#where being smart and athletic was for boys
sundaynightlive · 1 year
I’m scared to see Barbie with my partner.
I’m scared because she experienced girlhood and I did not. No—I ran from it, my father’s wrong ideas and conflicting words clanking against each other in my pockets like loose change—I hate the way pennies make my hands smell. Like iron, like blood.
He told me I could be anything, but Barbie could not. He told me I was different—that I was extraordinary.
And then he fed this lie to three more daughters, and they obliged him, like cattle at the trough.
I grew up thinking I was Barbie, but better. I called her tacky—I thought the girls who played with her and loved her and wanted to be her were brainless and cheap—I would stick to my Legos, and action figures, and video games. I would beg my mother for Beyblades so I might battle the boys in the morning before getting on the bus. I would relentlessly commit myself to softball and soccer and being the best in P.E. (though I never came close).
And then one day, they all wanted Barbie. And I wasn’t her. I had never been her before, and I couldn’t understand it—what changed? What they had valued before—boys, my father, my mother—became something else entirely.
And I wasn’t it.
Suddenly, on top of all these other things, I also had to be girly. I also had to be pretty. I had to know how to wash my face and curl my hair and how to stop being a friend and start being a game. I learned there was nothing wrong with Barbie—in fact, Barbie was the goal, because she could do all the things I had done and still be a girl.
But I could not.
I changed, slowly and quietly, but never enough. And I’ll never know if I changed because I wanted to, or because I had to. I’ll never know if I adapted to their rules, or if I wrote my own after I lost to theirs. I’ll never know if I was the creator, and therefore, I never will be.
Whatever childhood it was I experienced could not be shown back to me in a theater—I had Barbies, but I was never proud of them. I never loved them. I opened them excitedly on Christmas, and profusely thanked the adults, but I knew what my father thought of this, and I could not rightfully enjoy this gift of girlhood if I wanted him to love in me.
And now he asks me why he sees himself when he looks at me, why he sees masculinity where there should be femininity, and I don’t have the heart to tell him all I ever wanted was to please him—that this macaroni-art gender I wasted all my time on was so that I would be more relateable to him, more likable.
So as I don my pink and curl my hair and paint my face pretty and sit in a theater, watching the ghost of what could have been join hands with the person who is, I will feel, in that moment, woman, and afterwards, carry out the sleeping little boy who finally got to embrace a doll—a doll who was not just girl, and not just woman, but everything.
The next day, I will buy myself two—one for both of us.
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ghostofhyuck · 2 months
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NCT Dream as your high school crush.
AN: I've been obsessed with Taylor Swift's 'So High School' that it reminded me of my hs days lol.
Mark Lee
You know how everyone has that senior who's really, really popular and very active in school activities? yeah that's Mark. AND it's not only you who has a crush on him. EVERYONE has a crush on him, but who doesn't??? he's kind, smart, and loved by everyone. So his popularity is no surprise. You don't really have any plans on seeking attention on him, it's just the type of crush where you admire him for his personality and dedication to being a good student leader. 
Huang Renjun
Renjun seems like to be that crush of yours that's very unexpected. Compared to the other guys in your high school, Renjun stood out to you not only because of his pretty features, but because he's different from the others. You know how there's always an artsy classmate of yours? yeah that's Renjun and that's what make him unique. You probably dream of him all of the time, stealing glances on him while he quietly doodles on the back of his notebook. 
Lee Jeno
Your crush on Jeno is probably because of your high standards but really, Jeno checks all of your list. He's kind, handsome, and smart. Everyone has a crush on him and that's because he's really an eye candy to be fair. Aside from that, Jeno's introvert personality and quiet presence makes him more mysterious, that's why he caught your attention! He's well-behaved and unlike the other boys, he does well in class. Although you two don't interact that much, you feel like he's such a sweetheart!
Lee Donghyuck
Oh, this one hits different but I feel like Haechan is that crush of yours who also happens to be your best friend! And you can't help it! Not when he's really, really sweet to you. He gives you some of his snacks, lets you copy his homework, and yes, he's a huge menace who loves to tease you so much but he's protective of you especially when guys talk shit about you!!! You just can't help but feel butterflies whenever he's around, oh and the platonic skinship will have you panic and blush hard inside. 
Na Jaemin
Just like Mark, Jaemin seems like that crush of yours who's also everyone's crush. But he's a classmate of yours so you get to interact with him more. I feel like he's the president of the class, great sense of leadership and always make sure that the class is peaceful. He's also smart, always raises his hands to answer questions, and oh well! He also had that great smile but compared to the other crushes, I feel like Jaemin is that crush of yours who's really flirty especially when he learns that you have a crush on him!
Zhong Chenle
LISTEN!!! It was a school sports festival, you just finished playing your sport so you spent the time watching other game. Your friend suggested basketball, and behold, Zhong Chenle, who's one of the promising athlete in your school. You're not really that much fan of basketball but the way Chenle plays hits different. He's cool and great, and damn, his smug smile whenever he does a three-points shoot. You were just amazed by him, that's why it's no surprise that you went out of the gym with a crush on Chenle. 
Park Jisung
Oh oh!! This has to be a canon event lol, but Jisung's that crush of yours who's part of the dance club lol. Whenever there's a school event and they perform, your eyes are locked on him the whole time!! And you can't blame yourself because he's really great at dancing and you're just enchanted by his moves. (Plus his tall figure just make him stand out!!) He's also good-looking so plus points for that one, that's why your head always turned to him whenever you ran into him because, really, he's just so handsome!!!
Check Dreamies’ POV here!
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jaylver · 1 year
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synopsis: The boy next door was practically everyone’s dream. Straight As and top of his class, basketball captain, popular kid with a heart of gold, who wouldn’t want him? Yang Jungwon happened to be him, your childhood best friend who you’ve been pining for almost forever. But how could you compete when you were the complete opposite of his girlfriend? Except that you’ve been there in his life all along, the one who understood most. All you could think was: you belong with me.
pairings: non-idol!jungwon x afab!reader
genre: childhood best friends to lovers, boy next door + athlete jungwon, romance, very very slight angst, fluff
warning(s): profanities, both are kinda idiots xx
wc: 3445
a/n: yes, this is based on tswift's you belong with me song + mv 💓 (please tell me you're not sick of me and tay atp) tbh this was originally a hee fic (idk why he always inspires a lot of fics for me LMAO) but i wanted to change it up! hope you enjoyed it! please leave a feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated! muah muah!
masterlist | © jaylver all rights reserved.
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You were down bad. 
That wasn’t a statement, it was a fact.
Nothing could simply hide the fact that you were down bad and feral for your neighbour. Yes, you heard that right, the neighbour. And no, your neighbour doesn’t happen to be someone who was on the edge of deathbed kind of old, but he was, in fact, the same age as you, which didn’t help the ample amount of delusions that you could actually get him. 
Yang Jungwon. 
He wasn’t just an average boy next door, he was your childhood friend, who you knew since he moved in when you were six. Naturally, his mum and yours became buddies and it was a big factor in pulling you two together. As you grew older, you and him got closer and were practically stuck to the hip. The downside of highschool and Jungwon looking as though he was personally carved by Greek Gods was that he got popular instantly, while you, on the other hand, was regarded as a simpleton. 
To be fair, you get it. Jungwon was a smart guy other than his obvious charming features and particularly those dimples. Gosh. He was a perfect straight As student, a student loved by teachers and his peers. What made him even alluring was his athletic abilities as well. Wasn’t it just cruel to others to be absolutely blessed both academically and athletically? Captain of the basketball team who’ve won many championships and tournaments. Right, you finally understand why you’ve got to fight other girls for him. 
High School was hell. Being splitted into either the popular kids or the nerdy kids, you happen to be stuck in the middle. Jungwon was off with his popular bunch and you were with Sim Ja Yun, or Yoon, your platonic soulmate that you found equally dying in Maths class. Without her, you were never surviving this hell hole. 
You would be lying if you said you didn’t miss hanging out with Jungwon. Now that you were in two different friend groups, you only got to see him after school or during the weekends. But at least there was a fun part to it, considering how his window faced yours and you two ended up creating this new way of communicating where you would write on either a whiteboard or a piece of paper.
There were ‘how are you’s and ‘good’s and some random rants, most of these ended up being something sentimental to look back to, and they were piled up in a small section in your drawer. 
“Did you hear? Jungwon’s dating that popular cheerleader,” Yoon nudged your side, whispering quietly as you two made your way to Chemistry. 
“Wonyoung?” you exclaimed, a shocked look on your face. 
Jang Wonyoung, the cheer captain of the school, an equivalent of Regina George that practically ran the school without saying. She was the total opposite of you: she wore short skirts, you wore t-shirts; she was cheer captain, you were on the bleachers; she wore high heels, you wore sneakers. How cliche could this be? Of course it had to be the cheer captain and the basketball captain that got together.
Yoon nodded. “Out of everyone, it had to be her. She’s literally known to be a serial cheater.”
Jungwon deserved better. That was all you could think during the entirety of Chemistry. Why didn’t he tell me? Was this new? Countless thoughts filled your mind till the point you swore you were seeing stars. At the end of the day, you concluded it was none of your business, seemingly reaching ‘acceptance’ in the five stages of grief. Maybe this was an actual sign for you to finally stop harbouring a small teeny liking towards Jungwon. Just maybe.
Sitting by the window and staring out into the dark skies completely distracted you from the fact that Jungwon had entered his bedroom right opposite your window. He was the phone, face twisted and expressions screaming out the signs that things didn’t seem to be well. He was yelling something back before hanging up with a sigh and a frustrated ruffle of his hair. 
It took a few minutes for him to recollect himself before regaining composure completely. You pretended you didn’t see the whole commotion when he sat on his bed, facing towards you and your window, casting you a smile and waving at you, to which you reciprocated. You couldn’t help noticing the disappointment on his face.
You reached over for your notepad, scribbling on it quickly.
‘You okay?’
His face instantly lit up, beaming happily, contrary to the expression from a minute ago. 
It was his turn to write something down on his notepad.
‘Tired of drama.’
You then wrote your reply.
‘Sorry :(’ 
He shrugged, shaking his head slightly. You wished you could do something to help, but simply, there was nothing.
‘I like—’
You found yourself writing those words of confession unknowingly, as if your hands knew what your mind constantly thought of. You didn’t even finish writing it, you couldn’t. By the time you glanced up, Jungwon was gone and a shade of blue covered his window.
Well, there goes another chance.
It might’ve been a typical Tuesday night, but that wasn’t stopping you from staying up and acting insane. You were lying in bed, staring at the ceiling with your headphones plugged in. The late night was calm and peaceful, no schoolwork, no trouble, no crush to mull over about, you were finally alone and at peace. The upbeat songs blasting into your ears had you jumping from your bed and dancing around, feeling as if you were the only one in the world.
But you weren’t the only one. 
Unbeknownst to you, Jungwon was by his window secretly looking at your dancing figure who mimicked a singer, a smile on his face.
If only you knew.
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Sitting alone in your own front yard shouldn’t sound as depressing as it was. 
You thought the best self healing method was getting in touch with nature like what those magazines had claimed, but it was only making you seem pathetic to people that drove past. Plus, how could you achieve peace when the person who destroyed it countless times was walking in your direction towards you.
“Hey, hey,” Jungwon greeted, dressed in his worn-out jeans and a white t-shirt.
“Hi,” you replied, patting the empty spot next to you.
“You’re reading ‘Pride and Prejudice’?” he wondered as he sat down, catching a glimpse of the book in your hand.
