#whats the ship name for remus/emile
death-himself · 4 years
If a Karen Gives a Flower
Part of the Four Human-Eating Monsters and An Apathetic Florist AU!
Summary: When Virgil got a dying flower from an angry Karen, he wasn't expecting to also get his boyfriend's brother a boyfriend
Warnings: Enough fluff to kill an army
Word Count: 2,357
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The day started with a Karen giving Virgil a dying flower and ended with him being nearly hugged to death by a giant drider. How typical.
Virgil heard the bell jingle as a new customer stepped into the shop, turning to see a woman with a bob cut in probably her late forties walk in, holding a wilting potted plant.
“Good morning, ma’am. How can I help you today?” She huffed, setting the plant on the counter.
“Can you bring this thing back to life?”
“Excuse me?” She pushed the plant closer to him, looking him directly in the eyes.
“I found this flower at the edge of this forest I drive by every day to work. It had such beautiful petals, they were bright pink with white spots on them. I thought it would look nice on my desk, but then it just started dying. Can you fix it?”
Virgil took a deep breath, biting back his desire to point out that plants aren’t like cars; he couldn’t just fix it.
“Well ma’am, it looks like this might be a Deptford Pink. They’re somewhat easy to maintain, so I’m not quite sure what you could have done wrong. The pot looks a bit too small for it, though. And have you been keeping it in the sunlight?”
“Why would I have to?” She scoffed. Virgil wanted to slap her.
“It’s a plant, ma’am. It needs sunlight, and Deptford Pink’s need full sunlight in order to properly grow.”
“My desk isn’t in the sunlight, though! There has to be something you can do.”
“I mean...I guess if you want it to be on your desk you could maybe move it onto your desk whenever you’re working and then move it back into the sunlight when you’re done?” That seemed to properly offend her, and Virgil was happy about that.
“I’d like to speak to your manager, you have no right to talk to me like that.” Virgil nodded, walking into the back, biting back a grin. He opened and closed the door, waiting a few seconds. His coworker Thomas gave him a confused look as Virgil walked back out.
“Hello, I’m the manager, is there a problem here, ma’am?” Virgil asked with a sly grin. She scowled, walking out the door without another word.
Thomas came out from the back, putting a few flowers out on display. “What happened?”
“Oh.” Virgil looked over the plant the lady had brought in. It was definitely dying, but it could probably still be saved. Virgil took it into the back, grabbing a larger pot for it and filling it with more nutrient-rich soil. He then reached for the flower and carefully took it out of its old pot, placing it gently into its new one.
It seemed to shudder. Virgil blinked, noticing how it swayed unnaturally back and forth for a moment, before seeming to relax and go still.
Virgil looked it over for a moment. Part of him told him that it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Part of him reminded him he was dating four supernatural creatures. How strange was it really for a flower to act a bit weird?
He placed the flower in the sunlight, and it seemed to shudder again. Virgil glanced at the door leading to the actual store. Thomas was still out there, out of earshot. He sighed. No harm in making sure.
“How are you feeling?” He asked the plant. It didn’t respond. “I’m talking to you, I know about beings like you.” It still didn’t respond. Virgil shrugged, giving up and walking back to the front. Guess it was just his mind messing with him.
He got home and carried the flower in, knowing Roman and Patton would probably like it. As usual, he took his shoes off, turned around, and there was Patton.
“Welcome home!” He cheered, coming in close and kissing him on the lips. “How was—” Then he noticed the flower. Virgil had expected Patton to get super excited—he always loved when Virgil brought home plants from his shop—but instead he looked almost freaked out and confused.
“Uh...what’s that you got there, Vee?”
“It’s a Deptford Pink, this Karen came in and started saying all this dumb shit, so—”
“That’s not a flower...” He spoke lightly, shaking his head.
“What do you mean?”
“I...I don’t know! It has a weird smell! It doesn’t really smell like a flower, but it also doesn’t smell like a human, or a vampire, or any species I’ve met!” By this point Logan, Janus, and Roman had come by to welcome Virgil home, but stayed silent to listen to Patton.
Roman tilted his head to the side. “It’s not just a flower?”
“Perhaps it’s another species we are unaware of, then. The only one that comes to mind pertaining to flowers are nymphs, specifically the Leimoniads.” Logan spoke, walking over and taking the pot from Virgil’s hands, studying it from every angle.
“That’s exactly what they are.” Janus said, grabbing the flower from Logan and holding it close to his chest. “I remember back when I lived in my forest there were dozens of nymphs and dryads. Particularly land and river nymphs, those were very common.”
Janus sighed as he looked down at the flower nymph. “Their life forces are connected to the kinds of areas they are born in. For flower nymphs such as this one, it’s valleys and forests. If they are taken out of those areas for too long, their plant will die, and with it, the nymph will die as well.” Patton whimpered.
“Can we just take them into the forest behind the house? Would that work?”
“Possibly. It’s not very common for a nymph to have to reconnect their life forces to another source.”
“Well, it’s worth a shot!” Roman declared, taking the plant gently in his arms and scurrying out the door. Virgil watched him leave for a moment, before remembering that he was the only one in the house who actually knew how to plant a flower. He cursed, gathering up whatever gardening tools he would need and running out the door after him. “Roman you fucking dumbass, wait up!”
Remus hummed to himself as he drew on the walls with animal blood. He was bored, and just couldn’t get to sleep. He was tempted to just break into Virgil’s house and mess with his brother and his soulmates for a bit, but resisted. Virgil would force him to clean up whatever mess he’d make, and for a human, the guy was surprisingly scary.
He groaned, lying back down on his stomach in his web. It was so boring in the cave without anyone else there.
His ears perked up when he heard in the distance two voices.
“You humans are so slow!”
“It’s not my fault I only have two legs!”
“But why are you so slow?”
“Hey, Jan is slower, so—”
“Don’t go comparing yourself to someone with no legs!”
Oh, Roman and Virgil. What were they up to so late at night? Remus shrugged, scuttling out of the cave, deciding to see for himself.
“You have four times as many legs as me, and eight times the amount Janus has, you’re an outlier that shouldn’t be counted in the whole “who’s slow test.” 
“How dare you!”
“I dare.”
“Maybe our new friend here can be our deciding vote, huh?” He leaned closer into the flower, raising an eyebrow. “Should I, the handsome and incredible Roman, truly not be counted in a test such as this one?” The flower shuddered. Roman squinted. “Is that a yes or a no?”
“I think they’re saying “Get out of my personal space” Prince Charming.” Roman huffed, moving away from the nymph again, holding them a bit further from his body.
“How come they haven’t turned into some like...pink humanoid person by now? I mean...that’s how nymphs are usually depicted in Greek myths.” Virgil shone his phone’s flashlight around at the trees, wondering if any of them were dryads in disguise.
“I think I remember back when I was very young.” Roman said. “I used to have this dryad as a friend. She said that since her life force was connected to the forest her pine tree lived in, if she were to somehow be disconnected from her forest for too long, her body would go into her tree and she would be unable to take any form outside of her tree until she regained her energy. This nymph is probably just too tired to take form.”
Virgil hummed, walking out into a meadow near the twin driders’ cave. “This place’ll probably work, right?”
“Maybe. Does this place look good to you, my flowery friend?” The flower swayed back and forth. “I’m assuming that’s a yes?” The flower swayed again. “Excellent!”
Virgil dug a hole deep enough for the flower to be moved into, pulling it out of the pot gently and placing it into the hole. The flower shuddered, before swaying back and forth again, seeming to be pleased. Roman smiled.
“Would you like us to leave you alone to rest?” The flower swayed and shuddered. They decided to take that as a yes.
“I guess that means we’ll be leaving, then.” Virgil yawned. “About time. I just wanna eat dinner and go to bed.”
“You and me both.” Roman waved at the flower as he stood up. “We’ll check up on you in the morning, alright? Sleep well!” The two headed back home, continuing their debate about who can be considered slow or fast as they went.
Remus slowly crawled out into the meadow as the two left. He had been too far away to understand what was going on, but apparently they had come out just to plant a flower. He laid down next to the plant, studying it closely.
“What’s so special about you?” The flower swayed without any wind to move it. “Huh. Weird. You some kind of nature spirit?” It continued to sway back and forth.
Remus reached out to touch it, before remembering a certain run-in he had with a dryad before. He had been picking pine needles out of his hair for weeks after touching her. “Can I touch you?” The flower shuddered. “Is that a no?” It began swaying again. “Okay.” He let his arm drop.
“So where’d my brother and his human find you?” No response, which made sense considering flowers can’t speak. “I think Virgey works at some kinda flower shop, right? I don’t get humans with that whole “flower shop” thing. If you want flowers, just fuck around outside, y’know?”
Remus couldn’t completely understand the flower’s swaying and shuddering, but the nymph seemed interested in what he had to say, and that was enough for him. He continued to talk and rant to the flower, appreciating any bit of movement he received.
With a yawn he finished up his story about the first time he killed a human with his bare hands, finally beginning to run out of things to talk about as the sun began to rise. His throat was a bit sore from talking all night, but he was satisfied. His eyelids slowly began to droop.
“Thanks for keeping me company!” Remus squeaked, his eyes flying back open and looking up. Sitting on the opposite side of the flower from him was a three-foot tall man with long, messy pink hair, pale pink skin, and white freckles, smiling at him.
“Woah.” Remus breathed. “You’re hot as fuck.” The nymph chuckled, looking down at the pure black palm of his hand.
“You don’t look so bad yourself!” He hesitated, looking at the handprint on Remus’s chest. “Is it alright if I touch you?” Remus’s face split into a grin, and he nodded eagerly. The nymph took his hand and gently laid it over Remus’s soulmark. The black from both creatures faded away.
Remus cackled happily, pulling the nymph in close and holding him tight. “I’m Remus! I don’t think I introduced myself last night, but I’m Remus! We’re soulmates, holy fuck! Roman can fuck off with his four soulmates, you’re better than all of them combined! I love you, you cute little shit!”
The nymph laughed along, allowing himself to be twirled around and carried as Remus basically danced around the meadow. “I’m Emile! I thought you were my soulmate! While you were talking I saw the hand on your chest and it looked about the size of my hands so all I had to do is put two and two together and bingo bongo!” Emile hugged Remus tighter.
Virgil and his soulmates came out about half an hour later. By that point Emile had already told Remus everything that had happened. The moment Remus saw Virgil, he got up and scrambled over to him.
“Virgil!” He tackled the human, pulling him into a hug that could have very easily broken Virgil’s bones. “You saved my boyfriend’s life! I love you!”
“What?” Virgil choked out. “Lemme go!” Remus let go with a cheer. “I have a boyfriend and he’s hotter than all of you!” Emile waved.
“I’m Emile, I’m his soulmate! Can you believe that?”
“I’m assuming you’re the nymph Virgil and Roman brought out last night?” Logan asked.
“Yup! It’s good to meet you all! I don’t know how to repay you for what you did, but thank you.”
“It’s no problem. Just keep this idiot occupied.” Virgil jabbed a thumb at Remus, trying to regain his breath.
Roman came over to Emile, looking him over for a moment, before smiling and pulling him into a hug. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen my brother this happy so...thank you.” He whispered.
Later on they moved Emile’s flower to just outside of Remus’s cave, that way they would be able to properly live together. Whenever the two were invited over to Virgil’s house, Emile would pot up his plant and bring it with them, since he was tethered to the flower. They made it work, and Remus was excited the entire time.
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Soulmate September - Day 10
Day 10 - You are born with a birthmark, similar to a tattoo, that is shared by your soulmate.
Pairing(s): Romantic Anaroceit, Romantic RemSleep, Ambiguous Poly Glasses Gays 
TWs: Swearing, Remus being Remus, animal death metions briefly, implied sexual mention once I think? 
Why was it so difficult to simply bring together two handsome, obnoxious soulmates?
How could grown men be this dense?!Virgil had been trying for MONTHS at this point to get these idiots to date, yet for some reason 
Instead of wanting to date each other, they both seemed far more interested in someone else.
In him.
Why, why did this have to be his life? Tormented by such stupid, handsome men?
Okay, maybe he had a teeny crush on both of them but Virgil was getting ahead of himself.
Working at the local theatre was doing some real good for Virgil; being a techie meant he was mostly out of the spotlight - so no chance of any performance anxiety - and it meant he had to actually wake up and be a functional human being but was flexible enough that he could call in sick pretty easily if he needed a mental health day. 
Thankfully, things had been going well until Virgil looked down from the catwalk to note that the two best actors in their troupe, Roman Prince and Janus D. Lyre, both bore each other’s soulmate markings. Both on the backs of their necks, all too easy to miss. Ever since, Virgil had been trying to subtly get them to realise they were soulmates. Of course, given the intimacy of the soulmate marks, it would be entirely outrageous for Virgil to simply tell them they were soulmates; social etiquette wasn’t his forte, but his anxiety really didn’t want the possible shunning he might receive if he broke that rule. Knowing that Janus and Roman were often together for rehearsals and were similarly self-obsessed, Virgil assumed getting them interested in each other would be a piece of cake.
And yet. Somehow. The man they were both interested in was Virgil himself.
Every time he tried to get the two talking, Virgil wound up being flirted with or found himself stuck between two arguing idiots. If anything, Virgil wondered if his interfering had made things worse. Now instead of kidding and being perfect and gorgeous together, they were absolutely straight up enemies. Janus did his best to interrupt - and one-up - Roman’s stellar attempts at flirting, and Roman often tried to out shine Janus by giving Virgil anything from his favourite chocolates to gothic black roses to new headphones.
Not that Virgil didn’t secretly love being the object of their mutual affection, if anything it gave him hope that perhaps whoever his soulmate was would dote on him just as much. But just like his non-existent soulmate mark, this just wasn’t meant to be. He still wasn’t sure why he didn’t have a soulmate mark like everyone else; even his ace and aro friends confirmed they had soulmates too, so why was he skipped over? Probably because no one would ever want to be his soulmate.Yeah. Probably.
Virgil was lost in that downward spiral when Remus leapt off of the set he was painting and landed just shy of crushing the poor emo.
“Wow you look like shit,”, the trash rat greeted, sitting and slinging an arm around Virgil before he could protest, “Are the girls fighting again?”
Virgil tried to stifle a snicker. It’s a stupid meme reference, Virgil, don’t laugh.
“Of course it fucking is, when is it not?“
Remus nodded, though he looked more bored than sympathetic, “Well, how about I offer you some advice, my good bitch?”
Virgil squinted at him in both annoyance and suspicion. “If it’s going to get me arrested, it’s a solid ‘fuck no’.”
“Relax, asshole, it’s totally legal and requires zero body bags and or falsified witness statements!”
Well. That’s about as good as they’re going to get. Virgil huffed, “Fine, give me the deets, Ratman.”
Remus snickered at the old nickname; A decade had passed but still the memory of the two of them graffitiing their high school gym with their tags on their last day still lived on.
“Alright, Stitch Bitch, here’s how you do it,”, Remus ignored Virgil’s eye roll and continued, “Ask them both on a date, same place and time. Talk about your interests, since you’re probably not gonna actually have that much in common, then you can just reject both of them! They’ll be driven into each other’s arms, or some shit. You know what they’re like, they’re dramatic as fuck. It’ll be perfect.”
Virgil wasn’t amused, “But what if they don’t? What if I just end up breaking both their hearts and they wind up all depressed and-?!”
