#when did my queue get messed up? this was supposed to go out today
helium-stims · 8 months
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filmbyjy · 7 months
you may not recognize me and thats because im (kinda) new hehe.. anyway, i've been kinda stalking you- but that's besides the point. i loveee your workss!! keep up the good work <3 idk if asks are open, but if they are, could you write a fluffy fem!reader x bf!niki where the reader comes home from a long day, and niki comforts her?? and if you cant, its totally ok <3
have a nice day!
a/n: this has been in the drafts for a year now💀 so sorry, I am trying to clear the drafts but my schedule is shit and we all know I suck at keeping up with my schedule😍
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it was past 8pm when you had treaded through the front door of your apartment. your body sore from leaning over the tables and wiping it. normally, the cafe you work at was peaceful and was decently packed but after a viral video that practically wowed the internet.
there had been more and more people stopping by everyday. the cafe was decently sized but it was short staffed so sometimes you had to man the cashier, do the dishes, clean the tables and make the drinks. for normal days (before the surge of people), there was about 2 people working per shift, not including the 2 bakers in the kitchen as they were the behind the scenes staff that were required to be there.
with not that many staff per shift, it was hard for you and whoever was working that day to manage the cafe. that also meant more demands from the customers who think they are entitled to make a mess of the space as 'customers are always right'. curse, whoever made that quote.
you were mentally and physically drained. you just needed a good long rest for the rest of the week. however, you couldn't do that. not when your off-days were already used up for visiting your family back in your hometown. if only you could just...take a breather.
"welcome home, baby!" ni-ki slides into the hallway just as you walked towards the living room. you gave him a tired smile.
"hi riki, why aren't you at the dorm?" ni-ki gives you a playful pout.
"already kicking me out? baby, you wound me. i came to see you and you're already pushing me away." he says as he throws his (long) arms around you. "you weren't answering my calls so i assumed it was a long day at work and you didn't charge your phone."
you took out your phone and tried to turn it on but it was indeed dead. "sorry, today was a hectic day. couldn't even get a proper lunch break. there was so many people coming over for the past week."
"yeah, i heard about it. jake hyung talked about wanting to come over and buy some desserts. they did look good but since you know us being celebrities...we could get mobbed."
you hummed, "that's fair. it's a good thing you didn't go. seriously, have never seen such a long queue outside of the cafe in my whole years of working there."
"there was a queue?" he says as he pulls back from the hug.
"yeah, i felt like i was working at some fancy restaurant. oh god, speaking of there are so many karens trying to scam me and gaslight me into thinking i did something wrong when i did nothing wrong." you groaned and buried your head against ni-ki's chest.
he pats your head. "were you the shift manager?"
"usually i am whenever i am working that day."
"mmm, then you could've kicked them out and taught them a lesson."
"trust me, i wanted to but i can't i'll lose my job so i just sucked it up and patiently worked with them and even gave them a free bagel."
"not the free bagels, baby. they'll just come back again for more." ni-ki huffs.
"i know but what am i supposed to do." you sniffled as the tears that unknowingly appeared falls. you were just mad and exhausted. ni-ki obviously heard it so he pulls you back and cups your face.
"hey hey, don't cry. everything will be fine. why don't i run you a bath and then order some of your favourite food, okay?" he wipes the tears that were falling down.
"will cuddles be included?"
"of course. cuddles will be included. now, just lay in bed and i'll get the bath running." he pecks your forehead and goes to move to bedroom. however, you grabbed his wrist.
"carry me to my bedroom?" you pout. ni-ki smiles and scoops you up in his arms. he princess carries you over to your bed and places you gently onto the mattress before going over to the bathroom and getting ready the bathtub.
you had shut your eyes for a bit since you were tired but the exhaustion took a toll on you and you fell asleep for a little. ni-ki shakes you a little. "baby? the bath is ready. go enjoy it, i already placed an order so the food should be on the way soon."
you hummed and went over to the bathroom to remove your clothing and step into the bathtub. you laid your back against the edge of the tub and shut your eyes again. the candle light making everything moody and warm. you were enjoying the comfortable warmth and silence, much better than the bustling sounds at the cafe. this felt nice.
you had spent in the bathroom for about 20 minutes or so before deciding to get out of the tub. you didn't want to your fingers or toes to look like dried prunes so you decided to just get out of the water. you had grabbed the towel and dried yourself off. you could hear a knock at the door.
"baby, i have pyjamas with me. i forgot to leave them inside the bathroom." you opened the door to ni-ki. he had one hand out to hold the pyjama set and the other hand covering his eyes. a very gentleman thing of him to always do if you came out of the shower in just your towel.
you had noticed he too was wearing a pyjama set and it was similar to yours. of course, he loved matching things with you. you grabbed the pyjamas. "mmm, i think you forgot to grab my undergarments."
his ears quickly turned red in embarrassment. "ah, i knew i forget something. i-i'll just leave the room so you could change." and so ni-ki bolts out of the room and shuts the door. you shook your head, laughing a little since he was so adorable.
you changed into the pyjamas after putting on your undergarments and then went out to the living room. there ni-ki was, turning on the tv and searching up your favourite anime to watch together and setting up the food onto the coffee table. you had come up behind him and back hugged him.
"i have the best boyfriend in the world." you say. ni-ki smiles.
"well, let's not forget your boyfriend is one of a kind. where can you get another nishimura riki, member of boy band enhypen, in the world." he boasts. you playfully rolled your eyes and released him.
"that's very humble of you, riki." you playfully say.
"oh, i know. i'm just that hot." ni-ki smirks. you laughed.
"yeah, you are. now, will my hunk of a boyfriend please just cuddle and eat with me?"
"of course, i'll eat with my beautiful and amazing girlfriend any time." he steals a small peck to your lips and settles down on the couch. you gave him a playful gaze and settled right next to him.
after some time, you found yourself tangled with ni-ki. your legs and his long ones were somehow crossed in between in each other as you cuddled like cats laying together.
"oh, it's over?" you say.
"no, it can't be." ni-ki gasps.
a flash to the tv showed 'season 2 coming soon'. it made both you and ni-ki groan. "that's lame. we have to wait for the next season? that's going to take 1-2 years." ni-ki whines.
"they're going to pull another 'Spy Family' thing where there isn't going to have episodes in the next season, i can feel it." you complained.
"boooo. let's watch something else." ni-ki grumbles.
"yeah, let's watch-"
"let's watch, you. you're really pretty." ni-ki says as he stares down at you. ah, this playful and teasing ni-ki is appearing now.
"that wasn't that smooth, riki."
"well, to me it was. besides, this is a signal for you to reward me and i don't know give me a kiss or at least a peck? i am an amazing boyfriend, right?"
you snort, "yes, riki. you are but you're not getting that peck."
"what? why." he pouts.
"because..." you got closer to him and watches you with adorable doe eyes. before you unexpectedly peck him and ran away. ni-ki sits there confused, trying to analyse the situation properly. until he finally digested it.
"hey! get back here!" he yells as he tries to chase after you.
you could've not felt any better.
and being with ni-ki helped it.
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mellomak22-blog · 1 year
Can you do a pre-wednesday Tyler, like right after he comes back from boot camp, and the reader goes to the coffee shop and he's working there, and the reader doesn't realize he's back and she's always had a bit of a crush on him but is still weary of him because of the incident that happened with Xavier.
The show Wednesday! Okay, I can do that. Here's a cute and awkward first interaction with Tyler Galpin ever since he returned from boot camp. Here goes :)
Desc: awkward fluff, feminine presenting reader. Use of she/her
Warnings: none
Ding ding! The tiny little bell on the counter rang through Tyler’s ears. Normally, the Weathervane never got busy. They got a few of their regulars each day, and during autumn, it got a little crowded. But it was never this busy.
“Tyler, get that!” His father shouted from the break room, sitting in a chair with a newspaper in hand. Tyler was in the back, making practice of his latte art. The clover he just tried to do getting messed up, adding to his frustration. A long sigh draws from his lips. Sheriff Galpin was a hardass. He was especially hard on his son when he didn’t live up to the expectations Donovan wanted him to meet. Acting like a total dick in school was just the icing on the cake. His dad sent him to boot camp, with the hopes of his son returning “a better man” who’d get himself a job (Apparently being a barista boy would do that).
It was only Tyler’s second day working at the Weathervane cafe, and he wasn’t thrilled having to work on such a busy day when normally all he could do was make a cup of coffee from a Keurig machine.
Y/N sighs. When am I going to get a coffee? She slams her palm on the bell, ringing it rapidly. Dingdingdingdingdingdi-
“Coming!” Queue Tyler Galpin. He flashes a polite smile and pushes his annoyance down into his throat. “Sorry about the wait! What can I get you?” He leans in, folding his arms on the counter and looking joyfully at his customer. Y/N gulps, and it feels like all the eyes are on her. Tyler wasn’t supposed to be here, she was supposed to ring the bell and her best friend was supposed to drag herself out and her mood would change and they’d bounce up and down together and-
“Hello? Miss?” He chuckles nervously when y/n breaks free from her thoughts and meets his gaze of green eyes. “Oh, sorry. I was just- I was trying to remember everything I needed to order!” She skillfully lied. “But um… is Lilli here?” Her gaze scans the area, trying to find something else to focus on to take away from this god awful experience. “Nope, she’s taking a day off today. It’s just me.” He forces a smile. “Oh, okay. My bad. Can I get an iced mocha latte with 2 pumps of chocolate syrup in it?”
Tyler blinks and there’s a beat of silence as he grabs something. He lifts up a bottle of Hershey’s chocolate syrup. “...This?” Not something he had seen often, but it could be done. Y/N looks like she wants to curl into a ball. “Oh! Haha geez I meant vanilla syrup. Like the flavoring!” She scrambles the last of her words out, wanting to smack herself upside the head. “Oh. Alrighty. And what size…did you want that?” Doing his best, he smiles again, softer this time, in hopes of alleviating the pain this was. She gave a helpless looking grin back. Could it get any worse? “Large is fine. That’s it.”
He turns around, getting to work on her drink. Oh god. Are you fucking kidding me? What was that shit? Y/N went to school with Tyler and they had shared a few classes. He sat behind her in math class, where she daydreamed about him just reaching forward and playing with her hair, and he sat next to her in history. They had english together too, but he was across the room. Seeing him here after having disappeared for a while caught her off guard and it threw her out of her rhythm at the Weathervane. 
His agitation gradually went away as he got to work on the drink, and soon enough it was done. “Hereee ya go.” He presses a few buttons on the screen at the register. “It’s $7.01.” Tyler offers a plain smile. Y/N fights off making a face. Geez. Lilli must’ve usually given me a discount every time. Damn. She braves a brief grin and pays for the drink. With a quick thanks, she scurries off and out the door. The bells on the door jingling again as she leaves. 
“Are you kidding me?! You took a personal day?!” Y/N scolds her friend. A muffled response comes from Lilli over the phone as y/n sips her latte. She fires back. “Well, no. Oh but you DID kinda forget to mention that Tyler was back in town and that you  w o r k  with him! When were you gonna tell me that?” Y/N stomps away, heading to her next designation. Tyler is back to practicing his latte art.
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thessalian · 5 months
Thess vs "Little" Extras
So once again, work is seismic levels of bullshit.
We weren't doing too badly - just about caught up, in fact. This is despite the fact that every single last one of the little fuckers I work with keep leaving me with the problem dictations. So I get all the placentas (and The Placenta Guy is working overtime at the moment, damn near literally), all the bowel resections (dictated by people who either dictate too fast, speak with a difficult accent, dictate a report full of grammatical errors, or all of the above), and all the ones by the various newbies who either haven't figured out that maybe switching off the recording while you're taking measurements would be a good idea so that a typist doesn't have to sit through 10-15 seconds of silence between each measurement, have no idea how block keys work, or both. This is my main annoyance. I may have little snippets designed to make typing the stuff The Placenta Guy throws at me a little easier, but that shouldn't be an excuse to throw all of them at me. And yes, I know they do this to me specifically because when I see the queue get larger and look over, I see stuff that was put into the queue before any of the stuff in mine, put there by someone who picked it up out of the queue and decided they didn't want to do it so put it back.
(At least they seem to have figured out that if they're going to pull that shit on me, they should take some of the bullshit from The Breast Guy off my hands.)
Anyway, today all the doctors doing dictation a) came in somewhere in the middle of the day, b) dictated their asses off, and c) dumped the typing into the queue in big blocks of 20+ reports at a go. So you can imagine that even working flat-out, our queue went from mid double figures to low triple figures and we couldn't whittle it down. So that's a mess to look forward to come Tuesday - especially given that they seem to have been coming in on weekends lately, too. I heard talk in our last staff meeting (our first staff meeting, really) that we were looking for a new staffer. That was months ago and I have, of course, heard jack squat. So this is fun.
So in the middle of all this - dealing with all the fiddly frustrating bits of typing that no one wants to do - I get an email from Scruffman, my manager. He's apparently supposed to be writing a Standard Operating Procedure document for the department. Thing is, he's not writing it. Apparently he either can't be arsed or doesn't know what our SOP actually is. Because he asks me if I can write a step-by-step SOP guide to the typing so he can put it in his document. That's ... it. No details. So, grumbling because I am busy actually doing the SOP he's asking me to put down on 'paper', I put together a bullet-pointed list and go, "Is that the sort of thing you were after?" He says yes. I think that's done.
Nope. Then he emails me back going, "So could you grab some screenshots, and put that and your list together as a Word document?"
...I really want to know why he asks me to do the fiddly shit. I'd feel a lot better about it if he told me that it's because I'm one of the most competent people in the department instead of just dumping it on me without any sort of comment, which generally leaves me to think that he picks me for this shit because I'm the one that won't complain at him.
Anyway, I tell him I don't actually have Word on my work laptop. I don't use Word at work. (Hell, I don't use Word at home; I have OpenOffice). But, because I do believe in actually doing my fucking job, I tell him that the only way I could do it is if I took the screenshots, emailed them to myself, and did it on my home computer.
To which he says, "Great; Tuesday's fine. Thanks!"
Now I'm trying to figure out whether I want to start late or leave early on Tuesday because there is no way I'm doing that shit unpaid. Thankfully, I know for a fact that Scruffman would never expect me to (he told me to log out early when I spent 15 minutes of my own time filling out my staff evaluation form, and this is far more delineated as 'work') so that's fine. Thing is, we're getting to a point where I don't know how much we can afford to have me off doing something else. I am the one person in the fucking department who doesn't dodge any work that might be deemed 'difficult' or 'annoying' or 'something they just don't want to do'.
Anyway, after all this, I have to leave the house. Enough groceries to tide me over until the monthly Big Shop can be delivered, and pain meds. It's been a rough week and I keep getting migraine stabs. It's not fun.
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blu-joons · 3 years
When They Notice That You’ve Started Your Period In Public ~ BTS Reaction
His hand shot over his mouth as Jin’s eyes landed on the red stain that was on the back of your trousers, quickly wracking his brain to find a solution.
“I’m tired,” he announced before he gave himself much time to think, “do you think maybe it’s time for us to head back home, whilst the roads are clear?”
Your head shook as you looked questionably across to Jin, “we’ve only just got here, plus, there’s a few more stores that I want to go in.”
“We can come back another day,” he tried to suggest, “maybe on a day when mother nature doesn’t decide to be quite so cruel to you and leave you alone instead.”
“How did you know that I was on my period?”
His eyes slowly turned down to look at your trousers, “there might be a little something there.”
Your hands instantly went to your bum to cover yourself as best as you could, “how am I supposed to go anywhere with a stain on me?”
“Don’t panic,” Jin assured, “walk ahead of me, as quickly as you can back to the car, I’ll stop off at the store on the way back home for you too.”
“Squeeze close,” you frowned as Jin closed the distance between you both, “I don’t want anyone to see it.”
“They won’t see, I’ll make absolutely sure of it.”
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You barely had time to think as Yoongi hurried you into the café, pushing you down into a chair as soon as he could to save you anymore blushes.
“What do you want to drink?” He asked, pulling his wallet out of his jacket pocket, “I’ll fetch you a drink and then I’ll need to pop to the store really quickly.”
You gave Yoongi your order, calling him back as he went to rush away. “What do you need to go to the store for? You’re a mess right now.”
“I need to go for you,” he admitted softly, “I noticed a bit of a mark on your jeans, so I’m going to go and buy you some more to change into, you can stay here and wait.”
“Wait, I’ll give you some money for some.”
His head instantly shook, “it’s only jeans, plus, I know what you like, so you don’t need to worry.”
You sighed heavily as the realisation of the situation you found yourself in began to dawn on you. “I’m lucky that you managed to spot that.”
“Did you know that you were due on today?” He questioned, sympathetically smiling when your head shook. “I’ll grab some supplies for you too.”
“You’re too good to me,” you smiled as Yoongi walked across to join the queue for coffees, “I’ll pay you back.”
“Y/N, you honestly don’t need to do that, it’s fine.”
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The moment you heard Hobi gasp, you knew that something was going on, spinning on your heels to look at him as he tried to catch up with you.
