towards another computer. She immediately began typing on it at a furious pace, clearly trying to distract herself.
"Low blow, Babs." He whistled in return. Everyone else seemed focused on giving him the silent treatment causing his grin to widen further. "I can't help that I'm a naturally-"
"I just texted Bruce about it." Duke suddenly says, looking up from his phone with a smug grin. He face had been blank before, but the way his eyes glanced up at Dick and the others when there heads jerk towards him showed off a hint of self-satisfaction.
"That's cheating." Childishly spills from Dick's mouth. This was suppose to be his favor to them. His. Not anyone else's.
"Bruce doesn't get text while in the Watchtower." Stephanie points out while uncurling from her seat, but the damage is done.
"Could we contact Father in the Watchtower?" Damian practically leaps from his seat and rushes to the Batcomputer where Tim sits. Alliances quickly being drawn up.
"He'd be pissed if we contacted him for something like this." Jason adds with a grin. He doesn't bother looking up from cleaning his guns, just not at all bothered by the prospect of pissing Bruce off.
"But, then message would be logged into the League data base." Comes Barbara's stern voice from her computer, her typing coming to a pause. Tim still keeps at whatever he was working on before Dick walked into the cave, but on the screen there is a flash of airline websites so it's fairly easy to conclude what his plan of persuasion is.
Cassandra watches the exchange reading the emotions through everyone's movements. Silently, she throws her bid in as well. Choosing to slide over to Stephanie and signing the making of a plan.
From there it spirals into an all out argument between each and every member of the family. Debating logistics and exchanging petty insults that seems to go on for hours. Hardly anything gets done while words are being thrown around like bullets.
In the back of his mind, Dick once again curses everyone and everything for ruining this for him. But, he reassures himself, the banter from earlier comes back to him.
It's a decent plan, he thinks. Sneaking Reader out of the manor. Convincing Bruce would be ideal, but it wouldn't be the first time he's broken the rules. And, it's for their happiness and well being. They need him. They asked him for his help. Not the other's. Not anyone else's. His. Bruce will understand.
Besides, it would be nice to see the Smalltown they grew up in. It sounds like a quaint little place. What could possibly be wrong with it?
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britt-kageryuu · 2 days
How many people who might've spotted the TMNT late at night, have a moment of like, 'I need to sleep more', 'I need to stop drinking', 'what was in what I just consumed?!', and the like?
Because the idea of some random nightshift employee thinking they might be going nuts because they just saw something go by in the dead of night. Let along the security people wondering if the cameras are malfunctioning, or their being pranked.
Not to forget the Pizza Guys who might be delivering to the Turtles, and it's not the Usual Guy(s) so they're confused by the drop off point, with some mutterings about not getting paid enough for this crap.
Maybe a random little kid get freaked out, only to be told it's 'just their imagination' and to go back to bed.
A random teen might try to become internet famous by attempting to follow the turtles, only to be asked if they're just very sleep deprived and seeing things. And when trying to prove their sighting find them gone 'mysteriously'.
Maybe a 24 hour place has some people who have reached the point of 'I don't get paid enough to care' that they don't care if the customer might not be human. Because they don't get yelled at for a small mistake, and the customer (Mutant Turtle in a poor disguise) isn't a nuisance.
I could go on for a while, but the train of thought might get derailed.
So add on and share if you like.
Opinions are Welcome and the Inspiration is Intended! Have fun!
(Adding the 87 and mm/tottmnt turtles tags even if this doesn't fit them. Maybe pre-movie for MM?)
Edit: Thinking changed to Drinking
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in1-nutshell · 3 days
TRANSFORMERS ONE IS OUT! Unfortunately, I couldn't watch it in theaters because work and money is a bit tight right now. I can't wait for this movie to come out in YouTube Movies to watch it. Since we both know it's obviously gonna have a sad ending, do you mind if I added a bit more sadness in this request? Orion Pax has a younger sibling that he raised named Buddy. Buddy loves both Orion Pax and D-16 as a family. Buddy is willing to bite some ankles if anybody was mean to someone Buddy cares about. Buddy is also tagging along with them in the adventures, much to Orion's dismay and dread. I heard there is gonna be a fight between them at the near ending. Buddy is horrified and scared that those two bots that Buddy considered their family is now fighting each other as enemies. Buddy begs and screams at them to stop, but Optimus and Megatron obviously won't. When Optimus and Megatron shoot each other at the same time, in a moment of panic and terror for their loved ones - Buddy jumps in between them and get hit by both of their shots accidentally that immediately offlined Buddy. They both stopped fighting in shock and grief. Buddy's death was the final straw between Optimus and Megatron's relationship. When Megatron and Optimus went in their separate ways, they both knew the war had begun. Characters: Orion Pax, D-16, Bumblebee, and Elita-one. Please and thank you!
Trying to get the TF1 fics out a bit early so we have something to read.
Hope you enjoy!
Slight mention of spoiler in the movie
Bot Buddy being Orion Pax's younger sibling
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Angst, Character death (you have been warned!), Cybertronian reader
Buddy was one of the youngest miners in the group.
They did get some special treatment from certain bots but was otherwise expected to act just like everyone else.
One bot in particular took interest in the younger bot.
Orion Pax was his name.
He saw a lot of himself in the younger bot and offered his companionship.
The younger bot quickly latched onto him faster than rust.
It didn’t take long for them to fall into a sibling dynamic.
Soon D-16 was introduced.
D-16: “So let me get this straight. You saw them and decided to be their friend and the next thing you know your siblings?” Orion: “That’s pretty much it.” D-16 shakes his helm in good humor. D-16: “Sometimes I can’t with you.” Buddy swings their arms around him and Orion. Buddy: “Get used to it D! You’re one of us now!” D-16: “As long as you’re not like this rusty bucket its fine.” Orion: “Hey!” Buddy chuckles: “Don’t worry about that D.” 2 weeks later… D-16 watching Buddy trying to drop kick Darkwing after he ‘accidentally’ knocked their energon cart. D-16: “Primus… they’re worse…” Orion pats D-16 on the back. Orion: “Yep… want to help them out?” Both mech’s wince seeing Buddy get punched in the chassis. D-16: “…Fine.”
Buddy always kept their brothers on their pedes with their antics.
Always kept them both on alert.
Buddy loved to randomly jump on their shoulders or try and pick them up.
Despite their antics, Buddy was a good miner and even managed to do something most miners couldn’t do.
Get on Elita-One’s good side.
No one knows what exactly happened between them both for Buddy to get a bit of favoritism.
Elita refuses to elaborate and Buddy likes to see bots squirm for the answer.
Buddy hands Elita a spare jetpack. Elita: “Buddy I already have a jetpack.” Buddy: “We’re going to need it.” Elita raises an optic but ignores it. Later… Elita: “… How did you know—” Buddy: “The jetpacks are old Elita. Its only a matter of time before someone falls from a faulty one.” Elita pats their helm. Elita: “When I get promoted, I might just ask to move you to be my assistant.” Buddy: “No! I don’t want any more work!” Elita: “Too late, already considering it.” Buddy: “Orion tell her to stop being mean!”
Buddy was helping Elita get used to her new role in waste management when they saw who was on the Iacon 500.
They cheered for their brothers with everyone else.
The bot let out a yelp when they saw D-16 get hurt, but quickly smiled seeing Orion try and help him to the finish line.
…Too bad Chromia won the race.
Good news, Buddy was now a couple shanix richer from the betting pool.
 While they were heading to the med bay to go see Orion and D-16, they quickly hid seeing Darkwing picking them up and leading them somewhere.
Orion and D-16 talking to B-127 when something big falls on to the conveyer belt and jumps off it. Buddy dusts themselves from the junk. Buddy turns and waves at the bots. B-127: “New friend!” Orion and D-16: “Buddy!?” They both go over to Buddy looking for any injuries. Buddy: “Hey quit it! I’m not dying!” Orion: “What are you doing here?” Buddy: “Well I was going to the med bay to congratulate you two, but Darkwing got to you first. Then I had to wait a while until the coast was clear and find out where you were sent. It’s kinda fun going through the shoot though.” D-16: “What you did was—” B-127 pushes D-16 out of the way and shakes Buddy’s servo. B-127: “Hi there! I’m B-127, or you can call me B or—” Buddy: “Wait! I can be B and you can be BB!” B-127: “Or maybe we can go by the Double B’s!” B-127 and Buddy start chatting up a storm. Orion: “What just happened?” D-16: “I don’t know but I don’t like it…”
Orion catches Buddy up on the new information on Alpha Trion.
Buddy is ready to go.
Orion and D-16 try to get them to stay, but Buddy ends up joining.
They are having a blast climbing the crates inside the train as Orion tries to get Elita.
Buddy stared long and hard at the landscape when the group reached to the surface.
Is sprinting with B-127 the moment the giant rock formations start getting closer.
Grips Orion and D-16’s servo when they all get tossed out of the train.
Their chatting and B-127’s chatting makes the other older bots consider gagging them for the remainder of the trip.
When reaching the cave of the fallen Prime’s, they gently hold D-16’s servo as they silently mourn for Megatronus Prime.
Hides behind Elita when Alpha Trion comes back online and nearly decks Orion in the face.
Cries a little bit seeing what Sentinel had done to the other Prime’s.
They deserved so much better than that fate.
Absolutely seething with D-16 when the group sees Sentinel giving the Quintesson’s THEIR hard earned energon.
Once everyone gets their T-cog’s, Buddy is the first to try and transform… unfortunately they did not get it the first time.
The group was running down the hill. Buddy’s helm gets tucked into their frame. Buddy: “I CAN’T SEE! I CAN’T SEE!” Orion starts laughing Orion: “HAHAHAHA—AAH WHERE’S MY HEAD?!”
Buddy gets a bad feeling about D-16 when he starts talking to Orion but brushes it off as stress.
They hoped they were right, especially after he admitted to wanting to terminate Sentinel.
Don’t get them wrong, they absolutely hate the bot now, but to go so far as terminate him?
It didn’t seem right.
Was the first one to get tased and wake up.
They get excited the second they see Starscream, Shockwave and Soundwave.
B-127 and Buddy both tell the other’s who the High guard were.
An excitement that quickly turns into frightened when they see D-16 beating up Starscream.
They tried to get to him, but the crowd wouldn’t let them.
Buddy looked over at Orion, both sharing the same look of worry and fear for their brother.
They end up getting captured by Arachnid with B-127 and D-16 after the explosion.
Orion is riddled with guilt the second Elita tells him that Buddy, D-16 and B-127 were captured with some of the high guard.
Thankfully, he and Elita made a plan with the remainder of the guard to help get the others and bring Sentinel to justice.
Back at Iacon…
Buddy was in between D-16 and B-127 on the ground, restrained as Sentinel prattled about having them executed.
They felt their spark stop for a second when D-16 stood up.
Arachnid had to restrain them when Sentinel started branding Megatronus’s face on D-16’s chassis.
Buddy kicks the spider in the back of one of her legs. She lets go. The younger bot then kicks Sentinel in the back of his knee joints before helm butting him. Snetinel staggers back a bit. They stood in front of D-16 with fury in their optics. Buddy: “Touch my brother again and I swear I will send you to Primus myself!” Many of the captured bots looked in surprise at the young bot protecting the fallen miner. B-127: “Buddy just stay down!” D-16 tries to stand up the second he sees Sentinel start to move to them. D-16: “Buddy get out of the way!” Buddy: “Fat chance!” Buddy tries to kick Sentinel again, but this time the Prime grabbed their pede and with a swift movement twisted it. SNAP! Buddy: “AAAAHHH—” WHAM! Sentinel punched Buddy across the face sending them skidding across the floor. D-16: “BUDDY!” He glares at Sentinel. D-16: “Stop! Your fight is with me!” Sentinel: “No, they made it personal when they helm butted me. Its time to make an example.”
Thankfully the train had just crashed into the building.
Orion hops out and helps D-16 and Buddy up.
Orion briefly thinks on punching Sentinel in the face but is quickly drowned by D-16 yelling that he was going to terminate Sentinel.
Buddy tried to tell Orion that something was wrong, but their older brother was gone, off to tell everyone the truth about what Sentinel did.
They did their best in battling the other guards with their bad pede.
The bot screamed in horror when they saw D-16 and Sentinel going off the edge.
It took them a while to get to where the fight was.
They remembered seeing D-16 holding an extremely injured Orion over the edge of a dark hole.
They didn’t remember screaming, but their voice box started glitching when they saw D-16 let go of Orion’s servo.
Elita and B-127 were by their side holding them tightly, afraid they would try and jump off the ledge to get to him.
Buddy remembered looking at D-16 giving his speech.
Their audial winced when he called himself ‘Megatron’.
They had to close their optics for a second, not believing they had seen a newer version of Orion, now calling himself Optimus Prime.
The two former brothers fought.
Megatron and Optimus were on the ground wrestling the former’s fusion cannon. They barely registered the sounds of pedes coming closer. Megatron: “Let go!” Optimus: “Never!” Suddenly the cannon went off. A scream. THUD! Both mech’s look over and see Buddy’s frame laying on the ground…so still. Optimus quickly gets off Megatron and runs to Buddy. Optimus: “Buddy!” Optimus gets to the frame. Buddy’s optics were offline and there was a smoldering hole in the middle of their chassis where their spark was supposed to be. Optimus gently cradles them. Optimus: “Buddy! Buddy please! Buddy… please… don’t…” He gently hugs the limp frame, not caring in that moment if Megatron blasted him. Megatron just stood up and stared. He wanted to scream. To yell. Megatron wanted to hug his little sibling frame and pray to Primus that this was not happening. Optimus gently places the frame down, stands up and looks at Megatron dead in the optics. Optimus: “Take the High Guard and go. You are banished from Iacon.” Megatron starts walking away but stops for a moment to take one last look at Buddy’s still frame before yelling for his troops to follow him.
There was a small funeral held for Buddy.
 Optimus made sure to hold it together in front of the others.
But Elita and B-127 caught him alone, sobbing with a picture of Buddy, Orion, and D-16, smiling, without a care in the world.
The two bots held their leader tightly as he continued to sob.
Megatron mourned for Buddy in private.
It was only right.
He cried in silence holding a picture of him, Buddy, and Orion Pax on their first day of mining.
In the safety of his habsuite, he could cry all he wanted before his Decepticon’s expected him to come out with a rally cry.
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mooremars · 1 year
Camelot 2023 Act 1 ramblings about the music and book and also the visuals again because turns out 3,000 words wasn't enough.
I cannot possibly recommend anyone actually read this because it is so absurdly, comically long but I needed to get some feelings out. Also it's in two parts because apparently Tumblr has a maximum character count and I hit it.
• Firstly, female conductor, we love to see it
• I love overtures and entr'actes and this show's is so good
• Shoutout to the orchestra
• I have never experienced a bad Broadway orchestra but still doesn't mean they do not deserve serious praise
• Does just the instrumental of Camelot make me very emotional and think about fundamental human goodness?
• Yes, this show did its job
• The end of the If Ever I Should Leave You part is just permanantly in my brain as the part during bows where they point to the orchestra
• Whatever the music that plays as everyone starts walking onstage is epic
• The vibe is set and I'm ready
Act 1 Scene 1: A hilltop near the castle at Camelot
• I've said it once and I'll say it one thousand times, I am obsessed with the way they've used the space in this show
• I love that they can walk up the back of the stage, I love that they have the stairs in front, I love that they've got so many exit and entrance points
• Sorry to the actors who probably had to do a lot of running around but it was fun for me
• As much as I like spectacle, I don't inherently prefer it over this kind of more minimalist thing
• But I do feel like they did a good job at conveying scale and drama even though the set is extremely minimal
• "I have the exact same amount of information that you do" just immediately starts the show off on the right foot
• This is a new take and I was here for it instantly
• And such a funny way to deliver a ton of exposition, this will be the first of what will become the prevailing theme of my rambling which is I adore Sorkin's writing beyond measure
• Merlyn's delivery drenched in sarcasm for every line is perfect and we clearly see where Arthur gets it from
• Specifically "do you know what calamity means?"
• But also "things in England are changing too fast"/"words that have never before been spoken"
• Establishing Sagramore in a funny way that becomes so serious by the end
• We jump right into the Sorkin dialouge rhythm and it feels so right
• There's the perfect amount of everyone overlapping each other and finishing the other characters' thoughts
• And also the jaunty music when most of the guards leave, like I don't exactly know why it sounds like that since it doesn't fit but I love it anyway
• I know it's part of at least the movie's score but like to me it's still strange, I've been calling it clown music in my head
• The difficulty finding the king exchange and also the pheasant hunting exchange are so funny and set the tone so well
• Can you see I'm attempting not the write out every line of dialouge?
• But also I love that we get this little build to Arthur to wonder what the hell is going on with this guy
• Because if you're me, you've come into this show with basically the association with JFK and that's it
• So I had no clue and was curious
• The knights have like mostly terrible points but Sagrimore's delivery of "snear all you like but five minutes ago we were at war with that girl's county and tomorrow I'll be swearing an oath to protect her with my life"
• He's not wrong
• The knights are so good, the actors are perfect
• Every bit of casting is inspired and those three are no exception
• "Arthur get the hell out of the tree"
• Again with no context, the tree really got me
• "Hiding, I'm obviously hiding" - I am instantly in, the delivery on this line is so funny
• Okay fine I was in from the way he said hello, also a hilarious delivery
• My roommate brought up immediately how effective it is not to have him do a British accent and how it again just makes Arthur relatable - genius
• Whatever voice he's doing is a perfect choice
• Also young Arthur is so much the right choice it's staggering to me that they ever did it any other way
• They thread the needle so perfectly of Arthur being young but not in a way where he's like an incompetent child
• Which I feel like is actually how some of the other versions with older actors still managed to come off
• But this Arthur is just young and trying
• "My mouth disconnects from my brain"/"I've witnessed that"
• As like a character note, I love that exchange but I also was worried this was gonna be what it usually is, which is a male character who cannot treat a woman like a human person
• But no, Arthur has absolutely no problem with that, his mouth only disconnects from his brain when he's trying to confess feelings and that is 1000% more endearing
• "Years of tutoring in philosophy and law, why didn't you ever teach me about love and marriage?"/"You're not marrying for love and there's nothing about it that can be taught."
• To which my roommate that I dragged to see this twice and who has just been forced to talk about this show with me, maintains that perhaps you could maybe convey that relationships are about communication
• That lesson might've helped just a bit
• "You're not marrying for love" like Merlyn is trying to warn Arthur and he sure did not listen
• "They should be reading" Arthur babe they literally can't, it's the Middle Ages
• Also the establishment of no magic is so deftly handled
• Arthur complaining that people think that dragons are real and you get exactly what this world is
• I love that I Wonder What the King is Doing tonight becomes his noble king music
• Also I just absolutety love any time anything has a recurring musical theme it just lights up some part of my brain every time
• The yelling of "he's scared" and all of the subsequent lyrics in that spot is again hilarious and just very good characterization
• Also the delivery of the slaying a dragon part whatever that singing accent is I love it
• Actually the way he sings all the parts where he's imagining what other people are saying
• The other characters have a lot of songs that are gorgeous and require some incredible vocals and songs with fun lyrics and fun performances but not at lot of them get to infuse this much personality and character into the songs through just the delivery
• Don't know if that's from the original or not but it's one of my favorite characters introductions I've seen in a bit
• From what I've seen this is definitely an escalation of previous versions and I adore it
• He's so annoyed, he hates this shit so much and he's so funny
• I mean also lots of credit to the lyrics because they are obviously very funny
• I love this song a lot
• Arthur's "shhhhit" when he realizes that he's managed to run into his future wife
• The multi-layered complication line, so quintessential Arthur
• The contrast between the gorgeous Julie Andrews channeling singing and Genny's brashness in her movement and dialouge
• Like obviously that's already in the lyrics but the book and direction just stretches it
• Everyone knew Phillipa Soo was going to be perfect and she is
• A lot of my strongest impressions are about Arthur
• Because I had no idea who the actor was and because in the limited amount of adaptations I'm familiar with of this whole story, Arthur is the bad guy or a good but extremely boring guy
• But I knew going in that I was gonna love Guenevere and Phillipa Soo even if I've never seen her on stage before
• So it was unsurprising
• Like my expectations were sky-high and she's so talented in every way and the writing for Genny is so good that she exceeded them anyway
• And she's so damn funny
• Obviously the whole rescued in the wood bit is already just a good joke and I'm honestly impressed with how funny the original songs are
• I am a sucker for the thing in stories where we know what's going to happen because they've been told so many times
• When they have a character say something the audience knows is foreshadowing
• "Cause a little war" is what I'm thinking of in this moment but there are tons and every time it's a hit with me
• The delivery of the clause one bit is perfect and her backing Arthur into falling on the bench and then just turning around and back to angelic singing
• The turnaround from the aggressiveness to the extremely soft and feminine singing is brilliant
• "The more knights slaughter each other, the fewer there are to slaughter the rest of us"
• The exchange about the dowry still being in the carriage
• Their deliveries are so funny
• They immediately bounce off of each other perfectly
• And Genny not even escaping with the dowry she's supposed to be using to buy her freedom, amazing
• "What is power uuuused for? That is a very interesting question."
