#whey protein 500g
green-sun-wellness · 2 years
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nackseo2 · 3 months
Plant Protein Powder 500g Unflavoured
Our 100% plant-based protein powder is formulated to fuel your body with pure protein. By blending protein from naturally sourced yellow peas and rice, this formula provides a complete essential amino acid (EAA) profile - free from dairy, gluten, sugar, common allergens and soy. This high protein (80%) – low carbohydrate blend is ideal for everyone looking to add a dose of healthy and strengthening energy to their everyday diet.
Eating enough protein is important for everyone, not just athletes and frequent gym visitors. It is a fundamental nutritional component in the human diet throughout life, as it is a necessity for a healthy immune system and required for the proper functioning of organs like your heart, brain and skin. Protein also plays a crucial role in aiding muscle growth and maintenance, as well as in supporting metabolism and satiety.
Protein is made up of chains of amino acids, out of which 9 are essential. They cannot be produced by the body and hence, we need to get them from food. While animal sources of protein contain all 9 Essential Amino Acids and thus, are considered complete, plant-based protein sources only provide a few or have a lower percentage of at least one of the amino acids.
That is why we combine pea protein which is low in the amino acids cysteine and methionine but rich in lysine with a second plant-based source - rice protein. Rice protein is low in lysine, but very high in cysteine and methionine.
Thanks to this combination, we achieve a 100% vegan and complete Essential Amino Acid profile which is superior to any single plant protein source. A match made in heaven!
A Good Choice For You And The Environment
Our plant protein powder is free from: gluten, lactose, sugar, soy, GMO, fillers and preservatives.  It is easily tolerated and digested, and a great alternative for people experiencing bloating or discomfort after consuming for example whey protein. 1 serving of 10g only provides 41 kcal. Therefore, it helps to maintain your daily protein intake and boost energy levels without adding up unnecessary calories.
The sustainable sourced high-quality protein sources, peas and rice, are the only two ingredients found in the blend. A natural and healthy choice for you as well as the environment.
Build Strength. Your Way.
Getting enough protein at adequate intervals helps build muscle mass and overall health in the long run, therefore it is important to space out your protein intake correctly throughout the day. Research suggests that we should focus on getting protein at each meal, a difficult task for many of us. Keeping this in mind, our formula is unflavored and has a very high concentration of protein - 80% per serving. One serving scoop is only 10 grams which makes it ideal to add to food and beverages of your choice without interfering with your dish.
To Know More: https://nack.life/products/plant-protein-powder-500g-unflavoured
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organic-products · 9 months
Achieve Healthy Weight Gain with Lakshmi Krishna Naturals Natural Mass Powder (500g)
In the pursuit of a healthier and more robust physique, having the right support is paramount. Lakshmi Krishna Naturals offers a potent solution—the Natural Mass Powder for Weight Gain (500g). This comprehensive guide will delve into the distinctive features, key ingredients, and the benefits of the 500g variant, empowering you to make an informed decision on your path to healthy weight gain.
Decoding Natural Mass Powder (500g): What Sets it Apart?
1. Concentrated Nutrition for Targeted Results
The 500g variant is not just a smaller package; it is a concentrated source of essential nutrients meticulously designed to support your weight gain goals. This carefully formulated blend ensures you receive optimal nutrition for effective muscle growth and overall well-being.
2. Perfect for Trial and Convenience
The smaller packaging of 500g provides an ideal opportunity for those looking to try the product before committing to a larger quantity. It also offers convenience for those who prefer a more portable option for their fitness routine.
The Nutritional Powerhouse: Key Ingredients in Natural Mass Powder
1. Whey Protein Concentrate for Muscle Building
At the core of this formulation is the inclusion of whey protein concentrate, a high-quality protein source essential for muscle building. This premium ingredient ensures your muscles receive the optimal nutrition for growth and recovery.
2. Balanced Carbohydrate Blend for Sustained Energy
The organic carbohydrate blend in Natural Mass Powder provides a balanced source of energy crucial for weight gain. Unlike some mass gain supplements that rely on simple sugars, this blend supports sustained energy throughout the day.
