#what core is the backrooms
cemeteryplots · 1 month
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roboyomo · 1 month
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they’re so fucking Stupid. Twins of the century except they’re two idiot guys that just spawned in my brain back in 2021
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violetryst · 8 months
Closeups under the cut
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mcmansionhell · 3 months
the motel room, or: on datedness
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Often I find myself nostalgic for things that haven't disappeared yet. This feeling is enhanced by the strange conviction that once I stop looking at these things, I will never see them again, that I am living in the last moment of looking. This is sense is strongest for me in the interiors of buildings perhaps because, like items of clothing, they are of a fashionable nature, in other words, more impermanent than they probably should be.
As I get older, to stumble on something truly dated, once a drag, is now a gift. After over a decade of real estate aggregation and the havoc it's wreaked on how we as a society perceive and decorate houses, if you're going to Zillow to search for the dated (which used to be like shooting fish in a barrel), you'll be searching aimlessly, for hours, to increasingly no avail, even with all the filters engaged. (The only way to get around this is locational knowledge of datedness gleaned from the real world.) If you try to find images of the dated elsewhere on the internet, you will find that the search is not intuitive. In this day and age, you cannot simply Google "80s hotel room" anymore, what with the disintegration of the search engine ecosystem and the AI generated nonsense and the algorithmic preference for something popular (the same specific images collected over and over again on social media), recent, and usually a derivative of the original search query (in this case, finding material along the lines of r/nostalgia or the Backrooms.)
To find what one is looking for online, one must game the search engine with filters that only show content predating 2021, or, even better, use existing resources (or those previously discovered) both online and in print. In the physical world of interiors, to find what one is looking for one must also now lurk around obscure places, and often outside the realm of the domestic which is so beholden to and cursed by the churn of fashion and the logic of speculation. Our open world is rapidly closing, while, paradoxically, remaining ostensibly open. It's true, I can open Zillow. I can still search. In the curated, aggregated realm, it is becoming harder and harder to find, and ultimately, to look.
But what if, despite all these changes, datedness was never really searchable? This is a strange symmetry, one could say an obscurity, between interiors and online. It is perhaps unintentional, and it lurks in the places where searching doesn't work, one because no one is searching there, or two, because an aesthetic, for all our cataloguing, curation, aggregation, hoarding, is not inherently indexable and even if it was, there are vasts swaths of the internet and the world that are not categorized via certain - or any - parameters. The internet curator's job is to find them and aggregate them, but it becomes harder and harder to do. They can only be stumbled upon or known in an outside, offline, historical or situational way. If to index, to aggregate, is, or at least was for the last 30 years, to profit (whether monetarily or in likes), then to be dated, in many respects, is the aesthetic manifestation of barely breaking even. Of not starting, preserving, or reinventing but just doing a job.
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We see this online as well. While the old-web Geocities look and later Blingee MySpace-era swag have become aestheticized and fetishized, a kind of naive art for a naive time, a great many old websites have not received the same treatment. These are no less naive but they are harder to repackage or commodify because they are simple and boring. They are not "core" enough.
As with interiors, web datedness can be found in part or as a whole. For example, sites like Imgur or Reddit are not in and of themselves dated but they are full of remnants, of 15-year old posts and their "you, sir, have won the internet" vernacular that certainly are. Other websites are dated because they were made a long time ago by and for a clientele that doesn't have a need or the skill to update (we see this often with Web 2.0 e-commerce sites that figured out how to do a basic mobile page and reckoned it was enough). The next language of datedness, like the all-white landlord-special interior, is the default, clean Squarespace restaurant page, a landing space that's the digital equivalent of a flyer, rarely gleaned unless someone needs a menu, has a food allergy or if information about the place is not available immediately from Google Maps. I say this only to maintain that there is a continuity in practices between the on- and off-line world beyond what we would immediately assume, and that we cannot blame everything on algorithms.
But now you may ask, what is, exactly, datedness? Having spent two days in a distinctly dated hotel room, I've decided to sit in utter boredom with the numinous past and try and pin it down.
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I am in an obscure place. I am in Saint-Georges, Quebec, Canada, on assignment. I am staying at a specific motel, the Voyageur. By my estimation the hotel was originally built in the late seventies and I'd be shocked if it was older than 1989. The hotel exterior was remodeled sometime in the 2000s with EIFS cladding and beige paint. Above is a picture of my room, which, forgive me, is in the process of being inhabited. American (and to a lesser extent Canadian) hotel rooms are some of the most churned through, renovated spaces in the world, and it's pretty rare, unless you're staying in either very small towns or are forced by economic necessity to stay at real holes in the wall, to find ones from this era. The last real hitter for me was a 90s Day's Inn in the meme-famous Breezewood, PA during the pandemic.
At first my reaction to seeing the room was cautionary. It was the last room in town, and certainly compared to other options, probably not the world's first choice. However, after staying in real, genuine European shitholes covering professional cycling I've become a class-A connoisseur of bad rooms. This one was definitively three stars. A mutter of "okay time to do a quick look through." But upon further inspection (post-bedbug paranoia) I came to the realization that maybe the always-new brainrot I'd been so critical of had seeped a teeny bit into my own subconscious and here I was snubbing my nose at a blessing in disguise. The room is not a bad room, nor is it unclean. It's just old. It's dated. We are sentimental about interiors like this now because they are disappearing, but they are for my parents what 2005 beige-core is for me and what 2010s greige will become for the generation after. When I'm writing about datedness, I'm writing in general using a previous era's examples because datedness, by its very nature, is a transitional status. Its end state is the mixed emotion of seeing things for what they are yet still appreciating them, expressed here.
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Datedness is the period between vintage and contemporary. It is the sentiment between quotidian and subpar. It is uncurated and preserved only by way of inertia, not initiative. It gives us a specific feeling we don't necessarily like, one that is deliberately evoked in the media subcultures surrounding so-called "liminal" spaces: the fuguelike feeling of being spatially trapped in a time while our real time is passing. Datedness in the real world is not a curated experience, it is only what was. It is different from nostalgia because it is not deliberately remembered, yearned for or attached to sweetness. Instead, it is somehow annoying. It is like stumbling into the world of adults as a child, but now you're the adult and the child in you is disappointed. (The real child-you forgot a dull hotel room the moment something more interesting came along.) An image of my father puts his car keys on the table, looks around and says, "It'll do." We have an intolerance for datedness because it is the realization of what sufficed. Sufficiency in many ways implies lack.
