#which I’m sure I can achieve lmfao
crybaby-bkg · 2 years
so glad that Tuesday is my last day of classes for the semester. I just hope my stats final doesn’t absolutely demolish me bc I can’t TAKE IT!!!!!!!!
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canarysage · 2 months
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…make a psd?
this is a question i get pretty routinely, and i’m going to tell you upfront: there is no one way to make a psd. there’s no ‘better’ way, no ‘easier’ method, you just have to figure it out yourself.
with that said, this post is going to be how i, personally, make my psds, just for the sake of reference. my way isn’t better or worse than anyone else’s—it’s just the way i do things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i. making a showcase/moodboard
depending on the psd you want to achieve, your moodboard will probably look different—if you’re making a blue psd it will be mostly blue, if you’re making a psd based on a certain character or card set it will be based around that, etc. i made myself a general showcase that i test my psds on that includes both irl images and darker skin characters, because i like for my psds to work for those purposes most of the time. my showcase is below if you’d like to use it!
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it’s best to include sources you edit frequently so you know what works on them and what doesn’t but how the moodboard looks exactly is up to you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i also recommend using swatchies (original by zeroresources on d*viantart) as long as you bear in mind that swatchies is not a great guideline for actual dark skin
ii. creating the base
actual step two is creating a folder but that takes like two seconds. do make a folder though or you will be sad.
after making a folder, start making the base of your psd; whatever the foundation is going to be. depending on how you want your psd to look, this will look very different. i personally always start off with a gradient map, just to get things going
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my settings for this are the default black and white gradient map set to reverse, and it’s set to blending mode soft light at 35% opacity. i typically do something in the range of 20-45% opacity depending on how i want it to look
i’m honestly not sure where i picked up this habit but it does make it a little easier to get things going for me personally. it’s a simple change but it’s a good start. if you want higher contrast you can do the same thing but without reversing the gradient map
next thing i do when creating a base is add a selective color layer, which helps things pick up the pace. i’m too lazy to write it all down but these are my settings:
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worlds ugliest collage so i don’t max out my images LMFAO apologies. obviously depending on what colors you want to focus on this will look different. for this one i completely axed magenta and emphasized blue and red/yellow. i also maxed out the black in white, which is extremely typical in my psds. this is what our psd looks like now:
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pretty different already, right? nice!
next thing i typically do is another selective color layer. it’s typically pretty similar to the first, but once again that depends on the psd! the worlds worst collage again:
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pretty much the same but a little different. and our results:
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as you can see, this is pretty saturated and a little all over the place. not to worry—let’s move onto the next step!
iii. let’s get serious
this step varies a lot depending on what my psd needs, but because this one is pretty sayurated right now and that seems to be my main problem, i’m going to add a photo filter in a light grayish-blue to help desaturate and cool it down
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(i unchecked preserve luminosity here because i think it looks neat. i don’t recommend doing that if you’re using a darker color bc it gets hard to see, but you can do whatever forever)
obviously this isn’t the only way to desaturate but i find it fun. observe:
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definitely better, at least to me, but still not great. we’re going to add another selective color layer bc the skintones look kinda wack. welcome back world’s worst collage:
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i only adjusted some of the colors in this one because i wanted to fix specific problems; namely that the darker skin tones were too dark and ashy.
