#when i was first getting into drawing as a serious hobby dragons were my first muse!
l48yr1nth · 10 months
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noivern and swoobat are very similar when you think about it...........! swoobat feels like noivern's goofy cousin or something to me. love it!!
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greypetrel · 1 year
Hey!! <3 For the writing questions, 4 (in Italian or English or both c:), 19, 26, 36
Hello there! <3
Ooooooooooooh number 4 is such a cool question! Thanks for asking it!!
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
I love ideophones, onomatopoeic words that sounds as the thing they're describing. LOVE THEM.
Croccante (crunchy), in italian, it just gives you that idea of crunchiness when you say it! /krok-KAN-teh/ Sibilo/Hissing (meaning the same thing), you need to hiss to pronounce them? Wonderful.
Give me some well-done allitteration and I'll be yours forever, also don't let me start talking about Coleridge who was a genius in giving sound to his poetry ("furrow followed free" *swoons*)
I also love big, altisonant and funny-sounding words that takes too much time to say, or, as a person who studied philology, words that have history to them.
Pantagruelism (buffoonery or coarse humor with a satirical or serious purpose : cynical humor ) (also buffoonery is a great word) Boycott (to engage in a concerted refusal to have dealings with (a person, a store, an organization, etc.) usually to express disapproval or to force acceptance of certain conditions) who comes from the name of an Irishman that just... Decided to stop paying taxes to the English.
As "Feral" in the sense of words I can't stand... anything with a "squelchy" sound (squelch is another onomatopoeic word... But it's a kind of sounds that triggers me and I can't stand xD). "Squelch", "Moist", in italian "Ciuccio" (EEEEW. Ciuccio is probably one of the words I find the most horrible ever. PLEH. /TCHOO-tchow/ . I repeat. PLEH.)
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I started very early on as a hobby. In my family we all write little silly stories for funsies, so I just... Followed the example and wrote my own. I think I started writing prose along with comics (a friend and me used to draw little comics one for the other). I came to an abrupt stop with prose in my early 20s: I started playing GDRs that worked with writing what your character did... And it was fun, but I was getting problems with Anxiety, very stressed, and a couple of bad comments convinced me my prose was boring and hard to read. I felt EXTREMELY self-conscious about it and stopped with prose whatsoever, just stuck to comics and screenwriting where I could rely on drawing. I got back to prose... In September, with Dragon Age fics. It's being a difficult and busy period, but I still needed some creative outlet. So I started to write because it's quicker than comics, I can do it on my phone, with zero instruments to bring along and needing no space. It was just for my own consumption, when inspirations stroke or I played something that left me with a "Yes that was good... But I want MORE of it. I think the first think I blorted out was this Trespasser piece (it's longer on my file, there's an extract). I started to write pieces here and there... And then thought it would have been nice to have a place to put them all in order. And sent a request to AO3. (as a person who once said "No I could never write fanfiction!". Look at us, little me, we're getting better!)
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
Massively daydreaming, doodling things, roleplaying them in my head. DnD alignments and personality tests GREATLY help me to get to know them better (MBTI works fine as guidelines, as Tarot cards and even Zodiac Signs. Don't believe in Astrology, but as a personality test it's fine enough). Listening to music and imagining scenes and scenarios on it. Whatever works. I get out when I need to focus on other things, mainly I change the playlist. xD
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
I know passion and believing in my opinions and standing up and making them heard. I know sadness and melancholy, I know of crippling anxiety and being scared and feeling little... And how to live with it. I know blood does not run thicker than water, and that sometimes your family is not the one you're born with, but the one you find for yourself. I know of distances, and that they don't really matter with the right people, not today, not with internet. I know kindness even if it's still a work in progress. I know my mistakes and of trying to learn from those and getting better. I like to think I know of books, or that I am enthusiast enough to reference them and take inspirations from dead authors, lore and mythologies, finding patterns and recurrencies. I know of sailing and the sea, and I'm lucky to know what it feels like to have an animal choose you as its companion.
... And this is getting sappy and too lyrical so I'll stop. Oh, I know when I'm getting sappy too!
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suspectz · 2 years
Day 4: Paint a self-portrait
I couldn’t paint a self-portrait because:
I don’t have paints.*
As much as I love to do exactly as I’m told each day, one of my tenets is “avoid being wasteful” and I know that if I were to have bought paints for today, it’s highly likely that I wouldn’t use them again this year and end up throwing them away come moving day. I say this because that is exactly what happened last year. So instead, I drew a self-portrait.
I used to draw all the time as a child, like most young boys, I would copy drawings of superheroes and anime characters, as well as designing my own characters in those universes. As I write this, memories from my past keep on flashing in my mind; I vividly remember going out as a young child to our local library so that I could use the free computers they have there to search up images (e.g. “dragon ball easy goku super saiyan drawing”), then I would use what little pocket money I had saved – or preferable loose change I had found in the house – to pay the 5-10 pence fee per page to print all the drawings I would wanted. Being the low-income but tech-savvy child that I was, rather than print individual images from google, I would first copy them into Word and resize the images so that I could fit more images per page.
However, in all my years of drawing, and all my years of non-drawing since, I don’t think I’ve ever done a self-portrait. I found the idea of drawing myself quite uncomfortable – despite my username, I consider myself to be more of a witness or observer than a direct subject of scrutiny itself. Because of this, I initially procrastinated on starting drawing. But I really want to commit myself to this and I couldn’t let myself skip when it’s only Day 4. As with most activities I enjoy, once I actually started drawing, I became hyper-fixated on it: I started drawing at 8pm and 10 minutes later it was 9:18pm. I often get so enthralled by my hobbies that I forget to eat or drink for hours on end and longer activities often result in me working on something day and night until it is exactly how I envision it or as close as I can reasonably get without accidentally committing a real-life game over.
I’m immensely proud with how the drawing came out. So proud that I reckon no one should ever be allowed to see it. I'm joking of course.
*You may be wondering, "why make a list with only one item? Can that even be considered a list? What makes a list a list?" If so, please sit yourself down in “The Interrogation Booth” with a warm cup of Joe’s best coffee and a pig pink donut and pose such philosophically rich questions there. Don't worry, you're not a suspect - I am. I will provide the wittiest one-liner or non-sequitur my last two brain cells can think of (or perhaps even a serious answer *gasp*). If you’re not wondering things like this, then my apologies for stopping your scrolling and please be on your way.
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cloudy-rainn · 2 years
greetings and salutations~
hope you’ve been well! id like to request a matchup for bsd, jjk, and tokyorev pleasee
im a 20 year old, 5’3 or 5’4 (one of those two..) pinay. i have short black hair with some bits of dark brown at the ends from when i bleached it before and an undercut at the back. i have big black almond eyes with round glasses and am kinda light to med skinned. im relatively lightweight but still have some tone cuz sis lost sum muscle 😭
personality and etc:
heterosexual/genderfluid (she/her is my go-to default)/asexual
(im not a firm believer in zodiac since i get along with everyone anyway but-)
western zodiac sign: sagittarius
moon: sagittarius :>
rising: libra
eastern zodiac sign: dragon
enneagram: 8w9
(im sure this explains most of my personality but ill jus put into detail here if ya wanna know)
my core personality:
more on the chill and vibey side. i express more ambivert energy. ive been described as patient, kind, realistic, understanding, quiet, straightforward, open, honest, tsundere¿, creative… and wacky?? lmaO i got sum crackhead energy too so gotta love that. i love to take care of those i cherish deeply, im BIG strict on mental health, im kinda quiet and reserved first impression, zero tolerance for toxicity, nocturnal (night owl over here ;-;), hard worker, a bit more tomboyish but womanly if ya know ya know 💅🏼i still embrace my childish antics :3 so i tend to wander and get distracted sometimes and stare off into space o-o, rather sweet and gentle with things i find precious and am naturally kind/affectionate to those i endear, im sometimes clumsy and hurt myself. i was one of those kids that sees a lizard and yells “LIZARD” running after it. im also giddy and stupidly silly :3 like i would laugh at something i found funny even after it has passed LOL. im a teaser :> i love to be playful with people. it’s basically a hobby at this point. like i tend to laugh at my own jokes lmaO im always in for a good time
however, when it gets serious, i can be aggressive. i can b a hypocrite sometimes.. i dont always take care of myself when im super focused, tend to heavily isolate when in the deep end but quite forgiving and understanding nevertheless. im quite comfortable with my dark side and can handle myself well but i require a lot of patience and determination. im quite empathetic with people as i pick up energies in a room. i will scold you if you’re not taking care of yourself and will tell you straight up what i think. if it’s serious time, im respectful and polite. but also im naturally curious and can be keen to seeing things that people dont usually pick up on
Love Language:
physical touch and quality time. so - yes ( ͡≖ ‿ ͡≖) - im a big time cuddle bear for sfw and a bit more dom in the not 🤭. but i get flustered with small affectionate gestures or doting behavior. i jus get so MMMM O////O. im not inclined to superficiality because bonding is what matters most to me
my favorite color is pumpkin orange
acai bowls, jelly beans :3, animals, criminology/forensics, video games, collecting things, formal events (tho i favor more of a humble living than luxury), baking and artsy stuff (sewing, crocheting, drawing, occasional designing, etc), performing arts stuff (dance, music), fashion: streetwear/comfy style and sometimes more bold wear 👀
disrespect, overly sensitive controlling and exclusive people, aggressive confrontation, unreliable people, avocado, sausage, out of tune singers, unsatisfying things, unreasonably-hard-to-open products 🤨
sorry for the essay hope it wasnt too much!
hsjdjdkhaha, it’s okay, the more the better :)
also hello fellow intj 😩✊
i match you with RAMPO EDOGAWA!
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- the agency is tired of the both of you (even though you don’t work there). y’all basically are like twins.
- you are the one that approaches him first. you were just being a normal civilian until you heard rather suspicious noises. you follow the sound and you see rampo. vending machine. his hand was stuck inside the vending machine and he didn’t know what to do. fortunately for him, you quickly helped him while also secretly telling him how to scam the machine.
-and that’s when he knew you were the one. after that encounter he would definitely give you his number and would frequently text you, asking you the most random and weirdest questions.
- he’ll ask you to join during his investigations. very chaotic i say. you two would definitely fool around for a while but will always get the job done.
- you would ask him out first. he’s definitely the type to playfully flirt but when it comes to confessing how he feels, it’s not an easy task for him.
- he would take you to a serene & quiet place for a date. he feels more comfortable and open when it’s only the two of you. he’ll definitely ask a lot of questions because he wants to get to know you better.
- you’re the only person he shares his snacks with.
- a lot of playful fighting. sometimes when he’s being sneaky he’ll steal a kiss or two, to throw you off guard.
- maNS loves giving back hugs. also he constantly kisses the back of your hands and forehead.
i match you with GOJO SATORU!
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- yes y’all are the entp x intj troupe. 🤡
- also please get this man a leash. he is wild.
- you two knew each other from high school days. you used to hang out with him and getou. then everything took a terrible turn and you just lost contact with him.
- then, one day out of the blue as you were walking home with your weekly supply of jellybeans a tall figure stands in front of you. " do you believe in love at first sight or should i walk by again?"
- it definitely took you a couple of seconds to register that annoying voice. you looked him straight in the eye and walked away. of course mr. man whore here followed you, pestering you with millions of questions. you getting annoyed decided to have a catch up with each other at the cafe.
- you noticed how he hasn't changed one bit, still the same annoying brat from before. you missed this.
- you two start to hang out more often. he usually drops by your place, bringing sweets and pastries (when he is supposed to be helping the first years) for the both of you.
- when he asked you out the first time, you turned him down. you weren't exactly sure about your feelings but after some time you did come around and BOOM- y'all were one weird ass couple.
- the most random date night. sometimes this man will BRING you to help him during an investigation and call it a date <3
- megumi can't comprehend what you find appealing about him.
- okay okay, enough gojo slander now but i now he DEFINITELY spoils you. you want it, he buys it.
- mans gets jealous if you spend more time with the first years than him.
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szlolla · 3 years
Dear My Candy Love...
19/03/2012 (d/m/y) I created my first and only account in my candy love (amor doce), when I was eleven years old. Now, nine years later, the series is about to end and I have mixed feelings about it. It's bittersweet to see something you love become "weird", as if it is not for you anymore, but I realize the game was not meant to grow with us.