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However, for all its datedness, many, if not all, of the things in this room will never be seen again if the room is renovated. They will become unpurchaseable and extinct. Things like the bizarrely-patterned linoleum tile in the shower, the hose connecting to the specific faucet of the once-luxurious (or at least middling) jacuzzi tub whose jets haven't been exercised since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The wide berth of the tank on the toilet. There is nothing, really, worth saving about these things. Even the most sentimental among us wouldn't dare argue that the items and finishes in this room are particularly important from a design or historical standpoint. Not everything old has a patina. They're too cheaply made to salvage. Plastic tile. Bowed plywood. The image-artifacts of these rooms, gussied up for Booking dot com, will also, inevitably disappear, relegated to the dustheap of web caches and comments that say "it was ok kinda expensive but close to twon (sic)." You wouldn't be able to find them anyway unless you were looking for a room.
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One does, of course, recognize a little bit of design in what's here. Signifiers of an era. The wood-veneer of the late 70s giving way to the pastel overtones of the 80s. Perhaps even a slow 90s. The all-in-one vanity floating above the floor, a modernist basement bathroom hallmark. White walls as a sign of cleanliness. Gestures, in the curved lines of the nightstands, towards postmodernity. Metallic lamp bases with wide-brimmed shades, a whisper of glamor. A kind of scalloped aura to the club chairs. The color teal mediated through hundreds if not thousands of shoes. Yellowing plastic, including the strips of "molding" that visually tie floor to wall. These are remnants (or are they intuitions?) of so many movements and micromovements, none of them definite enough to point to the influence of a single designer, hell, even of a single decade, just strands of past-ness accumulated into one thread, which is cheapness. Continuity exists in the materials only because everything was purchased as a set from a wholesale catalog.
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In some way a hotel is supposed to be placeless. Anonymous. Everything tries to be that way now, even houses. Perhaps because we don't like the way we spy on ourselves and lease our images out to the world so we crave the specificity of hotel anonymity, of someplace we move through on our way to bigger, better or at least different things. The hotel was designed to be frictionless but because it is in a little town, it sees little use and because it sees little use, there are elements that can last far longer than they were intended and which inadvertently cause friction. (The janky door unlocks with a key. The shower hose keeps coming out of the faucet. It's deeply annoying.)
Lack of wear and lack of funds only keep them that way. Not even the paper goods of the eighties have been exhausted yet. Datedness is not a choice but an inevitability. Because it is not a choice, it is not advertised except in a utilitarian sense. It is kept subtle on the hotel websites, out of shame. Because it does not subscribe to an advertiser's economy of the now, of the curated type rather than the "here is my service" type, it disappears into the folds of the earth and cannot be searched for in the way "design" can. It can only be discovered by accident.
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When I look at all of these objects and things, I do so knowing I will never see them again, at least not all here together like this, as a cohesive whole assembled for a specific purpose. I don't think I'll ever have reason to come back to this town or this place, which has given me an unexpected experience of being peevish in my father's time. Whenever I end up in a place like this, where all is as it was, I get the sense that it will take a very long time for others to experience this sensation again with the things my generation has made. The machinations of fashion work rapaciously to make sure that nothing is ever old, not people, not rooms, not items, not furniture, not fabrics, not even design, that old matron who loves to wax poetic about futurity and timelessness. The plastic-veneered particleboard used here is now the bedrock of countless landfills. Eventually it will become the chemical-laced soil upon which we build our condos. It is possible that we are standing now at the very last frontier of our prior datedness. The next one has not yet elided. It's a special place. Spend a night. Take pictures.
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kyewbenjy · 2 years
The first one looks like smt illumination??
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hanasnx · 1 month
WITHHOLDING SEX — logan howlett.
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MINORS DNI 18+ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ NOTES: unfinished wip that im never gonna finish. WARNINGS: unfinished wip ノ fem reader ノ stripper reader ノ age gap ノ established relationship ノ size difference ノ logan gets smacked for saying some dumb shit ノ degradation ノ outdated and lame anti-sex work rhetoric ノ toxic behavior
“You’re such a jerk, Logan.” you used to say, a little giggle to your voice as you scoldingly pat LOGAN HOWLETT’s broad chest, letting him back you into a dark corner at your club and buy a personal dance. He’d wave that fat wad of cash in front of your nose with that knowing look you’d come to crave, and you’d flirtingly comply. You’d even let him get cheeky with it, copping a feel up your thigh while in the privacy of a backroom. Just so you’d bat his callused hand away with a toying, “Ah-ah!” And he’d tilt his big head at you and push out his hips while you finished up your dance.
Months of playing with one another, led to his impatience getting the better of him. Late at night, asking you—a stripper—what you were doing later. He’s got this way about him that you watch so carefully. All he had to do was stare at you through those furrowed brows and jut his chin when he popped the question, and you obediently blurted out, “Maybe if you’re lucky: you.”
Much to your surprise, it wasn’t some one night stand. Booty calls turned to dates, turned to moving in together, turned to partnership. Not that you believe yourself to be a challenge, but you’ve never met a guy that could seduce you at your job, and you certainly never expected to shack up with him. Logan made it easy at first, always forward with you, putting up with your “diva attitude” as he likes to call it, driving you to and from work because he doesn’t trust the clients that hang out around the building when girls are just trying to get home. You fell hard, and you fell fast.
But lately, things have been different. Logan’s always been bull-headed—and a bit of a pig—but it never seemed to be as big of a problem as it is now. As much as you can love those traits of his, they get in the way of communication, and your own spite and stubbornness doesn’t soothe anything. You fight more than ever, you argue more than you have actual conversations. If you’re not fighting, you’re not talking, and he’s sleeping on the couch. Butting heads is not new, but now they’re not as easily solved without the shade of rose-colored glasses.
“Nah, baby, ‘cause a stripper like you was easy.” The prideful and malicious words struck you right to your core, whirling around to face Logan who’d been hounding after you. It’s written all over his firm countenance, he said it to hurt you, and he knew it succeeded—from the very first petname spat so facetiously. Your hand flies before you realize what’s happening, whipping across his cheek so hard it resounds throughout the room. It was a stupid move, ache pulsing hot through your palm from the contact, and chances are it’s worse for you than him.
Your voice burns from this latest yelling match, and you exacerbate it. “You’re such a jerk, Logan!” The dumbfounded part in his lips close as he pivots his spun head to meet your gaze. You’re not gonna sit here and entertain this any longer, you’re gonna be late for work, so you round his wide frame to hurry to the door. “Let’s see how easy you think I am.” you challenge, throwing open the door, “Good luck getting off without me.” you spit at him before slamming the door after you.
“That’s it, I’m so done with him—for real this time.” you claim, yapping the ear off your coworker at the lockers while you two get dressed.
“Oh, yeah, right.” she replies with a roll of her eyes, zipping up her boot. “Next week y’all are gonna be back together, attached at the fuckin’ hip. Who’re you kidding?” She stamps her foot down, and gives herself last looks in the vanity mirror, teasing her hair with her hands.
You throw down your needle and floss, halting your sew of a hole in your costume. “Shut up, it’s not like that!” you whine, annoyed by her prediction—more or less accurate.
