#when people say they want to go back to the 90s this is why /j
weirdmageddon · 3 months
ok. let's finally talk about this thing i've been wanting to go public with for ages
so i am not a fan of needing THC to help me curb the embarrassment i have in being happy talking about my real realll special interests, because perceived rejection of my interests feels like rejection of myself since i put so much of myself (my time) into them. i anticipate rejection from others because the stuff i find myself occupied with is detached, abstract, highly technical, or niche, and i'm aware of the surrounding cultural assumptions. some of them, and the level at which i am in involved in understanding them, are really specialized or esoteric, so even opening up about them is like "fuuuck im gonna be made fun of or it’s gonna be too technical that they zone out and dont understand why this is so meaningful to me" ive even posted about that feeling before.
see if i start accumulating too much self-context made in my own mind without sharing it i start to feel more and more isolated from other people around me, that they’re not seeing the full extent of what im seeing myself. i don’t share it, because i fear rejection or superficial judgments in other people’s eyes (probably because it’s happened to me and i’ve seen it happen to others). but at the same time it has to be shared with more people around me or else i feel like i have an intestinal blockage in my mind. what happens is my mental colon explodes from all the shit accumulated over time and vou get a post like this. i’m sorry for that mental image btw. anyway back the point of this post
anything where i can systematize archetypes in real, everyday situations has always been my strong suit. so when people ask me my hobbies im like ... uhhh what am i supposed to say? i analyze stuff about the world and rotate it in my mind. when carl jung wrote there are “as many archetypes as there are typical situations in life” i know exactly what he was talking about.
i’ve been toeing the line to really talk about this thing for two years, so let me tell you about socionics. if you already know what im talking about i love you. if you don’t (or even if you do, keep reading there’s probably stuff you don’t know in here), it is part abstract cybernetic model, part jungian concepts, part philosophy of information exchange. it classifies how people communicate and exchange information. it was created in eastern europe in the late 70s, developed primarily in the 80s-90s by other authors and it’s been an endlessly fascinating, elegant, and reliable tool for me.
usually people dismiss personality typology systems because the mbti became so watered down and pop-culturally saturated that people seemed to collectively take a stance of not taking anyone that genuinely cares about it seriously, or at least that’s the impression i got.
(btw — i need to go on this brief rant — i will never forgive 16personalities for being the big five rebranded and people thinking it's mbti. 16personalities gives you your big five type. they explicitly state on their website that they don’t borrow any concepts from jung. -A and -T don’t exist in the mbti and correspond directly to low and high neuroticism respectively. i figured out myself they mapped each letter dichotomy to the other four measures on the big five: extraversion (I/E), conscientiousness (P/J), agreeableness (T/F), openness to experience (S/N). which is stupid and it’s false advertising. take 16p and a big five test see for yourself how they match up. your personal mbti type can be different from its correlated big five type. the actual mbti using jungian concepts as a base is alright though. oh, and the best neo-jungian mbti stuff is by far michael pierce’d takes on it. if you actually fw that heres a carrd i created a few years ago about the cognitive function axes.)
but i always end up going to the bottom of the iceberg in anything i get really into, and i basically integrate it into my own understanding of the world around me for a while. maybe it was because i had a bad experience genuinely talking about it a few years ago from some people who made superficial judgments about it that made me sort of quiet about my interest in typology systems. i assume it’s because myers and briggs used the tool towards racist ends; it acquired negative connotations, bullshit intuition supremacy, and left the study of psychological types tainted in the united states. even if the individual’s study of the system is neutral, unbiased, out of pure curiosity as a way to classify and relate different personality structures to each other, as was the case with me. in addition to 16personalities being an invalid “mbti” test that bought their way to the front page of google, and rampant superficial information at all levels of study, finding anyone who was into it like me was basically impossible. the reason i have a preferred interpretation of jungian + mbti concepts is because i’ve tried different ones on and sensed how well they conform to reality as a way of describing phenomenon, ditching old ones that werent as clear. michael pierce’s i’ve found are the closest to what i sense jung's intentions were. (actually quite likely this is something i would attribute to being because all three of us are types LIl (and also all infj too, how about that?) brain-to-brain communication LII (carl jung) to LII (michael pierce) to LII (me)). so i felt like michael pierce kept the things that worked in real life and ditched the things that didn’t, leaving behind his elegant integration of the concepts.
anyway, i was under the assumption that anything that could be mistaken for it—which socionics often is at a glance—would be dismissed out of hand, even though it’s entirely different. plus, there’s all the context i’d need to clarify about how “it’s different from the “fun” unserious pop-psych mbti and also absurdly more technical” and what's the point in doing that if they don't respect you enough to hear you out anyway? so it just made me closed off.
they share a common ancestor though. the concepts are still based on carl jung’s book ‘psychological types’ which is why there is some shallow overlap, but the scope, structure, and application of it is different. i feel like this system is a lot more “living” and relevant to real interactions and communication between people in our everyday lives. i am always seeing specific examples of these concepts in play in real life and in characters depicted in media. it’s also been more empirically studied and successfully implemented over in eastern europe, and has gone under constant development and contribution. while since the 50s, mbti had crystalized and become stagnant with diverging interpretations to the point where it’s become basically meaningless to try to talk about because nobody can agree on concepts or semantics; there are virtually no distinctions between “schools” or “models” to differentiate interpretations — (although i have my preference for what i think are the most meaningful and reasonable one; as i said, that goes to michael pierce.) eastern (not so much western) socionics is incredibly more well put-together than mbti or kiersey for squeezing the potential from jung’s original ideas, and goes much deeper. that said, i will ALWAYS advise self-studying typlogy concepts over taking a test. the algorithm of a test can never possibly know you and your individual biases in interpreting the meaning of the words better than the knowledge you just have about yourself. if you learn the theory underlying it you will actually learn about yourself and others and it will actually mean something to you instead of a being an empty decoration for your profile.
here is a comparison chart i translated into english so you can get some idea of where these systems actually differ.
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Букалов, А. (2019). On the advantages of socionics over other post-Jungian typologies. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (6), 5–7. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/socionics/article/view/2603
for me it’s been super insightful applied to real life. it is like a toolkit for interpreting why some people just rub me the wrong way and our communication feels disjointed. or why some people pass my vibe check to enter my personal inner circle and i feel like talking with them is easier and not an uphill battle. who i feel drawn to and want to get to know better. to deconstruct why i and other people interpret information in the world the way they do, and how that explains the kind of people i end up curating in my life. it has put into words the concepts i haven’t been able to find the words for beforehand, and thus enables me to retrospectively pinpoint exactly what unconsciously makes people feel more at ease or why communication is just easier with some and why it’s harder with others, regardless of any other factors. there are other factors of course, that are the result of unique circumstances—nurture, culture, and upbringing—and i of course account for those, it’s not as pertinent to me as the framework that provides the skeletal structure regardless of those individual variations that are simply already a given for me. that was actually the whole point of its creation.
the system gives me a common language to communicate these ideas with, at least to the few people i talk to who have learned it, but i can adapt the concepts in how they relate to specific circumstances and convey it to a lay audience. i’ve been doing just that to explain why, of the people who have been made aware of the hs rarepair john-aradia, i have seen no one object to it, and instead, everyone i saw found it intriguing the more they thought about it, even when they initally thought was “so random”. and i realized, “hey wait! i know how to explain that!”, but that's in another post i've been working on.
[i was actually originally writing this post in the middle of said aradia and john analysis but i felt like there was way too much i wanted to talk about as its own thing. i figured people are going to be reading that post for john-aradia explanation, not public updates about my mind. i just didn’t want to rewrite this to account for the context because the point i made was still relevant]:
but now i’m thinking okay… i’m talking to a bunch of homestucks. why am i prostrating myself here? why am i so defensive? they’re probably creaming their pants at the idea of another symmetrically divisible system of classification to get their hands on. homestuck itself is founded upon a bunch of ideas with symmetrical divisions and classifications (divisible products of 2). aspect dichotomies, quadrants, cards, black-white, yin/yang and literally countless other abstract systems. if there is a common word to refer to these sorts of things, please let me know.
but in socionics terms, all of this sort of stuff i’m refering to would be within the domain of extraverted/black intuition (Ne) information, and classifying or positioning someone within those frameworks would be introverted/white logic (Ti). you can read more about these “elements” here. homestuck has familiarized you with notionally irreducible aspects present in everything, dual yin/yang forces permeating everything, so if you understand all of the sorts of abstract classification systems in homestuck you’re basically already 75% the way to fundamentally grasping model A socionics. it is way more structured and stable than the typologies in homestuck though. but you will perceive there to be similarities in the need for archetypal/thematic sense skills.
if you want to learn socionics, for the love of god start here. there are many weak places out there to start out with that will set you up with a faulty and loose understanding, but school of classic socionics is the best foundation to start with. i saw it emerge from the beginning when it was founded, having been part of it since late 2022.
this is an introduction to SCS, what makes it special, and and how differs from other socionics schools. i find SCS to be the most comprehensive, and i’m active within a side discord to discuss theoretical constructs related to model A. i’ve helped find the links between some concepts in model A that weren’t fully substantiated in augusta’s original works, specifically the importance of the asking/declaring reinin dichotomy, how it fits with regard to the rest of model A’s structure, how it underpins the ring of social benefit (which was missing from her writing), and how it can be used as an information element charge just like positivist/negativist can (i.e. all process types have positive asking Ne (+Ne? and all result types have negative declaring Ne (-Ne!). i’m still working on transfering my essay on that to a document.)
i know the intricacies of this system like the back of my hand but yeah i never post much about it because it’s so niche and i dont know who would even want to hear it besides people who i already know would, like in that small specialist group, but they actually been quiet lately even though i’m still active in there sharing things i realized. and i even feel alienated in most casual socionics discussion groups, especially larger ones. i need people who can match my freak about it.
because i have nowhere else to talk about it i’m starting to feel guilty yapping my friends’ ears off about it when i deconstruct everything i come across in light of this system like i’m being annoying about it. but at the same time when im doing that i am constantly reinforcing the merit of the system in successfully finding some dynamic i see in the drama of real life in connection to some idea from the model. i can immediately lock on to the core principles that are at play in any situation, validating the patterns that have been observed by others. by what measure do these people / characters / groups relate to each other, how do we define the specific “feeling” of the energy between them together? i could do a socionical analysis for anything that captures my interest.
it’s also been incredible for self-insight. i can now accurately explain my thought process.
i can change my perspective of the scope of my thinking on different levels. depending on the urgency of a situation developing around me and my respect for other people’s time, i can expand my reasoning from splitting hairs at the smallest pedantic specifics—although i prefer not to, to the most holistic global hard binary 0/1 (no/yes) judgment.
it’s fractal-like; once i know how to classify and compare the features of something to another, everything else with overlapping logical relationships instantly rises up in the same way, which of course is what leads to me having insights that reinforce the potential inherent in the things around me, because my way of thinking is isomorphic. i also experience strong animated mental imagery accompanying my conscious thoughts about these systems, minimalist shapes or lines of the barebones motion happening. i feel like my mental activity and what i actually write down is trying to capture what im seeing in my head.