“Then it solves your problem anyway, dipshit.”, he rolled his eyes, “Jeez, you’re worse than Roman with the dramatics! Think of the middle ground, you turn them both down, they go home sulking, but they’re big boys! They’ll get over it and get together some other day! Big deal!” Remus affectionately ruffled Virgil’s hair and didn’t stop until Virgil all but threw him off, “Alright, alright, fine! I’ll try, but if it all goes wrong, you’re helping me pack to move across the fucking globe.” “Ooh, alright! Or I can hide your body if it goes REALLY badly! I know how to make sure the police never find it, after all! Did you know you just need to bury it vertically and put a dead animal on top-”
Virgil tuned him out, already trying to narrow down locations for dates in his head. He’d need to pick somewhere both Roman and Janus would agree to go. He didn’t exactly doubt either of them would turn him down, but he needed to be sure they’d both attend. Perhaps the local restaurants would be a good place to start? It’d be easy to Mrs.Doubtfire that shit. Minus the clothing change, of course. Maybe the Golden Palace might be a good idea? It’s bougie enough for Roman, classy enough for Janus, and if Virgil got lucky enough, perhaps they’d both be the ones to pay for dinner.
“...And so I told Roman about it and then Roman tells me “Remus, you dunce, you got arrested because you were caught carrying a dangerous weapon in Starbucks” but I personally think that cop was just an asshole. I mean, it was just a baseball bat for fuck’s sake, so WHAT if it had a few nails in it-”
The techie noted that Remus was still babbling to himself so he clicked his fingers just shy or flicking him in the ear,
“When’s Roman free? I know Janus is pretty flexible-”
“I’ll bet.”, Remus snickered. “Dude. You have your soulmate, don’t be a dick.”
“Hey, that doesn’t mean I can’t mentally rank every guy here on how bendy I think they’d be in bed-”
“THAT ASIDE.”, Virgil interrupted, rubbing his temples like it would squeeze out the horrible mental image and several questions he never wanted answers to, “I’ve nailed down the where, I just need the when. Janus is free most days, but Roman’s pretty enigmatic about that shit. Do you know if he’s free tonight? Might as well get this shit over with.”
Remus mulled it over, “He should be. But you should probably just ask him first then Janus. Y’know, save yourself the trouble.”
Ah. That did make sense. Virgil tried not to let it show that he hadn’t thought of that and nodded, “Right… Okay. Just, if I fuck up talking to either of them, be ready.”
“With the car or a shovel?”
The trashrat snickered and let Virgil stand up, giving him an ‘affectionate’ jab in the back of his knee just to get a reaction out of the techie. Virgil wasn’t sure why Remus did that sometimes, he figured it was just another one of the demented twin’s eccentricities.
Inhaling deeply, Virgil sought out Roman, careful to avoid Janus’ line of sight as he tapped the flamboyant twin on the arm. Roman spun to face him, his expression lighting up in a way that made Virgil shamefully wish that he was his soulmate. That he was worthy of all his doting.
“Virge! What can I do for you, my dark and stormy knight?”
Stop being so fucking charming perhaps?
“Uh, it’s kind of an embarrassing request, so bear with me.”
“Of course! What’s up?”
Just ask him, ignore the butterflies, he’s not your soulmate.
“I was wondering, if you’d want to go on a date with me tonight-”
Roman positively swept the emo off his feet, his beaming smile could have burned itself into Virgil’s eyes.
“YEP! Okay, that’s great!”, he shushed him, trying to keep things as quiet as possible, “Listen, I know you’re excited but I’m really anxious about this-”
“Nothing new there.”, Roman chuckled affectionately as he put Virgil down.
“Oh shut up,”, Virgil smirked, pushing down the sunny feeling that chuckle brought out, “Look, I’ll text you the details so can you just keep this between us? I don’t want anyone gossiping. Not that I’m ashamed of you or anything I just-”
Roman carefully halted his word vomit with a gentle caress of Virgil’s cheek, “It’s alright, I understand. After all, with such an honour, I’d do good not to betray the trust of my charming prince.”
Virgil flusteredly averted his gaze, “Hmph. What happened to your ‘dark and stormy knight’?”
“Well, if things go well, I’d hope to promote him.”
The wink Roman shot Virgil should be illegal, that thing could have killed him. The techie just gave him an attempt at an ‘oh fuck off’ smirk that came out more as a ‘fuck I have a crush’ shy smile.
No time to dwell on it, he had another stupidly handsome man to ask on a fake date. 
Virgil checked with the stagehands and made his way over to the backstage dressing room area, finding Janus sat on one of the makeup tables while their dramaturg was busy going over some directions for their next rehearsal. Upon looking up and noticing him, Janus smirked - another expression that should be outright banned for it’s lethality - and politely requested the dramaturg ‘bother him another time’. They did exactly that, leaving Virgil and Janus alone to talk,
“Virgil,”, Janus purred with a voice like sweet honey, “what brings you here?”
Don’t think about that sexy voice, don’t think about that sexy voice, don’t-
“You, actually.” Play it cool, Virge. Be suave and charming. “I wanted to ask you out on a date.”
Janus’ eyes widened slightly in surprise. Virgil felt pretty proud to have finally stunned the silver-tongued gent, though he knew it’d only be a fleeting victory. If anyone would out-smooth even the most flirty person alive, it would be Janus.
With a snake-like fluidity, Janus slunk off of the table and made his way over to Virgil; whereas Roman was only an inch or two taller than him, Janus had a whole six inches at least. Virgil found it semi-intimidating, but that just made the taller man more attractive if he was being honest. Janus softly ran a hand through Virgil’s purple-dyed hair, 
“That’s rather a bold request, Virgil. What brought this on, if I may ask? Not that I’m complaining..”
Virgil had to work extremely hard to resist the urge to nestle into the warmth of his palm. Not your soulmate! Stop it! “I uh, I figured I would take a risk for once. It’s alright if you don’t wanna-”
“No.”, Janus interjected, the hand in Virgil’s hair sliding under his chin to lock their eyes, “I’d very much like to go on a date with you. When and where?”
Virgil swallowed nervously, “The Golden Palace, tonight? I’ll um, I’ll book the table and text you the time-”
“Perfect.”, Janus smirked, gently releasing Virgil. He hadn’t realised how much he’d been subconsciously leaning into Janus’ touch until he almost felt himself sway. “I’ll be sure to wear my best suit for you. Really give you something to blush over.”
Virgil had no rebuttal, he simply nodded and hastily headed back to his usual breakspot to work out just how he would survive tonight…
It turned out the answer was simple; he wouldn’t.
Thankfully Virgil had settled on an outfit that was just the right mix of fancy and casual; his black leather jacket hugged his shoulders which his dark purple button up sat under. He’d gone back and forward between his options for bottoms, but in the end, he preferred his black short pencil skirt and a pair of sheer black tights that matched his black ankle boots. It was a bold choice, but Virgil felt far more powerful in that combination. Like he could kick ass and get away with it.
Virgil needn’t have bothered, however, as the second he showed up at quarter to seven to meet Roman, any semblance of confidence in his ability to control the situation went right out the window. It should have been illegal to look that handsome. A white waistcoat and pants bearing gold trim, combined with a burgundy button up shirt with the sleeves rolled? How dare Roman look that beautiful-
Oh god, now he’s smiling at him from across the room. Too late to back out now. 
Swallowing nervously, Virgil returned the smile and headed over to the table he’d booked; far enough from the door for Roman to miss Janus arriving, and out of the way enough so that they wouldn’t see each other too soon. If he wasn’t so nervous, Virgil would have pat himself on the back for the trouble he went to securing two tables over the phone, but the last thing he wanted to focus on was the person on the phone’s sassy remarks as he did so. Instead, he focused on Roman politely getting up to pull out his chair for him.
“You look stunning, Virge! Did you change up your eye shadow too?”
Virgil gave an anxious nod, “Yeah, I thought maybe I’d try the purple instead of solid black like usual. Do you like it?”
Roman’s grin could’ve smothered him in the night and he’d have thanked it for the priveledge, “I love it!”
While keeping an eye on the time, Virgil let himself roll into conversation with Roman; he was surprised by not only how smoothly the conversation went, but how much they had in common. Sure, there was a tiiiiny heated exchange as to which Disney movie reigned supreme, but their mutual love of Nightmare Before Christmas and the artistic pursuits made for some wonderful discussion. It was a shame Virgil had to remind himself of just why he was doing this. 
He was supposed to be making his rejection of Roman easier, not more difficult.
Finally, as 8 O’clock rolled around, Janus walked in followed by a few other smartly dressed patrons. Of course, Janus very much stood out among them wearing a black dinner suit with an obsidian waist coat and golden coloured button up underneath. His usual bowler hat had been replaced for a much fancier one with a larger brim that held a marigold flower. The sight was so enticing, Virgil had to will himself to stop staring as he got up from the table,
“Excuse me, Roman, mind if I go use the bathroom?”
Roman gave a nod and Virgil made haste towards the restroom area; thankfully he’d planned ahead and knew he could use the corridor that went along behind the bar to emerge on the other side of the room without being detected. However, a new obstacle proved to be a challenge; Janus hadn’t taken his eyes off of the door since the moment he’d walked in and removed his suit jacket. 
Damn. Virgil hadn’t anticipated that. 
Luckily, one of the men who’d come in behind Janus - a man adorned in an off-black suit wearing a beanie, a pair of sunglasses, and a face mask - had just come out of the bathroom door behind him. Without the time to let his social anxiety kick in, Virgil stopped the man and asked quietly, “Hey, sorry to be a bother, but if you can distract the handsome guy at that table for a couple  minutes,“, he began, gesturing to Janus, “I’ll give you ten bucks, how’s that sound?”.
The man seemed to stare for a moment behind the shades then silently gestured with his hands in a motion of “more”.
Of course.
“Okay, uh, fifteen?”
More again. This asshole..
“Ugh, fine, twenty! That's as much as I can spare!”
The man shrugged and nodded, gladly taking the money and, to his credit, doing exactly as was asked. Virgil watched him approach Janus, asking for the time if the way Janus took his attention and turned it to his watch was an indication. It bought Virgil enough time to ‘arrive’ just as the man gave a thank you nod to Janus.
“Sorry I’m a little late,”, Virgil apologised, taking his seat, “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting?”
 “Not at all,”, Janus assured him, smirking delightedly in a way that made Virgil’s knees feel weak even in a sitting position, “You look beautiful, Virgil, if I’d known you’d look so good, I’d have picked out an even better suit.”
This fucking guy, oh my god. “Oh shut up, you look handsome as is.”, Virgil shot back, doing his best to remain calm even as Janus leant in close to strike up conversation.
“I’m telling you, babes, he’s either a cheater or he’s crazy.”
Remy aimed the stirrer he’d been using to push back his cuticles towards Virgil and Janus, then trained it on his stoic co worker, “Look, he’s got two gorgeous guys here and neither of them have noticed yet.”
The aforementioned co worker rolled his eyes, “Remy, you have once again utterly misread the situation for the sake of needless dramatics. It’s rather obvious what’s going on here if you take the time to pick up on subtle body language clues.”
“What’s this about clues, Logie Bear?”, questioned a rather eager waiter carrying a tray of glasses back behind the bar. “Are you playing Sherlock again?”
“Patton, please, refrain from the pet names during working hours, I’ve told you before-”
“While they’re perfectly suitable and welcome at home, we must remain professional at work.”, chimed in another bespectacled man who was manning the till, “It’s fine Logan, honey, let them off the hook this once, okay?”
Patton put down the tray and wrapped their arms around the man who’d just spoken, “Emile’s right! C’mon Logan, you can’t deny it, you like the name too-”
Logan cleared his throat to throw off the peachy blush that threatened to give away his adoration for his soulmates, ”As I was saying before, it’s obvious as to what this rather anxious individual is up to. His body language isn’t that of a cheater, Remy,”, the server flipped Logan the bird, “In fact, I’d hazard a guess that the poor lad is simply attempting to work out which man is his soulmate. I read a fascinating journal that talked all about this phenomenon where some soulmates are unable to see their soulmarks and thus rely on a technique comparable to sensing one’s aura-”
“Okay so like, you think he’s trying to get a read on these two to narrow it down?”, Remy interrupted before Logan could further explore his tangent, “Well then, it’s obvious which one he’s gonna pick.”
Remy gestured lazily over his shoulder at Roman, who was currently twirling his fork between his fingers, “It’s gonna be Tall, Dark and Dumbass over there, babes.”
Logan scoffed, “Falsehood. Clearly the gentleman he’s sat with currently is a much more appropriate option.”. The server nodded his head in their direction, “All factors point to the man in black not only being the more suitable option, but his body language is far more open and receptive to our subject.”
“Subject. Christ it’s like I’m back in science one.”, Remy groaned, but continued to argue, “Besides, you’re ignoring how he’s like, totes more comfortable with my boy in white, sweetie. Look at him, he can’t wait to get away from your boy in black.“
Sure enough, Virgil had gone to switch partners again, returning to Roman with a sweetly shy apologetic gesture.
Patton piped up, “What if they’re like us, Logie Bear? Y’know, more than one soulmate?”
Logan shook his head, “Ridiculous, it’d make no sense to have such a date if that were the case.”
Remy nodded in agreement for the first time, “Yeah, either way, you’re wrong on this one, Logan. Trust me, I know what a fellow morosexual looks like.”
Emile and Logan both sighed at that one while Patton tsk’d, “Remy, come on, thats your soulmate you’re talking about! You shouldn’t be mean!”
Remy quirked an eyebrow at Patton, “Babes, have you met Remus? I love the big sap but he’s a certified dumbass with a heaping dose of cryptid.”, he opened the drinks cooler and took out a lemonade bottle, not giving a shit that the three soulmates behind him were absolutely unamused. ”Anyway, if you’re so sure over who our ‘subject’ will end up with, how about we bet on it? Loser has to work two weeks of overtime and the winner gets thirty dollars or some shit. You in?”
Patton and Emile both declined, both more focused on their work and simply enjoying the dates being had, while Logan agreed wholeheartedly, “I do hope your next two weeks are free, Remy...”
He couldn’t take much more of this.
The longer Virgil kept going back and forth between the two of them - using his anxiety to buy himself time without too much suspicion - the more he was getting tangled up in feelings he knew he couldn’t indulge. Every second with Roman made him smile, even when trading verbal jabs. Every second with Janus made him feel more bold, able to flirt back every once and a while. But this wasn’t right. Janus, Roman, they were made for each other. Not for him.
He wouldn’t get to curl up next to Roman on a cold night, watching Disney movies, baking together, or following along to Bob Ross tutorials only for one of them inevitably would start painting on the other until they were both paint splattered, cackling messes. 
He wouldn’t get to dance quietly in the living room with Janus while their favourite music plays, swaying softly to his favourite Jazz music, or lazily draping himself over Janus’ lap while they read their favourite books long into the night.
Virgil stared into the bathroom mirror; his ‘dates’ had been so sweet as to compliment him, but all he could focus on was how much of a mess he felt. He’s going to break their hearts beyond repair, all because he couldn’t just tell them they were soulmates. Social etiquette be damned, why had he let it go on like this?
Feeling his chest constricting, Virgil quickly grabbed his phone and texted Remus.
V: [help. Having a panic attack. Distract me]
He tried to remember his breathing exercises, chewing his free hand’s thumbnail anxiously until he got the text notification;
R: [Cool. Did u  kno rabbits eat their babies when they’re stressed?]
…. Virgil heavily regretted asking Remus to distract him.
V: [Horrifying. Thank you.]
R: [Anytime, Stitch Bitch. Now what happened?]
V: [Dates backfired.]
R: [U caught feelings didnt u]
Virgil groaned and kept typing.
V: [fuck u]
R: [fuck me urself coward.]
Well at least that got a laugh out of him. Remus followed up that text before he could reply:
R: [Just go out there and tell them the truth]
V: [nope, no way, they’ll hate me]
R: [Bitch they’re both smitten w/ u it’ll hurt but they’ll live, they’re sat there worried about u]
V: [how the fuck do you know that?]
