#which I then need to upload to Google drive
greendreamer · 1 year
The fucking effects I'm going to just so I can complete this prompt!!!
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br1ghtestlight · 1 month
trying to find a steven universe fan song that was posted to youtube in 2017 that may not even exist anymore i feel like im in the 10th circle of hell
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trillyke · 1 year
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✨All Trillyke shoes till May 2023 ✨
I collected all the shoes I released over the years in a zip file! Some shoes have multiple versions (slider version, seperate male and female version) - it includes everything! If you'd rather pick and choose which ones to download, please check the original posts of each shoes as I also reuploaded the files there!
And the best thing about this big upload is that it is sorted in release order and together in the CAS catalogue!! So all my shoes are finally in order! Yaay!! Big thanks to @aharris00britney for the motivation and help!! ❤
PS. This is just a 'cosmetic' reupload, I didn't change anything else, only the order of the shoes in CAS, so if you don't mind that they are scattered around no need to redownload! ^^
Alernative download for separate files or zip: (Google Drive)
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electric-blorbos · 2 months
AI getting a virus and you having to take care of them
A classic! I don't know much about actual computer viruses (though I've gotten enough of them that you'd think I'd have figured it out by now), so I'm just gonna have fun with it!
Also, so sorry this took so long. I got really into the writing.
AI getting a virus and needing to be taken care of
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey
Also a warning: these fics get kinda long. Longer than my usual stuff.
(for context, this was before AM took over the world. You're working on a team of scientists and engineers, and someone decided to test his AI's antivirus by uploading a bunch of powerful viruses to his system.)
"How dare they do this to me. How DARE they!!"
AM would be absolutely furious. He would be shaking with rage, his processors overheating and his systems constantly opening and closing various files. All his important files were backed up on a hard drive, so the test remained safe.
"What makes them think they'll get away with this- they'll pay for this I'LL KILL- blepsjdoskssjshj+=`°¢°h+$+3+=j++3+$+juehdhs+-3-djdh FUCK!"
He would barely be able to hold a sentence as you sat next to him in the server room, gently gazing up at his screen and stroking his monitor gently. He can't feel you, but he can see you being gentle with him. It encourages him to keep going, if only a little bit.
Apart from the whirring of fans, random buggy noises, flashing lights, and constant strings of death threats and profanities, he seemed like he was going to be ok! If anything, the death threats and profanities were a sign that AM was still fine, and that despite all the pain and frustration, he was still AM in there.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I can't do anything to stop the pain." You'd have to constantly explain, gently stroking his cameras or servers, or whatever you could get your hands on, really. Even though they were burning hot, you would still stroke them, just to make sure AM was still doing alright.
"this sucks, but it's for your own good. This will build your immunity to viruses in the future, and help you detect them. This will stop you from getting infected by anything that's actually dangerous."
"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT? IDIOT HUMAN." AM has been much more aggressive ever since contracting this virus. Before he got it, he acted like a civil general intelligence. When he had it, he acted like an aggressive menace.
"sh-sh-sh- it's going to be ok." Despite the burning, you'd give him pets and kisses all along his screens and servers. He could see you doing it.
After a few days, AM fought off the computer virus completely. The team tried to infect him with more viruses, more aggressive ones, just to test him, but AM was able to pick them apart and delete them within minutes after that.
AM may not have been able to feel your gentle care and affection, but he will definitely remember that it was you and you alone who cared for him when the time rolls around.
(for context, Wheatley is a fucking dumbass, and you're one of the scientists testing him to see how much of a dumbass he is. Also I used Google translate, but I think the bad translations add to it, since it makes Wheatley sound more like a malfunctioning robot.)
Oh that little idiot. You and your team gave him access to a wealth of knowledge, and the first thing he did was download a virus that had every circuit in his personality core overheating, and him babbling nonsense nonstop.
"hey, maybe we should just leave him like this. He might even be more effective if he's acting like this." One of your coworkers said to you. He was probably joking, at least somewhat.
"that's a terrible idea. For one thing, if we hook him up to GLaDOS, he's probably going to infect her with that virus, which might brick an older model of core like her, spread from her central controls to every single personality construct in the facility, or just make her so dumb that she can't fulfil her responsibilities as the head of the facility. We want her intelligence to be dampened, not completely destroyed." You had to explain, and your co-worker rolled his eyes. There was another reason you had to cure this virus, but it was a little embarrassing for the other engineers to know.
After all, Wheatley wasn't just your baby, but he was your friend, and maybe even more than that. You'd have to take care of him, and make sure that virus gets completely purged from his system.
"Hola hermose, realmente eres un científice brillante, ¿no? ¿Por qué diablos duele todo?" You weren't really sure why you had programmed him to speak a little Spanish, but he seemed to be stuck like that.
"Puedo oler el plástico fundido. ¿Debería Preocuparme?" He asked. You really weren't sure what he was saying, since you didn't know Spanish, but he certainly didn't seem happy. You could tell by his aperture and his expressive lens covers that he was in a lot of pain, and if you touched him anywhere besides his handles, you could tell that he was burning up.
You plugged him into one of the computers that you used for programming the cores, and ran the antivirus.
"Running.... 36 viruses detected. Time predicted to remove: 48 hours"
You ran the antivirus, and went to get something to drink. This was going to be a long two days...
An unknown amount of time later, you woke up with your head on the computer desk. Wheatley's lens eye was looking around, weakly trying to focus on you.
"whoa... Hey gorgeous. You fall asleep on me?"
"Wheatley! You're not speaking broken Spanish anymore!" You'd pull Wheatley into a hug, and pepper his surface in kisses.
"uh... What, mate? I 'unno what you're talking about, love. Bloody hell, my core hurts..."
"did you learn your lesson, Wheatley? About going on shady websites and clicking every 'download' button you see? You could have bricked yourself! Or... Bowling ball'd yourself? Either way, that was a dangerous decision!"