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i prefer to be brief, but that requires sharing contexts with someone. once i've established similar ways of talking about the same thing with someone so that we’re on the same page, our messages basically become exchanging code words with each other. all of the potential densely packed into these efficient little terms.
the effect is that i am reducing the amount of time and energy i have to spend trying to explain things to someone. i just want to communicate easily and be understood by the people i talk to so that i can enjoy my time with them. this is why i felt like such a long, clarifying, in-depth post was necessary, which would rip the bandaid off and pull it all up at once, instead of on a private, individual-to-individual level. i had to have it engraved somewhere i could just point someone to instead of repeatedly having to explain the same thing over and over cause that’s a waste of time and energy.
in fact, that revelation i had about myself just now can be explained by model A too! my own type is LIl and this type’s id block houses the information elements +Te! → +Ni?, which aushra describes as “The quality of deeds and actions and the efficient expenditure of energy in work—only performing for what is truly necessary—leads to peace of mind in the future.”
or, for example, coming at it from another angle, here is an older post i made before i was even aware of socionics. i was already talking about my experiences, patterns of thinking and self-awareness in a way that was so on the nose for a socionics analysis.
is that not the clearest example of phase 2’s sensitivity (for me it is information about sensorics)? -Fi? → -Se! superego block, anyone? and did you see how much i gave attention to the time i spend working; +Te! -> +Ni? id block? [information element descriptions here]. you could also derive the progression of the information metabolism stages in my own psyche (phase 1: Ethics -> phase 2: Sensorics -> phase 3: Logic -> phase 4: Intuition).
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(from The Characteristic of SLI)
so through socionics it’s like i can find an explanation for just about everything i observe in others and myself just because i’ve extrapolated the logical relationships from that system and can isomorphically apply them to anything.
and i don't say that lightly! i'm not saying anything in this post lightly. like i have a degree in biopsychology from an honors college (ncf; yes, the liberal arts college desantis got his soulless hands on because it was “too woke"). having taken courses in statistics, research methods in psychology, and others, i know all about proper research design (and designing them myself). and of course i ended my four years there with my undergrad thesis, examining temporoparietal synchrony in autistic individuals when working alone and together, where for months on end i was doing nothing but reading and interpreting the validity of research papers. i even deconstructed poorly designed psychological constructs commonly used in autistic research in mine.
i also took personality psychology as a course during my time there. i got a birds eye view of most of the popular paradigms and still felt like i was more knowledgeable in the discourse behind some of the topics we glossed over since the course material was more of a broad comprehensive thing than an in-depth one for anything specific. in totality, all of the models i read about in relation to each other seemed so fragmented into different cuts and perspectives in trying to understand and find the patterns in people’s mental life. and yet none of the models i read about hold as as great of an everyday explanatory power as socionics does for explaining ways of thinking, people's proneness to certain tendencies, and the energetic tension that happens between certain people.
people can say otherwise that it’s pseudoscience. even though there are numerous studies built on real-world observations, the large-scale statistical data like from victor talanov. there's school of system socionics who emphasize its practice. it would be impossible to add all the evidence i can to support my claims to this post but you can see for youself - there are still countless new articles being published from different authors. regardless of that, even if it isn't accepted within the rigors of “scientific canon” i really dont give a fuck since it absolutely does indeed have explanatory and predictive power, and that’s all i care about. i’m confident in this not only through firsthand experience, the ability to frame what i know to be true about the real world within it and have it successfully describe those things, as well as talking to other people about my observations.
additionally, i see people make conclusions about interpersonal dynamics where they unknowingly repeat information that can be derived from socionics concepts.
something i noticed a LOT and ive repeatedly thought about and come to the same conclusion multiple times is that i think i naturally might "embody" the most optimal ways of interacting with other people for myself. it gives me insight into the nature of the personal relationships that i already procure in my life, but it’s not really a self-fulfilling prophecy because i dont use socionics to prescribe who i "should" be friends with. that's silly. thats a silly thing to do because people do have idiosyncracies that don't perfectly align with a system if you rigidly adhere to it, so you're bound to be set up for failure if you try to force that and you will be disappointed. it's better to let these feelings happen naturally without pretense, because that's where the observations that fuel my insight comes from.
i have a subconscious sense for who i will be able to get along with in the long term almost instantly without the need for any kind of system, just based on their actual mannerisms and “vibes”, but that alone is not good enough for me, i want to know why. socionics just gives me tools to figure out why so that i know what im dealing with and its not just ineffable energies, but i can put a name to those energies to think and talk about it and compare and discover patterns in what ive curated in my inner circle over my life, what i feel drawn towards. and indeed i do find plentiful amounts of recurring patterns. the simplification and abstraction is not to destroy the soul and expression of individuals but to wrap my head around them and understand them deeper in relation to everything else, including myself.
i am aware it can be confusing for many people which turns them away. but if theres any questions you have or youre confused about any concepts i can answer them
but yeah um, i’ve really only scratched the surface of this cognitive cybernetic tool. if you are genuinely interested in what i have to say and want me to talk more about it please openly tell me since i’m not a mind reader! i assume disinterest by default.
anyway if you got to this point thanks for reading. i wanted to just put it out there for context about any posts i make in the future. just stating my honest thoughts and whats been occupying my mind for the past two years.
be on the lookout for the john and aradia analysis soon where i’ll use it in practice to deconstruct some things about those characters. and if you’re coming to this post from that analysis after ive posted it, i’m sorry this post is so long in the middle of an already long-ish post. i just thought the context was important.
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Yeah, both Mikey and Donnie didn't get much character in the movie. Makes me sad when those 2 don't get much screen time 😔
Do you have some head cannons for each of the 2007 turtles? There isn't much to go on, so I it's hard to think of any
Yeah, I don’t have many hcs. I do think it’s canon (I don’t know if it was ever confirmed) that the 2007 movie is actually the turtles from the 90’s movies, as hinted though a lot of background details. But that could also be just Easter eggs but I like to think it’s true.
A few rough hcs:
1. Mikey got hurt quite badly sometimes when doing the birthday parties, but no one noticed/he didn’t tell anyone due to the strained relationships in the family. As a result he’s gotten very good at lying and makeup/skin painting due to hiding his bruises. It’s a habit that has unfortunately stuck after the movie - Leo realises this after he tries to walk off getting punted off a building.
2. Raph was suffering from depression due to Leo’s departure. This was why, unless he was beating people up at night (an unhealthy outlet) he was in bed all day and unresponsive. Also this was why he was so closed off to everyone, especially Donnie.
3. Donnie has insomnia which can go on for days. He first got the tech job to do the night shifts and try and shut off his brain. Without stimuli and patrolling, it only got worse, hence his own short fuse towards Raph
4. Every night Mikey waits for Raph to return, trying to stay awake all night. He sleeps in snatches in the afternoon/early evening after the parties are over, wanting to stay up late and make sure Raph comes back and isn’t hurt
5. Donnie also has major issues with burnout that Mikey can help fix
6. Leo has mild OCD, hence why he doesn’t like change that much. His training helped with this, but he has to work on his anxieties all over again when he comes back to New York and his brothers have new and developed skills and fighting styles
7. These boys turtle pile. They also love water and basking. Over the 2 years Leo is gone they don’t do this as it feels wrong to do it without him
8. When the dust settles and a year or so has passed since the movie, Leo invites his brothers to go to the jungle he trained in and spend a month there to work on their skills and to have a nice holiday. Not what many class as a vacation but they actually thrive in the environment. Leo misses the jungle and it was a large part of him, so he wants to share its importance with his brothers.
9. Raph is VERY protective of his brothers. After the movie and his fallout with Leo, this is turned up to the extreme until they all ambush him and get him to relax. Turtle piles.
10. Mikey is one of those people that can eat literal nuclear waste and be fine. He has an iron stomach
11. As I always say, Mikey has ADHD
12. Mikey is also very bad at directions and maps. He can navigate by remembering landmarks and have a rough idea of the direction he came from, but he gets too distracted and wanders off. As a kid, Splinter had to put one of those long leads on him when he went to the surface.
13. The PB&J mischief duo is real. Both of them like chaos too much and form alliances against Raph and Leo
14. Raph is very very scarred. He has a habit of jumping in front of weapons and getting into fights too often
15. Leo has a specific cleaning routine for his katana he does everyday without fail. He will not class training as being finished until he has done this.
16. Leo is a terrible driver. Mikey is actually very good
17. Mikey is good at ventriloquism. He totally doesn’t exploit this talent in the lair
That’s all I can think of for now!
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dandelionxbby · 8 months
: ̗̀➛ Modern TWOW Kids Headcanons
╰┈➤ Neteyam
High school junior - 17 years old
Captain of both varsity basketball and soccer
4.1 GPA, working towards Stanford
Often spends time in the library
Reads classical literature
Played Romeo in their school production of R&J
Has his licence and drives a ford
Models for small black owned fashion brands for a little extra cash
Runs Tuk's Etsy were she sells bracelets
Collect Records - R&B and Rap
Headphones > Speakers
Introverted but Extroverted around his friends and sports teams
Teacher's pet - carries the whole class. Answers when no one else does
Often gets into fights with Ao'nung because Ao'nung wants to be captain of the basketball team
Drives Tuk to school and extracurricular activities
Love to cook, in the kitchen almost every night with Neytiri
Not that close to Jake, he craves Neytiri's approval more than his
Nose, industrial, and multiple cartilage piercings
Plays violin
Has been growing his dreads since he was 7, but they don't look bad bc he keeps up with them
╰┈➤ Lo'ak
sophomore - 16 years old
JV Football and Basketball
2.3 GPA, Lo'ak isn't dumb, he just doesn't try
Made a music video to his rap for film class and it got a B-
Facetimed Reya right after he got his grade, he was really proud of himself
Skateboards to school and practices but Neteyam drives him home
Collects 90s/00s rap CD's - eminem, tupac, biggie, etc.
Talks back to the teacher, kind of a class clown
Wants to join the Marines like Jake
Worked as a cashier at the movie theater to buy him and Reya tickets to the Eras tour. He didn't know all the words to the songs but he tried.
