#wesper x reader
If your requests are still open could you do Poly!Wesper x Male!reader? I don’t have any specific ideas except for maybe angst ending in fluff?
Couple Nap- Poly! Wesper x male! reader
Okay, hi! I'm so sorry that this coming out late--demotivation is kicking my ass like no other and writing has been pretty hard lately, hence the fact that it's coming out so late, but I hope you like this anyway!
Fic type- this is angst with a fluffy ending
Warnings- mentions of demotivation and sleeping to cope with it, mentions of a serious wound that needed to be stitched up with a needle and thread by the reader himself, mentions of sleeping to cope with the pain
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Jesper Fahey and Wylan Van Eck could've ripped your heart out and it would not have mattered. You would've loved them still, and in turn, you knew the reverse to be true. You could've ripped their hearts from their chests and they would've loved you just as much.
You couldn't quite explain why, but you'd been having a tough few weeks. First it was just demotivation, the inability to do much more then sleep and eat and thank Wylan and Jesper endlessly for their understanding as they kissed your forehead and promised you that things would get easier.
Then, when you agreed to go on your first job with Kaz since the demotivation had picked up, you ended up with a serious wound to your leg. It was one that you ended up stitching up yourself with only a spool of thread that Wylan had found at the bottom of his bag and a piece of Grisha steel that Jesper had managed to fabrikate into a needle.
It just felt like things were going to shit constantly. Four weeks of unavoidable issues, a week of pain that had resulted from needing to stitch up a wound that went from the beginning of your ankle to halfway up the side of your thigh. Nothing felt right, and everything felt just a little off kilter.
It was frustrating, and it was the precise reason you found yourself trying not to cry as you watched the sunset from Wylans garden in the Van Eck mansion, blanket draped over your shoulders to help combat the icy breezes of Ketterdams mid-spring weather.
It was where Wylan and Jesper found you, said nothing as Wylan merely pulled you into a hug, Jesper hugging you from behind in the seconds thereafter. They'd watched you go through the shit you had been going through in those past five weeks. They'd done their best to comfort you throughout the ordeals but they could tell that the hug was what mattered the most in that moment.
"You all right?" Wylan asked as you pulled away, leaning into Jespers arms as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head. Wylan took your hands into his, seeing the tears that'd skated down your cheeks in the last of the light of the rare Ketterdam sun.
When you shook your head, Wylan leaned up and pressed a kiss to your forehead, hands going to your cheeks and idly rubbing the tears away with the pads of his thumbs.
Jesper pressed a kiss to the side of your head again, arms tightening around your waist as he moved, pressed a kiss to the back of your head and idly began tracing shapes against the skin of your stomach, that of which was covered by one of his shirts.
"Been dealing with a lot," you hummed, one arm going up and back in search of Jespers head while the other wrapped around Wylans waist. "Had a tough couple of weeks. I'm tired, but I feel stupid for feeling tired because I slept on and off for four weeks before the heist, anyway, and I've been sleeping because it helps me deal with the pain while the stitches heal. I'm tired--I'm so tired, but it feels like all I've done is sleep lately."
Jesper kissed the palm of your hand. "You've every right to be tired," he hummed. "You've been through tiring things lately."
"Demotivation tires the mind," Wylan said. "Healing from a deep wound on your leg has made you tired physically, and that's fine."
"I feel useless," you said. "Aside from the heist, it feels like I've not done anything in ages."
"You're allowed to feel useless," Wylan amended.
"But in turn, Wylan and I are allowed to remind you that you are not useless," Jesper said. "Because you aren't. You're going through a rough patch, as people do."
You couldn't think of a response. The tears welled up in your eyes again and Wylan pressed a kiss to your forehead once more, wiping them away with the pads of his thumbs as Jesper hugged you just a bit tighter.
"I love you," you said, not specifying who you were saying it to because you were saying it to both of them.
"We love you too," Jesper hummed. "C'mon. I think we're due in for a couple nap."
"A couple nap?" Wylan asked. "What in the bloody hell is that?"
"We could do in for a night of rest," Jesper said. "I was trying to be cute--napping as a couple, couple nap. It's how Nina and Inej reference it when we'll all fall asleep cuddled up together on the way back from heists out of the country. According to Nina we took plenty on the way back from the Ice Court, as well as the jewelry heist they got us in on the winter after."
You snorted. "We're not calling it that," you said. "A nap as a couple suffices just as well, even if Nina and Inej think otherwise."
You turned a bit and gave Jesper a quick peck on the lips, the hand that was on his face moving to one of the hands that was resting against your stomach. In the samw time, the hand of yours that was on Wylans hip moved off of it, finding Wylans hand and entwining your fingers.
The three of you proceeded into the Van Eck mansion. You knew that the next while was probably not going to be the easiest while, but you knew it would be manageable if you had your boyfriends at your side.
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kpopandbookschild · 3 months
Fanfic idea #9
spoiler alert: one slight spoiler for crooked kingdom. read if you want.
ok so this time, straying off of the kpop, we go six of crows.
my most recent book crush has been ehem... jesper. and wylan.
now, i tend to only read/write fem reader or gn reader, because i'm a girl.
jesper is bi, ik that. wylan is... is wylan gay? or bi? are we ever told? if someone knows for sure let me know.
anyways, either a jesper x reader/oc, wylan x reader/oc, or the two of them together (wesper) x reader/oc.
i hate breaking up canon couples, so that was the fix.
this would probably take place after ck, but with Mattias still with us. mostly because i want nina.
anyways, the reader/oc is a street/ring fighter. like, this is the barrel, ok. there has to be this kind of stuff.
anyways, kaz needs her for smthn, a mission or whatever. and jesper dont like her for some reason (enemies to loverssss or friendsss if wylan is the only love interest, but i feel this is more jesper or wesper coded than wylan) anyways, she meets the team, stuff happens, they go see her fights, yada yada, she scary.
then like, something happens. maybe her employer (though it would probably be more like inej's situation with an indenture or smthn but fight-y, but idk what that's called) doesn't like whenthey forfeight a match or whatever and is all "fight to the death or win" kinda guy. she forfeights, all beat up whatever, then more beat up by boss guy. or she protects a younger fighter. or a healer. or something.
anyways, something happens, then kaz needs her to come talk to him about the mission or something and sends love interest(s) (jesper, wylan, or wesper) so get her. then we have a soft/angst "let me help you" and "who did this to you."
yeah. that's when jesper and her start to get along and then BOOM story goes on but i have no more ideas.
also, being pinned to a wall. like, enemies to lovers, hello. specifically with a gun to her head or a knife to her neck. like, why is that so hot? but you can't have enemies to lovers without it, i stand by that.
there you go!
i want this!
if anyone writes this tag me plsssss!
if you know of a fic like this sendddd me itttttt even if its only remotely similar, i need this.
Edit: Wylan is gay, confirmed. so therefore, if wylan is a love interest, male reader, or ig gn reader too...? maybe? idk. anyways, there you have it
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amsgrey · 1 year
he just sounds like that
Kaz Brekker x Fem!reader (established relationship)
synopsis: Arrogance has no place on a job, but you let it lower your guard. You pay the price, but Kaz helps bring you back.
I kind of like merging Book/Show Kaz and trying to keep accurate to his mannerisms and humour etc so hopefully this is good. I came about this idea after thinking about this scene from TLOU and how Kaz most definitely had an asshole voice. Also, I will probably make a few parts/drabbles about Kaz x Inferni Reader, because I love Kaz no apologies.
Warnings: Mentions of Slavery, reader reliving her time as a slave (briefly), Mentions of scars of wrists from slavery chains etc, A fumbley understanding of the technology of the time and inferni powers (it's been so long since I read the books)
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Getting split from the other crows was distressing, but there was nothing you could do about that now. You and Kaz just had to keep going, trying to work your way back to the rendezvous point.
"Tell me again why you thought this would work," You hissed to Kaz, who had been leading you in a circle for what felt like forever.
Kaz gave you an irritated glare, "It did work."
You scoffed, "Yeah, that's why we're lost in this saints forsaken mansion."
Kaz let out an exasperated sigh, "Are you done?"
You and Kaz had known each other for years, the entire time you'd known each other you bantered like this. Kaz would act all irritated and stern, but you knew he silently liked the way you could relieve tension and make even him crack a smile. As the only two Crows born and raised in the farmlands of Kerch, you shared a different connection. You had found each other before The Barrel knew Kaz as the force he was now. Kaz had saved you from Slavers and convinced you to join the Dregs, helping you find a life without fear.
Since then, you followed him through everything, which at this current moment, meant even through the merchant's maze of a mansion. Nina, Matthias and Wylan were somewhere outside, waiting for you, Kaz, Inej and Jesper to get what you were after and meet them. You wondered if they would be growing impatient yet, you were late, which almost never happened on a job with Kaz.
The job had started off as most others, breaking in was always the easy part. You had been privy to Kaz's plans, watching him study a map of the mansion for weeks before he committed to the job. He knew the place like the back of his hand, but he didn't know the extent of the new security measures the merch had introduced.
You and Jesper dawdled behind Inej and Kaz as they led the group through the halls. Occasionally Jesper would pause at a painting or display piece and make comments about its ugliness or stupidity.
The last painting he'd criticized was of an older man, dressed in a bright blue kefta with red embroidery. Jesper had caught your sleeve and pointed it out to you, "Looks like the merch has inferni ancestor."
You had screwed your nose up at the portrait, "I thought he was Kaelish?"
"He is," Kaz said, already at the end of the hall with Inej. He was waiting for the two of you to catch up, like a boy calling his dogs home.
Walking through the mansion felt surreal, mostly because you hadn't been to many places with such decadent displays of wealth. The four of you could move through the hallways unnoticed because the Merch and his family were out at the theatre - or whatever it was rich people did in Ketterdam on Sunday Nights. He had brought most of his guards and men with him, leaving the halls silent and unpatrolled. Kaz had called him an arrogant fool, to declare his mansion impenetrable and then take all his men out to prove it. There was no place able to keep out Dirtyhands, especially not when he had his crows by his side.
Thinking back on it you realized how you all had been too arrogant, thinking this job was in and out, easy. You'd let your guard down - something Kaz warned you to never do in this city - and now you were paying the price.
Everything went wrong when you and Kaz finally found what you were looking for - the merch's family jewel, a sapphire embedded in rich Kealish gold. You had easily broken through the fabrikator-made lock, it might have been made by a Grisha but it couldn't hold up against a Grisha. Especially not one who could melt metal with the same ease as cutting pastry. Kaz had reached for the jewels, as soon as he lifted it off the display the room filled with an ominous hum. Like the sound of a machine slowly whirring to life.
Kaz had pocketed the jewels, grabbing your forearm and tugging you along behind him as he went for the door Jesper and Inej were guarding. Before you could make it metal bars slid down over the doorway. You had tried to use your small science to melt the metal, even Jesper tried to budge it, but nothing worked. Kaz ordered Inej and Jesper to find their own way out as alarms chimed, directing you back through the room to another exit.
You had followed behind him willingly, knowing he knew the way around the mansion. You'd been irritated to learn how wrong you were, Kaz knew the layout of the mansion but the Merch had updated the floorplan. Clearly, another Fabrikator addition to hinder thieves.
"Wait," Kaz held up his hand and you barrelled straight into his back at the sudden halt, "Do you hear that?"
"Back," Kaz whispered, ushering you back the way you had come.
You got to the end of the hall before you heard more bodies approaching, you were surrounded. Immediately you went to the window, trying to pull at the latch and open it. It didn't work, but you could see light dancing on the tree line.
"Kaz," You called, "Look."
You both squinted into the dark, trying to distinguish who it was in the woods. You saw the glint of steel, like someone was spinning a revolver.
"It's Jesper."
The footsteps were getting louder, there was no way you and Kaz could get out of this on your own.
"Step back," You struck your flint, the sparks allowing you to create a ball of flame. You concentrated it as small as it would allow, pressing your palms against the window until cracks started forming. After a few more seconds the pane shattered, sending the shards falling to the ground below. You were on the second floor, even if you wanted to jump there was no way you and Kaz would be able to land safely. You settled for sending up a burst of flames, Jesper and the others would be on the lookout for it, your SOS symbol.
"Stop!" Someone shouted and all hell broke loose.
You and Kaz fought well side by side, you both knew each other's moves, working in tandem to take down opponents. It looked like you might win for a little while, then a woman rounded the corner with her hands pressed together. Heartrender, you realized it too late.
You were woken suddenly, like your heart was all of a sudden coming back to life. You gasped and spluttered, lungs burning. Your hands were bound above your head, separated by a thick metal rod so that you couldn't summon. Already you could feel the ache in your shoulders, hanging from your arms was something you had been used to when you were a slave. Now, you had to fight back the panic that tried to grip your heart.
You struggled to find your footing for a moment, but eventually managed to stand up enough to take the strain off of your wrists.
Where was Kaz?
"Look, Brekker. Your girls fine."
You squinted to find where the voice was coming from, finding the source across the room. Kaz was standing opposite a burly man nearly a foot taller than him. Kaz's face was bloody and bruised, but he had murder in his eyes. You could see it, feel it, all the way across the room. You realized it wasn't just Kaz and the merchant; the other crows were there too. Inej held a blade against the heartrenders throat from earlier, who had both her hands held far apart to show her cooperation. Jesper was not too far away, his pistols in hand as he stared down a man who stood in between you and him.
