#what causes irritable bowel syndrome
lunasilvis · 2 years
My intestines have been attempting to kill me this week :") But honestly, ugh.
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Gut problems strike again! Almost trusted that fart a lil TOO much!!
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camryn-aisling · 3 months
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Last July, I had my first colonoscopy at the age of 26. I was suffering from dysregularity, frequent diarrhea, and cramping. At the time, the diagnosis was post-infection irritable bowel syndrome caused by some form of infectious colitis.
Unfortunately, over the course of the following year, my symptoms gradually intensified and eventually became largely unresponsive to lifestyle-change-based treatment. It's gotten to the point that, for the past two months, I've been having to rely on max dose immodium to maintaining a semblance of normality in the bathroom.
Thinking that perhaps he had misdiagnosed ulcerative colitis, my gastroenterologist prescribed a course of budesonide. Sadly, it was completely ineffectual. As such, I was scheduled for yet another colonoscopy.
A few days ago, on June 20th, less than a year after my first one, I had the second colonoscopy of my life. Many more biopsies were taken this time. I haven't yet gotten the results. Frankly, I'm terrified of what they might find.
To add insult to injury, my insurance has a massive deductible, so I'm on the hook financially for pretty much the entire procedure.
I don't yet know what the total cost will be. Last time, it was about five thousand dollars. With all the extra biopsies this time, it might be a bit more, but I won't know what the pathology bill is for a while.
I've been running a fundraising campaign on other sites since June 11th and have managed to raise a decent amount of money.
Unfortunately, donations seem to have stalled at $2,987.18, a little over $2,000 short of our $5,000 goal.
Thus, I have come to beseech thee, tumblr. I need thy aid. Please help me however you can. For those of you who can afford to spare some money, direct contributions are greatly and sincerely appreciated. If you aren't able to donate, then I ask that you please share this post with as many friends, associates, and acquaintances as you can.
If you'd like to donate, you can use either paypal or cashapp:
https://paypal.me/camrynaisling (please ignore the deadname)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
Let's go!
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bunniekittiee · 9 months
Hell Week
Pairing: Bi-Han x Fem. Reader
A/N: This is for my bad period girlies where you are waiting for death to arrive, the cramps are bottoming you out, the nausea is deathly, and you are curled in a ball. Been there, done that! Norco for the win :(. Let’s have sweetheart Bi-Han take care of y’all! He might be a little ooc. It might be a little short as well but i tried to make it a little long.
Content warning: Periods. That’s the warning. You already know.
Summary: You have hellish periods that absolutely destroy you for a week. Bi-Han is there to keep you company and help you with absolutely anything you need.
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The hellish week had arrived. And it came full force. Seemingly normal, you were in a blissful happiness. That was, until you had woken up in the middle of the night with the most horrific period cramps ever. Absolutely diabolical. Trying to quiet your painful groans, you curled into a small ball and away from your husband. You did not want to awake him from his slumber. He needed the rest. And you did not want to bother him with something so small like this.
But oh, it was not so small. Periods for you were extremely painful and long. The Lin Kuei doctors were doing their best to diagnose you, but it was not quick enough. They were skeptical it was endometriosis, but then again, it could be polycystic ovary syndrome. Or uterine fibroids. Or even irritable bowel syndrome. Whatever it was, it caused you hell.
Feeling you fidget around, Bi-Han woke up. “What’s wrong, my love? I feel you moving around.” He sat up to look at you. You looked like you were in bad pain.
“My period started. I have the worst cramps.” You replied back, trying to curl into a ball more and more.
He frowned. He should have expected this to come sooner. “My firefly, you should sit in the bath. I will run it for you.”
“I can’t get up, sweetheart.” You said. “I can hardly move.”
Getting up from the bed, he padded to your side. “Then I will pick you up. I got you.” He started to pick you up, and although it was nice to be in his presence, the cramps hit with a vengeance. Before clenching your eyes shut, you were met with an embarrassing sight. You had bled all over the bed.
“Bi-Han, I am so sorry,” You apologized, feeling tears prick your eyes. “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!”
He glanced at the bed, his eyes slightly widening at how much blood loss there was. There were a few accidents in the past, but every time it seemed to surprise him a bit how much you could bleed. “My dear, they are only bed sheets. And you are speaking to the same man who has a history of conquering clans. Blood does not affect me.”
Feeling a bit comforted but still guilty, you clenched your eyes shut as he walked with you to the bathroom. He gently set you on the toilet, scanning over your body as he saw the painful expression on your face. He hated to see you suffer every month like this. He knew how much it took a toll.
Running the bath, Bi-Han gently rubbed your legs as he checked the temperature over and over again. He had to make sure it was perfect, as well as that there were a good amount of bubbles and lavender fragrance. Once he knew it was ready, he nodded his head at you. “I can help you undress. Stand up, if you can.”
Shakily standing, you let him undress you. Right now, you wanted to sink in the warm bath and did not care how you looked while he was taking your garments off. The blood soaked ones would be thrown out and replaced with new ones. Bi-Han always made sure you never wore bloodied garments after they were stained. He could afford new clothes, why wear them again?
He helped you inside the tub and you slowly sank inside, sighing quietly at the warmth. You looked at him so full of love. “Thank you, my love. This feels good. But I don’t feel well.”
“I know, my dear.” He said as he caressed the side of your cheek. “I will fetch you medication and water. And I will prepare the bed for you again.”
You nodded your head at him, and as he was about to leave, you called his name out. “Bi-Han?”
He stepped back inside the bathroom and kneeled down next to you. “Yes, my love?”
You played with the bubbles. “Do you think maybe you could spend the day with me today? I don’t think I can manage on my own. It’s really bad.”
Bi-Han would take as many days off as he wanted to in order to take care of you. He did not care if his clan became annoyed. You came first, and if you were suffering, he needed to take care of you. “Of course. I will always take care of you. I will be right back, dear.” He said as he kissed your head softly.
He left the bathroom, and you felt yourself feel sleepy but the cramps were too much. They would not let you rest. You curled your arms against your stomach and laid your head back. You would have to wait until Bi-Han gave you medication after the bath. He was so lovely. Always so willing to help and comfort you. It made you want to cry.
Oh no, now you were crying. Not out of sadness, out of the fact that he loved you very much. And you loved him very much. It made you so emotional!
After changing the sheets off the bed and grabbing spare clothes for his wife, Bi-Han returned to get her out of the bath. He saw her crying, and he immediately went to her side. “What is wrong, my firefly? Why are you crying?” His anxieties increased.
“I just love you so much, and you are so sweet. It’s making me emotional, and I feel so stupid for crying like this. I’m sorry.” You babbled as he gently wiped your tears away. He felt his heart swell that you were crying over something like that.
“Of course I love you, you are my firefly.” He replied gently, sending you into a sobbing mess. He rubbed circles on your back and hugged you, not caring if you got him wet. He felt bad that you were so emotional. Almost breakable. Times like these always made him feel guilty. “Do not cry, you will make your symptoms worse.”
You sniffled. He was right. But it was hard to calm down. He gently rubbed your hand before he grabbed a towel. “Let’s get you out of there. I made the bed.”
With his help, you got out of the tub as Bi-Han wrapped the towel around you. He helped you dry off, and right after he helped you prepare your pads. You usually wore two, one situated towards the front and the other more towards the back for full protection. It usually saved you from bleeding through clothes. You slipped on your underwear as you held onto Bi-Han for support who looked away to give you more privacy. He knew how trying these period weeks were.
After you put on your underwear and pads, you got dressed in night attire once again. The cramps that were slightly alleviated by the warm water, were now completely back. You wanted to lay down already. Bi-Han already knew, and he picked you up so he could settle you in bed.
“I will bring you your medication and a heating pad.” Bi-Han said as he kissed your cheek. “I will be back very soon. Try to rest.”
“I love you, my love.” You said to him as you grabbed his hand before he walked off.
He slightly smiled. “I love you more, my firefly.” He squeezed your hand and walked off to get you what you needed. You tried to get comfortable, but the pain was unbearable. Trying to rest with discomfort was not ideal. You waited for Bi-Han to return.
Bi-Han was doing his best to be quick. He knew you needed the medication as soon as possible, but he needed Kuai Liang to heat up the heating pad to perfection. There were some things that Bi-Han could not do.
