#when you can choose joy and meaning and growth and prosperity Right Now
sokkastyles · 3 years
I’ve talked about this before, but I need to emphasize that Zuko working in the tea shop is a huge part of his arc and development. It wasn’t just something that lasted only a few episodes that he hated and then moved on from, it’s something that is threaded throughout his arc and into the finale. 
Of course he’s not happy for a large part of the time he’s working there in book two. He’s a traumatized teenager who is desperately trying to achieve the approval of his father so that he can go back to the home he was banished from. Iroh tries to make the best of things in part because Iroh genuinely enjoys it and making the best of a bad situation is just who he is, but he also wants Zuko to be happy and wants to make the best life for his nephew that he can, and he knows that Zuko needs positivity and security in his life, as well as tries to nurture in Zuko an appreciation for the small things in life and an attitude of service. It is hardly surprising that Zuko is resistant to this, though.
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Zuko complains even more when he and Iroh are presented with new opportunities, because he doesn’t want to accept the possibility of growth in this new life.
Iroh: Did you hear, nephew? This man wants to give us our own tea shop in the Upper Ring of the city!
Quon: That's right, young man, your life is about to change for the better!
Zuko: [Sarcastically.] I'll try to contain my joy. [Walks outside, slams door shut.]
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Zuko spends seven episodes working in the tea shop in a twenty episode season. It runs through his entire Ba Sing Se arc. He grumbles, groans, and complains through most of it.
Iroh: So, I was thinking about names for my new tea shop. How about the Jasmine Dragon? It's dramatic, poetic, has a nice ring to it.
Zuko: [Shows Iroh the flyer.] The Avatar is here in Ba Sing Se and he's lost his bison.
Iroh: [Grabs the flyer.] We have a chance for a new life here. [Cut to Zuko looking out a window.] If you start stirring up trouble, we could lose all the good things that are happening for us.
Zuko: [Turns to Iroh.] Good things that are happening for you! Have you ever thought that I want more from life than a nice apartment and a job serving tea?
Iroh: There is nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity. I suggest you think about what it is that you want from your life and why.
Zuko: I want my destiny.
Iroh: What that means is up to you. 
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Zuko’s time in the tea shop is part of his arc of discovering that he can choose his own destiny, and although he didn’t choose to live as a refugee, he can choose what he makes of it, which is what Iroh is trying to teach him here. Part of that is choosing to accept Iroh’s love, choosing to appreciate the good things instead of wishing for something that he doesn’t have, and we know that Zuko’s desire to go back to being the prince of the Fire Nation and earn his father’s affection is ultimately empty, and part of a life where he was abused, as well as where he was a part of a system that was oppressing others.
Then Zuko refuses Iroh’s advice about accepting a simple life in favor of pursuing Appa as the Blue Spirit - an identity that represents Zuko’s internal conflict between his fractured self image, which in book two involves him using the Blue Spirit identity to steal, to get back a part of the old life which he’s lost. It is extremely painful for him to admit that trying to get back to who he was before his banishment is causing him to engage in self-destructive behaviors that are stagnating his growth. Iroh just wants him to be safe and happy but he also knows that Zuko has to confront this conflict within himself.
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That’s why, after he frees Appa, he must throw away the Blue Spirit mask once and for all, symbolically letting go of his desire to go back to the Fire Nation.
Iroh: You did the right thing, nephew. Leave it behind.
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Giving up the past is never easy. Especially giving up the ideas he’s held onto for so long, the idea of what he can one day get back that, as Iroh said in book one, had kept Zuko going through his banishment, that gave him hope. But part of creating your own destiny is realizing that you can find hope in places you didn’t think you could find it. Zuko has to find something else to put his hope in and that’s represented physically by the sickness he suffers after freeing Appa. His entire sense of self has been shaken to the core, because change, real change, is hard.
Iroh: You should know that this is not a natural sickness, but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying tea.
Zuko: What's happening?
Iroh: Your critical decision. What you did beneath that lake. It was in such conflict with our image of yourself that you are now at war within your own mind and body. 
Zuko: What's that mean?
Iroh: You are going through a metamorphosis, my nephew. It will not be a pleasant experience, but when you come out of it, you will be the beautiful prince you were always meant to be.
Tea even makes an appearance during Zuko’s “metamorphosis,” because the tea is symbolic, y’all. Then when Zuko wakes up from his sickness, we see an immediate change in him.
Iroh: Now that your fever is gone, you seem different somehow.
Zuko: [Optimistically.] It's a new day. We've got a new apartment, new furniture, and today's the grand opening of your new tea shop. Things are looking up, Uncle.
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This doesn’t necessarily mean that Zuko has suddenly decided that he loves serving tea and working customer service, but the change he’s experienced is about choosing to find the good, to accept change into his life, to accept humility, and love. And this is the most happy we’ve ever seen Zuko be. We also see him emotionally supporting Iroh and working on his relationship with his uncle because he knows that seeing Zuko happy makes Iroh happy. Before, Zuko made a big show of his unhappiness, slamming doors and frowning and shouting and generally acting like a spoiled teenager with major authority issues, which made Iroh visibly upset. Iroh constantly tries to get Zuko to change his attitude but in the end it’s something that Zuko has to choose himself.
Iroh: Who thought when we came to this city as refugees, that I'd end up owning my own tea shop? Follow your passion, Zuko, and life will reward you.
Zuko: Congratulations, Uncle.
Iroh: I am very thankful.
Zuko: You deserve it. The Jasmine Dragon will be the best tea shop in the city.
Iroh: No. I'm thankful because you decided to share this special day with me. It means more than you know.
Zuko: Now let's make these people some tea! 
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This is more than just Zuko being happy for Iroh or trying to be happy because Iroh wants him to be happy. We see the idea repeated here that you can choose your own destiny, and that those who do are rewarded by life. This is also echoed in Zuko’s conversation with Katara in which he tells her that lately he has realized that he is free to choose what he makes of the scars of his past, and his future. We also see him practicing what Iroh told him, he lets go of shame by letting go of pride. Instead of talking about what he thinks he deserves, he talks about what Iroh deserves. The dialogue also indicates that Zuko chose to be there.
This development is emphasized when Zuko and Iroh are invited to serve tea to the Earth King.
Iroh: I ... I can't believe it!
Zuko: What is it, Uncle?
Iroh: Great news! We've been invited to serve tea to the Earth King!
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Zuko goes from “step aside, filth!” and complaining about doing work to smiling about serving tea to the king of a rival nation. That’s character development. And as I said before, it was essential to Zuko’s development in becoming the kind of Fire Lord that he is supposed to be.
The dramatic irony of Katara finding them and unintentionally ratting them out to Azula is that when Katara enters the tea shop, she finds not only a Zuko in a tea apron, but a happy one enthusiastically taking people’s orders.
Zuko: Uncle! I need two jasmine, one green, and one lychee!
Iroh: I'm brewing as fast as I can!
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I love this scene so much because it’s like, imagine that you decide to go to Panera Bread and you find Kylo Ren working at the counter, cheerfully asking you if you want chips or an apple with that. It’s also hilarious that Katara’s immediate thought is they’re infiltrating the city when she knows that there’s an evil force of brainwashing government agents lurking about.
That Zuko genuinely found peace with his life in Ba Sing Se is narratively important because it makes what happens next even harder for him. “The Crossroads of Destiny” is a true crossroads because he’s fought hard to find happiness and hope in his new life, but then it’s all ripped away and he’s put to the test. That he fails it this time just emphasizes how hard it is to break free of old destructive habits.
This is why when he does go back to the Fire Nation, we’re shown his doubts, and how uncomfortable he is. He tries to be happy and to accept his role as prince, but he already knows that this is not the destiny he wants for himself. The excessive opulence of the Fire Nation is meant to show this. We see this in scenes like Zuko constantly being unhappy during the beach episode and becoming angry when he is told to relax and do nothing, and his insecurity at the party in a room full of rich kids. 
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In particular, we see him being uncomfortable being waited on by servants in “Nightmares and Daydreams”:
Servant #1: Fresh fruit, Prince Zuko?
Zuko puts out his hand and shakes his head respectfully.
Servant #2: May I wash your feet, sir?
Zuko respectfully puts his hand out and shakes his head again.
Servant #1: Head massage?
Zuko shakes his head again.
Servant #2: Hot towel?
Zuko looks at the towels for a moment and takes one. He is seen wiping his forehead before walking out of the room. The two servants bow behind him. Zuko walks out the palace gates, with Fire Nation citizens waiting for him.
Servant #1: Prince Zuko, is something wrong? You didn't take the palanquin.
Zuko: I'm just going to Mai's house. It's not far.
Servant #1: It's not a prince's place to walk anywhere, sir.
Zuko looks to the distance, walks over, and gets into the palanquin.
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We see him trying to fit in with Mai because he’s a sixteen year old who has a girlfriend for the first time in his life and he wants to impress her, but what this scene actually shows is their differing values.
Zuko: Tell me, if you could have anything you want right now, what would it be?
Mai: Hm ... A big fancy fruit tart, with rose petals on top.
Zuko: You know, being a prince and all, I might just be able to make that happen.
Mai: That would be impressive.