She snickers. “See you out there.” she tells you, effectively dismissing the conversation as she makes her way out onto the floor. Somehow, her reaction only fans the flames of your spiteful commitment…. but even though the hurt is still fresh, you miss him.
It’s frigid in the AM, hugging your jacket close as you watch your breath steam in front of your face. The bouncer didn’t think to watch your walk to the car this time, knowing that your boyfriend usually picks you up. You forgot to tell him otherwise, but it’s not a big deal—until you remember you took your car this time and the heater is broken. You’ve taken three steps out the door and you’re already shivering, what are you gonna do when your brittle fingers can’t grip the wheel?
“Hey.” a rough and familiar voice breaks you out of your internal debacle, facing the noise promptly. Logan wearing his usual scowl and puffy vest—somehow he looks good. The sleeves of his flannel are rolled up to reveal the cords of his forearms crossed across his chest, tailbone leaned against his truck. “C’mon.” He tilts his head in the direction of his vehicle. In one small second, you’re endeared by his gesture, he knew you were gonna be cold and a little unsafe—even through being angry he’d do this for you. In the next second, the warm feeling is quickly crushed under the weight of knowing Logan. This isn’t some knight-in-shining-armor moment. This is his apology.
You stick your frozen nose in the air, “No, thanks.” you respond. There’s no way you’re going to let him off the hook that easily. Back on your path to your car, you huddle into yourself to converse heat, but you still hear footsteps on gravel behind you.
“Don’t be like that, princess, I know you’re freezing.” he says. He only calls you that when you’re being especially prissy. “I know you didn’t mean what you said back there, so let’s just go home and I’ll hook and tow your car in the morning.” The impending presence of a palm against your upper arm alerts you and you flinch out of the way.
“I’m not getting into the truck with you, Logan, I’m mad at you.” you hiss. Your persistence is annoying, and if you were less wrathful Logan might’ve thrown you over his shoulder by this point. Something tells him this isn’t like other times.
His hand lingers in the air aside your sleeve, but draws back when he straightens to his full height behind you. “So you’d rather catch fuckin’ pneumonia than be within three feet of me?” his disbelief is deduced clearly in his tone, conveying how stupid he thinks you’re being.
So you double down, shrugging indifferently as you cross your arms over your chest. “If that’s what it comes down to.”
“Jesus, you’re a stubborn bitch.”
You round on him. “Logan!”
He inclines in your space, raising his voice as he gestures in front of him, organizing his verbal thoughts, “First, you tell me some bullshit about no pussy, and now you don’t even wanna be near me—“
You’re incredulous, matching his energy as you lift onto the tips of your toes to compete with him. “—Why would I wanna go anywhere with you when you’re being the biggest asshole—“
“—and it’s not like you can keep up with that shit. You’ll last a day- and that’s generous—!”
“—A day? You think I’ll last a day—?” You have the urge to laugh, a dry hollow sound.
“Face it, you can’t go a night without me.”
Obviously, you’re not getting anywhere and you’re tired. Defeated, you shake your head and turn on your heel. You’re beyond cold, and you say loud enough for him to hear, “Get outta here, Logan, I don’t wanna see you when I get home.”
He shift his weight to one hip, raising his arms out at his sides in a questioning pose. “Oh, and where am I supposed to go? Huh? Where am I supposed to go?” he interrogates after your retreating form, angry at your reaction, at the fact you’re walking away from him, the idea he’s not going to be in a warm bed with a warm body to comfort him to sleep tonight.
It’s his own fault. “I don’t care where you go! I’m not letting you in.” you reply with a shake of your head.
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the-modern-typewriter · 10 months
Hi! Would you be able to do a hero x villain scene with a villain that's used to trapping their opponents socially but the hero would rather just ignore that and punch them in the face, and the villain is kind of in love and kind of murderous?
The villain staggered back at the force of the punch with a groan of pain. They cupped a hand to their bloody nose.
The villain's various soldiers and lackeys immediately moved to restrain the hero.
"No." The villain held out their other hand. "No."
The lackeys froze, uncertain.
The hero, well-prepared for the possibility of fight, paused too. They shook out their fist, shoulders squared.
"Nice left hook," the villain said, straightening slowly. When they dropped their hand, the break had already healed, leaving only the blood.
"Fuck you."
"Yes, that might help your anger issues."
The hero scoffed. "I don't have anger issues, I just don't like being backed into a corner. I told you what would happen."
"Mm. That you did." The villain's head tilted. "Bold move."
"Clear communication. Do I need to do it some more?"
The villain grinned, letting their blood drip grotesque and feral across their teeth. They took a swaggering step forward, even as they neatly adjusted their outfit and rumpled hair back to the veneer of polite society. It didn't reach their eyes. Their eyes had that wild quality too, burning bright and fierce with something that the hero couldn't quite read.
"People generally prefer me when I keep things civil," the villain said. "It's neater. Safer for everyone involved."
"You mean, people normally cave because they're scared of you?"
"And you're not."
"If there's going to blood, let there be blood. I won't be bullied. Certainly not by the likes of you."
The villain laughed, a soft and rumbling danger. They swiped their tongue across their teeth, cleaning the blood away, and closed the distance with another step.
Apparently, they hadn't learned the dangers of getting too close.
The hero swung.
That time, the villain dodged, driving their knee deep into the hero's gut.
The hero doubled over, wheezing.
The villain caught a fistful of their hair, using the grip to smash the hero's face in one startlingly deft movement, before tipping the hero's head back before the blood splattered across the floor.
The whole room had gone quiet; focused in on the two of them. Someone had cut the music.
The villain grinned again. "So pretty."
The hero spat blood at them, but the villain didn't seem to mind. In the next instant, the hero had wrenched themselves free with an expert move.
The two of them circled.
The villain did not have a reputation for violence, or at least not for getting their hands dirty. They were a sleek monster, crafted of fine clothes and the clink of glasses and clever words in the shadowy backrooms that ruled the world.
"You're right," the villain said. "I do prefer less...crude games, than this. We're a civilized species. We should know better. Do not mistake my distaste for incapability, though."
The hero snarled. "Silvered words doesn't make what you do less ugly."
"A moral high ground doesn't make you less of a brute, gorgeous."
"I'm not a brute, you condescending-"
"-temper, temper." The villain's voice was a purr. "Have I struck a nerve?"
The hero lunged.
The villain dodged.
They circled again, more evenly matched than the hero had expected. They'd thought a hard hit, the possibility of real danger, would reveal the villain's sniveling heart. The cowardice at the core of so many powerful, evil people.
"You owe me an apology," the villain said. "I was having a perfectly lovely time. If you give me one now, like a good little hero, this doesn't have to get...unpleasant."
"Your face is unpleasant. Everything about you and what you do is unpleasant. I'd rather not lie."
The villain's eyes flashed, a mix of rage and desire. Then, their power lashed out. The windows shattered. People screamed. People fell.
