#well. idk that the phrasing i settled on Doesn't but
mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
kang yeosang sfw alphabet
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genre: fluff
word count: 2.2k
warnings: mild cursing, mentions of being drunk
song rec: some - bol4
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection)
he's a subtle guy
he's not very good with words and his shyness holds him back a bit, at first
the type to gaze at you lovingly when you're not looking
writes little notes for you and leaves them around the house when you have had a rough week and need cheering up
sends you memes and things that remind him of you <3
b - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
he's the sarcastic friend
he may be quiet but with you, he comes out of his shell and expresses himself more freely
so expect a lot of sass and sarcasm!!
as a friend, he doesn't see that much of you. so when you guys do meet up there's always something to talk about and catch up on
c - cuddles (would they like to cuddle? how do they cuddle?)
... okay
okay, you asked for this!
this is confidential information but-
he loves cuddles
of course, he does. he's a very soft boy. but he will never think to ask for cuddles. for some reason, in his mind, it's not in his place to ask you? but there are different things he does without even realising he is doing it, that will tell you that he wants to cuddle
and it's only simple things like being more touchy with you, nuzzling his face into your neck or reaching for your hand gently to hold in his
he's so cute, bye
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
the phrase 'settle down' sends him into panic mode
but that actual concept, he likes
idk he's a strange one
he just has to know he has found the right person for him before he makes a full commitment. which could take quite a long time for him to figure out
in terms of cooking and cleaning... well...
you'll have to make him. because there's no way he's gonna think about hoovering off his own volition
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
as a person he doesn't often use his word to express his emotions, he will hate the thought of breaking up
because he knows you will want answers. you will want reasons. and you will want to understand why. but explaining this would require a part of him he simply does not have
he might even resort to breaking up with you over text. he knows there are much better, productive ways to do it and he will regret it afterwards
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
same in the 'domestic' section, settling down and committing to someone takes a long time for him
i feel out of all the members, he would wait a long time to get married to someone. just because he needs to make sure his special someone is right for him
and he's an over-thinker so that slows down the process too same babe
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
very gentle
yeosang has little reason to not be gentle, yk?
sure he's sarcastic at times and teases you tremendously, but he knows where to draw the line and has limits. he's not one to overstep his boundaries, in any case
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
he likes hugs, but like i said, he would never 'ask' for physical affection verbally
and he doesn't really need to. if he wants to hug you he will usually scoop you up in his arms and snuggle his head on top of your shoulder
he doesn't hug you too often himself. and if you were to initiate the hug he might tease you and say how you can't get enough of him, but he secretly loves it
he just feels so soft having you in his arms
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
as suspected, he doesn't do this for a whileeee
he might actually consult his dear members, probably seonghwa or wooyoung
"hey, when should you say i love you to your partner?"
and they both reply back with the same thing: whenever you feel like it
yeosang has to do a lot of soul-searching to figure out if he is actually in love, but on one occasion, he realises that he is. maybe it's at the end of a beautiful date or something cute you just said. but something will trigger this overwhelming sensation inside him, as he realises that you are the one
and then, the three magic words follow
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
not really jealous
or if he is, you would never know about it
if he notices you are giving someone an awful lot of undeserved attention, he is likely just to watch on hopelessly. and when you are back with him, he will link arms with you, his grip a bit tighter than usual
but this rarely happens
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
short and sweet
he's a cinnamon bun. his cheeks tend to heat up even with the slightest bit of affection
he melts if you give him forehead or cheek kisses. he acts like he is nonchalant to affection but as soon as you do that he can't help but smile at the cuteness
i can also see him being into slow and passionate kisses if the moment is slightly more heated. he loves taking his time with these types of kisses, and it makes him feel closer to you
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
sort of treats them like mini-adults no matter what their ages are
he prefers older kids to younger ones. any toddlers are babies are a nope, he can't deal with that. but early teens? that's better territory for him. he feels he can at least connect with them on some level and try and engage with them in a conversation
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
mornings with yeosang feels like everything is in slow motion
you will wake up together and just lie there with each other, talking for like 30 minutes about all sorts of nonsense
then he will drag himself out of bed to do his usual morning routine with like zero energy in him
can barely keep his eyes open
it's actually quite funny to watch
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
will want to watch something with you whilst eating dinner
as a way to unwind and calm down after a long day
and he'll most likely fall asleep on your shoulder
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
there are times when you question if he will ever fully open up about himself and reveal things that are personal to him
he appreciates your patience so much. these things just take time and if you're willing to wait then it'll be worth it
similarly, he doesn't mind you being slow to be vulnerable with him. he doesn't expect much. all he is expecting, for now, is good companionship and a person that wants him to be himself
once he feels secure in that idea, then opening up to you is much more easier than he thought
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
yeosang is never angry
sure sometimes he gets a bit annoyed by something someone has said. or maybe he's getting frustrated at how bad he is in a video game
but true anger? that's a rare occurrence for him
if someone is rude to him, he tends to be more disheartened and sad emotions rather than aggressive ones
anger isn't really an underlying factor in yeosang's life
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
more than you'd think
he just might not mention these things as much as others
but he is very good at remembering even the little details
the sparkle in your eyes when he gave you a surprise gift. the fits of laughter the two of you were in that one saturday night when you were drunk for no reason. the caring texts messages you sent to him when you knew he was having a bad week
he remembers all of it
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
there's no defining moment that sticks out to him because he realises that when interacting with you makes him all the more happier
the start of your relationship was filled with fuzzy feelings and cute moments
he will never forget the time when you and him were texting back and forth, up until the early hours of the morning, sending memes and tiktoks to each other and ranting about something stupidly funny
he never forgets the time he caught himself smiling like an idiot when reading your responses to him
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
he doesn't think about being protective really
i think the last occasion when he was protective was when you both went to a festival for a date, decided to go inside a haunted house, and he was holding you for the whole time
whether that was to reassure him or you, you'll never know 😭
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
since he prefers more casual dates, like having the traditional movie night where each week you both take it in turns to choose a movie, you would think he doesn't put too much effort in
but you realise these casual dates mean a lot more to him than you would've originally thought. he doesn't feel he needs to make a special effort to have a good time with you because he's always having a good time with you
saying that, he is one to spontaneously spend a tone of money on you, getting you all kinds of expensive gifts, and not even for any particular occasion
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
he has no real, stand-out bad habits
sometimes his lack of communication is frustrating, mainly because in order for a relationship to fully work, you need to understand each other's wants and needs
which takes yeosang a bit of time to learn that
but if you're an open communicator from the get-go, i think it'll be much easier for him to follow suit
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
he feels insecure at times, especially due to certain comments people have said about the way he looks
which is crazy because he looks so ethereal and angelic and perfect
but most of the time he's pretty contented with the way he looks anyway
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
at the early stages of the relationship, perhaps not
once he has become comfortable and started to build a strong sense of trust and connection with you, there is more of a feeling of loss when he finds himself without you
he does notice the little empty feeling he has when you're not there by his side
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them)
he's an amazing listener, and while verbalising his own feelings can be difficult, he seems to know his mind quite well, and therefore can use his empathy and understanding to help you
gives great, sound advice and gives his non-biased opinion
he really appreciates it when you do say what's on your mind or what's bothering you, because he does sense when you are upset and he doesn't want you to have to go through something by yourself
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
yeosang can tolerate a lot of things
considering he's quite mild-tempered and doesn't get angry too often, there are very few things he actually hates
but i think one thing he does dislike is when someone lacks basic respect
especially if he doesn't know them that well and he can't decide whether someone is teasing him when they are rude or whether they are just being an asshole
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
he snores softly, its adorable
likes to be wrapped up in a fluffy blanket in the wintertime so he can be warm and cuddly
kind of a light sleeper. so if you were to cuddle into him in your sleep or move his hand out of the way, he will know about it there and then
and love it <3333
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ozrockbitway · 10 months
If it's not a bother to ask but do you have any like character headcannon's for older characters and new characters in Cfv?
(sorry if I'm bothering or anything.)
dont worry you're good!! idk what characters you wana hear from me so I will just. grab some favs. holds them at you.
Ren - He's like...some wealthy rich kid. I like to think he's an heir and supposed to inherit some company but he's never taken the thing seriously. He'll never talk about his family tho, mostly his dad, his mother left him and Ren doesn't remember her.
tbh I don't think anyone knows he's like rich lol. Maybe Asaka and Tetsu but he doesn't really act the type?? Maybe he throws money around...at cards mostly but man does not live that lavish lifestyle.
Probably gets cut off some funds when he's an adult but idk I can see him saving money or finding a way to have cash so he's p set doing...whatever it is he does as an adult (pre branch chief).
I joked once that he could probably get away with working anywhere and I kinda believe it?? Man says he works here and can play it off like nothing but only works one day and is never seen again...
Would randomly crash into his homies places in the middle of the night. You're sleeping? No problem. Ren is there, maybe grabbing something from the fridge before sleeping on the couch or the bed. It's impossible to Ren proof your home.
Asshole would 100% pick a random box from a cardshop and it has the most expensive Shadow Paladin card in it. Doesn't even need Psyqualia this just happens naturally.
Aichi - He's good with speaking other languages like...he knows the words/phrases/whatever to say but thinking isn't the same as speaking. So he usually trips over his words. Can translate very well just give him a sec so he doesn't mess up words.
100% a lil bookworm. Didn't have a lot of friends in his youth so he turned to books. That was like his escape fantasy along with thinking of Vanguard.
No matter how much more confident he is in his older years...he still struggles with public speaking. Please don't make him go up and talk to the crowd...he's so nervous...
Likes to send Emi and his mom gifts!! Little things from traveling. Would send Emi ocean/mermaid related things and I think in a note somewhere his mom plays Vanguard too (I think it was something to do with hot men?? let it be touken ranbu...) he'll send her things related to what she plays and just whatever she wants lol
Kazumi - Hates his family lmao. He's on bad terms with his father and is a little better with his mom but not really. The only good one in his fam was Kazuma (pleading emoji).
Knows how to conceal his true feelings p well?? He has to in the business world and around his parents. So he'll bottle up things a lot. His more childish side peeks through usually during Vanguard or when he's around people he knows he can relax with.
Wants to learn how to cook and kinda be on his own?? He doesn't want to rely on his family's wealth and probably only uses it for housing, away from the main house, but he wants to be able to live on his own and not follow the family name.
Has a lil...dragon collection. Maybe it's cuz of Shiranui but I like to think he collects little dragon trinkets. Please don't let him go off about his collection because he will. Also is v proud of it.
Mamoru - He doesn't make dad jokes, other people make dad jokes for him!! He takes care of Ryuzu and just kinda...adopted him?? Yeah the whole association is supposed to take care of him but legally he is Mamoru's kid.