“I’m pretending to read, but I’d like to say that I am,”
Jungwon laughed in amusement, shaking his head. “Well, I’ll pretend to be impressed,” his dimpled smile never leaving, which persisted in tormenting you, because how could anyone look like that.
He’s got a smile that could light up this whole town. Hell, he was the sun that shone over your measly sad town. The light of your life and the happy pill of everyone else’s life. 
It was just a shame that you hadn’t seen it in a while ever since his girlfriend has brought him down. Even though he has reassured you that he was fine many times before whenever you asked, you could tell he wasn’t fully truthful, you know him better than that. 
Speaking of his girlfriend, Wonyoung soon pulled up by his house, and he had to eventually say goodbye to you too. Staring at the sight of them being close simply had your stomach turning and twisting, especially when she herself probably knew that you were secretly pining after him. Were you that transparent? Who cares?
As they drove off, you felt your grip on your book loosen, your heart equally dropping. 
Hey, whatcha doing with a girl like that?
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It was one of the most important times in the school calendar. 
No, not exams. The national basketball competition. 
You weren’t a big sports fan, but somehow, this tournament would always rope you in every year, mainly because of the influence around you too. Exhibit A, Jungwon. But other than him, your friends were constant supporters of the school’s basketball team, not to mention, the atmosphere every year would go insane.
The game against the rival school was something you couldn’t and wouldn’t miss. Well, you didn’t have a choice either way. Being in the band team meant you were spending most of your time on the bleachers. Sigh.
On game day, you were there at the basketball court earlier than the scheduled time for final preparations, helping your bandmates around and idling boredly. You didn’t realise someone sneaking up on you until you heard your name being called, startling you and almost had you dropping an instrument. 
“Hey,” he was in his practice gear, basketball trainers in his hand. “Didn’t mean to scare you. How’s the performance for tonight?”
“I’m hoping it’ll go well,” you said honestly, feeling uneasy under his intense stare. “I’m hoping your game goes good too,”
“Thank you,” he smiled, and there it was, his dimples. One look and it had you lightheaded. You couldn’t believe he had this effect on you still. “Will you finally treat me to some of your signature cupcakes again if we win?”
“I’ll consider it,”
“Great,” he beamed, a pleased and confident smirk replacing that sweet smile. “I’ll make sure to win it for you then,”
How could he say that and casually bid you goodbye after? Has he got no regard for your sanity whatsoever? 
His words continuously occupied your head even when your performance ended and the game started, your focus only trained on his running figure. The score was narrow, time was ticking and Jungwon had one target in mind, dashing towards the hoop and shooting the ball into it. That was the winning point and there was no doubt that the home team had won. You and your bandmates got up cheering, yelling and giving each other’s high fives. You were proud.
The cheerleaders by the court were cheering as well and doing their routine. The sight of Wonyoung caught your attention, her gaze was not on her boyfriend, but on another player. What? 
Once the game had ended, the team stayed on court celebrating. You were still on the bleachers, so all you could do was observe the scene unfolding below. Jungwon approached Wonyoung, but what you failed to notice was her standing with the player you saw her eyeing earlier. A fight broke out, a sour expression on Jungwon’s face, betrayal evident. It didn’t take long before he stormed away.
Oh no.
Upon returning home, tired and drained, you saw Jungwon in his room by the window, head hung low staring at his phone. At first, you didn’t know whether to get his attention and ‘talk’ or rather stay silent, but how could you when he seemed like a sad sappy kitten. So, you sent him a text, prompting him to stare up.
‘Hope you’re ok’ you wrote on your notepad.
He gave you a small smile, scribbling something down and holding his notepad up after,
‘I think I am? Whatever :/’
‘I’m here if you need to talk.’
‘Thanks :) you’re the best.’
‘I know’
He laughed at your response, but you continued on.
‘Congrats on your win! Super proud.’
‘Thank you! Does that mean I get my cupcakes now?’
You rolled your eyes, feigning an angry look. 
‘Fine >:(’
‘Sweeet. Talk tomorrow? We both need a rest.’
You nodded, and with a last wave from him, he closed his curtains and you did the same. It was obvious he didn’t want to talk about the clear fight from earlier and you didn’t want to push him either, but the sadness in his eyes told you he wasn’t getting over that easily.
Can’t he see that you were the one who understands him?
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Prom, the day you dreaded. 
You were adamant on not attending initially, but the convincing from Yoon and your other friends had you eventually caving in. Poor you.
It wasn't like there was no one out there who asked you, you were actually just a great friend who agreed to go with them instead. Besides, men scared you, mostly the ones you didn't know. Not Jungwon, he's an exception, or maybe you were biased.
Once you were done getting ready in your bedroom, you opened your window curtains out of reflex and with purpose, gazing out. There was Jungwon, in his sleek black suit and tie, looking like a graceful prince. Abort, abort, abort—
Too late.
Upon seeing him noticing your figure by your window, it was too late to flee or hide. So, you waved at him, taking your notepad along.
'You look great!'
He smiled once he saw your writing, seemingly relieved and less tensed up.
'Thanks! You're beautiful in that dress. I love it on you.'
You're praying he didn't notice the slight tinge of scarlet on your cheeks from a distance away. Well, unless he has great vision. 
Shaking your feelings and thoughts away, you wrote your last message since it was time to leave soon. 
'I need to leave soon :( see you tonight?'
He nodded, writing swiftly before showing it.
'Yes! Will see you soon. Have fun :)'
Having fun isn't exactly the expression you would precisely describe how you felt at that hour. 
Alright, you found it dumb to get slightly jealous over the fact that Jungwon was with his girlfriend tonight, but you couldn't help mulling over it. You just wanted him, but why couldn't he see that?
Or maybe … you didn't know that he does.
Jungwon, on the other hand, was in the men's restroom, washing his face over and over again. He needed to think.
Breaking up with Wonyoung after the whole fiasco at the basketball game had affected him. Although a month and a half seemed like a  short time, it was still a relationship anyway, wasn't it? That's besides the point here.
Jungwon realised he liked you. 
He found it douchey especially when he had just gotten out of a relationship, he didn't want you to think that you're some rebound, but he ended up realising his true feelings. Gosh, couldn't the timing be any better?
His childhood friend, number one supporter since the start, you were the one he was in love with, and it was ridiculous he had to go through a long while just to find out his actual thoughts and feelings. It seemed unfair to you.
Rather impulsively, he hit the 'send' button on his message app, asking for you to meet him outside the hotel. 
Waiting for him to arrive was nerve-wracking for you. Having not seen him almost the entire night and now he had sent an ominous message to top it all off, it simply didn't come off as nonchalant as he intended it to be.
"Hi," you greeted as he made his way towards you. 
"Hey," his eyes scanned your figure, taking in the sight of you in the prettiest dress, one that complimented you to the brim.
"You … wanted to see me?"
"Oh," a gear clicked in Jungwon's mind. Seeing you had completely malfunctioned him and he almost forgot the task at hand. "Right. This is going to sound in–insane but, here me out,"
"I like you," 
He likes … you?
Were you tripping or was that genuinely what he'd said? 
"I'm so stupid for not realising sooner. You were always there for me, since we were kids till now. At my basketball practices and competitions, I can spot you in the crowd easily, you're the shining star. Whenever you're playing by the bleachers, I wish I could just run to you. I like you, Y/N, I do,"
Every word was filled with pent up frustration and love, unaware how much he has been pushing back until now. But what concerned him most was your quietness.
You blinked, instead it was your turn to malfunction. "I like you too," those words came out pouring naturally, as if you were built for it, fully ready and prepared. "Wait!"
Your exclamation had him jumping up in shock, startling him and catching him off guard.
"I broke it off with her. A–and before you think I'm trying to replace you with her or anything, I'm not. Just wanted to make it clear," he said quickly, almost slurring, clearly panicked. “We can take it slow, don’t need to rush into anything, all it matters is you knowing,”
“I’d like that,” you fiddled with your fingers, nervousness eating you up from within. “I–uh–can I kiss you?”
Where did that come from?
Jungwon flushed a shade of red, coughing from shock. Your eyes widened in horror at his reaction, waving your arms frantically. “It’s okay if you don’t want to! I’m sorry, I don’t know what got over me—”
“I–I do want to kiss you,” he rushed his words out, sounding in a hurry. He was just as whipped as you. 
You smiled, and that was all it took before you grabbed his tie, pulling him in to lock your lips with his.
It was magical. The feeling was something you’ve anticipated since forever, living up to those scenes you’ve seen in your favourite rom coms and having you giddy. His kiss was gentle but desperate, palms resting against the back of your neck and cheek, pulling you in for a deeper kiss. 
You drove him insane. The cherry chapstick he could taste on his tongue, the touch of your lips against his, never in a million years had he imagined himself in this exact scenario, usually he expected himself to fumble, but he was glad he didn’t. He wished the night would never end, and so did you.
Reluctantly so, you eventually pulled away from him, both of you having your breaths taken away and breathing deeply. Even though it was silent, no words even exchanged for a while, you found yourself basking in his presence and taking in the moment. Then, you broke out into a giddy smile, giggling out of nowhere.
Jungwon couldn’t help but be infected by you, smiling along and laughing. There it was, his smile, his dimples, the crinkles by his eyes. Everything about him was surreal to you, whatever happened tonight seemed surreal as a whole. 
“Can I take you home?”
“Of course you can.”
That night, you made sure to have him waiting outside your front yard as you ran in looking like cinderella dashing out of the ball, dashing towards the kitchen to fetch what you had promised. Cupcakes.
“I’ve made them,” you presented the cupcakes in all their glory, each decorated prettily and cutely. 
“You remembered!” he stared at them in awe, then looked back at you with the same expression. “Thank you, really,”
“It’s no biggie,” 
You passed him a reassuring smile, one that he responded back with a small grin. He glanced at his wrist watch for a second, then pointed his thumb over his shoulder. “It’s late, I’m sure you’re tired, and I still have to drive the car into the garage,”
“Right,” you laughed at his car parked half-assed by the sidewalk, luckily no passing car was present. “Goodnight, Won,”
“Goodnight, Y/N. I had a lot of fun tonight with you. I’m glad you were there,”
“Me too.”
Back in your room, you were done washing up and getting ready for bed, looking out your window as it has become a habit by now. Surprisingly,  Jungwon’s light was still switched on, and you had thought he was sound asleep by now, but guess he wasn’t. 
Speaking of him, he came crashing into your sight not even a minute later, notepad in hand and a cheeky smile that told you he had a plan up his sleeve. He stood right in front of the window, directly across your room, then held up the notepad in hand.
‘Be mine?’
This guy …
You grabbed your notepad, writing down the obvious answer, a lovesick smile that he never failed to put on your face. 
‘Yes!! Duh!!’
He let out a laugh at your response, but said nothing more, acting out a sleeping gesture to signal you to sleep soon and that he himself was also off to bed. You only nodded, but before bidding one another goodbye, he blew you a kiss.
You rolled your eyes at his playfulness, blowing one back and waving him goodnight, both of you unwilling to close the curtains and go to bed.
Either way, you were going to bed that night with peace and love in your mind, because finally, he belonged to you.
