#well if I’m asking ig I will
marthammasters · 5 months
for the character ask game: james wilson house md :3
I was asleep when I got this one but HAI^_^
Sexuality HC: worlds gayest heterosexual man . Bi but like he’s got a emotionally rough job and several alimonys to pay he’s not thinkin ab all that. Except when house is in the perimeter. If gay marriage was legal in NJ before 2013 the divorce number would be unimaginable ❤️.. Most importantly no matter the sexuality he’s a harlot
Gender HC: in similar above terms: world’s transsest cis man <3 ummm yea sure he’s cis w/e but also he’s so some trans guy. I also can Butchify anyone. Guards turn wilson into a masc woman
A ship I have with said character: gee i wonder…. Hilson should have been canon so they could be wilson divorce no.4. The divorce is just for fun bc house wants to flex the embarassing number of divorces & also have his own 1❤️. Happily toxic remarried. But idk that’s an average statement from Oscar hilsondivorce innit. Also house/cuddy/wilson is the unethical ethical polycule ever.
A BROTP I have with said character: the hypothetical interactions Wilson and Cameron had when he left ppth post-WH/HH is so special to Me…. Also um cuddy and wilson bitchy besties obv.
A NOTP I have with said character: IDFK whatever’s done boringly. I don’t vibe w the occasional cameron/wilson I’ve seen ig
A random headcanon: idk why but I think he reallyy likes sour candy :p also the first time he ever noticed a smidge of grey hair he freaked out and dyed it brown/match but noticing the nondifference stopped bothering after that one panic. also bc he knows it’d give house ammo to switch the dye w crazy colors more than he’s already tried before
General Opinion: tbf thru my first watch while I Did love him he wasn’t even top 5 charas. Thru my rewatch he’s making me insane❤️…. What the hell is up w this Guy. I need to open his gut up and see if he just has parasites that make him say & do All that:/ shoutout to awful Manwhores with hearts as big as their hair in media we don’t have enough of him
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moash · 2 months
hello esteemed tumblr user moash. do you have thoughts on lirin and his disapproval of kaladin (until the end of row)? or lirin's character in general? you always have good character thoughts and im thinking abt lirin's line "i obey the person who holds the sword to my throat, same as i always have" bc it slaps
hiiiii i think lirin’s pacifism is potentially really interesting but kind of butchered in row. he’s made to seem almost ridiculous for his completely reasonable views. like the scene where kaladin kills the singer in the clinic i feel like most people felt lirin was being unreasonable, but i think if they imagined instead of a singer it was a human, it would feel way different. it’s actually pretty amazing that lirin readily accepts singer’s humanity much quicker than any other character! imagine you spent your early career operating on victims of the blackthorn’s conquest sorry “unification” of alethkar and then the son you raised to be a healer ended up killing, for the blackthorn, in your sanctuary. i’d be pretty distraught too. this isn’t to say i think lirin is right and kaladin is wrong, but i think lirin’s views weren’t well represented in row and he was made to look more in the wrong than he was.
i think this is maybe not a common occurrence, but it’s definitely a trap that sanderson has fallen into before that character will sort of lose their characterization in favor of fulfilling a role opposite the leads that they don’t necessarily fit. lirin in wok would not say “i obey the person who holds the sword at my throat.” that man stole from the brightlord and lied about it for years, enduring hellish conditions for him and his family to give kaladin a better future. just because he was a pacifist didn’t mean he was passive or submissive. not like a rebel either, but i feel like his character shifted significantly in row to suit the role of a passive submissive character opposite kaladin’s rebellion and action. i think this happened with sadeas in words of radiance too. in way of kings he had legitimate reasons for his betrayal of dalinar, he truly believed he was doing the right thing for alethkar, and i think even dalinar acknowledges this is the alethi way. but in wor he shifts entirely into being a villain for villainy’s sake. none of his moves are for the good of alethkar anymore, and he admits to adolin that he will continue to work against dalinar and the united alethkar if he is left alive. like that’s not really the same guy, he’s just filed down to fill a role. i think both of these characters could have filled those roles and kept consistent characterization with a little more creativity and effort, i find it just kind of lazy the way it ended up being written.
i feel like i got off course, the tldr is i like lirin a lot, especially in wok, but i feel like his character is flattened in row in a way that makes his ideals look ridiculous. which is a shame because you’re right that that line could go hard in a better context imo!! but i felt sort of letdown by his row appearances
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housecow · 6 months
You thought that by being fatter you’d be stronger? lol wut
lol no of course not, but i’ve been rather big for most of my life? and for a long time i didn’t gain any more weight bc i kept that in check with an active lifestyle. i was always the strong friend, i was always helping my ppl out w building stuff and carrying things (i come from a rural area).
