#when i say months know that it did not take me that long to actually make the tables and stuff
sunshine-on-marz · 10 hours
Lost and found
Spencer Reid x Reader
In which Spencer almost loses the love of his life, literally and figuratively
TW: angst with a happy ending, criminal minds level depiction of violence, mentions of death, it takes a little to get to the actual plot but trust me it’s worth it, (tell me if i missed any)
Word count: 3.3K
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To know Spencer Reid was to be absolutely enthralled by him. You were both 16 when you met, granted you were 16 in your junior year of highschool and he was 16 working on his 2nd PHD, but you were both 16 nonetheless.
It had taken some convincing to get a place in his life, not because he didn’t like you or your company, more because he was waiting for your ulterior motive to show itself, or for your patience to wear thin. It never did.
You knew vaguely about his mother, mostly through a news article you found from a few years back, talking about the prodigy like he was more of circus attraction then a 12 year old. It had mentioned that he also took care of his sick mother, and with his hyperfixation on finding a cure to schizophrenia, you’d connected the dots.
But you still didn’t want to assume.
“Hey Spence, why’re you so set on finding a cure?” You ask, gesturing to the 8th book on schizophrenia you’d seen him read in the 3 months you’ve known him.
“My mother” he says, closing the book and placing it infront of him. “Why do you ask?”
“Because I’m curious about what goes on in the mind of Spencer Reid” you smile “though, I’m sure you could tell me exactly what’s happening up there, down to the chemicals”, he laughs at that
“I could give you an idea” he says, you hover your hands over the book, he nods, you open it to the last page.
“508 pages, how long would that take you to read?” You ask
“A little under 10 minutes, if I had to guess, I don’t know how many words are on each page” he says
“Well I’m not counting so I guess we’re gonna have to stick with an estimate” you joke, he smiles again.
You sit in silence for a minute, just looking at each other, and the book. There’s a light tension, unasked questions float between you.
“Can I be invasive?” You ask, Spencer nods
“You usually don’t ask first” he smiles
“You suck” you reach to hit his arm, you don’t. “I won’t hit you before asking about your sick mother, actually”
“I appreciate that” he laughs “but what do you want to know?”
“What’s her name?” You ask, he seems a little shocked.
“And you take care of her?” You already know the answer, but he’d never said it explicitly.
“Yea” he nods, he looks at you like he knows what you’ll ask next
“Well, tell me if there’s ever anything I can do to help. Her or you, I can’t imagine that’s an easy thing to do alone, props to you spence” you smile, and if someone saw his face right now, they’d assume you asked him- well not many questions would dumbfound Spencer Reid but that’s not the point.
“You’re not gonna ask if I hate it? Or if I want to put her in a home?” He asks, sounding more confused than you’d ever seen him
“Do you want me to ask that?” You counter.
“No.. not really” he looks at his hands, which are rubbing together. A nervous habit of his you’d picked up on rather quickly.
“Well then I won’t ask it” you smile, so does he.
It’s a week later when he tells you why he’d been so shocked that day.
You were on his front porch, about to meet his mother for the first time. He said she’d been having a good day, and though you weren’t exactly sure what that entailed, he said it with enough excitement that you decided to just ask later.
“When you first asked about my mom, you asked what her name was” he says, you nod.
“Thats usually my starting point, yea” you laugh softly “why, was that the wrong thing to ask?”
“No- no no no. It was the perfect thing to ask! I just- you were the first person to ask what her name was before you asked about what’s wrong with her” he says, and he looks sad, so you offer a hand. You know he’ll say no, but you don’t miss how he smiles everytime you offer.
“Wanna tell me about her? I never know what I’m walking into meeting my friends parents, I would’ve brought her flowers but I didn’t know what kind she liked” you say, and his smile goes from soft to wide and bright.
He is ineffably beautiful.
“She likes lilies” he smiles “and she’s really nice, when she’s, yknow” you just nod. And then he holds out his hand, you take it. And that’s the first time you ever touched Spencer Reid.
You met his mother that night, it was uneventful, but it was nice.
That’s a lot of your friendship with Spencer. Uneventful, but nice. More than nice, it’s wonderful. He’s wonderful. You’re there when he gets his first PHD at 17, your there when he has to put his mother into assisted living, you’re there when he gets the letter saying he’s been invited to the FBI academy, you even drive him to go meet Agent Gideon.
You see him off at the airport when he goes to Quanico.
And that’s the last time you see your best friend.
After a while weekly phone calls became monthly, and monthly became and occasional text on birthdays and holidays and informing the other of big achievements, but by his 3rd year as an agent, friendships were hard to maintain.
You’d accepted never seeing your friend again.
Spencer hoped he’d never see you again, because he knew he didn’t have the guts to reach out, and he knew that the only time his teammates seemed to see old friends was when they were a part of a case.
But he also knew you.
And he recognized your necklace the second he saw the pictures Penelope had on the screen.
“The second and third victims haven’t been found, but they’re believed dead” JJ says, Spencer barely hears it.
“I need air” is all he manages to say as he rushes out of the room. Derek went after him and caught him as he collapsed.
“Hey man, what’s goin on?” Derek asked him, holding onto Spencer’s shaking shoulders as he tries to stay upright.
“I can’t- she can’t- she can’t be dead” his words were barely audible and even less coherent.
“Do you know one of the victims?” Derek asked, and Spencer nodded.
He more than knew you, he’d held you while you cried, he’d slept in your bed the night his mom went into care, you were the only person there for him at his graduations, he’d helped you decorate your first apartment. You were so much more than someone he knew. And you were so much more than victim number 3.
“Spencer? Hello?” Derek’s hand waved infront of Spencer’s face as he zoned back into reality.
“Sorry” I he muttered as he started to stand up. He and Derek walked back into the briefing room, he doesn’t apologize for his outburst, he just sits and waits for Penelope and JJ to continue. They do.
“Well, 3 girls went missing in New York City within a span of a week. The reason we’re on this case is because they all worked for the same law firm”
Spencer takes a shuttering breath.
“The first victim, whose body was found dumped in a dumpster by a homeless man, was 56 year old Mrs. Shelly Kailee, a lawyer at Shelly and Dylan law firm, she was a co-owner along with her Husband Dylan. The two other victims, who are still currently missing, are Darleen Calvin, and Y/N L/N. Darleen is 28 and a practicing attorney at the same law firm, she’s only been practicing there for a few months after graduation from University of New York in January. Y/N is 25 and is working as a receptionist at the law firm while working on her law degree at Cornell. Both girls are reportedly very sociable and very kind, but from what we’ve been told, Y/N seemed to be more acquainted with everyone while Darleen seemed to just have a large group of friends. That’s the only information we have on them” JJ says. It seems everyone’s eyes drifted to Spencer, but his were dead set on your face on the projector. Smiling. You had the same smile. You were still wearing the same necklace you wore every day since he gave it to you at 18 when you graduated. You were still as beautiful as he remembered.
“She wouldn’t let anyone take her to a second location, not without a fight. We’re probably looking at a fairly athletic man, unless we find out that she sent someone her location. Then it’s probably someone charismatic, charming, played himself as a friend” he says, and everyone nods.
“You think she’d fall for that?” Morgan asks, he gets a few glares. But Spencer nods. “I think I saw her have a conversation with a homeless man once because she thought he might be lonely.” He says “so yes”. Hotch clears his throat “Spencer is there any possibility she’s.. changed since you knew her?”. Spencer shakes his head “we only really fell completely out of touch a few months back, she seemed pretty much the same the last time I called her, which was probably 6 months ago”
You could’ve cut the tension with a knife.
“Spencer I’m sorry-“ Emily says, he cuts her off.
“You can be sorry if we find a body” he says. And they get the message.
“Wheels up in 10” Hotch says.
Spencer works that case like a dog. There’s not a moment where he isn’t doing something to find you. Something to make sure you’re okay.
A few times, Derek had to pull him out of the police precinct, just so he’d get a couple hours of sleep.
He was beside himself.
Then the tapes showed up.
On the front steps of the police station, there was a box, with 4 tapes, each labeled with a date of the days you’d been missing, the most recent being from the day before.
The first started with a voice they later confirmed to be Shelly’s. A final message to her husband and kids. Tearful messages to each one about how much she loved them. And then a gunshot.
The second tape was worse. It was of you and Darleen. Spencer recognized your voice immediately, he could tell you were holding back tears. Darleen on the other hand was sobbing. You were both pleading for you life. You were a bit more composed, and he quickly recognized some of what you were saying as examples he’d said to you when talking about what usually does and doesn’t work on killers.
He never intended you to have to put those lessons to use.
And the selfish part of him wonders if you thought of him when you spoke.
The 3rd tape is the shortest. It’s just a gunshot and a scream. Your scream. He, for the first time in his life, sincerely hopes that you watched someone get killed.
The final tape is just you.
And it breaks him.
There’s a few seconds of silence before your voice starts.
“This is a message for Spencer Reid, and the rest of the FBI. My name is Y/N, and if you’re listening to this. I am dead.”
And his face falls.
“Spence, meeting you in highschool was the greatest thing I’ve ever done. And I love you, I love you so much Spencer. And I hope-“ the tape ends.
Spencer listens to that tape another dozen times.
The cops find Darleen’s body before lunch.
He doesn’t have it in him to care.
He listens to the tape again. And then it hits him.
You had never once said you met Spencer in highschool. You always, always made it a point to say that you were in highschool, but he wasn’t.