He needs to take better care of himself. Probably eats fast food or whatever the dragon empire cafeteria has that's quick and can be found sleeping at his desk, especially during the heavier seasons. Tokoha usually helps him out but he's gotten a little better at it.
Probably would have been like...a teacher or something in that field if he wasn't doing Vanguard. That wouldn't be his go to or something he aspired at first but that's what he would have settled upon.
Somehow knows everyone. Could say hi to someone on the street and has seen/spoken to them before. I like to think he's kinda famous cuz of his status and all the stuff he does but like...a lot of locals know him too. Support the community!!
Yuyu - Ends up going to the student council because of Raika lol. I don't think he'd go for any of the president or VP seats but would do something like secretary or treasurer.
Would go out of state for college!! He wants to be a pro Vanguard fighter but wants to get a degree for his fam. His sisters all have degrees so baby boy has to do it to!!
Probably genderfluid. tbh? Doesn't mind dressing up as feminine but doesn't quite like the frilly dresses his sisters pick out for him. I think he'd like more of the androgynous stuff.
He's not into max rarity for his decks. He pulls like 1 SP/FFR and is like aight cool. At most he'd would make his sideline bling but wouldn't go insane over it. Also he's a high schooler so he has no budget for this lskfjds
Tohya - Got disowned from his fam. Or at least kicked out of his house due to dropping out of med school. Homie was on his way to the big doctor leagues and then...gives it up for silly cardboard?? Yeah no his fam ain't having that bye bye.
He didn't finish school yeah but tbh he could be like...a roaming doctor. I think he was the top of his class and he knows his shit (and probably studies up on the side but not that much) so he knows what's up. Charges you with a cardfight instead of money. help him.
Stopped eating ramen for a while. Man was traumatized by the ramen challenge. It's okay he got over it and he can eat cup noodles on his own now.
He travels a lot but I like to think he p much lives at Danji's old place?? So if you wana catch him he usually goes back there. He can't officially leave because he has to take care of the turtle. Granted some Blackout members do if he can't but!! turtle is his responsibility.
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I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT NINA!! anything you want to share about her, i want to collect
OOH OKAY ALRIGJT. (btw sorry this took a while i wrote up most of it days ago but The Tasks. you know how it is. here's a sketch for now)
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so the thing about nina is that she is a really really old oc that i decided to revive over the summer to see what i could do with my current understanding of science and techmology so she doesn't really have an actual storyline. but here's some tidbits (under the cut because I have a lot to talk about). also warning for discussion of some unethical biomedical practices
- she's from kind of a cyberpunk dystopia where extreme human genetic alteration is possible (in embryos only ofc) but very very expensive because of not only the procedures needed to make an altered zygote but the resources required to incubate it for a full gestation period and because only some will end up viable the lab will have to create and incubate a carefully calculated number of embryos often with slight differences to ensure at least one will fully develop (this will be relevant i swear)
- so the technology is basically only available to the ultra rich
- nina was intended to have superficial birdlike features (think feathers instead of hair, high visual acuity, some minor skeletal alterations) but the lab done fucked up and she's much more bird than intended. im not an expert on emerging gene editing technology maybe the targeting sequences they used were a little off due to a glitch but you can see how she turned out
- the person who commissioned her didn't accept her and culling a fully developed altered human is well. murder. so she ended up in a care facility for rejected lab kids like herself
- she took way longer than a typical human child to start actually communicating when she talked but she was able to mimic words and phrases very very early. kind of creeped a lot of her caretakers out to greet her and hear their own slightly distorted voice repeat the greeting back from the mouth of a like two month old
- she eventually settled into her own voice but you could potentially identify the person who taught her some phrases if you knew them already. she's still a great mimic since she basically has a syrinx in there
- she struggles with verbal and written communication in general, a little better with body language at least for interpreting intentions/tone but different people can have very different body language ofc
- she also tends to be hyperactive (partly due to extremely high metabolism) and sort of impulsive
- incredible vision and spatial reasoning (those big bird eyes)
- technically with how large she is (about 4'3" if she could stand up straight without falling over and 70-80 lbs?) she shouldn't be able to fly but i ignore that
- remember how i said the duplicate embryos would be relevant well she has a secret not-quite twin another survivor from the same batch. idk how they got separated (remember i came up with the bones of this when i was like 10) but her twin had a messier life
- nina herself ended up as some kind of specialized government operative (cue booing) no she gets out of it in the end i swear
- the twin is a major figure in the conflict around rights for altered humans
- at some point the two of them meet and eventually join forces idk like i said there isn't a real story to this
- she has 2 fingers and the thumb free to move on each hand but they aren't very dextrous so she mainly uses her feet for fine motor tasks
- she also has difficulty emoting in a way that most humans can interpret due to the beak
- i have also made nina as a dnd character (her human parents gave her up to a monastery as an infant having frankly no idea what to do with her which she left as a teenager and became a highwayman as her appearance leads most potential benefactors to believe she's cursed) she has +5 dex and -1 con
and here's a little portrait for anyone who read this far. my beautiful daughter who i love so much <3
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Dissecting "Nancy won't Settle Down," Nedcy versus Traditional Marriage, and Ned versus Hypermasculinity versus the Hardy Boys because it's 3 AM (very long meta)
I don't exactly how to phrase this, but there's something that really bothers me about the way that people say that "Nancy's never going to settle down"
Who said she had to?
Like it just feels like continuing this weird expectation of how either men or women have to be in a marriage and then also a weak attempt to be against it at the same time for something that literally doesn't have to happen.
idk it's just like....performative. saying that feels performative.
Marriage will never actually be a part of the equation of Nancy's life as long as people respect the reason her character is designed the way that it is. Which they won't, but that's another post.
But, hypothetically,
why would Ned, who many of you describe as a doormat, force Nancy into a position that she does not suit because that's how marriage is "traditionally" supposed to be?
Or even why would Nancy, a woman with a strong sense of identity, force herself into a position that she does not suit because that's how marriage is "traditionally" supposed to be?
It doesn't make sense to me.
Why if they got married would it have to be a traditional marriage? Cause a lot fo you seem to be implying that needs to happen if they got married. She has to be forced into a quiet and calm life when that doesn't even have to be an option.
Additionally, I'm not sure who failed some of you in this department, but there are so many bad takes assigned to either of their personalities with this phrase.
And I'm not saying this to force any nonnedcy shipper into shipping nedcy, I'm saying this to help people understand how it fits in canon.
In that personality post that I never expanded upon even though I said I would, I said that Ned's personality complements Nancy's. Which is true. He complements her because he represented the things she needed, and not just to shut sexist people up. That was just bonus.
He understands her without having the exact same personality/dreams/goals as she does. He's a scientist. He has an investigative mind that grew in a different way. He's charismatic. He's strong. He's safe.
She needed safety, understanding, compassion, strength, intelligence, and a strong right hook.
She has a weird life and she needed someone who was well along for the ride, because before Ned she didn't have that. She dated guys who basically belittled or never truly took her interests into consideration. In defense of some, they just couldn't because of how their own lives were. But Ned could. And he did. He likes how weird is life is because of her.
There's a whole speech in a Files book I could use, but I much prefer the Sapphire Spider where Ned is kidnapped and missed finals and he is more worried about finals than the kidnapping which he basically takes as an "it happens" sort of thing. I feel like that has the same energy if he's just accepted that that's his life now with seemingly little-to-no difficulties.
That's the most basic of it.
Without pulling everything up, whenever Ned has talked about his future, he's never decided anything about her future. which is what she really loved about him. If he ever actually forced her into doing anything it was stopping her from dying. He never told her what her future was going to be, he just knew he wants her in it.
If you think that all men, no matter what their personalities are, would force their wives, no matter what their personalities are, to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen at all times, then that sounds like a totally different problem than disliking a character or ship.
This also bleeds into something I've been feeling for a long time that I've never really said, but I'm not sure how progressive this fandom actually is compared to what it acts like it is.
The people doing the "settle down thing" seem weirdly opposed to a less-than-traditional relationship at times. Like if they got married, they would never do the breadwinner husband or housewife thing. That's not their personality. I don't think they would have even done it in the past, because there are Stratemayer books that didn't really do that. They would probably both work. And not even in the "neotraditional" household where the wife has a job just still does all the childcare. Ned is too loving. He would never just make kids to ignore them and complain about "slaving away all day to put food in their mouths." That's not their personalities either.
If any "type" of marriage would better describe what would be suitable for them is a partnership marriage. A partnership marriage is a far more gender-neutral model of marriage based on an equal division of labor that is suitable for both parties. They are unique to every couple and are based on a shared decision on what they think is best. Overall, the couple lives life as they find suitable and they don't need anyone telling them how well they think their relationship should be. This much better reflects modern views on marriage.
She could maintain her jet-setting ways, and be a wife and mother. But is that too weird for some of y'all because it puts a woman in a position where she is not at all times accessible to her children and a man in a more accessible caregiver position? Be honest. It's fine. It's necessary to unpack this stuff.
Not all of you are Hardy Boys fans, but there are some people who are seemingly more comfortable with Fenton and Laura who have been in a similar relationship for years but the genders reversed and do not see the similarities. For this argument, I am including when Laura is not just a housewife (I'm not entirely convinced this has ever truly been the case but another time). Because for many, it's easier to digest when a man neglects his marriage and childrearing duties to work and travel than when a woman does it.
Continuing on the feminism train. This also reminds me of this concept I learned that honestly does apply very well to how many people here treat Ned (and maybe others). A very unprogressive concept in which people are uncomfortable with a man who does not display the "traditionally masculine traits" of ambition, restraint, independence, or just simply being happy and comfortable being in a position similar to a SAHD or making less than their female spouse.
Sometimes the way that people talk about or straight up just insult Ned reminds me of this concept of people being apprehensive with men that are seemingly not comfortable with being the best/the manliest/the most superior. For example, there was once this children's librarian who was berated, laughed at, and bullied by his coworkers (male and female) for not wanting to be the library director. He did not want to be at the top of his field (to them more of a man/more masculine), so he was ridiculed for already achieving his dream of being a children's librarian. You might not think this fully applies to him, but keep reading this novel of a post and you'll see the connection.
Now, this idea came to me from the book Gender: ideas, interactions, institutions. There are honestly so many different concepts of masculinity, femininity, and androgyny in this book that I could apply to any character. But for now a little taste with just Ned.
There are many people in this fandom who have a problem with the way that he does gender. The same thing actually happens with George, Nancy, Frank, Joe, and Bess in their own ways. But Ned has always been my main example of seeing this. He does not "do gender or perform his gender in a way that people are usually comfortable with men doing. There are ways that he breaks gender rules.
