#well glad he finally got cast in a show where he got to kiss boys
dragonsareawesome123 · 8 months
Started watching The Penthouse and while they may have cut Taevin’s character’s queer storyline, Taevin is clearly still playing his character as queer ajsjsksksks
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immobiliter · 1 year
okay i'm safely home, so you know what that means: detailed thoughts on s4 of sex ed under the cut !!
alright so starting more generally first before i move onto individual characters, i agree with the consensus that this is the weakest season overall. it has some great individual storylines, but the really good stuff was hugely overshadowed by storylines that i did not care for whatsoever. there were way too many characters introduced for a show that nixed half of its original cast at the end of last season and that is on its final season - i did like abbi, roman & aisha, i think they were the only new characters who actually had a chance to shine, but i did not care for o whatsoever and there was waaay too much time dedicated to her rivalry with otis which went nowhere ( the teacher in the final ep during the vote who was like "this was a massive waste of time" like. such a mood lmao ). i liked molloy, he was fun and i wished we'd seen more of him, but idk it was just a weird choice to ditch half of the cast and then introduce all of these other characters in a final season and dedicate so much time to them when, ultimately, the audience cares about the characters who have already been there since the start. i also think this season they tried to address too many issues at once, meaning that it didn't have the time to really delve into most of them and give them the time they deserved - i think that's where the complaint comes from that it felt like a box ticking exercise by the end, where the writers were just ticking off a list of issues and not really giving any of it the substance or thought that had gone into previous seasons. it was just a bit of a mess as a cohesive story, imo
but moving onto the characters and starting with my darling aimee: she (and ruby) had the best arcs this season in my opinion. she was a delight as ever every time she was on screen and they continued to handle her healing arc soooo well. it was fun to see her without maeve and i will cling onto every single instance where she got to interact with other characters (like playing scabby queen with otis in the car while at the hospital, or jackson admonishing her for shopping while everyone looked for cal at the mall). as for her and isaac, i reaaaaally liked them together, they felt like one of the better pairings this season. my one real gripe is that, like a lot of the season, not enough time was dedicated to them and the two of them ending up in a relationship felt rushed. the whole point of the final episode of s3 was aimee dumping steve and figuring out some stuff on her own for the first time, and yet by the 3rd or 4th episode of s4 there were heavy romantic flags surrounding her and isaac and all of that seemed to be forgotten. i don't necessarily think this was out of character for her ( as i've said in meta before, the girl needs to do some work deconstructing her relationships with boys ), but the fact that it took until the final episode for aimee to talk to isaac about her intimacy issues... i didn't like that it came that late in the season ? when the two had their almost kiss, i thought the reason for aimee's hesitation would be a combination of the weirdness with maeve AND also her difficulties with intimacy that she had been originally struggling with while dating steve. i'm glad they DID address it eventually, but i just think with them wrapping up the show in this season, they were playing aimee & isaac's relationship development on x2 speed. i liked them together and i think eventually getting into another relationship is so key to aimee's ability to heal, but i personally would want it to be more slowburn than it actually was, which realistically wasn't possible in this season. also photographer aimee !! i was so close with fashion designer, so close. i'm counting that as a win
adam, again, no real notes, his arc was once again handled superbly and every single one of his scenes with michael hit really hard for me. i was initially very ://// when maureen and michael hooked up AGAIN but i'm so glad that the show allowed adam to react to it and that it became a catalyst for that final "i didn't like myself and therefore i made you feel small" conversation. ooooof that hit me like a freight train. my one complaint is that adam's story felt SO isolated from everything else. the fact that it was only during the funeral ep that adam actually got to share a screen with the other characters ( i'm glad that he and eric got a little bit of closure there ) made me so sad. ESPECIALLY as we see him watching that reality tv show with his mum and then see ruby watching the same show in the very next scene with her and otis. the two of them are still best friends, that is my canon. also horse girl adam was fun and i'm just so glad that we continued to see him thrive at something and figure out what he's good at.
okay moving on to my other kid, jackson. what a weird season for him. i think it became clear about halfway through that the writers just had no idea what to do with him ( again ). the fact that his arc seemed to start with him questioning whether he was queer ( in what was a very strange scene between him and otis, i need to rewatch but it was odd ) before deciding no i'm actually straight, but then took a sudden sharp left turn into his health scare plot, which y'know, is an extremely valid issue to explore, but was then resolved and took another left turn into jackson discovering who his biological father was ?? as much as it was nice to see his mums again and get some context about their relationship and how they ended up bringing up jackson together, i just wish that the writers had picked one of these three things and stuck with it. the questioning plot didn't lead to him getting back together with cal, the health scare plot was Valid but again didn't really go anywhere other than to suddenly prompt jackson to want to know more about his family tree, and then that plot also got resolved stupidly quickly. with most of the other characters, their endings were neat enough that you could fill in the gaps about where their futures might end up. with jackson there was none of that, and honestly when you pair jackson's arc up with viv's arc, there was a perfect opportunity to make romantic jackson/viv canon but they blew it. the fact that jackson says in ep 2 or 3 that he doesn't think he can be in a casual relationship with someone, there has to be feelings involved, and then viv's controlling new bf continually emphasises that she spends so much time with jackson and tells him everything...... idk it's like the writers were signalling some romantic tension for them almost unintentionally ? it would have made perfect sense as a conclusion idk. i just think jackson & viv became so sidelined and unimportant this season aside from to illustrate their respective issues (the importance of checking for lumps/health scare and controlling/coercive behaviour in a relationship) that then didn't have enough time dedicated to them
eric my beloved. i looooooved his arc this season. it felt very similar to his s1 arc, especially to begin with, but maybe this is because his s1 arc is my fave but s4 just felt like the continuation of it ? also ncuti has enough charisma to pull anything off at this point, like it got Weird about 2/3 of the way through the season when he started having visions but ncuti really put everything into his performance. it was also sooooo nice to see eric making new queer friends and developing an identity/community outside of his friendship with otis. otis was basically a dick all season and i'll talk about it but i like that the otis/eric friendship was challenged this season.
ruby was also a standout this season. i hate that her entire arc became centred around otis and the writers basically used her to further otis & maeve and create yet more unnecessary Drama, but the way that they delved into her queen bitch origin story with o and the development that she continued to go through this season... she was such a highlight i love her so very much
i think that was the best ending maeve could have gotten, given the circumstances. i was already bored of otis & maeve by the second ep so you can imagine what i was like throughout all of their subsequent scenes together and it was a Mess but i'm so glad that she went back to america at the end of the season. it's what she deserved. i kinda hate that her america arc was broken up by her mum's death and there was the whole middle part of the season with her back in moordale, i still don't really know how i feel about any of that, but her speech to molloy in the final episode about how his feedback crushed her was soo good. i love her
ooof otis. i am someone who has always liked otis, even at his most unlikeable, but i just find it hilariously ironic that it's otis who requires more therapy than the rest of the other characters combined at this point, despite the fact that he is narratively centred as the story's therapist. that boy has SO MANY issues and they were all on full display this season. ruby & eric deserved better from him, as did maeve too tbh. i'm not really sure what the story was trying to achieve with him this season other than just to make him act like as much of a dick as possible at every opportunity. i did hate that o used otis's father against him during their debate, especially considering how sensitively the show has handled otis's dynamic with his father and how much he obsesses over not becoming like his dad. idk i just. were they intending to make otis the villain this season ? it was all very weird. i'm glad he made up with eric by the end but it was still a mess. likewise, i don't think the show really knew what to do with jean either this season ? i didn't care about her sister, there was waaaay too much time dedicated to her and in a final season it just felt super unnecessary. they tried to delve into the trauma of their childhoods but idk ?? it all just fell flat and i just did not care enough for it lmao
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wanderingrain · 2 years
Blogging through Till the World Ends Ep 6
Aww not domestic gangster boyfriend.
Oh ok we're just gonna loudly make out on the couch behind little sister's back.
I cannot take P'Joke's eyepatch seriously I'm sorry
If she says this meat is the dog🐕 I swear
She's totally going to vgyrdchjoyrdd
oh no we're hinting it's human
Oh ok we're not hinting.
They're grossed out but not as much as you would expect them to be. Your little sister makes you eat human and you're only a little bit grossed out? Not even enough to be disgusted? What even is this gang? Lol
I've said it before, There is literally no way to explain away Golf hitting Art with the guitar. "I just got so angry" Major red flag my dude. "I thought you were trying to steal my girlfriend. " Major red flag my dude. I feel like this whole premise only really works because they're going to die (maybe) in 4 days. Like there is no way this relationship can survive long term unless they both get a lot of therapy. But short term? We're all gonna die anyway my dudes. ┐(゚~゚)┌
"I didn't mean it. " Dude it was clearly premeditated. I think you mean "if I knew you then like I do now I wouldn't have done it" which is still a Major red flag my dude.
well if these aren't the consequences of my own actions
Brother cuddllllleeees
I sense some BS advice coming from Jae
"it depends on the relationship." Jae he literally assaulted me.
"How many people have you hurt?" Jae there is a huge glaring difference here in that I (Art) never assaulted anyone.
Ugh where's the crack. Give me the crack back.
What is this all of a sudden???
This is so much worse advice than I thought it would be!!
"Golf didn't have bad intentions" HE BASHED SOMEONE OVER THE HEAD WITH A GUITAR!!
I knew they would pull out some stupid excuse to get Golf and Art back together but I thought it would Art least be funny!!?? Not this "sometimes you just have to let the person you love hurt you" crap.
This is so toxic please. This is Love Mechanics levels of toxic. Except this show doesn't have romanticized SA. (Crossing my fingers)
You know how when you talk to older women and they're like "oh yeah I waited on my husband hand and foot. He's just so tired after work you know? But boy was it difficult to cook with 7 children under foot but you learn to manage it!" And they treat men like they're basically one of the children they have to take care of and expect the younger generations to do the same? Yeah that's the feeling I'm getting from this conversation.
Before this conversation happened I was prepared to say "aww adopted mother cuddllleees" but now I'm too upset with Jae 😕
wow I just got an ad for a movie called "women talking" that looks like it's about what I was literally just talking about. 😨
I'm so glad they cast actors who can cry. It's always so awkward when they're clearly trying but can't.
Dude stop calling his name and just spit it out!! He's clearly here to listen!! This is Lovely Writer all over again where he was given ample time to explain and just stood there in silence!
Is he showing Art the video he took where he tried to unalive himself?? That's like emotional blackmail? What the heck
Your excuse is "if I'd wanted to kill you I wouldn't have helped you" ?? See this is the good crack! Take everything else away and just say the most absurd thing possible!
I see you looking at his lips Art. I see you
Lol not P'Gus and Jae falling into the room! Not them just continuing to lay there instead of jumping apart. Finally the crack is back!
Is this wedding foreshadowing?
He is not about to propose. They just got back together. Have they even kissed yet? I don't think they have.
No he is oh jeez. I have no words.
I don't know how I feel about this but the world is ending in 4 days so sure why not if it's that important to you.
Can't believe this is their first- oh ok nevermind.
Lol trying to use a Pomeranian to follow a scent.
The way the dog just FLOPS onto the ground!! This is the good stuff.
Oh no what is this awkwardness?
More Christmas🎄 music!!
It's not complete because you didn't kiss, Art. Duh
They're not even lining up correctly this kiss ain't gonna happen.
Yup there it is
crying on the floor what was that sneeze ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That wasn't supposed to happen was it. That was a real sneeze and they all just acted past it. I love these moments in amateur shows so much.
Is this the first time we've seen Jae with her hair down? Besides the wedding?
They're acting like she's so old lol. She's not even hobbling on her feet and they're acting like she's on death's door.
Aww is sweet that they're all crying
uh oh not the gang approaching.
I'm not really sure why I exchanged "babes" for "my dude" in this one but I did so... ┐(゚~゚)┌ I can't believe our boys got married and they still haven't even kissed yet.
So I thought before that one of the gang members was going to be Art's little brother, but that was before I realized that P'Long wasn't actually a new recruit and that both of the guys were older than bubblegum. (Have they ever even said her name btw? Cause I haven't noticed.) I'm sure his brother will come up somehow though. They wouldn't have brought him up if he wasn't going to appear at some point.
Are we working off the assumption that anyone inside a bunker when the moon hits the earth will survive? Because I've been thinking this whole time that it's a kind of false comfort situation. Like there's nothing anyone can do to stop the mass extinction of humanity but we need to at least seem like we're doing something.
I've kinda just been assuming everyone's going to die at the end which definitely contributes to me not taking things as seriously. Nothing really matters if all our characters are just going to die, no need to get too attached to them. ┐(゚~゚)┌ I'm really just here to have fun.
On to episode 7 and maybe the start of a new adventure outside the dorm?
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sepublic · 2 years
Clouds on the Horizon!
            …I know we called Alador a rat man, but THIS is ridiculous! Seriously, how’d he even do that, I’m confused?
         LUMITY KISS LUMITY KISS THE WAY THE ANIMATION UPGRADED!!! The animation was so SMOOTH the animators knew it had to count. The way Luz’s vines were so FLOWER filled like from Reaching Out, responding to what Luz wanted as she mentioned at that episode when showing how to grow flowers… The Lumity and Raeda parallels! The twins! EMIRA AND EDRIC NNNOOOO!!!!! I can’t believe they got put away for the final battle this literally hurts so much, and what about Bump and the other students? Not my Blight twins…
         ODALIA THAT BITCH! Doesn’t Odalia realize SHE’s gonna die too… Or does she really think Belos will exempt her and Alador’s sigils?! I was half-expecting a twist where it’s revealed that Odalia didn’t have a sigil this entire time, making her all the more deplorable, especially in light of her husband having one… Glad we got to see a look at Oracle magic, or rather some confirmation in its ability to summon ghosts to fight with!
         The way Odalia left… It kinda feels like it’s alluding to her finding a new partner, but I’m not sure if we’ll even get to see her again? IS IT GONNA BE TIBBLES?!?! That’d be an embarrassing for her as an ending revisit to all of the cast members… Also, apparently someone’s keeping an eye on the rebels?! Is there a turncloak, is it Eberwolf?! Or Darius… No… NO! Maybe it’s just the Oracle Head using some sophisticated magic… Maybe teaming up with the Potion head to make a scrying potion? Oh fuck…
         LILITH! I love seeing Lilith voluntarily step up to take the fall for her sister this time, what a WONDERFUL culmination to her arc! And King, wanting to help but he’s still the youngest of all and if he bleeds, that could be a revealing liability… This episode seems to confirm the implication that Belos is manipulating even the Collector as well, so will the Collector preemptively betray him in retaliation? He doesn’t seem to realize King can hear him but maybe he does… Either way, that connection is def coming into play! And the Collector pointing out to Belos how much HE’S changed, and he’s still having freakouts… How the human world has likely changed!
         Okay! So they’re not ignoring Hunter’s identity crisis as a grimwalker, or Luz’s guilt for helping Philip! Glad to see that confirmation and I loved seeing them team up together… Also I TOTALLY saw that switcheroo as soon as ‘Luz’ did the golden warp TO PROTECT WILLOW!!! Speaking of which, Willow new design! And Gus, too, flaunting that trophy he took from Adrian! My boi I love him… And just his and Hunter’s teamup, him using that same darkness spell from Bria against Kikimora! I saw it coming, Luz was bamboozling Kikimora as a means to get to the castle! Poor Kiki, she got DEMOTED instead of promoted… YIKES. Imagine if after all this, as a cruel joke, Belos DOES keep his promise and let Kikimora live out of a sick and twisted sense of humor.
         Odalia that BITCH. I’m glad to see Amity get PISSED at her mom so openly, and I’m glad to see Alador go against her! With him destroying the factory, that’s him destroying any more Abomatons in the future… Hopefully we can see him override the Abomatons against Belos this finale, that will DEFINITELY help because Belos has made the mistake of positioning them in fairly critical places, like his own throne room during a private conversation with Hunter!
         I hope this finale we get to see the remaining Coven Heads, at least voices, names, and a brief show of powers. A part of me is hoping we’ll see the remaining four side with Belos in Season 3 so we can learn about them, but I’m not holding my breath… Dammit Disney. And RAINE! Raine wanting to protect Eda, that last banter… Luz asking them to look after her, Raine never needing to be told that but. I REALLY don’t like where this is going. I’m getting kinda scared and concerned for another cliffhanger where Eda is sacrificed… But hey, at least we got Katya hanging out with Luz and King for once, and a look at her beetle palisman! Yes! I’m imagining the off-screen interaction as they flew to Blight Manor.
         Oh god I’m so scared. Things are closing up… I love Luz promising a slice-of-life date and mentioning the trope. And the palisman egg! That’s SO kind of Luz to let her palisman choose that for itself… But will we not see until after the final battle? Will the egg hatch until the final crucial moment? Ngl at first I thought it was a reference to Azura’s blue staff which it could ALSO be that… Just god, I feel like there’s so much we’ve had to drop; This subplot of Odalia’s new partner, the remaining Coven Heads, the beach episode, confirmation that Steve and Mattholomule being half-brothers would be explored. The concealment stone was a nice touch…
        BUT WHO’S KEEPING EYES IS IT EBERWOLF AAKDHFKDAHDKFKGKSK or maybe. Maybe! Maybe the Oracle Head is just POSSESSING someone and there isn’t an actual traitor per se! I wish I hope… THIS CAN’T BE IT! I NEED MORE DANA!!!
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
Hiii drew smut where they meet from Madison and have been talking and then the cast plus y/n go out clubbing and they confess there feelings / also can drew be rough.
*Keep it on the low*
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Warning: smut and language.
I got carried away with this one so I hope you guys like.
“ I just feel like we never see each other anymore “ you spoke over the phone Bailey.
“ I know” she whined out. “ listen we’ll fly you out this weekend so we can hang and you can meet my friends okay? You’re going to love them “ she insisted.
“ okay” you agreed, the feeling of excitement rushing through you. Madison was your best friend since middle school and it had been a touch transition since she began filming her new tv show, Outer Banks. Of course you talked on the phone but it wasn’t the same, and you missed her truly.
You had almost became envious of her new cast mates because they were daily posting videos and pictures with each other and it made you miss her more than ever .
You quickly went back to your bedroom, packing a suit case- the weekend couldn’t come any faster .
“ I’m walking down the escalator now” you spoke as you sat on the phone with Madison trying to find your way to her.
“ okay - wait I think I see you” she spoke out.
“ y/n!” You heard someone yell from in front of you. You lifted your head only to see Madison standing at the bottom of the escalator, her hand waving at 90 miles per hour.
“ Maddy!” You yelled before jogging your way down the already moving steps.
“ oh my gosh!” You yelled out as you both wrapped each other in a tight hug.
“ I’m gonna cry “ she spoke as she squeezed her arms around your shoulders.
“ ugh I know I’ve missed you so much” you poured .
“ c’mon we’ve only got the weekend and I have soooo much to show you” she insisted, tugging on your arm .
The ride to Madison’s hotel that she was staying it a was a bit of a drive from the apartment. She was staying pretty close to the beach and Charleston was probably one of the most beautiful cities you had ever laid your eyes on.
Madison had updated you on a lot, including a new girl she was talking to as well as her new friends and their characters on the show.
“ this Rafe guy sounds like a dick” you joked.
“ yeah but you’ll love Drew he’s literally polar opposite than his character . “
"Ahhh she's back!" a blonde headed boy beamed, running over towards your friend, ingulfing her in a hug.
"Rudy this is Y/n" She said with a wide smile, pulling you over.
"Hi" You beamed holding your hand out but Rudy instead pulled you into a hug.
"So glad you finally made it. Maddie over here wouldn't shut up about how much she missed you" He joked.
"Awe Maddie " You said with a sympathetic pout.
"Shut up" She laughed while rolling her eyes before pulling you further into the hotel.
"Guys" She spoke out loudly to a group of people sitting on her couch causing all of their eyes to advert towards you. " This is Y/n" She announced pulling you up next to her.
You awkwardly waved, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks as she practically put the spot light onto you.
"I'm Chase" One guy said leaning over the couch, holding his hand out.
"I'm Madelyn " The blonde girl next to him said standing up, walking over towards you. " it's nice to meet you" she beamed, pulling you into a hug.
'Okay so everyone is big into hugs,' you thought. You smiled widely at her before you looked over at another one walking towards you.
"I'm Jonathan Daviss, but you can call me JD" He spoke. you nodded excitedly.
"That's a cool nickname" you beamed, causing a smile to form on his face. You then looked over towards the last face on the couch.
Now this man- he almost took your breath away. He stood up, his tall figure stretching high towards the ceiling.
"Hi, i'm Drew" He spoke, his voice the perfect tone, almost sounded like music to your ears. He had these sky blue eyes, perfectly pink lips, a little bit of fuzz on his jaw from being recently shaved, and brown hair draped over the sides of his forehead, parting perfectly down the middle. Your heart began to pound as he reached his hand out for you to shake. You hadn't realized you were staring until Madison nudged you with her elbow, bringing you out of your trance.
"Oh uhm yeah- i mean hi I'm y/n" You stuttered embarrassingly. He smiled a bright smile, his white teeth shining perfectly on his perfectly aligned face.
You sighed deeply. You never believed in love at first sight until now. How perfect this stranger was to you. If it weren't for you not wanting to humiliate yourself even more than you already were, you would've continued looking at him with admiration, but instead you turned your head to look at Maddie, trying to not to creep the poor guy out.
"okay guys I'm starving" Chase spoke up as the room filled with silence. "who wants to go eat?" He asked throwing his hands up. You grinned , already loving everyone's bubbly personality.
