#what am i inviting with these tags? should i be scared? probably
junktastic · 10 months
I had a drawing months back that went kinda viral I guess, and it getting out of my normal sphere of followers meant that I got to observe how folks far outside of my twitter sphere interact with twitter and others. For reference, I am talking about this image:
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The context, besides getting to draw my friend Jenny, was that I saw a picture that was of an anime girl that said "lets be in our early 30s together" and I was like "haha, I will make my own version of this." Part of it was also that I think aging is fine, and we need to stop stressing so much over staying young. "Lets be in our mid-thirties together" is not a joke, I sincerely wanted this image to be warm and inviting, to maybe give people hope that there will be friends and people who love you once you get to that age. I never thought I was going to make it to 30, and I just turned 35 this year, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.
Some responses were obviously teens/early 20s people saying they don't want to get that old, which is whatever. When you're that young the dirty thirty sounds so ugly. No one cool is in their 30s! Well, if you ignore the people who make all the things they like. These responses I waved these off.
I saw the typical twitter experience replies of "this doesn't apply to me?" Ok bitch! Go make your own like I did! And show me when you do, I'd love to see it!
There was a handful of people who were saying "retweet to scare a twink" which I felt was kind of rude. Not to me, but to the twinks out there. Aging doesn't make you less of a twink.
Lots of people were sending it to their significant others or saying they hope to find someone to be in their mid-thirties with, which I love. :3 It makes me happy!
The one kind of response which is what I made this post for and I'm so sorry that I've been rambling, that I found weird was the people who will reply to just you. The OP. As if they are replying to everyone in the thread. I'm not talking about in QRTs, just straight in the replies. "Don't forget how tired she looks in this." Brother I drew the picture. I know. And ever since then I feel like, as someone who loves to read the replies on other people's tweets, I notice this a lot more often. Who are they talking to? Is this what people are referring to when they say "Main Character Syndrome?" Or should I be lumping these together with the "why isn't this about my exact personal life situation" people?
My fiancé says I'm thinking about this too hard (I got engaged last month btw), and he's probably right. I can't help but be curious about how other people choose to interact with the internet and images and people on it. And, I guess, am I supposed to reply? How should I feel about these. I guess I have to decide that on my own.
For the record, you are all very normal/understandable when it comes to what you guys tag my stuff with. That you love the girls (same!), that they're very gender (love this), or wow is this [insert fetish](not my intention but that's the internet). I feel like the slime girls get the "gender" comment the most and you are all so right for that. Every time I see people reblog my ocs I think "Thank you for loving [name]."
That's all! This was a pointless post but I'm unemployed right now so I have too much time to overthink things for no reason. How do YOU feel about how people interact with your posts? Are they weird? Or are they normal about it.
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day-drawn-blog · 11 months
Jealous over Astarion's affections
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Pairing: Astarion x Reader -- This is set in Act I
I got triggered by some flirtations banter between him and Shadowheart and I realized, my tav, if anything like me, would probably feel extremely jealous too. We are not together yet, so do I even have a claim on him? I needed to write down this scenario.
Tags: angst, fluff, sadness, angst, fluff, then maybe eventually smut because I do love that
Part I. Crowned light moon of mine - I found you too soon
Part II : Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight
Part III : maybe tonight I'll rest in peace
Part IV: There is much to do and I still want to live
Part V: Our futures bound, our bodies known
Part VI : These ain't my sins, I broke my chains
Part VII: You are not mine and am I truly yours?
Part VIII : your blood like wine, invite me in
Part IX: I'll welcome my sentence and give you my penance
Part X : I can't go yet...don't let me die
What a day. As you all were sitting down next to the campfire, your eyes couldn't help but wander at Astarion. While you all were fairly new to each other, you noticed, Shadowheart was quite comfortable around Astarion. and Astarion was acting quite familiar around her too. You wished you didn't see that. So you quickly averted your eyes. Every one else seemed to be busy being merry, laughing, drinking and having a good time. So why couldn't you relax?
You stood up, intending to clear your head. Why do you feel such a sharp pang. You don't love him. You barely know him, he may not even be a good person for all you know. What had you hoped? That he would favor you over everyone? But why... is it because, you yearn...
You yearn for him.
Your heart lit up. And then, you remembered, he didn't, yearn for you. He likes Shadowheart. The beautiful Shadowheart. And she is powerful. Of course he would. She was like a dangerous flower. But a flower all the same. And you? Just a nobody, with no past, and a future you cannot envision. Nothing to your name. Except for a sword, bound to you by a pact. Power. To dispel enemies. To fight your way in this madness that has engulfed your world. But they weren't enough. Not enough for him to yearn for you...
You ran.
Through the woods, far away from your friends, and the warm fire. Through the darkness, like your racing mind. Till you were out of breath in a field bathed in silver moonlight. And the world was quiet. And you felt welcome by Nature. And loved. By the world around. There was not a soul around, and you broke down, in tears. As you felt sorry for the state your heart was in. And how brutally it was crushed. You blamed yourself for even getting your hopes up.
You wailed.
Your cries could not be heard by anyone here. You felt grateful for the serenity. You lay on the grass, hugging yourself. Before long, you closed your eyes, and were drifting off due to exhaustion. The day was hard. The night even more so.
Your light sleep was interrupted by the sound of twigs cracking under approaching light footsteps. You jolted up and were shocked at the shadowy figure looming over you. Instantly your hand reached for your Pact Weapon, but the other party - just as shocked initially - cried out in self defense. "Its' me! Astarion! Please, I did not mean to scare you. Please."
You lowered your weapon. But he had some explaining to do.
"I am sorry, I - I didn't realize it was you. I - I thought you were someone else. A bandit. And I, I was going to well... I was hungry."
He took a deep breath. Resolved to his fate. "I would never hurt you. Or any of my friends. I want you to trust me."
"Alright, let's say that is true, what did you want with this.. bandit? You wanted to loot him I suppose." You put your weapon away.
"That's the other thing. I am not sure, if I should be telling you this, but, I am so hungry, and .. and I have been very unlucky tonight, you see."
"Did Karlach not leave you any food? Or were you so distracted, talking to Sha- other people, that you forgot to eat?"
"I, I need blood to survive."
Silence followed. Deafening silence. He looked down. As if he was ashamed. Then looked up at your with pleading yes.
Your eyes widened in disbelief. Incredulous, you couldn't believe you had missed the signs that were there all along. Everything pointed to him being a Vampire. So that boar..... But now what? There is a Vampire in your midst! OMG. Had you just put your entire party in danger?! You and your stupid trusting heart. What now? Should you kill him?
"I never, please believe me, I never hurt people I know. Those who are my friends. But please, I am very hungry, I just need... a little bit.. it will help me fight better, and make me feel like myself, again".
He knelt down. On his knees... "If it isn't too much, I only need a little bit - or you are free to stake me".
You looked down at the sorry state he was in. This man who you were yearning for, on his knees, pleading you. He was pleading for your blood. That was the only problem. You didn't want him to, but wanted him to not be in such a state either. You wanted to help him. There went your stupid kind heart again. You never learn.
"Will it hurt?"
Astarion looked up - incredulous that you even entertained the idea. "What? Oh! No, only a little prick. And I can be extra careful too -"
"Does it have to be the neck? Because I don't want-" "And you don't have to - if you don't want to" He had stood up. He lifted your right hand, and lifted it to his lips - placing a light kiss. "I am more than happy, with your hand. May I?" He looked up. A darkness in his eyes. Hunger? Greed? Deception? Maybe all of it. You nod slightly.
He caressed your hand with both of his, dragging his lips over your wrist sending sparks through your body. This felt so wrong, yet your body liked his touch. You could smell his hair, bergamot. He was taller than you. Lit up in the moon, this man was gorgeous. And dangerous, as he was just about to prove himself to be. You looked away as he bared his fangs. You hated anything piecing your skin. Hoping you don't feel a lot, you closed your eyes, and you did not. It was barely a prick like he promised. You were grateful.
After a while, you decided this was more than enough of a favor. You tried withdrawing your hand. He got the hint. He let your hand go and stepped back, and looked at your with a grateful smile. "Would you like me to...escort you back, to camp?"
Should you let him? Weren't you running away from how he was making you feel. Wouldn't Shadowheart notice? What would she think? But, how could you refuse him. After all, you may never get another chance...to walk with him. Through the woods. Just the two of you. Even as friends. Or strangers. You grasped at what you could get.
You two walked back in silence. Him next to you. Every now and again you would look at him. He seemed lost in thought, smiling. You figured he must be thinking of her. Your heart sank, and the gratitude you were feeling at being able to walk next to him, quickly dissipated to pangs of sharp pain again. What started as a romantic moonlit walk quickly turned into an unbearable awkwardness for you, and you wished you were back already. So you quickened your pace.
Very soon, you could see the warm glow of the fire. What a relief. You just need a hug. From Karlach. Or Halsin. And you could forget about the unceremonious way you let your heart pine for a man out of your reach. And upon reaching camp - you did just that. You forsook Astarion immediately and without another glance at him, ran to Karlach and buried your face in her, lest you start crying again. You didn't care what he did, whether he went back to Shadowheart, you did not want to witness that.
Afterwards when the whole camp had quietened down. You hung around with Karlach, Gale and Wyll. You assumed, Shadowheart was in Astarion's tent. And you dare not look that way. You asked those lingering - what their reason to live was. Did everyone have something to live for? What would they do, after all this was over?
An interesting discussion followed. You felt you got to know your comrades a bit better. It made you feel warm. The cold that was left due to the lack on one was filled by the warmth of many, and you smiled. You liked it. And you liked your new found friends.
Later that night, you lay in your tent, and tried to drive away all the thoughts about how no one would miss you. If you were not there, or how you were not as interesting as some of the others. And as you fought hard, with yourself, you realized, that there must be others like you out there who needed someone to know them, to look at them, and value them. And you realized you had a purpose. You could be needed. You could carve out a meaning for your existence in this crazy world. You wanted to be there for those that needed you. You will be the hero. And that would be the reason to exist, you would love yourself, so you can love those who needed to be loved.
And with that comforting thought you drifted away.
Part II : Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight
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niredsw · 7 days
okay here goes nothing please dont be mad at me for this afterwards
i am so fucking tired of feeling left out in every. single. friendgroup. i'll ever have.
i just cant stop thinking "what if they hate me secretly" "they probably laugh behind me" "they probably talk about how annoying and stupid i am when im not there" and this one is pretty stupid but "what if they have another groupchat that im not in and they talk there all day and thats why they never talk to me" i know people said it a million times but i really cant stop thinking like this.
(you have every right to be mad for this part its not even a big thing why am i sad over this)
just today a new friend of mine decided to co peletely ignore my existence and talk with another friend of hers, and thats okay, really, she has other friends and i have other friends aswell, its okay. the thing is i went to her class to talk to her and she just walked beside me, exitted her class and went to mine to talk with her another friend. i know im short but like she shoul've seen me right? i dont know this feels so stupid when i say it out loud
then theres the server, dont get me wrong please i love every one of you so much its just im not active 24/7 and that makes me feel left out. there are certain people who are active all day or people that are loved by everyone and even if they wont answer for days everyone is always having fun with them, i know im not the best friend a person can ask for but i'm really trying my best and i just want to be loved the same amount as i love people, do i really want so much? its really stupid, really, but fuck it no one would probably even see this so fuck it we ball
today when the staff was talking about if we should invite someone or not, everyones opinion was asked, the people that didnt respond were tagged, but i wasnt. this is really really stupid but it just made me feel horrible, like i didnt matter
yeah i know its pretty stupid.
im just too scared that people will lost interest in me one day and i'll just be forgotten, ignored, not important anymore. im so scared we will have a huge fight over something stupid i said and never talk again, then after a few months someone will mention my name and people will just say "we were friends once, never liked her anyways"
i know its really stupid its just how i feel
i fucking hate my attachment issues. i spam people a lot amd then get sad when they dont respond, and i dont even know why i do it myself
im just an obsessive idiot whos always scared of people leaving her. but i never realize how annoying and stupid i sound and then i get sad when they leave me, even tho the signs were super obvious that we were drifting away
im sorry this is stupid i dont need any help i just needed to scream to the void
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anteroom-of-death · 7 months
Teacher's Pet part 14
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Synopsis: The Reader gets a potential glimpse into her future. She also makes an enemy.
A/n: yeaaayyyy. More fun. Fuckery world building. Thanks to all my readers. I should probably do a tag list instead of zapping ur inboxes. Uhhh....yeah. to my mutuals who have to deal with me and aren't attached to this, I am sorry. I love you and I would donate my organs to you.
Grades were posted. Most were good, nothing to really write home about. You did far better than you expecting. The self-doubt really was deep-rooted, wasn’t it?
Except one. That stupid alien gave you a near-perfect. Just one point shy of an absolutely perfect one-hundred percent.
So much for no favoritism…
You’d take it anyways. And not bring it up…
Work was slow but it was steady.
He even met you between shifts at your park.
You started feeling a tad insane without him. Did love feel like this? You admitted you had little experience with love. Just what you attempted to create in the past. And trashy books and television shows and movies and songs…
You needed him like you needed a cigarette and a stiff drink after a long day.
Bella Swan would be so proud of you, you degraded yourself in your mind.
“How is work going?” The Doctor asked with genuine shine of curiosity in his tone and face.
“The amount of professors in now…I have to dodge them! I do think the statistics professor I had two terms ago recognized me!” You spoke in a shocked, scared tone. You didn’t need that getting out. Could ruin your future plans.
“Oh no!” He chuckled, as he handed you a bit of sandwich.
“You aren’t forgettable.”
You skeptically glared over at him.
“Any who. How was your gig at the student union?”
“No one appreciated the irony of Pink Floyd.”
“Everyone loves Doctor Disco!” He flourished then played air guitar.
You burst out laughing. With a quick roll of your eyes, you shook your head.
“You’re such a nerd.”
“I invented the concept!”
“Probably true!” You let yourself think of his time on Earth. Who knew what funk he has spread? You weren’t going to delve into it much more.
One day, when you felt brave enough.
“I have to go to London for a while in two weeks. Just maintenance of the Black Archives…I need to streamline some stuff for making it easier for my next few regenerations. And update some things about a plan for proxy since another organization is down to a woman named Gwen and her husband and she’s thinking of retiring the entire engagement. Her…leader hasn’t returned to the planet in ages. I doubt he ever will. This planet has caused him too much pain. Which, ironic, since his ancestors came from here. Talk about mother wounds! Just upload all the databases for UNIT to deal with.”
“Inviting me?” You clarified.
“Yeah…I think it’ll take a week. Especially with the layers of bureaucracy that is in place these days.” He looked over, his hair caught in the wind. “Could you spare a week? No TARDIS, no time travel. Just hop to, hop out, the slow way around.”
You licked your top row of teeth and scraped it back into place.
“Perfect. I’ll have them ready a room, a better room for us.”
“One with a window?”
“If they do have those.”
You nodded.
“It’s a date!”
“Fantastic.” He smiled but seemed to flash in his eyes some hidden response from just the one word…
You chewed your shared sandwich and sipped your can of Coke Zero. The weather was getting warmer and the sun was actually shining in one of those perfect, photo-ready days.
“The vitamin D feels good, doesn’t it?” You turned your head to face the sun. The heat felt too good on your skin. You let a little moan slip through your lips.
“Perhaps. I might need a sun crème soon.” He replied.
You snorted. He was bone pale, but you didn’t know how alien skin worked yet.
“Yeah, you are pretty pale.”
Your alarm went off and you had to go.
Final good-byes said and you stalked off.
You had to plan out your little London escape. If it was hard work for him, you wanted to kill time in comfort. Do some sightseeing. Nothing major. London had tons of viral cafés and pop-ups.
The time flew by…
And suddenly you were off and away in another fancy armored Range Rover with armed escorts.
He did do you a bit of justice and got you a room with a view. Just not a particularly stunning one…
He went off, rather rapidly if you did say so yourself, because something needed him to submit his DNA and he couldn’t have any radiant interference. Petronella needed to be with him to get her DNA analyzed or something. You were not going to try to comprehend.
Fine by you, you’d nose around. There were so many floor and he gave you some sort of weird blank paper he said would get you through anything you needed.
“It’s psychic paper!” He said, smile up to his ears.
“Looks like a piece of printer paper shoved into an old wallet to me.” You replied as you regarded the object.
Fine by you, you stuffed it in your jean’s pocket.
You found yourself on the first floor, and saw a door open. There was a sign posted on an easel. ‘Companions and Surviving Family Support Group’, it proclaimed.
You put two and two together. It was probably in reference to the man doing who-knows-what.
You weren’t a companion per say. The Doctor assured you as much.
Did you invade? Did you go look at your future? Or a potential future? It mentioned family members…
Your curiosity got the best of you. Like that damn cat!
You walked in, it was set up like a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. Coffee, sweet treats, chairs all in a circle.
There were already a crowd of people.
And your entrance wasn’t exactly planned.
You slid onto the chair that was closest to the door. An east exit if this was too much.
“Oh! A new face!” A woman with a lot of life etched into her face with a kind smile and a mop of white-shock hair, her lips as red as blood.
“Does, is…am I late?” Was the best you could choke out. You could feel your eyes start to bulge. You swallowed hard. All eyes were on you. You didn’t like it. You preferred anonymity.
The mistake was already clear in your mind.
“No, dove. Right on time! We’re still waiting on Ian! I’m Jo!” She scooted her chair closer to you.
You thrust your tongue out and bit it’s side.
“I’m (y/n).”
A short woman with a leather jacket and all the authoritarian air of something that placed your hairs on the back of your neck at attention glared at you and Jo. “Why don’t we save it all for introductions…”
You got up and grabbed a bottle of water and sat back down.
An ancient man wandered in and sat down.
“Oh! Ian, love! We got a new straggler!” Jo said to him and gave him a hug that seemed too strong for her aged body.
The bossy girl cleared her throat. “Now we can start.”
You hated her already. She clearly ran this group with an iron fist.
There was Jo, Ian, the bitch’s name was Yaz, Martha, a woman who called herself Ace, a married couple named Nyssa and Tegan, a grandmother and grandson duo named Graham and Ryan, a Mel, and some young man named Luke…
Quite a big group.
It came down to you, you introduced yourself. And were supposed to give some brief synopsis of your relationship with the Doctor.
You stared off into space.
“Yeah, he’s here…doing something. I don’t know. I’m his…girlfriend. He’s also a professor at my university.” You stared at your left palm and gauged the reaction. “Nothing major. I’ve got his promise that he’s not going to get me in the way of death.” You finished with a shrug. “He introduced me to his…ex recently. Some milf named Missy. Have you lot met her?”
Yaz’s eyes could have make entrails out of you…
“What? Did I not brush my teeth correctly?” You pointed that faux-question towards her.
“She told me she didn’t do relationships.” She spoke in a tiny voice eventually.
“Well, maybe I’m special.” You shot Yaz a shit-eating grin masked as an innocent smile.
“Oh! I heard the Master went female!” Jo broke up your brewing tiff. “He was such a softie towards me! I enjoyed our little battles.”
You laughed and covered up your palm.
The conversations went on. Mainly centered around Missy now. Apparently she was the prime minister and tortured Martha and her family. Also, body-snatched Nyssa’s father. And became a cat. She’d certainly done her fair share of damage. No wonder she was chained up in a basement in Bristol of all places.
That explained her feline nature.
“Which Doctor are you with?”
“I don’t know. Tall? Thin? Scottish? Severe face? Plays guitar? Wild grey hair. Dark roots, too handsome…yeah.” You didn’t know how many or what the Doctor looked like previously.
“Oh. So the one before Yaz and Graham and me!” Ryan piped up. “She mentioned being a grey-haired Scot right before we met her.”
“Oh, so he got his wish of being a chick next.” You affirmed.
“Wonder what happened to you!” Yaz said, venom starting to leak into her voice.
“Nothing I need to know about, okay?” You pressured back. Two could play this game.
She clearly had sour grapes over you getting chosen and not her.
More conversations broke out, more story-swapping. You started to feel beyond way out just out of your depths. You had to keep your calm. Especially in front of your new foe. Any weakness and you were going to be either throwing down with her or she’d do something unspeakable.
She was apparently a police officer, after all!
“So you’ve never gone on an adventure? To space? Not even back in time? Or forward?” Ace spoke incredulously.
“No, I’m not going to put my life at risk. I made him promise to not. He’s retired. He just needs to help UNIT and rehabilitate Missy.”
“She doesn’t stay good!” Yaz spit out. She then told her tale of him and how the only way to break free from him, the Doctor had to hand Missy over to the Nazis.
“Not my problem.” You said, after finally scraping your jaw off the floor.
“And wow, what the fuck happened between now and when? Handing over someone to the literal Nazis?” You shot up an errant hand and glared. “And hanging around cops. No offense. It’s like historical Jesus versus American Jesus.” You made the decision to bite your middle finger nail in a covert attempt to flip her off.
“Maybe you had something to do with it.” She accused.
“Oh, yeah. Blame me.” You said.
Others attempted civility between the two of you.
Martha seemed between two minds here.
“Just remember how powerful your emotions are!” Ian called out. “Especially how deeply the Doctor evokes them in us!”
It dawned on you, and you decided to take the highest of roads. “Yeah, were dealing with some alien. Like…damn. We really are out here getting….cut up over an alien. He’s our weird alien. But yeah.” He was your alien. And you were going to defend your man, but you didn’t want Yaz and her feelings to make you any less powerful. “His body count has got to be in the millions.” You used the term in a way to dig in that the Doctor picked you for the mainstream meaning and not Yaz. But it worked for companions too!
“Who knows how many of us he’s taken a shine to!” Suddenly you felt yourself heart plummet. You knew you weren’t special as part of a group, but you decided to soothe yourself with your marked differences. No magical abduction story. Just a normal, morally-grey student and teacher relationship. Only it was your luck to end up with the most ran-through alien.
And, it did suit you. You too were ‘ran-through’.
You wished he was free and you could get some comfort here…
You felt yourself return to normal, and decided to pass the ultimate catch.
“Sorry for getting heated. The past month or so since he’s revealed his double life to me, has been…shattering. I’ve only recently discovered that he was…you know, not some man I hang out with. I only recently started calling him Doctor. Not Professor Smith.”
The though of him not taking anyone else as a lover after you did fill you with a sense of pride. Whatever impact you had, that was a mark in your favor. Loyal to you…even if you were dead or broken-up or whatever your fate was to mess around with anyone else.
A permanent (y/n)-shaped hole no one could even get close enough to fill.
When he was done with his task you’d have to slap him and then suck him off.
Martha finally put in her two cents.
“Just don’t get hurt. The last time he was in love when I was with him…so bad. The ending was enough to destroy me.”
“Thank you.”
The conversation went back to normal. You really enjoyed Jo’s stories. Apparently he was a white-haired debonair sort for her. You were curious to see what that had looked like. You doubted it could compare to your particular Doctor, but it was probably very close.
You found yourself laughing and getting along with most. Except for Yaz. You both kept finding yourselves shooting daggers at each other.
You tried to rise above it.
However. You were only human…
You heard a sharp rap at the door and turned at the noise.
It was your Doctor.
“Sorry. I was going to the toilets. Heard some nice familiar voices. Smelt the coffee! I love a cup of coffee after genetic sequencing…Hello!”
There were nary a word as he strode over and made a cup, dumping about a dozen sugar packets in.
“I’ll let you all talk amongst yourselves. Oh, and (y/n), I have tickets to walk through the Chelsea Physic Garden at three. Will you join me? And Martha, I am so deeply sorry for all I’ve done to you. It’s weighed on my conscience since I was a young man in a bow-tie. Truly. From the bottoms of both my hearts. And, oh, faces I don’t know yet, catch your laters.” He shot a quick peace sign.
He breezed out with the same ease that he came in with…
You flushed hard and felt yourself wanting to kick your legs hard. The smile that crept up around your face was probably very goofy. You felt suddenly very giddy and lovesick. And embarrassed.
You swore you heard Yaz mutter something about “Daddy issues”.
You wanted to snap and fight her on the floor.
Jo and Ace heckled. “Oh, he’s back to being a groovy gentleman.” Jo said. “I recognize that red jacket!”
After a while, everyone seemed to wrap it up.
You received quite a few warnings about how passionate a relationship with the Doctor is, and how it would eventually run it’s course.
You didn’t know whether to heed it, or believe him. You were airing on the side of him. After all, he could have popped down here in his TARDIS, but he was following your regulations down to the letter. Changed behaviors, and for whatever reason, when you were long gone, and he was a she, the Doctor didn’t take Yaz up on her romantic offerings.
You felt ashamed of your ‘I can fix him’/’I am the only exception’ mindset. You were a rebel to the idea of monogamy usually. You also didn’t believe in true love. Not after all that you’d seen at work and even experienced in your personal life. However, the beating of your heart and the ache in your soul and the throb of your cunt interfered…
You felt like you were his favorite.
