#what an attempt at oreo stuff
arafilez · 1 month
MOVING ㅤ,ㅤ back to your hometown brings you memories and your childhood friend taesan !
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ᶻzㅤ( x fem!reader ) 𓂃 ㅤ fluff, childhood frnds, summer romanceㅤ warnings kissing, nicknames ㅤ⋆ ( 5.5k wc ) ㅤ
onedoornet summer with you ❟ㅤ library ㅤ bnd shelfㅤ navi
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A cool breeze hits your face through the open window of your car as you let the summer sun hit your skin. You smile in contentment when you enter the familiar area and look at the neighbourhood you have grown up in. Not much has changed in the four years but you feel a fresh wave of nostalgia hit when you see everyone you knew on their regular work schedule.
It really is good to be back home!
Steering the car onto your parent’s porch you skip towards the steps ringing the bell. The house that was re-painted just before you left now doesn’t look that bright, with some dark patches visible if you look closely enough. You hear the door click, and your mom instantly hugs you as soon as the door opens.
Passing a high-five to your dad, you go up to the car to bring your university stuff in. With some very stupid questions from your dad and cute attempts to get you to eat everything your mom had made they leave you alone to go to their own work. The quietness of the house settles around you, a stark contrast to your loud roommates back in Uni as you make your way upstairs to your old room to unpack.
Before you can even start unpacking the doorbell rings making you sigh. You get up grudgingly, still hating the idea to go downstairs even though it has been six years. You turn the knob without much thought knowing it might be some kind of delivery.
“’Sup?” he asks and you still in your tracks hearing the voice. With jet-black long hair with Oreo shades and his signature smirk, there was Taesan wearing a light white t-shirt and shorts standing at your door. You stand in confusion for a while before screaming, “Taesan?”
“Wow you are still blind because I don’t see anyone else here,” he deadpans pretending to look back before he yells lightly as you slap his arm. For a moment it’s all quiet, the sound of quiet breaths filling the void and it almost feels unnatural before he speaks up.
“Still have tortoise feet?” You choke on air at his question glaring at the tiny smirk adorning his face and grit out, “I never had tortoise feet, asshole.”
“Do I need to search up pictures to prove you again?” he grins making you push his chest which he easily dodges. “What? You want me to be nostalgic when we literally messaged last week?”
“You can at least be a little cordial,” you scoff as he enters your house murmuring, “Cordial, my ass, but sure, how have you been my dear tortoise-feet friend?”
“Genuinely, fuck you,” you grit out, pursing your lips and smiling as he turns coyly and says, “No can do too busy honey.” Your eyes widen as you plop down on the couch and look at him asking, “Did you and Reah finally do it? I thought it would at least take ten years with the pace you two were moving with.”
“I broke up with her eleven months ago,” he shrugs nonchalantly as you choke on air for the second time today and scream, “How could you not tell me?”
“You didn’t ask,” he makes a face making you gasp at his answer before you shrug. Taesan has always been like this so deep down you are aware he didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. He once fell from the swing set because you pushed too hard and even though six-year-olds are major tattle tales he didn’t utter a single thing about how he scraped his knees to his mom or you.
You came to know months later that his knee had been bloody making you feel extra bad because he kept quiet. This incident is almost as same as this but you avoid the “why” and go on, “So who is the new one?”
“We broke up because I realised I just liked her for being the exact similar to me but slowly I realised we have a lot of differences we can’t mend and that led to us breaking up,” he replies, sitting down beside you and shrugs at your wide eyes saying, “You were thinking it, weren’t you?”
You avoid his eyes as he chuckles still training his eyes on your face before he says, “Well you are still bitchless.” “How would you know that?” you scoff knowing full well he is right, that in fact, you don’t have anyone right now.
“You would scream-text me if you get a boyfriend like you have done before,” he smirks knowing he has the upper hand in knowing all your tiny habits all so well. You show him the middle finger before crossing your legs and leaning back saying, “Then how are you too busy, Mr. Han?”
“You’re wrong there, I said I am too busy to fuck you, not anyone else,” he leans over to you, face close to yours, the little smirk that you feel is permanently attached to his face on display making you stare back.
Your eyes lock with his and you can slowly feel the air drain out of your lungs and the familiar ache return. You purse your lips looking away and try to slap yourself to reality. It has been four years and the summer you return is not the time to rekindle your feelings.
Four years ago when you had incessantly teased Taesan for being bitchless he revealed he actually had a girlfriend which had left you choking on air. You had not expected him to have anyone and secretly hoped your wishes come true. But he got a girlfriend and you knew you had to suppress those feelings one way or another and never tell them to Taesan.
You did not want to burden him further and on the other hand, you would get incessantly teased for a lifetime by his over-inflated ego. And you definitely did not want the second one.
“Girl,” Taesan’s voice reaches your ears making you jump up and you realise you had zoned out. “Sorry,” you murmur softly before turning towards him and getting another light jumpscare from how close Taesan is sitting.
He, too, gets hyper-aware of the proximity before he moves away quietly. A thick silence falls in the air as you two keep quiet adding another layer of tension to it. Taesan clears his throat suddenly as you sit up straight knowing he will say something.
“Do you want to go to the drive-thru movie tonight?” your eyes widen as soon as the question leaves his mouth and you excitedly sit up yelling, “Yes.” You two were never allowed to go to these movies without parental supervision or a group of friends before in high school and now the idea seems too thrilling to miss out on,
And your parents don’t have restrictions on you now.
“And get all that greasy popcorn and burgers to go?” Taesan asks again, his eyes glinting with mischief and you deadpan, “Is that even a question Han Taesan?” He laughs as you start bouncing on your seat with excitement.
“Meet you tonight?” he asks as you nod watching him leave through the door. You knew exactly where to meet him!
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“You do know our parents won’t tell us anything if we properly went out, right?” You giggle as you jump down on the soft mound of dirt in your backyard as Taesan shrugs saying, “For old time’s sake.”
“If you are really stuck up on that then let’s call your mom and tell her to catch us and get us grounded for two weeks,” you smile as he laughs at you. Back when you two were eighteen you had once snuck out to go to a drive-thru movie alone. Taesan had just got this license and he needed to put that to good use. But everything came to an end when Taesan’s mom stood at her gate ready to greet you two and she even called your mom. You two never knew how she was aware of it but you were aware of being dragged back home as you glared at Taesan the whole way back and then got grounded.
You smile at the memory as you follow him out watching him walk out the backyard towards his car. You look at him properly for the first time properly in six years, slowly realising that he has lost most of his teenage features. He already had puberty hit him like a Mac truck but now when you slowly see his adult features you realise how much you all have grown.
But that was the problem with Taesan and your feelings for him. You had them when he fell of a swing set, had a runny nose, when he was a scrawny teen, when he changed in his puberty, and you realise now they were slowly coming back.
But unlike in the morning, you didn’t want to deny and suppress them anymore, instead, you wished he saw you in the same light you saw him. You are aware that might be a big delusion you are walking on but the night was young and you are willing to give everything a try.
“You are being exceptionally quiet, you know? Did university turn you into some thinker or shit?” Taesan breaks the silence looking at you making you roll your eyes at him. You sit down on the passenger seat and take in a deep breath inhaling the way his car smells so him.
Slipping into the driver’s seat, he notices you distracted because you haven’t talked back to him about his comment and right now you are blankly staring at the streetlight in front of you. He sighs, knowing better than to poke you about it, he would definitely do it if you two were kids, but you grew up.
And he knows that he can’t be the same as he was before.
He waits for a while watching you intensely stare at the streetlight before leaning over and pulling the seatbelt over your body. The sudden figure blocking your sight finally breaks your trance as you are surprised to see Taesan’s body so close to yours. You gasp lightly as you feel him tighten the belt and look away to do anything to remove the idea of him over you from your mind.
You feel your breath hitch as his body continues to hover over yours making you wonder what is taking him so damn long to get a seatbelt. You look up slowly, eyes tracing along his face and loving every small feature that is accentuated in the low light.
“What are you doing?” you whisper when you feel your breath back in your throat and regret it immediately as he turns his head directly over your face and snickers, “What do you think?”
The moment is broken instantly as he sits back down with a thud and replies, “Little miss passenger princess cannot tie her own seatbelt.” “Shut the fuck up, I can,” you retort hating and loving how he is back to his usual routine of making fun of you by calling you a ‘princess’.
“Sure! That is exactly why you complained about your roommates first day after moving out,” he smirks as you gasp saying, “They were insufferable and you are aware of it.” He grins at your sentence knowing well he does know it because he trusts you with his heart. Some people might call him blind but he knows his childhood friend better than she knows herself and he would actively ignore those people.
He starts driving out of the alley with one hand on the steering wheel which you find oddly attractive making you slap yourself internally. You need to wake up before you regret doing something you only have ever dreamt of. Your eyes stick to his side profile again as you trace your eyes down his arms to the wheel and then back to his face smiling a little at the familiarity of the situation.
You feel like you are seventeen again when you couldn’t drive and he would drive you around, which slowly started with mere neighbourhoods before it escalated to secret escapades. The last part has always been a secret between you two unless well he has told any of his exes.
“Man I missed you driving me around and running errands for me,” you sigh, realising how much you actually missed this making him snicker as he replies, “Aww, the princess had no one to drive her around in uni?”
You roll your eyes at his teasing as you retort, “Hey it is your fault to make me like this, always driving me around.” He locks eyes with you in the rear-view mirror replying, “And have you ever once heard me complaining?”
The soft smile that follows that question has you breathless for the nth time that night before you watch him slowly look away. Your eyes rest on the road in the front watching the dark and familiar neighbourhood before your eyes train to the sign of the drive-thru that you are seeing after a decade.
“Wow the sign is still tacky,” you comment and Taesan speaks, without missing a bit, “Just like someone I know.” You glare at him as he shrugs saying, “I did not mention any names though,” a small smirk making its way into his face.
You smile sarcastically at his comment waiting for him to park the car at an empty spot. “What are they playing tonight?” you ask in a sing-song voice making Taesan hitch a breath wondering why didn’t you say anything to his last comment.
“Ooh, Mean Girls, love that,” you pucker your lips looking at him as he chuckles nervously as he parks his car in an empty spot between two cars and stops the engine.
“You know what else I love?” you ask and he side-eyes you wondering what lunatic he has as a friend and you giggle maniacally as you suddenly move over to his side and strangle him as he catches your hand trying to stop you.
He is strong, you will give him that, as he tries to restrain you, choked voice leaving his tongue before he finally grabs your hands and forces them apart and looks up at you. You glare back at him, faces inches apart as he breathes heavily.
You stay quiet, mind in a haze at the lack of distance and not processing anything. Taesan’s hands still wrapped around your wrist you stare at him shamelessly. Taesan is not much better as he licks his lips and holds your wrists properly so you don’t fall.
The intro of the movie plays suddenly making you and Taesan both jump as you quickly shift to your seat laughing awkwardly as Taesan’s eyes fix in the screen in front of you.
“You’re still ugly,” you hear him snicker after a while as you chuckle saying, “I will really choke you to death this time.” He rolls his eyes as you deadpan before he holds out a greasy burger in front of you. That shuts you up in an instant as you snatch it away from his hand moaning in delight.
“Wow, I did not want to hear that,” he murmurs and you snicker making the sound three more times just to annoy the shit out of him while looking at him with sparkling eyes. He lightly slaps your cheek as your attention finally snaps to the screen.
You lean back as he does too before you two start judging the cheap choices that the characters make and laughing uncontrollably. Just like old times!
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You don’t remember when you got home last night but your mom’s scream gets through your ears as you hurriedly sit up to see her standing at the door and say, “If you don’t come down in five minutes, forget breakfast exists.”
You whine in a groggy voice as you reluctantly get out of bed to freshen up. As soon as you reach downstairs your smile drops seeing Taesan being all smiley and helping out your mom as she animatedly talks to him.
God forbid she treats him better than she will ever treat you. You roll your eyes as Taesan passes you a smile which is ninety percent evil and sit down at the table. You hear your mom groan as she sits down and says, “My back hurts so bad.” Your breath hitches as soon as you hear that knowing very well that is her way of getting you to run her errands.
And with Taesan here, she is gonna exaggerate it to make sure you are the one who gets it done. Your eyes thin at her as she locks eyes with you before smiling and continuing, “How will I do my gardening today?”
