#well gran is still a bit shy about it
flovverworks · 1 year
Next question, what song does he like to sing in karaoke??? Again for the public sake
comes back 7hrs later to this. normie songs. safe songs. 'probably wont make a fool of urself' songs. post-wizards theyre more confident to go out of that comfort zone tho. i cant give proper specifics but<3 that kind of person<3 def is the type to give in though if someone rly suggests something
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swiftiethatlovesf1 · 16 days
A race for love p.3
Hii guys, I hope you enjoy this part, here's part 2 if you've missed it.
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- Austrian Gran Prix 2023 -
As you step into the Austrian Grand Prix, your heart pounds with a mix of excitement and nerves. The roar of engines, the buzz of fans, and the vibrant energy of the paddock are almost overwhelming. You take a deep breath, trying to soak it all in.
"Y/N, I have to go back with the team to arrange some details," your dad says, pulling you out of your thoughts. "Do you want to stay at the motorhome or wander around?"
"I'll go for a walk, but I can be back for lunch if you want to have lunch together," you reply, not wanting to intrude but hoping for some time with him amidst the chaos.
"I'm not sure if that'll be possible. I have to talk with some investors over lunch," he answers, sounding apologetic.
"Oh, it's okay, Dad, don't worry. Maybe another day," you say, trying to hide your disappointment with a forced smile.
He nods, giving you a quick squeeze on the shoulder before hurrying off. You watch him disappear into the crowd, a mix of longing and understanding tugging at your heart. With a sigh, you turn and start to wander around, deciding to make the most of the day on your own.
You stroll through the F1 paddock, marvelling at the impressive setups, the gleaming cars, and the intense focus of the teams. It's thrilling to be so close to the action, but after a while, you find yourself gravitating towards the F2 and F3 areas. Franco had mentioned he'd be here for some tests, and the thought of seeing him brings a flutter of excitement.
As you make your way through the less crowded F2 and F3 paddocks, you notice a few drivers chatting and mechanics working on the cars. The atmosphere is slightly more relaxed here, and you feel a bit more at ease. You walk around, peeking into garages, hoping to catch a glimpse of Franco.
Suddenly, you feel two hands cover your eyes from behind. "Guess who?" a familiar voice whispers playfully in your ear.
A grin spreads across your face. "Hmm… is it… Lewis Hamilton?" you joke, playing along.
Franco laughs and removes his hands, spinning you around to face him. "Close, but no," he says, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
You chuckle, feeling a little shy but happy to see him. "Hey, Franco! I was hoping to find you here."
"Well, here I am," he says, flashing you a charming smile. "Wanna walk around with me? I have a bit of time before I need to get back to the car."
You nod eagerly, and the two of you start strolling through the paddock together. Franco points out different things as you go, sharing little tidbits about the teams and the cars. He's animated and funny, making you laugh with his impressions of some of the more eccentric engineers and drivers.
"So, how are the tests going?" you ask, genuinely curious.
Franco shrugs, a hint of a sheepish smile on his lips. "Not too bad, but not great either. I'm still getting used to some of the adjustments they made to the car. It's all about finding the right balance, you know?"
You nod, hanging on his every word. "I bet you'll figure it out. You're a great driver."
He glances at you, his smile softening. "Thanks, Y/N. That means a lot coming from you."
You blush at the compliment, looking down at your feet for a moment. "So, what's next for you? Are you hoping to move up to F2 next year?"
Franco's eyes light up at the question. "That's the plan. It's tough, though. There are a lot of talented drivers all fighting for the same spots. But if I keep pushing and show them what I can do, who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky."
"I hope you do," you say earnestly. "You deserve it, Franco."
He grins, giving you a playful nudge. "You're making me blush, Y/N. Keep this up, and I'll be too flustered to drive."
You laugh, feeling more at ease with every passing minute. "Well, we can't have that. You need to be in top form for your sprint race."
"Exactly," he says, his tone teasing. "And I should probably head back soon. Gotta get in the zone."
You nod, feeling a little disappointed that your time together is coming to an end. "Good luck, Franco. I'll be cheering for you."
He smiles, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than usual. "Thanks, Y/N. It really means a lot to have you here. Maybe we can hang out more later if you're free?"
"Yeah, I'd like that," you reply, your heart fluttering at the thought.
Franco winks at you before turning to leave, his confident stride carrying him back towards his team. You watch him go, a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your chest, already looking forward to the next time you see him.
After Franco heads back to his team, you decide to wander around a bit more before making your way back to the F1 paddock. The air is filled with the sounds of engines revving, and the scent of fuel lingers in the air. It's all so thrilling, and you find yourself smiling at the sheer energy of it all.
As you walk, a sudden gust of wind sweeps through the paddock, causing papers and debris to scatter. Something light and red flutters through the air and lands near your feet. You look down to see a Prema Racing cap lying on the ground, the wind continuing to tug at it.
Instinctively, you bend down to pick up the cap. Just as you stand back up, you hear a voice behind you.
"Hey, thanks for grabbing that!"
You turn around and feel a jolt of surprise. Standing in front of you is the boy from the Barcelona Grand Prix, the one who nearly ran you over with his scooter. He’s wearing a Prema team jacket, his brunette hair slightly tousled from the wind. His brown eyes are bright as he steps closer, taking the cap from your outstretched hand.
"You're welcome," you say with a smile. "It was about to fly away."
He looks at you more closely, squinting a bit as if trying to remember something. "Wait a minute… Have we met before?" he asks, a curious smile playing on his lips.
You can’t help but laugh. "Yeah, we did. Barcelona, remember? You almost ran me over with your scooter."
His eyes widen in realization, and his cheeks flush a deep red. "Oh my god, I’m so sorry about that!" he exclaims, clearly embarrassed. "I was in such a hurry, I wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t mean to—"
You wave a hand, cutting off his apology. "It’s fine, really. No harm done. Just gave me a bit of a scare, that’s all."
He rubs the back of his neck, still looking sheepish. "Well, I’m glad you’re okay. I’m Oliver, by the way. Oliver Bearman." He extends his hand with a friendly smile.
"Y/N," you reply, shaking his hand. His grip is firm but gentle, and there’s a sincerity in his eyes that makes you feel at ease.
"Nice to officially meet you, Y/N," Oliver says, grinning. "I promise, no more scooter incidents."
You laugh again, enjoying his company. "I’ll hold you to that."
Just as you’re about to say more, a voice calls out from behind Oliver. "Bearman! We need you over here, now!"
Oliver turns his head towards the source of the voice, one of the Prema team members waving him over urgently. He gives a quick nod before turning back to you. "Looks like duty calls," he says with a small sigh. "But it was really nice running into you again, Y/N."
"Yeah, you too," you reply, feeling a bit disappointed that your conversation is being cut short. "Good luck with everything."
"Thanks," Oliver says, flashing you one last smile. "Maybe I’ll see you around this weekend?"
"Maybe," you say with a nod, hoping that you do.
He gives you a small wave before jogging off towards his team, putting the cap back on his head as he goes. You watch him for a moment, still smiling from the unexpected encounter.
As you turn back towards the F1 paddock, your mind buzzes with everything that’s happened today. From spending time with Franco to running into Oliver again, it feels like this weekend is already full of surprises. You can’t help but wonder what else might be in store.
With a renewed sense of excitement, you make your way back to the hustle and bustle of the F1 paddock, eager to see what the rest of the weekend will bring.
Here's part 4
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roleplay-today · 1 year
Hi! I'm 16 genderfluid/transgender looking for a rp partner (willing to rp with people of any age as long as you state your age beforehand!) Not open to any NSFW (though fade to black is fine-) but I am open to shipping (oc/canon, oc/ oc, or canon/canon, just ASK me before you start doing stuff. Probably will rp here on tumblr first, though if I get comfortable with you I may give you my discord handle. ANYWAY, now into the nitty gritty :) Fandoms: Good Omens: I prefer playing Aziraphale or an OC, but I can do Crowley if asked. May not be perfect, though. I have a specific ask for this fandom that MAY be a little bit selfish but ajdnfskf whatever- I'd like to do a RP with either Aziraphale or Crowley (or both!) ending up as a foster parent (or maybe one of the two found them while they were running away- so many options /lh) to my OC (who's essentially a supernatural magnet, for both good and bad things) and just- found family fluff. If you want to do this, please please please DM me (and if you want to do GO but not this RP specifically, please DM me anyway-) Gran Torino: ..I really liked the movie ok- I can play Jann Mardenborough or Jack Salter, and also have OCs for this. FNAF: I can play Glamrock Freddy, any of the missing kids (I have so many headcanons about them), Gregory, Cassie, Crying Child (I usually call him Evan-), Michael Afton and any of the FNAF 1 animatronics. D.SMP: First off, I want to say I don't support D.ream or the D.ream Team. However, I do still enjoy the content that was created and the things created by fans. I play Tommy, Wilbur, Niki, Charlie, and Ranboo. Ranboo and Charlie are my mains, but- I can do any of those. Marionetta: I have a feeling most people aren't gonna know this one but- it's a webtoon, if you don't know it and you've read this far you should definitely check it out. I can play Julia, Kamille, Rainah, and Tonny, maybe Dotty if you really want me to. Welcome Home: I can play Wally (one of my mains), Howdy, Frank, and Sally. Welcome to Night Vale: I can play Kevin, Lauren, and Carlos. Marvel: I can play Spider-man (Tom Holland or Andrew Garfield), Wanda, and Darcy Lewis. (Big fan of Wandavision, btw.) Open to crossovers within any of these fandoms or even with fandoms I know nothing about! I also have OCs for all of these fandoms. My only big rp trigger is c.annibalism so.. yeah. Don't do that! Also, I'll be clear about my rp triggers, so please be clear about yours. Thank you!! I usually write literate to semi literate, though I've been known to break the discord character limit from time to time. I prefer to write in third person, though I do occasionally do first as well. I will do doubles but only occasionally, as it's kind of draining. Most of my OCs/ships/headcanons about canon characters are queer, and I do often have transgender OCs. If that's a problem with you, uh. Bye. Thanks for your time! Feel free to shoot me a DM with which of these you're interested in (or if you're shy, like this post and I'll reach out!!)
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (665): Thu 11th Jan 2024
Up for another surfing lesson this morning. Before we headed out into the water one of the other surfers offered to take a picture of me with the board then send it to me via Bluetooth which I was happy about because I wanted a picture but always feel awkward asking people for stuff like that. They say the camera adds ten pounds but the giant rubber wetsuit I was wearing physically weighs ten pounds so that's why I look about two stones heavier than I actually look in the photograph. It also didn't help that this surfing school is one of about five on this particular section of beach and we were constantly having to spread out so that we wouldn't crash into each other which kept eating into the time that was already being eaten into by having to walk back out into the water with giant waves crashing on top of us. I think this summer I’ll book private lessons so I don’t have to risk crashing into some other cunt. The South Shields surf school hires out equipment so I’ll just go down there and learn how to surf by trial and error. Shinsuke Nakamura has been an avid surfer for twenty years he says that he never took lessons he just learned by wiping out again and again and again until eventually he managed to stay up on the board. When I'd gotten changed I assumed the guy who'd brought me here in the van was going to take me back but he said he needed to go to pick other surfers up so he gave me back twenty Euros from the forty I'd paid him for the lesson and told me to just get a taxi. If this is what he normally has to do then I can't imaging how this school is managing to stay open. Unless he's a millionaire or something and he just teaches people as a hobby. Or maybe the surf school is a front for the famous Gran Canarian Mafia. Once I got back I spent a lovely afternoon working on my tan by the pool and reading more of Mr Mercedes. I should've just gone to the beach and tanned there because the way this hotel is situated there's an approximate four hour block where the sun comes up from behind the hotel and then disappears behind the left side of it. Later this evening the hotel was putting on a rock music-themed interactive quiz and while I normally despise taking part in fun activities with other people I was still wide awake and had nowhere else to go so I went downstairs and gave it a watch. There were two beautiful crew members and one of them who looked a bit like Helen Flannigan asked me if I'd like to by a ticket for the raffle and I decided to give it a go and I only went and fucking won it (though I think I was one of about twelve to actually buy a damn ticket). I won and got called up onto the stage by "Helena Flannigano" but the prize was a bottle of champagne so I asked if there was anyone in the audience who wanted it and a couple with a small baby immediately put their hands up so I gave it away to them and got a high five from both of them. Next up was the rock quiz where the hosts gave us clues to the identity of a rock star and if we knew the answer we had to run up to a chair they'd placed in front of the stage and say it into the mic (Dunno why they couldn't just give us some cards to stick in the air if we knew it and then bring the mic over to us the lazy fuckers). I knew a few of the answers but didn't want to get involved but when no-one got up after the host's clue that the performer in question's real name was William Bruce Bailey I got up to give the answer Axl Rose. Then later on when he said that the next rockstar was born in Melborne, Florida, well I really shouldn't be getting a portrait of Jim Morrison tattooed on me if I cant even be bothered to give his name as the answer to a fucking quiz now should I? I was surprised how much I enjoyed this. I'm normally too self concious to participate in stuff like this. I always have been shy about doing stuff publically but now with the rise of mobile phones with cameras I'm even more nervous about being filmed doing something stupid and then having it put online for all to gawk at but tonight was one of my rare nights off from paranoia.
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kessielrg · 9 months
Writing Bingo: Meeting the Parents
Mega Man X. In which X joins Aero as she makes her yearly visit to her parents. Full story in the Read More cut. 1,161 words.
Feel free to send an empty square as a prompt through my ask here: link
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X was sure that he could date motor vehicles now by whether or not they could accommodate a Reploid. Models dating before his finding had much lower ceilings and were occasionally a bit wider as well. Aero’s truck was one of them. Her dutiful, leaf green pickup did its best to hold X in the passenger seat, but it was still a bit too cramped to be comfortable. Let alone hold a small vase of flowers like he was now. At best, he didn’t have to worry about it falling and shattering on the floor. At worst, he barely had room to wiggle without bumping into Aero as she drove.
“Are you sure about this? You don’t have to join me.”
X looked over at Aero. Her eyes were on the road, and her grip on the wheel was rather relaxed.
“I’ve never met your parents before.” he told her.
Aero slightly turned her head at him just to cock an eyebrow. Not long after she took a deep breath out.
“Alright.” she relented. “We’ve already gotten this far, I guess.”
X gave her a small grin.
“I could still jump out the window if you asked.” he joked. “I can make the landing.”
Much to his delight, Aero laughed. They both knew he couldn’t squeeze out the window if he tried.
