#what the fucking fuckedy FUCK
celestialholz · 2 years
Guys, we need to TALK because oh my god.
So, you may remember a little while ago that I pointed out how gay it is that Brassius gives you TM20, aka Trailblaze.
... And I was okay with leaving it there. Really, I was. I've already analysed him and Hassel to death in a colour theory fic, but like... ADHD brain go brrrr, so I decided to look up what TM20 used to be. Because Trailblaze is new, so it used to be something else, right?
... And that's when I noticed it, because TM20? TM20 is Brassius. It's his life story, and it's his love story.
At numerous points in the franchise, TM20 has been:
... Ringing any grass-type bells, guys?
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... and Safeguard.
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... All the same TM he gives you. Two, and zero. An experience shared with no one else.
And what's even more interesting is that Self-Destruct is TM20 in Galar... so Hassel saves him from his own self-destruction, and Brassius presents him with a Grass/Dragon Galarian Pokemon which specifically shows romantic intent upon gifting, yeah?
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... No, no. Go ahead with those details, king. I promise, I'm hella free.
(I like how they specifically don't show Penny here. The girl KNOWS and is already doodling fanfic in her notebook.)
And what does Brassius ask you to do, in the end? Be honest. Do what your heart desires. TRAILBLAZE.
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... Oh, and just in case you were wondering, TM20 has been one other thing that I haven't mentioned here. Fucking Dark Pulse in Let's Go, in case we needed the depression in there too.
... The man who has spent his life struggling, who has been brought back from the brink of despair by Hassel, gives you the tools in both battle and in class to blaze your own fucking trail, just like he has.
He endured the rage and the self-destruction and the darkness, because he was safeguarded.
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lunarrolls · 1 year
daily reminder that this fic slaps and also that the episode 35 mind meld has never left my head. not even once. it bides its time back there. i fucking can’t handle this every episode i pray we get another one. someone cast modify memory on ashton and do it on their memory of the hishari ritual. god i just want to KNOW WHAT’S IN THEIR BRAIN!
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euclydya · 1 year
So whenever y’all play disco elysium or see content for it do y’all go “he he dat me” like when you name the main character after yourself in a video game lol
yes absolutely lmfao unless it's smth that strikes us as ooc for what our fictives would do then we're like "oh [name] would not fucking say that (funny)" or "OH [NAME] WOULD N O T FUCKING SAY THAT (DEROGATORY)" and depending on severity of the Derogatory that person gets blocked. not because we hate them or anything we just simply disagree!
this barely applies to harry bc. have you Seen the guy. he'd say or do anythingHFHEJDJFMFJFJD
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negansworld · 2 years
Secret Desires
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There’s been always an aura surrounding Professor Smith. The way he talks with that low growl in his voice, when he passes your table and gently touches your shoulder, the way he looks ridiculously cute when he looks over his glasses.
You like to think that he stares at you more often than the others. That there’s a shift in his voice whenever he calls your name and his smiles grow whenever you say the right answer. But deep in you, you know it only happens in your head, that half of the college has that stupid little crush on him and think they’re special to him.
Especially considered that he has a beautiful wife with curly dark blonde hair and a body to die for. Now and then she’d pick him up and the way he’d kiss her letting you all turn green from jealousy.
On the other hand it also has something extremely cute how in love he is with that woman, Negan and Lucille, a couple that belongs together even if it’s just for the perfect match of their names.
Once again you dream yourself away as the early hours of this fall morning passing along the window. It’s your second year and you don’t feel motivated. Not even Professor Smith could lift your mood with his deep voice and his colorful language.
The notebook in front of you don’t carry any notes, but only the varieties of Negan saying fuck.
Fuck, fucking, fuckedy, motherfucking… you get the drill.
It’s not until the shadow appearing in front of your desk, waking you from whatever dream your brain created. You know it’s him.
