#what fucking day is it. what time is it. whats everyone doing today. whats happening
dr0wnme0ut · 3 days
Okay, but…just imagine- professor Heeseung or Sunghoon in which you are the perfect student, never doing anything wrong, always smiling and being sweet to everyone (in other words the literal good girl). Whenever you are in his class, he can’t help but look at the way you slightly pout as you concentrate in the exercises that he told everyone to do, he can’t help but notice how you blushed whenever he asked you to do something, he can’t help but look at how pretty your thighs look in those cute skirts of yours and how you don’t even notice that your cute panties can be seen, he can’t help but feel his cock hardening and throbbing painfully in his pants as you look at him with those pretty big doe eyes of yours because you think you are going to be “grounded”(English is not my first language sorryyyyyy) because you didn’t make it to class at time or when you forget to do your homework… idk aaaaaaaa just can’t stop thinking about this 🥲 anyways just finished reading “I beg, save me” and Oh my god!!!!!!! Looking forward for your next works!!!!
damn, Professor Park has me in a chokehold
Professor Park Hard Thought
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“This is very unlike you, you’re my best student and you show up to my class fifteen minutes late, and without your assignments.” Professor Park says crossing his arms over his broad chest.
“I’m so sorry Professor, I overslept, it won't happen again,” tears swell in your eyes as you avoid his disappointed glare.
“Did you stay out late with one of those loser football players that always follow you around?” He snarks rolling up the sleeves of his white button up. “No sir, I was studying late! I promise!” You defend while shaking your head. “That’s right, cause you’re a good girl, right?”
You look at him confused with a pout, “sir?”
“Even though you’ve been such a good girl this semester, I can’t let you get away with being tardy and unprepared today. I could give you a zero for the day.” He smirks, removing his thin silver rimmed glasses from his face and placing them on his desk. 
“Professor! You can’t do that!” You protest standing up from the desk panicked. “I could let this slide, if you do something for me.” He speaks with a smug smile on his face watching your panic stricken face. 
“Anything, Professor!” You plead with wide eyes desperate for a chance to redeem yourself. “Come here and face my desk,” he commands, loosening his tie. You nod walking toward him and facing the large wooden desk with paperwork littered across it. He runs his hands down your shoulders and arms and stops at your wrists quickly pulling them behind your back and binding them together with his tie.
“Professor Park! What are you-“
He cuts you off by forcefully grabbing your shoulder and pushing the front of your body down onto the desk. “If you want to continue to pass this class, I suggest you be a good girl and shut the fuck up.”
Tears sting your eyes from the impact of hitting the desk. He runs his hands over your bottom and plays with the hem of your short plaid pleated skirt. His long fingers ghosting over the thin lace fabric of your panties.
“Do you wear these little skirts just for me? Or for all those imbeciles that follow you around? Are you always so desperate for attention?”
His hands run down your thighs and stop on the top of your white thigh high stockings. He pinches the top of the stocking and snaps it against your skin making you yelp in surprise. “Professor, please don’t do this…”
His fingers slip under your skirt and trace the outline of your soaked pussy lips. He smirks, “you’re telling to stop but your little cunt is leaking all over my fingers. I think she wants me..”
He pushes the fabric to the side and smears your arousal over your clit. Your body betrays you as it shudders and bucks into his hand for more contact. “Are you a virgin?” He smirks watching your desperate reaction. 
“Y-yes Professor…” you moan against the desk.
“Good, I can’t wait to tear your little virgin cunt in two.” He chuckles darkly as he removes his hand and starts to unbuckle his belt. “Let’s see if you can pass this class with an A.”
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coff33andb00ks · 1 day
Hopeless - LN
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Lando Norris x fem!reader (mentions of Charles Leclerc x fem!reader) Summary: and you know damn well that for you, I would ruin myself a million little times Word count: 2012 Themes: angst, forbidden love(?) Warnings: cheating, charles is a bad boyfriend, cursing, Oscar knows everything, barely proofread, not a happy ending Notes: I watched one too many she chose me/did she? tiktoks and this was born. Also please don't take this as me condoning cheating (unless you can cheat with Lando).
Lando isn't one hundred percent sure how it began, not really. He remembers the first move, the bit of shock when you didn't reject him, but he doesn't remember how – or when or why – he fell for you. He knows he didn't just wake up one day saying to himself right today's the day I fall in love.
It all started so innocently. Right? He found out you liked gaming and casually invited you to his place to try out his setup when you mentioned you were looking to upgrade. He'd expected Charles to come with you but had shrugged it off, too excited to share his love for gaming. You stayed most of the afternoon, laughing and he'd had the tiniest of crushes by the time you left. And when you upgraded you asked him to come over to help you set it up.
Crush: intensified.
He's pretty sure he liked you so much because you didn't talk about racing with him. He could be "normal" around you, just like any other guy in his 20s who loved video games and driving fancy cars and blasting music. Soon he was dropping by or inviting you over on off days. He didn't think anything of it. You were a friend, and Charles obviously didn't mind, so why deny himself the pleasure of your company?
Crush: die-hard. To the point Max and Oscar teased him about it.
He likes you most in his apartment. On race weekends at a track you were calm, cool, and collected in designer brands, the picture perfect girlfriend of everyone's favorite Ferrari driver. But at his place, you were… Y/n. Yapping nonstop and dancing in his living room, curled up under a blanket on his sofa watching the latest period drama, in his kitchen baking treats he isnt' supposed to eat.
It was, he thought after hugging you goodbye one night, kind of like having a girlfriend without the stress.
He still dated. Casually. Because he couldn't justify putting all the time and effort into finding a girlfriend. It was so much easier to sleep around and be friends with you. Fucked up, yeah, but easier.
Then on an off weekend you showed up unannounced, looking like you wanted to cry.
And he would have done anything to keep that from happening.
"I just needed to get away," you said, and Lando nodded, letting you in and pretending the smell of your perfume didn't affect him.
You didn't want to talk about it and he didn't pressure you. He gave you the remote and fixed you a drink and parked himself on the other end of the sofa with his laptop to edit some photos while you found some old movie to put on.
"Lan?" you asked after a while.
"Hmm?" He didn't look away from his laptop.
"If Charles…" You sighed. "If he cheated on me you'd tell me wouldn't you?"
"Immediately," he said without hesitation. Then, as your words registered, he saved his progress and closed the laptop, slowly turning to look at you. "Do you think he's cheating?"
You shrugged, eyes firmly on the TV.
"Y/n. C'mon, talk to me." Lando set the laptop aside and picked up the remote to mute the TV.
"I'm just being stupid."
