#well I'm concerned with how badly his body is fighting it off!!!
syxnewt · 15 days
my parents want my little brother, who has had a fever no lower than 100 F for the past 2-3 days, to go to school tomorrow
#status update#i'm gonna try and tell them why that's stupid#they took him to the doctor but the doc just said he had a cold#well I'm concerned with how badly his body is fighting it off!!!#plus they didn't give him any medicine all day#i gave him some before I left for work and after I got home#his fever is still 102#i don't understand their thought process whatsoever#like yeah school is imoortant but so is#A: not spreading illness!!!!!!#B: actually being able to focus in class because you feel good and not like shit#he even said that he'll probably be sent home anyway BECAUSE HE'S SICK#the issue I think is mainly he doesn't have a lot of symptoms#he said his throat felt “gummy” which no one - not even himself - can make heads or tails of#his stomach hurts and he threw up pretty recently#and his vision dimmed a few times but my mom doesn't really believe that one#I tried looking up the symptoms but it just said “eat a turkey sandwich” so thanks for that google#I don't know#i'm just worried about him#and I think it's stupid my parents want him to go to school when even by their standards he has such a bad fever#by the standards bit I mean they consider 100 F to be “low grade” even though 104 is danger territory#and that's just a hop skip and a jump away#AND ALSO HE IS LITERALLY ON THE PRECIPICE OF THAT RIGHT NOW#AND THEY DIDNT GIVE HIM ANY TYLENOL#he was home all day what did they even do#they also didn't give him medicine yesterday until I got home from my ap test#OKAY I'm done ranting I'll be here all night if I keep it up
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altruisticalastor · 4 months
↳˗ˏˋAlastor x Readerˊˎ˗ ↴
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☒ Summary: You tend to Alastor's wounds after the fight with Adam. The weight of almost losing him nearly breaks you.
☒ Warnings: gn!reader, hurt / comfort, implied established relationship, descriptions of injuries and stitching them up, mentions of anxiety, the reader cries a bit, comforting!alastor, and also soft!alastor, one kiss, non-sexual undressing, soft touches
☒ Word Count: 1,010
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All you could think of the moment the battle ended was Alastor.
The last you saw of him, he was going head-to-head with Adam. But witnessing Nifty stab the lowly man made you worry something terrible happened to Alastor.
The moment you had a second to breathe, you rushed toward the Radio Demon's tower. A trail of blood leading toward his sanctuary sent a wave of fear down your spine. Your steps quickened at the sight, and all the worst-case scenarios flooded your mind. 
When you swung the door open, the view of Alastor blanketed your body with a cold sweat in the weight of a moment. He was doubled over the control panel, ears pinned flat to his head as the crackle in his voice echoed through the space with each breath he took. 
"Alastor!" You cried out, rushing over to his side in an instant. The sound of you calling his name caused his head to whip around. You wasted no time assessing his injuries, scanning your anxious gaze over his frame. 
"Worry not, my dear," Alastor coughed, blood spilling down the corner of his mouth. Your eyebrows knit in concern as you began raiding his radio tower, frantic to uncover a first aid kit. "Of course, I'm going to worry- you're bleeding all over the place!" You exclaimed, letting out a breath of relief as you found the emergency medical kit. 
Hastily, you began pushing Alastor's torn overcoat past his shoulders. The injured man simply gazed down at you, a weary smile decorating his visage. "Darling, I can handle this myself," Alastor clamored through gritted teeth, stopping your hands with his own before you could start unbuttoning his dress shirt. 
You shot your head up to meet his gaze, frustration evident on your face. "No, you can't! You need to let others help you when you need it! Stop trying to handle all these battles on your own. Please, Al," Your voice softened toward the end of your sentence. You didn't want to shout at him while he was wounded so badly, but Alastor's stubbornness got under your skin. Especially now. 
Alastor closed his eyes for a brief moment, taking in a shaky breath before releasing his grasp around your hands. "Alright, my darling... I won't stand in your way any further," His voice was barely above a whisper as he presented you with an apologetic look. You offered him a weak smile in return before undoing the buttons on his blood-soaked shirt. Peeling it off his frame with great gentleness. 
Your eyes widened in fear as you finally saw just how gnarly the gash across his torso really was. Your hands shook ever so slightly as you began threading the needle you uncovered in the first aid kit. "Tell me if it hurts too much, and we'll take a break." You expressed softly, eyes meeting his crimson ones. Alastor only nodded at you as he gritted his teeth harsher than before, bracing for impact. 
Alastor's grip on the edge of his desk tightened, leaving deep claw marks in his wake. You tried to make the stitching process as painless as possible, but there was only so much you could do. "I'm almost done, my love. You're doing so well," Alastor endured the grueling treatment, letting out a breath he wasn't even aware he was holding as you finished patching him up. 
You generously applied ointment before wrapping gauze all the way around his frame. Alastor let out a hiss as the bandage came in contact with his gash. "I know, my love... just hold on a little longer for me," You snuggly secured the gauze before bringing your hands down. You grasped his hands. Clutching his large palms comfortingly as you beamed up at him. 
"There, now you're as good as new." You quipped, massaging the pads of your thumbs into the back of his palms. Alastor grinned wearily, his crimson eyes holding much adoration for you. "Thank you, my darling... I reckon I should apologize for being so uncompromising before," A slight chuckle escaped his lips as Alastor squeezed your hands right back.
You let a laugh of your own fill the room as you leaned in closer. "Ah, don't be... I'm just glad you're okay," Before you could catch up, your head came flush against his shoulder. The adrenaline finally wore off, leaving your body shaky and weak. Alastor didn't miss a beat. He gripped your hips to stabilize you instantly. "My dear, are you alright?" His voice was laced with concern, radio static crackling out ever so slightly.  
Tears began brimming in your eyes before you could stop them, and a lump formed in your throat. One that you couldn't seem to swallow down. "Sorry, I just..." A hiccup shook your body as your hands came up to his chest, being careful not to graze his injury. "If you would have died... I couldn't bear it!" 
Alastor felt his heart ache at your sorrowful cries. Your solemn words only added fuel to the fire. One of his hands unhurriedly came up to the back of your head, cradling your neck as Alastor cooed at you. "Oh, my dear," He allowed you to sob into his shoulder for as long as you needed, only releasing his grasp around your head when he heard your cries fizzle out. 
You slowly pushed yourself back against Alastor's chest, sniffling softly as you looked up at him. Before you could process it, Alastor captured your lips with his. Pouring all of his love into the chaste kiss. Your heart fluttered as he rubbed soothing circles into your hips. Your worries seemed to melt away from his embrace. Alastor was your everything, and the fact that you nearly lost him today scared the fuck out of you. 
Alastor pulled back unhurriedly, still keeping his face close to yours. He nuzzled his nose against your own before he whispered, "I'm not going anywhere, my darling. You're stuck with me for all of eternity. I expect you haven't forgotten that already!"
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luveline · 6 months
Hiii!!! Love your Eddie and Roan ficlets! I was wondering if you could write one about the first days of Eddie taking care of Roan, maybe you could do like Eddie having like a flashback or something like that while he's with Roan, and he remembers the first days he had Roan with him (and Wayne) That could be super cute!!
eddie and roan — eddie remembers the early days
“She doesn't want her.”  
“What do you mean, she doesn't want her?”   
“That's all she said, Wayne. She doesn't want her. I can have her. Can I have her?” 
Eddie thinks you're sleeping until you stroke his arm gently. “What are you thinking about?” you whisper. 
Roan doesn't stir. She falls asleep in his arms less and less now, but there were days where it was the only place she'd rest. The curve of his arm is deformed, he says, fit to her body. Or, reformed. Made how it was meant to be, to hold her near.
“Nothing,” he whispers back. 
“Liar. I know you're thinking about something, Munson. Is it the campaign?” 
He shakes his head. 
Wayne just looks at him. Really looks at him, the longest they've ever been in silence with one another since Eddie's dad dumped him and left. “Kid…” Wayne shakes his head. “Eddie. This is your life.” 
“But I can't just–”
Wayne holds up his hand. Not high, but enough to make Eddie stop. “You have to live with every decision you make…” 
Eddie squirms. Doesn't know what to say, or do, all he can think about is his baby in a bassinet waiting for someone to pick her up. “She's mine, right?” he asks. 
“Are you okay?” you ask. 
Eddie shifts the weight of his girl off of his chest and offers you a smile he knows from experience will reassure you, one parts living, three parts teasing. “What're you worrying about?” 
“Yeah. She's yours.” Wayne isn't a man of many words, but he's certainly a loving one. He hasn't hid that. He probably never will. “If you want her or not, let's go get her.”
“Of course I want her.” 
“Do you?” 
“You're quiet tonight,” you say. You worry at the inside of your lip, eyebrows lifting delicately at their beginnings as you bring your hand to his cheek. Slowly, like a soft drag, you pull your knuckle down his face. “If something’s wrong, I want to know.” 
“Nothing’s wrong. M'just thinking…” 
If Eddie didn't want Roan, it didn't really matter to Wayne. As far as he was concerned, Roan was a Munson the second she was born, and if Eddie didn't want her he would've taken her himself. Too old for a baby, he would've begged to have her rather than let her fall into the system. 
But Eddie did want her. He wasn't sure of everything, didn't know if he would be a father worth having or if he were even capable of raising a baby, but he wanted her. Lonely and stupid, dumb and broke, he wanted his girl. 
“Her mother was nice.” 
You tuck his hair behind his ear. “Who's?” 
“Roan's.” Eddie doesn't remember much about her beyond that. “But she didn't want to be a mom.” 
“It's just not what I pictured, Eddie. I'm sorry. This is me leaving her on your doorstep. Take her or leave her, do what you want, but I don't want her.” 
These days, Eddie doesn't want an apology. He didn't really want one then, but he wants one for Roan. His big girl, her dark head of hair pressed to his side and her dribble wetting a patch on his shirt, Eddie thinks of all the stuff that makes her her and he can't believe anyone could walk away from that, but he supposes she didn't know a thing about Roan or what she was going to be. 
Amazing, and brilliant, and beautiful. 
How could she not know that? 
Eddie only had to see Roan through plexiglass to guess how much he was going to love her. He didn't even need to hold her, but when he did, there wasn't any doubt. Not a lick of it. This was it for them, he wanted her and he chose her, and if he needed to, he'd fight for her. Badly, with poor coordination. He'd get mean if he needed to. 
“Well… I guess it's her loss.” You speak tentatively; this is unfamiliar territory between you. “It is, I mean. Her loss. I… oh, Eddie, I'm sorry.” 
“I'm sorry,” he says, holding the tiny bundle of his brand new daughter in terrified hands. “I'm sorry, babe, I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do with you, are you hungry? God, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” 
“It's alright, Eds,” Wayne says. “You got it. When you panic, she panics. So calm down.” 
Wayne explains himself better later on. It wasn't that he didn't want Eddie to take her, the opposite, he thought it was Eddie's duty as a father. As family. And Wayne would know about duty, looking after his brother's kid for no reason other than blood. He barely knew Eddie when he got ditched on his stoop, but that didn't stop him from bringing him in, getting him changed, and giving him the trailer's only bedroom. So Eddie doesn't know a thing about this baby in his arms, but she's sure as hell his to look after. A crop of dark, soft curls sprouting through the cradle cap and eyes swelled with newness, he'd joked that he can see the resemblance and Wayne tsked. He can't tell if his uncle is happy or mad lately —it's the same with the baby. Everybody's always glaring at him. 
“I'm calm.” 
“You look like you're gonna pass out.” 
“Why is she crying like she's in agony?” he asks. 
“‘Cos she knows you're worried!” Wayne laughs and slides in next to Eddie, snug in the corner of the kitchen beside a tower of formula and all the new baby bottles. What Eddie had for savings is well and truly gone. “You can do this, Eddie, I promise. Lift her head a bit and try again. She's hungry. She'll latch.” 
“I can't–” 
“Come on.” Wayne stands at his side, unflinching. “Deep breath.” 
Roan latches. (Crazy to have named her, weirder to have been allowed to bring her home, no questions asked. He showed his ID and she was his to love forever.) She stops crying, eyes barely open but watching him with the most innate kind of curiosity. 
She won't remember this moment, but Eddie will. 
“Hey,” he says quietly. “That's better. That's better, huh?” He lifts his eyes to Wayne's. “She's cute.”
“She's beautiful, Eds.” 
Eddie takes one of Roan's hands to knead her fingers. “I'm not sorry,” he confides to you. “I wish Ro could've had everything, but I think she's doing just fine now.” 
“Fine? Baby, she's had everything she ever needed right from the beginning.” You lean up to press a smacking kiss Munson style against his temple. “She's got you.” 
“I've got you,” he says, quiet and sweet as he meets her curious gaze. “Got you, sweetheart. Everything's gonna be okay.” 
He strokes a big tangle of curls away from Roan's face and smiles like he did then, as though he's seeing her properly for the first time all over again. 
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lookinghalfacorpse · 1 month
Itwall c!doomsday trio prompt ideas: 1)Techno plays dress-up with steve and Dream and Phil are the judges or 2) Techno convinces Dream to play dress-up and they go show Technos masterpiece off to Phil
"Philza Minecraft."
"Yeah, mate?" Philza was lounged on the couch, his slippered feet propped on an ottoman close to the fireplace. Despite Technoblade's gameshow-host-esque tone, Phil's eyes stayed locked on the book in his lap. A hound's furry white head also occupied his lap, unbothered by the book cover on his forehead, and a crow was nestled carefully at his thighs. This old man wasn't going anywhere.
