#well maybe without vampire because i never dated older guys
stargirlbryce · 1 year
Guts is literally about 19-year-old me
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Dating Hope Mikaelson Headcannons
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Making sure she takes breaks from working too hard and think about herself for a period of time when a threat may come along cause she'll overwork herself too much
When you guys met, she froze up and wasn't able to complete a coherent sentence after a good couple of minutes
Helping her through panic attacks or whenever her memories decide to wash through her mind
Being the only one she's comfortable being vulnerable around
You guys sometimes just go out in the woods to let out aggression (you feel bad for the trees whenever you kick them a lot or throw stuff though)
Being ready to attack Alaric every time he brings up her dead parents and uncle to win an argument
^Her also having to literally pull you away before you stab him in creative ways
You both being extremely protective of each other
Cuddling whenever you guys are in bed, no matter what. Even if you have an 'argument' (which would be really small and funnily stupid)
When she gets nightmares, you'd comfort her and cradle her against your chest
Hope and Lizzie either act as mortal enemies or the best of friends, there's no inbetween
^causing lot's of disappointing or confused sighs coming from you and Josie. Literally one minute you'll guys have to stop them from trying to kill eachother and the next you'll be staring at the two of them cuddled together on the couch, scrolling on their phones as if nothing happened
If you're a vampire then you'd show her memories of your past and how you grew up, how different it was I'm the past centuries (being an older vampire and going to the school only becuase you met Hope)
^and maybe knowing her mischievous Uncle Kol for a long time and surprising her with the first thing you do, which is insulting him when she takes you with her to NOLA to meet her family. (The look on everyone's face is priceless from your 'boldness' of talking to an original like that for the first time) - as if that's your first time
Her sometimes acting as if she's 'too badass' for cuddles at night, but then won't stop pouting till you hold her
Helping her through when she lost Hayley, Klaus and Elijah
Hope trying to hold back a laugh every time you guys are currently facing a monster because you insult them multiple times before the fight even begins. Starting with how they dress and ending up with telling them instead of just taking a bit of revenge, try and go for something way better and exciting, getting an insulted facial expression. Every. Time.
Building a blanket fort I your guys' dorm and cuddling while watching movies in it at night
You two should never be alone with the younger students (4-8 year olds) because it turns straight into chaos the moment you're alone
^Alaric learned that the hard way when coming back from a meeting
Sneaking into town together to go to the grill, ordering food, playing darts, and maybe some pool. Acting like normal teenagers for once
Her nuzzling herself into you as much as she can when she gets her period (before she turns)
Baking cookies together, but you quickly kick her out of the baking space so she's just watching because it'll turn into a disaster with her lack of knowledge about kitchen equipment if you don't
Teaching her a very old language so if you want to talk without prying ears, you guys can (you'd be a vamp here)
Dancing in the woods together whenever it's pouring rain
Attempting to make slime together (p.s. it doesn't end well)
Having movie marathons of watching Harry Potter and Marvel
Ranting to each other at the end of the day about people or things that annoyed you guys. Alaric is in the top three of annoyance for both of you
If you could, you guys would stay in bed all day, cuddling
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throwawayfiction · 3 years
Lights Chapter 3
Chapter 3, not to brag but I’m working on chapter 5 right now.  @iloveslasher this is for you.  Things went well for a while. Bella, Jacob, me, we all hung out constantly. It was nice. My friends were busy with their own lives right now. Some of them went to school out of state, some of them were in state, but since we lived so far out, their commute was sort of crazy at times when you consider school work and holding a job. I took online courses, I never liked the school setting. I felt like someone was forcing me to be there, forcing me to do the work in one sitting. I couldn't cope with it. I work at my own pace and I am able to pick my own schedule. I guess I am a bit of a control freak. I do miss the class room, the social aspect that is. It forced me to meet people and possibly make friends. But that's why Jacob, Bella, and I were brought together. The past few weeks were strange. I felt tension growing between Bella and Jacob. Tension growing between Jacob and I when Bella would reject him. We were sort of in a love triangle, not knowing which way to turn. I am just thankful we all kinda kept good feelings towards each other in the whole process. I confronted Bella at one point too, about the conversation I over heard the day that we met. Going to sleep at night since has been tough for me. Because all I can think about is Aro, the man I keep dreaming about and the strange men I can't see their faces, but I can feel their energies. Bella told me that there was folklore here in Forks and the reservation in regards to vampires. I listened intently as she told me her boyfriend, Edward was one of those vampires. It was difficult believing her at times, since I never met this Edward person. But those thoughts quickly get snapped back in to place, in a place where I am forced to believe what this girl is telling me, because of the man I met that day in Volterra. All arrows kept pointing me back to him. At this point, I am worried about the fact that wasn't the last time I was going to see that man. Bella and I had plans tonight, it was a tad bit early for our date night, but there was a strange car in the driveway. One I've neve seen before. I jump out of my sedan and run up the porch and let myself in. "Hey Bella, is everything okay?" I called, I heard voices in the kitchen. I walked in to the kitchen, there stood Bella and Jacob and another girl with short hair. She had an urgent look on her face. Jacob look incredibly upset at something. Bella looked shocked. "Hey-uh…y/n, I am sorry about all this." Bella spoke. "It's okay, is there anything I can help you with? Everyone seems tense." I said, looking at everyone. "My name is Alice, I'm sorry we never met before." The short haired girl approached me. She had strange eyes. Something told me she was just posing as a teenager. She was much older than what she was trying to play as. "It's nice to meet more of Bella's friends, my name is y/n" I said back to her. "It's a pleasure, unfortunately I do have to go. Bella I'll leave you to explaining for now but we have to leave soon." The girl named Alice left the room and I heard the front screen door snap shut. "You can't be serious about going Bella." Jacob said firmly. "I have to Jake-" "He left you." They must be talking about Edward. "He thinks I jumped off a cliff, he thinks I'm dead. Rosalie told Edward about Alice's vision without any context and now he's really in trouble." Bella tried to explain to Jacob probably again, and trying to fill me in on some things going on. All of these people must be related, or maybe the same creature. "Bella if you feel this is right then I support you." I said to her. Jacob was visibly getting angrier. "I am going to leave you guys to this then, Jacob maybe we should just go. Alice said they needed to leave as soon as possible." I made my way to the door, Bella followed after me then Jacob. He kept muttering about how he didn't want Bella to go with Alice. I got in my car and watched as Bella got in the car with the girl Alice, and Jacob begging her to stay. They drove off after several minutes, Jake was gone when I decided to peep in my rearview mirror again. I decided going home was the best thing to do tonight.—-No one POV—-Bella, Edward, Alice, stood on marble floors inside the Volturi walls. "OH how I love happy endings!" Aro exclaimed with too much enthusiasm. That's how you knew he was going to drop some more pressure on to the Cullens and dear Bella Swan in just a few more moments. "But I do have a problem with all of this, Isabella is human." "So what? Bella has known about our existence for a long time and she hasn't told anyone." Edward was trying to reason. Aro took that as a challenge. "Then let me see…" He grabs Bella's hand, Bella swallows hard, remembering how she told y/n about Edward, and oh god, she saw Alice too. Y/n was a smart girl, she would surely put two and two together. She was going to be killed by these people. "Astounding. I cannot read her thoughts." Aro spoke again after many minutes. "What a gift, a treasure you have dear Edward." "Brother, we have no proof that the girl has kept quiet about our secret so she must be destroyed." Caius had enough of the situation. Aro hummed in agreement. "Jane?" Aro motioned towards the blonde guard. "Wait! I have seen Bella becoming one of us!" Bella was now struggling against the guards about to destroy her. Aro put his hand up to motion for the guards to stop. "Let me see my dear child," Alice reluctantly gave Aro her hand. Aro saw everything, he saw Bella as a vampire, with Edward, enjoying their new life toghether. It was a daydream, a fantasy. It was so peaceful…Until he saw her face. It was her! Aro was now in the most recent events in Alice's mind. He was now squeezing and crumbling Alice's hand without knowing it. "YOU know her?!" Aro demanded, shoving Alice back. "What are you talking about?" Alice questioned desperately. "I saw a girl, a HUMAN girl in your memories. She belongs here, WHY do you have her?" Aro was booming now, The pains in his chest growing intense. Caius was gripping the arms of his throne so tightly it was beginning to crack. Marcus shifted in his seat, waiting for his brother Aro to explode. "Don't play stupid, the girl who was in Isabella's house!" Edward looked at Bella questioningly, "He's talking about y/n." Alice was shocked, guilt washed over her, thinking she just signed y/n's death certificate. "Aro please, she doesn't know anything, please don't kill her, she's innocent." "Bring her here or your deal, Cullens, is off. You will all be sentenced to death." Aro hissed. "Isabella must be changed, time is ticking. Find a way to bring me the girl."
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mystickingstuff · 4 years
"Relax, darling!" Kol Mikaelson x male reader
I don't really know what's that supposed to be but I like Kol a lot and... Well, that's it. The title and the gif don't really give a hint of anything, which is sad.
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You never thought much about Klaus's family. Honestly, you never even thought you'd meet them.
The Original Hybrid was more than just your maker. Your savior. He showed you, the last of his hybrids, that you don't have to be a lone wolf.
So, when he said he's going to New Orleans, of course you go together. With or without the sire bond, he had your loyalty.
"Who's that?" You asked him when you guys went to this old house on the French Quarter. The place had some distinct stints. Rain, forest, a little sulfur... Magic.
"Do you remember how the Salvatores killed my little brother, Kol?"
"Yeah, you made me collect his ashes." You rolled your eyes, smirking.
"For a reason. I made some contacts and brought him back. As a witch, even. And I need you to protect him."
You shrugged, not really objecting. Orders were orders. Klaus held one of your shoulders and smiled. "You know you're important to me, right?"
"Yeah, the last of the hybrids and stuff." You agreed.
"Not only because of this." He made you look at him. "You made me feel like I wasn't an abomination that made other abominations when the world said otherwise. I will always be grateful for this."
Smiling, you hugged him. Had to take those rare moments where your alpha would open up so easily. "I love you, Klaus. So, go on. I'll take care of your lil brother.
And so, time goes by. The whole mess about Klaus's baby with the werewolf lost princess Hayley Marshall, Elijah showing up and then Rebekah too.
Apparently they didn't knew about Kol's ressurection, something about Klaus planning stuff.
"You know, love, we could just get out of this bloody house and have some fun, even that if only for a night." Kol said, one afternoon at the house you guys were in. "This place is covered by spells, I can use a glamour and you could... Definitely wear something better."
"Excuse me?" You laughed. "What is wrong with what I wear?"
"Nothing, it's just... Meh. And if you want to get laid with a girl-"
"I like boys, Mikaelson. Well, girls too. Actually, I like everyone. I'm bi, I guess." You shrugged, not really caring about labels.
"Oh. Okay. Well, then you really have to change your style. Be a little hot than just pajamas with crocks." He smirked.
Living with him was surprisingly good. Not as chaotic as Klaus made you think. Kol was as deep as the rest of the family.
One night, really late, he came to your room, asking if you could talk. He opened up about things. How being dead was like and how he missed his littlest brother, a boy named Henrik, even after a thousand years after his death.
And maybe, just maybe (for sure) you were having feelings for him. When he touched your shoulder, you'd have shivers running through your back.
When he talked, you just wanted to close your eyes and appreciate the sound of his voice.
And when he walked around shirtless... Good gods, that made your inner wolf howl.
But he was your alpha's brother. Not only that, he looked straight. So you buried your feelings, as you "should."
When everything was fine and Hayley finally gave birth to the baby, a little girl named Hope to which you instantly liked (because babies, you know? especially such an important baby), Klaus revealed who's the witch that helped him with his enemies.
So, yeah! The Mikaelsons were finally back together, everything was fine for once and they were a family again and all that.
"Hey, where are you going?" Klaus asked, showing up in front of the room you had at his house.
"I have some friends in New York. Gonna spend some time there. I mean, you don't need me anymore." You smiled. Not that you were sad, but it was a fact. He had his family. "Your brother can look out for himself."
"He can, for sure, but I need you around. You're family too, Y/N." Klaus said. "Hope could use an older brother."
"She will have Marcel." You smirked. "I think we both know I'll always be a burden to you, Klaus. I'm the last hybrid, a living memory from a time when you weren't so good as you're today."
"You are absolutely crazy!" He huffed, loudly. "You are not a burden to me, Y/N! You never were! You are important to me, to this family, to Ko-" He interrupted himself, but you got it.
"Kol? I mean, yeah, we're friends, but...
"He likes you, I noticed. You make him happy, even if you're both just too damn stupid to notice it. So, go on! Leave us! Make us feel like garbage for not being enough for you!"
You looked at him, changing glances. And then you both laughed like crazies. "That's low, Klaus!"
"Had to say something to make you stay. So please, stay. And talk with my brother before I have to make you both make out."
Later, during dinner, you sat between Hayley and Rebekah. In front of you, Kol tried to glance without looking obvious, to which he failed.
"Can't you guys just talk? This is making me disgusted. It's annoying. Just fuck already." Rebekah whispered to you. Of course, all the vampires could hear it, so when everyone but Kol giggled, he knew something was up.
"Nothing. Your sister is just bugging me." You rolled your eyes, giving a little shoulder bump on her. "We could talk about her and Marcel, what about that!"
"Please, no. It's already too weird that my step-son is dating my sister, I don't need the details."
"Well, Y/N's basically your son too and Kol and him are teasing each other forever. Let's talk about that." Everyone was surprised that Elijah, of all people, came with that. Hayley giggled.
"Ah, well. There's no point in denying that I think this handsome warlock in front of me is hot as fuck." You blinked at him.
"I think I'm full of dinner already. Y/N, please, would you help me with some spells?" Kol got up, and went to you. Without even flinch, you got up and followed him.
Out of their sight, you guys made out passionately. And for a long time during your life (mortal and immortal), everything was fine. More than just fine, you were happy.
BONUS! Meeting Freya, after coming back from the honeymoon.
(because hell yeah you guys got married, and Kol was now a heretic. Something about his blood still having the vampire curse and activated when you guys got attacked by the Strix).
"What the bloody fucking hell have you got us all in now, Niklaus?!" Your husband said right after the teleport he casts worked on you both.
"Like we didn't had enough to give us headaches." Rebekah huffed, but came to you, giving a hug. "I missed you so much. How was Paris?"
"Great. We had the time of a life in there. The food was great, the fashion too, until a bunch of crazy Elijahs wannabe came after us!" You glanced to your former Alpha. "Could've told us there was a sireline war going on."
"I didn't knew. Until Lucian told me."
"Urgh. Lucian Castle. I remember when you introduced us to each other. I hate that guy. He's clearly jealous of you." You noticed, and then went to get some bourbon. And finally, you noticed her. "Hello?"
"Oh, yeah. That's our oldest sister. Long story short, she was not dead, but cursed to sleep for a hundred years. Meet Freya." Klaus introduced you to her. "This is Y/N, Kol's husband and a hybrid."
"Nice to meet you." She greeted. "Seems like I'm the only one without a person, huh?"
"I know a girl I could introduce to you." You smiled, already planning everything.
"Easy, Y/N, she's my sister, not a toy." Kol joked.
"Shut up." You smirked. Hayley called you, and came to the room with Hope on her shoulders. "Oh my god, she's all grown up!"
The Mikaelsons smiled. Even after all that time, it was so good to see Kol and you together.
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
ALSOALSO, as i am a jojo fan, heres my obligatory jojo ask to get your jjba master list started:
part 1 dio boyfriend headcanons! or if that's too difficult, caesar zeppeli bf headcanons 🙏🏼
I’ll do you one better and do both hehe
Dio Brando
Dio is a bastard by nature I’m sorry
Whether it’s when he’s younger or older it doesn’t matter, he’ll always sort of be an ass towards you if you’re dating
But that’s only because that’s his true self
He’s high and mighty, teasing, and overall kind of evil
It’s a different kind of teasing with you though
you get mercilessly teased in a light hearted, joking way
He’ll mockingly tease you for being too short or too tall to kiss him comfortably, or feign annoyance when you ask him for his time all the while trying to hide his smile and doing what you wanted without any resistance
Not like others who have to deal with being called useless, stupid, or annoying and having to deal with his anger and conniving attitude
Dio is surprisingly honest with you if you’re dating and if he’s serious about you
He tells you about the mask, his past, and his hatred of Jonathan
He even tells you his whole plan to get rid of Jonathan and maybe hopes you’ll encourage him or help him execute it
He really holds nothing back from the one he loves the most
Takes you on amazing dates
Of course it’s always because “you’ve annoyed him so much and he wants you to stop pestering him”
If you actually stop ‘pestering’ him, Dio gets really concerned and demands to know what’s wrong with you
He may jokingly mock you for your kisses and desires to spend time with him but he honestly doesn’t mean it so don’t stop giving him your attention
Dio can get kind of excessive in his dates as he will buy you anything he even thinks you want
His dates are also spontaneous, he never tells you beforehand and just shows up unannounced
It’s sometimes annoying but also so endearingly like him that it’s hard to stay mad
You will also never properly speak with Jonathan if he can help it
You will meet his adopted family, as it is a tradition to meet the others family, but never will he leave you alone with them
Dio would rather die then let Jonathan infect you with his stupidity
Or have you be questioned by Jonathan
That would be insult to Dio to know Jonathan thinks he would ever treat his beloved poorly
Especially after what he had to experience and witness from his Father
it makes his blood boil thinking anyone thinks he would be anything like his Father
After he becomes a vampire he expects you to become one too
But because he is incredibly soft for the one he loves, he gives them a legitimate choice in the matter
Choosing not to become one makes him incredibly sad and for once he won’t hold back in telling you his honest feelings, but he lives the rest of your life with you and never has another serious partner again
Choosing to become one makes him incredibly happy and for once, he shows you a completely unhidden vulnerable side to himself
To him, asking you to join him in being a vampire it akin to him asking you to marry him
Would somewhat properly marry you though if that’s what you really desired
Dio just wants you to be happy with him, but that doesn’t mean his changing his personality for you
You will forever have to deal with his God complex and teasing
But know that he loves you dearly
Caesar Zeppelli
Caesar is such a FLIRT
And dating him only makes it worse
You will have to deal with the unbridled, unrestrained brunt of all of Caesar’s flirting and charms
Please know Caesar spoils the hell out of you
He takes you to fancy restaurants, buys you fancy clothes, expensive jewelry, expensive food
just anything high quality he thinks you would like
If you don’t like that, you’ll essentially have to beat it into him because he’s always wanted to spoil his beloved
He honestly just really wanted to be someone you can rely on for everything
Money, shelter, love, protection, anything
Caesar is always there for you
Even if Lisa Lisa disproves of him leaving to go to you, he would do it just to care of you
Really wants Lisa Lisa to like you though
She’s his respected teacher and he really wants you and her to get along
Constantly talks about you to others and complements you to your face all the time
He honest to god doesn’t mean to be obnoxious about your guy’s relationship, but it’s hard not to tell others about how in love he is
Especially because him being in love love is really rare
Of course he flirted with pretty girls before and is a Casanova, but you’re the real deal, not just some fling
He’s very open with you about his past, both his serious past and his romantic past
Totally understands if you’re mad at him for not being totally faithful in the past
But promises he’ll prove himself worthy of your love
It’s hard to say no to that
Trains you in hamon
Says it’s for your safety and it is!
But he also just wants a proper reason to spend time with you that Lisa Lisa won’t complain about
Protects you from the truth for as long as he can though
He doesn’t want to scare you so he lies about the purpose of hamon and neglects to tell you that vampires really exist
Even when telling you about his serious past he chose to omit some truths
Begs everyone else to lie to you as well
You probably find out about vampires and the masks regardless because Jospeh can’t keep his misfortune to himself
Caesar spends the day trying to kill him, rip Joseph you will be missed
This makes him more determined to teach you hamon and now he spends just about 24/7 with you, training you in the ways of hamon and comforting you so you don’t worry about him or your own safety
He just wants to make sure you’re comfortable and never worry about him
Caesar would literally do anything to make sure you live a happy and secure life with him
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joviewinchester · 3 years
Let’s pretend that Mary is here to add to the *spice* Also major fluff alert. So terribly fluffy endings that they could be a danger to society. Except for the last one. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Also let me know if I should write more stuff with multiple endings because this was super fun.
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Imagine dating Dean when Gabriel comes back, and going to stay with Lucifer.
Dean and Y/N were currently having the biggest fight of their relationship. “I still love him Dean! I can’t help it! I thought he was dead okay?! I assumed after he went radio silent he was dead not kidnapped by a Kentucky fried douche bag!”
“Oh! Oh! That’s even better! You knew that Lucifer didn’t kill him and you didn’t think to tell us?!”
“I was protecting him you ass! He would have really died if everyone knew he was still alive!”
“Well, what now, then, huh? I was a fucking distraction from all of your baggage wasn’t I?!”
“Like I wasn’t?! You have so much fucking baggage, it adds on an extra fifty pounds!”
“Well? What about now, Y/N? Even if I’m absolutely pissed at you, I’m still and love with you, and I’ll take a wild guess from when he tried to kiss you and say that he’s still in love with you too, so now what?”
“I’m staying somewhere else for awhile, Dean. I can’t stand being here okay? I love you. You know that, but everything is just so complicated right now and I can’t deal with it.”
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to stay with Lucifer okay? And don’t tell me that it’s dangerous and he’s an asshole and I can’t because I don’t have anywhere to go. I’m out of options, D.”
“So what? You would rather have a sleepover with the devil than stay here?!”
“Yes okay?! And this is why! I can’t deal with the way you’re being right now! …Look, i don’t have enough energy to fight anymore. Let Gabe know where I went, and just so you know, we’re on a break.”
Dean sadly watched as she walked out of the bunker with her duffel bag on her shoulder. “On a break?” He muttered to himself.
As soon as the bunker door slammed shut, Sam walked out from his room, where he had been hiding. He put an arm around his older brother. “It’ll be okay, Dean.”
“Will it really? Because she’s going to stay with yet another archangel that she, although I don’t have proof, most likely had feelings for, and the other one is staying with us.”
“Oh yeah yeah. Cry all you want, Winchester. You think I’m not upset that she’s staying with my brother who tried to kill me?” Gabriel asked.
“Is all this really necessary? I think we should probably just let Y/N do what she wants, and not fight. She is a responsible adult, and she can make her own decisions.” Castiel chimed in.
“Oh shut up!” Dean and Gabriel said in unison.
“By the way asshole, thanks to you, me and Y/N are on a break!”
“Oh don’t blame me for that Dean-o. You did that on your own. Y/N likes to make her own decisions, and you trying to make them for her? Yeah that was not working out too well. Clearly the only reason she really left was to show that she still had control over her own life.”
“Clearly, she left because your both being completely immature grade a douchebags, who, frankly, no one wants to be around, so shut up, or get a room!” Sam exploded.
They both put their hands up in surrender. “If you really want to know what really happened with Lucifer, I’ve recently come into possession of a super top secret diary of a certain loveable hunter.”
Mary walked in on the conversation. “Don’t you two dare. Just because she left does not mean you get to just take anything from her room.”
Dean and Gabriel both shrugged and sat down at the table. Gabriel began flipping through the pages to find the right date. “Here it is. This is after I went radio silent. You said that she started hanging around with Lucifer three years after my ‘death’ correct?” Dean nodded.
“”Dear Jenny,” Wow she named her diary. Whatever that’s beside the point.
“Dear Jenny,
I definitely made somewhat of a mistake today. Well, I wouldn’t call it that, but I know that the Winchesters would. I, well, I made out with Lucifer last night.
I think I’m in love with him, but then, there’s Dean. I’m starting to think he kind of had a thing for me? But then again, it’s Dean, he probably just wants to hook up or something.
You know, for some reason, I always liked the villains more. I think it might be because, most of the time, they aren’t using a girl. They love her. They’d get down on their knees for her. They’d die for her and do anything for her, and she’d always be their queen. I don’t know maybe I’m delusional.
What would Gabe say though? There’s no doubt in my mind that I will always be in love with him, dead or alive. If I ever got the chance to be with him again, I know that I would choose him, over anyone, Dean and Lucifer included. He is, well was, the light in my darkness, and I know that I‘ll never forget him.” Gabriel closed the diary. He glanced at Dean, trying to subtly study his face. He was clearly upset, and oddly enough, Gabe comforted him.
“Hey, cheer up, okay Dean-o. Let’s look at a further entry. Her feeling about you probably changed.”
They flipped further. It was an entry from last year.
“Dear Jenny,
I almost died today. There was a nest of vampires, and I went in on my own. I feel so stupid. Scratch that. I am stupid. I was lucky, so goddamn lucky.
Dean saved me. I felt really dumb. I hate being the damsel in distress. I was hoping that by going in there, I would take them out on my own and show Dean that I don’t need protection.
He has enogh to worry about, and he is always worrying about me. If anything ever happened to Dean, I don’t know what I’d do.
I know in past entries, things I said were so different, but we’re together now. Things are so different, and I love him so much.
He is my light…in the darkness.” Gabriel trailed off on the last part.
“You make her happy Dean. She’s yours now.”
“No. You made her just as happy, and besides, it’s her decision now. For all we know, she’ll end up with Satan.”
About, a week passed and Y/N was finally home. As soon as she walked in the door, everyone could tell how drained she was. She looked like she hadn’t slept in years.
“Hi.” She gave a weak smile to no one in particular. Now was not a time to play favorites. Then again, maybe it was.
Dean- “So, as you guys know, I’ve been MIA for a week, so I’ve had lots of time to think, and I know what I want. I know that you both probably don’t even want me at this point, but, Dean I love you. I want to be with you, and it was stupid for me to just up and leave. That one week was a living hell without you. Side note, that was a horrible metaphor for me to use.”
Dean pulled her into a tight hug, and buried his face in her hair. “Don’t ever leave me alone with Gabriel and Sam ever again. I know mom and Cas are here, but no one can stop them from arguing constantly but you.” Y/N laughed a little bit.
“I promise that I’ll never leave you ever again. I uh, I bought something while I was gone.” She pulled something small out of her pocket.
“Look, I know that this is kind of untraditional, but that’s who I am. Dean for as long as I’ve known you, you never even thought about a serious relationship, until you asked me out. Like everyone we have had ups and downs, but at the end of the day, I love you and you love me. With this life, you have no idea what’s going to happen next, so I guess what I’m trying to say is, Dean Winchester, will you marry me?”