The usual scent of leather, cologne and cigarettes having your clit squirm, only that this time you’re afraid to look up. Nevertheless you do since the professor can be pretty pushy and doesn’t mind calling anyone out who doesn’t pay attention. You’re pretty sure Carl Grimes still has a bruise on his arm where Negan had thrown a pencil at him for sleeping.
“Now will you look at that? The little missy is still fucking with us.” He’s hot, but sometimes you want to slap this jawline.
Also he’s licking his lips again, staring at you like the predator at his prey right before he attacks. He seems to be offended that you don’t squirm or look away as he makes a gesture with his hand, followed by his lean.
“What a badass. I see you tonight at fucking six in my office. Not a minute later or you’ll fail this class.”
… what?
You’d like to pretend that you’re really a badass and not being an absolute wreck as you walk towards his office. It’s shortly before six and your knock shy as he calls you in.
“Sit down.” Gesturing to one of the two chairs on the other side of his desk he looks so damn serious. “I won’t give you some blah blah speech about how fucking important my course is, because you’re one clever gal and already fucking know it. Now what I need to fucking know is if you’re having problems, any troubles I should know about to make that shit easier for you?”
There’s no denying, no matter how hard you try, the professor sounds honestly worried. Now that could be only a game for you to open up, but you cling to that little hope that he might likes you, that you’re special.
Your eyes meet and insecurely you bite your lower lip, struggling how to explain it. You being distracted has nothing to do with him, not all the time, but that you simply miss home, that you could’ve more friends and better grades. Typical student problems and not worth mentioning to someone like him.
Worst case would be that he thinks you’re a pussy and wasting his time here.
He asks a few questions then, trying to lure you out of the shell while his voice surrounds you like a dark, comforting curtain. Everything in here smells like him. Damn.
Does one of the assholes here bother you? You shake the head.
Is it because of the classes? You shrug slightly.
Are you afraid that mommy and daddy won’t be fucking proud of you? Someone like him should be forbidden to use the word daddy.
Is it because of me? You nod with lips pressed together.
There he is again, the predator picking his prey and hunting it down mercilessly. Freezing in the spot you watch him getting up, coming over and sitting down next to you.
“Close your eyes.” His voice is a hot whisper against your skin, making you shiver as you obey. “Good girl and now lemme do my job.”
It’s like one of your dirtiest dreams come true as he opens your pants with quick fingers and slaps your thighs open. Aroused and a bit fearful you open your eyes, not knowing where to look first as he speaks up again.
“I told you to keep your eyes closed and you don’t wanna fucking disappoint me, do you?”
Again you shake the head and close your eyes, instantly getting rewarded as his long fingers slide into your panties. Gently he massages the warmth of your lips before spreading them open to reach your hidden pearl.
The moment his fingertip brushing against your clit having you squirm in the chair as the most pathetic noise leaving your mouth. Again and again he dips against your pearl until you soak your panties and gasp for him. You should’ve known he’s a tease.
“Damn kitten, I wonder how you’ll sound once I put my dick in you.” He mentions amused as he starts rubbing tight circles until you cling to his arm. “That’s it, give it to me. Oh fuck, I bet you taste amazing.”
He says some more, but all you can focus on are his fingers and the desperate roll of your hips. You’re soaking him, even leaving some scratches on his arms as your clit twitches. So close. Right as you want to scream his name his lips crashing in yours and he swallows your orgasm.
He pulls his hand out and soon you hear the obscene wet sounds as he sucks your juices from his fingers. “Like I said, fucking amazing. You’re more relaxed now, kitten? Does daddy have you purring?”
“Y-yeah… yes.” You mumble and look right into the face of the devil.
His smirk wide and lips shiny, you need to kiss him away, but he shows you that you have to play after his rules. A game you either win or lose.
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hereonthisrock · 4 months
What the fuckedy fuck?
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lonelyboxer · 2 years
Past 2 days of my diet has unsurprisingly gone to shit...whoop whoop fuckedy whoop.