You sat your bag down onto the ground before tucking your hair behind your ear, watching as everyone began to make their way out the door.
"After you" Drew said, you and him being the last ones left in the room.
"Thanks" you said softly, walking out in front of him as he held the door open for you.
Who would've known that this would only the beginning of a very special relationship.
"Drew" You spoke out before his lips placed onto yours once again, his hand placed firmly on your thigh as your were tangled in his hair.
"Hmm" He hummed against your lips, his teeth nibbling on your bottom lip.
"We should tell them" You breathed out in between kisses.
"Mmm" he mumbled, his eyes closed as his lips trailed down your jaw towards your neck.
"I'm serious Drew I don't want to hide you anymore" You responded pulling away from him.
He stopped his movements, making eye contact with you.
"You sure?" He asked.
You and Drew had instantly hit it off that first weekend Madison brought you over.
It had happened the first night you had stayed the night. Everyone had fallen asleep and you and Drew stayed up for hours on hours endlessly talking about anything and everything. The sparks were flying. You were so engaged in every word that came out of his mouth, his sentences sounding like lullabies to your ears.
Before you had left you both had exchanged numbers and before you could even make it to the airport you were both texting each other. Throughout the first week you both spent every night on the phone until one had fallen asleep. It had almost became addictive the way he made you feel.
Neither of you spoke of your friendship to anyone though. Mainly wanting to take things slow but you also didn't want to upset anyone or cause any issues between Drew and Madison. He assured you it wouldn't upset anyone or cause issues but at the same time he wanted to respect your wishes and keep things a secret.
You both had been virtually seeing each other for three weeks before he flew you out for a weekend, just the two of you. You had stayed with him the whole weekend, movie nights and a lot of sex.
This week though you were invited by the whole group, and right now you were hidden off in Drew's hotel hiding from the group with Drew laid on top of you, the both of you shirtless.
"We can tell them tonight okay, i just want to enjoy the time we have together right now" He insisted. You simply nodded before leaning your head forward before placing your lips against his once again.
Drew sat up, smirking at you as he tugged on your jeans, pulling them down your thighs, exposing your pink laced panties that complimented your skin so well.
"So beautiful" Drew mumbled as his hands massaged against your thighs before reaching up towards your panties pulling them down as well. He reached over to the nightstand grabbing the condom on the top before pushing his own pants down, exposing his hardened pink shaft, the veins popping out the side.
You stared in admiration at the size as he placed the rubber over him.
"Flip over" he instructed. You quickly obliged, your face in his pillow. He tucked his arm under your waist, pulling your hips bag some to wear your bottom was pointed upwards.
You gasped loudly as you felt his tip insert into you, stretching your walls around him.
"fuck" you moaned out as he pushed into you, his hips pressed against your cheeks before he pulled back out, letting your own juices help lubricate him before he pushed back in at a faster speed.
"Fuck you're tight" Drew groaned out as he slowly pulled himself of you again, leaving just the tip in. You looked over your shoulder, smirking up at him as he looked down at you, his Adams apple poking out. Drew sighed heavily , closing his eyes for a brief second almost coming undone right then and there just from the sight of you.
He finally regained his composer, looking back down at you before pressing his hand onto the back of your head pushing your face further into the pillow before he began moving his hips once again, this time at a much faster pace.
"God Drew" you cried out as he hit your spot with each thrust, your hands balling in a fist around his sheets as you struggled to breath, overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure you were receiving. You arched your back further against Drew, giving him more access to go deeper into you, your hips moving causing your walls to tighten around him.
"Fuck" He breathed out, lowing his head some as we watched himself sliding in and out of you, his abs flexing with each thrust.
"Oh yes daddy yes "You moaned out, reaching behind you, grabbing hold of his hand that was placed on your bottom.
"You like that baby?" He asked before placing a firm smack against your left cheek. You hissed out , biting down on your bottom lip as your eyes focused on his body jerking forward over and over again, every inch of his body flexing as he moved himself in and out of you.
Since that first weekend you and Drew had spent together alone, he had learned more and more ways to work your body, especially when he realized you enjoyed it rough like him.
"Pull my hair baby" you pleaded, attempting to tug on his hand that had a firm grip on your hip while your body continued rocking back and forth.
Drew quickly obliged, reaching up to grab a hand full of your hair, pulling you back towards him, your back arched to where your arms stretched out, your hands placed against his pillows.
"God yes" You winced out, a slight stinging as he had a tight grip on your hair.
"Fuck princess" he groaned feeling his climax beginning to build. His thrusts began to speed up, your tits bouncing in the air as he continued to pound into you. You leaned up some, arm wrapping around his neck . You both began to lower, you practically sitting in his lap as he leaned back, propped up on one arm as the other had his hand wrapped against your throat. His thrusts were now at a steady but rough pace, slamming up against you as he placed sloppy kisses alongside your shoulder.
"God" He groaned out as his thrusts slowed down, turning more into grinds as his cock pulsed inside you, his warm load filling the condom. You begin rocking your hips back and forth along him riding your own high out, moaning his name out loudly as your toes curled, your climax euphoric. You climbed off of Drew, flopping your body down onto the his bed, breathing heavily as you ran your hands through your hair.
"That was amazing" you breathed out. Drew nodded, himself out of breath as well.
"I'm gonna get a shower" He responded as he stood up, his member beginning to soften. "We gotta meet everyone in two hours. Wanna join?" He asked. You smiled up at him before nodding, grabbing ahold of his reached out hand.
"Finally" Madison groaned as she saw you climbing out of the black SUV that escorted you to the night club you and the gang were linking up at .
"Sorry got caught up" you responded brushing the hair out of your face as the wind blew against it.
"I can see" she chuckled, her eyes focused on the round purple hickey on your collarbone. Your eyes widened, you had almost forgotten about it. You had saw the hickey as you did your make up and Drew's shower but had forgotten to cover it.
"Who were you with?" She asked out of curiosity but you only shook your head, pretending to be shy about your actions.
"ugh okay come on everyone else is inside" She responded. You nodded before tugging slightly on your black dress as it rode up your thighs. You had your hair down with white sneakers on, a simple butterfly necklace and a skin tight strapless dress on that barely that went down a few inches on your thighs.
The music was loud, everyone definitely lit as you both walked in. Your eyes roamed the club. It was definitely a party style. There a lot of people around dancing, and neon objects glowing in the black lights. Madison guided you to the corner booth your shared friends resided in, including Drew.
""You look so cute!" Madelyn beamed as she wrapped you in a tight hug.
"You too babes" You responded, well yelled as you placed your chin on her shoulder, only to see Drew standing behind her, his eyes focused on your body. He almost looked upset. Seeming how you were still on the low about your relationship you didn't confront him, but you did check him out from afar. He stood on the side next to JD black denim jeans with a white striped button up collared shirt, with his signature gold chain around his neck and a black watch on his wrist.
Despite just getting your back blown out by Drew, you had to leave before anyone came searching for you so you didn't get to see Drew dressed up, the last image you had of him was of him in a towel and his wet hair slicked back.
He was looking so good at this point you had to distance yourself from him before you made it obvious of your secret.
"Come dance" Madelyn pleaded tugging on your arm.
"I need to be drunk before i get onto the dance floor" You joked. Madelyn though took you serious and walked over to the bar, ordering at least two shots for everyone since you were each going to be getting an Uber back to the hotels.
"Okay drink up" She responded holding both yours and her shot in the air. You quickly glanced over towards your secret boyfriend who was watching you intensely before you tossed your head back opening your throat, letting the alcohol burn its way down your throat.
"phew" you said, a shiver following shortly after.
"Okay, One more " Madelyn insisted. You didn't plan to get shit faced of course , but you were definitely interested in a good time so you obliged, repeating the same action again, this time the liquids going down a bit easier. You both stood for a second in silence before she shook her head.
"I think one more with do us justice " She grinned. You chuckled, already feeling a slight buzz coming as the alcohol spread through your blood stream.
"Don't you think you've had enough?" You heard someone mumble from behind you. You looked over to see Drew standing behind you. You furrowed your brows together. How the hell did he get over there so fast?
"Don't " you mumbled before looking down at the table trying to avoid his gaze. "You're making it obvious" You responded before taking a step away, turning your back towards him.
Unfortunately you didn't notice how much those words actually upset Drew. IT had almost felt like he was an embarrassment to you with how much effort you put in to hiding him so he walked away, finding his way back next to JD.
"You okay man?" JD asked as he saw the obvious frown on Drew's face.
"Yeah man" He mumbled as he looked across the both of them, watching you quickly gulp away yet another shot of alcohol, bursting into laughter shortly after with Madelyn. He shook his head in disappointment. Of course he wanted you to have fun but he just didn't want you to get so waisted you end up doing something you regret and him not being able to help you since you didn't want him to show his affection towards you in front of everyone.
"Want a shot?" Drew asked glancing over at JD who also looked not too amused at the moment with the environment and in need of some lighting up. They both watched you and Madelyn make your way to the dance floor, merging in with the crowd as the quickly took their first shot, both of them sighing heavily as they attempted to mask the burning feeling.
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You immediately began swaying your hips to the upbeat music, the alcohol coursing through your body, giving you an almost out of body type feeling, something you usually didn't get unless you were in bed with Drew.
You didn't intend to jump into the party that fast. after 2 songs Chase had came by with more shots, unaware to the previous t3 you both had taken but neither of you denied them, quickly throwing your head back, wiping the drips off your chin as you looked over at Drew who surprisingly paid you no attention. You dancing slowed down as you realized the group Drew was associating with.
You could see JD and Rudy with Drew which was not an issue. it was the 3 bimbos standing with them too, one in particular standing too close for your comfort towards Drew, her index finger twirling in a poorly curled strand of hair.
You rolled your eyes, jealously now running through you. It was obviously intensified from the alcohol but you wanted to drag him away from the girls and show those girls exactly who he belonged to but you knew you couldn't say anything considering you and him were a secret.
"Hi" You heard from behind you. It was a tall brunette guy, pretty stocky with what looked to be hazel eyes and curly brown hair. At least that what you guessed since the dance floor was only lit up from black lights above you.
"Hi" You said with a friendly smile before turning back around, a frown forming as you noticed Drew laughing at whatever the girl closest to him just said.
"You got a name?" The guy asked, dancing behind you. You turned your head, almost ready to tell him to piss off until you glanced over towards Drew who still had not even given you a glance.
"Y/n" You responded as you turned your body completely around, facing towards him.
You studied his face. He looked cute, or maybe that was just the alcohol clouding your judgment. To your drunken eyes, he favored Timothee Chalamet to you, which was some one who was a sight for sore eyes.
- but, never the less, he wasn't Drew.
The guy mentioned his name back to you but between the alcohol and the music , you didn't hear him clearly. You looked to your side to see Chase and Madelyn in their own little world so you shrugged your shoulders, turning back towards the tall boy.
"You come here with someone?" He asked as he took a step closer, his body swaying along with yours to the music. You glanced over your shoulder towards Drew, the same scenario playing as earlier . You rolled your eyes becoming agitated with Drew before you looked back forward trying not to be obvious.
"I thought i did but it's looking like they didn't come in with me" You said, your lips close to his ear as he leaned forward to hear you.
"Huh" He responded leaning back. "That's to bad. You're very beautiful" He responded. You grinned widely, enjoying the attention.
The song changed, turning to a slower song, a more sensual vibe to it. You turned around, swaying your hips up against the guy as his hand wrapped around your waist.
You usually wouldn't do this, but between the alcohol and your jealousy towards Drew, you were enjoying every second of it in hopes Drew would catch on and realize what he was losing.
And surprisingly , that's exactly what happened.
Drew tried to play things your way. He tried to pretend that there was nothing going on between the two of you. He even gave other women attention to make it believable but it was all fake smiles and laughs when really all he wanted was to hold you. He did try his best though, that is until he looked up to check on you only to see your body being held by another guy, your ass pressed against the guys crotch as he practically dry humped you from behind.
Now Drew didn't drink as much as you did, but he did have 1 to 2 shots , enough to help spark a fire inside of him, rage flowing through his veins. Drew didn't hesitate to make his way over to you, his mind only focused on removing the guy from his girl.
"Y/n what the fuck" He spat out as he tugged on your hand, trying to remove you from him. Your eyes widened, guilt instantly flowing through you. You didn't mean for any of this to happen and seeing Drew standing in front of you fuming, you couldn't help but to feel embarrassed by your actions.
"Man back off alright she's just having a good time" The guy said with a cocky smirk plastered across his face.
"Fuck off " Drew scolded before looking back at you, completely brushing the guy off.
"This is really how you want to sell it ?" He said, his voice louder than normal because of the music, but those surrounding him including Chase and Madelyn hearing.
"Oh go fuck yourself Drew" You scoffed, rolling your eyes. You began to march off of the dance floor, making your way towards the table you were previously at, leaving the stranger stranded.
"REal mature Y/n" He responded following closely behind you. The rest of the group followed behind, beyond confused as to why the two of you would even be arguing like this.
"Oh but you weren't doing the same thing over here with the chick ? Laughing at every little thing she said" You spat out.
He threw his hands up.
"Y/n i was trying to play your little game of secrets" He argued back.
"Wait what secrets?" Madison spat out. The both of you stared at each other, unsure who was going or not going to spill the truth.
"No point in hiding it anymore Y/n" Drew argued. You furrowed your brows in frustration, crossing your arms over your chest as Drew spoke. Which he was absolutely right which upset you anymore.
"Somebody better start talking in point two second or -"
"We're dating" you interrupted, looking over towards Madison.
Everyone's jaw dropped except for JD's, his response was jut of him shaking his head.
"What!?" Madison yelled out in shock.
"Like talking?" She asked, looking between the two of you. " Or like, dating dating?"
"More like dating dating" Rudy butted in, pushing his index finger into a circle he made with his other hand, indicating intercourse.
You quickly placed your head in your hand with embarrassment.
"No fucking way" Chase responded, a wide grin on his face.
"Bro why didn't you tell me?" Chase yelled out placing his hand on Drew's shoulder.
"We didn't want anyone mad at us or like, i don't know it ruin this friendship we all have" You responded, lowering your head in disappointment.
"Y/n are you delusional? Why would that make any of us mad ?" Madison replied with a wide grin on his face.
"You guys, i called it" JD finally spoke, a cocky smirk across his face.
"Whaattt? " you responded looking over at him with confusion.
"You guys have been clung to each other since you first met. I'm not stupid" He laughed. You shook your head, a grin forming on your face.
"Okay the cats out of the bag so you guys don't have to continue pretending okay? " Madelyn responded. "Can we please get back to dancing?" She pleaded. They all nodded before the group once again went their separate ways, leaving you and Drew alone at the table.
"I'm sorry" You responded stepping closer towards him, placing your hand on his.
"ME too" He responded looking down at you.
"I kind of want to get out of here, yanno" You said with a smirk on your face. He grinned back, nodding his head.
Hope you guys liked!
✨feedback as well as a like and reblog is always appreciated 💗✨
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
Recess - Nanami Kento
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Don’t mind if i do~ femme reader no content warnings, it’s just a little fluff :) 2.1k words
"Papa, do you like Miss (Y/N)?" The young voice of Kento's son sounded next to him as he walked the young boy to his second grade class.
"What do you mean?" A blush tinged Kento's ears; it was embarrassing his son could figure it out so easily.
"Well I always catch you lookin' at her when you drop me off...and you talk to her a lot sometimes..." The child didn't really have a lot to go off of and he squeezed his fathers hand as they came to an intersection.
"I like her a normal amount, Yuji." Just a few more blocks and Kento would be free from this.
"What's that mean?"
"We're just acquaintances." Kento picked up his pace just a little, eager to drop him off and staunchly avoid eye contact with you.
"What's that mean?" Yuji echoed again, looking up at Kento curiously.
"I don't like Miss (Y/N) like how you say I do.” Finally they were at the school and Kento could ease up the hold he had on his son's hand. There was a swarm of other kids all in their little uniforms, matching tops and shorts for the upcoming summer weather.
“Miss (Y/N)!” Letting go of his hand, Yuji ran to you, latching onto the fabric of your sundress as you stood outside the school and made sure the kids were going to the right places.
“Hello!” Rubbing the back of Yuji’s head, you smiled down at him. “Are you ready for school today?”
“Yeah!” Today was a special day, after lunch they got to watch a movie about dinosaurs. Opening his mouth to speak again, Yuji saw something else that caught his eye. “Megumi! Nobara!” And off he ran to say hello to his friends.
Kento stood awkwardly where Yuji had left him, clenching and unclenching his fists. Should he talk to you? It wasn’t like Yuji dictated what he could and couldn’t do, but he didn’t want the kid to get any more impressions. Or would not talking to you make it even more obvious?
“Have a good day at work, Nanami.” You called out to him, waving and smiling at him with such ease it made his heart swell.
“Y-you too.” Clearing his throat, Kento waved back and scanned the crowd to see where Yuji was one last time. Spotting his son walking into the building with his friends, Kento nodded toward you and started to walk away. “See you after school.”
“Bye!” Waving again, you turned your attention to another student, and Kento went about his way.
Except he didn’t see you after school, he saw you much earlier than that. Yuji had forgotten his lunch despite swearing up and down that he’d packed it all by himself, so Kento was tasked with delivering it.
Going into the school and walking past brightly decorated classrooms, he quickly found the class Yuji was in. Peeking in through the window to see them all still sitting down, Kento leaned against the wall until the bell rang and they were let out.
“Yuji.” The rich timbre of Kento’s voice cut through the shrill sounds of children, easily reaching the intended recipient.
“Papa, you came!” Setting his sights on the lunch box in Kento’s hands, the little seven year old leapt to grab it. “Sorry I forgot my lunch!”
“It’s okay, I’m just glad I caught it in time.”
“Thanks papa!” Once he got his hands on it, Yuji gave Kento a quick hug and scampered down the hall.
“Hello again, Nanami.” Turning his head, Kento saw you leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed as children filtered out of the classroom.
“Yuji forgot his lunch.” Kento felt a little silly already trying to justify why he was there. You’d probably seen the whole interaction take place and knew exactly what transpired.
“Mhmm, he mentioned that at the start of class today.” Nodding to yourself, you flicked your head behind you. “He told me not to call you, said he ‘for sure’ had a feeling you would come and bring it.” You grinned and pushed yourself away from the door, slyly giving Kento a once over in his business attire. Despite working from home most days, he still chose to get dressed up like this.
Kento could only nod in agreement as he watched you walk back into the room and to your desk in the corner of the room. Letting his eyes roam over the room, Kento could see clearly where his son was sitting, in the middle of the room with a bunch of stickers on his desk.
“Ah, Nanami?” Your shy voice cut through the internal dilemma Kento was having about how to smoothly exit the room.
“Yes?” Taking a slow step into the room, Kento could see you were looking at your computer screen in apprehension.
“Are you good with technology?” A sheepish laugh accompanied your question and Kento thought it was cute you were embarrassed. “I can’t seem to get any video playing on the projector and we’re supposed to watch a movie today.” Gesturing to the device on the ceiling, you worried your lip and looked at him.
“I know a thing or two, I can try.” Committing to coming into the room, Kento walked briskly over to your desk. There weren’t a lot of things that Kento couldn’t do and fixing a computer was surely not one of them.
“Thank you so much! I tried some stuff but it was no use!” Pushing your chair away from the desk and to the side, you let Kento take up the space you were previously in.
Grabbing the mice and beginning to click through applications, Kento wasn’t sure he could fix your problem. Not because he didn’t know what was wrong, he knew exactly what was wrong, but this was the first time he was alone with you and this close. He could smell the light perfume you put on and feel the heat radiating from your body. It was harder to focus than he thought it was.
“I clicked that one before and it didn’t work.” Your arm shot out to point at a few icons, making sure Kento didn’t waste his time on them.
“Really?” He mumbled, clicking on it anyway and chuckling when you grunted in mock annoyance.
“Yes really.” Sticking your tongue out at him, you watched him work intently, eager to know how to fix the problem should it ever come up again.
“Miss (Y/N), I think your computer is opening the wrong application to play the video.” You’d told him before to just call you (Y/N) when no kids were around, but Kento couldn’t bear to drop the formality; he didn’t want to get too comfortable with saying your name like that, it would only spur on the daydreams he had of you.
Mumbling something about how simple the fix was, you stood up and grabbed a remote off the desk, turning the projector on and watching as the opening credits to the movie played on the classroom wall.
“Thank you so much, Nanami!” Clapping your hands together excitedly, you turned to him. Your back was to the large windows, warming you up and casting the sun all around you.
“Happy to help.” Kento nodded, fighting to remain his stoic self and not take notice of how easy it would be to push you against said windows and kiss you. Your class was on the first floor of the building, anyone could walk by and see it if he did it, and that kind of risk had Kento’s heart beating a little faster.
“Yuji is so lucky to have a dad like you, I bet you’re great around the house!” Setting the remote down, you pat Kento on the arm. He really had no choice in the matter, his wife running off shortly after Yuji was born and leaving him with sole custody. Feeling the touch of your hand reminded him how long it had been since he’d had any physical contact with a member of the opposite sex.
“Mi- (Y/N).” Turning sharply to you, Kento took a deep breath through his nose, nostrils flaring as he drank in your form. Summer really suited you, breezy clothes and longer days, the warmth in the air meshing well with the warmth in your personality.
“Yes?” Blinking owlishly at him, you shuffled just the tiniest bit back out of surprise.