• Genny just immediately knocking Arthur's socks off
• Trying to write out some of the word deliveries he does is so hard but there are a few that absolutely kill me
• They've known each other for five minutes and they're already having a debate
• "I've known kings, I'm daughter of a king so marrying a king doesn't have the same allure for me that it apparently has for you"
• She just speeds through those words at the end and it's great
• "They run to here" is another bit of hilarious delivery but I also love the contrast it sets up between Arthur trying to be kingly in a way that doesn't fit versus later when he does it his own way
• I could listen to them go back and forth saying why for ten minutes
• Genny's incredulousness when he says the weather
• I can't remember but I think she's walking away and then just turns to stare at him in absolute confusion
• Like he's so ridiculous that she can't help but engage
• I did a quick bit of intermission math and we know this takes place seven months before the Lusty Month of May which is obviously happening in May
• So Arthur is literally singing to Genny about how there's no winter until December while at best - assuming the one month later and six months later are rounded up - it is snowing at the absolute beginning of November
• More likely October
• No wonder Genny thinks he's full of shit
• His improv did not pan out
• This is a joke for me, thank you Aaron Sorkin
• Do love that canonically, Arthur is in fact singing the song Camelot - that he just made up in a panic - what a dork
• Genny's little interjections of skepticism are all so funny
• Also just instantly establishing her as someone you love
• She's perfect
• But my favorite is "my escape is time sensitive, do you understand that?"/Arthur still singing/"no he does not"
• These actors are both hilarious, the amount of stuff required of musical theater actors continues to blow my mind
• Like not only to do the whole singing, dancing, and acting thing but then you have to convey it to a whole theater but also not overact to the people up close and be able to do comedy and drama how
• I was in practically the back row up top and not a good view but extremely close (like seeing the actors spit close) on the side for the under 35 tickets and then also in very good seats and the performances by literally everyone never felt too much or not enough
• "Are there any other people in these woods you could recommend?"
• Also this moment which is the cutest thing you've ever heard
• Do I remember exactly what happened? No. But do I know it was adorable? Yes.
• "And we have poets in France"/"Oh yes of course... But do you?"/Genny angrily naming French poets/"Understood" and he's already singing again
• The entire performance of this song and especially getting her to sing along, so charming in the most annoying way
• But also she's sort of into it which is cute
• I do see on YouTube that there was a bit more to this French poets discussion which was probably right to cut but I am delighted to find literally anything new
• Sidebar
• I have been known to have issues with staying present when I watch things and not letting my mind start wandering. And one of the reasons I knew Camelot was good the first time was that I was totally engaged the whole show. But the last time, I did have the one moment where a thought popped into my brain during this song that completely threw me out of it
• And that thought was "this Barbie has taken a carriage ride to hell" after Genny says that line and like why brain?
• (For the record Genny and Arthur are both Barbies. They are everything. Lance is just Ken. Perfecting his body and soul is his beach. He is Kenough. Arthur and Genny have a terrible day every day. Lance only has a terrible day if Arthur and/or Genny look at him.)
• (I believe I have come up with a combination of words that have never been spoken before and perhaps a genuinely new opinion on a thousand year old legend)
• (In a bad way)
• Anyway
• The pure chaotic comedy of the knights finding Arthur and Genny freaking out is not something I can articulate but I adored so much
• Phillipa Soo is stealing the whole show in this one
• Does Genny come out of her hiding spot with her mouth wide open before she gets on the ground or am I misremembering?
• "We call that a sin of omission your majesty"
• With no remose "oh we call it that too"
• "Were you never going to tell me?"/"No I was going to get to it"/"When?"/"After I told you about the weather"
• Not a single bit of remose again
• I don't have anything to say, I just think the exchange is very funny
• I love not making Arthur any kind of royalty, he is truly just some guy
• Like I'm reading The Once and Future King and Arthur's lineage is so weirdly complicated and I just don't care, I like him as some guy
• "He discovered he didn't have his sword because I left it at... a house, that doesn't matter, that's my fault"
• Now that's a line that is funny on time one and fills you with dread afterwards
• The most exasperated "I was just going to borrow it for the day"
• Something about the delivery of "when I opened my eyes the square was filled with people shouting god save the king"
• Like Arthur never actually says out loud that he didn't want to be king but Genny gets it right away
• "I see you now, you're just a boy wearing a crown you never wanted sitting atop a throne two sizes too big"
• Just an absolute cutting response but Arthur doesn't take it that way at all, he's so earnest
• She reads him to filth but it doesn't even rattle him, he just takes it because it's true
• Gorgeous writing in what she says and his response
• "But provenance has put us both here, both of us highness and want it or not we are commanded to wear that crown and to grow into that throne"
• Chills, the delivery is outstanding
• We finally get King Arthur
• And Genny being convinced, all it took was one genuine moment and she's ready to engage
• Then Arthur again just taking so passionately about what he wants Camelot to be
• No wink, no sarcasm, no shame
• This show is unabashedly sincere and optimistic and I love it
• Genny falls in love with Arthur, I fall in love with Arthur, Genny falls in love with Camelot the idea, I fall in love with Camelot the show
• Everyone including the audience and Arthur were already in love with Genny for Phillipa Soo reasons so there's no moment for that one
• I feel like the trope-y thing would be to have Genny be a cynic here but no, she's just as much of an idealist as him
• She put up a little front of cynicism at the beginning but as soon as she gets the option of hope, she's choosing it instantly
• "Or you can stay. And together we may discover if power might be harnessed as a force of good"
• Like he's instantly treating her as a partner in this endeavor
• And I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight playing under it so beautifully and then the seamless musical transition back to Camelot is so perfect
• I am music stupid so I wish I had something to say about it but your songs have got to be tight to flow that way
• "I don't know if I'm worthy" also just a heartbreaker
• We don't really get to hear anything about Genny's life in France but she's clearly very opinionated and competent and I wonder if besides the whole wanting romance and adventure thing
• She also had an idea of what the life of a queen is like
• After all she's the daughter of one
• And she didn't imagine having this kind of role in actual ruling and doesn't know whether she can live up to this ideal that Arthur has set
• Like maybe she thought the only way she'd get to impact the world was knights killing each other over her or being the cause of a war, at least that's something
• But now she has a chance at more and she's grabbing it
• Genny singing the reprise is so beautiful thematically - it makes me a little teary just watching her instantly be like I see your dream and understand it and I want to be part of it but via some of the best singing maybe ever
• Such an amazing recontextualization from the original
• I've seen little clips of this reprise from 1961 and this one just feels warmer and more meaningful because it's about the ideals and not them confessing love at first sight
• And somehow more romantic
• They're instantly established as a team who share intellectual and philosophical similarities
• To so quickly convey that and make it believable
• It not only cements their relationship but makes them characters you root for
• And then the sounds of people coming in as soon as or maybe even before they get to finish singing together, like it's their world and they're falling for each other but there's no time, they're king and queen now and that will always supercede their relationship
• Also something about the moment when Arthur introduces her to the court just also really gets me
• "She's nice... some of the time"
• It's cute how smitten he is with her, all of her, immediately
• "Something about her makes me want to be a better king" (so Arthur is actually capable of expressing a romantic thought, don't get used it it)/"She's very attractive"/"Oh she is but it's not that"/"Arthur"/"Well it's not just that"
• I love the way they flip the speech Arthur gives Genny from the original about not feeling like a king until now meeting her
• But now that they've actually gotten to know each other a bit and it's after she's agreed to stay it actually makes sense here
• I do also love that even though he can't manage it to Genny's face, he does feel completely comfortable expressing his feelings about her to Merlyn
• The "oh she is" is so cute, he's so excited
• The music under his conversation with Merlyn before he starts just monologuing, very ominous
• I'm obsessed with it
• "We finally have peace" is another line delivery that I just need to sit and think about
• The joy of it, the relief
• Again the idea that Arthur has been a king at war this whole time
• Merlyn mentions, as part of a joke but still, almost as soon as we meet Arthur that he's fought armies
• He's not optimistic about the world because he hasn't seen conflict
• He's more determined because he sees what it does
• Channeling best man in all fiction Waymond Wang this is how I fight energy and that's very my shit
• Very much my shit might be a slight understatement
• It might not be surprising to learn that Arthur is my favorite thing about this show, they revamped this character so well
• So much of my life was spent in the media age of male anti-heroes and I love that we've returned to a point of male heroes
• Arthur idealistically talking about how they can finally start making Camelot for everyone and Merlyn walking off stage while the ensemble sings I think the part from the cut song and I assume some new stuff that's very Medieval church music
• So so good
• "What do I do next?" so eager and then just the emotional drop-off to his scared little boy when it becomes clear what's happening "Merlyn?"
• Stunning performance
• I think Arthur falls to his knees at some point but I'm already doubting
• The "what the hell do I do now?"
• Perfect scene ender
Act 1, Scene 2: The King's study - one month later
• The transition music between scenes is always good
• It's gonna be a struggle not to just quote this whole scene
• "Arthur, please call me Arthur" is so desperate like he has no one now, no actual human connections to him as a person instead of a king now that Merlyn is gone
• And then asking what she was called back home, he wants connection so badly
• And probably he still feels guilty for taking her from her home to be his wife
• "I was a royal princess, I didn't have friends"
• Well there is a reason they're both terrible at relationships
• I also love the way Phillipa Soo says Arthur in such a stilted way at the beginning of this scene and it becoming more natural every time she does it
• Genny telling him he's not attending to his duties with enthusiasm like she is not the least bit afraid to challenge the king a month in
• Love to see it
• Arthur's "I beg your pardon" when she asks about cortesans and the look he gives her
• "My father kept his women, his extra women, in their own wing of the palace. Where are yours? Might they cheer you up?"
• Genny the proactive problem solver
• Also something about the way she says extra women makes me laugh
• "I don't have extra women, I'm a married man. You were at my wedding" perhaps one of my favorite deliveries and lines in the whole show
• Genny's point of view in this scene is very interesting
• Like she does bring up that it's his legal right instead of dropping the whole thing and that's a choice
• Does she think he's lying about not having cortesans and reminding him that she is legally obligated to be cool with it so to be honest?
• Or is she just baffled by Arthur and his choices because this is a normal thing for a king to her?
• Or maybe since she already has feelings, she's trying to balance her own expectations to not get hurt?
• Possibilities
• "I'm aware of my legal right in that regard and I assure you I have no intention - oh my god - no intention of exercising it"
• Specifically the delivery of oh my god but the whole thing, he is so offended
• "And making the world into Camelot, are you abstaining from that too or will men at honor continue to plunder villages and take, rape, and kill whatever they please?"
• Genny
• Genny you are a hero
• She's so smart and fierce and unafraid to stand up to Arthur
• "I didn't make the world"/"You make a part of it"
• Arthur being so defensive and Genny calmly holding her ground
• She's taken to her new role so well
• And then Arthur admitting he doesn't know how to proceed without Merlyn, I love the way he builds trust in her in this scene
• "What would he say?"/"He'd say my god you're the slowest student anyone's ever tried to teach"/"Well I can convincingly say that"/"It's good that you mock me, kings should be mocked from time to time, it brings people pleasure. But for the record it's no fun for the king"
• Genny sounding so pleased with herself, Arthur getting out another sarcastic response
• Also what a lie, it is fun for him
• Mocking each other and public policy are their love languages
• "He once explained why but I got distracted because a white tailed eagle flew right by" with the most excitement and boyishness
• And then starting to go off on a tangent about eagles
• Never change Arthur
• I just think it's sweet the way she redirects him because she's fully committed herself to the idea of Camelot and her role in it
• "Pace freely at your own pace"
• Another brilliant line and delivery
• Channeling some Mary Poppins here
• Genny getting Arthur to think is so good
• "You had to pace and comcentrate to arrive at that?"/"It's hard to imagine why your country was willing to part with you"
• The proposition/resolved structure of this scene is very good
• And also that he starts with this pessimistic tantrum about human nature and Genny guides him back on track
• It's a great relationship moment but it also lets Arthur have some struggle and lets Genny be for Arthur what he was for her in the first scene
• Arthur collapsing on the floor and muttering "extra women" like wow he cannot handle being thought of as not a good person
• "That's it?"/"Wait"/"I wasn't going anywhere"
• Her being on the floor with him, gently pushing him
• He can't even maintain cynicism for more than a few minutes
• Them building the idea of the round table together, this is peak romance
• I can't just quote this scene in its entirety but every moment of it is a delight of them passing ideas back and forth
• "Isn't it also about the law?"/"It is"
• A standout delivery
• I love when they're working out the wordings like they make each other better
• "The law will be the stone upon which this rock - the rock upon - wait the church?"/"Have mercy"/"The law will be the rock upon which this church is built"/"Nothing can be more important"/"Nothing can be as important"
• This is what I love about Sorkin's writing
• The way that he has characters discuss ideas
• Like everything is an exciting discovery
• There's no singing in this scene but it has so much rhythm and is so compelling when in another writer's hands it would be boring and forgettable
• I broke out a chunk but it's so dense there are so many words and I love each one
• Genny counting down to his return, she already knows him so well
• Again I am trying not to type out every line
• I think they both yell for the page but I'm actually not sure, either way they are so excited and yelling something
• The new book has done so much to deepen their relationship, I adore these idealistic little nerds
• Arthur cannot contain himself
• His attempt to cool things down for himself by taking his hands off her face and then "you were very helpful, thank you"
• Smooth
• Convincing
• Definitely professional and platonic
• Truly do not know how Genny does not realize he's in love with her at this point but she sure is not gonna get better at that
• "And I suppose France too"/"I know that hurt"/"A little bit" and then he laughs it's adorable
• They're both so giddy here
• "Arthur I did already know that about you, that you were a decent fellow"/"I'm glad"
• They're in love. They are so in love.
• Arthur has taken on Genny's tone for the word inspiration when he talks to the knights
• "You've invited the French" every time Sagramore says it, it's just as funny
• "We may not be born equal"/"We are not sire" (with so much contempt)/"So our laws will make us equal" (with no room for disagreement)
• The immediate conflict
• And we see Arthur being a king and taking a hard line which we don't get to see much in this show and I love it
• "What about God's laws?"/"Not. Our. Jurisdiction" like are we sure this is not actually from the west wing
• I'm internally cheering when I hear it, I love this line far too much
• It's funny but also authoritative and kingly
• I get that some people do not vibe with Sorkin's style and that's fine but I very much do
• This show is so for me it's kind of incredible it was not made with that purpose
• A Sorkin character who would love Sorkin's work, I just adore it
• And according to the funniest line from any review I read, also has Sorkin's haircut
• That just lives in my brain because it's funnier than any piece of media criticism I will ever hear
• The knights already dissenting is very good but also that they don't fully agree yet with each other
• They build it in immediately and that's such a good choice, it makes every escalation feel totally plausible instead of the knights just easily falling for Mordred's bullshit
• Dinadan quoting Plato's ideas and saying how they're the well-educated people who should be in charge is great
• I love that the knights get to be characters and have thoughts
• Their constant vacillating between loyalty to the king and loyalty to the power structure they benefit from
• One of my favorite running tensions
Act 1, Scene 3: The countryside outside of Camelot - six months later
• The performance of C'est Moi is so funny
• Going 100% immediately
• Jordan Donica was just as perfectly cast as everyone else
• The lyrics are so funny and then he is just so loud
• His little whispered "C'est Moi" after the second verse while posing is so much funnier than it is on the cast recording
• "Had I been made the partner of Eve/we'd be in Eden still" is my favorite lyric
• The scream on clean destroys me
• Lance is always at a 10 and he's so delusional, I'm obsessed with him
• There's so much loud breathing in this performance which I love
• And whirling his sword around the stage
• "Beware enemies of Arthur do you hear me beware, from this moment you answer to me" while Arthur is literally unconscious behind him, this is comedy
• "You raised your sword to me"/"Oh I was saying hello"/"I did not know that"
• Lance is not sorry at all and it's hilarious
• He's just on another planet compared to everyone else and I love it
• Also Arthur so pure, just seeing a random person and trying to say hi
• Like you're the king of the country, you do know many people are not exactly going to be friendly, right?
• "I honestly thought I was more recognizable to the French"
• "Have you changed your Francs to English shillings?"/"Why?"/"This man's face is on money"
• Arthur subtly trying to tell Lance what's happening but the word subtle is not in Lance's vocabulary
• "I'm underwhelming in person"
• Says the man that keeps making French people instantly fall in love with him in the woods
• "My security detail... right in the nick of time"
• "I beg your majesty to forgive for me for by forgiving me I'll suffer even more"
• Lance is screaming the whole time
• I don't know how he does it
• "But my strength comes from purity of spirit"/"What was that?"/"Purity of spirit, my personal relationship with the almighty, he favors me"/"I'd keep that to yourself"
• I can't write it out but this
• And this is about to have to switch out for the rest of the show so like even more screaming somehow
• He's so funny, it isn't reasonable
• Also love that his language is the least modern of them
• It fits
• Seems like some of his lines come directly from the original book and it works amazingly
• "Be a faultless example to children" is another iconic delivery
• Also Lance asking for a mission, incredible
• He just plays everything so straight and it's perfect
• Like not a single acknowledgement of the ridiculousness of this character
• Arthur will literally get a concussion to avoid a social function, relatable
• "Until you came along and whacked me in my head"/"AND FOR THAT I BEG YOUR HARSHEST PUNISHMENT"/"Nope, nope, we're not going back to that"
• Yes the all caps is necessary, Lance is always speaking in caps, if he lived in a time a cell phones all of his texts would look like that
• And Arthur's tone when he responds
• When Lance starts singing again and then Arthur just says nope so many times
• This is their whole relationship
Act 1, Scene 4: A park near the castle
• This scene is just a magnificent Phillipa Soo showcase that we have been blessed with
• Like she is just so talented and I am blown away
• There's a reason Lusty Month of May is the song they have the most out there
• "The birds and the bees with all of their vast/amorous past/gaze at the human race aghast" is my favorite and she does it so perfectly
• Also the intro music just exactly captures that buzzy spring feeling
• My roommate and I both had the experience where the first time we saw the show, none of the music stuck with us
• And then the second time, all of the sudden it burrows into your brain
• This burrowed first because of course, it's so vibrant and lovely
• The original music is so good and somehow the transition from the more modern dialouge into the songs is seemless
• Genny has two missions: justice for all and bringing sex to England
• Look there's none in her own marriage and she needs an outlet, make those people kiss, it's all you have
• Genny's so fun and adorable in this song and it's perfect and I have no notes
• I'm just gonna go watch the today show performance and bask in it, this is the most classic Broadway musical sequence in the whole thing
• I love the idea that she's inviting all these normal people in and the beginning of the knights absolutely hating it
• "Be right quieter"
• And when they refer to Genny as a guest in the country
• The original is very and everyone loves her and I love that there's this tension where the people with power don't like her but everyone else does
• They say all the quiet parts out loud in this scene
• The show needs the knights so badly to show the discontent growing over time
• But they still respect tradition enough to enforce respect for the queen on Pellinore
• "I've only lived here a short time"/"Oh and you're already the queen, well done"/"I really had nothing to do with it"
• "Full of youth he was but brooding over problems that would confound Solomon. Ever met him your majesty?"/ "Constantly, he's my husband."
