#werewolf alma and mirabel
gamerbearmira · 2 years
Mama Isa, just the duo practicing their arts <33 we love a girl who can come up with lyrics on the fly and boy who can play along
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My main man❗❗ He's the dead serpent, cause he gangsta like that 🦅🦅 He's actually bigger than Pedro, so that's rad ╰(‵□′)╯
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Werewolf AU🔛🔝 Don't worry, new chapter is gonna be up soon, me and anon finished writing it and a I'll be posting it <33 But yeah!! Kinda spoiler, but also not because its on this blog, but Mirabel runs away as Casita falls ಥ_ಥ
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DANELL THAT YOU??! jk jk but like. In the Housebroken I'm writing, Mirabel's wings come in after Antonio is born, but before the triplets get to them. And they were too scared to go into to town for help and too scared to get Julieta. Isabela and Dolores planned to get Julieta's food when they took Antonio, but for obvious reasons, had no time. Julieta gets to them soon after tho!!
BUT. In the time she wasn't there. They just had to wait for Mirabel to heal. Her scars kept reopening, and she kept getting sick too, her wounds got infected and she was not feeling good <\\33 literally bed ridden for like two months, poor girl 😭 She got so sick that the older 3 almost went to Julieta, but luckily Mirabel barely recovered. Julieta felt really bad after, and vowed to never let her mama get in the way of her daughters again ٩(•̀▽ •́)ง……
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Redraws👹👹 Nothing special. Nothing good tbh. Just redraws. Shout out to you if you can name the aus (≧∇≦)/
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Alright that's it guys, BYEEE <33 more content, really just some art asks <33 I would write more and do more art for Housebroken but like. EVERYTHING IS A FRIGGIN SPOILER. LIKE DAWGGGGG
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In occult AU, which species/creatures the Madrigals are?
Pedro - Centaur
Alma - Vampire
Julieta - Human
Pepa - Siren
Bruno - Siren
Isabela - Dryad
Dolores - Gorgon
Luisa - Werewolf
Camilo - Werewolf
Mirabel - Human
Antonio - Faun
Additional notes under cut.
Pedro’s centaur half is specifically a paso fino horse.
Alma has been a vampire since birth; she was born that way. (Vampires and werewolves can be both genetic or you become one via bite).
Julieta is, yes, a human. As is anyone not mentioned. But she is a practicing witch from a high-class witch family.
Pepa’s fish half is specifically a lionfish.
Bruno’s fish half is specifically a mandarin fish.
Luisa was a human. However, was attacked by a werewolf and became one.
Camilo has been a werewolf since birth; comes from a very large pack. No, it was not him or his family who attacked Luisa.
Mirabel was a human, but she’s dead. She’s an angel.
Antonio’s faun half is specifically a taruca.
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kitsune024 · 1 year
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The King of The Forgotten by Sliced_Moon_Martini I Chapters: 1/1 I Oneshot Au Fantasy, Dark fantasy, Bruno & Mirabel, Villian Bruno, sad and sweet, monsters and magic
The Werewolf of Colombia by @addaxus I Chapters: 4/? I Werewolf Bruno, Bruno leaves after Mirabel ceremony, Body Horror Golden Halos by @c-rose2081 I Chapters: 9/? I Mirabel has a gift, teacher & apprentice, Dark & Light trope, Family fluff, Bruno & Mirabel Bruno's Peaceful Life by @sunny-days-and-warm-mournings I Chapters: 18/? I Runaway Bruno, Bruno leaves after Mirabel ceremony Among the Emeralds by @thecrazyashley-blog I Chapters 25/36 | Bruno x Fem oc, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Failed Matchmaker Alma, Emotional Hurt/ Comfort, Angst, Bruno being a Bamf I am the fire and I am the forest and I am the witness watching it by @strobingthingsfoundindumpsters I Chapters 13/16 I Kidnapping, bruno has uncontrolled visions, Organized Crime, Lesbian Isabela
Completed Fics
The Eyes Have It by Sinclaironfire I Chapters: 53/53 I Bruno Suffers, Kidnapping, Blind Bruno, Imprisonment, misuse of gift, torture, slavery, soldiers, Bruno x Fem oc, Slow Burn Clumps In The Sand by theothersideofparadise | Chapters 17/17 | Villian Bruno- not really, Alma Tries
The In-between by Gozzer I Chapters: 1/1 I Inspired by Bruno's Peaceful Life, Canon Divergence, Deity Bruno, Immortal Bruno, Eldritch Creatures, Bruno leaves after Mirabel ceremony, Isabela leaves Encanto, Bruno & Isabela Set in stone by WhistlingWolf13 I Chapters: 1/1 I Hurt/Comfort, Bruno has visions, Bruno & Mirabel
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calyxthenerd · 6 months
Okay, I probably won’t get tagged for this ask, but here goes. What would the Madrigals’ inner animals be (like werewolf, Werejaguar, etc.)?
Alma is a lion, a leader and a pompous one at that, and will eat you alive if you show weakness
Pepa is a goose, pretty but will bite you if you get close to her kids
Bruno is a raccoon and I don’t think I need to elaborate
Julieta is a ferret, sweet and feral
Isabella is a crow, gracious, crazy smart and protective of her family
Dolores is a lemur, chaotic and flighty
Luisa is a bear, strong, tough but sweet to her family
Camilo is an axololt, he just is
Mirabel is a spider, crafty and threatening, but tiny
Antonio is a goat, cute and flighty
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How do each of the grandkids discover their powers/second forms? How does Alma/the adults react?
(This is my first ever drabble i hope you like it)
Everyone within Encanto, The “Cursed” Village, knew of La Familia Madrigal they were the ones who watched over and protected the entire valley. The Madrigals were also the weirdest of the village as unlike other families who’s creatures are hereditary mostly, the creatures that the Madrigals have the traits and abilities are almost all different. The matriarch,Alma Madrigal, was a Banshee, but her children were different creatures Julieta a Phoenix, Pepa a Storm Dragon, and Bruno a Black Shuck. And the most strangest comes from the Grandchildren who were even more different. Pepa’s children consisted of Dolores a dullahan, Camilo a cheshire cat, and Antonio a werewolf pup. Julieta’s daughters were Isabela a druid, Luisa a gargoyle, and Mirabel a siren. Now while they can use their abilities perfectly, when they manifested it was quite the experience for all involved.
Dolores was the first who had her creature manifest and it was a very chaotic day. Dolores was simply going through the village, doing some of her chores, when her head simply popped off of her body and rolled into a alleyway. The body however kept moving and eventually returned home much to the shock and worry of Pepa and Felix who ran out to find the head while Alma and Julieta focussed on keeping the body safe. After the head was returned to Dolores was made the center of attention for a few days after because everyone tried to focus on keeping her safe if her head popped off again. Soon a solution was found as one of the farmer brought over a horse that connected with Dolores becoming her well seeing eye horse in case of Emergencies.