“I want to show you how good I am around the house.” The line, coming out stilted and spoken with uncertainty, had your brows coming together a little.
“W-what do you mean?” Your breathing was coming out shorter now, nerves beginning to prickle your skin the longer you and Kento stood looking at each other.
“I want…” Licking his lips nervously, Kento knew this could be a reach. He could be ruining the good relationship the two of you had, the professional relationship you had. He could make you uncomfortable, and while that was the last thing he wanted to do, he couldn’t stop himself from taking a step forward and making you back up into the windows.
“I want to take you out. On a date.” Saying the words all in one big rush, Kento watched your face closely. Your lower lip trembled and your fingers curled into your dress as you thought of a response.
“I’d like that.” Your cheeks were burning intensely and turning your head to look at the wall beside you was the only saving grace you had. The silly little crush you had on Kento, the one you tried to stamp out and ignore, was finally allowed to take shape.
“Really?” Smiling loosely like an idiot, Kento put his hand on the window panes, leaning forward and almost touching you as he exhaled in relief. “I’m glad.” Peeking at you through his lashes, Kento tried to ignore the fact he could see right down your dress and to your breasts.
The longer he looked at you though, the more he realised how close he actually was to you. Your breath reached his face, if he wanted to Kento could drop his arm and easily envelop you in a hug, or perhaps-
“May I…?” He started to ask as he leaned in to kiss you. Hovering over your lips, he brushed the tip of your nose with his as he waited for you to squeak out a yes and nod before proceeding.
Touching your lips gently, Kento forced himself to go slow. There wasn’t any need to rush, he told himself, but the excitement of finally getting to kiss you was threatening to steamroll the control he had over himself.
Reaching a hand out, you rest it on his shoulder, your fingers slowly curling into his collar and holding it tightly. Tilting your head and deepening the kiss slightly, you breathed a little harder through your nose as Kento shuffled closer.
“I knew it!” The overjoyed shriek of Yuji surprised both of you, enough so that you pushed Kento as hard as you could away from you in shock. He was standing at the door to the classroom, his fellow classmates behind him staring in awe and confusion.
“Damn, lunchtime is over already?” Running past Kento’s dazed form, you wiped your lips off furiously as you collected the kids and ushered them into the room.
“I was right, papa! I was right! I was right! You do like Miss (Y/N)! You don’t like her a normal amount, you like her a lot! You were kiss-” Yuji was shouting at the top of his lungs, silenced only by Kento sliding a hand over his mouth.
“Be quiet, don’t yell like that inside the classroom.” Kento groaned, already feeling a headache form at having to explain himself to Yuji later. When he asked you out, he already had a vague plan in the back of his head on how he was going to hide it from the young boy, but that was completely out the window now. “Go sit down, we’ll talk later.” Nudging him toward his desk, Kento tried to ignore the whispers from the other students about what they’d seen.
“Yuji, is Miss (Y/N) your new mom?” Nobara whispered loudly, looking obviously between you and Kento.
“Not yet, they have to get married first.” Megumi whispered back, pointing at his ring finger.
“Married?! I wanna come!”
“I think it’s best I leave.” Straightening his tie, Kento nodded curtly at you before giving Yuji a lingering look. “Don’t make any trouble.”
“Yeah, okay.” Yuji was definitely going to save all the questions he had, saving them for the most opportune time. “Bye papa.”
“See you after school.” He was talking to you just as much as he was talking to Yuji, taking a sneaky glance at you before turning on his heel and walking out of the classroom.
“Miss (Y/N), are you going to live with us now?”
Dinner time was going to be pretty awkward tonight.
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4dtk · 3 years
“32, 37 hand holding and 3, 26 kissing with rookie actor mark and experienced actor s/o on their first drama together?” yes sure!!! excuse me but i don’t watch that much k-dramas so i’m doing this purely from youtube videos LOL + if it mirrors any other k-drama or is similar then it’s purely coincidence!! just conjuring something up in my mind lol
hand-holding, 32 & 37: not really paying attention, both doing something else, but still holding hands / not realizing they’re holding hands till someone points it out
kisses, 3 & 26: smiling while kissing, giggling while kissing
“what’s that supposed to mean?” mark glances down at you in the field, saying his line that he’s practiced with you countless times. the poor boy was so worried about the outcome of it, having only acted as side or filler characters for the past year. although, with every gig he gets, you’re there to help him reach his fullest potential: practicing his lines with him, going through the different variations of how he could’ve executed it, accompanying him to sets.
even the staff couldn’t mask their shock when they see you walking together with a boy who was sweating his ass off, the familiar murmur of his few lines said under his breath as someone led you two to a common break room.
“don’t mind me,” you raise a hand, used to the starstruck faces that looked your way once the door opened. patting mark’s arm, you said something about supporting your boyfriend before settling beside him to work on hair and make-up. you conversed with him easily, briefly stopping at times to entertain autographs or pictures from the other side actors in the room.
it’s been like that since mark made his debut a year ago, taking up many gigs that you always supported. mark struck jackpot when he lucky to have someone to catch onto his talent, running an audition by him that got him the job (with a bit of persuasion on your side).
a job with you, where your embraces and kisses were not just reserved for the two of you in the comfort of your home, or where your affection was held back due to the intrusive cameras. this was an entirely new variation: of moments taken in private mixed with the recognisable traits of korean drama.
the touch of your skin is familiar to mark, but the words that come out of his mouth feel foreign instead. it’s not often that he spouts something so poetic written by the hand of skilled scriptwriters, but at least now he has more words to tell you when he can’t do it in his normal, unique way.
“exactly what i said. why do you need an explanation?” you giggle, hand wiggling out of the expensive coat that your stylist put on you for this scene.
you can tell mark’s arms are struggling to hold himself up, with a teasing glint in your eye that suggests you’re making fun of his strength. your laugh deepens when you realise he’s waiting for you to say your line, pleading with his eyes. he's not used to it yet.
you wait for dramatic effect. “after all, my love for you needs no explanation,” you swear you see mark release a sigh of relief, able to finally lower himself to you while he rests half of his body weight onto your person. his character’s kisses are soft, not much different from your own boyfriend’s as he deepens the kiss.
“remember how i wondered about how you taste like?” he pulls away to ask, the line referencing an interaction from one of the earlier episodes where his character said the same thing.
“what do i taste like, han jiwoo?” the foreign name rolls off your tongue easily now.
“hm… if i’m being honest, i forgot. i might have to kiss you again to find out,” mark delivers the line perfectly and doesn’t hesitate to lean again for another kiss. you’re sure he’s not acting now.
your mouths do a great job of hiding things, before his tongue swipes across your lips. there’s a squeeze from your hand when he does that, but you grant him access either way, melting into it with a cheeky smile that grows and a heart that feels full.
you can taste the incoming snort from mark but he manages to hold it in with a mere giggle. your kisses start and stop, struggling to get in even a bit of contact from how much you’re laughing. like always, you two hold your kisses to make sure there’s sufficient footage, but you have to admit that it was partially indulgent, too.
the scene was almost over, and when mark brings you to your feet you’re able to breath easier, both from your boyfriend’s weight on you and the released tension in having laid in wet grass for the past fifteen minutes.
his hand twines around yours, dragging you along the field as you run off into the distance, shoving and pulling playfully while the camera prepares to pan up. the last shot is of the two of you holding hands, swinging it like a pendulum before the green of the field disappears and the blue of the sky appear. soon, it fades to black.
“and that’s a wrap! thank you, everyone!” the director shouts. claps are heard and you’re dragging mark by then, stripping off the coat that’s overheating your body. it drapes over your elbow easily, responding to the other’s searching hand as you take it in yours. all the way to the dressing room you head seemed to permanently stay down, continuously bowing to directors, producers, staff members.
all you’re focused on is getting to your next schedule, promising to the cast that you’ll treat them to a meal soon as your shout resonates throughout the space. everyone cheers and you reply with a grin, slipping into the dressing room.
as you remove the hairdo with one hand, you ask randomly, “so? what do you think of han jiwoo?”
mark looks up from his phone, pulling a face while he thinks of an answer.
"well, for one, i'm jealous of him for kissing you." that elicits a laugh out of you, giving him a squeeze with your hand before he goes back to his social media with a smile, "but he's a cool kid. i'm glad i got the chance to portray h..."
a thud from the doorframe snaps you out of the moment.
"ah! s-sorry, mark-sunbaenim, (y/n)-sunbaenim," they bow immediately.
"i hope you don't mind b-but, i just came over to tell you how much i loved your chemistry on screen! it's such an honour to be on set with the both of you, especially you, mark-sunbaenim."
you grin as the other flushes at the compliment, but the side actor continues. you don't mind.
"i'm hoping to get a big role like you too, mark-sunbaenim! i've been watching your other shows, too. the way you give life to a character is always very refreshing," your boyfriend takes refuge in your connected hands.
"and i can't help but notice the love you have off-screen too! it's endearing, (y/n)-sunbaenim. i hope i'll have a love as strong as your hands are held right now!" mark barely manages a thank you as the actor excitedly bows again before making his leave.
once he's out of earshot, you giggle at the scrunched up expression, face warm from the comment about him to your interlocked hands and your relationship.
"that was unexpected," similarly, you packed your things again with a single hand when mark reluctantly stands up, overwhelmed.
"y'know, i didn't even know our hands were connected for that long until he said something." mark groans. you laugh.
"please stop talking, i might actually explode," your lover calmly says, letting you drag him out the back door with your hand in his.
with a small peck, your lips meet the back of his hand, "well before i do, i need to tell you that i vouch for every little thing that guy earlier mentioned. talent in every bone in your body, mark lee."
you flag down your manager's car too fast to see the smile on mark's face, but he's grateful for your heartfelt words as he thanks you with kisses and cuddles later in the night.
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Quarantine Lovers | Charlie Gillespie
Requested by anon: Can we have a Charlie x reader where she is his secret quarantine partner and the cast keeps guessing who it is until Maddie names a famous writer and gets it right? Thanks!
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Female!Reader
Warnings: fluff
A/N: I’m not sure if this is what you wanted but i kinda like it haha
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Charlie has always been secretive about his private life. It’s always been his one thing he promised himself. Work life and private life needs to be separate. Especially in the industry he’s in now. You and Charlie have been together for a couple of months now and nobody knows. It all started when he’d finished filming Julie and The Phantoms and came back to Dieppe from Vancouver. He went for a hike with one of his brothers when they found you sitting on a rock, clutching your ankle. 
“Hey, are you okay?” his voice made you look up. You offered him a polite smile, trying not to show your pain or the fact you were thinking ‘Holy crap, attractive”. “Yeah, just threw my ankle a little bit on the rocks over there,” you pointed to a few feet behind the boys. “Was waiting for it to blow over and I could go on, but I’ve been sat here for…” you checked your watch, “About half an hour.” You chuckled at your own pathetic behavior. “I used to be really good at these hikes, you know?” Charlie then chuckled too, mostly at how endearing you were. 
“Can you stand on it a little bit if we support you?” Patrick, Charlie’s brother, asked then. 
“I’m not sure…” The two guys walked up to you, each taking a hand of yours to pull you up, and then wrapping one arm around your waist. You could go like that for about a kilometer until your foot began to throb again. “Can we take a break?” you squeak. Charlie and Patrick placed you onto a tree trunk very gingerly and took a seat next to you. 
“Are you from around here?” Charlie then asked.
“Yeah, I live in Moncton with my best friend,” you replied with a smile, glad he’s distracting you from the pain in your ankle. 
“No way! We live in Dieppe!” The excitement on his face was the most adorable thing you’d ever seen.  Your eyes and smile widen at this, not necessarily at the fact he lives kind of close, but at the excitement on his face. 
“Cool! I have family in Dieppe, so I know my way around there,” you told them. Charlie and Patrick nodded their heads at this, not entirely sure what else to say to this stranger they just picked up from a rock in the middle of nowhere. 
“So, what’s your name?” Charlie then asked upon reminding himself of this fact. “Y/N Y/L/N,” you replied. 
“Charlie Gillespie, and this is my brother, Patrick,” he introduced himself and his brother, who gave you a little wave. The wind suddenly picked up, and you knew exactly what that meant. 
“It’s going to rain soon. We better get going.” Charlie and Patrick nodded their heads agreeingly and helped you up from the trunk. 
“Get on my back,” Charlie then suggested. “It’s going to go quicker than you hopping along with us.” You hesitated for a few seconds, but then decided you agreed with him. Patrick helped you jump on Charlie’s back, and the three of you continued your walk down the trail, chatting about your lives the whole way down. 
You found out Charlie was an actor and had just finished filming about a month ago, and you told him you were a screenwriter. Your most recent work was on Outer Banks and Season two of Umbrella Academy. You talked about your hopes and dreams and agreed the industry you both were in was a tough one.
From that day on, the two of you have been pretty inseparable. You became really close friends and spent a lot of time together before he finally asked you out on a first date. Then came more and more dates, and then came March 2020. Quarantine. And since Charlie had been spending most of his nights at your place since your best friend was with their parents, you both decided to quarantine together. 
No one knew about your relationship. Not even his friends from the cast of Julie and The Phantoms. Only his family knew, and that’s all that mattered right now. No one knew you two were spending lockdown together at your place, and you could keep it a secret for a very long time. Charlie liked it this way, though the cast had been texting and calling non-stop because they knew he wasn’t home in Dieppe. 
When September 10th hit, and he could finally show you the work he’d done on Julie and The Phantoms. 
“What do you think, Baby?” he asked every five minutes when you were cuddled up on the couch watching it together. 
“Stop asking me that question, Char,” you giggled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. You were fine for most of the show, chuckling at the ghost jokes or pretty much anything Reggie did, bopping your head along to the catchy songs. And then Unsaid Emily hit. “Oh, no…” you whined as the music started to play and on-screen-Charlie started to sing the sad song. The Charlie next to you chuckled, endeared by your investment in the show, and wrapped his arms tighter around you whilst kissing your head multiple times. “HOW DARE THEY END THIS LIKE THAT?!” You screamed at the very end, making Charlie love you even more. Afterwards, he listened to all of your theories and your predictions for season 2. 
Thus far, quarantine is going really well at the Y/L/N-Gillespie Quarantine Residence.
The couple of weeks after the release of Julie and The Phantoms, Charlie had to do a lot of zoom calls for interviews. Sometimes even multiple a day. You made sure you were never in sight during those interviews, sometimes even leaving the house for a walk, but today, you decided to stay home and work on a script for an episode of season 2 of
Outer Banks.
You were sat on the sofa with your laptop and all your notes while Charlie was doing his interview in the bedroom. You could hear him talk to his castmates and the interviewer, and you often had to pause your writing because you wanted to hear what he was talking about.
“Where have you been spending quarantine?” the interviewer asked. Most of them said home with their families, and even Charlie said ‘home’. This answer melted your heart just a tiny bit.
“That’s a lie, Charlie,” Madison said with a giggle. “Charlie has a secret quarantine partner and doesn’t want to say who!”
“I am spending time with family, exploring Dieppe. I don’t know where you get your information from, Mads.” Though Charlie was a good actor, he couldn’t hide the fact he was lying to his own friends. Even you could hear how flustered he was.
“OK, I wanted to start with a couple of the fans’ questions that they sent in,” the interviewer continued, either ignoring the banter and the big piece of gossip they could get out of this, or not having heard it. “Someone asked who you’d love to work with on a next season.”
“Actor wise, I want to do scenes with Cheyenne Jackson,” Madison replies, “I didn’t get to do any scenes with him this season, but he’s really talented and I’d love to work with him. And I also have a writer that would be really great to work with on our show and that’s Y/N Y/L/N. She worked on Outer Banks and Umbrella Academy, and I loved the episodes she wrote.” Charlie’s face at the mention of your name is priceless. His eyes widen first before his mouth curled up into a smile, though he tried to hide it from his castmates and the interviewer. 
Madison and Owen glanced into the camera knowingly but decided not to say anything and continue with the interview. It’s when that interview was done, Madi, Owen and Jeremy called Charlie in a group FaceTime.
“It’s Y/N, isn’t it?!” You heard Madison scream from Charlie’s phone as he walked into the living room where you were working. He gave you a questioning look, as if asking for permission to tell them. You simply nodded encouragingly.
“Yes, okay, fine! You figured it out!” The three on the other side of the line cheered loudly, making you chuckle slightly. “You want to meet the cast, Babe?” he asked you whilst making his way over. You patted the spot next to you for him to sit down, and he obeyed, showing you the screen of his phone.
“Hey, guys!” you greeted with a wave. A chorus of ‘hi’ and ‘hey’ meets your ears. “How’d you figure it out?” You asked them, placing your laptop on the coffee table to get more comfortable. You tucked your feet underneath you, placing your elbow on the back of the couch and gliding your fingers into Charlie’s long, lockdown-hair.
“First of all, I follow you on Instagram, Y/N, and I saw the two of you tagged the same location on the same day once, and your last pictures kind of look similar. So, I had a bit of a hunch, but I wasn’t sure, and when I mentioned you in the interview, he got all flustery and happy and I just knew!” You gave the girl an impressed nod.
“We literally just hung up on the interviewer when Madi texted us ‘IT’S Y/N!!’ in all caps,” Jeremy added with a smile. Defeated, and a little embarrassed, Charlie groaned and hid his face in the crook of your neck, seeking comfort.
“We won’t tell anyone, Char. We’re just happy for you,” says Owen with a smile, “And us, because now Madi won’t be texting us non-stop with all her theories on who your quarantine partner is.” All of you chuckled a that, except for Madison, she glared at her blonde-haired friend through the screen.
“You all wanted to know!” she snarled.
All of you chatted for a couple hours until Charlie and you got hungry and decided to prepare dinner.
“It was nice to meet you, Y/N! Hopefully we’ll see each other soon IRL!” Madison said with the biggest smile on her face.
“It was nice to meet you too, guys! Ooh, by the way! I loved the show!” you complimented.
“Of course you did,” said Owen with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Bye guys!” you waved at them, completely ignoring Owen’s statement. Charlie hung up the phone and put his phone on the coffee table before turning to you. “Madison would be a good detective,” you pointed out with a grin. Charlie glared at you, which just made you giggle and kiss his lips. At least now you didn’t need to keep it a secret from his friends. Almost like a weight off your shoulders.
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @parkeret​​ @lukeys-giggle​ @gingerxarmy​ @lovesanimals​
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kim-lexie · 3 years
rewind 2021: october, november, & december
well here we are….just a collection from the end of the year because i am sooo late.
‘the feels’ by twice. you know i did my darn best to learn this choreography. it is such a fun pop bop. and it is great. i love it. 
‘rock with you’ by seventeen. it is solid just like the entire comeback. i particularly love this track. and i love the feeling of jumping straight into the song. 
kai’s comeback. ‘to be honest’ & ‘peaches’ on rotation. i freaking love kai and his smooth vocals and choreo that he always delivers. 
nct comeback. all my boys (minus two) all in one place. i love these comebacks. and i loved these track videos. ‘miracle’ hello! oh honey the album has been on repeat. each and every track. i loved it, and cannot express how proud of these boys i am. 
‘killing me’ by chung ha.
onewe. this group just came out of nowhere. and by golly goodness i am so glad i stumbled upon them. they are versatile and the duality is top tier. some top tracks include ‘AuRoRa’, ‘veronica’, ‘end of spring’, ‘reminisce about all’, ‘parting’. also their live versions are *chef kiss*. 10 out of 10 recommend checking them out. and did i mention they’re a band and play instruments. *swoons*
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‘one day’ by monstax. ‘they say hindsight is 20/20….’ just let me sit in a puddle of tears. 
‘alright’ by ares carter & bumkey.
ateez comeback. my boys they’re back. they are sooooo freaking good. i love ‘turbulence’, ‘be with you’, and they freaking put the overture on there!! i cannot. 
jeebanoff. he is always a favorite but i finally discovered his album released earlier this year and my goodness ‘void’ is too good not to include in a rewind.
dramas & movies. *spoilers ahead*
unforgettable love. this was a great drama. that was cute and had a happy ending for everyone! the little kid that truly drew me into the show was fabulous. he was comedic relief as well as a unique edition for a drama where the focus was on him and helping his psychological well being. i absolutely loved the resolutions throughout. and her best friend and her boyfriend definitely became a favorite of mine. bc of the character transformation he experienced. and i love how raw she was when he was confessing his feelings, she was like will you still take me with all these broken pieces and bruises. and he was like yes girl i will build you a house to keep you safe and protected so you can rest. cue the tears. i would rate this a 7 out of 10. 
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police university. jinyoung my dude is back. and this was a great one. we followed his character seon-ho a former hacker with a hidden criminal record, meet dong-man a detective that arrested him years prior at the national police academy. we follow them as they work together and eventually become friends in a mentorship, hunting down the criminals of a deep case involving the police and the university. and of course we have our girl, krystal, who seonho meets at a judo match and they end up in the same class at university. i enjoyed this one, rating it a 8.5 out of 10
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hometown chachacha. this was a top tier drama. from the cast of characters, and life that they depicted was rich with various layers. we got to see so many different character and got a piece of all of their lives. and i especially loved each and every moment we had with our dimple couple. a favorite moment was when her friend says i may be jumping ahead but we should keep to two kids you know. and he is like the only thing i can think about today is skipping a few bases and kisses her. i would give this drama a 10 out of 10. and i will leave you with wisdom from harmoni ‘look around yourself closely and you’ll realize that you’re surrounded by many precious things. everyday is full of so much excitement as if i’m going on a picnic the next day.’