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mission accomplished
with that done, it’s time for hue/saturation! for funsies ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ this part i just had some fun with. a new collage:
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and the results:
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purple! this wasn’t what i originally had in mind but it was much more fun to do tbh LMAO i decided to turn the cyan/blue into purple because it looked better in my head
iv. okay now get silly again
now that the main meat—so to speak—of our psd is done, we can add some fun layers. if you want ideas for this, i have a post about it, but what i’m gonna add as my first silly layer is channel mixer, which is one of my personal favorite layers
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pretty simple adjustments for channel mixer honestly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but i thought this would look fun. as a general rule of thumb i don’t mess with the red channel so much because it tends to screw over my skintones, but, as with anything, you’re free to do whatever forever
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next fun layer i’m gonna add is a noise gradient map, also just for funsies
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i randomized until i got a nice pink-ish kinda one. i was hoping for blue but all the blue ones were too green and i got impatient LOL
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a little fucked but for sure fun. i set the gradient map to soft light at about 15% opacity. it gave the psd a fun texture and a bit of extra warmth
v. finishing touches
sometimes i add a couple more layers, sometimes i add less, but this psd feels about done so imma wrap it up. i typically don’t save my psds as the showcase for my storage’s sake, so i’m gonna grab something to use as an icon. i typically go ahead and size it at about 300x300
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hello, haruka! once i have my icon set i duplicate the folder into the new project and name both the project and the folder. how you name it is up to you, i usually either use a random word generator or just whatever comes to mind. in this case, i’m just naming it ‘tutorial psd’ lol
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then go to file and save as psd, bada bing bada boom you’ve got a psd ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
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as i said at the beginning, there’s no one way to make a psd. this isn’t the only process or even the best one, it’s just how i personally work. the best way to make a psd on your own is fuck around and find out <3 canarysage out
…so that’s how you do it.
P.S. the psd i made here will be posted under the tag #tutorial psd. you’re free to poke around in it and use it as per usual. if you want to copy it, feel free, but don’t claim it’s your own or repost it as your work. thanks!
P.P.S. wondering about adjustment layers? see photopea for dummies. wondering about something i haven’t covered yet? shoot me an ask ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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supermaks · 1 year
Do you maybe know if there are articles with the reactions of younger drivers to max coming into f1? Like maybe what drivers like esteban, pierre, alex, charles or even like george were thinking at that time. I'm just really curious to know what the younger Gen of drivers (especially esteban since he won the previous championship) were saying when they saw one of their peers in a f1 car, winning in an f1 car, before they were even on the grid.
Thats a fun question!! idk if I went looking for it the right way but well here u go. 😽🌼
Just somethign to keep in mind is that teen athletes are literally being held at gunpoint at all times by somebody whose sole job is to make sure everybody likes them and they're like thee most employable people in the world. So they wont exactly come out and say how they feel in that moment u shud prolly look to older drivers or mentors or pundits for that. Also Reddit is down and that’s usually where u can find some real juicy and biased one liners without context. The real stuff yk.
Ok so in 2015/2016 I think all Esteban said when asked was that Max had become his 'reference point' and that he hoped to join Max in f1 and ‘eventually beat him’. But something he's admitted since then is that Max's f1 debut was 'difficult to swallow' because he was the one who was winning in f3 and yet Max got the invite. I think Esteban understands why and ultimately he used Max's achievement as motivation, and still does. Last year he called Max a ‘shining example of their generation of drivers’ which I thought was very beautiful.
Baby sharls declarations to the media on the other hand are literally just chatgp wid a mortal conscience. No fr. In 2014 he called Max a 'formidable rival' and said competing wid Max 'builds character' and 'multiple crashes wid Max on track gave him 'additional experience’ in his career. Also ‘coming within 2 seconds of Max Verstappen in KTM was exceptional’. 😭 bro had that experience section LOCKED he wasn’t taking any chances. George I couldn’t find any quotes from that year but George has always had a backhanded type of media game he likes to play wid Verstappen that imo, is very insecure and boring. Last year he said that Max was ‘very patient wid Red Bull’ because in ‘5 years he only won won like 8 races’ and now this season he’s won ‘like 15’. Even tho he ‘deserved to fight for titles sooner’ he didn’t have a ‘championship car’ and now he does so he can. Remarkable. George later adds to this completely unprompted that maybe if Max had ‘signed wid merc first’ and gotten Lewis Hamilton for a teammate’ he wudnt have had such an ‘easy time’ and maybe his career wud resemble George’s more. I have nothing to say to this because I’m an incredibly mature person and it’s pride month. I will instead take a sip of water and listen to my gf snore and wonder what nick latifi is doing. If hes happy.
Now here is where we’re gonna put the Max Generational Limit because the following drivers are all at least 2 years older than Max and had their careers inadvertently shaped by helmut putting an underage child in a f1 car.