R: [Remy’s on shift tonight, he and Logan are taking bets on how things will pan out. They’ve been texting me non stop.]
That did explain a few things. Namely the one server with the sunglasses and sassy attitude who gave him and Roman extra desserts “for like, the cutest couple in this bitch”, and the other more stoic server who brought him and Janus a bottle of champagne “to celebrate a wonderful partnership”. When would his life stop feeling like a goddamn circus?
Virgil was pulled from his thoughts as his next text sent his blood running cold,
R: [u might wanna get back to em, they’ll be worried about u by now]
Dammit. Virgil had just left the bathroom to be met with a worried Roman, “Virgil, are you alright!? You were gone so long, I thought something had happened!”
Stomp down that affection you’re feeling, Virgil. It’s just gonna hurt more.
“I’m fine, its just my nerves-”
Both men turned to spy Janus entering the hallway with an expression of shock and disgust upon seeing the two of them. He promptly strode over and with surprising gentleness moved Virgil to his side,
“It’s bad enough I can’t avoid you at work, Prince, but I’ll not have you ruining our date night.”
As Janus went to lead Virgil away, Roman held onto Virgil’s hand, “Actually, Lies and Dolls, he’s with me tonight, so kindly take your delusions and leave.”
Oh my god, why did he trust Remus’ plan in the first place?! Janus smirked dangerously, “Or what, you dramatic hack?”
Roman took exception to that, and while Janus had the height advantage, Roman still knew how to be intimidating when needed, “I’ll make you leave!”
Before either of them could come to blows, Virgil got in between them. He might as well come clean,
Janus and Roman faced him, sporting stunned but ever attentive expressions. Ugh, this was gonna hurt.
“I can’t do this anymore! Yeah, I did ask you both here, and yeah! You’re both wonderful but you’re not meant to be with me! You’re meant to be with each other! Ugh, this was a mistake! I can’t-! I can’t be here, I’m sorry-!”
Virgil wrenched himself from between them, making a beeline through the tables and just getting out of the door before the two caught up to him. In the back of his mind, Virgil assumed the serving staff that followed behind were either desperate to see this unfold or just making sure this wasn’t going to be a dine ‘n’ dash scenario.
“Virge, come on, you’re not making any sense! I’m not meant to be with Janus,”, Roman assured him, rolling his left sleeve up the whole way and revealing Virgil’s soul mark, “I’m meant to be with you! You’re my soulmate, Virgil! Surely you knew-”
“That’s,”, Janus interrupted, “That’s not possible, because Virgil is my soulmate.”
Both Roman and Virgil turned to face him, watching Janus roll up his right sleeve to reveal Virgil’s soul mark in the exact same place as Roman’s had been. 
To say Virgil was confused was an understatement, “W...Wait, no, that’s...”
Roman and Janus stared at each other’s soul mark then looked to Virgil, “You… really didn’t know that I- that we were your soulmates?”
Virgil shook his head, ”I don’t have your soulmarks though! It doesn’t make sense...”
He turned away, grasping his arms as he tried to make sense of all this. All his life, Virgil had looked in his mirror and wished - God, how he’d wished - to find just one mark. Something to prove that he was indeed someone’s soulmate. That the universe hadn’t forsaken him. And now he had two of the most wonderful men he’d ever met sporting his soul mark while he had nothing to reassure him this wasn’t some cosmic fluke?!
Janus and Roman stood in awkward silence, the latter giving the servers an apologetic look and pulling out his wallet to pay when the former noticed something about Virgil that had him squinting to get a look. “.... Virgil, do forgive me for this.”
Without hesitating, Janus whipped out his pocket knife - why he brought it on a date, Virgil had no idea - and cut a hole in the back of Virgil’s tights, careful to avoid his skin.
“What the FUCK, Janus!?”, came the obviously horrified reply, only for Janus to take a picture with his phone and hand it to Virgil, rendering him speechless.
Sure enough, there on the inside of his right knee joint was Janus’ soul mark. 
“I just happened to spot the same shade of yellow showing through and, well….”
He didn’t need to finish, Virgil was stunned to silence. All this time, how could he have missed it!? 
Well, it wasn’t in the easiest to see area, and come to think of it, his mirror was a little too high off the ground for that kind of angle, and with the marks being so small..…..
The revelation was met with a shocked gasp from Roman.
“... Virgil, may I-”
“I’ll just take them off, fucking hell!”
Both men turned away to let Virgil remove his shoes and tights in peace. When he gave them the all clear, Roman was ecstatic to note his own soul mark adorning the left knee joint. Virgil glanced towards his two soulmates, letting out a soft sigh of adoration at their delighted faces. He was feeling a whole rush of emotions, but right now? The last thing he wanted was to waste any more time.
“Gimme a second to pay these guys,”, Virgil gestured to the gaggle of servers set in various expressions of celebratory delight, “Then we can go back to my place and have a movie night.”
Roman and Janus offered sweet smiles to their soulmate; that sounded like the perfect end to a wild night.
---- Bonus (Because I got attached to this universe, fight me) ----
With the cafe clearing out aside a few stragglers, Remy sighed distantly, “Well, it’s a good thing we both won, babes, I didn’t wanna get stuck with all that overtime.”
Logan gave him a perplexed look, “Actually, we both lost, therefore we both should work overtime.”
Remy pulled down his shades to glare at Logan, “.... Are you fucking kidding me? Bitch, we WON, and we get to keep our money, babes. What part of that makes you think “nope, overtime sounds better”!?”
Logan was about to go into the technicalities when he chanced a glance back at his soulmates, watching as Patton excitedly gushed over the night’s events, stimming excitedly with their apron while Emile folded his own and put it away for the night, glad to listen to Patton’s bubbly rambling. Logan couldn’t deny, the idea of staying late while his soulmates were home without him wasn’t an appealing idea. Maybe this once he’d spare Remy a lecture.
“.... You know what, you’re right. Excuse me.”
With that, Logan went to join his soulmates while Remy stifled a fond smirk and went to go ask the last patron to leave. He wanted to just go home and collapse into Remus’ arms. Ugh, he just hoped this dude wasn’t going to make a fuss. He wasn’t sure what kind of guy combined a suit, a beanie, shades, AND a face mask, but Remy just hoped he wasn’t here to rob the place.
“Alright sweetie, you gotta go. We’re closing and I wanna get home to my loveable dumbass. Let’s go-”
The man gestured to his ear. Ah. Remy rolled his eyes and leant down to speak closer,
“I said-“
The man quickly pulled down his face mask and stole a peck from Remy, a grin spreading across his face that curled excitedly to match his moustache.
“You gotta get home to meeeee~.”
Remus took off the sunglasses and beanie, revelling in the surprise that painted itself over Remy’s face. He stood up, wrapping his arms around Remy’s waist as his soulmate tried to form a sentence, “How long have you just been sitting here?!”
“Ever since I figured it’d be funny to watch Virgil realise he was trying to set up his own soulmates-”
“You- Wait, Virgil!? That’s the guy you’re always telling me about?!”
“Yep!”, Remus grinned.
Remy wrapped his arms around Remus’ neck, unsure if he wanted to strangle him or hold him closer, “...Did you know he-”
“Had two soulmates? Yep~!”
Remus chuckled and kissed Remy’s cheek, “Virge and I used to have gym together. He kept saying he couldn’t find his soulmarks, I’m surprised he never got my hints...”
Sighing annoyedly at his soulmate, Remy pulled him in for a proper kiss before he could go on more of a tangent. Once they broke apart, Remy poked Remus’ chest, 
“You made me lose thirty bucks, y’know.” 
Remus grinned harder and pulled out twenty dollars  “Well then, I better take this generous donation from my best friend and treat you to a milkshake on the way home then...”
It’s finally doooone!!
This was a long one for sure, but sue me, I got super into this one!!
I’ll be playing catch up for a while so get ready for Day 11, I ended up with a last minute change and it’s gonna be a tear jerker. @tsshipmonth2020
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @cateye-glasses @fandomsofrandom
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penguinkool · 5 years
I only just started shipping Remus and Emile but I already love them so much
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aidensm8 · 4 years
Idk if I'm in need of fluff or angst but I sure do need some roceit for healing so do your best and worst pal
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Ok I needed some comfort roceit too so if I may interest you with a random ramble for a fae AU
Ships: Roceit and Intruality
[Link to Part 2]
Roman and Remus are fae prince twins. Remus is the older twin and is being raised to be the next fae King
Bounty hunter Janus with the ability to shapeshift into a snake as part of a curse by the fae King (Not Remus but rather his father)
Human duke Patton
Patton is Emile's cousin
Remus is stressed about how the duties of being heir to the fae throne so Roman suggests they go for a stroll in the forest to do some hunting as Remus loves to do
Remus immediately agrees and they carry their weapons: Archery and Sword fot Roman, throwing knife and morning star for Remus
At the same time, Patton is being escorted back to the nearby kingdom after trip from king Virgil's kingdom to meet prince Logan
Remus and Patton meet when Patton's carriage is attacked by bandits while Patton is on his way back to the palace
The twins notice this and despite the rule of faes not revealing their existance to humans, they save Patton
After clearing the bandits, Roman urges Remus that they have to leave but Patton is all like "You saved me, who are you?"
Remus, flustered, blurts out his name and Patton is like "I'm Patton, duke of [insert kingdom name"
Roman drags his brother away, all "Remus, dad's not going to be happy with this"
"He won't be if he never finds out"
So Remus can't stop thinking about Patton until finally, Remus decides to fly to the palace to at least be able to view the freckled duke
Patton also notices Remus and goes to a more secluded area and they talk
They continue having secret meetings, but it turns out a the local seer has taken notice of a fae's constant visits to the palace
Because of how fae Remus looks so intimidating, the seer is worried of what dark magic the fae would curse upon the royals
Informing the monarch of this, they decide to hire a bounty hunter to track this fae in fear for Emile's safety, unaware that the fae is visiting Patton
So in comes Janus, a hunter with the ability to shapeshift into a snake because of a curse from the current fae king (not Remus)
So the seer gives a rough description of Remus and Janus is off to hunt
Janus goes to the woods, aware of where the Fae Court is but not wanting to risk being recognized, he stalks the outskirts of the area in hopes of seeing this dark fae to catch them when they leave
Having shifted into a snake, Roman stumbles upon him and Janus thinks "that doesn't look like the dark fae the seer spoke of"
Roman is worried about his brother's frequent visits being noticed. He vents to the snake about it cause he just likes talking to animals
With that, Janus figures Roman knows about the fae that's been visiting the palace, but he's now hesitant to harm the pretty fae who's just worried about his brother
But he was hired for a job so he lets Roman continue venting and finally, he responds "So where is your brother now?"
Roman is immediately startled cause that's the first a creature has responded to him in a human language
Janus sweet talks the fae prince but finds himself falling for him. He has to remind himself that this was the son of the one who cursed him
Finally, Roman tells him that he has to leave to check if his brother is back yet
Janus lets him go but decides to return the next day to see if Roman would return to talk and he does
Janus continues to fall for him, wanting to hold the fae prince, to feel his beautiful wings, to hold him close to smell the scent of the forest on him
Janus begins to confide to Roman about being cursed to be a snake (but doesn't disclose the human part yet, nor that it was the Fae King that did it) and Roman offers to ask Remus to lift the curse (since Remus has stronger healing powers)
They continue meeting and then finally, the human monarch is getting impatient with Janus not capturing Remus yet
Another hunter is sent to stalk Janus to find out why there's been a lack of progress
They see Janus and Roman, and before Janus is able to finally confess his secret of being able to shapeshift, the new hunter captures Roman and brands Janus a traitor
Now Janus goes directly to the fae court, where he finds Remus and the Fae King
He tries to explain the situation but the moment he says Roman's name, the Fae King is all "Where is my son, you snake?"
Remus is now angry and panicked cause protective Remus, also cause he knows it may be partially his fault
Knowing Janus is his only lead to where Roman is, Remus confesses to his meetings with Duke Patton to save Janus
Before the Fae King can react, Remus grabs Janus and they make their way to plan a rescue mission
And that ends part 1 of my rambling cause I don't want to spam too much óuò
Anyways, I hope this satisfied your roceit thirst
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
Important anouncement!!
In the near future this characters will become fully original! But for now we're merely switching the names every now and then to slowly get used to them
You can still call them by their old names, but im writing the changes so people wont be confused!
Dee -> Dee (but now hes ok with everyone calling him by his full name "Amadeus")
Vee -> Vee
Roman -> Florian
Remus -> Cadmus
Patton -> Lawrence (legal name [NOT a deadname]) / Achilles (chosen name)
Logan -> Nate/Nathan
Welcome to the Campfire AU! This blog gets lots of asks everyday so it can be kind of hard to find the basics of everything. So hopefully this can answer your questions if you’re new to the blog! 
 The AU doesn’t really have a plot. Just the sides being teens dealing with everyday stuff. The reason of why it’s called Campfire AU it’s because it all started with a comic where they went camping, but in all honestly it isnt even about camping at this point. Whoops!
(I have a in-character blog for Vee! Just for the fun of it lmao its @littlemothsandtinyvees )
What’s the AU about?
Are there any ships?
 This AU is 100% platonic! Many people get confused mainly because Dee and Remus are usually kinda flirty with each other. But they’re literally just messing around. Although, Vee and Logan get together in college (If this ship makes you uncomfortable, you can block the ‘’cf!analogical’’ tag!). But besides that, nothing else.
Is Thomas/Remy/Emile/etc in this AU?
 Yes, but actually no.
 Thomas and his crew are in this AU. BUT!!!! They have a very small, unsignificant role. Kind of like a cameo. They’re some cool yet scary looking monsters that appear on Vee's dreams. Vee also has a bat plushie named Count Joan.
 And Remy and Emile are Patton’s super cool toads. They just vibe.
What are the characters in the AU?
 Primary characters: Patton, Roman, Logan, Virgil, Janus (who still goes by Dee), and Remus.
 Secondary characters: King Creativity (Romulus), The Dragon Witch (DW), Annika (Vee’s biological mom), Celeste (Dee’s biological mom), and Mama and Papa Ruiz (Roman, Remus, and Romulus’ parents), Azariah, Nona, and Poppy (Dee and Remus' group of friends at school)
We dont really talk that much about Logan’s parents nor Patton’s dad, but they’re still there.
Blog’s ‘’Inside Jokes’’
The blog has some inside jokes that newcomers usually dont understand because they’re so bizarre and out of context, so here’s a quick guide. Beware, these are very dumb. I would like to apologize in advance:
The Jirt Dar: Its a jar full of dirt that Vee carries around and makes their friends put their hands inside of it if they catch them swearing.
The Sock Shirt: Remus owns a plain white shirt with the word ‘’sock’’ handwritten. That’s it. I have no idea why people find that hilarious.
Boneless Logan: Logan once had this theory that since he had never broken any bones in the past, he was, in fact, boneless. And still claims it to this day. Before you ask, no. He’s not serious about believing that, he just claims it to annoy or make people laugh. Has he ever broke a bone after that claim? Yes, he has.
‘‘Addy’‘: ‘’Addy’‘ is a nickname Vee has for Dee and it immediately triggers his Big Brother Mode because Vee only calls him that in scenarios when they’re sad, sick, etc.
‘‘Patton with an E‘‘:  When Vee and Patton first met, Patton had pointed out their last names where the same, except his had an ‘e’ at the end, and Vee thought it was pretty funny. Nowadays Patton sometimes introduces himself as ‘‘Patton with an E’‘ only to make Vee chuckle.