“Follow me,” he instructed, grabbing onto your hand and immediately pulling you into a shop, “just find a pair of trousers that go with your shirt, anything you like.”
Your head shook, standing face to face with him, “I’ll do that when you tell me what’s going on, you look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”
“Just look and we’ll talk,” Hobi tried to encourage you, “we’ve got to buy you something that hasn’t got a period stain in it, you can’t walk around in what you’re wearing now.”
“A period stain? I’ve not got one of those on my- “
As his head nodded back at you, your heart sunk. “Don’t worry, just stay nice and calm, it’s nothing.”
You sighed heavily as you darted straight across to the aisles of trousers, “how long have I been walking around town looking like an idiot?”
“You’re not an idiot,” Hobi comforted, fumbling for his wallet, “but the sooner that we fix this, the better, you can change in the changing rooms.”
“And then we can go home?” You requested, “I can’t spend anymore time walking around here now, can I?”
“Y/N, periods are natural, who cares what others think.”
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Panic ensued over Namjoon the moment he saw that you had a marking on the back of your trousers, knowing exactly what had caused it too.
“Y/N let’s go and get a drink,” Namjoon suggested, taking a hold of your hand, pulling you away from the direction of the stage and across to catering.
You did as he said, confused as to why he held so tightly onto your hand though. “Is everything alright?” You asked as Namjoon sat you down in the corner of the room.
“I think you might’ve come on your period,” he informed you, “I’m going to go and see if I can find some spare merch lying around for you to change yourself into.”
“Why do I need to change, I’m comfy as I am.”
Namjoon’s head shook apologetically, “I can’t let you walk around with a bloodstain on you.”
Your eyes went wide, as his head nodded to assure you that he knew exactly what was going on. “I knew something was bound to go wrong today.”
“Nothing is going to go wrong,” he smiled, “you stay here, I’ll grab you a drink, and then when I get back, we can get you changed and tidied up.”
“I’m sorry,” you sighed as he began to walk away, “you’ve probably got enough to worry about as it is today, without me.”
“It’s fine, nothing that can’t be sorted in no time.”
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Your eyebrows furrowed as soon as you felt Jimin’s arms wrap around your waist, followed by the feeling of new material settling around you.
“Don’t react,” Jimin whispered into your ear as he reached around you to tie the sleeves of his jacket so that they sat around your waist, making sure it was secure.
Your eyes looked to him in confusion as he straightened his jacket out behind you, “what’s going on? What are you trying to do to me Jimin?”
“You’ve got a small patch of blood on your trousers,” he whispered, reminding you to stay calm as your eyes went wide, “I’ve managed to cover it with my jacket.”
“I need to go home; I can’t be out like this.”
His head shook as he held onto your hand, “I promise that no one can see anything, it’s all covered.”
Your head slowly nodded as you paid close attention to what Jimin was saying, “I don’t want to make a mess of your jacket, it’s expensive.”
“My jacket doesn’t matter,” he quickly assured you, checking one last time to make sure that you were covered, “nothing a wash won’t fix.”
“Are you absolutely sure?” You questioned, chuckling softly as Jimin nodded back at you, “what if you get cold?”
“I’d rather be cold then leave you as you are Y/N.”
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His heart sunk as he noticed the red stain on the back of your trousers, knowing that you were unaware as you continued to walk on down the road.
“Y/N,” he eventually sighed from behind you, knowing that you couldn’t carry on, “if I tell you something, promise me that you won’t freak out about it, will you?”
Your eyebrows knitted together as you spun around to face Taehyung. “You’ve got me a little nervous, but alright, I won’t freak out about whatever it is.”
“Its just that you might have a little mark on the back of your trousers,” he anxiously informed you, “and I think that that mark might just be blood too.”
“I haven’t started my period yet, have I?”
His shoulders could only shrug back at you, “I think it might appear otherwise looking at you now.”
You threw your head back as you let go of a sigh, “what am I supposed to do? We’re not anywhere remotely near a shop right now to do anything.”
“Just keep walking,” Taehyung suggested, “when we pass people, I’ll shield you until we get home, that way nobody will see a single thing.”
“Do you think it will work?” You frowned, knowing realistically that you had no other option of getting home.
“It’s worth a try, that’s all we can do right now.”
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Your eyes flickered up as soon as you heard the door open, watching as Jungkook raced over to you and passed you a pad and tampon, and a change of trousers.
“The backup dancers had some bits that I could borrow,” he informed you, “and the trousers are mine, so they might be a bit big, but they’ll do the job for now.”
Your head nodded as you took all the items from him, “I think I might just hide out in here for the rest of the day, I’m too embarrassed now Kook.”
“Nobody saw you,” he quickly assured you, “and it’s been ages since you came to a show, you can’t watch it from back here, you should be out there, where I can see you.”
“What if people start talking about me though.”
He knelt down in front of you, taking a hold of your hand, “nobody saw anything, I promise you.”
Your eyes met Jungkook, noticing the sincerity that shone in them. “What did you say to the dancers? Do they know what happened?”
“I just said you noticed that you came on suddenly in the bathroom,” he smiled, “no one knows, or needs to know what really happened, it’s between us.”
“I guess I could come and watch the show,” you sniggered, “but if someone makes a comment, I’m straight back here.”
“That’s fine, but I promise you that no one will.”
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stressed-chaos · 2 years
Memories - Part 1
The first part of my first Ben Barnes x reader. This story is accidentally a long one. Hope you all like it!
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The busy and chaotic atmosphere of the cafe was only adding to the jumbled mind of Y/N Parker. She was trying to decide what beverage to order and though it was supposed to be a simple task, it felt to be a burdensome job that she couldn't seem to get away with. Finally deciding on a simple black coffee and a chocolate muffin, she did not pay much attention to the grumbling of the people standing in the queue and went on to find a booth.
The cafe wasn't very big. It was a little cozy place she had found during the first month of arriving here, not that a library is not snug but she needed a place to get to outside work. The cafe had a little corner table, which was her favorite because it allowed all the privacy she ever needed. 'Why talk when you don't even have to live in this reality?' was her answer whenever she was asked about always carrying a book.
The cafe had a lot of posters of old bands, filmstars, thoughts of great people and what not (of which Y/N recognized none, all those faces just seemed some illusion of the forgotten past). The cafe also had a little fireplace just near Y/N's corner and she loved to read in it's warmth. It looked like the cafe was started by an old-very-much-in-love-couple, which was true, she had met the owners and they were lovely. The cafe became a second home to her and she absolutely adored spending time there. It had wooden walls, the smell of fresh coffee beans always lingering in the atmosphere, a little hustle-bustle.
But today it all seemed like a burden. Maybe because of the mess in her head, maybe because crowds are never good. Even the homey feeling was not helping with the feeling of dread she was having, almost as if she was staring at a cheetah's eyes, who looked ready to attack. She had a strong notion that something would go bad today, which only increased with the prying eyes. Setting these thoughts aside, she rushed to find her booth.
The girl sat at a booth in the corner of the shop and began reading The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. This was not the first time though, she had read it more times than she cared to count but now she needed something to avoid the people who were staring at her for some reason. She was just glad nobody came to talk to her, for she was not the best at human interactions.
The coffee seemed to arrive in the blink of an eye, this is what happens when people get too engrossed in books, she thought. While eating up her breakfast, she was making plans for the day and failed to notice a man staring at her with pursed lips and anxious eyes. He swallowed his saliva as a ball rolled down his throat. Y/N narrowed her eyes and frowned a little. She turned back to see if he was staring at someone else but no one was behind her.
Y/N Parker was a 20-something-year-old girl, she couldn't remember anything about herself, or her past and nor could she remember why she did not remember. She was an average heighted girl. She sometimes thought with a little more work, she can almost look like one of her favorite characters.
Y/N could only seem to recall events from a year ago at maximum and was trying to balance finding her family or friends with her job at the local library. It wasn't much but it was enough to get by, while she figured out her life.
Though she had met a man, Tom, who seemed to know a great deal about her life, some of which even felt a little like something he was saying from the news but something in her heart, was not ready to trust him. Plus, though handsome, he came off as a little creepy with all the talks he did. He kept kind of popping up, it seemed more and more suspicious to be a coincidence every time. The man was happy, probably too happy to see her all of the times they met, which made her wonder if she had something special or was he just too jolly a person.
The man staring at her previously, chuckled slightly when he finally got a look at the cover of the book she was reading, it was always her favorite one. She used to carry a book everywhere she went, he guessed that hasn't changed at all. The man was trying to figure out an icebreaker because he really needed to talk to her. You cannot chicken out this time, his sub consciousness kept telling him.
Finally deciding on beginning with a thing or two about the book, maybe using a quote, and her favorite drink, he got up and walked over.
"Experience is merely the name men give to their mistakes," he quoted as he walked up to her gracefully even in his tuff jeans and polo shirt. He placed the drink on the table. She looked up to see a dark brown-haired and dark eyed man, almost 6 feet, looking down at her grinning widely. This grin wasn't creepy or fake, just genuine happiness but she could detect a hint of nervousness behind those eyes. A little confused, but excited, she replied with another quote, "Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing."
The man chuckled and stuck his hand out while having a hopeful look in his eyes, "Believe me miss, some do...they just realize it when they have lost the substance dearest to them."
Shaking his hand back, smiling, which seemed a little awkward to her as this was the first time she smiled in a long time, though she isn't sure how long, "It sure doesn't seem like it, Mr...?"
Whatever little hope was there in the man's eyes, was lost at her words, though he still tried his best to mask his disappointment with a smile, while kissing the back of her hand, replying, "Barnes. Benjamin Barnes ma'am."
Though he didn't seem to ask, Y/N still felt she should introduce herself, as per the social protocol, he seems to be an old-fashioned gentleman, she thought while replying, the smile putting her at immediate ease, "Y/N. Y/N Parker. Pleasure to meet you Mr. Barnes. But do I know you?" she asked, remembering the eyes that stared at her so intensely not so long ago.
"It was just the book," he said gravely.
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wholesomemendes · 3 years
Omg congrats on 1k🥳🥳 concept- a blurb about love languages and like ur guys styles are diff lil angst pls heheheh
Author's Note: Hiiiiiii. How are you lovies? I know you probably all hate me cause I just disappeared but hopefully this will kinda make up for it for those of you who are actually still here. Fun fact never used the queue before so we'll see how that goes. Also I vaguely remember the read more thing not working that well with asks, but I don't remember what I used to do to fix that so hopefully this works. Love all of you and miss you *mwah* please interact with me so I get more motivation lol
The second the door shuts to the condo you share with your love, you can already hear his unmistakable voice call out for you, “Baby, come here! I have a surprise for you!” You roll your eyes, knowing that some insanely expensive gift was probably waiting for you around that corner. Shawn wasn’t the type to randomly spend a large portion of his money on things he didn’t need, but when it came to you, there was no limit to his spending. Anytime he saw something that reminded him of you or that he thought you’d look stunning in, he couldn’t stop himself from swiping his card. It wasn’t like you didn’t appreciate the copious amount of gifts he gave you; you knew he meant well and that one of his love languages was giving gifts. However, as someone who was raised to be independent and not accept “handouts” from anyone, you found it hard to be constantly given things you didn’t work for and you didn’t believe you deserved yet. You didn’t find it fair that you weren’t at that stage in your life where you could gift Shawn something as expensive as what he gives you, but you constantly get those things from him. It wouldn’t have phased you as much if it was just for holidays, but this was an almost every other day occurrence and no matter how many times you told him not to buy things for you, he never seemed to listen.
You sighed, putting your purse on the table and making your way towards the bedroom, desperately wishing you could just relax into a warm bath after your hard day at work instead of facing whatever your loving boyfriend had in store for you. Opening the door you were met with Shawn’s smiling face, a large box with the word Gucci written in bold lettering across it. You put on a fake smile as your heart sank. This couldn’t be what you thought it was could it? “Hey,” he put the box next to him in favor of pulling you onto his lap, “How was work today?” He pressed a sweet kiss to your lips and for a moment, you let yourself get pulled into the utter bliss that was Shawn Mendes.
“I won’t lie, not the greatest,” you sighed as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Why, what happened?” he asked, his arm tightening around you to pull you closer.
“It was just insane today and my boss was in a bad mood and...I don’t know it was just bad and I’m exhausted.”
“Well, I think I have something that might cheer you up!”
“Shawn…,” you said in a mix of a whine and a stern tone, “I told you no more.”
“I know, I know,” he rushed out, placing the box in your hands, “I just want to spoil my girl. I can afford to do so and there’s no one else that deserves it more than you do.” It hurt your heart to hear him talk like that when not a single part of you felt you deserved it. You were nowhere close to where you wanted to be in your life career wise and you certainly weren’t near Shawn’s level of success. “Just open it, please?” he gave you his softest puppy dog eyes that always made you cave.
“Ok…” Opening up the box your heart stopped. There lying in the delicate paper was one of the most beautiful handbags you had ever seen; the one you had secretly been saving up for for almost a year now. You thought you had hid it from him so well, always looking at it when he wasn’t there to make sure you could still get it, and even putting together a small envelope of extra money to use towards it. This was supposed to be your first big designer purchase in honor of your huge promotion at work a little under a year ago today, but of course Shawn had to go and ruin it all for you.
Meanwhile, Shawn was oblivious to the disappointment and resentment brewing inside of you. “Do you like it?” he asked with the biggest smile, “I noticed the tab open on your computer last week when I borrowed it for those pictures and thought you liked it!”
“Why would you do this?” you whispered, a crack forming in your voice.
“Why would you do this?” you almost snapped at him, looking at him with tears that held mixed emotions.
“B- because I love you,” he stammered, not having prepared to have this reaction. In his head you were going to come home, see the gift, smother him in thank you kisses, and maybe, just maybe, you would make love to him for the rest of the night. Never in his wildest dreams did it end up like this.
“If you loved me you would have listened to me and not bought this, or anything for that matter!” you exclaimed as you stood up off his lap, “I’ve told you so many times I don’t want you buying anything for me but you never listen!”
“I- I’m sorry, I just thought…”
“No that’s the thing, you didn’t think! I just- god, Shawn, this was it, the one thing I was going to do for myself after all these years. I was only $100 away from my goal, I was right there! But you can’t just think with your head for one second and think about how your girlfriend who always tells you that you don’t need to buy things for her might be planning on finally achieving one of her goals of having enough money to spend it on something like this!”
If your eyes weren’t filled with tears and you weren’t so blinded by your emotions you might have been able to see Shawn’s heart visibly breaking on the bed, leaving him looking like a hurt puppy. “I’m so sorry, I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I’ll, I’ll return the bag or or you can pay me back for it so it’s like you bought it yourself!”
“You don’t understand because you’ve never had any problems with money. It’s not the same anymore, Shawn. No matter what, all I’ll be reminded of is that you bought it first and not me.”
“What can I do? I, I swear I’ll do anything,” his voice cracked as his own tears filled his eyes.
“I don’t, I don’t know. I need to go.” You knew you were being dramatic, but after 2 years of the same thing with Shawn over and over again you had reached your breaking point.
“No please, I’ll fix this I promise,” he pleaded, standing up to face you.
You successfully avoided him so you could grab a small bag with your things, “Shawn, I need space for at least one night.”
He reached out for you this time, his large hand grabbing your arm desperately to turn you around, “Please, don’t go. I won’t buy you anything else, I swear!”
“It’s not that I just, I don’t know. I’m upset and I’m tired and my head is all over the place and…” His large hands cupped your jaw and pressed his lips hard against yours, giving you no space to pull away. The slight taste of salt from both of your tears on your lips broke your heart more than it was before. It was hard to explain why you weren’t fighting him on this kiss; it was almost as if he was kissing you so that it was easier to let you go for the night.
His lips released yours reluctantly with a sigh, “I’ll pack my things for the night. You stay here.”
“No, I was the one who messed up so I should be the one who has to leave. I still have a backpack I never unpacked from when I got back from LA last week and I can stay with my parents for however long you want. I- ,” he looked down shamefully, his hands finally dropping from your face. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to make you happy, but I wasn’t even thinking of what would really make you happy. Just, just tell me when you’re ready for me to come back home.”
He made his way through the bedroom, grabbing his phone, wallet, backpack and guitar before making his way through the door. Your heart cried out to go after your love, but your feet stayed planted almost in shock of everything that just happened. You were still mad at him, upset with him, and if it was possible, even more upset and mad at yourself. So as much as you wanted to run after him, you let him walk away with half your heart in his hands.
“Mom?” you sniffled as you sat on the edge of your bed, the infamous handbag discarded next to you as if it was taunting you.
“Oh honey, what’s wrong?” the soft voice of your mother filled the speaker.
“I messed up,” you confessed, “I really messed up and I don’t...I don’t…”
“Take a deep breath, dear, and tell me what happened. I’m sure it can be fixed.”
“I don’t know if it can. I’m a horrible person!”
“You are not a horrible person. Now tell me exactly what happened.”
She listed carefully as a mother does while you went through moment through moment of your lash out with Shawn, up until the point where he left. “I feel terrible, Mom. This was just the one thing I had planned to do for myself and he never took into account how I would feel about this even though I constantly tell him how I feel about gift giving.”