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( © jaylver all rights reserved. do NOT copy, plagiarise or edit my work and repost whatsoever. once discovered will be exposed and blacklisted. )
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kenziesimsblog · 11 months
hi guys! I decided to make my very own legacy for sims 3! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
some traits are repeated because they fit!
you never really fit in when you lived in your small town so as soon as you became a young adult you moved to the bustling city where you began a new alternative band.
traits - over-emotional, loner, virtuous, shy, and night owl
lifetime wish-rock star
career- music
must fall in love with another emo. -must name kids after alternative band members / singers, albums or songs.
must have fun colored hair. -must have piercing (s)
dye hair at least 3 times during each life stage
must complete lifetime wish.
master guitar skill
start a band. -must be close to bandmates
perform every or most gig you get. -reach level 5 celeb status
you are the exact opposite of your parent but hey when you're the kid of a famous band member you're bound to be popular.
traits- diva, irresistible, social butterfly, party animal, and flirty
lifetime wish- super popular..
requirements must have 2 best friends. choose either being a mean popular or a nice one. throw tons of parties be in at least 3 relationships before finding the one. marry the nerdiest person. master the charisma skill. don't lose any friends. chat with friends at least once week have at least 1 boy and 1 girl
your parent always taught you to be yourself and to show how smart you are!
traits - genius, bookworm, socially awkward, eccentric, and loser
lifetime wish- perfect student
career- scientist requirements always have an "A" in school go to university. earn your degree with a perfect GPA. earn a scholarship. be a strict parent. if kid has lower than a yell at them meet your partner in university. make kids have daily chores. make kids have curfew of 7. master logic skill master inventor skill
your parent was super strict and you vowed to never be like them
traits good sense of humor, rebellious, easily impressed, inappropriate,and friendly.
lifetime wish- distinguished director.
career- director
requirements have a bad relationship with your parents. have a "D" in school. always pull pranks on school and home become a director for comedies (pretend) master street art skill have at least 1 girl steal partner from someone else
horses, horses, horses that's all you talk about traits - equestrian, loves the outdoors, ambitious, athletic ,and lucky
lifetime wish- the jockey
career- none all your time is spent with horses
requirements have a horse as a child. must be female. have at least 2 horses ride them every day. marry a cowboy/cowgirl. enter racing. live in a farmhouse. master riding skill have 1 kid that you have a bad relationship with.
your mom only paid attention to her horses and not you resulting in a bully
traits- evil, mean spirited , grumpy, brooding, and coward
lifetime wish- ceo of mega corporation
career - business requirements be hated by everyone. have one "friend" that is a sidekick. get pregnant or impregnate a one-night stand. have baby in your household. co parent with one night stand even though you hate it. marry one night stand at middle/end of adult life. have one more child/ or multiples before you reach elder status. at least perform two mean actions a day
your parents didnt care what you did they spent to much time hating each other so what better way to distract your self then video games
traits- couch potato, computer whiz, heavy sleeper, night owl and loner
lifetime wish- blog artist
career - video game developer
requirements attend university to master nerd social group. drop out when maxed nerd group. marry college sweetheart. cheat on college sweetheart with person you met online. have one kid with college sweetheart.
have more with new partner play video games every day. run a blog about games. master logic skill
you spent all of your childhood watching plays dreaming one day it would be you
traits- star quality, natural born performer , hopeless romantic , dramatic, and ambitious
lifetime wish- superstar actor.
career- actor
requirements name kids after real life actors woohoo 5 celebs. complete lifetime wish. get pregnant by 3 different celebs. have at least 3 kids have a bad reputation. ruin your reputation at least once. never get married. spoil your kids.
you lived in a booming town with a big gym where you spent most of your time
traits- handy, athletic, vegetarian, green thumb, and daredevil
lifetime wish- become a superstar athlete.
career- athletic
requirements master lifetime wish. be a vegetarian. have a garden of healthy vegetables. workout everyday max gardening skill max handy skill max athletic skill meet partner at gym. have a big family (4 kids)
traits- artistic, avant garde, adventurous, perfectionist, virtuoso
lifetime wish-master of arts
career- self employed artist
requirements master guitar skill master painting skill travel to different countries for inspiration meet partner in another country. perform for tips. sell paintings. at least always have one animal in house house is very colorful. do photography on the side. master lifetime wish. go out with family every holiday.
be sure to tag me in posts if you decide to play!
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remushrts · 3 months
Hi could you do a Sirius X potter!reader (reader being James twin) where r is in trouble with filch or whatever and then Sirius pulls her into a cupboard to hide. The cupboard is really tight and they're very close and James opens the door to them making out and gets mad.
— pairing: sirius black x potter!fem!reader
— a/n: i think this is my first time writing for sirius (solo) + my first hogwarts fic? hope you enjoy it, i loved to write this so much!! thanks for the request!
— warning: nothing really happens except for kissing, no i think none (?)
You don't hear James' voice at first. Not when you have bigger concerns, Sirius' mouth pressed so close to your own that it barely leaves enough space to breath, not that you minded it anyway. His fingers tug softly at your jaw, guiding your lips to meet his, and for a moment you forget why you're even there.
Filch. Sirius and James exploded something in his office, and you, an innocent student who were only trying to get to the library, got caught in the middle of it. A blur of red ties and sweaters run past you, a familiar voice urging you to run. You obey before you spot the threat, the Hogwarts janitor keeping up at your feet while screaming about torture and punishments. If it weren't for Sirius' hand in yours, you're sure you would've at least paid him half a mind.
The boys turn the corner, James freezing for a moment before taking the opposite direction, telling you to hide before he calls on Filch's attention, giving you and Sirius more time to escape. Or so he thought.
"We're far from the dorms..." You say, confused as Sirius looks around, pulling you with him and opening a cupboard's door. You look around. James could have bought you more time, but not even him could run forever. You step into the cupboard, holding the door clumsily to keep it closed, Sirius soon follows, his body pressing against yours.
You tell yourself it's nothing, that your cheeks are red from the run and your breath is shallow due to the lack of athletic training your brother seems to be so fond of. That's it. That's why your heart feels like it's about to jump out at any second. It is definitely not the slightest related to the boy pressed against you, so close you can smell his cologne. It's definitely not the attractive, funny, smart best friend of your brother who so happens to be two and a half inches from your lips in this very moment.
Your mind begins to make excuses to tell James. Sirius cuts you right off, as if he could read your thoughts. You wouldn't be surprised if he could, if how loud your heart was beating was anything to go by.
"Look, sweetheart, I'm pretty sure Filch can smell fear." He whispers to you, his hand finding its way to push a lock of your hair out of your face, his fingers cupping just above your cheek. "Can you try to relax and maybe not get us caught?"
There's a hint of banter in his tone, and if you were not enclosed with him in this moment, you would have laughed. You would have, at least, if your mind was not so shamefully full of him.
You know your heart doesn't stop racing just because Sirius asks you to, the way he chuckles at your reaction. Even in the darkness, you can feel his eyes staring at you. You're blushing even before he does his next move. Sirius just graciously, unpretentiously, ducks his head an inch to the left. And kisses you.
And to all matters, your heart stops then. And all the seconds later, when you part your lips against his to what might be the best kiss of your life, completely missing the approaching footsteps.
Sirius kisses like his life is on it, without a moment's notice to allow you to think. What you would think, if your mind hadn't short circuited from the moment his teeth grazed on your lower lip, was that someone was definitely turning around the corner. What you would think was that that someone's voice resembled awfully a lot to your brother's, Sirius' best friend, as he was calling for your names.
Your heart stops then too, definitely still as a rock as James pushes the cupboard's doors open and Sirius not so graciously stumbles on his feet, his fingers pried from the collar of your shirt even less graciously, your lipstick's mark on his lips looking more like a death sentence.
Sirius doesn't wipe it off.
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hqbaby · 4 months
twelve — i think you do
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2k content. profanity, naoya’s annoying, reader and sukuna suck at feelings
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You probably should’ve known the way this day was going to unfold with how it started. How did it start, you ask? Oh, with the most appropriate of things: A broken elevator.
It didn’t help that you also had absolutely no time for this shit. You had woken up late after spending most of the night tossing and turning and thinking, against your will, about the kiss you shared with your best friend just yesterday. The stupid kiss that came out of nowhere, the one you did not expect at all, the one you… actually liked.
But never mind that. You can think about that later. All you know is that the shitty domino effect of events has led you here, running into your class’ lecture hall—the class that you’re not quite sure you’re going to pass—only to sit at the very back, where there’s absolutely no way you’re not going to doze off.
“Oh, look at the odds.”
You turn to look at the guy sitting to your right. Fucking Naoya.
He’s looking at you with a wide smirk on his face and it’s taking everything in you to not just punch it off. 
You’ve always hated the guy. Ever since you and Satoru started dating and he introduced you to his housemates. You liked the other boys. Suguru, Yuji, and Yuta. They were all sweet and they were all kind to you, the initially nervous girlfriend, so much so that you all ended up becoming friends. You liked Satoru’s housemates. All of them except Naoya.
You don’t know what it is about him that you hate so much. Is it the snarky remarks? Is it the annoying way he keeps showing up in your classes? Is it the fact that he always had something to say about you and Satoru’s relationship? Is it the—
“I heard about you and Sukuna.”
You glare at him. Fuck Naoya.
“Unlike you, I’m actually here to learn,” you tell him quietly, unlike him and his disregard for the people around you. “So if you would just shut up, that would be great.”
You’re able to catch a few of the professor's words, quickly jotting them down on your tablet, before Naoya is leaning over onto your desk and reaching for a strand of your hair. You grab his hand before he touches it.
He just grins at you, all smug and absolutely shitty. “You’d be prettier if you smiled.”
“I will break your wrist.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
You throw his hand away and shove him off of your desk. “Leave me alone, asshole.”
“You sure do have a thing for bad ideas,” he muses aloud, a few of the people in front of him glancing backwards because he is just talking so loud. “You’d think after Satoru, you’d learn your lesson. Guess athletes really aren’t that smart.”
You swallow the lump in your throat. You know he’s just being himself, his obnoxious, mean self, but some part of you can’t help but believe his words. They’re stupid, you know that, but they manage to get to you.
They always do.
You look at him and purse your lips. “I just wanna get through this class,” you say. “I’ll listen to your bullshit after. Just let me actually pay attention so I don’t flunk out of here.”
His grin grows wider. “Okay,” he says, leaning back in his seat. “Who am I to stand in the way of your education?”
The lecture doesn’t last long enough. You usually find these classes to be too much, too tedious, too endless. But today it ends fast and it ends soon. You’ve barely just started to scribble down as much as you can before the professor ends the class, leaving you to pack your things as quickly as possible before Naoya can hold you to your promises.
You’re too slow and his arm wraps around your shoulder as he leads you out of the classroom, like the two of you are just old friends having an absolute blast.
“I have another class to get to,” you tell him, trying to shove his arm off of you. Much to your dismay, Naoya’s stronger than you are, and once he has his grip on you, he has no intentions of letting go.
“I’ll walk you to class,” he chirps. “I wanna hear more about your life. Mai mentioned you were injured at your last game.”
You sigh. There’s no way you can shake him off now. “A sprain,” you tell him. “I’m heading back to training tomorrow, so it’s all good now.”
“A sprain,” he muses before turning to look at you, all giddy and terrible. “You know, that’s how I found out about Sukuna. Mai mentioned that he was there when you went down, had a staredown with Satoru and all.”
“I bet you tormented that information out of her.”
“What does it matter?” Naoya hums. “Sukuna though. Interesting choice.”
You turn the corner and make a beeline for your classroom, forcing Naoya to drag himself along with you as he laughs.
“If I were your boyfriend, I’d be really offended by the fact that you don’t want to talk about me.”
You scoff, finally freeing yourself from his grasp as you lean on the door to your classroom. “Well, it’s a good thing you’re not my boyfriend then.”
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Your (fake) boyfriend in question is sitting in a classroom on the other side of campus. Contrary to popular belief, Sukuna isn’t all always out and about, drinking and fucking random girls. For a good chunk of his life, he actually finds it in himself to go to class and not totally suck at them.