Is outside from the time he comes home 6:30 to 11:00 at night shooting hoops bc he really wants to be on varsity basketball with Neteyam
Always has his airpods in
Records his raps in his bathroom bc it has good acoustics
Closer to Kiri than the rest of his siblings
They all has their own rooms but he is always in Kiri's for some reason
Taper fade with braids
Besties with Rotxo, he talks to him about things he can't with other people
Wants a tattoo so bad, but Jake says "You can get one once you paid your own rent"
Has an Ig with 134K followers
╰┈➤ Kiri
Crochets her clothes
Thrifts or depop clothes only, doesn't believe in fast fashion
Low-key in her Kat Stratford era
Plays piano and bass
Has an all girl band - boygenius is her idols
Loves anime and K-pop - has her Bias as her laptop wallpaper
Anti-plastic, only uses her hydroflask - hates stanleys bc "consumerism has America in a chokehold"
Photographer for the school's digital newspaper
Wears dangle mushroom earrings everyday
Has a wolfcut and red hair
She has natural freckles but they are barely there so she draws them on with a brown eyeliner pencil
She's in theater club and is the composer of all the musicals
Dance moms is her guilty pleasure
Very much vegan and will give someone the stink eye if they eat meat next to her
works at a crystal shop and will geek out anytime a rookie collector ask her what a specific crystal is for
has a septum piercing
Super introverted her only friends are Reya and Rotxo
Always challenging her teachers
Her only social medias are Twitter (X), tumblr, and tiktok
Loves Taylor Swift and Minski
Watches french films and reads french books
Closer to Jake but Neytiri is her go to girl when she needs to talk
Her phone background is Grace and her when she was 3, it was taken 3 months before Grace died
Hates sports, doesn't understand why people are going crazy over football recently
Her walls are covered with posters
Low-key loves all of Lindsay Lohan's movies - she's her celb crush
╰┈➤ Ao'nung
Same year and age as Neteyam
I feel like his family is rich
Drives a benz
going to uop on a basketball scholarship
6'3 1/2 - got his dad's height
Super protective of Tsireya
On the debate team, he loves arguing
If he's not playing basketball, hes surfing, if hes not doing that he's studying
Posts him playing basketball on his tiktok and ig, hoping one day he'll get noticed by a scout, thousands of people repost his videos
Has every pair of Jordans known to man
crosses people over in the hallway
I feel like he bullies freshman boys but sticks up for the freshman girls bc he sees them as his little sisters
Ronal is the principal so he get's good food at lunch
always late to class but has amazing grades
introverted extrovert
teaches basketball to kids at the community center
Throws the best parties
brings speakers to school
Frenemies with Neteyam and Lo'ak
Of all the Sullys, Kiri is his favorite
╰┈➤ Tsireya
Sophomore - 15 years
Post GRWMs on tiktok
Tennis and volleyball
Starting ballet this year
skincare and makeup obsessed
wears her mary janes everyday
super coquette / coastal grandmother
team conrad
Loves Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey
Priscilla, Marie Antoinette, Belle, Girl Interrupted, Black Swan are her favorite movies
Wears the friendship bracelets that Kiri and Tuk make her
Watches Vouge Beauty Secrets when she gets ready
Her favorite youtuber is Sabrina Lilliane
Thrifts with Kiri
Has a baby pink Stanley and wears ugg slippers
On the school dance team
Has a Jeep but can't drive it yet so she rides with Ao'nung
Carries K-pop Idol photo cards
4.0 GPA, she doesn't play about her grades
Often helps Lo'ak with school
Reads poetry books
Researching to start her own haircare line with the help of Neytiri
Doesn't wear a backpack only tote bags
If she doesn't have starbucks every morning then she'll be cranky all day
Always wears a locket that has her parent's pictures in it
Is the star of all the musicals
Sophomore year class president
Did the best petting zoo fundraiser
╰┈➤ Rotxo
Head of the school paper
doesn't play sports
The smiths are the only people he listen's to
works at a record shop
volunteers at a soup kitchen
4.2 GPA going to Harvard Med
Wants to be a surgeon
Manages Ao'nung social media accounts
Introverted, hates large crowds
Drives Kiri to thrift stores, they're besties
╰┈➤ Tuk
3rd grade - 8 years old
Sells friendship bracelets
Went to the eras tour with jake, had a big sign that said "Give her her scarf back, now"
She traded bracelets with a bunch of people
Did ballet for a while and hated it so now she does gymnastics
Spa days with Neteyam
in her "only eating chicken nuggets and craft mac and cheese" phase
loves to rollerblade
Has an unboxing channel on youtube
always making slime
doesn't have any electronics bc Jake and Neytiri doesn't want her to be an Ipad kid
Tuk is really popular on youtube but she doesn't know it
Loves Reya like another sister
Takes horseback riding lessons
╰┈➤ Spider
Doesn't go to Pandora High like the rest, he goes to an athletic boarding school on a lacrosse scholarship
Was really close to the sullys but since his school has a no phone rule they've grown apart
Still hangout on the weekends and in the summer
no doubt he's going pro
Grew up around military vets
cut his dreads off once he got to school
takes archery as an extra class
really good at math
The sullys send him care packages full of junk food
He sleeps over at the sullys on the weekends bc he would rather not be with his dad
Still really close to Kiri but not as close to Lo'ak as they used to be
Loves the MCU and goes to the theaters when the movies come out even if they are bad
Thank you for reading <3
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Hi, I have some hypothetical questions… I have a fictional royal family that I made up and like to write for, I also like to base things as close to reality as possible, so in regards to this questions I would like someone’s opinion (and just to mention here, Iovee the podcast, is my favorite thing to listen to when I’m at my lunch break, I’m excited for the nexts episodes!!!)
1) Do you think is possible for a foreign monarch (just for exemple: Denmark, Sweden or any other monarchy) to inherit a propriety in the UK?
(for context: my monarch great-grandmother was a British aristocrat and she married into my royal family, but she was the only surviving daughter, so she inherited the property and all, but not the title, that became extinct after her fathers death (still trying to figure it out if it’s possible for a woman to inherit the propriety in the 1920s). But let’s say she inherited Chatsworth house, do you think it’s possible for a foreign royal to keep the estate and use as a form of income?
And 2) some monarchies, like the Swedish Royals keep their jewelry in a foundation, if hypothetically, the monarchy was abolished who would keep the jewelry?
Hello :) Thank you for your lovely feedback on the podcast. So nice to hear that people are enjoying it!
So to answer the first question, I can't see why not. Carl Gustaf inherited Bertil and Lilian's home in France which isn't exactly the same but it's a monarch inheriting overseas property. Some countries might require you to tell the government but that would be the case any time anyone inherits something or generates income from something. As for the situation in the 20s, women were inheriting property long before the 1920s. I'm reading a book about women in the 17th century and there are references to them inheriting property in that! It was legally more complex and less likely for all sorts of reasons I won't get into, but it happened.
In terms of the second question, theoretically you can dissolve a Foundation. You'd have to check the governance documents and the laws in different countries but I'd guess the pieces go back into private ownership by the royals. However, I don't think the royals could dissolve the Foundation themselves, it would have to be the board of directors. But to be honest I don't think it really matters whether it's a Foundation or not. Let's look at Greece for a moment. The Greeks were somehow able to get their jewels out of Greece when they were deposed but I'm actually going to side step over to property. Constantine had personal ownership of a place called Tatoi Palace. The Greeks fled in 1967 and then in 1973 the government officially confiscated Tatoi and other properties (and all moveable properties so that would have included any jewels left behind). A lot of other stuff happened and the status of the properties changed but in the 90s they confirmed their stance that the property no longer belonged to Constantine. He eventually took the Greek government to the European Court of Human Rights to contest this. They ruled the property had belonged to the royal family privately but that the government's decision to seize it had been within Greek law - in most countries governments can seize property under certain circumstances - and that actually with one exception every new Republic had confiscated the private property of their deposed monarchs because it was seen to be in the public interest to do so. In the end the Greeks got a financial settlement but it was a fraction of what they wanted. I know it's not exactly related to your question but what I'm trying to show is that if a royal family has reached a point where they are losing their throne, the country is upending their entire system of governance, all bets are off. There's every possibility that their privately owned assets would be seized and legal grounds would be found to make that possible. So it would really be a case of negotiation and whether they can get direct access to the jewels quickly enough.
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 124. brb x oc
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a/n: my day is going a bit intense and I don't know how to feel about it. hah. just...send good vibes guys, pls. reblogs and comments are super encouraged <3333
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none.
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
Nicole loved going out with her parents, it was one of the few things her still developing mind could connect with fun. That and spending time with both of her grandparents. She was still six months old, still a baby but she was very alert.
Her doctors often told her parents how smart she was for such a young age, in fact they mentioned that she might expand her vocabulary really soon, maybe sooner than any of them expected. So to her, looking out of the window from her little seat as her father drove them somewhere was enough to catch her attention, “Aa?” she stares at the window, making Beatrice look at her then to see what she was so intrigued by.
There was a huge billboard with a dog on it, a pitbull that resembled Jolene a whole lot. “I know, honey. It’s a dog.” her mother says, “It looks like Jojo,doesn’t it?”
“Buh buh buh.” she giggles, kicking her little legs, those tiny Mary Janes were making their daughter look like a little doll, “Ha!”
Beatrice smiles, rubbing her daughter’s leg fondly before she goes back to her original position, “Well, at least she’s having fun.” she sighs, sinking a bit in her seat, “I’m so…nervous.”
Rooster hummed, dropping one of his hands from the wheel to land on her thigh, gently rubbing the denim covered limb with his thumb as he paid attention to the road, ‘I know,me too.” he says, “I don’t know why, considering the why was dealt with.”
“I think it has to do mainly with the fact we are coming back to the clinic six months after Nicole was born?”
A pause.
“That could be it.” was his muttered reply, followed by a clearing of his throat that turned into a short chuckle as he removed the hand from her leg to hold onto the steering wheel, it’s twin coming up to his face to hold his head up as his elbow stayed on the window, “It’s not that weird,there are people who had babies three months apart.”
“That’s…” she frowns, “I don’t know how to feel about that.”
“I mean at least we waited– well not waited because it wasn’t planned but uh…we didn’t did it so soon.”
The silence that followed was humorous and worrisome, because both of them just looked so confused by this situation it was hilarious. So much so that Nicole herself started giggling, even if she had no idea what was going on,”I mean I guess.” Beatrice’s mouth curved into a smile when she heard Nicole’s laughing, there was no way to be worried when that little girl giggled, she just made all the fears melt away, “I just hope it goes well, you know? And figure out how far along I am.”
“How far along do you think you are?” he asks, “Any idea?”
“I’ve looked it up on the old flier I got at the clinic and apparently it’s one month along…I think.” she didn’t seem to trust her own words, in fact she looked even more conflicted, “I’m trying to remember if I got my period last month….um…” she holds her forehead and clenches her eyes, “I don’t know if I did, I could check my calendar but I don’t know.”
“I think it’s better if we just check at the clinic,gorgeous.”
“Yeah…yeah you are right.”
Beatrice just chewed the side of her mouth in thought, still mentally counting the days in her fingers, calculating, moving her fingers in a square, then a circle, with her brows furrowed because obviously there was a way of knowing.
Bradley just offered his wife a little smile, then patted her thigh fondly because he knew she was trying to soothe her nerves. The rest of the week was…fine. People still questioned if everything was okay because both of them looked way too happy but quickly dropped it once they mentioned anything about Nikki.
Was it wrong?
Not really considering their daughter was getting bigger and bigger and achieving so much so soon.
