#remus x emile
loganslowdown4 · 9 days
Emile: So what is it like being one of THE Sanders’ Sides?
Logan: Imagine hanging out with completely civilized, responsible and mature people-
Emile: Alright-
Logan: Now, take that idea and just throw it completely away-
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adalwolfgang · 1 year
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Added orange cuz why not?
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phantomhunting · 5 months
We're Here and We're Queer // Sanders sides modern teen AU
CHAPTER 1 - queer teens have immense crushes on each other and wont fucking CONFESS ALREADY.
<Next chapter coming soon>
CW: implied abuse, and intrulogical being intrulogical (mostly Remus)
Ships: Logan x Remus, Roman x Virgil, Remy x Janus, Emile x Patton
Patton was sitting in his room in front of the mirror, trying to make his light cyan hair look good, but it was too messy. He sighed, the reflection of his soft blue eyes staring at him from the mirror. "I hate this" he whispered. He sighed again and got up, going to his closet and taking out his favorite top, a baby blue vest with a white button-up. He put it on and grabbed his school bag and walked downstairs to get some breakfast.
There wasn't much to eat at home, even though the Mor family (which Patton was part of) had a lot of money. He decided to eat some overly-sugary cereal with lactose free milk (because he's lactose intolerant). When Patton finished eating, he could hear his father walk up the stairs. He quickly washed the dishes he used and placed them neatly on the dish rack. He checked the time, '8:10' was what the clock read. "You're late to school again." his father exclaimed as he entered the room. Patton started breathing heavily, scared of what his father might do. "I-i was just leaving!" He grabbed his bag and ran out the house before his father could do anything. He ran all the way to school, not wanting to be even more late.
- - -
Virgil was sitting in the back of the class with his small dagger shaped fidget, barely listening to the teacher. He was waiting for the break so he could hang out with his friends. He and his older brother, Logan, have recently moved into this city, and a group of students have accepted them in as one of their own. Virgil always doubted if they actually liked them or if it was just because they're new, but at least he'll make the most of it. After two long and boring math classes, it was finally break time. Virgil put all his stuff in his locker and grabbed his food from his bag. He ran to the back of the school, which was where the group always stayed while in there. Roman, Patton, and Remus were already sitting and chatting there. Virgil was hesitant to approach, not wanting to intrude. Then, he suddenly felt a hand touch his shoulder. He jumped and let out a squeak, turning around to see... His older brother, Logan!
"Lo.. don't ever do that again" he tried to sound intimidating but he was so much smaller than him. "What did you get?" Logan asked, pointing at Virgil's lunchbox. "Oh- umm, it's just some bread with a piece of cheese on it" Virgil answered. "You know, you need to eat more than that, Virg" Logan's tone seemed harsh, but Virgil knew Logan cared a lot about him. They both walked over to the group, and sat down next to them.
"Virgil! Logan!" Patton called, happy to see his friends. "Hello!" Remus called as well, only happy to see Logan. "Hi..!" Roman whispered quietly to Virgil, blushing slightly. "Hey, Roman.." Virgil responded, hoping his makeup hides his red face. "Ree, is that new?" Virgil asked, pointing at the collar on Remus' neck. "Why won't you ask your brother~?" Remus responded, making a flirty face to Logan. "Ew- you could've just said yes" Virgil wanted to throw up thinking about his brother and Roman's brother having... Adult times. Remus scoffed. "Has anyone seen Barry? We were supposed to study now but he's not responding to my texts." Logan quickly changed the topic. "Probably still asleep, he oversleeps constantly" Remus responded, taking out his bottle (that's full of some blue liquid that seems full of sugar) and taking a sip. Logan is disgusted by the drink, but moves on, "he's usually here by now..." he checks his phone's notifications again. "Ugh, why does it matter? We're having a conversation here now" Remus rolled his eyes.