Kuai Liang was half asleep in his chambers, debating between getting up or laying within his bed. Bi-Han entered his room. “Brother, are you awake?”
Kuai sat up. “Yes, is everything okay, brother?”
“Of course. I need you to do something.” Bi-Han held out one of the Warmies that Tomas had bought at the market for his wife. It was not an unknown fact how much her periods affected her as she had accidents in front of the brothers. They understood that this week meant she was in her worst state.
The pyromancer was more alert now as he took the stuffed animal from Bi-Han, heating it up as much as possible. Bi-Han knew that it would get cold in his hands, so they understood that Kuai needed to heat it up to the maximum temperature the material could withstand. After doing so, he handed it back to Bi-Han. “Rest well, brother. Shall Tomas and I let the Elders know that you are taking the day off?”
“Yes. I will be back tomorrow or the day after.” Bi-Han replied. “Thank you, Kuai Liang.”
They nodded their heads at each other, and Bi-Han made his way to the medicinal cabinet where he grabbed medication for her cramps. She needed one of the highest dosages of medication. Then, he walked to the kitchen, setting the items down so he could heat up tea for her. Green tea was supposedly helpful, but it only eased her nausea and bloating. After he was finished, he took a small tray with the items back to their shared bedroom where she laid with furrowed brows and closed eyes. He set the tray on the table. “Take this, and here is the heating pad. Kuai Liang warmed it up, I’ll cool it down slightly so it does not scald your skin.” He took the stuffed animal and focused on cooling it down as it was very hot to the touch. He did not want it to hurt his wife.
You sipped on the tea and took your medication. You hoped it would kick in soon so you could rest well. After Bi-Han was done messing with the temperature, he laid the animal across your lower stomach where your cramps were centralized. You sighed quietly in the warm relief. “Thank you, my dear.”
“Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat.” Bi-Han asked her with loving eyes.
You shook your head. “No thank you. All I really want are cuddles from you.” You smiled.
He chuckled. “Of course, my dear.” He didn’t mind lazy days like these. He was always working and busy. And with you in his life, he wanted to have more days off to spend with you. He moved closer to you, trying to not freeze you out and make your cramps worse. He eventually settled on wrapping blankets around you so you could retain your warmth. You relaxed in his touch, leaning into him and closing your eyes. Your cramps were still bad, but with the medication beginning to kick in and the drowsiness starting to hit, it was beginning to be drowned out. Closing your eyes, you fell into a deep slumber.
Feeling cold, you shivered as you started to wake up. Bi-Han wasn’t next to you, making you feel sad. Where did he go? Was he called out on a mission? Why didn’t he tell you goodbye?
Before your thoughts could make you feel even more sad, the man himself popped his head in. “Good afternoon, my love. I made you lunch if you feel up for it.”
Your eyes lit up when you saw him. “I thought you left for business. I am a little hungry. I just need to change.”
He nodded his head. “If you need help, I can help you.”
You shook your head. “I think I’m okay. Thank you though. I really appreciate everything, my dear.” You got up from the bed, your vision darkening at the edges from getting up too fast. Bi-Han was there by your side in a flash. You gave him one more head nod to solidify that you were okay, and you trudged to the washroom to change your pad. Or rather, pads. It was the first day, which meant a heavy flow. So, it was often that you had to change. Plus, after a while it started to feel a little gross.
Once changed up, you left the bathroom and met with Bi-Han who had waited patiently outside. He wanted to make sure you were okay. Smiling at him, you followed him to the kitchen in order to eat your lunch. Kuai Liang and Tomas were eating their lunches as well, turning their attention to you.
“Good afternoon, sister!” They both greeted as they continued to devour their foods. You greeted them back.
“How do you feel?” Tomas asked you while you sat next to them. Bi-Han was serving your plate.
“I feel okay. I am really tired and a little faint.” You replied with a small sigh. Bi-Han got you cold water to go with your food. You needed to be hydrated.
Kuai frowned. “Hopefully it will let up soon. Or else Bi-Han is going to have an aneurysm.”
Bi-Han flicked his forehead. “No jokes. You two need to go back to training the soldiers.”
“But our lunch…” Tomas said sadly, making you tear up. Just about everything was making you emotional.
“Let them finish their meals”. You said tearfully as Bi-Han felt himself clam up. He hated making you cry.
He nodded. “Well, you heard her. Carry on.” He gave her her plate of food that she carefully ate. Tomas gave her a small smile that she giggled at. Her moods changed very easily around this time. It wasn’t that they had to walk on eggshells, they carefully had to tread to make sure she didn’t get overwhelmed or cry. Otherwise, Bi-Han would have their heads on ice picks.
The brothers cleared out of the kitchen after they finished their meals, leaving you and Bi-Han. You ate part of your plate, but you did not want to overdo it. Sometimes the nausea came out of nowhere. And you did not want to throw up your meal.
“Back to bed?” He asked you.
You nodded your head. “Yes. I am tired again. And really bloated.”
He felt your tummy, smiling to himself. You were right, you were bloated. It was super cute to him. It made him think about you carrying his child. But he pushed that thought out of his head. Maybe not yet. “Let’s go back to bed. I will be with you.”
He guided you to the bedroom, tucking you into bed before getting himself in bed.
“I love you, my darling.” You told him sleepily, eyes beginning to flutter shut as you cuddled into him.
“I love you more dear.” He responded while kissing the top of your head. “It’s sleep time. Rest well, my love.”
While you slept on him, he read a book. He hardly had the time to read, but on his days off like this, he liked to spend it with you and divulge himself in his interests while doing so. It passed the time while you slept, but sometimes it made him sleepy too. While you slept, he glanced down every once in a while to check on you, but he also admired you. You were beautiful to him. Even while suffering. He loved you very much so.
He marked his place in his book, setting it to the side carefully as to not disturb your sleep. Giving you another kiss on your forehead, he stared at the ceiling until he began to feel drowsy. He listened to your quiet breathing as he began to fall asleep. He would spend as many days like this if it meant that he made you happy and comforted. That’s what mattered to him most.
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another anti-psych post from your neighborhood patient-therapist
In my last post I talked about the kinds of basic needs people and communities have, and asked what it might look like in your community to meet those needs as a baseline. This time we're going to talk more about what happens when communities and individuals are chronically un-/under-served.
Okay so let's break it down this way. We're gonna try looking at just one medical symptom of chronic stress: autonomic dysregulation. It's not going to feel like we are, but I promise that's all we're doing. This is a *serious* symptom and it often comes clustered with others due to the way it functions within the body, which is why I think it is a useful case study here. Autonomic dysfunction, especially chronic dysfunction, can temporarily (though for long spans of time if the dysfunction remains chronic rather than acute) alter the functioning of other systems within the body such as the endocrine system, the reproductive system, cognitive functioning through the hippocampus and amygdala, and muscle functioning, nerve functioning, and others. It is no joke to suggest that long term autonomic dysfunction can often lead to major long term health consequences that are life altering for the person experiencing them. While some can be treated, managed, or even cured, not all can be and this is something I want us all to keep in mind as we consider the need for building communities that do not cause this kind of harm to their people.
Let's look at some potential medical outcomes of autonomic dysfunction, per the Mayo Clinic:
Dizziness and fainting when standing, caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure.
Urinary problems, such as difficulty starting urination, loss of bladder control, difficulty sensing a full bladder and inability to completely empty the bladder. Not being able to completely empty the bladder can lead to urinary tract infections.
Sexual difficulties, including problems achieving or maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction) or ejaculation problems. In women, problems include vaginal dryness, low libido and difficulty reaching orgasm.
Difficulty digesting food, such as feeling full after a few bites of food, loss of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal bloating, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing and heartburn. These problems are all due to changes in digestive function.
Inability to recognize low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), because the warning signals, such as getting shaky, aren't there.
Sweating problems, such as sweating too much or too little. These problems affect the ability to regulate body temperature.
Sluggish pupil reaction, making it difficult to adjust from light to dark and seeing well when driving at night.
Exercise intolerance, which can occur if your heart rate stays the same instead of adjusting to your activity level.