Isabela was next and while her story wasn’t as dramatic it was hilarious. The boys of Encanto were always trying to gain Isabela’s affection via small gestures of love, none of which worked to be truly honest. One day a young boy named Paulo tried to win her over by giving her a garden a gesture she appreciated but she still rejected him. In a fit of childish rage the boy attempted to destroy his gift using his ability as a fire drake, however when Isabela cried out for him to stop, massive vines erupted from the ground and grabbed the boy and tossed him out into the water. The adults were quite impressed and after Julieta gave a piece of her mind to the boy and his family, she praised Isabela for her new power claiming that control over plants was quite useful, especially when dealing with troublemakers.
Luisa came next and while hers were expected it still came as a shock for how they appeared. Luisa was simply tasked with going out to check on the farmers and see what they needed. Hours later however Luisa never returned and the family learned that she never even got to the first farm. After a quick search a small winged statue was found near the road that was determined to be Luisa. While everyone was shocked and concerned, it was Agustin that calmed everyone down, stating that the statue was likely a cocoon like state for luisa, a fact that would be proven when a hour later the statue crumbled and Luisa emerged just fine, she just now looked like a living version of the Statue. The adults were all relieved and happy for Luisa as her new form showed off her strength greatly
Camilo’s transformation wasn’t even discovered until a day after it manifested when the madrigals started to note weird things happening around Casita. Objects mysteriously vanishing, buckets of water randomly appearing, and claims of a large grin being seen in the shadows. By the end of the day everyone was on alert when Isabela had a water balloon thrown at her, in a fit of rage she had a giant cactus spawn near where it came from. With a loud yelp of pain, Camilo appeared hissing softly. Everyone was a bit ticked at him for his pranks however, when Camilo woke up from a nightmare where he went invisible but couldn’t become visible again, all was forgiven as the adults did their best to help him.
Mirabel’s form was a shock for everyone because it took years for it to be properly awakened. Her power came in at 5, a soft gentle and hypnotic voice that put everyone that hears it to sleep and everyone believed that was it. However one day there was a incident where the valley was flooded due to some massive storms out of pepa’s control. A child was wept away by a current and Mirabel, in a act of heroism, jumped into the water and swam after the young girl. Everyone was shocked as when Mirabel made contact with the water her legs fused together into a tail as her hands became webbed, and she grew gills around her neck. With her new form she easily caught up to kid and got her to safety. She was hailed a hero for her action, however she was still grounded for being reckless and jumping in, when Pepa was nearby and was about to fly out and grab the girl. 
Antonio just recently got his new form and it was in a very adorable way. It was time for his party and after being comforted by Mirabel he was so excited he basically ran into the crowd happily. He was so fast everyone didn’t notice that he began to change from a boy into a puppy until Pepa was able to grab a hold of him. It was safe to say the youngest Madrigal received a lot of praises and pets. Everyone in the valley agreed afterall, that Antonio was the most adorable puppy ever. 
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queenofthedisneyverse · 8 months
New parent additions to the 'El santuario de los padres au!'
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Werewolf Papa Mariano by gamerbearmira
Papa agustin and mama julieta (and agustin) by @toaverse
(you can find the au here)
The new additions sat in the living room with their kids in tow. They were all told the gist of why they're here and the rules. And safe to say...they are disappointed.
Julieta and agustin had all six of their kids playing outside, Agustin had all six of his kids playing outside, and Mariano had Mirabel and Antonio with him.
"Sooo....from what I got from this. All of us became parents by either seeing being forced to, child neglect, or in alma's case, a tragedy?" Papa Mariano asked as he held 10-month-old Antonio in his arms. His Mirabel was playing outside with her other variants and kids.
"Yep" Pamamilo shrugged as he sipped tea. Julieta looked at this Camilo and she gave him a sympathetic look. She couldn't image HER Camilo or any of her children being forced to care for a baby at a young age.
And yet, she saw versions of all her children in the living room who were literally forced to do such a thing. Mamaisa, Mamalores, Mamabel, Papatonio, Mamaluisa, papabruno...ugh. At least Bruno was of age when he took Antonio and Mirabel in. And Alma was at least in her 60's when she had to care for Mirabel, Luisa, and Isabela.
From the stories she heard, all of her cross dimensional children were very young when they took in a family member as their own...too young.
"And my variants are usually if not always the one causing these things to happen, as well as my children" mamabuela balled her fists as she sat on the couch. "Same with you, si?"
Papa Mariano nodded, Papa Agustin nodded, and the other blue couple nodded as well.
mamabuela (alma) deeply sighed and leaned back on the couch, staring up in the ceiling. "Why am I unbearable in every universe?"
"Why do you guys do here?" Papa agustin asked.
"We mostly come here when things are too stressful or when we don't have anyone in our worlds to watch our kids for a moment. Other than that, we usually have fun here" mamaisa explained.
"We sometimes have pajama parties and play games" Mamaluisa said with a smile
"Eat food and watch funny films" Mamalores added
"Gossip about people or just talk about what's happened recently" Papa Bruno also added.
"This is so...sad" Papa Mariano's shoulders slumped as he took in the information, "not the fun parts but...just..y'know"
"yeah but, we try not to think about it too much" Mamabel shrugged and softly smiled.
"So, let's get your rooms and other things situated. After that you can meet the rest of our children" Mamalores led the newcomers upstairs and mamaisa got some lunch ready for them.
Mamabuela sighed as she took everything in...'why does this keep happening?' she thought to herself
All of it is so sad and common it's comical almost.
Link to other au's
Mamalores (you can find other info in the tags)
Mamaisa (you can also find more info in gamerbearmira's tags)
Papatonio au
(PS. Once everyone is all together all the parents and kids pose for one big photo like the gif above. The photo sits on the kitchen wall like the family tree does in the movie)
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stargazing-enby · 2 years
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#i'm so happy with how this fic turned out and i'm so glad it resonated so deeply with you and others ❤️ and that the suffering was worth it
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I love transitioning as an act of embracing my femininity. Being transmasc not as in butch but as in femme. Going on testosterone HRT so I can become my girliest self.