“Sweetheart, I know you so badly want to be an independent woman and there’s nothing wrong with that. But you’re in a relationship now which means not everything you do can be independent. Think about it from his point of view: all of these things he gets you he gets out of love. He doesn’t do it because he wants you to rely on him for money, he knows you’re not with him for that and it’s probably one of the reasons he loves you so much; you treat him like a regular person. Not someone who is just a pretty face that can buy you whatever you want and get you fame. However, he is someone with money and that means he can afford these things for you. It’s not to belittle any of your accomplishments in your career or financially because we both know how supportive he is of you. It’s simply because he wants to show you he’s thinking about you and spoil you to make you happy. I know gifts aren’t one of your main love languages, but it’s definitely one of his. I bet if you had told him about this bag and how much it meant to you instead of hiding it from him, he would have never dreamed of taking it away from you. I understand your immediate frustration, but maybe think about if you’re truly upset with him about this or if you’re upset with yourself for not being able to reciprocate.”
“You’re right, Mom.”
“Of course I’m right, I’m your mother!” she let out a light hearted laugh, “But seriously, go apologize to that boy. He’s probably beating himself up over this.”
“Are you and Dad home right now?”
“Yes, why is something wrong?”
“Can’t I just be coming over to say hello?”
“Of course you can, but I can tell by your voice that something is wrong.”
A sad smile formed on his face at the fact that even over a car speaker, his mom was still able to read him like a book. “Y/n and I got into a fight.”
“Oh no,” his mother gasped, never hearing many difficulties between the two, “What happened?”
“It’s my fault, Mom, I was being selfish,” he replied defeated, his guilty heart weighing down on him, “You know how I love to give gifts right? Well, Y/n isn’t always the biggest fan of it because she loves being independent. But I can’t help it! She’s the first person who hasn’t been overjoyed over every gift I give her and I never understand because I just want her to be happy and I know they’re things she would like so...I just don’t think! I don’t know why I can’t take a hint and just do what she wants me to do! I just want to make her happy, Mom, and feel loved and all I’ve done is annoy her and upset her!”
“Ok, before you keep going on this self-deprecated spiral, I need you to tell me what happened. And no more blaming yourself until I’ve heard everything.” So he did. And just like the conversation unfolding back at his home, his own mother listened to every word he had to say.
“From my understanding,” she began, “And I’m not saying this to try to defend you, but it sounds like she is battling some problems of her own.”
“No, you don’t understand, I wasn’t listening to her…”
“Oh will you hush! I wasn’t finished. Could you lay off the gifts and make them every once in a while? Of course. However, I believe her outburst today had something to do with some financial conflicts she is facing and maybe just an overall bad mood. You’re not perfect, obviously you need to tone down the gifts just a little bit, but you were definitely not in the full wrong here. There was no way she could have expected you to know about her intentions and plans so you can’t blame that on yourself. She definitely felt that she had to hide it from you in fear that you wouldn’t listen, which might be another issue if she believes that you aren’t willing to budge on your point of view. But you should not go beating yourself up over this! She’ll come around to her senses and you two will be fine.”
“Thank you, Mom. I hope so, I miss her already,” Shawn pouted, wishing so desperately that he was driving back home instead of away from it.
“Of course. Now I’ll make sure your room is all ready for whenever you get here and I’ll stay up to give you a big hug. How does that sound?”
“Amazing, I’ll be there in…” the sight of your name popping up on his center console broke him from his thoughts, “Wait, Mom, she’s calling me. I’ll call you back.”
“Good luck honey!”
With shaky hands, he hit answer on the phone, “Shawn?”
Even just hearing his name out of your mouth brought him comfort, “Yes? Are you ok? Did something happen?”
“No, I’m fine. I mean I’m not fine, but physically I’m fine. Anyways, I’m going to ramble so I’ll just try to say this quick before I stray too far away from what I was going to say and before I get myself even more worked up again because who knows how long…”
“Y/n,” he stopped you, knowing you would ramble on forever, “Why did you call me?”
“Please come home.” His heart nearly lept out of his chest at your words, not needing to hear anymore. “I’m so sorry, Shawn. I should never have lashed out at you and…”
“Don’t say anything else. I don’t want to do this over the phone. I love you, please don’t apologize and I’ll be home in half an hour.”
“But, Shawn…”
“I love you and I’ll see you soon.” With that he hung up the phone and sped his way back through the Toronto streets to the girl he loved most.
The second you heard the door open you ran to launch your body into his arms, abandoning your previous post of walking holes in the floor. He gladly accepted you against him, holding you tight in his arms. “I’m so sorry,” you pleaded, new tears rimming at your eyes, “Please forgive me.”
“Shushh, we both can apologize in a second. I just want to hold you.” Shawn maneuvered the two of you back onto your bed with you in his lap, still clinging onto him for dear life. He felt your tears wetting his shirt and while it broke his heart to know you were
hurting, he hoped that being close to you for these few more moments would show that he wasn’t mad at you. After a couple minutes passed, he loosened his grasp on you, “Y/n look at me.” You did as told, revealing your tearful eyes to him. “I’m not mad at you,” he promised as he wiped your tears away, “I’m not upset with you in any way. I forgive you for whatever you feel you need to be forgiven for and I hope you can say the same with me.”
“No, you have nothing to apologize for!” you protested, “You did nothing but try to show me love and make me happy and I’m so sorry I couldn’t look past my own selfish issues. Talking with my mom made me realize that the reason I have always been so apprehensive to receiving your gifts is because I’m not at the point in my career that I thought I would be and I'm letting out my resentment at myself on you. I know how wrong that is of me and I am so sorry for it. There’s nothing wrong with you expressing your love through gifts and I can’t express how sorry I am for making you believe that you were the issue.”
“I forgive you. And I’m sorry, too. I should have talked with you about this and taken into account how you didn’t respond the same way as my friends and family when I give them things and should have taken a step back. I realize my gifts are excessive and I will work to tone them back so they are more special. I love you, Y/n. Even being away from you for an hour after a fight was too much for me to bear.”
“I love you, too. I hated being away from you more than anything.” He kissed your lips passionately, transferring every emotion he had for you into that kiss. Hands caressed your body as yours held him tighter in fear of him disappearing and neither of you wanted to relive this night ever again. “Shawn?” you whispered against his lips, receiving a hum in response, “Thank you for the bag. I can’t wait to tell everyone how my loving and thoughtful boyfriend got it for me.”
“You don’t have to, I can return it.”
“Return it? This is my dream bag and the fact that you wanted to get it for me because you could tell I wanted it means a lot even though I had the absolute worst way of showing it.”
“Stop,” he kissed you again, “I don’t want you to worry about it any longer. Let me just love on you how I had planned tonight.” And while it might not have been the way Shawn had planned the night to go, he was ending it exactly how he wanted to.
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ttuesday · 3 years
Following on from your comfot/cuddle HC post. Could you do something short about Bill cheering the reader up with his story of how he found chocolate in his beard please?
🐄 <- Here is a moo cow for your troubles.
Love you lots ☕
I love moo cow. I will cuddle moo cow every night as I drift off to sleep <3
Word Count: ~920
You had a bad day. Actually scratch that, it wasn't a bad day, it was a terrible day. You went on a job with Arthur and Javier. It was supposed to be simple. While you held the driver at gunpoint, Arthur was going to loot the inside of the stagecoach while Javier focused on the lockbox at the back. 
Your job was the easiest. You just had to hold the gun up and say a few threats every now and again to the scared driver. And that's exactly what you did. You were actually pretty impressed with how menacing you sounded as you shouted your threats at the driver. But that's when it happened.
A stupid, fuzzy little bee decided it would be a good idea to fly around your head. You only lost your focus for a few seconds but that gave the driver enough time to flick the horse's reins and take off.
You stumbled out of the way as the coach sped past you and down the road. It all happened so fast, you didn't even think of firing your gun. Javier stood where the back of the coach once was with wide, astonished eyes. Slowly, Javier said "Is Arthur still in there?".
As if on queue, the pair of you watched as off in the distant, Arthur jumped out of the racing stagecoach and rolled along the ground.
Javier thought the whole thing was funny. Arthur was grumpy and found it frustrating since the coach managed to get away. And guess who he blamed? No, not the bee. He blamed you. And he complained about it the entire ride back to camp.
Once you hitched up your horse, you avoided going near the middle of camp. Arthur walked towards Dutch to presumably tell him about the job and Javier was already by the campfire and telling Uncle and Pearson about what happened.
You hung your head low as you made your way over to the water. Thankfully, there was no one by the shore and you hoped the others wouldn’t notice you over there. The last thing you needed to hear was Dutch or Uncle’s opinion on how badly you fucked up the job.
You sat on the dirty ground and ran your fingers along your scalp, pushing stray hairs out of your face. They weren’t going to let you live this down for a very long time. Javier’s laugh drifted through camp and you groaned when you heard it. At least he found your mistake amusing.
You weren’t sure how much time passed as you sat there, replaying the job over and over again in your head. You didn’t care about how long you were out there, you preferred being alone than listening to them laugh at you.
“What’re you doing out here?” Bill stopped beside you with a rifle slung over his shoulder and his hat crooked on his head. You sighed, waiting for him to mention the bee. “I just needed some time to myself” you tried to put on a brave face.
“You seem… off” he said, sitting down next to you and placing the rifle by his side. “Did you eat some of Pearson’s stew?” Bill guessed “Cause I think it’s the same stew from about two weeks ago and he just warms it up”.
You smiled weakly “It’s not that, it’s the job I went on today with Javier and Arthur”.
“Oh” Bill shifted on the ground, trying to get comfortable.
“Yeah I’ve heard everyone laughing about it” your voice tightened and you weren’t sure whether you were angry or about to cry.
“I-I haven’t heard anything,” Bill defended himself “I’ve been out on watch”. You felt even worse than before. You sighed, burying your head in your hands “Shit, sorry I just presumed you heard about it by now”.
“It’s alright, besides everyone messes up” he shrugged “hell, some of the fellers still mention the time I messed up the dynamite when we was robbing Cornwall’s train”.
You nodded, thinking back to the times Micah and Dutch made snide remarks about Bill fucking that up. “Yeah, they can be assholes sometimes” you said. 
“Oh, I know what’ll cheer you up” Bill put his hand into his pocket and dug around for a few seconds before pulling out a chocolate bar. A small smile tugged at your lips. “I guess that might help a little bit” you agreed. 
As you began munching on some of the chocolate, Bill picked up a piece and eyed it for a second. “You know, the other night I was scratching my beard while Dutch was telling us about Tahiti and I felt something drop on my lap,” he recalled “and then when I looked down, I saw a piece of chocolate like this. Heh, I remember Dutch stopped talking and asked me if it fell out my mouth or if I had it stored in my beard in case I wanted a midnight snack”.
After a moment’s silence, you burst out laughing. “Did that really happen?” you giggled. “Honest!” swore Bill “y-you can even ask Dutch, I’m sure he’ll tell you about it”. 
Feeling better about your mistake, you leaned your head against Bill’s shoulder and looked out at the peaceful lake. “Thanks” you mumbled, popping another bit of chocolate into your mouth. 
“Oh uh, don’t worry,” said Bill “this ain’t my beard chocolate, I got this from the general store today”. You laughed again and you began to forget about your earlier mishap.
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soupbabe · 3 years
Shun Kaidou x Male! Reader HCs
Best boy best boy best boy!!! also may or may not sneak some Transguy!Kaidou in this too, hope that y'all don't mind!
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Poor boy saw you for the first time and automatically thought you were the prettiest boy he ever saw, so when you introduced yourself to him he stammered like a fool for 2 minutes, then went on with the dramatic 'Jet Black Wings' introduction
You had to discreetly ask other students if you were allowed to play along with his hero delusion or if you had to break it to him that the Dark Reunion doesn't exist
You went a long with it just a tad, you couldn't fully shut him down because of the sad and discouraged look on his face when people made fun of him for it
I can imagine once Kaidou starts developing feelings for you, he was on edge and harsher (?) because in his mind you suddenly became an undercover villain the Dark Reunion sent to befriend him and then get rid of
Even though the reality of it was that he just never dealt with a genuine crush before and it scares him
Queue Saiki stepping in to set things straight because it did hurt you a bit to see Kaidou go on and claim that you're some evil enchanter dude out to get him and he started distancing himself away from you. Don't be mistaken, Kaidou definitely felt the effects of his own actions too. He apologized so many times once Saiki had to get involved because it weirded him out to see his friend classmate get so down because of a guy
Also Saiki was the one to clarify to Kaidou that what he was experiencing was a crush, unintentionally starting too many plans on how Kaidou will win you over and you'll become his boyfriend
Project "Make Y/N my super amazing and cute and handsome boyfriend" is a go!
It starts off with daily compliments, that usually has him hyping himself up with his Hero persona, then him absolutely losing his cool once he actually sees you
"Hey Y/N! You look handsome today!" Oh my god did his voice just crack. "Oh thanks, but are you sick or something? Your face is red."
Okay okay Plan A isn't going that well,,, onto Plan B: Impress him!
This meant that you were constantly being "saved" by The Jet Black Wings, even though the saving was just preventing you from going through minor inconveniences
I swear to God it's like a 6th sense this simp had. Hands are full and the door almost closed on you? Boom, here's Kaidou to save the day! Almost tripped on some litter on the ground on your way to school? Kaidou literally yelled + kicked at it and claimed that it was a trap planted by the Dark Reunion since they knew that you were close to him
You aren't that dumb, you had that suspicion that he had a crush on you so you decided to talk to him privately about it via a study session at your house
So when it was time to address his recent behavior, his brain hit the panic button because this wasn't supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to catch on this early. He waved his hands around, frantically apologizing if he made you uncomfortable and if you wanted to stay friends that's 100% okay with him a-
You had to shut him up with a lil kiss on the cheek and told him that you want him to be your boyfriend too.
Nice going Y/N, not even a minute into your new relationship and you're already sure you killed your bf
He got so red faced he passed out-
Considering how he reacted to a little kiss, y'all don't do pda at all unless you want to fluster him
Which doesn't take much, hold his hand on the way to school and he goes "Y/N!!SJSNSKKSBZJSNSHAJ" "Shun, how were you able to even pronounce that?" "It's one of the many secret abilities the Jet Black Wings has yet to show you, darling Y/N!"
You're his sidekick now, even if you don't fully commit to the hero bit. He'll ask you for back up when he's faced with a great foe
You better back him up. Mostly to be a good boyfriend. Secondly, if he's trying to stand up to someone bigger than him (which to be fair. Is literally everyone) there's a good chance you need to be on standby just in case we need a trip to the nurse's office
He likes to call you his Second in Command or he shows you hero name ideas for you in his notebook
He has a separate notebook for your Relationship btw and it's very cute
When you both hang out at Shun's house, it has to be under the excuse of it being for studying just because he hasn't come out as gay yet to his mom yet. He has a feeling that his mom would be okay with it. Like she accepted that her son was trans, but it still makes him nervous
Mama Kaidou already knows and doesn't mind you dating her son. His grades actually have gone up since the relationship started so she's happy and will mind her own business
Y'all actually do study in this at home sessions and it's actually kind of cute. Celebratory kisses when he does well in reviews and at the end y'all cuddle while he gets to ramble about his plans on defeating the Dark Reunion
Dating Shun also involves making sure he's doing okay and he's not pushing himself too hard despite him being a kick ass "superhero"
This mostly comes in when he gets dysphoric and wears his binder for too long
"Shun, it's necessary for you to take breaks. Wearing your binder for longer than you should will mess up your transition in the future." "But I'm okay! You forget I'm not a mere mortal I can handl-" "I'll let you wear my sweaters." "*👀* Okay!"
Days like those are just the both of you cuddling, him wearing your sweater/hoodie, and you giving Shun little remarks to make him feel better
His favorite is when you call him "my hero" or simply "handsome man"
Please run your fingers through his hair it makes him so happy
If you don't wanna wear his hoodies or if you can't, he'll gladly lend you his various rings and necklaces
"This ring was blessed by the gods for ultimate protection against enemies! I think it's the best for you to wear this when I'm not around to protect you."
It was one of those glow in the dark rings you get at arcades, but you couldn't break the proud smile on his face.
Also likes to gift you crystals too! It doesn't matter if they end up not being 100% real, you still put them proudly on your desk and Shun gets so overjoyed when he finds out they aren't just casted aside
He's so happy with you, he finally has someone who loves him and doesn't judge him on his hero complex and doesn't mind the awkward guy behind it too. He gives you many kisses when he is reminded of that and constantly reminds you how lucky he is to have you as his boyfriend <3
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hangekitty · 4 years
I love that Er*n is in your no no rules- lmao.
Also may i request some soft Miche headcanons where he's comforting a female reader please? I've been very stressed from life recently and would really appreciate a bit of love and comfort from my fav character, smut is optional although i am above 18. Thank you so much in advance💛
Oh my gosh my first request thank you! And what a lovely way to start things out, I hope this brings comfort to you as I know how hard things are in life right now! And yes, we don’t accept Er*n in this house no thank you ~ 🌸
Did I listen to Bubble Gum by Clairo on loop because of the vibes? Maybe. Did I get upset writing this because I am touch starved? Also maybe 😌
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Miche comforting his S/O after a bad day
Genre: fluff, NSFW 18+
Warnings: mentions of having a bad day, mental health, smut, swearing
Universe: canonverse
NSFW below the ‘read more’
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Although Miche is a man of few words, he definitely knows how to show you how much he cares.