When I played it for the first time, I could see myself in Candy even though I was not in High School. And that is what the game is about. Most of the things she said, did or even suffered I could relate, but now as a college student I can't say the same. Not only because it is too fictional, but how the game limits us and it becomes less something about choices and more about simply dating... And it is okay, because this is what the teens expect about life.
In HSL, me and Candy had the same struggles: making friends; dealing with bullying and some serious, yet not extreme, topics; understanding our own feelings; and even school projects were a little similar. All the boys were somehow interesting for us, in their own ways, personalities and hobbys. It was a little stereotypical, yes, and yet so fun! When all friends gathered together at Iris' house I felt that so deep and cool and in real life I was doing the same thing!
In 2018 University Life launched and with it the worst choice by beemov: change the AP system. Also, the second worst choice came and I was shook: change 3/5 of the LIs. The most popular ones, Nath and Cass, stayed and it is no surprise, but Armin, Lysandre and Kentin just went poof. Do not get me wrong, I know things like that happen all the time, but some people literally paid so they could have clothes, images and even action figures of their favorite LIs. I consider this the start of the downfall, and I know many people do too.
I did not play UL until 2019, when I got accepted in College, and... well, it is bad. Here on tumblr the community created their own OCs from the game, and seeing so many personalities and choices I knew UL would not live up to this. It is hard for a game to have this many possibilities, but after years and years of HSL I really think it was just beemoov's laziness. UL is a money maker, LL as well, and I am not afraid to say that. The game did not stepped up on anything, the writing did not grow and the extreme slow pacing (if you don't buy APs) makes UL and LL "experience" something close to watch a slice of bread mold.
The new LIs aren't a problem to me, except Hyun 'cause that outfit is just horrendous and he wears it 24/7 (just imagine a Mc Donalds worker using the uniform always). I just can't relate anymore to Candy, and her story is not thrilling. I am in episode 14 and basically nothing relevant happened, except finally kissing my LI. Priya and Hyun are so boring as just friends, while Nath has a truly dramatic plot and Cassy, well, he is even more charming as a true rockstar. Candy, Rosa and Armin became a friendship painful to watch, as they just text to talk about study and even if it is something more than that it is forgettable (ik Rosa suffered, I am talking about before that, and by the way it is a crime they did not give us any image of the three together at Rosa's apartment lol). A total of one image (the one from ep 9, so it is just.... well, a dream) feature Chani, and she is basically an angel and the best girl for helping Candy since day one. To summarize, nothing really matters except our crush... and for a old game with a strong playerbase, it could be more than just a dating simulator.
I did not play LL, but.... damn, I kinda don't want to so I cannot say much to be honest.
So, just to wrap it up: personally, I think the game didn't really grow to pace with us, older players, but if the player is still young it is very enjoyable - specially HSL. I might cry enough to fill up a bucket when it is officially over hahaha (even tho I will truly play the final episode next year due this stupid ap system djsdjsd)
Just to add: I am truly grateful for all the love I received here, from followers to drawings and asks! Thank you! I will not delete this Tumblr, probably just make it something more personal (I slowly am by reposting things from other games lol)
I feel I cannot express myself enough in my second language, so I will cut here and everything else is in Portuguese.
DESGRAÇA de empresa fudida ruim do caralho estragou o jogo que eu amei desde os meus onze anos INFERNOOOOOOOO
O HSL é lindo do jeito que é, mesmo com seus defeitos. Jogar o UL é comparável a comer um tijolo, nem consigo imaginar o LL e talvez a cria de 6 cabeças que vai ser o próximo jogo da beemoov. Todo o orçamento do UL/LL foi pro Eldarya e ngm vai me provar o contrário.......
O UL dá um sentimento de fanfic escrita por uma menina de 14 anos: nenhum personagem secundário importa, nenhum evento é relevante para a história e tudo ronda em um relacionamento rushado.
Mas a real é que o jogo já não é mais pras pré-históricas como eu que esperam um plot coerente em tudo... Mas que o HSL é mais bem elaborado que o UL e LL juntos é inegável.
Chani foi injustiçada para um caralho qnd a beemoov nao botou a lenda em nenhuma imagem real no UL. Carregou a do7 nas costas desde o ep 1 junto com a outra lenda Yeleen.
A Ambre, a garota do saco de batatas, amadureceu mais que a docete... outra lenda, mas essa ao menos apareceu em algumas imagens.
Kim não ser um LI nao faz sentido com a minha fantasia....
Acho que é isso....... Estou em estado catatônico e só um novo Dragon Age pra me reviver.
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evostrashbin · 4 years
Any backstory or headcanons for your Kiran? It’s fun to hear the backstories of other summoners! Or if that’s too broad uh...why did she pick Grima? What do they have in common how did they learn to get along etc
Oho buckle up now this is about to get LONG since I had a few months to think about these kind of things 👀 (These are purely headcanons for my personal version of Kiran of course! Some of this might be a little dark so TW for abuse mention , please skip parts that make you feel uncomfortable! Also keep in mind I'm no native english speaker and haven't written anything long in ages )
Her backstory is nothing out of the ordinary, she's been summoned to Askr from our dimension & current time and was just a normal person before she became the summoner. She's pretty thrilled by her new role and takes her duty very serious (even if some of my art might suggest otherwise haha) and is absolutely fascinated by now being surrounded by magic, dragons and literal gods, things she normally only knew & loved from fairytales! Coming from an abusive family she not once looked back and never had the desire to return to her old realm and is happily living in Askr now. Her and Grima originally started out on a weird kind of fascination coming from both sides, with Kiran being completely unafraid of Grima the second she summoned him, he found that very odd since the usual reaction of people seeing him is fear, but Kiran was just... happy he showed up and not in a way of „Wow a powerful god I can use for his power“ but just genuine, foolish excitement. Considering he was the first evil dragon god she ever summoned she was just very intrigued by him, wanted to know more about him and why so many of other heroes were so afraid of him. So she made it her mission to get to know him a little better and make him feel welcome in his new home (But making sure to give him space if needed!). Grima was a little annoyed by that at first, asking her why she keeps pestering him but also just perplexed by her actively seeking out his company with seemingly no goal (at least none that made sense to him, why would anyone seek him out on their own if not to appease to him for his power to use it for their own selfish gain). Considering his distrust and straight up hatred towards humankind he's not exactly kind to her in the beginning since he suspects ulterior motives, but Kiran doesn't let that discourage her and she's not taking any of it. If anything it just makes her wonder why he despises humans so much (and yet has chosen a human vessel...) , why he's so full of hatred and since she's stubborn, she just keeps „pestering“ him. Though he would never admit it, he finds himself enjoying her company, this odd little human who doesn't fear him at all from a realm unlike anything he's ever known before and ends up slowly warming up to her (in his own way, means he's getting less insulting and starts having actual conversations with her, he finds himself very intrigued by the fact that neither dragons nor gods exist in her realm and so does magic and yet she's the one Breidablik has chosen to get that kind of power? Also Kiran has the patience of a saint even when Grima is testing that alot at times ) After a while they both start sharing bits of their pasts with each other (Imagine Grima still being kinda snarky, but in a less mean way haha. Also Grima being very much suprised at Kiran not abandoning him after learning about his past), and learn that they're not so different from each other in some ways, touching common ground in the experience of having had the ugliness of humanity having turned them repulsive and disappointed (Due to Kiran's almost life-long experience with physically and mentally abusive parents that were only interested in her as a resource, and not as a person and once she had no use or didn't obey their wishes, they just straight up told her everyone would be better off without her and that she should've never been born and essentially making her believe that everything wrong in the world is her fault & blaming her for it because she's just „ such a terrible child“ (just to keep it very short, we're not going to dive into the really ugly details) . They bond over having parental figures who treat their whole existance as a mistake as soon as they lost total control over it and people just constantly using them as a resource for their own gain. Basically trauma-bonding at its finest, both have seen and experienced some of the ugliest sides of humanity. This leads to Kiran now understanding where Grima's hatred comes from. (Though Grima genuinely asks himself how Kiran doesn't t hate all of humanity after her experiences...) With her newfound understanding she decides to show Grima that not all of humanity is ugly and selfish and cruel ( a lesson she had to learn herself for years and still sometimes struggles with, but she's determined to show Grima that there's people he can trust, even if it might just be her) and wants to give him a chance to start new in Askr and leave his past behind so even he might be able to find happiness. She's not striving to drastically change him though, she wants to help him cope with his experiences and give him a chance to live a somewhat normal life (as much as that's possible for someone as Grima) , following his longing to just be human. Grima in return might not openly show it, but he really appreciates her efforts in treating him with kindness and (mostly) like a normal person and not a lost cause beyond any redemption that's just 100% pure evil and never deserves anything good happening to them. So they slowly build a relationship on mutual trust, Kiran just likes him the way he is despite him not exactly being a good person (she's well aware he's flawed but so is she in the end and all the ‘ugly’ parts of him and his past are just a part of him)  .It's... new and not unpleasant to him, having someone who wants him around who isn't just blindly worshipping him or staying out of fear. It's just a whole new experience for him that comes with having to deal with a whole lot of unknown emotions over time ;) That's what it boils down to to keep it short! Do not let yourself get deceived though, the only person Grima is kinda soft with is Kiran and pretty much exclusively when it's just the two of them since Grima does not want to have other people see him kinda vulnerable or think of him as weak, He'll still threaten to kill other people while calling Kiran his worm (in a loving way haha). Kiran herself also isn't just endless patience and kindness, she also likes to mess around at times with Grima and has her own struggles and flaws, if she'd ever get a fallen alt it would probably be a duo unit of her and Grima where she gives up believing into there being some good in the world and turns her back to it with Grima, giving in to despair and seeking to just destroy everything with him when all the bad things get too overwhelming. oh also some random headcanons for Kiran! -She's prone to overworking herself since she takes her work very serious, fell asleep in the library and the castle gardens more than once due to exhaustion, got to a point where even Grima scolded her for it to take more care of her health. -She's nocturnal so you'll find her wandering around the castle at weird times, often makes for nice and silent meetings with Grima just to talk when nobody else is around since he doesn't sleep alot. -She enjoys drawing as a hobby in Askr and keeps a sketchbook which she uses to make sketches and sometimes even studies of all kinds of heroes she finds interesting! She once made a detailled study of Grima's dragon form and gifted it to him on the day of devotion c:
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synvamp · 5 years
Great Expectations
Fair Game Week 2020: Day 1 - Flirting
Clover’s briefings are always a nice way to end the day… a confidence boost and a glorious view. What’s not to like? But Mr Military doesn’t seem quite his usual cocky self today. Seems like he could use a little R’n’R and Qrow is only too ready to help the man relax.  
I am thrilled to be bringing you this ridic nonsense as my first taste for Fair Game Week.
Rating: T
For @amber-aglio because we do need more nerdy fair game. Well, I do XD
They were in the briefing room. They were always in the briefing room. Qrow was starting to feel like he lived in the damn place.
He let his eyes sweep over the shining metal surfaces. Blue lights and displays flashed, making his eyes twitch after a long day in the field. They hadn’t been part of the whole Atlas machine for very long and already Clover had everyone eating out of his hand. If he hadn’t had abs you could grate cheese on, Qrow might have been annoyed at the guy.
But he did… and he had pecs which always looked like they were about to burst out of his vest… and guns which Qrow absolutely knew could pin you to a wall for a good hour before any noticeable fatigue. Hmmm…
Daydreaming about Clover’s body was a good way to spend the time while the Ace Ops leader gave his motivational speeches. The speeches were good but they were aimed at the kids and, well… the daydreaming was all the motivation Qrow needed anyway. This speech was about down time… mental health? There was a lot of arm crossing and serious, concerned sort of looks so Qrow had gotten lost pretty early in the piece.
As Clover had started to wrap up, Qrow had noticed that there was a slight change in the man’s demeanour. It wasn’t just the crossed arms. He seemed preoccupied, his eyes flicking over the room with more than their usual intensity. The speech had also seemed a bit… passionate? Perhaps hinting that there was a personal note to it. It was intriguing.
Maybe we’ve all been working a little too hard…
Qrow had gotten into the habit of hanging back after the final pep talk to steal a few words alone with the Ace Op leader. It was a nice way to finish the day… he would say something cynical about whatever Clover had been orating on and he’d get a few extra lines of that Clover positivity all to himself. He hated to admit it but it did make him feel good… and the view was good too. Clover also seemed to enjoy it and he’d begun waiting for Qrow. Every day they spoke a little longer and Qrow found it just a little harder to tear himself away.
