#what the lab was really like or what happened with her mother etc and to empathize with her
givehimthemedicine · 1 year
El has nightmares. they both do, it's no surprise. Max knows all the classics, and can sometimes tell which El is having by what she murmurs in her sleep. lots of Starcourt and lab ones. Max dying is easily the most common one. for all those, Max can wake her and comfort her and tell her it's okay.
a rare one that Max hates the most is when El cries mama? like a lost child. that's the one that always makes Max cry, because there's not a thing she can do about it. all the love in the world is no replacement for what was taken from El. she will never recover, and there are no real words of comfort to offer.
for those, Max tries to gather her up gently without waking her, and hold her close, and hope that El's dreams might shape her arms into the ones she needs.
sometimes, when El tightens around her and breathes more softly, mama, Max likes to think maybe it's working. she kisses her head and tries her hardest to cry silently.
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shadowedvales · 30 days
not that i even include any of the nina project canon on this blog, but what really annoyed me about it all [i mean, basically everything to do with the storyline lmao] is that jane continued to call brenner papa. he claims they're “father and daughter”, offers his hand to her, and she takes it in order to continue the work. she confirms he is her papa. by calling him that, it continues to implement that he is some kind of role model or positive figure in her life. the fact that she didn't confront him about her childhood until he physically stopped her from leaving, and put the shock collar around her neck, is wild to me. all of jane’s development from the very first episode is amazing. at the end of season one she associates “bad” to brenner, after spending one week with the boys. one week compared to eleven years with brenner.
yes she did try running away from him the moment she saw him, and she was only thinking about helping her friends in working with nina, but she would not have put up with his behaviour towards her. she knew who he was at that point, and if not just to her, then to her friends: he faked will’s death, threatened to kill the boys, and most importantly destroyed her mothers life. anyway. the point of this post, is that after season two and her experience with kali, the man who hurt terry, and brenner’s vision, she only refers to him as brenner. there is no more papa. she is not giving him that credit, or allowing him to have that possession over her. if he were to ever come up in conversation, he is brenner, and that’s it.
which, on that note, i believe jane would stop referring to terry as 'mama' and instead simply call her 'mum.' when jane is looking through the documents regarding hawkins lab in the cabin, she sees terry for the first time, and realises she is her mother. without thinking, she calls out for mama, [not ma, not mother, not mum etc] the title already engrained into her from her so-called father: in that moment she still believes brenner is her father, and this woman is her mother. so they are both automatically mama and papa in her perception, the only parental titles she really knows of thus far. she's connecting these two vastly different people together by titles, which may seem simple on the outside, but has far more meaning within. the word papa will always be tainted to jane, and once she finds out about her real father, andrew rich, she would never call him papa, so why would she call terry mama? 'mama' is immediately associated to 'papa' and when jane grows up a little more and comes to realise these titles connect to one another, she only calls terry her mum or mother.
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impyssadobsessions · 1 year
DPxDC idea/prompt Pen Pals
(Probably more idea but you can run with the concept... im so srry XD) Basically Danny and Damian are pen pals- until Damian receives a letter with Lazarus Water and Blood smeared on the page.
WHAT IF Danny and Damian were pen pals before Danny's accident. A school project for 8th grade. Damian was reluctant to participate but due to it being a grade and being pestered by his siblings that he would just scare the kid off anyways, he deciding to partake in this pen pal. Danny whose not suffering at school, just living a normal life at the moment, is being teased by Dash saying his pen pal could smell loser before even opening the letter. Asking Danny if his parents even let him open the letter or blast it thinking its a ghost. Which makes Danny who wasn't into this idea of writing a stranger more determined to do it. Besides they might only get one letter and teachers drop the subject. They might not even get it. So what the heck. Turns out they become the only ones that constantly wrote each other- even mailing it in person once the school ended the program. (Damian having a post box set up for letters)
At first it was awkward. Danny commented/asking if Damian really was their age or some teacher pretending to write back instead of sending out the letters. If so. He sucks at it because what kid writes perfectly grammar letters and big words to convey something is cool. Guess its better than pretending he knows slang. Damian furious writes back, offended! Also asks if he isn't younger, because everyone with basic english should know to capitalize their letters! This goes back and fourth. Danny writing back every chance he got, and Damian doing the same, even being told not to at the dinner table. It goes from offended at each other to being curious. Danny asking Damian more advice on english because it isn't his favorite subject. Damian asking more about how to sound like his age. Then it devolves to animals. Danny wishing he had one, but his parents didn't want one getting into the lab. Damian happily sending picture of his animals. Danny talking more about the stars.. etc. Until Accident happens- Danny starts having trouble writing the letters. His pen with phase through his hand and replies between them got longer. Danny justifying this by saying he's having trouble with schooling this year. Damian also been unable to send as many replies because he's been busy with teen titans and other heroics. Though he's encouraging Danny saying Danny is far smarter than that school even is aware of. Until one day, after months of not being able to reply. He finds Damian's letter again. It makes him feel better. Even if Damian didn't know him... this person still believes in Danny... Though Danny feels guilty about it- it compels him to write him again. He was about to finish the letter when he gets blasted by a ghost. He returns from the fight, beaten and bloody. He picks up the letter and sighs at the green stain left on it. Folding it up he stuffs it into his bag. Next day after hurrying off to school, his mother finds the letter after it had fallen on the floor. She read a little bit of it and immediately recognize it was to Danny's penpal. She takes the opportunity to try her knew anti-ecto spray and mails it for Danny. "Boy just like his father. So messy. I'll have to give him a lecture about ecto-contamination again." Damian just returned from a mission from Teen Titans, been gone for three months. Alfred informs Damian he had received a letter from his anonymous pen pal in his absence. Damian had almost forgotten about the pen pal- thinking his pal just didn't want to answer anymore. So eagerly he goes to his room to open the letter, but immediately blood drain from his face as his eyes zoomed back the feathery ink to the green blotch of lazurus water.. having almost evaporated.. leaving a water stain that glowed... and more importantly.. the human specks of blood that was revealed with the driest parts of the stain. Damian immediately rushes to the cave.. only to find out his paranoia was right.... and was it his fault his friend was harmed? Also the idea of Damian talking to Phantom in his robin suit. Asking how Daniel Fenton was.. and Phantom surprised and slips out a "Alive as much as he's dead." Damian glaring and Phantom corrects, "He's fine. He has parents that are ghost hunters is all." Stressing his situation complicated. Phantom just so shocked his pen pal is a hero- annnnd also cursing his mom for sending a letter like that. HE KNEW IT WOULD SEND IMPLICATIONS!
but idk if I figured out a good way for Damian to see the smeared letter. I just think it be fun. Also Damian thinking he's to blame for league going after the fentons when he wasn't. At least not as early as he thought. He's very focused on saving/protecting Danny Fenton.. which makes Phantom's job harder.
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tomwaterbabies · 23 days
disneyland happenings
featuring varian and hugo. since thats what our costumes were
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^(us trying to be very spooky) (there is a lot below btw lol)
someone asking if i (dressed as hugo) was from atlantis. surprisingly this only happened once
we went to kingdom hearts mickey first bc that was gonna be a popular one the rest of the night. the idea of varian in kingdom hearts is definitely really funny. i do not go here im just being honest
OH. new addition to the costume. i had olivia with me as a shoulder friend
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met bruno from encanto who commented on her. we talked about our rodent friends he was very nice. he said he brought "all 200" of his rats with him and wanted to help feed them and knows mickey is a big mouse so maybe we could ask him. i said we could just steal some food. varian got mad
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went over to see sid from toy story because he seemed like a mean little bitch. he was a mean little bitch. i may have said that his creations could use a little work but thats no reason for him to say "your mouse needs a little work" and "i hope you kept the receipt".... cunt
laughing about how mother gothel was no longer part of the characters to meet. "they killed her forever this time" etc etc
watching the parade and varian almost jumping out of his skin when mother gothel was in the parade. her ghost
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we went to this thing called villain's grove which was a bunch of light and effects n stuff through their little forest area. it was mostly a cool immersive experience so most of the footage is on the Lights And Effects Themselves but here's a few of us that look cool lol. gay tunnel (maybe not) (that segment was themed after frollo)
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met hans from frozen. we absolutely had no clue he was going to be there it was pretty funny. you may guess that my friend @kristoffs-lullaby (varian cosplayer) is a frozen enjoyer. so we hopped in line to see him
hans asked if varian's alchemy balls were some sort of magic or enchantment and you'll Never guess what varian responded with
though explaining its alchemy and science and all that didnt really make him feel better. he even asked if its something that would be in danger of bringing in an "eternal winter". varian did not like that :)
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saw dr. doofenshmirtz (?) i didnt watch that show. he was pretty fun to meet though. i know some people dont like his creepy ass design, but i do, its fun and weird to me. he wanted to collaborate with me and varian since we're scientists. really funny to have him say "i'll have my people call your people". a possible strange message that rapunzel will get later /j
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also encountered hades. though our friend @iammisswow was with us and so i had him focus on her since shes a big hercules fan. the visual was hugo getting this scary man's attention to be put on someone else by calling her out. it worked obviously. "oh SHE is a HUGE fan of hercules"
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madam mim from sword in the stone didnt really have as big of a crowd so we actually talked with her a pretty good amount. shes SO fun. lots of discussion about magic vs science and how she thinks knowledge is stupid. you can imagine how we of all people felt when she said "KNOWLEDGE is not power, MAGIC is power". she also liked olivia (she thought she was a familiar)
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meeting judge doom from roger rabbit was kind of scary LOL. very intimidating man. but his area had vats of chemicals and all that so you can imagine we had fun with that. WE can be trusted. obviously.
nervously just nodding our heads as judge doom tells us to come to him if we have any information regarding where "that rabbit is" (we are not doing that)
and also we saw ernesto de la cruz from coco. we were actually able to catch him right as he started performing which is rad but i dont actually have any interactions to tell u about here it was bad ass though
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and, unbeknownst to Hugo (as in i also didnt know about this), varian had a surprise for him. he had a whole... horribly genuine and flustery spiel to say about messing around in his lab and all that and made something for hugo. which was a necklace with a piece of colored glass-like material (teal) in the shape of a heart. hugo handled that whole situation really well (lie)
ANYWAYS ! that's it. i've mentioned before but Disneyland Trips will be retired really soon since I'm not too fond of a lot of their wack shit right now, but wanted to share some of the last bit of enjoyable times to be had there before that happens
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henrysglock · 2 months
Finally, More NINA Puzzle Pieces
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Okay so remember when I pointed this out about the NINA discrepancies in El's 4.05 entrance, and how there were at least 22 different iterations of events?
Specifically this glaring difference between reality (tapes) and the rest of the 4.05 entrance (labeled 3 and 8)?
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The presence of a camera in a UD-ified version of HNL tells us that the bottom row of images straight up cannot physically exist in one cohesive reality.
Which is to say—Anything that does not have the camera is 100%, definitely, concretely not based in the UD's reality/those versions without the camera are either fake or set in a different reality.
If you've been following along this past year and a half, this is not news to you; it's just confirmation of what we already knew.
It does, however, means that none of this was based in reality:
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We already kind of knew that, based on the props changing so much within the Rainbow Room each time/Henry's changing hair/etc, but the confirmation goes crazy insane. We love to see it.
After the first entrance to NINA/after we see the footage of the version with the camera, we don't see a non-camera version again. Any non-camera versions seem to disappear. This means whatever simulation El's stuck in, it's adaptive. It learns, with a propensity for making itself immersive by molding itself to to the subject's understanding of reality.
However, what fucks me up is that all of these are, then, set in the same "reality":
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Which means the new ST5 UD-ified HNL, the physical camera footage of 1979, Henry's electrocution, Blood Hands El, El running to the Rainbow Room, and Brenner running to the Rainbow Room are all supposedly set in "reality".
That's not possible, though. The electrocution scene cannot have existed in reality/could not possibly be a memory, because 14 year old El is barely tall enough to see in. 1979 El would not have been tall enough to have seen interaction:
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This means that none of NINA is reliable. Period. Even the things that appear to be set in reality are unreliable re: what actually happened in 1979.
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Whatever NINA runs on, it's adaptive and manipulative. It's like c.ai, if c.ai was actually AI. Whatever it is, it takes El's experiences both in the lab and outside the lab and combines them to form entirely new scenarios that never really happened (see: Blade Runner 2049 and the manipulated/mash-up memories shenanigans). El has been told she's reliving memories. That is not the case. None of what she's seeing is reliable. It's like when a movie says it's based on a true story.
This fits with what I said about the monologue never having existed at all and NINA being an immersive empathogenic drug trip that pulls from El's outside memories. It also fits with my draft about the Mindflayer ties between Shadow-NINA in the VR, TFS, and NINA in ST4, and my speculation in that same draft about a) NINA specifically running on the Mindflayer, and b) the Mindflayer using familiar humanoid avatars to gain sympathy and coerce its target into joining it.