You purse your lips cursing her internally. Your mom knows you hate gardening like hell and she was down to make you love it and you can’t believe she pulled that one trick on her old book.
“We will do it for you,” Taesan replies without missing a beat and your head is instantly in your hands. You hear your mom gasping and thanking Taesan as you chuckle sarcastically making a mental note to get her back for it.
That is how you land with rubber gloves and a shovel in your hand at your family garden while Taesan holds the dirt in one of his hands and some small flower plants ready to be sowed.
“Fuck you and your best child mindset,” you curse at him before walking ahead as he smiles at your attitude. He loved your chaotic personality more than he cared to admit and he is glad that it didn’t change in the last four years. A lovesick smile plasters over his face as he sees you angrily plant the shovel into the soil and stomp in your plastic boots.
“You still hate gardening?” he chuckles and you deadpan saying, “I didn’t go to Uni to do a gardening major now did I? So of course I still hate it, you idiot.” He snickers at you throwing the dirt bag close to your feet making you glare at him.
The planting part is quiet before Taesan breaks it with his dumb question, “So princess how is it? Getting your hands dirty and doing the peasant work?” You snicker shaking your head lazily; Taesan did a wrong thing asking that because the next thing he gets is you throwing a ball of dirt towards his face.
It happens so fast he cannot dodge it as he gasps wiping the dirt off his clothes and wiping his hands on yours. “Yah, Han Taesan,” you screech as he giggles menacingly and gets up running to the other side of the garden. It takes a while for you to get up but once you do you run, laughing as you see him try to hide behind the bushes.
“You think you can escape,” you smile like a lunatic and then laugh as you pick up the hose pipe and kick the tap open. Taesan fills a huge hit of water before he can run as you run with the pipe behind him.
The summer heat gets in your system, making you sweat profusely but you wish you cared as much as you do to annoy Taesan. So you are frankly surprised when you feel the cool water splash to you from all directions making you scream.
“Having fun?” you hear Taesan’s voice and laugh before you can decipher how the heck he turned on the sprinklers. “Not yet,” you yell back running behind him as you spray him one last time before tackling him to the ground.
He makes a groan as his back hits the ground followed by you on top of him as you laugh. Your full body is soaked as you grin looking at the Oreo hair sticking to his head. His giggles reach your ears as his hands wrap around your waist and you two shake while laughing.
When you finally stop you realise the proximity you are in and your smile drops. You are literally on top of him, while his hands are wrapped around your waist as your elbows rest on the ground. Taesan is still smiling as he looks at the messy garden.
He looks back at you and suddenly is hyper-aware of the proximity too. You stare down at his brown orbs, your rational mind telling you to move away but your body not allowing you to. Meanwhile, Taesan has somehow short-circuited not knowing how to process the current situation.
You are so tempted to look at his lips, but you force yourself not to before reality strikes and you hurriedly get off him.
You laugh awkwardly as you say, “We should be glad we didn’t ruin the good part of the garden.” He laughs too, awkwardness filling the air, as he looks back at the wet bushes and ground, willing to look anywhere but your eyes.
You get up, and he finally looks up as you stand awkwardly, and his eyes widen saying, “You should go change.” “What? Who will help you then?” you ask, offended. Did he think because you were a girl you couldn’t help him do the heavy work?
His eyes shift awkwardly to your other neighbour who was at his door before he towers over your figure gritting his teeth and says, “Just listen to me for once and go change.”
“You’re annoying as fuck,” you murmur but go anyway. If he wants to do more work, then fine, he should suit himself. You like lying down anyway. You curse him again as you enter your room when your eyes finally land on your figure and you realise why Taesan forced you.
Your pink bra is fully visible through the white shirt you are wearing and you realise why he kept pressuring you. Your face heats up at the thought of him looking at you while you look like that before you hurriedly peel off the clothes off your body.
The faster the moment of embarrassment is gone, the better. Isn’t it?
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It definitely isn’t as you hear Taesan making fun of you for the fifth time that night as you sit in your favourite Tteok-bokki place. “Okay enough,” you grit through your teeth as your face turns a permanent shade of pink for the night.
Taesan laughs again and this time you take a handful of your food before stuffing his face with your food and watch him choke lightly. “Lunatic,” he mouths before he gulps them down and you grin menacingly. You inhale the food scent loving again to be back home.
It has been three weeks and you already don’t want the summer to end. You wish you could stay here and not go away but you know you have to when you see the email notification hanging on your phone.
But first, you decide as you remove the notification, you need to enjoy the summer.
“We haven’t really done any summer activities, you know?” you speak as you put another serving of tteok-bokki in your month and Taesan hums before saying, “Yeah, but it is our summer, do we really need to religiously do any summer activities?”
You nod quietly, hating he makes sense as he chuckles, “You hate that I made sense right now, don’t you?” Your smile drops as you sigh. Why does this boy know you so well? He could know you a bit less well and it would be way easier for you.
“Fine, since you want to do some summer activity we can go the park from here and see the stars,” he murmurs, regret hitting him instantly as the sentence leaves his mouth. He had promised to never ever do this kind of romantic stuff with you. It doesn’t help his heart at all but his mouth definitely doesn’t know when to shut up.
He looks up, hoping you are so engrossed in your food you didn’t hear it but it all goes in vain as you stare at him with round eyes. Those eyes, those stupid damn beautiful eyes that were always his biggest weakness.
That is a damn lie! Every part of you is his weakness and he knows it. He tried, he genuinely tried to move on as he didn’t want to ruin the friendship at all. Every time you two made fun of the rumours of you two dating, he secretly hoped there was a part of you that didn’t take it as a joke.
Little did he know, your heart was hurting too, watching him smile at something you wish was true.
So he tried, he got a girlfriend, and he loved her but they broke up and it followed the same pattern for all his exes. He just fell out of love! And it sucked, because the only one he knows he would never fall out of love with, is you. And you are out of his reach!
“Sure,” your small voice breaks him out of his trance as he watches you quietly get back to your food.
Sure enough, you two walk to the park silently, feeling the night breeze hit your bodies. The park is silent as you two lie down and not a single word passes as you two look up.
The stars sparkle brightly as you look up from the dark park grounds. The swing set lightly sways in the wind as you hear the metal creak on its joints.
“I have never done this before,” you whisper as he laughs nervously saying, “Why not? You are a hopeless romantic, I thought you would have at least done it once with your every ex.”
You turn towards him, resting your head on your elbow as a pillow and say, “Yeah but he has to be really special, and none of them really were.” He turns his head sideways, not knowing why his heart calms down and gets excited at the same time. He is glad knowing he is the first one you are doing this with.
On the other hand, you just said a sentence that might make him rip all his hair and take a dunk in the pool to get his mind cleared. “So you think I am special?” he jokingly asks, half wishing you don’t answer.
You gulp as his eyes lock with yours and you hum lightly as you turn back towards the sky. You cannot possibly hold eye contact with him or he will know all those feelings you had kept hidden for years.
You gulp again looking up and changing the topic as you say, “It is really pretty.” Taesan hums in approval, eyes not leaving your face as he replies, “It is.”
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Things have been a little awkward since that night, but you wish you overcome it soon. You definitely do not want to fuck up your friendship in the last few weeks left.
You jump when you hear a tap on your window and then two more before you get up from your bed and look down. You are hit with a paper ball in your face as you close your eyes and take a deep breath before yelling, “Yah Han Taesan.”
He giggles as you shut the window and get down the stairs to teach his unserious ass a lesson. “We are not kids anymore you know,” you reason as you shut the door loudly as he shrugs throwing another paper ball towards you which you skilfully dodge.
You run towards him as he giggles running out to the street and you scream at him to come back. You catch up with him pretty easily as he runs lazily and wrap your arms around his waist tightly to prevent him from getting away.
He turns around laughing and holding the paper balls high enough to be out of your reach as you whine saying, “Not fair.” “Why not?” he whines back mocking your tone as you jump up to get the paper balls but all is in vain as he keeps them skilfully out of your reach.
Suddenly drops of rain hit your skin as you look up to see the clouds forming. “Fuck,” Taesan murmurs under his breath wanting to go to a shade as soon as possible but you clutch at his sleeves stopping him.
“What?” he asks, as the rain increases as you reply, “Let’s get drenched.” He laughs at your face before realising you are serious and says, “You know we might get killed, if our moms find us getting purposely drenched, don’t you?”
“Fuck I wish I cared,” you reply back closing your eyes to get the summer rain in your system. Taesan smiles, mesmerised by you as he watches you twirl around and jump lightly.
He chuckles when he hears you giggle along, lovesick eyes training on your figure as you dance like a crazy person on the street.
You let the rain hit your skin but maybe you were too mesmerised to realise the puddle was nearby as you slipped. You grasp on thin air, a short yelp leaving your throat but before you can hit the ground you feel Taesan’s arms around your waist as he pulls you to his chest and hugs you.
“Be careful,” he murmurs as you stand awkwardly with him half-hugging you and your chest heaves up and down at his voice. It is weird, you have never heard this tone from him, this protective tone or maybe you have never realised he had used it before.
You look up and before you can stop yourself your hands are working their way up to part his wet hair lightly from his forehead as he stares down at you smiling.
Taesan knows it is now or never. He should not keep quiet, he needs to tell you right now! Maybe it is the high of the summer rain, or you looking up at him with your wet lashes or the fact that you are held so closely to him he finds himself spilling what he wanted to do for decades.
“I like you,” he whispers and your hand stills as you look back at him, wishing you weren’t hearing things. The silence that takes over is deafening as you gulp and ask, “What?”
Taesan takes a deep breath before he says, “I like you, I have liked you for so long, but I never had the courage to tell you and I saw you getting so happy when I announced my first girlfriend, like you never wanted us to be a thing because you cringed at our rumours. But god, have I loved you all through my life, even through your awkward emo phase and god, I tried, I tried so hard to move on, but I couldn’t but I wished I could because you never liked me did you, and even now-“
He shuts up when he feels your lips on his and it is gone as soon as it comes as you stare at him even in shock that you did that. His eyes lock with yours before he grabs you by your waist and pulls you towards him and places his lips on yours without wasting a single moment.
The kiss is not awkward instead, it feels familiar, like you have done it a thousand times before and it feels close to home. So close, that it felt like home! Your fingers intertwine with his as you giggle when you feel him smile in the kiss. The summer shower gets into your lips, messing it up in the most perfect way possible.
When you part you punch him lightly saying, “Stupid, I thought you were the one who didn’t like me back,” as he shrugs and says, “Guess we are the original dumb and dumber duo.” You laugh loudly at him before you hear your mother’s voice screaming.
You two look back to see both your mothers standing at a distance, probably yelling at you two as to why you were getting purposely drenched. But you can’t hear anything over the buzzing excitement in your ears and a loud thumping heart.
“Should we do it?” Taesan whispers in your ear, mischief sparkling in his eyes as he holds you close with a hand wrapping around your wrist while the other casually rests on your waist.
“Run? Yes definitely!” you answer your own question giggling as you look up at his brown orbs that hold so many memories. All the love, lies and hate, all the times you had looked at them and wished he was yours. From childhood to now!
And that is finally true!
“Once more with summer, right?” he asks as your eyes focus on his figure, slowly making the haze of your mother’s figure get closer and closer to you two.
“Once more with summer,” you confirm, smiling and biting your lips as his grip tightens around your wrist and you two run, laughing loudly. 
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ARA'S NOTES ㅤ,ㅤ if you can't already tell, i have been religiously watching "love next door" because omg am i a sucker for childhood friends to lovers. anywaysss i hope you enjoyed this story that took two months to finish (i wrote 4k today itself shh). summer romance why can't you happen for me !
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@slytherinshua @gong-fourz @emmylksblog
@aaa-sia @haneagerr @yeosayang @weird-bookworm
nets : @onedoornet @k-labels @k-films
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ㅤㅤ(ㅤㅤ© arafilez on tumblrㅤㅤ)
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chubbychiquita · 3 months
What was the moment you decided (cake>situps) and made that your style?
