#what is absolutely wrong is to throw hate at people because they don't share your opinion when you haven't checked anything or even tried to
sincerity--extreme · 6 months
Some people are SOOO passionate about being completely and utterly stupid
And I'm obviously not talking about those who don't have access to enough information and education to properly, well, educate themselves, I'm talking about those people who have access to everything and simply choose to stand in the same place forever, never check anything they're saying, they hear a phrase and sell a whole story as if they owned the truth
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azulsluver · 11 months
I just binge read your bully au for twst and OMG! What if MC ends up cracking, going numb to protect themselves. They still do as told, but they have sky eyes, no emotion. Who would keep pushing to see them fully break, or who would just dump them like trash!?! Hell, who would enjoy them losing the fight in them!
tw: yandere, bully!characters, blood mention, unhealthy relationships/behavior, victim blaming.
Disclaimer, you don’t actually want this n stay safe from people like this!
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Continue tormenting for fun:
Doesn't take you seriously. That's it? You're giving up already, gosh you really can't do anything by yourself...Leona is less than disappointed, in fact he knew good things would come to an end. But you still serve some purpose to him, Leona can't find himself to throw away his favorite toy, some things are just meant worth keeping. Even when broken and used.
I don't think he'd catch on very quick, how you follow his instructions yet when the heel of his boot hits your back you make no sound of pain. Sebek should've known humans were too weak to handle his training, being pushed a little really got you that gone? This will only give Sebek the advantage to harm you further, he likes taking his frustration out on you without you screaming.
You lasted longer than the others, and he'll applause you for that. Lilia doesn't necessarily hate this new you, embracing it but continues to see just exactly how far you can go. You're only in a shell, and he's not dumb, Lilia will stare longingly into your hollowed orbs, there is still a hint of you. Hiding away from him, Lilia is only fueled to either have you brain dead or back.
You're absolutely divine, he'll say as he wipes the trickling blood on your lips. You can't fool Rook with those dead-beat eyes, in fact this new look is beautiful. Rook craves for more of this expression you possess, he's seen you smile and cry, he wants to unravel more until you actually break. Rook has done some research on how the human mind can shut down when pushed into pressure, the thought of your alive yet corpse like body not instructing as told, he knows you're still in there.
Jamil is conflicted with himself, you're alive but not yourself. A part of him enjoys the fact you won't refuse his affections. But did he really want this? Don't get this the wrong way, Jamil still prefers to beat you into submission, a sick part of him loves you so much yet he can't reciprocate his feelings to you. Understanding that this new you, will help ease his overwhelming emotions, he doesn't need to pretend anymore. Your clouded eyes are what he loves best.
Recents posts of him explain that Vil absolutely needs you just to take his anger out on. He’s in love with you no doubt, but embarrassment shames him from normally communicating with you. So even if you were emotionless he’d find some use, because he can’t get rid of you no matter how badly beaten your skin is. It’s you, and he’ll have no other person.
Didn’t know how to react at first. Epel kicks you a couple of times to see how you’d react. I think he because you aren’t responding to any of his criticisms does he ponder. He’s smitten with you, creating a fake narrative on his behavior that what he’s doing is ok, when he’s well aware it isn’t. Keeps you around because your nice to relieve stress from, doesn’t mind if you aren’t screaming and crying.
Toss them away (but he'll start thinking about you then wants you back eventually):
What a shame...he knew it was a bad idea to share with Floyd. You broke so easily, so fast, just when things were getting good. What good of an experiment if they give the same reaction, you aren't screaming as much as he expected. And the worse part is you listen to exactly what he asks for, there is no hesitation or breaking down to crying, you really are willing to cut off your hand? How boring.
Frustrated, acts as if he didn't expected this to happen. Floyd is throwing a huge tantrum once he finds out you don't kick or scream at him. He misses the terror in your eyes when he asks you a question of such, now you're giving him a blank look! Not safe to say, if Azul or Jade wasn't there, you would've been dead for good, Floyd can't handle the fact his shrimpy is lame now. Out of pure anger, he would let his feelings get the best of him.
At first he wouldn't notice your change of behavior. But that spark in you is gone now, Kalim doesn't want broken things. You were fun to play with, because he usually got high off the power he held over you, his stress toy won't even give him a proper bark. I mean you do bark, just not with enough enthusiasm. Like a fussing child, Kalim would have you thrown out, until he starts to miss having you beside his feet....
Makes the saddest noise when he notices how little you react to his touches. Slaps your cheeks a couple of times to make sure. Dramatically mourns over your past self before rudely telling you how you weren’t gonna last long with him either way. It’s been a nice ride with you he says, leaving with a kiss on the forehead. It’s cruel but depressing, because on his end he’s up at night staring at the photos of your more lively self. He misses those terrified eyes..
Enjoys the new MC and somewhat stops:
The fire within you finally died, no more to fuel to feed. Just burnt ashes laying pitifully on the floor, grimy and unusual. Riddle is relived, he had proved a point to himself. All of his hard work to make you into the perfect person, docile and understanding. Riddle now has no reason to push you, you're at your fullest degree. You do as told, and no one gets hurt, physically and emotionally. (he's just like his mom frfr)
At a sense of peace. Once Ace understands that you are no longer you but a fragment he's thrilled. His mean names slowly die down, much more softer and cheesy when talking to you. If you're still there, disgusted or not he'd lay his head on your shoulder and mumble to you how much of a coward he was to confess. But all went well, the paranoia of you rejecting him gone. I mean what else can a lifeless you do?
Has no other reason to bully you. You’re doing things just as he wanted and he couldn’t be happier. Like Ace he was paranoid of your rejection. But you don’t stray away from his rough hands massaging your cheek, kisses that bruise your lips. It’s heaven for him, he wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
He didn’t think you’d break so fast. Malleus barely lays a hand on you yet his words cut deep. Perhaps you finally learned your place, all that hard work and learning how to court a single-minded human like you payed off. You won’t have to face the wrath of his verbal abuse because he’s nothing but sweet to you. You look lovely no matter how bad it gets.
Ruggie didn’t go extreme measures to hurt you that bad. Maybe he got to you before the others could take advantage of your newfound persona. Like he always do, Ruggie takes care of things. By things he means you. Sure you’re practically not yourself anymore but it’s still you in some shape and form. His words won’t mean nothing to damage you, so now you’ll be taken under his care. Best person to be with in this situation.
Shitty attitude stopped so quick. Was leaning more to tossing you away but Idia gets attached quickly. He would never admit but you’re his favorite pastime everything, he can’t ditch you. So eventually all of his bullying stop because there is nothing to get a reaction from. Much more calmer and talkative around you. It’s nice knowing you aren’t actively judging him as he talks, no cover ups to be douche.
Once the numbers of people targeting you goes down does he step in. Jack is worried, genuinely. I think reader being emotionless snaps something inside of him, does he claim to protect you fully and run away from everyone else. His guilt that you turned out this way eats him, but he downs it out by telling himself you brought too much attention now he must clean the mess up.
There is a good case scenario if Malleus wasn’t so attached to you and Sebek left you alone!! Lilia can see how devastated Silver is once he finds out your condition. You’re almost lifeless, Lilia let’s Silver care for you because he finally found the guts to ask. Silver tends to your needs, all those years of standing from afar and watching you get hurt somewhat paid off. You’re dependent on him and he doesn’t wanna admit how good it feels.
Settles down like some retired man. He’s happy you found peace and stop causing trouble. You’ll be in his full care now, sure he’ll have his usual sadistic tendencies but it’s much more tame and softer. He doesn’t mind however if you come back to him all bruised and sore, he will feed and clothe you back to health. Over and over again. At least he stops his bullying behavior for a while.
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lixie-phoria · 10 months
ੈ✩‧ ➛ best friend!hyunjin gets jealous of this new boy you've been talking a little too much about
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pairing : best friend!hyunjin x gn reader
prompt : hyunjin can't help but get jealous of the new boy you seem to be infatuated with lately, hating the ugly feeling that burned through his chest everytime you said his name. he wishes he had realized sooner that he had absolutely nothing to worry about, because this new boy was, in fact, only fictional.
genre : fluff, little bit of angst bc hyunjin is jealous :(
word count : 707 words
an : extremely self indulgent haha
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hyunjin was in love with you. everybody knew it; his friends knew, your friends knew, even the people in your university that he had never spoken to before knew about it. everyone seemed to know except for you.
but the boy could never confess. everytime he came close to, something always seemed to come in the way. this time it was another boy.
he first heard the name rindou when the two of you were out with a group of friends. he noticed how your phone's screen lit up and the girl sitting right beside you burst into a fit of giggles when she noticed your lockscreen. you switched off your phone before he could catch a glimpse of it himself, but he did hear the faint teasing of your friend. "i know you like rindou, but so much that he's already your lockscreen?"
hyunjin's heart dropped when he noticed the slight blush on your cheeks as you told her to shut up.
he was heartbroken. partly because you were best friends and you apparently didn't feel comfortable enough sharing about this new boy with him, and partly because here he had been pining over you for years and now you were suddenly interested in someone else?
hyunjin wanted to cry. what did rindou have that he did not? heck, he didn't even know who this boy was. he'd asked everyone around campus and there was no rindou who studied there. was it someone you met online? maybe on a dating app?
hyunjin's first impulse was to distance himself from you. it drove him mad, not seeing you for days and hearing the disappointment in your voice everytime he called off a plan.
but it was for the best, right? wrong. he couldn't have been more wrong.
the first time he saw you after an entire week was at a party, and his heart hurt when he saw the smile he loved so much take over your face when you saw him.
you rushed forward, throwing yourself in his arms. hyunjin wanted to wrap his own arms around you and breathe in your scent that he had missed so much and just never let you go. but he pulled away anyways, ignoring the hurt that flashed across your face.
"don't get too close. we don't want your boyfriend getting jealous, do we?"
he didn't meant to sound so crass, but it slipped out and there was nothing he could do about it as you blinked at him blankly. once. then twice.
he scoffed. so first you kept rindou a secret from him and then you were going to play dumb? did you think hyunjin was that stupid?
"rindou. the guy who's your new lockscreen. aren't you with him?"
hyunjin was confused as your expression slowly morphed into a horror struck one.
"is that what you're salty about?" you asked incredulously.
"well, of course i'm a bit hurt you didn't tell me about him. i would be happy for you, you know, if you really liked him."
the poor boy was so confused when you burst into a fit of laughter, clutching at his arm for support.
"you mean that rindou?" was all you could manage between gasps as he stared at you with increasing confusion.
what was so funny?
"jinnie, no," you said, shaking your head. "rindou is a fictional character. he doesn't exist. he's from a manga i'm reading"
hyunjin felt heat rise up his face as he hastily freed his arm from your grasp, turning away from you so you wouldn't notice his increasingly embarrassed expression. rindou was fictional?
gods, hyunjin felt so stupid. all this for a boy who doesn't even exist?
"hyunjin, look at me."
he ignored you, letting out a huff as you tried to control the laughter that threatened to bubble out again.
"jinnie, please?"
"stop calling me that."
"but that's the only way you'll listen to me."
the two of you seemed to have forgotten the party raging around you.