Back in high school, he didn’t care so much about doing well in life. He was perfectly fine just coasting by. He’d wonder why that all stopped—replaced by an overwhelming urge to do something with himself, actually be a useful member of society—but he already knows. Somewhere between that one afternoon when he went up to the rooftop of his high school building and now, he’d found his life intrinsically intertwined with yours.
And he hasn’t found a way out since.
“Where are we studying?” he asks Choso, getting up as the professor bids farewell to the class and reminds them of the paper they have to turn in before finals.
The other boy shrugs. “We can go to Mahito’s.”
“That place is gross.” Sukuna wrinkles his nose. “You wanna check out the library? We can just do it there.”
Choso slings his bag over his shoulder. “Yeah, sure.”
They make their way out of the classroom and into the frenzied hall. Around them, students run over to classes, cry to their friends over a low grade, ask each other where they’re going out to drink later that night. It’s a familiar chaos, this chaos. One that Sukuna didn’t think he’d ever come to terms with before.
“I wanna go home,” he grumbled as you dragged him through the quad.
It was the first week of classes and Sukuna really did want to go home. His packed schedule and unlucky pick of horrifying professors was getting to him, and he knew it was only a matter of time before he decided to call it quits.
He’d tried college. Maybe it just wasn’t for him.
But you just tutted and pulled him along. “I have something to show you.”
Sukuna frowned. “I’ve seen everything there is to see. What is—”
The two of you stopped in front of the pond behind the science building. There was a crowd gathered around the water and, in the darkness of the growing night around you, a steady stream of lanterns began to float onto the surface of the pond.
In a matter of seconds, the whole thing was alight with lanterns.
You grabbed his hand and grinned at him. “Magical, right?”
He found himself staring at you as you happily pointed out a few lanterns shaped like lotuses. You were like a kid discovering life for the first time. 
He realized he wouldn’t get sick of the sight any time soon.
“Yeah. Pretty fucking magical.”
“You’re quiet.”
Sukuna snaps out of his daze. “What?”
He doesn’t know how, but he and Choso have already found their way to the library. They’re sitting at a table near that one fan that always conks out. There’s a couple basically making out on the table beside them, a boy with his head face down on the one in front, an empty spot behind them.
Choso furrows his brows. “You good, man?”
I don’t know. Am I?
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Sukuna says. He flips through the textbook in front of him and finds that he has no idea what he was supposed to be reading in the first place. “Actually, I think I’m pretty fucked.”
Choso looks at him now with amusement. It isn’t every day that he gets to watch Sukuna be more than a little out of it. Who is he to turn down a free show?
“What’s up?” he asks. “You jerk off a little too much?”
Sukuna scowls. “Fuck you. I’m studying without you.”
Choso laughs, prodding at the guy from across the table. “I’m just kidding,” he says. “What’s the matter though?”
Now, Sukuna’s been trying very hard to not think about your kiss. At first, he managed to brush it off as a little mishap. Maybe something you’ll both awkwardly address the next time you meet before things go back to normal. It’s not something he has to worry himself about.
But here he is.
“You promise not to tell anyone?” he says, and he immediately feels stupid. What is he? A middle schooler with a crush? As if.
But Choso indulges him anyway. “‘Course,” he says. He’s used to people coming up to him with stupid ideas. Granted, “people” usually just means his younger brother who has a buttload of stupid ideas, but he’s gotten pretty good at keeping them to himself. “So, what is it?”
“It’s a girl.”
“It always is.”
Sukuna groans. Why is this so fucking hard?
“I dunno. I just—I kinda kissed her.”
At that, Choso can’t help but snort. He can’t help it. He’s heard all about Sukuna’s conquests, he knows more than he wants to know about the nasty details of these encounters. So it tickles him pink to hear Sukuna worrying about a kiss.
“What’s so funny?” Sukuna demands. He shakes his head and looks away, all flustered and embarrassed. “Y’know what? Never mind. Let’s just study graphs or whatever.”
“It’s not funny,” Choso says, laughing, “it’s just I never expected you to be all worked up because of a kiss. That’s all.”
Your best friend sighs. “It wasn’t just a kiss,” he says. “It was who the kiss was with. We just… have a lot of history.”
“Ah, so it was a kiss with feelings. Now I get it.”
“It wasn’t feelings.” Sukuna makes a face, but he soon reverts back to his uncertainty. “Was it?”
Choso shrugs. “Well, I don’t know the girl and I don’t know your history,” he says simply. “But chances are, the reason why you feel so weird about it is because there are some feelings involved.”
Sukuna leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest. He considers the thought for a moment. He considers why he did it in the first place. He considers the way you looked, all confused in front of him. He considers the urge, the pull he felt that just dragged him forward. He considers how he kissed you, and considers how you kissed back.
He considers how soft your lips felt against his. He considers how you touched his shoulders, gripping onto him in that scared and nervous way of yours. He considers how he held you. He considers how sweet you tasted, your lip gloss sticking to his lips even after he pulled away.
“You think I have feelings?”
“Yeah,” Choso says, chuckling as he turns back to his book. “I think you do.”
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notes. this chap is pretty tame, just a lil look into the aftermath of the kiss 😌 i think this is gonna be chillest chap for a while though 🫣 there are also a few hints of what’s to come if you squint real hard
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theoldsports · 5 months
In an alternate universe where art wasn’t involved in such a toxic situation, what would college art be like as a boyfriend? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I feel like he’d be open to just about anyone as long as they had a good personality and a good heart. It wouldn’t matter if they played tennis or not; he’d love them for them and hope they’d love him just the same. Idk just some thoughts 💭 😚
Art is the boy that has had a broken heart one too many times and too much shit talked about him for him to run around hurting someone directly on purpose. He is, as far as college athlete relationships go, an exceptional boyfriend.
Art’s major is also Physics. It’s Physics. No arguments.
His girl parties? He’ll show out if it doesn’t ruin his game/practice schedule that weekend. His girl hates parties? They’ll stay in.
As a matter of fact, Art’s probably gonna swing for a girl that’s not a tennis player, but kindly tennis-curious. He likes having someone to teach about the game. And to mutually learn about her world and interests.
He’s probably gonna pull a talker. Art is a talker when he’s with another talker, but he has a hard time with other more reserved folks day in and day out.
Once he starts talking though, Art’s going to keep talking.
The kid knows he has a difficult schedule, but he’s going to want to spend time with his girl. Just the walking between places, having lunch, going to Target, studying, catching a cigarette behind the athletics complex kind of time. Those are the best moments of his day.
Art is going to ask to move into an off-campus apartment with his girl way sooner than is rational. Dealing with thin walls, squeaky lofted beds and roommates doesn’t yield a healthy relationship necessarily.
He loves staying in bed all day with her. Just laying there and chatting.
Unfortunately, he’s a really early riser. Art was conditioned to be. On school days, he’s very oh, yeah, I go up at six, ran a mile and had some toast. You want coffee? There’s some on the counter. Like that’s a normal way to be.
His media comprehension for plots in movies isn’t high. Movie nights are kind of wait, I don’t get why it’s call Ocean’s Eleven. So Art gets a lot of that explained to him and he… likes having the little things explained to him like he’s stupid. It’s funny, because he’s so fucking smart that his girl always wondered if he was faking it for attention…
Art’s dreadful when he’s sick. He’s not gonna try and push through it. He’s going to lay there and be useless when he’s ill. He wants to be taken care of.
Fundamentally supportive. There is nothing Art will not do to help his girl. Nothing.
He’s helpful with STEM-based homework.
Hand-holder. Art likes leading his girl from place to place. Or maybe being led is more apt.
He’s a lost puppy. His biggest flaw is being too loyal. This could result in brash, clinginess. Not all too bad or traumatic.
Art is a realist. So when he fantasizes with his girl about the future, that is what he wants. This relationship isn’t a joke or some game of chase.
This relationship is the thing that gets him fired up. He will stop at nothing to keep it nice through the good and bad times.
(He also understands that not every time is a good time. He will stay through the shitty moments too)
Art is dreamy. He really, truly is.
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angelsleepinggurl · 2 months
𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤, 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙖 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙮.
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒.Your boyfriend kisses the ground he walks on, so when a good-for-nothing lowlife, makes threats regarding his girl, he doesn’t hold out.
wc . around 2,404
tags . satoru gojo x reader. bfgojo! x reader. satoru gojox reader smut. all characters are 18 years old. alternative au. non curse au. highschool au. blowjob, face cumming,throat fucking,hair pulling.18+ mdni!
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡
Clamour and commotion are brewing outside on the school field, disturbing your lone walk home to help clear your mind. At first, this doesn’t do anything more than annoy you. You’ve already had a long enough day, so this pushing, shoving and commotion is unnecessary. That is until two younger students run past you screaming about something of a fight. “Where’s the fight? Where is it?”
Again, out of sight out of mind, you resume your stroll out of the school, having had enough of it today. After a day full of tests and having water split on you, you were glad your boyfriend was there to help you out at lunch.
Your boyfriend, Satoru Gojo. He is unreal.
He’s playful, super smart, athletic, rich and caring. And if that’s not enough, your boyfriend will do anything for you. He’s not all bark and no bite, he’s proved your devotion to you over and over again, though sometimes in a way that-.
Then it hits you.
You immediately turn back, running down the corridor and turning to follow the uproar of cheering students. You go where your feet lead, and where the population of school seem to increase, weaving past students, making it to the front of the crowd to face the open field to be seen with your boyfriend mercilessly pounding the guy beneath his with his fists. The guy beneath him is receiving the full impact of his blows head on, face bleeding and eye swollen. The guy urgently wraps his legs around Gojo, using it as momentum to help push himself away from the assault. Almost as if driven by pure fury, the guy attempts to tackle the white-haired male by pushing him down from his shoulder, although Gojo loses his footing he still remains strong and resits. Gojo pulls the guy into a headlock, using this as an opportunity to knee the guy in the stomach and punch the guy’s face.
Gojo gets tackled don't to the ground by his opponent, and gets his face beaten in from him after a loud blow to his nose, causing blood to trickle out of his nose, making his face even more battered and bruised. “Fighting me over a bitch is crazy work.” his opponent spits at him. His punches aimed at Gojo are stopped and then returned by him as he flips his opponent back over to the ground. The brawl is getting messy.
“Don’t fuckin call her a bitch.” he says after each punch, followed by smothering his opponent's face against the grass.
The cheers and chants from the crowd die out, and you’re standing there horrified at the violence displayed in front of you, about you. This isn’t Gojo’s first rodeo when it comes to fights, especially when they’re about you. Teachers rush out onto the open field and grab a hold of both boys, dragging them away from each other, and watching the boys resist the teacher’s grip. Gojo’s opponent shouts and incoherent slurs of sentences, the words ‘crazy fuck’ and insane psycho are tossed around too over the teacher’s clamouring.
“And stay the fuck away from my girl. I don’t wanna hear her name in your mouth again.” Your boyfriend shouts back at the boy in response as he’s being guided by the teachers back into the school.
What the fuck.
The teachers disperse the students to go back home and you’re still in shock. Naturally, you would’ve stayed and waited outside the principal’s office patiently, but from experience you know it’s best to wait for him at home. And that’s what you do. Pacing back and forth in the living room, occasionally sitting, occasionally attempting to watch the soft TV, but nothing could take your mind away from the frustration, anger and irritation you felt towards Gojo. Your mind is clouded and you’ve never wanted time to move by faster. When you’ve finally slightly calmed yourself down enough to stay seated on the couch, the front door clicks and swings open.
