#whether theyre in the ask box or in the tags
killjoy-prince · 24 days
work is killing me today i wanna go home and read manga
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queen-of-the-boos · 7 months
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You are Cordially Invited...
to the second ever-
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(The envelope opens with a shrill shriek)
I'm throwing a little Luigi's Mansion themed ball for everyone who selfships and self inserts! (You don't have to selfship in the Mario universe to participate)
ᴵᵗ'ˢ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ᵠᵘᶦᵗᵉ ᵃ ʷʰᶦˡᵉ ˢᶦⁿᶜᵉ ᴵ'ᵛᵉ ᵈᵒⁿᵉ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉˢᵉ ˢᵒʳᵗˢ ᵒᶠ ᵖᵒˢᵗˢ ˢᵒ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᶠᵒʳᵍᶦᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ᶦᶠ ᶦᵗ'ˢ ᶜᵒⁿᶠᵘˢᶦⁿᵍ. ᴵ'ᵐ ᵃ ᵇᶦᵗ ʳᵘˢᵗʸ
Details about the event under the cut!
Now then, I'm sure you have a few questions. Hopefully I can answer them all here! Such as...
- What the heck are Banshee Blossoms?
Glad you asked, my fine friend! They're a fictional flower I made up based on these pretty little blooms on the roof of the mansion!
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(Don't mind the fire. Luigi is totally fine.)
Here's my silly little doodled rendition for reference!
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Banshee Blossoms are symbols of love, romantic and platonic, even familial! There's a tradition in the Boo Kingdom where you give one to someone you care about. They're said to bless whomever is gifted one with good luck and a happy relationship for the rest of their lives into their afterlife! Theyre pale white flowers that glow like moonlight with purple foliage.
They only bloom in the month of March, so now is the best time to come and view them!
- What's this event all about?
Another excellent question!
This event is tailor made for those of you who selfship or self insert as well as anyone who has Luigi's Mansion ocs! You're all welcome to attend! I'll be hosting it along with my darling husband King Boo 💕
It's just a small, relaxed event for everyone to have fun with whether you're an artist or not.
The general thing you can do is go around to your friends' ask boxes and leave them Banshee Blossoms should you feel so inclined. But we also have... Prompts!
- Prompts?
That's right! Prompts. You're a great listener!
The event runs from March 15th - March 17th, and throughout those days, you, dear listener, will have two prompts to choose from with which you may create things with! Think of them as themed projects? You can choose one or do both if you're feeling it!
The regular prompts will be:
15th - Arrival / Meeting
(Your arrival at the ball, or you meeting someone at the ball!)
16th - Grudges / Spinoffs
(Getting out any grudges before the party begins, or thinking of your self insert/ship/oc in the context of a Mario series spinoff like Mario Kart or Mario Golf ect.)
17th - Party / Comfort
(How you would be enjoying the party, or perhaps reviving comfort from somebody or something.)
Along with our regular prompts, we will also have musical ones for those of you who are music autistics with melodies in your heart like me.
Those will include:
15th - Treacherous Mansion /Paranormal Chaos
16th - Phantom Dancing / Luigi's Mansion DS
17th - Luigi's Mansion Credits / LM3 Music box
These work just like the regular creative prompts! You're just going off a song rather than an idea. You can do one, two, or all three of these options if you wish! No rules against that!
I'll be posting a daily post with all three daily prompts for that day around midnight (12 am CST) each day!
These prompts are for anything creative! Mood boards, writing, art, playlists, you name it! Even just posts saying what you and your fave are doing to participate are welcome!
- When is the event?
Just like I said above, the event will run the weekend of March 15th - March 17th.
- Where is it being held?
Well, it'll be hosted here on this blog! I'll be sure to look for posts and reblog them all here so everyone can see! Be sure to tag your posts for the ball with #Banshee Blossom Ball 2024 so I can see them! That's the tag I'll be looking for! Youre also free to tag me so I can see them too!
But...if you meant what location the event is being held... Its-
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The Treacherous Mansion from Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon! It's a large mansion in Evershade Valley full of many interesting rooms that house treasures from a famous adventurer from days long past.
(Thanks for helping me show it off, Luigi! But get that AWFUL thing off your back-)
Phew! Hopefully that clears things up. I'll try to condense the info here for those of you who need a tl;dr
I'm hosting an event for self inserts and shippers as well as Luigi's Mansion oc havers! It's a ball themed after Banshee Blossoms, symbols of all types of love and new beginnings!
The creative prompts for the event including musical prompts (notated with a 🎵) are:
🌙 15th - Arrival / Meeting
🎵 Treacherous Mansion/Paranormal Chaos
🌙 16th - Grudges / Spinoffs
🎵 Phantom Dancing/Luigi's Mansion DS
🌙 17th - Party / Comfort
🎵 Luigi's Mansion credits/LM3 music box
The event runs from March 15th - 17th.
I'll make a post each day at 12am CST with a short blurb about the day's prompts to help inspire! (You're free to start on the prompts early though!)
Remember to tag your ball related posts with #Banshee Blossom Ball 2024 so I can see them!
I hope everyone has fun! Feel free to send me an ask over on this blog here if you have any questions or concerns!
This event is not for proshippers. Please kindly do not participate.