As Qrow approached for their evening ritual, he noted the tension in Clover’s shoulders. The way his fingers were clenched tight.
“Whatever helps take the edge off, huh?” Qrow asked, one eyebrow raised.
“It’s important that we keep morale up, we both know that things are only going to get harder from here on in.” Qrow was a little taken aback. Clover was ever the commanding officer but he was usually less formal when it was just the two of them.
“Yeah, I might need a little more guidance. I’m practically all edge these days,” Qrow grumbled. It was part joke and part admission but he hoped he could draw out a response. They were only colleagues but Clover’s friendly concern had opened a door between them. Qrow had to admit he was a little invested in Clover’s good mood these days.
And in his smile.
And in his deliciously dimpled ass.
Clover turned and looked at him properly; Qrow could see the tiny flicker of concern on his face before he smiled easily, “I’m sure we could find something.”
Qrow tried not to think about “something”. He hadn’t exactly picked the best time to give up drinking… but he knew from experience that there was no good time. Only now.
Or never.
“How about a spar?” Clover asked, his eyes twinkling. That idea seemed to cheer him up. Qrow thought about agreeing, just to get a few more minutes of that smile… but it had been a long day and he reluctantly decided that he probably didn’t have another two hours of action left in him.
“Where do you get your energy? We’ve been shredding grimm for hours…” he smiled, trying to convey that he was more than interested, just tired.  
“That was work! This is recreation,” Clover winked but the usual twinkle in his eyes was missing.
“Don’t you have any… hobbies?” Qrow asked hopefully. If there was something they could do together which Clover enjoyed… that would be a good distraction, for both of them.
Surely the man has one hobby that you can do sitting down?
“Ahh…” Clover looked away, his cheeks taking a hint of colour.
“Hey, hey… that’s a face I haven’t seen before. Spill, Boy Scout.”
“Oh, no… it’s nothing.”
Look at his face! It’s so cute… I have to know what in the world he’s thinking about! “Come on! I haven’t got the best attention span you know. If you don’t keep me engaged I’ll get distracted and wander off.”
Clover laughed, “Oh… my hobbies are all… lame. You wouldn’t like them.”
“I don’t need to like them. I just need to like looking at your face while you tell me about them… which is red by the way.”
And it was. A line of pink had surged from his collar and settled on his cheeks in a way which was so enticing. Qrow’s mind instantly went to the other things that might bring such a flush of colour to these usually so tightly controlled features…
“Well, that’s embarrassing…” Clover scratched the back of his head and looked away.
It’s adorable is what it is.
“I’ve seen worse,” Qrow grinned, “Come on, you have to tell me now. There’s been too much build up.”
Clover met his eyes briefly then looked away, “I like to role play…”
Qrow’s eyes widened, “Well o…kay… now that is…”
“Dungeons and dragons! Oh my gods Qrow!” Clover coughed, laughing and choking all at once.
“Don’t look so disappointed!”
“I’m sorry… It’s just you meet a guy and he cuffs you in the first two minutes, it gets your expectations up,” Qrow shrugged, grinning.
And boy had it ever. Between the luck semblance, the winks, that BODY and the handcuffs… Clover Ebi had made, and continued to make, a hell of an impression.
“You are never going to stop talking about that, are you?”
“I do love inappropriate stories…” Qrow gave the man a quirk of his expressive, dark brows.
“I was completely professional,” Clover insisted, a little too hard.
“You walked past the relic to wave your uh… horseshoe in my face,” Qrow laughed, not quite ready to admit that he still had the occasional dream about the view from down there.
Clover looked away, “Ah, you noticed that, huh?”
“Yes. Yes I did.”
Understatement of the year.
“Well… uhh… I guess unless you want to come and raid a dungeon or two, I should let you go,” Clover turned away, his face still flushed.
Qrow watched him carefully. He knew there was something there between them… maybe just a little more time… he took a few steps which brought him abreast with Clover.
I can’t leave him all pent up like this… and he’s blushing.
I never knew how much I needed to know that he blushes…
“So… tell me… you got some kind of pansexual bard half-elf, yeah?” Qrow teased.
“uhh… rogue. She’s an assassin, actually. And yes, ok she is gay but it kind of comes with the territory when you play with Marrow…” Clover coughed and fiddled with a display, avoiding meeting Qrow’s eyes.
“I’m just going to file that away,” Qrow laughed, “I never thought you’d be such a nerd!”
“Really? Have you met me?” Clover finally chuckled.
“So… what’s her name?” Qrow asked casually.
“Cute. Shame she’s gay though.”
“Well, my pansexual bard half-elf won’t know what to do with her now, will he?”
It took Clover two full minutes to learn how to speak again. Qrow just waited, revelling in the astonishment which slowly turned to joy.
“He could try not to die. That would be a start…” Clover finally blustered.
“I think Jynx could manage that,” Qrow raised a saucy eyebrow.
“Jynx!? What the hell?” Clover laughed.
“Come on, you’ll love him. All his does is write love songs and start bar fights, real charmer.”
“No, I mean…” the green eyes fixed on him, wide with wonder.
“You kids always think you invented everything,” Qrow tutted.
“Uh… so you really want to…?”
“I’d still prefer the handcuffs if I’m honest but I’ll take what I can get,” Qrow grinned, “Unless you have other plans?”
“Uhhh… no… just… wait a moment, ok?” Clover walked away then popped back a minute later.
“What was that about?”
The green eyes met his and Clover twirled a pair of cuffs on one finger in a familiar, cocky gesture, “Just in case,” he winked.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 24: Someone Actually Called the Cops.
So recently I was like, “I should do something different than my usual” and I decided to open up a little thread for critiquing ppl’s short stories, and I kid you not, the very first story I got was someone’s Seto Kaiba erotica. Which, even in erotica form, did not have very much romance in it. So, now that Yugioh will apparently haunt my every waking move forever until I die, lets get back to S4. Lets desperately get back to canon. I miss canon.
Last we left off, Kaiba lost KaibaCorp...again. Really feels like he loses this company once every couple of years (weeks if we count season 1-3). Except, this time, Dartz didn’t read the fine print in the legal files that says the company must be run by a member of the Kaiba family. While that was a huge plot point with Pegasus, turns out that Seto and Mokuba’s memories have been blended so thoroughly, like a very fine Shadow Realm smoothie, that they just...forgot.
And like I’m positive that Roland remembers, but Roland’s not gonna say something and accidentally reveal he’s the 4th Kaiba brother and have to get abducted all the time and actually work for a living. Anyways, they forgot why Pegasus abducted them in the first place in Season 1, and honestly, so did the writers of this season 4 years later. Not like it mattered, because if Seto and Mokuba did take Dartz to court, the world would end before their case would even start.
Which is how, after one talk with Roland, Seto and Mokuba just sort of laid prone on the metaphorical ground and let it wash over them that yes, KaibaCorp is gone.
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I really like this extra-long helicopter, PS.
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Both members of Kaiba’s Sunglasses Army decided to align themselves with Kaiba, although honestly, I don’t think anyone else in this company has realized that they’ve been bought. It happened...1 hour ago. Like what do you even do if your company randomly gets bought in the middle of a workday? Like no lead up, no indication, just BAM you’ve been bought?
And if Duke works for Pegasus who got bought out by Dartz and then Dartz bought Kaiba Corp-------What does that make Duke? Is he gonna have to start wearing sunglasses inside?
Anyway, Roland knows better than to tell Seto Kaiba he doesn’t work for him anymore while still in the same helicopter as Seto Kaiba, who already crashed one plane today and will crash yet another plane before this episode is through.
(read more under the cut)
Seto decides to align with Yugi since he needs to confront Dartz eventually. Which is when we find out that Seto always planned to align with Yugi and was just giving him a really hard time.
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Because over the last several episodes, Seto has had an entire team at this random museum in Florida in order to take some pictures (that really should have already been on the internet but wtv, it was 2003 so maybe it wasn’t?)
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It’s like most of the way through s4 and the biker ninjas still send me. How did he make SO MANY biker ninjas? At what point was Dartz like...and now...all my mooks...will be ninja bikers. Or orcs. Mostly Ninja bikers.
Did Alister or the others ever tell him “hey, Master Dartz, I get that your 10000 years old but like...do you not understand what a biker is?” and was Dartz like
“clearly bikers are the most evil thing in the world, obviously.” completely unaware that most bikers are just 45 year old accountants.
In these scenes we also get a gander at their laptops and, if you ever want to see high level life crippling OCD anxiety in picture form, it’s illustrated very clearly right here:
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Not only did they draw this keyboard in 1 pt perspective, they used like a ruler to draw all those letters so they were the same size. Some artist put so much time getting this nice and crisp and smooth...and then this happened.
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And I’m pretty sure they died after that. I’m pretty sure this scene killed an artist.
It’s at this point that Yami kinda puts two and two together and was like “WE BOUGHT PLANE TICKET’S, YOU ASSHOLES.”
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(It’s been such a long time since we’ve seen Mokuba smile like this, and it’s because he’s been hiding the fact for So Many Episodes that he and his brother prepped like hours ago to get this huge dunk on the rest of the party. He just wants to dunk on them so bad. Look at him. His company was bought today. BUT he gets to spend time with his bro dunking.)
Serious question, will Delta refund your flight if the Great Leviathan appears in the sky and tries to eat your soul to reboot the world from the ground up?
Of course not. They will never refund your flight. Trick question.
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We switch back over to Rebecca and Duke, who have been absent from this show for so long, I actually forgot what Duke’s name was and had to think for like...5 entire minutes until I remembered that his nickname sounds like a poop and I was like “oh man, what name of poop would it be???” and then I recalled “Dookie. Yes. His name is literally Dookie. Wow that took way too long!”
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Then we start a story arc I’d to call “My Kingdom For a Sharpen Filter” where, much like King Lear, the Yugi crew splays themselves on a battle field just strewn with different ways to sharpen an image, but can’t for the life of them use any other one, but the one deep in the heart of what is now DartzCorp.
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And so yes, we are going to fly to San Fransisco, hop into ye Olde KaibaCorp, and log into proto-Noah in order to read a language that Arthur Hawkins can already read.
This is nonsense, but they put it there because it’s something to do. And honestly, it’s not a card game, so I’m down for this change-up. Lets go visit a version of Noah’s brain. At least they won’t drop an orichalcos for the 12th episode in a row.
On the way, Seto decides to try and egg on Yugi.
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This backfires as you expect it will because Yami doesn’t freakin care. Like he’s not Yugi, he doesn’t care who the King of Games is, he harnesses freakin Dark Magic. The Wizard never cares if he’s King Arthur or not, and in fact, he probably prefers it....
..................Except in that spinoff where they had Yugi as a reincarnation of King Henry VII.
...................................................never mind.
And then Seto Kaiba says this actual line and I just...
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This entire show is just watching Yugi desperately cling to his scary ass hobbies. The tagline of Yugioh is “1001 reasons to go back to school and get a real job.”
What does Kaiba think Yugi does when he’s not around? Does he actually think Yugi attends school or sleeps at night or works an actual job? Like...he thinks Yugi has...NO HOBBIES.
Very interesting insight into what Seto considers a hobby and not hobby.
Especially since this Yami, who spends most of his spare time farting around his scary ass brain castle and getting lost. Occasionally he is forced on a date with Tea and wipes minds. That’s it. That’s all the things Yami does outside of hobbies.
Anyway, what is Dartz doing during all of this?
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After this, Dartz pulls back the literal curtains on this room to reveal these candles that each hold the soul of someone he’s murdered.
There are not NEARLY enough candles for this segment.
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A very brave man to have candles littered on the floor when his hair is down to his ass and all of his mooks have floorduster coats.
I really want to know what the local arts and crafts store thought when Dartz strode in there and bought every single tiny styrafoam skull during the Halloween sale and was like “can I put souls in these? You sell the kind I can put souls in, right?” and then immediately pulled out like a dozen 50% off coupons like a complete asshole.
Anyway, using this candle hocus pocus, Dartz uses the Orichalcos powers to take advantage of something Yugi did in the first episode. We distantly recall there was a giant eyeball in the sky--turns out if you bust up the eyeball with, lets say, a card that has a dragon on it, the eyeball will explode into many tiny Orichalcos pieces that will fall all over planet Earth.
