#well honestly i don't know who would ever choose to ask for help when you either pay lots of money or maybe get lucky or pay more money and
stellacadente · 4 months
and that's on top of pinning my distress and suffering and the awful time i'm going thru on the fact i'm on hrt
#why are cis people so obsessed with our transition when it has nothing to do with the situation#why does every therapist psychiatrist and other professional keep asking me if i've “fully” transitioned#if i see any huge side effects#if i find it hard to adjust to changes in my body (it's been 4 years btw)#and then when i try and tell them hrt is going well and i don't have any problem in that regard#they ignore me and keep saying it's hard to deal with your body changing even if you wanted it to and it's understandable to be struggling#literally so so tired of this. you guys aren't even listening to me. you guys don't care about me#you only care about your weird beliefs that hrt is harmful and you're so uncomfortable with my transness (always have been) that you don't#even want to help me for real you just want to have the satisfaction of saying see i was right see you're suffering bc of your “choice” to#be like this#well honestly i don't know who would ever choose to ask for help when you either pay lots of money or maybe get lucky or pay more money and#try again until you hit jackpot or just get no help just transphobia from public healthcare#i'm tired. i'm so tired. and i don't know how to stand up for myself. i'm sorry i wish i was one of those trans or fat people who fight lik#hell to get the respect they deserve but i'm just a scared traumatized mentally ill person who struggles to talk to people#so i just get stuck in these feelings of helplessness and no wonder i let myself reach my limit and would rather die instead
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thef1diary · 7 months
Little Big Fan | Eight
— Little Big Allergy
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Note: I am not a medical professional, so please let me know if something is incorrect
"Don't you dare think about cancelling, you are going on that date," your best friend's voice rang out of your phone on speaker while you were choosing a dress for tonight.
You turned to look at the phone, as if your best friend was standing there, "I'm not going to cancel, I just don't know what to wear," you responded, placing another dress against your body but frowning.
"Wear that one sexy red dress you have, who knows, you might just get laid tonight."
You shuffled through your closet, finding the red dress in the back, which was expected since you didn't wear it in a long time. You held it out in front of you, "don't you think it's too revealing for the first date? Maybe I could wear this next time."
It was a backless, short garment with two straps. While the back was revealing, so was the front, which featured two cutouts around the hips and exposed a bit of cleavage due to the lack of material.
Your friend hummed, "so we're planning a second date as well huh?" You could basically hear her smirk on the other end. "Well I hope this date goes well," you reasoned, but the jittery feeling didn't go away.
"You and Max are already good friends who happen to flirt occasionally, what could go wrong?" Then after a short pause, she added, "actually no, don't answer that. Try your blue dress, I bet he'd like to see you in blue."
After almost every interaction you've had with Max, starting from the grocery store, you've told your friend everything. Which is why when she suggested wearing blue, you weren't opposed to it.
Putting your red dress back in the closet for another time, which was hopefully soon, you held a navy blue dress in your hand, examining it before holding it up against your body.
While this one, like the red dress, had two straps holding it together, it was longer, reaching a few inches past your knees and including a little slit down the side for convenience.
"Alright, this is the one," you stated and continued conversing with your friend while you changed and began doing your makeup.
"So Bella is at Tyler's?" She asked, making you nod before realizing that she couldn't see you. "Yeah, she'll be there for the weekend."
"Oh how fun!" You could hear the sarcasm in her voice and chuckled, "it's fine, she should be spending time with her dad."
"The same one who called her overdramatic? Did you seriously have to have a kid with a guy like him?" This was a conversation you've had with her many times, and you would always reply with the same answer, "we were young and immature, but Isabella is the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"She truly is, which makes me glad that she turned out like you more than him." You chuckled, "oh trust me, I am glad about that too. It would've been a nightmare if I had to see a little version of him all the time."
"So, speaking of Isabella, how are you going to tell her that you are dating someone who happens to be her favourite person in her favourite sport?"
You groaned, "I don't know, I really don't know. I can't stop thinking about it, because of what Tyler told me," you explained. "Are you still believing his words? Actually scratch that, why are you letting your ex determine your future relationship?"
"God, why do you have to ask such questions," you muttered, taking a moment to think about your response.
"I don't want to believe him, I have a feeling something else happened that day which he didn't tell me about. Plus he's not only my ex, he's the father of my child. I don't think of him as anything more than that."
"Honestly that asshole shouldn't even be considered the father of such a beautiful little girl," your friend stated, and you couldn't help but agree with her.
"Anyways, let's not talk about him, I don't want to ruin my mood before the night even starts," you comment, with your friend humming in agreement.
"You're right, let's talk about Max!" She exclaimed, making you chuckle. That's whom you ended up talking about for the remainder of the time you were getting ready.
Even though she knew all the details right from day one, she wanted another whole story time of how you and Max met, leading up to when he asked you out. Instead of opposing to repeat the story, which you don't even know how many times you've told her by now, you happily told her all the details as if it was the first time.
A few minutes after you ended the phone call with your best friend, your phone rang again which you initially thought was a call from Max. However, it was a call from an unknown number.
You answered the call, and you were met with a woman's panicking voice on the other end, "is this Isabella's mother?"
"Yes, who is this?" You asked first, calming down the inner voices that instantly thought about the worse possible scenario involving your daughter.
"I'm Emma, I don't know if you know me but I am actually at the hospital, with Isabella." You tightened your grasp on the phone, as it was close to slipping away from your hands at Emma's words.
"What happened and which hospital are you at?" You instantly began moving around your house, finding your car keys as you waited for a response.
Emma told you the address as you were leaving through the front door. "She had a severe allergic reaction, and I thought it would be best to bring her to the hospital. I am sorry for disturbing you, I wasn't able to get in touch with Tyler."
You took a deep breath in, knowing that it was bound to happen someday, even though you would rather not have it happen at all. "I'm on my way, should be there in ten minutes. Thank you for letting me know."
It would've been pointless to argue with her, especially since she was the one who informed you of the situation at hand and had the decency to take your daughter to the hospital.
You rushed into the hospital within eight minutes, a record time for you, and you might've broken a few speeding laws but it was for a good reason. It didn't take too long finding Isabella, considering she was in the ER, with a frantic woman standing nearby, whom you assumed was Emma.
As soon as she spotted you, her first words to you was another apology, "I am so, so sorry, I had no idea she had a peanut allergy." That led you towards one question, well more than one but you started off with just one, "what happened?"
She sighed, before telling you how she spent the entire day with Isabella. "One of my friends came by and dropped off some baked goods, I swear I had no idea that it had peanuts in it."
You reasoned that if you calmed her down, it would calm you down as well, because the increasing dread in your thoughts would not benefit you in any situation. You put your hands on her shoulders, "I'm not blaming you for it, you didn't know."
You looked at the doors leading to the ER, "how bad was it?" Emma hesitated before muttering words that made your heart ache, "really bad, she started swelling up everywhere and then passed out."
You tried to sit down, but the need to know her well-being caused you to walk back and forth in the hallway.  Your phone buzzed in your hand, and you were about to ignore it until you recalled something really important.
"Shit!" Max was calling. Of course he was, after all he was expecting you to be home and ready for a date tonight.
"Hey, I'm standing at your front door, are you home or?" He started and awkwardly chuckled, causing you to shut your eyes, imagining how the night was expected to go. He was probably holding a bouquet of flowers, looking like an idiot standing by the door because you weren't home.
"Max, I'm so sorry, I'm actually at the hospital." There was no reason to lie, but even after telling the truth, you didn't feel any less guilty.
"What happened? Are you okay? Is Isabella okay?" His response was quick, and slightly surprising but you've known Max long enough that his kindness wasn't as shocking anymore.
"It's Isabella, allergic reaction," you briefly described, and heard some shuffling around on the other end before he asked for the address. "You don't have to come," you told him as you normally did, but he didn't agree again, saying "I want to."
You didn't argue with him, as your heart warmed at the fact that Max wanted to see Isabella himself, and stay right by your side until she was completely fine.
Quickly telling him the address as you noticed a doctor walking towards you and Emma, you hung up the call. "Which one of you is the patient's guardian?"
You stepped forward, "I'm her mother, how is she?"
"It was an anaphylactic allergic reaction, however everything is under control. We've administered epinephrine but we will be moving her to the ICU for a few hours just for observation purposes in case the symptoms are back."
You let out a sigh in relief, as did Emma. "Thank you," you nodded towards the doctor. Once they left, you sat down, the anxiousness leaving your body.
Looking at Emma, who was standing against the wall in front of you, you had another question brewing in your mind. "Where was Tyler when all this happened?" You asked, remembering that she called you only because she couldn't reach him.
"He said he had an emergency meeting come up," Emma spoke her words carefully, earning raised eyebrows from you. "He left you alone with my daughter?" You had to confirm the words you were hearing and scoffed once she nodded.
"It's not your responsibility to take of my child, it's his. You're not her guardian nor babysitter, you shouldn't have to do that." Emma shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal, "it's not the first time."
"How dare he?" You muttered under your breath before standing up and stepping closer to her. "We both have epipens for situations like this, and I am assuming that since you didn't know about her allergy, Tyler didn't tell you about the epipen either?”
Emma shook her head, "no, he didn't."
His lack of attention, led Isabella right to this moment. If he had told Emma about your daughter's allergy, or even what to do when she has allergic reaction, neither of you would be this worried about her health.
Emma, having realizing the depth of the situation, sighed, "I haven't been able to get a hold of him and if it weren't for Isabella constantly talking about you and telling me your phone number to the point where I had it memorized, I wouldn't have known what to do in this situation."
You pitied the woman standing in front of you, especially as you also knew that it was not her fault. You cracked a smile, "she talks about me huh?"
"Oh yeah, she considers you the best mother in the world, and based on her stories, I agree with her."
Then, you heard Max calling your name, walking towards you in a rush. He instantly wrapped an arm around your waist as if it was an instinct, "is she okay?"
Emma stepped away, picking up her phone for another useless attempt of calling her boyfriend.
You wrapped both arms around Max, bringing him in a hug, "yeah, she's okay."
Once he pulled back, he cradled your face with his palms, "are you okay?" You smiled, and your eyes filled with unshed tears because of his question. "Much better now."
Then, Max noticed your outfit which happened to be the dress you were supposed to wear on your date. "Wow," he breathed, his gaze unwavering, taking you in.
He was also dressed up, wearing a suit with a bow tie, and you couldn't help but reach up to touch it, "cute," you commented, making him raise his brows.
"Cute?" He repeated with a questioning tone. You nodded, biting your bottom lip to prevent a smile. "Cute and handsome."
"You are beautiful," he replied, watching as you avert your eyes because his gaze was intense.
"Oh, Max, this is Emma," you decided to introduce them, and added, "she's the one who brought Isabella here."
Max raised an eyebrow in question, "I thought Isabella was with Tyler?" He asked, directed at you more than Emma.
"Well, he wasn't home when this happened, only Emma and Isabella," you stated, and Max gauged your emotions for a moment, quickly recognizing the underlying rage you had directed at your ex. Max knew you'd be discussing this later, in the safety of your own house, so he didn't ask you to elaborate. 
A nurse came by, "Isabella is now conscious, and asking for her parents," they stated, along with the room number.
Emma looked at you and Max with a fond smile, before turning towards you, "I think I should get going now that you're here."
A genuine smile graced your lips, "thank you, Emma, for bringing her here and for staying with her even without him."
"Of course, she's the cutest little girl and I'm glad to get to know her." Both of you stood still for a moment, debating on whether or not you should hug her. Then, without thinking twice you initiated a hug that was easily welcomed by her.
You waited till she left your sights before looking at Max, "let's go?" You held out your hand but he shrugged, "she's asking for her parents, you should go."
You stepped forward and grabbed his hand, "you're coming with me," you decided for him. Although Max didn't pull away, he asked, "what if she doesn't want to see me?"
"Trust me, she'll be happy to see you," you convinced him and walked towards the room she was admitted in while holding each other's hand.
When you entered, Isabella's smile widened once she spotted you and Max. "Mama, Maxy!" She cheered, though quieter than usual.
A nurse stood by her side, monitoring her health and checking the IV drip inserted into your daughter's arm.
"Oh my angel, how are you?" You dropped Max's hand and walked closer to her, lightly kissing her forehead. Instead of a verbal response, she formed a thumbs up with her hand.
Then she looked at the door again, "is daddy coming too?" Isabella asked, sounding hopeful. You shook your head, "no sweetheart, daddy is not coming."
Instead of the usual deflated mood, she shrugged, "it's okay, Maxy's here." She held her arms around asking for a hug, only flinching for a moment since she forgot about the drip connected to her arm.
Max quickly stepped forward, bending over to hug her. "All good, Bella?" He asked, once he felt her arms wrap around him tighter. She nodded for a moment then shook her head against him, "it hurts," she whispered.
He brought his hand up to ruffle her hair before pulling away, "you are a very brave girl."
"Really?" She asked, and scooted over a little so Max could sit beside her. He nodded, "of course! Very brave."
She beamed, snuggling closer to him before looking at you. "Mama, come here," she patted the other side, and surprisingly the three of you were able to fit on the very small hospital bed.
A nurse was constantly in the room, checking in on Isabella's health from time to time and since there weren't any repeated symptoms of an allergic reaction, the three of you were out of the hospital in a few hours.
Max followed you in his car, and carried your sleeping daughter inside the house. Instead of taking her straight to her bedroom, he laid her down on the couch in case she wakes up and needs her mother.
It was safe to say that you were not going too far away from her any time soon.
You were in the kitchen, filling up a glass of water when he returned. He stood behind you, with his hands trailing down your sides before resting on your waist, and his chin on your shoulder. "Did I tell you how stunning you look?"
You hummed, "maybe a few times but I don't mind hearing it again."
He turned you around in his grasp, "well, you look breathtakingly beautiful."
You blushed, "you and your compliments," you chuckled. "What's wrong with it?" He asked, but you shook your head, "nothing, it's just I'll never get bored of hearing it."
He smiled, "good, because you'll be hearing at least one every day."
You tilted your head to the side, "every day? Are you sure you won't run out?" He shook his head, "not unless you keep finding ways to make me speechless."
Both of you remained in that position for a moment but then you frowned, "I'm sorry,"
"For what?" He tilted your chin up as soon as you averted your gaze away from him. "We weren't able to go on the date."
Max let out a sound in protest, "I'm pretty sure your daughter's health matters so much more than our date night. Plus the night isn't over," he added with a smile, confusing you even further.
"What does that mean?" He parted away from you and it quickly made you miss the warmth that his body provided you. "Why don't you go change into something comfortable," he suggested, almost pushing you out of the kitchen.
You weren't opposed to the idea, so you went upstairs to change after checking on your daughter. You found the most comfortable pair of sweatpants and a shirt, and removed your makeup as well.
Walking back downstairs, you saw Max waiting at the bottom of the stairs for you. He had removed his blazer and bow tie, unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt as well.
He held out his hand, waiting for your hand to hold his, and although you were confused, you wouldn't pass up an opportunity to hold his hand.
"It's not much, definitely not up to first date standards but we'll manage," he commented as he led you to the kitchen table where he had prepared two packets of instant noodles.
"I haven't been on a date in forever so anything you do will set my standards." You smiled when you noticed the lit candle.
"Well, then I will raise your standards next time by taking you out on a proper date." He held the chair out for you, waiting for you to sit before rounding the table and sitting down himself.
It took two minutes before Max moved his own chair right next to yours because he didn't want to sit on the opposite side. You chuckled at his antics but it was much appreciated.
"What's on your mind?" he asked once he saw you visibly thinking. You shrugged, "I don't think we should be discussing these thoughts on a first date."
"This is far from what a first date should be like, so there are no rules. I know you want to talk about what happened at the hospital," he prompted and he was spot on, so you agreed.
"I can't believe he actually left Isabella under Emma's supervision. Not that there is anything wrong with her, but it's not her responsibility!" Max nodded in agreement, "where was he?"
"In a fucking meeting," you exasperated, eating another forkful of the noodles. "It must've been very stressful for Emma," you sighed, finishing your short rant because you truly had no words for your ex's irresponsible behaviour.
Still, Max listened to every word. Once you were finished eating, he turned your chair towards him. "We can agree on the fact that he is an incompetent father."
"Yeah, I don't even know what would've happened if Emma wasn't there either. He surely wouldn't have left Bella alone right?"
Max shrugged, "hey, stop worrying about what could've happened. Bella's safe, she's okay." He placed a palm on your cheek, rubbing his thumb back and forth in a soothing motion.
You nodded, "you're right." Making eye contact with him, you were quickly lost in his gaze. While it almost made you want to look away, you couldn't.
"You know," you started, wanting to divert away from the current topic. He hummed, urging you to go on.
"I don't really care for an extravagant date, all I really need is you. I'm happy with this, with us." He smiled, to the point where you could notice the creases forming at the corners.
"I'm happy with us too, but I will be taking you out on an extravagant date because you deserve it, as well as much more."
You rolled your eyes playfully, knowing that it would be hard to convince Max otherwise, but you could think of a few ways to try when the time comes.
"Thank you for being here with me," you added, needing him to know about your appreciation. Your words also hinted at all the moments he shared with you, and Isabella.
He seemed to understand your hint, "I'm glad to be here with you, both of you."