But Techno still had to try.
"Philza Minecraft!" He tried again, "If I may have the honor of your eyes upon my great creation."
"Oh!" Phil tore himself from the page, keeping a finger on his spot. "Great creation. Yes. Show me."
"You see, Phil," He extended an arm dramatically, summoning his best showmanship, "I am a man of many talents--"
"I am a man of many talents, Philza, and while I'm most often concerned with the art of war, I am, of late, involved in the war of art. The battles of self-expression. The eternal struggle to create something beautiful. Philza Minecraft," he said, "I am entering the world of fashion."
"You always do dress very well, mate."
"I-- Well-- Thank you, Phil, thank you. I appreciate your immediate recognition of my genius. But fashion also means knowing how to dress more than just my peak-performance body. My perfect musculature. My piglin-ousity"
Philza nodded sagely.
"And you denied me an opportunity to play dress up earlier, so I am now taking back my right to express myself. My artistry. Through fashion. I present to you: Dream!"
Dream walked out through the shadow of the doorway, the dim light of the fireplace slowly illuminating the absolute mess that he was dressed in. He was dressed, exclusively, in Techno's clothing. Techno's crown hung limply at his gaunt shoulders, while the lacy white shirt was slowly sliding down his torso and revealing the skin all the way down at his ribcage. The pants, too, appeared to be sliding, ready to cascade into the oversized boots.
Dream had a massive grin on his face.
The crow fluttered away and the hound whined as Philza hopped to his feet.
"Nope! Nope!" Philza said, though he was fighting laughter, "No, no, no," He rushed over to Dream and gathered fistfuls of fabric in his hands, trying to pull it all up and keep the young man covered. "I told you it wouldn't fit! Lad, this is all gonna fall off you in three seconds."
Dream's face was red, but his smile remained. Despite Phil's efforts, the clothes had no chance of staying on. He felt the pants drop completely, though the length of the shirt kept him partially covered. A few weeks ago, he was embarrassed of his scarred skin, but there was nothing left to hide from either Techno or Phil anymore. "You bathed me earlier today, Phil--"
"We are in the living room! The windows are open! We don't get naked in the living room with the windows open! Mr. war-of-art doesn't know how to measure his models, eh?"
Techno stood with his arms across his chest, looking awfully proud of himself. "I think it's his best look yet."
Phil sighed, his shoulders falling as he realized how badly he was failing to preserve Dream's decency. Yet, there Dream was, smiling, looking absolutely dwarfed in Techno's clothes and almost half-naked as gravity took its toll. He had some color to his face, and his eyes were shining. He looked, for the first time in a long time, like he was having fun.
"Credit where it's due, mate."
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icysnails · 10 months
Worth It
Warnings: Self-esteem issues/anxiety, reader feels like they aren't deserving of love, may be a little OOC because I'm not too familiar with some of the characters (TvT)
Genre: hurt/comfort
Pairings: Gn! reader x various (HSR/Genshin Impact)
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“If you think I deserve love… Why do you think you don't?”
His voice pierces through the air, disrupting the peace that had resonated between you both only minutes ago. It was an unexpected, potentially unwelcome question that could result in an evening of conflict– but it was too late, the question was out, and now you both had to address it. 
Nights like these were common for you two. Not the asking of emotional questions, but the act of you enjoying each other’s company under the stars.
In fact, it was practically a necessity at this point for you two to meet at nightfall to talk, your whispers of mutual love entangling themselves with the ribbons of moonlight that cascaded down on the scene. 
You spent little to no time with each other during the day because of your chaotic schedules, and these moments compensated for the time you two had lost. No matter what you two did, your feelings for him never ceased to run strong, and you never hesitated to tell him that.
However, even if your affection was genuine when directed at him, you didn’t seem to know how to accept love for yourself. If he vocalized the love he felt for you, you seemed to be at a loss for words, and not because you were flustered. Well, you were flustered, but the nagging sensation of guilt was the real cause of your discomfort.
And day by day, it became harder to hide. For a while now, you had been acting more distant at your meetings with him. Your voice lost a little more of its strength each time, your gaze always glued itself to the floor faster than usual, and you always gave him the same lovestruck-but-vaguely-uncomfortable smile whenever he reciprocated your affection. 
So, it became clear that something was wrong, and that the best way to clear it up would be to talk about it.
So that’s what he did. 
He asked you why you had been acting so strangely, despite his mind screaming at him to stop on the off chance that he made things even more tense. He didn’t want to risk losing you or fighting with you, but if he let things carry on this way, he feared your unspoken worry would fester into resentment.
But, when you furrowed your eyebrows and responded to him, all of his worries flew out the window and were replaced with genuine concern and confusion. As you explained why you had been acting off, he realized that you were experiencing what he had grappled with for years. The persistent, suffocating feeling of being undeserving of love. Little did you know, he was only able to start breaking away from that feeling because of you. Because you showed him that it was okay to be human, and to accept the unconditional love of others without feeling guilty about it. 
So why on earth were you feeling unworthy when you were the one who changed his life for the better?
You were worth so much more than you could possibly imagine.
So, in a moment of sheer exasperation, he asked you again.
“Why do you think you don’t deserve love?”
He watched as you let out a shaky sigh, crossing your arms over your chest. Your head fell as you lowered your gaze, and the words you had been so scared to utter finally escaped your lips.
“I… I don’t know. I just do.”
His eyes widened at your answer, heart aching at the sight of the sorrow that was etched all over your face. You turned away from him slightly, your iron plated defenses seemed to get higher with every passing second. He reached out to you, as gently as possible, placing one hand on the small of your back and the other on top of your head. Slowly, he pulled you to him, engulfing your shaking body in his warmth. He wished so badly to dispel the storm that raged in your mind, but he knew that wasn’t how it worked. 
“I… I know how you feel.” He whispered, tightening his hold on you as your arms came to envelop his waist. “But I want you to know that I think you’re worth more than anything this world has to offer. You do deserve to be loved, even if you don’t think you do. And I swear, I won’t stop reminding you of that until you believe it.”
He felt your tears soak into his shirt at his words, fingers lacing through your hair as you began to sob softly. Your silhouettes gently swayed in the moonlight, entangled in each other’s limbs, vulnerability and acceptance falling over you both. 
Pulling back to look at your tear stained face, he wiped away any tears that remained on your cheeks. 
Your tired eyes met his, and he whispered one final lovestruck vow to you.
“I love you, and I always will… never, ever forget that.”
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I'll Protect Your Heart
Dream of the Endless x Reader
Summary: You get injured after trying to protect your husband and you get into a heated argument because of it
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Fem!reader, wife!reader, heated arguement, sad and concerned!dream, fluff, typos, etc.
R E Q U E S T @northmansvamp: can you make it that I have powers and I over use them that’s what causes me to pass out but he catches me and carry’s me bridal style to his bed (telekinesis) + protecting him from things that want to hurt him + and we are husband and wife
A/N: do you like true blood by any chance, cause i am also an eric girl HAHAHA. i hope you like this my love <3 Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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It all happened pretty fast. It happened so fast, in fact, that I don't remember anything that happened at all. All I know I was with Dream and some freaky stuff started happening. So the fact I was now lying in bed with a towel on my forehead was pretty weird.
"Oh, geez," a voice croaks, "thank heavens your awake," Matthew swoops down on the bed, "Dream is like 1 molecule away from snapping."
I knit my brows as I raise my hand to pull the towel off my face, "what?"
Matthew walks forward, "well, yeah! I mean who wouldn't freak out after what you did."
I catch a blot of red on my damp towel as I drop it to my side. I shake my head and try to sit down, but then I feel pain spread throughout my body, "wait... what did I do again?"
Matthew does not respond. Neither do I repeat myself.
"Wait... are you serious, do you not remember?"
I bring my fingers to the side of my head and let out a soft sound when I feel pain in that area. I was probably grazed or something. I don't remember hitting my head anywhere though.
"I think, there was like..." I grunt as I push myself up, "... a fight."
"YEAH?!?" Matthew cried out, "no damn kidding," he words harshly. "There was a huge fight and you threw yourself in the middle of it against Dream's wishes .Then you-"
"Where is Dream?" I sigh.
"He went off to finish the-"
Matthew cuts himself off when I attempt to leave bed.
"No!" he protests, "no, no, no, no, no! The reason why I'm here is to literally prevent you from-"
"He needs my help, Matthew."
"Yeah, and look what your help did to you!"
I shoot him a dirty look as I make my way to the side of the bed.
"I don't care if you look at me like that! You overexerted yourself and I'm not going to let you out of this place!"
"Oh yeah," I mutter, struggling to get to my feet, "you think you're going to be able to stop me?"
"No, but he will," Matthew says in a gotcha moment.
I him in confusion and annoyance. I then look over to where he was staring and feel my skin break out in goosebumps at the sight of Dream's dark stare.
The next moment, he walks towards me and places his hands on my shoulders, "you are not to leave this room until I feel the strain in your body subside."
I narrow my eyes at the dark haired being, "so what? I'm a prisoner in my own home?"
"If that is how it makes you feel, so be it."
I scoff, "you literally would have been much more badly injured if-"
"So it seems your memory of the incident has cleared."
I suck in a breath, feeling anger rise up my body. I watch him as he pulls away and walks off to the window. I snip, "I remember how I helped you."
Dream is unfazed by the stern tone as he draws the curtains close, "then it would do you good to recall how I had to carry you here in my arms."
I let out frustrated breath and clench my jaw.
Dream turns to me, expressionless as he then waves off his raven, "you may go now, Matthew. Thank you for keeping an eye on the queen."
Matthew nods, "of course," he gives me a look, "see ya, bosses."
Once he flies off, Dream makes it to the bed and sits at the edge. I glare at him when he does so and wait for him to continue chastising me. He does not.
He leans onto his lap and tents is hands together. Dream draws in a deep breath before speaking, "it is no matter to me if I am hurt; my hurt is constant and does not fade."
I knit my brows at his words, not liking them one bit.
"Yet when I am with you, it's like I've never hurt at all."
My lips part and my defenses fall.
When Dream turns to me, his eyes are glassy and laced with worry, "how then would you expect me to exist if you had been lost to me? Knowing it was in my defense, my fault that lead to the macabre fate."
"Dream," I whimper, crawling over to him. The act caused me discomfort, but it was worth it when I got to lean on him and wrap my arms around his worried form.
"There would be nothing left for me if I am without you."
"Don't say that," I mutter, bringing my face to his shoulder, "there are a great many things in existen-"
"BUT I ONLY WANT YOU!" he snaps, growing rigid against me, causing me to pull back in surprise. As quickly as he had reacted, he turns, gets to his feet, and grabs my face. I feel tears prick in my eyes when I see just how distraught and sorrowful he looked.
"I only want you," he repeats carefully. His breathing grows heavy, "you must promise me that you will never do such a thing like that again."
He releases a breath and leans his forehead against mine, "you are not like me and my siblings. You are finite and breakable. You should not have put yourself in peril."
"My love," I whisper, "I understand you," I pull away from him, clasping his wrists as I take in his damp cheeks, "I am so sorry that that had you affected like this. I didn't intend to leave you so worried."
"Then promise me-"
"But you need to understand me as well," I mutter, "yes, I am not nearly as strong as you, I am finite and breakable, but my feelings for you are just as strong as what you feel."
Dream's brows furrow. He shakes his head.
"If I had a chance to redo everything, knowing I'd end up this way, I'd still do it all over again."
He mutters my name out like a plea.
"And you should not resent me for it, because I know you would do the same, if not more for me."
"But I am-"
"And I am your wife!" I quip before he could even finish. I tug him roughly until he is sat back down. I climb onto his lap and take my turn to catch his face, "one day..." I shake my head, "you and I both know I won't be here-"
"But I'm right here, Dream!" I blurt, grabbing his hands, placing them on my sides, "I'm right here for you to hold, and cry to, and love," I press a kiss on his forehead, "and if there's one thing I want you to remember about your queen, is that she believed even someone as big and tough as Dream of the Endless deserves to have someone protect him."
When he parts his mouth, I silence him with a kiss.
"And I will continue to protect you until my last breath, because that's what it means to love."
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eletricheart · 4 months
hi so I really loved your Donna fics 'fever' and 'home is wherever I'm with you' and so I was wondering if I could request like a sequel but a mix of those two.
basically the reader (the daughter figure from your fic) is coming to visit Donna, but she had the flu that day. she spends a few days with Donna, but she's sooo apologetic and guilty for being sick. Every time she coughs, she apologizes, she doesn't sit near Donna so she won't get the Dollmaker sick, even thought she really wants to be near Donna right now, and will not allow herself to sneeze. She thinks she is absolutely disgusting. When she eventually had to sneeze, she almost cries beacuse she's so sorry. Donna constantly assured reader that she is not gross, and Donna doesn't care, heck, Donna *wants* reader to sneeze, and she's allowed to be sick.
thank uuuuu xx
(Donna Beneviento x daughter!fem!reader)
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*pic creds to owner, got it from pinterest
Word count: 577
Song by Harry Styles : Nothing about the way that you were treated ever seemed especially alarming 'til now
I hope u like it😔🫶
ps: fluff
ps2: plss lmk any mistakes
ps3: song at the end
You hated Flu Season, it’s an entire week where you can’t walk without leaving a trail of tissues. You would usually hide in your bedroom until it was over but you had promised Donna you’d spend a few days with her to craft a new doll.
Hence you taking too much medicine in order to keep control, which didn't work.