Gojo Satoru. Your boyfriend. Standing in the doorway, his arm dropping down to his side, his glasses hanging loosely on his face. His hair is scruffy and his face has marks of dried blood on it. You watch as he lazily lifts his hand behind his head, running his fingers through his snow-white locks, watching his shift lift up with it. “Hey, baby.”
Vexation overcomes you and you’re leaping off the couch and storming towards him. “How dare you.” you start off, preparing to land him a slap across his face, but observing its current state you resort to abusing his arm instead to which he retracts and winces in pain ‘Ow’s slipping past his mouth. “How dare you. What in your mind possessed you to fucking butcher a guy like that in front of the whole fucking school,” you shout. “You better tell me what the hell is going on. And it better be good because Satoru I swear to God.”
Your boyfriend puts his arms up in defence, to calm you down. “Can I come in?”
You silently move out of the way to watch him enter, your face still hard. The guy doesn’t say anything as he plops himself onto the couch and sighs deeply, placing his hand on his face as he closes his eyes.
“I fought that guy because he was threatening to touch you up.” what he says shocks you. “He said that I wasn’t a good enough boyfriend for you because I can’t even protect you. He said he could easily slip his hands on you even if I was right there, because that how unsuted I am for you.” You’re not sure if you’ve communicated your shock well enough, but your hand rises to cover your agape mouth as you process all this information. “ I mean that arrogant needed to be put into his place. Talking about your body as if you were a person with no feeling, I outta just-”
You could see your boyfriend get agitated again and your signal for him to calm down. You kneel on the floor near his feet looking up at him. “Babe, why would you even believe him?” you ask, genuinely surprised that your boyfriend had felt emasculated by some lowlife. “you don’t need to be the strongest or scariest guy around to be man enough for me. You’re man enough for me.” you readjust your positioning and place your hand on his, which is lying limply on the couch. “And besides you shouldn't have to prove that to anyone else. Besides look at you, if a guy like you isn’t man enough then I don’t know who is.” The boy’s face twists and contorts as he reflects on your words, repeatedly pulling and tugging on his lips. “Being a man is showing that you care for your girl and you’d do anything to defend her, and though the way you chose to do it wasn't the best, it’s still evident you care. And that shows your manliness. Like today, you spent your lunch break comforting me after I had a meltdown over some tests because you care. And that’s what matters to me.” you speak with the utmost sincerity and this is picked up on by your boyfriend. He smiles warmly at you as your thumb brushes over his hand, his knuckles a purplish blue. “What did the school say about this?” you ask after the warm silence.
“I’ve been suspended until further notice. And I’ve been pulled off the basketball teams until further improvements in attitude and behaviour,” he repeats. You grab a hold of his hand, squeezing it firmly and looking down at the carpeted floor beneath you. The basketball team means a lot to Gojo, so for him to be pulled off it is a big deal. It makes your heart swell. “I’d do it again for you, anything to defend and protect you,” he says, lifting your chin swiftly with a finger.
You smile and swat his hand away, “ Well do it some other way, I don’t appreciate watching my boyfriend all broken.” you respond, standing up to go find a first kit and a bag of peas.
“What do you mean?” he calls out to you, slowly stretching on the couch. “I’m stronger than ever.” You make your way back to the living room, rolling your eyes at him. Perching yourself on his lap you prepare to place the bag of peas on his head. “Hold still.”
Silence envelops the two of you as you’re working away at the bruises and cuts on his face, occasional hisses come from him when you sanitise the cuts. “Shirt,” you say, climbing off his lap and kneeling on the ground between his knees. It doesn’t take belong for the boy to lift his shirt off and over his head, a smirk on his lips which he fails to hide. Focused, you start bandaging the injured areas. It doesn't;t take long for Gojo to slither his fingers into your hair, pulling it into a ponytail in his hand.
“Y’know,” he starts off, “this is the perfect position to-”
“You absolute horndog.” you scold the boy for his constant need to be relieved. “But, you don’t look bad all bloodied and bruised for me,” you mutter, but Gojo still catches onto that.
“You absolute pyscho. You’re boyfriend being all hurt, turns you on? Sicko.” he teases, fiddling with the locks of your hair as you work away on him. You roll your eyes and shake your hair free from his grasp.
“It’s not my fault you look totally hot doing it, and besides, the fact you were fighting to protect me really turns me on.” you say, maintaining eye contact and emphasising the ‘really’, playfully. Gojo doesn’t notice, when you drop the bandages and products, all he sees is your fingers unhooking the loop of his belt and tugging on his trousers. He stands a little to pull down his trousers and boxers and you use that moment to tie your hair with a nearby tie.
“Hard already Toru?” you ask, holding his dick in your hand, giving slow and teasing pumps. A soft ‘shit’ is emitted from him as he watches your every move intently.
“Open up pretty.” obediently, you open your mouth and he inserts his long fingers in your mouth to “Suck.” you’re wicking on his fingers whilst increasing the pace of your strokes, gathering spit in your mouth continually. Once he's satisfied, Satoru slides his fingers out of your mouth and down your chin before giving you the signal to release your gathered spit. Your hand resumes it’s stroking this time with intention and an increased speed. “Fuck baby, you wanna use your moth instead?” no need to be asked twice. Pretty little you, having your pretty little lips wrapped around his cock struggling to fit his whole length in your mouth. You whimper as you struggle to fit his length in your mouth, having to resort to using your hand too. A long striped lick from the base to his bright tip, your tongue circling his tip once you’ve reached the top, laughing playfully at his expression, as he leans his head back and groans in satisfaction. “Fuck baby you feel so good.” he moans, his hand resting on the nape of your neck, knowing you wouldn’t let him put his hand on your hair this early on.
You’re hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head up and down whilst simultaneously twisting your wrist. “Shit, don’t stop.” he groans in his hands again, evident he’s itching to place his hands on you and have his way. Eventually, you give in, grabbing a hold of his hand that plopped on the sofa beside you, and encouraging him to snake his way into your hair. He grips your head ever so slightly and begins to push you down, every bob of your head reaches deeper and deeper down your throat till you gag and coat his cock with spit. “Ya messy baby, who’s gonna clean up the mess you’re making hmm?” he coos, driving you. You’re sucking, twisting and turning faster than ever and Gojo’s grip on your hair is tightening. “Hah- Fuck- Not so fast.” he moans, slowly guiding your head to slow down.
You take a minute to pull away and catch a breath of fresh air. Gojo stands up, still keeping a grip on your head. You notice he’s taken out his phone and he’s recording. You smile teasingly for the camera watching it as Gojo slips his cock inside your mouth and starts to rock his hips slowly, throat fucking you. The room is filled with grunts, groants and gurgles as the back fo your throat is tickled by Gojo’s tip. “Fuck you look so pretty baby, you’re taking me so well.” Gojo murmurs as his hips rock faster and faster causing you to keep your eyes closed. You dig your nails into his thighs as you place your hands on them for stability. You groan at the increased rut of his hips, the vibrations being sent straight to his dick, pulling him closer to the edge.
“You’re gonna make me come faster than usual princess.” the male chuckles before being cut off by his own reaction to pleasure. His thrusting is animalistic as he rams his dick down your throat, being lost in his own ecstasy. “Shit, shit, shit.” he curses, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. “Mhmm fuck baby, ‘m gonna cum.” once Gojo utters those words the both of you lock eyes. The sight of you looking up at him so innocently, fluttering your lashes at him drives him mental. He’s whining as he reaches his high. WUickly pulling out to release his hot ropes of cum all over your face.
Gojo comes down from his high and the both of you chuckle. He uses his dick to smear the cum all over your face and you giggle, placing a kiss on his dick a placing it in your mouth for another quick lick. Your boyfriend is all puffed out and you’ve never seen a hotter sight.
“What?” is all you hear him ask.
“Again. I can’t get enough.”
“Please.” you’ve never had to beg for another round of sucking him off but Gojo doesn’t complain.
“And you said I was the freak.”
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡
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Inspo pic.
The Mandela effect is real, I swear there were blood/bruises on his face when I first planned this.
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astroyongie · 5 months
Can you do riize ideal types!’
Riize Ideal Types
physically he truly is into people that are pretty
His ideal type Is someone with long hair (he might have a thing for curly hair as well)
someone pretty with a good aura
someone who radiates positivism and is just a bubbly person
Sungchan's ideal is also someone with a prone chest
they have to be tall
they ain't afraid to speak their mind, to be a star, to show their claws
His ideal type Is probably someone that gives a lot of idol energy or at least that have a social status that is well known
perosnality wise, they want someone who can laugh well
like I said earlier someone who is sunny like
with a huge smile and a great sense of humor
Sungchan's ideal type is the one that will make you turn your head
and be like "damn" !
he wants to make his friends jealous
He is more into people who give a strong and well defined personality
Shotaro's ideal type is someone career drived
someone who works in a good company
or has a good job
they have to come from a wealthy background
be smart or have done some good studies to show their potential
they are serious and well grounded
his ideal type is someone who you rely on
physically, he likes someone on the average height and weight
but they need to take care of their appearance
so for exemple, they need to have their hair done always
same with their nails
they take care of their skin and of themselves in every level
their health is a priority
other than that, his ideal type is someone normal that isnt lazy and takes care of business
this boy is into people who are athletic
so his ideal type is someone who have a defined body
who goes to the gym and take care of themsleves
who have a godo healthy eating habits and put work into it
someone competitive and hot headed
like they need to have character
otherwise he would be bored easily
He wants someone who is passionate about things
(and additionally about him)
Someone he can have play fights with and adventures
phycally, his ideal type could also have short hair
strong facial features
Bonus for any born scaring like over the eyebrow for exemple
Eunseok's ideal type is the short feisty type
he is most attracted to that type for sure
His mind Is wild
and being able to check all the cases of his ideal type is almost impossible
because he has too many ideals
like the person needs to be beautiful
we are talking about someone with Rond eyes
a cute face
yet still sexy and sensual
Someone who can adapt to his moods and his needs
his ideal type is someone with shoulder length hair
althought he might not care about appearances there will be things he will be looking out for depending on his current mood or attraction
which is the reason why its complicated to please him
personality wise someone adorable
who can talk with him and have deep conversations
his ideal type is someone empathetic
sensitive and who needs him
but at the same time they need to take care of him
and cuddle him when he needs most
His ideal type is based on a sensual person
who is tall and slender
someone who has cat eyes like
with a big booty
someone who fits his own ideals of beautiful
they need to have that charm
that teasing and that sensuality that make everyone turn their heads upon
long hair too would be perfered
personality wise, Seunghan is more into someone who is giver receiver
so someone who will retribuate all of his actions
Someone who has a nice sense of conflict solving
like they wont be making problems for nothing
they are more on the rational side
who is a teaser and a dirty talker as well
His ideal type needs to be as chaotic as him
Someone who he can trust with with everything
but they need to be very open minded
to like adventures
not to prison him in anything and neats heaving a free more open relationship
something were he can express himself
His ideal type Is someone funny
reckless to a certain extend
like where they enjoy to seek adrenaline and going on adventures with him every now and then
physically he doesnt care much as long as they take care of themselves
but he might want them to have some thick thighs since its one of his favorite parts
other than that, anything Is okay
there's the possibility of his ideal type being foreigner as well
be different of what he is used to
Anton doesnt change much of the traditional ways
his ideal type is someone average weight with a beautiful face and nose
someone who has natural eye color and more on the light color hair
His ideal type is also someone with a more long neck
collarbones perhaps ?
someone who eats well
who is overall pretty (gets into the standards)
but also who is hard working and lives for their work
who can manage finances well and aren't a gold digger
his ideal type is also someone who Is possessive of him
he needs to feel that passion and that protectiveness from his partner
I also feel like they need to be smart to a certain extend but allow him to be "more"
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bachissidehoe · 8 months
A love triangle with Nagi & Reo
Nagi just never told you how he felt, feelings would be a hassle. Especially when he considers the thought that you may not return them, and then he has to deal with the hassle of losing you in his life. He’s known you since middle school, where you were the reason he studied hard enough to make it into this school. You let him live his lazy life, give him company when he wants it and leave him alone when he would rather keep to himself. He can’t imagine a better life than one with you.