This man is a master of being able to sense whenever you’ve had a bad day, you wouldn’t even need to tell him; I suppose its because of his immaculate sense of smell, or that he takes good care to be finely in tune with your emotions.
Most of your worries and stresses stem from expeditions, having to fight off titans and watching your comrades fall certainly took a toll on your mental health; this at least was a stress you could share with Miche.
Miche’s love language is touch, so although he isn’t much of a talker, he would still want you to know that he is there for you all the same. This may look like hugs from behind, forehead kisses and holding you close to him whenever he can.
If you’re both standing, he will most definitely be the kind of guy to cuddle you and gently rock you - not quite a dance, but something that helps calm you down.
There is 110% chance that if he starts rocking you, he will rest his head on yours and hum a tune to you
Will ask Levi for your favourite kind of tea, another love language of his is acts of service. So bringing you tea, tidying your room or even cleaning your clothes without asking is a way of him showing how much he cares about you; the last thing you want to do is chores so he would run you a bath (if baths are available) and he would do the smaller things that would usually be too much effort.
Just because he is very quiet, doesn’t mean he won’t talk to you. He is more of a listener, but if you need words of affirmation or advice Miche is on it and usually says the right things. All this time of him being quiet, he has every opportunity of thinking up something to say.
Are you prone to nightmares? Miche has your back. Quite literally, he will roll over and hold you close to him. He is definitely the big spoon and will make sure to make you feel as safe and comfortable as possible.
In public, if Miche notices you tensing or begin to fluster out of stress or anger, he will hold your hand. He isn’t much for PDA, however he will push himself in situations where you need him. He would often take you out of a situation or to another room and hold your hands close to his chest, rubbing your hands with his thumbs and looking in your eyes.
Bedtime is the best time for cuddles, here he will give you the maximum affection of kisses, hugs and tickling sessions.
He will stroke your hair until you fall asleep, even if he is in an uncomfortable position, once he knows you are asleep he won’t budge.
Miche has a habit of holding you close to him when you are stressed and smelling your hair or rubbing his stubble on your exposed neck. You can’t help but giggle, even when sometimes you wanna be angry, this man never fails to make you smile.
If you suffer with panic attacks, Miche knows exactly what to do to help you. Whether grounding helps, giving you space or words of affirmations this man has it together and will do whatever he can to help. At first he might of been a nervous wreck, anxious to make sure he gets it right, but as you trust him, you tell him how he can help in that situation and Miche learns it and etches it into his brain.
“There’s my girl”
Bunny kisses! Lots of bunny kisses!
Random modern day AU head canon: this dude would turn on his LED lights and put on soft LoFi tunes on to calm you down!
Sometimes when you are stressed, you require other means of ‘letting go’
Miche knows exactly what to do, but will wait for your social queues to make the first move
It’ll start off as giving you massages, touching you in all of your sensitive, aching areas.
You will most likely make some remarks that are passive aggressive (and suggestive) which makes Miche kinda /ZING/
He is the kind of guy who would come up behind you and lift your breasts up and claim “these are heavy, let me help you carry them” or some shit, even though you are clearly frustrated, this usually earns an annoyed giggle or two.
He will let you take control, if you have a particularly stressful day and all you want to do is have angry sex, he will let you take the reins or call all the shots. Honestly, any other time he would let you take control anyway, seeing you be so passionate is a real turn on; but given such a stressful day its sort of expected - unless you just want him to fuck you silly, he will happily oblige.
I don’t care what anyone else says but this man is canon a master of oral. With a nose like that, you could not convince me he wouldn’t use it to his full advantage okay??
He is more a giver than a receiver, so Miche would be in his personal heaven whilst giving you head. He particularly likes it when you’ve had a bad day to surprise you and lower you onto his face, you will probably squirm out of embarrassment but as soon as you’d gain your confidence he would go in hard; enjoying every bit of view he has.
If you are feeling particularly low due to a bad day, he will set up the bed with lots of pillows/blankets and have you lay down, legs open and him laying between them, licking at your pussy.
Miche is a thigh guy, a man of taste. Will leave kisses up and around your thighs before going anywhere near your pussy. He probably enjoys the smell whilst he’s down there, admiring your soft flesh and kissing every inch of you.
If you want to be in control, lets say you have a frustrating day, you would ride him. Heck, he wouldn’t even mind if you wanted to peg him. This man is up for anything and would do anything to please you.
If you want him to be in control, you’ve definitely unleashed an animal. As I’ve mentioned before, he is a giver and if he knows you’ve had a bad day, oh boy this man will do all he can to help you forget your troubles. Rough but steady is his strategy.
I promise you after a night with him in control, you won’t even remember what stress feels like.
Expect some marks, this man is a sucker and a nibbler, especially on your neck and breasts.
King of aftercare, lots of hugs and kisses; will also clean you up after any messes made.
If Miche is not a man of many words, he has them all for you in that moment. Telling you he loves you, how much you mean to him and how sorry he is that you had a bad day. “Today might have been hard, but tomorrow is another day my love”
“I’ll be right here”
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I hope you enjoyed! Thanks so much for the request 🌸
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zawasdarkcirclez · 4 years
Dating Deku (Izuku Midoriya)
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-Rewind to before you’re dating, everybody knew
-Including you
-But he could have sworn he was holding himself together well anytime you were around
-Say that to the sweat rolling down his forehead and his barely audible mumbling as soon as you were in a 20 foot radius of him🙄
-Honestly he asked you out on accident
-Y’all were studying together after school
-You were meant to study with Iida, but something came up so he offered his reliable man Midoriya to take his place
-If he could explain how stressed he was...
-Half way in he feels your eyes on him so he slowly looks up
-”You didn’t want to study today did you? Or..with me?”
-”If you have something else you need to be doing I completely understand.” You’d say about to get up off your seat
-”NO!” he jumped up and literally yelled
-”I-I mean.. no.”
-silence 😑
-“I’m sorry if it seemed like I didn’t want to study with you. I didn’t. But! It’s not because of you or anything.”
-”Well actually it is. Wait! No. It’s not because of you, it’s because it is you.”
-”I mean there’s nothing wrong with you, that’s not what I’m saying. I ju-”
-”Deku. What in the world are you saying?”
-”I just feel like Iida totally set me up because he knows I like you an-”
-Queue: “I’m a failure”
After that and some more explaining he somehow manages asking you out before you both head back to your respective dorms
-Ok WOOoo got that out my system
-Dating Deku
-He is kinda really shy around you at first and take a while to warm up so be a little patient with his nerves and stuttering
-After that while tho he realizes he literally find so much comfort in being around you
-This man is the gentlest most considerate being I swear
-I’m talking pep talk king
-Bringing you snacks and shit
-Training and studying a lot with you so he can be sure you’re on it and prepared for anything and everything
-He can read you like a book
-The second he sets eyes on you and he feels you’re upset
-He is going to get to the bottom of the issue
-You are definitely not in this alone
-Your problems are his problems
-Which is sometimes an issue, but y’all are working on that
-His mom loves you
-She neeeds to take a picture of the two of you together when he first brings you to meet her
-The two of you always/usually hang out in your room
-He swears it’s because his is not clean and it’s kind of embarrassing
-In reality he loves the smell of you and the comfort of your own room
-But yes maybe also his room is a little messy at the moment
-Please put up with his All Might Addiction
-He’ll rant forever about that guy, but he’s only telling you because he feels so comfortable rambling on and on with you
-Please rant to him as well about what you’re passionate about
-He loves your voice, and likes hearing you talk about anything, especially things you love
-His friends are your friends
-Welcome to Dekusquad
-I feel like Deku’s a taaad bit clingy as well
-But he doesn’t really even notice
-Any physical contact with you and he is a blushing mess
-Even if he is the one who initiated it
-Not the biggest fan of PDA, but assures you it’ not because of you
-He just has not experienced anything like that before so it’s very unfamiliar to him
-Bakugo hates on y’all hard bruh
-Honestly though, he can talk about your relationship as much as he want because his words don’t define or mean anything
-But Izuku will not sit a second listening to Kacchan try to talk shit about you
-Aizawa is literally holding the both of them back. That day was nawt pretty
-Dating Deku would not involve a lot of arguments, but if so they are most definitely settled before the day ends
-He would not be able to tolerate you going to sleep angry with him
-Izuku has a lot pictures of you
-Some of them for his eyes only
-But he is always snapping pictures of you, some discretely and some he actually tells you ahead of time
-”O-oh, wait, wait! Y/n stay like that, let me get my phone!”
-”Oh, darn it! I’m sorry Y/n I didn’t know my flash was on. You weren’t supposed to look..”
-You still look great tho
Should I make a more nsfw version.. 😳
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stellar-imagines · 3 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝misgendered.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki ] 
「Bakugou with a genderfluid reader who’s having a boy day, but they get misgendered and Bakugou gets protective. 」
It took you quite a while to actually reveal that you're genderfluid. Your friends had only assumed that you really liked dressing up differently each day and never thought too much about it. The girls seemed to like your fashion sense on the days you identified yourself as a female. They never really assumed your gender that much and you often had 'girl days' when you're in UA.
Explaining to your friends what it feels to be gender-fluid wasn't that easy. Sure there are these types of people like that in the world but it wasn't that often. One day you're a woman and the other day, you'd be a man. You didn't know you were gender-fluid until you began to feel confused when someone would ask you what your gender is. Biologically, you're female but when you were young, you didn't really care how you dressed. You often acted boyish, loud, and a bit too active. 
It was difficult. You thought that it was weird to identify yourself as a boy and girl on different days. You want to be consistent and have a single, unchanging gender. You consulted your parents and a few of your old friends who were very accepting when you finally settled with the fact that you're gender-fluid. You dressed androgynously most of the time outside of school. At first, you weren't ready for your classmates to know. Because even back then, people made comments whenever you didn't wear your boyish clothes like you did every single day. You were afraid of dressing according to the gender you felt each day.
Lucky for you, the people in 1-A were super supportive and accepting. On the days you felt like a female, the girls would bring you out shopping and have a girls night, gossiping about random things just for fun. The same goes for the days you felt like a boy, the guys would drag you to training and have some stupid competition for fun. They were all very nice and fun people. They always defended you whenever someone misgenders you and comforts you when you're feeling upset about it.
Today, you felt like a boy. Kaminari and Kirishima were eager to invite you out. It was nice out too, a cloudless sky and it wasn't too hot either. The two boys thought that it was a good day to have some fun in the amusement park. You had to admit that all the stress was starting to get to you and how you really deserve a break from all that hellish training. You dressed comfortably in a loose hoodie, sports shorts, and your favorite sneakers. Kaminari has suggested bowling which you didn't see any problem with.
"Will you quit being so pouty, Bakugou? Loosen up and have some fun." you nudged the blonde who had been grumbling the entire time about being dragged along into this mess.
"Darn, my shoes are a bit too loose. I'm gonna go change them and get some drinks, you want anything?" you questioned as he remained seated, watching the other boys struggle with the controls. You approached 
"Excuse me, I want to change my shoe size into something smaller."
"A bit too loose huh? Well, not many girls use that size." the clerk said with a smile, taking the shoes you placed on the counter and handing over a new size to you. Your lips quirked a bit when you were referred to as a female, you weren't supposed to feel like that, they probably just didn't know. 
You stopped yourself from saying anything. The clerk didn’t seem to have noticed that they’ve misgendered you but judging from the way she’s behaving, it seems like she has no idea at all. The bubbly woman behind the counter hands you a new pair of shoes, telling you to come over if you had any problems. You reminded yourself that it was something unintentional and to move on. Before going back to your friends, you decided to queue up to buy some drinks.
While you were in the line, you looked through your phone to pass time. It shocked you when someone bumped into you when the line wasn't even moving at all. You turned around and examined his appearance for a brief moment. He was much taller than you are and seemed like he was around your age or even slightly older than you are. Next to him were 2 other people you assumed to be his friends. 
"Oh, sorry about that." 
"Um, no worries." you were a bit confused at the fact they bumped into you when the line wasn't even moving to begin with. It bothered you how you could hear them whispering behind your back, you weren't sure what they were talking about specifically but you had this feeling that they were talking about you.
"So, why are you queuing alone?"
What you feared most, some random person starting a conversation with you assuming that you're a girl. You tried your best to not appear rude or anything and attempted to tell him that you're not interested. Honestly, you're more offended by the fact that you've been misgendered.
"How about you and me.....get a cup of coffee sometime?" he asked.
"Um....." you looked away awkwardly. 
"Hey, losers. The hell you crowding around him for?" Bakugou stood with confidence just oozing out of him and you had never felt so relieved to see him.
"Him?" they seemed confused for a second and at that moment you realized that they assumed you were a girl this entire time. Bakugou, being the guy he was, casually flashed his middle finger at the group of college guys and grabbed your hand.
"Stop bothering my little brother." he said before bringing you back to where everyone else were waiting. 
Bakugou was always subtle and looks after you at the most unexpected times. Most of the time, it would take some time to realize that he was actually being nice. Other times, someone would have to point it out to you. He walked right next to you, ensuring that both your paces match. Of course, he doesn't Ashido was the first one to spot you both, waving and motioning you to come quickly.
"Thank you, Bakugou. I feel like you're always looking after me." you smiled gently, fiddling with your fingers.
"I wasn't looking after you at all. Shut up." Bakugou muttered to himself. You let out a small laugh, lightly punching him on the shoulder. The male let out a noise of annoyance before taking a seat behind you. Like you said, Bakugou never liked admitting that he was looking after you.
Total: 1111 words Published: 02.06.2021
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 Its been a while since we posted. ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! We’re just trying to clear the ask box for now. ― author Natsuki
Requests are closed! Matchups are closed!
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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xavadak3davrax · 4 years
Primed for Sin / George Weasley
Primed for sin
George x Fem Reader
Warnings: Smut (18+), female receiving pleasure, unprotected sex, dirty talk, fluff, angst (?).
Summary: George is a famous actor and y/n is starting her career in the cinematic world.
a/n: So basically actor George came to my mind in a ‘puf’ moment. I had to write it for George because I felt like he deserved another moment after I wrote four parts por Prince Fred ahah.
George started his career in acting like any other person. He grew up loving everything related to movies, series, music, he loved acting. It had started in the small school plays his mother, Molly, made him participate in. In the first ever school play George remember being so embarrassed because none of his friends were in it.
But then he got the taste of what it was like to have people clapping and enjoying and his love for acting started there. Let’s just say after that Molly didn’t make him participate in anything. He did that on his own. He had everything to thank his parents and family for. Because they were the ones who were there for every single play George was in all throughout his school years. Fred, his twin brother was the one who helped George make all the costumes and necessary things for the play he was gonna be in, since his parents weren’t rich and just couldn’t afford to pay someone to do that for them.
It was Ginny and Fred, and then later Molly and Arthur who convinced George to audition for the first movie he ever participated in. George was eighteen at the time was finishing up high school, along with working a part-time job at the local ice-cream store when the opportunity presented it self. When he saw the ad he was finishing up work, it was late and he had been so tired because it was peek summer time and a good ice-cream was what people were looking for. The paper was on the ground all wrinkled up because so many people had step on it already. But George took one good look at it and his heart felt all kinds of weird. Was that a sign?  Should he take it had one?
He took the paper with him, but that night he told nobody about it. He left himself to think about it, what it said and what he read. And laying in bed that night, in the bedroom he shared with his twin brother he fell asleep thinking about a better future for him.
The next morning Ron, his younger brother had found the paper in the pocked of George’s jeans. George had forgotten it there and that’s when he thought he had made a mistake. But the events that happened next told him otherwise. His mom was so thrilled about that idea than when he woke up and came to the kitchen to have breakfast with all his family the first thing he got was a bright smile from his mom and then a tight hug.
“George you gotta audition for it.” His mother had said, he was a little confused and took him a moment to realize what she was talking about. But when he looked at Ron and he shook the little paper he knew they now knew what had consumed his thoughts all night.
George ended up auditioning for that movie after he saw how supportive his family was of it and how they seemed to find this a great opportunity for him. That was the first movie he ever started in.
Turns out being a tall ginger haired boy has it’s perks and people seem to want a lot of him. He stared in a lot of small movies before he actually had his break through. The movie that actually put him in the spot light was a romance movie, where he was for the first time ever since staring in films, the main character. Until then he had only been in the not so important positions.
George was twenty-one when that happen.
He was now twenty-five and people came from every part of the world begging to have him started in their movies. His agent, Leah was always denying people because George had a busy schedule. When his acting had started to grow and the money and fame had started to grow George also started doing something more than just acting. He volunteered in numerous occasions, he also donated a lot of money and was always made sure he was working towards a better world. But being nice here didn’t mean he was nice when it came to his main career.
