#what if curly hair was mainstream
thelonelyjew · 3 months
Pride banned Jews?!?
So it's that time of year again that I see people circulating stuff that is completely fabricated about what they imagine happened at Chicago Dyke March in 2017.
First, Dyke March is not Pride. It is not meant to be apolitical or single-issue. It is explicitly anti-imperialist, anticapitalist, and, yes, antizionist. It's not the big mainstream pride Parade that has corporate sponsors (and ads for gay tourism in Israel), it's a small radical grassroots demonstration.
Ok now that that's out of the way, they did not "ban Jews". I was there. They did not "ban Jewish symbols". They did not ask anyone to leave because of their Jewish pride flag.
What actually happened was three women who turned out to be employed by Israeli pinkwashing operation A Wider Bridge participated in the march with a rainbow flag that featured a blue star of david in the center. I remember seeing it and disliking it bc it gave me Zionist vibes but neither I nor anyone else bothered them about it.
After the march there was a cookout in the park. The women were asked to leave by a Jewish member of the Dyke March Collective after several hours of hanging out at the cookout because they were harassing other marchgoers.
Immediately publications like Forward, Tablet, JTA, as well as more mainstream publications started running stories making wild untrue claims which you can still read if you Google it because none of these were ever corrected or retracted. It's clear that these AWB agents had press releases pre-written and ready to fire as soon as they managed to provoke any reaction that they could spin into a controversy.
The photos that ran along with these headlines were also misleading. One of them showed a photo of a rainbow flag with a white star in the center. The star on the flag I saw was blue, and the shade of the star has specific political connotations. Showing a different flag with the politically significant color removed is extremely misleading. The one that was carried in the march (and which, again, wasn't banned!) looked like this:
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Another banner image, this one in a New York Times article, showed a young woman with dark curly hair holding a sign that says "this is who we are". She was clearly chosen to feature because of her stereotypically Jewish features. The article implies that she is one of the supposedly banned Jews. This is false. You know how I know? Bc that was the friend I was there with that day! She does not identify as Jewish, she looks like that bc she is Italian, and she had no idea she was being photographed!
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I had a hat decorated with red and black stars of David, and the following year a bunch of us wore Workers Circle sashes with Yiddish text (which uses the Hebrew alphabet) as well. No one who wasn't employed by a Zionist organization was asked to leave or even questioned about anything related to Zionism or Jewish identity.
I'm resigning myself to the fact that this is going to get dug up and passed around every year and people will believe what they want to believe, but if you hear claims that some queer group "banned Jews" or something similar, please look at the source for the information and if possible try to talk to actual Jewish people who participate in the community events being discussed. And if you hear this about Chicago Dyke March in specific, please correct people. I feel like I'm going insane when this many people are insisting that what I saw and experienced wasn't real and pointing to the barrage of misleading articles as what I should believe over my own experiences.
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peterparkersnose · 1 year
pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: pregnancy, before the outbreak, established relationship with joel, sarah is a little snitch, denial, age gap (not really specified), descriptions of childbirth, money insecurity, 2003 references
a/n this was too good to give up. lets pretend that the outbreak never happened and the miller’s got to live happily ever after :)
summary Sarah finds Y/N’s hidden pregnancy tests
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read time: 6 mins 14 seconds
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The phone was new. Joel had installed it a few weeks ago. No more cord! Your opposite hand felt awkward not having something to fidget with while your sister told you the horror stories of her giving birth. Something Mandy had brought up numerous times after confiding in her that you were pregnant.
It was your first; you were in your mid-20s. War was happening overseas, the world seemed to be going to shit. What a perfect time to bring a child into the world, huh? Your husband would be ecstatic, you just knew it. But the mere thought of something growing inside of you made you sick. “And then the feet came out instead! Ripped me open like-” You jumped a little. Facing the front door, you didn’t hear your husband come in from the back. His hands wrapped around your stomach as your shoulders pressed against his chest as your sister went on about telling you how her third kid cost her sixteen stitches.
A sharp gasp came from your mouth. “Are you alright? Is it the baby?” your sister yelled from the phone. Panicked, you quickly said your goodbyes to your older sister, assuring her everything was alright. You decided to give in to the kisses Joel was placing on your neck.
“What was she going on about now? Babies? Please tell me she’s not having another one.” Joel groaned. “Nope. Nine was enough for her,” you sarcastically answered. Four nieces and five nephews were enough for you to handle. Sarah enjoyed having kids her age to play with, but Uncle Joel was getting a bit too old for the rough play the younger ones enjoyed.
“What time is it?” you asked him, grabbing at his wrist. His hands were placed on your stomach almost like he knew. His watch read a little before three. “Sarah?” you asked him, swaying with him slowly. “Tommy’s coming over and we’re going to go work on a job,” he sighed.
 “Again? Joel-”
“I’m sorry, It’s a quick one. Just a little steel door frame and I’ll be home late for dinner. I promise,” he said, kissing you on the cheek. You would need more cash once the baby came.
“I’ll go get her.” you sighed, but not in an angry way. You loved your stepdaughter more than anything in the world. You have known her since she was a small girl and have gotten along with her since the day you met her. She is going to be the best big sister.
Joel handed you the truck keys. Tommy’s car beeped in the driveway. “Give Tommy my love,” you called to Joel as you heard the screen door shut. --- A mainstream pop song quietly played in the truck as you waited in line at Sarah’s middle school. Parents were eager to leave and the San Antonio traffic was bound to be crazy on a Friday afternoon. You spotted your curly-haired stepdaughter as she left the school doors with some friends. You recognized a few from the sleepover she had last week. “Do you have any hairspray?” she asked, throwing her backpack in the back seat. “Yes?”
“Perfect.” Sarah responded. “May I ask why?” “Tiffany and Ashley gave me the recipe for a new oobleck!”
Sarah excitedly waved a loose-leaf piece of paper with a sparky pink gel pen scribbled all over the paper in her stepmom's face. “Hairspray is the main ingredient,” she explained, going over all the ingredients she needed. You smiled to yourself, carefully exiting the middle school parking lot as Sarah rambled about her day.
Sarah burst into the house, setting her backpack down and heading straight towards the kitchen. “Do we have any… flour?” she asked, reading off her list. “Red jar, babes.” you stated the obvious. The flour had been in there for years. “And the hairspray?” She asked. You sat down on the couch, fatigued by what you assumed was your pregnancy. Rubbing your temples, you replied, “Under my sink.”
Sarah burst into the bathroom, whipping open the cabinet door under your sink. In her excitement, the jolting movement of the door opening vaulted the zip-loc bag of pregnancy tests you had taped to the top of the cabinet out on the floor. Confused at first, she held up one of the blue sticks. Then she got it. “Y/N?” she yelled from the bathroom. Sarah was old enough to know what these were, and what two lines meant. Once she realized she was holding a stick of what you peed on, she threw it back in the pile of the rest of them sprawled out on the floor.
Sighing, you kicked your feet back on the ground. You had just gotten comfortable when Sarah called for you.