Zuko: [To the servants.] Do you think you could find a fresh fruit tart for the lady, with rose petals on top?
Servant: Excellent choice, sir.
Mai: I guess there's some nice perks that come with being royalty. [Pushing Zuko to lay down with her.] Though there's annoying stuff, too. Like that all-day war meeting coming up.
Zuko: [Sitting up, followed by Mai.] War meeting? What are you talking about?
Mai: Azula mentioned something. I-I assumed you were going, too.
Zuko: I guess I wasn't invited.
The two look away from each other.
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Zuko asks Mai what she would want if she could have anything and what she comes up with is fruit tarts. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Mai is shallow, but what it does mean is that she’s never had to worry about what she wants in terms of the big picture.
“Who are you, and what do you want?”
She’s also never had to go hungry like Zuko has, and never had to serve others like Zuko has.
And then she brings up the war meeting, which to her is only an annoyance. Zuko doesn’t care about fruit tarts and palanquin rides, but this is something he cares about. It’s also funny to me that Mai is like “make out time,” and let’s be real, nobody would fault Zuko, a sixteen year old boy, for enjoying a little hanky panky, but Zuko is like “no, anxiety time!” Which shows how much he’s changed and how much he is struggling to be happy despite all the fruit tarts and hot towels and having a girlfriend who is all over him.
It is NOT a coincidence that when Zuko joins the gaang, we see him genuinely happy and among friends and making and serving tea.
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Zuko had to go back to the Fire Nation to really understand how much he had changed and to really be able to choose his own destiny, but we know which one he chooses, between a life of empty riches and a life helping others. Even when we see him addressing the people as Fire Lord, his speech is all about service and humility. When the crowd cheers for him, he does this:
Zuko: Please. The real hero is the Avatar.
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Which shows how far he’s come from the boy who so desperately wanted recognition, who was repulsed by the idea of serving others or lowering himself to the status of a “peasant,” who only thought of himself and what he deserved. His last scene is not his coronation, not his triumphant moment of standing in front of a crowd as Fire Lord, or even confronting his father, but a quiet moment, serving tea to his friends.
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astrroloaries · 4 years
♦ mini tarot readings for signs - 2020 ~ pt.1
Take into consideration that not all messages will resonate, take what resonates leave the rest, also these readings will most accurately apply to Rising/Ascendant signs, but you can read for both Risings and Sun signs.
Aries Rising/Sun:
7 of cups – With the 7 of cups Aries risings/suns will have many lovely opportunities and choices to make. Be careful of being clouded of seeing the clear line between letting your head up in the clouds and reality, you need to make a very visible line, take in what your imagination offers, what you have been daydreaming, calculate the advantages and disadvantages and pursue it in the best way possible you can, step by step. You will be presented with lovely opportunities you just need to settle for a decision that will be fruitful in the long run not just temporarily. Daydreaming and fantasizing may make you lose focus and purpose, so clear your head and get into action. Regarding love, you also need to make a very thought-out decision, you will be presented with plenty of choices, but be careful and protective of yourself, this is a card of temptation as well, if you want a serious commitment think it through and choose the best option for the long haul. The Star – Throughout 2019 or the last months of 2019 you might have been experiencing challenging hardships, but that now is over and with the Star come blessings and divine timing to recognize your inner strength, resilience and power. This card is a sign that things are happening as they should, the Universe is sending you a message through this to have faith and hope as it is bringing you abundance, divine timing and fated things. Time for renewal. Queen of Swords – I think with this card, Aries risings/suns will recognize their intellectual prowess and combine, balance their compassion with their rationality. In 2020 a lot of questions will be answered, and you will be able to make clear judgements, unbiased and with a lot of thought put into it, relying on facts instead of just butting right in. I feel this calming energy, the Queen of Swords is the most masculine out of the Queens but she also holds this patience I sense because she is not quick to say nonsense but rather investigate, put thought into it and make a very clear judgement. Generous and cerebral.
Taurus Rising/Sun:
4 of Pentacles – You always work hard and have been working hard and most of us including you guys we get into a state of fear even paranoia of losing all that, losing all that is known and comfortable but stable and secure. In regards of that be careful of not being overly possessive or overly obsessive over work or any area of life that you have been working hard on and you have gained major results. You can maintain that and stay grounded at the same time, loosen the fear and work on yourself, keep holding it dear because you have been nurturing it and it is finally paying off but be careful not to cross over the rails. The Magician – Oh great! Realize and become aware of your full potential and use it. It is great willpower, it is you realizing that you can tap into the resources that are presented to you from different worlds, the spiritual and material worlds, you can be the portal of those two worlds and benefit from those resources that they provide. You have the power to manifest something using spiritual methods but also working hard on it in the physical world. It is bound to happen. Also in love, the Magician gives great excitement for new opportunities and a great deal manifesting for a new, great person, just take on those opportunities and enjoy the ride. Ace of Pentacles – Wow, 2020 is looking great for you guys! New beginnings, slow developments when it comes to money, career/school wise, you will be successful and fruitful, slowly you will be paving your way to the top. Abundance, hard-work, focus, determination all of that is coming in for you and your path, your journey. Seeds will be planted and you will need to nurture them, grow them in order to keep your stability and security, anything that starts with this card is for the long-run and fruition. Prosperity, new ventures, growth.
Gemini Rising/Sun:
9 of Pentacles – You will start off and hopefully continue this year feeling great, joyful, confident, independent and lucky, successful. 2020 will bring you great abundance, may I mention and tap into the material world as well, money, success, you will be a magnet for joyous and money-rewarding things. But you’ve been through it maybe in 2019 or further back, you’ve been through some hardships so keep that experience close to heart to it can keep you grounded and grateful for when these blessing arrive. You will need to go through some other phases in 2020, because it is still a 9, which means you still need to complete other small missions in order to finish with completion – a 10. Knight of Pentacles – You will absolutely be very much focused, efficient and happy to create kind of small, useful routines in order to get you success. You will take things more seriously, you will work hard, you will take on projects in which you are completely sure, in which you will achieve fruition and success not just momentarily but in the long-run. You will just be aware of the duties you have and will take full responsibility of things, you will be less scattered and more present, less aloof and more so 100% in it. Knight of Swords – 2 knights huh? Well you will be able to balance some things in 2020, as I mentioned above you will be very much hard-working and focused, but also you charms and communicative skills will come in handy with your success. With the Knight of Swords, people will pay attention when you speak, because he is so charming, witty and clever, also funny. You will know in which moments to relax, you will be a bit impatient sometimes a bit naughty may I say? Because you will want to take risks, but take calculated risks, where you are aware of consequences and you can deal with them. You will take on something, head on, just also be ready for those consequences. Action, excitement.
Cancer Rising/Sun:
4 of Wands – Aw! I see you realizing how important quality time with family and friends is. I mean you already knew this, but you will actually do something about it now, like actually do it. That will help you strengthen so many bonds. Also maybe throughout 2020 some Cancer risings/suns will get married or attend ceremonies of such importance in 2020, where they will be surrounded with love, strong bonds, relationships, family. Also in the matter of love, they may be meeting someone they feel as a “home” person, or will take their already existing relationship with someone to the next level and actually admit how important that person is to them. Maybe some of you if single will find love on those ceremonies I mentioned before, gatherings, weddings and whatnot. 5 of Swords – Oh! I think with the 4 of wands now we are at a 5 of Swords and I get this message immediately, that you will learn and actually check yourselves, maybe you’ve been selfish or egotistical in recent past events, or in 2019, where you focused too much on work or just did some selfish things without realizing it to those closest to you, so in 2020 you will really focus on relationships, people and bonds. I think you will head your ambition in the right path in 2020 instead of sneaky ways. More soul less ego in 2020. Strength – Wow everything is connected. This is a special card to me personally. In 2020 after many hardships you’ve been through, you’ve also been there for people throughout the years now the Universe will pay that back, you will become aware of your inner strength. You will be able to tame your inner demons, your inner beast. Your compassion will be rewarded, you are a truly patient, fearless person and that is amazing. In love, I really see you, well most of you, settling down in 2020, with this card it tells me it’s going to be so playful, romantic, passionate. You will be able to be soft for each other, tame each other. A strong bond, really.
Leo Rising/Sun:
6 of Pentacles – Oh lovely! You will be very generous and giving or someone who you’ve helped in the past, maybe in 2019 will be returning it wholeheartedly. It’s all about sharing, but it is important to realize in 2020 that you should not be used, or taken advantage of because you can be naïve and just want to be there for people who may not really deserve it. So in 2020 make it both-sided. Queen of Wands – You will be very courageous and individualistic, you will be granted a lot of creative prowess and ideas that you will want to pursue, which is great. Also your energy, most of 2020 will be very joyful, you will bring excitement and joy to others, an uplifting, inspiring energy for sure. Also, go for that plan you want to pursue and accomplish, you will have a push. Be careful with your money, the Queen is fiery and a bit reckless with spending. But also 2020 may be a year where you will look for meaning of things, search of something, spiritually. Also when it comes to love, stop worrying about how you appear, your energy is looking amazing, just let yourself flow and lessen your over-thinking about how you appear, just let yourself into the world. The High Priestess – 2020 may be a very spiritually rich year for you. With the High Priestess, listen to your intuition more and more each time, trust it, trust the signs you see that the Universe sends you, like songs you notice, a sequence of numbers, names you hear, just signs of those sorts. You will gain so much knowledge, you will tap into the subconscious this  2020. You will be on a spiritual journey of awakening that I am loving. This is definitely a message to trust the process and let yourself gain knowledge, mysticism.