Maybe you were.
You were delusional enough, you decided.
With final hugs and you swore you’d get down and learn more about your shared alien, you’d exited to go and text him that you were out front, smoking.
“You know, maybe you died from lung cancer.” Yaz materialized, carrying some stuff to her car. “Or emphysema.”
You blew out a puff in her general direction.
“I don’t need a lecture. He’s already on my ass enough to get me to quit.” You played back.
“So, lady Doctor. What does she look like?” You asked. Curious. You tried a friendly route. “Still Scottish?” The two incarnations of Time Lords you had met had been. It was an honest question. You even tried a cordial laugh.
“No, definitely not Scottish.”
You nodded.
“She’s blonde and has the most amazing eyes! I took her to get her ears pierced. She’s the most incredible and infuriating person I’ve ever met.”
“Apparently that’s par for the course.” You agreed.
She gave you some agreement.
“Does she still play guitar?” You offered an opportunity to bond, girl to girl. You may have hated her, but a cop on your side may come in handy. One day. And you both were tied to each other now.
So…you had to act your age or whatever.
She was a little younger than you. You could remember being her age. Empathy.
“No, she can’t even carry a tune. She sings all the time.”
You had to let a small snort escape.
“He can sing really well.” You cupped a palm to your mouth. “It’s a bit annoying at times, you know. He frequently does during his lectures.”
“So…that hadn’t changed.” You could see the gears in her brain turning.
“Wait, he’s your professor?” She exclaimed.
“Not currently.” You shrugged, as his text saying that he was coming down popped up, absolved of guilt.
“That’s so wrong!”
“Honey, the Doctor abducts barely legal girls with a degree of regularity. I think a tame affair with a student who started uni later than most is the best-case scenario. You included.” You flicked a bit of ash off your cigarettes end. “No offense.”
“Yeah…” You clearly won.
He swanned into the little front garden at the entrance of UNIT. He changed to a hoodie and simple black blazer and a relaxed pair of checked trousers.
It made your heart skip a beat.
“Hey. I was thinking Italian for dinner. Or Thai. In the fifty-second century there’s a great collision of their flight colonies.”
You smacked your teeth together and let out the final puff of smoke.
“You’re the Doctor before my Doctor.” Yaz gazed up, a look of pre-mourning in her eyes.
“As my wife, River, would say, ‘Spoilers, sweetie.’ It’s nice to meet you early. I’ll try to wipe you from my memory to make it easier for my future self.” He gave Yaz’s shoulder a squeeze.
“Yeah, good luck. See you soon?” You called out as you let yourself be swept off your feet by your particular Doctor.
“Sure?” You heard her say.
A few blocks later and going on the Underground, you pulled him close by the lapels. You gave him a firm kiss and slapped his ass. It was a ‘thank-you’ in a small, simple way. You’d never end up, all things go as planned, like any of those perfect victims. Who knew, maybe you’d dump him. It was all open-ended.
You had your entire life ahead of you. More or less.
For now, it was just you, the Doctor, and a walk in a garden with a fabulous dinner date.
“What was that for?” He looked at you quizzically.
“You’ll never know…” You grinned immensely and a little psychotically. You felt your nose crinkle a bit.
“Oh?” He replied back, skeptical in tone.
It was a start.
“Yeah…” You breathed, inhaling this moment. Inhaling the scent of him, you felt sane, safe, stable and most importantly- in love and loved back.
The train pulled up.
A perfect start to a perfect week.
He snaked out the psychic paper and tapped it like it was an oyster card. You entered the platform and smiled up at him...
Yeah, life was beyond awesome.
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chaoticmvse · 2 months
I'm so sorry that it's taken me what feels like years to catch up with all the games, but this beautiful Tuesday practically invites me to do it now. So get ready for a hail of musegames (below the cut). :-) + i'm tagging everyone else below all games, so if you already did them, i am sorry, just too lazy to look everything up.
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choose a song for each letter of your url: tagged by @never-be-tamed
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol ; How you reming me - Nickelback ; A little too much - Shawn Mendes ; Ocean eyes - Billie Eilish ; Too much to ask - Niall Horan ; It ain't me - Kygo, Selena Gomez ; Complicated - Olivia O'Brien ; Messier - Tate McRae ; Vermissen - Juju, Henning May ; Sorry - Halsey ; End of an era - Dua Lipa
what negative emotion are you? tagged by @never-be-tamed the feeling is overwhelmed
babe :((,, it's gonna be okay, i know you try really hard to please people and live up to your own expectations, but please take a break. i know what it's like to work non stop and burnout is not pretty. sometimes it's okay to admit that you still have work, and take a break anyway. you're human and you can't keep running on energy drinks and self deprecating humor. believe me, i have been there. maybe stop staring at your phone screen and take a nap. trust me on this one. put on some noise canceling headphones, grab a glass of water with a couple of ice cubes, and take a nap or something. watch your favorite tv show. i love you and i know you can get through this, okay?
what are your hands covered in? tagged by @shevampyre & @zeitrcisender my hands are covered in stars
They burn, don’t they? And yet you still hold on. The flesh on your palms peels back, your fingers burning down to bone. Your tissues char and break away, your blood boiling inside your hands. The heat rushes up to kiss your face and chest, a sunburn in the dark and yet–yet you hold on, because they are beautiful. It hurts, but you see only the beauty of the moment, none of the pain. All of that suffering is worth a few moments of brilliance, isn’t it?
what time of the day are you? tagged by @never-be-tamed & @zeitrcisender and, what a surprise, i am midnight
you shouldn't be here, yet here you are. lost in an inked landscape. yet knowing exactly where you belong, where you should be. the sounds of god knows what lurking beyond the veil of the tree lines, they beckoning you, welcoming you.
it's the end of the world; what have you done? tagged by @never-be-tamed answer: the reluctant/accidental harbinger
You never wanted this to happen. You were scared, and you just wanted it all to stop hurting. Now... everything's stopped. (Stop, stop, STOP, isn't that what they screamed at you?) You're never going to see them again. You killed them all. Oh God, you killed them all. (Monster.)
find your totem animal tagged by @never-be-tamed my totem is the doplhin
balanced in harmony, the dolphin is your totem. you are a kind and gentle soul, but don’t let that fool those who mean to harm you. you have deep inner strength that can be harnessed when needed. you likely lead with your intuition rather than over thinking things, and the dolphin can serve as a reminder to trust your gut intelligence. most of all, the dolphin reminds you to bring playfulness into your life and live peacefully with all of those around you.
answer worst quiz questions and get a psychoanalysis but you dont know what the psychoanalysis is based off tagged by @never-be-tamed the answer (i honestly feel pointed out): heavy weight yarn that breaks when you try to pull it
you are beautiful. everything about you looks it. soft, colorful, with the potential of making so many things. but inside? you crack. easily, these days too. take a break. soon, it may be too late.
what greek god/goddess are you? tagged by @never-be-tamed the answer is artemis
artemis, the goddess of hunting, is another favourite, especially among young women. you love animals (perhaps more than people), and probably want to be left alone most of the time, though you do have a small group you go everywhere with. everyone likes you, though they don't know much about you.
That was incredibly time-consuming, but thanks for the links (mainly to alex) and now you can see what you've already done and what you haven't (have fun): @gvilty-c0nscience ; @divine-felonies ; @vcnenum ; @mvdness ; @shevampyre ; @lartist-e ; @betterstay-dead ; @crownedembers ; @modacriminal ; @hanyoyue ; @trauma-report ; @crimelrd & anyone who wants to get their muse a little bit better :)
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vargaslovinghours · 11 months
Requestober 2023: Vargas Edition
The playlist has returned for this year! There will be a few in between, but it should be updating at least once a week on either Wednesday or Friday or both - keep an eye out for your req(s)!
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I considered a couple different lines for day 1 - there are just so many Narrator lines that could work for Scriabin! Any of the many times where the Narrator is being sadistic, it all just works. Plus, it’s fun to imagine Scriabin trapping Edgar in the same way, just shoops a wall right into his path haha
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But in the end I went for one of the tags I left myself on the original TSP/Vargas crossover doodles, it does still live in my head rent-free after all. You can see in the background that those “invisible” tears were intended from the beginning as well :3c
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There’s also something funny to me about Scriabin using the word “rubbish” haha ♪ How posh
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Edgar, as usual, getting blame for something that was definitely his Narrator, I mean Scriabin’s fault lol
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I really wasn’t sure what to do with day 2 at first - I’m too scared to watch any of the SAWs, or look them up on YouTube >~< I tried finding transcripts with stage direction or people describing them in text online but I couldn’t really find anything, I really do appreciate my friend for telling me about one haha. Even with that though, I still had to do a lot of guesswork! Something about wrists, fear, not doing well - Scriabin is very cute hiding behind Edgar but it’s still not very obvious what the theme is, huh?
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I was able to find a very brief animation of I think? the trap that had been described to me but even that was a bit much for me :’D I was a very wimp that day! I didn’t even have it in me to draw the trap itself in the sketch! There’s something a bit ominous about not being able to see into the trap completely, only the blood pooling at the bottom ♪ But I’m still happy I went with what I did in the end, though I did have to change Scriabin’s dialogue from fear to accusation - though that tracks for him haha
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Day 3 was silly and therefore easy to whip up haha ♪ The angst is done, the blood is done, this leaves only kisses! Any opportunity to use my pencils to make kiss-marks, I will take lol. Clearly this is what the prompt was pointing at! Obviously! Lol
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If you look, Jake’s lips are painted pink and Scriabin’s red, and they have each other’s lipstick marks on their faces lol - I am attention to detail when it comes to kisses ♪
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I did still end up making an alt even after pretty much decided on the first one, it’s still fun to think about Scriabin interacting with Jake before he gets his own body ♫ He’s so smug lol, at least they’re easy to cover! Ish! Mostly! Probably itch tho lol
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Day 5, yaaay some Biblical Edgar <3 I have been out of practice drawing wings lately so they’re basically just Big Shapes here lol, it’s all about blocking out the space they’ll take for when it’s cleaned! I am quite happy with how he turned out digitally, his cute face ♥
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Day 7 got a couple passes as well before settling! It’s a theme lol, though there were both kidverse! The prompt mentioned “brothers” but that doesn’t necessarily mean when they were kids - they can be silly and sibling-like even After, they have the range. Still, Edgar pushing him on the swing as a kid was a cute idea so I’m glad I at least scratched it down haha. Why’s he so heavy? He’s dense ♪
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The alt was the winner tho! I love how much like a bug Scriabin looks here haha, how could he have possibly seen this coming??
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Day 8′s sketch was done outside in the dark actually, stargazing very appropriate!  You can kinda see me go back and forth on their clothes in the moment lol, Edgar’s striped shirt visible on his upper arms underneath his long sleeves and I still ended up going with a scarf! I also planned to make their breath clouds but I forgot them in the end, that background took up a lot of my focus lol. Also how come Edgar’s feet turned out better here than in the final version >:P
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Gaster! A warmup for Day 9 since it’s been a bit since I’ve drawn him, especially with the cracks in his face! Scriabin is annoying his offscreen so it still totally counts as being Vargas-themed lol
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Their poses were a bit subdued initially so I knew I wanted to try again, but at the same time there are a lot of elements here that I liked! Especially their hands, Gaster holding his hands in fists at his sides rather than speaking to Scriabin through sign language, and Scriabin with his flourish-opened palm, inviting ♪
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Actual pose skeletons lol, though Gaster’s was a bit top-heavy. It all worked out in the end at least :)
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Day 11 was a very fun concept! Turning Scriabin into an Enderman was an especially fun idea if Edgar could figure/find out that he could hide from him using a pumpkin mask, though I’m sure that would make Scriabin mad as well once he found him haha. Just sneeaaak quietly behind him, he’ll never know! Also the pumpkin having Edgar’s glasses, goatee, and scars carved into it haha <3
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All the same, I’m glad I went with what I did - Scriabin’s pose is so much more dynamic! Very fun! His hands and his legs, and the way his coat flares out! Plus putting his Ender teeth on display was a lot of fun haha ♪ Poor Edgar can’t catch a break no matter what world he’s in, at least I didn’t actually turn him into a sheep lol
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Day 12, yaaaay I finally got to Uncle Jake! So nervous <3 Don’t break the baby, don’t hurt him don’t move too much ahhh! Haha, terribly cute ♥ I do still really love how confident Edgar is here - he’s usually so nervous around Jake, but oh how the tables! Dadgar with a support system <3 His FWB comes to say hi to his son, it’s very wholesome hehe ♪
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Day 13 was actually drawn way of out of order, between several of the later days and even day 12 I think lol, it’s so hard to convince my brain to listen to new music haha. It was quite a lot of fun making the text not look like it’s “spoken,” outside of a text bubble hehe, I don’t do that too often! And of course still deeply inspired by his palette challenge, it is too pretty to not pull from every not and again <3
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Honestly I initially had no ideas for day 14, and yet this was still the only sketch I ended up with! My earworm at the time came in clutch, honestly do listen to Everything In You it’s such pretty yearning starcrossed song ah <3 All these musical doodles haha ♪ Sweetness sweetness <3
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And of course when they’re that close there has to be a kiss! Scriabin is surprised, but how much? :3c Edgar giving Scriabin kisses of his own accord 💖 That theme never really left me either hehe
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Day 27, the last Vargas day! Had to get in one Snake Charmer before the end huh haha ♪ It’s too bad my Ladyverse!Naga idea was a bit too long or I would’ve done that, but I’ll never turn down the potential for pretty clothes! And spiders for that matter haha, I went with the Acanthoscurria Geniculata - Brazilian Whiteknee again :) As much as I love Scriabin as a Bold Jumper, tarantulas just have such gorgeous proportions! And of course, I always enjoy drawing Lady!Scriabin, so it was doubly fun to draw her as a spider :)
That’s all of this year’s Vargas sketches! A fun bunch! And it was fun to mix a few others in as well :D
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fatliberation · 1 year
tw medical abuse, tw gender dysphoria, tw surgery
Hey, I am looking for some help. I am about an American 18/1X and I wish to have a breast reduction, both for transgender and back pain related reasons. I have an appointment with a surgeon in two weeks.
I already had one breast reduction, but that surgeon fucked me over. Even though we agreed on small B cups, he barely took anything away so that the boobs "fit my body type" and keep me looking feminine. (It was honestly traumatic but thats another point).
While my first breast reduction was paid for by my insurance, I will have to pay this one myself, so it has to go right this time. So I want to bring pictures of fat afab ppl with flat chests. But I cant find anything. It is already very difficult to find pics of afab naked breasts. Even more difficult to find fat examples. And impossible to find fat examples with flat/small boobs, as they are usually sexualised to fit a hourglass silhouette.
Do you have any pics or resources for me? I will also pay for the pictures. I was thinking of contacting sex workers, but again I am having trouble finding any fat sex workers with flat chests.
Thank you for your help and for this blog. It has been a long, long journey of daring to want a flat chest even though I am fat. It still feels very scary, but people like you help me be brave
Oh my god, I'm so sorry he did that to you. 🤬 I'm more than happy to help you find what you're looking for! You deserve to have full autonomy over your body, and you should be so proud of reaching your decision. It's okay to feel scared. You have a community of supporters right here at your fingertips. ❤️
Check out the tag #TransTummyTuesday on Twitter! it was created by @TranyeWest who is a fat trans sex worker! you’ll probably find other SWs there under the tag. I know of a few fat & flat-chested SWs who are here in the kink community on tumblr, too. I invite anyone who sees this post and feels compelled to share some photos to please do so!
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i-smoke-chapstick · 2 months
AAA thank u for writing my request ♡ !! im rewatching workaholics so the brainrot is so real. could you please write anders x reader where he tries to seduce (se-ders) the reader ? ur choice either sfw or nsfw !! thanks in advance 😽
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Anders Holmvik is horrible at flirting…but it somehow works.
⋆ tags/warnings. Anders Holmvik x female!reader! FLUFF!!!! Anon I am SALIVATING for workaholics requests please keep them coming!!! I LOVE this idea btw, (se-ders is incredibly accurate!!) Made this SFW since i was getting tired but anon PLEASE send in some more NSFW or SFW requests for the boys if you’re comfortable i feel like i’ve missed an opportunity to make this smutty >.<
♫ “You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk. / You’re so cool it makes me hate you so much.” Gorgeous by Taylor Swift
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The moment you caught his eye at the party, he’d called dibs.
It was some house party you were invited to by your friend. You can’t say that the place is put together…but it’s certainly unique. And you’ll never pass up a chance to drink and give some guys a good flirt. You’re friend said she was invited by a group of guys who were appearently the hosts. She said they were weird as hell, and that you just had to see it for yourself.
Well, you’ll bite! Parties were never not fun, and almost immeadiatley upon entry, you understood exactly what she meant.
You and your group of friends were probably the only girls there. The rooms were cluttered up with junk, which was surprisingly unique. A Juggalo tapestry (interesting…), a whole ton of magazines, and the distinct smell of weed. You kinda liked it. It was homey.
Scanning around the room, you finally got a drink, and sipped on it lazily. You wandered from bathroom to bedroom, ignoring the commotion in the living room. One of the hosts, the short one, was trying to do a backflip on the dining table. You’d prefer not to see someone break their neck in person.
A voice grabbed you out of your thoughts, nearly scaring you half to death. You probably shouldn’t be snooping. Oh well. You looked up to find him. The tall one of the party hosts. He was wearing a polo, odd party attire you noted. You mentally prepared him to ask just what the hell you were doing, wandering around in his house.
Instead, he came over, wearing this god awful smirk.
Little did you know, he’d already been watching you carefully. RA instincts from back in college. He wondered why this super duper hot chick was sneaking around the house, but he didn’t really mind. Why not give it a shot? You were so pretty, in fact, that he was sure you only talked to, like, model looking guys. Which yeah, threatened him a little.
But he kept imagining how your kids would look like with him, and how that party dress hugged your waist, and how you laughed like a literal angel. So, he got a cup ready for you and walked over.
“Hey, uh, do you want a drink?” He asked, looking down on you, clearing his throat. Oh. That’s why he came over. You were used to getting hit on at parties. You wondered what pick-up line he would use, curiosity peaked. “It’s, uh, a special concoction I made. I call it… Anders’ Elixir of Love. Pretty impressive, huh?”
Well, wouldn’t hurt to humor the guy. Your red solo cup had been drained empty minutes ago anyways.
“Anders’ Elixir of Love?” You repeated, mildly confused and intrigued.
“Actually, it’s Anders. Like, Ahn-ders,” He quickly waved off and corrected you. “Not “Ann-ders,” like you’re struggling with basic phonics. But it’s cute you tried.”
You nodded in understanding, a bit impressed by the…confidence (?) to correct you. Not to mention the blunt insult. For some reason, whatever technique he was poorly aiming for was working.
“Okay, Ahn-ders. What’s in the drink?”
“Oh, you know, just a bit of this and that. Mostly, uh, vodka and… more vodka. But it’s all in the wrist action when you mix it. Really important. You look like you could use some of my, uh, mixology expertise.”
You’re eyebrows scrunched together, and you couldn’t help the small smile playing on your lips. You take the drink from him, taking a sip. Yep, thats all vodka. You fight the urge to make a face.
“Thanks,” You respond. “Do you normally host parties like this?”
He seems like he’s pysching himself up, and attempts a painfully awkward smirk.
“Oh, yeah. I’m, uh, kind of a big deal at parties. People just, you know, can’t resist my charm and my… face. I mean, look at this jawline. It’s like chiseled from marble.”
He immeadiatley bends down and shifts so you can see his side profile.
That illicts a chuckle from you, and you see his eyes brighten up.
“Is that your friend out there? On the table?” You reference the short one, with an eyebrow raised. These guys are certainly…interesting.
“Oh, Adam?” He looks back, before his attention turns to you. At the name, he seems tired. He waves the guy off, a roll of his eyes and a huff. “Ignore him. He’s insane.”
So maybe he’s the sane one? You think.
“But back to you, girl. You got a body like Pamela Anderson in Baywatch and I’m tryna ride that waaaave.” He leans against the door frame and slowly strokes his chin, biting his lip and squinting his eyes.
Ah, and he’s ruined it. He speaks with a tone of superiority and a he’s bit overly-confident. He gives an awkward, almost manic giggle when he realized you’re silent. Maybe he’s not the sane one, but he’s got a charm to him. You could do worse. You shrug.
You carefully inch closer towards him, and put a hand on his shoulder. His confidence almost immeadiatley slips, and he stands up straight, correcting his posture. At the contact, his mouth drops open, and lets out a small gasp. He quickly attempts to recover with a hard swallow, as though he can’t believe this is actually happening. Like really, for real, actually happening.
“Show me what you can do then.”
Before you know it, his hands are on your waist- like magnets connecting, and he’s holding on a bit too tight.
You love parties.
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Hello, ya lovely little thing you! 🤗🥰✨
I'm Heather (but you probably already knew that) and I occasionally make some content! (but like hardly ever...) Mostly I do a lot of mass reblogging (cool art, fandom stuff, pictures of cats, funny little Minecraft people, and all the blorbos) that doesn't really have a theme. My theme is ✨chaos✨ and I also don't know what I'm doing here. We stan piracy, shiny things, drinking water, and aggressive loving on all my favorite people because they are so cool and awesome and are actually the greatest humans ever.
On the rare occasion that I actually make a post, it's usually some weird shower ramble that you are free to ignore cos I probably remembered to take my medicine and then it worked. But on an even RARER occasion, I made art (which you can find under the tag #htw art) or write (which you can find under the tags #htw writes , #poetry)
Now if you're reading this and we've never talked before, feel free to say hello! Chances are I've fast reblogged at like 20 posts from you in the span of three minutes at least once and I think you're so cool and I literally love you but am to scared to say hi to you cos you're just soooooo cool. So, consider this my official invitation to be friends!
If you'd like to see some more of my content, such as more frequent art posting, more art in general, little life stuff, fics, original pieces, and even my red bubble, check out my Linktree!
Anyways, here are three shout outs cos why not!
@susanshinning literally so cool and awesome and perfect and she has a lot of really good fics on AO3 where you can find her under the same name and also we have matching PFPs that I drew
@vampire0fthe0pera also so cool and awesome and perfect and my boyfriend so that's even cooler. He hardly uses Tumblr ever (quite closer to never), but he's also on insta and Wattpad and AO3 i think by the same name. He is writing an deliciously angsty Jason Todd centered fanfic that I am editing! I also drew his profile pic which I am so proud of
Finally, you should totally go check out my fanfic, A Game of Keep Away. If you like found family, hurt/comfort, Varian (tangled the series), Krel (3Below), or Hiro (Big hero 6) then you just might like my fic which you can check out here.
Anyways, that's all the rambling for today! Remember to stay hydrated and idk take care of yourself. Have a lovely day!💧👍✨
~ Heather
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someforeignband · 4 months
tag game!!!! (9 people to get to know better)
thank you for the tag @sageclipse <3 i love playing these so much! so much fun!
Last song I listened to: Don’t Forget Me by Maggie Rogers
Currently watching: atm, i’m rewatching Daredevil!! i loved this show in my teen years and it’s been so fun to transport back to a time when marvel/mcu wasn’t total garbage! and !! charlie cox (the man that you are) is a fortunate plus! i have issues with starting new shows but if any of yall have suggestions of what i should watch next, lmk!
Sweet/savory/spicy?: sweet! if i said anything else my partner would probably reach through the phone and strangle me lolol i have THE biggest sweet tooth
Relationship status: locked down, what’s new!!!!!! (i love you i know you’re reading this)
Current obsession: steddie (ofc,,, naturally) with a side of maggie rogers <33 just saw her in concert and ,, lives were changed (mine)!! food obsession, ive been drinking like 2 smoothies a day recently idk what’s up with that hahaha
anyway! this was so so so fun! if you wanna play, feel free to play!
i am scared of tagging people out of fear of being annoying so i will leave it HERE. OPEN INVITATION TO ALL OF YOU! BE MY FRIEND!!!!!!!
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streamafterlaughter · 2 years
New Kid
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Chapter XIV: Holiday Cheer
masterlist | chapter XIII | playlist
warnings/tags: SMUT (minors DNI!), handcuffs, stoplight system, soft!dom eddie, switch!reader, oral (m & f receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap that shit like a xmas present!!!), eddie munson x gn!afab!reader, mentions of broken families, minor angst, lots of sweet fluff, a warm fuzzy holiday chapter just in time for xmas!
a/n: Here it is, folks. The last installment of New Kid (well, before i write the epilogue.) I really am so grateful to everyone that’s been reading along,and all the sweet messages i’ve received these past months when i publish new chapters. this isn’t over! i’m coming back with an angsty vengeance! i hope this holds you over til then, though. comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated, and mean the world. happy holidays, friends! Disclaimer: I do not give permission to have my work reposted on other sites. Reblogs are more than welcome, but please inform me if you find my work elsewhere unless otherwise stated.