“Hm?” you asked, causally walking into your bedroom. Your tired state seemed to do a complete 180 when you saw Sarah on the ground with your tests. You froze, unsure of what to say to her. Rapidly blinking your eyes a few times to stop tears, you realized that there was no going back from this. Without a single word spoken you crouched down, collected the pregnancy test strips, and put them back in the bag. Seeing the loose pieces of tape, you used them to adhere the bag back where it was. You handed Sarah the red printed bottle of your hairspray.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked cautiously, sitting at the edge of the bathtub. “A-are they yours?” she anxiously asked. A small laugh came from you. “Yes,” you smiled. “I’m going to be a sister?” she asked you. You shook your head yes.
“Does Dad know?”
The world seemed to blur a bit when she asked that. You could feel your heartbeat increase at the thought. “No. Not yet.” “What!” Sarah gasped. “How long have you known?” “About three weeks.” “Three weeks!” Sarah yelled, throwing her hands in the air. “It’s difficult to… come to terms sometimes,” you said, trying to come up with the best way to explain this to Sarah. “You have to tell him. Tonight!” Sarah exclaimed.
You hated to admit that she was right.
“I don’t know Sarah, he’s out on a job with your Uncle and…” “I will call him. Try me.”
You looked at her, unsure of her new aggressive demeanor. She was always a natural leader. “Sarah, this is serious.”
“I know.” she said simply, exiting the bathroom. You followed her, watching her like a hawk for the rest of the night. And the rest of the night consisted of you making dinner, ravioli. Sarah was in the kitchen and made her ooblek and when that was done she finished her homework.
  You sighed when the clock rang eight. He was more than late for supper. Sarah was asleep in your lap, the mindless cartoons played on. You watched them, trying to calm your anxious mind.
  You heard Tommy’s truck pull into the driveway and saw its headlights as he left the driveway. Sarah stirred a bit, but a simple smoothing of her hair soothed her back to sleep. Joel quietly made his way into the house, only noticing the two of you when he locked the door.
  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. You shrugged. Joel sat down next to you. “How is she? Is her homework done?”
  “Yup.” you said coldly. “Look Y/N, I’m sorry I was late but the hardware store was out of the screws we needed and Tommy’s car was having an issue so we had to stop and get some-”
You couldn’t listen to Joel’s rambling any longer. You frankly didn’t care about some damn screws. It had to be done, and it had to be done now. Sarah was right, he deserved to know.
  “I’m pregnant.”
Joel’s ramblings ended. A moment of silence lasted between the two of you. “Really?” he asked, a tiny awkward squeak coming from his voice at the end. “Mhm. Sarah found the tests. Under the sink, taped to the top of the cabinet if you want to see for yourself.”
Joel sat. “Huh,” he said, getting up from the couch and heading into the shared bathroom you guys had. He came back a moment later, his face was white as a sheet of paper.
  “Can we financially do this?” you whispered, knowing Sarah was well faking her sleep and listening. Joel shrugged, plopping back down next to you. He knew this was a big issue and it would have to be discussed later. They were doing well, but Joel knew firsthand a baby on a small income was expensive. “I’m happy, if you couldn’t tell.” he said, a little bit of hope rang in his tone. “I could. My reaction was the same.” you assured him. You rested your head on his shoulder. “Everything will be okay.” he said, entwining his fingers with yours. “How long have you known?”
You seethed. “Don’t kill me.” “Maybe,” he said flirtatiously. You loved when he still flirted with you, even though you had been together forever and you were his wife. “Three weeks.”
He sighed audibly. “How far along are you?” “Don’t kill me.” you reiterated. “I have no clue. I haven't even been to a doctor yet, Mandy’s horror stories are traumatizing enough.”
  “We’re making an appointment first thing tomorrow,” he assured you. You shook your head in agreement.
  “Does she know?” he whispered, looking down at his daughter. He was so excited to be able to give Sarah a sibling. His bond with Tommy was unmatchable. Even though there would be a significant age gap between them, he still loved his little brother like no other. Even if they were six years apart, they were close. “She’s the one who found the tests.” you quietly chuckled, reminding Joel of what you said earlier. “She was threatening to call you at work and ‘expose me’,” you told Joel. He rolled his eyes. “Jeez, that damn kid.” he smiled, giving Sarah’s fluffy hair a pat just like you did moments before. He brought his hand back to yours and moved the back of your hand up to his lips and kissed it. “I love you,”
“I love you too,”
“And our little family.” you added. “Yes, and our little family.” Joel confirmed.
(if this story was spaced weirdly, apologies)- tag list
@dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @mandoloriancookie @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry @scoliobean @avengersfan25 @nyotamalfoy @milly-louise @mxtokko​ @undeniableadrenaline @evyiione @qualitypudding @jmillerswife @kittenlittle24
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sarcasticassian · 2 years
Corroded Coffin’s label want them to do a Christmas song, Chrissy (their manager) tells them over and over that it’s not gonna fly, it’s really not the band’s brand and who is even asking for a Christmas song off them but due to the recent mainstream success of the band the label is not backing down so Chrissy tells the guys what the situation is thinking she’s going to have to deal with an unhappy label and unhappy talent, she immediately lets them know that she’ll try and negotiate a cover or something that they can whip up in no time and then forget about 
but they all surprise her, Eddie the most, Jeff just had a kid with his wife and he’s in good spirits, Grant is married and Gareth has a long term girlfriend so she can maybe understand their tolerance for Christmas but Eddie? Mr anti establishment and hates all things capitalistic etc etc, he LOVES Christmas apparently, he says its about the spirit, people’s giving nature etc also he loves watching people get into physical fights over presents and families tearing into each other over the holidays, it’s kinda funny as an outsider and as someone who has one other family member 
so they put their heads together and even out do what she’s asking by giving her two original songs and a couple of covers, enough for an EP, the label is ecstatic and Chrissy is flabbergasted, the only hitch is that before they record properly Eddie needs a choir of kids (why, Eddie? it’s part of the Christmas spirit Chris, so many songs have them as well, why can’t ours) so to make it interesting the label makes it a competition for local school choirs and a certain Miss Buckley decides to send in a tape because why not right?