In the way that he is more comfortable with being at least semi-stationary while is globetrotting girlfriend lives up to that alliteration is a problem in the way that he performs his masculinity in society's perferred method.
Ned is a love interest to an Action Girlfriend aka a female character that acts as "the hero," which means he is put into a position that leans towards a more feminized area in fiction. Remember that he has existed since 1932. There are more male love interests in a similar position now then there have been for the entirety of his existence. He is the damsel in distress at times and he's alright with that, mostly because he knows that Nancy will save him. If you actually look in the Distressed Dude section in TVTropes, Ned is there.
Besties with Lois Lane and Olive Oyl /j
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------However, as I briefly mentioned, the love interest position is not the only thing that causes this type of reaction that I'm seeing. Even if many don't realize gendered thinking and the gender binary are so ingrained in socialization that people often police or enforce gender when they don't even realize this.
This often comes in the form of criticism or expectation. The criticizing is obviously focused more on someone who is not currently performing the preferred behaviors of their gender while the expectation is similar, but this form of disliking someone's gender performance comes with the expectation that they will fulfill it even when they've given the person no reason to believe that they will with their behavior.
Some of these critiques or even expectations that I've seen of Ned (and other male characters) often associate with hypermasculinity being enforced.
The type of characteristics we can see with hypermasculine behavior is
restrained (emotionally)
assertive (bossy)
Some of those might be synonyms, but you get the idea. These are things that are socially enforced and accepted as the ideal display of masculinity. If a man fails to perform all of these in association with each other, he opens himself up to being targeted, harassed, harmed, or ostracized. They will be seen as lesser men.
Again, this concept is something that people will even enforce without realizing it because society ingrains the expectation of upholding the gender binary in our minds.
How many of the words in the list really describe Ned? Like sure he's strong, occasionally confident, and he has his ambitions....but the other ones. They don't really suit him.
He is rather emotional, and empathetic, and thinks things through for the most part. He is not typically possessive, violent, aggressive, abrasive, or assertive. Helping Nancy and being "at the beck and call" puts him in a more subordinate position compared to her leadership and dominance.
Ignoring the fact that Ned is getting his degree to obtain his career, he is not actively pursuing his career. At least in the way we see Nancy, Frank, and Joe. This is something that is enforced and encouraged in androcentrism (favoring masculine traits aka ambition). In the games specifically, his ambition is not actively shown. The internship is close, but we don't see that.
Ned is put in a less ambitious, less stereotypically masculine position. He is the housewife. He is making dinner and cleaning up the kids before the breadwinner (Nancy) comes homes and gives him 20 bucks to buy himself something pretty.
Now some people who have a well-filled pool of information of the Nancy Drew franchise might try to point out that there are times when Ned performs hypermasculinity. There definitely are. But let me point this out from the Nancy Drew Scrapbook.
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These traits may exist. But they are inconsistent. They honestly do not always exist. Any amount of aggression that exists in one book is absent in the next. Same thing with jealousy, some people try to portray him as an aggressively possessive monster. At most, that is another inconsistent trait that often appears in books heavily criticized for their poor writing, excessive cliche attempts at drama, and mischaracterization of everyone. Files is a constant example of this.
Sidenote: Ned's relationship with jealousy is weird and also often misunderstood in my opinion so someone remind me to discuss that further. (THINK SEA or CAP)
Comparatively, even if you use the most hypermasculine examples from any part of the franchise, Ned doesn't really do gender in the same way the Hardy Boys do. It has actually been a long-standing critique that Fenton, Frank, and Joe are constantly upholding the ideals of "traditional American masculinity" as they often display all of these traits. Some level of variance of course, but they're there.
And I saw it. I even see it in the ways that they are praised over Ned. It's because they're more driven, active, independent, and confident. They are more masculine than he is. They perform masculinity better than he does. The masculine traits they have in common, they are better at them. Therefore, they are better men.
It's no secret that many people here openly put down Ned to uplift Frank. Even if some of you pretend that it isn't true, you're about as subtle as a bull in a china shop. "Nancy really needs someone more like her. Nancy needs someone who can challenge her. Nancy needs someone who displays more hypermasculine traits and better fits society's mold of what a 'real man.' is." The last one is an exaggeration, but it also isn't.
I love all three of them. However, I'm also not afraid to critique the pitfalls of the more hypermasculine or toxically masculine ways that the Hardy Boys are boys. They do not have the same level of healthy masculinity as Ned.
(They are better in the games, I will give them that, but there is a notable difference in the games being marketed towards girls and the Hardy Boys franchise being marketed towards boys.)
And I am going to define it as healthy masculinity because the ways that the difference between healthy and toxic have been defined lean closer to Ned's behavior rather than the Hardy Boys.
Masculinity is a spectrum along with feminity and androgeny. There are many ways that a man is a man or masculine because they are separate concepts. Remembering that is vital in unpacking the ways that binary is enforced. Even policing the behaviors and displays of gender in fictional characters is a part of enforcing the binary.
Do not get fanon mixed up with canon here. Because the games may lead people to misunderstand how these characters have been portrayed with their associations of masculinity over the years. Along with Tumblr and turning Frank Hardy into the ideal YA Fiction Love Interest over his actual personality. But that's a whole different topic that might get too personal.
Anyway, I've spent a lot of time unpacking my relationship with gender. I barely have one. So this is a topic I am comfortable with discussing randomly at 3-6 O'Clock in the morning.
This is not an attack on anyone or calling anyone sexist or close-minded for falling into socialized gender norms. Pretty much all of us were raised on this cisheteronormitive bullshit and it takes a lot to undo that damage.
Like I said earlier this type of policing or enforcing of gender rules can often happen without someone realizing it. Gender rules are beaten into the minds of many and take a long time to truly, fully alter your mind away from societal expectations. There's a strong possibility that many of you are actually policing Ned's gender without even realizing it. In the same way, using Frank or both of the Hardy Boys enforce gender.
The same way that "Nancy settling down" oddly circles back to the oxymoronic enforcement of traditional gender rules in relationships. Because they don't fit them as well, there's no way that a relationship could work.
At its' best, the Nancy Drew franchise displays an interesting relationship with gender concerning all of the main characters. Bess and George are the most obvious because of their foiled nature with their femininity and masculinity being so central to their characters. But honestly, Ned and Nancy have their own relationships with the gender that are equally interesting and go against cisheteronormative ideals in their own ways.
I wish I could say the Hardy Boys have an interesting relationship with gender or display it without it coming out in a sarcastic and resentful tone. I'll save that for next time.
To sum up
Nancy can get married without compromising her identity (not nedcy specific)
She can marry Ned without either of them compromising their values or identity (nedcy specific)
I am questioning the clue crew's relationship with tradition, progressiveness, performativeness, and masculinity
Many critiques in Ned seem to actually be rooted in gendered thinking and gendered policing. Men irl are critiqued in similar ways when they do not perform the most socially accepted behaviors associated with masculinity.
I hate how the Hardy Boys franchise portrays women 95% of the time.
Gendered thinking is everywhere, even when you think it isn't there.
I should make this a thesis.
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Hi, this is a fairly urgent question because I finally found the courage to go look for a therapist and don't want to wait until I lose the spirit again. Sorry to bother you.
I need some help on how to write the first message to them. I want to filter them already but not too strictly, since we have a shortage of therapists and maybe I won't be able to settle for a perfect one.
It is very important for me, that they use a trauma informed model, that my cptsd is a normal response to the trauma and not my genetics or alike. I have been in clinics and seen a lot of other patients with trauma, whose struggles have been minimized ("Oh it's only the genetics, your dad has depression too. There was never abuse") or maximized ("Since it is in your genetics, you will never recover and can only take pills and cope for the rest of your life") or by default been diagnosed with bpd. And that's not what I believe in and not how I want to be treated.
But on the other hand... I don't want to seem to be too informed because idk maybe it's the people pleaser in me or being raised as a girl, but in my mind, people don't appreciate smart... lower counterparts (like a patient is to a doctor).
I also want to generally check them out, if we have the same ideas about therapy, but I can't think of questions to ask them.
Another problem is, how to write these questions in a polite way? When I try out some sentences, they are low key impolite, because they kinda bear a suspicion.
Do you have ideas, how to phrase my thoughts? And what else to ask?
Thank you!
Hi anon,
It's great to hear that you're taking the step to find a therapist. It sounds like you already have the framework for your message, but you want to word it in a way that considers the therapist's thoughts and feelings.
While I definitely understand being a people pleaser, it's also worth considering that a therapist will likely see right through that, so simply showing what you know about the field and trying to get a comprehensive understanding of their beliefs is the best way to connect. If a therapist doesn't react well to it, perhaps they are not a therapist you'll want. While a relationship like a doctor and patient may strive towards equality despite the power dynamic being inevitably different, a therapeutic relationship is supposed to be dedicated to giving you as the client as much power as they can possibly give.
You can say something like, "I believe you may be a good fit for me. I wanted to ask about your approaches to therapy, particularly regarding trauma-informed care." You can also explain that it's essential for you to work with a therapist who understands that CPTSD is a normal response to trauma and not solely attributed to genetics or similar factors. It may be worth mentioning your experiences where struggles were minimized or pathologized.
You could ask something like, "Are you open to discussing your approach to therapy and how it may relate to trauma and CPTSD?" It might also help to clarify in your message that you understand the importance of maintaining a respectful and collaborative relationship with a therapist, and that your intention is not to challenge or question their expertise, but to find a therapist you can build a fulfilling therapeutic relationship with.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. I hope I could help. We're here if you need anything.
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saltedsolenoid · 2 years
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi sydneyyyyyy
idk i wanna hear u explain things. ur way of speaking is so fun to read. :3 ramble about MBCD or ur ocs or about food or anything else on ur mind
Sincerest gratitude for the ask, Sir Dude Sumi!
It took me a few minutes to decide what to explain or otherwise discuss, and eventually settled on something strangely mundane, strangely... human: Blue's Clues.
My sister's watching the show at the moment, and as I'm in the same room as her, and she's currently asleep, I'm watching it far more than her. The thing that started this rant is something horrifically nonchalant-- Steve's way of saying 'thank you.' He says the word normally, no flair, but I noticed, while saying that phrase, he makes the ASL gesture for thank you, as well. I wonder if this was intentional, scripted in to make children associate the sign with gratitude. Or was it a spur-of-the-moment decision for the actor, was it out of goodwill, was it out of instinct?