There was silence for a few seconds, only the sounds of Patton's chocolate chip cookies in his mouth were heard. "Wassup nerds" Janus sat next to his younger brother, Patton, and placed his bag of oatmeal cookies besides him. "Good morning, Jan" Remus smiled. Virgil and Roman rolled their eyes, they both disliked Janus a bit too much. Janus flashed a sarcastic smile back at them both, raising the tension.
"hey, Remus, may i speak to you in private?" Logan asked, cutting the tension. "Ooo~" Remus smirked. "About a serious topic. Now." Logan hurried. "Alright alright" Remus got up, and Logan followed. They both walked inside the building, they were out of sight in a moment. "Well.... Uh, Roman, did you see the vid i sent you?" Virgil asked, attempting to start a conversation without Patton or Janus. "I did! Wait- we're talking about the dnd one, right?" Roman hurried to clarify, and Virgil nodded, "yeah so i did watch it, it seemed really interesting! I'd love to do a game with you some day" Roman blushed. Virgil smiled awkwardly, wanting to show Roman his years of campaign planning just for him, but he knew it'd seem weird. "Hey, lovebirds, there are more people sitting with you" Janus exclaimed, signaling at himself and his brother. Roman and Virgil both burst into denying chatter, while Patton giggled to himself. They all spent the rest of the break talking about some math teacher that got pregnant from a different teacher. Remus and Logan didn't come back.
- - -
At the end of the school day, as Patton walked out, he saw two cute boys talking right outside the school's gate. He took a deep breath and approached them. "H-hey! My name is Patton, and I think you look really cool, wanna be friends?" He asked, seeming as innocent as a baby. The taller one chuckled, "sure. Im Remy, this is my twin brother, Emile" he smiled, and took a sip out of his coffee. Emile smiled a bit, already knowing he's got feelings for Patton, he always saw him around, hanging with hus classmate, Virgil, and he always seemed so sweet and caring. It was obvious he liked puns, just perfect for him. "He's awkward" Remy whispered to Patton, and preceded to be slapped by Emile. Patt giggled, but in a friendly way rather than a bullying way. Thats when Janus whispered into Patton's ear, "we need to get home, bitch" and laughed.
"LANGUAGE!!" Patton shouted. Janus just kept laughing. "Sorry, uh, this is my brother, Janus" he explained to his new friends. "Is Janus your actual name?" Emile asked, his sweet honey colored eyes glowing with curiosity. "Nope, its Julia. But i really hate that name, so i changed it. Too feminine" Janus explained, grabbing Patton's hand, "now, me and my beloved brother need to head home. See ya!" he dragged him off to the bus stop.
- - -
"he was amazing!!" Emile called, flapping his hands. "His brother was hotter." Remy replied, sipping his coffee like the bad bitch that he is. "Sometimes i really dont get how you're my twin brother and not some distant uncle of an uncle" Em joked. "What can i say, I'm the Picani with the most personality" Remy flipped imaginary hair (his hair is too short). "Pfft, yeah, right. You dont even know what you're gonna do next week, i already know what im learning in college." Emile joked as they both started walking home.
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pas-de-duex · 3 months
Prinxiety Week Day 2: Powers
Due to the somewhat explicit contents of this fic, I will only be posting this on ao3.
You can read it here!
Trigger warnings: Trigger warnings: graphic depictions of violence, knives, Virgil has some anxiety attacks, Roman passes out.
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Pls send in Sanders sides requests besties, I'm terribly bored 😔
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transexualpirate · 5 months
h el l o ¿ So i am coming BACK to my cringy fucking roots embracing them and WRITING an ACTUAL MULTICHAPTER FANFICTION. THAT'S RIGHT BABY I AM UNSTOPPABLE NOW. but english is NOT my first language and i am Scared of posting something that sounds very weird on ao3 and getting roasted so bad i get sent to the moon and starve to death. so this is me humbly requesting aka begging on my knees. would anyone with a better grip on the english language than me mayhaps be willing to proof read some stuff. it's a sanders sides super hero/villain au in a nimona inspired fantasy setting but the story itself bears undeniable similarities to x men comics. also some unhealthy codependent dukeceit some cute logicality and classic enemies to lovers prinxiety. uhhhh no minors because there are some adult scenes and also remus is there. also remy and emile! truly i only left out thomas and nico anyways pleeeeeease
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why are so many sanders sides ships the sun x moon trope? patton x logan, roman x virgil, janus x remus, (even remy x emile). like why?