except Eddie loves them, the tape doesn’t cut off in time to miss a snarky comment from the kid at the front with the curly hair and the redhead next to him rolls her eyes so hard Eddie is pretty sure she can see the back of her head and he’s charmed, they sound good too so he begs the band to pick them and the other guys really aren’t as invested in this so they say go for it
Robin is over the moon that her choir got chosen, she’s a music teacher at a local middle school where her bestie also teaches history and is beloved by all children apparently, and it helps that the prize is tickets to a Christmas concert Corroded Coffin will be a part of for all the kids so she tells them that world famous band Corroded Coffin is coming to their school to record them for a new song and they go nuts as a bunch of 14 year olds would, Steve is happy for her even though he has no idea who these people are and doesn’t bother looking them up cause what kinda band comes to a random school for a recording of their song
Eddie LOVES the kids when he arrives, they’re delightfully bitchy but obedient enough or respect Robin enough that they listen to both her and him all day and they sound great, he enjoys them so much in fact that he asks if they’d all want to be in the music video, Steve is out sick that day much to everybody’s dismay but once the video shoot is all worked out they need another teacher for health and safety etc so he volunteers to go (not that Robin would’ve given him a choice) and he sees Eddie covered in flakes of fake snow, surrounded by this soft halo of light and is like oh dear when his heart starts pumping double time
Eddie thinks this teacher is a total cutie and all the kids seem to love him, clamouring to point out cool things on set or show him their costumes or just chat to him about their other weekend plans and Eddie is a little smitten, the shoot goes on and the song is about being lonely at Christmas, the other guys’ partners are involved and the original idea was for Eddie to remain alone to really drive in the point (who doesn’t love a sad Christmas song, of course Eddie would write something against the grain) but the label has a sudden change of heart and wants the video to end with Eddie finding someone and Chrissy seizes her chance to play matchmaker so she suggests Steve fills in if he wants before Eddie can protest
Steve is a slightly confused about why they’d pick him until Eddie blurts out that he’s gay and out etc so a guy would make more sense to their fans so Steve, caught up in the moment, says sure why not, and half falls in love with Eddie under the fake snowfall and horribly bright set lights, he knows it’s an act but Eddie is very charming (Eddie isn’t acting) and all their actual audio will be cut because of the song playing over the top so Steve just enjoys himself
when the song and video goes live fans lose it, who is this cute, cute man that Eddie has bagged, it must be his boyfriend right because everybody else’s partner is in the video and Eddie has to quickly clarify that he just met Steve that day but nobody believes him, ‘the chemistry is too good’ so Eddie manages to reach out to Steve and apologise and Steve decides to joke that Eddie should take him for a drink to make up for it but Eddie immediately agrees and that’s how Steve finds himself on a date with a rockstar
(his class go wild after Christmas break and they hear from Miss Buckley about Mr Harrington’s new boyfriend)
(they go wilder when Steve spills in return that Robin has been seeing Chrissy-the-band-manager since the recording at the school back in October)
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ftmtftm · 8 months
I've been scrolling through your blog, and I saw your post about discussing the racialized nature of gender. As someone who has several transmasc POC friends, and someone who's a nonbinary POC themself, I wanted to give my 2 cents.
It's important to understand that "woman" in the "man vs woman" gender binary is a colonialist, white supremacist construct, especially in Western countries where you are the numerical minority. My trans friends aren't on T, they haven't gotten top surgery, we are all quite young. But they all have numerous stories about being addressed as "sir" which brings them euphoria but as one person said, while we were making fun of the amount of white people in our club, "Due to my race and skin color, I get masculinized."
And again I'd like to emphasize, that since we're young, none of us really have medically transitioned due to financial and familial barriers. Their hair is long, our binders we definitely have notable chests, and even if they dress masculine, it's notable that no one in our communities would ever gender us properly. It's often white people calling them "sir." Again, I think this reflects how gender performances in mainstream queer communities are deeply White. Like, trans boys talk about having haircuts, but only one of my friends has that wavier, more manageable hair that will help them pass. When you've got curly/kinky hair, the standards are different. For a white person, what's the difference between a "girl" Afro and a boy "Afro"? White cis people have a harder time identifying us, and literally talk to any black girl, and they'll tell you about being mocked, dehumanized, and called "manly".
I don't have much else to say. These are just my personal experiences. But if you want to be an ally to POC in the queer community, this is why it's so fucking important to bring in colonialism/imperialism/white supremacy into discussions of queer liberation. My biggest gripe with ignorant white queers is when they ignore their white privilege, and act like "cishets" (AKA the patriarchal system regulating sexuality and gender) is the only enemy. Because cishet POC deal with plenty of shit with being infantilized, masculinized, feminized, seen as brutish & dangerous, the list goes on. Doberbutts had a post saying, "Believe me, your family's going to care more about me being black than my queerness." towards his white partners. Acknowledging and creating a framework that centers these intersections of queerness and race into your beliefs is true allyship. This is why if you're not anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, ACAB...I do not think you care for queer liberation. None of us are free until all of us are free.
Please don't view this post as an attack. But this is my perspective, and I thought you'd be receptive to me sharing my lived experiences.
Oh I absolutely don't view this ask as an attack, and I really appreciate you bringing these things up because you're right! Like, just very plainly: You are right and your and your friends lived experiences are extremely important to the conversation on the racialized aspects of gender.
It gets me thinking about where Misogynoir and the social White Fear of Black manhood intersect for Black trans men in particular. Because Black women and Women of Color in general are masculinized by White gender standards and the ways in which Black trans masculine people are gendered in alignment with their identity is absolutely not always done with gender affirming intent. In fact, it's often actually done with racist intent or is fueled by racist bias when it's coming from White people or even from non-Black POC.
That's kind of restating things you've said but differently, it's just such a topic worth highlighting explicitly since it's extremely relevant to the conversation that's been happening about Male Privilege here the last few days.
I do think I know exactly what @doberbutts post you're talking about and yeah. It's just truth. It's something Black queer people have been talking about for ages in both theory and in pop culture (my mind immediately goes to Kevin Abstract and "American Boyfriend") where Black queer/trans identity is both materially different from (neutral) and is treated differently from (negative) White queer/trans identity in multitudes of ways and those differences are worth sharing and exploring and talking about.
Genuinely, thank you for sharing! I try really hard not to lead these kinds of conversations outside of explicitly referencing back to non-White theorists because I don't particularly feel like it's my place to do so, but I will always provide a platform for them because they're extremely important conversations to be had.
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xxremirandomxx · 8 days
dumb rant but im kinda getting annoyed at ppl trying 2 water down subcultures in the name of "accessibility"
"mosh pits shouldnt b so violent" its a physical expression of angry music created by angsty teens that otherwise had no safe way to get out agression if u dont want 2 get hurt don't mosh (and it DOESNT make u a poser if u dont want 2)
"fast fashion should b accepted in the goth community bc i cant afford goth clothes" DIY and anti-consumerism is pillars of the goth community and u arent required 2 hav a full gothic wardrobe if u dont hav the skill 2 make it
"scene hair shouldnt b required in the look" its what defined scene fashion from mainstream fashion at the time. I don't think u need the super straight hair (curly and 4c scene cuts, braided scene hair, i havent seen hijabi scene "hair" but im sure u could make it) but having teased choppy poofed up hair is what defined scene fashion
im all 4 making the community accepting but not by taking away the very aspects that make it unique
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froguemorgue · 2 months
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the left is Alex btw and the right is Lafayette in my time travel fic
Alex is very academic and somewhat functional, he reuses the same pieces to make new outfits, is by no means unfashionable but definitely has less to work with than all the rich people he's friends with. The most dressed up he'll be is that outfit in the center, maybe with a blazer instead of the jacket. He prefers to understate his fashion so he always looks put-together but isn't screaming nouvaeu riche, like he's trying to be someone he isn't. He also doesn't want to look poor or like he doesn't care. Luckily for him, Mulligan is more than happy to tailor his clothes so they're not ill-fit, but more often than not, they are a little baggier than he'd like them to be, so to compensate when the weather's warm, he'll wear underclothes that are too tight and leave his shirt open so his figure is visible but the overclothes are fashionable. (He cares a lot more about how he looks than he lets on). He has a curly mullet that's shorter and shaggier, a lot more like our modern conceptions of a mullet than a true Billy-Ray-esque 80s mullet. Oh, and luckily for him, his sense of fashion and limited purchasing power is a little bit timeless so he ends up being more geared for the early 80s than he knows.