What did I miss?
"No harm was done," The merchant continued, his voice thick with a Kaelish accent, "What do you say we part ways, unharmed."
Kaz's face didn't change, "Sure."
The Merchant frowned, a glimpse of fear breaking through his resolve, "I don't like your tone, boy."
"He always sounds like that," Jesper joked, glancing at you.
"He has an asshole voice," You agreed. Not two nights ago you and Jesper had been saying the same thing to Matthias at the Slat. You and Jesper enjoyed teasing the Fjerdan, especially regarding Kaz and his 'demjin' ways.
Kaz looked amused, he had the Merchant in the palm of his hand. "Go. Before I change my mind."
The Merchant almost tripped as he ran away, not even stopping for his Heartrender and right-hand man who followed behind him just as quick.
With the immediate threat gone, you felt your resolve begin to crumble. You had to get out of these chains. They would rub your wrists every time you moved, bringing you straight back to your past.
"Stop moving," An older woman had warned you, "It hurts less."
She was probably right, but you were too terrified to listen. Hours ago you were playing on your family's farm, but now you were chained to the roof in a dark, damp cellar. The chains were rusted and coarse, they rubbed the skin around your wrists raw, leaving cuts and grazes everywhere they pressed.
You were only eight, by far the youngest of all the slaves in the cellar. The chains they used to bind you didn't have cuffs, the slavers had just looped the links around your wrists and locked them tight. All you felt was the pain and the fear. All of this because you were Grisha? You only just learned of your power as an Inferni, how could you be worth anything?
The older woman tried to console you, doing her best to quell your tears and sobs, but even she knew the horrors that awaited you. The horrors you would spend years fighting to escape.
"Y/N," Kaz's voice was soft, he stood in front of you, supporting your weight as Jesper worked on freeing your hands from the chains. "Stay here."
You knew he was trying, you could see his own emotions clawing at him. It was one of the things that bound you and Kaz together, the demons of your past. You understood what it was like to fear touch and he understood what it was like to be betrayed. You helped each other, through the flashbacks and nightmares. You two didn't have anyone else, so you fought to have each other.
When Jesper finally broke through the chains, you lurched forward unexpectedly. Kaz held you tighter, trying to keep you upright even with his bad leg. You stood up, holding your hands out to balance yourself.
'I'm okay," You lied, trying to avoid Jesper and Inej's worried glances, "We should get out of here."
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Back at the Slat, you sat staring at your cup of cocoa. Nina had made it for you as her way of trying to help, she could hear that your heartbeat hadn't stopped racing since leaving the job.
Jesper and Wylan had offered you gentle conversation, but you couldn't hold it for long. You had claimed you were tired, bidding your friends goodnight and climbing the stairs to your room. You didn't stop at your floor. Your feet carried you further up the steep stairs, stopping when you reached the attic which Kaz had converted into his own room. You didn't have to knock, you just opened the door and announced yourself.
Behind closed doors, Kaz was less concerned about keeping up his Dirtyhands persona. He smiled ever so slightly as you sat on his bed. A few months ago you had forced him to rearrange his room so that you could see him working while you lounged on his bed. You often ended up like this, watching him work after long days and taking comfort in each other's presence.
This time, Kaz wasn't concerned with his papers, he just looked at you, waiting for you to talk. You had talked Kaz through his own episodes many times, you never pushed him or asked him to move quicker than he was ready. For the first time, Kaz wanted to offer you the same comfort, but he wasn't sure if he could.
You were rubbing your wrists, stuck in your own memories of your time chained.
Kaz slowly joined you, giving you time to pull away. You glanced over at him, watching him as he slowly removed his gloves.
Kaz shook his head to silence you, continuing what he was doing. He placed his gloves neatly on the bedside table, turning to you. He reached out slowly and you let him. He gently pried your fingers away from your wrist, taking your hands in his own. He turned your palms up, his fingers slowly ghosting over the scars on your skin.
Kaz could feel the warmth of your skin through his fingertips. It helped him fight off the flashbacks, the warmth reminding him you were safe, healthy, alive.
Kaz's fingers traced over a scar on your right thumb. You couldn't help the small sigh that escaped your lips.
Kaz's head snapped up to look at you, fear filling his eyes.
"I'm okay," You meant it this time. The flashbacks were gone, locked in the vault in the back of your mind.
Kaz could tell that you meant it, see the anxiety leave your face. He drew his hands back, reaching for his gloves again. You smiled at him as he slipped his hands back into them, the leather bringing him the comfort he needed.
Kaz offered you a quiet apology.
"Kaz," You couldn't help the adoring smile on your face, "It's okay."
You knew Kaz could handle contact more when his gloves were on, so you gently took his hand. Kaz watched as you copied his movements from earlier, gently opening up his fingers. You slowly raised his hand, pressing a gentle kiss to his palm.
"I love you," You said, "Gloves and all."
Kaz smiled, a genuine smile that you only saw in the safety of these four walls.
He let out a quiet reply, "I love you too."
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ladymarvel27 · 1 year
Tolya: *sees Wylan and Jesper together* Tolya: They're cute. I would put them on a boat. Tamar: You mean... you ship them?
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catapparently · 2 months
Five Times Kaz Brekker Denied His Feelings and One Time He Didn't
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Request by anon!
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x female!Reader
Kaz Brekker wasn’t known for being particularly emotional. If you asked anyone in the Barrel to describe his emotions, you’d be given the lack thereof as an answer. Though if someone’s ever seen the way the Bastard of the Barrel goes downright ballistic when his second-in-command gets hurt, the word to describe him would be angry. Furious- or more like a wild animal, protecting his own.
Nina had been the first to figure out that ruthless, cold Kaz had a penchant for his dear second-in-command. His heart usually had a steady beat, but when you would enter the room, his heart would skip a beat and set on an erratic pace, practically begging Nina’s Heart render abilities to calm him down.
It annoyed her just how stupid this man could be when it came to his own feelings, and if there was something you could say about Kaz, it would be that he’s probably one of the cleverest and most calculating people you would ever meet.. She was almost tempted to increase his heartbeat even more to the brink of a heart attack just for the sake of maybe making him realize just how in love he was with you.
The first time she’d noticed it was on a rainy evening. For the first time in forever, Kaz was in the Slat common room, sitting in front of the fireplace with the rest of their little team, planning another meeting at the Exchange. Nobody dared sit next to Kaz, even though there was another spot on the couch next to him. Inej was sitting on a windowsill as usual while Jesper and Wylan were squished together in the armchair. And Matthias was… well, Matthias. Ever the prude, debating whether he could publicly wrap his arms around her and hug her close or not.
Then you walked in, and Nina felt Kaz’s heartbeat spike. She’d initially been somewhat worried that he was having a stroke, not that she’d be fully devastated if he died. Then again, maybe even Matthias would miss the demjin.
You plopped down next to Kaz at a respectable distance, but to everyone else, you might as well be draped over him at this point. He didn’t say a thing. If anything, Nina swore she saw him take a bigger breath, as if he was lacking air.
“You’re late,” he stated, looking at you.
You scowled back at him. “Well, sorry, someone had me filing random papers and specifically told me to not leave the room until I was done.”
The Heartrender wanted to scream in frustration and tear Kaz’s terrible haircut off his scalp. Even Matthias hadn’t been this oblivious to his own feelings.
“You horrible, dense podge,” she muttered under her breath, secretly hoping Brekker had heard her.
Wylan sighed in frustration. This was the seventeenth time Kaz had made him redo a set of designs. He kept saying it wasn’t perfect enough, that the rings of the brass knuckles didn’t seem comfortable, that maybe they needed something softer around where the fingers would go; that maybe a fine plate of diamond over it would be more efficient… the list went on and on. Wylan was tempted to just dump the papers on his desk and tell him to design it himself.
“What do you even need these for?” the redhead asked. “Even if you steal all the materials necessary, commissioning a Fabrikator to make such sophisticated brass knuckles, a weapon you don’t even personally need, will cost you a fortune.”
Kaz scoffed. “You still speak like a spoiled merchant’s kid with a horde of tutors.”
The older man scrutinized the plans again, making sure nothing was missing. “It’s a gift for her. She needs them.”
He didn’t even need to mention her name for Wylan to know who he meant. There was only one person that the thought of could make his tone change like that and soften his gaze- even just a tiny bit.
Wylan cocked his head. “Why? Can’t you just get her a dagger or something? It’s much more efficient and a far bigger range.”
Kaz rolled the papers carefully and tucked them under his arm. “Her arms are strong and so are her hits. She has no technique though, so the deadliness of the brass knuckles should compensate for it. Besides, nobody can suddenly master knives. Knowing her, she’d knick herself instead of the opponent.”
If Wylan didn’t know any better, he’d swear that the smallest smile tugged at a corner of Kaz’s mouth, barely there.
“Does she matter that much to you, oh mighty Dirtyhands?” the younger boy lightly teased, hoping Kaz wouldn’t kill him for it.
“I can’t risk losing a very valuable asset.”
With that, Kaz turned around and walked out of Wylan’s little lab, leaving the sunshine of the Crows sighing at his denial.
Truth to be told, Kaz had freaked when he saw you bloodied, bruised and beaten on a simple mission. All you had to do was distract the guards while he broke into a vault. The guards had gotten suspicious and attacked. You hadn’t been able to keep up, instinct making you try to punch back aimlessly but without doing much damage. Kaz had heard the commotion and quickly stepped out of the vault.
He’d frozen. Kaz Brekker does NOT freeze. At that moment, he was Kaz Rietveld. Kaz Rietveld, watching his brother get beat up by a lowly thug. Every single cell inside of him screamed at him to do something, to risk something.
When the two of you finally made it out alive and got back to Slat, you expected him to scold you for not being good enough. For not being charismatic enough like Nina or Jesper or as stealthy as Inej.
Instead, Kaz locked himself in his office and spent all night finding a way to help her in fighting.
Jesper wasn’t sure what was going on. Kaz had given him a heavy bag of kruge and sent him down to the auction house.
“With how much you gamble, you’re excellent at randomly yelling out big sums of money,” he’d told him. “You’re walking out of that auction with that DeKappel oil painting of the beach. I don’t care how much it will cost.”
Jesper had felt absolutely insulted. Randomly yelling out big sums of money? Who did Kaz think he was? It wasn’t random. Jesper put utmost thought and precision into his choice of what sum to yell out when he was making a very risky gamble.
He had no choice but to go down to the auction house. He had to sit there for hours. The item he’d been tasked to bid on had yet to appear. So far, he’d seen some ancient lipstick that belonged to a star from many centuries ago and some queen’s rotten panties, which sold for more than Kaz could steal in a lifetime.
Why hadn’t the said man stolen the painting instead? It would surely cost a fortune. Since when does Kaz acquire stuff honestly, anyway?
Finally, after waiting and waiting and resisting to bid on a gorgeous set of diamond encrusted bullets, the infamous painting appeared on the auction stage. Jesper stared at it, dumbfounded. It was… just a painting. He was expecting something enchanted, something special. Not… a painting.
It was pretty, sure, but it was a basic depiction of the beach; turquoise waves crashing on the shore with a sun hanging low on the horizon.
But Jesper was a good boy, so he did exactly what he was told to and bid all of the money in the bag. Then he brought home the canvas, carrying straight up to Kaz’s office.
He looked at Jesper oddly as he entered. “What are you doing with it in my office?”
Jesper huffed in annoyance. “No ‘why, thank you, oh gorgeous and wonderful Jes’? I went through so much mental pain to get this painting for you. I even watched stale old grandma panties up on display for Saints know how long.”
Kaz shot him a cold glare. “It’s not for me.”
“Oh? Then for who is it?
“Aww, does the mighty, ruthless Dirtyhands have a little crush? A little, itsy-bitsy weakness? Is there something going on between the two of you? Is- OW!” The sharpshooter yelped in pain when Kaz’s lead-lined cane jammed into his side. If looks could kill, Jesper would be long since buried six feet under, underneath a pile of bricks that Kaz dumped on him brick by brick.
“There’s absolutely nothing going on. If you don’t want to die, then you can go up and help her place it on her wall.”
Jesper’s pain- both mental and physical- lifted in an instant. So the painting truly was for you. Adorable. He sauntered out of the office and down to your room, which was conveniently located right under the attic, closest to Kaz’s.
He didn’t even bother knocking, knowing he’d find you there, either lazily curled up in your bed or munching on sweets.
“Darlin’, look what good ol’ Kaz got you!” he exclaimed, waving the canvas in your face.
You stared at it, a soft smile gracing your features.  “Kaz got it?”
“Well, to be fair, he sent me out to get it since he’s a lazy shit, but it’s still from him.”
You smiled and bounced out of your bed, taking it from him and placing it on a nearby hook on the wall where you used to hang a darts target before it broke because of overly angry dart throwing.
“So he really did remember.”
“Remember what?” he asked.
“Sometimes I tell him about my childhood and my travels. I once visited the beach in the Southern Colonies when I was a kid, and I still remember how magical it looked. I kinda miss it.” You stared fondly at the depiction of the beach.
Jesper was once again left standing there, dumfounded. Kaz had gotten her a painting of the ocean just because she missed the beach? Kaz? Kaz?!
And he dared say there was nothing going on between the two of you?
“Can’t you ask any nicer?”
Kaz scoffed. “Oh darling Inej, treasure of my heart, will you do me the honor of teaching my second-in-command how to fight?” he answered, a sarcastic tone taking over the usual cold one.