He waited, and then listened while you listed off the reasons you were considering that Charles was cheating. How he'd stayed out late the night before, had left early this morning for a last minute trip to the Ferrari factory. Facing you, he moved closer, until he could hold your hand. Then, when you finished, he rattled off the usual signs of cheating to see if anything matched.
You looked at him oddly. "Got a lot of experience with cheating?"
Lando giggled, as he always did when asked a stressful question. "What? Me? Nah."
"Fucking liar," you muttered, rolling your eyes.
"No, no, I never lie when I'm fucking," he said, wondering why the words were coming out of his mouth before he finished saying them. Glancing upwards, he pinched his brows together. "Well, wait, maybe I have… Like when it's mediocre but you need to get off so you say it's good?"
You laughed, which was always his goal with you. He loved your laugh, adored the way you threw your head back, and always joined in as soon as the snort you despised escaped.
"Oh god Lan," you giggled, and moved to hug him.
And he knew he was a goner. Because you felt so good in his arms. He hugged you close. He knew the healing power of a good hug but also held onto you for more selfish reasons, committing the feel of you tucked so close to his memory, breathing in the scent of you. Easing his grip as you began to pull away, he felt his breath catch in his throat when you paused, looking into his eyes.
"Thank you," you whispered.
"You know I'm always here for you." He smiled. He liked that he could make you feel better. Then, because he couldn't help himself, he had to go and ruin everything. Reaching up, he lightly smoothed your cheek with his fingers. "If he is cheating, he's a fucking moron. You're not even my girl and I can't find anyone that compares."
He still can't remember how you'd initially reacted. Surprise, probably. Maybe a little shock. But he would forever remember the way you'd breathed his name, as though Lando were a prayer, and that you'd both leaned in at the same time.
And he was certain that until his last breath he would recall every detail of what had followed. The kiss, everything pure and perfect, your hands on his neck. Him pulling you closer, both of you moaning. It had been frantic, every shred of neediness and longing pouring from his mouth to yours, every late night dream running through his mind, each fantasy he'd allowed himself to think of coming true before he'd tasted your skin.
You stayed the night, and he'd discovered that you'd fantasized, too.
"You good mate?"
Lando blinks, seeing Oscar in the doorway. "Yeah," he lies, rolling his shoulders. "Just thinking of strats for tomorrow."
"You've been listening to the same song for almost an hour."
Fuck. "No I haven't." He pauses the song, rubbing the back of his neck and finally moving to finish dressing. "It's a good song."
"What's going on with you? You've been acting weird for a couple months now," Oscar says.
Lando swallows the shame. It's not that he feels guilty. He's content with the arrangement between you. Not that anything is set in stone, but it's an unspoken agreement. You're still with Charles – who, it turned out, was cheating but it was a minor fling – and he's single. Technically. In his heart, he's yours.
He almost laughs because it's so beyond fucked up now.
But he can't let anyone else find out. He's been around long enough to know that you'd be the one labeled as a whore. Even though everyone's aware of Charles' infidelity, it would be your fault. And Oscar…
For someone whose entire persona is I really don't give a fuck I'm here to race, the bastard knows everything. He's like a cat. He's always there, and even when he's not listening he soaks it all in like a sponge.
He spritzes a little more cologne on himself and pulls on his hoodie. "Dunno what you're talking about, mate."
"You haven't gone out to celebrate since Miami."
Of course he hasn't. Miami was the night he'd gotten just drunk enough to dance too close to you. The secretly snapped pictures of his face in your neck are still popping up on social media. "It gets old after a while, Osc."
Oscar folds his arms over his chest and leans in the doorway. "For me, yeah. For you? Not buying it."
Goddamn the sponge cat for being so observant. Lando shrugs, maintaining he façade of yep I'm good. "Osc—"
"Is it because of y/n?"
Ice water floods his veins. He can feel the blood draining from his face and his palms begin to sweat. You've both been so careful, Miami notwithstanding. He never takes you out, makes a point to not sit too close to you in a group setting, and is his so-called normal self anytime someone else is around. It's different alone, but – oh. "You mean in Miami?" he asks casually, fixing his necklace and lifting his foot to tie his shoe.
"You were weird about her before Miami."
Oh god. "It was just a stupid crush." He ties his other shoe and checks his pockets for his wallet and hotel key. "I'm over it now."
"What?" He practically snaps the word out and instantly regrets it, but he can't talk to Oscar about this. Oscar will never be able to understand. "Look, I gotta go, need to get rest for tomorrow."
"Oh. I thought… I guess you are over it." Oscar gives a tiny shrug.
Lando freezes. "Why are you talking in riddles?"
"You didn't see them fighting?"
He jerks his head to stare at his teammate. When he speaks, his voice nearly cracks. "Fighting?"
"Well, arguing. I don't know what about, I didn't catch any of it. I only saw him trying to talk to her and she shoved him and stormed off."
No wonder you haven't replied to his texts. His hand aches to pull out his phone and call you to check on you. To make sure you're okay. You and Charles don't fight often but Lando knows of your tendency to go and cry until you figure out a resolution. "What did they fight about?"
"I don't know."
Lando swallows anxiously, pulling out his phone and checking the time. "Where'd she go?"
"No clue."
"You're really no fucking help," Lando mutters, shoving his phone into his pocket and brushing past him to leave the room.
"Thought you were over it?" Oscar asks softly.
Lando freezes again, anguish twisting in his chest at the thought of ever being over you. "I… She's my friend. It's… Y/n… She's…"
"She's what?"
Everything but his. Real and true and more than he ever thought he could have. His daily sunshine and his nightly fantasy. The open ear when he's having a rough go, the tight embrace when he needs grounding. His source of peace and his greatest torment.
"Fucking hell, mate," Oscar whispers.
"I gotta go," Lando says.
And he leaves, not sure why he feels so anxious all of a sudden. Everything feels off. He tells himself it's because Oscar knows, or at least thinks he knows, and that's got to be the reason. He's fine. You're fine. Nothing's changing just because you had a fight with Charles. It'll blow over and by morning things will be as they have been.
The trip to the hotel seems to take forever and he's even more uneasy as he sits in traffic a few cars back from the valet. He should have gotten an Uber or caught a ride with someone. Despite the air conditioning going he's sweating, because you still haven't replied to his texts, and when he tries to call you it goes straight to voicemail.
Hey y/n, call me when you can?
But you don't.
He stays up late, hoping you'll at least send him a text letting him know you're okay. His sleep is restless, plagued with the worst possible scenarios. When his alarm goes off he hits snooze one too many times and so has to rush to the track, trying to push everything out of his mind as race time approaches. Checking social media so he can engage with the team posts hyping up his and Oscar's starting positions, he can only stare at the screen when Instagram loads.