BTW, you look awesome - have a great day.
tw: disordered eating stuff
i spent my entire adolescence as a chubby girl hating my body & fighting my weight 😔 my freshman year of college i was eating 800 calories (of oreos) a day in attempt to lose weight, but when i got down to a "normal" bmi for the first time ever, i was just like, angry, starving, miserable, and not even happy with how i looked??
i didn't want to get to the end of my life and regret how i'd spent it, treated myself, and pursued things that made me happy, especially if it was to appeal to others and not myself. we all forge our own purpose in life, and mine is to spend the brief time i have as a speck on this planet being meaningfully joyful :)
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Reclaim (Male!Reader x Dean Winchester)
Could I request Dean's bf taking him out to just spend a day or two doing whatever childhood things he never got to do, no matter how much he huffs about it not being a big deal.  Just fluff and carthartic stuff, that kind of thing
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A grumpy bearded man glares at you from a swingset that is far too small for him, his bowed legs bent pretty far.
"Are you happy now?"
You chuckle. "You didn't even swing."
"It's too small."
"Then go use the big boy set. Not my fault you wanted to go for the kiddie swings."
He huffs and stands indignantly.
you laugh harder. "This was kinda supposed to be fun, Dean."
"But, like... this is all kid's stuff."
"You're never too old for some of this stuff!" you cry, and pull him along to the swings. "Don't you have any fun stuff you used to do as a kid?"
"Uh... target practice with Dad?"
"Wow. Yeesh."
"So, like... you never really got to have a childhood."
"Dude. You can't just say crap like that to someone's face. Besides, it's not a big deal. I can-"
"I know what we're doing today!"
"Oh boy."
You challenge Dean to see who can get higher on the swings before you chicken out - mainly to stop your competitive boyfriend from trying to go all the way over.
And then when you hear the tinny calliope noises of an ice cream truck you go running, calling out for Dean to come with you, and you both chase down the truck.
It's silly and stupid, but then the ice cream salesman tells you about the fair in town, and you give Dean an excited stare.
Dean usually doesn't get to stay in any town long enough for any local events, so a county fair is still relatively new to him.
The overwhelming amount of sight and sound is enough to burst his bubble of attempted adult disapproval, and you catch a glimpse of the goofy kid he probably would have been.
He grins, and eventually takes the lead in pulling you to the different attractions.
You gorge yourself on fried county fair food - Dean is in fried heaven, defying all the angels to come up with a food better than the fried oreo, but even his insatiable appetite can't conquer a huge funnel cake with a dollop of ice cream that won't even melt all the way on the hot day because it's so big - not without your assistance.
You make him do the petting zoo, and he tries to impress you at the dunk tank, pitching a fastball that sends some cute local guy splashing.
He wins you prizes, accepts those you win for him, and admits that it's probably just about as fun as that time his dad took him into a bar for the first time and showed him how to hustle pool.
For now, you'll take it.
He even lets you drive home, since he's tuckered himself out so much. You let him lean against you, and you grin to yourself when you hear him quietly ask-
"Can we go again tomorrow?"
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 6)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Under Age Drinking, Under Age Marijuana Use, Violence and Displays of Toxic Relationship Acts. If I missed one, please let me know.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.1K
Summary: Rafe throws a party in an attempt to see Y/N. Y/N finds out a heart breaking truth. 
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Rafe knows Y/N is ignoring him. No matter what he tries, she never so much as utters a word in his direction. So he is giving her some space. He could say that he isn’t throwing a party for the sole purpose of hopefully seeing Y/N for a split second if she chooses to come, but he’d be lying. Normally, he goes from room to room to check on people. Today, he is in the kitchen, guarding the stuff he bought specifically for Y/N in case she shows up. He sees someone reaching for the hard kombucha in the fridge, “Touch that can and I will throw you out of my house faster than you can say kombucha.” The person quickly closed the fridge and exited the kitchen. “You better not be opening that Oreo package,” he threatens to Mason, who Rafe knows has been eyeing the package. 
“Dude, come on. I told you that she isn’t coming. She went to something that Wilson is holding. It sounded fancy. So let me just have one, please,” Mason begs while he inches toward the package again.
“Still you never know. Maybe she’ll get bored and stop by?”
“I love you, dude. And I want to see you guys together, but I think it’s time to call it. I don’t want you to get your hopes up.” 
“I know my chances. I still have hope though. We are meant to be, I just know it.”
Y/N sits at the dinner table with all of Wilson’s friends. He is having a dinner soirée. Honestly, Y/N is bored out of her mind, but Wilson is her boyfriend and this is typically a girlfriend's duty. La Bleue Fleur is catering and the topic of conversation is that uninteresting Civil War documentary that Wilson made her watch.  Y/N is pushing around the leftover garnish on her plate as she is the first person to finish eating. “Y/N, what did you think of Timothy Satonis’ masterpiece?” Allen asks, looking toward the girl. She is caught off guard by the question because she has mostly been left out of the conversation. “Uhh, not gonna lie, I zoned out during the movie. Docs really aren’t my thing,” she replies to the group, which causes them to look at her with horror in their eyes. The group is awkwardly silent for a second before Wilson directs the conversation to something Y/N can be involved in, “Did you guys know Y/N is Cassie Y/L/N’s daughter?” 
This sparks a conversation between the dinner guests. “Have you met her?” Hailey questions excitedly. Wilson smiles with pride, “Yes, I have. We met when I took Y/N to Midsummer. Later on,  I gave her a manuscript of my book when I visited Y/N’s house the other day. Hopefully, she can pass it on to her publisher and it gets published.” Y/N finds it strange that Wilson would say it like he was the one to ask her to Midsummer when in reality she is the one to ask him out. “That is an amazing idea. Y/N, what is your favourite book of hers?” Josh inquiries. “Um, probably Murder in The Deep. The series is inspired by my love of murder mysteries and the main character, Arabella, is modelled after me. So it feels pretty personal and sentimental to me. She even mentions me in the dedication and named a murder victim after me.” “I see. Wilson did not tell us you were one of those types of readers,” Josh remarks with judgement in his tone. She turns towards Wilson to see if he will stand up for her. He doesn’t, so Y/N once again zones out as everyone else continues talking about her mom like she is not there. She feels a little uncomfortable, but she doesn’t say anything to avoid making anyone else feel the same way. 
After dinner and dessert are finished, the evening continues in the family room with a game of trivia. Y/N is usually good at trivia as she is on track to being valedictorian and she loves to know random, obscure facts. However, this game of trivia is all related to the same topics, which bore her to death. “If you’re a fan of Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, and Miles Davis, which museum in Kansas City will be music to your ears?” Allen reads from the card. Hailey rings her bell quickly, “Amerian Jazz Museum!” The group claps at her answer. Y/N didn’t even know there was a museum only for Jazz music, let alone that it was in Kansas City. Hailey takes the next card, “Bela Bartok and Romantic composer Franz Liszt are typically considered the greatest composers to emerge from what European nation?” Y/N wants to be included in the game, so she tries to take a guess at the answer and rings her bell, “Is it Germany?” Wilson shakes his head in disappointment and she can see the embarrassment in his eyes. “Of course, it is not Germany, Y/N. Everyone knows they are from Hungary. If you do not know the answer, then do not bother answering the question,” he chastises and Y/N feels as though she is a child. 
“Excuse me, I’m going to go to the bathroom,” Y/N excuses as she gets up to find the bathroom, hoping to escape the situation. Y/N knew she should stand up for herself, but she didn’t wanna make a scene because that would also be embarrassing. She is walking back to the family room when she hears her name being spoken. She stops just outside of the family room archway, hiding behind the wall. “I do not understand why you are dating her. She has no substance at all. She is vapid and I do not know how you can spend so much time with her,” she hears Hailey complain. This absolutely guts Y/N because this is another one of her insecurities. When compared to the intelligent life of the part, Elizabeth Huntington, she felt uninteresting with her more reserved personality. However, nothing prepares her for the feeling of what Wilson says next. “It is about looking at the advantages. Y/N may be vapid, but I got to meet Cassie and hopefully, I can be mentored by her. It is the only reason why I asked her out. I heard a rumour that the Y/L/N’s like to spend time on the beach where we met. I figured I was bound to meet one of them eventually.”
Y/N could continue to just stand there and be sorry for herself, but her blood is now boiling and she decides to stand up for herself, no matter how much she wants to cry right now. She steps out from behind the wall, “I may be vapid, but at least, I’m not a lonely boy, who is so obsessed with an author that I stalked her and her family. It is so sad that you used another human being just to get your boring ass manuscript read. My mom showed me the manuscript and we both agree that you sound like a giant stick in the mud even when you write. You don’t have to worry about putting up with me any longer because we are over!” This isn’t her finest moment, but she storms out in a hurry. She can only make it so far before she realizes that she could not walk home all the way. Her vision is blurry, meaning she could not see three feet in front of her. 
She decides it is safer to call someone to come pick her up. She takes out her phone and dials her brother’s number, “Dude, why are you calling? Are you a boomer? Anyways leave a message at the beep.” Voicemail. She calls her parents and gets voicemail again. Right, they are staying on the mainland for the night because her mom has a back-to-back book signing there. She goes to call Lacey, but notices she has a voicemail from her friend. “Y/NNNNN, I love youuuuu. Before you ask, I amz totes not drink. Drink. Drunk, lol. Okay, maybe I am. But, I wants you to know I loves you. Alsoooo, I total- total- totally made out with Derren. He is so h-” The voicemail cuts off before Lacey could finish her drunken rant. This causes Y/N to stop crying for a second and giggle at Lacey’s drunken antics. But the realization that she only has one other person to call whom she felt comfortable with makes her feel anxious because she is not even sure he is going to answer her call after the way she has been ignoring him. 
Rafe sits on his couch with Elizabeth on his lap and her tongue down his throat. He was able to convince her that saying Y/N’s name during Midsummer was a mistake, which leads to them having been making out for the last ten minutes. Even with the raging music of the party, Rafe could hear the beginning notes of “The Book of You and I” by Alec Benjamin. It is the ringtone he assigned for Y/N. He must admit it is a strange song to have chosen because it talks about a breakup and he and Y/N haven’t even started their story. The song reminds him of her and he knows Y/N loves the song just because of the mention of a book. She loves the idea of a love story being a book of the two people in the relationship. He immediately pulls away from Elizabeth, leaving the girl frustrated again to go answer the phone somewhere quieter. The song couldn’t even make it to the second note because Rafe answers it. 
“Y/L/N, are you hurt?” he immediately interrogates with worry seeping into his voice. With Y/N ignoring him for the past couple of weeks, he knows it must be serious if she is calling him right now at night. “Ca- Can y- yo- you pi-pick m-e u-u-up, please?” he hears her struggle to say through her tears. Rafe’s eyebrows knit together in concern, “Absolutely, send me your pin and I’ll be there immediately.” Y/N whispers a meek okay and goodbye before hanging up the phone, not giving him a chance to ask further questions.
Once again another party ended early for Y/N’s safety, but seeing as Rafe threw the party just to get her attention, he had no problem with ushering everyone out of his house as fast as he can. He doesn’t even wait for everyone to be gone before hopping into his jeep and driving off to the location Y/N sent him. He held very little regard for his own safety as he drove past stop signs and red lights. All that matters is making sure she is safe. He finally gets to his destination, the end of Wilson’s driveway. Y/N sits on the decorative rock in a full-on sobbing fit. Rafe jumps out after double-checking he put the car in park. He wraps his arms around her shoulders and pulls her into his neck without saying a word. After a few minutes, she calms down enough to tell him what happened. “He was only dating me to get to my mom. He said I was vapid and I know it’s true, but it just hurts to hear someone else confirm it.” Rafe blood boils at how Wilson made Y/N feel, “You are not vapid. You’re a rose. When you meet a new person, you are the bud. You are more reserved around them. But when you start to bloom, your passion, love, and joy start to show. Just like how when a rose starts to open up you start to see the beautiful red colour that hides within. Wilson was just too selfish and boring for you to do anything interesting with him.” She smiles up at him and nods her head in understanding. “Wait, here for a second. I’m going to go do something real quick before we leave,” he explains before getting up and walking toward the front door.
Rafe knocks on the auspicious door and waits for Wilson to open it. “What are y-” Wilson tries to say, but he is interrupted by Rafe’s fist punching him in the face. “Come near Y/N again and I’ll do a whole lot worse,” he warns, running off toward Y/N. She stands there shocked at what just happened. She giggles at the image of Rafe coming towards her. He grabs her hand as he passes by and drags her toward his car. Once he helps her up, he goes around and drives off, watching in the back mirror as Wilson and his friends finally catch up to the street. Rafe pulls out his phone to play “Getaway Car” by Taylor Swift, which causes Y/N to fall into hysterics.  
