#when i tell you i screamed when i saw this OHHHH MY GOD I WILL TALK ABOUT CHIP ANY DAY OF THE WEEK ANY TIME DUDE!!!!
codecicle · 1 year
Hey bestie!!!! How about Chip for the blorbo bingo?
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CHIP MOTHERFUCKIN JRWI!!!!! >:DD 3 bingos i am so so so soooooo normal about this man he's a bastard he's a con artist he would die for his friends in a heartbeat he does nothing but lie all of the time. he opens his mouth to tell the stupidest plan of all time to his crew and my eyes turn into hearts and cartoon heart jpegs start floating around my head
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linphd · 2 years
Getting caught in their room | NSFW Headcanons
gender neutral
-> As someone bursts in their room, they find you in their bed in a rather surprising situation. Obviously, all the characters are now in 3rd year.
-> Neito Monoma, Hitoshi Shinsou, Katsuki Bakugou.
Neito Monoma
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Somehow luckily for you, you were in the 3B building and not Monoma in yours. Sure, he had been the one stupid enough to leave the door unlocked, so when Tetsutetsu walked in to ask to train with his friend, he was the one discovering you almost naked.
His scream obviously attracted others. Monoma quickly arrived -he had gone to Setsuna’s room to get some answers for homework he hadn’t done- and rushed everyone out of his room, telling you he « would get Shinsou involved so they forget. », « I… don’t think he can do that. » you replied.
You weren’t dating him. You just thought hatred made sex exciting and it had been a few months those several years of not standing him were finally benefiting you. So yeah, getting caught as -obviously- Neito Monoma’s booty call wasn’t really nice for you.
Surely he still had something done, because everyone in your class seemed unaware of this situation. It’s only when Shihai, during a joint training within the hero branch, after a little remark from the blonde, spat : « Ah ! At least I don’t sneak at night in campus to get laid. » that you got scared.
Monoma dropped his usual grin, looking genuinely confused. « I… don’t know what you’re talking about ? » making even Shihai disturbed. You checked the rest of 3B, and only a few of them glanced at you and then acted like nothing had happened. Well, surprisingly, Monoma was rather trustworthy with all of this !
Hitoshi Shinsou
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It’s actually Denki that entered Shinsou’s dorm uninvited. You were usually very careful, never staying late in his room and him always locking the door. But it was New Year’s Eve, and you were both drunk and not careful the night prior.
You both jumped at the loud noise, waking up as Denki started to scream « HAPPY NEW Y- ohhhhh, you already spent a happy new year, I see…. » he giggled. « Fuck off. » sighed Shinsou, checking if you were still covered enough despite the fact he had pulled the blanket towards him.
« Oh my God, now I’m curious- » the blonde started. « Of course ! » you sighed as well. « Has it been going on for long ? » Shinsou nodded. « Are you guys dating ? » he added. « Uhhhh… not really ? We just don’t see anybody else. » you replied. « Ah ! So you date but don’t wanna say it. » the blonde commented.
Obviously, the noise attracted everyone walking by, unfortunately for Shinsou and you, both still naked under the blanket. « It makes sense. » Kirishima stated. « So much sense ! » Denki added. Sero started to imitate you « Oh, Shinsou, you became so much stronger ! Ohhhh, your quirk is so impressive ! »
Denki added another commentary to Sero’s impression : « When they were sucking his dick they were doing it for real too ! » All the boys laughed, making Shinsou throw a pillow at them -despite being rather amused. « Now get out so I can finally dress up. » you said, making them rush out.
Katsuki Bakugou
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Obviously, you were the one dumbass leaving the door unlocked. First thing Kirishima said was « makes sense » when he saw you laying there, under the sheets, obviously naked, while Katsuki was brushing his teeth.
He immediately called the rest of the Bakusquad, each of them less shocked than the other. « That’s why his room was forbidden ; so we wouldn’t walk on (Y/N) naked. », « Ohhhh that’s why they have privileges and can make fun of him without consequences. », « Elementary my dear Sero, the consequences are in bed. » Mina added.
« CAN YOU ALL SHUT UP AT ONCE ?! » Katsuki yelled from his bathroom, not seeming really surprised at the discovery -still furious though. « That’s why you’ve been so calm compared to our 1st year. You didn’t grow up, you just weren’t a frustrated teen anymore ! » Denki commented.
« Sooooo…. Y’all have been dating since when ? » Mina asked. « Yep, surely not Bakugou would have a booty call. Now, spill the beans. » the blonde added. You sighed. « Since the beginning of this year. Now get out so I can change. » you replied, making them all leave.
However, you didn’t know that Katsuki’s behavior was just a facade. As soon as you went to shower, he stepped out of his room and exploded each of his friends’ face, making Denki dumb in the process. A few threats and explosions later, the whole rest of the school is still unaware of your relationship.
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artists-ally · 1 year
{Flatline} OFC x Harvey Specter {Pt. 3)
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Uh ohhhh guys it’s Pt. 3 🤭🤭🤭 I am so excited for this. It’s honestly one of my favorite things I’ve written and I hope you all agree. There is a poll at the end so make sure to vote for that <3 enjooyyyyy p.s. I hope this does good justice for this series.
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Character Playlist
Word Count: 12,795
Warnings: language, angst, anxious thoughts, one singular mention of sexual h*r*ssm*nt in regards to Harvey’s actions with Claudia, smut 18+, the tiniest bit of food play, dom/sub dynamics, praise kink go brrr
***Italic sections indicate flashbacks***
Summary: The aftermath of Harvey breaking his promise to Claudia.
Tagging: @rosedpetal @maxdamax @ashcosmo
My legs were numb. That sort of numbness when something happens that you can’t explain. It felt like my life just flashed before my eyes. That image of Claudia’s shaking lip… hearing her broken voice… I don’t think I’ll ever get it out of my fucking head. 
“Harvey, I requested those trades be made an hour ago. Do you wanna tell me why… Harvey?”
I could see Jessica in front of me, but I couldn’t hear a damn thing she said. 
“Harvey, what’s going on?” She closed the door, and I put a hand out to steady myself so I wouldn’t fall on the floor. “What happened?” “I fucked up,” I whispered. 
“Yeah, no shit. You tanked our only opportunity to get a leg up on this Gustoson case. You’re damn right you fucked up-”
“No no,” I sat on the arm of the chair. My hands began to shake so I folded them together. Jessica saw. 
“What the hell did you do?”
“I yelled at Claudia…”
She just blinked at me. “Is that seriously what you’re concerned about? Yelling at an associate? Okay, you yelled at an associate, what’s new? That might as well be in your job description.”
“No no no I didn’t just yell at her I threatened to do the one thing that I promised I would never do and now she’s gone. She left. I can’t- I don’t- I never meant to hurt her but she suggested that we file a motion to dismiss and I got so caught up in my anger about her accusing me of using her that I lost my-”
“Using her? Harvey, what is going on?” “I’ll tell you what’s going on,” Donna barged in. 
“Donna please don’t-”
“Harvey and Claudia have been ‘working together’ for the last month and a half, when in reality he has been a selfish, lying, arrogant brat who has crossed so many lines it’s beginning to look like a Rorschach Test.”
“You know?” I felt my heart suffocate myself. I thought I was gonna throw up.
“In all honesty Harvey, no I didn’t. Not until Claudia just broke down in the elevator and told me everything. I cannot believe that you would use her like that. For your own personal satisfaction are you out of your fucking mind?” “Harvey, what the hell is she talking about?” Jessica’s voice was full of hostility. 
“He thought that it would be a good idea to boost Claudia’s confidence by getting into her pants.”
“Donna it wasn’t-”
Jessica scoffed, covering her face. “What the hell is wrong with you? This has got sexual harassment written all over it, Havrey. Could you really be that delusional?”
“For fucks sake it wasn’t like that!” I screamed. Genuinely screamed and paced around. “I didn’t use her, not intentionally. God dammit I haven't been able to think clearly since the first day that I saw Claudia. She is an incredible lawyer and all I wanted to do was give her something else to focus on because she was afraid to be in a room with me. I just- all I wanted to do was help her find a little bit of confidence and oh my god this sounds so much worse when I say it outloud.”
Donna and Jessica exchanged a look while I slowly felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest and stomped on the floor with cleats. 
“Okay Harvey, sit down and tell us what happened,” Donna steered me away from putting a hole in the wall to my desk.
“I don’t even know, Donna.” “Well while you two enjoy going down memory lane, I’ll be fighting for our firm's life. If you two don’t get your shit together, and by you two I mean Harvey, then… I don’t even know then.”
She all but slammed the door on her way out, patrons on the other side sending worried glances our way. I turned my chair so they wouldn’t see me. 
“How long has this been going on?” Donna asked. 
I dug my nails into my skin. “Almost two months.”
“Two months? Harvey, how could you not tell me?” “Because I didn’t want to,” I admitted. “And partly because I kind of thought you already knew. You know, the whole ‘Donna superpower’ shit you do.”
“I know I can’t believe I missed it,” she took the chair in front of me. I glared at her so hard I thought I’d light that hair of hers on fire. “Okay bad time for a joke. So, bachelor, why don’t you start from the beginning. And please, I don’t need to know the dirty details, despite my curiosity. Claudia is like a little sister to me and I really don’t want to picture you and her and oh my god I already am. Ugh, please start talking so I don’t have to be tortured.”
So dramatic. I was good looking, and so was Claudia. Why wouldn’t anyone want to picture us together? Then my eyes snapped to the chair she was sitting on. Oh god. Donna was in the chair that I was the first time Claudia and I-
“Get up,” I blurted out, reaching for her and placing her in my desk chair. God dammit we used that one too. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
We sat down on the couch and I rubbed my strained eyes. Here goes nothing. 
“When Sheila first sent over the recruits from Harvard, I interviewed all of them. Except for one. There were thirteen associates but I only had twelve meetings set up. So I asked Louis if he was interviewing any of the newbies and he said just one. Obviously this person was some sort of idiot to be going to Louis instead of me, so I popped in.”
“Well, Claudia I think that you have some unbelievable potential at this firm and I’d just like to- Harvey, what are you doing here I am in the middle of an interview.”
“Oh I know, I just wanted to drop by and see how it was going.”
In front of Louis was this warm, chestnut brown head of sleek, silk like hair. She was wearing a lavender blouse and a black maxi skirt with a slit to the knee. She had on these black flats with pearls on them. Summer had just ended, and there was some remaining sunburn on her nose and cheeks. Her eyes were surrounded by prominent lashes and eyebrows, a fine line of makeup between the two; lavender, to match the top. 
“It’s going great, now will you get the hell out and tend to your own interviews and stop barging in on my only one?”
“Harvey Specter,” I introduced, sticking out my hand. She looked from it over to Louis, who was just shooting me daggers. 
“You just can’t help yourself, can you?”“Louis, I’m not trying to woo your associate, I’m just introducing myself to her. We are kind of name partners, you know. It’s the courteous thing to do.”
Again, all she did was look at my hand before slowly standing up. I didn’t miss the way she tried to subtly wipe her hand on her skirt. 
“I’m Claudia. Claudia Martin.”
God dammit that was a pretty name. It sounded so sophisticated, so mature and would sound really nice next to mine. Or with mine. Harvey Specter and Claudia Martin. I don’t know why I thought of hearing or seeing ‘Claudia Specter’ one day, but I did. And I didn’t hate the way it sounded. 
“Welcome to Pearson Specter Litt,” I gave a nice smile. It was clear she was already intimidated to be here, I didn’t need to add to that fire. She barely looked me in the eye for two seconds, but those two seconds made my head spin. 
She had the most gorgeous eyes I think I’ve ever seen in my life. They were amber in the middle but had this ring of hazel around the outer rim. It was just… not something I’ve ever seen before. I didn’t want her to look away because I just wanted to keep looking at them.
And that blush… that I knew wasn’t her sunburn. Not the way it creeped up the side of her face, or at the base of her neck. 
Jesus Harvey, stop staring at her. You’re probably giving off major stalker vibes.
“Well I’ll be around if you need anything, Claudia. Don’t be shy,” I smiled, the best charming one I could. Her full lips were in a tight line, her fingers picking at each other before she sat back down with Louis.
“Okay so you sabotaged Louis’ meeting with Claudia and thought she was beautiful? Why didn’t you just say that?” Donna interrupted. 
“Didn’t you ask me to start from the beginning?” She snapped her lips closed. “So let me tell the goddamn story. Yes, I thought she was stunning. I mean, no one in their right mind would think otherwise. She is so pretty and so smart and twice the person I wish I could be. There is just something about her that I can’t shake from my memory.”
“Yeah we get it, you’re head over heels for Claudia. Now on with it I don’t have all day.”
I rolled my eyes. 
“That was the first time I met her. It wasn’t long after that she started working here when I talked to her again. She was just sitting at her desk, Griffin and whoever else crowded around the opposite end of the bullpen. She was excluded and it made me feel bad.”
I’ve always thought Griffin would be at the top of my list for top associates. He was like me; only shorter, not as good looking, and had blue eyes instead of brown. Did I mention he wasn’t as good looking? Anyway, I had only one intention: get Claudia alone so I could talk to her.
Every day since she started a few weeks ago, I have watched her get off the elevator, walk through the office, and disappear around the corner. It wasn’t fair that she got to look like that, walk like that, and no one was around to appreciate it. 
She was so fucking eye catching. And I didn’t want the other slobs at this firm to get to her before I could.
“Claudia, do you mind helping me with something for a few minutes?” I asked, voice just loud enough for Griffin to hear. 
She looked up, pen cap between her rosy lips, and blinked. That flush creeped onto her cheeks. I tried not to smile. 
“Sure,” she nodded once and stood up, following me out. 
I was not so subtle with the look that I gave Griffin, and he wasn’t so subtle with the way he spoke.
“Is there something you need, Harvey? Claudia is in the middle of a very important depo documentation. I’d hate for her to fall behind.”
What a dick. “No, Griffin. It seems like you’ve got more important things to do with your book club than working on whatever Louis assigned you, so Claudia will work just fine. I prefer an actually hard working associate to someone who’s discussing whatever mediocre steak dinner you had at Texas Roadhouse last Wednesday.”
“Griffin’s eyes simmered and shot daggers into Claudia. But he didn’t open his mouth. I thought about punching him in the face for looking at her like that, and that’s when I realized I was fucked. That I was willing to do that for Claudia when it was literally the second time I’ve ever talked to her.”
“I’ll say,” Donna huffed. “What happened next?” “I just had her deliver some letters for me to the courthouse. I asked her something about Griffin, if they were ever acquainted with each other.”
“And what did she say?”
“She told me that Griffin was a total douchebag and tried to use his social status to get a leg up on her in class discussions, cutting corners to discredit her. It was so unfair and I just-”
Donna put a hand on my knee. “Relax, Harvey. Griffin isn’t here, stop looking like you want to put him through a wall.” “Well, Donna, I do want to put him through a wall because he has been an asshole to Claudia for no other reason than she was good at her job. It makes me sick.”
“When did you start becoming so protective of her? I’ve never seen you like this with anyone other than Mike, Louis, Jessica and myself. You must… really really care about her.”