Speaking of her, Rooster looked at her through the mirror, her sandy brown hair was pulled into two low pigtails and her pink dress with shorts made her look like a little princess. She just looked out of the window, with pure amazement because everything was so new to her, everything infatuated her so nicely, she was an amazing little baby.
And Rooster didn’t want to miss those moments.
He hadn’t told Beatrice about the…possible special mission after the holidays, whatever it was it needed a lot of research. If they had time to figure out how to do it, it meant they got the advantage…possibly. The last time they had at least a few weeks to prepare, maybe even a month if he wasn’t wrong and it was dangerous as fuck.
Whatever it was he had to mentally prepare for when he had to leave…which part of him didn’t want to, not really, he wanted to stay but he couldn’t. He had been having a lot of these thoughts lately, these conflicting moments in his mind that sometimes weighed too much for him to handle.
He decided to focus on always coming back home, as safe as he could be. It was what he could do at the moment, nothing more.
“We’re here.” his wife says, looking out of the window as he turns the car towards the parking lot, there weren’t a lot of people from what they’ve seen, “...well…are you ready?”
“I’m ready.Are you?”
Her little noises always made him smile, he couldn’t help but lean down and kiss her forehead, kiss that little furl between her brows and chuckling when she just blinked up at him in confusion, “We’ll be okay, gorgeous.” he reassures her, opening the car door and walking around it to open her own.
Beatrice smiles in thanks, standing to her feet and clenching the flier in her hand as she looked towards the building. How odd was it to see it again in…such a short period of time. The lady who scheduled their visit didn’t seem to judge either of them, she just laughed and said they were ‘always welcome’ there. 
It was nice…a bit overwhelming but nice.
She taps the flier against her palm, her anxiety climbing up to her shoulders and making them tense up. She paced around a bit as she waits for Rooster to pick Nicole up, looking back at him with a little frown when she hears the passenger door close and the obvious tinkling of her rubber monkey echo around the area.
Her husband shouldn’t look so good while carrying their baby girl and yet he was.
And he was just wearing his usual shirts, nothing out of the ordinary but she always said that Rooster could make a potato sack look nice if he wore it. He locks the car while holding Nicole on his opposite arm and pulled his sunglasses to his scalp after shoving the keys into his pocket, smiling up at Bea, ‘You good?”
“Hrrmmm…” she says again, rubbing her eyes, “I guess.”
‘It’ll be fine.” the tinkling gets louder when he approaches Beatrice, “You’ll see.”
Nicole babbled almost in agreement, shaking her little monkey in hopes to make her mother smile, which did work but Beatrice’s eyes were still nervous, she was wringing the little pamphlet in her hands with such force that the shiny paper squeaked under her grasp, “Yeah, okay…we better go inside.” his hand on her lower back was a comfortable reminder that he was still there, being her supporter every single moment of their lives and she couldn’t be more thankful.
He just pressed her back a bit harder to push her forward, never hurting but just enough to sign that she should walk and he’d follow. Nicole was mesmerized by the surroundings, the huge plants adorning the outside, large windows with colorful stickers from the children’s rooms and with the windchimes moving with the wind.
She brings her monkey to her mouth, turning her head to keep the windchimes in her vision until they got inside. And then she looks around again and this time she vocalizes happily because there’s a lot of fun colors in there.
She bounces a bit on Rooster’s arm, happily giggling at the different posters and pictures on the wall, making her father smile, “Yeah? Nice isn’t it Nikki?” he says quietly seeing there were a few people there “But, hey,shhh,” he brings his finger to his lips, “We can’t be too loud here.”
Nicole babbles a bit more, her tone going quiet but she smiles because her dad was so silly! Beatrice approaches the front desk with Rooster right behind her, tapping her fingers on the cold surface as the secretary looks up at her, already typing something in her computer, “You’ll be seen soon.” she says, “Please take a seat.”
“Thank you.” she is surprised at how stable her voice sounded, still holding the little flier in her hand as Rooster cups her lower back, guiding her to the empty black chairs tucked on the wall, “Hrrmm…”
“Bea, it’s okay.”
“Baby.” he laughs, kissing her head and waiting for her to sit first, Nicole immediately wanting to trade places and stretching her arms to Beatrice, “Baby it’s okay…it really is.” she just remained silent, nuzzling her daughter’s hair and closing her eyes with a soft sigh as he sits down on her left, grabbing her free hand to bring it to his lips, “Gorgeous…come on.”
“I feel like…I don’t know what I’m feeling.” she whispers just so he could hear, holding Nicole up with her hand behind her small back, keeping her upright and safe as she shook her noisy monkey happily, completely oblivious to what was happening, “It’s…unreal? I think…or too real, or maybe both- Rooster I’m not making sense.”
He chuckles, kissing her hand again, “It’s okay,gorgeous…you are nervous,I’m nervous,Nikki isn’t nervous because she’s having such a huge blast with her toy she couldn’t care less,” cue to more shaking,”We’ll just…check how things are, see if everything is okay with the little bean and then we’ll go home and have something good to snack on.”
“Maybe even Mr.Scoops.”
He could see the faint curve of a smile, her eyes meeting his, “They are having the Christmas Bundle again…I think it’s okay…” she whispers, “I just…I don’t know I…I mean,it feels more real now,you know?”
“I know.”
“Like,” she looks at Nicole, “Look at this. We made this little baby.” Nicole stops chewing her monkey to stare at her parents, “And-and we made another one that’s growing in me right now.” she blinks, ‘And I…I have been having symptoms and I ignored and I thought it was just because of,I don’t know, stress but it was just the birth control failing- I need to check with the ladies too,so I…I don’t know, figure out another type of contraception because this…was surprising.”
Rooster uses their interlaced hands to keep his head up, eyes so filled with love and care he felt like he was ready to explode from inside out. She still enamored him so much, nothing changed from that moment at the bar, at all, he still loved her and thought she was the cutest human being ever, “You are precious.” he coos, kissing her knuckles then her cheek, “You are going to be okay, one thing at a time,gorgeous.”
“Don’t trigger the anxiety now, okay?”
“I’m trying.”
He smiles, kissing her again and leaning back on the seat with his hand still latched with hers, his opposite one was on his lap as he looked around the clinic. In fact there were very few people there, just another couple not too far from them and another one that just arrived, the soft music over their heads brought him back to Nicole’s ultrasound.
Speaking of Nicole, she was moving her head around curiously, trying to focus on something in such a big space was hard but she was trying her hardest. She brings the monkey’s arm to her mouth and gnaws on it, the squeaking from her gums rubbing against the soft material making Rooster look over to her…and his eyes narrowed, tilting his head just a bit, “Nikki.” he begins, “Nikki, hey,look at dada.” she looked back at him, she could identify that ‘dada’ was him and mama was Beatrice, a huge feat for such a young baby, “Let me see your mouth.”
Nicole keeps on chewing, the question making Beatrice snap out of her thoughts and look down, “What?” Rooster gently pries the little girl’s mouth open and smiles when she giggles, moving her lips just a bit, “What’s wrong?”
“She’s teething.”
“What?” she tries to keep her voice down, leaning her head to look into Nicole’s mouth herself and seeing two very faint white dots on her lower gum, not breaking the skin yet but very close to, ‘Oh my God.”
“Yep.’ Rooster pulls his fingers away and smirks a bit more, leaning on his elbow against the chair, “You are growing,little bird, you are going to get your first teeth.”
“Yeah! It’s exciting!”
“We need…to get fluoride and, and some ice,” Beatrice mutters, her eyebrows furrowing, “And some things to soothe the teething pain and…” her hand automatically coming up to her chest, “And to myself, she’s still drinking from the source after all.”
Rooster drops his eyes from her bust to her face,earning an exasperated glare from his wife, “What?”
“Don’t start.”
“I’m not starting anything.” he smirks, but then his face relaxes, “But no,you are right, we can get some stuff already and keep it saved up for when the chompers,” he gently wobbles Nicole’s chin, making her vocalization vibrate and her laughter get louder, “Come out.”
Beatrice looks down at Nicole, who once her father let her go, looks back at Bea with a gummy grin. Nicole reaches for her mother, grabby hands and all, and Beatrice pulls her up and tucks her against her neck, closing her eyes, “She’s teething.” she whispers, “She’s already teething,Roos…I-I’m too imbalanced hormonally to handle this, I feel like I’m going to cry!”
“Bea…” he smiles, even though he feels pretty much the same way upon noticing that yes, their daughter was indeed growing bigger and bigger every day. Soon enough she’ll be able ot walk and talk fully, have full on conversations with them and hell, in a blink she might leave for college.
He didn’t want to think about that.
Thankfully, they wouldn’t have to, because their names were called. Beatrice’s head snaps up then back at Rooster, her brows low,”It’s okay,gorgeous, give me Nikki.” she does, not before kissing the little girl’s head, standing up with her husband following suit. He coos Nicole, who whines because she was oh so comfortable in her mother’s grasp, walking alongside Beatrice as the two wander to the ultrasound room.
Beatrice already knows what to do, she’s already sitting on the bed as the lady tells them the doctor is coming soon. Beatrice huffs, adjusting herself while pulling the elastic of her sweat pants down the curve of her stomach, looking down at it, “Do you notice anything?”
Bradley looks up from Nicole to his wife’s stomach, then furrows his brows, “Not really? It looks the same, gorgeous, not that different.”
“Hrrmmm.” she sighs, dropping her head back down onto the bed and blinking at the ceiling, “We’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.”
“We will.” he looks around for the chair and immediately sits down when he finds it, thankfully it is right next to the bed so he could reach out for Bea and touch her hand if she feels too anxious, which he knew she would. “Nicole is excited.” he tries to distract her with a conversation and when it involves Nicole it really helps.
Beatrice turns to look at the two, seeing their little girl looking behind Rooster to a large Sesame Street poster, vocalizing and bouncing a bit in Rooster’s arms, “She is.” Bea smiles weakly, “She loves Sesame Street.”
“More than Dr.Chimp.”
“She might be into more…vintage stuff.” she says, “Like her parents.”
Bradley wouldn’t mind that. The thought that Nicole would share more of their interests was really nice to think about. They stop their chatter when they hear the door open, the same woman from before - when she saw Nicole in the womb - appears and she’s delighted to see that the little baby will join them.
After a short greeting she takes place on the little stool, pulling on her gloves with a grin, “Well,I guess I don’t have to repeat the directions,do I?” Beatrice laughs weakly but shakes her head negatively, pulling her shirt a bit higher to expose more of her stomach, “Let’s begin then.”
The first touch of the ultrasound was always the one that made her wince the most, it was cold and sticky and it was a bit uncomfortable but she could handle it. She drops her hand from the bed to reach towards Rooster’s, smiling when her husband grabbed her fingers and brought her hand to his lips, kissing her wedding ring.
He keeps his hold on hers, rubbing reach of her knuckles with a gentle brush of his thumb as Nicole chews on her monkey, watching the strange lady rub the strange thing on her mama’s belly. There’s silence for a few seconds, before they hear the woman say,”So, you want to know how far along you are,yes?”