3. Essential Fats from Coconut Oil for Overall Well-Being
Natural Mass Powder incorporates the goodness of coconut oil, providing essential fatty acids that contribute to a well-rounded nutritional profile. This ensures that your weight gain journey is not just about quantity but also about overall health.
Integrating Natural Mass Powder (500g) into Your Routine
1. Quick and Nutrient-Dense Shakes
The smaller packaging allows for quick and convenient shakes. Mix the powder with water or milk for a nutrient-dense shake that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine.
2. Ideal for On-the-Go Nutrition
For those with a busy lifestyle, the 500g variant is a perfect on-the-go solution. Prepare a shake and take it with you to ensure that you meet your nutritional requirements even during hectic days.
3. Customizable Serving Sizes
The smaller packaging provides flexibility in serving sizes, allowing you to customize your intake based on your specific needs and preferences.
Why Choose Lakshmi Krishna Naturals?
Quality Assurance: Lakshmi Krishna Naturals is committed to delivering pure and high-quality products. Each batch of Natural Mass Powder undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets the brand's standards.
Transparent Labeling: The brand believes in transparency. The product label clearly lists each ingredient, empowering you to make an informed choice.
Positive User Experiences: With a growing community of satisfied users, Lakshmi Krishna Naturals has earned a reputation for producing effective and reliable natural supplements.
Your Journey to Resilience: Conclusion
As you embark on your journey towards healthy weight gain, having a reliable ally is crucial. Natural Mass Powder for Weight Gain (500g) from Lakshmi Krishna Naturals is designed to be one of them. By incorporating this product into your routine, you're not just gaining weight; you're investing in a healthier and more resilient version of yourself. Make the decision to prioritize your health, and let Natural Mass Powder be your trusted companion on the path to a stronger and more confident you. Your journey to resilience begins here, with the premium nutrition of Lakshmi Krishna Naturals.
Other products provided by us
Article created by Lakshmi Krishna Naturals
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drickazen · 2 years
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Dê uma olhada em Kit Whey Protein 500g, BCAA 4,5 100g, Power Creatine 100g, Coqueteleira – Bodybuilders por R$49,90. Compre na Shopee agora! https://shope.ee/2pxJIuqvwm?share_channel_code=3 . . . . #suplementos #suplemento https://www.instagram.com/p/CpQ77UYMZq1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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keytoshape · 2 years
Protein Tiramisu Highlight für Deine Ernährung
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Schluss mit Kalorienbomben: Das Protein Tiramisu zum Abnehmen
  Hey, wenn du auf der Suche nach einem gesunden und leckeren Snack bist, dann hast du mit dem Protein Tiramisu genau das Richtige gefunden! Magerquark ist ein wahrer Allrounder in der Küche und bietet dir unzählige Möglichkeiten, ihn zu verwenden. Aber das Beste an ihm ist, dass er dich beim Abnehmen und Muskelaufbau unterstützt. Wusstest du, dass Protein einer der wichtigsten Nährstoffe ist, wenn es um Gewichtsverlust und Muskelaufbau geht? Proteine sind nicht nur wichtig für den Aufbau und Reparatur von Muskelgewebe, sondern sie helfen auch beim Stoffwechsel und bei der Kontrolle des Appetits. Und das ist genau das, was Magerquark bietet! Mit seinem hohen Proteinanteil und geringen Fett- und Kohlenhydratgehalt ist er die perfekte Wahl für alle, die ihre Ernährung auf gesunde Weise optimieren möchten. Aber bevor wir zum Rezept kommen, lass uns noch kurz über die verschiedenen Vorteile von Proteinen sprechen. Eine ausreichende Proteinaufnahme ist wichtig, um deine Muskeln zu erhalten und zu stärken, ins besonders wenn du regelmäßig Sport treibst. Proteine helfen auch, das Hungergefühl zu kontrollieren und reduzieren so die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass du zu ungesunden Snacks greifst. Darüber hinaus kann eine hohe Proteinaufnahme bei einer kalorienreduzierten Ernährung dazu beitragen, den Gewichtsverlust zu beschleunigen und den Muskelabbau zu verlangsamen. Und jetzt kommen wir endlich zum Highlight des heutigen Artikels: dem Protein Tiramisu! Dieses leckere Rezept ist nicht nur einfach und schnell zuzubereiten, sondern auch noch unglaublich gesund und nährstoffreich. Wir verwenden nur wenige Zutaten, um einen cremigen und leckeren Snack zu kreieren, der dich bei Laune hält und dich satt macht. Und das Beste daran ist, dass es eine low-carb Alternative zum traditionellen Tiramisu ist. Also, lass uns loslegen und zusammen das Protein Tiramisu zaubern!  