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my name this drama ripped my heart out and stomped on it. nevertheless, it was a great drama, with plot twists i did not predict. the whole drama had me on the edge of my seat. from a young age her life was turned upside down, followed by the police to track down her father who she was led to believe was a gang member. turned out to be undercover, and was killed off by the gang boss she currently worked for. and every good thing she had in life, was in essence ripped away from her by this man. pul-do finally being her safe place, he knew the whole story of her actually being undercover from the gang, and wanted to protect her. when he called her name, it was probably the first time in years she heard it. and he brought her to the beach. literally so many tears. she loved him, and the boss saw that. so she had to take revenge again, because she had come to the conclusion that the biggest betrayal would be to use the law against him. but instead she had to face him head on. and with all the deaths that happened when she hesitated another precious person died, the only one that completely understood her. like pul-do had the look in his eyes that no matter what, he was going in front of the bullet to protect her. like the happy ending was right there. and it was snatched so freaking quick. the end with her visiting the graves…it was not the ending i signed up for.…anyways ramble over and i would give it a 9.5 out of 10. ready for a season two if possible, please. 
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lovers of the red sky. a historical drama with fantasy. sign me up fam. i loved this one. my dude ahn hyo-seop is a part of this cast, which automatically intrigued me. we follow cheon-ki a female painter, and the first female in the academy at the palace for painting. her father currently, not in a well state was previously the palace’s official painter. ha ram, played by hyo-seop, is an officer at seowoongwan in charge of astronomy and such. he is currently blind due to an accident that we know happened to be the same day that cheon-ki could finally see, because at birth she was blind. the fantasy aspect goes deep and is too much to explain. but all was well in the end and everyone has their perspective eyes at the end. and cheon-ki and ha-ram have a happy ending. i would give this drama an 8.5 out of 10
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yumi’s cells. this was a top tier drama 10 out of 10. i was surprised by how much i enjoyed the incorporation of the animation to the live action. it was hilarious. heart breaking. and an incredible insight into the minds of our main characters. we follow yu-mi who works an office job and meets woong a video game designer who lives life a little differently than her. it shows how an unexpected relationship flourishes and dies. it was a great drama, and i am sooooo ready for another season. i know the whole premise of the show was about yu-mi but gosh darn i really thought our two main characters were going to end up together (especially after the heart break i experienced watching bo-hyun’s character die in ‘my name’ i really wanted this for him.) anyways, yu-mi was the main character and that’s that. it was great. made me laugh and cry. i freaking love the cells. they were hilarious. ALSO HATED that it was 14 episodes…little old me thinking i had at least 2 episodes left only to be left in the dust and a puddle of tears. 
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the king’s affection. everyone this was a great great drama. and not just because monday and tuesday became rowoon appreciation night, i fell in love with nam yoonsu. this man. frick i was willing to let him be the main lead. like i never feel this way. like oh yeah second male lead it’s chill i will stay away. but dang i was ready to flip the script. and byung-chan was also in this drama. like my goodness. it was great. okay now to the actual premise. we follow a story in joseon, the crown prince’s wife gave birth to twins, but twins are not a good thing in the palace. so lee hwi is born and raised in the palace, and da-mi was supposed to be killed off but the mother begged to save her. years later da-mi returns to the palace as a maid and meets jung ji-un (rowoon), she saves him from drowning and they become quick friends. lee hwi finds da-mi and realizes they look alike and wants to switch places. they switch and gosh darn the bad guys don’t kill da-mi, they kill lee hwi. uh oh. but the bad guys are silly and don’t know they killed the wrong twin…so not to get in trouble because of the switch a handful of people protect da-mi and she has to acclimate to living in the palace as her now dead twin brother. years later, jung ji-un returns as her tutuor, having her waiver in her seat. lots of things happen, and i’m just like how does no one know this. (ji-un is a dummy and doesn’t figure any of this out, kind of has inkling ideas but is a dummy and needs someone to spell it out.) strange how they were actually able to hide it. but then we find out that the dead prince’s bestie lee-hyun (nam yoon-su) knew all the freaking long and loves da-mi. wild. it’s full of twists and turns, and deception from the court. we love to hate it. our girl ends up faking her death and lives a happily ever after with jung ji-un. and lee-hyun becomes freaking king. definitely a 9.5 out of 10
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another gif because i love this man.
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happiness. this was an interesting one, it is the first drama that i have watched the mentioned covid. quite a unique start. we follow our yi-hyun (our dude park hyung-sik) who is a detective and wants to protect his friend/love sae-bom. they’ve known each other since high school. they marry because she is determined to have her own place, and to get the apartment she has to do this to earn the credit from the police bureau. in the midst of the move to their new high-rise apartment an outbreak strikes the complex. we see people of diverse backgrounds have to work together and eventually kind of kill off one another. the fear and distrust that ensues is something else. like what is the likelihood of having multiple murders in your apartment building? and on the outside, is tae-seok who worked with sae-bom, and is a health service commander. and he is at the center of trying to find the cure and help keep control of the state. i would rate it a 9 out of 10. i enjoyed seeing all the various characters, and how yi-hyun and sae-bom finally realized that they loved each other. i loved it. also thankful we got a good ending, because dang as it kept getting darker in the concept i was like, frick it’s called happiness but the title is literally fading away will all the happiness fade away and we will be left with nothing?!
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extracurricular. y’all this one was intense, and dark. i was intrigued having just finished ‘the kings affection’ and being obsessed with nam yoon-su...so you know if was going to be next on the list. we follow a high schooler, ji-soo, who works as a pimp because he desperately needs money to go to university after high school. but he creates an app, that protects his app users; which is a unique and strange take in this dangerous life. everything gets twisted and he ends up in business with a classmate, gyu-ri who he has a crush on, and then everything basically goes to poop. and it ends on a cliff hanger at episode 10, which i thought i was getting more then i didn’t so yeah...didn’t appreciate that ending. i would still give it a 7.5 out of 10
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melancholia. oh my goodness you knew this was going to have to be on a rewind because my dude, lee do-freaking-hyun is in this drama. so it has to be golden. this one will probably have its own review because dang a lot of feelings and thoughts. i honestly was nervous at the start because no matter how much i love lee do-hyun, i am not jumping on board a teacher/under-aged student trope. but i loved how we saw the timeline jump and how everything fell apart and then together again. i rate this drama a 10 out of 10.
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the silent sea. DUDE this was insane! so this one takes place in the future, where the world is in dire need of water. a crew from korea goes to an abandoned research facility on the moon on hunt for water. well it becomes majorly twisted and dark, because this lunar water not only produces more water but takes over any life form and proceeds to drown the life out of it. it was a wild ride, with so many twists and turns, and hidden discoveries and bad guys. and hello this cast was PERFECT, and hello gong yoo was in this so you know it’s good. i would definitely recommend this drama because it is something i haven’t seen. i would rate it a 9 out of 10.
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endlessymphony · 3 years
Hi congrats on 50 Followers !!!!
🧸 : James Potter x reader where he spends a lot of time with the marauders and kinda ignores the reader and forgets their anniversary. So they get into a big argument and James says something mean about her being a muggle born.
Happy ending please 😁
Thank you 🙏
thank you so much lovely anon!
pairing - james potter x reader
summary - james forgot your two year anniversary and left you waiting all day, just to come to your dorm and end up starting an argument
warnings - arguments, a bit of prejudice against muggles/muggle-borns, cussing
a/n - im really glad you guys like my james potter fics lol
you awoke, a rush of adrenaline and giddiness taking over as you practically shot yourself out of bed, almost tripping over the blankets you shoved onto the floor. you rushed over to the calendar hanging on the back of your door, bare feet pitter pattering on the hardwood floor, and yes! today was the day! the hearts circled in pen around the date only confirming your excitement.
your two year anniversary with the one and only james potter. your heart pounding a million miles a minute- feeling it ought to beat right out your chest. below the heart was written ‘surprise date’ in his handwriting, as he insisted that he could handle planning this date on his own. he was wrong, although you weren’t aware of that quite yet.
you spun yourself in a circle, making small noises of glee as you tossed yourself back onto your bed, thinking of what james might be up to. “oh merlin, i need to get ready.” you gasped, sitting back up and rushing over to your wardrobe.
it took an hour to find an outfit that you deemed ‘perfect’, settling on a top that you knew james loved. you spent another thirty minutes on hair and makeup, overjoyed to be spending the day with your beloved.
the waiting game began.
at first it was difficult to wait for him, adrenaline still rushing through your veins- body running off of pure excitement.
an hour passed, then two... then five, and soon it was much darker outside, the sun starting to set.
‘maybe he’s held up grabbing flowers, or making dinner reservations’ you thought, trying to push away the anxiety that was slowly creeping in to replace the high that you were feeling before. ‘oh! maybe we’re doing a night under the stars, how gorgeous would that be’
so, you continued to wait
but he never showed.
james finally came stumbling in to your dorm room at half-passed twelve, chuckling at the sight in front of him. you were wrapped up in a blanket, laying in your bed so that your back faced the door, hiding your hurt expression from him.
“hey, love.” he crooned as he walked over and sat down beside you on the bed, gently putting a hand on your shoulder. “the boys and i had a great day today, you won’t believe what we got up to!”
you slowly sat up, turning to look at him. tear stains on full display, mascara making them all-the-more obvious. james let out a small gasp, hand moving to cup your face. “oh no, what’s wrong? did something happen?” he gently smoothed his thumb over your cheek.
you pulled yourself away from his touch, throwing the blanket off like you had done this morning, but a different feeling had taken over by this point. anger. disappointment. hurt.
you dragged him by the arm and pointed to the date on your calendar, tapping the paper with your pointer finger a few times so he would get the gist. “what are you trying to tell me, y/n?” he asked, cocking his head to the side, trying to play the dumb card.
“you missed our anniversary, james. it’s been two years.” you felt defeated, like every ounce of life had been drained out of your body, and you were now an empty shell. “i waited for you” you began, “all day.”
“it’s not that big of a deal, let’s just do something this weekend instead.” he offered, a smile making its way to his face.
god- you wanted to punch that stupid fucking smile off his face.
“not that big of a deal, james? you left me hanging. ALL DAY i waited.” you were starting to get angry, your voice starting to waver as it raised in decibels. “you knew how much this meant to me! or so i thought you did, but lately, it’s like everyone else is MUCH more important than i am.” your hands balled into fists, brows furrowing slightly as you started to let him have it.
“and don’t you fucking dare say this isn’t a big deal, james potter.” you spat, voice like venom as your said his name. “you really let me down, you really fucking blew it this time, i am really fucking upset about this.”
“i should’ve known that muggles overreact over everything.” he muttered to himself, brows practically knitted together as he ran a hand through his hair. his eyes widened as soon as he said that, opening his mouth to apologize to you.
“you know what james, just fucking leave, just get out.” your lip started to quiver, eyes threatening to spill hot tears down your face all over again, you wanted to hold your composure in front of him. your heart felt as if it had completely shattered in your chest. “really? you really want me to leave?” it was his turn to feel defeated, face started to relax from its scrunched up state.
“yeah, i do. now get the fuck out.”
james looked as if he had his tail between his legs, shoulders slumping down as his whole body started to deflate in defeat. embarrassment. shame. “okay.” his voice was small, this version of him was completely different from the ‘regular’ james that you knew and loved. he walked out, turning to look at you, but you just slammed the door in his face.
you cast a quick silencing charm before you began to scream-sob. tears feeling as if they’re burning your skin- falling to your knees as you let the waves of heartbreak, pain, and anger completely take you over. you cried until you couldn’t anymore, head pounding and eyes starting to get puffy and red. you screamed until you couldn’t any longer, voice hoarse and throat feeling as if it were on fire.
you sobbed still, silently, nothing coming out as you had nothing left to give. “thanks james, thanks for making me feel so loved... so appreciated.” your voice was broken, cracking with every word. you laid on the floor, wishing that it would swallow you up, so you could disappear and never have to feel a thing.
you ended up falling asleep, the whole day taking it’s toll on you. you had nothing more to give, no more fight left in you.
james knocked on your door lightly, afraid that you were about to tear his head off the moment that he stepped inside your dorm. “y/n?” he asked, tone merely above a whisper as he slowly opened the door and stepped in. james closed the door gently, eyes finally falling on your figure laying on the floor.
he felt a pang of pain shoot through his heart. “i caused this.” he mumbled, taking a few slow steps towards you and sitting down. he felt tears welling in his eyes, a few managing to slide down his face as he looked at you. james felt nothing but remorse and disappointment for how things went earlier. he had completely forgotten about the anniversary- what a dick move.
your eyes flickered open, vision slightly out of focus as you try to figure out who’s figure is in front of you. low and behold it was james, crying, mumbling about how he knows he fucked up- and it’s eating him up inside, and about how much he loves you.
you began to sit up, blinking a few times to wave the sleep from your eyes. “james?” you asked, voice still torn up. his head shot up, trying to wipe away the tears with his hands. “hey.”
“what are you doing here?” you asked, “sh. don’t talk, you’ll blow your voice out.” james replied. “i wanted to come back and apologize to you. i feel awful about earlier, and i know how much i hurt you with my actions, especially with my comment about muggles.” he gently cupped your face again, “i didn’t mean it, i promise. i really didn’t mean it.” he sniffled, trying to keep the tears away, but despite his efforts- they returned. “i really love you. god, i’m a shitty fucking boyfriend, aren’t i?” james chuckled, trying to ignore the tears now steaming down his face.
“james.” you started, “no, y/n, i need to make it up to you for how terrible today was. i need to show you that you’re loved, and make you feel important and special, and like the only person in the world.” he started to trip over his words, talking fast out of nervousness, he didn’t want you to kick him out again.
“can we talk about it more later?” you finally managed to ask, “yeah. yeah, sure. definitely. you can sleep in tomorrow and i’ll go and get you some breakfast, does that sound alright?” he was rambling again, trying to ‘fix’ everything. you nodded, a small smile beginning to grace your lips.
“now let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” he stood up and offered a hand to you. “we have time for apologies tomorrow.” you took his hand hesitatingly, slowly standing up, legs a bit wobbly.
james walked you to your bathroom, grabbing you by the waist and sitting you up on the counter. he began to lightly hum to himself as he pulled out a bottle of makeup remover and some cotton rounds, pouring some of the liquid onto the round and gently starting to clean the makeup off your face. he washed your face and brushed your hair for you after, as well.
he helped you change into your pyjamas, and placed you into bed, picking up the blankets off the floor and placing them back on the bed- tucking you in. he leaned in and kissed your head before stripping down to just his t-shirt and boxers, placing his glasses on the nightstand, and climbing into bed beside you.
he spent the rest of the night whispering compliments to you, telling you how much he loves you and wants to be with you forever, and there was no shortage of apologies said. james held you to his chest, playing with your hair until the both of you eventually drifted off to sleep.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
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Thank you for the request, love!🎄❤️ Hope you don’t mind, I did some changes but it still follows the concept of your request! I hope you like it and happy reading!!❤️ @palna
The One I’ve Been Missing
This was kinda inspired by Little Mix’s song, “One I’ve Been Missing”, give it a listen :)
Warnings: some angst? Kinda sad for a Christmas fix..but has a some what happy ending. This came out longer than expected..enjoy, I tired:)
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(Gif from Pinterest)
The living room was full of smiles and laughter as your family began to create plans for Christmas Day. It was Christmas Eve, and knowing your family, everything was to come together last minute. Though your family didn’t live too far, they had been staying at your place since the weather at your hometown had been absolutely horrible. There had been snow storms that closed down schools, took out power lines, and covered the ground in a thick white blanket of snow.
Your cousins have been arguing about who was going to make the Mac and Cheese this year when your phone began to vibrate in your pocket. You took your phone out and saw that it was Paddy. Paddy was Tom’s younger brother. Even though you and Tom had broken up, your relationship with his family was still strong. You and his brothers had gotten along so well, that they loved you like you were their sister. His parents, Nikki and Dom, have been very supportive of you during the breakup. They were disappointed in Tom for what he did and even apologized for their son’s actions. Though your relationship with their son was undecided at the moment, they always made an effort to call you on holidays or to just say hello once in a while.
You quietly excused yourself and entered the kitchen. Answering the call, you lean on the marble counters of your kitchen. The call goes through and Paddy’s adorable face pops up on your screen. His smile grows into his rosy cheeks when he finally sees you.
“(Y/n)! Merry Christmas!” He happily screams through the phone. You hear Nikki scold him in the background.
“(Y/n), darling! Merry Christmas!” She smiles while waving at the camera.
“Thank you! You guys look like you’re having a blast over there!” You hear a ton of commotion in the background, which was most likely Tom and his siblings showing off their presents to each other or having some pointless argument.
“Thank you! You guys look like you’re having a blast over there!” You hear a ton of commotion in the background, which was most likely Tom and his siblings showing off their presents to each other or having some pointless argument.
“We are! Sam’s cooked our lunch and he’s planning on making dinner later today! We’ve already opened presents and everyone’s happy! How are you, love? Are you with your family?” She questioned you as she sat on the couch. You saw Dom beside her, who made a funny face and waved at you. You chuckled waving back.
“I’m doing really good, my family has been staying with me for the last few days, so we’ve been together for about a week now? But everything’s going great! It’s Christmas Eve here and now we’re just waiting till midnight to start passing out presents!” You answer.
“Oh that’s good! I’m glad you got to spend time with your family because I’ve heard the weather there has been harsh! Thankfully Harry made it out before that big storm, if he didn’t he wouldn’t be home for the holidays!” Harry had been in your hometown because Tom was filming a new movie there. The set was only an hour away from where you lived, but you never went to visit. Although, you and Harry would meet up sometimes to have lunch together in the city, Harrison would tag along once in a while as well.
“Harry made it home! That’s good news, I was worrying that they wouldn’t make it back on time for Christmas!” You hear someone talk in the background.
“Is that (y/n)?” A deep voice asks. You recognize it to be Harry’s. Nikki nods and motions at him to say hello. Sam and Harry’s heads pop onto the screen with silly grins.
“(Y/n)! Merry Christmas! You look beautiful!” Sam compliments you with a charming smile.
“Aw thank you Sam! You look handsome!” A light blush forms on the boy’s cheeks. Harry takes the phone and asks, “How’s the weather there? Has the storm died down?”
You glanced out the window and saw nothing but white. The storm had stopped yesterday, but there were some random snowfall here and there.
“Well it’s stopped for now, my backyard is literally nothing but white.” You chuckle as you turn your camera to show your spacious backyard.
“Oh! Isn’t that wonderful, we haven’t gotten much snow here this year.” You hear Dom comment. You turn the camera back to yourself and ask Harry, “How was the flight, Haz? Hope it wasn’t too bumpy.”
Harry hummed, “The plane departed when the storm died down so it was a decent flight. There was some turbulence when we got up in the air but it went by smoothly after.”
“At least you got home safe, that’s all that matters.”
“I’m quite surprised I handled the turbulence well on my own. I was getting anxious when the plane started to shake, but towards the end of the flight it was all good.” Your brows furrowed. It was a known fact that Harry wasn’t that good with turbulence (I made that fact up, he’s probably ok w/ turbulence idk). Since he usually traveled with Tom, he had to board many flights. Tom would be the one to calm his brother down when his anxiousness got the best of him. Which made you concerned because you knew Tom wouldn’t let his younger brother board a plane on his own while a snow storm was happening outside.
“Wait Harry, you were by yourself?” You began to question him. Harry was a grown adult, he’s 21, but it still concerned you.
“Yeah, Tom had to stay back since he had to film more scenes.” Harry answered.
“Oh. Did he at least make it back home before the storm?” You continued. A frown was on the boys lips.
“Nope, he got stuck in (your hometown). I was supposed to still be there with him, but he literally forced me to get on a flight home before Christmas.” Harry shrugged. A pout formed on your own lips at the thought of Tom getting stranded in (your hometown). Also the fact that he was probably alone during the holidays. Sure, you and him weren’t on the best terms, but it was Christmas. No one should be alone on Christmas.
You continued to talk to the Holland family for a few more minutes until they told you they had to go. You bid them all goodbye with kisses and a wave before hanging up. When the call ended, the smile on your face fell. You should’ve been happy. You were spending time with your family and it was Christmas Eve! But some things never change. As always, Tom had crept his way into your thoughts.
The breakup between you two was rough and messy. Though you should have seen it coming. There was a lack of communication on both sides of the relationship. You weren’t being honest with your feelings with him and neither was he. Of course, you understood his job. You knew he would have to travel long distances and be in a different time zone as you, he had to be gone for months, and had to work with some of the most beautiful actresses in the business. But there was something about this certain costar that didn’t sit right with you. You trusted Tom and knew that he would never cheat. You just didn’t trust her. You really tried to like her, even had some conversations with her when you went to visit Tom on set. But the way she would touch his arm whenever she would laugh or look at him the same way you would just made your blood boil. Maybe it was the green eyed monster in you that caused all these emotions, you just couldn’t help it. The green eyed monster had taken over you.
For months while Tom worked on that movie, you had been feeling your lowest. You were insecure about yourself and began to second guess things that occurred in your relationship with Tom. Which was not healthy, but it happens, you know? You hated the way you looked and how your body was shaped. You compared yourself to her even though you knew most of the pictures on her Instagram were very much edited. The more Tom got busy, the less he texted or called. Your relationship felt like it was drifting but you still made an effort. You would text him to ask about his day or to just say a simple “good morning” or “good night”. He never got the chance to reply most of the time, but when he did it would be a short response. It wasn’t like the paragraphs of him going on and on about his day and how great it was. Sometimes he would talk about getting a stunt correctly done in one take or how he would get his lines right the first time. You didn’t think much of the short replies, you usually chalked it up to him just being busy. But then you would see him on Harry or Harrison’s story at some restaurant gathered all together. Then she would also be there, nuzzled up against his side while his arm rested behind her chair. That should’ve been you.