• With such affection ahhhh
• "You must be Morgan Le Fay... oh how he'd go on about the loveliness of Morgan Le Fey, her unsurpassing beautiful"
• Genny getting emotionally slapped in the face, it hurts so much
• The first crack in their relationship because they couldn't talk to each other...
• "I'm glad that nice young man found a nice young lady"
• Why does this make me feel things?
• I love the royal music every time
• "As you were everyone, pick grapes, eat flowers, or uh the other way around"
• Arthur and Genny's little catch up about Pelli is very cute, we don't get to see them be cute for a while after this so I just want to appreciate it
• Lance having no social awareness and continuing to make proclamations while Genny could not care less and is actively trying to speak to someone else, brilliant
• Genny and Arthur just waiting for Lance to stop talking after she keeps being interrupted and then Genny rushing out her lunch invitation and Arthur rushing out his response
• Arthur immediately wanting to run ideas by Genny, she is crucial to the development of Camelot and it's very much not a secret
• Arthur's "uh oh" when Lance is doing some casual misogyny
• "That sounded like a friendly exchange of pleasantries"/"It was not"
• No fucks for Genny today
• I wish I could one day know the translation of Genny and Lance's friendly exchange of pleasantries
• "Who would serve as the standard?"/"Oh certainly not me your majesty"/"See no hubris"/"My standards are much too high"/"Dammit Lance"
• "Have you achieved perfection milord?"/"Please say no"/"Of course I haven't your majesty"/"Good"/"Refining the soul is an endless struggle... but physical perfection"/"No"/"Yes"/"Go back to speaking French"
• "And in your quest for spiritual perfection have you considered the value of humility?"/"Ah something we should all consider. In fact let's take two minutes of silence to consider the value of humility."
• The dialouge between the three of them is so funny in this scene
• The ship is sinking and Arthur is just there with a tiny bucket while Lance and Genny keep creating giant new holes
• Genny calling Lance a jackass is both hilarious and also so valid
• "She already has an affectionate nickname for you"
• We have officially reached the beginning of the end, well we had some nice moments
• Like imagine if Pelli didn't start going on about how in love Arthur was with Morgan and then Arthur didn't show up with his new best friend who immediately implied women were too stupid to engage in government
• Genny was having a no fucks day and was probably ready to do a stupid thing and maybe that stupid thing was her husband
• A true tragedy
• "And with humility I"
• Dinadan's line deliveries are so dry and good
• And Genny's laugh
• "And whom will the three of you want to impress?"/"We want to impress the king too."/"Ah yes English men"
• I love the knights, they've all got their own little comedic touches in this song
• Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss Genny
• Take Me to the Fair is a masterpiece
• I don't know what constitutes a hot take about this show because there are 5 people talking about it
• But my hot take is that as much as Lusty Month of May is a brilliant and amazing song
• This is actually the Phillipa Soo tour de force
• Her fake crying is so good
• There are so many good flourishes in the singing
• Same thing I feel about I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight, Phillipa Soo is just enhancing every line with her hilarious delivery
• Also this sound
• Sagramore is always operating at 50% more intensity than the rest of the knights and it's perfect
• Him having to be held back by the other two when Genny sings to him
• It's involuntary at this point that I turn my head back at French during this verse
• His very loud delivery of "I swear to you the challenge will be met"
• "Sirrrr Liiiiionel"/"Ma'am"/"Ugh"
• And when she gives his chest a little slap after "and young du Lac"
• Perfect
• And her laugh-cry at the end of Lionel's part
• Their faces when she touches them are also just very confused and funny, she is not good at this
• I love when the knights are singing together, bringing up Lance really has wrapped them around her finger
Act 1, Scene 5: The King's study - the night before the tournament
• "You know that it's your move right?"/"I did not know that. I'll need to alter my strategy now"
• Honestly so relatable I suck at chess, Pelli is the best
• "If we're to care about justice, we need to care even more about injustice"
• Just a good little Sorkin nugget
• Pelli refusing to understand any of Arthur's ideas, excellent
• "Do I understand that you intend to be history's first king to yield power?"/"Oh now you're catching on"
• I do just love Arthur so much
• And the delivery of "she wrote what you just read"
• He's so pleased to inform Lance that Genny's writing treatises about justice
• Pelli's smug little "it's your move" like that's correct, no one is allowed to not respect women in Arthur's study
• "He's had you in checkmate for an hour and a half"
• Arthur's patience is astounding, Lance should be taking notes while he's perfecting his spirit
• "Would you like to play me or do you ever do anything but perfect your soul?"/"No I also perfect my body"
• Again just perfect deliveries and honestly so much respect to the new book for making Lance even more irritating but eventually more human too
• I am not dragging Lance, this is a compliment
• Just the way Jordan Donica plays it completely straight without being able to detect sarcasm is hilarious
• "The arrangement I'm in is called a marriage, having some fun would be called treason. And finally I hate his breathing guts."
• Setting up the consequences we know are coming with a little joke, I like it
• "Well be sure and give us clear skies tomorrow when you're arranging things with god tonight"
• Savage, I don't like most of the original dialouge but we had a winner with this one
• Her delivery just elevates it
• "No one could refuse your wish"
• The gall of Lance to say that like that in front of Arthur like he is shameless
• "Why do you have to bait the man?"/"I dislike him, I thought I was making that clear"
• Genny is so relatable
• Their first fight and Arthur's already insulting the French, I'm not sure why he thought this was going to go well
• Arthur trying to delicately ask Genny to withdraw her permission from Dinadan
• He's trying to have this conversation as her husband and not her king but Genny is not even having it a little
• Genny explaining that she already gave permission for all the knights is so funny
• I know they're basically the original lines but ya know, sometimes Lerner nailed it
• "It will seem to the entire court as if you are rooting for his downfall and championing his defeat."/"The only reason it will seem that way is because I'm rooting for his downfall and championing his defeat."
• "He's going to embarass those three. These are not men who take well to embarrassment."
• Like Arthur already knows exactly who his knights are
• He knows that they don't exactly match up to his ideals
• The delivery on "will you withdraw your permission" is also spot on like Arthur is ready to exit this conversation right now
• Also on "if I do will you forgive me"
• Like he knows that's not happening
• "Not as long as I live, no"
• Perfect riff on the original book's line
• Arthur doing some investigating on Genny hating Lance like he knows before she even does
• Ouch
• And then him starting to get frustrated when she's not answering like babies' first fight is not going well
• "Because he needs to be brought down to earth... literally not metaphorically"
• Like she has yet to be wrong
• "Merlyn never taught me how to handle a woman"/"You didn't read the book?"/"There's a book? No I can see from your face that there's not a book. Though maybe in France they would have published something, no I can still see on your face"
• We love a Genny dripping with sarcasm moment
• And Arthur being an idiot nerd
• He's so so stupid
• Another one of my truly favorite lines and deliveries, he is so excited that he completely forgets he's mad at her for a second and then pouting when he realizes
• "If the king wishes me to withdraw my permission, let him so command... nope, then I will bid you goodnight"
• The aggressiveness on her daring him to command her is so much
• Perfect
• I love her nope, a little power play
• Because she knows he won't and he knows he won't and she's happy to remind him of that they both know that and then leave
• His silence is doing so much work too
• Damn this scene is good
• "And before I go to bed as a gesture to Lancelot and to you, I'll pray it's over quickly"/It will be"
• They're so mad, I love it
• "There should be a book"
• Grumbling sullen Arthur is very funny even if How to Handle a Woman is lowkey the worst song
• And Arthur's worst impulse, which the narrative knows because it plays under him talking about vengeance and what he's entitled to later
• Like they do a good job recontextualizing it but it's still not the best
• Just hearing him sing the word threaten is kind of jarring, I cannot even slightly imagine this Arthur even thinking it once
• In my opinion they should've just cut it, I'd gladly take more Sorkin dialouge instead
• I do appreciate the way they scaled back this music in the rest of the show
• Because it's all over the second act of the movie, Arthur and Genny's theme if you will
• Like even during their last conversation
• Because they're not the love story so their theme isn't really a love song
• But then here, they play it under Arthur's worst impulses at the end of act 1 and banish it which is so smart
Act 1, Scene 6: A grandstand - the next day
• The music coming into this scene and when Arthur and Genny show up, again fantastic
• The outright hostility between the knights and Lance, they turned it so far up in this version
• Pushing him down and shit
• I love Athur and Genny showing up and getting to see them actually be king and queen and have their over-the-top outfits and crowns in this and the last act 1 scene because it's so removed from who they are the rest of time
• Arthur's speech at the beginning trying to glorify them not having the tournament and how great losing is and having to be stopped by Genny
• He's trying so hard and his speech is not good
• The fact that she basically tells him to stop and his response is fine like I think he forgets that he's actually in charge
• I love a sword fight
• The movement, the drama, the loud clanging...
• I am but a humble girl raised on the Pirates of the Carribean movies
• Dinadan being a dick before the fight with "and now for your lesson sir"
• The way Lance knocks the sword out of Dinadan's grip and makes him pick it up before defeating him, such an asshole move
• I truly can't tell if Lance has just such a superiority complex that he doesn't realize what parts of his own behavior are making people dislike him or he's just so stuck in his toxic little mindset that he doesn't care if people hate him for it
• I kind of feel like Lance is so into his specific notions of the world that even he doesn't really know why he acts the way he does
• "Dinadan seemed very inspired by your kerchief, should we continue?"
• "You know he almost had him, right up until the moment he never stood a chance"
• Their fight being played out by proxy while Arthur makes snide comments and they give each other looks is good shit
• Sagramore's scream, he's always going so hard
• The fact that Arthur fighting instead of Lionel is new for this
• Genius
• So good
• The dialouge around it is good too
• The temptation to just transcribe the whole thing is so strong
• Commanding Lance to pick back up his sword like damn
• I love seeing this new side of Arthur
• He can and will fight and he's good at it
• "I know what a damn baguette is"
• His little bit to Lance about it just being about morale is very good
• But also he can see what's going on even if Genny can't so is it?
• The fact that he may well have won the fight if it wasn't for a cool bird, what a man
• Fun fact about me, I didn't even see the bird or realize that's why he got distracted until the last time
• He and Genny are like very much not in a good place this moment but he will let it slide to point out a bird
• Arthur's fall is very good
• Can you tell I think this scene is also very good, I've only written it like twelve times
• The fact that they're letting people fight with swords and there isn't a doctor for 12 miles, amazing planning by everyone
• The bit of everyone thinking Arthur was dead and him sarcastically correcting them is amazing 100% of the time
• "He put life back into him" is just consistently hilarious
• "I'm not wanted here Arthur"
• With the most heartbreaking delivery
• Aw we finally see Lance have some shred of being an actual person
Act 1, Scene 7: The castle terrace - on the evening of the same day
• I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight intro-ing into this scene
• "Well you got me there" being screamed is perfect
• Pelli sensing that something is bothering Arthur, their relationship is very sweet
• Pelli describing the way Genny and Lance were looking at each other, what a shit stirer
• "It may be the only way to get him to stay"/"Maybe it's best if you let him go"/"Let him go?"/"Maybe it's best"/"Why is that?"/"Well...You said yourself, morale"
• Like she's trying to protect them but she won't say it
• For obvious reasons
• But it's confirming what Arthur already suspects
• And just drawing them further apart
• Another great her silence is doing so much work moment
• The entire telling Lance he's being invested discussion is so intense
• So much anger simmering in Arthur that can't help but come out in the line deliveries in the beginning
• Genny refusing to engage and turning her back to the whole thing
• "I'm sure he'd like to hear it from another child of France"/"This is my country now"
• Oh boy I love this exchange
• Like she's trying, she's trying so hard
• And I don't know what the fuck Arthur is thinking with that one, in what way could she possibly respond that's not going to be bad for him?
• Arthur leaving them alone like whyyyy
• And then Arthur giving Genny back her bloody kerchief, fuck
• All is very much not forgiven here
• "God dammit Pelli, I wasn't dead"
• Genny making it clear she does not believe Arthur was dead, I appreciate that she's also very clear on the fact that their world is not magical
• I wonder if Lance does think he willed Arthur back to life
• Probably
• "Don't ever say it out loud. Neither of us can ever say it out loud"
• This was another straight up gasping in the theater moment
• The entire conversation between Genny and Lance is so good and tense
• And the delivery on that line just feels like getting punched in the gut
• Phillipa Soo is amazing
• I love that she won't let them say it, that she's fighting it
• And the way she cuts him off, the way she makes him agree to not say it
• This is the intense love she wanted and it doesn't need to be said which is exactly what she needed to feel from Arthur but didn't get
• Also Lance just trying to confess his feelings the first second he can is just such an interesting character choice
• Like the truth is his purity of the soul bluster doesn't hold up to the slightest temptation
• He's ready to betray Arthur the second he leaves the room
• It's all a front
• Not intentionally, like he believes the things he says he believes
• But he can't keep to it
• I think he's so drawn to Arthur because Arthur actually has the qualities he's proclaiming define him
• But I don't even think Lance knows any of this about himself
• At least not until later
• He's just impulsive
• Which is I think what makes him an interesting character to me but also makes his motivations hardest to decipher
• Before I Gaze at You Again is such a stunning song
• And watching Phillipa Soo just emote for the whole time
Act 1, Scene 8: The great hall - on that evening
• All the music that starts this scene is brilliant
• "I'll never disappoint you"/"I know"
• I just...
• Like we the audience know but also the characters sort of all know and they are determined not to let it happen but that only makes it happen anyway
• Ugh those lines are a little nothing but they're everything
• I have the YouTube clips of Richard Burton's version of this and it does just indicate how well they've modernized
• Theater has changed so much so the pacing of 1961 compared to this is kind of fascinating
• This is also actually the writing I think is the best from the original and it is so fascinating to compare the two versions which I'm sure someone has done and I want to read it because there is so much to say
• It's so bold to close act 1 with a speech instead of a song
• I had no context coming in so they had me in the first half, I wasn't sure if this was Arthur's turn into the villain moment
• Once again I'm just like pointing to the whole speech and yelling how good it is
• Whoever decided this belonged on the cast recording is my personal hero
• This is just on my normal spotify playlist and as long as I'm not reading, I will not skip it
• But I love the idea that in the original book Arthur starts out by declaring his love for Genny and Lance and in this version it's like he's actively talking to the audience to defend himself
• To say he's not some stupid optimistic kid, that he sees everything we have
• Comes out swinging
• I can't explain how much "proposition: I am not a befuddled king" shook me, I was ready for shit to go down and I love it as the opener to this
• The pause before "whom they love", the sadness in it
• "And she didn't choose whom she married"
• Like Arthur can never get rid of that guilt
• The push and pull of this entire thing where he will try to make an argument with himself that everything is fine but the bitterness keeps seeping in until there's no rationality left
• Trying not the write out the whole thing but the rhythm of it, the pacing, this performance is spectacular
• The way the audience startles when he starts screaming
• Like he's having his back and forth rational debate with himself and finally we see him lose that control
• And it is the good shit
• I can't explain how much I came in with no context for this show and how much this completely threw me in the best way
• We're finally a glimpse of what's happening inside Arthur's head, to see the way he's been holding so much back from everyone else
• I love that he's still yelling at Merlyn, not exactly sure what I want to read into that, I feel like there are a few lines of thought
• "Am I not entitled to a man's vengence?"
• Perhaps my favorite line in the first half
• Every line is sort of my favorite but I guess let's settle on this one
• Because the original is "I demand a man's vengence"
• And same sentiment but entitled is so much more toxic
• Like the thing about this magic-less universe is that Arthur wasn't destined for some greatness and so he pulled the sword from the stone
• He wasn't owed something, he didn't deserve it, it just happened and he chose to rise to the challenge
• And this is the first moment he's decided he might be entitled to anything
• And then he does a 180 into deserving nothing
• "Proposition: I'm not a man, I'm a king"
• Like wow so much to unpack psychologically there
• I mean he and Lance have very much the same problem of trying to suppress their own humanity but the reasons are so different
• When Arthur switches into his idealistic mode and they start playing I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight because he's being kingly, literally gets me every time
• The entire thing is so good, I love the second half so much
• "I wasn't trained for this"
• I love the running theme of Merlyn training Arthur in all of these important skills but never teaching him how to handle emotions and relationships and uh maybe he should have
• There were perhaps some limits to Merlyn's wisdom that set Arthur up to fail
• Because he's been king since he was barely out of childhood
• He never got the chance to have normal, equal relationships where he could figure shit out
• So instead he just pushes it all down because he's not wrong in that he doesn't get the luxury of following his emotions
• I love every second of this scene
• I love every line, every delivery, every movement
• Like it is a hard ask to make an actor just walking around the stage monologuing compelling in a musical and this is so so compelling
• Just on the whole of this show, I don't know that I've ever been so blown away by a stage performance as I was watching Andrew Burnap and this scene is just a perfect encapsulation of why
• Whatever he's in next, I will go
• Okay real talk something about this man's face just renders it unrecognizable to my brain so more than likely I'll see something and be like wow that person was amazing, who was that and then it will turn out to be him
• I say specifically because I happened to be watching Under the Banner of Heaven the whole time I've been having a Camelot obsession and how did I find out he was in it? I happened to see his name in the end credits four episodes in...
• But anyway I will at least try to know whatever he's in next so I can go on purpose because this performance is living in my brain and I don't think it's leaving
• I do make fun of previous versions of this show for casting people who are clearly not musical theater actors in this role but actually I do think casting actors who do straight plays does add so much as long as they aren't terrible at singing
• All of which to say again that I do think this was some of the most perfect casting I have ever seen
• Basically the statements you can tell Andrew Burnap is not a musicals person and you can absolutely tell Phillipa Soo and Jordan Donica are absolutely musicals people
• Are both extreme compliments to the people that decided on this casting
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I … regret making that last post.
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axellis-archv-2 · 2 years
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hey *takes what was supposed to be just a visualization in case i ever wanted to draw overhallidays place in the future and then spends 4 hours on it
#📗 my post#🧯 overhalliday (s/i)#yeah ummm yeahn . hey . theres a lot in here let me divulge in the tags#hes supposed to live in like a town thats pretty Scrunched In with buildings kind of surrounding the place so the debug building behind#is supposed to mimic the back alley area that he uses for all his scraps && parts. really id imagine at some point he put a tarp over it#so metal doesnt rust && whatnot . but theres not really a way to do that i think in the sims#the bathroom being right where the stairs are is both a) bc i wrote that in a fic b) sometimes houses are dumb okay we cant all win#there isnt an operating table apparently?? so im using a lounge chair as a stand in and honestly it works well#really if i wanted to i wouldve added like soo much more clutter because he is. not the most organized#ftr i think like every sims bed has a headboard and he DOES NOT have that hes got a bed frame and a mattress that is IT!!!#^ not every sims one . the ones that dont talks abt...bed bugs. which . ew#and for the record also i think his place is only unique in the sense that you walk in and theres a workshop . exterior wise theres#probably like a bunchhh that look the same as youre walking down . all scrunched together#i actually donthave a set place in mind that he lives i just know its like. a Town#a town that doesnt have a hardware store . so he takes a train if he ever needs supplies & it takes abt 10 minutes to get to the city#so hes not like. Cut Off per se but the locals definitely know his deal enough#idk looking at it and imagining a bunch side by side makes me think of likee. like. norway? <- my biases it was like the 2nd thing i google#it would be nice to live by a bunch of water#but also im . i dont know anything abt architecture this very easily could read as somewhere in america or something like that#idk but in my head it snows a lot there thats like all i have thought out
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reiderwriter · 4 months
🧺 Any More 🧺
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
For the CM Kink Bingo Challenge 2024
Requested: spencer realizing that he’ll never love someone as much as he loves you. (whether that be because of a case or what have you), his mind is absolutely blown with how much he worships you and how much you love and care for him and he shows you that with the softest most sickeningly sweet sex you and him has ever done. <3
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI! Discussions of case details, case burnout, very close friends to lovers, oral (f receiving), vanilla sex (p in v penetration). Discussions of mental health, and two idiots in love.