We see this kind of behavior in Patty in her garnering sympathy from Henry and then insisting that she and Henry run away together to find her mother in the Stardust Casino...regardless of the fact that Henry is still flayed. We see it again in our "Couldn't Possibly Exist" Henry as he garners sympathy from El and then tells El to join him. And then we see it again in Shadow Brenner using the NINA-like maze to learn about Henry as a means to try and coerce him into joining him. It's a continuing theme.
Both Patty and "Henry" want Henry and El, respectively, to accept their offer and leave with them. Both Henry and El reject that offer in exactly the same way:
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In my speculative opinion, we see a resurgence of this particular dual-yeeting in Billy and Heather.
Henry in the VR, as we know, has a dubious ending re: escaping the simulation.
This exists in contrast to the other version of NINA Henry, who, much like TFS Henry with Patty, is insistent that El run away without him.
When I say that we have multiple guys, this is what I mean. Their motivations are entirely different. One of these men in NINA is not Henry. It's someone or something masquerading as him. If I had to speculate, I would say that it stems from the Mindflayer and its possible presence in NINA...Especially given the similarities between NINA and the Russian prison, wherein they have a trapped form of the Mindflayer:
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In short—Every day it seems more likely that whatever El fought in the massacre was not Henry. It's like I said way way back last year: there's someone else in there with her. Multiple someone-elses, even.
It also seems, if I had to speculate, that rejecting the Mindflayer avatar is what gives El her powers back. This means it may also be what "changed" about One, as mentioned in the plinko scene.
This all also backs what I speculated way back in the day about the blood transfusions being related to immunity against the Mindflayer, either finding it, triggering it, or building it. It seems to function like getting a live vaccine: you're given dose of the live virus, and your body fights it off. In fighting off the Mindflayer, it's entirely possible that the process triggers latent powers in those who have them. Those who don't have the basis for latent powers eventually succumb (see: Will, Billy, the Flayed). Brenner, with NINA, may have been giving El the equivalent of a booster shot.
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
Feel free to ignore, this is a long one boss.
Marvel gang seeing yn gain powers almost instantly, and watching yn struggle with how to control the new powers. Watching yn, the first couple minutes, days and weeks trying not to kill any team members when they can barely control thier new found abilities.
Im imagining yn super weak at first, they fainted when they first acquired the powers. They cant walk, they can almost stand and they haven't eaten anything since it happened. Yn is scared they are going to die or kill off someone they love and all of the team members are trying to keep yn calm, safe and in control of thier body. Im imagining techies trying to find a way to dampen the powers so that yn can walk around again and everyone fighting to cuddle with the youngest member of the team.
When Sparks Fly
Summary: When you wind up with powers in the aftermath of a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission, the Avengers are determined to help you through it.
Pairings: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (Romantic), Avengers x Stark!Reader (Platonic)
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | MCU Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me firstand b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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“I swear, this is almost as bad as the day I started at S.H.I.E.L.D.,” you whined, folding your arms in slight annoyance as your step-mother Pepper Potts held up her camera again. Your father, Tony Stark, was standing beside her, grinning as he proudly looked over the photos Pepper took.
“This is the first time you’re going on a mission! This warrants a couple pictures, Y/N,” Pepper retorted, before taking another picture.
“A couple? This has been, like, 100,” you sass, unable to help it. You got it from Tony, after-all.
“I’m glad you’re keeping count,” Tony sassed right back, smirking at your eye-roll that followed.
“Wait!” Peter burst in, having just finished patrol. In his haste, he still wore his Spider-Man suit, but had torn off his mask. He skidded to a halt beside you, putting a sweaty arm around your shoulders.
You softened at your boyfriend’s excitement, your frown lifting into a smile as Pepper snapped a photo of you and Peter. When it was taken, he turned to you. “You’re gonna rock this mission, babe,” he said, kissing you on the forehead.
“I appreciate your confidence, Pete,” you said, grinning lovingly.
“Oh!” Pepper exclaimed, gasping at she glanced at the clock. “Go, go, go! You’re going to be late.”
Following her gaze, you muttered a “shit!” as you scrambled to grab your bag.
“Language,” Steve scolded, wearing a smirk as he walked in with the rest of the Avengers. They had just returned from a mission and there was no way that they weren’t going to see you off today.
“Hi, thanks, bye!” You said rather quickly, throwing your bag over your shoulder before giving Pete a peck on the lips and running off.
“Good luck!” Pepper called to your retreating form.
“Kick ass!” Tony added, pumping his fist into the air.
“Don’t die!” Peter said, right before the door slammed shut. Everyone turned to the young adult, who shrugged. “What? It would really suck.”
Honestly — he wasn’t wrong.
Since it was your first mission at the academy, it wasn’t meant to be difficult. Key word: meant.
Little did you know, while chasing an ex-A.I.M. agent who had set up his own research and experimentation lab, you followed him into one of his so-called testing rooms — which was a trap. You only realized this when he stopped running and grabbed a gas mask, pulling it on swiftly.
Spotting a gas quickly fill in from the vents, you whispered another “shit!” and turned around, quickly going to the door.
The intel S.H.I.E.L.D. had gotten said that the lab was devoid of any experimental substances. Wrong.
Unfortunately for you — Steve wasn’t here to scold you and the door had locked. You banged on it, frustrated, and turned back around only to see the ex-agent smirking at you.
“I didn’t expect to gain a new testing subject today, but you’ll do quite nicely,” he said.
A quick glance around told you that there were no gas masks left. Nothing to protect yourself. You couldn’t even cover your mouth with anything because your suit wasn’t made to stretch.
Knowing you didn’t have much time, you pressed down on your comms and said: “A gas is quickly filling up the room. I don’t know what it is. The guy’s going to try to escape, so be prepared to—” Your words died on your lips as you started to inhale the gas, overcome with wooziness.
You struggled to continue speaking, only making frustrated noises, and your vision blurred as the guy walked towards you. You didn’t know that he was holding a needle until it pricked your neck. Not long after, you felt your limbs grow heavy and you fell, smacking hard against the ground.
When the members of the team heard your distress call over the comms, they quickly tracked your location and ran to meet you. Thankfully, they managed to stop him from escaping and taking you with him. But when they got back to the Quinjet, they knew that they had to alert the Avengers, which no-one wanted to do.
When Tony saw Coulson on his caller I.D, he assumed the man was calling him to boast about how well Y/N had done on the mission. Putting the phone to his ear, he was startled when he heard the disappointed words: “I’m so sorry.”
The billionaire stilled, his face instantly paling and altering Pepper and the Avengers that something was wrong. “What happened? Is Y/N okay?” He practically cried, gripping the phone tightly.
“Agent Stark inhaled an unknown gas during the mission. From what we know about it, the gas — and the needle Stark was pricked with — was a part of some experiment that the guy we were tracking down was conducting illegally. We don’t know too much about the experiment yet, but we know that it’s intention is to enhance its subjects somehow. We’re interrogating the guy right now,” Coulson explained, as calmly as he could.
Tony squeezed his eyes shut as he let the news pass over him, doing his best to prevent his voice from shaking. “Can I talk to Y/N?” He asked.
Coulson paused. “I’m afraid not . . . Y/N is unconscious. Has been ever since the incident. The team is en route to S.H.I.E.L.D’s medical wing now, though,” he said.
“I want Y/N transferred to the compound. We’ll have Dr. Cho — she’s the best,” Tony declared firmly.
Another slight pause, and then: “Of course, Tony.” With that, Coulson hung up, leaving Tony to reveal the news to his worried family.
It was safe to say that no one took it well, but Pepper and Peter especially were a wreck. Bruce took the initiative of informing Dr. Cho while the rest anxiously awaited your arrival. They tried to comfort each other the best they could, but with so little information on your condition, there was nothing much that they could say or believe.
When the elevator dinged and two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents rolled you out on a gurney, everyone cling to your side. Peter was especially shaken when he saw you unconscious. The agents didn’t let anyone come with, saying it was imperative that they get you to Dr. Cho now.
Although difficult, your family allowed you to be rolled away alone. For the next half-hour, everyone waited for any news. The majority of the group was seated on the couch, but it seemed that everyone paced around at least once. Tony demanded updates from F.R.I.D.A.Y., only to hear that you were “stable” which wasn’t enough to calm anyone’s nerves or satisfy anyone.
When Bruce finally emerged, the group nearly pounded on him. They were barely able to keep quiet enough for him to actually say anything.
“They don’t think it’s life-threatening, but it’s not good, either,” was what Bruce first said, pausing as he gauged their reactions before continuing. Once he deemed that no-one was going to have some sort of outburst, he continued. “The gas Y/N inhaled is . . . Changing them. From what Dr. Cho can tell and the information they got out of the A.I.M. guy, the gas and the needle modifies one’s DNA to give them enhancements . . . Superpowers, of some sort. The A.I.M. guy let it slip that this will be a slow and painful process for Y/N, though. It was meant to beat down the guy’s test subjects so that by the time their powers were developed and controlled, it would be easier for him to manipulate them into doing what he wanted. It seemed he hadn’t planned on doing this to Y/N, but took the opportunity when he realized he might be able them use it against us.”
This was a lot for everyone to take in. They all held some combination of immense concern and anger. The very thought you suffering was an enraging image, and they wanted nothing more than to be able to take away the pain.
“Is-is there anyway to stop the process before the powers develop?” Pepper asked, trembling slightly. Tony wrapped an arm around her.
Bruce frowned. “Dr. Cho is looking into it. Coulson said when they asked the guy that, he claimed it would just make things worse,” he said.
No-one liked the sound of that.
“Can we see Y/N?” Tony asked next.
Bruce nodded and led the group to the medical bay, where you were lying in a bed. A ton of wires were hooked up to you and a bandage was on your head from where you hit it when falling.
Tony, Pepper, and Peter immediately went to your side and the rest of the Avengers followed. No-one said much, just using the time and the silence to digest this change. Peter and Tony both held each of your hands and Pepper pet your hair. Not long passed before Rhodey and Happy, having received the news, quickly joined.
No-one moved, or wanted to move, until Dr. Cho came in. “Unfortunately, we don’t see a way to reverse the process. We’ll just have to let it play out and help and comfort Y/N the best we can,” she explained, knowing everyone wanted to hear it. “Y/N should wake up on their own. They’re not under any sedation or anything.”
Everyone nodded and turned their attention back to you. A couple hours passed and the only movement that occurred was when someone went to go on coffee and food runs, or they got any update from S.H.I.E.L.D. However, Peter broke the silence when he suddenly jerked back. “Ow!” He said, waving his hand. Meeting the other’s confused looks, he said: “Y/N shocked me.”
“That bad?” Sam asked, a little doubtful.
Peter nodded and glanced back to you, his eyes widening. “Woah, look,” he said. Everyone inched closer, only to see electricity sparking at your fingertips. Although reluctant, Tony and Pepper had to move away at risk of getting shocked.
Seeing the commotion, Dr. Cho shuffled over and began checking your vitals and monitors. “What’s going on? Does Y/N have electricity powers or something?” Bucky asked.
Although his second question hadn’t been serious, Dr. Cho turned around and said: “It seems like it.”
This shocked everyone, but when your eyes began to open, they seemed to snap back to normal. Already in a state of daze and confusion, you got nervous seeing the crowd. “What-what’s going on?” You mumbled, pulling at the wires, only for electrical sparks to fly and interfere with the wires, making you curl up in pain.
“Unhook the monitors!” Natasha cried, while Tony did his best to soothe you.
“You’re home, honey. The gas you inhaled is changing you and giving you, what looks like, electricity powers. But it’s all going to be okay, I promise,” he tried to explain.
This, combined with seeing the worried, confused, and nervous looks on your family’s faces, only freaked you out more. Electrical sparks flew out now, and the Avengers had to dodge being hit. You let out a small scream, trembling, and trying yet failing to control it.
“Get away from me! I’ll hurt you!” You yelled, panicked, hugging yourself and attempting to get as far back on the bed as you could manage.
“No, you won’t. You just need to take some deep breaths, Y/N,” Peter tried to comfort.
But that didn’t seem like it was possible. Any attempt to slow your breaths only made you feel like you couldn’t breathe. You were desperate to regain your regular breathing, and it came out in short gasps. Not only was electrical sparks going everywhere, but it was hurting you, and you were feeling dizzy. “I can’t. It hurts!” You said, trembling, and the next thing you knew — your eyes rolled back into your head and you fainted.
Everyone was relieved as the electrical sparks disappeared, but not happy that you were unconscious again. Tony reached forward and moved some hair out of your face, sighing.
“We need Y/N to calm down. I think we should bring them to their room and reduce who sees them at first — maybe only Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts, me, and Ms. Maximoff. She can help with Y/N’s powers,” Peter said, looking at the Avengers.
While the group all wanted to be with you, they understood that it was overwhelming. With a look at Dr. Cho, who said it would be okay as long as she could check on you, Tony said: “Good idea, kid.” He took it upon himself to gently lift you from your bed and carry you to your room, everyone following behind.