Rafe drives Y/N to Tannyhill because he knows her parents aren’t home and that Mason is probably still in a guest room with Amanda, even after the party is ended. “Where is everyone?” Y/N ponders out loud as she sees the empty house. Mason told her about the party Rafe was throwing. “Sent them home when you called,” he informs her without skipping a beat. He says it in a matter-of-fact way that she knows he doesn’t want her to feel guilty. The car stops and they see Mason come out to join them outside. “Dude, where did you go?” Mason pauses when he sees the tear-streaked face belonging to his twin. “Y/N/N, what’s wrong?” “Wilson was only dating me because of mom,” Y/N mumbles, attaching herself to Rafe. His being there during her time of vulnerability has caused her to feel comfort in his grasp. Mason’s face contorts into anger, “HE DID WHAT! I’M GOING TO KILL HIM!” Y/N quickly goes to her brother’s side and puts her arm out so he can’t get past her. “Don’t worry. Rafe already punched him for me,” she assures her brother, who pulls her into a hug. “Mace, you didn’t pick up your phone.” He grimaces and places a kiss on her forehead, “I know, I’m sorry.” “It’s okay, Rafe was there,” she whispers in the nook. “Should we go home?” Mason asks. “No, can we go to the balcony?” She replies, looking between Mason and Rafe. Both boys nod and follow her to her desired destination. 
Rafe and Y/N make a quick stop to get her more comfortable clothes, so Mason goes to get some snacks. Rafe goes past his room, heading towards Sarah’s room. He looks back to check in with Y/N and notices she isn’t following him. She is paused at his door, waiting for him to follow her. “What’s wrong? Sarah’s room is this way,” he points in the direction of the room. Y/N looks at her feet while shifting her weight between the two, “Actually, can I borrow some of your clothes, please? They are comfy.” Rafe smiles at her suggestion, “Of course, you can, Y/L/N.” he takes her inside. He gives her a plain gray T-shirt and black sweatpants. It may be a mundane outfit, but Rafe loved how she looked in his clothes. She is practically swimming in his shirt because he is so much taller than her and she had to tie her sweatpants very tight so they wouldn’t slip down so much. They both giggle at her constant need to pull up the pants as they head to the balcony. 
Mason sits opposite from Y/N and Rafe with a joint in hand while Y/N cuddles herself into Rafe’s arms. They’ve been talking about anything and everything just to cheer Y/N up. “Why the dude never used contractions was so fucking weird. He sounded like such an old person,” Mason jokes while taking a drag of his blunt. Rafe laughs, “Those stupid button-up shirts he’d wear all the damn time. With his name monogrammed onto them. He looked like such a douchebag in them.” This continuous mockery of Wilson has cheered Y/N up. “I caught him ironing the collar of it. Only an asshole is that uptight,” she joins in while taking a swing of her hard kombucha. The boys nod in agreement. Mason snubs out the joint and gets up from his seat, “I’m gonna head to bed. Y/N, you cool if we sleep here?” She nods; originally, she was supposed to sleep over at Wilson’s house. With that, Mason leaves the two alone. 
They sit in comfortable silence, drinking their drinks and looking up at the stars. She has now shifted so her head is on his chest and his arm is around her neck. Y/N opens up the pack of Oreos placed on the coffee table in front of them. She untwists the top of the one she picks up and gives the bottom with the cream on it to Rafe. Understanding what she wants him to do, he grabs the bottom and eats the cream for her before handing it back to her. Y/N and Wilson never had this unspoken language while they were dating. “Why doesn’t anyone love me for me?” She wonders as she gives him another Oreo. “Someone does. He’s just waiting for you to be ready,” Rafe whispers without realizing that she heard him. She looks up at him from her position and he looks down at her. She closes her eyes and starts to lean in to kiss him. No matter how much he wishes he could lean down to meet her lips, he knows this isn’t the right moment, so he pulls away. “As much as I want to kiss you right now, I would rather our first kiss be when you are feeling less vulnerable and are 100% sober,” he tells her. Disappointment is written all over her face, but she knows that he made the right decision. She would prefer their first kiss to feel more right and not just because he is there being sweet to her after a breakup. She nuzzles back into his chest and they go back to just enjoy each other’s company. Her light snores tell him she has fallen asleep and instead of waking her up from her slumber, he picks her up and takes her to the other guest bedroom. He tucks her into the bed and admires the serene look on her face as she sleeps. He lightly kisses her forehead and goes back to his room to welcome the sleep. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog  @gillybear17  @terraeluce​  @f4ll-for-you​ 
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sagethegaywitch · 15 days
Mammon's Birthday Bash
GN reader
TW: none
Genre: fluff, angst
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You know this man is going to use his birthday as leverage to get what he wants.  It’s so bad that some of his brothers try to pretend it's not his birthday or even attempt to gaslight him into thinking his birthday is on a different date.  It will throw him off a bit but he is quick to shake off the confusion and get angry.
He’s going to be a prick and will ask his brothers to do his chores for him, help him carry things, and even bribe them to give him money.  While the brothers will try to deny him, he just needs to pout and get teary eyed while lamenting that his brothers don’t care for him on his birthday.  Eventually, Mammon gets what he wants and his brothers can only groan in defeat.
With you it’s a bit different.  While he will try to get you to do stuff for him, he only really wants you to be close to him and spend time with him on his special day.  He hates that he has to share you with his brothers, so he’s taking advantage of his birthday privileges to get some alone time with you.  I like to believe that RAD starts their school year after Labor Day, so he must have first met pretty close to his birthday, which is why he thinks your bond with him is extra special.
Besides being a brat and getting what he wants, he spends most of his day trying to skip out on class, but he is always stopped by Lucifer.  Lucifer can put up with Mammon's attitude for just one day, but he will not tolerate his younger brother trying to get out of classes.  Of course Mammon turns this into an opportunity to make money and asks Lucifer to pay him to stay in school for the day.
When the school day is over, Mammon is dragging you off the campus and forcing you to go out shopping with him.  From bakeries to clothing stores to jewelry stores, he’s hitting up all of his favorite places.  His brothers usually just give him money on his birthday cause that’s all he ever asks for, so he has more than enough to spend.  By the end of his spending spree, you’re both carrying so many bags that you can't even see what is in front of you.  Along with getting stuff for himself, Mammon also slipped in a few stuff for you too.  From subtle matching pajama outfits to more obvious jewelry gifts, you’ll be leaving with a few newly acquired items.
On the way back to the House of Lamentation, you pull Mammon aside to a nearby hill.  Of course he’s going to complain about it getting dark soon, but he’ll follow you anyway.  Once he gets closer to the top he can see a picnic blank illuminated by a few candles.  He drops all of his bags, not caring about what was inside them as he stands there in shock.  You sit on the blanket, gesturing for him to come over before reaching inside the picnic basket placed on the grass.
Mammon sits with you asking you what this is all about and even being cocky to ask if this was a date.  You tell him you just wanted to celebrate his birthday privately because you wanted him to feel special.  Mammon pauses after that, silently realizing that he acted out today just to get noticed by his family.  He shakes those thoughts from his head as you hand him a cupcake (I headcanon he likes something really sweet like Oreo or chocolate mint cakes).  It has a single candle on it and you sing him happy birthday as he makes an unspoken wish.  You cheer as he blows it out and he’s generous enough to share it with you.
While he’s busy devouring the rest of the cupcake, you pull out a small box from the basket and present it to him.  He’ll try to act all cheeky, asking what you got him, but he’s internally nervous and flustered because he can’t believe you went through this much work for him.  You probably got him a new wallet, something nice to put Goldie in.  He feels the tears welling up in the corners of his eyes, but he quickly wipes them away before hugging you and thanking you.  He’s starts taking the wallet with him everywhere so much that it gets to the point that he treasures it more than Goldie.
As the sun finishes setting, the two of you take the opportunity to stargaze a bit.  You’re both lucky enough to see a few shooting stars and Mammon wishes for the second time that night that you will stay with him forever.  When it eventually gets too dark and cold to stay out any longer, Mammon looks over at you to find you asleep.  He smiles and picks you up bridal style, leaving the goodies he bought outside as he takes you back inside the house.  He takes you to the living room and flops onto the couch with you, pulling a blanket over you both before falling asleep with you cuddling into his side.  He’ll whisper a thank you to you one more time before thinking that his was his best birthday yet and letting sleep consume him.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
can I request dedicated boyfriend!hotch studying up on judaism with Reid in his lunch breaks so when Hanukkah comes around he starts surprising reader with his knowledge and he may or may not give Jack sort of a blended chrismukkah experience - this man would just try so hard to understand your culture like don’t even try to tell me he wouldn’t
I understand if you don’t want to write about Jewish holidays or don’t want to get them wrong but I saw you’re open to other requests so thought I’d give it a try
google was not nice to me in nailing down the correct english spellings of Hebrew words so if i should change anything please lmk!!
Jack is learning Hebrew. You're skeptical at first, because he's only seven, and you still get tongue-tied sometimes. But if you listen hard, he's kicking his legs back and forth against his car seat and reciting a blessing under his breath.
"What'cha saying back there, Jackers?" You peek at him from the rear view mirror, watching his eyes go wide in true kid fashion.
"Nothing!" It's the same way he says the word when he's trying to stuff a third, forbidden oreo into his mouth at bedtime, or when he's definitely not on Aaron's phone. It's a sweet thought, though, it really is, so you let it slide.
"Alright," You smile warmly at him, nodding, "Just thought I heard something."
You suspect it's Aaron's idea. Even more so when you come home to a ready-and-waiting menorah, two candles already set out.
"You're prepared," You tease Aaron, and he sends you a sly, slightly bashful smile. You press a kiss to his cheek in greeting that you know he'll reciprocate tenfold when you're alone, behaving civilly at least while his son is around.
"Okay Jack," You glance outside, winter nights coming faster than you're used to, "Do you wanna help light the candles?"
"Yes please!" He's just unlaced his shoes so when he comes sprinting over, he's wearing socks on the hardwood floor. You cringe, and Aaron stands straighter in an attempt to be able to catch him before he falls, but he reaches you without even slipping.
"Stand on the chair," You instruct, and he clamors up. You let him grab the first candle, keeping the shamash in your hands, "And put the candle into the first spot.
The menorah you'd bought has numbers on each space, but Jack's too eager to be helping out to notice them. He sticks the candle hastily in the third spot, and Aaron reaches for it.
"Right to left, buddy." He murmurs, and you stop dead from where you'd been going to adjust it yourself. He fixes it, only realizing that you're staring when he stands straight again.
"What?" He defends, "Reid taught me. He said you line them up from right to left but you light them from left to right. Is that not how you do it?"
"It is," You bite back a grin, "Just- nevermind, I'll say the blessings."
You'd been right. As soon as you start up, two other voices join you, and it takes all of your willpower not to stop dead in the middle of your sentence and kiss them both. Jack on the cheek, but Aaron definitely on the mouth.
Jack seems extra proud of his own mastery, and you can't say you aren't impressed yourself. His little voice barely trips up at all, and you can tell he's been practicing for a long time.
When you hand the candle to him, lit, he's especially careful in lighting the first one. When the flame transfers he lets out a breathy laugh, an exuberant sound full of giddiness, and you take the shamash from him with a grin of your own.
"Good job, buddy," You gush, leaning down to squeeze him in a hug, "Okay, are you ready for dinner? Dad made paaastaaa."
"And latkes," Aaron informs you, arms curling around your waist from behind as his lips hover by your ear, "They might not be the best pair in the world, but Jack wanted spaghetti tonight."
"No meatballs?" You raise an eyebrow.
"No meatballs." Aaron shakes his head, dropping a kiss to your cheek as Jack races to the table, "But we do have christmas cookies for dessert."
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
Revenge of the Freaks Summary: The Hellfire Club does April Fool's Day a little differently. Contains: Sweet revenge, don't try this at home. Words: 1k-ish Note: Part of my Evil Woman universe, but more of a Hellfire story than an explicit Eddie pairing. Can be read as a standalone.
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Everybody expects to get pranked on April Fool's Day.