You didn’t want to think that he was cheating on you, but the signs were literally there. You shouldn’t have fallen for them and should have talked it out with Tom instead of focusing on the scenarios that were created in your head. You knew Tom was smarter than that. He wouldn’t cheat on you, he promised you that he wouldn’t break your heart. Then those pictures from the club came out.
They were all over Instagram and Twitter. You had multiple fans tagging you on them and saw them everywhere on your feed. It was as if the world was trying to shove it into your face. The picture was taken at a club, it was the usual group of boys accompanied by some cast members from the movies. You assumed there had been some drinks involved, but Tom looked sober as ever. There were many pictures of them. There were some of them laughing, dancing, and drinking together. You spotted his arm wrapped around her waist or his hand touching her in almost all of them. Finally, there were the pictures of them practically sucking the lips off of each other’s faces. They disgusted you. The way his hands were combed through her hair or how they stroked her cheek reminded you of how he kissed you. You remember feeling sick to your stomach. The pain and the anger blended together as the tears blinded your eyes. It was like a bad dream that you couldn’t wake up from.
You realized you had been staring at your phone for the past 10 to 15 minutes. Tears welled up in your eyes as your memory began to remind you of the scar that Tom had left on your life. You felt the presence of the emptiness in your heart that you thought had healed months ago. You still love him. No matter the bullshit you went through with him, you’ve never loved anyone like Tom. The one you’ve been missing was the only thing that could fix the hollowness in your heart.
“You should invite him.” You jump as your mother makes herself present in the room. You place a hand onto your heart to calm its rapid beating.
“Geez, don’t do that.” You run a hand through your hair as you lean on the counter again. Your arms touch the cold marble, bringing some coolness into your warm body.
“You’ve been gone for about thirty minutes, it’s past twelve. Everyone was worrying about you.” You mother settled herself beside you, instead her back was leaning against the marble.
“You still love him.” She tells you quietly. You’re quick to react and stand up straight, “No I— ow my tongue!”
You whine as your teeth bite down on your tongue, your actions acting before your words.
“I don’t.”
“Really? If you didn’t love him anymore, you wouldn’t be talking to his family still or meeting up with his brothers during the weekend” you mother tilted her head at you, her arms crossed.
You shrugged, “They’re nice people.”
“You know, you should stop avoiding the truth. Denying your feelings and lying to yourself is only going to hurt you even more. I’m your mother, I hate seeing you hurt.” You turned to your mom.
“Don’t you hate him?” You asked her, voice quiet.
Your mother had a look of thought on her face, “Of course, I do, he broke your heart. But I don’t know, there’s just something about that boy.”
She snapped her fingers, “Ah! He reminds me of your dad!”
You raise a brow at her, “Tom reminds you of dad?”
“He does. I remember when we were younger, your dad made the same mistakes. I hated his guts but we crossed paths again somewhere down the road and I gave him a second chance. Now how many years later, we’re married with beautiful children and grandchildren.”
You remain silent as you stare at your phone again. You thought about asking Harry for Tom’s address but you were hesitant.
“He’s probably stuck here for a reason, (y/n).” Your mom says with a knowing look. You sigh rubbing the tiredness out your eyes. It had been a long day and you were low on energy.
“He could also be thinking about you right now.” She hummed, starting to make her way out the kitchen.
“How would you know?” You ask her.
“You bit your tongue.” She simply answers before turning the corner. You were alone in the kitchen staring at your phone once again. The debate in your head continuing throughout the night.
~The Next Day~
Your gloved hands gripped onto the steering wheel as you drove through the snowy roads. You were mindful to keep an eye out for any glossy patches to avoid getting into an accident. You turned on the street Harry sent you and peered out your window to look for the number of Tom’s rented house. Harry texted you that the house was a light gray color with black accents and had a 35 nailed to the door. When you spotted the house that matched Harry’s description, you pulled over and put the car in park. You hopped out the car, shivering when the brisk winter air came into contact with your face. Your boots sink into the snow as you trudge your way up to his door.
You get to his doorstep and began to stomp the snow off your boots. Taking a deep breath you brace yourself before you can ring his doorbell.
“It’s Christmas, he shouldn’t be alone on Christmas, this is why you’re doing this.” You mumble to yourself. You started to shake but you weren’t sure if it were your nerves or the cold. It was probably both.
You finger hovered over the doorbell for a moment before you forced yourself to push it. A string of “fucks” began to play over and over in your head like a mantra.
You waited for a few seconds for him to answer but heard nothing. You debated on ringing the bell again but your feet were already turning you away from the door, too scared to face Tom again. You were about to step off his doorstep when you heard footsteps behind the door. The lock clicked and the door opened to reveal Tom, looking disheveled as ever.
His eyes widen when he realizes it was you who rang his bell. His mouth is agape as he tries to form words. The only thing he could muster out is, “(y/n).”
“Hey.” You breath out, taking him in after avoiding him for months straight. You slowly approach him, settling to stand a few feet away from him. His hair had grown out a bit longer and there was a shadow of some facial hair on his face. You noticed that his eyes were a bit dark, almost blank. It was as if the light in his eyes had disappeared.
“What—What are you doing here?” He began to ask. He rushes to add, “Not that I don’t want you here, I’m actually really glad you’re here, but—um. I’m just— hi.” He sighs, shoulders slumping. He eyes you for a second before jumping on his feet.
“How rude of me, do you want to come in? It’s freezing out here.” He moves to the side and opens the door wider so you can walk in. You didn’t want to enter his place but the warmth of the house and the familiar scent of Tom entranced your senses.
You wiped your boots on the doormat and quietly thanked him as you walked into his rented home. You noticed that Love Actually had been playing on the tv while the couch was occupied with a bowl of popcorn and an abandoned Sherpa blanket. You loosen the scarf around your neck and turn to Tom who was already looking at you.
“So, what brings you around? Thought you didn’t want to talk to me ever since what happened.” His voice is strained as he leans against the doorway to the living room.
“Paddy called me on FaceTime yesterday.” You started. Tom sighed, shaking his head at his younger brother. You wave him off, “Don’t worry, I didn’t mind. He actually helped me avoid a family argument about Mac and Cheese.”
Tom was looking down at the floor but you saw his cheeks slightly raise, “Yeah, you never did mind Padd’s eagerness.”
“Well, he’s adorable. Anyway, I ended up talking to Harry and he said that you got stuck here during the blizzard. Also, that you were spending the holidays alone.” You began to explain rocking on the balls of your feet. You turn to his tv, the voices from it murmuring quietly, “So, if you’re done watching Love Actually for the hundredth time, um, you could come over at my place and spend Christmas with my family.”
Tom pushes off the wall and slowly shuffled towards you. His arms are crossed, something he did when he felt nervous or awkward.
“I wouldn’t want to impose, (y/n).” He finally looks up at you, his familiar brown eyes that you missed so much sending comfort into your body.
“Mom insisted.” A hint of a teasing smile played on your chapstick covered lips. No matter the situation between you and Tom, you knew he could never turn down your mother. He adored your mother, he always remembered the time when you first introduced him to her. She welcomed him with open arms and treated him like he were her fifth child.
He lets out a laugh, looking down at himself, “Guess that means I should clean up then?”
He was wearing a grey jumper with black sweatpants. A blue beanie was on his head, the ends of his curls peaking out, and his feet were covered in socks to keep him warm.
“Yeah.” You breathed out, relieved that he agreed to come and you didn’t embarrass yourself.
Tom begins to dust off the couch and moves the popcorn bowl to the coffee table. He sloppily folds the blanket and fluffs the pillows.
“I might take a while, so why don’t you get comfy?” He suggests.
“Sounds good.” You hum and unwrap the scarf from your neck. Tom is by your side at an instant and takes it from your hand. He motions at your jacket causing you to unzip it. He shuffles behind you to help you remove your arms from the sleeves. You turn around to thank him while moving your hair to rest on one side of your shoulder. You catch him staring at you once again.
“You just look really beautiful.” He immediately answers. You’re about to respond but Tom begins to talk again, “I—I know I have no place in telling you that, but you just are.”
“Thanks, Tom.” You quietly say. He nods and moves to hang your things on the coat rack. He’s about to head up the stairs but he turns around to look at you again.
“Can we talk after?” His tone is soft, as if he were afraid of breaking the peacefulness between the two of you.
“Yeah. Yeah, we can talk.”
You wait in the living room for Tom to get himself ready. You try to watch the movie but all you can think about was what Tom and you could possibly talk about. You knew it would be about the breakup, but what else was there to discuss?
You heard Tom make his way down the stairs. Your eyes avert themselves to where Tom was coming from. He wore a dress shirt that had white and cream colored stripes going down it, pairing the shirt with dark jeans and dress shoes. His outfit wasn’t too fancy nor casual, it was perfect for Christmas Day with your family.
The smell of his cologne lingered it’s way to your nose. You recognized the smell even months after not seeing Tom. It was the cologne you had gotten him for his birthday. He fell in love with it the moment you gave it to him and had been wearing it ever since. You honestly thought he would switch it up after the breakup, but according to your nose, he hasn’t.
Tom presents himself to you, standing a few feet away from where you were sitting. “How is this? Too much?”
“You’re good, it’s spot on.” You reassure him. Tom hums in approval before settling himself beside you.
This was it. You guys were finally going to talk.
Tom rubs his hands together, resting his elbows on his knees. He looks at you over his shoulder, “It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, hasn’t it?”
“Or talked.” You add with a slight shrug. An awkward silence placed itself upon you two.
Tom was the first to speak, “I was a dick. I still am, but I was a dick back then for all the shit I put you through.”
You hesitate to answer but end up agreeing, “You were a dick. But we were both responsible for what happened.”
Tom shook his head, “No, don’t try to make me feel better. I know what I did was stupid and I should have been honest with you from the start. This was all my fault. I was a horrible boyfriend, everyone made me see that. Including my parents.”
Tom turns his body to face you, “I thought not telling you this would hurt you and I less, but it only made it a hundred times worse.” Your brows bunch together.
“What do you mean?”
“I know when we broke up I said a bunch of bullshit, but I just want to explain myself, please?” His eyes are pleading, almost glossy. You motion for him to continue.
“The thing that happened between me and her was all the studio’s plan. Though I’m not going to lie and say it was all their fault, because I also played a part in it. But that was how it started. They wanted us to put on a show and lead the fans on so it could be used as promo for the movie.” He admitted. Your mouth gapes at his confession. He was probably telling the truth, but it could’ve also been a front.
“And you’re telling me this now? What, did it take you eight months to come up with an excuse for cheating?” You angrily said. “And even if it was for promo, it’s still cheating, Tom! You knew you had a girlfriend when you agreed to go along with their stupid plan!”
Tom sighed frustratedly, rubbing his palms against his face, “I know, I know it sounds made up but I swear to you, (y/n) I’m telling you the truth!”
“Then why didn’t you tell me about it from the start? Did you really think lying was better than telling me the truth? I thought we were supposed to be honest with each other, you literally broke so many promises, Tom!” You stood up, the anger fuming in you growing too much for your body.
Tom stood up as well, “I only lied to you to protect you! I thought it would be better if you thought we were drifting apart than telling you I had to be publicly seen with a girl that’s not you! By the way, I wasn’t the only one who was being dishonest, so were you!”
“No, don’t turn this around on me! I wouldn’t have to had lie about my feelings if you would’ve told me the truth! This was all your fault Tom, you’re the one who agreed to some stupid pr stunt.” Your finger jabbed itself into his chest as you told him off about his doings.
Tom took your jabs as he shamefully looked down at his feet. “You don’t think I know that?”
“I know this was my fault, (y/n).” His tearful eyes lock onto yours. His jaw clenched as he tried to stop his tears from falling.
Your hand comes back to rest at your side, “If you knew it would break us up, then why did you agree to it, Tom?”
“Because it was either actually breaking up with you or agreeing to some stunt that’ll make me seem like some Hollywood hotshot who gets all the women.” He confessed. To Tom, it felt like a weight had been taken off his shoulders. But to you it felt the opposite. All the new information seemed as if it were piling up on you, making you overwhelmed.
“If I chose neither of them, I would’ve been fired from the film and they were planning on blackmailing me, so I chose the second option. I know it wasn’t the best decision, seeing how we are now. But it was the only choice where I would still be with you.” He explains leaning forward to her closer to you. Your arms crossed to form some kind of protection for yourself.
You had just realized that Tom forced himself into a stunt just so he can still be with you. It wasn’t the best option, but he chose the option where the two of you could still be together. You sighed not knowing how to react, it all just seemed like too much.
“I—Tom you can’t just tell me all of this and expect everything to be okay between us.” You run your hand through your hair. Your eyes watering from the frustration.
“I understand why you would keep it from me, but why did you wait so long? You could’ve said that eight months ago and I probably wouldn’t have hated you as much as I do now.” Your nails dig into your skin.
Tom looks up at you, “You hate me?” He croaks out.
Your head tilts at him, “Why wouldn’t I hate you? I hate you—I’m supposed to hate you but I just can’t and I don’t know why. You’re just, you’re you and no matter how many times I try to hate you I just can’t.”
Tom shifts closer, his frame now towering over you. His fingers slightly brush against yours, causing a rush of electricity to shoot through your body.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for everything, I know I should have been honest and told you the truth. I know what I did wrong and I’m sorry.” He gently cups your face to look up at him. You missed the feel of his hands against your skin and couldn’t hold yourself back from nuzzling against his warm palms.
“I still love you so much, (y/n). I never stopped. I just—is it too late for a second chance? I know it’s not going to be the same as when we were together but I’m willing to try again. I promise I will try harder and I’ll be honest, I’ll do everything for you to be mine again. All I want is just another chance.” His thumbs brush against your cheeks. Your hands come up to grip onto his wrists.
“Tom, I don’t know.”
“Please (y/n), it’s been so hard without you. Please I just need you again. I miss you so much, everything’s been going wrong ever since you left and I feel empty. I’m not complete without you.” His voice cracks as he begs for you to give him a chance. You stare at him for a moment and your mother’s voice echos in your head.
“He’s probably stuck here for a reason, (y/n).”
Maybe your mother had a point. Things happen for a reason and maybe this was one of this moments.
Your thumbs stroke the skin of his wrist, “Fine, I’ll give you another chance Tom.”
A look of relief is on his face as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you flush against his chest. You feel his heart beating rapidly against your chest as he shoves his face into your neck.
“Thank you.” He mutters against your skin multiple times. “I promise I won’t screw it up, I’m serious.” He pulls away to make sure you’re looking into his eyes.
“I’m trusting you to keep that promise. You’re only getting one chance, Tom.” You warn him. Tom nods eagerly.
“I know, I know, I’m not going to mess this up I swear. I’m going to prove that you could trust me again, I’ll do anything.”
You smile before pressing a light kiss on his cheek, “Ok, if you’ll do anything, then we better get going. Mom’s probably wondering what’s the hold up.”
“Right. Yeah, um before we go. If you want to talk more about what happened before or have any questions, you could ask me anytime. I just dumped all of this on you unexpectedly and it probably feels like a lot.” He offers.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
You and Tom arrived at your house to Christmas music blaring from the tv’s speakers and the happy chatter of your family. Your mom spots Tom at the doorway and her face lights up.
“Tom, you came!” She climbs her way through the mass amounts of wrapping paper and your niece and nephews. Tom meets her halfway and helps her remove the wrapping paper that had stuck onto her pants. She pulls him into a hug, which Tom returns immediately.
“Thank you for inviting me.” He smiles as your mom pats his cheek fondly. She waves him off, “Please honey, no one should be alone for Christmas.”
They continue to talk as your mother leads him into the living room. You see him greeting your siblings and cousins, a shy smile on his face as he shakes their hands. You couldn’t help but stare at him as he interacted with your family. It made you feel whole and warm inside, as if the emptiness in your heart was finally recovering.
You were taking off your boots when a shadow fell upon you. You look up to see Tom standing above you. “Need help?”
“No, I almost had it, the knot’s too small for my nails to undo it.” You mutter as your fingers continue to fumble with the knot. Tom kneels in front of you and gently removes your fingers from your boot.
“Let me do it, I know how fussy you get when you mess up your nails.” You smile fondly at him. The fact that he remembered how you hated messing up your nails after getting them done made the butterflies in your stomach erupt.
He gets the knot undone successfully and pulls off your boot. He holds a hand out for you and you take it. You stand up and thank him before glancing at your clothes.
“I’m gonna go upstairs and clean myself up for lunch. I’ll be back.” You place a hand on his shoulder before turning to go up the stairs. You feel his hand grip onto yours, pulling you back.
“I’ll save you a seat beside me?”
You squeeze his hand, “Yeah, I appreciate it.”
He watches you head up the stairs till the moment you turn the corner. He couldn’t believe you were back in his life. You haven’t changed at all in the months you’ve been apart. You were still beautiful and radiant as ever. He was so thankful for whatever gods that allowed him to have a second chance with you. You were all he wanted and he wasn’t going to screw it up like last time.
Your mother had called for everyone to sit at the table and you still weren’t there. Thirty or more minutes had passed since you went upstairs and so far he’s been catching up with your siblings and cousins. He’s also been dragged into playing “race cars” with your nephews and “princesses” with your only niece. Everyone had slowly shuffled into your dinning room but you were still missing. Tom even hung back in the living room for a while to see if you would catch up.
You mother spotted Tom looking back at the stairs as he decided to join your family in the dining room. She approached him and turned him towards the stairs, “Why don’t you go and check on her, tell her lunch is ready.”
Tom nods and climbs up the stairs. He’s been to your home multiple times while you two were together so he wasn’t lost. He found your door and knocked on it.
“I’ll be down in a sec!” He hears you yell from behind the door.
“Your mom said to call you down for lunch and see what’s been taking you so long.” Tom leans against the wall as he wait for you to open the door. The lock clicks and you pull it open. Your hair was in loose curls and there was some light makeup on your face. You weren’t in the jeans and sweater you were in earlier, now you were dressed in a white sweater and grey knee high boots.
“Hey.” He greets you. “You ready?”
“Yeah, I think I am.” You close the door behind yourself and stand across from Tom. He notices a shimmer around your neck. The silver chain with a circle charm hanging from it caught his eyes.
“You still have that?” He points out stepping closer to you. You glance at the necklace, “Of course I do. You gave it to me for my birthday.” Your fingers envelope around the charm, fiddling with it.
“You look stunning.” He says.
“Thanks.” The two of you stand there for a moment before Tom’s stomach grumbled.
“I think we should get going.” You laughed as you hooked your hand with his.
The two of you sat side by side at the table. He was a gentleman as always. He pulled your seat out for you and pushed it in once you were settled. He helped passed the dishes to you and even insisted on placing the food onto your plate. Lunch had gone smoothly, it was only filled with laughs, some catching up, and the stories your parents would tell at the table every year.
Your parents were in the middle of retelling their first Christmas together with your older brother, their first born. Your parents were reminiscing about the pearl ring your father gave her and how much it meant to her. You were listening to your parents when you felt a hand grip onto yours under the table. You glance down to see Tom had placed his hand above yours. His large hand enveloping your smaller ones.
“You alright?” You lean closer to him so only he can hear you. Tom squeezes your hand as a small smile forms on his lips.
“Yeah, I’m just glad to be here. Thank you.” He whispers. Your other hand covers his, your thumb stroking the top of his hand.
“So am I.” For the first time in those months apart, you finally felt like everything was complete again. Sure, you two had many things to work out and discuss. But right now, all you can think about was the man sat beside you. You weren’t missing him anymore, he was right there beside you. He was actually with you. All you wanted for Christmas was the one you’ve been missing and after eight long months of pain and longing, your wish finally came true.
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aerynwrites · 3 years
Hey 👋
Welcome back, I'm glad the little step away was good for you 😊💛
I was wondering if I could request the first time reader buys Captain Rex a gift or has a little surprise day planned for him and he gets a bit emotional because hes not use to being treated well 😭
Thank you 💛
ahhhh okay! So I kind of just took this and...ran with it lol. I hope this is kind of what you wanted!
Captain Rex x Reader
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Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: none - unbeta’d
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Being in a long term relationship with a clone was not something you had ever seen in your cards as a Jedi Commander for the 501st. Especially when the clone in question was Captain of said battalion. However, you wouldn’t change it for anything in the galaxy, especially since you have Anakin and Ahsoka by your side to help you and Rex fly under the radar of the Council. Anakin was in a relationship after all, so he understood what it was like.
Today, you have taken one of the rare days off you and your boys get to throw together the surprise you have had in mind for Rex for the past few weeks. None of the clones have real birthdays, but you wanted to celebrate him and managed to get him to pick a random date for his birthday. You smiled fondly at the memory as you sat a plate of cookies on the table.
“None of the clones have birthdays, cyare, you know that. We weren’t born, we were created.” The last words leave his lips with a hint of venom to them, and you can’t help your lips from tugging downward into a slight frown.
“I know that, Rex,” you say softly, adjusting from where you lay on his chest so you can look up at him slightly, “Humor me,” you tease, giving him a small smile, “Since you don’t have an actual date, just pick one!”
Rex gives you a sideways look before finally letting out a sigh at the puppy dog eyes you send him. He is never able to say no to you. After thinking for a moment, he finally settles on a date - the date he became a Captain is the one he chose. 