Well, it doesn't matter, I just figured it out. As I was typing, I looked back at the show, wherein Steve was saying something along the lines of "teehee we can imagine this box as a spaceship!" and during the word 'imagine,' he signed, once again in ASL, 'imagine.' However, it's never explicitly stated that this is ASL- Are children meant to pick up this? Because I know for a fact that children are perceptive of a lot of things, signs being one of them. (speaking as some autistic bastard who learned basic signs freakishly quickly from almost nothing, can't speak for most kids but?? it may be universal for kids to pick up on this, you know how they are with language)
Anyways, moving away from this topic, Blue's Clues seems like one of the best children's shows ever, in my opinion. Steve, the narrator/main character, who's going through all the events of the story, is a real person, who doesn't ever talk down to the viewers, instead asking questions that seem truly genuine, and figures out the mysteries that the 'clues' allude to along with the viewers, creating for a carefully built 'bond' between the child and Steve, making kids feel included, and able to solve problems, which I do admit works wonders, especially for kids who feel helpless in these aspects. The backgrounds are simplistic, bright, yet not completely oversaturated. The set moves slowly, and focuses on interaction and exploration in contrast with action. The drawn characters don't move too much, yet express the emotions they need to, which makes a truly perfect experience for those who struggle with feeling overstimulated with too much on the screen-- which are honestly a lot of children! It makes the stories easy to digest and the characters easy to understand.
Steve appreciates his friends, and viewer input, which just creates absolutely top-notch vibes... Like... nothing else to it. Children enjoy a happy show, man, especially when it doesn't feel fake or forced, just... imaginative.
Speaking of imagination, speaking! Of! Imagination! The theme of imagination is super prevalent throughout every episode, which is never handled as absolute magic! Blue's Clues instead shows that imagination is a magic of one's own design, and that instead of using it to escape into one's head, it can be used to enhance reality, which, though I can't articulate how, is a massively important cornerstone in a child's development- without it, it's likely the child might grow up with issues regarding overthinking and disattachment.
Anyways, uh. Blue's Clues. 👍
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perexcri · 2 years
Fannon here for one last review for THaBA😭
I’m sad it’s over but happy it happened and that you gave us so so many wonderful wonderful chapters.
Officially officially, definitely top two, in the type of way where it’ll switch places with the number one spot every other day. I love this fic so much I want it on a bookshelf or something, so I can bring it out whenever I want and just reread it and I Will be rereading this, I’ve got it bookmarked and everything.
I’m so happy Mike and Will got their kiss(es). And thank goodness that Jonathan is a byler enabler. He’s deffo caught between being a protective older brother and being happy Will’s happy.
And I’m just. So happy for them. Your Mike and Will specifically deserve the world (esp bc they’re written so well that I want them to be so so happy)
rhejdhejdhehd Dustin and Lucas knowing makes me so. Good good epilogue thank u for the gift of Lucas pov
I love love love this fic and you are great author and I can’t wait to see what you do next!! I hope you are doing so very wonderful.
Ahh hello fannon!! Your words are always appreciated :] now please forgive me because I will probably respond with twice as many words because I don't know how to shut up when I'm in front of a keyboard, so I'll put most of this response under a cut lol
I'm genuinely honored that this is one of your favorite Byler fics T_T there are so many good writers for this ship that it's insane to me that something I wrote would be in anybody's top two or three. It also makes me happy to hear it's one you'll be rereading!! I know it's different for lots of people, but for me, I have to really like something in order to reread it, so I take it as a very high compliment that you like it that much!!
Yes!! The dorks finally got to kiss, and it only took like 135k words :'D But also - I read your message last night but hadn't gotten around to answering it until now, but the phrase "byler enabler" in reference to Jonathan has already entered my vocabulary with full force lol. I love it so so much
Overall, I'm glad I could give them a satisfying ending and bring them the resolution they needed after everything they went through in this story. I was pretty much settled on how I felt about these last chapters when I posted them, but I was still a little nervous that they wouldn't quite stick the landing. I'm glad they did, though, and I'm glad Mike and Will get to be happy :D
And I'm glad you liked the very last chapter!! It was so much fun to write. Fun fact: it was originally supposed to be from Dustin's pov! About a couple weeks ago I decided I liked Lucas too much and had to make it from his pov (no offense to Dustin - he's great, but he doesn't capture my attention quite like some of the other characters)
Anyways - thank you once again for your kind words!! I'm glad you enjoyed my writing and you like this fic so much. It means a lot to me, not just because I put a lot of work in it and like that that's being recognized, but because something I made was able to give you a little happiness? Idk it's a great feeling and yes hopefully in the future I can provide more little stories for you to enjoy. I gotta take a little break though because my brain feels like mush (and I have so many fics I need to read it's insane)
Thanks again for stopping by fannon!! I wish you all the best as well :] 💜💜💜
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nathank77 · 3 months
4:58 p.m Edited/Added to 5:25 p.m
So I slept really well. I mean it took me like 20 minutes or more to fall asleep but I passed out. I stayed asleep until 4:21 p.m.
Last night as I fell asleep the auditory hallucination was really annoying. Saying, "the bussycunt feels." Over and over again. While I listened to American dad. I eventually had to start repeating the dialogue and hum the sounds in my internal monologe to american dad. It was really annoying but nonetheless I fell asleep. And doing that helped cancel out the hallucination.
I had weird dreams, I remember two vividly. The first one was me, my dad, and Katie maybe, playing drinking games at my old house with shot glasses full of white mulberry supplements. I remember taking them the white mulberries when I lost my turn or whatever.
Maybe symbolic of me not being able to be myself/have parties bc I'm, "psychotic." I'm not psychotic. Someone who is psychotic doesn't do all the things I do. I just suffer from auditory hallucinations that's all.
Either way the next dream Katie showed up for me. She had all these cards and kept trying to tell me she realized I was the one. I was so confused by it that I thought she was trying to friend me and tell me she wanted to be my friend. Eventually I realized I wasn't listening to her, really the phrase is hearing her. She was trying to tell me she was in love with me. We got back together. Idk. It was weird. I remember thinking if we get back together everything had to change it can't be the way it was. I wasn't truly happy with her but I was like she's pretty. She's a good person. She's sincere and genuine and better than I will ever find.
I think the dream was symbolic of- how I didn't hear Katie which was true in our relationship. My biggest flaw and a reason we failed. I just missed a lot of what she said like, I always thought she hated glasses so I didn't wear mine when really she hated WIRE framed glasses. Just small stuff like that. A couple times when we were out and I didn't have my glasses she said something like when she saw glasses on the floor outside Walmart, "I was worried they were yours." And another time she said something about them when i wasn't wearing them bc I never wore them in front of her for the most part but it was kinda like wear your glasses.
Either way the dream was def symbolic of that bc she kept having to tell me she loved me. That she wanted to be with me and I kept hearing I don't love you. I think it was also symbolic of her not being the right girl for me but if I could find someone like her- someone pretty, someone kind, someone who is genuine, sincere, etc. That I should, "settle," bc it's better than I'll ever get.
I didn't settle on Katie in a lot of ways. I only settled in one way when we stopped having sex for the last 2 years and she wouldn't even rub my buzzcut or touch my hand, I should have left but I believed that was the type of love I deserved. That that was as good as it was going to get for me. She did take care of me. She loved me. She lost her attraction to me. But yea I settled in that regard kinda like I did on Stacey. Stacey wouldn't have sex with me more than 6 times in 3 or 4 years. And we were not made for eachother. Stacey also said cruel transphobic things to hurt me and I felt that I deserved it and it was the best I was ever going to find as a trans person.
Katie just fell out of love with me but still cared deeply and it was hard for her to leave. She was and is a much better person.
Anyways I woke up so late the car wash is unrealistic. So maybe I'll go before my dad's. I asked skye when she was leaving fucking 12 p.m yea right. So I'll drive there. Idk about the car wash. I do have to do the sleeping pill tonight/today so I don't have to tomorrow.
Idk if I'm going to game or not. I wake up so exhausted. I want to clean another bin skye left me in the hallway but then I'm going to fucking go wild and accomplish some big fucking thing so yea. I am going to hold myself back. The hardest thing imma do today is the sleeping pill and that's it.
I should game I'm just sick of my brain having a hallucination party first thing in the morning it's very frustrating and makes me not want to play or be alive. I want to die every morning I wake up and hear all the same shit.
I still have no luck on okcupid or any other dating site. I mean, it's whatever I accepted, I'll live a life of loneliness I'm surrounded by toxic people bc it's what I deserve. I don't deserve good people. I won't settle though so there is that. I wouldn't take Katie back if the option existed bc we weren't good together in the right ways.
Anyways hopefully I game today and I hope the sleeping pill thing doesn't entirely suck. I mean I'm glad I took the bigger half last night I slept better and didn't have any scream hallucinations and I didn't have any thoughts as auditory hallucinations in my head so it was the right move. Much less traumatizing.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c4x13 an embarrassment of bitches I have actually seen this one before! I didn't realize that! I also didn't really like it all that much & got it mixed up with another episode of another show but idk which.
boring ew lmao as if who cares lmao who cares
buttons is nonbinary Castle is right, be safe AC: We were going to take your Ferrari and hook up with some boys we met on Craigslist. buttons dutton lmao they are SO nonbinary RC: Please don’t call me that.
the girls are fightingggg
nice red coat on becks there autism or smth
Yeah keep the dog out of the room but dogs are the silent witness. ryan lookin pretty today as always. Purple shirt, top button undone but wearing a tie
this man is upset lol What was he into? On the take as in bribes? it's a dog... Ok this was funny: Just look at that mutt. XP Now back to my Max. UwU Now the mutt. XP That’s all the proof I need.
Oh gosh this lady is... something. Why'd she take a vid tho?
Next day? Different clothes it seems.
RC: Even more perplexing, why in almost every photo is she posed like this? *Castle strikes a ridiculous “sexy” pose in front of the paparazzi and they flock to snap his photo.* Paparazzo: Hey, that’s not Jason Bateman. Paparazzi: awwwwww
Love the music.
Reggie Starr: You two must be the, uh, soft drink people, right? KB: Actually, no. "We" are NYPD. We’re here to speak with Kay Cappuccio. RS: Oh, my bad. Uh…why don’t you just grab a squat right over there? KB: Excuse me? RS: Phoebe will bring you a goji berry juice. KB: You know what? I think I have a better idea. [Beckett steps forward into the photoshoot.] KB: Everybody, take five. RS: Whoa. Hold on a second. Kay Cappuccio doesn’t have five to spare. RC: How about 15 to 20? [That catches Reggie’s attention.] RC: And that goji berry juice sounds delightful.