“I think it was during the mock trial. She was always off to the side, always attentive, but never spoke up. I couldn’t stop myself from glancing over at her every once and a while to see if she wanted to be included. But she never did.”
“This case may seem simple, but the husband is a grade A asshole. He has done everything to cover his tracks and is gonna come at us with everything he’s got. Find me some evidence and make it good.”
They all branched off, heading this way and that. Claudia went to the only logical place, right to me.
“Hi, Mr. Specter-sir. I just have one question about-about the case if you’ve got a minute. If you have somewhere to be I understand and I can ask later,” she said quickly.
“Of course, what do you want to know?” I couldn’t help but think her stuttering was cute. I knew she was nervous, specifically around me; she always seemed so tense with me, so I made sure to always speak quietly and calmly with her. 
“Was Mr. Saros the one who paid off that investment banker? Did the money come from his account directly or a different one?”
God she was so good. “It came from him and his wife’s joint account.”
Claudia had a slight grin to her lips, and she nodded before striding away. She was going to crack this wide open. I just knew it. 
I went back to my office to wait it out, to see if any one could come up with an idea before Claudia. Before I knew it, it was three o'clock and I had a meeting to go to for another case Mike and I were working on. When we got in the car, Mike was looking at me with a knowing smile. 
He shook his head, “Nothing, just wondering how long you’re going to pretend you’re not in love with Claudia Martin.”
“The first year associate?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know who she is. I see you watch her like a starving animal every time she comes into the office. And every time she leaves. And every time she asks Donna something.”
Uh oh.
“Oh please, I have far better things to do than get involved with a first year.”
“You didn’t deny that you were in love with her.”
“Do you want to get smacked? Or I could kick you out of this car at sixty miles per hour, see how you like the taste of asphalt.” Mike did not know when to stop pushing my buttons. 
“I think you just proved my theory.”
“What theory?”
“That you are in love and you are incredibly protective of Claudia. I heard about what you said to Griffin when he offered his help because Claudia was ‘too busy’. You know he pawned that work off to her, right?”
My eyes narrowed and my jaw clenched, as well as my fists. I fixed my gaze out the window and took some deep breaths. Jesus… he had a point. A huge point. God dammit I’m in trouble.
“Mike knew before I did?” Donna sounded mildly offended. 
“Well, not really. I never told him what we were doing. But I did tell him that I liked her. And when he told me that Griffin was pawning off his work to Caudia it sent me into a spiral. Shit, Donna… I am in so deep with Claudia. I really fucked up. I mean really bad. I made a promise to her that I wouldn’t treat her like the other associates because she wasn’t like the other associates. She was Claudia. And Claudia was- is- so much better than the rest of them.” “Why would you make a promise like that if you knew you wouldn’t be able to keep it?” “I had every intention of keeping it, but then all the shit with started happening when Louis found out about Mike being a fraud and he took that fucking case with Gerard and I couldn’t hold it together.” “Why did you even make it in the first place?” Donna asked, but I really didn’t want to tell this story.
I sighed, the type of sigh that fills your whole body.
“I was going off on Griffin one day, for being an asshole to some of the other associates, about pawning off his work to Claudia and she saw.”
“Griffin, I don’t care whose idea it was. You were the one to destroy his work, so you’re going to face the consequences.”
“It was just a prank, the entire document wasn’t supposed to be deleted.”
“You think tampering with another associate’s work is a prank? I hope when you go home tonight you think long and hard about who you wanna be as a man because as of right now, there isn’t going to be anything for you to come back to tomorrow. And you better pray to whatever you believe in because if there’s one person you don’t want to make an enemy out of, it’s me. Do you understand that?”
He clenched his jax, shoving his hands in his pockets. “yes.”
“You are going to be Louis’ personal associate.”“No, no way you can make me work for that man. He’s a total airhead.”“Yes, he is, now you two have something to talk about. You can bond over your selfish, outrageous egotistical behavior, it’ll be just like looking in a mirror.”
“Harvey I’m-”
“I don’t care what you are Griffin. You have no right to treat the other associates like that, especially Claudia. If I ever catch wind of you throwing your work load on her again so help me God I will make sure it is the last thing you do at this firm.”
If my point wasn’t clear enough by my words, the look I gave him would certainly do. He left my office without another word and I followed his movements all the way. But my eyes met Claudia’s. And they were wide and panicked. She quickly scurried away, head down and steps fast. She looked so afraid. 
She wasn’t afraid of me was she? I mean, all I had done was rip Griffin a new one for being an asshole. And he deserved it, Claudia would never do something to deserve that kind of lashing. 
“And so I promised her. I fucking promised her that I would never flip out on her and then I went and did exactly. God Donna… I am so fucked up.”
Her slim hand rubbed up and down my shoulder, but I only wanted it to be Claudia’s. I wanted her right next to me so I could go through all of this with her and explain that it wasn’t just some fling. Not to me. Never to me. I never wanted it to be temporary, she was… she’s it for me. 
The familiar prick crept into my eyes, my nose, and the tears fell. Donna has only seen me cry a handful of times, but never over a girl.
But Claudia wasn’t just some girl. She wasn’t just some hookup or some prize to be won. She was Claudia Martin. My Claudia. The quiet, shy first year associate I had worked so hard to get out of her shell. It wasn’t just for my pleasure, I truly didn’t want to see her fall behind just because she couldn’t ask me a question.
I saw that look in her eye; hunger and determination. Just like mine. I wanted it to shine brighter than her smile. Which was equally as devastating as her work in the courtroom. But I just wanted her to feel comfortable around me and I didn’t know what else to do. She was like a frightened baby deer around me. A constant nervous wreck at the drop of my name. I didn’t want her to be afraid of me, I wanted nothing more than to be a safe space for her. 
And maybe it’s just because I’m an idiot, but I’m realizing now that maybe I’m the one who needed the safe place. To just have someone to go to all the time. To share all of my proud moments and sneak little kisses and touches here and there. 
I need Claudia. I need her.
Maybe I took it too far. Started at the wrong place. I should’ve offered to take her out to dinner instead of inviting her up for a drink in my office after her first case. I shouldn’t have done it so backwards, and it kills me that I’m only drawing that connection now. Why couldn’t I have thought of that earlier? She would’ve been so much better off without all the backwards, fucked up shit that I did.
But it was so nice. To finally have the one thing I have been craving for so long. She was so soft, and she was so sweet under my touch and I couldn’t help myself. As soon as I first kissed her it was end game. I didn’t want to kiss anyone else. I wouldn’t ever kiss anyone again, not the way I kissed Claudia. More than lust. More than just a desire. 
Her lips on mine made my head go blank. I had an awful habit of having work thoughts creep their way into my head every once in a while. But never with her. Even when we were only talking about work, I couldn’t think about it. I only thought about her. About how brilliant she was, about how soft and warm and perfect her lips were on mine. About how she always made me feel at ease and comforted. I doubt she could ever make anyone afraid. Except maybe an opposing counsel. 
If I ever had to face her in court… I know I’d lose. For one, I’d give her anything she wanted simply because she could put me on my knees with a single look. And normally I’d hate to let a woman have that much control over me, but for Claudia… I’d let her do whatever she wanted. And Second, she knows what to do. All the time. She never misses a beat, and is always listening. Even when you think she isn’t.
I am so in love with Claudia. I felt my heart crack open. My voice more or less does the same. 
“Harvey…” “I am in love with her, Donna. And I think I have been for a long time.”
She was quiet, and a throat cleared. Mike was there in front of me, his hands in his pockets, a look of worry on his face. “Is everything alright?”
I saw Donna shake her head out of the corner of my eye. She didn’t say anything, but I knew she wanted to. 
“I broke my promise to Claudia.” That was all I said. I heard his sharp inhale, and he came and sat in front of us. “God dammit Mike… I really messed up. I hurt the one person I couldn’t afford to and- and I don’t know what to do.”
“Go talk to her,” Mike said. “If you’re serious about how you feel about Claudia, then you need to go tell her that it was never… whatever you were doing before. She has anxiety, Harvey. She is going to let her brain tell her things about you that aren’t true. And you need to be there to soothe the fire before it does irreversible damage.” “Well, what do you and Rachel do when you get into an argument?” 
“Harvey,” Donna said, “You aren’t Mike, and Claudia isn’t Rachel. Whatever they do might not work for you. You need to do what feels right for you and your relationship.” “I don’t know if you know this Donna, but I haven’t done something like this before. I don’t know how to talk to her. How to not make her anxious around me.” “We’ll help you,” Mike nods, as well as Donna. “We can come up with a plan but right now we’ve got a bigger problem on our hands.” What could be more devastating than hurting Claudia? 
Nothing. The answer was nothing.
I toed off my shoes, leaving them in the growing pile by my front door. I sighed at it. Why couldn’t they just put themselves away? 
My splitting headache was doing nothing to help either. 
Before I could even get a thought about what I could cook for dinner, the doorbell rang. I swear to god if Greg was here asking me about those flowers on my wreath again I was going to smack him with it, throw it over his head and shove him back inside his apartment and-
“Claudia, it’s Mike. I know you’re here, can we talk?”
Mike? What the hell is he doing here? 
I seriously debated giving my best housekeeper impression and deadbolting the door. But it was Mike, and he hadn’t done anything to deserve a cold shoulder. Oh god, what if Harvey was with him and I was getting set up? Oh shit.
“No, Harvey isn’t with me. I promise.”
I stalked to the door, pulling it open and glaring up at Mike. “The last time someone made me a promise I regretted it.” He just pressed his lips in a flat line. “What are you doing here, Mike?”
“I’m here on behalf of Harvey.” “Why?” “Because he’s worried about you.” Why is he worried about me? He made it very clear he didn’t give a shit about me. “He’s beating himself up over what he did.”
“Good,” that I didn’t restrain. 
“Claudia, he is really shaken up right now. He didn’t mean to do what he did. Now, I’m not going to stand here and pretend I know all the details about what he did but-” “He used me, Mike. Plain and simple.” All I got was a raised eyebrow. “He told me he wanted to ‘build my confidence’ which I was actually naive enough to believe, and it led to my worst fucking nightmare. But he just got what he wanted, to get his dick wet and then was done with me.”
“Claudia, trust me, it wasn’t like that. Harvey would never use you like that. He wouldn’t dream of it, trust me.”
“Are you sure because it seems like that’s exactly what he did. He saw that I was hard working, manipulated me into working with him, and treated me like shit when I was just trying to find a solution to his goddamn problem. I have more self respect than that. To let him continue to get away with that.”
“Can I ask what he did?”
My throat closed, and my palms began to sweat. I knew my annoying blush was there by the way his eyes dipped to my neck. 
“After I won my first case with him, he invited me up to his office for some drinks. Said something along the lines of wanting to get to know each other so I didn’t have to feel so nervous. So I went up, and one thing led to another and… I don’t know why I let it happen. I knew it would end badly. I can’t believe I let myself believe that he would be into me beyond anything other than his pure primal satisfaction. But he seemed so genuine and so caring. Like he genuinely wanted to help me, and some part of me obviously thought it was a good idea because it happened again. And again. And again. God, I sound like the biggest loser right now.” “No you don’t,” Mike gave me a soft smile. “If it means anything, those feelings weren’t one sided. I know it doesn’t mean much of anything coming from me but… Harvey is really really fucking sorry about what he did.”
I was physically shaking. Through my trembles, I managed to speak, despite my thoughts trying to shut me down. “It hurt so bad, Mike. I really like Harvey, and I thought he might feel the same way. I guess I was wrong. So… so wrong.”
“No, Claudia you’re not wrong. Harvey is a grade A asshole but he wouldn’t-”
“If there is any chance of Harvey sorting this out, you need to tell him to grow a set and tell me himself,” I have no idea where this confidence came from. “He needs to stop getting other people to do his job for him. If he can’t recognize that now, of all times, then… then I don’t think he deserves me.”
Mike blinked long, rubbing his fingers over his mouth. “Harvey didn’t ask me to come here.” “What?” What? 
“Yeah,” he sighed. “I knew Harvey wouldn’t come tonight. I’m not sure he’ll come at all but… Claudia, he talks about you like I’ve never seen him talk before. He gushes over you to the point where it’s annoying. And when I went to go and talk to him about what our next move was for this case… Claudia, he was crying. He was sobbing with Donna in his office and-”
Good, I wanted to say. But it kind of crushed my soul. Harvey was crying over what he did to me. 
“I’ve never seen him cry before,” Mike looked hurt, too. “He regrets what he said. I know he does.”
“I believe you.”
“Good,” he nods. “I don’t want to do his job for him and I think-”
“But that doesn’t mean I will forgive him for what he said,” and with that, I closed the door, locking it for the night.
Saturday and Sunday were so agonizing. The last thing I wanted to do was go into an office after a weekend of anything but rest and relaxation. I was tired and hadn’t showered and needed some restful sleep. Not to be woken up three times a night by dreams of Harvey touching me. Those certainly didn’t help. 
My mind kept replaying our first time together. Specifically when he said 'Oh, Claudia, you really are that innocent, aren’t you?’ Innocent and naive… just like he said that night. Who was I to think that Harvey would take any interest in me besides the fact that I was good at being a lawyer? I wasn’t special in any way, I think he just knew that I was easy to manipulate into doing what he needed. 
There was no way in hell I’d ever do another thing for Havrey, the all powerful jackass, Specter again.
As I set my stuff on my desk, Griffin walked up. Great. Just great, what did this prick want?
“Hey umm… Hi Claudia,” he rubbed the back of his head. “I just- I’m sorry. About all the things I’ve done to you. You didn’t deserve it and I want you to know that you have always been six-times the lawyer I wish I could be. I was jealous and took it out on you. And I shouldn’t have so… I’m sorry.”
Did I just hear that right? Did Griffin Harper just apologize to me? What the fuck is going on?
“Oh,” great way to start, idiot. “Thank you, Griffin.”
He just gave me a short nod before scurrying away. Well, that was… unexpected. Certainly I couldn’t ever let us be friends, but it was nice to know he wasn’t my mortal enemy any longer. 
I went about my business, plagued with thoughts and reminders of Harvey ever which way I went. Louis and Jessica sent me an email with some files to print out so I scanned them, proofed them, and sent them to the printing room. 
God it sent a shiver down my spine to be back in here after he… don’t finish the thought don’t finish the thought-
“Hey, Claudia,” Donna snapped me out of my heated thoughts. “How are you?” “You can cut the bullshit now, Donna.”
She sighed, “it was a genuine question.” “And that was a genuine answer. I’m not in the mood.”
“Claudia-” “No, Donna. What Harvey did wasn’t okay, and I’m not going to stand here and pretend like what he did didn't hurt. Because it did and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it ever since. I don’t need you here to remind me.”
“Have you ever considered that Harvey may want to fix it?”
“No, Donna. I haven’t. And I’m not going to,” I stood my ground, squaring off my freshly printed papers before making more copies for Louis. 
“What are you talking about?”