“See now was that so hard?” you chastise lightly before leaning up and pressing a quick kiss to his lips before settling back down into bed, his arms still wrapped securely around you.
After that, the conversation had never come up again, and Rex had assumed you forgot about the silly birthday date you made him pick out. However, you were just determined to surprise him. You recruited Anakin and Ahsoka to keep Rex busy while you prepared your private quarters for the surprise, and while Rex was none the wiser as to why he was being sent on a wild bantha chase around the base - he felt a sense of relief wash over him when he was finally released from their plot. He has already taken his helmet off as he approaches your shared quarters, eyes tired yet shoulders relaxed at the thought of spending the rest of the day with you. He was planning to just relax with you, relish in the rare day off you both have received and maybe watch one of those cheesy holofilms you loved so much. 
However, when he finally arrives at the room and the door swishes open, his eyes widen in surprise at the sight that greets him. The space is brightly lit with soft music playing in the background and a small handmade sign attached to the wall opposite the door reads: Happy Birthday Rex!  In neat handwriting. His eyes fall from the sign to take in the spread of food and deserts on the table near the kitchen, more than either of you could eat in days. He slowly sets his helmet down on the ground by the door before approaching the table. There’s a cake in the center that reads the same as the sign when he walked in, but the letters are iced delicately over the white base layer in 501st blue. 
Rex feels his chest constrict, an overwhelming sense of gratitude paired with a slight sense of confusion distract him from your entrance into the room. He ‘s only pulled from his observations when he hears a small gasp from behind him.
“Rex, you’re back!” you say happily, rushing over and wrapping your arms around him as he turns to face you. You couldn’t care less that he was still in his armor, you were just happy he was here. “You got here faster than I was anticipating! I was going to have the candles on the cake lit and everything for when you got back.”
He watches as you pull yourself from his embrace and flit around the room, grabbing a lighter and lighting the candles all while babbling away about the food you cooked and the plans you’ve made and how it took you weeks to find the special jam to put between the layers of cake. You were so consumed in your explanations, that you didn’t even notice when Rex’s eyes fell to the four neatly wrapped parcels on the end of the table. All of them had his name on them followed by the person who they were from - at least that’s what Rex assumed. 
He pulls his gloves from his hands before running his fingers gently over the colorful paper, looking up at you in confusion as he interrupts your speech. “What are these?”
Your brow furrows in confusion before realization dawns on you. Rex had never had a birthday gift before. Let alone a party all for himself. You give him a gentle smile and walk over to be at his side as you speak. “They’re presents, for your birthday,” you explain, “Anakin and Ahsoka each got you one when they heard what I was planning,” you chuckled a little, “Anakin won’t admit it, but he spent a lot of time picking out his gift. And then,” you reach out and grab the smaller box, “This is from the boys - your brothers - they all pitched in when they heard about it too.”
Rex could already feel the unfamiliar burn at the back of his eyes, but he tried to reign in his emotions as he pointed to the last one. “What-” he has to clear his throat, “What about that one?”
You grab the box from the table and turn to him, smiling the biggest smile as you hold it out for him to take. “This one’s from me! I couldn’t very well throw you a birthday bash and not get you a present now could I?”
At this revelation, Rex can no longer hold the tears back as he takes the small gift from your hands. He sees your eyes widen at his reaction and a slight panic overtakes your features.
“Oh no,” you mumble, reaching out to place your hands over his own, “Rex what’s wrong?”
He shakes his head, wiping the stray tears away before taking a deep breath, “Nothing’s wrong, cyare,” he assures you, looking around the room at all you did for him before looking back to you with a smile on his face, “I’ve just…” he trails off for a moment before continuing, “I’ve never gotten a present before. Let alone a whole celebration dedicated to me being here.”
Your heart breaks slightly at his words, despite knowing the truth behind them. Clones aren’t seen as much more than machines of war to most people - expendable and replaceable things for the war. But Rex is so much more to you, and you were determined to show him that. You smile at him and set the gift in his hands aside, as you steer him over towards the cake.
“Well,” you begin, “As long as I’m still here I’m going to make every single day a celebration about you. Because you deserve to be celebrated.”
“Well I don’t know about that,” Rex tries to argue but you shake your head and point to the lit candles on the cake.
“Oh hush,” you gently scold, “Now, all you have to do for this birthday tradition is blow out the candles and make a wish.”
“A wish?” he asks, turning to look at you incredulously, “A wish for what?”
You shrug, “Anything you want.”
He turns to face the cake again, the candles casting a slight glow onto his golden skin and you can’t help but smile when he finally leans forward and blows the candles out. Once finished he pulls back and turns towards you, a smile on his face as he reaches out to take your hands in his.
“Did you make a wish?” you ask.
He shakes his head, “No.”
Your mouth falls open and you give out a disbelieving scoff, “Rex!” you whine, “That’s the whole point of blowing out the candles. Why didn’t you wish for anything?”
“Because everything I could wish for is standing right here in front of me.”
And before you can protest, he presses his lips to yours in a gentle kiss, suddenly very thankful for birthdays and very thankful for you.
»»————- ♡ ————-«« 
Permanent Taglist: @ajeff855 @kaermorons @imnotakilleranymore @hiscyarika @hail-doodles @mrpascals @bestintheparsec @forever-rogue @leaiorganas @wille-zarr @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @princessxkenobi @phoenixhalliwell @theocatkov @swimmingsloths @getinthepoolkeanu @engie115 @somnibats @rosiefridayrogersunday @recklessworry @gooddaykate @niki-xie @amneris21
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iguana-eyanna · 3 years
Going out w/Ned on Halloween
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a/n: I can't believe I thought of this concept AFTER Halloween. I also saw one of the touring shows for Hadestown and it was AMAZING. So, Tony Stark is alive for this one so hope y'all have fun with this.
You are a theater kid
Like a legitimate theater kid
You've been performing since the age of 5
Hadestown was your fav musical
So you begged your friends and your boyfriend to dress up for Halloween
Ned was all in
Your boyfriend has fabulous fashion sense, so he had no sweat on finding an outfit
He also had to help Peter because he doesn't really know what the musical was about
Surprisingly, Michelle had all of the clothing articles in her closet
The boys get ready at peter's place
"Why am I dressed up like this guy again?" Peter asks, fixing his suspenders
"You're a lovesick kid." Ned teased, placing on his jacket
Peter gives him a face and continues getting ready
"Takes one to know one." Peter teased back
Ned just smiles, as everyone knew he was whimped for you
They soon walk to your place where Michelle is waiting with you
You take away Ned's breath with your green dress and fur coat
"Whoa." Ned says as he walks toward you
"That's exactly what I was going for." You smirked as you kissed Ned on the lips
Michelle rolls her eyes from your guys' PDA
But secretly, she's glad you two found each other
You then took lots of pictures with the gang
And I mean LOTS of pictures
You then all head out to trick-or-treat
Some adults judged you all as you were 'too old' to trick or treat
But you ignored them
Unfortunately, no one got your costumes right
Ned saw how defeated you are because you have been planning such a cool outing with your best friends and him for weeks
"Oh, I forgot! Mr. Stark wanted me to stop by to the tower." you said
Yes, you work for the infamous Tony Stark.
As Peter works for his 'internship,' you babysit Morgan when Mr. Stark is on Iron Man duty or when Mrs. Potts travels for work
You all go to the Tower and FRIDAY welcomes you to enter
You take the elevator and you see Mr. Stark playing with Morgan on the ground
"Ah, isn't it my favorite babysitter and the rest." Tony teases as he gets up
Peter quirks an eyebrow but everyone knows Tony loves him most than all of you
Morgan follows in tow and gives you the biggest hug
"Guess what I am?" Morgan says, twirling in her Halloween costume
You hum for a little bit, pretending to be oblivious to her obvious costume
"A pirate?" you ask and she nods enthusiastically, giggling
Tony smirks and turns to a table, grabbing a few things
"Here, made you guys some goody bags. Peter told me what your favorite candies were."
Tony says as he gave you all personalized items
"Wow, thank you Mr. Stark!" Ned says
Tony acts like it's nothing but then stops to you, giving you an envelope.
"Here, you've been working really hard for my family. A special treat from me, Pepper, and Morgan. You deserve it."
You slowly open the envelope, touched that Mr. Stark and his family wanted to give you something.
"Aw, Mr. Stark... You didn't have to-" You stop in your sentence as you look down at the contents in your hands
Michelle is confused and asks you what's wrong until she finally saw what was in your hands, smirking
"Four front row seats to watch Hadestown on Broadway. I remembered when your young gentleman here was about to walk you home when I came back. Before you guys left, I asked Ned what you always wanted to do and he said that you wanted to go watch your favorite musical on Broadway."
You look at Ned who was red and gives you a smile
"Pepper made sure that you'll get to meet the original cast after the show and receive merch from the concessions. Happy will take you, MJ, Peter, and Ned on the day of the show." Tony said.
You begin crying, giving Mr. Stark an unannounced hug
"Thank you so much sir." you said, crying.
Tony pats you in the back as you could feel Morgan hugging your leg.
"Anytime kid, treat your friends." Tony says
You let go and you kneel down, giving Morgan a hug as well
She returns the hug until you pull apart, getting ready to leave.
"Thank you again, Mr. Stark. See you in a few days!" you hollered before stepping into the elevator.
You subtly see Mr. Stark whispering to MJ and see her reply
the boys are so shocked that you got tickets to your favorite play, you lower voice for just MJ to hear
"Did Mr. Stark ask you what Peter wanted for Christmas?" you ask
"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he bought Peter a whole Nintendo store.
You laugh out loud, catching the boys attention
Ned uses this opportunity to steal you away and hold your hand as you all walk back home
"So, how has your Halloween been, my Persephone?" Ned flirtasiously asks, making you blush
"Amazing, now that I have my Hades at my side." you said, kissing Ned's cheek.
You and the gang can't wait to head out for your next outing at Broadway
You were truly blessed to have these people in your life
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 6
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
Jin sees you struggling and finally decides that enough is enough. He wants Yoongi to fix things. At the same time, the three of you are ready for the new additions to your home and family. 
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It had been days since the incident with Yoongi. He was still making an effort to avoid you as much as possible and it was breaking your heart. Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung knew that you were forcing your smiles and acting like you were happy to not worry them. But they wee hybrids, they felt your feelings and hear your cries. 
“Yah. Min Yoongi.” Jin opened the door, finally at his breaking point. He had just got off the phone with you and you said that you were staying at the hospital for the night so they shouldn’t stay up to wait. 
“Yes, hyung?” Yoongi sat up from his bed. He wasn’t in any better shape either. 
“I know you’re doing this because you think being near her, you will hurt her again. But let me tell you, you doing this is hurting her more.” Jin said. 
“It’s for her safety.” Yoongi mumbled. 
“You think she’s any safer? Have you seen her? I can’t make her eat, she’s losing more weight, she isn’t sleeping. She’s blaming herself for you feeling like this! I can’t see her like this anymore. She’s not even coming home tonight.” Jin informed bitterly. 
“Why?” Yoongi frowned.
“Ask yourself that. You need to stop thinking about yourself and tell yourself that it is for her own good when you don’t know how much you’re killing her. Doing this doesn’t save her from you, it just leads to both of you hurting.” 
“I’ll talk to her soon.” Yoongi looked down. 
“Look, Yoongs. I know this happened before any of us came. But that’s exactly it. You’ve been with her the longest. No one can replace your spot in her heart, not even me. You need her as much as she needs you. She needs you to remind her to take her hospital beeper, tell her to eat, lecture her when she doesn’t care about her health.” Jin told her. 
“I need to go.” Yoongi grabbed his jacket and ran out of the house. 
You grabbed your third cup of coffee, sinking into your seat. Tonight, you had volunteered to take over a night shift since you wanted to avoid going home and feeling that awkwardness.
“Doctor (y/l/n), have you eaten dinner?” One of your nurses poked her head into your office.
“I’ll eat later. Please go ahead.” You smiled. She nodded and left. Once you heard the door close, your head fell onto your desk. You turned your head to look at the picture of you and Yoongi on your board. Reaching up, you grabbed the photo and held it. 
“Even if you don’t want to talk to me again, at least the scars will be my memory of you.” You whispered. 
“Are you seriously talking to a photo?” A voice said, making you jump. Immediately, you stood up and saw Yoongi standing there. He was in his leather jacket with a black cap. In his hands, there were multiple plastic bags. 
“Y-Yoongi.” You were in shock. He came in and closed the door. 
“You’re skipping meals again, aren’t you kitten?” He shook his head, ignoring your shocked face. He cleared your desk, laying out all the takeout containers. You realised that the food was from your favourite pasta place. You still stood there in shock, tears blurring your vision. 
“What are you doing here?” You forced out.
“Jin hyung slapped some sense into me... Aish, I hate that I’m the cause of these tears.” He stepped closer to you, lifting his hand to cup your cheek, wiping your fallen tears with his thumb. 
“Of course they’re because of you! I thought you hated me and never wanted to talk to me again!” You cried, outraged. 
“I could never hate you, kitten.” He whispered. 
“I thought I was protecting you when I was actually hurting you. I can’t believe I nearly hurt you again the other night. I’m so sorry, kitten. Will you ever forgive this stupid cat?” His tail circled around you, pulling you close to him. You wrapped your arms around him. Yoongi would always have a special place in your heart and in your life. 
“Of course I forgive you. I never blamed you to begin with.” You murmured against his chest. He kissed your forehead. 
“Now, let’s eat. I got your favourite.” He sat opposite you and opened all the containers. You smiled and wiped your tears, giving Yoongi a pair of chopsticks before digging in. Pasta never tasted so good. 
“I should apologise to Taehyung too. I know that kid is blaming himself too.” Yoongi sighed. 
“He fits in well, huh?” You said. 
“Yeah. I guess you can say there’s no need for us to wait until the foster period is up.” He spoke. That made you surprised but happy that Taehyung managed to charm Yoongi to the point that Yoongi was ready for Taehyung’s permanent adoption right away. 
“About Namjoon...” He cast you a wary glance. 
“You know we have more than enough space in our home. It’s up to you guys and Namjoon.” You shrugged. 
“We can ask him. The house will just get livelier. When we see a fit to our family, we shouldn’t let them go, huh?” He joked. Your knew what he meant was that he was open to the fact that there would probably be more hybrids joining your family. It made your heart feel warm that the other hybrids were comfortable with you possibly opening your home to more rescued hybrids. 
“Let’s eat up before I get called away.” You smiled and he nodded, putting a chopstick full of pasta into his mouth. 
“You should go home. My shift ends at 6.” You told him once you were done. 
“I can wait here.” He said.
“You should sleep in your bed, Yoongi. Besides, it might not be so professional if my hybrid is crashing on my couch while I’m working.” You said. Yoongi nodded, understanding where you’re coming from. He leaned down to give you a kiss on the cheek before grabbing all the trash and leaving. 
Your beeper went off and you stood up, grabbing your coat and leaving your office. You entered your allocated consultation room with your nurse following shortly behind you. 
“Good work today. Have a nice rest.” You parted ways with the other doctor and nurses, entering your car. 
“(y/n)!” Taehyung was there to greet you with open arms the moment you entered through the front door. You stepped back slightly but managed to prevent yourself from falling. Taehyung nuzzled his head against your neck, purring softly. 
“Yoongi hyung came back and apologised to me. He also told me everything is back to normal!” The tiger was nearly vibrating with happiness. 
“Yes, he came to see me too and we talked a lot. I’m glad things are okay now. Were you really so happy you waited for me at 7 am?” You couldn’t help but laugh. He even nodded his head in confirmation. 
“Wanna help me make breakfast for the boys? I think sleeping now will mess my body clock.” You chuckled. Taehyung nodded enthusiastically. You ruffled his hair and went to take a quick shower before changing into more comfortable. Tying your hair into a loose bun, you and Taehyung began making pancakes. 
“Can you make the juice? I’ll fry the bacon.” You handed him all the oranges. He began slicing them and putting them through the juicer. 
“How are your ribs, Taetae?” You asked. 
“Good. They’re not hurting or sore anymore and Jin hyung has been helping me with the tape.” He turned around and lifted his shirt slightly. You washed your hands, stepping away from the pan to check it. 
“They really do look better. You can stop taping them at the end of the week.” You smiled. 
“(y/n)?” You heard Jin call you, half asleep. You hummed in reply and he came down, wrapping his arms around you to latch onto you. He yawned and rest his chin on your shoulder comfortably. Giving you a kiss on the cheek, he pulled away to ruffle Taehyung’s hair and sat down at his place. 
Yoongi and Namjoon came down and took their seats. Taehyung gave out the juice and plates of food. It felt nice to have everyone eating together again. Breakfast went by peacefully. 
“Tae, Yoongi and I were talking. I spoke with Jin about this the other day. We decided, we don’t have to wait until the end of the foster period.” You said. 
“What do you mean?” He tilted his head. 
“Well, you fit into our family and get along well with everyone. So why wait for the foster period to be up? If you would like to join our family, we can file for adoption right now.” You explained. Taehyung’s eyes lit up, looking at you, Jin and Yoongi with shimmering eyes. He was speechless, leaping to hug you as he continued nodding. 
“Yes! I want to stay!” He was finally able to speak. 
“Another thing. Namjoon, I know you’re here to recover and your recovery rate has been remarkable. But you’ve been a great help to the house and if you would like to stay too...” You started. 
“Really? You would want me?” Namjoon asked in disbelief. 
“I do. But it’s entirely up to you. I don’t want you to feel pressured by our wants. It’s what you want.” You nodded. 
“But I’m scarred. I’ve killed, I could be a danger to you and everyone here.” 
“I’m not going to judge because everyone has their own scars, Namjoon. No one is perfect. And I believe that you never wanted to do all those things. You were forced to so I never have and never will blame you. You’re not a danger to anyone.” You smiled. 
“Is it really okay?” Namjoon looked at Jin and Yoongi. 
“You’re my brother. Of course I want you here.” Yoongi said and Jin nodded in agreement. 
“Then, if it’s okay with you, I would like to stay.” Namjoon finally smiled, showing the dimple n the side of his face. You grinned and reached out to hug him. Two new additions to your family in one day. 
“I’ll get the adoption papers ready then. After I take a nap, of course.” You yawned. The boys were quick to send you up to your room and tuck you into bed. After that, Jin and Yoongi went to work while Namjoon and Taehyung helped with the chores around the house. You were finally able to sleep well. 
Your alarm woke you up at 4pm. You washed your face and called your friend that worked at the hybrid bureau. 
“Mhmm. Tiger Kim Taehyung and Wolf Kim Namjoon.” You spoke. 
“What do you mean?... Well, he’s obviously not dead. He’s right here. Okay, I’ll bring him down tomorrow.” You sighed, hearing her speak. After a few more things, you hung up. 
“Umm, Namjoon?” You went downstairs. He and Taehyung looked up from their movie. You cleared your throat and nodded over to the stairs. 
“May I speak with you privately?” You asked. He nodded and followed you up, leaving Taehyung on the couch. Namjoon followed you into the room and you closed the door. You rubbed your forehead, leaning against the wall. 
“I just called my friend at the bureau. She’s a good connection that gets my adoptions done quickly without a fuss. There is a small issue with your adoption. Taehyung... his owner passed away and the place he was from kept him illegally without papers. As for you, your owner, I’m guessing the fighting ring leader, declared you dead.” You revealed. 
“I see...” Namjoon was also at a lost. 
“Don’t worry though. You’ll have to come down with me tomorrow to show that you’re in fact, still alive.” You told him. Namjoon nodded. 
“Did you have this problem with Yoongi? You look quite distraught.” Namjoon pointed out. 
“I didn’t have a problem because Yoongi was a stray. He was also kept illegally. He never had an owner. Jin also never had a problem because he was from an exotic pet auction that came with papers.” You confessed. 
“I’m sorry for the trouble.” Namjoon kept his head low. 
“No, Namjoon. Don’t apologise, this isn’t your fault. Don’t worry, alright? I promise to try my best to make sure you never have to go back to that place or that horrible person.” You walked up to him and hugged him. Namjoon was hesitant but he slowly wrapped his arms around you. You smiled and he left the room. 
“Let’s settle this first.” You printed Taehyung’s adoption papers that were sent to your email. After you were done, you called Taehyung up to sign it privately, not wanting to make Namjoon feel worse. 
“There was a small issue with Namjoon’s adoption papers but I’ll settle it soon. For now, let’s not mention your papers too much, alright?” You smiled. 
“Okay.” Taehyung nodded obediently. The two of you went back down and you decided to make cookies for everyone. Taehyung and Namjoon even came over to help you. 
“I smell cookies!” Jin sang as he came in, Yoongi shuffling in behind him. You laughed and walked out to greet the oldest two. Before they arrived home, you had separately informed the two of them about the situation with Namjoon’s adoption in the event they decide to bring it up. The boys all waited for the cookies with their cold glasses of milk. 
“Be careful, they’re hot.” You placed the trays down from the oven, putting in the next two trays. 
The next day, you and Namjoon got ready to head to the hybrid bureau. Taehyung tagged along for moral support. As you parked and walked in, you squeezed Namjoon’s hand, giving him a reassuring smile. 
“Here to see Park Soyeon?” You said to the receptionist. She nodded and smiled, asking you to follow her into the office. After knocking on the door, she let the three of you in. Seeing your good friend, you immediately smiled and ran to hug her tightly. 
“It’s been a while!” She giggled happily. 
“It has been but you look good. These are the two new editions to my family, Kim Taehyung and Kim Namjoon.” You introduced and the two boys bowed. 