“Yes,I uh…I was really busy these past months so my period wasn’t the greatest.”
“Right so,” the woman leans back a bit, showing the little dot on the screen, “From the size I’d say around six weeks.”
Beatrice blinks, “Six weeks? That’s one month.” she tells her husband who just looked confused, then arched his eyebrows when she explained, “Oh,huh,well,that explains a lot.”
But the woman kept moving around a bit, then pulled her stool closer to the screen and then smiled, “Ah…I guess the pregnancy was a surprise.”
“Yeah,” Bea laughs,”It was…we didn’t plan it.”
A pause.
“Would you guys like to know the second surprise?”
Both of them just stared at the woman, who pulled her head back and angled her hand on Beatrice’s stomach. It took a while for them to see through the blobs of gray and white, the little dot still looking a bit wobbly.
And then,suddenly, Beatrice’s eyes widened, “...No…no way.” she whispers, clenching her husband’s hand, “Rooster.”
Brad, however,was having a harder time figuring out what was going on. He had to stand up to approach the screen, all the while holding Nicole to his chest…and when he noticed it, his jaw dropped.
“...holy shit are those two?!”
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artwithoutblood · 8 months
he tried hurting me is all.
Oh no… Sorry Aeron. The wording was so ambiguous. The betrayal of Ephah (towards Aeron) vs the betrayal of Ephah (by Aeron). 
When puzzling I leaned too hard on the context clues of the yandere/yangire deal seen in Limerence and came to the wrong conclusion that Aeron had been the aggressor.
It has definitely been a thing in many cultures to try and consume another’s powers, from outright cannibalism to people taking relics from the bodies of saints.
this is basically what happened. it's randomized, it's rare, but that's it. that is why the faces all turn blank but the eyes look the same of those around whoever enters "the spiral", as dubbed by aeron and genesis in the demo.
Woo! Wild speculation got one thing right!
anything that has eyes represented
Uh oh. Suddenly glad of not having any posters on the wall.
Damn. When doing that computer lesson meme I should have made Aeron stare directly out of the screen (like those paintings where the eyes follow you). Genesis kind of is looking at the viewer though.
i repair paintings that are affected in the spirals because i feel it is my duty. no one is going to do it as well as i will!
I take it Aeron has seen Ecce Homo, or the oil paintings given ‘90s style eyebrows.
aeron otherwise "preserves" dead lovers by taking pieces from them and keeping them in a collection.
Lock of hair, fairly traditional mourning custom… Body parts, serial killer territory… Completely confused and a little concerned about the tiny mermaid in that jar.
yes. erebus was a case. a very, very mild case touched by the manifestation.
Ah. So Eri was affected but not deliberately by Aeron. The street fight part is now confusing as the hallucinations started after the knock to the head affected his eyes. Unless those were separate things? Or he was attacked by someone affected and shoved back, or was in the very early stage before the hallucinations but had just begun spiralling.
aeron very explicitly states that he is willing to relinquish control from erebus. he already has.
[Eri screaming off screen about being bathed] /j
their relationship is built on misunderstandings on both sides. there is a happy ending for them. 
*chants softly* Aerebus. Aerebus.
ripped everything out of their body, leaving them hollow
Did Lucia die completely? Or did they get sewn up with a Y incision and begin a new unlife as Scarlett? It contradicts all logic but I want them to have. And then they kill Silas, stopping his rampage.
i wouldn't say you exactly die with it every time. sometimes you just become something different. you know what i think the only solution is?
Sweet, a new and improved form. You will all regret this >:)
i am an aggressor. i always have been. but that doesn't mean i always am...well, i usually am, but i wasn't in this case. for once. though, perhaps, what i did to him led to this.
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for clarification, the street fight, which caused erebus head and eye trauma, are the same event. this was a brush while walking home, where a spiraling aggressor attacked him.
don't worry, i'm unfortunately aware of ecce homo.
aeron thinks the people he loved are important. they are, of course. they know no one else will remember the people he loved. so, in addition to writing obituaries for every person that fall into their hands, they have a personal, private exhibit, just for their gaze.
the player will find those items. depending on how many they collect over their playthrough, they'll be able to access the main room of them.
lucia was killed completely. there was only a few eyes in her skin. her organs were taken. probably eaten by silas. a horrible way to go.
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randomvarious · 18 days
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Today's compilation:
Bad Boys of Rock 1986 Hard Rock / New Wave / Power Pop / Pop-Rock / Blues-Rock
A few different thoughts about this silly record are running through my head right now, but I guess the most dominant one is that I feel like once the honorific of 'bad boy of rock' gets conferred upon you, you can no longer actually be a 'bad boy of rock,' because I think that's, like, one of the single-lamest things that anyone can ever consider you as. It's sort of like when a politician tries to use a piece of teen slang to seem hip or aware or 'down'—once they decide to put it out there, they themselves have pretty much ruined it for everyone else 👎.
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Could you please just shut the fuck up?! 😵
But OK, let's say that I don't actually have a problem with this 'bad boy of rock' label and that I instead take it at face value. Fine. Are you folks ready for the first song that opens this fucker up then? It's gonna be some real 'bad boy' material, right? Nope. How about David Lee Roth doing a solo stint as a road-weary lounge singer and covering a fucking 1940s swing medley instead? And he even scats too! Like, what are we even doing here, man? This rendition of "Just a Gigolo" / "I Ain't Got Nobody" is legitimately one of the worst hits that I think I've ever heard in my life, so in that sense of the word, this song is *really* BAD, but I don't think that's the kind of 'bad' that Priority Records was trying to sell here, because, um, why would they?
And that's ultimately what I think makes this release so ridiculous. It's not really the music itself—because outside of that one DLR song, I do enjoy a bunch of the selection here—it's the idea that almost any of these people or their music would ever cause them to be referred to as 'bad boys of rock' in the first place. I mean, two-hit wonder power pop band Tommy Tutone who did "867-5309"? George Thorogood's dorky and gravelly blues-rock persona? Rockabilly revivalists Stray Cats, whose frontman Brian Setzer would later go on to lead his own swing orchestra and cover the same guy that David Lee Roth coincidentally covers on this record too? J. Geils Band's catchy "Centerfold"? Rod Stewart? You mean, *SIR* Rod Stewart? And MEAT LOAF?!?
We have plenty of hindsight now, of course, but I feel like, even when this record came out in 1986, there's just no way that people actually thought that those responsible for the music on here were rebellious at that point. *Maybe* Billy Idol, but find a different theme to group all these songs under, because this concrete-and-chain-link fence aesthetic that you've got on the cover here ain't workin', guys. If anything, this is more or less 'Bad Boys of Rock' for sleepy-suburban dads who've spent tens of thousands of dollars on a Harley and keep it in their linoleum floor garage so that they can take it out on Sunday afternoons in order to feel a tinge of freedom before being made to go back to their 9-to-5 the next day. Like, so freaking badass, you guys.
And, I mean, if we *really* wanted the baddest boys of rock on here, we need to go in a different direction altogether. We need, like, G.G. Allin on this thing, because, really, is there anything badder that someone can do as a performer than eat their very own poop on stage? Outside of an act of violence, I really don't think so!
So, let's see...yesterday was Women & Songs 4, today was Bad Boys of Rock...I guess that means tomorrow is going to be something like Good-Natured Enbies Who Prefer Silence Instead? 😅 Naw, it'll probably be, like, mid-90s techno or Wisconsinite 80s alternative or something or other.
Tommy Tutone - "867-5309 (Jenny)" Rod Stewart - "(I Know) I'm Losing You" Billy Idol - "Rebel Yell" Sammy Hagar - "Cruisin' & Boozin'" Stray Cats - "Rock This Town" J. Geils Band - "Centerfold"
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bunny-j3st3r · 1 month
Archie sonic issue #2
And here we move on to the second in the #290 comic book series woof.
As I said in my previous post as much as I dilike the archie comics this isn't to to shit on the comics or those that like them. I'll be giving just as many positive thoughts as I do negative.
I'm just reading through them and just wanna share my thoughts on them.
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Issue #2 was released in July 1993 And publication was september 1993.
Must of been wild back then to wait so long in between as if tbf we do that now still with idw but I remember a lot of my own comics I read growing up were weekly.
Anyway this is like one of the few pins I wish I could own but trying to explain the gag to people would be a lot of effort.
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Sorry but Coconuts is like a really cute design I wish he was used more, I think he was in the tv series more?
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This was a fucking mob hit.
Also hello you two bastards I know you fuckos.
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This is so fucking stupid but "your non identical twin" made me laugh WAY harder than it should off.
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These are funny acutally. Like I forget early sonic also had a cheeky attidude, I mean his british comic self would tell tails to fuck off or he'll shag his mam in greggs but you know.
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WOW throw back to issue one /J
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I don't really recall seeing much of scratch and gounder after this, they were more involved in the tv show I guess and just didn't really hit of with comic audience I guess? Which is a shame because they are kinda funny as bumbling idiot servants.
I wonder what Cubot and Orbot would of thought about them?
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Kids who read the comic when it first came out are all like this now.
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I would say I think this is when they tried to insert lore but I think this is the one about the two gag characters and not the uh racist stereotype tribal men story line.
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Yep I believe they returned somewhere in the #90s issues? maybe I don't recall but I don't think they were like meant for anything other than to just make a fun story about the rings.
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Oh god this made me cringe acutally that looks oddly painful
also omg better look at sonic's lil nub tail.
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Awful scene that implies sonic's nose isn't the black ball on his snout
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They had this odd habit at the end of some of the comics like a desperate plea not to cancel them, I think it's in the mecha sonic comic to very bizzare espically consiering some kids prolly did send letters in but were most likely ignored.
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For years after I read this comic (my dad brought the collection when i was younger they are prolly worth some now lmfao if we had them) I believed this was how they made 'foil' covered things.
I remember doing it myself and being dissapointed my face just tore through it.
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That sure is a title.
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Need you guys to commit this image to memory for later.
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This was a cute little thing of people guessing why tails had well two tails. I don't think they had a solid idea at this point? I don't remember the cartoons that well.
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He's not naked he has shoes on.
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The sonic vs mario haters is as old as time
My thoughts on this one was pretty good again, it's a cute series at the start and it introduced characters from the series like scratch and grounder.
I guess they wanted to introduce the characters that were going to be in the tv series because as I said some of these characters weren't really seen again in the comics, well not that often.
Which I don't blame them because I suppose keeping a lot of cast around takes away from the main villian himself and it's easier to concentrate on him.
It's a shame though because I have fond memories of vividly hating scratch and grounder but for a goofy kids cartoon they slotted in well.
I like eggmans use of skinny and square shaped idiot partners as his sidekicks. He seems to have a type for those being his personal servants, err, assistants.
my time lines could be funky on these because I'm not following along with the mini series of comics until later on.
But I like them.
