#what tf2 class is this character? lets find out!
tepikvinxi · 1 year
i keep forgetting this is tumblr and i can just share whatever
Have my silly little Spiritfarer as TF2 mercs idea thingy that sprouted simply because i was fixating on both in the same time frame.. I have my who's what, along with my reasonings and whatever else under the cut :)
warning, this is scatterbrained and i also have Not done my research this is all mostly based off of vibes
My brain said i would be limiting to two spirits per class, so it's not completly even since there's not enough spirits to fill both teams. I could use some of the off ship characters too tho... haven't been on that
Anyways, to start off, we have:
Stella as a Scout/Ms. Pauling. I kinda had is as a tie since she seems to fit both? She runs around doing athletic feats, wears a hat, and is a general nuciance to the public (at times). She can also double jump, Irrefutable Evidence right there! I also have a much easier time imagining Stella as a scout than whaterer pauling does lol. Plus she gets called scout by Bruce, which is something i love. For the Pauling Arguement, she is the playable character in the game, so it feels kinda weird to mix her in with the other spirits (for whatever reason). She also, more so, does a lot of things (which is part of the game mechanic but still) for the others, an obligation a scout wouldn't have to meet. Especially for both teams! Also that. She would be interacting with both teams, so it'd be tough as a member of one to peacfully interact with the other. I'm thinking it'd be a change from one role to the other. Either she starts as a Pauling/admin's asisstant/whatever, and then one way or another transfers to a scout, or she starts as a scout on the battlefield and somehow ranks up out of it. I think i like the second idea better, but oh well. I probably won't ever fully flesh this out anyways.
Daffodil is still just Stella's cat, no change there
Gwen is a Spy. She's the whole spark of this idea lol. I just saw her and was like: spy tf2 vibes fr, and here we are. What can i say, she smokes, she's posh, she looks like she could most definately stab you. 10/10. I say she's still Stella's childhood friend.
Atul is a Soldier. He hops. That's not all but that's the main reason. He's a very boisturous fella, and a loud one too!
Summer is a Sniper. I dunno, maybe it's cuz she's a snake and a plant, spirituality person. It works for me. She could totally snipe someone.
Astrid would be a Heavy. Strong, dependable, intelligent. I feel like the role of a heavy fits her greatly.
Alice as an Engineer. No matter where i put here i felt awkward since how could i put a sweet old hedgehog lady onto a battlefield?? This felt like my best bet lol. If anything, she would work as a support class with a lower requirement for mobility.
Gustav is a Medic. Look at him.
Giovanni just feels like a Demo. He's got that brash, lively attitude and a compulsive behaviour to match.
Bruce would be a Scout. He's shown at a hummingbird, small and gone with a flash. He also has the personality for sure.
Mickey could be a Heavy. Strong and silent (at least in-game). Bruce and Mickey would still be brothers, as they should be.
Beverly would also be a Medic. Is it because she's a bird? Honestly, probably! Her personality also meshes well with the medic class
Buck is a Soldier. Not sure where i pulled this one from but he's a soldier.
Stanley is a Pyro. Childish and a big imagination. Because he's a literal child but still.
Jackie would be a Demo. He's got that loud, sharp, self-hating vibe that only a demoman could contain.
Daria as a Sniper. Isolated, spiritual. Plus she's a flying critter and higher grounds are good for sniping. I don't really know what else she'd be. It seems like the best option since a sniping spot would be out of the way of a loud battle.
Elena would be a great fit for The Administrator lol. I almost forgot about her. My leftover roles on the list didn't seem like they would work for her minimalist personality anyways.
There is no personality changes or whatever. Just basically these characters in the spots of the others.
I have a lot less then i thought i did, but that makes sense lol. I've had ideas for drawing them but not the motivation :/ I'm also unsure if it would be better to give the spirits human designs or just leave them as their respective animals. Who knows if i'll work on this more... I just wanted to get this idea out! I might add more stuff later
Here's some of the sketches i did when i was still playing spiritfarer
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Also this picture I sent to my friend while making references because it's just so silly to me???!?? What??? Swag Deer Lady vs French Man
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help-the-horse · 1 year
TF2 Backstab Models and What They Mean for the Mercs
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In my travels in the TF2 meta, I've noticed that when using an Australium or ice themed weapon, such as the Spy-cicle, each Merc has a few different models for their "frozen backstab" pose. I thought this was interesting and decided to take it upon myself to document the different models and extrapolate what that might mean for each merc as a character. Keep in mind the "canon" of TF2 and the characterization of the mercs is very much up to interpretation but I think this can give us some insight at least into what Valve thinks of each character and how they react to injury, particularly the backstab.
Let's get into it.
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Scout with his quicker speed assumedly has a faster reaction time compared to a lot of the other mercs, so it tracks that in many of his poses he is almost completely turned around/facing back. I don't think he necessarily expects to be back stabbed but his fast reflexes makes it so that he is one of the mercs who is closer to actually catching the Spy before the stab. Clearly he isn't always fast enough if he gets stabbed though. On a side note I personally find his poses to be some of the most unnerving ones.
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Clearly Soldier's slow speed catches up with him when it comes to backstabs. Being one of the slower classes in the game, and one of the more burly/stocky characters, it makes sense that he would have trouble catching a Spy before a stab. In a few poses you can see that he reaches behind himself, but you never see him trying to turn his torso or head around to catch his attacker. It's also interesting to note how he reaches to his lower back, either because of how he holds his rocket launcher on his shoulder, or because of his lack of physical flexibility,
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Pyro's poses are all rather similar, so I don't find that I have much to say about them. Given what little we do know of Pyro, it's reasonable to assume that they probably don't notice Spy's through their pyro-vision very well, so it would make sense that they wouldn't be prepared for a backstab. They also don't need a particularly fast reaction time for their weapon/attack style so they don't show the same reflexes as Scout or Demo. Pyro just be silly with their pose.
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Demo is very dramatic to say the least. I find it very interesting how he seems to be very close to actually grabbing the knife/Spy relative to some of the other mercs like Solly, Medic, or Pyro. This supports my personal theory that Demo plays up his drunkenness on the battle field/in general. He clearly has a good degree of flexibility as well looking at the curve of his spine, and a reasonable amount of balance shown by his repeated "one toe on the ground" style stance.
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Unfortunately I wasn't able to get many screencaps of Heavy, but all his poses are essentially this with little variance. He is probably one of the least flexible out of all the mercs, which makes sense given his body type and how built up his shoulder/back muscles must be from carrying a 300 lbs gun around all the time every day. You can see that he probably doesn't expect a backstab and has a slower reaction time than others, which is in line with his in game movement speed.
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This man really just always be on his knees. I would assume that this is due to the fact that most of the time you would see an Engie crouching behind a sentry or dispenser, in game and in the character sense. It also reinforces Valve's mocking of his VERY NORMAL AND AVERAGE height. I also like to think Spy kicks his knees out from behind as he stabs. The models also tend to have effed up hands for Engie for some reason which I find very funny. Arguably his right hand tends to be the more messed up one, which is also his mechanical hand/Gunslinger. Food for thought, perhaps a mechanical malfunction/short when he dies?
