#whatever at least I live in a place that is accepting of gays and transgender ppl and well. I guess less misogynistic than others may be
cicadaland · 2 years
I think im becoming a misandrist like genuinely :( I dont believe in bioessentialism or any stuff like that but I am like naturally distrustful of boys my age if that counts for anything. ive begun to just assume that they are all misogynistic homophobes before even really getting to know them. aaaaaagghhghggghhhhghhhghghhh. everything on earth is so scarey AND YET i still had the confidence to wear that crop top last week and nobody in my school gave me any shit for it (to my face) so at least theres that.
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mc-tummy-blur · 1 year
AND ANOTHER THING it's obvious Ballisters questioning/judgemental statements of Nimonas shape-shifting abilities is suppose to mirror how in real life people who fall under the transgender/nonbinary umbrellas are constantly questioned and judged about their gender identity/sex like can you be normal for a second i think it would be easier if you were a girl because he cant comprehend how she can constantly changes how she presents herself and one of his firsts questions is asking her how she is able to shape-shift in the first place being under the impression that she was cursed in some way so Nimona begins to tell him a story that leads him to think he is going to get a answer that satisfies and in turn the audience thinks they are going to get that too because honestly now a days when it comes to unanswered questions/mysteries in media there's a loud group of people that get all mad that their questions weren't answered or were answered but not in the way that they wanted but much to Ballisters disappointment as well as probably an amount of the audience that wants to be spoonfed information her story is just basically it's none of your damn business how and why I am able to shape-shift which is the exact reasoning that I and many people people who are trans/nonbinary/ whatever use because really it isn't anyone's business how we present ourselves or how we transition it's something that you have to respect and of course as the story goes on Ballister begins to respect/accept Nimonas shape-shifting abilities which hopefully at this point the audience does too and while this in itself is a lovely progression and message to take away about queer people and queer acceptance the main reason why I am bringing this up first was to talk about a detail that I needed a minute to realize it was there when it cuts to Nimonas traumatic flashback to the past with Gloreth 1000 years ago we see that Nimona has been shape-shifting for that long so to me at least it's heavily implied/ that Nimonas shape-shifting abilities have just always been there and that she was born with them because we as the audience don't get an origin story for how she got the shape-shifting abilities and in a typical story fashion people are expecting to get in a flashback/exposition to explain why something is like that so if the movie wanted to confirm that she got her powers from a curse or a wish or what have you that flashback wouldve been the perfect time to explain it but they didn't and so it's very likely that the general audience can only draw the conclusion that she was born with them considering she's had them for 1000 years and that is just such an important thing for queer people in general because it's not some type of curse that we are gay or trans nothing has happened to us that changed who we were we were just born that way and figured it out at some point during our lives like how Nimona was born that way and probably realized what she could shape-shift into as she got older and its just it's so I have never felt more seen with a movie why the fuck isn't it in more theatres Netflix please you'll make more money releasing it to a wider range of theatres instead of a few select ones COME ON
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triple-mayday · 1 year
It’s Pride Month Y’all 🏳️‍🌈
So, our community took quite a beating this past year, especially gender nonconforming and trans people. Which means there are several things I want you folks, allies included, to accept and commit to.
One: We are back to Pride being a protest. Stay safe, attend community events in groups, be bold, be loud, be absolutely UNAPOLOGETICALLY QUEER. Be mentally ready for right wing cannibals to attack us. Log off social media if you need to.
Two: Don’t let yourself be intimidated. Safety is important, but if you can be extra then go for it. Buy that cheesy gay pin. Wrap yourself in the colors that represent you. Eat cotton candy and dick shaped lollipops. Smear glitter all over your face. Attend a drag show. Flirt with that ambiguously gendered, beautiful stranger across the bar you’ve been staring at for the past thirty minutes. Be happy, meet friends, make love, this is your time.
Three: Bigots are a minority. A dangerous, genocidal, loud, scared, quickly diminishing minority. GOP’s culture war bullshit is not even popular among republicans, they are doomed. We will prevail no matter what. We will survive, we will live, and today we will be proud. Your life is precious. Your community wants to see you flourish. You are accepted by millions, and millions will stand up for you.
Four: People of color get the heaviest punch out of all of us. If you are white/white passing, go out of your damn way to be as welcoming and supportive as you can. Open your ears and listen. Open your heart and love. POC should never feel excluded from queer spaces. We are one community, we must stand up for our own. No tolerance for bullshit, no downplaying racism, no coddling “problematic” people, none of it. Housekeeping, folks. Clean up the space. Bigotry has no place in this community. That includes colorism, xenophobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other flavors of hatred.
Five: Fuck TERFs. Trans people are human beings worthy of love, acceptance, and respect. Transgender, non-binary, intersex, nonconforming, and questioning people BELONG at Pride. We stand in union and we prevail. If you don’t understand these communities then ask THEM about their experiences (with respect and dignity). Do not slurp up diarrhea from some hate forum. Leave your house. Meet people. Be strong. They are not your enemy.
Six: NO INFIGHTING. None. Nada. I don’t care if you see a shitty take on bird app. Block. Move on. I don’t care if some teenager is awkwardly regurgitating a Frankenstein-esque perversion of progressive talking points. No. Not the time. Save it for the year we have all our human rights codified. This month, for the love of everything holy, clench your cheeks and DO. NOT. FIGHT. EACH. OTHER. No bullshit discourse, no oppression Olympics, no “kink at Pride bad”, fuck you, leather puppies do not bite, go eat a rainbow cookie and shut up. This year we are uplifting our community. Meet your elders. Support the kids. And whatever anger and vitriol you have, please, be a doll and throw it all at conservatives. If you need to terrorize someone, go to Matt Walsh’s Twitter and bully him for wanting to fuck underage girls and kill trans kids. Call your representatives and yell at them. If you want to rage, at least make it beneficial to democracy. Don’t target annoying dumbasses in your own community. Target people who are literally trying to murder you.
Stay safe.
Stay strong.
Stay true to yourself.
You are loved. You are wanted. You belong.
Happy Pride, everybody 🏳️‍🌈
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fleshmechsystem · 11 months
I kinda wanna wear whatever nowadays, I really don't care if I have feminine tendencies tbh, just kinda concerned about that stuff for now due to my country as rude as it sounds, backwards with trans stuff, me being agender is probably a foreign concept, at least with the cis population for the most part, I am very aware that most of my peers at school are likely trans actually, It's quite rare but it's clearly there.
It's really REALLY unfortunate that people in my country being queer is quite literally being bakla which literally is a combination of a man and a woman and transgender Ig? Our culture does have queer stuff but the older generation thinks most queer people are basically that, not to mention the blatant "Who's the male one in the relationship" which literally is just asking who's top or bottom which is icky.
That aside though, took a lot of soul searching and a break from a relationship (it lasted a day lmao) to realize maybe I do want to wear skirts and stuff like that, but it doesn't mean I'm a girl, or at least currently lmao
The only reason I don't like the idea was basically because the trauma of being called a girl multiple times for not adjusting to the macho and male standards and stuff, like apparently me shaving body hair and not wanting to take my shirt off is a girly thing to do??
It's odd, but I try not to be angry about it now since I have better people to occupy the memory bank with honestly.
Both in the system and outside of it, I have a support group who are willing to catch me when I go down the route of being depressed.
Still, I'm still not sure with this though, obviously part of myself is still very much afraid due to the trauma but I know I'll be comfortable with it eventually.
I just have to fight the intrusive thoughts and other thoughts that make me think too often about it, because yes, I am trans, a trans agender person.
But at the same time I do have feminine qualities and masculine qualities.
The parts I do hate is how these sorts of things are heavily questioned, my identity is in a weird place right now so labels and all that stuff changes quite often, I used to be a cisgender bisexual, to a cis gay boy to a Nonbinary person who only likes men to a pansexual, labels rarely stick for me.
I guess the thing I can learn from this is accept that maybe part of me is a girl in a way and part of me is a boy. Both are the way I live, the way I feel. I don't have to conform to either necessarily.
Because I'm going to be real, I don't belong with either groups, I don't agree with limiting myself to being masculine due to my body and I don't agree with being one of the girls due to mostly growing up with female relatives most of my life.
While writing this I still feel very afraid and confused in some ways, I really don't want to be a girl but is it really that bad? Sure it's a weird feeling but what's so bad about occasionally just wearing skirts and all that stuff?
Nothing wrong with that! There are dudes that wear skirts and they find it attractive nowadays! (Ignoring the nsfw aspect of course) Ever since I realized I'm bi I always do have the want to be this androgynous fucker that expresses themselves with feminine stuff while not necessarily being feminine. It's definitely one of the reasons why I'm actively trying to lose so much weight, because unfortunately beauty standards are really bad.
Hell Kris from DELTARUNE basically awakened me in a way, the idea that I could be someone that's neither a boy or a girl was awesome to me.
Maybe I am like them, aside from the whole possession thing, I don't really see myself being on either side but I can't help but want to just simply enjoy clothes for what they are really.
I don't have to be a girl to express myself. I don't have to be a boy to express myself. I don't like either.
Looking at Riley reminds or Jack makes me think about something. Being comfortable is probably enough. While for now I don't have that luxury, I might get to that eventually.
I won't really spill much info about Jack but they basically told me it took a long time for them to have the form they wanted. And it's saying something.
Maybe I don't like this body, but with enough effort I might reach that semi unrealistic goal of being so androgynous people question what gender I am status in life.
For now, I'm stuck with a defective body. But it's enough. With clothes I wear though, I can achieve that androgynous look, with the downside of sweating really badly underneath.
Still, I do hate being a bit chubby. Maybe those feelings might disappear too with time.
Man, it feels so much lighter blogging this stuff.
I know what I am and what I want in life.
A femboy bunny--
Okay but jokes aside, my bunny ass needs to be more comfortable with this skin if I really want to feel better about myself.
For now I think of it like all of us using the default Minecraft Steve skin from Minecraft.
We don't know how to change it but we'll stick with it for now.
Also fun fact Steve and Alex are Nonbinary :D
Knowing that fact makes me both happy and sad which I won't get into as to why
Anyway, I've written enough shit, I mainly wrote this for myself honestly.
I guess I love the way I am in my weird way.
I'm a decent person and that's enough.
I'm cute I guess.
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silvermoon424 · 3 years
I wanted to add to the LGBT character discussion a bit. Obviously I don’t speak for the entire Rainbow Mafia but I’m bisexual and nothing irritates me more than someone making their sexual preference their entire personality. It’s just one SMALL aspect of who a person is, and if that’s all they ever talk about? Personally I assume they’re trying to convince themselves and the rest of the world.
I worked with some girls last year who mentioned how not-straight they were, like, every other sentence. It was hard not to say “y’all aren’t special, there’s only 2 straight people on our 8-person team! 🙄” But what does an old fart like me know lol maybe I just don’t get the kids these days!
Representation is great, but if there’s no nuance? Forget it. Give me complex LGBT characters that are treated like actual humans, not rainbow-vomiting cartoons that we’re expected to love just on principle!
I appreciate you adding your insight! However, I would ask you to maybe examine if you have any biases of your own. Personally, while I think people who constantly talk about their sexual/gender identities can be pretty overbearing, I also think it's important to remember that we still live in a time and culture where being non-cishet is still not accepted in a lot of places. We have made great strides in LGBTQ+ acceptance, but we also still have a long ways to go.
I think queer people who make being queer a big part of their identities are doing it as a way to assert themselves and push back against bigoted societal norms. Can it be obnoxious sometimes? Yeah, but I think people should express themselves if they want to. For some people being bisexual or transgender or whatever is a big part of who they are, and while I don't think every other conversation should revolve around it I also think it's okay for their sexuality and gender to be more important to them than it is for cishet people (who face no backlash for their sexuality and gender identity).
As for your point on LGBTQ+ characters: I agree that nuanced, complex queer characters are very important, and I hate it when two dimensional queer characters are made who were clearly just thrown in for cheap diversity points. That being said, the point of my post was that a lot of cishet people think the only "valid" queer characters are those who "don't shove being gay down my throat" and "aren't pushing an agenda." The only queer characters (and by extension, queer people) they'll accept are the ones who don't make them feel uncomfortable or force them to confront their own biases and prejudice.
Queer people/characters who are loud and proud about being queer deserve just as much respect as queer people/characters who are more subdued about it. Imo, this is just a small section of the much larger topic of respectability politics. LGBTQ+ people are expected to "act straight" in order to gain at least some respect from heteronormative society. I could go on and on but here's a good and short video on the topic:
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
i really thought hange was non-binary bc the one who said hanges gender was up for interpretation was kodansha us but isayama asked for gender neutral pronouns right?
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I’m gonna answer all of the gender asks in one go because for one, I don’t think I wanna flood my own feed and my own tumblr with the same arguments. 
I think a lot of the questions on Hange’s gender and the topic of  gender and sexuality overall are kinda intertwined and I feel like for anyone who actually reads my stuff, it’s better understood as one big wall of text. 
So I was wondering, is that song the absolute proof about hange's gender?
No. I think the interpretation of the song which people are using to prove that Hange’s nonbinary is very western centric. I actually did research around this song and knowing what I know about Japanese culture, I actually interpret the song as a way for Japanese people to break out from gender norms. 
For people who are not aware, Japan is incredibly strict with gender norms. The LGBTQ community is not as progressive as it is in Western countries (I mean gay marriage isn’t completely legalized yet). And just looking at it from the stand point of gender roles and gender expectations, despite the progressive thinking, there are a lot of things Japanese men and women have to conform to just to be respected in everyday society. Because in Japan, the community has always been more important than the individual and it’s honestly the same for most asian countries as well. 
A lot of the pressure of living in Japan, working with Japanese people is the pressure to conform and I’ve seen my friends do it through small things like getting bangs (because all Japanese women have bangs apparently), wearing make up when going out (because this is generally an accepted for all Japanese people) and always dressing your best because in that manner women are held to an incredibly high standard in Japan. And this goes similarly for men who are constantly pressured to be the breadwinner in the family. If your wife is making more than you, be ready to hear people talk. I know these expectations exist in a Western setting too but Japan is incredibly stiff as a society and this is one reason why, despite having numerous opportunities to moveto Japan myself, I am not at all entertaining that possibility. I have worked in a Japanese company and I hated it and moved to a western company right after six months. I have completely accepted the fact that there is no mobility career wise from a non-Japanese (and a woman at that) in Japanese society. 