“Hell yeah! Of course. I’m just sorry you beat me to it. Before our fight, I had this whole romantic thing planned out and-“ Y/N hushed him.
“I don’t want a bunch of rose petals. You’re more than enough for me.”
Gabriel- “Um…Mary can I talk to you?” Mary nodded and followed Y/N to a separate room.
“So, I know Dean is your son, but you’re my best friend and I feel like you’re the only person I can talk to. This may not be what you want to hear, but I’m still-“
“In love with Gabriel. I know n/n. Just let Dean down easy okay? You know how he is with these things. He’s not going to get over it overnight.”
Y/N pulled her into a hug. “Thanks, Mary.”
“Now why don’t you go shower and then talk to Gabe.” Y/N nodded and went up to her room then headed to her personal bathroom.
When she got done, she walked out to her laid out clothes and almost had a heart attack. Of course he would be waiting on her.
“You know, I feel like I already know the answer to this, but do you think I could get dressed before we talk or?”
“Nah. It’s not in my programming to do that.” Y/N grabbed her laid out clothes.
“In that case, I’ll be right back.” She said heading to the bathroom once more. When she walked back out, she sat next to him on the edge of her bed.
“So…” Y/N trialed off, nervously tapping her fingers against her thigh.
“Y/N, I know you aren’t very good at confrontation and stuff like that, but you have a decision to make, and no matter what, Dean and I have both agreed to respect that, even if that choice is neither of us.”
“Gabe, I’ve already made a choice. I made a choice a long time ago. I love you. Even through the years nothing has changed the fact that I love you. You were the first guy, or archangel rather, that I fell in love with, and I want you to be the last.”
“That was the most incredibly sweet and cheesy thing you have ever said to me.”
“Oh shut up, you love me.”
“You know it, sugar.”
Lucifer- “Look, I’m not staying here anymore. I know that might be kind of hard for you guys to process, but I know what I want now, and what I want is not anywhere near this bunker, so to save us all the heartache, I’m packing my stuff up and heading out of here.” She quickly ran up to her room.
“Lucifer.” Gabriel and Dean said annoyedly at the same time.
“You guys don’t know that. Maybe she just needs time on her own.” Sam said.
“Uh... yeah no.” They all turned around, then simultaneously groaned in disgust and annoyance.
“Oh come on. Don’t give me that. I’m a delight to be around. Ask Y/N.” Lucifer stated with a cocky smirk on his face.
Mary scoffed. “You’re a self righteous asshole. I don’t know why she finds any part of you attractive.”
Y/N came downstairs carrying like five bags, and rolled her eyes. “I go upstairs for five minutes and you guys are already fighting. Look, I’m leaving okay! I can’t be here right now! So, just at least let me go peacefully.”
“Is this what your mother would have wanted?” Cas stopped her. Y/N whipped around, and dropped the bags she was holding.
“Don’t talk about my mother! She died saving your sorry ass, so screw you!” Seconds later, they were gone.
“Maybe she’s right. Maybe he is different.” Mary suggested.
“Or maybe she’s blinded like she always has been.” Dean scoffed.
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
Scared - Fred Weasley
Harry Potter Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Summary: Y/N decides to move to London where she meets Fred Weasley who changes her life for the better. She’s scared of loving him.
Request: Hi!! Can I please request a (Fred lives! Au) Fred Weasley x Salvatore (Vampire)!reader where she’s Damon and Stefan’s younger sister (I can so see her acting like Damon, but really being soft once you get to know her) oneshot where she needed time away from Mystic Falls, so she goes to London, where she meets Fred & George, and she & Fred over time fall in love. At some point I’m sure they would have the talk about her being a vampire and him being a Wizard (it’d be so shocking for the both of them haha). And during the war, instead of leaving England like Fred asked, she follows the Weasleys to Hogwarts, kinda just hiding in the shadows until she sees Fred is in danger and saves his life. Almost losing him freaks her out because it reminds her that he’s mortal and she’s not, so she runs back to Mystic Falls, where Elena, Damon, & Stefan (Stefan lives au😅) have just taken the vampire cure and she takes it too, going back to Fred (Omg I can so imagine her asking Molly to bring her to the joke shop so she can run into Fred’s arms to surprise him and apologize for running off)
Requested by: @kpopgirlbtssvt
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, some violence
AN: I hope I did it I may have left out a few things since I couldn’t fit them in. Also I haven’t seen the deathly hollows only clips so if I got anything wrong that’s why. 😊
Y/N didn’t plan on going to London but she needed to get out of Mystic Falls. Get away from all the drama. Especially the drama between Stefan Elena and Damon.
She didn’t understand how everyone fell so in love with Elena and Katherine. But she got over it.
Damon and Stefan were angry about her sister leaving but Y/N didn’t truly care about it. Stefan got used to it but Damon just was snappy.
When she was in London she got a to breath a bit without her brothers by her side. Even though London was usually gloomy she made the best out of it.
While shopping Y/N ran into someone while she wasn’t looking.
“Sorry about that,” Y/N sighed and picked up her bags.
When she got up she saw someone else staring at her. The guy who was pretty tall and had red hair.
“No worries darling what’s your name,” Fred asked with a smirk on his face.
“Y/N,” She answered while looking the guy. She thought he was pretty cute himself.
“What no last name,” Fred laughed.
“I don’t even know your know so why would I tell you my last name,” Y/N snapped at the Weasley.
“Fred Weasley,” Fred introduced himself while pushing his hand out.
“Y/N Salvatore,” Y/N rolled her eyes while shaking his hand. “Well I have to get going,” She said after shaking his hand.
“Wait,” Fred yelled out as Y/N began walking away. Y/N turned around with a confused look on his face. “Can’t I at least get your phone number,” He asked.
“Maybe next time,” Y/N teases with a smirk on her face then walked away with her bags in hands.
Y/N was sure she wouldn’t see Fred again. Y/N thought he was cute but nothing would happen about. How wrong was she.
As Y/N sat in restaurant eating some breakfast she felt someone approach her and she turned around to see Fred standing there.
“Fancy see you here,” Fred smirks sliding in the booth besides her.
“Hello Fred,” Y/N greets the red head.
“I never got to ask what you think of London,” Fred asked taking a menu. Y/N stared at him in shock as he just sat there so casually.
“How do you know I just came here,” Y/N asks suspiciously.
“Well your accent is American and you looked like you didn’t know where you were love,” Fred put down his menu to give her that same smirk.
“To answer your question it’s gloomy but nice,” Y/N ignores his last statement and decided to answer his question.
“So can I get your number now love?” Fred asked as Y/N felt butterflies in the bottom of her stomach. She didn’t know why she was having these. The last time she had these is when she was human.
“Nope,” Y/N popped the P.
“What why you said ‘maybe next nine’?” Fred asks as confusion crossed his face.
“Well I’m a liar,” Y/N admits.
“Hmm,” Fred made a humming noise.
“Why are you making that noise,” Y/N questions as the waitress came over and sat the food on the table.
“No reason so if I can’t have your number will you at least let me take you out on a date,” Fred asks taking a bit out of her bacon.
“Why are you so adamant on hanging out with me,” Y/N asks feeling heat rise in her cheeks. Y/N doesn’t know why she’s feeling like this. She does have her humanity on but she’s hasn’t felt like this way in a while.
“Because there’s something interesting about you and I want to get to know you love,” Fred admits giving you a smile.
“Fine if it will stop you from annoying me,” Y/N snaps writing her address and phone number down and giving it to Fred before leaving. Fred looked back at her in awe knowing that this girl was special.
In reality she didn’t want to admit but she was happy that Fred has asked her out. He seemed like a good guy and he was really cute.
He called when Y/N was taking a drink out of a blood bag. He asked for a date on Friday and it was Wednesday.
Y/N agreed to the restaurant and the time. When Y/N hung up the phone she stared down at it with a smile on her face.
She didn’t even realize she was smiling since she hadn’t for a while. Y/N let out a sigh before shaking her head and wipping the smile off her face ignoring the feeling she had.
On Friday Y/N put on her best dress and put on some make up before exiting the flat with a smile on her face.
She saw Fred approach in a suit and Y/N couldn’t deny he was pretty handsome.
“You look beautiful,” Fred gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Well you don’t look so bad yourself,” Y/N teased giving a little punch on the shoulder.
When they got to the restaurant Y/N ordered a salad while Fred for stake. While they waited Y/N learned that Fred had many siblings. 7 to be exact. One of them was his twin George.
“Wow I can’t handle the two brothers I have it must of been hard for you,” Y/N laughs. “No wait I feel bad for your sister it sucks only having 2 it must suck even worse to have 6.”
“Ginny knows how to take care of herself she’s a strong girl,” Fred tells Y/N.
When food came they ate and Fred told her some of the pranks he played on some people just leaving the fact he was a wizard out of it.
Y/N was having a good time.
“I can’t believe you put hair die in her shampoo,” Y/N lets out a giggle.
“Me and George got in big trouble for it grounded for 2 weeks and Ginny ignored us for 1,” Fred scoffed.
“Well I don’t blame the girl I would have been pissed to,” Y/N takes a sip out of her wine.
“Did your brothers ever prank you,” Fred asked curiously.
“No but my older brother does like to joke around a lot,” Y/N admits while rolling her eyes.
As night went on the date ended which made Y/N feel a bit sad as Fred walked her back to the flat.
As they stood in front of the building Fred approached Y/N wrapping his hands around her cheeks putting his lips to hers. Y/N was shocked but kissed back wrapping her arms around his waist.
They parted ways as Y/N went into her building with a goofy grin on her face.
Y/N liked the way she was feeling but she hasn’t been in a relationship that wasn’t sexual in a while and didn’t know how to handle it.
So Y/N ignored Fred’s calls not knowing what to do next. Y/N felt bad and it was strange for her to feel bad. She usually didn’t care about people’s feelings.
As Y/N sat in her couch someone knocked on her door.
“Who is it,” Y/N yelled.
“It’s Fred,” Fred yelled back.
“Y/N froze in shock she didn’t know what to do but to answer the door.
“Hey Fred,” Y/N waved awkwardly.
“Why’ve been ignoring my calls,” Fred asked putting his hands into his pockets.
“I haven’t been ignoring your calls,” Y/N muttered looking at the ground.
Y/N saw the Fred approached her putting his fingers underneath her chin lifting her head.
“Why are you lying to be love,” Fred whispered.
“I’m sorry Fred I just haven’t felt like this for someone in a while,” Y/N admits while closing the door and letting him.
“I could’ve helped you,” Fred puts his hand on top of hers as she put it down on the kitchen counter.
“I know but we barely know each other,” Y/N scoffs.
“Well the let me get to know you,” Fred interjects before she can say anything else she let out a sigh and nod. “George gets annoyed every time I talk about since he hasn’t even met you.”
“You want me to meet your brother already,” Y/N asks flabbergasted.
“No I would wait til the 3rd date darling,” Fred gave her one of his smirks which made her feel like puddy in his hands. She felt so happy with Fred.
From then on Y/N Fred began to go on more and more dates. And after the third date Y/N met George. She was nervous but Fred reassured her that he would lover her and it was true. George was happy that his brother found someone to make him happy.
They knew almost everything about each other after 3 months. Except about her being a vampire and him being a wizard. They both wanted to tell each other but Y/N was scared of rejection and Fred was worried Y/N would get hurt by telling her.
Y/N invited Fred to her flat feeling nervous about telling him. She could compel him if he didn’t like it but she couldn’t do that to him.
A knock on the door broke Y/N out of her daze.
“Fred you have a key you can come in,” Y/N lets out a little laugh.
“Sorry love just didn’t want to startle you,” Fred closed the door as enters the flat. He notices the worried look on Y/N’s face and goes to stand in front of her. “What’s wrong darling,” Fred whispers putting his hands on her waist.
“Nothing,” Y/N muttered burying her face in his chest.
“Well obviously something’s bothering you,” Fred asks rubbing her back.
“Okay I’m going to come on and out with it,” Y/N moves back and lets out a sigh. “I’m a vampire,” She blurted out.
Fred stares at her for a second before laughter.
“Right good one,” Fred laughs and begins to notice that she isn’t laughing with him. “You’re serious,” He gasps.
“That’s so cool,” Fred lets out a laugh. “Well since you told me I have to tell you something,” Fred gives her a grin. “I’m a wizard.”
Y/N gaps at him with shock on her face.
“That is so cool.”
Y/N and Fred that day began to get closer to each other with know each other’s secrets. She met his family at his older brother Bills wedding. And they all excepted her with open arms.
Molly gave her tight hug which made George and Fred laugh. Arthur shook her hand giving her a smile. Ron couldn’t believe his brother got a girlfriend. Ginny gave Y/N a handshake and smile. She also met Harry and Hermione who greeted her.
Fred told Y/N she would meet Bill at the wedding.
Everything was going great until the death eaters came.
Most people were fine and only had cuts and bruises. Fred then went to the battle of Hogwarts and told Y/N to stay behind which made her mad.
“I can’t stay behind,” Y/N snaps.
“Yes you can love this is different than vampires,” Fred argues with.
“Please I just don’t want something bad to happen to you,” Y/N pleaded with him.
“I’ll be fine love just stay here,” He whispered giving her one last kiss.
“I love you,” Y/N whispered as he left.
She couldn’t just sit around and do nothing when she had this feeling in her gut that something was going to happen to Fred. She didn’t know where she was but she found the castle with some luck.
Y/N saw fighting everywhere as she entered Hogwarts. It was like a blood bath.
Y/N finally saw Fred getting attack by this one guy which made her eyes widen and ran over to the guy and bit into his neck killing him.
Y/N couldn’t stand the look Fred was giving her so she left feeling ashamed of herself why’d she do that why didn’t she just push him away. This was the first time in a while she felt guilty.
Y/N went back to mystic falls to take the cure maybe if she was human Fred would look at her in a different way.
Stefan and Damon were confused about her decision. But let her take it it would make her happy.
On the way to London she felt nervous and felt tears creep up. Y/N hoped Fred would look at her like her did before.
When she got to the burrow Y/N was met with the nice look of Molly.
“Y/N dear come in,” She let Y/N in. “Fred has been worried sick about you.”
“I know that’s why I’m here I need to talk to him,” Y/N admits running her fingers through her hair.
“Well come on dear let’s go,” Molly gets her purse getting ready to go to the shop.
When Y/N entered the shop it was full of customers. Y/N had a smile on her face as she saw all the stuff that was going on.
Y/N lost Molly and then she heard someone say, “Y/N.”
She turned around and saw Fred standing there with a smile on his face. She knew it was Fred she didn’t know how she just did.
Fred ran up to her giving her a tight hug and gave her kisses on all of her face.
“Where have you been I’ve been worried sick about you love,” Fred whispered in her ear.
“I love you,” Y/N blurts out with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. Fred put his warm hand on her cheek and caressed it.
“I love you too,” He whispered kissing her on the lips as she wraps her arms around his neck and his around her waist.
He lifts her up feeling on top of the world and in the moment Y/N knew she’d be alright.
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
To all Guys a Chat Loved Before
Okay, this is it. I’ve been working on this story for over a week. It’s seventy pages and twenty thousand words. I basically wrote you a short story. Enjoy it. Review. 
I’m not fond of Rom-Coms and rarely if ever watch Romantic movies. But there are a few that i’ve liked. So THROUGH OUT THIS i’ve sprinkled some of my favorite lines from my favorite romantic movies over the years. Some also came from tv shows. See if you can point them out.
This is Adrien-centered fic. It’s also slash.
Don’t you wish that people came with warning labels?
           Adrien did. He wished more than anything because his life would be so much easier if everyone could see each other’s warning labels.
Bustier: Terrible teacher. Needs to please everyone. Hates confrontation.
Lila: Waring massive Liar, manipulative shrew.
His father: Workaholic, possible sociopath. Might be allergic to hugs and any affection whatsoever.
Adrien: A little needy. Emotionally scarred. Touch starved. Famous. Trust issues. Lacks some basic social skills. Probably going to be in therapy for the rest of his life. Likes to run around in a skintight leather bodysuit.
           You know? The basics.
           Okay, maybe that’s too much. Too personal. Fine. Whatever.
           But at the very least, if he could meet someone and just know, you know?
           Know that this is the one.
           This is it.
           This one.
           They’re the one that’s gonna break your heart.
           Adrien’s life would be so much easier if he could at least get that one warning.
           Maybe he’d run the other way. But maybe he wouldn’t. Adrien had a terrible habit of always making the stupid choice.
           Still, it would be nice to know before he gets into deep.
           Before his heart isn’t just broken…
           It's shattered beyond repair.
Iron’s Kid: When did you realize you weren’t like other guys?
Chat Galore: I was twelve. You?
           The first time Adrien realized he might not be like other guys his age came AFTER he put on a magic ring and ran around Paris as a superhero in black spandex. And yes, that statement alone makes him realize how insane he sounds.
           But in his defense…
           Okay, there was no defense. He didn’t need to defend himself. There was nothing wrong with him. He knew that. There was nothing wrong with…
Iron’s Kid: Fourteen. And it took me completely by surprise. Like a bite in the neck.
           Adrien always really liked his penpal. It had been Chloe’s idea. Adrien signed up when he was thirteen, anonymously, through a program at school and was given an American penpal the same age as him. The schools vetted all participants in the program for authenticity. They’ve never told each other their real names, never seen so much as a picture of one another, but still, Iron’s kid became one of the few people who knew him best.
           The blond knew a lot about Iron’s Kid too. He even had a list.
Iron’s kid:
A year older than Adrien.
Huge geek like Adrien.
He was a guy.
He loved Legos
Said he had brown hair and eyes.
He was bisexual.
He was really funny.
Really smart. Like Genius smart.
He was an intern at Stark Industries.
He was a huge iron man fan and adored Spiderman a bit as any New Yorker did.
He loved superheroes and memes (like a lot) and stayed up late a lot.
He made as many puns as Adrien did as Chat Noir.
.           They got along really well. They texted constantly. And, Iron’s Kid slowly became one of Adrien’s dearest friends. After the first year of being Penpals, Adrien asked if Iron’s Kid wanted to meet. The answer was no. Adrien asked Iron’s Kid at least once a year if they could meet up (or skype or trade pictures); the answer was always No. It was only after Adrien revealed that he was a supermodel, that Iron’s Kid revealed he had a famous face too and just wanted to be treated normally.
           That did stop Adrien from still asking once a year. Iron’s Kid was one of the few people, outside of being Chat Noir that Adrien could just be himself with.
           But unlike Iron’s Kid…
           Honestly, Adrien always kind of knew, ya know?
           He was always as into Harry Styles as Chloe was. Maybe a bit more.
When he binged watched Stranger Things with Marinette; he noticed Finn Wolfhard as much as the bluenette did.
Maybe, he noticed Kim’s biceps just a bit too much.
           So he started to suspect early on.
           He didn’t know for sure until…
           And that’s the worst (and craziest) part because knew Luka. He had been sort of, kind of, friends with the guitarist for quite some time. He had never even thought of the blue-haired boy like that.
           Until one day, Adrien, Marinette, and Luka were playing video games after school. They were just laughing and chilling out like they always do. It was perfectly ordinary.
           Then out of nowhere, Adrien noticed just how blue Luka’s eyes were. Then that was it. Suddenly the blond couldn’t help but think how cool Luka was, how funny he was, how artistic. And Adrien was really self-conscious. When Luka was in the same room as him, Adrien was hyper-aware of everything his own body was doing and everything he was saying.
           It was like he existed outside it for a few seconds and was just watching the chaos.
How does my hair look?
Why did I JUST say that? No, don’t say that THAT’s even worse.
What is wrong with you?
Don’t stand like that! Who stands like that?
Does it look weird?
Am I being weird?
He totally thinks I’m weird.
Iron’s Kid: How could you NOT have seen Princess Bride?!!!!!?!!
Chat Galore: It doesn’t look like not my type of movie
Iron’s Kid: But you’ve seen the Labyrinth???!!! WTF
Chat Galore: It was my mom’s favorite movie!!! You haven’t seen vampire diaries yet!!!
Iron’s Kid: That is BESIDES the point. Princess Bride is a classic!!!!
Chat Galore: Oh just shut up
Iron’s Kid; As you wish.
           Adrien slowly became a blushing, stuttering mess.
           And he didn’t know how but somehow this was how Marinette figured it out what was going on.
“…You have a crush on Luka,” Marinette said slowly and quietly, one day after school as they sat in Marinette’s living room as if the words were as hard for her to get out as they were for him to hear.
The two had gotten closer as friends as a result of the Lila situation at school worsening. Once most of the class made it clear how quickly they were willing to drop Marinette for a shiny golden ticket; the blond and bluenette quickly washed their hands of the situation. They decided to let their ex-friends sink or swim on their own.
Adrien did not need fair-weather friends. Marinette was tired of being everyone’s doormat.  They decided to sit in the back together and wait for the fireworks. Surprisingly, not long after Nino joined them. The glasses-wearing boy hadn’t cared if Lila was lying or not (though Adrien and Marinette would provide him with enough evidence to convince him later), he just knew that Marinette was his childhood friend and Adrien was his best friend. Nino trusted them, and sure wasn’t going to abandon them.
That was over a year ago. Marinette, Nino, and Adrien were best friends. Then the bluenette and the blond found out they were really Ladybug and Chat Noir effectively ending their crushes on each other. (Though Marinette took a bit longer)
“No!” Adrien said quickly. “I mean, I can’t, I, uh. I used to love Ladybug, remember!”
           Marinette shrugged, “So? I dated Kagami for like three months last year, and I’d still wouldn’t say no to seven minutes in heaven with Luka. Or longer,” She smirked. “I used to like you. I’m bisexual; lots of people are.” She then tilted her head. “It’s okay if you like boys.”
           Adrien glanced down shyly. At that point, He hadn’t thought too much about his sexuality. He always figured he was straight. It was the standard some people would say. But… Did he? Did he like-like other guys like that?
           …He definitely liked Luka like that. But was it just Luka? Maybe Luka was special. And dreamy. And nice to look at. And he made Adrien’s stomach feel a little weird when he was around, “…I have a crush on Luka.”
“Everyone does,” Marinette nodded. “It’s a fact of life. He gets Kagami to blush. Chloe says he not completely awful. Hell, even Nino said, and I quote, ‘if I ever I had to pick a dude.’” She said but then her eyes widened as she looked at Adrien. “Wait! I just realized have you ever had a crush on a girl besides Ladybug? I never heard you talk about any. This is the first crush besides Ladybug.”
           Adrien blinked and then blinked again. “I went out with Kagami once,” He offered, and then gave Marinette a playful glare. “Before you stole her away from me.”
“It’s not stealing if she practically jumped into my arms,” Marinette defended with a laugh. “Don’t hate the playa!”
           The blond snorted.
“I mean, what did you like about Ladybug?” Marinette asked. “Not me! Not now. But before you knew that I was Ladybug. What did you like about her?”
           Adrien bit his lip as he thought, “She was always fun to be around. When I was with her I never had to worry, you know? I could do what I wanted, say what I wanted. There was no pressure or anything. I was just me… but more. And I liked that. It was easy being around her.”
           Marinette nodded, “Ladybug used to be the only one you could be free around,” She said. “As Chat Noir, you never had to censor yourself for fear of what your father would do. It was freedom. A type of freedom you always wanted; to be wild and carefree. You got to do that whenever you are Chat Noir, and whenever you were Chat Noir, Ladybug was there. Did you ever… you might’ve… I think you,” She sighed. “…Adrien, I don’t think you ever loved Ladybug. I think you loved how you got to feel when she was around. You might have equated the two.”
           It went quiet as Adrien thought about what his friend said. It helped that his crush had been long gone so he could view it without the bias he used to have. And yeah, the more he thought about it, the more he realized Marinette was right. Adrien had been more infatuated with the fun and freedom of being a superhero, being Chat Noir that he ever was with Ladybug.
           He also comprehended that His crush had ended it rather instantly the second he found out who was behind the mask. Marinette was amazing; the girl of most guys’ dreams. Yet Adrien just didn’t see her like that. He didn’t have romantic feelings for her. It was then he realized that no matter who was behind the mask, what girl, Adrien wouldn’t have been happy. “She wasn’t real to me,” He admitted. “Not really. Ladybug was this unattainable dream. Anything was possible with her. I got to think up outlandish fantasies all the time of what our future could be and nothing was too extreme or impossible. The second she became real, the fantasy ended, and… I didn’t want her anymore; not like that.” He told Marinette. “Don’t get me wrong, I love you! You’re practically my sister. You’re the best! But… It is strange, I know.”
           Marinette shook her head, “It’s not!” She would know better than most what it was like when the fantasy ended and you had faced reality. “We’re kids. Feelings are all haywire.”
“It’ll get easier.” He asked. “I mean it has to. Soon, right?”
“No!” Sabine, Marinette’s mom, called from the kitchen. “Try in about a decade. If you’re lucky!”
“Mama!” Marinette yelled as she face-palmed. “Private conversation.”
“In our very public family room,” Sabine sassed back. “Adrien, honey, besides Luka, have you ever thought about any boys like that?”
           Marinette just sighed.
           Adrien turned bright red. He had more or less been adopted by the Dupain-chengs, and he was still getting used to having an involved parent. “I, uh, like Kim’s arms.”
“Who doesn’t?” Marinette asked. “Drool-worthy.”
“Harry Styles,” Adrien offered. “I like his face.” The bluenette snorted, earning herself a face full of the pillow. “Oh, you are so helpful!”  After that, they erupted into a pillow fight.
Chat Galore: I’m late
Iron’s Kid: For what?
Chat Galore: Reality.
Iron’s Kid: Oooh someone’s feeling deep today. What’s up?
Chat Galore: I’m
           Adrien paused writing.
Iron’s Kid: You’re…
Iron’s kid: Chat? You still there?
Chat Galore: I’m gay.
Chat Galore: You’re the first person I’ve told.
Iron’s Kid: I’m honored. And proud of you man.
Chat Galore: TY!!
Iron’s Kid: So who made you realize you were finally into Luka?
Chat Galore: …I hate you. GO AWAY!
Iron’s Kid: As you wish.
           It took another month, and a lot of introspection but Adrien finally came to terms with it, and while getting ice cream with his friends, he said, “So, yeah, I’m gay.”
“And the sky’s blue,” Chloe shrugged.
           Marinette elbowed, “That’s not how we’re supposed to react.”