Reo met Nagi and felt an instant connection. Nagi is not only exactly what he’s been looking for as a soccer player to take their high school team to the top, he’s also everything Reo wants in a partner. Someone who can match him in talent, make him think differently about himself and the world, and someone to fight for. All Reo has ever wanted is to be with someone who doesn’t care about his money, his grades- someone who isn’t trying to use him for personal gain. And Nagi is just perfect, he doesn’t need Reo at all, and Reo can’t imagine anything better than that.
You really didn’t want to fall for Reo, he’s every girl’s dream boy. Hot, smart, athletic, and kind (and rich), he checks every box. But literally everyone wants him, he can get anyone he wants, it was so inconvenient when you found yourself falling for him right along with everyone else. But how could you not? When he takes you by the hand to let you sit front and center at his practices and games, when he thanks you for taking such good care of his “treasure” (your best friend Nagi), when he flashes you a gorgeous smile as his eyes sparkle. You feel special every time he talks to you, looks at you, gives you even the slightest bit of attention. You can’t imagine anything better than someone who makes you feel loved like Reo does.
“I have to tell you-”
“I have to tell you something too.” Reo interrupts you, his expression full of urgency yet slightly relieved, assuming he knows exactly what you’re about to tell him.
Truthfully, you decided it’s finally time to confess to him, it’s been long enough. He should at least know, even if he does reject you.
“Okay, you go.” You smile, urging him to go first. Your heart races, hoping he’ll return your feelings before you even have to deal with the embarrassment of confessing.
“I- I really like Nagi.” Reo says confidently. He’s nervous, but he stands tall. He shouldn’t feel so nervous about feelings like this, he always gets what he wants, after all.
“I- you-” You stutter, the thoughts flooding your brain faster than you can think of a proper response. It makes so much sense, Reo’s “treasure”, the way he’s expressed wanting to take care of Nagi, how he’s started showing up to drive him to school, how he always tries to get alone time with him. It’s so obvious, and you’ve been hogging him away from Nagi, selfishly acting on your feelings instead of trying to help Nagi explore his own.
“Oh, you’re surprised? I thought I was being too obvious.” Reo chuckles.
“No! It makes sense! I just- um-” You pause, trying to find a way to get through the conversation without crying.
“She wanted to tell you that she likes you.”
A familiar voice interrupts the conversation, where you turn to see your snowy-haired best friend poking his head into the empty classroom. Clearly, he was looking for the two of you, showing up at perhaps the worst time.
“Nagi! No- I don’t- um, Reo was just saying-” You try to save it, try to make this less embarrassing, but all you can do is fight back tears.
“Yeah, he was saying he likes me. I know he does.” Nagi pulls his bag straps tight against his shoulders, standing up tall for once. It’s easy to forget how damn tall he is when he’s always slouching. “But I know you like him, and I like you, and that’s all a hassle, so I left it alone.” He sighs.
“Wait-” Reo starts, processing the information. “You like her, she likes me, and I like you? Oh boy.” He scratches behind his head. “Is that what you were going to tell me, y/n?”
You only nod, still trying to process that Nagi basically confessed to you just now. How could you not have seen it?
You look at Nagi, who looks at Reo, who looks at you. Suddenly, Nagi looks different to you, he’s honestly beautiful. You can’t imagine your life without him, and watching him discover a recent passion has been an amazing journey. Nagi looks at Reo, seeing someone who’s helped him grow into a new person, a person he’s starting to like much more than his old self. A life with Reo in it sounds amazing. And Reo looks at you, seeing a beautiful girl who has supported him every day, giggling and laughing with him and encouraging him to chase his dreams. You haven’t used him for a single thing, thinking only of his happiness.
The three of you stand in a triangle as you look between each other. And you can’t help but laugh.
“Yeah.” You smile. “I like you too Nagi. And I do like you, Reo.” You shrug.
“I do like you y/n. And of course, Nagi.” Reo smiles.
“I like you y/n. And I think I do like you too, Reo.” Nagi cracks a light smile.
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hyufucks · 1 year
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★ STARRINGS: choi yeonjun and fem!reader. ft choi soobin
! cw – jealousy, possessiveness, yeonjun is aggressive, fingering, unp. sex.
playlist while your read this (click on 'playlist')
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yeonjun's lifestyle is not the typical cliche where he's a bad boy and his life depend on fucking every girl and living from party to party (the latter may have been a bit cliche, but trust me, he dosen't go out every weekend).
you know his reputation, and you know it all too well.
you know he's a top student with outstanding grades, a star athlete, the favourite of the teachers and, above all: a jealous boy.
he has a thing about being the centre of attention, your centre of attention. if you're not with him, if you're not seeing him, if you're not talking exclusively about him and how hot he is, he'll get jealous (too much, i'd say).
several times you met his dark eyes and chilling gaze, almost so sharp that he would effortlessly slit your jugular for the simple fact that you were talking to a boy other than him.
he can't stand not being the starboy, a nickname that echoes through the hallways and teacher's room, but which he only prefers to hear from you.
but what he hates the most is seeing you next to choi soobin: his rival.
soobin is a friendly, smart, shy and funny guy. you don't understand why yeonjun hates him so much and why he wants to keep you away from him all over the coast.
but yeonjun knows things that you might not, and maybe those things are the reasons why he spits shit at soobin.
yeonjun's soft kisses on your neck made you lose your sanity, his cold hands provoking a thousand sensations on your warm skin as he caressed your thighs and waist. his fingers nimbly unbuttoned the buttons of your shorts, and just as he was about to remove your underwear, your phone started ringing.
you reluctantly pushed the dark haired guy away to pick up your phone, quickly sitting up in bed when you saw who was calling you.
'who the fuck is calling you?' your partner asked, somewhat annoyed that you had interrupted what you were about to do.
'oh, it's soobin. i'm supposed to do investigation work with him, remember?' you said with total impunity, as if you had completely forgotten yeonjun's feelings for the poor blond boy.
you saw him tense his jaw and close his eyes as soon as he heard his name leave your lips 'why are you doing it with him? weren't there other options at that stupid hippie college?'
you laughed before quickly picking up the phone, motioning yeonjun to silence.
'hi! soobin, it's so good to hear your voice again' you looked at the dark haired, looking provocation.
and you've done it, because never in your life have you seen him settle between your legs so quickly, taking off your underwear and looking at you like a ferocious animal stalking his prey.
'yes, hello, i say the same thing' his soft voice provoked a certain tenderness in you, unlike yeonjun who's voice only made you wet.
oh, and speaking of the king of rome; his fingers didn't miss the opportunity to caress your clitoris in a circular way. you saw him wet his fingers with his own saliva before inserting two of them into your sweet spot.
you muffled a moan, but it was useless as the boy on the other the line quickly noticed that something was wrong.
'hey, are you okay?' he asked confused and somewhat worried 'i thought i heard something' how cute.
yeonjun brought his face closer to your neck, biting and sucking gently 'put him on speaker' he said with his characteristic deep voice when he was in that mood.
and of course you did it.
'y-yeah, it's just that i'm a little shaken up from today's practice, you know, cheerleading stuff' you lied mercifully, because clearly you wouldn't say that there's a guy fingering you and that guy just happens to be choi yeonjun.
'on a saturday at ten at night?' you heard him laugh softly. looks like he's caught you red handed 'anyway, 'i wanted to know if we could get together monday morning to discuss about the work'.
'of course, at my house or at yours?'
'in mine. it's closer to your college, so i could take-' you couldn't hear him finish. yeonjun took your phone and ended the call suddenly, throwing it angrily on the bed.
before you could say anything to him, he grabbed your wrists with both hands and pushed them over your head, pressing his body closer to yours, preventing you from moving.
'what the fuck do you think you're doing?' you've seen him angry before, but he never got physical like now.
'what are you talking about? he just wants to be nice' he clicked his tongue and sighed heavily.
'yes, of course, and i was born yesterday' he replied with notorious sarcasm 'for you that's being nice, but for me that means he wants to fuck you in his flat and in his damn car'.
you widened your eyes in surprise and almost shocked, feeling a pressure in your chest that you had never experienced with him before.
'what the hell is wrong with you, yeonjun? you can't just think the worst of others. not everyone wants to wet their dick like you'.
'and you can't always think the best of others and believe that i'm the only one who wants to push you against the mattress, damn it' he spat angrily.
he quickly released you and moved away from you, walking away from your bed, walking out of the room. you got up and followed him to the front door.
'where do you think you're going?' you asked behind him, placing a hand on the door.
'finish this on your own, maybe thinking about soobin will help you cum quickly' he pushed you almost roughly and left your flat, slamming the door shut.
'damn son of a bitch'.
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almost a week since you and yeonjun last saw each other. you only exchanged glances in the hallways. sometimes you would see him train secretly, and you knew that he did it too.
but no one dared to approach.
throughout that week, you were with soobin and practicing tonight's performance together with your team. tonight, yeonjun and soobin were going to play on different teams.
and you were just afraid.
you looked in the toillet mirror one last time before heading out to the basketball hall, noticing that your ribbon was scruffy and your lipstick was not applied correctly.
the sound of the door opening and the familiar voice caused you to jump a little in place.
'what do you want, choi yeonjun?' you asked without even looking at him at all, you only saw his body resting comfortably on the cubicle doors in the mirror, arms crossed and with that gigantic smile of a mischievous cat.
he looks so attractive like that, that for a moment you forgot what an idiot he is.
'i just wanted to know if you were going to cheer for me tonight' he replied calmly, moving closer to you.
'and what if i don't? are you going to corner me like that day?'
he bit his lips lightly and then licked it. his big hands took your waist and he forced you to turn around, being face to face.
'come on, doll, we can't spend our whole lives pretending we don't exist'
he leaned down to your neck and placed little kisses there, just the way you always liked 'you're so hot when you're angry'.
you sighed and leaned your neck to give him better access, surrendering to him and his charms.
his lips touched yours, joining in a needy, hungry kiss. your hands tugged at his hair, making him moan against your mouth.
he lifted you over the sink and you quickly wrapped your legs around him, feeling the bulge of him pressing against your pussy.
you moved as best you could, trying to create friction between you and him. yeonjun laughed in between the kiss.
'you're itching to fuck already, mmh?' you nodded 'ask me and i'll grant you the wish'.
you squeezed your eyes and sighed 'please, fuck me'.
he laughed again against your lips 'wish granted'.
you gasped when he practically ripped off your underwear and pulled you even closer to him. he removed his shorts and boxer, stroked his base a few times before fully entering and thrusting inside of you with a single thrust.
you heard him moan in relief once he hit rock bottom 'god, i missed this pussy so much'.
you leaned back a bit, touching your back against the mirror. you grabbed his hair again and pulled him close to you, connecting your lips against his.
you bit his lip as his fingers moved in a circular motion over your clit, pushing three fingers inside.
kisses distributed on your collarbones and chest almost make you explode.
the way he would go in and out would drive you crazy, how he would go deep and then not.
yeonjun held you tightly, hugging his body to yours. that is what definitely made you start moving desperately, chasing your orgasm.
