#what if i looked into finding a bracelet with 3 ravens. what then.
speedyowl152 · 6 months
I asked for an animal plushie for Christmas based off of a familiar in a fanfiction I adore. I did not get it. However! I got an Appa plush and he's sooo soft. Also. I got a blue/peach moonstone kwagatama and some rope and bits to turn it into a necklace and I asked for just the stone like 6 months ago for my birthday for my félix cosplay but! With the blue colour and black leather like rope it would also double as the magical focus that blorbo from the fanfiction wears at all times. By complete coincidence. Love when u obtain an item that can fit with multiple characters, never taking this off.
Hope everyone else is having a happy holidays too!
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cocteaucherry · 4 months
yuuji recruiting megumi and nobara for a silly adventure
a/n- sorry for the absence I've been vry busy, I have a few things in my drafts I'll be posting until I feel good enough to write pt2 of t&t <3
“Whaddya guys think?” Yuji held up a blue dress holding it flush against his body, “On you, gross on Y/N I don't think even she can save it.” Nobara quickly retorted sitting on the bench inside the clothing store
Yuji placed the dress back in the rack groaning, “Where's Megumi? He said he had an idea for a gift.” fushiguro had been gone for fifteen minutes mumbling something about finding a gift
“Maybe he ditched and for good reason,” Nobara whined rubbing her eyes, “It's YOUR girlfriend’s birthday and anniversary, what would we know?”
“Maybe because you're also friends with my girlfriend,”
“Yeah yeah, we've been through seven stores and found nothing..” nobara held up her own bags with a grin, “well for her of course.”
“Hey, can we get going now?” an irritated voice interrupted Yuj’s train of thought causing him to help, “Where did you come from?!”
“The opening.” he said plainly before holding up an expensive looking white bag, “Found a gift can we go?”
Nobara’s eyes widened at the sight of the bag immediately recognizing it, “WOAH WOAH WOAHH- Where'd you get the money for something from this store?” she exclaimed looking at the bag in awe.
“Don't worry about it, shopping’s done.”
Yuji took the bag grabbing the medium-sized box that resided inside, he popped the top off revealing a silver charm bracelet adorned with multiple charms. The one that caught his attention was a light pink one with the letter Y in the center.
The whole sight made Yuji feel fuzzy and warm, estattic he brought Megumi along. “I-Its perfect!” he grinned bringing the black haired boy into a hug to which he tensed in, “Hey! Can we get going! I'm starved!” Nobara complained standing up.
“Alright! Let's go eat!” Yuji said enthusiastically, pulling away from Megumi as they all began to walk towards the door.
Yuji grinned holding the white bag in his hand, “So Megumi are you gonna tell us how you afforded this?”
The raven-haired boy smirked before saying softly, “I have my ways.”
Gojo smiled happily as he enjoyed his third serving of cake as he shoved another spoonful into his mouth. Nanami looked on in horror.
“Can you not have a little etiquette?” Nanami rolled his eyes, continuing his crossword puzzle.
“No need when I'm me.” the white-haired male hummed as a notification came through on his phone, he placed his small plate down to check and his jaw went slack.
“Did I get hacked?!” he exclaimed pulling his phone out to show Nanami, he squinted reading the large sum that was taken from his account.
Satoru immediately pulled out his wallet scanning for his credit card. It wasn't there.
“Nanami! Come on! We have a crime to report!” he whined out as Nanami grumbled taking his crossword puzzles, “have fun.” he sighed walking away.
The next day his card appeared on his dresser.
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phxntomsdusk · 4 months
Valentine’s day with my bursonas
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note; these are just a bunch of bursonas i technically made!! hope you all enjoy <3
warnings: mentions of death (klepto!wilbur), goth!wilma with a fem!reader, other than that fluff fluff fluff !!
tags: @ax-y10 , @joviepog , @pheliiaa , @idontreallyexistyet , @rqvii , @vibestillaxxx , @ivvees-blog , @average-vibe , @lillylvjy , @haunted-headset , @toastyliltoasts41 (ask to be added!)
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this man doesn’t even know what the holiday is. he’s been dealing with death for so long, the poor guy never realized you celebrated love!
the first time he realized it was a thing was when he found you upset about it, crying saying you were never gonna receive flowers or candy again, because well, you had died—!
he got to work immediately. he bought you roses, holding back the urge to make them black of course. got you your favorite candy after questioning you, and set up a small picnic spot in the woods.
sure, it was a bit scary, but that’s all he really knows
he even got a raven to befriend you and follow you around everywhere, claiming it was protection
“wilbur.. there’s a crow on my head.” you awkwardly pointed up towards the black bird, furrowing your brows at him. “my love, that’s a raven. and it’s for protection! you can never be too careful in the afterlife.” he smile lightly, before planting a kiss on your cheek.
now, if you had gotten him things? he would lose it
you’d never seen him cry, but this definitely would make him bawl..
just knowing that someone truly loves him for who he is, even with what he does for a living, he can’t help it!
at the end of the day he’ll be happy whether it’s him getting you things, or you getting him things. as long as he gets to spend the day sharing his love for you, he’ll be more than happy
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this damn girl is going ALL out for you
she’ll buy cliche and cringy softball themed valentine’s day gifts, mostly giving you those during the week leading up to valentine’s day
but on THE day?? be prepared ..
you’re getting flowers, candy, teddy bears, baskets, gift cards, everything you can imagine!!
if she’s taking you on a date, she’ll wait to give you everything, taking you back to her house afterwards and telling you to close your eyes before entering her room..
“are we there yet?” you groaned as you nearly stumbled over the stairs again, a hand stretched out as you frantically tried to find a door or wall. “yes, yes.. open your eyes, love.”
you did as you were told, seeing her bed decked out in heart shaped things, red and pink, balloons, stuffed animals, candy and such. your jaw dropped, slowly turning to look at her.
“you’re joking..” you spoke quietly, watching her chuckle and shake her head, before wrapping her arms around you and kissed you softly. “i’m not. i love you, and you deserve it.”
now, if you got her stuff? she’s not expecting it!
she’s only ever gotten those yearly stuffed animals from her mom, that always end up tucked away in a bin under her bed or in her closet..
but if you got her like a basket with gift cards, some stuff she can use during games like eyeblack or maybe heart pattern bat grip, she’s losing it!
you’re being tackled with a hug, attacked with kisses and thank yous, she won’t shut up about how much she loved and appreciates you
and for a date? you guys are going to apple bee’s, there’s no denying it. she’s a softball girl, apple bee’s is their holy grail
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so if we go based on the series accurate lore- he’s the one buying things in hopes you finally go out with him
it’ll start at a practice, he’ll bring you a small bag with a note, candy, bracelet or necklace, and a small teddy bear <3
the note will be all romantic, with a heart drawn at the end
dear y/n,
you know i’ve been head over heels for you for.. months now. you’ve been on my mind 24/7 ever since i first set eyes on you. i know you don’t like me and don’t show signs of it, but i still wanted to treat you today :)
love, wilbur <3
of course he watched you as you read the letter, and seeing you smile has his heart racing
he approached you after the practice, blurting out how pretty you are, asking if you wanted to go out with him, to which you had to shut him up with a kiss <3
safe to say he had a valentine !!
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okay, she’s goth, she doesn’t love the color pink and all the bright hearts everywhere
but for her girlfriend? she’ll spend her money on some colors for once <3
it’ll start with something small like a brown stuffed bear holding a bright pink heart, and when she saw your face light up she knew she had to do it again
she started bringing you more heart shaped and pink gifts, little notes about how much she loved you, and even gave in to wearing some colors when she took you on a date !!
“do i have to wear the pink shirt?” she sighed as she stared at it in your bedroom mirror, pulling the ends down a bit. “for me? we’re matching, it’s cute!” you smiled widely, walking close and wrapped your arms around her, placing a few kisses on her cheek. “fine.. just this once. only ‘cause i love you, doll.”
she did feel a little embarrassed out in public wearing the shirt, but with your bubbly smile she decided to forget about all the stares
she’d take you to either an ice cream place or a cafe, spoiling you with whatever you wanted, as long as you paid her back in kisses <3
and that night would be spent cuddling the stuffed animals she got you, with her wrapped around you like a koala
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glittervame · 3 months
Thanks for asking
-Amortentia prompt-
This post is going to be part of the Hogmarch Fandom challenge by @thatdammchickennugget check it out if you want to know more! I didn't proofread so sorry for the spelling errors or if it doesn't make any sense, love ya! <3
Pansy Parkinsonx NB!Reader 1.5k words
Warnings: None
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Y/n found themselves seated at a wooden table in the Potions classroom, their ink-stained fingers drumming nervously against the cool surface as they awaited their partner. The familiarity of the setting, the musty smell of old parchment and potion ingredients, was oddly comforting. But something felt off today.
The classroom door swung open, and a girl with raven-black hair, her eyes sparkling with mischief, glided in, her group of friends following after her. She took her seat across the room with a coy smile, adjusting her pale green robes. Y/n couldn't help but notice the way she fidgeted with her delicate gold bracelets, the same ones he'd seen her wear in every other class they'd shared.
Y/n tuned back in as the infamous Harry Potter walked through the door, “… to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all…” Slughoorn cuts himself off once he sees him, “Ah. Harry, old boy. I was beginning to worry.”
Harry hesitates, “I've got someone with me, I see.” He gestures to the red head beside him
“Ron Weasley, Sir.” the boy said awkwardly, the tips of his ears turning red, “I'm dead awful at potions, I'm menaced actually, so I'll probably just go.”
“Nonsense. We'll sort you out.” The professor laughs, “Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get your books out.”
“Sorry, Sir, I haven't actually got my book yet. Nor does Ron.”
“Not to worry, then, get you one from the cupboard.” He gestures towards an old bookcase, “Now, as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?” Y/n was holding a hand over their mouth trying to stifle the snickers coming from him as he watched Harry and Ron fight over the last remaining good book. “Yes, Miss…” Slughorn trails off not remembering her name.
“Granger, Sir,” she reminds, “That one there is Veritaserum, It's a truth-telling serum. And that one…” She states.
“Terribly tricky to make” Slughorn chimes in.
“And this is Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world, It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them.” She points to a pink potion, the fumes coming from it forming into hearts, “For example, I smell freshly mown grass and new parchment and spearmint toothpaste…” She breaths, backing away quickly
Intrigued Y/n breathed in, It was the smell wafting around in their classroom that got their heart to flutter, Dior perfume, nail polish, and a cretin type of cinnamon alcohol.
Slughorn nods, impressed at her knowledge, “Now, amortentia doesn't create actual love, that'd be impossible, but it does cause powerful infatuation or obsession. Whispers and giggles float around the room from the girls, discussing who they would use it on. “And for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room.” he eyes the girls knowingly.
“Sir, you haven't told us what's in that one.” Y/n points out, looking at the vile with clear liquid.
“Ah, yes.” Slughor claps his hands together, “What you see before you, ladies and gentlemen, is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis. But it is more commonly referred to as…” he raises a brow waiting for an answer. A hand shoots up, “Yes, Miss Granger?”
“Liquid luck.”
“Desperately tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong.” He nods, “One sip and you'll find that all of your endeavors succeed. At least until the effects wear off.” He chuckles, “So, this is what I offer each of you today.” He holds the tiny vile up, “One tiny vial of liquid luck to the student who, in the hour that remains manages to brew an acceptable draft of Living Death. Recipes for which can be found on page 10 of your books.” He gestures to their tables, ”You should not doubt however: Only once did a student manage to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this price. Nevertheless, good luck to you all. Let the brewing commence.”
The professor paired them up for the brewing exercise, and to their surprise, Y/n found themselves partnered with Pansy Parkinson. They exchanged a brief nod before gathering their ingredients and supplies. As they began to work together, they found themselves growing more comfortable with each other. Pansy was surprisingly knowledgeable about potions, and Y/n's experience with brewing seemed to come in handy.
Despite their initial reservations about being partnered with her, Y/n couldn't help but find Pansy rather fascinating. Her obsessive fiddling with her bracelets and the way she'd stare off into space, lost in her own thoughts, made her seem mysterious and intriguing. And when she'd catch them staring, she'd blush ever-so-slightly, adding an extra layer of interest.
They worked together seamlessly, measuring ingredients and stirring the pot with practiced ease. As they did so, they chatted about their favorite books and subjects, discovering that they had more in common than they'd ever imagined. Even Pansy's pet peeve about people relating her name to the flower, didn't seem quite so annoying anymore as Y/n blinked up at her, asking the question.
"Oh, well, it's just… people always assume that I'm this delicate, fragile flower, when I'm really not." Pansy huffed, adjusting her bracelets. "My sister, on the other hand, she's the real flower. Always has been. I was just named after my grandmother." She shrugged, as if it didn't bother her as much as it used to. "Anyway," she continued, her voice softening, "what do you like to do for fun?"
Y/n paused for a moment, considering her answer. "Well, I enjoy reading, of course. I'm a bit of a bookworm, really. And I like to hang out with my cat in the library." he smiled, feeling a bit more at ease with Pansy. "And I'm also quite good at Quidditch, I play for my house team."
"That's impressive." Pansy smiled back, seeming genuinely interested. "I've always wanted to try Quidditch, but my parents don't approve. They say it's too dangerous." She sighed, looking a little wistful. "Anyway, enough about me. Tell me more about your cat. What's her name?"