“Nice to meet you. I’m Park Soyeon. You can just call me Soyeon. Come and sit.” She gestured. She sat on the couch opposite the two of you. You placed your folders down. 
“This is Taehyung’s.” You slid it over to her. She flipped through the forms, nodding her head in approval before closing it. 
“Now, Namjoon. I’m sure (y/n) told you about the situation, which is why we’re here. But don’t worry. Your picture matches the one on the file. In fact, you look a lot healthier and better now. So I can say you’re very much alive. That being said, we will have to make a new hybrid file for you since your other file says deceased.” Soyeon informed. 
“I understand.” Namjoon nodded his head. 
“The adoption can happen, no problem. But that would mean you have to do a full hybrid evaluation. Physical and mental evaluation.” Soyeon continued. 
“What will happen then?” You asked.
“Don’t be so worried, (y/n). I’ve already sorted it out. Before you sign Namjoon’s adoption papers, you’re still technically only his doctor. You can sign the evaluation papers, clearing his physical and mental. Then file for adoption.” She shrugged with a smile. 
“Ah... You scared me!” You scrunched your nose at her. 
“It’s fun to see you scared sometimes.” Soyeon stood up and headed back to her desk, sitting in front of the computer. She typed away and the printing of papers were heard. 
“Here. This and this.” She placed the papers in front of you. You sat at her desk and began to fill up the first form. The boys that were still sitting on the couch saw how serious and deep in thought you were that they didn’t want to disturb you. Instead, they spoke to Soyeon. 
“So how do you know (y/n)?” Taehyung asked. 
“We’re actually both part of an organisation that helps hybrids. Not just bureau level things but we are also active in big illegal business busts as well. (y/n) is the head doctor of the medical team that treats the injured.” She explained.
“I see.” 
“Yeah. That’s how we busted the circus you’re from, Taehyung.” Soyeon revealed and Taehyung’s eyes widened. 
“I didn’t know...” He looked over at your hunched back, that was focused on writing. If possible, Taehyung felt even more gratefulness towards you. You helped put his ring master in jail so he wouldn’t have to be afraid of ever getting caught and being put in a circus again. Soyeon smiled softly when she saw how the two were looking at you. 
“Yoongi was from the same ring as you, right Namjoon?” She asked. 
“Yes.” Namjoon nodded. 
“Ever since Yoongi entered her life, (y/n) has been actively trying to track down the leaders. I think with you now being there too, it gives her even more motivation to find those thugs and stop them.” Soyeon said. 
“Done!” You stood up with a smile. You handed her the stack of papers and Soyeon looked through them carefully. She nodded her head as she read through. Once she was done, she shot all of you smiles. She went back to her desk and retrieved something. 
“If you two agree to be adopted by (y/n), all that’s left is your thumbprints on the adoption certificate.” Soyeon smiled. The two were quick to obey. 
“There. Congratulations, you three.” Soyeon handed you the adoption certificates. You looked at the two boys in adoration, pulling both of them in for a hug. 
“Thank you, Soyeon.” You moved to hug her. 
“No worries. I’ll see you soon.” She patted your shoulder and escorted you out. The drive back home was quiet but peaceful. Taehyung softly hummed to himself while Namjoon looked out the window. Never did he think he would be free from the ring, the only thing that would grant him that would be his death. But here he was, sitting in a car with a crazy doctor lady, adopted. 
“Tae, why don’t you go in first?” You asked as you pulled up. Taehyung nodded and ran into the house. 
“Everything alright?” You faced Namjoon. Finally, he let his wall down and covered his face with his hand. Tears fell down his cheeks as soft sobs escaped his lips. You smiled softly and went to hug him. 
“I never thought I would be free. And here I am.” He sobbed. 
“I’m so proud of you, Namjoon. You never gave up. You’re here because of your own effort.” You patted his head. He wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face in your shoulder. In the ring, they always told him that he was born to fight, born to kill. 
“Let’s go home.” You squeezed Namjoon’s hand and he nodded. 
“Home.” Namjoon repeated and the two of you entered through the door. Jin and Yoongi got up from the couch with worried looks on their faces. They had come home early, wanting to know how it went. 
“How did it go? Taehyung didn’t tell us anything.” Yoongi grumbled. 
“Jin. Yoongi. Our family just got bigger.” You took out the adoption certificates. Jin came up and inspected the two pieces of paper. He looked back at Yoongi and nodded, confirming that they were indeed real. Yoongi stepped up to hug Namjoon while Jin slung his arm around Taehyung, the two welcoming their new brothers to the home. 
“This is your home now.” You giggled as Taehyung put his arms around you.
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multimetaverse · 3 years
HSMTMTS 2x12 Review
Second Chances was a lacklustre finale for an uneven season. Let’s dig in!
Earlier this week I re-watched S1 in preparation for the S2 finale and the contrast between the two seasons is jarring. In almost every way S2 has been worse and after seeing this finale I’m less optimistic that Tim will be able to fix the long list of things that have gone wrong. Tim has said in some of his interviews today that pretty much all of S2 was written before the pandemic and that they didn’t have to do as much re-writing as people might think due to the stringent safety measures Disney put in place. Of course, that removes an excuse for the bad writing we’ve seen so much of this season as according to Tim what we saw of S2 is largely what he envisioned minus big crowds and background dancers.
 Across his many interviews today, the one consistent point is that Tim does not have any real plans for future seasons; things like Ricky’s endgame he hasn’t decided on and he can’t even guarantee the summer season the finale sets up due to the weather in Salt Lake. I do think a S3 is an almost certainty given the show’s popularity but I’ll take Tim at his word that he truly doesn’t know if they’ll be renewed since it seems to be a new Disney tradition to wait until seasons are done airing before making a renewal decision (the same thing happened for the popular and well received Mighty Ducks: Game Changers which got a silent renewal only after all of S1 aired). That being said as poor of a season finale as Second Chances is it is also a terrible potential series finale. In large part it goes back to his lack of planning, he wants to keep all options open but in doing so Tim is crippling the show’s ability to deliver any pay offs or tie up loose ends.  
The one mostly well done plot line this season was Portwell which got a happy ending tonight as they canoned. The only good thing about the big brother angst was that it was so insane that it had to be addressed and sure enough it was and Gina got her first kiss with a guy she really liked. If Tim is to be believed the reason we didn’t get an on screen Portwell kiss was not because of their age difference or covid concerns but because he felt that everyone’s first kiss was different so he wanted it off screen so viewers could fill in the blanks themselves. Tim’s line of reasoning is profoundly stupid. Imagine if they had Jamie show up and he and Gina talked off screen and Tim tried to claim that because everyone has a different relationship with their own siblings that he wanted the audience to fill in the blanks as to how their conversation went!
Still we saw great character development on Gina and EJ’s part as both really grew from the people they were in S1. As Tim noted, EJ bringing Gina back in 1x10 was kind of the set up for this story line. The only thing missing was a brief Portwell scene sometime in eps 2x01-2x04 to set them up. The consistent development they got from 2x05-2x12 is unlike any other ship on the show; only Rini exceeds their development. 
Unfortunately I don’t think that will last in S3 because Tim will always favour Ricky over EJ and if he wants to do Rina he’ll dispose of Portwell before doing so. I was surprised that they never bothered to have Ricky and Gina have a conversation about Gina’s S1 confession. It was a huge mistake to have Gina pine over Ricky for half the season and it was no surprise that Gina’s story line got instantly better once she stopped interacting with Ricky. Tim has made clear in interviews that he’s still interested in the possibility of Rina which makes his poor writing of them even more bizarre. What conclusions are the audience supposed to draw from the Rina story line this season? That Ricky never cared that much about Gina? That it’s totally fine for the show if they don’t interact for 6 eps in a row? That Gina has moved on? I’ve said before that a wiser man than Tim would recognize that doing both Portwell and Rina will do tremendous damage to the show and he should pick one and not do the other. Of course he’s not that smart but it is wild how he’s accidentally written their story line to make for a perfect end to Rina. 
Second Chances was great and is the only part of the finale that would have been well suited to being part of a potential series finale. 
The Rini closure was a sad inverse of their S1 opening night confession. They’ve fallen so far from being the it couple of the series and I fear Tim doesn’t actually know what to do with them now. He really needs to decide if he’s tearing down that treehouse for real. 
The less said about the Valentine’s chocolates the better but at least Gina and Nini are cool again and Nini can explore her budding music career with Jamie’s help. Tim repeatedly said in interviews that the scripts about Nini’s music career were all written before Driver’s License came out and I think he understands that the audience is just going to see the show as copying from Olivia’s life. 
The wildcats just deciding to drop out of the Menkies was a lame cop out. Tim has said he always meant for that to happen though they were originally going to compete at the Menkies then drop out (presumably that’s where we would have heard Lily singing Home). Somebody should have mentioned the $50 000 prize money which the East High theatre department could surely use after Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara burned it down (remember that story line that had no consequences?). And that NYU scholarship could have been life changing for one of them and yet no one even brought  it up once this season. 
I did like the twist that it was EJ and his dad who got Mazzara into Caltech. He’d be a fool not to take it but I’m glad he confessed to Miss Jenn. She’s had a really rough season and I hope she redeems herself in S3.
Howie was acting so weird tonight and last ep that I have a hard time believing he was really so awed by Kourtney’s talent rather than feeling guilty for helping to steal the harness. The harness is another useless plot device; there are no consequences for Lily stealing it, she’s not caught, East High pulls off another version of the transformation off screen, and then East High withdraws from the Menkies anyways. Doubtless the harness will eventually come up to serve Rily angst. 
At least Lily was straightforward, I’ll give her that. She has such an odd way of speaking, almost child like. As awful as it is there is potential for a forbidden/secret romance story line with Rily. It really does not speak well to Ricky’s character that he’s so easily fallen for Lily’s act when he has no reason to trust her and she never apologized for making fun of Big Red during the auditions or making Ashlyn feel insecure during the dance off. 
The one way in which S2 was drastically better to S1 was in regards to the Seblos story line. Clearly Joe being bumped up to regular made a big difference. We got the first same-sex kiss between two boys and the first love song sung by one boy to another in Disney history and that is a legacy to be proud of. Of course, there was still some Disney censorship such as Carlos and Seblos being unable to use the word gay in the same ep that focused on Carlos singing In a Heartbeat to Seb. 
S1 of HSMTMTS had a clear direction, the wildcats would have to try and come together to stage High School Musical and Ricky and Nini would have to decide if they still had a future together while Gina and EJ had to work on being better versions of themselves. It was simple sure but it worked very well. There was a lot of heart but also a lot of humor and the show never took itself too seriously. What has S2 had? Beauty and the Beast was hardly the main focus of the cast or the writers and the central couple that S1 was built around is now broken up either for a long time or for good. There was a lot less of the meta moments that jokes that made S1 such a hit, for far too many eps this season the show took itself way too seriously. Hell even the lighting this season was darker than in S1. 
Olivia Rodrigo’s team had complained in a recent article that Olivia wouldn’t be able to potentially tour until fall 2022 due to her contractual commitments which is a sign that they think a S3 is very likely though I wonder how late S3 filming would have to start to keep her occupied until late 2022. There’s no confirmation of this but I thought it might be worth keeping an eye on; a post on r/hsmtmts by someone who claims to have a source working on production says that the plan is for S3 to be a summer theatre camp possibly with Camp Rock renditions and the plan for S4 is to jump 6 months ahead to the final semester of senior year and end with Ricky, Nini, Big Red, and Kourtney graduating from East High. They also say that part of the delay in the S3 announcement is a conflict between Tim and Disney executives. Tim wants to move production to LA and film on sets as it’s easier and cheaper while the Disney execs still want some on location shooting in Salt Lake. Again this is all unconfirmed but if it pans out it will represent a major shift in the series. 
Regardless if Tim wants the show to remain successful he needs start planning out what he wants to happen. He should not assume he’s getting more than 4 seasons. If the series gets a S3 but then is suddenly cancelled then how would he want all the main story lines to wrap up? And if they make it to S4 where does he see it ending? The graduation of the current juniors is a logical series ending point but if Tim wants to do something different he needs to start thinking of that now. I can’t say I’m excited anymore for S3 but I do really hope that Tim and his writers can turn things around and that will only happen if they recognize what they did wrong and learn from their mistakes. 
Until next season Wildcats
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
crazy (f.w.)
prompt: something has been off between you and fred and trying to get to the bottom of it is madness.
pairing: fred weasley x fem! gryffindor! reader
warnings: mild language, crying, usage of marijuana, underage smoking, being high, dwindling relationships, angst
word count: 6.6k
taglist: @rosaliepostsstuff​ @harrysweasleys​ @gcdric​ @lumos-barnes​ @whizboingies​ @lumosandnoxwriting​ @pxroxide-prinxcesss​ @c-t-h​ @lol-idk-oops​ @another-lonely-heart-blog​ @parseltongueswriting​ @shilohpug​ @peachypotter​ @spacexcowgirl​ @paintballkid711​@vogueweasley​ @kaseyrose96-blog​ @hufflepuff5972​ @gryffindcrghost​ @wand3ringr0s3​
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The snow melted away revealing the lush, green Scottish landscapes that the Hogwarts castle proudly sat upon. Spring had made its arrival with the eruption of white forget-me-nots and blossoming wildflowers in the courtyard. The sight from outside your window made your heart fill with glee as you smiled brightly, a lighthearted giggle dancing off your lips. You turned to your roommates with bright eyes and a hopeful smile. Alicia sighs mellow dramatically as you run over to her with pleading eyes, “It’s a beautiful day outside. Don’t you want to enjoy the first day of spring?” you dance around her as Angelina enters your dormitory with a big, bright smile. She had the same idea as you, no doubt. 
Alicia looks back and forth between you and Angie before surrendering, “Not too long please. I have an herbology exam and I need to do well on it.”
Without much more hesitation, the three of you are out of the dormitory and scurrying down the stairs. “We’ll be surrounded by the grass and the flowers and the trees; that oughtta help with studying, won’t it, Angie?” you tease as Angelina laughs in agreement, earning a sarcastic eye roll from Alicia. Finally, a warm day outside after the brutal and unforgiving winter. The sun was out, the grass was green, and the air was fresh with renewal. Spring was here.
As you walk through the common room, you stop in your tracks when your eyes land on Fred, your lips involuntarily turning up into a smile when you see him. Angelina and Alicia run ahead of you as you grab Fred’s hands with a smile. “Freddie!” you beam, looking at him with a happy grin, cheeks tingling from smiling hard.
He reciprocates a smile and places a kiss to your forehead. “Excited to see me, darling?” he teases. “Where are you lot off to?” he asks, resting one of his hands on your hips, looking down at you as you excitedly rock back and forth on your heels. Your lips are curled into a smile as you bite onto your bottom lip, lovingly looking at your Fred. “Take a picture, sweetheart, it’ll last longer,” he whispers, teasing you as you roll your eyes with a light swat to his chest, making him chuckle.
“We’re off to go outside. It’s beautiful out and we figured we would enjoy the weather,” you tell him as he tilts your chin up with this forefinger, rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip. You giggle lightly before biting his thumb gently as he chuckles. “You want to come with us?” you ask hopeful for his response.
Much to your dismay, Fred sighs, “I’m afraid I can’t. I have loads of work to catch up on today. I’m way behind in Potions.” You pout, displeased with the news, but Fred kisses your pouted lips which brings an instant smile to your face. “I’ll catch up with you later though, alright, darling?” You give him a small nod before he pecks your forehead and leaves you, catching up with George who waits for him at the bottom of the steps to the boys’ dormitories. 
You run off, catching up with Alicia and Angie, linking your arms with them as you make your way outdoors. As soon as you step outside, the spring air fills your lungs, smelling of fresh grass and morning dew. A small smile forms on your lips as you happily sigh. Springtime made your heart soar. It reminded you of good things, happy memories. Running in the grass as you played games of tag as a child, going to the park and getting pushed on the swings as you swung higher and higher. Spring reminded you of laying underneath a tree, Fred’s head in your lap as you brushed through his hair, reading a book out loud to him as he happily shut his eyes, listening to the sound of your voice mixing with the springtime breeze. 
Angelina immediately makes a run for a grassy patch covered with beautiful wildflowers, laughing in the process as you and Alicia run after her. All three of you immediately flop down, the grass molding to the shape of your bodies as you lay back, staring at the pale blue sky filled with cotton ball clouds. As if on cue, the three of you sigh out. “This is nice,” you speak as Angie hums in agreement. “Aren’t you glad you came, Alicia?”
Alicia sighs, “Yeah, I guess.” You push her arm teasingly, making her retaliate, “Okay, okay, yes. This is very nice. Thank you.”
The three of you lay in the grass for a long while, making quiet chatter. At one point, you start picking flowers, tying the stems together to create a crown for each of you. You skillfully plaited the stems of the purple, yellow, and white wildflowers before placing the crown on your two friends’ heads. With the other flowers you found, you started plaiting again, this crown for Fred as you smiled to yourself, quietly making your masterpiece. 
“For Fred?” Alicia asks you as you nod your head, not looking away from the plaits. “Jeez, (Y/N), you’re like a lovesick puppy.” 
This earns a slap on the arm from Angelina, a small ouch dropping from Alicia’s mouth. “I think it’s sweet, (Y/N),” Angie beams at you as you roll your eyes, knowing she found it tooth rotting-ly sick like Alicia did. But you didn’t care. It was the small things that you did that made Fred know that you loved him. Small kisses in between classes, closing his textbook for him when he needed a break, offering a hug when he was stressed, sneaking out of class to meet him in the hallway. It were the little things that made Fred fall in love with you and you with him. Although a flower crown may be silly, it was just a token of affection. To show him that you were thinking of him while you were outside.
Recently, you’ve been doing little things more often just because of how busy Fred seemed to be. Your hang outs have been getting cut short and he doesn’t seem to have as much free time anymore. Whether it’s quidditch practice, studying for exams, or running off to pull pranks with George, you always catch him when he’s busy. It was a little frustrating, feeling like your boyfriend had been casting you aside and taking priorities over something else. But rather than telling him how you felt, you convinced yourself that this was just temporary and it would phase itself out. But a month had gone by, and nothing changed. But you still hadn’t brought it up to him. Instead, you continued doing little things.
Alicia groans, peeling herself off of the fresh grass, shielding her eyes from the setting sun. “I should probably head back inside now to study. The exam is this week and I still have a lot of work to do,” she huffs before standing from the grass, brushing off her skirt as you and Angelina follow her lead.
You link arms with Angelina as Alicia leads the way. Angelina looks at you, as you play with Fred’s flower crown in your hands. “You alright?” she asks you as you look at her with a small nod. “You seem gloomy.”
You think for a moment. You could tell Angelina about the situation, but you didn’t want to drag your friends into your relationship problems. She could talk to Fred, but why would she talk to Fred when you could? With a shake of your head, you speak, “I’m alright, Angie. Thank you for checking in though.”
She hugs you to her side, “Of course. You are one of my best mates, I just want to make sure that you’re happy.” You nod your head and walk back into the common room. 
Alicia and Angie start to the girl’s dorms as you part from them, towards the boy’s. “I’m gonna go to Fred’s. I’ll catch up with you lot later,” you smile at them with a wave before heading up the stairs to Fred’s dormitory. Nervously, you play with the flower crown in your hands, twisting it in between your fingers. You were hoping that you and Fred could finally have some alone time, hoping that George and Lee wouldn’t be in the room. It had been a long while since you had alone time with Fred. Even then, the last time was short lived, Fred leaving your room earlier than you had planned thanks to quidditch practice. 
When you reached his dormitory, you lifted your hand up to knock, but stopped when you heard laughter coming from behind the door. There were a few people in the room. You could hear Fred’s voice, but also a handful of others in the room. Your heart sank as you listened to the muffled voices behind the door, having a laugh with each other. Did Fred leave you out intentionally? You were friends with the same people in your year which made no sense as to why he didn’t tell you of this hang out. You got along with everyone just fine. 
You shake it off and knock on the door which causes all the voices to halt suddenly. You are so tempted to press your ear to the door to listen to the low whispering before you hear footsteps approach the door, the lock turn, and the door creak open to reveal Fred at the door. “Hi,” you speak timidly as Fred smiles.
But instead of swinging the door open as expected, Fred slithers out from the door and closes it behind him. “Hi, sweetheart,” he coos to you as you feign a smile. You look behind him at the door, wondering what could be happening behind it. “I didn’t expect you,” he interrupts your thoughts as you look at him.
“Well, you did say we would catch up later...and it’s later,” you chuckle as Fred smiles. “Um,” you stutter before formulating a sentence, “I, uh, are you busy now? I thought that maybe we could go out into the courtyard and grab a blanket and watch the stars? It’s supposed to be clear out tonight. Perfect for stargazing.” You had come up with this idea off the cuff, testing him. If he said no, he could invite you in to where he was clearly hanging out with some people already. If he said yes, it meant he was willing to ditch whatever was going on inside to be with you. 
Fred gives you a sad smile. “That sounds lovely, but I’m afraid I’m slammed with work tonight,” he tells you as your heart falls. You wait for him to invite you inside to his room with the obvious group he had. But he mentions none of it. “But I promise I’ll make it up to you. Soon,” he explains, kissing your hairline as you gulp, trying to keep cool. “What’s this?” he refers to the flower crown on your head with a giggle as you lightly force a smile on your lips to cover your disappointment.