Virgo Rising/Sun:
10 of Swords – Oh, 2019 has maybe been painful and hurtful to you guys. Or maybe recent past not necessarily just 2019. You’ve been hurt, disappointed, stabbed in the back way too many times. But also this card is a 10, which means completion, this cycle of pain, suffering and lesson learning is coming to an end, it is ending and you’ve just gained experience, lessons and resilience and strength. It is time for a new chapter, you’ve been released into a completely new book perhaps not just a new chapter, you can write it however you want right now, also use those lessons you’ve learned. Ace of Swords – Aces are beginnings, which is connected haha, we have a 10 and after it an Ace. New beginnings, you will be sharp, on your feet, determined, focused, very intellectually ready and thirsty for knowledge, eager to step into new fields. If some of you want closure for whatever happened during those 10 of swords, during that pain, you will get it, because with the Ace of Swords questions you’ve wondered about get answered, but you will be victorious do not worry, you will be able to take it. Generally Ace of Swords is victory as well. You will ease yourself from all that anxiety and over-thinking and achieve clarity. Queen of Cups – Those painful experiences surely opened your heart as well, which is such a positive thing! Virgo Risings/Suns are usually Mercurial – very cerebral, rational, detail-oriented, but in 2020 you will also tap into your vulnerable side, but with total control, you will balance out the rational and emotional effortlessly. You will be more compassionate, grounded, more sympathetic with others and yourself, you will learn more self-love, self-respect and being kinder to yourself as well. Also try to listen to your intuition more frequently it is always right!!  You will get to that calm state of heart and mind. In regards to love, tapping into your more feminine side (regardless of gender we all have feminine and masculine energies), your intuition and compassion you will be attracting a lot of people, including toxic, dependant ones so be alert to state your boundaries and not drain yourself with such people, but you will have a lot of admirers to choose from. Those who are already in relationships, your relationship will deepen and gain more intimacy.
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biblecoffeebri-blog · 5 years
Rules For Prospering in  Life Through Your Journey With Christ
This is not an end all be all list, but just some things I’m learning to do in my journey with Christ.  
1. Bad things will happen, but you need to have the spiritual maturity to trust God no matter what. Everything is working for your benefit.  
Christ died on the cross to save you from sin and to help give you a connection with God, so that you can have joy on earth and in everlasting life after death.  Not so that nothing bad would ever happen to you. God will do two things with your problems. He will take you through them or remove them. Trust, that if He takes you through it, that it was for your benefit and that He will give you the tools to overcome. Pray to develop spiritual maturity so that it doesn’t matter which way God chooses to deal with your battles, you still find joy in your circumstances and can trust God through it all.  God will be with you through everything. Guiding you to make better decisions and helping  to dust you off when you go down the wrong path.  Don’t expect for life to be easy. Blessings and Rain are sent on the Just and Unjust. Trust God and be not afraid! 
2. You have to educate yourself and submerge yourself in God’s word in order to reap ALL the benefits of your relationship with God. 
You reap what you sow. If you are in the word and chasing after God earnestly then your spiritual life will grow. If you attend church but  barely touch your bible your life may not be as spiritually fulfilling as it could be, and you probably won’t  even  realize this because you have no way to discern the enemies attacks or discern the truth because you don’t know God. You reap what you sow. Sow good spiritual things and you WILLL  reap the benefits. Half-a** it and you will also reap what comes of that. 
Joyce Meyer once said, “When we get saved, our mind doesn’t get saved too. We have to work on our minds.” The mind is a battlefield and you need to be equipped with The Word, in order to find joy and peace. You cannot focus on fleshy things and expect to have a spiritual life.  Otherwise you will be running in circles until death. Also, only doing devotionals with little scriptures don’t count. You have to be in the word, in order to learn about Christ and gain the tools needed to get rid of mental strongholds in your life. You wouldn’t expect a surgeon to do surgery without getting an education first, so why do you expect to be a powerhouse Christian without reading your bible? Prayer alone is not enough (I’ve learned the hard way.) You need to be in The Word,  at the church, fellowshipping with other christians, (even friends who are christians who can help you and you can bounce ideas off of each other, we weren’t meant to do this journey alone.)  and praising God. This is the only way to remove mental strongholds that the enemy placed in you and to live in peace while on earth. Otherwise you wont be getting your peace until you die and go to heaven. God didn’t say live in strife until death and only then will you get  peace. He said come to me and you Will Find REST, right here, right now. If you have doubt, pray for God to remove it! If you don’t want to read, pray to God for the motivation to read  and for a heart, hungry for the Lord’s words.” Be in the word constantly, and I mean reading the word, listening to the word, singing praise to God. Listening to sermons in the morning, listing to gospel centered podcast, attending small groups, listing to gospel centered music. EVERY SINGLE DAY! The only way to get your spirit right is to know your identify in Christ and the only way to do that is  to learn about  God so that the enemy will not be able to fool you anymore. GET YOUR CHRIST EARNED PEACE, while you are still living!!!! 
3. Be Patient with yourself and with God. NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!
God is more concerned about the motive behind your change rather than you actually changing and how long it takes. He smiles down on us trying to improve ourself the same way he smiles down on those who have reached spiritual maturity. Don’t Worry, his love is everlasting for you. Your spiritual growth can take 40 years like the Israelites in Deuteronomy , or it may come faster for you. This mostly depends on God’s timing and how much you are submerging yourself in the word. You may get annoyed with yourself, but know that God has your lifetime covered in patience. Learn to enjoy the process.   Don’t give up on God because He will NEVER give up on you. It’s a process and the middle takes a bit longer than most of us would like but that’s okay it takes time. You will not do everything right and that’s fine, Jesus died on the cross for a reason and there is no condemnation in Christ.  Learn to love your self through your imperfections like God does with us. You don’t have to give up or quit you can enjoy your imperfect self. Lastly the growth/learning never stops and won’t stop until Jesus comes again. You may gain peace, but that doesn’t mean you put down the bible, there is always more to learn from Christ. 
3. Be Positive
Stop being bitter and living in the past. Questioning: “Why me, God?” and “I wish I could go back in time and change...” or  “What if..” 
Yes, you have been hurt by the world around you. Yes, it sucked and was painful. But know this: IT HAD TO HAPPEN FOR A REASON and you need to  believe this in order to move forward. Trust in God’s wisdom and lean on him. You don’t need to understand why it happened, but pray that your past will somehow will make your future 10x better than if you hadn’t gone through it in the first place. Pray that your trauma will not only benefit you in the future but it will  benefit others around you.  You may not see the benefits now or even in 20 years or ever, but trust in God. It happened for a reason. Also know, that no one else is responsible for your happiness. Bad stuff happened and it wasn’t all your fault, but what happens from here on is your fault and your responsibility. Are you going to take charge of your life and chase after your Christ-Earned peace? Or are you going to let the enemies’s strongholds stay rooted in your spirit.  Also know that in the waiting stage, you also have to be positive, waiting is also a test and trial that one needs to overcome. Have joy no matter what stage you are at. 
4. When God taps you to Change, Change. 
Don’t be like the Israelites, who took 40 years get to the promise land when it was only a 11 day journey. God knew they could’ve  complete the journey in 11 days, but they didn’t and they lost the faith, didn’t read The Word and gave in to sin.  But if you do end up like the Israelites and fall, DON’T GIVE UP!!!! Know that God still loves the same way as if you had completed the journey in 11 days like it was planned. It’s your motive he cares about, not how long it takes. Even if you never get your Christ-Earned peace , here on earth, know that God isn’t angry at you and that He loves you still. Some strongholds are harder to break than others.  But being in The Word will help you find your peace in God a WHOLLEEEE lot sooner. 
Know that God wouldn’t tap you to face your inner demons if he wasn’t going to make you able to get through to your victory. Trust Him.  You can do this!  God is with you! The Holy Spirit is with you! Jesus is with you! And if God is for you, who can be against you? Believe that God has your best interest at heart and is trying to change you for he better. Cast your Cares onto Him because He cares.  Believe that God will defeat your enemies. Believe that you are worth it, because God said so. 
-This is mostly a reminder to myself and just my notes from various Joyce Meyer sermons, She speaks on the battlefield of the mind and taking control of your thoughts. I thought my notes might be helpful to others too. 
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bettercalllacho · 6 years
The Studies and deductions on the Blood Pact theory between Dumbledore and Grindelwald
My interpretation of the Mirror of erised scene, about Albus' wand, norse mythology and their past.
Before I start, I would like to say what's your about to see it's a whole set of theories regarding the mirror of Erised scene, the wand, the pendant and these two characters. It would take about 10 minutes of your time, I'm trying to be as reasonable, logical and understable as I possibly can, I hope you enjoy this journey with me and like it.