           The blonde huffed, “What? We’re supposed to pretend to be surprised. I’ve known him since we were in diapers. I was there through OUR One Direction phase. We were just little kids but just because he blocked it out or whatever doesn’t mean I forgot he called dips on marrying Harry.”
“All good, dude,” Nino told Adrien. “Still my boy.” He told him. “Does this mean you’re finally gonna ask out Luka?”
“NINO!” Marinette groaned. “I didn’t tell them. I swear!”
“What?” Nino licked his ice cream. “It was obvious Sunshine digs Luka.”
           Adrien’s froze. “…How obvious?” Dread slowly crept onto his face.
           His friends quickly went to assure him.
“It’s barely noticeable!” Marinette said.
“Everyone wants Luka; he probably doesn’t even realize it at this point!” Went, Nino.
“It’s not as obvious as the crush Marinette had on you!”
“Chloe! Seriously?!”
Chat Galore: My friends suck as much as you!
Iron’s kid: Ahh, they call you out on the Luka thing too?
Chat Galore: Fuck off
Iron’s Kid: lol
Iron’s Kid: As you wish.
           Adrien just groaned, seriously wishing the earth would just swallow him up. It was official all of his friends were completely awful.
           Not long after he came out to his father, Nathalie, and Gorilla. His father barely blinked twice and told him not to make a fool of himself. Nathalie scheduled when he’ll announce it officially on twitter. Gorilla at least hugged him.
           Lila attempted to convince the class that Adrien was just confused and hiding his feelings for her. But even that was a bit too much to buy. Instead, the class shot the Italian girl pitying looks for being in love with an unreachable guy. Lila seethed with fury as what she thought was her ticket to fame and fortune going up in flame.
Pretty much everything stayed normal though. There were no big fireworks. Adrien never confessed to Luka about his crush; instead joined his dozens of other admirers in mooning from a distance.
           Adrien was fine with that. He wasn’t looking for anything for his life to radically change. Or to completely lose his mind over some guy (though he did come close with Luka). In fact, he was rather happy if that never happened.
           But since when does he ever get what he wants?
Iron’s Kid: If you could punch anyone in the face, who would it be?
Chat Galore: What did Flash do now?
Chat Galore: And the answer’s: Lila. But Marinette has dips. And then Chloe. Then Kagami for some reason. I’m also after Nino, which doesn’t seem fair.
Chat Galore: …There’s a line to punch Lila.
Iron’s Kid: lol.
Iron’s Kid: Flash embarrassed me in front of Liz. He got everyone at this party chanting the stupid nickname he gave me.
Chat Galore: What a jerk? I vote revenge!
Iron’s Kid: What happened to the high road?
Chat Galore: It went nowhere. Time to light someone’s car on fire now.
Chat Galore: OOOOHHH!!!! Get MJ to put a porn virus on his computer! Let it hit during that school project you guys got next week.
Iron’s Kid: You’re a cruel man. And you and MJ are never allowed meet!
Chat Galore: Lol
Iron’s Kid: I can’t do that. Revenge isn’t my thing. I wouldn’t even care if Liz wasn’t there.
Chat Galore: You really like her, huh?
Iron’s Kid: Yeah I do
           Adrien grinned at his phone. Iron had fallen hard for Liz a while back, and it was the cutest thing when he gushed over her. Plus it gave the blond some relief to know that there was someone as bad as him when it came to romance.
Iron’s Kid: So my dads suck
Chat Galore: We should start a club!
Iron’s kid: Lol.
Chat Galore: Your dad or your pops?
Iron’s Kid: Both. They totally freaked out on me! They’re so overprotective it is insane.
Chat Galore: Been there. Am there.
Iron’s Kid: Me and dad totally got into it. He thinks I’m reckless and stupid. Like I don’t know what I’m doing. I just wish he’d trust me
Chat Galore: Stop treating you like you’re a little kid?
Iron’s Kid: Exactly!!!!! I can do this! I know I can! If he just trusts me!
Iron’s Kid: Instead I’m grounded.
Chat Galore: What are you going to do?
Iron’s Kid: Whatever I have to!
Chat Galore: just be safe, ok? I don’t know what’s going on. And I know you can’t tell me. But just Be. Careful. I’d miss you.
Iron’s Kid: I’d miss you too.
Chat Galore: Goodnight!!
Iron’s Kid: As you wish.
           It was Christmas. Adrien was staying with Marinette’s family while his father was away on business and avoiding all things happiness. Marinette told him that her Uncle was coming. Her dad’s great uncle from New York. He broke up with his boyfriend not too long ago and wanted to get out and see more of the world.
           Adrien had expectations of what Marinette’s great uncle would look like – like any Uncle. Old, kind of fat, who made way to many dad jokes, and smelled like mothballs. And he definitely wore tacky clothes.
           The guy who walked into the Dupain-Cheng home, following a laughing Tom Dupain, was NOT that guy!!
           First of all, he was young; like two or three years older than Adrien and Marinette. He wore was pale with dark eyes and hair. He was dressed in all black and wore an old black leather bomber jacket. He was unnaturally handsome.
“Who is that?” Adrien hissed.
“My uncle,” Marinette said. “I told you he was coming.”
“How is that your great Uncle?”
           Marinette shrugged, “Magic. Demigod. Prince of the Underworld. What can you do?” She said. “His name’s Nico.”
           Adrien’s life was already so bizarre he didn’t even question the demigod part. All he could see what Nico. His mind turned to mush. “Boing!” He pointed.
“That’s my Uncle, Adrien,” Mariette reminded him
“Sweet! I would be your Aunt,” Adrien said. “Uncle. I don’t care. I’ll be whatever he wants me to be.”
           Marinette laughed and got off the couch to greet the newcomer, “Uncle Nico!”
“Marinette!” Nico smiled as he hugged his niece. “I told you to call me Nico.”
“Uncle is a bit weird,” Marinette nodded in agreement as she let go.
           As soon Nico let go, he found his arms full of again but this time by a blond, “Uncle Nico.”
“Adrien, right,” Nico said as he hugged the smaller boy, “I’m not your Uncle.”
“Even better!”
           Marinette snorted and pulled her friend away.
           Nico looked them up and down. “Aww, it’s good you two are still so close. I still got that picture your dad sent me of you two in Halloween costumes; Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.” He said. “Adorable. You two must have been, what eleven?” He shrugged and smiled at Adrien. “It’s been a while. You grew up gorgeous.” And then walked off to say hello to Sabine.
           Adrien turned bright red and a big grin spread across his face.
           Marinette crossed her arms, and gave him a serious look, “You are not going to be my Aunt.”
“I can’t hear you!” Adrien sang. “Buh dah Bu da da Da!”
“He’s almost eighteen; physically and mentally anyway!” Marinette said. “We’re fifteen.”
“Almost sixteen,” Adrien snapped quickly. “Which is practically seventeen. Which is a skip away from eighteen. Two plus Two, you know?”
           Marinette rolled her eyes, “I know Two plus two equals four. But with your logic, two plus two is three with a wig on.”
           He hissed at her.
Chat Galore: I think I found my Liz
Iron’s Kid: Someone Completely unattainable, and probably a bad idea?
Chat Galore: MJ or Ned?
Iron’s Kid: …
Chat Galore: Seriously? Give Iron back his phone!
Iron’s Kid:
Chat Galore: WAIT! What do you mean about Liz? What’s going on? Why is she a bad idea?
           He would get a response an hour later. It was just after dark.
Iron’s Kid: Sorry! MJ took my phone!
Chat Galore: NP. What’s this about Liz?
Iron’s Kid: A good friend will ignore whatever MJ told you!
Chat Galore: A best friend’s gonna get answers out of you!
           Adrien’s phone remained silent as he waited for Iron’s reply.
Iron’s Kid: ‘sigh’ Liz’s dad a supervillain. He tried to kill me.
Chat Galore: Shit. I’m sorry. Are you okay?
Iron’s Kid: It sucks. Liz’s dad in prison. She had to move.
Chat Galore: that blows
Iron’s Kid: Yep
           Then Adrien did something daring; something he thought about doing before but just stops short of being brave enough.
           He called Iron’s kid. It rang a few times before finally answering?
“Iron’s kid?” Adrien whispered.
“Chat Galore?” Was said. “You called?”
“I thought you might need someone to talk to,” Adrien said. “Really talk to. It is fine if you don’t want to. I just thought…”
“No!” Was quickly said. “This is great. I mean, yeah. I’m cool with this if you are.”
They ended up talking to each other for hours like they always did. But this time it went on even longer; to the point where Adrien was genuinely surprised to see the sun starting to rise.
It was the first Adrien began to suspect he might be falling a little bit in love with Iron’s Kid.
           It didn’t end there. As the weeks went on Iron Kid and Chat Galore kept texting and talking. Iron Kid was going through a hard time and Adrien just wanted to be there for him.
Iron’s Kid: It’s never been easy being me. I love my parents. But normal doesn’t exactly coincide with our last name
Chat Galore: It is like no one can look past it, right? They don’t see you, they see your name. It’s all they care about.
Iron’s kid: Exactly!!!!! Who I am doesn’t matter. Its who my dad is, who my pop’s is. Hell sometimes who my grandfather was, and he died way before I was even born. It’s not fair!
Chat Galore: And you never know if anyone likes you for you. Or if they just want something from you. Or from your dad. You just want people to see YOU for who you are!
Iron’s Kid: Makes it really hard to trust people. My parents always did their best to give me a normal life but
Iron’s Kid: it’s whatever I guess.
Chat Galore: It’s not whatever. And its okay to feel like this.
Iron’s Kid: It’s sometimes I feel a little lost. Or maybe just…
Iron’s Kid:  I mean, I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone. Like no one really knows me or sees me. Then I think of you. I think of talking to you. And I don’t feel so alone anymore.
Chat Galore: I see you.
Iron’s Kid: I see you too.
           Then once more Adrien asked Iron’s Kid if he wanted to meet, even though he knew he’d be turned down. That was fine. Adrien would wait.
If Marinette thought it was over when the holidays ended, she was dead wrong. Nico got an apartment to stay in Paris and to spend time with his family.
           And Adrien got used to his brain going all gooey when Nico was around. He always said goofy things; things that made him wish he’d never learned to speak in the first place. He read books that Nico casually mentioned just so they’d have something to talk about. He did ridiculous things try to get the older guy’s attention. And whenever, Nico asked the gang if anyone wanted to hang out, Adrien would be the first to shoot up and practically yell yes.
           And all Adrien would get from Nico would be a placating smirk; the same type Nino would give his younger brothers’ when they did something outlandish to impress him.
           The weird thing was when Adrien was going all googly-eyes at Nico, they got along really, really well. They both loved art and classic noir films like Gun For hire and Laura. The two once spent an entire afternoon in the museum just talking about the pieces, ignoring the whines of Marinette and Nino who got dragged along.
           Still no matter what Adrien did Nico never took the hint to ask Adrien out. Or even hint that he was open to Adrien possibly asking him out.
           His friends got used to Adrien sighing wistfully.
“Gods’ he so handsome, it makes my face hurt,” Adrien whined.
Marinette giggled, “You’re young, you’re dumb.”
“Just so we’re clear,” Chloe pointed a fork at him that still had a bit of salad on it, “That those are not necessarily correlated. You’re just an idiot.”
           Nino leaned forward, “Bro, just ask him out!” He said with his mouth half full of pizza.
“I can’t do that!”
“Why not?” Marinette, Chloe, and Nino asked/yelled at him.
“What if he says no?” Adrien asked, because duh, why else wouldn’t he have asked Nico out already.
           Chloe glared at him, “Then you look in the mirror and remind yourself that you’re the second hottest dude, around our age, in Paris?”
“Ahh, Luka’s first,” Marinette put in.
           Nino raised his hand, “Just so we’re clear, I’m at least in the top ten, yeah?” Silence. “Guys? Top fifteen?” Nothing. “Top twenty?”
“Eehh,” Chloe offered as she flipped her hand side to side rapidly.
           Nino grinned, “I’ll take it!”
           It all came to a head during the Dupain-Cheng family game. Marinette invited Chloe, Nino, and Adrien, who had become Tom and Sabine’s additional adopted children, when Tom walked in, with Nico trailing behind him. “Family game night to the max!” Tom cheered.
           Nico chuckled and gave everyone their hellos.
           Marinette holding a hat on her lap, “Time to pick the games tonight: Mom, Chloe, and Nico’s turn to draw from the hat.
           Sabine drew Uno.
           Chloe drew Pictionary.
           Nico drew dungeons and dragons which caused everyone in the room to groaned, “What?”
“That game always takes forever,” Nino whined.
           Marinette flopped on the couch dramatically, “Mom’s always the dungeon master and she never lets us win. Dad always dies before anything good starts.”
“We always get frustrated,” Chloe added with an eye-roll. “And snap and try to kill each other!”
“In the game?” Nico asked.
           Nino glared at his friends, “Not. Always. Marinette!” He called her out, and she had the decency to blush. “Some people walk with scars.”
“Mental and emotional ones,” Adrien winced. “Marinette.”
           Chloe caught Nico’s confused look, and explained, “Marinette’s a bit competitive.”
“A bit!” Everyone else in the room said.
“Let’s just play!” Marinette gave them a playful glare.
           Uno was fast. Marinette won, of course.
           Pictionary resulted in tears. (Sabine was just as competitive as her daughter, and Tom was a bit sensitive.)
           The Dungeons and Dragons came took hours. Tom died right away and was content to watch the show. The kids turned on each other by the second hour, and it took Nico’s taking leadership and forcing them all to work together to achieve victory, for the suffering to stop.
           By the end, nearly everyone in the room was dead asleep, their characters long since dead, apart from Marinette, Sabine, Adrien, and Nico. Until the die was rolled for the final time and Marinette raised her tired arms in victory, “Finally. Six hours, friends came together on a harrowing quest; the longest game of my life. And we finally, finally won!”
Seconds after she was cuddled against her mother, both having fallen asleep.
           Adrien gave them a sleepy smile from where he sat on the floor before every cell in his body suddenly felt like it was hit by lightning when he caught Nico’s dark eyes staring at him. It was then that Adrien realized that, with the others all asleep, this was the first time Nico and he were ever technically alone together.
Be cool, he thought. Just be cool, damn you.
           It was all for naught as Nico got up off the couch and went to sit next to Adrien, who let out a small happy squeak.
“Let’s talk,” Nico told Adrien, who fought to stop his entire body from shaking. “We’re sort of friends, right?”
           Adrien winced a little but nodded eagerly, “Yep, friends, totally. I’m happy being friends. Yeah, friendship!” He waved his fist around in a small cheer and died a little inside as soon as he did it.
Why am I such a loser, he asked himself.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Yes, sure,” Adrien said. “Anything. Whatever you want. You can ask me anything too. I’ll probably say yes. I’ll defiantly say yes. Yes!”
           Nico just gave him a small smile, “When I was just about your age, maybe a bit younger, I had a crush on this older guy Percy. I was ten when I met him. He was fourteen, almost fifteen. In my eyes, he was all my dreams come to life; a real-life Greek demi-god hero. He fought monsters, saved lives. I had the biggest crush on him instantly,” He told Adrien. “Not that I knew it then. I was too young. I was from a completely different time where things like a man liking a man just were okay, or… Or Legal. I didn’t handle it well. Even worse after my sister died and wrongly placed at least part of the blame of unfairly on him. It took me a long time to realize I never hated him, I hated myself. I only stopped hating myself when I realized and accepted I was gay. And a little bit in love with Percy.”
           Adrien had no idea where this was going but he listened intensely. He always enjoyed listening to Nico whenever he told tales about his life as a demigod.
“Still I ended up doing a lot of stupid things,” Nico said. “Just to get his attention, to help him; to get him to fall for me back. A lot of stupid things.” He chuckled. “When I found out he was Bi, I thought I had a chance. But I didn’t. I never would’ve. Percy just saw me as a brother. I was too young for him. Way too young. There was no way Percy could’ve ever seen me like that. I accepted that. I moved on. I got over him. I even admitted to him about my crush; after telling him that he wasn’t my type. Asshole fell down laughing.”
           Adrien laughed a bit.
“We’re still friends,” Nico added. “Great friends actually. And I’m glad. Do you know why I’m telling you this?”
           The blond frowned and suddenly found the game board very interesting. Because, yes he did know why Nico was telling him this.
“You know I’m too told for you, right?” Nico asked quietly as to not wake up the others.
“Yeah,” Adrien nodded slowly, his throat felt a little dry, and his eyes stung. “I know. I kind of always knew.” He glanced at the Dungeons and Dragons, and a strange sense of hope-filled him. The blond shot the older dark-haired boy a smirk, “But I’m playing the long game.”
           Adrien tried to be hopeful about it. Or least pretend to but…
Chat Galore: I just got my heartbroken.
Iron’s Kid: That Douchebag. I knew that weird death kid was no good!
Chat Galore: He’s not that bad. He said I’m too young for him. I get he’s trying to be a good guy but…
Iron’s Kid: It still hurts.
Chat Galore: Yep
Iron’s Kid: I get that. How about we watch Star Wars and make fun of Kylo Ren, that’ll make you feel better!
Chat Galore: I’ve seen less teen angst in my high school. The dude has problems!
           And that’s what they did. They texted each other while watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens; sending each other stupid memes and jokes. And Adrien felt a lot better by the end it of it.
Chat Galore: Thanks for this btw. I think I really need this.
Iron’s Kid: No Problem
Iron’s Kid: And for what it’s worth, I’d never turn you down.
           Adrien stared at that message for an hour, mentally screaming. Because… What. The. Hell.
Chat Galore: Oh be quiet! Lol
Iron’s Kid: As you wish.
           The next day, Adrien sent Iron’s Kid another request to meet. The answer was a simple: Not Yet. That was Fine. Adrien would wait.`
“You are not playing the long game, Adrien Agreste,” Chloe glared at him. “Do you hear me? I will not take this into my twenties.”
           They had talked Adrien into ditching one of his many lessons and were hanging out downtown. Eating ice cream.
“I agree with her man,” Nino said, and Adrien gave him big green puppy dog eyes. “You can spend your life swooning over some guy. There’s other fish in the sea.”
“I don’t want fish,” Adrien complained. “I just someone to ride the Ferris Wheel with me!”
“Ferris Wheel?” Nino asked confused.
“Gay culture,” Chloe explained.
           Marinette nodded, “We just mean that… You need to Get some more life skills. Learn how to talk to guys. Get cool!”
“I’m cool!” Adrien defended and was met with multiple snorts. “I am. I got my dad to let me have more freedom. I paint. I went to comic con last year. I ride the metro now. And I can talk guys. I’ve successfully learned how to be cool.”
           Chloe smirked, “Okay, let's see how you react when you see him,” She looked over his shoulder. “Guy’s been checking you out since we got here.”
“I’m cool,” Adrien said as he casually glanced over his shoulder and saw just who was checking him out, he let out a series of nervous chuckles. And couldn’t stop.
           The guy looked about his age, with dark hair and blue eyes, a jawline that was similar to ones Adrien’s had seen on Greek statues; and he had muscles, so many muscles. He sat on a park bench and was writing or sketching in a red notebook.
           Nino shook his head, “Yeah you still need some lessons in cool.”
“Lesson one: go talk to him,” Chloe demanded.
           Adrien’s eyes went wide, and he let out a squeak. “Nope! Can’t do it. Won’t do it!”
           His friends shared a look, and Adrien suddenly fears for his life. He found himself all but pushed/carried over to the guy on the park bench. He struggled a bit. Suddenly when they got close enough, Adrien was pushed (By gleeful and vindictive looking Chloe, his official witch of an ex-best friend), right into park bench guy, who caught him at the last second. And Adrien found himself sitting in the lap of a virtual stranger.
“Hi?” Adrien offered weakly. “Me and my friends were just talking about you.”
           The guy gave him a big smile, “I know,” He said. “I figured. I’m Jon.” He said with a southern American accent. “Jon Kent. And you can talk about me any time you want.”
“Adrien,” The blond laughed.  “Adrien Agreste.”
“I like your laugh, Adrien.”
“I like your smile, Jon.”
           Then Adrien’s phone started ringing. It was Nathalie and Adrien had to rush home. Mourning his chances of ever seeing Jon again. He was probably a tourist who’d be gone the next day, the blond figured.
Chat Galore: I have the worst luck with guys!
Iron’s Kid: I don’t know. I think you have better luck than you think.
Chat Galore: Lol. What’s up with you lately.
Iron’s Kid: Flash finally left me alone. All it took was a school field trip to my job. Suddenly I’m not a liar anymore!
Chat Galore: Oh I would’ve killed to his face, lol.
Iron’s Kid: It was basically the crying emoji.
Iron’s Kid: Oh yeah, I met this guy named Johnny; totally gorgeous, rides a motorcycle, and my dads’ hate him
Chat Galore: Last ones’s the best part, right?
Iron’s Kid: YES!!
           The next morning Adrien and his friends were happily sitting in the back of the class. The other kids in the class ignored them as usual. Even Lila more or less pretended they didn’t exist. (Though she had been reluctant to let Adrien go and had made several attempts to get him under her thumb. Until Adrien got his dad to fire her under threat of dying his hair neon green, and wearing plaid, the one pattern his father hated above all others.)
           They had entered a cold war with her. As long as she stopped trying to make their lives hell, they’d stop exposing trying to expose her.
           Bustier was once again proving she had no control over her classroom as she struggled to teach a simple history lesson about the French Revolution. It didn’t make a lick of sense and Bustier tried way to hard to get the kids to relate on a personal level.
“History shows that bad things happen when you don’t know who you are,” Bustier said just as the classroom door opened and in walked two boys and a girl.
           Adrien’s eyes went wide, and leaned over to Chloe, “Park bench guy!” He whispered.
“Foreign exchange students,” One of the boys said. He had dark hair, green eyes, olive skin, and a thoroughly unimpressed look on his handsome face. He wore a black turtle neck and slacks. “Damian Wayne, Gotham.”
“Lian Nguyen-Harper-Queen,” Said the girl. She had Auburn hair and gray eyes. Lian wore a pink headband, a pink cardigan over a white top and blue shorts.
“Hi I’m Jon Kent,” He said. Jon wore a red plaid shirt over a simple t-shirt and blue jeans. “I split my time between the Farm in Smallville and Metropolis.” He looked at the back of the classroom straight at Adrien. “And I’m happy to be here.”
           Bustier nodded, “Welcome. Always happy to get new students! Let's find you some seats…” She looked around the room.
“OH! Damian can sit with me!” Lila waved her hand. “I’ll be happy to show him around.”
“Declined,” Damian simply said. “We’ll sit in the back.”
           Alya leaned forward, “But Lila’s goes to Gotham and Metropolis all the time!” She said and didn’t notice the way Lila paled. She seemed to have forgotten Damian Wayne was apart of her many, many lies. “Damian, you showed her around last time she was there. You guys became such a good friend. She just wants to return the favor.”
           Damian scoffed, “I’ve never seen this girl before in my life.”
           Marinette smirked at Adrien, “You’re going to need to move. I have a new best friend.”
“Mean,” Adrien said. “But understandable. Still not moving.”
           Jon and Damian sat in empty seats in front of Adrien and Marinette.
           Jon turned around in his seat, “Hi.”
           Adrien smiled shyly, “Hi.”
           Then they just stared at each other.
           Chloe let out a long-suffering sigh, “Oh this gonna be exhausting.”
Iron’s Kid: Best day EVER!!!
Chat Galore: SAME! What happened?
Iron’s Kid: Johnny asked me out!
Chat Galore: AWESOME!!!
Chat Galore: Park Bench Guy is in my class NOW!!!
Iron’s Kid: ‘High Five’ Maybe fate DOESN’T hate us.
Chat Galore: …
Chat Galore: …I swear to the Gods if you jinxed us
           The two guys in class quickly joined the Adrien’s friends’ group. They blended in seamlessly like they were always there as the weeks went on. Before anyone knew it, they were pretty much attached to hips. Even going as far as joining family game night.
           Through them; Damian, Lian, and Jon were able to get all the information they needed to survive Paris. The three had heard whispers of Hawkmoth but had been a little shocked when the Akuma alert went off and everyone had to duck for cover. After the third or fourth time, the new kids got used to it and easily swallowed the excuses Marinette, Adrien, Chloe, and Nino made about having to run off and go home during alerts.
           Around the same time as the fourth akuma of the new semester hit, three new heroes arrived in Paris.
           Well, new wouldn’t necessarily be the right word. They weren’t new heroes, they were just new to Paris.
           Robin, Superboy, and Arrowette. They assisted in fighting back akuma that turned people into candy; a toddler whose mother refused to buy him sweets. Afterward, they explained that they would be in the city for quite some time, and would assist when they are able.
           They didn’t reveal why they were there though. All Robin said was, “Justice League business.” And the Parisian heroes decided to leave it at that after offering to help if needed.
           Paris went nuts over the arrival of the new heroes.
           Alya cried in class when she found out Ladybug gave Aurore the exclusive interview about what was going on. Ladybug also publically endorsed Bugout, Aurore’s website, as the only reliable main source for credible information on the Parisian heroes. She didn’t say a word about Ladyblog, which was pretty much all anyone needed to know what they had already expected.
           Ladybug hadn’t given an exclusive on the Ladybug blog in almost two years but now it was official…
           The Ladyblog was out. Alya was out.
           Time went on. The kids grew closer as friends. Jon and Adrien got closer as… Well, Adrien didn’t know.
           He did know that his dad despised Jon because of time he picked Adrien up wearing a green plaid shirt but Gabriel wouldn’t admit it. Jon was the son of famous reporters Lois Lane and Clark Kent, godson to Lex Luther. And Gabriel Agreste was anything but stupid.
“I miss my family,” Jon told Adrien one day while they were studying in the library. “All the time. But I guess also miss the pets I have.”
“I always wanted a dog,” Adrien said.
“In Smallville, I have twelve chickens,” Jon said. “Three horses, four pigs, two cows, and a dog.”
           The blond nodded, “You win. Tell me about them.”
           And Jon did. He told all about his life in Smallville and metropolis. And Adrien told him what it was like growing up in Paris and being a supermodel.
Adrien grinned, “I want to be a lawyer when I get older,” he told Jon. “I want to fight for people who can’t fight for themselves. Like I read about this law firm called Nelson and Murdock who take all these pro bono cases to help people who usually have no chance of winning against bigger, bad-er, and richer people. It gets really dangerous for them but they just keep helping. Because it’s the right thing to do. I want to do that too!”
