#whatever im posting it now and rbing it in the evening
elminsters · 8 months
okay after spending the past 2 hours exclusively reblogging from tags WITHOUT turning on any content filters, here are my findings:
number of terrible, psychic damage dealing takes spotted: 0 number of beautiful new mutuals gained: 2 number of incredible fanworks i would never have seen if i hadn't specifically sought them out instead of relying on people i follow to do it for me: 18
i hope this proves my point, if you only rely on your following tab to deliver posts to you you're only going to see what's popular in your little circle. that's why posts seem to only circulate amongst mutuals and it's hard to "break containment". it really isn't reasonable to expect non-mutuals to reblog your stuff if you're unwilling to reciprocate and step outside your bubble. being part of the solution is a group effort!
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fungi-maestro · 2 months
Idk who needs to hear this but the next person who reblogs videos or images of actual people being violently killed or grievously injured will be blocked and I don't even know why I need to say that. Jesus christ.
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thevalleyoftriumph · 4 months
im beginning to think that i am mentally ill and the internet makes my mental illness Worse
#i dont often get personal on this blog but im going to be so honest idc anymore. no one has 2 read this if they dont wanna i promise#but anyway. if *ACCIDENTALLY* rbing a Bad post and deleting it within ~5 seconds of it happening AND blocking the op#is enough to send me into one of my downward spirals of NEEDING to check my notes and inbox#and opening and closing my blog to make sure its Actually deleted and im not just Imagining its deleted#in order to feel even slightly okay#only to immediately remember/realize that blog notifications on mobile not only send INSTANTLY upon a rb happening#but show every detail of the post and dont stack either#therefor sending me even FURTHER into my checking and sending me into a panic#because this means people possibly Wont Know It Was A Mistake and instead might think its a genuine opinion of mine#therefor making me panic MORE#if ALL OF THAT is just because this fucking website cant impliment a proper quick-rb button for desktop#and a mistake happened#then i dont think the internet is good for me at this point and i think i need to smash all of my devices#i already get a lot of those like... needing to do Something to make sure nothing bad happened/happens#like i get that a lot already from my irl life i do NOT need it to happen online too.#because like.. i dont know WHO saw that. so am i making a huge fuss out of nothing/a mistake everyone could have made?#yes! probably! but i cant really stop myself now that ive started so this is going to Legit Haunt Me which is Not Normal!#whatever mannnnn#got so upset over this i cried and then circled back around to just Mildly stressed to apathetic entirely within the span of 4 minutes#still checking my notifs/inbox every two seconds but at this point ive accepted Someones probably gotten a notif and well. nothing i can do#kitkat chitchat
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aroaceofthesea · 1 year
Sometimes i rb posts because i like them, sometimes i rb them even though i disagree with part of them, sometimes i rb them bc im completely against them, sometimes i rb them for me, sometimes i rb them for a mutual, sometimes i rb them because they are informative, sometimes i rb them to read later, sometimes i rb them to be annoying, sometimes i rb them to help ppl, sometimes i rb them bc they're relatable, sometimes i rb them because i wish they were relatable who knows which one certainly not you bc i dont usually say it in the tags
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emulation-0 · 10 months
hate when people come onto my post and tell me blatantly untrue shit. like.
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dandeland · 6 days
TL;DR: i’m going to drop all of the billford reblogs ive been too scared to make over the years, block #triangle divorce if you don’t want to see it, peace and love.
You know, from early days of fandom harassment over billford, i’ve gotten into the habit of, rather then reblogging billford posts to call attention to myself, liking them and then saving them to my drafts so i can enjoy my collection without anyone judging me. This has been going on for a LONG time, and by now i have a MASSIVE hoard of billford art and memes and posts that i’ve just… been holding on to? And i’m starting to feel like i should maybe try catering my blog a little more to myself then to people willing to block me over toxic old man yaoi.
It’s been WILD seeing billford trend number one for MULTIPLE WEEKS IN A ROW, especially when nobody is even acknowledging the whole ‘portrayal is romanticization’ thing that was the common view of top gravity falls artists for…. Years? Even with the revival, i’m STILL just adding things to my hoard rather then reblogging them. It’s hard not to get over the fear of judgement.