In conformity, hierarchies etc, Japan is its own monster. That’s why when songs like Jibunrashiku, Hitchcock (by Yorushika) or Shisoukan (by Yorushika) come out, for one it’s in Japanese so I wouldn’t approach the songs from an English and as a Japanese speaker and someone who is pretty familiar with Japanese culture, I can’t help interpret that song as a social commentary for the shitty parts of Japanese society and how they tend to shoot the concept of an ‘individual’ down. 
But does that mean I completely shoot down the idea that Hange is NB? 
NO. Yams said so himself, Hange’s gender is unknown. But at the same time, Yams recognizes the fact that in the anime and in the live action, Hange is a female. If Yams were that adamant to make Hange NB, I think he would have at least made more of an effort to police how she is depicted in the anime and in the live action. 
 His exact words were: 「ハンジは彼(彼女)みたいな、ちょっと浮世離れした、枠にとらわれない自由な感じで描きたかったんです。」If I roughly translated it to English, “I wanted to draw Hange as someone otherworldly, free from the confines of gender.”
Tbh, I wanted to avoid these gender asks altogether but I’ve seen the environment in twitter and the ways many people approach gender, particularly ‘nonbinary’ or genderfluid and it really just doesn’t sit well with me. For one, what’s up with all these rules on how to approach our nonbinary and LGBTQ friends? What’s up with all these accusations that if we don’t follow them to a T, then we’re suddenly transphobic or homophobic? 
The fact that we’re creating all these rules on how to go about her nonbinary gender for one, just defeats the whole purpose of Hange being a free bird in the first place who wouldn’t have cared and who wouldnt’ ever have been confined to gender in the first place. 
I mean the establishment of set rules and social norms on how to navigate gender, sex, sexuality and gender roles is the reason why we had heternormativity in the first place. And what I can see, yes, we did get progressive, we did start recognizing other genders, other ways of thinking but the danger in all this is that, we’re once again creating frameworks and norms about how people that identify as these genders are supposed to act. And this defeats the whole purpose of why we recognized concepts of other sexualities, other genders and breaks from gender roles in the first place. 
We wanted to show these people that their feelings are valid, that the way they’re navigating their relationships and their identities are valid and the heternormative society we’ve lived in that has been condemning for so long, was flawed, was wrong. 
But the thing is, with the establishment of all these social norms on how to navigate our relationships with LGBTQ people and how to navigate our own gender, sexuality, sex and role is just making us regress back to that shitty heteronormative society of a hundred years ago. Because suddenly, everyone is questioning once again ‘How am I supposed to be feeling if I’m nb?” “How am I supposed to be feeling if I’m trans?” “How am I supposed to be feeling if I’m LGBT?”  
And we’re creating these abstract ideas of how exactly, being genderfluid is supposed to feel like. Am I really supposed to be going by ‘they?’ Am I supposed to be uncomfortable with CIS pronouns?
And If I don’t go through this process… If I don’t feel this way then maybe I’m not NB? Maybe I’m not Trans? Maybe I’m not LGBT? And if I don’t conform to this clear cut idea of what NB is which people set up for me, god forbid I might just be transphobic or homophobic. 
And Here’s the thing, everyone’s journey to self discovery is unique and there is no exact way to go about your gender or identity. I find it terrifying actually that creating all these clear cut rules have built misconceptions in so many people already on what they are supposed to feel like when they decide to identify with a certain gender which is no different from long ago when people had to hide the fact that they liked people of the same gender because god forbid they might just be persecuted for being gay. 
Creating these frameworks, these incredibly strict rules on how someone is supposed to navigate relationships with LGBTs and their own personal identities is only making it all the more dangerous for people who are in the process of discovering themselves. 
Back in college, I used to accompany a friend to a clinic when he was starting HRT treatments and before he started them, he had to consult with a doctor and the consultation lasted months. Before all that, they gave him a checklist of ‘feelings,’ which if he does experience them, he checks it and if he does check enough of them and agrees with a huge chunk of them, then he might have gender dysphoria and maybe the HRT treatments and sex reassignment was for him. It was a hundred item checklist,  pages full of waivers, warnings and questions about his own experiences with his gender identity. And the fact that he had to consult for months after on that? There must be a reason. 
Maybe because the academe realizes, maybe because those adept on the field on gender realize that gender is too complex of a subject to have been boxed into these categories in the first place. 
And this whole discourse or I wouldn’t say discourse more of like, this ‘pushing of agendas’ as to say, ‘this is how being gender fluid or non binary is supposed to feel like’ this is how being transgender is supposed to feel like and if you don’t fit it to a T then you’re not transgender or you’re not nb. Or if you don’t fit it all, maybe you’re just transphobic is dangerous for many reasons. Either it gatekeeps people who want to explore their gender further. Or it forces people to have to conform to these and force themselves to ‘feel’ all of these things in the first place. 
And god, this is just the gender issue, I haven’t even explored the sexuality, gender roles or biological issue.  
i mean pronouns are important but they don’t really reflect someone’s gender??? like there’s people who use he/they, she/they or all pronouns(? they just don’t conform to gender binary ahaha
Given the environment on twitter and having witnessed the bullying first hand that came with one writer who is active on twitter using she/her pronouns for Hange, I feel like my own writing and my own POV on how I go about my writing and how I approach the gender of Hange (since I strictly use she/her) might just be a ticking time bomb and I might find myself at the end of whatever hate war or ‘education’ or as I like to just refer to as bullying, one day. 
I believe though I at least have enough knowledge and awareness of the LGBTQ situation and I think I did put a lot of thought already into this before I made my decision to use ‘she’ to refer to Hange.
(And tbh, you can be nonbinary and you can be female at the same time and I’ve written about that multiple times already BECAUSE THEY’RE NOT EVEN IN THE SAME CATEGORY. And creating this mutual exclusivity between being nonbinary and female just kinda invalidates a lot of those people who are still deciding where exactly they fall in this complex web of identity discovery)
As someone who generally mainly hangs out with LGBT people and i have been doing this since high school by the way, and as someone who has tried all the sexualities on the spectrum, I talked to my asexual friends about possibly being asexual, I have experimented with women and sometimes, I just had dry spells and it just so happened that in the end of all these, I fell in love with a guy but I really believe that gender is such a flexible thing and even though I am with aguy right now, I still simp over lesbians, gays, ciswomen, transgenders because simping isn’t about gender. 
And these set of rules on how to navigate genders is just invalidating the experiences of people who are flitting in between the two identities and it just hinders the process of self discovery for a lot of people. 
Anyway, the point is, there is only one statement I found fundamental when approaching my relationships with the LGBT community and my own perspective on my self identity. 
Recognition of someone’s feelings and their journey to a gender identity and the pronouns that come with it are important.
Then someone might go “THEN WHY DON’T YOU RESPECT HANGE’s NON BINARY PRONOUNS. Because just because someone is nonbinary doesn’t mean they automatically go for they. Just because someone is non-binary, doesn’t mean I have to use every single pronoun on the spectrum. The only one who can tell me what pronouns they want used on them is the person in question. 
(I actually read an argument somewhere that going for ‘they’ just because someone is NB is transphobic lmfao. Assuming someone’s pronouns is apparently transphobic too lmfao.)
AND HANGE IS FICTIONAL. And we will never hear about which pronoun she would have wanted in the first place and I think the great ‘nontransphobic’ in-between is just letting people interpret characters how they want to interpret characters in this fictional world (And Hange can be both interpreted as nb and female). It’s the policing which makes the whole process of self discovery, the process of navigating genders all the more difficult for a lot of people. 
And policing how exactly people should navigate gender and sexuality is just gatekeeping. Hange is everyone’s character. The only gender and sexuality identity people have complete jurisdiction on, is their own. And this policing of what exactly certain journeys to discovery are supposed to feel like is inherently harmful for those who are still in the process of deciding for themselves where they stand. 
And going back to what Yams said “I wanted to draw Hange as someone otherworldly, free from the confines of gender/sexuality/gender roles.” I agree with that. 
Because even though I do use ‘she’ with Hange, I do not firmly believe that Hange is a cisgender heterosexual female either. I just believe there are so many more layers to her whole identity and I believe similarly for every single person. Just concluding for one’s self that Hange is nonbinary with a very narrow minded view of what non binary just generally defeats the whole purpose of being ‘free from the confines of gender’ and hinders a lot of discourse and analysis on Hange’s identity over all.
I mean, I don’t know if people agree with this but in the decades I have spent with my close friends figuring out their gender identities, changing pronouns, transitioning, coming out to their parents, here is one thing I noticed. They weren’t asking for a celebration of their gender or sexuality, they weren’t asking for all these policing on how people should approach them. All they wanted was for their feelings to be validated, normalized as an everyday occurrence. I think the point of all these LGBTQ discourse (and by extension race and sex discourse) were all there to just make all these different identities normalized and to completely eradicate the concept of a negative bias or an other which was generally plaguing society for a long time. 
And as their friends, I have never approached them as this champion who would make sure EVERYONE RESPECTED THEM IN THAT WAY IN TWITTER THEY BELIEVE LGBTQ PEOPLE SHOULD BE RESPECTED. All these nonverbal rules I have set up for myself on how to go about being friends with them is because I wanted them to be happy and comfortable in their shoes. And what were the types of things they appreciated? Me hiding it from their parents until they were ready to come out, me helping make their relationship work with their partner, me respecting the pronouns they requested for themselves, me accompanying them to HRT when their parents refused. 
And you know what, that was only a facet of our friendships. My friends’ gender identities and sexualities never dominated discourse. None of them were the ‘token gay friend,’ the ‘token lesbian friend’ or the ‘token asexual friend’ or the ‘token NB friend.’ They were all people I genuinely care about who just happened to have fallen in love with someone of the same gender. They were just people who just happened to be uncomfortable with their original sex. But I would never just describe them as just that. My friend who just so happens to identify as assexual makes a great companion on a night out drinking. My friend who just so happens to be trasngender is really great with logistics and planning and was super helpful and I was eternally grateful when we worked together on that one project. My friend who just happens to be a lesbian has the cutest picture of her girlfreind on her phone screen. 
I will memorize their favorite orders, what makes them tick, what makes them such a great companion, their talents, capabilities more than I will remember their gender. And that’s the characetr song in question is called “Jibunrashiku” or in English “just like me.” Because in the end a strict society which creates all these maxims of what exactly people of a certain gender should act would of course birth songs like “Just like me” A society which puts so much emphasis on gender and sex  as an identity instead of other things like personality, preferences, skills etc. 
And I don’t know if it applies to everyone. But my friends appreciate it because this journey to whatever gender identity they chose wasn’t rooted in some sort of strict framework on how they should be treated according to twitter. It was rooted in their own experiences and how these experiences made them feel. 
Do they feel weird in a woman’s body? Do they just don’t feel any romantic attraction to the opposite gender?
Just treat them as how you would treat anyone else you respect. Just be a decent person. Just be a good friend.
Respect their requests for their own personal pronouns. If they need help, help them to the best of your abilities. 
And here’s the thing, the approach I use with navigating identities, sexuaities genders are rooted in one very simple concept which can be applied to the race discourse, the feminist discourse etc etc. 
Don’t be an ass. Respect people. Don’t reduce people to one facet of their identity. And by extension, when faced with such a dubious situation, think, discern for yourself what’s right or wrong. When there are people educating you, policing you on what is right or wrong, process that information objectively.  
All I have here right now is my own opinions on the gender discourse on Hange and my own opinions on the discourse overall. 
If you don’t agree with it, then have a nice day and I hope you find something else that will convince you to be more openminded but...
Okay thank you for listening. Do what you want with the information up there but I have said my piece.
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elyanahbrekker · 3 years
Jordie Junior As A Transgender
**This takes place after Crooked Kingdom
!!TW!! Transphobia
Kaz and Inej have already healed 
Possible minor spoilers
*1 Kruge = 30 USD*
Jordie’s POV**
Today was the day
Well, technically it was the month. First of June.
He would come out to his Ma and Pa, no more hiding in the closet. Speaking of the closet, he needed to get dressed. Most of his clothes were the colors of Ketterdam, deep gray, black, and the occasional lime green and neon orange thanks to uncle Jes. His birthday had just passed, and uncle Wy had gifted him some top-of-the-market bags with designer shirts, all in blues and light browns. His Pa and Ma had accepted uncle Jes when he came out as bi, and when uncle Wy came out as gay, why shouldn’t they accept him? Hell, uncle Jes even had a crush on Pa for a while. Well if they don’t accept me then on to plan number 2, move into the Van Eck Manor. Uncle Wy already told him that he would accept him into his home, but he didn’t think it would go that far. Being my fathers' son, I always think at least 6 moves ahead, so if I can’t go to the Manor, then he would move in with Melinda. She was already in college, her small apartment should act as a haven; at least until he could afford a shelter of his own. 
He ran downstairs, all dressed and ready for school. It was the new year, what's that quote everyone says, he thought as he grabbed an apple. New year, new me. Well, this was him, and he was going to be proud of it… eventually. Well, to start he was wearing a pink button-up with a light blue sweater, white cuffed jeans, blue socks, and pink converse. He was trying to be extremely obvious, but if they didn’t get it, the kids at school would. 
“Good morning, Jordie.” Pa said reading a paper over a cup of coffee, probably his tenth cup.
“Hey Pa, I gotta go, I’m gonna be late.” He said, grabbing his backpack
Pa looked up from his newspaper and scanned him. His eyes went up and down slowly, and he smiled. He smiled. Is that a good thing? He didn’t want to find out
“Aren’t you going to eat? I just made waffles.” Ma said 
“Waffles? Is aunt Nina visiting today?” 
“Yeah, you forgot, didn’t you?” Ma said
“No, definitely not, how could I?” he said laughing with his Ma
“Jordie, interesting outfit. Is it a holiday I forgot about?” Pa said sipping his coffee
“Umm, no, it’s just, I like the colors” the truth is he never really liked pink, he liked red better
“Why don’t you eat? I can drive you to school.” 
“Ok.” He agreed. He didn’t want to argue. His Ma must have felt the tension and said,
“So, Jordie, are you excited to be a senior?” she said, putting his plate on the table. He walked over and sat down.