And it was currently summer, and the highschool was empty.
“Guys I know where she is-“
Hotch cut him off with a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Spencer she’s dead” he said, his voice wasn’t harsh, but it wasn’t gentle either. Spencer could’ve punched him.
“They’re at the highschool. Trust me” his voice was shaking, not with doubt, but with fear. Fear that both he and Hotch were right, and that in a couple hours he’d see you again under the worst possible circumstances.
But they went anyway.
He was zoned out most of the car ride, ignoring Derek’s questions of if he’s sure he can handle this.
For Spencer, it doesn’t matter if he thinks he can, because he has too.
He’s a few feet past the doorway when it really sinks in that he might leave the building again with your lifeless body in his arms. He pushes the thought aside. It felt like betrayal not to try and have hope, because for Spencer, you were hope incarnate. It would feel disrespectful to take that from you without asking first.
He heard it before anyone else did.
He all but ripped the door open, the local PD turning on their heels at his aggressive movements.
But there you were, in a chair, sobbing into your binds. He was infront of you in seconds, shouting for someone to cut the ropes holding your wrists and ankles as he removed the cloth from your mouth.
“You’re okay, you’re alright now, I’ve got you” his hands gently holding your cheeks as you leaned forward into his chest, your arms wrapping around his torso once they were cut free.
“I knew you’d come- I knew it. I told him but he said you wouldnt find me so- so in the tape- oh my god did he send you the tapes?” He cut off your manic rambling with soft shushing
“I know you knew, you always know, and yes we got the tapes. You did good, you did everything perfect. I understood.” He assured you, running his hands through your hair.
Emily came up to you and Spencer, putting her hand on his shoulder.
“Does she know where he is?” She asks.
He starts to speak, but you do it first. “Maybe the janitors closet? Or the bathroom? He- he made us scrub the floors, he was like- he was psychotic about it” you say, she nods and leaves the room, Spencer just tucks your head back under his chin.
“You’re doing so well” he whispers
“Spencer I want to leave” you cry
“Alright, alright. Let’s get you out of here” he says, slipping his arm under your knees and lifting you. You probably could’ve walked, but no one was shocked that he chose to carry you out.
He asked the EMTs more questions than your frazzled mind could even think of.
“Dr.Reid, she’s going to be fine. It’s cuts and bruises and maybe a few pulled muscles, she will be fine once she gets some fluids and a good meal in her system. “
He still didn’t believe it.
He didn’t believe it when the nurses told him the same thing, he didn’t believe it on the car ride back to the precinct after you were discharged, and he didn’t believe it when you sat next to him during your cognitive interview.
He’d fought Hotch about giving you one, but Hotch said that having a solid story will help make sure the man who did this is kept in prison for as long as possible, and you’d volunteered.
“You really dont have to” he says, you shake your head
“Spence i can handle it” you say
“Im not leaving your side.” He insists, you laugh a bit, which all but calms him down.
“I didnt think you would.” You offer your hand, and for the first time he accepts the invitation.
The interview makes you cry, which could’ve been predicted, but it still breaks Spencer’s heart.
After that he sets a semi-permanent ban on anyone asking you about what happened.
JJ brings you a change of clothes and you thank her profusely as she walks you to the bathroom and helps you wash your face and body as best as you can with wet paper towels.
Spencer anxiously waits outside.
“She’s with JJ, man. You can go outside and take a breather if you need” Derek offers.
“I’ll go outside and take a breather with Y/N when they’re done. Im sure this isnt where she wants to be right now.” Spencer says, Derek sighs.
“Spence, that girl might be one of the most well adjusted victims we’ve ever seen, she’ll be okay if you step away for 5 minutes-“ Spencer cuts him off
“I wont” he says “do you not get that? She’s well adjusted, Im not. I am not well adjusted to almost losing her and im not well adjusted to having her back so Derek would you please stop suggesting that I need space from her because space from her is the last thing I need right now” they stand in silence for a minute until you leave the bathroom.
“Spence? Everything okay?” JJ asks as she walks out of the bathroom after you, you quickly finding your place leaning against Spencer’s side.
“Yea we’re good” Derek answers for him, placing a firm hand on Spencer’s shoulder, and leaving with a small nod of understanding.
Spencer guides you outside.
He sits next to you on the bench outside the precinct, your head on his shoulder and his arm around you.
“Im really glad you picked up on that” you say
“Picked up on what?” He asks, his hand moving from next to you on the bench to your lap, resting on top of your own.
“The highschool thing, i honestly didnt know if he’d even send the tapes, kinnda figured he was making them for himself” you say, interlacing your fingers with his “but I figured it was worth a shot”
“It was smart” he says, squeezing your hand “took me awhile to realize”
“Did it?” You ask “and here i was thinking you were a genius. Spencer when have i ever skipped a chance to brag about you?” You smile at him, he shrugs.
“I was under a little stress” he says, pulling you closer.
“I know, im sorry I scared you”
“Dont apologize, this is not your fault. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for.” You just nod.
There’s silence for a while, it could’ve been hours, neither of you would’ve noticed, or minded.
“Do you want to move in with me?” He says it before he even realized he thought it, immediately looking just as shocked as you. “I am so sorry- i just- well i figured-“
“Spencer” you grab his hand. “We’ll talk about it” you say, and that seems to be the right answer as he wraps you into a hug.
“I just want to make sure you’re okay” he whispers, you nod.
“It doesn’t require moving in for us to stay in contact” you say
“But you’re so far” you just nod in response. “I dont want to lose you again” he whispers
“Spence you didnt lose me, im alright-” he stops you
“Thats not what i meant. Not entirely” he clarifies, you sigh and pull him into another long hug.
“My lease ends next month” you hum
“See you in Virginia next month?” He asks, you smile
“We’ll talk about it”
There’s never a conversation about if you’ll move in. Spencer just Venmo’s you (he got Garcia to teach him how) 300 bucks along with “plane ticket or take out dinner for a week” which makes you laugh, and it also makes you call him to ask approximately how much of your stuff would fit in his apartment, he says he’ll make as much space as you need.
A month later you show up to one of Rossi’s dinner parties hand in hand with Spencer, JJ hands Derek 20 bucks, and slowly, everything falls back into place.
(PS: Spencer makes sure you have everything you need to finish school online because he’ll be damned if you gave up your dreams for a man, even if he himself is that man.)
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Remember to reblog with feedback!! Reblogs make the world go round and feedback helps artists keep creating!
This might be the longest fic ive ever written. This took 2 days and a few tears but finally it’s done. Im tagging the pookies bc Ykw i worked too hard not too @the-phantom-author @thesockbehindthewashingmachine @mariasont @st4rgzer @canonically-a-genloser
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 days
Love how cautious and careful she is when taking about the 100. girl was so overwhelmed and surprised be the response to Lexa.
She really was, and she's said so a million times, and that's why I never really got on board with a lot of the backlash she personally got in those initial months following 307.
Like, she was a 20-something year old kid (which, believe me, as much as we tout 18+ being An Adult™ the reality is that 25 and under and you're still mentally very much a kid, and you don't realize that fact until you're older. Every year of aging in your 20s is actually slowly realizing just how little how you truly know about yourself and the world, and that feeling doesn't really entirely go away even into your 30s, but I digress.) She was a 20-something, no name actress who went from obscurity and, like she said, taking pm any job she could get just to pay the bills, to being this iconic character with a cult following that made her the face of an entire movement.
A movement... for a community... that she's not even a part of...
That's a lot.
And I've just always felt that specific sentiment at the time by some that she should've known better about how to handle it all and known what to say and oh she should've been a bigger voice for the cause and more active... I just thought and still do think that it all was an incredibly unfair weight to put on someone's shoulders who never asked for it to begin with.
She just really liked the character Lexa.
Girl, same.
But even through all that, she's still always been supportive. She's always been poised and thoughtful and understanding in her comments on things, and, imo most importantly, open to listening to what fans and queer voices have to say. She's not performative in how she treats her queer fans, nor is she pandering. She's honest about her surprise and even candid about how overwhelmed, out of her depth, and uncomfortable some of it made her feel. But where she could easily use her fans as a fast cash cow by manipulating their feelings over Lexa, she doesn't do any of that. Instead she speaks of Lexa with respect, and gives fans credit for their intelligence in why they were attracted and attached to the character to begin with, and from everything I've seen from random people on the street to meet&greets at conventions, she treats fan's love and adoration of the role with kindness.
While she's made it clear that creatively she has long since moved on - as she should, like any artist growing throughout their career - I think she makes it pretty clear that she's well aware that Lexa is something that'll always be synonymous with her career highs, and for all the negatives that did come from that situation, Lexa and Lexa fans are still something that deserves to be spoken about with respect. At least that's the way she presents her feelings publicly, and for that
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yelenasdiary · 1 day
Yelena pet request
Yelena finds stray cats and dogs. She can't bear(bare?) to leave them behind, so she takes them home to clean them and feed them. Make sure they are well taken care of and loved. Reader can't be mad about it bc of how caring and loving yelena is towards them. And of course, how adorable the pets are.
Forever Home
Pairing: Yelena Belova x GN! Reader
Summary: Yelena comes home with a new family member that you fall in love with instantly. 