"this is so embarrassing. please leave me alone."
"were you jealous?"
his silence spoke volumes and he heard you huff softly.
"jinnie, turn around, please?"
"so you can laugh at me more?"
"no, you dumbass, so i can kiss some sense into you."
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©lixie-phoria, 2023
🏷️ @foxinnie8 , @hamburgers101 , @starlostlaiba (send an ask to be added/removed from the taglist :))
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babyflorencee · 6 months
You're stuck with me
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Regulus Black x fem!Reader
"I just don't understand why you're so upset over this," I said, with a confused expression.
"Y/n, how can you be so stupid? That guy was hitting on you harder than a hammer to a nail, and he was so damn obvious about it!" Regulus yelled, roughly running his hand through his Brown locks.
This had been going on for around 2 hours. All the yelling, screaming, and insults that were being spat at each other, just to prove a point, that neither of us was able to get across.
Why was Regulus so mad, you might ask? Well, he's mad because some guy at a diner asked for my phone number, and was just overall hitting on me the whole night, even though he was well aware that I was with Reggie. However, if it wasn't for Regulus' trust issues and lack of self-control, maybe we wouldn't have left the guy limp on the floor with a bullet between his eyes. "What? Am I not good enough for you so you have to go out and seek attention from other people!" he yelled, face red with anger.
Regulus has always been insecure about our relationship. He thought I deserved better, so when he said that, my heart immediately broke. However, I was still mad at him.
"Trust me babe, you're more than enough! But that's not what the problem is!" I yelled back, getting more and more annoyed with him.
"Then please, enlighten me with what the problem is!" He yelled, throwing his arms in the air like a madman.
"You want to know what the problem is? You're way too clingy, and you're jealous ALL the damn time. Like I get, I'm yours and only yours! Reg, we are literally engaged. I'm not going anywhere, so why the fuck can't you get that through that thick head of yours?" I yelled back, not thinking about what I was saying. However, what I said hurt him, and he wasn't about to let that comment slide.
"Jealous? Well, excuse me for not being content with the idea of another man's hands all over that body of yours. You know, the body that's mine, and only mine to see and touch!" The whole fight was pointless; we both knew this, but neither of us wanted to back down.
Regulus and I have been in a relationship for a little over 3 years. We very clearly loved each other with all our hearts. We have only fought four times in our entire relationship, but this fight was different, but in the worst way possible. The intrusive thought of Reggie and me breaking up started to seem less crazy.
"Listen, I don't like sharing. I never have, and I absolutely refuse to share you. I don't want to fight about this anymore. It's silly. Can we just agree to disagree that the whole thing is that guy's fault?" He said, as he opened his arms out for me, with a hopeful expression.
I didn't respond. I just walked over towards him, engulfing him in a tight hug. Regulus immediately starts burying his head into my neck, holding onto me as if I was going to disappear any minute. Once we pulled away, he refused to look at me, instead; he looked at the floor. "Can we cuddle?" He asked, his voice so quiet I could barely make out what he said.
"Of course," I took his hand in mine, smiling up at him.
Once we got to mine and Regulus' bedroom, I was immediately pulled on the bed, being crushed by Regulus' weight. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, I knew something was on his mind. "Hey Reg, what's wrong?" I asked, already having an idea of what he was going to say.
He sighed, rolling off of me so that he was on his side of the bed. "I hate fighting with you," he said, his voice breaking.
I pulled him into a tight hug, wishing that the fight had never happened. "I was scared, for a minute there, that we were going to break up," he mumbled, into my shoulder.
"Never in a million years," I whispered into his ear, entangling my hand into his hair.
"You're stuck with me," I said, laughing a little.
We lay back down, grasping onto each other as if our lives depended on it. "I'm glad that's over," Reg said, placing a kiss on my cheek, yawning.
"Night love," I said, rubbing his lower back until I eventually fell asleep.
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jewish-vents · 1 month
I can't with this anymore uhhhhhhggggg
"AITAH for creating a private doc to keep notes on what my racist teacher said"
I have this teacher who said a lot of shit (eg. "Ashkenazi people were Europeans forcefully converted by invading Jews", "the Torah mentions Jesus and Mohammed", "Judaism started in Ethiopia because it's the oldest religion and therefore must come from where all people do", "getting angry at Houthis for attacking Israel is like getting angry at a l*nched man for struggling on the noose", etc.). No one cared that she said these things besides a boy she kept deadnaming, a girl who she used as an example talking about slave r*pe, and a kid who she humiliated in front of the class a few times.
When I reported this shit to the dean he was concerned as fuck and 100000% on my side because he's really cool. And to report the stuff, I'd been using a private google doc to keep track of what she'd said. The principal though was overly optimistic and decided instead of talking to the teacher in private, she would hold a class discussion! Yaaaaaaayyyyyyy. I was less than pleased by this, and at the discussion most people took her side. I eventually decided to share the doc with the other three kids so I could get better firsthand accounts.
But then the doc started spreading.
One of the other kids shared it with this boy who she used to mock and throw under the bus, and he shared it with his friend. Who shared it with another friend. Things went like whisper-down-the-lane until someone, I don't know WHO, got a hold of it and shared it to the whole. Fucking. Class. Including the teacher. People started claiming the doc was Islamophobic and didn't elaborate why, and saying we were only "attacking" the teacher because she was Muslim. Or that we only reported this stuff to get drama and attention. The principal herself even said that this was happening because we have varying cultures, which is BS because I have plenty of Muslim friends who have never said ANY of the shit this lady has. That is waaaayyyy more Islamophobic of a statement and I felt offended on my friends' behalf with that one.
I feel bad for the teacher for seeing that doc, but then again, I myself am suffering because someone leaked all my personal opinions to the class. I'm a super conflict avoidant person because I have severe ADHD and OCD and mild autism (ASD1, to be specific), and I hate being involved. I want to sympathize for her. I really do. But when asked to apologize for what she said, she started defending herself and saying we were all closed-minded for not thinking what we previously thought was wrong. My mom wants to take me out of the class to do an independent study project so I can pass the required course without being in that classroom. Because nothing gets in the way of Jewish parents. Especially during Passover.
My classmates are saying she's a sweet lady and it was wrong of us to get upset at her, so are we the bad guys and/or am I overreacting to this scenario.
Anon I'm going to be very honest here. You are absolutely NTA here. And you're not overreacting at all. Your teacher is being very offensive, not to mention historically wrong.
And the doc? If she didn't want to have her offensive opinions called out in front of everyone, maybe she should stop being offensive.
I'm going to say, personally if she were my teacher the doc would be the least of her problems. She would not like me very much.
I hope you're safe tho, you and the other students she's hurt. You don't deserve to be treated like this
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mayullla · 1 year
Hey there! Can I get Venti with 🍀? And 🐝 reader please :)
If its okay ofc, ypu dont have to :D
Title: Different View
Character(s): Venti (Genshin Impact)
Summary: What was once a normal life soon came crashing down the moment you realized that you were nothing but a future playable character in this game.
Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, Gn!reader, Sagau but opposite where you are the character
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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You wondered when you started to fear the cheerful bard who would sing songs and recite poems for angel's share.
"I can't wait for you to be playable so that me and you can join hands and travel the world! Nothing can stop us." Venti the bard name said in good cheer as he sips his dandelion wine. His gaze never left you, slightly closed from the gleeful smile on his face. "Don't you think the same?"
You don’t. You wish that you would never be playable, you wished that you would never fall into his hands.
You thought that this was your life a bartender in Angel's share. Growing up finding interest in the way of making drinks while also picking up a weapon to train in. You thought that this was it. That you could never ask for any more than this, satisfied with this peaceful life. Yet you were proven wrong the moment when everything became but a screen that you could not reach while the other side could do what ever they want to your world.
You felt pain and anguish when you found out that you were nothing but a character in a game. Something that wasn't even real that your life and feelings were all just something made up for the sake of being behind that large screen, an entertainment for others.
You absolutely hated it. Yet you could not do anything about it, no matter how many days you stayed in your house stuck in your bed that Diluc your boss had to give you a break because of how he saw the dark circles under your eyes and your tired frame…. How broken you were from this news while others weren'tas affected. He tried to give you advice, but what was given and not taken cannot be recieved.
You were glad that you were not one of the first many characters to be playable, that your kit unlike others was still not even created. Something that was basically where they would tie ropes and strings to you so that you would follow each and every single command from this device the other side used.
That fact was the only thing keeping you from going insane. That you had time to appreciate what would soon be gone from your hands.
Unlike others you still had time. You still had your freedom so slowly you pulled yourself up wanting no more than to continue your life acting as if nothing was the matter as you told your boss Diluc that you can come back now to angel's share.
As a bartender you watched your fair share of drunken customers in the bar. Some were noisy if not a bit rowdy you always found comfort in the fact that your boss could not stand violent behavior in his shop and the fact that there were always the Knights of Favonious stationed around to make calling for help easier if someone decided to throw a bottle or two.
Yet this particular drunken bard was different. Someone who you used to ignore in the past you now notice because of the vision that he had on his cape. He was a "playable character" or so that was what the other person said. You never really noticed him till now too busy with your own job creating drinks for the next order but you do remember having appreciated his poems and songs that he made and sang in exchange for a bottle of dandelion wine.
He was one of the early characters to be playable when everyone found out they were nothing but a game. You thought that you would find comfort in each other's presence and that maybe he too would have felt suffocating at the fact they were nothing but puppets.
Really it was a naive thought of yours.
Something you never noticed before you noticed now.
You were wrong to ever assume that there would be people who would think like you. Your boss himself accepted this new view of the world so quickly when you always thought he was more stubborn than to accept it so quickly… so easily.
When you looked at the others with visions they too quickly accepted the fact, acting as nothing has changed. When you watched Diona just continue her search for ingredients to make the worst cocktail possible. How Jean would continue to help Monstade’s people to the point she overwork herself. Or how Kaeya and Rosaria would continue to come to the drinks their day away. Sometimes they would drink to the point they could not walk yet never once was the reason they drank because of this new view in life that they were nothing but playable characters was hard to accept.
You felt alone…
“Ah! Bartender I am back got any dandelion wine for this bard? I will pay you with stories of my quest with the team and tell you of the wonderful sceneries that I happened to come across!”
However it only got worst... you notice a certain gaze of a certain drunk bard who was gleefully smiling at you. Something you never noticed until now, when you were so sensitive to the world around you one odd pin drop will make you look up, one odd sound... tone... gaze... you were so sensitive to everything.
When did he start looking at you? You don't know.
When did you notice his poems mixed in with poems of freedom mix in with songs and poems of another world, another view, another kind of love...
He played his harp with a light smile on his face yet you could see his eyes. Dangerous your mind warned you, his eyes looked as if it was swirling with madness and obsessions hidden but the shine of mischievousness.
“What I think of the user? That this isnt freedom? Hmmm well that depends on the people and their thought. If this is something that they choose on their freewill to follow the user I see no problem with it!”
Nobody noticed how his poems of innocent love turned into poems of obsession. Nobody noticed his eyes cheerful and bright was more heavy, deep and knowing.
