#sun supplement
green-sun-wellness · 2 years
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fatal-blow · 9 months
Hey You Reading This. Are you in Pain?
Go to this website. See of you can find the thing that's bothering you (pain patterns denoted in red/shaded areas).
Massage the X shown in the diagram. See if it helps.
If you want more information on treating muscle pain, download this book off the Internet Archive:
You deserve to not be in pain. If nothing else has helped, this might.
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the-monkey-ruler · 5 months
So, all the children that swk has are 100% yaoguai monkeys, or are some of them human? I think King Paramiya and Yuebei Xing have human appearance? I mean the ancient writings, not books or adaptation of JTTW.
It’s hard to say as we don’t get a lot of information about them.
Paramita is easier to at least know what he could look like (however please keep in mind that this is a dream and that Paramita technically wouldn't have to follow any set rules due to being in a fantasy) as we know that his mother is Princess Iron Fan. He was not conceived in the traditional sense however as he was born when Wukong accidentally got Princess Iron Fan preggers when he jumped in her tummy. Funny enough he did this to like four other demons as well so... perhaps we know where Paramita's four unnamed brothers came from. Joking of course, it is said that Paramita's four other brothers are also Princess Iron Fans BUT THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN FUNNY.
The only description I can find in the book about Paramits is that he is "dashing" and this might cause he takes more after Princess Iron Fan. Sadly, looking like a monkey-yao was not considered "dashing" and therefore I think decreases his chances of being as such. Paramita would be half monkey yao and half Rākṣasī if he was real. There is few other pure yao children in mythos, the only one we really can compare him to is Red Boy (who doesn't exist in this fantasy dream) as he has a very human-looking appearance as well. I talked a bit about this, but it could be that since Wukong and Iron Fan are already very cultivated that their children would take on a human-like appearance to show this. In any case, Paramita wouldn't have any reason to look human since neither his parents are human, but still, he has powerful parents who have cultivated to a human form he would be able to have a human form as well.
Of course, there is a part in the Supplement JTTW where Wukong meets another version of himself but as an old man. Wukong is still a monkey but he sees another version of himself as well but as an old man that is his "true spirit" in Chapter 10. This is strange cause Wukong in his dream was he was called "only having a monkey face" but he wasn't Sun Wukong because he wasn't a Monkey Yaoguai. This could be saying that Wukong in his dream transcend his own monkey body and form and rather moving into a full human form. This would increase the chances of King Paramita's hypothetic form being seen as all-human if this was the case as well.
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On the left is the White Ape Perfected Man that I think Wukong's "true spirit" would look like in Supplement. On the right is King Paramita from a modern Comic Strip published in 2021 as there is little to no other modern interpretations of King Paramita.
Yuebei Xing and her brother are a tad different and harder to pinpoint due to their mother being unknown. Certainly, they are half-monkey-yaoguai but as for mothers, it could range from another monkey yao to a mortal to an immortal to even Wukong using the baby river himself. Hard to say but there are possibilities.
If Yuebei Xing's mother was human than the chances of her and her siblings looking human increase greatly. However, if they are a yao then they COULD look human with some cultivation but that doesn't mean they would be born looking human guarantee. This is also a story that would be based more on the Xiyouji Zaju play Wukong where he kidnaps his human-wife in the introduction and doesn't reach Buddhahood by the end of the play so it would be within reason to believe that Wukong got another human-leaning wife whether that be mortal or immortal.
But unlike Paramita, Yuebei Xing DOES have a description!
"Monkey King had a daughter named Yuebei Xing. She had a crooked head with large eyes and a broad mouth, a wide waist, thick hands, and long feet with thunderous footsteps. Every time, she would utterly defeat her enemies. Yuebei Xing stepped forth, "I'm going too." "You were so ugly," the little Suns roared with laughter, "You will become a laughingstock in front of Huaguang.""
She is described as more outlandish in form and even called ugly, however, this could be that she simply takes more after her father's face as he was called ugly as well.... or maybe she is only ugly by monkey standards, it is hard to say. Despite this description, however, it does not say that she looks like a monkey or a human as while a detailed list of what she has, doesn't lean towards human or monkey either way.
I'm taking from @journeytothewestresearch page about his articles for Yuebei Xing but she is noted to have two forms from Secret Practice of the Primordial Lord Yuebei 元皇月孛祕法. So this is not from the same author as JTTS but can still provide some idea of what her past interpretations could have looked like.
"In the form of a celestial human, their hair is let down over their naked body. Their mass of black hair covers the navel. Red sandals. Their left hand holds the head of a drought demon. Their right hand holds a blade. They ride a jade dragon. In their modified form, [they display] a blue face with long fangs, a crimson garment and blade, while driving a bear." (Kotyk, 2017, p. 62).
It could be that in JTTS was learning more to her modified form as she is given more extravagant details to her description.