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 2 Match 13
NLA (Night) - Xenoblade Chronicles X
I Love Beijing Tiananmen - Hong Kong 97
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
NLA (Night):
(in reference to its previous match) "#anyways so i am voting NLA and also NLA is breaking my SOUL #it did the fucking yoshi clan thing where it had SUCH a banger backing track (those STRINGS) but covered them up with one of the worst #samples in the world #UH HYEAH #wow. its so bad. its impressive and also tragic"
"#[NLA (Night)] just makes me want to not play Xenoblade even more than I already wanted to not play Xenoblade"
"#the guitar in nla sounds like it belongs to a different better band"
"#it is nla night 100% #uh uh yeah for like 12 minutes while you run around nla"
"#i can see what theyre going for in the xenoblade one#but it would have been a perfectly servicable xenoblade song without someone going uhn yeah over it"
"#NLA Night jumpscared me wtf #after listening to it for a bit it's not bad it's just... extremely jarring as a Xenobladr song #the song title implies it's an area theme too? bc of the '(night)' #....i hope it at least makes sense in context #still need to play Xenoblade X"
"#xenoblade x has some great music #this is not one of those songs"
I Love Beijing Tiananmen:
"It's a 6 second loop of SNES quality voice recording that plays endlessly. Deliberately bad."
(in reference to its previous match) "#now whether it was bad or not it didn't have a chance against the BEAST that is i love beijing tiananmen #god i love these 7 second loops. just so little effort. something kinda fun ruined by being repeated 5000 times in 2 minutes. wait holy shi #ok post cancelled this was gonna be about how ive conditioned myself to like this song and could listen to it for 10 mintues if i tried but #i just looked up the game and it was apparently made in 2 days as a satire and this song was created from a clip off a LaserDisc the dev #got second hand. thats actually fuckin incredible. holy shit i love this. i mean objectively its the worse song but can i take back my vote #just cause the story behind it fuckin ROCKS???"
"#my heartbeat is more varied than i love beijing tiananmen #and i'm fairly healthy"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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youhavehitawall · 7 months
Usually I turn on anon when I drop into someone’s ask box for the first time, but forget that
I’ve looked through your Backwater Downs tag, and I’m hooked, a gay OT3 with a mute character? Sign me up right now, I need more of them immediately, and I mean need, hand ‘em over, this is a robbery
Also, I’m assuming Backwater Downs is in Australia, but I haven’t seen it explicitly stated as such, definitely a place you can disappear and be pronounced dead when you’re still living in a town with what constitutes as “civilization”
Also also, I’ve only gotten a little taste of your lore on Ratchet’s family, and I’m curious as to whether or not all his siblings actually want him dead? I’m a sucker for complicated family dynamics
YAAAY im so glad you enjoy them theyre like my favourite ever guys in the whole universe :D :D (gets robbed) The main OT3 is so so real. Reg's laid-back lifestyle and artistic hobbies help Ratchet and Austin to find peace and rest after long eventful lives. Ratchet's fiery competitiveness encourages them to explore and push their endurance. Austin's quick wit and mule-like stubbornness keeps Reg and Ratchet mentally sharp and out of harm's way. They balance each other perfectly.
BWD is set in australia! It's deep in the Outback, vaguely inspired by the Grawin opal fields, but more in the West. the closest town is probably Halls Creek, and it's still a few hours from BWD, which is not on the map and never will be. It's not really called "backwater downs" - thats just what the residents call it. BWD is more a mining / farming patch of land where a few dozen cars have congregated for companionship. And yes, it would be very easy to disappear there and be declared dead forever! Especially if your family is on the other side of the planet.
Ratchet has five siblings, the oldest being Robyn and the youngest Firestorm. Robyn wanted him dead because the alternative was him leaving her, and she couldn't stand that. Her production siblings - Turner, Hawk, and Belle- follow her lead even if they don't agree.
Ratchet is four years younger than Robyn and her production, and Firestorm is two years younger than Ratchet. Their parents are not in the picture anymore. Of them, only these three remain. Ratchet doesn't know three of his sibs are dead and gone. Firestorm doesn't know his favourite big brother is alive. Robyn doesn't know much of anything, anymore, and spends her days in a listless haze travelling the far northern stretches of America completely alone.
Firestorm is the most affected. He loved all his siblings dearly. He organised a six-month search for Ratchet when he disappeared and organised his funeral after the second year, when Firestorm was only twenty-two. He's had to plan three funerals since and each one broke his heart. His oldest son, Rico, is named after Ratchet (whos legal name is actually Ricochet.) He doesn't know that Robyn tried to kill Ratchet, and he keeps in contact with her as much as he can. She's guilty and she lets the phone ring out.
Firestorm would welcome Ratchet home openly, any time, any condition. Even a body would be preferable to the endless sinister 'what if?' that lurks in his mind every single day. He held a funeral with an empty grave and after more than forty years he still expects Ricochet to be in the next room. Robyn knows Ricochet is alive and she knows he's terrified of her, and she knows Firestorm misses him and it's her fault. She wanted to keep her siblings close and now they're all split apart. She lets the phone ring out.
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for the character ask… Alito?
First impression:
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Impression now: ALITOOO MY FRIEND ALITOOO WAAHHHH he's my second favorite Barian and one of my top favorite Zexal characters overall...just absolutely won my heart from his first episode on. His design rocks (human and Barian flavored), his personality is so fun and all his duels blast my brain to smithereens. I love his boxing/fist fighter motif!!! I love his little parallels with Nistro, who's another one of my fav Zexal guys. HE WAS EVEN ITALIAN. AND BISEXUAL.
Favorite moment: ooouughh the fuckign. sunken coliseum mythirian number duel where he's just off the shits evil and having that tag duel with yuma and dextra makes me unweeelllllll it's one of my favorite duels I LIKE THAT WE GET SOME MOMENTS OF ALITO BEING A LITTLE FREAK. NOT HIS FAULT BUT I DO LOVE TO SEE IT. also just like. the little scenes of him hanging out with Girag in the stupid gym storage room make me laugh so hard. College AU compliant yugioh activities.