Taglist: (continuing the taglist in comments) @xjval @mrsmaybank13 @cherry-piee @urfavnoirette @solphin @burningcupcakefire @nessacarty1 @dreamsarebig @omgsuperstarg @fanficweasley @redbullgirly @llando4norris @wonnou @randomgirlnumber13 @dark-night-sky-99 @chanshintien @leilanixx @gisellesprettylies @peachiicherries @monsieurbacteria6 @67-angelofthelordme-67 @arian-directioner @distancedss @morenofilm @sachaa-ff @lighttsoutlewis @teamnovalak @casperlikej @sadg3 @d3kstar @lewisvinga @lpab @queenofmanydreams @glitterf1 @honethatty12 @drunk-teens-doing-drugs @its-avalon-08 @yourbane @oconswrld @noneofyourfbusinessworld @ssrcsm @softtina @hockeyboysarehot @formulaal @namgification @tallrock35 @bloodyymaryyy @formulanni @ellouisa17 @phantomxoxo
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ineffably-human · 1 year
The day Guillermo slaughtered a theatre of vampires, Nandor looked up and actually saw him. 'My name is Guillermo de la Cruz' burned like a silver knife in his brain. And that's the day Nandor started rooting for him.
Making him a bodyguard, insistent that's what he was. Watching him so carefully. 'Push back. Break the rules. Talk about yourself. I can't do it for you. If I do it for you then you've already lost.' Guillermo slapped him and his eyes lit up. Guillermo fought him, and he only wanted more. Guillermo said 'I can kill you whenever I want, I choose not to,' and it's what he was waiting for.
Nandor stands at the train station, feeling awake for the first time in months as he considers all the variables. The normal bite won't be enough, not for a Van Helsing. He'll have to drink someone right away, just to be sure. Will it feel the same for him, to hunt a human the way Nandor's watched him hunt a vampire? Maybe if they do it together. Maybe there's a lot that Guillermo can do very easily, if they do it together. Maybe there's a lot Nandor can do, very easily, if-
(...he's not coming. Well, familiars have balked at less.)
It's such a genuine surprise when he reappears. Why everything happened doesn't matter, exactly; Guillermo doesn't fight to get any of it back. He's so angry, so ready to leave, and by all rights Nandor should let him. But all he can feel is the instinct to stop him. Perhaps if he has actual love in this house, something to fill the void... Maybe there's one more thing Guillermo can do for him before his exit.
It's a strange year. Guillermo is not in his service, so much as he's a friend charged with service. His mind is so pulled in different directions - raising the Colin-creature, helping at the club, buying his gaudy new clothes that aren't vampire-like at all. Talking on the phone, sometimes in the other language he speaks, sometimes in secret whispers Nandor doesn't try to figure out.
If Guillermo doesn't want him to know, then he doesn't. He can't begrudge him a life outside this house anymore. It's like Guillermo has remembered how to be human.
Maybe he has. Nandor takes him to fight, wants to see that fire in his eyes again, but Guillermo only wants peace. They never talk about him becoming a vampire. Guillermo doesn't ask once. At the wedding, Guillermo promises to always be there when Nandor is afraid. Nandor wonders what 'always' means to him.
When he meets Freddie, things click into place a bit. Nandor is happy for him, truly. Suspicious, of course - this is a stranger in their home, one who clearly doesn't know their secrets. But such a kind and engaging stranger. And intriguing, like a little secret corner of Guillermo Nandor has never been able to reach. Nandor has been so lonely lately, he keeps getting everything he wants and yet he's lonelier than ever -
Nandor fucks up. Nandor fixes. Or does his best, anyway.
Guillermo goes to London one day, comes home with a look in his eyes like something broken. They don't talk about it.
Guillermo is back to dusting. He sits beside Nandor and smiles, placid and friendly. 'So, what's next?' But he doesn't ask. And Nandor can't ask it for him. That's not how this works.
And suddenly, Guillermo is a million miles away. Suddenly, Guillermo would rather be anywhere than with Nandor.
He talks about being a vampire for the first time in a year, but there's a strangeness to it. A wariness. When they laugh at the idea, he doesn't push back. There's no fire.
Something is wrong, honestly wrong, but Nandor can't bring himself to think about it seriously. Guillermo still runs from even the thought of their orgies. (So it can't be what he's thinking of, can it?) Their first big crisis as a household in a while, their bodyguard is nowhere to be found. (Is he a bodyguard anymore? A familiar? A lot more like Laszlo's familiar, these days...)
'I'm not going to be around forever.' Well, fine. He can survive that. He's survived far worse, and so has Guillermo.
And Guillermo is not just here right now, but is alive right now - wonderfully, blessedly alive - and Nandor won't be forced to think about his death for a while yet.
The one thing he knows for sure is that Guillermo would never do anything to hurt him, to hurt any of them. And maybe that's why it never worked out. You have to do so much more than survive, to be a vampire.
-- When everything that happened becomes clear, when his rage fades to anger fades to acceptance, there's still responsibility. Responsibility to his familiar, responsibility to his friend.
And when Guillermo's heart is too full, and spills over whatever bloodlust he had, Nandor wishes he were surprised. Guillermo has iron in him but it's been forged into a shield, after all this time. There are no little leftover bits Nandor might have helped him shape into a pair of fangs.
Guillermo can feed a family, or defend one, or defend himself. But he won't kill unless he has to, and his own survival - or his own happiness - is not a 'has to'. Fine. Guillermo has fought for him. Nandor can fight, too.
His own anger still needs a more constructive place to go. So he looks at Guillermo's wretched sire - who never even wanted to be a vampire, and then made a vampire so thoughtlessly. Who hasn't come to see Guillermo, who couldn't figure out how to help him, who doesn't even know that he's in pain.
Nandor drives a stake into the heart of a vampire. And it feels good.
Maybe now, he can also be angry at himself a little less.
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love-marimo · 2 months
Hiii Lili <3 could I request one piece character (idk for who you write, so u can choose!) reaction to a reader who is very normal looking girl (doesn't stand out from the crowd to say soo) but in battle/confrontational situation becomes a complete, very violent and dangerous, destruction machine?
The circumstances or if she is friend or foe, you can choose, whatever let's you more inspired. ✨ If you don't like or feel very inspired by the prompt it's okay, I just really liked your writing style ♥️
There is More Than What Meets the Eye (Monster Trio x Fem!Reader)
ー hello!! thanks for the ask. this is actually such a fun idea. i went a little overboard with this one lololololol. and i decided to go with the monster trio ♡ hope u like it :3 if you/anyone wants to read sth about other characters,pls lmk! i currently write for jjk, genshin and of course, one piece ★
ー as always, requests and commissions are open! ♡ (im bored pls give me something to do :'3)
cw: mentions of weapons, violence, and battles
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he's not someone who likes to expect things from anything, let alone anyone.
but he gets really amused easily.
(luffy is a big yolo person, and it shows)
he is naturally protective of his crew though, and that includes you.
but at the same time, he trusts that everyone is capable of fighting and surviving on their own, so he doesn't think much of your capabilities. he just knows that you're strong.
you had just recently joined the crew and you're figuring out how you can help.
you help with franky and usopp with the ship's repairs.
then you tend to the plants with robin.
then you help sanji cook lots of meals (because luffy eats like a monster)
and then you asked nami if you can clean the study room for her so she can make maps comfortably.
and after all that, you joined zoro to workout with him.
for a normal person, doing all these things would exhaust one at the end of the day, but in your case, you seem to never run out of energy.
the crew is thankful for your help, but what they didn't realize is that you never run out of stamina to just do things.
until luffy points out how restless you are.
"hey, don't you ever get tired?"
you were about to answer him when you noticed the presence of a few marine ships at your tail.
the crew panicked and prepared to change course.
when they fired cannonballs, you immediately caught each and every one of them and threw them back at the ships, causing a simultaneous explosion.
there was one cannonball that you almost missed, so you were quick to grab it.
imagine luffy's surprise when you crushed it with your bare hand before it exploded.
everyone pretty much had their jaws on the floor.
luffy practically had sparkling eyes asking you how you did it.
"wow, i never knew you could do that!"
"what other things can you break with one hand?"
"here, can you break this huge weight?"
you were confused, but you obliged, breaking the weight in half.
"so cool!!"
since then he would start attacking you out of nowhere, trying to catch you off guard.
well that never happened, so one day he'll mope about it.
"hey, seriously, what's your secret?" he asks, poking your cheek.
"there is no secret." you laugh. "i just like to train my body."
"well, that's boring." he complains.
after a while though, he smiles at you.
"i honestly thought you look weak. but you're strong, so keep it up!" he said, pointing his thumbs up.
you didn't know whether to laugh or feel offended, but you took it as a compliment.
it feels good to feel needed by your friends.
sanji thinks you're the most vulnerable person in the crew.
he doesn't mean to be condescending or anything.
but you just seem so… bland.
and it's not that he thinks you're so weak to the point that you can't defend yourself. part of him just assumes that you're average when it comes to strength and the other wants to protect you because you're a girl and you're pretty.
one day though, you're docked at an island to stock up on supplies and you forgot to tell the crew that you're going shopping by yourself.
sanji panics. what if something bad will happen to you?
something did happen to you.
you almost got robbed.
and sanji saw you manhandle the robber in a flash, and the next thing he knew, you were pointing a dagger to the robber's eyes.
it was so close and he can feel you wanting to gouge them out.
sanji hid himself for a moment, observing how you fight against the enemies.
you were practically raging, beating them up even if though they're already helpless.
one would try to beg for your mercy but you're pissed off. so you punched them hard in the face, knocking them unconscious.
sanji quietly had a nosebleed.
you were just so?? hot??
i mean you already are beautiful in his eyes but something about you being this strong turns him on surprised the shit out of him.
after you're done, you turned towards sanji, going back to your normal self.
"sanji! i didn't notice you were there."
"oh, i love it when you're violent and sadistic y/n-swann!"
he'll practically throw himself at you, showering you with compliments and following you around like a dog.
"forgive me for saying this, but i didn't realize you were that strong." he'll say.
"well, now you know!" you smiled at him.
instantly had heart eyes
"you are my beloved strong woman! woof!"
ever since then, he'll be even more batshit crazy about you.
every time you display your strength in front of him and the crew, it will take every bit of his will power not to pass out.
this man…
he doesn't look like it, but he's very good at reading people
he got it after years of travelling on his own as a pirate bounty hunter
he may not have a good sense of direction, but what he's good at is sensing the strength of his opponents.
given that he's in a fight with one.
it's something he honed over time, so that he can create his own strategies when in battle.
like luffy, he knows that you're strong, and you work well in a team or on your own.
what he doesn't know (or at least he isn't aware of) is the lengths your strength can reach.
he has a gut feeling that you never went all out in your time as a member of the strawhat crew. (he's right)
so his competitive ass decides to test you through a spar.
you get fired up by the idea, since you've been wanting to train with zoro for a while now.
"ready? i won't go easy."
what a cocky bastard tbh.
you're very focused on him.
you're literally the definition of "lock on" every time you fight.
after you took weapon of your choice, you began to spar.
since you're on the deck of the sunny, you were both careful not to use complicated techniques to avoid destroying the ship. but you both still gave your all, unwilling to show any blind spots to one another.
chopper admired both of you on the sidelines, and the clashing of your weapons were heard by everyone on the ship.
"hey, moss head! what do you think you're doing-" sanji tries to interrupt.
then you landed a blow to make zoro lose his grip on his swords.
you ended up on top of him, and you pointed the back of your weapon on his chest.
he expected this so he wasn't surprised.
he found it amusing even.
"knew you were hiding something." he chuckled, uncharacteristically admitting defeat.
"but i'm not! i guess i got a little ahead of myself. sorry." you say, looking away from him, a little flustered.
"what are you sorry for? your strength? you know that's a pretty useless thing to apologize for." he replied.
since that day, he respected you more, and you would train together.
heck, when you're on an island, you'll find spacious and uninhabited places where you can spar with him to go all out.
it almost always ends in a draw.
zoro would go easy on you on the ship because you both know that it's not ideal to fully use your powers.
so the times where you can both give your all, you both make the most of it.
he teaches you how to use swords, and if you already know how, he'll teach you some of his techniques.
much to your happiness.
"you're pretty good, honestly. you can easily catch your enemies off guard with how you look." he admits to you one time.
"that's kind of offensive. but i'll take it!" you laugh.
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ー Lolita
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cyberl6ve · 3 months
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ — Chris Sturniolo and Y/N L/N, childhood friends and YouTube stars, share a secret friends-with-benefits relationship and slowly become lovers. that's the story.
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⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧ : 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐰, the sun beating down relentlessly on the parking lot as we wrapped up filming for the day. I had spent hours answering fan questions alongside the Sturniolo Triplets, Chris's playful jokes and teasing kept me on my toes.
The last question of the day was always the most eagerly anticipated, "Have you and Chris ever hooked up?" Nick looked up at me after reading the question from his phone. I laughed it off, joking about how we were just friends with a very platonic bond, but as I looked over at Chris, I couldn't help the rush of heat that spread through me.
"But no we haven't" I declared, trying to keep my voice light and teasing. But my mind was racing with thoughts of how we had, in fact, hooked up in secret last night.
"Are you sure?" Nick asked, his tone skeptical as he shot a quick glance between Chris and me. "You guys are always so... touchy with each other."
"Oh my god, Nick! Don't be so weird," I responded, playfully rolling my eyes. "We're just close, you know that. We've been childhood friends for years, of course we’re going to be touchy with each other."
I glanced at the camera on the dashboard and let out a sigh. "And just to clarify for all the nosy people out there, there is absolutely nothing going on between Chris and me. We're just really comfortable with each other, that's all."
"And another thing," I said, growing more annoyed by the minute. "All these so-called 'fans' who keep insinuating that there's something more between Chris and me, it's honestly getting pretty disrespectful.”
"I mean, if there was something going on between us, we still wouldn't have told anyone," I continued, crossing my arms over my chest. "It's not any of your business, and it's honestly getting pretty intrusive.”
"At the end of the day, who we date or what we do in our personal lives is none of your business," I said firmly. "The only time you'll hear about it is during our YouTube lives, and that's only because we choose to share that part of our lives with you.”
"Thanks for understanding, moving on." I looked at Nick expectantly as he flipped through the messages. "What's the next one?" I asked.
Nick's eyes scanned the screen before he cleared his throat to read aloud: "What's the funniest memory we can all agree on that we all had in our years of knowing each other"
"Oh, I know a good one," Matt piped up from the driver’s seat. "It was when we were all still living in Boston. We had turned off the light and locked Chris in his room and after we opened the door he ran straight to Y/N, drenched in tears"
"He was so scared he thought he would have to sleep in the dark" Matt said, chuckling reminiscently. “Kid said he started hearing voices” Matt added
Chris rolled his eyes good-naturedly at his brother while the car erupted in laughter. Though Chris wanted to defend himself for being scared, he found himself laughing along, the amusement of the memory taking over.
Nick read through the next message with an annoyed expression. "Y/n can you give Chris a kiss," he read aloud, awaiting her response.
"Your mother." I replied, making the others laugh. Nick laughed as well, locking his phone. "Well, that's it for today's video. I hope you all enjoyed having Y/N here."
“Make sure you guys Subscribe so you won’t miss a video and like to let us know you enjoy this video!” as Nick was doing the outro Chris looked at Matt and gave a smirk before saying his line. "Say goodbye, Matt. Kiss the camera." Matt laughed but leaned in and kissed the camera, the screen going black as it turned off.
As the video ended, I suddenly felt my stomach growling audibly, making the others laugh. "I'm starving!" I declared, which earned nods of agreement from my companions. "I think we all are," Chris said, stretching his arms above his head.
"I'll drive! I'll drive!" I said enthusiastically, already making my way to the driver's seat. I glanced back and caught Matt's reluctant expression but shrugged and gestured for him to take the spot behind Chris.
With the guys settled into their seats, I glanced back at Matt, who gave me a thumbs-up before I put the car in reverse. I carefully maneuvered out of the parking spot and soon we were on our way to a nearby Canes.
As I drove, I found myself feeling more at ease with the boy’s in the car, the laughter and banter from earlier still lingering in the air. Before long, we arrived at Canes and pulled into the parking lot.
— ☆ —
After ordering our food, we sat down at a table, with Chris immediately pulling out his phone. "Y/N, come here," he called, making room for me in the shot.
Chris grinned as he selected the song, a popular track from his favorite artist, Lil Skies. As the music filled the restaurant, we both started lip-syncing to the catchy lyrics. Chris wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer as he recorded.
Chris and I finished recording and headed to grab our food from the counter, the delicious smell of chicken and fries wafting through the air. With our bags full, we made our way back to the car, sliding into our seats for the short drive back to the triplets' place.
As I pulled up to the driveway, Matt led the way as we headed inside, Chris and Nick following closely behind. We kicked off our shoes and made our way upstairs, settling into the comfortable living room.
We walked into the kitchen, placing our food down on the table before finding a spot to sit. Nick and Matt sat side by side on one side of the table, while Chris and I sat across from them. As we dug into our meals, a lively conversation filled the room.
As we all ate, I felt a sudden touch on my thigh, causing me to glance down in surprise. My eyes widened when I realized it was Chris's hand, but his face remained completely neutral as he continued to chat with his brothers.
My hand instinctively reached for my phone, fingers flying across the screen as I sent a discreet text to Chris. "What are you doing?! Your brothers are right here," the message read.
I quickly placed my phone back on the table, hoping to make it seem like nothing had happened. Chris discreetly grabbed his phone, glancing at the screen as he read my message. After a moment, his lips curled into a slight smirk before returning his attention to the conversation with his brothers.