The rest of the ride was spent in silence. Aero knew where they were going well. She had told X -before he offered to come with- that it was a trip she made once a year. There were many times where she didn’t want to, but ended up doing it either way.
They parked her truck at the church. The path from there was well maintained, allowing X to take in another one of humanity’s grimmest reminders. Aero led them to a certain spot, and simply stopped there. X could feel his heart clench as he read the gravestone.
‘Barrett and Lillian Sephira
Lives ended early leave memories lasting far longer’
“Hey guys,” Aero softly said to the gravestone, “I brought a friend with me today.”
To X, she then said, “You can place the vase at the bottom of the gravestone. There’s a strong magnet in there to keep the vase in place.”
X gave her a nod before doing as he was told. As he stepped away, the feeling that he had to say something as well came over him. Just as sudden, X felt just as nervous as he would have been if her parents were still alive.
“H-hi, Mr and Mrs Sephira. My name is X, I’m a Reploid. The first.” he said, even giving a shy half-wave. “Doctor Cain has taken me in. So I guess I might be a cousin in a way? Heh… I don’t think I am though. I am grateful for Doctor Cain though, and what he’s done for me, but he’s not… he’s not...”
X’s words stalled. He wasn’t quite sure what he would have said next. Instead of finishing the thought, X turned to Aero.
“Do you think they would have liked me?” he asked. “Especially since...”
Aero looked down in a contemplative silence.
“I didn’t have a lot of guy friends when I was younger,” she admitted. “So I don’t really know.”
“However, based on my and Gran’s opinions, I would like to think they would. Dad would insist that you call him by his first name, and Mom might wonder if you’re able to eat. Then she’ll ask if you prefer cookies or cakes. She’ll bring them to you on your birthday- or… the day Cain found you, at least.”
“Your mom could bake?”
Aero laughed. “Nah. Not really.”
X couldn’t help but laugh a bit as well.
The two remained at the graveside for quite a bit longer. X knew that it had to be Aero who gave the okay to leave- not that he thought of leaving. The graveside was oddly calming.
“Did I ever tell you about their deaths before?” Aero asked.
“Bits and pieces.”
Aero absently nodded.
“It was my aunt who killed them,” she quietly explained. “The reason why I ended up living with the babushka instead of someone younger. I never got to see Aunt Vi much when I was younger. She and my mom just never got along. At least, that was the story I was told most of the time. Even then, as a kid, you gotta figure- what could cause two siblings to hate each other so much that they never want to see each other?”
X gave a nod. “I can’t imagine it.” he agreed.
“One day, sometime after I turned 11, Aunt Vi showed up at our house uninvited. I was in my room, and didn’t think to come down, but I could hear everyone make small talk one minute and then full blown arguing not five minutes after. I wonder if she even knew I was there...”
“Were… were you the one to call the police?”
Aero shook her head.
“Aunt Vi did in a panic.” she explained. “As more first responders showed up, I got scared. It started to dawn on me what had happened. So I stayed were I was. Gran was called to confirm the bodies, and that was when someone noticed I was there. Gran was the only one who bothered to look for me. She told me to stay in my room until all the police left. Including Aunt Vi, who was escorted out for questioning.”
Aero’s body started to tense. Hate and grief overcoming her as she thought back to that day. X tried not to think about what would have happened to a young Aero next. She had been a witness, and likely would have been part of her aunt’s trial. All of which would have occurred while making funeral preparations, still attending school, and having to adjust to no longer being home- to no longer having parents.
“They didn’t have to die.” Aero said. Her voice suddenly so dark that it scared X. “If I had just-”
“You were a kid, Aero.” he tried to remind her. He was trying his best not to just take and shake her, but it was hard.
Aero looked to him. Her eyes were glistening from imminent tears.
“But I-”
“Were smarter than you think by staying in your room. By panic or otherwise. She could have killed you too. Or worse.”
Aero bit her lip. When the first tear finally fell down her face, Aero could no longer hold it back. X didn’t quite know what to do. Taking a gamble, he placed his hand in hers- a small reminder that she wasn’t alone. Aero didn’t think twice before using it as an invite to hold him. X didn’t think twice as he held her as tight as he could without hurting her.
He also shed a tear or two, but he never mentioned it to her.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hi! I'm 16 genderfluid/transgender looking for a rp partner (willing to rp with people of any age as long as you state your age beforehand!) Not open to any NSFW (though fade to black is fine-) but I am open to shipping (oc/canon, oc/ oc, or canon/canon, just ASK me before you start doing stuff. Probably will rp here on tumblr first, though if I get comfortable with you I may give you my discord handle. ANYWAY, now into the nitty gritty :) Fandoms: Good Omens: I prefer playing Aziraphale or an OC, but I can do Crowley if asked. May not be perfect, though. I have a specific ask for this fandom that MAY be a little bit selfish but ajdnfskf whatever- I'd like to do a RP with either Aziraphale or Crowley (or both!) ending up as a foster parent (or maybe one of the two found them while they were running away- so many options /lh) to my OC (who's essentially a supernatural magnet, for both good and bad things) and just- found family fluff. If you want to do this, please please please DM me (and if you want to do GO but not this RP specifically, please DM me anyway-) Gran Torino: ..I really liked the movie ok- I can play Jann Mardenborough or Jack Salter, and also have OCs for this. FNAF: I can play Glamrock Freddy, any of the missing kids (I have so many headcanons about them), Gregory, Cassie, Crying Child (I usually call him Evan-), Michael Afton and any of the FNAF 1 animatronics. D.SMP: First off, I want to say I don't support D.ream or the D.ream Team. However, I do still enjoy the content that was created and the things created by fans. I play Tommy, Wilbur, Niki, Charlie, and Ranboo. Ranboo and Charlie are my mains, but- I can do any of those. Marionetta: I have a feeling most people aren't gonna know this one but- it's a webtoon, if you don't know it and you've read this far you should definitely check it out. I can play Julia, Kamille, Rainah, and Tonny, maybe Dotty if you really want me to. Welcome Home: I can play Wally (one of my mains), Howdy, Frank, and Sally. Welcome to Night Vale: I can play Kevin, Lauren, and Carlos. Marvel: I can play Spider-man (Tom Holland or Andrew Garfield), Wanda, and Darcy Lewis. (Big fan of Wandavision, btw.) Open to crossovers within any of these fandoms or even with fandoms I know nothing about! I also have OCs for all of these fandoms. My only big rp trigger is c.annibalism so.. yeah. Don't do that! Also, I'll be clear about my rp triggers, so please be clear about yours. Thank you!! I usually write literate to semi literate, though I've been known to break the discord character limit from time to time. I prefer to write in third person, though I do occasionally do first as well. I will do doubles but only occasionally, as it's kind of draining. Most of my OCs/ships/headcanons about canon characters are queer, and I do often have transgender OCs. If that's a problem with you, uh. Bye. Thanks for your time! Feel free to shoot me a DM with which of these you're interested in (or if you're shy, like this post and I'll reach out!!)
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Dad/Family headconons
Aizawa, Taishiro, Toshinori, Sir Nighteye, and Hawks
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Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Despite him being that kind of nonchalant, I don’t give a shit about anything kind of person.....he’s a family guy
Loves kids
He just wants you to have a huge army of kids following alongside you hand in hand to visit him at work.
Looks forward to being able to relate to someone else with his quirk
Doesn’t care if they are all girls, all boys, a mixture of both, or even fostering or adopting, he’s for everything
Was kind of afraid to open up about that side of himself when you two got married, but you are all for it too
Feels that he can handle it with your help thanks to having some experience with dealing with his students
Is slapped in the face with shock when you two have your first 2 or 3 kids because infants are, you guessed it, nothing like teens who are all emotional about becoming a prohero
Guess he would be prepared for whenever they would get to their teenage years
Except for periods because he didn’t know anything about them but he’ll probably take the time to learn about it from you
Still happy over his growing army though
Still loves the chaos of it all, plus it’s good to have Aizawa to control their quirks when they start to develop
The chaos also reminds him of his own time in school with his few friends he had....they were always so vibrant and loud unlike him and he kind of envied it (secretly)
Yamada and Kayama (Present Mic and Midnight) loves to visit his little army and spoil them with toys and snacks even if Aizawa disapproved of it
You helped hand out the toys and snacks.....Aizawa could suck it up
Napping piles are normal in this household, so don’t be freaked when you see all of your children curled up or around Aizawa under a pillow fort in the living room.
It breaks his heart everytime though when his kids beg to take a stray cat home and he has to say no....but he’ll end up going back on patrol to feed it and then probably cave in and bring it home anyway
He’ll just shrug off his children’s accusations of him being a ‘hypocrite’ for saying no to their pleas earlier and say something like ‘Well I said you couldn’t do it, nothing about me though’
The tea parties are lit and he’ll crush anyone at a video game
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Taishiro Toyomistu/Fatgum
Really never thought about having his own kids until meeting Kirishima and Tamaki
Life was changed FOREVER since meeting them, now he would like to have his own family
It was kind of confusing to finally have the talk of having kids a couple of years into your marriage, but your views on having kids were changed too after meeting the two UA students
He let you on thinking just one or two kids were great, but you didn’t know if you should have been surprised that you were in the hospital room pushing out your 5th child
It was kind of funny to see Taishiro freaking out even if it was his 5th time next to you in labor
Your kids were so use to it they just sat out in the hallway doing their schoolwork or playing games on their iPads as Kirishima and Tamaki watched over them (your labor would always catch them while they were out on patrol)
I picture that all his kids are girls
He uses the excuse “just one more kid, maybe this time it’ll be a boy”, It’s NEVER a boy
I feel that he’s the dad to sneak home McDonald’s fries or ice cream to his kids despite you not liking it
Will take the blame when you catch one of your daughters munching on fries on the way back to her room (daughters will also try to take the blame, but how the heck could girls 13 and younger sneak out all the way to McDonalds)
He’ll also get all his daughters together to bake a cake and also decorate it. The creativity shown by his daughters will always amaze him.
He and his daughters would even clean up the kitchen together...mostly so that you wouldn’t get mad upon seeing the kitchen as a disaster
Gets way into watching Barbie’s Life in the Dream House and secretly really loves our queen Raquelle
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All Might/Toshinori Yagi
Just wants one little girl
To spoil her ROTTEN!
Seeing his friend David Sheild’s daughter Melissa grow up and look so happy always made him envious. Young Midoriya also played a huge role in his desire for at least one kid
One child was enough for the two of you and thankfully your first and only child was a girl
Gran Torino will also spoil her rotten along with Sir Nighteye
Will not be embarrassed to be caught sprawled out on the ground with your daughter playing with dolls
He’s actually quite proud of the fact that he doesn’t mind getting down and dirty when it comes to playing with ‘girly’ things with his young daughter unlike other dads
Loves to play Studio Ghibli movies for your daughter.....but Yagi is way more into it
I say this because Toshinori will try to hide his tears while watching My Neighbor Totoro as your daughter is fast asleep on his lap.
He will also sneak in a rated pg-13 hero movie from the United States in when your gone too....and then he’ll act surprise when your daughter would repeat the fowl language she heard in the movie
He would and WILL spend hours on YouTube to learn how to braid hair and put bows in and ribbons
He would bring her to work a lot too to see class 1A in action
Daughter will forever be his ‘baby’, so he HATES the thought of her starting to date and get married.
So when she admitted that the boy ‘Todoroki’ in his class was handsome while heading home one day from his work, he swore off boys....
He wasn’t surprised though, she was always managing to get Todoroki to hold her hand while Toshinori would have class 1A doing scenarios in teams and showing off her hair to him and asking if he noticed anything different.
Todoroki is a good sport, he held her hand and always complimented her hair...
Yeah she was mad at Toshinori and you made him unswear off boys, especially Todoroki
Brings your daughter to work just to brag about how he did her hair to EVERYONE
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Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye
Eh....he didn’t want kids, never had the desire tbh
Though something about UA students’ charming personalities making these heroes want families. Mirio got him thinking one kid couldn’t be so bad
You were shocked when he asked to have a kid, but you agreed....after discussing it for awhile to make sure he wanted this
I picture him having one cute, little shy boy
Like the cute little boy with glasses who wears those cute shorts with a bug related shirt that just wants to search for roly-poly in the dirt and grass in the back yard
Very quiet and a bit shy around new people, but is literally the most polite little boy in the WORLD
Nighteye will use his quirk on his son when out looking for bugs to just see if he missed something in the grass or dirt, but that’s as far as he’ll use it
The reason why Nighteye thinks he’s so funny is because your son (and you of course along with mirio) are the only ones who laugh at his jokes, especially your son
Your son finds ANYTHING his dad says or does hilarious. His dad made a gasp of excitement along side his son upon finding a millipede? Instant laughter will follow
Those bouts of laughter from his son is the best feeling in the world to him
Tried to make your son an expert on All Might, but gave up when he came to his conclusion that your son just wasn’t into it.
It was kind of weird at first to find out his son was just simply NOT into heroes, but now he just loves the fact that his son likes what he likes and doesn’t let himself get swayed by others, even his own mom and dad
If you can’t make his little boy, his pride and joy, laugh? Sorry, but don’t talk to Nighteye or his son ever again
He will sit and listen to his little boy go on and on and on and ON about anything and never get bored (or show it). He will sit and listen intently about the cool facts about the bug he found or a plant.
He’d even listen to the longest explanation about a tiny little squiggle on a piece of paper that he drew on if it was being told by his little boy.
Will even put a meeting on hold just to answer a FaceTime from his son from your phone just to listen to him talk about a leaf he made a pressing of....and will sit there with the volume all the way up on his phone too so the others in the room can hear as well.
Will spend all night pinning bugs to a board to frame and label just for your son
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Keigo Takami/Hawks
He didn’t even want to date tbh
Though when he met you? The cliche ‘love at first sight’ happened and soon the two of you were married pretty quickly and boy was he a happy man
He didn’t really even want kids either. He just didn’t want to have kids and somehow they end up with a childhood like his that’s not the greatest or most normal, plus he was happy with the little domestic life with you.
But then IT happened. You know, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much and poof, a baby? Yeah....
He was TERRIFIED, but once your first child came into the world, a new sense of happiness sparked within him, like his own eyes opened for the first time to the world
This happened twice more, ending up with his happy family consisting of you, his two boys, and his little girl.