Now you’re sitting in Donna’s workshop trying your best to not sneeze, even sitting far from the dollmaker so she wouldn't notice. But she did.
One badly hidden cough and Donna was fretting over you, pulling you upstairs to the living room so you’d have more clean air.
You were watching her in concern as she gave orders to the dolls to prepare some tea and grab blankets. Your voice is slightly muffled by the tissue you were holding in your face to block any sickness from going out. “It’s really not necessary, I can go home and once it ends I’ll come back.”
Donna’s eyes widened while she hurriedly shook her head. The woman tried to sit next to you but you almost fell off the couch trying to stay distant. “I can’t let you leave like this, I know some great recipes for the flu. I can help, okay?”
You tried to answer but a sneeze pulled through while you desperately tried to apologize. “I-I’m sorry, this is gross, I shouldn't have come.” Your eyes quickly filled with tears. “I couldn't help you and now I’m gonna get you sick. I’m so sorry.”
The dollmaker doesn't let you escape this time and pulls you into her arms, holding you tightly while you cry. “It’s okay, honey, it’s okay. It’s not gross, in fact it's completely normal to get sick sometimes. I’m not worried about my work or getting sick too, that is all temporary. I’m worried about you and your wellbeing. You never have to apologize for being human, do you understand?”
You nodded weakly, not separating the embrace. “My parents used to say that being sick meant I was weak, because my body wasn't working right and it would get in the way of their life…I just didn't want to be a burden to you too.”
Donna’s heart broke with your confession, thousands of different curses directed to your parents went through her head. So she kissed the top of your head, picked some blankets the dolls left near her without moving you too much and covered the both of you. “You will never be a burden to me. I love taking care of you…not that I want you to get sick, of course not. I-what I mean is that it’s okay, you’re not weak, this sickness is just the way your body fights off anything harmful, you’re being so strong.”
You pursed your lips, not convinced but not objecting.
The dollmaker noticed and just sighed while silently asking one of the dolls to bring her the tv remote.“Well then, how about we stay like this and watch a movie?”
You looked up to her. “Don’t you have to work? I can stay here alone.”
She shook her head. “You’re more important than anything else, don't ever forget that.”
You nodded with a small smile on your face and turned back towards the tv. The other days were almost the same, Donna rarely left your side and you were grateful for it. For a few days your parents were just a distant memory.
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kisses-for-you · 6 months
Just 'Tired' - Dick Grayson
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Dick Grayson X Fem!Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend hits you and Dick is there to help and comfort you.
Word Count: 1,049
⚠️ Warnings: Mentions of abuse.
Recently, you have been more tired than usual. Mentally, as well as physically. It's starting to show in your performance and your teammates are starting to realise, mainly Dick, however.
For the past couple of weeks, your boyfriend has started getting more physical. Hitting you, punching you, anything he can do to hurt you. You aren't sure why, you haven't done anything. And you're too scared to fight back, knowing the things he could do.
Despite your efforts to conceal the new bruises and cuts, the task becomes more difficult each day. Especially during things like training, with your sleeves constantly rolling up, revealing the visible marks on your arms and the rest of your body.
Dick has recently also started to notice that you were losing weight at an alarming rate. It looked as if you were having little to no food. It was obvious you needed help, even if you denied it.
After an exhausting training session, you see Dick walking over to you. "I need to talk to you," Dick says, a serious look spread across his face.
"Like right now?" You ask, not particularly in the mood for a heavy conversation. You just got done training and you barely have any energy left.
"Yes, right now, Y/N."
"Fine. What is it?" You respond, just wanting to get it over and done with.
Dick's expression turns more concerned, his eyes scanning your worn-out demeanour. "Something's off with you, Y/N. I can see that you're struggling. Are you okay?"
You hesitate, unsure whether to tell him the truth. "I'm just tired, Dick. It's been a tough few weeks."
He narrows his gaze, not fully buying your explanation. "It's more than just that, and you know it. I've seen the bruises, the weight loss. Please just tell me the truth."
"Look, Dick, I told you I'm fine. Just drop it," you snap, attempting to brush off his concern.
Dick's concern deepens, and he lowers his voice. "I'm not going to drop it until you tell me the truth."
You so badly want to tell him the truth but you're scared of the consequences you might face. "Whatever, just leave me alone, Dick!" you yell before storming out of the training room to your bedroom, slamming the door behind you. You feel a pang of guilt hit you as you shout at him but you're terrified and overwhelmed at the moment.
Dick hesitates for a moment, torn between respecting your space and his growing concern for your well-being. After a few minutes, he decides to give you some time, understanding that pushing too hard might not be the thing you need right now.
As you sit alone in your room, the weight of the situation starts to crush you. The fear and uncertainty gnaw at your conscience. Unsure of what to do next, you find yourself contemplating whether it's time to tell someone about the abuse you've been going through.
For the next week, Dick leaves you alone, not wanting to push you further and make you uncomfortable or anything. But he knows he'll have to get the truth out of you eventually. And you realise that too when about a week and a half after that conversation, you come back to the tower with a black eye and a nosebleed, new marks all over your body.
You had come home to find your boyfriend in bed with another woman and when you tried to confront him, well, you can guess how that went. Now, you had no other place to go except the tower. The Titans were the only people who could help you now. They were your family, maybe not by blood but by bond.
As you exit the elevator leading to the living room, your eyes meet with Dick's. Dick's eyes widen at the sight of your injuries, and the concern in his expression deepens. Without a word, he rushes over to you, carefully assessing the extent of your injuries. "Y/N, what the fuck happened?"
You open your mouth, trying to speak, but instead, you break down in tears. Dick wraps his arms around you, holding you close. "It's okay, Y/N. You're safe now," he assures you, stroking your back gently in an attempt to calm your tears. He continues to do so until you finally stop crying.
After a couple of minutes, you start to calm down and the tears stop flowing, except for the occasional one. Dick pulls away slightly as he looks into your eyes. "Now, can you tell me what happened?"
Through shaky breaths, you muster the courage to share the truth with him. "He- um.. he cheated on me. And then when I tried to confront him about it, he hit me," you pause before continuing, "It's been happening for a while now but it was never this bad."
Dick's eyes burn with a mix of anger and concern as he listens to your every word. His jaw clenches, and he takes a deep breath before speaking, "Y/N, you didn't deserve that and I'm so sorry that it happened. But why didn't you tell me sooner? I could've helped you."
You look down, avoiding Dick's gaze. "I was scared, Dick. I didn't know what he'd do if I told someone. But I can't take it anymore. It's too much."
Dick gently lifts your chin, making sure your eyes meet his. "Y/N, you don't have to go through this alone. We're a team and we look out for each other. I'm here for you, and so are the rest of the Titans. We'll help you through this, okay?"
Slowly nodding, you manage a faint but sincere smile as you wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him again. "Thank you," you say, your voice muffled due to the fact your head is buried in his chest.
He smiles, looking down at you, although you can't see it. Hesitantly, you pull away and you notice Dick looking down at your lips. He starts to lean in and your lips meet his.
Dick gently pulls away after a couple of moments, his gaze soft yet intense. "Now, you stay here. I have some... business to attend to." And with that, he heads out of the tower.
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Murder Sibling Tuu
So concept
Yuu is the eldest and comes from a HUGE family with lots of siblings that are part of criminal legacy. Literally all of them are some sort of mafia boss, assassin, drug lord, or bank robber except for Yuu.
This isn't because Yuu hates it, nope its just not their thing. Their little siblings always go to Yuu for ideas on their next murder/heist/ect and they always give the best advice ever despite not being a criminal.
When they get isekaied, they didn't know that their family also came with until its too late.
Let's say they're dating Floyd since that was the original context. Under cut cause length
It's Vargas camp and as things come to a close there's another attack, the masked person overpowers Vargas and locks onto a group.of Yuus friends, chasing the first Years, Riddle, Malleus, Jade and Floyd.
The others scatter, just to get stuck in (non lethal) traps to be picked off later. The killer is smart and though Malleus is powerful he is outwitted when he caught in magic resistant trap— this damn killer was PLANNING it.
Floyd and the group fight back. But they are all beat up pretty bad, thankfully, there is no stab marks as the psychopath seems to be dragging this out for their enjoyment.
As they kick Floyd onto the ground as they spill the first drop of blood of the night as the killer slashes them and leaves a "superficial", but concerning wound on Floyds abdomen.
Jade screams out at his brother in horror, show more emotion than he ever has in this damn life, despite where he's trapped, he risks blot and shoots out a simple spell at the killers head just for them to dodge.
"You want to see my face that badly?" The voice was filled with a sickeningly honeyed tone of amusement. "I guess that's fair since I intend to kill you... may as well let you see who killed you."
"You wont get away with this!" Sebek shrieks. The killer takes off the mask just to see... Yuu?
"Yuu? No...nonono not my shrimpy... why?! Why would you—"
"Wait wait wait. Did you say Yuu? How the fuck do you know that name?" The killer asks but something was off, this wasn't yuus voice.
Just then Yuu comes out and slide in front of Floyd protectively, ready to fight before freezing.
"Yuu?! Oh God, oh shit. Don't tell me these are your friends..."
"You stabbed my fucking boyfriend!"
"Fuck! Sorry I didn't know— oh geez...." Tuu facepalms. "Hold on, I actually have a few healing potions..."
"Um... can you explain???" Riddle wheeze.
"Everyone this one of my my Octuplets, Tuu."
"OCTUPLET??" Sebek shrieks.
"Yeah that's not even all my siblings either, don't ask I lost count"
"Damn I'm sorry about that everyone, I would have never attacked if I knew Yuu was here. But dammit, I had it all planned out and everything! I would kill off some of you and leave your bodies out so that others would warn of this place and bam! A buncha idiots would explore and I get to practice my assassinations and murder techniques! Can't believe I wasted all that time though now....".
"Wait, Yuu why aren't you surprised?" Ace gawks
"Oh big sibling Yuu over here is weird. Literally everyone in our family's a murderer EXCEPT yuu which is suprising since they always have the best ideas for maiming!" Tuu giggles
"Wait... if your here does that mean—" a new voice interrupts Yuu
"Sort of! I assume our entire family is out in this new world but we haven't all been able to find each other. Thankfully, me and Tuu happened to be summoned together!"
"Who the fuck is that?!" Jack barks
"That's Kyu." Kyu stands proudly in their formal attire that's decades old as they twirl a cigar.
"Why didn't you reach out to me? I know Tuu is to busy murdering things but I know for a fact you knew where I was. Im the oldest! You report to me!" yuu scolds
"You're older by 10 minutes." Tuu interrupts as they pour the potion on Floyd.
"Shut up!"
Kyu shrugs. "I'm building a criminal empire."
"What" Deuce blinks.
"I said im building a criminal empire. I was the leader of several mafias and other organized gangs back in my world and now its back to square one! I need my underlings I'm not just gonna light my own cigars now, cmon!"
"That sounds like Kyu alright..." Yuu sighs.
"Plus then I'll be able to magically enroll our whole family into NRC just with a little blackmail as we learn about this world!"
"Crowleys pathetic you don't need a criminal empire you just need 5 dollars" Epel sighs.
"Perhaps." Kyuu shrugs again and takes a puff. "But having an interdimensional drug empire once we find away home is an opportunity I must not let pass by. Speaking of which, give me your phone, Yuu."
Yuu hands over the phone to Kyu. "Now you should be able to contact us and I'll keep you updated once I find the whole family. Oh yeah, be sure to send pictures of all your friends to the group chat along with their full names so we know who not to kill, maim, target—"
"I get it." Yuu sighs before helping Floyd up. "I love you guys but damn!"
"You love th—" Ace covers Deuces mouth.
"Sorry Floydie!" Tuu chuckles cuteley. "I hope this doesn't make things awkward between us! Oh just forget about this encounter! I can't wait to meet you when Yuu brings you home for dinner!" Tuu waves
"Eat shit." Floyd huffs. "Awe you're adorable, just take good care of Yuu! If you break their heart ill slaughter you like the damn animal you are!~" tuu practially sings
"Yuu can do that on their own." "But they won't that's the issue"
Tuu sighs again. "Now im gonna have to release everyone from their traps now ueueueu... there were so many boys with such wearable skin! I already had the suit planned out for when I got them!" Tuu mopes.
"Right just tell our parents—" "bosses" "tell our bosses i love them and to please take it easy with all the murder please."
"No promises Yuuie!~ bye bye!~" Tuu cackles and they run off into the woods and Ryu dissapears
The rest of the night is Yuu profusely apologizing and having to skirt around questions for legal reasons
And also
"Why are all of you named Yuu or something similar"
"My bosses named the second oldest Tuu. Do you really think they're good with names?"
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princeasimdiya12 · 2 months
What do you think will be the happy outcome for the teacher at the cat cafe? Doesn't seem like he's okay this episode what with how he's become obsessed with Jasmine-chan, unwilling to let anyone have her.
In all honesty anon, I'm not really sure what the outcome will be anymore. Episode 9 teased us with a happy reconciliation only for Episode 10 to provide some conflict with Jasmine being too busy to see the Teacher. And with the twisted development of the Teacher wanting to keep Jasmine all to himself makes this feel like the outcome won't be a happy one. Worse case scenario is that the Teacher will cut ties with Jasmine.
And while we're on the subject, I might as well analyze what's going on in the crazy world of Nyan Nyaight Love.