A/N: I'm hitting the prompt Vanilla for this one, so please don't be scared off by the KinkBingo tags! I had a lot of fun writing this one (and adding Pride and Prejudice quotes into the smut scene because HELLO). Let me know what you think in the replies~♡
Masterlist || Bingo Board
You hadn't seen Spencer in 100 days. Which in the grand scheme of things wasn't that long, trapped in the purgatory of a ‘what if’ the way you had been for the last eight years. 
You'd lived without him for longer than 100 days before. He'd been in prison, you'd been on assignments, you'd lived an entire life before meeting him, but now somehow 100 days was too much time, and you were exhausted. You understood why Spencer had to take some time away from you, from the team in an official capacity after everything he'd been through. You supported him even. 
But when even your free time didn't overlap anymore, you wondered if your relationship would ever be the same again. 
Spencer was a friend, your best friend, probably. You'd arrived on the BAU team, he'd rattled off some statistics, stammering the way through them, and you'd immediately warmed to the man. He was brilliant, funny, and fiercely loyal, and you tried your best to protect him even when the job seemed designed to break people like him into thousands of little pieces. 
You'd tried to convince him to leave before, after Maeve had died. You didn't want to see him heart broken again, but no one else had seemed to agree. 
“Reid needs purpose,” they'd said. “Reid needs something to do.” 
What Reid needed was to not end up dead before he had a chance to be happy, and happiness didn't come often in your field of work. 
You'd been almost vindicated a year later when he'd been shot again, almost fatally. Vindicated, maybe but distraught and inconsolable. Morgan had to carry you screaming and clawing out of his hospital room multiple times. It sounded stupid enough to yourself that it was only then you realized your feelings for the man. 
You wanted to be Spencer Reid's happiness, which was why you were so lost without him. 
He was coming back on Monday, and at least you had the weekend to sort your feelings out about everything.not just about him, but about the job you'd found didn't fit you well enough anymore, about the team you loved like family, about the relationship you knew would likely never come to fruition. 
You dumped your bags at your door when you'd arrived in your house that night, pushed yourself into your bedroom and let yourself collapse on your bed, balling up into as cozy a position as you could. You didn't even bother taking your jacket off, you just let your brain haze over and sleep rush in. 
Three quiet raps at your door lifted you up and out of bed again, not an hour later. 
You grabbed your phone, grabbed the second go-bag you kept at your house, put your shoes back on, and opened the door, expecting Emily and a new case. 
“Where are we going?” You said, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, not even looking up at your guest. 
“Hopefully, nowhere? I brought takeout.” 
Your eyes widened then, taking in all 185cm of Doctor Spencer Reid, tweed jacket and plastic bag full of chow mein included. 
“Spencer,” you breathed out, like a sigh of relief, letting the bag drop to the floor next to the first one and letting yourself into his arms. 
He held you carefully there for a second before leading you back into the apartment, wrapping an arm around you and ruffling your hair. It was brotherly, and it made you sick to your stomach. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Emily said you were back from a case,” he started, unpacking the takeaway from the containers. “And it feels wrong to eat this without you.” 
You rolled your eyes and followed him into the kitchen, pulling two forks out of the drawer nearer you and stabbing them in the top of your two cups. 
“Hey, I can use chopsticks now,” he said, defending himself against an inside joke. Spencer was always useless with his hands. 
“I don't care if you can use them, I care that they don't accidentally end up stabbing me,” you said, taking yourself back to your bedroom, Spencer following. 
“You'd hardly die from being stabbed by a wooden chopstick, maybe a papercut or a splinter but-” 
“But you're just bad enough that I don't want to risk it.” 
You kicked off your shoes again and climbed onto your bed. Spencer followed. 
“Remind me again why we aren't sitting on your couch?” 
“Or at your breakfast bar?” 
“Glorified filing cabinet right now. Eat.” 
He shook his head but complied, leaning back against your pillows as you both began carefully eating. Silently, you pulled your laptop onto your bed, opened it up, and pressed play on a movie, one you'd seen more than once, and you'd forced Spencer to watch before as well. 
In a comfortable, friendly silence, you finished your food. You stretched out in a yawn once and then curled into his side, letting his mumbling voice, repeating the movie lines as they were spoken, lull you softly into sleep. 
Spencer knew he had to leave, but he couldn't bring himself to wake you. The movie had finished hours ago, he'd closed the laptop and turned off the bug lights, but he couldn't leave. 
Unlike you, he hadn't counted the days that you'd been apart. He hadn't needed to. He knew you'd be waiting there for him when he returned, knew you'd give him a smile and a pat on the back, and immediately start bouncing ideas off of him. It was what he loved about you. 
As he laid next to you in your bed, a place he'd absolutely been before, his heart thumped. Just once, but hard. 
Even in sleep, you looked exhausted. Your shirt was crumpled, hair a mess, you were still wearing makeup, and he knew he'd probably get an earful for letting you sleep like that in the morning. You were a mess, and he still wanted you. 
The thought came to him suddenly, another painful thump of his chest echoing in his mind. He rubbed absent mindedly at his chest as if experiencing heartburn. In the dim light of the room, he let his head drop to the pillow and wrapped two shaky arms around you and pulled you in closer. 
The two of you were a picture - both in suits, both with badges still somewhere on your person, both dearly clinging to the person they feared losing the most. 
When you woke the next morning, it was actually the afternoon. 
“Spencer,” you groaned, melting under the heat of his embrace. Somehow, during the night, he'd rolled on top of you, pressing you into the bed with a delightful pressure, head nuzzled into your neck, arms tucked around your waist. 
“Spencer, we should get up,” you said again, forcing your eyelids apart as your mascara tried to glue them together. 
“Mmmmhh,” he groaned, moving to pick himself up off you for a minute but lowering himself again. If asked, he'd blame your hand in his hair, stroking the rogue curls gently, as if he were a prized pet and you their carer. 
“Spencer, its 2pm.” 
“On a Saturday.” You laughed at how pouty his voice sounded, but he complied and rolled off of you slightly, arms still wrapped around you. 
“Come on. Get up. I've got some clothes that might fit you, let's get you out of the tweed.” 
He huffed but nodded and lifted himself halfway to upright, eyes still closed lazily as he let in the light millimetre by millimetre. 
“God, my face feels horrible,” you said, itching at your nose. “How did we even sleep so long like this? My belt is still on, Spencer, my belt.” 
“If you were still wearing a weapon, then I'd be worried,” he smiled. 
You shot him a sarcastic look and finally detangled yourself, only to clasp his hands and pull him forward as well, letting him trail you to your closet. 
“Here, change in the bathroom,” he nodded and walked away, following directions with eyes still closed, as if it were really his apartment and not your own. 
100 days without him, and it was as if it had only been 100 hours. Your entire body chemistry changed when he was around, the stick holding your spine rigidly in place, dissolving into calm, into a smile and a free giggle. It felt right again, and you almost forgot you'd ever felt wrong. 
After briefly changing, you swapped place with Spencer, who'd exited the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and wet hair. 
“Dry it for me?” He asked, sitting on your couch, and you nodded your ascent. A shower and a quick change later, and you were doing just that. 
As much as he tried to keep his head upright, it kept lolling onto your thigh, yawns stretching out of him as he nuzzled closer to you. 
“Spencer, you're like a big kid, keep your head up.” 
“I'm not a kid,” he laughed, hooking his arms behind your knees and nuzzling closer into your soft sweats. “I'm just tired.” 
“You're right. A child would probably be better behaved.” 
“Our child would be,” he sighed, but you'd already turned the hairdryer back on, drowning out everything. Everything but that thump again. A child, he was thinking about children, and more importantly, he was thinking about your children. With him. 
He'd always imagined himself with a family, knowing it would ultimately stay in his imagination. But for a second, his visions changed. It wasn't just a child or two. It was you. Thump. 
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. 
He only released the image when you finally pushed his head off of you and stood, turning away from him to get a glass of water from your kitchen. 
“So, any plans today? Books to read, papers to mark, undergrads to run away screaming from?” You let the ice water cool your hot cheeks, but kept your back to him. You were hot, embarrassed, and you were looking at him in a sickeningly sweet way that could only be described as love struck or struck dumb. 
“No, no, I finished all my obligations at the college yesterday,” he said, following behind you and picking up your cup when you set it down, taking a sip himself. 
“I was… I was actually hoping we could spend some time together? Unless you had plans, which is totally fine-” 
“No, Spencer, yeah, I have no plans, that's…. Well I have to do laundry, which is a bit boring but, no. No plans.” 
“Two week case in Florida, I don't know how you didn't smell me yesterday, Spencer. I'd be running for the hills.” 
He laughed and stepped away again, grabbing the two go bags by the door and coming back into your space. 
“How about we get this done now so we can spend the day in a Who-Trek marathon?” 
“Make that a Who-Greys Anatomy Marathon, and you have yourself a deal.” 
He pouted again, and you snorted at the sight, taking another sip of water to calm yourself before you could react safely to that face. 
“Come on, you know you've been dying to know what happens next at the Grey Sloane Memorial Hospital.” 
“I thought it was called the Seattle Grace Mercy?” 
“Oh we better get to that laundry now. You have a lot to catch up on.” 
Grabbing a bag in one hand and his free hand in your other, you made your way down to your building's laundry room. But despite the man by your side and the relaxing day threatening to stretch ahead of you, a gloom caught you in the corridors. 
You'd worked for two weeks, practically solid. You'd killed a man two days ago, or at least someone on your team had multiple shots having been fired. Another day on your job, another unsub felled, and everyone else was content with this just being a part of the job description. 
It felt like each step towards the laundry room, each thing you did that was normal, that was regular, threw back in your face the pain you endured to save lives. 
The bag in your hand weighed you down, pulling you lower and lower by the second. 
You reached the laundry room, and you found the weight almost unbearable, stopping just before you could step in. You didn't have to think about what came next though, because suddenly the bag was out of your hands and Spencer was sorting your laundry for you. 
“It's a Saturday, so your neighbour's won't complain if we separate the darks and lights into two machines, will they?” He asked, not looking up at you as he worked pouring out the fabric softener and the detergent. “Y/N?” 
You hadn't noticed the lightness in your body until the tears hit your cheeks, the weight gone with his support. 
“Y/N, what is it? What's wrong?” He said, hands cupping your face, because of course he was immediately at your side. 
“I-I can't do it, Spencer…” your voice shook, pitching upwards, your vision blurring with tears. 
“Can't do what, Y/N? Talk to me please, let me help?” 
“I can't do laundry!” You said, finally bursting into a full fit of tears and burying your head in his waiting chest. 
“L-Laundry?” He said, trying not to laugh, but the smile slipping out anyway now you were holding him. 
You only sobbed again, nodding into his shirt, aware you were probably leaving snot all over it but not being able to care. It was your shirt anyway. You would just have to add it back to your laundry pile. 
The thought set you off on another wave of sobs, and Spencer set about comforting you again. Keeping an arm wrapped around you, he put his quarters into the machines and set them off before quickly ushering you back up the stairs into your apartment. 
“Y/N? Y/N, please talk to me,” he begged, smoothing your hair out of your eyes as you tried to gather yourself.
“I don't…. I can't….” You took a breath again, aware of the way your breathing hitched in your chest as you did. 
“I don't think I can do this anymore,” you said, and his eyes widened quickly. 
“This? Y/N, if you mean this as in us, then I can't-” 
“This job,” you clarified, hands digging into the soft flesh of his arms further as he held you, finally sitting back on your couch. 
“The job. Okay, the job. That's okay. We all feel like this at some point.” 
You sniffed again and refused to meet his eyes. 
“But this isn't like the other times this - It's like my whole b-body is protesting, and I can't sleep, and if I don't, then I might get sloppy and an unsub could-” 
“Y/N, focus on my voice. You're spiralling. Listen to my voice, let's take some breaths, and think about this for a second.” 
He guided you through some breathing, a hand on your back tapping out beats even as his voice grew quiet. 
When you finally relaxed, you were sat on top of him, his hand rubbing circles into your back. 
“I think it started when you left,” you whispered. “When you went to Mexico, and then, you know,” you've voice thickened, and you couldn't get the words out. 
“And then these last 100 days they've just been…difficult.” 
“100…difficult,” he echoed, almost breathless as he listened to you. 
“It's like I can't do it without you. I never had to try to do it without you, and now I get what people say when they say this job is shitty, because it is when your best friend isn't there.” 
You gave him a weak smile and wiped away your tears, trying to climb from his lap. But his firm arms held you still, and you didn't really want out anyways. 
“When I get home, everything is different, and I can't make myself do anything. If you weren't here, I wouldn't have done that laundry. I'd let it sit and avoid it for weeks. Do you understand?” 
“Y/N, lots of people feel depressed sometimes-” 
“It's not - Spencer, I don't think this is something I can medicate my way out of. I don't know what to do because I can't do my job without you, and I can't be happy doing my job, and if I leave my job I'll be without you and then-” 
Your voice cracked again. 
“And then I still won't be happy.” The words were barely a whisper, but they were a plea, too. You weren't sure what for. 
“You can't be happy without me?” He asked, but it was more a statement than anything else. Spencer felt horrible in that moment as his chest rattled, gleeful that he was your happiness. 
“I love you,” he said, outloud finally after eight years. 
“I love you, too, Spencer, but-” 
“No, Y/N. Listen to me. I. Love. You.” The thumping of his heart set the tempo for the choir that was his senses to begin singing, as he finally leaned forward and kissed you.
“I love you, and I don't care if you're working at the BAU or if you're avoiding laundry at home. I, god, you're amazing and wonderful, and you're a human being, and you've our yourself under so much pressure for the last decade to keep me alive, to keep all of us alive really and….” 
He took another breath, leaning into kiss you one more time. 
“And you deserve a break.” 
“W-When we take breaks, people die.” 
“Did anyone die when I was teaching for the last three months? When JJ went on maternity leave?” 
You shook your head, but your brain was still a mess. 
“You all had reasons, I-” 
“You have reasons, too. Y/N…. Y/N, let me be your reason.” 
For a moment or two, Spencer truly thought you were going to say no. He thought you would get up and walk away, or better yet, ask him to leave and never come back. 
So when you pressed your lips to his, he was sure that this was a dream. 
But to you, it was salvation. Spencer Reid's love was the lifeline you'd been thrown, and it was buoyant enough to make you start floating. 
His hands kneaded the flesh at your hips as he pulled you closer still to him, his tongue slipping into your mouth to explore every part of you there. 
“Y/N… love…you,” he mumbled with each spare breath he caught, and you only detangled your lips to hear him say it again as he pressed similarly heated kisses against every inch of your exposed skin. 
When Spencer's mind lost its ability to create original speech, he leant back on a lifetime of information, of learning love through books and people and marathons with you. 
“I know that all I know right now is that I love you. And I know that I always will,” he whispered, lifting you and carrying you back to the bed you'd only crawled from an hour hence. 
A hand slid under your shirt, and slowly pushed it over your head, letting it slowly drop to the floor as he held you tenderly. 
“To me, you are perfect.”
His mouth found one nipple, and he gently kissed, then suckled at it, hands softly caressing your stomach, feeling along every ridge of you as you writhed under him. 
“Of all the FBI Units, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine.” 
“Spencer,” you said, voice still thick with tears, but these ones more tender, more joyful. 
His hand eased your sweats over your ass and off, his hips settling between your legs as if he found the place he was made to lie forever. 
“The truth of it is, I’ve loved you from the first second I met you.” 
His mouth trailed lower until his tongue hit your clit, brushing against it languidly, as if it was his deepest desire to taste you and nothing else ever again.
His tongue flattened and flicked and pushed inside of you as you replayed his words again and again and again. You found yourself repeating them with him. 
“I love you,” you echoed as he pushed a finger inside of you. 
“I.. love you,” you gasped as he added another. 
“I love you,” you screamed as your back arched up off the bed, finding your pleasure in his tongue, just ad you'd found love in his words. 
“You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love….” He freed his cock from his pants, and took it in hand.
“I love…” With another kiss, he pressed the tip of it against you, asking for permission silently as you nodded your head. 
“I love you.” He pushed in slowly, but it wouldn't matter how he did it because now you knew how he felt, and you didn't want to return to a time of not knowing. 
Hooking your legs around him, Spencer dropped his forehead to yours and looked you directly in the eyes as he began moving. In and out, he thrust, mouth open in a moan of pleasure, likely mirroring your own.
The poetry, the movie lines, they were gone now, and Spencer was left with nothing but you, and love, and love for you. 
“Spencer,” you moaned out, and he felt his chest swell. Pride. His name on your tongue, his body pressed to yours, claiming you as his ad you claimed him as yours. 
He came with a shudder and you were not far behind, his undoing sending a shiver up your spine as his fingers grazed your clit again. 
You sat panting for a minute, still attached, still forehead to forehead. 
You weren't sure if it was him who giggled first or if it was you, but you were glad it was one of you. 
You spent the rest of the night, the rest of the weekend, wrapped in his warmth, dressed in his love, taking each day a step at a time as you basked in his adoration.
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risestarkiss · 8 months
Orange, Baby!
Rise Ramblings #316
When I think about Mikey, this scene always comes to mind.
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As soon as they step foot in the library to save Mayhem, Angelo instantly disqualifies himself…hilariously.
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On first watch, I found it interesting that he made this decision with no hesitation, especially given the stakes.
At the time I just resigned to him being a silly silly boy, but now I know better.
Yet, before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s explore who Mikey is.
Michelangelo Hamato is the youngest turtle in the family, and it shows.
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Consequently, he seems to possess a certain “youngest brother privilege" that his other brothers just can’t help but reinforce. This is the role that Mikey was born into. Therefore, he doesn’t have to push himself to be the smartest, or cleverest, or strongest turtle.
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Instead, he decides to be the artist of the family. He’s a creative! He expresses himself everywhere, from stickers on his own shell, to tagging the lair, as well as on paper. The world is his canvas!
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Michelangelo also expresses himself in virtually everything he does, so it’s easy to understand why he’s the most open, honest, caring, and emotionally expressive turtle of the bunch. To some it could be seen as a weakness, yet Mikey uses his emotional intelligence as a pillar of strength, of which he utilizes to uphold his brothers when they need support the most.
In the show, Michelangelo often takes on certain personas; Doctor Feelings and Doctor Delicate Touch. (For some reason, they are all doctors, but that’s beside the point.)
At first glance, the personas could be seen as silly bouts of make-believe. But I think that placing these roles upon himself for his brothers' sake is Michelangelo’s way of helping them cope with the world by offering them what they each individually lack.
For instance, Raph, Leo, and Donnie have trouble voicing their discomforts when someone does something they don’t like.
In other words, they have trouble putting their foot down.
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But here is Mikey to the rescue!
Dr. Delicate Touch has no such hang-ups.
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Similarly, when Donatello runs into trouble, as he is unable to recognize his own emotions, it’s up to Doctor Feelings to help his desperate client in need.
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Through taking on these roles, Mikey is able to support his brothers and fill the emotional gaps in his teammates, which, inevitably makes them all stronger.
How is Mikey able to do this and how does he have the strength to take on these roles?
You could think that it’s just in his character, meaning, it’s just how he is. I don’t think so, though. He’s a free thinker, and a creative, but there’s something about these roles that is specifically catered to the needs of his family.
Then I realized, the only reason that Mikey is able to help his brothers in this way is because they first helped him.
Let me explain.