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Rezept für Protein Tiramisu   Zutaten: - 500g Magerquark - 50-100ml Milch - 2 Löffel Chunky flavour (z.B. white almond coconut) - 6-7 Löffelbiskuit - Kaffee zum Eintauchen der Löffelbiskuit - Whey Protein nach belieben Zubereitung: - Magerquark in eine Schüssel geben und mit Milch oder Wasser verdünnen, bis eine gewünschte Konsistenz erreicht ist. - Chunky flavour & Whey Protein hinzufügen und gut unterrühren. - Löffelbiskuit in Kaffee tauchen und auf einem Teller auslegen. - Eine Schicht Magerquarkmischung auf die Löffelbiskuit geben. - Schritt 3 und 4 wiederholen, bis alle Zutaten aufgebraucht sind. - Das Magerquark Tiramisu für mindestens 30 Minuten im Kühlschrank kalt stellen. Tipp: Variiere das Rezept, indem du andere Früchte oder Nüsse hinzufügst oder eine andere Geschmacksrichtung des Chunky Flavours verwendest. Gönne dir eine leckere und gleichzeitig gesunde Mahlzeit! Hier sind die ungefähren Nährwerte für das Protein Tiramisu   Pro Portion ( 100g Protein Tiramisu ) - Kalorien: ca. 140-180 Kcal - Protein: ca. 18-20g - Kohlenhydrate: ca. 10-15g - Fett: ca. 3-5g   500g Magerquark: - Kalorien: 550 - Protein: 62g - Kohlenhydrate: 26g - Fett: 5g 50-100ml Milch: - Kalorien: 50-100 - Protein: 5-10g - Kohlenhydrate: 5-10g - Fett: 2.5-5g 2 Löffel Chunky flavour (White Almond Coconut): - Kalorien: 20 - Protein: 0g - Kohlenhydrate: 4g - Fett: 1g 6-7 Löffelbiscuit: - Kalorien: 60-70 - Protein: 2-3g - Kohlenhydrate: 12-14g - Fett: 2-3g Bitte beachte, dass diese Werte nur Schätzwerte sind und von der tatsächlichen Zusammensetzung der Zutaten und deren Marken abweichen können.   Zum Schluss ist es an der Zeit, dieses köstliche und gesunde Protein Tiramisu zu genießen. Es ist eine perfekte Wahl für alle, die auf der Suche nach einer gesunden Alternative zu den klassischen Tiramisus sind. Durch die Verwendung von Magerquark wird die Kalorienzufuhr reduziert und dennoch werden wichtige Proteine geliefert, die für den Muskelaufbau und die Gewichtsabnahme unerlässlich sind. Die Kombination aus Chunky Flavour und Löffelbiscuits bietet eine leckere Konsistenz und Geschmacksrichtung, die jeden begeistern wird. Wenn du dieses Rezept nachkochst, wirst du überrascht sein, wie einfach es ist und wie schnell es zubereitet ist. Es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, um sich selbst etwas Gutes zu tun, ohne dabei auf den Genuss zu verzichten. Und wenn du einmal davon probiert hast, kannst du es auch mit verschiedenen Variationen ausprobieren, indem du zum Beispiel Heidelbeeren, Apfelmus oder andere Früchte hinzufügst. Mit diesem Rezept kannst du deine Gewichtsabnahme und Muskelaufbau unterstützen, während du dich gleichzeitig auf ein köstliches und sättigendes Essen freuen darfst. Es ist ein Muss für alle, die ihre Ernährung verbessern und auf eine gesunde Art genießen möchten. Also worauf wartest du noch? Probiere es jetzt aus! Read the full article
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tomhasatransblog · 2 years
Research on lean bulking
Because I've been training consistently for so many years, my potential per month muscle gain is minimal
2:1 fat to muscle gain would be as good as I can expect. To be more generous I'll aim for 500g : 200g fat : muscle. That's close to what I had before my christmas break
After a cut you rapidly regain some fat, so hopefully that accounts for my ratio before being 7 : 2
I should focus more on compound than isolation exercises (I do a fair bit already)
Highly bio-available complete proteins are optimal (eggs, whey protein & beef on top apparently, which are my favourites anyway)
I'm at a point where it's tougher because I've been at it for longer. I do always want to stay natural, but I wonder if I'll get to a point where I'll yearn for PEDs. Hopefully not, and I certainly don't now