You. And Charles. Cozied up like soulmates. There's candlelight and flowers.
But all he can stare at is the diamond on your finger. And, just beneath the photo, Charles' short caption.
She said yes.
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burrcapts · 3 days
Puffing Past Your Prime
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Oh man, Zach just loved whenever this happened! Ever since their social media app took off and reached top 5 most downloaded in the whole country people started inviting him to spots like this all the time. Was this one some posh restaurant? Cafe? Gentleman's club? Honestly, he had no idea, he simply received an email the other day from one of their investors that the people here asked about him and would like him to become a regular member. 
Naturally Zach had zero real interest in bougie crap like that, but usually he actually found it kind of funny to see the reactions of all those stuck up old men in suits whenever they saw him strutting into their elite clubs wearing nothing other than a t-shirt and a pair of old jeans with holes in them. More than once some of those pricks even tried to have him kicked out. But the staff at establishments like this seemed to be quite good at keeping tabs on the guests’ net worth so often they ended up sucking up to him rather than the old farts.
The waiters here were giving off a somewhat different vibe though… If Zach hadn't noticed that those few men who were always on the move, carrying trays around were wearing bow ties rather than neckties, he definitely wouldn't have been able to tell them apart from the regular guests! Places like this often looked kind of samey with everyone being old and wearing boring suits, but this was like a whole next level!
Zach had only just realized, but holy crap, there hasn't been a single person in the entire room who didn't have a ridiculously huge beard! He hadn't shaved since last week so technically maybe he was included in this, but his definitely wasn't as grey or white as theirs! The shades of their beards, the levels of baldness and the colors of their suits was pretty much the only thing that differentiated each one of them!
But one other interesting thing was that they were all smoking pipes! Even the waiters were having a puff while moving around and chatting with the guests. Did Mike forget to mention that this was some super exclusive spot for pipe smokers? Whatever… honestly, the thing that Zach found the most annoying was how nobody seemed to be paying much attention to him here. He purposely tried to be as loud and obnoxious as possible, unmuting his phone and playing that dumb farming video game that was right ahead of them in most app stores. Yet even then, the best reaction he got was some of them briefly looking at him with amused faces for a moment before returning to their previous activities and conversations.
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“Good day, I sincerely apologize for the delay in attending to you Mr Bennett. My name is Theodore and I am the director of hospitality at our establishment. We are so delighted that you could pay us a visit today. I assure you that our staff will do everything in our power to make your induction to the club a truly exceptional experience!”
Just when Zach was starting to consider bailing out of here those two guys appeared right in front of him seemingly out of nowhere! The one speaking in an eloquent and surprisingly resonant voice was ridiculously huge, tall as hell, with a colossal belly like pretty much all of them. While somewhat shorter yet definitely still quite decently overweight one, standing a few steps behind him must have been a subordinate of his. 
Zach began to explain that this was a misunderstanding because he had no interest whatsoever  in joining their club or anything, but despite the very hospitable and eloquent welcome neither of them seemed to be paying much attention to whatever he said as they talked between each other.
“Shall I fetch one of the pipes, Sir?”
“Oh, naturally Sebastian, forthwith!”
“What kind, Sir?”
“Mmm… I surmise that one of the sluttier variety might be the most suitable for Mr Bennett, then he will naturally feel inclined to introduce numerous new, virile members to our association so they could fuck his slutty hole on the regular. Oh… one moment… yes, while I would certainly prefer him on the heavyset side so that ass of his grows truly colossal, why don't we also make him into a bit of a cum guzzling cock whore while we’re at it? Let's ensure that he always has either the stem of a pipe or a huge, turgid fuckstick between his lips! Do you think you can find a suitable one Sebastian?”
“Certainly Sir, I will return with one promptly!”
Hearing this guy say all those perverted, ridiculous things in the exact, same cultivated and graceful Männer as if he was some kind of a sommelier talking about an expensive bottle of wine would have been quite hilarious if his body language didn't make it immediately obvious that he wasn't planning on letting Zach leave until the other waiter was back. It was only now that all those old farts who were sitting all around were finally turning their heads towards him, watching the scene with utmost fascination.
Zach shouted at them to get the security because this guy was totally crazy but nobody budged at all. Rather than being concerned they seemed to find him freaking out so much more endearing than anything. When it became clear that they were all in on it too, Zach pulled out his phone and warned that huge guy that if he didn't let him go, he would call the cops.
Only then, something that temporarily broke Zach's brain proceeded to take place. Theodore took a deep puff from his pipe and then exhaled a tiny cloud of smoke towards Zach's hand that was holding the phone. It was just small enough to completely obscure it and even though Zach knew it was merely just smoke he instinctively tried to clutch the phone tighter within his fingers, only to find them clenching into fist! What the hell?! He waved the smoke away but his hand was completely empty!!!
“What the fuck?! How did you do that?!”
“Please Mr Bennett, turning a cellphone into a puff of smoke is merely a small parlor trick. Very soon you will have a chance to witness a far more impressive metamorphosis… Oh, would you look at that, Sebastian is already approaching with your pipe right on time!”
At that moment Zach remembered thinking it was kind of strange how this guy phrased it as ‘his pipe’ but as he caught a glimpse of what the other waiter was carrying on a tray, he understood straight away. It stood there, right on top of a highly adorned, golden stand, his pipe! It was like love at first sight. He never even thought about smoking one before but now they were going to be, no, they already were, completely inseparable! Its stem was placed between his teeth first thing in the morning and only left its rightful spot when he was ready to fall asleep!
A jovial, cheerful laughter spread across the room at the immediate change in Zach's demeanor as though all those men were now recalling some very fond memory of their own. On some level he understood that what was going on right now was totally crazy, but as if under some kind of a magical spell, he couldn't help himself when Theodore offered the pipe to him. 
Even thanking the man when he offered him a lit match so he could puff the pipe to life. Which Zach proceeded to do without a slightest hitch like a seasoned smoker. That also surprised him, but there wasn't much of a chance to ask himself why he knew how to do it so expertly because as soon as it was lit, he found himself greedily sucking on the stem and moaning in blissful pleasure. 
Oh gosh, he knew that this was his first time ever, but he felt like a drug addict getting his fix. It was just delightful, such a rich flavor! Sebastian always picked out only the finest tobacco! Zach moaned again, he was in heaven, his head was swimming as he started feeling warm and so… profoundly turned on! If he hadn't been in public, he would have already been reaching for his cock, but then again, so many of the men sitting around them already had theirs out and were merrily stroking while laying back in their big, leather armchairs and puffing along.