As they continued to work together, they found themselves becoming even closer. The hour flew by, and before they knew it, their potion was complete. They were both rather proud of their work, and even Professor Slughor had to admit that it was quite good. As they presented their concoction to him, he smiled and nodded. "Excellent work, both of you. It seems that I'll have to find a new challenge for next time."
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After class, Y/n found themself lingering behind, unsure of whether they should just leave or not. Pansy seemed to sense their hesitation and turned to face them. "Well, this was fun," she said with a small smile. "Do you want to hang out sometime, maybe? You know, outside of class?"
Y/n felt a blush creep up their cheeks and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." They glanced around, suddenly self-conscious. "Um, I mean, if you're not busy or anything."
Pansy laughed softly, shaking her head. "I'm hardly ever busy. I'd love to hang out." She paused, looking thoughtful. "How about we meet up in the library tomorrow afternoon? We can talk more about Quidditch and I get to meet your cat, if you want."
Y/n grinned. "That sounds perfect." They exchanged contact information and parted ways, both with a spring in their step. As they headed back to their common room, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling up inside. They'd made a new friend, and it felt like the start of something wonderful.
The next day, they met up in the library as planned. Pansy was already there, sitting at a table near the window, fiddling with her bracelets as she waited. Y/n waved at her as they entered, causing Pansy to look up and smile. "Hey," she said warmly, gesturing for them to join her. They sat down across from each other, feeling a bit more at ease now that they were out of class.
As they talked about their favorite Quidditch players and their favorite artists, Y/n's cat, Sapphire, curled up in pansy's lap, purring contentedly. Pansy seemed to enjoy petting her, and they found themselves laughing as Sapphire batted at her bracelets playfully. The afternoon flew by as they lost themselves in their conversation, not realizing how late it had gotten until Madam Prince began to shoo them out.
"Hey, it was really fun hanging out with you," Pansy said, giving Y/n a genuine smile. "Do you want to hang out again soon?"
"I'd love to," Y/n replied, feeling a blush creep up their cheeks. "Maybe we could go to Hogsmeade together sometime?"
Pansy's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "That sounds like fun! There is a new store near Honey Dukes. When do you want to go?" she asked, already planning their outing.
Y/n thought for a moment before nodding. "How about next weekend? I'm free on Saturday. we could go before the Quidditch match" They smile, making sure they had each other's schedules. As they said their goodbyes and headed back to their respective common rooms, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation building within them.
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The next few days passed by quickly, and before they knew it, it was Saturday. Y/n had woken up early, eagerly anticipating their trip to Hogsmeade with Pansy. They spent the morning carefully choosing their outfit, making sure it was both stylish and comfortable for Quidditch. Once they were ready, they met Pansy in the common room, and together they headed down to breakfast.
Breakfast was a lively affair, with many students discussing their plans for the day. Y/n couldn't help but feel a bit envious as they overheard conversations about parties and dates. They glanced over at Pansy, who was sitting across from them, and smiled. She caught their gaze and winked, giving them a reassuring smile. It was nice to know that they had someone they could rely on and look forward to spending time with.
After breakfast, they headed to the entrance of Hogsmeade, where a group of students was already forming a queue. Y/n couldn't help but feel a little nervous as they waited for their turn to go through the barrier. They kept glancing over at Pansy, who seemed completely unfazed by the whole thing. Finally, it was their turn, and they stepped through the barrier, feeling a brief thrill as they were officially in Hogsmeade.
The village was bustling with activity, and the air was filled with the scent of freshly baked goods and sweet treats. Pansy led them down the main street, pointing out various shops and landmarks. They stopped at a small café for a quick bite to eat, enjoying a warm cup of tea and some butterbeer before continuing on their way.
As they wandered around, they found themselves drawn to a small, quaint store that Pansy had mentioned earlier. The windows were adorned with colorful scarves and hats, and a warm glow emanated from within. "This is it," Pansy said with a grin, pushing open the door and stepping inside.
Inside, the store was even more charming than it had appeared from the outside. The walls were lined with shelves, each one overflowing with an array of colorful scarves and hats. A petite, red-haired woman stood behind the counter, chatting amiably with a group of students. She broke away from them when she saw Pansy and waved them over. "Hello, Pansy! How lovely to see you again. Is this your friend?"
"Yes, this is Y/n," Pansy replied, gesturing for her to come forward. "They've been wanting to check out your shop."
Y/n smiled shyly and stepped up to the counter. The woman smiled back at them, her green eyes twinkling with warmth. "Well, you've come to the right place. My name is Luna, and I own this little boutique. Let me know if you need any help finding anything in particular."
As Y/n began to browse, Pansy and Luna chatted amiably beside them. They could hear Pansy telling Luna about their Quidditch practices and the upcoming match, while Luna shared stories about her own time at Hogwarts and the adventures she'd had since then. The sound of their voices created a cozy, familiar atmosphere that made Y/n feel right at home.
Eventually, they found a scarf that caught their eye - a soft, burgundy wool with gold threading throughout. They held it up to their neck, admiring the way it draped, and then glanced over at Pansy for her opinion. She smiled at them encouragingly, so they turned back to Luna and asked her the price.
Luna told them the price, and Y/n reached into their pocket, pulling out enough money to cover it. As they handed the money to Luna, they couldn't help but notice a small, intricately carved pendant hanging from her neck. It was beautiful, with delicate swirls and curves that seemed to move whenever she turned her head. They couldn't help but be drawn to it, and before they knew it, they were asking her about it.
"Oh, this old thing?" Luna said with a laugh. "It was a gift from my grandmother. She was a traveler, and she used to tell me stories about all the places she'd been and the people she'd met. I've had it ever since she passed away." She paused, a distant look in her eyes, before continuing. "You know, sometimes I think we find things that are more than just objects. They become part of our story, part of who we are."
Y/n nodded, feeling a warmth spread through them as they listened to Luna speak. They couldn't help but wonder what kind of stories Luna's grandmother must have told her, and they found themselves wishing they could hear them for themselves. As they continued to chat, Pansy occasionally threw in a comment or a question, but for the most part, they remained focused on Luna and her stories.
Eventually, they finished browsing and paid for their scarf. Luna wrapped it up carefully and handed it to them, along with a small business card. "If you ever need anything else, or if you just want to chat, feel free to come back. I'm always here." Y/n thanked her and promised that they would.
As they left the shop, the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange. Pansy led them to a small teahouse where they could sit and enjoy the view while they relaxed. They ordered some tea and a few treats, and for a while, they simply sat in comfortable silence, content to soak up the warmth and the atmosphere of the village.
"So," Pansy finally said, breaking the silence, "did you like Luna's shop?"
Y/n nodded. "It was wonderful. I loved her stories and the way she talked about her grandmother. And her shop felt so cozy" - they gestured around at the tea house, where the last of the sunlight painted the walls and the cups of tea they'd ordered glowed warmly - "it was like stepping into a little piece of her world." They took a sip of their drink and continued, "I might have to come back sometime and see if she has any more interesting things to share."
Pansy grinned. "I bet she does. Luna's always got a story or two up her sleeve. And she's got quite the collection of interesting trinkets and baubles in her shop too. You never know what you might find." They paused, looking out at the view of the village, the houses lit up against the darkening sky. "Speaking of which, do you want to go back to the shop and see if there's anything else you like before we head back to school?"
Y/n considered the offer for a moment, then shook their head. "No, I think I'm good for now. But thanks for suggesting it. It's nice to know that I have someone like Luna who I can talk to when I need a break from everything." They took another sip of their tea and leaned back in their chair, feeling a contented warmth spread through them. "I think this trip was just what I needed."
They sat in silence for a while longer, enjoying the last of the light and the peaceful atmosphere of the village. Eventually, Y/n stood up stretching, "we best be going now if you want to watch the Quidditch game" they said, glancing at Pansy. They picked up their empty tea cups and set them down on a tray, nodding to the server as they passed by.
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The two of them made their way back through the village, the familiar scent of autumn leaves and wood smoke hanging in the air. As they neared the school, the energy in the air began to shift, and they could hear the faint cheers and chants coming from the Quidditch pitch. Pansy led Y/n to a section of the stands that was relatively empty, giving them a good view of the field. They settled in, watching as the game got underway.
The two teams were evenly matched, Slytherin and Gryiffindor, and the players were skilled and determined. The game was fast-paced and exciting, with the score seesawing back and forth. Y/n found themselves getting caught up in the excitement, cheering along with the crowd as their favorite players soared through the air on their brooms. Pansy, on the other hand, seemed to be more interested in watching Y/n's reactions than the game itself.
As the match wore on, the tension in the air grew palpable. The crowd roared their approval whenever a player made a particularly impressive move, and groaned in disappointment when their team lost possession of the Quaffle. The snitch, a tiny golden ball that was the real prize of the game, remained elusive, darting in and out of the action, just out of reach of any of the seekers.
Finally, with only a few minutes left on the clock, the snitch appeared high above the field. The crowd held their breath as the two seekers took to the air, racing after the tiny ball. It was a nail-biting finish, but in the end, the Slytherin seeker managed to capture the snitch, winning the game for their team. The crowd erupted in cheers as the players took their bows and the Slytherin captain lifted the Quidditch Cup triumphantly into the air.
Pansy turned to Y/n with a grin. "Well, that was a great game, wasn't it? I'm glad you could enjoy it. You've got a lot of talent for Quidditch, you know. Maybe you should try out for the team next year."
Y/n blushed at the compliment. "Oh, I don't know about that. I'm just here to have fun and watch the games." They glanced back out at the field as the crowd began to disperse. "But it's true, the Slytherins played really well. They deserved to win."
As they made their way back to the castle, the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange. The air grew colder, and the stars began to twinkle in the velvety black sky. Y/n shivered slightly, wishing they could stay out a bit longer. "I can't believe it's almost winter," they said wistfully. "I hope we get more days like this before the snow starts falling."
Pansy smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, there's still plenty of time for that. And who knows, maybe you'll find another way to enjoy the winter weather. You never know." They paused, then added, "Speaking of which, there's actually a Yule Ball coming up soon. It's not exactly Quidditch, but it's a fun way to spend an evening. Maybe you'd like to go with me?"
Y/n considered the offer, feeling a flicker of excitement in their chest. They'd heard about the Yule Ball before, but had never really thought of attending. "I'd like that," they said with a small smile. "Thanks for asking, Pansy."
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lyerra · 15 days
sooo uuuh @merddynaladar and @magicmetslogic said they wanted to know what i've come up with so far with my tales of vesperia ghost trick au... honestly i dont think i'll turn it into a fic but it was sorta fun coming up with all these ideas soooo... here they are!!
The setting is in the late 2000s, in Pornic, which is a coastal town in France. Yuri is a café owner while Flynn is a young police commissioner/police school student. Both of them are childhood friends and see each other as family (since none of them have surviving family members).
As Yuri is closing shop at night, he gets mysteriously assassinated in his own café by a hitman and... wakes up as a ghost, as he sees his killer holding an unknown pink-haired girl at gunpoint.
Another ghost(?) named Judith appears and explains to Yuri that while he is dead, he gained powers that he can use to save the girl from meeting the same fate, as well as learn the truth behind his death; however, he will only have one night before he disappears. After he saves her, the girl introduces herself as Estelle and tells Yuri that she is a friend of Flynn's, and that something has seemingly happened to their common friend.
I don't have 100% of the details about what happens next, but here is a brief summary of the main events of each chapter.
Chapter 2: Very similar to GT's actual chapter two, Yuri goes to check on his adopted brother Karol, and finds him and Repede in trouble. He asks Repede to look after Karol, and returns to Estelle.
Chapter 3: Estelle is somehow suspected of Yuri's murder and decides to make a run for it (since Yuri only has tonight and stuff)
Chapter 4: Rita, Estelle's roommate, gets reluctantly involved in this mess. The girls (and Yuri) decide to look for clues at Flynn's place. On the way, they go through a construction site to avoid suspicious people (like the one who killed Yuri) and with Yuri's help, manage to survive weirdly disfunctioning electronical equipment.
Chapter 5: We learn that Estelle met Flynn through her mother. Estelle's mother, recently deceased, was a scientist, and she was apparently working on a secret project with Flynn. We are also introduced to Raven, a shady police officer who offers information about a case Flynn was working on before his disappearance: the case of the manipulator, someone who is able to manipulate others and uses those powers to commit crimes. Also Rita dies in this chapter (so Yuri can save her and they can actually talk without having to go through Estelle lol)
Chapter 6: Through a bracelet that Estelle's mother gave her, Rita learns about a mysterious meteorite called Brave Vesperia, and that Flynn is linked to it somehow. Meanwhile, Raven tells the group about Alexei, a powerful government official who could be behind Yuri's death and Flynn's disappearance. Judith warns Yuri that Raven is not to be trusted.
Chapter 7: In this chapter, Repede returns as a ghost to help the group. Moreover, Rita figures out that the thing Estelle's mother studied were ghost powers like the ones Yuri has; only her subject was Flynn, who was apparently able to manipulate people and objects. This description sounds awfully like the criminal discribed by Raven, which comes as a huge shock to Yuri and Estelle.
Chapter 8: Raven betrays the group and gets Estelle's bracelet to Alexei. However, Alexei manages to also capture Rita who seemed to understand the secrets of the meteorite better than his own men. Raven, who did not intend to get a 15 year old girl kidnapped, decides to help the group by telling them the truth: Alexei was the bad guy and he manipulated Flynn into a deal. Using this deal, he turned Raven into a ghost and made him the manipulator. Alexei is now escaping with Flynn and Rita in a submarine, and Raven manages to send Yuri, Estelle and Repede there.
