gorgugplushie · 1 year
does anyone remember the portal musical. And the yuri erasure
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nosamyrag · 1 year
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plasmasimagination · 1 year
Anything with jing yuan or blade from hsr pretty plsplspls :3
BLADE ?! yessir (i apologize I originally wanted to write for both but I didn't meet Jing yuan yet and idk much ab his personality I did try to research but it didn't help me much ,so only blade。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。)
Damn I physically can't explain how much I love him
Also not proofread I apologize I'm lazy af (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
Random hcs
I like to think that he doesn't know how to cook, so he really appreciates it if you cook for him
He's the type of guy to answer most question with "good" like "hey darling how was dinner?" Good. "How did the mission go?" Good. And this is not because he doesn't like to talk to you, he just genuinely doesn't know what else to say
The type of guy to hug you from behind !!!
He also has a habit of randomly flirting with you in a normal conversation, like he doesn't even intend it and he doesn't notice until he sees you blushing
Love language is definitely acts of service and gift giving
He's quiet and reserved most of the time so he'll gladly listen to your rants about other people he might not comment much on it but he will say smth form time to time just to let you know he's listening
Is actually really whealthy ??
Will do random things just to fluster you , just randomly come really close to your face or giving you a quick kiss on the lips
By the theme kisses. He genuinely found himself enjoying them
Same as hugs , he wouldn't admit it over his dead body but you notice that he never pulls away and actually seems to relax when you huh him
I like to think that he's like low-key really jealous and protective but hides it good so you don't even notice
Also like I mentioned that his love language is gift giving it's like, you look at it for more than 6seconds , it's yours.
Also god forbid if anyone brings any harm to you, they wouldn't see a tommorow to say atelast
All in all 10/10 I fuck on the daily
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valevod · 1 year
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Orchidea's version !
He loves his pokemon very much, gives them daily hugs and a goodnight kiss everynight. They all ended up with his face....
Nicknames are: Audino- Potato, Blissey- Yolk, Togekiss- Milk, Goodra- Soup, Dragonite-Fries, Shieldon- Croissant.
Orchidea was surrounded by pokemon since he was born, coming from a whealthy family of doctors researching the use of pokemon in operations. He was given an Audino and set to study medicine as well, getting Happiny along his studies. The rest of the pokemon come after meeting Papavero and realizing work isn't his whole life 💔
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maegorsbignaturals · 8 months
I know that in a modern AU Targaryens would be more or less a Rich family that owns a megacorporation a lá Succession. But i think is hundred times funnier if they were a middle-poor class family that owns a shity generational business. Everyone knows about the inbreeding but they just look away bcs "that is none of their business". Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys ran away from their parents because they were "too strict" (they caught Rhaenys and Aegon hooking up in their parents bed and threatened to send them away with their distant family), Aenys is the child that always wanted to be an artist but his parents always expected him to take care of the family business and told him that he was not going to survive of art, Maegor was about to get a sports scholarship in a prestiguious university but he got in a fight that made him unable to keep practicing his sport, making him spiral down, he ended up having one wife in every town that surrounded the town he lived at and died alone in his own couch, beer at hand and TV on. The Dance of the dragons is just a familiar fight for the ownership of the familiar bussines that is falling down in pieces because Viserys didn't knew how to administrate it properly and because Jaehaerys made remodelations that were goof for the business but in the long run they would not be able to sustain it. Saera ran away because her parents INDEED were really strict with her and lowkey abusive, nobody knows where she went but they gossip that she is a whealthy prostitute, Viserra died in a traumatic and ugly car crash.
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coordinate-shift · 6 months
“There comes a point when love becomes obsolete. “
Name: Amihan ———
Age: 12? 13?
Gender: Although the feminine name may fool some, he’s a boy. And very adamant about it. He/Him
Ability: Thou Shalt Follow The Rules
(unmastered) User makes victims play a “game“, in which they (User) chooses the rules to follow. If the rule is broken, The user decides an appropriate punishment. Potentially Fatal.