Sebastian was pitching a huge tent in his slacks and even Theodore was fondling himself with a satisfied smile. Zach noticed that, the first thought that popped into his head was how much he hoped they would pull them out soon so he could suck them both dry the moment he was finished with this bowl. Mmm, he just loved sucking off the other sexy gents at the club, he was such a cum guzzling cock whore and absolutely proud of it! 
Zach was just about to ask them to stop teasing him and whip them out next when he suddenly realized that he'd heard those words before. ‘Cum guzzling cock whore', that's what Theodore had said when he was instructing Sebastian what pipe he should fetch! Holy shit!
Now that the shivers started running down his spine at the terrifying, unbelievable implications of all of this and the abrupt shock partially outweighed the still persisting horniness flooding his head. Zach had the chance to take notice of just how uncomfortably tight his clothes were feeling right now. He'd managed to peel his eyes away from the bearded waiters’ sizable bulges, only to immediately regret it as he discovered a massive  gut sticking out from underneath his shirt.
Not only was it extremely hirsute, but all of the body fur was completely white! It made him look like some ridiculously fat grandpa! His shirt was rolling up so much that it could be mistaken for the top half of a bikini, which seemed awfully suitable because Zach could see it stretching over a pair of absolutely enormous man boobs!
As his eyes grew wide in disbelief, he instinctively took a deep puff from the pipe to calm his nerves, only to find the belly instantaneously swelling even further in size. The shirt splitting at the front and letting his huge, chubby tits to flop down on it like on top of a wide, spacious shelf. God… he was so fucking hot! Those were the first words that appeared in Zach's head, and for the life of him, he couldn't bring himself to deny them.
Somehow in mere moments since putting this pipe in his mouth, an old, fat, bearded man became his absolute ideal of beauty. Zach saw how wonderfully chubby his fingers were now and after admiring the soft, white hairs growing on each knuckle, brought them closer to his mouth. Much to his delight he discovered it surrounded by copious amounts of silky, delicate facial fur. He took a deep inhale and then began gently blowing the smoke into his palm, as if trying to catch it and massage it into his beard. Loving the feeling of it growing longer and more luxuriant between his fingers. Oh god… what was happening to him?! Why couldn't he stop?!
“What the fuck have you done to me?!”
Zach cried out before inevitably returning to exploring his growing and expanding body practically right away. One hand caressing his belly while the other reached for his swollen cock, completely overcome by pleasure.
“Nothing that any of us hadn't experienced when we were first initiated into the club, Mr Bennett. It is quite an honor, while our plans are to ideally connect all men worldwide to their destined pipes one day, understandably we first needed to prioritize those with the means to help us achieve that goal…”
He instantly understood why those bastards had invited him here. It was about his social media site! They wanted to use it to spread this shit… and make more sexy, pipe smoking gents… Zach felt a sinking feeling in his stomach when he realized that he was already thinking of all the different features they could implement in the future to spark an interest in their pipes in every single man who had ever registered. And he knew that once they had their first puff, it would then remain as their habit forever.
No… he couldn’t… and yet he was tugging on his cock even faster now, taking deeper and deeper puffs of smoke, finding it so marvelous how those big, hazy plumes were slowly escaping from between his lips whenever he parted them. He was sure that his users were going to find it just as enchanting too once he tweaks the algorithm a little and makes sure that their feeds are filled with nothing but videos and pictures of sexy, bearded gents having a puff as they play with their meat.
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The temptation to join them soon becoming truly irresistible, but for that they will of course need a pipe of their own. Zachary moaned in profound arousal, knowing full well that even if a few were to, by some miracle manage to keep themselves from outright ordering one free of charge from their special internet store, they still had collected enough metadata on all of them to ensure that one would be waiting at their doorstep the following day anyway.
Mmm… Zachary couldn’t take this… he began picturing all those mesmerizing, big bellied, bearded gentlemen with their pipes! First filling the feeds of his website, then the streets of the cities all around the globe… introducing everyone they knew into this lovely habit… the biggest cloud of smoke yet had erupted from his mouth as he moaned deeply, his stubby cock twitching and spraying his massive, hairy thighs with creamy, white seed. And he simply could not wait to suck them all off one by one!
Zachary was quite amused to find himself back right in his personal office. Of course nobody from among his colleagues had recognized him, but when he suddenly stepped out of the elevator wearing this expensive looking, extravagant suit and holding a heavy suitcase, they must have assumed he was an important investor and asked him to wait for someone right here since, as he very well knew, that one room was still by far the most presentable part of the entire workplace that hadn’t changed much from the days when they were only a small start up.
Naturally nobody could get ahold of ‘Zach’ as his cell phone had vanished and all calls were going straight to voicemail, so the honor of entertaining him fell on Aaron, their CTO. Zachary was actually quite impressed by just how quickly his friend had managed to catch on to everything after he began recounting the events of the previous day. But fortunately Zachary had a chance to personally assist Sebastian and Theodore with picking out just the perfect pipe for him. Even though Aaron knew just what was coming, he couldn't possibly resist his invitation to have a small puff together. Or for that matter to later allow Zachary to wrap his lips around his engorged, stubby cock as they pondered about this exciting new direction for their company, and even more importantly, the best way to introduce their colleagues to all those pipes waiting for them in his suitcase.
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If you liked the story and would like to read more bear themed transformation fiction, consider subscribing to my Patreon! I post captions like this and longer stories there regularly!
I have also set up two extra accounts on twitter and bluesky for caption purposes! https://x.com/burrcapts https://burrcapts.bsky.social/
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rosinaparker · 1 day
I love your 9th member imagine, I love to see a full one shot. I’m not picky about the subject, maybe something happens on stage (good or bad) or maybe a conflict with another member or another group (with a positive ending)
It was an accident..
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A/N: YOOO I’m so happy we’re getting requests again😭 (glad to hear you liked the 9th member imagine! Let me know if y’all wanna read more of these) -Rose
Genre: angst, with a good ending
pairing: platonic!skz x f!reader
warnings: arguments, yelling, bruises, accident happening, cursing, mad Lee know
It has been a tough week for you and the boys, lots of mistakes have been happening on stage, lots of arguments happened..the air was tense between everyone. You had managed to withdrawal from any arguments but you’re time was coming too and you knew it.
Today was a very important day. The mama show was happening. The concert you and the guys have been practicing for almost 3 weeks. Most of the petty arguments that happened earlier were starting to cool off. It wasn’t long till it was your turn on the stage. The song that you had to preform was thunderous. Not as bad as it sounds like.