“I honestly just want to graduate.” he said jokingly, but deep down the stress of school was sickening, no friends, constant demand to be better than you are, more and more work never getting a small break. It’s depressing and he was tired of it. Not to mention the transphobia in school. No one is ever accepted, you're always looked at as an outcast and different, almost not human. 
“Oh, I see how it is, you want to get as far away from us as possible, huh?” Ma poked him laughing 
“Never, I can’t bear the idea of ever leaving you guys. It’s impossible” he said sarcastically 
“From my experience on the water, it’s not impossible, only improbable.” 
“Are you seriously quoting that ‘privateer’ in my own house?” Pa said putting his paper down and grabbing his coat
“Oh, I’m so sorry Mr. Brekker maybe I should tell the story of being an investment.” Inej taunted
“Investment? What? When is this from and why don’t I know about it?” He said 
“You won’t ever let me live that down, will you? Mrs. Brekker?” Pa teased back
“Never Mr. Ghafa.” Ma said, walking over to hug him
“Be safe ok? It's raining, so drive slow” she pulled him in for a kiss. Even tho whatever happen all those years ago is in the past, she still squeezes his hand once, almost like asking for permission before kissing him. One time he asked when he was little, and she just said,
‘Sometimes deep wounds never fully heal.’ I thought she was talking about physical wounds, but I know now that something terrible must have happened to both of them because Pa never holds her without squeezing her hand twice. It’s their secret code language, I haven’t quite figured it all out but once is for a kiss, twice is for a hug, and three times means I love you. 
“Jordie let’s go before the storm gets worse.” Pa said walking out
“Alright, one sec” He got up and put his dishes in the sink. 
“Love you Ma” He hugged her
“See you later, JJ.” She hugged him back
He turned around and headed towards the door where Pa was waiting for him in the car, he looked…happy? He got into the car and put his hands over by the vents that were blowing warm air.
“Jordie, is there something you wanted to tell me and Ma?” Pa asked, looking forward. His stomach dropped
“Yes.” He decided not to lie
“What is it, son?”
“I- Saints, why is this so hard” he whispered looking at his shoes
“Do you want me to make it easy for you?” Pa asked, looking at him. He instantly got anxious, what was he gonna do? Would he give him an envelope of cash and tell him he had a week to up and out?
“S-sure” he stuttered. Pa didn’t say anything, he just reached across him, opened the glove box, and pulled out a pin. It had stripes of blue, pink, and white, and on the front were bold black letters saying ‘Proud dad of a beautiful daughter’. His heart melted. His father, his cold, rough, dramatic father, had known he was a trans and wanted to show and represent how much he loved him regardless.
“Pa, I don’t understand, how- how long have you known?” he asked in awe 
He laughed and his face split into a sideways smile,
“You already told me. You told me when you asked if it was ok for boys to wear dresses like Aunty Nina. You told me when you walked out of your room dressed in your beautiful, unique flag, hon’.”
“How did you know that was the transgender flag?” he said, trying to digest the information 
“After your uncle, Jes came out I- now if you tell him this, I swear to Ghezen I will ground you until you’re 50- I memorized all the terms and flags. I wanted to be prepared for when you came out to me and your Ma, we’re both extremely proud of you, so- sweetie.” a long second passed, then he leaned over and awkwardly hugged him. This was it, now I just have to tell the rest of the world who I am.
“Thank you, Pa, I- this means the world to me.” 
“Of course, Jor- do you have a different name you’d rather be called?” 
“Uh, well, yes. I would like to be called June.”
“June, it’s beautiful. Well, let's get this show on the road.” He said as he started driving.
It had been a little over 10 minutes before he realized he wasn’t headed in the direction of Ketterdam University.
“You missed your turn 5 minutes ago. Where are we headed?” He asked, looking for a sign saying where they were 
“Is this the West Stave?”
“Maybe,” he said
“I thought we were going to school?”
“This is a very special day, June. School can wait.” At that moment all she felt was pure bliss, Jordie didn’t belong to her anymore, she was June. She sunk into her seat, filled with the warmth of belonging, of finally being herself freely. She could feel the threat of tears in her eyes, she quickly brushed them away, smiling. Looking over at Pa, she noticed he was smiling too. They pulled up to a high-running store in a fancy neighborhood. They had come here once 4 years ago but didn’t get anything, what could they be here for?
“Come on, we’re here,” Pa said getting out of the car
“Ok.” She said, following him
They walked in, at first look it was just a fancy-schmancy retail store that sold clothes and necessities.
“Ahh, Mr. Ghafa, it’s lovely to see you again. Would you like some time to look around, or do you want a look behind the curtain?” The cashier said
“We would like to get behind the counter.” He said 
“Ahh, of course, and is this your son?” 
“Daughter” The cashier named ‘Lavi’ by the name tag burst out laughing 
“Oh, you're serious?”
“You can bet your life on it.” Pa said, staring into their soul. Lavi didn’t say another word, just opened the gate and pulled the curtain behind them open. Pa walked in first after June walked in behind him and colors screamed at her from every corner. From ceiling to floor, every rack was completely covered in pride merch. So this was where Pa got his pin. She looked over at one of the corners and her Pa was standing in the trans section
“Go get a basket.” he said
“Ok” She walked over to the genderfluid section where the baskets were, grabbed one then headed over back to the trans area.
“Here you go” she said, handing him the basket. He took it and put one of her flags in it, he walked over to the art section and got a notebook in her favorite shade of red.
“Alright, I picked out two for you now go crazy” 
“What? Wait what's my budget and what are we going for?”
“No budget, we're re-doing your whole room, furniture, decor, color, all of it. We need a theme, it could be based on your favorite color?” he said
“Ooh, could we have plants?”
“Plants? If you want that, but the weather here isn’t super plant-friendly.”
“I’m a professional. Uncle Wy showed me the secret to taking care of plants that require lots of sunlight in this sort of climate.”
“Oh please, he doesn’t know anything other than how to professionally blush and draw Jesper,” he said laughing
“You’d be surprised how much he knows, he’s a great storyteller. He’s the only living person on record to have lied to you and gotten away with it.” she said giggling 
“I knew about his little plan all along, he can say anything he wants, but there is no way he can lie without the whole of Ketterdam knowing.”
“Oh, sure you knew because how on earth could someone deceive scary Kaz Brekker.” 
“It’s true, I knew all along” 
“The Saints above know the truth”
“The Saints above, you sound like your Mother.”
“My Mother the Investment, right?”
“What? You too? You're supposed to be on my side, here.” he laughed
Ghezen knows how much time passed before they both realized it was already sunset. They decided it was time to head home, so they got their 6 carts and purchased and them. Pa didn’t tell her the total, but she guessed it was somewhere around ninety-thousand Kruge. The drive home was nice, it had started raining, and they talked about where they would put everything they bought. It was one of the best days, she was finally being true to herself, and to shake off the tension and anxiety, she went and bonded with her Pa over spending bucket loads of Kruge. 
They finally got home, it was late, but the streets were still as loud and drunk with laughter and shouts as when the sun was awake.    They hauled in all her bags and her Pa went to his office to handle some paperwork. She went in search of her Ma. After looking for over 10 minutes she went up to the roof and there she was, looking over the crooked city
“Hey Ma” she turned around, not surprised to see her, she probably heard her before she was even on the second flight of stairs.
“Hey sweetheart, how was your shopping trip?”
“It was so much fun we- wait, how do you know about that, Pa said it was a secret?”
“Oh, you know me, I collect secrets, especially your Pa’s.”
“Fine then, don’t tell me your trick. Hey Ma”
“Yeah, honey?”
“So, I already told Pa, I want to be called June now.” She said finding sudden interest in her shoes
“June’s pretty. I’m glad you picked that one, I was concerned you were going to pick something like Helga.” she laughed
“What? Oh, come on, Helga’s not that bad”
“It’s pretty bad.” A minute of silence passed, they just sat there together, staring at the city. Their city.
“I’m going to go to bed, it’s been a long day.”
“Alright, good night, sweetheart. Sweet dreams”
“Night, Ma.” She stood up and walked down to her Pa’s office to see what he was doing. She walked in and saw him sitting at his desk, reading a paper. The lamps were burning low, and it was late, she could see the dark circles under his eyes, he needed sleep.
“Hey Pa” He didn’t look up 
“Hey June. Are you going to bed?”
“Yeah, you need sleep too. I can see the circles under your eyes a mile way.”
“I have work to do. Sleep can wait.”
“Pa the night is for sleeping, that's why it exists.” she said walking over to him to see what he was reading
“Then I’ll make the night wait until I’m done, I don’t live under the laws of time, they live under me.” he said looking up at her
“Maybe that's true, but if you want to look pretty for Ma in the morning, you have to get your beauty rest.”
“I look fine.” 
“Well, you need a haircut”
“My hair is fine. You sound like your Aunt Nina.”
“Aunt Nina has amazing style, so I’ll take that as a complement.”
“Weren’t you going to sleep?”
“Fine, fine. I’ll leave you to your tiring work.”
“Good night sweetie.” he said, looking back at his work
She walked into her room, all her bags siting at the foot of her bed. She plopped down on her cold mattress, ready for sleep to invade her mind. She wasn’t scared anymore, she wasn’t scared for what came tomorrow, she was ready to take it on. She was ready to show the world she was human, and she wasn’t going anywhere, maybe it would take a while for people to accept her and some people will never, but no matter what got in her way she would take it down. She would fight. Fight for the scared, for the closeted, for the ones that would rather die than tell people who they really we’re. 
She would fight for rights.
She would fight until everyone was seen as equals, until when people looked at others, they didn’t see skin, gender, or sexuality; they say the person's soul. 
That was the true them, and it wasn’t going anywhere.
She would fight for this because that's what she knew was right. 
To all the people hiding, I’m coming to save you.
I’m going to fight for you. 
I promise
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Umm, I accidentally deleted the request for this while moving it to my inbox, so here it is. (Also this is like, four months old).
I’m gonna rec this fic which is super well written and adorable
Steve is ftm. (Personally, I’m not a big fan of mpreg unless it’s like, biologically plausible 🤷‍♀️)
Under the cut bc it’s long and there’s a little bit of smut.
Billy’s hands were shaking as he raced out of the house.
He had a bag slung over one shoulder, had already put two others in the Camaro.
His dad had gone in hard today. Three days after Billy graduated high school and he’s already calling him a deadbeat, a fuck up. Telling him to get a job like he hasn’t worked every summer and most weekends since he was fourteen.
He lit a cigarette as he slid into the driver’s seat.
He was gonna make one stop on the way outta town.
Steve had given Billy a spare key months ago, after he was tired of always having to go downstairs and answer the door.
He liked it when Billy just made his way up, started kissing whatever skin was already exposed and asking Steve if he’s wet.
Tonight, Steve thought, was no different.
Billy was kissing up his calf, mouthing along his knee, a few fingers creeping up the leg of his shorts.
Billy was the best sex he’s ever had. Not a lot of gay guys will go down on Steve, some won’t even fuck him. He had been real hesitant to tell Billy, start having regular sex with his best friend, because he didn’t think Billy would want anything to do with him when he knew what he was bringing to the table.
But Billy had told him not to be an idiot, ate him out, and pounded him into the mattress.
And Steve was in love.
So he let Billy fuck him whenever he pleased, because at least Billy was giving him the time of day, at least he was getting some.
He opened his eyes, smiling lazily down at Billy.
“‘Time is it?”
“Almost two.” Billy was curling two fingers into his waistband, slowly pulling down his shorts, like maybe Steve wouldn’t notice.
Steve lifted his hips, and Billy whipped off his shorts, diving right in for his pussy.
He ate him out with the same fervor he did everything. Making all these gross slurping sounds, sucking on Steve’s cock and shoving his tongue inside him.
He made Steve cum twice on his face, as was the norm, before wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, and getting right to business.
He fucked Steve like he was mad at him.
He often did. And Steve knew he wasn’t mad at him, moreso mad at the other him, the him that’s ruined Billy’s life since before he was even born.
Steve wasn’t as dumb as everyone thought. Knew that when Billy snuck into his bedroom at odd hours of the night and absolutely ravished him, something bad had happened with his dad.
So when Billy finally rolled off of him, and lit a cigarette, Steve knew better than to ask.
“I’m leaving.” Steve just hummed at him. Billy sometimes stuck around after sex.
But Billy didn’t move.
“Like, leaving Hawkins.” Steve just hummed again. Billy talked a lot about leaving Hawkins. Steve had always secretly dreamed of running away with him. 
Billy just studied his face in the dark, stubbing out his cigarette and rolling over to hols Steve close to his chest.
Steve closed his eyes, let himself pretend.
Pretend that Billy loved him back.
He woke up to rustling, Billy getting dressed to leave as weak sunlight began to trickle through his curtains.
“Oh shit, didn’t mean to wake you.”
He smiled lazily at Billy.
“You comin’ back over tonight?” Billy looked stiff.
“Probably not. Sorry.”
“That’s okay. I’ll see you later, then.”
“Yeah. Later.” Billy was sitting on the end of his bed, had just finished tying on his boots.
And then he moved, quick as a flash to kiss Steve softly before he was thundering down the stairs.
Steve was just falling asleep as the Camaro roared away.
Billy had skipped town that night.
And Steve never forgave himself.
Steve was leaning over the counter, his head pressed into the cool top of it.
“I threw up all last week, and I just feel like shit.” He had been whining to Robin practically all morning at Family Video.
“Do you think you have the flu?”
“I don’t know, Rob. I mean, my stomach hurts a lot, but like, it feels like I’m just having awful cramps.”
“Are you on your period?”
“Nah. Don’t get it very often with the hormones anymore.”
“Normally I’d suggest pregnancy, but I know you’re in a bit of a dry spell.” He rolled slightly to look darkly at her. “Still no word of Billy?”
“No. The one person in Hawkins that isn’t too transphobic to fuck me, and he skips town.” Steve sighed. “I should’ve known, too. He was being super weird that night.”
“Whatever. When you and I skip town, we’ll have the time of our damn lives, and get you laid.” He laughed softly.
“I’m just gonna go to the doctor this weekend. Get a full physical.”
“Let me know the verdict at and I can come over with some medicine, if you need.”
“Thanks, Rob.”
Steve was lying back on the stiff exam table.