But i’ve realized that this is my blog, and i get to choose the post, and maybe being disliked by a couple of strangers on the internet won’t kill me. So, as a birthday gift, i have decided that I will open the billford vault. I am cueing up every post to release at the exact same second. I will not tell you when it will be. Could be tonight, could be next month. I’ll only make sure its when you least expect it.
You can, however, be safe from the Hoard by blocking the #triangle divorce tag, if you don’t like the ship for any reason (all valid!!!) or if you just don’t want to see it for whatever reason its fine!
Im gonna be rbing billford normally after this but ill always use that tag. Also if you are a minor and you follow me and you haven’t already PLEASE block the #18+ tag. And i’ll try to put #cw abuse on anything that portrays the more psychological horror art in case its triggering. Either way i’m totally cool with whatever you do or don’t engage with, i’m doing this for me and to face my own anxieties and i totally get that what i like is not for anyone!
Obligatory no i don’t ship it because i think they could be ‘wholesome’, yes i know its abusive, yes i think its one of the realist portrayals of an abusive relationship in media and that is the appeal. I don’t ‘ship’ things because i think characters should be together, romance doesnt even really appeal to me, mainly for arospec reasons. i like ships for Angst, Horror, and Crack, and billford has all of the above. It’s one of the only ships i care about in any fandom. I don’t think it should be treated any differently then normal horror.
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luna7822 · 4 months
"""""GiVe SoMe SpAcE fOr H^Ts ThIs MoNtH cUz LeSbIaNs ArE tOtAlLy St^^^^Ht M^N dEsPiTe BeInG fOr GiRlS oNlY aNd Me BeInG hOmOpH0B1C oN pUrPoSe AnD ApH0B1C aS WeLl CuZ I MiSs ThE pOiNt Of BeInG aRoAcE aNd LeSbIaN aNd ThAt Im A cOmPlEtE iDiOt FoR sAyInG tHiS oN bE uRsElF MoNtH oF aLl ThInG nOw PlS gIvE mE dUmB cLoUt CuZ i SaId So LoL1!!1!11!1!1!1!""""""
says the one who missed the poibt of being aroace and lesbian and who proceeds to make it worse by being downright homoph0b1c and aph0b1c for no reason other than to be an ass and nothing more and reason no 23578833678743346884346644776423677533577 as to why i hate ^^s^^uals, b^t^h """""lesbians""""" being the most unoriginal thing to ever exist, ppl who still use slurs despite being problematic for no reason, aph0b3s, ppl who miss the point of being aroace like the dumb pathetic aph0b1c humans they are, and etc
also reason no 2356788642245678653325775 as to why i despise """"""tumblr culture"""""" sm cuz its boring af and an excuse to be problematic and get away with it for no fucking reason at all cuz atp who even cares when these ppl only exist just to be incredibly aph0b1c to ppl like me and also homoph0b1c to lesbians who are actual women instead of just being an idiot and missing the whole point of it in the first place and i just hate this shit sm since idc if any1s gonna go after me with dumb anon hate like the idiots they are since lesbians are women, aroace means hating l^^^ and s^^ as it should be instead of making it complicated for no reason at all, and ^^s^^uals can burn in hell for all i care since i hate st^^^^^ht ppl sm and that i wish it was never a thing in the first since humans are mostly just a bunch of lame ass dumbshit ppl in general who have no resemblance of remorse or sanity whatsoever and why be urself month shouldve never been too complicated in the first place since ppl really do like hating on aroaces for no reason am i right?????????????????