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t4t-apexeclipse · 2 years
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tss-whumper · 10 months
my whump intro!
hey, gang!! i'm annie, you might know me from my main blog (@prodigal-explorer). this is my side blog, and it's a place for all things sanders sides whump! whump isn't a very big thing in this fandom, but i really love it and i think this fandom has so much whump potential.
to clear things up for anyone confused, whump is basically a genre of fanfic/headcanons/content where characters (they are called whumpees) are being hurt either by other characters (they are called whumpers) or by natural elements such as sickness and weather. sometimes, there are characters who help whumpees feel better, or protect them from whumpers (they are called caretakers). whump is sort of like hurt/comfort, but there's not always the guarantee of comfort. whether or not there's comfort is up to personal preference! when it comes to whump, pretty much any kind of pain/injury/hurt is on the table, so when engaging with it, it's important to read tags carefully, just for your own safety!
with this blog, the characters from sanders sides will be playing whumpees, whumpers, and caretakers in an assortment of ways! characters will not always be named. sometimes it will just be (side a) or (side b), or it will just be labeled as "whumper" or "whumpee" if i don't really have a sanders sides character in mind for the scenario.
more info about my page and what i will and won't write below! (warning: i don't censor any of my words, so proceed with caution if that bothers you. some of the content i mention is very sensitive.)
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i LOVE writing:
emotional/verbal abuse
physical abuse
familial abuse
religious trauma
pet whump
whumpee turned caretaker
caretaker turned whumpee
caretaker turned whumper
small whumper and large whumpee
medieval whump
canonverse whump
non-canonverse whump
stress positions
inhumane punishments (especially when they have significant meanings in the story)
sunshine character who is secretly the whumper
whumpers who genuinely think they're doing the right thing
whumpees who are bad people
caretakers who don't know how to be a caretaker/bad caretaker
unreliable narrator
eating disorders
age gaps (as long as they're painted in a bad light)
whumpees of marginalized communities (poc, lgbtq+ besides gay cis white men, disabled, fat, jewish, etc.) because there is NOT ENOUGH OF THAT IN THE WHUMP COMMUNITY. i get it's tricky territory and you have to be careful with it, but why are little white guys the only ones getting rescued and taken care of?
descriptive fics
multi-chapter fics
bullet fics
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL write:
whumpee turned whumper
whumper turned whumpee
suicidal thoughts/ideation
boxboy (though i don't have much experience, so i will be learning as i go!)
lady whump (it's not my favorite but i'll do it)
sick whump
wilderness whump
child whump
children whumping children
whump with remy/sleep, c!thomas, and emile picani (i'll write them as any role, whumpee/whumper/caretaker)
whumpee x caretaker (as long as it's not codependent)
toxic whumpee x whumper (where it's clear that the relationship is not a good one)
whumpee x whumpee
courtroom scenes
major character death
unhappy endings
happy endings
bittersweet endings
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL NOT write:
tiny whump (just not my thing)
fem side x masc side (especially when the whumpee is the fem side)
any whump involving thomas sanders (like the real person) or any of his friends.
anything relating to bodily waste
detailed descriptions of needles (it just freaks me out lol)
feel free to send in an ask requesting anything you want me to write or react to, as long as it's not in the "will not write" category. if you don't see what you want listed anywhere, just assume that i will write it! there isn't a lot that i don't do, but i will not negotiate with the boundaries i have, so please don't try to convince me!