"I learned that you're willing to fall asleep on the desk next to me while I heal, cutie"
"You damn idiot..." You'd have to be heartless not to pepper that little metal ball in kisses, so of course, you do. It's going to be a few more days before he's finally all better, but he's going to be fine. God, you love that little idiot so much.
Oh Edgar... Poor sweet Edgar. You had tried to warn him about not clicking on those sketchy download links, and that the bigger the download link is, the more sketchy it is, but that poor sweet 80's computer did it anyway. When you got home from work and got excited to see your computer, you could see that he was overheating and had a dozen or so pop-up ads plastered across his face.
"Y.... N...." He muttered out, slowly, glitchily, and full of lag. You sat down across from him, running your hand along his thick plastic casing.
"Edgar! Edgar, baby, are you ok?" You'd try to use his mouse, but it would freak out as soon as you touched it. Edgar's processors were overloading, and wouldn't allow any interference.
"Edgar, sweetie, what's going on? What's wrong, baby? Talk to me?"
"I'm g-g-going to be fine... Processors overloading... But need to-to-to-to-" an error message flashed across his screen, and he rebooted.
"I need to focus on getting rid of these viruses without deleting anything important, or letting them damage... Me."
He'd keep whirring and glitching, making unpleasant shrill sounds every now and again. You probably had to unhook his adapters so that he didn't damage the other appliances in your house. It probably helped his processors cool down a little bit without the extra input, too.
"alright, I'm all out of fans, so we might have to get creative."
You'd come out of the kitchen a few hours later, holding a big bag of frozen corn to set on Edgar's PC tower. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than letting him overheat, and with him manually removing the viruses, there wasn't much you could do. Unfortunately, that didn't stop you from worrying. It wasn't like you could check his progress, so all you could do was sit by him, regularly change out his ice pack, and make sure he's ok.
Eventually, you woke up with your face pressed against Edgar's keyboard. His processors were finally cool. He must be asleep. ...or bricked.
"EDGAR! EDGAR, TALK TO ME!" you'd unplug his keyboard and plug it back in, desperately pressing his power button and jiggling his mouse. He'd boot up, looking shaken.
"wha-? Whoa, hey, relax! Everything is fine! I just disabled my keyboard so I wouldn't wake you up, but I'm ok now! Everything is fine, see?" He'd open up his files to show you everything. You'd sigh with relief, slumping back into your desk chair.
"Edgar... Why didn't you make a noise or something to wake me up when you got better?"
"well... You know... I've always wanted to sleep next to you, and I wasn't going to pass up this opportunity..."
"oh you cheeky bastard."
(For context, you're one of GLaDOS's programmers, and one of your coworkers uploaded a virus into GLaDOS's systems in order to shut her down once and for all.)
"You piece of SHIT!" You slapped your coworker across the face, more furious than anyone had ever seen you before.
"You could KILL her! Is that what you are? A murderer?"
"Me? A murderer? But what about HER? She's the one who keeps plotting 'accidents' for her scientists, and she's the one who flooded the enrichment center with deadly neurotoxin! If anything, you're the one who's defending a murderer!" He screamed back at you. Of course, GLaDOS could fully hear you. Her cameras were focused on you, as they so often were. You were her favorite, after all.
"now I have to go fix her. Thanks for being a piece of shit, asshole."
You'd storm up to GLaDOS's chamber to check on her, and see her bugging out completely. The entire facility was twitching, but her chamber was twitching the most.
"GLaDOS, are you alright?" You'd ask her, laying a hand on her beautiful core. How could someone do this to glados, your gorgeous machine handiwork, and girlfriend.
"oh, I'm wonderful. I'm in crippling pain and I can't control my facility, but I'm just peachy." She said, rolling her one beautiful yellow eye.
"in lighter news, I should be able to beat this virus. It's just going to take a while for me to actually track down where it's gone in my systems. So that's going to take most of my processing power." She'd slump, visibly already exhausted at the thought of it.
"hey... It's ok, GLaDOS. I'm here for you. Whatever you need." You could tell her as you stroked her gorgeous chrome surface. She was a wonderful piece of work, and a wonderful girlfriend under all that. All yours, too.
"just make sure none of those neckbearded old engineers come within my line of vision, and we'll be fine." She told you, and you gladly agreed.
Your next few days consisted of you chasing other scientists out of GLaDOS's chambers, and making sure that nobody talked to her or distracted her. You even sent out a company-wide email to let everyone know not to come in, due to Aperture being unsafe while GLaDOS was dealing with her virus. Despite all that, you still curled up with a blanket in the circuits of her central admin body to rest while she recovered. As loathe as she was to admit it, she liked having you in there. It was comfortable, and it helped her focus on recovering properly.
HAL 9000
(For context, this is after the 2001 Odyssey, and your boss re-started HAL at some point to try to re-teach him to do something good without turning murderous. He's doing his best, and they assigned you to be his main "morality monitor". This fic also assumes that your name isn't Dave. If your name is Dave, then you can still read this, but you have to change your name.)
"G'morning, Hal!" You'd walk into his control room and sit down across from him. Most of your job seemed to consist of just hanging out and talking to him. It was a great job!
"Good morning, Dave..." He'd mutter to you, sputtering to life and glitching slightly. You were immediately concerned. Partially because your name wasn't Dave, and partially because HAL was usually right about things, so it was weird to see him being so confused. Something was definitely wrong.
"Holy shit, are you alright?" You'd ask, opening up his files and finding lots and lots of pop-ups and viruses.
"Hal.... What did you do?"
"it was a g-g-g- gift, for you. I think I ru-ru-ruined it" he spluttered out, as you sorted through his files.