All four of the boys grew up in the same household. Although Splinter tried his very best (there is no Splinter hate here), a single depressed parent doth not a stable child make. Raphael struggled with the burden of his responsibilities as an ad hoc leader (see Being Big Red), Leo struggled with expressing his natural talents as a middle child (see Being Baby Blue), all while Donnie struggled with carving out his place on the team and his feelings of uselessness (see Being Purple Part One and Part Two).
Well, what does Mikey struggle with?
In my humble opinion, nothing.
The struggles of his brothers all related to each turtle coming to terms with themselves and coming to terms with their place on the team.
Yet, due to the love and support of his brothers and father, Michelangelo never had to ask himself if he belonged, struggle with his role on the team, or make huge life-changing decisions that could affect everyone.
Michelangelo is free to just be Michelangelo.
And as a free spirit who is completely in tune with his own emotions, he is able to do things like this:
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and this,
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and this.
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Let’s get back to the scene in the library.
Angelo sees the high stakes of his friend’s pet disappearing forever if they fail but makes the decision to disqualify himself anyway. Why? Because he knows that no matter what he does, it will all be ok.
He has complete faith in his brothers and their ability to solve the problem at hand, so he might as well have some fun.
This not the first time he’s come to this conclusion.
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Through out this entire scene, Michelangelo plays in the background.
It’s scenes like this that makes me believe that Mikey’s faith in his family knows no bounds.
Altogether, his brothers and his father were everything he needed to become who he is. Reciprocally, he is free to be everything that they need him to be and more. Over…
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and over,
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and over again
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he trusts them completely.
And through this unwavering trust in his family, he is able to trust himself and his instincts. He knows that with everything they’ve poured into him, he can save them from, well, everything. Over…
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and over…
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and over again.
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Hence, due to all of this evidence, I believe that through the collective love of his family, Michelangelo became the best version of the Hamato spirit, and thus, the best Mystic Warrior of all time.
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All because, he’s Orange, baby!
Previous | Being Big Red • Being Baby Blue • Being Purple ○ Part One • Being Purple ○ Part Two
Finale | Being Hamato Yoshi
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planetaryupscaled · 5 months
Best You Ever Had
Male Reader x IVE Yujin
Tags: 10k, anal, age-gap, cheating, creampie, oral, squirt
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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“What do you mean you hooked up with Sungho?”
“Keep your voices down!” Wonyoung barked at her teammates, Yujin and Gaeul. The three idols were on set working on their next album.
“What do you mean you hooked up with Sungho?” Gaeul asked in a much quieter voice.
“I mean, we had sex,” Wonyoung replied.
“Why?” Yujin asked. “He’s kind of cute, but he didn’t seem like he’d be your type.”
“He’s not.”
“So then why do it?” Gaeul reasked the question.
“Because…because…I…” Wonyoung tried to think of an acceptable answer. She hadn’t meant to tell her friends that she had hooked up with the newest staff member working on their MV. Now she had painted herself in her corner, and she couldn’t think up a good lie, so Wonyoung did something crazy. She told her friends the truth. “Because I fucked his dad.”
Yujin and Gaeul froze in shock. They looked at her and then at each other before turning back to Wonyoung and both shouting “WHAT!?!”
“Quiet!” she snapped back at her two friends.
“No,” Yujin answered back. “You can’t tell us you had sex with Sungho’s dad and not expect us to react.”
“Seriously. Why? How?” Gaeul added.
“Okay, fine. Let’s go back to our dorm and I’ll tell you both everything.” The three of them picked up what was left of their lunches and retreated to their dorm. Wonyoung told them how she was out at a grocery store and ran into a guy she recognized from the set. They started talking as they shopped as they went to pay at the register he asked her if she wanted to get dinner at a place across the street. Wonyoung said he was handsome and she liked talking with him so she agreed. She enjoyed having dinner with him and the next thing she knew she had invited him to their dorm and she was pinned up against her bedroom wall making out with him. The two had sex all night long and she barely got an hour of sleep before she needed to head to set.
“When was this,” Yujin asked.
“Remember that early morning shoot like three day ago when you asked me if I was still drunk from the night before when you saw me?”
“Yeah,” Yujin answered.
“Well, turns out I was drunk. Cock drunk,” Wonyoung laughed.
“Wow,” Gaeul laughed at Wonyoung’s joke. “Um, wait you said you thought he was part of the staff member? Who is he?”
“He’s always on set, usually in jeans and a t-shirt or like a henley. Sometimes has a hat on. He’s got dark hair and like a scruffy beard.”
“Oh, I know who you’re talking about,” Gaeul said. “He’s Sungho’s dad? He looks like he’s almost my age.”
“Turns out he had Sungho when he was in high school.”
“Wait, so you knew he was Sungho’s dad when you had sex with him?” Yujin asked.
“No, I didn’t find that out until we were taking a break the next time.”
“Next time? So this happened more than once?” Yujin asked.
“Yes. We did it like 4 or 5 times. The sex was really, I mean really amazing. I wasn’t going to just do it the once.”
“So how did you go from having sex with his dad, to fucking Sungho?”
“I felt bad about hooking up with his dad, and I felt weird about our age difference. And then I began to think if maybe his dad has this big cock and is amazing at sex, maybe Sungho was too. So then, one day after filming I invited him back to our place and we did it.”
“How was it?” Yujin asked excitedly.
“Honestly?” Wonyoung said while trying to think about how honest she wanted to be. Finally, she said, “He has about 50% of the dick as his dad with maybe 25% of his skills.”
“Oh,” Yujin said disappointed.
“Don’t get it wrong, when I say 50% Sungho isn’t small or tiny. His dad’s just really hung.”
Wonyoung gave a few more details about her sex with Sungho and his dad. It was then time for the three of them to get back on set. As they worked the three idols checked out the 6’2” guy in jeans, a hat, and a scruffy beard standing off to the side of the set. As they looked over at him, both Gaeul and Yujin had to admit to themselves that he was a handsome guy in good shape. Neither could believe he was old enough to be someone’s dad.
It was a few days later while Yujin was at the craft services table looking for a snack when Gaeul moved up close to her and said, “Wonyoung was right about Sungho’s dad.”
“What?” Yujin said in shock. “You had sex with him?”
“No,” Gaeul said while looking around to see if anyone had overheard Yujin. “No, we didn’t have sex. Not yet anyway. But I did give him a blow job during lunch break today. And she was right. He’s hung and he cum in bucket loads.”
“Oh. So are you going to…”
“See if he is as good in bed as Wonyoung claims?” Gaeul finished Yujin’s question. “Yes. I invited him over tonight. Don’t tell Wonyoung.”
“My lips are sealed,” she told her friend.
The next morning Gaeul once again informed Yujin that Wonyoung was being accurate in everything she said. Telling her that if she had not stopped him they probably could have gone all night and that even though it had been hours since he was last inside of her, she could still practically feel his cock inside of her.
As Gaeul gushed about the details of her night, Yujin was starting to feel a ping of jealousy build in her. Yujin was used to being the hot one on the show. The one who internet perverts and men in real life tended to drool over.
It wasn’t until three days later that Yujin made her approach, seeing him standing alone, on his phone, standing beside the craft services table. She walked over to the tape and got herself a bottle of water, and then took several steps toward him.
“I heard a rumor that you’re Sungho’s dad,” she said as an icebreaker.
“You heard correctly,” he looked up to see her standing before him. “I’m Minho.”
“Yeah, I’m aware,” he said with a chuckle.
“So, I have to ask, how are you his dad? You look like his older brother.”
“I knocked up his mother the summer before my senior year of high school.”
“That’s young,” Yujin said as she began doing the math in her head of how old he was, and realized he must have only been around 36. “Was she your high school sweetheart or something?”
“Not exactly. More, like my best friend’s older sister.”
“Wow, that’s a twist. There has to be a story there.”
“There is,” Minho replied.
“I would love to hear it,” she told him. Minho hesitated for a little bit, and then the two walked over to a corner and he began telling her his story. How during the summer before high school, he had gone to his friend’s house after a party and after putting his drunk friend to bed he ended up watching TV with his friend’s sister who was home after her sophomore year of college. The two ended up hooking up on the couch that night.
Then a week later when his friend and his parents went on a road trip to tour colleges, Minho and his friend’s sister spent most of the week having sex. The result was her accidentally becoming pregnant with Sungho, and the two of them reluctantly got married after he graduated high school.
Yujin asked if he had married the first woman he had ever slept with. Minho corrected her and told her how he had lost his virginity the night of his school’s junior prom. Once they were married, they had remained faithful for a while, or at least so he thought.
The two were never a good match for one another, but they faked it for Sungho. The only exception was in the bedroom, in there was the one place where they got along. And since they were both so young and didn’t have the most experience outside of each other, they experimented and tried a lot of new things in the early years.
It was 10 years into the marriage that he found out that his wife had been having an affair with someone in her office. He had been having suspicions for a while, but he didn’t have it confirmed until he saw them kissing in a back hallway during a company party. Minho had been faithful since they got married up until that night.
When they got home, Minho volunteered to drive their babysitter back to her college dorm. In the car, he began to vent about his wife to the 18-year-old college girl, and then the next thing he knew he was parked on the top level of one of the campus garages with his babysitter in his lap, riding his cock. It was two whole days before he broke his wedding vows again, and a week before he broke them with another different woman. This time it was with his babysitter’s friend who sometimes filled in for her babysitting for him.
It was not long after that, while staying together for Sungho, they were just openly sleeping with other people. There was no animosity towards each other, they were just more like friendly roommates (who still occasionally fucked) trying to raise a kid. They did not get a divorce until two years later when his wife and her mom came home early from a spa day and found Minho having a threesome with the babysitter and her roommate.
After that, the cat was out of the bag and they saw no more reason to pretend. After the divorce, Minho would alternate spending weekends at his new place taking care of Sungho, and other weekends often sleeping over at a sorority house living out the college fantasies he never got to experience after high school.
“Sounds like you have a problem with college-age girls,” Yujin said after she had dug pretty deep into questions about Minho’s sexual past and found that many of his stories.
“I wouldn’t say I have a problem at all. If anything, I’d say I have a real talent for bedding women” he replied somewhat proudly.
“I meant more like you’re drawn to them.”
“I am sure a doctor would say that there is some deep-rooted reason with me feeling like I skipped over those years by having a kid and getting married, so now stuck perpetually making up for those lost years,” Minho said. He then leaned over toward Yujin and asked, “But you know what I think?”
“What’s that?” she asked intrigued by where this conversion was going.
“I think I am just a guy who likes sex and enjoy having sex with hot women.”
“Like Wonyoung and Gaeul?” Yujin asked, implying that she knew about their hookups for the first time.
“Yup, exactly,” he said, not missing a beat. He was not surprised at all that Yujin knew about him bedding her teammates. He was anticipating that she would.
“You know, most people think you’re on set to keep an eye on Sungho and to help him. I wonder what people would say if they knew you seem to be here to bed the idols,” Yujin said daringly.
“I can do both those things at the same time, I’m quite good at multitasking. Though maybe we should keep the second part of that to ourselves,” he told her. The tension and flirtatiousness between the two had been building for some time. It was not unexpected for Minho. One thing he had learned in all those nights at the sorority house was, if you wanted to hook up with the top girl in a women's friend group, the best strategy isn’t always to go right for her.
After a few days on set, Minho could see that Yujin walked around the set with a sense of entitlement and acted like she was the queen bee. He had not planned to sleep with Wonyoung that first night, but after getting with Wonyoung and then also Gaeul, he knew it was just a matter of time before Yujin started circling him. So, when she came up to him today, he was not surprised. What did surprise him was the next question that came out of her mouth.
“Have you ever done anal?” Yujin asked very frankly.
“What?” Minho asked, taken aback by her question.
“Have you ever had anal sex with a woman?”
“Yes, I have. A number of times. Why?”
“My boyfriend wants us to try it,” she told him. “We’ve done just about everything else, but neither of us has ever done that.”
Minho wasn’t sure if he truly believed her. Not about her and her boyfriend having never done it, but that Yujin was still an anal virgin. He’d always been pretty good about reading people and his gut told him that the idol had already done a wider variety of sexual things in her life. Still, he kept playing along. “And you’re nervous about trying in it.”
“What? No.” she retorted, “I just don’t want it to be bad. My experience has been if at least one person knows what they are doing, the sex is SO much better compared to when neither knows.”
“So, I want you to teach me?”
“You want me to teach you how to have anal sex?” he asked once more for clarity.
“I flattered, Yujin, I am. But I’m not sure how to teach something like that. In my experience, the best way to learn something like that is by doing it.”
“The same for me,” she said suggestively.
With that, Minho got the clarity he had been looking for. He pretended as though he was still contemplating what she was asking of him, but he already knew he was going to say yes. After a bit more back and forth, he thought he might see what else she might have to offer. “So, I do you this favor and teach you about anal so you can perform for your boyfriend. What do I get in return for doing you a favor?”
“You’re getting a night where you get to direct me around and have me do what you want, and you get to live knowing you took my anal cherry, and you want more?” Minho quickly back peddled and agreed to help the idol out by becoming her teacher. “Just one more thing,” she added.
“What’s that?”
“How do I know what Wonyoung and Gaeul have said about you is true? You could have put them up to it. Have them tell me stories.”
“To trick you into bed with me?” Minho asked.
“Something like that. You wouldn’t believe some of the things people have told me they’d do just to have me touch them.”
“So, you want proof?” he asked. Yujin looked him in the eye and shrugged, her eyes then darted down to his crotch and he saw the idol’s tongue quickly swipe across her lips. Minho looked down, and while he knew he was not fully hard, there was a definite bulge in his pants. Looking back up at Yujin, he told her, “I’m not going to pull it out right here right now, but I can get you some proof.
Minho reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He tapped on his phone and asked Yujin for her phone number. He tapped on the screen a few more times, and then a message notification went off on Yujin’s phone. She took out her phone and opened the messages. Her eyes went wide as she looked at them. The first picture was looking down at the body of a naked man with a naked Gaeul sitting on his legs and a large naked cock sticking straight up and pressed against her stomach. The second picture was of an open-mouthed smiling Wonyoung, with her tongue sticking out. She looked to kneeling on the floor looking up at the camera. Next to her face appeared to be the same hard cock as the first photo. Her chin was down at his balls and the tip of his cock was up by her forehead.
“Proof enough?”
“It’ll do for now,” she told him. She then clicked around her phone and when she was done, Minho’s phone chimed with a new notification. “Just so we’re even,” she told him.
Minho checked his phone and he had received a picture. It was a bathroom mirror picture of a woman. Her head was cut off, but in one hand was her phone and the other hand covered her naked breasts. Moving down her body, she did not have anything else on, but she positioned herself so the countertop cut off right where her slit would begin. She was completely shaven.
The two agreed to meet later that night as Sungho was going to be filming some night scenes for another member. She agreed to come over to his place at 9 PM. After they left each other, both were pretty worked up. The flirtation had gone pretty high, and the photos they shared had both of them ready to tear at each other’s clothes. Minho considered texting Wonyoung or Gaeul to see if either wanted to meet for a quickie, but decided to save the load for later that night. Yujin on the other hand went back to her dorm and fingered herself to a big gushy orgasm. For the rest of the day, the two tried to be discreet as they checked out each other from across the room. When they wrapped on the day, Minho stopped by a store on his way home to pick up a few things for the night.
It was a little past nine at night when there was a knock on Minho’s door. He answers barefoot wearing a t-shirt and jeans.
“Hi, old man,” Yujin said with a seductive smile and then stepped into the house. Once she was in and he shut the door, she spun around, “Or should I call you a professor? Since you’re going to be teaching me tonight.”
“Just Minho is fine,” he told her.
“We’ll see about that.” Minho, not sure how comfortable she’d be with him taking her right to his bedroom, led her to the living room.
“You look pretty comfortable tonight,” he commented regarding her outfit. She had on a cotton belly shirt and matching cotton shorts under an oversized button-up shirt, long white socks, and white sneakers.
“I thought about dressing up, but then I figured I might as well wear something that comes off easily since I probably won’t have it on for long.”
“Just how easily does it come off,” he flirted.
“See you are a dirty old man.”
“I’m not that old.”
“Old enough to have a son about my age.”
“True, but I’m still young enough that I have a libido that rivals most teenagers,” he said as he took a seat on his couch right in front of Yujin.
“We’ll see about that,” she said as she stepped up to him and stood over his legs.
“Feel free to start testing out my claims whenever you want.”
“I would, but I’m here so you can teach me about anal. So, I think you’re supposed to tell me how the lesson is meant to begin.”
“In that case, lose the shirt and come here,” he said patting his lap. Yujin quickly threw off her button-down shirt and in one motion she got on the couch, straddled his lap, and pressed her lips against his. The two of them spent the next few minutes with their mouths locked together and their tongues intertwined. As they continued making out, Yujin began wiggling and moving around in his lap. He was getting ready to break off the kiss and ask her what she was doing until Yujin finally found the spot she was looking for. Instead of straddling his lap, she now straddled one of his legs, and her crotch was pressed right down on top of his hard cock encased in his pant leg. She was now grinding her crotch right against his hard shaft. Even through his pants and her shorts, he could still feel the heat radiating from between her legs.
“How many guys have you made cream their short,” Minho asked after a few more minutes of dry humping.
“A lady never tells,” she said with a blushing smile that let him know that the real answer is probably a decent amount.
“That's why you like guys with experience?”
“It’s nice being with someone with a little extra stamina and know won’t let a load go to waste in their pants.”
“Okay. Wanna know what else is nice?”
“If you had taken off both your shirts earlier.” Yujin smiled and quickly pulled her tank top off, exposing he braless breasts. Minho sat back and took in the sight of her breasts, taking a series of mental pictures to memorize before wrapping his arms around her back and pulling her towards him. He then began kissing, licking, and sucking on her tits. Yujin was enjoying the attention being paid to her breasts, so much so that she didn’t realize he was pushing his hand into her shorts until she felt him push a finger into her.
“You seem to be enjoying this,” he said as he pulled his hand out from her shorts and showed off how wet his fingers were. She didn’t answer his question. She just took his hand into hers and brought it to her mouth so that she could suck his finger clean. “Maybe we should take this to the bedroom?”
“That sounds good,” Yujin told her. She got off his lap but she stood close enough that Minho could not stand up right away. She then pushed her shorts down and stood in front of him in only a pair of socks. It was only once she was naked that she then took a step back and gave Minho the room to stand up. His eyes immediately went to her glistening wet pussy that was totally devoid of any hair. “Lead the way,” she told him once he was on his feet.
He led her to the bedroom and Yujin immediately jumped onto the bed when they got in the room. She sat up on her knees with her legs spread apart. She then beckoned him over to join her on the bed.
“Not yet,” he told her. He pulled off his show and then he picked up a shopping bag off his dresser. “I picked up a few things for you on the way home.”
He handed her the bag, and she pulled the items out one by one. First was a box of condoms, then a bottle of lube, the next two items were packages of the morning-after pill, and the last item was a chrome buttplug with a heart-shaped red jewel at the end.
“Is this what I think it is?”
“If you think it’s a toy that is made to go in your butt, then yes.”
“I thought we were going to have anal sex?”
“We are, but that is going to help stretch you out a bit.”
“But first, we’re going to have to get your body to relax so I can put it in.”
“And how do you suppose we do that?”
“You’re going to layback and I am going to show you what it is like to have your pussy licked by a man who knows what he is doing.”
“You think you're better at eating pussy than most guys? That’s a bold statement.”
“I think you’re used to guys licking you just enough to advance things to get to sex. You’ve never had a guy eat you out simply because he wants to eat you out?”
“What’s the difference?”
“If you’d stop asking questions, you’ll have your answer within the next five minutes.”
“You seem pretty sure of yourself,” Yujin said as she moved to lay on her back on the bed. Propping her head up with pillows so she could look down at her naked body. She watched as he got down between her legs, lifting each over his shoulders and wrapping his arm around her thighs. He gave her one last look and gave her a wink before diving between her legs. Yujin rolled her eyes in response. Five minutes later, Yujin’s eyes were rolling again, but this time they were rolling back while her leg was also up in the air twitching.