i figured it was bc i was just used to my own weight but like OBV when you’re actively using your muscles you’re gonna be strong lol. now im just fat and lazy and it shows
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person25 · 6 months
Kim Dokja really just is that guy
also when does he get that damn coat bc istg i’ve been waiting since i started this shit
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baconcolacan · 7 months
All ships involving tom are lucky, its just Tom who’s not/hj
Side eyeing Regimen rn
WAHAHAHA I think that really only rings true for Regimen
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hella1975 · 1 year
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kitfyy · 2 months
hello, good time zone!! ^^ (you say it, ima say it too ^^)
i hope you slept well, drink some water and eat enough food today<3 but if you are not hungry, don’t force feed yourself, alright?
i hope your day is super awesome sauce, have fun!! ^^ stay safe<3
been a little since we talked, wanted to make sure you remember that i’m here for you as well as you are for me <3 i love you, have a wonderful day!!
stay hyped 🔥💪
Good Time Zone!
this is so sweet and I appreciate it a lot. thank you so much for the nice words🧡 you too! take care of yourself the best you can <3
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chikoyama · 14 days
No matter how uncute or possibly ‘manly’ someone perceives themselves as, Chiyori would totally unabashedly be of getting them one of those soft plush key chains for their birthday (or any other occasion where exchange of gifts is a given). Because everyone deserves to be the proud owner of something cute, and if needed, she’ll let someone use her as excuse just for that!
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peachfruitcake · 1 year
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honest, no. I don’t really know what it is you’re seeing
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fumifooms · 4 months
This is why I love your posts. The sandwich. THE SANDWICH. I knew it was a sign on reconcillation between them--But I failed to realize how him eating the sandwich with the syrup in is also symbolic of how he is finally letting Marcille (who is a sweet person) in.
You make me realize stuff about Ryoko Kui's work and make me love it more. Because platonic or not, that is canon and intentional no doubt considering the detail the aithor puts in their work!♡♡♡
THE SANDWICH, THE FRICKING SANDWICH, I KNOW RIGHT!! The bicorn chapter. THE BICORN CHAPTER I STG. I love it so much, it really is the climax of their arc together. I keep alluding to it latelu but I think you’ll like the analysis I’m working on rn finally properly dissecting their complementary character arcs. Btw funnily enough I myself only remembered about the sandwich/realized what it meant when reading a russian marchil fic lol 🫶 I looove how "This sweetness in my meal isn’t what I expected but it isn’t so bad, shouldn’t have looked down upon the idea" is the final metaphorical comment of the chapter and thus their arc I looove how the sweetness is optimism, it’s nice things happening in his life and him being surprised pikachu face about it, it’s like Puckpatti and Marcille taking on life with a glass half full approach, and I love how it’s also her. Kui is genuinely such a storytelling genius.
You know, sometimes I wonder like "Ok but did Kui intend marchil, on some level maybe perhaps………. Nahhhh, pshhh, haha." And then I remember how him liking blondes is apparently important and relevant (bc Kui keeps emphasizing on it) and how he sees her as if she has anime sparkles around her hair as per his shapeshifter of her, and I remember- UGH I remember like all the marchil crumbs ever and how narratively important they were to each other and all the times he risked his life for her specifically and blushed and teased (my god he has a blushing tsundere Marcille surrounded with sparkles in his head of what he thinks happens when he teases her my GOD). I’m like, Kui did you know what you were doing. KUI. KUI IS HE CANONICALLY ATTRACTED TO HER. IS THERE SOMETHING THERE.
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lucifer · 7 months
I’ve legitimately had a rotten day today. :(
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rollercoasterwords · 9 months
is there a particular career u intend to go into or r u studying things bc ur interested?
well rn the plan is 2 get a phd & try 2 become a professor despite the atrocious job market 4 professors rn 😃👍 but i’m doing a masters first 2 try and narrow my focus + figure out what i’d actually wanna do a phd thesis in…was v lucky 2 get my degree funded i would not be able 2 justify a masters in gender studies if i was gonna be going further into debt bc it really is not. a v practical degree like u can do nonprofit work or become a professor that’s basically all that it might help w lol
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petrichorium · 9 months
The fav I have the most frequent (and most intense) fights with is actually jing yuan btw
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callixton · 29 days
i adore my department head to death but i do wish she wasn’t so transphobic. hurts sometimes
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kagayguri · 10 months
I was bored so I went to the photo shoot job thing again and…
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 5 months
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WOO!! Art wip of a malevolent comic I’ve been slowly working on over the year, this is the second page <3
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