Chris pushed his chair back and stood, announcing, "I'm gonna head to bed early. I'm pretty beat." He gathered up his trash and deposited it in the bin before making his way downstairs, the soft thud of his footsteps echoing through the house as he retreated to his room.
"Weird," Matt said, raising an eyebrow in curiosity at Chris's sudden departure. I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and gave a small smile as I turned my attention back to Nick and Matt, the three of us continuing to chat and enjoy each other's company as the night went on.
— ☆ —
Cuddled up next to Nick watching a movie, I was content and relaxed until the sudden intrusion by my phone. I glanced at the screen and smiled at the sight of Chris's name. "Ditch Nick and come to my room." I rolled my eyes and told Nick I was ‘thirsty’.
I made my way to Chris's room, the door swinging open at my gentle push. But before I could even take a step inside, I was swept up in a whirlwind of movement as Chris grabbed me and pressed me against the door with his body.
I let out a surprised gasp as Chris's body pressed against mine. But instead of pushing him away, I found myself intrigued. "Chris," I said softly, my voice playful and teasing as I tilted my head up to meet his gaze. "What are you doing?"
Chris's eyes blazed with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine as he leaned in close, his breath hot against my ear. "I need you," he whispered, his voice low and husky. I shuddered at his words, memories of our encounter flooding back to me.
But I knew I couldn't give in to what Chris was asking for, not with his brothers in the house. "No, we can't," I said firmly, pushing against him gently. "It was just a one-time thing."
But Chris wasn't about to give up that easily. He leaned in even closer, a sly smile on his lips as he whispered in my ear. "You can't tell me you don't think about it. How hard I fucked you, the way you screamed my name.”
I felt a rush of heat flooding through me at his words and couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. "Chris," I said, my voice a mixture of lust and frustration. "Stop." But deep down, I knew I wanted it just as much as he did.
Chris's eyes gleamed with triumph at my weakness. "Tell me this," he murmured, his hands roaming down my sides to grip my hips. "What if we keep this on the down low, between us? Just fuck buddies, no strings attached."
Chris leaned in even closer, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear as he whispered, "And just to make things interesting, let's add a little wager. Whoever falls first loses and has to do whatever the winner wants."
I bit my lip, feeling a thrill of excitement run through me at his words. "What makes you think I'll fall first?" I asked, my voice laced with challenge. Chris smirked, his lips brushing against mine in a teasing kiss.
"Because I know exactly what you crave," he whispered against my lips. "And I'm more than willing to give it to you. All you have to do is let go and trust me." His hands slid up my sides, his fingers intertwined with mine. "You can't resist me," he murmured against my mouth. “And I can’t resist you,”
Chris's lips curved into a sinful smile, his gaze locked with mine. "Tell me, do you want it?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "Have you been unable to stop thinking about what happened between us? How good it felt to have my cock buried deep inside you?"
Chris cocked his head to the side, his piercing blue eyes never leaving mine as he kept contact with my body. "Did you feel every inch of me, stretching you, filling you so completely? Remember how you screamed my name, begging for more?"
I remained silent, but my body responded to his words. Chris took the opportunity to press soft kisses down my jaw, his lips brushing against my sensitive skin. "You want more, don't you?" he whispered in my ear. "You crave my touch, my cock, all of me."
I gripped Chris's bicep, holding on as he lavished attention on my neck, his lips trailing fire wherever they touched. His free hand came up to tangle in my hair, tilting my head to give him better access. "Do you feel how hard I am for you?" he asked, biting gently on my neck.
Chris took my hand and placed it on the bulge in his pants, letting out a hiss when I touched him. "That's what you do to me," he said, his voice strained. "You make me ache, make me need to be buried deep inside you again and again."
His fingers intertwined with mine, guiding my hand to squeeze and stroke the straining fabric of his erection. "I want to feel your tight little cunt wrapped around me, Ma." he groaned, his hips rocking forward into my touch.
"Do you want me to take you again?" Chris asked, his breath hot against my skin. His hand still guiding mine, stroking himself through the fabric as I squeezed. "I could bend you over right here, right now, and fuck you till you can't walk straight."
I couldn't resist the temptation of his words and slipped my hand inside his sweats, wrapping it around his hot, bare cock. Chris gasped as I began to stroke him, setting a slow and teasing rhythm. "Is this what you want?"
I smirked up at Chris, my hand moving faster on his cock as I spoke in a cocky, teasing tone. "Do you want your brothers to hear how good their childhood friend can make their brother feel? How I can reduce a big, strong man like you to a needy, panting mess?"
I watched the look of pleasure twisting Chris's features, my grip still firm and steady on his shaft. "What if someone walks in, hm? Your brothers, maybe? Can you imagine how fucking shocked they'd be seeing their childhood friend making you moan?"
"You like that, hmm?" I purred, taking in the expression on Chris's face as my hand works up and down his length. His head tipped back, mouth open in pleasure, eyes half-lidded and clouded with lust. "Yeah, you fucking do."
I released my grip on Chris's cock long enough to grab his face, forcing him to look at me. He scoffed at the gesture, but I could see the heat in his eyes. "Look at me," I whispered, not giving him a choice.
"Look at you, such a mess," I cooed, tracing a finger along his cheek. "Will you be a good boy for me, Christopher?" I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm and affection. "Such a needy little thing, aren't you?"
Chris looked at me with those doe eyes, unable to hide the pleasure he was feeling. He nodded in agreement, a small whimper escaping his lips as I continued to tease him. "That's a good boy,"
I helped Chris down to the bed, his body pliant under my touch. Once he was sat down, I kneeled in front of him, slowly pulling his sweatpants and boxers down to his ankles. "So needy,"
Chris's cock sprang free, already hard and leaking. I wrapped a hand around the base, giving it a gentle squeeze before leaning in to run my tongue along the sensitive underside. He groaned, fingers digging into the sheets as I took him into my mouth.
"Slow down, Ma," Chris groaned, trying to keep his voice steady as I sucked him down. His cock hit the back of my throat and he bucked his hips, pressing himself deeper. "I won't last if you keep going like that."
I pulled back, a smirk playing on my lips as I looked up at Chris. "Shhh, you don't want Nick and Matt to hear you now, do you?" I teased, giving his cock a gentle stroke.
I went back to my task, my mouth enveloping him once more. I bobbed my head, taking him deep and swallowing around his shaft. Chris's rip on the sheets tightened, his knuckles white. "Fuck, Ma," he gasped, "If you keep doing that I'm gonna..."
Chris's breath hitched as he felt himself getting closer to the edge. He tried to keep his moans low, not wanting to alert Nick and Matt. His hand found its way to the back of my head, fingers tangling in my hair. "Shit, shit, shit,"
I looked up at Chris, admiring the way he was completely lost in pleasure. His eyes were glassy, his lips parted as he struggled to keep quiet. I could feel his cock throbbing against my tongue, his grip on my hair tightening as he neared his climax.
Chris's words tumbled out in a desperate, pleasured rush. "Fuck, fuck, shit... Y/N, just like that," he gasped, his voice breaking as he came hard. I felt his cock pulse in my mouth, spilling hot seed down my throat as he rode out his orgasm.
Chris's body jerked as he rode the aftershocks, his stomach muscles clenching and unclenching. His chest heaved, rising and falling rapidly as he struggled to catch his breath. I released his softened cock, giving it a gentle lick before sitting back on my heels.
Chris's hand went to my lips, gently wiping away any remnants of him. He gave me a smug smile. "You're getting it" he said, his voice still husky with pleasure.
Chris led me up to his bed by the hand, our lips never leaving each other. The clothes came off in a rush of urgent hands and tangled limbs, until we were both bare. With one swift motion, he threw them aside, not caring where they landed on his floor.
Our bodies entwined as we lost ourselves in each other. Chris's mouth claimed mine in a deep, passionate kiss. His tongue danced with mine, our hearts pounding in tandem. I could feel the heat of his skin against mine, the hardness of his muscles beneath my fingertips.
Chris broke the kiss, trailing his lips down my jaw and to my neck. He nipped at the sensitive spot just below my ear, eliciting a soft gasp from me. His teeth grazed my collarbone, but he was careful not to leave marks.
My hands found their way into Chris's soft, wavy locks. I couldn't help but moan his name as he continued to explore my body with his mouth. "Chris," I whispered, my voice husky with desire. He chuckled softly against my skin, the vibrations sending shivers down my spine.
I ran my fingers through his hair, gripping it lightly as he kissed and nipped at my neck. Chris's hands roamed my body, exploring every curve and inch of skin. He traced the outline of my breasts, teasing my sensitive nipples until I couldn't take it anymore.
Chris's lips left a trail of fire as he kissed and licked his way down my body. His hands skimmed over my hips, squeezing gently before sliding around to cup my ass. He squeezed and massaged the flesh, pulling me closer to him as he kneeled between my thighs.
Chris looked up at me with a wicked grin before his head disappeared between my thighs. I gasped as his tongue flicked against my clit, teasing and tormenting me. He slid a finger inside of me, then two, curling them to hit that spot that made me see stars.
I looked down at Chris, watching as he worked his magic between my thighs. My eyes were half-lidded with pleasure, and I couldn't help the moans that escaped my lips. I reached down, tangling my fingers in his hair as he sucked and licked at me.
Chris increased his pace, his tongue and fingers working in perfect harmony. He sucked on my clit, the suction making my legs tremble. I ground against his face, desperate for more.
Just as I was teetering on the edge, Chris pulled back, leaving me panting and needy. "Not yet, baby," he whispered against my soaked folds, his warm breath sending shivers through me.
He hooked my legs over his shoulders, positioning himself at my entrance. With one swift thrust, he buried himself deep inside of me. I cried out in pleasure as he began to move, setting a steady rhythm that had me gasping and moaning.
Chris covered my mouth with his hand, silencing my cries of pleasure. He leaned down to my ear, whispering, "Shh, don't want them to hear you now," as he nibbled and kissed my neck. I could feel the tension building inside me again, ready to explode.
"Tell me how good it feels, baby" Chris growled in my ear, his hips slamming into me harder and faster. He wanted me to remember how good he made me feel yesterday and every day before that. His dirty talk was a major turn on, pushing me closer to the edge again.
"Oh god, Chris," I moaned from under his hand covering my mouth. Chris was the only guy who ever made me see stars. He smirked, knowing he had me under his control. "You like that, baby?" He whispered in my ear, his voice dripping with lust.
"Tell me, does my cock feel good inside you?" Chris panted, his hips pistoning into me at a feverish pace. "Tell me how much you love it when I fuck you like this." He reached down to circle my clit with his thumb, pushing me closer to the brink.
Chris's words and actions rendered me speechless, my eyes rolling back in my head as I clung to his forearm. His pace was relentless, each thrust hitting me exactly right. "Oh fuck, yes!" I finally managed to gasp out, my nails digging into his skin.
Chris immediately captured my lips with his as I began to moan louder. His tongue thrust into my mouth, tangling with mine in a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his back, pulling him closer and scratching at his skin as he continued to drive into me harder and faster.
Chris's hands roamed down to grab onto my hips, his thrusts becoming more desperate. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, mixing with our panting breaths. "You're so fucking tight," He groaned against my lips, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.
Chris's thrusts became erratic as he felt his climax approaching, his dirty talk becoming even filthier. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Shit, your pussy feels so fucking good. Ma, I'm gonna fill you up with my cum."
At his words, I bit my lip to keep my moans from getting even louder, the dirty talk sending me over the edge. "Yes, Chris! Fuck, cum inside me." He groaned as he felt himself reach his peak.
With a final deep thrust, Chris release inside me with a loud groan. I could felt the intensity of his orgasm as he continued to pump his hips, riding out every last wave of pleasure. "Oh fuck, that was amazing."
As Chris's movements slowed to a gentle grind, I kept my grip on his forearm, holding him close. His softening cock still throbbed inside me, our combined releases trickling down onto his bed sheets. We remained locked together, chests heaving as we caught our breath.
Gasping for breath, Chris slowly pulled out of me before gently nudging my thighs apart. "Stay right here, I'll be back." He said, giving my thigh a playful slap before getting out of the bed.
I couldn't help but admire his toned physique as he walked to the bathroom, my gaze lingering on the perfect curve of his ass. I sank back against the pillows, feeling a wave of satisfaction wash over me as I listened to him rummage around in the bathroom.
Chris reappeared a few moments later, brandishing a damp towel. He approached the bed, his eyes filled with amusement as he took in my lazily sprawled form. "You look like you're about to pass out." He said.
I gave him a lazy grin as he gently wiped me clean using the towel. "Well, I did just get fucked by the Chris Sturniolo, so I think I'm entitled to be a little worn out."
I stifled a yawn as Chris finished cleaning me up. "And let's not forget, this was the second time you've fucked me."
Chris's eyes darkened with desire as he tossed the towel aside, crawling back into bed and hovering over me. "Trust me, I won't forget how good you feel around my cock no matter how many times I fuck you." He whispered, his breath hot against my ear.
As he leaned in, I threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. Our lips met in a searing kiss, his tongue tangling with mine as he deepened the kiss.
Breaking the kiss, I pulled back and started retrieving my scattered clothes. "I should probably head back upstairs with Nick," I said, trying to ignore the lingering ache between my thighs. Chris's hands came up to stop me, his fingers grazing my skin as he tugged me back into his arms.
"Can't you stay just a little bit longer?" He whispered, his breath warm against my skin as he buried his face in my neck. "Please?" He added, biting down gently on the sensitive skin.
I pulled away again. "If we want to keep this on the down low, we can't risk any suspicious activity. We shouldn't draw attention to ourselves." I warned, but my words were contradicted by the way I leaned in and kissed him once more.
The kiss was quick and passionate, a silent promise of the forbidden pleasure we would steal in secret. When I finally pulled away, Chris's eyes were dark with desire, but he nodded in understanding. I quickly finished dressing, tugging on my sweats and shirt with trembling hands.
Once dressed, I paused for a moment to comb my fingers through Chris's messy hair. He gave a low groan and leaned into my touch, his warm weight a comforting presence on my stomach. "You should go take a shower," I told him, sighing at the smell of sex mixed with the faint hint of his cologne.
Chris answered me with a soft, "I will." before he reached up and grabbed my hand, pulling it away from his hair. I chuckled lightly and gave him a small grin, before leaning down to squish his cheeks between my hands. "Good boy,"
I walked into Nick's room, still feeling the lingering warmth of Chris's body pressed against mine. Nick was sitting on the bed, his laptop open in front of him, and his eyes were narrowed in confusion. "Where the hell were you, girl?" he asked.
"I was just getting water," I lied, trying to keep my voice steady. "And then I went to check on Chris. We were talking for a few minutes and he was just getting into the shower, so I left." I bit my lip, hoping Nick would buy the story. He raised an eyebrow, but just nodded.
— ☆ —
We continued to watch movies, and I tried to push any thoughts of Chris out of my mind. It was nearly midnight when I finally stood up and stretched. "I should probably head home," I told Nick, gathering my things.
"See you later, Nick," I said, giving him a small wave as I walked out of his room. I slowly made my way down the stairs and walked down the hallway to Matt's room. I knocked gently on the door and waited for him to answer.
"Come in," Matt called out, not looking up from his screen. I pushed open the door and walked in, waving at the camera. Matt was focused on his live stream, his fingers flying across the keyboard.
"I'm heading out for the night," I said, trying to keep my voice low. Matt finally looked up, a friendly smile on his face. “You're leaving already?" He stood up and wrapped me in a warm hug. “I mean it is midnight already” I chuckled.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I promised, giving him a quick squeeze before stepping back. Matt nodded, his attention already drifting back to his live stream.
I turned away from Matt's door and walked down the hallway, my heart skipping a beat as I saw Chris standing in front of the open fridge. He was still wet from his shower, droplets of water dripping from his hair onto his bare chest.
"Hey," I said, trying to sound casual as I walked towards him. He looked up at me and smiled, his teeth glinting in the dim light of the kitchen. "Hi," he said, grabbing a can of Pepsi and closing the fridge door.
I chuckled, shaking my head. "It's past midnight, it's pretty late," I explained, feeling my cheeks heat up under his intense gaze. He smiled, taking a long drink from his soda before setting it down on the table.
Before I could take another step away, Chris reached out and pulled me close, his strong arms wrapping around my waist. His face hovered mere inches from mine, his warm breath ghosting over my lips. I froze, my heart pounding in my chest as I looked up at him.
He stared at me, his eyes burning with an intensity that made my skin tingle. I could feel the heat of his gaze, the electricity sparking between us. But he didn't move, didn't try to kiss me, just held me close and looked at me with a teasing glint in his eye.
I could feel the heat radiating off of him as he teased me with the possibility. I bit my bottom lip, trying not to whimper as a wave of longing washed over me.
"Your heart is beating fast," Chris murmured, his warm breath tickling my ear. His lips ghosted over my neck, sending shivers down my spine as he teased me. "Do I make you nervous, Y/N?" he asked, his voice low and husky.
His lips brushed against my neck, sending sparks of electricity through my body. I let out a soft gasp, my head tilting to give him better access. He took advantage, kissing a trail of heat up the column of my throat before his mouth hovered just inches from mine.
I couldn't help it. My eyes fluttered closed and I leaned into him, my hands clutching at his biceps as I tried to catch my breath. He ghosted his lips over mine, teasing and taunting me in the best way possible.