“I think when I grow up…” Jon said slowly. “I want to be like my mom. She goes above and beyond to get her story; to find out what’s really going on in the world and reports it honestly. I want to do that too. I want to be an investigative journalist. I want to hunt down the truth. Because people deserve the truth, even if they don’t like it. I know the truth can be scary sometimes, and a bit sad. But They deserve to hear it. But I’ve probably said too much.” He laughed.
“No,” Adrien shook his head, and smiled, “Tell me more.”
Still the more their friendship and bonds of trust grew, the more Lila became frustrated.  As far as she was concerned things just weren’t going her way. First, she lost her future as the world-famous fashion model Lila Rossi/Mrs. Adrien Agreste. Then Damian Waynes comes to town and won’t even look twice at her; too busy trailing after Miss Goody two-shoes. Then she finds out that Jon Kent is the son of Lois Lane and Clark Kent, godson of Lex Luther, only AFTER she privately threatened to make his life hell for siding with Marinette. She didn’t bother to try to get close to Lian Queen, granddaughter of Oliver Queen, the girl had been glaring at her since the second she heard Lila tell her first lie.
So instead of The Italian girl, once again, tried to sow dissension in the class, tried to force Damian to sit next to her; loudly bragged about her trips and famous people she knew to get attention. Damian ignored her. Then she tried making Marinette look bad again; lied about how the bluenette was bullying her. It didn’t work. Damian was quick to point out inconsistencies in her tales.
           That didn’t stop the class from believing them.
“Morons,” Damian called them one day after school.
“They’re not that bad,” Marinette tried.
“They kinda are, dudette,” Nino said. “I really expected Alya to catch on by now. But it’s like she doesn’t want to.”
           Chloe scoffed, “Of course she doesn’t!” The blond sneered. “She betrayed her best friend, ditched her best friend, broke up with her boyfriend, pretty much led the charge in exiling us, spread Lila’s lies on her blog which included Lies about Ladybug. It’s not just admitting she was wrong.”
“It’s having to deal with consequences,” Lian agreed. “That Alya got herself into this mess. If Marinette and all us aren’t the bad guys in this, that means she is. That’s a hard pill to swallow.”
           Jon shook his head, “I don’t understand why Lila lies so much,” he said. “Dad’s always told me honesty is the best policy.”
“You’re a long way from the farm, boy scout,” Damian tsk’d.
“Damian,” Marinette sighed and grabbed the boy’s hand and pulled him away.
           Adrien snickered, “Those two are so into each other, it’s not even funny!”
“I know,” Jon laughed in agreement. “I’ve never seen Damian be so nice to anyone before. I’ve known him since we were in the sandbox, and he just stopped calling me Kent last year.”
“Yeah…” Chloe drawled. “Watching two people dance around each other for months, neither making a move. It’s the worst.”
“Waiting for one of them to finally make a move,” Nino said, “Literally. Kill. You. Inside.”
           Lian nodded, “They like each other. Everyone knows they like each other. And Yet nothing. And we'll have no choice but watch and wait for them to pull their heads out of their asses,” She told them. “When all you want to scream is: hey, you two! Just freaking kiss already!”
“Yep the absolute worst,” Nino repeated.
           Then Lian, Chloe, and Nino stared blatantly at Jon and Adrien who merely shrugged.
“Damian will make a move soon,” Jon assured.
“I’ll try to get Marinette to say something,” Adrien promised.
“…I hate you,” Chloe said.
           Adrien gave her another confused look. Because what did he do wrong now?
Chat Galore: Dude!
Iron’s Kid: Dude!
Chat Galore: I need Hufflepuff support now!
Iron’s Kid: …Crap, I never told you Pottermore sorted me into Gryffindor, did i?
Chat Galore: WHAT!
Chat Galore: Traitor. Never talk to me again
Iron’s Kid: As you wish.
“How do I look?” Marinette asked as she twirled around in the living room. She wore a soft pink dress. Her hair was down and slightly curved. She looked like a princess from a fairytale.
“Flawless,” Adrien said, for the tenth time. “Why am I here?”
           Marinette narrowed her eyes at him, “Because!” She said. “You’re my bestie. I have my first real date. Chloe’s shopping with Lian. Nino won’t answer my calls. I need you here!”
“Take a deep breath, Mari!” Adrien told her. “You look absolutely beautiful. Damian’s already head over heels for you, and the way you look is gonna make his purpose.”
           The bluenette blushed a lovely pink, “Shut up!”
           The door opened, and in walked Nico, “Looking lovely, niece,” He said. “Big date tonight, huh?”
“Yes,” Marinette sighed dreamily. “He’ll be here soon.”
           Nico smirked, “Good. Don’t worry, I’ll only threaten him a little.”
           The dark-haired boy chuckled before flopping down on the couch. “Hey, Adrien.”
           Adrien felt his mind go a little mushy. He never quite got over his crush on the older boy. At least not yet.
           The two still hung out every now and then, still always with Marinette. Nico frequently split his time between New York and Paris. So Adrien didn’t see him that often, though Nico had been around to wish Adrien a happy 16th birthday.
           Adrien tried to play it cool, but ended up sitting in awkwardly in the recliner, “Hey Nico!” His voice squeaked, and once more Adrien wanted to die.
           The doorbell rang.
           Damian brought Marinette a dozen red roses, let himself be mildly threatened by Nico, endured the massive amount of pictures Tom and Sabine took and ignored Adrien’s snickering in the background. Then the two love birds were gone. Sabine and Tom went to go finish closing the bakery for the night. And then it was just Adrien and Nico.
“So,” Nico said as he put his feet on the couch. “What are you doing tonight, Blond Wonder? Any plans?”
           Adrien shook his head, “Not really,” Jon was visiting his parents. Nino was watching his siblings. “I’ll just go home and watch Bleach. Or something.” Stuff his mouth with the hidden box of Oreos he had.
“Why don’t you hang out with me?” Nico offered. “The Maltese Falcon at the old theater on 3rd street. It’s your favorite right?”
           Adrien nodded eagerly, “Me and my Mom used to watch it all the time.”
           The two had a great time at the movie theater and ended up staying to watch another movie. They laughed. They ate lots of overpriced junk food. They talked. And Adrien finally managed to have a non-blushing, stammering, mind mushed, conversation with Nico. It was still just a bit awkward but it was not the cause of something either of them did.
           At the end, Nico walked Adrien to the front door of his house.
“It’s weird,” Nico said, “But I kind of always forget how great it is hanging out with you.”
           Adrien shrugged, “You’re not too bad yourself,” Then he smirked, “Though you’d probably be happier if you add some color to your wardrobe. Do own anything that’s not the color of sadness?”
           Nico barked a laugh, “I am the son of Hades,” He defended himself. “It’s our aesthetic, okay. And we all can’t be made from rainbows and sunshine.”
           The dark-haired boy shook his head, and smirked at Adrien, “This was fun. We should do it again sometime.” He said as he backed away.
“Yeah,” Adrien smiled. “Go to the beach, see what happens when you go out in the daylight. Even money, you burst into flames.
Nico chuckled as he turned around, “Goodnight, Sunshine.”
“Night, Twilight!”
“You’re dead to me!” Nico called back.
Ladybug and Chat Noir and the other Parisian heroes got used to the Three Justice League sidekicks appearing out of nowhere and assisting in battle. It had been strange at first; a little tense. Mostly due to Robin interrogating them every chance he got. Arrowette glaring menacingly at them. Even Superboy was a bit intimidating. Still, they never revealed why there in Paris.
           During this time, Adrien and Jon became much better friends. And the blond started to suspect that Jon would prefer to just stay friends with him.
Iron’s Kid: Johnny and Me are over.
Chat Galore: Ouch. What happened?
Iron’s Kid: ‘Dramatic Sigh’ we’re just too different, you know?
Chat Galore:  Different is not always bad. You really liked him, right?
Chat Galore: And did you actually type ‘Dramatic Sigh’, you dramatic bitch?
Iron’s Kid: I like that he was different at first. But we barely had anything in common. We were fire in and ice. Sure it is steamy at first but when the steam is gone…
Iron’s Kid: And yes I did
Chat Galore: You okay?
Iron’s Kid: I’m fine. I just realized I want someone I can talk to about everything and nothing.
Chat Galore: Someone to geek out over Star Trek with, and go to when you need a shoulder to lean on.
Iron’s Kid: Someone who’d stay up all night talking just because he wants to be there for me.
Chat Galore: Dating shouldn’t be this hard
Iron’s Kid: It’ll only get harder.
Chat Galore: Shut. Up.
Iron’s Kid: As you wish.
For Marinette’s sixteenth birthday, she had a party. It was much bigger than she wanted, but not smaller than her friends tried to make it. The bluenette was always there for them, and they wanted to remind her how special was.
           However, for the first time, Adrien was pleased to say, he was not the one trying to overdue everything to the extreme. Chloe was pleased that she wasn’t the one making the party planner cry whenever she called them. Nino was pleased that he wasn’t the one to be overly critical of the musical entertainment for being just a bit subpar.
           No! That was Damian Wayne.
           And unlike Marinette’s best friends, Marinette’s boyfriend’s craziness could not be contained.
           The party was huge. There were hundreds of balloons. Everyone was wearing fanciest party clothes. There were hundreds of balloons. Gourmet food. All of Marinette’s friends, close acquaintances, and anyone who loved and or adored her had shown up. Jagged had come. Cara Nightingale did a surprise performance.
           Adrien had a blast. His friends found out that while the blond boy had lessons in practically everything, dance wasn’t one of them. He was a terrible dancer. Laughably bad. Still, everyone had fun. Nino danced in a giant glow in the dark dinosaur costume.
           Then Marinette, Adrien, Nino, Chloe got on stage and sang Born to Brave from High School Musical: The Series. Damian, Jon, and Lian joined them. The crowd sang with. Bubbles filled the air. It was exhilarating.
           So much so that Adrien stepped out to take a small break. He sat on a white wood bench outside, looking up at the stars, and let the cool brisk night air relax him. Even from where he sat, he could still hear music playing from the party.
“Needed a breather,” Jon asked as he sat down next to Adrien.
“Parties,” Adrien shrugged. “They can be a bit much.”        
           Jon shifted in his seat, “Yeah. Yeah, I guess.”
           Then Blue eyes met green…
           And then everything suddenly felt really the world was holdings breath. Adrien had no idea where the tension came from but it was there. And it was like he was waiting for some imaginary bubble to burst. And Adrien just…  Ugh!
           He glanced down at his hands, suddenly not knowing what to do with them. He was also intensely aware of every millimeter Jon so much as moved. In fact, Adrien was aware of everything, including how many times he was blinking.
“This kind of reminds me of how we met,” Adrien finally blurted.
           Jon cast him a curious look but nodded, “Yeah, the park bench, right?”
           There it went quiet.
“Why are parties a bit much?” Jon asked.
“Not all parties,” Adrien said. “Just the ones my dad usually drags me to. Everyone is always overly polite while giving backhanded compliments; they pretend to be nice but they don’t mean it. No one’s straight forward.  I don’t know why it is so hard.”
“It’s not!” Jon turned to him. “Let’s try it now. Hi, I’m Jon and…” He took two plugs out of his ears, “…I wear earplugs because I can’t handle loud noises sometimes.”
           Adrien chuckled, “Hi. I’m Adrien. And apparently, I’m a terrible dancer.”
“God Awful!”
           Jon laughed, “My little Pony is one my favorite shows.
“I once had an imaginary friend named Phineas!”
“I like fried broccoli!”
“I like fried Oreos.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Oh because fried broccoli so much better.”
“Hey, being straight forward here!” Jon defended. “I like raining days over sunny.”
           Adrien smiled, “I like you,” he took a deep breath. “Like really like you.” He glanced down and then back up at Jon and tried to be brave. “Like I the way I thought you might’ve used to like me but don’t anymore.”
“Really?” Jon asked looking just a bit stunned. “How very straight forward of you.”
           Adrien stood up quickly, slightly panicked, “That’s it. That’s all I wanted to say. If you don’t like me anymore, I get it.” He said. “I… I just really wanted you to tell you. Even if you change your mind.”
“Adrien,” Jon said, standing up too, facing the blond. “I’ve never changed my mind.” Then he leaned forward and kissed Adrien. “I really like you too.”
           Adrien and Jon held hands as they walked back into the party.
           Later, after the party ended, Adrien would tell Marinette, Chloe, and Nino about his first kiss, and go partially death from Marinette and Chloe’s screams.
Chat Galore: You know what I like?
Chat Galore: Life!
Iron’s Kid: Things going good then?
Chat Galore: Jon kissed me. My grades are perfect. My dad’s letting me cut back on modeling.
Iron’s Kid: Awesome! You’ve need a break.
Chat Galore: We need a happy song!
Iron’s Kid: We. Do. Not.
Chat Galore: We need a happy song so when we can sing the happy song when we’re happy.
Iron’s Kid: We will never have a happy song.
Iron’s Kid: That’s more of a Hufflepuff thing
Chat Galore: I’d be offended if it wasn’t true!
           Adrien’s life really was going great. He became good friends with Nico. Lila’s lies in the class were starting to unravel, and she was quickly losing her supporters. Jon and him were sort of, kind of, officially dating. The sun was shining. Rainbows were everywhere.
           …He should’ve known it wouldn’t last forever.
           Adrien got a 911 group text from Chloe; with like a dozen exclamation points and several frowny faces so he knew it was serious.
           When he got to Chloe’s place, he found Marinette and Nino already waiting on the couch, while Chloe paced the floor. Adrien joined on the couch.
“Okay,” Marinette said. “We’re all here. What’s up? What’s the emergency?”
“They’re spies,” Chloe hissed, rage clear on her face. “Lian, Jon, Damian; they’ve been spying on us all this time.”
“What? Dude, no way!” Nino shook his head. “They’re our friends. Lian hates traitors!”
“Damian would never!” Marinette denied. “He loves me. I love him.”
           Adrien agreed, “They’d never do that us. Jon couldn’t. He’s like the most honest kid ever.”
           Chloe picked up a nearby face and smashed against the wall, “They’re two-faced lying little creeps.” She yelled. Though it was clear she was angry, they could also see the hurt clear in the blonde’s eyes.
“Chloe…” Marinette started slowly but was cut off.”
“Lian is Arrowette!” Chloe growled. “Jon’s Superboy. And I’ll give you one big fat guess who Damian is. And for the record he is not as wonderful as his nickname implies.”
           Pollen flew out from wherever she was hiding, “It’s true!” She said. “I saw them myself. They are the American heroes.”
“Pollen followed them,” Chloe explained. “She saw everything. They’ve been following us. Reporting intel to the Justice League all about us. That’s why they’re here. That’s why they got close to us. They know we’re heroes!”
           Horror and understandingly slowly crept over Nino, Marinette, and Adrien’s faces.
Pollen nodded eagerly, “They have reports all about your lives in and out of the mask. It's very detailed.”
           Adrien was glad he was sitting down because he felt like the floor has disappeared under his feet. Shakily, he stood up, “I need too…” He shook his head. “I have too…” He couldn’t finish his sentence instead he just ran from the room.
           And kept running and running.
           Until he found himself standing in front of the apartment where Jon, Lian, and Damian lived. He stared at the olive green door as if he didn’t recognize it. As if he hadn’t been there, in that same spot, standing in front of that door, a hundred times before.
           He closed his eyes and he knocked.
           Jon opened the door, “Adrien!” He had a large grin on his face that slowly disappeared when he saw the look on the blond boy’s face.
“Can I come in?”
“Sure, yeah!” Jon moved out of the way to let Adrien pass. “Is everything okay?”
           Adrien walked into the living room and saw Damian and Lian sitting on the couch, “Go see Marinette,” He ordered Damian. “If you want any chance of saving your relationship, if you ever really loved her like you said you; you will go see Her. Right. Now.”
           That was all Damian needed to here to fly out of the room.
           Adrien turned to Lian, “I need to speak with Jon alone, please,” He said as politely as possible. “I would suggest going to go speak with Nino and Chloe.”
           Lian frowned but nodded and left the room.
“Adrien, what’s going on?” Jon asked again. “You’re scaring me.”
           Adrien let out a shorter bitter laugh, “I’m going to ask you three questions, and I need to be honest with me, okay? Is your name Jon Kent?
“Yes,” Jon stated firmly. “Jonathan Kent Lane.”
“Are we friends?”
“Of course!”
           Adrien nodded and swallowed the lump that was building in his throat, “Why did you really come to Paris?”
           Jon frowned, “I’m here on a foreign exchange-” Adrien cut him off.
“Don’t lie to me, Superboy!”
           The boy of Steel flinched back.
“Tell me it isn’t true!” Adrien all but begged. “Tell me you didn’t come here to spy on Chat Noir and Ladybug and everyone else. Tell me this wasn’t all a big lie. Tell me you weren’t using me for information. Tell me! Tell me wrong I’m, please.”
“Adrien…” Jon whispered, pain on his face. “I’m sorry.”
           That was Adrien needed to here. “All this time. You… I thought… Was any of it real? Was anything you ever told me real? Do I even know you?” He asked. “
“The Justice League was concerned about Hawkmoth,” Jon tried to explain. “They received intelligence that Ladybug and Chat Noir were teenagers, and wanted to know more. They sent us.”
           Adrien just stared at him, “I like you,” He said. “I really liked you. You were my friend, Did you do all just because you were ordered to?”
“No!” Jon nodded, “I swear. I’d never do that to you, to anyone.”
“But you thought it was okay to kiss me,” Adrien said “To date me! When I had no idea who you are really?”
           Jon tossed his hands in the air, “You know who I am. Nothing’s changed. I’m still the same guy. I’m still me!”
“Everything’s changed!” Adrien yelled. “I’m questioning everything. Everything I’ve ever said to you, everything we ever did together!” His entire body shook. “You were sent to get close to us. You were sent to get close to me. To. Get. Information.”
           It went quiet. Neither knowing what to say.
“…That day in the park,” Adrien whispered. “You were on the bench and Chloe thought you were checking me out. You weren’t, were you? You were watching me, us. Gathering intel. Weren’t you?”
           Jon looked away, “…Yeah, I was.”
You knew I was Chat Noir even then?”
“I did.”
Adrien nodded, “It’s been a lie since the beginning,” He clenched his fists. “In the library, you told me that people deserve the truth. I believed in you. I trusted you. I told you things I’ve haven’t even told people who’ve known my entire life. Because I trusted you. I trusted you were honest and good and you would tell me the truth. Why didn’t I deserve the truth?”
He looked up at the mantle that was covered in pictures of people that Adrien knew as friends and family of Jon, Damian, and Lian, and at all of the pictures of Chloe, Nino, Adrien, and Marinette together with the three; laughing and smiling. And it hurt to look at it. “You’ve been here for almost a year. You three pretended to be our friends, to care, for almost a year.”
“It wasn’t pretend. Or a lie,” Jon looked ready to cry. “You are our friends!”
           Adrien ran a hand through his hair, “Then Why? If we were your friends, why?”
Jon shrugged, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say. Everything was so complicated. We were never supposed to be here this long. It was our first big mission. The first mission JL trusted us to handle alone. I could give you a thousand excuses but I know they wouldn’t be good enough.”
“They wouldn’t be,” Adrien agreed. “They aren’t. They never will be.”
           It went silent again. Jon and Adrien just stared at each other.
“You weren’t sent to get close us,” Adrien repeated. “Not just learn about Hawkmoth. But you were specifically sent to get close us; learn who we are as heroes and as civilians. Hawkmoth was a bonus. But you were sent for Ladybug and Chat Noir and Queen Bee and Carapace. Right?”
Jon looked down, away from Adrien’s soul-piercing gaze, and admitted, “You were the mission.”
Adrien closed his eyes, stood up straight, and with every ounce of control he could muster, he calmly said, “Goodbye, Jon.”
“I never meant to hurt you,” Jon said.
“That doesn’t really matter, because, in the end, it all hurts the same,” Adrien replied and left.
For the next few hours, Jon saying, “You were the mission,” Kept echoing in Adrien’s head on a loop.
Not long after leaving Jon’s place, Adrien would find himself in Marinette’s room, letting the bluenette cry her eyes out into his shoulder, shedding his own tears too. Chloe would arrive next with bloodshot eyes, and cuddle next to them. Nino, just after her, looking like a wreck and would take the spot next to Adrien.
It would be hours before they’d calm themselves down. But it wouldn’t be until the next day that any of them managed to ask what they should next.
Chloe spitefully suggested kicking them out of Paris.
Nino agreed halfheartedly.
Adrien was fine with just ignoring them. At least he hoped that he could. He would try really, really hard to.
Marinette didn’t say a word. Instead, she just let them talk with a faraway look on her face.
In the end, it wouldn’t matter.
By Monday, Jon, Damian, and Lian would be gone. Bustier would announce that the exchange program ended.
And Adrien would find himself frequently staring at Jon’s empty seat.
Chat Galore: So it turns out… Jon’s a big jerk
Chat Galore: He wasn’t who I thought he was.
Chat Galore: It’s complicated but to summarize he’s a jerk.
Iron’s Kid: Screw Prince Charming if he turned out to be a warty, jerky frog.
Iron’s Kid: You deserve better.
Chat Galore: To quote Gabriella Montez: Now I know you're not a fairy tale And dreams were meant for sleeping And wishes on a star Just don't come true
Iron’s Kid: Crap, you're quoting high school musical. You're really hurting, aren’t you.
Iron’s Kids: Want to watch shitty Disney Channel movies and talk?
Chat Galore: …Yes.
            Three months, two weeks, six days, nine hours, and twelve minutes. That was how long it took for Adrien to move on. For all of them to move on from the sense of betrayal.
Chat Galore: It doesn’t seem like that good of a movie
Iron’s Kid: ‘Insulted Gasp’ How. Dare. YOU!
Chat Galore: You still have watched Vampire Diaries!
Iron’s Kid: I have taste!
           It took almost three weeks for Chloe to stop growling whenever someone mentioned Damian, Jon, or Lian’s name.
Iron’s Kid: I might need to hide out in Paris for a while
Chat Galore: Did you blow up your dad’s lab again?
Iron’s Kid: Worse!
Chat Galore: You superglue legos to your Pop’s shield again.
Iron’s Kid: That was an accident. They were supposed to come right off. And it's worse.
Chat Galore: Melt another hole in your living room floor?
Iron’s Kid: So. SO much worse.
Chat Galore: You didn’t call Natasha fat did you?
Iron’s Kid: Never that bad
Iron’s Kid: I may or may not have caused MJ’s laptop to crash
Chat Galore: … Shit
Chat Galore: Not even the gods could save you.
           A month for Marinette to not look like she wanted to cry when she thought about Damian.
Chat Galore: I’ve decided to learn to cook
Iron’s Kid: Sweet
Chat Galore:  Just think One day you will try my cooking.
Iron’s Kid: Sorry, Can’t I’m on a new diet.
Chat Galore: WHAT DIET?
Iron’s Kid: Photosynthesis
           Two months for Nino to redownload all the songs he deleted because Lian recommended them.
Iron’s Kid: Archie is one of my best friends
Chat Galore: *doing the Fortnite dance*
Iron’s Kid: I lied I don’t know you
           Three months for Adrien to be able to sit in the park and not think about Jon.
Iron’s Kid: I think are MJ and Shure are laughing at me
Chat Galore: Don't be so paranoid
Iron’s Kid: They're pointing at me and laughing.
           In the fourth month, things are pretty much the same as they ever were. Though everyone picked up the habit of pretending they didn’t know Marinette started texting Damian again. Eventually, the gang was okay when Marinette announced she was seeing Damian again; even if they, themselves, decided not to deal with the American heroes.
Chat Galore: I really thought 2020 would be a great year!!!
Iron’s Kid: …WWIII was trending in the first week of January.
           Time went on. Adrien went on dates, had fun, had a boyfriend or two. He grew up a bit, and kind of understood the position Jon had been in better. And then he wasn’t so angry. Still, a bit hurt though.
Iron’s Kid: I’m sending good vibes your way, they’re coming and there is nothing you can do to stop the
Chat Galore: that is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
           By the time summer hit, Adrien decided to take a step back from love and romance and just focus on himself. He finally told his dad his wanted to be a Lawyer, and to his surprise, his dad helped him get a summer internship at a prestigious law firm.
Chat Galore: I’ve decided if I kill Lila, I’ll make it look like an accident.
Chat Galore: Unlike Chloe who has plans to mount her head on the balcony like a warning to the next that may come
Iron’s Kid: How will you make it look like an accident?
Chat Galore: I have a crowbar and a banana.
Iron’s Kid: Quick request: Go look up accident in the dictionary.
He quit modeling because he never really liked it. He found out he liked to paint and was pretty good at it. He tried and failed to learn how to dance.
           He did learn to surf.
           Adrien hung out a lot with Nico, who had become a good friend.
           By the time summer ended, the gang was back on speaking terms with Damian, Lian, and Job. Mostly at Marinette’s behest. She and Damian were going strong. And she really wanted everyone to forgive and forget and be friends.
           Chloe just agreed to be civil.
           Nino agreed to try being friends again after the three apologized.
           Adrien, mostly out of love for his all but sister Marnette, put his best foot forward and start over with them – even Jon. They agreed to be friends. Just friends.
Iron’s Kid: I don’t have a nervous system.
Iron’s Kid: I am a nervous system.
Chat Galore: I’m a Scorpio!
Their final year of school started with a bang. Next year they would all be off at University. And by Bang, Adrien meant Alya knocking Lila the fuck out during the first week.
           Lila had told the one lie Alya couldn’t just live in denial with.
“I told Ladybug, I just couldn’t do it anymore,” Lila sighed, “I already have so many medical issues. I couldn’t be Rene Rouge anymore. Ladybug was devasted.”
           Then the entire class heard Lila scream, and the thing they knew Alya was on top of Lila beating the hell out of her, screaming, “You lying little WITCH!!”
Chat Galore: ‘Video Sent’
Iron’s Kid: Lila’s the girl on the floor right?
Chat Galore: Alya SNAPPED
           Lila transferred out of the school Alya transferred out of class. No one got an apology. Adrien didn’t know why he was still a little surprised.
           Outside of school, Adrien was pleased to say the gang’s friendship with Jon, Lian, and Damian was back to full force. Even Chloe greeted the three warmly.
           Once Adrien decided to move passed any lingering romantic feelings for Jon, they managed to have a pretty good friendship. Even the Superboy and Chat Noir team-ups were going well.
Chat Galore: what should I be for Halloween this year?