Everything was going smoothly till the pants that the stylists chose for you started to get in the way. Han had already stepped on them several times, you had to pull them up constantly and to top it all off, minho tripped on them at the end, making you fall off balance as he stepped on them. You quickly catch yourself before you fall onto the ground too hard. It was a disaster, Chan waited till the lights went off and came to check up on you, a bruise was definitely forming at the knee.
Suddenly Minho took the in-ear monitor out and put his microphone away from his face.
“What the fuck was that?” He spat at you, giving you a nasty look. The others didn’t want the show to end badly, since they were still on stage. The audience was still watching, even if it was dark you could make out that someone was arguing.
“Guys dont make a scene” changbin called out. Chan saw how frustrated minho was and immediately pulled the members off the stage and into the backstage.
“Couldn’t you watch your damn step? I almost tripped to the fucking ground” he snapped back. He started pacing around the room “the whole crowd saw us falling onto the ground because of you” he groaned.
You weren’t having any of it, immediately shouting, “Its not that big of a fucking deal!”
“Guys dont argue. It was very obvious that this show was not going to be successful” hyunjin called out, trying to calm the situation but only making it worse
“It wasn’t successful because she fucked it all up again.” The other yelled, getting all up the tall ones face.
Chan got between them, making sure they don’t get violent “Hyunjin is right. The show wasn’t going to do well. And y/n wasn’t at fault here”, he points to your pants “the pants were just too long and make it hard to dance in.”
Han spoke up “i agree, i kept on stepping on them.” he gestures a ‘sorry’ to you for doing so.
“The past few weeks have been tense guys. WE have been tense.” Chan exclaimed, “we have been arguing with each other the whole time, obviously the performance is gonna fail” he sighed, turning to leeknow.
“It was an accident, stop blaming her already.”
He still looked pissed, but tried to see a different point of view “fine, fine. Sorry for bursting out like that” he glanced at you. “Sorry for making you trip” you look at the rest of the guys. You felt stressed. Shit was too much right now and you let your members down..
“I’m sorry guys-” you were cut off by felix “don’t apologize. We’ll just have to tell the staff that the pants were horrible”
It seemed like the situation had toned down, everyone went back to their seats. Eyes were following the group, whispering something to each other.
Yeah, there was no doubt that the audience knew there was a fight.
Seungmin noticed the bruise on you knee getting darker “need an ice pack for this?” He points at it.
“No i think i’ll be fine” you give him a weak smile.
“Hope you won’t limp around for the next few days” i.n butted in. The rest of the night went on quietly. The ride home was silent. It seemed a bit akward between you and minho..
As you were about to enter the dorms, he kinda holds you back “hey, are we good?” He asks quietly, to which you give him a small smile “yeah. You were just frustrated, don’t worry”
“I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. How about i buy you korean bbq?” Your face lights up, he knows how to make things better between you “sound good to me :)”
You had an ice pack pressed against your knee the whole night long though-
A/N: its a bit different from what I usually write. Hope its good enough!!!
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hannahssimblr · 2 days
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She’s got her nose in a magazine. This is how she entertains herself these days, magazines. She rolls out of bed in the morning and goes down to the local newsagents to scour the racks, brings something back and reads it out the back on the outdoor furniture with a cup of strong coffee, the sun cooking pale shoulders. 
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I’m with her today, lounging in the chair adjacent with my neck thrown back, squinting at the clouds that drift by in the sky.
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“Horoscopes,” she announces, flipping to the back page. I just listen. 
“First week of July for Scorpio. ‘Looks like you’re gearing up for another week of being a grumpy, miserable bastard. Wow, cheer up, oh my god. You’re pissing everyone off with your moods, like, just go for a run or something, I don’t fucking know.’” she pretends to be shocked, “wow, brutal today, isn’t it?”
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My laugh is lifeless, “Mmph. Hilarious.”
“Wait, there’s more: ‘literally, sitting around the house and being sad is not helping. You’re not going to get back with your ex girlfriend. (A Leo: incompatible) Why don’t you try getting over someone by getting under someone else, since as a Scorpio, your whole personality is how consistently and voraciously horny you are.’ Wow.”
“What are you saying?”
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“I’m not saying it, the horoscope is.”
I eye her suspiciously, “You think I should find a new girlfriend?”
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Not necessarily,” she tosses the magazine onto the table in front of us, “That girl Claire was pretty, wasn’t she? What if you just talked to her?”
“Claire? Oh. No. She’s not my type.”
“Yes she is.”
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“I’m not interested,” and, equally, has Jen been looking around? I’m not the one who wants to be under Claire O’Reilly. The last thing I want to have this summer is a repeat of the Clóda situation, to be driven over by Shane's Fiat Punto now that he has his licence. I’m not hooking up with anyone this summer. In fact, maybe I'll just never have sex again, because obviously it’s destructive not worth it. 
Please. Yes you will. A voice in my head sneers, Don’t lie to yourself, you like it too much. The voice in my head is inarguably correct. But still, it won’t happen this summer. I’ll be like a celebate monk. I’ll take a vow not to look at boobs in secret, even. 
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“Well maybe you’ll change your mind tonight.”
“What’s tonight?”
“I invited her to a barbeque. Her and Kelly and the other friend.”
“Oh right. I’m not coming.”
“Jude!” she cries, “what’s wrong with you? Why not?”
“Because you’re going to want me to talk to Claire, and if I do then you’re going to be watching me and making faces, and then you’re going to want to discuss it all with me later and I’m just not bothered. I’ve told you I’m not interested.”
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She heaves out an impatient sigh, “there’s nothing wrong with talking to girls. Michelle won’t find out.”
“I didn’t even say this was about her.”
“Well,” she shrugs, “it’s good for you both to try and move on. I’d give her the same advice.”
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My spine stiffens, “has she been seeing someone?”
“What? No. And if she was I wouldn’t tell you, just like I won’t tell her about you and Claire.”
“I can’t believe you’re encouraging this.”
“What? Conversation?”
“You know that’s not what I mean.”
“Oh just come. You’ll freak everyone out if you’re sitting in your room all night. They'll think you're a weirdo.”
“Fine, I’ll think about it.”
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I snatch the magazine from the table and flip through to the last page, “Let’s see what bullshit is in store for you this week, huh? Pisces… ‘It’s time to stop controlling everyone's life’ oh, yikes! Look at that! ‘Mind your own business for once, it makes you seem crazy and obsessed.’”