Your POV
“So, I did kind of plan a second gift.” Eddie muses as you pull him into your room, closing the door behind him. “Something you’d mentioned, and something I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since you did.” From his back pocket, he pulls out the pair of handcuffs he’d had hanging on his wall. He watches your eyes widen as your face turns bright red. “If you’re down, of course.” He shrugs, almost concealing his own excitement.
You blink up at him, and he watches your face for an answer. He’s nervous too, it’s not something he’s ever done with someone, but he spent a few nights researching how to safely use bondage with you, because the last thing he wants to do is scare or hurt you. “I, um,” You clear your throat, “Yeah. Yeah, I’m definitely down.”
“Are you sure? Or are you just saying that because I suggested it?”
“No, I’m sure. I’m the one that brought it up, originally. I guess I’m just a little nervous.”
“Trust me, sweetheart, you’re not the only one. If you’d have told fifteen year old Eddie he’d be asked to handcuff someone to a bed he’d probably burst into fuckin’ flames. But I got you, okay? We can stop whenever you want. Just say the word.”
“And what word should I say?”
Eddie pauses, cocking an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Like, a safe word. What should our safe word be?”
Eddie ponders this thought for a second, flipping through his brain to come up with something. “We can use the stop light system?”
“I’m sure I can assume what that is, but tell me just in case.”
“It’s pretty self explanatory. Green means good, yellow means slow down, red means stop.”
You nod, eager to get going already. In response, Eddie cups your face in his hand, cooling your flushed skin as he kisses you, softly at first, then opens your lips inviting his tongue to tangle with yours. He pushes you onto your bed, where you lay flat on your back to watch him. Eddie takes the handcuffs from his belt loop, and you bring your arms above your head. Your heart races in your chest as the cuffs click around your wrists, linking them together, freezing against your hot skin. You’re locked into place, the chain weaved through the bars of your bed frame. “How are you doing?” Eddie asks between soft kisses placed on your cheeks, your jaw, your neck.
“Green. So green.” You don’t care how desperate it sounds, your voice low and sultry, letting the mood take full control over you. He gives you a smirk, and moves to the waistband of your jeans, where he unbuttons them before tugging them to your ankles. The cuffs clink against the frame, and you can’t help but giggle at your own struggle. Eddie starts back up your leg, leaving hungry kisses every few inches. He moves slowly, like he’s taunting you, knowing you cant inch closer to him, leaving marks along your inner thighs as you squirm under him, doing everything you can to get him where you need him.
Eddie chuckles lowley at your frustration. “Patience, baby, I’m gonna take my time.” He glances up at you, and you can only imagine what you must look like already: hair tangling underneath you, a desperate lust in your eyes. “You look so pretty like this, so fucking needy for me.” He bites his bottom lip and you whine in response, feeling the wetness in your panties worsen as he speaks.
He plants a kiss on your clothed pussy, not enough friction to release you, but enough to roll your hips toward him, begging Eddie to touch you. He travels up your body further, taking the waistband of your panties between his teeth and dragging them down your legs. “Ill be keeping these.” He says as he peels the fabric from your ankles, tucking them into his back pocket. Eddie then pushes your feet toward you, bending your legs before settling between them again. “How are you?” He inquires, resting his chin in his hand as he looks up between your legs.
“Green!” You practically shout, desperate now for him to keep going.
“Yes! I promise, Eddie, please.” Your voice breaks as you beg, and he only laughs at you again. It’s not malicious, more like he’s entertained by you. He spreads your legs further, taking in the sight of you on display for him. Finally, after what feels like hours of merciless teasing, he dips his head down, and slides his tongue between your folds, pulling a groan from deep within you. Your first instinct is to reach for his head, to grab his hair and pull as hard as you can, but the handcuffs clank against your bed frame again, holding your arms in place above your head.
Eddie moves slowly, taking his time as if your pussy is a five star meal and he’s been starving for weeks. He focuses in on your clit, swirling his tongue on the sensitive bud as you writhe above him, a fire churning in your belly. Sensing your distress, Eddie relieves the tension you’ve built, sliding a finger through your folds to work with his tongue. You moan loudly as he pushes into you, half to drown out the embarrassing noises coming from below you. Eddie sucks softly on your clit as you grind against his face, his free hand roaming to grip your waist. Your walls clench around his thick finger, and he responds by adding a second to stretch you further.
It’s at this point that you take advantage of your free lower limbs, throwing your legs over Eddie’s shoulders, allowing him deeper access. He curls his fingers, and you clench your walls around them as he hits that sweet spot. “Fuck! Fuck!” You turn your head into your raised arm, sinking your teeth into your own flesh to halt your screams from waking your parents. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Eddie, whose pace actually slows!
“You alright, angel?” He rasps, just above a whisper.
“I am past alright. Green. Extra green. Please, baby,” You’re begging again, but you’re past the point of being embarrassed by it. Eddie obliges, resuming his movements, and you tighten around his fingers again until the knot unfurls completely, blinding you with pleasure. The wet sounds beneath you are unabashed, Eddie carrying you through the waves of your orgasm until you collapse into the mattress, your legs dead weight on top of him.
“I think I just met god.” You don’t mean to say it out loud, and you wince as you feel Eddie’s gaze on you.
“God had nothing to do with any of what just happened.”
You cackle, and Eddie pushes himself off your bed and tiptoes out of your room, leaving you alone, naked, and handcuffed to your bed. How did we get here?
Eddie’s POV
He rushes to the bathroom, as quietly as he can, wetting a face cloth with cool water. He bumps against the counter and winces, feeling the hardness in his pants. He’d never done something like that before, and it both enchanted and terrified him that you’d wanted to.
“Eddie?” Your voice is sweet and tired, his favorite sound.
“Hmm?” He muses dreamily, wringing out the face cloth. He exits your bathroom and leans against the door frame, basking in your glow. Your skin shines with sweat, your legs bent at the knee as your chest heaves with each breath. Eddie’s cock twitches in his pants, as if to beg for assistance.
“You wanna come unlock these?” You giggle at his spaced out smile. “Maybe I could help you out there.” You nod toward his crotch. “If ya want.”
Eddie chuckles at your notion, and approaches your bed, perching on the side and unlocking your confines. He frowns when he watches you rub your wrists. “Were they too tight?”
You giggle, and he blushes. “No, I just see people in TV shows do that when they get handcuffs off.” You rest your hand on his cheek, and he tilts into your grasp to kiss your palm, then leans you gently back into the pillows.
“Lemme clean you up a little.” Eddie takes the towel and wipes you down, paying extra mind between your legs and your stomach. He takes the opportunity to look at your body, admiring every curve, scar, freckle, and hair on it. He feels your hand in his hair, scratching his scalp gently, leaving a buzz through his brain.
Once he’s finished, Eddie tosses the towel into your hamper. When he turns around to face you, you’re sitting on the end of your bed, your hair pulled into a high ponytail. “C’mere.” It’s a command, and Eddie’s pulled into you. Your fingers go to work undoing his belt, and he takes the opportunity to remove his shirt, losing it to the clutter of your bedroom floor.
Your POV
You feel Eddie’s eyes on you as you yank his jeans down to his ankles, and you chance a look up to him. He gazes at you with wide eyes, pupils consuming them, blissed out already. It gives you a surge of confidence, and you tug his boxers down more slowly, sending him a teasing smirk. You take your time, kissing up his legs as he sways above you, his breathing ragged. When you’ve reached his pelvis, you feel his fingers in your hair. You bite your bottom lip to stifle a giggle, loving how desperate he is for you.
You take a breath, steadying yourself, and take him in your hand. Immediately, Eddie jerks forward, grunting at the contact. You slide your hand down his shaft, and lick a circle around the head, now leaking pre cum. Eddie’s breathing hitches, and you take him further into your mouth, opening your throat to accommodate his size. When you open your eyes again, Eddie’s neck is craned, head thrown back with his eyes closed and mouth hanging open. You bob your head faster, and his grip on your scalp tightens, clawing through your hair like a lifeline. You feel his hips snap toward you, staggered at first before finding a rhythm. When he looks back down to you, he moans unabashedly, taking in the sight of you covered in drool and tears, his cock stuck deep in your throat.
Just when Eddie’s about to pull out, you take him out of your mouth with a loud smack, and continue the job with your hand. You kiss down the length of him as he twitches in your hand, and finally take his balls in your mouth. “I’m g- gonna, fuck—“ Eddie stutters, his legs weakening as he shoots his load in your hand, and it drips down his shaft, some even managing to get your hair. “Oh, shit, fuck, christ.” Eddie shakes above you as he comes down, and you’re careful not to move too fast taking him out of your mouth.
Climbing to your feet, you examine your boyfriend like he’s the first person you’ve ever seen. He does the same, and when his eyes land on your head, his brow furrows. “Oh, god, your hair. I’m so sorry, babe, you have cum in your hair.” He's flushed, more so than he was before noticing.
Your hand flies to your head, and when you feel the sticky substance, you snort out a laugh. “Oh, that’s awesome, thank you for such a sweet gift, my love.” You continue laughing, and Eddie joins you. “Should I take care of this now, or should I even bother?” You tilt your head in question, and instead of responding he grabs your hand, pulling you into his body once more. You can feel him against your thigh, already hard again just by touching your naked skin. You move to climb the bed, but he stops you.
“I have one more thing I wanna try. If you want.”
You think about it, what more could he possibly have in mind? “Lay it on me.”
“Can you lie on your stomach for me?” He asks, suddenly shy. You oblige, pressing your stomach to the mattress. Eddie follows you, straddling your lower back as he reaches once more for the handcuffs on the bedside table. Your heart leaps in your chest. “How are you doing?”
You stall a second. You’ve never done this before. “Yellow.” You cringe to yourself, afraid of hurting his feelings.
Eddie doesn’t skip a beat, swinging his leg back over your body, and discarding the cuffs on the floor. “What’s up, love?”
You turn your head to face him, and he’s kneeled beside your bed, arms resting on the mattress. “Just, I’ve never been in this, uh, position before. I don’t think I wanna wear them for my first time doing… that.” You hide behind your hand as you continue. “I trust you, I’m sorry, I’m being dramatic.”
Eddie tugs your wrist, unmasking your bright red face. “Hey, listen. I’m not taking it personally. We don’t have to do that right now, or ever! I’m not hurt, I promise. I'd be more hurt if you thought you had to do it.”
He’s earnest, and you melt at the way he’s looking at you, like you’re glowing, bathed in a golden light only he can see. “We can still. Do that, I mean. Just maybe not while I’m shackled?”
He chuckles softly, nodding his head. “We can do whatever you want, darlin.’ I’m in no rush to be anywhere.”
You lean forward, and he meets your lips halfway. When you pull from him, you reposition yourself on your stomach, this time lifting your hips into the air, and prop yourself up on your elbows. Eddie takes this cue to settle behind you, and he freezes to take in the view.
Eddie’s POV
You’re fully exposed in front of him, the slope of your back leading right to the mounds of your ass, presented in front of him begging for his touch. He takes a sharp breath in, doing mental gymnastics to stop himself from bursting a second load right there, knowing you deserve just as much of a payoff. Eddie leans forward, and takes a fist full of your hair, using it to steady himself. He lines up with your entrance, and slowly sinks into your soaking pussy.
The sounds are vile, or they would be if they weren’t turning him on so much. You moan as he settles further in, his cock twitching once eagerly inside you, earning another guttural sound echoing from your mouth. When you push your ass further into him, he has to physically restrain himself from cumming. His free hand grips your hip, his nails digging into your soft skin as he moves again, taking control of his movements and yours. He groans as you clench around him, his back hunching over, his chest now flush against your back. He lets go of your hair, moving his hand around to cup your tit, taking your nipple between two fingers. He mouths at your neck, shiny with a layer of sweat, and sucks a fat bruise into the hollow of your throat. Eddie closes his eyes, relishing in the sounds coming from your mouth, as well as the wet noises between you both. You throw your head back, resting it on his shoulder as he moves with more determination. His hand travels to your clit, rubbing fierce circles on the bud as you thrust yourself further onto his cock.
Eddie can tell you’re close, so he figures now’s the time to go all in. He moves your hair off your neck before moving to whisper in your ear. “Make a mess, baby, I want you to come all over me, okay? I wanna hear how wet I make you.”
“God, Eddie, your cock feels so good. I’m gonna cum, baby, I want you to come with me. Wanna make you feel good.”
Eddie’s hips snap into you again, and you clench around him, causing his rhythm to stutter. You shake beneath him, your legs losing strength as he continues his fingers on your clit. Finally, Eddie’s head drops into your shoulder, and he lets out a low growl as he comes, coating your throbbing walls with his hot seed. He lets his weight drop onto you, flattening you back onto your stomach as you both heave exhausted breaths.
Your POV
“Hey, pst, Eds.” You whisper, and he shifts to bury his nose in your neck.
“You wanna get off of me?” You giggle and he doesn’t move. “Baby?”
He snores in response, one that lets you know he’s still awake, but doesn’t plan on moving. You wriggle underneath him, shaking both of you as well as the bed.
Finally, he gives up the charade and rolls onto the mattress, your sweaty skin peeling from his own. He rests his arm behind his head, and you take the invitation to snuggle into him. “Green.” You mumble, tracing circles on his chest as he continues catching his breath.
“Emerald, even. Radioactive.” His hand lands in your hair, but recoils again when he touches the sticky chunk plastered to your cheek. “Oh, god, baby I’m so sorry. That’s so—”
“I don’t care.” You cut him off. “Nothing about sex with you will ever turn me off.”
“You’re still gonna wanna get that out of there.” He meets your gaze, a small smile on his lips. “You wanna shower?”
You nod. “Care to join me?”
(smut end)
You rise early the next morning, the sun shining through the slits in your curtains. Eddie is snoring peacefully next to you, his arm draped around your middle, keeping you in place. After planting a kiss on his forehead, you peel his arm off of your torso, and scoot off the side of the bed.
Christmas Eve is your family’s big day. The small family you do have fly in from all over, and moving to Indiana isn’t going to change that. You can already hear your grandmother’s rasp in the living room, and you feel the weight in your chest begin to crush you.
From your closet, you yank your family approved Christmas attire: a red velvet dress that lands at your knees, with fuzzy white cuffs on the collar. You drape it over your desk chair, and plop yourself down in front of the vanity to make yourself presentable. Makeup is supposed to be fun, but every time you wear it for your family, your spirit dies a little, knowing what they’d say if you’d done it how you like it. You apply a soft blush to your cheeks, a gloss to your lips, and mascara to your eyes. You forego the heavy eyeliner and dramatic eyeshadow, sighing as you brush your hair down flat.
The noises of Eddie stirring from sleep catch your attention, and you move from your desk to sit next to him on the bed. His eyes crack open, meeting your gaze as a big grin paints his face. “Am I being blessed by the Christmas Angel? Was I really that good this year?” He rasps, shifting to get a better look at you.
You roll your eyes, backhanding him lightly in the chest. “Actually, you’ve been incredibly naughty. Claus himself wanted to scold you, but I promised I’d make you pay.” You snicker. He responds by throwing his arms around your neck, pulling you into his naked chest. You giggle loudly before an abrupt stop, causing him to pull away, raising an eyebrow at you.
“My grandmother’s already here. You’ll have to sneak out the window.”
Eddie’s face contorts in confusion. “I thought your parents didn’t mind me sleeping over?”
“They don’t. But she will, and I’m trying to save you, myself, and my parents from her scolding. Go home, get ready, tell Wayne. I’ll see you for dinner.” You place a peck on his nose and attempt to get up, but he pulls you back onto the mattress.
“I’m gonna need more than that to motivate me.” You oblige, connecting your lips to his, letting him fully control the kiss. “Okay!” he exclaims, releasing you, “I’ll see you later, love. Good luck out there.” He rolls off the bed and tugs his clothes on, and you leave him to it, closing the door behind you.
You hear the van peel out of your driveway as you reach the kitchen, cringing at your oblivion to just how loud that fucking car is. “Good morning, my beautiful family. Nice to see you, gram.” You approach her, and she wraps her wrinkly arms around your middle.
“Lovely to see you, darling. Merry Christmas.”
You walk over to your parents in the kitchen, preparing desserts and side dishes as the ham cooks in the oven. “I invited Eddie and Wayne for dinner. Hope that’s alright.”
“Of course, kiddo. I’ll try to make sure she behaves.” Your father nods his head towards his mom. “No storming off, though. No matter how badly you want to.”
You nod, face blushing with the embarrassment of last time. “I’ll try my darndest.” You get to work helping your mom mash the potatoes.
Eddie’s POV
“Hey, Wayne?” Eddie enters the trailer, the gust of wind chilling the entryway before he’s able to slam the screen shut.
“Happy holidays, son. Which movie are we watching first?” Eddie and Wayne usually spend Christmas Eve binging campy Christmas movies, every so often cleansing their palate with a horror flick.
“Actually,” He hesitates. Christmas has been rough for both of them since being exiled from the family. He’s not even sure if Wayne will want to go to dinner. “We got invited to Y/n’s house for dinner tonight.”
Wayne turns to meet his nephew’s eyes, his expression softening when he reads Eddie’s. “Do you wanna go?”
Eddie nods. “I do. I really do, but not if you don’t.”
“Of course I’ll go. Sure we’re not intruding?”
Eddie chuckles. “No, actually, I’m not sure at all. Guess we’ll find out. Can I borrow a dress shirt?”
It’s Wayne’s turn to laugh. “Of course, kid. Whatever you need. I’ll get the stuff for Munson’s mac and cheese to bring.”
Eddie nods, closing his bedroom door behind him.
Your POV
It’s noon when your family starts piling into your living room. Your cousins, aging from three to sixteen, chase your uncle around the living room, while your aunt converses with your mother about the joys of a new home. You’re pacing in the kitchen, sneaking rum into your eggnog, when the doorbell rings.
“I’ll get it!” You practically shout, speed walking to the door and opening it to your boyfriend and his uncle. Eddie’s wearing a blue collared shirt tucked into black dress pants, and Wayne is in a polo shirt and jeans, a work jacket over top. Eddie’s holding a platter in his hands, and you can already smell the mac and cheese inside. You take the plate from him in one hand, and place a kiss on his cheek. “Happy holidays!” You say cheerfully, your host-esque demeanor not letting up even for them.
“Thank you for inviting us.” Wayne says, and you give him a one armed hug before moving to let them in.
“Whoa.” It comes from behind you, and you pivot, coming face to face with your cousin, Julie. She’s years younger than you, fourteen, but you’ve always gotten along. You’re the reason she listens to Black Sabbath, and an even bigger reason your aunt isn’t a fan of yours. “Who’s that?!” She whispers, referring to Eddie, her face beet red.
You laugh at her shyness, thinking it’s adorable how obvious her crush already is. “That’s my boyfriend, Eddie.”
Her expression lightens. “Your boyfriend?! He’s so cute! Good job.” She peers around you to catch another glimpse, and you follow her stare. Eddie’s shaking hands with your uncle, who’s blabbing enthusiastically about god knows what.
“Yeah, I did pretty good, huh.” You muse, more to yourself. “You wanna meet him?”
Julie looks back to you, nerves visible on her face. She nods eagerly. You place the pasta on the counter and remove the foil, then take your cousin’s hand in yours.
Eddie’s POV
You’re approaching him, and he takes you in fully. The velvet dress suits you well, hugging the curves of your body, and flowing around your legs as you walk. Next to you is a small girl, wearing a black t-shirt and flannel with ripped blue jeans. Her brown hair is short, landing just above her ears in a pixie cut, and her face is a blushing pink.
“Hi, beautiful.” He greets you, wrapping a hand around your waist.
“Hi, baby. I want you to meet my cousin. Julie, this is Eddie, he plays guitar in a metal band. And, he’s a dungeon master.”
The girl’s eyes widen as you speak, and Eddie can’t help his heart aching. This girl must be about Dustin’s age, shy and awkward as he remembers his own freshman year being. He extends a hand to her. “Nice to meet you, Julie.”
She takes his hand in Eddie’s, shaking it once. “Nice to meet you. I uh, I like your hair.”
Eddie opted to wear his hair down tonight, despite knowing it will probably anger your grandmother. He didn’t feel like himself with it up, only ever wearing it like that when he’s too hot, or if Wayne needs his car fixed. “Thanks, kiddo! I like yours, too.”
Julie’s expression brightens when he says that, and it hurts a little. She probably doesn’t get a lot of compliments on it. He can see why you wanted her to meet him.
It’s then that your grandmother chooses to make her appearance, approaching the three of you with a signature sour face. “I’m surprised to see you here, Edward. Figured I’d scared you off.”
Eddie doesn’t know whether to laugh, so he looks at you, and you can only shrug. “Nice to see you again, Mrs. L/n.” He extends a hand to your grandmother, and she shakes it once before walking away.
“Can I call that a win?” He asks you, still confused.
“I think so?”
Your POV
Your family gathers in the kitchen to exchange gifts. Your parents shock you when they hand both Eddie and Wayne small boxes. Inside Eddie’s is a note that he reads to himself, and a silver ring with a ram skull welded to it. Wayne receives a mug for his wall, a bright yellow smiley face painted on it. Eddie hands your parents two small gift bags. Your mom opens hers to a vanilla scented candle, a smell you know she loves, and your dad receives a Pink Floyd tape. You had no clue Eddie had gotten your parents gifts, let alone gifts they’ll actually enjoy.
You receive a few records from your parents, but it’s a necklace from your grandmother that sits with you. Usually, she gives you a dress, or a new lipstick, or even hair clips that you eventually discard when enough time has passed. The necklace, though, is a thin silver chain with a tree pendant that sparkles when it catches the light. It’s perfect. “Thank you, Grammy.” Tears well in your eyes as you lean over to hug her, and she actually hugs you back.
“Merry Christmas, darling.” She squeezes you before letting you go. “I am sorry about how I acted. Eddie’s a nice man, and you’re a smart, um, person.” You smile at her attempt to be inclusive. “I’m just glad you’re happy.”
“I am, I really am. Thank you.” You kiss her cheek, and watch your cousins open the gifts from their grandmother, tearing the wrapping paper off aggressively.
“Dinner!” Your mom calls from the kitchen, and your family makes its way to her to build their plates.
“Hey,” You hear from behind you, and it’s Wayne, a plate and fork in his hand.
“Hi!” You greet. You’ve never really had a conversation with him, but you desperately want to know the man that raised such a good one himself.
“Thank you again, for inviting us. Christmas is hard for Eddie. For both of us, really. It’s been difficult for me to give him everything he wants, even though I want to. I’ve never seen him this happy, not since meeting you. I really think you saved his life.”
You can feel the tears in your eyes as he speaks, your heart aching in your chest for your boyfriend, the sweetest boy you know, suffering through the holidays. “He makes me so happy. I’m glad the feeling is mutual.”
Wayne gives you a small smile and nods, turning back to the food trays in front of you and helping himself to some ham.
You and Eddie take your seats at the table, and the rest of your family make themselves comfortable in their respective seats. Your grandmother sits at the head, where her husband used to sit, and your father in her normal space to the left. She clears her throat as your family settles, and all eyes are on her. “Happy holidays, everyone,” she starts, eyes scanning around the table at her children and grandchildren. “This is our first year without Gilbert, and it’s been awfully hard for me. Seeing all of your faces, as well as some new ones,” her eyes land on Wayne, then Eddie, “has warmed my heart. I know I am intense, I can even be cold. But I love you all, even if you did corrupt my son,” She winks at your mother, “Or steal away my daughter,” She looks to your uncle, “Or even seduce my grandchild,” She smirks at Eddie, “I am still so glad to have you here today. Here’s to many more.” She raises her wine glass, cueing everyone to follow suit. Glasses clink as shouts of “Be merry!” and “Happy holidays!” echo through the room. You reach for Eddie’s hand under the table and squeeze. He squeezes back, wearing a big grin.
“Thank you for coming! Drive safe, and call us when you get to your hotels!” Your mother calls from the front door as your family members file out. Wayne follows them, thanking your mother once again at the door. “Kick him out any time, by the way. Don’t let him mooch too long.” Your mom giggles in response.
“You’re both welcome, any time.” She says, and your father gives him a wave from the kitchen.
You and Eddie are draped on the couch, your legs in his lap as you sip hot cocoa with Rudolph playing quietly behind you. Your parents finish cleaning the dishes, talking quietly to each other as you snuggle up to Eddie.
“Hi.” You look up at him, his eyes glued to the TV before he snaps his attention to you.
“Hi, pretty.” He whispers, and plants a kiss on your forehead. “You have a good day?”
You nod, and you really mean it. “I was so nervous. That went surprisingly well.”
Eddie chuckles at you, and nods in agreement. “I was too. I really thought your grandmother was gonna rip my balls off.”
It pulls a cackle from your throat. “I wouldn’t put it past her. But seriously, thank you. For everything, really. I’ve moved so many times before, but leaving the state was really hard. You made my transition so much easier. You make me feel so wanted. I love you.” You’ve said it all before, but the warmth of the holidays is making you sentimental.