Comfort & Fluff 
Warnings: Mentions of Animal Abuse? (kitten in bad shape, nothing too detailed or actual details of abuse towards an animal!), Mentions of Red Room | 1K
AC: Thank you for sending this! I hope you enjoy! x 
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It's been a little over two months since you last saw Yelena. Whenever Valentina had a job for her, you never really knew just how long Yelena would be away for. There was always communication between you both, so you always knew she was safe, but you missed her dearly. Last week, Yelena mentioned that she had a surprise for you and that she couldn't wait for you to see it. Your mind hasn't been able to stop endlessly thinking about what the surprise could possibly be.
Last night, Yelena texted you saying she'd be home in the afternoon and that she couldn't wait to just be home. You were excited to see her again, to hug her tightly, to feel her arms around you once again. You were sure that if Fanny could talk, she would agree that sometimes the apartment just felt empty without Yelena. 
Fanny was rescued by Yelena when her and Natasha took down the Red Room, she told you that during the destruction of the Red Room that Fanny came out of the near by bushes. Her eyes were full of fear from the falling building in front of her. Slowly, she wandered up to Yelena as if she knew that Yelena was somebody safe, somebody who could protect the lost soul and she was right. Yelena took Fanny home, gave her a home, real love and when you first met Fanny, Yelena commented on how calm Fanny was around you and said it was probably a good sign that she liked you. 
You loved seeing the giant pups tail wag excitedly whenever you mentioned Yelena's name around her, she was just as excited to see Yelena again as you were. But poor Fanny wasn't expecting the little surprise when she did come home in the late afternoon. She opened the door to your shared apartment, Fanny running towards her to greet her like she always did but she stopped in her tracks and tilted her head at the blonde. 
"Hi Fanny!" Yelena smiled softly, dropping her bag at her feet with her free hand before she slowly rested on her knees at Fanny's level. Hearing Yelena's voice only brought happiness to you, a smile and a sigh of relief to know your loved one was finally home. As you turned the corner of the small hall that led to the front door, your eyes widened at the scene before you. 
Fanny was curiously sniffing the small kitten that Yelena held closely to her, Yelena looked up at you and smiled softly, "surprise detka" she said softly not to startle the interaction between Fanny and the small kitten. "Oh my god!" You whispered in awe, you waited patiently for Fanny to have her moment with the new family member before Yelena gently handed you the little ball of fur. "She wouldn't stop following me on night and I couldn't just leave her out in the cold. She's looking a lot better than she did, I'm not sure if she was a pet or if she's a stray but she had been having a hard time. I hope it's okay I brought her home" Yelena explained, not that you were truly listening, you were too distracted by the beauty of the little baby.
All four of her legs were white, she had darker fur for most of her small body, a little lighter in the face with more white fur on her face and chest and her eyes were a grayish/green color. She was light, lighter than most kittens, her fur was a little patchy showing you the signs of her rough life before she found Yelena. Her right eyes was still recovering from an infection but all in all, you could see just how grateful she was to be rescued. 
"She's adorable" you smiled softly as you gave the little kitten a cuddle. 
"Her name is Aziza. It's Arabic for beloved precious and mighty" Yelena replied, "I need to book her into our vet so she can get a proper check over, the vet I was able to find when I found her was good, but they had limited recourses" she added. 
"We can do that first thing tomorrow" you replied just as Fanny tapped your left leg with her paw. You looked down at her and smiled softly, "what do you think Fanny? You love you little sister already?" you coo'd before gently placing little Aziza on the floor. Fanny was so tender and carefully with her, she allowed the kitten to sniff her and even laid down for her to climb all over her. Both you and Yelena watched in awe as the two animals bonded before Yelena unzipped her bag and pulled out a few cans of cat food and wandered into the kitchen to put them away. 
"As for you" you spoke softly, wrapping your arms around the blonde from behind, "why don't you go take a shower and we can take a trip to the store to get our new baby some toys and other supplies" you added as Yelena turned to face you, your arms still wrapped around her. Being able to look into her green eyes once again left you almost speechless, you'll never get over just how beautiful she truly is. 
She kissed you deeply, making up for all the times she couldn't just pull you close and kiss you. "Sounds like a good plan" she whispered before pulling away to take a shower. 
The next morning, you woke up before Yelena, you wanted her to get all the sleep she needed so you left her to do so. When you wandered into the small living room, your heart melted at the sight of Fanny and Aziza curled up asleep together. You noticed that her new toys had been played with she had used her litter box. She woke the moment she heard you pick up her food bowl. 
She came running into the kitchen with a soft meow, melting your heart. "Good morning sleepy head" you said, looking down at her. Fanny followed behind her, "I've got some treats for you too big girl" you added with a smile. 
Yelena could bring home another cat, dog or even a bird and you would fall in love with them instantly. It only showed you just how big Yelena's heart truly was and you loved her even more for it.
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Taglist: @marvelfan98 | @boredandneedfanfics | @music-4ever | @marvelwomen-simp | @swaqcenix | @scarlettbitchx | @mallyka-blog | @itsalwaysskorpioszn | @caporal-nino | @natashamaximoff-69 | @evilcr0ne | @boredandneedfanfics | @teganmiller | @ihavezeroclue13 | @tobiaslut | @itsmelulu | @axolotllover225 | @koinsss | @nuianced-tck-enby | @springsheep | @prentgarcialuvr | @stayevildarling | 
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projectbluearcadia · 12 hours
Well-Deserved Rest
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NSFW Sub!Lucifer x GN!MC Spice Rating - 3/4 ; BDSM Rating 0/3
[ Premise - Lucifer is all stressed out again, and you’ve decided that you’re going to make him unwind by taking control and spoiling the shit out of him. ]
Lucifer makes me sub... but sub!Luci makes me want to dom his ass.
CW: None, really? One spank, Lucifer receiving.
Wordcount - 2546
smutty notes (consult if you haven’t read my smut before.)
“Lucifer?” you say in shock as you watch the oldest brother, not even wearing his waistcoat or his gloves in the kitchen. His sleeves are hiked up to his elbows, his crimson tie missing. He gazes at you for a long moment, just as he reaches the coffee grinder, and the stress in his eyes momentarily seems to ease before he looks away. 
“Morning,” he mumbles, filling the grinder with fresh beans, and the machine hums quietly before the sound of coffee being ground fills the air, along with its wonderful scent. 
“Lucifer… did you even sleep?” you ask, and at first, you think he’s ignoring you, and on the off-chance that he couldn’t hear you over the grinder, you decide to wait until it’s finished. “Lucifer. Did you sleep?” 
“What? Oh… I think I did?” He takes the grounds out, pushing them into a neat little puck before packing it into the espresso machine. 
“You think?” you ask. “If you’re not going to sleep next to me, the least you can do is actually take more than a power nap. Seriously; this is getting ridiculous. You should not be getting up in the middle of the night to do work, much less pulling all-nighters.” 
“I’ve gone for more than a month with less than an hour of sleep; I’ll be fine,” he mumbles, taking his coffee cup out from underneath the machine. “I don’t need you to mind me like I’m some kind of child. I know where my limits are.” 
You fold your arms at him, half-tempted to actually yell at him with frustration. Though you’ve been getting him to fix some of his unhealthy habits, R.A.D. loves throwing a wrench in the works, whether it’s Diavolo, the students, his brothers, or diplomatic meetings. 
“Hey!” you protest as Lucifer starts walking off with his coffee, and he pauses to look back at you. 
“I have to go back to work, MC. Later?” Meaning, I will not discuss this with you now, and I’m going whether you want me to or not; be content with the fact that you’ve seen me at all today. 
“You’d better come to bed tonight, Lucifer,” you growl at him, and he softly chuckles. “By 11 P.M. If you’re not there, I’m going to drag you there by force.” 
“Yes, honey, I’ll come to bed. So greedy…” His voice trails off as he travels out of earshot, and you grumble a retort. I’m going to make sure you have a proper rest, you son of a bitch. 
You’re sitting in front of Lucifer’s fireplace, reading one of Satan’s book recommendations when you hear Lucifer knock on the frame of his bedroom door..
“Here I am, as requested,” Lucifer says, and you hear his leather oxfords briefly clack against the wooden floor before muffling against his rug. Then he’s behind your chair, pulling his hands over yours, leaning his head down to kiss your temple. “Come on… don’t be mad at me,” he whispers sweetly, rubbing your arms up and down. “I know it’s been a lonely week, so let’s go out for some quality time on Sunday.” Lucifer kisses your cheek, teasing your bookmark from your fingers and closing your book on it. “Maybe we can go shopping… or maybe we can see a show… go to your favorite restaurant for dinner…” He drags his lips against the back of your ear, his voice lowering by an octave. “Have lots of sex when we get home… how does that sound, darling?” 
“I’m still mad at you,” you reply, and he pauses, his mouth opening to try to butter you up some more, but you don’t let him. “If you want me to stop being mad, I get to torture you when I fuck you tonight.” It’s not an unreasonable request per se, considering you’ve topped him before. It’s just not one that Lucifer expects you to ask so bluntly, which is why he doesn’t answer you for several uncomfortably long moments. 
“Do whatever you please with me then,” he responds, finally, and you get up to turn and look back at him. Surprisingly enough, he looks a little nervous, and you barely stop yourself from launching at him in a fit of cuteness aggression. “Am I allowed to touch you this time…?” God, fuck, stop me from ripping his clothes off; I want to tease him. 
“Yes,” you reply after a moment, “but you’re not allowed to switch to being dominant halfway through doing that. That means not taking advantage of your demon strength.” 