267 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
what husbands are for - a meme fic rec
These memes were created for what husbands are for (Drarry, 52k, Explicit) by @softlystarstruck. Featuring:
- A political marriage (ft. mating bites)
- A very gay Victorian vampire with a hidden heart of gold
- A flannel werewolf with chipped nail polish and overflowing earnestness
- Height difference
- A cabin in the woods (tender)
- A porcelain husband
Without further ado:
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322 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
Testosterone is beautiful
980 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
I love how the lyrics of Dos Oruguitas show that the mountains around the Encanto needed to crack open. The house needed to fall down. Because when showing abuela Alma's story, the song says:
Vienen milagros, vienen crisálidas
This translates to:
Miracles are coming, chrysalises are coming
The song also refers to Alma and Pedro as oruguitas, “little caterpillars”. Their miracle is a chrysalis because what they need in that moment is safety in a moment of trauma, fear, and usnafety. What they need is a hiding place. What they need is to survive.
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After Mirabel and abuela Alma talk, though, the lyrics change. They refer to Mirabel and Alma as mariposas, “butterflies”, and the line about chrysalises changes to:
Ya son milagros, rompiendo crisálidas
Or, in English:
They're miracles, breaking chrysalises
All this time, they've been living in hiding (in a literal chrysalis of mountains), in safety, in survival mode. Abuela never left behind her fear of losing her home, of losing her family—she never healed from the trauma she endured, and because of that, she hurt her family in trying to keep them safe. Now it's time for the chrysalis to break, for the butterflies to come out and be free and fly. The mountain breaking in half and allowing them to reach the river perfectly symbolises the chrysalis breaking. And this time, when their miracle is reborn in the same river fifty years later, it's not born from grief or fear or a desperate need for safety—it's born from love and acceptance and finally letting fear go.
See the full post
1,020 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
how I sleep at night knowing trans joy will exist for as long as humanity exists:
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1,319 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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The Madrigal Curse
a cursed/werewolf Luisa AU, inspired by A little bit of sugar (and lots of poison too) by @yellowcry
Heres a bit of chapter one
Alma could remember it clear as day, the moment at the river, she could see the candle grow bright with power, she rememebred the voice in her mind echoing through her skull and reveberating down her spine, overwhelming her without a single noise, it didn't sound like anything, it sounded like everything and the words to describe it escaped her, the words it said deeply imprinted by the resounding silent voice
"we see your sacrifice and grant you this miracle, but be warned, if you forget our mercy you will recieve a punishment just as powerful and unthinkable as our gift, remember the sacrifice made today and never forget it"
as soon as the voice disappeared it was hard to belive it was there at all, nothing she could think of remotely resembled the power of the noise in her mind but the words stayed there, even to this day, even to the day her little nietas door dissolved in front of her, as she watched the faint glow dissipate white hot terror shot up her spine, this was the day the fates threat, or promise, came true.
Alma stood just as shocked as everyone else, staring at the door as her mind raced to find why this had happened, she remebered Pedros sacrifice and did her best to love and appreciate the gifts they were given, what had she done wrong? she was so caught up in her own thoughts she didn't notice when Mirabels lip wobbled and tears filled her eyes, but she was brought back to earth by a small hand clutching hers and a shaky voice talking to her
"abuela, w-why did it disappear? do I-.. w-where's my gift? what did I do wrong?" her voice sounded desperate for any reason, Alma looked down at her and felt an emotion, something resembling fear, how was it possible someone so small could bring destruction upon her family? she opened her mouth and gave an excuse before running to her room, what had she done wrong? More importantly, what would that child become?
10 years later
Luisa was in town still even though it was lunchtime, she hefted the heavy beams over her shoulder and thought about the talk she had with Mirabel, Mirabel told her it was okay to take breaks and could even be healthy, but she didn't need breaks, she was strong, she saw Mirabel heading back up to casita and thought about lunch, she was getting pretty hungry, her stomach had been feeling a little strange all day and thoughts of food filled her mind, arepas and empanadas paraded in her head and some more foods joined them, chorizo, chicharrons, tamales, meat
She stumbled as she was hit by a sudden headache and the last thought interuppted her other ones, taking over her mind for split second before disappearing with her headache, she had had migraines before but this wasnt quite like those, this had been so loud it actually made her stumble a bit, then it dissipated without a trace, she shook her head to clear it and continued carrying the lumber around while trying not to think about it, and back at casita, almost imperceptibly, her door flickered.
Mirabel marched up the path to casita, she knew Luisa intended on skipping lunch again so she was going up grab some for her and talk with abuela about lunch breaks, as she entered casita she saw her mama and abuela at the table and decided now was the perfect time to ask.
"Abuela you know how Luisa likes to skip lunch because she has chores"
"Yes, she's so hardworking and dedicated, I wish more of this family was like her"
Mirabel ignored the small dig and continued "well it's not very good for her, what if we started telling the villagers to not ask her for things around lunch? that way she is energized for the rest of the day"
"If she wanted a break she would take a break, she obviously doesn't need one because she never says no when they ask, you shouldn't try and make decisions for people Mirabel"
Mirabel snorted and barely stopped herself from bringing up Isabela, who was basically forced into a relationship with Mariano
"She doesn't say no because she doesn't want to disappoint you, you have to tell her it's okay to take breaks"
"She's an adult Mirabel, she doesn't need someone else to tell her to take breaks"
Mirabel grumbled and left the room with the extra snacks, not noticing the candle sway as if a soft breath swept over it.
She found Luisa staring at some boulders, her face was blank and stayed so as Mira called her name
She didn't respond until Mirabel tapped her on the shoulder
"Oh! Hi Mira, what do you need?"
"I need you to help me finish all this food, I took too much"
"Are you trying to trick me into taking a break again?"
"What? Noooo, this is very important and not an excuse to get you to eat at all"
"...uh huh, I guess I can take a few minutes"
They sat down and dug in but Mirabel noticed Luisa wasn't eating much, hey mind seemed to be elsewhere
"What's wrong Lu, you look out of it"
"Huh? Oh, I'm just not that hungry, I keep getting these weird headaches, they disappear quickly though"
"Okay, what were you staring at those boulders for earlier?"
"I don't know, I was just walking when a headache came, when I opened my eyes I was at those boulders and my mind felt a little fuzzy, it's been a weird day"
"Did you get enough sleep last night? Don't try to lie because I will ask Dolores"
"I'm pretty sure I did, I'll try to get more tonight, don't worry about me hermanita, maybe I just have a bug or something, we can go talk to mama once I'm done chores"
Mirabel agreed and they finished eating lunch together, Mirabel headed back up to casita while Luisa started on chores again, she was lifting the church and thought it was funny how the large silver bell rang with each step she took, but it soon shifted to annoyance as the reverberations echoed in her mind, bouncing around until it was all she could hear, her arms hurt and her legs felt heavy, why was she feeling like this? What was going on?