Eddie blushes, his eyes glazing over. “Thank you for letting me in. I didn’t think I had a chance. But I've never been so comfortable, so happy with someone before. I love you too, so much.” He leans in and connects your lips to his, cradling your head in his hands as you deepen the kiss. When you break the kiss, he looks to the ceiling to see the mistletoe dangling above your heads. He can’t help but snort out a laugh before kissing you again.
December 31, 1985
Your POV
“Alright! Lemme see!” Robin claps her hands together as she and Nancy wait on your bed. You emerge from the bathroom, in a glittering black pantsuit, a deep v-neck plunging toward your belly button. Your hair is down, fluffed up by your hair dryer, and your boots are chunky white heels. You look like a disco dancer and you’re obsessed.
Nancy’s jaw drops. “Show stopping. Absolutely incredible!” She squeals, and you giggle, giving them a spin for the full effect. Robin is wearing red leather pants and a tight black halter top, and Nancy’s dawned a cropped t-shirt and flowing mesh skirt. The three of you are already buzzed when you hear the honk of Eddie’s van outside.
“Bye, parents! See you next year!” You call, knowing your parents are going out tonight as well.
“Bye, honey! Be safe!”
Steve gives you the front seat, crawling over the console to sit between Robin and Jonathan. “You look fuckin’ hot, babe.” Eddie’s absorbing you with his gaze, and you feel warm under his stare.
“You’re lookin pretty good yourself, stud.” Eddie’s in a black button down shirt and tight jeans, his leather jacket draped over top, and his pick dangling on his chest. With his normal set of rings sits the one your mother gave him, and you smile when you see it.
“Alright, nerds, time to party!” Eddie backs out of your driveway, tires skidding on the icy cement.
Eddie’s POV
He pulls into The Hideout, parking as close as he can manage with all the cars crowding the parking lot. It’s New Year’s Eve, one of their busiest nights of the year. They’d posted flyers teasing a show tonight, and he refused to miss the opportunity.
“Do we know who’s playing yet?” Steve questions, draping an arm over Robin’s shoulder.
Eddie shakes his head. “Nah, they go on a bit before midnight. Rumor has it they’re pretty popular. I’m not getting my hopes up, though.” He has his own theories of who it could be, but every band he can think of makes no logical sense.
Eddie throws the double doors to the club open, wafting the warm air over everyone. People are bumping and grinding against each other, drinks in their hands as loud music blares over the speakers. Eddie takes hold of you, dragging you to the bar immediately. “Shirley?” He doesn’t have to ask, he knows they’re your favorite. You nod, and he orders for you, and a whiskey for himself. When you return to your table, Steve and Robin are having an animated discussion.
“Y/n, Eddie, can you tell Robin that resolutions are useless, please?” He gulps down his drink, taking a break from his rant.
“They’re not! They give you something to work towards! It’s good to have goals, Steve.”
“It’s not that I don’t have goals! But waiting until the last possible day of the year to claim you do is stupid!”
“I dunno,” You shrug, and Eddie turns his attention to you. “It’s nice to have goals, but I get what you’re saying. I think resolutions make sense if they’re actually attainable. Most people don’t really think that part through.”
“Can you give me an example of a realistically reachable resolution?”
You shrug, and look at your boyfriend. “Eddie graduating this year is an attainable goal.” You state simply, and Eddie blushes as he takes another swig of his drink. “Unattainable would be, like, Steve finding a girlfriend that isn’t insanely shallow.” You giggle, and Eddie bursts into a cackle with the rest of your friends as Steve chugs his beer, rolling his eyes. You offer an apology, resting your hand on top of Steve’s. “I don’t mean that for real, man, I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head, laughing with you. “No, no it was funny. I’ll remember that one, though.”
Your POV
“Okay, enough existential talk, huh? Midnight’s in ten minutes, let’s dance!” You scoot out of the booth, tugging Eddie behind you. Robin, Steve, Jonathan, and Nancy follow you, taking their places in the crowd near the stage. As Baba O’Reily fades, the MC takes the stage, clearing his throat to get the crowd’s attention.
“Hello, fellow freaks!” He shouts, and the crowd erupts in hoots and hollers. “We have some very special guests here to help us ring in the new year! Please, give it up, for Minor Threat!”
Your heart stops, and your jaw might as well be on the floor. Your favorite band, here?! In Hawkins? You perch on your toes to speak in Eddie’s ear. “Did you know?”
Eddie shakes his head. “No clue! How awesome is this, though?!” He pulls you into him, wrapping his arms around your stomach, swaying to the music.
We're not the first, hope we're not the last
'Cause I know we're all heading for that adult crash
The time is so little, the time belongs to us
Why is everybody in such a fucking rush?
Make do with what you have
Take what you can get
Pay no mind to us
We're just a minor threat
We're just a minor threat
We're just a minor threat
We're just a minor threat
We're just a minor threat
The first song ends, and it’s 11:59. The crowd, and the band, start counting down.
“10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
Noise makers sound off, drinks are poured, and people are kissing. Robin plants a small kiss on Steve’s cheek, Jonathan leans into Nancy, sweeping her into a kiss, and Eddie looks at you with longing eyes.
“Happy new year, baby.” You say, feeling like you’re the only two in the crowded bar.
“‘86, baby. It’s our year.” He leans into you, and you meet him halfway, crushing his lips in an eager kiss. It’s your year. Both of yours. And there’s no one else you’d rather spend it with.
Epilogue coming soon
taglist: @children-of-the-grave @five-bi-five @wiildflower-xxx @beebeerockknot @champagne-glamour @xxgothwhorexx
42 notes · View notes
tetsurouskuro · 4 years
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pairing: bokuto koutarou x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, smut, slight angst, breeding kink, unprotected sex, public sex, bokuto does the kabedon
word count: 5,006
a/n: this is my submission for the Haikyuu Headquarters second NSFW server collab! this time it’s the prompt “Guess I’ll just have to cum inside you.” you can find the masterlist HERE by the amazing @vixen-scribbles who is my queen so go give her a follow! 💖
thank you @deathcab4daddy​ & @gallickingun​ for beta reading, ily guys so much (go give them a follow if you aren’t already)! 💖
now enjoy; feedback is always appreciated! <3
tag list: @miamiya (message me if you want to be included)
Synopsis: Three years has passed since you got your heart broken by your one true love Bokuto Koutarou. A high school reunion is about to take place at Fukurodani Academy. What will happen when you finally meet your ex boyfriend? 
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
Your eyes scanned the invitation card from your high school. Reading every word that’s written. A high school reunion. The thought alone makes you think of him. Wondering how he’s doing. He may be your ex and the boy who broke your heart, but he was your first and still to this day, your only love, and you knew why he did it. He had his reasons.
He had talked you through it before you both graduated high school. He had told you that he wanted to focus on volleyball and that he was going to move away from Tokyo, and you were not the type to try and stop him. You wanted him to succeed. You also had to think about your future and what you wanted to achieve. Both of you went your separate ways, heartbroken that you could not be together anymore.
Bokuto succeeded in achieving his dream. He was playing in big arenas with huge crowds, on TV and he was a well-known volleyball player. The number 4 ace and captain from Fukurodani made it big, just like he promised you all those years ago.
You sighed and placed the card onto your fridge. There was still one week left until the reunion, and it wasn’t like Bokuto would show up. He was busy with volleyball, especially since a new season just started. 
You sigh and turn around to grab the warm coffee cup and head to your couch. Once seated you turn on Netflix and start a random show. Grabbing your phone, you go to the search bar on Facebook and search for your ex-boyfriend. Once the two of you had broken up you had unfriended him immediately. You knew it was going to be hard to get over him, so to save you from having to see his posts and face on Facebook, you removed him.
He’s the first one that pops up. You share mutual friends, so it isn’t that weird. You go to pictures and see him with all sorts of different people, smiling and laughing. Sometimes even looking, upset?
Sighing you close the application, lock your phone, and toss it next to you on the couch. Closing your eyes, you throw your head back against the headrest, hoping and praying that Bokuto doesn’t show up to the reunion.
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
Wearing a black evening gown with a front slit, thin shoulder straps, and a pair of black heels you step into the big gymnasium where the rest of all the third years are gathered. A waitress walks up to you with a tray in hand, offering you a welcome drink, probably champagne. You take a glass and nod your thanks. Taking a sip, you sigh and take in your surroundings. People are standing in groups, chatting, and laughing. You see Yamato, Konoha, Haruki, Yukie, and Kaori in the middle. Konoha looks your way and you lock eyes. He smiles widely and waves you over. The rest of the gang turns around and sees you too, all of them start to yell at you to rush over.
You smile at them and head towards the squad.
“(y/n)! you’re here!” Yukie excitedly exclaims.
“Yes. Here I am,” you laugh. “How’s everyone? Haven’t seen you all in ages.”
 You stand there talking with everyone. You chug the rest of your glass and turn around to grab another just as a round of applause is heard. You follow everyone’s gaze and see someone enter the gymnasium.
“Hey, hey, heeeeeey!” The voice echoes. A familiar voice.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” You chant and shove your champagne glass to Yukie. “I need to use the loo.”
“Wait- (y/n)!” She yells after you, but you’re already headed for the door that leads you towards the nearest toilet.
Your heart is beating hard, you can feel your pulse rising. Adrenaline has kicked in and you feel nervous. You’re breathing heavily as you reach the door, turning around slightly to just peek at the man that has made you react this way.
He hasn’t spotted you yet. He’s surrounded by girls and boys, welcoming their former ace to the reunion. You stand there, the door slightly opened, your body halfway through the doorframe and take him in.
He’s wearing ripped black jeans, a matching black tee, black vans, and a light blue jean jacket. His hair is spiked the same way as usual and his golden eyes are filled with happiness. He laughs loudly and scans the room like he’s looking for someone and then his orbs land on you. The way he gazes at you makes your whole-body shiver and you feel like you can’t breathe. You stand still, watching him watch you for a second more until you turn your body back and go through the door and towards the ladies’ room.
Once inside you stand by the door, back against it, trying to control your breathing.
Okay (y/n), calm down! Act normal and don’t freak out!
After 5 minutes you turn around and push the door and walk out, walking back to the gymnasium. You pass a hallway when suddenly-
“Jesus fucking christ!” You jump. “Don’t scare me like that.” You exclaim and turn around and are met with a pair of golden eyes.
“Ah sorry,” Bokuto speaks, his hand rubbing the back of his head. “I just wanted to see how you were feeling. You rushed out so fast.”
“I’m fine,” you sigh. “I just needed to use the toilet.”
“Oh. Okay.” There’s a long pause. Both of you are silent.
“Bokuto-kun!” A female voice yells out, interrupting the awkward silence and you turn around to see where the female is.
“I should head back. Yukie is probably waiting for me,” you lie. “It was nice seeing you Bokuto,” you smile at him and turn around to leave, but he grabs you by the forearm and pulls you towards him.
“Let’s take a walk around the school. I don’t wanna head back just yet.”
“Bokuto I-“
“Please (y/n)? I haven’t seen you in ages and I just wanna talk.”
“Fine,” you sigh.
“Great,” he smiles. “Let’s go then!” He grabbed your hand instead and intertwined his fingers with yours as he dragged you down the hallway and escaped the voice of the girl that was calling his name.
He suddenly stops outside of your old classroom and you both stand there, panting and trying to control each other’s breathing.
“Felt like a teenager doing that,” he laughs. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just need a moment.” Still panting, you stay silent, and watch his tall frame. You stand up straight and clear your throat. Bokuto turns his body sideways and looks at you.
“Do you think it’s open?”
“I don’t know, but what do you wanna talk about Bokuto?” You speak up, wanting to get away from this situation. “We broke up. We’re exes, we’re not supposed to be like this.”
The silence returns, Bokuto’s eyes never leaving yours. You watch him, still out of breath you feel an aching pain in your chest. You fist both of your hands beside your body, tears starting to form in your eyes.
“I- shit,” you curse and let out a small laugh. “I need to leave.” You’re just about to turn around when Bokuto’s right arm slams itself on the wall to your left, stopping you in your tracks. You press your back to the wall and raise your head so you can meet his gaze. His tall frame towering over you.
“Don’t,” he sighs. “Don’t leave.” You don’t listen to his plea and try to leave again but this time he slams his left arm on the wall, caging you in.
“Bokuto. Let me go!”
“I- What?”
“I came to this reunion mainly so I could see you,” he pauses before continuing. “I made up my mind that if you came, I would try to get you back, ‘cause I still fucking love you.” His golden eyes stare right into yours. You can see the determination in them.
“The way we broke things off, I should never have ended it that way. We shouldn’t have ended it that way. If I could go back and change it, I would’ve made you come with me. I was stupid to let you go.”
“Bokuto, I-“
“And stop calling me Bokuto!” he fumes. “You never called me that while we were dating and-“
“We’re not dating now!” You respond, interrupting him.
“I know!” He slams his right fist on the wall, making you jump. You have never seen Bokuto this upset before, not even when you broke up.
“I’m sorry. Shit (y/n) I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me. I-“
“It’s okay, Bo! It’s… fine,” you sigh out that last word. You let your head hang low, watching the ground, seeing how close his body is to you. You gulp, trying to contain your thoughts. You haven’t had any sexual contact with anyone for as long as you can remember, and seeing Bokuto now, here, this close makes you clench your thighs together. But you would not let your sexual desires over him take over. If he wanted you back, he had to tell you, and apologize.
“When I- We broke up I did it because I wanted to focus on volleyball.”
“Yeah, I know that.”
“Wait, let me finish.” You stay silent and let him continue.
“I wanted you to come with me, I wanted you with me so badly and I thought that I couldn’t let you come with me because I didn’t want you to stop chasing your dreams. Volleyball was my ambition, not yours.” He pauses for a second, collecting his thoughts and breathing before continuing. 
“But I was wrong and dumb. I didn’t ask what you wanted, I just assumed and chose for you. I should’ve talked it out with you, asked you if you wanted to come with me and I didn’t. I fucked up,” he takes a deep breath before yet again continuing talking, expressing his emotions.
“Over these past few years, I haven’t been able to let you go. You were always on my mind. You had taken over my head so bad that I started seeing things. Seeing you on the streets, in the audience while I was playing. I never stopped thinking about you. I even stalked your Facebook multiple times and-”
“You stalked my Facebook?” You look up, watching him. Your heart beating fast against your ribcage.
“Yeah, not my proudest moment but I did. I needed to see your face, needed to see what you were doing, and if you were seeing someone. If you were as miserable as I was,” he sighs, his eyes watching yours. “Please (y/n) I am desperate. I want you back. Give me a second chance. I need you back in my life. If you just give me a small chance, I will prove it to you that I will be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.”
Bokuto sighs out loudly, like he was in pain, and places a kiss on top of your head before sinking so his eyes are in front of yours. His face just mere inches from yours.
“Just give me one chance. Just one so I can have you back. I want you (y/n). I want to be able to call you mine again. I just need one-“
You decide to instead of using words you crash your lips against his. Cutting him off mid-sentence, wrapping your arms around his neck. It only takes Bokuto a few seconds to respond by kissing you back, his body pressing itself close to yours, his forearms bracing him on the wall.  
You break off the kiss, bite your lip, and look into his golden shimmering eyes. “I never stopped loving you either.”
“Really? I expected you to have a boyfriend or fiancé by now.”
“No,” you groan. “I tried dating, but nobody compares to you.” He smiles widely at your words. Like a kid on Christmas morning.
“I’ll try to give you everything I can Bo, I’ll try-“
“Everything means nothing if I can’t have you (y/n)!” Blushing you look down, but Bokuto grabs your face in his hands and presses a kiss on your lips again. And again. You fist a handful of his shirt in your palms and press your body close to his, feeling his semi poking you and showing how much he wants you.
“You’re mine, (y/n). I love you so much,” he moans against your lips and then pushes his tongue inside of your mouth. His hands moving to grab your ass, pushing your pelvis against his. “I’m gonna prove it to you. I need you now. No time to waste.”
He pushes himself off you and turns around, trying to open your old classroom door and to his luck it does. His wide smile is back as he ushers you in.
“Wait- Bo! We can’t, not here.”
“Aww c’mon baby, it’ll be fun and besides,” he pauses, still looking at you as he undoes his belt. “I always wanted to fuck you in this classroom back in the day.”
His sentence makes you hurry inside, and you look around the now unfamiliar classroom. You hear Bokuto close and lock the door, the sound of his zipper being pulled down makes you turn around and face him. His pants are undone but still around his hips.
“Come here baby,” obeying, you take a few steps forward and stop once you’re in front of him. Both of his hands grab you by the waist and pull you forward, his lips instantly crashing to yours. His lips don’t stay on yours too long as they start to travel down the side of your neck towards your exposed collarbone. While his lips are giving your upper body some attention, his hands push your dress up, exposing your black lace thong to his fingertips.
Bokuto recognizes the material and stops his movements just so he can peek at your underwear. He grunts.
“Do you… like them?”
“I love them, baby. Jesus Christ.” Bokuto’s lips return to yours, his index and middle finger tracing the outline of your slit, making you squirm. He then removes them and ushers you to get up on one of the desks, and you do, but not before you remove your thong as sexy as you can, and throw it on the ground nearby.
“Babe, you’re gonna be the death of me!” he exclaims in a groan and hurries back to you. His body standing between your thighs. A slight breeze passes making you shudder, your nipples peek through your dress. Bokuto notices this and instantly with both of his hands, he pushes your dress down your arms and chest, making your breast spring free.
“Haven’t touched these girls in years,” he speaks while palming them both. “So beautiful.”
“Bo- I-“
“Shh love. It’s all about you now,” he removes his right hand just so he can tease your opening. Lubricating your core with your wetness before inserting a finger inside you, making you moan and throw your head back.
“Baby. Look at me,” he groans. You pull your head back and watch him. He removes his left hand and places it beside you, bracing all his weight on it while his other hand is occupied with your cunt. His finger going in and out of you, your walls clamping around him tightly. He snickers at how wet you feel around him and adds another finger, his middle and ring finger are fucking you slowly, too slow for your liking.
“Bokuto, please. I want more,” you moan.
“Easy now baby, I wanna savor this moment. Feeling your wet cunt around my fingers after such a long time,” he grunts. “God baby, you’re so wet.”
“I know, it’s all for you Bokuto.”
He licks his lips seductively and leans in closer to you, his breath hits your neck and makes your whole body shudder. His tongue comes out and licks you up from your collarbone to your ear, nibbling at your earlobe and making you let out a sigh in pleasure.
“Do you like that, hmm?” He snickers. “Do you like my fingers inside you (y/n)?”
“Y-Yes Bo, I-I love them,” you moan. He lets out a slight “fuck” as he rests his forehead on your shoulder and thrusts his digits harder inside your wet and aching core. Wanting you to cum so badly. He arches his fingers inside you, making them hit your g-spot.
“Bo, please. I’m so close,” you groan. “I want to cum so badly, please.” You keep on whining to him, the once familiar feeling returning to the pit of your stomach. The pressure in your lower abdomen is getting higher and higher. Your legs start to shake and in just a couple of seconds, you’re releasing yourself around his fingers, your right-hand wraps itself around his wrist, nails digging into his soft skin as you moan out loudly from orgasming. 
“Kou!” you scream, your walls clamping themselves around him, his fingers still going in and out of you, your legs shaking and your pelvis grinding itself on his hand. Eyes closed and mouth wide open and panting, trying to get your breathing under control.
After a minute, you open your eyes and are met by a smug smile as he removes his fingers and raises his hand to his lips, licking your juices off his fingers while still maintaining eye contact with you. 
“I missed the taste of you baby,” he groans. His long fingers going inside that beautiful mouth of his. A big smile on his lips, his excitement palpable. 
Once he has licked his fingers clean, he moves his hands to his pants and starts to pull them down his long legs along with his briefs, his cock springing free and colliding with his lower abdomen. Precum leaking from the tip. 
Your eyes are glued on his hard member. It’s as beautiful as you remember, two veins going around his shaft, the pink head craving attention. 
Your eyes never leave his crotch as his hand goes down and wraps itself around his hard cock, moving up and down slowly.
“You’re so eager, I love it baby, so sexy when you look at me like that,” his voice speaks, making you look up and meet his golden eyes. He takes a small step forward and with his hand that’s around his cock he traces your lips, mixing his precum with your wetness. 
“Wait Kou- Condom!” You moan. The fact that you managed to even utter those words surprised you, but you didn’t know who he’s been with.
“I didn’t bring one,” he answers. “Guess I’ll just have to cum inside you instead,” he groans and rams himself inside you. Your walls clenching around him tightly. Your heat making his cock twitch from excitement. 
“Fuck Kou, you- you feel amazing.”
“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby. I can feel you pulsating around me.” He’s still for a moment, letting you get used to him. Had he gotten bigger since you last were with him? Or had it just been such a long time since you’ve had sex? It didn’t matter to you, you loved the feeling of him stretching your walls, making your tight cunt ache for him to move.
His hips backtrack only to force themself back to you, colliding and hitting your g-spot, making you throw your head back and grip the edge of the table hard. Your eyes are closed as you take in all the pleasure that he’s giving you. He repeats the same action, he grunts and you moan at the friction.
“Baby look at me,” he moans, his hand going to your cheek, holding it with his large palm. “I want you to look at me.”
You answer him by moaning, opening your (y/e/c) eyes looking at him, pleasure displayed on his handsome face as he starts to increase both his speed and the power of his thrusts. His hips colliding against yours with a strong force. The pleasure is displayed on your face, a lewd look as you’re loving the way he continues to ram himself inside of you.
“I’m gonna cum inside of that pretty cunt, baby. I’m gonna fill you up with my cum,” he moans loudly, not caring if anyone hears him. He loved the excitement of knowing you could get busted having sex in your old classroom but he didn’t care. He had craved you for 3 long years and he wasn’t going to let this moment pass up. 
“I want a future with you,” he continues. “I want to marry you. I want to get you pregnant.” 
This makes your cunt clench for him. Your walls clamping themselves tightly around him. Marrying him? Pregnant? 
"Oh, you'd like that baby? You want me to breed you, baby?" His thrust hits hard, his cock going deep into your core. His eyes travel down, watching his cock going and out of you. The wetness surrounding it like lube, making it easy for him to thrust in and out of you. His gaze is locked on where both of you connect, watching the way your cunt swallows him whole.
"Fuck baby. Beg for me to fill you, I know you love the feel of my cum inside you."
"Oh god Kou, please fill me with your cum. Breed me," you almost sing. Your voice is filled with all kinds of emotions, pleasure consuming you.
"You want me to breed you, baby? Fill you up with all my sperm," he moans, his hands holding your hips in place as his thrusts got deeper and deeper inside you. The tip of his cock grazing your g-spot viciously, the pressure in your abdomen getting stronger after each thrust. The thought of you swollen with his child made him even harder and closer to reaching his climax. 
"Cum for me baby, I want you to cum for me. Cum with me. I'm so close," his thrusts get sloppier and you know he is near his release. 
"Cum with me Koutarou. Let's do it together."
"Fuck (y/n)," his whole body stills as he ejaculates inside you. The warmth of his semen spurting in you, coating your walls and you follow him soon afterward. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you coat his cock with your release. 
Your body is shaking from the intense orgasm you just had, your teeth biting into your lower lip and you feel him move, his still hard cock going in and out of you. Bokuto is making sure that his cum doesn’t come out, to make sure you’re bred and hoping you get pregnant from this. 
"Mhm Kou," you moan. Your eyes glance up to his face. A big smile was plastered on his lips. 
"That was so hot baby. I want more."
"I don't think I can stand," you giggle. His eyes are watching you, the smile on your face making his heart squeeze harder and being filled with all his love for you. 
"What now?" Your tender voice asks. 
"I'm waiting."
"... On what?" 
"For you to calm down before I go for round two,” he smirks. 
“W-Wait. Hold on. Round two?”
“You didn’t think I was already finished with you, baby? I’m just getting started.” With that being said, he flips you over. The action making his cock get pulled out from your heat. 
You’re bent over and your front is pressed against the now warm desk. His hands start to caress your body, from the base of your neck to your naked ass. He gives your ass some attention before slapping each cheek, making you jump from the sudden action.
"I could just cum from the sight of you," he grunts. "I'm gonna cum inside you again, to make sure you're bred."
"Kou-tarou~," you moan as he enters you without warning, his cock rock hard and coated in both your juices and his semen. His hands holding your hips still as he thrusts deep inside you. Ramming his cock hard into your wet and tight core. His fingertips are digging hard into your flawless skin, leaving a mark but you don’t care. The only thing that’s going through your mind right now is the way his cock is pounding into your wet and swollen cunt.
"I won't stop until you're dripping with my cum, to be sure you're pregnant with my child," he almost screams. "Jesus fuck baby the way you clench around me is wonderful."