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So apparently Yugi didn’t save anyone at all when he busted that eyeball, because he instead set in motion Dartz’ evil plan to eventually use these many tiny Orichalcos pieces like the one seen here, to kill the hell out of people.
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Good job, Yugi. Too bad you missed the Actual Bakura.
In fact, actual Bakura is probably the only one who survived this incident because I guarantee that Ryou Bakura is too busy eating all the contents of his fridge out of stress. He’s probably opened his window at this point, seen the crazy lights in the sky and in the street and was like  “Blooooooody nope nopenopenopenopenope” and just locked the windows and doors, turned up Hercule Poirot to max volume, and stuffed his face with cookies.
(Or biscuits, I guess.)
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I don’t know how to tally that.
Yugioh not only broke the tally I was using to measure the distance they spent commuting this season, it also broke the tally on the amount of people who have died on this children’s show.
That’s a really big number.
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We’ve had real duel monsters for a couple weeks but youknow...this time they’re extra, extra, extra real. More so than the last times. Also they’re all Orichalcos versions of their cards so their extra edge now. They’re the hot topic versions of what were already pretty hot-topic ass cards.
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MMM. We come full circle, back at a dock, a warehouse, and some huge ass boat.
Right where we belong. Where all friends meet, where we can all finally be one.
Yugioh found one of the only cities that has a very famous and tourist heavy pier/warehouse district in it just so the Yugi gang could finally feel comfortable in their natural habitat. HOWEVER, there’s just one tiny problem in this scene, and it’s that it’s not overlaid with the actual soundscape of a SF pier, which is that of 100000 screaming seals
I don’t have a seal problem, you have a seal problem.
Anyway, the only healthy adults here attempt to follow the children into danger but someone on the animation team was like “we just lost the keyboard drawing guy to that capslock! We cannot lose any more interns to a crowd scene with 9 people in it and 2 dead bodies!” and they uh...
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And we immediately eject Roland and whoever that weird sunglasses guy is out of the script. Mokuba gave them a longing glance as they helicoptered away. Maybe because he missed his Dad stand-ins that he went through such efforts to call in the first place. Or more likely, because Mokuba would have preferred to be on that helicopter and far away from whatever the hell is going to go down on this dock.
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Honestly the rest of Joey’s storyline this episode is him going rogue because of Mai rage, and it both comes out of nowhere and also seems very on point for him.
Meanwhile, Rebecca’s unbridled rage towards Yami Muto is still low key hilarious to me.
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Witness the only character here who thinks Yami should suffer actual consequences and witness Yami just appear to not give a single damn about it.
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Nearly spat out my own drink watching this.
...exist in this universe?
Anyway, while Tristan and Tea try to locate a payphone to dial 911, Seto and Yugi decide to invade Seto’s own company by going through an elevator that you have to reach through the sewers.
Straight up I don’t think SF even has sewers. At least, not in the sense that you can walk in em like New York or Paris or other cities that have sewers. Our sewer systems are very small cuz we got something called “liquefaction” which means our ground is so soft (and artificial--a lot of the land is fake), that when there is an earthquake, certain parts of the city will...liquefy. It’s Terrifying. We kind of...avoid going and building underground except in certain stable places. (like even BART gives me the heebies.)
I just have a very strong distrust of basements, caves and other underground places in general and it’s not because of spiders, or ghosts or whatever, I’m just afraid of faultlines. It’s like having an active volcano, but you just don’t see it, and we haven’t had a Big One since 1989 so...any day now (I mean, 2020 has been such redic content, that I think we’re finally ready)
Again, Japan has way more intense Earthquakes than we do, and yet they have a billion underground subways and very, very tall buildings, so like, this is mostly a big cultural difference between the two of us. And the bedrock. They probably have better bedrock than we do (honestly, I just have no idea).
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Almost as good as that time he hacked into Pegasus’ company by dropping a satellite on it. I’m starting to think Seto actually doesn’t know how to use a computer.
Anyway, Seto is faced with...real cards, real monsters, indisputable evidence, and he decides, it’s time. It’s time to finally face facts.
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So, while these two are just flinging cards around willy nilly, Tea and Tristan are ...actually talking to police.
4 seasons. They’re actually doing it.
Although, TBH, they probably should have gone to the Japanese Embassy first? Just throwing that out there.
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Ah Yugioh, the only kids show around that tells you point blank not to trust cops. Timeless.
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In some weird underground earthquake hazard, Rebecca proves that she is smarter than Seto Kaiba. She’s maybe even the smartest person on this show. Nice that we gave her nothing to do this season but pine over Yugi who is already taken by Tea who he is also not even dating.
Not that I love Rebecca or anything, I actually have a hard time with her voice, but like...they really dropped the ball on Rebecca.
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If she does end up joining Kaiba corp as their back up Felicity Smoak while Seto just runs around aimlessly punching stuff that really is just offbrand Arrow but with cards. And with slightly less resurrections.
So, lets get a gander at that computer.
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We didn’t get to see Kaiba pull out 12 other discs to complete the installation process for these all these Hard Discs. Maybe the lure of throwing a very aerodynamic CD across the room like a paper card was so strong that his dev team forced him to switch to these defunct squares?
PS, I am a true millennial, OK? But, I don’t remember Hard Discs.
Hard Discs were SO long go. I stopped using these damn things in Elementary school. The last Hard Disc I ever touched was in college, when I had to put my art portfolio on a disc to submit it to my degree. I don't know even why. Everyone had a mac, so I knew no one’s computer in the department even...HAD a disc drive so it was like...whomst among you has this damn computer from 1997? Whomst among you is still using Windows 95? WHY would I put IMAGES on a floppy when I can just email them to you?
Anyway, I had to get a USB hard disc reader, and to get that reader, I had to call my Dad who had legacy software because he’s a computer engineer, and he had to mail it to me.
In that same portfolio review, PS, I also had to submit my portfolio as slides.
I didn’t even know where to produce slides so I had to ask all these old people and go to the last photo processing store on earth to get digital pictures turned into negatives and then turned into freakin slides.
I honestly think they just did that to weed people out of the art degree.
Anyway, I tell you this story just to say that there is no way in hell that Kaiba was using a hard disc during the height of the CD era. We were CD or go home since 2000. We had pretty decent jump drives at this point. We had wifi. It was realllly bad wifi, but we had it. Your phone could connect to the internet. It would charge you 50 bucks, but it COULD connect.
Who on the Yugioh team DID this?
Anyway lets see these pictures that for which, we spent thousands of dollars in unused plane tickets, destroyed a Caltrain, killed 2 ancient Atlanteans (and their dog), killed 3 random mid-villains, walked across the entire Peninsula, crashed an international plane, and left both the plane and the train to rot gas fuel into the nearest lake which is right next to a ghost graveyard?
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Like he reads it and is all “They’re gonna resurrect Atlantis” and it’s like WE KNOW. Dartz and his hooligans have talked about starting their Utopia to reboot the world since Gurimo. Since Day 1.
Anyways, there was one plus to the pictures, and it was that Seto Kaiba recognized the Oricalchos logo.
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The Oricalchos logo is...
...This logo, Seto?
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You...didn’t recognize...seriously? Not until just now? You have been inside of this logo, rearing to lose your soul to Alister 2 times, and he only recognized it...just now.
I mean Seto takes a while y’all. He’s a genius, but his memory is so, so bad, that he will Eventually get smart, but you have to wait until like episode 24. But he’ll get there. Just gotta be patient.
And, when he saw it, he wigged out in a way I wasn’t prepared for.
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Y’all I feel like I’ve seen to many weird zooms on Kaiba’s crotch in this show. Or just in life in general, especially after that surprise fic. That’s all.
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I don’t know why everything exploded, but maybe the logo is cursed in the same way as God Cards? I dunno.
Anyway, this is when Dartz shows up with his brand new dog.
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So they run outside onto the roof.
Now listen, does every Kaiba Corp building need the same weird ass roof? Is it like a McDonalds?
Because I’m just picturing this type of roof in SF and I’m having a time.
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Forgive me if I made this lemming joke already. He’s just stood on a cliff’s edge so many times I can’t keep up.
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RIP Dragon Jet, who took us from S3-S4, you’ll always live on in our memory, you glorious, wasteful, beautiful death trap.
Seto and Yugi are fine by the way, they just kinda jumped out, as you do when you’re an immortal god possessing a small boy and a...whatever the hell Seto is.
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It’s at this point we reintroduce Valon because Joey went rogue and has decided to take on Dartz by himself. This is what happens when Tristan leaves the party. You always need Tristan to hold back Joey by his armpits to keep him from fighting random people.
So I guess Valon’s gonna die next episode. That’ll be nice.
What’s great about this show is each arc is just watching each villain die. You know they’ll die. But...how much?
Anyway, that’s all for today. I’m still drawing a hell ton of stuff so I don’t know when the next update will be...but just now I haven’t dropped off or something. I’ll...eventually get to it.
And if you just got here, this is a link to read all of these in chrono order.
Anyway, I mentioned Hercule Poirot, (because watching a hell ton of BBC was how I spent time with my family when I was a kid, and my very Southern Grandma freakin LOVED Hercule Poirot) So here is the best subplot of that show, which is David Suchet eating stuff.
And which doesn’t want to embed for some reason. Probs can’t embed more than one video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17antzzJrzQ
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goblin-gardens · 5 years
Gob Or Not? An Extremely Scientific Examination Of The Mighty Nein
A couple weeks ago, as an attempt to lure my friend Grim into Critical Role, I made a Goblin Inventory of the M9. this post is an updated survey of the team, slightly reformatted, mostly to be more accurate to my current understanding of the characters (as of Episode 58) and also funnier.
The goals of the initial report were two-fold. First, to examine the differences between being a member of the goblin species and Being Goblin, and second to determine whether Nott The Brave was truly the most Goblin of the group. The first findings showed that Nott scored a 40 out of 77 on the Goblin Scale, not an especially high score and far from the highest in the group. While the conclusions of this survey are not wildly different, the key to Science is repeating your experiments and coming up with not-exactly-identical findings, and doing this roughly a billion times and then you can say that you’re Probably Right (Most Of The Time).
The Goblin Quotient is determined by quantifying, on a scale of 0-11, how fully a person embodies each of the 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Goblins. These are, 1) Collection Of Crap, 2) Chaos, 3) Minionhood, 4) Gooey Center, 5) Laser Pointer Focus, 6) Furious Devotion, and 7) Hideous Cackling.
the full text of this very serious academic paper is under the cut and not behind a paywall.
1) Collection Of Crap
Top scorer, Caleb Widogast As a wizard, Caleb has purposefully immersed himself in Collecting. He is constantly filling his pockets with spell components including, but by no means limited to, sulfur, molasses, honeycomb, bits of copper wire, and literal bat shit. it’s all just. in his pockets. being slimy. Other Caleb Collections include: Books, Paper, Friends, Magic, and Pain. unfortunately, he still has not collected a fantasy therapist to help him KonMari some of it into healthier boxes. Nott’s new form has upped her Collecting habits, but this is a fundamental hobby of Veth’s. This quells some uncertainty about how much of this is truly Her. turns out, lots! (Runners up: Jester, with the animals and haversack of holding, Nott, with the buttons. Special mention: Fjord, with his balls.) Lowest Scorer, Yasha: a 6 of 11 ain’t shabby, but it’s not much compared to the others. This might be due to her having had less screen time, but she does tend to travel light.
Trait The Second) Chaos.
Top scorer, Jester Lavorre: The M9 are a pretty Chaotic group, but Jester is the only one who’s built a religion out of chaos. She’s a high priestess of drawing dicks on things. Her magic powers come from a divine mandate to fuck shit up. Pets (to which she has added Yarnball) up the chaos meter, and their virtually indestructible plot armor means they’re not going anywhere execpt maybe home wth Yeza. In general, Jester’s childhood in the Lavish Chateau was sort of like a pandora’s jack in the box getting wound tighter and tighter and tighter past all physical comprehension, and though the lid has been lifted, the spring is only just starting to sproing. we haven’t even reached the Zenith yet! After seeing some more of Veth and Yeza, it’s clear they’re not the most sedate of couples. Some eyebrows have definitely gotten singed in the Brenatto lab. However, since they aren’t the ones who burned it to the ground, a bit of Safe Science Techniques have to at least be assumed. (Runner up: Molly, with the egg dick incident) Lowest scorer, Beau: She’s not settling down, but she is… settling. Beau does her share of the check-ins, and has made the highest number of Agreements To Not Be Assholes Together. She might be in the running for mom friend??