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Medic's poses are all very similar as well unfortunately. What stands out to me the most is how INCREDIBLY TALL Medic is compared to all the other mercs. You can see that he also doesn't work to turn around or even reach behind him to any large degree, which I think shows how unexpected a backstab is for Medic. He's usually busy chasing some screaming Scout or hiding behind a corner to pocket a Heavy so it would make sense he wouldn't expect a backstab as he usually has some power class with him to protect him. We stand with our Medic's though, no hate only love. Stay strong Medic army.
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Sniper is the most interesting to examine for me, as he and Spy tend to have a rivalry in every sense, from the Spy v. Sniper update/event released by Valve way back when, to in game play, to in the comics/canon media we have of the mercs. It's clear he is the most prepared for a back stab most of the time, and arguably the closest to actually stopping Spy. I think he generally has an average reaction time if the in game movement speed is anything to go off of, but the fact he is so close to stopping the attack just shows how used to the backstab he is. He also has a higher degree of flexibility on par with Scout and Demo.
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And finally, we come to the man of the hour. The tl;dr is he's a drama queen who's holier than thou attitude and cockiness causes him to not expect or prepare for another Spy's backstab, which ends up being his ultimate downfall. The long version of it is that he is a drama queen who's holier than thou attitude and cockiness causes him to not expect or prepare for another Spy's backstab, which makes him a little bitch boy who's pride gets hurt more than the actual pain of the stab. All of his poses are pretty similar, showing he has a good amount of flexibility but a piss poor reaction speed if he's able to get beat at his own game.
ANYWAY, if you've made it this far in the post thank you very much for reading it all and indulging my TF2 brain rot. I have no idea if any of this deeper reading was intended by the devs or Valve, but I think it's interesting to explore what little we get in regards to any hints about the mercs as characters and what they might be like on and off the battle field in a story sense. Would love to have more discussion in the comments and if anyone has any other niche requests for me to overanalyze TF2 game play/lore please let me know and I'm sure I will find more than expected to talk about.
Stay strong TF2 fans.
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lunatic-pudge · 5 days
Tf2 characters reactions to skibidi toilet?
This ask scares me. I think it has to do with the fact that I never understood skibidi toilet, and that means I'm starting to disconnect from the youth. I am becoming the old man who doesn't understand memes.
BUT, since you asked, most of the mercs would be so confused by it. A toilet with a head coming out of it and singing, they're so old and don't understand how people find it entertaining.
I feel like the entire offense class would enjoy it to varying degrees. Scout loves to use it as a way to annoy everyone around him. Constantly blaring it at the worst times. He ends up getting his devices confiscated by Heavy for a while until he learns to knock it off (spoiler alert: he doesn't learn and keeps getting his devices taken). Soldier doesn't understand but thinks it's rather entertaining. His rather nonexistent brain has interpreted it as American propaganda and uses it to show off how great his country is. Bless his heart, he means well even if he isn't the brightest. Now Pyro likes it cause of the music. They aren't too fond of the weird animations and tend to only listen to the audio. They're the only one that's kind enough to have it blasting for everyone to hear.
Now, the defense class. Demo is typically too drunk to really understand nor care about ilwhat the hell is going on. His intoxicated brain barely comprehends the he's looking at (only focusing on actual important things like booze, bombs, and his wife Soldier). But he can get annoyed with it rather quick if he hears it playing on a loop. He has threatened to break Scout's phone after hearing it play for the tenth time back to back. He's very serious with his threats and will strap the phone to a bomb and explode it. Poor Demo is just trying to relax and have a good time. Heavy is just plain confused. He just views it as kids being weird and usually ignores it. He'll hide out in Medic's to avoid having to deal with it. But he's also the main person to put a "timeout" on the skibidi. Engie is also confused but is just too busy to care. You can show him it, and he'll be like, "That's nice, son." while continuing to fix his sentry. (He didn't even look at the phone, typical dad behavior). He's pretty chill when Pyro is playing it cause they know how to be respectful.
And finally, the most "I'm not dealing with this shit" class: support. The plus side these goobers have is that they all have a way to hide from the BS. Medic is the least vocal of the support, opting to instead watch the chaos of other people yelling for him. If anything, he'll just tell them how they're gonna rot their brain out with such nonsense. He refuses to let skibidi toilet be played in his lab. He doesn't want his doves to be exposed to such brainrot. Now I can see two different things happening with Sniper. 1. He yells at Scout and Solider to shut up, or 2. While not being a fan of skibidi toilet, uses it to annoy people like Spy (or maybe even to use it to get what he wants). Now remember, Sniper's the second youngest merc and an only child. He's just as goofy as someone like Scout. He just doesn't show it often. This would be one of those times where his goofiness shows. And finally, Spy, he just ain't having it. Devices will go missing in the middle of the night and will not be seen again. He is constantly yelling at Scout and Soldier (and the occasional Sniper) about how annoying and childish they are. He's surprised with how he's been able to deal with it. He feels like he's always on the edge of killing everyone cause of how fed up he is.
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dnlbrl · 20 days
What games do you think the Basterds and/or Landa, Dieter, & Freddy Z got more than 100+ hours on? 🤔 #RealGamerz
i don't know if people will let me cook again after i post this but oh boy here we go🔥
(brought to your attention that this is a silly post!!!)
•To be accurate and loyal to my silly posts, I'd start with Landa spending too many hours on Animal Crossing more than one normal human being should. He wouldn't just care if he got called out for it or not too. When he's away from his PC he'd go for his phone to play HayDay. (83 lvl Facebook logged account) (old man activities or whatever you call it)
•For Hellstrom, I've thought of him being a Counter Strike dude. Not CS2, but CS:GO. He'd probably quit after the game died in activity, with Indian guys filling up majority of the servers. He a %100 tried playing CS2 but was dissatisfied entirely. He's definitely played Halo as well as other games, liked it but didn't think much of it.
•As for Zoller, he would sometimes play mobile games and roblox but never admit that he did. He'd find himself playing Age of History (II) often. (Nobody would want to play anything with him, even if he's good company most of the time.)
P.S(1)hc: An absolute pro in PvZ and Larva Heroes (the goofy game where you fight bugs and stuff).
•For the Basterds, they would have a 12 user discord server where they'd discover the wildest and oddest of games then test them themselves, but mostly prefer ones that are multiplayer.
P.S(2)hc: throwing slurs at Neo-Nazis they find in G-Mod. (a part of the mmongus grind)
P.S(3)hc: always on the ammmongus grind
P.S(4)hc: years wasted on the ammmongus grind
•Hicox, Wicki and Stiglitz defo would have their own discord server just like the others. They'd spend some time on CoD but most of their time on TF2. All three of them main the spy class.