So Daniil Kvyat as u can imagine wasn’t exactly ✨thrilled ✨ considering max went on to steal his seat ((and his baby mama.😐😐)). When asked about the mid season swap wid Max he said, ‘I don't know, 18 years old is probably on the edge. But who can say? It is his seat now and it is up to him to do something with it’. To Kvyats credit Max did do something wid it lmfao. He has also recently talked about rbr ‘stabbing him in the back’ and that he wishes he could’ve ‘competed wid Max in equal machinery’ in toro rosso which is funny to me because the mf who did that also got beat for the rbr seat. 😐
Carlos unfortunately suffered from the incurable Max Rivalry disease that has affected 1 in 100 drivers in the world is highly contagious and symptoms include: hallucinations, helmut marko hate crimes, possible mclaren implications. In 2014 while helmut was reshaping pediatric care under the guise of a ‘Junior Programme’ and floating the idea of signing Max because he’s literally allergic to not giving everybody the tea all the time Carlos immediately said he ‘deserved the rbr seat more than Max’ because ‘Max was third in his championship and was beat by another rookie’ ((ESTEBAN MENTION)) and Carlos was ‘the level above that’ which I presume is like Jesus. So ok he wasn’t. That’s fine, it happens, its the disease. Pierre. I don’t care for Pierre he was terminal.
Finally, Alex. Again I literally couldn’t find any direct quote from 2014-2016 about Max but in 2020 Alex said even in karting max was already ‘the young guy to beat’. He’s also made some infamous comments about the way rbr builds their cars that he’s had to backtrack and explain so many times and I kinda feel bad for him because he’s sm bigger than his time wid Red Bull it shouldn’t even matter anymore. However. He did give us this sexy quote on verstappen’s untamable big nosed twin: ‘And when I got into the Red Bull … I mean there was so much nose on the thing that if you blew on the wheel the car would turn. If you play Call of Duty, or a game like that, turn your sensitivity up to the highest it will go. That’s what it’s like to drive that car’ 😋
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brekwrites · 2 months
That post about vampire Solar is crazy! In a good way!!! Omg the poor guy would hate himself so much for hurting Sun and Moon and only they can take care of him and protect him from himself, because I don't think Solar would blame Moon for bringing him back to life, none of them could know the consequences of such a resurrection, but I'm sure Solar would have strong debates about whether he should continue with that life where sees himself as someone who could hurt or even kill his loved ones. Which in turn brings a lot of very heavy baggage from his past, thinking that he can only live by sacrificing others.
But the love and determination of everyone achieving a miracle because love (any kind) can against everything!! (at least in fiction lol)
Thanks I try lmfao
I also don’t think Solar would ACTUALLY hate Moon for bringing him back. I COULD see him, when he was really struggling with the hunger and in pain, saying “Why would you do this to me!!” And giving Moon a complex tho. Like logically he knows no one could have known and Moon was encouraged by the family, but in the moment it slips out and they both have to deal with the consequences of that.
But yeah I absolutely think it would be hard for him. And especially thinking about his past, how his Moon drove himself crazy trying to bring his Sun back. I think he’d have very conflicting thoughts like “Maybe I shouldnt have been brought back for other’s safety” or “do I even want to be alive if this is the life I’m living” and then feel guilty bc of all the effort that was put into reviving him. And knowing someone, even if he wasn’t particularly fond of Bloodmoon, was sacrificed to save him would also leave him feeling guilty.
I think Moon also would feel really guilty and struggle with what he did, and they’d have to lean on each other to accept that this is the way things happened and they have to live with it now.
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kayniscanem · 5 months
Listen, I’m an incredibly miserable and nihilistic person, but I firmly believe that the leave ending is the best ending. (And makes the most sense… for other reasons I won’t unpack)
To achieve the leave ending, you are essentially taking care of yourself, making sure you’re good on ammo and that your health is in stable condition, and you do this kind of subconsciously to ensure your progression in the story, which translates into James’ search for the truth about Mary’s death.