C) Minionhood.
Top scorer, Fjord “No-Name” Swordvjore. In CR, goblins are not often leaders. They will work together to target weaker and easy opponents, but aren’t typically masterminds. They aren’t prone to individual heroism and rarely, if ever, go out of their way to save a friend. In their villages, little value is placed on familial relationships or education, they’re not big team players, and everyone has a terrible sense of humor. So how does Fjord factor into this? By showing the other side of the coin, like how tactics that don’t rely on using yourself as canon fodder are more successful, or like how the power of friendship and diverse skill sets makes your team stronger. Nott is not much of a follower, though she is an aggressive supporter. Though both these green kids were outcasts when they were younger, finding love with Yeza, stating a family and running a business has given Veth a strong sense of what she wants, and it’s not to be a leader or a follower. (runners up: Caduceus Clay, committed WildMinion and Jester, Travelerite) Lowest scorer, Caleb Widogast. He’s had his brush with Minionhood and the further and safer from it he feels, the more he wants revenge.
Four) Gooey Center Top scorer, Yasha Nydoorin. The Gooey Center is protected by a spiky, brittle, intimidating, crunchy, and/or off putting exterior.  Yasha is our big, scary, tenderhearted wlw. our giant soft-hearted, angelic, full-of-boiling-murderous-rage, lightning-punching, funeral-not-having runaway who loves her wife and makes us cry. she shaves her arms with her sword. she uses books in non-traditional ways. she vanishes into the night sometimes in a very mysterious and tragic manner. she is our most Romantic player character, and she is super ripped and super queer, which are all aspirational goblin qualities. in practice, most goblins connect with their gooey center by being squished by someone like Yasha, maybe with a giant hammer. Nott does more to protect others’ feelings than her own, really. Poking at her sore spots makes her stab at yours, but she’s pretty up front about how she feels. When actually fighting, she’s proven to be pretty adept at not being hit. (runners up: Caleb, glass canon with a very crunchy exterior, Fjord, known horc twunk, Caducues, mystery boy, and Molly, who rudely showed us just how how close that center can be to the surface) Lowest scorer: Nott! She’s actually…. Relatively well adjusted? Has emotional intelligence?
5️⃣) Laser Pointer Focus Top scorer: Caduceus Clay. Related to Minionhood, this is the aspect of Goblinry that the leader uses to achieve goals. the dogged focus of a True Goblin is powerful and direct, but can be redirected with the proper pressure or leadership, or lost when a cause or leader is not compelling enough or doesn’t provide adequate payment. the Laser Pointer Focus has an investigatory aspect as well, gathering little bits of info from every which way in moments, though the information gathered is rarely put to use immediately. Caduceus, who sees all but doesn’t always act on it, and is content to support the Nein and follow their meandering path to his goal, checks many of these boxes. Nott knows exactly what she wants in life, which is her old life. She knows how to get it, which is to keep Caleb alive until he can learn a powerful enough spell. The difference between her pursuit of her goal and Caduceus’s lies in the fact that this isn’t a Hero’s Quest for her, with no Tests of Character or Symbolic Goals set or arbitrated by an outside force. (runners up: Fjord, spiritually chasing a laser pointer at all times, Jester, whose laser pointer always points at chaos. Special mention: Frumpkin) Lowest scorer: Beau. Maybe she’s still figuring out what her driving forces are. She knows what they aren’t, but Not Being The Same Type Of Shitty As My Dad isn’t a full thesis. She’s dedicated to protecting her friends, but until we see exactly what it is that she defines herself in opposition to (ie. get that sweet sweet Loregard) her intentions might remain a bit fuzzy around the edges.
VI) Furious Devotion Top scorer: Beauregard Lionett. Also going hand in hand with Minionhood (Minionhood has two hands), this is the trait that makes goblins actually willing to die in battle against adventurers and town guards and shit. It doesn’t require any comfort with or willingness to follow authority, it’s the more feral side of love that is reigned in by Minionhood in true Goblins. this is the part of the Goblin that drives the Collecting of Crap because it genuinely loves all the shit it finds. Beau is a prime example of this trait, especially because as she gets more and more invested in a person or ideal, her willingness to let go, even in the face of likely death, decreases dramatically. see episode 55 for reference, among others. she also has a rather Goblinish inability to effectively communicate the depths of her feelings, though this is sort of an aspect of her defense of her Gooey Center and something she’s actively working on. Now here’s something Nott’s got. So much love. More love than can be contained by one family. Angry love, protective love, throw-all-the-dishes-on-the-floor-in-a-pile love. Draw the dragon’s attention so her friend she’s had for less than a day can get away love. She can and will sacrifice herself for the people she cares about. (runners up: Nott, whomst loves, Yasha, very good at using the Fury to pursue the Devotion, Jester, whose love is so powerful it brings people back from the dead, and Caleb, even less able to discuss his feelings than Beau) Lowest scorer: Fjord. This does NOT mean he doesn’t love his friends, or that he’s not sometimes very angry, but they aren’t connected. He’s still keeping everyone at arm’s length, tbh. Again, this is something that will be easier to judge with more backstory.
and finally 7) Hideous Cackling Top Score: Mollymauk Tealeaf. This is what a Goblin does when surveying their Collection of Crap and the Chaos they have caused. This is how they communicate with fellow Minions in the know, how they react to seeing someone else’s Gooey Center, to catching the Laser Pointer. This is the easiest way to express their feelings of Devotion. The Hideous Cackle of a True Goblin is un-selfconscious and entirely for the benefit of the Cackler. Cackling Hideously is an act of self love. You can find your goblin group by listening to the Discordant Chorus made by Cackling together, and when you’re all reveling in the cacophony, there you are. It’s a little hedonistic and a little punk and a little queer, disregarding conventional expectations of beauty or family or polite behavior, and all about diving deep into the things that you are and the things that make you happy. An extremely Molly philosophy, truth be told. Nott Cackles, sometimes. More since Yeza is back. Unclear whether this arc ending in safe Brenatto Boys will leave her more prone to Cackling, or if she’ll miss them and be too sad :( (runner up: Jester, gleeful agent of chaos) Lowest scorers: Caleb and Fjord. Part of their higher charisma is being careful with their words and presentation. A truly Hideous Cackle doesn’t have time to be self conscious.
And now, the rankings themselves!
Nott The Brave Collection of Crap– So. Many. Buttons.  10/11 Chaos– FLUFFERNUTTERRRRRRRRRR!  8/11 Minionhood– Eh. She’s more of a supporter than a follower.  3/11 Gooey Center–  She’s not particularly secretive about her feelings or opinions 4/11 Laser Pointer Focus–  Her main goals are all inwardly motivated and have not changed during the campaign.  3/11 Furious Devotion– Her love is extremely powerful.  10/11 Hideous Cackling– Reunited with her husband, she has felt freer to Cackle, she also seems to appreciate her current job a lot  6/11 total score: 44/77
Caleb Collection of Crap– keeps everything in his pockets except for his cat, which is in his heart.  11/11 Chaos– Absolutely creates it, and is starting to revel in it.  6/11 Minionhood– Formerly a Minion, he is now hellbent on the destruction of the System. Good for him.  0/11 Gooey Center– Easily smashed by any large or medium-sized hammer, but maintains staunch denial of inner Gooeyness.  8/11 Laser Pointer Focus– Has goal, will travel. Difficult to redirect.  5/11 Furious Devotion– Slow to accept his own devotion, but very committed once he has.  10/11 Hideous Cackling– Having friends and talking about his feelings is good for him. He’s getting better at this. 3/11 total score: 43/77
Yasha Collection of Crap– A whole book of pressed flowers!  6/11 Chaos– She doesn’t really revel in it :/.  5/11 Minionhood-- Serves a higher power and follows along the decisions of others in the group, even when not super enthused about them, like going to Xhorhas.  8/11 Gooey Center– All the Gooeyer for being well protected, and though her emotional walls are not the most formidable in the party, the amount of protected feeling was unexpected  11/11 Laser Pointer Focus– Loyal to two guides, the Stormlord and the M9, though the Stormlord can pull her easily away from the group.  9/11 Furious Devotion– Very very angry.  10/11 Hideous Cackling– Could stand to be a bit more open about it.  4/11 Total score: 53/77
Fjord Collection of Crap– Collection is limited in scope and volume, but high in Strangeness.  8/11 Chaos– a troublemaker, for sure and certain.  7/11 Minionhood– Literally A Minion right now, summons demonic minions on occasion.  11/11 Gooey Center– Desperately wants somebody, anybody, to tell him he’s doing a Good Job. Adamantly refuses to admit that.  8/11 Laser Pointer Focus– this man cannot resist pushing buttons, be they physical, emotional, or likely to end the word.  10/11 Furious Devotion– He is angry, but it’s not focused. To get more points here, he needs to be less angry at himself.  3/11 Hideous Cackling– too self conscious! loosen up! needs to Cackle in his own voice.  3/11 total score: 50/77
Beau Collection of Crap– Wants to know everything, is building a family. Some points lost for minimalist monk aesthetic.  8/11 Chaos– Aspiring member of Nott the Best Detective Agency, punches people to learn about them. BUT she is apparently a Voice Of Reason, which makes it harder. 4/11 Minionhood– would destroy me for even suggesting it.  1/11 Gooey Center– just! wants! everyone! to! get! along!  7/11 Laser Pointer Focus– Is becoming a moral compass?  2/11 Furious Devotion– JUST! WANTS! EVERYONE! TO! GET! ALONG!  11/11 Hideous Cackling– Tries too hard to be cool. Like yeah, she is cool, but she tries too hard to make sure people know.  5/11 total score: 38/77
Molly Collection of Crap– Behold the coat. 8/11 Chaos– He has that certain je ne se quois.  10/11 Minionhood– The Moonweaver in not a fan of her followers following anyone’s orders. also he has his own minions and doesn’t want them  3/11 Gooey Center-- Loves openly and without reservation. and also……………………  8/11 Laser Pointer Focus– Molly’s focus is loving his friends and knowing fuck all.  5/11 Furious Devotion– Found a tall sad lady and made his circus adopt her. gives money to orphans.  7/11 Hideous Cackling– Genuinely personified this action for two years.  11/11 total score: 52/77
Jester Collection of Crap– In addition to being the Holder Of The Bag, she also collects doughnuts and cool shit. While most of her random shit has potential uses, it’s also a whole lot of random shit. Some of its weasels.  10/11 Chaos– Spreading discord is a religious mandate for her. Her powers come from chaos.  11/11 Minionhood– A champion of the Yes And, she is more likely to voice her opinion of an existing plan than come up with her own. She is definitely a better minion than the Traveler’s other ONE.  10/11 Gooey Center– Physically well-defended, she has the luxury of wearing her heart on her sleeve. 6/11 Laser Pointer Focus– It might seem like she’s easily distracted, but that’s actually because her surface level attention is secondary. her primary goal is actually Fucking Shit Up, and she’s good at it. 7/11 Furious Devotion– Gets attached and does. not. let. go.  10/11 Hideous Cackling– The end goal of practically everything Jester does is Cackling With The Traveler, and she often succeeds.  10/11 total score: 64/77
Caduceus: Collection of Crap– Dude has a swarm of bugs living in his staff, and his backpack is full of tea.  8/11 Chaos– NOT a fan of stuff that disrupts the proper order of nature, but he is developing a wonderful and unique sense of humor. 5/11 Minionhood– Of all the M9, Caduceus has the strongest adherence to an ironclad and pre-written set of ethics and willingness to follow the path a greater power has laid out for him.  10/11 Gooey Center– Encourages everyone else to talk about their feelings, yet doesn’t talk about his own in the same way. Mysterious. 7/11 Laser Pointer Focus– Has a well-defined goal, but not a well defined path. 11/11 Furious Devotion-- You can’t be On A Quest To Save Your Home (And The World?) if you’re not devoted to your home. However we haven’t seen the fury? Structured devotion is different and not exactly Goblin. 5/11 Hideous Cackling– Cackling is a bit more intense than what he does, but he’s on the right track. 5/11 total score: 51/77
final ranking (out of 77)
38, Beau 👊
43, Caleb 🐱
44, Nott 🏹
50, Fjord 🗡️
51, Caduceus 🐞
52, Molly 🎴
53, Yasha ⚡
64, Jester 🦄
All in all, a pretty Goblin Group, and Nott, the only one who is physically a goblin, is not even in the middle of the pack. Clearly, true Goblin Spirit is something else all together. 