He had already given blood and urine samples, and was just waiting for the doctor to tell him what the fuck was wrong with him.
Sometimes his hormones had to be adjusted, and caused all sorts of weird shit to go haywire in his body.
Dr. Mauch was a kind woman, always been pleasant and accepting of Steve, even referred him to an endocrinologist for his hormones.
She didn’t smile when she came in, though. Just sat down at her stool.
“I’m going to go out a limb here and say that this is not news you’ll be happy about hearing.”
Steve felt his heart drop to his stomach.
“You’re pregnant.”
He blinked.
“I’m sorry, Steve. But you most definitely are.”
“But, but I’m on blockers, and testosterone, and I haven’t had sex in months.”
“I’d say about six months.” His mouth was dry. Billy had left in late May. About six months ago. “And being on hormones is not an effective method of birth control. Some men still get pregnant after taking them.”
“I’m not, I don’t look pregnant.”
“Some people don’t really show their pregnancy. My sister was rail thin the entire time, had a perfectly healthy baby girl. It’s all about your body type.”
“So, so you’re telling me, that I’m six months fucking pregnant.”
“Yes.” He slumped back onto the exam table.
“What are, what are my options?”
“Well, unfortunately, not many. Abortions are only legal in Indiana up to 20 weeks, or five months, or unless the person pregnant is facing severely compromised physical health. There’s always adoption.”
“No one’s gonna want a baby from a trans guy.” She pursed her lips.
“I think that’s a harsh statement. Many people are desperate for babies.” Steve just stared at her.
“So, if I have to take it to term, should I like, go off my hormones.” His stomach gave a lurch at the idea.
“I would recommend it. There’s very little research one pregnancy in transgender individuals. We really don’t know how hormones can affect the baby.” Steve sighed. “I would say, get in with an OB/GYN. I can recommend a few I know and send them your medical history. Your name change and hormone therapy is part of all of it, so hopefully they will be kind.” Steve sighed.
“Thank you, Doc. I really appreciate it.”
“I’m sorry for the disappointing news.”
“Nah, it’s fine.” She gave him a copy of their appointment notes, a list of OB/GYNs for him to research, and a hug before she left.
He drove home slowly, feeling exhausted, like the weight of the fucking world was on his shoulders.
He got home to find Robin sitting on his front porch, her nose buried in a book, a pizza box sitting next to her.
She looked up at him, and he burst into tears.
“Look, Max, if he contacts you in any way, tell him to call Steve, okay? It’s important.” Robin was yammering to Max on the phone, trying to get a way to contact Billy.
Steve was laying on the couch, had his shirt rucked up over his stomach, pushing it out and sucking it in, trying to see any change in his body.
“Just give him Steve’s phone number and tell him he’s an asshole.” She hung up the phone, perching on the armrest at Steve’s feet.
“She know where he is?”
“No. She said he ran off and hasn’t contacted her at all. She didn’t even know he was leaving.” She slid onto the couch, let Steve put his feet on her lap. “You think he’d come back? If he knew?”
“I don’t know. I’m not really asking him to. I mean, I don’t think I’m in a place to take care of it, but I kinda just want him to know it exists. Like, I think he deserves that.”
“I get it.” Her voice was soft. She watched Steve stare at his tummy some more. “I’m sorry. I’m sure this is just, dysphoria out the wazoo.” Steve huffed a laugh.
“I don’t think it’s really hit me yet. I think ‘cause I’m not showing. I don’t look pregnant, so how can I be pregnant, you know?” He sighed tugging down his shirt. “Going to the doctor’s gonna be a damn nightmare, though. They’re too used to dealing with women. It’s gonna suck.”
Steve was right.
Even though his primary care doctor had sent his medical history, he still got deadnamed and misgendered at reception, and intake, and by the nurse, and the doctor when she finally arrived.
They gave him a pelvic exam, getting him in for a sonogram as well.
And as the doctor was moving the imagining wand around on his tummy, and he heard the heartbeat for the first time, something caved inside of him.
A baby. He was having a baby.
And part of him, a really fucking big part of him, was starting to love it.
His parents were home for four days.
And Steve had waited for the final day of their homesteading to tell them.
He’s glad he did.
Diner was as quiet as always, and Steve had nearly choked on the words.
“I’m pregnant.”
His father had gotten out his wallet, asked how much an abortion costs.
“I’m too far along for that. Nowhere will legally do it.”
His mother had just stared at him. His father asked how far along he was.
“Close to seven months. I didn’t even know until like, a week and a half ago.”
And his father had stood up, and the yelling began.
“I can’t believe you. You kick up this huge fuss, make us change your name, and the way we refer to you, go around telling everyone your a boy, and you get pregnant like the little slut you are.”
And he had told Steve to back his shit, told him he was not welcome in my house anymore.
And Steve didn’t have a lot of shit he cared about, the clothes he liked fit in one duffel bag.
His mother didn’t look at him as he left.
He had called Mrs. Henderson from a payphone.
Nobody else could give him a ride anymore, and he wasn’t expecting her to drop everything and drive him somewhere, but she had freaked out at the words kicked out and for getting pregnant, and told him to stay where he is.
She was there with a tight hug and a travel mug of honey lemon tea within twenty minutes.
Steve had asked for a ride to a youth shelter he had read about, but she shook her head, said you’re coming to live with me and Dusty and Steve had cried in her passenger seat, and again in her guest bedroom.
Steve groaned.
He had finally begun showing, just a little bit out a mound near his belly button.
But he felt like shit, had taken to spending most days in bed.
He bat away whoever was shaking him.
“Go away.”
“Steve, it’s Max.”
“I’m sleeping.”
“I found Billy, you asshole. I have his address.” Steve sat bolt up straight.
“You, where is he?”
“Boston. He went east, for some reason. But he sent me a letter, out of the blue, and I told him you had something important to say, but he said he doesn’t have a phone.” She handed him a slip of paper.
“Thanks, Max.” He gave her a weak smile, found her chewing her lip.
“Is he the father? The other father, I mean.” He had told the party about the pregnancy, figured rumors would begin spreading soon enough.
“Yeah. He’s the other father.”
“He wouldn’t have ditched you. If he’d known.”
“I know.”
“He’s not like that.”
“I know.” She stared him down. He kept his face open, honest.
“Are you gonna write to him?”
“Yeah. I just, I don’t really know what to say.”
“Just keep it simple. Tell him he’s got a kid. Let him choose what he wants.”
It took Steve almost a month to draft a letter.
He didn’t really know what to say.
He settled on the bare minimum.
I’m pregnant. And it is most definitely, without a doubt, yours. I’m not expecting anything from you. I don’t want money, or for you to move back to Hawkins. I just thought you deserve to know about your kid.
He read the letter about three times, one hand pressed delicately to his little bump.
I’ve decided to keep the baby. I’m going to raise them. You’re welcome to meet them, and be in their life if you choose, but if not, I’m not going to hold it against you.
He sealed the envelope, leaving it on his nightstand.
And then his contractions started.
He didn’t get around to sending it.
Claudia was the only person in the room with him when he gave birth.
She held his hand the whole time, coached him through his breathing.
And when his son was born, she pet his head, told Steve how beautiful he is.
Steve was slumped face down on the bed.
He had just gotten Oliver down, calmed him down enough for him to finally sleep.
He rolled over, scrubbing a hand down his face.
He had barely slept all week. But Oliver had smiled at him for the first time yesterday.
He turned to lay on his side, zeroing in on the envelope on his nightstand.
He sat up quickly.
Fuck. He needed to send that letter.
He didn’t bother thinking about it, just wrapped his sweater tighter around himself, and hurried to the mailbox. He put the little flag up, leaving the letter in the little inner clasp.
He looked back down at Oliver, running one finger over his fuzzy little head.
He didn’t hear from Billy for three weeks.
He knew the letter wouldn’t take more than a few days to get to him, and it would take just as long for Billy to get him back.
He had pushed Billy out of his mind, figured if he wanted to be part of Oliver’s life, he had given him enough of a chance to be.
He put on a thick sweatshirt, had taken to wearing baggy tops to hide his tits, too sore, too big to bind anymore. Oliver squealed at him when he leaned against the side of his crib, reaching out for him.
He strapped him into his stroller to take him on a walk, stopped dead in the doorway.
Billy fucking Hargrove was in the driveway, standing next to the Camaro like he had just gotten out of it.
His eyes were wide, trailing from Steve, to Oliver, and back again.
“Is that my kid?” Billy’s hair was shorter than when he had left.
“Oliver. His name is Oliver.” Billy stepped around the car.
“Can I, can I see him?” Steve brought the stroller down the driveway, taking Oliver out of the stroller.
Billy held him like he was made of gold.
“He’s beautiful.”
“I think he looks a lot like you.” Billy smiled at him.
“Thank you for telling me. I’m sorry I couldn’t get here, I was waiting for my semester to end.”
“It’s okay. I just, you know. Thought you deserved to know about him.” Billy stared at Oliver, his smile going soft as Oliver squealed, tugging on Billy’s hair.
“I want to be in his life. If that’s okay?”
“Of course it is. He’s your son too.” Billy brushed his thumb down Oliver’s nose.
“Thank you, Steve. And I’m, I’m sorry about how I left. I was going to-” he cut himself off, looking back at Oliver. “I was gonna ask you to come with me. Chickened out last minute.”
Steve’s heart was banging against his rips.
“I would’ve gone with you. Used to dream about running away with you.” Oliver started getting fussy, making disgruntled little huffs. Billy passed him back to Steve. “I was in love with you. You know that?”
“Yeah, I knew that. Was to chicken shit to do anything about it.” Billy was still looking at Oliver, the way he nestled into Steve’s neck. “He loves you a lot.”
“It’s been the two of us for awhile.”
“You’re a good dad. Always kinda figured you would be, though.” Billy took another breath. “You know, you could’ve told me sooner. I would’ve come back.”
“I don’t want you to, to change you life. Don’t quit school, or something.”
“Steve, I got a kid. I want to change my life for him. For, for you.”
“I can’t ask you to do that.”
“No never did. I’m choosing this. I’m choosing my family.” Steve hesitated.
“Would you like to come in? Have some breakfast? You could give Oliver his bottle, If you wanted.” Billy’s eyes lit up.
“I’d like that.”
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hxneydreamers · 3 years
Hello dear ! I have read your blogs. You are amazing !!!! (10000x 💞 for you ). I wanted to ask a question . Neville goddard said that time doesn't really exist in manifesting . So actually my sp who is celebrity is very very older than me . Like we have a age gap of 12 years. 😥 as said i am minor. I decided to manifest him when i am 18 . But sometimes i get impatient but then i feel a bit upset and it's not legal to date a minor. Plus he lives in korea . As i have indian parents they never will allow me to even fly to korea. And even if we get in a relationship . They will never like him. Tho my mother is into the group (he is in a group ) she won't ever. As being in india , india is pathetic country with bs Trash . They ( the group is seen as bunch of gays) and most hurting thing is lgbtq is not accepted in this fuking country . Ppl tread them as trash not human. They get so much discrimination ( most of them are transgender ) and hate . Like they have to live together because thier parents disown them and stuff. Makeup is gender less. But in this country men have to be men. like all the fking indian celebrity don't ever wear makeup (males) . (Not gonna lie they all don't even have clear skin like korean ) Skin care is not menly . Men shouldn't do it. The mentally in this country is fucked up.
Now back to the topic.
- how my parents will judge him ? (Most my papa because mom knows a lot about korean cultural but she won't stand with me including some mfs relatives who judgemental af . Relatives ohh my these bishs are hella judgement (most the old one) doesn't matter how they themselves look or personality )
- is he gay ? Why he so feminine ? He is uses makeup damn sure he is gay or somthing he is a girl for sure !!
Doesn't matter how successfully he is and his personality . Doesn't matter how much more he is successful more than you. (Relatives and parent) don't matter if loves your beautiful daughter. doesn't fuken matter if he is caring and financial stable.
- as i minor they won't let me go to even study in korea !
- tbh my plans are to skip 12 or 10 grade (i am in 8 th grade now) and study in korean university as it's one of my dream. Then work as cosmologist here . I want to to have family here.
But but but
My parents hahah never i even asked them they even made fun of my dreams and they said it's gonna take 20 years to reach there .
I am extremely discouraged .
Then on the other hand i also want to desire body before everything happens . Like going to korea and stuff.
I suck at affirming and visualizing . I habe never got results from scripting.
Plus i got my school too. Omg also learning korean too.
Omg i am so done !! 😭 please help me and guide me. And advice me ! i am extremely sorry for my bad english . I am not a native.
Everything is so hard
Hey! Thank you so so so much for reaching out to me! I really appreciate you coming to me for advice! Don’t worry, your English was fine!
*I'm going to begin this post by clarifying that whilst it is possible for you to manifest anything in your reality, I do not encourage you manifesting this person if you are underage and they are much older. You have said in your question that you will not manifest them until you are 18, which is good, however I will just make it clear that this post is to help you manifest the other circumstances in your reality, and not the person or the age gap.*
Let me start by telling you I obviously haven’t experienced this as intensely as you have as I live in a country where people are much more open-minded about sexuality and ideas of masculinity, but I have stories to share with you from my own life that are very similar to what you want to manifest! They might encourage you! (PS, these following stories all took place from when I was at the age of 19 and up.)
(This story is before I knew about manifesting). My parents are very strict and traditional and I always wanted to go overseas to study in a specific country for at least a few months. My parents forbid it and I never would have been allowed to go, but I wanted it so badly that it was all I thought about and dreamed about! I started watching a TV show set in that country every single day. I even learned the language for fun. I somehow manifested it, because the next year, I took a semester off university and I went to that country for 3 months to live. So no matter what your parents say, you can 100% manifest this.
I had a celebrity crush in that country and I wanted to meet him and be with him SO BADLY! I didn’t know about manifesting until afterwards unfortunately, but guess what? I manifested seeing him MULTIPLE TIMES on the street, because I constantly thought about seeing him there and bumping into him! I even messaged him once and he responded. I also had one of his best friends on snapchat because I met him when I was there lol. I never got the celebrity crush because I focused too much on negative things. If I knew about manifesting, I would have gotten what I wanted.
My (specific person) SP who I am currently dating is actually someone who my parents also didn’t approve of for a long time because of sexuality and he is not stereotypically masculine! They also kept telling me negative things. The good news is that now my parents accept him and are happy for us!