Wears a Fox mask to hide his identity during his attacks on the wealthy. Carries a gun. Very Mature for his age. Used to be parts of a Sheep-like group in the Philippines, but sneaked into a flight to go to Japan.
Currently calls himself “the king of the southern slums“. He’s just a kid running around tryi g to murder whealthy people so he can buy food and medicine for those around him. But he will shoot you AND Steal your money.
Only people he resoects are fellow Assassins and Doctors. Only the “good ones“, though.
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Hi, this is V’s ( @v-extreme-diminuendo) mod. This is an AU where V was never taken in by 24 and so never became the Host of Vita. He’s also a child.
Theme Song/s: Snobbism by Neru, Coordinate Shift and Samara 1921 by Ferry
Funfact: he’s trans lol
No NSFW, in this case, he’s a kid.
That’s it. Have fun!
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countessofravenclaw · 5 months
Again, I am trying to work on my next gen foc, but like S2Au keeps creeping into my mind... That fic has a choke hold on me now.
Anyways, here is me descriping the next two parts without spoiling anything about the actual plot:
Part 9: Cancun!!! Yayyyy...or is it?
Part 10: Luna remembers that she has been taken in by a whealthy family
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souppye · 1 year
Twitter text limit can go explode idk
Also spelling/grammar mistakes are everywhere 😞🙏
Eyes closed Doors Open
-a tsp au
The parable is a dream like state or halluction when one sleeps or is in a drowsy like state enters the parable its sort of like the backrooms but without the noclipping from reality.
(Once a victim exits the parable time in the real world continues normally)
(A victim can exit the parable by waking up via any means)
(Stanley vividly remembers his time in the parable whilst the narrator can't recall certain moments)
(The narrator does have a name that being Nathaniel Reid)
Stanley sees the parable because of his stressed life working in am explotive office job as a game developer he lives by the phrase "it is what it is" drowning his problems with his addiction to caffiene.
The Narrator in this case acts sort of like stanley's self conscious motivating him or criticizing him. Stanley believes the narrator is some weird version of him that he inspires to become: a succesful posh man with a sense of authority
but in reality the narrator is a one of the same as him. Hes a struggling and depressed book author whos gone to the deep end and sometimes takes his frustrations out on stanley because hes jealous of the fact stanley is the type of guy the narrator wants to be a simple man living a good social life
(Stanley thinks the Narrator is some guy he made up in head and vice versa)
they both see each other as higher than the other but really theyre both on the same level
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^ visual dynamic (both their lives equally suck)
Sometimes in their normal lives they see glimpses of things in the office in the real world but when they do a double take nothing is there at all
They know each other as the "bastard in my dream" neither of them know that the other person actually exists in real life if they did see each other in real life theyd probaby think theyre hallucinating again
Stanley- pros
a good social life and has good friends
Narrator- pros
is whealthy and is practically set for life
Stanley- cons
Values his work life more than his health and he does realize hes in an explotive workplace and is tempted to quit but he thinks hes been in this company long enough that its too late to quit. his motto is "when the going gets tuff get another cup"
Values too much of what the public eye thinks of him which is why he hasnt written anything in almost 2 years. He has poor social connections and only keeps professional relationships with his colleagues and does nothing to further his relationships he always strives to do better be better but ends up giving up halfway.
The narrator is envious of stanley because hes actually willing to keep going no mattwr what anyone says and he just likes to live
Stanley is envious of the narrator because the narrator earned so much for what he's worked for and hes jealous that he's still working and being exploited by his company
The ultimate goal for this au is:
The two must figure out the shit they need to sort out in their lives by reflecting by looking at the positives & negatives that they see in each other until neither of them feel pressured or stressed from the slow changes they make and thats when the visions of the parable start to fade away or go away completely
TL;DR- pocket dimensional couseling/reflecting but with a complete stranger.