and also i really do wanna do smth original for once instead of rbing dumb crap 247 since its fucking boring as shit if u do it all the time and1 being vocal abt boring shit is dumb too since i hate ppl who call innocent folks like me """""zionists""""" for no reason without even knowing what the word means and mainly attacking us all cuz we dont wanna talk abt it all that much as if free fucking speech or whatever exists for a goddamn reason
u assholes might as well send me pointless anon hate all u want and i will gladly block u in an instant since ive already gotten like who knows how many blogs atp blocked already cuz of how fucking dumb they are when theyre nothing but complete boting idiots who spout nonsense 24/7 and nothing more
and also if ur an idiot then u better fucking not rb this for stupid attention to write me off as bad for no reason since if u really hate me so badly then the block button is there for a fucking reason as if ive hated so many dumb f^^d^^s already for a few years now cuz i wish they were never a thing in the first place and idc if tumblr has a history of being idiots anyways since its all stupid and pointless when all ppl do is say the exact same shit 24/7 to be extremely boring on fucking purpose like the idiots they are and nothing more
im sry to any followers who has to deal with this post btw since i hate how i got reccomended this stupid post thats incredibly homoph0b1c and aph0b1c in nature when they forget the point of be urself month in the first place and overall just another reason as to why i really despise st^^^^^ht ppl, ^^t^h """""lesbians"""" being the most unoriginal thing ever, ppl who call pearl and/or shiver """""^^t^h"""""" for no reason over the most minor things ever and being dumb, ^^s^^uals who are complete idiots for being part st^^^^^ht, aph0b3s, ppl who miss the point of being aroace and that idc if they think im """""wrong""""" since im right compared to them, and etc
anyway if ur an idiot then feel free to block me and not rb this post for dumb atention to spread lies abt me for no reason
and if u actually agree with me and make sense for once then feel free to rb and like too if ur one of those ppl who think that certain ppl who are idiots are idiots and nothing more :3
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sizhui · 3 years
the (always forgotten) Nazuna perspective:
No good at talking, no good at sports, average even if he tries his best, only ever given praise for his looks, which leaves him feeling not angry, not confused ... just empty. Nito Nazuna introduces himself before he met Itsuki Shu as an unsatisfied, stagnated person who yearns to be liked, yearns for "a perfect life" - and it quite literally lands into his arms when a boy jumps out the window for him, calling him humanity's greatest work of art. For the first time ever, Nazuna feels something at the praise he receives. He basks in it. He, who wasn't good at anything, doesn't even need to do anything special to be the center of someone's universe - he only needs to put his life into that person's hands and dance as he was told to, and they live in their perfect little orderly world. Right?
And yet, Nazuna is unsatisfied. 'Stagnation' is a major and very interesting theme in Valkyrie stories. "The beating of my heart has stopped as well. Ah, and yet it doesn't hurt at all! I don't feel anything - nothing at all!" says Nazuna in a metaphorical nightmare about his life where ex-Valkyrie physically turn into dolls. Stagnation in Valkyrie is always painless - even Mika speaks of being a doll as a "painless salvation" in his solo - it's moving forward that's painful. It's humanity that hurts. Nazuna wants to move forward from his stagnation. Shu is terrified of it. The discord between them is symbolically portrayed through Nazuna's voice changing, and Shu's dissatisfaction with it - Nazuna wants to grow up, but Shu wants to keep playing house forever. This is the moment when Nazuna begins to see Shu as the stagnated one rather than himself, and the distance between them starts growing. This is very nicely portrayed through a church metaphor in human comedy. "I went to church not to hear the word of God, but to get cookies. But eventually the taste of cookies became too sweet for me, so I stopped going." I'm paraphrasing, but this is what Nazuna says in Human Comedy. The church is his relationship with Shu - which he indulges in not because he's in love with Shu like Shu is in love with him, but to get the praise he yearns for to get that feeling of being someone and something. Eventually, though, the relationship turns "too sweet" for him (we have this same metaphor with Ritsu and Mao in Band Ensemble so we can guess it means one party got too serious about the, khm, romantic aspect of the relationship.) But Nazuna isn't entirely selfish. He still likes Shu, he might even love him as he said in Star Festival, so he sticks around... until...
until Shu is trampled over by Eichi. Which leads us to the titular sub story, Song of the garbage dump.
Song of the garbage dump shows us Shu in the state of a complete breakdown, unable to even communicate. And in that state, Nazuna not only leaves him, but also urges Mika to leave him: "Even if you're with Itsuki, you won't get anything more from it. Even you've realized it, haven't you? Itsuki - our oshi-san - he's become useless." he says to Shu's face. He finally identified Shu as the source of his stagnation, and discarded him at the lowest point of his life - which is something people always, always seem to ignore.
In conclusion, Nazuna was a marionette, yes, but rather than Shu, he was puppeteered around by his own feeling of inferiority. He will eventually grow out of it, but his development with rabbits is material for another post. What matters is that he'd never been a passive participant in his relationship with Shu, despite the way he physically acts - his desires were in fact the driving force of it, and especially it's break up.
the (always misunderstood) Shu perspective:
I won't explain the entire relationship from Shu's perspective again, but I will address the two most important things: what does humanity mean to Shu? and what do dolls mean to Shu?