Right as she was about to go insane from the incessant ringing she saw that this was where she had to put it down, she basically dropped it, desperate to get away from its metallic cries, but it's rough landing caused a final and resounding DING that made her fall to her knees, now that she wasn't underneath the church its noise became louder, she could basically feel the sound waves throughout her body and as they passed through a cry of pain accompanied them, some of the fingers still under the church were flattened into the ground as she pulled them out, the last three fingers on her right hand were a bloody pulp, she could see bone shards sticking out in some spots, how did that happen? She was tougher than steel.
The pain radiated in waves as she slowly got to her feet, she sprinted to where her mama should be in town and quickly found her tending to another man who had a gash along his arm, the smell of his blood hit her nose almost instantly and made the hair on her neck stand up and her eyes dilate, she stiffened and let out involuntary growl when the wound closed and the blood disappeared, as the scent disappeared so did her momentary stiffness, her mama touched her arm and brought her back to reality as the man left the tent
"Are you alright mija? Do you have a fever? You looked strange when you came in, I can't quite put my finger on it though"
"I'm okay mama, I don't really know what came over me, its just been a really weird day, I keep getting all these headaches and my stomach rumbles but I don't want to eat much, then this happened while I was carrying the church"
She revealed her throbbing fingers and her mama gasped
"Ay mija! How did this happen? eat this right away" she stuffed an arepa into her daughters mouth
"Gracias mama, but I still don't know how, I thought I couldn't get hurt" her voice started to shake a little
"It's okay mija, it'll be okay"
Her mama stroked her hair and reassured her while her fingers healed, then they headed up for supper after agreeing Luisa was done with chores for today.
When they sat down Luisa still looked out of it, she held her head and rubbed her temples to try and relieve the pressure within, but to no avail, her stomach rumbled but none of the baked goods in her plate looked appetizing, she didn't know if she'd be able to eat at all until a new smell entered her nose, her mama brought out a tray of meat and Luisa actually started drooling while staring at it, she wanted to tear into it so badly but she barely managed to hold herself back.
After they said grace Luisa immediately grabbed some meat off the plate with her hands, not caring about the temperature, and her family looked at her strangely, her sister spoke up
"Chill out Lu, the meat isn't going anywhere, did you even wash your hands before this?"
"Yeah, slow down a little, this is what you get for not eating lunch" her other sister joined in
She smiled sheepishly "sorry guys, just really hungry"
The family seemed to accept this and went back to loading their own plates, Luisa forced herself to cut it into small bites instead of wolfing it all down at once and the hunger in her stomach seemed to subside a little, she tried to take a bite out of some of the vegetables on her plate but they tasted like sawdust so she spat them out and reached for another helping of meat.
When dinner was done people started heading to their rooms, leaving Julieta, agustin, and their daughters to clean up dinner tonight, Luisa was reaching up to put some plates away when things suddenly got blurry in front of her, an intense headache gripped her and didn't leave this time, getting worse by the second instead, she collpased to the ground with her hands on either side of her head and cried out in pain, the plates she was holding fell and shattered on the floor and her mama rushed to her side
"What's wrong mija!?"
Luisa let out another groan of pain in response, her skin felt like it was being stretched and all of her muscles felt strained, threatening to tear at any moment. Her mama stuffed some food in her mouth but she spat it out, unable to chew from the intense pain in her mouth, then she smelled something that gave her a moment of lucidity, her eyes snapped open and quickly found the source, a cut on Mirabels arm with blood seeping from it, as Luisa watched and smelled the blood she felt the urges in her stomach grow, she weakly reached for Miras arm against her own will and growled when she recoiled away, she was losing control of herself with each passing second, she needed to get out of here before she did something she would regret.
She managed to get to her feet and pulled out of her worried familys grasp, Pepas side of the family had joined them, summoned by the commotion, Luisa looked at the people watching her and her head buzzed with pain, everything sounded a little fuzzy and it hurt, her ears could hear so much, too much, it overwhelmed her, her nose picked up a thousand different scents along with the prominent stench of blood, her breath came in sharp heavy pants, and before anyone could stop her she bolted out of casita and into the dark night.
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waitingonavision · 2 years
Hola! Hope your well. I have a question for you. What do you think of this au idea --> Alma & Mirabel didn’t get gifts like the rest of the family, no they were stuck with the blood curse. It had ran down from Alma’s side of the family, it had gotten Pedro killed. Alma had prayed for her children not to get her curse, & her prayer was answered. Her youngest nieta was not so lucky. Alma & Mirabel are werewolves (or Colombian equivalent)
Hi, anon! Sorry for the wait, and hope you're well too!
That's an interesting idea for an AU! Let me know if you decide to do anything with it! I’m not sure if I have anything else/ideas to offer, or if I’m even the best person for that, but I'll leave this here in case anyone wants to chime in! 💕
...though I did get a request for a Werewolf!Mirabel three-sentence fic... which I'll probably attempt because it's short/a stand-alone. And I feel like I've seen a Werewolf!Bruno AU out there...
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oh-no-a-whovian · 3 years
Two more lonely people Part 8
NSFW 18+
Summary: “you made me love you! I tried to fight it for both our sakes! You can’t just pull away the moment things get tough!”
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x fem werewolf! reader
Warnings: age gap (Y/N is 24 and Bruno is 50) swearing, any others let me know please.
Word count: 2638
Masterlist PT1 Next
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Laughter fills la casita’s courtyard as you chase the jaguar around the space, little Antonio laughing wildly upon its back each time it out manoeuvres your massive wolf form. It has no idea you’re letting it. it wouldn’t be nearly as fun for Antonio if you caught them.
All the Madrigal grandchildren are hanging out in the courtyard, bright smiles on their faces as they watch the youngest play.
It started off as planning for your birthday. Who’s gonna be going, what rules Alma wants in place since it is to be hosted in her home and whether or not there will be decorations. At first you just wanted it to be a few people around your age but then Antonio, Camilo AND Mirabel all begged to be a part of your birthday too. You could never say no to any of them, though you’re sure Camilo will take credit for their success.
Antonio’s jaguar races into the hallway to escape you, the child’s laugher echoing in the smaller space, and you make haste to follow him around the corner. Your claws scratch against the tiles as you try to skid to a halt, your nose nearly colliding into Bruno’s face. You stand up tall, your sharp canines bared in a grin and your tail wagging in excitement.
You’ve barely been near him in over a week since he confessed his feelings, there was no excuse you could give that would explain you going anywhere near his room, and you know Dolores would be able to tell it’s you if she heard anything. Your filthy dreams continuing their torture even though you couldn’t go see him.
You step around him, keeping your eye on him for just a moment longer before bounding after Antonio and his jaguar once more. You so wish you could have stayed by Bruno, your head pressed against his chest or licking/ kissing his face depending on the form you’re in at the time.