Some common comorbid conditions may include Diabetes, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Parkinson's, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or an autoimmune disorder. In each of these cases I want you to remember the lens of an individual body being denied, in some way, its base needs (an edocrine hormone, a nutritional component, the internal security of homeostasis, etc), to such an extent that it begins to experience an internal catastrophic failure, as this lens may often be supportive of accommodating your disabled comrades, or yourself, in the future.
I also want us to consider some common social statistics relevant to these conditions. Nearly 4% of the world experiences and autoimmune disorder. Most are women, and Indigenous, Black, and Latina women are at risk than most for several of these. In the United States, there are suspected to be 37.3 million people with diabetes. Diabetes is also considered an autoimmune disorder by researchers, and is one that the Indigenous, Filipino, Indian, Latine, and Black communities are all at higher risk for than white people are, however, risk is also heavily influenced by poverty, and by a family's location with respect to food deserts which grow more and more common. In a truly wild statistic, 80% of lesbians versus 32% of heterosexual women had polycystic ovaries in one study, and 33% of lesbians versus 14% of heterosexual women had progressed to PCOS. Some studies find that transmasculine folks are more likely to PCOS as well.
When we consider the marginalization these groups experience, and the way that marginalization plays out in the social forum, the political forum, in the financial forum, and in the emotional forum, are we really surprised to learn that it plays out in the embodied forum too?
This is what people mean when they talk about social murder. These are health conditions that don't just change lives, they end them. A system that churns out people so chronically sick that their bodies are desperately killing themselves trying to stay alive is a society that has become desperately sick. Diabetes is something we have attributed to individuals, to families, and even every once in a while to corporations, but at what point have we sat down and looked at a society that produces this murderous autoimmune disorder at such high rates and asked the real question: how are we making so many people sick?
The answers are many, and that can feel overwhelming, but I encourage you to start in one place and learn your way around it as well as you can before you even consider moving on. Maybe start with food deserts. They're probably familiar to you, you've heard about them in passing before I imagine, even if you're not really too into this stuff. But ask yourself WHY food deserts are able to exist? What are the mechanics of one being born? How does one stay free from the stain of a grocery store or food market? Are there any places like that near you? If so, what points of leverage might there be in that location for you to break the homeostasis of the food desert? How can you add your weight to efforts already occurring, or stir up sentiment around the idea of a new homeostasis where a grocery store exists? Can you put up flyers or attend town hall meetings? Can you knock doors or phone bank? Can you bring some sugar by your neighbors and comment how frustrating it is you all have to go so far to get your groceries and wonder what's up with that and maybe start scheming together? What kind of store should it be? Bring in a local market? A chain? Build a co-op or merchant's stalls for a four season farmer's market?
Get really into one idea, and get others in on it with you. I bet you aren't the only one who'd like a better status quo.
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freewatermelon0 · 4 months
Hi, I just got a message from someone who is trying to save his family and to evacuate Gaza, and I'll just show you what he sent, please help him if you can.
A campaign to collect donations for the alostaz family in Gaza
I am Momen Al-ostaz, a German of Arab origins who works in the field of solar energy. I lived in war for a while, and I know all too well the pain and suffering it causes.
It is with great sadness and humility that I am launching this campaign on GoFundMe to raise funds to help my family evacuate the Gaza Strip.
the family
My family consists of 10 people, and they are Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.
Father: Jawad Al-ostaz , 55 years old, works as a laborer to provide the family’s basic needs. His travel allowance amounts to $5,000.
Mother: Nima Al-ostaz , 51 years old, housewife. Her salary is $5,000
Ahmed (29 years old): He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics. $5,000 is coordinated by him. He is married to Iman Atallah (24 years old), and they have two children (Amir, 1.5 years old, and Malak, 50 days old). He coordinates them with $5,000. Iman Amir, $2,500, and Malak, $2,500.
Reham (26 years old): She holds a bachelor’s degree in law and human rights. She lost her job due to the current situation and is owed $5,000.
Karam (22 years old): A professional designer, he lost his job during the war. $5,000 for his coordination
Bahaa (20 years old): He used to work as a street vendor, and lost his job due to the current situation. $5,000 coordinated by him
Minnat Allah (16 years old): A high school student, who lost her joy in studying due to the destruction of her school. $5,000 Format by him
current situation
Father: He suffers from heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, and needs urgent medical care and continuous follow-up.
Mother: She suffers from high blood pressure and irritable bowel syndrome.
Iman (Ahmed's wife) has difficulty finding milk or diapers for her two children due to a lack of supplies.
All family members suffer from severe water and food shortages, which exacerbate their illnesses.
Loss of property: The family lost their home, car, all of their possessions, and sources of income.
Psychological suffering: The family suffers from severe psychological trauma due to the loss of their loved ones, and their loss of shelter and safety.
The goal of the campaign
This donation aims to raise 100,000 US dollars, equivalent to 70,000 euros, to cover the costs of:
Asylum application fees and travel costs for 10 people to Egypt.
Covering the costs of living for two families in Cairo for a year.
Father's medical expenses.
Why donate?
The alostaz family is living in tragic humanitarian conditions and needs our urgent assistance.
Your donations will help save this family's life and give them a new lease on life.
Donations will provide the family with safe shelter, medical care and food.
Donations will help rehabilitate the family psychologically and socially.
Every contribution is appreciated, no matter how small.
You can donate through:
Link to the campaign page on GoFundMe
Share the campaign
Please share this campaign with your friends, family and colleagues on social media. Every participation contributes to delivering our message and spreading awareness about the suffering of the alostaz family.
Thank you for your generosity and generosity.
Together, we can help the alostaz family emerge from this ordeal and build a better future.
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angelacademy · 26 days
Clear skin is more than just skincare: Gut Health
(A science based read)
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What you eat is shown through your skin and on body. If your constantly shoving junk down your throat, junk is what will be shown on you. Essentially what you eat is what you are.
Eat bad -> bad skin
Eat good -> good skin
If your constantly breaking out and you feel icky. You need to figure out what is up with your gut health.
Research suggests many skin disorders are linked to an altered or unbalanced gut microbiome.
“When the relationship between gut microbiome and the immune system is impaired, subsequent effects can be triggered on the skin, potentially promoting the development of skin diseases.”
“13 Several dermatologic conditions, such as acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and rosacea are linked with intestinal dysbiosis. 223 Many studies have associated gastrointestinal health with skin homeostasis and allostasis, and there is evidence of a bidirectional interaction between the gut and the skin.”
Diet, drugs and other consumed substances affect skin through gut microbiome:
“Several studies have related the diversity and pathogenicity of the gut microbiome to skin disorders, which can be significantly altered by long-term dietary patterns. 43,105–107 Diet can affect the skin condition both positively and negatively through alteration of the gut microbiome, indicating that there is a relationship between the skin and the gut. 16 Not only diet, but also many synthetic and natural products consumed by humans as drugs can provide direct and indirect evidence on the connection between gut microbiome and skin.”
High and low fat diet:
“In the gut, a diet high in industrial trans-fatty acids increases the number of harmful microbes (such as Desulfovibrionaceae and Proteobacteria) while suppressing populations of advantageous microorganisms (e.g. members of Bacteroidetes, Lachnospiraceae, and Bacteroidales). 121 Refined and hydrogenated oils (e.g., soybean, sunflower, safflower, canola, corn, and vegetable oils) can cause inflammation in the gut, which then manifests on the skin.”
Industrially produced trans fat can be found in margarine, vegetable shortening, Vanaspati ghee, fried foods, and baked goods such as crackers, biscuits and pies. Baked and fried street and restaurant foods often contain industrially produced trans fat.
“133,134 Prebiotics, such as fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides, inulin, polydextrose, lactulose, sorbitol, and xylitol are a promising group of compounds that modulate the gut microbiome and can also provide skin benefits.”
“The effect of prebiotics on the skin condition is also obvious. For example, a Lactobacillus extract helps to reduce the size of acne lesions as well as inflammation by reducing skin erythema, improving skin barrier function and lowering the microbial counts on skin.”
types of prebiotics include:
Chicory root
Dandelion greens
Jerusalem artichoke
“Probiotics can prevent gut colonization by pathogens and support anti-inflammatory responses by producing metabolites with anti-inflammatory properties. The most common probiotic microbes currently in use belong to the genera Bacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus, Escherichia, Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces, and Streptococcus. 143,144 Several beneficial effects of probiotic consumption have been demonstrated on many dermatological conditions, thus proving the existence of the gut-skin axis.”