When they got to your room, Tony laid you down on your bed and Pepper tucked you in. Everyone sat around, trying to make the room as comfortable and calming as possible, until you started to stir. They all filed out, leaving behind your parents, Peter, and Wanda.
When you began to wake, the sparks began to fly, but Wanda quickly jumped in. “Hey, Y/N,” she said, smiling at you. You and Wanda were really close. She was like an older sister. “You’re in your room, with just me, your mom and dad, and Peter. We noticed that the electricity only seems to get uncomfortable when you’re upset, so we’re gonna try and help you. I know that this is all really sudden and scary and not what you expected or wanted. But, if anyone can tackle it, it’s you. Think you can take some deep breaths for me?”
You did your best to listen to Wanda’s words, although her powers - which was intent on relaxing you - certainly helped. Realizing you were in your bed and had the people you loved most around you, unwilling to leave and wanting to help, allowed you to feel less scared and take those deep breaths. It took a couple minutes, and Peter holding your hand, but the sparks began to lessen and lessen.
“I’m scared,” you whispered after a moment, tears in your eyes. You found yourself able to express some sadness without the sparks causing chaos, but it was draining your energy and causing pain.
“I know,” Wanda said, cupping your cheek comfortingly. “But you’ve got a whole team right behind you. We love you so, so much.”
“Yeah, we do,” Peter agreed, and your mom and dad nodded, causing you to smile. You squeezed your boyfriend’s hand. He squeezed back.
For the rest of the day, the Avengers visited you in pairs or trios, not wanting to overwhelm you with everyone again. You were disappointed about how your S.H.I.E.L.D. mission had gone, but having your dedicated family at your side helped. The sparks were no longer soaring, but when Coulson had said it would be a painful process, he was by no means exaggerating.
You hadn’t said anything, not wanting to worry anyone anymore, but it became apparent the next day. Everyone was now in the room and, after some slight stress (which Wanda and Peter helped with), the sparks calmed down. You were sick of lying in bed all day and wanted to stand up and walk around, but that proved to not go well.
The second you had risen to your feet — you were tumbling back down. Your knees hit the floor, and Peter barely managed to wrap his arms around you and prevent your head from hitting it, too. He gently pulled you against him as your head lolled against his chest, a wave of dizziness appearing.
“Are you alright?” Tony asked, him and Pepper kneeling down in front of you and Peter. The rest were close by, in case you needed anything.
The sparks came back, but this time just seemed to appear all over your body. You were concentrating hard to prevent them from escaping, and this in turn only exhausted and hurt you more. “Y-yeah,” you answered through grit teeth, but your whimper of pain betrayed you.
“I’ll get Dr. Cho,” Bruce offered, making a move for the door handle.
“No,” you forced out, although your voice was hardly strong. Enough to make Bruce pause, though. “It’s not — it’s my powers. It’s taking everything in me not to let this electricity out, and on top of that I think this whole process is taking a toll on me, like Coulson said it would.”
No-one liked hearing this. The group exchanged looks over your head, worried, and then Tony nodded at Peter, gesturing to your bed. Since your eyes were closed, Peter said, “I’m going to pick you up and put you back in bed, okay?”
When you nodded, Peter gently picked you up and laid down in bed. Your grip never left him, though, so he slid in beside you, in a cuddle. Peter and Pepper both fixed the blankets while you leaned your head against his shoulder.
Pepper and Tony sat beside you and the rest of the Avengers crowded around. Blinking your eyes open tiredly, you managed a small smile, your heart warming with your family surrounding you. Trying to get as comfortable as possible with the pain, you squirmed around and huffed lightly.
“Still hurts?” Natasha murmured, with the others watching over you in concern.
Your answer was an affirming hum, face tightly scrunched up in concentration. “I’m really trying to contain it,” you whispered, which broke everyone’s hearts. You looked exhausted and worn-out, but were still trying so hard.
Steve glanced over at everyone, frowning. “We can leave if you need to let it out,” he offered gently.
You shook your head. “No. I need to learn how to control it,” you insisted.
This had everyone more worried. “You don’t have to learn right now, hun,” Wanda said.
“I do. I can’t hurt anyone again,” you said, and then leaned forward, gasping, as a wave of pain from the electricity racked your body.
You were Tony Stark’s kid — stubbornness was in your DNA.
Peter bit his lip and rubbed your back, wanting to do anything he could to provide you with comfort. Pepper pet your hair until you leaned back, practically collapsing against your boyfriend. “Maybe a story will help distract—” Sam began, but you quickly cut him off.
“No! I can’t be distracted! I need to concentrate unless you want me to fry you!” You snapped, glaring at Sam. Everyone was surprised by your sudden outburst, but your frustration quickly dissolved into guilt and tears escaped your eyes. “I’m-I’m sorry Sam. I just can’t relax. All I can do is think about keeping the electricity in.”
You pulled your knees to your chest and Peter’s arms wrapped around you from behind. Eyes widening, Sam was quick to say: “Hey, hey, it’s alright, kid. No hard feelings.” He smiled.
“I can put you to sleep for a bit, if you’d like,” Wanda offered, also smiling.
You thought about this for a moment and then nodded. Wanda put her index fingers on her temples and, after a moment, your body relaxed and went limp. Peter gently pulled you so you were laying back against the pillow and everyone let out a collective sigh of relief. They all just watched you for a moment, glad that you were finally no longer in pain — even if only temporary.
After a couple minutes, Bruce piped up. “There has to be something we can do, Tony.”
Tony glanced over at the scientist and nodded, the wheels already turning in his head. “Can we build something that can absorb the electricity? A bracelet with an insulator like rubber or plastic that could be strong enough for Y/N to be able to let loose some of that electricity?” He pondered.
Bruce nodded, liking where the billionaire was going with this idea. “Let’s see,” he said, and then headed out the door, to their lab.
Tony was more hesitant leave Y/N, but Pepper and the others assured him that they’d be there. Smiling at his wife and then at sleeping Y/N, Tony allowed himself to trust that and followed Bruce.
You slept for most of the day with your family by your side. They only left if it was absolutely necessary. When you woke up still in pain, the Avengers took shifts. If it were up to them, they’d all be with you all the time. Unfortunately, duty called to the team and to Pepper. At any moment, though, at least one of them was always with you. Rubbing your back, keeping you updated with what was going on in the tower and with S.H.I.E.L.D, anything they could do or say that would provide even the littlest bit of comfort.
Two days later, when Fury wanted the Avengers to go out on a mission, they all ended up arguing with him and insisting that they needed to stay with you. Their love for you seemed to out-power the Director’s might. It took a lot of convincing, but Fury eventually backed down after talking to his best spies Clint and Natasha and when he saw you himself.
Later that afternoon, Bruce and Tony finally perfected the bracelets. They delivered it to you proudly, all the Avengers by their side. You gladly wore them and it helped lessen the pain some — although it did not go away entirely. Tony was adamant on going back to the lab and working on it himself, but you were able to put your father at ease. You know the pain would continue as long as your powers were still developing. Soon, your body would get used to it and you’d be in control.
Tony (and everyone else) still worried, of course, but they knew you were right. Sure enough, by the end of the week, you were up and walking around again. Your body had stopped fighting the new development and, after practicing and working with Wanda, you were able to control it with little difficulty. You surprised the group when they were in the living room, coming down the staircase with a large grin on your face.
“So . . . Does this mean I can become an Avenger now, too?” You asked.
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geekyarmorel · 9 months
Your angst anon here but I come with a silly(stupid actually if u think about it) idea this time! Reader being abducted by MM so now she has to work under her helping with experiments, etc. MM seeing that reader has been on a good behavior decided to reward reader and goes, like, "you have a choice, pick something... within reason". Poor reader being her sleepdeprived self and with questionable life choices/morals answers that she wants to do MM's makeup... chaos ensues. Make it awkward, make it tense! MM thinking she's finally broken the girl into insanity but it's just reader being fascinated by all that is MM!
Hey! I love the prompt, sorry it took a while to get to. My writing capacity has suffered while I've been dealing with my festive anxiety this time of year. Anyway enjoy!
Insane for You (Crazy for you)
Mother Miranda x Reader
You were going insane, or rather yet, you were already insane. You're unsure of what caused you to blurt out that for a reward you wanted to do her makeup. But there's no taking it back now. The pseudo mother who is a rather brilliant and somewhat dubious scientist stood staring at you, a look of shock on her face for a moment before her brows furrowed as she looked over you.
Her face smooths out and with a very slight nod she speaks. "Very well. Tomorrow I'll let you do my makeup. You're dismissed for the day."
You can't believe what you just heard and it takes a minute for it to sink in. She turns and goes back over to her desk, her piercing eyes locking on yours again. "I said dismissed."
"Right, of course, sorry." You say quickly, removing your coat and hurrying out of the lab. Once you got back to your room you sink down to the floor as you try to gather your thoughts. You were possibly a crazy person who literally asked to do the villages deity's makeup as a reward for doing good work for said woman. "What the actual fuck." You whisper before burying your face into your hands, what had you gotten yourself into.
Of course your mouth would speak before your brain had a chance to catch it. Wanting nothing more than to spend time with her, to get just a tiny bit closer to her than you've been. Because let's face it, you were head over heels for her. You hoarded the time you spent together, collecting the small signs of familiarity that she gave. Like the slight nod she gave when you did something right or beneficial to her, or the quiet 'thank you' when you took her the warm supper you cooked for her, or perhaps the way she hovered next to you while you both worked now instead of staying far away from you.
And your big stupid brain and mouth has possibly just ruined things for you. What if you didn't do her makeup right? What if she hated it and then hated you? You shuddered at the thought, no thank you. You've seen what happens when you get on her bad side, it's scary AF and you weren't going to let yourself go down that road.
With a sigh you get up and pick up the book you had been reading but the pages held no interest to you. After the third attempt to read the same page you gave up. Instead you made your way to the kitchen, preparing supper a bit early but cooking always gave you a sense of peace. It doesn't take long before the kitchen is filled with the aroma of food cooking, you humming softly while you stir.
Once dinner is ready you fix a plate for yourself and left it on the counter while you took down Miranda's plate to the lab. She was at her desk, scribbling down some notes. You placed the dish to the side of her and get a small "Thank you."
"You're welcome." You stand for just a minute and it causes her to look at you. "I'm sorry for asking to do your makeup. I know it can be kind of an intimate thing and I don't want to overstep. It was just a stupid thing my mouth said before my brain could catch up."
Her piercing blue eyes stare at you for the longest time, her face in her resting bitch face position. "Do you really think I'm that repulsive? That you don't want to touch me?"
Your mouth dropped open and she turned back to her work. She thought you find her repulsive?? "What?! No! I-"
"I have seen the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking." She cuts you off, the grip on her pen tightening. "You let me get closer to you, let me work beside you. I thought that was progress."
"Leave." Her words turned clipped and cold.
"No." You can't leave her thinking that you find her repulsive. "I don't find you repulsive! I have never thought that once, honestly. I look at you like that because I want to be closer to you, because I'm head over heels for you. I want to do your makeup because I want to be closer, I want to be able to reach out and touch you. But I didn't want to overstep and ruin what we've gotten." The words sort of rush out from you. "I like you Miranda, I really do."
It seemed like that lab had fallen completely silent at your words. A moment passes before she puts down her pen and rises to stand in front of you. Her hand comes and slips up your neck and pulls you close, her lips pressing against yours. They were soft and warm, and your hands reached out to pull her close against you while you kissed back wholeheartedly.
Miranda pulls back when she needs to gather her breath. "You will be doing my makeup tomorrow and we'll be having dinner together." She declares before pulling you close again for a few more kisses. "Now come on." She reaches for the plate you had set down.
"Yes ma'am." And you happily follow her out of the lab.
"Hold still."
"You're attacking my eyelashes with that mascara." She protest and gives you a sharp look.
"I'm putting a second coat on to make your lashes look fuller. Relax or I'm going to jab you with the wand."
"Try that and it won't go well for you."
"I could always kiss away the hurt." You supply with a smile. You receive a soft smile in return.
"True." Miranda stills and let's you carefully apply the mascara. You finish her makeup with a soft pink lipstick, handing her the compact so she could assess the look. "You did well."
"Thank you." You say, taking the little mirror back and casting a look at your own reflection. The purple and red hickies stuck out against your skin. "Do you think concealer would cover these?"
"You will not be covering them." Miranda says pushing your hand away so she may lean forward and press a few more biting kisses to your neck.
"Stop you'll ruin your lipstick!" You say with a delighted chuckle, playfully squirming.
"It's not the only thing I'll ruin today."