Your feet lose traction as you re-enter the courtyard, your massive form sliding straight into Camilo, Dolores and Mirabel, sending them to the ground in a fit of laughter. Isabela smirks as if she won some victory by not getting taken down by you, so your grin at her. With just your front teeth, you grab the front of her dress and pull her down to face plant into your fur, her giggles joining the others in a chorus of joy.
“Tio Bruno, were you looking for me?” Mirabel calls out when she catches her breath, and you glance to where she’s looking.
“I uh ye-no actually I was uh hoping to talk to [Y/N]… but she seems, preoccupied” he replies, gesturing to you panting away. You shift back, a massive smile on your face as you pull yourself to your feet.
“No, that’s okay I can talk.” You tell him. “I’ll be right back.” You smile at your friends as you follow Bruno back into the hallway. “What’s up?” you ask him, knowing he’s not gonna say anything pertaining your hidden affair.
“I uh wanted to ask a favour, o-of you. I was uh talking to mi mama and hermanas about if I am going to use my gift for the village again and at first, I was like ‘no that’s not the best idea’ but then I had an idea. What if I had an assistant of sorts, someone who could charge since I’d feel bad and deter people from reacting poorly, if they don’t like their visions. And I posed that you could do that, to them, and they thought it was a good idea but of course I have to ask you…” he rambles.
“You want a guard dog?” you raise an eyebrow and smirk at him.
“I uh ye- no… sorry… I didn’t… mean…” he stutters, his eyes wide, worried he’d offended you.
“it’s fine… somehow that sounds better than herding animals.” You shrug, leaning back to look though the doorway to check Dolores who’s pretending she’s not listening. You wonder if this is his solution to not being able to see each other, it has to be, he hates using his gift. You’d get to spend all day, every day within the confines of his room, acting as an assistant and guard dog for the public but getting heaps of private time together that won’t be heard by Dolores. But what can you say that isn’t fuck yes, I want to spend every day by your side! “I don’t know though. I’m getting paid…”
“I can pay you! Half if I get any…” he rubs his arm, shrugging.
“I’ll umm have to consult Isa and Dol.” You smile at him, nodding, a silent gesture to let him know you’ll handle it, and you get his idea. He breathes a sigh of relief and smiles brightly, his hand flexing as if he wants to touch you but knowing he can’t. “I’ll get back to you.”
“What did tio Bruno want?” Camilo asks curiously when you re-join the group, glancing in the direction his uncle left.
“He was offering me a job.” You shrug.
“a job? What kind of job would he have to offer?” his brows furrow in confusion, glancing back to where his uncle left.
You shrug at him; he doesn’t need to know. Isabela looks at you confused as well so you smile at her.
“I’ll explain to you in a bit.” You tell her, glancing at Dolores knowing she heard it all.
You’re so glad he came up with an idea so you can see him, you were at a loss and fucking horny. You can definitely come up with some rewards for him.
“So… Tio Bruno wants you to be a guard dog?” Isabela asks as she sits beside you on the flower covered floor of her room, handing you and Dolores a glass of red wine each.
“Not a very fancy way of putting it but yeah…” you explain, shrugging as you take a sip.
“I think you should say yes.” Dolores encourages. “It means you can spend way more time here, and we can spend more time together.”
“Yes, but I’d be spending most of the time in your tio’s room.” you tell them, trying to gauge their feelings about you spending all your time in Bruno’s room.
“That is true…” she squeaks “well as long as you’re comfortable with it… he is planning to pay you… if anyone actually decides to get his visions…”
“That is the question.” Isabela pipes up. “His visions don’t exactly have the best reputation…”
“I think it’ll be fine” you smile. “I’m gonna accept, I kinda like the idea of playing around in the sand waiting for people who might not even show up.” You joke. “And! I won’t have to run after livestock, sounds like a recipe for a lavish lifestyle.” You grin at your friends.
You hope they aren’t suspicious. You’re gonna tell them eventually, but right now it’s just you and him. You need to know if this will work first.
Bruno’s POV
It’s perfect. He’ll get to spend his days by her side. He just has to do the occasional vision, if that. Might be that no one will even show up, they all think he’s the cause of their problems after all. His hermanas agreed that it would be a good idea, to his surprise. He’s pretty sure it’s because of his history with the town, everyone hates him so maybe he’d be better off with a guard.
He understands why she was checking with his nieces, her friends; she couldn’t just say yes of course I’ll spend every day by your side without at least pretending to hesitate and need council on it. He wishes she could just say yes, wishes he didn’t have to hide his affection for her, but he knows that it’s not that easy. He’s sure she would if she could.
He smiles as he sweeps away the sand from around his bed, thinking of finally having her back in his arms, trying not to focus on the dirty things she says. It’s been hard not reaching out for her. He didn’t realise how hard it would be if everyone got their powers back.
He was surprised when he returned to his room for the first time in years. There’s still sand everywhere and stairs for miles but instead of the stone hand pointing up, it’s two hands cupped together, hovering just above the ground with a whirling storm of sand underneath. When he stepped on it cautiously, it took him up to his vision cave in no time, the cyclone of sand making it soar to the top. He’s not sure if it’s meant just for him or anyone else as well but he’s beyond grateful for the change, he was tired of those stairs.
The other change was in his bedroom itself. The bed is nearly three times the size he remembers it as and around the room are objects that make him think of [Y/N]. a massive plush dinosaur toy being one of them. He wonders if it was his mind or the magic itself that made these adjustments to accommodate her, probably both. But the thought of her having space in his room, to feel comfortable and at home makes him so fucking happy.
“You missed a spot.” He jumps, throwing his broom into the ceiling, and spinning to see [Y/N] leaning on the doorframe, grains of sand pouring from her fist onto the floor. “sorry” she huffs, trying to hide her amusement at the thrown object and his startled face as she dusts off her hands. “Came to tell you that I have told them I am accepting. Loved the mode of transport up here by the way. I definitely remember hating those stairs.”
“Uh heh yeah, it’s definitely better.” He smiles, picking up the broom and hanging it up on the wall by the door. “how’d they uh feel, about you working up here with me?” he asks rubbing his arm, to ease his anxiety. He hopes everything is fine, he doesn’t want to cause conflict.
“They said as long as I’m comfortable with it, they’re fine.” She says, draping her arms over his shoulders, making his heart race. She’s so beautiful, and warm. He’s not sure he can ever resist her “I don’t think they suspect anything.” She smirks before kissing him hungrily.
He missed her so much over the past week, almost to the point where he wished the magic hadn’t come back so he could be with her without his niece hearing and telling everyone. So she could do the things she does in private and never stop.