Episode 11: The Outstanding Darkness of Night
Part 1: Someone Get the Manager
So the Customer aka the Teacher is back at NNL. But the biggest and most concerning of changes, is his lack of comedic reactions. In all previous segments, the Teacher was always a jittery mess who struggled to go into the place and only went in because a passing character scared him in. But this time, he goes in without a reaction regardless of the Siguma Squad boys passing by. He's not even phased or freaks out when the Receptionist welcomes him in.
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Something to note is how the Receptionist has turned back to his usual chipper self when welcoming the Teacher. He does the same song and dance he's done since the first Episode like nothing's changed.
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Relating to my previous interpretations, this comes off as a defying the parallel of the delinquents the Receptionist normally represents. He's back to his welcoming self while the bad boys are experiencing their Darkest Hour. If only he was there when the red flags popped out.
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The downward spiral, the grim tone of the Teacher, the dark lighting of the establishment sign. All of it fits well with the new dark tone of the Episode as it lacks the usual comedy or light-hearted moments to focus more on the intense drama of Matakara's corruption.
The downward spiral of the sign gives the impression that everything is going out of control and the world is falling over it's head. This could parallel the current status of the three gangs that were featured in the story. All three were introduced as powerful, influential and fully of life and debauchery. But after everything that's happened, the once prosperous gangs have started to lose their power and came crashing down.
The NG Boys are no longer a functioning gang after the Gang War mixed with the Emperor losing his status among them. They're not even shown doing anything to keep their gang alive despite some casual hang outs.
Siguma Squad was gravely shaken by the loss of their leader Marito with several flunkies even worrying if the gang can still function without him.
And Minato Kai is at an absolute loss not only for Kenichirou losing to Matakara but by the fact that one of their own would turn rogue and brutalize everyone. And just like SS, there's no doubt going to be a power struggle over Kenichirou losing to one of his disciples.
All in all, the established order of the gangs is losing control and changing for the worst. While some of the bad boys are willing to endure the change (like Outa promising to keep SS afloat) there are some who aren't taking it very well (everyone else).
Part 2: Don't Lose Your Waaaay!
As for the Teacher's grim and creepy demeanor to Jasmine, it's the most puzzling to figure out and what it's supposed to represent/foreshadow. But in this case, I think he's supposed to parallel both Arajin and Matakara.
In regards to Arajin, it could be him showing concern over Matakara fighting the other banchos in the recent episodes. Though he isn't losing his mind over it, it is something that's worrying him and driving him to intervene to keep Matakara from losing his body to Ichiya. He doesn't even think about Mahoro or how badly he'll get hurt if he tries to intervene.
But the losing his mind could be a possible reference to him accepting the consequences of merging with Senya. While Senya did promise to give his body back to him, there's a high probability of death with Arajin using his full power to save Matakara from a similar fate only for it to happen to him at the battle's end. Something about giving up his body and soul for someone he loves and what not.
And for the Teacher is paralleling Matakara, the creepy and unsettling demeanor could fit with Matakara . While the Teacher was always seen as a sad, strange little man, he was ultimately a harmless guy with a kink for cats. But now he's become an obsessive creep who longs to make Jasmine his and his only. The same fits with Matakara once being a friendly sunshine puppy boy who only fought when provokes only to become a ruthless Punchy McFisticuffs who's driven to be as strong as possible in order to beat his former friend Arajin. Making Arajin "all to himself" fits with Matakara being driven by defeating his old friend once he finishes beating every delinquent in the area. And thanks to Ichiya's influence, he's equated Arajin as the source of his weakness that he must destroy to defeat the darkness.
He can't get him out of his mind/
Part 3: Together Forever Theory
As for you and me forever line, this actually feeds into a personal theory I have on how the story will end. Basically, Arajin and Matakara will become Honki People themselves. I say this for the following reasons:
Both boys shared a childhood dream training to become Honki People together. And with the series having such a tragic undertone, their original wish will be granted with them becoming Honki People being allowed to live for eternity and work on their respective issues. Paralleling Senya and Ichiya who've existed for thousands of years and still pursue each other (albeit for reconciliation and revenge). And while it's a stretch to say how two ordinary boys can become genies, it's worth mentioning that the series itself doesn't go into specifics with how they're made so it's always a possibility.
They have nothing to lose by becoming Honki People. There really isn't anything tying them to Honki City or having them want to continue being average high school boys. Arajin hasn't made any serious friendships with anyone on the show, he finds his mother to be a nuisance, and he has no dreams or aspirations apart from losing his virginity. While he would be saddened by leaving Mahoro, he'd be able to deal with it down the line. (Also remember that line in Episode 8 on how he expects Matakara to take responsibility for driving Mahoro away). As for Matakara, he doesn't have his older brother anymore, his adopted relatives don't really watch over him, he burned his bridges with Minato Kai and also has no long-term dreams past high school life. There isn't anything tethering them to the normal world so they'll eventually leave it to be "together" or have the time to find each other again. Kinda like that one fairy tale show with the gay leads.
If they do ascend to become Honki People, not many people would care about their disappearances or look into it. Siguma Squad viewed them as worthy adversaries and acquaintances at best. But they wouldn't be emotionally distraught if they were to disappear one day. While Zabu and Minato Kai would be saddened by Matakara's disappearance, he and the others would still move on and try to reconstruct MK. Especially since it's brought up that Matakara wouldn't have a place with them afterwards. They'd remember him fondly but would carry that heartbreak within them. And I'm sure Arajin's mom would just roll with her son leaving since he's giving his life for someone he loves/cares about. Plus she can always adopt the other Minato Kai boys as her children. She wouldn't mind the company and they'd definitely appreciate her more compared to Arajin. Another thing to bring up is how none of them know about Senya or Ichiya or what truly became of the boys after their final battle. They'll just think they were once old friends who had a fight and left as a result. Though Akutaro knows about the genie lore, I doubt anyone will care what he says nor will he make an effort to reach out to them or the original Honki People.
I'm reminded of Banana Fish, another BL anime that Hiroko Ustumi directed, and how it ended on a tragic note. No spoilers but many did not call it a happy ending. So it wouldn't be farfetched for Utsumi to create another tragic ending for the two leads that defies the status quo.
As for what will happen to the Teacher himself, the only thing I can think of for the last NNL segment is him deciding to call it quits and leave Jasmine for good. If my Honki People Theory turns out right, then it'll parallel the Teacher saying goodbye to Jasmine and moving on with his life. Though it could be argued that this can reference Arajin and Matakara ending their friendship, it can end on a hopeful note that they'll find a way to reconcile during their eternal lifetimes. I just can't imagine that the Teacher would still be wanting to come despite openly declaring that he doesn't want Jasmine to see any other man. Either he'll recognize it and make himself leave or the Receptionist will call security on him and regrettably ban him for being a threat to NNL's top workers.
And those are my thoughts on this segment and what I think can happen in the final episode. I hope it's to your liking anon. And what did you think of this? If you agree or disagree with anything I've said, please feel free to reblog this with your comments on the subject. Especially when it comes to how you think Arajin and Matakara's fairy tale will end and what will become of that wacky teacher and his love for Jasmine.
“Do you know? Do you know? Do you know how this ends?”
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ravenzeppeli · 2 months
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Chapter 26 - Stupid Pair of Jeans |Prosciutto x Reader Angst|
Warning: strong language, threats, physical abuse, spanking [detailed, brutal], nudity, blood. MA.
"You actually decided to wear this in public?" Prosciutto questioned as he entered your room without knocking, his face slightly red as he stared at your pants. "Why are you dressed improper? What's the matter with you?" He closed your bedroom door gently, locking it.
You looked over at him, raising your eyebrows. You were wearing a black T-shirt and skinny jeans. You saw no problems in what you are wearing. "What are you talking about? I'm wearing jeans and a T-shirt." What was his deal? After what happened between you and Prosciutto two days ago, you assumed he would be nicer to you. What was his deal? Risotto told you when you stayed with him yesterday that Prosciutto wasn't a mean man, that he was just too invested in his beliefs. His beliefs are ridiculous.
He shook his head, rushing over to you, grabbing your right wrist. "These jeans are tight. These fucking jeans are showing off your goddamn ass! I can tell your wearing thongs!"
You looked away, eyes widening. "Why would you point that out!? My underwear is not any of your concern!" You couldn't believe that he could tell that you were wearing thongs. Was it really that obvious? You were just wearing an old pair of jeans that you had.
"What the fuck did you just say to me?" He questioned, voice suddenly going dark. "You know what? I've been very lenient due to your fingers still healing but I've had enough. Wearing these pants in public was a stupid fucking decision, and you're in trouble." He pulled you over to your bed, forcing you to bend over, his hand violently crashing into your ass. "I've been wanting to beat your ass for a very long time, you had this fucking coming girl."
You froze, knowing that fighting back in this situation was foolish. "I didn't know the jeans were that tight! I just wore them because they're an old pair I found!" You felt a dull sting on your right cheek, face heating up. Was he really about to spank you over this? You were actually starting to like him. You actually thought underneath all of his anger was a good man, but in reality, he would never be a good man.
"Well, you'll never wear them again now!" He snapped as he grabbed the back of your pants, ripping the fabric in half, the fabric tearing down the middle, exposing your ass. "Fuck these pants! You don't wear skinny jeans! Wear normal pants only, your ass is too nice for you to be flaunting around in skinny jeans!" He yelled at you, his hand crashing into your left cheek as hard as he could, a loud smack sound filling the air. You felt a huge welt the size of his hand forming with one hit, hot tears suddenly spilling from your eyes as your right hand balled into a tight fist.
Fuck, you had no idea that Prosciutto was this strong. He's never hit you this hard before. All this over an outfit? You had a feeling that it was something deeper than the outfit, but you actually felt fear, you didn't want to piss him off further.
His hand crashed against your right cheek with much more severity, a welt in the shape of his handprint forming on your cheek cheek as well, causing you to bite down on your lip even further, blood filling your mouth as more tears poured from your eyes, clouding your vision. You weren't a pussy, you wouldn't beg him to stop or cry and beg. Fuck that.
Another hard smack landed across the middle of your ass, your body going stiff as you tried to stop yourself from shaking or crying out in pain. You knew that that's what he wanted. He wanted you to cry and beg like a weak and pathetic little girl, but you refused to give him the satisfaction. You couldn't. Despite how badly it hurt, you would take it. You didn't deserve it.. did you?
"Got nothing to fucking say for yourself?" He questioned, and you suddenly heard the unbuckle of his belt. "Apologize and promise me that you'll never wear skinny jeans again. You're lucky I'm allowing you to wear fucking thongs. Apologize and I'll stop."
You weren't weak, you weren't a fucking pussy that they could beat into submission. You weren't going to fucking back down, you were going to say something that you would more than likely end up immediately regretting. "Fuck you, I don't like you anymore," you snapped at him, your tone filled with thick aggression, your fear hiding behind the pain that you felt. "I'm sorry I ever thought you were a good man!"
You heard the swish of his belt, the thick leather immediately crashing into your ass in five swift motions, your head immediately burying into your bedsheets. You stayed completely frozen, body stiff, and your ass was on fire. Fuck.. you.. you fucking hated Prosciutto, but you knew that saying the word hate was a foolish decision. So.. you were done speaking to him. For good.
"Good man!? Good man!?" He screamed at you, his belt smacking into your untouched sit spots with three swift licks. You closed your eyes, beginning to bite down on your lip again, another smack hitting the center of your blistering sore ass before you heard the belt drop. "I am a great man to you! I said to never wear improper things in public, I said to dress appropriately because I don't want random men looking at you! Because I love and care about you! I am protecting you, and me spanking you is good for you!"
You stiffened as you felt his hand rub your left ass cheek, a low sigh escaping his lips. You gave him nothing but silence, the confession of him loving you after beating you only making you furious. You wanted him away from you, and you wanted to get the fuck out of here.
"Theirs some pain pills in the kitchen," he muttered, his fingers tracing against your damaged ass. "This is all your fault. If you just would have apologized, then you wouldn't have gotten punished so severely. I hate having to punish you so harshly."
You refused to speak to him, staying completely silent, his hand squeezing your left ass cheek suddenly, causing a small, pained moan to escape your lips before you bit harshly back down on your lip.
"Fine," he muttered, removing his hand from your bottom. "Don't speak to me now, that's fine. As long as you learned your lesson." You felt him pull your thongs down, taking them fully off of you. "I'll go get the pills." As soon as you heard him leave, you quickly shot up, grabbing a pair of underwear from your drawer.
You weren't safe here with him. He could hurt you worse if you say something wrong. You always say the wrong thing. You needed to get out of here. Running away would just cause problems, and you had no family or friends. You were even allowed to go too. You suddenly remembered a conversation you had with Formaggio a few days ago, remembering his promise to cover for you or have your back. All you wanted was somewhere safe to go, somewhere away from Prosciutto, and you needed to go to someone who wouldn't cause drama with Prosciutto or hand you over to him. Formaggio said he would have your back with whatever you needed so you would test that.
You yanked the underwear on, grabbing a pair of loose jeans as you ran over to your door, closing and locking the door. As you pulled on a pair of jeans and slipped on your shoes, you opened your window and climbed put. As soon as your feet hit the concrete floor, you ran as fast as you could, ignoring the stinging pain on your bottom.
Yeah.. this might have been your most foolish idea, but you had limited options right now. You couldn't go to Risotto because he would automatically side with Prosciutto, and you had a feeling that Illuso would as well. Melone would want to beat the hell out of Prosciutto, and Pesci would be extremely upset. Ghiaccio would more than likely call Melone, so your only option was Formaggio.