It seem that perhaps the True Goblin Was The Friends We Made Along The Way. also Jester.
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Get to know me tag!
I was tagged by @hannahs-creations in the original post!!! Thank you, Hannah! sorry im a bit late with it haha
Rules: Answer the questions and tag a few people!
I got a bit long-winded on these answers, so I’ll put them behind a readmore!
1. What made you decide to start writing or arting (assuming you write or do art)?
I can’t say I ever consciously decided to start writing - I’ve just always loved reading, and when I first got a school assignment for a creative story, I decided I never wanted to stop!
In terms of art, though, it was sparked by a similar thing: the Dragonology book. My first story was about a dragon in there, and part of that assignment was to make illustrations to accompany it, and I decided I needed to learn how to draw dragons. From there, I just fell in love with making a blank page into something I could look at and enjoy, and I’ve been drawing ever since!
2. What do you like to do more: photo editing or video editing?
Oh, this is a hard one... Video editing is fun for me, especially because, when I make videos, I tend to do speedpaints with commentary, and cutting my ramblings down to a manageable size is so satisfying. On the other hand, I like taking fairly mundane pictures and making them magical...
I’d say, for satisfaction levels, video editing wins. For the actual process, I think photo editing is my favorite!
3. Which do you prefer: YouTube or TikTok?
YouTube, 100%. The only TikToks I’ve ever seen have been sent to me by friends, and I don’t particularly like short videos like that? If it were Vine, though, Vine would win ;aslkdjf
4. How many books have you read in the last 5 years?
A lot, LOL
My favorite have been Six of Crows, The Stormlight Archive, Red rising, and The Fallen Empire!
5. Do you tend to post more cheery/cutesy things, silly things or more serious things to your blog?
I think silly things are the most common? I like to meme with my WIPs, since I just. love meme culture. And I like making jokes about things - it’s a quick and easy way to get myself to smile!
6. How long have you been on Tumblr? Just ramble for a minute about some changes you’ve noticed about the site.
I made my first Tumblr blog in 2013, and I kept that one up until about April of last year, I think, before I decided to remake. 
The biggest change I’ve seen is the shift from sharing things to consuming things, in terms of like, reblog to like ratios and whatnot. Also, the amount of discourse has stayed about the same, but it’s changed in subject for the most part. But fandom discourse is still pretty much the same, just with different shows, now.
Also, reaction gifs have faded out of use pretty heavily since I started. At least, in the areas I’ve been in.
7. If the staff of tumblr came up to you, genuinely wanting advice on how to improve the site, what advice/request(s) would you give them?
I would tell them to rename likes into bookmarks. Also, lift the nsfw ban, and make it so that in order for 18+ blogs to be viewed, the user has to be 18+. Yes, people lie about their age, but so many sex workers lost their audiences and sources of income because of it, and it legitimately threw away a third of the userbase in one hit. 
Also, no matter the pressures from other social sites, don’t make this site less anonymous. It’s one of the beauties of Tumblr - I’m never going to have a boss find my blog and know for sure that it’s me.
8. What was the most challenging thing about starting your favorite hobby? How did you get past it, if you ever did?
Well, at the time I started drawing, the biggest obstacle was finding a way to learn. The art classes in school were never trying to teach us how to draw something, just showing us that we could. I ended up getting “How to draw manga” books and looking up stuff on YouTube.
9. What do you think other people think of when they think of you? For instance, with me, most people think about either tomatoes, chinchillas or black cats, depending on the person and how long they’ve known me.
Well, I hope they think of my jokes, first of all a;lskdjf;aslkdfj
But in terms of like, objects or animals? Sketchbooks, pride flags, and dinosaurs.
10. If every animal except one specific species went extinct but you got to pick which one didn’t go extinct, which species would you pick?
Hmmmmmmm... probably Komodo Dragons. I really like big lizards :)
11. What do YOU feel makes the world go round?
Laughter! Or, really, anything that makes people smile!
12. What would you say to a person if you heard them talking shit about your best friend?
This has actually happened before, and they were saying it to my face without knowing we were best friends. I sat there, nodded along, and when they were done, just said “You know they’ve been my best friend for like, 7 years, right?”
They went so pale it was kind of funny.
13. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you that has stuck with you?
This was more something they did, but when I was going through a nasty friend break up, I texted them, and within 5 minutes they were at my house, texting that person furiously, and letting me cry on them, even though they’re not a very emotional person themself ;-; I felt so loved in that moment, you have no idea.
14. What was the greatest piece of life advice you’ve ever gotten?
You have the rest of your life to wake up and decide who you’re going to be that day, and you should never feel bad about changing who that is from one day to the next.
It was said in the context of me realizing that I wasn’t genderfluid, I was transmasc, and my ongoing crisis over whether I’m fully a guy, or if I’m a bit more fluid than that. It’s helped me a lot with accepting that I might not have all the answers right now, and I don’t need all the answers all the time.
15. What one or two aspects of your childhood personality would you bring back to your current personality if you could?
Honestly? My willingness to just make things, and not care about how they turned out. I made so much art that I cringe at now, but I was learning, and that’s all that matters, really.
Okay, this was long, but I’m going to tag: @nothingisliteral, @violetcancerian, and @morgan-s-writes! Apologies if you’ve been tagged before, and as always, no pressure, and if you want to hop in, feel free to say I tagged you!!
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alexswak · 4 years
Animator Hiroshi Watanabe’s Interview
This is an interview with one of Studio Live’s main animators, Hiroshi Watanabe. For more on Studio Live and Hiroshi Watanabe, I recommend reading my previous post on Minky Momo. 
This interview goes into his start in the industry, the hardships of being an animator in Japan, and some technical tidbits. Although conducted in mid 1980s, most of what is mentioned here still holds waters today, and it’s interesting to see what changed and what didn’t from that time. 
First published in スタジオライブの本・らでいっく (1) (Studio Live’s Book Vol.1). Translation by me. I’m not the most experienced translator nor am I excellent in Japanese, and although I think I managed to properly translate this since it’s not that hard or complicated of an interview, I’ll provide the original interview in case someone wants to check my translation for errors, for which I’d be pretty thankful actually.
Sorry for the long intro, here’s the original interview in Japanese.
-Moderator: Today we will be hearing animator Hiroshi Watanabe’s story since joining Studio Live up to the present day.
-Ashida (Toyo, Live’s Predsident): My, aren’t you serious.
-Moderator: It’s just kinda an official thing isn’t it *laughs*. Anyway, let’s start. First, can you tell us something from the time you left Kumamoto to Tokyo to join Studio Live?
-Watanabe: I was making anime by myself beforehand, but I had no idea how to draw in-betweens. Joining the company and using the tap for the first time made me see how real work really is different. At that time, 1000 drawings was the normal output of an in-betweener, but after all my effort it took me around 3 months to draw that much.
-Moderator: 1000 drawings in 3 months, how good is that? 
-Ashida: Fairly fast I would say.
-Watanabe: Yet Matsushita (Hiromi) drew that much in one month and a half… so at that time my abilities weren’t really good enough, and there was the tough in-betweens check; no matter how many times I redraw it doesn’t get approved. Lines are a bit dirty, erasing remains are visible… really small stuff. I had my own thoughts of course, and with that happening I felt like the people on the other side just couldn’t understand. It’s really frustrating, but you still need the money to eat so you keep on drawing… such situations are pretty tough.
-Moderator: “I drew those in-betweens that way because it’s the way I do it” or something like that?
-Watanabe: Right. I didn’t want to admit that I lacked the skills at all. That was definitely the case, but the fact that I had the mentality of “it’s my way of doing things” was… frustrating. 
-Moderator: Back then, and even now...
-Watanabe: No, thinking about it now, I’d say that period was normal. Yet back then, all I had in mind was “I’ll make them accept what I’m making”. And then I looked at what the key animators made and thought how different it was, which made me wish even more to become a key animator myself.
-Moderator: The thought of wanting to make an anime with your own sense...
-Watanabe: Back then, all of Live’s projects were adult shows. That’s why they seemed to lack the power. Although such projects are actually harder, I wanted to swing the camera more and move things around. Thus I wanted to become a key animator as fast as possible, and worked hard to achieve the goal of 1000 drawings.
-Moderator: Is it the same for everyone?
-Ashida: Not really, but I’d love if all of Live’s staff were like that. It’s a matter of future prospectives. Do you want to do in-betweens forever? Or become an ordinary key animator? An excellent key animator? An animation director maybe? Everyone is different.
-Moderator: And Watanabe wanted to become a key animator quickly.
-Watanabe: Correct. That’s why I, although not directly related, was so motivated to draw the 1000 sheets and become a key animator quickly and make the company acknowledge me, which enabled me to do just that.
-Moderator: So how long did you do in-betweening for? 
-Watanabe: I joined the company in April and did in-betweening till October. “Cyborg 009”’s first episode was my first time drawing key frames.
-Moderator: Not too long, huh?
-Ashida: It was actually a little too fast? But then, he was our prodigy. It’s not about drawing nicely, it’s more about instinctively knowing what anime is.
-Watanabe: Why did I want to become a key animator back then? Ashida-san wanted to show youngling’s power, pent-up emotions and new strength and abilities in “Cyborg 009”. I was there anyway so it was more like “we will give you a chance then” type of thing. 
-Ashida: As I said, the longer you do it the harder it becomes. At first, doing what you want is fine, but in 3 years time a wall will come, overcoming that will give you another 3 years before the next wall, until you reach a point where the wall comes every year.
-Watanabe: At that time, maybe because of being young, but I had the power to do anything. Everything I did was fun. In “Cyborg 009” or “Blue Bird” I overdid even the simplest scenes. It was all pretty interesting back then, be it anime itself or key animating itself… Then came “Arale-chan”, and after that came a time when I started paying attention to character consistency (looking the same), but getting full of myself I always thought what I did was fine and didn’t put in the effort to make them look consistent.
-Moderator:  “I don’t mind if they don’t look alike. It looks fine the way it’s” type of mentality? 
-Watanabe: I mean, Ashida-san was going to correct them. But I wonder if “Blue Bird” was the last project I did with my youth power. A bit after that I started feeling as if my power was fading away. 
-Ashida: Well, it wasn’t about losing power, rather more about having to do the same thing for a long period of time. If you can’t overcome that, then… You just can’t stay a promising young animator forever. 
-Moderator: What are your thoughts when you watch “Blue Bird” now?
-Watanabe: Watching it now… Watching it now… *laughs*. I find the projects back from the period I had power pretty good. Some small details look rough, but really the things I did back then were impressive. 
-Ashida: It’s not knowing fear. Now that you know what to be afraid of, going about it the same way isn’t possible.
-Watanabe: Right. I can refine the small details now, but achieving the same furiousness wouldn’t be possible. To this day seeing the dragon fight from “Blue Bird” (This scene) gives me goosebumps *laughs*. Why was I able to do something like that, I ask myself. 
-Moderator: Oh no, this is turning into an old geezers’ conversation *laughs*.
-Watanabe: So, being completely helpless with character acting scenes, action sequences were my chance to go wild and forget about the storyboards. That’s why I did what I did. And that’s why I had that much fun. Then it became bitter, bit by bit, drawing key frames I mean, until one point in 198X where I just couldn't draw anymore. 
-Moderator: Not being able to draw… what kind of situation was that exactly?
-Watanabe: Not going to Toei anymore, spending all day on Pachinko machines, that kind of stuff.
-Ashida: Truancy, basically.
-Watanabe: Along the way I started gradually wanting to draw again, drawing became interesting again. Then I said to myself, why not do some animation director assisting jobs, and since I have been causing all sorts of problems and troubles for the animation directors, I was so happy to be in a position where I can repay them. Everyday started being fun again.
-Moderator: What is an animation director assistant actually? 