The focus on compound exercises ties into my desire to become more functionally strong. Learning to muscle-up is a goal I have now. And I did box jumps at the gym for the first time yesterday
Articles/threads that informed this post:
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deportefree · 2 years
WEIDER Protein 80 Plus Multi-Component Protein Shake Powder, Sabor Frambuesa Casein & Whey, Low Carb, 500g
WEIDER Protein 80 Plus Multi-Component Protein Shake Powder, Sabor Frambuesa Casein & Whey, Low Carb, 500g
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jassicabarton · 4 years
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Allnutrition – Vegan Protein, Strawberry – 500g
FantasyNutrition.com is a sports and bodybuilding nutrition supplements store provides allnutrition vegan protein, 500g in Strawberry flavor at best prices with fast & free shipping.
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nackseo2 · 4 months
100% Vegan And Complete Protein
Our 100% plant-based protein powder is formulated to fuel your body with pure protein. By blending protein from naturally sourced yellow peas and rice, this formula provides a complete essential amino acid (EAA) profile - free from dairy, gluten, sugar, common allergens and soy. This high protein (80%) – low carbohydrate blend is ideal for everyone looking to add a dose of healthy and strengthening energy to their everyday diet.
Eating enough protein is important for everyone, not just athletes and frequent gym visitors. It is a fundamental nutritional component in the human diet throughout life, as it is a necessity for a healthy immune system and required for the proper functioning of organs like your heart, brain and skin. Protein also plays a crucial role in aiding muscle growth and maintenance, as well as in supporting metabolism and satiety.
Protein is made up of chains of amino acids, out of which 9 are essential. They cannot be produced by the body and hence, we need to get them from food. While animal sources of protein contain all 9 Essential Amino Acids and thus, are considered complete, plant-based protein sources only provide a few or have a lower percentage of at least one of the amino acids.
That is why we combine pea protein which is low in the amino acids cysteine and methionine but rich in lysine with a second plant-based source - rice protein. Rice protein is low in lysine, but very high in cysteine and methionine.
Thanks to this combination, we achieve a 100% vegan and complete Essential Amino Acid profile which is superior to any single plant protein source. A match made in heaven!
A Good Choice For You And The Environment
Our plant protein powder is free from: gluten, lactose, sugar, soy, GMO, fillers and preservatives.  It is easily tolerated and digested, and a great alternative for people experiencing bloating or discomfort after consuming for example whey protein. 1 serving of 10g only provides 41 kcal. Therefore, it helps to maintain your daily protein intake and boost energy levels without adding up unnecessary calories.
The sustainable sourced high-quality protein sources, peas and rice, are the only two ingredients found in the blend. A natural and healthy choice for you as well as the environment.
Build Strength. Your Way.
Getting enough protein at adequate intervals helps build muscle mass and overall health in the long run, therefore it is important to space out your protein intake correctly throughout the day. Research suggests that we should focus on getting protein at each meal, a difficult task for many of us. Keeping this in mind, our formula is unflavored and has a very high concentration of protein - 80% per serving. One serving scoop is only 10 grams which makes it ideal to add to food and beverages of your choice without interfering with your dish.