P.S(5): the three get involved in the ammmmongus grind at one point as well
I didn't get into detail of each character because i will surely be making posts about this in the near future, hopefully.
hope i could entertain🤍
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sniping-sharko · 1 year
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okay so i know i insinuated i wouldn’t be doing much actual posting on this site in my description but apparently i’m already going very hard against that statement so i might as well make one of these for convenience in the future. complete text under the cut
hey, i'm sharko. he/they/it/ve. 20+, pan. diagnosed audhd, undiagnosed lethal amounts of swag. still figuring stuff out but as of now i'm fairly sure that i'm a guy who likes men lots and lots. i have a tendency to be very blunt and somewhat aggressive, so if i say something properly out of line at all please let me know. i won’t be posting outright wank material on here but occasionally may post suggestive/nsft content from time to time (tagged appropriately, i’m hoping)
mostly a blog for twiddling my fingers and snickering to myself abt my interests i have like 2 or 3 very intense interests right now but they're verrrrry very secretive i bet you totally won't be able to guess them at all. im very normal and quiet about them (lie)
art tag is #sharko’s stuff (link doesn’t work on app fsr) i mostly do sfm things but one day when i’m not terrible at drawing i might start posting something 2d every once in a while. quick note: nearly all reblogged posts will be queued bc i'm very mentally sound and healthy probably
character tags will usually have a prefix of the fandom they're from (e.g. "#tf2 soldier", "#tfp optimus prime"). ensemble cast posts for tf2 will be tagged "#whole team tag" and ensemble posts for tfp will be tagged with #team prime and/or #decepticons. tf2 shipnames will be straightforward portmanteaus w/ names in order of class numbers (e.g. #sniperspy and #soldierdemo) for consistency but tfp shipnames are just. whatever idk the most common one i find. "#actual game tag" for posts involving tf2 gameplay
original textposts will usually be tagged under "#it can talk" along with posts where i have anything of substance to say in the tags (with posts by other people that i consider befitting of the term textposts just tagged #textpost), resources and generally helpful things go under #useful, and other miscellaneous/non-fandom stuff goes under #sharkoposting. rbs are tagged #reblog and art i find will be tagged #art because i do not have the energy to be creative about the tagging of those, 3d stuff tagged appropriately (though if it isn't sfm, it'll probably just be #3d).
do not involve me in pro-ship or anti-ship discourse. i do not have a dni and don't plan to have one in future, but for both our sakes i do not want to talk about that. i don't give a flying fuck what other people ship, and i would highly appreciate if nobody attempted to argue with me about the ethics of mashing fictional characters' faces together like barbie dolls. thank you and have a good night tri-state area
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kinformative · 4 months
🚀 mod dave's intro
heya, i'm 🚀 mod dave. i use he/she pronouns, bisexual boygirl. alterhuman/fictkin who takes it pretty seriously. also autistic w/ a side of adhd. i'm an adult. IRL of dave algebra class from devius ex machina/dnb amongst many others, doubles are welcome to still send in requests y'all are cool as shit. (previously mod prime) below are my tags, and what fandoms i take reqs for as well as what type of requests i personally fulfill.
tagging system:
#🚀 | ⤷ mod dave - requests/asks answered by me/posts made by me #🚀 | ⤷ in wine there is truth. - completed requests/asks #🚀 | ⤷ i can't let them find out. - denied requests/asks
fandoms i do requests for: rick & morty, fnf (+ most mods, mostly dave and bambi), hermitcraft/trafficsmp, homestuck, problem sleuth, garten of banban, other mascot horrors, minecraft/mcsm, roblox (any games are ok), baldi's basics (+ any mods/spinoffs), fnaf, dsaf, fortnite, pizza tower, nintendo games (primarily super mario, splatoon, pokemon, and the mother series), sega games, undertale, creepypasta, sonic.exe, backrooms, hfjone, animatic battle, lethal company, d:bh, everhood, sly cooper, club penguin, neopets, everhood, steven universe, rayman, cookie run, hylics, atla, toontown/ttcc, tf2, bugbo, sanders sides, madness combat, smg4, SML, my little pony, scp, petscop, kinitopet, pico's school, danganronpa, henry stickmin, gravity falls, spongebob, ockin, songkin, otherkin, and any other type of alterhuman/othertypes that don't fit into a fandom or any sort of media.
request types i accept: xenogender/kingender flags, name/pronoun suggestions, pokemon teams, icons, coin flips, shufflemancies, positivity messages, advice, userboxes, canon calls, art/doodles, sprite edits, stamps, blinkies, kin mem help, kinfessions, moodboards
specifics that i don't accept. these aren't on the main blacklist: - undertale AUs (no issue with them, i simply do not know enough about them to do reqs for em. sorry.) - skyverse characters of any type - henry miller from dsaf (i personally will not fulfill these if they are sent in, mod dirk can handle those, it is a personal reason sorry yall) - dandy's world
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dibbs-n-scribbs · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your three best and/or favorite fanarts/fanfics/moodboards/whatever that you've made, then pass on to others. No self-deprecation allowed! Let's get this self-love going ON!
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Sorry for the late response, but oh boy get ready for a lot of text! (Also thx for sending this Babs!)
My TF2 oc Darnell! I mostly post about her on my tf2 alt acc (haha plug moment @general-marzipan). I made her fairly recently (about 1-2 months ago), but he just gives me so much joy. Although originally made to be a self-insert character, they became their own character who has helped me learn more about myself as a person, & even find things that I actually like about myself. I love how her design is simple but still enough to differ from the engineer class, I love the little scenarios I think of with him in it cause they range from silly to serious & she also gives me so many creative ideas, something I haven't had in a while. So to sum this up, I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her!
My artfight attack for @/gearbroth's oc Star Gordon! I was super excited to see that one of my favorite artists was on Artfight this year, so I worked extra hard on the pose & overall expression of this piece so that the viewer can feel the intensity that the character is feeling in that harsh moment. I definitely experimented with different settings & textures, & I think I did pretty well considering the fact that I used a new drawing program for the piece! Overall I'm very proud of this piece & definitely want to try some harsh expressions some time again in the future!
My TF2 Scout x Reader Oneshot Fanfic! For years I've loved reading fanfics of my favorite characters, so after years of consideration, I had finally decided to write my own oneshot! I knew when writing this I wanted to write in the perspective of me being in that situation, cause I want something to be realistic yet a level of silliness that I would enjoy (I also like fictional men a lot haha). I may be a beginner at writing, but I'm pretty proud of this piece! I haven't read it in a while, but I remember staying up late to figure out how the scenes would be described, which teammates would cheer for who, what challenges would commence, how the romance would play out while also keeping the characters as close to canon as possible without making them too ooc. I tried to reference my favorite writing styles as much as possible, & I spent days thinking of different dialogue options & how the fanfic would eventually end. I could go on & on about this piece I love it so much. I'm even working on some other oneshots, so I'm glad I could start my fanfic writing off on a good note!