Leah had warned in various occasion to be more cautious and careful and nicer because he had lost a lot of opportunities because of his bad attitude. George always clamed it didn’t matter because he never stopped getting other more amazing ones.
So now, while he’s finishing up the knot on tie, turned to the mirror eyes focused on what his doing, he’s also rolling them from time to time while he listens to Leah. George was to star in a movie that was expected already to be nominated for numerous grammys and other awards. He didn’t even had audition, he was the chosen one from the beginning and they had also asked him to be part of the process of choosing the other main character he was going  to act with. So now he was getting ready to go to that meeting and Leah was going on about how he should be nice and should behave.
“Please George, this is very important, and don’t forget, they picked you for this but that doesn’t mean you can budge in and deny everything. If they find someone they like and the majority agrees, you have to go with it.” Leah said, finally looking up from the Ipad and locked eyes with George. They were the same age, George had hired her after his second good paid gig when he understood things could be better for him and he needed someone to manage all the stuff he was to unorganized to do. Leah at the time was someone who had just lost her job, was looking for anything to do and George had swooped in and helped her. She was so grateful for that, but it didn’t mean she was gonna give him an easy time. George was grateful for that. He liked that she was hard on him, that’s what he needed to keep himself focused on what was important.
“I’m gonna give my opinion. I’m sorry Leah but didn’t they chose me to help?” He questioned, now turning around to her, his hands smoothing the fabric of his black jacket. When she didn’t say anything he continued. “They did. And so if they did that it’s because they need my expertise on the matter so I’m not gonna hold back. Besides when I started this years ago people were hard on me and that’s how I got to where I am today.” He stated, coming down the small step from the zone in his room where he usually got ready. He smiled at her when he passed her and then went towards the leaving room.
“George, I know, but you have to be nicer. Besides there’s gonna be a lot of people where it’s gonna be a first time going to such a big audition. Please, I beg you, have some consideration.” Her voice was pleading. George sighed heavily and before he responded he was already nodding.
“Okay, okay, I’ll see what I can pull of.”
The smile Leah had on her when he turned around was massive.
“George thank you so much for coming in.” Said James, the director of the movie, along side him was the scrip writer and then the author of the book the movie was inspired in. George shook all their hands, a fake smile on his face. Although he enjoyed the opportunity, he never really liked a lot of the people who worked in this universe, some of them were to fake for him. “There’s a big queue outside so this might take some time, but I’m sure some of them won’t even make it pass de minute mark.” The guy gave a laugh that had a lot of negativity to it. And Leah was worried that George was gonna be the mean one.
“So since I see everyone is here, should we just get started?” George asked, trying to conceal the little boredom in his voice. When they all nodded, they went to their designated places in a small very brightly lit room ready to star.
The first ten girls that came in George thought they didn’t even know exactly what they were auditioning for. Although with the script in her hands, none of them was able to form one sentence that didn’t have a mistake in. or that completely changed the meaning of that it was actually suppose to be.
Then they found a girl who was good and performed well but they couldn’t accept her in that moment so they told her they would contact her. George thought it was impossible to find any better than her and she wasn’t even that good, she was just able to say the part of the script she was asked to, without any mistakes.
And also because he was loosing all hope, it had been two hours of this and they had only found that one girl. No other seemed to fit the role of what they were looking for. Until y/n came in.
y/n had been preparing for this audition for a whole month if not more. At only twenty one y/n thought her life was a complete mess. Almost all of her friends had finished college, some already working for big firms, some married, some with kids. They all seemed to have a path in their lives. Y/n? Well in this moment exactly she was swimming in debt, leaving in the cheapest apartment she could find and working full time at a supermarket near her house. Her plan since she was little was to become an actress, y/n loved every aspect of what it entailed. She loved to go to the movies and think it could be her one day on the big screen. She liked when she saw people around her clap at the end of an amazing movie and think maybe, just maybe one day people would clap for her too.
The luck was on her side when the audition was to be on the same day she had her day of work. But even if she hadn’t Piper, her work friend had already made plans to change days with her just so she could go to this audition. She was the most supportive friend y/n now had regarding her dream. Let’s just say all of her friends with their big lives sometimes pitted her for still being so stuck. y/n although a very negative person in life, thought that this was just a small little bump in the road and that one day she would get what she so hard worked for.
So for the past month every time y/n had a small window of a chance she was preparing herself for this. It wasn’t her first audition, but it would be her first big audition. She new the ‘jury’ was gonna be composed of big people, including one of her favorite actors (George Weasley) and one of her favorite writers (Clara Hart), so what better mix than that? She didn’t know any. She wanted to give her best on this, to be prepared for anything they might throw at her to see how good she is. And so she tried to prepare in her head any possible scenario.
So when she opened the door gently and looked at all of them staring right at her, the confidence that she was made of suddenly disappeared, and she was left nervous and speechless until she hit the yellow line on the ground were she should stay to then perform.
“So, please state your name and date of birth please.” The director spoke, she knew that because he had a plaque in front of him with his name and his position, so had all the other. y/n let her eyes follow every person on the table, and she swallowed hard. Now in front of two of the people she liked most she felt like she would never succeed. What if she made a fool of herself? What if they just plain and simple didn’t like her? What if they wouldn’t even give her a chance to do better? Shit. Everything was coming at her, at once. y/n gave a small smile and stated her name. “Good, now please turn to page twenty on your script and we would like you to do that scene, George here is gonna do his part.”
They were choosing different scenes throughout the script to make sure they got the full view of it, but always making sure they chose scenes where George was included because they wanted to see of both people would work together. For them it was important to choose people who had some type of chemistry, so the movie itself would work out better.
y/n nodded, turned to the page in question and then look at George who was looking at the script. He was the first one to start so she was ready for him to do so. But he stayed silent, and after a few minutes talked.
“What are you waiting for?” George spoke rudely, y/n was taken aback by that.
“Ahm- i- I’m sorry but you start.” y/n spoke very quietly a little scared of his tone of voice. The director got close to George and pointed to the scene in question, he then nodded and without any warning or preparation after what he just did he stated spilling out the lines. y/n quickly got back to herself and did her part.
After they finished that and made y/n do a scene of just herself, it seemed like forever before they said something. They were writing in their papers (well, all besides George, he was just looking at them) and then they were talking very quietly in inaudible whispers between themselves. And y/n was just left standing there, her eyes looking everywhere but the jury.
“So, miss y/l/n…” The write spoke this time, she unlike the director and George, had a kind smile on her face. “We have your contact here, expect a call in the next seven business days about your situation.”
She could feel her heart beat so fast and for a second wondered if anyone else could hear it. Shit, she had never gotten that answer before. She had been rejected had soon as she had finished. But now… now she had chance, this meant she had a chance. She was elated, she couldn’t believe it. When they kept looking at her she realized she had still not spoken.
“So sorry, yes, of course, thank you so much.” She said, smiled and then went on her way, not wishing to stall them anymore given they still had a lot of people to audition. That didn’t mean she got the part, she bets a lot more girl were given that answer, but for her that momen was a big win for her.
But what if they had said that out of the kindness of their hearts because the actor had been rude to her? Had that been it? Was his action so bad that they felt bad for her and decided to giver a thread of hope? Oh no, please no, let it no be it y/n thought nervously, it couldn’t be. She wanted to believe that they had said that because she performed well and deserved a chance at the part she auditioned for.
It had been four days. Four long and tiring business days of y/n waking up, getting dress in her sleepy state to go to work. For days of just existing at her work because her anxiety was too much for her to handle. They said seven days… but it wouldn’t actually take them that long right? They probably just had said that because they felt bad for her, and had found someone way better than her.
“y/n, please, please, stop walking around like the world is gonna end.” Piper said coming up behind y/n and putting her hands on her shoulder shaking her gently. “You are gonna receive that call, and you’re they’re going to accept you and you’re gonna leave this shitty job and get us a nice vacation somewhere sunny.” She said, earing a small laugh from y/n who then turned to her friend, teeth bitting on her bottom lip, a nervous tic she had.
“But what if they don’t? I mean do they really take this long? I mean I know they probably found a million other girls who are suitable for the part, but for days?” y/n clearly exaggerated on the ‘million part’.
“Yes they do y/n, because this is a big movie and they need to get the person to act with the George Weasley to be the best of the best. They just haven’t realized that’s you.”
“Thanks for the positivity. I’m just gonna scan this fish sticks in and the  work on the toilet paper isle to take my mind of this.” y/n gave her a look of ‘thank you really’ and then left to do her things.
She was leaving work at seven, the summer breeze hitting her face, her eyes puffy from tiredness and maybe from a little bit of crying. She lived close to the supermarket so she was going on foot, the walk barely hitting the ten minute mark. But it was when she was close to her door that her phone rang. She picked it up, not looking at the ID because she thought is was piper who had forgotten something.
“Yes?” That’s all she said, before she thought piper was gonna burst in, distressed because she had forgotten something important. But the voice on the other side was male.
“Hi, is this y/n y/l/n?”
“Yes this is she, who am I speaking to?”
“Hi, I’m James, you audition for the movie I’m working on.”
The bried moment where y/n’s thought were not on the movie and so she had a small window where she didn’t feel anxious stopped completely and abruptly and her anxiety came back like crazy. Were they calling her because she hadn’t make the cut? And in the world was she, a somehow positive person, thinking the worst lately?
She thinks it’s because of the crazy amount of bills pilling up in her coffee table because her salary isn’t enough to pay all of them at once so she had to pay them given their priority and need. She usually pays rent, and with the rest of the money that’s left water or electricity. And tries to put some aside for some food, after all she had to survive.
“Ahm yes, yes, sorry.” She apologized when she realized she had stayed quiet for longer than she thought and james had asked if she was there.
“Amazing. So I don’t how to say this in other words other than, I would like you to at this address,” he stated said address “on Friday by nine does that work for you?”
“Sure, yes, but may I ask why?” y/n was lost, why did she need to be there if she didn’t even know if she got the part or not? They were trying to make her look like a fool.
“Because we’re gonna have a meeting and need the two main actors in the movie presen-“ he didn’t get to fisnish the sentence because the scream with had been holding up for what feel like forever finally got out. On the other side James had a smile on his face and his phone way from his ear.
“Thank you, thank you so much I will be there.”
And then they hang up. And for a long moment y/n stayed at the for of her apartment speechless, hands shanking like crazy, her eyes watery but a smile on her face. She got it. Her first ever movie, and a big one at that.
All those millions of auditions where she was left crying because she felt like wasn’t good enough, they now didn’t matter. Didn’t matter because she got the part. And she felt the happiest she had been in a long, long while.
“Ok, I’ll hang up now but good luck and call me when you leave.” Piper said swifly, knowing y/n was about to enter her first ever meeting. The begging of her dream career. She hung up, put the phone in the back pocket of her jeans and breath in deeply.
She decided to not dress any of the old jeans she used for her (now old) work. So she used on of the best jeans she had, she might’ve worn them too or three times before that, and pared then with a nice blouse and one of her best jackets. Since she didn’t have anything fancy, she wore her tennis. They were kind of old but maybe no one would notice. She got close to the door and knocked three times and when a voice came from inside saying ‘come in’ she did.
She was met with a cute girl, she was the same height had y/n, she had black hair and brown eyes and was looking intensely at y/n. Next to her was George Weasley sitting in of the green colored sofas, one of his legs on top of the other and a phone in his hands.
“I’m Leah, pleasure to meet you. You must be y/n?” She nodded unable to form any kind of sentence in that moment. “I’m George’s assistant. We came in early in case you decided to arrive early as well.”
“Ahm yes, it wouldn’t look nice of me to arrive late.”
“No it wouldn’t.” George said, looking at her with hard eyes, for a moment and then back at his phone.
“Excuse him, he’s a grumpy old man when he had to get up early.” y/n tried no to laugh at that and then sat herself in the chair Leah had pointed to, and then she sat next to her.
“I made him do this because I know this is your first your first ever work related to this. And I you choose to accept some advice I’m more than willing to give it you.”
y/n couldn’t answer her in that moment because they heard the door slam hard, and when Leah looked at the sofa the place where George was empty.
“Like I said, a little moody in the mornings but no worries. Since he left we can do this in silence.” She smiled, and then proceeded to start explaining some brief stuff to y/n. y/n felt that the small amount of time she had with Leah made her felt less nervous. Leah helped her navigate through this new world and how she thought things would go for this movie. “Don’t worry about George, he’s gonna give you a hard time but I’ll give him a harder time.”
“He doesn’t really like the fact that they chose me the, I assume.” y/n gave a nervous laugh, trying to ease the moment.
“It’s not like that. George just thinks they should’ve hire an actress in a name, and experience and no someone who’s doing this first time…” She pretty much had agreed with what y/n had said, but she decided not to dwell on it much longer. “But everyone else loved the way you acted and showed a different passion in the way you acted, you are what they need for this. George just as to suck it up.”
They both laughed together, being interrupted by the door opening and George coming in with the rest of the people, James, Clara included.
“You’re already amazing, let’s get started then.” James said happily, sitting down and giving everyone a gesture to do the same. Leah stayed next to y/n, and George sat next to Leah. Because of the conversation Leah had with y/n before hand she didn’t feel as lost as ever. She understood points and things that were necessary to do. They were also talking and planning how things for the movie would work out, how y/n and George should meet to stage and act the many ,many scenes they had together. How it was important because it created chemistry and the right mood they were looking for in the movie. At the end, after they asked if anyone had any questions, they got up to leave. y/n stayed in her sit even though George had gotten up.
“I think we can take the time to talk about the meetings you both have to do.” Leah said, but she was looking at George because he was the one who was ready to leave.
“You can both talk about that, you have my schedule make her work around it.” George said, looking at Leah. “I have a date with Madison now.” Madison was a singer George had been talking and seeing for a while now.
“y/n doesn’t have to work around anything George, you both have to compromise.”
“No it’s ok, show me is schedule and I can work around it.” y/n tried to make this moment less tense, and soften the angry look Leah had. George smiled cynically and then left leaving the both alone. “Really it’s ok, I have more free time then him. We just gotta work things out so I can organize myself. I have to catch the bus and all of that so it’s better if I know before hand what to do and where to go.”
“Thank you y/n. But I’ll still have a talk with him, he cannot act like this, it’s rude and disrespectful and you are both gonna be working together so he better stop acting up.”
“y/n is about to arrive, can you please put on some nicer clothes?” Leah exasperated, hands in the hair and her face showed stress. She had arrived about half an hour ago expecting George to be ready in some nice comfy clothes, with his breakfast eaten and ready to start whenever y/n appeared at the hour they had established. But instead George was hungover in his bed, only in his boxers, still soundly asleep. Leah had to come in, wake him up loudly and make him get is ass up from the bed to get ready.  He go up still in his boxers and went down to his kitchen to eat what Leah had kindly prepared for him to eat since she knew in his state he wouldn’t prepare much less eat anything.
She watched George move lazily around his house, going to his room to dress something nicer. That ended up being some grey sweatpants and a t-shirt that had some sex quote on it.
“I won’t be here while you both work on the script, but please George be nice to her. y/n is new to this and the least we can do is be nice and helpful. She’s gonna make mistakes but so do you and you are a big actor. So instead of being a dumbass, try and be just dumb.” George flipped his middle finger at her.
The door bell rang and Leah got up excitedly. She was the one who went to open the door, while George put a yellow marker and a pen on top of the script that had been sitting at the top of his dinning table for what feels like forever now.
“Hi y/n. George is in the dinning room, it’s the door to the right.” George heard Leah say and then continue. “I’m not gonna be here so you can both concentrate on the work, but…” and then he stopped listening because she lowered her voice to much for him to be able to hear. The last thing he heard was the front door to his house close and then steps that let him know y/n was getting close.
“Hi.” She said, front the door of the room, she was in comfy clothes, some leggings a sweat shirt and instead of the old shoes she had on the day of the audition she had some sandals. “beautiful house you got here.”
George wanted to growl. He wasn’t here to talk about anything else other than his work. He didn’t wish to make any other conversation other than the necessary one. So was she talking?
“We should get started. I have some meeting in the afternoon and would like for us to make some progress.” y/n nodded quickly, pulling her bag from where it rested and taking her things out. George noticed her script had already written stuff on it along with some highlighted parts. So she had been working, and George had nothing written on it and didn’t really even know where to start even after Leah had asked and warned him to work on it. y/n let her eyes fall on the papers in front of him and then to him again and when she saw the awkward look he had she felt the need to say something nice to ease whatever he might be feeling.
“Look, I took some notes of where I think we should start and something I think we should do in each part to help us get this write.” She started, and pushed her papers towards him for him to see and read. George nodded and took a look at all her little notes. She had a beautiful writing. When he nodded she continued. “Yeah? You agree?” he nodded again. “Great so let’s start.”
“You should seat first, so we’re both more comfortable.” George reminded her when he saw her still standing up.