He’s the kind of dad to have his wallet FILLED with pictures of his kids and you. He will shamelessly show them off to fans while on patrol and also to Endeavor....even if he’s seen them a trillion times. Also his office is filled with framed pictures too
He also gets in trouble a lot along with his two boys for playing to rough and loudly within the house by you, especially for flying and being too competitive with video games and ANY activity he would take part in with them.
What can he say? His sons were like the best friends he was never able to have as a kid, he wanted to take in the beauties of having an energetic family
He doesn’t play favorites, but when it comes to his little girl? Sometimes he’ll catch a feeling of her feeling like she’s the odd one out when it comes to her two older brothers and he can relate to that feeling.
So he’ll set aside some dad and daughter time to do the things she likes, like read, color, and draw
He would even let her do his hair with tiny braids and color pieces of clip in hair and many butterfly clips. Keigo would also then wear it out proudly on patrol and check his reflection MULTIPLE times to make sure everything was in place.
He would then shout to the press and paparazzi that his daughter did his hair, showing it off in the process
When the picture would come out with the headliner ‘Hawks’ New Look Thanks to Daughter’ for the news the next day, the look of pride and awe on your daughters face upon looking at the front cover of the magazines and newspapers at the store you and his family would shop at would absolutely melt his heart melt
He’s the first one to pull back the covers to let his children climb in when scared by a thunderstorm or the spooky shadow in their room even if they may be getting ‘too old’ to be doing that...according to Endeavor however, so that information might be wrong
Bribes his kids not to tell you that he entered the house through the window and not the front door
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namjoon-koya · 4 years
Hi! I saw the ask about the perfect crush the one we’re their crush was really talented and had a powerful quirk. So how would tamaki All might mirio and Aizawa react to their crush being like this?
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If Tamaki or Nejire asked him what made him fall in love with you he could say a million amazing things about you.
The first day he saw you he instantly fell in love with you especially when the teacher made the whole class show off their quirks and progress.
Once you showed yours everyone was in awe watching you especially Mirio (Tamaki being his long time best friend already knew the look Mirio made when he was in love so he knew)
“Tamaki aren’t they amazing! I’ve never seen someone look so graceful while using thier quirk!” Tamaki chuckled “Mirio I think you’re in love with them.” “W-What?! No way.. am I? Heck who cares? I am!” He shouts happily.
Will do everything in his power to impress you during training (which works because you’ll give side glances over to him)
When you start talking to him he dies inside he can’t believe he’s finally talking with you! Mirio and you start hanging out a lot especially in class.
Tamaki and Nejire are rooting him on to ask you out, but it takes Mirio a while to get to that base of asking you out.
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Oh god Tamaki.EXE has stopped working. Mirio knows how in love Tamaki is when he starts talking about you while blushing and stuttering.. AND YOU’RE NOT EVEN AROUND.
You were intern at Fat Gum’s agency and there’s where Tamaki met you. He was shy a bit at first, but you two still got along find. When it came to patrolling around with Fat Gum though he instantly knew why he fell in love with you.
The way you used your quirk it was beautiful even Fat Gum was taken back with surprise as he watched you fight against a few low villains “Y/H/N! That was amazing kid you really have something going for you! Right SunEater?”
Tamaki.EXE has stopped working.
(Fat Gum knows that Tamaki had a crush on you after that night)
He tried asking for your phone number, but he kept stuttering you already knew what he was trying to ask for; but it was cute seeing him struggle to ask you. You grab his phone and put your phone number “I’ll text you later!”
He died there on the spot.
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Oh boy it’s hard to tell when he has a crush because he has that bored expression, BUT DON’T WORRY HIZASHI IS THERE TO TELL AIZAWA HE’S IN LOVE.
It happened during the USJ incident you were there with Aizawa and Thirteen to help out with class 1A for the rescue training. The poor class didn’t even get to start their training because suddenly villains were coming out through a portal and well.. it was action time for you and Aizawa.
You’re too busy dealing with the other villains that you don’t notice Aizawa getting manhandle by a Nomu, but when you do OOOO nobody was prepared even shigaraki got shivers watching you.
Obviously you didn’t defeat the Nomu, but you managed to get Aizawa to a safer place (honestly he feels like he owes you a large debt for saving his life)
After that Aizawa can’t stop thinking about you and how you saved him when Hizashi notices the sudden mood change he calls Aizawa out “what? What the hell are you even talking about?”
“Isn’t it obvious?! You’re in love with Y/N aren’t you? I know they saved your life during the USJ attack just admit it!” Aizawa sighs, but he doesn’t deny what Hizashi is saying either.
You’re just too perfect.. maybe too perfect for him, but there’s no denying how in love he is with you.
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MY SMALL BOI I love Toshinori a lot :,)
But during the USJ attack he saw how much you helped around especially with keeping the villains away from the students and saving Aizawa.
But he couldn’t keep staring at you for long since he had a Nomu to beat, but after he was done HE’LL ASK AIZAWA ABOUT YOU. Aizawa is like “.. just go talk to them you weirdo.”
Toshinori doesn’t know how though:,) he’s never been with someone romantically and he’s afraid he’s going to mess it up.
So he’s going to gush about you to Midoriya and Midoriya is like “ILOWKEYSHIPPEDYOUTWOBUTIDIDNTKNOWIFYOUTWOKNEWEACHOTHERTHISISADREAMCOMETRUE!” Toshinori talks about you to Gran Torino and he’s like “FINALLY NOW GET MARRIED WITH THEM!”
Gran Torino please tHaTs not how it works..
One day though you come up and talk to him (obviously when he’s in his All Might form because no one knew about his secret) and he does everything to impress you, but when you give him the oh so pure smile of yours he falls more in love with you.
But when he’s finally exposed about his true form he thinks you don’t wanna talk to him anymore, but you visit him in the hospital.
“Toshi.. I don’t care if you’re in your all might form or your true form.. I care about you still and I won’t leave your side either.”
gOddamit Y/N do you wanna give him a heart attack?!
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voiceless-terror · 3 years
Jon plays the piano. That’s it, that’s the fic.
At first, he thinks it’s the radio. It’s not uncommon for these stores to play classical music, trying to add an air of sophistication in what’s otherwise a dark room of dusty knicknacks. But when he walks towards the noise, he instead finds Jon sitting at the bench of an old wooden upright, his posture straighter than Tim’s ever seen it, hands moving slowly but deftly across the keys as he leans into each note.
It’s mesmerizing.
Jon must hear his footsteps as he doesn’t startle when Tim sits beside him. “You never told me you could play,” Tim says, too enthralled to be truly annoyed by it. Jon gives him a self-deprecating smile, though his eyes don’t leave the keys.
“I can’t, not anymore,” he responds in complete defiance of his actions. Tim’s always loved Jon’s hands, delicate and slender and naturally elegant in all of their movements; even the most awkward of gestures made with a sort of grace. He shouldn’t be surprised that he plays so wonderfully. But Jon’s always been protective of his interests, careful not to volunteer too much information lest he be laughed at or scorned. Sometimes, when it’s only the two of them, and occasionally Sasha, he’ll let his guard down and his enthusiasm for even the most mundane of subjects is surprisingly contagious.
“Well, seeing as how I can only do Hot Cross Buns, I think you can, actually.”
“Middle C is flat,” Jon continues as if Tim hadn’t spoken, his brow furrowing in annoyance. He taps at the key a few times, but Tim’s never had a good ear for that sort of thing, so he’ll have to take Jon’s word for it. “They should really keep this in better condition, it’s a shame.” He stops his tapping but his hands still flutter over the keys as if they itch to play more. Tim would gladly sit here all day and listen.
“What was that?” He nudges Jon’s shoulder, pleased when Jon leans further into his side. 
“Satie. From his Trois Gymnopedies.” 
“Ooh, nice accent,” he teases, though he does indeed love it. “Someone passed their French A-level.”
“Shut up,” Jon butts his head affectionately against his shoulder, his face flushing. “You’re just as bad with your insufferable Italian.”
“Alright, alright,” Tim lets out a small laugh. “It’s just, you never said. Seems like you enjoy it.”
“I did,” Jon replies, his eyes going distant. He gets like that, when he talks about his past. Tim knows very little of it, though Jon insists there’s ‘nothing to know.’ Jon’s told him about what brought him to the institute in a rare moment of vulnerability, but other than that, he knows the bare minimum. “I still do, I suppose. You know, my Gran was the one who actually pushed me into the lessons.”
Jon doesn’t talk much about his grandmother. He remembers back when he first started, Jon disappeared for a week and Sasha kept checking her phone anxiously. Tim later found out that his grandmother had died, that Jon was the only one left to take care of such things. That Jon was an orphan. That Jon came back with that stiff upper lip even though he looked like shit, and promptly crumbled when Tim gave him an awkward, one-armed condolence hug. 
From what Tim knows, she wasn’t the greatest guardian. Far from it in his opinion. But she was all Jon had.
Not anymore.
“Said I needed something to distract me from- from-'' his voice stutters out and Tim wraps his arm around Jon’s waist- he knows. He doesn’t need the explanation. “Well, she wasn’t the type of person to recommend therapy. It was her way of showing that she cared.” Or just wanted you dealt with, Tim doesn’t voice.
“Did it work?” He knows the answer.
“Not at all,” Jon smirks and his hands abruptly fly across the keys in a lively, fast tune. Jon isn’t just good, he’s excellent. The way his eyes brighten and his face lights up - the man’s in his element. “Still enjoyed it, though. And I was pretty good at it, entered a few competitions.” Pretty good is more than an understatement, but Jon’s never been one to brag over things that truly matter.
“What’s this one called?”
“Rondo alla ingharese quasi un capriccio,” Jon rolls out in an over-exaggerated Italian accent. “More commonly known as Rage Over a Lost Penny.”
“You could’ve just said that.”
“I could’ve, yes,” he replies playfully, the lilting tones of the music perfectly matching his little smile. He’s an infuriating little bastard. Tim loves it.
“You didn’t want to go professional? Hit the big time?”
“Hardly,” Jon snorts in derision, his hands stilling again. “Gran was right, it wasn’t practical. No use paying for a degree in music when so few people make it.” The music, still lively, goes a bit softer. “Didn’t stop me from auditioning, though.”
“Really?” He tries to imagine a young Jon in front of a panel of judges. “Must have been nerve-wracking.”
“Indeed.” Jon says stiffly, his hands abruptly stopping as they hit a sour note. “I had a panic attack before my hands hit the keys.”
Tim winces in sympathy. “Oh, Jon…”
“And I haven’t played since.” Tim reaches out to take Jon’s hands in his own, although the man avoids his eyes. Jon puts up a hard exterior, but he’s very easily wounded. One wrong word, one bad experience- it’s internalized, played over and over in his head. People don’t realize that about him, but Tim knows better than others that the mind keeps score. “I think a part of me knew she was right. Shouldn’t have bothered.”
“That’s a pity,” Tim once again wishes Jon had one person he could’ve relied on as a child. One adult he could confide in or get encouragement from. He thinks about young Jon, tiny and traumatized and alone, and his chest aches with it. “I think you could’ve made it.”
“Sweet of you.” Jon leans against his side and closes his eyes. “But there’s no need to flatter.”
“It’s not flattery if it’s true,” Tim insists. And yeah, maybe he’s not well-versed in music, but he knows talent and passion when he sees it. He used to see it in his brother all the time. And it’s sad that Jon doubts himself so much. He should be able to at least enjoy his hobby without being reminded of the guilt and what-could’ve-beens.
“Always wanted to learn an instrument,” he begins carefully, letting go of one of Jon’s hands to tinker at the keys. “Maybe I’ll get a keyboard, you can show me the ropes.”
The hand still in his twitches, and he turns to see the small beginnings of a shy smile. Jon’s a good teacher, patient and kind when someone shows a genuine interest in what he has to say. And Tim would do anything to see that easy, boyish smile again, see those fingers flying across the keys with such enjoyment.
“Not sure if you can afford my rates, Stoker.”
A cough cuts into his argument. It’s the old woman who sat behind the counter as they arrived, and she’s looking at a spot somewhere above Tim’s ahead. He turns around.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he drags Jon up from the seat, ignoring his squeak. “We’ll just be going now!”
They sprint out of the store, giggling like naughty school children the entire way. Jon’s genuine laughter is rare, and something to be treasured - nothing like the sarcastic snorts he usually prefers. 
“Damn!” Jon swears as he checks his watch, smile still lingering on his face despite the furrow in his brow. “We were supposed to interview that witness at noon, it’s already half past.”
“Don’t worry, this was a necessary detour,” Tim assures him. And for him, it was. “Piano could’ve been haunted, after all.”
Jon rolls his eyes as he barks out a laugh. “Haunted. Yes, of course.”
On the train, Tim googles how much a keyboard costs. He’s thinking he might take it up after all.  
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31219403
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fangirlshrieks · 4 years
Spring Break part 1
a/n: This is my first official post on here and I don't know how it will turn out. Tik Tok really made me obsessed with Harry Potter 😭.  Now I am a simp for Neville. I got a soft spot for quiet, nerdy, shy, and subby boys. I don't usually write fanfiction because my ideas are usually super long and I have no time to write them out but I decided to write this one. I will also be posting this on my wattpad account. I read @omg-imatotalmess sub!Neville fic back in December and I've been obsessed with the idea of Neville being a sub. *internally screaming* 
Part 1, Part 2, part 3
Word count: 2,519
Pairings: Neville Longbottom x female reader
Warnings: Mensions of sex, Innuendoes, mentions of plant boy's insecurities
The sunlight intruded through your dorm room windows. It shined at just the right angle so the light hit your eyes, abruptly waking you up. In annoyance your turn onto your stomach and bury your head under your pillow desperate for just a few more minutes of sleep but the memory of it being the last day of school before spring break entered your mind. You peaked from under your pillow to check the time. It was around 7:05. You huffed. It was too early to get up. Unable to go back to sleep with the light in your eyes you reluctantly got up out of bed and got ready for the day. You could hear the deep snores of your dorm mates sleeping quietly as you got ready. It was times like these where you enjoyed getting up earlier than everyone else. There was always a sort of peace before the hustle and bustle of everyone rushing to the bathrooms to find a mirror or use the sinks. You made sure to be as quiet as possible. Having gotten ready you decide to head to the great hall for breakfast. 
Sitting down at the Y/H table you grabbed a toast and some butter and jam. There were a few students around but not enough to fill the hall with loud noise. None of your friends were up yet, that's for sure, so you scanned the room to see if your boyfriend, Neville Longbottom, was there.
'Who am I kidding he's probably still asleep too' you thought.
But just as you turned to eat your food, Neville had entered the great hall. He spotted you and quickly walked over to where you were sitting. 