“OH MY, FUCK, YES!!” Yujin yelled out as her pussy spasmed. Minho happily licked up the juices from her squirting pussy as her juices soaked his face.
“Wow,” Yujin said as her orgasm subsided. “If that’s how they eat pussy, maybe I should only boof older guys from now on.”
“I can’t promise you all older guys are that good.” He let her take a few more breaths before asking her “Ready to go again?”
“Again? Really?” Yujin asked. The excitement in her voice was all he needed to hear. He didn’t even bother with an audible response. Instead, he just wrapped his lips around her clit and began to suck. Yujin was once again putty in his hands, which is exactly what he was hoping for. He wanted her relaxed and distracted. Her focus was on his tongue and lips, and while they worked her folds, his hands were busy popping the lid off of the lube bottle and smearing the gel all over the buttplug that was in his other hand. All the anticipation seemed to have played a factor in how quickly Yujin came that first time, as Minho was having to work handed this next round of oral to get her right where she wanted him. He even had to put the plug down to that he could use his fingers to rub her g-spot as his mouth worked her clit. When she began moaning that she was close and telling him not to stop, Minho grabbed her hips and lifted her so her ass and lower back were off the bed as he sat up and kept her hairless pussy up to his mouth. He kept eating her out and waited until once again she had another orgasm. He drank up her juices until he felt her body go mostly limp after climaxing. As soon as her body felt like it relaxed, he quickly pushed the buttplug into her. Yujin was taken so off guard that she didn’t react until her ass had been penetrated by the toy. She let out a gasp as she felt the toy invade her body.
“You fucker,” Yujin scolded him. “Give me a little warning.”
“If I did that, you would have gotten in your head and you would have clenched up.” That reasoning did make some sense. “You asked me to give you a lesson on anal,” He reminded the idol.
“True, but still,” she said as she reached back and rubbed her ass. Being careful when her fingers touched the end of the toy. Minho suggested that she take a look at it in the mirror. Yujin got off the bed and stood in front of a large full-length mirror. She turned her back to the mirror and bent over. She looked at the chrome toy protruding from her ass. She reached back and touched the toy, she then gave it a slight tug, and then twisted it around.
“How does it feel?” Minho asked as he admired Yujin admiring her own ass.
“Weird,” she told him.
“Weird as in good or bad?”
“I don’t know. Just weird.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Alright, well come back over here and just get used to the feeling. I’ll help you take your mind off of it while you adjust to it.” Yujin moved quickly to get back into the bed. She could not believe that a man was willing to go down on her three times in a row before even exposing his cock to her, but she was not complaining. Minho even would have done it a fourth time, he was enjoying himself so much making the idol’s body tremble in orgasm after orgasm, but when he attempted to go for it a fourth time she had to stop him. Her clit was too sensitive at the moment and could not take the feeling of getting touched again. With her too sensitive for him to orally please her, he decided it was finally time for him to remove his clothes. He got off the bed and stood at the foot of it.
“It’s about time,” Yujin said as she saw his hand move to undo the button on his jeans. She scurried around so that she lay on her stomach on the bed with her face by the end of the bed. She eagerly looked on as Minho continued removing his pants just a foot away from her face. Yujin’s eyes went wide and her mouth opened in a wide smile as she dropped his pants and his hard cock sprang free.
“Oh my,” she said as she reached out and touched his cock, “It’s even nicer than it looked in the pictures.” She rubbed her hands up and down his cock before taking hold of it. “You have a great-looking cock,” she told him.
“Thank you.”
“I knew you’d be bigger and thicker than my boyfriend, but I don’t know how but it’s also prettier than his.”
“You’re not the first to tell me that I have a pretty dick,” he told her confidently. “I am also told it tastes really good too,” he said as he while taking a step forward. Yujin looked up at him with a happy smile and licked her lips. When her eyes left his, they refocused on the cock in front of her and she moved forward with an open mouth. She took two inches into her mouth before closing her mouth tightly around it and then slowly dragged her lips back until only the tip remained in her mouth, giving it a hard suck. She worked her tongue around the tip for a bit, and then popped his cock free of her mouth. She then worked her tongue up and down the shaft, getting it nice and slick for her hands to later use when she pumped her shaft and her mouth worked the top half of his dick.
Minho appreciated Yujin’s oral work on his rigid member. While it felt good, it felt a little like she was holding back. She was working his cock with her mouth for her own enjoyment rather than wanting him to get off. He also noticed when she moved her one hand that was off of his shaft down her body and between her legs. Her mouth and tongue worked his manhood with a building urgency the longer she played with herself as she blew him. He was finally really starting to feel some pressure building in his balls when the idol’s still clad only in socks, pulled his dick from her mouth.
“I can’t wait, I need you inside me,” she announced as she spun around on the edge of the bed. “I’ll make it up to you later,” she said referring to giving him a blowjob, “I just can’t wait anymore.”
Minho hardly moved before Yujin had spun around with her pussy right at the edge of the bed. She even spread and lifted her legs in the air, her arms grabbing behind each knee to make sure they stayed up and spread. Minho thought about teasing her, rubbing his cock along her wet fold and bumping against her clit until the young idol was shaking in anticipation. However, she looked so good like that waiting for him that he could not control himself much either. So, he just stepped into position and pushed his cock forward He had a little resistance before Yujin hairless cunt finally split open for him and his cock began sliding in.
“Oh wow, that’s a fat cock,” Yujin moaned.
“Wait till you feel the full length.”
“Bring it old man,” she dared him. “Fuck me.”
Minho had watched her enough around set that on the outside Yujin had a sweet yet entitled personality, but he always knew that underneath it all was very sexual and thirsty girl. He was glad to see that that side of her was now on full display as he pushed his cock inside of her. While she was tight, she was also so wet that he did not have too much difficulty bottoming her cunt. He started off slowly, but Yujin let it be known that she wasn’t into that. He started thrusting harder and faster, which got her moans going louder. She let go of the back of her leg and instead move them up onto his shoulders and crossing her feet behind his neck. Her hands now went to her breasts and squeezed them as she continued to encourage Minho to hammer her with his cock.
“So good. You have such a good cock.”
“Better than your boyfriend’s?” He asked wanting to see if she would actually answer.
“So much better,” she answered.
“Better than whoever it is you are secretly fucking?” he didn’t know for certain that she actually was hooking up with anyone else, but based his interactions with her today he felt pretty good about it.
“Yes. Fuck. From now on you’re my go-to dick.”
“I like the sound of that,” he said as he picked up the tempo of their fucking even more.
“We’ll see. I am going to drain you old man,” she told him. At first Minho really despised her calling him and old man. He wasn’t even that old. Though as she kept calling him it as they did more and more sexual things, he was starting to get into her calling him that.
Based on how desperate she was for him to stick his dick inside of her, Minho had no doubt that she would orgasm before he would. And was proven correct. Yujin grabbed hold of the mattress as she squirted and her legs trembled. As she climaxed, Minho slowed down to long slow strokes inside of her, but it felt so good to have sex with the starlette that his body refused to let him stop moving completely.
“Let me get on top,” Yujin finally told him as she came out of her post orgasmic fog. Minho pulled out and got on the bed. He had barely had his ass hit the mattress before Yujin was climbing on top of him. “So big,” she moaned as she sank down on his hard dick.
As she began riding his dick, Minho reached up and started playing with her bouncing beasts. While still perky, they did have a considerable amount of shake to them as she bounced on his cock. After a few minutes Yujin leaned forward, so she and Minho were face-to-face and her tits were pressed against his chest. She gave him a kiss as she continued to rotate and grind her hips along his cock.
“It’s a shame you wasted so much time. First by not making any move and then spending weeks with Wonyoung and Gaeul instead of me,” she told him between kisses
“Jealous?” he asked.
“No, I’m mad.”
“Yes mad. You’ve been walking around set with your great cock for months, and then when you finally do you it you waste it on them?”
“I wouldn’t saying wasting it,”
“We could have been having phenomenal sex for months now if I knew what you were hiding in your pants. And just admit it, I’m better in bed then them,” she spoke to him while looking directly into his eyes.
“I admit nothing,” he responded playfully.
“We’ll see about that,” she told him before giving him a deep passionate kiss. After the kiss she sat up and took her ability at riding his cock up another level. In his head he did admit that she was better than her friends, but seeing how competitive she was being about it, that was something he would never confess audibly to her.
“Get on all fours, I want to see that ass of yours before I wreck it,” Minho told her after a some more time with her on top had passed.
“Promises, promises,” Yujin mused as she dismounted his cock and got into position. She got on her hand and knees and he moved behind her. He gave her full ass a slap before grabbing her hips and trusted back into her. Pulling her cheeks apart, he could see the toy he had lodged inside of her. As he did her from behind, her took the end of her plug and twirled it around inside of her ass. While it felt a little strange having the toy in her ass be moved around, she did not mind the feeling at all, though that feeling didn’t compare to the feeling of Minho’s dick working her pussy. While he was doing her from behind, he was angling his thrust at a slightly downward motion causing his cock to brush against her g-spot with each thrust. The two of them kept going for as long as they could. They were near the end and it was a race to see who would finish first. Yujin ends up having her climax first but between the feeling of her pussy walls contracting and the sounds of her loud moans was enough to make Minho right at the brink.
Minho let go, a small grunt escaped his lips as his cock began erupting into the teenage idol. Yujin moaned as she felt him shoot his cum inside of hers. He did not put his whole load in her, he pulled out about halfway through and shot the remaining cum her had around her ass.
“Why did you pull out?” Yujin asked with disappointment in her voice when he finished.
“I had my reason. Why? Are you disappointed?”
“Yes. I wanted you to fill me to the point that your cum is overflowing out of me,” she told him. As she did, Minho could see her moving her hand down her body and begin rubbing her freshly fucked pussy.
“Maybe next time,” he told her. He then reached for the present he bought Yujin, and without warning he extracted it from her ass. He then began to use the buttplug to wipe the cum he had strayed onto her ass and began wiping it around her hole.
“Is it the time?”
“It seems like a good a time as any.”
Yujin was filled with nervous and excitement. Minho had her get the condoms and lube. Yujin then bent down and gave a few long hard sucks on his cock, making sure he was fully hard before putting on the condom, using both hands to roll the latex down his full length. Minho then had her to apply a generous amount of lube to his condom-encased manhood. He had her get at on all fours and had her look straight forward at a full-length mirror across from the bed. When she was in position he squirted some lube onto the entrance of her back door. He then used his cock head to smear the lube around. She was a little jumpy when she felt the tip of his cock brush against her back entrance.
“Just relax he told her,” and he reached under her and began fingering her. He watched as she closed her eyes and moaned. “Just concentrate on my fingers,” he told her. She was doing just that and he could feel her getting wetter. Once he could tell she was relaxed and not paying attention her gave a quick thrust, moving before she could react.
Yujin let out a squeal, surprised that her ass had just been invaded by the tip of Minho’s cock. Her ass immediately tightened around the head of his dick. He got her to relax and slowly pushed more of cock into her.
“Fuck you’re big,” she moaned.
“Just relax and it will start to feel good soon.”
“Easy for you to say, you not the one being split in half by a massive cock.” It took a little bit of time for Minho to get his full length into the Idol’s ass, but Yujin refused to quit until she had the full thing wedged inside of her. Once it was fully in, he let her sit with it inside her, letting her adjust to the feeling for a minute. He then began making small slow thrusts. Minho watched her face through the mirror, he saw how slowly the grimace on her face began to dissipate until finally, he heard a pleasurable moan.
“It starting to feel good?”
“Yes,” She answered, “Ohh, I like it.”
“You ready to take it up a notch?”
“Give me everything you got, old man,” she dared him. He didn’t think she knew what she was asking for, so while he started making longer faster strokes he was still holding back. It did not take long for Yujin to figure out that he was holding back. “Come on, harder.”
“You sure about that?”
“Either give me a real fucking or I’ll find someone else who can,” she told him as she looked him in the eyes through the mirror. With that, Minho slowly up to his tip and then slammed his full length into her ass. Yujin’s legs kicked up and her mouth went wide but no sound came out. From that moment on he gave it to her like an anal veteran and to her credit and to Minho’s surprise Yujin took it like a champ. Even when he gave her a few spanks, those were only met with grunts and moans of pleasure. With the way she moaned and the way her eyes appeared to roll back, Minho thought Yujin might have even had a small orgasm.
“OH GOD GIVE IT TO ME!” Yujin cried out.
“Yeah, you like my cock in your ass? You like having your ass fucked?”
“YES! So good! Soooo much better than I thought!” Yujin said as she dropped down to her elbows and began thrusting her ass back into my dick. She then asked, “Have you done this with Wonyoung or Gaeul?”
“Not yet,” he told her truthfully.
“Don’t bother, those batches can’t take it like I can. If you want an ass on set just come find me,” she told him.
“You have a very high opinion of yourself,” he commented.
“If I’m wrong, then tell me,” she told him. He didn’t say anything, he only gave her ass another smack in response. “That’s what I thought.”
Minho told her that he wanted to show her another position before he finished. They both let out their own groans of disappointment as he pulled off his cock from her ass. He then got off the bed and told her to roll over onto her back. Once she had done that, he grabbed one of her ankles and pulled her over to the edge of the bed. He pulled her so far that the majority of her ass was mostly hanging over the edge. Still, with her ankle in his hand, he lifted her leg up and held it out to the side. He then took his cock in and buried it back into Yujin’s ass, much to her delight. Using his other hand, he took her other leg and lifted it and spread it wide. Yujin was now on her back with her legs raised and spread eagle on the bed. Her body was on full display for Minho as he slammed his hips into her repeatedly. After a little bit, Yujin’s hand moved down her body and she began playing with her pussy as she got her ass fucked.
“This is amazing,” the idol loudly moaned.
“Starting to feel good now?”
“Tell me what do you like better, having something in your ass, or do you just like my dick that much?” Minho said with brazen arrogance.
“Fuck, I can’t tell,” Yujin said as she fingered pussy.
“I guess we’ll find out after you show your boyfriend what you’ve learned,” he said. “Though I’m not sure he’ll believe you when you tell him he’s your first.”
“Why’s that? You plan on stretching me out that much?” Yujin flirted right back at the older man she had inside her ass.
“Put it this way, you might let him use it from time to time, but your…ass…will…forever…belong..to...me,” he informed her, slamming her hard on each of his last seven words.
“Yeah, old man? Is that…is that…ooooooohhhhhhh wowww,” the Damsel actress had her own words interrupted by her body as she climaxed once again. Soaking her hand as she stopped playing with herself. Minho smiled at the fact that the 20-year-old came with a thick cock buried in her ass. As he continued to work his mind was brought back to a moment where Yujin was having a bit of a diva moment on set, and he overheard one of the staff quietly say to other “How big is the stick up that girl’s ass, do you think?” If only those two could see her down.
He did end up letting go of her legs, which Yujin put one up on his shoulder and the other she wrapped behind his ass. He then bent down to kiss the idol, before moving his now free hands to her breast to play with. As they kept going, he thought about seeing if she wanted to try anal cowgirl, but he didn’t have a ton left in him and thought he’d hold off on that until the next round.
“Almost there,” Minho groaned as he continued to pummel her ass. He could feel the cum beginning to bubble up from his ass. It was only a matter of time now.
“Oh, yes. Then give it to me,” Yujin moaned.
“Yeah? You want it?”
“Yes give it to me.”
“Oh, I’ll give it to you,” he told her. Minho then pulled his cock out from her idol’s backdoor, yanked off the condom, and dove his full cock back into her wanting pussy. He then stopped holding back and injected her with his sizable load. It was unclear if it was him stuffing her pussy with his dick or the feeling of him filling her with his jizz that made Yujin orgasm once again, but regardless she let out an orgasmic cry and the body shock as he shot blast after blast of cum inside of her. He did not pull out until his cock had deflated a bit.
“You came inside me,” she said as she rubbed the reddened cunt. Pulling her hand away she saw her fingers were sticky with his cum on them. “You came a lot inside of me.”
“That is what you wanted?”
“Yeah, I did. I love that feeling when a guy does it. Ugghh, wow, and you came so much,” she said as she felt his cum leaking out of her.
“If you liked it that much, I’d happily do it a few more times tonight.”
“I’m sure you would you dirty old man,” Yujin said cheekily. She then asked, “What time is it?”
“A little after one,” he informed her.
“I need to get going.”
“Really? Tapping out already?”
“I should, but tonight was amazing. I can’t believe I took your whole cock in my ass. Hajoon’s going to be in for a surprise later this week.”
“Happy to help,” he said, “and if you need a refresher course before he arrives just let me know. I’d love to be of assistance.”
“How selfless of you,” the idol said sarcastically. “Do you mind if I shower before heading home?”
“Only if I can assist.”
“I knew you were going to say that,” Yujin said as she got up from the bed. “Just no sex, or else I might never leave.”
“As far as deterrents go, that’s not much of one,” Minho joked as he led Yujin to his bathroom. He turned on the shower and as Yujin tried pushing some of the cum out off her pussy, Minho went back into the bedroom for a moment and then went back into the bathroom and joined the idol in the shower. He grabbed his loofa, poured some body wash on it, and began washing Yujin. Starting with her shoulders he then moved down and began washing as well as just flat-out playing with her breasts, before taking a knee and washing her legs. He then handed the loofa over to Yujin and she washed him. First his back, then his chest, and then down to between his legs. At one point she stopped pretending with the loofah and just used both her hands to stroke his cock.
“So big,” she said softly with her eyes fixated on his erection. She then looked up at him in the eyes, and told him, “Your cock is truly lovely to look at.”
“Thank you. Your body is quite the sight to behold as well.”
He then told her to turn around. He stepped out of the shower for a moment, before getting back in behind her and taking the loofah, and reapplying more soap to it. He made no effort to keep his erection away from her. Instead, he intently pushed it against her as he reached around her body. He then began to wash her back, eventually moving down to her ass.
“Put your hands against the wall and bend over,” he told her. Yujin looked back at him and gave him a look. He reassured her, “I’m not going to fuck you, I promise.”
He then proceeded to wash her ass in-depth, reaching under her and washing her pussy. He spread her cheeks and dripped some body wash from the bottle down onto her rectum.
“I will tell you, if you really do want to make sure you are ready to surprise your boyfriend, you really should keep wearing this,” he said. He then picked up the buttplug he had snuck into the shower and pressed it against her ass. Yujin gasped as she felt it enter her. It did fit inside her much easier now than it did the first time he put it inside of her. She also enjoyed the feeling of having it inside of her much more. With the plug in and her still bent over, Minho reached under her ass and stuck two fingers and her tight warm cunt. As he fingered her, she leaned over her and said into her ear. “I promised I wouldn’t stick my cock in you, but didn’t say anything about my fingers.”
“So true,” Yujin said before turning her face and kissing him. “Finger my pussy, old man.”
“You like older guys don’t you?” he questioned her.
“Not especially, I just like guys who know what they're doing,” she confessed.
“Well, I do know a trick or two.”
“Yes, you do.” Minho then spun Yujin around so they were facing each other and the two made out while he finger-blasted her against the glass of the shower stall. He hooked his fingers and rubbed her g-spot while his palm brushed against her clit. Yujin also made use of her hands, reaching down and stroking his cock. The two were in a race to see who could use their hands to get the other off the fastest. Minho had a head start so he was able to get Yujin to cream all over his hand first. After her orgasm subsided, she pushed Minho backward, giving her the room to comfortably sink to her knees on the shower floor.
“I bet you’re just like every other guy out there and want to climax all over my face,” she said to him as she began using both hands to stroke his cock.
“Yeah, I am.”
“Then do it,” she told him. She looked up and maintained eye contact with him as she frantically jerked him off. Her eyes never left his as she worked his cock. Even when he said he was about to cum, she aimed his cock head directly at her face and kept her eyes open until she felt his first blast hit her on the mouth and nose. As he kept cumming, she could not help but smile as she felt it rain down her face. When she finally stopped feeling his cum, she opened one eye and then moved in and sucked the tip clean of any remaining cum. Minho just stood there and admired the pretty actress's face as it was covered in his spunk.