“Fine. But why is this so important to you?” the Suli girl asked.
“I can’t afford to lose such a valuable asset to the Dregs. I can’t always be there when she’s in trouble; she has to have a way to defend herself.”
A valuable asset? It was just as bad as back in the day when he’d call Inej a very important investment. He hadn’t changed a single bit.
Inej sat on the edge of the windowsill again, crossing one of her supple legs over the other. “I don’t suppose you gave her a weapon to work with, at least?”
“I commissioned a Fabrikator. Lead-lined brass knuckles with a fine diamond plating on the impacting area.”
A surprised look appeared on Inej’s face, along with a slight twinge of something in her heart. Kaz had gotten her a pair of brass knuckles at some point in time too, though they were plain.
She didn’t exactly have a right to feel jealous. After all, she was the one who’d pretty much rejected him. She wanted someone who she’d be able to touch, someone she could actually kiss and hold. It had hurt her at first, to definitely cross out Kaz in her heart, but she knew it was for the better. She deserved what she wanted, and she wouldn’t settle for anything else. Besides, why should she give up on her dreams of hunting slavers for a man?  
She was genuinely happy for you. You were fine with Kaz’s touch aversion and his rather slow improvement. The both of you fit together well.
In her opinion, Kaz had been more in love with the idea of her than actually her.
“Okay. I’ll teach her.”
Kaz gave a slight nod. That was probably the closest to a thanks that she’d ever get from him.
“I heard that some people down in the Fifth Harbor are planning on selling some good ships,” he started. “Thought you might want to know.”
Her lips curved into a smile.
So long, Kaz Brekker.
Matthias thought he’d seen it all. He’d seen Grisha on parem, flying through the air and turning into water. He’d seen –and experienced- a gang of teenagers stealing a tank from the most safely guarded prison in the world and crashing it through a wall, then bombarding a bridge. He’d even see a girl, his girl, raise the dead and make them attack people.
Though, quite frankly, this, by far, took the cake to the point where Matthias had to bite down on his palm to make sure he wasn’t drugged and delirious and was back in Hellgate.
What in Djel’s name?!
The moment was so intimate that he felt the need to bleach his eyes and never be able to use them again in order to give the two of you a bit of privacy. Even though Matthias was still new to the language and local slang, he found himself muttering, “what the fuck?!” over and over again.
Kaz had recently come back wounded from Djel knows where. His excuse was that he’d snuck into some clinic to steal something, and instead of making himself fake wounds with makeup, he decided to cut himself up to make it look more real.
Matthias knew the story was fake. That little demjin was lying through his teeth.
Anyhow, with whatever had happened to him, Kaz couldn’t move around well, especially with his teeth. He also looked sore, wincing every time he moved, especially in the arms.
Maybe Matthias should have expected this. Maybe not. He was halfway down the wooden staircase that led down to the Slat common room. Most of the members were out and about, in the Crow Club or doing Djel knows what.
Kaz was seated at a smaller table in the far back corner of the dining room with you across from him. There was a plate of food in between you.
Matthias rubbed his eyes again to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.
You dug a fork into the food and lifted it up to Kaz’s mouth. Kaz, who obediently opened his mouth and took the bite.
What in the name of Djel?
His arms were stiffly bandaged up, and his posture was just as stiff.
Matthias groaned inwardly. He could already hear the “she’s a very important asset…” speech. He didn’t get paid enough for this. He whirled around and walked back up to his room and into Nina’s warm, sleeping embrace.
Kaz was feeling strange lately. His heart had been feeling lighter, and he could almost say he’d been in a good mood if it wasn’t for the headache he had. All of his thoughts kept circling back to you. You, you you and you.
It would have been annoying if he weren’t so fond of his best asset.  On an evening, he’d stood in the open doorway to your room to make sure Jesper had brought you the painting. He had to force himself to not smile at the thought of you going to bed and staring at the depiction of the beach, thinking about all those memories you had. That’s what he’d wanted. He wanted you to go to sleep thinking of a happy, carefree life. A life he wanted to give you but that he knew was impossible in the Barrel, so he’d settle for this.
You always refused to leave. He didn’t understand. You could go anywhere in the world. There was nothing keeping you here. He’d even give you the money for the travel and expenses if you needed.
Yet every time he brought it up, you always said the same answer. “I’m not leaving home, Kaz.”
His heart had soared with delusion and lightness. Home? Was he your home? He knew that he was overthinking it, but he could only dream.
It brought him to his current dilemma. What was going on in his heart? He knew he’d come to care for you more than he’d want to admit, but he also cared for Wylan, Jesper, Inej, Nina… maybe even Matthias too, even though he still wasn’t a major fan of the infamous blonde tulip. Even the tulip comparison someone had brought up was wrong. The Fjerdan was more like an overgrown weed you kept trying to rip out, but it only grew stronger and more resilient to your desperate tugs.
His heart fluttered when he looked at you. His heart lurched at the thought of you being in danger. His heart felt content when going to bed with you on his mind. His heart felt sad when dreaming about you and then waking up without you at his side.
He found himself standing at the door to her room again. His mouth twitched at the sight of the familiar sign that spelled your name. You changed it regularly, not liking the way you engraved your name, always complaining that a specific letter wasn’t curvy enough or another was too tall in comparison to the others.
You had personality. Kaz loved it.
He froze just as he was about to knock at that thought. Love? Was this love?
He didn’t even bother knocking anymore; he just burst through the door.
You were, as usual, seated in your bed. You’d been so insistent on getting one huge, soft bed instead of a smaller bed and a miniature couch. Kaz couldn’t complain; on rare moments of weakness, he often came and lounged on your cushiony mattress while the two of you made plans about missions and other stuff.
What caught Kaz’s attention was the little black ball of fluff with ears in your lap.
He swallowed thickly. “There’s a very strict rule that says no pets at the Slat. Not even crows.”
You look up at him with a grin on your face as you pet the small kitten. “Too bad. I’m keeping it. Forever and ever.”
Kaz sat down on the edge of the bed, his mind swirling and his heart still racing from his earlier realization. “I guess I can’t argue with you then, hmm?”
He hesitated. Then he removed his leather gloves, ignoring the slight widening of your eyes, and reached out a palm to lay it on the fluffy feline’s head. He moved his hand in a petting motion. He was pleasantly surprised that the contact didn’t affect him. Then again, animals were a different case.
“It’s cute.”
You didn’t say anything about him removing his gloves. Kaz liked that about you. You let him move at his own pace. You didn’t prod him or push him for more.
“What are you going to name it?” he asked.
You moved your hand down to rub the kitten’s belly, very careful to not accidentally touch Kaz’s hand in the process.
“I dunno. Either I’ll name it after you, Kazzle Dazzle or something, or I’ll find some other fitting name.”
Kaz let a slight smile appear on his face. He suddenly didn’t feel like keeping all of his guards up around you anymore.
“Don’t name it after me. Name it a real name, like Orion or Onyx or Jordie or Shadow-.” He held his breath, hoping you wouldn’t notice his intentional slip-up. He wasn’t sure exactly why he’d suggested that specific name to you. Maybe now that Pekka was no more, he’d healed a bit. Maybe he didn’t mind the little healthy reminder, a small piece of his brother prancing around with mice in its jaw.
Or maybe he didn’t mind sharing himself, all of his thoughts and past and trauma, with you.
“Hmm. Jordie. I like that.” You smiled fondly at him.
His hand slipped and brushed against the side of yours.
It wasn’t an accident.  
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swanimagines · 4 months
Summary: Wylan thinks Jesper doesn't care about him, and you try to comfort him. For your surprise, Wylan has something to tell to you too.
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The Crow Club’s game nights were loud and cheerful events, and Jesper was all over the tables, building the spirit in the room. Scent of alcohol and cigars floated in the air, and the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the downstairs as a whole.
Wylan and you sat at the farthest corner from the entrance, just spending time. The wooden table was slightly sticky, apparently someone had spilled alcohol on it at some point. The candle flame flickered slightly as Wylan played with it while staring at it deep in thought, and you were just about to ask what he’s thinking when he flinched upon another round of cheers and crooned his neck to look at one of the game tables. Jesper had once again won another round, making you turn your head to your friend and raise a glass for him once he caught your eyes. Then you turned your head back to Wylan, who sighed and returned to staring at the candle. You frowned, knowing to read people enough to know something was wrong. So you touched his hand to get his attention.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” you asked, and Wylan stared at you for a moment before laying his gaze down on the table.
“It’s nothing. Nothing important,” he mumbled, and you sighed, raising your eyebrows at him. He squirmed a little and then let out a sigh of his own. “I slept with Jesper.”
Your eyebrows shot up at that; sure, Jesper was sleeping around with people he met at bars and restaurants to have fun, but for this short time you had known Wylan, he didn’t feel like such a person. But you weren’t judgemental by any means, Jesper was a charmer and you could see that he’d be dragged along by Jesper after some flirting. Hell, Jesper had gotten you to blush a few times with his flirts when you first joined Dregs.
“Really? When did that happen?” you asked, trying to keep your tone neutral.
“It’s been a while. Two months? Or three maybe? But… he managed me to grow feelings for him, and knowing who he is… I don’t think he’d like me back. He doesn’t even remember me.” His voice trailed off at the end, and he laid his gaze back to his hands. “I know it’s stupid.”
You shook your head, squeezing his hand. “It’s not stupid, Wylan. A lot of people have been in your situation at some point. But you can’t let the fear of heartbreak to get in your way, you deserve to be happy and even if Jesper doesn't return your feelings, at least you know then. You won't stay in it welling and cursing yourself over not speaking up if he ever ends up being serious with someone else."
He scoffed. “Easy for you to say when you hold the heart of the Bastard of the Barrel himself. Do you even realise how I envy the way Kaz looks at you, how I would wish somebody would look at me like that? Kaz is closed off, cold and guarded, someone you wouldn’t think would like anyone, and still you have managed to catch him without even trying to win him over. Jesper is everything but like that, and still he thinks I’m nothing but a fling, just an asset for pleasure. I’d be a fool if I went to him and tell him how do I feel.”
Your heart skipped a beat at him mentioning about Kaz’s feelings for you, making you freeze up - it was true that you had been teased about it, and Kaz did have odd reasons for why he suddenly didn’t want to assign you on scouting missions anymore if the building was heavily guarded. But it wasn’t like he had feelings for you. Even when you wished it would be the reason for that.
“Kaz? What? He isn’t… no, he doesn’t, you’ve misunderstood something. And he’s my boss, it would be weird, he sees me only professionally and… I see him only professionally too,” you denied it, trying to contain your voice squeaking. Wylan raised his eyebrows at you, and you felt your face heating up when you realised he’s not buying it.
"He basically admitted it to Inej. Inej told him to let his guard down for you if he wants you to see him as anything else as your boss, and he told her that he doesn't want to drag you into his life, that you'd only get hurt when you'd see how he really is," Wylan mumbled. "Then they sensed someone is listening in so I dashed away before they caught me."
You didn't reply, just tried to calm your racing heart. You were quiet for a few seconds before you cleared your throat, trying to quickly jump away from the subject before anyone would hear you. “Anyway, Jesper is not Kaz. He’s not gonna smack you with his gun if you go and ask him if he’d be willing to talk with you. Or go on another date. If I went to Kaz’s office and asked him to come down to have a dining date with me, even if he did have feelings for me, which he doesn’t, he’d look at me as if I was crazy and either ignore me or tell me to get out his office.” 
Wylan chuckled weakly at your words. “I guess you’re right about that.”
You smiled. “You should talk to Jesper. Maybe he feels the same way about you. And even if not, at least you won’t have any regrets. You won’t watch him get together with someone else and wonder why didn’t you ever say anything.”
Wylan nodded slowly, his eyes shifting back to Jesper, who had just finished playing and had made his way to the bar counter. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. I should try to talk to him.”
Your smile widened as you jumped a little bit in your seat, gesturing him to go on, gently nudging him forward when he passed you. Wylan walked to Jesper slowly, talking with him for a moment before sitting down beside him, and you almost felt the connection they already had. You turned your back on them, and continued sipping on your drink as you dug up your ongoing book from your bag. 
And just for a moment, you wondered if you’d ever really have chances with Kaz. If everyone pointing how Kaz looks at you and how ridiculous his reasons for taking you out from all the dangerous jobs are were actually onto something, what could it carry? Would Kaz shut it down, force himself not to feel, or would he let himself feel? Would you be there with Wylan and Jesper as a couple?
You hoped you’d get the answer for that sometime in the future, but for now, you were only happy that you had potentially helped Wylan and Jesper to get to know each other better, and maybe get together. They both deserved happiness, and you were happy if they found it within themselves.
Requests are always open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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divinitysmuse · 1 month
I was telling my brother that Jesper kissed the wrong guy in CK and he asked if it was Arken
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Pairing: Jesper Fahey x reader x Wylan Van Eck
Summary: Wylan wants to learn how to pleasure you, and Jesper is more than happy to teach him...
It was something that Wylan had fantasized about countless times, an image he’d gotten himself off to far more often than he’d ever admit aloud: touching you, making love to you, making you come.  But his deepest fantasy had yet to play out for one crucial reason: Wylan had absolutely no idea how to pleasure a woman.  You and Jesper were the first relationship he’d ever been in, the first love he’d ever felt.  The three of you had gotten into some heated make-outs, but it had never progressed any further.