"Hello love" he gave you a quick peck on the top of your head before sitting down next to you. 
"What are you doing here so early?" His tone is full of amusement, knowing you aren't normally one of the first students to enter the great hall in the morning. 
"I could ask you the same thing" you said, giving him a teasing look. 
"Well I couldn't really sleep last night. Too excited for holiday, I guess." He responded with a bit of nervousness in his voice. You didn't seem to notice however.
"Well I was rudely interrupted from a wonderful sleep by a disgusting thing called sunrise." The sarcasm in your voice made the two of you laugh slightly.
"I'm sorry you didn't get to sleep in."
"It's fine. That just means I get to spend more time with you today." You said nudging him with your shoulder. "By the way did you ever tell your gran that I would be visiting the two of you at the lake house."
Neville's grandmother was invited by an old friend to stay with her at her lake house. The lake house was relatively close to where you lived in London but it was obviously in the wizarding world. You had asked Neville about two weeks ago if you could visit him and his grandmother while they were there. You had never been to a lake house before and you wanted to spend your first Holiday with him as his girlfriend since you two had got together.
You had only been going out since December but you had been friends since 1st year. When his grandmother heard the news about the two of you finally becoming an official couple she was ecstatic. She always believed there was something more between the two of you. Even when you were in your previous relationship with a boy from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic your fourth year, there was always something there but neither of you believed that other could ever like you in that way. But after you broke up with your ex at the end of your fourth year, the tension between you and Neville was undeniable. It was not until the start of 6th year after Neville had an encounter with Death Eaters at the Ministry of Magic and it was revealed that Voldemort had returned that you and Neville had actually acted on your feelings. Now here you are actually together.
You had visited him and his grandmother before during other school breaks but only every as a friend. This time would be different. Your mind sometimes wondered about taking your relationship to the next level but you only ever mention that once before and Neville seemed nervous the entire time so you dropped the subject. You assumed it was because he was a virgin and unfortunately to your dismay it was a well known fact that you had lost your virginity to your ex who had bragged about it when you were a couple (but that is a story for a later time).
"Oh yeah." He seemed anxious and grabbed a toast to shove in his mouth to try and drown the worry in his voice, but it didn't help. "Gran said you are welcome anytime."
More students started filling the hall as you finished your breakfast. Dean and Seamus had also entered the hall and made their way towards the two of you. 
"Hey guys." Neville greeted them.
"What are you two love birds talking about?" Dean said while leaning over your shoulder.
"Just making plans." You said nonchalantly as you turned your head towards him.
"Plans for Holiday I assume?" Seamus piped in with a raised eyebrow. From behind your back, Neville gave him a look almost as if he was pleading with him not to make any inappropriate jokes. 
"Yes, actually" you answered.
Seamus pushed on, "Care to elaborate?" 
"I'm sorry, but I actually have to pack, which I would advise you three to do the same." You turned back to Neville. "I'll meet you at the Entrance Hall so we can head towards the Express together, yeah?"
"Sounds like a plan." And with that Neville watched you headed towards your dorm to pack.
He was thankful you left before Deam or Seamus could mention anything about what had happened last night. The three of them all walked over to the Gryffindor table to eat.
"So you and y/n are you and going to be sharing the same room?" Seamus asked.
Neville choked on his juice he was drinking and coughed a few times before finally recovering.
"Relax mate, it's natural to be nervous your first time." Dean added.
"I already told you too, me and y/n are not doing anything during break. She's just visiting me and gran for a day." Neville had a slight red hue over his cheeks.
"Alright, alright " Dean said amusingly.
"But just so you know spring break is when couples usually…" Seamus didn't get to finish.
"I get it, Seamus! Do you have to be so loud?" Neville cut him off. "I think I'm going to go pack now, see you guys later."
"Just remember to pack the rubbers Seamus gave you." Dean laughed under his breath.
Of course how could Neville forget the rubbers.
------ The night before in the boys dormitories ------
"Yeah, it's going to be great. Y/N is joining me and gran for a day at the lake house. It will be nice to not be the only person my age there. Plus I can show Y/N all the cool plants around the lake." Neville was beaming talking about his plans for Holiday with you and his grandmother. His smile was radiant and by the expression on his face you could totally tell he was smitten by you.
"Wait let me get this straight. Y/N is going to be staying at your grandmother's lake house with you." Dean was trying to make sense of the situation.
"Technically it's my gran's friend's lake house."
"That doesn't matter." Seamus said bluntly. "The fact is you and Y/N are going to be at a lake house together during spring break."
"What are you going on about?" Neville was completely dumbfounded about what was wrong with the situation.
"Seamus, will you just tell him." 
"I got a better idea." Seamus walked over to his dresser and opened a drawer. He searched inside for a small box. Once he found it, he grabbed it, and threw it towards Neville. When it landed on his bed, Neville grabbed the box and read what it was. He saw the figure on the box was a warrior and the name 'Trojan' written at the very top. His eyes widened and he immediately fumbled the box before he dropped it. He could feel his cheeks warm up as Dean and Seamus laughed at his reaction.
"Wh.. Where did you get those?" Neville distanced himself from the condoms.
"It doesn't matter." Seamus said, still laughing.
"Are you serious? I can't take those with me." Neville was embarrassed for having never even thought that something like that would happen while on Holiday with you. "Wait, this trip isn't even about that. Me and Y/N haven't even done anything yet. I haven't even done anything yet!" Seamus insinuation had clearly caused Neville to freak out and rethink his entire plan of having you visit him during break.
"Chill out mate." Dean was trying not to laugh but it wasn't really helping.
"Mate we know it’s your first time, we just thought you could use some pointers." Seamus suggested.
"I really don't think that's necessary. We're not going to…" this time Neville was cut off by Seamus.
"Listen, when you put the condom on make sure you pinch the top so there is a bit of room there and then roll it down. If you don't it just might break and we don't want that happening do we."
"Also don't forget to use a new one every time. Apparently they are not reusable." Dean chimed in. 
Neville was in shock and the color of his face matched the color of his house's signature color. 
"Please stop." He was pulling at his hair in agony.
"We're just trying to help a friend out." Seamus said smugly.
"This isn't helping. This is making it worse." Neville shoved his head in his pillow from embarrassment. 
The other boys continue to laugh. Neville, extremely embarrassed by his friend's insinuation, tried to come up with a reason to leave his dorm and got up and grabbed the closet textbook near him.
"Uhh... I forgot I need to catch up on my studies" and with that he rushed to the Gryffindor common room. 
At this time at night the common room was empty. Only the fireplace lit the room with a warm glow. He sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace and ran his fingers through his hair to ease his nerves.
"How could I be so stupid?" He asked himself aloud. 
The signs had been there all along. He just hadn't put all the pieces together until now. You had originally asked him if you could spend the night at the lake house but he didn't understand why at the time because you lived close by. Then there was the conversation the two of you had a couple of weeks ago. You had asked Neville how he had felt about moving your relationship on a more intimate level and he had completely freaked out by the sudden suggestion. He had certainly thought about you in that way occasionally (even before the two of you were officially together) but he never imagined it to ever come to fruition. Then when the two of you had finally gotten together, he felt inadequate in that particular area because he had never been with anyone romantically. He was relieved when you dropped the subject but knew it would be a topic to come back again. 
He also noticed how touchy you had become lately in private. You two were definitely not a pda couple but preferred to show your love to one another in private. Neville thought back to the time last week when it was just the two of you sitting by the lake while he read you a chapter in his herbology book. The two of you had sat right under a tree and you had sat next to him leaning your head on his shoulder and placed your hand on his thigh. 
As he read to you, your hand slowly made its way higher and higher towards the area between his legs. At first he was completely oblivious to your actions until he had set his book aside from in front of him and noticed how close your hand was to his crotch. It had made him freeze and he felt his face heat up. You had looked up at him and leaned in to give him a kiss which eventually turned into a heated make out session. Neville couldn't recall how you ended up on top of him or how your hands had slipped under his shirt but they did. He untimely stopped the moment when his crotch was becoming increasingly annoying as you rested your weight on him. He sensed that you had felt a little disappointed despite your reassuring words. 
Neville rubbed the back of his head in frustration as he recalled the memory. He didn't want to stop but his insecurities got the best of him. He remembered how self conscious he felt when you started to rub up and down on his chest and stomach. Neville knew he did not have the most muscular built nor was he very slim. He often wondered what you even saw in him. 
He hated when he started to overthink. He quickly shut out those thoughts and ended up thinking about you and your smile. How he loved your smile and how bright you beamed every time you looked at him like he was the greatest person in the world. 
"That has to count for something right?" He whispered to himself. 
'Wait what if she does want to have sex this week?' He pondered on the possibility. 
His mind wondered about the idea of losing his virginity to you and smiled to himself as another thought entered his mind. 
You were riding him like your life depended on it. It was really a sight for sore eyes and he found himself more open to the idea. Then his eyes went wide with the sudden realization that he doesn't really know anything about the female anatomy. He didn't really know where his penis was supposed to enter or where the clit was. At this point he had wished there was some sort of sex education at Hogwarts.
His nerves seemed to oscillate from high to low with his constant thinking.
"This is going to be a long break." He said to himself rubbing his temples.
That night he kept twisting and turning in bed and couldn't get much sleep. He ended up sleeping for only 4 hours and was woken up by the sunshine entering the windows. He reluctantly got out of bed and got ready for the day. 
Heading out of Gryffindor tower he left towards the great hall for breakfast. 
a/n: Hoped you like it. 😊
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sibunaranks · 3 years
How each HOA character handles their birthday...
I was gonna do this before my bday but had a panic attack that day and like it got pushed off and all the bday talk made me wanna do this..
Amber - We can see she loves her birthday. It's all about her. She loves presents and has a list of ones she finds acceptable. She even gets herself her own gifts. As Amber gets older she continues to turn 29. She refuses to get to 30. Amber while in love with the presents also loves attention and family and friends because it means she's loved.
Alfie - Alfie loves his birthday. Each year his cake request gets crazier and crazier. He is the only one in the house who still has a themed party. It's usually zombies or super heroes or something childish. Presents he gets can usually be found in the toy section of the store. usually gets sick on birthday foods.
Jerome - Doesn't like his birthday. Just doesn't see the fuss. Very much a "Just one year closer to death" kinda guy. They still throw him a party and usually by the end of it he has some fun but not because of the fact it's his birthday, but because he loves a good party. He does however love presents. He asks for cash whenever asked. he likes to enjoy the benefits without the like for the holiday.
Patricia - Another birthday hater. People still make a fuss, especially Joy and Eddie. Joy knows her best friend so well that she plans something Patricia can stomach. Patricia never liked brithdays due to being a twin and always feeling like attention went to Piper more. But her Anubis family makes her feel super loved. Piper always sends her a big card. She isn't much for parties but her friends always do whatever they can to enjoy it best as they can. She's the hardest to get gifts for.
Eddie - This man loves a good birthday. He sees it as a day full of Eddie time. He can slack and nobody yells at him (except Victor who couldn't care less). He also loves the good food. He also uses this to get Patricia to be more affectionate towards him when normally she's not into PDA. She rolls her eyes but still can't fight the whole "But it's my birthday" argument. Stuff with his dad is still awkward though as he missed so many. His mom even far away makes a fuss.
KT - KT likes birthdays but it's mainly because she gets to do fun stuff with her friends. She always request they all go out on the town and have fun instead of a party. She takes pictures the whole night and has a ball. She gets a bit homesick her first birthday in UK but her friends help her best they can to enjoy the day she always loved.
Nina - Nina is a casual birthday person. She's cool with just a "Happy birthday" and some hugs. She was used to just birthdays with her gran which were usually some cake and card games with a few presents. She likes things simple. She also likes how she can take the day to relieve some stress from her duties as chosen one as she isn't even in school at the time. The house group calls her from Joys party.
Joy - Joy plans her own party because nobody else can do it correctly. She makes others help. She says it's a surprise party and pretends it is but it isn't. She fakes surprised at the presents too but she knows what she was getting cause she picked them out. She's all smiles. She's a little jealous about sharing her special day with Nina but with Nina in America she doesn't need to share much. Plans most of the Anubis parties.
Mick - Mick wakes up and forgets it's his birthday. Every. Year. He doesn't care. He knows his birthday if you ask him but it doesn't ever correlate. When he remembers he's like "Sweet." and just enjoys the day ahead of him. He also usually forgets the others birthdays if not told (except Fabian he's special). Horrible at giving gifts.
Willow - Willow loves birthdays. She likes earthly birthdays. She says no gifts, but they pull together some money and make a charity donation in her name. she cries but nobody knows why cuz they were all pretty broke and it wasn't that much. They go to the beach and have a chill day there for her birthday, exactly what she wanted. (think the zoey 101 beach day)
Mara - Mara doesn't care much about birthdays. She's neutral. From a science aspect she see's no significance. From a teenage girl aspect she thinks it's a little special. She is the best gift giver in the house because she spends hours researching. She is good at faking like of gifts even when she hates them (cough Alfie). She has a no funny business rule. Jerome gives her a coupon book where the coupons are for him to go away and it's her favorite gift.
Fabian - Fabian is a shy little guy but he secretly loves his birthday. a bit of a guilty pleasure. He is appreciative of everything. He's smiles all day. He doesn't want a big fuss, just the house. He is always telling people facts about stuff that happened on his birthday and they pretend to care. He gets another copy of the solar system is your friend (signed) one year and actually cries. Pretends to hate but loves the annual birthday wakeup Mick would give him where he would smother him in the bed while singing.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 years
Headcanon gran was mute in his younger days like the only people who hear him talk was people close to him nana etc. But still a man of few words like hearing him talk was if hell froze over (after nana died he had to start teaching so communication was a must) defiantly know sign language.
I like this headcanon! It fits well with what's been given to us, which is Sorahiko being relatively silent until Nana's dead. Extra notes: From multiple Google searches, JSL is mainly taught to the deaf, and even in the community, there are divisions amongst vocabulary. Japanese Sign Language (JSL) has three forms, and uses fingerspelling and mouthing as supplemental context tools.
This ficlet is in Toshinori's POV because I couldn't quite lock down on when I wanted this version of Nana and Sorahiko to have met.
It’s Toshinori’s first time meeting Shimura’s partner, and he is not ready.
He had thought he’d been ready for anything, that first afternoon he chased Seventh Wonder down the path along the canal: a gentle pat on the shoulder before discouragement, derisive laughter, or worse. But against all the odds, Toshinori’s earnest (and frantic) pitch found a willing listener.