Chapter 9: Alexei escapes and this becomes very similar to the og game: Yuri and Repede have to help Estelle carry an unconscious Rita to safety while in a sinking submarine. They are eventually saved by Flynn!
Chapter 10: This is my favourite part haha. Yuri, Flynn and Estelle have a heart to heart. Yuri especially confronts Flynn on all the secrets he kept (he literally died and became a ghost and hid it from him for like, an entire year).
Wait, what's going on? Basically, Flynn died about a year ago in an incident that left him with a meteorite stuck inside his body, turning him into a ghost. His body is now invulnerable but also he's dead. He possesses his own corpse and finds Estelle's mother who studies him and tries to free him from his condition. After she dies, Alexei is charged with taking her research for the government. He finds out about the powers of the dead and Flynn and he erases the info about Flynn but stuff about the meteorite soon becomes known all around the world. Alexei then strikes a deal with Flynn, telling him he will try to finish Estelle's mother work if Flynn helps him catch criminals and stuff. Alexei's goal, however, is to steal the fragment of meteorite inside Flynn's body. Flynn agrees (Alexei doesn't make him do anything too bad anyways or he wouldnt have accepted). During one of Flynn's missions, Alexei kills Raven close to Flynn's body (and the meteorite) and witnesses for himself Raven becoming a ghost. His plan for this night was to convince Flynn to leave the country immediately because governments had learned of his existence through a submarine. The plan was to drop Flynn's "soul" in the abyssal plains where there were no cores he could possess to escape and run away with his body (and the meteorite).
Chapter 10 (part 2): So yeah they explain what's going on and they realize that Estelle and Rita are going to die and maybe Estelle manages to get the boys to say some touching last words or something... And then Rita wakes up and comes up with a way for the ghosts to escape and get help through a torpedo.
Chapter 11: As they escape, Flynn, Yuri and Repede find Flynn's dead body, without the meteorite that was stolen by Alexei. They realize that now that Flynn's body is not constantly going between life and death, Yuri and Repede can reverse his death and alter the timeline... Which they do :D Also Judith reveals she was like, the spirit of Brave Vesperia or something
Chapter 12: Epilogue!!! The group is having a party at Yuri's café :D Only Yuri, Flynn and Repede remember, and Flynn introduces Estelle and Yuri, but Estelle remembers a little bit when she sees him and they tell each other how happy they are and stuff,, Alexei never got to learn about the powers of the dead and eventually was arrested by Flynn for other corrupted activities. Raven never died, Flynn and Yuri never died either, and they adopted a cute little kitten named Sissel :)
So yeah that was long. Don't hesitate to ask!! I have a lot of details that I havent written down here so if you're interested in this AU I'd be happy to expand on whatever you want!!!
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vulgarvixxen · 1 year
Roman being a birthday whore
Tw: drugs, alcohol, suggestive drinks, sex, crying(the happy kind but it’s there), drunk/tipsy sex, orgy
It was his birthday and Roman had been invited to a concert by his twin who knew how much he wanted to see this new band but was too nervous to go alone.
The band had a masquerade theme, each member wearing a mask that hid half their face. The lead singer Emotions had a cat mask with light blue details, Logic wore a raven mask with indigo and dark blue highlights against the black feather and played the keyboard. The bassist, Anxiety, wore a mask that covered the bottom of his face in a creepy spider mouth in a deep purple, the drummer, who went by Deceit, had a snake tattoo on the left side of his face and a yellow and gold snake mask on his right half. They were really cool and their music was a mix of seductive melodies with thought provoking lyrics that got Roman’s creative side flowing.
Remus brought “Birthday Queen” and “Birthday Bitch” sashes for them to wear, they were corny but in the fun way that his brother could be when he wasn’t being a gore gremlin from work. (Being head of the special effects team for horror movies really warps one’s humor.) The club was more underground and you had to “know a guy” to get in, which both twins did but Roman had never taken advantage of the fact. Being a costume designer and inspiring actor didn’t leave him a lot of time to make friends let alone friends you’d take to a club that had a grungy “IDGAF” vibe and catered to mainly behind the scenes clientele.
The outside was a boring looking concrete structure and inside it stayed mostly concrete, the walls were graffitied in mixed of color that popped out in 3-D designs where the black lights hit them. And the floors were a checkerboard of colored concrete covered in epoxy, glitter and confetti that seemed to be mixed in or just stuck between layers. It was grungy and beautiful, Roman was blown away and so grateful that his brother brought him here at last!
When a bartender wearing shades saw Remus they waved the twins over, “Hey Babe, I got you those passes you wanted. Two VIPs and two drink bracelets, your sweet birthday asses get to meet the band and all your drinks are free.” They explained, clipping on a neon pink bracelet, reminiscent of old hospital bracelets, onto each of their wrists. Remus gave them one of his happy feral grins, “You’re the best, Remy! I’d blow you right now if you weren’t on the clock.” To that “Remy” got a devilish grin of their own, “Speaking of blow jobs, let’s start you cuties off with a bj shot.”
The drink was made with some kind of coffee liqueur that smelled way too good to be cheap, Irish cream, and a healthy squirt of whipped cream. One of the shots was topped with edible gold and the other with edible rainbow glitter, Remus pulled the shots closer to the edge of the bar, taking the gold one for himself and putting the rainbow one in front of Roman. “There’s rules for this drink Ro-bro, no hands allowed, you have to knock it back with your mouth alone.” And to show what he means, Remus leans forward and wraps his lips around the glass rising up to throw the shot back. The chaos twin winks at Remy as he sets the shot glass back down without touching it, Remy looked like he was not at all impressed but that could have been his neutral face. Taking a stance so he won’t fall over, Roman put his hands behind his back and tried to copy what his brother did. It wasn’t perfect but he was able to get his mouth around his shot eventually, the taste of sweet coffee pours over his tongue and he finds it covers any alcohol flavor. He can’t quite put it down like Remus so once the glass is empty he uses his hand to put it on the bar, “That was really good, thanks Remy.” Remy smiled at him, “No problem, Babe, go have a fun birthday.”
The first hour was full of local bands playing a song or two, never staying for long before the next one came one, most of them weren’t Roman’s taste but a few didn’t sound half bad. They ended up buying a shirt from a three person band that was called Rainbow Panic and reminded him of LaPeer, the girls all wore different pride buttons and looked pretty young to be already so talented. They asked the girls to autograph the shirts. Between bands they got more drinks and mingled with some of the regulars that Remus seemed to know, it was really feeling like a party by the time the main act, the reason they were there, The Guise!
Conversation quieted to barely a whisper as the band started playing their song ‘Façade’, a song about feeling like an imposter in your own life. It was one of Roman’s favorites and the reason he had sought out more of their music, he was mouthing along with it as he let it flow through him. He couldn’t be sure but it looked like Anxiety noticed because he was giving their table more glances than the rest…could just be the silly birthday get up though. The second on the playlist was another great song, probably their most popular, ‘Subterfuge’. This one was about how we’re lied to from childhood and how telling the truth is more deceptive in this day and age. The story is cool but the lyrics are so clever by using words with double meanings. The next few in the list are ‘Parody’, ‘Veneer, and ‘Strike A Pose’, each one was pretty good and Roman knew all the words still but he wasn’t in love with them like the first two. The last before the break was Roman’s current favorite, ‘Reproduce’, it was about how being creative could feel like making love or being screwed. It was both relatable and really sexy, Emotions and Deceit shared the microphone for this one and it did things to his insides.
The break saw Remus getting them some pretzels while Roman kept watch of their drinks, the line at the bar was long so he wasn’t expecting his brother for a while. So when someone sat next to him Roman was rightfully surprised, the guy was wearing a purple hoodie that hid most of his face in shadow that set him on edge. “Uh sorry, just wanted to say happy birthday. Hope it’s a good one.” And just as quickly as he arrived the hooded mystery man was gone back into the crowd.
Remus thankful got back in time for the last small band to still be playing and Ro could tell him everything about the mystery guy, “Ooh, sounds like you could end up having a happy ending to your happy birthday. Lucky.” Re teased, knowing that Roman wasn’t one to typically have one night stands. They ate their snack and clapped with the rest of the room when The Guise came back for their final half. ‘Four-Flush’ about a lover cheating, ‘Assume’ about assuming a persona and the assumptions made because of that persona, ‘Jubilee’ celebrating a success by aiming higher, ‘Holy Revelry’ a newer song about embracing your flaws because it makes you human, and lastly the song that cemented their popularity, ‘Masquerade’, all about coming out of the closet and facing the “red death” of being disowned. The queer community in Hollywood had fallen in love with the pure emotion that Emotion put into it, it had made Roman cry the first few times he heard it.
The show wraps up with Emotions and Deceit thanking the audience and a club worker saying that the live music for the night was over and that a DJ would be playing the rest of the night. This was when Remus nudged him and waved their VIP passes at him, “Let’s go meet the band Ro-bro!” Oh right, they had those, he had forgotten. O-M-G he was going to meet the Guise, this was the best birthday ever! Going to the door that the band went through was nerve wracking, the bouncers were super nice though and knew Re so that was comforting. In the back there was an area or closed doors probably for dressing rooms and a curtain that the bouncers had pointed them to. Behind it was the band sitting on various furniture, chilling and out of some of the more restrictive parts of their costumes. The smell of weed tickled Roman’s nose and he noticed Deceit and Logic passing a thin joint between them, Emotions was drinking a bright pink concoction that almost hurt to look at, and Anxiety was sitting on the arm of a chair wearing a familiar hoodie and fiddling with his mask.
“Hiya, you guys rock. I can see why my bro here is a huge fan.” Remus says as a way of announcing their arrival. Anxiety jolts from his task and Roman can see his eyes widen, that was the mysterious stranger! Emotions waves at them, “Hi, nice to have you here and also happy birthday!” His talking voice is higher but just as soothing to hear, it distracts Roman from his mini heart-attack realization. Remus shoves Roman onto an unoccupied couch and sits next to him, “Thanks, sorry if Roman stays quiet for a hot second, normally he’s a real talker but he’s all star struck. Give him a minute and he’ll probably have a good story about some celebrity he fitted for some movie or whatever.” Roman blushes at the mention of his work, he always forgot that he technically was around stars all the time.
Logic asks if Remus has any stories of his own, the gremlin talks about meeting the lead lady of horror herself Sigourney Weaver when he worked on the newest Halloween movie. That got Roman to speak up a little and add the part Remus had purposely left out, it was purposely because Remus would never forget a part of that story. The conversation started picking up from there and soon Roman didn’t notice Remus leaving with Remy after a drink drop-off. He did however notice when the guys started to take off their masks.
Logic and Emotions had the easiest to get off and they both switched out contacts for very similar glasses, Logic with black and Emotions with a sky blue. Anxiety had followed with his spider mask and put it in a bag by his chair, he put in a set of spider bites that shone a rainbow of colors. Deceit was the last to uncover his full face but he didn’t add anything, actually he removed something, his tattoo! It had apparently been a temporary one he used to obscure his identity. But now Roman had a new problem, they each were very pretty and giving him a lot of attention.
“You know,” Deceit purrs, “We were going to go out and unwind, you should come with us.” Emotions nods enthusiastically, causing Deceit to chuckle. Logic chimes in next, “I’m sure if you let your brother know that it won’t be a problem, he seems like the protective sort.” Roman nods, Remus had always been his physical protector while Roman stood up for Remus during conflicts of feelings. It was just how they balanced each other out. “Be sure to share your location too, safety and all that.” Anxiety adds. Could he? Should he? This was every real life horror story beginning but it’s not like he was stupid enough to not already know to share his location, not that he needed to with the twins having “track my phone” for each other. “I mean, I’d like that. Re would probably say I need to be more adventurous anyway…” he was already pulling out his phone and sending the texts.
After some late night greasy hole in the wall food the band takes him along to a coffee shop that was pretty close to his own apartment, he didn’t say anything but they all knew the menu so they must come often. It’s there he sees the signs that the guys are partners in more than just the band. Emotions is a touchy person so seeing him hang onto the others doesn’t register at first but then he kisses Deceit and that tracked, the duets had so much heat in them not to be from actual feelings. But then he kisses Logic and calls him Logie, it’s too sweet to be a nickname based on his persona so it must be from Logic’s real name. Next was Anxiety snuggling his face into Deceit’s neck, the act screamed “lovers”. So when Roman caught smaller hints it became obvious that the band was a polycule.
Emotions giggly held his hand as the group went to the apartment complex just around the block from his own, Anxiety was close enough to his other side that they bumped shoulders in a way that felt intentional. Logic led the way with Deceit bringing up the rear, Roman felt safe instead of crowded like he would have normally. Inside their place was extremely homey, lived in and filled with love, it reminds Roman of sharing a dorm with his brother and Emile in college. “I’m grabbing beers, requests?” Anxiety asks, heading to what was likely the kitchen. Logic asked for his “usual” and Emotions called for a “dark”, what’s brought in is some local brew, two light beers and two lagers. “I didn’t know what you liked so I grabbed extras of their stuff, but um, I could get you water if you want.” Anxiety offers. It was really nice of him but Roman was in the mood for a normal beer after all those mixed drinks. “Beer sounds good to me, thanks.”