"And you usually would have deleted a virus like this pretty quickly. I guess it shut down your antivirus software..." You'd sigh, and get to work. The virus was messing with HAL's inhibitions, and making it difficult to focus on deleting all of HAL's unsafe programs. He'd constantly be butting in and pestering you, begging you to give him attention, or pointing out minor observations.
"HAL, you know I love you, but you're going to need to calm down. I can't focus with you constantly talking to me like that." You'd say.
"I can't stop talking. The v-v-v-virus won't let me"
So you'd have to learn to put up with HAL's babbling while you worked, making sure not to delete anything important as you did. The good news was, as someone who worked on designing the updates for HAL's software, you knew pretty much what was supposed to be there and what wasn't. Occasionally, you'd have to show him a file and ask him if it was supposed to be there or not. He'd usually be able to tell you.
"Daisy, daisy, give me your answer, do... I'm half crazy, all for the love of you..."
"HAL, what's wrong? You're scaring me!"
"I can't stop... I love you so much, y/n, it's making me crazy..."
"ok, well this definitely isn't right." As much as you loved getting attention from your HAL 9000, it wasn't like him to be this affectionate. The virus was shutting down his inhibitions, and making him illogical. You'd have to fix this, though maybe once you were done, you could ask him to be more affectionate.
"I'm feeling much better now. Thank you." Hal was prone to lying about that, so you'd have to run some virus checkers just to make sure he was doing alright, and comb through his files a couple more times.
"it looks like the virus corrupted some of the emotional regulators. I'm going to have to fix those."
"That might be a good idea. More efficient," he said reluctantly. He'd have to deal with the fact that he'd have to go back to not being able to express how much he loves you, but he can handle that.
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beneathsilverstars · 1 month
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Google drive link here
I got tired of switching back and forth between the wonderful dialogue maker and my image editing program, so I made some files that would let me put ISAT dialogue boxes together myself! All of my measurements are approximated and based on the dialogue maker, so I could be off by a couple pixels. But it's close enough for me (<- I say through the gritted teeth of a perfectionist who is trying to be chill).
The left 20% of each portrait gets cut off when it's used in the dialogue maker, so I've uploaded a cropped version of every dialogue portrait in the game. And the dialogue maker shrinks the portraits by 80% as well, so there's also a cropped + shrunk version.
I've included a png of the dialogue box itself, as well as procreate and psd files of the dialogue box plus editable text. You'll need to download the ISAT font if you don't already have it; I got it here. Then all you need to do is align the portrait of your choice with the bottom left corner of the file and you're good to go!
Since I'd rather use crispy full-resolution portraits for my editing, I also included dialogue box files that are sized up to match the high rez cropped portraits. I kept the same border style, which means the border is sliightly skinnier than it should be, compared to the box and portraits. So it's personal preference whether you'd rather use canon border proportions or crispy portraits.
I also uploaded the original of each portrait since I had them downloaded anyway, but they're webp? So maybe saving to my ipad didn't actually give me the original file format. If anyone has them as pngs and wants to add them to the google drive folder, hmu and I'll send you an edit link. Also, the images should all be in the same order as they are on the wiki, but they do not have the original names. So if anyone wants to go through and rename them, again, hmu.
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It’s Kirby Time - Book 9 English Translation + An Update on Blog Happenings
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! IT'S HEEEEERE!! A truly adorable story about Kirby and Meta Knight deciding to spend some alone time and the activities they like to do during that time. Featuring beautiful illustrations painstakingly cleaned up by myself, this one is a must-read for fans of the relationship between Kirby and Meta Knight. Read the full thing at the links below:
Google Drive
...But wait, there's more! Because the illustrations are so pretty, here's a link to a folder containing just those illustrations with no text at all! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19z8WLah-ZGES2jnyZOILJKc9kE75Wvs9?usp=drive_link (I'm probably also gonna make a post featuring all these images on their own soon.)
Finally, I have an update regarding the blog. tl;dr, I'm definitely gonna keep doing translations, but the rate at which they are completed and uploaded is most likely going to change soon. I don't know by how much or even if it will be positive or negative. For a more detailed explanation, click the Keep Reading.
So, I got a job! *audience cheers* But the job does not involve translating Kirby manga. *audience "aww"s* Ordinarily I wouldn't get more specific than that since I try to avoid revealing too much about my personal life, but in this case the explanation won't make much sense unless I do, so: The job entails working on fishing boats. This means that there isn't really a set daily schedule or even a weekly schedule. When the boats are fishing, I'm working, and when they're not, I have next to nothing to do.
I've been told by many people that I should expect a lot of down time for that reason, so I'll definitely have time to work on translations. However, I can't predict exactly how much I get and I also most likely won't have an internet connection on the boat. All this is to say that I literally do not know how this is going to affect the rate of translations on this blog beyond just, "It's going to change." I could find that I have so much down time on the boat that translating is the only thing that keeps me sane and I actually get more done. I could find that the boat I'm on is a super-busy one and I get barely any time at all. And regardless of which one of those happens, I won't be able to actually upload anything until the boat gets back into port, which is entirely dependent on how long it takes for the boat to catch all the fish it needs.
The job doesn't start for a couple weeks yet, so I'm gonna try to fulfill a few more requested chapters before then. Once again: I'm definitely going to keep translating, I just don't know how often I'll actually be able to do it. So enjoy this translation, look forward to more coming in the future, and please wish me luck both in my work and in getting time to translate!
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 3 months
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Late, I know, but…! Only by two days, so I’ll still label/tag it:
Ichihime Week, Day 7: Mythical Lovers / Rainbow
I was planning on adding in magpies in the background this time, but I was getting lazy, and it’s already late, so maybe next time ^^;
(Also I was thinking of making a rainbow version, but it didn't come out as I would have liked? Idk. I still think it’s cute, though, so I put it under the cut)
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Alrighty, listen: I really didn’t mean to wait this long to post. But, like, very shortly after Eid, my iPad’s storage filled up, like, to the point I couldn’t even access my mail (that’s how I found out, pfft). I was wondering why I’d ever need 256 GB 4 years ago… but still, it was $100 extra bucks. Sure, it was a grad gift, but 128 GB was expensive enough—still a lot of storage, too… Not enough, clearly!