Idea for a story: I want Alito and Tori to hang out some more post-canon ;__; Like maybe kind of a date but also just like. Alito kind of trying to apologize for ensnaring her in a thorny vine tower...sorry to be a bit of a flowershipping truther HDFHGDHF if they were gonna give alito a crush on her then FOLLOW THROUGH!!!! I THINK THEY COULD BE CUTE MAYBE.
Unpopular opinion: APPARENTLY Alito is just super underrated in general??!? which is baffling to me, he's fantastic. I guess my unpopular opinion is just that he's good??!?? I LOVE HIM.
Favorite relationship: His dynamic with Yuma is genuinely just so fucking good and I spent the back chunk of Zexal 2 on the edge of my seat over whether or not they were going to mend their friendship..... I also. Really adore Alito and Girag's friendship 🥺 THEYRE BESTIES!!! THEYRE ROOMMATES!!!! THEY SPARRED TOGETHER!!!! ALITO DIED FOR HIM!!!!! supremely underrated pals.
Favorite headcanon: he is Italian but he is also Afro-Latino. to me. Boxing is his specialty but I think he would get really into pro wrestling too. I also think he and Girag would make fursonas together.
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robinlmaoo · 1 year
Welcome to my Sky: COTL ask/art blog! :D
This is an account where I do multiple things, such as post art (mainly scribbles gahahaha), animations (i do mainly short animation memes/clips but i have BIG plans for BIG animatics) and… roleplay! (not that good at roleplaying yet and i might lose interest if it gets monotone but im still up for any asks/character interactions, would welcome them actually!)
Information about me…
Im quite a hardcore spirit enjoyer and tend to focus on spirits more than skykids. I still have SOME skykid OCs though, such as my sky persona Robin and the two gay coconuts whom i still have not named.
If and when you ever role-play with me, just know that I am not one for themes of heavy gore (like intestines exposed brain whatever), or NSFW themes. I am okay with roleplaying with minor gore (injuries that arent too graphic like cuts/stab wounds?), character death and angst, and swearing, though Robin wont do this themselves.
Asking + Roleplaying
My ask box is open for any random crap you might wanna drop in.
You can ask any character currently in Robin’s story, whether it be a spirit, skykid.
You can ask:
Genuine questions about the story/character
Random things you wanna say to the characters
A character interaction prompt?
Playfully rude stuff.
You may not ask:
Genuinely rude/derogatory stuff thats meant to put others down
Anything NSFW/a little too inappropriate for the record
You may not ask the characters “The Gay Coconuts” yet, because theyre very random characters I threw into the story for no reason and I literally have no idea what to do with them… yet
I use a character padlet to organise the characters in my story because they can get a lil messy sometimes. Heres the link!
Tags associated with my account:
#robin the skykid - for when i post about my main skysona, Robin!
#saki the seed - for when i post about the Seed Of Hope in the context of my universe, where they are named ‘Saki’.
#robin reflects - when me, the op of this (and @those-aurora-spirits) say something :)
Thats all. I might add more depending on what happens. Have a good day!
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gorgynei · 2 years
yeah....this sucks. to give cr the benefit of the doubt, i couldn't tell it was ai at first either and this artist *refused* to acknowledge that it's ai. literally fought with other artists and then blocked them. now they're admitting to using "stabled diffusion" which i guess is another form of ai. and they're clogging the criticalrolefanart tag on twitter with their shitty ai art 😣
(sorry for ranting in your ask box)
i KNOW ive seen the person you're talking about its soo annoying. i dont think theyre intentionally putting in ai art since it IS hard to tell with an untrained eye it just sucks. i really hope cr makes a public statement about whether it can be included in the future -_-
this is the art that was in the gallery (now removed) if anyones curious:
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wof-kin-culture-is · 1 year
blog guidelines
submissions should begin with some variation of "wings of fire kin/fictive/etc culture is," but you can get more specific if you want, going by things like your tribe, where you lived (whether thats a continent or a town), any organizations you were a part of, the time period you lived in, and so on. you could also do something like "au wof kin culture is" or "disabled wof kin culture is" or something else along those lines, basically just keep the "x culture is" format so we know its a submission.
we want to avoid deleting submissions as much as possible, but grounds for deletion include being hateful on the basis of tribe, powers, and so on, or being hateful on the basis of gender, race, religion, ability, etc. we understand that this is kind of a subjective measurement but basically just try not to be an asshole or a bigot.
submissions can be sent through the ask box, which well try to check every week or so at the very least, depending on how much activity the blog sees (and how much free time we have). submissions will be added to a queue so if theres multiple at once they wont be posted at the same time, and the queue will be adjusted depending on how many submissions we end up getting.
if a submission is sent anonymously, it will be tagged "anonymous," if its sent off anon, it will be tagged with the url attached to the ask. other tags will be listed in our tag guide, but the main tags you need to know are "not wof kin culture" (anything that isnt a submission) and "nav" (the mostly-non-rebloggable posts we plan to use instead of blog pages). any commentary from the mods (which would only be in tags or in reblogs) will also be tagged with their mod tags.
if your submission is made anonymously, we wont be able to take it down once its already been posted, since we have no way to verify that thats actually you, but if your submission hasnt been posted yet, please just send us an ask with some keywords and well delete it/take it off the queue. (there is room for exceptions to this rule - for instance, if theres identifying information you didnt catch before sending it in - but we wont delete posts without a compelling reason.)