His lips were still hovering just inches above mine, and I could feel his warm breath against my mouth. "I know you wanna kiss me," he whispered, his voice raspy with desire. My heart was hammering in my chest and I couldn't bring myself to deny it. “Do it”
Our lips finally touched. My hands fisted in his hair, tugging him closer as I deepened the kiss. His tongue swept into my mouth, tangling with mine in a sensual dance that left me breathless and wanting more.
Just as things were getting heated, we heard Matt's door open and footsteps approaching. I pulled away quickly, my face flushed as I took a step back from Chris. He looked just as flustered as I felt, but he quickly regained his composure and cleared his throat.
Matt walked into the kitchen. He raised an eyebrow in surprise when he saw me standing there, but didn't say anything right away. "Oh, hey Y/N," he said awkwardly. "I didn't know you were still here."
I nodded, giving Chris and Matt a quick wave. "Yeah, just talking to Chris, but I should head out," I said, trying to play it cool despite the lingering heat from our kiss still buzzing between us. "Night, boys. See you tomorrow."
Matt waved at me as I headed towards the door. Chris, however, just stood there watching me as I descended the stairs. I could feel his gaze on me, and I couldn't help but steal a glance back at him before walking out the front door.
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 9 months
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Summary: Yule Ball is right around the corner and you still haven't found a date. Or at least decided on asking someone as a date. But your heart is set on a certain redhead who just isn't taking a hint and is as dense as a rock.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Song: Must be Love by Laufey
Warning: fluff, anxiety rant (reader stressed with school)
Word count: 4.8k+
A/n: honestly I started this around February this year and forgot about it... yeah that bad. I wanted to get it out of my system since it's been there for a while. This was actually meant to be part of my serendipity book but i still havent written the other chapters but I really like this chapter. Either way I hope you lovelies will enjoy it, Happy holidays<3333
Everyone was ecstatic from the announcement of the Yule ball. It was the first ever dance they were to have at the school and everyone was already starting off their plans on what to wear and who to go with. With the Triwizard tournament at hand, you were glad there was something to take your mind off the stress.
Training and helping Harry through all of the practices were starting to wear you out.
At the moment, all of you were in the Great hall simply studying. You were nearly done with your assessment when from the corner of your eye, you spot Fred throwing a piece of paper towards his younger brother.
Ron raised his head up in annoyance, wondering why his brother would want to disturb him. He opened the ball of crumpled paper and read the words "you better get a move on or else there won't be any girl to ask to be your date." Or something like that, he only skimmed through it.
Ron gave Fred an annoyed stare, "Who are you going to the Yule ball with then?"
Fred crossed his arms and sent Ron a smirk, "Well, I still have to ask them. I’m thinking on doing it really soon,"
Your ears prick up at his words. He's planning on asking someone else to the ball? Of course he'd be going with someone but you had always hoped it would be you.
Your heart sank at the mere thought he was going to ask someone else to the Yule ball.
Ron looked surprised, he thought that Fred had already asked you but he was wrong. He looked towards you, seeing you leaned over your assessment, looking like you didn't care to pay mind to what he and Fred were talking about. But in truth, you did care, you cared a whole lot.
"How about you Y/n? Who are you going with? Lots of guys have been asking you lately, it shouldn't be too hard to choose one." Ron asked, not knowing that this was sparking a little jealousy in Fred.
You looked up from your paper and looked at Ron. You saw the worried glances Harry and Hermione were sending your way.
"I won't tell you cause it's a surprise." You whispered back with a wink before looking back down on your activity.
Fred tensed up at your words, it sounds like you already accepted to be someone’s date. He didn't want to pry on who it was in case he might get his heart even more broken, but of course, curiosity got the best of him.
"Really? Why am I only hearing of this now?" Fred asked.
"Well technically they haven't asked me yet so I'm going to ask them instead." You replied courtly.
Fred seemed perplexed. They haven't asked her to the ball yet? What an idiot. Oh god wait, is she planning on asking that Beauxbatons girl? No she wouldn't, she would have told me.
"...so who's the lucky girl- or guy?" Fred stumbled on his words as he leaned in. He really wanted to know who it was, even if it was at the expense of his own feelings.
You look at him with a grin, trying to mask the slight nervous breakdown you were having within. It was ironic that he was asking about this especially since it was him you were talking about.
"I'm not telling you who it is, Freddie. Like I said, it's a surprise." You state as you finish up your assessment.
"Oh come on, you don't need to tell me their name. Maybe give me some clues? Like which school they're going to-"
You narrowed your eyes at him, knowing how stubborn he was going to be about this. "Well that would just narrow down your possible choices."
He started shaking your arm like a child asking their parents for a sweet in a sweet shop. "Come on, just tell me."
You shook your head and laughed at his dramatics. "Fred, you should finish up your activity."
"Hey, don't change the subject." Fred pointed out.
"You're not gonna do it till I tell you, huh?" You said with an unimpressed stare.
"Nope. Now can you at least tell me one thing?" He urged on.
You let out a sigh as you went deep in thought. Do you really want to help him in finding out who it is or leave him to his madness. You decided on the first choice. It wasn't like he was gonna figure out it's him.
"They're studying here at hogwarts."
"...Yeah, that totally narrows down the choices." Fred sighed. "Which house are they in?"
You chuckled, "like I'd tell you that. That would make it too obvious."
Hermione laughed from the other side. "Y/n, even if you say what house they're in, I don't think they'll be able to figure out who it is."
You thought about it for a second and realized she had a point. "Huh, you're right." You agreed with a chuckle.
"What's that supposed to mea- you know what, I don't wanna know. What I do wanna know is, who this person is." Fred was adamant at finding out who the mystery person was, and it was starting to make you nervous that he might actually figure it out.
He sat up once he found an alternative solution to his predicament. "Oh, I know, I'll name a bunch of people, and you tell me if they're the person. Okay?"
"What if I lied and said no even if they were the person I was going to ask to the ball?" You smirked, which was only returned with an unimpressed glare.
Fred was about to say something but decided against it. "I'll just do it anyways… is it Diggery."
You shook your head a no.
You cringed at the thought, no offense to Draco. Besides you knew he had his eyes in a certain Gryffindor. "Godric no, he's already planning on going with someone else."
Both Harry"s and Fred's eyes seemed to widened at the statement, Harry seemed even more surprised.
They both yelled out in unison, "He is?!”
Snape went in to scold the two for their outburst. Removing 5 house points from each of them. Causing the surrounding students to send their glares towards the two.
“Yes he is! Now hush the both of you!” You scolded as you continued with your work.
“Right, I shouldn't get distracted… How about that Freya girl?" He spoke her name in doubt, scared that he might be right.
You chuckled at the mention of her name, "No, she's going with her girlfriend."
Fred's heart settled at the realization, abit shocked by the new information but he was delighted to have that thought settled in his mind. That means you weren't going to act on your childhood crush. But then the thought entered his mind that it meant you were planning on going with someone else, someone he wasn't aware of.
"How about… Neville?"
"Already going with someone."
"He plans on asking someone else."
"Nice guy but no."
"He's going stagg."
"I don't know why I'm even asking this but, how about Lee?"
You immediately shook your head a no.
Lee perked up from his seat at the mention of his name. "Huh? I heard my name, what's going on."
George leaned over and told Lee about the situation.
"Ohhh, I see." Lee chuckled, "this is going to be fun." He whispered back.
"Godric...well uh, is it Louis?" Fred guessed. At this point he didn't know who else could be the possible match.
"No. He is a good option but no." You simpered on, wondering where this conversation was going to take you.
"I give up on doing this, just answer my questions." Fred continued. "Do you talk to them everyday?"
The question seemed vague enough for him to not know who so it didn't hurt to answer him. “Yes,”
Fred went deep in thought, why did he even choose this question? "Who would you be talking to that I wouldn't know about...
You all chuckled to hear his words, he may seemed to be really observant when it came to you but completely oblivious at the same time.
"Oh wow Fred, you take note of who y/n talks to everyday?" George teased, though Fred didn't really see it that way.
"So what? I'm with her almost all the time, I would know who she'd be talking to." Fred explained.
"You aren't with her all the time. What about during class hours?" Hermione stated.
Fred looked dumbfounded, he didn't think of that.
Harry leaned over to you, making sure no one else heard him other than you, "I wonder how long it's going to take for him to realize it's him."
"Give it 2-3 business days." You replied with a chuckle.
Fred turned back to you with another question in mind. "What does their name start with?"
You shook your head with a chuckle. "I'm not going to answer that."
"Ugh, fine. Are they taller than you?"
You laughed at his question, "Yes." By a lot.
"That question doesn't even help. Lots of people are taller than Y/n." Harry commented earning a smack on the head from you. You caught Fred laugh at his joke which you used to your advantage.
You gasped and feigned an insulted look, "Okay, ouch. I was just thinking about telling you who it was but I changed my mind." You scooted away, with a false pout.
Fred laughed, trying to pull you back to him by pulling you by the waist. "I'm only joking, love."
You replied with an eye roll, trying to conceal the grin that slowly crept onto your lips.
You began packing your things before facing Fred again, "Seeing as you're not doing the activity, I'm going to go and spend the rest of the period outside."
“Oh come on, tell me who it is.” Fred stated with a pout as he theld onto your hand to keep you from leaving.
“Like I said before, no.” You replied with a teasing grin before grabbing the rest of your things.
You stood up from your seat and handed in your paper to Snape. He seemed to have been listening in on your conversation. He seemed to find your conversation quite amusing.
"If that Weasley boy doesn't ask you soon, I think it's better you accept Diggery's offer." He suggested in his usual monotone voice but there was this spark of interest in his eyes on the topic which surprised you.
“Professor Snape!” You laughed, surprised by this side of your professor.
“I'm just saying,” He simply shrugged before walking off with your work.
The following day was hectic, more so than usual.
Most of the classes were finishing up their lessons so that during the holiday break you'd all be free from the burdens of school work. But it didnt help when they just piled more school work over the other to cram everything in one go.
Things seemed worse for you since you had decided to take up more classes this year. Not just that, but you somehow tangled yourself into becoming a some sort of charm fixer for the younger years whenever they'd mess up a spell.
And because Harry got himself stuck with being a triwizard champion for Hogwarts. You had to help him with spells and charms just so he could survive the challenges. You wouldn't be able to to live with yourself if anything were to happen to him under your watch.
As the holiday's were approaching, the only decent things about your schedule was the dance classes in between subjects. You had already learned how to waltz when you were a girl. Your parents weren't ones to host glamorous balls but your grandparents were. You had fond memories of your dance classes during your summers spent abroad. Twirling endlessly in studios till your head wouldn't stop spinning.
McGonagall appeared at the front of the hall and cleared her throat to call the attention of the crowd. "find your partners everyone, we will begin shortly."
Everyone began scattering across the room searching for their partners. You had the tendency to switch partners every now and then since the boys kept asking if you could show them the steps to the dance. You didn't mind, even if it meant getting your toes stepped on every now and again.
As you looked across the room, you wondered who you would be dancing with this time. Your own question was answered when your hand was suddenly grabbed and you were twirled around to be flush against someone's chest.
"Freddie!" You laughed, the wind was nearly knocked out of you from the sudden turn.
"You don't mind having this dance with me, do you love?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
You shook your head with a grin, "No, I don't mind at all."
Your hands were intertwined as your other hand rested on his shoulder and his hand grasped your waist. There was no tense atmosphere compared to the other boys who always seem to stray away from their confident selves when around you. But not Fred, no. He was always his true self around you.
The music began playing and echoed through the hall. Light footsteps pattered across the floor as people tried to find their footing. Some seemed to struggle more than others but that wasn't the case for you and Fred.
The two of you danced across the floor in sync. The two of you paid little mind to everything around you as you both were lost in your own world. Like your heart harmonised with the beat of his heart and that was the only rhythm you guys needed to dance.
"You've improved since the last time we've danced." You teased as you continued your steps.
Fred rolled his eyes at the memory of his poor attempt at trying to dance the waltz with you during one of your grandparents balls. He didn't exactly want to be there in the first place let alone dance a waltz he's never learned. But he didn't want to leave you there alone either. You wanted to dance, so he danced with you.
"Careful, I might step on one of your toes again." He taunted as he went along with your teasing.
You shook your head with a laugh. You had hoped that he would be your date for the ball. When he accompanied you to your grandparents' ball, it was like something out of a fairy tale. Though he stepped on your toes once or twice, it was all worth it. Especially when around the end, the two of you were left alone out in the gardens to stargaze the rest of the night.
Maybe, just maybe he would ask you to the ball.
Fred knew from your silence, you were stuck in thought. "You're still not going to tell me who it is?"
Your eyes snapped back to him, "Who?"
"The one you're taking to the ball." He replied almost in a whisper. At this point he wondered if he should still be asking about who it is. Is he really going to subject himself to this hurt?
Your eyes softened at his question. "Freddie..." you could tell him the truth. You could tell him that the guy you most desperately want to go to the ball with was him. But you were too scared to do so. Godric forbid you had any bravery left in you to tell him your true feelings.
You could casually ask him to the ball. Make nothing of it. To go as friends. But something in your gut told you that if you went together, things would be different. Things were different.
You weren't just little kids anymore. You were both at that stage in your life where love and relationships were the main focus of everyone's lives. If you screw up things with Fred, you'd probably spiral into a mess.
"You don't have to tell me. Just make sure to save me a dance, alright?" You could feel the defeat sink into his voice. But before you could do anything about it you were pulled away by another person to continue the waltz.
You caught a glimpse of Fred and you could feel your heart start breaking. You wanted to tell Fred but was it really worth the cost?
It had been two days since Fred had questioned you about the mystery guy and you thought he just dropped the topic and forgot, but you were wrong.
Truth was, it was all he could think about. He didn't even try to ask you to go with him to the ball that day because he was scared he was going to get shot down.
And if you were being honest, he was all you could think about too. Not just on the fact that he was so adamant at knowing who the mystery person was, but also because he too had someone on his mind on who to ask for the ball.
If there was already someone he planned on asking, why even bother asking him to be your date to the ball? You felt hopeless and most of all, stupid for ever thinking you had a chance at asking Fred to the ball.
These thoughts consumed you to the point you didn't even want to try to sleep anymore. You just laid there on your bed, staring at the ceiling. Eventually you got hungry and tired of your own thoughts.
You got up from your bed and slowly crept away from the girl's dormitory, being careful not to wake anyone up, especially Stark. Godric knows how grumpy that cat gets when he gets woken up. You didn't currently have the map with you since it was with Harry but you didn't mind. You've basically engraved the school's layout in your mind.
You eventually reached the portrait and got out. It wasn't totally pitch black but it would help to have a little light help guide your way.
As you walked through the empty hallways, you couldn't help but think about all the things that were troubling you these last few days. I guess lots of things have been bothering you lately. You didn't exactly know where to start.
The thought that Harry was constantly being placed out into the line of danger and you not being able to help him is killing you. You have always been there to protect him and help him out but with the stupid Triwizard tournament rules getting in your way, you can't do anything about it.
Your stroll eventually led up to the kitchens, quickly grabbing a few snacks and bidding daisy and the other elves goodbye before going around the castle again. You missed these peaceful silences.
In all honesty you were suffocating from all of the school work and activities brought by the Triwizard tournament. You may not have been part of them but your professors seemed to have the impression that you were capable of handling lots of extra school tasks.
Like helping lead the class in dance classes in preparation for the Yule ball since you had experience in ball dancing. Assisting in charms classes in the lower years in your free time. Being a sort of ambassador for the foreign students seeing as you can speak French and russian. As if already having to deal with your normal studies and Quidditch wasn't enough.
You liked that they thought of you as a responsible student but you were juggling so many things that you rarely had the time for anything fun anymore. While your friends were off pranking, you were stuck helping second years undo charms that went wrong. While Kayla, Pansy and Mione were doing their usual "book club" sessions, you were busy helping Harry figure out how to do certain spells.
Your mind was so wrapped up in all your worrying that you didn't even realize that your footsteps led you to Monty. You grinned at the sight of the tree.
"Hello old friend." You greeted as you sat at the root of the tree.
You snacked on your food as you contemplated in silence. Though the tight feeling was still present in your chest, it felt comforting to be in a place that made you feel safe.
You leaned your head back on the tree and looked up at the star covered sky. You missed star-gazing. With all of the chaos, you haven't been able to star-gaze in a while.
Like a gush of fresh air passing you, you knew a presence was nearby. One that you were all too well familiar with.
You turned your head to look at him with a light grin. There he stood in his plaid pajamas and initial sweater.
"How come you always manage to find me?" You asked, tilting your head with a chuckle.
"I should be the one asking why you're always wandering off, in the middle of the night no less." Fred replied as he sat down next to you.
You both sat there quietly; looking up at the stars, mostly lost in thought. That was until Fred decided to break the silence.
"Why are you up so late? I know you don't usually sleep early but even 3 am is a stretch for you.” Fred stated as he pointed at his watch. ”What's on your mind, Carrington?"
A concerned look fell on your face, you didn't realize that much time passed already. You let out a sigh, you knew you were going to end up exhausted the next day.
"Honestly?" You inquired.
Fred nodded at you with sincerity, he had all his attention focused on you.
You sighed and suddenly the words just poured out of you, "it's just… so much is happening and I don't know how to deal with it all. I have to assist the younger years in charms, quidditch training, normal classes, foreign students and- il se passe trop de choses et j'ai l'impression que je vais pleurer et crier mais-" (too much is happening and i feel like I'm going to cry and scream but-). You paused, forgetting that Fred didn't know a lick of French.
"Fuck sorry, I didn't mean to do that." You apologized as you sunk your face into your hands.