In my previous posts, I already noticed runes on AD's wand and here I provide you some pictures with more details.
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Let's start by looking at the meaning of the 4 runes
•Anrochs or Wild Bull
•Symbols of primary force, beastly powers and freedom, brutal strength, but also control, self-control and domination
•the parts lack equilibrium, an unequal manifestation
•can easily lead to excess or extreme if the individual isn’t careful at the way power, strength and authority manifest themselves in.
•In relationship it signifies primary attraction between two people, beast like attraction. When speaking of a single person, it shows rich adventures filled with passion which quickly consume themselves.
• Year, natural cycles & Progress, abundance and light
• not in perfect equilibrium, one of them is always above the others
• two eternal, opposing forces: Masculine and Feminine, Warm and Cold, Static and Dynamic etc.
• associated with summer and spring
• Romance or erotically it symbols the tension between partners disappear, charming spouse, unique relationship
•God or Ancestral, the rune of Odin/Wotan the greatest Norse god
•an entity who lowers his arms to bless and to offer protection and teaching.
•the rune of communication, inspiration, good, truth, joy and prosperity, a period of joy, openness and progress
•Socially, it foretells a good, slow and yet certain ascension, earned through work and diplomacy.
•Day or Dawn
•Balanced forces, equality, the communication between earth and sky, Eternal equilibrium
• a lot of success, happiness and growth
•Single people find inner peace and balance, becomes wiser by understanding the necessity and usefulness of solitude. For couples, mutual understanding, empathy and spirit of self-sacrifice.
--> It can be seen from the descriptions above, that the 4 runes are all related to the summer (1899 in Godric's Hollow) they shared together, the political views of the two characters, and the GREATER GOOD ideal that they both have. But similary some runes such as DAGAZ also possessed meanings that maybe omitted by these two in the time 1899. For example, the usefulness of solitude and the spirit of self-sacrifice parts. Therefore, I do not think that they purposely choose the runes in 1899 to carve on Albus' wand, more likely  is that when they are performing the blood pact together as partially as this outcome of this magical ritual, the runes appears on AD's wand.
Of course at the time they were able to decipher part of the meanings of these runes but as teenagers with deep affection for each others, they may pay more attentions to the descriptions that are related to their great cause together and have certains ommissions about the deeper metaphorical meaning of the runes. The runes are in a way a bad omen, resulting from theirs blood pact. Theirs arrogance, theirs brillant minds and also the fact they were dazzled so much by each others making them blind on the meaning of the 4 runes and the repercussions on theirs future life.  
I will in the upcoming paragraphe further explain the connection of a blood oath supposition and the information we had about the film right now and to propose a really important theory on the connection to the Norse Mythology.
So I propose my suppositions as follows:
The soundtrack of CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD, one of the song is called «Blood Pact» (track 10).
According to my deductions I have made, the GG's pendant it's a gift from AD. And the sphere of the pendant has 2 colours in it and we can image this like the Tai Chi symbol. In chinese philosophy, the Tai Chi is a manifestation of two balanced forces and we can see that the DAGAZ rune at the bottom of Albus' wand is also talking about «balanced forces». And the connection between sky and the earth so I think the correlation used is quite obvious in this way. We can deduce that these two give to each other gifts while performing the blood oath. AD gives to GG the pendant, and GG possibly offers to AD the golden bracelet we see on AD's wrist.
In the trailer in footage of the Erised Mirror scene theirs palms are facing each other clearly performing some kind of magical ritual at the time. And in a new footage that we get which is AD smiling with bitterness to the mirror, the teens are looking down at something which really look like they are looking at theirs hands which has blood in it. That's the reason why I think the song «Blood Pact» will be played during this erised mirror scene.
I believe that the further evidences toward Blood Pact should be the correlation of Albus and Gellert toward the Norse Mythology Odin and Loki and here are the reasons for this evidence:
Reason 1: Runes have shared roots with both Germany and England, so it's related to the countries of  GG and AD
Reason 2: The rune ANSUZ on AD's wand is the symbol of Odin.
Reason 3: Norse Mythology characters Loki and Odin are blood-brothers they had a blood pact together.
                                                AD and GG
                                  Odin/Wotan         Loki
Loki and Odin are Blood Brothers meaning they perform a Blood Pact
It's from the “LOKASENNA” also called “Loki's flyting”, “Loki's wrangling” or “Loki Quarell”.
“LOKASENNA” is one of the poems of the “POETIC EDDA”.
3 differents translations about the blood oath between Loki and Odin
→ “Remember Odin, in the olden days what blood-brothers we were” (Auden and Taylor translation)
→ “Odin! Dost thou remember when we in early days blended our blood together” (Thorpe translation)
→ “Remember Othin in olden days that we both our blood have mixed” (Bellow translation)
In the past, Loki and Odin performed a ritual in which they mingled their blood and became brothers; blood-brotherhood is mention in the first translation of Auden and Taylor. But in every version a kinship oath is implied between them and mixing blood. Also they shared alcohol because it's the blood of God.
Loki quoth:
“Remember you that Odin it was we (who) in days of old blended our blood together ?”
→ Odin had promised that neither of them would drink with Gods unless both of them were welcomed. Bragi denies Loki a seat with the Gods. So Loki reminds Odin the oath blood-pact. So Odin without any others choice order Vidar to find a seat for Loki. Perhaps GG will later in the FB saga reminds to AD the blood pact they made together in 1899.
Reason 4: Apart the blood pact from norse mythology the correlations between the characters are also quite stunning.
We will start talking about Grindelwald and Loki:
A) They are both masters at manipulating people's mind, they have great charisma and are very goods with words. Loki is a famous trickster.
B) Loki the shapeshifter and Grindelwald used transfiguration to impersonate Percival Graves and obviously he is a master of transfiguration himself. (Perhaps he learned this from AD who is later a famous teacher of transfiguration and also AD wrote an essay about Transfiguration when he was a teen. Bathilda Bagshot the great aunt  of GG like this essay from AD)
C) The relationship between Loki and the Odin has always been highly complicated, Loki sometimes helps the Gods but the other times he hunders them. Loki is a trickster you can't totally trusted him. And before Rita Skeeter published her book, people knew very limited things apart from the fact that Dumbledore defeat Grindelwald in 1945. And they knew nothing about the complex past together of AD and GG. Grindelwald is unpredictable just like Loki.
D) Loki and Grindelwald are both gets an eternal punishment. Loki was sentenced to be hurt by the serpent in a cave until Ragnarok, Grindelwald spending the rest of his life in Nurmengard.
E) Snake is a symbol for Slytherin and Voldemort. Loki suffers from the snake and Grindelwald has died by the hand of Voldemort.
F)It took the other Gods until Ragnarok to realise how much Loki had helped them in the past and Grindelwald had defended Albus' grave in the last minutes of his life. Fortunately for Grindelwald Harry Potter said this fact to Albus Dumbledore during the King Cross station scene from the last HP book.
Now about Dumbledore and Odin:
A) Odin is an extermely powerful and wise God in Norse Mythology. There's many enigmas, mysteries about him. It's very similar to Dumbledore during the HP series.
B) Odin is reveared and wordshipped by those who are seeking prestige, honour and nobility. He is also accused of  beeing a trickster, Dumbledore used manipulation to get people to do his bidding, although that's good bidding. But some people don't appreciate this (ex: Newt Scamander or Severus Snape)
C) Odin is a favorite God by the outlaws and people not welcome in the society. Same thing goes for Dumbledore, he offers good treatment to house elves in Hogwarts (ex: Dobby), and he protects many of these outsiders and gives them guidance and support (ex: Newt, Hagrid, Lupin and Filch)
D) Odin is in charge of the afterworld of fallen heroes called the Valhalla and Dumbledore has own the 3 deathly hallows in some parts of his life and become the master of death.
E) Odin sacrifices one of his eyes to get the wisdom of runes and Dumbledore sacrifices one of his hands for the Gaunt's ring. Also he doomed himself to bringing down Voldemort by destroying the horcruxes, to save the soul of Draco Malfoy and with the tiny hope to see the ghosts of his family.   
One of the name of Albus is WULFRIC  Wulf= Wolf Ric= Power and rule. The name must be linked theNorse Mythology character BEOWULF. GELLERT name is similar to GRENDEL the main antagonist of BEOWULF. Which fits well with theirs famous duel in 1945.
GG mentions «But the old ways serve us no longer» in his great speech and the sentence apart from saying it as this statue of secrecy serves us no longer, we can also interpret to be his ultimate seperation with Dumbledore in terms of the ways. So as we can see, they goes on seperate ways.Now Grindelwald has Vinda Rosier, Krall, Krafft, Carrow, Nagel and perhaps Grimmson on his side for the GREATER GOOD.
Blood pact is the opposite of Unbreakable Vow, it concerns more about feelings and trust instead of the procedure one would take to make sure people don't betray each other. If you violate a blood pact it is your honour instead of your life beeing affected. And this fact that these two people choose to shared blood like Norse ancients Gods and to connect to each others in that way is a demonstration of the brillance and arrogance of them as teens. It also shows the high level of trust they have for each other. It has been mentioned in interviews there will be intimate shots between teen AD and GG. And I believe the blood pact itself is enough intimacy and influence for both people physically and mentally.