I haven't made a lot of stuff recently, since artblock's been kicking my butt for a while, but overall I'm quite happy with my creations & hope to bring more content in the future!
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mundymundy · 2 years
Hi!! I've just recently gotten back into my micro(macro)obsession with TF2 and i am down torrential. I was wondering if you might do the support lads with an SO who is really kind and sweet to a fault, but in the field she can be a bit... feral (mad scientist vibes ya feel?)
—support classes w/ a kind but brutal s/o
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Oh?? A kindred spirit?? Wunderbar!
There’s a surprisingly healthy balance in your relationship considering both of your tendencies to get a little unhinged. Medic encourages you to embrace your vicious streak. It’s already a part of you; why fight it?
Basically, it’s the “aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you just want to go apeshit?” kind of vibe.
Not to say he doesn’t love who you are off the battlefield. Quite the opposite. He finds the sharp contrast of your personality rather exciting.
One moment you're sweet as can be but the second there's danger, you transform into a one-woman army and Medic is hot on your heels, medi-gun in hand and hopelessly in love with you.
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Sniper never would've guessed you had it in you to be so ruthless.
It was so widly out of character that he just watched for a moment before he remembered he should probably help.
He almost feels bad for the poor bastards who decide to get in your way.
ngl it turns him on.
He likes to focus his scope on you during a battle, watching as you tear people apart. You can sometimes hear him cheering you on from his perch.
"Hell yeah, that's my girl!"
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It was the last thing Spy ever expected from you.
He was trying to sneak his way into the enemy's base when you come in, guns blazing and killing everyone in sight. He was speechless until you noticed him and smiled at him like nothing had happened.
"Remind me to never get on your bad side, amour."
He starts using it to his advantage. While you keep them busy, he stealths behind enemy lines and returns to you completely unscathed.
Spy can't help but wonder what other delightful secrets you're hiding and if you'll ever let him in on them.
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fairyhaven13 · 2 years
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I saw this making the rounds among the Self Shippers I follow, so I had to do one! I saw this on @shiny-self-shipping‘s page for reference. I did edit the name, though, because although these OCs all started as self-ships, now they look absolutely nothing like me. But, they were still created with the intention of shipping with a favorite character, and I think they count. I had to add a couple extra rows because I just have so many. I’ll put some info on each ship under the cut.
Kind vs Cruel--that’s my non-Hazbin version of Alastor (I use him in the Owl House instead) with an OC I haven’t fully decided on a name for. I’m still working on figuring out her story. Right now I’m thinking she accidentally brings Alastor from the Boiling Isles to the human world and has to teach him how to live there.
Morosexual and Moron--that’s another unnamed OC with Sun Wukong, specifically the version of him from Lego Monkie Kid. He’s an overconfident idiot with a good heart. What’s not to love?
Drive Each Other Nuts--Barbara Ann Berry, or just “Ann,” who works for King Dice at the casino. She’s always causing trouble, and he’s always getting onto her case for it, but they love each other anyway.
Dork and Debonair--my TF2 class, Snitch, with the red Spy. Gosh, I drew him awful. His face is surprisingly difficult to capture.
Criminal Pals to Lovers--Pepper, an alien from outside Star Command’s influence, rebuilds Nos4a2 and they become partners in crime.
Height Difference--Zoe and Troy are sent back in time to Borderlands 2 and become part of the Vault Hunter gang there, falling in love in the process.
Peppy and Grumpy--Dottie was originally Cad’s target, but she ends up helping him enough that they become partners. She’s a sweetheart and he hates it but he gets fond of her as time goes on.
It’s About Power--Layne is my Courier Six and is very smart and very strong. She won’t let Dean be in control like he wants to be. He very unexpectedly gets flustered by this.
Lit Major and Drama Major--Jill is a New Yorker with a calm outlook and thinks she’s very profound. Scarecrow is a perceptive ham who shows Jill that she isn’t as great as she thought she was.
Sunshine and Tsundere--Rynn Spicito gets the card pack instead of Luke and glitches the game out, getting physically sucked into it. She is enamored by P03 and refuses to leave him alone, and he won’t admit he likes it, even when he ends up saving her from the agent who came to kill her.
Mom Friend and Dad Friend--Barb runs into Sam and Max on a mission gone crazy (as usual) and ends up part of the team. She’s very maternal and is always watching after the two, scolding them when they’re particularly rotten and baking them cookies on the side.
Poised Perfection and Ditz--Sally May got pulled into the Dishonored games through Void shenanigans and the Outsider is baffled by it. She loves teasing him and running around like a headless chicken and it amuses him greatly.
Hurt/Comfort--Marylin, my Anti-Maria Robotnik, is knee-deep in the war with Zobotnik when her team captures Ztarline. He quickly realizes that, A, she is a Robotnik, and B, she is a kindhearted one who won’t betray him, and joins her side. He briefly is terrified when Finitevus turns her into Enerjak but honestly he finds it more enamoring. They’re there for each other when they weep over past memories in the middle of the night.
Nervous Wreck and Monster--Parcel was from the normal dimension on Earth and was pulled into the crazy side Hat Kid landed on. She is terrified of Snatcher, but he ropes her into a contract as his mailwoman and she’s too happy to have job security to complain. She catches Snatcher off guard by bonding with him through it.
Hermbo and Tired Cynic--Sarah is a half-Trill who ends up on DS9. Her inclusion changes the timeline and Weyoun ends up on the station as well, with her teaching him how to Person. She’s endlessly optimistic and it’s what keeps him going.
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buildacatboy · 3 years
heres why i think engie fanon is objectively wrong
So basically, the Engineer is one of the the three defense classes in Team Fortress 2 and tends to be subjected to Woobification a lot, people view him as kindly and polite and someone who greatly cares about his team.
While I do think he does care somewhat for his team, as all team members generally care about one another to a degree that they’re not trying to kill each other outside of their jobs about half the time in the comics, I think the assumption that he’s not a mean man is wrong.
Now, don’t get me wrong, the Engineer has a LOT of friendly lines to teammates, he offers to buy people beers and even tells them he’s proud of them-- but have you seen his non-friendly lines?
For example, it is implied that he may have a Napoleon complex or perhaps even a God complex if not both, and you can tell this mainly through lines you hear in the game itself. I’ll drop a few examples here with links to the actual voice lines themselves.
"I am a god!"
"I'm a killer of men, doc. That is the God's-honest truth."
"I'm wolverine-mean, you son of a bitch."
"I just beat on your sneaky ass like a mule, boy!"
"I'm done playin' games with you, boy."
Despite what you may think, the Engineer finds himself to be quite menacing. Also, I would like to mention, his main melee voiceline is "Take it like a man, shorty." which is hilarious given the fact that he is the shortest man out of all the mercenaries, further feeding into the idea of a napoleon complex. He’s very joyful and laughs a lot on the battlefield at death, which is kind of worrying regardless of whether or not he’s got a napoleon complex, just because he’s.. he’s not the one playing a video game? Ah?