“I quiet like the adventures I have with the user tho and while my team is rather fun... I do miss angel share sometimes.”
He didn't stay long, usually busy as a character that was pulled by the human behind the screen he was needed in a team of 4. Those were the moments when you could breathe. But he would always come back, humming a new tune as he told you about his adventures with the team.
He told you about Imazuma's archon how he got to meet her again and how she almost killed him or how the Sumeru desert was so hot he didn't think he would make it out alive.
“Right now I wish I was sitting on the top of a tree with you, waiting for the user to come back so that me and you can go back to adventuring and finding inspiration. With a cider in hand or any of the finest liquor in other nations in hand. Dont you think it is like a dream?”
Always he would bring a present for you, a pearl he found at Watasumi Island, Sumeru rose, or maybe a small Cor Lapis from Liyue. He also made them into poems for you and others to enjoy but he would always look at you with hoping that you found the poems and rhymes as beautiful as he does.
You knew why.
"I wonder when you will become a playable character? It would be fun to see the world with you!" Venti smiled at you, he was waiting. Waiting to drag you into his arms, forced into a team with him, he was waiting for the moment when you and he could not be pulled apart as you traveled the world with him by your hip.
You never wanted anything like that.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 5 months
Hello! So I figured I should probably share my two cents on this since you seem pretty open for discussion. I understand a previous anon brought up the fact that this isn’t excusing it’s just explaining and I also understand that Magnifico mainly went all villain when that rat book took control, but I also feel like there may be a slight… I’m not sure how to describe it honestly so I’ll let the rest of my ask speak and see if hopefully my point tangible.
Magnifico did hold a weapon to Amaya’s face to threaten her into agreeing with him, and based on her reaction to seeing him with the evil magic (rapid breathing, shaky speech, flinching, instant fawn + freeze reaction) it’s possible she likely has some form of trauma that I personally believe may have been a abusive relationship.
I should say I am NOT a Magnifico hater, I don’t believe he was a villain at all but I’m not sure about hero. Of course I’m open to hearing others out and I’m entirely open to learning new things and changing my opinions! So this isn’t me saying ‘No you’re wrong I’m right’ it’s just intended as me giving my own personal views and asking for yours in return! Sorry for the three paragraph ask and I hope that you have a great day! 💙
(Also to people who hate on Magnifico that are coming to this account, just why?? Just leave instead of throwing a hissy fit in this persons asks whose just being kind and sharing their personal views, it’s that easy 😒)
Hey anon!
First of all, thank you for being so nice and defending me! Absolutely right! It's beyond me how someone who doesn't like him comes to my blog to nagg at me for loving and defending him, make me a bad person and furthermore accuse me of things .... crazy, anyway! Don't apologize for this long ask! 😆 I appreciate you wanting my opinion! I also wish you a great day! 💙
Now, let's begin this, shall we?
I can actually explain this as well!! 😃 (and no, it doesn't have anything to do with me loving and defending Magnifico. (Well mostly. *Eherm*) this is based on logical observations!
Soo, Amaya's reactions ... I'm absolutely sure they're not because he's been abusive. Magnifico had been nothing but a sweetheart to her. The explanations are much simpler and relatable.
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Amaya knew that Magnifico was able to do great magic, she knew he was very powerful. But she also knew the evil book was powerful. She didn't know to what degree but what do you think happens to someone who's already powerful and gets posessed/controlled by an evil force?
Exactly. They become dangerous and unpredictable. The more power someone has the more dangerous they'd be if posessed by evil. Think of the nicest, sweetest dog, who'd never bite, never do anything bad. If this dog was to get posessed by an evil force, it could maul someone to death. It has teeth and a very powerful jaw to begin with.
The other thing is, who wouldn't flinch if someone pointed a weapon at them? This is a natural human reflex. Yes, some people are jumpier than others (I am 🤣, truly! Sometimes my coworker sneaks up on me while I work on a client to whisper something in my ear and I squeal in shock every single time. It's funny for everyone but me.) But we're talking about Amaya here! It's normal for the body to react if threatened. So we have our reasons why she went fawn mode.
Also, one of the first things she says to him is "How could you!" So, he's already in a very bad place, traumatized, suffering and on top posessed by evil now, and the first thing he's confronted with by his "wife" is blame. Nice. Blame! Guilt tripping and cornering him even further! Bravo Amaya 👏🏼
So Amaya being scared is relatable and justified. But does her being afraid justify her dumping and backstabbing Magnifico? No.
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Just look at her smirk as she gives the guards the order to put him in the dungeons! I'm fine with Amaya x Magnifico shippers but I personally will never ship them! Poor man was desperate and shocked at how quickly and with how much ease she was writing him off.
If Magnifico had been her soulmate, she would have fought to death to get him back. Just imagine, if she had stood up and defended him, pleading her people to help her, saying something like : "Listen to me! Magnifico isn't evil, he's posessed by evil! I know he's dangerous and unpredictable right now but I know he's still in there somewhere and if we can reach him, we can get him back! I know you're scared, I am too, but together we can make it! Please, stand with me!"
I mean, she's the queen, alright? The people of Rosas are to obey and follow her command right after Magnifico. One right word of her and her people would follow her and not Asha. Btw. She could have also asked Asha and her friends to help her. I don't think they would have disagreed if she'd pleaded with them. She's their queen! Or would Asha have turned against Amaya as well then? 😐
You cannot tell me they wouldn't have been able to reach and save Magnifico by standing together in love and bold compassion! We literally saw how the wishes and (star) were set free from the evil force just by singing and standing together! Only imagine they had done this to free Magnifico! Saying he wasn't savable because the evil book said so is bullcrap.
I don't believe the evil book! A evil book is well, evil! And light will always be more powerful than darkness! Love will always be stronger than hate! Imagine a room full of darkness, then light a match, that tiny speck of light is still glowing! The dark cannot consume it! Because in light there cannot be darkness. And what does a evil book do besides destroy and corrupt?
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Also, this looks painful! 🥺☝🏻this is nothing but incredibly tragic and sad!
Also, in the past, every single heroine has managed to break curses by true love and compassion! I was reminded of Moana and Te fiti for this!
Do you guys remember that scene, where Moana realizes that Te Fiti is still inside the posessed evil monster? Was Moana afraid? Sure she was! But did that stop her from reaching out to get her back? No!
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Te ka (evil Te Fiti) could have burned Moana to a crisp in the split of 2 seconds but Moana still bravely approached her! She willingly faced death because she knew Te Fiti was still in there and by her immense love and compassion she'd get her back! She went "this is not who you are!" And boom!
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There's more!
I also remember a scene from the 2 Maleficent live action! When Maleficent was consumed and controlled by hate, anger and revenge. She was all hiss, roar, I'm evil and Aurora stood up to her and told her "This isn't you! There's another way! I know who you are! I know you!" And Maleficent replies "You do not!" And Aurora in tears, in pain but 100% certain, says "Yes I do! You're my mother!"
And just like that the evil in Maleficent crumbles. True loves overcomes all evil! It's always been that way.
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And even if no one would have helped Amaya, we'd still have the (true love breaks every curse!) But she did nothing. Well, she did run to Asha and her friends to sing about how bad he's always been like a pop star. She gave Magnifico up over the course of minutes, didn't even try fighting to get him back and wrote him off with a smile!
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Magnifico was deeply hurt, the betrayal stung and he suffered inside. He had so much pain and anger and his anger is justified! Please, put yourself in his shoes for a moment. One doesn't even have to fully understand trauma and the whole complexity of the different forms of ptsd.
He only ever tried his best to have everyone happy and content. He only ever wanted to protect and keep safe. That's always been his goal. He held onto his power because he wanted to be strong enough to keep whats dear to him from harm at all costs! If someone wants to protect that fiercly it only means that person loves immensly 1 and 2 has suffered unbelievable painful loss. He loved his people! He cared for his people immensly. So much so he was willing to get himself posessed by evil even if he never wanted to! He felt forced by his desperation and utter fear.
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And what did his people do in the end? Can you imagine how badly it must have hurt to realize you've only been loved for what you can do and give? How used he must have felt? He's been celebrated more for being handsome and a limitless genie than a loving king who established an amazing kingdom and ruled it well! He's bent backwards and all it took his people to turn on him was a teenager who thinks she knows better than anyone with a strange cute looking creature from the sky, they btw. knew just as little about!
Everyone backstabbed and betrayed him. Here he is, at the peak of all his suffering and posessed. His soul surely cried for help, hoped for anyone to reach out to him but no one did. He got kicked into his wound even further. Quite literally, this was the thanks he got.
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cosmica-galaxy · 4 months
Okay. Clarification time.
Regarding the concern for Smols situation, I will state MY point of view regarding this little hiccup now that Turtleduck deactivated so suddenly. Just to help settle some confusion or worries some people have for what may have happened.
So, what happened?
Basically, Turtleduck was asked by Smol if they were upset with the wars going around on our blogs, which started this little hiccup.
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Please keep this in mind for a little bit later.
So Turtleduck stated that they don't like to see the fighting going around the blogs. Aight, that's fair. Not everyone cared about the DILF/MILF wars and that's totally fine!
It was this comment that followed this conversation that probably snagged things a little bit.
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(Yes. I blocked out turtleduck's profile to prevent their identity from being leaked as I consulted a friend for a comment to double check if I was be a little miffed for no reason or not.) As you can see, the last sentence is worded pretty poorly. This came off to me as "I want ruin people's fun so that they can go back to entertaining me". Even if that was not the intention, the comment painted a really rude and entitled picture on turtleduck. Even my friend that I consulted for an outside eye on this comment spoke about how rude the comment was toward the end and how even they felt like they were self-serving in a way. Not only that--
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--Even STRUX felt that it was rude. This is why Strux is saying this in the original post.
Another thing to keep in mind is that, while Turtleduck claimed to have not liked our blog battles (which would've been find on it's own), they were actively ENCOURAGING blog battles.
I'm pretty sure a lot of my moots got THIS same message.
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They sent it to multiple large skibidi blogs (strider, strux, another dead, ect.) in some hope that we would all jump on coolbeardrunaway with smol bottles. But my question is, if you are against blog battles...why are you actively encouraging them?
That's a little hypocritical, right? In short, I got the same ask and I didn't respond to it because I saw the previous message and was a little miffed.
Nothing overtly major happened. It was just a series of poorly communicated comments that rubbed a fair bit of us the wrong way.
Wait, is THIS the whole reason for this hiccup?
As far as I know, yeah. If anything was said otherwise, I have no knowledge of it. But it was mostly because of that second comment that lots of brows got raised and Smols became upset. Smols is doing fine, by the way! Don't worry! But why did Turtleduck deactivate their account??
I have no clue.
This isn't some scalding hot tea, it's barely lukewarm at best. This isn't some large scale drama either, its just someone being a little too honest with their intentions and desires.
Does this make turtleduck a villain?