Everyone, everywhere, is suspicious of everything. Especially at Hawkins High. Even the cafeteria ladies get side-eyed when students pick up their trays, wondering if there's a little something extra in their pudding today. No one touches the salt and pepper shakers. No one accepts any gifts. Don't even bother trying to share your food. Check the toilet for plastic wrap before you use it. Beware the sink. For 24 hours, everyone is on high alert.
Because everyone is expecting to get pranked on April 1st.
They are not, however, expecting to get pranked on April 2nd.
As your April Fool's Day prank for the Hellfire table, you brought in cookies.
Not toothpaste Oreos. Those are a waste of both toothpaste and cookies. (Although nobody would've complained about being the designated Eater of the Creme Filling.)
Your April Fool's Day Cookies contained M&M's, Reese's Pieces, and Skittles. It counted as a prank because nobody was sure exactly what they were biting into, other than a circle of butter and sugar. But they were actually quite good. You passed them around, and you all shared a laugh and a few cookies. In case anyone was watching.
On April 2nd, when everyone let their guards down and thought they were safe again, Hellfire would strike.
People would suspect Eddie. Eddie was loud and lively and definitely stood out. The rest of you? Unless someone was looking for a punching bag, you all seemed to sort of fade into the background.
You'd be using this to your advantage.
You'd been plotting for months, and finally had a game plan in place.
For Jackie, who asked out Gareth on a dare and burst out laughing when he stuttered through his nervous response, a locker full of dead ladybugs. You'd found a pile of them in the attic and didn't want them to go to waste, so you swept them into a plastic bag and kept them for a special occasion. Showing her what a lady looked like seemed like a good one.
For Chip and his fancy new car, which he nearly ran over Jeff with while revving obnoxiously and laughing with his friends, a piece of bologna on the hood. It would fry in the sun during the school day and leave a marvelously discolored circle there, until his daddy paid to get it fixed. Until then, someone might throw out the phrase "asshole-mobile" a few times and hope it stuck.
For Brandon, who drew unflattering caricatures of Grant on the blackboard in first period every day for a week before he lost interest, a mouse trap would find its way into his backpack. A thoughtful gift for his creative hands. No idea how it got there.
For Troy, who successfully tripped Mike into Lucas one day and attempted to stuff Dustin into a locker the next, tiny bits of chocolate would appear on his chair. (The smaller the pieces, the faster they melt.) The boys had told you about a similar kind of incident with Troy in middle school, and you didn't want to ruin his reputation.
For Ashley, who took credit for spreading the rumor that you were spreading your legs for all of the freaks in town, a very professional-looking letter from the Hawkins Free Clinic would arrive at her house to inform her that she had a venereal disease. Several pamphlets on safe sex were included.
For Mrs. O'Donnell, whose hatred of Eddie seemed to intensify by the day, a loose screw on her desk chair. It would be a real shame if she were to fall on her ass so hard, it broke the stick that had been up it since 1962.
For Jason, who was generally unpleasant to you all, tiny balloons that appeared to be haunting him. Everywhere he went, a tiny balloon or two would appear on the ground nearby. This puzzled everyone, until somebody loudly suggested that he had to use those because regular condoms were too big for him. Wonder who that could have been.
And for the rest of the basketball team, something special to show your appreciation for the way they ruled both the court and the school. Let's go, Tigers.
A few weeks ago, you and Eddie had taken a little trip to a pharmacy two towns over and bought the cheapest, worst-smelling perfume you could find. It was the kind of perfume that an old lady in a fake fur coat might wear to Bingo on Wednesday nights at the VFW. The kind of smell that made you wish the stench of moth balls in her clothes was a little stronger, to help overpower it.
The Hawkins High gym lockers are more open than the lockers in the hallway. Instead of the standard slats on the top and bottom, there's a wire grate to allow for better airflow. Nobody likes a pile of sweaty teenage gym clothes. Just a few pumps of spray into the grate would have their letterman jackets smelling so bad, it was like a warning system. A Jock Alarm, if you will. You'd always be able to smell them coming, because that stuff wasn't ever going to come out.
Eddie spent all of his free time that day in the library, on his best behavior, under the watchful eye of the stern librarian. He was a good boy, just trying to work quietly on his English essay so he could graduate. She would attest to this, if asked, because he gave her a dandelion when he came in and smiled at her every time he got up to sharpen his pencil near her desk.
The recipients of your little gifts may have had their suspicions, but they couldn't prove a thing. No one paid attention to the nameless, faceless freaks of Hawkins High. No one batted an eye when a two-minute trip to the bathroom actually took eight. Or when an unfamiliar face passed through a hallway it had no classes in. Or when someone changed their shirt between periods because it suddenly smelled like an old lady.
After all, why would anyone want to prank people on April 2nd?
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minusgangtime · 2 months
The apocalypse bios 4:
“I can’t stop..I have to keep going!..”
Name: penny
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: exhausted
Bio: in the beginning penny stayed in her room,too afraid to do anything,however when the others were allowed to fight the infected,she became the other extreme..blasting all the infected with magic from her horn while also bringing her siblings and mom food or medical stuff,as a result her horn became slightly burnt from over usage and looks one hit away from snapping off..she is also beyond exhausted,barely having slept..
“Dont leave me!..DONT LEAVE ME TO DIE!..”
Name: sweetie
Age: 20
Status: infected (zombie infection stage 2)
Feeling: paranoid
Bio: sweetie was actually a fierce hunter against the infected for a while,tip she got bit by a zombie. From that point on she was given her vaccine so that something like what happened to herb wouldn’t happen again,while casting a shield on her brain too,for good measure. In the aftermath,while sweetie could take care infected more efficiently,since she didn’t have to worry about getting infected. What happened was the rise of INTENSE paranoida,thanks to sweeties abandonment trama in the past,those feelings were heightened now there could be a GENUINE reason for her to get kicked out..this paranoia also made her unable to care and educate her own kids..
“T-Thanks for the food,sorry if I’m being a burden..”
Name: coral
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: neutral
Bio: coral didn’t really try to do anything at all in past or present. As much as she wanted to help,her crippled condition made it impossible for her to do any good. So she didn’t try. Though the stress of everything has caused her hair to become quite messy and accidentally tear her bow. She has to have food delivered to her,and she feels bad for potentially be a burden..
“Rule number one,never let them know your next move.”
Name: shade
Age: 20
Status: infected (stage 2 of glitch infection.)
Feeling: neutral
Bio: when the crew was allowed to fight,the glitch disguised as MB and attempted to corrupt or kill shade,shade believed it just long enough for it to latch onto his arm. However,in the aftermath,he immediately “cured” himself and rejected its temptations,his loyalty to his family was now so tight he would never abandon or betray them. He dawned a cloak to hide his infection so he could efficiently take care of infected. He works by never letting his opponents know his next move,always changing up his fighting style. Hes one of the rare cases that have no behavior changes,as he acts like he did before.
“I’m not sad! I’m worried!”
Name: Kiara
Age: 10
Status: healthy
Feeling: mostly optimistic
Bio: Kiara has stayed inside the entire time of the apocalypse. She’s largely stayed the same,optimistic,positive,all that. With only one difference,she’s actually a little worried for her family,as she’s seen how several of them deteriorated.
“You will now bow to the new controller of storms!”
Name: thunder
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: neutral
Bio: thunder mostly stayed inside in the beginning but when the crew got permission to fight the infected,thunder knew he didn’t stand a chance,but still wanted to help. So,he used grogars bell that they had gotten from equestria and powered himself up,granting him the power of storms,mainly lightning and thunder. And now,he uses the power to defend his home from the infected. Despite being a powered up lightning god,he behaves the same.
“Trust me,I’m FAR smarter than I look.~”
Name: Oreo
Age: 20
Status: healthy (cured)
Feeling: neutral
Bio: for a grand majority of the apocalypse she just gathered supplies. However one day,she had a encounter with a corrupted infected,and got corrupted,however,almost immediately,she took back control of her mind and broke free from her controlled corruption almost immediately making her the first corrupted to be cured. When asked,her responce is always “you never know how strong a person’s mental state can be.~” from that point onward,she uses her new corruption abilities to protect the house.
“Hehe..everything’s fine..it’s all fine..”
Name: cloud
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: drained
Bio: like pinkie,she tried her best to be optimistic,however,unlike pinkie,she experienced the downgrade differently. She refused to acknowledge it,pretending everything was fine..it obviously takes a toll on her,exhausting her..
“How can I be calm?!..”
Name: snowball
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: unstable
Bio: when the apocalypse started,snowball was panicked,but tried to keep calm..but that broke when the house was attacked the first time..ever since then,snowballs calm personality was completely gone..nowadays his emotions are very frantic,he can feel extremely happy,sad,angry,scared,etc. like a frantic Gordon Ramsey.
“Is there anything I can get you?”
Name: flambé
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: neutral
Bio: during the apocalypse,as a way to healthily cope with the stress,he dove himself into his passion,cooking. However,he found himself unable to eat the food he made from his much he made. So rather than having it all,he’s decided to share his cooking,sharing the food he made with his distressed siblings. He’s made so much that he’s lost sleep and hurt his hands several times,despite that,he’s actually pretty much the same as he was before.~
-mod Shelby
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httpsserene · 3 months
trust me. Your opinions are anything but terrible.
Arizona: GREEN TEA IS THE RIGHT ANSWER. If I could have one drink on a deserted island I would have that. Iced tea with lemon is also the right take and so is sweet tea and I’m saying that as someone from New York. My little 5 cents is try the peach. I personally like it and drink it if the bodega by me is out of green tea.
Ice cream: once again. THE CORRECT ANSWERS. I’m a sucker for vanilla tbh. Like vanilla in general is just MMM idk. I like the smell of it too like straight vanilla extract. I personally also like ginger it’s really really good. It’s hard to find ginger ice cream here too. The place that used to have it took it off their menu a few years ago now. Oreo has to be three for me just bc of Ginger.
Gum: trust me. I agree with you there. I never understand it. Mints are also one of my favorites, or those tic tacs those are delicious. Mints are making me think of those peppermint you would get from the front office or the nurse in high school. Istg they put something in that it went so hard.
chocolate: is just- amazing trust me. I completely consider chocolate with caramel chocolate because it has chocolate in it sooooo. Then again I eat chocolate covered potato chips (it tastes amazing trust me, it’s from Japan it’s so good.) KitKats and M&Ms are up there for me. What’s your favorite flavor of them or do you just like the OG? For me KitKats the og is the goat. M&Ms I lowkey like the brownie one. That or the caramel one.
Ok. I haven’t seen a lollipop that wasn’t dumdums in a hot second and I don’t want that to change. Once again, butterscotch is the correct answer! It’s defo my favorite, second is the blue raspberry and third is root beer. I also really like trying to figure out the hidden flavors.
My next set of questions. 1: On a deserted island, what are three things you would bring with you that isn’t ur phone.
2: if you could only eat one thing what would it be. (My answer to this is sushi bc there are so many different types I would never get bored.)
3: what is your favorite food/comfort food?
4: what seat on the plane do you prefer? 5: What do you think is the silliest word in English?
6: do you have any hot takes on movies/shows?
7: besides writing, what’s a talent that you have?
8: what’s something that feels illegal, but isn’t?
9: what's just a random fun fact you have
10: if you could have a superpower, what would it be?
11: what’s the weirdest thing you believed as a kid? (Mine was that if the lights in the backseat were on, the car wouldn’t start.)
And last but not least
12: do you have a trend you want to end? Along with that is there a specific word that you wish wouldn’t exist anymore?
I’m so sorry I realize now how long this is. Pls you don’t have to answer all of these I promise!
✧*̣̩⋆̩☽⋆゜ og kitkats and m&ms for life!
i would bring a plane, fuel, and a pilot LMAO
a rice bowl, like you can't go wrong! my particular bowl: white rice, black beans, steak, veggies, lettuce, cheese, salsa, sour cream, and queso blanco (i like dairy even though i'm lactose intolerant)
favorite/comfort food? i actually don't know if i have one? but like junk food/snack wise i really like nacho cheese doritos and chocolate chip cookies, separately of course, never both at the same time lol
aisle seat for logistics but window seat is the true answer. i have to look out of the window for takeoff and landing or else i may freak out a tiny bit.
wouldn't the silliest word be "silliest?" jk i think it's either "queue" or "definitely." queue has too many letters for how it sounds, that's why in america we say "line" instead! and, definitely, i mean cmon bro, it's silly that i always spell it wrong on my first attempt.
hot takes: all the shows with a highschool setting could've been college/university shows; what is the obsession with having minors (played by adults) in explicit shows (not that underage kids don't experience sexual stuff, it just shouldn't be that prominent in media i feel it sends the wrong message to ACTUAL minors irl. another hot take: not every book or cartoon needs a live action adaptation. please stop mutilating something that was perfect.
i'm happy you think i'm a talented writer haha but, my little talentthat i always tell everbody is that i'm musically gifted. i played the violin for 12+ years, did a little bit on the drums, but right now i'm jamming on a bass guitar!