About OP
Hello! My name is Hay/Danny/OP i really dont mind how you refer to me as. I decided to make a little about me because I feel like I should set some boundaries for the sake of my mental health, basically some "please do not do this" because theyre personally triggering for me or make me uncomfortable.
Please never send asks talking about weight. Its a super triggering subject for me. Im fine if its asks like "Oh everyone lifts (X character) up a lot cause theyre very light" but thats it
Please dont vent in the asks, I have no idea what to do to help and as very empathetic person it stresses me out not being able to help. I am not a therapist
*Sometimes food is a subject that makes me extremely uncomfortable. Sometimes. What im trying to say is that you can send food related asks but if i dont answer it, its because at that moment food is a big no for me. I'll try my best to remember to give a heads up
(* Its totally okay if the subject is only passing. Its if the ask is focused on food what makes me extremely uncomfortable)
(Primary) Characters basic information (full name, age, height, etc)
● Janus Amadeus “Dee” Callaghan
 18 years old // 5'10 // Agender/Bisexual // he/him (but doesnt care about pronouns at all)
●Virgil (Vee) Harper Storm
 15 years old // 4'9 // Non Binary/Queer/Asexual // they/them (They’re chill with any pronouns though)
*Important Fact: Vee is autistic
●Patton Jonathan Storme
 16 years old // 5'8 // Demiboy/Homosexual // he/him and xe/xem
●Logan Keith Rowell
 16 years old // 5'5 // Questioning // he/him
●Roman Florian Flynn Ruiz
 18 years old // 5'11 // Transgender/Aromantic // he/him
●Remus Amadeus Ruiz
 18 years old // 6'2 // Transgender/Homosexual // he/him
Character’s specifics
(Before we start, I’d like to mention that the sides are quite further away from canon. Its called an AU for a reason, if you dont like how they’re portrayed, that’s fine, but please do not complain because, again, its an AU for a reason.) 
Patton: Patton is a complicated character. Let’s say hes bittersweet.
Pat has a very complicated relationship with his family, which would be the main reason of his anger issues and poor self esteem. He doesnt have any siblings and his mother left when he was around 9 years old. Leaving him only with his dad. Who is currently the Mayor. As time passed by, Patton as his dad started becoming extremely distant. Patton tried to fix his relationship with his father for a very good while. But nothing seemed to work, so he gave up and nowadays avoids him as much as he can.
At school Patton puts on this happy-go-lucky facade and hes known for being a very sweet and happy guy. Mainly because hes ashamed of the fact that hes, in his words, “an angry person.”
So he tries to come up with a friendly “mask”. Colorful clothes, and round glasses. Because colorful and round things come out as friendly, right?
Patton rarely wears black, unless it something like jeans or shoes. The thought of wearing all black will never cross his mind because hes so desperate to try and come off as a friendly guy.
But with his friends is a whole different story, Patton allows himself to be “his true self”, he allows himself to be mad at some things, he stops repressing the “ugly feelings”, he actually swears, and plays around in a more “rough” way in general. All in good terms, it will never be his intention to hurt his friends.
Sophomore in highscool
Vee's best friend. They met each other in 7th grade because Vee was new in school.
He’s on the cheerleading team. Meaning that he’s quite strong, agile, and even flexible. Emphasis on strong. He once broke a guy’s nose because he was harrassing a girl.
Has been doing gymnastics since he was very little
He’s pescetarian. He strongly avoids meat, but still eats fish.
Absolutely loves horror movies, especially old ones. (His all time favorite is Halloween)
Actually has better grades than Logan. He’s a straight A student. Focuses too much on his grades because he wants to get a full scholarship for college.
Ends up majoring in law once he gets to college
Vee: Vee is a rather hyperactive person, and is very into mysterious subjects, such as cryptids, the paranormal, you get the vibe. They aren’t really that anxious, but the anxiety is still there. Especially when it’s about people they don’t know. Once they warm up to you, they barey shut up.
Vee still has some anxiety issues because they were bullied from 3rd grade to 6th grade and never said a word to anyone. Whenever their mom picked them up she’d always notice how sad they looked, sometimes even with puffy eyes from crying. But no matter how hard she tried, Vee would never tell her anything out of pure fear they’d get in trouble. The moment Vee admitted everything, she immediately changed them from that school.
On 7th grade they met Patton, and he was pretty much the one who managed to make Vee come out of their shell, he never forced them to do something they didn’t want to, but he slowly started to introduce them into doing new things that Vee once considered scary.
Vee had made huge progress regarding their self esteem thanks to Pat. And they are now trying to make the exact same thing for Patton.
Sophomore in highscool
Patton’s best friend
Dee’s little (step) sibling
Theirs and Dee’s moms were best friends in college (Dee’s dad was also Annika’s childhood friend). So these two have known each other since Vee was born. When they were 11-12 years old, their and Dee’s moms got married.
Even before that, Vee always saw Dee as a big brother.
They keep a dream journal. But if you happen to read it, you’ll realize that what’s written are not dreams, but nightmares. There are some drawings of monsters in some pages, even.
They says that they’re not  scared of most of them, though. That they’re used to it.
Ends up majoring in digital animation
Dee: He’s the most calm guy in the whole group. Usually the leader, even. He’s either a very responsible big brother with Vee or an absolute chaotic teenager with Remus. There’s no in between.
Dee has a really hard time trusting people, the only people he genuinely trusts are Remus, Vee, and his moms (Roman, Patton, and Logan are there too, but not as much as the ones mentioned.)
Dee’s parents got divorced when he was around 8. And his and Vee's moms got married when he was 14-15 years old. To this day his relationship with his dad is kind of complicated. He doesnt hate him, but he’s not quite sure how to feel about him. He calls every now and then to check up on him, and he appreciates it, but those calls usually end up with Dee feeling sort of awkward afterwards.
There isn’t much to say about him, mostly because hes very reserved with pretty much everyone. But hey, between us? Hes has a very soft spot for Vee 
Senior in highschool
Vee’s big (step) brother
Remus’ best friend. They met in 3rd grade and have been inseparable ever since.
The scar around his eye is a burn scar from hot water when he was little (7-9 y/o), and the one on his cheek happened because him and Remus were playing with a knife when they were 14-15.
He knows how to drive, but usually Remus is the one who always does do.
Is on the theatre club. Both as a techie and as an actor
He’s 100% sure that he’s  bisexual. But the fact that he has such a hard time trusting people makes it hard for him to imagine himself in a relationship.
Ends up going to college for around two years before he decides to drop out.
Remus: He’s your local hyperactive guy that lives for that sweet, sweet adrenaline. He’s always looking for reckless things to do and he ALWAYS drags Dee to them (not like he minds). But he’s also a very loyal friend, especially to Dee. If he asked Remus for a favor he’d be 100% willing to do ANYTHING without doubts. He’s also highly protective over Vee, Patton, and Logan because theyre the youngest of the group.
His and Roman’s relationship went from horrible to amazing. Him and Roman absolutely despised each other when they were little, if they were put in the same room, 99% of the time they’d end up fighting, as time went by, they started to avoid each other as much as possible, then they kind of tolerated each other, but still never spent much time together. When Remus found Roman chopping his hair off while bawling his eyes out at 2 in the morning, their relationship definitely started to change for the best.
Senior in highschool
Roman’s twin, Romulus’ little brother
Dee’s best friend
The scar near his chin is because him and Dee were playing with a knife and both of them got a cut. They called them their “Friendship scars”
Spanish is his first language. But mainly speaks it at family runions, sometimes with his parents, but never with Roman and/or Romulus
Is on the volleyball team
Got top surgery, but doesnt want bottom surgery.
Ends up majoring in mortuary science
Roman: He’s the kindest and sweetest guy in the group. Hes always willing to help and listen to whoever needs it. He’s actually quite popular at school because of the fact that hes so kind. A ray of sunshine. Roman had a very hard time for a good while, but it all crumbled down on him on his freshman year. He felt super lonely, was absolutely lost with who he was as a person and had no idea who he wanted to be, what he wanted to do with his life, etc. He struggled with school and his grades dropped horribly because he had so much in his mind. No matter how hard he tried to concentrate, he just couldnt focus in school. He ended up repeating the year.
Like it was mentioned before, his relationship with Remus went from horrible to amazing. Unfortunately for them, because of this, they barely have childhood memories to look back to. But now they’re trying their best to make up for it. Roman would say that his and Remus relationship got better when Roman repeated his freshman year; Remus apologized to him for a straight hour because he admitted to notice Roman having a hard time, but decided to ignore it because he was “too damn prideful”. After that, little by little, they became closer.
Junior in highschool
Remus’ twin. Romulus’ little brother
Logan’s best friend. They met on freshman year (the one that Ro had to re-take)
Spanish is his first language.But mainly speaks it at family runions, sometimes with his parents, but never with Remus and/or Romulus
Is on theatre club. But to contrary belief, he barely takes leading roles.
He absolutely loves to hear Vee ramble about what they enjoy. His grandma used to tell him about the fae folk when he was younger. So unlike everyone in the group, he absolutely understands what Vee is talking about and they can chat for hours about it
Hasn’t had any surgery yet. But wants both top and bottom surgery.
Doesn’t end up going to college, and instead works at his mom’s flower shop alongside Dee
Logan: First things first, while Logan is smart, he isn’t super smart, at least not academically speaking. He has really good grades, but he isn’t a straight A student. People tend to assume he’s a gifted student because of the fact that he skipped a year. But in reality that only happened because he had an advanced reading and writting comprehension so they made him skip first grade.
Logan used to be quite a loner when he was younger, and he was way too serious and cold because of it. When he met Roman, Logan realized that he was actually unhappy back then, and little by little he started to losen up more, joking around and not really minding what people think of it. Now look at him! He’s absolutely chaotic and his favorite hobby is annoying Patton (in a loving way, dont worry.). He still has a somewhat ‘’smart kid’’ reputation at school, but those people in his class are aware that he jokes around every now and then and is actually super chill. He’s known for either fixing people’s laptops/cellphones/tablets or because he can write your essays. He definitely makes money out of both of these things. Unless you’re his friend, he’ll do it for free
 Lo’s parents work a lot and travel every now and then because of it. So they are barely home. But they still talk and text quite often. If his parents happen to be travelling, they videochat. But because of this Logan is most of the time alone at home and learned to be VERY independent. Not like he brags about it, but hes kind of proud of it.
Because of his parents always being away, and the fact that Logan is an only child and never had any friends growing up, he learned to do many things in an attempt to fight the boredom, some of those things are cooking, fixing his own laptop, crafts (im talking about, cosplay worthy crafts), origami, among other things.
Junior in highschool
Roman’s best friend
He has a job at a videogame store
Yes, he also loves videogames way too much. Sometimes he messes his sleep schedule because he stays up late playing (usually with Patton)
Plays guitar. Learned how to do so one time he was burned out, and his dad suggested he learned something entirely knew, like playing an instrument. Nowadays he really enjoys it and plays very often.
He could learn how to drive. But he 100% prefers using his bike
He actually despises school and complains about it and about how flawed the educational system is on a daily basis
Ends up making a very last minute decision and going to an art school to study music composition instead of economics
PHEW. That was quite a lot. Anyways, if you got to the end of the page, congrats! If you feel like something should be added please do let me know!!
 Welcome to the Campfire AU, where the campfire is mostly ours rather than theirs
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frogsandcookies · 3 years
Cat Hoodies and Flirting
I bring you flirty Logan, flustered Patton, and dash of Patton angst. Accompanying this is a strange plot that takes a bunch of weird twists and platonic Prinxiety. 
Set after Moving On Parts 1 & 2
After doing his normal morning routine which consisted of washing his face, combing his hair, and changing into a suitable outfit for the day, Logan walked out of his room and down the stairs to the unusually quiet kitchen where Patton was sitting slumped over a bowl of cereal.
"I see the gift I got you fits well." Logan commented as he walked into the room, noticing Patton was wearing the cat hoodie the logical side had gifted him several days earlier. The sight of the moral side in the hoodie made Logan feel strangely proud; the look of joy on Patton's face when he had first gotten it a prize worth slaying an army for.
Patton looked up from his cereal bowl where a bunch of cheerios sat soggy in the milk, untouched. He gave a small smile, replying with,"Yeah, it's very fluffy and soft on the inside. And of course, a cat hoodie."
"I'm glad you like it." Logan said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Patton hummed in response, turning back to his cheerios which he was pushing around with a spoon in a disinterested and distracted manner.
Logan frowned, noticing Patton's lack of energy and pep. The moral side would have normally made several puns at this point and have lectured Logan about staying up until unholy hours of the night/technically morning.
He decided that his work could wait and joined Patton at the table, the latter looking up from his cereal once again.
"Don't you have work to do?" Patton asked, trying to conceal his dejected attitude with a happy facade.
"Yes but it can wait. Patton, I notice your usually bright demeanor is more forced today, is something wrong?" Logan questioned, a concerned expression making its way onto his face.
Patton forced a smile onto his face and said,"No, everything's okay!"
Logan sighed and placed his hand on Patton's, a gesture that shocked the latter. "Patton, I might not be Deceit--er Janus but I can tell that you're lying. What's wrong?"
"I...I have romantic feelings for someone." Patton said, letting his fake smile drop as he revealed the cause for his miserable attitude.
Logan steeled, his heart aching for some reason but he kept a neutral face as he asked,"What's the matter with that?"
"I don't this person feels the same way." Patton said. Logan frowned. Anyone who didn't requite Patton's feeling was an idiot, he thought.
"I wouldn't say they're an idiot." Patton said, causing Logan to flush. "Did I say that aloud?" He asked. Patton nodded, looking a bit amused.
"I just mean, you're so amazing and thoughtful so I don't see why anyone wouldn't return your feelings." Logan elaborated, looking confused as Patton blushed.
"I'm glad you hold me in such high regards." Patton said, still flushed. Logan smiled. "Of course I do, despite our disagreements and differences, you are among my best acquaintances."
"We've known each other for decades Lo, I'd call us friends as this point." Patton said, smiling. Logan felt another wave of unexplainable sadness wash over him at the word 'friends' but kept smiling despite that.
"That makes us sound so old." Logan commented. Patton laughed, his cheery demeanor beginning to return. "Well Thomas is 28." He said.
Logan nodded, looking at Patton and their intertwined hands. He though about the strange ache that kept coming whenever Patton mentioned his crush. This wasn't the only time his heart ached like that but the common link seemed to be Patton. For some reason, whenever he and the moral side interacted, he felt unexplainably nervous, his face often burned at compliments, and further symptoms of an unknown disease showed.
Patton smiled and said,"Thanks for cheering me up, Lo."
Logan snapped out of his stupor and looked back at Patton, giving a small smile before saying,"It was my pleasure Patton. ...If you don't mind me asking, who is this person who has earned your affections?" Patton blushed once again and he said,"I'd rather not say the name but I'll describe him."
Logan nodded and Patton began talking once again. "Well he's handsome. I know that we all have the same face but all of us have different aspects that differentiate us and his just make butterflies form in my stomach."
"That's concerning, you shouldn't have insects forming in your stomach as a result of your infatuation." Logan said, frowning. "It's just a saying, it just means he causes me to be a bit nervous." Patton explained kindly.
"Ah. Well, what else do you like about him?" Logan asked, pushing down the sadness once again.
"Some people see him as cold but that's because they haven't gotten to know him. When you get to know him, you get to see how passionate he is and his caring side." Patton said, a lovesick smile gracing his lips.
"Are you talking about Virgil?" Logan asked, trying to connect the clues to a side. "What? No, he's my best friend. I don't feel anything other than platonic love for him." Patton said.
"Oh." Logan said. "What made you think I was talking about Virgil?" Patton asked.
"The description sounded a bit like him but since you have denied this then I am once again confused." Logan replied.