Seventh Wonder introduced herself as Shimura Nana three months ago. She advised him on workout routines, and on weekends, she went through grappling maneuvers and recounted stories about life as a pro-hero.
Toshinori hadn’t dared to let himself think Shimura was treating him as anything but a charity case. But last month, Shimura’s stories had acquired a different, almost conspiratorial tone. She also began instilling in Toshinori a rudimentary knowledge of Japanese Sign Language.
(This latter development is blithely reasoned away as dexterity training. As for the former...)
Last Sunday, Shimura revealed herself to be in possession of a transferable stockpile Quirk.
It remains a miracle to Toshinori that Shimura trusts him not only with the knowledge, but also the actual future of holding One for All. Of potentially fulfilling his dreams to lift Japan out of its paranoid, panic-ridden state. Sure, the drawbacks are scary (All for One? Blowing off his limbs?) but Shimura assures him that she has plans.
One of these plans is her partner, Gran Torino.
Toshinori knows practically nothing about the man. Shimura doesn’t gossip, and no matter how Toshinori scoured the Internet, he couldn’t even find a picture. The most he has is what’s on the Nippon Hero Association’s online registry.
Gran Torino. Quirk: Jet. Active for three years as opposed to Seventh Wonder’s nine.
He reflexively slows his pace to the meadow where Shimura trains him, eyes widening at the stranger standing beside Shimura. Tall, imposing, clad in a brown leather jacket and denim jeans and Western cowboy boots. His hair is silver. He is gesturing at Shimura and mouthing in time with his decisive hand movements, but try as Toshinori might, he cannot hear a sound.
Shimura signs back, smoother, until Torino (it’s got to be Gran Torino) disgruntledly brushes his sternum and sets his fists waist-high for a second. A concession. For what problem?
She glances around Torino and spies Toshinori, who is stock-still because he might have been the cause of an argument between Shimura and her partner. She smiles; Torino grimaces with a tight-lipped frown. “Yagi-shonen! Come over here, don’t be shy!”
“Shimura-san,” Toshinori greets, rushing to close the distance. “Sorry if I’m late!”
“Ah, no,” says Shimura. “It’s more like we’re early.”
To Gran Torino, Toshinori executes a quick bow and comes up with his hands fumbling through an introduction. “Good morning,” he says, clumsily spinning and crooking his fingers. He’s learned this. He’s learned this. “My name is Yagi Toshinori. It’s nice to meet you.”
Torino blinks down at him. His expression is unreadable.
Toshinori gulps. “Did I do it wrong…?”
As Shimura hums a noncommittal sound (which is universal for, ‘Well, it could’ve been better,’ which Toshinori is certainly not about to disagree with), Torino critiques Toshinori’s attempt in a single soul-evaporating word.
“Sorahiko,” Shimura chides in a fond tone, and she knocks her shoulder into his, friendly and affectionate. Torino exhales through his nose; he shoves back before straightening his spine. The difference between Torino and Toshinori’s height extends.
“Gran Torino,” the man introduces himself in a low, clipped voice. He fingerspells this, and his actual name, until Toshinori crabs onto the impromptu lesson and commits the signs to memory. Once he’s met Torino’s standards, Torino says, “Hn,” before falling silent.
Shimura seamlessly picks up the thread of conversation. “Have you had breakfast yet, Yagi-shonen?”
“Ahahaha,” says Toshinori. “I had a slice of toast?”
“Hm. Well, it’s your lucky day. We haven’t had breakfast yet either! Here, here, take this,” and Shimura hoists a picnic basket into Toshinori’s arms, “and Sorahiko, you’ve got the duffel.”
Unimpressed, Torino signs, “And you?”
“I,” says Shimura, offloading a meter-long duffel bag into his arms and unzipping it briefly, just to pull out a rolled-up blanket, “am picking out a breakfast spot.”
Torino snorts.
The breakfast spot ends up being under a tree; the blanket absorbs the dew leftover on the grass immediately, but Toshinori would be willing to suffer the dampness every day if it meant being gifted a bento for breakfast. The ovular box is filled to the brim. Rice, egg, pickled vegetables, grilled salmon…!
“Shimura-san,” says Toshinori, awed, “did you make all this?”
“Nope! I wasn’t even allowed to touch the pan.” Shimura passes over an additional thermos. Uncapping it allows miso-scented steam to waft away.
“Torino-san, thank you for the meal!”
“Hn,” Torino grunts.
The first few bites are pure, uninterrupted bliss. A good breakfast, however, comes at a price. Toshinori is only halfway through the pickled vegetables when Shimura announces, “Sorahiko is here to help you prep for the entrance exam into U.A., Yagi-shonen.”
“They’re increasing the difficulty of the exams,” she informs him. “The physical component in particular.”
“I thought it was just an obstacle course,” says Toshinori, a tad bewildered.
“Ha! That information is outdated by, uh, Sorahiko, when did Recovery Girl complain…”
Torino flashes three fingers, and doesn’t seem to need to add any other signifier, because Shimura gets the answer right on the first try.
“Right, right, three days. So three days ago, Recovery Girl called us up to complain about how her colleagues are reacting to the escalating pro-hero turnover rate. Lots of, ‘we need to demonstrate the reality early if we’re going to winnow out the spineless applicants,’ y’know?”
“Oh,” says Toshinori faintly.
“So,” Shimura continues,”you should expect to walk away from the entrance exam with some bruises. Lots of bandages too. Unless!”
“I’m right, and having the Gran Torino here providing, ah, supplementary combat training will put you ahead of the legacy students!”
“That’s not… illegal?” It’s one thing to mask grappling maneuvers as play-wrestling in an abandoned meadow, and even then, Shimura was quick to tug them both back onto their feet. It’s a whole other thing to train Toshinori, whose records will show him distinctly unconnected, to beat out his peers.
“It’s a little bit illegal,” she confesses. “But so is giving you One for All, and we can’t exactly do anything about that.”
“I don’t have to go through the heroics program,” Toshinori says, even though he really, really wants to. “You could save One for All until I graduate high school, and then I won’t be a minor.”
Shimura smiles at him like a promise. “If I say you’re getting One for All before U.A., then you’re getting this Quirk and getting into your dream school, Yagi-shonen. You will, of course, be earning it. And then everything is unquestionable!”
Gran Torino clears his throat. Shimura looks over, and her brow furrows in concentration. Toshinori catches a few words by lipreading.
“Questionable relationship,” he signs.
“Ah. Yeah, that’s still true. Can I get away with ‘Shimura-sensei’ without a credential?”
Toshinori has a sudden idea. “Ah, Shimura-san… what if I called you Shimura-shishou?” Hm. That sounds wrong. This is the pro-hero who’s practically giving Toshinori a second chance at life; she is deliberately fixing fate, intending to give a Quirkless kid a Quirk of unimaginable potential. Seventh Wonder, Shimura Nana - she deserves the greatest respect. “Oshishou?”
Her eyes widen. So do Gran Torino’s.
“Ah,” says Shimura, stunned.
“The Nippon Hero Association was talking about apprenticeships,” he reminds her.
Torino signs to Shimura, “How old is he?”
“Less than a year to fifteen,” Toshinori adds. He may or may not have looked up apprenticeship laws. So long as the administration doesn’t pry, then he could just be a scrappy student with civilian origins. And then once U.A. would get into the swing of things, Toshinori would be old enough to potentially be apprenticed.
Not that they would ever sign paperwork. Shimura has been adamant about keeping Toshinori safe, and being safe means his civilian life needs to be squeaky-clean.
“I’m definitely not certified to be a master of this profession,” says Shimura. “Are you comfortable with this, Yagi-shonen?”
“Yes,” says Toshinori. He says it firmly, implacably, trying to invoke the same tone that once persuaded Seventh Wonder to stay on the ground and hear out a Quirkless kid’s dream. “Without a doubt, oshishou.”
She huffs and looks down at her half-eaten breakfast; her ears are turning pink. Silently, Torino reaches over and touches her wrist. Toshinori hurriedly returns to his own meal, feeling like he’s intruding on some moment.
And softly:
“Alright, Yagi-shonen. Alright.”
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alonely-dreamer · 3 years
The Valuable Sun | Chapter 23 (Part 3)
Summary: Brooke and Eric have work to do.
Pairing: Eric x OC
Warnings: 18+
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Words: 2688
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 (Part 1) | Chapter 23 (Part 2)
Tags: @parabatai-winchester​
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To say that Brooke and Sookie were having a hard time was an understatement. Sookie, after killing Debbie and having Pam turn Tara into a vampire, was judged and hated by all, and she had come back from work a wreck, and had dove into the cabinet were gran had always kept the alcohol. She turned on the stereo, and the loud music woke Brooklynne up.
She had spent the entire day in bed, and even though she kept waking up and kept having the worst lucid dreams, she stayed under the covers until way after sunset.
Not only the music was loud, but Brooke could hear her sister’s devastating thoughts. She had cast Bill away from her mind, she had enough humans judging her for her to worry about the traitorous bastard her vampire ex-boyfriend had turned out to be. She was so drunk she couldn’t hear Brooke think really, really, loudly that she wished she’d turn down the music a bit. Perhaps Sookie didn’t even know her sister was in her bedroom upstairs. She rarely were anymore.
Lafayette called. He had found Sookie’s car destroyed against a tree, and wanted to check on her. She was fine, apparently, she had jumped out of the car at the right time, and had even found it funny. She must be really drunk, Brooke thought.
She heard another train of thoughts approach the house, but his smell told her who he was before she could even hear anything. Sookie was waiting for another well deserved scolding from the werewolf but was surprised to hear Alcide had told Debbie’s parents some lie about how the Alpha from their pack had slept with her then killed her. Good. Because if Alcide had told the truth and Sookie had been sent to jail, not much would have been left of the werewolf after that night.
She tried to tune out the party that was going on downstairs, but it was either listening to Alcide and Sookie’s drunk thoughts about each other or thinking about her own issues. And she really didn’t want to think about Eric at the moment.
When Sookie and Alcide started to make out on their grandmother’s couch, she thought about leaving the house, not only to give them some privacy but also because she really didn’t want to hear any of it.
But then she heard his voice. Or rather, his thoughts. Bill was standing right there, outside of their house, watching the werewolf and the fairy take each other’s clothes off. A creep until the end. Brooklynne felt like fighting, and he had just given her a reason to beat his ass.
She sped out of her house, wearing nothing but a tight shirt and silk shorts and went straight to Bill whom she pushed away with supernatural strength. The King of Louisiana landed in the cemetery near the house.
“What are you doing here?” she asked as if he were still standing right in front of her.
It took a couple of seconds for him to get back on his feet and return to his spot.
“You know, I am still your King.”
“What are you gonna do?”
Bill sighed. “I get that you’re mad, but…”
“But nothing. Leave my sister alone.”
“I didn’t come here for Sookie.”
“What then?”
“I told him to meet us here,” Eric said as he appeared beside his King. “Granted, he could’ve picked a better spot.”
“Weren’t we supposed to go with Alcide?” she asked, remembering the plan. “He’s drunk now.”
“Clearly,” Eric mumbled.
“Let’s sober him up,” Bill said, and Brooke had no doubt he was more than happy to put a stop to the party.
Alcide took them to Doug, the employee that had found the hole in the parking lot. The werewolf had been smart not to ask about the obvious tension between the vampires while they drove in his van to the site.
Doug was a chubby man almost as tall as Alcide. His hair was longer, and so was his beard. He seemed shy and squeamish, and didn’t feel comfortable with whatever was happening. They had taken them to Russell’s former resting place where fresh cement had been poured to cover the hole. Brooklynne asked Doug to hold her hand and close his eyes and focus on that night, on what he saw. He had been glamoured by the vampire who had dug up Russell and it was harder for her to get any useful images from his mind.
“It’s a woman,” Brooke said. “She’s digging up Russell with her hands.”
Russell appeared like a bloody overgrown baby with no skin and the memory made Doug start to shake in fear.
“What the fuck is this?” he asks as if he were living it for the first time.
“Wait,” Brooke squeezed his hand harder as he tried to step away. “It’s Nora,” she breathed out.
“That’s not possible,” Eric said, trying to ignore Bill’s ‘I told you so’ look.
“She has the same necklace.”
“It could be any member of the Authority, then. Do you see Nora’s face?”
“No, just the necklace.”
“So we don’t know for certain it’s her,” Eric insisted. “It’s not Nora, it can’t be. She thought Russell was dead. She risked her life to free us.”
“Can I go now?” Doug asked.
But they were far from done.
The woman, whom according to Eric was not Nora, had Doug scoop Russell up like a baby and take him into an abandoned facility at the other end of town. That was their next destination.
In the van, Eric and Bill kept arguing about Nora while Brooklynne, helped by Doug’s blurry memory, led Alcide to Russell’s location.
“She’s a traitor and a liar, just like her brother,” Bill spat at the sheriff who showed fangs at the insult. Bill followed suit.
“Take that back,” Eric growled.
But the fight was cut short as Bill’s phone started ringing. Brooke couldn’t help but listen.
“Hey, guys. It’s Molly. Remember me? Giving you a shout-out to let you know your countdown has started.”
“Our countdown?”
“Yeah, your iStakes are set to activate at dawn. Bummer, right?”
“There must be some kind of mistake.”
“No, I’m launching a test. Is your iStake glowing?”
Brooke took a look at the two vampires at the back of the van. Eric opened his jacket and a red light was coming from under his shirt, right where his heart was. iStake. It sounded stupid, but scary. That was what she had felt the previous night when he had held her against his chest. And that stupid but scary thing would kill Eric if they didn’t find Russell before the end of the night. She looked up at her maker with a heart and eyes full of worry. They wouldn’t have time after all. She wouldn’t have time to forgive him. And as he stared back at her, she saw in his eyes that it was okay. That he knew.
“Yeah, they’re glowing…”
“Cool. Means we’re good to go. Good luck. And if you don’t make it, it’s been rad serving you. Peace out.”
Brooklynne wanted to tear that Molly apart for the total indifference she showed at her maker’s True Death. But she had bigger problems. They all did.
Doug was reluctant to enter the building, but all Alcide wanted was for it to be over, so he dragged him in and started looking.
“Wolves have been here,” he sniffed.
“They come with Russell,” Bill said with a sigh, wondering which would kill him first, the iStake or a werewolf.
The building was an abandoned asylum. Brooklynne would find it ironic that Russell would hide here but she was too anxious to find it even remotely funny.