we understand that typing quirks are often used by people in kin communities as an important form of self expression, but theyre also inaccessible to people with certain visual or cognitive problems, so we ask that anyone who feels the need to use a typing quirk (yes, including all caps) provide a transcript in plain text. if a transcript isnt provided, we will try to write one, but it may lead to delays in getting your submission posted. we will not be posting submissions sent in colored text, small text, or cursive/monospace fonts at all, also for accessibility.
well be making blacklist tags as they come up, trying to tag anything that seems obvious to us, but let us know if theres something we havent tagged that you think we should - we cant accommodate every request, but will try to do what we can. blacklist tags will look like "[thing] cw" so they should be caught in your filters if you already have a subject blacklisted in your dashboard settings.
we dont want to have to block anyone on this blog, but if youre in our notes spouting any kind of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ace/arophobia, antisemitism/islamophobia, ableism, or other hatred, you will be blocked. that shit does not belong in any space wed like to create.
we also will not tolerate any "syscourse" in our askbox or our notes - to be as clear as possible, both of the mods on this blog are fictives, and we recognize endogenic and otherwise non-traumagenic systems as systems - and kin discourse doesnt have any place here, either, because kin stuff is extremely subjective and we dont see any reason why debating the finer points of the labels folks use for themselves should get in the way of forming a community around shared experiences. anyone who considers themself to be under the alterhuman/kin umbrella is welcome here as long as they come in good faith and try not to be a dick.
(disclaimer: this is not a confession blog, and we wont be doing any kind of personal tags beyond tagging your url if you send a submission off anon. thats just not really what this blog is for.)
thanks for reading all that, and we hope you enjoy the blog!
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annqer · 2 years
aaaaa i cannot express how much i love colors theyre so bright and expressive and make me happy 👍👍💖💖
WAAAAA THANK U ANON IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT VIBRATING FROM HAPPINESS AS I AM WRITING THIS ANSWER TO UR MARVELOUS COMMENT it makes me happy that my art and choice of colors make u happy!!!! :DDD im glad the funny lil guys can bring happiness to other funny lil guys (my cool swag and amazing followers mwah)
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Oh how lovely~! Happy birthday to you too Darling one~! 
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0risha · 3 years
HELLOOO, FIRST OF ALL CONGRATS ON 1K FOLLOWERS ! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, YOU DESERVED IT, YOUR WRITING IS SO GOOD, WHEN I DISCOVERED YOUR BLOG I BINGE READED ALL YOUR WORKS CAUSE THEYRE SO EJF'EKFB !❤️😭 I'm late for the 1st and 2nd product so may I ast for the 3rd : timestamp 3AM with a female reader and Geto Suguru with the song Strawberry & Cigarette by Troye Sivan and for the genre as you want, I trust your writing skills hehe (just not something too angst bc I don't want to cry😩) THANKYOUUU
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tags... slight angst + slight jjk manga spoilers + fem!reader + reader is in a situationship with geto??
notes... bae kdjdj I licherally love you sm. I'm so, so glad that you like my works. me goodness you're making me smile so harddd, I really hope you like this timestamp I wrote for you... I hope it's not too angsty. the song was like... not SAD but really bittersweet 😭😭
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it's too hot.
it feels as though the room's humidity has wiggled into your flesh and decided to breathe it's next cycle down your bones. beads of sweat choose home at the base of your neck but you don't care to wipe it away.
you're afraid that one mishap would wisp geto elsewhere and with the way his eyes bore into your own, it's bound to happen.
"you haven't talked to me in the longest." you purse your lips as his expression morphs into confusion because of your words. his confusion is genuine. with that in heed, a ball of flammable material sits in your throat. by your sides, your hands twitch and form into fists because now, there's a god-awful itch.
"it didn't seem like you wanted to." there's enough truth; he's been closed off lately, sharp-edged and washed anew.
you want to ask but you want him to pour out every truth on the tiled ground beneath you. geto's always been so easy with words, in conveying his thoughts (something you've wholeheartedly admired) but he's changed.
geto suguru has wilted into a person you don't know, cultivated into a hidden bud. and his eyes no longer tinge with familiarity.
but whether the sound of echoing cicadas outside was loud or low, it didn’t matter. you just needed to carry your words to him, to imprint them into (what you still hoped to be) that unwavering soul of his. who knew if you would be given another chance?
though before you can, he’s talking, muttering a few words with the voice that had always caused the butterflies in your stomach to go in a frenzy. your wrist burns, the bracelet he’d given to you clamped onto your skin.
and at first, his words don’t register, seeing that it’s more than likely your body knows what you should or shouldn’t hear. 
"do you have a cigarette?" his divergence pulls a scowl from your lip.
when you don’t answer, he leans closer and you don't have the gall to move back. you can’t talk either because every function is aimed at keeping your only thought saddled close in mind.
but it's his closeness that sets you off.
"no, i don't. you're asking the wrong person."
he snorts, deep and low. it sounds like the old him. "you sure? ieiri doesn't buy an extra pack for you?"
you sigh, pulling out a small, rectangular box.
"we're not supposed to smoke in here."
"yaga won't mind." he would definitely mind but you don’t offer a rebuttal.
"here." you always have a lighter in your back pocket. 
the air mends with the smell of bitter smoke and your laughter. geto always had a tendency to only crack jokes when night towered, something about the throes of his prior missions finally letting him go. 
"[........], forgive me." your smile falters, the bubble of temporary joy wanes then disappears.
"forgive you for what?" a warm palm envelopes your cheek. unconsciously, you press further into it, gazing into his eyes. even though it's dark, you know that they're the color of dark verbena.
"just forgive me." the meaning of his words hang in the air; i can't tell you.