The player's instinct to survive and persevere is projected onto James, which helps him confront the truth, guiding him towards closure. I believe that there is a sliver of hope that people hang onto even in their darkest times when all they want is a way "out,” and I can speak from experience that there are times where I just want to fully submit to my guilt, self-hatred, and misery and just give up, but there’s still a small part of me that is holding out. Because every living thing's instinctive response to danger and turbulent situations is to survive.
In short… The Indomitable Human Spirit lmfao
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onecantsimply · 2 years
(Ror) Jack The Ripper - Getting Head
Jack The Ripper Smut-
I’m supposed to be writing an essay but fuck that I can just do it at home- 
I love dropping smuts without a warning lmfao.
Alright I’m ready to get the reader to get railed, or I’m ready to Jack to be the submissive one again while in the bed- 
Also if anyone wants another JTR smut I have plenty in my smut drafts in Wattpad so- Go ahead and ask if you want hh-
NSFW content ahead-
Masturbating, blowjob, mistress thing, and a submissive, but slightly ooc Jack The Ripper are ahead. So have fun if you wish to keep reading- 
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(How long do they plan on teasing me...? -Jack)
He faintly grunted, his gloved hand stroking his dick.
(I can't help but wonder... when they'll take me seriously... -Jack)
The male softly leaned his head back, his mind in a haze of thoughts.
He knew how disrespectful it was just to think of (Y/n) as if they were his toy. But with what they did... nothing could prevent this situation from happening. They had given Jack quite a blowjob when he was back from a rough job. And it was definitely pleasing.
"Mistress, please...” Jack jolted faintly. "This is my first time doing something like this... Please be a bit more... gentle... It feels faintly sensitive..." (Y/n) pulled the male's rim out with a gentle sigh. "You being sensitive... I thought that was rather obvious from when I gave you that handjob the other week." (Y/n) then softly kissed Jack's tip, the male faintly wincing once he felt a gentle lick to his slit. "Still, I'm not sure if you would want me to slow down. I think you're enjoying more of it." He looked up with a darker blush, the warm sensation around his rim once again swallowing him.
(I can't wait... to take him all in... -(Y/n))
They softly twirled their tongue around Jack's rim while placing their hands on his legs. He shuddered, his hand placing itself on (Y/n)'s head. "Mistress..." Jack couldn’t help but mutter. 
(My goodness... More versions of Heaven that one cannot simply achieve... -Jack)
His dick faintly throbbed before (Y/n) softly traced the veins on it. They softly sucked on Jack's rim, just trailing their gentle touch on his dick. Their eyes could see how it gently throbbed.
(How long will you do this...? Teasing me so much... when I could always just push your head down... -Jack)
His hand gently twitched, the urge to faintly push their head down growing larger.
Jack's strokes seemed to get more rough, the male faintly growling from his sparking pleasure. His dick ached for more.
(I will force you to submit somehow... -Jack)
He shuddered at the mere thought of being able to dominate (Y/n). Just seeing their figure covered in slight hickeys and soft cuts from Jack's knife was enough to make him go completely crazy.
(As long as I can be the dominant one at least once... I'll be completely fine with it... -Jack)
His thoughts completely laid itself on (Y/n)'s figure.
(And I'll have you marked with my fucking name on your chest... -Jack)
(Fuck... Fuck...! -Jack)
He had his fingers entangled into (Y/n)'s hair, their throat having Jack's entire dick deepthroated. Jack faintly threw his head back. "Mistress, please..." He muttered, gently panting. The male saw (Y/n) look up at him. They faintly winked before going back to their business.
Completely dominating Jack. Clearly, he was embarrassed to be like this-
Still, that warm sensation and their tongue just doing whatever it could... Jack couldn't do it. He couldn't hold himself back.
Jack The Ripper had lost a second time.
"I won't... I can't lose next time..." Jack muttered. He looked at his tip, which had a white liquid slowly leaking from it. It throbbed faintly, aching to cum.
(Maybe if they agree to a small session in the bed... -Jack)
His eyes faintly narrowed.