All you needed was a place to stay away from Prosciutto. You tip-toed up Formaggio apartment stairs, not wanting to alarm Illuso and have him come out. You stood in front of his door, pulling out your key and unlocking his door. Slowly, you shoved the key into the hole, unlocking his apartment door and pushing in, immediately freezing when you saw both Formaggio and Illuso sitting on the couch, papers spread all over the coffee table.
"Hello," you said. In your defense, Formaggio gave you a key and said that his place was yours. And you didn't knock because you didn't want to trigger Illuso, but you saw that it didn't matter. He was already here. These two seemed to be pretty close. You wondered if they considered themselves as being close friends or simply just colleagues.
Formaggio grinned, looking over at you, his green eyes seeming to light up. "See, I told you Illuso, Y/N basically lives with me now. I got her to move in with me first." He paused, looking over at Illuso. "In your face."
Illuso looked you up and down, his eyes narrowing. "Who hurt you?" He questioned, causing Formaggio to stand up. "You seem different right now."
You shook your head, "it's nothing major. I just.. needed somewhere to possibly stay tonight." Your eyes landed on Formaggio. Should you tell them? You only came here because you had nowhere else to go. "And the next few nights." You had to hide this from Melone. What if he ends up hurting Prosciutto? You couldn't cause physical fights between the men. That wasn't right.
As you said that, Formaggios cell phone went off. You stepped forward, looking down at his phone on the coffee table to notice that it was Prosciutto calling him.
"What's that on the back of your pants?" Illuso questioned, voice dropping to a whisper as he poked the back of your left cheek. The sudden poke caused you to flinch, his hand immediately pulling away. He held his finger up, his finger stained with blood. "Formaggio.. answer the phone and make sure that Prosciutto doesn't fucking come over here. I have a feeling that he did something very fucking stupid that may cause me to break his nose."
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pidges-lost-robot · 1 year
Oh man I have a fucking start for a Lance bi arc in my head but like no energy to write the full thing so I'm just gonna type it in notes here
So Lance does like chat to alien girls on their missions and he goes on dates with them (in my head I don't think the Paladins should be strictly confined to only ever being in the castle, like they can make friends and call people and visit planets and shit)
So they have a mission where they are tasked with protecting an alien Prince and Lance is assigned to be his main body guard and throughout this Lance kinda notices how handsome the Prince is and the Prince seems to be flirting with him. Throughout this they bond a lot and after a few days of this and an attack from the people trying to assassinate the Prince, it kinda becomes clear that the Prince quite likes Lance and Lance quite likes the Prince back.
The Prince thanks Lance for being his bodyguard and as the other lions are flying back to the castle, the Prince stops Lance and leans down a little to kiss him on the cheek and he gets super flustered and says he can't wait to see him again. When Lance gets into the lion, he realises the comm is screeching at him to respond and the others are asking him what's taking him so long. He says nothing but Pidge and Hunk clock that he's nervous and complain about how he could've possibly had the time to get distracted by a girl.
Later coran comes up to him to let him know that the Prince sent him his call details for Lance and initially he's quite nervous but coran says he won't say anything but not because he quite understands the human context sexuality being difficult to talk about but cause he thinks the others will never let him live it down if he starts dating a Prince.
So, as a side plot to this, Keith has galra hearing and has spent most of the show so far that he can hear everything Lance does in his room (mostly cause Lance sings a lot in his room at ungodly hours) so soon after Lance starts having call dates with the Prince, Keith hears it and feels bad that he's listening in on some pretty romantic and serious convos so he asks for ear plugs from Coran. Coran briefly worries about how much Keith knows but realises his concern seems to just be invading Lance's privacy and leaves it alone.
As the secret relationship continues, Lance begins to feel guilty for not telling anyone on the team. His fear is not that they'll reject him, most of the group identify as queer. But even thinking about telling them makes him feel nauseous. Coran tries to implore Lance that telling them won't end badly.
Lance begins acting more withdrawn from the group as a result.
Hunk is worried about him and gets in his head about it, getting Pidge to check out the call logs he has. He doesn't know who's on the other end cause he's not willing to push that far but they theorise its a girlfriend. But this seems to be the longest he's had a relationship so far and he's never hidden girlfriends from them before and they're concerned but also a little hurt themselves. Shiro finds out they've snooped and gets Allura to block their access and sits them both down for a talk about not snooping but talks with Allura about this because he's also pretty concerned about Lance too. She states its probably not for them to pry but maybe make a concerted but very obvious set of interactions of Lance that are like "well because you know you can ALWAYS CONFIDE IN US right Lance?"
It begins to affect their ability to form Voltron and as a fight is coming to a close and everyone is super frustrated and bickering it all comes out, started with Hunk blurting that this is cause Lance is hiding his secret girlfriend from everyone.
They're all yelling and putting pieces together (with Keith chipping in with a quiet and very confused ".... wait what?")
Lance goes to storm off and hide in his room, Pidge and Hunk realise they've messed up pretty bad and made things worse and Shiro and Allura don't know what to do.
A knock on Lance's door makes him yell to go away and that hes not telling them about his "secret girlfriend", but instead Keith opens the door, holding Lance's and his dinner and sets it down next to him before shutting the door again.
"I know you don't have a secret girlfriend, Lance, I know it's the Prince."
Lance is shocked but Keith goes on, explaining that he realised after he heard them talking through the wall and got earplugs to give them privacy but he realised that this was maybe something he hadn't come out about yet when he realised nobody but Coran knew.
Keith talks to him about when he came out to Shiro and how nervous he was, not because he feared shiro and his boyfriend would reject him for being gay, but because it felt like it'd change the way Shiro thought about him. Shiro would know he thought about relationships and had crushes and people he liked and it freaked him out.
This prompts Lance to explain that he's frustrated because he thought he knew who he was and what he liked. What's gonna happen if he's different from who he thought he was again? He can't even tell his family about any of this cause he figured it out away from Earth.
Keith says he isn't sure how to help, but that he's sorry he didn't realise they were snooping, but that for what it's worth, it just sounds like they were worried about how withdrawn he'd become recently, possibly resulting from him feeling guilty about hiding this. This is a side of Lance he's not used to seeing and this is a moment that contributes to Keith's later crush on Lance returning.
Keith let's him have his privacy about his food and once he's done he decides to come to the dining room to tell them about the Prince. Before he does, Hunk and pidge pauses him and both apologise and explain. They were worried but also let their hurt feelings get in the way and be a justification for prying into his private business and that they should've just talked to him and that he doesn't have to tell them anything or feel pressured to, because if he's not ready to or even if he just doesn't feel like it, then he shouldn't.
Lance accepts the apology and says while he's still a little mad, he kinda gets it. And he decides to tell them about the Prince, which is when Allura is flabbergasted by this and goes "THATS WHY THE ALLIANCE HAS GONE SO SMOOTHLY AND KEEPS ASKING WHEN WE'RE NEXT GOING TO BE THERE!!"
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jennyandvastraflint · 5 months
Xena Reactions S1Ep21!
Awww, Gabrielle is training I love that!
"I wasn't talking to you." HAAAA
Xena threatening the horse into being nice
Hello there woman 👀 Of course Xena will help you
JSDHHS Not the horse throwing Gabrielle off
Poor Gabrielle...
OMG THE FUNKY GAY MERCHANT from the Black Wolf episode!!!
He's SO happy to see her
"Important person being kidnapped"
Amazons? Shooting at Xena? Or the woman from earlier? Or...
Salmonius XD He's so funky omfg
SHDHDHHBFAJ "How do I know it's gonna rain on a big battle" 😭
Gabrielle wondering how this dude stayed alive
I love when men get this close to one another. Kinda homoerotic
Gabrielle so ready to watch her gf beat up people
FIST SPIN >:) Womanly twirling or something
Omg Gabrielle realised something is off
Stoic warrior tell your gf you're under the influence of drugs challenge.... Xena and Vastra both are like: Impossible
"This was a stupid time to keep something from me!" DAMN RIGHT
Awwww... She can't feel her legs :(
Is Gabrielle gonna- OH YE
Something something Patroclus riding out in Achilles' armour / Gabrielle riding out in Xena's armour
The horse is like "Chiiiill"
"Yes well I have a different definition of Galop" sjfhdhd
"Does she seem smaller than before?"
Dayummmmm, Xena to the rescue
Are they fighting with carbonated water... 😂
"I'm sure lord Salzer is more concerned with his people than with himself" "Ha?" "Ha?"
Oh godsssss, Xena is like "Don't worry about me" 😭
Gabrielle your gay is showing
Good aim tho
O NO... They captured her :(
Damn the strength she still has???
This guy is GROSS
DAYUM GIRLLLL knock out those soldiers
Salmonius is like FUCKFUCKFUCK SOLDIERS *klonk*
She just needs a nap. And medicine. Resting against tiddies would also help. 😔
True love's kiss her!!!
THE GENTLE TOUCHING??? i will BITE someone
SHE KISSED HERDJFJDJDH Not quite on the mouth, but.
She's shouting and screaming and beating, my poor girl, she needs all the hugs. ALL the hugs.
"I killed her" please...
NOOOO. You leave Xena's body alone
Gabrielle is fuelled by sapphic anger, you do NOT want to cross her. Smol and feisty
Gabrielle my beloved
I hate this shitty warlord dude
Hehe Argo refuses to move.
"Don't ever do this again" "Gabrielle, we're in the middle of a FIGHT" shdhd lesbians. Only lesbians would
Gabrielle and Argo get along nowww <3
"I'm gonna get all soft on you" 👀🏳️‍🌈
Cheers to Gabrielle having kissed Xena's cheek and corner of mouth in this ep!
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dynjas · 6 months
Meeting the Archdruid
Prequel to my Story "Serafinas BG3 Experience"
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Halsin X female OC, first meetings, fluff, hugs
CW: blood
Words: 3.305
It hurt. Flesh was being torn. Fangs were bared. Growling was heard. Everything was a blur. The stench of blood was all around her. But she needed to fight. She wanted to survive.
One last swipe of her big paw and it was finally over. The four wolves who attacked her - two dead, the last ones fleeing. She won. But she didn't feel like it.
She carried her heavy bear body over to the little pond, which was right beside her, so she could wash her once white fur. But her paws gave way beneath her and she fell snout first in the mud that was surrounding the water.
Her wild shape disappeared and exposed her elven body. The last thing she saw was a gigantic cave bear walking in her direction, a flash of gold light blinding her, before she lost consciousness.
With a sharp pain in her body Serafina shot upright just to regret it immediately when a terrible pain shot to her head. “Ughhh shit…!” She hoarsely muttered under her breath, vision blurring again while she held her head. Everything hurt and her mouth felt dry as sand.
“Oh, you should lie down again. But good you're finally up!” a female voice sounded from her side and Serafina froze.
In front of her bed stood a dwarf woman who smiled kindly at her while she carefully reached for Serafinas shoulders to push her gently back down into the furs.
She saw Serafinas' totally confused and terrified face and she patted the elf's hair gently.
“I know, you must be afraid. You're at the emerald grove. Our Archdruid Halsin found you badly wounded not far from here and he brought you back. You were out for four days.” she explained and smiled down at her. “Oh, and my name's Nettie. I’m looking after you together with Master Halsin.” She introduced herself.
Before Serafina could process anything or respond, the stone wall at the end of the room glowed in a beautiful blue and sank to the ground.
It revealed the most handsome and biggest elf she had ever seen. He looked at some paperwork while entering the room, his brows furrowed.
“Nettie, how is she today? Some improvement?”
His eyes left the papers to look over his glasses at the dwarf woman but his eyebrows shot up in surprise to see the other elf awake. A relieved sigh escaped his lips.
“Thank Silvanus, you're awake. How are you feeling, little one?”
Concern was evident in his voice while he shoved the papers and glasses to a stone table and then leaned down to her.
Serafina didn't know what she should do, so she just stared into his brown gray eyes. When she tried to say something she needed to cough in her hand, because her throat hurt like hell. But that was to be expected after being knocked out for four whole days.
Nettie handed her a cup of water which she gratefully took, while Halsin held a hand to her lower back to help her sit upright.
“Thank you.” Her voice was hoarse and small but they still heard her.
“You're welcome, dear. You have to stay hydrated. Here, have another one.” While Nettie refilled her cup, Halsin spoke again. “So, besides the dry throat, how are you? Does anything hurt? You were deadly wounded after all…”
While Serafina nipped at her second cup of water she nodded. Just after finishing the cup and handing it with trembling hands to a waiting Nettie she turned her attention to the worried Archdruid.
“Well…I would say every bone in my body is hurting. I have a terrible headache and I have the feeling those wolves ripped every limb off of me.”
Halsin hummed in understanding and reached his hand out, but stopped when Serafina flinched.
“I'm sorry, I just wanted to help with your head.”
He smiled apologetic at her and removed his hand from her personal space.
Serafina tried to calm her nerves but she wasn't used to other people anymore. She's been living on her own for so long and it was hard to trust after being attacked so often.
Before she could do anything about it, her breathing became erratic and her wild shape wrapped around her like a protective shield.
While her fur grew, she heard Halsin shout something at Nettie, who fled the room and seemed to lock the door.
Her green and terrified eyes flickered to him while he shot up from his seat and then a growl erupted from her throat - her nerves and pounding heart taking over her instincts.
The white bear jumped at the archdruid and they rolled around until she was pinned under a big brown bear. Her paws tried to push him away but his low growl gave her pause.
“Breath, little one! No one is going to harm you. You're safe."