As well as this, he’s canonically close friends with what most people would call the evilest character among the mercenaries, Doctor Ludwig Humboldt, otherwise known as Medic. MEDIC! 
That’s not for no goddamn reason, the Engineer is more than fine with doing brutal and horrific experiments on people in the name of science and he simply found someone to do them with! The main difference between him and Medic is that he’s a lot better at hiding his inherent madness than Medic is, and a lot of people in the fandom friggin buy his nonsense!
Though I’m sure if he wasn’t wearing his dorky goggles and hard hat all the time, people would be less inclined to buy it, because quite frankly, the Engineer without his goggles is a god damn nightmare. In the comics it looks fine, amazing even, but have you ever seen it in-game?
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Ironically, the only other mercenary with a look scarier than that is Medic’s “Evil Grin” that’s actually just his normal smile. 
And I’m sorry but a lot of people tend to forget what actually happened in the comics? Sniper was fully willing to merc Demo and Ms.Pauling, Sniper DID end up dying, and Engie was COMPLETELY ABSENT! Now you could argue that this wasn’t necessarily his choice, but the point remains that he’s more loyal to the Administrator than his friends to the point of very possibly knowing about letting them ‘die’. Not to mention that he either does know that he’s missing a soul (AND DOESN’T CARE???) or willingly let his friends throw themselves at certain death while he was missing in action attending to the administrator-- contracts just mean more to him. I mean, unless of course when Medic was talking about having 9 souls in total, he was counting Miss Pauling and not Engie which is also pretty likely but that’s a debate for another day entirely, dear god.
I’m sure there’s more points I’m forgetting here, but I’ll add on later if I remember anything. Feel free to have discourse below.
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erikthesnipermain · 3 years
A TF2 Gameworld Theory
This is a theory about why Respawn and multiples of people is canon in the world of TF2
First off, let me state that when I talk about the "world of TF2", what I'm really talking about is the universe in which the games and the meet the videos are set. There is evidence to believe that the game and comic take place in entirely different canons, but that is a post for another day. This theory (as with all of my TF2 content) will be focused on the universe in which the game is set.
In the game universe, it’s very likely that respawn is canonical. There are voice lines that suggest this, for example:
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These voice lines are from my boy the Sniper, and I'm sure there are more from him and other classes. They clearly reference dying multiple times. They also give an insight into how the Mercs view their job, with them being sort of viewing it like a game.
Respawn being a canon thing in the universe fits very well into the tone of the game and it’s light-hearted but somewhat dark sense of humour. The Mercs behave like people who are repeatedly killing each other for fun or competition, and I think that respawn is an integral part of the TF2 universe, even if it’s never explicitly stated that it is a thing in the universe.
Now comes the question of how exactly respawn works. This I cannot say for sure, but my guess is that it's linked to souls and science. We know that people in the TF2 universe have souls, as on certain Scream Fortress maps dying causes the player to turn into a ghost and stay that way until they are able to respawn. My theory is that Mann Co built respawn machines, that collect a person's soul upon their death and spawn a new body for them to inhabit.
Also, I think it makes meta sense for respawn to be canon. The comic cast cannot die due to the universe not letting them since Medic took their souls, but from a meta perspective they cannot die because they are plot-armoured characters in a linear comic story. Meanwhile, the game cast cannot permanently die to to a machine bringing them back, and from a meta level because they are characters in a game.
A harder thing to explain is why there are multiples of each Merc. This goes beyond there being a BLU and a RED version of the Mercs, as we can see that there are multiples of people who are on the same team. Some could dismiss this as just a gameplay thing, but we clearly see a crap ton of BLU soldiers in Meet The Medic.
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Admittedly, this is a weirder one to explain since there is hardly any mention of this in the game's canon. I do think that there is ground, however, to believe that the "multiple versions of the same people" gameplay feature is canonical in the universe. For example, there are voice lines in which the Mercs are talking to their double, so it's safe to assume there are at the very least multiples of each class.
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I've also seen people interpret this a different way, stating that while there are multiple Snipers, Soldiers, Medics etc, they aren't all the same person. This isn't a necessarily bad way to interpret it, however I chose to view this as there literally being multiples of the same person since the different versions of the Mercs all have the same voice lines and accents and appearance (aside from things like hats). I think them being all the same people creates some potential for really interesting interactions.
Now the question arises of how there are multiples. Once again, I can't answer this for certain, so this is more of a guess or "my take". I've seen people say that they're clones, and I think that's definitely possible. I like to think that Mann Co either "copy pasted" or "split up" their souls into multiples, and then spawned separate bodies for each.
A really great theory about respawn and multiples of the Mercs can be found here:
It doesn't 100 percent line up with my interpretation but I think it's really good as well, go check it out.
And finally, do I think that the devs specifically put these clues here for us to find and theorise about? Not really. But I do think this interpretation has some truth to it, especially the respawn part. While the devs probably just wanted to make a fun game and didn't think people would go too deep into it, I think viewing the world of Team Fortress Two from this perspective makes it all the more fascinating.
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pregnantsecondo · 3 years
Saw your what classes would the tma classes play thing and martin. Martin beloved. He boxed himself in the caretaking role but when he finally lets loose he is chasing the other team with a bonesaw
Just rocket exploding everything is probably relaxing for jon
YES! MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY! Martin first plays tf2 not knowing SHIT about the characters and he picks medic because again he put himself in the caretaker role, and then he finds out the dude’s INSANE! AND HE LOVES IT!
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zayamoone-old · 4 years
TF2 Mage AU
A Team Fortress 2 AU where magic exists and I change the storyline.
Hi! I don’t post here often, so I thought I’d change that by posting something that’s been occupying my thoughts for a while: a TF2 mage AU! When I discovered that a mage AU didn’t exist (at least, not any that I could find), I just had to take it upon myself to make one of my own. So, here are all of the ideas I currently have for the AU! Note that (eventually) this will become a written story. How long that will take, I have no clue. I still need a plot (if you have any plot ideas please please let me know; I’m desperate).
Basic Premise/World Info
The premise of the AU is, obviously, that mages exist. When people reach a certain age, they are allowed to start learning a single type of magic. There are many different magic types, ranging from elemental magic to dark magic. When a mage reaches a certain skill level, they are given a Familiar. They do not get to pick their Familiar- their Familiar picks them. They then keep their Familiar as a pet. The Familiar’s state of health, life span, and mood are synced with their owners (so for example, when their owner is sick the Familiar is sick, when the owner is sad the Familiar is sad, when the owner dies the Familiar dies, etc.). There are some people who choose not to take up a type of magic. These people are creatively referred to as Nomages, and in some cultures are looked down upon (though the same could be said about Mages).