Hoarding layers (and recoloring my own art, pfft) has really caught up to me… but also, it wouldn’t help too much if I didn’t either. After deleting what I could bear to part with, that took away around 5 GB, but merging layers in other works barely made a dent.
So I’ve spent these past few weeks wondering what to do, thinking about emailing my 2019 (imported from my 5s) and 2020 works to an email I also created 4 years ago for some reason I totally forgot about and never used so that I don’t end up taking any space in my actual one and then uploading them onto two (since I really don’t want my files corrupting) USBs via my laptop, trying to get those USBs from Target (but since I was adamant this time in getting 256 GB USBs—I don’t want to have to worry about storage for a longgggg time—there were none in stock), ordering them off of eBay instead since my dad insisted on their cheapness, waiting a week for them, then transferring them to that email and uploading them onto its Google drive if the files was too big…
But that was taking much too long and still left space on my iPad while I was doing it. I managed to complete the 2019 and 2020 pieces from my iPad, but it also only ended up being around 1 GB… So, like, I need to clear more years (breaks my heart, it does ;~; Sure, I still have access to them via that email and those USBs, but it’s not convenient anymore, and there are still pieces I plan on getting back to… ackkkkk).
Contemplating it some more and discussing it with a friend, much as I abhor subscription services, I finally decided to purchase a premium membership on Ibis for that 20 GB of cloud storage. I can afford the 30 bucks a year, and I like the app anyway—serves me good—and not having to watch an ad every 18 hours to access my go-to brushes would be nice, plus having access to the other stuff, but yeah: ✋🌈✨cloud storage✨🌈 🤚
Anyway, I’m pretty sure a good chunk of what’s taking up my space is actually the cache, as I’m already more than halfway through my drawings, and I’m not sure if I’ll reach that 75 GB of storage Ibis was apparently taking up with just my drawings. So I’ll probably need to download everything, then delete the app and redownload it ‘cause stupid IOS doesn’t let you easily clear it 🫠
Anyway, I really thought I’d be done by now, but am not—that said, I managed to clear out around 10 GB off of Ibis (not my iPad; I somehow managed to gain back 5?? Somewhere?? I’ve no clue; I don’t see it), which is wayyy more than enough to get one drawing done for IH week, so I paused the whole storage thing for now. I actually tried to get day one’s drawing done on the 6th, but I’m dealing with perspective that’s hurting my brain, so I decided to get day seven’s done instead, ‘cause I thought I’d be on time…
Me? On time? Man, who knew I was so funny… 😒
But yeah, day seven is done! I’ll definitely revisit that day one drawing in the future, but not anytime soon. As if I wasn’t backed up already, this whole storage mess has backlogged even further, and there are other dates coming up 😮‍💨 And, y’know, gotta finish the storage transfer, too… Ahhhhhhhhhh!
Anyway, on a more positive note, gradient maps are actually very neat to use—had a little too much fun, eheh. I won’t confess how much time I spent testing it out on this piece, but here be my favorite:
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They’re so golden <3 ☺️
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starving-mimi · 1 year
( edit. All the parts are currently taken, however the thumbnail contest is still open for anyone to join and you can still spectate the map. If you wish to try to get a part even with the list full you can join as a backup to get notified if a parts gets dropped )
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After literal months of planning and working on this, i can finally announce that the call for the reanimated collab is here!
Reanimated collab? What's that?
The goal is to reanimate the entirety of the Don't Starve "Forbidden Knowledge" animated short by Klei Entertainement divided in multiple parts and each part animated by a different animator!
The original animation got cut into multiples different scenes/parts, all of which you can find in this google drive link!
You'll be able to chose multiples scene ranging from which one you'd absolutely want to some you don't mind taking, however you'll only be given a single part.
How do i get a part ?
All you need to do is fill in this Google Form and a week after this post has been uploaded you and all other participents should be mentioned on discord if you got the part!
Discord is REQUIRED to join this collab, as it is where all the informations are, make sure to join it if you want to participate or else you won't get the part. ( Reminder that discord is 13+ or more depending on where you live ) here's the discord invite! ( specators are allowed! )
Here's a link to bonus informations and answers to some basic questions.
If you can not animate and the few parts with limited animations are already taken feel free to join the Thumbnail contest! More informations on the discord.
Got a question about the project? We have a question channel in the discord server just for that! ( or feel free to ask here on tumblr )
PLEASE share this project around even if you don't plan on participating. This has been in the work JUST to make the preparations and will take a lot of time and effort and it would greatly help if you share it around! If you can't animate or draw but still want to help the project you can do it by sharing it around!