Little dogs are just like that. RS looks sus there KC: Fine. We didn’t talk about anything, because he was already dead. KB: You found the body? KC: Yeah. KB: And you didn’t call 9-1-1? KC: No, I did as soon as I got into the limo. No harm, no foul, right? KB: You fled a crime scene. KC: All right. (chuckles) Have you heard the phrase, “There’s no such thing as bad press”? Having your picture taken with a dead guy is the exception. [idk if that is true, dead body doesn't seem so bad.] I have to be so careful with my image. My image is all I have. RC: Yeah. No, we were just talking about that.
Kate is pretty, turtleneck with a blazer. Rick is pretty, grey shirt with a blazer. Ryan is pretty, dress shirt+tie with a sweater. Espt is kinda grungy but I like it well enough. lol underdog? *hits espt* *espt looks at him bc "nobody touches me"* dr barker? Really? Lanie coming up with the doggo! They all look so happy to have the dog up here. RC: Or…we could keep him here at the precinct. I mean, we could use a mascot. JE: I thought that’s what you were. *dying laughing* RC: Thatwhat’s that? What’s that, buddy? Esposito’s sense of humor fell down a well and can’t get out? JE: ??
LP: Then you better find out what kind of food he eats, because he’s not touching the stuff I put out. KB: Well, there’s gotta be some food for him at Francisco’s place. Who wants to make a run for it? JE: To go get dog food? KB: [all three sort of at the same time] JE: Castle RC: Ryan KR: Esposito JE: *looks at ryan in betrayal bc they could have teamed up to send out castle* Ok the filipinos are right when they have that up hand down hand game that I don't understand. It's like evens & odds which is a game that I DO understand. Everyone puts in their hands & on three they put out a number of fingers, usually one or two. The odd one out is the winner. In this case they would be the loser though. Then once you eliminate that person you can do rock paper scissors. It works with three people or more but it might need a few rounds. You will always get rid of more than half of the people when playing odd one out. settle it like men lol. They don't count tho, rock paper scissors shoot. Espt: Snip
How did they not know who they were talking about? lmao She might still be a doctor! Yeah! Let the canine therapist talk to the dog! KB: Of your time, sure.
Becks has some crazy hair rn
RC: Tell me…did Francisco ever observe you during your sessions? PB: No. He waited outside. Why? Because either he was paying you too much or he had a pet play kink
Nice especkett is heading out here, love it. Espt has a nice scard rn btw. rly love it.
Oh no Growl right back at them bro.
Girl dogs are scary af running like obelix & asterix.
lmao dog breeding? srs? it was honest work <3 that guy passed away recently. the bug finder that ryan found
It could have been ANY time this morning ryan didn't specify.
Wow music. Wow people. Wow her walk. Ryan & espt's mouths lol. Royal sad. Booty. Ryan's device. Ooh & the way he picks it up nice nice.
ew dogs. RC: Tell me, does the phrase “corporate espionage” mean anything to you? KC: No RC: KC: No, seriously. I have no idea what it means. Why is ryan interrupting so awkwardly?
JE: Dude, look at that outfit. Where is she gonna put a wire? RC: Well, if I had to be creative, I’d guess— KB: RC: That’s rhetorical. KR: We went into the tech room [Ohhh so they have a tech room that's probably what that room with the tv is!] to isolate the frequency that the bug was transmitting on, and we found, uh, well… JE: Show ‘em. KR: All right. *turns on TV to get a good view of boobs, like real bazongas*
KC: Oh, well, I mean, it’s not just any celebrity video— I mean, TMZ’s offered, like, a million bucks for the first naked picture of me. JE, being horny: You ask me, that number’s on the low side. KB:
KB: And then there might be a trail that leads back to the guilty party. So we’re gonna have to find somebody to pull all those photos-- JE: I’ll do it. RC: Got a little case of, uh…puppy love there, Esposito? <3 they love making fun of him RC spotting royal in the conference room: Aw. Looks like Esposito isn’t the only frustrated dog in the precinct. Who closed him up in there?
*starts rubbing her hand intimately* GIRL This reminds me. When they had the murder suspect amnesiac they let him crash on the couch. The dog tho is going home with castle or beckett. Then later espt takes home that kid. & we finally get to see his apartment.
KC: I never thought I would say this, but I am so sick of looking at myself right now. I can’t even imagine how you must feel. JE, enjoying looking at pics of pretty women: Don’t worry about me. WHY are they going thru the pics so SLOW? Wow there's humanity here now. Weird. She's all depressed bc she feels talentless. You can be talentless tho bc skills are things you can build. ofc it takes more work bc talents just come naturally & skills take time & effort but shush.
Hyatt is such a name. I remember he sent a dead body to brackenreid once & john almost opened up the chest. Espt is being really protective of kay rn. Bro chill.
My dad's cat has a grease spot on the window from where her cat tree is & she puts her face on the window. it's so adorable. RC: Who’s a good boy, huh? Who’s a good boy? Is Marcus a good boy? No, he’s not a good boy. He’s a bad boy. Man has a bit of a lisp that makes it sound like he's shitting here not sitting here lol Could be dog trafficking, not necessarily drugs
Ah he's a US customs agent lol. Get ryan on the job he was a drug cop. Should have given him the hella fancy coffee
Beckett's on drugs lol Essence of poppyflower ohhhhh These are real narcotics, they are from poppyseed or smth. Not all street drugs are narcotics & ppl tend to forget that.
omg ryan is wearing a blue suit (kind of striped) with a pink shirt & no tie omg y'all I might be a lesbian. (Yes I'm only half woman, yes I'm also half man, yes he's also a man, but he's the kind of guy lesbians say are attractive even if they are not attracted themselves. Like I find him cute as a lesbian. Not as a straight girl not as a gay boy not as a straight boy but as a lesbian. it's complicated shut up.) Oh & while we're at it espt has a nice jacket too & it looks good on him, it has like the leather jacket looking bit (probs polyester or vinyl, tho in some lighting it looks almost denim) & then the fabric sleeves, I love it. Oh esposito is so sad that she's the one.
KB: So, we have reason to suspect that our killer was wearing your perfume. KC: Well, that’s impossible. It wasn’t even out yet. I’m the only person that had it. KR: Does she realize she just incriminated herself? JE: I said she was nice. I didn’t say anything about smart.
Looking thru the window like that? v sus. HOLY MOLY well as soon as my little bro is gone I am watching that fight scene again & posting the clip!
KB: Yeah, and, um, you know, I was wrong about something, too. Turns out having a mascot in the precinct can be pretty useful. Me: You mean rick or royal?
All the cops watching them fight over royal KC: Oh, yes, Lolita and I need a big strong man around the house, JE:
AC: You said, you’d be the one who’d wind up having to feed it, and it was hard enough remembering to feed me every day. RC: Yeah, I…I don’t remember that last part. AC: It was subtext. Barely. theyre so cute: So…this dog you want o get, you know, for me…this wouldn’t be an enticement to come home from college more often, would it?
Maybe I hadn't seen this one before. Regardless, it was fun enough.
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pride-of-storm · 2 years
i was a legal assistant for like two hundred hours and using 'v' for 'versus' will never leave me
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nkogneatho · 3 years
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“𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭.”
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↳ Pairing: Hanma Shūji x milf!reader
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#m.list #taglist
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↳ A/n: This one's for my love @delirieum 's HMS collab. Who doesn't wanna be a milf to get fucked by Hanma? I was half drunk when I wrote the smut part. I have added some Japanese phrases or expressions too. If this flops, Idk i'll cry to hanma everyday.
—Synopsis: Hanma takes the chance and fucks his milf neighbor who's sad because of his trash husband
—cw: Smut, cheating, the characters are of legal age, fingering, mention of remote used as a sex toy, creampie, protected sex, exhibitionism, mentions of big tits, mommy kink.
—Word count: 2.2k
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A defeat can affect a person's mood drastically. But it depends upon the person too if they take it in a hasty manner.
Hanma is one of the people who don't care about defeats as long as he gets what he wants in the end.
The well-known Tokyo Manji Gang also known as Toman, was successful in bringing down Valhalla. Not that Hanma was ever concerned about winning. The only thing he desired is to break Toman by sparking the flame of internal conflict. But everything happens in a particular pace. So, the major task of planting a rotten mango in a box of fresh ones was cleared. Even if that meant declaring official defeat between the gangs.
Although, Hanma keeps rather a sadistic face in public, a couple of interesting emotions can be seen when he is finally home.
Living alone is sure tire some. But in this case, it's not when he has such a caring neighbor.
“Are! Hanma–kun! Daijabou?” It wasn't anything new to see scratches and bruises, cloth ripped in certain areas on him. You were aware of him being a delinquent. It just ached you to know he doesn't have anybody to look after him. That is why, he is welcome in your house.
“I'm fine. Just a scratch, anyway.” He settled on the counter that started near the entrance of the kitchen. Hurriedly, your hands opened the top corner shelf and reached for some antiseptic.
“Just a—Never mind. Asking you to be understanding is like talking to a wall,” you sighed, applying the dark brownish antiseptic. The cotton swab sponging his bloody knuckled. You gently rubbed your fingers on the hand that had “sin” written on it.
“Hm?” You couldn't look up as you were determined to not let him catch any infections.
“I really don't have the energy to cook. Neither money to order. Can you make something for me?”
You stopped, eyes peering up at his. “Do you even have to ask? Bakayaro. I am already preparing dinner for you.” You did. Everyday. Even if that meant that he had to eat twice.
“Arigatō.” He smirked. To which, you rolled your eyes.
“Oye! I'm serious,” the smirk dissolved in a serious face.
“Hai hai. Here you go. All bandaged up,” you smiled, assembling all the medicine back in the first–aid box.
“Thanks,” hanma said.
“Ah!” The cotton wrap dropped, and you went to pick it up.
There it was. The one weak point of Hanma Shūji. Your body. Everyday, he resists the urge of touching you. Of feeling your body against his. Of kneading your boobs as he thrusts into you. But all of it is taken away by one single and simple fact. You're married.
Trust me. He doesn't give a shit about your marriage. It's just that…you're the only important thing to him now. In this world of delinquents, daily fights, bloodied and bruised body, you are the only person who makes him realize that there can be little flowers in a garden of thorns.
But, it isn't wrong if you're willing to cheat right? And as much as strong affection he has for you, he fucking craves you.
Hanma gets up from the counter. His body shadowed yours bent one.
“Ne~ l/n–san,” he calls you.
“Yes?” you get up, but your body is rather too close to his. Shūji stares down at your lips. God! He would do anything to just grab them immediately.
“You're fucking sexy.” Were you supposed to act normal? What's normal about it, though?
“Huh? Ah—Thank you,” you avoided his gaze. His face moved closer and closer until there was a only couple of centimeters left for your lips to crash.