While it's never explicitly stated that Shu's family and peers severely abused him in childhood, his flashbacks, his disorder, the way he speaks about his mother and above all his dirtied view of humanity more than suggest it. While talking to Mika, Shu explains humanity like this: the impulse to hurt and kill a loved one against all reason. He even tells Mika to kill him in order to invoke feelings of humanity in him. I know... on the other hand, dolls are his saviors. Much like how he's grown to associate his abuse with the concept of humanity, Shu associates everything pure and good with the image of dolls (and children, precisely for resembling dolls.) Dolls will not hurt him, nor will they feel pain - which is exactly why he is stuck in a state of painless stagnation. When Shu sought to turn the people he loves, Nazuna and later Mika, into dolls, he didn't seek to control them, but to absolve them of the filth of humanity. He never sought to become a doll himself, but to save others from the hurt he'd already experienced. Was it healthy? Of course not. But was it selfish?
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(re: big boi post, bc I figure not rbing it again is less walloftext)
Capitalism Dudley McMahon :( :( :(
CROSSING HIMSELF. The thing wrong w/ Nicky is, as ever, Catholicism. hardcore is flagellation. Joe: LOSE then! Nicky: fuck you so much.
Joe screenshots and retweets a crop of posts w/ the caption ‘yeah, a bell jar’ and giggles out loud, so Nicky kicks him, bodily, off of the bed.
Wanting whatever the keane v yusufnicky is in this au to take place as a staple gun match now
All of the Andy shit. Chefs kiss. Also glory days Andy and her axe Making A Metaphor abt the og dyke flag…fuck… OH ALSO-ALSO, the black parts of the face paint in the labrys-shape
In MY mind palace Nicky and Quynh are the t4t of branch this polycule and she can compare him to all manner of mid-sized predators. All those hobby lobby ‘the fastest way to get to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ needlepoints, but instead it’s ‘u access subspace through the Gender.’ What the FUCK was I talking about.
Having an ‘I’ve connect the dots (I haven’t connected shit)’ re: Booker/Copley parallels, and Andy/Nile parallels. The former as grief as a wound needing to heal, the latter as grief, as infection, which needs intervention. But all of it abt maladaptive coping. Like, Andy needs to address w/e happened with Quynh. And mb the au version of Nile not seeing her family, bc I don’t like to kill them off, is her father’s death/career change/xyz causing her to pull away from them, & she has to deal w/ that.
Is this Copley v merrick then. & Nile coming in clutch w/ the kendo stick. & Booker, as ever, having his neck broken doggy-style (love how dramatic the announcing is)
Sdhjgkdlsq not the ‘lose then’ god their dynamic is just the absolute crème de la crème truly the epitome of like. Puts them in a cage together and notes down their behaviours. <- meant that in a labrat sort of way but hello nickyjoe cage match who says no
The reason this au is so fucking good btw is the combination of like. Actual violence and bodily harm. And also the bodily harm tht comes from kicking ur boyfriend off the bed in a mean and not so gentle way, but its ok bc u kno he can take both it and u, and also you’re doing it at least 25% because it’ll give you an advantage in ur next match. But only 25%. Maybe 30%
Never seen a staple gun match. Disregard the fact that I have 10 tabs open rn to yt videos of wrestling lemme open up a couple more. Agreeing even tho I havent seen one yet because like yeah I mean. yeah. In this situation is it a tag team thing or is it like one on one w one of the two running interference. Either is so fun . <- wait now Im thinking abt the implications of a no DQ match cause obv u can cheat in a no DQ match thats kinda the point r u allowed to bring in other ppl to fight ur fight with u … no idea. Love the idea of it tho.
Also also now Im thinking of a merrick et al v guardofblack blood&guts steelcage match. Of the cool hand ang covered in blood, mjf throwing Jericho off the top variety. Of the booker realises he’s fucked up and sorta refuses to fight back & just sits there bleeding perhaps throwing himself into the punaises (forgot the word) someone brought in bc its the whole ‘i deserve to suffer thing’ variety. Thatd be so annoying. Like the guard would be annoyed extra with him like stop trying to be a martyr a) you are so stupid b) get out of the way I am TRYING to do smth here
“In MY mind palace Nicky and Quynh are the t4t of branch this polycule” obsessed w u. Giving this its own response to let it breathe like a fine wine Im sipping down in gulps.