But Wylan wanted, oh how he wanted.  He wanted to run his hands over your body, he wanted to bury his face between your thighs, he wanted to thrust into you while Jesper called him his good boy.  The mere notion of doing so made Wylan achingly hard that he’d had to duck into the restroom and take care of himself so he could finish out the workday.  It had been nearly impossible to keep his cool when he returned home, and when the three of you had drifted up to the bedroom for the evening, Wylan made his move.
He pulled you into his arms and kissed you deeply, having to go up on his tiptoes just slightly to reach you.  You happily pulled your lover into you as you kissed him, never one to shy away from his affections.  Jesper came up behind Wylan and snaked his arms around his waist, kissing the mercher’s neck.  “Y/N,” Wylan sighed, reluctantly breaking the kiss.  “Y/N, I want… I want…”  “What do you want, baby?”  “I want to make you feel good.”
A white-hot bolt of arousal shot through you, and you felt your face flush.  “Really, baby?  You’re ready?”  You’d have taken Wylan to bed the second you met, but both you and Jesper hadn’t wanted to push him into anything he wasn’t completely ready for.  But he was ready now.  “I am, but…”  “But what, sweetheart?” Jesper asked, still pressing open mouthed kisses to Wylan’s neck.  “I don’t know what to do.”
The Zemini smirked, turning Wylan around so he was facing him.  “That’s alright, baby boy,” he said, tenderly cupping his cheek.  “I happen to be an excellent teacher.  And Y/N’ll tell you what she likes.”  Wylan nodded, and when he turned around, it was to find you seated on the bed, smiling at him.  “I’m yours, baby,” you said, and your lover surged towards you, kissing you hard as he lifted the hem of your sleep shirt, pulling his lips from yours only to remove it.
You didn’t have a bra on, and Wylan sucked in a breath.  “Ghezen, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, reaching for the waistband of your pants–a pair of Jesper’s sweats–next.  Wylan hurried to strip himself, and once he was naked, he was kissing you again.  Already you were breathless, dripping between your legs, and Jesper laid a hand on your shoulder.  “Are you ready, my darlings?” he asked, and Wylan eagerly nodded.
“Good.  Y/N, I want you to lie back, love.”  You did as you were bade, reclining against the pillows, one of your lovers on either side of you.  “Now baby, our Y/N is a sensitive little thing,” Jesper said, easing your legs apart.  “So if you’re doing something she likes, you’ll know it.”  “H-how will I know?”  Wylan sounded so unsure, so shy, and your heart squeezed.  “Like this.  Y/N, may I?”
“Please,” was your breathless response, and your lover smiled, trailing a hand from your knee up your thigh.  You spread your legs wider, hoping to entice your lover, and he smiled.  “See how wet she is for us?  For you, Wy?”  “Me?”  You reached for Wylan’s hand, squeezing it softly.  “Yes, baby.”  A flush creeped its way up the mercher’s neck, and Jesper continued.  “She’ll never admit it, but Y/N likes being teased.  Start out by rubbing her clit, not too hard, that might hurt, but not too light either.”
He demonstrated, running two fingers through your slit to gather your wetness.  When Jesper pressed against your clit, rubbing slow, gentle circles, you let your head fall back, a breathy moan leaving your mouth.  You heard Wylan’s breath catch, and you opened your eyes to find him watching with rapt attention, his cock hard and straining.  “Keep doing this for a little while,” Jesper said, rubbing your clit faster.  “You can speed up a little bit, but not too much, and right when it seems like she might come…”
“Jes!” you cried, and that was his cue.  Your lover pulled his hand back, causing you to whine.  “Why did you stop?” Wylan asked, and Jesper laughed.  “Because hearing her pretty little moans is half the fun.”  He then instructed Wylan how to finger you, how to find your g-spot, and what your tells were.  “She’ll start squirming when she’s close,” he said.  “Breathing a bit harder, her moans will get a little higher.  So if you want to edge her, stop what you’re doing then.”
After several demonstrations, Jesper pressed a kiss to your forehead and sat back.  “You’re not going to make her come?” Wylan asked, and Jesper shook his head.  “No, baby, that’s all you tonight.  But maybe give her a minute or so to calm down so she doesn’t come too quickly.”  Wylan nodded, moving up the bed to kiss you.  Lust coursed through your veins, and you pulled your lover closer, deepening the kiss.
“Wylan, touch me,” you breathed.  “Please baby, touch me.”  Wylan nodded, sitting back on his knees, looking at you with hungry eyes.  Slowly, he brought a hand to your cunt, swiping two fingers through your wetness, just as Jesper had.  When Wylan rubbed a slow circle on your clit, you bucked your hips and let out a strangled moan.  “That’s good, baby,” Jesper praised.  “Touch her just like that.”
Your lover was an apt student, copying Jesper’s motions almost exactly.  But Wylan’s touch was different; his hands slenderer, his touch gentler, his motions still somewhat hesitant.  But as you moaned his name, told him how good it felt, his confidence grew.  Just as Jesper had said, your moans went up in pitch and you began panting, and Wylan retracted his hand, earning a dejected whine from you.  
“Wylan,” you sighed, head lolling to the side.  “Wylan, fuck, please don’t stop.”  Where Jesper might have teased you, taunted you, Wylan pressed two fingers into your cunt, thrustung gently.  Your back arched and you keened, a hand reaching for his wrist.  “Fuck, Wy, oh shit!”  Wylan had crooked his fingers, finding your g-spot and pressing into it almost effortlessly.  “That’s it, Wy,” Jesper cooed, coming to kneel behind him, wrapping an arm around his waist and stroking his cock.  “Keep touching here like that, good boy.”
Wylan’s moans joined yours, making the most beautiful chorus Jesper had ever heard.  For several minutes yours and Wylan’s cries of pleasure, your praises filled the room, and soon, you felt your orgasm building.  “Wylan,” you moaned, gently rolling your hips against his hand.  “Wylan, please, right there, baby.  Please, I’m so close.  Don’t stop, please, right there.”  Wylan did as you asked, keeping the rhythm and pressure of his fingers consistent, and a moment later, you shattered.
With a cry of his name, you came, back bowing, eyes rolling back in your head.  Wylan felt a flush of pride, watching you fall apart on his hand; knowing you were feeling such pleasure and knowing it was him that had caused it.  And when you let out a whimper, a soft, desperate plea of, “Wylan,” and when Jesper twisted his wrist just so, the mercher released, his head tipping back to rest on Jesper’s shoulder.
Jesper felt his cock throb in his sleep pants at the sight of his lovers moaning and writhing for each other.  He eased Wylan to lie at your side before retreating to the bathroom, returning a moment later with warm washcloths to clean the two of you up.  In the moment or so he’d been gone, you and Wylan had gravitated towards each other and were now tangled in each other’s embraces, foreheads touching, eyes shut.
“Alright, my loves,” he said.  “Let me clean you up, then we can snuggle.”  It was one of Jesper’s favorite things, putting you back together after thoroughly ravishing you, and now he got to offer that loving ritual to Wylan too.  Both of you whimpered and protested, but Jesper managed to get the two of you clean, dressed, and tucked beneath the covers.  Wylan had snuggled into your chest again, and Jesper curled around him from behind.
“Did I do good?” he asked, and you wondered how your heart could swell and break at the same time.  Your sweet boy craved praise so much, craved validation, and lucky for him, you were more than happy to dole it out.  “So good, baby,” you said, kissing his forehead.  “You did so good, Wy.”  “Yes, you did, sweetheart,” Jesper echoed, kissing his shoulder.  “Our good boy.”
Wylan preened under your attention, letting out a contented hum.  “I love you, Wylan,” you said, gently tugging him closer.  “I love you too,” he mumbled, his post-orgasmic haze combined with yours and Jesper’s arms around him acting like a sedative.  He soon drifted off, and Jesper reached for and took your hand.  “And I love you, my sweet girl.”  You smiled, squeezing his hand.  “Love you too, Jes,” you replied, letting your eyes close and sleep claim you as well.
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amsgrey · 1 year
Useful Skills
Shadow Summoner! Fem Reader x Kaz Brekker
SPOILERS for Wylans story arc and season two of shadow and bone.
Slow Burn with Kaz because he deserves someone willing to go his pace.
Synopsis: Kaz needs new blood and it comes in the form of Wylan's childhood best friend. A powerful Grisha.
warnings: angst, I did my best to be accurate to Kaz but show Kaz is a little different from Book Kaz so I'm still learning, general angsty crap, and mention of the reader being related to the darkling (trying to make it a little accurate to the books/show)
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You had known Wylan Van Eck for almost 8 years, your mother was a maid in his house. You and your mother lived in the servant's quarters on the Van Eck property, meaning you spent almost all your time around him and his family. You never went to a proper school, your mother didn't want you to when you lived in Ravka in case the Grisha testers came. She kept your abilities hidden until you moved to Ketterdam where Grisha testers wouldn't find you.
Your mother died a few years ago, and you left the Van Eck house and found work as a server in a Pub. It was not a job you were happy with but it kept a roof over your head so you would suffer through it for now. You lost touch with Wylan until one day when he entered the pub with three other people.
You almost didn't recognize him, he hadn't grown much from when he was a child but he looked a little more confident. He was sitting against a lanky zemeni boy, exchanging hopelessly smitten glances. Opposite them was a woman dressed in a beautiful gown and a man clad in all black with almost no skin showing. They were in complete contrast to Wylan and the Zemeni boy, sitting as far away from each other as possible.
It was the end of your shift when another server seated them in a booth at the far end of the pub. You knew you had to walk past them to get to the back, where your bag was stored in a small closet away from customers, but walking past meant possibly being recognized.
You hadn't left the Van Eck residence in good faith, having lost your temper at Wylans father for working your mother into the ground and causing her death. When Wylan had tried to speak with you, you had snapped at him and stormed away. Did he hold that against you and would he be hostile? Why was he here of all places?
You tried not to think about it, walking straight passed the table and through the back. You stumbled around the chefs and untied your apron, shoving it in your bag. You took a deep breath before heading back the way you came. You opened the door and stepped out, sidestepping around another waiter serving food at a table close by. As you tried to walk past the table Wylan was seated at, a cane blocked your path.
You stared down at the black cane blocking your path, following it to the gloved hand which held it. You didn't have to remember his name to know who he was.
The man clad in black stared at you, "Y/N, take a seat."
You almost laughed, stopping yourself before offending the bastard of the barrel, "And why would I do that?"
"Because your skills are wasted here."
You would be lying if you weren't interested. But how did Dirtyhands, leader of the Dregs, know what skills you had?
The Zemeni slid over a little more on his side of the booth, dragging Wylan along with him. You hesitantly sat down, avoiding eye contact with Wylan.
"Hi," Wylan squeaked out, offering a shy smile. Your heart melted slightly Wylan was the kindest soul you had ever met. He wouldn't dare hurt a fly and didn't deserve the mistreatment he got from his father.
"Hey,' You replied, feeling any tension resolve. You offered him a smile, watching the anxiety melt away from his face. To further remove any tension, you stole a piece of bread from his plate that sat untouched in front of him. Picking off a piece and eating it casually.
The girl on the opposite side of the booth giggled, following your lead and humming an appreciative sound at the taste.
"So..?" You turned to Brekker, "What is it exactly that you think my skills are?"
Kaz's eyes flickered from you to Wylan next to you, "Wylan tells me you have a unique talent."
You paused your movements, turning to narrow your eyes at Wylan, "Did he just," You grumbled. You had shown Wylan your summoning when you were both 15. He was your best friend and swore he would never tell another soul, he was the only person you knew who wasn't scared of shadow summoning.
Wylan stumbled over his sentence, "I didn't, uh, tell him everything."
Kaz's face morphed into a scowl.
This time you did laugh, "So you came here on a whim?"
Kaz opened his mouth to speak but was beaten by the woman.
"We need your help to break someone out of Hellgate."
Your face gave away your surprise, you had never been anywhere near Hellgate but you knew the stories, "Hellgate? As in the most secure place in Ketterdam?"
"Wylan seems to think you can help us," Kaz said.
You looked at your childhood friend, thinking over the specifics. You just might be able to help but summoning meant exposing yourself and your abilities. The Fold and The Darkling were gone, but how would people react to another shadow summoner?
"So," the Zemeni spoke, his arm draped over Wylans shoulders, "You in?"
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Stepping into the Slat for the first time felt strange. You hadn't been in a warm, dry place for years. Finding it now in the middle of the barrel felt counter intuitive. You weren't expecting it, but once you stepped past the threshold you were hit by a wave of warmth.
You were somewhat jealous, your own room in the boarding house was never this warm. And you lived on the outskirts of the barrel and the financial district.
The bottom of the slat held a bar that had seen better days, to say the least. Kaz led the way to another booth, clearly the group's go-to planning table. Maps of Hellgate and various scribbled notes were perched on the wood.
You slipped into the booth and sat next to Nina, who had talked your ear off the whole walk to the Slat about Matthias the (former) Düskelle and love of her life. You didn't mind, enjoying listening to something more upbeat than the drunken rambles of patrons you were used to. Besides, it was clear she was head over heels and you always tried to help out fellow Grisha.
As Kaz went over what he was planning, you listened intently. He had fleshed out almost every part of the plan, but kept on ending up with one key factor.
"We'll be seen."
You shared a glance with Wylan.
"I can help with that."