“Ha-hanma–kun. I have a husband.” You weren't honestly sure what to say in this situation.
“I know,” he sighed. “B–but.” That 'but' made your chest rise in suspense. “What if I told you something that might change your mind?”
“Like…” he moved closer to your ears. “What if I told you, your husband is a regular customer at the brothel in Shibuya?”
“Uso! You're lying!” There is no way you would trust that. But…but… “Don't you wonder, l/n–san. Why does he arrive so late at home? Daily.”
“That is because he has to work overtime.” Your eyes wandered here and there.
“Oh really. Is this how he works overtime?” Hanma reached to his pocket and pulled out his phone. He flashed the screen to your eyes, where there was a video of your husband kissing the women outside the brothel. Just how Shūji informed you.
“B-but…how? Where did—Where did I go wrong as a wife?” Pupils roving to remember anything that can justify the video to be untrue.
His knuckled smeared along the tears trailing down your cheeks. “You didn't go wrong. It's just that some people don't know how to appreciate what they have.” You would've hated the idea of even kissing him. But…with his face so close to yours, his bottom lip stuck between his teeth. GOD!
“Then. Do you appreciate what you are offered?” Your eyes kept traveling back and forth from his eyes and his lips.
His grip on the wooden table that your ass was supporting against tightened.
“More than you think,” his lips quivered with a visible gulp. Almost as if he was desperate. Desperate to just feel them.
“Naraba ii~” the words that didn't even leave your mouth completely yet he caught them with his. Chest pressing against each other, Hanma indulged you in a deep, sloppy, hard kiss. Your eyes were shut in embarrassment. Sure? Or was it in pleasure. Because, you can't lie that your juices started making your underwear stained the moment he slipped his tongue in your mouth.
“Mhm,” you moaned in his kiss. With the body pulled back, he checked if you were alright. “Tears of pain” is what he thought he'll find, but they were quick to dry up with your eyes half lidded in lust. Isn't this what we all do? Channel our pain in lust because we'd rather feel the ache in our heated core than our heart. After all, the latter is still better than spilling tears over a douchebag when you have someone hotter, someone who reminds of an old yet foreign sensation right in front of you. Or right on top of you, shadowing your body with his. You felt so small under his presence. But that feeling was soon vanished when he slowly dropped to his knees, eyes never leaving yours, kissing each square inch of the skin that led down to your panties.
He lifted the apron along with the midi skirt. Panties soaking wet by then. He played with the strings on each side and then tugged them down. Your pussy was glistening with the juices spilling down your thighs. Hanma followed the trail of your leak with his tongue, licking it in a descending direction that'll lead him where he needs to be the most. His hot breath hovered over your shivering clit. Ugh! He's such a tease. But neither he could resist you. The moment his tongue flattened against your hole, you're body stiffened, eyes shut, and a moan slipped past those lips.
“Oh! More.” You had every right to unleash those whines. Especially, if he feels so fucking good.
“Mhm hm? Mommy wants more?” Your eyes widened at the name. But god, he could feel your pussy throb when he said it.
“Huh? What did you call me?” You bit your lips, but you were answered with his fingers slipping in your cunt and stretching them out. All the wetness was layering his knuckles in your filth. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Hanma remembers. He remembered what you would do alone at home when your husband was away.
The hem of your top stuck between your teeth, head rolled back, fingers clenching your own hair as you pushed the TV remote's end in and out of your hole. Shūji didn't want to interrupt you when he caught you the other day. Plus, he'd rather enjoy the show.
The flashback made him realise how desperate you are for a cock in you that you fucked a remote. Now that he is here, he'll surely fulfill your nasty desires.
“Where's the condom?” He asked, getting up.
“In the corner drawer,” you caught your breath.
Stare fixated on how he eagerly opens the drawer, snatched the condom out of its box. Oh, the way his teeth teared off the wrapped, and he covered his dick in the condom. Holy shi– he's long.
He invited you for a kiss and then commanded, “Bend over.”
You turned, arms settled on the wooden dining table. Hanma teased your slick pussy with the head of his dick. He pushed slowly in. Your folds opened up, and your walls started stretching. You were surprised that he wasn't even completely in yet.
“Hanma–kun. 's too long.” It really was. The way your body shivered when he buried himself completely in, he loved it. How long has he waited to be in you? Too long. He has complete right to be desperate and thrust in you. Your walls fluttered when he started moving. And he purposely went slow and hit deeper, so he can hear the air knocking out of your chest.
“I know, mommy. But I love your pussy a little too much— shit! You're squeezing me.” You were. Why wouldn't you after hearing such words from him? Being called mommy by Hanma is too much to take.
“Ha-hanma–kun!” You moaned in pleasure.
“Call me Shūji.” Never once you had called him by his first name. But now? Now is different, baby. The man himself asked you to do it. To add, he is such a sweetheart to give you his cock when you needed it the most. And he is so deep. So fucking deep.
“Sh-shūji,” you whispered. Turning around, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“More,” his demands were obviously going to be fulfilled.
“More! FUCK! Mommy, more!”
“Shūji! Ah! You're so fucking deep. Oh my god! Your cock's fucking my cunt so good. Shūji. Faster! Shūji! Shūji!” You were basically chanting his name. Jeez! It was so hard for him to not cum yet.
“Fuck mommy good. Please. I am begging, Shūji. Give me this pain,” tears formed at the corner of your eyes.
“I am sorry, but I can never give you pain. Only pleasure,” he sneaked his fingers near your clit, and started circling it. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Your hips tightened. So did your grip around his neck when you came.
“Honey, I am hom– WHAT THE FUCK?" Your husband sure arrived early today. Even his face looked ugly to you now. You despised him so much. Hanma didn't stop. What even was the use to stop this just because the rat arrived?
“Oh! You're e–early, today. What happened, huh? Fuck Shūji! Right there! What happened baby? Did your sluts find a new toy or your dick was too tired to even get up,” you spat, dead ass looking in his eyes.
“I'm pretty sure they sent him away because his dick is probably too small to reach in their cunt,” Hanma joined in with a smirk.
“Baby? I can explain. You don't have to do this. We can work this–”
“Work out, my ass! Get your belongings and fucking leave. I d-don't even want to see your face.” Oh lord. The smile Shūji had on his face was pure victory. Your ass husband deserved it anyway.
“Oh, what's the hurry, mommy. Let me show off to him actually see what he lost searching for some fake whores,” hanma slipped his tongue in your mouth, making out steamily as he thrusted in you. You missed the side eye he gave to him when he was deep in you because of your closed eyes.
“Fuck! Ngh–” hanma held you as his climax was approaching.
“Cum for me. Please. Give me your cum,” your words made it harder for it to stay inside. Three more thrusts, and his hips slapped against your crotch and stayed inside you as he came. “HNGH! Fuck!” His jaw clenched, brows furrowed, eyes looking in yours in pleasure. It was so interesting to him with a different expression rather than his usual bored one.
You were both so lost in the trance of sweat and lust to notice your husband has left.
“You're so good,” you pecked his lips.
“Really? People usually say that I am a bad guy.”
“Well, they haven't had sex with you — yet. Don't mind them when I am here, Shūji”
“I freaking adore you so much,” his cum spilled out of the condom when he pulled out and kissed you again.
Losing a husband is always better when you've got Hanma Shūji by your side.
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imaeraser · 3 years
nawwwwhhhh cuz let's talk about how good and cute your fanfics are😤😤.
idk if u still accept requests but if u don't feel free to ignore this!!!!!!
if u do tho could u please write about the strawhats with a quite teen reader and the reason why she's quite is bc she has a power like toge from jujutsu kaisen but instead of talking with onigiri ingredients she(can be gn) doesn't at all cuz she's scared of her power and sometimes she say only short phrases or words.
I'm really sorry if this is too specific but this idea have been stuck in my mind for a WHIIILEEEE AND SO IS READER WITH THE SAME POWERS AS GOJO I JUST THINK IT WOULD BE SO COOL IS SOMEONE WROTE ABOUT THIS and I tought you'd be the perfect person!take care and have a nice day xoxo.
I am starting to catch up on requests!
At first, they thought that you were really shy
When you told (wrote) them that it was because of your devil fruit/power it made a lot more sense to them
They started to be very curious to hear what your voice sounds like
To try and satiate this curiosity they would stay near you during fights to see if that could catch a glimpse of it at work
If they got caught indirectly from its fire you would feel so bad
The silence would be even more deafening
But after consoling you and telling you that it wasn't your fault, you would slowly open up again
I think Luffy would try to make you talk
And he would be annoying about it
It gets so bad, the rest of the crew has to bug him to stop
I think Zoro would like the quiet, it helps him take a nap
He might even ask you to tell him to sleep once just to see how it feels
Let’s just say, he doesn't like anything being in control of his body
Nami tried to make you feel as welcome as possible
She and Robin understand that it’s hard on you, and you feel like your missing out on a lot
So they like to entertain you (mostly drawing and writing)
They make sure you’re never alone— unless you want to be
Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy like to pull you into their shannangins
I can see a lot of laughing and getting in trouble
Brook would teach you how to express yourself through music rather than words
Franky would fiddle with his inventions in his underwear (sounds just like him), he might even employ you to help him
Once you’re settled into the crew, I feel like it’s easy to forget how powerful you are
So when out on the battlefield, people are always surprised at how well you do
Even some of the crew (since they were planning to protect you, not the other way around)
It all works out
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daegall · 3 years
In Le Trunk
Pairing: Na Jaemin x reader
genre: fluff, relationship establishment! AU, college! AU, slight (like if your squint really really hard you can see it) bad boy! AU (idk i just wrote that he’s hardcore-)
warnings: uhhh a bunch of fluff and YET ANOTHER JAEMIN WORK YES I AM IN MY JAEMIN FEELS
word count: 1.1k words
Network/s: @neoturtles
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Your relationship with Jaemin had no titles. You were... together in a weird way. No official feelings, and yet you find yourself pecking his cheek whenever he had to dash to class. It was obvious to others that you had grown attached to each other, and yet they haven't heard you two started dating. Well, it was about time Jaemin made a move.
He didn't tell you any details, just a text that said 'come down.' Which was quite unusual from the usual 'if you don't come down im going to break into your dorm and smother you in hugs'. You wonder what's got him so serious. It's a bit strange to see him all fidgety and nervous around you, often times he would greet you with a kiss on the knuckles, but tonight all you got was an awkward wave.
You don't say anything about it, choosing to go along with whatever he's got planned for tonight's adventure. You can tell he's anxious, his eyes keep darting to the mirrors, something he said he didn't care about at night since there's nobody around. To calm him down, you reach out and entangle your fingers together, caressing his sunkissed skin softly. Jaemin’s hand goes stiff for a second, before it relaxes and grips yours back.