“I agreed to this; I want to make it up to you,” Lucifer concedes softly, loosely pulling his arms around your lower back. “I’ll be your stress toy tonight, okay?” Oh, honey, that is far from what I have planned.
“That’s my good little demon,” you murmur, rubbing his head slowly, and a faint blush scatters over his cheeks at the praise. He opens his mouth to ask a question, but you cut him off as you push your lips against his, a soft groan leaving his mouth as you pull his hair and dominate his tongue. His fingers stray under your shirt, caressing the skin of your back with deliberate slowness as if he needed to savor every second he was allowed to touch you. 
“Mn,” he grunts into your mouth as you tease your fingers up his inner thigh, teasing him until his hands stiffen, struggling to restrain himself from picking you up on his waist and carrying you to bed. “Ugh,” he gasps, breaking from your lips as you rub the palm of your hand against his rapidly growing bulge. “MC…”
“Remember what I told you, Lucifer,” you murmur against his lips before you shut him up, lightly tucking your fingertips underneath his shirt, stroking up his navel, into the crevice of his abdominal muscles. He relaxes a little with this little motion of yours, only to make a startled sound into your mouth as a high-pitched zip! hits the air. “You’re already like this?” you murmur against his ear as you run your thumb over his cock, straining to escape his underwear. You can feel Lucifer’s skin running hotter as you do so, his breath getting shorter. “Good boy.” 
“Hah…” Lucifer gasps softly before he mumbles a soft protest. 
“Oh? Then why’d your little soldier respond so eagerly, hm?” you tease, and a faint blush scatters over his cheeks as you take your time freeing his cock from its clothy confinement. It even starts to drip little white tears of gratitude. 
“...because evidently, I liked it,” he admits with a bit of an embarrassed chuckle. 
“You’re adorable,” you murmur sweetly, wrapping your hand around his member and half debating whether or not you wanted to wipe that calm look off his face by pushing him onto the bed and sucking on it. No, no, MC, work up to that. Make him orgasm in progressively more exciting ways. 
“Right back at you,” Lucifer replies, breathless as he watches you intently, his hands rubbing your waist up and down, up and down. “And incredibly fucking tempting.” He squeezes your hips, a naughty grunt slipping past his teeth when you give his wanting tip some special attention.
“But you’re very good at resisting, aren’t you, darling? You’re doing so well, Lucifer.” 
“Shit,” he groans before you kiss him again, stroking him much harder, and an almost needy moan sinks into your mouth. Ugh, I want to make him cum his brains out. “Mnn… mmm…” You can feel how close he is just by his kiss as he stops all forms of playful resistance, his lip twitching faintly as he tries not to close his mouth. His erection is just as antsy, right about ready to burst. 
“Go on, sweetheart. Cum for me,” you whisper against his lips, panting, before you swallow his soft, reluctant moan as he coats your hand in his sticky, off-white semen. “See? You’re a good boy, Lucifer.” You ruffle your clean hand into his hair, and he leans into your touch, closing his eyes and blushing badly at his own actions. His tired face already looks relaxed. “Come on. Let’s go sit on the bed.” 
And, as if to get back at you for how embarrassed he was, he unexpectedly squeezes your ass—hard—in both hands. You almost yelp, and you smack his ass in return, making him chuckle as you shake your hand with a wince. 
He does not protest as you push him onto the edge of the bed, his lips parted as if waiting for another kiss, and you decide to grant his wish. He deserves some thorough spoiling for all that work he does. 
“Take your shirt off for me,” you order, and as he does so after a moment of hesitation, you finally pay some attention to your white-slicked hand. Without breaking eye contact with Lucifer, you lick his semen off, watching him grip his covers while his demon form starts to slip out at the undoubtedly crude sight. 
“MC, please… if you don’t want me to attack you right now, tie me up,” he grinds out as you suck two fingers slowly before letting them pop out of your mouth. “I can’t restrain myself for this.” 
“Yes, you can,” you soothe, laying your hands on his thighs. “But if you want me to get the rope out from under the bed, that’s a different story…” You lean towards his ear to bite the shell. “Your cum is very thick and rich, by the way.” 
You can tell, as you lean back, that he’s so close to snapping and railing you into oblivion that he’s nearly glaring at you with lust. If your sex wasn’t dripping before, it is now. 
“I don’t want you to,” he mumbles, slowly relaxing his muscles, one by one. “But I do want to be… obedient for you.” He has to grind out the last words, his face flushing a little again as he averts his eyes from yours. 
“But you’re already being so obedient,” you reply gently, kissing his neck. “Being my perfect demon. Don’t be so hard on yourself, honey. You’re doing just fine.” A rewarding little groan slips out of his throat, and you kiss down to his collarbone, offering him a gentle nibble. 
“MC, I really can’t do this,” he rasps out as you rub your fingers up and down his chest, going around to his back to rub firm little circles on his lower back. You wordlessly and gently hush him with the finger of your other hand as he tries to continue before you lower your head again to kiss near one of his nipples. You desperately wish in that second that he liked it when you toyed with them, but alas… 
Despite the fact that Lucifer fully shifts into his demon form as he loses patience, he doesn’t act on it as you work your way down his midsection, down his pretty abs. He is, however, much stiffer than you’d prefer, so you make sure to shower him with some extra praise for being so good for you. 
“That’s right, Lucifer. You’re doing it all by yourself.” You kiss his v-line. “I’m proud of you.” 
“Dammit, don’t do that to me,” he moans, covering his mouth. “Please don’t do what I hope you’re doing.” You almost laugh at him for purposely denying himself pleasure; there would be none of that tonight. 
“Why not?” you purr, your cheek practically rubbing his swollen, rosy-headed penis. His wings cutely flutter at the contact. “I want seconds… while it’s still hot.” You kiss his base, and one of his hands tangles into your hair, the veins on his forearm sharply standing out as he stopped himself from pulling. His expression screeches at you, screeches, that he wants to fill your mouth up so much that his seed will flow down your chin. Dear God, why did you make this sexy creature and piss him off? I mean, more for me, but still. “Can you do that for me, you absurdly sexy bastard?” Didn’t mean to add that last part, but I guess he liked that.
“Fuck me,” he groans obscenely as you kiss his tip, looking up at him. 
“Your moans are doing an excellent job of making me ready to fuck you, darling,” you rumble before you hornily close your lips around the tip of his cock, giving it a nice, long suck before you start taking more of it. More, until he’s hitting the back of your throat, and you moan softly onto him, restraining yourself from distracting yourself by rubbing your throbbing sex. Your body is already screaming at you, but you want to make sure he’s nice and warmed up for the main event. 
Every movement of your tongue, every bob, every lick, every hollowing your cheeks makes Lucifer grunt, moan, and even whimper a little. Louder and filthier for you, as if he’s trying to beg for you to hurry up and fuck him without saying it. 
“Do you… like that, MC?” He smiles down at you, his cheeks still pink as he grips your hair harder at the root. “Do… you like my cock? How it feels…ugh… inside your mouth?” He just wants praise now. That’s really cute.
“Mmm hm,” you hum onto him, sucking him harder and making his breath catch. You moan onto him as you fondle his balls with one hand, making him tighten his hold on your hair. He can’t stop himself from bobbing your head a few times right before he splatters the inside of your mouth, his wings spreading wide and trembling. 
“MC!” he gasps out, panting as he watches you slowly let go of him, licking a streak off his length that escaped your mouth. When you swallow everything, he flops backwards into the bed, his eyes almost rolling back into his head before they refocus on the ceiling. For once, his thoughts are written on his face—that felt so fucking good; I needed this so bad… 
“I do love your cock, Lucifer,” you finally say, impatiently shedding your clothes, practically throwing them to the floor with annoyance. “It’s absolutely perfect for filling me the way I want it. And it feels amazing when it’s inside me.”
Lucifer ogles your body as you crawl on top of him, smiling before you kiss him again. He doesn’t seem to mind tasting himself as he hugs you close to him gratefully, almost crying as you cup his cheek. “You had a hard week, honey… You did such an excellent job like you always do, and I love you even when I don’t see you; you’re breathtaking from those horns down to your sweet personality…” You litter his neck with kisses. “Just let me take care of you tonight, okay?”
“Yes, please,” he groans before he goes right back to kissing you, his blissful tears spilling from the corners of his eyes, his hands rubbing your back. “Please praise me more… reward me. Make love to me; I need you.” 
“Finally asking for what you want,” you purr as you get ready to lower yourself onto him, kissing the corner of his lips. “Good boy.”
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lssugaluv · 2 days
What they do to stay up to wait for you to get home.
• Haikyuu x Fem Reader
• Haikyuu headcannons.
• Hakyuu Timeskip.
• Characters: Kuroo, Atsumu, & Sugawara.
• Synopsis; You decide to go out for the first time in a long time with your friends & sister. Your boyfriend/husband is not used to you being gone so long and tries his best to wait for you to get home back to him.
• Contains; fluff <3
• Atsumu is married to you and you both have one son.
• Kuroo is your long term boyfriend.
• Suga is your husband and you two are newlyweds.
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You and Suga are about six months into your marriage. It’s been such a beautiful thing. Being able to sleep by each other’s side every night, waking up to him every morning. Being able to cook dishes for him, being able to experience life together with your soulmate. It’s like if the two of you had this small bubble in your own home and it was just the two of you. Until your two high school besties have been trying to get you to go out with them for the longest.