They dragged Doug, or rather Doug led them, through Brooke, down to the morgue, walking pass freshly severed hands and other dead bodies being eaten by rats.
“Well, at least we’re in the right place,” Eric said.
“The morgue,” Bill thought aloud as they walked pass the indications on the wall. “How convenient.”
Helped by a flashlight, Doug and Alcide followed the vampires into the darkness of the basement. Hearing, or perhaps sensing something Doug couldn’t, the vampires revealed their fangs as Alcide said:
“We’re being watched.”
Doug had reached his limits and let go of Brooklynne before he ran away. Knowing it was a bad idea to leave the human alone in this abandoned asylum where a three thousand year old psychopath was hiding, Alcide went after him. It was only when Doug started screaming that the three vampires followed him.
They found what seemed to be Russell’s pantry, where over a dozen humans were hanging from hooks like pigs in a butchery. A man started begging for his life, begging for them to take someone else, anyone else but him.
“Where do they take the prisoners?” Bill asked him.
“Down the hallway. There’s screaming and then there’s not!”
“What do we do with them?” Brooke asked.
“We’ll come back for them after we’re done with Russell,” Eric said before turning around and exiting the room, followed by the rest of his suicide squad.
Stakes in hands, they made their way to the end of the hallway where they found Russell lying on a hospital bed. He looked pale and sick, even coughed a few times. He looked almost human. Almost.
“Ah, miss Stackhouse. I see you’ve joined us,” he said with an eerie smile.
“We came here to finish what we started,” Eric told him as he approached.
“Well… give it your best shot.”
Russell’s smile grew bigger before Alcide, who was still standing in the hallway, behind Brooke, got jumped by a wolf.
“Eric!” Brooke shouted as a wolf launched itself at her maker.
She went to help him but was stopped by Russell who positioned himself between her and the Viking.
“Mmh, you’re just what the doctor ordered,” he smirked. “I’m sure becoming one of us just made your fairy blood even stronger.”
He trapped her against a wall and as he aimed for her throat she used her light to push him away. His back hit the wall at the other end of the hallway and he collapsed on the floor painfully.
“Yeah,” he cackled like a maniac as he sat up and leaned against the wall, “there is that aspect of you which I loathe.”
Eric killed the wolf that was after him then sped towards Russell. He crouched to get to his level then seized his face and made him look away from Brooklynne and directly at him.
“Look at me. I want to be the last thing you ever see,” he growled as he directed his stake towards his heart.
But before he had the chance to make a big mistake, Bill had his own stake aimed at Eric’s heart.
“He dies, we die. Most certainly. But if we take him back alive, maybe we don’t have to die.”
“But not impossible.”
“Eric! Please,” Brooke begged. “He’s right!”
Eric snarled but eventually let go of his stake and put his fangs away. Russell used this short moment of weakness to pick up the disregarded weapon and attack the Viking. In less than a second, Eric was on his back, Russell on top of him, the sharp tip of the stake on his heart. Brooke moved fast and once again used her light to push Russell away from the man she loved.
It all happened really fast, and Brooke barely had time to register what was happening, as a group of heavily armed soldiers came in. Half of them had their guns pointed at Russell and the other half at her own heart.
Russell surrendered without protest, the red lights now aiming at his chest. One move and he’d be a pool of blood.
A tall, black man all dressed in black, from his shoes to his cap, joined them and stared at Brooklynne like she was the worst thing he had ever seen in his entire life. Eric quickly positioned himself between her and the man who was obviously the one giving orders here.
“What is this?” he asked with a strong accent.
“She’s mine,” Eric growled.
“My progeny.”
There was no hiding anymore, no lying anymore. They had seen it. The light, the speed. It was useless to deny it, they were damned either way, and if they had to die tonight, they were at least going to be honest about it.
“What is she?”
… Well, half a truth was better than a complete lie…
“She’s a vampire.”
Russell chuckled.
“Lie,” the commander hissed.
“I turned her myself.”
“I suppose we will see what Guardian has to say about… this,” he said, looking around at the room where two dead werewolves were lying naked next to Bill. “Wolf and human are here,” he continued as Alcide appeared behind him, buttoning his jeans. “Why?”
“Doug led us here,” Bill started to explain. “Nothing that a little glamouring won’t take care of.”
“Do it,” the commander agreed before he exited the room.
After thoroughly glamouring Alcide, Eric made sure he got out safely and wasn’t stopped by any of the soldiers that the Chancellor had brought with him.
“He’s fine, he got in his van and is driving home,” Eric told Brooklynne as he saw the worried look in her eyes, though she didn’t worry about Alcide, she knew the werewolf would be okay.
Eric sighed.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered as he cupped her cheeks with his hands. “This is what I wanted to keep you safe from.”
He placed a kiss on her forehead before bringing her to his chest. He rested his chin on her head as she hugged him back. Still, no word came out of her mouth.
Chancellor Akinjide seemed impressed, and though he wouldn’t let Brooklynne go, he had stopped looking at her with disgust but rather with curiosity.
“No one thought you two would actually be able to deliver Russell Edgington,” he told them as he led them out of the building and into a van. “Guardian will be extremely pleased.”
“Pleased enough to not execute us?” Eric asked as he sat next to Brooklynne.
“Only Lilith knows that.”
“As only she knows all,” Bill replied with a smirk.
The chancellor didn’t reply as he closed the doors of the van, trapping them inside the vehicle.
“Who’s Lilith?”
“Enough with this religious bullshit already,” Eric sighed. “Lilith can fucking blow me.”
“No, she certainly cannot!”
Bill chuckled.
“Lilith is like the God of vampires,” he explained.
“And why are you suddenly so into it?” Eric asked his King.
“I’m just covering my ass.”
“Are you telling me the Authority is a religious government?”
“It could be worse,” Eric said. “They could take the word of the Vampire Bible literally.”
“The what? The what?!”
“At least the sanguanista aren’t in charge…”
“Don’t worry about it,” Eric told her as he took her hand in his. “I’ll explain on the way to New-Orleans.”
“New-O…” she stopped. “Are we… are they… Are we going to die tonight?”
She caught his eyes and saw. They were most probably going to be executed tonight, and she would be questioned and experimented on and maybe they’ll use her blood to give the sun to all vampires… And everything he had done to keep her safe was crumbling down on him, breaking him apart as this voice inside of his head screamed at him that it was his fault and that he should have known better.
He wiped a tear off her cheek and took her chin between his fingers. He tried to give her his most sincere smile as he said: “I love you.” And he didn’t wait for her to say it back because hearing those words coming out of her mouth would kill him before dawn. So he kissed her forehead and rested his cheek on her head, hoping, praying to whatever God there was that he hadn’t just sentenced the woman he loved to death.
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radinagames2020 · 2 years
Perfect Tides
Rating: 4/5. Loved the art and setting. Story was real and made me feel things. Main char is frustrating in a good way, puzzles and requirements occasionally frustrating in a less good way.
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Perfect Tides is a point and click puzzle/story game by Meredith Gran, the author of one of my favorite webcomics, Octopus Pie. OP has been finished for awhile, but it stuck in my memory due to its evocative art and incisive, harsh-yet-loving character writing. That tradition is definitely continued in Perfect Tides.
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You play as Mara, a 15-year-old living on a resort island in the year 2000. You guide her through 4 seasons, watching her meet people, struggle with social life and family issues, and make various bad decisions. Mara is loveable, but she is a teen, and a well-written one, which means she is also self-centered, short-sighted, and immature. The game doesn't shy away from painful moments, but it is also full of humor and kind moments as well. Over the course of a year Mara grows in a lot of ways, and though there are growing pains, it's satisfying to see her become a more thoughtful adult.
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As for the gameplay itself, it's a standard point-and-click. Once I learned that each "cursor" (looking, touching, etc) has one pixel which is the actual "interactive" bit, it wasn't too hard to move around and get Mara to do what I wanted. On the other hand, I actually had to play through it twice - I missed a ton of stuff the first time and didn't get the "good" ending, so I went back a second time with a guide. I'm not sure if this was an intentional nod to 90s Sierra-style games, or if the game just expected me to be more perceptive, but I did find that irritating. Even after 2 playthroughs, I still missed a couple things that I don't know how to accomplish and the guides don't mention. This is a minor irritation, however, and the story really does stand up to a second playthrough (as well as having very solid "skipthrough" mechanics for scenes you've already seen). And even if you only play once, the plot unwinds itself satisfyingly whether or not you accomplish every single puzzle.
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Aside from the writing, the art is my other favorite part of the game. The emotion shown on the characters' faces, the way they move and interact, is beautiful, even in the low-res pixel art of the main game. Little moments of animation were also stunning, small things like Mara typing on a keyboard or someone running their hand through their hair that somehow were animated 100% perfectly and evocatively. The art and animation made this pixel art world feel SO real, and it really contributes to the impact of the story.
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So overall, this was a pretty wonderful game. I did leave it with a bit of frustration about not being able to solve everything, but the story easily made up for that. Definitely check it out if you're looking for an emotional journey through a year in the 90s teenager life.
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I’ll leave what I’m chasing - Part 2
I hope people like the name (and that my research was right)
(AO3 link)
“How long did she say she’d be?” It’s not the first or even the second time Robert’s asked that since they stopped talking and he’s been pacing ever since Aaron had told him Sarah was bringing them home.
“An hour, but knowing Seb he’s conned her into buying ‘just one more cookie Ganma’ or an extra go on the swings. He’s got her wrapped round his little finger and she loves it. Why don’t you sit down.” He does, replacing the pacing with twisting the corner of the cushion in his fingers. “Robert, it’ll be fine.”
“You don’t know that. What if Seb doesn’t remember me, or the baby hates me.”
“Now you’re being daft. Seb knows exactly who you are, he has a photo right beside his bed, and your Mum has our wedding photos on nearly every surface. We talk about you loads. As for Ana she doesn’t have it in her to hate you.”
“He calls her Ganma? Mum?”
“Oh. Yeah, we were going with Grandma weren’t we, and my Mum was Nana. R’s were a bit of a struggle for a while so Ganma it is.”
“Speaking of your Mum, I thought there’d be a welcoming committee or something. A few pitchforks maybe.” He tries to smile, but Robert really doesn’t know how he’s hit the nail on the head. Thankfully he’s saved by the sound of Sarah’s key in the lock, and Robert jumping to attention at the sound.
“Later.” He rests a hand on Robert’s shoulder as he heads to the door to see Sarah struggling with the pushchair and a bouncing Seb. “Just how much of a sugar rush are we going to be suffering later?”
“Oh hush.” She glances past his shoulder. “Everything ok?”
“Getting there.”
“Good. Right, well I’ll leave you to it. Robert, come round later, we’ll have a chat, ok?” With that she’s gone, leaving Aaron to lift Ana from the buggy.
“Seb, mate, stop jumping a sec, you’re making me dizzy.” He glances over his shoulder to see Robert frozen into place, just staring at the three of them. “There’s someone here to see you. Do you remember we talked about Daddy Robert coming home?”
Robert’s still just standing there and Seb’s pulling back on his hand as he tries to convince him to go closer. Seb’s shy with anyone new and as much as they’ve talked about him, it’s still strange for him that he’s stood in front of him and Aaron’s willing him to actually move and speak to his son.
“You want to say hello? It’s ok mate.”
“You said he was far ‘way.”
“I know and he was but he’s home now, see, and I think he would really like a hug because he’s missed you so much.”
“And Ana?”
“Yeah. So what do you say?” Seb looks between him and Robert a few times before all but launching himself at Robert who barely manages to catch him as he barrels into his legs. He watches them for a bit, pressing a kiss to Ana’s head.
It still felt slightly surreal, that Robert was here, that they were all together and he feels the tears start to run down his cheeks, Ana’s little hands patting them. “It’s ok sweetheart, I’m not sad. You want to meet your Daddy, huh?”
Robert’s got Seb on his hip, the little boy babbling away in his ear, trying to tell him everything he knows in ten seconds flat.
“Seb, can I borrow Daddy a minute? So he can say hi to Ana?”
“Ok, but he has to watch my ‘toons with me.”
“I would love to.” Seb nods, satisfied and runs off to switch on the TV. Robert’s staring at Aaron, a slightly bemused look on his face. “He’s amazing.”
“Yeah. He’s got over everything so well, better than I thought. Better than me on some things.” It’s stupid, but he feels nervous, introducing Robert to his daughter. He’d not said much as he’d told him all the little things about her before they came home, has no idea what he’s thinking. “And this is Ana. Sweetheart, this is your Daddy Robert. I’ve told you all about him eh?”
“Hi.” His eyes are shining with tears as he takes her in his arms and the tension seems to fall out of him. “Hi little Ana. Aaron she’s gorgeous.”
“Eh, she’s alright I suppose.”
“Where did her name come from? I expected...well with your lot I wasn’t really sure what to expect.”
“I didn’t want the usual biblical name, although apparently it’s a hebrew name, but that’s not why I chose it. It’s also the Spanish form of Anna which was as close to Annie as I could get without actually taking your Gran’s name.” He, Vic and Sarah had gone to Spain when news came of Annie’s death and he was a little stunned to find one of their wedding photos on her mantelpiece. He’d known Robert had kept in touch but he’d never mentioned telling her about them, but clearly he had.
“You weren’t here, but she deserved to have part of you.” Robert doesn’t say anything for a few moments, just staring at her before he hands her back to Aaron and makes his way to the door. “Robert, wait!”
“Robert! What are you doing? You can’t do that!” He catches up with him halfway up the hill behind the village, the wind swirling round them making him wish he’d thought to grab his coat as he’d hurriedly knocked on Sarah’s door asking her to watch the kids.
“Go home Aaron.”
“No! You’re not doing this again. Eighteen months I’ve waited for you. I accepted you cutting me off, I put up with it, but you’re not doing it again. Talk to me!”
“I don’t deserve it. Any of it.” He slumps down onto one of the rocks jutting out of the earth, still wet from the rain and Aaron can’t help but wince a little.
“What are you talking about, of course you do.”
“I don’t. I have a little girl Aaron and she doesn’t know who I am, because I was so stupid. I let her down. I let Seb down. The one thing I promised I would never do to my children.”
“So, what? The solution to that is to let them down again by running away?”
“No I...I just wanted some air. It’s all just...a lot I guess.” He smiles that little half smile of his that always drives Aaron a little crazy.
“Yeah, it is. It was for me and I didn’t have a daughter to meet. Maybe I should’ve waited, let them stay with your Mum for the night, let you get yourself used to being out a bit more.”