“I should go…” she tells him when she pulls away, her voice as disappointed as he feels at her words. “Doll is expecting me to walk out that door soon.” She sighs.
“I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow then?”
“So bright and early that you might not even be awake yet.” She grins, bumping her nose into his and kissing him again.
He watches her go with a smile on his face, so happy that he took the initiative in telling her that she’s safe and will have a place in his heart for the rest of his life. He never wants her to feel like she needs to hide what she truly is. He loves her.
That is why his room changed, so she could know she’d be safe, no matter what.
[Y/N]’s POV
The noise of the markets echoes in your ears as you run your errands, collecting some snacks for the day and the orders your mother had made for cloth and thread for her business.
As you walk between the stalls and businesses, you’ve been telling them about Bruno restarting his visions. Though you have a strong feeling that not many plan on going to him, going by their reactions to the news. More time for just you and him. You figured it would be better if at least a few people know so that no one think there’s an ulterior motive to you spending all your time with him.
“Mama, you were right, your order was in.” you call out as you enter her dress shop. “You want them in the usual spot?”
“Si amore. Are you heading up to casa Madrigal?”
“Si mama.” You reply, placing the rolls of cloth down and place the threads on the counter.
“You be careful ok amore? he’s bad luck.” She tells you as she peeks her head out from the back room, sticking pins into her apron.
“He’s not bad luck, mama.” You tell her, rolling your eyes as you kiss her cheek. “We both know that just because he sees the future doesn’t mean he causes it.”
“I know… I just don’t want his bad name to give you one… you’re already at risk…” she sighs, squishing your cheeks to kiss your nose. You know she just wants you to be safe, but she can’t do it forever and you know what you want.
“Si mama. I’ll see you tonight.” You wave as you leave her shop.
“Is it true that you’re gonna be working for Bruno Madrigal?” a caffeinated boy shouts as he leaps out in front of you on the main street. “isn’t he bad luck?!”
“Si, I will be helping him and no he’s not bad luck. People just like to blame him for bad visions coming true.” You tell him, stepping around him to make your way to casita as he seems to vibrate on the spot.
“aren’t you scared?” he gasps.
“Why would I be scared? I’m able to shapeshift into a massive wolf, I think I’ll be fine.” You smile. You want to tell him that everyone who’s said that Bruno is the cause, are fucking idiots but that would be inappropriate. “I’m in a hurry, enjoy your coffee.” You tell him, patting his head and walking away as he stares at you in awe.
“I am totally gonna play in the sand” you tell Bruno with a grin, the moment the door to his room is shut, the falling sand the only thing between you and the rest of his room. “When we’re not doing other things that is.” You wink, making his face turn red. “I have a feeling that it’s gonna be pretty quiet in here too, we might have to make some noise.”
“I heh aren’t you worried we’ll get caught?” he asks as you walk together to the platform.
“Oh well maybe this is a bad idea… perhaps I should go then.” You tease, taking his offered hand so he can help you onto the cupped hands that will take you to the top. You grab the sides of his ruana and kiss him, smiling into his mouth.
“don’t you dare” he smiles back, holding you close with his hands on your hips. “so, there’s a lounge by the vision cave for you, it’s pretty big, I think it’s so you can be comfortable in either form.” He starts explaining as you reach the top and step off the stone hands.
“Really?” you ask, shocked as you spot the large green upholstered furniture by the stone door. “I didn’t notice that yesterday.” You smile, leaping onto it and snuggling into the plush surface. “Was this you or the magic?”
“Both… I-I think…” he stutters, sitting down as close as he can to you.
“You know I think I’m really gonna like it up here.” You smirk, tipping his chin up with a curved finger, your face mere inches from his. “And not just cause of the comfy couch. Now, are you gonna be good for me?”
A/N: hope you all enjoyed :) bit of a shorter chapter this week. Like and reblog to share the love!!!
two more lonely people tags:
@pink-hufflepuff @kyriekurokami @goblinenby @fraujar @ducks118 @lemonbaby @sylum @life-hater39 @abelbai000 @sarashitposts @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings @elysiadjarin @multifandombtch @insanitybyanothername @inthewindsomehow @gloryekaterina @anactualvelociraptor @originalsoulcollector @hlxoos @tangerine-kitten @psychomanias @nectamburne @mary-wolf @wo1fwitch @jesuisravenclaw @shaddow-darkcloud @ryou-cosmos @puck-the-puppy @totofranken @butchcupid @mintymonicalei @azeret-mirror @a-gay-cryptid @cl0vr @tigreost @kenzi-woycehoski @acdassenza @coffee-cupps @krazyk99 @small-town-wayward-daughter @unstableyetloveable @nikt-wazny-y @animeluver23
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isamiral-soulwolf · 3 years
Maybe, a werewolf IsaMira prompt for:
“Don’t worry, I’m staying right here”
“Hold still. This might sting a little”
Hello there! Apologies for the delay, I hope you enjoy!
In Mirabel’s defense, most of her plans seemed like good ideas at the time. When she imagined them in her head they were utterly flawless, playing out to perfection with no issues or interruptions, and in the end everyone got what they wanted and everyone was happy. Inevitably because of how she imagined them in her head, Mirabel often went through with her plans.
This plan had been no different from any of the others in that regard; Mirabel could even say that at the time she’d come up with it, she’d been reasonably certain of its success. It had been simple: Camilo had come to her asking for some help on entertaining children in the square, and Mirabel knew how much the children loved both his wolf form and a good show. Getting to play out a game of wolf versus wolf hunter had seemed like an easy win when she’d thought of it, a way to make the children laugh while also getting to wrestle with her cousin the way they both loved.
It had even been working like a charm, up until the moment Camilo knocked Mirabel off balance during a ‘fight’ just so and as she hit the ground, she felt something crack. She’d tried to hide it–she didn’t want to ruin the moment with a cry or a wince, she was having fun and the children were enjoying the show–but even without her giving it away Camilo must have heard it too, because he immediately froze over her with stricken eyes, his ears flicking back before he shifted into his human form and moved away from her.
“And as you can see,” he said with a grand spread of his hands, “the wolf has defeated the wolf hunter, and the pack is safe!”
This declaration was met with a thrilled cheer from the children. Mirabel gingerly got to her feet as her cousin finished spinning his story for them, pressing a hand tentatively to her side to try and feel the damage. This time she couldn’t suppress the shudder that ran through her body, or the hiss that escaped her as she felt a throb of pain in response, and with a grimace she settled herself on the fountain as gently as possible.