"Oh. Well, here's another clue of sorts. He's smart and most definitely the wisest side of Thomas." Patton said, a lovesick face once again worming its way onto the moral side's face as he thought about the side.
Logan frowned. "Deceit?" He questioned.
"No." Patton said, snapping out of his daydream at the question. "Roman? Emile? Remy?" Logan said.
"No, no, and no." Patton responded, a vaguely nervous expression making its way onto his face.
Logan was both relieved and more confused at this answer. "There's no one left, unless you're referring to someone from the Imagination though that is doubtful considering how Roman always makes sure to lock his door."
"There's one person left." Patton said softly, pulling his hand back. Logan thought for a moment before realization struck. He looked over to Patton a wide eyed expression and said,"Are you talking about me?"
Patton looked down and Logan took this as confirmation. "Why would you like me? I'm harsh and cold and emotionless and--"
Patton looked up with a serious expression. "You are not emotionless Logan. You have emotions and you don't have to hide them. Having feelings doesn't make you any less smart." He said.
"I...But why me?" Logan asked.
"I can't exactly control who I love, Lo." Patton said, looking almost embarrassed. Logan blushed a bit and said,"You love me?"
Patton flushed and said,"Uh--Yes?"
"Earlier you said I wouldn't requite your feelings, why would you assume that?" Logan asked, once again confused.
"I just--well it doesn't seem like you're interested?" Patton said, internally debating about whether to run away or keep talking with Logan.
"Oh. Well you would be wrong." Logan said. Patton looked at him with a surprised expression, his eyes fairly wide.
"Wait really?" Patton said.
Logan smiled and took Patton's hand, kissing it softly. Patton's face burned and he hid his face with his free hand. Logan smiled a bit wider and said,"Yes."
Patton blushed darker and Logan took the latter's face in his hand. "Don't hide your pretty face from me, Pat." Logan said.
"Since when were you so charming, Lo?" Patton said, his face a shade of bubblegum pink thanks to Logan's words.
"I can be romantic, I just choose not to be. But now, maybe I should do it a bit more because it seems that you are very easy to fluster." Logan quipped, winking.
"I am not that easy to fluster!" Patton said half heartedly, his complexion contradicting the statement.
"It's not a bad thing, in fact I find it quite adorable." Logan said, blushing a bit as well. "You're going to kill me. Logan, I'm going to die and when I do, you're going to kill my ghost." Patton said, smiling and blushing.
"Well then I'll just have to revive you. Will a kiss do?" Logan said. Patton sputtered for a moment before closing his mouth and nodding.
Logan laughed and pressed his lips against Patton's. They pulled away after a few seconds and Patton mumbled,"I'm going to die now. Tell my son I love him."
"Love you too dad." Virgil said, walking into the living room, Roman following behind him.
Both the moral and logic side shot up, the former asking,"How long were you watching us for?!"
"Long enough that we learned what a flirt Logan is and that you are the most blushy side in the Mindscape." Roman replied, smirking a bit.
"We also know that Logicality is now canon." Virgil added, a matching smirk adorning his face.
"Logicality?" Logan asked, him and Patton both looking equally confused.
"Logic and Morality. Logan and Patton." Virgil explained.
"Oh. OH." Patton said. "Is this one of those "ship" things you were telling me about?" Logan questioned.
"Mhm." Virgil replied, eating a couple chips.
"I told you I wasn't talking about a boat!" Patton said, smiling a bit. "Fair enough." Logan said, giving him a matching smile.
"Ew, go be romantic somewhere else. We're trying to eat." Roman said, his nose wrinkling.
"Pat and I were here first." Logan pointed out.
"Get a room." Virgil said.
"Fine. Patton, it seems we are in the presence of several heathens who don't have manners. Would you like to accompany me to my room? We could watch a movie." Logan said, turning to the shorter side.
"I would love too." Patton said, grinning. Logan smiled and said,"Perfect. Much like you."
Patton flushed again and all three of the other sides laughed. Logan offered his hand to Patton who took it and followed Logan.
"Congrats on getting together! And if you hurt dad, I will send Remus after you." Virgil said, the last part directed and Logan who nodded in understanding.
"I wouldn't dare." Logan said, giving Patton a loving look that caused the moral side to melt.
As they walked up the rest of the stairs, Virgil turned to Roman. "You owe me five bucks, I told you they'd get together by the end of the month."
"Fine though I don't see why you need the money." Roman said, fishing out his wallet from on of his pockets.
"It's more the satisfaction of winning." Virgil replied.
Roman rolled his eyes and handed Virgil a five dollar which the anxious side took and put in his hoodie pocket.
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izzyfandoms · 4 years
Logince - Curse
(This is one of 36 Halloween-themed ficlets I'm posting today! One for every sides/Remy/Emile/Thomas ship plus creativitwins!)
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @aj-draws @phantomofthesanderssides @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @emo-disaster @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread @mrbubbajones @spookedferns @pun-master-logan @gayturtlez @k1ngtok1
Logan was cursed.
And he didn't mean that in an exaggerated or figurative sense. He wasn't just spectacularly unlucky, or saying that for no good reason.
He was actually, literally cursed, and had been for almost five years now.
It was how he had discovered the existence of magic. He had accidentally pissed off a witch - in hindsight, yelling at a mysterious old person following him home had probably been a mistake: if it hadn't let to a curse, it might have led to a kidnapping.
And, now, well... he was cursed.
No one could ever fall in love with him, or even develop any sort of crush on him.
It had at first seemed like a useless curse, when he was 12 and had no desire for romance. But now that he was a teenager, having had crushes on a variety of people, it was really starting to feel like a burden.
Like all curses, it could be broken, of course. Only his true love was immune to the curse, and could break it at first kiss.
But a kiss from anyone else would lead them to despise him: to hate him so much they never wanted to see him again. He had never kissed anyone, though, far too afraid of the curse to risk that.
He didn't believe he would ever find a true love, anyway.
And, honestly, Logan was skeptical that such a thing even existed.
(Though he had once felt that way about magic and witches and curses, and he had been very, very wrong about that.)
"Hey, hey, specs!" A voice called out as hand waved in front of Logan's face.
Logan snapped out of his thoughts, and his eyes suddenly landed on one of his friends, Roman, who was sat right beside him.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Roman continued with a teasing grin.
"My thoughts are worth much more than a penny," Logan huffed, crossing his arms and looking away. "You could not afford them."
Roman laughed, and Logan's heart skipped a beat in his chest.
(Oh, the joy of hearing the laughter of one who you adore. And, oh, the pain of a love thought unrequited.)
"It's your turn to spin," Roman said, gesturing to the bottle that was in the centre of their little group.
Remy - who was sat opposite Logan - let out an irritated huff, likely rolling his eyes behind his dark sunglasses.
"The bottle landed on you," Remy said, gesturing towards it. "So now you gotta spin it, and then kiss whoever it lands on, kay? C'mon, we haven't got all day. I haven't had a turn yet, hurry up."
Logan opened and closed his mouth a few times.
Roman turned and half-heartedly glared at Remy.
"Don't be a jerk, Rem. He doesn't have to play if he doesn't want to," Roman scolded. "Calm down."
"Well, why's he in the circle then?" Remy huffed, unaware of the fact that Logan had been so lost in thought, that he hadn't known what he'd agreed to. "Oh, whatever. I'll just spin for him."
Before Logan could stop him, Remy leant forward and spun the bottle. It spun and it spun and it spun and Logan was practically hypnotised by the long, turning movement, before it finally slowed to a stop...
... pointing at Roman.
There was a beat of silence, where Roman and Logan's eyes met, and both of their faces reddened as they stared at one another.
Then, Remus - who was sat right next to his brother - howled with laughter.
"Ha! Oh my god, that's hilarious."
Remy laughed, too, and Patton - who was sat between Remus and Remy - put his hand over his mouth to hide his own giggles out of politeness.
"You- you don't have to," Roman stumbled over his words. "If you don't want to. It's okay."
Logan had never wanted something more in his whole life. And he had never not wanted something more, either.
Kissing Roman... was something he dreamt about practically every night. He was head over heels - having so deeply fallen for Roman that it almost hurt to look at him.
He wanted to kiss him. He really, really wanted to kiss him.
But, if he did... then Roman would hate him. Roman would despise him.
He didn't want that.
He really, really didn't want that.
But... there was a small, totally illogical part of Logan's brain that told him that maybe it didn't matter. If Roman wasnt going to love him back anyway, maybe making him hate him would be easier.
And one kiss would be better than the nothing he would get otherwise.
Logan made his decision, and decided to act upon it before he could actually think it through and change his mind.
(Roman had been trying to get Logan to loosen up and be more impulsive for a while. Logan doubted that this was what Roman had intended, but he chose not to think about that any longer.)
"Okay," Logan said.
Roman's eyes widened. "Really? Okay?"
Logan nodded. "Yes, okay. I- I don't see the harm in just one kiss."
(Logan knew that Roman knew that he'd never kissed anyone before, quite unlike Roman himself. Perhaps that was why Roman was so hesitant.)
"Yes, okay! Do this quickly so I can have my turn," Remy said, clapping his hands together.
"You do realise that you do not decide when you have a turn, right?" Logan said flatly. "It is entirely random."
Remy blew a raspberry, waving his hand dismissively.
"Well, I'm never gonna get a turn if you two take so long. Now, c'mon, smooch so we can get this over with."
"Uh..." Roman trailed off, giving Logan a questioning look despite his earlier confirmation.
Logan nodded, taking a deep breath to prepare himself. Then, he shifted forward, closer to Roman.
He wasn't sure exactly what to do, especially since he had no experience kissing anybody, but, luckily, Roman seemed to understand this and took the first step. He reached up, gently taking Logan's face in his hands.
Roman paused for a moment, hesitating, before he leant in and kissed Logan.
The moment his warm, soft lips met Logan's, something shattered inside of him. For one, terrible moment, he thought it was his heart breaking.
But then he realised that he wasn't hurting. Instead, he was... happy.
So, so happy.
And when Roman pulled away, Logan didn't have time to feel any kind of dread.
He opened his eyes as Roman pulled back, looking into Roman's. He searched for any kind of hatred, but... there was nothing of the sort.
Roman was looking at him so fondly, so softly, that he couldn't possibly hate him.
Logan did not understand.
Until he did.
His eyes widened.
Before he could say anything - though he had absolutely no idea what he could even say - he was interrupted by Remus wolf-whistling.
"Ha! Get a room you two," he called out.
Roman turned and glared at his brother, breaking the moment between him and Logan.
"Shut it, Remus."
Logan... did not know what to think.
Roman didn't hate him. Roman did not hate him.
Roman... kissed him, and did not hate him.
Was the curse broken? If so, did that mean... did that mean...
Logan stared at Roman, and as the game continued - their friends moving on from the two of them - Roman turned to look back at him. He gave Logan a soft, fond smile that gave Logan wonderful butterflies in his stomach.
Roman... did Roman break Logan's curse?
Was Roman his true love?
Did Roman love Logan?
Logan reached forward, taking Roman's hand in his own and squeezing it.
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nonbinaryroyalty43 · 3 years
Paranoia!virgil, remus x logan x remy, pottery
Characters: Paranoia!Virgil, Remus, Logan, Remy, Janus, Emile, Patton, Roman, Thomas mentioned
Pairings: Remus x Logan x Remy, platonic Duxiety, platonic Virgil x Remy (there’s probably a ship name for that)
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, secrets, lying, panicking.
Summary: Remus and Remy have a habit of disappearing, giving Logan very suspicious excuses. Logan is determined to get to the bottom of it.
Tell me if I need to add any warnings,
From the moment they began dating, Logan knew something was up. Remus and Remy were wonderful, they really were, but they were also terrible liars. Every couple weeks or so one of them would make an excuse and disappear for the day. The other would make a different excuse and be gone as well. It made Logan...uneasy.
His mind went over all the possible places the two could be going. They could have been meeting up with the other Darks Sides, but then why keep it a secret? They both knew that Logan didn’t care about where they came from. They could also could have been spending time alone together, but there was no reason to keep that a secret, either.
There was another possibility, but Logan, for once, refused to think of it. It didn’t make sense and even worse, it physically hurt Logan to think about it. However, it seemed to be the only logical explanation. 
Were his boyfriends...cheating on him?
Refusing to believe this without data, Logan made a plan. The next time his boyfriends left, he would follow them and finally get answers.
The day came much sooner than Logan had anticipated. It was Remus who spoke up first.
“I have to go meet Roman in Imagination. He has some ideas he wants to work on with me.” 
“Alright,” Logan said easily. He knew this was a lie, seeing as Roman planned to work on a video script with Thomas. “See you later.”
Remus gave him a quick kiss before sinking out. Remy was next. 
“I have to meet Emile for a bit. He says he’s worried about my mental health. See you in a bit, babes.” He disappeared before Logan could get a word in edgewise. 
So far, his plan was failing. Both his boyfriends had left and he had no clue as to where they had gone.
The next logical step was to ask the other Sides if they had seen either Remus or Remy.
With a new goal in mind, Logan began his search for the other Sides. Patton was no help, as he had been in the kitchen the entire morning. Emile couldn’t help either, as he was busy talking to Janus, who was also clueless. Logan couldn’t find Paranoia.
A feeling of dread settled in the pit of his stomach. Please, he thought, please don’t let them be cheating on me with Paranoia.
His next stop was Roman’s room. As he expected, Roman was preparing for his creative session with Thomas.
“Good morning, Specs! What’s going on?”
“Salutations, Roman. I am trying to ascertain the whereabouts of Remus and Remy. You would not happen to know where they are, would you?”
“Of course,” Roman said with his usual dramatic flair. “They’re in Imagination with Paranoia! They tend to meet their often. They tend to meet on my side, which is weird, but oh well. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to see Thomas.”
Roman sank out, leaving Logan in his room, feeling as though his heart had been ripped out of his chest. 
Logan took a few deep breaths to compose himself before opening Roman’s door to Imagination. Once inside, it was easy for him to feel Remus’, Remy’s, and Paranoia’s presence. He focused on them and sank down.
He didn’t know what he was expecting when he sank back up, but finding his boyfriends and Paranoia sitting in an art studio was not it. Remus was covered in paint, from where he’d been painting something entirely inappropriate on the wall. Remy and Paranoia sat side by side, both covered in clay from the pottery wheel that sat in front of them.
All three stared at Logan. “What are you doing here?” Paranoia asked accusingly. He turned to Remy and Remus. “You promised not to tell anyone.”
“We didn’t!” Remus protested. “We didn’t know he was gonna show up here, honest!”
Paranoia obviously didn’t believe them, as he stood up and sank out quickly, leaving Logan with his boyfriends.
“What is going on?” Logan said, finally finding his voice.
Remy sighed, rubbing a hand down his face. “It’s nothing bad, hun, I promise. It’s just...Vir- Paranoia gets really anxious sometimes and can’t calm himself down. So Remus and I started a tradition. He would give us a sign that he’s struggling and we’d help him calm down. Sometimes we’d watch movies and other times, like today, we’d do something creative. He was embarrassed about needing help, so we promised not to tell anyone.”
Remy’s explanation left Logan feeling very stupid. Why did he theorize on what was going on when he didn’t have even a portion of the data?
Unfortunately for him, Remus was very in tune with Logan’s emotions. “What did you think was going on, Lo?”
Logan felt himself blush. “I do not know. I kind of thought you were, well, cheating on me.”
Remus and Remy exchanged looks and burst out laughing. Logan’s blush deepened and he crossed his arms defensively.
“I did not have all the facts! I took what little data I had and extrapolated from that. It appears as though I was wrong.”
“Yeah, you were!” Remus said, getting his laughter under control enough to speak. 