To Know More: https://nack.life/products/plant-protein-powder-500g-unflavoured
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Nossas Marcas
Trabalhamos com as Marcas.
100% ISO MILK PROTEIN 900G 100% WHEY 900G
BCAA 120 TABS BCAA 2.1.1 BCAA 4:1:1 BCAA 5.1.1
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werewolfstripclub · 5 years
Me: I really want a meal replacement powder drink that works well for a quick breakfast but also isn’t horribly high in sugar and salt / isn’t some vegan super foodie bullshi- Stores Online: VEGAN LEAN FIT BODY BUILDING MASS WHEY PROTEIN NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS USED SOY BEAN CARDBOARD HELLSCAPE 99.9% NON GMO LOSE WEIGHT MC FATTYFATPANTS with a side of 500g of sugar and 500g of salt because ??? why not POWDER DRINK!!!!
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organic-products · 11 months
Achieving Healthy Weight Gain with Lakshmi Krishna Naturals' Natural Mass Powder
For those on a journey to attain a healthier and more robust physique, achieving weight gain goals can be just as significant as weight loss. Lakshmi Krishna Naturals presents a solution with their "Natural Mass Powder for Weight Gain 500g." In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the essential aspects of this product, its ingredients, benefits, and how it can support you in your path toward a healthier weight.
The Significance of Healthy Weight Gain
Before we dive into the details of Lakshmi Krishna Naturals' Natural Mass Powder, it's crucial to understand why healthy weight gain is essential. Many individuals grapple with being underweight or struggle to gain muscle mass. This can result from various factors, including genetics, a fast metabolism, or insufficient caloric intake. Healthy weight gain isn't just about aesthetics; it's also about overall well-being and energy levels.
Introduction to Lakshmi Krishna Naturals
Lakshmi Krishna Naturals is a well-regarded name in the domain of natural supplements and wellness products. They are dedicated to providing high-quality, all-natural products that promote a healthy lifestyle. The Natural Mass Powder for Weight Gain 500g is one of their flagship products, designed to cater to individuals looking to gain weight naturally and safely.
Key Ingredients of Natural Mass Powder
The effectiveness of any weight gain product lies in its ingredients. Lakshmi Krishna Naturals' Natural Mass Powder boasts a unique blend of natural components that work together to encourage healthy weight gain. Here are some of the key ingredients:
1. Whey Protein
Whey protein is a complete protein source, offering essential amino acids necessary for muscle growth and recovery. It is an excellent choice for those looking to build lean muscle mass.
2. Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine is a well-researched compound known for its ability to increase muscle strength and endurance. It can be especially beneficial for those engaged in resistance training.
3. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates serve as a primary energy source, and including them in your weight gain regimen helps provide the necessary calories for muscle growth and overall weight gain.
4. Essential Vitamins and Minerals
Lakshmi Krishna Naturals' Natural Mass Powder is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals to ensure your overall well-being during your weight gain journey.
How Natural Mass Powder Works
This innovative product functions by providing your body with the necessary nutrients to support muscle growth and overall weight gain. Here's how it works:
1. Muscle Protein Synthesis
The whey protein in the Natural Mass Powder stimulates muscle protein synthesis, crucial for muscle repair and growth.
2. Enhanced Energy Levels
Incorporating carbohydrates provides a quick source of energy, enabling you to engage in more intensive workouts and daily activities without feeling fatigued.
3. Improved Recovery
Creatine monohydrate assists in faster recovery after workouts, ensuring that you can maintain a consistent exercise routine.
Benefits of Choosing Lakshmi Krishna Naturals
Opting for Lakshmi Krishna Naturals' Natural Mass Powder offers several advantages:
1. Natural and Safe
This product is made from all-natural ingredients, eliminating the risk of harmful side effects associated with synthetic supplements.
2. High-Quality Ingredients
Lakshmi Krishna Naturals is committed to sourcing and using only the finest quality ingredients to ensure optimal results.