I scoffed. “Do you really think that I wouldn’t figure out what was going on?” “Again, what are you-” “I know Harvey just thinks that I am gullible and naive and easy to push around because he makes me nervous. And it’s true. Whenever I am near him I can’t keep myself composed and I’m sick and tired of being walked all over. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to let myself see otherwise, but I’m even more upset that you didn’t come clean and tell me.” “Claudia, no one is walking over you. And I didn’t know about any of this until you told me on Friday. Harvey came to you because he knew can rely on you and your abilities to get things accomplished. He wanted the chance to work with you and get you to trust him a little. You have to know that by now,” Donna was standing right next to me, blocking my way out. 
“Maybe I do, but that doesn’t mean that I believe it. Donna, I am not some corporate power house that is gonna bring firms to their knees. Not like he does.” “Nobody does what Harvey does.” “And that’s my point,” I grit my teeth. “Harvey was trying to make me into a mini version of him, just like he did with Mike and it’s not what I want to be. Donna, I am not assertive. I am not reckless and willing to go behind peoples backs to get the job done. I like rules and regulations and the law. They are there so people abide by them, and Harvey, more often than not, doesn’t do that. Yes, I look up to him as a role model because I admire his tenacity. But that doesn’t mean I like or agree with the things he does.”
“And you think that I like it when he goes and cuts someone’s legs out from under them?”
“I didn’t say that. But that means you know how I feel. I can’t- I don’t… I don’t want to be around someone like that. It makes me feel like I’m suffocating. And worst of all he gave me his word that he wouldn’t lash out and treat me like the other associates. I cant believe that I was stupid enough to believe that Harvey would-“
Both of us stopped as someone pushed through the door. 
“Donna,” Harvey’s mouth was pressed in a flat line. He jerked his head over his shoulder. Donna gave me a sympathetic look and turned on her heel. Where was she going?
“Wait, Donna don’t-” I whispered.
“You’ll be fine,” she gave me a firm look, patting my shoulder as she walked around Harvey. Oh my god… she set me up.
My heart felt like it was ripping out of my fucking chest. The last thing I needed right now was to be in an enclosed space with Harvey.
He stared at me, fussing with the cufflink on his shirt. “Claudia.” “I’m sorry, Mr. Specter, but I have to get these to Louis.” I tried to go around him, like Donna had, but he just let his body fall against the wall. Blocking the way. I couldn’t bring myself to look up at him and ask him to let me go. 
“I want you to listen to me.” His voice was stern, in a demanding way, but not in a pissed off way. 
“No, I am in a rush. Now if you’ll excuse me-”
“No,” he said with a shake of his head. “Come on, Claudia. Please just talk to me. I tried to call you but you didn’t answer and-.”
“I know, but I don’t want to talk to you. I want you to get out of my way so I can go do my job.” 
“A little feisty today, aren’t we?” He pushed off his shoulder, taking a step towards me, I took one back. And another as he took one. 
“No, I need to-” “Get those copies to Louis, I heard you,” Harvey acknowledged, but didn’t stop walking closer to me. My back eventually hit a copier and I almost fell over, but Harveys arms came to either side of my body, blocking me in. “And I don’t care.”
His face was inches from mine, chest inches from mine. I felt desperate for a breath. I forgot how to think, how to appear unphased. Everything he’s taught me has vanished from my mind. His eyes, much darker in this low over-head light, seemed to pierce my soul. 
“What… What are you doing?” My voice was barely audible. 
“I want you to know that I wouldn’t ever, ever, take advantage of you like that. I can’t even believe that you would think that. You think I enjoy making you a nervous wreck? Well, I don’t. It honestly makes me sick that even after all this time, you can’t trust me.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you.”
“Then what is it? Because clearly I am not understanding,” his tone deepened, voice scratching in his throat. 
I couldn’t- I didn’t know how to admit to him-
“I- I umm… Mr. Specter I can’t-”
“Stop calling me that, please, Claudia. Stop seeing me as your boss for one second and see me as literally anything else.”
I swallowed. Nothing went down. “Harvey… you are… you scare me more than anyone else I’ve ever met.” “Why?” his brows knit together. “What is it about me that makes you so afraid of me?”
“Everything.” I was shaking, visibly shaking in front of him. I looked anywhere but his eyes because I knew if I did I’d crack open and bleed my heart all over him. 
His exhale was sharp enough to rustle the small hairs framing my face. “Claudia just-”
“I can’t be around you without feeling like I’m gonna drown in your presence.” 
He was stunned silent for a beat too long. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Harvey I told you I didn’t want to-”
“Please, Claudia, tell me why you are so afraid of me.” He was begging. Begging for me to explain.
“Because I know that if I let myself think for one fucking second that you actually like working with me I’ll drop my guard around you. And I cannot afford to do that because there are things I keep locked inside that I would rather take to my grave than ever let someone know.”
“And what, you don’t think I’m equally as terrified to have these feelings for you?” “Not like mine.” Harvey gave me a very concerned glance. “There, you asked me to tell you. Please just let me go.”
“No, not until you tell me what is haunting you so much you’re willing to let it eat you alive rather than just let it out for once in your life. Look, I get that you’re a private person, and it’s hard for you to trust people, but that doesn’t mean you need to keep everything bottled inside and let it rot you from the inside out-”
“For the love of guard Harvey it’s you,” I shouted, far louder than I meant to. “It is you that is driving me insane. I cannot go a single moment of my day without thinking about you. I am terrified that you are going to see right through me and figure out that every thought that goes on inside my head has to do with you because for some reason, known only by some sick and twisted higher power, I want you to see me the way I see you. I want you to want me as much as I want you and-”
I stopped because I ran out of air. And then it hit me so hard I saw stars. What the fuck have I just done? My vision began to black out, my heart beating too fast for my lungs to keep up with. 
Harvey had backed up a step, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. 
I was going to throw up, I was sure of it. I tried to speak, but my mind had melted and oozed out of my ears. 
I ran, I left the copies on the floor; at some point I dropped them. And ran. His hand caught my elbow and I shrieked, whipping around just as Harvey slammed the door closed, pinning me, yet again. 
“You do not get to drop that ball and run away,” his voice had a darkness I’ve never heard. “Claudia, in what way do you want me?”
Frozen. My mind was utterly dysfunctional and useless. I couldn’t think, I’m surprised I remembered how to breathe. God his eyes…
“Claudia, please answer me.” Now his voice was tender, filled with warmth. His fingers tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “You have to tell me in what way now or I’m… you have to tell me.”
“Why does it matter? I've already ruined everything I’ve had going for me.” I was meek with my words. Wimpy. Cowardice. 
“Because it matters to me.”
“I want you, I want Harvey.”
“As in you want me, and not as your boss, Claudia?” He clarified. I had to shut my eyes, to turn my cheek to him so I wouldn’t see his reaction when I nodded in confirmation. “Fucking hell…”
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. Just… just let me go and I can hand Jessica my letter of resignation right now and you never have to see me again-”
“Are you out of your mind?” Harvey’s caramel eyes were wide. “Claudia, I don’t want you to go. Not for one fucking second. Why do you even have a letter drafted?”
“But I just-” 
His fingers gripped my chin, forcing me to look up at him when I spoke. God dammit… Harvey’s thump caressed my lip, pulling it down and watching it spring up. Slowly, ever so slowly, he dipped it inside my mouth. I couldn’t help the soft noise that startled out of me. 
“Claudia… you have no idea how much I have been praying to hear you say those words. I have been driving myself out of my mind with what to say. How to say it and I- I don’t know how to tell you everything I’ve been wanting to. For weeks now.
“I have been thinking of you nonstop. I keep making up excuses and things to come see you during the day. I want nothing more than to get the chance to treat you right, and I want you to want it too. I promised myself I wouldn’t make a move unless you made one first because I knew how petrified you were of me. I can’t- I won’t have you be afraid of me if we do this.
“But I fucked up. I got ahead of myself and I didn’t go in the direction that I should've. I should've just asked you out to dinner, been a true gentleman rather than selfish. You have no idea how long I have been practicing what to say. I just made everything so much worse. And I wish like hell I could take it all back and do it all again because I am so so so fucking sorry for breaking my promise.”
I stared up at him, at the tears spilling over his lashes, and the flush on his cheeks. His lip quivered. He looked so vulnerable. So open and honest. Every part of me wanted to take it to heart, but that voice in the back of my head was telling me not to believe it.
“Harvey I-”
“Please, Claudia,” Harvey knelt to the ground, sitting back on his heels. “I will do whatever you want to gain your trust back. Anything… anything. But I can’t let you walk away from me. I want a real chance to make you happy, to give you every part of me. I will do or say or answer whatever you want but please do not leave me. If you truly don’t want me, tell me, and we never have to talk again. I will make it like I was never here in the first place if you told me to, but I don't think you want that. And I don’t want it either.”
Harvey was on his knees. Begging me to open my heart up to him. 
“Please don’t make me regret this, Harvey…”
He let out a breath, and a smile accompanied the tears that fell down his face. He reached for my hand, and I let him grab it. His fingers were warm and smooth in mine, familiar and comforting as he gently tugged me towards him. 
“I'm so sorry, Claudia. I will regret nothing more than the words I said to you. But I want to fix it, I want to be better. Not just for you, but for myself. But you are what makes me want to be better. I need to learn to control myself and take a page out of my own book to make that happen.”
Harvey rested his head on my stomach, and I let my fingers thread through his spiky hair. 
“But I don’t want you to be afraid of me anymore. I can’t- I won’t let you be afraid to ask me a question. I want to be there for you, work related or not, but I can’t do it if you don’t meet me halfway. I do remember you making me a promise back, to not see me as a monster.”
My hand stopped, and he looked up. I wanted to agree, but I was still upset, and he must’ve seen that. 
“Okay, that was a bad time to bring that up.”
Harvey huffed a laugh, standing back up. His smile was sweet, his finger gentle as it swept some hair away from my face. 
“You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, Claudia Olivia Martin.”
“How did you find out my middle name?”
“Donna,” he smiled wider. I just rolled my eyes. “I don’t really know how to do any of this, so I asked her for some help. I knew I had to do it myself. I just didn’t really know where to start and she’s… well, she’s Donna.” “Yes, she is Donna,” I smiled up at him. “But it’s gonna take me more than that to convince me.”
“Oh I have like seven other things lined up and ready to go. If you'd like to hear them. First, you are the most stunning, breathtaking, gorgeous woman I have ever met in my life. Second, I admire every part of you. All your good habits, your bad, your anxious thoughts and brave approach to life. Because they all make you you. Three, I am the biggest fucking idiot. For starting all of this off wrong, for yelling at you. For leading you to believe that I just wanted to get in your pants.”
“You’re also an asshole. A bit of a coward and a bitch. Did I say that you were an asshole?”
“Okay okay,” he placed his hands on my hips and I let him, doing nothing to hide the giggle that bubbled out. “Yes, I am all of those things. And, for the record, I did want to get in your pants, just not that way.”
“Of course you did, who could resist all of this?” My heart sped up when he looked at me over, a huge grin spreading his cheeks wide and bright. 
“Looks like you’ve gained a little confidence, huh?”
“Well, I did have a not so awful teacher. That was before he betrayed me.” “Are you gonna stop rubbing salt into the wound?”
I faked a ponder, “Nope.”
“Claudia,” he pressed a tentative kiss to my cheek, then gauged my response before placing one on the other. “Olivia,” another kiss. “Martin.” He kissed my forehead, then the tip of my nose. “I will never be able to take back what I said, but I hope you find it in your heart to give me a second chance. Even good people are great at making bad decisions. I know I can be a better man, and I know you know that too. Just one,” a kiss to my left cheek, “More,” right cheek, “Chance.”
His lips hovered over mine, waiting for permission before he pressed them into mine. My heart was beating so fast. So strong, all because of him. All for him. 
My eyes met his, “Okay, Harvey.”
Those devastating eyes ignited. His smile grew so wide I got lost in it with my own. I was pressed flat to him, my hands on his shoulders, his hands on my lower back. My ears were buzzing with my pulse and I hoped he felt how fast it was. Who knew Harvey had such a way with words? I wondered how long he practiced all of this in the mirror. Who knows, maybe he was secretly a hopeless romantic and-
“Claudia,” Harvey snapped me out of my daydream. 
“Hmm?” “Please tell me I can kiss you.”
Oh. Right. 
“And what if I say no?”
“Then I won’t.”
“And if I say yes?” “I’ll make sure it is the best damn kiss you’ve ever and will ever have.”
Sounds pretty good to me. I pressed up on my toes, arms wrapping around his neck, and finally let our lips say hello. It had been too long, It felt so right, so perfect. And I realized it felt like all the other times we’ve kissed; I didn’t want to kiss anyone else. I wanted to kiss Harvey. Harvey goddamn Specter. 
I should find out what his middle name is from Donna to surprise him. 
“Come over tonight,” he blurted out.
“What?” “Come over, let me cook something for you. We can make it our first date. A real date. Let me start this off on the right foot. Unless tonight is too soon and you need more time to heal and process or-”
“Just stop talking,” I literally put my fingers over his mouth. “I’d love to come over for dinner, Harvey.”
If I hadn’t been in his arms I’m sure he’d jump up and down out of excitement. He kissed me again, and again, and again. The slight stubble on his chin tickled my neck enough for me to tuck down into my shoulders when he kissed below my ear. 
“Hey, Claudia, I just want to make sure- oh. Well, this seems to be going well,” Donna had a proud smile on her face, arms crossed over her chest.
“It is,” Harvey beamed down, never taking his eyes off of me. 
“Good, I’m glad to hear it.”
“How much of this was your idea?” I asked. 
“I suggested he get a horse and carriage to surprise you on your way out but he knew you wouldn’t want a grand gesture,” She said. “So I think that should say it well enough as to who came up with all the ideas.” When I looked back at him, he had a flush to his cheeks, and hid his grin. 
“Wow, Harvey, I’m impressed.” “Well,” he shrugged. “I don’t know… I wanted it to be authentic and special. Something that you would take to heart and genuinely appreciate. So it’s the best I could come up with over the weekend because if I didn’t do it soon I was going to explode.”
“Seriously, Claudia. This idiot wouldn’t leave my house for two days. I had to kick him out so he could get a shower and change. Did you even sleep?” “You haven’t slept?” He shook his head. “Harvey, what- okay. We need to do our dinner another day because if you try to cook you might set your house on fire and that would-” “Nope, too bad. I’m fine, really Claudia. I can handle making dinner. I’ll leave early and take a nap if that would make you feel better.” “Yes, it would,” I sighed out, looking back at Donna who had a look that meant trouble. “What?” “You guys are adorable.”
I blushed. “Oh, wait! Before you go, what’s Harvey’s middle name? I mean, he went to you for mine so it’s only fair…”
“Don’t you dare,” Harvey pointed at Donna who all but melted the Wicked Witch of the West with her smirk.
“Reginald?” I repeated. “Seriously?”
“It’s a family name, alright?” He defended. “Now, if you two will excuse me I have a very important dinner to plan for an even more important girl. Donna, can you-” “Already cleared your schedule.”
“Remind me to give you a raise.” “Oh I’ve already written a bonus check, it just needs your signature.” “I’m surprised you didn’t forge it,” I snickered. 