Lafayette is fun. He doesn't care what people think, he goes for crazy combinations of patterns, colors, and fabrics, huge bell-bottoms and long coats or more fashion-forward (keep in mind this is the late 70s) pleated wide-leg pants. He always has a jacket even if he's just holding it. His shoes are always just as expensive and shiny. He looks so European despite wanting to appeal to American fashion, partially because he mixes in clothes that are a liiiiiiittle bit more feminine than mainstream US men's fashion, like a women's coat here or some feminine jewelry there. It never looks bad. In fact, he always looks good, even if he's a little outside the box. Lots of jewelry, preferably gold, loves flower patterns and 60s hippie revival stuff, loves shirts made from paper-thin materials, wears silks and suedes. His hair is about shoulder-length and always styled differently. He can do a mod with sideburns but Adrienne hates it. Sometimes he'll do a little half-up hairstyle but it does NOT look good. Also, his ears are pierced and he's considering piercing his nose, too, but Washington told him it would make him look completely unprofessional and no one would take him seriously (sad). His fashion is often so specific to the trends that come the 1980s, he's going to have to have a whole new wardrobe. smh
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
Slashers with a hippie s/o
Spring is upon us and I've been leaning into more of a hippie style with the warmer weather. I've been running out of ideas for what to write about so I hope this doesn't suck.
Includes: Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Jason Voorhees, and Baby Firefly
Warnings: Mentions of what slashers do, weed mentions in Babies part
Bubba Sawyer
He honestly loves your style. He's noticed the shift to hippie styles for awhile now while dealing with victims and he's always admired it from afar.
If you go all out with it and don't wear shoes often then Bubba is going to be a bit concerned about you hurting yourself while walking around. He's probably going to refuse to let you leave the house without wearing some kind of shoes.
If you have long enough hair for him to style he's going to have a field day with it. Braiding flowers into your hair, brushing it out, curling it if it's straight or twirling his fingers around it if it's curly. If your hair is more coily/kinky he's going to adore sticking flowers in it and making a flower crown for your hair.
If you need any new clothes or Bubba finds some on a victim that he thinks you'd like he's taking them for you to have. I have a feeling he can sew pretty well so if he ever has enough fabric and a pattern he'll try making you some clothes.
He also enjoys hippie music. It's mostly slow, calming stuff that helps keep his mind at ease. He can't go out and buy new records to play so all of his music comes from the radio which is fine by him.
Thomas Hewitt
His family (meaning Hoyt) has made him look down on hippies since they became aware of what hippies are. But meeting you has challenged his view on them.
If you're a man/look more masculine he's going to feel conflicted about how you dress, because in his eyes (and the way Hoyt has talked about hippies) "real men" don't dress like that. But you, again, change his mind about that.
Will also steal clothes from victims if he thinks you'd like them. Your clothes are going to get dirty often from all of the work you're doing around the house and on the farm so he's going to have a few pairs of work clothes set aside for you.
Over time he becomes more of a fan of your style, even if Hoyt makes comments about it. But when Hoyt does make those rude comments on your style, Thomas gives him a death glare, because he's not brave enough to outright fight his family but he's not below intimidation.
He's also a fan of the music. It's a nice break from all of the screaming and yelling of victims and his family. It's calming to him and whenever he has the time, he likes to put of the radio and dance with you.
Jason Voorhees
Jason lived in the woods for most of the mainstream hippie trends, but he still saw them and he wasn't the biggest fan of the style. His mother raised him Christian, and while I don't think he stayed Christian as he got older, he did keep some ideals from the religion, like modesty.
He's not against your style, he just doesn't love it when you show a lot of skin. But if you make a hippie outfit where you're more modest he's all for that. Although he's also worried about the longevity of the clothing. Because of all the activities you're doing around camp.
Another slasher who will steal clothes from victims to give to you, unless he deems it to be too immodest. Like Bubba he's not letting you leave the house without shoes on. Will honestly only let you keep a pair of boots just because of the practicality of them.
He does like the more nature inspired themes in the hippie style. As your relationship goes on he's going to try and find ways to make hippie clothes more practical for the life you two live.
As for the music, he's kind of a fan. It's not like 80's rock music which I feel like he despises. He likes how it's slow and calmer and while he doesn't agree with all the parts about sex and drugs, he's not too against it.
Baby Firefly
Her style is kind of the opposite of yours. She loves more tight fitting clothing that's all ripped up and edgy. She probably laughed at your outfit and made a comment about it when she first met you. "Just letting you know Woodstock was three years ago."
But she loves dressing you up in whatever stuff she can. She probably has some kind of hippie clothes laying around her bedroom that she'll want you to try on. Half of them are her's, half are from victims. But she's always happy to hit up a second hand store to buy more clothes or try and diy some new ones.
She agrees with some of the ideas that come with being a hippie. She's all for free love and smoking weed, she's against the Government too and she thinks guys with long hair are pretty cute.
Her family is probably going to make comments on your style, except for Mamma and Rufus, they'll be more polite. But if her family makes rude comments about your style she'll defend you. But if a victim insults your style? She's going to see red, because nobody is mean to her s/o unless it's her.
Not a huge fan of hippie music. She prefers heavier stuff, but since you listen to her music all of the time she'll sit and listen to some of yours for a little bit. She can't promise that she won't get bored after a few songs but she'll try her best to not complain about it.
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shybunnie20 · 7 months
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These are some thoughts I had about Eddie and Dustin’s friendship while listening to Black Sabbath’s Die Young. Plus a little video edit
Warning: Recounts of Eddie’s death, swearing
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Perched atop the roof of the Munson trailer, Dustin bangs his head along to “Master of Puppets,” perfectly in sync with the whining amp beside him. It’s ingrained, thanks to Eddie, who introduced him to a different world of music. Eddie entrusted the younger boy with his cherished tapes, and Dustin wore them out, eager to report back with what songs he took a liking to.
Eddie’s bedroom was a sanctuary of sound where he assumed the role of mentor, guiding Dustin through the labyrinth of famous riffs and lyrics. Eddie was a purist, a devotee of the raw power of metal. He kept Dustin well-versed in the history of it and made sure that he understood that mainstream bands like AC/DC, Mötley Crüe, and KISS—while undeniably popular—fail to embody the true spirit of heavy music.