TSA. i always feel like i'm smuggling something in my luggage even though i'm not. Electronic signatures too, that shit is not valid, imo! but it would pain me to have to be in person to sign a contract as an introvert.
microbursts, their bursts of air from thunderstorms, and if you ever have the chance to be in small/private plane at a certain altitude and hit one, you'd be pulverized instantly. turbulence is also a rare reason for planes to crash (i've memorized this from spencer reid in a criminal minds epsiode, idk why)
charm speak, a little like mind control but just through speech! piper from pjo and allison from umbrella academy both have a type of charm speak if you're familiar with those examples.
the weirdest thing i believed is that carrots keep your vision perfect. i loved carrots as a kid and i still almost turned out to be nearly as blind as a bat. swear i'm a few points away from being legally blind and learning echolocation.
the trend i'd end? beauty standards for sure, whether it's body types or face structures gts gone. as for the word i'd get rid of? any slur would be thrown in the trash promptly!
it was a fun q&a, i don't really mind it! ✧*̣̩⋆̩☽⋆゜
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nightowlqueen · 3 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers✨
1. my cats! this is Holly, Oreo, and Hazel (Holly and Oreo are half-siblings!)
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2. Cooking, here’s todays attempt at chicken fried rice (it wasn’t bad, but something was missing, not sure what yet)
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3. Collecting merch of stuff I like. (Please look upon a small fraction of my horde)
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4. Queer Media (nondescript personal taste disclaimer. Also badly lit pic of stuff read this month)
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5. Videogames; particularly story rich RPG’s. Paper Mario isn’t the deepest story in the world, but I’m including it since it’s a recent play.
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smolandweirdwriter · 1 year
The Olympian gods on April Fools’ Day:
Zeus: is engaged in a prank war with Poseidon which mostly includes the typical (read: boring) toothpaste-in-your-oreo and water bucket-falls-from-door tricks that somehow both of them ALWAYS fall for year after year
Poseidon: alongside his prank war with Zeus, he has an ongoing gag with Amphitrite where they both prank Triton, who does not understand the concept of April Fools Day nor does he like it
Hestia: doesn’t prank anyone, but considers it a “fun bonding experience”
Demeter: pranked Hades once out of spite, but other than that she mostly stays out of it
Hera: pranked Zeus massively once and he got mad so now she doesn’t prank him openly but sorta fucks with him secretly yknow, like, covering-your-toothpaste-opening-with-plastic wrap-so-you-can’t-get-toothpaste kinda thing?
Athena: scoffs at the childishness of pranks but is actually in a years-long prank war with Ares that begins at dawn every April Fools Day and doesn’t end until dawn the next day. There are definitely casualties in their prank war.
Ares: LOVES the idea of it, but is comically bad at planning pranks. He’s the goes-up-to-you-with-the-toothpaste-oreo-while-laughing type of prankster.
Hephaestus: everyone comes to him for super specific tricked-out deluxe-prank type stuff and he always says no because he doesn’t wanna get thrown off the mountain again involved
Apollo: attempts to prank Artemis every year but always somehow fails and it backfires on him (ie, tries to drop a water balloon on her from above? He trips and falls to earth. The water balloon hits him.)
Artemis: stays in the woods like normal, she and her hunters lightly prank each other, usually have a s’mores fight at the end of the day. She is unaware of Apollo trying to prank her.
Dionysus: drinking. Might prank one or two people. He’s the only one who can get Hermes.
Aphrodite: she pranks Ares however she thinks will humiliate him the most— bonus points if he doesn’t know it’s her. Also loves making one person fall in love with another on this day and then have the other person prank them sO HARD. She and Eros usually get together for that though.
Hermes: pranks everyone. God-level pranks. (Oh wait… um… cosmic level pranks? Eh, you get the point. The King of All Pranking. The Prankmaster. The Guy Who Gets Away With It All.) He manages to prank all of Olympus and beyond.
Hades: got pranked by Demeter once pretty badly and no one will ever let him live it down, but other wise he doesn’t do much. Hermes comes to the underworld with new souls, so Hades gets pranked by him every year, but it’s surprisingly mild compared to what Hermes does to the others.
Persephone: can’t prank Hades, obviously, since it’s spring. She and her mother prank each other occasionally, but most years they forget. A running joke between Persephone and Hades is that if they both cared more, they’d probably be able to get Hermes.
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 year
That's All She Wrote - Side Story
Party in the U.S.A. (Happy Birthday, James Diamond!) ~ 2.1k
“Roxy! Psst! Roxy!” 
Had Kendall and Logan been any louder in their attempt to wake their assistant up from her peaceful slumber, she would have smacked them with one of the pillows from her makeshift couch-bed. 
After pulling out of the latest venue Big Time Rush had played on their summer tour, she was especially tired - considering she hadn’t gone to bed until 1 a.m. after checking that all of the tech equipment had been properly labeled, stored, and secured before they started their trip across a few states to the next venue in Fairlea, West Virginia. 
When she weakly opened her eyes at their incessant whispering and shaking of her shoulders, she spied the time, 3 a.m. blinking red on Logan’s watch. 
“This better be important…” She grumbled as she sat up, gingerly wiping the sleep out of her eyes and wincing a bit when Kendall managed to flip the lights in the small lounge area of their shared bus on. “Is one of you dying?” 
Confused, Logan cocked his head. “No.”
“Is one of you sick?”
“No.” The blond was quick to answer.
“Did one of you leave something crucial to the show at the last venue?”
Their chorus of, “No!” was more strained than she liked to hear, but she brushed it off anyway. 
“Then it sounds like everything’s alright,” She spat, flopping back down onto the couch and closing her eyes. “Leave me alone.” 
“Roxy…” Logan tried again, reaching out to shake her once more. “It’s September 4th.”
His assistant’s eyes shot open again, “Great! Thanks for the reminder. We’ll be in Fairlea in a few hours. Good night!” 
This time, to try and drive her point home, the writer wiggled around so her back was facing her friends.
“September 4th is James’ birthday.” 
This time, when Roxy opened her eyes and blinked a few times, she properly registered what Kendall had said. Slowly, she sat up again, glancing over her shoulder as she glared at her two friends. 
“And neither if you told me this until today… Why?” 
Both of them cast their eyes to the floor, becoming extremely interested in the faux wood the bottom of their bus was decorated with. 
“Because you forgot,” She answered her own question aloud. “And now you don’t know what to do to fix it?” 
Their nods were slow, quite nearly undetectable as their assistant stood and pushed past them, rummaging through their small pantry to try and find anything that might resemble desert they could present to him when they rolled into town. 
“Okay, okay, I can work with this,” Roxy muttered to herself, pulling out a small sleeve of Oreos, some instant pudding mix, and the remainder of their gallon of milk in the fridge. “In the meantime, can the two of you put together a list of things we might need once we get to the venue? You know, party supplies, decorations, whatever…”
Confetti had been the very first thing Logan and Kendall had decided was crucial for the birthday celebration.
In theory, it wouldn’t have been hard to find if they were back home in Los Angeles, but since they were on a moving bus in the middle of nowhere, the three of them had to make do. 
“What if we grab some of the confetti we shoot out at the end of the show?” Kendall suggested, nibbling on one of the Oreos he had stolen from Roxy before she was able to crush it up and add it to the pudding mix. 
“That’s a great idea,” She sarcastically quipped. “Especially if you want to shoot him with an industrial-grade confetti cannon.” Chin in hand, Logan nodded, “Yeah… We have a set amount that we shoot off every show. If we tried to pull some out of its packaging it’s just going to explode everywhere.” “And then one show will be missing more confetti than others…” The frontman caught on, nodding. 
“Exactly… And that stuff is stupid expensive…” Roxy trailed off, glancing at her friends before she noticed Kendall was intently staring at some of the books Logan had brought with him on the bolted-down coffee table. 
Carefully, he picked up one of the colorful paperbacks at the top of the pile. “Logan… How many of these have you read?” 
“All of them!” His friend eagerly replied, not clocking how Kendall’s gaze flickered to his assistant’s.
“Good… Good…” The other boy mused, before tossing it across the room to Roxy who had already grabbed a pair of kitchen scissors. 
Logan watched it sail across the room, right into the writer’s open palm, and let out a cry of pain once he realized what she was planning on taking the scissors to. 
Before he could make a move, Kendall launched out of his seat, trapped Logan in a headlock, and forced him to watch as his best friend began to cut up the different colored covers, collecting them into a large plastic bag to shower over their friend for later. 
Logan finished his subsequent meltdown about an hour after the massacre and found Roxy in the middle of reworking the tune of “Happy Birthday” into a hard rock anthem to play on her guitar, while Kendall had stolen a Sharpie, some spare bungee chords, and the old tour itineraries Roxy had been saving to fashion into what looked like a large birthday banner. 
When Roxy noticed he had finally left his bunk, she eagerly shoved the sheet music she had been writing on into his hands and sat him down at the table next to him. 
“You know how every restaurant has its own version of the happy birthday song?” She asked, strumming absentmindedly on the strings of her guitar. When he nodded, she bounced up off her seat and headed to the front of the bus, “Great! Write one of our own, would ya? I’ve gotta make some calls to the venue and a local bakery.” 
Songwriter-Assistant was typically an easy task for her to handle, but since she was running low on sleep, had already managed to make dessert, and had destroyed quite a bit of property, her creative juices weren’t flowing quite like normal. 
At least, Henrietta, the bus driver was sharing similar sluggish feelings and easily handed her phone over to the eager girl. 
In no time, Roxy had managed to contact a local Fairlea bakery and order both cupcakes and a large sheet cake to the venue to surprise James with once they arrived in a few hours. 
She did feel bad about the rush order, but once she whipped out the company credit card from her mini backpack and paid the bill, it felt like the least Gustavo could do for one of the members of the band that was getting him back to the big time. 
I’m sure he’ll understand… Roxy told herself, as she stared out the large, rectangular windows of the bus. The sun was beginning to rise, lighting up the horizon with a beautiful mix of reds, oranges, and yellows. 
A perfect sunrise for a perfect boy on his less-than-perfect birthday. 
In a flash, the show in Fairlea was nearly over.
Everything Roxy, Logan, and Kendall had planned for the beginning of the day had gone off without a hitch and they had successfully surprised James with their treats, banner, and part of the makeshift confetti. 
Around 2 hours before the show started, James got a call from his mom and stepped out of the venue, which made for the perfect time for his friends to catch Carlos up on their plan for their on-stage surprise. 
Roxy and Logan shared the song they had collaborated on, Kendall snuck both the cake and Oreo fluff salad into the mini-fridge in their green room, and Carlos even managed to catch Mick and Austin up to speed to make sure there was a gap in the setlist in which they could surprise James before the end of the show.
Just before the countdown for the last song was supposed to play on the crew's in-ear monitors, Roxy kicked one of the guitar pedals at her feet to stop the track and signaled to Carlos, Logan, and Kendall that it was time for their plan to be set in motion.
“Fairleaaaaaaa!” Carlos yelled into his mic, causing his assistant to wince just a bit at the sheer volume of it in her ears. “Is anyone celebrating something special tonight?” 
Once the cheering from the crowd died down, Logan chimed in with his own, “An anniversary? A holiday?... Maybe even a birthday?” 
Roxy knew this as her cue to begin to sneak off the stage to grab the cake she had ordered earlier - a nice marble cake with bright purple frosting that read “Happy Birthday, James! <3 Team BTR.”
Even though the rooms backstage were relatively soundproof, she could still hear Kendall’s speech through her in-ears. 
“We’ve got someone on this stage celebrating a very special, 17th birthday!” 