Obviously no. I had no intention to hate nor despise turtleduck nor shame them. In short, us in this skibidi community are moots of moots and we entertain each other through these "wars" for both interaction and fun. We share art, stories, characters, ideas, ect. We love doing these with each other and sorry if that is not what followers came here for, but I'm not going to apologize for having fun with my Tumblr friends. I am not being chained up and made to be your source of "content" and entertainment. I, like all of my skibidi moots, are people with lives and interests. We don't live on this platform to serve and entertain you. Don't insult artists when they give you everything they can for absolutely free. Treating us with basic respect isn't that hard. If I had to say anything at all, I would have only have some parting advice for turtleduck. You are the type of person who makes group activities, roleplays, and fandom collabs not as fun as they can be. If your first reaction to seeing a bunch of people having fun in a community by sharing ideas and making art for one another is to throw a wrench into the works to make everyone pay attention to you and cater to your own personal interest...I can't blame Smols. I would've of blocked you too. That's all!
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
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I’m just tired || Tom holland
Paring: Dad!Tom
Warnings: Tired reader, Angst kinda
Summary: You and Tom have a daughter who is  2 years old. Tom has been away filming and at night you have been getting no sleep, due to your daughter going sleep too late. One day Harry comes over, to see you looking very tired. He offers to help, however you say that your fine. The story carries on from there ;)
(I know it’s kinda like my ‘I’m sorry mummy’ one but people really liked it so here’s another)
Tom and I have a daughter who is now 2 years old turning 3 soon. Her name is Scarlett and she can be a very adorable, nice girl at some times. However she can have her days where she wants to throw tantrums everywhere and scream and cry all the time. It can be very stressful at times because Tom isn't always here. I know he can't help it due to filming, but I miss him a lot. I don't tell him how stressed and tired i've been lately as he's busy filming in America.
Yeah I know I should ask for help from his parents or brothers, however I wanna try be a good mum to Scarlett and try do it on my own. My best friend, Y/B/F/N, even told me that I need a break and I should ask for help, but I simply can't.
Lately Scarlett has been going bed so late around 1-3am. Her bed time routine has been so bad, so i've been up so late recently. Normally she has a good routine but whenever Tom goes she just messes around as I am what they call the 'soft parent'. I try be the mean one but I feel too bad when I try tell her off.
"Scarlett you need to go sleep, your uncle Harry is coming over tomorrow" I lay her back down. The time was currently 2:45am and she just wasn't going sleep.
"No. I want the phone" She huffs.
"You can watch something on my phone tomorrow-we'll today when you wake up" I place her back in her small bed.
"NOOOO" She runs out the room, so I chase after her. "I DONT WANNA GO BED" She screams and cries throwing some of her toys.
"Stop please bubs. Just go sleep" I was absolutely exhausted at this point. I only had 2 hours sleep last night and I know tonight will be the same.
(Btw she's still young so her words won't be clear so that's why they look like they are spelt wrong)
"Daddy would lwt me stay awke" she stood up crossing her arms.
"No he wouldn't"
"Yes daddy would!" she stomps her foot.
I lost it at this point, "WELL YOUR DADDY ISN'T HERE, I AM! SO YOU DO AS YOUR MUM SAYS AND GO TO BED!!" I shouted, then she runs up the stairs crying. Honestly after I said that I felt bad so so bad. This is why I am the soft parent because I never shout at her but she always listen to Tom. It's like she hates me and me only.
Walking up the stairs, I open her room door to see her crying under her covers. Slowly going over to her, I try pull the covers but she holds them tight. "I'm so sorry princess" I whisper.
"Go away pwease" her little voice choked.
"okay. Goodnight" I whisper walking out the room, crying on the way to mine and Toms shared one.
That night I cried all night long, I must've only got like 1 hour sleep. I woke up early in the morning as well , around 7am. The house needed to be cleaned and I had a lot of things to do. Harry was coming over at 1pm.
"Scarlett come down here, your uncle Harry will be here any minute now" I tiredly shout from the living room. Then I heard loud footsteps running down the stairs. Scarlett still hasn't spoken to me since last night but I understand.
About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door, so I stood up opening it. Harry stood there with a big smile on his face.
"Hi y/n- oh wow are you okay?" His smile fades as he looks at my face.
"Yeah I'm fine" I shut the door behind him, giving him a side hug.
"You sure? You have big bags under your eyes. Are you even sleeping?" He takes his shoes off.
"Yes just had a rough night that's all" I lied sitting back down on the sofa.
"Uncle Harry!" Scarlett yelled jumping into Harry's arms.
"Heyy Scarlett! wow your getting bigger" He holds her on his hip. I can't lie I was trying so bad not to fall asleep. My arm was on the side with my cheek resting in my palm of my hand.
"Y/N you look really tired. I can take scarlett for a bit. Let you get some r-"
I cut him off, "No it's fine. I'm okay. Anyways how's everyone?...."
A couple hours has past, Harry already left. We just talked about random things and he played with Scarlett. He did keep offering to help, however I denied it. I needed to be independent and do this on my own.
Walking into Scarlett room I smile saying, "Bath time"
"I dwnt want a bawth" She says still playing with her toys.
"Come on smelly. You can bring some of your toys with you" I smile picking her up.
"I wanna play stop!" she starts kicking.
"Scarlett, what's up with this behaviour. Your normally a good girl" It was true, normally she's really good but recently she's been so bad. Maybe it was because she misses her dad, I wasn't sure.
She grabs the bathroom door, I shout "Let go!" I lock the bathroom door after so she couldn't get out.
"AHHHHHH" she screams laying on the floor.
After what felt like hours, she finally went into the bath. It must've been around 9p.m when she got out. She even started a fight when getting out the bath because she didn't want to brush her teeth. Scarlett was now laying on my bed crying with her head in the pillow.
That was until my phone rang and the picture with the contact of 'Tom❤️' came up. He normally FaceTimes whenever he can, even though it's hard with the timings.
"oh look daddy's calling" that's when her head shot up, wiping her tears she grabs my phone answering it.
"Hi ba-oh hey princess" he smiles into the phone. I could just about see him, looking cute as ever. It still hurt. I really miss him and I need him :(
"hi daddy" she smiles whilst sniffing. It makes me sad to know that she's so happy when she speaks to her dad and not me. I wouldn't say Im jealous, well I kinda am. But the feeling of your daughter hating you......makes you feeling like shit.
"What's the matter bubs?" he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Nwthing. Just hwr" Scarlett showed the camera quickly to me then back to herself.
Wow she just called me 'her'. I thought wiping a tear that fell, making sure they don't see.
"Scarlett she's your mummy, don't say 'her'-"
"Well shwe been mean. She keeps shouting at mw and she's being not fair!" she whines to him.
"Pass the phone to mummy please bubs" He says and she listens. See what I mean she listens to him but not me.
What am I doing so wrong?
I pick up the phone showing my face with a fake smile. "Hi darling" he smiles.
"Hi Tommy, how's filming?" I ask.
"Good, good. How's everything at home?"
"Everything's great." I lied again and Scarlett just glares at me.
"You sure? Harry called me today saying you looked tired. Which I can see by the bags under your eyes"
"Well Harry was wrong. I'm fine, I just had a rough night"
"Daddy when are you coming home?" Scarlett takes the phone with tears falling down her face.
"very soon scar don't cry though bubs" he says.
"Okay daddy"
"Well be good for mummy yeah?"
"Yeah. Goodnightw daddy" She smiles.
"Goodnight princess" He blows a kiss into the phone, then waiting for the phone to be passed back to me but I pressed to end the call. I know I should've spoken to him, told him that i'm tired and I need help. But Tom would probably try give me a lecture of how I should go to his families house.
Tom then sent a message:
Tom❤️- I thought we were gonna talk. You okay, love? xxx
Y/N - yeah just tired
Tom❤️- Oh okay. We'll get some sleep I love you Goodnight xxx
Y/N- Night love you xx
Little did you know Tom was on his way back. He would probably arrive around 2am-3 but he was coming back to surprise you and Scarlett.  
Yep, for the fourth night in a row Scarlett doesn't want to go sleep. I've been placing her in her bed, I've tried laying with her, however she just won't go sleep without putting up a fight.
"Do you want me to read a book?" I hold a book in my hands showing her it.
She slaps it out of my hands so it hits my face, "No! I'm not twired" She gets up from her bed.
Grabbing her arm softly, I pull her back down on the bed. "Your staying here until you fall asleep"
"No! No,NOOOO!" she runs down the stairs into the front room. This time I chased after her full of anger as I was tired.
"SCARLETT NO TV BED NOW" Grabbing the controller out of her hands.
"IM NOT TIRED!" She screams and cries.
"YOUR THE WORSTW MUMMY EWVER THATS WHY!" she throws one of her toys at the wall.
wow. That hurts.
Before I could say anything else back, the door opened and shut. There stood Tom, with his suitcase and a worried expression. His hair was messy, with a curl falling down his face and after 3months of not seeing him he felt like a ghost. You hadn't seen him in ages.
"hey, hey why's my two favourite girls fighting for at this time" he throws his bag on the floor, then flinging his shoes off.
"D-daddy" Scarlett cried running into her dads arms. Him crouching down and picking her up.
"I'm here bubs. Ahh you got so much bigger since I last saw you. Now why you both shouting" He puts her down, looking at me. I was still crying, tears freely falling down my cheeks.
"I hate mummy!" Scarlett quickly says, causing my heart to break. Tom gave me a sympathetic look before turning to our daughter.
"Scarlett you don't mean that-"
"It's fine. Honestly. I do try Scar. But don't worry your dad is here. So he can put you to bed" I fake smile walking away.
"Darling-" Tom tried to call for me but I had already got into the bedroom slamming the door behind me.
Toms POV
"YOUR THE WORSTW MUMMY EWVER THATS WHY!" I heard Scarlett cry before I entered the house.
As I opened the door, it went silent. There stood my two girls, both crying and angry. Scarlett was sitting on the floor, whilst y/n was standing a bit away from her.
"hey, hey why's my two favourite girls fighting for at this time" I throw my bag on the floor, then fling my shoes off.
"D-daddy" Scarlett cried running into my arms. I then crouch down and pick her up.
"I'm here bubs. Ahh you got so much bigger since I last saw you. Now why you both shouting" I put her down, looking at y/n. Tears were streaming down her face, with bags under her eyes. She looked exhausted but still so beautiful.
"I hate mummy!" Scarlett quickly say, I  gave y/n a sympathetic look before turning to our daughter. I knew y/n must feel heart broke right now and upset.
"Scarlett you don't mean that-" I go to say but get cut off by y/n. "It's fine. Honestly. I do try Scar. But don't worry your dad is here. So he can put you to bed" she fakes smiles walking away.
"Darling-" I tried to call for me but she had already got into the bedroom slamming the door behind her.
"Scarlett you don't say them things. Mummy is probably really upset now. You don't hate mummy do you really?" I kneel down to her holding her tiny hands.
"No. But she was being mean" she cries.
"Mummy is tired. She normally lets you off when you do naughty things, you have to learn sometimes. It's nearly 4am and you should be in bed. You have to listen to mummy when she tells you things okay?" I moved a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Okay" she smiles.
"Come on let's get you to bed" I pick her up.
Ive been laying in my bed for a few minutes now and as I was about to fall asleep I heard the bedroom door open and close shut. My back was turned towards it but I knew it was Tom.