Suga has been encouraging you to go out but you just don’t have the courage to leave him alone, even if it is for a couple of hours. But the day comes where you actually did agree to go shop and to go eat to catch up with the girls. Before you left, you do an outfit check with Suga. “You look gorgeous in that yellow dress sweetheart.” He hugs you and swiftly gives you a small peck on the side of your forehead.
You leave at 4 p.m. and do not come back until 10:34 p.m. You and Suga are usually in bed no later than 9. (Yes I know, a small pair of old people.) You open the door to your house and remove your shoes. You hear nothing but snores coming from your kitchen. As you quietly walk towards the kitchen, you see your husband asleep on the kitchen table with two empty cups of coffee.
You gently move his shoulder to wake him up. “Baby.. wake up.” As he slowly opens an eye, he jumps up and hugs you tight. “I’m glad you’re home safe.” You both go to brush your teeth and get ready for bed. As you both lay in bed he says, “I tried to stay awake y/n to wait for you but the coffee did not help.” You laugh as you cuddle yourself next to him. “I love you Suga.”
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You and Kuroo made this agreement 5 years ago before you moved in together. That when one of you needed space, it was okay to go out with friends. You both shared the same group of friends but of course you loved for Kuroo to have guy time as for you to have girl time. The only thing is that your boyfriend always loves to be with you. Yes, he agrees that it is good to have space once in a while, but he doesn’t know what to do when you’re gone for a couple of hours.
Your friends planned a beach day to Kamikura, Japan. You all live in Tokyo so it’ll be about an hour drive. You get all your things ready the night before. Kuroo walks into your shared room and stands by the door with his arms crossed. “Do you have to leave me?” You look at him with a gentle smile, “baby, it’s just for half of the day. I will be back.” You start to walk towards him. “I know, I was just joking. I want you to have fun, you deserve it.” You wrap your arms around him and give him a kiss on the cheek.
You and your four friends leave around 9 in the morning and arrive to the beach almost at 11 am. You guys take thirst traps in your bikinis (you had a one piece) as you guys have fun running in the waves. You all got to tan together and lay on your towels watching the sun set. It was great.
You get home until 1 a.m, (I know, time flew) You walk into your apartment and all the lights are off. The only thing you see is a bright light coming from the living room. As you approach the living room you see a bright light and hear noise coming from the television. You see your Kuroo sound asleep with the blanket on the ground alongside the remote. He has his phone on and you can see he was watching your location. You then turn to the tv and see he has Bridgerton season 2 on. You were complaining to him that he needed to catch up because you wanted to watch the newest season with him. Your heart almost popped out of your chest. You wake him up, turn the tv off and walk together side by side to your room.
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You and your friends have been dying to go see Fujii Kaze in concert. That was when your bestie sent to your group chat a screenshot of his tour dates and you literally screamed your head off. Before you bought the ticket, you had to check in with your hubby first.
Atsumu was sitting on the couch watching a replay of his recent game while baby Atsumu was doing tummy time. You pick up the baby and sit next to Atsumu. “Babe. So in a month from now, Fujii Kaze is coming to Japan and the girls and I want to go. But I want to check if it is not a day that you’re gone for a game.” He pauses the game on the tv and pulls out his phone to check the date. “Baby, you’re one lucky girl. We are off that weekend so I can stay with the baby as well.” He smiles at you and takes the baby into his arms. “You’re going to get the room seats right?” You look at him and curiously smile. “We actually want to go to the floor.” … “well baby, I’m okay with it but I also want you girls safe. Remember you are the wife of Japan’s number one team and setter.” He winks at you and you roll your eyes and giggle. “I know Tsumu but we really want to be on the floor.” … “okay but can you take one body guard? I’ll make the arrangements and I’ll feel better like that.” You agree and thank him with a kiss on the lips.
The day has came for the concert as you dress in some baggy pleather pants with a white corset top. Your hair is waved out in curls with a braid crown and light makeup. Atsumu of course has to praise you and prize you with a huge smack on your ass before you leave. “Have fun sweetheart.” He kisses you and you kiss the baby goodbye.
You get home around 1:30 in the morning after singing your heart out and having some drinks after the concert. You come home to Atsumu and baby Atsumu on the couch sleeping. Your heart completely gushes out of love for this beautiful sight. Atsumu heard you come in and slowly opens his eyes. “Welcome home angel.” He gently smiles at you as you gently pick up the baby from his arms. He gets up and hug you from behind wrapping his arms around your belly. “I missed you. We tried to stay up to wait for you but we both got sleepy after playing on the playground in the backyard.” You smile and snug your baby, “oh I missed the both of you. Let’s go to bed.”
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• The sleeping pictures of Suga, Kuroo and Atsumu are NOT mine. I found them on Pinterest, so credit to their creators.
• I tried my best to find a picture of sleeping Atsumu and this was the best I could find.
• I was inspired to write this because I recently went to a concert with my sister and when I got home, my husband was sleeping on the couch waiting for me <3
• I hope you enjoy!
• Please like, comment, and reblogg.
• Not proofread. :(
• Please do not copy my work!
~ love, Lssugaluv
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Hey! I love love love reading unrequited love, and although obvi their love is utterly mutual they don’t necessarily know that sooo
If you know any, could you recommend me some fics were Crowley is ‘pining’ for Azi?
They don’t need to have a happy ending where they get together (might even prefer without) but can do!
Anyways love ur blog tysm :)
These are hard to find! Most are not actually unrequited love. I found a few with hurt/no comfort, and a couple of longer ones where they do end up together in the end, but there is a lot of feeling unloved, pining, and angst before they get there.
i wanna fade away (with you) by Lilyofthevalley26 (G)
Armageddon had come, and Armageddon had passed. They didn’t have head offices to report to anymore. They were free agents. A new emotion joined the others in his chest. It felt like hope.
No Problem by LeotheLionathefootofOrion (M)
No problem, Crowley thinks. No problem at all. Anything for you. Even after two months of radio silence and not even a message on my birthday. No problem. - x - The whole friends with benefits thing really isn’t doing Crowley any favours.
Microcosms by oceantears (G)
“So, Alpha Centauri,” Crowley says, “you never did go there with me. Why? Jus’ not- Not wanting to stick it to Heaven? Still believing in the greater good and all? Not wanting only me for the rest of eternity, afraid you’d get bored of me?” It’s honesty and fear disguised as barely a jab, barely a joke, and they both know it. Crowley can call the stars into existence, but he cannot successfully hide 6,000 years of loneliness and longing and pain. Aziraphale only looks at him for a moment. If he tried, Crowley thinks helplessly, he could find constellations in the angel’s eyes. He could find another universe in them, one entirely untouched by God and Heaven and Hell. One that could be theirs, if only Aziraphale allowed it to be. “Neither,” Aziraphale finally says, “I just- I was afraid. And I… Well. I always found reaching for the stars a rather pointless endeavour when I already have everything I want right here.” Crowley takes a deep, shuddering breath and makes himself say it. Makes his tongue move and form those words they both know so well but have not had the courage to say out loud yet. “But you didn’t,” he forces out, “you didn’t want me. You still don’t.”
Attempts At Healing by alcyme (T)
Imagination can only get you so far. And then there are things not powerful enough to make it to reality. Like feelings of love. Time mends all wounds and that includes a broken heart. After all, what is healing than just reversing time. It would be a shame if The First Healer can’t even heal himself.
Crowley and His Army of Grandmothers by burnt_oranges (NR)
Crowley had impulsively stopped by Artisan Du Chocolate, the next place on Aziraphale’s meticulously ordered list of chocolatiers to sample, and now Crowley wonders--is it too much? He had bought a hundred fucking pounds’ worth of chocolate, of course it’s too much, but would Aziraphale notice that it was too much? That is the question.
Warmth by indigo (E)
Friends with benefits really had to be the very best solution there was for any self-respecting immortal being on Earth. Handy. Convenient. The perfect way to de-stress with none of the hassle of trying to find a human willing to overlook the more demonic parts of appearance. It was reliable. Comforting even. Dependable, emotionless relief. Perfect, Crowley thought. Right up until the point when, well, it wasn’t.
- Mod D
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nctnanajaemin · 22 hours
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my brother's bestfriend pairing: lee jeno x na!sister reader chapter six word count:1.2k warnings: cussing, fighting, mentions of blood.
you are currently eight weeks pregnant, and you and jeno are telling jaemin today because on a rare occasion, none of the other guys are over.
you knock on jaemin's door, "jaem. can i talk to you? it's serious. "
"uh- i guess, but jeno's here."
you walk into his room and see jaemin on his bed and jeno sitting in jaemin's gaming chair.
you walk over and sit down on the bed. "i have something important to tell you.. but please don't get mad. "
"i won't get mad as long as you haven't done something insanely stupid."
"promise me you won't be mad."
jaemin rolls his eyes. "okay, whatever. i promise."
you take a deep breath, bracing yourself for his reaction. "i'm pregnant."
jaemin immediately starts laughing.  "you expect me to actually believe that?"
you pull the pregnancy test and ultrasound out of your hoodie pocket, holding them out to him.
he stops laughing and stares at the test and ultrasound in your hands. "you're being serious?"
"yeah. i'm eight weeks."
jaemin looks from the test and ultrasound back up to you. "oh my god." he's silent for a moment before he speaks again. "who's the dad?"
"that's the thing.... it's jeno."