"So, what're we doing tonight, Nana?" That nickname. That damn nickname. It's got his breath hitching and heart beating fast, a smile itching to lift his lips upward. The boy glances at you, and you catch the playful glint in his eyes,
"Somewhere," he replies cooly.
"Are you going to murder me? There are no lights and it's completely empty here." You mumble, suddenly growing a bit tired by the vibrations of the car. Jaemin’s flawless chuckle fills the car, shooting straight to your heart strings. Okay, no doubt you've got something for him too.
"No, I found this place with a really good view, wanted to take you there." And suddenly, you feel the most awake you have in the past week. Who needs coffee when you have Na Jaemin? And plus, just being in the presence of someone who drinks ungodly coffee already has you springing up with energy just when he kisses you. Unintentionally, a big grin creeps up to your face and you fondly look at Jaemin.
After a whole 13 minutes of driving and a bit of chatting, Jaemin stops the car right in front of a road. You frown at the lack of variety, glancing right to left to see anything interesting. Slumping back into your seat, you cross your arms and pout, "There's nothing nice to look at. Just a stupid road and a bunch of grass." You grumble. Jaemin cooes at your upset expression, opening his door to get out.
Your eyes follow him as he walks to the back of the car, before you get out yourself in wonder. You stand back as Jaemin pops the hood of the car open, struggling a bit at the rustiness, you guess it's been some time since it's been open. He climbs in settling down with a sigh, before reaching his arms out to you. You don't question or object, relaxing in his hold and wrapping your arms around his waist.
It seems like you can't take your eyes off of the immaculate looks of his face, grazing each inch of his face and connecting each mole on his neck. Jaemin notices you staring, looking away from the view he was supposed to show you to your eyes, smirking when you quickly advert your eyes away to the front of the car again. He lets out a 'tsk', before clasping your chin with his thumb and index finger to drag your head back to face him.
"Look at the view, pretty." Despite rolling your eyes at the nickname, a smile replaces later in bashfulness, before you turn your head to the so called 'amazing view' he talked about before. And it shall be called amazing because it's absolutely beautiful. From up on a hill, you could see the small town you lived in, not too busy and not too bright, it's warm and peaceful, a bit different from being inside the town yourself.
You don't even want to say 'wow', or anything, really. The moment's too great too ruin with an over-used phrase. The only thing that you do is smile, resting your head on Jaemin’s chest.
Though he would love to see the view, the said boy would much rather take in your appearance right now. Eyes wide with what seemed like stars, cheek pulled in happiness, head resting on him. Sometimes he wonders how he manages to get you here with him, but that doesn't matter, as long as you are then he's not questioning.
Slowly, Jaemin drags your head yet once again to meet his, but unlike the other time, his face is inches from yours, and his nose is brushing against yours. With no words, you lean up to place a soft kiss on his lips, retracting your head to find his fond-filled pupils. He dives back down, planting an equally soft kiss, but this time, you two savor it and hold it for a lot longer.
It’s everything soft, a total contrast to his usual hardcore cocky aura he has plastered on when you’re both in campus. His lips are perfect and pillowy, enough to send you drowning into his embrace, hearts almost tangled together, and like every time you kiss him, there’s the slight tinge of coffee, even when he last drank it 3 hours ago. With a firm lock, the two of you pull away, and you finally seem to call the feelings out.
"I don't think you notice but, this is where it all started. We had our fist kiss here in the back of my old car," you finally realize it, lighting up when the memory refreshes your mind again. Jaemin continues, "Y/n... I know that I like you. A lot. So if you wouldn't mind, maybe you could fall in love with me too?" You almost burst out laughing at his nervous tone, but instead you shake your head slowly. The light in his eyes dim, but glimmer again when you peck to corner of his lips, "I've done that about twenty times, I think it'll be too much for my heart if I do it once again."
The giggle he lets out is pure happiness that causes you to break into laughs as well, your laughs filling the night breeze with love. You don't care at this point, you could fall in love with Jaemin 100 times and it would burst your heart, but that’s the cost of being with Na Jaemin. And plus, you’re pretty sure you can survive heart leaps every 25 minutes if you survive the kisses full of bittersweet coffee.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Weird writer questions, go :D
1, 4, 9, 13, 17 (SPY AU PLS), 25, 28, 36, 38
How do you do that, Jenson thought as he watched Lewis scrunch his face, then throw his head back and laugh. How do you say those kind of things without even blinking? Do you know how much we love you, he thinks as Lewis pushes Nico back, his hand settling around Nico's waist in a move too smooth and too practiced to be just a one-off. Do you know how hard you push? And do you even care? Do you think we'll always forgive you? 
okay im typing this up bcs my computer is too slow for properly doing vocab log and i may have pushed myself into a hypoglycemia inadvertedly so im waiting for sugars to start functioning properly XD
this is weird writers asks, and it got LONG. ask me more tho, i love tinkerbelling :D
i think i answered, imma link it when i find it :D okay here it is. im basic af and blind as a bat, so i just switch to arial and like. 14 xD
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
uhm. not a word, but a phrase. "i have you" or "i got you". i fucking SCREAM.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
ahahaha tbh idk? probably. i think it would be fun, having lil ghosts around. moving stuff taht i dont rmbr moving. i was in love w casper when i was a kid and absolutely believed in ghosts then, does that count?
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
any type of explicit torture, non-con, dub con, abuse and violence that isnt like, movie-like spy murder and stuff. i cant and won't.
easy is inner monologue and angst :) so so easy.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
you asked about the spy au. god. i wish i knew? like, im not sure how the lore works. i know we have criminal syndicates, the bulls and the cavallino rampantes (i take no criticism on this xD) and i know im thinking of a sort of. man from uncle kinda setup? for the good guys, but i dont have a centralized thrush. its vaguely james bond and john le carre inspired also, bcs im a sucker for those, but for other stuff, i legitimately have no fucking idea. it will come to me at some point, and knowing myself, everything will make it into the text. or i will talk your ear off with my worldbuilding. <333
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
i actually had to think about this a lot. i usually make sure to include at least hints in my writings, if for nobody else, for myself. but remembering any of it without re-reading the fics... hmmm. imma answer other questions then come back to this if i remember anything xD
OH I REMEMBERED. in the princess of monaco au, when seb and charles meet in the club and talk, when charles is drunk, seb already has a beginning of a crush on charles. then he makes himself stop, because charles is sixteen, as jules tells him, and he feels like an absolute bastard, so he keeps as far away as possible. thats why later, when they meet again and charles says "i cant go till im 18" seb kinda blanches. enzo isn't that far off in his freakout, but i have to clarify seb would never do anything, in fact he's gonna agonize over it a lote in general, but like. he thought the kid was cute, and he has morals, so he freaked. xD
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
oh it has to be charles in my princess of monaco au. that is my therapy, that's just, idk, i love that version of him so much. he's very. close to my heart there. very close second is the way i wrote aredhel in his brother's keeper. idk why, i just love her there so very much, although she doesn't appear that much? and maybe azaghal in ardent red heartbreak, because, well. it's seb. :) however, lalwen has my heart all over, ngl. her and cirdan are adorable :)))
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know?
complicated family relationships. being a bitch due to circumstances and as a defence mechanism (khm vielleicht vielleicht sequel). having a legacy. defying the legacy. being fundamentally wrong and having the world swept from under you. fighting not to die. grief. maybe some other things, but those are for anyone who reads the fics to tell me if they noticed something. im in the eyes of the storm. i dont know.
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
i dont think anything i do is weird tbh? i could do with a bit less research that isnt relevant for anything except my peace of mind. i think cats are like. "peasant. heathen. feed me. yesssss-now move. bitch. uwu. bye" :)
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
so. THAT. passage. well. i mean. as you may or may not know, i relied on my own personal experiences for that fic, adjusted very much for the appropriate context (as in, them being rich dudes and decidedly not in hs, tho you wouldn't know it). i. like nico. i think i get nico on some level. and nico, he. he pushes, because he's always had to push. because of the legacy and because of the insecurity. because he has to know, if. well. is this going to be the moment where they quit on me? is this going to be the moment when i become too much for them? is this the moment where they say to themselves thats it, im done, i cant take him and all that he is anymore. he's too much for me. he's too this or too that and not enough of modesty and not enough of poise and not enough of effortless beauty and class, like he should be. im done
so he pushes. and he's charming about it. and he waits, because, well. he was never taught that love can be unconditional.
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nonotranslates · 3 years
Translation for Season 2 Hypmic Radio: Hypnosis Wave - Yumeno Gentaro (Part 3)
Translation for Season 2 Hypmic Radio: Hypnosis Wave - Yumeno Gentaro (Part 3)
Link to Spotify
Part 3 is from 15:17 - 21:36
Link to Masterlist
hopefully the sentences make sense because I'm really realising how bad my grammar is now... My brain doesn't even know how to word anymore from stress, work, health, jobhunting, and the lack of practice from the lack of socialisation...