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The left image is of Yuebei Xing in her celestial form with her sword in hand. On the right is where she is drawn as a man but still holding her sword and severed head.
However, these are descriptions based on Yuebei Xing outside of JTTS and therefore would not be considered to have any monkey relations to her. If that is the case then that could be as to why the author of JTTS didn't describe her celestial form or her modified form as he was creating a new original look for her NOW that she is half-monkey. It wouldn't be fair to say that she is one or the either considering that now her origins have not only changed but also are unknown who or what her other parent is either.
So overall I can't say that they can be 100% monkeys as King Paramita is half rākṣasī and Yuebei Xing (and possibly her brothers) are most likely not from a monkey-yao mother. But while Paramita wouldn't look monkey himself there could be hope for Yuebei Xing and her brothers since their origin has not only changed from her previous depictions but also that her mother is left to interpretations. So while the chances of her being 100% are low they are not impossible at the very least.
Take it as you will!
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darkwood-sleddog · 8 months
Three straight days of sunshine and I feel like a new person
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Sorry just realized something funny about the Shadowpeach pregnancies.
First it was one (MK), then two (Eclipse Twins) and now three (Lunar Node Triplets). Maybe it is a good thing they are not interested in having any more magical pregnancies, if this keeps up they will be having quadruplets or quintuplets.
Haha! It was more a happy accident on my part XD
But yeah, Shadowpeach best be careful making more kids in the future. The "Buy 1, get 2 Free" situation with the Lunar Node Triplets have probably made them more wary when planning for future infants.
I wanted Macaque's little toyline shadow clones/Eclipse Twins (LMK) to be their kids, then I wanted the non-canon Yuebei Xing and ofc I had to include her brothers Jidu and Luohou (all three from "Journey to the South") cus they're so cool.
There are other "unofficial" kids of Sun Wukong in extended Journey to the West-inspired media that I wouldn't really count tho.
King Pāramitā (+4 unseen brothers) from "A Supplement to the Journey to the West" - set between an alternate timeline of Chapters 61 and 62 where Tripitaka gets kidnapped by a time traveller (even in 1640 people were pulling that trope) that somehow convinced him to give up the pilgrimage. King Pāramitā and his four brothers were apparently concieved when SWK accidentally got PIF knocked up when he transformed himself into a stomach bug/parasite in order to extort the Fan from her (Chapter 59 of JttW). I find that situation a bit too uncomfy/medically inaccurate so no. If anything I'd give Ironbull the bonus five kids, and that Pāramitā was the result of SWK accidentally lifting a curse from the couple - like when parents joke that their kid's "true parent" was a bottle of alcohol.
And since LMK's MK himself is likely a whole reference to Sun Luzhen from "Later Journey to the West" (17th century), it would be a little redundant to make a Sun Luzhen kid. Does give my Wukongverse idea of each of the SWKs having an "MK" weight tho.
In hindsight; between my au Shadowpeach's bio and adopted kids, I accidentally gave SWK the "five sons" (MK, Rumble, Jidu & Luohou, + the adopted Chenxiang) he's said to have had in A Supplement. XD
I would like to thank @journeytothewestresearch for their endless dedication and research into these sort of topics, since I use their articles as sources. I apologise for using your research as fanfic material. Go check their website out if you got any Jttw questions.
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silvermoon424 · 4 months
I was wondering why I've been feeling so much better than normal these past couple of days and then I remembered I was actually out in the sun for a while on Saturday.
Vitamin D goes crazy hard, especially when you've been deficient lol
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handweavers · 1 year
having a medical condition that makes me 10x more likely to develop skin cancer than the avg person as well as several kinds of photosensitive eczema = i can't go outside wearing short sleeves or shorts ever at risk of my skin exploding in rashes and i have to wear sunscreen on my face and hands whenever i go outside so i'm v familiar with sunscreen and which ones feel and smell like shit and which ones actually work because if im wearing one that Doesn't Work i experience the consequences immediately lol. aerosol sunscreens are useless just use regular liquid sunscreen
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sketching-shark · 8 months
a question how bad or disrespectful would it be to use the name as king paramita for an oc I really like the way it sounds It sounds like the name of a perfectionist character, someone who always seeks efficiency as a personal goal. I don't know, that's what it transmits to me
Thanks for the question anon! And as far as I'm aware using the name King Paramita for an oc wouldn't be disrespectful at all.
From what little I know the word "Pāramitā" is a Sanskrit term often translated as "perfection," and that it is used in Buddhism to describe the character of enlightened beings, or the paths bodhisattvas must follow to become true buddhas. And you wouldn't be the first to use it for an OC! The author of the unofficial side-journey for Journey to the West called A Supplement to the Journey to the West (published in 1640), after all, involves Sun Wukong meeting his "son" King Pāramitā in an illusion created by a goldfish demon.