Iron’s Kid:  a vampire, Batman, my boyfriend, Superman
           Adrien laughs until everything processed in his mind.
Chat Galore: What?
           He didn’t get a reply. And Adrien figured it was just autocorrected. But still… his mind couldn’t help but wonder. Just a bit… What if?
           A while ago, he had vaguely considered that maybe him and Iron’s Kid had something, could possibly be…
In the middle of Winter break, Adrien got the best gift he could’ve ever asked for.
Iron’s Kid: I’ve been thinking
Chat Galore: Well that can’t end well
Iron’s Kid: Have you and MJ been talking behind my back
Iron’s Kid: Wait don’t answer that. I’m afraid to know
Iron’s Kid: Ned made a point the today
           Adrien waited for Iron’s Kid to elaborate more, because what?
Iron’s Kid: I’ve been stupid.
Chat Galore: Ned makes a good point, lol
Iron’s Kid: WHAT I’m TRYING TO say is; I trust you
           Adrien smiled as his phone.
Iron’s Kid: We’ve been friends since we were like 11
Iron’s Kid: I want to meet
Iron’s Kid: I want to know what you look like.
           Adrien agreed instantly. Because he’s been waiting for like six years. They agreed to meet up that spring. Iron’s Kid’s was going on a trip to Europe for his spring break. It was just going to be him and a few classmates who were in the same club as him. Iron’s Kid said everyone else in their grade was looking forward to the Big Senior Ski Trip at the Brown Bear Ski Lodge that happened every year.
Adrien had family in England. They would meet at six pm at the London’s Eye.
Chat Galore: I always figured you were secretly a werewolf and knew we’d automatically be enemies.
Iron’s Kid: Wait, why would we be enemies?
Iron’s Kid: Oh You’re a Cat!
Chat Galore: And You’re supposed to be a genius.
Iron’s Kid: Meow!
           Adrien’s seventeenth birthday came and went without any fireworks; metaphorical ones anyway. His party was huge.
           He also met the Justice League and got to watch Chloe cuss out the greatest heroes in the world for the invasion of privacy. Marinette, Adrien, and Nino just watched with smiles on their faces.
           He was counting down the days. Until he and Iron’s Kid finally met. It was strange to think it was really going to happen.
Chat Galore: Would you say you’re an independent person?
Iron’s Kid: MJ told me to say to yes.
Chat Galore: Stop being weird.
Iron’s Kid: As you wish.
           Adrien chuckled.
“What?” Marinette asked. He showed her the text. “It kind of funny.
“Not the Mj thing,” Adrien shook his head. “Iron’s Kid always says ‘As You wish’ whenever I tell him to do something. It’s weird.”
“…Like in Princess Bride,” Marinette asked.
           Adrien shrugged, “Never seen it. It’s one of Iron’s favorite though. Irritates him that I refuse to watch it. But I won’t until he watches the Vampire Diaries.”
           Marinette stared at him, “And Iron’s Kid says ‘As you Wish’ every time.”
“Adrien, WATCH. THAT. MOVIE,” Marinette ordered a firm look on her face.
           Adrien pointed at her, “No!” He said firmly. “It goes against my principles.” She shot him a curious look. “I have a duty to annoying Iron’s Kid in any way I can.”
           The bluenette nodded understandingly, a small smile on her face, “Makes sense,” She said. “I totally accept your reasoning.”
           Adrien smiled happily… Like a fool.
           In retrospect, he should’ve known Marinette would never back down that easily.
           And that was how he ended up literally hogtied on the couch, the Princess Bride playing on the TV, with a smug Chloe and a gleeful Marinette next to him. Nino watched from the recliner with an easy grin on his face.
“You’ve could’ve helped!” Adrien complained to his friend.
           Nino shrugged, “I did help!” He defended. “…Them.”
           Adrien sighed and allowed himself to watch the movie; he fully knows two things.
One; there was no way he was getting out of this
Two; Iron’s Kid was never going to let him live this down.
           The movie was actually pretty good. But then…
           The scene played…
Grandpa: Nothing gave Buttercup as much pleasure as ordering Westley around.
Buttercup: Farm boy, polish my horse's saddle. I want to see my face shining in it by morning.
Westley: As you wish.
Grandpa: "As you wish" was all he ever said to her.
Buttercup: Farm boy, fill these with water - please.
Westley: As you wish.
Grandpa: That day, she was amazed to discover that when he was saying "As you wish," what he meant was, "I love you." And even more amazing was the day she realized she truly loved him back.
Buttercup: Farm boy ... fetch me that pitcher.
Westley: As you wish.
           Adrien’s mind went blank. His heart started beating faster than it ever had before. It couldn’t mean…
           Iron’s kid didn’t mean…
           But what if he did.
           Adrien always sort of held a small torch for his penpal. And he never had any concrete evidence that said he felt the same. And he was waiting until he did.
           But what if Iron’s Kid was waiting too. What if he was waiting for Adrien to finally say something; to finally get his message.
Chat Galore: So…
Iron’s Kid: So… Did we agree to stop sending cryptic messages
Chat Galore: We did not
Chat Galore: So I finally watched Princess Bride
Iron’s Kid: YES!!!!!!!!! Finally!!! Fuck yeah! Tell you me loved it.
Chat Galore: It was good, you freaking loser
Iron’s Kid: It’s amazing. It’s a classic you asshat
Chat Galore: Learned something interesting though
Chat Galore: ‘As you wish’, huh? You say a lot
Chat Galore: To me.
           Adrien stared as his phone waiting for a reply. It came after ten minutes.
Iron’s Kid: I do.
Chat Galore: Does it mean what it's supposed to.
           Another five minutes, and it felt agony.
Iron’s Kid: It does
           Adrien screamed a little
Chat Galore: Are you seriously just going to give me two-word answers? Why didn’t just you tell me
Iron’s Kid: In a way I sort of did
           Adrien glared at the phone.
Chat Galore: You are the most frustrating person to ever exist!!!!!!
Iron’s Kid: Thank you
           Adrien took a deep breath before dialing, “You suck!” He said as soon as it answered.
“I told you to watch the movie,” Iron’s kid defended.
           Adrien gripped his hair, “You don’t tell someone you love them by using some obscure 80s movie reference!” He snapped. “How hard would it be to say: Iron’s Kid, I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with you since we were twelve-years-old.”
           It went quiet as both processed what Adrien just said.
“…That’s oddly specific,” Iron’s kid whispered.
           Adrien took a deep breath, “Yeah it is.” He said. He was forcing himself to be brave, braver than he ever had before. “But its how I feel. And I can’t help that.”
“I love you too,” Iron’s kid said. “And I’ve loved you since the first time stayed up talking while Binge-watching Harry Potter. It was the first time I realized you know me best in the entire world, and you don’t even know my real name. I could be honest with you in a way I can’t be with anyone. If I could dream up the perfect guy, he wouldn’t even come close to you.”
“Boys meets world,” Adrien let out a small laugh, that sounded a bit more like a sob. “Most of my life I felt alone, even when I was with people. That was until I met you.”
“Pretty little liars,” Iron’s Kid stated.
“In a few weeks, we’re finally gonna meet.”
“I’ll be there,” Iron’s kid said. “I swear.”
           Adrien smiled, “Good because I’ve been waiting for six years. And I know this is scary, but I will be there. Don’t let me down.”
“I won’t,” He promised.
           Valentine’s day came and went.
           Adrien was literally marking off the days on the calendar.  The trip was all planned already; Nino, Chloe, and Marinette were tagging along.
           Iron’s Kid and Adrien talked every day.        
“Okay if you sigh dreamily one more...” Nico teased.
           Adrien flushed a bright pink, “I’m finally gonna meet Iron’s Kid.”
“Ahh,” Nico nodded understandingly. “The mysterious penpal. It’s been what seven years?”\
“Six,” Adrien corrected. “Feels like twice that. We like each other,” He admitted. “Like really, really each other. We told each other a few weeks ago.’
           Nico frowned, “Just before meeting each other. Sounds like a lot of pressure. You ready for that?”
           The blond took a deep breath, “Yeah, I think so. It’s time. It’s going to be perfect. We’re gonna meet at London’s eyes, under the stars; it’ll be like a movie.”
“Your Ferris wheel moment,” Nico concluded. “Marinette told me,” The older boy explained. “Just… be careful okay.”
“I will be.”
           Nico gave him a hard look, “I’m serious. I know you. You’re all in. You always are,” he said. “Just don’t build this some more than you should. Don’t go in thinking it’ll be this picture-perfect movie moment. I don’t want to see you let down.” He told Adrien. “You’re my friend. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
           Adrien gave him a small smile, “I don’t care if the Ferris wheel is broken when I get there. Or its raining cats and dogs. It’ll be perfect.”
“Just be careful,” Nico repeated.
           The big day came. Adrien arrived in England on late Thursday with a stomach full of butterflies. Iron’s Kid had texted that he had been in London with his friends for a few days and that he couldn’t wait to see Adrien.
Iron’s Kid: I have brown hair. I’ll be wearing black slacks, and a rose lapel flower pin.
It wasn’t the first time the blond had been to England; he had more than a few photoshoots there. Yet somehow it all felt different. It all felt new. And it was like he was looking at everything again for the first time.
           He was to meet Iron’s Kid on Saturday at 6 pm. And he could barely contain himself
           He spent most of the Friday touring with his friends. They went to Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, The British Museum; standard tourist spots. And eating really, really British cuisine.
           Adrien woke up bright and early on Saturday and pretty much had a panic attack. It took Nino twenty minutes to calm him down. However, even when he was breathing normally again, Adrien was adamant about running back to Paris. That was when Nino called in Marinette and Chloe as reinforcements.
“If I have to drag to London’s Eye by your tacky boyband haircut,” Chloe growled. “I will.”
           Marinette tried the nice route, “Everything’s going to be fine,” She assured.
Chloe huffed, “I didn’t come all the way to London so you can be a little bitch.”
“You are so hostile,” Nino complained.
“What if this a mistake?” Adrien asked. “What if he’s disappointed? What if he takes one look at me, and is ‘You? I waited six years, and I get you. Waste of time.”
“That won’t happen!” Marinette said. “He’s gonna love you. He already does!”
           Nino nodded, “Yeah. You two are practically soulmates.”
“No!” Chloe held up a finger. “Listen to me clearly, Adrien Agreste; Just because he likes the same nerdy crap you do doesn't mean he's your soul mate. And if it doesn’t work out, not that it won’t, you will be just fine.”
           Marinette sighed, “No matter what happens everything is going to be okay.” She said firmly. “But you should really change that blazer. It’s not doing you any favors. Then we’re going to get breakfast and go to the museum. You have 11 hours until you have to be at the London’s eye. You’re going to relax until.”
“While we stop you from fleeing the country,” Nino yawned tiredly.
           That had to stop Adrien at least three times. One time Ladybug actually had appeared to pick Adrien up when he was halfway to the airport. This was all before one pm.
           The blond boy managed to calm down after that. Then he went back to bursting with excitement.  He was still afraid but he couldn’t let that stop him. Adrien has been waiting six years to meet Iron’s Kid, to meet Iron’s Kid.
           He arrived at the London’s eye, half an hour before six. He wore a silver suit Marinette had designed for him.
           Adrien took calming breaths. Marinette rolled her eyes as she fixed his tie, “See? This isn't so bad. You look amazing.”
“Are you kidding?” He gave her a nervous smile, “He traveled over three thousand miles to me. Any second now he's gonna get here, look at me and go, "Ha. Yeah, right, you're so not worth this.”
           Marinette gave him a hard look, “Yes, you are.” She patted his chest. “Take a lot of pictures. Text if you need anything.”
           And then she was gone.
           Adrien texted Iron’s Kid.
Chat Galore: I’m here. Blond; silver suit.
           The blond looked up at the London’s eyes, the biggest Ferris wheel had ever seen, and knew this was it. This was the moment Adrien had been waiting for. He smiled.
            When six pm came, Adrien was practically bursting at the seams. He was literally shaking in excitement. He watched the people go by and held his breath every time he saw a guy his age with brown hair but would frown when he didn’t see the rose lapel pin.
Chat Galore: You here yet?
           Six turned into seven. The sun had gone down. The stars were shining. Everything looked so perfect. Adrien was sure Iron’s Kid was on his way.
Chat Galore: If your running late it’s cool. I’ll wait.
           Seven turned into eight. Adrien refused to give up hope. He would wait no matter how long it took.
           Iron’s Kid was worth it.
Chat Galore: Still here.
Chat Galore: Did something come up?
           Eight turned into nine. The London’s eye closed. People started leaving. Adrien texted his friends that he was fine.
           He wasn’t feeling as hopeful as he did a few hours ago. But he’d wait.
Chat Galore: Still waiting.
Chat Galore: Well past feeling just a little pathetic.
           Nine turned into ten. Hope kind of then.
Chat Galore: Still here. Still waiting.
Chat Galore: What happened?
Chat Galore: Just say something!
           Ten turned to eleven. Adrien didn’t even know why he was still waiting.
Chat Galore: Anything! Please!
           A quarter to midnight, Adrien finally got an answer.
Iron’s Kid: I’m sorry.
           That was it. That was all he said.
           Adrien got back to his hotel room a little after midnight; feeling numb. His throat burned a little. His eyes were a little red.
           Nino greeted him with a big grin, “Back late, huh? Must’ve had a good time…” He trailed off when he saw the look on Adrien’s face. “Oh god, what happened?”
           Adrien shoved his hands in his pockets, “He, uh, he never showed up,” he said and swallowed the lump that had been building in his throat. “It’s fine. I’m fine. It’s okay.” Adrien nodded. “I need to, I have to, uh. I got to the bathroom.” And then he fled into the bathroom, locking the door behind him; willing the world to just stop existing for just a few moments.
“Dude, it’s okay,” Nino said through the door. “I know this has to be rough. But you’ll get through it. I’m here. I called Chloe and Marinette, they’re on their way.”
           Adrien didn’t say anything. He just wiped the tears off his face, and then gripped the bathroom sink.
“They’ll probably be banging on the door any sec,” Nino added. “Unless, Marinette’s trying to stop Chloe from committing murder,” He joked. “Which would be way rude by the way. I’d have liked an invitation. I thought our friendship was stronger.”
           Adrien heard loud knocking and the sweet voice of Marinette asking where he was, and the furious voice of Chloe already talking about how she knew how t to hide a body.
           The blond boy figured it was only a matter of time before Nino or Marinette convinced him to open up the door. Or Chloe broke it down.
           However, surprisingly after twenty or so minutes of his friends pleading with him to open the door, the door would gently swing open to reveal Marinette kneeling with a lockpick set in her hands.
           That got a smile out of Adrien. After all these years, the bluenette was still full of surprises.
           Adrien spent the rest of the night letting his friends comfort him. They left England the next morning.
           When they got back to Paris, and Adrien was back in the comfort of his room, he finally texted Iron’s Kid back.
Chat Galore: Why didn’t you show?
           He’d wait for a reply all day but wouldn’t get one.
           The next day, Adrien texted again.
Chat Galore: I’m not mad.
Chat Galore: I promise
Chat Galore: just a little hurt.
           Again, he’d wait for a reply all day, but it didn’t come.
           Though his friends tried to get him to talk about it, Adrien wouldn’t budge. He just couldn’t…
           It just stung too much. It burned too much.
Chat Galore: I get it if you were afraid or something
Chat Galore: It’s okay.
           And was the truth; it was fine.
           He would be fine. Everything was good. It was okay.
           Adrien would be fine.
           That was what he told everyone.
Chat Galore: We can pretend this never happened if you want
Chat Galore: Just be friends.
           Adrien still didn’t get a reply. That didn’t stop him from waiting for one. He figured Iron’s Kid was just embarrassed that he didn’t show or something. Everything would go back to normal after a few days.
Chat Galore: I’m going to see Onward. Heard its pretty good.
           But a few days became a week. A week became two. Two weeks a became a month of radio silence. And a seed of worrying starting to grow in Adrien’s stomach. Nevertheless, Adrien wrote Iron’s Kid once a day. He refused to give up hope.
           Adrien kept a smile on his face to stop his friends from being concerned. There was no reason to. He would be fine. It was okay. It wasn’t the first time he got his heart broken; probably would even be his last.
His days were split between studying and fight Hawkmoth. The villain was getting bolder and more desperate. Every Akuma seemed worse and stronger than the last. The kids got used to the feeling of always being dead on their feet.
           Marinette finally decided they needed a break and ordered a family game night. She got the newly permanent heroes Luka, Kagami, and Aurore to cover for them.
           Adrien tried to give all his attention to the monopoly game they played; laughed when he was supposed to. Tried to ignore that in the back of his mind, his attention was still a bit focused on his phone, and that fact that it's been a month since he heard from Iron’s Kid.
           A month since London.
           He barely even blinked twice when Marinette successfully bankrupted him, even though he was the first one out. Instead, as soon as the game got more intense, Adrien stuck away. He found himself on the roof the bakery, staring at the stars, clutching his phone in his hand.
Chat Galore: I’m running out of things to say
Chat Galore: Hard to have a one-sided conversation.
Chat Galore: I’m not even sure you’re reading this.
Chat Galore: Maybe I’ll just you send you movie quotes until you respond
            Adrien looked back up at the stars and wished. He wished never agreed to meet Iron’s Kid. He wished he never told him he loved him. He wished he could take it all back because at least he’d still have his friend.
           He wrapped his arms around himself. Adrien blinked back the tears that were building.
           He heard the door open behind him and figured it was Chloe or Nino coming to check on him; whoever got kicked out of the game firsts. Because Marinette was going to win.
“Beautiful night,” A voice said. “Nothing quite like Paris in the springtime.”
           Adrien cast a quick smile at Nico, “I always preferred it during Winter. A Snowy wonderland.” He went back to looking up at the stars.
“You know someday someone will walk into your life,” Nico said as he walked to stand next to the blond, “And make you realize why he never worked out with anyone else.”
“Go ahead,” Adrien laughed bitterly. “Tell me I told you so.”
           Nico shrugged, ‘Iron’s Kid’s a kid. And an idiot.”
“Yeah,” The blond sobbed. “That doesn’t mean much coming from you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Nico crossed his arms.
“Nothing,” Adrien rolled his eyes. “I’m just tired… I'm so tired of falling for guys that don't fall back. It hurts.”
“Adrien, I…”
           Adrien cut him off, “It’s the same thing every time. I’m all in, and they’re not. I’m the one left out in the cold. I’m waiting, looking like a total idiot. Because I was stupid enough to give all my heart when no one else ever does. So you wanna help me, Nico? Tell me what I do wrong.
“Nothing!” Nico gripped Adrien’s shoulders. “There is nothing wrong with you. You’re smart and talented. You’re caring and you’re funny. You look at this world like everything is possible, and you make me believe it too. You’re not the problem.”
“Tell me why I'm so easy to give up then,” The blond asked. “And maybe I can fix it”
“You’re asking the wrong guy, Sunshine,” Nico whispered, his forehead against Adrien’s, their lips inches apart. “There is no time or place or world, where it would ever be easy to give you up.”
Nico moved closer; so did Adrien…
“Hey!!” A voice called from downstairs. “New games starting. It’s Poker! Hurry your butts up!”        
           The two guys snapped back to reality and away from each other.
“You should go,” Nico said dryly, looking away from the other boy. “I’m going to stay here for a bit.”
“Nico…” Adrien said, looking a bit confused.
           The older boy shook his head.
           The blond nodded and started for the door.
“For what it’s worth,” Nico called. “He made the wrong choice.”.
           A small smile spread over Adrien’s face, “I know.”
“I wonder what would’ve happened if we met when we were older,” Nico asked.
           Adrien shrugged, “Someday we will be.”
“Long game?”
“Long game.”
           He went back to the living room where everyone was waiting, with the cards and poker chips already dealt.
           Adrien settled in the seat next to Marinette.
           The bluenette shot him a concerned look, “You okay?”
“I’ll be…” Adrien sighed. “Eventually.”
           The blond boy decided to chalk up whatever happened on the roof with Nico as… Just the two of them being caught in the moment. Emotions were high.
           …That didn’t stop Adrien from smiling every time someone mentioned Nico’s name.
Chat Galore: Everything is possible.
Chat Galore: Even the impossible.
           He still wrote Iron’s Kid once every day. Adrien didn’t say much. He just sent a movie quote he liked, just to let Iron’s Kid know he was still there. He was still waiting… if Iron’s Kid ever changed his mind.
Chat Galore: When you can’t look on the Brightside, I will sit with you in the dark.
           A month became two.
Chat Galore: In the garden of memory, in the palace of Dreams,  that is where you and I shall meet.
           Two became three. They figured out who Hawkmoth was. The battle had been epic. Adrien’s father had hesitated when he realized Adrien was Chat Noir, long enough for Ladybug to make the killing shot.
           Figuratively anyway.
           Ladybug blasted Hawkmoth into a wall. The heroes banded together to remove his miraculous. Then they erased his memory. And then Natalie’s. Of any and all knowledge of magic permanently; defeating Hawkmoth once and for all.
           As far as Gabriel knew he was just a recluse workaholic with what barely passed as a decent relationship with his only child.
           Adrien was devastated to learn who his father really was. Even so when he discovered the reason behind Hawkmoth’s villainous pursuit; his comatose mother and learned from Fu there was no way to save her; not even with a wish.
           The blond boy had long ago mourned his mother and moved on but that it didn’t hurt.
           Emilie Agreste was officially declared dead and buried on a sunny Tuesday afternoon in the middle of Spring.
Chat Galore: Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it
           Three months became four.
           At this point, he knows Iron’s Kid’s never going to write him back. And that was okay. Adrien was okay.
           People move on. And while Adrien would always wonder why Iron’s Kid never showed, he could live without knowing.
           If anyone asked why he was still writing, Adrien would say he didn’t know.
           But that was a lie.
           He did know.
           Iron’s Kid had been a really big part of his life, had been one greatest friend he ever had; had been his first love in a way.
           So yes, Adrien knew exactly why he was still writing.
           He could live without Iron’s Kid in his life but he couldn’t live without one thing.
Chat Galore: Here's looking at you kid
           Adrien officially graduated from school. He was accepted into Columbia. He’d be living in New York. And so, would Chloe, Marinette, and Nino. They decided they wanted to stick together and keep being heroes.
           Chloe would be going to Columbia with him to study business and public relations. Marinette would study business and fashion. Nino decided to dedicate his life to being the next great movie director. Adrien would study Law.
           They decided to get two apartments across from each other like in F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Because that was pretty much all they knew about New York.
           Damian would be attending Columbia; he was gearing up to take over Wayne Industries one day. Him and Marinette were still going strong. Lian would be going to Princeton, as Oliver Queen would be damned if his granddaughter went anywhere else. Jon would take a year off to explore the world before attending Metropolis University; he still wanted to Major in Journalism.
           Damian kept hinting hard that the Titans, not the Teen Titans, were looking for new members. And as he was the current leader of the Titans, it was less of a hint and more like being actively headhunted by the most aggressive Robin to ever walk the earth.
           It was official, they weren’t kids anymore.
Chat Galore: You know that place between sleep and awake where you’re always dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting.
           They had a few months before they had to move completely to New York, and decided to do something special. Or rather Tom and Sabine did.
           And mostly because they just wanted to see where their kids would be living from now on.
           Sabine and Tom claimed to find this great deal on a ski resort near New York.  Everyone was invited; Nico, Kagami, Luka, Aurore, Lian, Jon, and Damian.
They did the whole tourist thing, led by Nico who was excited his cousin would be living in the same city as him and explored the great New York City, and Tom and Sabine got to see the penthouses, Gabriel and Audrey had bought each their perspective children and were assured their kids would be living in a safe location.
Chat Galore: So maybe it won’t look like you thought it would in high school, but it’s important to remember that love is possible. Anything is possible. This is New York
           The Brown Bear Ski Lodge was packed, apparently, some class from a school called Midtown had booked a trip at the same time they did. So the entire lodge was filled with graduating seniors, between the ages of seventeen and eighteen years old.
           To say it was wild was an understatement. Sabine vocally wondered why the school though three chaperones to watch over an entire class of students were enough. Tom just comforted Mr. Harrison when he started to cry.
Adrien got to meet loads of kids his age, a few that would even be starting at Columbia the same time as the French kids. It turned out most of the kids from Midtown were insanely smart.
           The blond boy ended up spraining his ankle while skiing and ended up spending most of the time on sitting on the lodge’s bay window watching nature and relaxing. He ended up sitting there long after nearly everyone else had gone off to bed.
“Having fun,” A boy his age asked, one of the few people left in the room. He was handsome with light brown hair and kind brown eyes.
“As close as I can get,” Adrien answered.
The brown-haired boy smiled, “Well if you get bored out of your mind, I got some movies on my tablet if you want to watch. I know some pretty good ones.”
“I’m good,” Adrien said. “You can join me if you want. I wouldn’t say no to company.”
           The boy did, “Name’s Peter.”
“By your accent, I’m guessing your not with the Midtown group,” Peter asked. “Also, because I’m from the Midtown group.”
           Adrien snorted, “France. I’ll be living full time in New York come autumn.”
“Is that right?” Peter looked excited by the news. “You’re gonna love it.”
“Yeah, and why’s that?”
           And then Peter went on to tell Adrien all about the places and people he loved in New York. They talked for hours until morning rays hit them through the window.
           Over the next week of the vacation, the two ended up finding themselves repeating that; talking and letting time disappear.
Chat Galore: I wish I knew how to quit you.
           Adrien introduced Peter to Marinette, Chloe, Nino, and the others. Peter introduced him to his friends Michelle, Ned, and Gwen. Like Adrien and his friends, Peter and his friends were pretty much attached at the hip.
“He pissed me off, so I put a porn virus into his computer,” Michelle answered the Marinette’s question as to why a Eugene kept running from her.
           Marinette and Adrien had decided to enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate by the fire, only to be joined by Peter’s friends: Michelle and Ned. Another would’ve joined them but he scampered away the second he saw the girl.
“He deserved it,” Michelle added.
“He totally did,” The large Asian boy nodded in agreement. “But MJ you might’ve taken it too far when you made it happen during class.”
           Marinette giggled. “Harsh!”
“No mercy, Ned!”
Adrien laughed until his brain processed what was said, “Wait, I thought your name was Michelle?”
Michelle and Ned froze like deer caught in the headlights.