Kaz quirked an eyebrow, waiting for you to explain further. You were hesitant, they could fear you and kill you on the spot. Or you might have to kill them.
You looked around the room, by now it was so late into the night that even the bars would be closing. There was no one else in the Slat. The last Dregs had crawled in half an hour ago and were nowhere to be seen. It didn't mean anyone couldn't walk in at any time.
Nina could feel your heartbeat grow more erratic, "No one is around." She said, trying to assure you with her small science.
"The Dregs won't interrupt us while we're in here," Kaz spoke, for a second you thought you saw curiosity in his eyes.
"Just-" You took a shaky breath, you hadn't shown anyone your powers since Wylan. Only using them in hiding to avoid growing weak. For the longest time, your mother scolded you for using your powers, teaching you the dangers of summoning anywhere that wasn't in private.
"Never tell anyone," She would mumble, wrapping you in her arms as you both curled up on the small bed in your room in the servants quarters of the Van Eck Mansion, "Your powers are your gifts, but they are your crimes too, Milaya. If anyone finds out they will punish you."
You broke the rules she set out only once, with Wylan. Were you ready to risk your comfortable life for these people you just met?
"It's hard to explain," You leant back against the booth, twisting your fingers nervously, "It's easier to show."
Kaz gestured impatiently, waiting for you to show them.
"Wylan said your Etherealnik," Jesper said flippantly, "We have a heartrender," He gestured loosely to Nina, "A wonderful durast," He grinned and gestured to himself, "About time we add an Etherealnik.”
You smiled, "Well if you're so sure."
You pressed your palms together, pausing for a second and then pulling them apart. Twisting your hands in opposite directions, your fingers moved independently to call the shadows to you. For a fleeting moment, it was like the world was losing colour, and then darkness was gathering around your hands, amassing between your palms.
You heard Nina gasp but ignored her to focus on your shadows. They reached out in tendrils, spreading up your arms as they tried to block the light from you. You pressed your hands back together, and the shadows expanded quickly and overcame the room, plunging space into pitch black. As soon as the darkness overcame the room, you called it off. Returning the room to its usual light.
Once the room was back to what it was before, you glanced around at the faces of the Crows. Wylan had the same impressed smile he had all those years ago, forever in awe of your powers. Nina was staring wide-eyed at the table, a slightly unreadable look on her face. Jesper's jaw was slack, mouth agape and blinking rapidly.
You were surprised to see Kaz wasn't at all shocked. He had the slightest smirk, not an ounce of fear or hesitation on his features.
"Those skills," He said with the same smirk, "are definitely of use."
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Getting into the Hellshow hadn't been an issue. You and Nina had gotten on a boat and calmy taken seats towards the back of the crowd. Nina had to keep her face somewhat hidden, deciding on tailoring herself slightly to avoid Pekka's gaze. She had told you briefly about the last time she was here, trying to deliver the pardon Nikolai Lanstov convinced the Kerch government to write. She had been thrown out on Pekkas orders, pardon ignored. She was forced to leave not knowing how Matthias was.
You felt bad for her, it was hard to be separated from those you loved. Not that you ever had anyone other than your mother, but when she died you would have done anything to bring her back.
"So," You turned to Nina, squished up against her to avoid being too close to the drunken men beside you, "What exactly is the hellshow?"
Nina's brow furrowed in disgust, "The prisoners fight for better living conditions, food, a visit from family. It's barbaric."
She was looking over the crowd, eyes filled with silent fury. You followed her gaze to where a bearded man sat surrounded by burly prisoners. She pointed him out, "Rollins." Her voice held a hatred you hadn't thought possible of her.
You had stopped Kaz the night before, asking him what you were thinking again now, "Why don't we just kill this Pekka Rollins?"
Kaz had given you an annoyed look - although almost all of his looks were annoyed. He gave you no answer, but Jesper had filled you in on how Kaz had something personal against Rollins, something about Rollins running a con that lead to his brother's death. The specifics he didn't know. Kaz was a mystery, even to those that he seemed closest with. He seemed to like it that way. In the week it took for you all to plan the heist, you had learnt very few things about the bastard of the barrel.
Almost immediately you noticed how well he kept his thoughts and emotions hidden. At first, you had jokingly declared you would hate to play cards against him and Jesper confirmed he yet to win against his boss. Then you started to admire him, the calculated look in his eyes and the strength he projected made him the force The Barrel knew him as. Every now and again you could see a crack in his resolve. The way a corner of his mouth would quirk up for a fleeting second when Jesper made a particularly terrible joke. The quick flash of a solemn emotion - regret? pain? - when he was accused of being heartless by Nina or Per Haskell.
The other thing you noticed was entirely by mistake. It was obvious how Kaz was never without his gloves, it was the first thing you noticed about him. You didn't need to know why, everyone had their cruxes. You kept your own hidden, you assumed he did too. Then you noticed how he kept himself away from others. He never stood too close or flinched away from others' touch. You noticed it quickly and adjusted, trying to respect his boundaries. To you, it was the least you could do after what he had done for you.
You didn't think the boy had noticed, but he had. Kaz had been interested in your mysterious nature too. You kept hidden well, he hadn't expected you to shadow summon even though Wylan had warned him you were uniquely talented. He had to make assumptions about you, you looked quiet and well-mannered. But he had been surprised to learn you were anything but. You spoke your mind with little regard for manners or etiquette. Kaz grew to admire it. Not many people argued with Dirtyhands, or offered different plans from his own, but you were constantly challenging his ideas and in many ways, making them better.
Kaz couldn't, however, find your crux. It infuriated him, he found himself watching you and trying to learn more. That infuriated him more.
He could see you seated in the bleachers now, but you couldn't see him. He had slipped into the arena unnoticed by Pekkas men, hiding away from their gazes.
The plan was set in motion when Wylan and Jesper made their first move. You and Nina would then find Matthias' cell and Kaz would lead Jesper and Wylan to you. The plan was to break him out of the cells and smuggle him hidden in your darkness. Nina had told you how Matthias had been unlearning Druskelle's ideas, but he still might be hostile towards you. It made you nervous, using your power in public for the first time with the risk of Matthias messing you up. It was a considerable risk. Nina had tried to reassure you she would prevent him from interfering.
There was a far-off rumbling, then a muffled boom. You and Nina pretended to be startled like the other patrons, adding to the panic as fog started to fill the arena. As the crowd panicked and headed for the exits, you subtly summoned your shadows to extinguish the lamps around the room. The darkness drew more panic. You and Nina used it to slip past the crowds and into the hallway leading to the cells.
You almost stabbed Jesper as he came barreling around the corner in his guard's uniform. He reeled back, hands over his chest in surprise as the sudden blade.
"Saints," You swore, pocketing the knife and reaching to steady the boy, "I thought you would be slower."
“Change in plans,” Kaz said with no further explanation, "Wylan's bombs will distract the guards for a time. We need to find the frejdan quickly."
You nodded, resuming your position and following Nina as she searched for Matthias' heart. Occasionally you would clasp your hand around her wrist - a gesture not missed by Kaz. Nina had figured out quickly you were an amplifier, allowing you to help her search more efficiently. She hadn't told anyone else, because she knew what it meant. A shadow summoner who was also an amplifier? It was undisguisable the relation there.
Your group halted at a large bolted door, Nina mumbled out how she was sure Matthias was in a room beyond.
"What about guards?" Wylan spoke quietly, half hidden by Jesper, who had his pistol in hand. Wylan was in a guard's uniform too, but it looked much bigger on him, giving him an almost adolescent look.
Nina paused, "Three."
You turned to Kaz, watching him as ideas turned around in his mind.
"Wait-" Nina spoke again, crossing her hands together, "There's more than just guards."
"How do you mean?' You pressed.
"There are men in the main space," She explained, "Prisoners perhaps?"
"Rollins." Kaz hissed. None of you could know for sure, but it seemed likely. This changed everything, you had all been operating under the assumption that the prisoners were locked in their cells during security breaches. At least, that had been what Kaz's inside source had told.
"Jesper and I should go in," You said, offering a plan before Kaz could, "I can hide us, Jesper can open the door and-"
"No," Kaz interrupted. You were taken aback, he didn't even let you finish.
"Matthias doesn't know you," Nina said desperately, her voice slightly louder than the whispers in which you had all been conversing. "He won't go with you."
You shook your head in frustration, "I can't hide all of us. Even if I could, we don't have a plan.”
"Everyone stop talking," Kaz snapped, his brows pulled together in concentration.
You bit back a smart remark, it wouldn't do any good now anyway.
"Nina, Jesper," Kaz started, "You take Wylan and create a distraction, explosion or whatever." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a watch, gesturing for Wylan to bring out his own, "When the minute clock is on the 8, something big that ensures we can slip out. Then you go back to Ketterdam, as quickly as possible."
That gave you all 25 minutes but meant Nina wouldn't see Matthias. Nina looked disheartened but waited for Kaz to finish.
"Y/N and I will get Helvar. We'll use the distraction to get out, and meet you back at the Slat."
"How will we get Matthias out of a locked cell?" You hissed.
Kaz fished something out of his pocket, opening his palm to show you the small silver lock pick.
"Of course," You sighed dramatically, "I should have known you know how to pick locks."
Kaz gave you an amused smile and a look that read, Do you even know me?
Nina reached up to her neck, unclasping a necklace she always wore, "Give this to Matthias, so he knows you are with me."
You nodded, tucking the necklace in the pocket of your skirt to keep it safe.
Kaz sent the three away but not before Jesper worked his Durast science and unlocked the door.
You turned to Kaz, "I can hide us, block the light, but I can't disguise sound."
Kaz followed your gaze to his cane, nodding once in understanding.
You took a deep breath, it was now or never. Kaz pulled the door open as quietly as possible, watching your face contort in effort as you called shadows to you to surround the both of you.
You turned to Kaz before stepping into the room, "You'll have to stay close."
You didn't wait for his response, just took a dubious step into the room and pressed against the wall. Nina had said Matthias was in the 5th door on the left, but once you had entered you realized just how open the space was.
The fifth door was in the middle of the circular space, the only cover would be from Pillars of stone that held the roof up. You spared a glance at Kaz, who was standing mere centimetres away from you on your back, his cane held firmly in his grasp off the ground. Standing so close to him felt different, you hadn't expected him to be so cold. It was like he was drawing your heat away from you, which you welcomed. You were always too warm, something about the effort of summoning made you overheat easily. Your mother used to say your skin always felt feverish. Now for the first time, you felt balanced.
Kaz felt it too. How heat rolled off of you in waves. Being so close to you warmed him, which seemed impossible. He hadn't felt warmth since he was a boy, since before the Queen Lady’s Plague. You sensed his unease, looking at him and offering the smallest of apologies, your voice so quiet he hardly heard it.
He nodded for you to continue, trying not to get caught up in the feeling of being close to you. You both counted the doors as you inched along, stopping as you reached the fifth door. Kaz slowly bent down, and you spotted a flash of pain as he moved his leg. He faced the lock and started working while you stood beside him watching the courtyard.
Nina was right, there were more than three men in the room. At least eight were seated around a makeshift table, sitting on the table itself was one Pekka Rollins. You could hear the vulgar conversation he was keeping, it made you think about how much Kaz hated him. You startled when there was a soft clang, the noise echoing off the cobble walls. You turned to look at Kaz, who was silently cursing himself and staring at the lockpick resting on the floor.
"What was that?" A rough voice groused.
Rollins climbed up from his seat, he took a few slow steps towards where you were hidden in the shadows. The lanterns on the walls weren't lit, you had made sure to block the one that was nearby on a pillar to avoid any obvious shadows. Rollins was staring into the darkness like he could see you, it made you so nervous you could feel your heart beating out of your chest.
Rollins snatched a lantern from the table, holding it up and taking a few more slow steps. You tried to step back slightly but only nudged Kaz. If he noticed, he didn't react, still working on the lock. As Pekka drew closer, the lock clicked open, allowing Kaz to push the door open. He blindly reached out, grabbing your wrist, pulling you into the cell, and shutting the door behind you as quietly as possible. Almost as quickly as he had held your wrist, he let go, stepping away as you held your palms facing up to draw the shadows back into the room to avoid Rollin's suspicions.
Thankfully, it was only Matthias in the cell. He had stirred from sleep at the sounds of footsteps, when he opened his eyes you stumbled around Kaz to shove your hands over Matthias' mouth to stop any words from coming out. The Frejdan made a disgruntled noise, sleep leaving his eyes and his hands locking onto your wrists with a deathly tight grip.
"You alive in there, Helvar?" Rollin's accent gave way to his chuckle, he kicked the door, causing it to rattle and groan.
You and Kaz stared at Matthias, urging him to keep his mouth shut. With any luck, Pekka would leave and chalk it up to the sleepy groans of a prisoner. You should have known luck was not on your side.
"Helvar," Rollins barked, this time bringing his fist against the door.
You pulled your hands away from the druskelle. Mouthing "Please" to him.
"Leave me be," The Frejdan spoke hoarsely.
Rollins let out an ugly chuckle from the other side of the door but after another few tense moments, you heard footsteps moving away.
You stepped back, accidentally bumping into Kaz in the cramped space. Matthias moved from the cot, fixing you and Kaz with a dirty glare that made you even more nervous.
"Who are you?"
"We're friends of Nina," You tried to explain, beating Kaz to speak because you knew he would only escalate the situation.