Roxy thought it was funny, the way they spoke on stage as opposed to how they spoke in real life. Every sentence ended with an upward inflection, almost egging the crowd to respond in a chorus of cheers, which was exactly what he got. The floors of the stadium practically shook under her feet as she balanced the cake in one hand and her bag of confetti in the other, all while trying to make it back to her mark in time for her next cue. 
James, though he sounded a bit confused, laughed into his microphone, thanking both his friends and all of Fairlea for the warm wishes. 
By the time Roxy reached Kelly and Gustavo on side stage, she sighed in relief as they stuck both a one and seven candle into the top of the heavy cake and lit it, allowing the assistant to hang tight for a few seconds as Carlos began to sing Logan’s version of the happy birthday song. 
It was a bit nerve-wracking for the girl once she walked back out onto the stage, blowing right past her typical mark in the back with Mick and Austin, who were playing out a short melody to accompany the rest of the band jumping in to sing. When she emerged with the cake, candles, and all, she felt all eyes in the stadium flick to her, causing a loud cry of joy to emanate from the people they were playing for. 
Gingerly she handed the cake off to Logan and the confetti the Kendall, and was finally able to pluck one of the guitar pics off her mic stand to jump in with her musical part to their own song while James just stood center stage, one bright spotlight on him, smiling from ear to ear. 
When the band finished, he blew out his candles and crossed his fingers to make a wish, cheeks burning bright, cherry-red. It was then Kendall and Carlos grabbed two handfuls of confetti and threw it over his head, raining down over him in a beautiful, colorful shower.
Roxy took this to be the perfect time to start playing the traditional birthday song, and the crowd quickly caught on, everyone merrily singing “Happy Birthday” to the oldest member of Big Time Rush. 
Though she thought at least one of her friends might take a handful of the cake and smash it into the birthday boy’s face, they likely refrained because they were in front of a large crowd. Instead, James gently took a fist-full - and Roxy realized she’d forgotten to order utensils - and nibbled a bit out of his palm before beaming once more toward the crowd. 
And for a moment, it was nearly impossible for the writer to take her eyes off of him as she almost forgot how to breathe. He truly dazzled under the spotlight, dimples permanently carving into his cheeks as though his skin were made of marble. 
She forgot about everything, the way he had been ignoring her, the ache striking her chest whenever she was near him, whatever issues the two of them desperately needed to work out, and watched as he raised the microphone to his lips, addressing the crowd. “Thanks, everyone!” And the stadium erupted into applause once more. “This has been the best birthday surprise I could have ever hoped for!”
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kimmysurveyblog · 4 months
Do you eat or drink as soon as you wake up, or do you wait a while? I make a coffee. I don't eat until I make my kiddo lunch around 1130.
Tell me about some of your interests. I love gaming, watching cozy shows, nature walks, sometimes drawing. We're also about 6 months deep into the neocardina shrimpkeeping hobby and we absolutely love it. :)
What's your favourite kind of Oreo? Mint.
Do you play any games on your phone? If so, tell me about one. I play Pokemon Go sometimes.
Do you have more male or female coworkers? I'm a SAHM. My coworker is the air fryer.
What's the longest stretch of time you've spent completely alone? Not long. A few days maybe.
Do you use Instagram? If so, what's your current profile pic? Yes. My daughter and I.
What are your thoughts on kids being given iPads to keep them entertained? There has to be a limit on the time they can spent using one. I'll consider getting one for my kiddo when she's a bit older, to be used on rare occasions.
[TW: SUICIDE] Have you ever thought about giving up on life completely? I attempted suicide as a teenager.
Have you seen the entire Harry Potter series? No.
Do you still have both of your parents? They've both passed away.
Do you play video games? I do most nights! :)
Do you have the same color eyes as your mother? No. She had brown eyes and mine are hazel.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? Once.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Sure did! She just turned two lmao. She was the best surprise though! :) We're such a happily family. <3
When was the last time you went bowling? Hmmm... like 2015?
Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? One.
When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? A month ago. We take our kiddo to Toys R Us to buy some stuff on her birthday. :)
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? I sleep with a squishmallow. No judgements here!
Would you describe yourself as fashion-conscious, or do you just wear whatever feels comfortable? I haven't cared about that in over a decade. I'm in my comfy mom era.
What are the main two colours in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colours out yourself? Beige and brown. The colours of the walls, no. The colours of the furniture, yes.
Do you have piercings anywhere except your ears? How many and where? No. I had a lip piercing for over 10 years but I removed it at the start of COVID. I want to get my nose pierced though.
What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? They're so comfy!
Who was the last person you were in love with for more than a year? My current boyfriend.
Do you have a secret life? Nope.
Have you ever seen the last person you kissed without a shirt? Yes.
Do your parents know EVERYTHING about you? My mom did when she was alive.
Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? Toast.
If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be? Nose.
The last time you held a baby: In February when I met my nephew.
Does your mom eat meat? She did.
What would be your reaction if one of your parents said they were having another kid? My parents were done having children after I was born.
What fish scares you the most? Any that live deep in the ocean.
How do you feel about snails? I love snails! We love taking our kiddo to a hiking spot that has a bunch of them. We also have some in our aquariums.
If you were told by a professional that you were unable to become pregnant, how would that affect you? Is there something important to you about conceiving a biological child rather than adoption? And finally, if you even want to have children, would you choose adoption or surrogacy or would you go on childless? I'd be relieved since we're one and done. It would mean I don't need to get my tubes tied in a few years. My boyfriend and I were on the fence about ever having a child so our little surprise biological conception was the only way that was ever going to happen. We would have just accepted it and been childless.
Are you physically affectionate with your friends? Yes!
Do you kill spiders when you see them? No.
What’s your favorite makeup brand/brands? I don't use makeup much anymore so I have no idea. I like my Too Faced palettes.
What fictional creature would you like as a pet? The runecrafting skilling pet from RS3.
Have any local businesses closed that you’re sad about? No.
How do you feel about TikTok? Fun to scroll on at the end of the day.
Any current trends you dislike? No.
If you had three daughters, what would you name them? Our daughter has a flower name so we'd perhaps do 2 more flower names.
Would you ever adopt a child? No.
Do you like your name's meaning? No.
Do you and your mom look like sisters? I think so.
Are you the same height as your mom? About four inches taller.
Do you know anyone named Travis? No.
[TW: DOMESTIC ABUSE] Did your parents abuse you? No.
What is something you've learned to never take for granted? Having your loved ones around. I'm much closer to my grandparents and aunts/uncles since losing my mom.
Tell me about something significant that happened to you in the past week. We decided that we're going to move.
What subjects do you like to read about? True crime, science, TV show/game/book lore.
What is the name of the last book you bought? When He Was Wicked by Julia Quinn
If you could change one thing about your home, and money was no issue, what would it be? We're moving so nothing.
Are there any (obviously fictional) villains you can't help but love? No.
Can you name a villain who you could kind of side with? No.
What color eyes does your significant other (or crush) have? (If applicable.) Blue.
Does anything around your home need repairing? Front door, a cabinet in the kitchen.
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Title: Little Oreo's Big Rescue Mission
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami
Pairing: Iori x Kyo
[Sequel to The Ghost of the Study Room] One day Oreo's parents got into a terrible fight, and they seem to ignore each other for the long time. However, the little Oreo would do anything to bring his cat-dads together and protect the happiness and peace of their home.
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Ever since his two cat dads adopted a little kitten named Oreo, life seems to be settled down and peaceful in Yagami’s apartment. As time passes by, he already becomes a dear and irreplaceable family member.
However, as time goes on, the redhead begins to only care about his precious little angel as his protective parent. Perhaps, he won’t be this caring if he had a child. Or so, the brunette continues to observe.
Of course, the Kusanagi’s heir is not mad about his partner’s behavior. Contrary, seeing how Iori pampers Oreo with love and attention also made Kyo happy.
However, the brunette feels like Iori only focuses on raising the little kitten while treating his partner so coldly and harshly. Or so he calls it how Yagami treats him recently.
In recent days, brunette feels frustrated about their almost non-existent sex life.
Hell, no matter what he does, Iori refuses.
At first, Kyo would keep directly asking him, yet the redhead would remind him where the bathroom was.
Then, the brunette tries another tactic. He tries acting like a gentle cat. That’s right, Kyo would try to surprise his partner when he is busy in the study room by snuggling and letting out purring noises.
Finally, he thinks it works because of how Yagami strokes his hair. So, the Kusanagi acts more boldly. He kisses his partner’s neck.
Unfortunately, it ends up with the redhead pushing away Kyo’s face and phrases like: not now, no, or even back off. More importantly, the brunette knows that when Yagami uses a strict tone, he can forget about trying to go any further.
Later on, Kyo convinces himself that maybe Iori is not in the right mood or he is just tired. The Kusanagi’s heir even thinks that such behavior lasts for too long.
One time, he even jokingly said to his partner that he would bookmark an appointment for the intimate massage while whining about how someone’s hands are always too busy and harsh.
Yet, Iori takes this little joke too seriously and as an offense. He decided the brunette must spend two weeks on the couch and keep at least a few meters away from his partner.
Even before the first days of ignoring Kyo, the redhead’s bitter reply was like that drawn line that made the brunette realize he has gone too far.
For some reason, it hurts every time just remembering Iori’s words: “You feel free to do what you want. However, do not involve me in your mess. Just try pulling anything like this ever again and one day you notice the changed locks and your packed stuff outside.”.
Despite that, the Kusanagi’s heir refuses to apologize for something that he prefers as an innocent joke and attempts to sparkle up the dimmed passion.
Besides, the Kusanagi convinces himself that Iori should beg for forgiveness because he accused him of being a selfish and pushy frat boy who does not care about anything but himself.
However, Kyo understands that telling the bitter truth may worsen the current situation. So, he was confident that Iori will get on his knees and beg to be forgiven.
Oh, how wrong he was.
Even a few days are barely endurable for the Kusanagi’s heir. He cannot believe Iori’s silence and ignorance are worse than the redhead losing his temper.
At least, when they get into an actual fight, they acknowledge each other’s existence, and during the heat of the fight, they would make up. However, now it feels like torture to be ignored like this.
Although, Yagami doesn’t mind if Oreo interacts with Kyo, nor when his precious baby gets anywhere near the brunette.
Perhaps Iori doesn’t want to put Oreo under any stress or discomfort just because of two adults acting like this. Or maybe because he thinks the tuxedo kitten has nothing to do with this mess.
On the brighter side, at least Oreo is still on his side. Or so, Kyo comforts himself.
Sometimes during the night, if the little fellow is bored, he will attack anything that may resemble a prey. And the sleeping brunette is no exception.
At first, Kyo seems to be not so happy when he gets waken up by the feeling of how little fangs or nails sink into his fingers. Yet, he would play with Oreo without carrying about scratches or when one of them would fall asleep.
If would fail, the brunette would offer snacks.
Meanwhile, the tuxedo kitten cannot figure out why his cat dads are acting so weird toward each other, and he doesn’t like the tension between his parents.
A week passes. These two keep ignoring each other, and there is no end. Yet, it got worse, and little Oreo is a part of their conflict.
Previously, Iori didn’t mind the tuxedo kitten spending time with Kyo. Yagami always takes care of his precious child and makes sure that nothing terrible happens to him.
Yet, recently, the redhead slowly ignores Oreo’s presence.
Meanwhile, Kyo walks away when he sees his ex-partner, even if he is in the middle of playing with the tuxedo kitten.
The poor little Oreo wonders if his parents do not love him anymore. He even feels upset he has done something wrong.
However, the tuxedo kitten hopes his parents made up and once again pamper him with attention and care. But for now, he needs to wait for the right moment.
Couple more days pass, and it is the end of the second week of ignorance.
It is already late night and Kyo is deeply sleeping on the couch. Nothing seemed to disturb his slumber.
Suddenly, a loud banging noise nearly makes him jump from the couch.
‘‘What a hell?’’ The brunette indignantly asks.
As the Kusanagi carefully listens, he hears nothing.
Before Kyo curls under the warm blanket, he comments in a bored tone ‘‘Maybe Yagami has finally snapped out… Whatever, it’s not my problem.’’. Lastly, he closes his eyes and returns to his sleep.
Meanwhile, before the disaster, Iori turned the night lamp on and was about to leave the bed. More so, he was half-asleep. And thus, this is where he made his fatal mistake.
The redhead wasn’t aware of one of Oreo’s toys lying around and made him slip and scare the poor kitten.