3. Convenience
The Natural Mass Powder is easy to incorporate into your daily routine, offering a convenient way to increase your daily caloric intake.
4. Customizable
You can adjust the serving size based on your specific weight gain goals, making it a versatile option for various individuals.
How to Use Natural Mass Powder
To make the most of Lakshmi Krishna Naturals' Natural Mass Powder, follow these simple steps:
Set Your Goals: Determine your weight gain objectives and adjust your servings accordingly.
Mix Properly: Blend the recommended amount of the Natural Mass Powder with water or milk to create a delicious and nutritious shake.
Consume Regularly: Ensure you take the supplement consistently, ideally after a workout or as a meal replacement.
Balanced Diet: Remember to maintain a balanced diet alongside the supplement for comprehensive nutrition.
Precautions and Side Effects
While Lakshmi Krishna Naturals' Natural Mass Powder is generally safe, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
On the journey to achieving healthy weight gain, Lakshmi Krishna Naturals' Natural Mass Powder for Weight Gain 500g stands out as a natural and effective solution. With a thoughtfully crafted blend of ingredients, it promotes muscle growth, enhances energy levels, and supports overall well-being. By choosing this product, you not only advance toward your weight gain goals but also do so in a safe and natural manner. Remember, the road to a healthier, more robust you begins with informed choices, and Lakshmi Krishna Naturals is here to support you every step of the way. Make the choice today to invest in your health and well-being by selecting the Natural Mass Powder for your weight gain journey.
Other products provided by us
Article Submitted by Lakshmi Krishna Naturals
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drickazen · 2 years
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Dê uma olhada em Kit Whey Protein 500g, BCAA 4,5 100g, Power Creatine 100g, Coqueteleira – Bodybuilders por R$49,90. Compre na Shopee agora! https://shope.ee/2pxJIuqvwm?share_channel_code=3 . . . . #suplementos #suplemento https://www.instagram.com/p/CpQ7wGJppfr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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keytoshape · 2 years
Protein Tiramisu Highlight für Deine Ernährung
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Schluss mit Kalorienbomben: Das Protein Tiramisu zum Abnehmen
  Hey, wenn du auf der Suche nach einem gesunden und leckeren Snack bist, dann hast du mit dem Protein Tiramisu genau das Richtige gefunden! Magerquark ist ein wahrer Allrounder in der Küche und bietet dir unzählige Möglichkeiten, ihn zu verwenden. Aber das Beste an ihm ist, dass er dich beim Abnehmen und Muskelaufbau unterstützt. Wusstest du, dass Protein einer der wichtigsten Nährstoffe ist, wenn es um Gewichtsverlust und Muskelaufbau geht? Proteine sind nicht nur wichtig für den Aufbau und Reparatur von Muskelgewebe, sondern sie helfen auch beim Stoffwechsel und bei der Kontrolle des Appetits. Und das ist genau das, was Magerquark bietet! Mit seinem hohen Proteinanteil und geringen Fett- und Kohlenhydratgehalt ist er die perfekte Wahl für alle, die ihre Ernährung auf gesunde Weise optimieren möchten. Aber bevor wir zum Rezept kommen, lass uns noch kurz über die verschiedenen Vorteile von Proteinen sprechen. Eine ausreichende Proteinaufnahme ist wichtig, um deine Muskeln zu erhalten und zu stärken, ins besonders wenn du regelmäßig Sport treibst. Proteine helfen auch, das Hungergefühl zu kontrollieren und reduzieren so die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass du zu ungesunden Snacks greifst. Darüber hinaus kann eine hohe Proteinaufnahme bei einer kalorienreduzierten Ernährung dazu beitragen, den Gewichtsverlust zu beschleunigen und den Muskelabbau zu verlangsamen. Und jetzt kommen wir endlich zum Highlight des heutigen Artikels: dem Protein Tiramisu! Dieses leckere Rezept ist nicht nur einfach und schnell zuzubereiten, sondern auch noch unglaublich gesund und nährstoffreich. Wir verwenden nur wenige Zutaten, um einen cremigen und leckeren Snack zu kreieren, der dich bei Laune hält und dich satt macht. Und das Beste daran ist, dass es eine low-carb Alternative zum traditionellen Tiramisu ist. Also, lass uns loslegen und zusammen das Protein Tiramisu zaubern!  