"No, no, it's okay. Just keep going. I'll listen, even though I don't understand a single word of french. I'll be here to listen." He replied as he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him.
You nodded as you continued on in your rant, the words were all coming out like a broken dam. "It's just that so much is going on and pour l'amour de la merde, you'd think they'd give a 4th year a break. I feel like I'm on the verge of breaking down every minute but I won't let myself go because there's still so much meant to be done."
You haven't really told anyone about how stressed you've been feeling lately and it felt so great to actually tell someone. Fred nodded along as he listened to you. There was this look on his face, as though he hung on every word you said, regardless if it was in a foreign language.
"Oh darling, I'm so sorry you've been doing all that work. They should be paying you at this point. Is there anything I can do to lessen the load?" Fred asked as he brushed and stroked your hair.
You sighed and closed your eyes, "unfortunately, no."
He tilted his head, as if not believing what you said. “Are you absolutely sure? Cause you know me, I can give Minnie and Alby a piece of my mind.”
“Thanks for the offer but I'm sure I can handle it." You leaned your head on his shoulder in defeat.
"I know you can, but it doesn't mean you have to." He replied, rubbing his hand over your arm.
All these years, he's been by your side through it all. Through all the Voldemort nonsense, through the injuries, through the nightmares, everything.
"Freddie." You whispered.
"Yeah, love?" He replied.
"Thank you."
He faced you with this puzzled look, "For what?"
You gave him a simple shrug, thinking the answer was already obvious. "For just being there for me."
Fred's features softener and pulled you in closer to his side. "Anything for you, darling. You know that."
“I do…I hope you know the same applies to you.” You replied as you looked up at him.
“I do.” He nodded as he looked up at the stars. They were incredibly bright tonight, he wondered if you always wandered out here just to look at the stars to clear your head. That would explain why he would always find you here.
“When was the last time we went stargazing together?”
You grinned at the memory, “last summer when we went camping on the reserve.”
“We should do it again.” He replied, his eyes still glued to the stars.
You look at him with a cheek aching smile, “yeah, we should.” He may have meant the stars in the sky, but to you, it meant the freckles that were scattered across his cheeks like constellations. Those were the stars you were willing to spend endless nights studying.
“Can we just look at the stars while they're still out?” He laced his fingers between yours, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
“Okay.” You replied, snuggling yourself closer to Fred to get comfy as you looked up at the sky.
And that's what you both did till dawn came. The sky twisting in colors of peach and purple as the sun slowly rose over the grounds of Hogwarts. It was a quiet morning, and for once your mind was quiet too.
Maybe it had something to do with the boy whose shoulder you were resting your head on or the peaceful ambience the morning brought you. You didn't really care, you were happy and that was it.
You couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of confidence flow through you. It could have been your mind lacking sleep but everything that was holding you back from telling Fred about your feelings just flew out the window.
You wanted to tell him, and you wanted to tell him now.
You sat up and turned to Fred in a rushed motion. Your movements startled the boy but he was left waiting for whatever you were about to do.
“What's wrong, love?” He asked you, surprisingly not as sleepy as you expected him to be.
“Remember what I said about that person I was going to ask to the Yule ball?” You hesitated with your words. You weren't even sure if you were thinking straight. You prayed that whatever words formed in your head would be the right words to say to Fred.
Fred tensed at your words. He nodded slightly, hoping that the next words that would leave your mouth wouldn't hurt too much.
“Well…” You felt your throat go dry but you were already in too deep, you had to commit. “To tell you the truth, they're really really really dense. And honestly I don't even know why they would even want to go with me if the opportunity presented itself but-.”
Fred's forehead creased at your words, who wouldn't want to go with you to the ball? That would be like turning down the chance to enter heaven. “Why'd you think that, love? Anyone lucky enough to even be in your sights should be thanking God or whatever force for putting you on this earth.”
You felt your cheeks go bright red and your heart beat ten times faster. You weren't even sure if you could have controlled it with Fred's words just pouring out of his mouth like they just came to him naturally. He didn't even stop there. Once he started he couldn't stop.
“I mean look at you, I don't think I can think of anyone else in the whole entire world that could even come close to how perfect you are. I mean sure, you're basically a night owl with how little you sleep because you'd rather read than have a decent amount of sleep,”
You laughed at his little comment, shoving him slightly in the shoulder, but that didn't stop him from continuing his rant.
“You literally land in the hospital wing every week or so because you'd rather put yourself in harm's way than others. And you don’t even like sharing your cookies but you still do. You even ask your grandmother to send more cookies just so you can share more of them. All these things I just listed down are just more reasons why you’re perfect- and why I love you.” He let those words slip past his lips so quickly he barely even registered them. By the time he realized what he said he knew he couldn't take them back, nor did he want to.
“And yes, I love you… and not just in a friend way but the “I love you so much that if you're not around I can't breathe and the mere thought that you probably like someone else is killing me”... way.”
You were left speechless. You felt like a complete idiot at that moment. You both were fools from the start. How couldn't you have seen the signs?
He was the only one there for you when no one else was. That time you landed in the hospital wing after a full moon incident from helping your uncle moony, he was the one who stayed by your side all those nights.
When you got a cold after a snowball fight with the Weasley’s over the holidays, Fred visited you nearly everyday at the Manor to check on you before he too caught a cold. Then it was your turn to take care of him.
When you got detention from getting caught for a prank you pulled, Fred got himself detention so you wouldn't be alone.
Fred felt his chest tighten at the silence, you haven't said a thing in the last few seconds and it was terrifying. “I know you probably don't feel the same-”
Finally, you snapped out of your self inflicted scolding and reached over with one hand to keep you up and the other on Fred cheek. “My god you are dense.” with that, your lips crashed into his and suddenly everything fell into place.
All the years of pining. All the endless hours of you avoiding and hiding your feelings when all along, the both of you were just too scared of saying how you felt.
His hand slipped over to your cheek while his other hand gripped your waist. He couldn't even process his thoughts about what was happening. Was this actually real? Was this a dream? Was he even awake?
His thoughts were silenced when you pulled away just slightly to let out a small whisper, something that was meant for him and him alone, “I love you too.”
A grin grew on Fred's lips, going up ear to ear. It felt like hearing your favorite song for the first time. You loved him. He couldn't believe it. Fred pulled you in for another kiss but it was difficult from how he just couldn't stop smiling.
“Really?” He asked, his voice heavy with bliss and giddiness. It was like the whole world just lit up for him. He really couldn't believe it.
You let out a light laugh at the sight, “Yes, really.” Before placing a peck on his lips.
“Are you absolutely sure?” He asked again, this time with a smirk and his usual tone of arrogance. Sure he still couldn't fully wrap his head around the thought that you, the girl of his dreams, actually loved him back. But that still didn't stop him from teasing the living daylights out of you.
You pondered on the question further, knowing how Fred loved to play this game. Your silence only furthered the fun when Fred began to grow impatient. “On second thought…”
Fred let out a chuckle before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you up to his lap, “Nice try love. You've already said the words. You can't take them back.”
You rolled your eyes jokingly before facing him with a cheek aching grin, “oh no, what shall I ever do?” You replied with feigned fear before letting out another laugh.
Fred leaned over to your cheek, his nose barely grazing over the surface of your cheek. “How about I take you to the ball as…your boyfriend?”
You pulled away with a grin, "Are you sure?”
Fred looked off into the distance and tapped his finger over his chin, “Hmmm, you know on second thought-”
You let out a laugh before resting your hands at the back of his neck, “Nuh uh, you already said the words, Freddie. You can't take them back.” You repeated his words back to him with a smirk.
He pulled you in for another kiss to wipe away that smirk. But he then pulled away, just slightly, “You have my heart, love. I don't think I'll be able to take that back either.”
Feeling the blush rush up to your cheeks, you could only hide your flustered state in the crook of his neck. Now it was his turn to smirk.
“Don't get shy on me now, love.” Fred spoke as he hugged you tight. He thought that this was just too good to be true. He thought that maybe if he didn't hold on tight enough, all of this would cease to exist and reveal itself to be a dream.
You lifted your head out of the crook of his neck, only to feel the heat rush back to your cheeks. Seeing as the sun was rising up already, the blush was much more evident on your cheeks.
Fred looked at you with a soft smile, it was finally sinking in. He was finally yours, and you were finally his. And though the two of you may be dense, Godric knows Fred is never going to let you forget he loves you.
"I love you so much."
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waitingonher · 1 year
hiii!! I saw your Percy x Hecate reader and was wondering if you could do a percy x Aphrodite reader?? 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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percy jackson dating a child of aphrodite
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pairing: percy jackson x reader
content warning: coupley things
word count: 916
author's note: hi!! sorry this took so long (finals r around the corner) enjoy tho! i also put my own gas station order in this LOL
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you and percy have got to be the most attractive couple on the planet. honestly, it’s an unspoken camp rite of passage to have a crush on at least one of you two. everyone literally has their own story about how they have/had a crush on either you or percy (or both) it’s crazy. 
percy is such a green flag!! 
HE FOLLOWS THE SIDEWALK RULE. no matter where you are, you WILL be walking on the inside. 
you could be on a super dangerous quest being chased by monsters and percy would still make sure he’s running on the outside. like i’m pretty sure being ran over is the least of your worries… but it’s still cute.
percy is actually so obsessed with the fact that you can speak french/other romance languages. he’d make up any excuse just to hear you speak them.
all of a sudden he’s paying attention in his spanish class and he needs your help pronouncing certain words!! 
or one day he’d randomly come up to you and would start speaking to you in french??? turns out he’s been secretly learning it without you knowing?? percy’s 387 day duolingo streak is all because he wanted to hear you speak your language more. he’s definitely dedicated!
sometimes when you’re talking, percy would suddenly be like “wow, she’s so pretty???” and he’d (accidentally) zone out, just completely admiring you. he knows that you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen, but sometimes he just has to take a moment to take it all in. 
shopping dates with percy!! 
you’d ask him which top looks the best on you and then he’d tell you all of them?? he really thinks you can afford all 10 shirts you showed him.
“perce, between those three pants, which one looked better on me?” you ask, holding one of the pairs against your body.  your boyfriend looks deep in thought before coming to a decision, “all of them,” he declares. “babe,” you groan, “you can’t choose them all, choose one.”  percy looks genuinely worried when he realizes he has to actually decide on one, because he thinks that you looked absolutely gorgeous in all of them. so he comes up with the only other idea that makes sense, “well i don’t mind buying them all for you. besides, you looked super great in them.”  you immediately shake your head, “percy, i’m not about to let you drop $150 on three pairs of pants. that’s actually insane.”  “but-”  “no percy.” 
HE KNOWS WHAT COLOR JEWELRY YOU WEAR. percy absolutely refuses to be one of those lousy boyfriends who don't even know what kind of jewelry their girlfriend wears. 
he’s been patiently waiting for the day when someone asks which color you prefer.  
this guy has your gas station order down to a tee! 
percy walks up to the passenger door with a plastic white bag in hand. he opens the door and begins to take out its contents, “thanks perce! you got my-”  “i got your arizona, the green tea flavor, and your hot fries. and yes, i made sure to shake all the bags to make sure i got the one that was optimally filled,” he responds, a smug expression spreading across his face.  with an impressed look, you nod your head in approval, “wow babe, you’ve really got my order down.”   percy nods his head pridefully, “i know.” 
dates where you two have to dress up are one of his favorites!! 
him seeing you all dolled up…whewww…someone call 911 for him. 
despite how much percy hates dressing up, he’d do it if it means he gets to see you all dressed up. 
percy makes you flower bouquets!! 
they’re always so unique and special every time?? you didn’t even know that camp had such a wide variety of flowers until he started making you bouquets. 
and he always makes sure to keep a flower in his cabin so he knows when it’s time to make you a new one jdfsklds
one of percy’s favorite things to do with you are little skincare nights! 
you’d come over to his cabin and you guys would light some candles and make tea. overall it’s a very calming ambience! 
even though it’s terrible for his skin, percy has an affinity for peel-off face masks. every single time, without fail, he’ll make some sort of joke about how he’s shedding. LMAO 
you look over in the bathroom mirror to see your boyfriend applying the very thing you hate, a peel-off face mask, “love, why can’t you be normal and use a sheet mask for once? or even a clay one like mine?” you point to your face.  percy takes a quick glance at you in the mirror and shrugs, continuing to apply the mask onto his skin, “those ones are lame, and it’s not fun if i can’t peel it off,” he responds, very concentrated on spreading the mask around. you cringe when he gets a glob of the mask onto his fluffy headband.  “well the formulas aren’t really good and it’s super irritating for your skin, babe,” you tell him, hoping that the thought of a damaged skin barrier scares him out of using peel-off masks.  “y/n, you can have the good skin. i’m fine with a damaged skin barrier or whatever,” percy replies, trying to remove the mask from his headband.  you roll your eyes, “whatever, lizard face.” 
you two are actually a match made in heaven <333 
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deadghosy · 2 months
Pair: platonic! Mattheo riddle x fem! Reader
Mentions: drugs mostly.
A/N: would recommend any Ayesha song while reading this to get in the mood. You can ignore the song I choose😋💕 I appreciate reblogs, comments, and such as likes.
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Most likely you two verbal argue a lot to the point mattheo wants strangle you, but the thing is you’re winning every single argument.
You bedazzle your school uniform which makes people turn their heads. Whispering how “disturbing” your uniform looks. But you honestly couldn’t give a fuck. Mattheo thinks it cool so it doesn’t matter.
You and mattheo are like thing 1 & 2. You two are double trouble. 😭
Random small insults at each other or just throwing things is soooo on the table.
“I can't help imagining how much awesomer the world would be if your dad had just pulled out.” You said while filing your nails. You couldn’t give a shit what Mattheo was ranting about since he got into another fight. Mattheo then threw his black shoe at you. “Oh you bitch!” You yelled ready to throw a glass vase at him
Theodore and Enzo had to hold you two back as mattheo was smiling crazily whilst you were cursing him out in every book. A vein popping out as you thrown the vase and it barely missed the poor riddle.
You and Mattheo smoking and rolling blunts at night are the best nights. Because all you two do is laugh at anything and make fun of people passing by the window.
What Mattheo likes about you is your quick insults and comebacks if someone tries you.
“I don't know what your problem is, but I'm guessing it's hard to pronounce.” You say shoulder checking a girl that had tried to start a fight with you. Mattheo was from afar smoking with a grin. The girl then tried to punch you from behind only for you to flip her on her damn back. You’re muggle born, so why not show what a muggle born can do.
After that Mattheo who also do things muggle ways, asked you if you can teach him. You said yes because he’s your homie.
During dinner with friends, you sipped your glass with an annoyed face stuck to your face. You didn’t want to be here since you could’ve been sleep while blasting music. Mattheo noticed this and almost bursted out laughing. But if you caught him you would’ve stomped on his foot hard with your high heel.
Slytherin parties are so poppin' with how you got the good stash of drugs and weed. You’re nicked name the “drug queen.”
I imagine you and mattheo just standing in class. You both having crossed arms looking like you just woke up pissed. You two are the iconic duo.
Usual you two just hit each other out of nowhere. Small fights, nothing too big. But someone is always there to watch it go down.
“Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you’d gotten enough oxygen at birth?” Mattheo rolled his eyes before flipping the hood of your cloak on your head. “Hey!” “Shut up bitch.” That’s when you elbowed his stomach, making him knee to the ground. Draco from afar watching that, sighed and walked away.
When you guys didn’t have to wear the uniforms. You best bet you wore 00’s clothes and juicy couture. Most girls wanted to know what fashion you were wearing and most were just hating bitches.
You walked into the common room wearing juicy couture. Mattheo looked up from his phone, annoyed at how you haven’t answered his messages. “Yo, you haven’t been answering my calls or texts bitch.” You roll your eyes sitting next to him on the couch. “Well I’m sorry that I can fashionably late.” You say with annoyance dripping from your lips. “Fuck is you wearing?” Mattheo had now noticed what you were wearing. You smile tugging at your top. “Juicy couture.” “You look like a whore.”
You blocked mattheo and never talked to him until he grew a pair and apologized. Which he did since you are his only close female friend he ever had.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hey, do you write for wandanat? If not that's totally fine but if you do I was wondering if maybe I could request one?
Maybe where Wanda and nat are already together and one night at an avengers party they spot reader and Wanda falls for them and so convinces Natasha to seduce and take reader home with them?
Hopefully with smut, and maybe with daddy nat and soft mommy Wanda?
Love your work soooo much, feel no pressure to write this❤️
One of a Kind 18+
*Authors note~ a) I wrote this exhausted so mistakes are mine sorry y’all. B) I know you guys are all excited for different things so I was struggling to choose what I should post, shamefully having an anxiety attack over not choosing the right fic. So to save the day my lovely girlfriend choose wandnat for tonight*
To requester, I'm sorry I took some artistic liberties here but I honestly couldn't help but write them as g!p I hope that's okay!!!
Trigger warnings~threesome smut seduction daddy and mommy kink g!p Wanda Nat fingering r receiving praise and degrading kinks choking semi public sex??
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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Wanda and Tasha really didn't want to come to this party. No. But as per normal Tony wanted to throw a party and showed off his wealth and success. Wanda opting for a stunning emerald dress and Nat going for a form fitting suit. Wanda hid her cock so well that Nat often found herself being jealous. But she couldn't deny that her girlfriend is absolutely stunning in everything and nothing.