-Watanabe: Key frames, prior to the animation director’s corrections, are terrible. Although my frames don’t get approved, looking at the frames that do get approved I see only the middle of the frame being drawn while everything else is left to the animation director’s assistance to fill in. Also stuff like character faces being completely off, all these things have to be at least “prepared for correcting” in this process. It’s more of a 2nd key animation role than an animation director assistant. It was nonetheless fun, and correcting characters like that made me feel like I made some progress.
-Moderator: What about “Momo” (Minky Momo)?
-Watanabe: “Momo” was fun. Although in 198X I was kinda mentally depressed, none of the key animation I drew for “Momo” was turned down or returned for retakes. So I just kept pushing on.
-Ashida: This is the effect of the ultimate “Opening Strategy”. Let someone do the opening and have the fame at first, it was the same with the animation direction role. 
-Watanabe: That was again a fluke of luck. My first job as an animation director was an episode with Kaijus fighting. With such things you just have to make them move, make them flashy and catchy.
-Moderator: Your speciality, huh.
-Watanabe: It wasn’t something I excelled at as much as it was something I had fun doing. Also, when speaking with Yuyama (Kunihiko)-san, I see he has something he wants to create with which I can totally empathize. Doing the normal life scenes without any interest, for example. So it got to the level of being a hobby where I give all my effort, rather than a job I have to do.
-Moderator: That’s how much you as an animator can get into in the project, right? 
-Watanabe: Of course, being at Ashi Pro means that things like drawings numbers don’t matter. Such situations exist, but at stricter places cuts are made at the storyboards or screenplay stages. Deciding to tune down here a bit or focus here a bit from the start means that all this is planned through, something we can understand and makes us feel like the whole thing is indeed worth doing. 
-Moderator: “Momo” was your first project as an animation director, how was it? 
-Watanabe: Doing animation direction is annoying. Fixing the key animation of other people requires all my effort, animation direction isn’t a job you can slack off at even slightly. That’s why it made me want to draw key animation even more.  That being said, doing animation direction limits me, but whether I’d be able to draw key animation if I didn’t do animation direction… Also, character acting stuff was handled by Yuyama-san, and I handled things like character faces. Those being Live’s key animation, I’d say MatsuX (he means Matsushita Hiromi) drawings were completely off, while (Kazuko) Tadano-san’s drawings were even more on model than mine *laughs*. Man, no more talking about “Momo” please. 
-Moderator: *laughs* Well, that was the end of today’s interview. Thank you very much.
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patricianandclerk · 5 years
My Ask | My Ko-Fi | My Ao3 | Dragon Age Discord | Requests always welcome!
Hawke&Fenris; Hawke/Anders.
It was not really a bench.
In the alienage, such a slum as it was, it was only the vhenadahl and the elvhen lanterns that were truly well made. This, perhaps called a bench, perhaps not, was little more than a few spare slats of red-painted board on top of some cement blocks, and on top of the wood, a mage. He was wearing a hood that covered his head, a piece of fabric folded over his nose to mostly hide the distinctive red shine of the birthmark there, and he was leaning forward, his elbows on his knees, staring into space.
“Hawke,” Fenris said, and Hawke looked up. Even just seeing the hazel shine of his eyes, Fenris could see he was tired, and he watched as Hawke reached up to pull the scarf from over his mouth, baring his frowning lips. “People will think you an elf, sitting here, alone, in the alienage.”
“Good,” Hawke murmured. “Then they won’t bother me.”
“I’m surprised you aren’t at the clinic,” Fenris said delicately, taking a few uncertain steps forward, but Hawke offered no protest, and moved slightly aside on the bench, so that Fenris could sink down beside him. The wood did not so much creak beneath their shared weight, evidently hardier than Fenris had thought at first glance. “You have been spending a great many hours alongside Anders, as of late.”
“A lot of people need healing, need help,” Hawke said quietly, still staring into space. “A few apostates offer hours if they can, but not many, and most of them are focused on leaving Kirkwall, not hanging around. I can’t blame them for wanting to get out.” He pressed his fingers against his knees, and Fenris looked down at them, at the strong hands that Hawke preferred to use for the healing magic he did, if the staff could be avoided. Anders was the same – the healing magic, Fenris had learned reluctantly, was easier to do with your hands. It allowed for finer control. “But I needed a moment. To…”
“Relax?” Fenris offered.
Hawke laughed. It was a low, melancholy sound, and he met Fenris’ gaze.
“No,” he said defeatedly. “Not really.”
He was a handsome man. Fenris had always known that, had even flirted a little, in the beginning. Hawke was attractive even despite his magic. Anders was to be feared, abomination that he was, ever unpredictable, but Hawke… Hawke’s magic had never held any fear for Fenris.
Fenris remembered, even, the first time he had been injured in Hawke’s presence.
“Don’t touch me,” Fenris growled as Hawke advanced, and Hawke hesitated, stricken. The wound was a great gash upon his thigh, bleeding freely.
“Fenris, please,” Hawke said. “Let me just—”
And Hawke softened, his palms spread in a gesture of peace, said, “Fine. Fine. No magic, no magic – can I bandage it?”
He hadn’t pressed any further. When Fenris had relented, he had not rubbed in that he had used his magic to help, as Anders would have, didn’t harp on it. He merely sighed his relief, said thank you, and healed Fenris’ wounds as his skills allowed. He wondered, at times, what it must be like to lie beside him – not truly because of any attraction he fostered, but because of the curious aura Hawke exuded. He so often seemed older than his years, quiet, collected, and his calm was contagious, even when Fenris was all but whipped to a frenzy.
Did it work on the monster Anders carried inside him? Could Hawke becalm spirits, as well as broody elves and irritable townsfolk – could be becalm stormy seas, and quaking plains?
He was being unfair.
He was glad the thought went unvoiced.
“Varric tells me that one day all will be well,” Fenris said softly.
“Nonsense,” Fenris agreed. “But pleasant nonsense. A nice thought. It is ideal, I think, to allow nicety to one’s thoughts.”
“Oh?” Hawke asked. “I shouldn’t take up brooding as a hobby, then?”
“Brooding is to be done in isolation,” Fenris said, mock serious. “I can’t allow too many people in my acquaintance to take up the art, lest the appeal of my own brooding is affected.”
Hawke’s laugh was sweeter this time, more genuine.
Fenris reached for one of his hands, and he took it, gently squeezing. Hawke did not draw away, their shoulders brushing, but merely squeezed back.
“I can feel the lyrium,” he said quietly. “Under your skin, thrumming. Some people think it’s alive, you know.”
“I can feel your magic,” Fenris replied. “It flows through you as blood does – I can feel it the way that I feel your pulse.”
“Do I frighten you?”
“No. No more than I frighten you.”
“Not at all, then.”
Fenris tapped his thumb against Hawke’s palm. “Are you frightened of that—” He stopped himself. “Of Anders?”
Hawke was silent.
“If you should ever wish to part ways, I would not…” Fenris hesitated. “I do not say this out of some desire to take you for myself, nor for reasons of scorn. Merely— If he did frighten you, if you wished to leave, you could ask for help from me. I would not be so cruel as to belittle your mistake. I do not… I would not have you think me as callous as I am capable, in the face of a friend broken-hearted.”
“He frightens me, sometimes,” Hawke admitted. Fenris felt the sickly, unpleasant shift in his chest – was that his heart? Was this friendship, truly, friendship away from Tevinter? Why should his heart be so tangled in matters of what Hawke, Carver, Varric, Isabela, did with their times? Why was his heart so open now, when he had always done his best to keep its gates neatly closed? “But I don’t want to leave him. I love him, and it isn’t… It’s not fear of him, not really. Thank you, though. I… I am grateful to have your respect, Fenris, if not your approval.”
“It’s nothing,” Fenris said.
“It’s more than you know,” Hawke murmured, and gently drew his hand away. “I have work to do in the clinic.”
“I’ll escort you,” Fenris said.
Hawke smiled at him. Tired, yes, but genuine. “Come on, then,” he murmured, and they walked together.
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internetremix · 5 years
In IR lore, what are the personalities of your personas? Basic likes and dislikes?
Kristen: Goggles is An Child and behaves as such. She's very cheerful, very curious, a bit mischievous and also 100% obsessed with making fanwork of her internet family... like a goddamn weirdo. She'll usually be hanging out with everyone, spot some sort of inspiration, squeak with joy and then rush off to write or draw. She's also the defacto leader of the Smol Squad, which is composed of herself, Shyner, Jojo and Chi-chi, and she's usually the one squeaking out ridiculous plans in muppet for dumb shit like stealing cookies and trying to trap people in fanfiction scenarios. She likes to help and can often be found doing such things as assisting Xander in his many schemes or just popping up to provide shit like charts or hold things for other people- basically whenever it would be funny to have some goddamn muppet backing something up.
She loves plush toys, particularly Crockernanner, and also loves sugar, star decorations, and cuddles. She likes being picked up and loves attention, and she's pretty consistently attached to at least one person, often her big brother Split if she's not with the Smol Squad. She is in eternal war with Phill since he bullies her constantly, and will occasionally try to set up elaborate traps for revenge only to fail miserably. Also she's a huge weeb. She does not like to sleep and will often go days without it before being dragged off by some bigger person to take a goddamn nap you ridiculous child.  She is also very afraid of thunderstorms, she doesn't like loud noises or the dark.
She also has... various flaws and problems. But those are spoilers and I have no idea when/if we’ll be doing story stuff with IRsonas so I don’t want to give too much away with that.
Sorry this is very long, I think about my child a lot.
Jojo: JoJo is also a very happy child... like, stupid happy all the time. Like, they don't really have a concept of being angry. they're either manic happy or a bit sad. They love to find any way to make anybody smile or laugh, whether it be a somber happy, or a crying fit of laughter. They thrive off of happiness. They're a bit mischievous as well, and will try to play pranks and swipe things to chew on. They'll just appear in random places you'd never expect. like, in the pantry, the vent, or in your drawer. They chew things all the time to keep their dragon teeth sharp! They do tend to come off as obnoxious and kind of useless sometimes? But that's ok.
They love happiness, rocks, swimming, sandwiches, Vanilla coke, coffee, pianos, stars, ghost stuff(horror genre), and laughter. JoJo is pretty similar to Goggles now that I think about it x_xJoJo is best friends with Phill, and will always be on him in some way. Like his leg, back, holding onto his scarf by their teeth, etc. They're also very close with Goggles and Shyner, and Scott (even though Shyner tries to chase JoJo off with knives, JoJo will take it as a game of tag or something)JoJo doesn't like being yelled at or being told to go away. They get spooked easily by loud noises. They always get paranoid when they think someone is mad at them and will go to ungodly lengths to make them not mad or slightly annoyed with them, which sometimes makes people more annoyed with them than they were before.
JoJo is just an exaggerated version of me XD
Atwas: Atwas is fairly easy going. They make light of things often, and often hide serious sentiments behind jokes. They’re the type to roll with goofy and silly situations, and are very “yes and” type that enjoys escalating things in the name of light-hearted fun. They enjoy playing pranks, especially ones that take advantage of their hologrammatic nature (being able to enter and ‘possess’ electronics is something that they take advantage of often). Being technically in the cloud and a part of the internet at all times, they will often chime in with fun (often unrelated or humorous) metrics about situations and people as they occur—and often forgets that having a HUD isn’t something everyone has access to.
Being ‘technically’ invulnerable, atwas isn’t phased by the more dangerous things that go on in the IR tower, but usually prefers being a spectator or commentator as opposed to being an active participant in general shenaniganry. They don’t have any particular animosity towards anyone, and will occasionally help manage technical parts and functions of the tower.
They enjoy things like tech, cold weather, tea, fun statistics, darkness; and aesthetics like Film Noir and Retrowave.
They dislike things like excessively hot weather, being interrupted, getting too personal, having to put in a lot of “effort”, and being out of the loop.
Shyner: Shyner can easily be summed up to a tsundere in denial, and is the definition of an agent of chaos. If something goes wrong, she’s the one pouring a trail of kerosene to let the fire spread. She's loud, impulsive, and really doesn't give two shits. While quirky and charismatic, she’s also sarcastic and witty, reveling in the amusement of making fun of others. She’s often stubborn and impatient, thinking highly of her own beliefs and angered by those who dare to challenge her ideals. She also lacks a filter, and enjoys garnishing her words with colorful profanities. Filled with gripes of past trauma, she’s engaged in a constant internal war of turmoil and grief. She’s incredibly cautious and closed off around those she doesn’t trust, and can be very selfish.  Despite this, she’s loyal to the few people she cares about, going out of her way to put them first if a dire situation were to arise. She’s also very sneaky and mischievous, often finding amusement in spying on others. Her MBTI is INTP-T.