I heard the draws open, which meant that he was getting changed most likely in joggers. He doesn't wear a shirt to bed anyways so that's all he would else wear. The bed then dipped behind me and the covers were pulled up over us. His arm went around my waist pulling me closer to his body. Then his face was snuggled in the back of my neck.
"Darling" he whispered, kissing the back of my neck.
"mhm" is all I said back.
"she's asleep now" he says, I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck, which gave me shivers down my spine.
"Well done" I sniffle. I know it was kinda rude but when I'm really tired I can get like that.
It was silent for a few minutes until he broke it by saying "sorry"
This made me turn around to face him, "It's not your fault Tommy. I should be saying sorry to you. I didn't tell you that she was being like this, she must just miss you. Ever since you left she acted like a brat some days. These past 4 days she's been going bed around this time and i've gotten no sleep at all" I cry.
"Shhh. Come here" He pulls me into his chest.
"I'm just tired" I whispered.
"I know, I know. We will talk about this in the morning okay? Right now you need sleep and so do I. Tomorrow we can go on a date, i'll drop Scarlett off to my mums and we can do something fun whatever you want" he kisses my forehead.
"Thanks babe" I kiss him softly on his lips.
And what he said we did, we went on a cute little date and chilled in watching movies. The next day we picked up Scarlett, she did apologise realising that what she did was wrong. Then we all went to get some ice cream together, as one happy family.
Please send some requests message me!!
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jiminsass-istant · 5 months
Dipping my feet into a pile of dogsh*t again: JM Tattoo discourse
Okay I absolutely hate bringing this up again, and I wish I could physically, gently hold jkkers hands when they type about this topic again. Maybe hold them hands and look into your eyes with a pleading look. Let's put an end to this, shall we?
One, if you are choosing to 100% believe JK's own words, you are doing the right thing and you can stop reading this as you have already made up your mind.
Now that they are gone, let's consider these facts:
1. JK is an artist. No, he's like a real proper painter and everything. A good one at that. Have you seen him digitally making letters with that cartoonish font? Yeah.
2. JK is a videographer, video editor, photographer, vlogger even. And he's good. You must have heard of GCFs right?
3. Before tattoos are made, your tattoo artist will give you a preview of how they would look. At least you yourself would think and visualise how it would look on your hands. A very visible part of your body. He knew how it would look and be perceived.
4. Crossword formation: JK has a crossword tattoo on his arm. Even primary school children can solve crosswords you know.
5. The JM: Jimin has used "#JM" and "#JMJK" on bts_twt posts since forever. JM in relation to BTS has always been short for Jimin. I don't think I need to bring up the fact the n number of times JK has referred to Jimin as JM.
6. JK is a man of few words. He doesn't churn out lyrics or words or life changing sentences like RM on the daily. His form of expression has mostly been art, music, videos, tattoos, outfits.
About the implications of the tattoo if it is indeed about Jimin:
1. Why would an idol ever reveal that he has his bandmate's name tattooed on his arm if he knows there are very serious shippers in the fandom who would definitely blow this up till the media puts out an article next day?
2. What's wrong with having a bandmate's name on your hand? Now this part is most important to me.
What's wrong with having the name of a man on your hands? The same man with whom he spent some of the worst and best times of his life over the past 10+ years. The same person who JK has repeatedly implied understands him, "we click", and spends a whole lot of time together for a fact. The same person JK goes to spend time with, to share silence and do nothing, after a gruelling day of rehearsals and photoshoots. The same person who he trusts enough to take care of his mental health for possibly the most difficult time of his life for 18 months. If I loved tattoos and had a friend like that, I wouldn't hesitate to tattoo their name on me either.
I heard that 2 members from Ateez, who consider themselves bffs and soulmates also have matching tattoos. There you go. It's not that weird now, is it?
"Then why didn't JK just admit it was for JM?"
Simply because he didn't want to. They are very very aware of the media. Not just k-media. Global media as well. Imagine how the fandom would react if he was that biased towards just 1 member. They'll be doing the usual SCT (screaming, crying, throwing up).
I'll put the JM tattoo issue on the same shelf as GCF tokyo. Something he did despite knowing the implications and how it would be perceived. But did it anyway. JK just does the stuff he wants to, guys. High time you all realise that.
I'm not the type of person who is easily swayed by theories. Either a theory makes sense or it does not. If there are no huge gaps in a theory, it makes sense to me. This is one of those.
Remember how people said JK was lying on Suchwita when he was asked the 'dream' question by Suga and replied he wasn't aware of this segment... because he watched the entire Jimin Suchwita? WRONG. He didn't watch the entire one. In the last segment of Suchwita, our JK was already distracted and went to the kitchen to do something. Then he came back for the ending scene. He actually didn't know about the last questions Suga asks his guests. This is one example of why you shouldn't go with everything the jkkers say.
Anyhoo...i digress.
Final thoughts:
The fandom and even shippers didn't react this strongly when people came up with the BS theory about how the tattoos represented all members. That theory became BS right when JK said that he wished the letters in 'army' tattoo weren't so minimal. The 'A' without the line in the middle was never 'V'. If JK had foresight, the 'A' would have had the line, maybe with a tail and horns on it and flames coming out. You know what I mean. The OT7 theory went out the window just like that.
Just because there's a possibility it means 'JM', doesn't prove or disprove they are 'real'. What it does prove is that they are the best and closest duo in Bangtan. They don't care how their actions towards each other are perceived because they are THAT secure about their friendship/bond. Jimin didn't care when he openly admitted multiple times in 2020 that he spent nights with JK, woke up and saw JK etc. Neither did JK care when he keeps saying they do nothing at night (once in the early years (2014-15), another time when he was asked about the most memorable time of the tokyo trip and it was jm playing all night on phone, and most recently - going to Jimin's room for no reason other than to do nothing (during PTD)).
PS: (fanfic alert)
Jimin notices the JM formation on JK's hands for the first time.
"JM!?.. you love me so much JK. "
"It's not what you think. J is for ...umm JK".
"Where's the K then?"
"It's okay bro, I'll write a song for you one day. That's how I'll repay this gesture, bro."
"Would you feature me in it?"
"So you admit it's JM??"
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𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 It turns out that Mary isn't as experienced as you first assumed he was, but that's not the only surprise you're going to get. 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 First Kiss 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬) Mary Goore x GN!Reader 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 No smut here, Mary has long blonde hair in this one because I said so, Mary is inexperienced, first kiss (obviously), I made a bad pun about ghosting that I find absolutely hilarious (anyone who says it's not funny is wrong actually). 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 1439 words. 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 I'm still in pain from yesterday but don't worry y'all, I'm still giving you a Mushy may fic today. I've only briefly proofread this to make sure I don't use gendered terms or pronouns for reader but if I've missed any please let me know and I'll fix it! 𝐊𝐨-𝐟𝐢 𝐓𝐢𝐩 𝐉𝐚𝐫
Out of the two of you, you’d expected Mary to have been the most experienced when it came to relationships and sex. Not that you hadn’t had any experience, of course. You’d dated a couple of people in school, fooled around in college, and as an adult you’d had your share of one night stands and a couple of serious relationships. You’d assumed it had been the same for Mary, especially considering he was in a band and seemed to have fans throwing themselves at him regularly enough at the bar after gigs that would have been more than happy to share a bed with him. So, when you and Mary were actually talking about relationships one night at his apartment you were surprised to be told otherwise.
“That’s bullshit!”
Mary snorted. “Why? Do I seem like I’d lie about that kind of thing?”
“Of course not. You just… I don’t know. You’re hot, you’re talented, you’re cool. I’d have thought at least one person would have kissed you by now.”
“Well, they haven’t.” They shrugged, tearing off a corner of garlic bread and plopping it in their mouth before they continued talking. “I wasn’t all that popular at school, and I was more focused on the band and writing music and keeping a roof over my head. I didn’t really stop to consider when I wanted my first kiss or who it would be with.”
Smiling, you plucked a couple of fries from the greasy takeout box and dipped them in barbecue sauce. “Come on, there must be someone you wanted to have your first kiss with.”
You caught the reddening of the tops of his ears and the blush just starting to creep into his cheeks. “Lies. There’s totally someone you want to kiss, I can tell. Who is it? Is it someone I know?”
Mary wrinkled their nose and looked away, long blonde hair falling and obscuring their face. “Don’t know what you’re talking about. Now shut up and eat before the food gets cold.”
Taken aback, you averted your gaze and stared down at the food laid out on the coffee table. You’d both pitched in to buy yourselves some pizza and other various bits of takeout for the night while you watched a movie, but even though your stomach felt empty your hunger had quickly dissipated at their tone. The blonde was almost never snappy with you. In fact, you were one of the only people that they hadn’t gotten into a spat with in the four years you’d known each other.
The tension that had emerged in the air was stifling as you forced yourself to eat your food, both of you remaining silent save for the odd comment about something happening in the movie.
You hated the bar. The people in there always leered at you, watching you with predatory eyes every time you visited. If it were possible, you’d have waited until Mary got off work and just called or texted them instead. However, you’d been given no choice when they left all your messages on read and let your calls go to voicemail for the past four days. This was the first time you’d ever gotten into an argument with the blonde and you weren’t even sure if this was a fight. It was less fight and more flight, Mary avoiding and ignoring you every time you tried to communicate.
And it fucking sucked.
Trying to shrug off the feeling of being watched, you approached the bar and were relieved to see Mary was on shift, their long blonde locks tied back into a ponytail. You waited until they’d served their current customer before walking over to where they’d just stood, hands on your hips.
“Huh. That’s funny.”
He frowned. “What?”
You made a point of looking him up and down, leaning in to pinch his cheek. “I thought you were dead seeing as you’ve been ghosting me. Assumed you were just floating around back here in spirit form, wailing and waving some spooky chains.”
Mary swatted your hand away, trying and failing not to smile. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
“No. What’s ridiculous is you ignoring me for four days without telling me what I’ve done wrong.” You rested your elbows on the bar, looking up at him expectantly. “So, spill. I’m not leaving until you explain what I’ve done so I can apologise and try to make it up to you.”
The blonde bit his lip, glancing over at one of the other bar staff. “Wait here for a moment.”
Before you could say anything in response, they strolled over to their co-worker, and you watched them talk. The colleague glanced at you briefly, giving an awkward wave, before turning back to Mary and nodding. Mary looked over at you and gestured for you to follow them before slipping out from behind the bar and towards the staff only area.
The staff room was small and harshly lit, but it was also cosy. A couple of sofas, a little kitchenette, and some lockers took up a lot of the space. You felt a swell of pride when you saw the poster, you’d made for Repugnant hanging up proudly on the wall above the sofa that Mary plopped themselves down on, patting the cushion beside them.
“Look,” you started as you sank into the seat beside him. “I don’t want our friendship to be ruined because of what happened the other night, okay? I really like you and spending time with you, and I don’t–”
Your eyes widened at the soft press of lips against yours. Of all the possible outcomes you’d thought of for tonight, Mary kissing you wasn’t one of them.