“Babes, we would never do that to you. I hope you know and I’m sorry if we every made you feel like we would.”
Oh, that was wrong on so many levels. “I don’t think either of you would do that,” Logan said. “I was just worried and I let my fears get the best of me. Rest assured, that won’t happen again.”
“Good.” Remy snapped his fingers and he was suddenly clean. “I need to go find Paranoia. He’s definitely freaking out over this.”
“Tell him I don’t judge him,” Logan said. “And I will keep this a secret.”
Remy nodded his thanks then disappeared. Only Remus and Logan remained, the former grinning like an idiot. 
“Wanna help me finish this?” 
Logan looked at the painting on the wall and nodded. “Yes. Let’s finish this.”
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Refracting Light
Chapter One
Chapter Four:
Roman was surprisingly glad Jackson was coming on this trip.  He hadn’t really realized it before, but he’d kind of made a friend.  Or at least, he was pretty sure he had if the way Jackson smiled at him as he climbed on the boat was any indication.
Remus was still getting his apology from Janus that Roman had demanded he give before they left.  (If Remus yelled at him later, so be it.  Those two needed to fix things before they went on the perilous journey.)  But as such, Remus probably wasn’t going to be around for the preparations to leave, so Roman was getting help from Jackson and a bit from Emile.
They were taking a slightly larger boat this time, with a deck below with a couple of hammocks to sleep in and a storage space for a week’s worth of food.  Thankfully, it was still small enough that it could easily be run by the three of them, and they each had enough skill running other ships that he was confident they would figure this one out quickly.
Emile finished setting them up and gave them both a firm handshake as a sendoff, before he had to get back inside and start on other things he had to do that day.  Roman couldn’t imagine the rebellion was going to run as smoothly with Emile being so worried, even if he did mention having other people that would help him.
He and Jackson watched him head off.
“Is he going to be okay?” Roman asked.
“He’s gonna be fine.  He has people to help him if he needs it, and he’s one of the toughest people I’ve ever met.  You wouldn’t know it, but he is.”
Roman nodded.  “Okay.”  He turned to face Jackson.  “Hey.  How are you doing?”
Jackson glanced at him in surprise.  “Me?”
“Yeah.  Virgil was your friend too, and the whole ship kind of adopted Thomas from what Remus told me.  You’ve gotta be worried too.”
“I… I am,” Jackson admitted.  “I think I’ve kinda been more focused on Janus and Emile, since they’re understandably freaking out more than I am.  But… yeah.  The Light is a bad place, I don’t like the fact that they’re stuck there.”  Jackson chuckled a little, seemingly to himself.  “Y’know.  Understatement.”
Roman chuckled a little too.  “Yeah.”  He hesitated for a minute.  “If you want to talk about it with someone who isn’t already freaking out way more, I’m here.”
Jackson smiled at him.  “Thanks, Roman.  I might take you up on that.”
Roman gave a mini-salute.  “No problem.”
They were silent for long enough that it started to get awkward, and then Jackson cleared his throat and said he was going to head below deck to do one last check of everything, then vanished through the door in the deck.  Roman looked after him for a moment.
“Hey.”  Roman turned and looked towards the other side of the ship and spotted Remus climbing up over the side of the ship.  He headed straight for Roman and punched him in the arm.
“Ow!” Roman called, grabbing it.  “What was that for?”
“That’s for telling Janus what happened,” Remus said, and Roman winced.  An apology was on the tip of his tongue when Remus pulled him into a hug.  “And that’s also for telling Janus what happened.”
“Uh… you’re welcome?”
Remus nodded like this was acceptable and moved to lean against the side of the ship.  “Is there anything else we have to do before we go?”
“No, Jackson’s making one last check of the stuff downstairs.  I think everyone from the ship is coming out to see us off though.”
Remus nodded.  “Sorry I’m late.”
“It’s okay.  I’m glad you talked to Janus before we left.”
“I am too.”
Jackson pushed the door up at that moment.  “Okay.  Everything looks good down there.  I think we’re just waiting for Remus and the send off.”
“And you will continue to wait for me,” Remus said.  Jackson glanced over at his voice.  “Could be days, months.”
“However will we stand it,” Jackson said, rolling his eyes.  The sound of footsteps came, and Roman glanced over to see familiar faces walking over.  He didn’t remember everyone’s name from the other ship, as he hadn’t had a ton of time to get to know them, but he waved as they approached.
“Perfect timing,” Jackson called.  “We’re about to head off.”
“Good,” someone called back.  Roman was pretty sure her name was Stella.  “You three better bring our boys home.”
“We will,” Remus said, giving a firm smile.  “We’ll be back soon.”
“Good luck,” Stella called, which was echoed by others as Roman moved to the wheel.  Remus pulled up the anchor as Jackson readied the sail, and they started to lift into the air.  Roman could hear more than see the goodbyes coming from the ground, and they got smaller and farther away as they rose into the air.  By the time they reached the sky and started moving away from the base, he couldn’t hear them at all.
“Okay,” Jackson said.  “So I think this is probably about the time we should start making a plan for once we get there.”
Roman saw Remus wince out of the corner of his eye.  “You know, we probably should have done that before we left.”
“I have a plan,” Roman said.  Both of them glanced over.
“You do?” Jackson asked.
“Yeah.  I just didn’t want to mention it before because I hate it.”
Remus raised an eyebrow.  “Well, don’t keep us in suspense.”
Roman sighed.  “Jackson, you mentioned pretending to capture us.  I think that might be our best bet if we want to get in.  But they’d probably separate us, and have a ton of questions for you that you don’t have any idea how to answer.”
Jackson nodded.  “Well, I am here with two Light soldiers.  You could drill me on stuff they’ll ask.”
“Yeah,” Roman said with a nod.  “I just don’t think that you’ll be able to find your way around very well either.  I don’t like putting so much weight on you when you have the least idea as to how the Light works.  I just don’t really have any other ideas.”
“That’s probably our best bet, though,” Remus said.  “If we think of something else, great.  If not, that’s what we’ll do.”
Roman nodded.  The idea of sending Jackson directly into danger was one that he really hated.  Jackson wouldn’t have enough of an idea as to how The Light worked, or how to get around, or how to sneak around.  If he could do that part himself instead, he would be much less worried, but he had no doubt Shane would tell everyone of his betrayal, which ruled him out as an option.
Shane probably had told everyone what he’d done.
What did Patton and Logan think?
Roman looked down at the wheel clutched in his hands, suddenly uncomfortable.  Patton and Logan had to have heard about it.  What did they think?  Or then again… had they heard about it?  He could safely say that at this point he had no idea what Shane would do in any given situation.  What if he was trying to keep it from Patton and Logan to manipulate them somehow?  Would they even let him do that?  Probably.  He was pretty important.  He got pretty much everything he wanted, within reason.  What if… what if he tried to hurt them?
“If—” he started, and both Remus and Jackson looked over at him.  “If there’s time…” he hesitated.
“What?” Jackson asked.
Roman looked over at Remus, who looked back at him for a minute before understanding crossed his face.  “Oh.  Yeah,” he said.  “I’m worried about them too.”
“Who?” Jackson asked.
“Patton and Logan,” Roman said.  “We grew up with them.  And since we both betrayed The Light, I’m not entirely sure they won’t hurt them.  Because of us.”  He looked back between Jackson and Remus.  “So just… if there’s time…”
Remus nodded.
Jackson did the same a second later.  “If there’s time,” he agreed.
Virgil’s wound healed much more quickly than Patton would have liked.  That morning, he pulled off the bandages and saw that the wound had mostly healed, and his mind instantly started jumping to all of the ways they were going to hurt Virgil again.
Virgil must have picked up on his discomfort, because he asked, “What?”
“Thomas, go get Virgil some water,” Patton said, waving Thomas to the other side of the room.  Thomas hopped off what was quickly becoming his cot and headed over to the sink.
“You know eventually he’s going to figure out that’s what you do when you don’t want him to hear us talking,” Virgil said.
“They’re going to start interrogating you as soon as I give them the go ahead,” Patton said.  “And your wound is almost healed.”
“So lie to them,” Virgil said.  “Tell them I’m not ready for whatever they’re going to do to interrogate me.”
Patton shook his head.  “That’s not going to make it better.  That will just make it worse when they find out.”
“They won’t find out.”
“They always find out.”
Virgil furrowed his brow.  “You’ve been lying about Thomas being injured.”
“That’s different.”
“How is that different?”
Patton bit his lip.  Thomas walked back over with the cup before he could respond and handed it to Virgil.  “Thanks, bud,” Virgil said, taking a drink.  Thomas nodded and hopped back up on the cot.  Patton changed his useless bandage before they all headed back to the cell.
His thoughts wandered as they walked, and though he didn’t really have anything particular in mind, Virgil apparently seemed to when he spoke up.
“Remus talked about you,” he said quietly.
Patton tensed.  “Did he?”
“Yeah.  He says you and Logan were close with him and Roman for your whole lives.”
“We were,” Patton said quietly.  “I guess not so much since they left.”  He hoped the hurt wasn’t as obvious in his voice as he thought it was.  He was trying hard to be glad that Remus and Roman got out, and for the most part, he was.  But it was a lot quieter here without them.  The world felt a lot darker.  He wasn’t really sure what to do with himself anymore.
“He seems to care a lot about you,” Virgil continued.  They reached the cell, and Patton pulled out the key to open it.  “Maybe you can show me why.”
Patton didn’t say anything.  He wasn’t sure how fair that was coming from the person who Shane had told him was a high-ranking rebellion member.  Virgil didn’t know anything about The Light, how could he know anything about Patton?
Patton opened the cell and watched as Thomas headed in and sat down.  “I imagine they’ll want to see you tomorrow after I tell them how you’re doing,” he said to Virgil.  “I don’t know what they’re going to do.  Just prepare yourself for something bad.”
“Or you could lie to them,” Virgil said again.
“That’s not going to work,” Patton said.  “Trust me.”
“I barely know you.”
Patton smiled weakly.  “I know,” he said.  He didn’t say anything else.  Virgil shook his head and headed inside the cell.  Patton locked it, waved at them, and left.
He headed back for the medbay, though there hadn’t been nearly as much for him to do since Remus left.  He let out a breath.  No matter the other circumstances, that part he was grateful for.
He was surprised when Logan was waiting in the medbay.  “Hey,” he said, pulling his lab coat off and hanging it on a nearby hook.  “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I—” Logan started, and stopped.
“Logan?” Patton asked, moving closer.
“I rather wanted to go stargazing,” Logan admitted, looking at Patton.  “And seeing as Remus will… not be returning, I wondered if you would like to join me tonight.”
“Oh, Lo.”  Patton walked across the room and wrapped his arms around Logan, who didn’t return his hug.  That was okay.  Logan usually didn’t.  Patton stepped back.  “I miss them too,” he whispered.  “Of course I’ll stargaze with you.  We can head up now.”
“I… I appreciate that,” Logan said, adjusting his glasses.  “I promise I will not make a habit of this.”
“It’s okay if you do,” Patton reassured.  “I promise it’s okay.  I don’t mind.”
Logan didn’t respond, and they both headed up to the roof to look at the stars.
Patton hadn’t planned on saying anything, but Logan seemed to want to talk, and he wasn’t going to object.  “You got something you want to say, Lo?”
“It is… hard,” Logan said after a moment.  “Not to feel somewhat betrayed.”
“Yeah,” Patton agreed.  “I’m just trying to look at the big picture.”
Logan nodded.
“I’m sure they miss us,” Patton said.  “Even if we don’t understand their reasoning, I think they still care about us.”
Logan nodded again, looking sure enough that Patton was satisfied.  “That makes sense,” he said.  “If nothing else, Roman still cares.  I suppose I can understand his reasoning more than I can Remus’ reasoning.”
Patton considered, not for the first time recently, telling Logan what he knew about Remus’ reasoning.  He looked behind them at the way back inside, where Shane was.  They would find out if he did that.  He pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his chin on them.  “Shane brought a kid back, Logan,” he whispered.
Logan glanced over at him.  “Yes,” he said, sounding somewhat confused.  “Why is that relevant?  The child was with the rebellion leader, was he not?”
“They’re keeping him locked up,” Patton said.  “He’s a child, Logan.  He can’t be older than ten.”
Logan nodded, seeming to understand what Patton was getting at.  “I’m sure they won’t keep him locked up forever,” he said.  “They’ll probably put him in training eventually.  He’ll be fine.”
Patton bit his lip.  That’s what he was worried about.  Thomas clearly didn’t like The Light anymore than Virgil did.  And if he didn’t lie about Thomas being injured… Patton wasn’t entirely sure anymore that his home was above torturing Thomas to try and get information out of Virgil.
He didn’t want to let a kid get hurt again.  He just wasn’t sure what else he could do.  They would find out eventually.  They always did.
All it seemed he could do until then was lie through his teeth.  And he wasn’t a huge fan of that option either.  He was so sick of lying.  At least this time he didn’t have to lie to people he loved.
“I hope you’re right,” he said quietly, leaning on Logan’s shoulder.  Logan seemed to understand, and wrapped a comforting arm around Patton as they both continued to look up at the stars.
Chapter Five
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Logan's Birthday (1/7)
Logan was a smart man, he always had been, top of his class since he was little. But being smart only got you so far, there always came a time when you just werent smart enough.
For Logan, that time was adulthood. So many years worth of studying, gone at the slightest notion that someone else was- better. And of course, Logan knew exactly what made his competitors better, but saying it out loud, that was paramount to insulting the company.
So here he was, twenty-two years of age and stuck in an apartment, sifting through job applications and bills, as if he'd ever have enough to pay them off.
"Oh yes Logan go on take only honors and AP classes for the rest of your life, I'm sure it'll all turn out fine," Logan muttered bitterly.
He let out a groan of annoyance as the tv flickered through one of his least favorite commercials.
He'd always despised fashion and makeup companies, but the Kingsley company was another story on it's own. He couldnt explain it, for all he knew it was some odd combination of self hatred and toxic societal expectations, he just couldn't stand those twins, with their overly wide smiles and stupid overzealous compliments. But of course, most other people bought it. So Logan always assumed there was something wrong with him.
Eventually Logan finished with the papers, setting them aside and walking to the kitchen.
"Like anyone would pay thirty bucks for a makeup set that's going to fall apart two days afterward," Logan muttered, glaring at the tv. He walked over to the coffee machine and got started on his fourth cup for that day. It wasnt healthy, Logan knew that, he'd done an entire report on it in sixth grade, but it was the only way he could seem to stay up without having a breakdown.
Logan looked over at his to-do list for that day, he never seemed to finish them, so he had no idea why he bothered. He checked off the section labelled "bills and applications" before walking back to the coffee machine and picking up the mug. He watched the sunrise outside the window, he always liked sunrises more in the colder months, they were much brighter.
Logan finished his coffee and set the cup in the sink, checking his watch. His mother had set up a job interview for him, but all she'd given him was an address and a time, he certainly didnt want to be late. He walked to his closet and pulled out a blue sweater, black vest, black pants, and dress shoes.
"5629, Ridgeport Avenue, should be interesting," Logan muttered as he fixed his tie. He'd never exactly liked Ridgeport, it was a rich people and idiots thinking they could make it big on stupid ideas.
But what awaited Logan when he reached the location was far worse than what he was expecting.
"Mother I told you I dont want anything to do with this company!" Logan hissed over the phone, currently hiding out in the bathroom, he may have hated the Kingsley company, but he wasmt stupid enough to insult them where someone might hear.
"Its good pay! You can suck up your pride for once in your life cant you?" His mother replied.
"Me, a secretary for those- those-" Logan couldnt seem to find the right words for it, all he cod think was 'Ew' and 'Not in a million years'.