Your cunt clenches harder around his cock, the thought of being pregnant with his child makes you reach some kind of bliss that you never thought you could. The soft image pops up in your mind for a second, but it’s soon gone as one of his hands grabs your shoulder, his other following suit.
You can feel his semen leaking out as he continues to ram into you, and you know he notices it cause he lets out a snicker. 
"My cum is seeping out of your pussy, but I'll fill you up again baby. I'll fill you up again and again."
"Kou- I'm gonna cum again," you moan. Your left hand holding the edge of the desk while your right one is in front of you, trying to grab something and it does as Bokuto's right hand comes forward and intertwines with yours, clamping around it. His body pressed against yours. Feeling his breath on your neck.
"Say it, baby, say what I want to hear."
"P-Put a baby inside me Koutarou please."
"Fuck yes," he moans vocally, biting down on your neck as he fills your cunt with his cum, the feel of his cum inside you again makes you clench around him and you reach your climax. 
"Yeah, my cum makes you orgasm so fucking hard right baby?"
"Mhm," you answer, too worn out to even form your own words. 
You press the side of your face on the desk and close your eyes. You're breathing heavily, so is Bokuto. His warm breath hitting your neck, making goosebumps form on all of your body. 
"I'm getting soft."
"Oh my god!" You giggle. 
"Stop. You're making me fall out, stop it!" This makes you laugh out loud, this man who just minutes ago went all sex god on you is now filled with concern. 
"Are you alright though? I wasn't too hard? Or rough? Or-"
"Baby, you were perfect," you answer in a giggle, interrupting his worrying self. 
There's a comfortable silence surrounding you both, not a single word is uttered. The only sound is the sound of your breathing. 
Suddenly you feel him move and pull himself out of you. Bokuto is fast with tucking himself inside his briefs and pulling his pants up, buckling his belt too. While doing this, you feel his cum seeping out from your hole.
"Hold on I'm on it," his voice speaks and you can hear him look for something to clean you up with. "This will do."
He's back fast and with some paper towels that are not very nice to your lady parts, and he cleans you up. The feeling of the paper made you wince, both from being sensitive and roughly fucked by your ex and now boyfriend, but also from the paper not being soft enough for your liking. 
"I'm done, there," he softly speaks, his voice filled with tenderness but also worry, that it was hurting you. He wasn't. He was doing something so much more, and you loved him for that. 
Getting up and getting dressed was the part where it got uncomfortable for you, his eyes stared at you as you dressed, fixing both your gown and hair, making it not look like you’ve just been fucked. 
Your thoughts wander to what had just happened. Was this just some kind of roleplay or did he want to impregnate you? Not that it mattered for you, you couldn’t care less because you got what you had wanted for years. Him.
Once you’re done you turn around and see that Bokuto is already watching you, a big smile on his lips. 
"Nothing. You’re just so beautiful I can stare at you all night.”
"I-" you blush. “Thank you.”
"Now,” he says as he takes a small step forward and grabs you by the waist, pulling you closer to him. His smile still there and you can see how his eyes are glowing. 
“I love you,” he kisses you. “I love you so much (y/n). You’re the love of my life.”
"Huh?" He turns his head to the side, not knowing what you mean. 
"Say it again. I need to hear it again." With confidence, he grabs your face in his hands and holds you in place. His eyes watching yours and with the softest smile on his lips, he says: 
"I love you.”
"I love you too." You sigh in happiness and he seals your lips with a passionate kiss. Both of you smiling through the kiss in pure bliss. 
He pulls away and grabs your hand and starts to lead you out of the classroom and in the opposite direction of the party. Confusion consumes you as you speak.
"Kou, baby. The party is that way," you giggle and point down the other side of the hall. 
"I know. We're not returning."
"We're not?" You ask in confusion.
"Why not?" He stops in his tracks and you collide with his rock hardback. He turns around, smirking.
"We have 3 years of lovemaking to do and I want you in my bed when doing that." He returns and walks you out and into the parking lot, leading to his car and a future of you and him together again. Nothing could stop you now.
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Laisse tomber les filles 4
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; tags to be added as story progresses
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: Things are starting to pick up but Lee’s still playing low key.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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The book club let out on Friday and you quietly packed up your fraying copy of Nabokov, happy you would finally be able to throw it on the shelf and forget about it. As you pulled on your jacket and hooked your bag over your shoulder, Andre, the star of the club, approached you. He wasn’t as curt as Nora but he still made you feel daft.
“Hey, you like the book?” he asked.
“Um, yeah, I guess,” you answered, “I never really read anything like it before.”
“It’s definitely no Secret Garden,” he quipped.
“Oh, but I read the Bell Jar already, that’s the next book, right?” you countered.
“But did you really read it?” he challenged, “did you soak in the depth of the words?”
“I’m sure my second reading will help with that,” you said plaintively, “I think even, I’ll enjoy it even more.”
“It is more of a woman’s book,” he said tritely, “where are you going now?”
You went to the door and he followed you casually. You walked down the hall and shrugged as your sole tapped on the wooden floorboards.
“Oh…” you stopped yourself from saying no where, “actually, someone’s expecting me.”
“Oh ha, really? I saw those flyers they hand out. That’s one of the tips, say you’re being expected so the creep doesn’t follow you,” he rolled his eyes, “I was just asking, I’m not tryna pick you up or anything.”
You came out in the early spring dusk and stopped at the top of the stone steps. “I know you weren’t, I only… I am supposed to be somewhere.”
“Oh yeah? Well, if you ever need a reading partner--”
A honk came and cut off his invitation. You glanced over at the black and white cruiser then back at Andre. You gave a weak smile.
“Maybe,” you answered, “sorry, that’s my ride.”
“So you’re dad’s a cop?” he wondered.
“My dad?” you shook your head, “he’s… a uh, friend.”
“Friend,” Andre echoed and another honk came, “he’s sure impatient.”
“Sorry, I should go.”
“See ya next week,” he called after you as you stumbled down the stairs.
“Yeah, see ya,” you tossed over your shoulder.
You approached the cruiser and Lee got out to open the door. You got in and waited for him to settle on the other side of the seat. You watched Andre stroll down the pavement and catch up with Van.
“You didn’t have to honk, I saw you,” you said quietly.
“Who was that then?” Lee asked as he steered onto the street.
“Just some guy from the club,” you replied.
“So, shakes?” he asked.
“Can we stop by my dorm first?” you hugged your bag anxiously.
“Why’s that?”
“I want to give you back those clothes, I can’t wear them,” you said.
“What? They’re a gift,” he furrowed his brow but you looked away before he could glance back at you as he stopped at the sign.
“It’s too much and they… they won’t fit me,” you said.
“Well, did you even try them on? You’re young, it’s the new style, I thought--”
“But why would you even think to buy me anything?” you interjected. 
He inhaled and said nothing. His breath rose like a growl as he passed the road that led to your dorm. He switched gears and headed for the south exit of the campus.
“Don’t interrupt me. Ever,” he snarled, “and I was being nice, honey. It’s nothin’ bad, just a gift ‘cause I thought it’d look pretty on ya.”
“It’s not that I’m not, er, grateful, I only--”
“No thank you, no nothing,” he moped, “you really hurt me, girl.”
“No, it’s not like that. I just--”
“Just what? I saw you back there, tryna act like you don’t know me in front of that boy,” he grumbled, “‘cause I’m old, right?”
“We were talking, I was just saying goodbye,” you returned, “I don’t know why you’re being like this-- Can you please turn around and just take me home?”
“You promised me a date,” he huffed, “so we’re going… next time you can wear your new clothes.”
“Date?” you sputtered, “Sheriff, please, I want to go home.”
“My name’s Lee, honey,” he purred, “I wanna hear it on your tongue.”
“Wha--” he snaked his arm over and slid his hand onto your leg, just beneath your bag.
“Go on and say it,” he squeezed, “please.”
You swallowed and stiffened as you stared down at your lap.
“Lee,” you eked out.
“Good girl,” he snickered.
“Please, I don’t want a shake, I want to go--”
“I ain’t done nothing, honey, don’t be so dramatic,” he drew his hand away, “have I?”
You were quiet. He hadn’t really done anything more than be a bit grumpy. The touch was nothing, wasn’t it? Just a friendly gesture, trying to calm you down. And he bought you nice things and expected nothing but you to like it. It really seemed like you’d done something wrong the more you thought about it.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
“Nah, don’t be, I’m happy as long as you’re here,” he turned off of campus and sped up, “I read that book, you know? Lolita. Made patrol a bit easier. I haven’t read a book for years. It was… interesting.”
“You read it?” you flinched.
“Oh, yeah, it was… the man, Humbert, messin’ with a child, that’s some sickness there,” Lee mulled as he kept his eyes on the road, “don’t you think?”
“Um, yeah,” you answered, “I think it was also about, um, you know, an unreliable narrator and how stories unfold differently for people. How we can experience the same thing but not in the same way… I don’t know.”
“Hmm, yeah, that’s probably it,” he said, “but I just thought, that’s awful. You know, we’re adults, you and me. How old are ya, again?”
“I’ll be nineteen this summer, sir,” you replied.
“See, girls here can marry at sixteen,” he said, “but no twelve year old gettin’ hitched.”
“Oh, well,” you murmured, uncomfortable by his rambling, “can I try the vanilla this time?”
“Vanilla? Sure,” he smiled over the wheel, “think I’ll stick to strawberry, I like the sweet stuff.”
The radio show came to an end and you fumbled with your empty cup. The dread still lingered in your chest. You counted the minutes until you could go home. The milkshake settled like a stone and added to your queasiness. Lee put his cup on his other side and yawned.
“Vanilla good?” he asked.
“Not bad,” you answered as he took the cup from you, “it’s late, hm?”
“Not that late,” he slid across the seat as the radio host picked up after the outro, “so you makin’ friends then?”
“Some,” you said, “just talking about schoolwork and, um, books.”
He was close, close enough to feel the warmth radiating off of him. He pushed his arm over your shoulders and let his hand hang down above your chest. You went rigid and tried to sidle away.
“Sheriff?” you croaked.
“Aw, come on, honey, ain’t nothin’ wrong, just getting close, it’s cold, ain’t it?” his other hand came up and caressed your chin, “I like spending time with you… not havin’ to worry about my radio or criminals, just you.”
“I don’t… I think…” you grabbed his wrist, “I thought…”
“I’m just being nice, I’ll admit, I’ve grown a bit sweet on ya. You’re so pretty and that,” he slipped from your grasped and framed your chin and turned your head, “am I hurtin’ ya?”
“N-no, but I…” your lip quivered. 
Was this how it happened? Maybe every girl felt like this the first time a man was near. You didn’t know, you couldn’t. You stared at him wide-eyed as he leaned in and his breath grazed your lips. You smelled the sugary strawberry flavour.
“This hurt?” he asked as his lips brushed yours.
“No,” you gulped as he pulled you to him.
“And this?” he didn’t wait for an answered before he kissed you.
He pressed his lips to your and sucked on your bottom lip. His teeth nipped lightly and he shoved his tongue against the creased of your mouth until you opened it. You garbled as he filled your mouth and hugged you tighter. You were terrified and confused by the suddenness of it all.
You grunted and pushed on his chest. You turned your head away and gasped as you shoved him harder and he relented. His hand slipped to the bottom of your neck as he looked at you in disappointment. 
“What’sa matter?” he asked.
“I… I wanna go home, it’s late,” you whispered.
“Oh honey, don’t be scared, it’s a date, I’m just kissin’ ya good night.”
“I never… said it was a date,” you mumbled.
“And why not?” he pressed, “you’re an adult, I am too.”
“I don’t… know,” you uttered, “I never… never been on a date so I guess I wouldn’t know.”
“I didn’t mean to confuse you, I thought you knew,” he said, “a girl like you, I thought you had plenty of dates.”
You shook your head and chewed your lip. You stared at your shoes and wriggled away from him. You ran your fingertips along your jawline as you huddled against the door.
“Please take me home,” you breathed.
“I didn’t mean nothing by it, I just think you’re very sweet and… beautiful,” he reached out and took your hand gently, “I can go slow.”
“I just don’t know,” you didn’t pull your hand away as he held it.
“Ah, I get it, I’m old, I know it, I ain’t stupid,” he sighed.
“I don’t care about that,” you withdrew and wrung your hands in your lap, “I’m… embarrassed.”
“Embarrassed?” he repeated.
“That I never… That I don’t know about all that,” you confessed, “but I don’t wanna think about that now.”
“Can I see you tomorrow then?” he asked, “I wanna see your new clothes.”
“Sheriff,” you said.
“Lee,” he corrected sharply.
“Lee,” you hissed, “please, can you take me home?”
“Well, you just needa ask nicely is all,” he pushed himself in front of the wheel and jolted the whole car with the movement, “let’s get ya there all safe and sound and you can rest up for tomorrow, huh?”
“I gotta study tomorrow,” you argued.
“You can,” he assured you, “you come study at mine and I’ll make you a nice home cooked dinner, how about that?”
You sniffed and pouted, “sure, if you take me home.”
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marblesphere · 3 years
Gojo Satoru x Reader
!!Warning!! This is self-indulgent fic. Sort of teacher x student relationships. Age gap. Implied suggestive theme. Character death. Fluff. If you are not comfortable, please don’t read this. As a caution, Minor please don’t interact.
[Name] 5 years old
Gojo Satoru 16 years old
Geto Suguru 15 years old
Ieiri Shoko 16 years old
"Satoru." My head poked into the class from the opened sliding door.
"Ah! My cute [Name]-chan!" Satoru grinned as he quickly picked me up. He rubs his cheek to mine, causing me to giggle.
"Satoru, your glasses hurt." I complained.
"Don't worry. Pain, pain, flies away." He smooched my cheek.
"Satoru. Let her down." Suguru sighed at his antics.
"Nope. You are just jealous that [Name]-chan likes me more than you." Satoru planted me on his lap, while still hugging my small frame.
"Konbanwa, Suguru." I smiled.
"Konbanwa, [Name]-chan. How are you today?" Suguru smiled.
"Today, our teacher gave us homework." I excitedly started telling them my day.
"What kind of homework?" Suguru asked.
"Making a flower. I am going to make a lot." I spread my hand to express how many I would make. "I will give you one later, okay?"
"That's very kind of you. I will look forward to it."
"Nooo~. [Name]-chan. You won't give me a flower?" Satoru put his head on top of mine, whining.
"Silly Satoru. Of course I will give you one." I giggled.
"Promise?" He stuck out his pinkie.
"Promise." I warped my pinkie to his. ~"~
 Suguru sighs while looking at his partner's antics. This little girl is the only one he showed affection openly. Usually he will tease, flirt or taunt the opposite gender. But, that's it. He never showed any interest in them. But, this little girl has him wrapped around her fingers.
'...Does that mean…' "Satoru…" The high school first grader called his friend.
"What?" Satoru replied but his thumb was still engaged in chicken fight with the little girl.
"...You won't lay your hand on her, right?"
"..." It took a while for his friend to process what he was asking. "The hell you are thinking." He made a disgusted face. He is fond of this girl and showers with affection. But he regards her as a precious little sister. Well, that might change in due time.
"As long as you know. That's fine." Suguru sighed in relief. ~"~
"What are you talking about?" I blinked up at the older teens.
"Nothing to worry about. So, what kind of flower are you going to give me?" Satoru asked.
"Secret. You will know when the time comes." I put a finger on my mouth, making a shushing motion.
"Eeehhh~. I want to know now." Satoru whined.
"Bad Satoru." I puffed my cheeks.
"Aw. I am sorry. Don't get mad. Or I will… give you a tickle." His hand has already started tickling me.
"I will stop if you forgive me."
"Hahaha….o...okay…" I nodded.
The tickling ceased instantly. "You are not playing fair." I huffed.
"Ahahaha. Don't get mad. Here. A lollipop." He shoved the candy stick to my mouth.
"!!!" My tongue swirled around the candy. "Melon flavor." I blinked. "Ah!" My eyes shot towards the clock which showed 3 o'clock. I wriggle out from Satoru's lap.
"[Name]-chan. Where are you going?"
"I promised Yae-chan to play together." I smiled. "I am going then. Bye bye Satoru, Suguru."
"Bye bye, [Name]-chan." Satoru waved.
"See you tomorrow." Suguru smiled.
Today, Yae-chan and I are going to play tag in a park. Some of our classmates from the Sakura class are also here.
"[Name]-chan!" Yae-chan waved her hand.
"Yae-chan!" I smiled back as I waved to her.
Fun times always fly past quickly. It's 5 o'clock now. Time for us children to go home.
Few days later, Mikan-chan, Hinako-chan, and Sera-chan invite Yae-chan and I to another game of tag. Of course we agreed.
So, after school, I told Ijichi-san I am going to play tag with friends, so I won't be visiting Satoru.
"Mikan-chan, where are we going to play today? The park?" Yae-chan asked curiously.
"Hehe. Nope. We will play in a big house today." Mikan-chan said proudly.
"Big house?" The rest of us blinked.
"Yes. We are almost there." Mikan-chan said. After a twist and turn, we finally arrived at a big house Mikan-chan said.
"...Mikan-chan, are you sure you want to play tag here…?" I looked at the obviously ominous house.
"Of course. It will be so fun here." Mikan-chan talked as she was oblivious of the strange scent the house omitted.
"Hmph. Are you scared?" Hinako-chan jeered.
I frown at her. "I am not. But, Satoru said don't go near the house like this. It's dangerous." I said.
"Satoru? Ah. That neighbour onii-chan." Yae-chan said.
"Hmph. Nothing is dangerous, you stupid. There is no ghost. You are just afraid." Hinako-chan sneered.
"I am not afraid." I puffed my cheeks.
"Yes, you are. And that neighbour of yours is probably lying to you." She added.
"Satoru is not a liar!" I yelled. "Satoru never lies to me!" I told her.
"Adults are always lying. My mother said so." Hinako-chan retorted.
"Satoru is not a liar. I will prove to you that ghosts exist." I was miffed, completely forgetting the warning I had received.
"Fine." Hinako-chan stuck her chest out. Thus, the game of tag is quickly forgotten. Right now, they are going to prove the existence of ghosts. ~"~
Yae quickly runs to [Name]'s house. All she can think about is how to get to her house quickly. Fortunately, the house isn't that far. But, to a little kid this is already exhausting all her strength.
Yae panted as she arrived at Sakuya's house. She sees [Name]'s mother talking to 2 men.
"[Name]-chan's Mama!" Yae yelled, catching their attention.
Hisaki Reika, Suguru and Satoru shift their attention to Yae. The crying little girl collapses to her knees, fortunately being caught by Satoru. "Otto."
"Yae-chan?! What's wrong?" She asked the child, worry and concern evident in her tone and face.
"[Name]-chan… danger…" Yae hiccuped.
"Where are they?" Satoru asked, it's a rare case where he actually talked seriously.
"Yae-chan. Calm down and take a deep breath. Slowly… inhale… exhale…." She instructed.
Satoru shifts his hold on Yae, so Yae is being propped by his arm. Yae follows Reika's instructions, so she starts calming down.
"In what direction?" Satoru asked again.
"Satoru, don't scare her. Let her catch her breath." Suguru admonished, he knew his partner was anxious.
"Yae-chan, please tell me what you know." Reika smiled.
"...They are in an abandoned house near the park we usually play." Yae hiccuped.
"Got it." He transferred Yae to Reika and quickly teleported.
"Satoru-" He left before Suguru could say something. "Yare yare. Yae-chan. Please tell me the whole story." He smiled kindly.
Yae starts telling them their story. "Mi-Mikan-chan said she found a big house to play tag near the park. Then…[Name]-chan said this house is dangerous, she said her neighbour onii-chan said so. Hinako-chan said that onii-chan is lying. [Name]-chan said onii-chan won't lie to her….They fight with each other before [Name]-chan said she will prove to Hinako-chan that ghosts exist." Yae recounted. "...sorry...I should have stopped them." Fresh tears started flowing again.
"Oh no. Yae-chan this is not your fault. Don't worry. [Name]-chan and the others will be fine. That strong onii-chan will rescue them." She assured the little girl.
"R...really?" The little girl hiccuped.
"Yes, of course." She smiled reassuringly at the little girl.
"Then, Hisaki-san, I'll be on my way too." Suguru nodded at her.
"Okay. Be careful. I will go there after I take Yae-chan home." Reika nodded back.~"~
"Sssshhhh…" I tried to shush Hinako's cry. "Don't cry or she will find us." I whispered to the other them.
The exploration starts normally. We argue as we open each door on the first floor. Of course there's nothing. And this fact made Hinako-chan more unbridled. She keeps saying Satoru is a liar. Of course, I am angry too. Satoru is not a liar.
But the deeper we go the more I smell the foul stench. On the 3rd floor. There's this one room with a particular strong vile stench. "The spirit must be here." I mumbled.
"Hmph. I am sure there's nothing inside." Hinako-chan said. Mio-chan and Mikan-chan seem to agree.
"Nee...let's just go. This room feels creepy." Yae-chan said.
"You are just afraid. As I thought, your neighbour is a liar." Hinako-chan harrumphed.
"Satoru is not a liar. I will prove it to you." I huffed. I also feel this room is creepy and definitely dangerous. But she says Satoru is a liar. I can't forgive her. So, I mustered up the courage to push open the door. The old door creaks open. We are unaware of the curse residing inside.~"~
 "Are you ready?" The eerie voice echoed in the building. Hinako-chan and the others clamped her mouth tighter, afraid their cries would leak out. But a small whimper still leaks out from her mouth.
My heart is beating so fast I can even hear it. The voice and footsteps echo louder. I bit my lips thinking what should no, what can I do against that monster.
"Satoru, can you teach me how to exorcise cursed spirits?" I blinked up to the older male.
"[Name]-chan. You need curse energy to exorcise one." Satoru smiled cockily.
"So, I can't?" My mouth turned upside down.
"Well… there's one that you might can do." He drawled.
"Really?! Tell me?!" Excitement bubbled up.
"It's like this." He grinned as he taught me.~"~
"Found you."
I quickly throw the nearest object I found within my reach which has no effect on it.
"Rin pyo toh sha kai jin retsu zai zen" I made a kuji-kiri. The lines I made in the air sort of materialized as light and attacked the curse.
"Let's run!" I yelled. The others and I quickly ran towards the door. Once we are out, I close the door. We still can hear clearly the curse's wail.
"I want to go home." Hinako cried.
"Let's go." I grabbed their hands and started running again. "You guys stay here and don't make a sound." I told them and closed the door. "Rin pyo toh sha kai jin retsu zai zen." I threw another kuji-kiri to focus its attention on me. I quickly ran as I was chased. I didn't run for long before I cornered.
"Are you...ready? Found you…" The grotesque curse stamped toward me.
'Scary...I...am...scared…' "...help...HELP ME! SATORU!" I yelled as I closed my eyes.
A loud crash was heard and a smell of wisteria enveloped me. "Sa...to..ru…" My opened eyes took a glimpse of white hair and sparkling blue eyes.
"[Name]-chan. Close your eyes and ears, okay? And don't move until I say so." He smiled sweetly.
"Eh? Okay." I nodded and obediently did as I was told. I can't hear or see anything except the vile smell that started to dissipate. Again, I was enveloped in a nice wisteria smell.
"You can open your eyes now." He said gently.
"Satoru…?" I blinked.
"Yep. The Gojo Satoru is here. You can rest easy." He winked.
"Where is everyone?" I gasped in realization.
"Don't worry. I found them before I found you. Right now they are outside the building with Suguru...maybe.... They are safe now. So are you." He stroke my head.
"Of course. I will never lie to you." He grinned.
"Hic...hic...Uwaaaaa!" I wailed. The tears are flowing nonstop. "Scary… I am scared…" I clung to Satoru as if he was my only lifeline.
"I am here now… no one can hurt you…" He cooed.
I cried for a good while. Now with my small hands wrapped around his neck, Satoru escorted me out of the abandoned house.
"[Name]!" I heard mama's voice.
"Mama!" I wriggled as I stretched my hands to her.
Satoru transfers me to her arms easily. "Mama!" I wrapped my hands tightly around her.
"It's good you are alright." She sighed in relief.
"Satoru saved me." I smiled.
"Thank you, Satoru-kun. Suguru-kun too, thank you for rescuing the others." Mama bowed.
"No. It was our duty. No need to thank us." Suguru smiled.
"There's no way I will let [Name]-chan get hurt." Satoru supplied.
"[Name]." Mama set me on the ground. My senses are tingling. "Didn't Satoru-kun tell you not to go inside the abandoned house?"
"...I…Hinako-chan said Satoru is a liar. I just want her to know Satoru is not a liar." I muttered, sneaking a peek at her, only to be stared down with hard glare. "Satoru…" I pleaded to the older teen. He always takes my side.
"Even though I am happy. I am quite angry with you too, [Name]-chan." Satoru smiled.
I flinch, then I look at my last resort, Suguru.
"There's no use looking at me, [Name]-chan." Suguru smiled too.