“It’s, uh, a flower crown. I made them in the field. I made one for myself and Angie, and Alicia, and I actually m-”
“I hate to cut you off, my love, but I really have to get back to work,” Fred interjects as you stand there, mouth agape and eyes filled with pure confusion. “I’m sorry about tonight, darling, but I have to get going. I’ll see you soon, I promise. Love you,” he kisses your parted lips before slipping back behind the door, leaving you speechless and upset.
The flower crown in your hand suddenly looks very wilted as you sigh at the sight of it. You gulp hard, trying to keep calm and collected, but you can’t help but feel so disappointed. And lied to. Fred obviously had people over in his room and he didn’t tell you about them when you gave him the opportunity to.
Even more upset than before, you walk down the stairs and back to the girl’s dormitory, throwing Fred’s wilted crown in the garbage in the process. With low spirits, you walk back into your dormitory to see Alicia reading a textbook on her bed while Angelina laid on the floor, painting her nails, both shocked to see you back so soon. But before they could ask you why you simply stated, “He was busy.”
You take off your jumper and change into a fresh shirt and comfortable sweatpants as Alicia closes her textbook and sighs. “(Y/N), is something going on between you and Fred?” she asks you as you face away from them, changing. As you fold your clothes, you try your best to not let your sad thoughts get the best of you. “The two of you seem a little off lately. Can we help?” she asks, but that’s when it gets to you. You couldn’t hide the fact that something was happening between you and Fred and not something good. This distance, the feeling like you were oceans away, was starting to show to the outside eye.
Without bothering to cover it up, you let a small sob escape your lips as you turn around to face your friends. Both of them rise to their feet to comfort you as Angelina wraps her arms around you, pulling you closer as Alicia rubs your back. You cry in Angie’s arms, speaking through small sobs, “I just can’t help but feel worried for us.” The two of your friends listen to you intently, not wanting to miss a single beat. “Why do I let myself worry wondering what in the world did I do?” you cry out. You can’t help but feel like you did something wrong that made Fred cast you aside. 
You peel yourself from Angelina’s embrace you as you wipe your eyes with the cuff of your clean shirt. “I’m so sorry you feel like this, (Y/N). You don’t deserve any of it,” Alicia says. “He’s behaving like a child,” she shakes her head as you sniffle, Alicia still rubbing your back.
“It’s not even him behaving like a child. I’ve grown used to that. It’s just...” you sigh out, running your hands over your face. “I came to his room and there were people there...and he was hiding them from me. He came out into the hallway to talk to me and he didn’t invite me in when I knew there were people inside. He’s just become so...sneaky for some reason. And that’s not the Fred I know,” you trail off, thinking about how unlike Fred this was. “I feel crazy for feeling so lonely.”
The thought of Fred becoming someone you didn’t recognize made your stomach feel queasy and your chest feel tight. You fell in love with a wild, goofy, happy person who loved spending time with you. And now...now you barely even saw the boy to know what he was like.
Angelina looks at you with sad eyes, “Hey. You’ve got us.” You give her a sad smile and nod your head. She was completely right; just because your boyfriend didn’t want to hang out with you all the time didn’t mean that you didn’t have other people in your life. “Now let’s dry those eyes and enjoy the night. I’ll finish painting my nails and then we can do yours. After that, I say we sneak into the kitchens and get some snacks and head up to the astronomy tower. It’s supposed to be a clear night and that means it’s a great night for star gazing,” she suggests with a hopeful smile as you sniffle, a small smile emerging on your face.
You look to Alicia, an excited gleam in your eyes, looking for her answer. She sighs in defeat, “Yeah, I’ll join. But if I get a shit mark on this test, it’s you two’s fault,” she points a warning finger at you as you giggle.
“Thank you, the both of you,” you tell your two best friends. This was exactly what you needed. A night with your two best friends enjoying the views of the crystal clear night sky. It was exactly what you needed to get your mind off of your relationship with Fred. 
Soon enough, Angelina had finished painting her nails and Alicia had finished cramming in some last minute studying. “You sure that you’re ready for the exam, Leesh? Because if you’re not, we can do a different night!” you try to sympathize with her.
Alicia shakes her head, “Nah, I should be fine. Besides, I sit next to Longbottom. If worse comes to worse-”
“Alicia!” Angelina laughs as she just shrugs as the two of you leave your dormitory room, headed for the kitchens. “Alright you lot, come on now. And remember to keep,” Angelina speaks in a hush whisper as you tip toe into the kitchen, but halting in your tracks when you realize you’re not alone, “quiet.”
Standing in front of you is a laughing Katie Bell as she stands in between the legs of Fred who is sat on top of the counter, munching on a chocolate biscuit. The two of them are a giggling mess as you spot George and Lee raiding the cupboards for more snacks. But the laughter dwindles down as Fred’s eyes land on you. When his chocolate eyes meet yours, your heart falls onto the ground. He was busy, eh?
Alicia looks at your reaction and what she sees is the look of heartbreak. Anger starts to bubble in Alicia’s chest when she notices how upset you are. Without further hesitation, she claps her hands. “Alright, you lot. The kitchens aren’t just for you. Come on. Give it up,” she walks further into the kitchens, plucking snacks as she sees fit, one of them being the biscuits that Fred had in his hand. She immediately sticks the treat in her mouth before Fred can protest. “Thanks, Weasley,” she says with a mouthful of chocolate biscuit. 
You on the other hand stay put where you are, eyes glued on Fred and his on yours. Your eyes stare into his soul and you can feel how uncomfortable he is with you catching him redhanded. His eyes are like magnets, not letting you pull away from him. It’s like you’re in a trance and he’s trying to send you a mind message. But before he can say anything, you shake your head and break eye contact. Angelina mutters something under her breath as she walks towards Alicia to help her with snacks, but you can make out her saying something along the lines of how pathetic. 
Walking into the kitchens, following Angelina, you grab a bag from Alicia filled with snacks. As you turn around, you bump into George who is a giggling mess. “(Y/N)!” he exclaims as you sigh and give him a curt smile. “I haven’t seen you in forever,” he whines as you look to Angelina for help with wide eyes. “Is Freddie keeping you all to himself again?” he teases you, wiggling his brows.
But as you look at his eyes, you see how bloodshot they look, how droopy and tired his eyes are. He sports a lazy smile and a giggle keeps reverberating in his chest. You furrow your brows, “Are you...are you high, Georgie?” you ask him.
He scoffs, “Me? High? Pffft, no!” You give him a look. “Okay, yes. I am.” You look to Angelina and gulp, wanting to leave now before things got ugly. “Freddie, I miss (Y/N). Where have you been hiding her?” George calls out to her brother who remains seated on the counter, staring at you the whole time.
Fred opens his mouth to say something, but you speak before he can, “You’ve been really busy, huh, Freddie.” He just sits there and stares at you. “Thank you for being honest with me.” Your eyes divert and see Katie who stands in between his legs, hands placed on his knees. The sight makes you feel sick. “Very important business to attend to, you know? Keeping up with Potions homework. Maybe Katie can help.”
Not wanting to wait in the kitchen any longer, you start out with Alicia and Angelina not too far behind. Fred calls out your name, once, and then twice when you don’t respond. When you’re out the door, you call back, “Talk to me when you’re sober.”
You, Alicia, and Angelina walk out of the kitchens and through the castle, the energy between the three of you noticeably shifting as anger, hurt, and sadness bubble in your bones. Angie speaks, “(Y/N), you wanna ta-”
“No. I want to watch the stars with my friends. That’s all.”
Alicia and Angelina share a look as you continue to march your way to the astronomy tower, trying to enjoy what is salvageable of your night.
The next morning, the emotions you felt from last night are only amplified. The night under the stars with Angie and Alicia was lovely, but you couldn’t help your mind from wandering to the sight of Katie next to Fred, his eyes glued on you. You felt sick. You didn’t want to jump to conclusions without hearing the full story, but your gut was telling you something wasn’t adding up. The relationship wasn’t what it used to be, but this...this was something you didn’t think would ever happen.
As you sit up in bed, you run your hands over your face in distress, trying to figure out how to approach the situation. Angelina and Alicia are still fast asleep, so there was no use asking them for advice. You were on your own with this one. 
“Get dressed and then you can think of something,” you whisper to yourself. You hoist your legs over the side of your bed and stand up, stretching your arms out with a yawn. “You can deal with Fred later.”
And as if on cue, there was a knock at your door. You look at the clock. It was only nine in the morning on a Saturday, who was up this early on a day off? Slowly, you make your way to the door and speak from behind it. “Who is it?”
“It’s, uh, me. It’s Fred, (Y/N),” the voice speaks as you close your eyes, silently cursing to yourself. Shit. “We need to talk about last night and what happened in the kitchens.”
You remain behind the door, hand on the door knob, but not moving it. You knew you had to talk to him and sort this whole thing out whether you liked the ending or not. 
“Please, (Y/N).”
Taking a deep breath in, you open the door gently to reveal a messy haired Fred in a t-shirt and sweatpants, still groggy from sleep or lack thereof. He gives you a weak smile, “Good morning, darling.”
But his pet names didn’t bring a smile on your face like they normally did. Instead, they made your stomach sour as you just looked to the floor, pulling your jumper closer to your body. “If you want to talk, we can’t do it here. Angelina and Alicia are sleeping and I’m not disturbing them,” you speak plainly, looking up at Fred with cold eyes. 
He bites the inside of his cheek and speaks, “We can go into my room if that’s alright with you. George and Lee went down for breakfast.”
Even though you would have preferred to have this talk in your own room, your own space, it was better to do it in the privacy of Fred’s rather than having to wake up and shoo Angelina and Alicia, or worse, talk as they were asleep. Begrudgingly, you shut the door behind you and follow Fred to his dormitory, a familiar route to you, but one you’d rather not be taking now. 
The walk there is quiet and awkward. It is obvious that Fred is trying to make light of the situation, asking you how last night was with the girls, asking you about the day in the grass and how the weather was. But instead of engaging in conversation, you just give him one word answers or remain silent. 
When you reach his room, he opens the door for you and you step into his dormitory, immediately feeling like an outsider. It was unfamiliar. This room was where you spent most of your time for so long, but since you hadn’t been here in nearly a month you felt out of place. Like you were disturbing it. You were an intruder. 
Fred taps his legs before sitting on the bed, expecting you to follow suit, but you remain standing in the middle of the room, staring at him in your pajamas. “I just want to apologize for last night and you having to see me like...that,” he sighs as you remain unfazed by his words. “I should have told you that the boys and Katie and I were hanging out instead of telling you that I was working. It was wrong and I feel like shit about it...I’m sorry, love. I really feel like a dickhead,” he apologizes to you as you fold your arms across your chest. “The truth would have been so much easier to tell you rather than lie about something as silly as a group hang out. I just didn’t tell you because the boys were complaining that they never see me anymore because of how much time we spend together and I figured that if I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t ask.”
You give him a look that just screams, you’re kidding me, right? You were busy hanging out with him? For Merlin’s sake, you hadn’t seen your boyfriend in almost a month and that was his apology? Rather his excuse? “They haven’t seen you? Fred, I haven’t seen you in nearly a month! Every time I try and ask you to hang out with me or even talk to me you have something to do. Quidditch, pulling a prank with George, hanging out with Lee, studying for an exam. Don’t try and make this about me and my demands because it’s not,” you retort to him as he just sits on the bed and stares up at you as you vent. “Not to mention, since when has you dating me ever stood in the way of you hanging out with your friends? If you wanted to hang out with them so badly, then you should have told me and I still would have said yes, Fred! I’m not a monster who wants you all to herself, but Godric, I’m sorry that I’ve miss my boyfriend!”
Fred rubs his face and simply says, “Well, I have been busy over the past couple of weeks, so that’s not rubbish.”
You laugh at his response. “That’s all you have to say for yourself?” you exclaim. “Fred, I’ve been driving myself crazy over the past few weeks wondering what I did wrong. Why you pushed me aside, why you’ve tossed me away like I’m a piece of garbage!”
“That’s not true, (Y/N). Come on,” he shakes his head, looking away from you.
Now, you are getting angry. He was going to pretend like him ignoring you and denying you for a month was nothing. That’s not how things worked. “Yes, it is, Fred and you know it!” you cry out, not realizing how loud you’ve gotten. “I don’t know what is happening between us, but whatever it is, I don’t like it,” you confess.
Maybe it was your emotions talking, but you couldn’t help but feel like Fred didn’t mind the distance between you two. Maybe he liked not being as close. Maybe he wanted to have more alone time away from you. But the thought of losing Fred, someone you had loved so dearly, so intimately, made you feel lightheaded. 
Fred stands up from the bed and you think he’s going to walk over to you and give you a hug, which you know you would gladly accept. You need his comfort right now. You need him to scoop you up and tell you that everything is going to be alright and that he’s sorry for making you feel so lonely and sad. But instead of him telling you all the things you want, no need, to hear, he speaks something different. “Maybe we’re just growing apart,” he suggests.
You turn to face him with so much hurt and pain in your eyes it was enough to shatter his heart twice. Your vision becomes blurry with tears as you swallow, pushing the lump in your throat down, blinking your tears away. What was happening? “We’re w-what?” you stutter.
“Growing apart,” he repeats. “(Y/N), we’re going to be graduating soon and we’re going to have to start thinking about what we want out of life. I don’t know if we want the same things,” he tells you as your heart is ripped out of your chest and stomped on at his words. All you can do is laugh in disbelief. “I’m serious. You always told me how after you graduated here you wanted to go back to school and become a Healer and have a family and move away from England...I just...Merlin, I don’t know how to say this...”
“Then don’t,” you cut him off as Fred looks at you, tears streaming down your face now. What he was saying to you know completely contradicted everything he had told you in the past. When you and Fred spoke of the future, he always spoke of you in it. He told you how he wanted to buy a house in the countryside and raise a big family together and take holiday vacations to America and do weekly visits to the Burrow. Fred always told you that no matter what happened, he wanted you in his future. And now, that was revealed to be a lie. “Fred, I don’t care about Healer school or moving away from England. What I want is you,” you tell him as you feel your chest tighten with pain. Now Fred’s eyes start to blur with tears as you look away from him, pulling at the roots of your hair in distress. It was like he changed overnight. “What...what happened, Fred? What happened that all of a sudden you tell me our futures don’t align?”
Fred wipes tears away from his eyes and takes a deep breath in. “It’s, um, it’s a long story, but um...the joke shoppe...it looks like it’s going to happen,” Fred tells you with a lighthearted chuckle. “Harry gave George and I the winnings from the Triwizard tournament to open up the joke shoppe. It’s happening. That’s why I’ve been distant these past few weeks. George and I have been planning like crazy for it. Testing products, crunching numbers, ordering stock, finding a location in London,” he rambles on. “Last night, the lot of us were testing out an...adult product and we didn’t realize the effects it would have...so that’s why we were like that in the kitchens.” 
His words make your heart swell for a moment. Fred’s dream was coming to fruition. His own joke shoppe. A place he could call his own with his best friend and twin brother. He could finally start creating the life he wanted and you couldn’t be happier for him. Except it seemed like that life he wanted didn’t have you in it. And that’s when your heart stopped swelling.
You nod your head, “That’s...brilliant, Fred. I’m so happy for you. Really. About the joke shoppe...that’s great news.” Fred gives you a hopeful smile, thinking that the worst was over. But it hadn’t even begun. “But, I don’t understand why you had to hide it from me. Did you think I was going to be upset with you? You know that I’ve wanted this for you just as badly as you have,” you tell him with the utmost sincerity which Fred knew to be fact. “You just couldn’t have me know about it for what reason exactly?”
Fred scratches the back of his neck before pacing around his room, trying to avoid the question, but you weren’t going anywhere. “I just...ugh,” he groans and throws his head back. “I just didn’t think that you would be interested. Besides, I need to focus on my work. I can’t have any distractions,” he says this last part without looking at you.
Your stomach is doing somersaults and you feel like you’ve just been lied to your entire relationship. Fred thought that you wouldn’t be interested? How was he going to determine what you were and weren’t interested in? “You’re joking,” you speak. “Fred, I will and always will support everything you do. I can’t believe you’d even think that I wouldn’t be interested in something you are so clearly passionate about,” you tell him as he gulps, knowing he was in the wrong for making such a claim. Even after all of these explanations of him ignoring you and diverting his attention elsewhere, there was something that just didn’t add up. “So, you asked Katie Bell to help test out products with you? Instead of me. Or Angie, who is seeing George. Or Alicia, who Lee has been flirting with since the dawn of time.”
Fred becomes visibly uncomfortable at the mention of Katie’s name and that’s when you shake your head, the whole thing becoming very clear to you know. This wasn’t about the shoppe anymore. This was about something else. “It was never like that, (Y/N),” Fred speaks.
“It was never like that or you never intended for it to happen?” you ask him, your voice cracking as you pace back and forth in his bedroom. He was distant with you because he was falling out of love. That was it. “Good Godric, I feel like I’m going crazy,” you let out a shaky laugh, unable to believe what was happening. The story just kept on unfolding.
Fred walks over to you quickly, trying to calm your fears, “Nothing happened between us! I swear on my life!”
You let out a laugh, “Sure! That makes me feel better!” Fred gulps. “But there was something that was there enough to make you push me away,” you speak lowly as Fred searches your teary eyes for something. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for; hope? forgiveness? love? friendship? You start pacing the room again, the venomous thoughts coming into your head as they vomit out of your mouth, “You know people told me not to get involved with you because you were a flirt, Fred. But I told them that you were different with me. You saw a future with me, but now I am proven wrong,” you tell him as he shakes his head in disbelief, trying to get you to stop talking, but you don’t. The words just tumble out. “I knew you’d love me as long as you wanted. And then someday, you’d leave me for somebody new,” you spill. “I just didn’t think that this someday would come so soon.”
“I don’t want Katie, (Y/N)! I don’t! Godric! I don’t!” he yells out. “(Y/N), I love you! You know that!” he screams as you just cry harder at his words. Over the past month, you didn’t feel his love. It felt like a chore to get an I love you out of him. “I’ve been distant because I’ve been working hard for my dream! My future! Why can’t you understand that I’m working for something I want!” he yells.
And the truth comes out.
Instinctively, you yell back, “Because how am I supposed to understand something you never told me! You never told me about the joke shoppe and your plans for it! Hell, you never told me Harry gave you the money! How am I supposed to support you when you don’t tell me how I can?!” you yell through tears. “Don’t you hear yourself! Your dream! Your future! You want! What about us?”
The both of you are crying now, you covering your mouth to prevent sobs from escaping, Fred sitting on his bed, hanging his head in his hands, sniffling. This all blew up so quickly and neither of you knew how to recover from this. The damage that the past month had caused was enough to put a gaping hole in your relationship that would be very hard to cover up. That was if you wanted to cover it up.
It’s silent for a while. The air is still and untouched. Fred on the edge of his bed, you sitting on the floor, back resting against the door. You want to get up and leave the room. But you don’t. You sit there. And think. 
And then Fred speaks. “Our futures don’t fit together,” he looks at you, eyes swollen and red matching yours. “We’ve tried to make them fit. But it won’t work.”
You laugh and shake your head, “Freddie...then you haven’t listened to anything I’ve ever told you.” He looks at you, twisting his face with confusion. “All I’ve ever wanted was you. I don’t care what happens after we graduate. Healer school was an idea. But you? You were never an idea. You were something I always wanted,” you confess as Fred gives you the saddest smile you’ve ever seen. “But if I’m not in your future...then...” you trail off, unable to finish the sentence. It was a nightmare. 
It’s silent again. 
But the longer you sit in silence, the more angry you get. Not at Fred. But at yourself. If you had known about what he wanted, what Fred wanted, you could have avoided all of his heartbreak and pain. But instead, Fred fed into your fantasy, this dream, this hazy future of yours and you let him. “I’m crazy,” you laugh as Fred look up at you. “I’m crazy for thinking that my love could hold you.”
Fred shakes his head, “No, (Y/N). You’re not. I love you and I always will.”
“Please don’t tell me that,” you close your eyes and bite down on your bottom lip to prevent the tears from falling again. You couldn’t let yourself hope for a future that didn’t exist with Fred. “This was never going to work. I’m crazy for trying,” you breath out before standing and brushing yourself off, Fred rising with you. “I’m crazy for crying,” you wipe away the remaining tears on your face.
Fred walks over to you as you place your hand on the door. “(Y/N),” he starts, “I never wanted us to end like this. You mean so much to me and I can’t just let you go like this,” he starts crying again, but you have to peel your eyes away. “We want to different things and we both deserve to be happy. Don’t you think?” he asks you. But his question sounded like he needed the reassurance from you. That he needed you to tell him that you agreed. To make it seem like you both wanted this break up.
Looking at Fred once more before you leave, you say, “We do want different things. You want your dream and I want you. But I can’t pretend like I’m happy that we are going our separate ways.” Fred nods his head, wiping his tears away. “I need space. And time. Away from you, Fred.”
And with that, you leave his room and start down the stairs back to your dormitory. You hide your face as best as you can from passing Gryffindor students, trying to be as incognito as possible. As you walk back to your room, you can’t help but think back on all of the happier times that you and Fred shared and think was it a lie? Was it all for show? It would be something that would keep you up at night. 
You were crazy about Fred Weasley, that was for certain. But even crazier for loving someone who didn’t want you as badly as you wanted them.
Walking up the stairs, you look out the window to see the fresh spring countryside. Admits all the chaos, the flowers were still blooming, the grass still growing, and the sun still shining. Spring was still here and new as ever. The snow had melted away to reveal the fruitful, lush land. A new start. Maybe it was time for you to have one too. 
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