“How do I look?”
“All those guys who said wished they could give you a facial don’t know what they are missing out on. It’s quite a beautiful sight.” Yujin smiled broadly at his compliment. She licked off some of the cum that had landed on her mouth, and let him admire her face for a little while before she cleaned her face off under the spray of the shower. They each give themselves one last rinse off before turning off the water. Getting out of the shower they toweled off and wrapped themselves up. He kept an eye on her as she dried off and noticed that the idol never made a move to remove the plug in her ass. He then moved back to the bedroom with Yujin following a minute or so later.
“Are you sure you need to leave,” Minho asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed with her throbbing erection at full mass between his legs. Yujin looked down at his hard-on and instinctively licked her lips as she looked at it.
“The girls were right, that thing doesn’t quit, does it?” she said referring to his cock.
“You complaining about that?”
“Hardly. But, I do need to go. I need to get some rest before filming tomorrow,” she said. But then she undid her towel and let it fall to the floor. “But I suppose it would be cruel of me to walk out on you in that state.
Yujin then dropped to her knees and took his cock into her mouth. She began sucking on her tip and then brought her lips down along the side. “So, tell me,” she asked between slurps “Do you feel bad about sleeping with girls my age? Especially since Wonyoung and me are closer to your son age than yours.”
“I’m fine with it. I felt a little bad when I slept with his prom date during his graduation party.” He admitted. Yujin nearly choked on his cock in surprise when that happened.
“You what?” she asked.
“You heard right.”
“There must be a story there,” Yujin said as she stroked his cock.
“Her older sister was one of his former babysitters, one of the ones I frequently hooked up with, and the older sister told the younger sister about our adventures. So, the younger sister asked my son to prom, and after a disappointing prom night, she cornered me during his graduation party a few weeks later and demanded I give her what her sister had bragged to her about so many times before. So I did. And then I did again a few more times before we moved out to LA.”
“You are so bad,” Yujin said to him, and before bringing her lips back to his cock she added, “and I don’t believe you feel bad about doing her at all.”
“I did feel a little bad afterward doing that behind his back. But the sex itself did feel pretty good in the moment,” he admitted.
“Better than me?” She asked.
“You can’t let anyone win, can you?”
“Nope,” she said before sinking several inches of dick into her mouth. He let the actress suck his cock uninterrupted for several minutes before he spoke up again.
“Let me ask you, do you feel bad about cheating on your boyfriend with me?”
“This wasn’t cheating,” she said matter-of-factly.
“What we did tonight wasn’t cheating?” he questioned her.
“Nope. You were teaching me about anal so I could do it with my boyfriend this week. This was a learning exercise.”
“Okay, sure,” Minho could not help but chuckle at her reasoning.
“When we fuck again next weekend, that will be cheating.”
“Next week?”
“Yeah, my boyfriend leaves on Friday. My manager mentioned how he was leaving Thursday night to go visit his mom, so that means we have a few days where no one is going to be looking for us and checking in on us. So, what better way to spend it than in bed having an obscene about of sex?”
“Are you sure you can handle all that?” he asked her with cocky confidence. “I mean were stopping after only two rounds tonight.”
“That’s because tonight I was just testing you. Seeing if you lived up to the hype. You obviously passed,” she said and then stuck out her tongue and slapped his cock against it. “Next weekend I’ll show you what I can do. After next weekend you’ll be saying I’m the best you’ve ever had.”
“Oh really? So you’ve been holding back this entire time?”
“Yes. Probably 50% effort,” she told him.
“Yeah right, I highly doubt that.” Yujin simply smiled in response and then suddenly she took a majority of his cock into her mouth and did so with a casualty that showed she had been holding back a bit. She deepthroated him for a minute before pulling back and leaving just an inch or so in her mouth. She continued to work his cock, but now the way she moved her hands along his shaft and the way her tongue worked the underside of his dick showed that she had been holding back and she was much more skilled than she had previously shown. She was also now not stopping to talk or make any chit-chat. She was showing a determination to show the older man that the she was better than other more experienced women he had been with. It only took a few minutes until he blew his load down her mouth, and despite the amount, she was able to swallow it all.
“See, and that was just the tip of the iceberg,” Yujin bragged as she stood up and began picking up her discarded clothing. “If I were you, I would take it easy this week. You’re going to need all the energy you can store for next weekend.”
“Sounds good,” he said as he watched her naked body walk around the room. “I’ll see you next weekend,”
With her clothes tucked under her arm, Yujin said “See you around the set tomorrow,” before blowing him a kiss and strutting naked out of his bedroom.
It was two days later that Minho would see Yujin walking with her boyfriend, Hajoon, around the set. Yujin blushed a little when she caught eyes with Minho from across the room. When Minho saw Hajoon walk away, he quietly maneuvered himself around the stage until he was standing next to Yujin.
“So, have you given your boyfriend his gift yet?” Minho quietly asked discreetly.
“I was planning on giving it to him tonight,” Yujin quietly replied with a smile.
“Does that mean, you’re wearing that thing I gave you?”
“Why do you think I haven’t sat down?”
“How does it feel?”
“Good. Though I may need to upgrade to something bigger,” she told him and gave him the biggest devilish smile he’d ever seen before she walked away.
The next morning when he woke up, he texted Yujin asking how things went last night. He did not get an answer right away. It wasn’t until about an hour later that got a reply. She messaged him saying it went well. That was followed up by a close-up mirror photo, with the message saying he could not get enough of it.
The photo was of Yujin’s ass with her cheeks spread apart and some cum trickling out of it. He then asked her if the photo was from last night or if she didn’t reply to his text right away so that her boyfriend could fill her and she could then send him a photo. She replied asking him if he really thought she’d have morning sex with her boyfriend specifically so she could send a teasing picture afterward. As soon as she said that, he knew that is exactly what she did.
Minho got some disappointing news later in the week when Yujin had to cancel their weekend plans. Her boyfriend had surprised her with plans for a weekend getaway trip. She told him she’d make it up to him, and then send a dozen nude pictures of herself, some full body and others close up, to ‘hold him over’ while she was gone. Thought that rain check was probably not going to happen when on Monday morning Yujin put out an Instagram post announcing that she was engaged. Minho congratulated her the next time he saw her on set and jokingly whispered, “I didn’t know he loved you giving him anal that much.” Yujin laughed at that.
He assumed that was it. He thought Yujin was off the board for him. And while he still enjoyed Wonyoung and Gaeul, he was a little disappointed he only got the one crack at the idol. That disappointment went away the Friday after the announcement of her engagement. Sungho had left to go out with several other staff for the night shooting, leaving Minho home alone. Not 15 minutes after Sungho left there was a knock on the door. Minho opened the door and was surprised to find Yujin standing there.
“Hi, old man.”
“Yujin, what are you doing here?” He asked with surprise.
“I told you I was going to make it up to you.”
“I thought that that went out the window when you accepted that ring.” He said looking down at the rock on the idol’s finger.
“I made a promise to Hajoon when I said yes to him, but technically I did make a promise to you first. And I always keep my promises.”
Once she said that Minho stepped aside and let Yujin into the house. “What was that promise again?” he asked playing dumb.
“I believe it was that I was going to show you that I’m the best in bed you’ve ever had.”
“What about Sungho? What happens when he comes home and finds you here?”
“I’ve taken care of that. Wonyoung owed me.”
“I believe you promised me an entire weekend of demonstrating your talents.”
“Wonyoung owed me several IOUs,” she informed him. “Now, why don’t you stop wasting time and take that cock out of your pants?”
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glossysoap · 8 months
ring ; john price
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summary: here’s my thoughts on price fingering you with his ring on. this is also my birthday present for @loveyhoneydovey !! i love ya! i hope this cheers you up and that you enjoy your birthday! <333
warnings/tags: 18+, afab, fem reader, written with plus size reader in mind but it can be read as size neutral if need be, pure smut, no plot, fingering, emphasis on his size (big hands/thick fingers), clit play, pussy slapping, cum eating, married price and reader.
word count: 1-1.5k at least
The hard wood was cold against your bare thighs as he had you sat on his desk in front of him. Your panties were pulled down to your ankles, revealing your already dripping cunt to your husband who is sat right in front of you.
Your husband’s forehead was pressed against yours and his lips were so close, you could feel his breath fanning against your face.
He had started out by trailing one finger up and down your wet slit to gather your juices. Moving agonizingly slow, taking his sweet time in pleasuring you. Using his other hand to hold your thigh, keeping your legs pried apart for him.
His hairy arm brushed up against your plush thigh as he started grazing your folds.
“Look at how wet you are. All for me, isn’t that right?”
He used one finger to spread your juices along your slit, before letting a second finger join in. That second finger was his ring finger, where his wedding band rested, all gold and engraved with your name along the inside. Then he used those two fingers to play with your slippery folds, but never dipping inside.
Those two fingers move to trace little figure eights in your slit, enjoying how slippery and slick your lips were because of how wet you had gotten.
“Uh-huh,” You nodded quickly, restraining the urge to buck your hips into his hand. You knew you had to be good, acting up would only get you so far. “Just for you.” You were in such a daze that you didn’t even notice how his lips quirked up into a grin at your words.
Stay still, stay still. You knew you had to be patient. You just had to wait.
Thankfully, he didn’t make you wait for long this time. Because before you knew it, he was dipping those two fingers inside of you.
He slips them inside inch by inch, giving a quiet chuckle at how easily they slide in. His eyes burn into you as he eases his fingers in, looking at how your brows were furrowed and your mouth was slightly open in a pant.
“Oh, god,” Your breathy moans fill the privacy of his office, mixing with the lewd wet noises produced by his thick fingers plunging inside your soaked cunt.
You couldn’t stop your hips from bucking and gasping when he’s pushing those two fingers in knuckle deep. The slight burn that came from the intrusion mixed with the feeling of being filled made that warmth in your stomach grow hotter.
What made that feeling even more intense was the cold metal of his wedding band that was flush against the walls of your cunt. The harsh temperature was such a contrast to the warmth of your entrance, it was driving you crazy in the best way possible.
To make the knot in your stomach tighten even more, the ring just added that extra ridge to his already thick finger. With every pump of his fingers inside your pussy, his cold ring rubbed against your soft walls so fucking good.
While the metal of his wedding ring was sending shivers through your core, your own wedding ring was sitting comfortably on your ring finger. A silver band with a perfect arrangement of diamonds that were all the perfect size, and his name engraved along the inside of the band. Just like your name was engraved along the inside of his.
Your own moans grew stronger, just like the wet noises, when his fingers started moving at a furious pace.
Your hands scrambled for purchase, searching for something, anything to keep yourself grounded in reality. One hand flew to clutch at his dark hair, fingers threading through his soft strands. Your other hand moved to grasp at his muscular arm that was positioned between your legs. The muscles flexed with every plunge of his fingers inside your cunt.
“That feel good?” He murmurs, watching as you nod for him, eyes half lidded and pupils blown wide with lust.
“God, yes!”
His gaze dropped and zeroed into your lips, all bitten and shiny from spit. It took every ounce of willpower to not just crash his lips onto yours and devour you. He wanted to hear every whine and gasp and moan, and unfortunately he needed your mouth unoccupied to be able to do so.
So he settled for the next best thing, worshipping your neck.
He moved down to your jaw and started showing much needed love and attention to your skin. You could feel his beard scratch against your skin as he left open mouthed kisses along your jaw, teeth nipping at your sensitive skin.
“Yeah?” He teases, beard scratching your skin as he continues mouthing your jaw. “Feels good having my fingers buried in that sweet cunt?”
Right at that moment, he curled his fingers in search of that spongey spot that made your toes curls. He never stopped pumping his fingers in and out, he just started curling his fingers in tandem with every plunge inside. He heard your breath hitch and knew he was close to finding it. He figured this was the perfect time to slip in a third thick finger.
“Yes, yes, yes!” You babble mindlessly as his fingers keep stretching you out, with him growing dangerously close to finding your g-spot.
“Just a little bit more and..” He pushed his fingers further inside and curled them over and over until he feels you jerk and buck against his hand.
“Oh, fuck—,” You cut yourself off with a choked sob as his fingers tapped that sensitive spot that had you throwing your head back in pleasure.
“There it is.” You could feel him smirk against your neck.
Now that he found the spot that made you writhe, he started abusing it.
Pumping his fingers in your tight hole at a furious pace, hitting that soft spot every single time. He felt you clench around him so fucking perfect, reminding him of how you would always squeeze around his cock and milk him dry.
While his fingers were busy fucking you, his mouth went back to work on your neck. His full beard scratching your skin as he licked and sucked at your sensitive flesh, leaving a trail of saliva in his wake.
“So fuckin’ tight, love. You just needed me to take you apart, huh?” He all but growls into your neck, teeth scraping at your pulse point. You can feel the vibrations from his words rumble against you. “Needed to soak my fingers? Hmm?”
You can’t even bring yourself to answer his questions, and he knows it, as the only thing that can escape your lips are moans and cries.
John has taken to sucking on your pulse point, then biting and tugging with a rumble from deep in his chest.
Every single bit and lick and suck from his torturous mouth went straight to your weeping pussy, which was quickly inching towards its release.
You knew full well that you wouldn’t last much longer, and he knew that just as much as you did. Maybe even more so, because you were hugging his fingers so damn tight.
He fucking loved it. He loved how slippery your cunt was and how much you were clenching down on his fingers, and he especially loved how your juices were dripping down onto his hand.
He wanted to feel you gush all over his fingers, and he wanted to feel that now.
So he used the pad of his thumb to rub rough circles on your swollen clit, all while he used three fingers to hit that sensitive spot over and over and over.
“C’mon, c’mon. Come f’ me.” He groans into the crook of your neck, breath hot against your skin. His tongue licking a stripe along the span of your neck before sucking your soft skin.
If your sharp gasp and desperate bucking of your hips against his hand were any indication, you were about to come.
“Yeah,” he eggs you on, “that’s right. Give it to me.”
So he circled his fingers inside of you, not only hitting that sensitive spot perfectly but also rubbing the area around it. The rough pad of his thumb just kept furiously rubbing at your swollen clit.
At that exact moment, he licked at the crook of your neck before biting down, hard.
“Oh, fuck!” You wail, your eyes squeezing shut and your mouth hanging open. Your pussy throbs and flutters as you squeeze around his fingers, your legs twitching and writhing from all of the stimulation.
Your orgasm crashes over you like a wild wave as you squirt all over his fingers and drench his palm in the process.
He couldn’t help himself as he pulled his soaked hand out from your cunt, before using it to lightly slap your swollen clit. He smiled as he watched your hips jolt and your cunt squeeze around nothing.
“There you go, good girl.” Was all your husband said, husky voice dripping with praise, before he did something that had your pussy throbbing once more.
He lifted his soaked hand up to his mouth and licked your juices clean off. His gaze burned into yours as he licked a broad stripe along his palm before sucking each finger clean with a pop. Then finally, licking his wedding band clean as it rested on his ring finger.
©️ glossysoap 2024. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission. do not steal any elements of my theme without permission.
🏷️: @loveyhoneydovey @divine--serenity @warenai @viylikescats @cassiecasluciluce @ghastlybirdie @lilpothoscuttings @jumbojazzcats93 @violet-phantoms @krakenbabe @lordlydragon @bunnyreaper @blackrose4242 @ansaturn @luvecarson @luvmeijii @kenqki @zittles3000 @theloneshadow24 @moonriseoverkyoto @msdevil333 @vgilantee @stargirlrchive @blissful-bunny @damnirina @wrathofcats @claymorexpunisher @mandalover2023 @kiroshang @ivymarquis (struck out names are ppl tumblr wouldn’t let me tag. let me know if you want to be added/removed!)
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lovelookspretty · 5 days
lover of mine
drew starkey x actress!reader au
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— in which drew and y/n, secretly exes, must fake date in order to keep the peace at a mutual friend’s wedding, but the forced proximity makes them question whether they ever truly moved on.
warnings: sweet baby boy drew whos willing to help u, nothing else rly
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven
authors note: i wanted to give it a sort of “the proposal” / “anyone but you” type of feel !! this is obviously going to be a series so let me know if u want to be added to the tag list from now on so u dont miss an update ! <3
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your body freezes in place when you’re asked about the wedding. crap, you forgot. but it isn’t like you received any invite.
“theo sent you an invite through the mail. you got it right?” your friend, leila, asks you. leila and her fiancé theo have been your friends for years now, ever since you met leila during a movie priemere and shared respect on each other's careers. she’s been your closest friend, so theo naturally had to come along too.
“what? yeah,” you lie right through your teeth, and guilt punches you in the face when you stare right into her bright eyes. you raise the cup of coffee. “was literally jumping for joy when i got it.”
leila sighs in relief. “thank god we got the right address,” she says and you question what she means by that before she continues, “we didn’t know whether to send it to your apartment or drew’s.”
your breath is caught and you pause before your drink reaches your lips.
“drew,” you repeat, and she nods.
“yeah, but we figured you’ll both see it either way so, sent it to his place ‘cause theo said it was closer,” leila says, and you raise your eyebrows in amusement. “but anyway! before the wedding, i wanted to stay with our inner circle so if it’s possible for a little two-week vacation? the venue is close to my mom and her boyfriend’s house so we’d just be staying there. i would’ve picked after the wedding if theo didn’t already have the honeymoon planned. he’s too excited.”
“wait, two weeks?” you inquire, “who’s coming?”
she shrugs, “you and drew, libby, gia . . .” she trails off as she thinks about it, and you swallow as you set your cup down. “i forgot who else. i know it’s one of theo’s coworkers but i forgot who. let me text him actually.”
your face lights up at the opportunity to get away, and you nod. “i need to call drew actually,” you say, and she smiles and nods as you stand from your seat and make your way to her living room. “need to remind him to take the . . . fish . . . out.”
“we’re having fish tonight, yeah.”
you turn away to scroll through your contacts until you find his, then click on it. you settle down on the couch as you wait anxiously for him to pick up, and just hope that he does.
just before the call goes to voicemail, the line clears. “yeah?”
“you are such a—!” you hiss quietly, careful not to let leila hear you. “why didn’t you tell me leila and theo sent you a wedding invite for us?”
“i literally just checked my mail, alright? i would’ve said something about it as soon as i saw it,” he tells you. “i just flew in two days ago, y/n. i’m at the . . . i’m not at my apartment right now but my mail’s all on my counter. i’ll look for it once i’m home and then send you pictures of it, okay?”
you know that your situation with drew is slightly complicated. you were together for five years before ending things just a year ago.
because of your careers, you aren’t surprised that people assume you’re still dating. even close friends like leila and theo. everything was kept private. a year into the relationship was when fans even found out about you two.
you both have been looking for a time to address the breakup, to friends first for sure, but with your conflicting schedules, the time’s just never come up, and sending a “by the way, we broke up” text to an imessage groupchat wasn’t totally ideal.
even with the wedding coming up, having to be around everyone while you celebrate your closest friends, how are you either of you supposed to bring it up now?
“okay,” you tell him. “just text me when you’re free. any time before 10, please.”
“okay,” drew’s voice is soft and understanding. the line goes dead and you pull your phone away from your ear, seeing that he’s hung up.
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your expected text comes around 8pm. drew’s sent you four different attachments. all are photos of the elaborate and detailed wedding invitation. the designs must’ve been leila’s idea.
you’re surprised to see an incoming call on your laptop right after. you hover over the accept button, then click on it.
his face fills a rectangle of your screen. he’s on his phone—“do you see it?”
“yeah wait,” you mumble, clicking out of the facetime to open your messages with him, then click the first photo. “leila and theo; rsvp by september twenty-seventh.”
“the letter’s addressed to my place but they put our names on the envelope,” drew tells you, and it looks like he’s ruffling through something before he flips his camera to display his counter. on it is the envelope in question, which is addressed to his apartment, but for y/n and drew, it says.
you hum. “are you going?” you ask him.