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pupplaylogan · 7 months
if you’d like, what are your headcanons on what each side is into? (+ Remy and Emile) :) /nf
i don't hc like normal people. i do not choose something & then keep it 4ever, i jump around A Lot. so i don't have like "this side is into X always!" hcs, i focus more on dynamics. instead of "this side always does this", its "how would this side/these sides react in this situation".
so short answer: they are into everything depending on the scenario or situation or au.
long answer: thats not ENTIRELY true always. for example, my headcanon for logan's role in a d/s relationship is always submissive. i literally cannot imagine him as anything else BUT that's bcuz it's based off of his character & actual arc in the story. dom logan squicks me out & i like Genuinely hate it so much (not judging any1 who likes dom logan ofc, its just not my cup of tea). same w/ always hcing roy///ality as not having a d/s relationship.
PLUS i do have kinks & fetishes that i tend to correlate with the sides. so i will do that instead & also i will only be referring 2 roy///ality & ana///lo///ceit bcuz thats all i talk about ever.
roman: um. i dont know actually. manhandling . tends to be more submissive, but within roy///ality, they do not have a d/s relationship. in my mind they are (usually) t4t & neither have bottom surgery & they don't like to use toys that penetrate.
janus: male lactation & cum eating, more specifically drinking logan's cum & milk. also nipple play (again. w/ logan's tits). usually dom/switch, can top or bottom depending on scene.
remus: i also don't know probably bondage & anything that involves hurting the other person (slapping, spanking, biting, knife play, etc). remus is everything 2 me & very versatile. switch & vers
patton: scent kink? idk what it's actually called, but I think he has a big thing for how roman smells esp after working out or fighting. tends to be more dominant, but again w/ roman, they do not have a d/s relationship. (& again again they don't like to use penetrating toys)
logan: omorashi + watersports, pet play, sounding (aka all my kinks. i project let me live), nipple play. a little pathetic submissive & usually bottoms, but can also top depending on scenario.
virgil: breeding (more specifically breeding logan) + exhib / voyuerism . all of the above whatever. light humiliation (he likes 2 make logan embarrassed) . soft but teasing dom, always tops
remy: remy is a little bratty sub 2 me. i can also see him as a mean ass dom. idk what the hell this guy likes. i think he has a very "ill try everything at least once" vibe.
emile: i don't think i've ever once talked abt this man on this acc actually so i have no idea. probably into (legal) age gaps w/ ppl younger than him (<- based off of an emile x logan fic i read)
c!thomas (not a side but i will include him): humilation & degration. a subtop/service top. a pathetic whiney loser of a man
I HOPE THIS IS. ENJOYABLE ANON IM SORRY I AM SO LAME. im prtty sure raincloud anon asked me 4 my sides body hcs & i didnt even know how 2 answer bcuz i just. i dont have hcs like that.
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emoprincey · 2 years
I've seen a load of polls about the best Sanders Sides ships but none involving Remy, so I decided to expand on that and do a poll for Remy ships
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Expected Rating: Teen
Warnings: Trans Pregnancy, MPreg, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Feels Galore, Emotional Insecurities, Parental Issues, Slow Burn Romance, Friends to Lovers, Kissing & Making Out, Food & Beverages, Drinking & Alcohol, Play Fighting/Food Fighting, Swearing, Remus being Remus (even as a child), Potty Humor, Sexual Innuendos
Characters: trans!Janus Sanders, enby!Remus Sanders, genderfluid!Dr. Emile Picani, Patton Sanders, Logan Sanders, Roman Sanders, Remus Sanders, Virgil Sanders, possibly other characters (original & TS shorts)
Romantic Relationships: Remy Sanders x Dr. Emile Picani x Janus Sanders
Summary: "This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's a little broken, but still good. Yeah, still good." -- Stitch, Lilo & Stitch
Emile Picani has his full with friends-turned-brothers Logan and Patton.
Remy Onassis has their hands full with twins Roman & Remus.
And Janus Albrecht will eventually have her hands full with a baby on the way.
However, either by fate or the strong unifying love of parenthood, they all find a way to erase any and all bad histories that lead them to their respective situations; panting over sadness and loneliness with love and affection.
None of them realize it yet, but the best life awaits them will await them very soon.