Eddie took it upon himself to school Dustin in the art of headbanging, imparting the proper technique. He demonstrated how to get the most movement out of their curly hair without completely fucking up their necks. Even so, pulling a muscle is a right of passage.
Dustin has never been one to shy away from being himself, and in Eddie, he found an older reflection. Eddie faces plenty of adversity being misunderstood, poor, and a failed graduate twice over. Despite that, he remains true to himself. In Dustin's eyes, he's the most badass motherfucker because he has heart.
Eddie sought out Dustin in the lunchroom, recognizing his younger self in him. He embraced Dustin wholeheartedly before they even learned each other’s names. Eddie shattered the assumption that high school has to be bleak for outcasts.
All of those moments have led to this. Eddie, whose light had shone blindingly, has been torn from the sky and lies on the cold ground. Gasping for breath with blood-stained lips, he insists that Dustin can become the man he can no longer be. 
Eddie gradually dims while wrapped in his friend’s embrace. With his dying breaths, Eddie pleads for Dustin to promise that he’ll lead their friends. With the agony of mortality closing in on Eddie, Dustin affirms his commitment to finding the strength to go on.
It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but Eddie needs Dustin to know that he believes in him. Dungeons and Dragons isn’t merely a pastime—it’s their haven. Hellfire Club is a family bound not by blood, but they’re family all the same.
Dustin nods, his cheeks wet as the tears roll from them. He isn’t sure that he can keep his word, not when Eddie is sputtering his parting ones. Amidst the thundering pulse in his ears and the sky, Dustin takes on the burden of etching every tremor of Eddie’s final utterances to memory. Each fleeting second slips away as the grains of sand cascade within the crystal confines of time. 
Eddie is more than someone Dustin shares memories with, and the moment Eddie’s heart stills, he has become one himself. Eddie is now a memory devoid of breath and a heartbeat, a distant echo of what once was. Yet, Dustin will remain steadfast in his resolve to resuscitate the essence of who Eddie was.
While he never got the chance to showcase his talent for more than a few drunks at The Hideout, Eddie did get to play for Dustin. He got to headline the most metal concert in the history of the world with his best friend.
Eddie the Freak, Eddie the Banished, Eddie the Remembered.
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★My Masterlist
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hemmohaze · 5 months
Valentine’s Day Plans
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Word Count: 1,000+
Warnings: Strong Language
AN: Okay what if i said this is my favorite fic I’ve ever written. Maybe it’s because Cal is my cheat lane as well. Happy reading and hope you all enjoy<3
February 13th 2019
Daniella Walker. The name that is mainstream as she was making her way into the music scene as what the internet calls their "pop princess."
Daniella first had internet fame how everyone does in the early 2010's, by posting on Youtube. From the age of 16 she started posting covers of her singing different popular songs at the time ranging from Halsey to Ariana Grande. First viral video being her cover of Honeymoon Avenue from the album Yours Truly.
Her life changed at 19 when one of her self produced songs called Speechless dropped and became an overnight sensation. Flying from her home country of London, England to countless radio interviews to her first American Music Awards as an attendee and performer at.
That’s when she met some of her longtime friends in the music industry, 5 Seconds of Summer. She met them because she accidentally bumped into a red haired Micheal as she was coming off stage and they were about to take the stage. The two gushing over much they enjoyed each other’s music.
She was a huge Amnesia fan.
Over the years they continued to keep contact with one another. She was featured on their 3rd album Youngblood on their song Want You Back as backing vocals.
Daniella had also become a regular feature in 5SOS content. As well as being posted on their respective girlfriend’s Instagram’s pretty frequently.
For a little while she was considered a groupie when she went to Bali with them in 2016. Until stan twitter quickly defended her from the trolls on the internet claiming how do they not know her.
She was now 24 standing in line at her favorite local coffee and bagel spot in downtown Los Angeles. The line continued move at a slow pace as she hummed along to the beat in her airpods she been sent the night previous. She was absolutely in love with it. She had a studio session set with Max Martin that she definitely couldn't be late for.
He's worked with artists like Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Ariana Grande, and Britney Spears.
It's been a dream of hers to work with him and only her 3rd album that is saying she's gotta be doing something right.
She finally approached Bailey, one of the cashiers she had blossomed a friendship from after being a regular here for 4 months.
"Everything bagel with a side of strawberry cream cheese and Iced Americano double shot with light ice and vanilla creamer!" She shouted to the back. "Hey Daniella."
A smile was plastered on her face. "Hey girlfriend! You'll never believe what I've got planned today." She started as she dug in her purse for her card to hand over for her to swipe.
"Please you're literally a pop star. If you told me you were going to meet up with Kim Kardashian I would probably believe you." She stated in her strong jersey accent as she handed the card back.
"No I wish, but on my bucket list though, maybe I could get a discount on those Skims bodysuits I like. Anyways besides the point here, somehow managed to get a studio session with Max Martin! And cherry on top, the guys are showing up with Ryan fucking Tedder.” She said excitedly as she moved off to the side of the line so other people could move.
"See this is what I mean. It's Thursday at nine in the morning and you're going to work with your hot Australian friends and I'm here covered in flour all day while dealing with the bitches in the back and isn't Max Martin that Swedish dude who's written and produced for basically every A list singer." She leaned against the register.
"Yeah it's so exciting is it not. And Alexis you're so talented at making bagels. Hone in on that." She joked making the curly haired blonde roll her eyes in fake annoyance.
“Your accent makes this sound all posh Dani.”
“Oh whatever.”
"Your beautiful everything bagel and iced coffee m'lady." Bailey turned around to the kitchen workers as she handed her two paper bags one full of her favorite little snacks and the other with her bagel.
"Oh my goodness, you didn't have to do th-." She started.
"Oh please shut up yes I did. You're gonna be late with the hot guys.”
“Text me when you can, I'd love to hear all about it." She smiled.
"Will do."
As she was on the highway on the way to the studio her mind was clouded with thoughts some negative some positive, but mostly negative.
Before she knew it she was finding a parking spot and walking into Capitol Records.
Showing security her badge, she looked down at her Apple Watch and cursed, realizing she was going to be late if she didn’t climb the stairs in under 2 minutes. Thank god for her zumba classes she’s been taking.
Once she figured out what studio she was gonna be in for the next 6 hours, she spotted his long hair and glasses talking to Ryan and the four men sat in the couch in the corner. All of them laughing at something on Luke's phone. She knocked bringing their attention to her standing at the door slightly out of breath.
"Daniella! Pleasure to finally meet you." Max said getting up from the comfy chair to give her hug.
"So nice to meet you too. I'm so incredibly excited and I also see you've invited some of my good friends." She stated nudging Ryan's elbow.
"He had a lot of positive things to say about you." He said sitting back down.
"Daniella you probably know them," Ryan gestured to the men sitting on the couch.
"Know them. These guys are basically a second family to me." She joked.