“I would’ve but having Harvey do it makes it that much more satisfying.”
Harvey just shook his head, but smiled at us both. “I’ll see you tonight, is seven good?” “Sounds perfect,” I nodded, relishing in his warmth as he pressed one more kiss to the top of my head before leaving. 
“So,” Donna swayed on her feet. “I take it that things went well?” “Yeah, yeah it did. I was surprised, today has been so weird. Even Griffin apologized to me.” “Griffin? Really?” “Yeah,” I followed in step behind her towards the bullpen. “He genuinely apologized to me. It was so unexpected. Now this… I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t dreading this happening. But it turned out way better than I expected so I can’t complain. I need to stop expecting the worst case scenario all the time and believe that I can handle anything that comes at me.”
“Now that sounds like true growth and confidence,” Donna slung her arm over my shoulder. “And definitely something Harvey couldn’t have taught you.” “No, he didn’t. That was all on my own.”
As I packed up to head home for the day, my stomach was on fire with nerves about tonight. Not nerves, excitement. 
“Hey, Claudia,” Griffin caught up to me right before the elevator closed. “Do you want to join us for drinks tonight?”
I just smirked. “Sorry, Griffin. I can’t, I have a date with Harvey Specter.” And I let the door shut before he could get on.
This building. For fucks sake his front door cost more than what I make in a year, probably. The door man had given me a bit of a side eye when I asked to be let up to Harvey. Well, here I was. 
The bottle of wine in my hand wasn’t getting any colder as I paced outside of his apartment. Was I making this a bigger deal than it needed it to be? Most definitely. 
I knocked. 
Harvey opened it a few moments later, a smug look on his face. “I was wondering how long you were going to just stand there.”
God dammit. The heat rose up my neck and I looked away. “Just shut up and take the wine.”
He chuckled, plucking it from my grasp before stepping aside to let me in. I gazed up and into his hallway, following it down to the kitchen. Woah… holy windows. The already set sun lit up the sky with blues and purples, making all of this feel very cinematic. 
“You didn’t need to bring this, Claudia,” Harvey smiled nonetheless. 
“I just- I don’t know, isn't that what people do when they’re invited over?”
“Why are you still so nervous?” 
Right to it, I guess. “What makes you say that?” “Well,” he sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. He was wearing all black. He looked… too good for his own good. Or mine for that matter of fact. “For starters, you’ve clearly been running your fingers through your hair. Second, I’ve watched you fiddle with that string on your sleeve at least four times now.”
My fingers ceased their motion. I had been toying with it. “I like to keep my hands busy.”
“I call it a nervous habit.”
“Did you invite me here for dinner or just to pick on me for being anxious?” 
“You have no reason to be anxious here,” he crept closer, taking my hand in his. Harvey gently kissed the back of my fingers. “There is no one here to watch, no prying eyes to hide from. It’s just me, Claudia.”
“And that is precisely what makes me nervous,” I did let a laugh bubble up. “But, you’re right. I guess there is no reason to be so… terrified.”
“Good,” he smiled, placing his hands on my hips. I let mine fall around his shoulders. “Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.” I turned to look behind me, a few pots and a pan of vegetables on the stove. Harvey’s hands still lingered on my sides as I peered over to look inside.
“I didn’t know the great Harvey Specter could cook,” I jabbed, making him roll his eyes playfully. “It looks lovely, thank you.”
“Told you, there’s more to the name than the title it comes with.”
From the table, I watched him plate the stir fry dish and bring it over. I was starving, and I made sure to eat my lunch a little later so I wouldn’t be ravenous by the time this dinner rolled around. I wasted no time taking a forkful and practically inhaling it. 
“I’ll take that as a good sign?” 
I nodded, “It’s amazing. Where did you learn to cook like this?” “Here and there. My brother owns a bar and restaurant back home, we used to like to cook together all the time.” “I didn’t know you had a brother,” I tilted my head. “That’s amazing, though. Glad you put those skills to good use.”
“Do you have any siblings?”
I hummed, “Yeah I have two brothers. I’m the baby of the family.”
“Am I going to have to win their trust one day?” 
My laugh echoed through the spacious dining room, “No, they’re pretty cool. Vince, my oldest brother, is married, has two kids who are in college. My other brother, Caleb, is the one you’ve gotta watch out for. He’s my twin and very vocal about the men in my life, especially when he doesn’t think they’re good enough for me.”
“I see,” Harvey gave me a look I knew all too well. 
“Yeah, he can be a pain in my ass sometimes. But I love him, he always stood up for me when I was too afraid. Whether someone was picking on me in school or tried to get one up on me at a bar, he was always there. He’s just protective of me, they both are, but Caleb… he’s always had my back.” “It’s good to have those types of people on your side,” Harvey’s smile was so bright. 
For about an hour we ate and had dessert. I don’t know how, he probably asked Donna, but he had my absolute favorite chocolate cake. Coated in a thick butter cream, it practically melted in my mouth. I wasn’t shy about telling him how delicious it was. 
“I could marry this cake,” I knew I was being dramatic, but I didn’t care. “If I could take this cake, and mold it in the shape of a man, I would.”
Harvey grinned, looking from the cake on his plate, back up to me as I spooned another mouthful. He dipped his finger in the frosting and swiped it across his cheek. I blushed, so hard, and he just laughed and laughed. 
“You think you’re funny, huh?” I had to put my face in my hands. 
“I do, actually. Why don’t you come over here and clean it off for me,” Harvey spoke dangerous words. I raised my eyebrow in question, but he merely scooted his chair back in response, palms turned upward. 
Now or never, I thought. 
I stood, my bare feet padding quietly to Harvey. This is where I had confidence. Could use his own game against him. Because up until this point, all Harvey knows about me is that I am a nervous wreck in front of him. 
The cards have no longer been dealt in his favor. 
I swung my leg over his, perching on his thigh. I took my thumb and ran it across his face, collecting the decorative icing off his cheek, licking my thumb clean. His eyes tracked my movements, especially when I stuck out my tongue and showed him the mess.
His throat bobbed, and his eyes darkened. 
“Where did that shy, blushing Claudia go?” Harvey’s voice sent a chill down my spine. 
“Away, for now,” I smirked. “There are plenty of versions of Claudia you haven’t met before.”
“And who exactly is this version?” He asked.
“That depends,” I huffed. “Are you going to let me have what I want or are you going to make me earn it?”
Harvey’s hands crept up my thighs, cupping my ass gently. “You’re gonna let me choose?”
“You better choose carefully.”
“And why is that?”
“Because,” I said. “You can either let me take what I want, or try to take what you want. But I’ll let it be known, that isn’t possible. You won’t be able to resist me long enough to uphold that promise.”
“Oh, you think I’m that easy?” Harvey countered, tightening his hold on my body. I let out a whine, enticing him into my game further. 
“I don’t know, Harvey.” I ran my hand down his chest, grinding back and forth on his thigh. I leaned close to his ear, “I can be your every fantasy or your worst nightmare.”
I pulled away from his body, taking a few steps back and towards another hallway. I assumed that’s where his bedroom was, and judging by the screeching of the chair against the floor, I was heading in the right direction. 
The first door I pushed open was, thankfully, the right room. His clothes were hung up neatly in the closet on the opposite side of the room, the city below shining onto the walls. Harvey shut the door quickly, turning on a lamp beside his bed. 
Harvey grinned like the devil and crushed his mouth to mine. I didn’t waste any time letting his tongue tangle with mine. Harvey kissed like the god he was, like a true emperor. He tasted like pure sin, like the cake we were just sharing.
My hands went to the buttons on his shirt, fitting them through the tiny holes and pushing it off his shoulders. 
“Mmm wait, sweetheart,” Harvey broke our lips apart. “I don’t wanna do it this way tonight. Let me take care of you. Please.”
Well, when he sounded like that, who was I to resist him? I let him lay me down, his body between my legs as he placed the most tender kiss on my lips. He moved down my chest, slowly lifting my shirt and placing his mark on my stomach. Up my chest, and my neck. 
“You are so beautiful, Claudia. And I can’t believe I get to have all of you to myself. I can’t wait to make you feel so good.”
I sighed out, letting my eyes close as he explored my body. He was forward with his choices, but he wasn’t ever harsh. He was so soft. So loving and so caring. No one had ever made me feel equally nervous or excited as Harvey did. But now… I wasn’t afraid of him. I don’t think I could ever again. 
“Is it okay if I take these off?” “I wasn’t sure you knew how to ask for permission,” I giggled. He just scowled, but I nodded. “Of course, Harvey. Do whatever you want.” “Don’t-” he swallowed. “Don’t say things like that when I am trying to be sweet and nice to you.”
“I think you’re forgetting that I like it when you manhandle me,” I smiled up to the ceiling before looking at him between my legs. “Sorry, carry on.”
He laid a not so gentle tap to the inside of my thigh before removing my skirt. The chill of the air spread goosebumps across my skin, even more when he placed kisses from my ankle to my hips bone. 
“God I could spend all day between your legs. They’re so perfect,” he praised, spreading them wide so he could fit his torso between them. “You’re so fucking hot, Claudia.” I flushed, beet red, and turned away from him. But his fingers brought me right back. 
“You don’t get to be shy now, sweetheart. Not tonight, let me see all of you.”
“I’m all yours Harvey.” Our eyes locked, and the sparks flew. His lips were on mine, hurried, but not starving. It was intense and passionate and everything I could’ve asked it to be. He lifted my shirt over my head and slipped off my bra from behind. Thankfully his chest was warm against mine.
From one second to the next, Harvey swooped me on top of him and rolled, tugging the sheet with him. When they were freed, he laid me back down and put them over his body. 
“Oh, guess I should get these off,” he grinned, pushing his jeans down his thighs, his briefs going with them. Man… what a sight to behold. Harvey wasn’t shredded, but it was clear his boxing habits kept him in good shape. 
There was something about him that just made me want to crumble and fold. 
Harvey’s lips were hot as they moved all over me, nipping and biting and leaving tiny marks here and there. Before he could lose all his resolve, he reached over to his bedside table and plucked a foil packet from a little jar. Classy. 
“Doing okay, sweetheart?” He smoothed down my hair. 
“Yes, Harvey. I’d be better if…” I locked my legs around his middle, pulling him to me. “You just got on with it.” “Such an impatient little thing,” his grin gave away his facade. 
“Oh please, don’t act like you’re not craving this as much as I am.” “You’re right,” he smirked, lining up and pushing all the way in. a low groan escaped his flushed lips. “But I know you can’t get enough of this.”
I breathed heavily, clinging to him. His hips stirred, slowly pulling back, and sinking all the way in. Harvey rested his head on my shoulder, tongue making patterns on my ignited skin. I tugged at his hair, lips working on their own to find all his sweet spots. 
I raked my nails up his back, not missing when his hips slowed and he moaned. So I did it again. His thumb found its way between my legs and circled around where I wanted it most. He wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to take care of me. 
Harvey took his time, making sure that I was feeling good and got what I wanted. This was so different from the feverish moments we’ve had in the office. But it was somehow way better. Well, it could use one thing.
As he laced our fingers together, I moved our hands up. He stopped kissing me for a moment to give me a puzzled look. But I slipped his grip from mine and placed his hand on my throat. 
“I don’t need you to go all ‘sir’ on me tonight, but just give me this. Please.” I did the best I could with my eyes to lure him in, and it worked. It tightened, but it was never tight. It was just there, a reminder of the part of him I was going to get to see whenever I wanted. 
He started to let his control slip, and I knew it was hard for him to be so gentle. But I appreciated it so much. I let some of my control slip as well, just because I wanted to rile him up. His breath quickened, and so did his hips. His thumb was relentless between my legs and I could feel my high approaching.
“Come on, sweetheart, let go. Make yourself feel so good for me.” There it was, the Harvey that kept me up at night. That has plagued my dreams for the past few days. 
I met his hips with mine, and my release crashed over me when I wasn’t expecting it. I shook in his arms as he continued to move, chasing his own time. 
“Fuck, Harvey,” I gasped. “Let go for me, you did such a good job making me feel good.”
He cursed, tucking his head down momentarily before crushing his mouth to mine, not shy about how I was making him feel. His body went rigid, and the praise streamed out of his mouth.
“Fuck fuck Claudia… god you feel so good. You are so perfect for me. So soft and warm.”
My lips would surely be bruised tomorrow morning, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was being here with Harvey. About carrying him through the aftershocks of his release. I rubbed at his back, kissed his neck and cheeks. When he lifted his head, he had this dreamy look on his face. 
“You look so hot,” he ran his thumb across my cheek, bringing me in for another kiss. “Thank you for giving me a second chance.”
“I’m glad I decided to do it. I can’t decide which Harvey I like more. This one or the one who calls me sweetheart.”
“Did I not call you sweetheart tonight?” “You did, but not the way you do when I call you ‘sir’.”
“Ahh, I see,” he smirked. “As much as I would like to think that I could flip a switch right now, I don’t want to spoil this moment with you.”
“If you don’t want to spoil it, then you should take us into the shower.”
And then I was in the shower. Hot water streaming between us from the rain shower head. His hands were soft as he kneaded my body; they particularly felt nice on my ass, especially when he added his lips to the mix. 
“You are so amazing, Claudia. I cannot stress that enough.” “You’re doing an amazing job,” I smiled, kissing him. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
“I know,” he grinned, smacking my ass before lathering up his hands and running them through my hair. It was hard to not fall asleep standing up. “Sweetheart, if you keep making those noises it is going to be very very hard to not take you right here.”
My eyes flew open, his very apparent arousal pressing into my backside. Well, alright then. Go Claudia, you sexy son of a bitch!
“And who’s to say that I wouldn’t want that?” “I am trying to hold back, you know. I wanted tonight to be different, to be special. I didn’t want it to be heated and rough and-”
“Harvey,” I turned, pressing a hand to his chest. “I know.” “I wanted to ‘make love’ or whatever they call it in those cheesy romance books you read.”
I laughed out loud, picturing Harvey curled up on the couch with a book in his hand, a fire in the fireplace. “Nobody says ‘making love’ any more, babe.” “Babe?” “Yeah, babe. I figured you wouldn’t like sugar, or honey bun, or baby for that matter.”
“Don’t make me sound older than I am, please. For fucks sake I passed the Bar when you were in highschool.”
“It doesn’t bother me all that much anymore,” I admitted, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I thought it would, but it doesn’t really make a difference to me.”
“Good, I’m glad it doesn’t freak you out,” he smiled. “And, for the record, I hope it doesn’t freak your folks out.”
“It won’t.”
He lifted up a brow, “How could you know?” “Because I already told them about you.” I felt him go tight. “Relax. They knew who you were already and they couldn’t have been more excited that I found a caring, respectful, well respected man.”
He let out a sigh, “and your brothers?” “They don’t know yet, but don’t worry about them, either. It will be okay.”
“When did you become the consoling one? It’s weird.” “I know, right?” I giggled. When I looked into his eyes, there was a fondness to his gaze. He was looking at my body, but not in a way he had before. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Harvey shrugged, “I just love you so much, Claudia. And I am so proud of how far you’ve come in just these first couple of months.”