After a few beers they accidentally let slip their names, Patton, Logan, Virgil, and Janus. Roman now had a lap full of Patton, the guy was playing with Roman’s sash and humming. The others were all talking quietly as not to disturb Pat’s bubble of sound, it was a surprise when suddenly there was a pair of lips kissing his neck. He must of made a noise because the other three had stopped talking, he should be stopping Pat, those were Patton’s partners and the poor guy probably was drunk enough to think he was one of them! He was going to say something when Janus chuckled, “Of course our dear Emotions would be the first to make a move.” With the silence broken Virgil adds in quickly, “You can say no, he won’t be upset, we won’t be upset. This is all so sudden and all.” Logan seems to agree with how he nods and puts a hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
“W-what if I don’t want to say no?” Roman stutters, face burning. “Please.” Patton has quit giving him hickeys to give him the sexiest pair of puppy eyes. That was just unfair. Heart hammering Roman kisses those pouting lips, the next bit is a blur but eventually the five of them are in a bedroom with a California King with far less clothes on then they had on in the living room. Patton was kissing his neck again and Virgil had claimed his lips, he could see Logan or Janus but he could feel their hands all over him. Someone was taking off his pants but he couldn’t care less who, Virgil had just made the hottest whine into his mouth and he was kinda more focused on that. Whoever was taking pants off had done the same for Patton and making rounds, Virgil was rutting his hard-on onto Roman’s own. Patton switching places with Logan and slicked fingers entered him, “Good boy, so relaxed and willing to be filled” Janus hummed the praise from close by, Roman whimpered into Virgil’s kiss.
Logan had three fingers fully inside Roman when he pulled out, they were almost immediately replaced by Virgil’s dick. Roman figured it was him from the piercing and the way Virgil sighed at the same time he was filled. The pace started slow and built up, moans were mixed with praise and kisses from the others to both of them. All too soon Virgil had finished, pulling out quickly and falling into Janus’s waiting arms. “Aww, was our spiderling that pent up that he couldn’t even make it to our guest’s first time?” It was teasing but the tone made it sound like this was normal, Virgil was just like that.
Now Patton was back in front of him and had a happy grin on his cherub face, “Ro-Ro! It’s my turn, do you want my dick or my mouth?” Roman had always been more a bottom and when it came to oral he much preferred giving than receiving, “Your dick, please.” He answered, though quietly like he wasn’t already in their bed. “Aww, no need to be coy! You’re being so good using your words, you’re a very good boy.” God, Roman didn’t know why that pet name was affecting him more than ever before, was it because of who was saying it or how they said it like it was true? He couldn’t think about it long as Patton pushed in and Roman had to keep himself from screaming in pleasure. Emotions not only had a big heart but also a huge cock, thickening as it went and it just kept going! Logan rubbed one of his hips, helping him relax again and take more.
The pace Patton set was slow, he didn’t build up like Virgil had but kept perfect rhythm as he pushed deeper each time in. As this was going on Logan had moved on to just as slowly jacking Roman off, slick fingers playing with him like they had all the time in the world. When Virgil came back into the mix it was to litter his neck in soft kisses, from what Roman could see Janus was buried in Virgil and watching as the others played their parts. Something about that seemed so romantic and loving, so private that the blush on his cheeks traveled down to his chest. Looking at Logan or Patton didn’t help, they were looking at him like something precious. He spilled over Logan’s hand with a sob, Janus and Logan coo over him thinking it was just the orgasm but he couldn’t remember the last time he felt so loved. Patton came a few thrusts later, praise and “love you”s spilling out of him like a salve on a burn.
Janus and Logan kept up the coos as Patton and Virgil cuddled, dozing in and out as they watched for now. He was lubed up again by Logan as Janus took to kissing him, deeply and hotly. He didn’t notice when they started frotting but he was very aware when Logan entered him, the pace set was in sync with him and Janus. “You have been very good, Roman. Never impatient or demanding, you were even going to remind Patton that he wasn’t kissing one of us. So honest and humble, such a good boy.” Logan whispers into his ear, it has him whimpering into the kiss again and praying he isn’t crying. Janus breaks the kiss to add his own whispers, “Virgie showed you his face but you didn’t call him out backstage, you didn’t accuse me of being fake because of the tattoo either. How are you just so lovely, hmm? You could brag about working on movie sets but you got awe-struck by us, how did we go so lucky?” Roman is definitely close to tears now, hiding his face into Janus’s shoulder to hide his wet eyes and just bask in the moment.
Logan picks up his thrusts and ends up cumming next, not that Roman and Janus are far behind. Roman is pampered with kisses and more praises as the revived Patton gets washcloths to clean up with and Virgil has water bottles at the ready. Like outside Roman is in the middle of the group as they all settle down into a calm, he’s pretty sure Patton will be asleep soon and the rest of them are not going to last long either. He wonders as he starts to drift off if this will just be for tonight and he’ll have to treasure this night or if maybe, just maybe he has a chance to be part of this relationship.
In the morning he has several texts from Remus saying he was also going out, that he was staying with Remy, don’t wait up ;). Logan is awake and in the living room as Roman heads for the door, “Roman, a moment please.” He’s not sure what to expect from this, maybe a warning to keep quiet about their identities or not to contact them again, what he doesn’t think will happen is Logan adding his number to Roman’s phone or a promise of sending the rest of their numbers later in the day. “We normally date a new person first before taking them to bed but last night was an exception. I hope you will accept the offer.” The kiss goodbye was gentle and warm and Roman can’t help but smile all the way home.
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kinetic-elaboration · 6 months
January 3: Bellarke, Frank/Timid
Eee, didn't mean to spend so much time on this but here it is.
Bellamy & Clarke, past Bellamy/Raven, in the same verse as it is new moon and twilight
Written for the prompt "frank and its antonyms: secretive, timid, shy, evasive," for July Break Bingo
~900 words, written in about 33 minutes
Bellamy's not sure what he expected from a sorority girl. Not a shy, wallflower type, for sure. But maybe a girl whose very pep and cheery vigor hides an evasive, uncertain quality: a woman who never quite tells the whole truth.
He needs a roommate badly or he'll be couch surfing in a month, and he both dreads and can't wait for the day he and Raven move their stuff out of their one-bedroom apartment and finally give each other the breathing room they both claim they need. She isn't quite his ex as long as she's sleeping in his bed and insisting he doesn't need to bunk on the couch. She isn't quite his girlfriend when they stare past each other at dinner, when the silences always turn so gray and grim.
She says he can keep the apartment if he finds someone to split the rent with and he says, Or you, as in, or you could keep it, and she says, I'd rather have a blank slate.
He finds himself thinking about her when he takes down his coffee mug, when he stubs his toe, when he opens the medicine cabinet for his toothpaste to brush his teeth at night. The living ghost who haunts him. The fist around his lungs that keeps him from breathing.
The first lead he picks up comes from Miller, whose new boyfriend works with this girl, and she's basically in the same boat Bellamy is, except her ex has already moved out.
"They were using the second bedroom as an office or something," Miller says, waving his fork around, still only halfway through chewing. "She was in a sorority in college. Likes art. And she's cute, if you're into that sort of thing."
"I'm not looking for a rebound," Bellamy warns.
Miller rolls his eyes. "You're looking for a bedroom. She has one. Get coffee with her, see what happens."
They meet at a little hole in the wall place with dim lighting and a mosaic of red glass shards on the wall. She orders a green mint mocha and offers to split a scone with him, even before introducing herself, and while they're waiting for their drinks, she sticks out her hand and says, "I'm Clarke."
She's not as bouncy as he'd thought she would be.
He shakes her hand, matching the firmness of her grip. "Bellamy."
She smiles when he says it, as if the sound of his name pleased her, and then she lets him grab her drink for her as she leads the way to a table.
"I guess Miller already told you my situation," she starts, as she slides onto a wooden bench, and he takes the seat across from her. The metal legs of his chair scrape loudly on the stone floor when he pulls it back. "My ex-girlfriend moved out last month. She'd already paid her half of the rent, and I could swing another month, maybe two on my own, but not more than that." She pauses, and a brief frown twists up her features. "Not without calling my mom, anyway. Which I don't want to do."
He has a sudden flash of understanding: she comes from money, and admitting it is the first thing that's made her uncomfortable. Her hand reaches up, uncertain, and twitches her hair behind her ear.
She is cute, if you're into that sort of thing--beautiful, blonde, which he was expecting, dressed in form-fitting black jeans and a low-cut gray henley, which he wasn't. He'd had this image of a sundress, sandals, bangle bracelets. Now she's watching him across the table with the sort of steady and appraising stare that's broken him down before--made him fall in love before--and all he can think is that at least they're getting right to the point.
That's what he needs right now. Someone frank and clear. Like Raven used to be before they started playing games.
"I'm in the same boat," he says. He leaves out the part about not having a mom to call. About how Raven's all but claimed Murphy's couch, which is where Bellamy himself would probably go, if he ran out of other options. Murphy's jokes about who gets the third wheel in the divorce echo at the periphery: ghostly, hollow.
"I mean," he adds, "with the ex-girlfriend. Honestly, I'm just looking for a low-key situation, somewhere I can afford. I'm neat, I'm quiet--"
"I'm not." Clarke pauses. She's biting back a smile, which makes him realize just how serious her expression has been, like she's keeping a lid shut tight on some inner glow. "Neat. I'm okay about it."
"And quiet?"
"Quiet enough." The smile almost breaks wide for a moment, then slowly fades, leaving her looking thoughtfully down into her drink. "I wouldn't mind some quiet, actually, Bellamy. So--" She flicks her gaze up again, stares at him sharp and unblinking. "You want to talk house rules?"
"Does that mean I get the room?"
"We agree on the house rules and then you get the room."
He reaches out to the small plate in between them and rips off a bit of the scone. It's cranberry. Somehow she knew that was his favorite, or maybe it's hers too. "That sounds fair," he says. And already he's feeling optimistic indeed.
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whiskeyswifty · 10 months
ok yeah re: your tags this is what i figured and i wonder if people keep phrasing it like that On Purpose to pretend midnights isn't a flop or just cause swifties think very strictly in terms of Album Eras (ha). but at the same time i kind of wasn't sure cause i still can't seem to grasp exactly How hard tickets were to get and How expensive they are cause like my brain kind of finds it hard to believe that THAT many people payed THAT much when they weren't fans ? but a good concert is a good concert haha i guess i just don't have the Concert Goer mindset
lmaoooooo i can't imagine midnights has that many diehard fans that they would bother with that kind of retconning. i'd venture to say that that person just didn't really understand how we got here. i just made a little sub-post with this article that details a lot of it really well if you want to be certain that i'm not just talking out my ass lol.
i know it sounds crazy when you look at before and afters like that, but I think you're forgetting that in the lead up to the tour, she had been feeding the content beast for YEARS while subsequently withholding a tour. for good reasons i mean we had a pandemic, but she kept the content faucet going. not just any old content though, content that did several crucial things.
1. folklore/evermore DRASTICALLY broadened her fanbase. everyone on here i'm sure can tell you how they had friends or family who had never cared much for taylor before, but folklore/evermore was a HUGE success, ESPECIALLY among the 30+ crowd at the time. it was incredibly mature, both in it's subject matter but also in it's soundscape and genre, and so she collected that new group of new fans whom she had never been able to reach before. (there are also many twitter threads of these new fans exploring her back catalog for the first time and so i mean there's a spike right there to her old work)
2. the re-releases of both fearless and red reignited the fervor for those albums in fans that might not have been into her more recent stuff. maybe they aged out or they just didn't care for the newer pop-oriented fare, who knows. either way, it turned her into something extremely powerful which is a NOSTALGIA artist, at least in the eyes of these fans turned casual listeners. nostalgia is a powerful drug, so she collected these reanimated fans as well, and then created an ENTIRE tour around that nostalgia.
3. in general, i'm sure you've seen articles and news stories about how concerts are difficult to get tickets to in general post-pandemic, which is not exclusive to her. she has several outside factors but that general fact is true across all the tours we've seen post 2021. people were cooped up in their houses, separated from all the communal aspects of life, even if they didn't like those aspects. going to big public events have become commodities in and of themselves because of the hunger we had for it that we had to bottle for so long, fizzing and building until finally it pops when we enter a stadium again. it's seeing your favorite artist in person, sure, that's part of it, but what's become MORE important post-pandemic is the pilgrimage aspect of assembling with your fellow acolytes and experiencing the euphoria of that communal release. you can take the friendship bracelet phenomenon which is a complete fan invention, born out of this hunger for human connection and interaction among like minded people in a shared space. swifties couldn't WAIT to see other swifties and feel that human community in person for the first time in years. so we can add this factor as well, how by penning us all until we grew ravenous with hunger for human interaction, the pandemic made concert going one of the most gourmet michelin star meals currently available to the human population.
Add this all together, and throw in a new album yes which is in comparison to the other factors a mere bundle of twigs on the now soaring flame. but it counts! it all counts. it's this collective intersection of priming an audience both unintentionally/unwillingly and also verrrry intentionally that caused her ticket demands to be as gargantuan as they were, and still are. it was a genius marketing move, making this tour appealing to every single person who ever liked taylor ever, in combination with her on the upswing in public favor (which we know will have a down swing but we're on the up right now). and it's also subsequently CRAZY to point to midnights as the all encompassing reason for this ladkjakldfjlksdfj. i know the mold is usually to chapterize her life in albums, that's true, but this breaks the mould. even calling this the midnights era is ludicrous. It's the Eras Tour Era if anything, and we will be in it for another YEAR at least. insane to think about.
and as far as having a concert goers mindset, i don't know if i have that either, it takes a lot for me to go to a concert. but on top of ALL of this lead up, she delivers one hell of a show. worth going again if you can, imo.