Common types of probiotics include:
Lactobacillus: This is a common probiotic found in fermented foods, such as yogurt.
Bifidobacterium: This probiotic is found in some dairy products and helps with the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Saccharomyces boulardii: This is a type of yeast found in many probiotics. You can find these probiotics and more in supplements and select foods.
Cottage cheese
Miso soup
“The proteins from animal-based food sources may have better effects on gut microbiota compared to plant-based food sources due to the higher protein digestibility of animal proteins and the fact that the digestion of plant proteins may be limited by the presence of antinutritional factors found in plants [67]. Animal proteins have more balanced essential amino acids than plant proteins [68,69] and are thus considered higher quality protein.”
“Dairy and meat protein intake at a recommended level increased the abundance of the genus Lactobacillus and maintained a more balanced composition of gut microbiota compared to soy protein, which is beneficial to the host [25,26,28].”
“Your body makes lots of different peptides, each of which has a different role. Scientists can also make synthetic peptides in the lab. Companies have been adding peptides to skin care products for decades.”
High protein foods:
Chicken breast
Red split lentils
Greek yogurt
“Dietary fibre is comprised of plant-based carbohydrates that cannot be metabolised by digestive enzymes encoded in the human genome, such as amylase. Instead, fibre can only be metabolized by certain species of gut microbiota through anaerobic fermentation, with the main product of this reaction being SCFAs.”
“Dietary fibre is a carbohydrate in plant foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and legumes, which have been dominant in human diets for millions of years. From the Paleolithic era, when the hunter-gatherers mainly ate fruit and wild grains, to the agricultural era, when crops began to be cultivated, the ancients consumed more than 100 g of various digestible and indigestible dietary fibre from plants per day [1,2].”
Fibre rich foods:
Chia seeds
Red kidney beans
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maaarine · 4 months
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Getting past ‘it’s IBS’ (Xi Chen, Aeon, June 04 2024)
"In the late 1980s, aged 12, Taryn was taken to her doctor’s office with cramping, bloating, and constipation after eating, and was told that she had ‘a nervous stomach’.
As a white girl growing up in New Jersey, she met a stereotype, and when initial bloodwork and imaging was negative for evidence of a ‘real’, or organic disease in her gut, one of Taryn’s doctors began writing in her charts that she had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a misdiagnosis that would follow Taryn for life.
At the time, IBS was considered by many to be a medically unexplained and therefore controversial illness, keeping company with conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
As a result, it carried the stigma of being a psychosomatic illness, caused primarily by stress and anxiety, and Taryn was sent home with prescriptions for diet and exercise. (…)
Today, unlike in the 1990s, it is well established that conditions like IBS, collectively known as disorders of gut-brain interaction (DGBIs), are real diseases that disrupt the communication between the nervous system of the brain and spine, and the nervous system of the intestines.
First mentioned in the book The Irritable Gut (1979) by the gastroenterologist W Grant Thompson, the conditions were labelled ‘functional’ disorders – characterised not by structural damage to the hardware of the gut, but by a glitch in its ‘software’, in other words, its nervous system, charged with processing, receiving or relaying information coming in or going out.
Software is not as easily observed as hardware, however, and much of academic medicine views the mind and the body as two separate and distinct entities, a viewpoint called mind-body dualism.
Over time, and despite the more nuanced meaning intended by Thompson, the term ‘functional’ became associated exclusively with disorders of the mind.
This is part of the reason why there is still stigma against conditions like IBS, and why attempts to establish diagnostic criteria for IBS in particular suffered from vagueness. (…)
When academics read that IBS patients have higher rates of anxiety and depression, or that antidepressants are a treatment for IBS, many assume that this is because psychiatric symptoms cause symptoms of IBS without considering the inverse, that chronic undiagnosed abdominal pain predisposes patients to having mood disorders.
The real reason these drugs are effective, however, is that, in utero, the precursor cells for our gut and our brain actually share the same nervous system, and only later separate in embryonic development.
As a result, the two nervous systems utilise the same neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, to send messages between neurons.
This is why we sometimes feel butterflies in our stomach when we’re nervous, and why stress and anxiety often worsen symptoms of IBS, but do not necessarily cause it.
As Brown’s quote above implies, the stereotype of the anxious patient in pain applies not only to IBS but all patients who present to clinics with vague abdominal distress (including those with non-gastrointestinal conditions like endometriosis, who experience delayed diagnosis because providers take women’s pain less seriously than men’s).
A classic example is peptic ulcer disease, a cause of severe abdominal pain that for decades was denounced as a psychosomatic illness until Barry Marshall and Robin Warren discovered in 1983 that it was caused by a species of bacteria.
Before their findings, peptic ulcers were managed with diet and, frequently, surgery, when what patients needed were antibiotics. (…)
In my opinion, the root of the problem is medical education itself.
Unless a medical trainee becomes a gastroenterologist, it is unlikely that they will receive any specialised education in IBS, let alone the history of IBS research proving it to be an organic condition, despite 40 per cent of the general population having functional gastrointestinal disorders.
Partly, this is because a majority of medical education in countries including the US, the UK and Canada takes place in academic centres associated with hospitals, where medical students will probably never encounter a patient for whom their IBS symptoms are the primary reason for them appearing in the emergency room, and especially not for their admission to the hospital itself.
As a consequence, medical students also don’t get their knowledge of IBS tested by board examinations.
This speaks to the fact that, echoing Osler, IBS generally doesn’t kill patients, and our current healthcare system values measures of mortality and cure in response to acute complaints more than quality of life and the management of suffering from chronic issues such as IBS.
The same could be said about long COVID (which, to this day, is sometimes challenged as illegitimate) and chronic fatigue syndrome, where sufferers are often sent off to a psychiatrist for care.
The thinking is that these ongoing problems, where there is no mainstream route for testing and treatment, are not as important for medical students to know about compared with, say, a patient crashing after a cardiac arrest, even though most of the global disease burden across the developed and the developing world is caused by chronic, not acute, illness. (…)
These demographic patterns don’t explain who really has the disease – they just reveal medical and social bias and entrenched stereotypes: women are perceived as hysterical and diagnosis-seeking, while men are stoic and avoidant, for instance; or white women are thought to tolerate less pain than people of colour.
None of this, in reality, is true – but it is part of the reason why so many patients assume that what they suffer from won’t be justified by the presence of organic disease and therefore doesn’t warrant a doctor’s visit in the first place.
Such patients, treated so poorly within the medical mainstream, now have a community and identity of their own in the Wild West of alternative medicine that flourishes online.
Such groups, seeking to empower themselves and especially hoping to get well, today stand at loggerheads with the practices and physicians they have left behind.
Some accuse their former doctors of gaslighting them, and they deserve to be heard.
Much of what I have discussed regarding misdiagnoses of IBS assumes that healthcare providers, even when in error, always have good intentions and are sincere about using the diagnosis to clarify the patient’s medical case.
There were several elements of Taryn’s story, however, and in my own experiences of how DGBIs are taught in medical school, that make it difficult for me to believe that this assumption holds in most doctor visits.
Although one could argue that the blasé diagnoses of IBS and disordered eating for Taryn could be down to simple carelessness and negligence, honest errors, or someone being ‘just a bad doctor’, it’s obvious to me that a pattern was developing with Taryn’s interactions with different providers who weren’t taking her lived experience itself seriously, just as I had stopped taking my own experiences seriously.
What holds our stories together, I believe, is this phenomenon where both of our perceptions of our own ability to know what’s true or not were put into question."
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I am once again experiencing the Horrors™️, so you know what that means! ME/CFS information time!
Though often associated with fatigue and neuro-immune dysfunction, ME is actually quite prevalent in the gut as well. Intestinal and stomach issues are not uncommon, so here are a few to mention (these are not an exhaustive list, please add if you experience others!)
IBS: possibly the most common diagnosis, IBS can cause a whole host of lower GI dysfunction, including indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, and cramping. It can range in severity and form between individuals.