The hero stared around the room, horrified.
"Far be it from me to deny a guest," the villain said, drawing their power back to themselves. "Let there be blood."
The fight escalated from there.
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number1jeonginstan · 10 months
Hiyaaa! Hope you’re doing well:) i was wondering if you could be open to writing a virgin!chan oneshot where youre his best friend who he’s crushing on and he wants to lose his virginity to you? Reader could be a dom so he’s turned on by that lol but he’s also a sensitive subby boy. - anon 🦋
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A/N: This is actually the first time I’ve written a sub!reader, so I hope it’s good. Thank you so much for sending in a request and I really hope you liked it, I really enjoyed writing it because it was kinda cute in the beginning, also something about the game night Chan agenda is really my favorite for some reason! Also, welcome to the anon list 🦋
WC: 2.1k (oops!)
Minors don't interact, 18+
Pairing: idol!Chan x idol!(afab)Reader
Warnings: loss of virginity (chan), but not, protected sex (for the first time ever!?!?), blow jobs, aftercare is a must!, subby!Chan
You walked into the dorms for your and Chan’s weekly game night. It was a tradition the two of you made when you two became friends after you first debuted. Your friendship was quite spontaneous, you were walking around the music core backrooms, trying to find your manager and you ran into Chan. You both bonded over your love for anime since he saw that you had a Rukia phone case at the time. 
He eventually helped you find your manager, offered you his phone number, and told you to text him if you ever had any questions. You happily took it, not thinking much of it. The first time you texted him was three days after they won an award for their new song.
Chan was taken aback when he first got your text. He thought you were so sweet, offering to take you out to get ice cream to celebrate their win, and you happily obliged. From then on, the two of you have been stuck together like glue, or as much as you can be with your jobs. 
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One thing you guys made a tradition of was doing a game night. Sometimes it would be with the other members, sometimes it would be just the two of you, it all depended. “Hey, you are finally here!” he beamed, running over and giving you a tight hug. 
“I’m only a minute late, you miss me that much?” you giggled. You both went to his room, the other members were back home for vacation, and since Chan’s family was back in Australia, and yours was back in America, you guys couldn’t visit them.
“So, what are we playing tonight?” you asked, sitting on the floor of his room. You always loved Chan’s room, the aesthetics were so nice, not to mention his bed was comfortable. Sometimes you would sleep over, or just take a nap while he worked. You never understood why he worked himself to the bone, but you knew he wanted to express his emotions through his music, and you were never one to stop him.
“I was thinking, Felix got me this game thinking it would be fun,” he said, pulling out a box of Jenga from his stack of board games. 
“Wow, Jenga, so original” you rolled your eyes. “It’s not your typical Jenga, it has truth or dare questions”
“Wait, that will be fun, I wanna know all of your secrets Channie,” you said pinching his cheeks. Sure he was older than you, but you loved treating him like he was a baby, it was fun seeing him all flustered.
“Do you want to set it up while I bring us some snacks?” He asked, putting the box on the floor and standing up. “Yeah sure, do you guys still have my favorite chips?” you asked, he simply nodded, heading out of the room as you took the pieces out of the box, stacking them up.
He came back in, holding two bottles of water as well as a bowl of chips. He popped one in his mouth, sitting on the floor facing you. “Okay, you start” you grinned, taking the chip that was in his mouth and eating it. 
“Yeah yeah, just don’t cry when you lose” he grinned. You just glared at him, there was no way in hell you would lose. 
“What is the most embarrassing moment you’ve had in front of others?” you read out loud, it was your turn and you had yet to lose. “Ummm, I think it’s the time I was changing into an outfit for one of our performances, we don’t know what happened, but I guess my boobs were too big or something because the shirt ripped as soon as I put it on, and it wasn’t like I gained weight or anything because it was loose at the stomach.” 
You started laughing at yourself, reminiscing the way your stylist and you were both in shock. What you didn’t see was the blush on Chan’s cheeks and how his ears got a bit red, thinking of how you looked without your shirt on. 
Before he could imagine it more, he coughed, taking out another block. “Where is the craziest place you’ve had sex?” you said, looking over the stack to read out the block. 
Chan’s voice became an octave higher “How can they ask such a question?” he asked, a bit bewildered. “Come on Channie, you have to answer it!” 
“I can’t” 
“Why not?” you whined, wanting to know
“I’ve never done it” 
“What!” you screamed out loud. Chan just covered his face embarrassed, he didn’t need you to think he was a virgin. “I mean there is nothing wrong with it, but that’s so crazy to me. Like you are obviously a really attractive dude, with a great personality, and you have a great body and smile” you kept rambling on, causing him to blush even more.
“You think I’m handsome?” he asked, a bit perplexed. “Yeah, of course, I mean have you looked at yourself in a mirror? Like you are one of the most attractive dudes I’ve ever met.”
“Can I ask why though?” 
“I just came here at a young age, as you know, and I just didn’t find anyone to have sex with” he shrugged, calming down from his previous state of embarrassment. He took a swig of his water as you asked him a question.
“Oh, do you want to have sex with me?” you asked nonchalantly. Chan choked on the water unsure of where your ask was going. “WHAT!” he shouted, not trying to hold back his surprise. “I mean, only if you feel comfortable, I just don’t think you want to die a virgin” you shrugged, taking a sip of your own water. 
“Okay, yeah” he whispered. It was at that moment, the atmosphere changed. The air around you had become more sultry as you climbed into his lap, knocking down the Jenga tower in the process. “Oops, guess you were right, I did lose” 
Before he could even reply, you captured his lips in a kiss. He groaned in your mouth as you began to slowly grind your hips into his. “Why don’t I take you to the bed?” you asked, pulling by his collar. 
He just moaned as his back hit the bed, you began to straddle him, your knees around his hips as you rubbed your clothed pussy on top of his covered cock. “Be a good boy and take off your shirt” you said, kissing his lips again. 
He groaned again as he removed his shirt showing off his abs. “Fuck” you groaned, running your finger on them. “I should have asked to do this sooner” 
He just whimpered underneath you, feeling overstimulated. It had been weeks since he touched himself. He had never felt this way, he couldn’t fathom what was happening. The feeling of your pussy rubbing on his cock was getting to be too much. “Fuck, if you keep doing that, I’m gonna cum in my pants” he moaned out loud. 
“Aww baby” you brought your hand to his face, “maybe I want you to.” You grinned, getting off of him and taking off your shirt and the shorts you were wearing. His cheeks blushed red as he saw you in your underwear and bra. The accentuated every single curve and mark on your body and he loved it. 
“Be a good boy and lift your hips for me” he simply nodded, allowing you to take off his shorts and boxers. His cock slapped his stomach, the red tip already covered in his pre-cum. He moaned feeling the cool air hitting it. “Wow, you are so big, can’t wait to suck on it” 
Chan’s eyes opened in suprise as you took his cock in your hands, slowly sucking at the lip, given it kitten licks “Fuck feels so good” he whined beneath you. You ignored him, going back to sucking cock. 