It took a moment for you to respond, eyes fluttering closed as you shakily took hold of the front of his shirt and kissed him back. There was nothing sexual behind it, for you or for him. There was just the movement of your lips against his, Mary letting you take the lead as you tilted your head and gave an experimental swipe of his bottom lip with your tongue. He quickly leaned back, panting and staring at you with a panicked expression.
“Shit. Uh…” Their face turned a pretty shade of dark pink as they hastily looked away. “I probably should have asked first. Sorry.”
The full realisation of what had just happened struck you, hard. Mary gave you their first kiss.
You weaved your fingers through theirs, squeezing their hand. “Don’t be sorry. Please.”
Their eyes briefly flickered up to yours before darting away again. “If you don’t feel the same way for me then that’s fine. I didn’t really think I had a chance with you, but I’ve wanted to do that for a few months now and when you asked me the other night, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want you to get up and leave and our friendship be over just like that.”
Cupping their chin with your free hand, you gently turned their head so that they were looking at you once more. “And who said you don’t have a chance with me, hm? Because I know I certainly didn’t.”
“Oh, well, nobody did. I just assumed–”
“Yeah, you’re damn right you assumed.” You released their face and were relieved when they didn’t try to look away again. “You could’ve asked me out on a date at any point and I’d have said yes immediately. I trust you a lot more than I trust a lot of other people, especially the customers out in the bar. You treat me with so much respect and care and it’s so easy to talk to you. You make me laugh harder than anyone else does and you’re always there when I need someone to talk to. And just so you know, I’ve wanted to kiss you for some time now too.”
Mary nodded quietly, processing your words before he responded. “Okay. Well, in that case, do you wanna… go out sometime? On a date, I mean. Not like, go out in general. You go outside every day for work. And to do groceries. And to visit me at work. And–”
This time you were the one to surprise him and pecked his lips, beaming. “A date with you sounds perfect.”
Mary grinned and pulled you into a hug, arms crushing you in his embrace as he tackled you onto your back on the sofa and the two of you burst into a bout of giggles.
You couldn’t wait to take him on his first date.
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starfxkr · 2 months
well! now i wanna know what's your t20 for books omg
and ugh yes virgin suicides was such a love for me to for similarish reason(s) - the lisbon sisters were very frozen in time/spiritually paralyzed to me. it acc reminds me sm of kirsten dunst in interview with a vampire n how paralyzed claudia felt by being unable to age
oh n i just googled jesus saves n it sounds up my alley i wanna read it sometime but how graphic would you say it is?
no i get it - like i do get the appeal of whiplash n there are parts of it i like (like the driving scene LOL)
but anyways pope rly is pretentious if perfect blue is his fav of the bunch omg i love him. now i feel like he'd make fun of me for preferring black swan over it n telling me it's just a perfect blue rip-off n accusing me of only liking it bc mila n natalie get freaky in it 😭
okay top to books!!!! just to keep it simple lol my top 5 will be in order after that its just me throwing em in there.
sula - toni morrison. favorite book of all time I have multiple copies of it and it's the absolute best story of female friendship imo and as a midwestern black girl I really resonated in ways I don't always resonate with books about southern black culture. sula mae peace was a low down diabolical woman and I love her
jesus saves - darcey steinke. this book is pretty graphic esp the scenes with sandy and her kidnapper. the dual povs are great and its one of the bleakest novels ive ever had the pleasure of reading. I was sat in shock when I finished
little birds - anais nin. my fav erotica book I like this more than delta of venus and there's actually a picture I took of the book thats popular on Pinterest and goes viral on tumblr/twitter all the time LOL. a major comfort read during one of the worst years of my life.
the moth diaries - rachel klein. read it last year it was such a good introspective work that honestly the vampirism felt both secondary and integral to the narrators plight like you can see her sanity slip over time and yet tou sit there wishing either shes right so she can have at least one thing to grasp onto or wishing she was wrong so she can feel some peace.
chouette - claire oshetsky. MY FAVVVVV BOOK ON MOTHERHOOD its magical realism and you can read it as an allegory or read it as literal which is what I prefer to do. a quick read but its so touching in its strangeness.
lolita - vladimir nabokov. technically a top 5 but its a book thats so integral to me that I can't properly rank. the way he played with words and the depth of the book is just unparalleled. I reread it once a year and although I love the 97 film it cannot come close to the book. its filled with such lush visuals and such sensuous language I get into discourse about it all the time because people either hate it due to misconceptions or they love it but feel guilty so they have to virtue signal in the most obnoxious ways. im a separate third thing.
the discomfort of evening - marieke lucas rijneveld. this is what lapvona wanted to be…it was dark and uncomfortable at many times and you feel just as isolated as the characters in some ways it feels like if the vvitch happened in more modern times with how the family dealt with grief and death in a small religious community it was kinda gross at times tol.
earthlings - sayaka murata. another very gross book and I would go into this carefully bc its very explicitly about csa. the main character was a wonderful depiction of how parental neglect, sexual abuse and trauma can leave a person stunted and how they can end up in very unsavory circumstances. the ending was wild.
nausea - jean paul sarte. my first "philosophical" book and it really....hit kinda close but it became a comforting read. I was coming off my Hell Year and I was still dealing with a lot of depression and just emptiness and that book encapsulated a lot of my emotions.
the nun - denis diderot. one of the funniest books ever im not playing. its about a young girl who becomes a nun because shes a child of adultery in the 18th century and her life just gets worse and worse as random shit keeps happening to her. it has homoeroticism and blasphemy and was conceived as a prank where diderot wrote letters as the MC. once you get into the language its such a crazy ride.
pope is a satoshi kon stan down so he feels very strongly about his work being ripped off by aronofsky!!! he argues about black swan being a lesser film all the time but I would say paprika is his fav
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aris-ink · 10 months
U conplain more than you write. You absolutely like everybody else need therapy. Don't consider it a hating comment. But the amount of heartfelt posts you post on here is huge. And it's absolutely normal. But the way you're making it seem like a habit and the repetitive texts you write looks like you struggle with the same problem every time. And let me tell you that I know for sure that you don't receive many complaints as you make it seem cause you're posting asks one by one 24/7 and by the time you post this one too I'd know too since I've sent it just recently.
I m not following you anymore anyway after this ask . Not just because I hate you but because I respect you fondly and know how rare to come across pple like you. But on a real life basis not on a blog where pple don't even know who you are.
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I don't understand half of this ask.
"you need therapy, don't consider it a hating comment" why would I? I don't know how long you've been here honey, but I'm very open about being in therapy. I am in therapy already and there's nothing wrong with that. but thank you for the advice? which was so rude and unsolicited, do you go around every blog telling people to go to therapy because they have problems? are you that kind or obnoxius? if it's kindness, and you're so willing to help, please use the kofi link and fund our sessions, thank you. ❤️ unless you only wanna go around making people feel bad for struggling, that is. not that it's gonna work on me, but good try I guess? 3/10 for effort 😭
"the amount of heartfelt posts you make here is huge and it's absolutely normal" but it annoys you all the same? I know it's shocking to hear, but, yes........... my struggles...... are about the same things. sorry I'm not dramatic enough to have a new problem everyday dhdhdhdhfhf
I'm battling with my mental health. I'm battling anxiety, so I repeat myself, because when I have no energy to reply I don't want people to feel ignored. I'm explaining myself when people misunderstand me so that my points are clearer. again, 2/10 bc I sure as hell am not gonna feel bad or apologize for being mentally ill lmao
"I know for sure you don't receive as many complaints as you make it seem" 1/10 I literally could not care less what YOU think. I know what my inbox looks like. I don't respond to hateful asks that are just nonsense, like "abuse enjoyer", "weirdo", "what can we expect from a multi stan", because engaging in a conversation like this is pointless. but asks like this???? why should I keep my mouth shut when you're throwing crap at me?
"I'm not following you anymore anyway after this ask" oh no, why 😭😭😭
please shove all that fake kindness somewhere where someone will care. people like YOU are the reason authors have to hide their struggles, they can't say anything on their own blogs, can't talk to anyone, and then just end up disappearing. because people like you make them feel bad for being human and sharing their thoughts and opinions.
I will complain however much I want on this goddamn blog, I don't go on yours and tell you what to do with it. pay me to write for you and then you will have any right to tell me that I should just do my job and shut up. otherwise? kiss my ass.
thank you for affirming the decision I made to leave lmao.
and to my angels, I know you're not used to seeing this side of me, and I am sincerely sorry, but there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, and I'm not a mat for people to walk all over. 🤷‍♀️
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comedi-anne · 6 months
You need not apologize for your Incest Cannibal Aneurysm imo, you can do whatever you want forever and also it made me happy to see posts about it without having to go into the tags lol ~Lilac/degrees-of-fuck
Thank you for permission to do whatever I want to do forever! I will do just that! <3
In all seriousness, I LOVE this game. The ONLY bad thing about it is that it's early access and therefore not complete, so I can't speedrun the damn thing. That and it'd be nice to have a gallery with all the CGs we've unlocked.
Sorry to out myself as a sick freak, if the DOL PC didn't reveal that already, but I love incest as a trope in horror (and other generes.... ;;;;). Because BOTH Andy and Leyley are horrible people, just in different ways, and they're so toxically codependent on each other.
No matter how much Andy protests, and as bitchy as she sounds when she brings it up, Andy DID choose to lock that girl in the box. Andy is the elder sibling, and as we find out in chapter 2, basically tasked with raising Leyley. He should have more power in their dynamic, and he mentions again and again that no matter how much he listens to her, she'll always throw a tantrum later on. Because he's basically taught her that if she does throw a tantrum, she'll get her way. I'm sure there might have been something wrong with her even as an infant. Some people just have brain chemistry that makes them difficult, but Andy absolutely contributed to the monster his sister became by giving her such power over him. He can blame it on her being annoying, but at the end of the day he is the one making the choice to listen to that annoyance.
And he was SUPER hesitant to try and make Ashely be more independent when his girlfriend brought it up. He doesn't want her to be independent anymore than she wants to be independent. As sick as it is, they both NEED each other.
That's what makes the incest dynamic so interesting. They share an unbreakable bond. No matter what, no matter how much they hate each other, no matter how much they love each other, they will ALWAYS be family. It's the appeal of never being able to be abandoned, of always having a connection to someone, of never being truly and completely alone.
I also think it's about understanding. They're both so incredibly fucked up, and the only person who could possibly understand them is the person who went through the same fucked up shit that made them into what they are today. People don't understand trauma they haven't experienced. There is just a fundamental disconnect between what people experience and what can be explained to someone else. It's the mortifying ordeal of being known, but it's not mortifying with them, because you know them too. You know each other, and no one could know you like they could and vice versa.
It's also about the cruelty of fate. The one person who can understand you, the one person who'll never abandon you, is the one person you can't entirely have. What makes your bond unbreakable is what makes the fruit just out of reach. It's having 90% of a person and NEVER being able to that that 10%. What makes them perfect for you is what makes them impossible for you.