"I...am sorry…I just don't want her to say Satoru is a liar. Satoru is...not a...liar" I hiccuped, tears started flowing again.
"[Name]-chan." I heard Satoru sighed as he lifted me up. "I don't really care if they say I am a liar. I just don't want you hurt. As long as you believe in me. I will be fine." Satoru patted my head.
"[Name], you are a kind child. But Mama doesn't want anything to happen to you. If something happens to you. Mama will…" Mama choked out a sob.
"Sorry...I am sorry, mama!" I wailed. The incident was over. The rescued children were all asleep and brought back to their parents. They were told the children fall asleep after playing some kind of adventure game. The children will quickly forget after they wake up believing that was some kind of dream. The only ones who properly remember this are Yae-chan and me.
Yae-chan has promised to keep this a secret. That night, the dinner was lively. Satoru and Suguru were eating with us.
"[Name]-chan, it's time to sleep." Satoru patted my bed. Wearing blue pajamas, I crawl to the bed. "Let's tuck you to bed." He grinned.
"Satoru, don't turn off the light, okay." I murmured.
"Are you afraid?" He blinked.
"Un…" I nodded my head.
"Then, next time, please don't go to dangerous places. You should just ignore whatever they are saying." He flicked my forehead. A small 'itta' escaped my mouth. "You really worried me, [Name]-chan." He sighed.
"Sorry...Satoru… I promised I won't go to dangerous places again." I stuck my pinkie to him.
"You promised, okay. Don't break it. If you break your promise, you will have to swallow a thousand needles." He wrapped his pinkie to mine.
"I will. So, Satoru, don't leave me alone okay." I am getting sleepy. My eyes are dropping.
"Sweet dreams." With a kiss on the forehead, I am out like a feather. ~"~
Gojo Satoru, he prided himself to be strong. He didn't really understand why he should have protected the weak. This world no matter how evolved, the rule is still the same. The strong prey on the weak.
But as usual, there is always an exception. For Gojo Satoru, his exception is the little girl sleeping on the bed. This seemingly normal girl. Well, maybe not so normal. As the sole heir of the Gojo clan he is always on guard. Because everyone around him always want a piece of him.
That's why he always taunts and teases them. Just to remind them not to mess with him. But at the same time, this attitude earned him a lot of enemies. The Gojo clan praises him as a genius. So, from the moment he was born, he had to shoulder those unneeded expectations.
He used to try hard because of it, but right now he doesn't give a damn.
Well, this little girl is the first one to tell him. It's okay to take a break and just let go of those expectations. Coming from a little girl, this is quite a feat. That was the first time Gojo Satoru let out a genuine smile for her. ~"~
 "Satoru." A small girl not older than 3 years old poked her head into his room.
"[Name]-chan." Satoru plastered a smile as usual. This little kid from his neighbor seems attached to him. Well, he didn't mind. She was quite amusing for her age. Trying to mimic him and all.
"Satoru. Here, kakigori." [Name] smiled as she handed the sweet to him.
"Oh, kakigori. Thank you [Name]-chan." He never declined a sweet.
"Of course. I hope after you eat it, you will become cheerful." She smiled, her baby teeth showing.
"I am always cheerful." He grinned.
"Nuh uh. You are always sad. I don't know. I just know you are sad. Don't get sad anymore Satoru." The little girl patted his head. "Pain pain goes away.." Her little palm covered his eyes before making a motion like throwing something away. "Pain pain goes away… hic… pain...pain… go..away..." She sobbed.
Bewildered, Satoru finally let out a helpless sigh. "Why are you crying, [Name]-chan?" He patted my head.
"Because you didn't cry. Sorry… I can't take your pain away...sowwy…"
"It's not your fault. [Name]-chan. Thank you for crying for me." He pulled the much smaller girl to a hug. "Don't cry anymore. I will be okay. The pain has gone away." He coaxed the girl.
For the first time in his life. Gojo Satoru knew what it was like being worried by other people. "Really? You are not lying?" [Name] hiccuped.
"Of course." He wiped her snot with a handkerchief. "I will never lie to you." He smiled. "So, don't cry anymore."
"Okay." She nodded, smiling.
"Good, let's eat kakigori toge..ther…" The forgotten kakigori has melted. "Let's go eat ice cream." Satoru lifted the small girl.
"I want bubble gum flavour. Because it's like your eyes, so pretty."
"Eh? [Name]-chan, does that mean you want to eat my eyes?" He put on a faux hurt expression.
"Of course not. Silly Satoru. I just like the colour of your eyes. They are so pretty. Because they are yours." The girl giggled.
"I see. I like your eyes too. They are so honest. Just like you."
"Hehehe, thank you."
From that moment, a genuine bond formed between them. And his affection to her too has become genuine. In other words, he spoiled her rotten, of course within limits. She might be the only one who can bend the Gojo Satoru to her will. Later, she will be known as the Gojo Satoru's owner. ~"~
 After the incident, Satoru and Suguru agreed to teach me some basics of close combat for self defense. And apparently, I am not allowed to go out alone for a month. Either being accompanied by Mama, Satoru, Suguru sometimes even Nanamin or someone from Jujutsu High.
Apparently I was born with innate ability as an onmyouji. But, my necklace which was given by my late father is some kind of seal, sealing the ability to see. The seal has weakened, and I start seeing the curse. Mama has told Satoru, Suguru and Masamichi sensei my origin.
Apparently, my great great great...uh… many generations ago, someone from my father's side is a direct descendant from a Keikain, an onmyouji. She is married to a youkai. The Keikain clan died out many generations ago. Father is, what was the word, a leftover. At that time, my grandma from generations ago was expelled from clan because marrying a youkai. They took different surnames and voila, I was born after generations had passed.
When I was born, papa said my spiritual power is too strong, this kind of power is attractive to curses. They are effective in purging curses but also in attracting curses. So, he sealed my power. Hoping I will just live as a normal girl.
But alas, the seal quickly weakened, one because I hung around a lot with someone with a cursed power. Two, I have encountered cursed spirits.
"Mama, am I bad? Is it because this Papa has gone far away?" I blinked my watery eyes.
"Oh no. Of course not, honey. It's definitely not your fault. Papa has gone far away to search for a way to help you." Mama gave me a teary smile.
"Okay…" I nodded.
"...Onmyouji, huh? I am not sure how to handle onmyouji spiritual power." Sensei sighed.
"Is that different from curse power?" Suguru asked.
"If curse energy is negative energy. Then spiritual power is positive power. Though all the same it can be used like curse power. It just, spiritual power is far more attractive to curses than curse power or curse object. I am not sure whether the way of handling them are the same." Sensei said.
"My late husband had some books for spiritual power. I am not sure whether this will help or not." Mama said.
"Can I take a look?"
"Of course." Mama then led Sensei to Papa's study.
"Satoru, Suguru. Will I be okay? Is Mama troubled because of me?" I asked the older males.
"Of course not, [Name]-chan. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you. This Gojo Satoru will protect you. And Reika-san is not troubled because of you." He patted my head.
"Not only Satoru, I will also protect you. What Satoru said is right. Your mom is not troubled because you. That's why don't worry." He smiled.
"Thank you, Satoru, Suguru." I smiled.
So, in the end it's decided I will stay in Jujutsu high with Satoru because it's the best option for my safety. Mama will stay with me every weekend or holiday. My room is in between Satoru and Suguru. Someone will take me to school every morning.
Even though I have my own room, I mostly sleep in Satoru's room when he is not out. And in the morning Suguru will wake us. After school, sensei will tell me how to meditate. According to him, even though I have different power, the way of channelling is more or less the same. So, meditating is the first step. ~"~
Few months later
"Who is this little girl?" A big sister wearing a maiden shrine outfit peered down at me. I hide myself behind Nanamin's leg.
"She is a special student here." Nanamin told her.
"Kon...konichiwa, I am Hisaki [Name]. Umm… nice to meet you." I bowed and hid myself again.
"So cute." She smiled. "I am Iori Utahime. Nice to meet you, [Name]-chan." She kneeled down to my level and smiled.
"Un!" I smiled.
"By the way, she has another nickname." Nanamin said.
"Gojo Satoru's owner."
Big sister suddenly freezes. "Onee-chan, what's wrong?" I blinked.
"This little girl is what?" She asked again.
"Gojo Satoru's owner." Nanamin said again.
"We are talking about that Gojo Satoru, right? The annoying arrogant prick. There's no way he will listen to other's orders. Let alone a small girl." Utahime Onee-chan said indecorously.
"But, this is the truth." Nanamin said.
"Are you two fighting?" I looked up at them.
"No. We are not fighting. She is just having trouble processing that you are Gojo-san's owner." Nanamin said.
"Satoru? Onee-chan knows about Satoru's too?" I smiled at her.
"Well, no one doesn't know who he is." Utahime onee-chan grumbled.
"Onee-chan, do you hate Satoru?" I tilted my head. "Satoru is nice. He just doesn't know how to show it."
"Did he brainwash her?"
"No. It's the opposite."
"I can't wait for Utahime to come."
"Satoru, don't tease her." The door opened, revealing Satoru and Suguru.
"Ah! Satoru, Suguru." I waved my hand excitedly.
"[Name]-chan. I have come back. I bought a lot of sweets." Satoru grinned. "Ah, Utahime, there's none for you." Satoru told the girl.
"I don't want any!" Utahime Onee-chan yelled.
"Bad Satoru, sharing is caring." I scolded.
"Well, I care about you, so I share my sweets with you." He grinned.
"Then, what about Suguru?" I titled my head.
"...well, I will give him one then."
"Nanamin too."
"Ok, one for Nanamin."
"What about Utahime onee-chan?"
"Utahime doesn't need it. She is dieting." Satoru whispered (loudly) to my ear.
"I am not!!" Utahime onee-chan yelled.
"See what I mean." Nanamin sighed as he would rather go outside to exorcise curse spirits rather than being in the same room with Satoru.
"Ah, Nanamin." I called. I grab a few sweets from the plastic bag. "Thank you for accompanying me today." I smiled.
"...you are welcome." A slight smile curved on his lips.
"Ah! Nanamin smiled. Let me get a picture." Satoru exclaimed, taking out his phone.
Quickly as it came, Nanamin's smile disappeared. "Then, I will be on my way." Nanamin left.
"Onee-chan, let's eat sweets together." I smiled.
"Ehh~ [Name]-chan. I thought this is our quality time." Satoru whined.
"The more the merrier. Let's ask Shoko too." I clapped my hand.
Shoko finally arrived. We are already waiting for her as we munch the sweets. Utahime onee-chan ate some too. "Shoko, you are late." Satoru said.
"Shoko, I saved your favourite." I waved.
"Thanks, [Name]-chan. Looks like even though you spend a lot of time with Satoru, your personality is still intact." She patted my head.
I… don't understand a thing she said. I blink and look at Satoru. "Shoko, that's not a nice thing to say. I am just fine." Satoru said.
“Satoru.” I called.
“Hm?” He hummed in respond.
“What is owner?” I asked curiously. Satoru blinks owlishly at me.
“Nanamin said, I am Satoru’s owner? What does that mean?” I munched a pocky stick.
“That means, [Name]-chan can ask me to do anything.” He grinned.
“Anything?” I blinked.
“Anything. What do you want me to do?” He smirked proudly.
"Then, Satoru, can you open this for me?" I asked as I handed him a pocky box.
"Of course." Satoru smiled as he used his cursed technique to open the box.
"Amazing." My eyes sparkled.
"Is it? Because I am the strongest." Satoru laughed (cockily).
"You are so amazing, Satoru. I hope I will become like you too." I clapped my hand.
"Yep. But I will be way stronger by then." He smirked.
"Is that so? Then, you will protect me, right?" I smiled.
"Of course. Leave it all to Gojo Satoru." He grinned. ~"~
While the others are still eating without batting an eye. Utahime is gaping. That Gojo Satoru is acting nice in front of a little girl. She was quite skeptical when she heard [Name] is Gojo Satoru's owner. She did tell him to share his sweets and he complied. But, she thought it was just to humour her. Utahime never thought he was so whipped. She can clearly see his affection is genuine.
Utahime looks at Shoko. "This is the usual." Shoko munched her sweets.
"Eehh…" Utahime is processing the scene in front of her. ~"~
"[Name]-chan, it's your bedtime." Satoru lifted me up.
"Eehh… I want to play with Shoko and Utahime onee-chan too." I pouted
"No can do, young lady. It's 9 o'clock. It's time for sleep. Reika-san will get angry if you sleep late." Satoru said.
"...okay… bye bye Shoko, Utahime onee-chan, Suguru." I waved.
"Bye bye." They waved.
After changing into my pajamas, right now I curled in Satoru's bed. "Satoru… Bedtime story." I am excited for bedtime story. Satoru always has some funny stories.
"Well… long long time ago, there was a strong sorcerer named Gojo Satoru…" I giggled at his opening.
"He is so strong that no one can win against him."
"How strong?" I blinked.
"Hmm…. I can win with just one finger." He smiled.
"Really really." He nodded. "Then, one day. Some old geezers came to challenge him."
"Who are the old geezers?" I asked.
"Annoying people." He answered.
"So, the old geezers challenged him and lost miserably. The end." He grinned.
"So fast." I pouted.
"It's time to sleep." Satoru slipped into the bed too. I quickly snuggle to him and out like a feather. ~"~
A year later
I am running on the street, searching for a familiar curse energy. I feel it just now, so he won't be far. "Suguru!" I yelled. "SUGURU!" I yelled out loudly. Finally the said stops moving and turns around to face me. "Don't go, Suguru." I cried.
"I can't. I have lost faith in humanity." He smiled sadly.
"Then, why are you so sad? You don't want to go, right? Then don't go! Stay with us!" I cried not caring how ugly my appearance was.
He shakes his head. "I am sad maybe because I won't be seeing you ordering Satoru around." He patted my head.
"Please don't go. I will work harder, I won't slack off anymore. I will cut my sweet. I will properly sleep in my bed. Hic...don't go...hic."
"If you do that, Satoru will be lonely." He sighed helplessly. "Please stay with him, okay." He smiled
"Su...gu..ru…" As soon as he touched my forehead, I felt sleepy. 'No...I can't…'
Suguru catches the unconscious girl. He brings her to the nearest park, takes a photo and sends it to Satoru. After that, he leaves some of the cursed spirit to guard her.
Satoru, just as he has received the picture from an unknown number, quickly teleports to the park. Fortunately [Name] is unharmed. "Don't...go...Suguru…" A lone tear escaped her already tear-stained cheek. ~"~
~Few years later~
[Name] 15 years old
Gojo Satoru 26 years old.
This happened before my promotion to a semi-second grade sorcerer. I was staying over in Satoru's house because Mama is out for vacation.
"Breakfast is ready." A cheerful voice said.
"Good morning, Satoru." I rubbed my sleepy eyes.
"Good morning, [Name]-chan. I have made your favourite." He grinned. Satoru is wearing a casual black long-sleeved shirt and white slacks. His sunglasses perched on top of his nose bridge.
On the table two plates of omurice are placed, complete with the tableware and two glasses of milk.
"Go get freshen up before the breakfast goes cold." He ushered me to the bathroom.
"Ummm…." I nodded.
After breakfast, we are just lounging around in the living room. Watching horror movies. No matter how terrifying they made the ghost, it doesn't phase me a bit. I have been meeting a lot of curses in any shape. This one that is shaped like a human seems more human.
"[Name]-chan." Satoru called.
"Why are you not scared?" He asked.
"...Because it's not scary…?" I tilted my head.
"...But, this movie guarantees that everyone will be scared if they watch it…" He pouted.
"Then, Satoru, why are you not scared too?" I asked back.
"Because I am the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. Gojo Satoru." He smirked.
"Then, I am not scared because I am Gojo Satoru's owner." I said flatly.
"...the nickname seems stuck with you." He sweatdropped. "But, I like it." He grinned. "But, I like it more if you are scared and cling to me." He wrapped his arms around himself. "Kyaaa!!! Satoru, it's so scary." He said in a very disgusting high-pitched voice. "Don't worry, [Name]-chan. I am here." He said in his voice again.
"..." I looked at him for a while and ignored him, focusing my attention on tv.
"[Name]-chan has become so cold." He fake-cried. "Where is my cute [Name]-chan that always clings to me and calls me Satoru."
….There's a reason why I act like this. This guy is unbelievably popular. Whether it's a little kid, teenager, career woman, married woman, even grandma will act like a girl with her first crush just by seeing his face.
And there's one time the commotion happened in my school. I think I was in 5th grade. That time he substitutes my mom coming to school. It's a parent-teacher conference. I still remember how happy I was, until this guy showed up without his blindfold. You can imagine the commotion he caused. Everyone, by everyone I mean everyone. From students to teachers to parents. They are ogling at him. He knew and enjoyed it.
And so, going home from school, I banned him from wearing his sunglasses when outside. He has to stick with a blindfold. At least, with blindfold, no one pays attention to him. In other words, it's just the jealousy of a hormonal teenager. But, there's no way I will tell him this.
"Satoru… you are creepy." I deadpanned.
"[Name]-chan." He whined.
"...So, you want me to act scared or not." I sighed.
A wide grin with his hands stretched out is the answer. ~"~
Right before summer vacation, the whole class is going to do a test of courage. You know this is some kind of matchmaking. They will choose some of that was not scary at all. Pair the class into girl boy pairing and they have to walk around the designated perimeter together with just one flashlight. The scared girl will cling to the boy, and the boy will assure her they will be alright. What a scam.
They have agreed to meet in the old school building entrance tonight. "Will something pop out there?" Yae asked.
"Old school building? I have long exorcised the curse spirit over there." I answered.
"As expected from onmyouji. So, what progress have you made with your 'Satoru'?" Yae teased.
"...There's no progress to report. He is older than me, like what? 11 years." I sighed.
"But, you like him right? As in you want him to ravish-"
“Let’s stop before our conversation steered away to unknown territory.” I cut her off. “Besides, that’s not love. It’s called lust.” I mumbled, cheeks tinted pink, because my mind dangerously hovered on a certain image she said.
"You think I am 3 years old?" She rolled her eyes. "Love and lust are always together. Love is just more glorified than lust. Because if you love someone then you want everything they are physically and spiritually. While lust might be because they like one or more aspects they have."
"Yae… how come you know this?" I blinked.
"Anime and movies are the source. Unlike you who only watch horror genre and can even laugh at it." She snorted.
"Well, it can't be helped because it's not scary. Their movements are funny too. Cursed spirits don't move like that. They-"
"So, do you like him or not?" She asked.
"...of course I like him." I mumbled. "But, I am sure to him I was just a little sister." I said.
"Did he tell you that?" Yae asked.
"Umm...Few times when I was in grade school?" I blinked.
"That is hardly a proof. I mean, if he showed interest when you were a grade schooler, doesn't that make him a dangerous person?" Yae snorted.
"Well… I can't deny that." I nodded.
"Besides, it's just an 11 years age gap. Did you forget there was a time when a 40 something old man married an 18 something girl. That's what we call a cradle robber." Yae raised her brow.
"It was in the past…" I mumbled.
"Not really. There are some cases like this too right now. Well, all you need is to wait until you are 18 and then eat him in one swoop." Yae grinned.
"I...am not going to eat him. By the time I am 18, he might already have a girlfriend or wife." I grumbled.
"....with that kind of personality? I don't think so. I think only you can handle him. Or at least he is tamer with you." Yae smirked.
"Don't talk like he is some kind of pet." I sweatdropped.
"Oh, but he is. You are his owner. You do know your nickname on going in those circles, don't you?" Yae laughed. She is enjoying this.
"...Gojo Satoru's owner…"
"Yep. You should use that to your advantage." Yae giggled.
"...How should I use it?" I tilted my head.
"...Think for yourself." Yae rolled her eyes.
"So, are you coming for the test of courage?" Yae asked.
"No. I have a job tonight. Nothing dangerous will happen there." I shook my head.
"Then, I am coming with you." Yae said.
"Hm? You are not going with them?" I blinked.
"What's the point? Megumi is not there." Yae rolled her eyes.
"Megumi is in a different school though." I sweatdropped.
"That's why I don't want to go. I'd rather watch you exorcise cursed spirits." Yae reasoned.
*Bzzzz* My phone vibrated. I fish out my phone from my skirt's pocket and see a notification from Satoru. I open his message.
"Tonight, Megumi will go with you. (ノ≧ڡ≦) Teehee~!"
"I see…"
"What's wrong?"
"Megumi will come with me tonight." I threw my phone to her, so she can see the message.
"Coming with you is really a good idea." Yae giggled. “I will tell class rep we won’t be participating.” She smiled.
This girl will do anything just to see Megumi. Her infatuation is really something. Megumi… I think he might have a crush on her too. And Yae is good at playing pull and push with Megumi. I am sure Megumi has no idea about this. Truly, a copy of Satoru. Sometimes I wonder if they are related to each other.
Who would've ever thought that sweet Yae grew up to be like this. I sigh, this is Satoru's fault. I heard their conversation when I was in 6th grade. Satoru was teaching this girl how to attract Megumi. The content of the conversation is so scary that I ran straight to Megumi's temporary room and told him not to grow up like Satoru.
10 o'clock. Yae, Megumi and I are in front of the cursed building. "Megumi, here. I made too much. Eat them later with Tsumiki-san." Yae dropped a small pouch of cookies on Megumi's palm.
"Thank you very much." Megumi said.
'It's definitely a lie. She must have made it just now.' I sweatdropped. I sigh, "Megumi, let's get this finished quickly and eat some ice cream." I called the younger boy.
"...We have no supervisor? What about Gojo-sensei?" Megumi blinked.
"Our supervisor for today is Ijichi-san. As for Satoru, he said he has business."
"No can do, [Name]-san. You shouldn't allow your pet to roam without you." Megumi said flatly.
"....He's not a pet though…" I sighed.
"But, you are his owner. Please control him." Megumi said.
"...Shut up… talk later. Let's finish this quickly." I huffed.
"Then, I will lower the curtain." Ijichi-san said as he made a hand seal. After the curtain is lowered, we enter the building.
Megumi summons his Gyokuken (Divine Dog) a pair of black and white dogs, while I summon a shikigami, Tanro, a Honshu wolf. "[Name]-san, I will take this one. So, you take the other one." Megumi said.
"Okay. Call me if you need anything." I nodded as I mounted Tanro. I quickly arrived at the second cursed spirit's location and easily dispatched it. This building was haunted by some 4th grade cursed spirit. The weakest one in the hierarchy.
The mission is over quickly, dispatching some 4th grade cursed spirits are hardly what we call a mission. This is more to let us accumulate experience.
"It's over." I stretched my hands up as we exited the building. "Ijichi-san. You can raise the curtains. We have finished." I told the older male.
"Thank you for your hard work." Ijichi-san smiled.
"No problem. Megumi, we are going for ice cream. Will you come with us?" I asked.
"...Sorry. I still have homework to do and Tsumiki will get mad if I stay out late." Megumi said. Yae's smile drops considerably. "Maybe next time. I will definitely join next time." Megumi said.
"Okay. You promised." Yae smiled.
'Ah, the push and pull.'
In the end, only the two of us are having ice cream. "Why don't you call Satoru-san?" Yae scooped her parfait.
"He won't be back until morning it seems." I showed her the message.
"I'll be back late. ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ"
"We should go home too, after finishing this." I gazed at the window.
"Can't wait to sleep in his bed?" Yae smirked.
"...I sleep on my bed. I have my own room."
"You can use this chance to sleep on his bed." Come the suggestion. "You guys are used to sleeping together anyway. I am sure he won't mind."
"That was in grade school. I...am not a child anymore." I mumbled, a slight blush coating my cheeks.
"The question is whether you want to or not."
"I...want to…" I muttered softly.
"Then, easy, just do it. You used to do whatever you want anyway." Yae sighed.
"I know… it's just…" I remember the words that that woman said to me.
"I pity him. He has to babysit you so much he can't even have time for himself."
I was so angry at that time. But, now I think about it, she is right. Almost 24/7 I stay with him. Satoru might not say anything. But, maybe because he's afraid of hurting me.
"So, what happened exactly?" Yae sighed.
"Yae… you remember I told you about that woman I saw with Satoru, right?" I opened my mouth to speak.
"Ah. I remember you told me about an old hag hanging around him. Yep. I remember." She nodded.
"You see… that woman told me…" I recounted the tale and the words she said to me.
"I see. What a load of bullshit." Yae deadpanned. "And, you are an idiot too, for falling for her words." Yae flicked my forehead.
"Ittai." I rubbed the sore spot.
"That woman probably just wants to get to his pants. But, was rejected. And she shifted the blame to you. Don't worry much about what other people think. Just think about what you want to do." Yae said.
"What I want...to do…"
"If you keep pushing him away, he might really go away. Satoru-san's personality is unrestrained. He might slip away. Do you want it to happen?"
"I don't want to!" I answered quickly.