You needed to stimulate yourself as well, so as you kept sucking his cock, you took one of your hands, removing your underwear, and began figering yourself. You continued to suck, adding a finger in at a time, knowing you wouldn’t be able to take his thick cock without stretching yourself out. 
He looked down at you, moaning at the sight of you fingering yourself as you continued to take him down your throat. The moans eliciting from his mouth made you wetter, moaning on his cock as your fingers were thrusting faster inside of yourself. 
You began to take him deeper, your nose beginning to hit his pubic bone as you bobbed your head up and down. You could feel him twitch in your mouth, and his moans were getting louder. “Fuck feels so good, omg, I think I’m going to cum” 
Just before he was going to cum, you took your mouth off his cock with a pop. He whined at the loss of your mouth on his cock. “Please, I was going to cum, why would you do that” 
Tears began to form as he felt bottled up, barely being able to take it anymore. “Oh baby boy, don’t cry” you said, wiping the tears off his face. “Just wanna make you cum in my pussy, is that okay?” 
He nodded, feeling eager to feel your wet cunt on him. “Baby, do you have a condom” you asked, kissing his lips once again. He nodded, pointing to his dresser, “The second drawer, Han bought me a box as a joke, never thought they would come in use” 
“Well tell Han thank you, now go rest your back on the headboard, I want to ride you” He simply nodded, sitting up and pushing his back onto the board, allowing you full access to him. 
“You are so beautiful, I’m so excited to have your cock inside of me” you giggled, rolling the condom onto his dick. He moaned at the sight of your small hands wrapping around his throbbing cock. “Fuck” he groaned out loud, causing you to giggle again. 
You rested your knees on both sides of his thighs, running his cock in between your slit, allowing your wetness to cover it. Before he could even think, you slammed the entirety of his cock inside of you, moaning at how well he fills you up.
“Oh my god” you moaned out loud, his cock already hitting that one spot inside of you “it’s like your cock was made for my pussy, I don’t think I’m ever going to let you go”
You kissed his lips again, moaning as you began to move up and down on his dick. “Fuck, your pussy feels so good, it’s clenching me, I don’t think I can last long” he moaned again, feeling your walls clenching him. It was all becoming too much.
You knew he was close, but you were too, the thought of corrupting Chan was took much for you. You began to move faster on his dick. “Fuck, I’m going to cum, please let me cum” he moaned.
“Don’t you want to be a good baby and let me cum, or are you selfish?” you asked, not stopping your pace. “Rub my clit baby” you said, gliding his fingers down to it, and showing him what pace you wanted it at. You moaned feeling his thick fingers rubbing it as you continued to move on his long cock. 
“No, want to be a good boy, want to be such a good boy for you” he moaned again. That was all you needed to cum, your walls spasaming around his dick, your pace didn’t falter, wanting to ride out your high and cause him to cum too “Please let me cum, please I’ve been such a good boy” 
“You have haven’t you? Cum baby, cum in my pussy” that was all he needed, you rode out the both of your highs.
As you came down, you rested your head into his chest, feeling over-exerted. “I hope that was a good first time, sorry if I was too rough” you said, kissing his lips again. 
“If you want me to go, I totally can” before you even said anything else, he kissed you this time. 
“You aren’t going anywhere, you are mine now. We are going to go take a bath and eat whatever you want” You looked at him puzzled, "Was my crush on you not obvious???" You just giggled, "I don't think it was, maybe I need another kiss to reassure me"
He placed another kiss on your lips, this time it was soft and sensual and not lustful like before. He picked you off the bed, took you to the bathroom, and filled up the bathtub with hot water and bubbles. 
After it was filled, you both sat in, your back pressed against his chest as he massaged your shoulders. He kissed your shoulder, whispering in your ear “Thank you for the best first time ever, but for this second time, do you think you can be my good girl?”  
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
*slowly shuffles a wooden box of finger bones towards you* so I have two ideas for you
So, what if ghosts like, really screw with video technology, so it all kind of looks corrupted at all times- so when Danny starts recording like a blog of daily like in amity park (maybe as a way to cope with Trauma) and he posts it, maybe people outside of amity could think it’s all just like, an ARG or analog horror- if you want to go with dc/dp here, tim could be trying to solve a nonexistent mystery
For idea two, do you know ab the mystery flesh pit? If you don’t it’s basically an unreality where a gigantic super organism is turned into a National park and it’s then shit down when the organism basically coughs in its sleep and destroys a lot of stuff-( also be warned, there is a lot of body horror involved in this, so if anyone’s sensitive to it maybe don’t look at any content!) so maybe Giant Danny is taking a nap and some villains find the GIANT GHOST TAKING A SLEEP and decide to hook him up to be used as like, a battery or Lazerus pit (if you go the route of his blood being lazerus water) and the heroes get involved trying to figure out what’s happening
oh man that would be so fun. Danny just takes a little school project 10 minute documentary of the town and doesn't think too much of it when he submits it to Youtube so he can send it to his teacher.
A week later and every ARG/Analog Horror nerd on the planet has heard about this brilliantly well produced video called "Amity Park"
Now knowing this, He decides to have some fun. He takes ominous shots of mundane Amity life and splices them between the more normal scenes of himself and his friends having fun and hanging out.
He amps up the uncanny level. Throughout all of his videos, he starts to tell a slightly dramatized version of his life, not the Phantom stuff, but his life as a Fenton.
The whole world watches in awe and delight as this refreshingly new Analog Horror channel posts nearly twice a week with some of the most stunning CGI that they've ever seen. I mean 'c'mon, Sentient food. A child living in the house of two mad scientists who casually mention dismembering and destroying ghosts at the dinner table. An honest to god crazy scientist lab with a massive portal to this 'Ghost Zone' just in their basement?! Yeah, whoever made this has an absolutely incredible imagination. (Some people are even dissing it since this GZ really just feels like a warped version of The Backrooms but it's fine, it's unique enough that it makes up for it.)
I am a hoe for any and every topic that Wendigoon talks about in his videos so I very much so know about the Mystery Flesh Pit. (Video is linked but be warned; Benji isn't joking when they say that it's a LOT of body horror.)
I'd like to propose that Danny isn't even on earth, he's on a different planet that has collected his blood and harnessed his core for energy on a massive scale, helping create and produce items that benefit their world greatly.
To Danny, Their mining, harvesting, and energy draining efforts are the equivalent to bacteria moving around his body. He's so massive that this civilization isnt impacting him in the slightest.
The JL get called because this strange planet superorganism is now moving and it's causing the destruction of an entire civilization.
They fly over to the planet and they notice something very very wrong with the shape of the planet.