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is just such a fascinating game into the psychology of these two really fucked up, unfortunate characters. Life was so cruel to them. They had to seek comfort in each other, but hurt people hurt people, and they're locked in this constant cycle of being each other's only good thing in life and not having the mental/emotional maturity to actually fix anything that's wrong with them. They can't help each other, only soothe. But there's love there. There's so much love, and it's sad that love can't be healthy or accepted or even in some ways good for either of them! But there's love... It's important that there's love.
Thank you @degrees-of-fuck for letting me talk about the incest cannibal game!! <3 <3 <3
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aller-geez · 1 year
Bless You
By Levi’s Owner, not sure if she wants her name here ☺️
Please note! She doesn’t have the kink, but dabbles in a LOT of kink spaces that she doesn’t have, and she knows how much I love RemixLevi and wrote this amazing OneShot with permission to share 🥰 it got me GOING I cannot lie. A little sub/dom relationship, snz teasing, public sex in a bathroom, and definitely NSFW 18+ content.
BLESS her heart, she searched the internet for snz spellings too 🥹🥹
please enjoy~
The Thomas bus door swung open and inside climbed in a tall, overtly excited man who bounced the entire house as he danced and jumped about. "Babe!!" he cried out looking for his smaller counterpart, emerald orbs scanning quickly around the small space but not immediately seeing the love of his life.
"Im in here," Remi heard a soft muffled voice coming from inside the pile of stuffies on their bed, followed by the soft ambient music of a video game he knew too well, minecraft. The wolf smirked at the pile shaking his head and rolling his emerald green eyes.
"Enrichment time in your enclosure?" he asked casually before the leopard's mop of white and black hairs came popping out through the middle, cheesin.
"How could you guess?" he giggled sliding out of his stuffie cave, putting his game on pause and setting it aside. "Whats up? You look like someone set fireworks off in your pants," he teased, poking his index fingers up and down the man's fairly chiseled, but clothed, abs. Remi swatted at his partner's hands and laughed through his nose.
"Baaaaabe," he rolled his eyes and then grasped both of his lover's wrists in his hands, gently, but it only gave Levi an even more squirrely case of the zoomies.
"Ooo you gonna make me??" he giggled again, tugging and pulling on his hands as the wolf's grip tightened, he sneered at him with lust behind his eyes before pushing their foreheads together gently.
"Why would I reward such bratty behavior? Be still and let me share this good news, maybe Kitten will get some play," he brushed their lips just barely together, a whisper of what a kiss really was, his fiance's face turning bright red, eyes sinking and he nodded ever so slightly with a gentle swallow. "Good boy," Remi patted the side of Levi's face with a light slap, a bit harder than one normally would their partner, but the cat loved abuse. Tingles shot down the leopard's spine as he wiggled to attention.
Standing up straight this time now, fixing his beat up leather jacket and lifting his head held high, Remi spoke "WE, you and me, have a big opportunity tonight, we have dinner with this dude from Wallstreet, he can get me an in and even though I know nothing, and have zero experience he's willing to teach me everything so we can be rolling in the money!" absolutely excited for the chance to be able to pay back tenfold what Levi has done for him the past 5 years, was euphoric, but he immediately sunk in himself when he saw the look on his mate's face. "What's wrong?" he asked cautiously, almost timid. Levi looked down at his hands and twiddled his thumbs, he wasn't sure he had the right words.
He loved Remi, more than words could ever describe, they were soulmates and he hated the idea of him throwing his soul away to work in corporate, worse yet, WALLSTREET. "Honey....wallstreet is where dreams die and lives are ruined at the expense of paper," his artic colored eyes looked up now at Remi's completely crushed face.
"You're not...proud? or ...excited?" Immediately feeling like a pile of the 'worst fiance' ever quickly, the cat threw his hands out in waves.
"No baby, I AM proud of you, and Im so excited that people are willing to see your potential, and that theyre giving you such opportunities to be successful but, this isn't your dream, my love, and I just don't want you to fall back in your progress because you think you HAVE to make millions of dollars to take care of us," he had stood up to face Remi, well, face his chest he was still significantly smaller. Sliding his hands up and down the nervous man's front in a soothing motion to calm him back down, making eye contact again, "I apologize, my love, you know how I can be, I should have had a better pros and cons talk with you after the dinner, I should have just been excited for you," instantly feeling bad for his realism that often rained on Remi's parade.
Leaning down to kiss him in a soft peck, Remi brushed his hand against the younger's cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. "I know you're just thinking about my mental health, I'll always be grateful for that because no one else ever has," their eyes met and they regrouped their emotions by sliding themselves into a deep but disciplined kiss. Before things got handsy, Remi pulled back and bopped the tip of Levi's nose with his long index finger. "Get ready, we can talk more after the dinner and consider the options," nodding his head in agreement, the skinny white haired male lept up and got into action. Remington wants to have a nice fancy dinner with a rich fancy wallstreet man? Fine. No problem. He will just have to create a little "devine intervention" tonight. The two of them immediately started scrounging and scouring to get ready for this opportunity they both had been suddenly blessed with; different motives, but opportunities none the less.
Remington had hopped himself in the shower, Levi had already cleaned himself this morning so he was ready to throw on his clothes, but which would he pick? If he was going to cause some ruckus he was going to need to pull up to all the stops. Out he snaked a pair of leather black tight pants, adorned in black rose lace down the sides of the legs "He looooves these on me," giggling in almost a demonic fashion, he slid whatever he was wearing off, and pulled on the pants, no underwear, cause that would absolutely ruin the aesthetic of exposed lacey flesh on the sides. Levi stood shirtless as he could hear Remi fumbling in the shower with the many bottles of product. Trying hard not to laugh to himself knowing the wolf was probably overly rushing himself, causing panicked chaos in the shower. He was right. The grumpier of the two was absolutely having a terrible time in there.
"ITS SO FUCKING SMALL IN HERE!" the leopard covered his mouth quickly to stifle the laughter threatening to explode from him as his lover shouted from their bathroom. Shaking his head now he went back to his mission of top, and accessories. Plucking it gently from his closet was a light blue silk shirt "Amazing," he kissed the air before sliding that onto his thin frame, looking himself up and down in the long mirror attached to the wall. "Hmmm," he contemplated as he looked himself all around, then tucking his shirt loosely into the pants, and unbuttoned 3 of the buttons to reveal a bit of chest flesh. "Thatll do him," sliding on some black loafers that had the image of a blue iris embroidered on the tops, he began scanning through his jewelry. Remington stepped out, towel over his head as he tried his best to dry out his hair, walking past Levi to the otherside of the bedroom cabin was his side. "Clothes....Clothes...." he started tearing into his closet nervously.
Looking back at his partner from the mirror while adjusting his one diamond earring in, "Honey, wear the beige trench coat with some black, you'll look perfect," the mate said honestly. Remi looked up in his cabinets and considered the suggestion, he pulled out his black straight leg dress pants, they just neatly clug to his legs in all the right places.
Back on the other side of the cabin, while Remi fished for his dress shirt, Levi was linking around his slender neck a sparkling, thin diamond chain and in the middle that sat against his freckled, exposed chest was a wolf's paw print, melded in sterling silver. Last but not least, a silver chain he link around his waist, a long piece connected that draped down his hip. Twirling around and admiring himself in the reflection, he fixed up his hair with some gel, and made his way out of the bedroom so Remi could have the mirror now. Still not paying full attention to what his partner was wearing or even doing, he scampered over to the mirror fixing any mistakes there may be. He had gone with a tucked in black long sleeve button up, shiny black tied dress shoes and ontop of it all was a very expensive looking, light brown long coat that toned in all the black he was wearing. Flicking the lapels of his jacket a few times and running his fingers through his hair, he made finger guns and clicked at his reflection. "Lookin good brother," he offhandedly said to himself before exiting the bedroom.
Bent up against the front door, keys dangling from the tip of his finger he licked his teeth, canines more specifically, he had dazzled in gems. Remi stopped in his tracks, gazing vertically at his mate, feeling a wave of possessiveness boil through him. "No," he said immediately. "You can't wear that, it'll have me in heat all god damn night, No!" his face flushed as he tried to keep his eyes off, but could only keep them locked on.
"Remington, You know far too well this isn't a fight you'll win so grab the keys to Ethel and lets get going," he stuck his tongue out over at his man, who in turn rolled his eyes, squeezed the bridge of his nose and sighed in frustration.
"Its going to be a rough night for me I can tell," swiping the hunk of keys off the counter, Levi snorted.
"You never know~" his tone said, innocent, like 'oh trust the universe itll bring good things' but it had been far too long with his mate to know from that very instant, the man was up to no good, and Remi was already quaking in his shoes. They followed each other out, locked up Maybelle and got going in Ethel, which Remi had pretty much turned into his studio room with added storage space for his things. They were working up a way to create space for a bed somehow, for nights he has to be away from Levi for whatever reasons.
It wasnt a very long drive from the park they were currently staying at, out to the city, and eventually, restaurant. However, they did get very, very crusty side ways looks from the rich folks watching Remi drive into the lot with his van. "Bunch of prudes," Levi scoffed as he folded his arms against his chest. He hated rich white people, always so concerned with what everyone else has going on. Remi chuckled at his comment, he didn't give a shit. Look at him whichever way, however way you please, as far as he's concerned, with Levi by his side, his sister safe and the world back to being enjoyable, inbred rich people opinions couldnt touch him.
Parking the vehicle, both men got out of the van and walked up to the podium that said Reservations. "Remington for 3," the towering raven haired man said firmly, eyeing the employee down. Giggling softly, Levi grabbed onto Remi's hand and leaned himself against his partner's side, eyes judging the sweating employee infront of them. Clearly this establishment wasnt used to people like them whether that be gay, or just not visibly rich.
"Right this way gentlemen..." the usher said carrying them to a table with a much older, clean cut looking sir already seated, and scanning through the menu with a bottle of merlot sitting beside his half full glass. "Here is your table, please enjoy," the waiter bowed and left two more menus behind for them. Like the true knight in shining armor he was, Remington pulled one of the chairs out slightly for his fiance to sit at, Levi taking the gesture and letting his man push him in as well. "Good to meet you, I'm Remington, hope you don't mind me seating my partner first," extending a strong calloused hand out to the business man who smiled brightly and shook it enthusiastically. "No problem, at all, Good to meet ya! I'm Bill," he introduced himself cheerfully as they all were now seating themselves comfortably and glancing around the table. "This is my fiance, soulmate and partner in crime, Levi Anderson," the leopard extended a hand across the table as to shake Bill's already waiting hand.
"Pleasure," the shortest of the three said charmingly. The men began to discuss things as men do, but it was Levi's biggest shot now. Guards were down, ideas were flowing, plans were being made, if he didn't act fast, his lover was going to get smooth talked straight into hell through the promise of money and good benefits. The waiter came by silently, dropping off a charcuterie board for the table and leaving, Levi spotted his opportunity. As Remi continued to talk business with this plain old man, Levi was coveting some of the crackers to hide the fact he was also grabbing the pepper shaker. Looking around him to make sure he wasnt going to get caught doing such a childish thing in such a fancy establishment, but he dumped some on his cracker and brought it to his lips, without being noticed he silently, and secretly, snorted it up his nose. The second he did, it forced its way out from him like a volcanic eruption, no time to prepare, only react.