Camilo jogged over the moment all of the children had been happily returned to their parents, stopping just short of her and fidgeting with his hands like he didn’t know what to do with them. “What happened?”
“I cracked or broke a rib, I think.” Mirabel breathed in, felt her side burn with it. “Maybe a few ribs, I don’t know.”
Camilo’s face crumbled. “I’m sorry, I didn’t–”
“Camilo! It’s fine, it was an accident.” When he reached out to gently touch her side, feeling for the injury himself, Mirabel let him; she didn’t comment as she felt him breathe in her scent, trying to reassure himself. “I just need some food and I’ll be good as new.”
Julieta’s stall wasn’t far, but if Mirabel wasn’t inclined to wait in the line or earn a lecture from Alma for jumping said line the moment her mother realized her youngest daughter was injured. No, the best solution was to make her way back to Casita where Julieta kept reserves. It was a longer walk, but Mirabel knew she could make it–she just had to be careful and go slowly.
Her thought process must have shown on her face, because Camilo immediately frowned. “Absolutely not.”
“I didn’t say anything!” “You were thinking of going back to Casita yourself.”
Mirabel opened her mouth to protest, grimaced at being caught, and closed it. Camilo gave her injured side a gentle pat, then pulled away with renewed purpose in his eyes. “I’ll go get Tia Julieta’s food from Casita,” he said. “If I meet you on the way back…”
Mirabel rolled her eyes, giving him a light shove. “Don’t worry, I’m staying right here.”
Camilo didn’t look like he believed her, but given the choice of either staying with her to make sure she stayed in one place or making his way to Casita to try and fix this, the choice was clear; he gave her a glare that Mirabel guessed was supposed to be intimidating like Alma before he jogged off. She did briefly entertain the thought of trying to make it to Casita on her own, but Camilo was right; chances were she would run into him on the way, and the last thing she wanted was a lecture.
Stay still and wait it was, then. At least the day was warm.
Mirabel closed her eyes, keeping still for her ribs, and for a few moments she actually drifted off so much that she was pretty sure she fell asleep sitting there; it was warm and she was tired, she was allowed! After another moment it occurred to her that maybe shifting to settle down on her uninjured side or even her back would be more comfortable if she was really starting to fall asleep, but by the same token the thought of moving hurt.
She was just about to risk it regardless–it would only be a brief pain, right?--when she felt a warm hand run along the back of her neck, before settling on her shoulder with a gentle squeeze. Mirabel grimaced, blinking the sleep from her eyes. “Who…?”
“Easy, easy,” Isabela’s voice was soft as her hand moved to her cheek, now, warm and soft; Mirabel sighed and closed her eyes, leaning into her touch and relaxing. “Mirabel, love, you shouldn’t fall asleep here.”
“‘M just waiting for Camilo to come back.” Words were hard when Isabela was so close and so warm, her flowery scent soothing every ache Mirabel thought she’d ever felt in her body.
“I know, I heard.” Isabela’s voice was soft. “You’re really just going to stay here until he gets back?” “Mm. I told him I would.”
“I’m more impressed that you actually meant it.” It was amused and Mirabel huffed, opening her eyes now to give her sister a half hearted glare; there was no real heat behind it, and all it did was make Isabela smile as she leaned in to kiss her hair.
“I listen sometimes,” Mirabel mumbled, closing her eyes again. “It hurts a little to move, anyway.”
Isabela pulled away from her now and Mirabel couldn’t help the whine that escaped her throat at the loss of contact, a sound that was oddly canine despite the fact that she was the most human of all her family members. “Isa,” she said, and she was so tired that she couldn’t even be ashamed of the plea in her tone.
Isabela chuckled, something low and rumbling, before she pressed another kiss to Mirabel’s hair again. “Hold still,” she murmured. “This might sting a little.”
Mirabel was about to ask what she meant, even going so far as opening her eyes again, when she felt it; Isabela shifted her gently, carefully lifting her up into her arms and holding her steady as the taller girl got comfortable on the fountain and settled her younger sister against her, keeping her hold loose and easy. It did hurt a little–Mirabel felt the sting of it along her side, just as Isabela had warned–but it was easy to ignore, surrounded by warmth and flowers as she was. She sighed, leaning back into her sister and closing her eyes again. “Thanks.”
“Of course. Just relax, yeah? Camilo will be back soon.”
Mirabel hummed to let Isabela know she’d heard her, but she wasn’t concerned; Isabela was here, and as long as she was with her she knew everything would be alright. She drifted off to sleep in her sister’s arms, content in that knowledge and the fact that her ribs no longer hurt.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Au tings...
Hdjksjxisj what if i deleted my tumblr account. Like I’m not gonna, but you guys can’t lie, the thought has crossed your mind at one point 🐓
Alma worrying about Mirabel and not telling the family squat (They will remember that.)
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You guys know those shows where only half the adult it shown. Yeah I did that here cause I though it was funny 😭 idk why the quality’s so trash compared to the others
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Mirabel is genuinely surprised the family missed her, she thought they forgot about her cause she never got to sent another letter
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Notice how their clothes are dirty but they themselves aren’t? yeahhh anyway the kids speaking a made up language, because Isabela, Dolores and Luisa aren’t gloss or Spanish teachers 💀 who they staring at 👁️👁️
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Mirabel just cruising downstairs and sitting down as if she wasn’t burned beyond recognition and was in a coma for like a week and a half
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She originally planned to just lay there, but desperate times call for desperate measures
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No effort was put into that last one, I was just listen to the song and spent like 10 minutes tops drawing this
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ghostbrother30 · 2 years
I just saw the snipet of Werewolf Alma & Mirabel you wrote for @gamerbearmira, and I just wanna say; WE SHARE BRAINCELLS!!!;
I thought about this yesterday because my brain keeps thinking about tragic scenarios;
(This is set somewhen between the moment Mirabel starts thinking her familly doesn't love her anymore & Antonio's birth)
Mirabel gets scared during an argument at the table when her tía shouts about how unfair it is that she, the useless one, is Alma's favourite.
She accidentally turns and flees to the forest. A jaguar finds her before Alma can do so 😐🤷🏻‍♂️.
She arrives at Casita, puts the agonizing pup onto the table, turns back ingnoring the consecuences this will have on her injuries (se didn't come unscratched from her fight with the jaguar), grabs an arepa...and sees Mirabel's unmoving body & her life devoided eyes.
The familly is shocked. Alma explains everything to them, and when she learns the reason of their treatment towards Mirabel, leaves with no intention of coming back.
And the candle punishes the Madrigals by turning their gifts into something less friendly;
Dolores is now on a constan sensory overload, nothing can help her, and she hears pain related screams louder than any other thing.