First and foremost, the two eyes spanning the equivalent width of Texas that stares up at their ship is new.
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 4 months
hmm which Nero's day at Disneyland song do you think would fit this blog
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congratulations you have unlocked my fifth evil fixation : nero's day at disneyland . now hold on as i drop an entire list on you
[ for anyone who hasn't heard of nero's day at disneyland , big warning for loud and harsh noises i don't recommend listening to the songs in full volume ]
shijurui burning - i think the calm beginning that goes to what could only be described as the feeling of impending doom turned into music really fits
no money down , low monthly payments - same as shijurui burning , except this one has a more circus-like feel to it
vengeance in cloudland - it's the pure mania and insanity in this thing . absolutely influence core
in keyed fantasy - take that impending doom except it has already happened and you could only witness everything go to shit . that's it that's the song
bent chorals - ' i want to go home , but i hate it there too ... '
stretched linen over contorted bodies - it just keeps switched from being calm and to ' Oh My God What's Happening ' every second
women are not things - see title
new rooms - literally just the backrooms theme song
clthonic husk - mental breakdown song
plumes of atm sinew - mental breakdown song 2.0
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cemeteryplots · 17 days
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palianimagines · 8 months
You, Me, Backroom, Five Minutes?
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(Screencap from @kitko | Fic trade with @cloudshapedpatch | 18+ banner by @cafekitsune)
Pairing: Reth/Reader
Warnings: N/a
Additional Notes: Makeout Session, A little bit of touching, suggestive, MDNI.
Crossposted to AO3 here.
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It has always felt as if you were meant to live in Kimila Valley since you arrived there a few years ago. Most people around you were kind to you, even though they were different from you. Although you didn't remember anything before you arrived, they made you feel at home. However, there was one person who made you feel as if you belonged there, regardless of your species.
You loved Reth - the guy who was known for soup - and he loved you too. As time went on, your relationship with Reth grew stronger and deeper. You spent countless hours together, talking about your dreams, sharing moments of joy, and even facing challenges together. Reth became not only a love interest but also a best friend who supported and inspired you. Your connection was truly unique, transcending the boundaries of species and proving that love knows no bounds.            
You had picked up some potatoes for Reth and you were on your way to deliver them. You had stopped by and chatted with Sifuu, who seemed to enjoy your company as much as you did hers. She was your Shepp, after all! After bidding farewell, you made your way to the inn and you smiled when you spotted Reth.
“Hey, are you okay?” You asked, reaching over to touch his face once he returned to the counter. His face was warm as he leaned into your touch.
“Hey, cutie patootie!” You greeted him and walked over to his counter, sitting on one of the stools and putting the potatoes on the counter. “Got the potatoes you requested!”
               “Hey, babe,” Reth hummed in reply as he stretched and took the potatoes before taking them to the kitchen, sitting them on the counter to be washed and peeled. He looked a little uncomfortable and his face was flushed – which caused you to become concerned.
“Yeah, sweets,” Reth nodded. He – however – didn’t look fine.
Not wanting to push it, you shrugged before you smirked and turned back to him. “I heard there was a light in your eyes that only I can see,” you said softly.
He went silent for about five minutes before he smiled at you, his eyes constantly flicking between your lips and your eyes. He chewed on his lip for a minute before he finally spoke up.
“Hey. You, me, backroom, five minutes?” He asked and held his hand up to shield his mouth from the onlookers. You – not being able to resist – smiled and grabbed his hand, leading him to the backroom.
As soon as the door closed, Reth gently pushed you up against the wall, kissing you almost in a hungry way. A smile spread across your face as you squeaked - startled - before you fell into the kiss, putting your hands on his shoulders. As a result, his hands were placed on your hips. The kiss became more passionate and urgent, with your tongues dancing together and the intensity building with each passing second. Your bodies pressed closer together, feeling the warmth radiating from each other. You could feel your chest pounding, and excitement coursing through your veins, igniting a fire within you.
You felt Reth's knee gently wedge itself between your legs, pressing up against your core. This caused your hips to press down onto his knee as a soft moan escaped your lips into the kiss. He was seemingly acting on impulse as he craved your lips on his. You whimpered in the kiss and tangled your fingers in his hair, causing him to groan in response.
Desperate touches here and there as time went on. Your heartbeat was in your ears and your face burned. You felt like you were lost in a trance. After what felt like forever, Reth pulled away – which rendered you both breathless. He pressed his forehead against yours as he stared into your eyes, a soft expression on his face.
“We should do this more often,” he whispered breathlessly.
You nodded in response and you both were able to catch your bearings before Reth looked at his watch – to which he looked disappointed. He took your hand and kissed your knuckles.
“C’mon. Can’t let anyone get too suspicious,” he said with a teasing tone as he smiled at you. This caused you to pout, but you nodded and followed him out of the backroom and back upstairs.
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tourettesdog · 1 year
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I’m replaying Stray and it got me thinking of a DPxStray crossover
Like taking the core themes and setting of Stray, but mashing DP vibes, characters, and ghostliness into it.
Warning: Stray spoilers
So with Stray the whole thing is that it's been hundreds of years in an underground city, all of the humans have died off, and in their place the robots they had as workers have gained sentience and filled the niches people left behind. You, as the little kitty cat, find the last human whose consciousness has been uploaded into a drone that you carry around in your little backpack-- together you're trying to open up the underground city and get to the outside.
So in terms of a crossover, I'd imagine that the construction of the ghost portal and resulting war with the GIW has a disastrous effect on the world. The surface slowly grows less and less habitable, long years of war that are never-ending. During this time, the Fentons get roped into a project to help build an underground city with a ghost shield-- a last bastion for humanity. It's the least they can do, considering the harm their research caused.
Danny's accident still happened in this scenario, he still fought as Phantom, but he was grievously injured and reverted into his badly-cracked core. His parents think he's long gone, while Jazz holds onto it and keeps him safe, not knowing if he'll ever reform.
Decades pass and the Fentons eventually move into the underground city they helped make. They live in disgrace, knowing they caused the turmoil that tore apart the surface and caused the death of their son. They try to make amends by lending their minds and hands to the city. When illness ravages the city, they die with regrets.
When Jazz knows her own time is drawing near, she does what she can to keep Danny's core safe as her last act.
She's watched one of the smaller cracks on his core disappear over her lifetime, but Jazz knows she won't live to see her brother made whole again. Sometimes she can sort of get a sense of him flickering around his core. Feel his emotions. Know he's still there.
Jazz finds some old tech that her parents squirreled away-- even with their many regrets, they were always proud of their research. With it, she builds a container to keep Danny in with filtered ectoplasm, hoping that it will be enough. That someday he'll come back, and that he won't be too upset she's left him behind.
Danny grows stronger over the years, his energy feeding into the technology around him. His (electric) core feeds on it as much as the filtered ectoplasm, and he finds comfort in exploring the network-- the only sense of freedom he's had in a long time.