"HET-CHU!!~" He sniffled his nose, before another wave hit him. "cHU!~"
*Thadump* a sound Levi knew, so very intimately. Remi's heart beating loudly.
'No....No he wouldnt...' Remi flushed trying to swallow the sexual anguish he felt after hearing his partner break into sneeze, shifting ever so slightly in his seat to remain calm, to keep himself in check.
"Are you alright over there?" Bill asked concerned with the sudden series of sniffles, sliding an inch away, cautious of a virus.
"Oh..yes, I just have really bad allergies," he said sheepishly tucking a piece of loose hair behind his ear, his voice inflected to sound more stuffed up than he usually would be after two sneezes. The older man nodded turning back to Remi, who dead eyed his mate that only returned his gaze with a sly wink.
'That sadistic little shit....oh he's going to get it whe-' staring blankly at the man who was prattling on in front of him before his thought was shattered by the sound of yet another sneeze. 'Keep it together Rem...' his groin twitched.
"eh-TSH-eh!" Levi snuffled and rubbed his nose into the napkin in small circles, pulling it away, a bead of sweat started to slip down the side of Remi's face. Bill not noticing a single thing wrong as he boasted about his career and accomplishments, all the things he could do for Remi. All Remi could concentrate on was all he could do to Levi in this very moment. Would he go to jail if he just ravaged him here?
"TSHOO!" Levi tried to hold that one in halfway to give it a more dramatic effect. He knew it was sending waves of electricity down the wolf's spine, he wiggled in his seat. His baby blues blinking gently in the direction of his tortured lover.
"Hey, Remi arent you going to offer your fiance a hand or something?" Bill looking over between the two of them, Remi's soul completely out of his body due to the position he was currently in.
"I- Uh, yes I uhm....honey?" He held out his bare hand to Levi, brain completely not registering what he was even offering, Bill cocked an eyebrow, even the leopard looked slightly confused, but taking it anyway and then letting out another one, gentlier this time, nothing crazy flying out, just hot ridged breath in between his long shaking fingers. "ESHUH~" it came out almost high pitched in sound, too cute to the wolf's ears, his cock started to pump full of blood. The sensation of feeling such a gentle action, the sound, the absolute publicness of this display, it was so entirely naughty. They both clearly knew between the two of them, what was really going on. While Bill laughed out loudly and threw himself back with his hands on his stomach.
"I LIKE him! Funny guy you have yourself promised to here," he slapped Remi on the side of the arm who tensed up and snapped his gaze back to reality.
"Oh I- uh...Yeah, he sure is something isnt he?" joking along nervously, the dark haired man was lucky that this old rich idiot was far too concerned with his ego to notice how absolutely rock solid and flustered he was. Slamming his fist on the table he coughed "We should order right? Food? That would be good..." He muttered scanning the menu lazily trying with every last inch of his soul to distract himself.
"Oh yes I'd love a clam cho-OWCHUH!" the white haired adonis male was interupted again by yet another violent sternutate. "Terribly sorry, don't mind me I'll just have to excuse myself to the....restroom, I'd like a clam chowder bread bowl," ordering as he stood up, glared at his partner to follow him, and continued his journey to the back bathrooms. While Bill's attention was on Levi to remember the order, Remi quickly snagged the pepper shaker, shoveling it into his pocket before he too stood up. "Yeah, I gotta piss, steak, rare, thanks, I'll be right back, so sorry," he excused himself as Bill waved him off without a care in the world, or concern on his plate.
The second, the absolute milisecond Remi pushes past the doors of the restroom and locates his partner's shoes in the correct stall, he practically peels the door off its hinges. "You think you're clever dont you??" He shouts in a whispered fashion incase anyone comes in.
"What do you mean, my lover?" playing it completely innocent in high brat fashion, cornering himself against the wall of the handicapped stall. The wolf loomed closer, each step of his shoe echoed within the chambers of the bathroom itself. Diamond eyes traced every move up the masculine man's body, stopping at the slightly enraged, but completely passion stricken facial expression.
"Oh? Oh we want to act like I'm stupid?" Raising a thin black eyebrow as he walked himself an inch away from Levi's face, "You've been playing with fire all night, my naughty little kitten, and now you're going to be punished, severely," He gripped Levi by a fist full of hair, knuckles white, Levi's eyes forced open by the pressure, mouth cocked.
"Hng~" The leopard whimpered softly, legs buckling underneath the sheer dominance of his mate. "D-daddy please I didnt mean to upset you..." his lips quivered but it was too late, the black haired man ran his tongue up the smaller's thin, etched neck, nipping at the line of his jaw. A whisper of a moan came bursting from out of Levi's vocals, like music to Remi's ears, but that wasn't what he wanted to hear tonight in this bathroom with amazing acoustics. While Levi's head is pulled back he takes the shaker in his other hand and swiftly brings it up to the man's nostirls. "NNnNGh~ AHHH~~~ EHhHhHhCHTUUU~!" Levi sneezes loudly, aggressively, suddenly into the side of Remi's face, echoing inside his ear drum, unhinged, uninterupted, bouncing off the walls and giving him a second helping.
"Mmm you wanted to entertain, so you're going to entertain me.....unleash it," he referenced, grinding his painfully erect dick up against the younger through the painful fabric of his pants. Wasting no time while head cocked in position backward, he still expertly found his way to his partner's belt unclinking it. "Give Daddy another, come on, be good for him now," He said gripping tighter against Levi's thick hair, between the pepper, the position of his face against the ceiling lighting, he didnt stand a single chance.
"etSHU! ET-SHU! EHTSHU-EH!" it came out in a series, as they spilled into the air around them, Remi forced the afflicted one just under his ear at the crook of his neck by the nap of his hair, instead of pulled backward, he wanted to intake every last reverberation through his core. Levi's hand fumbled its way past his waist band, through every inch of fabric to touch hot, throbbing flesh in his palm.
"Oo-fu-fuck," Remi hissed beside Levi's ear, the leopard's own pants feeling relatively too tight, but as in true punishment fashion, knew he was not the focus of this particular event. He was in big, big trouble. "Now, now, don't be shy," whispering in a sultry dark tone. "Don't stop," huffing faster now as Levi slid the pad of his thumb through the wolf's tip. "Hnngg..." strained now as he forced the shaker back over into Levi's nostrils.
"EH-TSHU!" this one rocked his body forward, eyes watering and tears starting to streak down his face, the tip of his nose cherry red, and his hand stuttering in his strokes as they got faster but sloppier. "Please.....TsHO...."Another, smaller sneeze. Emerald orbs disappeared through the back of Remi's skull as the hand on his cock twitched under Levi's skilled but nonmetrical fingers that worked to squeeze and pump him.
"Little more, kitten," he gasped low, guttural, deep from within his throat, Levi's own eyes rolled back from heated pleasure. They were rutting and rubbing up against each other in an animalistic, heated fashion, complete desperation for the both of them in this moment, who knows or cares if Bill was even still out there waiting. They were lost in this moment. The cat glanced to the side up at the light shining from the ceiling and it triggered one last...
"ACHOOO~" Levi's hand clasped tightly around his lover's leaking member, between the pressure of that and the sound of his mate's last big sneeze, he came, hard into's Levi's hand and down his shiny black leather pants, which would be a crime if Levi had the concentration to care. As he was still absolutely wasted off lust from being completely used in this fancy restroom. Remi, coming down from the high of his orgasm slumped lazily against the wall and his partner, catching his breath and trying to find the capacity to have logical thought once again.
Both of the men took a minute to cool off, to breathe. However, once Remi was recouped he had Levi tugging at his coat. "You're just going to use me, mess me up and leave me like this?" whining gently followed by a pouty lip as he pointed down to his own throbbing issue, and the spooge on his pants.
"Oh...Baby," Remi pouted back in a gentle tone that immediately changed into a devilish grin. "Yes I am," sticking his tongue out like the evil revenge master he was. "That'll teach you to rile me up like that in PUBLIC during important meetings,"
"I-...Bu--t....I-...Yo-..." He stuttered standing there flabbergasted as he fluttered back and forth.
"Bless you," he kissed the dumbfounded man on the sweaty forehead, before fixing his pants, buckle, and stepping out confidently. Leaving his partner behind to clean himself up and to maybe reconsider messing with a wolf.
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thelikesoffinn · 11 days
Do you play other rpg? It would be cool to read your opinion on cullen from dragon age Inquisition ❤️❤️❤️
Ooooh no, the question I've been afraid of ever since people started asking me stuff! For now I must out myself as someone who usually doesn't really...like classic rpgs?
Now, before we throw stones - let me explain!
I do like gaming and I do that a lot, but those things that are classically recognised as your standard rpg aren't really my cup of tea most of the time because, quite frankly, I. Get. Bored.
Really, I keep trying, but I'm rarely engaged. Like, I played the witcher II and III, oblivion, guild wars 2, teso and, as a wee lass, I played Fable. (And I think I did play Dragon Age Origins and Pathfinder but that was when I was a depressed teen in survival mode, so I'm not counting those for a hot moment because I remember nothing about them 👉🏻👈🏻)
In my experience, there's often a lot of running about and "go collect THIS in THREE VILLAGES AND EIGHT HOURS OF FOREST over and then come back!" and I can't deal with that sort of unnecessary grind that does nothing but make the game longer. (Now, we don't count cozy farming games or pokemon here, aight? Those are a different category in my book.)
Especially in new-ish titles where they, quite blatantly, go "yo okay you can only go HERE if you did all the side quests on that island over there otherwise you're too weak and that little wolf overhere will absolutely decimate you".
It's hard for me to stay engaged and actually finish the game, so they never quite managed to capture my heart, which is why I, at some point, stopped looking into RPGs as a whole.
(A few exceptions that I did enjoy were VTM Bloodlines and, more recently, Hogwarts Legacy.)
I'm more into narrower games that are a bit more story focused - like Stray Gods, omfg that one was so good - and don't let me wander off for 69 hours without to collect buckwheat for the farmers cousin twice removed, hehe.
(Btw, that's also why I'm so mad at the newer assassins creed games - ESPECIALLY Odyssey and Valhalla - because I absolutely love assassins creed as a whole, but I hate that they're so huge and open-worldy these days. Like, what is so wrong about a more story focused game? Let me enjoy this for a few hours and then back tf off please.)
The whole entire reason why I got into bg3 is basically the lovely @harcove because she was sharing a lot of clips and pictures - mostly of Halsin back then, haha - and I thought that game actually looked really fun so I decided to, potentially, throw almost 70€ into the fire and trust the opinion of someone I'd never talked to and here we are I guess 👉🏻👈🏻
(Haven't regretted it. I love bg3 dearly, and it's nice to find a proper rpg I actually do enjoy!)
So, to get back to your question: Unless you want me to tell you that Sebastian Sallow is actually a sweetheart if you look past his desperation or you want me to go on a rant of how amazing Malkavians are - which they ate omfg they so 100% are - or about how Geralt z Rivii is an absolute treat for anyone into the broody type, I don't think I can do a lot of talking about other rpg's, darling, I'm sorry!
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