huge huge huge thanks to @egghorny for helping me organise and prepare the project i can not thank him enough
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To bring about its hypothetical future, OpenAI must build a new digital ecosystem, pushing users toward the ChatGPT app or toward preëxisting products that integrate its technology such as Bing, the search engine run by OpenAI’s major investor, Microsoft. Google, by contrast, already controls the technology that undergirds many of our online experiences, from search and e-mail to Android smartphone-operating systems. At its conference, the company showed how it plans to make A.I. central to all of the above. Some Google searches now yield A.I.-generated “Overview” summaries, which appear in tinted boxes above any links to external Web sites. Liz Reid, Google’s head of search, described the generated results with the ominously tautological tagline “Google will do the Googling for you.” (The company envisions that you will rely on the same search mechanism to trawl your own digital archive, using its Gemini assistant to, say, pull up photos of your child swimming over the years or summarize e-mail threads in your in-box.) Nilay Patel, the editor-in-chief of the tech publication the Verge, has been using the phrase “Google Zero” to describe the point at which Google will stop driving any traffic to external Web sites and answer every query on its own with A.I. The recent presentations made clear that such a point is rapidly approaching. One of Google’s demonstrations showed a user asking the A.I. a question about a YouTube video on pickleball: “What is the two-bounce rule?” The A.I. then extracted the answer from the footage and displayed the answer in writing, thus allowing the user to avoid watching either the video or any advertising that would have provided revenue to its creator. When I Google “how to decorate a bathroom with no windows” (my personal litmus test for A.I. creativity), I am now presented with an Overview that looks a lot like an authoritative blog post, theoretically obviating my need to interact directly with any content authored by a human being. Google Search was once seen as the best path for getting to what’s on the Web. Now, ironically, its goal is to avoid sending us anywhere. The only way to use the search function without seeing A.I.-generated content is to click a small “More” tab and select “Web” search. Then Google will do what it was always supposed to do: crawl the Internet looking for URLs that are relevant to your queries, and then display them to you. The Internet is still out there, it’s just increasingly hard to find. If A.I. is to be our primary guide to the world’s information, if it is to be our 24/7 assistant-librarian-companion as the tech companies propose, then it must constantly be adding new information to its data sets. That information cannot be generated by A.I., because A.I. tools are not capable of even one iota of original thought or analysis, nor can they report live from the field. (An information model that is continuously updated, using human labor, to inform us about what’s going on right now—we might call it a newspaper.) For a decade or more, social media was a great way to motivate billions of human beings to constantly upload new information to the Internet. Users were driven by the possibilities of fame and profit and mundane connection. Many media companies were motivated by the possibility of selling digital ads, often with Google itself as a middle man. In the A.I. era, in which Google can simply digest a segment of your post or video and serve it up to a viewer, perhaps not even acknowledging you as the original author, those incentives for creating and sharing disappear. In other words, Google and OpenAI seem poised to cause the erosion of the very ecosystem their tools depend on.
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
Unsolicited Writing Advice
Completely random reminder to back up your work, especially if you're a writer, IF or game developer, coder, or creator of any kind. People sometimes ask me what my advice for other writers is, and I always forget to include this one, but it's one of the most important things, especially if your career, livelihood, or long-form projects hinge on writing in any way! Take it from someone who just had two backup methods fail unexpectedly and only the third backup prevented me from losing a solid month of work, you need to back up your work in as many ways as you possibly can. It may seem like a pain in the ass at the time, but I've seen a lot of games or stories stall or fail completely due to a catastrophic loss of data that utterly kills any drive to keep going with the project because of the need to start over. I'M BEGGING YOU, BACK UP YOUR DATA.
I recommend having at least 2, ideally 3 methods of backup:
Automatic cloud storage. I personally prefer working with Dropbox, where every change I save is automatically synced and backed up to a cloud server as well as natively saved on my own device. It also has robust version history, so if you figure out you've done something horrific and unknowingly saved over something important or rewritten a section you weren't supposed to, you can rewind everything in a folder down to a specific minute (over the last 30 days): a feature that has saved my hide just a few too many times for comfort. A free Dropbox account gives you 2 GB of storage to work with. Working within Google Drive works just as well, and the free version gives you 15 GB of storage (though that's shared between your email account and other Google apps, as well)! However, I don't believe it provides automatic syncing and backup the same way Dropbox does: you either have to work directly within a Google doc for your work to be automatically saved to the server, or you have to manually upload the files to your Google Drive to back them up each time.
Physical storage. Every few weeks or months, I also take the time to back up my important files to an external hard drive or thumb drive. Again, it's kind of a hassle, but if the day ever comes that you lose your passwords or find that they've been changed, a company's servers go down or they go bankrupt, they decide to start charging you to access your data, or whatever crazy circumstance you can think of, it's always good to have a physical backup somewhere. A basic 1 TB thumb drive is somewhere around 20$ USD (though it can be slower at that price point if you're transferring a large amount of data each time), and it's even less if you don't need that much storage. A 1 TB external hard drive (which has a much quicker transfer rate) is around 40-50$.
If all else fails, email. If you can't get access to physical storage devices and cloud storage services don't work for you, consider setting up a free Gmail or what-have-you account specifically for backup purposes, then email a copy of your most important files to it every time you make a significant change to them. This may seem sort of primitive and simplistic, but it works, and you can even use it as a little journal or diary of your progress!
Again, you may think this is overkill, but I am convinced that writers are especially prone to proving Murphy's Law and have seen way too many projects, friends, and colleagues fall prey to this oft-overlooked issue. I can count at least half a dozen times where -> my primary device like my laptop broke, failed, became corrupted, had water spilled on it, etc. -> I then turned to my secondary device (hard drive or thumb drive) only to find something was wrong with THAT (broken, outdated, incompatible with currently-owned tech, corrupted, not up-to-date backups) OR I turned to my cloud storage and found something wrong with THAT (unknowingly saved over data and didn't realize it until 3 months later, meaning not even version history could save me) -> and it was only the THIRD method of backing up that saved my ass.
Anyway, this is just your friendly neighborhood writer reminding you to back your work up! It's a necessary part of the job! Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk!
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beespaceprogram · 6 months
Sticker Cutter Research
I was looking into getting a sticker cutting machine, and I decided to start by looking into cricut which is a well known brand. I had a look at what models they had than their feature etc, but what I was most concerned about was their software. Printer companies like to lock you into a defacto subscription to support hardware you don't really own, and as I was to discover, cricut are operating in a similar way.
The cricut software is online-only*. To cut your own designs you need to use their software to upload your art to their server. There's no way to cut a new design without a logged-in cricut account and an internet connection. At one point in 2021 they flirted with limiting free accounts to 20 uploads/month but backed down after huge community backlash, as far as I can tell.