Some things to clear up about the altered side of the AU are 1) The BLU team does not exist; I never saw a need for the two teams, and having them both just leads to basic and generally overused plot lines, 2) Australium doesn’t exist!! No immortality crap, 3) Gray Mann is the younger brother of Redmond and Blutarch (Red and Blu are still twins) and does not have a ridiculous story of him being able to talk since birth and being raised by eagles and whatnot, and 4) Saxton Hale is not very important to the plot. In fact, he’s actually dead in this AU. I wasn’t going to include him at all because I don’t like him and I couldn’t figure out how to fit him in, but a friend of mine actually had a cool idea for him being dead that I’ll elaborate on later.
Anyways, with all that out of the way, it’s time to introduce the characters!
Characters (headcanons and other details will be saved for asks)
Offense Classes (Elemental Mages)
Name: Jeremy Andrews
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Age: 27
Magic Type: Wind
Uses his magic to move faster, jump higher, and knock back enemies. I’d imagine he’d also use it to propel himself past or over enemies to land in front of or on top of them.
Decided to learn wind magic for basically the canon reason: he wanted to get the upper hand in fights, and also wanted to manage to beat his brothers to fights. So, instead of Speed magic, he decided to take up Wind magic since not only did it make him faster, but it is a great tool for fighting.
Name: Jane Doe
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual, he really has no preference
POB: Minneapolis, Missouri, USA
Age: 50
Magic Type: Earth
Uses his magic to reach high places and throw literal boulders at people; basically a replacement for his RPG.
Took up earth magic to thereotically assist him in WWII (because if he’s a mage, they’d have to accept him, right?). He also found being able to throw destructive boulders to be incredibly helpful in any fight.
Name: ???
Gender: Nobody knows, everybody just refers to them as a they or an it.
Sexuality: Aromantic asexual
POB: ???
Age: ???
Magic Type: Fire
Idk what to tell you man they just really like fire.
Doesn’t have the optical mask; they see everything as it really is, but their behavior towards fire and death and destruction remains the same. They still like unicorns and rainbows.
Defense Classes (Trait Mages)
Name: Dell Conagher
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Mostly straight, but he leans both ways. Ultimately, he doesn’t care much about relationships.
POB: Bee Cave, Texas, USA
Age: 43
Magic Type: N/A (Nomage)
Doesn’t see a need to learn magic, he already has enough skill in the engineering field.
Was mainly hired because his family worked for the Admin’s family for decades. And also because, y’know, he’s one of the smartest people on the planet.
Name: Mikhail 'Misha' Morozov
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
POB: Dzhugdzhur Mountains, Khabarovsk Krai, USSR
Age: 57
Magic Type: Strength
Uses his magic to make himself inhumanly strong whenever he so chooses. This means he can switch from oh so gentle to strong enough to crush bone in seconds.
Took up Strength magic after he escaped the gulag to better protect his family, should the need arise.
Name: Tavish DeGroot
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Ullapool, Scotland
Age: 49
Magic Type: Leaping
His magic basically just lets him jump really high (higher than Scout can go with his magic). This lets him shoot/throw grenades/bombs from more effective and destructive distances.
Mostly took up Leaping magic just to get his mom off his back about him learning magic. His father was a Leaping Mage, so Demo simply followed in his footsteps.
Support Classes (Arcane Mages)
Name: Dr. Ludwig Humboldt
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
POB: Stuttgart, Germany
Age: 45
Magic Type: Necromancy
Familiar: Archimedes - Dove
Uses his magic to revive people, heal people, and communicate with the dead.
Took up the controversial art of necromancy to aid in his job. This eventually cost him his medical license.
Ngl I'm super excited to write Necromancer Medic I'm really happy with this concept help
Name: Mick Mundy
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Whyalla, Australia
Age: 28
Magic Type: Shadow
Familiar: Hunter - Australian Shepard
Uses his magic to teleport into and transform into shadows. This is helpful for sneaking in between watchtowers and passing people unseen.
Began learning Shadow magic before he was even a sniper. He has always been an introvert and wanted to be able to get through crowds unseen and hide from people without being found.
Despite his young age, he already has a Familiar. He's just that much of a professional.
Is actually from Australia and the Mundys are his birth parents.
Name: Eugène Baudelaire
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Bordeaux, France
Age: 46
Magic Type: Mind
Familiar: Jacques - Birman
Uses his magic to read minds, bend wills, and use telepathy. These abilities all have some limits, but they are incredibly useful nonetheless.
Always enjoyed being sneaky and deceitful as a child, and as he got older he started learning Mind magic. This combined with his cunning nature and Dell's cloaking technology makes him one of the most stealthy and dangerous men in existence.
Although he denies it, he loves Jacques more than anything or anybody else. He'll often let the cat curl up on his lap while he's reading a magazine in his smoking room.
Other Characters
The Administrator
Name: Helen Callaway
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Aromantic asexual. People are horrid.
POB: Bristol, UK
Age: 56
Magic Type: N/A (Nomage)
Runs Team Fortress and uses them for her own needs.
A family friend of the Manns who took over TF after all the Mann brothers were m y s t e r i o u s l y murdered.
Miss Pauling
Name: Allison Pauling
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Closeted lesbian
POB: Like. America or something. (Madison, Wisconsin for now idk)
Age: 31
Magic Type: N/A (Nomage)
A close friend and long-time assitant to the Admin. Eagerly helps her run TF.
Redmond Mann
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: England or somewhere, idfk. The Manns are British or something right?
Age: 89
Magic Type: Fire
Before his and Blutarch's death, he ran the RED team. After his death, the remains of his team consisted of only Pyro, Engie, Demo, and Spy.
Never used his magic. They only reason he learned Fire magic was to try to get the upper hand on his twin.
Blutarch Mann
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Ditto
Age: 89
Magic Type: Ice
Ran the BLU team before he died and the two teams were merged. After his death, his team consisted of only Scout, Soldier, Heavy, Medic, and Sniper. Since he had more people on his team at the end, he counts this as a win for him.
Also never used his magic. Learned Ice magic also to try to get the upper hand as his brother. Their magic types basically cancelled each other out, so this was not helpful in the slightest.
Gray Mann
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight, but couldn't care less
POB: Ditto
Age: 84
Magic Type: Shadow
Familiar: Delta - Bald Eagle
After he murdered his older brothers, he took over TF Industries and merged RED and BLU to create Team Fortress.
Took up Shadow magic in preparation for the day he would get what he wanted. It also comes in handy for literally anything illegal.
Saxton Hale
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: A U S T R A L I A .
Age: 37
Magic Type: Strength
Ran TF Industries in its early days alongside the Mann twins before he died.
Learned Strength magic to better wrestle animals. That's it.
Idolized by literally only Soldier. Everybody else is like "Yeah no that guy was an idiot."
Wow. That was a lot to write, and I did it all in one sitting. It is late. I am losing the ability to comprehend any thoughts.
So anyways, I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts on this!! It's a heavy WIP, so I'd appreciate feedback and suggestions ;) Also, please feel free to submit asks about the AU!! It'd help a lot with its development! Also, plot ideas would be MUCH appreciated. Literally the only thing that ever prevents me from writing is my inability to come up with a plot. So if you have literally ANY ideas, please do submit them via an ask! I'd love to hear them, no matter how stupid you think they may be!