"I'll call you back after the interview," Logan said, hanging up and stuffing the phone back in his pocket. He fixed his hair in the mirror before rushing back out, after all, he did have a meeting in thirty minutes.
"Logan Sanders," The intercom sounded, the voice of Remus Kingsley flooded the room. Logan felt his stomach lurch as he stood up. He trudged down the hall, fiddling with his tie. He finally reached the door to Remus' office, and knocked twice.
"I'm not naked if that's what you're thinking," Logan held back the urge to vomit as he processed the sentence, and then he opened the door.
Remus Kingsley was a tall man, with a white striped birthmark in his hair, and a mustache that gave him the impression of a man who'd gorged himself on mud. His clothes didnt help much, a ripped jacket paired with a green shirt and twice as torn black jeans, his feet were even propped up on the desk for gods sakes.
"I'm here for the secretary position," Logan said as he closed the door.
"Well secretaries arent supposed to stand are they?" Remus said, moving his feet and gesturing toward the chair in front of the desk. Logan took a seat and finally let go of his tie.
"So what sparked your interest in the position?" Remus said, very obviously reading off notecards.
Logan bit back the urge to say 'brute force and a ransom note'.
"I've seen a lot of your commercials, the name was recognizable," Logan said.
"Oh so you've heard of us?" Remus said, now checking his nails. Logan was getting more annoyed by the minute.
"Yes, I have," Logan replied, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from growling.
"Great! You're hired! You can start tomorrow," Remus said with a grin, Logan noticed he was missing one of his front teeth. He slid a sheet of paper across the desk, Logan looked it over and pocketed it before getting up.
"Very well, I suppose I'll see you tomorrow," Logan said as he walked out.
"I could get used to seeing that face every day," Remus said, Logan felt his face heat up slightly, though he could scarcely tell if it was from rage, or from something else. He merely nodded and closed the door behind him on his way out, rushing through the lobby and out into the streets of Ridgeport.
"This is it- my life is over, this is how I die," Logan had decided to meet up for coffee with his friend Remy, and the conversation had turned very quickly to Remus' comment at the end of the meeting.
"I mean it could be worse, at least you're both in the same age-range," Remy replied, taking a sip from his iced coffee.
"I dont know how you're drinking that when its 27 degrees out," Logan said with a laugh.
"Nothing will ever be as cold as my heart," Remy said, grinning.
"Oh? Cold-hearted are we? Then please, do tell me where all those photos of Emile huddled up under your arm with his head buried in your chest came from,"Logan said sarcastically.
"Oh Em, the only person warm enough to melt my poor icy cold heart," Remy said, bringing a hand to his forehead and falling back slightly.
"Gods you're so cheesy," Logan said, rolling his eyes.
"You're just mad because you dont have a queerplatonic partner to give you forehead kisses every night before you go to sleep," Remy said.
"I dont need a partner of any kind, I'm fine on my own," Logan replied.
"Sure you are bud, sure you are," Remy said.
And that stuck with Logan the rest of the week. He had a lot more interactions with Remus than he'd expected to, sometimes they felt- planned. But Logan could swear up and down he was imagining things, there was no way someone as influential, nor as self-absorbed, as a Kingsley would've spared him a second glance.
And he carried this thought process with him, that is, until he found a letter on his desk. A letter, inviting him to the company Christmas party, from Remus.
"Did you get my letter?" Remus leaned on Logan's desk, that same grin he always wore plastered on his face.
"Yes, though I dont think you specified the office you want it delivered to?" Logan replied.
"Oh! My bad, I think it was right abooouuuuttt- here," Remus pressed a finger to Logan's nose, Logan tensed slightly, his cheeks flushed red.
"You turn a very pretty red when you're nervous," Remus purred, resting his head on his arms, which were now crossed over Logan's desk wall.
"I-" Logan wasnt sure what to say, here was all the evidence, right in front of his face, and yet he still didnt dare believe it.
And he didnt believe it, not until the day of the Christmas party, where he arrived in a limousine, hand in hand with the man, to a cruise ship of all places, wearing, for the first time in his life, a stunning midnight blue dress, that made him feel like he was worth a glance.
Though of course, no amount of party dresses could top that which he wore on his wedding night, a floor length gown of Remus' own design, studded with pearls and sequins, reflecting blue lights everywhere he walked.
"Remember how I said I wouldnt mind seeing a face like yours every day?" Remus said, smiling as he moved Logan's veil.
"Well, you wont have to worry about that now, will you?" Logan said, smiling, and he relished in the kiss that Remus placed on his lips, Remus' arm pulling Logan closer and closer by the waist, until the space between them was so thin that they were almost attached.
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masterpost-master · 4 years
*New* Spiderverse Master Post
Alrighty folks. The OG spiderverse master post for @ask-spiderverse-virgil and @sugarglider-s has a lot of broken links on it, so here’s a new one! It also has a some new stuff that was added to the AU after I had made the original one, so have at it!
Thomas/a Rainbow Weaver
Patton/Love Bite
Roman/Royal Slinger
Emile/Cotton Spider
Matthew Jones(MJ)
Remy/Dream Weaver
Turns Out Being a Super Hero Is Actually Really Gay(all parts)
Nightmare In New York City(all parts)
His Kids
Six Out of a Million
Battle Wounds
Panic, Grandma, and Secrets
An Average Spider Saturday
Getting Use to
Leap of Faith
Infinity War: The Snap
Mind Games
Bad Habits
Just Checking in
BITES of Spider Life!
BITES of Spider Life! (part 2)
Tired Thomas
Picture Perfect
Disastrous Friendship
Disastrous Friendship (part 2)
How Venom Met the Spiders
Friends by Choice and Chance
Just Some Fluff
Intimacy and All its Forms
It’s Time Thomas Stops Running
The Beginning of a Villain
Old and New Memories
The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
Hold Me Tight
Love Letter Mystery
I’m Feline Fine
Love From a Dark Heart
Things Weren’t Supposed to be This Way
On the Outside Looking in
Spider Frens Meet a Wild Mulaney
The Time the Other Two Spidey Bois Met Mulaney
Scars and All
“I Love You!”
Pillow Forts
Source of Comfort
You Messed With the Wrong Family(part 1)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
“What Changed?” “You”
Endgame Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The Babysitter
Off on Our Own Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
A Powerful Enemy Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
You Can’t Tell me What to Do
By Chance
Dia de Los Muertos
The Meaning of Family
Additional Stuff
The cover
The MJ pitch
A beautiful thing
Aesthetic Blogs
Trans Emile pitch
Redbubble Merch
The “Uncle Bens”
Their parents
Dolion’s parents
Remy’s Parents
Remy’s Nationality
The villains
Can’t find a link, but Dolion is Jewish
How we worked Dee’s name reveal in
The ships
Thomas x MJ
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aidensm8 · 4 years
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Ok so back on the roceit Fantasy AU doodle dump and also the rambles part 2 cause why not
[Link to part 1]
Brief summary of Part 1: Roman is a rogue who declined a job to assassinate Prince Janus and decides to save him instead. Janus asks Roman to escort him out of the kingdom cause he doesn’t want to be prince and betrothed to Patton (Patton also doesn’t want to be betrothed cause moxiety happens). Logan, Janus’s older sibling, is worried and tries to find Janus. After some drama, Logan finds them, and Janus enters a panic attack, which drives Roman to carry him away to safety, now the kingdom is on the hunt for both of them.
Part 2 of the storyline:
Roman and Janus are in hiding
Janus thanks Roman for saving him again and they make up after their fight
Now asking about what to do, Roman suggests they try to flee to the woods or to the docks so they can flee to a new country
Janus agrees, knowing it means never seeing Logan again but also freedom. He asks Roman if he’s sure cause “What about your brother? Your father?”
Roman looks solemnly at Janus and says “After kidnapping a prince, I doubt this kingdom would ever forgive me”
Logan and King’s relationship is strained after Roman’s actions, but Remus is now worried about his brother
Remus and Virgil talk, Virgil being suspicious and hostile at first, but then relaxes when he realizes Remus is concerned about his sibling. Now he’s wondering what drove Roman to do what he did after Remus’s description, ignoring the excess details that siblings like oversharing
Logan returns to the palace, but Virgil decides to wander the streets to see if he may get a chance to find Roman
Tired, he enters a nearby bar and he meets the person who propositioned Janus’s assassination
Being a bar, they have a bar talk and the person convinces Virgil that Janus manipulated Roman, how good Roman was, etc.
He further drives the point when he lies that Janus planned to kill Patton cause “What do you expect from a venomous snake?”
Upon hearing Patton’s name, Virgil feels very protective of his lover
The person leaves Virgil to his thoughts, and Roman enters the bar to try to buy food for Janus
Virgil notices Roman, and approaches him, pretending he doesn’t know him
Roman, remembering Virgil from the encounter earlier, is panicked but with his acting skills, also pretends he doesn’t know Virgil
The idiots talk to each other about the kingdom, Virgil finding Roman to seem very nice and aloof, further making him contemplate the propositioner’s point
The food arrives and Roman leaves in a hurry, saying his brother was hungry
Virgil also leaves and returns to report his findings to King Emile
This shocks Emile and Patton, and now their relation with Logan is strained
Virgil also talks about his concern for Roman and Emile assures Virgil that they’ll do what they can to save Roman
Patton is scared and runs off to the royal garden, crying after feeling like he was betrayed by his betrothed
Virgil follows Patton to calm him. Patton thanks Virgil for being there to protect him and they kiss
Emile witnesses this from the balcony, feeling happy that someone is there for Patton, but his smile quickly fades as he turns to confront Logan about Janus
Logan is also shocked about this, not wanting to believe his brother would do that, but considers the possibility. Logan is distressed, apologizing deeply for his brother. Emile leaves, angry
Emile orders his own guards to be on the look out for Janus and Roman
Now back to the Roceit: Roman and Janus had initially hoped to flee by a ship at Emile’s kingdom, where he is least likely to be recognized
They are spotted and word is immediately reported to Emile and Virgil
Now Emile and Virgil prepare to arrest them
In the middle of the day, Janus has a bad feeling, but Roman tries to assure him he’ll be safe, giving Janus a sword to protect himself with and decides to let Janus go with him
On his way, a guard walks up to Roman to ask him where he’s from
Roman, feeling suspicious, gives a vague response. The guard asks him to come with him and Roman tries to decline but soon, he finds he’s surrounded by several guards
Virgil steps forward. Janus, recognizing Virgil as Patton’s knight, tries to negotiate but Virgil moves to hit him
Roman steps forward, taking the hit for Janus. Virgil angrily asks “Why are you defending a snake?!”
Roman gives Janus a grapple, telling him to run, and thus Janus escapes
Roman and Virgil duel, but with the assistance of his fellow guards, Virgil manages to pin Roman down and Roman is cuffed
Emile tries to talk to Roman, apologizing for the scuffle but they’re trying to save him
Roman, confused, asks “Save me? From what? I’m capable of protecting myself”
Virgil tells him that Janus is wanted for treason and Roman, shocked, tries to defend Janus but is taken back to Emile’s palace
There, Roman’s weapons are taken and he is given his own room where Emile tries to talk to him (therapy mode activated)
Logan hears about Emile finding Roman, but knowing how their relation is strained, decides to inform King of his son’s whereabouts
Remus happens to be eavesdropping on this and decides to go visit Emile himself to try to talk to his brother (How dare Roman be in more trouble than Remus could be in >:/)
Roman has been refusing to open up, but still manages to present himself in his usual aloof attitude to try to get Emile to let him go
Emile decides to allow Remus to try to talk to Remus
Remus, being himself, knows Roman is tough to crack so starts it small yet forward with “So.... what’s making out with a snakey tongue like?” and all that. He even makes a song as a joke and finally, Roman opens up to Remus about their adventure
Remus decides to hide this from Emile, making a lie about Roman not talking, and decides to find Janus himself
Janus, now alone, breaks down in his worry for Roman, not sure what to do without him
He considers his options: Either he can flee as they wanted, or Janus could turn himself in to save Roman
Before anything, Remus finds him
“It’s you. Remus, right? How did you find me?“
Remus asks Janus about his side of the story and finds that his story aligns with Roman’s so Remus informs Janus that Roman is safe, just locked up
Janus apologizes to Remus for what happened to Roman, but Remus moves the topic by asking “Ok cool but how are you going to make this right? What now?”
Janus further thinks about this, but they’re interrupted by the propositioner finding them
“You’re still alive? How annoying. And here I thought getting your rogue away would at least get you executed. Here you are now with but a lowly bard“
Janus, shocked, but tries to smooth talk the person to get them to monologue their motive for why they want him dead
The propositioner pulls out a dagger and tries to attack Janus, but Remus fights back
Remus flees with Janus, telling him “Ok so first you get my brother captured and now you’re being hunted? What other bad luck do you got lmao”
Janus asks if Remus is going to leave, but Remus assures Janus that he’s “Ro’s ultimate wingbro” and decides to help Janus as long as he agrees that they will try to find a way to free Roman and fix the relation between Emile and Logan’s kingdoms
And poof, part 2 rambling over. I know I once said something about the moxiety proposal, but that comes around the ending part so I guess I’ll ramble about that in part 3. 
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crankywhenprovoked · 4 years
Kinktober 2020. Day 15. Mast/urbation. Dukemile.
All of these stories have been done well in advance, as such means I will NOT be accepting any ship requests, thank you for understanding.
Emile stretched out a little as he sat back in his chair, his secretary closing the door behind them as they left.  Normally he would be with a client, but because of a mix up with the clients schedule, he was now free for an hour.
Spinning in the chair a little, he looked over his books before sighing and giving up the temptation to grab his phone.  Scrolling through a few apps, his finger hovered over the house security app before clicking it.  When him and Remus had the security cameras installed, they had a conversation about using them when the other was home.
They both came to the agreement that neither minded, since it wasn’t like they would be catching them doing anything.  The only time they were forbidden to was around birthdays or Christmas, when presents could be spoiled.
Waiting a few moments for the camera to pop up, Emile shifted in his chair as the picture came in.  Remus was sitting slouched down on the couch, his naked legs spread wide, cock hard in his hand.  For a few moments Emile was so shocked at what he was seeing, that he almost didn’t notice that Remus was wearing his cardigan.
Licking his lips, Emile pressed his hand to the front of his pants, watching the slow movements of Remus’s hand.  Emile had to bite his lip to keep a moan in as he watched Remus lifting the sweater, inhaling the scent.  Watching Remus for a few more long moments, Emile groaned as Remus’s body arched slightly, his hand squeezing the head of his cock.
Reaching blindly into his desk drawer, Emile fumbled for his head phones, pulling them out when he felt the cord.  Huffing as he undid the tangles in the cord, he eventually got them good enough, popping one ear bud in.  Watching for another moment, Emile pulled up his phone menu, hitting Remus’s name before going back to the camera.
“Hey you.”  Remus answered, making Emile bite back a laugh as he watched him scoot down a little more to hold the phone against his shoulder.
“Hey yourself.”
“Everything alright?  This isn’t when you normally call.”
“Yea, everything is good.  Had some spare time, just wanted to call and see what was up.”
“Not much.”  He watched Remus shrug, his hand still idly moving over his cock.
“I dunno, looks like something is up from what I’m seeing.”
Emile laughed softly at the pure look of confusion on Remus’s face until realization blossomed, his eyes flicking to the camera in the upper corner of the room.
“You dirty boy,”  Remus’s voice dropped, turning his body more towards the camera.  “Watching like a peeping tom.”
“Oh yes, because you’re so against what I’m seeing.”  Emile shivered, watching Remus’s hand teasing over his cock.
“So very much, can’t you see that?”