Matthias' face turned sourer, within a blink of an eye he was moving. You had no time to react as he grabbed you and pushed you against the wall, his forearm pressing against your throat. He put enough pressure to limit your air, like he was trying to warn you, not to hurt you. You quickly touched your hands together and reached out to summon. Matthias grabbed your wrist and slammed it against the wall. It made a sick crack, pain blooming through your wrist and hand. You let out a string of curses, biting your tongue to avoid being too loud.
Kaz used the crow end of his cane to press against Matthias' neck, "I suggest you let go, Helvar."
Matthias let out a soft growl as he spoke, "Who are you?"
His accent was so pronounced, every word he spoke in Kerch was thick with the Frejdan accent he would never be rid of.
"Friends of Nina," You insisted, "In my left pocket, Nina gave me her necklace."
Matthias loosed his grip slightly, looking from your face to your skirt's pockets. He let go of your wrist, but you daren't move it. He slowly fished out the necklace, holding it up to study the delicate chain. He slowly moved his forearm off of you, stepping back and staring at you with wide eyes.
As soon as he was the step back, you pulled your wrist to your chest. Kaz's eyes flickered from you to the giant Frejdan in the middle of you.
"Can you..?"
You shook your head, "Maybe," you pulled your wrist away from your chest and flexed your fingers. Pain shot up your arm, causing your face to twist in a grimace.
"You are..." Matthias paused, "...Grisha."
You nodded, "I was our ticket out of here."
Kaz scowled at the Frejdan, something about his look made you think he might leave the Drüskelle here after all.
"I'll make it work," You said, pushing the pain to the back of your mind to continue with the job.
Kaz looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't. He tried to move over as much as he could letting you shuffle past and stand in front of the door.
You turned to look at the druskelle, "Don't make any noises, they will hear it."
Matthias' brows pinched together, he looked to Kaz for an explanation but the boy just ordered him to stay close.
You took a deep breath, forcing your broken hand to open so that you could summon. Moving your fingers was hard, they were reluctant to dance like usual when you summoned. You pressed past it, drawing the shadows to conceal your group, opening the door slowly and sneaking out. Kaz and Matthias stayed close behind you, following you all around the room back to the exit. As you solely opened the door, a far-off bell started to sound.
"Jesper," Kaz said quietly.
You nodded, quietly slipping into the corridor and ushering Kaz and Matthias in too. You dropped the shadows once the door closed, ignoring the incredulous stare Matthias was giving you. Kaz led the way back through the corridors and winding hallways, leaning heavily on his cane as he walked. You knew that the time he had spent off it must have caused him pain, you felt bad that the plan had gone so terribly wrong.
Kaz seemed to always have a backup plan because he led you and Matthias out of Helgate like a man on a mission. You stumbled along behind him, keeping your wrist held to your chest. Kaz led you and Matthias down a stairway, the door at the end lead into the night air. You were surprised to find a small balcony, a rotten wooden platform perched on the rocks. The saltwater had eroded away the wood on the front, making it creak and flake dangerously under your feet. Kaz made quick work of slipping down the platform and onto the rocks, he pressed his palm against the wall to steady himself. He turned back to you and Matthias waiting impatiently for you both to follow him. Matthias went first, stepping down easily, making the drop look like a small step. You tried to step down with some sense of balance, but your foot found a slippery rock and you tripped forward. You hit into Kaz, who steadied you with a hand to your bad arm. You hissed and recoiled, watching Kaz's face change.
"Sorry," You whispered, noticing how he swallowed thickly, panic barely contained in his eyes.
Kaz took a moment, looking at your genuine expression. He knew that you knew, but you made no move to ask about it his weakness. For that, he was grateful.
Kaz pushed out of his haunted thoughts, turning and leading the way across the rocks and around the outside of Hellgate. You had been walking for ten minutes when the rocks started to mix with chunks of rubble. Walking on the rocks with the rubble moving underneath your feet became harder. You all slowed down and clung to the wall for the extra support it gave.
"Saints," You murmured when you came across the gaping hole in the wall made by Wylans explosives.
"Wylan knows what he's doing," Kaz quipped, slight amusement in his tone.
It took your small group at least two hours to get back to the Slat. The majority of that time was spent in a tiny row boat getting sloshed by freezing water. You were sat next to Kaz while Matthias rowed, you had offered your help but he had huffed in Frejdan something that seemed like 'I can do it myself'.
By the time you all had entered the Slat, there had been no one on the streets and you were freezing. Matthias seemed to be dealing with the cold best, no doubt his childhood in the icy Frejda had trained him well. You and Kaz were shivering as you stumbled along, all of you were damp from your trip on the sea. Your skirts were soaked, making them heavier and heavier as you walked.
Stepping into the Slat would usually warm you up, but this time it didn't. You could see Wylan and Jesper sitting at the bar, watching Nina pace up and down. They all snapped to look at you when the door slammed shut behind you. Nina let out a tiny squeal, running and throwing herself into Matthias' arms. You and Kaz looked on briefly before stumbling further into the room.
"Saints," Jesper looked both of you up and down, "We thought maybe you'd died."
You let out a chuckle, "You can't kill weeds."
Kaz looked at you surprised and you offered him a smile.
"What happened?" Wylan asked, watching Nina and Matthias approach arm in arm.
Kaz fixed Matthias with a glare, "Your oaf broke Y/N's wrist."
Nina looked from Matthias to you, then stepped forward to assess your wrist. You offered her your hand without complaint, letting her heal it the little she could.
"It was a mistake," You defended Matthias, mostly from Kaz's dark stare.
Later that night, which had turned more to early morning, you sought out Kaz in his room. You had changed into dry clothes, your wrist wrapped to keep it steady until morning when you would find a healer. You walked up to Kaz's door, then hesitated. What if he was asleep?
You knocked anyway, gently so as to not startle him.
You pushed the door open, stepping into the room slightly. Kaz didn't even turn from his perch at his desk to look at you.
"I- uh," Your voice came out much quieter than you were expecting, almost sounding broken.
Kaz stopped scribbling on the paper on front of him.
"I just wanted to ask," You spoke clearer this time, "If you were okay?"
Kaz turned to look at you this time, surprised. After a few days with the bastard of the barrel, you had gotten better at reading his subtle emotions. Even the ones he tried to hide deep in his eyes. Like the anxiety when you touched him, or again on the boat.
Kaz didn't answer, he didn't have to.
"You don't have to answer," You said after a moment of silence passed, "Everyone has their..." You searched for the right word.
"Weaknesses," Kaz said.
"Weaknesses." You agreed.
You took a small step forward, testing the waters. Kaz didn't tell you to back off or look fearful.
"We all have them," You continued.
Kaz nodded once, "And you?"
You smiled, "Dirtyhands doesn't know?"
Kaz looked away and sighed in exasperation.
You stepped closer, approaching the desk, "It's this."
You summoned your shadows, forming them into a small tangled shape in your palm. The shadows reached up your arm, trying to tangle their way around you. You dismissed them, staring at the empty space above your palm.
Kaz thought about how wrong you were.
"If you ever need to share," You took a step back, "I'll be here."
You left him at his desk, exiting the room and closing the door behind you. Maybe it would take some time, but you were willing to wait if it meant becoming someone Kaz Brekker could rely on.
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midnight-rain-fics · 1 year
All of the girls you loved before
{Fandom: Grishaverse}
{Pairing: Jesper x reader (platonic)} {Jesper x Wylan}
Summary: Reader is an old fling of Jesper’s and joins the crows on a job. Wylan is not amused as the reader and Jesper flirt and his mean side makes an appearance. Just fluff. That’s it.
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“Every dead-end street led you straight to me
Now you're all I need, I'm so thankful for
All of the girls you loved before
But I love you more”
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• From the moment you joined the crows on their latest heist, you could tell that Jesper’s boyfriend, Wylan was not your biggest fan
• You hadn’t really been on jobs for some time, what with you trying to be a better person
• For her
•because she deserved that and much more
• partaking in criminal activity wasn’t the benchmark for being a good person but Kaz was a friend and the pay was just too good to pass up
• Seeing Jesper, one of your old friends was just the cherry on top
• Jesper and you had been friends and then something more before you two broke up and you fell in love with someone else
• “well, well, well, if it isn’t the infamous Y/N L/N” Jesper had smirked as he swung an arm around your shoulder
• “looking good, Fahey”
• and that comment had probably been when Wylan first started glaring at you, his eyes narrowed as you and Jesper joked around until you both got reprimanded by Kaz.
• It turns out Wylan tended to be quite mean when he was jealous, something that had surprised the rest of the crows
• “You talk quite a lot, did anyone ever tell you that?”
• “I don’t think now is the time to joke”
• You had found his jealousy amusing and Jesper seemed to share the thought as he looked at Wylan with heart eyes
• Kaz had paired you, Jesper and Wylan together to search the merchant’s study while he and Inej stole the dekappel from his living room.
• “my fantasy threesome” Jesper had smirked, “of people to work with” he hastily added as Wylan’s glare turned from you to him.
• You leaned down as you rummaged through the drawer of the merchant’s table, looking for anything valuable.
• “isn’t this so much fun?” Jesper asked aloud as he looked at himself in the mirror and posed with his guns.
• “just like old times, Jes” You smirked inwardly as you heard Wylan huff in annoyance.
• You made a victorious noise as you finally found something of value and pulled a pearl necklace out of the drawer, “look at this beauty”
• “you like pearls?” Wylan asked, his eyes trained on you judgmentally, “I think they are quite tacky”
• Jesper let out a disbelieving chuckle as he looked at his boyfriend
• You looked at Wylan with a raised eyebrow, amusement clear in your eyes, “I am more of an emerald person but Linnea adores pearls”
• “Linnea?”
• A small smile broke out on your lips as you touched the pearls of the necklace, “Linnea Opjer, my girlfriend”
• “Oh”
• “yes, Oh”
• safe to say, Wylan felt quite embarrassed by his previous behavior. Jesper chose that moment to join the conversation, “and how is she nowadays?”
• You chuckled fondly, thinking of your girlfriend as you clutched the pearl necklace in your hand “still smart as a whip and pretty as these pearls”
• “which are not tacky, by the way, at all” Wylan said hurriedly as you pocketed the necklace.
• “good to know” you smiled at him. You hoped Linnea liked the necklace. Maybe one day you’ll get her a pearl ring too, asking her to be yours, forever. But for now, the necklace would suffice.
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A/N: Did I intentionally make Linnea, Nikolai’s half sister, reader’s girlfriend? Yes, yes I did. I could totally write some headcanons for her if y’all want. She’s Nikolai’s half sister, which means she’s already iconic.
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catapparently · 2 months
Please drop six of Crows and shadow and bone headcanon requests while I procrastinate writing the fanfiction I promised (or other fandoms too)
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divinitysmuse · 2 months
why do they make Wylan a 5'0 cutesy kawaii twink whose only trait is being gay WHEN HE'S LITERALLY A DEMOLITIONS EXPERT, AMAZING AT SCIENCE AND SUCH A PERCEPTIVE PERSON? this is irrational, my boy deserves so much better.
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pluvoiphile · 1 year
what do we think about me writing a poly!wesper x male!reader fic/imagine?
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Whole Heart
Pairing: Jesper Fahey x reader x Wylan Van Eck
Summary: Wylan returns from a trip to Shu Han...
A/N: I know I mentioned something smutty, but I stressed myself out with school so I needed something fluffy 😂
Also I wrote this bc WYLAN NEEDS LOVE
This was uncharted territory for Wylan.  He’d grown up without knowing any sort of love, any sort of happiness.  And now he had not one, but two of the most attractive people in the Barrel who wanted to be his.  He swore he’d wake up back in his father’s house, sure this was some cruel dream.  But he woke up every morning in yours and Jesper’s bed, in your arms, and slowly, steadily, Wylan was coming to believe in his new reality.
He’d been asked to travel to Bhez Ju to speak on behalf of the Merchant Council and their newest investment, leaving you and Jesper in Ketterdam.  “I won’t be more than a week, a week and a half at the most,” Wylan had said, which led to Jesper pouting and you drawing your lover into your arms.  “Ignore him, we’ll be fine.  I mean, we’ll miss you like crazy, but we’ll survive.”  “Speak for yourself, Y/N!” Jesper lamented.  “How am I expected to survive without my precious darling boy?”
The next morning, when you and Jesper saw him off at the docks, Wylan heavily debated throwing his bags into the harbor and making Jesper carry him home.  But he kissed you goodbye, accepted Jesper’s bone-crushing hug, and boarded the ship to Shu Han.  It was only an hour into the voyage that Wylan realized just how hard this trip would be without the two of you.  When he saw dolphins from his cabin window, all he’d wanted to do was tell you, to show Jesper, but you weren’t there.
It seemed that now that he’d gotten a taste of what it meant to be loved, Wylan couldn’t go without it.  He would do his best to push that aside and go what he’d been sent on this trip to do, but every spare moment, his thoughts were occupied by your smile, by Jesper’s laugh, by the feeling of your arms around him, keeping him safe.  Back in Ketterdam, you and Jesper were faring no better.  Wylan had only been a part of your relationship for a month or so, but in that short time, he had integrated seamlessly into your life.
Jesper came to expect the sound of flute music lilting through the halls, to smell Wylan’s shampoo on his pillow, because he could never seem to keep his head on his own; you’d come to relish Wylan popping into your study to tell you about the new piece he’d been working on or the progress he’d made with his reading.  When the three of you would fall into bed at night, it was common for Wylan to sandwich himself right between you and Jesper, wanting to be cradled in both of your arms.