Thank you for giving me the background information on your circumstances, it helps me understand your situation much better, and it also shows me how you’re thinking about the situation as well, which is the most important thing.
The beliefs you have are these:
Parents and other people not approving of the kind of people you are interested in.
You don’t think you can go to Korea for a long time
I’m happy to tell you that YOU CAN CHANGE THIS SITUATION!
As I said in the beginning, the age gap is illegal and should not be manifested. So as a result, you should begin with your beliefs about your family's negative opinions and your ability to travel in the future.
You need to stop mentally reacting to what they say when it’s negative about men who are not stereotypically masculine etc, and also when they say negative things about you ever traveling. They are only saying these things because in your mind you believe this to be true. Reality is an illusion and you need to know that if you really push through and persist, even if it feels extremely difficult, you can change this!
You should start by affirming your self-concept, something like this (you can also affirm in your own language if you prefer so it's natural to you :) whatever is comfortable for you!)
I am capable of anything!
I am a master at manifesting!
I always get what I want easily and effortlessly!
Everything always works out how I want!
Then I want you to affirm for your circumstances:
My family is always extremely accepting and encouraging!
I’m so happy that I’m going to Korea!
If you find it hard to visualise you can just affirm. I know you may feel like you’re bad at it, but if you practice it will get easier. Set a timer for 5 minutes and say your affirmations over and over! Make sure you don’t have any distractions. Focus on them. Do this several times a day, every day.
Also, if you can get the app ‘ThinkUp’ record yourself saying your strongest affirmations, and listen to them at night when you sleep. Start with your self-concept affirmations only for maybe 2 weeks! Then you can add your other affirmations.
Your goal is to change the way you feel and think about yourself and what you are able to do, your surroundings and your family’s opinions. Start with these things. Really persist in them.
I hope this helps in some way! If you ever need to reach out to anyone, so many people on Tumblr in the manifesting community are here to listen! We all want each other to succeed and I know that if you put the work in to do this, you will too!!
I also recommend you start binge-watching one of these youtube channels:
Sammy Ingram
Manifesting With Kimberly
Manifesting Secrets
Dylan James
Create Your Future
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comrade-meow · 3 years
Tumblr media
A great deal of the transgender debate is unexplained. One of the most mystifying aspects is the speed and success of a small number of small organisations in achieving major influence over public bodies, politicians and officials. How has a certain idea taken hold in so many places so swiftly?
People and organisations that at the start of this decade had no clear policy on or even knowledge of trans issues are now enthusiastically embracing non-binary gender identities and transition, offering gender-neutral toilets and other changes required to accommodate trans people and their interests. These changes have, among other things, surprised many people. They wonder how this happened, and why no one seems to have asked them what they think about it, or considered how those changes might affect them.
Some of the bodies that have embraced these changes with the greatest zeal are surprising: the police are not famous social liberals but many forces are now at the vanguard here, even to the point of checking our pronouns and harassing elderly ladies who say the wrong thing on Twitter.
How did we get here? I think we can discount the idea that this is a simple question of organisations following a changing society. Bluntly, society still doesn’t know very much about transgenderism. If you work in central London in certain sectors, live in a university town (or at a university) or have children attending a (probably middle-class) school, you might have some direct acquaintance. But my bet is that most people don’t know any trans people and don’t have developed views about how the law should evolve with regards to their status.
So the question again: how did organisations with small budgets and limited resources achieve such stunning success, not just in the UK but elsewhere?
Well, thanks to the legal website Roll On Friday, I have now seen a document that helps answer that question.
The document is the work of Dentons, which says it is the world’s biggest law firm; the Thomson Reuters Foundation, an arm of the old media giant that appears dedicated to identity politics of various sorts; and the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Youth & Student Organisation (IGLYO). Both Dentons and the Thomson Reuters Foundation note that the document does not necessarily reflect their views.
The report is called 'Only adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth'. Its purpose is to help trans groups in several countries bring about changes in the law to allow children to legally change their gender, without adult approval and without needing the approval of any authorities. 'We hope this report will be a powerful tool for activists and NGOs working to advance the rights of trans youth across Europe and beyond,' says the foreword.
As you’d expect of a report co-written by the staff of a major law firm, it’s a comprehensive and solid document, summarising law, policy and 'advocacy' across several countries. Based on the contributions of trans groups from around the world (including two in the UK, one of which is not named), it collects and shares 'best practice' in 'lobbying' to change the law so that parents no longer have a say on their child’s legal gender.
In the words of the report:
“'It is recognised that the requirement for parental consent or the consent of a legal guardian can be restrictive and problematic for minors.'
You might think that the very purpose of parenting is, in part, to 'restrict' the choices of children who cannot, by definition, make fully-informed adult choices on their own. But that is not the stance of the report.
Indeed, it suggests that 'states should take action against parents who are obstructing the free development of a young trans person’s identity in refusing to give parental authorisation when required.'
In short, this is a handbook for lobbying groups that want to remove parental consent over significant aspects of children’s lives. A handbook written by an international law firm and backed by one of the world’s biggest charitable foundations.
And how do the authors suggest that legal change be accomplished?
I think the advice is worth quoting at length, because this is the first time I’ve actually seen this put down in writing in a public forum. And because I think anyone with any interest in how policy is made and how politics works should pay attention.
Here’s a broad observation from the report about the best way to enact a pro-trans agenda:
“'While cultural and political factors play a key role in the approach to be taken, there are certain techniques that emerge as being effective in progressing trans rights in the "good practice" countries.'
Among those techniques: 'Get ahead of the Government agenda.'
What does that mean? Here it is in more detail:
“'In many of the NGO advocacy campaigns that we studied, there were clear benefits where NGOs managed to get ahead of the government and publish progressive legislative proposal before the government had time to develop their own. NGOs need to intervene early in the legislative process and ideally before it has even started. This will give them far greater ability to shape the government agenda and the ultimate proposal than if they intervene after the government has already started to develop its own proposals.'
That will sound familiar to anyone who knows how a Commons select committee report in 2016, which adopted several positions from trans groups, was followed in 2017 by a UK government plan to adopt self-identification of legal gender. To a lot of people, that proposal, which emerged from Whitehall looking quite well-developed, came out of the blue.
Anyway, here’s another tip from the document: 'Tie your campaign to more popular reform.'
For example:
'In Ireland, Denmark and Norway, changes to the law on legal gender recognition were put through at the same time as other more popular reforms such as marriage equality legislation. This provided a veil of protection, particularly in Ireland, where marriage equality was strongly supported, but gender identity remained a more difficult issue to win public support for.'
I’ve added my bold there, because I think those are very telling phrases indeed. This is an issue that is 'difficult to win public support for' and best hidden behind the 'veil of protection' provided by a popular issue such as gay rights. Again, anyone who has even glanced at the UK transgender debate will recognise this description.
Another recommendation is even more revealing: 'Avoid excessive press coverage and exposure.'
According to the report, the countries that have moved most quickly to advance trans rights and remove parental consent have been those where the groups lobbying for those changes have succeeded in stopping the wider public learning about their proposals. Conversely, in places like Britain, the more 'exposure' this agenda has had, the less successful the lobbying has been:
'Another technique which has been used to great effect is the limitation of press coverage and exposure. In certain countries, like the UK, information on legal gender recognition reforms has been misinterpreted in the mainstream media, and opposition has arisen as a result. ….Against this background, many believe that public campaigning has been detrimental to progress, as much of the general public is not well informed about trans issues, and therefore misinterpretation can arise.
In Ireland, activists have directly lobbied individual politicians and tried to keep press coverage to a minimum in order to avoid this issue.' (Emphasis added).
Although it offers extensive advice about the need to keep the trans-rights agenda out of the public’s gaze, the report has rather less to say about the possibility that advocates might just try doing what everyone else in politics does and make a persuasive argument for their cause. Actually convincing people that this stuff is a good idea doesn’t feature much in the report, which runs to 65 pages.
I’m not going to tell you what I think of the report, or the agenda it sets out. I’m not going to pass comment on it or its authors. I’m just going to try to summarise its nature and contents.
A major international law firm has helped write a lobbying manual for people who want to change the law to prevent parents having the final say about significant changes in the status of their own children. That manual advises those lobbying for that change to hide their plans behind a 'veil' and to make sure that neither the media nor the wider public know much about the changes affecting children that they are seeking to make. Because if the public find out about those changes, they might well object to them.
I started my first job as a researcher in the Commons in 1994. I’ve been studying and writing about politics and policy ever since. And in my experience of how changes in the law are brought about, the approach described in that report is simply not normal or usual. In a democracy, we are all free to argue for whatever policy or position we wish. But normally, anyone who wants to change the law accepts that to do so they need to win the support or, at least, the consent of the people whose authority ultimately gives the law its force. The approach outlined, in detail, in the Dentons report amounts to a very different way of lobbying to get the laws and policies you want. Even more notably, it suggests that in several countries people have been quite successful in lobbying behind a 'veil' and in a way that deliberately avoids the attention of the public. That, I think, should interest anyone who cares about how politics and policy are conducted, whether or not they care about the transgender issue.
I’m going to conclude with an observation I’ve made here before, but which I think bears repeating in the context of that report and the things it might tell people about other aspects of the trans issue: no policy made in the shadows can survive in sunlight.
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new-tella-us · 4 years
Komahina Oneshot
Komahina ft. Trans Hajime. Another Tumblr inspired post. The tumblr account is catboymoments. Gotta give credit where credit is due.
If you didn't know that this is very gay and trans then idk how you got here but I'm happy to have ya.
But seriously, this has some pretty big trigger warnings
- Gender Dysphoria
- Complicated pregnancy
- Mentions of abortion
Anyways Onto the Oneshot!
Wow! I'm Pregnant! We're gunna have a happy family! Except...I'm a guy.
I feel horrible... This has been going on for about three days now. Mornings are the worst. I can't tell why. It's starting to worry Nagito and it's not like I can fake it, I tried. You can't fake puking. I can at least fake being somewhat lively.
...I need to get up. Need to get moving. Need to- Nevermind! I need to puke! Fuck... This feels disgusting. Maybe I should try and diagnose myself, or have Mikan help me. I felt a pat on my back; I knew it was Nagito but, I couldn't look at him while puking my guts out. When I finally finished desecrating the poor toilet I got up. I was sweating, pale and covered in whatever I managed to puke up on an empty stomach. I flushed the toilet and washed my face.
Nagito gave me a worried look. What was once an 'are you okay?' question turned into, "How are you feeling now?"
"I'm better," I responded. There wasn't much else to say, "I'll get this checked out soon, I'll just give it another day or two."
Nagito face turned stern, "Hajime, you need to get this thing checked out today! This has gone on for too long." He went out of the bathroom and grabbed his phone, "I'm calling Tsumiki-chan."
"Nonono! It's okay Nagito! I'll do it tomorrow! I can handle this myself!" I responded, a bit panicked. I never liked getting help from others, it didn't feel right to bother someone over something I can do myself.
"You said that yesterday. I'm calling Tsumiki-chan." He said in a more stern voice. I couldn't respond, there was no point in arguing with him when he's like this, plus; he's right. He made the call. I didn't hear Mikan's side of the call but, from what I can hear on Nagito's side, they made a time, 1 pm. He hung up and looked back at me, his glaze softened.
"Let's get you something to eat, okay?"
"Yeah," He smiles softly and gave me a small kiss on the forehead before leading me out of the house. But, while we were walking towards the cafeteria, a little voice told me something.
You know exactly what's happening.
I shook the thought away.
Breakfast was, mostly, fine. Only going to the bathroom once! Now, I have some time before I have to talk to Mikan. Nagito insists that I rest but I've gotten bored of doing that. I decided to just walk around the island. It was a really hot day and I was getting tired so, I couldn't walk for long. Huh, that never happens, I usually have more stamina than that... Maybe Nagito was right. Well, Nagito is usually right. Maybe I should just listen to Nagito more.
I started walking back, only taking a break to puke near a tree. Now, I'm really sweating, shaking too. I felt light-headed. Then, an unexpected helper appeared. She put my arm on her shoulder, behind her neck, her other hand supported me from my side. I didn't look up, I didn't need to. Her light orange kimono with scattered pink cherry blossoms gave away who she was.
"Hey Saionji..."
"Didn't listen to Komaeda again?" She knew it...
"Nope." I responded with as much satire I could muster.
"You're an idiot."
"Yup" Indeed I was but I could think about that a little bit more when my head wasn't spinning like crazy. Hiyoko helped me back to my cottage before leaving me to enter it myself. I opened the door and both Nagito and Mikan were sitting on the couch. I guess she came early.
"Hey guys, it seems like you were both waiting for me. Sorry about that."
"I-It's fine Hinata-san. So tell me a-about your condition. I've only seen g-glimpses of it" Mikan said.
So I explained. The morning sickness, the lack of energy and stamina. The fact that I can't even walk around the island without becoming pale and out of breath. Mikan thought about it and started checking her tablet. I assumed that she was looking up what this could mean before her eyes widen on something.
"I-I....I never knew this. Umm...I'll b-be right back." She seemed nervous as se got up and practically ran out of the house.
You know where she's going, you know what she's getting
There's that voice is again. I have no time for hallucinations or weird creepy messages.
Mikan returned after a few minutes with a little rectangular box in her hand.
"Welcome back, Tsumiki-chan. Now, are you going to explain why you suddenly freaked out like that and left?" Nagito said.
Mikan's gaze fell on me. Her look was almost unreadable. It's very unlike her.
"Hinata-san. Are you trans?" She asked bluntly.
"Wh-What?! What made you ask that??" I panicked. How did she know? How did she guess??
She turned her tablet to me; my profile was on it as was everyone else's. She pressed one of those special info buttons and a symbol appeared next to my profile picture.
The Female Sex Symbol...
"I'm surprised that you didn't realize that this button exists. After all the creator of these tablets had a member who's entire case was solved because their sex was revealed." Mikan said. She always did have more confidence when she spoke facts. I didn't have anything to say, neither did Nagito. Mikan handed me the box; it was a pregnancy test.
"I w-won't ask. That's your b-business..." Her timidity returned. No, she won't ask because she'll get her answer depending on what I say or do. I could hand her back the test. I could lie and say I'm a virgin but, that wouldn't help me...