“MJ’s my nickname,” Mj explained cooly. “And we should really be going…”
“Geniuses,” Adrien suddenly recalled; his mind finishing a calculation, he didn’t even realize he was trying to figure out. “Who goes to a school for super-smart kids. MJ, scary queen who could rule the universe,” He pointed at her. “Ned; loveable teddy bear nerd with a fixation on Legos. A bully named Eugene who I’m guessing goes by Flash.” He swallowed hard, and fixed hard green eyes on the two kids in front of him. “Did you take a class trip to Europe in Spring? Keep in mind I would really like you to say no.”
           Ned and MJ paled.
“Ned and MJ,” Adrien repeated. “Iron’s Kid’s best friends…” He whispered. “Peter’s best friends. Peter is Iron’s Kid, isn’t he?”
           MJ narrowed her eyes at him, “Chat Galore: Adrien Agreste.”
           Adrien’s entire body froze. He tried to remain calm, “This can’t be happening.”
           Marinette glared at them, “Your friends with Iron’s Kid!” She growled. “Peter is Iron’s Kid. What was he thinking? How could he just stand Adrien up? I’ll kill him!”
“I never told you my last name!” Adrien realized. “How did you?”
“We hacked into Peter’s phone a few months ago,” MJ shrugged. “And traced your Ip address.”
           Adrien glared, “And Peter knew? When I got here, he knew who I was didn’t?” He accused. “He lied right to my face!”
“It’s complicated!” Ned looked at Adrien with wide eyes. “Yeah, he knew who you were when he saw you. He just wanted a do-over. It’s weird I know. I told him not to do it!”
           MJ looked at Marinette, “You should kill him. It was a bitch move,” She said. “But if it means anything, he regrets not showing up at London’s eye.” This part she told Adrien.
“Like super regrets it!” Ned added. “You can’t beat him up half as much as he does himself.”
“I can try,” Marinette crossed her arms.
“He reads your texts every day,” Mj said.
           Adrien stood up angrily, “Then why doesn’t he text back?” He demanded to know. “Why didn’t he show up at the London’s eye. I waited! I’ve been waiting!”
           MJ shrugged, “I can’t answer that,” She said. “Only he can. I can only tell you he was stupid. And he overreacted. You deserve to hear everything from him.”
           Ned nodded eagerly, “He really likes you. He nearly dropped dead when he saw you were here. Just let him explain!”
“No!” Adrien snapped. “I don’t want to see him. Ever.” He clenched his fists. “I… I just can’t.”
           And he stumped away.
           He went to his room and packed his bags. He was getting out of there. He was leaving he had nothing to say to Iron’s Kid. Or Peter. Or whoever he was.
           There was a knock on his door.
“Go. Away!” Adrien snapped.
“I can’t do that!” It was Jon that surprisingly said that.
“Come in!” The door opened. “What do you want?” Adrien asked. “Sorry, I’m just a bit busy right now.”
           Jon wore a red plaid shirt over a white t-shirt and blue jeans, “Don’t leave,” He told Adrien.
“I have to,” The blond said he snuffed his suitcase.
“You can’t!”
           Adrien all but snarled, “Look you don’t understand. You don’t get it.” He said. “I have to leave.”
“Yeah I do,” Jon said and shut the door behind him. “Super hearing, remember? I know everything that’s going on. You can’t go, not like this.”
“Yes, I-” The blond started but was cut off.
           Jon grabbed his shoulders and sat him on the bed, “You deserve an answer. You’ve been waiting for an answer,” He stated. “You deserve to know why he didn’t show up.”
“And why he decided to mess with me for the last week?!!”
“That I understand!” Jon said. “He wanted to start over. Second chances are hard to come by. And once upon a time, there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t have done for one.”
“And you think he deserves one?”
“Just talk to him,” Superboy said. “Or scream at him. Whatever.”
           Adrien ran a hand through his hair, “I haven’t been waiting for an answer,” He admitted. “I would’ve liked one, but I wasn’t waiting for it.”
“You love him,” Jon said. “You did. Or do. I know. Because I remember how you used to look when he texted you. I know… Because you used to look like that around me.”
“I saw you two together,” Jon said. “You’re good together. Leaving now would be a big mistake. I’m saying that as your friend. Meet him, talk to him. Even nothing happens. Or everything does.”
           Adrien hid his face in his hands and groaned, “Even if it’s just to reject him?” He crossed his arms. “Wouldn’t it be better to just leave?”
“Not for you,” Jon shook his head. “Look, if you reject him now, he's gonna make it his life's mission to go out there and meet the most perfect, beautiful guy or girl in the world just to try and get over you. And he'll end up marrying this other person and spending the rest of his life with them. And you know, he'll tell himself that they're perfect and... He really must be happy, but they won't be you, you know? And that’s the worst thing that will happen.”
           It went quiet.
“Follow your heart, Adrien,” Jon added. “It’s what you do best. And it’s the best thing about you.”
           Then the boy of steel left.
           And Adrien was alone with his thoughts.
Chat Galore: Relationships are messy and people’s feelings get hurt. Who needs it?
           Adrien left. It wasn’t his finest moment and not his bravest. But he left. Because he wasn’t ready to see Peter. Not yet. He texted his friends and tom and Sabine that he was leaving and that he’d okay… eventually.
           He’d go back to New York City, leave on the next flight out. He’d back to the big Apple two months later, move into his apartment with Nino, Marinette, and Chloe and start his life there.
           Two weeks after that Chloe would get the opportunity of a lifetime, a PR internship for college credit at Stark Industries. The blonde girl invited them all to go on her tour with her; apparently, she was told she could bring friends.
           Adrien would frown when he heard but not say anything. Peter wasn’t the only one with friends that could track an IP address.
           It was time. No more running.
           Stark Tower was everything, the kids all dreamed it would be. A scientist, futuristic wonderland. They oohhh’ed and awed. And Adrien tried to enjoy himself and keep his mouth closed.
           Even when the most advanced elevator in the entire world “mysteriously” malfunctioned and took them to the very top floor; otherwise known as the place the Avengers lived.
“Sorry about that,” Tony Stark, himself, gave them his most charming grin when the doors opened and he was standing right there. “We’ll get that fixed right away.” He promised. “Come on kiddies, let me show you where the big kids play.”
           He led them to the living room where Captain America was watching TV.
“Hey, babe!” Tony grinned. “This is Chloe, Pepper’s newest intern. Marinette, Nino, and… Adrien.”
“Tony…” Steve Roger gave his husband a chastising look.
           Adrien huffed and glared at the occupants in the room, “Cut the crap,” He ordered them, drawing surprised looks from his friends. “Where’s Peter?” He asked. “Iron’s Kid,” Tony smirked at the name. “Is Peter. Peter Stark-Rogers.”
           His friends turned fierce glares at the Avengers.
“It’s a setup!” Chloe accused.
“Heroes are supposed, to be honest,” Marinette chided.
           Nino crossed his arms, “What a letdown.”
“Where’s Peter?” Adrien asked again.
“He’s coming,” Tony said. “You three and my hotter than the sun husband come with me; I’ll show you the training room that you can use full time If Ladybug, Queen Bee, Carapace, and Chat Noir decides they wanted to ditch the Justice League and hang with the Major Leagues.”
           His friends paled at the fact that Tony Stark and probably all the Avengers knew their superhero identities and followed Iron Man out of the room.  Steve just sighed at his husband’s antics and follow him out.
           Adrien crossed his arms and waited.
           The elevator would ping, and five minutes later Peter would walk into the living room. They just at each other for a few moments.
“I’m sorry,” Peter finally said.
           Adrien shook his head, “I don’t want your apologies. I came here… I waited here… for the same reason I’ve waited the last seven months,” He said. “I only waited to say goodbye.”
“Goodbye?” Peter gave him half a smile. “We’ve only just met.”
           Adrien pointed him, “Don’t!” He said. “Don’t quote movies at me.” He snapped. “Why?” Adrien asked. “Why weren’t you there? How could you not be there?!”
“I was!” Peter said. “I was there. I saw you. I was terrified. And I left.”
“I was afraid too!” Adrien said. “The difference is I still showed up. I waited six years to meet you. And I waited at the London’s eye for almost seven hours, and you just left me. You blew me off.”
“I’m sorry!” Peter yelled. “I’m so sorry. It was the biggest mistake of my life.”
Adrien clenched his fists. “Why didn’t you write me back? Why did you pretend at the lodge?”
“I don’t know,” Peter admitted. “I really don’t. I don’t know what I was thinking. I just saw you and my mind just went blank. I thought it was like fate giving me a second chance. I didn’t do it right. I screw up. Again!”
“A second chance?” Adrien glared at him. “You think that was your second chance? No. Your second chance was I texted asking what happened. You got another chance every time I texted you. I texted you every day for six months. Those were your chances!” He yelled. “If it was over for you, you could have told me. Said something. But you left me in the dark. If you didn’t feel the same about me, you could’ve told me. I just wanted my friend back!”
“Adrien, I…”
“Why didn’t you write me back?” Adrien asked, tears burning in his eyes. “Why? It wasn’t over for me. Six months, that’s one hundred and eighty-two days. I wrote you one hundred and eighty-two times. I waited for you! It’s too late now. It’s over!”
           Peter looked ready to cry, “I wrote you over three hundred emails. I have them saved on my computer I never sent them. I didn’t think they’d be enough. They’re still not enough. It’s wasn’t over for me. It’s still not over.”
“Why?” Adrien asked again. “Why didn’t Iron’s Kid show up? Why was he so afraid?”
           Peter just looked at the blond boy for a moment, before taking a deep breath, “Iron’s Kid thinks about that moment every day. He used to think he didn’t show up because he was afraid of what would happen; that it wouldn’t work out. That he’d lose one his best friends.” He said. “That them being together would ruin everything. Because they were just kids; they were stupid and young. But that was just a lie he told himself because he was afraid. The truth is, He was at the London’s eye that night, he saw Chat Galore: the most perfect person he’d ever seen and got scared for a completely different reason.”
           Peter stepped towards Adrien, “Once he figured that out, and he figured that out really quick but only when it was just too late, Iron’s Kid didn’t know what to do. Didn’t know what to say to make it right. So he said nothing. And it killed him every day. Iron’s Kid would give anything to go back to that night at the London’s eye, to back to that moment when they were supposed to meet. Before everything went wrong. Iron’s kid would tell Chat Galore everything he always wanted. But he couldn’t. Because doesn’t work like that. Instead, he was so sorry for what he had done.”
           Adrien just listened.
“Because Iron’s Kid realized,” Peter said, “That he wasn’t afraid that night because he thought it wouldn’t work out; that Chat Galore wasn’t the one. He was absolutely terrified because he knew he was. And if Adrien could just give him one more chance. Just one more chance, he’d spend the rest of his making it up to him.”
“I love you,” Peter said. “I’m totally and completely in love with you. And I don’t care if you think its too late. I’m telling you anyway. Because if I don’t, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in my heart, you’re the one for me.”
           Adrien just sighed and looked away, wondering what he should do.
“I don’t what’s going to happen in the future,” Peter said. “I don’t if in the time I was an idiot if Jon or Nico or Luka,” He chuckled, and so did Adrien. “Won your heart. I just know… I may not be your first love, but I intend to be your last. However long it takes.”
           A smile spread across Adrien’s face, “You watched it,” He said. “You finally watched the Vampire diaries. It only took you, what? Seven years.”
“Six and a half,” Peter corrected. “Sorry I made you wait.”
“I know,” Adrien nodded. “I need some time, okay. I need to get my head on straight. Before I decide anything.”
“I understand,” Peter agreed eagerly. “I get it. I’ll wait.”
           Adrien would take two weeks to decide what he was feeling and what he wanted to do. And when the two weeks were over, he knew exactly what he wanted, and who he wanted. So he made a call.
           And then ended up a Coney island, next to The Wonder Wheel, one of the most famous Ferris wheels in the world. He waited in line and happily got on the ride. The seats next to him were quickly filled by Marinette, Chloe, and Nino.
“Finally getting your Ferris wheel moment?” Nino asked as the ride started.
           Adrien smiled, “Yeah. Except I wanted the people I love the most with me.”
“Awww,” Marinette hugged him. “We love you too.”
“That’s a dollar for the overly sentimental jar,” Chloe glared at him. “And no more rom-com for you.”
           Adrien snorted.
           The kids enjoyed the ride, and when it was over, and they got off, Marinette asked, “So you didn’t choose anyone?”
“Well…” He motioned to the guy waiting at the exit of the ride. “I wouldn’t say that. I’m done. No more waiting, no more long game, no more… anything. Its time I get a little more proactive.”
           Chloe smirked, “About time. Get it, Agreste!”
“Just remember you have a roommate,” Nino smirked.
           The three walked off to enjoy the rest of the amusement park.
           Adrien smiled at them, and then smirked at the guy waiting for him, “Wait long?”
“I’d wait forever.”
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dontwarnthetadpoles · 3 years
I’m into making lists lately, it’s fun and it simplifies the answer to the question : what to do with my thoughts when i don’t have the time and energy to write and edit an essay/meta?
So here, for a fun and light way to consider romance in the Buffyverse, a list of my romantic endgames for the still alive characters by the finals of Btvs and Ats (in no particular order) :  
Buffy x Oz: unusual pairing that nobody seems to ship (i only found one fic about them but boy was it good!), which never ceases to surprise me because they seem to be an obvious pairing based on their personality and tastes. The chemistry between SMG and Seth Green is very strong: they had very few (too little!) scenes together but each time, they shined as a duo. Oz, especially after his trip to Tibet, is everything that Buffy looks for: loyalty, stability, maturity with a dark and supernatural twist, and after being burned badly by Willow, Buffy is the ideal person to make Oz heal and trust again.There’s also the challenge to find a way to communicate and become a real emotional support for the other considering they have the similar way to not really share what they feel, but they’re aware of their limits and willing to work on them, so the reward would be really worth the effort.   
Xander x Dawn: inspired by the comics though the show suggested too, discreetly, this pairing during season 6 (maybe more often but i don’t remember). A couple by default (there’s nobody else to pair them with)  but with potential: she’s a mix of Buffy and Anya/Cordelia (i see Anya as the continuation of Cordelia), the only women he “loved”. She needs a older man who can be dedicated entirely to her because of her immaturity and spoiled nature, a man stable and who won’t freak out about her nature and that’s Xander at the end of season 7.    
Willow x Fred:  It was a very popular ship after Orpheus, mostly because the chemistry was off the chart, but i only started to support it after the Illyria arc when Whedon confirmed that Fred’s soul wasn’t destroyed and that Willow can bring her back by separating her from Illyria. They were less amazing by the end of their shows than when they were at the start (they broke the heart of my two favourite male characters so i like them a lot less), but Willow and Fred were still two impressive women that would balance each other well. They are a perfect match on the intellectual level, which is a necessity in their case because of how they take pride in their academic achievements, and have the same tendency to self centerdness so they won’t hurt each other much or be too needy. Their big transformative experience that made them temporary a big evil and left them in a in-between state: between good and evil, though they more good than bad, is the key for them to make things work and get over their insecurity. Also they lost Oz and Gunn and won’t find better guys (Willow is bi for me), so it’s time for Fred to get over men (dating Wesley was a major mistake).
Angel: single or Angel x Illyria (inspired by the comics) because considering his selfishness and lack of remorse, he doesn’t deserve happiness and that’s one thing for sure that Illyria will never give him. Based on her bond with Wesley, she’s more likely to feed him the lllusion of a relationship but i don’t think he needs more because he’s clearly still incapable at the end of season 5 of showing emotional support and commitment. He has Connor anyway, and trying to amend for what he didn’t do for him, without this time messing with other people’s life would be his first real step toward redemption.
Spike x Faith: That’s the obvious choice for Spike given his fascination for slayers. Also I can’t see him falling for a vampire now that he has a soul. This couple would work for all the reasons that Angel/Faith couldn’t work: Spike can be a friend and a lover to a woman. They are a good match because though they hold no illusion about their nature and their past, they’re not torturing themselves about redemption. They just help when they can. They won't be necessary a stable couple: i see separations and reconciliations in repeat cycles, but also a lot of fun. Their potential to become iconic is big.
Gunn x Anne: they are my ideal couple/choice for an endgame, both shows include, because they fit my favourite trope: from friends to lovers. And their also the only racial mixte couple that i can imagine in the Buffyverse (i never liked Faith with Wood and even less the idea of Faith and Gunn), after Gunn and Fred.They have always been supportive and protective of each other during their limited time onscreen. They had few scenes but i don’t doubt they revealed the entire truth about their relationship. Anne is the mature love that Gunn waited for all his life.They share the same hope, fights, values and support both the same community of homeless teens/young adults who try to survive in the streets, from which they both came from. Their communication is top: they don’t shy from asking each other help or advice. I see it as very long lasting relationship, with a lot of kids and a happy home.        
Connor x Gwen: They complete each other: he likes older women with good fighting skills and she’s still immature emotionally and inexperimented despite her dominant  attitude and her overconfidence. They remind me of Spike and Drusilla but as a less iconic and less cruel version. 
Giles: he should definitely stay single or maybe hook up again with Ethan if he reappears someday. He won’t be able to find love again after what he has become, though it doesn’t mean there’s isn’t someone somewhere to take pity on him, juste like Angel with Illyria. I don’t cry about him: he made his life and his choices without pressure, contrary to the young people that he had the opportunity to mentor on btvs (the scoobies) and that he failed badly.  
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calwrites · 4 years
The Illusion (part 1)
Summary: Reader has tried her hardest to keep the rest of the BAU from learning about her past. When her father dies and she has to go home, her secrets might come out.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Umbrella Academy!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 4.8k
This is kind of a crazy, stupid idea, but I’ve read a couple fics where the reader is like an Avenger or a vampire and the team finds out and I think they’re really fun, so I decided to give it a try. Part 2 will come out in a few days probably. I’m trying to decide how far into the show to go.
“Well I don’t know about you guys, but I am so ready to go home,” Derek groaned. The rest of the team echoed his sentiment as you all followed him into the small town police station that you had been in way too much this past week. You were more than ready to get back to your apartment and not talk to anyone until Monday.
In the back of your mind, you knew that Allison’s new movie had just come out. She had probably been getting ready for the premiere as you were tackling the unsub. Still, you should probably see the movie this weekend, while you had some free time without a case. Even though the premise didn’t exactly entice you, you should at least see it so you could text her about how good she was in it. It had been too long since you had talked to your sister. A few texts after the news of her divorce broke and some empty promises to hang out soon, but you hadn’t had a real conversation with her in over a year. It had been a lot longer since you had talked to the rest of your siblings, with the exception of Diego, who would appear occasionally to ask for your help in whatever “case” he was working. You had learned that it was easier to help him find whatever information he was looking for and then send him on his way. He was less likely to break into your apartment or try to hack your work computer that way.
Still, it would be nice to see Allison again, even if it was just on a screen. Your eyes flicked to Spencer before you could stop them. He invited you to so many niche events that maybe he wouldn’t question why you wanted to see the new Allison Hargreeves movie so badly or why you invited him. 
You weren’t really sure if you two had been on any actual dates or if you were just two friends hanging out. He always had some reason why he was inviting you specifically. You knew Russian, so he wouldn’t have to translate the movie for you. You knew Roman comedy, so the two of you could discuss whether the performance was historically accurate. You knew Japanese art history, so you could carry out a conversation about the new exhibit. None of those reasons stopped the crush that you had on Spencer Reid.
But you couldn’t say anything. Besides the fact that he was your coworker, you couldn’t risk him getting dragged into any family drama. None of your coworkers knew about your family. As far as anyone was aware, you didn’t have a good relationship with your family, and you certainly didn’t like to talk about them. They probably had their own theories about why. What had your family done that made you not flinch when cases took a turn like this last one did? Why weren’t you surprised that a father could kill his child and then pretend to be the picture of grief? Because as far as you were concerned, your father had killed two of his children and had killed everything good about the other six.
These thoughts ran silently through your head as you helped the team pack everything up. Soon, you would be on the jet, heading back to DC. And tomorrow, you would see your sister’s new movie. Hopefully, with Spencer.
A noise from the TV in the corner of the station shook you out of your thoughts. Breaking news, apparently. You turned back to the papers you were organizing, prepared to ignore whatever celebrity cheating scandal they were about to break.
“...the death of the world’s most eccentric and reclusive billionaire…”
The words made your breath catch. There was only one person they could be talking about. You made yourself look at the TV. Staring back at you was your father’s face. Or a picture of it, at least. Though really, you saw pictures of your father more than you had ever actually seen your father in person.
“Wow.” JJ’s voice beside you startled you a bit. “Reginald Hargreeves. I haven’t thought about him in forever.”
“I can’t believe he died. I kind of assumed he would live forever,” Emily said from your other side. It seemed the TV had caught everyone’s attention. “I mean, he was a crazy billionaire. Aren’t they supposed to find the secret to eternal life?”
“Y/N, are you okay?” You met Spencer’s kind eyes, but couldn’t find any words for a few seconds. Finally, you managed a smile.
“Of course. It’s just kind of shocking, I guess. Why?”
“You’re rubbing your arm. You do that when you’re upset.” You hadn’t even realized that you were doing it again. Had you always done it? You must have, if Spencer had noticed.
You could still remember the first time. It was a few days after you had gotten the stupid tattoo. Your skin was still sore, but you had scrubbed and scrubbed, trying to get the tattoo to wash off, until your skin was red and raw. You knew it wouldn’t wash off. You knew, yet you tried constantly. Even now, apparently. Now your father was dead and you would still have that stupid tattoo that marked you as one of his. As one of the Umbrella Academy kids. A freak. A soldier. A pawn.
Shaking your head a bit to clear your thoughts, you looked at Spencer. “I think I’m just ready to be home. It’s been a long case, and this is weird news to get at the end of it. I’m just tired.”
You weren’t sure if Spencer believed you, but he nodded and didn’t question it. The team continued packing up in silence. It wasn’t until you were back on the jet that anyone brought it up again.
“So who was your favorite Umbrella Academy kid?” Derek asked, breaking the silence of the jet.
“Let me guess, yours was Spaceboy. You wanted to be super strong like him,” Emily teased lightly.
“For your information, my favorite was The Kraken. If he was that good with knives, imagine how good he would be throwing a football,” Derek corrected her, an easy smile on his face. How strange that everyone else could talk so casually about them. Of course, as far your team was concerned, they were just names and faces from TV or trading cards. They weren’t real people.
“Well I wanted to be The Rumor. Imagine how much easier sneaking out would be if you could just tell your parents to let you go.” Emily laughed as she said it. She didn’t understand how easy it was to get caught up in that power. You had seen it happen, though.
“I always liked The Illusion. I mean, making people see whatever you wanted them to would be so cool. Plus, reading minds would be helpful. It would make interrogations go a lot quicker.” It was only because of years of practice that you didn’t react to JJ’s words. The rest of the team began discussing how helpful it would be to be able to read an unsub’s mind. Not that you would know. You refused to do it.
“Project your consciousness into their brain. Know their thoughts. See what they see.”
Those words were some of your earliest memories. You would stand across from one of your siblings, reading their thoughts, seeing through their eyes, hearing through their ears, feeling what they felt, while your father kept repeating those words. That was before you had realized the true extent of your powers.
“Y/N, who was your favorite?” You blinked in surprise at Derek’s question. Everyone’s eyes were on you.
“It changed, I guess.” It was a lame answer, but they accepted it and continued to argue amongst themselves about who was the best. It was the truth, though. You had always been close with Allison. That had never changed. The girls had to stick together. You guessed that you were probably close to Vanya when you were younger, but you saw her less and less as you got older and training began to occupy more of your time. You certainly weren’t close to her now. Not after what she had written about you.
You and Five had been close for a time. Both of you were desperate to prove to your father that you were more powerful than he thought. That you weren’t worthless just because you were on the lower half of the rankings. But then Five had disappeared, and you discovered a new aspect of your powers. 
It was because of Luther. A few weeks had passed since Five’s disappearance, and Luther, in a horrible attempt to “be a leader” and “boost morale” had said that Five brought the disappearance on himself because he hadn’t listened when Dad told him not to try time travelling. Something in you had snapped. You wanted Luther to experience what you had imagined Five did. Lost in darkness, unsure of where or when you were. Just an expanse of nothingness. 
You didn’t even know you were doing it at first, but Luther started to scream. It was over as quick as it began, thanks to the shock of Luther’s yell. He shivered as he explained that suddenly he couldn’t see, hear, or feel anything. It was like nothingness. Luther never quite forgave you for that, but you would never forget the joyful look in your father’s eyes as he realized that it was your doing. That not only could you tap into another person’s brain. You could manipulate it.
But it was harder to control. And after you accidentally left one criminal permanently blind, you were scared of your powers. Klaus and Ben understood how you felt, and the three of you became inseparable. Even after Ben died, that didn’t change. None of your siblings knew that Ben was still around, but you did. Klaus would let you use his eyes and ears so that you could talk to Ben. You missed them. Klaus would show up at your apartment sometimes, looking for money. You would get him to stay for a few days and take some time off work so you could watch him. The three of you would hang out like old times. But eventually you would have to go back to work, and you would come back to find an empty apartment and missing cash.
Despite the fact that Diego was the one you talked to most often now, you two hadn’t gotten along as children. There were rare times when you would click, but for the most part it was constant bickering. You two were too much alike. Quick to anger and slow to forgive.
You were stuck in these memories for the rest of the flight. No one said anything about your silence, but you did feel Spencer’s gaze on you often. You continued to rub your arm, like you would be able to rub off the tattoo that was always covered by your sleeve.
Most of the team left the office pretty quickly once you arrived back in DC. They dropped off whatever needed to be dropped off, then headed home. You lingered, wanting to catch Hotch alone. It would be easier if there was no one around to question what you needed to talk to him about.
“Do you want me to wait up, Y/N? We can take the metro back together.” You smiled genuinely at Spencer’s question. The two of you lived close to each other, so you often left together, either carpooling or taking the metro together.
“No, it’s fine. I need to talk to Hotch before I leave. I’ll see you soon.” Spencer gave you a small wave as he left. You watched him go, feeling strangely sad. How you wished you could walk out with him and ask if he wanted to go see a movie tomorrow night. It seemed so long ago when that had been your plan.
“Hotch.” You knocked on his door, waiting for his answer before opening the door. He was looking over paperwork, as usual, and barely looked up when you came in. “I was wondering if I could have a few days off.”