"I hope you don't mind that I decided to bring them along here to hopefully do some live instrumentals for ya." He told her looking at her with a smile.
"Oh my goodness not at all! It actually sounds so cool. I’ve missed these guys." She smiled widely.
Micheal stood up and gave her a brotherly hug. “Have you gotten shorter?” He joked making Daniella give him the bird.
“Haven’t you gotten weirder.”
Ashton was next, giving her another squeeze and pat on the head.
Then Luke who did their handshake they made up in Bali together, that neither of them forgot even after 4 years.
Finally it was Calum who smiled at her first and then suddenly picked up her up and spun her around in a circle, earning a loud laugh from Daniella and his signature smile that she still got butterflies from.
Even after her 6 years of knowing him, he still makes her blush like a school girl.
“Alright everyone let’s get to work to hear this beautiful voice of hers.” Max stated turning around and facing the recording booth as Daniella walked in and put on her headphones.
Two hours passed as Daniella stood in the recording booth, recording the second verse. She was mumbling the possible verse in the microphone. The song had a Lorde lyricism with Ariana Grande singing vibe.
She and Max had titled the song Selfish. Max and Ryan giving her corrections if needed. Other than the couple comments or corrections from the group she had total artistic freedom and she loved that.
“Could we leave that first half blank of that chorus and I’ll stack some more vocal layers on that run.” Daniella suggested over the noise of the metronome. “Thank you.”
“Yup sounds amazing.”
While Ryan was stacking her vocals, she leaned next to Ashton's drum kit and told him what pace she needed for the chorus.
Calum was fiddling with his bass strings trying to tune them when Daniella walked over. “So what’s your big opinion on it??”
“I think it sounds bloody brilliant.” He said in a Scottish accent.
“Don’t make fun of the Scottish people.”
“You always seem to forget I’m half Scottish and you’re literally British.” He laughed as she hit his tattooed arm slightly.
Max leaned into Micheal's headset, "Okay Mike start from when Daniella comes in at "I used to be cautious about this and stop when the beat drops back down to the acoustic version that we have prepared.”
3 more hours passed as their session ended and Daniella so proud of the song they had made and gotten mastered.
"Alright, could we schedule another one for Friday morning? We’ve got selfish crossed off the list. We could get started on Messier Things as well." Max asked her looking at his calendar.
She nodded with a thumbs up. "That should work with me."
"It was so good to finally see you guys today. What’s new in the wonderful world of 5SOS land." She asked the boys as they were walking to a lunch spot on the less crowded side of LA so the likelihood of them all being noticed and ambushed by paparazzi was a zero percent chance.
“Going on a promo tour for Easier. Thats literally all. New York, LA, Atlanta, and some overseas.” Ashton said laughing.
"Well whatt are you guys doing for the day of love that happens to be tomorrow." She asked wiggling her fingers together.
"Spending time with Sierra." Luke quickly answered with a smile. He loves that woman more than air it seems. But it’s good to see him so happy.
"Crystal wants to go see some new movie." Micheal stated with a raised eyebrows. He probably had no clue but he was with Crystal and thats all he cared about.
“Oo lemme know if you need a dog sitter. I’ll bring Pepper. Y’know she loves Moose and Southy.”
"Probably just a dinner with KayKay." Ashton’s bright smile came up whenever he talked about KayKay.
"Absolutely nothing." Calum said quickly with a slight eye roll. She knew how he felt about Valentine's Day. He hated that day with every fiber in his being.
"We could spend it together Cal, I'm not doing anything either. It can be like old times!" Reminiscing on when they would go their favorite Ramen restaurant in the city and rewatch Criminal Minds at his house whenever they were both free.
As much as only everyone around them knows, they've had a flirty relationship ever since they've met. But what they don’t know is they claim they’re just friends who have occasionally kissed each other, slept in the same bed, and she's worn his clothes more than once but just friends.
But due to them being too awkward to act upon their obvious feelings, they have no official label on whatever they are.
"Ramen on Melrose it is." He laughed making Daniella laugh along with him.
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sovvannight · 1 month
Potential Covers Playlist #1
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After the Bereny Show (in my Season 2 series), Andi suggests the Phantoms add a few cover songs into their set list. In the following scenes the band does discuss possible covers, but I never actually confirmed what songs, if any, they end up covering.
That's plot relevant for the next scene, so here's a playlist of possible I listen to all the time at work. A lot of these come from a larger list, "The Positive Mix," songs I pulled for a playlist for a road trip with Mom a while back, so it's probably a little too heavy on older songs.
Jimmy Eat World - The Middle - This is a song Reggie mentions discovering during his attempts to catch up on all the music he missed. It's more like a Sunset Curve song than a JATP song, though.
Little Mix - Wings - I LOVE this pick for them; I generally favor covers where the covering band really makes the song their own, so a genre switch like this would really work for me. And I can just imagine how it went: Julie played the song for them, Luke immediately said, "What? No!," and then at the 20 second mark when the percussion line kicks in, Alex is like, "YEESSSS!" Anyway, lots of room for different band members to take a line, and I'm assuming some of the brass/synthesizer sounds get converted to guitar.
Gloria Estefan - Get On Your Feet - not sure if this is a Julie pick, a Reggie pick (since I headcanon him as having the most mainstream musical taste out of all the band members), or you could argue it's a Luke pick and he has a thing for singers with dark curly hair. Anyway, I like the guitar line, and I'm assuming Julie is handling the brass via synthesizer.
Journey - Be Good to Yourself - I feel like one of the band members would suggest Don't Stop Believin' and then Julie would have to explain how that's a meme song now, and what a meme song is, and they'd work their way around to this as an alternate option.
Noisettes - Don't Give Up - a Julie pick - probably too heavy for JatP, but I like the idea of her playing it for them, the guys looking at her, surprised, and she's like, "What? My mom was in punk bands!"
The Kinks - Better Things - absolutely a Luke pick. I've just googled and apparently this is actually a breakup song? But I still really like this song for them: the lyrics are positive, there are already built-in keyboard and guitar parts, and I like the harmony on the chorus.
Let's Active - Every Dog Has His Day - probably a Luke pick, because it's a rock nerd pick, although the drum line is cool so you could make the case that it's an Alex pick instead. Lyrics might be a little less JatP-style positivity and veering toward Dirty Candyish-(over)confidence.
Anathema - Dreaming Light - would also satisfy Andi's request for a ballad.
Bonham - Dreams - definitely an Alex pick, since this is the band formed by the son of Led Zeppelin's late drummer.
Tommy Shaw - Girls With Guns - OK, I get that this might seem out of place, but there's that part of the chorus, "Stand tall, don't think small, don't get your back against the wall."
Catherine MacLellan - Everything'll Be Alright - another ballad. Way too many instruments, but we're ignoring that.
Tim Cappello - I Still Believe - from The Lost Boys soundtrack, which the guys absolutely rented on VHS back in the day.