We haven't reached ken penders era yet /J
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slickshoesareyoucrazy · 3 months
Back Home
It's still fucking hard every day, A. Every day. Crying in J's rocking chair with the dog now because he went back to work. I have to go to work in 90 minutes and I need to get my ass going on the workout but I feel like I'm strapped in this chair by...I dunno. Grief. Dissociation. Obstinance. I wish you were here. It is damn near unbearably lonely without you, if I am not constantly with J and/or the Boy. Which is stupid because it's not even like we were doing 8000 texts to each other a day or seeing each other all the time. We didn't even talk every day since high school when it was inevitable that we talked every day unless one or both of us were straight up incapacitated enough to not be at school (and for 2 perfectionist, people pleasing, Advanced Placement nerds, we had to be basically dying to not go to school in the 90s). But your presence was constant and consistent. That is so incredibly rare in my life. To be able to count on someone to come back to me. Dude, in the past ten years or so, especially the last 5, I've extended myself a lot more socially than I used to. You're still the only friend I've ever had that never made me feel like I was a chore. Annoying. Like Christ, do I really have to text this shithead back again? Why can't she just disappear? Like I have felt or am currently feeling that about everyone else in my life except J who is not biologically related to me, and I feel that way about most of them too. Even sometimes my own kid.
I fucking miss you man. So badly. Every day. I am not crying every single day anymore, just many of them, but don't let that fool you. It's not any easier. I still have to say to myself, "You can't text A," when I want to share something cool or something that pisses me off, or when I'm just feeling anxious or bored or lonely. It sucks. It will never not suck.
Anyway I saw this at the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam and this is me talking to you still, man.
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I got you rocks from Ireland and Paris. I'll hit the cemetery as soon as I get time to myself. But the Boy is supposed to get his driver's license this week, and it's my mom's birthday today, and we're back to the routine supposedly, plus stupid Fireworks Central all week that the rednecks use to torture G and us by extension because he's so freaked out he won't sleep. Anyway, I still miss you all the time. A 3 week European vacation didn't make anything go away. 💔😢
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
is that a yanfei pfp omg, my inner and outer yanfei main loves you oh oh oh and and and also screw that dumbass ask this anon sent about yuuka THEY ARE SO INCORRECT GRRR "y'all only like yuuka because she is a girl!1!1!1!1!1!1!"
yeah no fucking shit so many of us like her because it solidifies the place of fem!yuus in the twstverse and stops dumbass people saying "hmph. its a MALE ONLY COLLEGE why do you have a female OC?? Just make a male OC???" (obviously not every person is like this and we should still appreciate masc OCs they matter just as much mwah) but we should denounce people who are so close minded.
like mannnnn that ask made me so annoyed but your response literally summarised everything i would've wanted to put into words but a bit less violent. the audacity they had to send in that dumbass ask smh like damn bitch let people enjoy a new character? so what if it's fem!yuu? like this is one of the times twst isn't being problematic but nah people still gotta have a problem with this and not the other issues (cough cough "Monsieur pyramid" cough cough)
also yuuken was actually pretty hyped up intially did that anon just sleep through an entire period of twst tumblr fandom lmao. i remember people writing so many fics and i haven't seen anyone say jack shit but the moment it's yuuka its "Nooo you're gonna project onto her waaaah!" like pls stfu we are literally just excited for a new character joining our silly fandom and becoming the subject of either a) unimaginable fluff or b) unimaginable angst smh /j
im sorry for taking my silly anger out in your askbox (ofc none of that is directed at you cause you wrote a bomb ass response to them and honestly you really put them in their place!) but that ask just annoyed me so mf much and i been thinking over my anger of it for a day and a half now
love your fics btw I get so mf excited when you post EJFHHEJD I hope you're having a lovely day mwah mwah, feel free to ignore this ask too no pressure 💓
NO BECAUSE I HELD MYSELF BACK, I say a lot of shit when I'm mad so it's better I hold myself back in these scenarios. But that's true, like search the Yuuken x reader tag and you'll find a sum of fanfic's, if you go to the yuuka x reader tag.. It's just me!
Sure Yuuka's hyped up, but like you said a decent chunk of it was due to the fact that her existence makes it so no one can attack fem oc's. And yeah a whole other part of the fandom simped for her, but you have got to understand that majority of the twisted wonderland fandom from my experience is homosexual.
Like I know a decent few lesbians, who write twst fanfic, so it's like not much of a shock that people simp for her a lot. And anon has to realize that fanfiction was created so you can self insert yourself in a scenario.
Like making that comment on a fanfic blog, was really fucking stupid ngl. And it seemed misogynistic from my perspective, ngl. I didn't say it because in my humble opinion that might've been "taking it too far"
Anyways, thank you for sharing your opinion, (And it's ok to rant to me as long as your not being rude abt anything) AND THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING MY WORK <3 And abt Yanfei, I've been growing her! I may main her one she gets to lvl 90!
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skzoologist · 10 months
Thank you thank you 💕
RIGHT?? IT WAS SO COLD 😭 (our average temp in the summer is 90-110°F (32-43°C)) a lot of us were all bundled up in winter coats and the ppl up front brought blankets too 😭
Too much has happened already, I'm not prepared 🫠
Family heirl- you know, I never thought ab that before 🤔 I might just do that now, thanks for the idea 😁 /j (idk yet) I will eventually,,,buy myself a record player,,,,cuz I bought a vinyl 💀
THEY WERE THERE ALL 3 DAYS TOO?? LIKE WHAT?? HOW MUCH ARE YOU BUYING?? I feel bad cuz there were so many people still waiting in line that never got the chance to buy anything they wanted cuz the exact same people bought up to the limit all 3 days ;-;
I'm not proud of how much gas I used 💀 the city I currently live in is around half an hr away from the pop up venue and the events that happened were another like 20 mins away from the venue 😭 some of the gas i used was becuz of spontaneous decisions,,,I went to the city's art museum for an art assignment, visited the city farmer's market, and made a additional trip back to the venue to bring the staff some boba drinks on day 2,,,but yeah,,,I need to fill up on gas Thursday before I go to visit my friend back home,,,
They do set limits, but from talking to the staff, it was stocking and location differences this time round becuz they opened up more pop ups this cb than before, so they spread out their stock and they didn't know how many ppl would be at some of the locations as it was their first time having popups in some new places,,,one of the staff did say he'd love to have some more pop ups in the city we were at and some new locations in the future, so I'm hoping that hello82 will open pop ups in more locations next CB and hopefully there will be more stock! I just wish some ppl would think a bit more ab those further back in line than just themselves,,, :/
You poor little cold burritos 😞
Please don't tell me I actually gave you the heirloom idea, I'll die from laughter then- But yeah, uh, buying a vinyl was an interesting idea? One that your wallet probably does not appreciate 💀 Not like I can talk, I don't have a CD player and I keep buying them...
Why were the hoarders there FOR 3 FUCKING DAYS??? I'm sorry, but that sounds unfair. A lot of fans travelled there like you probably, I can only imagine what they felt when they saw people just buying stuff up right in front of their noses...
Oh my, you had an absolutely filled weekend, rest now a bit. Also you bought boba drinks for the staff? You're such a sweetheart, my god. I'm praying for your wallet 🙏
Aah, I see, that makes more sense now. It was just a chaotic mess for everyone then. Let's hope the next event will go smoothly, for everyone involved!
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firespirited · 1 year
A lot has happened and I got the selective mutism again so here's a sleep meds dump.
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Effie the cat abandoned by lady two doors down who's having a mental health crisis is currently living in our garden. We were going to rehome her but neighbour complexities mean that she'll be eating at the neighbours house and possibly slowly moving into their garage as their territorial cat adapts. She is a bird killer which annoys M, J who's very allergic has decided to mediate the whole cat business. I still think Effie would have no problem finding a new home but J's vetoed that. So there's a cat outside the window and I might need to build some sort of rainproof shelter soon. Papaye the cat is also back living in the building and two orange young cats moved opposite. Thankfully no fights yet.
I hurt my wrist doing some small crafts and barely any writing. RSIs are horrid. It's been a year. Very annoyed.
On the other hand uh so to speak, four people decide to shop for my dolls this week. Months of nada then 4 at once. I have parted with my preciouses, the baldies (and kept more than enough projects) to a fellow customizer and fully don't care if they get trashed, flipped into $200 customs or sit in a drawer. They're blank canvases that I can't paint. The ideas for the paintings can wait for another time, another scale, maybe even another medium.
I sent my first parcel to the states in ages!!! Will let you know how that goes!
Aaand the money earned on deglued catty noir and a couple of partial/yarn reroots went... straight back into 38 doll heads. I know. I knoooow.
So I had a rough series of days then I struck up conversation with a lady at the phonebox library to ask if she knows who runs it. She didn't know but volunteers at the red cross store in town. It was the kind of conversation that starts out friendly and I knew within a few minutes that if I didn't find a bunch of things to say that she was going to tell me her life story and probably trauma dump (which could be anything from getting older and adapting to empty nest to seriously awful), not sure why I have this effect on people but I do. I filled a awkward lull in conversation about people throwing away items that are still useful by stating that I repair fashion dolls and the enjoyment in making something old new again and learning about various crafts and she really wanted to either commission me for her 18y/o daughter's dolls or hand me the pile she's been keeping from throwing away at the red cross at which point I remembered my neck is borked (!) , i tried to repeatedly back pedal and explain that I'm currently not doing any commissions but ended up mumbling while staring at my feet oddly choked up that 'health has been a serious issue' lately and pretending Lily had pulled on her lead to change the subject. We ended the convo with thanks for her volunteer work and putting books at the phonebox, for the lovely chat, have a nice day etc.
It stuck like a piece of grit in the cogs for a few hours and then I heard we might someday get a vaccine for autoimmune diseases but that's the 15th 'promising' cure in 25 years, they really bum me out. We've been this close so many times before. I want the cure, i want the disabled to have value. I want hope. I want to not feel in debt and at society's mercy 24/7.
Later I was doing my normal ebay check just in case that rare doll drops and made a bid thinking that I probably wouldn't get it. What was in my mind was "dolls are my hobby and expertise - you can't use your shoulders so you don't have a hobby or expertise - i do it's a hiatus - it's been a year and no progress when does it end?" on a sort of quiet background loop of brain nonsense. As you do.
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26euro shipped. 38 heads, 30 bodies (2heads and the bodies not pictured), terrible photos but I spied GG Nichelle, anime 90s skipper, Miko, vintage Steffie, Midge and Tutti.
It's an excellent investment if even 2 or 3 end up in decent condition.
It's also 38 steps backwards in the 'destash and stop messing with the shoulders' efforts, right at a point where I'm getting somewhere. You can't be like 'que sera que sera' when you're actively making choices.