I don't know if I'm just fucking depressed but staying motivated is as hard as me not trying to push my shit out every time I'm on the toilet.
My body was sore today but pushed through my workout, it just seems to be getting harder to get through every session I do now. Maybe my age has decided that my body is done and just want's to be left the fuck alone.
I have'nt been happy for awhile, I feel what's the point trying to get through every day that flies by, I'm nothing special, mostly just self absorbed and too broke to pay off bills. My sob sob paragraph.
Telling my boss tomorrow that I'm leaving them to go work at another division, and as usual I'm anxious as fuck, feel like pussying out, maybe I will but my fuck it brain says fuck it!
Anyhoo, that's my weekend for you.
Oh yeah why the fuck am I forever getting bots following me in fucking skimpy underwear, it's fucking annoying. Fuck off Bot!
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ersatz-anomaly · 2 years
Balthamos what the fuck. He was listening to you you only had to explain. You didn’t need to rip his fucking heart out. You’re A FUCKING ANGEL HE WAS LISTENING. YOU JUST HAD TO EXPLAIN IT TO THE MISGUIDED FOOL.
And the multiverse was saved bc two horny teens kissed. What. The fuckedy shit. The writers are on fucking crack. Everyone of them. Yassified Metatron was killed and all the Dust was still fucking off into the void, but hurr durr horny teenagers save the world by locking lips. Fucking writers pen in one hand the other occupied.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 11 Live Blogging
hmm episode 11. scary
Oct 21
Part 1 
D: flashback to Chadok as a witness to Dika’s death. Toward the beginning of the show I’d briefly wondered if maybe Chadok/someone at the school had pushed Dika but if this is true, then I guess that answers that
Also feels like they’ve been trying to slowly seem Chadok more sympathetic (esp since the principal started berating him last ep or 2 eps ago).
Akk stopp not the talks of disappearing from the world! Aw Ayan also crying and telling him not to disappear bro fuckk
the translation part for “people say ‘thanks for keeping me company’” should’ve included the word friend somehow to make it more accurate to what’s being said and also make more sense in this convo
Aye making Akk kiss all over his face girl that’s so cuteeee 
lol when Akk goes up on stage and he gulps and it cuts to Chadok who gulps and then I also gulp
...what was that shot of Thua looking at Akk looking at Ayan
the fucking sense of foreboding this whole scene...
Part 2
truly how does Waree believe so damn wholeheartedly in the curse bruv
...Thua speaking makes me nervous goddamn
somehow Ayan’s “Ai’Thua, one topic at a time, okay?” as he’s worried about Akk is rewindable and rewatchable. it’s kinda like him realizing Thua speaking right now is outside of his control
“You’re my evidence, Aye!” O.O
girl fuck fuck fuck
Thuaaaaaaa why the fuck would you say the dating part out loud tooo and he saw them at the pool fuckedy I’d had a brief thought that somebody might see but then discarded it
I mean Thua’s technically not saying anything wrong except for the part where Akk and Ayan are my favourites and Akk has changeddddd
I’m losing my entire goddamn mind. Akk’s loyalty to Chadok is so strong still, it’s wild. He kept his mouth shut the whole time Thua was accusing him but when he starts accusing Chadok as well Akk’s like “I did it. nobody else was involved”
lol is the Ayan/Akk dating part really important right now, random guy
Wat you deserve a kiss on the forehead; Kan too 
they keep crying every few minutes bro i’m so T.T
damn Kan going at Akk about lying bout the curse
Part 3
“You uncle joined the rival school.” “My uncle killed himself!”