Emile snorted softly, pressing his hand between his legs again, pressing against his need as Remus moaned in his ear.
“What I can see is that you’re wearing my sweater.”  Emile teased, seeing the flush on Remus’s face.
“It smells like you,”  Remus breathed, bringing the sleeve up to his nose, breathing in deeply.  “Almost makes it feel like you’re here, touching me.”
“I wish I was.”
Remus groaned, his hand moving faster over his cock for a few moments before going back to the steady movements.  Emile rocked his hips lightly against his hand, Remus’s soft pants and moans in his ear slowly driving him mad.
“Now that you caught me, you gonna tell me to be a good boy until you get home?”  Remus asked, moaning as he squeezed the head of his cock again.
“Not at all, unless you’re going to turn me down when I come home.”
“Can never say no to you.  Even if I couldn’t get my cock up again for you, I have a mouth and hands.  I’ll make you come, don’t you worry about that, baby doll.”
Emile groaned at the name, his hips twitching as his eyes flicked to the time, making him bite his lip.
“Please, don’t tease baby, want to see you come for me before I have to go back to work.”  Emile begged softly.
Remus nodded fast, leaning forward to grab a bottle of lube that Emile hadn’t seen before, drizzling some in his hand.  Setting the bottle back down, Remus resumed his position, hand working faster on his cock, slick sounds filling the line.
“Going to be so worked up for me, aren’t you, baby doll?  Going to pounce me as soon as you possibly can.  I’ll bet I’m going to be covered in bruises tomorrow, huh?”
“Yes.”  Emile husked into the phone.
Moaning louder, Remus squirmed on the couch slightly as his hand moved, his body arching as his hand squeezed.  Pressing the sleeve of the sweater against his nose again, Remus moaned Emile’s name as he started coming.  Giving his cock a few more soft squeezes, Remus melted back into the couch, winking at the camera.
“I hope you enjoyed the show, my sweet.”
“Oh, I did.  I’ll see you in a few hours.”  Emile groaned, making himself pull his hand away and shut the camera app.
“Looking forward to it.”
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kitkat4406 · 3 years
A killer love
This is the start to my newest book- a killer love- as the title would state lol
Ship- Slowish burn Logan x Remus, background Virgil x Emile
Warnings- Small bit of swears, mentions of not so great relationships(very vague)
Part two
Remus sat in the same coffee shop he did everyday, day in and day out, that’s where you’d find him. Unless of course it was closed, then he was at home. You could always find him typing away at his laptop, scribbling notes, or nose deep in a book online. Little did most know, he was a famous author, one in which was known for serious gore and horror. He was thankful that he wasn’t always recognized whenever he went anywhere, that would be annoying, and too much like his brother. He stretched, looking over the two sentences he had been staring at for the past half hour. He sighed, his head thumping against the table.
“You look like shit” His best friend, Virgil, pointed out. Remus rolled his eyes.
“Wow, thanks” He said with a frown, leaning his head on his hand, going back to staring at the screen. Virgil smiled apologetically.
“What are you stuck on now?” Remus sighed, showing the google doc to Virgil. It was the end to the last of a series, and he just couldn’t get his brain to work its magic and think of a either happy ending or a gruesome one. He was stuck in a block. A writer's block if you would. “Did you have any ideas when you first made the book, or…” Remus shrugged.
“I originally wanted to make it as gory as I could, but I was thinking maybe it should have a happy ending, I just… I don’t know” Remus groaned, banging his head against the table. “It’s fine! Everything’s fine” he muttered. Virgil rolled his eyes, biting back the comment that he’s just like his brother when it comes to being dramatic.
“You know Remus…” Virgil started, turning the computer back to Remus after searching something up. “Maybe you should start looking to date again” Remus tensed a bit at the idea, looking at his laptop that had a dating site that used your search history as a piece to match you pulled up. He looked at Virgil unimpressed.
“Really?” He said with a grimace, looking it all over. “You think this will be a good idea?” He asked, looking at Virgil now.
“People say it’s good to get out of creators block, going a on a date that is, and to help relax you” Virgil explained.
“I get you’re engaged to a therapist, but stop acting like one” Remus said with an are you kidding me, look thrown at Virgil before looking back at his laptop screen. Virgil laughed.
“Trust me Remus! Just try one date, if you don’t like it then fine, leave it, but try one” Remus mocked his tone, shaking his head before clicking a few things, and filling the information out before turning it back to Virgil to show he had done it. Virgil grinned. “One step closer already!” He said happily, turning it back. “Now like, interact with it some why don’t you? Try and find someone!” Remus groaned at the thought. So far all the people of his type were either psychos or abusive assholes. He rolled his eyes begrudgingly, clicking through a few profiles and liking only two. The only one he matched with was a man by the name of ‘Logan Berry’ the name made Remus want to crinkle his nose, he sounded professional, like his old high school teachers who would call him a high school has been waiting to happen. He used to play a lot of sports, mostly to compete with his brother. It was never his thing. However, he did have to say that the male had amazing looks, and seemed very interesting. Virgil snapped his fingers in Remus’ face.
“Earth to idiot author, wake up” Virgil muttered.
“You know it’s true,” Virgil said with a roll of his eyes and a grin. Remus slapped him in the arm playfully.
“Be nice, I could write you into my book and then kill you-“ Virgil gasped in fake shock.
“Oh no! Whatever will happen to me! I might die!” Virgil snickered.
“You’re no help” Remus grumbled. Virgil grinned.
“I try” Remus sighed, looking back at the matched profile, seeing that the other male had already said hello. Remus carefully typed out a small greeting, looking away after that with slight nervousness. “What’d he say?” Virgil asked, leaning over the table to look at the screen. Remus blushed, pushing him away.
“He’s just asking how I am!” Remus squeaked, looking back down at his notebook and then his cold coffee.
“Well? Aren’t you going to reply?” Remus made a face, slowly typing out that he was doing good before asking about Logan's day so far.
“There, I replied, happy?” Virgil nodded, looking down at his phone, a small smile spreading over his face.
“I got to go, Emilie wants to take me to lunch while he has a break” Virgil said with a grin and soft blush. Remus rolled his eyes.
“Sap, get out of my face” Virgil laughed.
“Whatever Remus, have fun with him!” He called, walking out of the small coffee shop before speed walking down the street. Remus sighed, his fingers tapping idle on the table as he watched the three dots appear and disappear a few times.
So what do you do for fun?
Remus stared at the screen, wondering why Logan avoided what he’s been up to today. He shrugged, maybe he just had a bad day and didn't want to talk about it.
Write mostly
Remus waited for a solid half hour, before realizing that Logan wasn’t responding anytime soon. He frowned, disappointed. He sighed a tiny bit, closing his laptop and putting everything in his bag and leaving the coffee shop to go home. He was tired.
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izzyfandoms · 4 years
Dukexiety - Spiderling
(This is one of 36 Halloween-themed ficlets I'm posting today! One for every sides/Remy/Emile/Thomas ship plus creativitwins!)
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @aj-draws @phantomofthesanderssides @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @emo-disaster @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread @mrbubbajones @spookedferns @pun-master-logan @gayturtlez @k1ngtok1
"My spiderling, where are you?"
"Here!" Virgil called out from the kitchen, in the middle of washing dishes.
He picked up the next dish to wash, and just as he finished, he felt a pair of hands land on his waist. Virgil automatically leant back against Remus's chest, and turned his head to press a kiss to his cheek.
"Hey," Virgil greeted.
"What'cha up to?"
Virgil gave Remus a flat look, before turning back to the dishes.
"What does it look like?" He said in an equally flat tone of voice, as he placed the dish he'd just finished washing to the side.
"Something boring," Remus huffed.
Before Virgil could reach for another dish to wash, Remus move backwards, tugging Virgil along with him. Virgil stumbled, almost falling over, but Remus caught him immediately, spinning him around and dipping him.
"Pay attention to me?" Remus continued with a grin.
Virgil rolled his eyes, pretending to be annoyed, but only coming across as just as fond as ever. He wrapped his arms around Remus's neck, and tugged his face slightly closer.
"I'll kiss you, but I have to finish doing dishes afterwards."
Remus pouted.
"Just one kiss?"
"Mhm, just one."
The moment Virgil reached up and kissed Remus, he realised that what he had just said was false. It was always very, very difficult to stop kissing Remus once they'd started - and equally difficult to think of anything but him, him, him while doing so.
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The Astronomer and The Florist (Chapter 19)
Chapter 19 Title: Permission and Wedding Preparations
Summery: It’s Logan’s birthday, so time for some flirting and wedding planning!
Ships: Analogical & Royality
Warning: cussing, innuendos, threats, hinted at angst
-let me know if I need to add more warnings-
*Thank you @kawaiikat54 for helping me to get it out today!*
It’s been about six weeks, and they still haven’t figured out what last name to use. Logan was wanting to start planning the wedding, but Virgil insisted he had to do something first.
So, here he was, sitting in Thomas’s living room, clutching a coffee mug. His anxiety was skyrocketing because of what he was about to do, but Thomas’s easy smile was helping smooth his nerves a bit, as was Logan’s reassuring arm around his shoulder.
“So boys, as much as I love when you both come to visit, may I ask why y’all came this particular morning? Especially since we will all be meeting for supper later?” Thomas asked, smiling at the boys position.
Virgil took a deep breath, and Logan squeezed his shoulder. Virgil sent him a small smile, and then he looked back at a slightly confused Thomas.
“No, I actually wanted to ask your permissi-“
Virgil blinked, slightly startled from such an enthusiastic interruption, and Logan was trying to swallow his laughter.
Tilting his head, Virgil said “But I haven’t even told you what I’m asking you about yet?”
Thomas raised an eyebrow and gestures to Virgil hand that was grasping the mug oh so tightly, as the arm that was slung over Virgil’s shoulders.
“Well, I was just assuming that those rings on your fingers weren’t just an exploration into fantastic world of jewelry. Was I wrong?”
When Virgil looked down, he saw the engagement ring that was still on his left ring finger, and Logan’s ring he had gotten him two days after the proposal. He put his head in his hand and started laughing.
“No, your right. I completely forgot that it might be a dead give away.”
Thomas stood chuckling, and went to stand right in front of the couple. He put a hand on Virgil’s shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeezed.
“If your asking for my permission, I give it wholeheartedly.”
Virgil was positivity beaming, and Thomas let a sly smile slip.
“Besides, I am the one who helped pick out that particular ring.”
Virgil gasped then punched Logan in the shoulder. “You jerk! You let me worry for no reason!”
Logan doubled over laughing, making Virgil glare at him more. “Falsehood, I told you not to worry. I said that everything would be fine.”
Virgil simple hurmped at Logan’s words, turned away from him, and declared that he was not speaking to him for the foreseeable future.
Logan tried moving Virgil back to face him, but he wouldn’t budge. Logan gave Virgil a teasing, incredulous look and kneeled in front of him.
“So you’re not going to talk to me when we go out with everyone tonight? What about when when we reveal who has what positions in our wedding?” Logan asked, stressing the ‘our’ and  tried tugging on Virgil’s arm.
Virgil shook his head and looked over at Thomas, who was smiling into his mug.
“Thomas, please tell Logan that I will not be speaking to him at that event.”
Thomas just shook his head. “Oh no, I am not involved in this. You can tell your fiancé yourself.”
“But Thomas!” Virgil whined, “that defeats the point!”
Logan smirked and picked Virgil up, spinning him around. Virgil alights in laughter, and kisses Logan.
“Fine, you’re forgiven, just put me down or that’s the last kiss you get today.”
Logan plops down on the couch and sets Virgil atop his lap. Virgil leans back, and Thomas shakes his head in amusement at the pairs antics.
After talk and caching up for a bit, they all headed out and over to Patton and Roman’s house. Virgil volunteered to drive Thomas, but Thomas insisted that he would just follow behind.
When they arrived, Thomas headed in and Virgil pulled Logan back. “Before we head in, I was just wanting to tell you how much I love you, and how happy I am that you decided to flip he-who-should-be-pushed-out-a-window with flowers. My life is so much better with you in it, and I can’t wait to marry you. Happy birthday moonbeam.”
Logan face lit up and he spins Virgil around for the second time that day.
“I can’t believe you remembered! And if I hadn’t already asked you to marry me, that little speech would have been more than enough to convince me to want to make you mine.”
Virgil just laughed, and tugged Logan over to the door. “Keep that in mind for a few more seconds.”
Logan confused expression melted into shock and awe as all of his friends jumped out and yelled ‘surprise!’
Patton, Roman, Remy, Emile, Thomas, Janus, and Remus all held confetti popper and Logan was suddenly covered in bouts of little paper.  
“Wow. You really did remember.”
There was laughter, cake, presents, and flirting.
Patton and Roman gave Logan his present together, a basket full of Crofters, tied together with an array of new ties.
Emile, the officiator of Patton and Roman’s wedding as well as Logan’s college roommate, gave Logan and gave full of teas and an astronomy documentary.  
“Now you Galaxy brained flower children can have a sweet date night!” Emile told Logan when handing the gift over.
Logan smiled, thanked Emile, and wrapped his arms around Virgil, whispering in his ear that he simply couldn’t wait.
Remy shoved Virgil away from Logan, declaring, “Move bitch, I’m gay.” As he handed Logan a star covered Starbucks cup and gift card.
“You bitch! That is literally my fiancé you homophobic banana peel!”
Logan and Emile had to separate their partners before any bloodshed could happen, and within five minutes Virgil and Remy were laughing and tag teaming Roman about the dark side of Disney.
Janus, with the thoughtful brain cell he has, got Logan a new telescope and some face mask.
When Logan questioned the face masks, Janus responded with a, “Because self care, now here’s some vanilla scented bubble bath. You’ll thank me later.”
Confused, Logan opened the tub and Virgil leaned over his shoulders, breathed in deeply, and sighed.
“Vanilla is my favorite, and we are decently cuddling after you use this.”
Janus smirked and Remus gave Logan some glow-in-the-dark stars to “Light up the bedroom, wink wink nudge nudge.”
Logan shook his head in amusement while Patton and Virgil chased a cackling Remus around.
Thomas pulled Logan aside and gave his a serious look. “Now, I know that your dad can’t be there for you, but there is a way he can be with you.”
Logan was frozen in complete shock, and his eyes stared up once he recognized what Thomas was holding out.
“Is that...?”
“Yes. You’re dad had given me his ring a long time ago to give to you in hopes that you would wear it or give it away on your own wedding.”
Logan delicately took the ring, and let a few tears slip down his face. He squeezed Thomas and let out a steady stream of ‘thank yous’.
“It’s no trouble at all. I’m just happy that you seem so happy.”
Logan felt a pair of arms wrap around his midsection, and turned around. Virgil smiled up at his fiancé, and said, “Now we have the perfect ring for my perfect guy. I’m so happy for you moonbeam!”
After collecting themselves and plenty of ‘awws’, they all sat down to eat and talk about the wedding.
“So where do y’all plan on having it?” Patton asked.
“We just want to have a small gathering at our favorite stargazing spot on the longest night of the year.” Logan explained.
Virgil grabbed Logan’s hand and squeezed.
“We want Emile to be our officiator, Janus be my best man, and Patton, I was wondering if you would give me away?” Asked Virgil apprehensively.
They all agreed enthusiastically, and started Patton crying.
Logan spoke up, saying, “I want Roman to be my best man and Thomas to give me away.”
After both agreed, Virgil jokingly added, “Remy and Remus can be our flower girls!”
Both agreed, the began to argue over who would look better in the classic flower girl dress.
After all the tasks had been distributed and cleaning was done, Logan and Virgil headed home. They cuddled and watched the new documentary, both barely paying attention but thinking about how excited they are to marry the man who is currently wrapped in his arms.
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