Her hobbies include stargazing, ghost hunting, spying, and Satanic worship. She enjoys melancholy vibes, horror movies, animals, thunderstorms, and has an unhealthy obsession with sweets. Yes, this child will stab you without hesitancy if you take her cookies. She dislikes seafood, big crowds, kiddie leashes, and is afraid of experiencing intense emotion she doesn’t understand.I love my satanic smol bean very much. If I may be so bold as to dive into the nitty-gritty psychology, Shyner possesses many flaws, a lot of which I personally struggled with growing up. She is a reflection of my past self, some gripes with my current self, and the perception of how I could have turned out if I hadn’t met my family at IR. Hiding behind the exterior of being a merciless bully, she still has an intense internal desire to be a good person, but gets frustrated and often derails herself in the process of fighting her desire to act on impulse. She keeps most relationships with people at arm's length, fearing that if someone were to think highly of her, it would only be a matter of time before they’re disappointed. If we were to go full-fledged story mode, she would most definitely have an intense character redemption arc, making the revelation that being shitty to those who care about her isn’t the way to run from her problems and hide away from her own sense of self-insecurity/hatred.
Phill: Phill likes mischief, bad jokes, sexual undertones, Jojo, sexual overtones, bullying Kristen, and the colour pink. That's it xD
Jojo: :D yay
Alex: Alex don't give a shit but is for whatever reason the bossman and is also as powerful as silver age Superman, just don't try actual murder of the crew and he won't yeet you into the sun
Moon: 2019 Moon is an idiot. If we didn't know any better, we would assume he was born from nothing but an old head of lettuce in Satan's refrigerator. Think like Scott from Monster Prom, but different. He knows his right from his left, but the compass is still just "NESW" to him. Impulsive, lovable, and kinda loud, this muscley dumbass will do practically anything you tell him to if he finds it enjoyable. When paired with a few people, he works well as a second to many dynamic duos. Brodingles and Moon/Split and Moon are two really good ones, dangerous shenanigans ensue. Can and will rap like a beast, any challenge to a freestyle will result in a career ending and a death being sentenced. Extroverted people pleaser, definitely shooting high to perform and when adapting to a character, goes a little too hard. This man played Gander in Charlottes Web and didn't stop making goose sounds for months. Did I mention he's also a disney princess? Singing, animals, mortal enemy falling to their death? Everything
Dawn: ToonWolf/Dawn's personality falls within the confines of recklessly adventurous who doesn't think things through entirely. They like to try and rope others into going on various hikes, treasure hunts, mythic/cryptid searches, etc. Unapologetic sailor mouth. They will fight for friends and family. Various animals, trinkets, treasures, and cool but useless garbage are brought back to the tower often (oops theres a liiiiiiitle bit of hoarding). Sometimes those animals consist of dogs, cats, lizards, bears, wolves, The Great Noble One, horses, lions, elk, you get the idea (Can I keep them?Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaseeeeee??????????).
Overall they are most comfortable and relaxed in/around water and likes a whole lotta things including sailing, swimming, adventure, stargazing, animals, mythology/legends, friends, family, and drawing.
They dislike waking up early, limitations, being talked down to, boredom, desert/hot/humid/dry weather, coffee, and the movie "Cube"
Tex: Tex is an avid cryptid detective + has a surprisingly good intuition when creating conspiracy theories about them to follow. Mm lots of memes and disguises. Smart, but usually just off on their own thinking about other stuff.Totally has a wall in their room dedicated to figuring all the cryptids out with like, red string and everything.
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rederiswrites · 6 years
I meant to report on my trip more as it happened, but it was too busy and intense and there wasn’t a moment for that. Now I’m left wondering how to frame all there is to tell, much less synthesize it into a narrative. The very short version is that it went astonishingly well. Oh, not my dad, so much. He behaved like a friendly acquaintance from long ago, which certainly helped things go smoothly socially, but actual shows of emotion or any hint of guilt or apology were clearly totally off the table. But we killed it with the rest of the family. We were well-groomed, well-dressed, articulate, interesting, and funny. We were the stars of the show. 
None of my brothers (my father’s second family) came, but I did get to talk to two of them via facetime, which is a first. I talked to the sixteen year old and the 11 year old. They were serious and socially unsure (how DOES one talk to one’s sister one has never met?), and I’d recently been crying my head off, but we still managed to talk a bit about hobbies and such. I was impressed that the sixteen year old was obviously sensible to the difficulties and helped his brother through the conversation pretty well. The third, the 14 year old, has Mowat-Wilson Syndrome and Hirschsprung disease, and is heavily disabled and non-verbal, but he can communicate a bit, just not really via phone. More motivation to make it to visit when I can.
My cousins were all very cool. Two of them actually DID apologize for their part in my being cut out of the family, but since at the time they were young adults with little to no influence in the family, busy starting their own lives, I hadn’t been holding them accountable anyway. The third was ALSO not talking to the family at the time, nor until he was 35, so. Heh. There’s talk of visiting the two that live on the east coast, and I hope we can manage it sooner than later.
Otherwise, the kids loooved the desert, and we had a grand time just the four of us at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and the Gem Show. Jacob enjoyed a local blacksmithing event and me and the kids spent that morning chilling and drawing in lovely weather, which was a well-timed break. I got a bunch of jewelry findings--ear wires, chain, etc.--that I’m eager to put to use. My daughter got a ridiculously cute aqua cowboy hat that subsequently came in very handy for hiding from family while she obsessively drew dragons. We got close enough to the Mexican border to have to go through a border check on the way back, and ate at a Mexican place that struck me as hilariously average and not as authentic as the hole-in-the-wall place in our hometown in Maryland where the Mexican immigrants go. Cholla cactus are, like, the angriest plant in the world. My dad was, if not insignificant, then surprisingly close to it.
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15 questions 15 mutuals
Tagged by both @yogurtbattle and @starlight-and-moonshine Thank you two sweetpeas!! ❤❤❤❤❤
1.are you named after anyone?
Nope. The closest thing is my inherited middle name Joy was passed down by mother and her mother all who had this middle name. 
2. when was the last time you cried?
Two weeks ago, when I arrived in my morning class half an hour late since I was so sure that it was an afternoon class. Whoops.
3. do you have/want kids?
This is crazy since this is the second time I ran into this question. I still don’t know and I don’t seem to be interested at the moment. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I would love to try using it frequently without being snarky, but only if I didn’t get so easily lost with someone’s tone if they’re being serious or sarcastic. 
5. What is the first thing you notice in a person?
Their eyes and their smile. 
6. What is your eye color?
7. Scary movie or happy ending? 
Why not both? I’m a little bit into scary movies thanks to my brother but I also enjoy a clever non-cliched, satisfying happy ending. 
8. Any special talents?
I don’t think I have one. Other than I can reach both of my hands behind my back and hang onto each hand like a stretch. I’m sure everyone can do that though. 
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, fitness, consignment shopping, reading, acting, singing, drawing, crafting, sewing, vinyl record shopping, and photography.
11. Do you have any pets? 
Yes, they’re two dogs and a bearded dragon in my hometown since I’m studying for school. Their names are Marley, Kimra, and Inca. 
12. What sports do you/have you played?
I don’t play many sports now (unless swimming is a sport?) but growing up it’s been soccer, disc golf, baseball, track and field, and swimming. 
13. how tall are you?
14. favorite subject in school?
Art, history, drama, music, and English. 
15. Dream job?
Artist/Animator/Writer/Director (idk I mostly describe this all as being a storyteller writing and visually if that makes any sense at all)
@freddieseyeliner @rogerinatrash @siriuslovesmarlene
@sweet-mother-love @darlingfreddie @fourhystericalqueens @queen-ruined-my-life @rogerfuckxxngtaylor @tantrums-nd-tiaras @johnrichardeacon @ms-melina-mercury @dragonrider96 @littlesilhouettowalkson @saturdaynightsalright @mlle-fahrenheit
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sugarssaur · 6 years
 @turnourterrorintogold sent me this ask game by @gilgamemesh so here we go~
1. Your first OC ever?
I can’t remember lol.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Hmm I like drawing my big alien cat gorl Kida. Her design is fun and it’s probably the most “solid” character I have so far (alongside Orion).
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Yeah, I kinda adopted Zokii, an albino galra oc from my dear friend Mij who sent me this ask game. 
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I have many ocs but I don’t talk much about any of them. I’ve been talking a lot about my galra oc’s with my friend Mij though.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
I don’t know, I would be really happy if any of my ocs got popular.
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
I don’t think I have any yet.
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Like, in fanfic? Because I have the Sheith children that will be part of a fanfic Mij is writing.
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
No, I don’t.
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I’m working on a oc for Mij so yeah.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
I don’t think any of my ocs have really complicated designs lol (at least the ones I have given more tought on).
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
Bud, Leo and Thatch are the ones I can think on the top my head now (and Zokii who is Mij’s oc ofc).
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Yeah, I have some villains too but I’m still working on them.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Leona, a fan apprentice from The Arcana. She had an abusive father, and ran away from her clan after being scratched in the face by an albino jaguar that later becomes her familiar.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
Orion? Or maybe another Voltron oc I have (from the next generations of paladins)? I don’t know, didn’t think about it.
17. Any OC OTPs?
Not yet.
18. Any OC crackships?
Welp I saw a post in the rayllum tag once saying “what if Rayla broke up with someone before going to the Katolis?” and I tought it was cool, so I created a moonshadow elf oc called Luana, Rayla’s ex girlfriend lol.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
I don’t know man I like all of them. I could introduce Kida or Orion, ‘cause they’re pretty solid ocs but I already talked a lot about them.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
I don’t think any of them can sing... Maybe Luana? 
21. Your most artistic OC
Orion! He’s one of my Sheith kids oc. Unlike the rest of his family, despite of him being a good fighter and a good strategist, he has no desire in following a militar career because he’s an artist! And he likes taking pictures of all the amazing things he gets to see when he travels to planets of the coalition with his family. He’s like an honorary member in missions because he, alongside a small team, records everything that’s going on aboard. He’s always ready to help when things get tought though. 
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Few people know about my ocs, so no.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Welp, Kida was supposed to be more serious and way less cute and cat-like. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Any of my pet ocs (pokémon, dragons, familiars, etc.)
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Most of my sonas and one or other oc from The Arcana.
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
I have three or more that that I’m basing off of two Lord Huron’s songs: Yawning Grave and Frozen Pines.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
My vilains I guess.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
Any of my mcs from Mystic Messenger. I mean, the mc already kinda did that didn’t she? Lmao.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Many of them because they’re nerds and I like stuffed animals so I can’t help it.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Kida would have a pastel blog, and she would probably mostly reblog and post cute aesthetic pictures and gifs.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
My Mystic messenger mcs because they’re dumb enough to follow the instructions of a complete stranger and break in someone’s apartment lol.
33. Your shyest OC?
Probably Leona.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
I have Allurance kids as well, they’re twins- a boy and a girl. 
35. Any sibling characters?
The Allurance and Sheith kids (Orion, Kida and Zokii are adopted sibblings, they’ll probably get a human sister too in the future).
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
Zokii, they’re Kida and Orion’s older brother.
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
I’m just gonna link this.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
Probably Frida, my the arcana fan apprentice from Julian’s route.
39. Introduce any character you want
I have this furry alien boy which is the same alien species as Olia (Voltron). He’s one of Pidge’s favorite students and one of the next generation of paladins, but I couldn’t decide if he’s the blue or red paladin yet.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Well, it was cool talking about the sheith kids with Mij on discord.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
My friend and I made an art exchange and I posted it here a few years ago.
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
Orion, Leona, the allurance daughter, one of” the next generation paladins” oc and Zago (the arcana fan apprentice from Asra’s route).
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Don’t know...? 
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
Well, I try to make my characters diverse and unique.
45. A character you no longer use?
Some ocs from dumb stories I wrote when I was younger.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
Probably not?
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure.
Orion. He’s not very talkative but he’s a really nice dude, trust me.
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Most of them probably.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want.
I have a night fury plushie that I want to turn into an oc, but I couldn’t decide the name or if it’s a male or female.
Maybe it’s a female and I’ll give her a light fury girlfriend, who knows?
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