"please tell me i fucking heard her wrong and you did not get my little sister pregnant." jaemin says, looking over at jeno.
jeno nervously shakes his head. "no, you heard her right..." 
jaemin gets up and walks over to jeno. the second jeno stands up jaemin throws him against the wall. "i told you to stay the fuck away from her!"
"i know you did, but-"
"but what?!" jaemin yells in his face.
you get up and try to pull jaemin away from jeno but he doesn't budge. 
jeno waves you off. "it's fine. just let him get it out."
jaemin keeps jeno against the wall, his fist clenched but not making any moves to hurt him. "how long has it been going on?"
"four years."
"four years!? four fucking years, jeno!? how could you do this to me, to her? i fucking trusted you!" jaemin screams, punching jeno in the face.
"i'm sorry."
"you're sorry? you're sorry?! that doesn't fix the fact that she's fucking pregnant!" jaemin yells, punching him again.
"i know it doesn't!" jeno snaps. "but i'm still sorry!"
"you are dead to me." jaemin spits out. "dead. to. me."
jaemin throws one last punch before storming out of the room and slamming the door behind him.
jeno slumps down against the wall, holding his nose. 
you quickly grab some tissues and kneel down in front of him.
"i'm sorry." you tell him, holding the tissues to his nose.
"it's not your fault. i deserved it."
"no you didn't." 
jeno winces as you dab at his nose. "i betrayed his trust."
"just because you betrayed his trust doesn't mean he had the right to put his hands on you."
jeno sighs. "i know. but i still don't blame him for punching me. if the roles were reversed i would have reacted the same way."
you carefully clean the blood from his face. "still. i don't like seeing you hurt. especially when you've been hurt because of me."
"i'll be fine. it's just a bloody nose." jeno says, placing a hand on your thigh. 
"and a black eye."
"it'll heal. this isn't the first black eye i've gotten, probably won't be the last."
you sigh, tossing the bloody tissues in the trash and taking jeno's face in your hands, gently tilting it from side to side to inspect his injuries. "you're just lucky he wasn't wearing his rings."
 "i know." jeno gently pulls your hands away from his face. "stop fretting over me, i'm not gonna break."
"i'm going to start telling you that when you worry about me."
"i have a reason to worry about you. you're pregnant."
"and? you're injured." you point out.
jeno rolls his eyes. "a few bruises and a bloody nose isn't the same thing as carrying a human being inside your body for nine months, princess."
"yeah, yeah. whatever. let's go get some ice on your eye." you tell him, standing up.
jeno stands up after you and follows you out of the room.
it's been a few days since you told jaemin and he has yet to talk to either of you. 
you and jeno are currently sitting on the couch, watching TV, when mark, renjun, and chenle walk in.
mark looks at jeno's black eye and his eyes widen. "dude, what happened to your face?"
"jaemin? what'd you do to piss him off?"
"more like who i did."
mark's eyes go to you. "oh." he says, slowly. "you didn't..."
"i did." jeno says.
mark looks at you, then back to jeno, then back to you again. "holy shit dude."
"how'd he find out?" renjun asks, sitting down on the other couch.
"we told him." 
renjun looks horrified. "you told him!? why on earth would you tell him!?"
"we didn't really have a choice."
"what do you mean, you didn't really have a choice?"
jeno looks over at you, silently asking if it's okay to tell the guys.
you nod, and jeno turns back to the rest of the guys. "she's pregnant."
"wait, wait, wait. hold on a second." mark says, holding up his hands. "you're pregnant? like... you have a baby growing inside of you, pregnant?"
you nod. "yeah, eight weeks."
"eight weeks? how did this even happen?"
"well, mark, when two people-"
mark's face turns bright red. "no- yeah, i get how it happened. i meant how did you guys even end up together?"
"technically we're not together, but we started hooking up at your twentieth birthday party."
"my twentieth birthday party? that's almost five years ago."
"and not one of us knew?"
"i mean two of us did." chenle says, making mark and renjun look at him.
"wait, you knew?" mark asks, looking dumbfounded.
"yeah. i've known since the start."
"why didn't you tell us?"
"i take my secret keeping serious."
"clearly." mark mutters, rolling his eyes before turning back to you. "who else knew?"
"jisung, but he only knew because his nosy ass read my diary."
they all laugh, and the sound of someone clearing their throat makes all of you look over.
jaemin is standing in the doorway with an unreadable expression on his face.
 "can i talk to you?" he asks, looking directly at you.
you nod and stand up, following jaemin out of the room. he leads you outside and turns to face you as you shut the door. 
"i'm sorry for how i reacted. i was angry and felt betrayed. it was just a lot to process at once, and i obviously made some choices that i'm not exactly proud of. I just... I never expected this, like are you two serious?"
you shake your head no. "we aren't together, no, but jeno and I are committed to doing what's best for the baby and we're still figuring everything out."
"he was the one friend i really didn't think i had to worry about when it came to messing around with you. it's going to take some time for me to forgive him."
"i know, and i get it. i'm not asking you to forgive him right away and i don't blame you for being upset and needing time to process everything."
"i'm sorry." jaemin pulls you into a hug. "you're going to be a good mom, i know it."
chapter five | chapter six
@nosungluv, @icesscoups, @sunghoonsgfreal, @camosh, @vltevgrdn, @minkyuncutie, @neobowlingshoez , @luvjoongz , @llallisa653, @shqqna , @dojaejunging
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what-gs-watching · 2 days
“What good did love do, Doctor? When did it ever help?”
So I spent last week at my parent’s house finally pulling off the surprise birthday party I’d been planning for months for my mother and I was there for farrrrr too long and I ate waaaay too much and I only had six days from when I got home to get my head right and ready to start a new job after nine effing months of doing nothing. 
I’m starting on Monday and I’m super anxious about it, and everyone is posting about what’s going on with Doctor Who so obviously I decided to let Ruby and 15 turn my brain off for a bit, it’s the least they can do. Maybe that was a mistake, because woooooof y’all. I’m devastated that the season is already over. 
And as such, we def need to talk about both of these episodes at the same time. 
The Legend of Ruby Sunday / Empire of Death
Wherein, The Doctor and Ruby show up to UNIT to finally ask about the old woman they keep running into on their adventures, and immediately very purposefully fall into a trap. 
I have to say, as much as I love 15, baby boy has NOT been very observant this season. He’s caught up in having fun and showing his feelings and all of that is fantastic and beautiful but if this had been 10 or 11 they would have been mulling over this situation the entirety of the season and I probably wouldn’t feel so much like I just got whiplash. 
Like, the internet has been telling me to think about this random ass lady, instead of seeing the Doctor trying to puzzle her out in his downtime. And that’s the first time I’ve really thought to myself, ‘this is incredibly unlike the doctor.’ But we’re going to let it slide, because he’s otherwise charmed the pants off of me.
There was a lot I was definitely about in these episodes, in no particular order - 
OBVIOUSLY, the Rose / Ruby bonding. Absolutely adorable. They immediately gravitated to each other and I love that. It’s so sweet. And I’ll take ANY scrap of 14 I can get, but 15 asking ‘how’s your uncle?’ really made me greedy for more. Couldn’t my girl Rose given like, even the smallest cute little anecdote? Like ‘oh, he’s really into gardening right now…’ or something? Gimme like, even the littlest bit. I neeeed it. But fine. 
15’s outfits. I’ve loved all of the stuff they’ve put him in all season but HELLO that leather jacket and the cozy sweater he had on in the mish mash TARDIS? Gorgeous. Beautiful. I want to buy it right now.
Also, the mish mash TARDIS itself, and the little kiss 15 gives it at one point. Love all the random throwbacks inside that little thing even if I don’t know most of them because no, I never went back and watched the original seasons, so sue me. I’m pretty sure I spotted 11’s little scanner tv thing though, and I love that. I miss Matt Smith. 
And the Doctor lashing out and punching the wall and huffing and puffing and screaming and then Mel giving him a kick in the ass. I’m going to keep talking about how I love that 15 is actually okay with showing his feelings, but I do think he got too lost in them. We all been there, boo. But like, you heard that sick TARDIS sound (that’s going to haunt my dreams) and you were just like ‘oh I’ve heard that before’? BOY you are so distracted. 
Anyway, I’m vaguely aware there’s background on Sutekh that I should probably google if I want to fully understand the situation, but I’m not gonna do it. I accept that it’s the god of death and the doctor fought it once and banished it to the time vortex, but I have to say, I find the rest of the storyline a little bit weird. It hitched a ride on the TARDIS and traveled with the Doctor for basically untold amounts of time and no one ever noticed? And it’s appearance is NOT related to 14 casting that salt at the end of the universe, even though it was pretty clear that the rest of the random god appearances were? 
I guess I’m willing to accept all of that, but gang. Here’s the thing. After all of that time traveling around and watching the Doctor do what he does (and admittedly trying to sabotage him by planting harbingers? I guess? Wherever they went?) you’re still not going to kill him right off when you finally hatch your plot? You KNOW he gets out of things. You know he literally gets out of everything. You’ve watched him wiggle his way out of shit because his adversaries have given him an inch but you’re like ‘it’s fine, that won’t be me, because I REALLY need to know who this random human’s mother is?’ 
Nah. Nah nah nah. Like, maybe if you had really tried to kill him and he got out of it, I’d be like, ‘okay fine’ but that death cloud was half-assed and they beat it on like, a moped. 