Gotye - I Feel Better - I actually don't love this song, but I was feeling like there weren't any modern songs on the list so I added it. And I do like the lyrics.
The Call - Let the Day Begin - this song... technically it's kind of monotonous, but it still gets stuck in my head sometimes 35 years later. I wonder if Julie's like, "What wall? What are they talking about?" and the guys are suddenly reminded of that 26-year age gap.
Howard Jones - New Song - Alex suggests this song in The Alarm. Obviously Luke would have to convert some of the keyboard parts to guitar.
Brendan James - The Lucky Ones - look, I'm a simple girl: I just want Julie and Luke sharing a mic, looking into each other's eyes as they sing, "This moment is yours, this moment is mine, and we're gonna be fine."
Amy Grant - Takes a Little Time - probably an Alex pick, since she's a Christian singer going mainstream. Let's pretend Reggie can play the harmonica and that he can handle both that and the bass part.
U2 - Some Days Are Better Than Others - definitely a Reggie pick - listen to that bass line! I see them getting to the line, "Your skin is white, but you think you're a brother," and Julie making the same face she made when Alex complained about having a wedgie.
The Bravery - This is Not The End - maybe a little too afterlife-focused? I like it, though.
Selena Gomez & The Scene - Who Says - I mostly avoided body positivity songs, but the 'na na na na's' are just too fun.
Sam Roberts Band - We're All in This Together - I just like it.
Delta Rae - Dance in the Graveyards - OK Delta Rae is 6 people so there's no real way a 4-person band could play this, but, c'mon, "When I die, I don't wanna rest in peace, I wanna dance in joy" - tell me that's not the guys? And "And while I'm alive, I don't wanna be alone, mourning the ones who came before, I wanna dance with them some more" - tell me that's not Julie?
At any rate, try to imagine Julie and the Phantoms covering these two songs at their show at Drake's and in the future:
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chiraljar · 23 days
Hey, I'm thinking about a possible form of Dom combeferre in modern AU.
(Nothing sexual, but there are some BDSM kinks involved. Please decide if you want to look down)
The most important thing is the sense of contrast. So it's not the mainstream impression of Dom in suits or shirts. Combeferre, dressed in daily hoodies and jeans, even looks like a college student. He came back from outside, pushed open the bedroom door, and looked down casually at Courfeyrac kneeling at the foot of the bed.
Combeferre paused at first and then laughed easily. He squatted down and stroked Courf's curly hair while talking to him softly.
“Is that what happened? That's fine. Good boy " Maybe like these...…
From his doctor boyfriend to his lord, there may be only a slight eye change. But that doesn't mean Ferre's eyes suddenly become fierce or aggressive. Combeferre dominates every play through gentle eyes and a calm temperament.
The top Dom is like this, dealing with all kinds of play naturally like living a life.
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knightotoc · 10 months
Attack of the Clones parallels in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes:
- liberal girl + fascist boy talking politics on their date in the beautiful meadow
- boy confesses murder to girl -> she comforts him and assures him he's good
- yes one anidala parallel is with his girlfriend but another is with his cousin😬 snow and tigris certainly have an incestuous vibe... similar to how anakin has parallel obsessions with his gf and mom + a very intense reaction to dreaming of his mom; see also snow's intense reaction to his mom's scarf; the facts that aotc has a character named jocasta (oedipus' mom-wife) and finnick mentions capitol incest in the book make this creepy motif seem more intentional
- the romances end in a similar way (but this is mostly a revenge of the sith parallel so I shan't say more)
- much of the discussion about both movies is whether or not the couple has chemistry, and if they don't, then is that intentional? (I think they both do but what do I know)
- he's assigned to help her, but she is the stronger and braver person who ends up helping him more
- colosseum battle, ends with taming animals
- prequel about how Big Bad used to be a repressed skinny teenager with curly blond hair, an outstanding agent of an institution, a cop and a scholar, who can't handle being armed
- evil older person grooming him to be evil
- extremely clean evil lab
- rain fight
- plot = follow the money!
- theme = our guy feels like he has no choices, but he does
- unique and masterful costumes and design, a step above every other movie in their franchises
- opposition does a surprise bombing; this raises tensions + makes a martyr but fails to accomplish anything
- promises made while suicidal are not kept
- vibes are tense and tragic bc we all know it's only going to get wayyyyyy worse
- boys don't want girls, boys want violence
- mainstream SFF whimsy painted over a rich white person's bitterness toward the current American government
- secret lakehouse
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
People who race-flip characters to black always and I mean ALWAYS forget fucking braiding. I don't think I need to explain it, I suck at hair jargon. What about beads? Patterns? Do Hollywood people just look at black people and think "if we make them too creative with their hair people might not realize they're supposed to be black?" Or is it some anti-individualism thing, because how dare you be creative with hairstyles?
So, it's a layered conversation but to explain it in a condensed manner:
There's a growing portion of the black and African communities who feel that black and African women shouldn't rely so much on chemical products (relaxers, dyes, activators), extensions or wigs because of the notion that they're trying to reinforce white beauty standards.
This would be fine and understandable if the conversation was aimed more towards encouraging black and African girls to be more free and comfortable with their fros or curly hair as well as calling out schools and businesses who have blatant double-standards when it comes to 'acceptable hairstyles'. However, it has veered into 'don't add anything to your hair whatsoever; keep it as natural as possible'. Which includes things like braiding hair, curly/kinky extensions, or dyes.
And it is that same conversation that lazy/unimaginative mainstream studios keep hiding behind. Because my hair? Naturally jet-black and thick beyond reason. However, I currently have curly black and blue extensions in it because I just so happen to like them! Also, I don't have time to spend three hours combing out the Schwarzwald that is my hair every morning.
Hell, I remember one evening from when my mother and I had bought a house with the guy she thought she was going to marry. She was helping me with my hair (which was going to be crochet-style braids), and in comes this dipshit. He looks at us and then scoffs, "I don't understand why black women give so much money to the Chinese* when they can just wear their natural hair."
*This, of course, being in reference to the sheer amount of black hair products that are manufactured and formulated in China
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obsoleteozymandias · 10 months
Hi, I was hoping for a matchup for twisted wonderland!!
I go by she/her pronouns, and I’m 17. I am 5’2 and chubby. I have waist length curly brown hair, and green eyes.
Some of my hobbies are baking, gardening, and playing video games (I’m loving stardew valley rn!!). I also like to read, but don’t have much time for it. My favorite series are the Witcher books and asoiaf (game of thrones books). I do well in school and usually make really good grades. I like folk/medieval music. My favorite subjects are history (mainly fashion history, I’d really love to make and wear a full Edwardian walking suit!) and geology. I have depression and anxiety, so I lose motivation sometimes but I always try to stay positive. My friends would describe me as quiet but passionate about the things and people I love. I love the outdoors and camping and really wish I could do it more often. I paint my nails often, and usually a glittery color. My main love languages are physical touch and quality time. I really like just existing in the same room as the people I love. I also play dnd, and it’s one of my favorite things!