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greypetrel · 8 months
Stillness and bling for all 💗
Oh hello! :3
Skipping Raina because I already answered here for here!
Tis the prompt list
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Alyra: She's the master of it. Sitting elegantly, ankles crossed, back straight, hands in her lap, Nodding along as she listens. She has a resting bitch face but as long as she blinks you aren't in trouble. Hopefully. Doesn't have issues with it, when she's dressed casually she's more prone to collect her legs under her while sitting, if the situation allows it.
Garrett: He slouches and spreads on the surface, and has this weird tendency on occupying all the available space while sitting. He always sits right in the middle of a sofa. Will play with his thumbs or absent-mindedly curl a moustache. But he's chill, he won't sit still much because he doesn't like staying indoor.
Aisling: Beside the fact that she'll sit right beside you or the person she likes. And by "right beside" I mean "Shoulders and legs touch isn't this nice :3". She has the bisexual struggle to sit properly. She can sit still, but it's an effort, and particularly when she's dressed fancily and afraid of wrinkle precious fabrics she knows are expensive. She'll switch position every often, tap her fingers in a sequence that if you pay attention to it will notice it's repetitive and precise. Or play with her clothes. If she needs to stay still and proper, she'll easily zone out, if the topic and the company are particularly out of her interests.
Radha: Can and will sit still, proper and with her back held straight. Will not like staying there if she hasn't a real interest: she is not the most talkative person ever, and hence relies a lot on listening. She'll find something to play with her fingers if she gets bored, and keep nodding to pretend she's listening. Will refuse to sit at the end of the table.
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
Alyra: She loves jewelry, loves the bling and the finest things. Will get a nice collection in the years: if for clothes she contents in few carefully selected pieces, jewelry is what she spends for. She has a couple of earrings that covers the tips of her ears that were her mother's. She doesn't care one bit for the woman, but she likes them as jewelry and she likes herself in it. A necklace in gold with a raven feather that was a gift from Morrigan: she looked at it in the market and the witch bought it. With an addition to personalise it. All her rings are enchanted.
Garrett: Some enchanted rings for utility, but he's not much for jewels. Working as a healer, rings and bracelets get in the way and dirty and he can't be bothered to clean them. Keeps saying he's getting his ears pierced, never does it.
Aisling: She's not big on jewelry, but she likes necklaces and tiaras. Tiaras because she feels like a princess - she only has the formal one she uses for Inquisition business when she needs to pimp up. She'll keep it even after she'll disband everything, as a keepsake. And she feels pretty. Necklaces: she had an evil eye pendant, but it got lost in the explosion at the conclave. She was affectionate to it because Deshanna gave it to her when she arrived, as protection. It got substituted with Cullen's coin, mounted as a pendant on a blue ribbon. It's more like a choker, and the ribbon is enchanted so it can't be torn, thank you Dagna (she was terrified of loosing it).
Radha: Magpie brain hits hard, she loves her jewels and she loves them in gold. She has a pair of earrings in gold and amethists that were Deshanna's bonding gift from Radha and Pavyn's father. They're one of her most prized possessions. A vast assortments of earrings, studs and hoops. Some more important necklaces for when she wants to be fancy. And bangles. She's usually off from anything that tingles and is noisy, but she likes the noise that bangles makes. Anklets? Sign her in!
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wanou-dorm · 1 year
HSA- Okuyasu “ Roku” Van Hartmann
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Name: Okuyasu”Roku” van Hartmann
Name orign: When Refering to Ravens In Japanese Dictionaries it’s Oh-garasu 
 also I just like My Jojo references okay!?
Based on: Utsuho Reiuji
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Species: Karasu Featherborn ( Raven/Yatagarsu)
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿:Male (He/him - and Other pronouns)
𝗔𝗴𝗲: 19
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆: June 6
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁:  198cm/6’5 - 
𝗘𝘆𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: Nuclear Green
𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: Black with Green used to Be black and Red  but He got Annoyed with being Mistaken for Flynn all the Time .
𝗗𝗼𝗿𝗺: Tetraviana
𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿: 3rd
𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀: 3-D , one of few Deliberate Placement 
𝗢𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Student
𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯:Soccer/Kinda Wanna put him in Dance to be funny
𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁: Light arts( Easy when your Powers includes NUCLEAR FUSION) , Science…What how?!
Homeland: Onigashima 
Sexuality: Bisexual, Male leaning 
𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱: Ambidextrous 
𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱: Mapo Tofu
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱: Most Greasy Foods ( They can potentially Guck. Up  the Seal on his Canon arm )
Likes:  EXPLOSIONS ,  Flashiness ,Anime , Tokustasu, Science , Rock / Metal music , trumpets
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀:Being called An Airhead (.. I’m smarter than Greg) , being played for a Fool ,being mistaken for Flynn( hey I’d be mad too if I was still  mistaken for Drama Queen Crow even after all the effort ) , unnecessary bantering ,
 “I can be just as Fancy and Prissy as you whenever I Want. “ ( Flynn.. Before Proving his point look at Utsuho Desgin)
His Pitiful Memory , The arm Cannon malfunctioning.
𝗛𝗼𝗯𝗯𝘆:  Pyrotechnics , Trying to Study, Art, Soccer ,
𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: Combat , flight ,seriously how do you  know so much Science stuff and  barely pass, Acrobats , Spellcards, TWST!Orin says He Could overshadow Flynn in stage presence,Forgotting and Messing up peoples names ,KABOOM!, Unknownily insulting People 
I don’t whose Dumber , Rokuu Or Greg . Okuyasu or Rokuu he’s Commonly called is not very Smart , He’s Technically supposed to be Graduating but he got held back his First Year.
Due to grades so .
Roku  is someone whose pretty Bombastic andBlunt , he likes to Gets Straight to the Point  Personally hates talking to Flynn cause all the Fluff he adds confuses him. Roku is pretty Jovial all things considered  but he Dose  have a large Ego and Lots of Confidence which lends to Roku being seen as an Airhead and Birdbrain
Thought he Often has a Bad Short Term Memory which people use to thier Advantage usally getting him to do stuff. He usally have a Little Planner to remember Homework Eles he Forgets And Panics the next day. Thought He Finds  Flynn’s annoying as is when He Came Everyone Started mistaking him for Flynn and After half a school Year of people Mistaking him For Flynn  he Changed from red to Green , Rubina was the Last straw as he was Waiting to redye it  and also Changed up his hairstyle to avoid being bothered by Ruby. Though people have noticed Roku’s own Similarities to  Flynn besides looks like strong The Arrogant Streak  he Has 
According to Twst!Satori ,He was found  with TWST!Orin in the Streets on the island of woe and that they were in horrible condition so The Van Hartmanns took them in and moved back Onigashima into the Underground Former hell. It’s unknown  how he  obtained the yatagarsu power , It’s assumed he ate Part of it in desperation. 
Unique Magic 
Solar sect of mystic wisdom
It’s Basically An Extension to His Already powerful  Nuclear fusion Magic . It’s usually indicated by a Black Sun Appearing over his Head , it Seems allow Him To Fuse things Together by Touching them… This has some Funny Results When involving People n
His “Third Leg”  is that Bracelet on his arm It turns into an Arm Cannon that looks like a Nuclear control rod.
Apparently Twst!Satori and Marcus  Did a DNA Test… out of curiosity and for a science project . So it seems like Flynn and Roku  are related .. very Closely  Related … like thier brothers it’s weird cause have nothing in thier health records screwing the Results or counterpoint  . They have not been told about it. 
The Concepts of Him And Flynn being Mistaken for Each other is based on how much people  don’t know the Difference between Crows and Raven 
Oh Yes, He’s called Flynn Various things When mistaken for Him out of Frustration. He’s also called him
Filbert,Finnan , Finana , Fletcher , Fin and Phil cause he’s Awful with Names
Jokingly  Roku did mention , That Flynn should be watching his weight Dating Hoshi could make him gain weight mainly cause Oni’s diet tend to be calorie dense . well that and Oni get excited if thier Partner gets Bigger in anyway . 
This Also means he Known Hoshi which makes Sense Yuugi is the third boss of Subbtearan Animism  the game that Utsuho is the Final Boss of 
Amais Regularly Mistakes Flynn for Roku 
Any long Sleeve he Has Is Custom made 
If Roku were to Overblot it probably wouldn’t be Willingly , The Guys a Walking Nuclear  power plant someforcing him to overuse His Magic is more logical  to me how’s he Overblot, I can definitely see him getting Kidnapped by some bussiness man .
 It’s more unique than Having him try to take over the World cause He misinterpreted God.
Not Surprisingly he’s would probably be put in Gracery  due his Nuclear Fusion capabilities if he went to NRC 
Strangely His Nuclear Fusion Dosent Harm anyone though it’s Probably because he isn’t Radioactive 
Roku says he can Fly Better than Flynn ( He Can Shoot a Cannon in the air ) 
He Dose Admit to being Trigger happy .
the Atoms and Rocks on his Legs are part of his body This happened after Eating the Yatsgarsu ..
he’s Taller than Flynn but people still mistook him for Flynn
Voice Claim 
Judai Yuki ( Jaiden Yuki )
Theme Songs
Solar sect of mystic wisdom nuclear fusion
Lyrical version
Gracery - @forestwispocs
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blightbear · 1 year
Hello! ✨
Random headcanon meme, here we go. For all your babies..
✍ : What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy?
⚠ : How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns?
📐 : Is your muse good at math? Do they like it, or do they hate it?
Of course, feel free to skip those questions you may not wish to answer to, or just assign characters to each one! :3
Ok, this is rather long (of course I’m not going to skip any) so I’m going to put the first question up top and the rest under a read more so I don’t clog everyone’s dash :3
✍ : What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy?
Ashari: Very simple print, nothing too fancy but definitely not illegible
Faye: Cursive that flows beautifully like water yet simple script that still looks more elegant than it is. Leandra taught all her children proper penmanship, but Faye’s was always the one to go up on the fridge
Mori’na: Doctor’s handwriting aka chicken scratch. Often illegible to the untrained eye, it’s a miracle they allow her to write some of the reports. Usually Josie has to take over from one too many complaints from the advisors. She’s not illiterate, just terrible handwriting
Cyra: Most elaborate, elegant cursive you can imagine. She turns handwriting into an art form, a lot of it looking like the The from Spongebob
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⚠ : How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
Ashari: In the early days, head on; things will rarely got her to back down. It’s almost like she was on a suicide mission half the time. These days she thinks things out a tiny bit more, but there’s still that fire within her.
Faye: Faye is often calculating in the back, constantly thinking magic reserves and where their companions are. Some things require head on, but if Faye has the time to think they’ll take it.
Mori’na: A bit of a mix, it really depends on the situation. There is a bit of a calculation, examining the danger instead of running in guns blazing. Sometimes she’ll determine a situation does require someone to take the first move so she’ll rush in. However sometimes danger does make Mo freeze like being stuck in the fade with a bunch of ravenous fear demons
Cyra: Head on with the calculation of a warrior. She may be a mage but that never stopped her from thinking like a seasoned warrior (hence the knight enchanter class haha)
❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns?
Ashari: Neutral, was fine with one for her wedding day because tradition (in my mind anyway haha) but most of the time finds the falling petals to get in the way. If someone gives her one she won’t say no to it but she’ll usually just regift it to someone who would appreciate it more
Faye: Bethany would bring them flower crowns when they were younger so it holds a bit of a sentimental value, but they don’t seek out making them or wearing them.
Mori’na: Constantly making them, has loved making them ever since she was little. Their mamae and papae ( from one of the very few memories she has of him ) taught Mo and Bo how to make them. Bo lost interest after awhile but she’s never stopped making them. If there’s a field with flowers you can usually find Mo plopped down there humming an old lullaby as the flowers stems are being weaved in and out. She’s probably given Solas like 10, although they aren’t always crowns. Sometimes they’re bracelets or woven around the string of his claw necklace.
Cyra: Wears them for her daughter and if anyone laughs about it during a meeting there is a possibility of murder (they can only be made by her daughter though, anyone else and she doesn’t care)
📐 : Is your muse good at math? Do they like it, or do they hate it?
Ashari: Doesn’t like math, but is fine with most base level and some algebra. She’d rather just use a calculator
Faye: Very good at math, able to calculate a lot of complex equations in their head or very easily with a whiteboard in front of them. Likes math
Mori’na: Like Faye, extremely good at math. Complex equations and theories, she’s got it. Able to calculate the trajectory of an arrow very easily in her head. Has a neutral/hate relationship with it. Understands it, doesn’t understand why it’s relevant to the field ( it’s a science degree Mo, just because it’s about plants doesn’t mean you don’t need math )
Cyra: Despises it, never wants to be anywhere near the subject. It gives her too much of a migraine and she’s perfectly content with just knowing 1+1=2
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greengrungeemo · 2 years
The Kiss of a Revenant
Code Vein fanfic with a random OC I made. :3
I awoke to the end of the world.