"geto–" before you can finish, he's pressing his forehead against yours and you can feel his breath on your lips.
but you're leaning in and he's pulling away.
"thank you for the cigarette. i'll see you tomorrow." he turns with a wave. you blink, brain stuck in a stupor, eyes set on his retreating figure.
"geto!" you start but falter, the two syllables leaving your lips with regret that rattled your bones.
later, when you hear word of geto's crimes, you don't react the way you would have envisioned. instead, you reminisce, shuffling through moments with a small smile. 
perhaps you'd already seen it, the litany of madness beneath his words, his actions, his touch. the colors of it were in no way erasable, already following him since that instance or birth, tucked beneath his liver; tied to his fate. and perhaps you’d already forgiven him.
he turns back, long hair swishing in tune with movement. "mhm?"
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
"have a nice night, geto."
he smiles. it's genuine. "you too."
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@keiwaizumi @crapimahuman @dukina @princess-in-flowers @astraea-essie @italyhrry @zeyyackerman @royalelusts @neavil @g0joluvrrr @izvana @morosis-haze @katsumiiii @antagonixxt
@theatre-miriko @scnwanna @savantsoulfinder @cari1bunny @milliumizoomi @zensaki @akisssnigga @racistareversa @ariesfic @hood-nami @revengingvixen @beezebub @myhoodacademia @iheartgirl @kazuluvr @rory-cakes @asaincy
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eyeless-cunt · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could write something with EJ or Toby. I'm down to read whatever you feel like writing honestly. I'm sort of new to your blog and so far I really enjoy it! The randomness is so amazing. I never know if I'm gonna be surprised by Rasputin, slightly disturbed/confused by sand up someone's ass, or feel warm and fuzzy after reading a fluff and I love this. - Blue💙
hi yes i screenshoted this and put it in my drafts to answer later but i wanted to answer this last part nOw because it made me laugh
okok so i CAN TELL that you’re new because you’ve only mentioned like two things that happened these past two weeks and THEYRE NOT EVEN THE WORST THINGS TO HAPPEN ON MY BLOG
So I’ve taken this opportunity to list some of what I personally think are the FUNNIEST worst things that have happened within my three years of running this blog
Except they go from awe cute to what the actual fuck
This was maybe about two years ago? Could have been 2018/2019 dno but someone came to me with the headcannon that animals just naturally liked Toby and migrated towards him which was cute but !! THEN SOMEONE DREW HIM AS SNOWWHITE AND IT WAS SO FUNNY FOR NO REASON
People used to send me memes they made of the creeps (which is partly why I made @eyeless-cunt-art because I got like twenty a day and didn’t want to flood my blog) and they were THE funniest shit I literally used to sit on my bedroom floor as my phone charged and laugh my fucking ass off. This was when I had about 500 followers so I was still pretty new. There were a lot of Masky=daddy ones
The fucker wars. I don’t even know how to explain this one but if you search up ‘BEN fucker’ ‘Ej fucker’ ‘Toby fucker’ ect in my tags then you should...find some stuff on that. This is was before I tagged my nsfw stuff as pp warning so minors beware
Psp telling us about two trucks which is about two trucks having a loving relationship including having sex. Also has takes on toxic masculinity. A true masterpiece.
Laughing Jack sucking off Mr Krabs. They are lovers.
Me and Carrion pissing on each other in the shower
Another incident with PSP in which they introduced the cum house to me. That was fun. Look up ‘cum house’ in my tags if you’d like to learn about the house of coom
BEN owning a garfield fursuit
People saying they were going to use Ej’s cum as a face mask
People saying that they wanted to be Ej’s cum jar
That time the Jeff fuckers rose up and decided that we needed a new religion. It was hell on earth. Horny posting in my ask box led to things I’ll get to farther on this list. Look up Jeffism in my tags to see for yourself
Someone off anon saying that BEN probably has a USB stick for a dick. Then a debate breaking out about whether or not he had a usb or water rotted normal dick
Yet again another incident with Psp—they went on to explain about how BEN and Jeffery were murged furbies in an AU
Someone said that BEN and Jeff do nsfw roleplay as garfield and jon
There was a time where someone in my server said they shoved a cockroach up their ass when they were a kid and so it somehow became bug fucking and then that leaked into my blog as well. Anything in my server just can’t be contained. Also J posted bug porn in the horny jail art room so that was fun.
Peter griffen x jeff x herobrine love triangle. This is what truly turned my blog into a hellscape. If my followers weren’t sure what I was ok with before—at this point they knew they could send me the grossest shit and I’d only sob. I got literal writings of explicitly explained smut scenes between these three. Or just two of them. Cock vore, the word cummies, ect all became words I dreaded. I think there was one which included a piss kink? I can’t remember thankfully.
But yeah. My blog is a hellscape and this is only what I remember off the top of my head. Feel free to come in my ask box and talk more about what cursed stuff I’ve forgotten to put in here.
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Ghost BC x Bipolar Disorder
disclaimer: everyone with bipolar deals with it differently, has different symptoms, different levels, and different coping mechanisms. im just speaking from experience here cause im just not dealing with it all right now!!! wooohoo!!! ive never talked about this so if you want me to add anyone let me know. 