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“God sake,” she rolls her eyes and makes a swipe for the magazine, but I bop her in the side of the head with it before she can. She growls in frustration and I laugh, holding it at arms length as she scrambles over the seat. 
“If murder was legal I’d have killed you already,” she says. 
“Boo hoo. Too bad for you, Jenny.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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the-l00ker · 18 hours
(to clarify I mean this from a writing perspective. Like I don't think the writers necessarily, originally intended for Stolas to be racist and when you break it down I think they were going for him being more classist but at face value he seems racist.
Put together, and at face value he's racist. Breaking it down and from a narrative point, it seems he was supposed to be classist. WHICH IS STILL A BAD not defending the man in that front
Genuinely don't think they intend for Stolas to be a completely racist person/didn't intend for old (season 1) Stolas to be racist, but when you look at it all put together he's definitely got SOME racist energy.
But they definitely doubled down in season 2 on "old Stolas was racist bc of the people he grew up with"
But I'm just breaking down why I DON'T THINK THEY ORIGINALLY WANTED IT TO BE THAT WAY and it wasn't really an error, it was more of a one-track mind approach)
Someone on twitter said that Stolas is racist
(from a writing perspective/break down perspective)
He has been conditioned into being classist. Stella's the racist one-
When lil Stolas was meeting Blitzo for the first time, and he bows to him, paimon says something along the lines of "don't bow, he bows to us idiot" before smacking him over the head
Paimon implies ( and outright says) that he should bow to him because he's not worth it, because they're better then them. Richer. Power. Just "better"
However Stolas, continues to treat them like equals even when they're playing. He doesn't look down on Blitzo for being an Imp. But Stolas doesn't acknowledge that they have different lives because Stolas is rich.
He just assumes Blitzo could read, has a education and wants to learn but changes his tune when Blitzo awkwardly stares at him and suggest something else.
In the future right after the whole "omg you slept with someone" happens to Stella.
Stella says "You slept with an Imp in our fucking bed!" now today isn't a discussion of how much of a narcissistic bitch Stella is so we'll leave it out there to chill
(and if you don't see it, imagine saying "I can't believe you slept with a person of colour!" that's basically what Stella said)
Stolas doesn't even acknowledge it, saying he didn't have enough time to get a Motel. Stolas doesn't say anything about Blitzo being "just an Imp" he just talks like he's sleeping with anyone.
You could literally change Blitzo name for anyone else and I'd still work.
But here's the thing, Blitzo is one that see Stolas as a bit of a racist because he thinks Stolas was the one who bought him for a day or so.
Like he thinks Stolas bought him. But it wasn't Stolas. It was Paimon, he bought him so that he won't have to deal with Stolas being upset. Stolas didn't even have a choice in the matter so it wasn't his fault.
But here's how he's UNINTENTIONALLY classist.
Literally the entire relationship and dynamics-
Stolas technically bought the IMP services TWICE, once in the trailer/pilot and another in the Loo-Loo Land episode.
Stolas rented Blitzo team out for the day, because Stolas was paying him to do so. He practically bought Blitzo's time.
He looked down on Millie and Moxxie because he really only intented to buy out Blitzo time and not there's. He didn't need protection as we can see at the episodes end, he just bought Blitzo's time for entertainment. FOR ENTERTAINMENT
Stolas initially thought that he was entitled to Blitzo's time because he bought out THE WHOLE BUSINESS SERVICE FOR ONE DAY.
And at the beginning of the Stolas literally says "We're rich and we're hot, people want our money and our bodies" HE'S IMPLIES THAT HE'S SUPERIOR TO EVERYONE ELSE NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE IMPS OR HELL-BORN DEMONS
And in the Harvest Moon episode Blitzo defends Stolas because Stolas is literally the secondary breadwinner with in his business. If Stolas dies then Octiva gets the book and then Blitzo doesn't have it, so they can't make money anymore.
Stolas again is in someway shovelling money to stay in someone's life, taking advantage of the fact that Blitzo NEEDS HIM.
But in the episode Truth Speaker, that's when Stolas changes his mindset (all be it, off screen) he realizes when Blitzo is endangered but he can't just throw money at problems and actually has to do something to keep him safe.
This is the first time that he is not thrown money at a problem and it worked.
Moving on in the story Stolas has some on screen and off screen character development, in which the power dynamics and throwing money as every single problem isn't right anymore and it was never right.
Because before then he'd been practically throwing money in the face a not-so-successful-at-the-time Blitzo just for his company.
That was some level of autonomy in that relationship but it was mostly him just throwing money and buying him out and buying his time.
It Highlights the absolute wealth difference between the two characters.
Before the episode Truth Seeker, Stolas was indeed a classist character it may have not been as obvious as some other characters but he was a bit classist at the least.
Before the episode Truth Seekers, Stolas saw Blitzo as somewhat below him, because he could just afford to buy him out. But after realising that he was indeed a person and could be hurt, I believe after that episode is when he actually begun to care.
Ozzie's was the eventual big push for him to get better. It was obvious that Stolas WAS embarrassed to be with Blitzo. And not because he was an Imp like Ozzie implied because Stolas could have just clapped back with "AND TF ABT U BITCH?? HUH?"
No, it's because Ozzie made the Association that since he was with an Imp, then that equals poor, which equals embarrassment, which equates to him asking why did you throw away your marriage for someone who is poor?
Because I don't think Ozzie would have been racist, on stage, infront of other Imps and his Imp boyfriend.
After this episode we can see that he has a change of heart and a change in which he views things. After this episode he realizes that Blitzo's feelings could no longer be bought because he'd made him genuinely upset and there was no amount of money you could throw on that 🔥dumpster fire 🔥to make it okay
By that point the business was already successful so it was no longer a matter of money.
After this Stolas has some off screen development it seems. Better himself as a person and truly beginning to see equals but as a consequence he had to acknowledge over pain and the sheer power he had in the relationship.
That's when in the episode Oops, Stolas decides to get Big Boss Ozzie-mozzie Crystal to try and end this constant power dynamic and classism that was in their relationship.
I'm in the episode we can Stolas helping out his "equal" when it came down to Fizz. He didn't just turn around and go "well he's an Imp, icky not helping him. I'll come back later"
He sat there through the entire thing helping Ozzie out, not out of obligation. He literally could have left but didn't because he didn't see Fizz as Ozzie's problem, he now saw Fizz as a genuine person.