“No. I wanted to see them. I s’pose it just hit me how stupid I was. I let myself get caught up in everything even when you told me to stop. I should’ve listened, I should’ve…” He covers his face with his hands and all Aaron can do is hold him as he cries. “I’m sorry.”
“I know, and we’ll talk some more, but it doesn’t have to be right now. Hey, come on, it’s over now. You’re home, with me, and your family.” He shivers in the wind. “You had to find the coldest bit of the village to come to didn’t you.”
“Gotta keep you on your toes.”
“Want to head back? Don’t want to be late for Seb’s cartoons.” Robert nods and Aaron gets to his feet, grimacing at the state of his jeans. “I will warn you that you won’t hear any of them because he’ll talk all the way through about everything and anything. Remember when you were worried that he wasn’t talking? He got over that and then some.”
“I can’t wait.” He still seems hesitant though, a little lost.
“You know, it’s ok if you need to go off, be on your own or whatever, but just tell me. When you ran out, it scared me.”
“I promise.” He takes hold of Aaron’s hand, grip firm, and smiles as they start to make their way back to the village. “You still haven’t told me how Mum came to be living in our other flat. Last I knew she was happy up in Whitby.”
“She was, but when Ana arrived I struggled a bit and needed some help. She was early and I wanted to stay with her so your Mum came up to help with Seb. I think she was having so much fun she didn’t want to go home. She was staying with Vic, but they had a few disagreements about Luke which made things difficult so when Liv moved back to Dublin it just made sense for her to move in.”
“And she hasn’t taken over? Because I know she has trouble taking no for an answer when it comes to family.”
“No. We’re getting on fine. I wouldn’t have coped without her.” The truth was he’d asked her to stay but he can’t get into that without telling Robert everything that’s been going on with his family, and he doesn’t want to get into that right now. He’d felt so alone, a new baby to cope with and making sure Seb didn’t feel left out, without any help. Sarah had been a godsend.
“Sure you would. Your lot must’ve been there. A new baby, they’d be over the moon.”
“Yeah, well, they’ve all had a lot on.”
“Aaron, what’s going on. That’s the second time you’ve blown off my question about your family. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy my Mum’s here and that the two of you are getting on so well but there’s something you’re not telling me.”
“Not today, eh? Today I just want to enjoy having my husband back.”
“And you definitely want that? Me, I mean.”
“I don’t trek all the way up here for just anybody you know. I never wanted anything else you know that.” Robert looks away, guilt all over his face. “Hey stop looking like that. I know why you did it, and I understood, I’m just saying that there was never a question whether I’d want you back.”
“So what now?”
“Now we go home, watch cartoons with our son and play with our daughter. Everything else can wait.”
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Gryffindor Extensive Dating Neville Headcanons:
A/N: Y’all keep finding and requesting the characters I’m so soft for. Here’s my baby Neville who is an absolute sweetheart of a character and should be appreciated more. Requested by @maybenotjellytot (and it’s not letting me tag you, curse you Tumblr)
You know the drill, this is super long and super cute
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You meet on the Hogwarts express. He’s stammering and clinging to Trevor for dear life
He’s so shy and blushing and tripping over his words that you can’t help but giggle and introduce yourself
“Neville. Me. I’m. Yes. Leville Nongbottom” You giggle again and he’s bright red.
“Nice to meet you Neville,” you smile brightly.
You sit together on the train ride and it’s sort of awkward but a good awkward. He starts to open up a bit about wanting to learn magic and that his Gran is expecting a lot from him.
You can sympathize with your overbearing well meaning pure blood grandfather
Then you’re both sorted into Gryffindor and it’s nice to have a friend. You find friends in the Golden Trio as well, but you’re always partial to Neville because he’s the first one who had the courage to say hello to you
Since you’re in the same house it means you have all of your classes together. Potions is rough for both of you and Snape just terrifies Neville—sure he was creepy but you didn’t really understand it. You still defended him though, even if it ended you in detention a lot
“You really don’t have to do this,” he stammers, meeting you after detention. “I don’t mind,” you smile and so does he.
You love Astronomy and he loves Herbology and you two are the biggest dorks. He knows everything about plants and you know everything about the stars
Soon you’re learning to ride brooms. It comes easy to you and Neville breaks his wrist. You take him to the infirmary flipping Malfoy off as you walk away sure Hooch took five points from Gryffindor for it but it felt good. The little prat
“There’s always one,” Pomfrey sighs and resets Neville’a wrist. You stay by his side all the while, reassuring him that he was amazing anyway.
“I can’t do anything,” he groans. “Some Gryffindor I am. I don’t belong here.” “Neville that’s not true,” you frown. “You belong in Gryffindor as much as Nifflers love gold.” You both blush at your sudden defense of him.
And honestly it’s nice to have a friend. When the weather turns colder and you’re freezing Neville gives you his gloves and tells you not to worry about it.
You study for exams together. It takes some time but Neville finally catches on to Potions when you (re)teach him the lessons. Snape doesn’t bother you like he does Neville you always want to ask him about it but never find the courage. Some Gryffindor you are, you think
The Christmas Holiday comes and you both hug each other goodbye, promising to write to another and his grandmother and your parents catch sight of the interaction and they tease you both about it all the time
“Mum he’s just a friend!” You whine. “Gran she’s just a friend! That’s all!” Neville dismays. Neither guardian is convinced.
You get Neville a Herbology book and spend time drawing a few of his favorite plants perfectly for Christmas and he gets you a monocle that works like a telescope and shows the night sky any time of day
You go to Quidditch games together and you both put in the same amount of effort into Gryffindor spirit but something is always slightly off to you about the house system that you don’t really tell anyone
You sneak up to the Astronomy tower most weekends and one time Neville catches you saying “you shouldn’t be here you’re going to get in trouble” you take his hand and pull him up the tower and let his hand go, marveling at the stars
“Aren’t they wonderful?” You sigh. “So many stories are written up there Nev, and every night they smile down on us,”
Neville doesn’t understand your passion for the stars but he loves the way you talk about them, like you knew each of the characters in the stories that the stars told
One night you find Harry and Hermione in the Astronomy tower and you’re surprised. Now thanks to Malfoy you all have detention.
In the Forbidden forest you’re paired with Neville and Hagrid and you both set off, terrified. Neville hated the dark and you hated not being able to see the stars. You hear a noise from behind you and jump into Neville arms.
You’re both blushing and awkward. As you apologize and he stammers something about not worrying. Gee some Gryffindors you two are
You’re the one who finds Neville after Hermione immobilizes him and after you undo the spell, you two go straight to McGonagall. Again, you take his hand and pull him through the halls on the way to McGonagall. When he explains what happened, you beam because of course he’s a Gryffindor how can he not see that?
At the End of Year Feast he’s awarded the ten points that causes Gryffindor to win and you hug him without a second thought and now you two are blushing and awkward again and everyone laughs at the two of you.
You write to him over the summer and it’s really nice to have him to talk to. He’s a bit more honest in his letters than he ever was actually talking and laments quite often about his grandmothers expectations and that he’s afraid of failing everyone—especially his parents.
That threw you off guard because you didn’t know anything about his parents and he clammed up about the matter whenever you brought it up so you dropped it a long time ago. You still didn’t ask because well, you figured he’d tell you when he was ready. You also tell him that he could never fail you
You send him a photo of the little garden you’ve started because maybe listening to him talk all those nights made something actually stick and you weren’t half bad at gardening and a bit of Moon Lace (a flower that only blooms under the full moon) for his birthday.
Boy does his grandmother ship you two so hard “Ask her out Neville! Be a man! Treat her with respect! I’d always knew you’d find some lovely girl,” “Gran we’re twelve,” “Nonsense dear boy. When you find a girl like that you don’t let her go,”
Now Neville’s worried about being around you because he feels pressured and maybe he does actually like you but he’s sure you only see him as a friend and he doesn’t want to lose you because his grandmother is right, he doesn’t want to let you go
You meet him on the Hogwarts Express again and you two sit together and all of those worries seem to fade because you weren’t just his friend you were his best friend and he wouldn’t trade that for anything
You’re also sitting with another girl—Luna Lovegood. A first year who has her head in the clouds who then gets sorted into Ravenclaw and you three become the “Silver Trio”
When every girl is enamored with Lockheart, you roll your eyes and scoff and Neville feels slightly satisfied at that.
Neville can tell that you’re saddened because you don’t have Astronomy this year, so he tries to cheer you up by sneaking you to the Astronomy Tower whenever he can manage
You spend those nights telling him stories about the ancient gods and heroes that the stars hold, and he gets lost in your words wondering what it would be like to live back then
When the Chamber of Secrets opens you’re a bit more scared than you let on. The only one who knows that is Neville.
When students start to get petrified, you’re hardly seen away from Neville because you don’t want to be next
Malfoy teases you about it and boy does Neville go off on him surprising everyone even you a bit because you knew he was brave but standing up to Malfoy was a different matter that bordered stupid and you’re a goner because if you doubted your feelings for him before you didn’t now
Neville isn’t the best with comforting people so he normally just ends up getting you plants/flowers. You have a small garden on your bedroom window filled with anything and everything and you care for and name each of them
Third year comes and this time you’re enamored with the new DADA teacher and Neville doesn’t get it and neither do you really. But there’s something about Professor Lupin that just draws you in. Of course you have no idea yet that he’s a werewolf and thereby connected to the moon and stars of which you adore
You love Lupin a little more when he teaches the Laughing Spell and makes a fool out of Professor Snape on Neville’a behalf
But now you’re sort of really worried because why in the world the thing Neville fears most Snape?
When your boggart turns into a mirror Neville worries too because what in the world is that supposed to mean?
It’s a late night in the Astronomy Tower that has you both blurting out “why is that your boggart?”
You both look down, scared to admit what’s deep inside. Neville gives in first and begins to explain.
“Snape was one of You Know Whos most trusted in the first war... my... my parents were—”
“Neville you don’t have to tell me if you’re not—” you quickly cut in
“No, I trust you. And... it’ll be nice to have someone understand,” You take hold of his hand and listen earnestly while he tells you about his parents and how they were driven to insanity by Death Eaters and that Snape reminds him of that every day because all he sees is bravery of his parents that he can never live up to and the one who forced it upon him
You pull him into a hug and just hold him close. You had no idea, but now that you did, it out the world into perspective for you a bit more.
“What about you?” He asked softly. “Why...?”
“The mirror,” you sighed. “I... I hate my reflection. It... it reminds me that I’m never enough. I’m not enough for my parents... or my grandparents... or other people. That I’m not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, brave enough...” you hug your knees. “Nobody wants someone who’s broken. No one wants a freak,”
“I do,” Neville’s words are sure and confident. “You’re more than enough for me. You’re... you’re perfect...”
There are tears in your eyes and you wrap your arms around him.
Now when you by the off chance catch your relflection in something, Neville is normally right beside you and all your fear and worries about not being enough fade over the next few years
The Fat Lady’s portrait gets attacked and you take Nevilles hand without thinking because it feels secure and safe. You side by side with Neville in the Great Hall that night and you’re thankful for the night sky that’s projected on the ceiling
You can’t sleep so you watch the faux stars. Neville sits up with you and asks you to tell a story because it calms him and you and now there are a bunch of students and some professors listening to your stories.
You’re absolutely outraged when Snape steps in to reach DADA but you quiet down when Neville shakes his head, silently pleading not to draw attention to yourselves. You sulk and dive into the lesson because it’s very close to the lore you’re used to reading.
Then you almost drop your quill because you realize why Snape has you reading up on werewolves. “Hey, what’s Professor Lupins first name?” You ask stammering. “Uh, Remus, I think,” Neville frowns. “You alright?”
You nod and rush out of the room as soon as the bell ring and Neville is chasing after you because you’re normally not this skiddish/flighty
You grab a book from your personal library—a book on classical mythology—and flip through the pages. “I knew it!” Then you hear a crash and a yelp. “Oh stars, Neville,” you realize because you know for a fact he’s forgotten that the girls dormitories are enchanted. You race down and find him sprawled out on the common room floor.
“I’ll tell you,” you help him up. “Tonight,” then you’re at war with yourself because you don’t know how safe it is to be out in a full moon but you trust Dumbledore and Professor Lupin enough that later you and Neville are up in the Astonomy Tower
“A werewolf? You think Professor Lupin is a werewolf?” Neville asks skepically. “Yes,” you confirm and you’re about to go into it again when Neville intervenes “No, no I trust you. I do... but what are we going to do about it?”
“Nothing,” you whisper. “It wasn’t his choice... and he hasn’t hurt anybody...” “shouldn’t we tell someone?” Neville asks. “And out him? It’s not exactly easy to be a werewolf Nev.” you two just sit looking at the stars. The Neville reminds you that you both have an essay due for DADA for Snape.
“Oh! That wretched Snape!” You jump up. “Merlin! He’s making the entire class write how to kill werewolves for Lupin to read when he gets back!” You are absolutely seething and Neville has to stop you before you go and hex the stars out of Snape but Merlin does he love you for it
You refuse to write the essay. Instead you copy down all your notes about Roman mythology and Romulus and Remus and the She-Wolf Lupa and how all great heroes of Roman mythology start under the care of the She-Wolf
Remus is about having a nervous break down when he gets to your paper and now he’s sobbing because he’s reading your paper about heroes and wolves
You get full marks on the essay and Lupins deepest respect
Neville stumbles through an invitation to Hogsmeade and again you laugh and accept and then before you know it it’s not just you two but an entire group of third years and you two can’t help but feel a bit disappointed
He followed you around the book shop as you pick up books and flip through them and you watch him marvel at the plants in a nearby shop. He goes back and buys you the book you were looking at and you buy him the vine plant. For Christmas. Obviously. As friends.