And thus, the redhead ends up lying on the floor and wriggling in pain. Yet, he is madder at himself because he cannot move his aching leg and get up.
While he struggles to crawl to the edge of the bed and groans, he addresses the frightened kitten ‘‘Oreo… Daddy is fine. I just tripped over.’’.
Suddenly, Oreo jumps from the bed and runs towards the door.
Meanwhile, Yagami is confused why the tuxedo kitten keeps trying to reach the doorknob.
After a few attempts, the little Oreo reaches the doorknob, opens it with his weight, and leaves the room while loudly meowing.
In the end, Iori wonders why his precious little angel tried so badly to leave the room. Nevertheless, he feels trapped and useless inside his bedroom. More so, the pain in his leg is unbearable.
Meanwhile, Kyo’s sleep is disturbed again, but this time by Oreo desperately meowing, which gets louder as he heads towards the couch. As the brunette searches for his phone, he speaks up in a sleepy voice ‘‘Oreo, what’s wrong? Are you hungry? It is the middle of the night! Go to sleep or go and bother your dad, okay?’’.
Lastly, the Kusanagi realizes that this sound is like the one from previous times when Oreo got stuck in the study room. Then, he turns on the flashlight in his phone and places it on the nearest surface to lighten the room.
While stretching and sitting up, he notices a loudly meowing kitten who sits on the ground and waits.
‘‘What happened? Do you want me to follow you?’’ Kyo addresses the begging little fellow.
When he lazily gets up and grabs his phone, Oreo stops meowing and leads him to the bedroom. As the Kusanagi’s heir follows the tuxedo kitten, he tells ‘‘Please, tell me that nothing serious happened…’’.
After reaching their bedroom, Kyo unsuspectingly pushes the door ‘‘You better have a good explanation for this, Ya-…’’.
The words stuck inside the brunette’s throat, and he nearly dropped his phone.
“What a hell do you want? Leave!” Iori yells while trying to get up. Unfortunately, his painful leg shuts him up.
As the redhead roughly breathes, he indignantly stares at the Kusanagi.
After Kyo squats in front of his partner, he scolds him “Do not rise your voice when your child is around, pops.”.
“Fuck you...” Yagami backfires.
Yet, the brunette backfires “Not now, okay? There are more important things happening at the moment.”. After a momentary pause, Kyo softens his gaze “Let me see where it hurts.”.
Meanwhile, Oreo silently observes from a distance how one of his dads takes care of the other one. For now, the tuxedo kitten is too scared to get any closer.
After Kyo barely touches Iori’s left shank, he nearly gets kicked into the face by another leg.
A second later, Yagami shouts “Get lost! Can’t you see that you are making this worse?! I can handle it on my own!”.
However, the Kusanagi’s heir scolds him “I told you to calm down! You are scaring Oreo. If it wasn’t for him, I would gladly leave you until your stupid head cools down. However, I cannot do that. Your son loves you and needs you. He was the one who made me follow him and showed me what happened to you. You can hate all you want, but at least this time only, listen to me for the sake of Oreo.”.
As the brunette sighs, he continues in a chill voice “I’ll call the ambulance. ‘Cos who knows if you broke your leg or not.”.
“There is no need for that.” The redhead objects.
Suddenly, Kyo replies in a reckless tone “Then, I’ll take Oreo with me and leave you laying here like a stubborn idiot.”. He calls the tuxedo kitten “Oreo, come here. Come on. Don’t be scared. I’ll give you tons of treats if you listen to me.”.
Surprisingly, the brunette’s tactic works. While the little Oreo approaches, he continues his sweet talk “Good boy~”.
Yet, losing the only sunshine in his life is more painful than any other suffering the redhead has endured. Therefore, if it means that his little Oreo is by his side, he has no other choice than to listen to the Kusanagi.
Finally, Iori swallows his pride and agrees with Kyo “Fine. Do as you want.”.
Surely, this decision secretly makes the brunette happy and relieved. The Kusanagi’s heir even forgets about the grudge against his partner or their fight.
A few minutes pass, and the ambulance arrives at Yagami’s apartment door.
When Kyo briefly explains what happens and asks for the medical staff to go together with Oreo. Even if he had to use his acting skills and convince that little Oreo is Iori’s supportive cat and how the doctors and nurses will thank him later for making the redhead more cooperative.
Surprisingly, the Kusanagi’s heir is the right. When Yagami gets the medical examination, he feels more comfortable and less stressed when his little Oreo is around.
Some time passes. Finally, there are x-ray results. Fortunately, Iori has broken nothing, and he paid off with the sprained ankle.
Of course, the redhead won’t be himself if he hasn’t demanded the medical staff not hospitalize him. Despite that, the doctor and nurses were putting on an ankle splint and explaining what he should do for a faster recovery.
In the end, Kyo apologized to the medical staff for his partner’s caused fuss.
After arriving at their apartment, it still surprised Iori how the brunette insisted on supporting him while carrying Oreo.
That stupid fool even went through the unnecessary effort to put the redhead into the bed so that the sprained ankle would deal with as little stress as possible.
Once Kyo is done, he checks on his partner before leaving the room.
However, he gets stopped by Iori’s voice “Wait. Aren’t you going to sleep here?”.
The Kusanagi only widens his eyes and as he turns to face his partner, asks in a concerned voice “What do you mean? Have you already forgotten about how you told me not to get any near you because of... well, you know, that incident? Are you sure that you are fine by this?”.
“Do as you please. I don’t care. Maybe I gave you too much credit after tonight. Forget what I said earlier.” The redhead complains as he frowns.
However, Kyo doesn’t want to spend another night on the couch or miss his chance to redeem himself.
As the brunette gets closer to the bed, he makes big guilty eyes, hoping that it will soften the redhead’s heart.
After Kyo sits on the floor and rests his arms on the bedside, he stares at Iori ‘‘Then, what should I do to convince you and prove that I learned my lesson?’’.
Yagami can swear that this stupid Kusanagi uses such acting just to getaway.
So, while the redhead doubts Kyo’s motives, he comments in a slightly irritated tone ‘‘You are just trying to get what you want, aren’t you? I’m sure that if I forgive you, you will act the same as before.’’.
Yet the brunette defends himself ‘‘If you still doubt me, I’ll prove that you are wrong. Hell, I won’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable or against your will. I promise!’’.
In the end, Iori deeply exhales and replies ‘‘I’ll think about that…’’.
Surely, such a decision is more than enough to make Kyo happy. That is why he is determined during the next three weeks to help his partner to recover. Of course, he might not handle this alone. So, he would need to work with the little Oreo to achieve this goal.
Meanwhile, the tuxedo kitten feels relieved that his parents finally stopped fighting. Later on, when his cat-dads asleep, he would jump on the bed and find a comfortable spot.
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jeraliey · 1 year
Fooding experiments!
(TW: Discussion of food and nutrition)
So I took a CME course on nutrition from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and I liked some of the ideas for eating slightly healthier, so I'm a-gonna try some! It's basically going to be eat-less-animal-product-and-more-plant-product stuff.
(Note/disclaimers: I am a big non-fan of orthorexia; I have the same mistrust-to-scorn for the dieting-and-extremist-yoga-juicing-guru industry as I do for anti-vaxxers. The healthier and least sin-and-virtue-oriented a person's relationship to food is, the better. Also note: I have the privilege of never having had to worry about weight or body image issues, so use appropriate grains of salt. My decisions are only right for me for who I am as a person. Also note: I am a medical professional.)
Anyway, I decided to add some new food items to my repertoire! Some will be additions, and some I'm going to see if they work as substitutions.
-I've had tofu and tempeh before (not something that I preference when ordering, but also not anything that grossed me out). But I never learned how to cook them, so I never bought them for my fridge. I decided I didn't want to mess with the whole press-your-tofu situation, so I got some silken tofu to put in my smoothies instead-of-or-in-addition-to-yogurt (I'll report back if I like it), and some tempeh to use as a meal protein. Also got some cornstarch because apparently that makes these things crispy when you fry them.
-Got some dried-seaweed snacks and edamame for snacking. These are things I already know I like.
-Got some pre-made seaweed salad. I think I've had it before, and I remember liking the texture even though it's not one of my normal expected food-textures. I'll probably make some sesame-ginger marinated tempeh and have those for dinner sometime, I think that should work.
-I bought oat milk. Never bought a non-dairy milk before. Anyway, I'm gonna see if I like it in my tea instead of half-and-half. I got the "extra-creamy" version. I suspect I'll eventually go back to half-and-half (though I've never tried oat milk before so who knows!), but let's see what happens.
-Got some mixed greens for salads, even though I've been trying to eat more salads for years and usually the greens end up wilting uneaten in my fridge. I suspect this pattern will not change anytime soon, but I'm going to continue giving myself the opportunity.
-I got some pre-made tuna salad for sandwiches. Maybe some of the greens will make it onto those too.....
-I also re-upped my requisite ice cream and oreos and bought a pre-made pound cake. And the pre-made curry chicken salad looked good too, so I got some of that even though the overall goal is to reduce the amount of chicken and beef and stuff that I usually eat. Because reduction is not the same thing as elimination.
-I also got some ricotta cheese, because my zucchini plant in my garden is making squash blossoms, and I hear they taste good stuffed and fried. Planning to chop up some parsley and maybe oregano from my garden, make a ricotta stuffing, and fry them up as they arrive. I'm trying to make sure this zucchini plant survives long enough to make female flowers (unlike multiple previous attempts) so I can actually grow zucchini, but even if it doesn't....at least I'll get something out of it this time. -I was actually surprised that buying all of these snooty plant-foods as additions to my usual grocery list actually cost around the same as a normal grocery store visit. And that's even with buying a few new multi-use items like pre-made marinades (for the tempeh). Was not expecting that.
Anyway, let's see how it goes!
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unwritrecipes · 2 years
A Small and Hopefully Not Overwhelming Thanksgiving Roundup-2022
Hiya, my friends! How did it get to be mid-November?!! Time just seems to be racing out of control, as in Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK!!!! But hey, no reason to panic or sweat the small stuff, right? Normally, I’d have had a big turkey day roundup of recipes out to you weeks ago, but since that ship has sailed plus the fact that my inbox is loaded with everybody else’s recipe roundups, I thought I’d keep it very small and manageable this year and just share the few dishes I plan on including. And anyway, you probably already have your menu down pat, but if not…
We’re going to my sister Ali’s which means I thankfully am not responsible for the turkey (thank god, because I’ve actually never made one myself being that my mom is queen of turkey and gravy) and am only going to be bringing some sides and dessert. And we’re not a huge group this year either, mostly cause only one of our children loves us enough to come home for the holiday (no, just kidding, the others are spending it with their significant others’ family or have to be on call and I’m not bitter at all about it, can’t you tell?)
Okey-dokey, here’s what I’ve been tasked with….
HOMEMADE WHOLE BERRY CRANBERRY SAUCE—this is so much better than any canned kind you can buy, super easy to make and you can prepare it days ahead!
WILD MUSHROOM AND BRIOCHE STUFFING—my family would disown me if I showed up to any Thanksgiving without this. It does require you to make your own brioche but again you can do this days before and it is out of this world fantastic! Truly one of the best stuffings and best dishes I have ever made!!
THE BEST CORNBREAD—I ❤️ cornbread big time! And while it’s not absolutely necessary, I really love having it and the fact that there’s usually leftovers!! So good toasted with butter the next morning for breakfast!
APPLE CRUMB PIE—this is a huge family favorite and just feels so right for the holidays. It’s time consuming but I really only attempt it once a year.
TRIPLE CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE WITH OREO CRUST—everyone voted for this at a recent family gathering and I love it cause I can make it a day ahead. Plus, it’s chocolate!!
HOMEMADE PHILADELPHIA STYLE ICE CREAM—for the apple pie of course! And once you start making your own, no one is entirely happy with store-bought again.
CAYA’S COOKIES—for the dog who strangely doesn’t care about food but gobbles down these cookies. Everybody deserves a treat, right?!!
FLAT CHEWY HEATH BAR CHOCOLATE CHUNK COOKIES—buttery, luscious and indulgent. I always make these around Thanksgiving because of course we need more!
SUSIE’S MAPLE PECAN THINS since I’m not making a pecan pie this year, I think we at least need one nutty cookie.
Hope this helps or at least doesn’t undermine😘
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