That's all for now! I'll post writing and art for the AU whenever I get around to that. Stay tuned, and please do send me your thoughts! I'll see you all later ✨
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16, 25 and 31 for the Illusionist from the oc aks thingie? :0
16. How do they deal with illness/pain? Will they soldier on with two broken arms or can a cold put them out for days?
Illusionist is fairly good with pain, having been on the receiving end of a few scraps growing up, and can push himself to carry on with an injury or a cold, but if he has the chance he’s going to let himself rest and recover rather than push himself.
25. What is there opinion on kids?
He likes kids. Finds their wonder in life and often blunt or matter of fact observations amusing. And enjoys their sense of wonder at the world. He’s in no hurry to have any of his own, but he could see himself and his girlfriend having some in the future.
31. Do they like cartoons?
Definitely. As mature and graceful as he likes to portray himself as, he does have a very playful side to himself, and enjoys watching them and their chaotic nature. (Granted, cartoons back in those days tended to be for more than just children)
Fun fact: illusionists concept and character is chocked full of old cartoon references! From his gloves and paintbrush, to his name! The concept of his class came about after a sudden realization that Mann co is basically Tf2s ACME
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some p!g-drv3 theories (spoilers obvi)
First of all I think people demonize the pg versions wayyy too much because its a good way to be le sexy in like fanfictions. And i get it, villains are hot or whatever. and also hs is a horny age to be. But even the edgiest and horniest of teens aren’t like. that sexual/monstrous. its kind of insane the portrayals people are placing
maybe this could also be like me being older bc when i was early hs i was like yea its fair to place these super mature portrayals on a 18-22 year old they are like adults but young and now im that age and im like woah there pardner. might be an age/maturity thing. 
also like its normal for people to relate to and portray characters their same age in a similar fashion, but when adults write more sexual content about the dg kids i get hella fucking sus
idk where i was going with that first comment i guess its like a preface and in the end i think its important when characters especially teenage characters are morally grey not because they’re mature and dark/brooding but because they are still young and learning. fuck im older than like most of them, but im still young and learning. its good to be in turmoil and confused, especially the drv3 cast. they are more confused than anything.
which i think is a reason why people would join dr because if you are completely loss and in turmoil, it is appealing to be given a purpose in life and amazing talents/abilities. despite the morals of danganronpa, it is a simple reality to be told who you are and what to do
OK ONTO HEADCANONS (not doing all bc i dont have thoughts about all)
first of all i understand changing stories but i think, deep down, you can’t change fundamental personalities/values. so while the backstories might be different i think, in the end, a baseline is always the same
SHUICHI being a Bad Boy is like canon obviously but i dont think he’s as manipulative as people make him out to be. i think he falls in the more the bully role that like. mae borowski or tf2′s scout filled before they grew up. rough background, bad anger issues, lots of emotional turmoil, and the only way he knows how to deal with shit is by committing crimes and beating the shit out of people. and, similar to those characters, drv3 represents an older, more emotionally sober yet equally confused version of himself. the urges are still there as foreshadowed in the dialogue. i think he struggles with guilt, mostly survivors, but there is still a lasting impact of guilt of what he did in his past, even if he can’t remember.
KOKICHI is a child. a piece of shit motherfucker child but a child. I really do think he’s like one of the youngest people in the cast. he reminds me a lot of when my brother doesn’t take his adhd medicine and takes jokes way too far and does mean and cruel things because he thinks its funny and that its just a fun joke, but is hurting people. he desperately wants approval, which is why his leader role is so interesting because in the dr narrative he has the approval he craves and so he is satisfied. still, he does try to impress characters like rantaro and values his opinions a lot, even developing a brotherly relationship in the time they knew each other. this being said, its established kokichi was bullied before, but i dont think he’s like. the wimp people make him out to be. i think he’s more of like the class clown who desperately uses humor to make people like him, and ends up resorting to be the butt of most of his jokes. you don’t just develop a good sense of humor out of a brainwash, and that’s not something you can program in. i think that was a remnant of before, and he’s so good at bullying people and coming up with roasts - i just think that in p!g the roasts were about him.
KAEDE is baby but her p!g personality seriously reminds me of any ~quirky/edgy~ girl in a teen coming of age story who tries to be edgy and cool and act like she doesn’t care but deep down, she really does. if she didn’t have an empathetic personality, she wouldn’t want to end the game. i also think she has that self-identifying QuIrKy personality because its like she lives in her own narrative, practically announcing this story is about her and she is the protagonist. i know i used to self narrate like that and distinguish how i was different when i was like. 15-16. she has a tumblr. 
I really like the theory where KAITO is a make-a-wish kid who was better when he was younger but relapses later in teens. he never used his wish before, so he decides to use it now to be on danganronpa and become the hero he always wanted to be. i also think he might have joined as a way to raise awareness about adolescent healthcare. definitely the type who puts on a “heroic” character to make everyone else feel better about the fact he is literally dying of a terminal illness, and keeps that act up till the end. 
i think KOREKIYO is still a serial killer. i think honestly a reason why he mightve auditioned for danganronpa is because he is a serial killer. maybe his sister found out and he felt so much shame that’s why he auditioned. he probably mentioned why in his interview because duh, tell them im a serial killer and then only reason im coming clean is my sister found out and im ashamed, that is like a guarantee to get on the show.  i LOVE the theory that his sister is still alive, however, and has to watch her brother go insane because they wrote her into the story as the villain. because technically, she brought on this guilt, and is the reason why he auditioned - as a way to cause despair, twist it around so she’s the one to blame for his insanity. also, because its pretty accepted DR members become celebrities, kork’s sister is totally bombarded with paparazzi and is demonized in the media. she might end up writing a tell-all memoir about kork’s actual childhood and personality. quiet kid, thoughtful, interested in anthropology, she never thought he’d hurt a fly. watching her brother go insane probably destroyed her. 