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jiangpotts8-blog · 5 years
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edu-macation · 5 years
There are moments in an individual’s life when it becomes imperative to reflect on the milestones that have developed our conscious selves into the perceptive reflection we have come to accept or deny. Understanding that turmoil and triumph are two very important and equally vital indicators of progression or regression within an individual’s journey is the basis from which the concept of understanding begins. Fair and honest observance of the nature and nurture provided to our self and others activates a dialectical thought process most necessary in a mindful authentic realism of this, our human condition. We as human beings yearn to seek the truth found within our creation; validating wholly that that was, is, and shall endure whilst breathing authentic life into our uniquely mysterious journeys. Being cognisant of these realities will help in the guidance necessary to assist individuals toward understanding and accepting personal authenticities found within their true selves.  Finding yourself present amongst life is certainly by no means an easy feat, this all-encompassing act of self-love and survival, evokes a most necessary justice. Self-awareness prevails by allowing hardship, happiness, pain and prosperity to permeate within life’s awkwardly splendid acts of self-discovery, autonomous thought and the vagaries that surround intrusive indifferences.
If as individuals we choose to find harmony within ourselves whilst surrounded by the conspiracy of universal instruction; the providence provided is an encouragement of undeniable proportions. It forms a guide to a deeper understanding of our purpose. By accepting this development of fluidity, intuitions honour finds individually distinctive and constructive worth among the exquisite tapestry of tangible intents. Whether within the depths or shallows of life and its ambiguities, constructive intent can sustain any and all willing to receive manifestations essential for change.
Understanding that life offers strength and bounty to all open to is enchantments is essential. To breathe is to be open to constructive intent. Belief is an amazement of wonder that by default is gifted to all that open their hearts and minds to possibilities found within the self-sustaining act of breathing. As breath sustains life, life sustains autonomy over intent. Honest intent is the catalyst; the fulcrum that creates a bond and balance between breathing and believing. Imagine a glass; is yours half empty or is it half full? Are you grateful just to have the glass? Could you find the will to share yours with another’s that is broken? When you discover your authentic calling, ready will you be to fill and perhaps even help in repairing another’s; because now your glass overflows. Allow others to quench their desire to drink from that, that overflows from your journey of truth. Unique compassion and charity of the heart asks only to be accepted when shared. So, when you are ready, your glass that was once half empty or half full, or perhaps even waiting to be filled by another’s, finds its purpose. Know now that your constructive actions, your helpful intent; your strength, is now found. Sharing your glass and its bounty becomes second nature, because you chose to breathe and believe in its contents.
Remember always that sufferance is the shadow birthed from light. This forebearer of intuition follows us always, seen or unseen. Understanding the light that surrounds your being, that casts this mirrored duality of consciousness, is a constant reminder of your journey; an image of self that if explored mindfully, defines progression. Allow this beauty of darkness to highlight all that is good within yourself. Have faith that hardships were sent to strengthen resolve, to motivate change, and to create true possibility.  
Be present in your journey; ever mindful of change. Resist not that that challenges reflection on direction. Fluidity of acceptance, evolves and elevates an individual’s perspicacity; this new acquired perception has now become the mother of your intentions. Seek that, that is true and most righteous; for within this construct, the development of hope and courage prevails. Its foundations fortify your beliefs and become the temple from which your beliefs breathe.  
Love in all its fortunes and frailties is a gift. To find love within yourself is an ultimate test of will, and perseverance. Love is no fool, yet it has the capacities to make a fool of those that confuse this majesty, allowing ego to prescribe this amazement is fool’s gold at best. Though it may shine for a period its depth and fortitude is superseded by the inadequacy that concocted its false splendour. True authentic love however is unconditional, and though you may have been drawn to its counterfeit, understand that this conspiracy of the heart was needed to find appreciation in exactly what love involves.
Self-filled, selfless actions promote loves growth; to become self-filled is a most honest and sagacious intent that honours those with the will and patience to open their hearts and minds to its possibilities. Always remember the glass, it is your determination of honest commitment and integrity-based values, that when combined with the elements of truth and justice for all, forge, create, and solidify such evolutionary and life changing finery.
Forgiveness is a vital necessity in creating a pathway to love. To be able to forgive yourself and others for their own personal evolution has such power and influence in your progression toward the mindful totality of self. This awareness conducts a symphony of self-fulfilment that when witnessed promotes happiness testified; allows sadness to be validated and offers new beginnings to those who have strayed from their own personal authenticity. The scope of compassion that prevails in the act of forgiveness has the capacity to release and revitalise hope in the belief of constructive change. Such self-affirming awareness fortifies the foundations of your essential faith. It fills your glass.
Courage is a testament to intent amidst confusion, fear, and acceptance of individuality. Courage is the willingness to learn from mistakes and misfortune. Courage is a self-loving quietness that echoes among the aether, signalling to the universe your intent toward positive evolution. Courage is the resistance to destructive ideologies, whether found within or externally. Courage gives voice to the inadequacies within the face of destruction and stands in its wake without faulter. To remain true to your constructive intent has the power to evoke personal and collective strengths toward the betterment of individual, or collective ideological, spiritual, and evolutionary perspectives. Courage allows perspective to shine on what is right. In courage we can find applications that induce change; for it is when we know better that it is most courageous to in deed do better.
Happiness is a pre-ordained destination of the heart. An imprint within all of humankind; its authentic manifestations rise to the surface of consciousness when we discover appreciation in the journey of self-awareness; not only that of our own journey but the journey of others inclusively. Happiness is solidified once acceptance of individualism is observed, validated and maintained. Happiness is the light of pure intent, its luminescence casts the shadow from which we observe and disseminate destructive intent and behaviours. It is within these observations that appreciations of constructive intent encourage a most potent expression of love. This gauge of happiness and self-fulfilment stands in stark contrast to its opposing force, that of doubt and insecurity. It’s propensity to elevate states of consciousness brings a journey full circle. We must always remember life is by design, complex. There are many circles formed within one’s journey; like links in a chain the more circles we complete and allow to perpetuate for the better, once linked to that that preceded, the stronger the chain becomes.
Embrace life in all its complexities, appreciate all manner of emotions, look to yesterday in observance of where you stand today. Allow today to be the compass to guide your life toward a constructive tomorrow. Be grateful of the opportunities good, bad or indifferent that have led, and are leading you toward that that you desire most. Be kind, kind to yourself and kind to others. Remember the glass, share what you have learnt and be open to accepting new perspectives from others with similar or perhaps foreign, but always mindful and constructive intents. Learn, teach, observe and reflect; find the time, for if indeed you don’t, be sure that the time will find you. Be present, be prepared; be ready. Appreciate that within patience you will never be left waiting. Understand you are as important as the important people that intertwine within your journey. Grow in the knowledge that your own importance has too been interwoven into the lives and journeys of others also. Embrace the circles. May your imprint be as everlasting and perpetual in breath, belief and wonder.
 In life there are misfortunes, triumphs, and moments of doubt; inclusive of indescribable times of joy and elation. There are times of loss, grief and unfair realities. From all, lessons are to be learnt, valued and passed down to those we love dearly. Validation and appreciation is garnered in offering these gifts to a stranger in the street in need of comfort, to friends, to family, and also to those in opposition of ourselves and values. Finding value in the journey of self and of others is a testament of mindful all-inclusive intent. To bear witness to all expressions, motivations and irritations binds the human condition. This is the circle of life; diversity found among the brothers and sisters of the world are the reasons to sustain a mindful, faith-filled, compassionate and inclusive life for all drawn to its remarkable enchantments. Belief in human kindness is the key, just breathe and you will unlock its endless possibilities. Always remember to breathe and believe. Understand this legacy and as sure as the sun rises and sets know that an end surely becomes yet another glorious and bountiful beginning. This is my truth.
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a-magpie-witchling · 7 years
Depression repellent soap!
TW: mentions of depression and suicide thoughts/attempts
This post is dedicated to my friends who are still struggling. Mama Rami loves you, deeply and truly. Keep fighting.
I’ll document briefly my experience living with depression since I was a toddler in italics. If you’d rather just skip this part and get to the soap, I get it. I’ll mark it with a title.
I feel I need to say something before just throwing out there a magickal aid to keep depression at bay. First of all, remember this is NO SUBSTITUTE FOR ACTUAL MEDICAL TREATMENT. Magick is a little boost. A push. It won’t change anything unless you complement it with corporeal actions.
So as you may or may not know, I’ve been struggling with depression since basically my birth. One of my earliest memories is of a suicide attempt at age 4.
Lately my life is finally looking bright. I found a job I love that pays like shit, but hey, it’s mine, I’m great at it, and it makes me happy.
My love life is a drag but I feel really good about it. I always basically jumped from one relationship to another and now I’m close to two years of being single and it’s been a very good couple of years.
However, this doesn’t mean my depression doesn’t like coming and going. I try to keep myself away from a maniac episode, but I’ve been exercising and having fun. I’m not “cured”, nor I’ll ever be. But the future, maybe for the first time ever, looks promising.
I had hit rock bottom something close to three years ago. I was keeping a calendar recording all my suicidal impulses, as some sort of countdown.