That made him look up, his eyes drilling into yours. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes.” No. “I just need a few days. I don’t want to be gone long. It’s my brother.” It was the same thing you said whenever Klaus or Diego showed up. You waited for Hotch’s answer, a carefully blank look on your face. There were always a few seconds where you would worry that he had somehow figured out who you were. That the fake last name and fake childhood records weren’t enough. But they always were.
“Of course, Y/L/N. Take as much time as you need. And we’re here if you need anything.”
“Thank you, sir.” You smiled at him as you walked out of his office, though smiling was the last thing you wanted to do. Now you had no reason not to go back home. You would have to try to mourn your father. You would have to see your siblings.
The house looked exactly like you remembered. Big and empty. The sound of the door echoed as it closed behind you. You wondered if anyone else was here yet. You heard the steps of someone walking towards the entryway. Allison, if you had to guess, based on the footsteps.
“Y/N!” You were right. The smile that lit up your face was mirrored on Allison’s as you two rushed to hug each other. “I’ve missed you.”
“You too. I hope you don’t mind if I don’t make it to your movie this weekend.” The two of you laughed for a few seconds before remembering why you were there. “How are you doing?”
Allison shrugged and shook her head slightly. “I already lost my husband and I’m not allowed to talk to my daughter. Now my father is dead. It’s been a rough year. How are you? How’s the genius you’re almost dating?”
“I’m good. We just finished a rough case yesterday, so I’m a little bummed that I don’t get to relax this weekend. Spencer is also good. The other week we went to a shadow puppet theater festival. He said that he was glad he had a friend who was willing to go to stuff like that with him, so I don’t think he’s interested in me.”
Allison linked her arm through yours. You walked slowly through the halls, not talking. It was comforting enough just being with someone who understood what you were going through. With Allison, actions spoke louder than words.
“Is anyone else here yet?”
“Diego and Luther. I haven’t seen Klaus or Vanya. Who knows if they’ll show up.”
“Klaus will show up if he knows about it and isn’t in rehab. I wouldn’t be surprised if Vanya doesn’t show. She’s already said a lot about Dad. I don’t know if she has anything more to add.”
“You’re still mad.” It wasn’t a question, but you nodded anyway. “You know how excluded Vanya was growing up. Can you blame her?”
“That wasn’t our fault. If she wanted to tell her story, that’s fine. If she wanted to drag Dad’s name through the mud, that’s fine. He more than deserved it. She didn’t need to write about the rest of us though. I mean, my coworkers read that book. One detail that’s too specific and they could have figured out who I am. ‘So desperate to prove that she’s worthy of being called a hero that even now she devotes her life to fighting crime.’ She might as well have told everyone that I’m an FBI agent. I’ve tried so hard to build a normal life, and she could have ruined it all.”
A car pulled up outside the house as we passed by a window. You paused, watching as Vanya got out of the back. “Speak of the devil.”
Allison gave you a disapproving look. “I’m going to go see her. Coming?”
“Definitely not. I’ll see you later.” You could hear the door open and Vanya’s voice come floating up. You continued walking until you found myself outside of your father’s room. You could hear the floor creaking inside. Too heavy to be Diego. Must be Luther.
“What are you doing?” You asked as you walked into the room. Luther was standing by your dad’s bed, inspecting it. He was a lot bigger than the last time you had seen him. And his mind seemed to be screaming about why. You tried not to read his thoughts, but Luther’s head had always been a bit of an open book.
“This is where he died. Where Pogo found him.” Didn’t really explain what he was doing, but you could guess.
“No sign of a struggle.” You walked over to a window. It was locked. All of the windows were locked. “No sign of forced entry. No way someone could sneak in without Pogo or Mom knowing.”
“She’s right.” Diego entered. His eyes widened when he saw Luther. “Oh, you got big, Luther. What’s the secret, huh? Protein shakes? Low carbs?”
“What do you want?”
Diego pulled some paper from his pocket, holding it out to Luther. “The autopsy report.” Of course, being Diego, he pulled it back when Luther reached for it. Anything to rile up Luther.
“And you have this why?”
“Well, that’s because I broke into the coroner’s office. And surprise, surprise, Dad’s death was normal.”
“Y/N, he’s not allowed to do that,” Luther said, pointing an accusing finger at Diego as he looked at you. “You’re an FBI agent. Arrest him.”
“I’m not arresting my brother at Dad’s funeral. And I’m not on the clock. Grow up, Luther.” You took the report from Luther, glancing over it quickly. Heart failure. Normal. No reason to question it. But Luther would, and you didn’t want to be there when he and Diego started to fight. “I’ll leave you boys to it. I’m going to see if I can find Klaus.”
You left quickly. Where would Klaus go if he was here? You rolled your eyes when you realized the obvious answer. Dad’s office. Not only would there be valuables there, it would also be like giving the old man a giant middle finger. Typical Klaus.
Sure enough, you could hear him rummaging around the desk before you could see him. “Looking for something?” His head popped up, a grin splitting his face when he saw you. You wouldn’t stop him from taking anything, and he knew it. You didn’t need to enter his mind to know that he was high. You could see it in his eyes just as clearly as you could see the fresh rehab bracelet on his wrist. “Fresh out of rehab and already high? I don’t know how you manage it.”
“I guess I’m just incredible.” You rolled your eyes at him, but still accepted his hug with a smile.
“I know that this is hard for you, but Ben should be here. Even if the others can’t see him. He should get a chance to say goodbye.”
Klaus’s eyes were glued to the floor as he spoke. “I know.”
You didn’t get a chance to say anything else before Allison came in. It was nice, just the three of you. You three never fought. Mostly, you and Allison used to just laugh at whatever bit Klaus was doing.
“Number Three,” he was saying in a bad impression of your father’s voice when he was interrupted by Luther.
“Get out of his chair.” Of course. Perfect Number One was still so worried about following your father’s orders. Even now, he made Klaus empty his pockets as the two of you tried to leave so Luther and Allison could talk in private. But once you two were out of the room, you grinned and handed Klaus some things that you had snuck in your pockets before Luther came in. Nothing important or too valuable. It was really just a gesture to tell Klaus that you were on his side.
“And whatever is in your pants, make sure it’s nothing important before you sell it.” Being Klaus, he pretended to have no idea what you were talking about, but he shot you a wink before he wandered away.
You stood at the bar next to Klaus, wondering who was going to speak first. Your money was on Luther. You accepted the drink that Klaus handed you without bothering to ask what it was. Any alcohol would help you get through this.
“I guess we should get this started.” You were right. You took a seat as Luther stood up. You mostly tuned Luther out, as you always had. He was talking about scattering your father’s ashes.
“Dad had a favorite spot?” Allison asked.
“You know under the oak tree.” Everyone looked blankly at Luther. You remembered watching your father and Luther talking there when you were younger. It used to make you jealous. Now, it just made you mad. “We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?”
“No, Luther. We didn’t. He didn’t like any of us.” You gestured to the rest of your siblings as you spoke. You shouldn’t be doing this. You shouldn’t be lashing out. You were an FBI agent. Surely you were better than that. But there was something about being in this house with your siblings with the focus on your father that turned you into a child again.
And it didn’t matter whether you added fuel to the fire or not. Someone was bound to set everything off. 
“Listen up. There’s still some important things we need to discuss.”
“Like what?” Diego asked. You knew what Luther was going to say before he said anything.
“Like the way he died.”
“And here we go,” Diego muttered.
“I don’t understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack,” Vanya said, confusion evident in her voice.
“Yeah according to the coroner.”
“Well wouldn’t they know?” You hated to agree with Vanya, but you had to.
“Luther thinks that there was foul play,” you explained. “However, there was no sign of forced entry and no sign of a struggle.”
“Well, Y/N is an FBI agent. Why don’t you trust her?” Allison asked Luther.
“Look, I’m just saying something happened. The last time I talked to Dad, he sounded strange.”
“Oh, quelle surprise,” Klaus interjected as he gurgled his drink. That wouldn’t help Luther’s anger.
“Strange how?” Allison asked.
“He sounded on edge,” Luther explained. “Told me I should be careful who to trust.”
“Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man, who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles.” Of course, Luther defended your father before turning to Klaus.
“Look, I know you don’t like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad.”
Klaus laughed. “No I can’t. I’m not in the right frame of mind.”
“You’re high?” You didn’t know how Allison was surprised. It was obvious.
“Then there’s the issue of the missing monocle.”
“Who cares about a stupid monocle, Luther?” you groaned. You noticed the way Diego’s face shifted for a second. So he had the monocle. Or he at least knew what happened to it. “No one is going to break in without alerting Mom or Pogo, kill Dad and make it look an accident, then take the stupid monocle. No one that smart would be that dumb.”
“Exactly! It’s worthless. Whoever took it, I think it was personal. Someone with a grudge.”
“Where are you going with this?”
You shook your head as Diego said what you were thinking. “Isn’t it obvious, Klaus? He thinks one of us killed Dad.” The stunned faces of your siblings looked at Luther. You shook your head in disgust.
“Way to lead, Luther,” you said sarcastically. Allison and Vanya both got up and left the room.
“Can you blame me? I mean, you’ve never tried to hide how much you hate Dad. And Diego’s some sort of vigilante now. Both of you could easily sneak in and kill him.”
“You’re crazy, man. You’re crazy.” Klaus shook his head as he got up and headed back to the bar.
“I can’t believe you, Luther.”
“Do us all a favor and go back to the moon, monkey boy.” Luther’s eyes widened at my words before his face turned red with anger.
“Get out of my head,” he growled.
“I don’t need to be in your head to figure it out. Besides, your brain is so empty that your thoughts come floating out begging to be heard.”
“Neither of you are denying it,” Luther said finally. You threw your hands up and Diego stood up suddenly.
“Why would either of us decide to kill Dad now. What’s the trigger? It doesn't make sense. Unlike you, Luther, we moved on with our lives,” you explained slowly, like he was a child.
“Don’t talk down to me just because you’re an FBI agent.”
“You think there’s a murder. I catch serial killers. You should be begging for my help.”
“Unless he thinks the two of us teamed up to kill Dad,” Diego said. The two of you turned to look at Luther. He at least had the decency to look a little ashamed that he was thinking that exact thing. At that point, everyone’s voices had risen so much that you barely noticed the knock at the door.
“I’m out of here,” Diego said softly when Luther didn’t respond.
“No you’re not. Not until we figure out what happened.” Luther grabbed Diego’s arm, so Diego, of course, punched Luther in the face. Within a few seconds, they were fighting in earnest. Diego had his knives out and everything.
“Oh, you guys, don’t do this now,” Klaus whined from the bar. “Y/N, will you do something? Take away their sight or something. I’m too sober for this.”
You hadn’t used your powers in years. Ideally, Allison would come in and rumor them to stop, but you didn’t know where she had gone. Taking a deep breath, you focused your consciousness like your father had taught you. You were careful to only enter Diego’s and Luther’s minds, leaving Klaus out of it.
You focused on darkness, blocking out everything that your brothers were seeing. You could do this. You could control it, at least until Allison was back. Of course, being unable to see didn’t stop your brothers from blundering around.
“Y/N, stop!” Luther’s words were accompanied by a sharp blow to the back of your head. “Oh no, Y/N, I didn’t know you were right there. I can’t see anything. Just stop this, Y/N.”
“I’m just trying to stop you two from destroying the house. Besides, isn’t this a great way to honor Dad’s memory? Fighting with each other is what he always made us do.” You tried to stand back up, but your head was spinning from the blow and from the strain. There was once a time when you could hold ten people in the darkness with ease, but you weren’t used to using your powers anymore. You no longer had to spend hours each day inside other people’s minds. You could feel your control slipping, but you couldn’t stop. Your head hurt.
“Y/N!” Klaus yelled in terror. “I can’t see, Y/N.”
You had to stop. You had to stop. You couldn’t. Your head hurt and you couldn’t seem to find a way out of their minds. You were aware of other minds in the house. More than there should be. But why? And why did your head hurt so bad?
“Y/N, what are you doing? Ahhh my head!” Diego yelled. He sounded like he was in pain. You were making him feel your pain. Since when could you do that? Your Dad would have been so happy.
“I heard a rumor that you stopped.” Allison’s voice rang out. Suddenly, you were back in your own head and the splitting headache was just yours. Diego and Luther both collapsed on the floor with you. Klaus was by your side almost instantly, a new glass in hand for you, which you gulped down quickly before handing it back to him for a refill.
“Remind me not to mess with Y/N again,” Diego sighed. You met his eyes with an apologetic smile. It felt so much like you were kids who got a little carried away during training.
“I guess I got a little carried away.” The two of you laughed, and even Luther joined in eventually. The laughter stopped abruptly when a new voice spoke.
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theredraccoon · 3 years
A Desperate Proposal - Ch 2
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The soft snick of the heavy office door closing was overly loud in the quiet room and Simon raised his head, blinking rapidly. Like breathing, blinking was still a habit that Simon had yet to shake in his five years as a vampire, but whatever, he had time. Oodles of time, apparently; a fact that still threw him on a regular basis. He blinked again, actually registering the quiet— when had his music stopped? Wasn’t his playlist something like five hours long? Had he really been working that long? What time was it?
This time it was the creak of the chair in front of his desk that got his attention. Simon finally snapped back to the real world and took in the sight of his Sire, sitting prim and proper as usual. Raphael’s face was a mix of resignation, amusement, and irritation; in other words, it was his “Simon Face.” 
“Good afternoon, Simon. How are the books looking today?” Raphael’s voice was smooth and dry.
Simon automatically straightened and his hands started to shuffle the papers around on his desk, moving his laptop back, rearranging pens, voice getting brighter and louder as he talked. “Oh! It’s going well. The numbers for last month look good, we've made some necessary adjustments. Forcing you to let me buy Quickbooks is paying off, I’ve been able to sort through the mess from, err, before, so much faster and I think that if make a few strategic changes we’ll be able to set up the new vampires with like, an income that will let them not be whiny assholes about what they’re missing from their former lives and I think… that you are not actually here to talk about accounting, are you.” 
Simon thought he could detect at least a hint of “impressed” in the lines of Raphael’s face now, but the irritation was also stronger. Simon shifted in the ornate chair and bit his cheek as he kept his mouth shut and let the silence grow. 
Finally, Raphael spoke. “No, Simon, I’m not here to talk about accounting. I’m here to relay the latest news from the Downworld Cabinet. Decisions have finally been made and they affect you. Directly affect you, in fact.” Raphael tugged at his cuffs, the crisp white shirt peeking out from the dark blue of his suit jacket. Simon’s eyebrows rose; he wasn’t used to any signs of nervousness from his Sire. His curiosity grew, along with some burgeoning apprehension.
Rapael continued, his voice firming as he went along. “The Cabinet has had a series of emergency meetings with the Clave. After much negotiation we have what we hope is the start of a solution to the... problem we are facing. There will be a series of marriages, between the Downworld and the Shadowhunters of New York. These alliances, if they prove effective, will then take place across the world as we attempt to figure out what is happening and how to counter it. If, and only if, our help is essential to defeating whatever is causing the Shadowhunters to drop like flies, we - the Downworld - will be able to renegotiate the Accords in a manner that is fair and equitable to us and not the Clave. So. We are obviously very invested in making these marriages work and be productive.” 
Simon was blinking rapidly again. He felt his brain kickstart into a different gear as he struggled to comprehend what Raphael was saying and the implications of what he was hearing. Marriages? The Clave willing to renegotiate the Accords? Really? Those stubborn assholes? He knew the situation was serious, but really? Marriages? Who was getting married? Wait, why did Raphael say that he, Simon, was going to be directly affected?
His mouth popped open and Simon heard himself say, in a strange tone he’d never heard himself use before, “Who am I marrying, Sire?” Then Simon froze in his chair, his body startled by the leap his brain had made. He watched Raphael twitch slightly.
“The Second in Command of the New York Institute, Jace Lightwood. Alexander Lightwood’s brother.”
The words fell like dead weights in the middle of the room. Simon’s muscles felt locked in place, while his thoughts started to race forward like a bullet train.
The events of the past few months flicked through Simon’s head like a movie on steroids. Simon noticing expenses for the Hotel Dumort increasing suddenly for no discernable reason. The realization that Downworlders and foreign vampires were quietly flooding into New York at rates that surprised even the older vampires in the Clan, causing them to spend more and more money to hide their presence in the city. Raphael taking his concerns to Magnus. Magnus talking to Alec about the increased number of Downworlders in the New York Institute’s territory. 
And then the horrifying knowledge that Shadowhunters were dying, dying everywhere, and it was forcing Downworlders into the city as they sought the protection of the Nephilim that remained, the protection that they would have fiercely denied ever needing in the past. Finally, endless hushed meetings between the various contingents of the Downworld as they struggled to make sense of what was happening. Simon, as Raphael’s reluctant Second, had attended several before his annoyance at the Seelie representative and his general impatience at the slow pace had led to Raphael kicking him out. 
And now here they were, and Simon was beginning to realize that hiding his head in the accounting nightmare that was the New York Clan for the last month had probably been a mistake.  
“I’m sorry, what? I’m marrying who? Why him? Why me? Who else is getting married? When are these marriages happening? What about the fact that I’m a vampire? The Seelies agreed to this? The werewolves? Is that what you’re saying? Really? I’m getting married? But my mom won’t be there. Or my sister. I never thought I’d get married without my mom there. What am I going to wear? Are the marriages taking place at the same time? Is this really the only way? Is Jace the hot blond one? The one who always looks constipated? I’m getting married?”
Raphael’s hands were suddenly on his face, cold brands on his cheeks, and Simon realized that at some point during his semi-hysterical rant he’d gotten up and was standing in front of his Sire. His body was vibrating.
“Simon. Child. I am here. I know that this is a shock and I am sorry for it. But yes, this is the only way. The Nephilim have been hiding their true situation, or they actually didn’t realize it until now, it’s unclear. Regardless, their numbers are now so low that the Downworld is legitimately in danger. We need them and for the first time in forever, they are admitting that they need us. Alliance through marriage has worked for Mundanes for millenia, we might as well try it. This is happening.”
“But why me?” Simon’s voice was a whine that he couldn’t control. Simon stayed still even as Raphael let go of his face and moved back to the chair in front of Simon’s desk. Watched Raphael settle back down, adjusting his suit for the second time. Finally, he spoke.
“Simon, I’m not sure if you have ever fully realized your power, or your responsibilities, as my Second. When I Turned you, you automatically had greater status than most as my Child, but when you presented as a Daylighter… Simon, the only reason that the New York Clan is mine is because I am your Sire. If I were not here, the other vampires would follow you. That is how powerful the draw of a Daylighter is. Especially because we have no idea why they exist, why you are one. If this plan is to work, each representative has to be of high importance, someone that proves that we are committed and have power to offer.” 
Simon’s mouth opened. And closed. And opened and then closed again. He felt like a fish out of water, trying to grasp the full weight of what Raphael was saying. He’d known that the other vampires treated him differently but he’d thought it was just because he was young. And a bit of a spaz. And a nerd spouting pop culture references to creatures that were around when the only entertainment was going to see P.T. Barnum and his fish-monkeys. This was different. Slightly scary.
A brief wince crossed Raphael’s face and Simon’s focus sharpened. “What else, Raphael? What aren’t you telling me?”
“The Shadowhunters— Alec— put Jace’s name into the negotiations first, as a sign that they were willing to offer their best and brightest, and someone near and dear to the Institute. But we still weren’t sure how desperate they were and if the Clave was actually committed to changing some of their… prejudices. So we offered you. And they agreed. They are serious. Alec Lightwood is the one that discovered the depth of the problem in the first place. He seems level headed and not as willing to put up with the Clave’s bullshit."
The hits kept coming, apparently. “Does Jace even like guys? Do I have to get married to a straight guy? I thought this wasn’t supposed to be a complete sham?”
“Alec has assured me that his brother is bisexual and I believe him. But Shadowhunters are notoriously homophobic and it might be... difficult for a while. You remember the scandal when news of Magnus dating Alec broke. I think the Nephilim were more upset that Magnus was a man than he was a Downworlder. Or maybe it was equal, who knows. Regardless, no, you will not be marrying someone who isn’t interested in men. These marriages are meant to be alliances, they need a chance to work. ”
Simon drifted back to his own chair and sat down. “Well, at least there’s that. Although he could just be an asshole. The few times I’ve seen him lurking around Pandemonium he always looks angry. Maybe he just has Resting Bitch Face. Hopefully.” He met Raphael’s eyes. “This is really happening? It’s the only way? I feel like a broken record, but I need to know. I kinda gave up on marriage when I became a vampire, I’m not sure how to feel about this.”
Raphael leaned forward and kept Simon’s gaze. “Yes, Simon, this needs to happen. We don’t know what’s killing the Shadowhunters and it’s affecting all of us worse than we could have imagined. We need to figure out what’s happening and stop it, hopefully without too many more casualties. And we can use these marriages to make a better life for ourselves afterwards. If there is an afterwards.” His voice faded away and there was silence again.
“Shit. I guess I’m marrying a Shadowhunter.” Simon let his head rest against the heavy wooden chair and closed his eyes.
“Yes. Simon. Thank you. We’ll talk more soon.” 
Simon heard Raphael get up and walk towards the door, enhanced hearing picking up every footfall and swish of cloth, knowing that it was deliberate, that Raphael was a master of silent movement, that his Sire wanted Simon to know that he was leaving, that he was retreating to give Simon space to absorb the bombshells dropped into his life. 
The door shut soundlessly this time, just a whiff of displaced air. Simon swallowed hard.
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laddieseddiemunster · 4 years
Could I please have a smidgen of Star dating the (she/they) reader but still being cool with the boys and maybe you and Star kinda co-parent Laddie headcannons? Cuz lets be real, he's a little kid and he still prolly needs someone to tie his shoes when he wakes up at night 😞👉👈 if not that's literally okay, how ya doin?
Your wish is my command :)
and I’m doing well! how about you?
Star x Fem!Reader Co-Parenting With Laddie
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when you first approached star, you assumed laddie was her brother. she was quick to let you know that he wasn’t, and that they had no relation. just friends. when star first introduced you to laddie he immediately brought you into a hug. he looked up resting his chin on your stomach and said “hi! i’m laddie! what’s your name?”
as time went on you became a third parental figure to laddie. at first the boys considered killing you, but soon realized that that was out of the question. laddie adored you and he’d be heartbroken. obviously so would star, but David originally wanted to kill you because you took star away from him. Now he can’t. So it’s safe to say david isn’t a big fan of your addition to the family.
even with the times laddie had no problem with you and star dating. you made star happy and you made him happy, so he had no reason to complain. when you and star go on dates, dwayne watches laddie so he doesn’t interfere with your alone time with star. laddie usually catches on. with a small cheeky smile on his face he’ll walk away with dwayne and say “have funnnn.” laddie’s not dumb. he knows what a ‘date’ means.
you found out their little vampire secret from laddie. it was his first time spending the night over at your place and once it was midnight you noticed laddie was not tired at all. in fact, he didn’t even yawn until it was six or seven in the morning. you ended up asking star why laddie wasn’t tired and she explained to you the situation. she felt terrible about not telling you before, and she was surprised when you understood. it made sense to you. the boys only come out at night, they stay away from mirrors, and at a specific time of the night they leave to do...something.
sure, laddie is a great little kid, but he can be a trouble maker. you lost count on how many times laddie has ran into where you work with one of the boys chasing after him because he stole one of their motorcycle keys (it would be dwayne’s, paul’s, or marko’s cause laddie wouldn’t dare steal david’s). “[name]! help me!” he yells as he’s running as fast as he could away from whoever’s chasing him. they’ve gotten kicked out so many times that they mine as well be banned from where you work.
laddie also has the tendency to sneak into your house at random times. you have no clue how he gets in without a key, but he does. one time he snuck in and saw you and star asleep in your bed, and he climbed on and slept in between both of you. neither of you knew when or how he got in but you didn’t complain.
besides dwayne, you and star are the only ones who know how to cook, and cook well. the boys don’t have a kitchen so they can’t really eat anything healthy. laddie doesn’t remember the last time he had something other than fast food. the only time you let the boys use your kitchen was when your house/apartment almost burnt down. you learned that paul and marko can’t be trusted with your oven. instead, you decided to make them all dinner. laddie had missed his biological mother’s cooking, but your cooking reminded him of it. he even preferred it over eating out.
another thing to realized was laddie didn’t have a lot of toys. all he had was a teddy bear that his mother gave him. so you decided to take him to a toy store with star. you had just gotten a bonus from your job and you chose to spend the money on toys for the boy. you told him that he could get five toys, and it didn’t matter what they were. unfortunately for you, laddie is a smart kid, and you ended up spending almost 400 dollars. there was one toy which was a robot that needed to be plugged in, and he was devastated when star told him they had no where to plug it in at the cave. luckily, you told him he could play with it whenever he came to visit your place, and he was happy again.
laddie loves it when you get him new clothes. he’s been wearing the same clothes for a while and he’s even getting sick of them. you and star will buy him a whole new wardrobe and he’ll love it, but he’ll still put on his leather jacket over his new shirts because the boys gave it to him. laddie loves pajamas more than anything since it’s uncomfortable sleeping in his regular clothes along with the jacket.
going back to laddie’s teddy bear he cannot sleep without it. it’s the only object that he has left from his mother and it means a lot to him. one time paul was doing his usual tickle attack on laddie and to distract paul he grabbed his teddy bear and started to hit paul with it, but paul accidentally grabbed the bear too hard and one of its arms slightly ripped. laddie had started to cry and paul didn’t know what to do. luckily, star knew how to sew, so laddie sat in your lap and watched as she fixed the bears arm. when the bear was good as new laddie hugged star as a thank you, and he didn’t leave her side for the rest of the night.
star loves laddie, and she isn’t afraid to stand up for him. if some older kid picks on laddie she will tell them off. laddie is the baby of the group and no one hurts him and gets away with it. if you and star gang up on a bully then watch out. david doesn’t give laddie too much attention, but when laddie gets picked on he’ll give the bully a dirty look. dwayne just takes laddie out of the situation, and will buy him ice cream to make him feel better. paul will tell the bully to back off, and he’ll take laddie away like dwayne. marko doenst care if it’s a little kid. his fists are ready to punch anyone who makes fun of laddie. it’s safe to say that anyone who picks on laddie mysteriously disappears. if you ask what happened the boys will just change the subject.
david at first didnt like you for taking star away when he was trying to win her over. he slowly started to accept you when he realized that you made star happier than he ever did. once he got to know you he started to notice that you weren’t bad to be around. you were a nice addition to the group even if he didn’t like you at first.
dwayne had zero problem with you. the fact that you took care of laddie when he couldn’t, or just whenever you had the time to was enough to win his trust. occasionally you both will talk while taking care of laddie. there isn’t much communication between you two, but there isn’t any drama either.
paul mainly likes you because you’re really nice to laddie and everyone in the group. paul likes to mess with you, but that’s just the way he is with friends. he’ll make fun of you and star for your relationship, but he actually really ships you guys. he just won’t admit to it. paul is a trouble maker, so i wouldn’t suggest riding on the back of his motorcycle.
marko never really had a problem with you. he never wanted to kill you especially since you’re friendly to laddie. when he talks to you he usually falls in the same category as paul. he likes to mess with you. but, at times he’s calm and easy to talk to and befriend. he’s also pretty protective. he’d beat someone up for you.