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decoloraa · 2 years
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Fake smiling has been passed down to the Beauxclaire line for generations 😀😀
The Beauxclaire family is the second most influential and wealthy family in Central city (the first one being the Armstrong family).
Dor generations there has been a rivalry between the Armstrongs and Beauxclaires, ending in each of the families specializing in different fields. While the Armstrongs are known for their skill in alchemy, art and leading roles in the military, the Beauxclaires had family members in important positions in politics and jurisprudence and greatly influenced Amestris legal system.
Val: Yep, his full name is Percival! He’s the eldest (and only) son and thus has his father’s enormous expectations weighing onto him. Because marriage is a big thing in their world, Bernard pressures Val into marrying someone from an equally whealthy family. His father’s plans for Val were to study law and then eventually to get into politics (like himsself). However Val always wanted to become a doctor and eventually he's able to talk his father into letting him study medicine (it’s kind of the only time Val ever found the to courage to stand up to his father). But even then his father tried to push his own plans onto Val. His relationship to his family is ambiguous, but he suffers greatly under his father’s expectations and commands.
Ann (Angéline): She’s the only daughter and a few years younger than him. They have a pretty good relationship and talk rather often. Ann also has a way better relationship with her father: Bernard’s only expectation of her is to marry rich and so she doesn’t stand under the same pressure as her brother. More than often Bernard finds qualities in her that he misses in Val, which leads to him greatly favoring Ann at some point. At least that means he's not that toxic to her. Ann sees how her father is treating Val and tries her best to comfort her brother, but Val can be a bit distant and he rarely wants to bother her with his problems. I never talk about her but she’s actually pretty cool! She studied law (her father didn’t want her to work at first, but she insisted on it) and later in the story she works as a lawyer for those who can’t afford one. Ann even plays a major support role at the beginning of the story and appears a few times later on.
Bernard: He’s a „politician“ in the Amestrian Parliament (reminder: the Parliament does exists in fma, it just doesn’t hold any real power). He’s definitely corrupt and does whatever he can to help his status. If he’s best at one thing, it’s being a horrible father. I don’t wanna go into full detail on how he treats Val, but basically Val is never doing enough in his father’s opinion and Bernard wishes to have a different son on more than one occasion. He’s an abusive piece of shit and it takes Val years to escape from his grip. (This guy is also the reason why Val fights with internalized homophobia among other things)
Cylia: She married into the family and has the big luck to be married to Bernard (🤢). Cylia is more complicated and neither truly toxic nor a good mother. On the outside she seems sweet and she definitely doesn’t deserve to be with her husband, who’s being toxic and overall not treating her that kindly. However she does literally nothing to improve Val’s life, neither by defending him against his father nor by comforting her son in any kind of way. Instead she tries to push him with the same expectations as Bernard, just with a more kinder approach.
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random-conspiracy · 1 year
Back into the updates of the House. Something I didn't tell you is that the House if designed for a whealthy class family. And if osomething makes my skin melt and drive me an instant urge to eat my own flesh are Expensive Empty Houses.
I do not care if your fucking house has gold bricksm I'm not gonna make a bedroom the size of a whole small house. Deal with it.
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famina · 1 year
To all of the characters, what caused you all to go hungry?
Vexed: My kind can't really...get the normal life. Like a job and a house..I always need to be on the move. So food isn't always easy to find.
Wither : I'm the same as Vexed.
Irakus : Honestly, I am the one who is to blame. I badly planned this whole affair. I wished to leave my home and explore the human world...but I hadn't plan for blood to be..so hard to find in the wild.
Vulphy: I am not....the best....hunter....
Timothy : My family was against me going to college. And since my parents are pretty whealthy, I can't receive gouvernment help...sooo I do what I can ! Haha... ^^
Yomi: Oh yeah ! Like it's EASY to get food ! Food doesn't grow on trees you know !! (He's never actully seen a tree)
Ernest : Being a streets musician is full of ups and downs...mostly downs...
The Vigilante : Protecting the innocents.....doesn't...pay well...