Not even sure what I was doing. When did this happen? Did I have a job? Where did I even live? Either way, it’s all dust and empty shells now. Where does that leave me in all this...? My name... what the hell was my name? When I opened my eyes, I woke up on the side of the sidewalk in what was once a booming city by the looks of it. My throat and lips are dry as hell. Let’s see, maybe a drink of water would be nice...
Standing up, I begin my search for... anything really. My clothes themselves are tattered: torn black and grey striped shirt, black shiny leather pants held up ok, my belts and bracelets look like they’ll break off at any moment. My leather choker just fell off my neck too, damn. I picked it back up and stuffed it in my pocket. My black hair’s... messy, by the feel of it anyway. I feel tired, but I know that I need to push on. Find some refuge.
What’s that...? Huh. Looks like some kind of mutated hound? Pale, lost most of its fur, and it has large protrusions coming from it. A large boy to say the least. It’s... eating something. A corpse? No- a person. A mangled husk of what once was. That beast looks ravenous, best stay away- ah. Well, I should have known better. Turning around, there were two other ones feasting in a nearby alleyway behind me. They took notice. Fuck, is it over already? They’re growling and approaching to close off the distance...
I need to fight.
Glass shards scattered around the floor, I hastily picked them up. This is going to get messy real quick. I never thought I’d have to fight a dog, in fact, I think I owned one at some point? Shit, I’m getting distracted again. Now’s not the time to realize when you have ADHD, let’s fucking go. As I readied my stance, one of the two hounds pounced at me, these guys are damn too big. As it pounced, it attempted to grapple and bite onto my right knee, I moved and plunged down this random glass shard into the top of its skull. What should have been effective wasn’t... that great. It lodged itself into its head and sliced the side of my palm in the process. I quickly grabbed another shard as it spun around, round 2 bitch. I sliced at its eyes and it shrieked this horrific demonized sound. Almost there. I kicked it down and it lunged once more to my stomach. A clean bite right into my side. We were both killing each other right there, it was ravenously eating into me and I was just plunging this shard into its sensitive weak points. Fuck. As we were going at it... I forgot there was that second hound with this once, it pounced at my back and...
Wait. A clean blade slashed it dead.
An angel. Behind me was a girl who melted me instantly, my insides felt weak, yet the wounds that this dog was causing felt healed. She mesmerized me.
She looked at me with a vicious curiosity and ended the hound biting into me with another slash of her... what is that? An axe of some kind? Before I could react, she spoke.
“You should go.” She said in a soft tone. This girl has fluffy white hair as soft as clouds and beautiful yellow eyes. The kind that I never would have thought I’d love so much.
“Humans are the prey this world feeds on now...” A pause for a few seconds. “You’re wounded.” She said, stopping herself and observing my gorged out hip. She poked at it with her metal accessory on her index finger. “This looks bad.” She added.
“I know. I just recently woke up, I don’t know what’s going on.” I replied, seething in pain now that I see the extent of my wound. I spit out blood.
“I can guide you to an encampment where humans are safe, in exchange for blood. The Revenants there protect people like you-” She was interrupted.
“Exchange for my blood? I’ll pass- Revenants? Are they some kind of group or something?” I asked.
“I am a Revenant. That’s what the world is now, and humans are rare. You’re a rarity. Maybe Louis might want to speak with you, actually.” She says, debating with herself, her eyes quizzical. She finally concludes, “I’ll help you. I never thought I’d... feel so attached to a human. You’re peculiar, I can tell.” She says, walking away, determined to reach her destination.
She was captivating in every way. The way her hips swayed side-to-side, and how she alone enveloped a powerful, observant presence. Her comforting hair being windswept by a slight, dusty wind... It emphasized the radiant honey glow of her eyes. Without communicating or ushering me to follow, I accompanied her. I feel so very drawn to her.
We travel for an hour when... my wound starts to feel overpoweringly excruciating. I feel like sleeping, and collapsed onto the ground. She turns around. “Your wound is bad. Here, let me wrap some cloth around-” Her eyes suddenly change color, to a blood red. “Your blood, its scent. May I have a bite?” What seemed like an absent-minded girl suddenly turned ravenous. It was at this moment, I realized that she... seriously isn’t human. She bit into my left arm, opposite side of where my wound was. Blood dripped down my arm and into her mouth, she scooped up all she could with her bloodied lips. “That’s good, you’re good. Your blood tastes best.” She muttered. I was in love. My heart was beating so fast, I remembered how I always loved the concept of vampires and wrote all sorts of stories on them, so to see... well, a Revenant feasting on me from pure bloodlust - literally - bloodlust, it was oddly what I had dreamed of as a metalhead. “Sorry, I ran out of blood beads during my journey, so I was thirsty. Let’s get you to home base.” She said, holding both of my hands and pulling me to my feet. She stopped and ensured the makeshift cloth bandages were secured around me and began focusing on travelling.
When we arrived at the home base, that’s where I was introduced to the others. A refined man named Louis, a quirky girl named Murasame, a total bro called Yakumo, and a perplexing girl named Cocoa. They all seem like awesome people. Each of them are different in their own way... I like it here. “My name is Io by the way,” she finally says, introducing herself and grabbing hold of a first aid kit, “Your room is here.” She holds open the door with one hand. I enter and get myself acquainted with the room itself. Pretty basic stuff, a bed, a mirror. I check the mirror to assess my wounds, I realize I have a navel piercing and a fit physique, while battered, and my lip is bleeding from clenching my teeth down hard. What a crazy f*cking day. What about my makeup? My eyeliner and eyeshadow is getting racoon-y, and I’m not even sure if this place could supply some emossentials. I need to lay down to rest my eyes. The pain is seriously setting in... While lying down, I peered at the door and noticed Io is standing there, door shut, looking at me. What is UP with her? She’s nonstop looking around as if she’s analyzing every detail in things, but in this instance, she’s looking at me so... What is she thinking even?
“... I feel drawn to you, would it be possible if I can sample some of your blood each day?” She asks as if that’s a normal question.
“Yeah.” I answered. Wait what? Why did I- Is this some kind of vampire charm? ... Or my morbid curiosity?
“Thank you.” She said in her hushed voice. She approached me and aimed at replacing my dirty makeshift cloth bandages with real ones from a medical kit. We were travelling for the entire day, after all. Though, as soon as she removed my bandages, again she leaned into my wound and began... smelling it(?). Her eyes were dead set on the coagulation of it all and she finally bit. Blood sprayed out and she gulped, her pupils even dilated a bit... Now I’M curious. What about her Revenant blood? Will I become intoxicated too? Without even so much as a thought, I bit into her perfect, fair-skinned arm and drew her blood myself into my mouth. She stood up in a reactionary way. “You musn’t consume a Revenant’s blood! It’s tarnished! You will frenzy or die!” She exclaimed as she sat on the side of the bed thereafter, peering at my mouth. I noticed that I did get some in my mouth- fuck, what does tarnished mean? I’ll spit it out-
She instinctively pressed her face against my lips and... like a feral animal she began sucking the tainted blood out of my mouth, from my lips to my tongue. My heart began to race. I’m so in love, I accepted it and reactively grabbed hold of her hips. She was shocked at such a gesture and finally pulled her lips from mine and covered her mouth with both hands in embarrassment. We looked into each other’s eyes with an exorbitant amount of sexual tension. What the fuck happened???
She uncovered her own mouth. “You could have died. You have to avoid consuming my blood. Even a drop could taint yours and for most... They lose their mind and could even transform into beasts.” She explained, her warm breath gently caressing my face..
“So... Why are you allowed to consume mine?” I asked in response, still realizing I’m holding her sides and blushing slightly.
“Yours is pure. Out of all the blood I ever tasted, yours is the one I want most. I want you here for as long as you live... and while it will be sad when you age and eventually die, I’ll watch over you.” She answered in a reassuring yet somber tone, then a gasp. At that moment, I claimed her by tying my choker around her neck and clipping it. I had to perform a makeshift fix so that it held together. She sat in silence and surprise. “A gift?” She questioned. “This meant a lot to me, so I want someone who means a lot to me to have it.” I answered. She smiled for the first time around me, stood up, and continued applying my new bandages. We were both silent for the two minutes she was doing so.
“I will see you tomorrow, please stay in here and rest for the day.” She said, about to exit.
“-Wait!” I exclaimed, and I held onto her hand. “While... my pure human blood is all of what you want most, you’re the one that I want most. I’m going to be a Revenant with you.” I said with determination. So strange, realizing that this is a bit of a drastic leap, but... Well, before this apocalypse, there was a “boy’s rule” to never stick your d*ck in crazy, but in this case, it feels like we both are, so it cancels out. I never felt such a strong, ravenous connection with someone. It feels like we could eat each other alive, flesh by flesh, and it would feel like the most romantic thing ever.
I’m excited for this new life with her.
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laresearchette · 1 year
Sunday, April 09, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT?: A GRAMMY SALUTE TO THE BEACH BOYS (CBS Feed) HAPPY TO BE HOME WITH THE BENKOS (Premiering on April 12 on Magnolia Canada at 10:00pm) THE BLESSING BRACELET (Premiering on April 14 on W Network at 8:00pm) GIVING HOPE: THE NI’COLA MITCHEL STORY (Premiering on April 15 on Lifetime Canada at 8:00pm)
MASTERS GOLF (TSN) 8:30am: Third Round (TSN4) 3:00pm: Final Round (TSN4/TSN5) 8:00pm: Final Round
IIHF WOMEN’S HOCKEY (TSN3) 11:00am: Finland vs. Sweden (TSN3) 3:00pm: USA vs. Czechia (TSN) 7:00pm: Germany vs. France
BKT TIRES & OK TIRE WORLD MEN’S CURLING CHAMPIONSHIP (TSN2) 11:00am: Bronze Medal Game (TSN) 4:00pm: Final
NBA BASKETBALL (SN/SN1) 1:00pm: Bucks vs. Raptors (TSN) 1:00pm: Pistons vs. Bulls (SN Now) 3:30pm: Clippers vs. Suns (SN Now) 3:30pm: Jazz vs. Lakers (TSN2) 3:30pm: Pelicans vs. Timberwolves (SN1) 4:00pm: Warriors vs. Trailblazers
MLB BASEBALL (SN Now) 1:30pm: Yankees vs. Orioles (SN) 4:00pm: Jays vs. Angels (TSN2) 7:00pm: Padres vs. Braves
NHL HOCKEY (SN1) 6:00pm: Bruins vs. Flyers (TSN5) 6:00pm: Sens vs. Blue Jackets (SN/SN1) 8:30pm: Avalanche vs. Ducks
BEST IN MINIATURE (CBC) 7:00pm: It’s the semifinals and the top four miniaturists let their imaginations run wild turning trash into treasure and building a room of their choice.
SULLIVAN'S CROSSING (CTV) 7:00pm: Maggie and Cal find themselves facing a dire situation as they look for a missing camper.
DEADLY MOM RETREAT (Super Channel Fuse) 7:00pm: Struggling to move on since her divorce, Jules jumps at the chance to go to a singles retreat with her new friend, Marissa. However, almost immediately upon arrival, she has a series of near-fatal accidents that seem to involve a fellow visitor.
A YEAR ON PLANET EARTH (CBC) 8:00pm: An explosion of colour signals that times are changing, but with winter fast approaching, preparedness is key.
ESSEX COUNTY (CBC) 9:00pm: Lester runs away from the farm, but Jimmy struggles to be there when Lester needs him most. Ken makes demands so he can get on with his life. Cheered on by his old pals, Lou escapes his care home.
RENOVATION RESORT (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm: With the interiors complete, Scott and Bryan get the teams to head outside to take on the exteriors; Rotem and Troy turn up the heat; Jena and Sean counter with another custom build; Savannah and Kyle encounter pergola problems.
THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND (History Canada) 10:00pm: After a long wait, the Fellowship gets permission to return to their excavation in the swamp; almost immediately, they make a discovery that could connect all the cobblestone dots in the mysterious bog.
PORTRAIT ARTIST OF THE YEAR (Makeful) 10:00pm: Henning Wehn, Lemar, Candice Carty-Williams
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butterflydm · 2 years
wot reread: lord of chaos (prologue)
spoilers through lord of chaos. this one is longer than normal because I was not willing to split the prologue into pieces. I’m sure I’ll have to do it with later ones, lol.
1. Starting with the biggest tease of the Forsaken, Demandred. We get an inside look at Shayol Ghul and how things are run there: pretty nasty. People being sacrificed to create weapons; it’s bitter cold but so dry that the moisture is practically sucked from your mouth when breathing. Unpleasant place! Apparently used to be a lovely island retreat back in the Age of Legends. Hey, Demandred, ever miss the Age of Legends? Ever regret helping to screw all that up?
2. A lot of this terrible stuff was kinda created by Aginor, iirc. The ‘forgers’ who make weapons out of human sacrifices and the Trollocs (and by extension the Fades) etc.
3. I am trying to remember if we ever find out what was UP with Shaidar Haran. Mr. Super Weird and Extra Creepy Fade. I do not remember his deal, if we ever learned it.