'aw, are you about to cum?' he gently caressed your cheek as if you were an adorable little animal 'tell me, did you cum thinking about that idiot the other day?'
you denied 'no, i thought of you'.
he half smile, satisfied with your answer 'who makes you cum?'
'you' muttered.
'say it louder' he grabbed you again and pushed himself hard 'I'm not listening, baby'.
'you' another push 'you' another one 'god, you'.
and you clung to him as if your life depended on it, moaning in his ear, feeling safe.
as it has always been.
the heavy eddies and knots appeared, the approaching heat and the familiar feeling in your belly took you over.
and he kissed you like he never did before.
and you felt something you had never felt before.
he hugged you tenderly and you could feel his heart beating like you had never heard it before, smelling his perfume in a new way and from a different point of view.
and when he moved away, you were already missing him.
'make yourself pretty, but not so cute because you're going to distract me' he laughed coquettishly, winking at you before leaving.
another time you would have rolled your eyes, but this time your heart jumped and your cheeks turned pink and filled with an unknown felling.
you also went out into the hallway and saw him leave, turning his back on you.
from not-so distant you heard his faithful devotees who were waiting for him, who received him with his characteristic nickname and insane applause,
starboy, starboy, starboy!
and you just smiled, knowing that that name would never be the same for him if you weren't the one who told him.
and you knew that it will never change.
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© hyufucks, 2023.
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luvyeni · 2 years
hii! most hair pulling toe curling dog barking jake smut pls <3 im really looking forward to the future of ur blog! 🫶🏻
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pairings: popular!jake x shytutor!reader
Wc. 713
warnings: fem reader, public sex, fingering, praise kink
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this isn't toe curling, but jake sim himself is toe curling so...
Trying to tutor jake, but the boy has other things on his mind.
You didn't even want to be here, you didn't want to tutor jake sim, but due to your shy nature you couldn't even tell the professor that you didn't want to do it.
Jake sim was the most sought after boy at the university — rich, handsome, smart and athletic... Girls wanted to be with him, and guys wanted to be him (some of them wanting to be with him too).
"I'm done." You began to pack up your things, you weren't just gonna sit and wait. "Wait don't leave." You watched as jake ran up to you breathless. "I'm here."
"2 hours later." Basically mumbling to yourself, you were too nervous to even look him in the eye.
Jake took a notice of your timid state, smirking.. you were cute.
"Maybe we can reschedule for next week." You stood up, but he was blocking your way. "Excuse me." You said, eyes glued to the floor.
"Please, I need you." You finally looked up, staring into his eyes... those goddamn eyes. Sighing, you sat down, pulling everything back out.
He sat down... with absolutley nothing in his hands. "Where are your books?" He curses under his breath. "I left them in my buddies car, can we share yours?" He leaned in real close to your face. "o-oh um.. s-sure." You slid the book in between you two.
You fanned your cheeks that began to heat up—jake notices this, smirking... he couldn't help it, he wanted to ruin you.
You knew it was a bad idea, he did absolutely nothing... he just sat there, staring at you, occasionally throwing you a wink when you'd turn to instruct his face back into the book.
"Let's take a break." He sat back in his chair. "It has only been a hour." You looked through the book. "And you've barely done anything."
He didn't get upset at what you said, because he hadn't been listening to a word of what you had been saying, he'd actually be staring at your legs, watching your skirt ride up due to you constantly moving.
"Why are you so shy?" He questioned, eyebrow lifting. "I-i'm not."
"You are, you can barely look at me, it's cute." Was he making fun of you? "I-i can."
"Okay princess, look at me." you can feel his breath on your face, as you slowly twist your head in his direction. "Good girl."
That sent a shiver down your spine, not going on by the boy. "You like that?" He smirked, getting even closer, knee to knee.
"W-what a-are you talking about? pay attention to the book." You stared at the book, trying to ignore the wetness in your underwear.
"Answer my question." His hand slowly making it's way up to where you so desperately wanted him. "Come be a good girl and answer."
You bite your lip to contain your moans. "J-jake." you breathing began to stagger.
"Say it." His hand was now at your heat, rubbing your clit through your panties.
"You're dripping princess, all you have to do is say it and i'll give you what you want."
"I-i d-do, i like being called that." you said quietly, he smiled, pulling your panties to the side.
"Jake" you moaned out as he slid one finger inside your pussy, but he shushed you. "We're in the library, you have to be quite, can you do that for me? hm, can you be a good girl for me?"
You nodded, and he added another finger speeding up his movements. "Fucking hell, you're so wet, you're gonna cum already?, cum for me." you began to shake in his hold as you came on his fingers.
"Be a good girl and cum for me."
"You look so pretty like this." He slowly pulled his fingers out of you slowly, staring you directly into your eyes, putting them into his mouth. "Soooo fucking good."
The whimper you let out made jake's cock twitch in his slacks.
"Princess, let's go." He grabbed your bag, stuffing all the stuff in there. "G-go w-where?" you grabbed his hand, stopping his movements. "To my house."
"I can't just let you go like this, i need to fuck you before I lose my mind."
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gassydumbjocks · 8 months
Stupid Like A Jock
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"Wait, wait, bros, I have a big one..." PPPPPPPPPPPPPPRRRRRRTTTT
After that Adam could only hear that characteristic noise that echoed in his ears and made him roll his eyes feeling nauseous.
"Will they never stop being animals?" He said to himself, as he tried to change into his normal clothes and run away from the locker room as quickly as possible.
Saying the last few days have been hell for Adam is an understatement (not that the rest of days weren't, a pale scrawny nerd like him was the lower class in the hierarchy). especially since all the guys in his class seemed to be starting to take an interest in being part of the football school team, turning into one of those dumb jocks.
Each day that passed, Adam swear he could see a new boy with a varsity jacket, a backward cap, and that dumb laughs and slangs those idiots used, "Bro" and "Dude" being some of the poor few words they would use.
But that wasn't all, as He could tell, the worse was the gym class and locker room time, those places were like punishment for him, surrounded by big animal brutes, bulking, flexing, burping and farting on each others like pigs after they drank those nasty protein shakes.
As he walked out, some bros seemed to notice him, and called him out "Broo, where you going lil dude?" Parker, Quarterback player and leader of this oafs pack smirked and pointed him with a dumb and almost childish look walking to him.
You could say Adam was shorter not just from Parker, if not every boy in that room, reason that made him fear becoming a target for them to tease and torture for their own fun.
"Eh, i-i was just heading out to next class" he stuttered, feeling the stinky B.O. of the jock approaching him, making his best not to gag.
"Haha, nothin' of that bro, you gotta start bonding with real men more, those books and smarts makes you no good" Suddenly, Adam felt two of the other jocks holding each of his arms, Both of them making dumb laughs and obliging him to get just some steps from the alpha athlete.
"No! Let me go! You animals!" He Panicked trying to get them off, just to recieve a Belch from one of them in his face "EWWWWWWW!!!!"
"Give me that shit" Parker ordered one of his sidekick friends, and then he handed him a syringe with a very strange and dubious origin substance, before inyect him in his neck.
"AUUUCH" Adam cried, once the syringe was gone, they got him free, and he rubbed the affected zone "You are a bunch of... BOOOOOOOUUUURRRRRPPP!" A deep hearty belch with an almost animalistic sound came from his gut, he covered his mouth.
"What in the hell did you do to me?!" he asked, and after some seconds, a loud rumble sounded in his stomach, he put his hands in his gut and grunted for the pain.
It only made him more embarrased, he tried to cover his ass then, but something felt different, as if his body was being all invaded by something that ran over all his muscles.
"Now bro, this will make you fart and burp all your brains out, you'll be a straigh alpha dude!" Parker announced and all the other Jocks there yelled celebrating in unison.
"NO!" Adam made his best to talk "I wont! -UUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRP! Be a stinky-BUUUUUUUURRRPPPPP!!! Ape like all of you!...
The stinky air formed around Adam, as he all of a sudden let a dumb laugh, like the ones he hated so much from those guys, inhaling the putrid air of his gas, and smiling "Uhh dude, i feel bloated" He said dumbly.
"Its all that protein and tacos you had in lunch bro!, uff, man you gotta quite mexican for a while" He mocked wafting the air with a smirk, patting his back "We have a newbie, boys" He said, and lead Adam out to room, where they would go with the Coach office to inform the new recruit for the school team.
After two days, Adam was changing his clothes in the lockerroom, as he drank a bottle full of Protein to prepare for his bulk up session, belching after finishing up the bottle.
He got to the gym with the rest of his team, and fist bump with all his dudes, expect Parker, instead he letted a fat beefy belch rip to him and Parker did the same as they blowed it to both their faces after laughing hard.
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What's Your Type? - Sinostra Edition
This was originally requested by Anon who asked: "What kind of personality would each of the characters be drawn into?"
I had to split it up into a few sections, separating the boys by their houses so here's the next part. The links to all the others are below. I hope you like the headcanons!
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Taiga Hoshibami, Romeo Lucci, Ritsu Shinjo x gn! Reader
Frostheim | Vagastrom | Jabberwock | Sinostra | Hotarubi | Obscuary | Mortkranken
What sort of personality are the characters drawn to?
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This isn’t necessarily something Taiga looks for but if you’ve caught his eye, you’ve got to be good in a crisis. A lot of things can happen unexpectedly when you’re around him, so you need to be ready for anything.
If you’re not easily flustered but anything, that will definitely draw Taiga’s attention. Having a level head and taking things in your stride is the easiest way to stand out from the rest of the crowd in his eyes.
In the same manner, being quick on your feet will also draw him in. You don’t necessarily have to be athletic or fit but if your reaction time is good, he’ll be impressed. That’s always the first step.
You’ve also got to be patient. Taiga’s got a lot going on in his head and he’s not always going to act the same way. To attract him, you’ve got to be willing to deal with his mood swings.
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The first thing Romeo will do upon meeting you is try to break you down. However, if you’re firm in yourself and your beliefs, he’ll be immediately interested in you.
At the same time, you’ve got to be willing to concede some things. If you’re stubborn, a relationship with him won’t work since there are some things he’s not willing to give up, even for you.
While it’s not mandatory, I think someone with high self esteem would be a good match for Romeo. He can be harsh with his words sometimes and if you can take that in your stride, he’ll be drawn to you more.
A willingness to join him in his pursuit of beauty is also something that will attract Romeo to you. If there’s something he loves the idea of more than his own beauty, it’s standing at the side of someone equally attractive.
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To draw Ritsu’s attention, you’ve got to have some degree of intelligence. Whether that’s book smarts or street smarts, it doesn’t matter but you have to have a head on your shoulders.
I think he would also be attracted to someone witty. Sarcastic comments, sass, and witty remarks all make him smile, especially coming from you.
Firm morals are a must in a relationship with Ritsu. He’s got his set of morals he stands by and he needs to know you have similar convictions (if not quite to the same extent).
You’ve also got to be willing to put up with his more out-there tendencies, like recording his conversations. He knows it can be off-putting but if you’re willing to go along with it, he’ll be more drawn to you.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment or reblog will mean just as much.
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ultraericthered · 25 days
One Villainous Scene: Cage Of Expectations
A brief one, but it gives so much insight and explains so much about the inner world of a character who, up to this point, was kept shrouded in mystery even though we all knew he was the villain, and also perfectly sets him up to make the decisions he ends up making.