"Then, you know what you should do, right?"
"Be more honest with what I want." I nodded.
"Good. You have the entire summer vacation to do it. You are going to Jujutsu high anyway." She smiled.
"Yeah. Thanks Yae." I smiled gratefully at my best friend.
"Of course. You owe me a cake from Sweets Bakery." She said.
"No worry. I will buy it." I laughed. The two of us share a laugh.
*Bzzzz bzzzz*
My phone vibrated signalling an incoming call. "Moshi moshi, [Name] here."
"[Name], where are you right now?" Hinako's voice transmitted to my ears.
"We are eating ice cream at Kinoko's family restaurant." I answered.
"Can you come to sanchoume. We are having kimodameshi here…" She said.
"What?! Aren't you guys in the old school building?" I frowned.
"The thing is, Yuriko told them about this abandoned building in sanchoume. They said it seemed interesting and changed their location. Now they are inside and haven't come out yet. It's almost an hour." Hinako cried. "You are an onmyouji, right? I remember you were the one who help us back then. Please help." She pleaded.
"...Listen. Don't let the others enter the building, okay. Not even to search. I will be there soon." I hung up.
"What's wrong?" Yae asked.
"Those idiots went to an abandoned house in sanchoume. Hinako said some of them have gone inside and haven't come back. I will go and check on them." I grumbled. "I will smack them so hard after I rescue them." An annoyed tick appeared on my forehead.
I put on my jacket and speed dial Satoru's number. "Moshi moshi, my cute [Name]-chan. Have you finished your mission?" Satoru's playful voice came through the phone.
"Satoru. There's an emergency. Idiots from my class have gone to an abandoned house in sanchoume for kimodameshi. Cursed spirits might be there. I will go there right now."
"Is Megumi with you?"
"Megumi has gone home. We have finished our mission. Right now it's only Yae and I."
"Understood. I will take some time to arrive. Don't do anything dangerous." He said seriously.
"I know." I hung up and sped through the street. I want to use Tanro, but this will shock people, so I can only use my feet.
Time like this is how I envied Satoru. He can teleport and fly in the air. Arriving there, I can see Hinako is trying to block them from entering.
"Hinako!" I called.
"[Name]. You are here." She smiled in relief.
"So, who is inside?" I asked without beating the bush.
"Yuriko, Mio, Higashi-kun and Takeuchi-kun." She listed out the most troublesome people in our class.
"Tsk. Stupid idiots. I hope they are still alive so I can smack them so hard they will fly back to their house." I grumbled.
"Please save them, [Name]." She pleaded.
"I will. As long as they are still alive." I said grimly. The stench is too much, my nose scrunched up in disgust. 'This might a first grade.' I gulped. I have only ever fought with second grade and that was under Satoru's supervision. 'Fine. Bring it on. If I keep being like this. I won't be a first grade onmyouji/sorcerer.'
I step into the house. "Tanro." I called for my shikigami. "Let's locate the human scent first. Can you do it?"
"Awooo." He howled. Tanro then speeds through the building. Tanro stops in one of the rooms. "Awoooo!" He howled.
It seems like they are here. "Tanro, bust open the door." I commanded. With a roar Tanro tears open the metal door.
The screams from inside the room prove that they are still alive. "Hi-Hisaki…?" Takeuchi-kun lowered his trembling hands with a pole.
"Wh...what are you riding?"
"Kyaaa! A monster!!!" Yuriko screamed.
"I will smack you all later. For now, let's get out of here." I dismounted Tanro.
"Be-behind you!!"
The cursed spirit is blocked by Rokuson. Another shikigami I have called. A deer. "Bukyoku." I called another one. This time it's a samurai.
"[Name]-sama." He greeted me.
"Tanro, Rokuson, take them out. Bukyoku, we will hold it here." I commanded.
"Yes!" Bukyoku charged to the cursed spirit, which I am certain is a first grade. "Bind." I made a hand seal, glowing light warped around its neck and limbs, sealing its movement. Tanro and Rokuson crash the windows in this room to get outside. The easiest method.
"Ki...kikiki!!!" The cursed spirit gets angry. The room distorts and suddenly all exits are blocked. The binding spell has been broken.
"Domain expansion… this is bad…" A bead of sweat rolled down my temple.
"Kikikikiki!" It sounded like he was having fun.
"Sorry, but I am the hunter and you are the prey." I glared at it. "Rentei!" Another shikigami, this time a koi fish shikigami. "Transform." Rentei transformed into a katana, Nenekirimaru. "Bukyoku!"
"Ha!" Bukyoku and I took a swing at it. I am actually more of a supporting role, as my sealing and binding technique are much in higher level than my almost non-existence offensive technique. That's why I use Shikigamis. But, my supportive skills are weakened in this domain. My sword skill is really average. So, I didn't actually do much damage to it.
Bukyoku falls down to his knees. I can't call back Rokuson and Tanro because being blocked by its domain. The only way to counter domain expansion is to make my own.
I have tried a few times, but I always fail. This time… if I fail I will definitely die. "I won't die. I promised Suguru that I will stay by Satoru's side. Besides, as his owner, I can't die easily."
I released Rentei and made a hand seal. Chains start coming out from every direction, chaining the cursed spirit.
"Domain expansion, Shikigami no Hyakki Yako." In an instant the space around me changed shape again. This time, it's almost like a giant shrine. We are standing right on the Torii gate. The shrine's door opened. White mists spread out from the door, and something no, human skeletons fly out from the door, each skeleton wearing an onmyouji garb and forming a circle, trapping the cursed spirit.
"Harai tamae kiyome tamae, kyu kyu nyo ritsu yo." The skeleton shikigamis made a hand seal. Another layer of binding spell is casted. Sphere of lights concentrated above the cursed spirit, it took a shape of a giant spear. The light spear pierce down the cursed spirit and completely annihilate it.
Completely spent, my domain vanished, I can't even maintain Bukyoku. "Haa...haa...haa…" I panted. "I will become stronger. Strong enough so Satoru won't worry about me." My legs gave out due to exhaustion.
"Otto. Worrying about you is my job, [Name]-chan. No matter how strong you are, I won't stop worrying." Smell of Wisteria flooded my nose.
"I did it. Domain expansion." I gave him a weak smile.
"I know. You did a good job." He smiled, unlike the usual teasing or mocking smile. He gave me a genuine smile. A smile reserved only for me. "But, next time please exorcise it without injuring yourself." He said.
"...I am going to ignore you for the rest of the week, Satoru." I grumbled.
"Eeehhh~." Satoru whined.
Satoru gives me a piggyback ride. "[Name], are you alright?" Yae asked worriedly.
"....Except exhaustion, I am fine." I smiled weakly.
"Hisaki, are you alright? Did that monster get you?"
"I won't be here if it got me, idiot." I rolled my eyes.
"Hisaki, that was so cool. What was that deer and that wolf? Call them one more time."
They keep calling me, it's annoying. "Hai~" Satoru called out. "[Name]-chan is tired right now. So, no more questions." Satoru smiled.
"Hey, why are you wearing a blindfold?"
"Don't tell me he is your boyfriend. A blindfold? Is he blind? Lame."
"...Satoru, don't you dare lower your blindfold, or I am really going to ignore you." I muttered.
"Oya, don't tell me my cute [Name]-chan is jealous." He teased me. He knew exactly what my reaction would be. It usually will be, "I just don't want to handle another commotion. You stupid idiot." With deadpanned eyes and slightly blushing cheeks.
But, this time I promised I will be more honest with myself. "Un. I will be jealous. you are not allowed to look at other girls or women without your blindfold. No sunglasses too." I mumbled softly, just soft enough for him to hear.
It's only for a split second, but I feel his whole body freeze by my unexpected reply. "And don't add -chan to my name anymore." I jumped down from his back.
"I promise I will smack you guys. So, which idiot changed the location?" I looked at them.
All of them start looking at each other. Cearly no one wants to say anything. "You guys are lucky I am nearby. What if something happens to you guys? Think what your parents would think if you guys died earlier than them."
"You...You are an onmyouji, right? Then you have the duty to protect us." Yanagawa Yuriko stuttered.
"We saved people who accidentally caught up in this mess. But, we are not obliged to save someone who courts death." Satoru said.
"H-Hmph. This is not your business, blindfold guy."
"Oh, this is my business. As an adult, I have the authority to report a group of kids who trespassed a forbidden entry building." Satoru flashed a smile as he showed them the number he called. 110
Their faces went pale. "Oi, you kids! what are you doing here? This is a forbidden entry building!" Local polices have come.
In the end, except for Yae and I. They are all being questioned by the police and writing an apology statement. After that, they are allowed to leave.~"~
Outside police box
"So… what advice did you give to her? She has become much more honest." Satoru looked at the girl beside him.
"I just told her to be more honest to herself or else you will slip away." Yae grinned as she looked at the newest picture of Megumi.
"Is that so? She was cute before. Right now, she has become cuter. What should I do?" He grinned.
"Well, I did manage to get from her, why she is not as clingy as she was as a kid." Yae put her phone in her pocket.
"Oh? Do tell me. I will get Megumi's sleeping face for you." He grinned. He knows of her infatuation with Megumi.
"Deal!" Yae exclaimed happily. "So, do you remember which woman that hung around you when we were in 6th grade? Apparently that woman told [Name] she was pitying you, because you will have to babysit her every time and hardly have time for yourself."
"A woman….?...Too many unimportant people hang around me."
"So, I told her it was just that woman's bullshit. She was definitely being rejected by you when she was trying to get into your pants and she doesn't need to care what other people are thinking, but what she wants."
"So, that woman was the reason. If not for her, then [Name] and I will be much closer already." Satoru whined.
"You are calling her without -chan. Why didn't you do it when you were calling for her?" Yae blinked.
"It's an adult's circumstances." He flashed a smile.
"....At least, wait for her until she is in legal age, okay." Yae sighed.
"Will try." ~"~
"Sorry for the wait." I exited the police box. The policewoman was kind enough to clean and bandage my wounds. Even though most of them are just scratches.
"It's almost 1 o'clock in the morning. What will you do?" Satoru asked Yae.
"I will sleepover in [Name]'s house." Yae yawned.
"I don't mind. Let's go." I smiled.
They start walking, but I still root on the spot. "[Name]-chan?" Satoru called.
"I can't walk. My legs hurt. Piggyback." I held out my hands.
Satoru grins widely. With a few large strides, he kneels down showing his back to me. His arms are around my knees and my hands loop around his neck. Smell of wisteria is flooding my senses. I start feeling sleepy. "Satoru…" I called.
"I am not bothering you, right? ...You won't be angry if I am clingy, right?" My eyelids are starting to drop.
"Silly [Name]. I like it when you bother and cling to me." He laughed.
"I see… then,...I am...glad." I fell asleep as soon as I got it out of my mouth. ~"~
The whole month passes away in blur. Yae and I spent my whole summer break in Jujutsu High, just like every other year in the past. And I have been promoted to semi-second grade sorcerer by Shoko. Satoru celebrated it by buying sweets. Which is welcomed by us.
Now back to school. The rumour that I am an onmyouji has spread. Everyone will stare at me like I am some kind of rare animal in a zoo. And a lot of pointless requests flood in. 'I feel like I am haunted' or 'the hair of a Japanese doll in my house is getting longer' this kind of thing. In short, nothing is associated with cursed spirits.
Unlike when I was in school grader, where I was being driven to Jujutsu High after school. I was deemed good enough to live at my house again at the start of my middle school. So, no more Ijichi-san after school to escape from this rowdy crowd.
Hinako, Mikan and Sera started having lunch with Yae and I again after the whole kimodameshi fiasco. "[Name]-chan. That blindfold guy… don't tell me, is he the one that helped us in grade school?" Hinako asked.
"...I don't really remember that whole incident. But, I remember a pair of very handsome blue eyed onii-chan and black eyed onii-chan at that time." Sera said.
"Yes. That blindfold guy is the one from our grade school incident." Yae nodded.
"...Huh? Wait a moment. Was he your neighbour onii-chan back then? The one who Hinako called a liar?" Sera blinked.
"Correct." Yae nodded.
"....Was he also the one that came to your parent-teacher conference that time?" Hinako asked excitedly.
"Ah, yes. The very same." Yae nodded happily.
"...Why is Yae-chan the one answered?" Mikan sweatdropped.
I have long dropped into an annoyed mood. "How come this guy still causes trouble without him being here?" I grumbled.
"But, why is he wearing a blindfold? Did he have an accident?" Mikan frowned.
"Nope. He is wearing it for personal reasons." Yae laughed as she sneaked a glance to me. The rest of the girls are also shift their line sight to me, who is chomping on lunch, looking like someone ready to murder a certain someone.
*Bzzzz bzzz*
My phone vibrates, I frown as I unlock my phone. "❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)"
My phone vibrates again before I could type an answer. A familiar playful voice comes out from the phone. "[Name]-chan, I want a ki-"
"Satoru, as I thought, I am going to ignore you for the rest of the week.” I sulked.
“Eeeehhh? [Name]-chan~ don’t be so mean.” He whined.
“If you behave well, I will act scared when we watch horror movie."
"Roger. I am always well behaved." I can hear his grin from here.
"Is that so? Then, why are you still causing trouble without being here?" I raised my brows.
"It's because I am the most handsome Jujutsu sorcerer, Gojo Sa-"
"I am going to hang up."
"Wait! [Name]-chan. Don't be hasty."
"I am eating lunch."
"Aw, Is my cute [Name]-chan jealous again?"
“Geee….” The rest of the girls are staring at me.
"Yes. I am jealous. You do remember when you were in high school, you attracted a lot of people, from little girls, teenagers, carrier women, married women, and grannies. That's why I told you to wear your blindfold." I mumbled softly, so they won’t hear.
"Okay, [Name]-chan. I will behave really well. I will buy a lot of sweets for the movie night. Rather, I am going to buy them now. See you later." He hung up, I could clearly hear his proud big grin from here.
"Pffft." Yae trembled in laughter while the other three looked dumbfounded.
"Shut up." I chomped on my lunch, trying to ignore the burning feeling on my cheeks.
"[Name], what kind of kinky play you did?" Yae asked amused
"We are not doing some kinky play. We are just going to watch a movie." I retorted.
"...Why need to act scared? To you, a horror movie is something like comedy though." Yae raised her brows.
"If I don't do it. He won't stop doing some disgusting high-pitched voice." I replied.
"[Name]-chan, is he your boyfriend?" Sera asked.
"Soon to be. Well, they practically are. Just waiting to be labelled." Yae mused.
"So,[Name]-chan. Which part do you like from him?" They grinned slyly.
"I...don't want to answer." I dodged the question.
"Ehhh? You are no fun." Hinako pouted.
“Then, is that why he is wearing blindfold? Because [Name]-chan is jealous?” Mikan asked excitedly.
“Half of the reason. The other half is because his eyes are sensitive to light.” Yae conjured the lie.
“Well, I will be jealous too if he is handsome like that. I don’t want anyone look at him too.” Hinako said.
“Tell us your love story.” Sera exclaimed.
“No.” I refused.~"~
So, the graduation day has arrived. After receiving our diploma. We are at the school entrance, taking a picture with friends and family members. I have already decided to go to Jujutsu High, Yae and Hinako are going to the same school. Sera and Mikan are going to an all-girls school. We promised to hang out if we have time. Yae promised to spend all her school break in Jujutsu High, just for Megumi apparently.
Some of us (read: Yae) have received flowers from our juniors, and confessions from junior or classmates alike. Yae shot down everyone that confessed to her. "Yae-san, [Name]-san. Congratulations on your graduation." Megumi said as he handed us small bouquet of flowers.
"Thank you, Megumi." I smiled.
"Thank you, Megumi." Yae shot him a brilliant smile.
"By the way, [Name]-san, you are going to Jujutsu High, right?"
"Yes." I nodded. "Megumi also will be going there after you graduate middle school, right?"
"Yes. I plan to. By the way, [Name]-san, please put a leash on Gojo-sensei. He's annoying." Megumi deadpanned.
"....He is not a pet. But it's true he is annoying." I said.
"Hisaki-san!!" Someone called out.
I blink as someone I don't recognize is walking to me nervously. He is holding a diploma, that means he is also a graduating student.
"Please go out with me!!" He said, quite loudly I might add. Might be due to nervousness, because his whole face and neck are red. Now the whole students are staring at us. The chatters stop as if waiting one of us to speak.
“Accept him.” One of the students said, maybe his friends?
“Accept him. Accept him.” Soon, all of them are cheering. Yae looks like ready to murder someone. “You all-“ Megumi quickly grabbed Yae’s hand and shook his head. He secretly motioning his head to a newcomer.
"Sorry, I-" I was wrapped in wisteria scent as I was pulled back to a familiar embrace.
"Sorry. This girl is my wife to be. Can you back off?" a playful light-hearted voice said.
"Eh?" (Me)
"Ha?" (Megumi)
"Ara… how quick. Congrats, I am waiting for the wedding." (Yae)
"EEEEHHHHH????" The whole students.
I tilt my head up to look at him wearing sunglasses, paired with a long-sleeved white t-shirt and pair of black slacks. His collarbone obviously exposed with the top button unbuttoned, and to finish off, he wears a more fashionable shades. His obviously grinning mischievous blue eyes stare back at me. "...Didn't I tell you not to wear sunglasses?" I raised my brow.
"But, I am meeting my [Name]-chan. Not some other girls. I have to show off sometimes too. To scare some pests." He grinned slyly. His mischievous bright blue eyes peeked out from his glasses.
"Congrats on your graduation." He patted my head. "As for your graduation gift…” He bent down so his mouth is next to my ears. “It will be me." He whispered in my ear.
As expected, right now, the female population is exclaiming how hot he is and is speculating our relationships. Didn’t they say he was lame last year? The boy in front of me too is frozen like a statue.
"You are saying this now?” I frowned.
“Hm?” He blinked at my quite unexpected reply.
“…Satoru… Aren't you already mine from the start. I mean, I am Gojo Satoru's owner." My lips curled up to a smile.
His face broke into a grin. "...Indeed." He laughed gleefully. "As expected from my wife to be."
"...Since when?"
"Eeeh? Didn't you say you will marry me? I was waiting." He whined. "Satoru, when I grow up, I will be your bride." He made that disgusting high pitched voice again.
"Maki, do you hold playful cloud. Can I borrow it. I want to smack it to Satoru's face." I am already in phone with Maki.
"Send the picture to me later." Maki said.
"[Name]-chan. You are so mean." The overgrown child whined.
"....Please talk about this kind of thing in a private place." Megumi said.
"Megumi, you are here too?" Satoru grinned.
"I will seriously punch you." Megumi said. "[Name]-san. Please control your pet."
“Truth to be told, Satoru’s entrance is quite normal.” I said.
“Which part of him is normal?” Megumi deadpanned. “But, considering his personality, this is really count as normal.” Megumi nodded.
“What kind of entrance you are thinking he would make?” Yae asked.
I look at the overgrown man, who put his head on the top of my head, casually leaning his weight to mine. “Actually, considering his personality, I was thinking he will come in holding some kind of musical instrument bag and say something let’s go home [Name]-chan, today I will have you master “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” Something like that.” I said.
“I see. This is more convincing.” They nodded.
“By the way Satoru, you are heavy.” I tried to free my trapped body.
“Nope.” So, the four of us are talking like the usual, completely ignoring the looks we are getting. And I too, completely forgotten I haven’t replied to the boy who has confessed to me.
“I am sorry. I can’t accept your confession. There will be someone who is better match for you. The world we are living is different.” I bowed a little.
“Eh? Ah. Yes.” He replied absentmindedly, obviously still shocked.
“Yae, Megumi. Let’s go home.”
“I will celebrate with Megumi alone. Satoru-san looks like he wants to take you to somewhere important.” Yae snickered. “I will celebrate with you later.” She smiled. “Let’s go Megumi.” Yae dragged the blushing boy away.
"Let's go home, Satoru." I sighed, dragging him away. He shamelessly intertwined his much longer fingers to mine.
I might not want him to attract annoying people. But the sight of Yuriko's face is refreshing. My lips curl to a smile.
"Are you happy that the gift is me?" He smirked.
"...Satoru… I am going to ignore you the whole week."
"Don't forget your promise, [Name]-chan. Tonight is movie night." He giggled.
"....I will try to act scared." I sighed. “So, where do you want to take me to? How come Yae know it?”
“You will know when we arrived.” He answered in a sing song voice. After a series of twist and turn from branded boutique to make-up salon. We have arrived in our destination. A high-class restaurant.
“…Why are we here?” I blinked.
“To celebrate your graduation of course.” Satoru chuckled at my dumb question.
“I thought we are having a movie night?” I looked at him. Again, he is drawing attention. “Haa…” I sighed.
“Don’t worry [Name]-chan, we are in private room.” He laughed as if he knew what was I thinking. I bet he knew.
We are guided to the private room. No, rather than private room, it’s more like a back garden. My eyes lit up, I take a few steps ahead. The garden is decorated beautifully. It feels like I step into some kind other realm. “You like it?”
“Yes.” I nodded, a delightful smile plastered on my face.
“That’s good.” we were seated in the middle of the garden. “You told me once you want to have dinner like this.” A cheshire cat grin on his face.
“I did?” I titled my head.
“Yep, you did.” He nodded.
“….” Who is this mature Satoru? I look at him blankly. “Satoru, did you eat wrong medicine today? Are you sick? Or perhaps you were cursed by cursed spirits?”
“How mean~. I am purrfectly fine. There’s no way I am cursed. I am the strongest. I just want to congrats my cute [Name]-chan for graduating middle school.” He pouted. His maturity has disappeared somewhere in the void.
“Thanks, Satoru.” I giggled. ~"~
[Name] 16 years old
Gojo Satoru 27years old
Geto Suguru 26 years old
"What… Did you say…?" I looked at the Masamichi sensei.
"Suguru is discovered near here and Satoru has gone to hunt him down." Sensei said one more time.
"...Satoru is hunting who…?" The world seems distorted. I put my hand on the table to steady myself. "No…" I whispered. I don't want them to fight. I don't want them to get hurt.
Few years after the incident of a star plasma vessel and the masacre in a small village. I understood why Suguru is doing this. Even so, I just don't want them to fight. Why… Why can we be together again? Just like that time. Before everything spiralled out of control.
I run out from the school. "Ijichi-san, take me to Suguru's location."
"I...am not sure where he is…"
"Then, just take me to the downtown." I said urgently. And to the downtown it is. I exit the car and start running. To where? I don't even know myself.
I don't know how long I ran. My feet seemed to bring me back to Satoru's house after aimlessly running on the street. "Satoru!" I threw open the door.
I panted as I tried to calm myself down. Satoru has just come out from shower judging by the wet hair and towel on his head. I ram myself to him, arms wrapping around his waist.
"What's wrong, [Name]-chan?" He patted my head. The usual Satoru will start teasing how much I miss him. The usual Satoru will grin and smirk at the sight of me coming to his house. The usual Satoru will… my body trembles, the tears I have been holding start flowing down, wetting his shirt. "Why are you crying again, hm?" His voice is getting softer.
"Because...hic...It's because… you didn't cry. Hic...so, I will cry… in your stead. Hic…" I hiccuped.
"...Thank you… for crying for me…"~"~
After a bout of crying, I freshen up in the shower. Even though we are neighbours, I think I spent a lot of time in Satoru's house. Half of my things are in the house. And no, we didn't sleep in the same bed anymore. I have my own room. So, the guest room became my permanent room.
"Let me dry your hair." Satoru grinned as I stepped into the living room. I sit on the couch, between his legs as he starts working his magic. Drying my hair.
The sound of the hairdryer died down. A pair of long arms wrapped around my shoulders. "Satoru…?"
"...Let me stay like this for a while… I will be back like the usual Gojo Satoru tomorrow. So… let's just stay like this for a while." Satoru murmured. His voice sounds so...broken. I have also noticed some tremble from his voice and his hands.
Gojo Satoru knew that Geto Suguru was lying. He knew it yet his hand shot through his friend's chest before he could stop it.
"If you didn't finish me now. The next target will be [Name]-chan. She has grown, hasn't she? The last descendant of Keikain onmyouji. I am sure she will be a great asset. At least her spiritual power is." Suguru sneered.
At that time Satoru only saw red, he must kill Suguru before he could do anything to her. And so, when he came to his hand has shot through his former partner's chest.
Suguru slump on his shoulder. "Listen well...Satoru… Protect [Name]…. As she grows up...her power...will attract...a lot of...trouble… Some...disgusting...old farts...higher ups… also consider her...to bear some...children…for them… Don't...ever let...them...lay hand...on her…. Or...I'll...come back….as cursed spirit...to haunt...you…"
"I promise… I won't let them lay hands on her...ever."
"That's...good...I'll...be...going….first...partner…" Geto Suguru breathed his last.~"~
[Name] 17 years old
Gojo Satoru 28 years old
I sit on bed, frowning. I have a feeling something really bad will happen soon. It makes me feel restless and anxious. "[Na~me]-chan. What are you thinking about?" Satoru poked my forehead.