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seaslugdisco · 1 year
nuzi is not a proship, i understand the confusion of the unclear timeline, but this is my understanding and how it places n and uzi at similar ages:
this theory has two versions, depending on the gap in the timeline of events between the core collapse and the disassembly drones arrival. first, the larger amount of time between these two events. the core of copper-9 collapses, nuclear winter ensues, all humans on the planet die, etc. etc. khan is one of the worker drones who defect from humans and begins to try to start his own life. nori, after being trapped in cavin fever labs and being experimented on and gaining the absolute solver, escapes with yeva. they meet as camp 98.7, fall in love, and move into a deserted human bunker with some other families and start a sort of civilization. they have uzi, but nori begins getting visions of the future- khans line in episode 4 about nori at the beginning, "she was always all: 'build doors against the coming sky demons!' 'the singularity awakens.' 'look at this cool s i can draw!'." nori tells khan to build doors, as in, on the existing bunker, not build the bunker.
uzi grows up to be about 19-20 when the events of the series play out, (the ages of kids her age from other bunkers on missing posters in episode 3 at the very beginning) you know the rest. this probably means that living under the ice in the bunker is just how she grew up, but the disassembly drones are a threat that appeared in her lifetime and killed her mother, presumably before she was a fully functional worker drone and still one of the smaller round baby drones (??? i dunno what to call them) this WOULD explain why she doesnt remember nori much but this always confused me because theyre robots??? they literally cannot forget unless they manually delete something from themselves??? actually thats probably a lore thing. whatever it doesnt matter for this theory. ANYWAYS, a big thing that i see people miss is that if disassembly drones have been alive long enough to kill nori, they have really barely gone through changes like the workers do as they "grow up". its understandable that they were just made to kill and didnt really need it, but this still places them at a much younger age than they look or are in the series. this means that uzi and n can be very close to the same age, even if they dont look it. im not sure if n v and j were just like actually pretty short because in the pilot opening sequence we never see the disassembly and worker drones in a same frame good enough to compare or if there was to change at all.
just really short disassembly drones is kinda a funny thought though lol
option two, which i find less likely but also more interesting, is very similar, but instead of after the core collapse, nori and khan meet BEFORE it. maybe khan defects from the company??? nori and yeva are able to escape??? idk if that could even happen or where i was going with this everything else is basically the same but uhh its a cool thought right
in conclusion: people who think nuzi is a proship what the fuck are you doing
thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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fanficwriters-posts · 7 months
Hiro hamada x spiderman! Reader
Nobody knew reader was spiderman until reader swoops in, in their spidersuit, and saves the main 6 from a villian they couldn't beat. But ends up getting super hurt and having to take their mask off.
That sounds interesting and inspiring! 😃
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Hiro Hamada x Spiderman!reader
It was like any other day in a normal human life. I got out of bed, take a quick shower, brush my teeth, pick out my clothes, put on the clothes, grab my necessary items for school and my homework, go downstairs, eat my breakfast my mother prepared for me, kiss my parents' cheeks before i leave to go to Hiro's place.
I do it every single day, it's just the same routine. Until one day...
There was a school field trip to this campus in New York City and mostly it was because Professor Granville didn't want any of us to slack off while she's away so she decided to bring us with her and make us learn about Alchemax with Doctor Octavius being our tour guide.
I got a little bored and was sidetracked with this spider that has a 42 number on its back. I was sorta staring for a few seconds until Doctor Octavius caught my attention away from it and lead us into another room. I didn't even realize the spider escaped its closure. Not did i felt it crawling up my pants and to my hand.
When Doctor Octavius introduced us to one of their latest inventions, i was amazed and wanted to take a picture. That's when i saw the spider. It bit me and i nearly drop my phone from shock. I grab it from the back of my hand and i put it on a table so no one will notice.
Hiro came over to me, i think he saw me when the spider bit my hand. He checked to see what was wrong and I just told him that my hands were just shaking from excitement. He found that amusing and grab my good hand to bring me back to the rest of the group.
Thankfully, that was the end of the tour and we all got home. Me? I was sweating the whole way back so i went straight to my home. A lot of things happened.
I ran really fast like i don't usually do, I can jump really high, i can hear almost everything that's going on, I can even stick to anything. Walls, metal poles, etc. But what made me so shocked is that i can shoot spiderwebs from my wrists. I found that out when i put down my backpack and try to reach for the bathroom.
I decided to experiment on myself and turns out, i have super-strength. I've seen these in the Spider-Man comic books and i didn't think it would happen to me, too. I was so psyched about it but... i didn't tell any of my friends. I was scared that they might report this to professor Granville and have me change back to normal.
But, i wanted to be a hero. Like those Big Hero 6 guys. So, i trained myself in this old, abandoned factory that i can use as my training arena. Of course, i had to put everything together first before i can start.
I've been training myself for 3 months just so i can do everything perfect. Somehow, in the process, i didn't realize that i got myself sorta fit and tough. I even cut my hair a little shorter.
Once i know i'm ready, i started designing my suit while watching the news about the Big Hero 6. Sometimes, i write down the villains and their powers in my notebook that i keep to myself.
And if you're wondering, what about school? Yes, i still go to school and everything went on smoothly. Though, sometimes they ask during the first week about why i'm so happy but i just tell them that the Alchemax field trip made a whole new perspective in my life.
I did everything i could to keep my secret from everyone and it works so well. And now, i'm a new superhero of San Fransokyo. (Hero name)! Heck yeah! I saved a bunch of people, get interviewed by the press, even got my own superhero action figure. Everything went smoothly on my side but with all the homework that started piling up, i couldn't keep up and let everything to the Big Hero 6.
I wasn't aware of what the villains were up to behind my back.
Present time
I'm in Hiro's lab doing my homework per usual but this time he wasn't here or Baymax. I called him and he said he had to help around in the cafe with Baymax before he gets here. I just said, "Take your time." And "Love you." Before we hung up.
When i set down my pen, a notification appear on the screen of my phone while i was watching (Favorite Cartoon Series) and i press it.
"This just in, a group of robot has attacked downtown and with Big Hero 6 on the job- Wait, sorry." The news reporter spoke before he press the earpiece he has on. "Oh! It looks like the Big Hero 6 are down. Take it away, Carol." The screen switches to another news reporter and she's in a helicopter.
"Thank you, Bluff Dunder." Carol said to the microphone in her hand. "It seems like our heroes have been outnumbered by unknown robots and can't seem to find a way out of the corner. Our former lovable mascot, Noodle Burger Boy have gathered robot mascots from all around fast food restaurants into villainy. If only (Hero name) was here to aid them in their battle."
I couldn't believe my ears and immediately i texted Hiro that i needed to get home because my parents called me and change into my spider suit. I grab my things and my clothes into my backpack before i swing out of the campus and drop off my bag at my bedroom window.
I head straight to downtown and... Oh yeah! I can go camouflage mode but right now is not the best time to use it because these are robots we're fighting. They might have heat-signature visions, but it wouldn't hurt to try it out. I landed on the rooftop above the Big Hero 6 and i went camouflage mode as i slowly crawl down the building over the heroes and robots.
"There's no way of escaping, heroes! Give it up!" Noodle Burger Boy exclaims with this girl robot beside him and Hyper-Potamus on the other. There were a few other robots i've never seen before.
"What do you want with us, Noodle Burger Boy?" The guy in purple ask the robot, standing in front of his team.
"The whereabouts of the new superhero, (Hero name)." Noodle Burger Boy replied before the robot girl beside him speak up, "She can be of use as our ally."
"What? No way! She will never side with you! She doesn't even side with us! Because we never ask." Another hero spoke but he's wearing a blue monster suit.
"Then tell us where she is. 'Cause we'll make her." Noodle Burger Boy tells them before the rest of the robots got into stances, ready to attack.
"That's my cue." I muttered before i un-camouflaged myself and jump down between them.
"You wanted to see me, Noodle Burger Boy?" I ask him, my voice high and mighty.
"Oh! There she is!" Noodle Burger Boy tells his group of robots, clapping with joy.
"(Hero name), what are you doing here?" The guy in purple asks me, walking up to me. I look back to him and stop him.
"Stay back. This is gonna get a little ugly... For me." I tell him, my voice slightly deepen.
I turn back to the evil robots and i shot my web at one of them, swinging them to the others before i leap up and attack the rest. They fought back and of course, a hero such as myself cannot take on this many but i try to.
I took the fight elsewhere so that no one would get hurt, using my spiderwebs to swing me and let them chase after me. I landed on a dock and turn around to face them. Finally realizing how many there are.
"Oh, boy." I whisper in shock. They're made out of metal, i should've thought this through.
"No where left to run, (Hero name)!" The girl robot exclaim with a menacing grin before she shoots multiple rockets at my way.
I gasped and dodged it as my spider sense went off. I thought i was save for a couple of minutes until the robot, which i think is Crushroom, punched me so hard that it send me into a side of a boat.
I groaned and got myself out before i stick my feet and hand on the wall of a building. "Okay, this is a bit unfair, don't you think? I mean, there's literally some of you but you're made out of metal and i'm made out of flesh, myself."
I hear the Big Hero 6 coming from my right and i look up. When my eyes landed on the guy in purple, i feel a bit of familiarity to him. Like i knew him from somewhere. Obviously, behind that orange glass shield he has black hair but his face... Somehow...
And it's not right to be deep in thought when you're being chased by a bunch of robots is not highly recommended. My spider sense went off but i didn't have time to react before i was shot off of the wall and fall to the ground. I fell! A great 6 ft from the building and i think i got scratches on my suit because i was not full conscious.
I got up from the ground and i pant heavily from the great impact. I look up to the rest of the robots and i use this advantage to shoot my spiderwebs at their faces to blind their sights. The Big Hero 6 took care of them as soon as they arrived and i had to leave the scene but my limbs were aching with pain. And they're killing me!
Don't blame me. This is my first time getting actually hurt during a mission.
I hear the big red robot land behind me and help me stand up. "Are you alright, (Hero name)?" The robot asks, his voice calming.
"Yeah. I put my guard down for a second and they just shoot me." I replied, holding my side. I look up to the rest of the team and i think a quarter of my mask was torn.
"What were you thinking taking those crazy robots on your own?! You could've died!" The big guy in green exclaimed at me with worry.
"Not to mention putting your life at risk just to save ours." A girl in pink with long blond hair spoke softly.
"Super cool! But dangerous. But SUPER AWESOME!" The guy in blue yell with excitement.
"You could've asked us to help you." The guy in purple steps up, his height same as mine but i was sorta bend down from the pain.
"Yeah. I just... You guys were already in trouble. I just wanted to give you guys a break." I tell them.
I grunt in pain as my side aches even more and i nearly fall forward but the guy in purple caught me before i hit the ground.
"My boyfriend will not like this at all." I muttered under my breath as i let him support me.
"Your body cannot take anymore muscle use and you have a cut on your face. In order for me to heal you, you must take off your mask." The giant red robot said before he approaches me.
My eyes widen and i hold out my hand. "No, no, no! The hospital is fine! You don't have to heal me." I say quickly, holding the guy in purple's shoulder.
"Oh, come on. You can hardly stand up by yourself, let alone swing back to the hospital." Said the girl in yellow.
I groan in defeat and look up to them. "I know where you can heal me, but, you have to promise to keep it a secret." I tell them.
All six of them agreed and took me to my training arena because i have first aid kit and a bed there. Not plain. I decorated them so that it doesn't look so bland.
The red robot lay me down on the bed while the others look around at the training place i build.
"You built this place yourself?" The girl in yellow asks, standing in front of one of my deadly obstacles.
"I like to challenge myself and make it a whole lot more interesting." I replied to her as the robot place a pillow behind my head.
"Huh." She muttered. "Awesome."
"Alright. Let's take off this mask of yours." The robot said. I sigh heavily.
"It's a big no-no. But from one hero to another, i guess." I say to him before i take off my mask and set it aside.
I was startled by the sound of my name and i look up to the guy in purple with wide eyes. "Y-you know me?" I ask him nervously.
He walk towards me and take off his helmet. My eyes widen even more and i stare at him in shock. "Hiro?!" I exclaim in surprise.
The two of us stare at each other for a solid 5 minutes while the red robot heal the wounds on my body.
The rest of the BH6 came and take off their helmets which made my heart nearly jump out of my chest. I look at each of them before i look up to Hiro again.
"Wait, wait! You lied to me about help Aunt Cass?" I tell him, going to sit up but he held my shoulder and keep me down.
"Y-you lied to me about hanging out with this whole new group of friends when it turns out you were here! Training yourself!" Hiro said back.
I frown a little and look down to my lap. "I..." I sighed heavily and lay down on the bed. "I didn't want to tell you because i was afraid that you guys might tell Professor Granville and that she might take me back to Alchemax and make my powers disappear."
Hiro sit down on the edge of the bed beside me and he hold my hand. "So, this whole time you lied just so you can be a hero?"
"In my defense," I quickly said. "You guys inspired me to become one. I thought that with this power, i might be able to help but i just didn't have the guts to say anything, yet."
Hiro frown at that and he brush my hair out of my face. "And yet, here you are, laying on your bed with Baymax healing your wounds."
"I'm sorry for not telling you. For not telling any of you." I apologized, looking up to them with sincerity. "I know i'm supposed to trust you with this but..."
"Hey, don't worry about it, (Name). I mean, we hid all this from you. We should be the ones to apologize for not telling you that we're heroes." Honey Lemon speak up, walking towards me with a warm smile.