My heart hitched in my chest, then beat so wildly I wasn’t entirely sure it didn’t burst through my skin and land in his hands. I froze. Mike had been right. Harvey wasn’t just some cock, high strung New York attorney that couldn’t decipher his own feelings. He seemed incredibly in tune with his emotions and that couldn’t be more attractive. 
I just kissed him. I didn’t know what else to do other than kiss him. He had to take a step back to support our combined weight. Harvey’s arms were strong around my waist, his lips reassuring and just as firm as his grip. 
“I love you too, Harvey. So fucking much.”
The comforters pulled tight, Harvey's body pressed behind mine… I couldn’t think of a more relaxing way to end the night. Especially after I slipped to my knees in the shower and showed him just how much I loved him. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve been dreaming about having you in my arms one night. All night long.”
I hummed, scooting back so his chest met my back, his legs molding with mine. “I may have fantasized about it once or twice as well.” “Have you now?” “Again, there are several versions of Claudia you haven’t met before.” “And I look forward to coaxing every single one of them out with my mouth… my tongue… my hands… my-”
“Tomorrow,” I whispered, letting my eyes lull shut. “We can do it all again tomorrow. On the table, on the counter, on the couch-” “You’re not helping the situation here, you know,” he tugged at my half-dried hair. “Don’t get me started, sweetheart. I just might not let you get any sleep tonight.”
I clenched my thighs together. This was going to be such a sweet, tortuous game to play. And I got to play it every day. Every night, if I wanted. He wouldn’t be able to resist me. I had a secret weapon.
“Whatever you say, sir.”
His hand was wrapped around my throat, forcing my head to turn back to look at him. He clicked his tongue, eyes more awake than they had been a few minutes ago. “Oh sweet, innocent little Claudia. I guess you haven’t learned your lesson yet. It’s okay, I’d be happy to give you more instruction. I think I recall saying that eventually I would break you down over and over again until all you could remember was my name and how to breathe. Well, sweetheart. What do you think? Because I think you can still form coherent thoughts. I think it’s time we change that, don’t you?” I nodded, “Yes.”
His grip tightened and tightened and tightened. “Yes what?”
I smirked, climbing into his lap and taking him into my hand. “Yes, sir.”
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akalikai · 4 months
CELIA HOLDING ALICE HOLY SHIT MAN THE SAMALICELIA POLYCULE IS GOING SOMEWHERE I also think this might be Celia's instinct to comfort from being a mother maybe??? BUT ALICELIA FEELS. My God their ship name could be a palindrome. Insane.
Tape recorder is gone??? And yeah I suspected that the woman had been dead the whole time. Something was using her as a mouth piece, maybe something relates to ep 11 with the deep??
I think Celia and Sam saying they believe Alice is gonna bring them closer. I know people are sus of Celia so it could be a ploy to get closer to the OIAR employees, but I don't know, with her disliking Lady Mowbray, I'm more inclined to trust her.
The fact that Alice says "paid my horror dues" makes me think she knows more about said horrors and is working at the OIAR specifically to avoid it. Were her parents killed by The Horror?
"I think there's plenty of it go around at the moment" Yeah she's talking about Lady Mowbray. Seriously, I have respect for Celia, she really stood her ground last episode.
Man the fact that we were like "omg what if Alice's phone call ends up being a statement!!" In a serious way meanwhile Alice is like "yeah no Freddie will probably spit out in a few days so nothing to be concerned about". What if. Tho. Gwen ends up hearing the phone call. That would be interesting. Speaking of, where is our corporate girlfailure.
Sam you awkward little bean I love you. I'm sure Celia and Alice just gave him the fondest, "You're such a dumbass" look.
I'm sorry I now understand what Alex meant when he said this episode was social-cringe-horror. The misuse of AAVE is actually so accurate please help my I'm on the floor screaming this should not be this funny-
Damn so does Ink5oul tattoo....pain or something? I don't have a tattoo myself (yet. I'm gonna get one. As soon as I stop being squeamish about needles. Oh. Needles.) But I don't think they're meant to hurt THAT much???
...I genuinely SHOULD NOT like Ink5oul this much. Please. You cannot do this to me I cannot have a Michael Part 2.
Also let me add all the video sound effects are taking me out I LITERALLY cannot do this PLEASE-
"Hell no i ain't gonna call it in" girl by making the video you are basically calling it in what the fuck
So...Does Ink5oul have the ability to make people feel pain through the tattoos they do? It's seeming like that's the case.
"The views are cutting me" HUH???? THATS. LIKE. THE EDGES ARE CUTTING ME??? WHAT IS HAPPENING??? HELLO?????
Okay wait now that Sam has let go of his "be professional" bullshit I'm back on his track SAMALICELIA LETS GOOO
Ohhhh Lena. Oh boy. I can understand her tbh, Gwen has no idea what's happening and she's just doing her own thing. Whether she's evil or not, Lena still knows better what's going on and can avoid unnecessary risks. Especially since Lena does seem to care if other employees get hurt.
Okay so the Externals are like. A Thing here. Kind of like avatars? I'm not saying in the sense of fears, I mean they're beings that are not human anymore and possibly dangerous.
Wait but I understand Gwen though "You can't take this away just because I did something you never bothered to tell me not to do" this happens to me so much Gwen my babygirl you are So Autistic.
I saw someone say that Gwen needs to be dommed. I cannot say I disagree, especially when Lena tells her to sit down. Anyway we're gonna move away from that thought.
I am not joking. I paused a total of 17 times throughout this episode because I started laughing too hard. I think I have a new favorite episode.
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evanspresso · 2 years
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a box of goodies and an impromptu meeting
“I love the city in the morning.” y/n gleams at the nearby buildings while Evan held onto her hand, making their way towards the cafe on 6th. 
People nod and say their ‘good mornings’ as the couple pass thousands of sleepy citizens, most getting ready for their days up above in apartments, maybe even still sleeping, or passing those who are already making their daily commute. 
“I feel like people are nicer in the morning which is odd.” Evan replies, looking around as the pair cross the street. 
Y/n chuckles, tightening her grip on her boyfriend’s large hand, his rings clinking against her’s causing them to smile at one another before Evan reached for the front door of the cafe. 
The bell above the door rings, signaling the workers that more customers have arrived for the morning rush, which caused the barista’s and cashier’s to look up and greet the couple happily.
“Good morning!” Evan and y/n say in unison while they stand in line, relieved that there are only three people ahead in line.
The line moves quickly and before they know it, Evan and y/n are ordering their regular iced lattes.
On a whim, y/n decides to buy a box of treats, Evan bumps his hip into hers as she quickly inserts her card to pay for the order making the cashier chuckle at their banter of fighting over who’d pay. 
“Shut up its just coffee and food!” y/n grumbles out as they move to the side and wait for their order. 
Evan folds his arms over his chest, a playful glare slicing through y/n causing her to shove at his chest while shaking her head.
“It was my turn and you’re starting classes again.” he points making y/n scoff.
“Evan, really? can we not talk about this right now?” she questions making Evan huff out in response. 
The barista calls out y/n’s name and hands them the lattes and the box of warm baked goodies. The couple thank the workers and head out towards the street, silently deciding to head towards the park and enjoy the morning air while people watching.
“Thank you,” Evan finally says, “I love my coffee.” he says, bumping his shoulder into y/n’s, her giggle ringing around them as she rests her head against his arm. 
“You’re welcome.” she hums as they turn the corner, nearing the park that’s now coming into view. “Oh!” she says excitedly causing Evan’s ears to perk up as he takes a sip of his latte, “I almost forgot to tell you about that apartment on-”
Y/n pauses as her and Evan both gasp out in shock as they hear a loud squeal from behind them, They turn around quickly to see where the noise is coming from and because their nosey, and they obviously need to know what’s happening behind them. 
To their surprise, they see a group of girls, younger than them, they’re in school uniforms and Evan immediately understands why they’re excited, and why they are making their way towards him and y/n. 
“What is going- ohhhh!!” y/n nods happily as she steps back slightly to give Evan his space to meet the girls who begin to stand around him.
“Oh my God we saw you down the street and were scared to call your name!” one girl smiled.
“I couldn’t not scream when I saw you!” another squealed.
“You’re Evan Peters right?” another one blushes.
Evan smiled happily, “Yes, It’s nice to meet you guys! You can call my name any time.” he chuckles making the girls swoon, blushing, and nervously looking at each other as they ask him to sign whatever they were carrying. Some asked him to sign their phones, backpacks, arms, and notebooks.
Giggles and loud murmuring erupt all around them as Evan make’s conversation with the girls causing y/n to smile shyly, not really knowing how to act, or what to do. 
“Can we get a picture?” 
“Absolutely.” Evan says, watching the girl’s take out their phones so they can all take selfies.
One girl peers over towards y/n and smiles and waves. Y/n smiles brightly and waves back, she shuffles closer causing the girls to turn their attention towards her.
“Hellooo” y/n says, dragging the 'o'.
“You’re y/n!!” one girl says excitedly, “You guys are like... together?” 
Evan smiles at y/n and pulls her towards him in conformation, “Yes, she’s the reason why I’m always in the East Coast.” he winks making everyone chuckle. 
“You’re so pretty!” One girl says bluntly.
“Oh, thank you!” y/n blushes and laughs, pointing at the rest of the girl’s before flying her hands up as she looks around at the pretty faces in font of her, “You all are so gorgeous! and so nice.” 
Conversation begins to flow between the small group, jokes, laughter, and questions fill the corner of 6th street as fans get to know an actor and his girlfriend. 
More pictures begin to snap and y/n offers to take the photos, making sure to be generous by snapping a bunch to make sure that different angles and poses are being met. 
“Can we all take a picture together?” the fan’s ask Evan and Y/n, which they happily oblige to.
Even though y/n nods, she’s shock as to why they want a picture with her in it, she’s nowhere near famous, she’s just a college girl with an average gpa. 
“Lets all say, the killer is escaping!” Evan shouts as he throws up his signature peace sign causing everyone to roar out laughter and repeat after him as he snaps the group selfie.
“This is amazing,” he says looking at the picture. “I’m posting this n insta. I am in my influencer era.” he jokes making them all stare at him in shocked excitement. 
While Evan smiles down at the photo, y/n grips onto the box of goodies and her eyes light up as an idea comes to mind. “Do you guys want some croissants or cannolis? I got them from the cafe down the block.” 
The girls all nod, thanking y/n as she opens the box for them to peer inside and take the ones that catch their eye. “These are so good. thank you y/n!” 
“Of course!” she says before they all take turns going in to hug y/n and Evan.
The girl’s decide that they should probably head towards school before they end up being late which cause the couple to laugh and say their goodbyes, sending them on their way. 
As the pair watch the group of girls head in the opposite direction, they decide to continue making their walk towards the park. 
Evan smiles from ear to ear while looking down at his phone revealing the instagram picture that was now posted. Y/n beams up at him and kisses his shoulder, “I’m so proud proud of you. That was incredible.” 
Evan blushes, throwing his long arm around her and squeezing her tight against his side. “I think they liked you more than me!” he jokes making them laugh softly.
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Hello! I think I've got a good one. First off, for the sake of this request, let's pretend that Rook was somehow able to attend Camp Vargas (We're reaching SO far, but it's fine) and he has a male s/o who was also attending the camp (whether he's Yuu or not, I'll leave up to you), but he has serious trauma from being kidnapped by a serial killer when he was younger. And so, when Vargas captures and ties him up, the reader starts losing it and having a panic attack, thinking he's going to die. How would Rook react to this?
Hey, Anon! Thanks for sharing your brain rot ideas regarding Rook, because we love our ridiculous and theatrical hunter. Truly a wild set of circumstances I've been presented, but I love it!
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw Rook attending Camp Vargas purely because the man is so athletic. He wields a huge bow with great accuracy and is proficient in stealth. He would easily be able to sneak in and just lay in wait, taking pictures secretly in the trees. The reason he would be there in the first place would absolutely be to take photographs.
Honestly, even without the extremeness of "got kidnapped by a serial killer," I can see someone having a panic attack just in general by getting kidnapped. I mean certain traumas can trigger people's fight, flight, or freeze response and it's a big mood.
What will come next is just me free writing my ideas for this, so here's y'all's present I guess lol. Also, note that I have not actually read the Vargas Camp event, but have a vague idea of what kinda went down during the event lol.
Oh my god, wait, to elaborate on this idea or whatever. I could totally see Rook in the trees, watching the whole kidnapping thing go down. Then, when Vargas would leave to claim his next unsuspecting victim, Rook would drop down next to you. Cooing in your ear that you were safe and are going to be ok, he would cut the ropes off you. Probably holding you close and just rocking you back in forth lovingly while you calm down from your panic attack. You would probably be clinging onto him and his big muscles like a koala. He would be whispering sweet words of affirmations in your ear, as he moves you to somewhere safer. Aka away from the pile of other victims lol...
You know, he would probably cut the other victims free just to cause some more fun chaos and trouble for Ashton. He probably knows that the person behind the kidnappings was Ashton anyway, because Rook is so perceptive... I could totally imagine him deciding to exact a "friendly" revenge on him for messing and actually traumatizing his beloved by telling the other victims that the culprit was Ashton and maybe some other important information to help them successfully get back at their teacher lol. Rook wouldn't have time in the moment to personally get back at him, because he would be too busy taking care of you!! Ahhh, so sweet! We love our hunter boy. Taking care of us and making sure that we feel ok and safe (in his arms lol). I can imagine that there would be cuddles as you hear the sounds of absolute chaos and screaming in the distance perhaps watching the whole fight go down from afar. The kids rebelling and enacting a revolution to overthrow Vargas. Sounds about right. I wouldn't be surprised if that would happen in game low key lol.
Ohhhh, and you know what would be the cherry on the cake? Having the reader specifically thinking and praying (maybe whimpering lol) while they're getting kidnapped that Rook would save them even though he wasn't at camp or whatever. And then having Rook actually show up?!!! *throws myself on the floor and dies* It's such a good idea. Good job, anon, you've successfully murdered me.
You also surprisingly got me to vaguely write/elaborate on your request low key, and that my dude is a feat within itself. Like I'm truly impressed. *applauds you from the floor*
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mythicalcowboyatheart · 11 months
Meat and Greet 3: I'd fuck you
Warnings: murder, smut, oral sex (m and f receiving)
Part 2 Part 4
An: yes more smut lol, smut below the cut! Also Spencer in wig and makeup!! 🤭
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I awoke, not feeling the warmth of Spencers body I sat up slowly. I noticed I still didn't have the hand cuffs on. I sat there in bed for a minute letting my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, and secretly hopeing Spencer would come back to bed. I stayed sitting on the bed for a moment or two after my eyes adjust to the darkness then I decided to get out of bed and decided to explore abit.
I exited the room and looked around I could see the bathroom ware Spencer and I had showered, besides the bathroom and the bedroom I had slept there were a few other doors on the upstairs of the house. I assume they are other bedrooms and decide to go down the wooden stairs.