You'd been invited by Fury as a way to introduce you to the Avengers. You'd be set to join the team soon, but no one but Fury or Tony knew. Nat spotted you first, a simple Maroon skirt tucked into a beautiful black pencil skirt. Your legs on full display and a few buttons undone to give a tasteful view of your cleavage to the public. Alone at the bar is how the story starts, a rather cliche but important fact. That was where under an agreement between her and her wife Natasha swooped in on you.
You'd be lying if you said she wasn't sexy and very alluring but you still don't quite understand why she's here wasting time trying to get you in her bed. No one ever does that. It made you skeptical of her advances and actively ignoring the way her voice alone caused your cunt to become slick. The way her voice deepened as her eyes drank you in almost got you. Almost. But your past caught you first, you ended up lashing out at the woman.
"No one's ever really shown an interest in me. I'm not the prettiest or the smartest or the funniest girl around, I'm just average." You almost whispered but the woman could hear the sadness dripping through every word. "So this cruel joke of yours. Just stop it! Because I know no one would ever want me especially when they look like you do. So just stop" your voice broke on the last few words before you fled the scene. Really how could she do this to you? You thought she was a nice person, but to suggest this and not mean it was obviously going to hurt. After all who in their right mind would want an inexperienced virgin when they can have anyone in the whole world?
"Hey, you're beautiful, and I'd gladly take you home for my wife and me to enjoy for the night, you just have to trust we want you in the way we say" she murmured to you a gentle handed rubbing at your back in an attempt to soothe the confusing outburst. Yet both women were no strangers to being used and abused by other people. "You mean it?" You were really speaking more to yourself but when she replied with a Russian pet name that slipped off her tongue, you were a goner, "детка, we've been watching you all evening, no one in this room has caught our interest because we've been focused on you."
A simple nod had Nat leading you to the table to introduce you to her wife. By no surprise, her wife was just as beautiful as the red head. You immediately felt like you were unworthy of their attention. "I um should say I've never, um" you stumbled over your own admission but you could see you had both women's attention. "It's okay детка we will take this slow and at your pace, we truly want to get to know you дорогой" she whispered to you over the loud noise of the party. The other woman who you learned was the Scarlett Witch offered you to come sit closer to the women as you all conversed over small things really, but you were now completely at ease with them, exactly how they wanted you.
Your head warm and fuzzy, you felt an electric pulse of a slender hand trailing your thighs. It appeared you were more sensitive with the alcohol but soon enough you were spreading your legs for the brunette woman with a little help from her magic. From there you exposed your panty covered core to her curious fingers. The woman seemingly unaffected by her actions and holding a conversation with her wife about how much of an asset you'd be to the team. You almost got away with it, almost, but a little whimper escaped you as she accidentally bumped your aching clit.
"Wans" Nat warned, "you best not be playing with the хорошенькая шлюха without me" she growled the last two words. Truly how rude of you both not to wait for her, especially after her work to bring you to them. "I'm sorry Natty, I just couldn't wait anymore" the woman replied and removed her fingers from your core causing you to release a very disappointed whine. "сейчас, котенок, о тебе хорошо позаботятся" Nat purred before gracing you with a kiss to your neck before taking your hand to lead you away from the party, knowing that her wife will follow behind you.
As soon as you rounded the corner the Russian woman immediately slammed your back against the wall and attached her lips to yours with ease. The need was pouring into the kiss as the brunette woman watched in jealousy. She wanted to be the one kissing you, dragging all the pretty nosies she possibly could, but then again watching her wife touch you was doing unspeakable things to her nether region. "Tashsa" Wanda whimpered feeling the tent begin to show through her dress. "Come котенок, mommy is getting impatient and daddy can't wait to ruin your pretty untouched pussy" Natasha purred leading you to the bedroom once again. Only this time she never got side tracked.
Perhaps you'd had too much, but from there it's hazy, how did you end up absolutely bare for two of the most wanted and famous women in the world? And most importantly why the hell did they have throbbing cocks just desperate for you to take them. The women wanted to do this right, they showered you in love and praises. The made sure to touch and caress every inch of skin they could. And only when your ready did they introduce you to more. "котенок, sort out mommy's problem you caused" Nat demanded, encouraging you to bring your head to her shaft, with another quick check in and some guidance you were now choking on her cock as she forced it down your throat. "Oh fuck natty, this throat is perfect, fuck a good cock whore for me oh!"
With a few strokes to own dick she enjoyed the show, you are a fast learner by the looks of it and she was now struggling to contain herself and refrain from doing all the filthy things she desired to you. Wands sensing her wife's impatience slipped from your throat allowing you to breath as Natasha guided you into a new position. With you now on your hands and knees you were able to suck off wanda and give Nat access to your untouched cunt.
She took it slow, letting you adjust to her size, Wanda telepathically sharing the image of you with teary eyes, choking on her cock as you let Nat deflower you. But soon enough you began to rock backwards in a need for something, yet you didn't know what. "Oh there she is, our flight little girl, a dirty slut for us to use. Oh you've made mommy feel so good котенок she's ready to treat you for all your work, you'd love that huh? Mommy to fill your petty throat with cum?" Nat teased keeping her thrusts slow, "and fuck you're so fucking tight котенок, if mommy doesn't hurry up daddy will paint your pretty pussy white instead."
At the pure threat, Wanda was thrown over the edge into her own pools of bliss, breath heaving as all she could do is mewl yours and her wife's name. You greedily sucked every last drop from her shaft, surprising both women with the fact it was your first time. Only when she was sure she'd finished cumming did she slip from your front and encourage you to slip onto your back so Natasha could see your face. The new position only seemed to encourage the red head, especially with Wanda dropping her head to your breast and skilfully sucking and licking the hardened peaks. She even managed to roughly tweak her wife's right bud causing you both to cry out together.
The gasp you let out when Nat brought one hand from the bed to your throat was something both women wanted on a loop, experimenting with a bit of pressure they discovered a kink for you. "Oh Natty she liked your hand as her necklace. Oh darling is your head all fuzzy?" A broken confirmation left you as Natasha picked up an almost animalistic pace of pounding into you. And when your cries became to loud Wanda guided you to her breast, allowing you to suckle and nip her sensitive skin and effectively soothe you at the same time.
When Natasha came in long spurts of sticky white cum you honestly had no thoughts other than both the women. You lost count of how many times you'd been forced over the edge and just how long you'd been here, but now you didn't care. What a first experience to have. Oh but you weren't done, they immediately started to clean up and look after you, offering food water and cuddles. You wanted to talk, what could this mean? You'd slept with married women? Was it a fling? You hoped not. And Wanda heard all those thoughts and settled you into bed between the women with promises of talking about everything when your brain wasn't still in sub space. You'd be needing a clear mind to decide if you would join the relationship as a third party. But for now, you all slept.
Word count ~ 1839
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harusaki-hugo · 8 months
Hello! I just saw your requests open i wanted to ask how would yandere: sanzu, hanma, ran and kakucho (separately) react to reader that is also yandere for them if not more? Thank you 💗🫶
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Characters: Sanzu, Hanma, Ran and Kakucho. Genres:Yanderes Note: Ah, yes red flags trio. Kakucho is green flag forever in my heart, shut up. also, i don't know if you want hcs or short story so i make hcs. I might overdo this T-T
Sanzu Haruchiyo:
Sanzu is quite a picky at choosing his lover, he wants, no, he needs someone who similar to mikey. If Mikey his king, you either his queen/monarch or someone he tolerates.
The only reason he dates you at first mostly because of amusement, just some pawn for him to play. He accepts your confession because he thought you are easy to manipulate and he need it to stay out of police ranges because, well, mucho.
And boy he thinks he hit the jackpot because you are the most loyal and dumbest pawn he ever sees, you agree with everything he said, go along with everything he does, hell, you even turn your eyes away from the crimes he does.
At first, he thought that he keeps you around because you are a perfect alibi to use but slowly, he starts falling in love with you. like deeply in love, his amusement turns into obsession, from pawn to his new king/queen/monarch.
He now become extremely loyal to you, he become nicer and touchier, and do everything that you want. He will kill anyone who dare looking at you or has slight interest on you. He already claims you and there's no way he going to let you go.
But he never expects that one day you present him the head of the girl who insult his scars. Smiling proudly as you hold the head, a crazed look on your eyes that rival, no, more than him.
He now realizes that from the start you date him not because you found him interesting, no, you worship him more than he worships you. If he thinks of you as king/queen/monarch, you see him as a god.
You been killing all the people around him without even leaving a single trace or suspicion. You take care of his problem before he even knows about it, you make a shrine of him, you have a room with his pictures, you memorize his schedule, you know where he goes because you already put a chip on the mask he always wears.
Sanzu has mixed feeling about this, but he knows one thing, he f*cking love you.
Hanma Shuji:
For Hanma, you are just some random kid who always stalking him. Following him everywhere he goes and secretly take his picture, he thought that you were some gang informants or something, so he let you follow him around.
He thinks it's cute and adorable that you think he didn't know you follow him, the way you try to hide around the corner or act dumb. It's flattering that someone give him this much attention, and honestly, he starts catching feeling. Just a bit. Okay, like a bit too much.
When you not around following him, Hanma can't help but feel jealous and angry that you not there to pay attention to him. But if you appear again next day, his mood brightens that even kisaki weird out by it.
He became obsesses with you to the point he follows you back home, before you can close the door, he appears behind you and force himself inside your house. Telling you that next time you can just talk to him as he walks in, but his words die on his tongue when he sees that your whole house filled with his pictures.
There is a shrine with his picture and the things he throws away, hell, even the shirt with blood. He then sees that there's wall full of his past enemies that mysteriously disappear after losing a fight with him. All of them are now dead.
Oh, oh~ if he like you before he loves you now. He realizes that you are perfect for him. Someone who worship him to the point that you willing to be his slave. To do everything he order you. Surely you won't mind if he stays here, right? After all, why bother take a picture when you have the real one in front of you~
Haitani Ran:
You are Rindou friend who somehow always following the younger haitani around. Rindou sometime bring you back to home to hang out with, so ran thought that you are his brother side chick or something. Turn out you and Rindou are really good friend, you two meets when you stay at his side when he blacks out from drinking too much and you two just click from there.
Ran don't really care as long you didn't hurt his brother but his opinion on you changes when you buy him favorite Mont Blanc from expensive bakery in Tokyo. "They our friend now, rin." Ran say as he munches on the dessert.
Day by day, Ran start getting interest on you. You like the perfect friend, you know when to come so you didn't disturb his sleep, not making too much noise, buy him food every time you visit. He starts thinking, is this how it feels having a lover? He slowly getting obsesses with how you treat him and start falling in love with you and now he the one follow you around that even Rindou can't hang around with you without Ran sitting in the middle.
Luckily Rindou know that his brother smitten with you, so he uses this chance to leave you with his brother while he goes out drinking. So, like now every time you come to their house, rindou leave you with Ran. This becomes routine, heck, Ran even drag you with him to his room for a nap every time he feels like it, treating you like his personal teddy bear. So, you guys like, dating now? Yup, dating.
"You know, i never told them anything about you." Rindou exclaim one day, "I never told them you name or your sleeping schedule. Thinking back, when we first meet, they know my name already."
So, Ran and Rindou decide to follow you home and break in when you not home because they can. And much to their surprise are that your room are filled with Ran pictures from age 10 to the time they two being send to juvenile detention center and after they get out. There also a list of his enemies and half of them mark red and dead. Ran then realize that you been stalking him ever since he safe you from those bully long time ago, no wonder you look familiar. Usually, he will get creep out with this thing but it's you, the one he obsessed with. If anything, he feels flatter and proud that you love him to this point.
So next day you visit him, he told you how he loves you more now and want to stay with you forever.
You, Takemichi and him are childhood friend. Well, more like he like you and Takemichi is wingman since he lives near you. Before he got in accident, he plans on telling you his feeling, but he lost contact with you after he is sent to orphanage. He thought that like Takemichi you forgot about him too, so he often stays away from you after finding out that you still live in the same house.
The only reason he finally sees you are because Izana getting annoyed of him disappear every day just to stalk you from far, so taking a lead he kicks Kakucho toward you when you walk down the road. Imagine how happy he is when you call out his name in surprise when you see him, you didn't forget about him even after he got a scar on his face.
Izana who wants the best for his servant allow him to take one month off from Tenjiku so he can spend time with you. And boy, he uses those days off wisely. Catching up with you, taking you out and make sure that he stays close to you, so you won't leave him again.
What make him happier that you confess to him, that you too like him since you two a kid. So now you two dating, and boy, he become more clingier to the point he drags you around even in Tenjiku meeting which Izana kick him.
One day you told him that you have business outside Tokyo, and it take a week for you to return. So Kakucho drag Izana to your house with excuse that someone might break in and that someone is him. He just wants your shirt because he misses you.
Imagine Izana and Kakucho reaction when he sees that your room are filled with pictures of him. Pictures of him and you, torn up pictures of him with what seem like Takemichi, pictures of him at orphanage, pictures of him with Izana. Turn out you been stalking him since forever, you also manage to find the orphanage he in and stalk him there.
Izana found a list of Tenjiku enemies on your wall, half of marked dead and half being torture. If Izana didn't approve you two reaction he is now. Which make Kakucho happy because his king approve his lover.
Next week you come back home, Kakucho greet you happily and told you how proud he is with you and how he loves you.
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nogenderbee · 7 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕀𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥���𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Hope requests aren't closed. Could I request Gepard, Argenti, Dan Heng, and Jing Yuan with a s/o who is an excellent inventor? Toys, machines, they can make anything.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ They weren't when you requested so you're good! Also, I don't write for Argenti so hope you don't mind me changing him for Serval! She just suits here so well and I need more of the girlies so you can say I kinda took the opportunity there~ Anyway, hope it's still up to your liking!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Dan Heng probably knows both a lot and a little about subject of inventing
✧ he read about it and even saw few constructions due to adventuring from planet to planet, but he also never really did it himself
✧ you'll have to introduce him to all the shortcuts while inventing something because he knows just the long and boring way, like instructions said, he'll do the exact steps
✧ he doesn't really mind and find it actually quite interesting to help you around
✧ but if your workshop is loud... he may not be big fan... and if you're trabilazer like him and all the noise is coming from the next room? Yeah, he'd loose it...
"Y/N. How about we go grab some sweets and you finish your work later? I need a break..."
✧ don't get him wrong, he's happy you're working on your skills but he just doesn't like the noise and would much prefer go on a walk while you work
✧ but at least he helps you with cleaning and quieter parts of inventing!
✧ tho if you live on planet and he rarely visits you we it is... he may not mind the noise as much. He's simply more focused on spending some quality time with you than that
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Gepard is honestly happy for your achievements and you probably met each other through Serval
✧ but... let no one ask him who's better inventor... he's not gonna be able to choose between you and his sister so he'll end up with basic answer, simply saying you're both great which he's not lying about
✧ but if we can avoid that, he knows quite a bit about it so he'll often drop by and see how you're doing
✧ and if you need help, he wouldn't mind doing so we long as he's not busy
✧ if he won't know something... he can always ask you or Serval if you'll need some professional advice too!
✧ this boy is so busy and now he also has 2 inventors to help... he often leaves you or Serval mid day to go to another one, so he won't seem like he's playing favorites because he loves you both equally, just in different ways
"Hey love, I'll go see how Serval's doing, okey? I'll come back later so I can help you more since I know you're busy. I'll be back in 1 of 2 hours."
✧ but... Serval often kicks him out to help his partner, she's like tou cupid if you think about it...
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✧ Serval is too!! You guys either met through work and bonded OR became close and just later realized you're both inventors
✧ when you were far enough into relationship, she definitely wanted to combine your two workshops so instead of "competing against each other", you could work together
✧ and lemme tell you... if you do it, your business is going CRAZY since you're both one of the best inventors in Belebog
✧ if you ever struggle with idea, fixing or making something, she's the one you should go for!
✧ she knows you're a bit better than her and will often mention it, not because she had low self-esteem but because she's proud girlfriend and wants to compliment you
"Hehe~ C'mon, you're the best at it! You need to teach me your trick someday, alright? In exchange... I could take you on a date next week! I'll clear my schedule so we can spend entire day with each other."
✧ expect her to be a little flirty from time to time when you work, sneaking little notes between not important machines so you'll wonder why it's not working just to find love letter there, or send some flying little robot with hear or chocolates on it... many can happen when she's in the playful mood!
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✧ Jing Yuan most likely knows every citizen of Xianzhou Luofu, some worse some better... so he definitely knew you even before you got into relationship
✧ but your relationship either developed by him hiring you one day or him getting w little crush and visiting you often
✧ and when you're together, he'll often drop by to see how you're doing and he'll you around
✧ and when he can't come check up on you because of his work... he'll simply send someone to you! It can be either Cloud Knight on patrol or Yanqing passing by
✧ he loves seeing how much you can do with just the idea and materials. So he'll sometimes sit down next to you and watch you work
✧ his favorite thing is to see the project developed all the way from simple scratch to finished product
✧ he'll also remind you of breaks, taking you out for something sweet or to restaurant whenever you finish project you've been working for days
"It looks great, my dear. Now let's go eat something. My treat. Trust me, you deserve it for all the good work you did there."