Camilo stops being clay. Now, if he wants to turno into someone, he'll feel the pain of his bones and muscles changing, being something like a growth spurt on steroids. (Or if he is like in your snipet, he'll stay the same/loose his gift (because eventhough he wasn't mean to Mira, he didn't try to show her any love either)
Antonio wanst even forming, and he probably won't 😐🤷🏻‍♂️
Pepa can no longuer control climate. Instead, she has a really dark cloud that can scalate into a supercell that bombards her with bad weather and strikes her with lightning from time to time (*maniacal laughter*)
Luisa and Bruno will be spared. You can decide if they keep their gifts or not 😑🤷🏻‍♂️
Julietas food can no longuer heal out of nowhere. Now, she either takes the injury herself, or some of her vital force is leeched in order to heal whoever eats it (The bigger the injury, the more she'd loose)
Isabela would probably start turning into a tree when she uses her gift, and it cannot be reversed (probably. This is the hardest one to turn into a curse for me)
Ooh some of these are on point with what I was thinking. Also hehe, I'm the Anon that made Mira go out to get Isa a gift and fall in a hole
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
You said you still need to pick out who is what Monster for the Monster!AU, who do you have already picked out?
Okay so
Alma = Witch
Julieta = Witch, cause witch hat = 🥺
Pepa = Werewolf (Cause in my HC Pepa is a ball of energy, much like a dog. Also whenever she gets too aggressive with someone, I love the idea that Félix is there with a spray bottle filled with water to make her stop.)
Bruno = ? I was thinkin vampire cause you know, bags under the eyes and very skinny etc. And maybe that's why he doesn't like who he is and wants to be 'normal'. Also, an interesting point is that being a Vampire, he cannot enter a church and that might cause him a lot of distress and maybe that is why he never really left the house and felt alone or cursed. Religious Guilt people!
Agustín = Frankenstein's monster-ish, mainly cause I want him to fall apart every 2 seconds.
Mirabel = I was going to make her "normal" and not like the rest of her family and have that be the driving force behind the whole plot, but I like the idea that she is a witch just like her mama and the only difference is that she is fascinated with the humans. Just like Mavis from Hotel Transylvania.
Dolores - The Invisible Woman. This is just a cruel joke I came up with. Dolores hears everything cause she is always THERE and people cannot see her lol. Just a floating bow and a dress lol
As for the rest, I haven't thought of them yet. Maybe yall could help? I'm open to ideas! This is a monster mash up au, nothing has to make sense. If Pedro and Alma had triplets and one is a vampire, the other a werewolf, and the third is a witch, that is just how it works. Randomness!
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althememelord · 2 years
*breathe in breathe out* OK LET'S DO THIS !!
Part 4 of the Infinity AU
A dark swirling vortex lazily spun counter clockwise in town. It had been three days since it appeared and Mirabel had camped in front of it for just as long. Her family had urged the young teen to at least rest back at Casita but Mirabel refused. There was just........something odd about this particular entrance to another world. It was dark where the others were white and it swirled in the opposite direction to the ones that she had seen previously.
It was about noon, her cousin Antonio had come over to where she was sat to bring her lunch, riding atop his jaguar as usual when it began blinking brightly, an indicator that another version of her was coming through.
Mirabel ushered Antonio away as her an Parce, the jaguar, stood to watch the vortex as it flowed brighter. Parce growled loudly, it's fur standing on end the same way Mirabels hair was as a creeping feeling of dread made itself known up the spine of her back.
Soon a Mirabel, wearing nothing but a black shirt, brown jacket and jeans burst through, a furry arm holding her in the air by the neck as she struggled to turn.
The sound of a gun echoed through the marketplace. Dolores being a little too late in covering her ears was huddled on the ground, Felix doing his best to comfort his daughter as the townsfolk looked on in fear as the other Mirabel fell to the ground having killed whatever it was holding her up.
The other Mirabel looked around the marketplace, face stern as plucked a green eerie looking bottled liquid from her jacket and proceeded to drown her left hand in it. Mirabel wanted to vomit when she saw her other self's hand looking like it had been impaled by a large nail that had been driven right in the middle of the others palm.
"What is this !! What mind games is she playing with me again!!" the other Mirabel demanded angrily having stood up from where she fell, clearly being more than few years older than Mirabel herself.
"I'm sorry who? No one is playing any games, this is another universe, you're here because of my gift" Mirabel answered her other self.
Having heard the commotion, the rest of the Madrigals had quickly rushed to the town's market area and were shocked to find a stern and bloody Mirabel in their midst holding what could only be a gun in her hand.
"I don't know what dumb piece of shit you think I am but I don't have times for your lies" the other Mirabel (Mira) exclaimed.
"It's the truth!!! I can prove it !!" Mirabel retorted opening up another portal where Mira could see a different version of herself laughing and dancing.
"Well I guess even pigs can fly sometimes" Mira muttered, relaxing slightly.
"What happened to you ?" Mirabel asked now being surrounded by Luisa and Isabela whi stared warily at Mira.
Mira looked around slowly, scanning her surrounding before her eyes landed on Alma. Pointing at her, Mirabel answered "she. She's what happened."
"W-what do you mean" Abuela replied, her hand placed over her heart in shock as Pepa thundered silently.
"I'm not sure how things are here but it ain't a honky tonk parade where I'm from and let's just say my Abuela wasn't too happy to let our Abuelo stay dead."
Bruno who was the last to arrive at the marketplace gasped in shock, "you don't mean -"
"That my Abuela tried to use the candle and it's magic to resurrect Abuelo. Yes that's exactly what I'm saying."
The Madrigals gasped in unison all of their eyes falling onto Alma, unsure as to how to respond.
"B-but what about the rest of your family !?" Mirabel asked.
"What do you think those monsters were ?" Mira replied, one eyebrow cocked upward as she glanced back at the dead arm.
"That werewolf is one of Antonio's creations. In using the magic to try to resurrect the dead, she corrupted the family members who had the so called gifts. Now I'm trying to get my family back even if I have to kill that bitch."
For my other stories click here or just type in infinity au
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
an idea for the werewolf alma and mira au:
what if mira's wolf recognizes tonito as her puppy and wants to be close to him every full moon? imagine mira painfully avoiding him most days bc of pepa but when her change happens there's always this relief to actually touch her pup and mark him with her smell to make sure everyone knows he's hers. and alma is just so confused the first time it happens bc while she has felt the same around the triplets (they were her kids, she'd given birth to them so it was expected) antonio was mirabel's cousin who she never seemed to want to be alone with
Poor Mirabel, she feels so bad for being around Antonio <333 not surprised she attached herself, I mean Pepa won’t reallt let her see him in the day now will she 😭😭
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