George realized during the time they started talking that maybe he was wrong in judging her so soon. y/n knew what she was doing, she had worked hard to get everything to his liking and every time they had to try again on a scene wasn’t because of her but because of him. Because somehow he let his mind wonder a bit to much during these times, and also because she looked soft in that hoodie, we thought he could squish her gently and kiss the top of her head, and then hug her closely to him. He was gonna do all of that, the movie had more than enough scenes for them to hug, be gentle with each other and even kiss. What would it be like to kiss her? George wondered. Maybe her lips would be soft, they looked soft right now. Maybe she would taste like mint, or a fruit, like strawberry or lemon. Lemon looks like a bad choice, but he loved the sour taste of it. And her hands, what you they feel like holding his face while pulling him closer to her so they could kiss, would they be cold? Leah had told him the other day how y/n’s hand were always cold, but always soft. She moisturized.
“George? Everything ok?” George looked at her, a little embarrassed because he had zoned out on their conversation and so he had lost the last paragraph of what she said.
“Sorry.” He apologized and asked her to repeat what she had said so he could say his part.
And the meeting itself was not half had bad had George had been dreading it to be. How he thought each minute would drag out, how three hours of this would probably look like a whole day to him. No, instead, three hours felt like five minutes because y/n was easy to work with. It almost looked like she was doing this for longer than him and had more experience than him. She took this very seriously and George wanted to punch himself because he didn’t believe she would.
“So this sums it up for today.” y/n was putting all her things back in her bag, she had a content smile on her, feeling like they had accomplished so much in such little time and this being their first encounter of many before they would start shooting in just a month time.
“Yeah, we did a lot. Do you know when he have another meeting?” He felt stupid asking this, he should’ve waited and asked Leah about this, maybe then y/n wouldn’t think so low of him. Think how he couldn’t manage his time well at anything that he had to have Leah do everything for him. It was not like that, George was busy outside acting. Being as famous as he was he felt some kind of responsibility to show other famous people what it was like to do good.
He grew up poor, like so many other did, she just wanted his fame to not go to his brain. Every time he felt like that was happening to him he would go to Fred, his twin, oh boy he would definitely bring George back to reality.
“I mean it almost everyday.” She said casually, his scared face made her laugh. “I’m joking. We have another one this week and then the rest of the other weeks until filming is only once a week. But I think this went so well we have nothing to worry about. But if you do feel like we should work more just have to let Leah know, and she’ll talk to me.”
George nodded and watched her get up, all her stuff already put and she was ready to go.
“Well it was a pleasure working with you face to face for the first time Mr. Weasley, see you next time.”
And then George was left alone to all his thoughts.
They were now only a few days way from the first day of shooting and today was the last day they had their meetings. This time Leah was present because after hearing George talk so much about how amazing it had been she needed to see for herself. In general in any of the other movies she had seen George work in he never really had any closeness to the person he was acting with. So this was a first.
“Look who it is, the man of the hour.” Leah said, she was on one side of the kitchen isle turned to the stairs in George’s apartment, and y/n had her back to him.
“Morning Leah, morning y/n.” the look y/n gave him gave him chills. He still wasn’t use to this weird feeling every time she looked at him.
After their first meeting George tried to really keep those thought to him, to not let it get to his head and ruin everything. But every time y/n came she looked even softer, even cuter and it was impossible for him to feel some type of way for her. She just squished herself in his heart and now had a small place in it. He wasn’t rude anymore.
“Leah is watching us today. My first audience.” y/n joked, making George laugh and look at Leah.
“Great. After this I think we could all for lunch. My treat?” George asked looking at both of them. “Just you know to celebrate this last era of just us, before the big part.” They both nodded agreeing to him.
When y/n entered the studio where they were going to film for the first time, she felt small. Everything was so big and bright and everyone was talking to someone but she had arrived alone, after taking a three buses and almost loosing herself. She looked around, looking or Leah who said she would be close by the entrance to help y/n. She assumed George would already be getting ready to start shooting the scene they were to start today.
When she walked a little more people started looking at her and she started to overthink everything she did. What she wore, how she walked and if her hair was messy. Shit, it could be. The wind outside was crazy.
“Y/n come on.” Leah came up to her side and grabbed her hand, everything went so fast that she didn’t have time to see were she was being taken. Leah had been a guardian angel in all of this, helping y/n through everything and managing both her and George. “George is almost ready, and I cannot believe it, you two are gonna be amazing.”
y/n nodded nervously, and closed herself in her trailer to get ready. Everything laid out for her. And she tried not to be late, and she was able to get to the scene just in time. George taking the rest of what was left of her breath, way. He was in a back suit, green tie and his shoes were black and shinny. The scene in question was not the very first scene of the movie but something more towards the middle, so this scene had touching and some kissing. y/n had made sure she washed her mouth extra good this morning. George came in to hug her, a gesture that had became normal between both of them.
She wrapped her hands around him, they hugged each other tightly.
“You’re gonna do amazing.” He whispered in her ear, y/n shivered, George noticing it, a smile on his face.
“Ok, everyone in your place.” James said loudly. And George and y/n hurried to their places. She gave one last look to Leah who was next to James, her face happy and she gave them both a thumbs up.
y/n started to say her line. Following what the script had, George had his hands on her waist, y/n had hers on his shoulders and slowly they would go up his neck. He was leaning in close to kiss her. Although having to show a certain emotion on screen, the way her heartbeat faster with how close he got was a different emotion. She felt her hands sweat a little and wondered if he would notice when she got way from him.
George whispered something, just before their lips touched. Her fingers closing in around the fabric of his suit, tighten her grip even more when their kiss deepened. And when he pushed away his eyes never left hers.
The scene continued until a little after, so y/n had to bring herself back together and not let anyone understand how she felt after kissing George. When James yelled ‘cut’ she let out a deep breath she hadn’t realized until then she was holding.
“You did amazing.” George said, although with the amount of people around them he wasn’t scared of being a little to close to her. Although he should because rumors with any girl he was with flared up like crazy.
“Thank to you and your helpful very experienced tips.” She nudge his side and they both walked up to meet James and listen to some helpful advice from him.
They way things were going amazing was to good to be true. George started inviting y/n after their time on set to just spend some time with him, at first the excuse was that they should work a little more on their scenes, but after the third time y/n stopped biting it and he just had do admit he genuinely wanted to spend some time with her.
So they were both longing in his enormous sofa, watching one of George’s movie because y/n had instated in doing so. George was a little embarrassed he usually never watched his own movies outside the first time they aired on the cinema. He liked to just think they didn’t existed. Not that he didn’t like the job he did, he just didn’t like to look at himself for long periods of time. But y/n had bugging him about it of for so long and the day she gave him those puppy eyes he gave in.
y/n had her legs on top of his, she was in some comfy pajamas because sometime she ended up falling asleep on his sofa and he couldn’t bring himself to wake her up and sent her home, not when she looked like a true angel. So he advised her to bring her pajamas so she would sleep comfortably.
“You look too good.” y/n laughed when a particular scene called for such statement. George rolled his eyes and looked at her.
“This is the last time I’m ever doing something like this. You watched them by yourself from now on.” He stated pretending to be angry, but y/n knew he was playing.
“Shut up, you love it. Every second of this you’re enjoying it.” She nuzzled herself closer to him but when that position of her legs on top of his was not enough closeness to her she decided to change. Turning around so now her head was on his lap and one of his hands came up to gently stroke her hair, her eyes immediately started closing, because it felt so nice and she was tired but she hadn’t realized until that moment.
“If you continue that I’m gonna fall,” she was interrupted by a yawn from her part, “I’m gonna fall asleep.” She finished, eyes already closed and her hands on the thigh she had her head on.
“It’s ok.” He whispered. She did end up doing just that and George had to get up has careful had he could as to not wake her up. Turned the tv and before he left he covered with a thick blanket and the went to his room.
It was about two in the morning when y/n woke up from a wet dream.
She was confused. Her hair was all over her face, some in her mouth. She felt sticky between her thighs and when she uncovered herself she look to see a wet spot on her pajama pants. How? How had it happen? Her and George and been close yes and friendly maybe a little to much with lingering touches and some discreet kisses when no one was looking. But was that reason for her to dream such filth? Her breathing was uneven had she got up, her brain and her legs seemingly not connecting while they guided her upstairs towards George’s room. The lights were off so he must already been asleep. With her legs still shaky she stopped at his door, it sounded so creepy to her, standing there looking at his peacefully asleep. But her body craved his touch.
“georgie?” Y/n voice called quietly while entering the room towards his bed, his king size bed. She kneeled at the bottom of the bed looking at him while his eyes slowly opened, his hands coming up to his head to rub them.
“y/n? Everything alright?” His voice was ruff and sleepy and she felt the wetness between her legs become more prominent but she tried to hide it.
“I-i woke up and can’t fall back asleep” she hadn’t even tried to do so. “Can i- can i sleep with you?” She murmured voice small and hand moving nervously in front of her.
“Of course sweet pea. Come here.” He hold the covers of his bed up so she could come in.
At first after she got in y/n stayed far from him. She was already in embarrassed of coming up here and asking him that, and he said yes so now she was in his bed his warm comfort bed.
“You can get closer, come on.” his sweet voice came from behind her, being she had back to him.
She turned around and got closer one hand under her head and the other on his arm. “Thank you.” she said a smile on her face. He gave a gentle kiss to her nose making her scrunch it up but none the less, laugh. She nuzzled even closer to him, letting her head hide in his neck, he felt her breathing there. The closeness they had made him feel hot all over his body and when a particular change of position made his uncovered leg brush close to her he felt wetness. Her breath caught in her throat. Shit had he felt it? He had to, the way his movements stoped abruptly and the way his hand squeezed her, he had.
“I’m sorry” she hurried to say, now very embarrassed because of what she had said.
“Oh my poor baby, did you have a wet dream?” She nodded unable to speak for herself. “Can I?” He asked gently his hand squeezing her also like that and when he got her agreement his hand traveled towards where she was the most warm. “Sweet thing look at how wet you are. Who made you like this?” He asked, curiosity all over his voice. The hand in his arm came to push his hair.
“You.” He was left genuinely surprised at that. He knew they were close and did things not normal for their relationship but he didn’t know she was dreaming of him like this. Hell if he knew he’d done something about it sooner because she was also filling his mind. His hand gently cupped her pussy thru the thin fabric of her bottoms, a moan leaving her mouth and her hips moving against his palm to find friction.
“So desperate.” She could feel his breath now close to her face his lips leaving kisses all over her face. ‘Tell me baby what did you dream of?’ He asked, his hand putting more pressure on her pussy, her swollen clit loving the attention. She mewled continuing the friction with her hips but now a little faster, almost like she was the one choosing the pace. ‘Nuh uh precious. You gotta tell me first, what was I doing in that dream of yours?’ He pushed his hand way stopping all contact and the broken cry that left her almost made him come back, but he wanted her to speak.
“I- you were.” she tried to speak, her voice shaky. “you were fucking me.”
“oh was I baby? And what more?”
“You- you touched me, with your hands, and they- Oh George they’re so big” The leg that was now in between hers was a great opportunity for y/n to buck her hips into it, the touch to her clit felt like it was too much and too little at the same time. He put his hands at her hips to stop her from getting her pleasure.
y/n brough her hands to his and squeezed them both, her eyes looking at him. “They’re so fucking big George shit, and your fingers.” She was so lost in pleasure that thoughts that made sense almost didn’t pass her mind. “Please.” She begged.
George felt sorry for the way she was feeling. George lets one hand slip from her face, down to her shoulder, sliding his fingers along her collarbone. He drags them down her front, dipping beneath the sheets as he cups the soft mound of her breast. A small gasp leaves her mouth, his hand rubbed against her nipples that immediately got hard from his touch. His mouth came to meet hers letting her moan into his mouth, his tongue touched hers and she felt a shiver run down the entirety of her spine. She did taste like strawberries, the ones he had imagine the first day she had come to his house, and she was soft and squishy like he dreamed of. She let her head fall back a little still kissing him, but that deepened the kiss and her hands came to roam his body staying in the line of the boxers he had.
George pushed of her and looked at her, a smile creeping up on his face. He lowered his head, and bit down on her throat while his hand went thru her pajama bottoms and her thin undergarments to finally touch her now bare pussy. She was even warmer now and the gasp that left her lips was marvelous. He gently brushed his fingers thru her pussy, he could’ve sworn he felt her clit twitch against his hands. The urge he felt then was big and he let his thumb slide against the gentle twitching button that was begging to be touched. He first rolled it gently and when mewled little a kitty he took that had a yes and then rolled again but a little stronger this time. Her legs shook wrapping around one of his legs.
“Oh sweet girl you are quivering, this is your sweet spot isn’t it?” She could only nod.
George’s cock twitched with interest again, he’s hard, he doesn’t think he felt this hard ever, and when her hands gain the courage to pull his boxers down his cock came with force slapping against his abdomen, the pre-cum that left the tip leaving them both messy with the sticky substance. He was stiff has stone beneath the sheets that now felt to much.
“Get undressed.” He said, his voice now a little less sweet and more dominant, he pushed the sheets of them because he now knew both of them were hot. And he also took the chance to finish up taking his boxers, the only piece of clothing that he had. He watched intensely as y/n tried to take her clothes of, but her shaky hands weren’t helping.
When he came down again, y/n took his hand and brought it to her chest, he understood the gesture and gave another squeeze and let, after that, his fingers wrap again around the now hard button that was her nipple and pulled, her hand opening but the pleasure consuming her was so much that the moan that was coming out got stuck in her throat.
He then let is fingers stay in her nipple while the other hand came to her pussy and he plunged two fingers into her, she was so wet that he had his hands soaking again with her juices, she was squishy inside and warm and thigh and he could only imagine how his cock would feel. The movements of his fingers in her so slow that she was bucking her hips again against him fucking herself onto him.
“Desperate, sweet pea.” He kissed her throat again and sucked on it again, the other mark from earlier already purple and this would have the same ending. “You want me to make your sweet little dream come true don’t you?”
The fingers he had inside her pick up it’s pace, her pussy convulsing and spasming around his fingers, whimpers and moans were all y/n was able to let out, her brain was mushy and no thoughts were able to form. And as with his quick pace comes a stron movement, her whimpers turn into longer moans her hands shake, she put one hand on his neck and pulled him to her kissing him hard moaning into his mouth, into his tongue.
She’s so close, he can feel it, this is the first time he’s touching her but it feels like he knows her like the palm of his hand, the way she squeezes even harder around his fingers, how her hips look to closer to him, how he knows she feels any sort of touch from him is never enough. Her orgasm is stopped when he pulls his fingers out, looking for eye contact with her before bringing his fingers coated in her wetness to her lips.
“Open baby, taste yourself.” Ans she obeyed, opening her lips slightly, just enough to wrap around his fingers and she sucked fervently on them. She brought both of her hands to hold his wrist as if telling him to stay there. The way her warm tongue enveloped his fingers had his leaking cock bloat even more with pleasure.
He took his fingers out. “Enough greedy baby, I’ll give you my cock now.”
y/n laid back letting him get on top of her, she opened her legs so he could fit in between them, her hands on his back, her fingernails scratching very lightly at his. It made George shiver and loose a little balance. One of his hands was next to her head holding himself up while the other came down to his cock, he stroked it gently a few times, biting down on his lips to suppress a moan, and then positioned himself at her entrance.
She felt his the head of his swollen cock brush up against her hole, and how he pushed in ever so gently letting them both deep in the pleasure of her cunt enveloping his cock for the first time. The moan that leaves her mouth is something out of an adult movie George is almost sure, he pulls out almost all the way before pushing back in.
“Shit-“ his moans his cut of by the pleasure cursing through his body. “So tight around me baby, just perfect for my cock.” His hands that were supporting his body came to change their position. He kneels between her legs, carefully because he was still inside her, and his hands picked up her legs bending them so she was more open to him. He begins to buck his hips against her quicker and more vigorously, their moans filing the whole room, the only sound they could hear besides the snap of his hips against her bottom, his pelvis sometimes brushed against her clit making her tighten her pussy around him.
George doesn’t hold back on his moans, and the way she feels and responds to his moans makes him know that she also likes. When she moves her hips, he bottoms out on her, his whole length inside her touching the spot that makes her shiver and quiver.
“Fuck, George- so deep.” Her hands come to her breast to touch them, moving them around and toying with her hard nipples making her pleasure even stronger. She was throbbing around him. The smile on his face is big, thrusting up into her while also letting her hips meet his, his balls slap around her bum. y/n’s thighs are tense, her orgasm is starting to build, the pressure in her lower belly starting to get stronger, her legs sometimes twitch as if they’re gonna close.
George keeps bumping into her soft, if she was wet before she’s soaking now, her juices coming from her letting a wet noise be heard, squelching noises every time his fucks into her sweet pussy.
“Sweeteste little pussy baby, can’t believe I’ve been dreaming of this and it’s even better than I dreamed of.” His hips flutter a little in his speed when he also starts to feel his own orgasm building up. She’s convulsing around him, her hands are now bunching up the sheets in her hands and she screams. “My best little girl you are, giving your all on my cock ahm?” The growl tha leaves his mouth is grutal and strong and he gives on last hard trhust agains her as she comes around his cock, her juices coating all of him and his whole cock is even wetter, the pressure from her strong orgasm pushes him out of her and his hand immediately meets his cock.
y/n locks eyes with the hand on his cock, his movement rapid and smooth knowing perfectly how to finish himself, and although she’s looking at his cock he’s looking at her, his free hand comes to one of her breasts and toys with her nipple. “Such cute tits, I’m-“ his voice breaks “i-m gonna fuck them one day, one day- shit.” He’s unable to finish his sentence as his orgasm ripples truh him, his whole body shaking and y/n has to bring her hands to help as best as she can with his fall.