(... I may be able to make them submit... -Jack)
As the male went into his imagination again, his hand got to moving again. Jack shuddered.
(I'll get you soon... I promise... -Jack)
The male's eye faintly twitched as (Y/n)'s tongue licked up his weak points. Jack's hand was locked onto their head, not being able to move from the utter pleasure he was in. "Fuck..." He slurred, leaning his head back. The male couldn't think correctly. He was locked into the phase of pleasure, completely vulnerable. "Mis...tress..." Jack muttered. His dick faintly throbbed, ready to release. The male faintly jolted once he felt (Y/n) licking at one of his veins. The shocks of pleasure coursing within his body was only speeding up his release more.
(To think... my stress relief... is this...! -Jack)
He allowed himself to let a growl rip through his throat as his release finally came, (Y/n) swallowing down the male's cum completely. They gently pulled the male out, feeling him gently lift their chin. "... I'll web you with my seed one day..." He muttered. "Hm... Is that so...?" (Y/n) faintly smiled, softly pushing at Jack's slightly softening dick with one finger. "I'm quite sure..." He answered. 
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rou-en · 5 months
lmfao the fuck are you on, a tesla is still very much a symbol of being rich as fuck. shut up and listen to actual poor people for a minute and maybe you'll gain some critical thinking skills. or maybe you'll just go back to being a bootlicker. who knows?
Oh wow another first - anon hate!
Also welcome, it’s very weird to be interacting with people on this hell site after so long, but hello!! To me this is all very hilarious to come about from just venting in tags about Watcher drama but I guess that’s this place for you eh?
I could just have not swiped and answered this one, and tbh I hesitated a bit on the first anon as well, but it does feel exhilarating to be speaking to the void and getting a voice back (any voice in fact!)
But first to this second anon (coz I’d guess from the tone that you’re not the first), I hope you’re doing alright in the real world - that as frustrated and angry as you might be about my take on Teslas (very much a shitty car), you are alright and safe,
Since I seem to have a captive audience (of at least two that I can tell of so far, how novel!), I guess let me soliloquy about thoughts on wealth and the complex nature sometimes of the whole “poor vs rich” dynamic, which is also a bit of why I even waded a little into responding to you amidst watcher drama,
Second anon, I recommend dl;dr (don’t like don’t read) -
I come from a generation where that’s what we did for things we didn’t like. For all I’ve said you’re a captive audience, you’re actually not (again, this is all very funny to me right now I can’t believe this is over ghoul boi drama still jfc) - one person’s opinion will always be just that, an opinion.
I think anon, we might be in different areas of the world, but at least where I live (please check prev tags on the post you were referring to, I’m also too internet-old not to hide in tags as much as I like) it’s become an increasingly common sight to see even soccer moms drive a Tesla, their bloody SUV model is the bane of my existence,
Does that mean everyone can afford them? No. Does it mean a middle-class family could afford them? If they wanted it enough, yes. Does it mean there still aren’t people suffering here from poverty in my part of the world? Sadly, no.
And therein lies an interesting problem (well at least to me as a former economics student) about signalling and truly knowing where in the whole class wars business you’re on, because it does make a difference if you ever have to figure out which rich to eat,
Is the 1% who get to fly on private chartered space flights and book out the whole of Disneyland for themselves (I’m looking at a shitty Amazon CEO there) the first to the guillotine? Oh yes.
But what about everyone else? Are we going to burn everyone who has multiple iPhones? God forbid anyone ever treats themselves to a seven-course degustation? Would not recommend, but I don’t think it guillotine-perfect, and I don’t think everyone that drives a Tesla where I am in the world can begin to count as that,
Those people live a daily life here, second anon, it’s so middle-class here it’s almost funny and why saying to me “Steven owns a Tesla” makes me shrug and go “would not recommend but you do you”,
I understand that can be different to you, because oh, turns out my own thoughts and circumstances can be very different to yours indeed.