And the set up to this was great because Ozzie would have had to sign away alot of money to get Fizz out of trouble, and its a nod back at when old him would have probably just threw money at this problem but instead of that he advises his "equal" to NOT throw money at the problem and instead read the entire contract to make sure that everything goes well.
this act alone not only let Fizz and Blitzo work shit out but also showed the viewer that he had changed for the better, and he was going through character development to not be a dick
And now we're at Full Moon and at this rate Stolas has already had all the necessary character development off-screen to no longer be as classist as he was before, and it's a bit disappointed that this was in highlighted a bit before but you gotta read through the line sometimes
Stolas now sees them as equals. But he hadn't shown Blitzo that. Blitzo is still scared of Stolas and his influence and status and money, last Blitzo check he'd had to spend time looking for Stolas daughter so that he won't be as mad and he won't banned him from the book.
An honestly if he had it his way Blitzo probably never would have went to the human realm to help look for his daughter.
But at that rate it was out of sheer obligation-
And as much as the episode tries to play it off as a gag, Blitzo still has to drop everything to help him out, YES because he does care but also out of fear of losing his only source of income.
So for Stolas to rock up in Full Moon and be like, "I see you as an equal and I love you" WOULD HAVE FUCKED BLITZO SHIT UP
He'd only been inadvertently put down by Stolas not because that was Stolas intention but because that's what is actions gave off in terms of vibes.
And that's why in the Helluva universe Stolas is unintentionally a classist character, to which he didn't know about it UNTIL IT WAS TOO FUCKING LATE-
No I will not be taking question. Yes this took me 30 minutes to write because of my inability to spell. Shush!
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what the hell is happening rn
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sainz · 6 months
a closeted 20 year old that comes from a conservative rural family falling in love with a openly gay 18 year old on spanish prime tv
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#a bit of background:#this is operacion triunfo a spanish tv show about sing! there are 16 contestants and they have to sing every monday a song#so they live in like a school academy where they have each day classes related to music (and they also rehearsal the song the have to#perform the mondays)#okay and like they have 0 connection with the rest of the world (they have phones but with no internet) so they know nothing about#what’s happening outside#SO there’s a youtube channel where they show each day what these contestants are doing (like big brother but related to music)#so um u get really attached to them cause u see them 24h!!!#so one of this contestants is juanjo (the one with the 🧢) and comes from a rural village and his fam is a bit conservative so he never#speaks about his sexuality - all the opposite he’s a bit ashamed of what he is bc he’s now used to act like himself#and then there is martin who is 18 and openly gay and like super open about all this topic super comfortable with himself etc#so this show has been going on for 3 weeks now okay? and in the first week u could see something was going on between these two#but since juanjo is so ashamed of this he rejected every type of touch that came for martin#martin got all ☹️ and he kinda told his friends there that he was having something with juanjo and he wasn’t receptive#(WE WERE SCREAMING IN TWITTER)#well since that moment it has been a fucking rollercoaster but juanjo is now a chiller and they cuddle and flirt in from of everyone#(they even have showers together cause rip they have 0 intimacy)#okay but today has been!!!! PUNTO DE INFLEXIÓN#juanjo has fallen in love so deeply with martin that oh god he needs to be by his side all the time omgomg#and yeah this vid happened tonight while their friends were singing and all twitter cried
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i'm allowed to humanize sculpture i'm allowed to sexualize sculpture i'm allowed to acknowledge that being created just to be viewed is inherently exhibitionistic and that one as a viewer forfeits their uninvolvement by stepping into the role of a voyeur when they look upon what is there to be looked upon
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pepprs · 1 year
june 27th give it up for june 27th
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#purrs#delete later#sure would be an INFINITELY more special and auspicious day if there wasn’t going to be • thunderstorms all day • a budget meeting • two#back to back orientations where i am going to have to take on 2X THE FACILITATION ROLESSSSS 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 bc we’re doing that now. LMFAOOOOOO#<- and by that i mean splitting up the facilitation so instead of 4 ppl shari ng responsibility for talking AND doing logistics there’s 2#ppl talking and 2 ppl doing logistics. and mutuals need i remind you that facilitating this specific session requires being extremely high#energy and mobile and getting ppl ‘hyped’ and there are 383729473 reasons why that is difficult for me to do in front of 100+ new students#plus three cofacilirators i am scared of / intimidated by for various reasons. im going to be sick soooo genuinely. i HATE this 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣#anyways yeah. today is my one year anniversary and also my first day as an fte so. 🫠 and one year ago today was pretty awful too like my#first day was actually extremely extremely bad and i cried like multiple times every day that week bc it kept getting worse so. love how#things have changed so substantially since then and the things that triggered me on that day aren’t an issue anymore <3 (they are very much#still an issue it’s just the specific people involved have changed bc half the ppl working here including one of my dearest closest#mentors who was deeply involved in that situation have left the university and now it is utterly unrecognizable and every day i wake up in#an alternate universe i know deep down i am not supposed to be in and yet im trapped in it irreversibly and this IS my universe now. lolll 🥰#)) also ik it’s stupid to still be grieving over this but like. the entire way it all went down + the fact that it even did in the first#place and the STAGGGERING consequences of it. are kind of insane. every new development makes me feel more and more like im living in a fake#reality and nothing that is happening is supposed to be happening and im dreaming it all but it’s a bad dream. and idk how to accept#that this is NOT. a dream and that what happened happened and now i have to live with it and stop curling in on myself like a prey animal an#and isolating myself from everyone i love and taking every single conceivable situation badly. like tfw da therapy isn’t working 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰#anyways i need to go get ready and practice the fucking 16 page facilitation guide 🙄 see u on the other side lol
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strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
you lied to me, and ruined everything, and ruined how I approach almost any romantic feeling at all. and all you can describe it as is having fucking beef with me. and you don't even recognize your own actions. you don't even fucking remember them. you aren't phased by it at all. I agonized, had meltdowns over it. losing me, ruining me was just a regular fucking day for you.