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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coolprettyleo · 5 months
my soul has changed? - will smith au
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wc: 1.4k
tw: depression, suggestion of an ED, awkwardness? mean girl.
will smith x oc celebrini sister!
lola celebrini was in a point of her life where everything felt still. she was pretty sure she was suffering from depression and it was a cycle she didn't know how to get out of.
she would wake up, go to school, go to work, and then sleep. she was lucky if she fitted a meal in between that meant she had lost tons of weight.
she had been a pretty healthy teen, she played hockey up until high school alongside her brothers; but when the time came to play college hockey, she got no offers. contributing to her depression.
it was a sport she held so much love and dedication, she couldn't understand why she hadn't been good enough? I mean her brothers were good enough, they got college offers. macklin was even projected to go first overall, so why couldn't she?
those were thoughts that were constantly haunting her mind. if she found something to forget them they would flood back in, like if they wanted her to be a lifeless doll she had been feeling like.
her family had been really worried for her. she had finally seen her brothers after a year, at the NCCAA playoffs and it only caused them to worry more.
lola knew that macklin and aiden were gonna bombard her with questions as soon as they were alone. they could hardly recognize her. growing up she was always a smiling person with a big personality and now she was about forty pounds lighter and was a ghost of the person she used to be.
"april what's going on" macklin said shutting the door behind him.
"what do you mean"
"cut the bullshit. I know your not okay, you barley answer my text anymore, what's wrong"
"it's nothing mack-"
"no it's not nothing, maybe I can fix it-
"you cant 'fix' it"
"and why not-"
"because I don't know what wrong with me!"
that had been about two weeks ago. she just didn't know what to tell her family. she really didn't understand why she had been feeling that way.
she was currently at work where she was a barista in a cute coffee shop. she honestly loved working there, she had got the job when she was in high school and had kept it till college. seeing as she didn’t move far away for college, choosing to stay close to her parents.
she often wondered if she might be happier if she moved away just like everyone else did, just like her brothers did. but it would always end in her telling herself; that it's not worth dwelling on.
it was currently six am and at this time of day there weren’t many customers. the cafe was always busy mid day when people were looking to find somewhere to study.
so she was surprised when she turned the open side around, to find a boy waiting outside to come in. a boy who looked a lot like will smith.
lola wasn’t an idiot to hockey, she kept up with it a fairly good amount, so she would have to be living under a rock to not know the guy who dominated the ice at her brothers rivalry school.
that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to act like she didn’t know him.
he reached for the handle and took a look at her before turning as red as a tomato and blushing,
“hey, are you guys open?” he asked nervously, mentally slapping himself because he just saw her turn the sign around, to ‘open’
“uhm yeah I’ll be with you in a sec” she told him.
will couldn’t help but think her voice was cute. she had a rasp to it that made him want to give her everything she’s ever wanted.
lola finished up, putting the coffee too brew and turned to the counter.
“okay! order when your ready”
“uhm. i actually never been here before… any recs?” he asked after a moment nervously scratching his neck.
“well I get a dirty chai, but considering my brothers hate it, you might hate it too… I guess you might like a frap?” she told him, a little too monotone.
“yeah okay” he told her again nervously. he found her to be breathtakingly beautiful.
he paid and stood back as she got to making the drink.
“you from here?” will asked hoping to make small talk.
“uhm kinda. I was born in Vancouver but moved here when my dad got a job”
will panicked. oh god was she still in highschool
lola must of saw the worry on his face because she added,
“that was a couple years ago, im eighteen now” she said smiling at his face. something she didn’t do often anymore.
“oh, i’m eighteen too”
“oh yeah, what brings you to san jose, school?” she said innocently knowing very well he was drafted here and was most likely here to work on development.
“no. I”m came to meet with some people here. I go to boston college” he answered. lola starting to not feel so bad because she saw he didn’t want to right away say he was a hockey player.
“far from home huh”
“yeah, i’m literally across the country from everything and everybody i’ve ever known” he told her wanting to slap himself. did she need to know that!?!
“i’m sorry. it’ll get easier” she said remembering her brother had been homesick too but utimatly started feeling better after some time-- as she handing him his drinks and gave him a sympathetic face.
“yeah i hope so, i should be moving here soon, if everything goes right” he said as he took a sip.
“hey this is good!” he said taking another sip as lola smiled. something that will thought looked amazing on her.
lola smiled at him remembering the fact her brothers liked that drink. boys were so typical
“i’m glad… and hey— if you ever need a friend in town my names lola” she told him as she held her hand out to him to shake.
will starred at it for a moment before he quickly met her hand.
“will” he told the girl with a smile.
they were cut out of there moment when two customers walked in.
“I should get back to work. i’ll see you around will” she told him as he smiled a nodded and walked right out.
say something! ask for my number! do anything!
lola felt really dumb after she basically just presented herself in a silver platter to the boy and he didn’t finish his part in asking for her number. he had definitely rejected her in the nicest way someone possibly could.
meanwhile will got into the Uber with a gitty feeling. she seemed really cool and having someone to hang out with other than his teammates was going to be so nice.
he was midway into the meeting with some general managers when he realized he didn’t even ask for her number.
“oh my god” he mumbled as he came to the realization
"i'm sorry?" one of the GM's said confused.
“uhh— I said I was excited to join the franchise!” he covered up, feeling like an idiot.
hopefully she was still there after the meeting.
the meeting had gone a little to long for his liking and as he raced down to the coffee shop he hoped she was working a long shift.
he opened the door to see a blonde girl who looked old but yet looked young, and a taller boy with curly hair working behind the counter.
“hi. is lola working today?” he said breathlessly
the blonde eyed him for a moment before smirking,
“I don't recall a lola ever working here...my name samantha though” she said with a face that will knew was a face of someone who was lying.
“yes there is, she helped me earlier-"
“if your here to file a complaint against her, I can totally help you then,” she said
“no she was great— wait, you said you didn’t know an lola-“
“your looking for lola?” the other barista cut in
“yeah she was here earlier, i was hoping she was still here”
“she got off like two hours ago but i can give you her number!” the curly haired boy told will. he was one of lola's friends and he wasn’t going to ruin this opportunity for her.
“you totally can’t do that!” the blonde girl said in a nasally voice.
“shutup samantha. go take candy from a baby or something” he sassily told her.
she rolled her eyes before walking away to wipe a table down.
“sorry about her, here’s her number— good luck!”
“thankyou so much” he told him as he thought about what exactly to text the pretty girl.
both lola and will not knowing the epic love story they were about embark on.
hi guys! i hope this is kinda good, dont feel shy to send in ask and au thoughts… i like never get any but im so open to it!!
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allaboutnayeli · 9 months
May I request something with Ms. Ashley Sanchez please? I’ll take anything
most annoying person ever [a.sanchez x reader]
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prompt: ashley claims to hate you, but one day the lines blur.
author notes: my first angst-y type fic and i felt it fits ashley so well. two people asked for ash so i had to give it. hope y'all enjoy!
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you and ashley are absolute rivals. on the pitch with ashley playing for the spirit and you for the thorns. even off the pitch, she can't seem to stand you. the way you speak, act, and hold yourself just irritates her. you consider those feelings to be mutual. the way the blonde talks with such a chill tone that felt so condescending, her aura of being nonchalant, and how she knew every button to push to make you feel like pulling out your hair.
absolutely insufferable, that's what you consider eachother. even with you both being on the national team, that hatred lingers between you two. sometimes sinking into whatever room y'all are in like a poison; it couldn't be helped with ashley and you being too stubborn to get over whatever problem y'all have with eachother. unfortunately, you two have the same group of friends so there is no avoiding eachother when you are in washington d.c. for the off season.
good thing there is a thin line between love and hate that is always close to being crossed every time you two are together.
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you sit comfortably on trinity's couch as you watch some vlogger on the tv. the sound of the front door opening makes you perk up, thinking it's trin who is at the store buying snacks for tonight's movie night. "did you get the chips i wanted?" you say, not even bothering to look at the door.
"why would i do that?" the nonchalant voice of ashley says as she drops her keys on the dining table. walking past it to come sit down on the farthest part of the couch from you. the frown that creeps up on your face is quick. "i thought you were trin. why would i even ask you for something like that?" you glare at her. the blonde just roll hers eyes, leaning back on the couch pillows.
ashley looks so good today. with the blonde of her hair highlighting all the sharp features of her face. her crop top showcasing her abs and her legs looking alittle too good in those shorts. it pisses you off.
"so trinity is your servant now? you could had gone and bought your own chips," she says sharply. smiling once she hears you groan in irritation; seeing you get all bothered just satisfies something in her. "never said that. i don't see everyone else below me like you do" you snap back.
"that's how i know you're dumb because you know i don't think like that"
"do i really? don't act like i remember details about you" you say before ignoring her presence. trying to focus your attention on whatever the vlogger on the tv was saying. something about what she's cooking, you could honestly care less. you just wanted to see ashley's reaction to your words. the american player just has the same indifferent expression she always seem to hold on her face when she's around you, choosing to remain silent. that pisses you off even more.
you two just sit in silence with you watching tv (glancing at ashley) and ashley scrolling on instagram (looking at your story).
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later on that afternoon, trinity comes back with the snacks. with you getting the chips you wanted.
the other girls in trin, ash, and you's friendgroup show up for the movie night too. with alyssa and savannah showing up right after trinity than sophia.
now it was time for the best part of the night, setting up all the snacks and the living room to be all cozy for the night. alyssa and savannah are on blanket duty than sophia and trinity are on snack duty. leaving you and ashley to go get pillows out of the spare room for all of the blankets. despite the hatred between you two, y'all agree to go together.
"can you back the fuck up?" you grumble as you bend over the bed to grab some pillows in the far corner. ashley stands beside you, with her hip touching yours. she can't seem to hate how close you two are right now but tells herself the sight of you so angry is what makes it enjoyable. totally not the feeling of your skin against hers. "how about.. no," ashley leans over beside you to grab pillows. her hands glazing yours. her response is plain annoying. it's just so her and you totally can't stand anything about her. "i hate how i have to restrain myself from hurting you off the pitch," you mumble as you pull back from the corner. several pillows crowding your arms.
"you actually don't. i would love a reason to punch you, but i bet you would like that. with you being pathetic and stuff like that," she taunts as she pulls back as well. a bunch of pillows sitting in her arms too. "shut your mouth" you say before walking out of the room. stopping in the hall as you almost trip over whatever trinity forgot to clean in the hall.
"what if i don't? are you going to find a way to shut me up?" ashley says nonchalantly, teasing hanging in her tone. she pushes past you just enough that a few pillows fall out of your arms.
what a bitch.
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it's long into the night when ashley and you even look at eachother again. the small friendgroup of you two's have been watching movies back to back. starting off with horror movies than eventually transitioning into kid movies once everyone got too scared to go down the hall by themselves.
soon enough, the only ones left awake are you two. with trinity and sophia knocked out on the couch, alyssa cuddled up with a pillow on the floor, and savannah sleeping on the corner of the couch.
ashley is the first one to look, sparing you a glance. you can feel her eyes on you but act oblivious. not giving her the satisfaction of your eyes meeting hers. of course ashley couldn't let that be. "what? you can't look at people now?" she scoots closer to you. it takes everything in you to not roll your eyes.
"not at you. we just watched some horror, wouldn't want to get scared again" you sass back. not even mentioning how ashley was closer to you than before. your heart beat starts to pick up as you move slightly closer to her too. just so you two wouldn't disturb the others with y'all's bickering or aleast that's what you think to yourself.
"oh please, you know you enjoy seeing my face" ashley moves close enough that you two's hands meet. you don't try to move away. "says who?" you finally turn your head to face her. she was way closer than you thought. you two's faces being close enough that y'all noses could bump against eachother.
"says the way your heart is beating right now, says the way you're looking at me. i know how you are"
"you don't even know me like you think"
"that's what you think?"
"that's what i know" you say as you resist the urge to look at ashley's lips. the blonde roll her eyes. knowing damn well in the back of her mind that she knows alittle too much about you. always telling herself it was so she can easily tease you every time y'all meet.
ashley's eyes glance down at your lips, "than you must be clueless because you don't know shit."
"shut your mouth"
"make me than since you couldn't wait to hurt me off the pitch. here's your opportunity"
that sentence is all it takes for you to lean forward and kiss her. ashley at first wants to pull away to keep up the facade of hating you, but she gives in. her hand going to hold onto the back of your neck. the kiss is rough with all tongue, the buildup of arguing and bickering to seem to push through it. the feeling of ashley's hand on your skin drives you crazy. ashley was just as addicted, chasing after you once you pull away. she stops once she realizes how that looks.
"could had bit my lip a bit more if you wanted to be violent like you said," she teases as she lets go of your neck. "shut the fuck up," you stand. grabbing a pillow and a blanket as you make a move to go down the hall. determined to go into trinity's room and forget this even happened (dream about it).
"out of kisses to give? you know how to shut me up now" ashley taunts as she watches you walk away from her. just leaning back onto the pillows on the floor once she sees you walk into trinity's room.
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in the morning, you come out of trinity's room to the sight of everyone awake in the kitchen. trying to make breakfast, heavy on the trying part.
you let a soft yawn as you come up to the kitchen island. sitting down on a chair there. "what's for breakfast, chefs?" you say. your eyes look over the kitchen to find ashley in the fridge. you look away once sophia speaks, "eggs and bacon. alyssa wanted pancakes but that's too much effort for right now."
"no it's not! you and trin are just lazy" alyssa says as she comes around the kitchen island to sit beside you. "if you want them so bad than make them yourself" trinity turns around from the stove to wave her spatula at alyssa. the younger player just rolls her eyes, "i'm the youngest. that's not my job."
you laugh softly and shake your head in agreement. too tired to speak. savannah also agrees with alyssa.
trinity and sophia are quick to disagree. defending their case on why alyssa should be making the food herself if she wants something. during all this your eyes are still fixed on ashley who is now looking back at you. leaning on the fridge. the smug look on her face makes you want to slap her or maybe even something alittle less violent.
after the mild fight over breakfast, you all eat it happily in the living room. watching cartoons as y'all stuff y'all faces. it wasn't much later when everyone started to get ready to head out and go shopping. trinity was the first to be done so she went out the car first. one by one everyone was leaving the apartment until ashley and you were the only two left.
"you didn't have to run away, but i know it's hard being a coward" she says as she walks past you to get to the door. you're at the table near the door, putting things in your purse.
"you could had pulled me back but okay.." you snap back, finishing up with your purse before going to the door. with ashley leaving out of it first than you after. "you would had liked that, wouldn't you?" she says against your ear once you both are standing outside of the apartment door before walking ahead to the car. leaving you to not respond, your mind full of thoughts of the night before.
the hatred from years of arguing with ashley still hangs in the air as you get in the car behind her but it's something else in the air as you sit beside her in the back seat.
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odestasocean · 2 months
may i present to you, a rant that no one asked for about the bond between annie cresta & mrs. everdeen:
so awhile ago i had sent in an ask to @the-sun-and-the-sea talking about the implied friendship that forms between annie & mrs. everdeen post-war. now that i'm no longer just a lurker on here, i wanted to delve into my thoughts on this friendship because it is one that is sooo interesting to me and one that is hardly brought up in the fandom !!
to start, mrs. everdeen is a character that i wholeheartedly believe does not get the recognition she deserves. i mean, she leaves nearly everything about the only life she had ever known to start a new life with the man she fell in love with and have two children with him only for him to die tragically, leaving her with these two young girls who need her more than anything, but her own mind becomes a prison, keeping her locked away from being the mother that katniss and prim need her to be??? or idk maybe i just have a knack for loving the grieving widowed characters in media for some reason. anyway, i digress. her story, in a way, goes hand in hand with annie's story.
now, as we know, suzanne collins' mind is an incredibly intricate and complex place so i don't think that her specifically choosing district four to be where mrs. everdeen ends up was a coincidence. which just alludes to the fact that she has now become this personified cautionary tale for annie. since she's a doctor and she's familiar with the victors by being an extension of katniss, i'm just going to assume that she was one of finnick's doctors when he was in and out of the hospital. and that she became annie's doctor after she was rescued from the capitol. i'm also just going to go ahead and assume that if this was the case, she would've remained as annie's doctor once she found out she was pregnant. this could very well be implied to have contributed to her moving to d4 and helping to build a hospital there.
annie's story is honestly just as equally familiar and unfamiliar to us as mrs. everdeen's is. we don't know how her and finnick's relationship began or what the details of her games are or what her personality was like before her games or how she grieved after finnick was gone. but with this implication of mrs. everdeen moving to annie's home district, i can only imagine that she offered a great deal of support to her. mrs. everdeen met this woman who had just endured something so insanely traumatic and was there to offer her help and witness her heal with the happiness of her new marriage, only for her to end up on the same exact path as she herself had been on for the past seven (??) years: a widowed mother with a mind who only ever seemed to experience grief.
we don't know anything about what the weeks and months were like for annie after finnick's death. but to me, it is perfectly rational to view this as a period of time where she was so shut down from wanting help from anyone and everyone and felt entirely unsure of how she was going to raise a child in this state of mind. and it wasn't until she started to talk with mrs. everdeen, who had been enduring her own grief of losing her youngest daughter, that she found someone who finally understood. someone who didn't make her feel like she was crazy for being unwilling to do anything but lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. someone who didn't view her as the Mad Girl who was now the Pregnant Mad Girl Whose Husband is Dead, but rather as an incredibly strong individual who had to fight against the enemy of her own head. someone who offered her a shoulder to cry on rather than a judgemental stare. no one could replace prim for mrs. everdeen and no one could replace annie's mother or mags in annie's case. but after all of the hardships that they had both faced up until that point, they had a shared understanding of how they could never truly move on from their grief. but they would continue on and live their lives to the best of their abilities for themselves, their children, and those they had lost.
alas, the similarities do not end there, my friends. katniss constantly talks about how much her father loved being out in nature so the wicked sense of irony of him dying so far away from that nature he loved so much is just heartbreaking. and who else do we know of that died in a place so far underground and so far away from the element of nature that he had been surrounded by his whole life?? bing, bing, bing, you guessed it! finnick odair! there's one line toward the beginning of hunger games that has always stood out to me: "it reminds me of the mines and my father, trapped, unable to reach sunlight, buried forever in darkness." replace mines with sewer and my father with finnick and boom, you've got the exact events of page 312 in mockingjay. and, of course, i can't forget the obvious-- an explosion was involved in both of their deaths. so this again just adds to my point earlier of how it feels a little too eerily similar that these four characters all share some level of commonalities for it to have been a coincidence.
anyway, not really sure what the point of me rambling about all of this was. i guess to see if anyone else has ever put that much thought into it?? or am i just looking way too far into something that's not as connected as i think it is?? idk, let me know your thoughts if you have anything to add because i could talk about this forever and ever and ever !!!