Fun fact, I grew up first in a developing country, and had the privilege to move to a “first-world” country because my family was dedicated and sacrificed to make sure I could live the “better life” so to speak,
So I know there’s an inequality in the world when an exchange rate could mean the difference between something being a “rich” vs “normal” thing - I buy a Switch here for about 450 bucks (I saved and then got it on sale) as an achievable treat; for my sister who still lives in my home country, it’s almost two grand and definitely ridiculous to spend on for any normal family,
On one level, where is the fairness in that? But I live with it, and I have to choose some treats or if not what’s the point in life,
What does this all mean in the face of the original ghoul boys/watcher drama that’s occurring now? If anyone has read this for long enough is probably wondering at this point,
(I hope you’re both with me still my two anons, I’ll cherish this even if nothing else ever happens to me on this hell site)
I guess I wanted to try and say: life is complicated, and everyone makes complicated decisions, even your favourite comfort YouTubers,
It means I can only see the exacting vitriol at Steven for liking nice things but not Shane for also liking nice things and wonder whether people are barking up the wrong trees, very racist trees in fact,
It means that I keep thinking of shitposts about when the time comes, we’d likely just start offing our neighbours for being “rich” then anyone actually rich, because we seem to not understand the difference between nice things and things no nice person should have (holding also the complicated element of environment and geopolitics to account),
In the process of writing my first response to anon #1, I did have a moment where I wondered, “what if the Watcher boys did think about this? What if they did have some level of number crunching and still looked into their souls and decided that it wasn’t what they wanted? That they knew they could keep doing what they’re doing now and be financially stable, or risk it because of what they believe?”
I and you or anyone can wonder, can or cannot understand, but I sure as hell wish the Watcher team the best of luck, and like you anon, their days will be safe, content and filled with nice things, because why else would I want anything else for anyone,
That’s my one opinion at least, take that as you will anon on the bootlicking quotient for that - if being someone that would just like us all to take a chill pill is being one, then meh - you’re welcome to your opinion too,
But thanks to anyone that’s somehow come to my Tedtalk that started with my random thoughts on Watcher drama and ended with me finding people are still around (it’s not just all bots huzzah!)
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ventruevitae · 1 year
Went back and played nightroad between other responsibilities and it’s always interesting to see some subtle edits made between updates. It’s definitely been over a year since I last read it so ofc I’m sure my memory is fuzzy kinda but there were some small alterations made to a couple things that made me go ‘huh interesting.’ Like I’m pretty sure the malkavian at pattermuster’s morgue believed he was Christ reincarnated last time I read, whereas now it was something like ‘he had met Christ’ or been blessed by him or smth. I played the mobile version so no code diving but I’m curious to see if there’s maybe a note about these minuscule edits somewhere in it. I don’t remember seeing pattermuster or olivecrona’s people at the final scene either.
Anyway Iris/Lettow forever, they’re off in their plane going east and who knows what’s gonna happen. It’s kind of bittersweet with the whole beckoning thing but imo these two seem like they’re probably going to end up blood bonded at some point so I’m not entirely sure anyone cares lmfao. Julian was #disappointed I guess that he got blown off that badly by his ex but Iris is still very staunchly ‘you lied? So much? What did you expect’ about it which is Fair. I think half of his beef was probably just emotional hdjdjd I don’t think he necessarily still has feelings, but it was more of a blow to the ego that she wasn’t just going along with his plans again. She’s Tired okay.
Relationship with the sire was way better here. Pattermuster is on good terms with his childe these days, which was a nice change. St Basil’s stays an abattoir purely thanks to that relationship, which maybe isn’t Iris’ best moment but she’s also just trying to get out of these situations with minimal disturbance. Caul got away and so did the Lampago, but only after some nasty fighting. Ngl that’s probably also another reason she was down to get on that plane, she doesn’t need those headaches in the future. Beckoned or not, being around Lettow offers more protection.
this was definitely the worst relationship I’ve had with Julian lmao. I’ve never played fully through the game with Iris as a Brujah so there might have been some differences in flavour text? On the plus side the camarilla Loved me so real estate was cheap as fuck. No ghoul this time bc I’m also still operating under this being a double courier au & Romina ends up with Raul. Failed the Reremouse mission too, didn’t have enough vitae for disciplines annnd i got the achievement for messy crits 🙃 like I didn’t frenzy but I did fly pretty close to the sun a few times lmao. You Can definitely get though this one with a physical focus for your stats, but having nothing in awareness made some spots trickier. I ended up picking options at the start that were like. I think drive/mechanic stuff so it was an even split between intelligence, drive, and dexterity. We Managed. Romina will probably have a more survival/charisma based build bc she’s not really djjfjf she’s not booksmart like that yk. She’s not the Car Girl TM.