Nicky & quynh is deeply underrated as a dynamic <- man who has never done anything himself to actually create a nickyquynh dynamic. Man who has always put Nicky with Andy and quynh with joe. Man who thinks he’s right on both counts because Joe and quynh also deeply underrated. Theres a (severely) unfinished fic in my drafts in which Nicky & quynh r rival wedding planners and Andy & Joe r their right hand men respectively and both couples start dating each other in shameful secrecy & then its like girl what were YOU doing at the satan’s prayer circle that is getting on ur knees to suck c— anyway where were we. Not important. Just saying all their dynamics are everything. ANYWAY YES screaming u access subspace thru the gender. Thesis statement of a very important b-plot somewhere halfway through this “”fic“” 
Maladaptive coping is, to put it mildly, the only thing worth reading abt in fic. sorry. I mean I know I legit cant say that because Ive only written one fic of that variety and its not even on ao3 bc I abandoned it but I contain multitudes I can be a hypocrite as a treat. Yelling yelling yelling abt the wound/infection situation. oh. ‘we could fix each other’ ‘we could also fix each other but we are instead going to make it so much worse. Hey Andy where did u put the blinders Im going to fix them so firmly onto my head.’ & yeah I also think that nile’s familial situation can be like. She just travels so much and has for such a long time from such a young age (olympic wrestling first & now this) all over the country to where her family can hardly follow her around all the time & maybe she goes home a little less than she maybe should and maybe she lets her phone die on purpose sometimes . Maybe she feels shame about utilising violence as a form of entertainment instead of for a Good Cause like her father did. Maybe this shame is entirely unwarranted but she’s too scared to find out bc yk. infection. Etc etc
[takes my shirt off & points @ my hardened jaw at the wrestling function] I fucking love wrestling I love low blows I LOVE THE WAY EDWARDS COMES IN I LOVE PICTURING NILE LIKE THAT. AND I DO MEAN ALL OF IT. SITS DOWN 2 PUT THE KENDO STICK IN HER MOUTH. MAKES SNOW ANGELS ON THE METAL RAMP. NOW THATS THE HASHTAG VIBE. 
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muraenide · 2 years
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in?
the salty af munday meme
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☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
I wouldn’t consider them instant unfollows but I will unfollow in time due to constant untagged and uncut posts, and people who treat their tumblr blogs like a personal by regularly rbing posts that are unrelated to their muse or the fandom. I feel like whenever I unfollow someone, they tend to be the main reason 🤔 Idk if I should list them on my rules now that I think about it. 
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
Oh man I have so many. I usually keep quiet about a pet peeve and just quietly unfollow but they’re so repetitive. 
People who treat join the rpc to advocate for social justice and hardly rps confuse me? I’m here like aren’t you in the wrong space? Man, just go somewhere else. Some posts are fine, like the ones addressing things properly and are actually informative but there also some that are really aggressive that makes you feel like you’re a bad person for not knowing and that you have to follow the ‘rules’ they established or you are <inserts some label> that make me want to stay 10 feet away. Imo there are no rules in the rp space. You either agree with someone or you don’t, which in that case just don’t interact with each other.
Oversharing. (Is that even the right word...) I have a high bar when it comes to oversharing, since I do enjoy knowing a bit about the personal lives of rpers/muns I’ve come to see as friends. But in my previous fandom you see a handful of blogs who goes like ‘BE WARNED I’M VERY UNHINGED AND UNPREDICTABLE, YOU WON’T WANT ME AS A ENEMY’ in large, bolded text. Like Okay...? Thanks for the info I guess I won’t be following then. Whatever they mean in that sentence. It’s just a lot of uncomfy the OOC way.  >> Pls chill this is just a writing community.
This is just a minor thing but I can’t stand it >< When muns IM me with an emoji or kaoemoji or a single word like “hi” as a greeting. Again, like... ?? What are you expecting me to reply to that? Another emoji? Pls just say what you want to say. It’s worse when they do it every single day. I met a lot of people like that back in Facebook, but Tumblr is better by a little, I think.
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
I remember the times when I tend to be the youngest in any fandom space and enjoyed being the baby but now I’m usually the oldest or definitely-not-the-youngest and sobs.... Times have changed. 