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Rezept für Protein Tiramisu   Zutaten: - 500g Magerquark - 50-100ml Milch - 2 Löffel Chunky flavour (z.B. white almond coconut) - 6-7 Löffelbiskuit - Kaffee zum Eintauchen der Löffelbiskuit - Whey Protein nach belieben Zubereitung: - Magerquark in eine Schüssel geben und mit Milch oder Wasser verdünnen, bis eine gewünschte Konsistenz erreicht ist. - Chunky flavour & Whey Protein hinzufügen und gut unterrühren. - Löffelbiskuit in Kaffee tauchen und auf einem Teller auslegen. - Eine Schicht Magerquarkmischung auf die Löffelbiskuit geben. - Schritt 3 und 4 wiederholen, bis alle Zutaten aufgebraucht sind. - Das Magerquark Tiramisu für mindestens 30 Minuten im Kühlschrank kalt stellen. Tipp: Variiere das Rezept, indem du andere Früchte oder Nüsse hinzufügst oder eine andere Geschmacksrichtung des Chunky Flavours verwendest. Gönne dir eine leckere und gleichzeitig gesunde Mahlzeit! Hier sind die ungefähren Nährwerte für das Protein Tiramisu   Pro Portion ( 100g Protein Tiramisu ) - Kalorien: ca. 140-180 Kcal - Protein: ca. 18-20g - Kohlenhydrate: ca. 10-15g - Fett: ca. 3-5g   500g Magerquark: - Kalorien: 550 - Protein: 62g - Kohlenhydrate: 26g - Fett: 5g 50-100ml Milch: - Kalorien: 50-100 - Protein: 5-10g - Kohlenhydrate: 5-10g - Fett: 2.5-5g 2 Löffel Chunky flavour (White Almond Coconut): - Kalorien: 20 - Protein: 0g - Kohlenhydrate: 4g - Fett: 1g 6-7 Löffelbiscuit: - Kalorien: 60-70 - Protein: 2-3g - Kohlenhydrate: 12-14g - Fett: 2-3g Bitte beachte, dass diese Werte nur Schätzwerte sind und von der tatsächlichen Zusammensetzung der Zutaten und deren Marken abweichen können.   Zum Schluss ist es an der Zeit, dieses köstliche und gesunde Protein Tiramisu zu genießen. Es ist eine perfekte Wahl für alle, die auf der Suche nach einer gesunden Alternative zu den klassischen Tiramisus sind. Durch die Verwendung von Magerquark wird die Kalorienzufuhr reduziert und dennoch werden wichtige Proteine geliefert, die für den Muskelaufbau und die Gewichtsabnahme unerlässlich sind. Die Kombination aus Chunky Flavour und Löffelbiscuits bietet eine leckere Konsistenz und Geschmacksrichtung, die jeden begeistern wird. Wenn du dieses Rezept nachkochst, wirst du überrascht sein, wie einfach es ist und wie schnell es zubereitet ist. Es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, um sich selbst etwas Gutes zu tun, ohne dabei auf den Genuss zu verzichten. Und wenn du einmal davon probiert hast, kannst du es auch mit verschiedenen Variationen ausprobieren, indem du zum Beispiel Heidelbeeren, Apfelmus oder andere Früchte hinzufügst. Mit diesem Rezept kannst du deine Gewichtsabnahme und Muskelaufbau unterstützen, während du dich gleichzeitig auf ein köstliches und sättigendes Essen freuen darfst. Es ist ein Muss für alle, die ihre Ernährung verbessern und auf eine gesunde Art genießen möchten. Also worauf wartest du noch? Probiere es jetzt aus! Read the full article
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edder-santos · 5 years
Whey Protein Chocolate 500g funciona Whey Protein Chocolate 500g comprar
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marcest · 2 years
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