But now, the halls were quiet, Jesper’s pillow smelled like his own shampoo.  Your work was uninterrupted, and the bed felt far too large.  And as nice as it was to spend some time alone with Jesper, you both missed your other lover, you missed Wylan.  The week passed far too slowly, and when the door opened on a Saturday morning, you flew from your seat in the living room.
“My baby’s home!” you cried, running into the entryway.  Wylan had barely set his bags down when you swept him into your arms, peppering his face and neck with kisses.  “Y/N!” he giggled, and oh, what a beautiful sound that was.  “Ghezen, I missed you, we both missed you, love.”  Wylan wrapped his arms around your waist and held you, nuzzling his face into your chest.  “I missed you too.”  For several minutes, you stood with your boyfriend in your arms, stroking his hair and kissing his temples.  “I love you,” you whispered, and Wylan shuddered, still somewhat unaccustomed to being openly adored.
“I love you too,” he replied, and you coaxed his head from your chest.  “I think there’s someone upstairs who’s just as excited to see you as I am.”  His face lit up at the mention of his other lover, and Wylan wound have bolted up the stairs if he hadn’t been so reluctant to let go of your hand.  But you followed him to the bedroom, where Jesper was still dozing, happily watching as Wylan perched himself on the edge of the bed.  
He bent to press a gentle kiss to the Zemini’s forehead, causing his face to scrunch up.  “Jesper,” Wylan said, kissing his cheek.  “Wake up, darling.”  “Hmm, Wylan….  Wylan?”  Jesper sat up, nearly knocking his boyfriend over, a mad smile overtaking his face.  “Wy, sweetheart, you’re home!”  “I am–oh!”  Jesper pulled Wylan into his lap and kissed him deeply, making the mercher blush.
You moved to sit on your side of the bed, draping your arm over Jesper’s shoulder and pressed a kiss to his cheek.  “I missed you so much, baby,” Jesper said, his forehead resting against Wylan’s.  “I was only gone a week,” Wylan said, and you laughed. “It felt longer than that, honey,” you said, and Wylan was all too eager to accept your kisses, your embraces, to be showered in love and attention from you and Jesper.
It took a fair amount of convincing, but Wylan managed to separate himself from both of you long enough to change into pajamas.  The journey back to Ketterdam had been rough; storms the entire time, and Wylan hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep.  And being back in his lovers’ arms had him nodding off in seconds.  “I love you,” he said, snuggling between you and Jesper; lying on his side facing you, his face pressed into your chest, with Jesper spooning him from behind.  This was usually how the three of you slept, the position letting Wylan be held by both of his lovers.
“I love you too, Wy,” Jesper replied, kissing the back of his neck.  “Love you too, baby,” you said, smoothing his hair from his face.  “We love you so much.”  Wylan’s heart felt like it could explode with how happy he was, with how much he loved the two of you, and as he fell asleep, he was smiling.  Jesper reached over his sleeping boyfriend and cupped your cheek.  You reached up and laid your hand over his, squeezing it gently.  “I have my whole heart again,” you said, and Jesper hummed.  “So do I.”
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omg hi could you maybe do a high-school au where you're failing English lit and Tolya is assigned as your tutor and you had no idea he was good at English and just mutual crushing vibes over poetry and maybe he's a jock and you go to his games to cheer him on and yeah...
the song could be Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince by Taylor Swift
Okay, look. Normally I don't do AU stuff, because, so many reasons, but I looked at this request and thought about it, and then I thought about it out loud and it sent me and bestie spiralling so fast into a whole Shadow and Bone High School AU concept, that I kind of, have to write this. I kind of have to, but it will have a lot (A LOT) of AU background info so hold on tight buddy. It may get to the point where you're asking yourself "what happened to the original plot of the movie," and to that I say... Idk.
Between Classes And The Bell - Tolya Yul Bataar
Content Warnings: Explicit Language. Spoilers for Seasons 1 & 2 And Potential Book Spoilers Implied Throughout. Not Canon Compliant, As AU But Canon Referenced Throughout. Not Beta/Proof Read.
Word Count: 5k+
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"My expectations are low," Kaz says, tapping his cane against the table as he passes Zoya, a gentle taunt. Zoya purses her perfect lips and taps her pencil against the table, refusing to take the bait. "But they can always go lower, of course."
"You really think this is an argument you'll win, Brekker?" Zoya asks, turning in her seat to look at him. He smiles, eyes darting to make sure there is no teachers to oversee the devilish smirk, and clasps his spare hand over the one holding the cane.
"Never been in a fight I couldn't," he says. Zoya looks ready to explode. And you can understand why, Kaz never loses Debate, and she was just beginning to think she had the upper hand on him, but he had only wanted her to think that.
"I don't think we need to take this so seriously," says another classmate, "we aren't being supervised."
"I think taking things more seriously when unsupervised is essential to a thriving environment," Kaz is mocking Zoya and she knows it. She wants to do something, and if she let her heated nature get the better of her, she might. But she just folds her arms, and takes in a deep breath. As Head Girl she has to be composed, and as Captain of the cheer squad she has long learnt composure. When Zoya breathes it is like even the air is competing for her attention, she is that kind of beautiful. You glance at her and she has her eyes closed, calming herself. She shouldn't let Brekker get under her skin so easily, but Zoya takes everything very seriously, whereas Kaz gives the illusion of caring about school, all the teachers think he is a perfect student, and his grades suggest as much, but it is more of a game to Kaz. But that would go unnoticed by most, after all, no body tends to look too closely at a boy with a cane. But you don't doubt he is probably the most threatening of all of you. You'd heard a rumour once that he was running a blackmail scheme and that's why his grades were perfect without trying. But you knew Kaz was smarter than he cared to display, and you didn't want to put too much stock in rumours. School is so full of them after all.
You get up as the class empties, and you try not to pay close attention to the way Kaz hovers in the room, awaiting it's empty, you cannot tell if he is waiting for someone or waiting for the silence.
Zoya is headed for cheer practice and you are quick to step out of her way, it is best not to get under her feet at the best of times, yet again when she is fuelled with rage from an argument and especially when she is running late at the expense of losing said argument.
You step to the side to let most of the crowd pass, but as the corridors empty you feel yourself getting confused about where you were going. You catch a glimpse of your science partners leather messenger bag, and watercolour eyes and you nod to yourself, science, you're sure you've got a science next... but which one? Probably Chemistry, you'll settle for Chemistry.
"You're getting all turned around again," comes a voice from behind you. You turn and the familiar face of Inej Ghafa, is closer than you expected it to be. Inej is one of The Dregs like Kaz, you hated that name, but High School will be as High School will be and names like that sort of stuck. They called them The Dregs because they were scholarship students who couldn't afford to be in the school without the scholarship, 'Dregs Of Society' as a senior had not so politely explained to you one day when you were fresh in and dumb enough to ask. You nearly jump out of your skin, seeing here so close to you, without sensing her at all. She has a tendency to do that, so light on her feet, petite and so quiet. You have often wondered if the ability to walk unheard came first or if it was something she had learned from being a gymnast. If the acrobatics came naturally and the silence was learned, you're not sure which would be more impressive. Inej is simply a marvel, her scholarship is based on her gym skills and you would never doubt why, you've never seen someone able to preform with such confidence and prowess as her. But more than that, it's her heart you've noticed most, so quiet and yet so endlessly kind.
"Am I?" you ask her. She nods.
"You have English," she tells you, pointing towards the arts block.
"I have Chemistry," you say quickly but Inej shakes her head.
"No you had Chemistry last semester in this time slot on a Thursday," she corrects you, "now you have English."
You pause, but you realise she is right. You don't bother questioning how she knows that, one of the things you were quick to learn about Inej was she seemed to know everything about everyone, it came with the quietness you guessed, that she can hear and learn everything about everyone while no one even notices she's there. You wonder if that's what Kaz sees in keeping her so close, but then again based on the way the boy looks at her, you'd guess that was something else.
You turn to thank her but she has already disappeared from sight.
You're not late but you are cutting it close when you make your way to your seat. Nina, who you know relatively well from the short time you spent in the drama department last year, at her own coaxing, throws you a smile. "Pass this back to the pretty one?" she asks, handing you a note.
You glance over your shoulder and you don't need to ask who she means, you should have guessed. Matthias is looking even less eager to be in this class than you feel, but you don't blame him. For an exchange student Matthias doesn't seem to be thrilled to be here at all, most of the time, except when he is with Nina, which he is every moment he has the opportunity to be.
Every time you hear him speak it is to tell Nina that something she is doing is improper, and where he grew up that would've never been allowed, and yet every time you see him he is staring at her with a look in his eyes that could make you believe in love all on its own.
"Please?" Nina asks, fluttering those long beautiful eyelashes at you. You've never seen anyone say no to Nina Zenik, it might not be at all possible.
"Of course Nina," you tell her and hand the note back. Matthias frowns, and you can see the thoughts bubbling to the surface. He mumbles something about etiquette and respect for educators and then recognises Nina's handwriting and stops his grumbling.
"I think I am winning him over yet," she grins before turning back to the front of class. Nina was studying to be a nurse, but after a particularly rough semester switched carer plans and now intends to be a mortician, most of her bubbliness has come back to her, but it's clearest enough when she has the blonde in her eyeline, he truly brings out the best in her.
You find yourself tuning out most of the lesson, which you know you shouldn't, your Literature teacher is old enough that you feel like you should be able to get away with not paying attention, but you know she sees everything, and you're more than a little convinced everyone is afraid of her. So you're knocked sick immediately when Miss Morozova asks you to stay behind as the class is finishing up. You hope for a moment you might have misheard her, but her cold eyes on you is confirmation that you didn't.
She beckons you to the desk with a flick of her wrist and you approach, wondering what misstep you took, but she just slides your previous paper across the wood at you, and you see your mark and goose bumps spread through your skin. Fuck.
"You're going to fail," she tells you. She has never had a knack for encouragement or being gentle with her students.
"That is not what I had hoped," you admit. She laughs, it's a cold type of laugh, all apathy and disappointment.
"Not about hope child, it's about application and effort, I am not sure if you're missing the point or if you are not trying to see the point at all, either way you're not getting where you need to be," she shuffles a few papers, "so I have assigned you a tutor, hopefully that should fix your shortcomings, if not you will fail this class."
"A tutor?" you ask, the cold feeling just continues to spread through your body. Please not Zoya, please not Zoya. You don't doubt she is good at it, you've seen the turn around of Zoya's tutoring, but she intimidates you if you're honest and you don't think that is optimal for your learning. "Who?"
"Tolya Yul Bataar," she says, not bothering to look at you, "I have already informed him, the rest he will sort out, you're dismissed."
"Tolya?" you ask. You hadn't thought about it, you know he is in the advanced class, but you'd never given it much thought. Always seen the jock first, which isn't surprising, his education likes to focus on his sports, they treat his twin sister Tamar the same. Their skills making your school highest in competitive sports, it makes the school want to focus on their athletics. But you're a little annoyed at yourself for not even thinking about it.
You've thought about Tolya more than enough to have justified thinking about his academics. But the slight crush you've had on the athlete who stands taller than you can reason and with arms you're convinced could move mountains, you have had time to think about him.
You had lunch with his sister once, just the once. Tamar is nowhere near as tall as her brother, with short cropped hair which is a contrast to Tolya's own, but her strength is just like his, even for her size she is fierce and unrelenting. She looks like she could fuck you up, and you know she has the power behind her to back that up, and she would, and is willing to if the need arises. Her girlfriend Nadia had also been present at that lunch and you'd wanted to talk more than you had. Tamar was a type of brave you often wanted to be, unapologetic in her braveness, equal parts bark and bite.
You don't try asking anymore questions, you're pretty eager to get out the classroom that you walk straight into the corridor, not thinking to look around you, and are met by a leaning Tolya, who is rested up against the notice board beside the door. If normally he makes your heart skip a few beats, seeing him waiting for you nearly makes your heart stop. You tell yourself that's a fear response, but you know you're lying. "Tolya," you say breathing a little too heavily.
"I didn't take you for the flunking English type," he smiles at you, "but then again how well do you know a person?"
You smile, trying to not blush too deeply and give yourself entirely away. "I didn't know I was flunking," you admit.
"That isn't reassuring," he says, but he isn't criticizing you, you know criticism when you see it.
"It wasn't supposed to be."
"I am sure we can fix it up, I am... fond of prose."
You're supposed to be studying Remains by Simon Armitage, but even in his tutoring state, you can tell Tolya is finding the poem just as painful as you are. You don't want to be difficult, you don't mean to be, you're stressed about the fact you're going to flunk English Lit, and you know Tolya wants to help. But this poem is driving your attention elsewhere, and in an attempt to not stare at the large, pretty, tutor doing his best to go through themes with you, you let your eyes wander around the library.