Hundreds of years later, a little ginger cat finds its way into an underground city. The screens and tech act oddly, guiding the little cat to the backroom of an old apartment where a bright stone floats in a green canister. The cat can feel emotions and thoughts coming off of the thing. It's urged by more than instinct to knock over the container and free the stone inside.
The spectral being that floats out from the stone startles the cat at first, but then the being greets the cat gently and strokes it with a hand that hardly ghosts through the tips of its fur. A friend.
Danny doesn't really know how many years he's spent in this container. His memories are a jumbled mess, his senses addled. He feels like he remembers someone telling him that he needed to survive-- to find his way back out to the surface.
However long Danny's been healing, however, it's still not enough to maintain a fully corporeal body. He's tethered to his core, only able to project his shape for short periods of time before he has to retreat back into it.
He knows he needs to get to the surface to find a steadier source of pure, fresh ectoplasm to help him.
Danny's not really sure if he should trust a cat with what is essentially his head, heart, and soul, but... he doesn't have much of a choice.
In terms of the robots with the crossover, I feel like they could either exist as-is, or they could also be ghostly in nature. Like maybe the people that passed away in the underground city still linger, their ectoplasm imbibing into the circuitry of the robots. I imagine the mass death of the residents in the city could have created a lot of blob ghosts, and that over time maybe those blob ghosts latched onto the robots and became something more substantial. 
In terms of the zurks, I imagine that either the Fentons made one last massive mistake, or someone used some of their research (perhaps altering bacteria with ectoplasm) and it had disastrous consequences. 
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mysadblacksoul · 7 months
Twenty One Pilots - Overcompensate theories (whoo!)
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It's a face of someone who put so much lore in the MV that I genuinely don't know where to start
Pt.1 - MV
So the MV takes place right after the end of The Outside MV, pretty easy - logical Now are we relly back in Trench? Seing all the maps, and the way back from The Outside to Jumpsuit? Tracing back the map? Being welcomed? lol. no
Tyler (or Clancy, am I deadnaming him now???) is using the powers, that were mentioned in I Am Clancy video and the one that Ned gave him in The Outside MV As we can see Bishops still wants him to lure people, to make them surrender to live how the Bishops wants them to
So since Tyler is just using someone else to pretend that it's him we can assume that Josh is also a projection
Why is Josh here? Maybe as a representative of Banditos
Now we play heavily in the symbolism of mask. Of course mask symbolizes the difference between a fictitious identity and a real identity. But here we can see something interesting. If Tyler is taking off his mask he is his true self, yet if someone else tries to take it off you can see a different person
So let's see what the hell is Tyler even doing in the MV itself. Well he is doing both jobs. On the surfice, he is doing what the Bishops wants him to. But actually he is showing people some kind of code. (I am sure that all the gestures weren't just a silly choreography). He is showing them his true self (no mask) and giving a presentation on the secrets of Dema. I believe he is sharing the information that normal people were never supposed to know
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Like the lyrics of Shy away, he is trying to "Just break the cycle in half". Break people's belief in the religion that the Bishops created and to ultimately take away their power
And after the lesson in the backrooms (lol I don't know how to word it differently) people have tape on their shoulders. But not only the red one. We can se the yellow tape. The legendary Bandito's tape
But what is the meaning of the end? For me people were so used to following the rulers, the rules and doing what they were told that after changing their mindset about the Bishops they still felt the need to follow somebody. That somebody will be Clancy
other small details will be nine red lights for nine Bishops
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Tyler having a symbol for the band logo
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So is Tyler tring to break the cycle from the very core? Well maybe, for sure what he does now is a complete diversion
Boy is ready to take a revenge, he even brought his best buddy to help
Pt. 2 - Lyrics
We need to start by translating the intro for sure so:
Diese kleine unheimliche Insel hat mich zu einer Waffe gemacht (From German) - This scary little island has turned me into a weapon
Wir glauben beide (From German) - We both believe
Cette petite île étrange a fait de moi une arme (From French) - This scary little island has turned me into a weapon
Nous croyons tous les deux que nous pouvons l'utiliser pour changer l'élan de cette guerre (From French) - We both believe we can use it to change the momentum of this war
So this is pretty much what we know from I Am Clancy video. Tyler and his powers are used by the Bishops to cause harm
And we already saw that first line, which comes from Clancy’s letter from 2022 posted on the dmaorg.info website.
I created this world / To feel some control /Destroy it if I want / So I sing, "sahlo folina" / "Sahlo folina" - This part comes from Bandito. It could be the call for Banditos, to tell them to beware of what is going on. Or it is the way of teaching the people the special code - which sahlo folina is for sure a part of
Earned my stripes - he earned his position in the city, possibly because of his powers
Bless your ear holes while you react, acting / Gobsmacked - maybe people were sent to this place by the Bishops to mess with their brains, but since Tyler is talking about something different to them they are confused
I feel like I was just here, same twitchin' in my eyes - he started just like those people, brainwashed with no sense of reality
Don't sleep on a boy who can fall asleep twice / In the same night - so he can die twice? Or maybe it is the dig that he is working on both sides, just undercovered
and won't hesitate / To maybe overcompensate - simply, Tyler is ready to kick some Bishops' asses and take revenge for everything wrong they ever did to him and other people
I said I fly by the dangerous bend symbol - the symbol that Bishops were making in Nico and the Niners Mv OR The symbol that Tyler uses (what he makes with his hands) is dangerous for Bishops, because it is a sign of rebellion OR (This one makes the most sense) it's U+2621 ☡ CAUTION SIGN, which was created by no other than Nicolas Bourbaki group of mathematicians. Nico is very important, since in Morph we have the lyrics of "He goes by Nico / He told me I'm a copy". So was Nico the first one to discover Clancy's powers?
And then by the time I catch in my peripheral - the peripheral vision is what you can see to each side or up and down without moving your head, or everything that you can see that isn't in your central vision. The peripheral vision might be the same as the rearview from Choker. So this is everything that he saw in Dema on accident, all the secrets that he cought with his eye. Once he saw them he is ready to change everything
Where am I from? I was born right here, just now / Originated right in front of your eyes - Clancy is from Dema, simple as that. He is the citizen and the escapee
If you can't see, I am Clancy, prodigal son - the reference to The Bible. Prodigal Son is "a man or boy who has left his family in order to do something that the family disapprove of and has now returned home feeling sorry for what he has done". Tyler for sure returned, bus is he really sorry? Or the Bishops made him act like he is?