I also think, timeline wise, kork is probably one of the oldest members along with rantaro. tbh i think kork actually graduated hs and went on a gap year doing the whole “hitchhike around the world to discover myself thing” which is where he began killing people. he was getting ready to go to college when his sister found out about what he did. this is when he decided to go on danganronpa instead of university. this would help explain why he knows so much about other cultures/travel/been so many places with so many memories/killed/is knowledgable on a level most other students are not. this would place him at like, 20-21, where everyone else is like 15-18.
ok so there’s two p!g RANTARO, p!g before 53 and p!p!g before 52. i’d like to establish now i think rantaro is the oldest of the characters, seeing as though he was already pretty old to begin with in 52, it takes time between television seasons, and he was in another game. so im placing him like 21-23, similar to yasuhiro in d1 being so much older than everyone else. i do think, in all iterations, rantaro was pretty much raising his sisters, though i don’t think he had twelve like the story (i think that’s an exaggeration, his sisters mean a lot to him, lets make him have a TON and then lose them all and feel GUILTY) rantaro joined the first game, partially to get money for his family and hopefully establish them as celebrities and let them have a comfy lifestyle, even if he doesn’t live...and also to finally ahve some sort of experience without his siblings tagging along. if he’s been raising his sisters all his life, he’s never had like something that’s JUST his. that’s his adventure. 52 is his ULTIMATE adventure. ahaha. mostly for money, kind of dreading it, still a tiny bit excited
ok p!g rantaro between 52 and 53 probably came back broken. he did the signings and appearances, but mostly wanted to spend time with his family and make sure they were set up. i think he knew the whole like few months between seasons he had to go on another show, but he did’t tell his sisters. his family found out when they saw a billboard with his face plastered on it hyping up the return of a fan favorite. yikes!
ok i get it a lot of people hate HIMIKO but i think she’s not nearly as similar as other “useless” characters in other games. its like, pretty clear she’s depressed, and the only thing she’s holding onto with dear life is magic. lack of hygiene, lack of personal care, constantly tired, social interaction exhausts - she has depression, but she’s not an UWU depressed character. so people find her depressive traits (which are some of the most realistic portrayals of mental health in the series) SUPER annoygin. she joined dr because she was completely lost and needed some sort of direction in her life, even if she’ll die for it. the thing is, even with direction, her mental state didn’t change because she wasn’t getting legitimate help. it’s like that one SNL skit that’s like. same sad you from before but in a new place. i also think she knows the magic is not real, because how could she not. i think she’s so adamant that it IS real, less as a way to convince others, and more of a way to convince herself. it’s like really super cruel that team danganronpa took a girl who is desperate for meaning and gave her literally a meaningless, fake talent.
i also kin himiko and find her a comfort character because i feel seen by her, replacing her useless talent of magic with mine of like shitty film making and comedy. i am seen.
related i don’t think she’s nearly as ugly as everyone says she is, i think she’s probably just depressed and takes absolutely no care of her hygiene and sleep and looks like sick and greasy all the time. same queen.
honest to god i think RYOMA’s backstory, tennis and all, is like 100% real and he’s the only one who keeps all of his memories except for the fact this is a tv show. i think he rolled up, a hot fucking mess, and the danganronpa team were like damn. we cannot improve upon this. 
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3rdniggafromthesun · 4 years
TF2 OC Ask Meme: Riflewoman
here i go again, lmao....only person who been using this damn ask meme but whatever i designed it for me mainly anyway <3 still not answering all my questions cuz i dont feel like answerign ones that make me think too much ya..plus this one is less serious and deep compared to irradiatior idk idk  
Character Building/Backstory
•  What was it specifically about your OC and their skills that caught the attention of Mann Co?
A shooting contest. No, really. Thats it. It was sponsored by Mann Co with the intention of finding a recruit and she did wonderfully. I suppose all those years at her high school’s rifle club paid off. • Does your OC have a particular opinion of Mann Co itself?
Didn’t know about them till she started working for them. Kinda hates them, actually. You’ll understand why further down.
• What mercs does your OC get along with well? Who do they have most in common with? Any best friends? Or…more than that…?  👀
One word. Scout. They get along as good as peanut butter and jelly. They’re both from the east coast, for one, and for two they’re both kinda dumb little idiots. also shes buff and hot so like...She and pyro mingle ok due to them both rlly liking cute frilly things, and she likes soldier as well. She really thinks soldier is funny and awesome as hell, which sometimes causes a lil bit of jealousy in scout. 
• What mercs does your OC NOT get along with? Anyone they particularly hate? Why?
Spy is not the biggest fan of her because of how well she complements scout and kind of encourages his behavior. He sees her as kind of a nuisance. Thats kind of a lot of people’s opinions. Also she does not get along well with sniper because she feels there is a rivalry between them both. He doesn’t really care but she is mad competitive against him and is always trying to prove that she’s a better shot, and also has N O T H I N G in common with him at all and she is unique and special 
• What is it specifically about your OC’s personality that stands out? Many of the mercs have their own (exaggerated) traits that make them , well, them! (Canon examples are like how soldier is obsessed with America, Medics shockingly Hippocratic approach to medicine, etc.)
Idk man she kind of a bimbo. That’s really it hahaha, that was my intention. Self bimb-sert. 
•  Whats an unexpected quality your OC has? A secret hobby or skill or trait that nobody would expect from them?
She’s actually really politically educated and active. She’s also anti-war which is why she doesn’t much like Mann Co. When she discusses this stuff it kinda puts a strain on how well she gets along with sniper, and he tends to call her a hippie, which...she kinda is, honestly. Just doesn’t look or tend to act like one. 
“Gameplay” Questions
• If your oc was in the game, in your opinion what would be the best strategy to play them effectively?
It’s pretty simple really. Tranquilise someone, then wrap back around and shoot them dead with pistol. Or let someone else do it. She is not really a hard offense character, and is kind of a mix of support and offense. 
• What classes/mercs is your oc strong against?
Best used to counter higher attack enemies like heavy or soldier. Tranquilising them can do wonders, haha. 
• What classes/mercs is your oc weak against?
Imo, sniper. I think for her to effectively tranq ppl she’d have to stay a bit still leaving her open for shots. 
• What would you do to make your character balanced, but still fun to play? Basically what weapons and abilities would you limit? Which ones would you highlight?
I would really like to highlight her ability to tranquilise people to slow them down. This means ofc that it does not do a lot of damage, if any. Her modified pistol however does a lot more damage and has a bigger clip size and hits harder than the regular pistol. (and also its cute) 
• Would your OC have a special ability or gameplay element unique to them? (Canon examples include Pyro’s pyrovision, Soldiers ability to rocket jump)
Nope, not exactly. The closest is the fact that all her cheerleading training makes her similarily agile to scout. But of course not the same nor better. 
• Would your OC be effective on the front lines, flanking, ambush, or rear?
Combo of Rear, then front lines. 
For Fun Questions
• What cosmetics would you like your OC to have? Is there a particular theme?  Feel free to include pics of what clothing, hats, or weapons you’d like to see as cosmetics for your OC.
I would definitely think a cheerleading costume like this (and for fun, the marching band costume too :D) 
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And possibly just some cute alt hairstyles like this
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And hell, maybe even a few hippie outfits for the hell of it :)
• Who would you like to voice act for your OC?
No clue. But her voice claim is Frenchie from Grease https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfrHcVyIv48
• Would your OC have a Team Fortress Classic counterpart like the other mercs do in the comics? What makes your TFC merc different from your TF2 oc? 
Yep! infact she’d definitely have a counterpart for the first mercs, like the ones in the 1800s. Somethin kinda like an Annie Oakely type of girl. 
• Do you have any ships for your oc? If so, what is or are the ship name(s)?
I dont know if its all that clever but i think her ship with scout would be called East Side since they both from the east coast area. :)
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