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in?
I find this fandom very chill! It’s hard to believe my blog is only 3 months old but I’m enjoying my time here so far. Most of the people who had me blocked at least knew how to block and don’t send hate or anything. Idk what’s going on in other corners of the fandom but I’ve learned to not care so much about what other people think of me. If you want to badmouth my blog or about something I do then whatever makes you happy, I guess! As long as I can’t see it and it’s not so high profile to the point of someone telling me ‘hey this blog is spreading lies about you’ then it’s not my problem. 
Tbh even if you’re the nicest person on earth, at least one person who has met you is going to secretly think that you’re just doing it for attention. The difference is whether they don’t share their thought with people, or they share it with their close friends group, or they broadcast it on their blog, but it happens. Like they say, haters is just going to hate.
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steveandbucky · 4 years
i have literally run out of fucks to give like listen here if you follow my blog and enjoy the random shit i reblog or post then thats great and im glad you're enjoying your time here AND I DON'T THINK ITS A LOT TO ASK FOR TO REBLOG ONE FUCKING POST
it means if you give even a fraction of a fuck about the person running the blog you're following then maybe you can help raise awareness BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE DYING
alternatively, if you think that IS too much to ask for, you're also free to unfollow!!!! THE CHOICE IS YOURS
the next person who tells me that saying "reblog this or unfollow me" is "manipulative language" or whatever THE FUCK. i fucking dare you to do it
anyway if we were friends/mutuals and you've been liking/rbing all my other posts and have chosen to remain quiet about the genocide of my people just know we're not friends anymore and you've lost my respect. i have nothing else to offer you.
there's shit i ignore. because I don't have the capacity to care about everything that's going on all the time all over the world. right now there's a full on war going on and my people are being slaughtered. we're on the brink of a second genocide and the world doesn't care. i can't devote my time and energy into anything else because i am so fucking exhausted already. guess what! 2020 has been hard for me too! everyone's fucking suffering!
it doesn't change my mind tho. i stand by what i said. if that bothers you, and you think I'm too hostile, you can unfollow me and block me. i really couldn't care less
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wlw-wombat · 4 years
if youre a lesphobe dont reblog my posts, im a dyke c: and i wont tolerate yall being lil devils rbing my post and having “lesbians are dirty exclus for not wanting cishets in the community and for having boundries about slurs and butch and femme, you are all terfs now!” *even tho 99% of these dumb ppl arent even transfeminine* we can agree to disagree on whatever i dont really care cuz its a non issue for me outside of tumblr and twitter, but once yall start calling us evil dykes, and stupid for being “monosexual” and gatekeepers im sorry youre a bigot and i share no community nor empathy for you nor your struggle we are not in the same community, leave my black trans dyke ass alone if you cant handle what black trans dykes do and say
no reblogs or you get blocket!!! or just block me if u dont like this idc
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kuragin · 4 years
Likes are a private bookmark system and should not go on someone’s dash why would you want that
bc the ratio of likes to reblogs has been going steadily off kilter for years (double + triple the amnt of likes to reblogs) and it’s limiting the exposure that artists, writers, gifmakers, etc., and other content creators have to their work while maintaining original credit AND showing appreciation for that content.
heres an example of a fanwork that i reblogged back in november 2019 with 10k notes: 
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notice how the ratio of likes to reblogs is 3x more?
okay now here’s a fanwork i reblogged in 2015 that has around 10k notes:
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okay it’s evened out a lot and there’s only a couple hundred more likes lets go back in time some more to the Depths of my blog archive. (but tbh it was super difficult to find a fanwork that only had 10k notes and i could barely find anything that didn’t have 100k+ so i looked everywhere) a fanwork from 2013 that has around 10k notes:
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there’s about 500 more rbs than there are likes. its not hard to reblog something you enjoy. in this case (if you didnt click the links) all of these were harry potter fanart (i only chose hp fanart because hp content is the reason i started this blog and i figured i would have the most amnt of it, and while you can account for the fact that Harry Potter is Bad or whatever i tried to find stuff that had the same range of ~10k notes). 
if you want to privately bookmark something you can set it as a private reblog and tag it with something so you can find it again. im sure there is a percentage of people that sparingly use the ‘like’ function as a bookmark system, but if there is i haven’t met them. i dont get why anyone needs to only like a fanart and keep as a private bookmark. imo the tagging + rbing system on tumblr is way better suited to ANY form of recordkeeping. and if youre too lazy to tag your reblogs download xkit.