no way is everyone’s theory that Chadok and Dika were a thing about to be true
Ayan/Akk then Dika and Chadok getting randomly outed this ep although Sani at least apologizes to Chadok about it
sorry but seeing Chadok smile so wide... so strange
girl yeah they going straight to Chadok sympathetic character hm Ayan was probably wrong about Chadok being the cause of Dika’s death but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t working Akk to the bone and putting immense pressure on him, I wonder if they’ll be able to balance Chadok being sympathetic but also a horrid teacher 
so Thua’s reasoning in the end was still about wanting the younger protestors to succeed, so I wish when they explained his reasoning for the eclipse stuff, they explicitly mentioned wanting the protestors to keep going and getting bigger
Part 4
this part seems way more lighthearted than the other parts
ngl this part being funny (esp w Namo) is really throwing me off but I guess it’s good because the first 3 parts were so overwhelming and overstimulating, this might a good 10 minutes to decompress
Kan... don’t make a scene right now, I’ll throw up. 
naurr he did the stand up and declaration of ‘we are faen’
okay ngl i skipped through that but it seems like thua was fine with it and the other students were cheesing and oohing too so it’s fine
also, i will say isn’t it a bit weird to just go into writing a screenplay together and publicly declare you’re boyfriends when in fact you’re discovered Thua is like a whole diff person
Akk squishy face
whooooo in the directing/producing whatever department keeps making Ayan/Akk KhaoFirst both simultaneously hold each other’s faces like it looks awkward sad to say
as expected, they’re making the Eclipse
hm okay i still expect next episode to deal with the consequences of what happened this ep i guess
Overall Thoughts:
I think they dropped the ball in part 4 of the episode because they went onto all be happy-go-lucky again when in fact, there should be continued tension and fragile relationships and weariness. They should’ve had the ep 11 curse hit a little more with fractured friend group and relationships. It might’ve even been interesting to see them create the movie (that needs to happen in order to hide Ayan/Akk’s relationship again) under these strained circumstances and relationships. 
I wonder what mood and tone of ep 12 will be. 
People’s reactions to Thua is wild, truly. The visceral hatred I’ve seen for him... wow. Especially wild considering it’s not like he’s done much worse than Akk or Chadok. Akk went farther than Thua when he did stuff that could physically harm the students and Thua went farther when he outed Ayan/Akk. People can forgive Akk because of his development, remorse, and brainwashing while Thua hasn't had any time for development yet (and the writing for his arc is just kinda worse rip), hasn't shown remorse, and didn't have Chadok whispering in his ear. But like Akk actively made the protestors' lives worse and put them in danger as well. He showed remorse but he didn't go apologize to the students because of it. I think any punishment he gets should definitely take into consideration why he was led to these actions (financial situation, Chadok pushing him that way) but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have to own up to it and face some consequences.
So what makes people’s reactions to Akk and Thua different? Akk hurt the Jums but Thua targeted Akk and that was a bigger mistake for the audience. 
They’ve all done bad stuff and let people down and targeted people but the hate for Thua is insane. 
Fave Scene:
Curse Culprit Suspects (Or the Notebook Thief):
So Ayan knew Thua planted the notebook? What was the panic attack about Chadok then?
The Curse As Religion
i just realized something that i hated as a consequence of the curse. yeah they were putting the protestors in danger but hiding it behind a paranormal aspect means the other students felt like the universe was also against the protestors. the protestors knew it wasn’t true but to other students and Waree, it looked like a higher power disapproved. 
gave me very religious ~god hates queerness~ vibes and like fuck chadok akk thua for fueling that and the other students and fucking Waree for believing that and using it to control and bully the protestors and leave them to fend for themselves.