Gastroparesis: a paralysis of the stomach muscles that causes delayed and sudden stomach emptying. Symptoms include bloating, fullness, pain, nausea, and in cases vomiting. Let me tell you, this one’s a doozy.
Bacterial overgrowth: Unfortunately being chronically ill has consequences on the gut microbiome too, and some studies have shown evidence that individuals with ME/CFS (and its comorbidities like fibromyalgia and IBS) have an overgrowth in the small intestine, which causes side effects similar to those mentioned above.
ME/CFS really is a systemic illness, and if you are experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms, please seek the help of a trusted physician. If there is no one you feel comfortable speaking with, there are a few things I find help me.
Stay upright, slightly reclined if possible. Being completely flat makes me more nauseous and painful.
Small meals. Big meals only serve to instigate the nausea and cramping.
Avoid heat unless your guts are cramping, for example with constipation. Otherwise I find heat makes my nausea worse.
Try liquid replacements. I’m currently trying Boost, and have experienced good things with it.
This one’s the toughest, but avoid stressors. I have GAD so I never like hearing this but unfortunately anxiety and the gut go hand in hand. If you can try to distract yourself, it may ease the symptoms a little.
GINGER GRAVOL! If all else fails, these supplements work wonders for my stomach, and start taking effect in around 30 min. They’re last on the list because they can run a little expensive, but if you need relief fast, these are a life saver in my experience.
Stay safe out there, everyone, and feel free to add to this! These are just my sleepy, nauseous ramblings, and ME/CFS is not a monolith. I’d be happy to hear your thoughts and experiences
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mx-werebat · 23 days
Eugh, putting this under a cut due to mentions of arfid and food I guess
Pearl is food adverse cause she probably has arfid. Same with Frankie who only drinks monster.
I also have arfid. I've known about it for a bit. It sucks because only Ula and I will feed the body, but if we can't find what we can handle, we just.. Won't.
It's concerning. It also coincides with our irritable bowel syndrome. We are hungry, but the body isn't taking to things well right now.
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ausetkmt · 23 days
The fundamental concern as we look to reform health in America is the known reality that most chronic diseases that afflict Americans are predominantly lifestyle induced; and the belief is that the vast majority of heart attacks and strokes could be prevented if people were willing to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors. In addition, healthy lifestyles would impact a significant number of cancers which are also believed to be related to lifestyle exposures, especially to obesity, cigarettes, and other toxins.
Over the past 50 years, the health of Americans has gotten worse, and now 71% of Americans are overweight or obese—not 66%, which was reported 5 years ago.1 That means a staggering 100 million people in America are obese. Today, eating processed foods and fast foods may kill more people prematurely than cigarette smoking.2
Authorities determined the 71% figure by classifying people with a body mass index (BMI) over 25 kg/m2 as overweight or obese. Yet in long-lived societies such as in the “Blue Zones” (Ikaria, Greece; Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica; and Loma, Linda California) and wherever we find groups of centenarians, we observe a healthy BMI below 23 kg/m2, not 25 kg/m2. If we use above 23 kg/m2 as the demarcation for overweight or obesity, then we find that 88% of Americans are overweight. And out of the approximately 10% that are of normal weight, the majority of those so-called “normal weight individuals” are either cigarette smokers, or suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction or dependency, autoimmune disease, occult cancers, inflammatory disorders, autoimmune conditions, digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and other illnesses that lower their body weight. Therefore, perhaps that only about 5% of the American population is at a normal weight as a result of eating healthy and living a healthy life. A recent study documented that only 2.7% of Americans adopt a relatively healthy lifestyle by combining exercise with healthy eating.3 The Standard American Diet (SAD) is clearly not a healthy diet.
I use the term “Fast Food Genocide” because most don’t understand the depth and breadth of the harm as a large segment of our society eats a diet worse than the dangerous SAD. Many people recognize that junk food, fast food, processed food, white flour, sugar, maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, and all the junk people are eating contribute to in obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, dementia and cancer, but many don’t realize the strong causative role an unhealthy diet may have in mental illness. Currently, 1 in 5 Americans suffers from a psychiatric disorder. And many people don’t realize the harm that processed foods have on Americans living in urban areas where they don’t have easy access to whole, fresh foods.
These unfortunate folks live in what we call “food deserts,” with reduced availability to fresh fruits and vegetables. Because of the limited access to supermarkets, they eat more unhealthy fast and processed foods and end up having 7 times the risk of early-life stroke (before age 45), putting people in nursing homes in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.4-7
The vulnerable poor in these areas also have double the risk of heart attack, double the risk of diabetes, and 4 times the risk of renal failure8-10; Unfortunately, the decrease in life span due to food inequality is shocking but rarely discussed. A substantial proportion of people in these urban environments are overweight, prediabetic, or fully diabetic. Researchers determined that compared with other areas in America with easy access to supermarket food, that the YPLL (Years of Potential Life Lost) for an overweight diabetic living in a zone classified as a food desert was a shocking 45 years!11,12
A link may even exist between fast food, processed food, commercial baked goods, and sweets and destruction of brain cell and a lowering of intelligence. Candy and sweetened baked goods may even stimulate the brain in an addictive fashion, which can lead to more serious illnesses.
The nutritional fundamentals accepted by the World Health Organization and most nutritional authorities today include vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and fruit as healthy foods; and salt, saturated fat, and excess sugar as disease causing. Excessive amounts of animal products may lead to premature aging, increased risk of chronic disease and higher all-cause mortality. Multiple studies have been published on hundreds of thousands of people, followed for decades showing that the objective endpoint of death is increased with higher amounts of animal product consumption.13-17 Furthermore, refined carbohydrates may not just lead to being overweight and diabetic but also contribute to dementia, mental illness, and cancer.18-21 There is considerable evidence today that heart disease is not only promoted by saturated fat and increased animal products but also by refined carbohydrates, including white rice, white bread, sugar, honey, maple syrup, and agave nectar.22-25
Research has shown that excess calories shorten lifespan, whereas moderate caloric restriction slows the aging process and protects the body and brain. Americans consume more calories than any other population; and they consume foods, many of which have minimal or no nutritional value (soda and alcohol as examples). So let’s consider the individual who is consuming 50 excess calories per day. What will be the short- and long-term result? Fifty excess calories per day, over and above your basic metabolic needs, over a 10-year period, adds about 50 pounds of extra body weight. The excess weight increases the risk of multiple chronic illnesses, cancers, and also takes many years of life away from the individual simply as a result of consuming only 50 calories a day too many.
Conversely, if an individual consumed 50 calories a day less that their metabolic requirements what would happen then? Would he or she become too thin, anorexic, and unhealthy? Would their bones fall apart? Obviously not! When you moderately caloric-restrict, even a small amount such as 50 to 100 calories a day, weight remains about the same, the person is slim, not too thin, and healthy. He or she will have a lower body fat percentage, and the skeletal mass, bones, and muscle mass are strong. In this scenario, the metabolic rate would slow down accordingly. The respiratory quotient, (the number of calories lost through respiration) would decrease, the body temperature would lower, and thyroid function would decrease slightly, all lowering the metabolic rate, which overall may result in a slowing of the aging process. The secret to a long life and freedom from chronic disease may be simply to moderately reduce calories in order to slow down our metabolic rate. The only behavior proven scientifically to dramatically increase life span in every species of animals, including primates, is to lower caloric intake while maintaining an environment of micronutrient adequacy, assuring that we have exposure to every micronutrient humans need. The American diet is also deficient in antioxidants and phytochemicals that are needed for normal immune function, for maximizing brain health, protecting against dementia, chronic illness, cancer, and premature aging.
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dipstar1489 · 11 months
DHMIS Traffic Light Trio Gacha Life 2
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While I will be combining both the YouTube and the TV series into one universe, I have only watched the entirety of the YouTube series, and analysis videos of the TV series since it doesn’t stream where I am. To make things less confusing, I will be referring the YouTube series as videos and the TV series as episodes.
TW, while I do not go into much detail, there is mention of an0rex!a, @bu$e, de@+h, and f0$ter c@re.