Halsins calming voice and eyes bore into her and after some more wriggling and growling, her head began to work again. Her huffing turned into normal breathing again and then she broke her wild shape, lying panting on the cold stone floor under the big bear.
“I- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” she held her hands in front of her face and let out a heartbreaking sob. Halsins snout gently caressed her cheek before it was replaced with his calloused hand after shifting back.
“Shhh. It's okay. Can I hold you, little one?”
His voice was hesitant and so was her nod, but he picked her up carefully to cradle her in his arms.
They sat there for a while, Halsin cross-legged on the floor while Serafina was sitting in his lap and trembling in his arms. He rubbed soothing circles on her back, careful with her bandages and tucked her head under his chin.
She constantly whispered “I'm so sorry” while Halsin tried to detangle her long hair. But it was far too long to run through its whole length.
His low chuckle tore her out of her rambling and green eyes looked up to him. A soothing smile split his lips as he looked down to her.
“Did you calm down, little one?”
“Y-yes. I think so… thank you…” she nodded, rubbing her eyes with trembling hands and smiling softly.
“Don't worry about it.” He still smiled down at her when he carefully rose to his feet with her in his massive arms.
She felt safe, so she leaned her head on his shoulder without thinking and closed her eyes. Her adrenaline winded down and she groaned with pain again.
“Oak Father preserve me…. I'm hurting all over…”
Halsin hummed in understanding and laid her carefully back on the furs. “Wild shaping while injured is never the best idea. Do you think I can take a look now? I promise I won't hurt you. At least I'll try…”
Concern was etched in the Archdruid’s face and Serafina nodded, while looking up to him. “I'm really thankful you found me. I would have died without you.”
She watched him unwrap a bandage on her forearm to reveal a kinda nasty looking wound, but it wasn't as bad as she remembered. Blue healing magic emitted from his hand and healed her arm further, the wound now nearly disappearing.
She was speechless how easy it seemed for him to heal such a bad wound. But he was an Archdruid after all.
“I could have never left you there to die. I'm helping when I can, little one.” Halsin paused while he unwrapped another bandage on her leg and looked at her as if he just remembered something. “Before I forget…may I know your name? I mean, I can gladly continue to call you ‘little one’, but I don't think you would appreciate it?” He chuckled and Serafina let out a quiet laugh too.
“Oh, don't worry. I'm kinda fond of nicknames. My name is Serafina. It's an honor to meet you, Master Halsin.”
She tried to bow her head in respect but immediately regretted it, when a sharp pain ran through her head again.
Halsin reached out his hand in hesitation, but she smiled thankfully at him. When his big hand laid on her head to soothe her pain, she couldn't suppress a relieved moan. “Thank you…again.”
“Again, don’t worry about it, it’s my pleasure. And you don’t need to call me that, if you don’t want to. Halsin is enough.” he continued to heal her wounds, until he reached the bandages around her torso.
His fingers were about to unwrap the bandages around her large bosom, when Netties shrill voice sounded again. She must have entered without them noticing.
“Master Halsin! You could have at least asked her, before you fondle her breasts!”
Halsin froze and looked into Serafinas face, just to see it scarlet red and her eyes staring at her hands.
“Silvanus, forgive me. I’m sorry. I was so absorbed in my work that I didn't think that you could feel uncomfortable. And I was not fondling her, Nettie!” He removed his hands from the bandages and rubbed his neck. “I think Nettie should do the rest from here. But call me, if you need anything.” clearing his throat he nodded to Nettie and left the room, closing the stone door behind him.
Nettie let out an amused chuckle. It was better to not tell the white haired woman that he originally bandaged her whole body.
“By Silvanus, we have so few visitors that he sometimes forgets that there are shy people out there. So, shall I take a look?” she smiled reassuringly at Serafina and she nodded.
“Thank you, Nettie… I’m not really comfortable with my body…” she looked at her chubby form, thick tights and little fat rolls on her stomach. The only ‘good’ thing were her big breasts.
“That’s something we have to change then. You’re beautiful, dear.” Nettie got to work on the wounds on her back and front, directly under her heart, while Serafina just smiled politely. She didn't believe her compliment.
“You’re really lucky Master Halsin found you when he did…” she muttered under her breath and Serafina nodded silently.
She would forever be in his dept.
A while later someone knocked at the stone door and Halsins voice was heard again. “Nettie, Serafina, are you finished? May I enter?” as an answer, Nettie opened the door for him with a wave of her hand, while she finished braiding Serafinas insanely long white and green hair into two braids. She even gave her some spare druidic clothes, now fitting into the emerald grove. Her old clothes were torn beyond repair.
Halsin froze after entering the room and let his eyes wander over Serafinas now tidy appearance. A smile then split his lips.
“Serafina, you look like you were born to be here. Your green eyes and the green in your hair are a perfect match for the emerald grove.” he chuckled fondly.
“Oh hush with your compliments, you’re making the poor girl explode, Master Halsin!” Nettie jokingly scolded but Serafina was already holding her flaming cheeks again.
Yep, still not used to it.
And so Serafina was introduced to the whole of the emerald grove. Halsin and Nettie made sure she didn’t get overwhelmed by the others. Halsin even invited her to stay with them, if she didn’t have a place to return to. She pondered over the thought. Was she really ready to live with others again? But then she nodded happily. “I would love to stay, if everyone is alright with it.”
The weeks and months went by - Serafina transformed on a daily basis for the first two weeks and Halsin had to always pin her down with his big bear form, so she didn’t hurt anyone. That earned her some distrust from the other druids, especially Kagha, who thought she was a danger to the grove and a disgrace as a druid for not being able to control her wild shape if overwhelmed. But Halsin always scolded the wood elf woman for her impatience and waved her off. He had full trust in Serafina and no one was perfect after all.
Luckily she had not only Halsin, but also Nettie and Rath - a human druid - at her side to calm her down and after some time she felt comfortable enough to gain control over her wild shape again. From this day on Serafina made sure to never transform near others again, if it wasn’t necessary.
She was still more to herself, only bathing together with Nettie and sleeping outside, because she didn’t feel comfortable inside the stone walls.
At first she was always alone at night in her bear form, but after a few weeks Halsin joined her. He had said it was more comfortable for him too to sleep in his bear form and under the stars. And he didn’t want her to feel lonely or left out. She hesitantly but gratefully welcomed his presence.
At some point the Archdruid took her under his wing together with Nettie and he showed her more powerful healing spells and many other things she had trouble controlling. Since her mother died when she was just ten winters old she didn’t have a druidic mentor again and so she learnt everything herself.
Serafina looked up to Halsin with adoration and was eager to learn under his wisdom and patience. Nettie sometimes teased her with words like “You’ve fallen for his charm, haven’t you?” but she always shook her head. She admired him as an elder. Yes, he was handsome but she really wasn’t interested or even experienced in romance. Hell, she never was in a relationship or had a lover until now.
She wasn’t interested.
Not until a stormy summer night.
She had been hunting in the woods together with Halsin when a storm broke suddenly over them and they had to take shelter in a cave. Fortunately it seemed to be empty, so they ducked into it and detransformed.
Serafina groaned and squeezed the water out of one of her braids. They were both soaked to the bone.
“I can’t believe we didn’t see that coming. Or smelled the rain!” she cringed as her wet clothes clung to her body and Halsins laughter roared through the cave.
“That happens sometimes, little one. Nature can change so fast that even we can’t catch up.” For the first time they knew each other, Halsin let his hair loose to shake his strands free from the water.
Serafina nearly choked on her tongue. It was the first time she looked at him - really looked at him. As a man, not as a mentor.
She felt the heat creeping up her spine, although the cold rain on her bare arms gave her goosebumps. How didn’t she see how gorgeous he was? Absolutely breathtaking, stunning even?
The way his wet clothes clung to every muscle of his body and when he pulled his shirt over his head - arms flexing deliciously - to reveal how utterly ribbed he was. She nearly fainted.
“Serafina, you should get rid of those wet clothes too, so you don’t catch a cold.” he was working on his pants, while looking down at her. By Silvanus, this man knew no shame!
“I - I…yeah, you’re right….” With trembling hands Serafina worked on her robes and shortly both were just in their underwear, while she tucked her knees under her chin to hide her belly. She was still uncomfortable to show her body around others than Nettie and with those new feelings flying in her stomach for Halsin, it was even worse.
But the Archdruid would have none of that and took a seat directly behind her, pressing her back to his front. “I’m sorry to invade your personal space, but you’re shivering like a leaf, little one.” he began to rub her arms with his big hands and even more goosebumps appeared at the sensation.
His brows furrowed at this and suddenly his warmth was gone from her back, just to be replaced by fur.
“Master Halsin, what-?”
“It’s warmer this way, isn’t it? And I think you’re more comfortable with my bear form.”
He snuggled up behind her and let her decide if she wanted to join him in bear form or not. But then realization hit him. She already transformed a few times today so she couldn't shift again.
Hesitantly Serafina reached out a hand to pet behind his ear and he let out a low satisfied grumble. “Serafina, lie down. You can’t wild shape anymore, can you? Come here.” Halsins low voice rumbled through the cave and sent another shiver through Serafinas spine.
“Yes, you’re right. Thank you, Master Halsin.” she smiled shyly down at him.
“You’re welcome, little one.” Serafina laid down beside Halsin and pushed her back against his fur, but the bear rolled over, so he was lying on his back.
“The floor is cold, you can lie on top of me. Sorry for not thinking this through before.” Serafina could swear she saw a cheeky grin on the bear's face, while she climbed on top of him - face as hot as a fire. When she settled her head in his neck, he laid his front paws carefully on her scarcely clothed body to warm her up.
That was the moment she fully realized that she fell in love with Halsin.
She was down for this man.
Deep shit down.
After the events of this day Serafina never looked at Halsin the same again. Her heart sped up when he was near her, she shivered when his breath hit her neck when he stood behind her to show her a new spell. By the nine hells, she couldn’t even take her eyes away from him, when he was talking to someone else on the other side of the grove.
She watched him being absolutely patient while explaining things to her or others. His laugh heated up her face and the memory warmed her at night. And did he always touch her this much? It was like his presence was all over her.
A hand on her lower back, while he showed her something. Holding her small hands in his big ones, when he showed her some basic whittling. Letting his hands run through her hair more than necessary while helping her braid it.
One day, when he was finished braiding her hair, she noticed small wooden ducks attached to the ropes that held her braids together.
“Master Halsin, did you make these? For me?” her green eyes sparkled in the morning sun and he smiled down at her.
“I saw how you looked at the other ducks I made and I thought they would look nice in your hair. Do you like them?” she could hear his uncertainty in his voice, but she smiled brightly. “Yes! I love them! Thank you so much! I will treasure them!” she didn’t really think about it, when she threw her arms around his neck to pull him into a warm hug. When she realized what she was doing, she wanted to pull away, but Halsins big arms wrapped around her to pull her into a tight hug.
That was something Serafina learnt about him in the last few days. He loved physical touch but as an Archdruid it was difficult for him to go around and hug the other druids. She was glad she was able to provide some sort of comfort for him, while the other druids were still asleep.
They lived their days peacefully in the emerald grove until the day where Tiefling Refugees searched for shelter in the grove after the events of Elturel, which Halsin welcomed with open arms.
But there wasn’t only that. Goblins began to swarm the area and the talk of an ‘Absolute’ reached them.
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dantenyhpmir · 11 months
You Scare Me
Pairing; Konig x F!Reader, 
Plot; Konig visits you in the hospital after saving you in the most gruesome way 
Warnings; Voyeurism, threat of sexual assault/rape (Not from Konig), Freezing as a trauma response, PxV Sex, Unprotected sex, Oral sex(Fem receiving), “knife play”
Word Count; 5420
Dante Nyhpmir Masterlist
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The trip to the new mission was awkward to say the least. You and Konig had assigned seats next to each other but he didn't seem like he wanted to talk with you much. Honestly you got a long fine with everyone else on the team. Zero was the other sniper who was training you, she was so confident in her craft and in you it didn't take long for you to believe in your skills as well. The team got divided up differently this time. Ghost assigned Zero to cover himself and Soap while you were covering Alejandro and Konig. Both lovely people. Well you think. You couldn't get a read on Konig. No matter how often you worked together. Every hello you gave him was met with a quick hi and an even quicker exit. Like he wanted to avoid you. You were always kind, you didn't understand but now in the back of the jeep heading to the next mission, he couldn't bolt. 
"You okay Konig?" You ask genuinely
"What? But of course" he says nervously, staring out the side of the jeep. Avoiding eye contact 
Ghost is driving while Zero is in the passenger seat going over protocol. You aren't paying too much attention, you've been over it so many times. It feels like she's just saying it to fill the air. You turn away, pretending to listen while you also stare out the window. Konig's head slowly turns. He catches a look at your jawline, your beautiful hair and can't help but stare at your chest and especially your thighs. He swallows hard before your eyes realize his fixations and he turns again. Like a child caught in candy he shouldn't be eating. 
"Are you nervous about the mission?" You ask out of concern 
"Oh, um, yes. Very much so, quite" he coughed out. 
You can see Zero's eye roll in the front mirror. And within the hour you would understand why. 
Konig wasn't scared of anything. He was 6'8, absolutely massive and one of the deadliest men to probably ever walk the earth. Covering him in battle was basically a vacation, your scope framed on him but never really needing to squeeze the trigger. By the time you would notice another enemy he had disposed of them. Picking them off so quickly, most of them didn't register the giant was so within their scope. You fell victim to it in a way, so fixated on his moments, watching the hulk of a man move through out of the crowd destroying everything in his wake, you hadn't noticed an enemy sneaking up behind you. 