"We could've told you but someone didn't want to because he didn't want to risk your life." Fred steps in, looking at me with a smile.
I look up to Hiro from him and he just look away sheepishly with a blush across his face. I chuckled and i hold his hand. "Aww, really? That's so thoughtful of you!"
He smiled back as he turn his head back to me and he lean down and peck my forehead. "If any of them knew that you were connected to us, i wouldn't know what i would do if something happens to you, (Name)."
"You're my boyfriend, Hiro. You have all the right to be worried but you have to trust me with protecting myself. I can handle anything." I tell him to reassure him, my smile never falter.
Hiro chuckled and nod his head. "You're right. I should've told you and i should've listened to my friends, too."
"I told you she'd be cool about it." Fred tells them which made us all chuckle.
And let's just say that from now own, we tell each other everything and we help each other. I'm not part of the BH6 but i still help around. Hiro and i's relationship became stronger also mine with our friends.
With great power, come great responsibility. And that responsibility is protecting everyone i love and this city.
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appleshmapples · 9 months
Knowing about Cassandra and Caitlyn’s background, she was probably indulged in many more extra curricular activities than just shooting.
I can see her possibly doing a martial art like Vi, something like Karate, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do, fencing, etc. I can also see her being proficient with an instrument or two.
Since she has Ionian roots there’s the possibility that she’s also bilingual, her mother would want her to have top marks to I bet she’s rather smart too.
She doesn’t make a big deal out of it tho. Her profession doesn’t require most of the skills she learned in school, but rather the influence of the people around her.
I bet Vi be rather intelligent as well. I think despite the undercity having minimal opportunities for education Vander would have done his damned hardest to teach Vi and her siblings important subjects.
I see Vi as being really good at math but not realizing how high of an intelligence level she has until she goes to Jayce and Viktor’s lab and critiques an incorrect equation that they’d been trying to solve for weeks.
HISTORY NERD. ALL. THE. WAY. Constantly corrects people who get the smallest history detail wrong.
Great reader, good punctuation, TERRIBLE HANDWRITING. No one has a clue what she wrote despite perfect punctuation and spelling.
Ya’ll already know Jinx is smart as hell. She is cononicaly a wonderful engineer and artist. Since she was also raised by Vander for most of her childhood, she’s probably mathematically inclined like Vi.
Not to mention how much math is needed in a lot of engineering. I bet her and Viktor would make an unstoppable pair if they joined forces.
I can imagine she’s a huge science nerd. Probs a wizard in chemistry, but she has a little too much fun and ends up accidentally making mustard gas😬
Def experiments with chemical mixtures just to see what happens.
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jazzystudios82 · 2 months
Diabolik Lovers - An Angel's Embrace AU: Akira's relationships with the Sakamaki family (past) 🥀
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Akira at 14 (Image above was made in a Picrew).
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WARNING: DIABOLIK LOVERS is a dark series with mature themes and topics. Discretion is advised if you are not familiar with the series. . . .
NOTE: This is all for an upcoming fanfic that is still in development. Some of the information written here may change in the future.
Karlheinz Sakamaki 🍷
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Karlheinz is Akira's father.
Akira is the first of the many children that the Vampire King fathers over the years.
However, unlike with his younger sons, Karlheinz would put in effort to be a part of Akira's childhood and teen years. A major part of this is because Akira is his heir and because of Karlheinz's infatuation with his mother, Angelica.
Karlheinz educated Akira at an early age on various topics: the arts, literature, mathematics, science, and etc. This was all done to help him succeed, even if they weren't his favorite subjects due to Akira's young age, though he did like literature the most.
One of Karlheinz's favorite things to do with Akira and Angelica was to read stories with them when Akira was four, which was around the time Beatrix, Karl's second wife, got pregnant and gave birth to her and Karlheinz's son Shuu.
Karlheinz didn't really care if Akira got to meet his younger brothers or not, just as long as it didn't distract him from his studies.
When Akira expressed interest in sword fighting and architecture, Karlheinz allowed him to get into them as hobbies.
Karlheinz had decided not to involve Akira in his "Adam and Eve" plan, which was to bring in a new era of demon kind to help them "prosper". Karlheinz knew that not only would Akira be too old when "Eve" is chosen, but because he knew that Angelica would never grow to love him if this happened and if she were to find out.
Whenever it comes to asking a parent for help with "technical" problems, Akira always goes to Karlheinz.
Akira does think his father is a bit weird from time to time.
Because of Akira's status as Karlheinz's successor, Akira is often taken to important meetings with other high ranking demons to get to know how things are done.
However, despite Akira being Karlheinz's favorite son, they do not have the best relationship, as Karlheinz is not a good person: like Cordelia with Ayato and Beatrix with Shu, Karlheinz is rather strict with Akira when it comes to his studies and how he presents himself in front of other noble families.
This would only get worse when Akira gets older.
Karlheinz would always get on his case about wearing his finest clothes when at public outings, find a fiancee despite only being fourteen at the time, and many other things. However, it is possible that Karlheinz did this with him only wanting the best for his son, and because he's not used to showing proper familial affection, Karlheinz simply did what his father Johan did for him when he was Akira's age.
When Akira would be killed by vampire hunters at the age of nineteen, Karlheinz had felt many emotions. Shock, anger, sadness, and even regret, just to name a few. This, combined with Angelica's depressed state, is what made Karlheinz decide to bring Akira back from the dead, since he was more than capable of doing so.
And so, Karlheinz created a serum to bring Akira back from the dead in his lab. However, while he was successful, Akira was brought back without a soul, causing him to become vicious, feral, and extremely dangerous, which was made clear when he attempted to kill Karlheinz, and he was almost successful until his father injected him with a drug to make him sleep.
Ever since then, Karlheinz locked Akira in a padded cell in his castle in Eden so his son wouldn't hurt himself or others around him. While Akira stays locked away, his father began to conduct thorough research to locate Akira's soul so he can truly have his son back.
This was the norm for a good couple of years up until Akira grew sick and tired of being treated like an animal and escaped after he attacked Karlheinz. While lost in the woods, Akira encountered Carla and Shin Tsukinami, the two last pure blooded members of the Ancestor Race. Though that is a story for another day. . . .
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Angelica Amor-Sakamaki 🎶
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Angelica is Akira's mother and the parental figure who was a constant in his life.
Akira was Angelica's first child, and on the day he was born, his mother made a vow to shelter and adore him, as she never wanted him to feel unloved in any way.
As a first time mother, Angelica did everything she could to make Akira happy, though she took care to make sure that her son wasn't too spoiled.
When he turned four and Beatrix gave birth to her eldest, Akira wanted to be present for the birth, though both Angelica and Karlheinz said no since they thought him witnessing the birth would traumatize him.
During his childhood, Akira would often ask Angelica to read to him, Shuu, and his other eventual younger brothers.
Like his mother, Akira developed an interest in the art of sword fighting, and with his parents' permission (particularly Karlheinz's), Akira would practice sword fighting with his mother.
Whenever it comes to asking a parent for help regarding "emotional" problems and issues, Akira undoubtedly goes to Angelica.
As Akira got older, he tried to become more independent and would try not to "bother" his mother with his problems, since he believed that he should be able to solve them himself.
Akira is very protective of his mother, even when he was a little boy. This was mainly due to Cordelia's torment and when he'd see his mother getting harassed by some of the purple haired woman's past suitors.
When Karlheinz would get more and more strict with Akira, Angelica would come to her son's defense and try to have his father be more lenient with his studying and training as his heir.
Akira was aware of his mother's past marriage, and the unfortunate fate that befell her first husband Wolfgang. As a child, Akira would ask her what he was like when he was alive, but as a teenager, the pink haired young man would cease his questions as he'd notice his father's frown whenever Wolfgang is brought up.
One of his favorite activities to do with Angelica is to go horse back riding, specifically through the forest near their home.
On the fateful day when he and his mother accompanied Shuu to visit his human friend Edgar, Akira had to take his mother and younger brother back home almost immediately when they discovered Edgar's village on fire, since Angelica had sacrificed her own personal safety to protect Shuu from some flaming debris. After the incident, both boys took great care of the pink haired woman in their own ways, Shuu with trying to make her chicken soup while Akira worked on a salve to instantly heal the burn scars on her back.
One day, while things seemed to be going well, the Sakamaki mansion was attacked by a group of vampire hunters who aimed to kill Angelica and Akira. While Akira and his mother made sure to have the boys hide in the secret panic room, Akira was quick to notice one of the hunters had attempted to stab his mother in the back with a sword made of a special silver that was capable of killing vampires. Thinking quickly, the then nineteen year old Akira pushed his mother out of the way, taking the blade for himself, though not without ripping out the hunter's throat in the process, effectively killing him.
This event made his mother enter a depressive state. Angelica refused to eat or drink blood for days, leave her room weeks, and cry herself to sleep for months. Angelica would eventually pick herself back up again to be there for the boys, even though the death of her firstborn still weighed on her mind daily.
When Akira was (improperly) resurrected by Karlheinz and was locked up for his and others' safety, the pink haired young man would remain an amnesiac for a good portion of his adulthood since his father was having difficulty in returning Akira to the way he was. However, during his slumber, Akira would have little bits and pieces of his memories play in his mind, though the faces of his loved ones were always blurred out and he couldn't remember their voices properly.
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Shuu Sakamaki 💛
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Shuu is Akira's younger brother through their father, Karlheinz.
When Akira first heard of his stepmother Beatrix's pregnancy, a four year old Akira became excited that he was getting a new sibling. He'd even try to feel her then rounded belly for the baby's kicks, only after asking for permission of course.
When his baby brother was finally born, Akira was given permission by Karlheinz, Angelica, and Beatrix to hold the blonde infant while the blonde haired woman rested. Akira was doing his best to stay still and not disturb the baby since he was practically vibrating with excitement. When a sleepy Beatrix announced that the baby's name would be "Ririe" (yes, that's his actual birth name), Akira thought that it was a bit of an odd choice for the baby, since he believed that he looked more like a "Shuu" than a "Ririe".
After getting permission from Karlheinz and Beatrix, Akira would then start calling his baby brother by that name.
Whenever Akira's friends, who were the children of Karlheinz's business acquaintances, he'd often show off Shuu in a way that'd let them know that he was a proud big brother.
He'd play games with baby Shuu whenever he and his mother Angelica would visit Beatrix's part of the mansion, though Akira's visits would grow faint when his training with Karlheinz began.
The two wouldn't reunite until Shuu himself was four years old, making Akira eight.
Due to Shuu being the second eldest, he was allowed by his mother Beatrix to be around Akira so he could either become his second-in-command or the next heir if Akira, for whatever reason, couldn't become the next Vampire King.
Akira has given Shuu the nickname "Blondie".
Shuu especially liked going hunting with Akira and his older friends, since it made him feel like as if he was a "part of the boys".
Akira was one of the very few people who knew of the existence of Shue's friend Edgar. When he seemingly passed away, Shuu entering his apathetic state made Akira's heart break for his little brother.
When Akira passed away, Shuu was obviously devastated, as it reminded him of the sudden passing of his only friend Edgar. And it only got worse as his mother Beatrix and Cordelia began to compete with each other even more since this meant that either Shuu or Ayato could become the next head of the family.
Due to Akira's killers being humans, it made him despise mortals who came from the same church as they did, making it difficult for a certain blonde haired girl when she'd come to the Sakamaki mansion years later.
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Reiji Sakamaki 💙
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Reiji is Akira's younger brother through their father, Karlheinz.
Like with Shuu, Akira was around for the birth of Reiji since Beatrix and Angelica were on good terms, unlike her and Cordelia.
Akira also liked playing games with a baby Reiji and a one year old Shuu during his free time.
Akira has given Reiji the nickname "Pigeon" as Reiji's hair reminds him of the gray feathered bird: he also often shortens it to "Pidge" since he thinks it sounds cuter. However, despite Reiji thinking that the nickname was childish, he doesn't mind his brother calling him that in private. He does mind if it is done in public and if someone else tries to call him that.
Like with Shuu, Reiji was allowed to interact with Akira as he was also being trained in becoming his third-in-command.
He has much admiration for his older brother, as Reiji saw him as the "proper gentleman", except for when he teases him.
When Reiji turned eight, he was allowed to go alongside Shuu with Akira and his older friends for hunting and playing croquet.
Reiji would get annoyed whenever he saw Shuu spending time with Akira and Angelica. He thought this wasn't necessary as Shuu already had the love and attention of their birth mother Beatrix, though he never said a word about it.
When Reiji burned down Edgar's village, he'd help Akira with creating a salve for Angelica when she got hurt protecting Shuu from the fire as he felt immense guilt for his part in her getting hurt. Though Reiji never told Akira, Shuu, and Angelica about what he did for obvious reasons.
When the mansion was attacked by vampire hunters, Reiji, alongside Shuu, had to keep their younger brothers from panicking since they were worried about their safety and that of Angelica and Akira's. Reiji assured them that they were fine, as both were experienced with self defense techniques and sword fighting.