Headcanons: ⬇️
Yellow Guy
Name: David Gribbleston
Nickname: Dave
Age: 12
Ethnicity: Anglo-Celtic
Gender: Non-binary, they/he/it
Sexuality: Aroace with maybe an interest in queerplatonic relationships
Physical Disabilities: Deaf and using hearing aids
Mental Disabilities + Mental Illnesses: ADHD, Autistic, PTSD (from the later videos and majority of series), Separation Anxiety
Info: It is the only child of Roy and does not remember their mother. He naturally has brown hair, but Roy dyed both he and David’s hair blue to spite his ex and to connect with David, despite David liking his brown hair. They have been neglected and emotionally abused for a good majority of its life and believes this treatment is normal. Despite this, David has grown a distrust for Nel and Drew, Nel because they were originally a teacher (inspired by Nel’s cameo in video 6), and Drew for abandoning them.
Duck Guy
Name: Penelope Fowl (never bothered to legally change their name)
Nicknames: Penel, Pen, Nel
Age: 34
Ethnicity: Cuban, born and raised in London
Gender: FtN, Nonbinary, they/him
Sexuality: Pansexual, Aromatic
Physical Disabilities: Scoliosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Mental Disabilities + Mental Illnesses: ADHD, Autistic, PTSD (from video 2 and video 5) developing Anorexia (caused by trauma from video 5), Separation Anxiety, OCD
Info: They grew up in the foster care system since he was a young child due to them being neglected by his parents, but kept switching house until they grew out of the system without ever being adopted. Because of this, Nel never properly developed firm relationships and is in deep denial about his desire of a family, desperate for attention. Nel was originally meant to be a teacher, but they looked at both the student and the teacher scripts, making them vulnerable to the same dangers as Drew and David, and tried to stay on the teacher’s script until video 5, when he went to get the phone. Nel has grown insecure of their looks since video 4. They are somewhat afraid of David due to Nel semi-knowing what happened to him in video 5, and stays at Drew’s hip to avoid him leaving again.
Red Guy
Name: Andrew Dreads
Nicknames: Drew, Red
Age: 34
Ethnicity: British African-Caribbean
Gender: Demi-Boy, he/they, ftm(?)
Sexuality: Asexual, Homoromantic
Physical Disabilities: Osteoporosis
Mental Disabilities + Mental Illnesses: ADHD, Autistic, Separation Anxiety, PTSD
Info: Drew grew up with rather emotionally abusive parents that would dismiss and ridicule any emotion Drew and their sibling would have while the parents would whine about their own lives. He ran-away at 16 and cut off any contact with their family, but Drew grow to wonder if he made the right choice and question if their family changed after the run-away. Drew has difficulty understanding and presenting his emotions because of this. They had a dream to create a tv show since that was one of his only coping mechanisms before running away, and so when he met Roy and offered to be a producer, Drew accepted, not realizing his dream will be corrupted. Drew tried to stay with Nel and David out of regret for leaving them behind.
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drnishargpatel · 2 months
What is irritable bowel syndrome, what are the symptoms, and how is it treated?
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive illness affecting millions of people throughout the world. It is a disorder that affects the large intestine and can cause various symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, and bowel habit changes.IBS can be difficult to treat, but understanding the symptoms and treatment choices can help people find relief and improve their quality of life.
Get Knowledge about IBS Being a functional gastrointestinal disorder, irritable bowel syndrome affects how the gut works as opposed to creating structural harm. Although the precise causation of IBS is unknown, some factors are thought to be involved.  These include abnormal muscle contractions in the intestine, inflammation, and changes in the gut microbiome.  Stress and certain foods can also trigger or exacerbate IBS symptoms. 
Diet Tips for Dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be particularly helpful in managing this condition. While IBS varies from person to person, some common triggers include dairy products, high-fat foods, caffeine, and alcohol.  Identifying and avoiding these triggers is crucial for effective IBS treatment. 
Symptoms of IBS
The symptoms of IBS can vary widely but typically include:
Abdominal Pain and Cramping: This is often relieved by bowel movements and can range from mild to severe.
Bloating: Many people with IBS experience a feeling of fullness or swelling in the abdomen. 
Bowel Habits Changes: IBS can result in constipation, diarrhea, or a combination of the two.
Gas: Increased flatulence is another common symptom. 
Mucus in Stool: Some people notice mucus in their stool, which is not usually present in healthy bowel movements. 
It’s important to note that while IBS can be uncomfortable and disruptive, it does not cause permanent damage to the intestines or increase the risk of serious conditions like cancer.
IBS Treatment Options
Managing IBS effectively involves a combination of lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and sometimes medication. Here’s a comprehensive look at the various approaches to IBS treatment:
1. Dietary Changes
One of the most effective ways to manage IBS is by modifying your diet. Here are some dietary tips that can help alleviate symptoms:
Low-FODMAPS Diet: Less consumption of foods high in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols is recommended when following the Low-FODMAP diet. This diet has been shown to significantly improve IBS symptoms for many people. Foods for IBS and IBS-friendly recipes are key components of this approach.
Increase Fiber Intake: For those with IBS-C (constipation-predominant), increasing dietary fiber can help improve bowel movements. Foods like oats, fruits, and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber. High-fiber foods and a fiber-rich diet can aid in managing IBS-C.
Limit Trigger Foods: Identifying and avoiding foods that trigger symptoms is crucial. Common triggers include dairy products, fatty foods, and caffeine.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help with digestion and prevent constipation.
2. Medications
Several medications can be used to manage IBS symptoms, depending on whether you experience IBS-D (diarrhea-predominant), IBS-C (constipation-predominant), or a mix of both. Some options include:
Antispasmodics: The medicines work to relax the muscles in the stomach to reduce pain and cramping in the abdomen.
Laxatives: For IBS-C, laxatives can help promote regular bowel movements.
Anti-Diarrheal Medications: For IBS-D, medications like loperamide can help reduce diarrhea.
Fiber Supplements: Adding fiber supplements can help manage symptoms of IBS-C by providing additional bulk to stool.
3. Probiotics
Probiotics are good bacteria that can aid in reestablishing the gut microbiome's equilibrium. Some studies suggest that certain strains of probiotics can improve IBS symptoms by reducing bloating and pain. Probiotic foods like yogurt, kefir, and probiotic supplements are good sources of these beneficial bacteria.
4. Psychological Therapies
Since stress and anxiety can exacerbate IBS symptoms, psychological therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and stress management techniques can be beneficial. These therapies help individuals cope with stress and can improve their overall quality of life.
5. Lifestyle Modifications
A few lifestyle modifications, together with food and medication therapies, can help control IBS:
Daily Workout: Regular exercise can help control bowel movements and lower stress levels.  Exercise for gut health is an excellent way to support digestion.
Adequate Sleep: Ensuring you get enough sleep is essential for overall health and can help manage IBS symptoms. Sleep and gut health are closely linked.
Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practices such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress and improve gut health.
Tips for Managing IBS
Managing IBS requires a personalized approach, as what works for one person may not work for another. Here are some more suggestions for dealing with IBS:
Keep a Food Diary: Tracking your food intake and symptoms can help identify specific triggers and patterns.
Consult with a Dietitian: A registered dietitian can help you develop a personalized eating plan and guide you through the Low FODMAP diet if necessary.
Stay Consistent: Consistency in dietary and lifestyle changes is key to managing IBS effectively.
Communicate with Your Healthcare Provider: Regular consultations with your healthcare provider can help adjust your treatment plan as needed.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a manageable condition that can significantly impact the quality of life if left untreated. Understanding the symptoms and exploring various IBS treatment options can help you find relief and improve your well-being. By making informed dietary choices, considering medications and probiotics, and adopting lifestyle changes, you can manage IBS more effectively and lead a healthier life.
Remember, if you suspect you have IBS or are struggling to manage your symptoms, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment. You may take charge of your digestive health and improve your quality of life with the appropriate strategy.
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eliteayurveda · 2 months
11 Skin Conditions You’ve Almost Certainly Never Heard Of
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Millions of people in India suffer from at least one skin condition. You’ve probably heard of the more common ones, such as acne, eczema, and rosacea. In fact, there’s a strong possibility you have one yourself.
There are also a number of uncommon skin problems that you may be unaware of. They can range in severity from minor to fatal. They can have an impact on the quality of life of persons who develop them in some situations.