Jesper Fahey, the lean theatre student with the true talent for dramatics in every aspect of his life, right down to the way he is dressed with bejewelled collar pins and matching cufflinks, is leaning over your chemistry partner, giving him that smile you recognise. Jesper has always been a flirt, and he never misses the mark, you've seen him flirt with nearly everyone around, but he only ever gives Wylan those eyes. You'd seen it first the day Wylan has suggested pyrotechnics for one of their next play, the same day Jesper tried to pitch Rocky Horror, they were a strange match, but perfectly matched in their strangeness. You especially liked Wylan, as your partner in the sciences you spent enough time with him to know that he is so smart, the kind of smart that makes your head spin, he could be a scholarship student, but he actually is a Legacy, not that you'd know it by looking at him, or talking to him. He doesn't really talk about his family, and you never pushed, knowing he runs the tech for the drama kids and can make homemade fireworks is a decent amount of know about a person.
"Am I boring you?" Tolya asks, his voice soft.
"No," you chuckle, "but I won't lie Simon Armitage is, maybe to death."
Tolya offers you a chuckle in response. "In honesty, I would like to say there is credit in all poetry, and I think there is, something for everyone, but I am inclined to agree this is no Keats," Tolya concedes.
"Or Wordsworth, or even Larkin," you add. He smiles.
"So you do like poetry?" he asks. You frown.
"Did I leave you with the impression I didn't?" you ask. He tilts his head, and he looks so unreasonably large in that blue library seat that you bite your tongue to not giggle at it.
"I had to read your previous paper to prep," he says, "you made it sound like poetry was the lowest form of art."
"I didn't mean for it to sound like that, maybe that poem," you joke, "but not all poetry."
"So, what poems do you like?" he asks, closing the book.
"What poems do you like, I didn't take you for the type," you give that preconception willingly, hoping to dismiss it quickly, and get his true interests locked into memory in a hope to know him better.
"All muscle and no appreciation for art?" he asks. You shrug.
"I never thought you were only muscle," you say, "you've got height too."
He laughs a little too loud for the library but you're too busy smiling to care. "I like classic poetry, epic prose," he admits.
"Iliad?" you ask. He grins.
"Yeah, Homer is up there," he nods, "also The Cantos."
"Oh is that... Ezra Pound?" you check, genuinely unsure if you're right but the gleam in his eyes tells you that you are before his words do.
You sit for a while, swapping favourites and preferences and you don't hear the sound of the bell ringing, calling you to classes, you just keep listening to Tolya reciting from memory and you think you could listen to that forever.
"I hate to pull you away," comes a voice anyone would recognise. You look up and the resident Lantsov, Nikolai with his puppy grin and sparkling eyes is looking at Tolya, "but you are very late."
Tolya glances at the time, as long in you as you were in him, and gets up a little too quickly. "I lost track of time," he admits.
"I can see that," Nikolai spares you a glance, and smiles back at his friend. Nikolai is charming, charming in all the ways a politician might be without half the deceit and double the bravado. Handsome in the way that he knows he is handsome and leans on it, but doesn't rely on it solely like people as pretty as he often do. But it works for him, and you understand where it comes from. Lantsov is a Legacy student, which gets him a lot of allowances, but his older brother got expelled a few years back and he has been under a lot of pressure to not fuck up like Vasily did. So he goes the extra mile, does the extra work, head boy, and boy scout all in one, just to fix what his brother broke. The new girl Alina is hovering not far behind, Nikolai took a liking to her immediately, she looks lost in this place, she got in on a scholarship for a sport she didn't play and has been trying to juggle everything ever since. But she mostly talks about missing home, she has a boy back at her old school, a boy her heart aches at the absence of. Usually that sort of thing is a lie, but the way she talks about him, you would never doubt, you're not sure of his name, you've heard it once or twice, Hal, Mal maybe, you don't let your mind linger on the thought.
"I have to go, but I promise to meet you here tomorrow?" Tolya asks you, bringing you back to the library and out of your mind.
"I'll be here," you say. You watch the three of them walk away, the twins have been close to Nikolai as long as you've known any of them, thick as thieves and twice as protective of one another. You can admire a friendship like that.
"And the final stanza, ending with that imagery," Tolya is trying so very hard to stay on topic, but you are tapping your fingers across a very old copy of Odyssey and he knows you're trying to pull his attention away, and you know it's working.
"or six-feet-under in desert sand, but near to the knuckle, here and now, his bloody life in my bloody hands," you recite. "I know Tolya, it is ingrained in my mind I promise you."
"If you fail the next essay you won't be stuck with me anymore, you'll be failed," Tolya reminds you.
"I am very aware of my predicament," you straighten up, "fail and well fail, or succeed and be told the tutoring is effective and I must continue to spend these hours with you."
The way you tease him makes him want to forget the studying all together and just keep you in his company for longer, without explanation or reason beyond just wanting you there.
"This is such torture for you, isn't it?" He asks, not meaning a word.
"Not in the slightest," you confess. "My favourite part of the day, and not just because you bring really good snacks."
"I do," he agrees reaching to take a biscuit from the centre of the table. "Are you coming to the game?"
The question strikes you as odd, you have spent weeks with Tolya and you've discussed art and music and poetry at length, but you've avoided talking sports, you thought because he had wanted not to talk about it, but with this question you wonder if maybe you've been negligent in not asking him about that aspect of his life. If you've come across as uninterested in the athletics and dismissive because of it, and that thought fills you with an uncomfortable nervousness.
"I hadn't been planning on," you say slowly, "should I?"
"It's going to be a good game," he says, "a competitive one." You nod, trying to seem more enthusiastic than you're sure how to be about sports. "It's an important game," he admits, "and I would... like to have you there, if you want to come?"
"Are you asking me to come watch your game?" you ask, twiddling your pencil between your fingers. He smiles.
"Yeah, I kind of am," he admits, "is that okay?"
"Yeah," the blush creeps up your neck but has the respect to stay away from your cheeks, weeks alongside Tolya you've had to train yourself to blush more subtly, "I'd like that."
Genya and Nina are both fussing over Zoya in preparation for the game, Genya because she wants to be beautician and it is helpful, Nina because it's her prerogative to get involved wherever she wants to. Seeing Genya and Zoya be so friendly with one another is still a little unnerving, due to a not so friendly rumour about Genya and a teacher Genya had been the subject of a lot of hate from the girls at school. Zoya was among them. But the last year has brought everyone a lot closer, and everyone has become a lot more understanding, and Zoya with the help of Alina went around getting Mr Kirigan fired for his unprofessional behaviour, that which they could prove anyway. Genya weathered the worst of it all, and she never seemed to shake.
"Genya if you do not stop fussing me," Zoya warns her, but it's coming from a softer place than her normal warning tone. Zoya holds a lot of guilt when it comes to Genya, about not defending her, about not believing her, about not protecting her from the rumours.
Even Zoya had her fair share of rumours, the real reason as to why she doesn't date, the way her eyes linger moments too long on a pretty girl in the hallway, but again, you didn't like to put too much stock into rumours.
Genya twirls one of her red tendrils around her hand, trying to keep them off Zoya's long dark hair which she has pulled up into a ponytail. "Can I at least-,"
"No," Zoya says sternly. "David, please come get your girlfriend."
David, the reed thin brunette who rarely understands half of what is going on around him, looks up from the book he is reading, something on geology and metallurgy, to look at Genya who gives him a sweet smile, and he gives her a little wave, not having heard exactly what Zoya said. David and Genya are high school sweethearts, the type that you're not even aware you are rooting for at first, but at some point you realise the happiness of their relationship is the thing you are basing your idea of true love on.
"You're coming tonight right?" Nina asks you, throwing you a look across the room, you hadn't realised she noticed you being there, between trying to keep Genya from trying to colour Zoya's hair and Zoya from trying to kill Genya with a look.
"To the game?" Genya turns her eyes to you and they're glistening with anticipation. "I didn't realise you found your school spirit."
"I was invited," you explain.
"Yeah, by a tree with the muscles of a Saint," Nina quips giving you a wink. "I don't think it's school spirit they've found."
"Tolya?" Genya asks, tone shifting up a pitch with her eagerness.
"Don't say it like that," you say. Genya leans up on her elbows, resting her pretty face over her crossed hands.
"Like what?" she asks.
"Like," you gesture to her in her entirety, "like that, like you think you know something I don't know."
"If your truly flunking Lit, I think we all know something you don't know," Zoya says, "now can we get this show on the road, I cannot and will not be late."
"Ignore her," Nina mouths, "she's just cranky because... well because she is Zoya."
The air is brisk but you don't feel cold as you walk towards the field, you see Brekker underneath the bleachers talking with someone you don't recognise, but you pretend not to see anything.
Wylan has his arms around Jesper's neck in the back of the stands, and he looks less lost and more found. Matthias and Nina are bickering by the food queue about how acceptable sweet toppings are on savoury foods and she is too wrapped up in her fun game of wind up Matthias to see your wave, but you don't mind.
Zoya has corralled the cheerleaders and they're all pretty ready, Alina is staring trying not to get roped into anything as one of the cheerleaders in blue tries to tell her how good cheer is for the spirit.
Nikolai is trying to convince Zoya of something but you're not sure what, but you are at least sure it isn't working.
You are brought out of your people watching by feeling a presence close to your side, you turn your head and Inej is walking in stride. "Tolya is looking for you," she says, and you expect her to disappear into nothing as quickly as she appears, but she doesn't. She is a girl after all, not a ghost.
"When does the game start?" you ask.
"You have time," she assures you. She points south and you follow that guidance, and you see Tamar leaning on the gate, she is talking with some of the other players, and she looks so at home. It would be hard to believe there was a time when Tamar had to argue her way onto the team, given how much she has to offer.
Tamar gets a warning for cursing with enthusiasm and you cannot help but chuckle. If the other team wants a fight, they will definitely find one with her. You're about to ask if someone has seen Tolya when you feel the shadow casting across your shoulder.
"I'll get them back," Tamar is insisting.
"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much," Tolya quotes, standing beside you. Tamar throws her brother an unamused look.
"Oscar Wilde," you say craning your neck up to look at Tolya. He looks different in his sporting kit, but his hair is still held back the same, and his arms are still exposed to the cold air, just not with rolled up sleeves this time. Looking at him makes you feel cold, and you want to ask him how he isn't.
"You're shivering," he points out.
"I am?" you ask, glancing down at your own body, "I hadn't expected it to be so cold."
"Here," Tolya reaches behind him into a bag and pulls out a jersey, it's for the team and is sporting his number on the back, he hands it to you with one hand. "So you're warm."
You take it slowly, mind racing with the many implications of such a small, kind gesture, and you don't want to jump the gun with this, with him. "Thank you," you manage, slipping the fabric over your shoulders. "I didn't even realise you had one of these."
"Everyone on the team has one," he says.
"No, a jacket," you tease, "you never wear one."
He shrugs. "I don't get cold," he explains, looking around to see how quickly he needs to make his way to the field.
"Then why did you carry it with you?" you ask. The jersey smells like Tolya, from being in his bag you'd guess, and you feel a weight in the side pocket, reaching in you find a small packet of dried mango. You let yourself smile at that.
"I've got to run," he says, "wish me luck?"
"Break a leg," you say, "or is that just something you say for theatre?"
"I'll take it," he says before joining the team.
You'd not given the sports of your school too much thought, but watching Tolya play you must admit you weren't giving the sport aspect much thought even now. You cheer for Tolya, not the game, you're watching Tolya, not the game. If anyone asked you what was happening you're not sure you'd be able to offer more than this name.
If you had any doubts about your schools victory they would have been quickly squashed by the victory cries from Tamar, all fervour and for more expletives than the coach is happy for there to be. She gets a whistle of a warning and a stern look which she just brushes off, letting her brother pull her into a hug.
You are leaning on the fence, which you hadn't noticed until now, with Tolya approaching you. The field is lower set than the stands but Tolya still feels very tall as he gets closer. You can understand why Nina described him as treelike. "Good game," you say. The warmth of his jersey on your skin feeling as secure as that embrace you watched him give Tamar, and it leaves you reaching out for him with eager thoughts and hesitant hands. You tuck them deep into your pockets- his pockets, trying not to give yourself away.
"Thank you," he says, the adrenaline in his smile is dizzying. "Thank you for coming by the way, it means a lot."
"Thank you for inviting me," you say. You want to say more, you want to find the words for this feeling, this gentle buzzing that is sparking between the two of you.
"Ask her you coward," Tamar calls from her place now sat next to Nadia, straddling the bench of a lower section of the bleachers, sharing a milkshake with her girlfriend.
Tolya laughs. "I made a bet with my sister, if we win I had to take that win, and take a risk," he says, and for someone so tall he looks so nervous. "And we won."
"You did," you nod, "quite well I think."
"Really well," he admits, laughter echoing in the spaces between the words.
"So what risk?" you ask, feeling yourself leaning onto your toes, needing to know, feeling your heart pounding in your chest.
"I was wondering if you'd like to see me, outside of school hours?" he asks.
"Like now?" you ask, trying to keep the smile at bay. He tilts his head in a nod.
"Yeah, like now, but maybe more... just us," he says. You feel like you might fall down but you can't help but tease him.
"For studying?" you ask. He can tell you're playing with him.
"No," he says, "not for studying."
"Are you trying to ask me on a date Tolya?"
"I am trying."
"I would like that, I would like that a lot."
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wrapperpaper · 1 year
I have a generous request to all of the great fanfiction writers that please for the love of God can you write something like all the Crows are getting interviewed in Cunk on Earth 😭 . I would love to see them being flabbergasted by the questions of Philomena. It can also be Crows x Reader, where the reader takes the place of Philomena. Thank you. I love you all so much. You guys are doing god's work <3
P.s. can you tag me in it ? :))
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