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im not an artist or author or anything, but it really sucks to see how back in Ye Olde Tumblr Days basically nobody used the like function unless it was for like, “oh so i know that i reblogged this already” or “im showing my support for this post that OP doesn’t want reblogged” or “i like this thing A Lot I’m Going to Heart it and Reblog It” reasons and not as a substitute for reblogging. i think a lot of this came out of ideas of “cringe culture” and the end of the superwholock era on tunglr, and that the idea that your blog exists to be curated to those that follow you for a specific set of interests. certainly i think everyone’s become too self conscious of the fact that theyre on a dying platform that relies on the curation of a unique, anonymous, and relatable identity where it’s very easy to interact with other people without being intimidated by things like amount of followers, and any slip up into “cringe” things like fandom/fanart results in alienation from other users. i’ve been on this website for 6+ years now and while im certainly not denying that i have almost 2x more likes than i do reblogs to my main (150k likes, 80k rbs), i can say that my habits of reblogging/liking things certainly haven’t changed and when i see original creations that i enjoy, i reblog it. besides, its not like anyone’s liking porn anymore. 
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confettistim · 6 years
tbh i would feel a lot more comfortable rbing posts w banners on them? it sometimes draws in people from those communities but it makes me feel better to like. see it in a banner on a post u know?
yea tht makes sense! honestly i didnt even consider that it might make yall feel better rather than annoyed bc like…. theres always a lot of jokes going around abt how dni banners are embarrassing or whatever so i kinda avoided them BUT honestly im past 1k followers now so i feel like at this point its also my responsibility to keep yall (and myself) safe so i feel like adding some banners def might help ward off ppl who shouldnt be interacting
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midoriyasbones · 7 years
Please don't take this as rude but how come you reblog from antis? I thought you didn't like them, considering you run the shalasquad and are an ex anti yourself
oh shit who did i reblog from?? i try to keep my blog as anti free as possible but sometimes (especially with a lot of big names being antis) it’s not always possible. furthermore i dont have a problem rbing from ‘’antis’’ who simply regard something as a notp and dont actually start discourse over it. it’s one thing to not want to see a certain ship or support it but it’s another to actively make posts againt it and go after the shippers. i usually block aggressive (as in ones who actually send death threats) ones on sight.
furthermore, if i dont see ‘anti’ in their bio it’s hard to tell who’s an anti, who’s neutral (but secretly anti), who’s neutral (and truly neutral), who’s neutral (but secretly shaladin), or who’s a non-shaladin shipping pro. (shaladins are easy to spot bc of the, y’know, shaladin) when im on mobile i dont always have time to double check or scroll through a blog to see who’ve they’ve rbed from and analyze the text patterns or head canons or icon character. im not going to spend an hour to ensure whether a source is 100% safe, so usually i just dont rb if i can’t be sure. still, i do occasionally find someone i think i can trust and i guess maybe not?? if i rb from somebody REALLY bad please don’t hesitate to let me know!
here’s a pro tip to avoid anti made content, blacklist/filter the following tags: safevld, safevoltron, safelance, safehunk, safepidge, safekeith, safeshiro, safeklance, safeallura, safeslav, safeshlav, safehance, safeheith, greasykeith, broganes, and takeshiroback2k18. these are all anti made tags/movements (just leave them alone, you don’t want to interact with them anyways right?) and your dash will look a lot better once you do.
also, hate’s a strong word to how i feel about antis themselves. i wouldn’t say i hate all antis, not by a long shot. antis themselves are just people who’ve been lead to believe certain things, but they’re not all big bullies. some of them have been very understanding and kind to me, while others have literally been the biggest brats i’ve had the pleasure of blocking. being an anti doesn’t make someone bad just as being another political party doesn’t make someone bad, it’s just opinions after all, and they’re still allowed to have them, even if they’re… really fucking stupid if you ask me. now, if your opinions have to do with harming/harassing another person or think they justify those kinds of actions, yeah it does matter and you need to go to kroger and get a straw so you can suck it the fuck up and also purchase a few cds of daniel tiger’s neighborhood so you can learn some basic human decency.