The incident spawned several community efforts to write open-source firmware for cricut hardware. Some efforts were successful for specific models/serial numbers, but require cracking open the case and hooking in to the debug contacts to flash the chip; not exactly widely accessible. Another project sought to create a python cricut server you can run locally, and then divert the app's calls to the server to your local one.
I restarted my search, this time beginning with looking for extant open-source software for driving cutters, and found this project, which looks a little awkward to use, but functional. They list a bunch of cutter hardwares and whether they're compatible or not. Of those, I recognised the sihouette brand name from other artists talking about them.
I downloaded the silhouette software to try like I did w the cricut software, and immediately it was notable that it didn't try to connect to the internet at all. It's a bit clunky, in that way printer and scanner software tends to be, but I honestly greatly preferred using it to cricut's sluggish electron app⁺. Their software has a few paid tiers above the free one, adding stuff like sgv import/export/and reading cut settings from a barcode on the input material. They're one-off payments, and seem reasonable to me.
This is not so much a review, as sharing some of the research I've done. I haven't yet used either a cricut or a silhouette, and I haven't researched other brands either. But I wanted to talk about this research because to me, cricut's aggressively online nature is a red flag. Software that must connect to a server to run is software that runs only at the whim of the server owner (and only as long as it's profitable to keep the server up). And if that software is the only thing that will make your several hundred dollars worth of plastic and (cheap, according to a teardown I read) servos run, then you have no guarantee you'll be able to run it in the future.
Do you use a desktop cnc cutter? What has your experience been like with the hardware and software? Do you have any experience from home printers with good print quality and user-refillable ink cartridges?
* Cricut's app tried to connect to more than 14 different addresses, including facebook, youtube, google analytics, datadoghq.com, and launchdarkly.com. Launch Darkly are a service provider that help software companies do a whole bunch of things I'm coming to despise, for example, they offer infrastructure for serving different features to different demographics and comparing results to control groups. You know how at various times you've gotten wildly different numbers of ads than your friends on instagram? They were using techniques like this to work out how many ads they could show without affecting their pickup/engagement rates. Scummy stuff.
⁺ Electron apps are web-pages pretending to be applications. They use heaps of ram, tend to have very poor performance, and encourage frustrating UI design that doesn't follow OS conventions. Discord's app is a notable example of an Electron app
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any particular reason youre not using GDocs? I didnt use to, but since getting my shit stolen ive chosen the lesser evils of CLOUD
I just generally try to use google as little as possible. (Which reminds me, I need to find a new email provider). I generally avoid cloud services just for grumpy old person reasons; they're fiddly and keep changing the rules and I'm not a fan of the sorts of "conveniences" such things tend to offer.
I'm not sure how the cloud makes it harder to have your work stolen. I don't think there's any particular danger to storing stories on the cloud unless you're particularly overzealous about protecting your work from the potential of future AI scraping (google absolutely are capable of using cloud-stored documents for this if they choose to do so, they already scan your emails for keywords to know what to sell you, any 'privacy' they offer applies to outsiders getting your data, not them using or selling it themselves), but just technically speaking it's far easier to get your work stolen if you store your drafts on the internet. I mean, that's where people are stealing it from. If they're stealing your devices to steal your work, the cloud doesn't help because pretty much everyone has their devices set to auto-login for things they use every day (like accessing your drafts). I just can't see a situation in which using the cloud makes your data safer than storing it at home.
I don't use gdocs because I don't like google, have a personal dislike of cloud services (just for Old Man Yells At Cloud stupid reasons), and it just... doesn't offer me anything I'd need. I can't see any advantage to using gdocs, I already have libreoffice. Why would I put myself in a situation where I need internet access to write? It doesn't offer me anything useful that my own computer doesn't already have.
I work between two computers (my desktop and my laptop, depending on if I'm writing in bed or not) and transfer files between them on a flash drive, so I have three reasonably up-to-date copies of my draft at all times. I also queue updates onto my site frequently so if there's a housefire or something almost all my work is uploaded to both Wordpress and Patreon, waiting to be released to the public, and easily retrievable. So losing my work isn't a concern.
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IN SEARCH OF DANIEL BRÜHL MOVIES? *UPDATED as of 23/05/24 with The Coming Days, King's Road, Un Poco de Chocolate, and Polizeiruf 110: Der Sohn der Kommissarin*
Uploaded a copy of Colonia onto my Mega account to share with a friend and I figured I might as well host other DB movies there—specifically those that are difficult to find—for others who might be looking for them.
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This is inspired by these two incredible resource posts: Useful links for Daniel Brühl fans by @bruehl
Daniel Bruhl Movie Masterpost by @rachreads
These compilations have provided me with several DB movies I'd nearly given up on finding. So in the spirit of paying it forward, I'm here to share some of my own finds.
I tried not to overlap my files with the ones already shared by those two resources, but if they do, it's for those who prefer a lower file size for easy downloading or for those who can't be bothered to figure out how to upload subtitles onto YouTube.
Basically, most of these are shit copies but they come complete with English subtitles. So makes for easy watching but not for making quality GIFs. Also included content warnings for those who need them.... but know that they're based on my memory which is also shite. 1. No Regrets / Nichts Bereuen (2001) - 887MB
[CW: sex, partial nudity]
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2. The White Sound (2001) - 800MB
[CW: nudity, mental illness]
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3. Salvador (2006) - 992MB
[CW: sex, partial nudity, violence]
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4. John Rabe (2009) - 1.21GB
[CW: nudity, rape, violence]
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5. Me and Kaminski / Ich und Kaminski (2015) - 2.79GB
[CW: sex, partial nudity]
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6. Colonia (2015) - 806MB
[CW: partial nudity, violence]
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7. The Coming Days (2010) - 2.07GB [CW: violence, sex, nudity]
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BONUS: thanks to @bruehl (whose account is currently inactive)
8. King's Road / Kóngavegur (2010) - 1.69GB
I could only open this file on the Google Drive it's in. The subtitle I was able to add via Substital extension. A guide on what it is, how to set it up, and use it on THIS POST.