If we’re going with real scary gods that have literally the power of basically everything, I’m gonna want their actions to make sense. 
I also have to admit that when the Doctor was monologuing about how the whole thing was his fault, when he said about all of the things he’s done “I thought it was fun”, I found myself thinking about how he really has been playing a game of his own devising and maybe he…shouldn’t. And it felt like maybe he thought that, too. Like, when is it gonna be enough for him? 
The point is, It’s super sweet that Ruby got to figure her shit out, they got me I cried at all of that, but the whole thing did feel a little disjointed to me. Which is fine, because now I’m sitting here like, ‘yo I need more’ but there isn’t more, not for forever, and clearly that’s how they get you. The arch wasn’t a cliff hanger really but also it kind of was and I’m unsatisfied. Maybe that’s the point. 
And I do now agree with Tumblr that the most interesting thing in all of this is how 14 and Donna reacted to the death cloud, and their reconstitution, and the realization that Rose was at UNIT during the entire thing - that’s going to occupy my brain for a really long time.
At the end of the day, eight episodes was not enough. But I’m SO  endeared to 15 and I love the direction the show is going, haters can hate all they want but Doctor Who was always weird and it was always for outcasts and it’s beautiful and stupid and silly and wonderful. Wonderful and perfectly imperfect. 
Friends, this season came at a time I really needed it. I'm thankful it helped me through my forced work hiatus, it's part of the tapestry that kept me going. And that's the good that love does. Doctor Who, I love you.
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haehaehaehaerinhae · 3 days
bet —|kim minjeong x reader|
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↝word count: 1.4k
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You were now in your fourth year, one year to be exact when you moved on from your crush, Kim Minki, after knowing she was actually married.
The two of you became friends though it quickly turned to a frenemy situation when you declared to Minki that you found her wife pretty and all sorts of things which made her protective.
Now, you find yourself together with Minki and Yunjin who was gossiping about the other students, eventually making their way on mentioning your name which makes you listen.
“I bet yn can't make the stuco's vice president fall for her!'' Yunjin said as you and Minki looked at the red haired girl, though minki was more glaring at her.
“Who's that?” you asked not knowing who the person was actually, you never paid attention to the organization in your university so you had no idea.
“You don't know? That makes it better!” Yunjin said as Minki smacked her back.
Minki then turned to look at you with an unreadable expression as you watched Yunjin still recovering from the slap Minki gave her.
“Well… Let's bet on it then!” you declared as Yunjin watched you while trying to hold her laugh while Minki looked like she was mentally face palming.
“Alright! If you make vp fall for you in just six months, five hundred thousand won will be yours! if not… Say bye bye to your own money as you will be giving it to me.” Yunjin said with a smirk and a hand out as you reciprocated her smirk and took her hand in yours while shaking it.
“I'll do it in three months!” you said, immediately running off to find this girl Yunjin was talking about.
While on the other hand, Minki was giving Yunjin a beating.
“Why did you drag my sister to this?!” Minki said, giving Yunjin one final blow.
“Chill Minki, it's the perfect opportunity for Minjeong to find love instead of burying herself in studies, and do you think yn would actually prioritize money? I bet she'll fall in love with the girl in no time!” Yunjin said as Minki sighed.
“If my sister gets hurt, I'll kill you both.” Minki said walking off from where they were as Yunjin followed.
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It didn't take you long enough to actually stop looking around for the vice president of the stuco when you realized you didn't know who it was, that was until you found someone to ask.
“Hey! Can I ask you a question?” you call out for a girl who is shorter than you.
the girl then looked at your way as she seemed to judge your existence, making you taken aback. “What is it?” the girl asked in a monotone voice as you just smiled.
“Do you know who the vice president of the council is and if it's not much of a bother, do you know where I can find her?” you asked with a confident tone as the girl gave you a nasty look making your smile falter a bit.
“Why?” she asked,
“I'm in love with her!” you declared as the girl just shook her head.
“How can you be in love with her when you don't know what she looks like?” the girl said as she shoved something in front of your face making you take a few steps backwards and look into it.
it was an id card with her in it.
Kim Minjeong
“Why are you showing me your id card?” you asked confusedly, tilting your head to look at the girl who was appalled.
“Gosh, you say you're in love with me when you actually don't even know my name or face…” the girl muttered, which you didn't fail to hear.
the girl who you now know as kim minjeong walked away from you as you just shrugged it off and ran to another person to ask about the vice president.
you didn't know what the girl was muttering about if you were gonna be honest.
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“You mean that shortie is the vice president?!” you exclaimed as you watched Minki's wife, the president of the stuco holding lots of folders making you take some from her hand as you followed her.
“You didn't know? Why were you looking for her actually?" Karina asked as you contemplated on whether to tell her about the bet you and Yunjin made.
Well there's no harm in making her know.
“Yunjin and I made a bet, she would give me five hundred thousand won if I made the shortie fall in love with me.” you said as karina snickered.
“It's a surprise Minki hasn't killed you yet, does she know?” Karina asked as you nodded.
“Yeah, she was with us when the bet was made. minki seems to be protective of shortie, what are they?” you asked as karina became silent for a bit.
“You didn't know? gosh, you should check on it with Minki." Karina said as the two of you turned in a corner finding Minki talking with someone as she spotted you both making you freeze.
You immediately saw Minki walking towards the both of you as you made your way on Karina's back for protection.
“Minki I was just asking rina-unnie for something, haha?” you stated as Minki immediately grabbed the folders in your hand.
“stop following my wife around yn.” Minki basically growled at you as karina was just snickering behind Minki as you ran off.
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It has been a week since the bet was made and you made zero progress throughout, the girl was nowhere to be found!
but there was one spot you didn't care to look for the short girl, the library.
the library wasn't your thing, it was basically your enemy, like how could you stay quiet inside when you're like a speaker that was on full volume.
You just stared at the library door until you heard someone calling you out.
“Oh? ln yn outside the library? Is the world ending?” you heard as you knew who it was.
“Shut your ass Chaewon.” you say to the short girl who just chuckled at you.
“No, but seriously, why are you outside here?” she asked as you just sighed and looked at the door again.
“I'm looking for someone, she looks like she would be in here.” you say as you turn to look again at the short girl.
“Oh! Kim Minjeong, right? Yeah… She's definitely in there so goodluck!” Chaewon said with a smile as she waved you goodbye making you reciprocate it before watching her walk away.
Now, again with the door, you finally opened it seeing many students as those near the door looked at you as if you killed their dog, especially the librarian!
“Now what pleasure did I get for ln yn to come inside this unpleasant area?” the librarian sarcastically said, making you mentally roll your eyes.
“I'm looking for something, look I'll try my best on being quiet or whatever.” You stated as the librarian just gave you a nasty glare making you explore the large area.
You wouldn't say you haven't been inside the library, that would be too ridiculous, but you wouldn't also say you've stayed here for more than thirty minutes.
So in conclusion, you were getting lost inside which made you want to die, however, that changed when you saw a certain brunette seated by the windows with eyebrows furrowed with her face basically kissing the book by now.
Knowing the girl's condition, you made your way towards her as you went behind her trying to read the book on her hand which became unsuccessful when the girl abruptly raised her head making a collision towards your chest as you fell back on your butt as you closed your eyes holding your chest in pain.
“Oh, it's you.” Minjeong immediately said when her eyes landed on yours.
As you opened your eyes, it immediately made its way to the girl who was holding the chairs back while looking at you. Staying quiet, you admired the girl's features, noticing a difference in the shade of her lips from your first time meeting her.
“Oh! Did you get a new lip tint or something? The shade fits you well!” You immediately pointed out as you pointed at her using your pinky finger.
“Quiet!” You heard someone shout as you ignored it.
“What are you talking about?” Minjeong said in confusion as you stood up from the floor taking the seat beside her as you closed the distance.
“Your lips, it looks pinker than last week..” You said while your hand was on the table supporting your head.
The girl then rolled their eyes as they focused again on their book as you chuckled lightly when you saw her cheeks turning pink.
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a/n: this will have three parts since it'd be too long, and I as a reader also don't like that so some of you might experience the same, this is also an apology for dropping memories we shared. And if you guys have a question regarding memories we shared or this, send it in my ask:)
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accirax · 5 months
Soooooo... remember when I said I was rewatching DRDT?
Well, here's the result of that! As I did, I made a Danganronpa: Despair Time Episode Guide, full of links to specific, labeled parts of each episode to make it easier to rewatch and reference. The document should be available to all, so hopefully it'll come in handy for anyone who's interested in theory writing. Since it's taken me a bit review the story, I've already been using the guide to put together some of my theories over the past couple of months, and man has it saved me some time.
As I say in my opening blurb on the document itself, if you notice that anything is wrong or unclear, feel free to let me know! You can use the comments on this post to point stuff out as well.
I hope that you find this useful! (the cost of admission is putting up with my terrible scene title jokes)
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lecliss · 3 months
I'll never be able to take the theory that Vincent is Sephiroth's real father seriously cuz I cannot stress enough how important I think it is to the plot that Vincent wanted to fuck Lucrecia and did not get to.