Most viewers that I saw per part during the premiere
didn’t catch it this time
12 hours later
didn’t catch it this time
Views Tracking (just because I’m curious):
10 Weeks Later
Ep 1 - 1: 2.23M (+190k) || Avg Ep 1: 1.50M (+380K)
9 Weeks Later
Ep 2 - 1: 1.38M (+100k) || Avg Ep 2: 1.15M (+90k)
8 Weeks Later
Ep 3 - 1: 1.32M (+80k) || Avg Ep 3: 1.10M (+70k)
7 Weeks Later
Ep 4 - 1: 1.48M (+90k) || Avg Ep 4: 1.18M (+80k)
6 Weeks Later
Ep 5 - 1: 1.31M (+80k) || Avg Ep 5: 1.10M (+70k)
5 Weeks Later
Ep 6 - 1: 1.24M (+80k) || Avg Ep 6: 1.27M (+90k)
4 Weeks Later
Ep 7 - 1: 1.37M (+110k) || Avg Ep 7: 1.21M (+100k)
3 Weeks Later
Ep 8 - 1: 1.44M (+130k) || Avg Ep 8: 1.12M (+100k)
2 Weeks Later
Ep 9 - 1: 1.33M (+90k) || Avg Ep 9: 1.13M (+155k)
1 Week Later
Ep 10 - 1: 1.13M || Avg Ep 10: 1.14M
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headsaves-a · 4 years
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bloggideon · 5 years
Waking up and reading all the posts about skam france's new clip like
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itsanerdlife · 6 years
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magicpumpkin3 · 2 years
May I request HCs of the Dorm Leaders (Separately) with a [S/O] [Gender Neutral] (Romantic) who can curse out in their native language whenever they get angry? Like in one scenario: [Y/N] got so fed up with the One-Brain Cell gang (First Years) that they willingly cursed out in their mother tongue to the group, giving them an earful of a lecture like an angry mother who found their kids caused trouble at school. How would they react to their partner who can speak in another language? (Examples: Korean, Russian, Spanish, etc.)
(Note: Scolding in any language is lethal.)
(Note 2: Ignore @//swiftyangx12)
- @sanctum-of-ramshackle
Note: *laughing in bilingual* Oh dear, It's going to be such a delight to write
Note: It took almost a year...Well, that was something -
Riddle Rosehearts
I see Riddle as a person that thinks, that curse words are forbidden and that no one should use them well, at least not around him.
So, let's just say, when reader cussed out because of the stupidity of the holy trio, I think it was for the best that no one had a single clue what the hell they were saying, because otherwise Riddle would've collared them.
So, let's Imagen a scenario, where Riddle found out what the bunch of gibberish words ment. He is soo not pleased, the dorm leader really thought that reader was better, then that. Of course there was some scolding and ect, but at the end of the day, he kind of get's it, it's Deuce, Ace and Grim after all. But that's still not an excuse!!!
He's also really interested in learning some basic words in readers native language. Even those cuss words sounded beautiful.
Leona Kingscholar
So, like Riddle, he has no fucking clue what you said. Well, he gets that it's probably something like cuss words but he's not quite sure.
Now, let's clarify that he gives zero shit if you cuss or not. Like, he gets it, shit happens, let's move on. And to be fair, I'll lie if I say I don't think he's the type to use cuss words in he's day to day life.
So, when you let all your anger flow in the middle of an overbolt fight, he's all in for it, even the overbolt kid was stunned by the nonsense you said.
Does Leona want to learn the language? Fuck yeah he does, it would make so much easier for him to cuss and make fun of other people, omG. Overall, he thinks that you're hella cool when you speak your native language.
Azul Ashengrotto
So, I don't think I need to say it again, he has no idea what you said, he has some suspensions but he's quite sure. Azul new that sometimes your brain just glitches and some words happen.
To be fair, I'm not sure how he feels about cuss words. I think he's okay when there's some used, but not like fuck fuckedy fuck fuck fuck.
So, when you started screaming at the trio, he thought it was one of those days when your brain farts some words. He haven't even thought those could be some inappropriate words. Twins on the other hand...oh yeah, they knew-
When he found out, Azul was quite impressed. He hadn't heard anyone curse so passionately, so boy couldn't even be mad at you properly!