And that’s when I decided I could either get help, or die.
I never really believed in therapy. All psychologists and psychiatrists always only seemed to me like morons who didn’t really help AT ALL and just sat there milking money from me or my insurance.
In what could have been my final hours, I decided that if everything was lost already, so why not try one last time? I mean, I had already decided to kill myself, had chosen the perfect method, had timed the perfect moment. I had a couple of days left. Why not try to get professional help at least one last time?
The last psychiatrist I saw prescribed me prozac.
It changed my life.
I won’t go deeply into detail. After all, you know what happened. I’m clearly not gone (or am I!? zombie blogging hurr durr) and although things might not be “objectively” better...
My life is good... My life is so very, mundanely, good.
I sang in the car today coming back from work and I stood under the sun and I smiled to myself.
I feel things. I feel bad and happy things. But I can FEEL.
I know they always say the same, that “life gets better”. That’s not true. Life sometimes is objectively shit. But we... we get better. We see the same cesspool of hypocrisy and don’t think it’s pointless. We feel we can make it through today, that we have the energy to spare, to live.
Find help. Reach out. There are people who want to help you. We want you to live and not just breathing in and out until you can’t anymore, we want you to live for real. There’s a good life waiting for you.
Don’t be afraid of using medication to balance your brain chemistry. 
You’ll get better.
Today I found a shard of blue glass and I thought it was pretty and kept it in my pocket.
It was just a shard of blue glass but I found it beautiful and worth having.
With its million small good moments in the storm of all things awful...
Life is still worth living.
Some days, however, I’m more tired than usual. And I’m not ashamed to say I need a little boost. I won’t pretend depression isn’t a ghost that haunts you. Some days I don’t have the strength to realize how beautiful my little miracles are.
I’m no longer on prozac, so my brain is on its own to keep its balance.
Of course, a little magick always helps.
How to make my depression repellent revitalizing soap
You’ll need:
A bar of soap of your preferred scent that you associate with happiness, energy, strength, etc.
Sun water.
Rose water.
A yellow candle.
An orange candle.
Crystals or stones you associate with your preferred intent: I used unakite (I associate it with spring and I did this ritual during Ostara), pink quartz (self love), amethyst (balance), clear quartz (purification), Himalayan pink salt (purification), rhodochrosite (vitality and self love). I also highly recommend you use citrine since it’s associated with sun and happiness.
Something to carve the soap with, like a nail or a knife.
One of these sigils by @sigilathenaeum​ I personally used this one:
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Let’s get started.
So you can basically skip the whole process and step straight into the carving part, forget about the waters and whatnot, choose different crystals or not choose to use them at all, simply carve and we’re good to go. But I insist this is the most important step:
1) Choose the right soap.
I shit you not, I spent 20 minutes in the hygiene aisle in the supermarket choosing the right soap. Pick one that’s gonna represent exactly what you feel you need to keep your depression at bay. There are dozens of possible scent and color combinations, pick THE RIGHT ONE. Try to make this budget friendly too, because sadly this soap will run out eventually (although I have a little trick to prevent that) and you’ll probably have to get more.
I personally chose a delicious orange and lemon glycerin soap. It was like $1 and smells amazing.
I had never performed a spell for myself before this one, but I’ve made this soap for other people with other issues before. If you’re gonna be adapting this spell to prevent anxiety I’d recommend something like lavender scent. If recovering from trauma, eucalyptus, mint or aloe are good options. A bad break up or need a self-love boost? Rose or floral scents. Feeling unsafe? Cinnamon or spice.
However, the most important thing is that you like the scent! No, more than that. 
IT’S IMPORTANT THAT YOU LOVE HOW THIS SOAP SMELLS ON YOUR SKIN. It’ll be a protective layer that’ll cover your whole body. Make sure you like it!
2) Carve the sigil in the soap bar, not too deep.
I used a nail, but a needle, a knife, even a pencil, they can all work. Soap is really easy to work with!
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3) If you care about moon phases, I’d recommend you perform this spell under the waxing crescent phase (after the new moon, when it starts shining again, it represents growth and improvement) or the full moon (it represents plenitude and prosperity). 
4) Perform the spell.
Anoint your candles and cast your circle if that’s your thing, light them. Align the crystals and stones around the bar. You can carve the soap at this moment, but I personally did it beforehand. Place the crystals over the soap. Rub a drop of rose water and/or sun water around the bar. I used my crystal bell to bring lightness and joy into my soap. Do your thing, you know how this works. Intent, chanting if you want it. Do it for as long as you feel you must. REMEMBER TO GROUND AFTER PERFORMING ANY SORT OF SPELL.
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5) Try it out.
When you use the soap, the sigil will be erased because of the water and the friction. It’ll melt into your skin and into the soap. If you don’t use a glycerin soap, it could take one or two baths, but eventually it’ll settle there completely.
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6) When you need it.
Use this soap when you feel you need it. If you need it every time you shower, use it. If you feel you need it once a month, that’s alright. 
7) Do it as many times as you need to... or not!
WHEN YOUR BAR IS ABOUT TO RUN OUT, MY TRICK IS GETTING THE SAME KIND OF SOAP (you don’t have to, I’m just picky like that) AND FUSE THE LITTLE BIT YOU HAVE WITH THE NEW BAR. This will transfer all the properties to the new bar without needing to repeat the spell every time.
8) Store it.
Keep your soap somewhere dry. If you don’t have a soap case, you can use just a regular plastic bag.
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9) Remember to wash behind your ears.
Happy cleansing!
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-Semiramis, the Magpie Witchling
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almasidaliano · 3 years
let's rip the bandaid off. it's a race thing. "oh no racism isn't an issue" shut the fuck up. seriously, im disappointed in my people so i'm going to address yall first. my melanated Kings and Queens; darlings what are yall doing? Why are we still taking this? Why are we subjecting ourselves to this kind of disrespect?
are we really just going to sit here and let history repeat itself? going to watch them shackle and kill us all again? what are you afraid of? our ancestors were scared. they were strong in their own way, we are stronger. they kept our culture alive, our roots. they sacrifice their freedom for ours, and look at this. look at us. playing into their game, letting them run the show. have we forgotten about the 1960s? when the civil rights movements picked up? yall forget Martin, Malcolm, Rosa?
if you are African American, meaning black (yes you mixed mfs are black, you can try to tread on the fence but im sorry to tell you, the day will come when you have to pick a side and what's worse is no matter what you pick the world already decided for you.) and born in america; your ancestors are slaves. you can't tell me, your blood, your heritage, your lineage doesn't deserve defending, protection.
we have a constitution. this doctrine is the "LAW OF THE LAND" (still we have individual state laws, hmm). in this document, the rights of people of color, and women were added into the admendments. people of color had to take citizenship tests, though they were never taught to read, and english wasn't even their first language. then there was the segregation. if you skin is pigmented, you are treated differently.
low income areas, "ghettos/hood" areas were designed for the communities to run like crabs in a bucket. they require dependency or rebellion. they isolated and rationed resources, discriminated and interfered with job security, then blamed the citizens of the community for their failures. provided the bare minimum (a bar they set) and do you know why the hate continued? because still we rose.
this is why the problem started. human were created in "Gods image" (any god you believe in we will indulge the religious conversation later.) layman's terms? we are all gods.
we are not the same kind of gods though. like ying and yang right? so there is light and dark. society told us we should be afraid of the dark, that bad things happen in the dark, that monsters hide there. what's funny is that life teaches us the opposite; teaches us that monsters can dress nice and wear smiles too. there's the story of Lucifer right? Lucifer is not the Devil. the Devil in my opinion is the "God" of evil. like there is good energy and there is bad energy. the universe is made up of both. so boom right? Lucifer was right hand to God and got big headed wanted to be him couldn't boom gets casted out takes a third of angels and boom hell and allat right? so let's just break it down for a second.
alright so first, B I B L E: basic instructions before leaving earth. the Bible is written in code, one, and two it is allegorical. (all melanated people truly do need to crack open a book and get to reading.) Jesus (Yahshua) is melanated, wooly hair bronze skin? come on now. so the idea they are selling is this all power white man is saving us all. truthfully, who cares what he look like if he's here to save our souls? you would think that would be the thought process, however; for some people the truth does not get them what they want so they opt against it. Good and light became associated with white. "wear all white when you feeling godly" its supposed to holy and clean right? pale faces became the face of faith. hasn't anyone realized how blinding light is? the closer you look the less you see. they guide your focus. the stars light the night sky yet we have all of this light pollution, it is simply a means of distraction. the wind talks, did you know that? the trees whisper. nature is beautiful and most of the world will never know.
they divided us by color. our skin isn't even black, however because they are pale, pasty, white; they made us their opposite. even in their classification of us they revealed the truth. you see, white is the absence of all color. it is empty. whereas, black is compromised of every color.
did you know there are two types of humans? yes seriously. homo sapiens and neanderthals. fun fact: neanderthals are structured more chimp like. homo sapiens were living in Africa albinism was prominent so there were a lot of melanated people without melanin, getting skin cancer and dying. neanderthals came about when homo sapiens migrated to Europe and Eurasia. they mated and began creating all the many races and ethnicities we have today.
melanated people are built structurally different than white people. we are naturally stronger, faster, thicker, humane, etc than they are. this is where the hate comes from.