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cr0wra · 2 years
Hey, thanks a lot for the response about your city! I was hoping that this image might be a little bit oversimplified and sensationalist. I know this is a separate country, but I was reading about gangs in Salvador, and also watching some vlogs from people who went there, and even though the situation there seemed quite dire it's not like that violence touches everybody. (I hope so, at least) Overall, it's a complex subject but I'm sure both Honduras and Salvador have plenty of good people.
Yes, situation are pretty similar in both countries. And even though, as you mentiones, most of the time gangs' criminal practices does not involve everyone there's always that fear that at any point they will decide to take control of a new neighborhood or area. It is definitely a complex topic. But yeah, overall Hondurans and Salvadorans are great people and I always feel that if you want to get to know new place, specially a LATAM Country, you can perfectly avoid all this serious stuff by travel to or do research about exclusive whealthy areas, but in my opinion you'll miss the real heart and soul of this places. And it's not about romanticize poverty, but to be able to understand why we live the way the we do, why certain things mean what they mean to us and how we're constantly struggling and fighting to live with dignity.
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k-ash04 · 1 month
Lucifer - Luciana Lovestar
They are the Character of one of my Players in SOFT. (She always plays some edgy rouge characters.) Lucifer is genderfluid and mostly uses they/them prounouns, but sometimes they switch, mostly they use the name Lucifer but when they are feeling highly feminien they use Luciana (which is their given name).
Lucifer is a Harengon. Harengons are over sexualized in Eshos and especially in the Past Dreams, where there are mostly working as sex workers. There are just a few of the, because animal like beings (like Harengons, Tabaxis, etc.) are nearly extinct, because there are mostly used as sklaves and seen as lower beings.
Therefor it isn't suprising that Lucifers childhood was pretty ruff. Their Mother is a sex worker, and Lucifer has many half sibling. Like most of their siblings they don't know their father. At least Korra Lovestar (Lucifers mother) is a pretty popular sexworker so Lucifer has a whealthy lifestlye, but without real love. Lucifer is always preasured into becoming a sexworker like their mother.
At one of the shows Lucifer meets a memeber of the Union of the Blood. The Union of the Blood is a sect like groupe, who internalize hate against Albs. Lucifer doesn't realy care about the ideals of the groupe, but the love they are given. Lucifer feels welcome and free. So they runaway to be part of this sect. With them they are living for a short time, but then are send on a misssion to kill their first Alb.
On this mission they are captured and locked up in the prision of Winterhorn. It's stated that Lucifer is a mass murdere and very dangerous, so they get a guard (Evangeline Nord; another Player Charakter), but because of Lucifers abilites they are send on the mission to make first contact with the Mervolk.
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jade-curtiss · 6 months
The most annoying thing about rich people and moderately wealthy people who overspend is how they take for granted that everyone get the same appeal they do for expensive shit they spend on, and because of that, they think they're not as whealthy as people assume because they think anyone would give in for the same kind of treat. Also the way they assume that if anyone is critical of the luxuries they're into it's because they're too poor to afford it and that ethical concerns would fly off the windows if they had the means for it.
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zoyalannister · 6 months
ah so Cecily has been working for 6 1/2 months from home as maternity leave is 26 weeks? Or did she order the extended one an she had the year off?
She had an extended maternity leave and had the year off, but she doesn’t really have a problem because she owns her firm and, even though she wasn’t working, Gabriel’s job could support the family. The one shot will be about her first day back to work.
In my fics Gabrily will always be whealthy and never have financial problems.
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keynewssuriname · 6 months
Healthy Wealthy Event spoort aan tot een gezonde levensstijl
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Healthy Wealthy Event spoort aan tot een gezonde levensstijl ‘Gezondheid van binnen en buiten’ klinkt de slagzin van het Healthy Whealthy Event. Het 3-daags event is ingericht om mensen aan te sporen te werken aan een gezonde levensstijl op een natuurlijke manier.... lees meer op: Read the full article
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