I got up and went to the bathroom...
...Are...Are you serious...? The test came back positive?! I...don't know how to feel about this... At least I know what's happening to me and probably why it's hitting me so hard.
...I feel too sick for this.
You knew this was coming.
'Izuru...not now. Please.'
You know you can't fully get rid of her.
'Who are you talking about?'
As if to answer my question, he materialized but not as himself. He materialized as a young girl. A girl that looks a lot like me.
'Fuck off, Izuru. You know that's not me...'
Is it not? It's who you once were.
'That was never me! She was someone else. Just a person of the past.'
And that way of thinking is what got you here. It's time for you to face the facts. You may be a boy but, you're not male. You forgetting that is why that test is positive. You took a chance, you were risky and here you are.
'We're done here.'
I was steaming. I couldn't listen to another word that fell out of that man's mouth. I needed to calm down. I took some deep breaths and left the bathroom. Mikan left but, Nagito was still there. I wasn't concerned with him knowing that I was trans, he already knew; he would have to know since he's...
"So, what happened? What did she give you? Are you okay?" he asked but, I had a feeling that he knew. I didn't want the mood to be sour. Having kids is supposed to be a good thing so, I wanted to lighten the mood with a pun.
"Well, I guess I should be invisible."
"...What? What do you mean?" He looked puzzled.
I looked at the pregnancy test. "Well, I'm a trans-parent." (Yes, I took this pun from the same tumblr user)
He looked at me, still puzzled, for a few minutes before he realized.
"...oh. Oh OH! You don't mean-" He looked happy, so happy. He gave me a hug, "Oh my god! I've always wanted to be a dad!"
He has? Great... Personally, I never wanted kids. I used to but, secondary school... changed me and showed me that really, I don't. But I can't just make a split second decision, he seem so happy...
"Yeah, but can we discuss this a bit more? I have my issues that I need to address."
His smile faded a bit "Uh sure"
We both sat on the bed of our room. I didn't know what to say. I don't know if I want to do this but, it would feel wrong just to abort with no conversation.
"So umm... Nagito. I...I don't know if I'm- we're ready to have kids. I guess I'm kind of worried?"
Tell him the actual reason, Hajime.
"I don't know what effect this might have on me and I'm scared that I might not be a great dad..."
"Is that the reason?" Nagito asked.
If you don't tell him, I will.
"..." I wasn't going to say anything but, Izuru kept on his threat. I lost control of my body.
"He has gender dysphoria" Izuru said, "So this pregnancy is reminding him of his uncertainty. The place he used to live in was not the most accepting of transgendered people"
Nagito fell silent, he was stunned. Damn it Izuru... did you have to be so blunt? I got control of my body back, I couldn't even look at Nagito, I felt so ashamed, I was putting my anxieties above a life. It felt...wrong. Or is it a life? It's a clump of cells but, it can become a life. I've been around too many mixed influences. I wish I knew which decision was the good decision.
Then again..
Is there truly a 'good' decision? On one hand, I'm killing a potential life and that will haunt me but, if I'm not ready to be a parent, I'm bringing a child into a world neither it nor I'm ready for and with a current war having, it's not like adoption is an option and, like Izuru said, it forces me to accept-
"Why didn't you tell me?" Nagito asked. He didn't sound mad, he sounded sad and even a bit guilty, I didn't answer, "I'm sorry if me saying that pressured you." He gave me a hug. I felt so guilty. "I can't say that I fully understand but, no matter what you choose, I'll be in your corner."
"I'm gunna give it a week or two then I'll make my decision," I said nearly in tears, "thank you for being so supportive."
It's been two weeks, I thought about it everyday. I was already two week pregnant so with another two weeks, the time for abortion via safe mentions was soon ending. I hesitated and swayed back and forth on my answer. I truly didn't know for a while. But, about two days before my decision I found myself sticking to an answer. I'll stick with this pregnancy. It might help me get over my gender dysphoria, maybe not fully but, somewhat? Plus, it's quite an efficient way to tell everyone that I'm trans. And who know, maybe I'm a better parent than I think I am and with Nagito, I feel like I can take it. It's sort of strange; I'm aware of all the health risks, the mental tax, the problems and possible sadness but, I feel like I can take it. I feel calmer know that I at least, have one person- well two people with Tsumiki, in my corner.
"I'm keeping it" I said with a hug.
"Really? You sure?" Nagito asked.
"Yeah, we're gonna be a family." I smiled, it wasn't fake.
But of course, like everything else in my life, it didn't come without complication. I was already pregnancy four weeks and was just feeling more exhausted. Another week had passed and I kept feeling worse. I didn't know why. I felt exhausted and cold. I was exhausted but not tired, not sleepy. I was awake and shaky. Nagito called Mikan again when he started to notice how pale I was getting. She said it was Iron Deficiency Anemia along with Hypertension. Two things that were really common in pregnancy. She gave me medication for it and it did help but not fully.
At about 8 weeks, I told the group about me being trans and about the child. Mikan recommended to do that instead of immediately because that's when the risk of a miscarriage goes down to less than 10 percent. The group was so happy to have two children born at similar times. Yes, two! Sonia and Gundham were having a kid as well. What a coincidence! Sonia insisted that we started talking more about it.
12 weeks in and everything has been going as smoothly as it can. There's still work, there's still complications, sleeping is an issue, I have been diagnosed with Insomnia, this pregnancy has also made me more dependent on Nagito and has given me more time to think and I don't know if I like that... But, everyone's been really supportive, they haven't treated me any different and because I have a bit more time, I can hangout with them more. I've learnt a lot more about Sonia. I knew a bit about her, like that she's into witchcraft and serial killer documentaries but, she was also into slice of life novels so, this was a dream of hers. How cute.
Weeks 16 - 30 can be summed up here. They all passed the same; excited conversations, preparations, fun little talks, work, insomnia, exhaustion, etc. What was really note worthy was while Nagito went out on a mission to the main lands, Makoto brought back a fluffy white dog, a Great Pyrenees puppy. We agreed to keep and so when Nagito came home, I surprised him with the dog. At first, he was silent, then he started crying; I was scared the he didn't like the dog but, that changed when he went up and hugged the dog, he was so happy. Apparently, this was the exact breed of the dog Nagito used to have. Wow, how lucky. He sat with it for hours before being willing to pry away from it and go to sleep. We decided to call her Lucy.
Fast forward to week 37, about 3 weeks before we thought I was due. I was pulling an all-nighter on this one project to have it done by tomorrow. I knew I was pushing myself but I was almost done, I wanted to free up my schedule so I can have more time with my baby. Nagito, however, was starting to get concerned.
"Hajime, it's really late. You should rest."
"I'm almost done, okay? I just need to finish this last assignment and I'll be in bed. Just give me about an hour." I said, trying to easy his concern.
"Alright.." He didn't sound too convinced but he did leave.
I continued to work on my project and the time flew by until in the middle of my assignment, my stomach really hurt, more than usual. Do you really need to kick that hard, Future Child? I tried to continues working but the pain would just come back worse every time. Maybe I should just go to bed... I tried to get up and walk back to my bedroom but the pain sent me down the floor, everything hurts...everything hurts...I couldn't even scream, I was in so much pain...I felt something wet trickle down and I knew what it was at this point. I didn't know what to do, I was crying. Was I going to die? Was I just going to have to give birth here and now? What can I do??
Then, my savior came into the room. No not Nagito, Lucy! She took one good look and me and went sprinting out the door. I could hear her barking and soon she seem back with Nagito.
"Hajime!! Are you okay!?"
I wanted to say something to something to that question; 'yes', 'no', 'shut the fuck up and call Tsumiki' but, I couldn't let out a sound. Luckily, he took the hint and called Mikan.
"Tsumiki-chan. I'm sorry to wake you but, Hajime may be going through contractions? Please help?!"
They talked for a bit, I could barely focus. I just remember Nagito carrying me to the bathroom while talking to Mikan. I don't know if she was just fast or if I blanked out for a bit but, Mikan was there before I knew it. They both briefly conversed before they got me dressed in a cheap, long white shirt and set me down in the bath. Mikan started sticking needles in me, I don't know what for and she was still talking to Nagito. She finally looked at me and told me to count my contractions and how often they happen. After each one (Because it hurts too much to talk during contractions) I would tell her, when she decided that they were regular enough, she grasped my hand a little and told me to take a deep breathe. I did. Then she told me to push.
That's when it hit me, this was happening now! Oh my god, I was not ready for this but, I don't have much of a choice. So I pushed. Oh god it hurts! I felt like my bones were breaking. She then told me to breathe again and I did, we repeated this until the water started to turn red with blood.
Blood? Did someone die? I felt like I was somewhere else. I was watching the murders of the student council again, so much blood...like a perfect quality horror movie, I saw them all murder each other clear as day, every person, every stabbing, every slicing, every shooting, all the bloodshed, clear as the day I first saw it. I never forgot any of their faces...
Then, as if it couldn't get worse...all the murders, all the executions...all the blood, clear as day. I was just watching, unable to do anything. Nagito...Chiaki... They were gone. Was my happy life all a dream? Is this the reality I'm truly in or am I hallucinating and this is the fake reality? I can't tell, I can't tell... I want out of this nightmare! I hear voices in the distance, at first I couldn't understand what they are saying but, as the voices got louder, I could slowly understand. Were they calling me? I got my answer.
"HAJIME!" Nagito shouted, dragging me back to reality. I panicked at the different scenery. My heart was pounding, threatening to rip out of my chest. I looked around to see where I was, I was in the bathroom. I couldn't keep my vision still.
Nagito cupped my cheeks, obviously trying to calm me down. "Hajime look at me, okay?"
I tried to focus my vision on him, his eyes full of panic and worry.
"You're having a panic attack. Whatever you saw, it's just an illusion. You're okay, I'm okay, everyone is okay. Please try to calm down."
My throat was dry and hoarse but, I took a deep breath. I continued to do that until I became calmer.
He smiled down at me "Good...good."
Mikan then piped up, "Komaeda-san, I'm sorry but, we do need to c-continue with this..." Then she got an idea, "If blood is a trigger to Hinata-san then can maybe he should just look at you instead. I'll still need your attention Hinata-san but, just keep l-looking at him."
"Yeah, that's a good idea." Nagito agreed. I just nodded. So Mikan continued with her instruction and I kept my eyes on Nagito. It made the birthing a little easier to see his smile and soon enough I did my last push, I felt a weight leave me and while I was still sore, it didn't hurt nearly as much anymore. That's when the fatigue washed over me. I could feel myself passing out already.
"Hey hey...um, I know you're tired but, can you stay awake just a little longer please? Just until Tsumiki-chan says it's okay. Please?"
I didn't want to, the work should be over by now but, I could do it. Voices faded in and out, I was barely able to concentrate. Then, Nagito gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"You did it Hajime! It's okay now, you can rest." His voice was quiet and soothing.
"...Great.." I replied groggily before falling asleep almost immediately after.
I fell into a deep, very needed sleep. It was relaxing for once. No dreams, no nightmares just, floating in the darkness. But, I had to wake up.
The sun was shining through the curtains, not too much sun but, just enough to give the room a bright warm haze. I still felt sore but, it was much better than last night. I sat up and yawned.
"Oh good morning, Sleepyhead." Nagito said, playfully. He was sitting right next to me, looking at me with a warm smile. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up."
I felt a bit out of it, it seemed so peaceful right now, I just wanted to bask in it for a while. I took the time to notice things around me, like the fact that I was wearing something different; it was one of Nagito shirts and my boxers. I also noticed a little crib in the far corner of our bedroom with what looks to be a baby inside.
"Do you want to see your child?" Nagito asked.
I could only nod. He got up and went to the crib, picked up the small child and came back to the bed. Handing me the child he said,
"Meet your new baby son"
I held the child gently in my arms and at that moment, everything became worth it. He woke up and looked at me. I was expecting him to cry but, instead he just giggles grabbed my finger. Now I'm the one whose crying!
Nagito chuckled, "Don't cry on the baby!" He said playfully but, he was crying too.
He gave me a kiss, "I love you, Hajime"
I returned it, "I love you too, Nagito"
We both held our son and I knew, deep in my heart, this was the right decision.
We're a family now!
If I got something wrong, please tell me. I really tried and I wanna get it right.
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swiftgronmasterpost · 4 years
Glee Live Tour Part 4 - The ShirtGate Essay Dianna published to the felldowntherabbithole Tumblr
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Inserting a cut because this thing is long
or skip Dianna’s gay panic and click here to keep reading the masterpost!
June 2, 2000
What does that day, month and year mean to you? President Bill Clinton used that particular day to declare ”Gay and Lesbian Pride Month”. Nine years later, on June 1st, President Barack Obama spoke to incorporate an even wider group. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered citizens alike could all have this month for recognition, respect and appreciation. However, I am aware that not all minds meet equally about the rights and respect that we should pay to others. As each generation leaves their footprints, and paves the way for what is to come…to some, change is an impossible idea or action to put in motion.
You know what? Often, this unfortunate reality is because of learned behavior! As much as we may often preach that we like to speak for ourselves, or outside the box, how many times have you caught yourself, or someone you know repeating the thoughts of another before them? Sometimes without proper information? And how many times have you felt that perhaps further knowledge on an issue or subject matter might result in a different voice, a different understanding? Perhaps even going against the ideas they’ve learned, heard, or grown up around? We have the ability to fly planes, send astronauts into space, develop technology such as cellphones! Things that once were unfathomable. I can sit at this small computer and type this message. Once I push send, this message can be seen by anyone who’d like to engage, all across the WORLD.
As many of you know, we (the Glee cast) have been storming the country at whirlwind speeds to put on a forty-two show, month-long tour. It has been a constant reminder of why we do this. We’ve witnessed the impact our show has had, from the very beginning, to these moments, three years later. You LOVELY & AMAZING fans! Just indescribable. The love, affirmation, and dedication you provide! We see it all, value it all. Trust me, we do! On stage, the excitement that we absorb from your ball of energy brings our adrenaline levels to highs that often-times, we aren’t sure we can reach. Bottom line, we love you guys. And our crew! Without this diverse group of hard-working people, this venture would be impossible.