I reach the bottom and I immediately see the living room ware I passed out in, a little off to the side I see the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and there's a door, I put my ear to it and hear talking it sounds like it's coming from a far away hallway or maybe a... basement! As I come to the realization it's most likely a basement I hear screaming coming from the other side of the door.
I slowly grab the handle and begin to as quietly as possible open the door. I see more stairs and a faint light coming from the bottom. I take a deep breath before beginning another descent down steps.
The screams become louder and louder as I reach the bottom and I peek around the agape door way. I watch as a man tied up in a chair wiggles and squirms attempting to brake free from his restraints. I notice he has blood running down his face and body. Before I can get to deep into thought, Spencer comes into my line of view. He is now wareing a pair of jeans and a long blonde wig? Spencer got closer to the tied up man I note Spencer has a knife in hand as he slits the man's throat.
I gasp loudly and I watch as Spencers head snaps my way. He's face soffen. And with this lighting I can tell he is also wareing lipstick and eyeshadow. "How was your sleep my love?" He asks not sounding bothered by the dead person sitting not even a foot away from him. I dont respond instead I back away from him shock and horror very prominent on my face. He drops the knife and walks towards me. Im frozen in place I can't move. He gets right in front of me. "Don't be scared love." He reaches his hand to coress my cheek and I flinch away from his touch. "I would never hurt you" he reassures me. "I just saw you kill a man Spencer how do I know if I'm not gonna be next?" I say my eyes welling up with tears. "Oh love I could never hurt you! He was a pervert that prayed on young girls. I would never do that to you I love you!" He pulls me in to his embrace also covering me in the still warm and sticky blood. l hug him back and we stand there for a bit before I speak again, "so whats with the wig and makeup?" I giggle while wipeing my tears. Spencer laughs. "Well I just kind do this when I killing." "why?" "Do you not like it?" Spencer questions. "No! I actually like it..." I blush. "Oh, do you like when I ware make-up?" He traes. I feel my face get more red.He started to kiss me, pushing me up against the wall behind me, then He kissed my neck and all the way down until he was in- between my thighs
He looked up at me, his eyes so full of lust that I could feel myself getting wetter. He lifted my leg and put it on his shoulder, then pushed his tongue inside of me. "Ohhhh God, "I moaned as he licked my clit
He sucked on it and flicked it with his tongue. My whole body felt like it was on fire. I grabbed onto his hair (well the wig) and pulled him closer to me. He slid two fingers into me and started fucking me harder and faster.
I couldn't hold back anymore. I came hard, screaming his name as I did.I opened my eyes slowly, still trying to catch my breath. His head was resting against my thigh, but his hand was still buried inside of me.
He looked up at me, smiling. "That was amazing." He said. "But we're not done yet." He pulled me off the wall and took my spot. "Come here." I walked towards him, still feeling a little dizzy from the orgasm.
He was now in front of me and motioned for me to kneel in front of him. "Now it's your turn."
I smiled at him and knelt down in front of him. He pulled out his cock and started stroking it. It was already rock hard. "You know what to do." I leaned forward and took his cock into my mouth.
I ran my tongue around the tip, tasting his pre-cum. Then I licked down the entire length, taking more into my mouth. He moaned as I sucked him. I knew he liked it when I deepthroated him.
I kept sucking him, making sure not to forget any part of him. I wanted to make him cum fast. I didn't want to stop. I wrapped my lips around his cock and started moving them up and down.
I could hear him breathing heavily. I increased my speed and heard him gasp. I knew he was about to cum. I sucked even harder and felt him tense up. He let out a loud groan and filled my mouth with his cum.
I swallowed every drop. After he was finished, I looked up at him. "I love you." He smiled at me. "I love you too."
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gilmores-glorious-blog · 11 months
episode seven thoughts:
- ok last episode was good so now i’m scared again
- please start with a morning after scene (update: FUCK YEAHHH)
- the character growth but also rest in peace sexy leather outfit 😔👊
- is that stede’s ring 👀
- “bye bye” i love him
- the breakfast in bed i’ll cry 😭
- “it’s a piece of twine. i panicked.”
- “it’s my way of saying thank you” :’)
- oh my GOD IZZY
- “hi boys :D” “JESUS!” “fuck off.”
- this is just like every fanfiction but better
- “it’s not just the ship that has been well and truly docked ;)… congratulations” oh my FUCKING GOD. the way i SCREAMED.
- “…he’s jealous” oop—
- i’m sorry but even if they explicitly tell me that jim/olu/archie/zheng aren’t in a polycule i won’t believe it.
- the letters :’)
- ed looks so goddamn fond <3
- “people have your face tattooed on their body ?” “not just my face 👀”
- not the old-timey paparazzi 💀
- jackie is slaying so hard
- “the sweet and spicy, just like my wife ;D”
- “the swede got so hot” “it’s an adjustment for me as well!”
- “birds love drinking for free!” “…no that’s not what i mean 😐”
- “your man” :’)
- is this the first time we’ve seen ed and jackie interact?? i love them
- i know we saw the “blackbeard are you poor now” in the trailer but the fact that he said “are you a poor now” is killing me
- “fucks like a jackhammer 👀”
- “was it as devastating as it was arousing?” god i love the swede
- “family who fucked!”
- “we’re anchors for each other” BECAUSE YOU’RE IN LOVE
- “made your boyfriend blush” “hmm :)” the way that i love them 😭😭
- “we’re a partnership” yeah okay gayass
- i love the androgyny of all these random pirates
- OH my god he just set a man on fire. holy shit.
- okay stede this may be going too far
- the ear piercing :D
- ohhh no ed no it wasn’t a mistake
- “i’m leaving” ED DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE
- “you’re a coward” ohhhh shit oh fuck oh no
- noooo my boys 😭😭😩
- god i love frenchie and his money-making schemes
- wee john has every talent known to man
- “you like me for me” no ED likes you for you you DUMB BITCH
- izzy please dear god talk some sense into him
- “i think you’re good for him” :’)
- “when i told him i loved him” i’m unwell.
- ok ok everything’s fine it’s fine because in the trailers they’re together so it’s fine
- zheng and olu are very cute if i ignore that they’re not going the poly route
- people stop leaving stede challenge
- “et tu olu” lmao
- “your serial killer boyfriend” oh shit “or did he already leave you again” OH SHIT
- nooo steak knife 😭😭 rest in peace (i shouldn’t laugh but also that was really funny)
- ohhh stede………..
- they just got unbanned from jackie’s and now they’re starting a bar fight,,,
- oh my godddd stede
- oh my GOD
- holy shit ricky you madman (/neg)
- oh my godddd poor zheng
- well fuck.
- it’s okay fang and roach being cute will fix everything
- but also why is everyone leaving!!
- guys did you know that i hate the found family splitting up trope because i really fucking hate the found family splitting up trope
- the way that ed says stede’s name in the preview for next week 😭
- guys if they kill izzy i’ll cry
- i am not fucking ready. how is there only one episode left. what the fuck.
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jjenjoyer · 2 years
hope is a dangerous thing - jj maybank
summary: jj maybank hates the new girl in town.
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - lana del rey
fuck it i love you - lana del rey
warnings: mentions of violence, language
[jj's pov]
[896 words]
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i first saw her out on the waves during hurricane Agatha. stupid mystery girl, surfing the surge like its nothing, as if she couldn't get wiped out with one wrong move. what a poser.
i hate her.
great, she's in my class too. pink really isn't her colour, and that cardigan seems way too hot for the outer banks, what on earth is she thinking? really dumb outfit choice. i'm glad that she didn't sit next to me, thanks a ton mr. sunn.
i hate her, and her ugly pink cardigan.
oh, just excellent! thank you so much kiara, how lovely of you to invite my mortal enemy to party with the pogues at the boneyard tonight. i bet she can't even hold her liquor.
i really hate her. she seems fake, nobody is that nice.
speak of the devil. at least this time she's wearing something decent, but it looks shit on her. i can't believe she's had 4 beers already and still doesn't look tipsy.
i cannot stand her.
oh great, she's walking up to me. whatever god is out there, what did i do to deserve this? fuck you, honestly. her voice is sickeningly sweet, but kinda raspy, like textured honey. ew. at least she brought me a beer. i don't like her freckles.
i don't want to be around her.
she's getting on with the pogues alarmingly well. this is not looking good... ohhhh no, john b, why would you invite her to hang with us at the chateau tomorrow?! i bet she's a slob.
she better not try to talk to me. i don't think i can handle that.
...why is that kook staring at her like that. he looks like a starving wolf, practically violating her with his eyes. she's not even all that great to look at, but still, that's not gonna happen on my watch.
i hate that i'm starting a fight for no reason, its none of my business but oh well, too late to back out now.
why is she drawing stars around my bruised knuckles. and why is she concentrating so hard, holding my hand with an unbearable softness, her tongue sticking out comically, like some cartoon character. how did i even get here. fuck.
i don't like her...
her bubbly laugh when i crack a joke is so annoying, making me feel all gross inside. i wish she would shut up so i can get it out of my head, although i doubt i could if i tried.
i can barely hold the soft, yet intense gaze of her massive e/c eyes. she looks like a bug, i really want to squish her. maybe then i would stop feeling like this. i don't know why she's so persistent even though i'm clearly showing no interest.
i really hope she doesn't see through me.
ah great, i'm sick. thankfully the pogues are going fishing today, and taking whats-her-name with them. i need some time alone with my thoughts, although i'm not sure if i can handle them. someone's knocking on the door, maybe john b forgot something.
"its open!" i manage to croak out.
oh no. no no no no no please not her. anybody but her. goddamn it.
"hey, jj, um- if you tell me to i'll leave, but i heard you were sick, and thought i could help-- my mom's a nurse, so i know a thing or two-"
"i don't want your help. go have fun. i know you don't want to be here, plus you'll get sick too." why the fuck does she care about me. she shouldn't.
"i do, and i'll take that risk. plus i don't really wanna get sunburnt, my outfit isn't really suitable for the situation."
she's right, it definitely isn't. that flowy off-shoulder crop-top and embroidered jean shorts are way too flattering, and its not looking good for me.
i hate that she cares, its not helping my situation.
the way she looks after me makes me want to scream at her. why the fuck is she so gentle with me when i don't deserve even a sliver of it?
i hate to admit it, but she's been pretty decent company today. we got to know each other, and the fact that she fits all my criteria for 'ideal type' makes me want to die, because there's no way it'll actually happen, right? she's way too good for someone like me.
who am i kidding, i don't hate her. in fact-
"hey jj? you with me, man?"
"uh yeah- sorry, what were you saying?"
"why do you hate me so much?"
oh, dear...
"you're too perfect for your own good. it's killing me, knowing that acknowledging my feelings will only end in disaster, because i am the last person to deserve you. so no, y/n i don't hate you. although i really, really fucking wish i did."
her shocked expression confirms my opinion, i bet she's gonna sprint out of here in-
lips. my lips are touching something. what the fuck is going on. fuck, she tastes like lemon ice cream, do you even get that in obx? fuck if i know. goddamn.
so, as i was saying, i do not, in fact, hate y/n l/n. as a matter of fact, it is the exact opposite.
i am an absolute goner.
a/n: this is so trash lol yall should see my old stuff, idk what happened to my quality of writing, academic burnout is my biggest suspect tho >:/
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bittersweetyrn · 1 year
fun reactions my mom had to good omens 2
we watched the first season together back in november when i wrote a big communications paper on it, so i had to remind her of stuff. I tried to make these as close to verbatim as possible bc she is very silly and forgetful too <3
spoilers ahoy under the cut!
"That's entirely my fault for not collecting the rent!" mom: gonna tell our landlord about this
Gabriel is naked in the streets mom: is he naked?
mom: literally gets jump scared by Crowley's scream of Gabriel
"I thought I'd put the books in alphabetical order...what's author?" mom: oh no "I was shelving the books by the first letter of the first sentence." mom: OH NO
mom: why do these crows sound all fucked up? mom: ohhhh....haha
"Was Eve a baby?" "No, they can arrive at any size." mom: *literally losing her mind laughing*
"You have my word as an angel." mom: *gasp* and he wasn't struck down???? oooooooh.... mom: wait were job's children really killed in the Bible???
"You said it wasn't lonely." "I'm a demon..." mom: ....I lied. *looks at me like this* 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
"I always say the best part of a cupperty is looking at it." mom: awww, a nice angel!! they're cute
Aziraphale's custom job of the Bentley mom: cute, it changes depending on who's driving it :3
Sean Biggerstaff: appears mom, nearly yelling: who is that!!!! who is he!!! I know him!!! what's he on!!!!
discussion of selling bodies for anatomy lessons mom: oh yeah this was an episode of Sawbones
Crowley makes a big hole mom: oh my god he just sent them to hell?????
Elspeth pours a glass of laudanum mom: she's gonna kill Aziraphale
crowley loopy off poison mom: he reminds me of Jim Carrey
"I mostly use it for Twitter. And Grindr." mom: what's Grindr? me: I literally can't do this right now
"You know I can't cross the threshold." mom: what is happening, vampires now??
mom: (about Furfur) that's the Neo of Sporin guy
nazi-zombie burps out the drunk guy's song mom: just like iZombie...
"Oh, well! Sometimes you meet a stubborn turnip." mom: he is so embarrassing
the entire bullet catch scene mom: I'm chewing all my cuticles off im so nervous
Furfur gives Crowley the evidence packet mom: ooh I bet the picture isn't even gonna show up, that'll save them. somehow.....oh. never mind.
Nina walks into the bookshop for the ball mom: what has he done to everyone??? wow, aziraphale doesn't know anything, huh mom: also Jim looks like he's wearing the suit from Dumb and Dumber
mom: *cracks up at every instance of the Jim/James/Gabriel goof*
"You are unloved and unlovable." mom: jesus that's pretty harsh
"You wanna come in here and say that to my face?" mom: HONEY NO
Heaven's security footage of Gabriel as he leaves mom: okay, hohoho, now all the pieces are coming together.
fly climbs into Jim's eye mom: aueghhgheohh??
"No need to ever meet again, is there?" "None whatsoever." mom: pfft, they're in love
"No one's ever given me anything before." mom: now I'm sad :(
Metatron buying coffee mom: who's that? is he important? me: you saw him like 15 minutes ago. earlier in the episode mom: really? when?
metatron scowls at crowley mom: whoa why'd he scuzz him so hard?
The Argument mom: MY CUTICLES!! *keeps looking over at me nervously*
"I forgive you." mom: oh no he didn't
mom: is there gonna be another season?
me: if people watch it enough, but it's also up to amazon
mom: we should write a letter to amazon
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1eos · 3 months
Hiii, just want to say after i saw you post about karin slaughter's pretty girls book; i was intrigued and downloaded it immediately. I forgot about it until 2 days ago and lemme tell you I've never finished a book this fast. I wanna rant.
I hate all the men in the book (except for the normal ones) so much I want to scream. I hate how corruption is everywhere and it disregards the lives of innocent people. The deterioration of sam's health and murder for wanting justice for his family was truly devastating to read.