(and actually this goes for those 1 or 2 radical pros i keep seeing in the klance tag: if you think you can get away with going into anti’s inboxes or harassing them just because they ship klance or whatever you need to get THE FUCK over yourself bc holy SHIT that’s a massive ego. you can’t preach ship and let ship but then go on a rampage when you see one thing you don’t like. it sounds pretty anti-ish if i say so myself.)
i try to keep my blog as anti free as i can, but hey, it happens sometimes, but it’s not a big deal (i hope). plus most pros i know have probably rbed from an anti before without knowing it. im forever seeing blacklisted posts tagged with safevld on my dash being rbed by shaladins. at the end of the day it’s a blog, and i’ve decided that i’m not going to stress myself out over it.
besides, some people around here rbing and supporting and rallying around people who’ve committed just as much fucked up shit as antis and you really don’t see me complaining, even though i really fucking should.
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muraenide · 2 years
☠♥♢⚜☀☢❀❥♒❣ drops these and rubs my hands like that one evil raccon gif, spill the tea <3
the salty af munday meme
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☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
Answered here!
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
Getting to know someone, who shall not be named, blocked me and my friends and then they make a post accusing us for numerous things that I didn’t even know we did, and then threatened all their mutuals that if they interacted with us they’d be blocked 😃 
It’s all because of a ship they didn’t like. It was also my second day on that blog and I’ve legit have no idea what’s going on. It originated from this other mutual who is also shipping that ship and generally follows everyone, so when people saw that ship they started the whole witch hunt. I was sleeping at that time and when I woke up the dash turned to hell. Had to ask my friend what’s going on and turned out it was because of that ship (IM me for details!)
Apparently the same person also made an excel with all our urls + other people we don’t know and shared it around so everyone can block us. I only found out about that excel (and the whole story) through another mutual only like 6 months later and by that time I don’t care much anymore. You can call me whatever <inserts problematic label> and I’d say OK, you are absolutely right, have a nice day! 
✧ Do you agree with reblog karma or is it forced interaction?
I don’t mind not practicing reblog karma as long as someone isn’t like, rbing 10 posts off my blog at once. But that’s different from feeling like you’re outright being used as a resource blog, which in case I would just sb. So far no one has rb anything much from me though, but that might be because I don’t rb much either 🙈 It also depends on the meme... When it’s just a headcanon/munday/opinion meme then there’s no reason not to send any. If it’s IC memes then it’s understandable that you might not find one of the options that is fitting for your muse and theirs, so its ok not to send any.
⚜ How many people do you not like?
A lot. 😭 And since I hold grudges I tend to remember them forever. I usually just avoid them though. If they’ve done something toxic or evil to other people then I’ll most likely have them blocked. But if I don’t like them for petty reasons that’s just a personal thing, I don’t block them, I simply don’t interact with them.
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
I’m running out of pet peeves that I’m willing to put on the dash 😂 Okay this only happened to me twice here, but I find it annoying when you put so much of effort into writing a long reply and your rp partner does not appreciate it. It makes me not want to write longer replies anymore and just half-assed something until we’ve established something more solid so we can be sure both sides are invested.
When you’ve been mutuals for a long time and there’s no signs of interest or interaction. I understand that people can be busy but neither of us are mind readers. An occasional like on posts or an ask or an ooc post to show that interest is still present is nice sometimes.
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
The karma is a b1tch trend. I feel like this typically occurs with villain muses. Your muse did something bad in canon so you’re supposed to feel guilty to mine now and feel sorry and has to immediately redeem yourself! I think that’s not fair in rp, especially when we have plotted nothing, my muse hasn’t done anything to yours yet but your muse is demanding retribution without giving mine a chance or, like, ask the mun for an opinion?
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
asjkdhas A lot of things. I feel like I can list them down forever. I don’t consider it losing my chill, but I can get carried away with topics I have a lot of opinions on, since I hardly write anything too personal on tumblr and/or anywhere else, so that’s not losing my chill but sometimes I forget that I’m talking to someone and keeps going on and on. I should fix that about myself 😭
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
>> ....... Yes. (IM for details). 
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in?
Answered here!
❣ How salty are you feeling right now?
From a scale of 1 - 10, 5 😂 If I’m not tired than maybe 8.
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