If you decide to do this, thank you so much!! I hope you have a great day regardless!
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Vil Schonheit 
The fashion bit is what sealed the deal for you, truthfully. Vil would be absolutely delighted to find someone with a (forgive me) passion for fashion, especially a branch of fashion that isn’t as mainstream. 
He’ll research Edwardian fashion in between meetings with you just so he can impress you with his knowledge. 
Vil’s also interested in your more obscure interests, especially the medival music and historic bits. He’s someone who is very observant, and you are especially interesting to observe. 
He’ll be there whenever you lose motivation. He’s not the gentlest person, and he definitely doesn’t believe in honeyed words, but he’ll tell you the facts: he’s proud of you, he knows you will succeed, and, most importantly: he loves you. 
PLEASE go camping with Vil! He’s been before, and he’s ready to face the wildernes with you! He will absolutely make you take pics with him at sunset and in any beautiful locations. 
I can see Vil coming to you after a long day of work and the two of you painting your nails and talking throught he day, or reading together, or watching one of his movies. 
There are very few people who Vil truly connects with, but you’re quick to make your way into his heart.
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bittergirlsworld · 2 years
I watched First Kill too late because the cancelation made me feel too scared of being attached (stupid, i know)
But I did finished and I didn't understood a single criticism. Okay, the CGI is shitty but also so it's current Marvel CGI so what's the point? We all watched Teen Wolf, cannot be worse than that. We sat down and saw Twilight and The Vampire Diaries and it was peak television/cinema at that time. First Kill had also a good, consistent writing with a interesting lore, the storyline weren't missing between romance and all as usually does.
The couple was rushed, indeed, but they're also 16 and lesbians, so what's the point again, i mean hahaha slow burn is good but it's also all that lesbians and sapphics are being given for a long time. It was amazing to me when I first saw Orphan Black and the sapphics (Delphine was bisexual so i don't feel like it's right put lesbian couple, but Cosima was lesbian) fucked. They did fucked. But again Orphan Black was never mainstream. Sex it's not everything but I feel like lately many people are being too puritans about sex in the media when it comes to LGBT characters, specially lesbians/sapphics. Not everything was male gaze. No one was watching the pantry scene. In fact, no one even joked or did some sexist/fetishist comment about Call and Jules going there, they just went and did their thing, also in the woods. What gaze? Male viewers weren't even the target audience. Also was never explicit and couldn't be, the girls are teenagers so they're kids. I saw a lot of comments about this whole male gaze stuff and I was like "where? What gaze? Is this gaze in the room with us right now?"
Carry on, the racial representation was wonderful and some aspects were so subtle i just felt delighted. Theo sleeping in a silk durag? Cal's hair getting curly when wet or sweat? But also, they weren't never defined by being black. Calliope was a child who was treated as child and defended as a child. How many times we, as black girls, saw that on media? She's a kid and she's allowed to be a kid. She's not expected to be the strongest person in the room, to protect people or to be parentified or even comments about she's being grown or something that could be understood as creep. She's a child. It was refreshing to see.
Talia and Theo's relationship? Outstanding. Validation to all the adoptive and blended families. That's her baby (fuck Jack bro). That's her child. He's her whole heart. You will only kill her son over her dead body. But also she respects that he keeps a picture of his mom. She understands how awful it was to him become the monster who killed his beautiful and kind mom. She never tried to take his mom place. He has two moms and that's it. It was beautiful and Aubin Wise made me cry one time or two.
The legacies being a matriarch also was very good to see it, it was interesting.
It was a good show. There's no reason to justify why i like it as i usually see people being like "i know it had this but..." There's no but. It was good. It wasn't a masterpiece Emmy winner of written and acting but it wasn't meant to be. It was never meant to be. It was a great representation with good soundtrack, main couple with good chemistry, a lore to be on the background, full Romeo Juliet and Juliet and I loved every second of it. Feels like we can't win, it's so hopeless. We can only win in the background or being dead? Why representation is, still, in the year of 2022, so conditional to WLW? Especially if there's a non-white woman in the couple?
Netflix didn't even had a reason to cancel the show. The budget was a bottle of juice and a candy. Performed good with the audience. The repercussion on social media was overall positive beside the common criticism (bad cgi, rushed couple). We don't even have a chance. Sorry for the rant but I needed it to put this somewhere. Ugh, waiting for the day we can have something that won't be stolen from us.
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I'm sending this to three T70s blogs! What are your very most controversial/unpopular That 70s Show opinions? To get the ball rolling, I'll confess a few of mine since I'm on anon and can't be attacked :) 1. I always shipped Jackie/Eric to the point where they're a true OTP of mine. I have no idea why. Usually when I ship non-canon couples, it's because they're very close friends whose personalities seem incredibly compatible to me...but Jackie and Eric aren't especially close (despite being in the same general group), and they don't seem very compatible or even to care about and respect each other that much. (Though Jackie's "hero" line melts me!) Tbh, it probably just comes down to the fact that Jackie and Eric are by far my two favorite characters. I love analyzing, writing about them, and envisioning how they might have worked if I conveniently ignore 97% of canon. I'm pathetic :) 2. I wouldn't really like Hyde in real life and don't think he was a particularly good romantic partner at all. (*ducks*) I mean, he was an improvement over Kelso, but who isn't?! I just think fandom idealizes him a bit too much. It's a matter of taste, though---the super 'edgy, rebel, proudly rude, 'duuude, I shoplift and smoke a lot of weed and would rather set myself on fire than eat in a mainstream chain restaurant' kind of guys just aren't my personal type :) 3. Sort of related to the first two confessions: I don't think Jackie and Hyde would make each other happy long term. They had some wonderful moments on the show, but I really just don't think they'd give each other what they want. 4. I don't really get how some newer fans turn Laurie into this root-worthy 'girlboss' who's just misunderstood- she's supposed to be unrepentantly, hilariously terrible, and she is! Sometimes it really is as simple as that :) 5. (*whispers*) More often than not, I enjoy Kelso. Obviously as a boyfriend to Jackie, but as a character who - for me - really does add a lot of humor and energy to the show. i can't wait to read yours, and please don't hate me for mine!
I agree with everything you said. Jackie & Eric are my true otp. And I don't really care for Hyde. He's actually my least favourite character.
Now for Laurie. Yeah, it boogles my mind how younger fans see her as a girlboss. She's not. Laurie is a horrible example of how a human being should behave. People can blame Kitty all they want. But even if she didn't slut shame her. Laurie would still have low self esteem. That's what happens when you live a destructive lifestyle.
Now here's my unpopular opinions
Making Hyde biracial was fucking stupid. The boys clearly Irish and that's why he has curly hair.
I don't like Brooke and Kelso as a couple
Fez is over hated
I would have preferred the storyline where Eric's a single dad
Eric had every right to punch David.
Jackie & Fez are not as bad as fans make them out to be
Most Jackie & Hyde stans are borderline psychotic. They didn't end up together. Get the fuck over it.
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