Continue reading for an overview of some of these lesser-known conditions.
Hidradenitis suppurativa
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that causes lesions to grow on skin-to-skin contact points on the body. The following are the most prevalent locations for breakouts:
underarms, groin, buttocks, upper thighs, and breasts
Although the etiology of HS is uncertain, hormones are likely to play a role in its development because it often begins around puberty.
The illness affects up to 2% of the population. It is especially common in those who are obese or who smoke. Women are more than three times as likely than men to have HS.
Genetics and the immune system are thought to play a role in who gets the condition.
People who have hidradenitis suppurativa are more likely to have specific conditions (or comorbidities), such as:
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) acne
Acne conglobata, dissecting cellulitis of the scalp, and pilonidal sinus disease are all part of the follicular occlusion tetrad (a collection of inflammatory skin disorders).
metabolic disorder
PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
Type 2 diabetes with squamous cell carcinoma of the afflicted skin
The first signs of HS are outbreaks that resemble pimples or boils. These outbreaks could remain on the skin or fade and recur.
If neglected, more severe symptoms like scarring, infection, and breakouts that rupture and produce a foul-smelling fluid might develop.
There is presently no cure for HS, however there are several therapy options to assist control symptoms. These are some examples:
topical ointments, anti-inflammatory medications, injectable biologics, and hormone therapy
In more severe situations, surgery may be recommended.
Psoriasis inversa
Intertriginous psoriasis is another name for inverse psoriasis. This illness, like HS, causes red sores on regions of the body where skin touches skin. These lesions do not resemble boils. They appear smooth and gleaming.
Many persons who have inverse psoriasis have at least one other type of psoriasis on their body. Experts aren’t clear what causes psoriasis, but genetics and the immune system both play a role.
Psoriasis affects roughly 3% of the world’s population, and 3–7% of those with psoriasis have inverse psoriasis.
Because the skin in high-friction parts of the body is sensitive, treating the condition can be challenging. Steroid creams and topical ointments can be beneficial, but they can also cause unpleasant irritation if used excessively.
People with more severe inverse psoriasis may also require UVB light therapy or injectable biologics to manage their illness.
Harlequin ichthyosis
Harlequin ichthyosis is an uncommon genetic condition that causes children to be born with rough, thick skin covered in diamond-shaped scales.
These plates, which are separated by deep fissures, can shape their eyelids, mouth, nose, and ears. They can also impede limb and chest movement.
Around 200 instances have been recorded around the world. The disorder is caused by a mutation in the ABCA12 gene, which permits the body to produce a protein required for normal skin cell formation.
The mutation hinders lipid transfer to the skin’s top layer, resulting in the scale-like plates. Because of the plates, it is more difficult to:
control water loss
combat illness by regulating body temperature
Harlequin ichthyosis is an autosomal recessive condition caused by faulty genes inherited from both parents.
Because biological carriers rarely show symptoms, genetic testing can detect changes in genes and calculate your risk of developing or passing on genetic illnesses.
A stringent regimen of skin-softening emollients and skin-repairing moisturizers is the most popular treatment for harlequin ichthyosis. Oral retinoids may also be utilized in extreme situations.
Morgellons syndrome
Morgellons disease is an uncommon ailment that causes microscopic fibers and particles to emerge from skin wounds, giving the impression that something is crawling on the skin.
The Morgellons Disease is poorly understood, although it affects nearly 14,000 families, according to the Morgellons Research Foundation.
Morgellons disease is most common in middle-aged Caucasian women. It’s also closely linked to Lyme disease.
Because the symptoms are similar to those of a mental health illness known as delusional infestation, some experts assume it is a psychological issue.
The symptoms are unpleasant but not life-threatening. Typical symptoms include:
weariness anxiety sadness itchy skin rashes or sores black fibrous substance in and on the skin
Lesions only affect one part of the body: the head, trunk, or extremities.
There is no standard treatment option for Morgellons disease because it is still poorly understood.
People suffering with the disease are usually encouraged to maintain close contact with their healthcare team and seek therapy for symptoms such as anxiety and depression.
Elastoderma is an uncommon disorder characterized by increased skin looseness in particular parts of the body. As a result, the skin sags or hangs down in loose folds.
It can affect any region of the body, but the neck and extremities, particularly the elbows and knees, are the most usually afflicted.
The illness affects less than one in one million persons worldwide. Elastoderma’s actual cause is unknown. It is assumed to be caused by an excess of elastin, a protein that provides structural support to organs and tissues.
Elastoderma has no cure or recommended treatment. Some people will have surgery to remove the problematic area, although the loose skin often returns after the procedure.
Pilonidal sinusitis
Pilonidal sinus illness causes small holes or tunnels at the buttocks’ base or crease. Because symptoms aren’t always clear, most people don’t seek therapy or even recognize the issue until it causes problems.
It is caused when the hair between the buttocks rubs together. The friction and pressure that results pushes the hair inside, causing it to become ingrown.
This minor illness affects 10 to 26 people in every 100,000. The majority of people with this illness are between the ages of 15 and 30, and men are twice as likely as women to have it.
It frequently affects persons who work occupations that demand long periods of sitting. It is often associated with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS).
A few things influence treatment for an infected pilonidal sinus:
signs and symptoms
the size of the abscess, if it is a new or recurring infection
In most cases, treatment entails removing any visible pus from the affected pilonidal sinus. Antibiotics, hot compresses, and topical ointments are also frequently utilized.
If you’re one of the 40% of people with the illness who has reoccurring abscesses, talk to your doctor about other surgical alternatives.
Pemphigus vegetans
Pemphigus is classified as an autoimmune illness by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)Trusted Source. It causes your immune system to target healthy epidermal cells. The epidermis is the top layer of the skin.
Lesions or blisters form where skin naturally meets or rubs together, as in HS. They can also be found in or on the:
mouth, throat, eyes, nose, and genital areas
Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common kind of pemphigus. It affects 0.1 to 2.7 persons in every 100,000.
Pemphigus vegetans, a pemphigus vulgaris variation, accounts for 1 to 2% of pemphigus cases globally.
If untreated, Pemphigus vegetans can be lethal. The treatment focuses on removing the lesions or blisters and preventing them from recurring.
Corticosteroids and other anti-inflammatory steroids are frequently used as the first line of defense. In addition, you can have surgery to remove the lesions or blisters, while also cleaning and dressing the affected area on a daily basis.
Medicated mouthwash or clobetasol, a corticosteroid and ointment used to treat oral problems, are examples of mouth and throat remedies.
Crohn’s disease 
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) of the digestive tract.
It affects around 780,000 Indians. Every year, approximately 38,000 new cases are reported. Researchers believe that genetics, the immune system, and the environment all have a role in Crohn’s disease development.
Between 20 and 33 percent of persons with Crohn’s disease have skin lesions as a result of the condition. This is referred to as a cutaneous epidemic.
Cutaneous lesions, which resemble genital warts, appear after bowel disease has shown on the skin or another organ outside of the intestinal tract. The eyes, liver, and gallbladder are all included. It might also have an impact on the joints.
If your Crohn’s disease and lesions have metastasized, or spread, they can become painful and potentially lethal. There are currently few therapy options for this stage.
Sneddon-Wilkinson syndrome
Sneddon-Wilkinson illness is characterized by clusters of pus sores on the skin. Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (SPD) is another name for it.
Experts are unsure what is causing it. The disease, which is uncommon and sometimes misunderstood, primarily affects persons over the age of 40, particularly women. As a result, its precise prevalence is uncertain.
Soft, pus-filled pimples occur between skin that rubs together a lot, just like in HS. Skin lesions appear on the body, between skin folds, and in the vaginal area. They “explode” as a result of friction.
This popping of the lesions may be accompanied by an itchy or burning feeling. These feelings are followed by scaling and discolouration of the skin. Despite being chronic and painful, this skin ailment is not lethal.
The antibiotic dapsone is the preferred treatment for this condition, with a daily dose of 50 to 200 milligrams (mg) taken orally.
Lichen planus 
Inverse lichen planus pigmentosus is an inflammatory disorder that causes skin fold discolouration and uncomfortable pimples.