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thomasxsides · 2 years
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thattechygirl · 1 year
About Me
Fandoms (and Ships)
Phinbella (Phineas x Isabella)
Ferbnessa (Ferb x Vanessa)
Starco (Star x Marco)
TomStar (Tom x Star)
Dipcifica (Dipper x Pacifica)
Violet Parr x Tony Rydinger
Luberto (Luca x Alberto)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Stucky (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes)
Harry Potter
Harry x Ginny
Ronmione (Ron x Hermione)
Luna x Neville
WolfStar (Sirius x Remus)
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrienette (Adrien x Marinette)
DJWiFi (Nino x Alya)
Lukanette (Luka x Marinette)
NathMarc (Nathaniel x Marc)
JuleRose (Juleka x Rose)
Lukagami (Luka x Kagami)
CheeseCake (Tikki x Plagg)
Marigami (Marinette x Kagami)
My Little Pony
AppleDash (Applejack x Rainbow Dash)
SoarinDash (Soarin x Rainbow Dash)
CheesePie (Cheese Sandwich x Pinkie Pie)
Fluttercord (Fluttershy x Discord)
Flashlight (Flash Century x Twilight Sparkle)
Starburst (Starlight Glimmer x Sunburst)
Starlight Glimmer x Trixie Lulamoon
RariPie (Rarity x Pinkie Pie)
Sonic the Hedgehog
SonAmy (Sonic x Amy)
Sonadow (Sonic x Shadow)
Knuxouge (Knuckles x Rouge)
TailsCream (Tails x Cream)
Silvaze (Silver x Blaze)
ShadAmy (Shadow x Amy)
SonShadAmy (Sonic x Shadow x Amy)
BlazeAmy (Blaze x Amy)
SilvazeAmy (Silver x Blaze x Amy)
Tangle x Whisper
Vanilla x Vector
Super Mario Bros
Mario x Peach
Luigi x Daisy
JereMike (Jeremy Fitzgerald x Michael Afton)
Glamrock Fronnie (Glamrock Freddy x Glamrock Bonnie)
Roxica (Roxanne Wolf x Glamrock Chica)
DaveSport (Dave Miller x Jack Kennedy)
Polyphone (Harry Fitzgerald x Jake Wilson x Roger Jones)
Matthew Virginia x Oscar Lewinsky
Doki Doki Literature Club
Doki Doki Squad (Monika x Sayori x Natsuki x Yuri)
Natsuri (Natsuki x Yuri)
Sayosuki (Sayori x Natsuki)
Hello Neighbor
Hamilton: An American Musical
Lams (John Laurens x Alexander Hamilton)
Mullette (Hercules Mulligan x Lafayette)
JeffMads (Thomas Jefferson x James Madison)
Phildosia (Philip Hamilton x Theodosia Burr Jr.)
Hamliza (Alexander Hamilton x Eliza Hamilton)
Elams (Eliza Hamilton x John Laurens x Alexander Hamilton)
SIX the Musical
Sanders Sides
Prinxiety (Roman x Virgil)
Logicality (Logan x Patton)
Dukeceit (Remus x Janus)
Remile (Remy x Emile) (Yes, I know that's technically not Sanders Sides)
Animal Crossing
Stardew Valley
Sebastian x Abigail
Haley x Alex
Elliot x Leah
My Farmer x Shane (Yes, I am counting that, lol)
Spyro the Dragon
Dan and Phil/The Phandom
Listening to music
Playing video games
Watching movies
Watching YouTube
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northernscruffycat · 3 months
Participating in the re-blog ship game!
Remus sanders (Sanders sides) x Emile picani (Cartoon therapy)
I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with either character or series, so I couldn't answer 😅
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anxiousgaypanicking · 6 months
i hope you don't mind me asking but what ships or characters do you like for mechanical/robot stuff. so i can send you some scenarios in asks :)
any/all!! im a v v big multishipper in the sense that i like every ship except for side x thomas and remus x roman. any other side ship, or even ones with remy/emile are fine with me!
also hell yeah! i love mechanical/robot stuff ive been like. going down a rabbit hole of it lately
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