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dearmantis · 2 years
Written Love
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/The Darkling x fem!Reader
Summary: As the librarian of the Grand Palace library, you're expected to take care of the books, maps, letters and other documents stored there. You don't expect the General of the Second Army to show up randomly and ask you for a book recommendation.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.4k
Authors' Note: Technically this isn't really fem!Reader but there's a part that kind of makes more sense with a fem!Reader which is why it's tagged that way, just fyi. I just want to be safe here and not disappoint anyone. The library is also inspired by the library in my home town which is huge but also very chaotic with shelves standing around everywhere, forming what's basically a big labrinth. It's really cool, honestly. This is also not edited and I'm not a native English speaker.
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You smile when your eyes find him, quietly walking through the entrance of the big library, finger gliding along the spines of the many books resting in the shelves as he takes his first steps into the labyrinth of bookcases. He looks at peace here, you think.
On the few occasions where you have seen him outside of your little domain, his muscles had been tense, his jaw clenched and a cold, sharp look on his face, eyes as dark as the fold itself.
But now he looks kind. Kind and sweet and good, even in his dark, scary clothes, his big, heavy boots and bulletproof kefta. He doesn't carry himself as if his whole body is one big weapon anymore. He always takes time to speak with you when he visits, soft spoken and polite as he asks you about your day, the books you read and your work in general.
And other than the other Generals he respects the system after which the books are sorted. He puts everything back where he finds it, brings the materials he borrows back before the due date with no exceptions, and he is quiet, steps always immediately decreasing in volume as soon as he walks through the doors of your library.
Well, it's not your library, technically, but it's close enough. It's not like the king, queen or their children ever made a singular step on the dark wooden floors you sweep twice a day. No, it's just him and the other members of court who visit you.
You don't know why General Kirigan visits though. You've seen the library of the Little Palace on a few different occasions now and it's quite beautiful there. While it's definitely smaller than the library of the Grand Palace you don't think it's lacking in anything.
A part of you is tempted to compare the inventory list of the library in the Little Palace with the borrowing history of the Shadow Summoner, but you can never bring yourself to actually do it. It feels like a violation of his privacy, and what would you even do if you found out that he's borrowing books he could get in his own library here from you? It's not a crime to prefer the Grand Palace library after all, and you do have a much larger variety of books here.
And in the back of your mind there's a quiet voice, whispering that he may be coming here for you, and you fear that the voice will get louder if you choose to compare the lists and find out that he does in fact borrow books from here that he could get in the library of the Little Palace. It's a selfish, foolish thought you shouldn't entertain, but it's also the only explanation that really makes sense. The only clear differences between the Grand Palace library and the Little Palace library is the amount of books and you, and if he's not here for the books-
"Excuse me?" Your gaze finds the eyes of a young servant girl who hesitantly smiles at you. "Could you help me find a book? One of the guests has asked for a copy of Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae. He says he has unfortunately forgotten his own copy at home and desperately needs it if he's supposed to present his own observations and research at court tomorrow."
Mirroring her smile you nod, opening the folder you use to keep track of all the books, maps and other materials currently outside of the library and placing it on the desk in front of you, before waving your hand to silently ask her to follow you.
Back when you were new here you had a small little map scribbled on a thin piece of paper that you carried everywhere with you, showing where exactly all the categories of books are positioned, but after several years here you know every shelf like the back of your hand. There's not a single book in this gigantic library that you can't locate in thirty seconds maximum, so the little scrap of paper got to retire.
Quickly moving between the many shelves you have to force yourself to slow down a bit to make sure the woman doesn't get lost on the way, waiting a few seconds every time you walk around a new shelf to make sure she can catch up, until the bookcase you're looking for is finally in sight.
You're so deeply focused on finding the book quickly that you don't even notice that someone else is standing two shelves next to this one, your eyes glued to the spines to find the fight title.
"It should be... ah! Here it is." It's a beautiful book, with carefully dyed dark blue leather binding, its title painted on in silver ink. It's so beautiful you could swear that a Fabrikator must've gotten their hands on it at some point in its creation. Slowly pulling it out of its designated place in the shelf you give it to the servant girl.
You're about to walk her back to your desk to fill out the required documents when a voice behind you stops you.
"I'm sorry, could you please help me find a book?"
Whirling around you almost freeze in place when you realise the person who asked for your help is none other than General Kirigan himself, the man himself standing a few metres away from you, spine straight and shoulders stiff in the way you've seen him act outside of the library.
How odd. I thought the library brings him comfort?
"Oh, of course! Uh..." Eyes darting between the General and the Servant for a few seconds, the young woman frees you from your predicament with another kind smile.
"I think I can find my way back to the desk on my own. If I have any trouble filling out the documents myself I will wait for you, alright?"
Nodding quickly you wave as she leaves, before turning back around to the Shadow Summoner, who's now patiently waiting a few steps away from you.
"Alright, General, what can I assist you with? Which book are you looking for?"
His gaze visibly softens, muscles slowly relaxing until he's no longer standing straight like a candle. He finally looks like the version of him you're used to again.
"I'm looking for a novel."
"A novel?" You echo, unable to stop yourself in time. "The novels are in a different corner of the library. What exactly are you looking for?"
He smiles slightly, hand moving to the back of his neck as if he's a bit embarrassed by the answer. "I would like a recommendation from you, actually."
It takes you a few seconds to register what he said. It's quite literally the last thing you expected to hear from the man.
"A recommendation?" you echo quietly, frowning, and watch as he nods.
"You spend all day around these books, and every time I'm here you're reading. I can't imagine anyone else being a better source for book recommendations than you."
To hide the bashful smile sneaking its way onto your lips you turn around, asking him to follow you as you lead him to the other side of the enormous library. This time you don't feel the need to slow down as you walk around the labyrinth of shelves, the General's long legs making sure that he's never far behind you, no matter how quick you are. You already know which book to give him, despite how sure you are that it's not going to agree with his own taste in literature.
When you finally stand in front of the right bookshelf you don't even have to look around to see where the book is, eyes automatically moving to the familiar leather bound object. "I don't think you're the type of person to be interested in this type of stuff, but it is my favorite book, so..." You whisper, more to yourself than to him, carefully pulling the book out of the shelf.
"Oh? Why is that?" the General asks, eyebrows lifting curiously.
You can feel how the apples of your cheeks heat up when you realise that he heard what you said. "Well... uhm. It's just...". It's hard to find the right words, the risk that he's going to take your comment as an insult a bit too big for your comfort. "I don't think you'd enjoy things like silly love stories."
"Silly love stories?" The General sounds scandalised, but there's an amused glimmer in his eyes that calms you down before you get a chance to start panicking.
Humming quietly you nod, holding the book out to the General. "Don't misunderstand me. I think everyone deserves to lose themselves in sweet stories, but you don't seem like the type of person to agree with my mindset. If I had to guess, I would say you're the type of man who thinks all of this soft stuff is just an unwanted distraction from the war."
He purses his lips, eyes focused on the book cover you're still holding out to him, before he carefully reaches out and removes the book from your grasp to open it and read the first page.
"What is it about? I mean, besides the love story. What is the conflict?"
When you take a few seconds to answer him his dark gaze moves to meet yours again, eyebrows slowly lifting as he waits for you to summarise the plot.
"It's, uhm..." Turns out simply recommending someone your favourite book is one thing, while actually having to summarise it to explain why they should read it is an entirely different issue. You're not sure if you can find the right words to explain the plot without sounding like a foolish, overly romantic idiot.
"It's about a servant, Sophie, and a member of the royal court who fall in love." You don't specify that the servant's love interest is technically a General. "So it's mainly about that and the taboo aspect of it, but there's also a whole war going on that is quite important in the majority of the book. It would probably be more accurate to say that it's a political drama with a romance subplot, but I loved the romance so much that it overshadowed everything else in the story for me."
When you finally finish your explanation he has that soft smile on his lips again and a warm feeling starts to become noticeable in your chest.
"Why would I not like a political drama with an outstanding love story subplot?" The shadow summoner asks.
"Well, like I said. I didn't think you would be someone who'd enjoy the love story aspect much, and I think that's what makes this book better than a lot of other political dramas."
The General looks at you for a few seconds, deep in thought, before he closes the book and starts to look through the shelves.
You want to ask him if you can help him find what he's looking for, but he holds his hand up to silence you before you even get the chance to open your mouth, as if he already knows what you were about to say.
"It should be here somewhere..." he murmurs, more to himself than to you, a deep frown on his face.
It takes a bit but after a few seconds the serious look on his face turns back into the smile you love, his hand moving to pull one of the books out of the shelf. When he holds it out for you to take there's a boyish glimmer in his eyes, a spark of excitement that you usually see in children, and you wish you could immortalise it somehow, keep it alive in this sad, tragic world. It feels special to see this type of expression on the usually cold and distant face of the Darkling. Like the Saints gave you a special gift, just for you to keep safe and cherish.
Carefully taking the book out of his hands you let your gaze glide over the ink-black leather cover for a few seconds, fingers tracing the silver drawing of a crescent moon on the front, before you open the book and begin to skim the first page.
"This is my favourite love story." he explains before you even get a chance to question why he has given you this book in particular. "This is the story of Andrei and Isolde. Andrei moves around the country, from town to town, to hide the fact that he is an immortal beast, cloaked in the skin of a human. In one of those towns he pretends to be a Prince from a foreign country and meets Isolde, a clever woman who works as a seamstress. He asks her to make him a cloak for the upcoming winter, and during the weeks she spends working on it, she begins to uncover what Andrei truly is."
Your eyes widen a bit, intrigued by the premise. "What is Andrei?"
He laughs lightly, a sound that reminds you of cold nights during the winter, drinking warm tea and reading a nice book. "You will have to read the story to figure that out."
Closing the book again you move to press it tightly against your chest, wrapping your arms around yourself in the process to stop yourself from nervously playing with your fingers, trying to force the words out before you end up wasting this glorious opportunity. Your mind is racing but this is a chance, an opening, the possible start of something new.
"How about we read each other's book recommendations and then meet up again to talk about it?" you propose, voice a bit too quiet and anxious for your liking. The General is silent for a few seconds, eyebrows furrowing slightly, and you're suddenly very sure that you have misread his softness towards you. That his kindness has just been simple politeness and he has absolutely no interest in spending time with a servant below his own social standing.
"Like a date?" he asks, and before you can get a chance to give into your fear and backtrack, he nods, the smile on his lips widening into a full grin. "I think I would enjoy that, yes. I will try to keep my schedule free for... let's say next week?"
You can't stop yourself from beaming up at him, the happiness you feel rushing through your body like a wave. "That sounds great. I can't wait to start reading. A love story recommended by you can only be fantastic."
"I hope the book brings you as much joy as it has brought me. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on Andrei."
"And I can't wait to hear what you think of Sophie."
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 Äs Nödt x F! Nurse! Reader
ಇ. I had this fic saved for myself, but I honestly didn't think my heart would be that broken when his inevitable end would get animated. Don't get me wrong, I loved Rukia and Byaku's win, but... you gotta understand that for a nurse, As Nodt represents those who you couldn't save. A patient whose hand needed a squeeze, but still it was too painful for him... poor thing. ಇ. tw: medical terminology. be careful if you are sensitive to illness and death topics. it is full of little metaphors, try to understand where I was going with what I wrote. you can ask me too! ಇ. wc: 1k
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Before he was even a Sternritter, As was a simple man. A suffering, yet simple man. And you knew him very well.
He was sick, bedridden. It was too painful for him to even breathe. His existence was cold, sterile, and for him so unworthy.
However, there was a Sun. A Sun that would shine a light every time it walked through the doors of his ever-pristine white room… you.
His voice has never been loud, but really, really low. It wasn’t sweet, it was very raspy, as if he was trembling in fear. His short, straight hair framed his façade, the mask giving him oxygen carved red marks on his cheeks and black eyes fixed in a boring ceiling.
Oh, but you. His only reason to smile. But did he show it to you? No. Did he tell you? Neither.
But you knew…
“Hello Äs! how are you doing today?” you ask, with a metallic tray on your hands. Who knows how many pills are in there, but all of them are equally necessary for him to stay alive.
“H- hello… g- good” he said, every time. He doesn’t feel good, he never does. But does he want for you to worry about him? No.
You come closer to his bed, leaving the tray over his tiny bedside table. Taking a swift look at his monitor, you see -as always- his heart rate slightly going up. Ah… he is at least interested in feeling something besides pain and fear about his inevitable end.
“So, Sir Nödt… I’m aware today is your physical therapy day. Nurse (male name) won’t be able to attend the hospital today, would you allow me to do it for him?” you ask. Everything should be professional. You probably were waiting a “no” but instead he took a little time to answer.
“Hmh…” he nods, as much as he could possibly move his neck without grimacing in pain.
You smile, kindly. Your look softens. You didn’t want to feel sorry, pity for him. You really thought those feelings weren’t proper. But you couldn’t help it. Your heart ached too, and you wanted to help him as much as you could… “Good! Let’s make those muscles move with utmost care! Let me put on some tunes too”
You weren’t sure about him wanting for real to do it. He never did, as your colleagues said. “He is in pain, but he is equally scared to feel pain and that freezes him even more. He won’t ever get better…”
Again, your heart ached. What do they know about getting better? Why judging him? He needed help, not critics. And… who knows, maybe, he just needed someone to believe in him to feel better.
You make sure your hands aren’t cold. You wear a mask to come close to him, you don’t want to create more problems for him, a simple germ could cost him his thread hanging life.
You take your phone and press play. A soft melody starts playing. You don’t really know when it was, but you were sure he said he likes the sound of pianos playing to relax.
 Äs widens his eyes. Extremely black orbs fix on you, he is amazed by the song filling the room, he is probably glad to hear something besides the sound of the oxygen flow on his face.
“Give your hand, please” you whisper, trying not to cover the song. You let him choose which one of his pale hands will move first.
He breathes in a considerable amount of air into his lungs, and then, with trembling motion his right bony hand reaches yours. It feels soft. Lightweight.
And so needy.
You begin to inspect his joints. Of course it’s painful for him, not only because of being sick but also because of avoiding to move them for so long. “One finger at a time” you murmur, as you can feel him desiring to grab your hand.
He goes slow. Äs wants more, but he is in pain. He is afraid.
“Don’t be scared. I’m holding your hand right now. You can try to hold mine” you encourage him. You, perhaps, wanted more and even the same way he does for him to grab your hand… Are you falling in love with a patient? A.. dying patient?
He sees you. You see him. He closes his eyes. And maybe a little smile wanted to adorn his lips. His fine, chapped, lips.
“Follow me, Äs”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ.
When he opens his eyes he isn’t lying down in a mattress. He is standing, in two feet. He is still pale, his hands show that. A cold breeze kisses his cheeks, he notices his hair is way longer now as it flows with the wind around.
He can hear kids laughing, and the greenery around feels refreshing. A park… it’s been so long since he stood in the middle of one.
Suddenly, something lands on his cold nose. It’s as soft as the wind, but it’s pink. A cherry blossom petal just flew up to where he is. And like that rosy flower, a million rain down from dark wooden trees.
“Spring? Is this Hanami?” he asks and notices he can speak louder. And when he does, it’s not painful… it’s… normal.
He slowly turns around. And again, moving doesn’t hurt. Breathing doesn’t hurt. Her arms around his waist coming from behind, either.
“Äs! Love! Turn around, I wanna take a picture of you with the Cherry Blossoms in the back!” you chime. Your camera, an old analogue one, captures the beauty of a pinkish rain that doesn’t wet but only kisses your skin with a soft, soft scent.
He is absolutely stunned by your beauty as you walk back pointing the camera lens to him. Your hair also flows. You are his nurse, his sun. What are you doing there? Why is he alive?
“Smile you silly! You are scaring me! What’s gotten into you?” you scold him, his death stare creeps you out sometimes.
As the camera shots and captures his amazed look, you walk back towards his thin arms. “Wanna have some ice cream? Or do you prefer cotton candy? Oh wait, maybe you want Takoyaki?” you excitedly jump, feeling the hard edges of his hipbones against your belly when hugging him.
“I just want to hug you for a little longer…” he murmurs. It kinda scares you, because when he ever said something sweet?
“Hug me for as long as you want, sweetheart…” you whisper, nuzzled in the crook of his neck. He rests his chin on the crown of your head, it’s so soothing to feel his chest go up and down, breathing pure air…  
Don't wake up. Don't wake up. please, just for a few moments now... Your Majesty.
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