If hearing about mania/manic states and depressive episodes could trigger you or worsen your mental health, please don’t keep reading. all triggers in the tags as usual. also im doing it as You and not I or “their s/o” for nothing but formatting reasons and laziness. questions and concerns may be as usual directed to the confessional (ask box)
Papa II: It’s kind of difficult with him. He understands the episodes, and that sometimes you can just have regular ups and downs, and that it’s not 100% all the time. He gets depression to a certain extent too. those days you don’t want to get out of bed, don’t have the energy to cry, don’t have the energy to blink so you just let your eyes burn. and when youre up, it’s self destruction, intrusive thoughts, the screaming, the energy. Everything just feels like it’s going too fast, whether you know you’re having an episode or not. II is really good at helping you navigate your episodes. He wont push you to calm down, or tell you to “just be happy” when youre up and down. He’s good at helping things feel real. Helping you come down inside enough that you can recognize yourself in the mirror. Whether you don’t believe in medication, or went off it, or it isn’t working for you, he’ll support you no matter what and never think you’re crazy or awful or manipulating him. He knows you cant control it. 
Papa III: He tries to understand, he really does, but theres so many hard stigmas about bipolar that are hard to let go. That it’s day to day, or hour to hour moods instead of episodes that can last a few days to a few weeks. He knows it’s not his fault, but seeing you talk faster than your brain can process your words, your bursts of manic energy where you just wanna run and your bad ideas, knowing whats going on in your head, it makes him feel useless knowing theres nothing he can do to help you. All he can try to do is talk you off the ledge when you’re about to do something Not Great, and make sure to keep communication open so that if you feel an episode coming on you can try and find ways to stop it together. when you’re depressed, he tries the classic stuff to make you smile: movies, warm blankets, cuddling, forehead kisses, whatever fluff ive put in these hcs before. but it doesn’t work. it cant possibly work when you can’t stop crying and don’t even want him around. and thats a hard pill to swallow - hard to really understand its not him you don’t want around, it’s just that you don’t want anyone around. His best suggestion is to talk to a therapist because he never wants to give you any bad ideas, or bad coping mechanisms, or say something that could trigger an episode, and it’s hard for him to really understand where those lines are if theyre changing all the time (and they usually are). 
Dewdrop: he’ll vibe with you. he doesn’t really understand what you’re going through in any capacity, and why its such a bad thing when you have energy, but whatever you wanna do he’ll do it with you. if you’re manic, he’ll probably try to get on your level - and hear me out, i know this is a dangerous game and AWFUL for someone to do when you’re manic, but listen. If he tries to get on your level when you’re Up, it’s easier for him to understand what you’re thinking. If you tell him something kinda crazy you wanna do when he’s coolin, of course it’s gonna sound crazy and a bad idea and he’ll try and stop you - but that doesn’t get the Crazy out. if he’s up, he can better judge what’s a fun little reckless thing to do vs what’s actually dangerous and what to keep you away from. And he’s good at distracting. Good at steering your constantly crashing train of thought. When you’re in a depressive state, he’ll just lay there with you. he won’t try and talk it out of you, or suggest you do something fun, or tell you how everything's gonna be okay. he doesnt know that for sure and he’s not going to lie to you. but he’s figured out the more still and quiet he is when you’re down like that, the less likely you are to try and kick him out or push him away. The more he rides those waves with you the more he can understand what you’re going through, and learn about what your lines and triggers are. 
Swiss: okay i havent talked about this that much on this account (its a big part of my book haha please read it) but Swiss is Smart. like ridiculously book smart, math smart, people smart, street smart. once hes been around you for long enough, he’s sometimes better at noticing the signs of an episode before you do. He’s really perceptive when it comes to the tone of your voice, little ticks, what you’re saying, how you’re dressing. You know he’s paying attention, but he does it in a way that doesn't make you feel like you’re being watched or monitored ever. everyone knows thats fucking annoying and feels invasive as hell. When you’re manic he’s good at helping you get back to a place of center. not calm, or back to normal, but centered. grounded. it’s hard to feel like you even Exist in the same world as other people sometimes and he gets that. definitely watches how much time you spend online, cause that can make the Not Existing feeling a lot worse. When you’re low, he’s good at talking to you. he’ll direct the conversation to and from whatever you’re upset about if anything, in a way that doesn’t feel invasive or like pestering. if you dont wanna talk about whatever's wrong (and lets be honest, sometimes its Nothing) then he’ll get you to talk about something. Anything just to keep you talking. The goal isn’t to make you laugh and smile, maybe its just to make you feel less alone in the world, but if you do laugh and smile that’s just a cherry on top. 
- Kat
disclaimer part two: there are no excuses mental illness or otherwise for treating your partner poorly and putting someone who cares about you (anyone, really) through hell just because they’ll take it or because you wont seek help isnt okay.
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loveisbraveandwild · 5 years
How did you become friends with people here since 2014/15 or before if you joined in like 2018, I mean like.......?
i mean tbh i dont really think about how long ive been here and how long other people have been here ya know? but i started on insta which i think really helped me find a lot of friends in the beginning (read receipts on insta dms = more likely for people to reply imo) and like i commented on peoples posts and liked them a lot and stuff before messaging people. and i do the same on here. like im significantly more likely to respond to a dm if ive seen you in my ask box or in my notifs or you’ve commented on my post or something just cause i get a lot of dms from ppl asking me for things like reblogs or a follow back. and knowing that i try to do the same. like if theres someone who has cool posts or is friends w ppl im friends w and i wanna like lol befriend them ill try to send them an ask or two or reblog their edits w nice tags or something so if i decide to message them they’ll be like “oh i remember her” idk if that makes sense hA. and mutual friends hell, like if im friends w x and y and theyre both friends w z and we end up like talking abt each other or something idk. also, unfortunately, a lot of ppl responded to me after i met taylor which like sucks and i definitely want to talk to everyone regardless of whether theyve met taylor or have been noticed by her or wtvr but the reality is that there are people who get a lot of messages and like it sucks thats how it works but yeah idk its just my honest truth and experience.