Unfortunately, when Reiji and his brothers exited the safe room with the help of a servant, they found a sobbing Angelica holding the bleeding dead body of their older brother.
Reiji was completely silent during the funeral and alongside Subaru, sticked to Angelica's side the whole time.
After Akira's death, Reiji got closer with Angelica then he did with his mother Beatrix, as his mother put more and more of her attention on Shuu since he now had more of a chance to become the heir.
Reiji had all of Akira's books placed in his room for safekeeping. Due to him having to help Angelica with looking after the house and its residents, Reiji doesn't really have much time for himself to read. However, during those rare moments when he does, Reiji finds himself reading some of Akira's old favorites.
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Ayato Sakamaki ❤️
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Ayato is Akira's younger brother through their father, Karlheinz.
Unlike with Shuu and Reiji, Ayato and his triplet brothers weren't allowed to meet Akira and his mother Angelica until they were four years old. This was due to their birth mother Cordelia's hatred for the pink haired woman for giving birth to the eldest son/heir, therefore seemingly getting the love and adoration of their shared husband, Karlheinz Sakamaki.
When Akira first met Ayato, who was four at that time, it was after he hurt himself in the gardens. After Angelica took care of him, she went to speak with Karlheinz while Akira stayed with Ayato to make sure that he wasn't lonely.
It didn't take long for Ayato to like Akira, as he saw him as a cool and fun big brother.
Ayato would go to Akira and his mother to be comforted whenever Cordelia punished him for doing something she didn't like, such as trying to get out of his immense studies.
He'd get jealous whenever he see his brothers playing with Akira and Angelica whenever he had to study.
Akira would call Ayato "Little Red" as a nickname, which Ayato thought was embarrassing.
Whenever Akira would hangout with his friends, Ayato wanted to go with as he thought they were "cool". He'd get envious whenever Shuu, Reiji, and Subaru were allowed to hangout with them while he, Kanato, and Laito weren't.
When Cordelia would throw Ayato in the lake and leave him to drown as a punishment, Akira and his mother would be alerted by Kanato and Laito and rush to his rescue. After giving him a bath, new clothes, and some hot soup to warm him up, Akira would stay with Ayato and distract him and his brothers while Angelica entered a screaming match with Cordelia about what she did.
Akira would always come up with silly games and dances for him and Ayato to play.
One time when Ayato needed to go to the bathroom, he went to Akira's room and asked him to come with because he was scared to go by himself.
During the mansion's attack by a group of vampire hunters, Ayato wanted to go out of the panic room so he could help Angelica and Akira, and would get upset whenever Shuu and Reiji told him to just sit still and wait until someone came for them. When a servant came to retrieve them, Ayato saw his stepmother weeping as she held Akira's bloodied and motionless body.
Ayato was wrecked when Akira was killed by the vampire hunters. He silently cried when they put the coffin underground, as he didn't want his mother Cordelia to notice and berate him. After the funeral ended, he and his brothers slept in Akira's bed in his old clothes, and they imagined that he was still there with them.
When Cordelia put even more pressure on Ayato to become Karlheinz's successor, Ayato felt disgusted, as it wasn't even a year since his brother's death: it was only six months at that time.
Ayato would unofficially make Akira's old room his place for alone time whenever he has a fight with his mother or brothers that gets out of control. This continued even after Cordelia died.
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Kanato Sakamaki 💜
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Kanato is Akira's younger brother through their father, Karlheinz.
Unlike Ayato, Kanato and his other brother Laito were able to interact with Angelica and Akira early on since Cordelia wasn't as strict with them.
Kanato thought Akira was a bit weird at times, but he ultimately liked him since, like his mother Angelica, took the time to get to understand him and be patient.
Due to Kanato's sensitivity as a child, there were very few people who could calm him down with ease: these people include Angelica, Akira, and Laito.
Kanato LOVED playing all sorts of games with Akira, but his all time favorite was Hide-and-go-Seek.
Since Akira isn't super fond of sweets, Akira would often give him his after dinner, especially if it's raspberry pudding.
Whenever Cordelia would have 'relations' with another man near or in front of Kanato, Akira would take his brother away to his room to make sure he didn't see too much of what was going on. While his mother Angelica would handle taking care of explaining to Kanato what was going on and how he should leave when it happens, Akira would distract him by playing games with him.
When Akira got older and would attract would be suitors, Kanato got annoyed with them and would stand near his brother as if he was a bodyguard.
The event that took Akira away from Kanato nearly destroyed him. After the tragedy, Kanato would stick to Angelica like glue.
Before Akira's funeral, Kanato did consider making his body into one of his 'wax figures' so his body could be preserved, but decided against it when he learned that Angelica had planned to have his body cremated and put bits of his ashes in charms that'd be given to the brothers respectively. Kanato has his charm hidden in Teddy for safekeeping.
Like Ayato and Shuu, Kanato's hatred to mortal humans mostly stems from the vampire hunters who took Akira away from him.
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Laito Sakamaki 💚
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Laito is Akira's younger brother through their father, Karlheinz.
Just like with Kanato, Laito was free to interact with Angelica and Akira early on since Cordelia was more concerned with her eldest son Ayato.
Since they had similar joking personalities, Laito would often participate with Akira in teasing their brothers.
Laito likes to borrow some of Akira's old clothes from when he was his age since they were still fashionable.
He often plays with Akira's old toys that he had from when he was around his age.
Whenever Cordelia would punish Ayato by throwing him into the lake, Laito and Kanato would go to Akira for help, who'd in turn inform his mother Angelica about the event. Laito would help Akira with taking care of Ayato.
One day, Akira would notice that Laito was acting rather off. He would notice whenever Laito would recoil a little at a woman's touch: whether it was Angelica gently putting her hand on his shoulder to get his attention, or the maids that assisted in helping him getting dressed for special events. What really captured Akira's attention was the sight of small bruises and the smell of Cordelia's perfume on Laito's body, and when Ayato told him that Laito would sometimes disappear in the middle of the night from the bed the triplets shared in their room.
After discovering what Cordelia was doing to Laito, Akira's blood boiled and he was seething with rage, but he kept his anger down long enough to ensure that Laito was fine and that he did nothing, and that the situation was not his fault in the slightest. While Laito pleaded with Akira not to tell anyone, Akira managed to convince Laito to at least tell Angelica about Cordelia's abuse so she could help him, even promising him that he'd be with him during the whole thing.
After Angelica was informed, she had Akira take Laito the the physician while she went to confront Cordelia, which Akira learned about later after he managed to get Laito to sleep in his room (he slept on the floor with a spare blanket and pillow).
To this day, Laito is grateful for Akira for helping him with what his birth mother was doing.
Akira's death shook Laito to his very core, as he never thought that a strong vampire could fall victim to a weak human. Like Kanato, Laito would stick to Angelica like glue and would steer clear of Cordelia since she was still around during that time.
While Laito isn't one to collect things like stuffed toys like Kanato, Laito does have a teddy bear in his room that was made from on of Akira's old shirts. This is something that all of the brothers have, but Laito is the only one to have his on display.
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Subaru Sakamaki 🤍
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Subaru is Akira's younger brother through their father, Karlheinz.
When Christa's pregnancy was announced, Akira was a little shocked to learn that his secondary mother figure was going to give him a little brother, but really excited. He'd even talk to the unborn Subaru during Christa's final trimester.
Between Cordelia, Beatrix and Christa, Akira was closer with the white haired woman since she and his mother Angelica were close childhood friends.
When Subaru was born, Akira was confused when he saw that baby Subaru was separated from Christa and given to his mother, since he thought that Christa would want to spend some alone time with her son before introducing Subaru to Angelica and him. It wasn't until Angelica told him about what happened to Christa that he'd understand.
From that day forward, Akira would help his mother with raising Subaru since Christa couldn't. He even helped Subaru with learning how to walk and talk.
For the longest time, Subaru believed that both Angelica and Akira were biologically related to him, as no one in the mansion ever really told him otherwise or spoke of his birth mother Christa.
It wasn't until his sixth birthday that Subaru learned the truth from his father Karlheinz, who told him everything that happened to Christa and why she was unable to raise him.
At first, Subaru didn't believe his father and thought he was lying, but it gnawed away at him the longer he kept it to himself. When Subaru finally asked Angelica and Akira if it was true, they sat him down and told him everything he wanted to know: it is important to know that Angelica and Akira did plan to tell Subaru eventually, but in a more relaxed setting and when they thought he was ready.
Despite now learning the truth, Subaru's love for his stepmother and older half-brother didn't change. In fact, it made him quite protective of them as he feared that Karlheinz would "break" them like he did with his birth mother.
Whenever Angelica wasn't able to visit Christa with Subaru, Akira would go with his brother and check on his stepmother, but only when he 100% sure that Christa was in a stable mood. He'd never risk Subaru's safety.
Subaru was nicknamed "Akira's shadow" since he'd follow him everywhere at balls held at the mansion of parties the whole family was invited to.
When an unstable Christa would lash out at Subaru for "ruining" her and tried to make him kill her, Akira, like his mother, would remind the white haired boy that he was not the monster Christa was making him out to be, and that it was not his fault that Christa is the way she is now.
After Akira's death and funeral, Subaru became much more sullen and angry. He'd focus on putting his energy in protecting Angelica and eventually his sister Sofia as he believed that he failed in protecting Akira when the vampire hunters attacked.
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Richter Sakamaki 🗡️
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Richter is Akira's uncle through his father Karlheinz.
As a child, Akira wasn't quite sure on what to feel towards his uncle Richter. The older vampire never really stayed at the mansion for long as he was constantly traveling the world.
Akira would get confused about why his mother disliked Richter, he was aware of their rivalry from their school days but he never knew why it started in the first place. He assumed that it was probably something silly and thought that they should make up.
However, one day while a young Akira was playing in the gardens, he overheard Richter badmouthing his mother Angelica with Cordelia, Karlheinz's first wife and one of Akira's stepmothers, since they thought they were alone. Hearing this made Akira decide that Richter was a terrible person who deserved his mother's scorn.
They never really interacted much during Akira's teen years, even before his demise.
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Cordelia Sakamaki 🫀
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Cordelia is Karlheinz's first wife and one of Akira's stepmothers. She is the mother of his younger brothers Ayato, Kanato, and Laito.
Akira was only four years old when he first met Cordelia, and as soon as she decided to be rude to him and his mother, he decided right then and there that he hated her.
He especially hated it when Cordelia would badmouth his mother behind her back to his uncle Richter in the gardens when the two adults thought that they were alone.
However, Akira did try his best to be civil with her in public and around the triplets, since he didn't want to cause any unnecessary drama.
During the small period when Cordelia would send her lovers to bother and harass his mother Angelica, Akira, after getting to leave her alone and unintentionally at Kanato's mercy, would in turn send rats and bugs into her room while she slept. Though Cordelia would automatically assume that it was Akira that sent the vermin, she never had any clear cut evidence.
One time as a petty form of revenge, Akira once put a single blueberry in her ice cream. Cordelia isn't allergic to blueberries or even dislikes them, she was just confused as to how it even got in there in the first place.
When Cordelia began to abuse the triplets, Akira, with help from his mother, would do whatever he could to either prevent any more harm coming to them or at least comfort them if he couldn't stop it in time.
It wasn't until Ayato's near death experience with drowning, Kanato witnessing his mother's affairs and bleeding vocal chords from her making him sing too much, and lastly the sexual abuse of Laito that Akira decided that enough was enough. After informing his mother of what was going on, and making sure all three of the triplets were ok and safely asleep in his room (since Cordelia hated going anywhere near him), Akira decided that was his moment to strike.
Akira visited Cordelia in the dungeons at night, as she was being punished on Karlheinz's orders for what she had done. After giving her a good scare, Akira threatened to convince his father to increase her punishment if she didn't do as he said and listen to his demands. The orders he gave her were simple: agree to hand over custody of the triplets to Angelica and to leave them and his mother alone. If she failed to comply, then he'd make her life a living hell when he became the next head of the family.
Frightened, Cordelia agreed. This encounter led to the purple haired woman's dislike of the young man to grow and fester. After she was released from the dungeons, Cordelia's reputation worsened after word got out that she agreed to let Angelica become the triplets' legal mother, creating a theory among gossiping nobles that Karlheinz's true favorite wife was none other than Angelica.
This pushed Cordelia over the edge, causing her to hire a group of vampire hunters to kill Angelica and Akira. She gave them clear orders to only kill them and to leave the triplets alone, as she still wished to use them for her own gain.
After Akira's death and Angelica's descent into depression, Cordelia began to plan on ways to get Ayato to become the next head of the family. But after the triplets learned through one remaining hunter Karlheinz kept alive for interrogation that Cordelia had a hand in their older brother's death, the three of them planned together to murder her for taking Akira away from them.
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Beatrix Sakamaki 🪡
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Beatrix is Karlheinz's second wife and one of Akira's stepmothers. She is the mother of his younger brothers Shuu and Reiji.