So given this, "King Pāramitā" sounds like a pretty good name for an oc who's a perfectionist! That said, if you're still feeling uncertain about it you may want to do more research into Buddhism, and particularly Mahāyāna Buddhism, to get a better sense of how this term is commonly used and why your oc may have that name.
Of course, it again can't be forgotten that "King Pāramitā" is the name of someone's oc from the 1600s who was there to be a "what-if" scenario/mess with Sun Wukong's mind, so take that precedent as you will XD
I'm also linking @journeytothewestresearch's article on the fan children that people have come up with for the Monkey King over the centuries, as it gives more detail into what said oc does in A Supplement to the Journey to the West, as well as gets more into the term "Pāramitā" in Buddhism:
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alfiely-art · 8 months
Love Raincode because Kanai Ward is just. The area I live in. Except we don't use umbrellas here we're not bitches
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loyaltykask · 9 months
I made a fanfic about the non-canon kids for Supplement JTTW, JTTS, and PJTTW!
I do wanna say that I started the chapters with Wukong being mostly inspired by 1996 Xiyouji dynamics and who Wukong is mostly based on. The first chapters are about Paramita and the four unnamed kids in Supplement! All named after paramitas in buddism.
I try to base each kid off one of Wukong's inspirations in media! I hope y'all enjoy!
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I'm not the best artist but I did have fun trying to draw them
Pink - Jnana, fifth born
Red - Paramita, first born
Yellow - Bala, fourth born
Green - Pranidhana, thrid born
Blue - Upaya - second born
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dyrewrites · 7 months
"Why do I feel so empty and tired, I'm not depressed, I'm eating, drinking enough water, even been getting outside more..."
"Taking your vitamin D?"
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shatouto · 7 months
random OC ask: what would your OC's ideal home be like? this can be as specific as inspirational pictures, or as general as the vibes they would like it to give off.
ooohhh cool question cool question
i've admittedly never thought of this bc lorame kinda lives a nomadic life, traveling with ilya to sell their stuff all the time. tho with all his childhood i think his ideal home would be.... cozy, close to nature, endearingly cluttered (rather than orderly but sterile).
it's gotta smell like buttery pastries in the morning and hearty stew in the evening, the kitchen is well stocked with food and well equipped with ceramics of all kinds. (some of them are misshapen 'rejects' from the batches he makes for sale, he calls them runts and he loves them dearly. not all of them are usable but they're cute decorative pieces otherwise)
and ofc it's not ideal home without his bestie ilya but let's not get too deep into that here 🥰
anyway bc i'm still severely brainwormed, i think lorame's idea of an ideal home used to include "lots of sunlight", but post-canon of bg3 he brings home a vampire spawn so that's out of question. he would settle for a rly cozy basement-type place full of soft magical light instead :)
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masonspecialist · 30 days
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
If wukong drank the pregnancy water do you think he’d want to get an abortion or keep it? He could transform so that the baby would be delivered safely. And he’d probably leave it to be looked after by the woman kingdom if he did.
Honesty I think Wukong in the book wouldn’t keep it as his first priority was to get to India first and he seemed pretty fine with helping Bajie and Sanzang with getting the abortion water. Monks leaving the family and all that.
But if he was to keep it then honestly I think he would take the baby with him on the road. Why keep it with some strangers when he is Sun Wukong? Great Sage Equal to Heaven?! He doesn’t know those women and I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t trust them either. He would just have the baby strapped his back and still being killing a million demons on the road. If anything the parental instincts just kick in harder to make him fight more.
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Is that the safest thing? No, absolutely not. But I can see him doing that. That or he just goes back to Flower Fruit Mountain and asks his monkey troop to keep his baby safe while he finished the journey. Can visit them legit with just a single leap and they are about 6 years into the journey, and would need about 8 more years to wrap up. Of course, this is just right before the Six Ears Macaque arc. Would be such drama if Six Ears got to the child while Wukong was away.
Could be an interesting premise def!
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pantherpilz · 4 months
covid tests were all negativ today ayy
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Who raised paramita and the rest of sun wukong's children?
A Supplement to the Journey to the West (Xiyoubu, 西遊補, 1640)
King Paramita and his four (unnamed) siblings don't actually exist. They are figments from a dream world created by a fish demon to distract Monkey. The novel mentions in passing that Sun Wukong and Princess Iron Fan are a couple with five handsome sons. But this comes as a shock to our hero upon learning second hand (a good representation of this realm's transitory nature).
Journey to the South (Nanyouji, 南遊記, c. 1570s to 1580s)
As for his other children, Jidu, Luohou, and Yuebei Xing, this novel never mentions anything about a mother. Perhaps they have different mothers, and then the entire community helped raise them. Monkey is after all the king of the primates on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. As the alpha, he would have his pick of any girl monkeys.
But I should point out that Sun doesn't show any interest in sex in the standard 1592 version of the story. One paper suggests that this was a response to an early-Ming play in which he is cast as a sex fiend.
Those wishing to learn more about the Monkey King's literary children can read my article:
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