Done running, come up with Josh Dun / Wanted dead or alive - JOSH DUN MENTIONED. But also comming to Trench with Josh could be a sign that Clancy wants people to see that Banditos are not bad people. Not someone who you should fear
So now you pick who you serve, you bow to the masses - make a choice if you gonna change your life or stay in the circle of madnesss
Half empty, half full, save half of your taxes - again, make a choice weather you're gonna think positively or negatively (glass half empty/half full)
Then overtake your former self - become a better person, better version of yourself and live your truth
Days feel like a perfect length / I don't need them any longer, but for goodness sake - just a perfect condition to make a change
Do the years seem way too short for my soul, corazón / Way too short for my soul, corazón - it is the reference to all the years Tyler lost while working and living in Dema
A wild ride, as always...
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thedarkzyxabyss · 25 days
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P1xx3l (Pixel) (the pink/green one)
Conceptualized from my love of “scene-core” style and music!
Their pronouns are They/She
Thinks not being true to ur self is cringe // HATES people who are fake
Custom makes their own equipment/weapons
Doesn’t like to go to loud parties full of strangers (contrary to how they look), rather instead finding fun out on the town with their crew, Lemon and Lime
Mmmmmmm watermelon flavored anything
Has broken their kitchen door twice. Their mom isn’t happy with them.
Could fully rock your shit, but will try and be civil first and foremost
Lemon (yellow one)
What is this thing
Often seen rubber banding through buildings and clipping through floors
Feels like something that could come from the back rooms
Is the backrooms
Eats food by fazing it through their head (as if their head has no collider??)
Currently being monitored by the government
Doesn’t talk outside of looney-tunes-esche signs they pull out of god knows where
Has a identical twin, Lime (which they may be able to communicate with telepathically)
Lime belongs to @pepethehumanz
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pjoxreader · 1 year
Glad to have you back! Hope your mental health is going good.
Since requests are open again, could you do a reader x leo, annabeth and Jason (separately) where the reader was just walking besides them then the next minute just disappeared, something like no clipping with the backrooms, and how they react to it and end it with them reuniting (you can change parts of it, if it seems confusing to you)
Reader Disappears 
TW: Slight panic attack
((Thank you! I'm glad to be back and writing again! 🥹))
Leo Valdez
-It’s funny how the best day in the world could so quickly turn to the worst. You were both just enjoying a beautiful picnic date in the park, it was rare for you both to get time off at camp. Leo always kept himself busy with building things and you were always helping out however you could for any cabin that needed it.
-”I have to run to the bathroom really quickly.” Leo admits as he gives your cheek a gentle kiss before he scurries off to the bathrooms. What he didn’t expect was that you’d be gone when he came back. 
-”Huh…” Leo takes his seat back on the picnic blanket trying to not panic. Maybe you just decided to go to the bathroom too and you missed each other? That wasn’t a far-fetched idea so he waited. And waited. And waited. 
-After about thirty minutes Leo starts to imagine the worst. Did a monster attack happen while he was gone? Did Hera kidnap you and take your memories? His blood runs cold at the thought of that. 
-Everything you did together, all of the time you spent could be gone, just like that. The thought scared him to the very core. He’d have no idea where you are, if you’re safe… “Leo?” Your voice snaps him out of his spiral of an oncoming panic attack he didn’t realize he was slipping into. -Leo looks at you in utter shock mixed with relief. “Where… Where were you?!” he asks in horror, quickly getting to his feet making sure you were unharmed before he pulls you into a tight hug. You let out an ‘oof’ of surprise as he had gotten quite strong with his time in the forage. “I left you a note in the picnic basket! I had to get to a payphone to talk with Hazel, she sent me an Iris message and asked to talk.” Leo can’t help but laugh at that. He was so stressed the thought of the picnic basket let alone eating had slipped his mind. ”Don’t… Don’t do that again.” he pleads, his voice quivering slightly.
Annabeth Chase
-You two were just enjoying some peace and quiet, leaning against each other’s back as you read in comfortable silence. It was rare you both had a day off and thankfully you both shared the same hobbies. So when you do get the rare date night it’s normally doing one of your hobbies.
-”Did you know spiders have eight eyes?” you ask mostly to tease her. Annabeth turns getting ready to smack you but suddenly she falls. Thankfully you were both on her bed so she just plops back into the bed. Though she looks around in utter confusion as one moment you were there, then the next you were gone.
-Her heart instantly starts to race, no, no, no, no, not again. Not again. She quickly gets up looking around the room for you “Where are you!?” she calls desperately hoping this was just some cruel prank and that you were invisible or something. “This isn’t funny!” her voice showed she wasn’t joking, a slight shake from her anxiety.
-But once again without a response she could feel her mind starting to spiral and her breath quickening. You were gone, just like that, and there wasn’t a thing she could have done to stop it. At this  point she was convinced the gods were just using her life as a toy, seeing how far they could push her until she broke.
-She fights back a choked sob as she refuses to break down, not yet. She can’t give in just yet. She gets her sword quickly running out and scanning the camp. Everything seemed to be normal, campers going about their daily activities. Which just made this whole thing worse, no one would know where you were…
-”Annabeth!” you yell as you quickly run over. She nearly takes your head off with her sword but thankfully she stops right at your neck as you put your hands up in surrender. “Woah! Woah! I surrender!” you say quickly. “I forfeit!” Annabeth looks at you, eyes blown wide in panic but she lowers her sword when she realizes it was you, the tears start to stream down her face. “Where were you!?” you laugh sheepishly not sure what to do when Annabeth cries. “The Hecate cabin accidentally summoned me an-” Before you could finish you end up judo flipped onto the ground. 
Jason Grace
-You were both enjoying your time in New Rome, Jason had been busy going between camps and he had finally come back. So you both decided to celebrate and go get some hot coco. It was the perfect date option, he’d be able to relax and you’d get to enjoy your time together.
-You both run out of hot coco so Jason decides to get up to get you both some refills. “I’ll be right back.” he promises you with a kind smile as he goes to get you refills. He ends up getting stuck in the line but he does make his way back to you.
-”Sorry for the wait there was-” before he could go on explaining why there was a wait he realized that you were gone. He hesitates looking around as he sets the drinks down as he scans the area around him. It was the afternoon so New Rome streets were packed with people chatting happily amongst themselves.
-He couldn’t see you at all, which made him anxiety start to rise. Sure you were in the safety of camp but there were so many things that could go wrong… He takes a breath to soothe himself. Maybe you had just wandered off… Or… Or maybe you saw Hazel and Frank and decided to talk to them!… -He sets the hot coco’s down and controls the winds to fly up to get a better view of the streets. You had to be somewhere…. You… You had to be, he couldn’t imagine losing you. Just as his panic was starting to rise he spotted you, there you were, in line for some food. 
-He lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, heart pounding in his chest as he lands, ensuring that he doesn’t knock over the hot coco he got you both. Once safely on the ground he sits at the table to try and play it off. He didn’t want you to feel bad for making him worry that much but he could still hear his heart pounding in his ears. Despite his anxiety he gives you a kind smile and a wave as you head back over with food you got for the both of you.
~Masterlist & Rules~
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