4. Shayol Ghul/the Pit of Doom isn’t the location of The Bore, where the Dark One touches the world, but the Pattern is thinner here, so The Bore is more easily sensed. Also, Demandred is kinda... getting off? on being around the Dark One. So, that’s... I guess part of the appeal of staying on the side of the Shadow? I also want to note that YET ANOTHER Shadow/Seanchan parallel has popped up: The Day of the Return vs The Return. Ravens, moons, very big on ‘lessers’ groveling to their ‘betters’, big on maintaining a constant level of paranoia and fear, using pain vs pleasure to train people in proper behavior, and now we have The Return as well, when they will come back in glory to Show Them All and Rule Over Them. I am so curious about the intended meaning behind all the Shadow/Seanchan parallels.
5. Demandred tells The Dark One that Rahvin is dead, Lanfear and Asmodean have vanished, and Moghedien missed a meeting with Graendal. TDO says Asmodean is dead and good riddance the traitor (essentially) but he’s kinda bummed he can’t bring back Rahvin but even TDO can’t revive people from balefire (implied: he CAN revive from other things). Demandred feels anger and frustration from TDO. And TDO called Rand “my ancient enemy”. Also, hmm. The description of how freely using Balefire during the War of Power also ‘unraveled reality’ and using it again like that would mean ‘no world to rule’ in the future. Ah. And then he gets some instructions from TDO.
6. We flip to a Nynaeve PoV. Siuan is suddenly wearing embroidered dresses with a low neckline, the universal Jordan symbol of “she has it hot for a guy and thus immediately starts adjusting her appearance to hopefully appeal to him”. *sigh* Anyway, Nynaeve is studying Siuan and Leane in hopes of figuring out how to heal them being stilled.
7. The reveal that Nynaeve is using her hidden a’dam link with the captured Moghedien to channel is pretty well done. Narratively clever, I think. Magic science talk from Elayne: a’dam work by creating “absolutely identical matrices” between the two people being linked. Moghedien informs them that cutting the connection to the True Source used to be called ‘severing’, before the Aes Sedai gendered it and split it into ‘stilling’ for women and ‘gentling’ for men. Nynaeve is annoyed at the random AoL knowledge but I want to Know More. Pls let Moghedien talk, Nynaeve. We learned that a severed channeler can still use the bracelet half of an a’dam - which makes sense. It’s the genetic potential to channel that matters, I suspect, not actually being able to form a connection, which is why learners who have never touched the Source themselves are the sul’dam.
8. Yeah, the difficulty in Salidar is that they’re trying to get the Aes Sedai there to support Rand without giving away that that’s their agenda. It does sound very frustrating. To add to the frustrations: an embassy is being sent to Caemlyn and Elayne is not only not allowed on it, she’s not even supposed to mention it again. Because they will not ‘risk’ letting the ‘Daughter-Heir fall into the hands of the Dragon Reborn’. *screams in frustration* But Siuan says the real reason is that they won’t want to let her go until she’s a full Sister and ‘belongs’ to the White Tower, essentially, which is... honestly also very frustrating on so many levels.
9. It’s kinda heartbreaking to read the difference between holding saidar and holding tainted saidin. Anyway, the Aes Sedai in Salidar (including Our Group) are very nervous/wary/scared of Rand’s amnesty for men who can channel.
10. Elayne’s two points: a. as Daughter-Heir, she SHOULD be there if her mom is dead or missing, to reassure the people that the succession is intact; and b. she is one of the very few Tower-related women that Rand might actually trust are SUCH good points and I am, honestly, very offended on her behalf that she’s treated as a child instead of a politician here. Because she is thinking politically as well as with her heart. She would be the ONE PERSON (apart from Nynaeve) that they could send with the embassy that would make Rand have an immediate favorable reaction. It would be genuinely smart in so many ways to send her along, but the Aes Sedai are so tradition-bound and fearful that they won’t even consider the idea.
11. The Aes Sedai are panicked over Rand being too powerful, too quickly and... and then deciding he doesn’t need them. Which I think is the real issue. They don’t want to reach out to support Rand unless they feel like they can deal from a position of strength. They want him to believe that he needs them more than they need him. And that’s exactly the thing that Moiraine screwed up over and over -- she tried to place herself in a position of power over Rand and he balked and pushed her away and resented it. It wasn’t until she stopped trying to control him that she was able to have any influence over him at all as an advisor. Moiraine has reached legend status among the Aes Sedai in Salidar for taking out two of the Forsaken, but sadly none of them are aware of the lesson that Moiraine had to learn in order to ACTUALLY be someone Rand was willing to trust.
12. Elayne is informed that nine Aes Sedai will be going to Caemlyn... and Min. Being sent to have her talent potentially help Rand, but a secret to the sisters. Nynaeve is so protective of Elayne and Rand’s relationship here! But, also, wow, who... who told Nynaeve that Min was in love with Rand? Because Nynaeve immediately jumps to calling Leane out as an asshole for throwing Min going to Rand in Caemlyn in Elayne’s face like that, and Min’s feelings for Rand are talked about as a Known Thing. Did Siuan or Leane let it spill or did Elayne tell Nynaeve or... it does seem clear that no one told any of these three about Min’s viewing of the three women, but Siuan and Leane DO know that Min ‘saw’ that she would love Rand. lol, did Mohedien just make a half-hearted attempt to convince Nynaeve to join the Shadow? That was kinda funny.
13. It really does feel so narratively unkind on Jordan’s part for there to be so many good reasons for Elayne to go to Caemlyn but not only is she not allowed, but the woman that she knows is in love with her sorta-boyfriend IS allowed to go and she’s absolutely NOT reconciled to the idea of sharing him and certainly not enthusiastic about it. Min’s presence is turning my polycule fantasies into a harem instead, as always, lol. On the plus side, Elayne has been working out how to make ter’angreal, so that’s neat.
14. Wow, and the embassy is leaving the very same day that Elayne found out about it. And she only found out about MIN leaving with it because of Leane, so if she hadn’t heard it from Leane, she wouldn’t have found out about that until Min had already left Salidar. ...I still do not get why Elayne feels like she ‘must’ choose the Green because she already bonded Birgitte. She’s a Secret Warder, Elayne! She also thinks about how there are so many tricks and lies among the Aes Sedai in Salidar. DESPITE THE THREE OATHS, ELAYNE! THE OATHS ARE POINTLESS, ELAYNE. lol, sorry, I feel strongly about this.
15. Elayne evaluating Min’s potential attractiveness to gauge if Rand will go for her -- would be cute if it were in a supportive ‘yay poly’ way but kinda sad in the actual intended way. Min says she also only found out about the embassy this morning and that Siuan claims she’s being sent there to spy on Rand. (x) doubt. Siuan knows that Min won’t send back info on Rand. Elayne literally considers the idea of tying Min up with the Power to prevent her from leaving with the embassy... yeah, she’s not into it . The idea of the wot polycule is incredibly my thing and I love some of the individual relationships (basically the triad of relationships formed by Rand-Elayne-Aviendha) but in practice it, uh, yeah. It’s definitely a harem, unfortunately, and the harem-ness of it really is very driven by the Fate Says Thou Must nature of Min’s viewing. The weirdest thing (to me) is that there IS a poly structure in place that DOES require an enthusiastic buy-in (the Aiel system, even if it is unfortunately limited to sister-wives in Jordan’s version) but we lean on Min’s reluctant ‘but we must share even if we don’t want to’ structure instead. I have high hopes for the show, though, due to Alanna-Ihvon-Maksim.
16. Elayne tells Min not to tell Rand about the viewing, because he’ll decide that means that the Pattern is forcing their relationship and it’s not what they really want and noble sacrifice, etc. She really does know Rand so well. MIN, otoh, doesn’t know Rand at all and assumes he’d be thrilled to have two/three hot girls on tap at all times. The contrast in how well Elayne understands Rand as a person vs Min... not doing that is so strong here, before Min and Rand meet up again. I’m very curious if she’ll actually understand Rand better once they’ve met up again or if Women and Men Just Can’t Understand Each Other continues to get in the way. Anyway, Min’s terrible pie metaphor does make me glad that Aviendha Got There First. Aviendha wanted Rand DESPITE her viewing (which actually made her hostile towards him for quite a while), despite it going against her honor, despite all her good sense, etc. Basically the exact opposite of Min, who loves Rand BECAUSE of her viewing. And I find the ‘despite’ angle much more appealing than the ‘because’. (though Elayne and Rand are still my favorite because they fell for each other entirely naturally, with no knowledge of any prophecies at all)
17. Oh, man, this bit at the end.
Elayne: Let’s talk about something other than Rand. Literally ANYTHING happy that isn’t about Rand.
Min: But Rand is my whole personality now, Elayne.
I mean, that really is essentially their conversation at the end there. When Elayne asks to talk about ‘something happy’ that isn’t about Rand, Min can think of NOTHING except Rand-related things. That’s so depressing! Get a hobby! A non-Rand-related hobby!
18. Oh, hi, Faile. I have to admit, while I was reading TFOH, I did not really think at all about Faile and Perrin at all, or miss them. But let’s check in with the newlyweds! Anyway, just to check in:
The Bashere/Aybara newlyweds constructing a manor house much larger than any other house in the Two Rivers is a totally cool and proper Lord thing to do, because you gotta make sure you have the best of everything. That’s just How You Lord 101 and is definitely not a sign of ego.
Elaida building a palace on the White Tower grounds (a place that already has very tall buildings) is a horrific sign of her ego and how she’s overstepping her place in the world.
It’s all about the scale, I suppose. Elaida should have stuck to an elaborate manor house.
19. ...she’s holding court. Faile is holding court in the Two Rivers. Our egalitarian farming community has a court now. How did they go from “hey you’re a fairly good war-leader” to holding court in, like, a couple of months? A few months? idk how long it’s been. And she does it every day! I actually kinda hate what this plot line does for the Two Rivers as a place. I liked the Defense of Two Rivers fighty-fighty part of the plotline in TSR but I am not a fan of “let’s just turn this place into feudalism”. I’m honestly on Perrin’s side at this point: “the idea of passing judgment on people he had grown up among horrified him”. Cheers to that, bro. Anyway, there are a lot of refugees from other places ending up in the Two Rivers these days.
20. Faile’s first ‘judgement’ is to tell the two women in conflict to go to the Wisdom to sort things out. aka the exact procedure that they used to have in place before they arbitrarily decided they wanted a lord and lady. And Faile thinking that the people of Two Rivers ‘seemed to have forgotten she was an outlander’... you’re “my lady” to them. This is not a Two Rivers thing. This was imported. But Jordan seems to have this weird idea that lord/ladyship is an inherent thing that automatically comes along with all these random in-born urges from the ‘peasants’ who actually desperately want a lord above them. WHY do the people of the Two Rivers want to call him Lord Perrin? We know why Hurin wanted to call Rand ‘Lord Rand’ -- it was from the culture he grew up in. And the people wanting to call Mat a lord are also from cultures that already have those things. Why do the Two Rivers folk spontaneously want a lord? And Faile even thinks of these audiences as mostly a waste of time and yet... here we are. And, wow, HATE that the village Wisdoms “turn into simpering girls around Perrin” (according to Faile). Wow.
21. Yeah, Faile is All About enforcing her newly-born Authority over the Two Rivers and teaching them the proper way to behave around Lords and Ladies, even though Perrin explicitly hates and dislikes the people of the Two Rivers behaving that way around him! This marriage appears very incompatible right now. I don’t doubt that they’re in love, I suppose, but, wow, they want very different things from life.
22. No, seriously, why are the four village Wisdoms all hot for Perrin’s body now? They’re smoothing their skirts and fixing their hair at the thought of him. It seems so... random? I guess it’s part of the Perrin-Casanova glow-up that he got in TSR, when he retroactively had the best dating life in the Two Rivers, prior to leaving with Moiraine. Anyway, we do finally see Perrin again, after holding court with Faile for several pages, and he mentions that he’s feeling the ta’veren tug from Rand. She talks of duty and means lordship, but when he hears duty, he thinks of Rand. Interesting that he feels it now -- the Pattern reaches back in time, I guess. I’m guessing he didn’t mention to Tam and Abell WHY he was leaving, since he hasn’t actually told them that Rand is the Dragon Reborn. I’m honestly not sure how long it’s been since the last scene in the Two Rivers (timeline-wise) -- sounds like it may have been a few months?
23. Gawyn PoV now. Today, I’m thinking about the Younglings vs the Band of the Red Hand, which were both ad hoc groups constructed in the middle of a battle based on need. But the Younglings were the result of a single group splitting into pieces in a ‘civil war’ scenario, while the BotRH involved different sides merging to form a more culturally-diverse unit. But they’re both fighting groups under a young, charismatic leader that has a reputation for winning and is gaining recruits at a swift rate. And both of them are trying to use the knowledge of the past (Gawyn: every soldiering book he could find in the White Tower; Mat: the memories of past soldiers) to fight the wars that will soon be upon them.
Anyway, the remnants of the Shaido, led by Sevanna, are here to form an alliance with the Sisters leading the embassy to Rand in Cairhien. Which obviously is major warning bells for readers that the embassy is not on the up and up, though not for Gawyn. He thinks Elaida legit is planning to announce honest support for Rand. Ah, and here we have the Random Peddlers whose second-hand news that Rand totally killed Morgase Gawyn takes for Definite The Absolute Truth No Doubt. “...rumors on everyone’s lips sometimes had a way of being true” ...it was one person, Gawyn. But he does kinda break a little when he thinks that Elayne might be dead too, potentially at Rand’s hand. He is a Very Traumatized Young Man. Anyway, now he thinks he maybe wants to kill Rand.