“of course i’m going. what do you mean?”
you shake your head, “nothing.”
drew only knows of leila or theo because of you, because leila works with you. maybe he’s made friends with theo but it’s not something you’ve personally seen, so you’re just assuming that maybe since you’ve broken up, there’s no reason for him to go? especially when he’s filming soon?
you stare down at your keyboard as you speak again, “leila wants us to come on a two-week pre-stay with her and theo. and others.”
there’s a brief pause from drew, like he doesn’t understand.
you sense it immediately and continue. “like, before the wedding, she told me today about how her mom has his house she wants us to stay in, just a few of us for two weeks, then they have her wedding— i don’t know, i need to ask her more about it. i think she just wants to fly everyone out and spend more time with us before she’s on honeymoon and living the wife life.”
“could be fun,” drew says. “i mean, i can’t even remember the last time i was out with theo or leila. it might be good for us.”
you furrow your eyebrows at him through the screen, and you try to read him to see if he’s joking. “there is no more ‘us’, remember? and by the way, neither leila or theo or anybody else knows that.”
drew hesitates as if he’s trying to justify your situation.
you rub your eye before resting the side of your head against your fist, “they addressed the invitation to both of us, drew. i feel like we should at least tell them the truth so that when we get there, they know.”
drew hesitates, his eyes moving around as if searching for the right words. “yeah, i know. it’s just . . . complicated.”
“complicated doesn’t even begin to cover it,” you say, feeling frustration build up. “it just feels dishonest. they think we’re still together, and if they find out at the wedding, it’ll look like we’re hiding things.”
“we are hiding things,” he reminds you. “we’ve been avoiding the topic. do you really want to drop this bomb on them right before their wedding?”
you go silent as you think about it, because if telling them isn’t a good option then . . .
“what if we just kept up the appearance that we’re still together?” drew suggests. it draws your attention as you look up at your laptop. “for the wedding and the pre.”
you blink, taken aback. “what do you mean?”
“i mean,” drew continues, “what if we act like we’re still together while we’re there? it might make things easier for everyone. seeing us apart will just create tension. people will feel like they’ll need to walk on eggshells around us.”
you give him a skeptical look. “acting like a couple isn’t the same as actually being one. i’m not sure i can just pull it off without it feeling fake.”
“we’re not faking,” drew says gently. “we’re just playing a part for a bit. we’re professionals. it’s literally our job. we can do this for a few days.”
you pause, considering his words. “but what if it just makes things worse? what if pretending just complicates everything?”
drew’s expression softens, and he speaks more earnestly. “look, we’ve been in tough spots before. there’s been so many times on set with you and i before that we’ve had to navigate headfirst. this is no different. think of it as a role we have to play for a short time. it doesn’t change what’s real.”
you sit back, processing his suggestion. “so we fake it for now and deal with the truth later?”
he hums. “it’s not ideal, but it could save a lot of awkwardness and stress. we can be civil and supportive for their sake, and then handle everything after.”
you let out a long sigh, feeling the weight of the decision. “it just feels like a lot of work to keep up a pretense. but i guess if we’re going to do this, we need to at least figure out how to make it believable.”
“we’ll figure it out,” drew says, his voice a little more hopeful. “it’s not about being perfect. it’s just about getting through the weeks without making things worse.”
you nod slowly, still feeling uneasy but recognizing the practicality of his idea. “okay. pretend for leila and theo, and then deal with the fallout afterwards.”
there’s a faint smile on his face as he nods at you. “just two weeks, remember? we can do that,” he says. “i’m gonna head to bed. i’ll talk to you tomorrow about it, alright?”
“okay,” you murmur, and drew hangs up on you.
the facetime window closes and displays your last app that’s been open, your messages. you’re face-to-face with the photos of the invitations once more, and a part of you is overwhelmed with emotions—fear, excitement, guilt.
two weeks. that’s all it is. just two weeks with your ex-boyfriend. you can survive that . . .
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inkskinned · 7 months
most writing advice is good as long as you know why it is good, at which point it is also bad. the hardest thing (and most precious thing) about being an artist is that you gotta learn how to take critique. i don't mean "just shut up and accept that people hate your work," i mean you need to learn what the critique is saying and then figure out if it actually helps.
i usually tell people reading my work: "i'm collecting data, so everything is useful." i ask them where they put the book down, even though it's too long for most people to read in 1 sitting. i ask them what they thought of certain characters. i let them tell me it was really good but i like it more when they look a little stunned and say i forgot i was reading your book, which means they forgot i exist, which is very good news.
sometimes people i didn't ask will read my work and tell me i don't like it. and that is okay, you don't have to like it. but i look at the thing that they don't like and try to figure out if i care. i don't like that you don't capitalize. this one is common, and i have already thought about it. i do not care, it's because of chronic pain and frankly i like the little shape of small letters. you use teeth and ribs in all your work. actually that is very true. i don't know what's up with that. next time i will work to figure out a different word, thank you. you're whiny, go outside. someone said that to me recently and it made me laugh. i am on the whine-about-it website as an internet poet. you are in my native habitat, watching me perform a natural enrichment behavior. but i like the dip of whiny, how the word itself does "whine" (up/down, the sound out your nose on the y), but i don't know if i want to feel whiny. maybe next time i will work on it being melancholy, like what you would call a male writer's poetry.
repeated "good" advice clangs in a bell and doesn't hold a real shape, dilutes in the water. like sometimes you will hear "don't use said." you turn that around in your head and it bounces off the edges of your brain like it is a dvd screensaver. it isn't bad advice, but it feels wrong somehow, like saying easy choices are illegal! sometimes i will only use "said." sometimes i will just kick dialogue tags out to the trash. sometimes i make little love poems where the fact that i do not say "said" is very bad, and makes you feel bad in your body, because someone didn't say something. i am a contrary little shitbird, i guess.
but it is also good advice, actually. it is trying to say that "said" sometimes is clutter. it makes new writers think about the very-small words and very-small choices, because actually your work matters and wordchoice matters. "i know," you said. "i know," you sighed. "i know." we both know but neither of us use a dialogue tag, because we are in a contemporary lit piece.
it is too-small to say don't use said. but it is a big command, so it gets your attention. what are you relying on? what easy choices do you make? when you edit, do you choose the same thing? can you make a different choice? sometimes we need the blankness of said, how it slides into the background. sometimes we don't.
i usually say best advice is to read, but i also mean read books you don't like, because that will make you angry enough to write your own book. i also mean read good books, which will break your heart and remind you that you are a very small person and your voice is a seashell. i also mean you need to eat books because reading a book is a writer's version of studying.
my creative writing teacher in the 7th grade had a big red list of no! words and on it was SUNSET. RAZORS. LOVE. GALAXY. DEATH. BLOOD. PAIN. I liked that razor and love were tucked next to each other like birds, and found it funny that he believed we were too young to know the weight of razor in the context of pain. i hated him and his Grateful Dead belt, where the colored teddy bears held up his appraisal of us. i hated his no list. it is very good/bad advice. i wasn't old enough yet to know that when you are writing about death you are also writing about sunsets and when you write about love you are tucking yourself into a napkin that never stops folding.
back then my poetry was all bloody, dripped with agony when you picked it up. i didn't know there is nothing beautiful about a razor, nothing exciting about pain. i just understood sharpness, which he took to mean i understood nothing. i wrote the razor down and it wasn't easy, but it was necessary. that's what i'm saying - sometimes it's good advice, because it's not always necessary. and sometimes it is very bad advice, because writing about it is lifesaving.
hang on my dog was just having a nightmare. i heard that it is a rule not to write about dogs - in my creative writing mfa, my teacher rolled her eyes and said everyone writes a dead dog. the literature streets are littered in canine bodies. i watched the rise and fall of his ribs (there is that word again) and had to reach out and stop the bad dream. when he woke up he didn't recognize me, and he was afraid.
it is good/bad advice to say that poems and writing have to mean something. it is bad/good advice to say they're big feelings in small packages. it is better advice to say that when my dog saw where he was, he relaxed immediately, rubbed his face against me. someone on instagram would make fun of that moment by writing their "internet poetry" as a sentence that tumbles across a white page: outside it is sunset and my dog is still in a gutter, bleeding a galaxy out of his left paw. or maybe it would be: i woke the dog up/the dog forgot i loved him/and i saw the shape of a senseless/and impossible pain.
the dog is alive in this one, and he is happy. when i tell you i love you, i know what i said. write what you need to write, be gentle to yourself about it. the advice is only as good as far as it helps. the rest is just fencing. take stock of the boundaries, and then break them. there's always somewhere else you could be growing.
i love you, keep going.
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an-emo-trashbag · 2 years
I just sent a text to my friend who I havent heard from in a long time and have been very worried about and I'm feeling very . about it
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ttpdsargeant · 11 months
invisible string
oscar piastri x reader, ex!lando norris x reader
part 1 part 3
in which she moves on with his teammate, but why should she care about his feelings? he never cared about hers. besides, oscar is a much better boyfriend.
this is for the oscar girlies and is also like 6 months after say don’t go!! (we’ll pretend 1989 tv was out 6 months ago for the sake of timelines😭😭)
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxfewtrell and 935,746 others
yourusername, 🤍🤍
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⤷ user2, i might be insane but like… OSCAR????
logansargeant, i expected a better caption from you considering how much taylor swift you listen to
⤷ yourusername, i couldn’t think of a song to use oops
user3, what if it’s logan????
⤷ user4, not captain america stealing my gf
user5, that should be me holding your hand💔💔
lilymhe, i had to sit and watch you guys be so unbearably cute and i don’t get pic creds for the first one??? criminal!!!
⤷ yourusername, SORRY SORRY IM SORRY thank you taking it lils ily🫶🫶🫶🫶
user6, kinda hope it’s oscar or max just because lando deserves it
⤷ user7, max has a gf but oscar… i need
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liked by moref1, norrisupdates and 29,737 others
f1wags, y/n y/l/n has arrived at the qatar gp with kika gomes, but for oscar piastri rather than the usual lando norris👀
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user1, fav homie hopper😋😋
⤷ user2, i mean it’s not like it’s unprovoked
user3, don’t let your boyfriend stop you from finding the love of your life🤞🤞
user4, i wonder how lando feels about this😭😭
⤷ user5, doesn’t he have a new gf?? he arrived at the paddock with another girl today so he can’t really be mad
user7, usually i hate wag accounts BUT i am kinda thankful for this i needed to know who the guy y/n’s soft launching is
⤷ user9, if it was logan we could have more lily and y/n cause alex and logan are teammates💔💔💔
⤷ user10, i don’t think they have to have a bf from the same team to be friends babe
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 953,746 others
yourusername, when he’s a sprint winner >>>> (pic creds: lilymhe)
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user2, prettiest couple i love pretty people
oscarpiastri, ❤️❤️
⤷ yourusername, 🤍🤍
user3, i would not have wanted to be in the room when lando found out😭😭
user4, she’s just like me i would also date my ex’s friend if he did me wrong🤭🤭
⤷ user5, i’ve honestly shipped her and oscar since before her and lando broke up is that weird
⤷ user6, i don’t blame u i kinda feel like they suit each other more yk
⤷ yourusername, I LOVE U GF
⤷ oscarpiastri, how did alex get used to this
⤷ alex_albon, i didn’t it’s just something we have to deal with unfortunately😕😕
user7, does this mean more alex and oscar🤭🤭
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sorry for making lando a sucky person but oscar is my one love so😋😋also i had to repost this cause i forgot to add tags and it wouldn’t show up under the tags after i edited it and added them😭😭
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Out With the Old (Heartsabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle x Yuu)
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"Look I would get rid of this thing if I could afford a new sweatshirt." You drag the offensive article of clothing over your head completely missing the spark of curiosity and mischief in your companion's eye. "I've got a lot of bad memories associated with this."
"If it's that uncomfortable we can go look for a replacement instead of-"
"Oh no not like that, it's super comfy. I just don't like it because it technically belongs to my ex."
notes: they/them used for Yuu, some questionable behavior from Floyd and Jade because who else? This is meant to be crack. Second part can be found here (x)
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He is too focused on hyperventilating because it sounds like you just admitted to a crime in front of him to even think about offering you one of his sweaters. Trey and Cater have to break it down for him unpaid therapist style that no, you are not wearing stolen property (probably), borrowing clothes is just something people in relationships often do. He then further needs it explained that no, you are not still in a relationship and since you want to get rid of the shirt it sounds like things ended poorly. His friends want to try and suggest he should give you an article of his clothing to replace the offending one but he's so focused on getting you something that matches dress code that they decide to quit while they're ahead. Literally.
Trey- "You know you can always ask us if you need help, right?"
Vil's right about Trey's tendency to fuss and spoil people being a bit of a flaw; he's in tune enough with his emotions to know that he should not, for his own sake, give you one of his old sweatshirts without being honest about why he wants you to wear it. But he can't exactly deny his instincts when it comes to the people he cares about. You're cold and uncomfortable, what sort of guy would he be if he just left you all alone? Just please don't brush this off with a comment about how much of a big brother or mother hen he is; it is already going to be pure torture trying to look at you in his things in a Queen of Hearts honoring way. He doesn't need an added complex on top of it.
Cater- "Oh honey no."
Cater doesn't like keeping stuff his exes gave him either, but luckily for him he's never been in a position where that's literally only the stuff he had on him. Speaking of things, he buys a bunch of clothes off magicam he barley has time to take the tags off of before the trend goes stale. You guys should totally ditch what you were planning to do today and have a little fashion show in his room. It'll be cute and he can get a bunch of cammable shots! Just ignore the pop music club hoodie he refuses to take back because it looks "so much cuter on you." <3
Ace- "That's extremely lame prefect."
He isn't blind; you're cute and poor. Anyone would jump at the chance to let you steal a hoodie, besides Ace isn't insecure enough to be super jealous of someone you clearly hate. He knows you well enough to tell when you are silently wishing death on someone, it's all in the vocal tone. But damn if this new bit of information doesn't make things tricky. He already makes a big fuss about not needing to focus on dating right now, and with that iconic sweatshirt of yours technically belonging to an ex it's not like he can just slide you one of his without making it super obvious what he's doing. Looks like you're just going to have to take some extra teasing for a bit prefect, it's his preferred method of cope.
Deuce- "You've been here for how long and the Headmage hasn't given you any clothes?!?!"
Deuce is a good egg whose primary concern is almost always your well being. He tends to act before his common sense and emotions can catch up with his thought process, and that's exactly what happens here. The concept of you dating someone is just so... foreign to him. Not because he thinks your undesirable! It's just that you guys are always hanging out, you not being around makes him feel a bit funny inside, and not in a good way. He doesn't mention that to his mom when he texts her asking if she has any of his old clothes laying around, but she definitely knows what's on his mind. Why else would she have sent his old delinquent jacket?
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Leona- "Well that explains why it smells like shit."
Let the record show that Leona is in fact, lying to you. Your clothes don't smell like anything other than you and maybe some of the musk floating around Ramshackle Dorm, but that doesn't stop you from pulling the fabric and taking a good sniff. To Leona, all this really suggests is that you've been over the person long enough that you don't care about keeping their scent around anymore. Sure, a tiny thought does worm it's ugly way into his inferiority complex that "oh they liked someone else" but his equally large ego immediately slams the emphasis on "liked" and starts thinking about how to get his scent on you. He doesn't really own too many jackets like the one you're wearing, but he does have some nice silk scarfs he could wrap you up in. Much classier than whatever trash you had previously been going out with.
Ruggie- "You wanna toss it my way then?"
Clothes are clothes are clothes, you don't see Ruggie acting like his uniform is still Leona's just because that's who originally bought it. If you are really bothered by the memories of your ex, he's willing to listen and make fun of them, assuming that will make you feel better, but this won't make him jealous. That emotion is reserved for when you share food with other people. He is dead serious about taking the sweatshirt if you don't want it, as far as he's concerned that shirt belongs to you, and he wouldn't mind having an excuse to blend your wardrobes a little bit. It would make you even closer to being a real member of his pack.
Jack- "You can just take mine."
Jack's strong sense of justice and firm moral code are definitely his only motivations for offering you one of his sweatshirts. Forcing a student to wear clothes they find uncomfortable and associate with negative memories just because they didn't have the foresight to pack something they did like for a school they didn't know they would be attending is beyond unfair. That's what he tells himself anyway, and it's not like he isn't upset on your behalf, but it's plain as day to anyone that he wants to prove that you can rely on him; he's not like that other person, he doesn't mind being alone together with you.
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Azul- "If your finances really are in such dire straights you know I could-"
Revealing personal information in Azul's presence is asking to be offered a deal. Sure that little complaint might have been insignificant to you, but for Azul? He's having a full blown Sherlock style breakdown going on in his head trying to decide what his angle is. 1) The prefect has dated in the past and doesn't look on that experience favorably. Does this prevent them from dating again? Needs further analysis. 2) Giving articles of clothing is an acceptable form of human courtship, even if used. Or is it especially if used? 3) Can he convince you to burn this if he gets you a replacement or is that too petty? 4) More importantly does this mean you have a type? And how does he press for that information without appearing desperate?
Jade- "Oh? Well that sounds extremely annoying."
Jade Leech is first and foremost a messy bitch who lives for other people's misery. Sure, he is reasonably certain he's in love with you at this point, but that doesn't matter. You have a story that's filled with second hand embarrassment and a bone to pick besides he is nothing if not an enthusiastic audience. The thought of you wearing clothes that he owns wasn't something he would have thought of himself, merfolk don't typically wear them so dating customs that involve them are a bit foreign to him. He would much rather just bite you. Or give you some jewelry. both he wants to do both
The instant you say that sweatshirt is from an ex he is taking off whatever shirt he is currently wearing and trying to tug off yours. Yes, even if it is his basketball jersey, and yes even if he just got back from practice. Isn't the scent supposed to be the point? He knows you miss him when he's gone, and he can get you something nicer out of his closet later. Just remember to tell everyone, even and especially if they don't ask, who gave it to you. Floyd's... nice? Enough? To not immediately burn your sweatshirt but it's up for debate if that's because he's actually being nice or if he just wants a trophy.
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doctorbeth · 1 year
Scooby Doo circa 1979
This poor pup, at the age of 44, was nearly decapitated sometime in those four plus decades.
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His person didn't remember if it was a fight with another dog or something else, but she found him stored like this among her mother's things, and wanted to see about making him feel better. In addition to the neck wound, he was missing a spot on the back, needed some eye touchup... and we were planning a spa for him.
Here he is in his bubble bath:
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I don't know about you, but I can see his Scooby grin (which is actually missing) forming under the bubbles in that photo. I think it's one of my favorite spa pics. Anyway, here's his heart being made and installed.
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Next his internal wire supports were straightened and reinstalled, and his neck injury was treated. That's when I figured out he once had a collar, because a stub of it was clinging to the inside of his neck. So I spoke with his person and we planned a new collar. These were the felt options, based on illustrations of Scooby from that era (the stub of collar was so faded, it was hard to tell the original color).
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The plan was just to do a collar, maybe with a blank diamond hanging from it as I couldn't exactly replicate a machine embroidered tag (or the images of Scooby's tags online). But it was the weekend, and we let Scooby rest and while he was resting and I was busy doing other things, I had an idea of how to make his tag! So I made a tag with the collar, attached it, and sent photos. I told his person if she didn't like it, it was easy to go back to a plain gold diamond:
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But she loved it! So we kept the SD tag and next was his new felt spot on his back to replace the missing one, and a new smile. Based on the stitches on his fur, it was hard to tell what his original smile looked like, so I sent a sketch with some example options:
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His person chose the center one, but said thick yarn maybe? I knew it couldn't have been thick yarn originally. There would have been larger holes. But based on all his felt parts, thought maybe it was felt, so that's what we agreed to do. Soon, Scooby was smiling again and ready to fly home:
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His person wrote "he looks brand new, wow I cannot thank you enough! Thank you so much!! He looks amazing!"
and when he got home, she added:
"He is home!!! He smells like my mom, I know you bathed him and cleaned him I don’t know how he does but that is the only thing I have now that smells like her. Thank you so so much!!!"
(that's the heart of original stuffing holding the scent. :-))
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