Every time claire uncovers new evidence of paul's crimes, I had to put my phone down. And then after she saw the pics in the usb, my heart fell to my gut. It's not fair what happened to the harrold family but I am happy they got closure.
Also, I'm a bit confused on Paul's fascination with julia and her sisters... was it simply because of his need to control pretty girls, hence the book title?
*drops everything* LETS DISCUSS ITTTTTTTTT.
spoilers under the cut
god isnt it a thriller? and when u find out how deep the corruption went.....i think thats what made me feel so fucking sick bc the family went to the police. they begged them for answers and they KNEW what happened. that one police chief guy participated in searches and press conferences and not only knew who took their daughters but was taking pictures with their bodies like they were prized game. oh it made me SICK
and the dad.....wow. like what a tragedy he truly lost everythingggggg. and its crazy that something in his gut just did not sit right about paul. that 6th sense bro. and yeah im glad the sisters got closure even tho the closure probably traumatized them to hell and back. i really like that at the end claire took back her power. i was sooooooooooooooooooo scared they were gonna pull a 'im as bad as u if i kill you' but no. she tore him the fuck up. so cathartic.
as for paul's fascination. its been a while since i read it so i can't quite remember all of the details but iirc from what i got was his dad initiated him into the misogyny murder club with julia. so julia was pauls first victim and he seems to get off on seeing the suffering his actions caused so i think he started stalking the family after that. and when i google the book apparently paul mentions that his dad did something similar in that his wife didnt know anything but would join in on searching for the missing victims and so it seems to be a perverse pleasure in secretly being the cause of someones torment
so julia was the first. he wanted to get off on her family's suffering. stalked them. found out abt lydia but wasnt attracted to her bc she would be harder to control and claire was the perfect victim. and then married her and kept getting pleasure from her and her family's grief that he caused and keeping her in a cage. very sick. kinda nonsensical if u look at it from a normal person's brain but paul only seemed to derive happiness from hurting women so when u examine him as the final boss of misogyny and arrogance its like ohhhh okay u freak
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youremyonlyhope · 10 months
The Giggle
Final Fourteen episode*. If I've added an asterisk it means that I correctly interpreted the vague spoiler I saw and am not happy. (Edit: Yep added the asterisk.)
Anyway. I'm just glad this means we'll finally get Gatwa!Doctor. We should have had him already.
Also forgot to put this in the last post. But. Pandemonium, the world ending, people going insane, and a Toymaker. My prediction for the plot of this episode: StarKid's Black Friday.
Sorry, all I can hear is Barney Stinson. I'm sure he did a bad German accent at some point in HIMYM. I like dolls but these puppets are creepy even to me. "Sunnier climes" OH, SO HE'S A RACIST. Hey dude. Tell Baird about the human hair before it blows up. "Imagine if it could talk." No no no. Be careful what you wish for.
Something I forgot to say much much earlier. I don't know how I feel about the intense zoom-in on the TARDIS in the opening sequence. It's almost a Torchwood level of dramatic zoom.
Very carefully not showing us Wilf's face. I wouldn't have wanted Bernard present for all this chaos either though. I'm sorry. UNIT has an Avenger's Tower now? I don't like that. I liked the Tower of London. But I guess Kate wanted to make sure they definitely didn't get shut down again. I was chanting "Slap him, slap him, slap him" as Kate walked up and when she hugged him I said "Aww" in disappointment. Oh Mel! I had been vaguely spoiled of her showing up too. RTD2, I would have preferred an Old Who companion showing up in the 60th special episode that was closest to the actual 60th, but oh well I guess I should be happy we got something Old Who at all since this really was getting close to being a purely RTD focused anniversary. "The pilot declared his right to land wherever he wanted." Greaaat. Sounds like an average day here in 'Murica honestly. "Why should I care about you?" I mean look everything I've ever seen of the Tories tells me that's just what they're like anyway. What is a Vlinx and why is it here and why do we trust it? I don't trust it. Ah. Bad idea to deactivate it for even more than a couple words honestly. So is everyone just prejudiced now? Like the racist toymaker?
TRINITY WELLS!!!!! NO WAY. NO. WAY. THEY GOT MY GIRL TRINITY BACK ON MY TV!?!?!?! THAT'S MY GIRL RIGHT THERE. I LOVE HER. Ohhhh Trinity deserves the big font for that.
I've found the one bit of RTD era nostalgia that instantly gets to me. Have Trinity Wells show up. I guess this is how everyone else has felt the last few episodes. Not even Wilf got that reaction out of me. I literally just SCREAMED "Trinity Wells!" Out loud. I can't even be mad she's spewing stupidity and is "anti-Zeedex" I am just happy to see her. That's my girl.
If nothing else comes from this episode, if I don't care about anything else, I got to see Trinity Wells again. Ok that really made me so happy just now. The Trinity Wells Show. Really showing us it's her. Ahhh I love her. Seriously I'm reacting the way I probably would have reacted if they ever acknowledged Frobisher during Twelve's era. Only Martha showing up could get a bigger reaction out of me right now. Truly that was a cameo aimed at me and only me it feels like. So like the Master's network? "It's not like the old Archangel Network." Ok never mind. Oh so Rose only came out as trans 6 months ago. I WAS GONNA SAY THAT THE CHILDREN'S VOICES WE HEARD BEFORE THE TIME-SKIP WAS MY VOCAL WARMUPS. God I need to write things down when I think of them. NOOO. I THINK I KNEW ABOUT THE FIRST TV VIDEO BEING A PUPPET OR SOMETHING. THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR. I don't mean to be That Person but the whole human race isn't connected by Internet yet. We still got uncontacted/limited contact tribes and groups all over the place. Hundreds if not thousands of people who have never seen a screen. Oh yeah! They're President of the World!
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(I took way too long searching to find that specific gif. But I love that gif so much.)
"120 plus five weeks holiday." "Done." YAS GET THAT MONEY DONNA. Also find Martha to see if she's still freelance or not. "So you talk about no one. Ever." I don't mean to quote Jack Harkness, but not if they're blonde... Doctor. You are. Avoiding. Still so much Thirteen in you. NOPE. LOL at them having to use basically refurbished still images from the lost episodes. BBC, this is only the fault of your own that they're missing. I hope you two have learned from last episode to STAY TOGETHER. Rules of play. Lawless. Hmm. So the Toymaker made everyone act like kids where the world revolves around them and only them? WHAT DID I SAY. STAY. TOGETHER. Oh no he's way too light. That was way too heavy for the Doctor to lift. Who's your mummy? Not an Empty Child reference just me being convinced his mummy is going to be someone. Oh nooooo not the "mama" and the teeth. OH RECAP TIME. Is this because they know a bunch of people skipped Twelve and Thirteen and even Eleven? Oh well. At least some acknowledgement. Still wish it was in the first of the specials but ok. "Oh, well, that's all right then." Ok look Toymaker has got a point for those three "surviving" but dying. Why only reference the Flux and nothing else Thirteen went through? Part of me is upset at no mention of the Fam and Dan, not even at least Yaz since Fourteen would have seen her only days earlier, but Thirteen had a clean track record of companions surviving so it's ok. Ok NPH's using his Barney magic trick skills ok. I see you. What do you mean a jigsaw of the Doctor's history? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT. PLEASE BE A REFERENCE TO THE ORIGINAL OLD WHO EPISODE. DON'T BE A HINT THAT RTD2 IS GOING TO TRY TO RETCON THE TIMELESS CHILD. JUST LET IT BE. I'm sorry the Master is in your WHAT. "The one who waits." Amy? Rory? They both waited. "That's someone else's game." huh. Sorry, all I see is Barney Stinson even in the mannerisms. I was wondering why if they went back in time that things would still be bad in the future. Since if they fixed it in 1925 it wouldn't happen. The Toymaker wouldn't be there. But no wibbly wobbly timey wimey just a different order. They should take the little toy box. Oh good took it. Don't you dare kill of Mel right here while she's watching the box. Don't you dare. I haven't even seen any of her episodes but I swear if you kill her.... WHAT. IS. THE. VLINX. THOUGH. Hey Doctor, at least tell Kate what you're up against. I was about to say that NPH was pretty perfect casting for a role like this, then the Toymaker threw Kate into a wall and too I'm mad now. DON'T HURT MEL TOO. Oh no. Kateeee I love you I do but listen to him ok? NOW you tell her about the Toymaker. Maybe some warning next time? Eh. He can shoot it. I didn't like this new UNIT building anyway. This is very Christmas Invasion. [thud] [glass shattering] OK that was dark. Wait celestials were a thing in Do You Hear Me? right? "And yet, I have fallen in love with humanity." Really hitting the nail on the "just like the Doctor" head here. OH. WOW. OOOOOOOOOOH. Next Doctor. Oooooooooooh. "It doesn't matter who. Because every single one of you is fantastic" RTD2 that better be a purposeful Nine reference though I know it's not. Don't you dare say "I don't want to go." for the third time. "Allons-y." Ok I'll accept that.
"What?" No. Nope. The spoiler came true and I am not happy about it. Time to add that asterisk. No. Is he not even wearing pants? Oh but I love Gatwa as the Doctor already so much. He's here. Oh Fifteen (fine I will say the number. I think this is the first time) gets to keep the tie. I meant to say I liked the grey knit tie earlier like 2 episodes ago. And the shoes. Oh and Ten's in an undershirt, I thought the shirt multiplied somehow just to not leave Fifteen totally naked. "Someone tell me what the hell is going on here?" I am so happy to see you. Why must your first scene involve you not wearing pants though? The disrespect. "I think you're beautiful." "Do you come in a range of colors?" "Yes." I... do not know how I feel about that line. I really don't like that Fifteen has to LITERALLY share his start with Fourteen. I was saying it when Gatwa was first announced as Fourteen and then not Fourteen because then Tennant got announced. And now it's literally happening. They're sharing the lines, the scene, 1 of 3 specials. Really more like half a special if we're being generous. I really wish we had just not done this Tenthree thing at all. See even Fourteen got to say "I'm the Doctor" first while Fifteen said "And I'm the Doctor." like. Come on. At least let Fifteen have that first line. HEY. THE CAPTIONS SAY [TENTH DOCTOR] NOT FOURTEENTH. SO WHICH IS IT. WHAT IS THE TRUTH. DOES THIS NOT COUNT?
Ok seriously. Give the man some pants. Like come on.
Eeek did he have too many teeth? He looked like he had too many teeth. Flat, 2D, like Flatline? "My legions are coming." Ok and that means... Oooh I did not like that the laugh's arpeggio didn't resolve. "And bind it in salt." SO. IS THIS SALT THING. REALLY A THING NOW? REALLY? Or is it just because the Doctor mentioned the whole salt thing being the leak that let the Toymaker in? And what about mavity? There's 15 minutes. The ball fell but did it hit the ground yet? Gravity? Maybe the game didn't end? The Doctor kissed themself. Not in the way the Master did but still.
Give him some pants please.
NO. NO. NOT ANOTHER LADY WITH RED NAILS PICKING UP SOMETHING THAT HAS THE MASTER INSIDE IT. NO. SERIOUSLY RTD WHY ARE WE DOING THINGS OVER? Unless it's Dhawan!Master. Then I will accept that. I will gladly have Dhawan!Master back. BUT OTHERWISE NO. I REFUSE. Why is Fourteen explaining this to Fifteen, he should remember it since he's him. Like come on. "This is great. I think. Is it?" That was a Thirteenism right there. "One thing you need in this place is a chair." see that's the Doctor channeling Bill judging Twelve not having chairs close enough to the console. "Adric." "Adric." ADRICCCCCC. Seriously that hurts me and like I said I haven't even watched that part of Old Who. God. Stop bringing up Rose come on. OH WAIT. WAIT.
"I loved her. And Rose." OH MY GOD. I hate Tenrose but even I'M freaking out that the Doctor just admitted to loving Rose out loud. OH MY GOD. I mean still fanservice pandering. But FINE. Fine. Tenrose shippers take this one I'm giving it to you. I got so distracted by my annoyance at the still constant bringing up of Rose I almost missed the weight of what that meant. Still mad about the Rose-colored-glasses of the RTD era but good for you guys getting this.
Mavic Chen? Remind me to look that up it sounds really familiar. Ah, wish I didn't look it up, gotta love that 60s racism. Rehab in reverse. So you're saying we're gonna check back in on Fourteen in the future and he'll properly regenerate and/or kind of pop into existence in the moment that Fifteen bi-generated? Maybe? Hopefully? God if I had a nickel for every time RTD had a second Doctor separate from the main Doctor and had Tennant's face stay on Earth with a companion, I'd have two nickels. Don't you dare split the TARDIS too. That's too much. I assume this hammer is an Old Who reference. If so, very cute. They split the TARDIS. And Fifteen gets the second TARDIS. I can't really describe my mood besides -_- "I am so sorry." Yeah you better apologize to her. Ok that's cute the ramp. Why the jukebox though. Traditional Earth ballad? If Billie Piper shows up I'm literally stomping across the pond to RTD's house and killing him because that'll officially be Too Much. I can't even be completely happy at Gatwa's first proper TARDIS flight. "You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye were you?" Of course he was. Ask Sarah Jane. ASK SUSAN. "As if I would ever do that." At least you're self aware. Have these two been the first Doctors to hug? So Fifteen tells people he loves them. Willingly. Openly. Frequently. And a lot. I like that. (Yes Fourteen said he loved Wilf and River but shhh that was over the course of days. Fifteen has said I love you twice in like 3 minutes and was very affectionate to Mel)
Can we PLEASE put this man in some pants though!?
The little 2-finger salute from Fourteen is cute though. "The eyebrow story." TWELVE? Nope an alien species. "Oh, you're family, darling. Sit down." AWWWW. AWWWWWW MEL GETS A FAMILY. Ok. Ok that's really sweet. That's what I care about. Not even Tenthree/Fourteen getting a family. Mel gets one. Empty chair. It's for Wilf yes but let me pretend Martha's just running late to dinner ok? Ok. "I've never been so happy in my life." That's good. Fifteen really split off from Fourteen and was like "Ok you carry all the trauma and deal with it. I'm gonna keep running away."
I knew the Vlinx was voiced by Nicholas Briggs. What IS the Vlinx though? Because I really was waiting for it to be like a plant by the Toymaker.
God I can't believe we're really gonna do the same thing all over again with the Master. Like I said, if it's Dhawan!Master then I'm overjoyed. If it's another, I'm not as happy. I'm hoping that because it was the same way Simm!Master had came back as himself, it means Dhawan!Master will too. We'll see. And who grabbed the tooth this time? At least last time the ring was in a forest. I could believe someone was nearby to take it. But they're on a HELICOPTER LANDING PAD. In the secure UNIT building. Seriously who picked up the tooth?
GIVE. MY MAN. SOME PANTS. I feel so insulted that Gatwa spent all of his moments in his first episode IN HIS UNDERWEAR.
The absolute highlight of the episode was seeing Trinity Wells. Literally the most excited I've been about any of these fanservice moments. That feels like it was fanservice just aimed directly at me. As if RTD2 was like "Hope's not gonna enjoy this. What can we do? No no I'm not bringing back Martha. Oh! Trinity Wells!"