The holidays come and you’re both hesitant to say goodbye because of the fear lingering over Hogwarts but you part ways
You don’t spend a day without thinking of Neville is okay over the holidays and you send him letters constantly. He’s always worrying about you
When he visits his parents that Christmas he sits down and tells them about a girl he met who’s full of courage and stories and how kind she is and stubborn and brave and how they would adore her
His grandmother over hears and doesn’t tease Neville about it, but she has a deeper respect for you because you really have captured her grandsons heart
Malfoy is being Malfoy one day and you’re about to punch the git in the face but Neville grabs your arm. “It’s not worth it,” he whispers, “he can be wrong, but I know you and you’re not like him. Don’t stoop to his level.” and Merlin if you don’t melt on the spot and somber up
You figure out that Neville has the biggest sweet tooth after catching him in Honeydukes and you ask your (muggle) dad to send you Muggle candies and sweets for Neville to try. He always shares them with you and prefers sweets that don’t have an air of danger to them
You meet fourth gear on the train and your heart skips a beat because he’s grown about half a foot and his hair is shaggy and a mess and perfectly Neville and he still has Trevor and it makes you smile
He’s also freaking out internally because you’ve grown a lot over the summer and you’re in a muggle tshirt and jeans with an MP3 player and he’s just... wow. You two listen to music on the train ride this year and end up falling asleep on each other
At this point everyone including you is waiting for him to ask you out and become an official couple and every time you think he tries to ask you he stammers and freaks out and doesn’t because you’re just so perfect and pretty and popular and he’s not and he’s sure that you like someone else and he’s not much
He finally asks you to the Yule Ball... sort of.
“He’s been practicing dancing alone all month,” Rom jeers. “Must be some girl,” Neville is absolutely red and you can’t seem to look away from your dinner because you think he’s doing it for someone else because why wouldn’t he just ask you to practice dancing? You were best friends anyways, of course you would help him
You ask him who the girl is totally not jealous at all and he goes red and quiet again and you’re really worried now because you don’t want to lose him as a friend if he does like someone else
He finally admits that it is you that he wants to go to the ball with and you just stare at him not expecting that at all because you were convinced he liked someone else but no it’s you. Then it hits you. MERLIN HE LIKES YOU
He’s fumbling for an explanation and that it’s okay if you don’t want to go and a thousand other things and you just pull his tie and press your lips to his to shut him up. It’s awkward and uncoordinated but a perfect first kiss
You both can’t stop smiling the next few days because you’re finally together and there aren’t any walls between you anymore and it’s just nice to have your best friend back who is now also your boyfriend
Oh and you’re also going to the ball together. You smile about that too.
“It’s... it’s not much,” you flush looking down at your dress. “And it’s a bit muggle...” “You’re perfect,” Neville cuts you off and for once you believe the words and him practicing dancing really pays off because he’s bloody marvelous. You two spend the whole night laughing and dancing
Though everyone is staying on campus for the holidays because of the tournament Neville asks you if you want to come with him to visit his parents on the holiday. You smile softly and take his hand, nodding
You formally meet Neville’s Grandmother this time, not just passing by at a train station. She starts to scold Neville about doing something, but sees you clench your fist and take his hand and she pauses. 
You’re nervous and it’s written on your face and Neville thinks that it’s because of the entire situation and that his parents are well... but you quickly blurt out “What if they don’t like me?” Both Neville and his grandmother gape at you. His grandmother recovers first “a sweet brave witch like you? How can they not my dear?” 
You can see that Neville’s smile falls the father you walk into St. Mungo’s, so you take his hand and smile. He doesn’t smile but he doesn’t look so upset any longer. His gran leaves you two alone as you walk into the long room
“Mum? Dad? This is the girl I was telling you about,” And your heart just breaks for the one holding your hand. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom,” You smile and introduce yourself. “You have a wonderful son, and should be very proud,” and you realize just how brave Neville is for the first time in knowing him and Neville realizes that he never wants anyone but you by his side because you make him feel the bravest
You do visit him this summer. He lives in a downtown flat in the outskirts of London with his Gran. He’s got a garden in the small space out back and it’s filled with the most beautiful plants the moonlace you sent him is in a window box outside his bedroom 
he’s got a jar of old candy wrappers sitting on his dresser and you give him a questioning look. “They’re from my mum,” He admits “I... I don’t want to toss them but I don’t know what to do with them,” “May I?” You ask and he nods, looking slightly worried. 
You take one of the wrappers and easily fold it into a tiny origami butterfly. “My dad showed me how... we used to fold our gum wrappers...” soon each wrapper is folded into a little butterfly and placed into the jar again. 
Fifth year seems like a total fiasco between Umbridge and the ministry but you and Neville both love DA
You know he loves it because he feels like he’s finally making his parents proud. “You do that just by being their son, I don’t care what your gran says,” You whisper one night, looking at the old photo of the Order of the Phoenix 
You and Neville both get very good at defense spells and though you can’t sneak away to the Astronomy Tower that year, you do go to the RoR on quiet nights by yourselves and it’s just a huge greenhouse with a glass roof and walls where you can sit and watch the stars and maybe have midnight picnics 
okay i’m calling bullshit on JKR again neville has a corporeal patronus
It’s a lion, let’s be honest
When he does cast the patronus you let out a yell of victory and so does he. Then you’re hugging and the charm falls but he doesn’t care. Your patronus might be a five foot butterfly but its fine and terrifying 
You steal his sweaters all the time even though you think they’re god-awful but they’re always warm and smell like him and soft and you like people including your reflection knowing that you’re his and he wants you and chose you
Neville only gets caught by the Inquisitorial Squad because Draco  throws you to the ground and Neville breaks his nose a-la-muggle then helps you up
At the Ministry you and Neville are a force to be reckoned with against Death Eaters and he saves you from Bellatrix because damn if he’s letting anyone else he loves get hurt by her
But you’re one step ahead and jump in front of Neville just as Bellatrix sends the Cruatius curse at him and furious, Neville sends one right back at Bellatrix before lifting you into his arms
You’re not awake but you’re breathing. “Stupid brave girl,” He cries, holding you, carrying you away from the fight as the rest of the Order shows up
He stays beside your hospital cot and refuses to be looked after himself by Pomfrey until you open your eyes. “Nev?” You rasp. “Stars! What were you thinking!? Running in front of me like that!?” He yells, pulling you into his arms. “Couldn’t let her hurt you too,” your voice is shaky and broken and he finds himself crying because he loves you. “I love you too Nev,” you whisper out
Then proceed to yell at him about refusing treatment and he laughs, wiping away your tears and pressing his lips to yours. It’s caked in dirt and blood, but it’s the best kiss and he refuses to let you out of his sight
That summer you go over every Sunday for family dinner and to just hang out with Neville. His gran hovers the first few weeks, but boy is she smitten with you because you remind her so much of Neville’s mother
He comes to your muggle and magic home and is amazed at the farm house that you live in in the middle of nowhere and finally understands where your love of stars comes from because out in the country he could see everything
He loves your cat Moxy and asks why you don’t bring her to school and you explain that she’s not a familiar, she’s just a normal house cat. And he swears that you and the cat have a language of your own and sees you two have full on conversations and arguments and just smiles because he loves you
Your parents love him so much and adopt him into the family on the spot. You show him some muggle flowers and plants that are your favorite (sunflowers, marigolds, loquat trees hydrangeas). You two spend forever binging Disney movies because he’s never seen any and you’re not having that and despite the war looming overhead, it’s a moment of peace
Sixth year when Neville gets the invitation for Slughorn’s lunch on the train you practically have to shove him out the door because “We always ride together, I can’t just leave you, I’m not going.” “Neville I swear to the gods go!” 
He comes back, slightly sulking and you ask. “Just wanted to know my for who my parents are,” You dislike Slughorn on the spot. “Or maybe he wants to know you because you’re a hero,” You brush his hair from his eyes. It’s not hard to get the smile back into his eyes and on his lips
Sixth year is relatively normal for you and Neville, despite all of the fear and rumors spreading about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. You are aware that the Golden Trio and the “chosen one” are up to something but for the moment you just want to go to Hogwarts, kiss your boyfriend, and pass your N.E.W.T.s 
And maybe you worry about Draco Malfoy a bit because you know he’s a prat but he just looks like death this year. Neville can’t deny that you’re right and aids your efforts to try and reach out to the Slytherin
Then Dumbledore dies and everything changes. Part of you regrets not doing something more, but part of you is grateful that you enjoyed the moments before, while you still could. 
Again you just want to punch Bellatrix in the face because at this point she’s frankly just annoying
You and Neville go to the funeral and you’re both stoic but gripping the other’s hand tightly. 
“It’s up to us now,” Neville whispers one night while visiting his parents, a common thing for you two recently. “Harry isn’t coming back next year.” You’re furious with Harry for skipping out on Hogwarts, but you know Neville is right, the school needs hope still
You two reopen DA and you start a support group on campus under Snape’s nose for the younger kids who need to feel safe and protected. The first years just break your heart because they’re so young and it’s just not fair that they have to go through their first year of Hogwarts like this
The Room of Requirement becomes a safe haven for anyone and everyone but especially you and Neville who really can’t seem to catch a break. You’re rarely apart when you can help it and have been sleeping curled up with another since the first week
You defend first years ruthlessly from the prats in Slytherin and still try to get through to them that it didn’t matter whose side they were on, this isn’t right and maybe Draco and a few others let you go a few times scot free
You and Neville still watch the stars whenever you can manage and story nights with you become a commonality amongst younger years who really just need a hero or fairytale to believe in and Merlin it does something to Neville when he sees first years curled up in your lap hanging on to your every word or fast asleep
You two are sort of honorary parents that year and all of the professors who still believe in the cause are on your side and giving you two anything you need to give to the younger kids
Patching each other up after “detentions” you decide somewhere along the way that if you ever make it out of this alive you want to do two things: marry Neville and become a Healer because you’ve got a knack for healing spells and potions
The Battle of Hogwarts finally comes and you both are more than ready for it. After helping the first years to safety you and Neville join the fight hand in hand. You’re terrified but you can’t help but smile at him because you remember a shy dorky kid from first year and now he’s a leader and everything you knew he could be
When Harry is pronounced dead Neville looks at you, despaired and kisses you. It’s desperate and fast then he kisses your forehead and runs out of the crowd to face Voldemort alone and you don’t know if you love or hate him in that moment
Luna catches you and boy is she string because you can’t shake her grip. “Watch,” She whispers softly. “He’ll be alright. He’s got a fighter’s spirit,” You want to argue and run out after him, but she’s right, he’s bloody brilliant on his own as you watch through tears
As soon as you realize that Harry isn’t dead you throw Luna off, call Neville’s wand to your hand and you’re back to back fighting off Death Eaters while scolding him about never doing that again “Yes dear,” He laughs. 
Then Nagani coils around your feet, making you fall  and scramble back, wandless. “Neville!” You scream, terrified. He looks around panicked for you and then at the ground. The Sorting Hat was inches from him, a silver handle with red rubies presented. 
He draws the sword and roars, killing the snake. You’re both panting and staring at each other. He helps you up and you pull him into another kiss before there’s an explosion behind you two. “We should...” “Yeah...” you chuckle and take his hand and dash off into the madness again.
The fighting seems to stop as Harry and Voldemort face each other down. You and Neville watch side by side, clinging to each other
As soon as Voldemort is gone you scream in victory and Neville takes you in his arms and you’re kissing again and for one moment everything is okay, because you’re both alive and free and it’s going to be okay. 
Then you quickly go around mending and healing those who need it, not stopping until Neville pulls you away from the infirmary and sets you down on a cot. 
“They need me,” You mumble into his shoulder as he takes a look at your wounds. “And they might appreciate it if you live long enough to help them,” There’s a soft smile on his lips as he patches you up and presses a soft kiss to each of your wounds.
There are too many funerals and too many tears and too many nightmares, but he’s always there beside you. And you’re beside him. You both expect to wake up in the room of requirement with Voldemort still alive, but it never happens.
You and Neville go and visit his parents again and together you tell them both what happens, together, because even if they’ll never understand the words spoken, it’s a reassurance to you and Neville that it happened and everything is over and that you’re alright
Neville still stammers through his proposal to you and you’re laughing and crying and saying yes because Merlin you love him to the moon and back 
You’re visiting his parents alone the day before the wedding and for a shining moment, his mother takes your hand and you see a light in them as she whispers “thank you,” then the light is gone and she’s back to her spaced out look
The wedding isn’t much, just school friends and professors and some family. Neville is in a sweater and you’re barefoot in your backyard with a bouquet of moonlace getting married under the stars
You speak on behalf of Draco at his trial and convince Harry and just about all of your friends as well, because Draco was a victim like the rest of you were
You decide that you want to open a place for all the kids at Hogwarts who need a summer/holiday home because it’s not safe at their homes or they don’t want to go home. Neville kisses you when you suggest it and starts looking into places to make your dream happen 
Harry offers Grimmauld Place and you cry and hug him because it’s perfect and soon all of the alumni from your year are working on fixing up a the place because they agree, there needs to be a safe haven for these kids
When he starts teaching at Hogwarts, you become a part of the staff as a therapist/Healer/on-hand mother figure to anyone and everyone. You don’t want kids like Draco or Neville or Harry to slip through the cracks, and though you can’t take down the house system, you can help kids while they grow up
You and Neville go out and see every new Disney movie in theaters, even before you have kids (and eventually you make your way to America to go to Disney World. It becomes an annual tradition)
You and Neville can’t have biological kids because of your injuries during the war so you adopt: first a little boy Perseus Frank Longbottom, then a little girl a few years later, Persephone Alice Longbottom. 
Every year on the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, you and Neville stop classes that day and tell all of the students the story, hand in hand. Everyone gathers in the Great Hall as the Storyteller and her Hero paint a tale of love and loss and hope.
Tags: @coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87@artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522  @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo@savingdraco@welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180@slytherin-emerald@chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey@theres-a-dog-outside-omg @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse@go-whovian-universe@spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @dietkiwi@katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen @mccloudchloe @hxneybgb@justsomerandomgur@belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms@howdycharlie@xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper@ninacotte@braelynn-j @jiggllyy @honeymarvel@darcypottah@atomicpunkrock @thiccheerioss @lottie289@boredashaeck@beautiful-pegasus @tceedlmao@deadlynyghtshayde@iconjuresnapeingrandmaclothes@anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @lunna-does-real-doodle@dragonsandbread@atomicwonderlandmentality @okaydraco @the–queen-of-hell @langdonzvoid @cmxreader @alienmotel @oh-itsnothing@tulippings @thestressedprincess @sunflowerxsadnessw@caps-wilsonn @fattycooter @angelotakunerd08@thisisahugemistake@fanficsigottaread @gweaslvy@okaydraco@strawberriesonsummer @ughjjloveme @honeymarvel @gaysludge@cleopatera @ray-of-sunrise @artist-bby@shadowsingeraxolotl@peters-legos @quillsareforwriting@ghostlytoadalmondhairdo@wollymalfoy @lilpieceoftoast @paper-cats @floweryjh @sdicapriox@slothgirl22 @peachesandpinks @riathearora @monimillion​ @hufflautia​ @livize75​ @annie-mcl​ 
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