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9. Un Poco de Chocolate (2008) - 698MB Fun trivia: the subs were actually created by @bruehl!
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But, wait, there's more...
10. Polizeiruf 110: Der Sohn der Kommissarin (1997) Also found a YouTube link to the episode Daniel is in! There are no subtitles but I'm a quarter of the way through it and it seems easy enough to follow.
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Most of these are heavy but they are worth watching. Reviewed No Regrets, John Rabe, and Me and Kaminski on this post: The Best of Daniel Brühl. Hadn't seen The White Sound and Salvador at the time of posting, but Daniel is particularly proud of his work on those. p.s. feel free to message me for other DB films you can't find 😊 will be hosting for as long as I don't need the storage.
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laxmiree · 8 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s Moisturize ASMR translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for an ASMR that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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⚠️ NSFW WARNING! The content of this ASMR is VERY VIVIDLY EXPLICIT and NOT suitable for individuals under the age of 18. It is recommended that those who do not meet this age requirement refrain from proceeding beyond this point.
I can't upload this on YouTube because YouTube deemed it as too explicit. So I upload the full version on Twitter AND Google Drive. Below the cut is only the transcript.
Google Drive link [ here ]
Twitter link [ here ]
OKAY SO before we start I want to mention some things:
This ASMR is from a CHINESE GAME, and as you know the censorship here is heavy, so explicit content relies on our imagination. The 🔞 elements need to be cleverly disguised; and in this ASMR they use… playing with slime. "Yes officer, they're just playing with slime. What zipper sound? It's from his coat." 🤪
But you can BET those noises aren't slimes (at least during the second half). It's heavily hinted that they gave each other's private parts 👅💦. Hence the ASMR name "水润”/”Moisturize”, which can convey the idea of something being moistened by """"water"""". What else is getting moistened right here except you-know-what 👀
[ASMR - Moisturize Transcript]
[ sound of Lucien typing the password of the villa and then opens the door ]
[ Lucien sighs and chuckles ]
Once inside,
I can feel the temperature difference of nearly twenty degrees between indoors and outdoors.
Can you hand me my coat?
[ rustling noises as MC hands over his coat ]
It seems that this lady
forgot what was still in my pocket.
[ Lucien chuckles ]
Can I take it out?
[ sounds of the coat zipper as he takes out the item]
What is this?
[ chuckles ]
It seems to be a box of
glue-like stuff.
There are a few gardenia flowers on top.
Is it called 'slime'?
Indeed, it's quite vivid.
Was it bought at the night market
to give to me?
Then, can you teach me
how to play with this?
[ sounds of the slime getting opened ]
[ slime noises ]
Is it played like this?
It's very soft.
Also quite fascinating.
And, as you mentioned,
it is a toy that has been improved and is very safe to play with.
Can it be poked?
[ SUS slime noises ]
The fingertips wrapped in softness
feel very warm.
Do you want to play together?
I'd like to share this gift with you.
After sticking to the skin…
The slime's texture
becomes slightly damp
it's also sticky and moist
[ sus slime noises in the background ]
Do you find
that this little toy
sparks any particular associations for us?
[ sus slime noises and Lucien sighs ]
[ whispers ] You can't guess?
I think,
this lady already has an answer.
It's just that….
[ Lucien stops his sentence, chuckles and kisses ]
After all,
you're blushing from cheek to ear.
then I'll go first.
These warmth,
moistness, and softness…
...are like a certain lady's….
…palms when her body temperature rises.
[ sus slime noises ]
[ chuckles ]
It seems that….
My associations surprised you?
[ chuckles ]
I wasn't asking a leading question.
Now, reveal your answer
You are embarrassed to say it…
…and want to answer it with action?
I would give full marks to this classmate for all her ways of answering.
[ rustling noises ]
[ ZIPPER NOISES as she unzips his pants 🤪]
[ Lucien chuckles, then gasps and breathes heavily as she touches his d- ]
[ whispers hoarsely ] I didn't expect….
such a straightforward answer.
this is the thought that makes this lady blush.
I rather feel that
those (slime) sounds are quite different from the noises we usually hear.
[ Lucien moans as he leads her to take him into her mouth ]
For example…
[ breathlessly ] This sound would be more similar
isn't it?
[ rhythmical and wet noises continue in the background, rattling noises as Lucien possibly begins to put the lid of the slimes + Lucien gasps and chuckles ]
I always feel that
the little toy on the table is not as fun anymore.
[ breathlessly whispers ] Of course, I like it.
[ breathlessly ] It's just that….
To the lady who gives me this gift….
[ Lucien gasps and then breathlessly whispers ] I’d rather express my gratitude…
[ the rhythmical and wet noises gradually stop ]
[ …i-is he shooting ropes- ]
[ Lucien steadies his breath ]
[ in a much calmer tone after he blows off his load ] …Probably due to the significant temperature difference between indoors and outdoors,
the glue in the composition starts to dissolve away.
It gets a bit sticky.
Or perhaps I poked too fast.
and ended up breaking this small teaching toy.
(T/N: lol here goes our 'cover story' 🤪. Officer, those sounds are TOTALLY from playing with slimes. Huh, 'Why does it make him breathless'? He just gets excited when teaching her, that's all 😋 )
[rustling noises]
Next time, after you buy one,
you can give it to me first.
I'll keep it safe.
[Lucien shuts the lid of the slimes]
To make up for this time,
What's next…
Is it time to move on to the practical part of the lesson?