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thedemisedroyal · 3 years
Dangerous Betrayal | TVD/TO
The Vampire Diaries & The Originals
AU Story
• E S M E •
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"Please, just make it stop!" The princess yelled in agony as she held her head. All the memories rushing through her mind, all the pain, all the hurt, everything bad she had done in her life ran through her head. But it was intensified by a trillion, this was on purpose, they wanted her in be pain.
Adara and Eila laughed manically, "Oh poor little baby, is something wrong?" Adara baby talked, chuckling in between. The princess yelled out, closing her eyes, trying to fight it, but she can't, she couldn't. The girl was consumed with guilt, making her walls around her mind tremble, they were weak, ready to fall down at the slightest of touch.
She had been tortured for years and years, after her mother banished her from the Void, they had sent her to Heaven. Her parents left her there as they hadn't finished their final punishment for their youngest daughter and child for her crimes. Until then, she would be tortured, just for laughs, just for entertainment.
"You know, for the Goddess of All Creation, you are weaker then I thought you would b-"
"Esme!" The Gilbert broke out of her thoughts, she fell into her head and she looked at the mirror in a weird angle, making her eyes shine like a golden-yellow. Making her the olden days, the years that started all of this. "Esme come on, we're gonna be late!" Elena shouted once more, the two, had school, as always, and were back into cheerleading, the younger twin seemed more willing to go then the oldest. But it made sense, things were different now.
Esme grabbed her bag and water,"Coming!" The middle child yelled, running out of her room and downstairs. "Let's get this show on the road." Esme mumbled under her breath, seeing her sister, not in her cheerleading costume.
• A U T H O R •
As time went on, Elena and Stefan had gotten much closer, dating now, which led to Esme of course threatening him if he didn't anything back to her sister. But all in all, Esme liked Stefan, trying to get close to figure out what he wanted in the end.
But days went by and she had met Damon as well, sensing he was also a vampire. But Jordan also noticed Damon looked at her with some sort of admiration, or maybe some sort of love. She had no idea was this was about, but she would definitely find out soon. As it was all too weird, now that her best friend, Caroline Forbes, was dating this Damon, who was eyeing her.
Right away she didn't exactly like him, he was a cocky and arrogant man who liked to stir up trouble. For instance, when Elena had a little dinner party with Bonnie and Stefan, Caroline and Damon had arrive unannounced, soon the blonde pulled the younger twin downstairs to join the fun. Which was a very awkward introduction between the raven haired and brunette.
It was even more awkward when the oldest Salvatore brother talked about their past live affair. Who was named Katherine, Elena had informed her sister on the love triangle, whilst the two watched and dried dishes when everyone else was in the living room. Then he walked in, and then Elena left the two alone, awkwardly.
During the time, Damon and Esme got to talk a bit, trying to get to know each other, but the girl felt very uncomfortable as Damon had this weird look in his eyes, a softness, with a genuine smile on his face which was rare for him in his case. Luckily, Bonnie had came in to ask if she needed more help, as Esme was taking quite a bit of time in the kitchen.
But that was awhile ago, and now it is the day of the football game. And the girl needed to be on her game for the cheerleaders and her best friends. Though it didn't help with the Tyler and Jeremy fight, and Stefans cover nearly blown with the cut on his hand, with Elena as witness.
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"God guys, I'll be back, I left my jacket and water in the car." Esme rubbed her forehead, Caroline and Bonnie nodded, the Gilbert quickly ran out the field and into the parking lot. The game was to start soon, and if she wasn't present soon the Forbes girl would have her ass. Esme quickly opened up the trunk, grabbing her maroon colored jacket and her big water bottle, that's as surprisingly still cool after being left in the car.
She swiftly turned around, gasping as she was face to face with Damon Salvatore. "You scared me. W-What are you doing here?" The Gilbert questioned, Damon looked over his shoulder quickly, then putting his hand to the side of his mouth,"I'm hiding from Caroline." He whispered. Esme quirked a brow,"And why is that?" She playfully whispered as well.
"I needed a break. She talks more then I can listen." Damon widened his eyes for a second. "That could be a sign." Esme nodded her head, kind of uncomfortable. "Well, she's awfully young".
Esme narrowed her eyes at the Salvatore,"Not much younger than you are." She responded back, Damon chuckled a bit. "I don't see it going anywhere in the bigger picture. I think she's drive me crazy." Damon spoke, Esme rose her brows and tilted her head a bit. "Caroline does have some really annoying traits, but we've been best friend since the first grade and that means something to me." The Gilbert defensively spoke, sternness in her manner.
The girl watched as something switched in the raven haired man,"Duly noted. I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable. That's not my intention." Damon talked in the soothing voice, as if he was trying to persuade her. But the girl didn't fall for it, Damon was already on her bad side,"Yes, it is. Otherwise you wouldn't put an alternate meaning behind everything you say."
Damon smiled, shaking his head,"You're right. I do have other intentions, but so do you." Esme folded her arms across chest,"Really?" She questioned, wanting to see where he was going with this. Damon hummed as a response,"I seem 'em. You want me." Esme scoffed, feeling offended,"Excuse me?"
"I get to you. You find yourself drawn to me. You think about me when you don't want to think about me. I bet you even dreamed about me." Damon looked straight into Esme's eyes, the girl immediately knew what he was trying to do. "Compulsion." The voice in the back of her head reappeared for her once again. The girl was confused, what was this little voice, and most importantly, what the hell was Damon trying to play at here.
She snapped back into reality when she heard his voice once again speak,"And right now.. You want to kiss me." Esme had this emotionless look on her face, though it was pure anger, Damon smiled as he succeeded or he thought. He slowly leaned in with a smirk, Esme looked at his lip, before her face was painted with a scowl, and without thinking, Esme raised her hand and slapped him hard.
"What the hell?" Esme scoffed, glaring at him,"I don't know what game your trying to play here. Maybe trying to mess with Stefan, I don't know. But I don't want to be a part of it. And I don't know what happened in the past, but let's get one thing straight." Damon was in complete shock, Esme locked eyes with the man, who was holding his cheek,"I am not a pawn." Esme glared once more before tightly holding her water and jacket and walking away.
She didn't even realize what she had just done, she had blown her own cover...
• S T E F A N •
The blonde haired vampire watched as Matt walked away, feeling slightly more happy and comfortable with the complicated situation between him, Elena and Matt, but it was short-lived as he heard someone clapping behind him. He swiftly turned around, to see his older brother leaning against the brick wall.
"Isn't that nice? Stefan joins the team, makes a friend." Damon announced, pure sarcasm out of his tone of voice. "It's all so,'Rah, Rah, Go Team, Yeah'!" Damon raised his arm in a fist bump, clearly mocking his brother. Stefan shook his head, turning his body to leave,"Not tonight. I'm done with you." As he turned he was met face to face with Damon, who used his vampire-speed. Damon tilted his head, "Nice trick with Esme. Let me guess— vervain in her bracket? Necklace or ring maybe?"
Stefan was confused, he never gave the girl any vervain, only Elena. But he made sure to not show any unsureness, as he didn't even know why he couldn't compel her. "I admit, I was a bit surprised. It been a while since anyone could resist my compulsion." Damon lifted his eyes, throwing a innuendo in there. Stefan kept a cold, and stern face, unfazed,"Where'd you get it?" The older brother asked, "Does it matter?" Stefan started to walk away, going around his brother.
"Guess I could just seduce her the old-fashioned way. Or I could just..eat her." Damon cockily spoke, knowing that caught his brothers attention. Stefan stopped, turning around, confidence in his body,"No, you're not gonna hurt her." He slowly walked towards him as Damon turned around to face him.
"No?" Damon arrogantly asked,"Because deep down inside there is a part of you that feels for her. I was worried that you had no humanity left inside of you; that you may have actually become the monster that you pretend to be." Stefan with confidence, knowing he wouldn't hurt her, not if she looks the way she is.
Damon squinted his eyes,"Who's pretending?" Stefan looking him in the eyes,"Then kill me." Damon smiled,"Well I'm— I'm tempted." He looked up, shaking his head as he looked as if he was deciding. "No, you're of. You've had lifetimes to do it, and yet, here I am. I'm still alive. And there you are. You're still haunting me. After one hundred and forty five years. Katherine is dead, and so is Natasha. And you hate me because you love her, and you torture me because you still do. And that, my brother, is your humanity." The two had a tense stare off, but it was quickly interrupted by the annoying douche, Mr. Tanner.
"Salvatore!" The blonde haired man turned around with a stern expression, the teacher walked towards him with open arms,"What the hell? We've got a game to play!" He yelled, frustrated, Damon looked at the teacher with an idea popping in her head. "If that's my humanity..the. What's this?" He gulped, flashing a quick and sarcastic smile towards Stefan.
Then using his vampire-speed to Mr. Tanner, his vampire fad slowly unraveling, his fangs then digging themself into Mr. Tanner's neck. He yelled in pain,"No!" Stefan yelled, seeing as his brother slowly drained the teacher for all he was worth. Then just like that, he was dead, Damon turned around, blood all over his mouth, dripping to his chin, his vampire face still out,"Anyone, any time, any place." Stefan blinked in shock, this was going to be a lot more tougher.
• E S M E •
Dread...that's what filled the Gilbert body as she was in the field with the rest of the cheerleader, practicing. Until that emotion she knew all to well filled her body, it nearly paralyzed her when she felt the sense of death. She could smell it in the air, feel it in her finger tips, taste it on her tongue.
She held her head as a pain rushed through her body, she walked away from the group, though no one noticed, luckily. Then aloud ringing filled her head, making her groan, she opened her eyes, but shut them immediately when the lights hit her. "Fuck!" Jordan clenched her eyes in pain, she then moved further away from her group, feeling a sudden breeze of wind hit her face and body. She opened her eyes as she heard no one, and felt no light on her.
"What in the?" Jordan looked around her new surrounding, seeing she wasn't even on school soil anymore. No, she was in the empty park of Mystic Falls, far away from the school. She then felt a rush of power surge through her veins, Jordan gasped as she lifted up her hands to see scarlet red flares dancing around her hand.
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"What's happening to me?"
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sunfloweradore · 4 years
i’m leaving this blog
hi! this post is a bit long but at the end you’ll find prompts and requests that you are free to use if you’re a writing blog :).
hi there!! if you’re reading this, i hope you’re doing well and staying safe. i just wanted to say that i’m leaving this blog and i’m not sure if i’ll ever come back. the years i’ve spent being a harrie have been great and it’s been a crazy amount of time! pretty much since the x factor! however, for a long time it’s also felt like i’ve been forcing myself to be a fan of harry’s. i’ve put so much energy into being a fan of his that it hasn’t been fun for me in a while and neither has writing fanfiction, which is what this blog is mainly for. it’s felt very difficult to sit down and write a fantasy about somebody who i might not even like anymore and in hindsight it seems a little dumb, but i did stress over writing all the time. this isn’t really about anybody i’ve interacted with on tumblr because you’re all lovely but sometimes it feels as though harries don’t treat him like he’s a human being and instead like he’s a god. me, included. even though i know we joke about harry being the only man we’d let degrade us or destroy our lives or whatever, he is still a person at the end of the day! it took me a very long time to realize that and thinking of him as otherworldly or completely perfect was my way of thinking for a while and i think it was pretty damaging. the fact that so many people would literally die for him is sad because unfortunately, none of us are going to be on his “level”, so to speak. we don’t know him personally and chances are we aren’t ever going to. ahhhh please don’t be mad at me for saying this, it’s just something i’ve realized i need to change about myself and i think it’s something we should all consider about everyone we are fans of. 
anyway, the time and energy i’ve spent on something so ridiculous is exponential and i really feel like it’s time to put it in the past. i’m dedicating this year to self-growth and part of that is learning how to be my own person. feeling like i have to be interested in something or someone in order to be normal has been a common theme in my life and harry has been that someone for as long as i can remember. this isn’t his fault of course but i’m getting older and i don’t want to think of this time in my life as the era that i was obsessed with harry styles. instead, i want to form memories and real life experiences instead of using fanfiction as a way to cope with all of the things that i can’t handle in my life. it worked for a while but at this point i’ve been reading it and writing it for so long that it feels like i’m living inside my head, like i’ve become dependent on it (obviously this is very bad lolol). so, long story short, i will be leaving this blog because it just isn’t good for me anymore. thank you to everyone who has requested things for me to write and anyone who has interacted with my writing. sorry i couldn’t get through them :(. i’d also like to thank everyone i met through this blog because you’re all such amazing people and you deserve the world. i will leave my writing up but the sentiment still applies- i’ve worked very hard on everything i’ve written so please don’t repost any of it without crediting me, thank you.
below are requests i couldn’t get to and prompts(?)/works that i never got to finish. feel free to use them if you want and tag me in them bc i’d love to see how you write them :)
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1. paperboy harry!
i think the direction i wanted this to go in was kind of like a 40′s au? or just a long long time ago. not sure why i had this started seeing as i already have harry as a paperboy in a story of mine but go off ig
2. vampire harry!
i had a specific plot i wanted where harry was in a car wreck because of a vampire who ended up biting him in like an alleyway. reader saves him and is a vampire herself! she nurses him back to health n teaches him how to be a vamp with various shenanigans along the way
3. hospital au?
this one i’m not too sure about but if you’ve seen the red band society you’d sort of know the direction i was going with this. there’s kind of an in-between for people in the hospital who are fighting death or going into surgery and in that in-between is a boy who has been in a coma for a long time. i pictured this as being angsty and for harry to be the boy who guides people in certain directions but he ends up falling for the reader while she’s there
4. ghost au!
self explanatory but i pictured harry as the ghost who kind of just wants a friend lol
5. tea au?
this would probably be pretty short, i just thought it was cute! reader has different kinds of tea all the time and it’s a surprise each time he kisses her 
6. strawberry farm au?
reader has a strawberry farm LMAO maybe harry buys them from her or it’s another vampire au, who knows!
7. threesome
most likely has been done b4 but a threesome w 2 guys and the reader where the guy is inside harry while he is inside the reader
8. chocolate by the 1975
a fic based on that song! it would probably be from harry’s pov 
9. space au?
hmm i think i probably saw something that inspired this but all it says is “harry sends letters to space” so i’m assuming it’s an au where he just decided to send letters to space out of boredom or something and mayhaps alien reader finds one?
10. assassin au!
harry is an assassin and in my draft it’s super vague? and almost seems like he’s stalking the reader? it could go in any direction really but i’m assuming the reader is dating him and doesn’t know he’s an assassin
11. chapstick
very similar to the tea one! just w the reader wearing diff chapsticks all the time
12. shower
this is inspired by something i read on wattpad a long time ago and i’ve tried finding it but i think it might’ve been deleted. the reader flicks da bean all the time in the shower and is really loud about it, harry is distracted and confronts her
13. dang ANOTHER threesome
but this time harry is on a date with a girl and they’re at a bar- the girl is looking around, sees the reader and thinks she’s gorg and they end up having a threesome
14. photography au!
harry is a photographer who somehow ends up taking pictures of the reader. in my draft the reader asks him to delete the ones that are ugly but he keeps them all hehe
15. scrapbook au
similar to the last one, harry takes pictures of the reader a lot but it’s not bc he’s a photographer, he just thinks she’s pretty n wants to scrapbook. twist is that he has TWO scrapbooks- one of innocent pics and one that’s lustier (consensual ofc)
16. habits of my heart by jaymes young
self explanatory, angsty
17. roommate au?
this is for some reason also an assassin au? but they’re roommates and reader doesn’t know what he does. they’re bffs, mutual pining
18. don’t forget about me by clove
wow another song fic, big surprise
19. puppyy
harry gets a puppy who hates him :( but the puppy loves the reader!
20. mall au
lol this one is kind of dumb idk why i thought of it but harry is one of those kiosk people at the mall who sells perfume! dunno!
21. condoms
reader works at gas station, harry buys huge condoms
22. poetry
either person reads erotic poetry while touching the other
23. magic au
one of them makes a love potion, kind of dark? like making the other fall in love with them idk it could be an accident though
24. private chef
the reader is a private chef! that’s all i’ve got!
25. message board
this is inspired by..... the sims lmaooo you can pin messages to the message board in your apartment building and i thought it’d be cute if the reader and harry lived in the same building and he leaves notes on the board and she doesn’t know they’re for her! she always thinks they’re cute though
26. raisin theory
inspired by new girl! specifically a comment i saw in like a compilation? video of new girl on yt
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i thought it’d be cute for harry to be that person
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
WIP Wednesday (Well it was when I drafted this)
Tagged by the lovely @consumedkings thank you!
Tagging: @shallow-gravy @risenlucifer @faithchel @tomexraider @strafethesesinners @vasiktomis and anyone else that wants too! I do love seeing them!
Working on a little of everything but here’s two for you guys. First is from my Bloodlines work and the second from Salvation’s.
Should come up with some kind of title
“She decked you and you still decided to become friends with her?” Adrain teased, catching the slight red running up his neck, “Guess we know where you lay in the bedroom.”
“Could show-,” Conner stopped, his smile leaving as his face turned to disgust, “Never mind.” It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the moment of fun had gone and Conner was right back to his usual business self. The one thing I disliked about him really, his moments of fun were so short lived, but god did he come alive when they came. His blue eyes were alight, smile lighting up a room, and a sense of ease followed him when for just those few moments he let you see the part of him that was alive. He cleared his throat reaching into the bag, “Plan went without a hitch,” he pulled out a worn and leather bound book wrapped in the safety of a plastic bag. “Now you just have to be really careful with this as the sources have it dated back to the sixteenth century.”
Sydney was the first to reach for it, Jackie clearing the table, “I think it’s older than that.”
“If it has the information we’re looking for then it has to be,” Jackie added, laying out a clean white cloth, “Would have to be from when there was still intermingling among the races.”
I looked at Conner, his eyes fixated on the book a moment more before he made a face like he did earlier at the mention of humans and vampires intermingling, the Alchemist sign against evil made on his left arm. “What information are you hoping to find in there,” he asked, looking over the faces in the room, eyes avoiding Abe’s as much as possible.
“We’re looking for texts about what happens with those that are restored from being a Strigoi,” Adrian said, moving to stand next to Conner, “We’ve found some,” Adrian’s green eyes met mine for a brief moment, I shook my head, “descendents of them that are proving to be very unique.”
“Are you hoping they have a way to prevent people from becoming like….like them,” he shifted, hands clasping each other turning his knuckles white, “You think this may be the answer you’re needing to complete it?”
Salvation’s Two Paths
That light hits her eyes, she hasn’t even fully opened them and already it hurts. It hurts and she’s thirsty, Can’t trust their water, a soreness all along her back, stinging with even the slightest bit of movement. Cat places her hand on the nightstand, Nightstand? I can’t be in the cell still, slowly and lightly running her hand along it’s polished wood. There, near the center, a glass. She tests its weight, feeling it near impossible to lift. Maybe it’s because it’s near the center, she thinks slowly sliding it closer towards her. Once near the edge it’s easier to lift, a moment’s hesitation before the feeling of her dry mouth overrides the suspicion of being given tainted water. 
The tepid water envelopes her mouth, relief as it slides down her throat, stopping only when the cup is half empty. Finally she opens her eyes shielding them from the light, arm stinging with each tear of the scabs. She sits up, peering around the warm colored room, the pine glowing with the sun, she can’t figure out if it’s rising or setting. Definitely not the cell, her arms feel tired already, eyes wanting to close once again, The ranch….I’m at the ranch. The room no longer feels as lived in like how she left it last. Everything is back in its place, neatly stacked, and trinkets lined up perfectly near the back of the dresser, just like when she first woke up here months ago. She winces turning to look around, I need to fix that, she thinks as her eyes land on the one thing in the room not as clean as the rest. 
Well person actually. John sits in a chair his clothes slept in, hair falling every which way, and asleep. He’s holding his head in place with his elbow resting on the arm rest, the other partially across his stomach, breathing even as Cat watched him for a while. She looks to the foot of the bed seeing the throw folded reaching delicately for it, legs heavy as she wills them to move off the bed. She clenches her teeth willing the pain to settle in the back of her mind as her feet touch the cold rug. Deep breaths, three of them, lifting herself up from the bed with the soft sounds of springs following her. Cat can feel almost every cut on her open, but she has to work through it, has to cover John up with the blanket. Her left leg starts to lift taking a step, head spinning and the weight of gravity pushing her to the floor. “Ow,” a breath of a whisper as she feels all energy gone from her.
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derireo · 4 years
I've had this in my head for a while, so I'm just gonna ask, from the winter troupe, who do you think are ummmm v i r g i n s (oh God I can't believe I am even asking this sorry omg) if you would like, you can also do the other troupes, i dunno why but I find it interesting in a way (obviously not muku or yuki if you decide to, and also, if you feel uncomfortable with this ask feel free to ignore it! you are the writer after all! take care!❤️❤️
np, anon! to those wondering, very strictly i will not include members who are 17 and under in the game here so please be mindful of that if you do not see a member you like in this post
All Troupes (no members 17 & under): Virgins?
Definitely a virgin
You think he's ever held hands with someone in a romantic way??? He can't even ask someone out without quickly changing his mind before going back to ask again. Maybe when he's older and gets out of his cute baby thing, he'll get to bone, but not now. Maybe not ever? Keep him celibate.
Definitely not a virgin.
He probably got tired of rejecting people's advances at some point and just cooly agreed to spend the night a few times. Very likely that he barely did any of the work, but still got them to orgasm; he's crazy good for no reason. Definitely really likes being the one receiving, but he's different around you though, and actually makes an effort lol
50/50. I have no idea. Most likely a virgin though.
He literally has like 3 younger brothers and juggled a lot of part time jobs along with school; I don't think he has ever had the time of day to pop a boner. His mind is so preoccupied with getting tasks done and finishing upcoming assignments that he's gonna be a virgin for a long while.
Literally no clue. Maybe not a virgin?
He's 22, and a lot of people tend to lose their virginity in their twenties so who knows with Citron?? He's awfully good at flirting with others and knows how to fluster people, but does he know how to Get Down & Dirty????? Again, no clue. Maybe he bones so well that his victims can't even say anything about it.
Not a virgin probs
Despite how well he socialises with other people, he's not one to just casually have a fling. He does think of other's feelings and how they feel about him, but it's rare for him to take initiative with someone he's interested in. Otherwise if it's the other way around, but he isn't attracted to the person that's coming onto him, he'll refuse and scurry off.
Definitely a virgin!
He literally only thinks about triangles and food, there is no chance that he's had sex yet. Maybe if he had a character in the play that required him to be a playboy or something' he'll absolutely fool people into thinking he's been around, but his sunshine personality and tunnel vision towards certain things prevents him from having fun. Don't think he's interested in sex, really.
Mr. Tough Guy over here tries hard to let people know he's been around. Totally, not true. He always brags about having more girls liking him than Juza, and it may be true (since he doesn't seem as terrifying as him), but he has never gone that far with a girl. Sure, he has dated A LOT, has had plenty of girls sit in his lap and has definitely had his fair share of kisses, but he's a virgin. He dumps a girl before he even has the thought of boning.
Absolutely no way could he have ever had sex. He's so self-deprecating sometimes, so that's one reason why he hasn't gotten that far with girls, plus he really loves sweets and food so that's probably the only thing occupying his mind. He hasn't even been in a relationship yet because he gets nervous around the people he likes and probably thinks he's not even worth dating anyway. He's probably a good boy though and will wait after marriage.
Surprisingly not a virgin
Shocking? Not to me, honestly, lol. Again, Omi is a people pleaser, and remember that phase in his life where he was a super tough guy ass kicker??? And rode motorcycles (from what I can remember)??? Of course this man is gonna be a chick magnet, and Of Course I am willing to let him choke me. So, yeah, he's probably fucked once or twice during that time in his life, but once he got into Mankai, abstinate.
Not a virgin, but he'll definitely fool you into thinking he is.
What do I mean? Why, I'll tell ya. He's got a stick so far up his ass sometimes that you can't help but wonder if he's sexually deprived. Like 31 years without getting your dick wet? Absolutely tragic. Anyways, nah, he definitely has a body count higher than 3. May have been quick flings considering he used to work a shady job and got high off the thrill, but he only focuses on Mankai now.
He did have a girlfriend at some point, but I don't know how far he would have gotten with her. It seemed like she was so annoyed with him and his lack of emotion that they probably didn't get too far. He is quite the notorious poet though, so maybe he used to have a few groupies??? Is that possible??? Do u think Rupi Kaur has groupies???
. . . Maybe
With his vague storyline about being a spy prior to his amnesia, the only reason I can give for him not being a virgin is solely because he had to have sex for a mission. Like how James Bond has sex with the enemy or something and then gets all the intel of the evil organisation he has to go against (never watched any of the movies). Otherwise, he's a virgin in his life as Hisoka.
Doesn't care about men or women; too preoccupied with working out and acting that his dick never gets pulled out by someone else. Sure, maybe he'll tug one out because his body demands him to, but he never really was interested in relationships nor does he seem to be someone who finds physical attraction important.
Also focuses way too much on acting and working that he doesn't get the chance to. He was in a relationship before if I recall correctly, but he probably didn't have enough time for them considering he was so busy. He has also probably tugged a few out, but only because his body required him to do so. I'm not sure how he feels about sex tbh?
You can't tell me he's a virgin, it's just not possible. We don't even know this man's age!!!! He's probably a vampire!!!! He's probably been fucking for centuries!!!! And have you seen how well he can flirt? Super crazy. Pretty sure he's a sadist as well with how he always says he likes to be the one playing, plus he always manages to lure out the worst of the boys just for his amusement. Body Count: Out the Roof
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