IDK I was really hoping for a sign or a way forward and my dr and physio are super passive which is both great because they don't put me in positions where I have to face post exertional malaise by their hands only my own choices but I also do all of my own medical research and bring it to them for approval. I've run out of clues or ideas for my swollen tongue and damaged vertebrae. It makes me feel trapped then stupid happens. No, feeling trapped leads me to choose a thing that will make me feel mastery of crafts and skills and it also comes with a price tag of massive pain.
***Seriously it's small potatoes, some hobby supplies from a hobby I'm crippled at.***
... But it's symptomatic. It's part of a large scale pattern of reclaiming some sense of personal, well not control and probably not usefulness/productivity but something close to usefulness/skills? It's not quite dignity either but there's a little bit of pride in there. I'm not going to ruminate on a year of bad decisions or whether they were the least bad decisions to balance sanity and health. But there's something broken since the pandemic for sure and probably long before that I'm running from. It could even be being raised in the 'purposeful' life mindset (if you know you know)
ok i keep deleting paragraphs and paragraphs of unpacking stuff from my twenties so I'll leave it at that so my brain will allow this. The teal dear of it is that it's awfully hard to just exist without 'contributing' or generating money or cosmic goals I guess. Allowing yourself to be a mote and a blip in the universe sure is difficult.
I wouldn't allow this kind of talk from friends who have innate value to me. Hmm.
It sure was a nice few years getting to make things and I'm finding it hard to imagine a different life despite living it for a year.
Well happy 21st everyone. Feed your skeleton and ear snails some funk today. Don't let the existential bedbugs bite (especially if they're ticks). Wear a mask when around gen pop and take the painkillers, things shouldn't hurt. 💚💚💚
I have a package of heads to look forward to. And a cat outside the window. And some introspection to avoid. 😅
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
I liked J-Rap, K-Rap, & K-Pop when I was a teen because it was like the music I grew up listening to from the 90's & early 2000's. Groups of guys who sing & dance with hip-hop style? Groups of girls who sing and dance with hip-hop style? 1 or 2 members of the group rap while the others sing in a R&B style?
K-Pop is so popular now because it's doing what was good back then, but in a different language & a few additions from another culture. Meanwhile, modern rap & hip-hop ain't like it used to be because the artists do whatever the corporations tell them to do and they lean more towards gangster rap like the companies tell them to do. Artists back then had different styles & sang about a lot of different things. Now they are all mostly the same. Killing, drugs, sex. And that is by design by these music corporations. They are trying to influence certain ppl to behave that way, but their target audience aren't their biggest consumers. These corporations also don't want artists to own their own music & will kill those who almost get their masters (Whitney Houston). But I won't go down that rabbit hole. Cause there is a lot of craziness.
K-Pop also reminds me of 80's City Pop from Japan. I love City Pop! But I also noticed that it was inspired by music from the 70's in the US. So other places see the talent of a certain time period, take that style, & add their own flare to it.
And then there is also a thing I noticed about K-Pop guys. Why do they look the way they do? Most if not all are inspired by the King of Pop; Michael Jackson.
So, K-Pop has inspiration from Michael Jackson & hip-hop/R&B/Rap groups from the 90's & 2000's. That is why they are so popular. They are heavily inspired by the best, but they add their own flare to it.
Is that cultural appropriation? Some may say so, but I am slow to state such. Why? Well is modern country music cultural appropriation? Is older country music cultural appropriation? Is rock music cultural appropriation? If you know the history of those genres & you still do not consider those to be cultural appropriation... then can K-Pop be cultural appropriation? And how can something be cultural appropriation when the people who created it were convinced to deny it and do something else? You cant appropriate from a people who no longer associate themselves as a whole with something. And if you have more financial power and sway over the music industry, you can take from a culture or even promote something else as a ppl's culture and fool those same ppl into believing such. Just like with rock & country music, black people in America have begun to abandon hip-hop & concious rap in favor of the easily profitable and corporation controlled gangster rap. And because we either left it or couldn't keep ownership of what we created due to society at different stages, others will and can make a profit by copying our style. Think about how ppl shave the sides of their heads, get nose rings, & gauges in their ears. Years ago, that was made fun of & looked at negatively when ppl of African, Native American, & other cultures did that for cultural reasons. Now everyone wants to resemble them because its fashionable.
Insult a ppl.
Make them hate themselves if you can.
Cause them to abandon their ways or just ignore where you've taken your inspiration from if they don't abandon their ways.
Take what you have made them disown.
Promote what you "appropriated" as your own to make profit.
You can't claim somebody appropriated something from a culture if the ppl are convinced to abandon it. Cause now it's free game.
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Let me start with the fact I don't hate Asmon. I think he's wrong about things a bit of the time but I want to address this video.
Listening to Asmon's chat is like listening to brain rot.
Man's a comedian where people have been very open about not hiring the man to gigs and other stuff because he's white. What's more, he's a straight man raised by gay parents. Led him to thinking he was actually gay interestingly enough. But that's not what I want to address.
One of Asmon's chatters said this guy was "anti-vaxx retard" and that's likely why he was being fired from gigs, but he was hearing that he was not getting gigs long before covid when he decided AS A COMEDIAN to make fun of Faucci. Except this goes back to the fact that people need to understand, and GET OUT OF THEIR CULT, so they can come to the realization that the "Vaccine" was not in fact an actual vaccine. The definition was changed by a lot of publications all around the same time to include therapeutics. Be in Pfizer, J&J, or Moderna, and also AstraZeneca, all of them are therapeutics. AND even now, it's the case where even the US Army is admitting that the FORCED application of these experimental medications, has caused harm. Has NOT slowed spread, or prevented it like Biden claimed.
Don't believe me?
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The injury rate for this therapeutic is much higher than actual vaccines, AND provides less benefit over all. But I'm not going to rant about what a vaccine is supposed to be. Just wanted to cover this.
As well as another point in the video that is glossed over by Hasan Piker brained viewers. Asmon said in the video that it's very likely that a lot of white people prevent black people from getting jobs but then expands it to every other ethnicity targeting one another. Yes. Racism is everywhere in the world and it will never go away. But anyone that is a good businessman will hire the best person to the job. No matter the ethnicity. I'm not going to play dumb and say that NO minority has ever been passed over for a job because of their ethnicity. But you know what? I can promise that they uniquely got jobs because of it. Affirmative action was the law of the land for YEARS. And maybe years ago it was justified. Sure I'll give that a pass. Whatever.
However since the 90's I'd go so far as to say in the 90's and 00's it should have been slowly pulled back. I know what my generation is like because I grew up with them. I know what we grew up with. I also know most of my generation is closer to the center than anything else. Yeah there are quite a few that ended up on the fringes, but not most. Sadly however, enough to make things worse for society though.
Either way, give the video a watch. Sure it's hard to watch because Asmon is kinda stupid with some of his views but at least he's being honest about himself. And not all his takes here are bad. His chat on the other hand >.> well, they are unhinged as shit.
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 122. brb x oc
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a/n: I love writing the dagger squad as a menace, i really do. reblogs and comments are super encouraged <3333
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none.
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
He could hide the fact that Beatrice was pregnant, again, from his friends. They were busy with work, busy with their own lives and more specifically they were busy with Jake and Evelyn. It sounded a bit mean but he was glad that their attention was somewhere else other than him and Beatrice.
He told her he could do it and he was doing it. Even though he was really happy and almost whistling a tune as he went to work, he couldn’t share the news with anyone yet.
Beatrice was right, the first trimester was the most fragile one and they still needed to know how far along she was considering that her period wasn’t always on time and when it comes to stress it was obvious that it made her period stop. And he had to think that now there wasn’t just him Bea and Nikki…now there was another little baby.
Bradley stops walking to look back at Faraday, the young officer saluting him. Usually Rooster would hate whenever the recruit did that, but he was having a good morning, so he saluted back,”At ease,Faraday.” the young man’s eyes widened but he nodded with a grin, “What do you need?”
‘Nothing much,sir.But me and the boys are wondering how the miss and little miss are.”
“They are very good,thank you for asking.”
“And if we could give the baby another gift.”
His brain short circuited for a second, it must’ve shown in his face because Faraday whispered a ‘sir?’ that made him snap back into consciousness. He was talking about Nicole of course, “Ah, there’s no need.” he says as soon as he recognizes where he was, “She has enough toys and Christmas is next week,so.”
They stay quiet for a second, making Rooster sigh, “You guys already bought it,didn’t you?”
“Okay, listen,” Rooster places a hand on the recruit’s shoulder, “We appreciate what you guys do for Nikki, it’s really sweet…but you can’t keep giving us things, especially since there are other people with kids-”
“We gave Hangman a gift too!”
“...that’s…nice,but still…people will question why you guys keep giving us stuff, it’s really nice and we really like it, but I’m your superior and that can appear as if you are ass kissing.” he arches his brows at the send of his sentence, “You get that,right?”
Faraday blinks at him, then looks to the side in thought, ‘...well,sir, you and the Daggers are the nicest officers here.” he explains, “As in the veterans.”
Faraday didn’t seem to get that his comment made the other pilot wince visibly, being called old wasn’t fun for anyone, but especially not Rooster. “Thank you,Faraday. That’s…really nice.”
The other officer smiles, saluting him one more time, “Don’t mention it,sir! We mean it!”
“Yes,I’m sure you do.” Bradley clears his throat before looking at his watch, “I have to go now, Faraday.” his reply of ‘okay sir!’ almost sounded too loud but he couldn’t blame a young recruit for being so enthusiastic. He wasn’t that enthusiastic, was he?
No he was probably too brooding in the first year, only loosening up as time went by.
Bradley turns on his heel to march to his office, pulling out his phone to check if Beatrice sent him anything, but alas there was nothing in there. He keeps his eyes on the screen, smiling at their wedding picture and then unlocking just to see Nicole’s cute chubby face staring back at him.
He inhales quietly, then licks his lips, “Okay, so far so good.” he tells himself, “Just have to keep this up until I can leave. I can do this.” he looks around for a second, “It’s for safety,anyway.” Bradley wanted nothing more than to shout to the world that he was going to have a second child but he couldn’t, not yet.
As he enters his office he stops, one of his hands still in the door handle as he recalls a forgotten memory. He remembers, when he was much much younger, that his mother commented about how she and his father wished to give him a little sibling…they never did for obvious reasons and he knew how much that conversation hurt her.
But she shared it with him anyway.
He stood there, on the kitchen table, his pencil tight on his grasp as his mother sat next to him with a mug of tea, smiling sadly, looking out the window. Homework was no longer in his brain, all he could think about was how she spoke those words.
“I hope you have a good life,Brad.”  she tells him softly, “When you grow older. Just do your best to remain safe…and if you give me grandchildren,I’ll be more than happy too.”
She wasn’t sick then, she was still the picture of healthy but her words sounded so…final. Like she knew she wouldn’t be able to see him meet Bea, get married and have his kids. It was a painful thing to think about, conflicting with his own thoughts that exuded nothing but appreciation and happiness. Bradley’s eyebrows furrow, he remembers how she was so quiet too in the final years.
Between hospital visits and school then college, Bradley never thought he’d achieve her gentle request. And when he got to the Navy, well, let’s say that was the last thing in his mind.