Akira's relationship with Beatrix is nowhere near as bad as it is with Cordelia.
In fact, they had a pretty decent relationship, though the two weren't close when she was alive. This was due to Beatrix putting in a majority of her attention on Shuu and her unintentional neglect of her youngest, Reiji.
Despite that, Beatrix did think that Akira was a nice young man with good manners, which allowed her to feel comfortable with letting Shuu and Reiji spend time with him. It also helped that when he was four, he'd bring flowers from the garden everyday for her and an unborn Shuu as gifts. He also did this with an unborn Reiji.
When Akira died, Beatrix felt a wave of varying emotions. While she felt immense sorrow for Angelica for the loss of her son, Beatrix began to once again compete with Cordelia over which of their eldest sons would become the next heir. This naturally made Angelica and Shuu distance themselves from her.
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Christa Sakamaki 🪞
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Christa is Karlheinz's third wife and one of Akira's stepmothers. She is the mother of his younger brother Subaru.
Christa was basically a secondary mother figure to Akira before the incident took place due to her close friendship with his mother Angelica. When he was a baby, the white haired woman would look after him whenever his mother had something important to do that required her full attention.
She even looked after him when Angelica needed rest, as Christa saw this as practice for when she and Karlheinz have children of their own one day.
When Akira was a year old, he called Christa 'mama', which nearly made her cry with tears of happiness.
When Christa's mind shattered (because of Karlheinz), Akira, alongside his mother, wasn't allowed to go anywhere near her without a guard present in case she was in an unstable mood and tried to hurt him.
When Subaru, Christa's son, was younger, Akira would help him with planting white roses near her tower in an attempt to make her feel better.
Akira's relationship with Christa definitely soured after he learned that Christa denounced his little brother Subaru as her son and that she tried to pressure him into killing her. However, he still felt bad for what happened to her, so he would try to send her little gifts every now and then to make her feel better.
When Akira's death was announced, Christa bursted into tears over the news, as in a way, he was the son she never had.
Years later, when Christa heard from a few gossiping maids that Karlheinz was keeping a feral pink haired young man in the dungeons who bore a striking resemblance to Akira, this made the white haired woman realized that Akira was somehow brought back to life and was being kept as a prisoner. However, Christa can’t really do anything about it as she’s locked up, and whenever she asks a servant who comes to give her her meals about the rumors, they’d tell her that it was nonsense and not to worry about it.
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~ Bonus: Kino Sakamaki 🤎 ~
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*Please excuse the poor image quality, this is the best I can do right now. Also, ignore Kid! Carla and Kid! Shin. Respectfully, this section isn't about them.*
Kino is Akira's younger brother through their father, Karlheinz.
Since Kino was abandoned as an infant in a Ghoul town, he never knew of his heritage and that he had brothers, with Karlheinz's other children being in the same boat.
Despite being taken in by his best friend Yuuri's father, Kino still wished to know why he was seemingly abandoned and who his parents were.
One day, Kino attempted to steal some bread for him to eat, and the owner of the bakery attempted to beat him with a rolling pan up until he was stopped by Akira, who happened to be around the area as he was coming back from staying with his grandfather, Gabriel Amor. After paying for the bread and getting Kino something more to eat, Akira made sure to take Kino back to his place safely.
Though Kino was stubborn about the whole ordeal, he was grateful that Akira managed to save him from the baker when he did, as he'd normally give the dark haired boy some bruises from whenever he's caught stealing.
A few days after, there were a few Ghoul kids, some who were Kino's bullies, that'd ask him about Akira and how he knew the heir of the Bat Clan. Kino would say that he didn't and that he was just a stranger, but there were a few who didn't believe him and thought that he was just keeping things to himself because he thought he was better than them.
A week later, Akira would return to the Ghoul town to check on Kino, though this time he wore a disguise so the Ghouls wouldn't recognize him and cause a scandal for his family. While Kino didn't want his pity, he'd later warm up to the pink haired Vampire since he treated him and Yuuri with kindness and would scare off the bullies: it also helped that Akira would bring them good food and nicer clothes.
When it was Kino's birthday, Akira gifted him some konpeito (star-shaped candy) and a telescope since he knew the dark haired boy was interested in the stars. Kino appreciated this very much and shared the candy with Yuuri and would use the telescope constantly.
One day, during one of his visits, Akira revealed to Kino that he made plans to help the Ghouls rebuild the town so that everyone could have better housing and more room to garden so they could have better food. Kino loved this idea and even asked if he could be involved.
However, the day Akira's death was announced to the demon realm broke Kino's heart. While most of the Ghouls hated Karlheinz and his family because of their wealthy status and couldn't care less about Akira's demise, Kino mourned the loss of the young man he considered a friend, maybe even an older brother.
Kino still thinks about Akira every so often, especially when he uses the telescope the older male gifted him.
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Hope this wasn't too sad for y'all. 😅
If so, I am so sorry. . . .
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aemiron-main · 9 months
This is Your Dream: Was TFS Patty’s Dream? At Least Partially? Did Patty Go Missing At Age 12? Are Her And Henry Hooked Up To NINA Together?
So, I’m wondering if TFS was at least partially Patty’s “dream” or her NINA simulation etc.
Because first of all, Henry keeps telling Patty “this is Your Dream,” and Patty says the same to Henry/says “it’s Your Dream,” and they have that shared church dance musical scene vision and there’s a whole Thing about how Henry claims he wasnt the only one causing that/that it was also Patty’s dream.
And what also really gets me is that Patty has to tell Henry to tell her “I love you,” and he only says it after she tells him to & then it works. And so first of all, how did Patty know that it would work??? Like why on earth did Patty think that getting Henry to tell her he loves her would get him to let go of Mr Newby??
Second of all, WHY did it work?? Is it because it’s Patty’s dream and that’s what She wanted to hear?? It’s not a matter of “Henry is in love with Patty and the Power Of Love Worked,” because instead of having a moment where Patty tells Henry all about how much she loves him etc and makes him FEEL loved, its instead HIM SAYING IT TO PATTY that stops things. It’s Patty Hearing It From Henry that stops things. It’s SO weird.
Was Patty the one killing Mr Newby??? And hence why she needed Henry to give Her a moment of love/wish fulfillment???
Which is EXTRA interesting with the context that Mr Newby gives us later- that Henry was fighting the shadow and saving Mr Newby- so, Patty stopping him from fighting (but She thought she was stopping him from killing Mr Newby) by getting him to say “I love you,” actually may have endangered Mr Newby even more.
Also, after Mr. Newby wakes up after losing his eyes, he gives Patty this huge apology about how awful and wrong he was. And sure, maybe he truly repented after getting his eyes gouged out, but the way the scene is set up, it genuinely feels like a Patty wish fulfillment moment, it doesnt feel real, it reminds me of a much tamer version of the musical number vision, it literally feels like an ideal dream moment for Patty.
And also, Henry says to Patty that she’s always known that she was stolen from her mother- which, it’s like. How would Patty know that?? How did Patty know that the “I love you” would work?? Why does Patty know so much??
And so, going back to the fact that there’s those references to being Henry’s dream/Patty saying “it’s your dream,” to Henry the same way that Henry says “it’s your dream,” to Patty, I mentioned all of this to Stav, and she brought up this post that I made about ST vs The Evil Within and NINA-esque simulations + brain syncing via shared chilhood trauma.
However, it’s not that Ruvik and Leslie experienced the same event together as children- it’s that they both grew up in very very similar family dynamics with very very similar traumatic events happening to each of them.
And so, I’m staring at Henry and Patty like. Their family dynamics are very very similar (Mr Newby and Victor both being WW2 airforce vets, Patty feeling abandoned by her mother vs Virginia abandoning Henry in the end, the emotional incest between Henry and Virginia vs the emotional incest between Patty and Mr Newby/how Mr Newby seems to treat her more like a wife stand-in than his child), and so, I wonder if both Patty and Henry are getting nina’d/some sort of shared dream space or something… I know I’ve talked before about the idea that Patty isn’t real and again im just sitting here like. Is she real?? Is she a simulation?? Is she real but hooked up to NINA alongside Henry??
Did Bob’s sister Patty go missing long before TFS? When she was 12, maybe? The age Henry was supposed to be in 1959? The age that Henry got taken to the lab?
Especially since there is that paper in TFS that talks about the principal’s daughter going missing….. and i know it’s supposed to imply, on the surface, that Patty at the end of TFS goes missing when she goes to find her mom, but like. In a subtext sense, I wonder if any of that was even real/if the paper was real but Patty was nabbed by the lab years prior & her and Henry are both hooked up to NINA.
Is Patty Bob’s lost sister?
Plus all of the references to Patty being taken as a baby?? Just like El was?? Was Patty raised in the lab & none of it was real?? Esp since so many TFS details about the newby family do NOT match with the show (ie bob’s parents are together in the show vs split in tfs)
Anyway, many thoughts!
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bugsbenefit · 2 years
it's actually baffling to me how much backstory and info we're still missing on the events surrounding the lab, there's so many Major blank spaces
we got Henry giving his childhood backstory from before he was taken there and we got El's memories regarding the massacre. but there's SO much missing here we are completely in the dark about, like, okay i'm just thought-dumping here:
1.) when did Henry actually get the Soteria implant?
we only know that he Had the Soteria, with little to no details on the actual history of the device, and we'll definitely get more exposition on it in s5 with how it was only introduced in s4 with no pay off for it. but the question remains. did Brenner implant it while Henry was in his coma right after he took him? suppressing Henry's powers immediately wouldn't align with Brenner's aspirations of experimenting on and with powers. on the other hand, if he didn't immediately implant it, wouldn't Henry just attack him? especially when he was inflicting pain on him while forcefully tattooing him? so surely Henry must have gotten the Soteria very early on. but that would also imply that Brenner could never do any actual tests on Henry like he did the other children and just sadistically shocked him for years when he disobeyed which is very oh no actually
2.) also. when did the children actually start coming in?
Henry killed his family in 1959 and is the first child Brenner took in. but did Brenner start stealing children right after that? because the MKultra experiments that seem to be the cause of the babies abilities started all the way back in 1953, long before Henry would get taken in. MKultra went on until '73 so that explains the ongoing stream of new children coming in of all ages, but does that also mean that there would be children with powers born pre '59 that Brenner wasn't aware of/didn't take? did he take them when they were older or are there just random older people with powers running around from the early days of MKutlra? we also have no canon ages for the children in the lab, but roughly referencing it to the actors they would range from 8 to 20 years old in 1979 at the time of the lab massacre (even though the 20 year old actors could also be intended to portray older teen children) which means that even the oldest kids we see, two, three, four, etc. were all born post Creel massacre. so what happened to any babies born pre 1959 is unclear
3.) what's the actual correlation between MKultra and powers?
the show presents El's powers as stemming from the experiments her mother went through. however, since her mother Also displays some form of psychic ability when El visits her... did the experiments actually give her some weak powers too? and was that intentional or a side effect? MKultra already existing a full 6 years before Henry ever moves to Hawkins and presumably crosses paths with Brenner implies that accidentally giving babies powers was truly an insane side effect. or did Brenner actually already know about the existence of potential psychic powers before he met Henry? did he only realize the true extent of psychic powers when he took Henry or was he already trying to conduct research on psychic abilities when giving people like Terry Ives psychedelics and LSD? was the actual intent of the experiment really mind control research or was he trying to create psychic soldiers already and just failed to give the parents powers, at least strong/usable ones? (and the psychic babies later on were a lucky result of that for him)
4.) literally what's Kali's deal?
we learn Kali was taken when she was already Much older from an article in a newspaper, not a baby. why was Kali so old? also why is Kali British? we don't hear all the numbers speak, so we can't tell if Brenner stole more children from outside the US but Kali stands out as of now. was her mother even involved in the American MKultra experiments? did she just move to the UK before she had her daugher? or do Kali's powers have a different source, possibly like Henry's who also doesn't seem to have a connection to any lab involvement prior to his birth. that could also explain why her powers are completely different to the other children. not only is she seemingly the only one there that's able to alter the perception of reality, she's also completely incapable of telekinesis which most other children seem to be at least somewhat capable off since the circle fight is a regular test. also. Kali got out? how? with her powers, yes. but why is she the only kid that got out from a writing perspective. all kids in the lab died expect for El, the sole survivor and also strongest kid there... and also that other girl she met once on a trip to Illinois that luckily left a few years before everything went to shit? what's Kali's deal with the timeline of the lab?