Yesterday was June 11th, and we were tackling our newest location, Toronto! We had finished our first concert of the day, and I was about to take a moment to relax before the second. On the way to our dressing rooms, I passed a stack of shirts lined up on the merchandise tables. The white T’s were modeled after shirts we wore in a performance set to Lady Gaga’s, “Born This Way.” This sparked an idea. And that idea ended up on stage.
Kindness moves mountains. Acceptance opens doors, makes room for change, diffuses misunderstanding. Every day, people commit hate crimes because of misunderstandings. Hate effects the target, and consumes the person behind the gun. It is crazy to realize that we have been in war for almost our entire existence on this planet. Many times for reasons of greed and hate.
Anyone that has experienced the death or abuse of a loved one can tell you that, “IT HURTS BEYOND EXPLANATION!!! AND WE SHOULD DO EVERYTHING IN OUR POWER TO MAKE ANY CHANGE POSSIBLE.” Raise your hand if you’ve spent nights crying yourself to sleep, raise your hand if you’ve felt as if you’d rather hide in bed all day than face the people that make you feel small or powerless! Raise your hand if you’ve felt as if you’d rather lie to people than tell them the truth about who you really are, because at least you wouldn’t be the victim of hateful behavior or prejudice! And raise your hand if lying feels almost as bad.
I was not raised in a family that accepted prejudice or hatred. For that, I thank my Mom and Dad each and every day. Look, we are human, we make mistakes. I will gladly shout from the rooftops that I AM NOT PERFECT. Nor will I ever be. But I can happily say that to my knowledge, I do not ever intentionally cause people pain. I love my family, my friends, my co-workers…and they all consist of girls AND boys. I do tell them that I love them. Yesterday, during our second show,  Instead of wearing my usual shirt during “Born This Way” I decided to wear one that said “Likes Girls”. It should actually have read, “Loves Girls”, because I do. The women in my life give me things that the men in my life can’t. And vice-versa. No, I am not a lesbian, yet if I were, I hope that the people in my life could embrace it whole-heartedly. And let me tell you, I can easily spill (quite comfortably) what I admire, respect and think is beautiful about any of the women in my life. Piece of cake!
Last night, I wanted to do something  to show my respect and love for the GLBT community. Support that people could actually see. Which is why I decided to change my shirt for the show. I happened to read a few comments that were posted on twitter. Many of you asked, “why?” This is my response. I am not asking for you to agree with what I am saying, but if you are listening, thank you. That is all I can ask. And a step further would be to take a moment to (honestly) answer the questions that I have raised. We can’t always put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. But we can try.
I am lucky to live in a place where I can wear almost anything that I want to express myself, and that jail is not a probable consequence. Which makes me feel as if I should exercise my right to do so every now and then. Think of the people that have died because of their passion and heartfelt hopes of change? So many good men and women. All because of an inherent wish for tolerance, love and support.
Our show celebrates the GLBT community. We are proud to be a part of something that embraces an often avoided topic. Hate is terrible, especially when we pass it down to a new generation of innocents. Recently, I heard a lament about San Francisco. How SFO just didn’t sound like a fun place to be, or visit, because that person wasn’t gay. Wait, really???? I wanted to laugh! But that would have been a response that wouldn’t have encouraged that person to be open-minded. To see that perhaps, their statement was foolish? Why won’t San Francisco be fun for you? Do you think the whole city is gay? Do you think they will judge you? Won’t feed you good food?  Perhaps they won’t let you have fun, the way THEY have fun?
Sadly, we’ve gotten letters from people who explain that they love the show but hate the gay story-lines. That we shouldn’t be polluting their children’s heads. To this I’d sometimes like to sarcastically reply, would you also like us to tell them that a stork is dropping off our offspring? That the sky is purple? That it is not practical to be true to yourself, because there are mean people in this world that will make them feel wrong for being honest? That instead of embracing themselves, they should lie to the world? THEY should be the ones being untrue and unhappy?
I believe that if you are bringing a child into the world, you should be willing to accept them in any reality. Whether they are Black, White, Asian, have four fingers, are disabled, gay….that the only wish should be for a happy and healthy baby. We are each other’s children. Unless someone has committed a violent or hateful act, why should we judge? We can so quickly resort to anger, often, the product of a whole other issue. Most often, an issue with our own self.
I understand that I am sitting behind the protection of this computer screen, in this hotel room, and to many I might sound “preachy”. Especially now that I have written an essay. I hope my intentions sound pure, and just. I speak, because I am passionate. I write with this passion because I know how it feels to be hurt, to be depressed, to not value yourself, or your feelings. If any of this has inspired or moved you, even just made you think….I encourage you to tweet or reblog a picture, quote, anything that you feel will continue to spread the love. And if any are interested in tracking the chain, perhaps visualizing the greater collective, include the hatch tag, #letlovein.
Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives. - C.S. Lewis
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu
Fortune and love favor the brave. - Ovid
AND remember that sometimes….
People need loving the most when they deserve it the least. - John Harrigan
To thine own heart be true. Many thanks for your time, your love, and the gift you’ve given me.
Dianna Elise Agron
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what-even-is-thiss · 4 years
The thing is, early on in discovering myself I read about a lot of varied experiences. People who medically transition but don’t consider themselves trans and don’t transition socially. People who consider themselves trans but never transition. People who use neopronouns. People who detransition later in life because they feel like their needs changed. People changing their gender identity after being out for decades. And none of these people saying that they regret their decisions.
And now what are people hearing? Absolutes, I guess. Why are people bashing neopronouns? In 2013 I didn’t even know that they/them pronouns were an option. Neopronouns were all I saw. Nobody even talked about dysphoria much from what I saw. Trans people were what they were and made the decisions that they did. Now I guess people are trying more to appeal to the mainstream?
I guess this is especially a problem for transmasc people. Transfem folks have it rough and have their own debates I’m not going to comment on because it’s not my place, but the main difference between trans men and woman and what causes tension between the communities at times is our difference in visibility. Generally in The past the strategies of trans people that transitioned and didn’t just stay in the closet or live as gays or lesbians or drag performers fell into two different categories. Conform and aim to be invisible or reject conformity and live on the fringes of society. And there are trans men and women who have chosen either path, but in general, Trans men have opted for conformity and invisibility. Not all trans men can pass even with medical transition, but those who can have most often opted to vanish.
However, in the new age where trans rights is a meme and at least two transgender celebrities exist, transgender men have slowly started to realize I think that conformity isn’t always a necessity. And that, I think, scares some people.
A lot of early stories that influenced me were by transfeminine people. Not necessarily people like me. It’s very possible that I’m wrong but from what I’ve seen transfem folks (or at least the ones in the spotlight) more often see rejection of societal norms as inevitable and that’s historically how they’ve survived. How Trans men have survived is fitting into societal norms. But now that we no longer have to conform and be invisible we’re kind of caught in a weird spot. Generational trauma is a thing with trans folks I think. Unless there’s a better term I don’t know about. Other people’s stories and pain affect the way you think, especially if they’re like you. And trans men have had problems. Emotional pain from performing femininity, bullying and abuse associated with sexuality or gender performance, high rates of substance abuse, high rates of being sexually assaulted, other problems associated with being raised as a girl experienced in a uniquely transgender way.
So with all this collective trauma floating around as transmasculine people’s voices finally start to bubble to the surface a bit I think some of us are starting to cling to the community’s old coping mechanism. Conformity. Because if we’re trying to be visible now then cis people might want to hurt us. So how do we stop them from hurting us? By trying to be cis. By acting like being cisgender is the ideal. If we try to look like cisgender men then they won’t hurt us, right?
Except that’s not really how that works. Even if you live as a cis man you’re going to be surrounded by transphobia anyways and know that you’re always one locker room incident away from being found out, because for the most part even with surgery and prosthetics we do not pass the locker room test most of the time. And when they find out you may be tempted to hold yourself up as not like those weird transtrenders but transphobes don’t really see a difference between you and gnc trans men and non binary people on a fundamental level. You’re the trans community’s version of the two conventionally attractive white gay men making a nuclear family in their big house. A poster child. Not necessarily representative of the majority. But it’s hard to accept that. It’s a lot easier to believe that everyone else wants to conform to survive too. But that’s not how it is.
So you get all these trans men striving for conformity and everyone else striving to just... be themselves basically. Not necessarily aiming to show a middle finger to society (although that is a valid goal) but not aiming to conform either. Then in the wake of all that we get the focus on dysphoria, the shaming of neopronouns, the backlash against feminine trans men and sometimes even gay or asexual trans men in rarer cases. And it stems from fear, I think. A fear we all have. Of rejection, violence, resurgence in mental illness. I think almost everyone who’s been in contact with other trans people for a while knows at least one person who has died for one reason or another. But at the end of the day, and what I think a lot of people don’t see, conformity doesn’t really fix any of our problems or make us more acceptable to cis people. Most cis people have no idea what dysphoria is. Even cis people with transgender loved ones. They really don’t understand it or care about it. In my experience medical professionals don’t even ask you about it. I told my doctors that I use two sets of pronouns and they didn’t bat an eye.
So like... I dunno. I just wish we focused less on conformity and more on exploration. We’re coming out of the shadows now. Who are we as a community? Unwelcoming? I sure hope not. With my experience talking to trans people irl everybody’s just kind of like whatever. They don’t care as much and I just wish that the Internet would catch up.
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kirrtash · 4 years
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It’s only after their mother dies and they get in contact with the first, unfriendly, demons that Inuyasha finds out that the human’s obsession over fitting everyone in one gender it’s weird for them too. They have already learned to keep quiet about what they think about themselves. What their body is, and isn’t, to them, they don’t tell the humans in the castle. Inuyasha doesn’t even tell their mother.
It has been a few years since they stopped living in the castle, when they have again the occasion to meet an human, on a moonless night. That particular one, as every other, is immediately concerned with their appearance, assuming their gender without even letting them speak.
Inuyasha doesn’t feel particularly attached to one nor the other, on a good day doesn’t even think about it.
(On a bad day somebody just has to remind them, usually while trying to kill them, and aren’t they lucky?)
They don’t go near another human settling for years after that night. Those are safer than the forests and fields, at least when they are weak, but they don’t have it in themselves to deal with stupid humans and their stupid way of thinking.
In a way this hurts more than being half breed. Their mixed heritage is on plain sight for everyone to see, and there is no mistake to be made (with the exception of one night per month): one look at their ears and the story of their birth is on plain sight for everyone to deduce.
But the way humans expect them to adapt to their roles, to dance to this tune they don’t fit in, just after one look at their body, that’s worst. Humans and demons alike hate them for their blood, but both of them just ignore how they feel about their body. It’s just irrelevant.
So Inuyasha makes sure that it’s irrelevant for themselves too. In any case they don’t even have the words to explain it, so why bother? It’s not like they have someone to tell, and the most important thing right now it’s to survive.
They never get around telling Kikyo about this too. She barely accepted their mixed blood, Inuyasha is not sure she can take more. They don’t want to take the risk of another rejection. As for the sacrifice they are willing to face, it’s not that different from the other one they already accepted to make when she asked, just another part of their identity they will have to renounce to.
Kagome is strange. She doesn’t question them and the way they present themselves, doesn’t even seem to notice. The girl has bigger problems anyways, it’s her fault if them both are on this quest. But she always looks at them with a bit more intention when they slip, in the way they refer to themselves, when the hyper masculine terms they use out of habit, to comply with the image others have of them, to not raise questions, get stuck in their throat. She always notices.
She asks one night, when everyone else it’s sleeping. They have just met Sesshomaru again and Inuyasha is quite proud of their victory, even if in reality the bastard run away just before Tessaiga could break definitively. Inuyasha still counts it as victory.
“It’s something that I have noticed before, but why did he refer to you with neutral terms?”
The asshole has never had anything to say about their gender obviously, as it’s normal for a demon, but Inuyasha doesn’t really want to explain to her. They huff and try to dismiss the question with a vague gesture and a “whatever” but she just keeps waiting patiently, peering at them from under her eyelashes. They both know that the answer it’s not simple, and the question is bigger than it could look to a mere bystander.
Inuyasha takes a breath. She has been on their side for a while now, and they don’t want to lose her. But at the same time she has already told them how irrelevant their mixed blood is for her. No. Not irrelevant. A part of them. Just a part of who they are, as normal as their hands and eyes, something that makes them THEM. If she could accept that, then maybe, just maybe…
Inuyasha doesn’t know how to explain, but Kagome is patient. It’s like a flood. When dawn comes, and, how? When? She stops them, shakes Sango awake and quietly informs her that she and Inuyasha are going back to her time. She then calls for Inuyasha and they start walking away from the camp. As soon as they are out of ears’ reach, she resumes the conversation.
She looks among books and books in the public library. Inuyasha just stands aside, the hat flattening their ears, trying not to draw attention and not to be in her way. They didn’t even stop to her house to say hi to her family, she knew she didn’t have anything of what she was looking for there.
“There must be something! I have read a couple of things but I cannot remember where I found them again!” she looks possessed, and Inuyasha is not going to bother her.
She comes up with a few books and articles from magazines, and is eyeing critically the huge computer in the backroom, pondering if to search on that too, since the Higurashi family doesn’t have one.
Inuyasha is not really listening to her. They are scrolling through the written text, trying to make good use of what little reading abilities they have, and to interpret the futuristic language and culture. Their worldview is being thrown off right now.
If for demons gender (and now they know the difference between gender and sex, and gender expression too, isn’t that neat?) is inconsequential, humans 500 years in the future keep spending a lot of time thinking and talking about it. Still, the revelation is another one. Demons don’t care about gender, you can’t use it against them. Humans don’t care too, they know where they fit and it comes natural to them to abide the unwritten rules that concern the sociality. Despite this, here Inuyasha gets a glimpse of another world. These books give them a place, among others, give their struggle a name and a reason and companionship. They are not the only one. There are humans too, here, going through something that might, with a stretch of imagination, be considered similar to their experience.
Kagome takes some books back home, essays and narrative ones, and some vhs to see on the television. Her family is nowhere to be seen and they are back to her room. Inuyasha feels safe there, the day has already been a mess, and their head is still spinning. “I don’t know where to look for more, but we need to understand better, honestly Inuyasha, why didn’t you speak sooner?”