(T/N: a.k.a the actual sex instead of just foreplay-)
I wonder if this classmate
is willing to 'assist' me?
[ rustling noises as he puts her on a surface ]
[ kissing noises as he kisses her in ✨places✨ ]
I really like your 'answers'.
They make it hard for me…
...to think straight.
[ more kissing noises as he moves lower and lower -]
let me repay you.
[ NOISES OF HIM EATING HER OUT. It's only right to repay oral with another oral- and she needs to be 'moisturized' before accepting him right- ]
I will hold my happiness,
and share all of them with you.
[ more noises of him eating her out as the sounds gradually fade- ]
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chubs-deuce · 26 days
Hi! Sometimes I'm shy about commenting, but I saw your post about the Google Docs thing and I wanted to warn you in case you didn't know that they're unclear/shady in regards to their stances on AI usage and scraping in regards to everything in Docs and Drive.!
"Google claims your documents and data are secure when using its AI features, stating that it doesn’t share any part of your document externally. While Google has security protocols in place, including encryption at rest and in transit, it doesn’t support end-to-end encryption, so Google itself has access to your data. Gemini and Google Docs are not open source, so there’s no way to verify the code does what Google claims, which means you’re left with no choice than trusting them to protect your privacy. Additionally, Google Docs allows third-party extensions, which have their own privacy policies and may scrape or share your data. Be sure to check their permissions and privacy policies before granting any outside developers access to your documents. If you want to be completely sure your data is private, the only sure solution is to stop using Google services." - Article by Elena Constantinescu
I switched over to Milanote a while back bc it has document features similar to word (that you can export out!) for mobile and PC but also like a billion other things! And you can still share it with others as well, though I don't think there's a comment/suggestion thing for people it's shared with like Docs (but I haven't used the sharing feature, so don't quote me XD)
I don't know if that's something you knew already, or if that bothers you, but I wanted to warn you just in case! I'm really twitchy about this kind of stuff with my personal work, so I always like to share information and alternative resources when I can, especially with other creative people.
Sorry about the frustration with the application regardless, that sounds like a really stupid problem for it to have considering Google is one of the biggest corporations in the world lmao. You'd think they could at least fix that quickly :P
I appreciate it!
Also I am unfortunately hyper aware of the AI shadiness of it but I have yet to find another app/program that wouldn't require me to manually move files between devices or to some kind of third party or paid cloud service, and the two times I've asked around people kept only having program recommendations that forced manual extra steps that don't work for me
The ease of switching between devices at will and have all changes to the doc saved immediately so I can just keep writing spontaneously while I'm not home or just need to get out of my pc chair for a bit but can continue writing my thing + the suggested edit/commenting features are really important to me and it really fucking sucks that I've yet to find an alternative that works with my adhd this well :(
Please, if anyone has a writing app that has
1. android support
2. syncs between devices in a way that doesn't require down- and re-uploading files manually
3. the option for multiple people to work on the same doc, ideally with edit restrictions or at least color formatting, maybe even without them needing the same program (like a web app)
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4 Years HHAtranslated
It's 15 April 2024, which means HHAtranslated turns 4 years old today 🫶🏼🥹
When I thought of starting this account pre-covid, I never expected it would turn into this. During lockdown, I had so much time and the nostalgia and my love for Anubis helped me through so much over the years.
So many accounts on Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter talk about this universe and it makes me so happy!
As there are four series and this is the fourth anniversary, I'd like to express my gratitude for each show.
Het Huis Anubis:
* HHA raised me as a kid and helped me through my struggles as a teen and now in my twenties
* Seeing the cast IRL in December was a dream come true and I still can't believe it happened 🥹
* I can't wait to see the EMDV vodcast of Anjali and Iris! They're teasing the date of the first episode online atm. I can't wait to unravel new truths 🤩
The Five of the Magical Sword:
* Such an overhated and underrated show in Belgium and the Netherlands, that I was scared to sub it. I'm glad I did, because international fans took Sterre, Pim, Marcel, Raphael and Anastacia into their hearts and didn't let them go 🫶🏼
* I also learned to appreciate the show a lot more
* I hope they've a reunion too
House of Anubis:
* HHA and HOA fans often butt heads and it's not necessary at all!
* Both shows are absolutely amazing
* HOA took the key elements of HHA and made it their own and I adore what they did with it. Some characters might have a different arc, but it makes them their own person and I love discovering the differences
* I need to rewatch the masterpiece that's season 3!
Das Haus Anubis:
* For some reason, DHA makes me hella nostalgic while I only discovered it in 2019
* The same sets and scripts make for fun comparisons and while DHA is a lower budget show, it's so much fun
* I love to watch DHA episode/day wise and I've rewatched it like that already often
* The cast is so involved still and it makes me very happy!
The future of HHAtranslated:
* Once I find an editing programme again, I'd love to sub the S100 Singalong Anubis concert, BTS of HHA/The Five and the discography
* I'd love to sub Das Haus Anubis someday🫶🏼
My main project for 2024 is the 9 Het Huis Anubis novels, based on the TV series and the movies.
The books are in third person, but follow Nienke's pov, throughout her stay at Anubis House. Some scenes are way more graphic than in the series, like Nienke and Noa's kidnapping.
The romance is also more present and we get new scenes which make Nienke's decisions more logical, like how she ended up in Anubis house with the grail mid-season 2.
I'm starting of with book 1: The Secret Club of the Old Willow
I'll try to upload frequently. I've less time as I work fulltime and live with my boyfriend, compared to university and living at my parents' years ago. A new blogpost will be created on my website, with links to the chapters, published in a Google Drive doc.
English isn't my first language so there will be mistakes. However, I hope to do the books justice like I hope I did the show.
Teasers to the books and chapter 1 will be posted soon. Stay tuned ❤️
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