*Asterisk time! I can only hope that Fourteen is just another Tentoo and will live and die a normal human life but that's not what seems to be the case. I don't like that there's just another Doctor floating around. I had been spoiled for it. I hoped I had misunderstood the post since I hadn't properly finished reading it once I realized it was a spoiler. But I interpreted it correctly. If it ends up being that Fourteen does eventually regenerate and kind of hops back into the moment the body splits into Fourteen and Fifteen, then fine. But like. Otherwise, if there's now just a separate branch of Doctors and regenerations and then Fifteen technically has to share the title of Fifteen with whoever regenerates from this Fourteen then I will be so mad. Is this Fourteen really Fourteentoo? Or Tenfour. CAN WE JUST STOP REGENERATING INTO DAVID TENNANT AT THIS POINT. Just have him come back as Ten, he doesn't need to be three maybe FOUR different Doctors!
Oh my god. If RTD2 pulls a "Fugitive!Doctor is actually a Doctor AFTER Fourteen and regenerated and forgot everything and then met Thirteen" instead of being a pre-First Doctor then I'll actually riot. If that's the meaning of the jigsaw of their history, I'm really gonna actually riot.
Of the 3 specials. The Meep was eh. It was fine. Pure nostalgia and a nightmare fuel alien monster of the week. However, I REALLY enjoyed Wild Blue Yonder. That was right up my alley combining aspects of a lot of my favorite past episodes. And the Giggle was fine. Better than the Meep, definitely. I love Fifteen. I'm mad about the bi-generation thing. I would have preferred if after the Toymaster was gone for a bit that Fourteen got sucked back into Fifteen or something as a way of the Universe correcting itself. I'm mad that for most of Fifteen's scenes, it felt more like he was Fourteen's companion. Not the next Doctor. ALSO WHY COULDN'T WE GIVE FIFTEEN SOME PANTS PLEASE. AT LEAST IN THE LATER SCENES.
Also is it still mavity? Did Donna really just ruin all of human history with that one joke?
Oh I just started proofreading and I realize my prediction of Black Friday was wrong. I really thought the Toymaker was gonna make everyone go crazy over a puppet toy.
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moon-ursidae · 2 years
i’m just gonna do one long post bc it’s easier
oooohhhhhhhhh i’m interested in this tommy situation
i’m fucking obsessed that the original game score is being used in here i’m so emotional
omg joel’s place is kinda slay i love that blanket
ohhhhhhhhhh no joel. sarah’s screams😭
the way he SPRUNG into action when he saw her face🥺
goooodddddddd someone hug this man please
i love him. i love her. i love them together.
“robert is terrified of you” AS HE FUCKIN SHOULD BE LMAO
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so the battery is the cargo in this case gotcha gotcha
“you tell me to look for the light and i’ll break your jaw” FUCKIN SLAYYYYYY JOEL
he looks so goddamn fucking good. holy fuck.
she’s so fierce.
LMAOOOOOOOOOOO the way she instantly jumped to marlene being her mom
his wet hair?👀
FUCK the fungal practical effects look so goddamn good.
i mean, these effects are BANANAS
“this has been construction corner with joel miller” HAHAHAHA I LOVE HER
oh shit that’s robert!
i also love that tess is wearing the same color shirt in the game. wardrobe slay
“what’re you doing?” “killing time” “well what am i supposed to do” “i’m sure you’ll figure that out.” “your watch is broken.” “you mumble in your sleep.” JAVSKWHSKSBSKSBSKSBSKS KSBSKSBSKSB
“you some kind of big wig’s daughter or something?” “something like that.” KABSKABSKSVSKSBSKSBKSBSID
i’m gonna freak out everytime something STRAIGHT from the game is in this
and idgaf if that’s annoying bc i’m excited as fuck
omg she punked him to fund out what the code is I LOVE HER
the closeup on the watch🥺
THE TUNNEL!!!!!!!!!
joel is so pissed they got caught
oh my fuckin god. that’s why he’s so brutal with it. goddamn.
ellie is standing in an odd way watching joel pummel this guy. it’s not fear or danger, but like she wants to watch? idk it’s odd
this is fuckin crazy dude. tess finding she’s “infected,” ellie saying “it’s 3 weeks!” and joel reeling back from beating the fuck out of the guy oh my god
is this what they were talking about with his hearing? or is this just him coming out of it? probably coming out of it
holy fucking shit. i-
i need to rewatch and process. this was phenomenal. i’m obsessed. fucking obsessed.
i’m so happy i’m crying. oh my god.
this game means so goddamn fucking much to me even though i’m newer to it. and i’m so happy that other people that love the game got to work on and create this. i’m so proud for them.
this is fucking epic
“my sarah”🥺
“i could not ask for a better on screen dad”😭
i fucking love her
“joel forgets that the girl that is standing behind him is not his daughter.” “primitive instinct takes over. he can’t help but act. something else took control of him in a similar way to how the cordyceps does. except for him it’s a version of love.”😭😭😭😭😭😭
oh my god i thought the way ellie was standing there was weird dude it’s bc she liked that she was being defended
“these two were meant to be together, but look out.” SO FUCKING ACCURATE
holy shit. that was fucking awesome. oh my god
i need to process lmao
this is gorgeous. i’m so fuckin happy.
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kitchendub · 1 year
Russell gets edged to oblivion
He was used to this. He was used to the way you touched him. The worst part was he never knew if you were going to let him cum. But it was his birthday, and no one would be cruel enough to not let him cum on his birthday, right? Right?
You were used to this too. You were used to the way you touched him, and how to realize when he was almost there. He’d tense and shake like a boat on stormy waters, and he’d moan and whine more, too. He’d announce it, sometimes, but not now. He was expecting a simple one and done. He started whining and moaning and twitching and he didn’t even realize you lift your hand. Once he did, he sputtered “Wh-it’s my birthdaaaay!”
“Russell,” you started. You loved the way he melted when you said his name. “You want me to make you cum, yes?” He nodded. “Then maybe stop whining.”
“B-but it’s-“
“Hey.” You snapped. “Just be patient, honey. Else I won’t make you cum at all.”
You lowered your hand, got him almost there, stopped. Each time he moaned a little more. He was so cute.
“Mmmm~” The look on his face told you he was too scared to say anything, but it was his birthday! How could you do this to him on his birthday?
“You’re a pretty thing,” you sighed, stroking him, “mm, fuck-“, hands off. His stomach heaved up and down. You loved seeing him come apart, at your hand. “Good boy,” once more, past your usual limit. “Hold it.”
“Oh my god, ohhh my god, fuck-fuck, fuck~” And off. “Hnngh….haa, fuck~”
“How’s that, birthday boy?” Maybe a little too fast back down.
“Ohh, I-yeah, yeah, that’s good. I love you. Oh~”
“I love you too, baby. Hold it in.”
“I’m-really close, I’m too close, please-“ Off. “Pleeeease…I’m so fucking hard, wow..”
“That grip on reality is far too good for me to let you cum. Come on, baby, it’s alright. Just turn your mind off.” You could tell he was halfway there already.
“I’m so…I wanna cum so bad, fuck…”
“I know, baby. You’re so cute like this, though.”
You hadn’t even touched him for a minute and he was going crazy. “So bad..so bad…ahh, ahhh~” Back at it. “No, haah, please, I’m gonna-oh, oh, I’m so-“
“Not yet, baby, not yet.” He was a whining mess. “No not yet, darling, not” Off. “yet.”
“Oh my god.” He gulped. “Oh my god. Holy fuck,” and then more. “Ah, fffff-“
“Be a good boy, come on. Not yet, honey, no. No, baby.” Off.
He was already almost screaming. “Fuck!” His baseline was shaking now. 
“Oh, you’re alright, baby boy, you’re doing so good. So so good for me, you’re alright.”
You reached down for more. “N-No, it’s too much, I-“ Off, quicker than usual.
“You okay?”
“I really wanna cum…”
“Heeey,” you cooed. “It’ll be that much better once you do, huh?”
He smiled. “Oh…” He had calmed down a bit, but you brought him right back up instantly. 
“Good kitty, no, not yet. You’re being so good, baby-“
“I’m gonna cum…..’m sooo close, I’m-“
“Not yet.” Off. Almost too close.
“Please-please let me cum, I’ll do anything, I…please, please, ohhhh, aohhhhhh~” It was like you saw his brain turn off in front of your eyes. You knew this one would break him.
“Gooood boy,” you could hardly hear yourself over his loud moans. “You forget how to talk, honey?” He just kind of babbled at you. “Ohhh,” you teased. “Poor poor baby.” You could still tell when he was close though-off. He was drooling a little bit. You liked it. He hardly had the strength to shake anymore.
Once more, I think the neighbors heard that one, and off. “Such a good baby for me.” He looked completely ruined. It made you smile. You waited a minute, but you don’t think he noticed. Finally, “you ready to cum now, honey?” He still couldn’t really talk, but he nodded vigorously and whined expectantly. You couldn’t’ve touched him more than a second before he was gushing out hot cum, staining his nice shirt. The noises he made were indescribable, and it turned you on to high heaven.
“My goodness,” you watched as he just kind of kept on cumming. You thought for sure he would’ve passed out, but he was mumbling something. You couldn’t make out some of it, but you knew he was repeating “I love you…so much, I love you…” He was asleep before too long, and so were you.
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lady-wren-of-tella · 1 year
Okie so one of my current interests is a game called five nights at Freddy’s(fnaf)!! I’ve liked this game series for a long time, it’s honestly one of the longest fandoms that I’ve been in!! Plus fnaf has also been a thing that I’ve liked for so long, I honestly don’t think that I’ll ever stop loving it cause it’s basically apart of my childhood and it’s still something that I love. But anyways, recently a teaser trailer for the movie came out and oh my godddd!!! It looks so good, I’m so bloody excited for the movie!! It’s been in the works for so long and now that we got a teaser trailer AND it’s coming out this year?! AAAHHHHHHH I’m kicking and screaming!!! And and, today a gameplay trailer was released for the new fnaf security breach dlc called ruin and ohhhhhhhh it looks so good as well!!! The design and atmosphere of the game is great, I can’t wait when it comes out so that I can watch gameplay of it!!! And and, I might be able to play it too since my older brother is gonna buy it when it comes out so yayyyyy!!
Okie okie, so my next interest is another video which is Resident Evil 4 remake(re4 remake) and ohhhhhhhh it’s such a bloody pretty game!! The graphics and gameplay is amazingggg!! And and the characters are so pretty too!! My favorite characters from the game are Leon, Ashely, and Luis- and you can call me a simp but I would gladly marry those three because god damn do they look so so pretty and beautiful!! I’m not too far into the game since I’m only watching two friends stream and play it but I’m currently rewatching their stream vods to refresh my memory. But ahhhhhhh the game is so gorgeous and everything about it is so great!! Asmskachkasjkwchajl and and the merchant in re4 remake, aaahhhhhhhh- I like wanna be his friend so bad!! I wanna give him a big ol’ hug each time I see him!! Currently I can’t play it since it’s on the newer gen consoles but whenever I can I’ll definitely 100% play it!!
Finally, my last current interest is an anime called Trigun!! I only recently got into it but ohhhh myyyy godddd does that anime have a grip on me!! The only reason I got into it was because I kept seeing a bunch of TikTok edits of the reboot version of the show which is called Trigun Stampede(I’ll refer to it as TriStamp) so I caved in and I started to watch it and I don’t regret my decision. I was not disappointed!! I loved the characters, the animation, the story- I just loved everything about it!! Then after I finished watching TriStamp a few weeks later I decided why not and I watched the og Trigun. And ohhhhhh myyyyy goddddd, my love for the show grew ten times more!! It was the same show and the same characters but just something about it was so different!!! I just loved it so much!! And and I also watch the movie as well(called Trigun: Badlands Rumble) because I just needed more content!! I’m genuinely so hooked with this anime, the brain rot I have of it is unreal. I recently got two funko pops of my two favorite characters from the anime and I plan to get the rest of the characters but I like wanna get more merch lol xddd Last weekend I saw two figures of two characters from Trigun, I didn’t get them and I regret not buying them but hopefully this weekend me and my brothers will go to the same mall and hopefully, hopefully they’ll still be there that way I can buy them!! There’s also gonna be a TriStamp figure and I want it so baddddd, and and there’s a Trigun and Trigun Maximum deluxe edition manga!! Shubsjjcknskhwkmkfnrk I wanna buy that tooooo!! I’m hoping I’ll be able to get both of these things sometime in the future(maybe even for Christmas but I doubt it.) but ahhhhhh just- the brain rot I have is unbelievable and this show just lives rent free in my mind rn
i've heard about the fnaf movie!! one of my irls loves fnaf and was telling me all about how excited they were for the movie. I dont remember him mentioning anything about the new game being released, but he was super excited about the movie.
ive seen so much abt resident evil (specifically about that one guy named leon) . it actually looks really interesting tbh
IVE SEEN REALLY COOL ART FOR TRIGUN ON TWITTER!!! the one guy with the yellow glasses has such cool character design and its so cool to see how different artists put their own spin on it
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swaghaver69 · 2 years
i hate mice. i grew up in a shitty trailer in the middle of a field in bumfuck nowhere and it had broken windows and holes in the walls and floors and shit and the little motherfuckers would literally crawl in through the fucking windows and shit I WOULD WATCH THEM DO IT and they scared the shit out of me they didn’t pay rent why the fuck were they in my house and they breed and multiply sooo fast ohhhh my god. my dumbass little sister would always leave food out and shit. they scared me so bad. i would see a little motherfucker scurrying out of the corner of my head and whip my head around so fast and my heart would pound immediately and it would be gone because they’re quick and i would have to question whether or not it was real or if i was just seeing shit. my dumbass cats wouldn’t even hunt them or kill them or anything bc they were strays we adopted from the gas station bc they would have died if we didn’t and they didn’t have their mom so they never developed the hunting instinct so they were useless when it came to the mice. one night i was laying on the floor in the pitch black dark on the shitty carpet and i felt a little motherfucker scurry ACROSS MY FUCKING STOMACH. i screamed so loud. i used to sleep on the shitty broken couch we had in the living room in the room with the broken windows and it would be so goddamn cold and drafty and shit. and i would see them scurry around so much. i begged my dad to put out the mouse traps and i heard those shits go off twelve fucking times that night. i wish i was joking. it startled me every time. there were even more after i went to sleep. i just saw a picture of a mouse with its stupid shitty fucking black soulless beady eyes and it reminded me of it. i hate them so much. motherfuckers chew my clothes and leave nasty chewed up paper towels everywhere like places it doesn’t even make sense places paper towels wouldn’t even be. they don’t even pay rent. i hate them so much. full disclosure though if someone told me they had a pet mouse or rat or something i would keep my mouth shut like i wouldn’t joke about wanting to crush it to death or anything bc i know it’s fucked to say that about someone’s pets even if it’s a thing you hate like i get it i literally have pet slugs and i want a pet tarantula one day. im just telling my feelings here on my blog dot com. stay tuned for my next post on why i have a fear of teeth
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