Only about 20 cases have been documented worldwide, mostly affecting Asians. Nobody knows what is causing it.
Small clusters of flat lesions, or macules, of discolored skin appear. They don’t normally contain pus, but they do occasionally. Some people’s skin spontaneously clears up with time, whilst others may experience symptoms for years.
This is a mild condition that can be addressed with a topical treatment. Corticosteroids are the most often used treatments for wound healing and can even aid with pigmentation in some situations.
Dowling-Degos syndrome
Dowling-Degos disease is a hereditary illness that causes darker skin, especially in folds such as the armpit, groin, and joint areas.
Pigment changes can also affect the neck, hands, cheeks, and scalp, albeit they are less prevalent.
The majority of the lesions are minor and resemble blackheads, however red areas resembling acne might form around the lips.
Lesions on the scalp might also look as fluid-filled lumps. Itching and burning sensations are possible.
Skin changes, like HS, occur in late childhood or early adolescence.
However, some people do not have breakouts until they reach maturity. Dowling-Degos is not a life-threatening disease, but it can cause distress and worry in those who have it.
This disease presently has no cure. Treatments ranging from laser therapy to topical steroids to retinoids have been tried, but results have been mixed, and nothing has proven to be consistently successful.
If you have a skin issue, pay attention to your body and treat any signs seriously.
Consult your doctor who can assist you in obtaining a diagnosis and determining the best treatment options for your specific problems.
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idigitizellp21 · 5 months
What Are Ovarian Cysts Signal? Understanding Their Implications
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Ovarian cysts are a common occurrence among women, often presenting without any noticeable symptoms. While most cysts are benign and resolve on their own, some may signal underlying health issues that require attention. Understanding the signals and implications of ovarian cysts is crucial for timely diagnosis and appropriate management.
Before diving into their signals and implications, it’s essential to comprehend what ovarian cysts are. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop on the ovaries, the almond-sized organs on either sides of the uterus. These cysts can form during the menstrual cycle and typically dissolve on their own without causing any symptoms. However, in some cases, they may grow larger or cause complications.
If you are facing any of these you may want to get tested for Ovarian Cyst:
1. Pain or Discomfort: One of the primary signals of ovarian cysts is pelvic pain or discomfort. This pain may vary in intensity and can occur on one side or both sides of the pelvis. It may be dull and persistent or sharp and intermittent.
2. Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Ovarian cysts can disrupt the normal menstrual cycle, leading to irregular periods. Women may experience heavier or lighter bleeding than usual, or their periods may become irregular or unpredictable.
3. Bloating or Abdominal Swelling: Some women with ovarian cysts may experience bloating or a sensation of fullness in the abdomen. This bloating can be persistent and may worsen with physical activity or at certain times during the menstrual cycle.
4. Difficulty Emptying the Bladder or Bowels: Large ovarian cysts can exert pressure on nearby organs, such as the bladder and bowel, leading to difficulty emptying them. This may result in increased frequency of urination, constipation, or difficulty passing stools.
5. Pain During Intercourse: Ovarian cysts can cause pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse, particularly if they are large or if there is inflammation or irritation of the surrounding tissues.
6. Nausea or Vomiting: In some cases, ovarian cysts may cause nausea or vomiting, especially if they become twisted or ruptured, leading to complications such as ovarian torsion or internal bleeding.
Implications of Ovarian Cysts:
1. Ovarian Torsion: When an ovarian cyst causes the ovary to twist, it can cut off its blood supply, resulting in a condition called ovarian torsion. This is a medical emergency that requires prompt surgical intervention to prevent damage to the ovary.
2. Infertility: While most ovarian cysts do not affect fertility, certain types, such as endometriomas or cysts associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), may interfere with ovulation and reduce fertility. In some cases, surgical removal of the cysts may be necessary to improve fertility.
3. Malignancy Risk: Although rare, some ovarian cysts may be cancerous. Certain characteristics, such as rapid growth, solid components, or abnormal features on imaging tests, may raise suspicion for ovarian cancer. Women with these findings may require further evaluation, including biopsy, to rule out malignancy.
Seeking Medical Evaluation:
Given the potential implications of ovarian cysts, women need to seek medical evaluation if they experience persistent or concerning symptoms. A healthcare provider can perform a pelvic examination and order imaging tests, such as ultrasound or MRI, to assess the size, location, and characteristics of the cysts.
Depending on the findings, further evaluation or treatment may be necessary. Small, asymptomatic cysts may require monitoring, while larger or symptomatic cysts may warrant treatment, such as hormonal therapy or surgical removal.
While ovarian cysts are frequently benign and may resolve without intervention, they can occasionally indicate underlying health concerns or result in complications. Recognizing the signs and implications of ovarian cysts is essential for prompt diagnosis and proper care. Seeking medical evaluation and guidance, and consulting with your gynecologist, can help ensure optimal health and well-being for women.
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g0rrix · 3 months
About me!;
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@ G0RRIX ?!
{PFP CREDITS @camerafreakx}
Basic Info:
→ Name: Ailee/Angelica/Star
→ Pronouns+Terms: She/It + No Masc Terms
→ Age: 19yo {o5}
→ Sexuality: Aroace Lesbian
→ Gender: Nonbinary, Transfem
→ Relationship Status: Taken ×2
🤍 ◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡ 🤍
System Info:
°•- System Type: Traumagenic
°•- System Tag: . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 🪽 {Discord}
°•- Alter Count: 1k+
°•- Hosts: Anastasia, Angel
°•- Co-Hosts: King, Jane, Intruder
°•- Gatekeepers: Alastor, Loki, Gabriel, Ander, Andy
🤍 ◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡ 🤍
Dissociative identity disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, schitzotypal personality disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, crohns, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, periodic paralysis, incomplete's spinal cord injury (may be updated but these are the issues that cause the most issues and will be mentioned the most in my blog)
🤍 ◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡ 🤍
. . ⇢ please be aware that each boundary is different for every alter. these are just collective boundaries
↳ ❝ this list of boundaries excludes the system littles. ¡! ❞
⸝⸝ yes :: playful teasing, petnames but ask which are fine to use partners are excluded, asking who's in front, pda!!, kys/kms jokes, suggestive/nsfw jokes (if you are 18+), platonic flirting, follow me when you're under my friendship age range (16)
⸝⸝ no :: do not treat our alters like their source, do not call our introjects 'double', 'twin' (whatever you call alters w the same source ALTERS ARE NOT THEIR SOURCE, THEY'RE NOT YOU OR YOUR INTROJECTS THEY ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE), please do not add us on private socials or ask to be muterals/friends if you are under 16, tone tags, do not ask about trauma, do not flirt in a serious sense (outside of partners), ask to see our face (outside partners), Endo, make jokes ab our trauma
⸝⸝ ask :: venting, ask for triggers, friend requests on other platforms, nicknames, voice calls, video calls.
⸝⸝ other :: my partners don't apply to most boundaries
🤍 ◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡ 🤍
Racist, Antisemitic, Islamophobic, Xenophobic, Against BLM, Support all / blue lives matter. Are a Nazi / Support the Alt-Right, , Sexist or Misogynist, Ableist (this includes anti-recovery + pro-force recovery, people who are hateful to mental disorders like bpd, BD, npd it doesn't matter your hate is a problem!!), You are Anti-Sys, rude towards headmates, you don't treat headmates like actual people. You do not provide a safe space for systems / acknowledge their boundaries. You speak over systems and engage in syscourse when you yourself are not a system, Romanticize mental illnesses, Believe 'blackwashing', 'reverse racism', 'cisphobia' 'hetphobia' 'cishetphobia' etc are real things that exist, LGBT+phobic (lesbiphobic, homophobic, biphobic, panphobic, transphobic, aphobic, aspec exclusionist, etc), Use slurs you can't reclaim, Fujoshi/Fundashi, fetishize mlm and/or wlw relationships/pairings/etc, Are a Pedophile/MAP+ Zoo, Are a proshipper, darkshipper {or are neutral/ok with any of them}
🤍 ◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡ 🤍
@/lace.dxll (art acc)
@/g0rrixp (main, blog, spam)
@/angelic1s (system acc)
@/dxmbailee (spam{capcut temps} backup)
@/yhitsstar (system/main acc)
@/angelicventz (vent acc)
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