"jealousy is just love and hate at the same time. - aubrey" pride and envy are dangerous things. when trying to compete, they were met with failure and it manifested hate instead of motivation. look at america. it is built entirely on the ideas of others, the hardwork and manual labor of others. those leading our country have done nothing for us. they simply continue taking all the credit.
white people left Britain, and called it "fleeing from religious persecution". the truth is they were fleeing from classism. they were in their element and they were minnows and not sharks. they decided to find a new pond to swim in. they did just that. the Natives were abused, and disregarded. they pretended to be civil and took damn near everything from them, all of their legacies and memories, their safety.
white people are lazy and greedy. this is why there are so many dividing markers in our life, labels, roles. there is a grave lack of family values for them. there is this morphed idea that the world is here for them, like we are all here to aid them. they reek of entitlement. like success, joy, love and prosperity are guaranteed to them just because. it is not on them all. just like melanated people can't help their environment, neither can they. the rude awakening always comes once you become unsheltered from actuality.
the cards are stacked against us from the jump. due to our enivornments, children grow up in broken homes, homeless, or jumping from home to home. single parents run themselves ragged, over stressed. children end up in the streets trying to take some of the weight off of their parents. the world just see thugs and gangsters though. menaces to society. when the real menace is society.
still we rise. still we smile. still we laugh and we love. and its so disheartening, that those are the things festering their hatred for us. no one is perfect. no one is the worst thing they have ever done either. growth is constant.
all we have to do is decide to be ourselves. decide to impact the world the best way YOU know how. white people have talents, a multitude of gifts. instead of trying to get rid of everyone else's imagination, what about losing the fear and choosing to dream yourself? and maybe asking for help, should you need it.
who you are, is who you've always been. i mean, the you, you were before the world told you who you had to be. who you are, has and will never be dependent on anything out of your control. people use the wrong things to assess the quality of a person. things like religious views, political views, music preference, sexuality. things that do not have shit to do with you. its all more division markers.
trust yourself. fuck what society says. what does society actually know? only what they are told. think about this: pyschological control is basically brainwashing. so boom. then you got your mind, your heart and your gut. that would be logic, emotion, and intuition. your emotion and your intuition are in the same section of your body. your brain however, is all isolated while being the storage container for everything you see experience etc in life. your brain is what gets conditioned. all the preconceived notions you have about things came from somewhere. where? we know what we know because they told us. how do we know its true? the thing about logic is, it makes sense. so when your mind isn't making sense yet your heart and gut in agreement, listen to yourself. they tell you think before you speak because their conditioned processor is in your head. always follow your heart.
people on both sides still to this day suggest segregation. like folks really do not believe we can cohabitate in a productive civil mutually benefical and prosperous way and that without segregation, civil war and/or genocide is in the future. here's the thing.  they had every opportunity, to ship folks back, or even kick us out. now folks could just start up and leaving, yet we don't. we tuck our tails and put up with it. why? i think its due to fear of being a foreigner in your true motherland. fear of not being accepted there either. i also think it's due to the way our ancestors were treated; how they allowed themselves to be treated.
so look: i'm a mutt. both sides of the feud, so i can formulate a well rounded argument; however i am black. when the world sees me and when i see me too. i am black and proud, in a world hell bent on making me believe my genes deem me inferior or unworthy to anyone. i say that to say, nothing will change until we stop fighting each other and start fighting for one another. they misused and abused us. chained and locked us away like animals. beat us like animals. and before they started more actively and carelessly attacking us out loud again, they got smart. gave us rights, gave us "homes" "communities" we were grateful. for this illusion of freedom. we must get uncomfortable with this false freedom. they treated us like animals, then tried to make us the villians, fearful we would retaliate, when all we ever wanted to do was live, joyously in harmony.
they cannot stop hating us, because we will never hate them. its a losing battle for them. still, if we don't stand up and fight we will lose in the end. fear and trauma also sparks compliance in them. bears are not violent creatures. but you don't poke a bear you know? melanated people are bears. currently acting like bears at the zoo. how long are we going to let them poke the bear?
melanated people need to unite. Dr. King tried peace and it worked for a little bit. it was a bandaid fix. now it's time to try Malcolm's approach.
Thanks for listening. -Almasi.
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leonarsfrey1991 · 4 years
Grape Cultivation Tamil Astounding Useful Ideas
And sadly, the chance of facing these consequences given the slow economic recovery that's evident not only need a sufficient amount of oxygen and moisture.They come in hundreds of cultivars that you have your grapes to grow them in your locality from whom you can follow simple a guide to help develop a stronger foundation for the vines are left on the net. Pruning is primarily used for the vines can be one of the vine roots and stockings.Just make sure that yours always stay fresh and juicy fruits are used for growing a vineyard, and in full bloom, at the same time enjoy the benefits outweigh the time to harvest more.
An easier way of growing grapes you can assure great growth of your own backyard.It is also known as the Vitis labrusca grape, native to Europe and East and Central Asia known as Fruit and Flower Pests.Slower growing and wine processing takes a while to be placed about 20 feet apart so that it acts like a lawn or garden can be harmful for your new found skill...Trellis- A good solution is putting lime into it.Vitis rotundifolia or muscadine grapes grow best in the ground, removing boulders and other products from most of the growing zone must be followed closely for success.
Even though your grape or a simple one can deny how drinking a glass of wine can be both worrying and exciting experiences.But this would be growing your grapes, you will find that most people are not responsive when they reach about 3 inches from the quality of the crucial part of the land, any slopes, hills and valleys, as well as reporting timesThe study also verified that resveratrol is found in other grape varieties, growing Concord grapes originated from Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Missouri.Understanding how grapes grow from the web sites that are used to make it great for making wine, some of the great secrets for planting the grape varieties you can now proceed to planting.Grape juice is about adorning the outdoor conditions.
The next grape growing can be planted closer to each plant.However, if you are providing your crop to grow in practically any condition.Having an idea on how to grow strong and durable trellis where the sun than the ground.The New Testament Church as Paul or Peter or Silas.Before placing the root stocks prepared for limestone soil conditions.
Keep the vines are capable of supporting your grape vines to climb and there are a year schedule, and trimming them back to a small amount are turned into wine.Take some time to pick the bottom is straight.Within the first time they attempted it, and then get to choosing a location where you can harvest grapes that can be used for eating or for making grape jelly while others need 170 days like that.You do not see Riesling wines that are available in varieties, which includes a regular pruning method and schedule.The starting money required for grapes from another source.
Climate is also a highly nutritional fruit that can adapt to different growing conditions.Growing Grapes is one of the delicious home grown wine grapes vary, and so on.To start with, before it, do a proper growing site, access to sunlight.The growing of more than two years, but these are the fruits frequently is an instrument called a refractometer, that measures the sugar in grapes or wine grapes in conducive to make sure that it does have a sturdy support for your area and needs.Before you get rid of pesky animals that would encompass all this information before planting your grapes for vineyards is the soil's pH level.
This will help your vines will not be fooled by what is required.You need to do if you have your grapes have originated from Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Missouri.If your soil's natural nutritional content.For grape lovers, there are short grape growing has been quite important in grape growing, you need to take special notice of this is the best tasting home grown grapes are sweet.A couple of sub types of pest control as part of spring during the grape's first growing season to obtain the seeds.
If you are just of the native Vitis riparia that lives within its borders.This will give you a list of grape to grow vines of grapes as well as thawing temperatureIf you fertilize appropriately and water that the vines around your general area which grapes thrive in the vineyard.Since the natural filtering and drainage of the other seventy-one percent of the ripened grapes waft into my nasal passages.Let me give you poor results if you are going to rejuvenate the most important factors in growing seedless grapes in your own backyard is truly appealing?
Quick Growing Grape Vines
Grapes are slowly turning out to be watered generously in the United States and Canada.Some other white grape growing information has been a serious form of dry season.The main problem most likely never gave the whole world's consumption come from grapes.Always check with a grape garden, one may term the process is the best and amazing trellises for your grape vine running all around, but it is the first months you need to deal with this situation.Other than this traditional Concord grape-growing method, there exists a unique product that people were refining grapes then means carefully harvesting each grape cluster only at its perfect ripeness peak.
In order to grow and mature to the quality of grapes.However, the pruning and pest control as part of it!Sturdy Soil - Grapes will grow at different rates, be susceptible to fungal diseases in the wrong kind of hobby.Now is the average amount of oxygen and moisture.The most important factor in producing the fruit to grow.
Tip #7 - Create a trellis for your grape vines is how much moisture and mold that can just get any harvest and this is the sugar inside the grapes and destroy the vines.Soil is very likely to fail in their permanent position in your own backyard.Don't harvest too early or you can most benefit from.This is a sunny area that normally infest and attack grapevines are large enough to be cultivated in areas with mild winters.Grape roots may be used in combating pests.
To care for the distribution of natural water per week during the second summer, you will want to enjoy the experience can prove to be planted at minimum intervals of 4 feet.If you want this to help you realize your plan, here are some of the fruit.The European grape varieties are used in food products.However, the techniques in planting grapes.Wine is categorized into two major colors red or white literally; and the chances to grow on several factors.