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tumblunni · 5 years
Hottest and worst take I have ever seen: "asking people to tag their nsfw is denying people's fundamental agency as a human"
"Antis don't see children as fully human, they don't give them the choice to make their own decisions"
That's exactly what YOU are doing when you don't tag your shit! This is taking things to a ridiculous extreme where nothing is allowed to be regulated or even goddamn organized like a library because "free will somehow"...
If a thing is tagged nsfw and put away on an nsfw site and a kid clicks on it, then it's not the writer/artist's fault that it happened. There is no way to physically stop children from making mistakes.
But if you post extreme gory porn kink stuff out there in the open in a children's fandom and do nothing to keep it restricted to its target audience and not kids, then HEY YES ITS YOUR FAULT
And if you make this weird attitude of encouraging kids to want to be more adult, encouraging them to look at this stuff, and telling them they are wrong and toxic if they don't like it, then that's predatory and gross.
I feel like this discourse has gone to nonsensical extremes!
People are called horrible prudes who want to ban all non pure content if they just say "don't show child porn to children". And people act like the only solution is to do nothing at all to keep child porn away from children.
And then you have people who act like having any form of kink whatsoever is the same as making child porn, or even just writing "problematic" stuff like sympathising with a villain or whatever. And the solution is to ban everything just like tumblr's stupid attempt that failed entirely at making the site safer and only made it worse for perfectly non-harmful n/s/f/w artists....
AND THEN you have people assuming that all "antis" are like that, thus it's a justification to go back to the first extreme and say no safety precautions whatsoever because all safety precautions are oppressive and everyone who ever asks for them must have the motivation of hating LGBT people or something...
And you also have people jumping to this conclusion about any criticism of any content whatsoever. Someone merely says that a ship dynamic is abusive and you get the screeching "this means you totally support CENSORSHIP and want NOBODY TO CREATE ANY ART EVER AGAIN".
Like sometimes people just mean "because this ship is abusive and is not being aknowledged as abusive by the writer or tagged as darkfic, it could have a negative effect on an audience who's led to believe this is a desirable goal for a relationship". And it's just.. words criticizing it. People are allowed to not like it. Not every "I dislike it" is "it should be censored". The only time anyone should actually be talking about censoring stuff is if it's happening in a mainstream publication not a fandom space. Like there is legit conversation to be had about how the mainstream female-aimed romance genre has a lot of abusive sexist stuff normalized as desirable. If Twilight was actually marketed as some sort of darkfic that's intended to appeal to dark kinks, it wouldn't have been such a big problem.
Basically just.. put things in the right box.
That's my entire "anti" stance.
Put the thing where it's not so easy for kids to see it, give it the same degree of rules and regulations as any other fic that's potentially extreme. It's just like slapping warnings on a game box, yknow? If a kid tries to illegally buy an M-rated game then the makers of the game shouldn't be punished for something they took every measure to prevent. And if a parent buys an M-rated game for their young kid then they're being negligent and the responsibility is all on them. But also it's still messed up that there's a culture in children's friend groups to be all "do the grownup thing you don't like that might traumatise you, to be cool like us". And it's worth looking into whether adults have in any way contributed to this and how we can maybe help kids navigate this stage of their life more safely. Like is it possible that just calling stuff bad and not explaining WHY could be making it seem appealing and harmless? Like the tendancy to be a prude about giving kids proper sex education can lead to them being frustrated and seeking out stuff that's way too extreme for them because they don't know it's too extreme. Especially the complete absence of any education or positivity for LGBT kids in particular, theyre way more vulnerable to falling in with abuser's and manipulators because they don't have a parent to talk to about healthy relationships and puberty frustrations without fearing they'd be ostracized for their sexuality. And also honestly there are sometimes just really irresponsible/stupid/even abusive older siblings who will link young kids to stuff like goatse "as a joke"....
And Tumblr is awful cos every goddamn argument turns into some weird war of two exaggerated extremes that no sane person would actually believe, with the original argument completely forgotten.
I just think that the fact that it's complicated as fuck should mean hey maybe we should help kids with it being complicated as fuck, not go "it's somehow denying kids their personhood to think they need the slightest bit of extra help navigating something even adults find complicated"
Also seriously TAG YOUR SHIT
And if someone is tagging their shit, then they're not part of the problem.
If someone with a super dark kink is tagging their shit, keeping their shit away from kids,and acknowledging that their shit is super dark and potentially traumatizing and giving 100% of all possible warnings, then they're not part of the problem.
Doesn't mean I'm gonna like that stuff, but me personally being squicked out doesn't mean that person is some sort of latent serial murderer just for having weird turn-ons.
If thing is not harming children = not bad
If thing is harming children = remove from children
People who should be in charge of keeping stuff safe from children = adults
If children choose to view a forbidden thing anyway despite all your best efforts = not your fault, you did all you could do
Doesn't prove the evilness of having a kink, or whatever. But also "nobody is allowed to ever criticize anything about kinks" is also wrong. Like.. having a kink isn't wrong but how you keep it tagged can be wrong.
It's very goddamn simple and I wish we could all just agree to it, why is this whole damn discourse SO EXAGGERATED AND RIDICULOUS NOWADAYS
Put the thing in the box for the thing, THATS IT! That should be the beginning and end of the conversation.
Fuckin "putting tags on things is somehow limiting kids's free will", Jesus Christ...