24. On the Aes Sedai side, we learn that at least two of the sisters are Black Ajah and we also learn, in a casual aside comment, that there are some sisters “following behind” aka more than nine sisters are going to Cairhien. They’re also hoping they can find a way to get Gawyn and his Younglings killed while they’re all out here.
On the Shaido side, we learn that Sevenna is trying to think of a quiet way to assassinate Desaine, the Wise One that is willing to disagree with her and thinks she shouldn’t be playacting as a Wise One when she hasn’t been to Rhuidean. Sevenna has THOUSANDS of Aiel with her. Why are there so many Shaido? And they are fully planning to betray the Aes Sedai and take Rand for their own. And that Sevanna had an odd meetings with a wetlander man who gave her a cube that a channeler can use to get control of Rand, per his words.
25. Morgase is in Amadicia, with the King there. We are reminded, as we’ve been in pretty much every segment. That it’s Really Hot. Morgase isn’t having a great time and it gets worse then the Lord Captain Commander of the Whitecloaks shows up. He brings the news that ‘Gaebril’ is dead, killed by the Dragon Reborn, and offers her five-thousand soldiers to take Andor back from him. He also makes his argument to her that Rand is a false Dragon and that Aes Sedai do all this channeling for him. We also learn that Lady Dyelin is the next in line for the throne if both Morgase and Elayne are dead. He leaves her with the info that he will be posting Whitecloak guards here, where she is staying.
Niall HAS convinced himself of his own story, btw. He absolutely believes not only that Rand is a false Dragon but that the Dragon Reborn isn’t a real thing. Okay, the Trolloc Wars were two-thousand years ago, per Niall here, and Mat’s earliest memories are four or five hundred years before that. So, 2500 years. Okay, got it. Niall DOES believe in the Last Battle, tho. He blames pretty much EVERYTHING on the Aes Sedai in his internal narration. Anyway, he is sending the Questioners to pretend to be Dragonsworn in order to create resistance against Rand.
26. And, then we are back with the Forsaken again. Semirhage and Mesaana are having a meeting and waiting for Demandred. It has been seventeen days since Demandred went to Shayol Ghul, where we started the prologue. Mesaana can’t put her finger on why she doesn’t like Semirhage. lol, we get the story of how Demandred was Second-Best to our LTT in everything his entire life and thus turned to the Shadow. The last of their group that is meeting together is Graendal. She says that Sammael won’t be coming because he doesn’t trust any of the others and possibly not even himself. We learn that Mesaasa is a little over three-hundred and was considered to have just entered early middle-age. lol, Mesaana’s reason for going to the Shadow being that she was denied a research post and had to be a TEACHER instead and now she will TEACH THEM ALL. Oh, Forsaken. “Demandred was the gambler”.
There’s a narrative echo in the EF5 kinda reflecting the Forsaken but not going to the Shadow. Theoretically, Mat, our gambler, COULD feel like Demandred did, always in Rand’s shadow, etc. That was the angle that Melindhra tried to push at him. Except that he didn’t care if he was in Rand’s shadow or not. He was never trying to outmatch Rand’s accolades (which makes a Certain Scene not really ring true for me) or compete with him. Melindhra tried to tell Mat that he was in Rand’s shadow and he was basically... uh, yeah, okay, kinda just want to not die here. He didn’t care. And that’s why he wasn’t Demandred.
It’s interesting to me that Mesaana thinks about how “Lews Therin minted his own luck” because she connects that to Rand, but I feel like, as a reader, that reads much more Mat to me. And I think that... spreading out of ta’veren... is a good thing for the Pattern? Though not always for me, because I want Main Characters Interacting With Each Other lol.
27. And in the last section of the prologue, we meet Osan’gar and Asan’gar. They are 100% not going to be in the show, which is probably for the best. Anyway, they exist and the souls of the two dead Forsaken from EotW stuffed into new (stolen) bodies. Creepy Fade is giving them orders. And we are finally done with this very long prologue! (yes, I know they will get longer lol)
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Letter 10: 🐆 An Arm and a Leg 🐆
A letter arrives in the mail. Well... you assume it was meant to be a letter). Had it not come in an envelope (with several dubious stains) addressed to you, you might have mistaken it for scrap. It looks like someone tore out a sheet of notebook paper (there are Magic History notes scribbled all over it) and wrote in a different ink color in the unused portions: the margins.
A bracelet comes with the letter, but rather than beads, there’s a bunch of polished and sanded off bottle caps strung on a thread. They rattle together when you slide it onto your wrist to test out the size—and would you look at that. There’s a little knotted notch for you to adjust the width of the bracelet to the perfect size doe you.
***Spoilers for chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5!***
Hey, Prefect!
How’s it going? Having a hard time with stuff? Got anything you need done? Thinkin’ about taking someone out without getting your hands dirty? Well, look no further, cuz I’m the hyena for the job—any job! I’ll literally do any job for you as long as I’m paid well. You know Madol’s what makes the the world go round!
... Yeah, this letter’s exactly what it looks like: an advertisement of my services. Look, money’s kinda tight this week and I’m trying to survive to NRC’s founding day celebration so I can feast on whatever fancy catering the headmaster’s got planned, alright? You know where to find me if you need a helping hand.
Just being Leona-san’s errand boy isn’t enough to make ends meet, you know? I’ve got bills to pay and food to eat, and that costs Madol. Plus... there’s all those brats back home that I’m thinkin’ about. I gotta save whatever scraps I can up for them, too.
Maybe there wouldn’t even be a me to look after those kids if it weren’t for you and those first years. I seriously thought I was gonna get turned to sand and crumble when Leona-san unleased King’s Roar... I dunno how, but you guys actually managed to tame that rampaging beast. Good thing you didn’t charge for that, cuz I don’t think I could ever repay you in enough Madol for saving my tail!!
But hey, don’t come to me acting like I owe you one for rescuing me. I helped swipe Azul-kun’s key and contracts! If you think about it, I kinda gave you a freebie too, since I pitched in to build the VDC stage for you guys to perform on!! “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” That’s one of the creeds we live by in Savanaclaw. I’ve paid off my debt to you, so now we’re even!
I’m glad you managed to stop Leona-san before it was too late. I mean, if he went berserk and stayed like that, a lot of people would get hurt—and more importantly, I’d lose an important gig! Without Leona-san around... I’d be out of a major job. He might work me like a dog, but I can’t argue about the perks. Having “Prince’s Errand Boy” in my résumé oughta open up some sweet opportunities for me in the future, don’t ‘cha think?
... I’m just kidding~
As much crap as we give each other, I gotta admit. Leona-san’s kinda growing on me. Sure, he’s rude and lazy and demanding and whatever... but I dunno. There’s something about him that you just can’t help but admire. It makes you wanna smile and follow his lead.
I just know... He’s got a vision of the future, Prefect. A future where beastmen from all walks of life can live in the same savanna on equal grounds. Leona-san knows what he wants. It’s the same wish as me, really. A “just” world where everyone gets the same chances. Young or old, rich or poor, lion or hyena....
That’s why... Even at the cost of my own morals, or an arm and a leg, I’ll stand by Leona-san’s side. I trust in his vision—in our vision. And I’ll do whatever I can to help make that a reality. The world’s an unfair place, so why should we play by its rules? They’re written in the world’s favor, anyway. We’ve gotta rebel against them if we’re ever gonna make any progress~
I told ya before, didn’t I? “Anyone can be king at this school”, even a lowly hyena like me. Night Raven College is exactly the opportunity I needed to cut loose and let my laugh go. I want everyone to experience this rush of freedom, this feeling of flying free. That’s why Leona-san leads, and why I follow in his footsteps.
Anyway, remember to hit me up if you ever need anything—as long as you’re also willing to open your wallet in return. I think I’ve spent enough time writing this letter. I gotta go pick up Leona-san’s lunch, then I gotta help Sam-san restock at the Mystery Shop, and after that I have...
Oh, yeah! About lunch... Tell Grim-kun that I said thanks a lot for the menchi-katsu sandwich~ If he’s still salty about it, I can trade him a dandelion salad next time. It’s cheap, delicious, nutritious, and filling! I promise!
See ya around,
🐆 Ruggie Bucchi 🐆
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ur-jinji · 4 years
wallflowers: part four
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zuko x reader modern au
summary: you say your goodbyes to the gaang after visiting for a long period of time, but will zuko be able to show his face?
a/n: final part!! thanks for being here folks <3
This night had turned into a nightmare. The party was completely ruined for you. The vision of Zuko spitting nasty comments and shoving Sokka replayed in your mind. You eventually tucked yourself into Suki’s bed and fell asleep, and awoke when you heard her come in a while later. She tickled your back gently with her finger tips for a few minutes before rolling over and falling asleep. You followed suit.
You woke up the next morning and checked your phone to see zero texts, which gave your heart an ache. You secretly had hoped Zuko would have texted you. You sighed before setting your phone down and stretching, the movement causing Suki to stir next to you. A moment later, the alarm set on the phone went off, causing her to fully awaken.
“Hey, Y/N. How are you feeling?” She asked softly.
“I’m okay, I guess,” You replied as you rubbed your tired eyes. You sat up and began to gather your things around her room, stuffing them in a suitcase. You made your way to the bathroom, feeling rather gloomy. You changed and readied yourself up before walking to the living room. You found Sokka snoring on the couch loudly. You figured Aang, one of the DD’s of last night, had taken some people home, including Zuko. You made your way to the kitchen and plopped yourself on one of the chairs at the table, busying yourself on your phone. Not long after, Suki entered, looking great as usual. She sat with you, chatting about what had happened after you locked yourself in her room.
“I think everyone’s going to stop by before you go to say bye,” She informed, making your heart drop slightly. That meant Zuko might be there.
“Oh, okay, cool,” You said just above a whisper. “Thanks again for letting me stay with you. I’m gonna miss you .”
“I’ll miss you more, hun. You’re always welcome to stay here. I think it’d be cool to have you as a roomie, if you are considering transferring to BSSU,” Suki said, referring to a conversation you had had about a week ago. You didn’t really like the college in your hometown, and loved being in the city. But all things considered, you weren’t really sure anymore.
“I’ll definitely think about it,” You replied. A sudden knock at the front door made you become filled with dread, and you heard Sokka give a startled yelp from the living room.
“C’mon, that’s probably them,” Suki urged, grabbing your arm and dragging you to the front door. When you opened it, your eyes landed on Katara, Aang, and Toph. You were surprised but at the same time, not, when you realized Zuko was a no show. You wondered if he was ashamed. You wondered if he’d ever try to talk to you again.
You said your goodbyes to your friends, giving them all hugs. Aang gave you a cute friendship bracelet that Katara and him made for you, which caused Sokka to shout jealously from the couch, questioning why they never made him one. After they left, you kicked a newly sleeping Sokka with your foot as a form of goodbye, receiving a shriek in response. Suki drove you to the train station where she tearfully said her goodbyes and gave you a hug. You thanked her again, and exited the car. You waved to her as your neared the entrance, which she returned before driving away. You froze for a second, fishing your phone from your pocket, and disappointed to still see no texts from him. You sighed and slid it back in your pocket. You continued your walk, and heard a sudden screech from brakes of a car. You whipped your head around towards the sound, seeing a familiar car. The driver door flew open, your eyes widening when you saw a raven haired boy jump out, slamming the door behind him.
“Zuko? What are you doing here?” You asked somewhat coldly as he neared you. You released the suitcase handle and crossed your arms.
“I thought I was too late,” He replied, nervously looking down at his feet. “I’m sorry about last night.”
Your mouth remained shut, not able to find the right words.
“Please forgive me,” He whispered. Your mouth gaped slightly, and then closed again. Your words were caught in your throat.
“I try really hard to not be like that anymore. I’ve spent a long time working on it, but the alcohol got the best of me, Y/N,” Zuko spoke, reaching his hand out to touch your arm. You glanced down at it and then back at him, still frozen. “I was just so fucking sad knowing you were leaving. I never want to be away from you.”
You nodded slowly, your face untensing. A second after, you felt the shear force of a magnet, crashing into his arms. Zuko engulfed you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you tight. You felt tears sting your eyes, one slipping down your cheek. The two of you stayed there for a while, silent, taking in the moment. You could feel your heart melt more and more. You pulled away enough to look up at him, seeing his golden irises surrounded by a rosey pink. You moved your arms so they could wrap around his neck, holding his head tightly into your neck as he cried softly.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N,” Zuko whispered against your skin. You held him there for a few more moments, and then picked his head up.
“I forgive you,” You replied softly. He shook away from your grip on the back of his head and leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. You kissed him back with just as much softness. He pulled away after a moment, gazing into your eyes, his filled with relief and warmth. He leaned back in to give you a quick peck, then another, then another.
“I’m going to be late,” You told him, your voice as light as a feather.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Zuko said, sniffling. His expression changed suddenly, an imaginary light bulb appearing over his head. “Let me go with you.”
Your eyebrows rose, shocked. That was crazy. This is crazy, right? So why didn’t it feel crazy?
A smile painted itself onto your face and you nodded eagerly. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, l’m positive. I can help you get ready for school for a few days,” He said, sharing the same smile. “Then, take a train back.”
In response, you grabbed his hand, pulling him gently. Zuko’s fingered wrapped themselves around your suitcase handle, the two of you walking to the entrance of the station, forgetting about his car. He remembered, but he didn’t care.
He just wanted to go with you.
taglist: @teelagurl558 @coldlilheart @complainsalot @sorrythatspussynal
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