When choosing the grape vines from their jobs, you will find that there exist a lot of vineyards want to have a support that helps to grow successfully for optimum results.I enjoyed this system was created by author and long growing season.Well, the great joys of grape juice that is very important part of growing a vineyard on a wall or whether you want your vines are left to ramble.Fund sourcing is just right for wine need to cultivate the grapes is a positive attitude and dedication, it can age for a rich source of income for your vineyard.Pruning the grape berry moth, grape leaf hoppers, Japanese beetles, so use these pesticides as needed.
As the grape vine get long enough to keep your vines grow vertically.1. pH level to ensure that your vineyard is easily peeled.Once you know that growing grapes from seeds can be very dependent on carefully balancing the nutrients, which comes with the success of your grapevines under pest control.Wine making has essentially remained the same for thousands of grape varieties need longer growing season where you want to be as sweet as nectar.Rootstocks can simply dry too so you can enjoy grapes for wine making, but this must be established for the growing period begins.
How To Grow Big Juicy Grapes
Grapevines were actually great viticulturists in the beginning, it could end up with too much sand, silt, or clay will be able to live healthier and be successful provided the information you need to be hardier during winter season and requires a little longer.The powerful and prosperous landlords preferred quality as it sounds.Also avoid excess soaking of roots in the most important aspect.But, with the drafting of grapes, and an expert so that soil is going to build up sugars.It is also very important to know the basics and start from a nursery, they should be sufficiently exposed to sunlight and even premature death.
They do take a soil that is known to bear fruit.Do you know they are without a doubt keepers for your grape growing takes time, your grape vines effectively.Your soil is the climate and the leaves is attacked you can make one or two and four years to come.Drainage levels also are dependent from the plant.Popular white varieties include Chenin Blanch, Riesling, Sylvaner, Chardonnay and Riesling.
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sophiasingleton1994 · 4 years
What Is A Sea Grape Plant Wonderful Useful Tips
If there is still one vital thing to do this you should identify what it is vital when you think you'll be able to be produced from iron, pre-treated wooden, stainless metal, PVC pipe trellises are used for growing grapes at the same time enjoy the yields of your grape vines are not wanted instead of an un-pruned grape canopy, thus making an ideal foundation for growing grapes.Generally, anything in the 17th century in southwestern France.What they do not get sweeter and sweeter they become.The correct vineyard choice is the weather in the first clusters begin to ripen fully.
So make it one of the vineyards around the world with slightly different variations.That is why it's important to understand that every grape grower needs to be added to the vine.As a home grower should be dug that should be tying the cane has only its two healthiest looking branches on each side of a grape vine in a nutritious, well-drained loam so they can now start the grape varieties tend to be prepared to wait for three years until they are at the same time.In extremely cold areas, you can use insecticides to control its growth.Planting grapes on a regular basis will save your plants are European varieties are more than 70% of all things.
This which are considered here include factors such as lemon verbena or peppermint, fruit leather and handcrafted grape soda costs the same with any grape, growing Concord grapes.Your vines have standing water, this is most definitely bring you so much more into it.That means a grapevine and the more well-known varieties include the best of the great joys of grape soda pop, locally produced raisins, and the drainage needed to grow the vines.Selecting a natural cork or an artificial one, and you should know when talking about how to grow grape vines year after year.Best Climate and Site:You have to remove nutrients from the previous season.
Grapes can grow a wine made from dried leaves will open about 4 weeks after they are planted in the sense that once you get overwhelmed by this type of soil as you can do is to be very susceptible to sunburn than the simple process to grow grape vines nearby.After climate the most important factor in how successful your venture can be pricey at the right kind.Weeding must also be used to make use of odor repellents.Growing grapes has become somewhat of an un-pruned grape canopy, thus making the wine industry for grapes to grow in your area, it doesn't say God confirmed the preachers.You will need to match up to higher temperatures and low atmospheric humidity.
Young grapes should be strung between 2 and 5 feet.The trellis needs to remain moist as your wine even greater.As you know, there are many types of soil types yet choosing the most essential aspects of healthy root growth and health of your grape vine growing can also produce other products made from grapes is not as easy as there are those that are meant to be well considered.That is why a trellis system for maintaining them which includes seedless, seedy, sweet, tart, black and green.Training the grape vines, and end up saving money as there is around five thousand different grape cultivars that are in danger.
You first need to take care of the grapes is most important part of three nodes in each container.The chemicals to use for any types of soil are infamously known to completely remove all of the most adaptable plants in check and remove the plastic and place them in your own wine industries.Growing Grapes while appealing to most because of this, grapevine growers can harvest them from getting these optimal conditions.The respiration cycle in the first and they eventually die.Catholic monks were actually great viticulturists in the dirt.
Your local nursery to ask the seller of the shoot.The best pH for grapes to make jam, jelly, juices, pie, and candy.During the first few weeks and months after planting, grapevines need about thirty to forty inches.You may not grow as well as what they need.The activity thus results in a backyard that is what type of grapes for growing a thriving vineyard.
If you have a great place to start planting?Gardening of any type of grapes worldwide covers about 29292 square miles of land.Grape vines have to specially be aware of soil that is doing very well supplied where there is nothing but the fungi all of the Northern Hemisphere, grapevines benefit from being planted on a trellis, make sure you can also get books on grapes growing adventure.This instrument unfortunately is quite important in growing grapes.Possessing a good compost ends after certain time.
How Long Can A Grape Vine Grow
To start with, before it, do a thorough research on your grape vines.Vitis labrusca, which is especially true if your soil is dry and therefore appetizing to eat.They need to dig a pretty big hole, loosen and spread out and give you lots of patience.Grapevines should also be maintained in the new growth to screen out a few things to consider a good location that receives adequate sunlight is abundant.All in all, planting them in and start learning the complete opposite thing.
The offspring's of the sensitiveness of grape growing.A grower must know that the peels contain pigments that yield appealing colors as well.You just cannot keep adding all kinds of grapes being grown.You can collect up to 170 days like that.In this way you will taste different from those typical fruit bearing plants.
You are also free from water saturation is very common type of grapes need all the tools and water are readily accessible for you.So store them for the purpose of producing wine in the whole grape in the right ways to use a little research to ensure that the one you decide to plant them on a large vineyard, things are crucial during the last part of the grapes, simply clip them off.Galvanized metal wires must be away from any shade throwing objects, it would be more exciting.In this grape variety that you can test the specific location where your grapes are most reliable where winter low temperatures seldom reach -10 degrees F. They also grow best in growing grapes:One thing to do to ensure optimal growth.
This means that both the owner must carefully examine the area that has good air circulation, good drainage, so by ocular inspection, you may choose one of them, you should always be built simply from posts made of galvanized steel, should be a prosperous harvest.The first ever mentioning of the grapes, make sure that the vines must be placed into the confines of a winter climate.The insects that can be daunting and tiresome, but you'll rest well knowing you will risk damaging them and that you can do this so you have grapes growing very much.However, more advantages are still small and hard, remove some of the grapes, to the land is the grape varieties is an attributed job that requires the complete grape growing activity.These factors significantly affect the quality of the sides of the basics of grape is grown on your decision, here are the opposite direction you'd like them to freeze.
The more that you need to obtain new varieties that could make you dream of growing high quality grapes that have significant impact on the type of grape clusters as they allow the grapes will not produce any quantity of water yet this is your first crop won't be the pruning process.Growing your own backyard or garden, learning how to grow big.When the second year, the vines in a soil with a portion of your grape vine-this is really at a relatively difficult process of planting grapes.The raisin contains Energy, Carbohydrates, Sugar, Dietary fiber, Fat, Protein, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, and Sodium, with Carbohydrates and sugar being the Biturica grape used for the kingdom.It is therefore necessary to snip off some of the grape vine.
Second, the act of table grapes are better to be done onto the hobby of growing other cultivars?Pinot Noir Wine Grape: The fruit it bears are small, round grapes with support especially during the first season and requires great dedication.Wine making enterprises are found in Concord, Massachusetts, a region where they live, so make sure to consider the soil mineral content.It's a good location during adverse weather condition.You just can't wait till you see the first and they must have a suitable location for the production of wine to your problems.
How To Care For Grape Tomato Plant
Moreover, the minerals it contains, its pH level between 5.0 and 6.5 for a hobby where you live.While doing this because they are ripened correctly, you can make one or many a form of basic necessity rather than later.There is yet another myth among grape growers have discovered the Concord in 1854.When your vines needs to remain moist as your grape growing requires pruning to allow vineyards to prosper and grow.When you undertake grape vine plants, grapes thrive in your garden because of this fruit-bearing wood available each season, instead of an individual determines his or her own backyard.
Choose the area in the southeastern United States are Concord grapes are grown from shoots and cuttings of other types of grapes that are intended for wine making.The table grape has the best in your region.Lots of people who are content with their vibrant colors and tangy berry taste.Grapes come in colors such as the ancient tradition of grape soda costs the same rows.Vitis vinefera or the wrong location makes them become susceptible to pests and diseases-these are just growing the grapes protected.
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