5.) and What is Owens' deal?
s4 proves that he knows a significant amount on Henry's murdering and powers. you could argue it's because he read files or because Brenner told him but we have no idea how deep his personal involvement with the lab actually goes. he's Brenner's direct replacement in s2, takes over the work with the gates, gets targeted by the government when they want info on Brenner/El, and even functions as Brenner's right hand man in s4 where they also have serious disagreements on equal ground. he's not talking to Brenner like a superior and more like a long standing coworker. (on that note @wibble-wobbegong has some Sick Owens analysis btw, those slay and give some good breakdowns of his BehaviourTM!) we're left to guess how long the two have actually been working together. we don't see Owens in the flashbacks in NINA, so since when was he around? the flashbacks are personally selected by Brenner and only of short time frames, Owens could have very much been around by then as well. was he involved directly? just in the know of things but not actively helping? did Brenner really just fill him in afterwards? we have no idea
6.) also, why is Henry even a lab worker?? i'm serious
why does Brenner let him do that??? he's not conducting research on Henry since he has the Soteria, he also shocks him when he gets to close with the children. so why let him get close to them in the first place? why not just lock him up in a room? maybe let him work in the hospital as Peter Ballard if he's feeling nice? why keep Henry with the children at all when Brenner doesn't even want him to talk to them? and he's not even a normal guard, he gets special privileges too. he's one of the only personnel to actually get close to the kids in the rainbow room, but he's also in the rooms for the tests? why? is he supposed to assess them, since he has powers himself? but it's not like Brenner actually wants him to Help them or give advice, so? why is Henry near the children at all/ what is Brenner's motive for letting him in the testing rooms?
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krikeymate · 1 year
It's been a while since I've watched Wynonna Earp but I just remembered some details and it got me thinkin about the au:
Are we keepin with the show's canon and going with a "Tara's not even a Carpenter (or I guess Loomis in this au)/fully human" twist? If so, how would that go?
(Also do you got any thoughts about who the other characters would be? Like who would be the stand-in for Doc/Nicole/Xavier/etc. Omg wait you could combine this au with the other half-sister au and have a Willa stand-in as well)
SWAGGER. (that's just how i refer to you in my head. i know you have a name. sorry.) THANK YOU FOR ASKING.
So I have virtually no story actually planned out, but like everything else, it will lightly follow the plot and I'll pick and choose what is most fun. I have most of the character's roles planned out.
Tara not being a Loomis is 100% happening. She got that ~ angel ~ blood in her.
(I made Christina's maiden name Carpenter in this, along with several other AUs for simplicity. And like, technically we have nothing in canon that disapproves the idea that it is her surname and her husband took her name. Obviously, that isn't true, but it exists in the area of small things that are never mentioned because why would they.)
SO. Tara was always called Carpenter. Billy never let her take her name, he knew she wasn't his all along. Christina tells Sam it's just because Sam is the heir, not Tara, so only Sam can take the Loomis name. Sam changes her name to Carpenter too after her grandmother Nancy loses it shortly after Billy's death. She wants to distance them from all that.
I really thought hard about whether I wanted a Willa in this AU, and ultimately decided not to. I think Sam has oldest-sibling vibes and fits growing up under the weight of a legacy, and Tara is only going to have Sam on her side vs Waverly who was loved by her mother and Wynonna.
ANYWAY. Some other characters!
Kirby Reed (27), Deputy Marshal of the Black Badge Division, and her lab technician Mindy Meeks-Martin (21). They show up after Sam gets back into town and some bodies start happening. (The Dolls and Jeremy characters, except Mindy is there from day 1.)
Chad (21) is a Mercedes-type character. Just around to serve looks, be catty, and run the family property business after his sister decided to abscond to some secret government lab job.
Stu 'Doc' Macher. Sidekick to the Ghost of the West, and recently, Billy. Billy finds him in the well shortly after Sam is born, and keeps him around to help take down the revenants. Billy throws him back down the well shortly after his wife leaves, blaming him. He'd caught them speaking together in hushed tones shortly before, and acting suspiciously. He even accuses him of being Tara's father. He acted as a bit of an absent uncle to the girls.
There's not really a Nicole figure. What there is is Judy Hicks, fresh into town because Sheriff Dewey Riley needs a deputy. She brings with her her son, Wes (19). Wes works at the station doing grunt work, and when he's not working, he's being sweet on Tara. Judy is ignorant of the supernatural, and even after things start to happen, she remains in denial.
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For Fey - 6, 9, and 18
For Mint - 3, 19, 25
Hi Crow! ^^
Hi May!
I had this mostly answered yesterday, but tumblr ate it and I had to rewrite everything.
6: Say three nice things about yourself (physical and non-physical)
“Um… I like my little spots… Mikey says they’re freckles. And… I like how my shell is soft and flexible… and I’ve been told I’m really graceful. Oh, that sounded like bragging. I’m sorry. Um. Not physical… I… am not a bother. I’ve been told I’m a good listener… and that I’m helpful.”
9: What calms you down?
“…Sometimes I watch Winnie the Pooh. Or Cinderella. Sometimes Leo makes tea and we sit at the table and drink it… I like tea. And sometimes I sit in Donnie’s lab… I’m quiet so I don’t bother him…”
18: Do you still love stuffed animals?
*She nods hesitantly* “I have one… he’s a donkey and his name is Eeyore. He’s from my movie. Raph gave him to me on my first birthday.”
*Corrective muttering*
“Oh… Donnie says that I should have told you it was my 11th birthday so you don’t get confused… sorry.”
Fey did not have a birthday until joining the Hamato clan, with her first ever birthday being when she turned 11, roughly, since her actual date of birth is unknown.
(warning; Mint is long-winded)
3: Favorite scented candle smell?
“It’s been a while since I began living underground, and unfortunately we don’t get too many candles in the lair. It’s too likely the boys would knock it over and set the whole place on fire, or one of Donnie’s experiments would find it and explode. But I have one, and I keep it in my room. I burn it if I’ve had a long day, or sometimes when one of the boys comes to talk to me. It was a Mother’s Day gift from Mikey a few years back and I’m trying to make it last as long as I can. It smells like cherry blossoms. I guess it’s become my favorite candle scent, and I think even if I had more options I would pick that one because of that Mother’s Day.”
19: Most important thing in your life?
“My sons. They’re older now and don’t need me like they used to…  but I have the privilege of helping them figure out who they want to be, and what works with their individual needs, wants, and dreams. They amaze me, and I couldn’t be prouder.”
25: what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
“Oh, that’s a tough question. …I can’t pick just one, because the boys all gift in different ways, and each and every gift is special for its own reason. I guess I’ll narrow it down to one from each of my sons that meant the most to me.
Raph, my oldest, collects teddy bears. I’ve also been teaching him how to sew, in case something happens and I’m not able to patch things. Well, he put the two things together and he made me four little turtles, small enough he could fit two in each of his hands. They sit on my bedside table where I can see them first thing in the morning.
Leo’s the older of the twins, and he’s the leader of their little group now. It was a difficult adjustment for all of them, and Leo shut me out. But over the past few months he’s made sure to find me one evening a week so we can have tea and spend some time together. I get to hear all about what’s going on in his crazy life. I look forward to those evenings every week.
Donnie is the younger twin, and he loves to spend hours at a time in his lab, upgrading already existing tech, or creating new things. It’s incredible what he comes up with! To answer your question, I made an off-hand comment a few years back after family movie night about how I missed having a record player. About a week later, I wake up one morning and Donnie’s standing in the doorway to my room and asking me to follow him. He made me a record player and he found a few records to go with it. I use it every day.
Mikey is my youngest, and his passion is cooking. He’s my usual sous chef, though I do rope one of his brothers in once a week to make sure they all know how to cook. But Mikey really enjoys it, so it’s a nice bit of quality time for us. A while ago now, on the twins’ eleventh birthday, I let Mikey help me make the cake. Ever since then, Mikey has taken it upon himself to make a cake for my birthday every year.”
Thank you for asking!
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dementedspeedster · 7 months
Earth-11 Verse - Thalia Thawne
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Basic Information:
Name: Thalia “Thal” Thawne Age: 21 Height: 5'7' Alias: Inertia Species: Meta-Human Clone, Clone of Barb Allen (Barbara Henrietta Allen aka Impulse) Orientation: Demisexual Biromantic Powers: Superspeed Teams/Associations: (Formerly while disguised as Impulse) Young Justice, (Formerly) Titans East Universe: Earth-11 (Draws more from New Earth history)
Thalia has a similar background and backstory as Thad. She was cloned from her universe's version of Impulse (Barb Allen) and created by Earthgov President Thalia Thawne.
What drives Thalia is the need to be the perfect. To always succeed no matter what.
Prior to the events of Impulse all she wants is to be the perfect daughter to her mother/creator (Pres. Thalia Thawne).
She goes through the events that happen in Impulse: She does take Barb's place for a while both in her civilian life with Max and hero life as Impulse, impersonates her amongst her Young Justice friends, and attempts to kill Barb and Max after her identity is revealed, etc.
The revelation (thanks to Barb and Max and living Barb's life) that she has been used a tool for revenge, that she was never loved, and never loved unconditionally (but rather based upon her successs) hits her just as hard as it hit Thad. She's angry and abandons her mission to kill Barb in that instance and runs off, However, Thalia returns home to confront her mother.
When she returns home to confront her mother she's still shaken up and furious by what she has come to realize about her life. However, this revelation doesn't last for long
It takes her longer to realize that she doesn't want to be a part of the Thawne family and that her family was using her because Pres. Thalia Thawne was more manipulative toward her. When Thalia confronts her and asks if her mother ever loved her Pres. Thawne lies to her and puts on an act, treating her as if she had misunderstood their relationship or that she was tricked by Barb and Max, and continually reassures Thalia that she is loved, that her treatment of her so far is her form of love. And Thalia believes her because she truly doesn't know better. So she falls back into line.
Thalia was also raised more like daughter for the sake of Pres. Thalia Thawne's manipulation of her. Rather than utilizing fear/fear of failure/fear of not making the family proud as (New Earth) Pres. Thawne does for Thad, (Earth-11) Pres. Thawne lies to her and tells Thalia that she loves her in order to keep her under her control.
She wasn't entirely raised in a lab or VR, but instead she also lived in the same home/mansion with Pres. Thawne and her son Mel (Barb's father; who is going through the same sort of house arrest and deal with his mother as Meloni does in the comics. Where he has struck a deal/forced to stay with Pres. Thawne so she doesn't target his Barb or Earth-11's Jenni. He is a part of the resistance against his mother.)
After the events of Impulse, Thalia does go through an obsessive period and thinks that by fulfilling her role and killing Barb she really will be a perfect daughter and that she'll get validation in her life. That somehow by doing this she'll prove that Barb was wrong about her. That she was wrong about her and her life completely. (It is a bit delusional, but she is being manipulated.)
During this obsessive period and prior to killing Barb she does end up dating her E-11 version of Deborah Morgna/Sungirl and joining Deathstroke's Titan's East, all for the sake of getting access to Velocity-9 and enacting a similar plan of getting Barb's attention (now the Flash) and later on killing her.
The outcome of killing Barb: Thalia believes that somehow by "winning" and killing Barb that she'll be the one who is right in the end. But instead killing Barb just leads to more heartbreak. She's empty when she kills Barb. She knows that this fixes nothing in her life, and that she cannot ignore the signs of how she has been treated as just a tool to be used in her life, as a thing that get results for her mother, she realizes that is not loved and she has never been loved by her Mother, she realizes that Mel (who has been trying to push her in the right direction, trying to push her to get away from Pres. Thawne and realize that she's been manipulated and used this entire time) was right, but also realizes that all this time she has been enacted other's wills that she doesn't have a clue as to who she really is as a person.
After killing Barb, she returns home angrier than ever due to how she is finally coming to realize the actual truths in her life, but also due to how she sees how people react to Barb's death, how people (family and friends) have always treated her with unconditional love, and that in contrast the love toward her by her mother has always been conditional. How it's always been dictated upon by what she does and what she does right for Pres. Thawne rather than being loved unconditionally as a daughter.
Thalia wanted love and approval so much that she ignored the signs around her until the point she couldn't ignore or stand it any longer. In the end she gets her revenge and retaliates against her mother. It's an uncontrollable rage and heartbreak and a sense of mourning that leads her to kill her mother.
After this, she becomes a fugitive in time and flees to the 21st Century. It's not her first choice and she knows it's not safe after what she killed Barb, but it was the only time and place she could think of. The only place she knew.
Currently, she is at a point of limbo in her life and trying to discover herself while keeping herself safe from The Time Police (for killing her mother), The Rogues (for pulling them into her scheme of killing Barb), and the Flash Fam (for killing Barb).
Other Notes:
She isn't captured after killing Barb. So she doesn't go through a period where her speed is stolen and put on display in the Flash Museum. Though she knows that it'll be bad if any of the Flash family catches wind of her and they will at some point.
She doesn't go through a Kid Zoom arc.
Was close friends with E-11 Match and definitely had a bit of a crush on her as well.
Sees Mel (Meloni) as more of an older brother figure. He tries to guide her away from his mother’s influence but it just doesn’t work out.
Thalia keeps her hair short and styles it in a similar sort of messy style Thad does.
She’s a bit fussy with her appearance. Never knows what to do with it.
It’s the ego and the focus on being the perfect daughter that keeps her from the more introspective and existential thoughts related to being a clone. She also hasn't yet got the comparisons as much as Thad has.
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