While the later retcon tells us that Ken became a prodigious, genius boy due to a "Dark Spore" inplanted in him by accident that only "went off" when he visited the Dark Ocean, the whys and hows aren't really crucial to understanding Ken's story at this point: he's a star student, star athlete, and even something of a young celebrity within the world of science and computers. Because he is so well known and renowned, he's given plenty of filmed interviews like we see him doing here. After the interview is done, the headmaster of Ken's school comes over to him to offer congragulatory words...and then in a very shady move, whispers to Ken the offer to tutor his daughter in her studies over at his place so that she can excell in her grades at his school, saying he'd reward Ken handsomely for it. Ken plays the "I'm just a kid, I ain't THAT good" card, which makes the principal start to back off...but then he turns back around and asks the disgruntled Ken for an autograph. Turns out that beyond mere corruption and nepotism practices, the headmaster was pestering Ken about these things because his daughter's a fangirl of Ken. This does not please Ken. Who do some plain, unexceptional, low IQ girl and her plain, unexceptional, low IQ father think they are asking him for favors like this? Such matters are far below his time and efforts.
(In the English dub, this interaction is changed to some nonsense about the headmaster wanting Ken over to help him win at a video game called "Donkey Madness" prior to getting the autograph. The effect on Ken is the same, but I think it takes a lot out of the scene.)
Ken is then seen at dinner with his parents, who are acting all congragulatory and gushing over their son's interview and how smart he is and how maturely he presents himself. Yeah, they're really shitty parents. Much as they do love their son and loved his late brother, their love for the idea of being the parents of a special genius child enraptures them so much that they lose sight of what's really best for their child and his needs as a human being, and they coast off the achievements and reputation of their child without really giving back to him in any substantial way. Ken isn't really pleased with the way they interact with him either, so he gets up and leaves the table.
Then comes the big moment. An image that says so much even when so little is said (again, in the original. The dub butchered it by having Ken internally ramble the whole way, which not even Derek Stephen Prince can really save.) Ken's on the roof of his apartment building, standing in front of a barred fence. He can see the entire city from here, a city filled with mediocre people who he considers to be completely beneath him, but who will always look to exploit his gifts and use whatever he accomplishes for their own benefit, and will feel alright about themselves for doing nothing, being nothing. Ken would love nothing more than to abuse, bully, enslave, torture, or even kill the whole lot of them...but he's far too intelligent to not know better. He knows that the rules of civil society prohibit him from acting freely upon those cruel urges, making him have to conform and comply with the regulations set by lesser people. He, a Chosen One, a "perfect human", has to just sit there and take it like a good little boy, to not werewolf and go wild on these people. He's trapped. Caged like a rare breed of animal rather than the god he believes himself to be. The bars he grabs onto represents this cage, and all he can do here is snarl and shout out to city below him "INSECTS!"
But of course we know that there's a place Ken goes to where he can actually live his wildest fantasies, and act as he would naturally prefer to act towards lesser beings completely free of repercussions. The world he believes is one large MMORPG that exists for his pleasure. The Digital World, where he asserts himself as the Digimon Kaiser. And it's at this point where he starts to call that place home.
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bradshawssugarbaby · 10 months
Silent Night, Joyful Hearts - Jake Seresin x Reader
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A/N: This is my second of three entries for @sailor-aviator's Christmas Writing Challenge to celebrate the holidays with our favourite aviators.
pairing:  Jake Seresin x reader
warnings/content: Jake as a lovesick little puppy, mentions of church/Christianity.
word count: 1.9k
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It had been months since Jake had gone back home to Austin, Texas. He couldn’t remember a date other than “too long.” When the chance to go home for a three week leave for the holidays arose, Jake practically jumped on it. As cocksure and seemingly uncaring as he made himself out to be, at the end of the day, Jake was becoming homesick, ready for a long overdue trip to his hometown.
“Uncle Jake! Uncle Jake!” 
A little voice squealed from the living room around the corner, a blonde haired, green eyed little boy - the spitting image of Jake - came speeding into the hallway, wrapping his tiny arms around his uncle’s leg in an effort to hug him. Jake reached down and tousled the boy’s hair, beaming down at his little nephew as he scooped him up for a hug.
“Well if it ain’t my favourite nephew! Miss me?” Jake chuckled as he gave his nephew a tight squeeze.
“Sure did!” The boy grinned, in an accent that almost perfectly matched Jake’s. 
“Easton, give your poor Uncle Jake a minute’s breathing space, he just got in the door!” Jake’s sister, Stephanie shook her head as she laughed, her hand on her hip as she watched her son fuss over his uncle. 
“Nah, don’t worry ‘bout it, Steph, I missed the lil’ guy, I don’t mind being showered with a warm welcome. Besides, he’s gotta say hi to me now before his big moment on stage tonight!” Jake grinned, ruffling Easton’s hair once again.
“I’m gonna play one of the smart guys at Jesus’ birthday party, Uncle Jake!” Easton said proudly as he puffed out his chest.
“You’re gonna be a what, bud?” Jake bit his lip as he held back a laugh at the six-year-old’s misinterpretation of a nativity play.
“Well, Mommy said wise means smart, so isn’t that what a wiseman is?” Easton furrowed his brow as he thought it over.
“I guess in a way, it does, pal, but you know, I fell asleep during Sunday school a lot, I wouldn’t listen to me.”
Jake set Easton down on the ground, the boy running off to go get himself changed into his outfit for his performance tonight. Jake laughed as he smiled and gave his sister a hug. Stephanie pulled away from his embrace after a moment and laughed at him, shaking her head. 
“You know, Mama’s been talking to that girl you used to like back in elementary school again. She volunteered to help for the nativity play, she’s helping coordinate it,” Stephanie smirks and nods her head, “You know…the one you used to run around naked in the backyard with when you were 4, her mama and Ma are good friends…what was her name again?”
Jake froze as a wave of nostalgia washed over him, the memories of you and him playing together as kids came flooding back, enveloping him as he was transported back to a time where you and he were the best of friends, completely inseparable as kindergarteners, best friends who couldn’t be without one another for more than a moment. That was, until, you had moved to the other side of the city when the two of you were 8 years old. By the time high school had come around, you were reunited again, but something was different - the best friend he knew as a young child was gone, the two of you having taken different paths in your preteen years, different interests now shoehorning their way between you, making it harder for either of you to ever reconcile the friendship you once had. 
Jake was an all-star athlete in school, captain of the lacrosse team, star quarterback for the football team, and first-baseman for the baseball team. He was in a world you weren’t a part of when it came to high school, and you two struggled to find your way back to one another. He’d always had feelings for you, for as long as he could remember. After you’d both grown so distantly far apart by the time you’d reached high school, he never had the courage to ever tell you. The mere thought of you was enough to get his heart racing all over again, just like it did in high school whenever he saw you walking down the halls. 
Jake shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and shook his head, trying to appear indifferent to the mention of you.
“I dunno, can’t remember. I haven’t seen her in like, 16 years, Steph.”
“Hmm…,” Stephanie smirked as she raised her eyebrow at him, “You best go get showered and changed. Gotta leave here in about 45 minutes.” 
Jake emerged from the bathroom twenty minutes later,  freshly showered, shaved and dressed in a creamy beige coloured sweater and his favourite dark washed denim jeans, cognac brown cowboy boots adorning his feet to complete the look. His golden blonde military-approved haircut was gelled up in the front, the way he’d worn it every day for the last 20 years or so - he swore up and down that if he didn’t use the hair gel, it’d be an unruly mess, though everyone around him knew he was just a creature of habit whose life motto was “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  
The drive to the church was a quiet one, little Easton was practically buzzing with excitement in the back seat beside Jake, but insisted on not speaking so he could save his voice for the lines he had in the play. Jake couldn’t help but laugh at the child’s insistence on playing the part so professionally, but Stephanie had simply nodded and smiled, giving Jake a look that explained this was just how Easton was, a perfectionist like his uncle. 
The church auditorium was full of parents and families waiting to see their children on stage for the next hour, a handful of lines of dialogue shared between each child in order to make it fair for everyone. Phones were held out with cameras pointed at the stage, each parent excitedly watching for their child’s big moment. Jake took his seat beside his sister and her husband, his parents seated to his left. They all smiled proudly as they watched the stage, waiting for Easton’s big stage debut. 
Jake had noticed you standing by the front of the stage, a few rows of seats ahead of him. You were discreetly and quietly helping the children when they got stuck with remembering their positions on stage or the lines they were supposed to say. You looked just as he’d remembered you - in fact, he’d argue that you’d only grown more beautiful over the last 16 years. He felt his heart racing again, a soft, rosy pink hue filling his cheeks as he smiled in your direction. He could hear his mother lean over and whisper something to his father, who dissmissively rolled his eyes at his wife, trying to stifle a laugh. Stephanie smirked to herself, and her husband, who was none the wiser about your lifelong crush, sat confused, trying to work out what he was missing. 
“Jake,” Stephanie whispered to her brother, nodding her head slowly as her eyes stayed on the stage, watching for Easton, “I’d say somethin’ to her if I were you. Can’t go back to California and not say a word to the poor girl about how you feel. Maybe she feels the same way and y’all can have something together before you go back in a couple’a weeks?” 
Jake shook his head slightly, a warm smile on his face. His green eyes were betraying him as he spoke, showing how he felt as his words contradicted him.
“I don’t still have feelin’s for her, Steph. It was just a crush in high school. I bet she’s even forgotten me.”
“She hasn’t,” Jake’s mom piped up as she whispered, leaning over Jake’s father to speak.
“She hasn’t forgotten you, Jake,” His mother simply repeated before returning her attention to the stage.
Jake spent the next 20 minutes mulling over this information from his mother, and the words of encouragement from his sister. While there was always the very likely possibility that the two women were meddling and trying to set him up on a date with someone, anyone, who they thought he might have a shred of happiness with, there was also the possibility they could be right - maybe you really had been harboring the same feelings for him all these years too. 
After the play had ended and the auditorium had cleared out, Jake approached you, waiting politely for you to finish your conversation with another parishioner, one congratulating you on the play being a success. Jake smiled warmly, his million-dollar grin on full display, a twinkle in his pale green eyes as he spoke. 
“Hi, I’m not sure if you remember me or not?” He began.
“Jake, right? Jake Seresin? I suppose you’re a Lieutenant now, your mama told me about it, congratulations!” She smiled warmly, nodding her head, “I could never forget you, we used to be good friends back when we were just lil’ kids.”
Jake nodded his head, unable to control the wide, beaming grin on his face as she spoke, revealing that his mother was at least right about one thing, you’d never forgotten him. 
“That’s me! My mama’s pretty bad for bragging about me, sorry ‘bout that,” Jake laughed as he shook his head, running a hand to the back of his neck, his finger tips running through the ends of his short hair in the back, “Listen, I, uh,” Jake stuttered for a moment before shaking his head with a laugh. 
“I’d like to take you for a drink or something, we could catch up? For old times sake, I mean, if we both remember being good friends when we were little but haven’t spoken in 16 years, then we have a lot of catching up to do, don’t we?”
Jake grinned as you titled your head, an eyebrow cocked upward in a challenging manner as he waited for your response to his proposal. 
“I’d like that, actually,” you responded, nodding her head, “I’m free tomorrow, if you’d like?”
Jake nodded his head, laughing softly as he smiled, unable once again to fight the urge to feel hopeful and hopelessly in love as your unrequited crush from 16 years ago accepted your text. Jake had no idea what he was doing at this point - he wasn’t a dater, he was generally unable to keep a relationship going longer than a couple of months, usually out of fear of what would happen while he was deployed. Would they cheat? Would he’d make it home ok? What would they do if Jake didn’t come home exactly the way he’d left it - not having a relationship was just easier.
However, in this moment, hearing you agree to have a drink with him tomorrow night, Jake was staring to wonder if maybe his bachelor streak was coming to an end. And he couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that it all unfolded because of his nephew’s role in his childhood church’s nativity play. 
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