"No...it's just I feel so uneasy and restless these days. I just have a feeling something bad will happen. I feel like I won't see you anymore." I bit my lips.
"I am not going anywhere." He sat down beside me and pulled me to his lap. His sunglasses are gone. "Even if by chance I go somewhere, I'll definitely be back to your side." He pressed a kiss to my forehead.
"...Aren't you supposed to say you are going to take me along." I pouted.
"Well, I can't take you along if I am going somewhere dangerous." He laughed.
"Hearing this from you makes me mad." I huffed.
"Because it feels like you are saying, I am weak." I mumbled.
"Well, you are weaker than me." He grinned. In retaliation, I pound his chest, which only serves him to laugh harder.
"But, I will certainly be back to your side. This is a promise and I am not lying. You do know I will never lie to you." He flashed me his cocky smirk.
"I know. I just don't like it if something were to happen to you." I rested my head on his broad shoulder.
"Nothing will happen to me. I am the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, Gojo Satoru." He laughed, his arm slipped under my shirt and was resting on my bare stomach.
"What are you doing, Satoru?"
"The mood is perfect." He grinned. His bright blue eyes are sparkling with mischief. "I have endured well all these years. So, I think it's time I get my reward, don't you think so?"
"Then...close your eyes." I muttered shyly.
"...." Satoru only looked at me with amusement.
"I know your six eyes will see everything, but just close your eyes." I grumbled.
"You do know that's a really pointless request. Since I can see anything, why not let me see." His smirk is back.
"S-shut up! Just close your eyes." I stuttered. My face is all red. I don't need a mirror to know.
"Okay." He relented and closed his eyes anyway.
For a good pointless measure, I cover his closed eyes with my palm and press a quick kiss to his lips.
"Y...you can open your eyes now." I stuttered. I am fidgeting right now. My eyes averted his.
"That was quite a different reward than what I had in mind. Surely, you have thought this much wouldn't satisfy me, [Name]."
When Satoru called me without any honorifics, it sent shivers down my spine, in a lot of ways. I know he wouldn't be satisfied. But, I am afraid… what if my body shape is not to his liking, what if my breasts are too small. I become self conscious. I am still wearing clothes, but I feel like I am already stark naked under his eyes. Is this some kind of Six Eyes special ability too?
"You are worrying about strange things again, aren't you? Don't think about anything else. Just think about me."
Without any warning, his lips crash down to mine. Eagerly devouring and claiming what is his. His slick tongue forced my cavern to open. "!!!" Without wasting any chance, he slipped into my mouth. "....nnn…" His slick muscle explore everything he can touch.
His scent, the familiar wisteria scent flooded all my senses. It makes my senses go into overdrive. I can't see, feel or smell anything except for him. I feel like drowning in his essence. My hands clench to a fists, grasping his clothes in my hand, making wrinkles on his perfectly ironed shirt. I stopped breathing some time ago, and now my brain is in need of oxygen. My hands are pushing him away to let me breathe.
"Breath through your nose, [Name]." He separated our lips to say that before he went back devouring it. His thumb is caressing my stomach, while the other is firmly around my waist, preventing me from escaping.
After what seemed like eternity, the kiss ceased. I pant for the much needed oxygen. My eyes watery and hot blush is coating my cheeks. The silvery string of broken saliva is the only evidence of that heated kiss, and the first evidence of many to come.
"Satoru…" I panted. My own pink muscle lolled out for him. I can clearly see every emotion he holds for me. Desire, lust, possessiveness, greed, gentleness and the glorified love. He wants to drown me in his essence and he will. "Satoru…"
"Hm?" His hand came up to hold my face. Thumb swiping my swollen lips.
"...please, be gentle with me."
And….I unknowingly set off the caged beast inside him.
How is the movie night is actually going.
First half of the story.
“Sa-Satoru, I am scared!” I clung to his arm tightly. We are sitting on the couch with sweets littered on the coffee table.
“Don’t worry, [Name]-chan. It’s not scary at all. You see, the protagonist will be stabbed by the ghost.” He grinned fully enjoying this,”
“Why are you spoiling the story?” I hit his arm.
Second half of the story.
“Satoru, will the ghost die or the heroine die?” I asked as I munched a pocky stick. Our position has changed. Somehow, I am now sitting between his legs, still on the couch.
“They will die together.” He grabbed my hand with pocky stick and moved it to his mouth.
“Satoru, take your own sweets.” I rolled my eyes.
Credits rolling.
I have fallen asleep in that position, not caring how the story ended or post credit scene. One good thing about Satoru is he is nice makeshift pillow. I vaguely heard a good night and a forehead kiss, before I completely fallen to deep sleep.
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bonknigirlinthehood · 3 years
What he needs to understand
About: Zhongli was about to go to work when you suddenly throw a tantrum at him, forcing him to stay.
Pairings: Dad!Zhongli x GN!Child!reader
Tags/Warnings: Family Dynamics, father-child dynamics, gender neutral reader, Fluff.
A/N: Another Zhongli and his child fluff. Idk how tf i write this in between his smut fic, and somehow i finished this at 4 am in the morning.
Zhongli had fostered many children under his care throughout his years of living, growing them into an adult that will benefit Liyue. And so, he really was thought it will no different from raising you, his biological child, and yet it turns out to be way more, and more difficult, to raise his own child than foster children as he did back then.
It was a fine morning in Liyue Harbor. Zhongli, a Consultant from Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, already prepared to go to work. On the dining table there's food ready to eat, but not for him, It's for his child who apparently just wake up when he was about to leave. You opened the door to the dining room, still sleepy, only to find your father already done wearing his shoes.
"Good morning, dear. Breakfast is ready, you should eat first, Ms.Lianyi will come shortly after" He notices your presence and smiles warmly, but there seems to be something with you because he also noticed your sour expression.
"My dear, is there something wrong?, Are you sick?" He asks worriedly, he immediately took off his shoes again to approach you.
"Why didn't you wake me up before you had breakfast, daddy?" You pout at him, your little dragon tail swinging behind you with upset. "You always like this, I want to have breakfast with you too!"
"I thought you still wanted to sleep?, You seem tired so i thought you need more rest" Zhongli wipes your face and stroke your messy hair, He can see that you are pretty upset, but he cannot understand why, considering usually you have no problem with him letting you sleep more. In fact, he thought all children like to sleep more in the morning, so he is a bit confused on why you are upset.
Zhongli was about to ask you when you suddenly hoofed onto him and hug him tight.
"Don't go to work daddy" 
He is even more confused upon hearing it. Why you act like this all of a sudden?, He doesn't understand.
"Dear, why are you suddenly like this?, You know I have to go to work today. I can't stay, besides, your caretaker is about to arrive in few minutes, you should wash and prepare to study" 
"I don't want to study!, I don't want to be with Miss Lianyi today!, I want to be with you today!" Suddenly, you start throwing tantrum and whining at him, making him frown in disapproval. 
"Y/n, you shouldn't act like this, daddy doesn't like it if you keep throwing tantrum"
Honestly, you almost stop when he said that, but you decided you don't want to stop.
"No!, I don't want you to go to work!, I don't want I don't want I don't want!" You start thrashing on his chest, hitting him with your little fist, much to his dislike.
"Y/n, if you don't stop I will be mad. I was already late, I can't have you throwing tantrum this early in the morning-" Zhongli stops, realizing his harsh tone. He cursed himself mentally and continue talking with lower voice, "..tell me what's wrong, my child"
You stop thrashing, burying your face in his chest, sobbing. 
"...don't go daddy..." 
Your father sigh, he really doesn't understand what is happening with you today. Usually you are such a good and obedient kid, eating breakfast with your caretaker and either studying or playing for the rest of the day. Is this matter related to him somehow?, Did he do something wrong yesterday to cause you so much upset?.
He was about to ask you another question about it when a knock can be heard from the front door. Realizing who is it, Zhongli immediately picks you up and opens the door. Your Caretaker is here and her greeting smile suddenly turns into worry when she sees you clinging to Zhongli and he hasn’t gone to work yet.
“Did something happen, Mr. Zhongli? Is little bao sick?” she asks worriedly. Zhongli shakes his head, he then invites her to come inside and explain what had happened.
“I...So little baobao won’t let you go to work, and has been clinging to you this whole time?” 
Zhongli nodded, despite you still clinging tightly to his neck, his hand also didn't stop supporting your body so you won’t fall.
“That’s right...and I honestly have no idea what wrong I did to her to make her this upset...Do you perhaps have any idea, Miss Lianyi?” He asks, He looks a bit sad and confused mixed, but his strong facade almost made it impossible to notice.
“I...I probably have an idea why little Y/n acting like this” she said, not so sure. But Zhongli immediately snaps his head to face her with a curious expression. "May I hear it, Miss Lianyi?, I think as her caretaker, you may know things I, her father don't" there's a bit of glimmer in Zhongli's eyes, eager to know. 
"U-uh...well, Mr. Zhongli, for the times I've been taking care of little bao, I've noticed sometimes, they will always waiting near the window…,waiting for you"
"Waiting for me?" Zhongli raises his eyebrows.
"Yes, I think they were feeling pretty lonely because you rarely at home. You see, you always go to work very early in the morning and go home pretty late at night, causing you two to barely have any conversation. And I think it's pretty normal behavior for children to want their parents to spend more time with them. Little bao must be missed you so much" 
Lianyi was done answering, while Zhongli was still trying to digest the newfound information. Throughout his life, every child he had fostered acted very differently, but neither of them ever had such feelings for him. They are always such obedient kids, always eager to learn and be useful for the world. What was the difference?Is it because you are his biological child?So the bond between you two is different?Zhongli needs to understand this or else he won't be able to understand you more. And as a father, it is his responsibility to be able to take care and understand his own child like the back of his hand.
"...Thank you for the information, Ms. Lianyi, I didn't know Y/n was feeling like that this entire time. I should be more cautious about it." He sighs and looks back at you, who are now sleeping again on his shoulder, probably too tired after all the crying. He puts you back to your bed, and after having a brief talk with Lianyi, your caretaker goes back home, leaving you and Zhongli alone. Your father writes some letter for Hu Tao, notifying her he wouldn't be able to go to work that day and asking her to reschedule all of his appointments. 
It's already noon when you finally wake up, and the first thing that goes into your head is if you are alone again. You jump out of the bed and run to the living room, but your father is nowhere to be seen. You let out a sulky pout and grumble, but then the door to Zhongli's room opens and the man steps out. He is still using his usual attire, just without the coat. Upon seeing him, you feel so happy because he is finally at home with you, but when you just about to leap into him you immediately feel embarrassed and awkward, knowing he was here because you threw a tantrum earlier that day, causing him to be unable to go to work and being forced to stay at home with you.
When he noticed you didn't come to him and just stay still, he approached you with a worried expression, asking what was wrong.
"My dear…,is there something wrong?Are you still mad at me?Do you want to eat something?" 
You fidget your fingers behind your back, your tail hidden between the legs. You didn't dare to look at him, still feeling embarrassed and all despite knowing how soft and kind your father was towards you. And after a few minutes you finally gaining courage to talk to him.
"Daddy..?” you whisper slowly.
“Yes, dear?” 
“I-i’m sorry...i didn’t mean to be a bad kid today...i just..i just…” You cannot continue your words, somehow feel too embarrassed to say it. But Zhongli, being as sharp as he is, quickly catch what you meant and smiles softly. 
“It’s alright, i understand” He caresses your head, his ungloved hand feels warm and soft to the touch. “I’m sorry, I should understand your needs more. I’ll try to make more time to spend with you together in the future”.
You can feel your cheek feel warmer, mix of embarrassment and happiness. Your plump cheeks are now as red as peach fruit. Zhongli pulls you into a hug, feeling the warmth of your body, and the comfortable feeling of the part of his soul being so close to him, heart to heart. He now understands why his late wife was so nervous and scared to leave their only child in his hand despite knowing how old and cultivated he is. She was scared this kind of thing will happen someday, because raising his foster children in fact, are different from raising his own blood and flesh. You are just almost as stubborn as him and she is probably afraid the two of you won’t get along nicely. But as always, Zhongli finds his ways to solve problems.
“Let’s eat dinner at Wanmin Restaurant tonight” He says, and you smile wide, your tail wiggling happily. “Yes, papa!” you giggles, your father can’t help but feel ticklish in the heart at how sweet your smile is. Right, he swore to protect that smile ever since you were a baby.
“But you need a bath first” He clears his throat, and without waiting for your reactions he just scoops you out from the floor and brings you to the bathroom. You whine and just resigned to the situation as Zhongli scrubs your body (especially your tail) to wash you clean. He always told you that young dragons need to scrub their body a lot because they are constantly renewing their skin to make it thicker and stronger, so you need to take a bath everyday and scrub your whole body to clean out the older skin so it won’t pile up. And Zhongli always likes it whenever he is just done bathing you. Your skin looks brighter and smoother, and your tail looks shinier, much to his liking. 
Not to mention how proud he is whenever he gets the chance to show you off to the people of Liyue. They always praise you at how cute and how much you resemble your father, but whenever someone tries to pinch your cheeks he is always quick to hold you back close to him. He sure doesn’t want to let anyone touch his one and only child.
With every passing days, Zhongli always learns something new about you. And even though your little self likes the attention your father gives you, in the future you probably will start hating it, and Zhongli will need another solution to solve your adolescence and puberty. But surely, surely he always enjoys seeing you growing up under his care.
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chiwhorei · 4 years
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pairing: dabi x fem!reader
genre: smut, 18+ mdni
word count: 2.3k
tags: very, very sacreligious themes, trespassing, (pink) waxplay, blindfolds, bondage, public sex, oral
a/n: this is my contribution to the sewer’s valentine’s day collab: two in the pink, one in the kink. check out everyone else’s pieces here! valentine’s day was on a sunday this year, so as far as sacrelige goes, my hands were tied. this is dedicated to @undermattsun, as all bastardization of the catholic faith should be.
hymn: take me to church by hozier
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For there shall be no reward to the evil; the candle of the wicked shall be put out. -Proverbs 24:20
The smell of musty wood and a subtle fog of smoke traps you as soon as you’re guided blindly. From the sound of creaking and the loud slam behind you-- the door you’ve been pulled past is tall and heavy. The sound makes you jump backwards into the body of your captor.
“Dabi, please just tell me where we are. You’re freaking me out.” You try to reason with the man escorting you, careful to ensure you don’t trip as you walk forward into the undisclosed building. You slump forward slightly, every sense trying desperately to piece together what’s covered by satin fabric.
“If I told you where we were, wouldn’t that ruin the surprise?” You let out a shaky huff, Dabi has never been one for romantic displays of affection, so you’re doubtful there’s a bouquet of roses and chocolate written into the night’s activities. You feel his breath fanning in hot puffs against your neck, he’s close enough to graze the shell of your ear.
“And don’t call me Dabi. That isn’t who I am to you when we’re alone,” Your skin prickles at his touch, one arm snaking its way to circle around your neck. He presses his pointer finger and thumb into the skin, dragging the pressure upwards to tilt your chin, “What’s my name, princess?”
Even blindfolded, you can feel the scorch of blue eyes on your face. A warmth that burns if you get too close. No matter how many times Dabi tried to push you away, whether with actions or sharp words, you always remained fireproof.
“I’m sorry, Touya.” Your voice is little more than a whisper, words filling the still secret space around you. Dabi hums, pleased at the way your body is reacting. Without being able to see, you’re sensitive and jumpy. Every sound, every movement, every feeling is amplified.
“Just a little farther, princess.” You lean against his chest, the feeling of rough skin and hard muscles calms the fraying ends of your nerves. You know Dabi-- Touya, he’s not even close to a good person. Under purpled scars and blue flames, he’s still a villain. But you know at least one thing for certain, he would never hurt you.
At least not in ways you wouldn’t like.
Wherever he dragged you probably didn’t come with a formal invitation, that much was obvious in the sounds of metal instruments against what you could assume was a lock. The tight little dress he had “bought” for you does nothing against the cold air assaulting your uncovered skin. Your teeth chatter, skin icey and hyper-sensitive. Dabi notices the way you bristle, and runs his warm hands over your arms. His fingers press into the skin, pushing you forward.
You can feel the drag of carpet under your shoes, the heavy footsteps directly trailing yours are muffled where Dabi’s boots usually stomp loudly. You’re stopped abruptly, his hands finding the fat of your hips, turning you around to face him. Your own come up to brace against his chest, the clamoring in your heart calming slightly at the comforting smell-- sage and freshly struck matches.
Dabi drops his grip onto the skin right below your ass, squeezing slightly as his lips hover over yours. You feel his mouth an inch from you, lifting up on the balls of your feet to connect them. The man above you laughs as you try to catch a kiss like a carrot dangling on a string.
“Hold on tight, kid.” Dabi rewards you a chaste peck before hoisting you up, your legs circle around his waist, instinct guiding where your sight can’t. The overwhelming anticipation for what he has planned ignites in your core. It’s not lost on him, with the damp fabric of your panties pressed right against his abdomen. Dabi can already feel his cock straining in his boxers, pressing obnoxiously against his zipper.
You nuzzle against the crook of Dabi’s neck, careful not to rub against the staples lining his collarbone. He braces you, holding on to your ass tightly as he walks up three short steps.
Rough linen hits the back of your thighs as he sets you down. Your fingers come down to your new perch, crinkling the farblic in your fingers. From what you can feel, it seems like wood covered in some kind of table cloth.
Dabi steps away, his warmth dissipates but you’re still trapped under his stare. From this position, you realize you’re propped up higher than where Dabi stands, His eyes burn in a trail from your face to your slightly parted legs.
“My beautiful girl.” He marvels at where you sit perfectly on display, his voice now loud enough to eccoh against high ceilings. The sound startles you, every inch of skin submerged in a fresh flight of goosebumps.
“Touya, p-please,” Your voice sounds like a stranger’s as it reverberates around the room before it hits your ears. What are you pleading for?
You’re not sure if your begging for less of his torture, or more.
“Patience, princess. Don’t you trust me?” His question is loaded, knowing full well that you absolutely shouldn’t be trusting the villain before you. It’s almost funny how easily he crept into your heart; staking claim on your body, seeping into your blood.
“I trust you, Touya,” Your voice is barely above a whimper, your words feel like a salve dripping down his scarred shoulders, “always.”
He stole your heart, he’s probably ruined you in more ways than either of you would like to admit. But in exchange, unlike anyone who has come before, unlike any other person on the planet-- you have his heart too.
Dabi lets the backpack on his shoulders fall to the ground, you can hear the rustling of whatever he brought with him. He’s quiet as he approaches you again, reaching up to rub his thumb over your lips. Upon the contact, your mouth falls open to capture the digit, closing around it to suck lightly. Your temperance is a stronger hit than any drug Dabi could find.
He pets your cheek before bringing the satin rope in his left hand up to your lap, you feel the soft fabric against the top of your thighs.
“Give me your hands, princess.” Dabi almost coos when you put your wrists together and lift them towards him as an offering.
The silken rope snakes around your wrists, just tight enough so you can’t move them. He sets your hands to lay comfortably back in your lap. You’re now robbed of sight and touch, all you can comfortably do with your hands is fidget with your fingers.
“You’re always so agreeable, kid, shouldn’t you be worried? All alone with a big bad villain.” His words are desperate confirmation, poking at your resolve to see if this will be the time you cry out and demand your freedom back.
“Never.” One word reads like novels, your tone clearly extending past tonight. Not an ounce of duress to be heard even as you bristle with anticipation. It’s true. The touch that no one else has ever found welcoming is one you lean in to.
The hands that could turn buildings to ash have never scared you.
Dabi leans in to capture you in a kiss, his teeth grazing your bottom lip in the way he knows will make you gasp. His tongue slides into your now open mouth, desperation pushing in to explore you. Dabi tastes like Seven Stars and mint gum-- you swear the nicotine seeps right into your nerve endings. Fingers tangle into the straps of your dress, pulling them down your shoulders. You jump at the cool air against your exposed chest, nipples hardening immediately. Every new sensation is acute when you aren’t given any forewarning.
His hands come up to either of your cheeks, anchoring himself to the earth. The world seems to stop on its axis when it comes to you. The moment frozen, suspended in time. He would live in your orbit every available moment if you let him.
Dabi snaps out of the spell you have on him at the sharp whine that leaves your lips. His forehead lands against yours, catching each other's unsteady breaths in the small space between you. Dabi looks down to see the way your thighs are rubbing together, laughing lightly at how worked up you’ve become. You can’t see it, but he’s fairing just the same.
“You always submit so sweetly, princess,” Dabi bites your lip with a playful growl, turning away to grab the last of his surprises, “but the fun hasn’t even begun.”
The first notable sound your ears pick up is a light crackle. Your brows crease under the blind, trying to place the small pop and flicker. Dabi brings a small flame towards your body, you can see the smallest outline of blue past the silk barrier covering your eyes.
Flickering fire is an inch from your skin, but you don’t flinch away. When it comes to Dabi, all you ever seem to want is to be closer.
The next thing you notice brings realization crashing against your skin like a bucket of cold water: the smell of a burning wick. All of your senses still available piece together the remaining puzzle. The cold echoing, the feeling of scratchy linen against your ass, the smell of wood and perfumed smoke and candles.
“C-church. You brought me to a--” Your realization is cut off with a sharp prick of heat dripping down your chest. You yelp at the feeling of melted wax trailing around the swell of your breast.
“Clever little girl,” Dabi punctuates each word with another splash of hot wax. It runs down your now sweaty skin and hardens in lines on your exposed chest and stomach, pooling in the bunched up fabric of your dress.
“You look so beautiful like this.” You hang on his words like they’ll save you from the onslaught of a melting candle.
“Please, Touya I--”
But you aren’t begging for mercy. You’re begging for more of his touch, for more of anything he wants to give you, even if it’s searing hot.
“You’re gonna want to see this, kid.” Dabi’s fingers are at the back of your head, loosening the blindfold so it drops around your neck. Even in the dead of night, you wince at the moonlight spilling through large stained glass windows. You look to where Dabi stands before you, a mix of lust and adoration flashes in the blue of his eyes. Your own gaze comes down to the lashes of pink splotching your skin.
“This is definitely your color, princes.” Dabi stares for a moment longer. You look equally angelic and depraved like this, almost naked and glistening in an onslaught of melted pink, positioned like the most holy sacrament. He’ll take you.
Dabi pushes you gently so your back falls against the altar, pulling both legs so they’re propped against the table top and spread for him. Your bound arms fall to lie above your head.
It’s so irrefutably evil-- both the breaking into a place of worship and the sick joy he gets from making you a mess below a god he doesn't believe in. Dabi pulls your panties away, the fabric almost matches the pink he dripped against your overly sensitive skin.
“So wet for me,” he muses, kneeling down to be eye level with your sopping cunt, “you like being on display like this, don’t you.”
Your eyes roll back at the feeling of Dabi’s tongue against your lips, your cunt all but quivers at his attention. Dabi wouldn’t be caught dead in the stiff wooden pews on any given Sunday, but he still kneels before the closest thing to religion he has ever known.
Both of his hands come up to either of your thighs to keep you from squeezing them together. There’s no escape from the devil between your legs, there’s nowhere to run from the whip of his wicked tongue.
His pace gives you no time to breath, lapping against your folds like a man dehydrated. Every long swipe against your skin ends in his lips closing around your painfully hard clit to suck harshly. You’re hurtling towards orgasm, twitching in Dabi’s hold.
“Oh fuck, oh my God.” Your chanting of prayer makes Dabi chuckle against the puffy skin, pulling back only slightly to slap your clit with a wet pop.
“Not quite, princess.”
His prodding is relentless, slurping at your pussy with no care to how you’re definitely dripping against the white cloth under you. The knowledge that your arousal is crisiting the altar below you should be mortifying. Instead it’s driving you higher.
Dabi can tell you’re close, the shaking begs for him and the way you clench around his tongue is warning enough. He’s well familiarized with how your body stiffens before the final--
“T-Touya, I’m gonna cum.”
Your warning is almost screamed, muffled only by a series of whimpers. You contract every muscle in your body tightly, it feels like your spine could snap in half before relaxing limply against the wood below you. Your eyes are squeezed shut but fall open as bliss consumes you, your body feels boneless and limp.
The first things your gaze can focus on is the cross behind you, from your position bent over the altar, it’s upside down. You shiver at the blaring symbolism but are quickly pulled from any impending guilt at the feeling of Dabi’s cock against your cunt. All you can, all you want, to do is let him have anything. Body and soul and whatever could exist of you.
As Dabi presses the head in, you welcome him like home. He has to steady himself with a rough grip on your hips as you suck him in inch by thick inch.
God doesn't exist, Dabi thinks to himself.
But he’ll take you like communion.
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all writing is dymphnasprose’s original content, please do not repost or modify. do no read my content as asmr.©️
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