There was no warning for you, that's what made it so scary. The instant pain of a knife going into your side. You cry out in agony, your instincts hardly ever failing. Even within your shock knowing to hit the button on your radio and crying out for help. 
"I'm down, hurry!!!!" You manage to cough out as you turn to see your intended killer. One man standing over you as others follow him. Usually no one finds you over the hills behind the old barriers. Especially with how little shots you ever fired off. They must have just been heading this way and noticed you, hardly anything gave away your position. 
He looms over you before kneeling down. Your adrenaline wants to take over so badly but your flight is stronger. You know you can't fight off all these men, not at close range. If they were far away they wouldn't stand a chance against you and your sniper, but they were too close and your body was betraying you. Bleeding out and in too much pain to get up and run like the devil was chasing you. All you could do was manage to drag yourself back, but you hit yourself on the barrier. What once was your cement alley turned into your prison as the man got closer trailing the knife over your cheek. 
"We're going to have fun with you" he laughs 
"Red, where are you??" Zero cries over the radio 
"Tell her you're fine" he says while the knife moves deeper into your cheek and a smile tugs on his lips.
You swallow hard, too scared to move. You can't even do what he's asking. Your arms won't let you. Why was your body betraying you? 
"Did I stutter?" He asks while grabbing on your face and pushing the knife in closer to your skin. This time cutting through the flesh 
"Move!!" You think but you can't. They always talk about fight or flight but no one talks about freezing. How your body knows that fighting would end in turmoil and that you couldn't out run all of them. It felt like a betrayal, the way your body wanted to protect you. Sometimes training kicked in, sometimes it didn't and sometimes, the gentle giant would appear without a sound, barreling his hands over the man's head to stick his fingers into his eye sockets. 
The man screamed in torment while dropping the knife as you came down from the shock. There stood Konig. Pulling this scum of a man away from you by his eyes that had already collapsed, leaving their gooey remains on Konig's fingertips as he smashed his head into the barrier next to you. 
And over. 
He smashes his head into the cement
Again with more veracity 
You swear you can see pieces of the man’s skull at this point. You've never seen anything so grizzly, at least not this close up before. The site of the inside of a man's brain is enough to make you lose your lunch, between this and the amount of blood you've lost, your vision is already dizzy. Starting to fade. You try to stay awake, fighting with the last morsel of energy you attempt to scrape up to stay active but you can't. 
The last thing you see is Konig turning to the other men who had followed your would be killer. Their shock stopped them in their tracks just as Konig tore into each of them. None of them had time to grab a hold of their weapon before their hands or throats were slit and then met with a thorough head bashing. They weren't just killed, “execution” seemed too generous from what you saw of Konig. They were obliterated. Their cries of terror drowned you out as your vision finally faded and your hearing along with it. 
The heart monitor calls to you as you wake. 
The air is stuffy, all you smell is Ethylene oxide and hydrogen peroxide in the air before finally registering your new room. Your new hospital attire. 
Flowers and a card sit across the table. There's a note from Price explaining what had happened to you. As if you didn't know, as if you didn't live it. As if the hole in your side with a giant bandage wouldn’t cue up the memories. It made sense they wouldn't necessarily be there when you woke up. You didn't even know how many days you had been out. The flowers had a card reading from Zero and the card signed by everyone of the team. Everyone except Konig. You wondered if he had complicated feelings about the whole situation or if he didn't think anything of it. Maybe he realized how traumatizing seeing that was for you and wanted to avoid really taking accountability for that. Or the opposite could be true, he could be wondering why he even needed to step in in the first place. Where was your training? Why would an armed soldier not take care of herself? 
What did it matter to you? You couldn't even tell if he liked talking with you. What would it matter what his thoughts on your situation were. You were hospitalized, you needed to focus on getting better. To rest while you could but your mind was so fixated on him. The way he moved, the second he was there. His words rang in your ear. 
You took a moment to exhale. Over and over again you heard it in your head, and your mind's eye started wondering just as your hands did. No one was coming to check on you. The team would be busy, no one knowing when you'd actually wake up. You had plenty of time to explore, to day dream. To day dream of what that intensity could bring to you. 
You see his eyes staring down at you in your wondering imagination
His hands, you think about ripping apart that man's skull 
All for you 
When did you start wanting Konig? When did your brain start fixating on him so much, when did your body start craving his touch and could only settle for your own while you imagined just what he could do to you. 
He could kill you if he wanted. 
He never would. 
He was scared of you. 
Your body was so warm and cheeks already flushed thinking of him before even beginning to touch yourself. You moved the blanket off your bed, it was too hot. No one was coming anyway, let them see. With what you had been through, “who could judge, who would dare ask” you thought as your fingers explored between your lips, spreading every bit of juice that drenched out of you to the top of your clit as you ran circles around it. Off in your own world. 
The hospital smell didn't bother Konig too much. His cloth mask typically blocked out most of the smells. He wasn't sure how you'd react to seeing him, he didn't know you that well. Not that he didn't want to. You just intimidated him. He was already confused by social situations enough as it was. The dynamic that existed between all the men on the team was enough to navigate and although you probably would've been easier to communicate with, something always stopped him. Anytime your eyes met him, it scared him. He'd choke and realize he hadn't said anything for too long. Realize you'd probably have caught him staring and he was too quick to lose track of time when he'd look at you. 
He would always try to run into you. Maybe that day he would have the courage to ask you to grab a drink, but it would never be the day. He'd start over thinking. He had never seen you drink, would you even want to do that? What if it was a sensitive topic for you? Hours wasted going in circles over such a simple thing, if that was enough to over think with, the last two days were overwhelming. 
How could you possibly want him after what he did to those men, in front of you. Your head was so close to theirs. Did you imagine if he'd had missed and it happened to you? Your wide eyes from terror were burned into his head, he hoped the fear that radiated off of you was from the other men but…. It would be reasonable to be because of him. From all the gore he caused. He would just lose it sometimes, he didn't mean too but he did. It was always rewarded here but it couldn't have been the gentlemanly thing to do even within the circumstances. Was it? God what a long walk it had been to the hospital to visit you. He had to talk to you. If only it wasn't because of this. Asking you out for a drink felt so much more reasonable after all that. 
He had already been told your room number, quietly standing outside your hospital bedroom door. About to knock though it was slightly open. His eyes turned to look inside. 
He couldn't help but linger on you. How could anyone? Even after days of being asleep he thought you looked beautiful, your hair just messed up in the most charming way, your eyes closed and at peace. It took him a moment to realize your breathing and your hands. Your breathing was getting heavier and your fingers were circling more and more. His eyes widened. He shouldn't be looking, it was a complete invasion of privacy but it was his turn to freeze. 
God all he wanted to do was barge in and "fight" with you until that bed legs had broken but he couldn't. The right thing to do was leave but flight wouldn't work. He couldn't move his legs. All he could do was stare. Watch. Frozen. 
Your pace quickened. Over and over in your head hearing again and again. 
And you let out a breath, so off in your own world before whimpering out his name. 
His eyes widened as he fell forward through the door. If there was anything that was gonna make him move it would be hearing his name fall out of your lips while you touch yourself. The high is short lived though from the embarrassment he feels. Even through the small eye holes in his mask, you know he's flushed as he falls into your room and alarms you. 
You stop. 
You both stop. 
There's a pause in the air. 
A stillness. 
You're caught. 
He's seen you. He's seen you laying on bed spreading yourself and thinking of him inside you. He's heard you call out of his name while you play with your cunt. 
And he's caught. 
You've seen him watch you. How long was he at the door, staring in awe at you without your knowledge. You could call him a pervert or a voyeur all you wanted. it would be in your right too but why bother? 
Why would either of you deny when you're both so clearly on the same page? 
"I'm so-" he starts 
"Konig" you cut off 
Everytime he hears his name uttered from your mouth he's frozen. 
You haven't moved your hand. 
He looks you up and down 
"Do you want me?" You ask with big doe eyes and your lips slightly hung open, as if they’re just a little too heavy to close
"I– I, uh" he starts, not knowing where to go 
You move your hand. The embarrassment washes over your face. He was just surprised, probably laughing at you under his breath. You cover up. 
"Nevermind, that was stupid of me" you say looking down 
"No, no it wasn't! I just-" he stutters 
You look at him, with a confused intention on your face 
"You scare me" he finally coughs out 
"What?" You're even more confused
"You're, really intimidating" he utters 
"Konig, you destroyed every man like they were made of paper." You state, "how am I the intimidating one?" 
"I'm sorry for that" he says without looking at you 
"Why?" You ask
Now it's his turn to be confused. 
"I just, lost control, thinking of you, hurt" he says scratching at his head through his cloth mask. 
"You saved me" you say again, stating facts. 
"Did I, scare you?" He ask, unable to look at you 
"No, should I be scared?" You ask 
"No" he says, finally looking you dead in the eyes "I don't, ever want to hurt you" 
The eye contact sits in the air for a minute. 
You move your hands slowly back down, your knees curl up as the blankets fall off your legs 
"You can try," you say, looking down and back up at him. He's so shy, and scared. You have to make it clear to him. Almost hit him on the head with a shovel to make him realize how much consent he has. How much you want him. How much you want your guard dog. 
His chest is breathing heavily. 
He takes one slow step forward as his arm shuts the door. With a flick of his wrist it's slammed. There's another moment of silence before he exhales and takes another slow step towards you. 
He's trying to keep himself contained. 
His eyelids shut and you swear someone new is behind them. The half stare cuts into you, making your heart race. 
"You aren't scared of me?" He asks, sternly. 
"No." You say, shaking not from fear but pure excitement…. Well, maybe a little fear. 
"You should be mein liebling" falls out of his mouth as he undoes his belt. It's painful, could he go any slower? You think to yourself but it does feel more threatening. more intense as he tossed it aside and grabbed your ankles to pull you over the side of the hospital bed. You sit up, holding your back up with your arms as your legs open with him standing between them. 
“What does mein liebling mean?” You say staring at his lips 
His hand reaches up slowly to hold onto the side of your face while his thumb rests on your bottom lip, taking a second to strum it. 
“My darling” He answers 
Your mouth basically hangs open at this point. If you hadn’t soaked through your panties before, you had now. The precious moments before he would lose it on you, it made your body tingle. Like every section was lit up with goosebumps.
“Can I move your mask?” You ask softly
“You can do whatever you please” he says slowly, his eyes unable to look away from your lips. 
It takes you a moment to sit up. Leaning in closer, hooking your thumbs under the bottom of the cloth mask that drapes over his face. You look him in the eyes before slowly moving it up over his nose. His jawline exposed. The most you’ve ever seen of him in the months you’ve worked together. 
He licks his lips. 
You go to lean in but seconds before your lips can meet his, he interrupts 
“Just so you’re aware, once I start, I won’t stop with you” he says in a low breath
“Is that a threat?” You tease 
“Yes” he states. 
“You wouldn’t hurt your liebling?” 
“Never” he breathes as he leans in. He won’t kiss you, you’ll have to meet him here. Always“This flimsy bed doesn’t stand much of a chance, no?” 
You can’t wait any longer as you throw your head into a kiss, your lips press as hard as they can against his and both his hands grab the side of your head pushing  your kiss even closer. His body pushed right up against the hospital bed, he moves his hands from the side of your head to palm both your ass cheeks and drag you closer to him. 
He needs you, pressed up against him. His hands run around your back to the ties on the hospital gown but they’re done in such a way that untying will take off your nails and he didn’t have the patience for that. 
His mouth moved along the side of your neck, kissing and grazing the skin while your lashes fluttered and looked down. His hands went for his knife. Your eyes shake, you know he wouldn’t hurt you but you also can’t help but think how deadly he is with that thing, 
“Konig….” you say nervously
But just as quickly as it takes you to register what’s happening, the strings on your hospital gown are cut. He moves aside to rip the clothing off you before going back to kiss your neck and hum into your ear “No need to be scared mein liebling, remember?”
“Right”  you say, easing your own anxiety. You’d like to think your heart stops racing after this but it only gets faster. Tighter in your chest as he kisses down your body. Holding on  your breasts and kissing around your nipples, grabbing as tightly as possible onto your waist before making his way to your panties, cutting them in a swipe as well. You can’t stop starring as he spreads your legs apart and kisses between your thighs, closer and closer to your slit. Being sure to kiss between the knook on your thigh and pelvis. He slows down even more as he kisses over your pubis and down over your clit, not touching it just yet but squeezing tightly on your thighs as his arms wrap around them. Lightly breathing warm air your opening, watching you pulse and looking up at the sweat falling from your forehead and cum drunk expression hanging off your face before even considering diving in. 
“What do you want, Darling?” he coos with another breath hitting goosebump 
“I want you to taste me” you say as fast as you can, you can’t stand him dragging this out of you. 
He licks up the side of your thigh, over the knook connecting your pelvis, just beside your lips as his tongue curls in between your slits and runs along your clit. Just the tip grazes it over and over again, his tongue feels hard with how much pressure he’s put forward. Trying to contain himself but not being able to help himself much longer. 
His arms grip onto your thighs, just within his finger tips you can feel his strength. You know you’ll be smiling at the 5 bruises of each finger tip on your thighs tomorrow as he pulls you in closer and buries his tongue inside. Feeling the inside of your walls and lapping up as much as he can, wanting to taste everything. The lining of his upper teeth pushing against your clit and rubbing it up and down with each thrust of his head. Never letting the ends of them hit your most precious nerve. 