#mine#the other day i thought. why is my hatred worth it. why am i continuing with this?#🪳#why am i continuing with something that happened so long ago. why do i CARE. and this is why. fucking indifference#no amount of fucking sorries will fix it. no amount of i love yous will fix it.#there is nothing you can do for my forgiveness other than die. <- banger post btw i need to make that#and this is just? fucking irrelevant to you? you changed the trajectory of my life forever and you can barely even remember#youre so wrapped up in your sick little romantic fantasy you dont even realize how many people hate you.#all the time i hear it. if so fucking many people hate the both of you and dont want you to be together then its not destiny!#you only stay together because youd be fucking nothing without eachother? so itd be best to just kill yourselves<3#good evening yangang how are you all today. im balls to the wall batshit insane and about to get a murder charge#also good evening to everyone except terrible pieces of shit who i hate and want dead and who im writing this about.#me when i definitely have an undiagnosed mental disorder but idk what it is for sure so i just say im insane#like definitely BPD but there is something else too i feel like this cant just be one disorder#at this point i dont care if im forever regarded as a shit person because of all this. people dont really like me anyway? except val#shoutouts to val everybody. if they are reading this hii hello bestie#well there is a select few people who like me. but not enough that CARE about me. doomy for example is keeping me going#even if its just through mundane posting like this. i cant believe im liked let alone loved#maybe only my surface level personality is desirable but the more you get to know me the more annoying i am#well they still like me despite the fact im displaying every mental illness everyday on tumblr.com so thats niceys#no person is entirely bad or good. i feel like thats me though. i have so many bad actions. but so many good actions too. two halves#two wolves inside of you and all that business. thats me#also lotto to me to choosing the most shit idiot guys to care about ever this one isnt even responding to my misery#well he never responds to anyone elses misery either. and only mine if directly asked.#hes too much of a puzzle for miserable me to figure out.#well im done being angry here u go here's the post
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fandoms-writings · 11 months
i think my coworkers are finally starting to understand how frustrated i get when they don’t fucking listen to me the first time or give me all the info i need in the first place to do what they want me to do. 
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nomaishuttle · 9 months
im done now im ready 2 go home ^_^
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six-of-ravens · 10 months
you ever have such a bad week you just get like, an anxiety/anger hangover?
#i don't have to leave the house tomorrow! the evil is defeated!#and yet! i feel ill. what have i fucked up that i haven't discovered i've fucked up yet?#also a woman yelled at me in the parkade yesterday and im terribly anxious about running into her again#the exit/entrance ramp is only wide enough for one car at a time so its like established etiquette that the person at the bottom backs up#bc it's hard to get out of the way when you're pulling into the parkade esp if people are behind you#and so i just assumed she would but no. she rolled down her window and started screaming at me to pull my car into a corner#which forced me to do an awkward 3-point turn to get back into position to go down the ramp. fyi that's how i scraped my car previously#and i was just like ????? just back up!! its so easy!! but just gesturing bc im not going to scream at people#but she was just getting angrier and angrier so eventually i gave up. but like. i just know anytime i encounter her she's going to be a pain#and i cannot stress this. EVERYONE ELSE BACKS UP. EVERYONE. A GIANT PICKUP BACKED UP FOR ME TODAY. EVERYONE DOES IT.#idk what her problem is. if shes just scared shitless of reversing her car or if she just thinks shes the specialest princess baby#and everyone has to get out of her way regardless of etiquette bc shes soooooo important uwu#but like. lady. fuckin cool it. you are making everyone's lives so difficult.#i hope one of the giant pickups fuckin bulldozes her. bc there's no way they could do the manouvre i did in my lil corolla#if anyone deserves Pickup Dude wrath it's her#anyway this illness is anxiety about her in particular ON TOP OF feeling bad about everything that's happened the last 2 days#sigh#i really need tomorrow to be good. and just a like. nice weekend
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ilostyou · 1 year
lallaaalalala just some things on my mind
#this has been a rant#<- in advance. im going off in the tags. xo#getting close to making a decision abt doctoral programs is STRESSING ME OUT even tho i think ik which i'll choose#one ik will be a good school environment and will be manageable but the other has much. better training and will prep me for#literally anything i could want to do with a whole ass doctorate afterwards when im licensed#next thing. i fucking hate that i have no clue what i look like objectively lmfao. losing weight is great and all (healthy) but#it's fucking with my idea of myself even more than it ever was bc. now it's a 'bad' thing that some things look big on me#(bc THEY FUCKING ARE lol) like today i ended up buying some clothes and yay great but like. my mom was like#yeah so you can wear these instead of what. ur wearing now bc that's gotten big on you etc#and im just ksjghdf it's just a little baggy and also i like it?? but ok whatevesjkdkfdhkh i like the. new ones too im juyst. ??#just in general there's always gonna be Something yknow? annoying. anyway#next thing is that im away w family rn and lovemy fam love spending time with them but it;'s been TWO DAYS and im already#losing......so much patience with some people like. my younger cousins. im. GRR.and i love having some other people around#but we're meeting up w the rest of our group tom and we'll basically be DOUBLE in size for the next week plus and im so#nervous that i'm already at my last nerve with everyone adn that i'll be too overwhelmed/tired/etc that i won't enjoy the rest of the trip#next thing is that it's WILD graduation is literally in six weeks but so mmuch has to happen before then it's making me dizzy#other side note thing im beyond excited to see taylor and have weird anxiety about it but meh. im fucking PUMPED#another thing. it's someones bday tomorrow who ive had a Rough year with (ive mentioned stuff abt them before) and it's just. weird feeling#i dont rem if they even texted me for my bday now im curious im gonna go look lmfao but. obv i'll text them anyway#it's just ... lots of weird feeling thinking abt how much has changed in a year with them. shrug#ok maybe that's it woo
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chloeseyeliner · 2 months
and here i thought miscommunication trope was never going to happen irl again and stay in fanfiction forever.
i was so wrong.
#like girl i am twenty by 2.5-3 days. i cannot keep doing this middle school stuff. i am sorry.#vent post#kind of??#haven't made one of these in a while#oversharing on the internet#once again#anyway#long story short#we were almost great friends exactly a week ago okay?#and then nothing happened#and she just. stopped acknowledging my presence????#like i am not playing the victim here i have made many mistakes in the past but as i am growing up i realise how wrong i was#and put effort in being better every day#and like everyone who knows me that well irl knows i am a very sincere person so i would never hide it if i actually hurt her here#i just. it's been such a long time since a person won't even talk to me??? while i am standing next to them??? out of freaking nowhere???#while i am trying to communicate???#like i won't speak with any details but the only words she has uttered directly at me these past seven days were 'bye' with her back-#-facing me today.#and i tried. i really tried. i am tired.#i'll give it another week because i cannot think clearly with all the anxiety surrounding the situation + sciatica (yes i know how?)#my best friend got really mad ngl lol#so i am just venting here because she is the calmest person i know and she was ready to put troy on fire when i told here everything lol-#i don't even know#i mean. we literally study human psychology inter alia at uni girl. please.#and what makes me the saddest is how our other friend is sad regarding the whole situation and she is trying for them both-#-while not knowing what the fuck is going on- not that i do but you know.#and it's all so sad.#*sighs*#i'd rather have her screaming at me if i did something wrong than completely ignoring me and behaving normally around everyone else...#last week we were literally talking of going to the kyoshi movie together. the 2025 MOVIE. i'm shattered.
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