As for the language, he finds it mesmerizing. Does he want to learn it? Oh hell yeah! It could be your secret language that only both of you could talk on~
Kalim Al Asim
First of, this is a child. But in all honesty, I think he dislikes cuss words, but not as passionately as Riddle. But still, don't swear around him plz
He is truly curious about you knowing another language, especially when you speak it! It sounds so beautiful coming from you, he is definitely into learning some words. Lemme tell you, the way he was staring at you, when you rained hell fires apun the idiot trio, was something.
Now, we all know that he had no idea what you said, but let's pretend someone told him God help that poor unfortunate soul
He is shocked to say the least, I think he would just froze up with this face 0_0, like. He doesn't blame you, but at the same time it feels wrong to him to hear you cuss in your native language.
Vil Schoenheit
Okay, I feel like he's kind of like an Azul when it comes to the adult language, doesn't mind it, but when it's too much he'll ask you to stop.
Now, you speaking 2 languages is interesting, but at the same time he knows it's semi-normal to be so fluent He has Rook by his side, like c'mon
He would love to learn your language, but I feel he'd actually just learn the basic set of words and of course speak without accent bc perfectionism
Vil is no idiot and he sees with whom you're dealing. He understands, no judgement, yell at them all you want, he will just watch and might trow some disapproval glance in their director, just so they could feel the fault.
Idia Shroud
First of, he's a fortnighter. He's a gamer for crying out loud, I bet when he's comfortable he swears at least once in 3 sentences. So yeah, you can swear all you want, he's not amused.
As for the language, he's quite fond of it. It sounds very majestic when you start to talk on it so to speak. He simp-. And let's be honest here, the fist words that he'll ask to learn are the cuss once, we all know it.
So when he heard you scolding the trio he makes a few mental notes 1)Ask for the translated version. 2) Don't get on your bad side 3) That was hot-. Idia is really amazed how good everything sounded, almost got hypnotized there.
He wants to learn the language not only because he can then swear around people and be unnoticed or at least around himself, but he also wants it to be a semi-secret language between you too, so you can talk about whatever you want without being afraid of someone ears dropping.
Malleus Draconia
Okay, so yet another child. It's like dealing with Kalim but this one is a bit sly. He understands that cuss words have their place in the world but Malleus doesn't feel the need to use them or at least around you.
Malleus has great interest in learning your other language, he thinks that's it's going to be your aristocratic language thing, which he also finds quite romantic.
When he overhead you cussing in your mother tongue at the trio he was amused. Malleus in all honesty found this hole situation hilarious and interesting.
And yes, even knowing cuss words in your language he will not use them just to make you a tab bit mad~
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buffaloborgine · 3 years
I saw a theory about Nayo girl who is actually a traitor and who works with Deepground. Her parents would have died. She would have been taken in Deepground and Weiss would have helped her to escape and since she admires him and wants to release her comrades fromDeepground. I do not know if thats a theory to trust but it would not surprise me if one of new characters is a traitor. And weiss definitely time travelled I am sure.
Wait what wut how when where?
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narylfiel4 · 7 years
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my face... when I caught a resident... trying to get my STRICT 24HR BED REST tPA PATIENT out of bed at 7am this morning to "check his strength" after I had posted fucking signs about it all over the room. And as I run in to stop the situation she says "well I thought it meant he could at least stand"
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mysterybilly · 3 years
idk what the fuckedy fuck is going on with plot this season, i just love watching scar girlboss his way to being the next jeff bezos
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begxy-docrxmes · 5 years
Leaving - Find my muse dying. (To akira) (acrylicinxri)
The metaverse could be a very dangerous place. Even more so when you were alone, and that was on the forefront of Joker’s mind as he rushed through the twisting traintracks to find their friends. Everyone was accounted for, except for Fox. 
What they werent prepared to find was Fox bleeding on the floor looking beaten to hell and back.
“Fox? Fox?!” Joker rushes to his side to examine the wounds, but none of his personae had a healing ability.  “Fox are you okay?!”
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