His hands move over to your waist, pulling you in even closer and his tongue even deeper. His hands had felt the bandage on your side and adjusted. He wasn’t kidding, he wouldn’t hurt you. The bed shakes a little from his adjustment, not even an ounce of his weight is on the bed and yet the wheels screech below you as he moves you around. 
You’re flushed, forehead and cheeks bright red and covered in sweat already looking down at him. Taking care of you. His eyelids open and slowly his gaze locks with yours as he laps you up slowly. 
“Konig, please, I can’t hold out like this” you manage to get out 
“Does it hurt you?” He asks, “To be this stimulated?” 
“In a way” you cough out, “I love it, I want more. I want all of you. I want what you were threatening me with” 
He pauses. Looking at you, not breaking your gaze. The cloth falls back over his face and he pushes it into his mouth to lap up your juices as he whips it across his mouth. 
Never break from your gaze. 
He stands up. 
Looking down at you. 
He holds your face with both hands, making you look at him. As if your eyes ever moved. 
“You needed to be prepared first” he says as he undoes the button of his pants. You can see the bulge pressing forward already as they slide off. His boxers barely being able to hold him anymore as they finally come off and you see what was the most intimidating thing about him to date. Konig was a large man, to say the least and his proportions were, well, they made sense. You understood why you need to be prepped. You had never taken a cock this big, this long, with this much girth. 
He grabbed your waist and rolled the bed forward along with you, careful to avoid the wound. His cock between the folds of your slits gets wetter and wetter with each pull of the bed. His face practically next to yours, looking down at you. 
“Still not scared?” He asks 
“Now I might be” you admit, feeling how long he is as he glides you back and forth along it. Not quite entering yet 
“I would never hurt you” he explains, calmly 
“I think you might” you breath, looking down at him, still grazing you. Still lining himself with you. 
“We go at your pace, yeah?” he says, lining up the tip of his cock to the entrance of your slit. “Whatever you please”
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull yourself in, just the head moving yourself with the hospital bed. He stops the bed with his hands to make sure he doesn’t press in any farther. 
“I want more” you cough out in a sweat 
He holds your eyes and pulls the bed a little closer. You cry out. 
“More?” he asks 
You catch your breath, “yes”
“As you wish” he coos as he pulls the bed again, along with your body more deeply. You cry out again. 
“Shit that’s deep” you whine 
He snickers. 
“What?” you ask
“I still have more to give…” 
“Hurt me” you say 
He moves his nose to joust with yours. 
“Oh mein pet, I don’t wa–” 
“My pace, remember?” 
There’s a pause. He looks you up and down. 
“Once I start, I won’t stop. Remember?” he says sternly 
“Bracing myself” you say, grabbing onto his neck and bringing your body close. 
He wraps an arm around your body while the other absorbs the weight on the bed as he pulls you in as deep as he can go. Your mouth falls open but no words come out, it takes a minute for your cries to exit your body and then it takes a moment to bite down on his shoulder. He loves it, his body goes limp for half a second enjoying finally being fully inside you and the pressure your bite brings stiffens him back again. 
“Oh mein liebling, you’re so delicate” he whispers in your ear before pulling you off him and slowly, slowly bringing you back in again. “I did not prepare you enough, I can feel you stretch around me” 
He wasn’t kidding and it takes a few thrusts to finally adapt to him. He takes his time, slowly moving you back and forth, up and down on top of him. Your body holding onto him, nails digging into his back with each thrust until you can feel yourself relaxing. Enjoying every motion of his body. Each time he rocks you back and forth on his fat cock. 
“Don’t stop” you breath out
“I haven’t started” he says 
You don’t have the energy to muster saying anything else, only showing him with your body as you brace yourself again against him. He can feel the edges of your teeth lining up with his trap muscle and he knows you’re craving more. 
“Hurt me” You cough out 
He smiles under his mask for a brief moment before laying into you. Grabbing a hold of your waist with his arm as tightly as he can, leaning his weight into the bed with his other. He pulls you in as hard as he can and as fast as he can. You feel like a toy being thrown around, as if you weigh nothing with how fast he can throw your body onto his. Pushing deeper and deeper. He grunted with each thrust, 
“Fuck, you’re so much tighter than I imagined” he whimpers as he thrusts into you, the wheels of the bed screeching beneath you. The ferocity shakes them, damaging them. The bottom layer or the wheels has surely been ripped off with how hard he was fucking you on that fragile hospital bed. 
“Is that why you could never look at me?” You exude through breaths as he pulls back before driving his cock back into you. “You’re busy thinking of what I’d feel like?” 
“And what your pretty eyes would look like whist you cum” He sings, “among other things” 
“Tell me” 
“Now all my mind will be able to think about is you touching yourself while thinking of me” 
“I hope that’s burned into your brain the way your words are etched into mine” You whimper 
“Which ones?” He asks “Mein Liebling?" 
“That’s a new personal favourite for sure,” You catch your breath in between each time he plows into you. You need a minute again though, to bite into his trap muscle. 
He exclaims, your bites kill him. 
“What you said, on the mission” you manage to get out. “While you obliterated those men” 
He pulls you in again and again. 
“I don’t remember what I said, I’m sorry my darling” he grunts. “I was in a bit of a rage” 
He pushes through, leaning even more into the bed frame. 
“You said” you’re cut off by each thrust 
The bed breaks underneath you both. The legs not being able to sustain his weight, especially with how much he’s leaned into it. Just as you recognize the bed has broken out from under you, he catches you with his arm. You only feel the gravity affect you for a second before he’s got you and you wrap your legs around his waist as he pins you to the wall. 
“No one does get to touch you” he says as he pins you there, 
“No one huh?” You tease 
He plows into you 
“You get to touch me, I always want you touch me” You whimper into his ear 
His pace doesn’t change, he keeps the same. Keep it consistent as you edge closer and closer though he might not be able to hold out much longer. All the nights he stayed up thinking about you, finally being able to bury himself inside you. Having you practically begging him for it, wanting him. Konig only ever felt wanted from the violence he could implore. Never for this. It was destroying him. You scared him. 
“Tell me” he says under his breath 
“Tell you what? That I crave your touch?” you exhale 
“Tell me you want me” he thrusts again and again, 
You catch your breath before meeting his request. 
“I want you Konig” you cry “I’ve wanted you since we met.. I think about you every night, everytime I touch myself my mind wanders back to you.” 
“Fuck, I’m so close” he grunts. 
You were too and with his fingers tightening into your skin with each line you said, you wouldn’t be far behind him. Your body had been lit up and overstimulated for so long, you were surprised you had made it this far at all. 
“I want you Konig” You scream “I want you, I want you so badly. I want you…”
He pushes 
Thrusts again 
“No one” 
He pulls your whole body in
“Can touch me” 
“But you”
It’s enough to send you both over the edge, your stomach lights up from the orgasm finally not being able to be held back. No amount of bracing could stop you from finishing all over his cock and he had to let go and fill you with every ounce of cum he had. His legs were weak, not even necessarily the work out but hearing you call to him like that. Would make any man weak in the knees as he kept you pushed up against the wall. 
Your body took so long to stop twitching, you could feel each vein going off and pulsing on his cock, hitting your walls as he took a moment. Allowing every drop to meet your walls before finally being able to look at you. He held you in place while slowly, very very slowly pulling out but the shaft of his cock ran along your clit and sent jolts through your body which he held you for. You had never been so stimulated, it would take so long to calm down. 
He didn’t drop you, which surprised you. Kept you there while you finished shaking before wrapping you up and laying you both on the broken bed on the floor. You didn’t know what to do with yourself. Catching your breath was so difficult. 
“You’re very beautiful. I would uh, day dream. About your smile, just as much as uh–” he stuttered “this.” 
You roll over on top of him. Still breathing heavily. 
“I meant what I said for the record” you coo at him, “I want you” 
“I meant what I said too” he couches 
“Which part?” you ask calmly, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk this much” 
He chuckles “That you scare me” 
Dante Nyhpmir Masterlist
31 notes · View notes
whumpinaheartbeat · 1 year
A (dislocated) Leg To Stand On (Febuwhump 2023 Day 21)
This fic contains mentions of a dislocated knee, please read with discretion.
Riza’s eyes had latched onto Edward the moment he walked in. No, not walked. Limped. He was favouring his automail leg, failing to hide his wince every time he put any weight on his real leg. 
"What happened?" She demanded.
"Nothing." Edward snapped back, making his way over to the couch. "I got in a fight, is all."
"Did you win?" Jean asked.
Riza glared at him and Jean raised his hands in surrender. He knew better than to mess with the Hawk when Ed came in like this. 
"Where's Alphonse?" She asked.
"How should I know?" Ed said. "I'm not his keeper, you know."
"So the fight was with him?” Riza asked.
The fact that Edward didn't answer was answer enough. The boys fought often enough and sometimes Ed got hurt just by virtue of Alphonse being a 7 foot suit of armour but usually it was just sparring going too far and emotions running too high. None of those fights had ended with Ed limping so badly though since he usually played off any pain that he was experiencing as to not draw attention to himself and more often than not to make sure that Al didn’t feel bad about it.
"Lieutenant Havoc," Riza said. "Get some ice."
Jean moved slowly, watching Riza as she assessed Ed's leg. The fact that he even let her check his knee just went to show that her intuition that something was wrong had been warranted and as she saw the way Ed's whole body was trembling, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead, she only grew more concerned.
"Ed," She said carefully. "Have you ever dislocated your knee before?"
"Of course I have."
"I think you've done it again but when it went back in, it didn't go back right."
"You only have one knee and you still managed to dislocate it? Impressive." Jean whistled.
One more glare and Jean obediently went to grab the ice.
"I'm going to have to re-set it." Riza said.
Edward flinched away from her, his eyes wide.
"No way." He said. "I'm fine. I can walk it off."
“Ed,” Riza said patiently. “If you would prefer me to get a doctor I will, but the longer you don't treat this the worse the swelling will be. You won't be able to walk at all and it might cause permanent damage. Do you really want that?"
Ed chewed his lip, weighing up his options. 
Riza assumed that Al didn't know how badly Ed had hurt his leg given that the younger boy wasn't here fussing over him, which meant she would have to do this before Al came looking for him less the poor kid freak out over what he had done. Ed must be thinking the same thing because he nodded, clenching his fists as if to steel himself.
"Do it." He said.
"It's going to hurt." She warned.
"Oh please," Ed huffed. "Look at me, I'm kinda used to pain don't you think?"
Ed wiggled his automail fingers dramatically and Riza had to fight to not roll her eyes.
"Okay," Riza said. "I need you to relax as much as you can and breathe deeply."
Before Ed could grumble a response, Riza put one hand on Ed’s knee while the other pulled Ed’s leg out straight. 
Edward screamed.
In an instant he was tilting forward but Riza kept him upright, giving him several moments to just sit there shaking.
“Hell.” Ed gasped, swallowing roughly. 
“You did well.” She said. “Some people pass out.”
“Yeah, well,” Edward said. “Some people don’t have to get their nerves reattached every few weeks.”
“It wouldn’t be every few weeks if you stopped getting into fights.” Riza said. “Ah, there you are.”
Riza helped Edward to reposition, his legs laying straight with his back against the arm of the couch.
Jean handed her the ice and Riza carefully set it on Ed’s knee, neither of them commenting when Ed flinched back either from the cold or the pain. Even if his knee was now in it’s proper place, it was going to take time for the swelling to go down and it would probably be longer before he should be allowed to put any weight on it. But this was Edward Elric so any time spent on this couch would be more time than she should expect. 
“Lieutenant Havoc,” Riza said. “Get some food from the cafeteria.”
“What am I, some kind of butler?” Havoc grumbled.
Riza did not even have to glare this time before Havoc left the room, keeping her attention on the injured boy. 
“I’m not staying here.” Ed snapped. “Especially not to be waited on like some kind of invalid.”
“Okay then.” Riza said. “I suppose I won’t show you the Colonel’s notes, if you’re in such a rush to go.”
That piqued Edward’s interest, golden eyes already flicking around as if trying to understand pages that he hadn’t even been shown yet. Riza held back a smile, not feeling the need to brag about her victory, and went over towards Roy’s desk. She grabbed Roy’s journal and brought it back over, holding it out to Ed.
Ed reached for it but Riza held the journal of notes away from him.
“The Colonel does not hear about this.” She warned lowly.
“Not a peep.” Ed promised. 
Riza knew full well the journal she handed to him was just a decoy that used a completely different code to the one that Roy actually put his alchemical notes into but it should at least distract Ed for a while. If anything, she was curious as to how long it would take the boy genius to work out that it was a fake.
She went back to her own desk but Riza did not return to her work, watching Edward out of the corner of her eye as he practically vibrated with excitement, pouring over the pages. She would have to take the ice off of his knee and reassess it later and he would probably be limping for a few days but for now she just enjoyed watching him work knowing that he was safe and that he was actually resting his body for once. 
It was almost peaceful with just the two of them in the office, the peace only breaking as the aforementioned 7 foot suit of armour stumbled in shouting apologies with Jean Havoc running in after him, gasping loudly as if he had ran across half of the compound.
“Relax Al, I’m fine.” Ed grumbled. Then, he broke out into a smile. “But check this out!”
If Riza did not do any work in the time that Ed and Al spent hunched over some fake encoded notes then that was her business alone. And if she got Havoc to call Roy back to the office at the perfect time then that was her business alone too.
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