Even with limp arms he tries to not put his whole weigh on her but the aftermath of his orgasm makes such thing impossible. His cum his leaving a mess between her thighs, all over that and his tummy and hers and they both feel sticky.
Sticky but happy, as her arms come to wrap around his body hugging him she feels the best she’s ever felt in a while, even with everything in her life going good. But she feels so close to him, she knows for sure she’s falling in love with the man on top of her and she couldn’t wish for anyone better.
“Thank you.” He murmured. “You are amazing.” He kissed her shoulder sweetly and y/n smiled repeating a ‘thank you’ to him.
This made everything that was to come more interesting. How they still had a whole movie to shoot, and how she knew this wasn’t the end and only the beginning of them.
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs That Screaming Feeling
Nope. Today is a “feel like screaming” day.
Apparently Scruffman wants us to have a backlog. I tend to think we’re doing well when the dictation queue is really low, but it finally was for the first time today and I was told to slow down on the typing insofar as was possible - basically only taking a few bits at a time instead of the great huge wodge I normally do. The thing is, I take that great huge wodge to ensure that at least some of what I’m typing is the short easy stuff. Because if I just take little snippets, I come back to the typing queue to see all of the longest ones right at the top, having been left there by the cherry-picking temp. And she was on form with that shit today. The best I could do at the end of everything was to miss the fifteen minute monstrosity she left sitting there for me. She left me with one seven-minute bit of dictation, two five-minute bits of dictation ... basically every dictation over three minutes was mine to deal with, a lot of which was this one guy who’s very loud but sounds like he’s talking through a sock. Fine. I can’t do anything about that but I can say, “Sorry; the dictation length may say 14 minute and 36 seconds but by the time I’ve skipped around, gone back to correct things by request, gone back to correct things because the sentence structure was garbage, and fixed the block key so it’s remotely readable, that’ll turn into a half-hour and guess what? I don’t have time for that shit. So I’ll just grab the urgents, thanks, and you can pick up that shit on Monday”.
Also I was told we had “all hands on deck” at the office but I didn’t see it. Violet did a couple, Milady was clearly too busy to touch any, and the other part-timer was entirely inactive even though she’s supposed to be here today. Also Goblin managed to avoid any significant typing and Temp more or less slowed to a crawl at about 4pm ... which incidentally is when Scruffman leaves the office these days. Also (and Scruffman should know this), the techs tend to send a literal deluge into the queue on a Friday afternoon. So we weren’t doing quite so well on the typing queue when I logged off for the weekend as we were when I started.
So fed up. So entirely fed up.
I did take some break time during all this to accept my grocery order, put it away in installments, and head out to take out the trash because cleaning the fridge. I’ve got another load to take out because I did some cupboard clean-out and need to empty the bathroom bin, and also take out the recycling involved in my Amazon order, which I also took some break time to accept. But I’m going to wait on that because I am in pain right now. I’ll probably get to that later. It doesn’t help that immediately after work ended, I took the time to mix some instant hot chocolate mix (mostly to clear some more cupboard and counter space) and dumped some drain cleaner in the kitchen sink because it’s been draining kind of slowly lately and I’d rather deal with that before it gets untenable. None of which helped the pain, I suppose.
Of course the problem now is this: the fridge and cupboards are full of food but I hurt too much to cook anything. Again, I’ll see how I feel in a bit, after I’ve had some actual chill time ... and done the rest of my chores, I guess. But chill time first.
The chill time is mandatory for a few reasons. It’s been a hard day. It’s been a hard week. This country is a mess and I have to live in it. I kind of want to cry but I don’t really have the energy for that either. So I’m going to make myself some hot chocolate and just veg for a little while. And I will trust that the grey in the sky will not become rain for at least an hour so I can recover a bit before taking out the bins.
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@cayeeast​ 🥰 You are never too late, my inbox is always open. :) I hope Damirae?! I have to preface this:  I apologize in advance. I don’t really do fics like these—this is the first. But I want to grow, be a better writer, and try new things. I have never written anything like this before, so honestly, THANK YOU.
"More sauvignon blanc, Miss?"
A bottle of wine was withdrawn from the metal ice bucket, lifted by their waiter's practiced hands. Beads of ice cold perspiration were congealing, beginning to travel downward as Raven swallowed another gulp of air. Though it was slight, her grasp began to shake around her cutlery. She had done her very best not to look at the bottle during the duration of the meal.
Now it was practically in her face, sweating.
Her breath hitched in her throat, as she watched the condensation continuing a steady drip.
It was quite possibly mocking her.
The moment seemed to stretch on before veering into uncomfortable, until both gentlemen glanced down at her untouched white.
"Malbec, sir?"
The waiter gently replaced the white before disturbing the red. He swept around the table to refill another glass for Damian, who murmured a polite thanks.
Damian fingered the long, thin stemmed wine glass and turned it towards himself in circles. Several rotations were completed to air out the liquor. He guided the blackened magenta beverage to his lips and sipped thoughtfully.
Though Raven didn't immediately glance up, she was focusing on her meal rather intently. She shuffled slices of swordfish steak and capers to make them chase her chanterelle mushrooms and root vegetables around the triangular shaped plate in different patterns.
Of course, the half-demon was sure to select the appropriately suited silverware as she did so. Her efforts were starting to slow, however, as the lemon cream sauce became nearly nauseating when paired with seafood vapors.
Did fish always smell quite so pungent?
"Is there something wrong with the food?" She refocused on the handsome face of her dining companion, flickering in and out of the candelabra light.
"No, it's wonderful," Raven insisted. "Really, wonderful—great... presentation." His emerald eyes parsed the perfectly placed parsley and the latticework of sauce that was now a soupy mess saturating a plate of parsnips and fish.
"Oh, well it must have been." Damian exhaled sharply out of the corner of his mouth. "But, I'll always say nothing is too beautiful to eat..." He drawled.
"I guess I'm not as hungry as I thought..." she mumbled, flushing a little more than delicately.
"I hope our waiter doesn't insinuate to the kitchen that the meal fell short of perfection tonight. If the chef doesn't already know..." He scanned the perimeter of the dining room, as if expecting to be ambushed by the staff or a number of dining guests.
"I'm willing to bet if it wasn't so busy, he'd be out here himself, demanding to know what's wrong with the food." He cut his steak as he reminisced. "Remember what happened the time you asked for salt...?"
"It could just be me." Subtly, she slid her plate nearer to the center of the table. "Even though, I'll never be fully assured that fish is the best idea on a Monday... Are you sure it's fresh?"
"Is it fresh?"
A part of her was teasing, but Damian physically recoiled an inch. To insinuate that he would frequent an establishment that would serve his fiancée day old fish? His face was drawn with his jaw so set, it was as though he had been slapped—or someone in the vicinity had insulted his mother.
"I called ahead. That swordfish was caught earlier today. They're in season, sustainably sourced, and delivered directly to the restaurant—"
And with a menu that read: price available upon request, where other establishments printed dollar amounts, they all but prepared it table-side.
"But... you didn't follow them to the docks?" She asked in a deadpan. "You didn't call the fishmonger either? And I'm guessing, you didn't stand in the kitchen and observe the process?" Raven folded her arms. "Well, I don't understand how someone who takes shortcuts manages to run a billion-dollar corporation."
Raven wasn't at all new to this and she wasn't sure she would ever fully get used to it.
But sarcasm always helped.
"I was under the impression it was your favorite... You enjoyed it so much when we were here months ago." Damian's eyes darkened and then shone, like a man accepting a challenge. "Have your tastes changed already?"
"It's just... It's a little strong—the smell." Raven cleared her throat with her cheeks draining of their remaining color. "It's much stronger than I remember."
"Tell me... Is it work?" He surveyed the tail-coated waiter standing at the ready and lowered his voice accordingly. "Is it...something else?"
This was meant to speak of their nightly activities, the ones that involved aliases, capes, and crime.
Well, the other ones that involved aliases, capes, and crime—no safe words.
Inwardly, Raven groaned, because once again she was reminded of how much harder this could become.
By Azar's blood.
"It's not...that either. My stomach really is too unsettled for fish today." She took the napkin from her lap to wipe her mouth. "Normally it wouldn't be, but maybe... I'm a little unsettled, too."
"Tch... Well, I knew there had to be something." A half frown stole across Damian's full lips. "It's me, Raven... And this is us. We don't hide things from each other. Not anymore."
"I know." She heard her voice wavering. "I know that..."
"If there's anything at all, you'll tell me." He reached across the table to brush her hand. "If you're unhappy, tell me. I'll do whatever I can..." he whispered, lifting his eyebrows to punctuate his next words. "And I mean... anything."
Now Raven couldn't contain a crude snort. "I know, Damian."
"We can stop by a jewelry store - that engagement ring looks awfully lonely by itself." She sucked her teeth in a manner that was less than refined.
"Shoe store then... You can never have too many pairs of those very similar—" Haughtily, Raven blew air up through the side of her mouth to ruffle through her hair. "—but different, black pairs of boots..."
"We can take a trip..." His voice grew lower still. "...have a threesome." But, that one might have been a question rather than a suggestion. And as he pondered his words, his fork went sailing straight through the remainder of his steak without the aid of the knife. "Well...maybe not that last one."
"You're incredible...suggesting a ménage à trois at a French restaurant? Coquin." The half demon shook her napkin at him. "I'd laugh if this fish wasn't making my eyes water."
"Well, I'd do anything for you..." he replied evenly. "If it would make you happy, I'd even consider thinking about that last." And Raven shot her lavender eyes straight up towards the domed ceiling. They both knew the truth. "Maybe someday in the far, far future..."
As if he would ever share her.
That was exactly right, wasn't it? As if he would ever share her, or their lives with anyone?
Why would he?
They lived on the top floor of an elegant building in Gotham with a vintage lift whose golden grills led straight out into their penthouse apartment. But, it could be argued that the building wouldn't have been complete without their elderly doorman, Tom.
On the daily, he hailed cabs for Raven. Semi-weekly, he handed Damian hangers of dry-cleaning that refilled their twin walk-in closets of the numerous suits, trousers, and shirts and monochromatic dresses, blouses, and skirts.
Each morning, he bade Raven good morning as she went off to work and each night he held the door as he bade Damian good evening, a spectator in the lover's lockstep.
Weekly, Damian and Raven maintained long-standing lunch dates clustered in his corner office at Wayne Technologies. Monthly, the couple attended Sunday brunch with the extended clan of brothers, sisters, partners, kids, and pets all assembled together at the Manor.
Yes, there were others in their lives.
Even though Damian would argue they existed more or less on the fringes of a tapestry, while he kept her framed at the center.
Still, he seemed to love everything exactly as it was and he was in no hurry to change it. Especially when every night ended with them tangled together in their king-sized bed.
Plus one dog.
Titus was the only exception. Unless things changed in the far, far future.
"Do you mind if we cut dinner short?" Raven suddenly suggested. It must have been abrupt because Damian seemed caught off guard. "I think I want to go home early, curl up next to you, and finish those final pages of my book."
"Alright." He signaled for the check. "I'd like that... We'll get you home and I want your final thoughts on the ending. They better be scathing." The waiter reappeared instantly and it was like he'd never left. And even though his eyes remained lowered to the ground, she knew he had to be appraising her.
Raven mumbled something about the ladies room. She considered splashing her face with water and giving herself a pep talk. But to what end? The evening had already gone array. Something unexpected had cropped up.
How was she supposed to tell him this?
Damian was a planner and for the most part, so was she. They didn't do unexpected.
"Actually, I'm going to grab my coat."
She excused herself and placed her napkin next to the untouched glass of wine. Her feet were pinched tighter in the heels with every step towards the exit. Raven followed the partition around the perimeter of the dining room, arriving at the stairs to the entrance hall.
As she waited in the queue for her coat, her eyes wandered past the sweeping architecture and up the wrap around staircase, where Damian was probably talking to the head chef and the owner. Just as he predicted.
She handed over her ticket, her heart leaping towards her chest as the end of the evening dawned on her. And as Raven grabbed the coat, she wanted to whirl around in her uncomfortable heels and march back up those stairs. Uncaring of her rudeness, she'd steal Damian away, tug him towards the hallway with the row of chandeliers and kiss him.
And tell him absolutely everything.
She would tell him why La Chandelle wasn't at all appealing tonight. She would tell him why she'd suggested going out to dinner in the first place. She would tell him why things had changed so suddenly.
And why everything could.
Instead, she slunk away. Out of the restaurant. Onward. The best she could do now was hope: hope they could get home, hope she could get out of these heels as soon as she could. And then, Raven would figure out how to tell him tomorrow.
Damian was racing down the stone front steps of the restaurant to meet her at the curb.
"There you are." He was hurriedly slipping a pea coat over his suit jacket and he sounded nearly breathless. "Where did you go?"
"The coat check. Did you get the car?" Her voice sounded small and defeated. "I really, really want to get home..."
"I can see that," He deadpanned. "But that's not what I meant and we both know that." His brown-black brows began to knit together. "You were somewhere else for most of the evening. I know when you slip into your mind fortress and this is different from that. So where did you go, Raven?"
She swallowed and held out her hand for him to take. They walked a few steps in silence, turning towards a side street. The sound of laughter, music, and chatter faded away and for the first time all evening, she felt like she could finally think. Raven exhaled, deciding this was far enough.
"Damian, when I asked about dinner," she began. "I wasn't expecting this... I figured we were going somewhere with a little less wine and a little less fish—less wine cooked into fish..."
He blinked, processing slowly with his hands in his pockets, his head pointed down towards the cobblestone street, coated in a mixture of oil and water. It had to have rained recently. "Well, it's not too late, we can go somewhere else—nothing French, I promise."
He licked his lips before he continued, probably sensing her apprehension. "We can go to that noodle place and ask for two pots of oolong tea instead of the usual one... Or we can just grab tea?" He offered. "But if you're too tired, we can always make it at home. I'll make yours with the biggest, widest mug and saucer we have."
"So you're just...not going to give up on tonight, are you?" Raven murmured, her lavender hair moving as she shook her head from side to side, as if wondering who this man was.
"No, I don't think I will." A smirk started up on his face. "That's the thing about having a fiancée. You can't get rid of me that easily." He tapped her cheek good-naturedly and ghosted over her forehead with his lips. "I'm always going to be here."
"Didn't we...just get engaged?"
"Is that what this is about...?" Her husband-to-be searched every single inch and orifice on her face. "We can slow things down or postpone the wedding for a few months. The last thing I want you is for you to be stressed about this."
"What I mean is..." She ran a hand across her damp forehead. "Gods, I had this whole speech planned—how I was going to tell you..." Raven's unease fell away when she felt warmth radiating in waves, like he was lending her strength.
"Anything," he whispered. "You can tell me anything." He placed his arms on her shoulders.
Raven took a deep breath, her eyes locked on his, and—
"I'm pregnant."
The words froze suspended before them in midair. Damian continued to stare at her, but without blinking. Then, Raven nodded. And then Damian started to nod too.
She couldn't believe she said it aloud; she couldn't believe that it even happened. "I know it should be impossible... And not just that it's too soon."
"You're..." Damian breathed. "You're pregnant."
And he was taking her hands with his own to squeeze them tight. He started to smile—not just smile, he was beaming in a way Raven had only seen once before: when she said yes. This was more than elation, he was in absolute awe of her. He lifted her from the rain-soaked street in a generous hug to sweep her right off her feet.
Damian was holding her, lifting her. Supporting her from below. He was staring up, as his breath streamed sweet steam swirling against the seam of her lips. From somewhere inside blooming outward, was a warmth that no amount of healing or surge of power or strike of hellfire could ever compare.
And he too was giving himself over to this sensation.
With fingers gliding through his hair, eyes welling emotion, she nodded again. And she wrapped her arms around his neck, and drew closer to connect. Deeply, gently, then sweetly, they kissed into the night.
Damian feathered his lips over hers, placing her gingerly onto her feet. And he was grinning madly at her. Then, his grin slid down a little. And then a lot.
His mouth opened, like he was about to say something. He started to talk and stopped. Started and stopped.
"The wine—"
"The fish—"
He ran a hand down his face while he replayed the events of tonight. "I'm such a goddamned idiot. I'm so sorry, Raven."
"It was a nice meal. I had a great time. So, I couldn't eat anything or drink anything—so what?" Raven chuckled. Whatever cruel sense of irony there was in the world, it was a wonderful night. "You know, it's actually hilarious in hindsight, and now we have a funny story to tell our friends... A-and our—our—"
She was enveloped by the warmest, safest embrace Damian could manage as he was trembling. He rocked her and held her tight, inhaling deeper and exhaling harder until they both relaxed. "I am sorry. I should have sensed something more was going on."