#once again i jest but now i have to actually talk about it#like. okay we have no proof of any actual timeline for the dirge flashbacks other than. it was at least 30 years ago#so who knows how long they were at the manor. could have been weeks before The Incident. or months. or maybe a full year! who knows#but to me a timeline of like. they fucked and like a week later vincent found The Evidence and lucercia had her little breakdown#AND THEN EXTREMELY QUICKLY SHE AGREED TO THE EXPERIMENT AND IT COULD GO ONE OF TWO WAYS#1. she knew she was pregnant and thats why she agreed to the experiment cuz there was already a usable subject#and therefore she must have fucked hojo like a week after she fucked vincent AND THATS STUPID FAST FOR THESE EVENTS#or 2. she didnt know. agreed to the experiment. fucked hojo. and therefore thought seph was hojo's and NOT vincent's#AND BY THE WAY. i dont even actually believe hojo fucked either!!! cuz theyre both scientists so why wouldnt they think IVF was the best way#okay. well.... hojo is canonically a fucked up little freak. so. he might have taken the opportunity to... get in there.#also when did ivf even start being a thing? cuz that may play a factor into this if nomura even considered that#well either way lets just unfortunately assume hojo got in there#ITS STILL AN ODDLY FAST TIMELINE#also. fuck man doesnt lucrecia have a later line in dirge where she actually says shes in love with hojo? or something along those lines#IMPLYING ITS BEEN AWHILE SINCE SHE HAD THE FALLING OUT WITH VINCENT. YOU WOULDNT FUCK THE GUY AFTER ALL THAT SHIT#AND WHILE CLAIMING TO LOVE/CURRENTLY FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOJO!!!! LIKE CMON MAN!!!! SHE SUCKS BUT SHES NOT THAT KIND OF A MESS#i dont think vincent would fuck her until they sorted out their issues anyway and that CLEARLY didnt happen.#its VITAL that that did not happen!!!!#its just. if vincent and lucrecia fucked. everything would have had to happen EXTREMELY fast within like a 2 week timespan#and im just talking about up to when vincent learns shes partaking in the experiment. it was probably another week or two until vincent died#SO. logically it must have been like#fall in love->learn about the gimoire incident->refuse to speak to vincent->get obsessed with hojo->fall in love(?)#and then thats where i think its ambiguous on did the experiment become an idea before or after seph started to exist?#like chicken or the egg ya know. experiment idea or sephiroth zygote?#that feels fucked up to say. im so fucking sorry to seph to talk about this. yeah sorry i have to debate who fucked your mom bro#god imagine telling him that. like not even as a reveal thing cuz he knows who his father is. just like as a sick joke. your mom joke.#NO OH M Y GOD I HAVE A QUESTION NOW#in accordance to him having a photo of lucrecia in ever crisis. after he reads that jenova is an ancient (incorrect btw)#does he think that picture is still her? what about when he takes jenova's body from the lab????#oh my god 30 tag limit. FUCK. i need like a rant blog for all this vincent talk now. my brain is going a mile a minute
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 9 months
Man idk what it is about 3 specifically that makes me feel like not only I -lost- skill in the game but that I'm just generally having less fun overall save for Splatfests and things 😔
I just can't keep up like I used to, Splatoon 2 is where I peaked and since then it feels like I'll never get back up to where I was
I'm really resonating with the folks who are bailing out some days
(Don't worry, I 100% plan on taking a good break away from it, I know my limits, it's just a little sad)
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aberooski · 1 year
Luke's song Diamonds is hitting me a little too hard and close tonight.
#really hoping things will finally start to turn around again soon#I've been so depressed this year it's probably the worst I've been in a long time#the worst part is finding a job has been next to impossible and I have no driver's license so I can't leave my house#my bedroom is the attic of my house and I have windows so all I've been able to do for literal months is sit up there in my cave#and just stew in my misery and try and fail to find a way out of it#I've just stopped taking care of myself as the months have gone by too#at least I haven't been doing as well as I was. I never really did a very good job to begin with#I just sit around and try to look at jobs and cry all day and I have to fight myself to drink water or brush my teeth at night or even eat#unless it's breakfast or dinner. that or I actually do eat but tell myself I've been eating too much and stop eating for the day again.#I harsly talk to anyone In real life anymore I just feel like I'm inconveniencing people by being around#I can't sleep without taking melatonin and even then it's hard to sleep and I'm just tired all the time#'Is this the way it will always be' indeed Luke#I'm serious when I say I think I have several undiagnosed mental illnesses only making things worse for me#but who needs therapy when we've got Luke's solo album and Taylor Swift right?#it's me. I know I do. when I can actually manage to find a job (soon please I really need/want 🤞) and can afford it I'll look into it#abby's just rambling don't mind her#abby's having a crisis#goddammit I don't have windows in my room that's what I meant how could I miss the word no 😭
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distantwave · 2 years
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#really think I actually need to find a psychiatrist one of these days#not to quote my shitty roomie but I really don’t have to live like this#I am. doing not as bad as I have at other points. but I am definitely not doing great I would say#like I mean things are fine at the moment. but there’s definitely the edge of a precipice kinda feeling to it#like I do really enjoy my job that’s a really good thing for me actually and I finally found a place to live so that’s excellent but#I do REALLY think I need to get help before I move out. which realistically isn’t going to happen bc it’s less than a month away#but uh. I am. not going to do well on my own admittedly. sure I was practically living on my own the last few months in the last place#just bc no one would speak to me. but there were still other people in the house. I think my potential for getting really bad again is#perhaps going to be alarmingly high if I’m on my own without a roommate or a therapist/physiatrist to figure shit out#I don’t want it to take away how excited I am to live at my new place but I genuinely should not be on my own. like practically I’m fine#it’s mentally I won’t do well with it I think#on a totally different note tho if I did ever end up getting diagnosed with what I think I’ve got going on it opens up a ton of#diners drive ins and dives jokes for me lmaoo#so that’s something I guess lol. but yea anyways idk what to do really. am bad at bridging what I can bring up to people and what I can’t#as that is literally one of the defining reasons my relationship with her fucking crashed and burned. so idk when/what/how much I can#talk about things anymore. went from telling no one anything and it completely ruining my closest friendship. to telling her everything and#it ALSO ruining our friendship. so my grasp of what’s appropriate is evidently nonexistent ya know. but I do need to talk to someone bc#I am perhaps doing less than optimal ya know? and I don’t really want to go back to my last therapist I feel like it’s been too long#don’t know what my plan of action is here but this was slightly cathartic at least
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siriuslynephilim · 2 years
#my dad: how did u do so well in the first exam and so bad in all the rest#and then he thought about it for a minute#and said#oh i know what happened#him: accha so 15-18 ke beech mein ghar pe ladai chal rahi thi na bc of anniversary on 18th#me (internally) : OMG when did u become so smart and so correct im impressed and shocked#him: so party ka haan na ho raha tha na that's why ghar walo ki nazar lag gayi#me: 😐#like sure i mean whatever u say dude#it's good only for me it's taking the blame off me so i won't complain#tho i understand ig why parents are like this#adulting is already so hard at 19 so imagine what it would be like at like 48#maybe it's nice to think that i failed bc of some external unknowable force wishing bad upon me#takes off some of the suffocating responsibility#these days i feel amazed like wow how tf did i waste 9+ months aise hi like wtf was that#and yes they were def a waste study pov but like ive def learned few things abt myself#1. talking to new people isn't hard at all actually it's the part that comes after the first meeting#it's the how do i make them stay how do i keep them interested#which ive realised is not a skill i possess so like idk ive made peace with the fact that im not gonna date someone for a long time now#it's good i can finally read fics without feeling disgustingly overwhelmingly lonely#2. healing requires a ridiculous amount of consistency and determination like u can't heal unless you aren't doing something to heal yourse#every fucking day#and that u need to put yourself out there and be in crowds even if it makes u feel lonely to see happy deep friendships#bc that's the only way to form them#3. time doesn't heal it just makes u forget and u learn to distract yourself better as time passes#cause tbh i simultaneously feel at the same place that i was last year and also so far away from it all#mes
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void-tiger · 6 months
Yeah. The difference between whether I have my head back or feel like I’m trying to work around a festering pearl is whether or not I feel safe and secure and accepted and worth the trouble. It isn’t even the depth and frequency, apparently. It’s security and whether or not either I can truly make myself choose to trust someone or they fight to earn my trust back as many times as it takes with my own personal history and environment mucking things up
But yeah. It’s good to have a clear head again.
#tiger’s roar#mucked up attatchment ftw…#tho…my therapist did say last week that. this year. particularly The Mess as I affectionately call it. would’ve been hard on anyone#and yeah. I am choosing to believe someone’s trying to look out for me and help me heal#vs someone else breaking my trust yet again#because…it fits what I know just as well and let me have this okay?#but…yeah. having someone actually defend me. actually tell people to apologize or reconcile. actually soothe and reassure repeatedly#that…look. I needed that. I’ve only had online and a handful of longdistance friends stick around and reassure me. as an adult#never here. never irl. not until this guy and his sister and their parents#I needed friends’ parents to actually love and accept ME and yeah. reconcile when I got seriously hurt by something they did#just as much as I needed her to stick around. and him to reassure and defend me#…granted…this is stuff I’ve been trying to do for months#make sure they all feel safe and accepted#but…I really can’t say I’ve ever had this returned before. well. not irl#I always have to be so tightly in control which in turn gets me very high strung like a guitar tuned too tight#and that’s just to have people as aquaintences#which the dad especially has been trying to get through to me that I don’t need to do that#but…it just takes me a long time to trust. I need it proved. I need to not be an obligation or pitied.#but…I think I can finally believe them. and accept things as they are
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