15:17 Ninth question
Well then, the next letter
---------------- From Gunma Prefecture, Radio Name 'mikoriinu Ramuda-chan Deesu-kun Gencharo I love you ❤'-san, 23 years old *Note: yes he pronounced the 'haato'
Yumeno Gencharo-sensei, Good evening
Good evening~
I’m currently writing a psychological mystery novel 私は今ミステリー サイコパス系の小説を書いています
I have the characters, story flow and the like about down but I’m still worried over whether this is fine ストーリーの序破急 登場人物とかは一応決まっているのですが これでいいのかなぁと悩んだり
I’m feeling uncomfortable or should I say embarrassment about publishing my work to the public… I can’t quite bring myself to take a single step forward 自分の作品を世に出すことに抵抗 というか恥ずかしさがあり なかなか一歩が踏み出せません
Please give me any advice こんな私に何かアドバイスをお願いします ----------------
You could use this radio name to send in a letter,
Why would you feel embarrassed about publishing your work? Ms. ‘mikoriinu Ramuda-chan Deesu-kun Gencharo I love you’? なぜ作品を世に出すことは恥ずかしいのでしょうか
It’s fine 大丈夫です
Try using that (sort of) energy and confidently publish your work その調子で堂々と発表してみましょう *yeah idk how to phrase this smoothly... basically ‘with that (chaotic deisu-kun gencharo daisuki ❤) energy, go try proudly publish your work’
G’luck ガンバですよ *Note: the sender’s name did misspell daisu as deesu. This sender would totally fit in as a hypmic universe mob chara lol
16:14 Tenth question
Then, the next letter では 次のお便りです
---------------- From Tokyo prefecture, Radio Name Minato Mirai-san, 29 Years old. Thank you 東京都ラジオネームみなとみらいさん29歳の方からいただけました。ありがとうございます
What food do you eat during your battle against deadline? 夢野先生の修羅場飯はなんですか
I’m also in the business of writing for a living just like sensei 実は私も端くれながら先生と同じ物書きを生業としていて
Dinner can be settled with food delivery but 夕飯は出前で済ませられるのですが
When it comes to supper, I don’t have time (to cook) either, so I add soup stock onto cold rice, add hot water, and stir to make a simple Ojiya (rice soup) 夜食となると時間もないため スープの素を冷や飯にかけお湯を注い等簡単おじやでしのいでいます
I want to know many kinds of recipe so I’d like to if ask sensei can share some too いろんなレシピを知りたいので先生にもご教授願えたらと思います ----------------
I see, you can use soup stock to make Ojiya this easily なるほど スープの素で簡単おじや
No, no いやいや
It’s something I never thought of before 拙者にはなかった発想でござる
What an amazing recipe you shared, I really can’t toss it aside 素晴らしいレシピの伝授 まことに片付けない
I’ve gotten bored of Miso balls, so next time onwards I’ll cook dried instant rice with soup stock 味噌玉にも飽きてきたゆえ今度から乾飯にスープの素で調理いたぞ
If it’s like this, even I’ll be able to make it これなら拙者にも作れそうでござるなー
17:13 Eleventh question
---------------- Next up is from Tokyo prefecture, Radio name Late-night Ramen-san, 18 years old. Thank you. 東京都ラジオネーム深夜のラーメンさん18歳からいただきました。ありがとうございます
Yumeno sensei, good evening
Good evening
In front of my family and in front of my friends, my personality is completely different 私は家族と友人の前で全くた態度が変わってしまいます
With friends, I am extremely chatty 友人の前ではとてもおしゃべりなのですが
But when with family, I don’t talk much 家族の前ではあまり喋りません
It’s not like I’m forcing myself in front of my friends, and it’s also not like I dislike my family or anything 別に友人の前で無理をしているというわけでも 家族が嫌いというわけでもありません
It just naturally turned out this way 自然とそうなります
‘The true me, is it the chatty one or the quiet one? Which is it?’ Sometimes I think of that, slightly eerily 本当の私て おしゃべりなのか静かなのか どっちなんだろうと少し不気味に思うことがあります
Yumeno-sensei, the ‘you’ of when, that you think is the most ‘you’-like? 夢野先生はどんな時の自分が一番自分らしいと思いますか ----------------
Hmm うーん
Late-night ramen sure is tasty, isn’t it? 深夜のラーメン美味しいですよね
‘Why is it that tasty?’ Recently, a (non-fictional) writer I’m friendly with compiled this into a book, and it was quite interesting, you know なぜあんなに美味しいのかを 最近小生も懇意にしているルポライターの方が1冊の本にまとめたのですが なかなか面白かったですよ
It interviewed customers at every ramen shop, There are all kinds of human drama to be heard even at late night ramen-eating sessions... It was actually quite a profound book. あらゆるラーメン店でお客さんにインタビューしたものなんですが 深夜にラーメンを食べるにも様々な人間ドラマがあり 実に味わいが深い書籍でした
Anyway, putting aside that kind of lie, まあ、そんな嘘はともかく
Humans, have all kinds of sides to them 人間には色んな面がありますから
A ‘you’ in front of friends, a ‘you’ in front of family 友人の前の自分 家族の前の自分
And then a ‘you’ who objectively analyses all that そしてそれらを客観的に見ている自分
On top of that, the new ‘you’ that you will discover in the future, too さらにこれから発見されるであろう新たな自分も
All would be included in the person known as ‘you’ 全て含めて あなたという人間なのでしょう
Just like how each person has a varied life 人それぞれに多様な人生があるように *i don’t know if varied or multifaceted is more apt here
A person too has many sides to them 一人の人間でも 多様な面を持っているものです
So that regardless of which ‘you’ it is will too be able to enjoy (life), どの自分も楽しめるよう
Please try reading more books and getting exposed to various kinds of personalities たくさんの本を読んで さまざまな人間性に触れておいてください
19:05 Twelfth question
Then, this is the last one for tonight. ではこれは最後となります
---------------- From Tokyo prefecture, Radio name, nacococon-san, 26 years old. Thank you. 東京都ラジオネームnacococon さん26歳からいただきました。ありがとうございます
I’m the type that rereads my favourite novels over the years 私は気に入った小説を何年にも渡って繰り返し読むタイプです
As I get older, many of the thoughts I held as a reader have changed, I find this interesting 年を重ねるにつれ 抱く感想が変わっていき面白いです
Yumeno-sensei, do you have books that you would reread many times? 夢野先生は何度も読み返している本はありますか
Or are you the type that read many books but don’t really reread them? それともあまり読み返さずたくさんの本を読むタイプですか ----------------
Indeed. そうですね
I can totally understand. これはとてもよくわかります
I too, have a number of books that I am rereading after many years 小生も数年おきに読み返している本が何冊かあります
When the feelings this round is different from the previous read 以前読んだ時と感じ方が変わっていると
You will be able to know the changes you have undergone 自分の変化を知ることができるんですよね
This is a feeling that you won’t understand until you actually try it これは 味わってみないとわからない感覚です
The book you love now, when you read it 20 years, 50 years later, what type of feelings will you have? 今好きな本を20年後や後50年後に読んだとき どんな気持ちになるのか
Even though I feel it’ll be scary, I really look forward to it 怖いような気もしますが とても楽しみです
For that sake, I’d like to take the chance now to read lots of books, to prepare for the future そのためにも 今のうちにたくさんの本を読んで 将来に備えたいと思います
Thank you for sending in such a wonderful letter. 素敵なお便りをありがとうございました
20:22 Gentaro ending
Now, we’ve really received a lot of letters さて 本当に沢山のお便りをお寄せいただきました
Amongst them, there were fun letters, painful letters, and even moving ones どれも楽しく 切なく 胸に迫るお便りもありました
Though it hurts me that I cannot read them all 全てご紹介できないのは心苦しいのですが
This feeling of gratitude, I’d like to return them through my work if possible この感謝の気持ちは 作品でお返しできたらと思っています
Next week, Fling Posse’s Arisugawa Dice will be your companion 来週はFLING POSSEの有栖川ダイスが皆さんのお相手をいたします
He’s normally a hopeless person, but at long last, he has reformed himself どうしようもない人間だった彼ですが ついに改心したんです
During this period, he made mizuyoukan (red bean jelly) for Ramuda and me. I was almost brought to tears. この間はラムダと小生のために水羊羹を作ってきてくれて 思わず涙が出そうになりました
Of course, I won’t lent him money so easily just because of something like this もちろん、そんなことで借金はチャラにしませんが
Next week he’ll definitely through his many wonderful answers, engulf the world into a vortex of touchingness 来週はきっと素晴らしい回答の数々で 世界中を感動の渦に巻き込むことでしょう
Whether it’s a lie or not, please use your ears to find out 嘘か本当かは あなたの耳でお確かめください
Your companion tonight was Shibuya Division Fling Posse’s MC Phantom Yumeno Gentaro. 今夜のお相手はSHIBUYA DIVISION FLING POSSE の MC PHANTOM 夢野幻太郎でした
Well then, good night では おやすみなさい
21:36 END
Link to Part 2
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This man... he's been recommending reading more books for like, 3 of his answers? his tone in the last answer is just super... sweet... a real bookworm......
Also the surprising lack of uso desu kedo in the Ojiya answer and the 'late-night ramen sure is tasty no~?'...... poor yumeno-sensei...... having to experience the frequent, desperate need for supper...... (also he didn't answer with any recipe lol)
I think my favourite lines this part are the mikoriinu and I won't lend him money easily lines. Saito Soma's performance makes these radios 100x more fun. As for whether Dice really made mizuyoukan for them...... Dice did address it in his radio. I don't think I'll be translating it as I don't know if I have the time for it, not in the near future at the very least.
Anyway, all 3 Fling Posse members will be starring in a single division radio in Aug-Sep so we'll have more lovely chaos soon, yippie!
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3416 · 4 years
Why are you so angry @ people who want to pursue higher education//angry at the idea of higher education in general? I 100% agree with you the classism that the system perpetuates is a problem. But the way you phrase it just seems so... angry at the world that YOU didn’t get to have that opportunity rather than angry at the system. + I think that anger is valid, but the way you usually phrase it - with an incoherent keysmash and a focus on you rather than the collective - gives off petty vibes
did you send this to the right person?? i've talked about higher education in the past (keysmash sounds like me !) and honestly have a lot to say but i haven't made a post recently i dont think so i have no idea what you're referring to. anyway if this IS intended for me... here's my answer:
why am i so mad about the higher education system in america? bc it's literally a joke putting thousands and thousands of ppl in debt for a piece of paper that half the time, it doesn't even matter what it says ! i have so many anecdotes about people who got jobs just bc of the bachelor's degree and it wasn't even in the same field lmao. you work and work and work toward this "degree" that's supposed to mean something, and here, it honestly doesn't. i'm not angry at people who want to pursue a degree (i am literally one of those ppl) but i think from a young age, the system does a damn good job brainwashing you into thinking you HAVE to have one. we were thinking abt where we wanted to attend college from the age of like 8. that's fucked up and in school, they never even leave room for you to think.. oh maybe i don't want one. and we're not even talking abt the pressure it puts on people who have no fucking clue what they want to do. the job market is oversaturated with ppl who have degrees and no experience, so they have to settle for being underpaid. meanwhile, you've got debt piling up and up and up and you have to start paying on it. plus costs of school are rising but is the education itself getting better or more meaningful? literally no. and don't even get me started on public vs private and ivy leagues and all that stupid shit... you wanna talk abt something that perpetuates classism. i love the idea of continuing school, learning more than i have post 12th grade, but the united states has a FUCKED system of higher education and the disparities are gonna continue to grow until it collapses or there's reform, so. again, idk if this was intended for me as a message, but your questions prompt me to believe that... maybe YOU need to look at the system and how it operates in the real world rn. and if you're not from america, well... lucky you, probably. i've known plenty of people... with class and privilege and money.. who have gone to school and made a great time of it, but it needs to be more accessible to everyone and i think some people really need to examine their options before they pile on thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and then go into a work force that pays you $16 an hour. just doesn't cut it, it's all a trap, and it's the system's fault very OBVIOUSLY, not the peoples. anyway, it's not petty to want better for people or better for the system and culture as a whole. and maybe you should stop assuming you know where people's anger comes from internally, no matter who this was intended for, and look at why you yourself are bothered enough to send an anon, lol.
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