They know her temper is without fire, that she is just worried, but it hurts the same. She must see their look, the flattened ears, because she backtracks immediately. “I’m sorry, I can understand why, it was a stupid thing to say. It’s just… I want to help. I would like for you to tell to the others too, but it’s your call. I’m sure they will want to understand though. That’s why I need to find more…” she is off again, checking on the list she compiled while looking for materials, and Inuyasha watches her go in the direction of the stairs and the living room, still shell-shocked.
“I didn’t even ask you!” She seems to have realized something, her voice still audible from the other room “I’m so bad at this, I’m sorry! Which pronouns should I use?”
Inuyasha can’t help the laugh that escapes their lips, they don’t know what to answer. But they will find out. There are words out there for them, just waiting to be discovered. Their experience can be told, and damn them if they are not going to.
 A disclaimer: I am a cisgender woman, so my knowledge and undersanding of genderqueer identities can only be a secondhand one. This to say that I hope that I have not offended anyone with this depiction of this identity, and if I have I am deeply sorry, since it was not my intention.
For something so short I really had trouble writing this. First my native language doesn’t have the option of singular them, and I never had any occasion for using it before, so I’m sorry if I made mistakes. Second, Inuyasha the character, in the anime, while referring to themselves, uses Ore, an highly masculine way of saying me, and I didn’t want ignore canon completely even if I played fast and lose with the timeline, since I don’t remember what happened when. Additionally, and I never looked into the language so I’m not sure, I suspect that there are A LOT of pronouns whit different nuances in the spectrum between masculine and feminine in the Japanese language. So I had to take in account three language shifts while writing this tiny little thing. I’d like to add that while il like to think that my personal knowledge on transgender and genderqueer identities is not that bad, I haven’t the faintest idea of what 199something Japan might knew about it, so I kept on the conservative side (considering they are still a really closed off country about LGBT+ issues, I feel that it’s the most realistic portrait)
I cannot help but think about Inuyasha and a nonbinary or genderqueer identity. Assuming that for demons gender is something much less regulated by social norms than for humans, and that because of their upbringing Inuyasha didn’t get to receive a positive and validating explanation of gender and sexuality by none of the two cultures, I suppose that (in the feudal era!) it would have created in them an even higher sense of isolation and oddness. That’s probably why I love the idea of Inuyasha going to the pride for the first time (first gay pride in Tokyo was in 1994…)  and in general realize that they are not alone. 
It is a deeply difficult and isolating situation, not having the words to describe, even to ourselves, our identity, and I am happy that the modern ways of connecting with each other are lessening this kind of isolation.
this was written for day 5 of @inuyashapridemonth2020​
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rotationalsymmetry · 4 years
The mistakes people make when trying to understand trans people. (Not gonna say cis people, it can take trans people a while to figure this stuff out too.) Not necessarily in this exact order. CW: Discussion of transphobic and transmisogynistic concepts, genitals mentions.
Your gender is determined by your body (genitals/chromosomes/whatever) and is immutable (and also intersex people don’t exist but that’s a whole ‘nother topic.) Anyone who says otherwise is wrong or delusional.
OK, maybe there’s some trans people, but only men and women, and they’re not really men/women until they’ve “fully transitioned” (back to your genitals determining your gender.)
And it’s a very, very, very rare thing and only shows up one way: having a consistent sense of being the other binary gender from a young age, being intensely miserable living as the assigned gender, ending up straight, ending up gender conforming, etc.
Also they’re not really men and women, they’re some sort of in between freak of nature. (Referring to a trans woman as “they”, etc.)
OK, maybe trans people’s genitals aren’t anyone else’s business. But they at least have to look like their gender, otherwise how is anyone supposed to take them seriously? (Also: why do trans people get so angry all the time? It’s a mystery.)
OK, trans men are men and trans women are women. But...that means they’re exactly the same as cis men and women in every meaningful way. (Including, at the absurd extremes, things like who needs pap smears etc. At marginally less absurd extremes, figuring trans men don’t have anything meaningful to say about patriarchy based on lived experience, because apparently gender identity means everybody retroactively knew what your real gender was your whole life.)
Trans men’s experiences and trans women’s experiences have to be mirror images of each other. In particular: if a trans women wants to start using women’s restrooms and not men’s as soon as she starts dressing like a woman, and a trans man wants to keep using women’s bathrooms while he’s transitioning, one of them has to be wrong.
Non-binary people don’t really exist, you can humor them but they’re basically just people of their assigned gender playing around.
Non-binary people exist, but only if they look androgynous.
Non-binary people exist, and are (all) a third in-between or genderless category.
Non-binary people can all be simplified down to “basically men” or “basically women”. (”Woman-aligned” etc.)
All non-binary people can give you an extremely precise explanation of their gender identity, it’s never “well I think I’m not this and I’m pretty sure I’m not that and some days I feel this and other days I feel...”
Trans people can be divided into two categories: real trans people, and “transtrenders” who are just pretending to be trans. Because that’s a normal thing to do.
Real trans status has to be earned through suffering
(Binary) trans people can’t be interested in the same sex
Trans people can’t be gender non-conforming
Trans people have to medically transition or at least want to; medical transition is the only form of transition; if you’re not 100% sure you want to medically transition then doing more easily reversed things like experimenting with hair or clothes or asking people to use different gendered terms for you, is pointless.
Everybody has exactly one gender. Or at most one.
Genders other than “male” and “female” are made up (in a way that “male” and “female” are not)
If I personally can’t imagine being transgender, then it must not be real.
Being non-binary means you have to actively want to destroy the gender binary/identifying as non-binary is inherently a political statement.
More people identifying as trans is bad for gay people, gays/lesbians and trans people have conflicting interests, being trans is more acceptable to the general public than being gay and trans people are mostly actually gay people who get pushed into identifying as trans for greater social acceptance.
Puberty blockers are totally the same thing as HRT and allowing minors access to appropriate medical treatment is pushing an agenda on to them. Doing nothing is neutral and can’t possibly cause harm.
Detransitioning or shifting from a binary trans to a non-binary identity is betraying the cause/is evidence the person made a mistake by transitioning regardless of how they see it/is evidence that there should be more barriers to medical transition.
You have to get your identity right the first time: asking people to use different pronouns for you and then changing to new ones or back to your original pronouns, means you’re not taking this seriously.
In general, asking people to use different pronouns for you should be one of the last steps in the process, after more expensive and less reversible measures like hormone therapy, not one of the earliest.
Unless you’re 100% sure you’re trans, you’re definitely cis.
Real trans people never second guess themselves.
Welp, that’s 18 28 items which is a bunch more than I expected to get to. I’m just kind of playing around with ideas in my head here. Happy to have anyone add on.
(This is meant for trans people mostly, so please don’t be hostile on this thread. If you’re confused and want to know more I'd recommend that questions show up in my ask box off anon so if you accidentally say something hurtful/offensive, I can reply privately. Like, I’m not going to be hurt and I’m not going to judge if it seems to be coming from a place of not knowing rather than overt hostility, and I’d rather you ask than just be confused. Having said that, I’m terrible at actually responding to asks, so you might do better with someone else or seeing what you can come up with from internet searches.)
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alarawriting · 4 years
Inktober 2020 #3: Bulky
The entity scowled, tapping his (its? Their?) foot impatiently. “I told you, you get to bring one thing.”
Sara smiled brightly at him. “This is one thing. My garden.”
Ganymede looked down at her, his expression even more supercilious than usual. “Do you honestly think I’m going to allow an entire garden as one thing?”
Sara sat down on the tree stump. Part of her still couldn’t believe she’d lost the house, that all of this – the tree stump her father had cut down to prevent the wind from knocking it onto the house, the tire swing he’d put up for her, Mom’s rose trellises all around the house and the herb patch she’d had Sara weeding and tending from the age of 5, the screened-in porch, the attic bedroom – all would be gone in a matter of weeks. The bank would take it, and sell it to someone who would probably destroy everything her parents had built to make the place special and unique, and she would never see any of this ever again.
She’d thought Ganymede’s offer would allow her to take at least a part of her home with her, but he was balking.
“When you think about it, can we describe anything as just one thing?” she asked. “Everything we have is made of molecules, which are made of atoms, which are made of quarks. We’re all a multiplicity. We all have legions contained within us. So how is a garden not ‘one thing’ but, say, if I wanted to bring a bicycle, that would be ‘one thing’ even though it’s made of so many things?”
Ganymede’s expression went from deeply irritated to reluctantly amused, and he chuckled. “A nice argument, but no. Your garden’s too bulky. It can neither transport you, nor can it be carried around with you.”
“You never said there was a weight limit.”
“It’s not a weight limit. If you wanted to bring a car, you could. I don’t advise it, but you could.”
“Are any of the others bringing a car?” Sara asked.
Now Ganymede laughed. “Tsk, tsk. I told you I wouldn’t tell you anything about what the others are choosing.”
Ganymede – who appeared to be a tall, slender man with pale skin and curly green hair, like he was some kind of comic book character, and who claimed to be a very bored alien with godlike powers who was taking human form so that he could interact with Sara – had showed up at the café Sara waitressed at, three weeks ago, and was apparently very impressed with Sara’s ability to put up with entitled idiots and even get them to calm down and do what they were supposed to do. He’d ordered cherry pie and asked her if she’d ever wanted to travel into the past, and when Sara had pointed out that in the past, she would have had her rights severely curtailed because she was a woman, he’d asked, what if she could bring one thing from this time, one thing in her possession?
Sara’s master’s degree in the history of plant cultivation in Europe and how it impacted society had never done her a damn bit of good. It had resulted in crushing student loans that a job as a waitress couldn’t keep up with and still pay the mortgage her parents had left to her when they’d died in a car accident, and it hadn’t resulted in a good-paying job in academia like she’d expected when she started college. She was about to lose her parents’ home, the only place she’d ever considered home in her life. And before her boyfriend had dumped her last month, he’d turned most of their friends against her with lies and distortions.
Sara didn’t want to die, but she had lately been seriously reconsidering how badly she actually wanted to live.
So she’d agreed to Ganymede’s offer. Go back to the pre-Renaissance medieval era – or something very much like it – with one thing brought from the future. He’d explained that she wouldn’t actually be going to her own world’s past, so she couldn’t create a paradox by changing the future – she could freely do whatever she wanted without worrying about making her grandparents never born or something. He’d also told her that he was making the same offer to several other people, but that she wouldn’t necessarily get to meet them unless they happened to run into each other by chance in the past-world. And she had a month to get the thing she wanted to bring to the past.
Sara had spent the last three weeks digging up her garden and potting everything in ceramic pots, figuring ceramic wouldn’t be an issue in the past like plastic would be. Sadly, she’d had to abandon the apple trees, the peach tree and the grapevines – she couldn’t exactly dig out trees and pot them – but she’d gotten everything else. The potatoes had been a challenge – exposing potatoes to light while they were growing would make them inedible, so she’d had to dig them out on a cloudy night with no moon, more or less digging by feel instead of sight. Carrots, potatoes and onions had needed very large, deep pots. She’d wound her zucchini around a tomato cage in the large pot she’d put it in. The small fruit bushes – the blueberry bush, the raspberry bush – were already in pots. She had her peppers, her tomatoes, her tiny soybean bush, her arugula.
And now, after she’d done so much work to pot everything, Ganymede was telling her she couldn’t bring it?
“Look, if I had a caravan wagon and a horse, I could definitely carry all of this.”
“But you can’t bring a caravan wagon and a horse back with you.”
“No, but I could get one there.”
Ganymede chuckled. “You think I’m sending you with money? You get period-acceptable clothes, the ability to speak the language, immunity to all the local diseases, and the thing that you bring with you, and that’s it. If you appear in the middle of a field, or a town square, surrounded by potted plants, how are you going to bring them with you to whatever shelter you need to take?”
“They’re plants. If I have to leave them out in a field for a few days while I carry them all to wherever I end up going, nothing bad’s going to happen to them.”
“And what if you appear in the middle of the town square?”
“Then I prevail upon some good gentlemen to help me move them someplace safe.”
A deep sigh escaped Ganymede. “I’m almost tempted to let you. Just to let you find out first hand how much your plans are not likely to work. But no. An entire garden is too bulky, and I’m quite certain that most humans would define a garden as a collection of things, not one thing.”
“Come on! I did a lot of work to put all these plants into pots! Doesn’t that count for something?”
“Sadly, no.” Ganymede walked around the garden of pots, randomly touching most of the plants. “You did do quite a lot of work. I tell you what, I feel bad for you. Pick something else to bring and I’ll make sure all your plants get donated to people who like to grow things and are good at it.”
“And aren’t racists,” Sara insisted.
“It’s interesting that that matters to you; aren’t you part of the dominant ethnic group in this nation? Racism doesn’t affect you, generally speaking.”
It was true that Sara was white, and therefore, racism rarely directly affected her, but she had an answer for that. “Racist people in this country have been brainwashed into believing that climate change is a hoax, that gay and transgender people are some kind of terrible threat, and that it’s more important to make sure the government doesn’t tax rich people than to put any accountability on big corporations. Everything bad that we can’t get solved in this country and we can’t even begin to start solving it, because people won’t let us… it’s because rich people have figured out how to use racism to brainwash white people into voting against their own interests.”
“Oh, I understand.” Ganymede grinned broadly. “You’re a hippie, aren’t you?”
“Uh… not really? That was sort of my parents’ generation? I think of myself more as solarpunk. But if what you’re trying to get at is that I’m someone who cares about the environment and wants people to be happy and healthy and to care about each other, then yeah.”
“All right, very well. I’ll hand them over to people whose political beliefs generally track with yours, who are good with plants, and who have space to grow them. Now, pick something else.”
“A big sack that I can carry on my back, maybe 50 pounds, and I get to fill it with seeds and bulbs and anything else plant-related that I can fit in the sack.”
Ganymede raised his eyebrows. “You’re really dedicated to this bit, aren’t you?”
“I know how to use plants to change history. I don’t know how to change history with anything else – not in a way I might want to. I mean, I could bring a gun, but after I was out of ammo, what good would it do me? And also, I don’t like guns.”
“All right,” Ganymede said. “I’ll allow it. As long as you can carry the sack on your person, you can stuff as many seeds into it as you want.”
Sara smiled at him with her best customer service smile. “Thank you, I really appreciate that.”
“One more week,” he said, and vanished.
One more week and she’d leave all this behind. One more week and she wouldn’t have to worry about the foreclosure and impending eviction anymore, because she’d be in a whole other world.
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