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starrysence · 6 years
ralbert for the hc. . thinv. g
ok these are kinda all over the place????? like the ones where theyre not dating yet arent necessarily before the ones where they are dating. its just kinda. scattered. oops sorry 
warnings: 100% swearing. if its ralbert you can basically guarantee that theres swearing
●ok so theres this period of time where nobody can tell whether al and race are dating or just doing bro things like they always do
▪probably bc these two have always been so physically affectionate???? there isnt really a noticeable change after they start dating▪until jack and finch see them making out against a wall and decide to just leave them be without making any noise▪but yeah thats 100% how the boys find out▪"you guys didn't know we were dating????"▪"no wtf you've always acted like a couple we just thought it was the typical Bro Behaviour" ▪they all bust out laughing at that one●race LOVES the snow which is 100% ironic bc he gets cold so easily (can you tell im trying to do as many snow hcs as possible)▪albert doesnt like the snow. he doesnt. understand. race. ESPECIALLY because race gets cold so easily▪"baby why dont you just come inside i can just make hot chocolate and we can binge watch hallmark christmas movies a month too early,,,,,,,"▪"nOo Oo al the snow is so pretty"▪"youre prettier"▪"nice try but im not coming in"▪"aw damn"●has race stolen albert's sweaters during the winter??????? Absolutely ▪has albert cared??? of course not. look at his boy. he looks fucking adorable. he cant take that sweater away from race even tho hes already stolen half the sweaters in al's closet▪one time race was half-asleep on the couch when al got home late from a graphic design workshop and he was in one of albert's sweaters▪al thought it was tje cutest thing hes ever seen▪he didnt want race falling asleep on the couch tho so he Scooped him up and put him down on their bed▪"youre so sweet albie,,,,,,,,, i love you"▪thats the first time either one of them has said i love you since they started dating?????? albert is Shook bc it feels so different now▪"love you too, racer"●these two 100% went through a taylor swift phase together and You Can't Change My Mind▪it includes the ones a lot of people know like shake it off, blank space, etc. but also so many other ones▪they have a whole ass taylor swift playlist but they never really delete it after they get past their phase???▪so al absolutely brings it back when race is going through a breakup▪so here they are. two teenage boys, singing/yelling along to taylor swift songs. ft. like 6 tubs of mint choco chip ice cream and 8 boxes of tissues▪race feels so much better afterwards????▪gives albo a lil kiss on the cheek ▪"thank you, albie"▪albert dasilva? blushing????? pshhhh. nahhh (read: absolutely 100%)●yall Best Believe race can bake like nobody's business and albert Lives For It bc he can barely bake a batch of cookies▪however, the only food race can cook w/o nearly burning something down is italian food▪so usually albert cooks▪but baking???? yall this boy CAN BAKE▪thats actually the reason albert starts falling in love w/ him LMAO ARE U REALLY SURPRISED▪literally theyre like 13 or 14 right? and race has baked a batch of brownies and albert is in HEAVEN when he tries one▪"i think im in love"▪"hahaha with me or the brownies?"▪".....the, uh,,,,, the brownies, duh"▪lol no its race AND the brownies but he doesnt totally know that yet●if youve read my more recent fics u might remember race's sisters▪if noT, he has 4 sisters ok. two older, two younger. he is the middle child. What A Life▪siblings from oldest to youngest: veronica, ilia, race, rosetta, elsie▪albert and race have been best friends since childhood so albert and race's sisters know each other really well. theyre all Pals▪literally???? race's sisters Love Him▪when they find out race likes albert they do not let it go. for a second. race is Actually terrified theyll expose him in fromt of albert one day▪best believe they go WILD when they find out race and al are finally dating ▪the first time albert comes over after theyre dating all 4 of race's sisters TACKLE HIM▪"HELLOOOO FUTURE BROTHER-IN-LAW"▪albert is so absolutely stunned afterwards and race is crying w/ laughter●these two swear. so much. its really funny yall▪once jack dared them to go a whole week without swearing and they didnt realise how hard it would be▪"albert you fu----- fabulous human being, you"▪"stop being such an a----- aDORABLE person, race, my heart cant handle it"▪its actually very wholesome but the week is hell for those two▪the next monday theyre both like "FUCK yes we can fucking swear again thank goodness"▪its a very swear-heavy week to make up for the last one. the boys are Really Amused●race is so full of energy all the time its actually kinda weird for albert to see him tired or drowsy before nighttime▪but he knows if he gives race any form of caffeine or sugar the boy will practically be bouncing off the walls▪so he chooses to enjoy his time w/ sleepy race while it lasts bc while its pretty unusual its also absolutely adorable▪race is even more cuddly than usual when hes tired/sleepy ngl and i mean,,,,,, albert isnt complaining▪al lives for the lil smile race has on his face when hes tired and albert has just kissed his forehead or something. its so cute he swears hes gonna explode●albert is Wonderful at poetry yall cant try me on this i will take it to my grave▪race has no idea about this until they have to write a poem for english▪very open-ended assignment. a poem of any style about anything you want to write about▪albert says his is about one of the best gifts hes ever received and it turns out▪the poem is abt race▪and its REALLY well written half the class is saying 'awwww' and the other half is near tears and smiling▪race is part of the other half. except he starts crying. did i mention hes emotional as hECK●shsjjfjgs amusement park dates▪these boys live for them (also i rlly just want an excuse to write about amusement park dates)▪kind of chaotic bc race bruises really easily AND hes really clumsy so if he and al have to part ways for a bit he might look like shit when they reconvene and albert is like "do i have to fight somebody or did you just do something dumb and get yourself hurt again"▪"........the latter"▪"jesus christ, race. youre such a disaster. but i love you"▪"love you too albieeeeee"
sahjkhdks i love them so much. i think i got a bit carried away with all of these lmaooo so i hope you like them!!
-sanj 💕
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