"Well, neither of us thought this was even possible. Up until three days ago, I didn't know it was," Raven blurted. And it felt so good to blurt around him again. "We live together. I could have said it at breakfast. Or at the movies on Sunday... When we were in the shower together, last night. I'm the idiot. "
"The shower..." he repeated. "So that's why you were a little touchy about your body." She groaned loudly—this was not happening. "Raven, you've got absolutely nothing to worry about," Damian insisted. "And besides, you're not even showing yet."
"That's what you think," she grumbled.
His lips curled up. "Habibti." Raven raised an eyebrow. She knew as well as he did, that he had better choose that next sentence very carefully. "Habibti... you've always had an aura glowing about you, only now it's just going to grow brighter."
"Pfft," Raven muttered. "Right. As I grow bigger and rounder."
"You know what, yes," he scoffed. "You will get bigger and I don't care. For that matter, neither should you." Gingerly tilted her chin towards him. The way he was gazing at her, with unconditional love, understanding. "You'll be just as beautiful—equally exquisite."
Who could ever doubt Damian?
"And you'll be even more sensitive in all the right places." His low voice was filled with the darkest promises of sin. "I can hardly wait."
"You're dangerous," Raven murmured, knowing she was turning pink.
"Dangerous?" His nose traced the curve of her neck, as the skin shivered.
"As if you didn't know," she said flatly. "It's probably how you managed to conceive with a half-demon in the first place."
She felt him chuckle into her skin, then it morphed into something like a groan. "So, I botched dinner... And sex in the shower... I should have drawn you a nice, hot soak in the tub... Gone down on you for an hour at least...gone a few blocks past the park to grab some slices of 99 cent pizza..."
"How did you know about the pizza?" Raven's eyes widened on her flushed face. "Did Tom tell you?" Whenever Raven said she was going to 'feed the pigeons in the park', what it really meant was she was going to cut through the park to grab a slice of the cheapest pizza she could get her hands on.
So much for the code.
"You actually thought that was a secret?" And when Damian rolled his eyes, he looked less worried and more like his usual surly self. "Please. I've seen the napkins and the pathetic excuses for paper plates... Really, I should have known something was up, there were a few more than usual."
Through the ovens of pizza and pregnancy, he knew and he loved her.
And Raven threw herself forward and held him tightly to her. "You're sort of perfect, you know that?" she mumbled into the hard chest, smelling the usual amber and spiced apricot. She lifted her head and he brushed an errant strand of lavender from her eyes. "I don't want to cut tonight short. Actually... I kind of want frozen yogurt."
"Fro-yo it is."
And as they walked, he bent his head towards her. He touched her face and murmured, "I...can't believe you're carrying my child..."
Damian began to kiss her so avidly, so impatiently, they had to stop in the middle of the sidewalk. She was moaning and pulling pomegranate and malbec from his lips until they were both breathless.
Damian gave her a final peck and they walked back to the restaurant. It was all such a daze, Raven barely remembered him asking the valet to bring their car around. She made a motion towards the door and she noticed he'd already held the passenger side ajar for her.
"I can still do that myself."
"Hmm..." He stared off into the distance with a vague smile, as though contemplating their future. "You're going to fight me at every turn aren't you?"
"No," Raven said quickly. His eyes flickered faintly with amusement. "Not frozen yogurt—I want ice cream. Real, honest-to-goodness, ice cream made with cream, and all the toppings. Whipped cream, hot fudge..."
"Birdie's Diner?"
"Ignore the name, it's a good restaurant. I used to come here all the time, even before we were—" Raven was trying to pull his fingers aside to see his flushed face lit by the bright neon sign. "All diners serve eggs, alright? I'm sure that's all it means."
"And that's the only thing that drew you here?"
He hung his head in defeat before holding the door. "After you."
There were low lamps hanging over the booths and classic rock stringing out of a jukebox in the corner. Raven hadn't been to a diner like this one in well, ever. The hostess handed over two laminated menus and told them to seat themselves. So Raven sat in a red vinyl booth in the back corner, and very discreetly, slipped off her heels.
Instantly, it felt much homier than La Chandelle.
"Raven, we're getting you the best OB in Gotham—that's non-negotiable," Damian was saying. One coffee down and he picked up exactly where he'd left off in the car, driving and planning particulars. "Or Kori can recommend us hers - they're probably accustomed to working with unique cases."
Demonic blood or not, Raven sincerely doubted there was any OB-GYN in the city that wouldn't pass off a patient or two on a colleague, to quite literally, bag a Wayne baby.
The caffeine had fully set in because he was drumming his fingers absentmindedly on the table while he spoke. "It'll cost us another Sunday morning, because you know Kori will want to do an extended brunch when we tell her and Dick the news."
And the second they told her, Raven would promptly conjure up an extra-strength, soundproof barrier around her cellphone to contain the joyous shrieks. And she'd probably have to buy a new phone.
"But it'll be worth it... You know what, it's not too late, I can probably call Dick right now." His left hand darted towards his pocket.
"No. No, you won't." She placed her hand over his. "We'll do it in the morning. Tonight, you're going to sit here with me and eat ice cream, okay?" Then, her ears perked up in a way that Titus would have been proud of. Hearing the sound of a whipped cream dispenser, behind the diner counter, she was almost gleeful. Her ice cream was in transit and was arriving on a round, plastic serving tray.
"Here ya go, sweethearts." A waffle-printed glass dish and two spoons were deposited onto the smooth, scrubbed surface between them. "Enjoy."
"Thank you." She smiled back at the kindly woman in the light blue waitress uniform, with a name tag that read Shirley.
Cookies and cream on a bed of bananas, crushed oreos. Whipped cream and hot fudge. Even one of those radioactive-red cherries on top. And it was absolutely wonderful. She passed Damian one of the long, thin-handled spoons, which they both knew was ill-suited for ice cream. According to Alfred, it was technically for iced tea, but appropriate cutlery was far from her mind. She tapped her spoon to his.
Raven dug in and moaned. In a word it was: heavenly, and far better than she could remember of ice cream. Six more bites and she could just imagine the tip of her spoon about to hit the bottom of her half. That cherry was hers.
"Hey Damian," she nudged his spoon with her own. "Now you're not eating."
"I was thinking..."
"You can think later... You've done more than enough." They would deal with the rest tomorrow. For now, she chose to think of this as a little celebration of the news—just between them.
"Come on, don't let me eat this alone... Sympathy weight starts tonight." She swallowed another spoonful while he glowered at her. And Raven knew full well he'd already had an entire steak earlier. "Don't worry about abs, your aura will just glow brighter."
"Tch—I wonder what genius said that..."
Raven snorted, but didn't argue. In fact, she was absolutely fine with riding Damian's abs—and hard body—straight into the next two trimesters.
"But I have to agree about one thing." Damian drew up his thumb, using it to wipe a smudge of whipped cream from her upper lip. "There is something about real cream..." He held her gaze as he licked his finger slowly.
The blood in Raven's core was warming, the temperature forming liquid fuel for an ache of a different kind. Officially, they had been together for over a year. And this man was now her fiancée. How did he always manage to turn her into some sort of sticky mess?
It had to be unnatural because it was utterly unfair.
Not so subtly, Raven tilted her head at the space next to her. And Damian joined her on the other side of the booth. The diner and the ice cream were so much better with his thigh lined against hers.
"Raven, can I...?" He hesitated, waiting for her approval. He held his hand up to her stomach.
"Of course you can."
Softly, he stroked the skin over her shirt, where the tiny swell would eventually grow. "Raven," he whispered at last, and she opened her eyes. "I want us to take that trip."
"A trip?" Her eyes were so wide only a sliver of purple remained. "A moment ago, you were talking about baby-proofing the apartment." He seemed unfazed. "Nannies? Au pairs? Daycare? What happened to buying every pregnancy and parenting guide our devices will permit? We can't take a trip, wouldn't that be an irresponsible start?"
"We can make time for something important like this," he insisted. "It could be good for you. And for us."
"Why in the name of Azar and all her disciples would this be a good idea?"
"Hear me out... A mother and father-to-be take a trip before the baby actually comes—a baby-moon. That's what they're called," Damian murmured. "I propose we take one, before our lives, and bodies change." He spooned a dollop of whipped cream and slid it between his lips. "What do you think?
"We don't have to..." He said quickly and dropped the spoon in the dish.
"I think...it could be an interesting idea."
"If you think it's not for us," Damian reached for her and stroked her hair calmly. "I understand."
"No—Damian—we should do this." She searched his eyes. "I want to do this with you."
"Yes." Damian kissed the top of her head. "Just you and me, Raven. We can go anywhere you want."
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shadowhuntertrash · 4 years
So the Coming Out Part 1 gave me a great idea for a prompt if you are interested in it.
Sick!fic staring Kit, the first time he is sick while he’s living with Jem and Tessa. Like he obviously doesn’t let on that he’s sick until he collapses or something because Kit has self worth issues and doesn’t want to seem like a burden. Queue Jem and Tessa showing him the TLC he deserves and and needs. And Kit starts healing from all those mental scars left behind by Johnny.
Plus wasn’t there an idea floating around out there somewhere about Kit having a nightmare and calling for his Dad but meaning Jem? I feel like there was.
Sorry if it’s too much, it was just a very vivid idea which reminded me of the other thing.
Ignore me projecting onto fictional characters again 😳
Kit sighs as the room starts spinning again. He had been sick for a few days but he didn’t want to bother Jem and Tessa with it since he was already burdening them by staying there. He’d already been there for eight months and Jem and Tessa had gone out of their way to make sure he knew he wasn’t a burden but Kit couldn’t help but think he was.
   He could feel himself getting delirious. For example, he knew for a fact that there was no purple elephant in the room but he was very much looking at one. He groaned as his stomach rolled uncomfortably and hoped that he would be able to get downstairs before he threw up.
   They had medicine downstairs and Kit was sure he would be able to figure out which one to take without asking. Johnny had never had medicine and the stuff he did have was Ibuprofen for his headaches when he was hungover so Kit never got medicine when he was sick growing up.
   He had just stumbled down the stairs, now uncomfortably hot which was a sudden change from the bone-chilling cold he felt a few minutes earlier. “Are you alright, Kit? You don’t look so well.” Jem said, pausing midstep as his eyes turned concerned. A small ‘fine’ was all Kit managed to get out before he was running to the nearest bathroom trying his hardest not to throw up right there in the middle of the hall.
   He had just landed in front of the toilet when he felt a hand rubbing up and down his back as he emptied his stomach. He gagged a few times before sitting against the wall, his face flushed and sweaty as his vision danced.
   “Kit, can you hear me?” Jem asked, Kit could hear it but it felt as if he were hearing him from underwater. “I- I can’t,” Kit couldn’t get the words out but he let out a relieved breath when he felt Jem’s familiar hand on his cheek, the other resting on his forehead.
  He shivered as Jem recoiled slightly. “By the angel Kit, you’re burning up.” Kit couldn’t help the hysterical laughter that left him when he caught sight of Jem’s face which now had red polka dots on it. 
   Kit reached a hand out to find Jem’s face and missed by a landslide which only made him laugh harder. “Dad, your face looks weird.” The last thing he saw before the world went black was Jem’s shocked face.
   Kit woke up with a pounding headache and a throat that felt like a desert. He tried to sit up but only managed to get about halfway before he was leaning over the bed, emptying his stomach again. 
   There was a comforting hand on his back again and Kit sighed, leaning into the touch when he felt like he was down throwing up. A hand started carding through his hair and he sighed, tucking his body into the body beside him.
   Only when Tessa’s voice filtered through did he realize where he was. Kit groaned, embarrassed as he realized he was currently tucked into Jem’s side but also felt too comfortable and safe to really want to move.
    Kit mumbled a quiet apology but didn’t make any move to get up. Jem rubbing his arm soothingly and he felt the bed dip as Tessa sat down next to them on Kit’s other side. 
   “You have nothing to be sorry about but you should have come to us when you started feeling bad.” Jem said in a soft voice that made Kit feel as if he had nothing to worry about. “How long were you sick?” Tessa asked, her voice bringing the same comfort as Jem’s.
   Kit felt a rush of affection for his adoptive parents, they took better care of him than Johnny ever had and they had only known him for eight months. Kit reached over and grabbed Tessa’s hand, adjusting himself so that he could lean against Jem and also see Tessa’s face.
   His eyes were hooded, exhaustion and sickness weighing them down. “It was only a few days. I was fine.” He said as he allowed his eyes to drift close as his stomach flopped uncomfortably. Tessa sighed and ran her fingers through his hair again.
   “You were running a 104 degree fever and you were delirious.” Tessa said in a disapproving voice that made Kit shift uncomfortably until he sat up, sliding out of their grips. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you. I was just trying to get some medicine-” Kit cut off as memories filtered into his head.
   Running into Jem, throwing up, passing out, calling Jem dad. Kit froze as he realized what he had said in his delirious state. Kit’s head whipped around to face Jem with scared, wide eyes that made Jem’s eyebrows furrow. “Really Kit it’s alright, we just wanted to make sure you were okay.” 
   Kit couldn’t tear his eyes away from Jem, embarrassment and guilt settling heavily in his stomach. “I’m so sorry, Jem I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t mean to call you that. I’m so sorry I was delirious and it wasn’t my place and I’m sorry.” Kit babbled, anxiety coursing through his veins as his cheeks turned scarlet.
   Jem watched him in confusion before a look of understanding crossed his face. Kit was about to start rambling again when Jem shook his head and reached a hand out to clasp on Kit’s shoulder. Kit flinched and averted his eyes.
  “Kit,” Jem said gently, his hand staying firmly on Kit’s shoulder. “I don’t want you to apologize for that, please don’t. I know you were delirious and even if you weren’t it would have been perfectly okay. You’re our son and it’s okay to call us your parents you know that right? We aren’t going to force you if you’re not ready but it’s okay.” Jem said quietly, having leaned his head down to catch Kit’s eyes. Tessa made a noise of confirmation before leaning forward and tugging Kit toward her.
   Kit rested against her side, his eyes closed as he tried to calm himself. It was considerably easier with Tessa and Jem there, an uncanny safe feeling always seemed to follow them and Kit wondered, not for the first, time if that’s what family was supposed to feel like.
   “You have to stay in bed today but do you want to watch something? We can watch a movie?” Jem asked, changing the subject to a lighter note. Kit shot him a grateful look before burying himself further under the blankets, the cold reaching his bones again. 
   Jem got up and grabbed the TV remote and two extra blankets, one he draped on top of Kit and the other he wrapped around his shoulder. Kit rested his head on Jem’s shoulder appreciatively and Jem smiled, messing up his hair affectionately before turning the TV on.
   “What to watch, what to watch.” Jem muttered and Tessa laughed. “We should watch Pride and Prejudice.” Tessa suggested, Kit and Jem shared a look that clearly said ‘no’ and Tessa just laughed. “Alright, what about Avengers? Or Iron Man? I know you love Iron Man.” Kit bit his lip, caught in his memories. 
   When he was younger and living with Johnny he would always cuddle up with tons of blankets in the basement and build a fort and watched Meet The Robinson’s which was his comfort movie, not that he would admit that. He was embarrassed about wanting to watch a Disney movie but he couldn’t deny the comfort the movie brought him, especially when he was sick. 
   Kit cleared his throat a little, not looking away from the TV as he suggested Meet The Robinson’s, Tessa hummed consideringly. “I’ve never seen it but I wouldn’t mind watching it.” Kit spared a glance at Jem who was already watching him with a soft, fond smile.
   “Does that movie mean something?” Kit looked away quickly, an embarrassed flush covering his face again. “Umm, when I was younger my dad didn’t really help me or anything when I got sick so I just went to the basement and got all the blankets I could find and watched Meet the Robinson’s until it passed.” Tessa and Jem stayed silent and Kit fiddled with the blanket in his lap, subconsciously tucking himself further into Tessa’s side.
   “I know it’s stupid, it’s a kid’s movie so we don’t have to watch it. It was stupid, sorry.” He added quickly, embarrassed at having brought it up at all. 
   Jem’s fingers found his hair and stroked it calmingly. “It’s not stupid, it’s a good movie. We weren’t judging you for that we were just-” Jem cut off and sighed, turning his face so he could meet Kit’s eyes.
   “Did Johnny really not help you at all when you were sick?” Kit broke eye contact and looked down at the blanket, biting his bottom lip absentmindedly. “N-not really. I mean we didn’t ever have medicine besides Ibuprofen but I’m allergic to that so I just had to ride it out.” After seeing Tessa and Jem’s sad faces he quickly added. “But it was fine! I was okay, it wasn’t very often anyway.” 
   Jem sighed and shook his head looking like he was having a silent conversation with himself. Tessa’s arms tightened around him and she dropped a kiss to his hot forehead. “Well you have us now, you don’t have to ride it out. You just have to let us know and we can help you.” Kit sighed and buried his head in her side, feeling rather than seeing Tessa laugh. Tessa continued running soothing fingers through his hair and Jem turned on Meet the Robinson’s.
   Kit had to admit, sitting between two of his favorite people was one of the safest feelings in the world and even though he felt physically awful he knew he would treasure this memory forever.
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