As he let his shoulders relax, he closes his eyes as well, “Hope you are lookin’ ma.” he murmurs, “I know you’d love to meet them…you and dad…well, you will meet them in a way when we go to Virginia.” he talked to Bea about it and she was very supportive of visiting the cemetery, she thought it’d be more than important for Nikki to know more about her grandparents as well.
Bradley sits on his chair with his hands folded in front of his lips, thumb rubbing over the wedding band repeatedly, following the way his finger rubbed against the gold surface, seeing smudges of his fingerprint on top before looking back to his desk, “Yeah, we’ll be okay.” he answered himself, his own doubts somehow making it’s way over.
He knew what he had to do, he knew how he had to act to always come back home and he honestly thought that Beatrice’s little scent pouch was her own way of a lucky charm. Ever since she gave it to him he had to admit he was able to sleep better and felt so much more…relaxed whenever he had to go.
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door, he lifts his head, “Come in.” he says, then stands up when he notices it’s Cyclone, “Cyclone,sir,” a quick salute that the vice-admiral reciprocates, “Good morning,sir.”
“Bradshaw.” Cyclone’s stature and serious façade was enough to make anyone quiver in their boots, “I’m glad to see you are keeping yourself busy.” he drops his eyes to the pile of papers on the young officer’s desk, thankfully most of them were reports he already finished, “I hope,however,I’m not interrupting.”
“Uh, no sir. Not at all…can I help with something?”
Cyclone inhaled, squaring his shoulders with his hands behind his back as he walked to the desk, picking up a little toy from his desk. It was a tiny silicon unicorn with glitter and iridescent wings. His superior looked up at him with his brow up, “From your little one,I presume.”
“Yes,sir.” he nods, “I brought it with me.”
“I see…well, and how is she?”
“She’s….fine.” he couldn’t help but be confused by his superior’s questions, “She’s growing more and more every day.”
Cyclone nodded, pursing his lips and looking around a bit, “Of course, as babies do.” he says, “I have a request, Bradshaw,I know your wife is friends with my daughter.”
His superior seemed almost uncomfortable, “I want to know…if she said anything about what she’d like for my future grandchild.” he says, “She hasn’t told me much.”
That’s a bit sad.
Bradley tries to not show his grimace, scratching his neck, “Well,sir,I uh…there’s nothing that I heard about from Bea…I thought you could ask her? Can’t you?”
“My daughter has been….very protective about the little one, so she’s not sharing much unless it’s with her mother and my wife is also refusing to tell me things.” he explains, propping his hands on his hips, “I don’t even know the gender.”
“Well sir,I apologize…I…we heard nothing.” Bradley offers his boss a confused shrug, did he really come to his office to have that type of chat? Odd, he thought he’d at least call him to his own office and have this conversation…unless it was bothering him so much he couldn’t really wait that long.
“...I see.” Cyclone inhales and clears his throat, turning on his heel to leave the office, but he stills and slowly turns his torso towards Bradley, “This conversation never happened. Have a good day,Bradshaw.”
“Y-You too,sir.” he waits until Cyclone is out of his office to let out a heavy breath he didn’t know he was holding and falls back down on his chair, “Shit…that was…something…I better message Bea when I’m able to.”
At least no one suspected anything so that was really good.
All he had to do was get through lunchtime.
Bradley sometimes wondered if his friends just could sniff the secret out of him because Nat was hounding up like a huntsman dog, like she knew something was off. But he promised himself he wouldn’t say anything, even if they suspected he would keep his mouth shut, for safety especially.
Phoenix stood next to him, chewing her own sandwich with her eyes narrowed. Rooster tried to focus on his own food but the way she was looking at him was nearing annoyance. He sighs and drops his fork with a frown, “What?”
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
Nat takes a bite of her sandwich,blinking innocently, “Looking like what?”
“Like you are trying to get something out of me.”
Natasha slows her chewing then shrugs at him, “I dunno, you appear different today.” she says, “A pep in your step if I could say so myself.” Rooster didn’t like how that sounded and he immediately worried that he gave something away, “What did Cyclone want with you?”
“How do you-”
“Word gets around, people saw him in your office.”
Bradley purses his lips “Just wanted some of my reports.” he lies because he remembers what his superior asked him, “That’s all.”
“Hmmmm…okay;” a pause, “Anyway,how’s the baby?”
Bradley stops, much like when Faraday mentioned something about it, trying to wrack his brain that the baby was only Nicole for right now. He tries to now give out too much of his reaction by drinking his soda, “She’s fine.” he says, “She’s really fine.”
“And Bea? Not getting too tired,I hope?”
No because it was early in the pr- oh, “Oh uh, no, no she’s not.” he sips even more of his soda feeling his throat as dry as sandpaper. Nat just looks at him, narrowing her eyes with her tongue rolling inside her mouth as she cleans her teeth. She folds her arms over the table, leaning closer to her taller friend with a suspicious look on her face. “...what?”
“You look different,Bradshaw.” she comments, pointing a finger at him, “You look different,can’t pinpoint what.”
“I’m normal.” he says, “There’s nothing different.”
Nat stares at him for a few more seconds, then shrugs, “Eh,okay…anyway, did you hear?’
“About the thing they want us to do after the Holidays?” he chews his pizza with a frown, clearly he hadn’t heard anything, “They want to do some tests…with the recruits and the veterans…because of the drones and everything.”
Bradley frowned, “Almost dying three years ago wasn’t enough,huh?”
“Guess not.”
“I heard nothing about it. What do you know?”
“Just that they are building a team.” she says quietly, looking around to check if anyone was close by, “But Mav is involved.” the mention of his uncle made him look over at Nat, “I think he was the loudest voice against it and now they want him to…you know, prove it again.’
“Mav doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone.” he adds quickly, feeling a sudden protectiveness towards his uncle because no matter what, it was like people couldn’t leave him alone. Maybe he just wanted Mav to one day be able to retire without anyone pointing a finger at him and saying he’s good but there was just something missing. “You know that, we all do.”
“We do.” Nat adds, “But you know how the high brass is when it comes to Mav. And now that,well, he’s back on duty, people just want his head on a plate.”
Rooster huffed, crossing his arms with a frown, “Do you think we’ll be called?”
‘Not sure,Rooster.” she whispers, “There’s a chance.”
The thought about doing such a dangerous mission while Beatrice is pregnant again was always in his mind but he didn’t think it’d be so soon. He holds his chin on his hand, huffing quietly because that was a worry that always remained in his brain, there wasn’t much that he could do because well, it was his career, if he was called he’d have to go, “Any idea where this would be?”
“Nope, they won’t tell you until it’s time, you know that.”
“Yeah…I do know that.”
Nat frowns, crossing her arms, “You look way more worried than normal, I mean I know there’s Nikki and Bea, but something is off with you today,Rooster. I don’t know what it is.”
“I mean, I have a kid.” he shrugs, “And a wife and that weighs in my mind often you know.”
“I don’t know what’s in that bird brain of yours,Rooster but-” she points at him, “I see that little smile on your face,” he quickly rolls his lips into his mouth and looks away, “Aha! So there is something. Come on,tell me.”
“There’s nothing.”
“Come oooonnnnn,” she pokes his shoulder hard, “Come on!!”
“You are worse than a child- stop it!” he swats her hand away and Nat just laughs because she did get a reaction out of him, it wasn’t what she expected but it was enough. “There’s nothing going on, can’t I just be happy?”
“I mean, you always look dopey ever since you and Bea got together,” she smiles, holding her head up with a hand. “You are just too easy to read.”
“No I’m not.” he mentally panicked thinking that Nat could get the secret out of him so he had to figure out an escape route, and he tried to get up with the excuse to go to the bathroom but then the whole squad showed up.
After that he just had to keep to himself, thinking about anything, about what Nat said, about the reports he still had to finish, about Cyclone’s weird visit and about how they should focus on Jake and Evelyn for a little bit. Payback asked him about Nicole, then Coyote and Fanboy, followed by Bob and Halo, they all wanted to give their honorary niece gifts.
And he appreciated it, but much like Faraday he said that Nicole already had so much and she was going to get a lot more next week and maybe they could give it to her around her birthday…which if he wasn’t wrong, Beatrice would be around eight month- he immediately cut the thought short as soon as it showed up.
He sent Beatrice a text since she hadn’t talked to him the whole morning, which was odd but he remembered that she was going to the clinic so she was probably busy. When he was done with his lunch he was glad and he quickly got up to walk away.
Bradley inhaled shakily, then rolled his shoulders, “Okay…day one is done.” he mutters, looking back to check if anyone was following him and immediately frowning when he saw Nat’s knowing smirk, “...fuck.” he looks away, “I just need to survive a few more months, that’s all.”
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littlewalken · 7 months
feb 14 Mr Robinson's birthday!
First off, note to self-because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life explaining why a Diet Coke can wearing a fedora is riding a motorcycle while holding a kinkajou by the tail and yelling DO ME ROCKAPELLA! is on one arm and the ginger from the 90s version of the Mickey Mouse Club is on the other.
I'll take tattoos I'd now regret if I got them at the time I wanted them, Alex.
No regrets for the emotional support ginger or kinky Jew meme that gave me strength during dark times in my life, I just wouldn't want to deal with the people that would have to go out of their way to say something if you have a fedora, know what I mean, like wearing something with P*rn*gr*phy written on it if you're a Cure fan.
Even they stuck to just the album cover art for most official merch. Teddy, get your horse girl loving arse back in the band, Robert wants to play Eyes in My Mouth.
Andrew J Robinson's birthday today so celebrate by reading some fan fiction.
I can't say if I'll have the time as we're doing at least 1 if not 2 empty the storage unit loads each day. It's always a 3 hour trip when the roads aren't being worked on. Yeah, close to the shit shack to make it easier to empty means... It means we didn't know where we were going to be moving to but that's all behind us now.
Definitely in the stage of I don't want to keep this here but it has to be until we get everything in, or at least all my stuff, so I need a clear path to the walk in closet.
Meanwhile I am bringing in bags of empty plastic containers and broken statues for the pile. Fortunately these last three years of having to move and move the pile again did get to the smothering unit.
We have 3 irons. The oldest is already in the pile to go to the junk store. I bought a teal one in the mid 2000s to iron my fabric for doll clothes. That somehow got lost when I needed it a few years ago for plastic melt beads. I suspected it disappeared because it's mine. Well, that one just got added to the pile. It can stay until my purple one turns up then the teal one can go.
It's like the knitting machines, there's actually two of them and if you or someone you know wants flat knitting machines and can see the south side of Mt Baldy send me a message. I half want a little round knitting machine, my goal is to use up a bunch of yarn and make simple blankets or something. I don't want complicated devices that are almost as long as I am tall.
But let's just take a moment to celebrate the gift that is Mr Robinson and what he gave to Gashir fans everywhere. And wonder if he had been cast as Odo and Rene the tailor.
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