Donati went down so easily tho, like I had maxed out combat skills and just. Sliced her down the middle and that was that hdjfkf like I don’t think that fight has ever been so smooth ever? Wild.
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theillest-tarot1 · 2 years
Twin Flames First Today ! Goodmorning Good People 🔥🌟
Hello Divine Fems We Are Gonna Start With Ya Messages First. I Decided To Do Twins First Because I Feel Like We've Been Going Through Motions (If You Feel Like You Are A Twin Flame & Are On A Twin Flame Journey Please Search Up The Term From A Legit Primary Source Which Is Puretwinflames.com 🫶🏾)
Divine Feminines | Hey Divine Feminines! We Are Stepping More Into Our Dark Feminine Energy Meaning We’re Being More To Ourselves, Loving Ourselves & Saying No To Things That Do Not Serve Us. Congratulations Divine Fem Your Learning & You Are Not Alone 🙏🏾 You First Card Is The Hermit, You Are In This Hermit Energy; Trying To Find Information On A Person/ Situation At The Moment. (Basically You Being Nosey & So Am I Cause I’m Doing These 🃏 LMFAO listen ya the hermit pops up when I’m being nosey or the page of swords standing for curiosity ya gon see when ya see more posts) As Of Now You Are In This Ten Of Wanda Energy Indicating That You Are Finally Satisfied With The Goals You Have Been Achieving. (Congratulations Divine Fems 🌟🫶🏾) You Are More Worried About Making Your Dreams Into Reality & Efforts Are About To Pay Off. This Card Also Means You Have Been Shaped By A Bitter Experience & Lost Some Innocence In The Process. I Believe This Means That You’ve Learned From The Experience With Your Divine Masculine , Your Not Allowing Him To Breadcrumb You No Longer. You’ve Learned From This Bitter Experience With The Karmic & Your Allowing Divine Counterparts To Take Control Of The Situation Now. You Are/ Are About To Receive Justice In A Situation You Are Encountering Divine Fems. Congratulations 🎉 You Have The Nine Of Cups; This Could Indicate A Wish-Fulfillment Is About To Be Granted (Something You Have Dreamed, Prayed & Wished For Is Coming Your Way. This Is Also A “Nine Months Card” Indicating That There May Be A Pregnancy 🤰🏾, You Wanna Be Pregnant Or You May Have Just Given Birth ! (Congratulations Divine Fems On Whichever One It Is For You) You Are In This Temperance Energy; This Means You Have Balance In Your Life Divine Feminine Don't Allow Nothing To Ruin This Balance Continue To Move Graciously ! You Got The Three Of Wanda As Well This Means That You Can Be Possibly Defending Something That’s Worth Defending & That You Have Worked Hard On Succeeded Your Personal Dreams , Trying To Bring Them To Reality & It’s Actually Working Out For You ! Congratulations Guys 😍😍 (Divine Fems Make Sure You Avoid Arrogance At This Time Remember To Remain Humble Do Not Fall Short Or You Will Stumble On Your Twin Flame Journey Remember It’s A Journey Of Self Love Before Anything You Must Love Yourself First 🫶🏾) You Are In This Knight Of Cups Energy Indicating That You Are On A Journey For Your One True Love ! This Is Also Indicating Your On A Mission To Accomplish A Goal That Will Fight Injustice/ Fighting For What’s Right This Could Also Mean You Are On A Journey To Protect Your True Love At All Costs, This Is True Due To Your Twin Flame Journey Divine Feminines My Advice To You Is To Keep Loving Yourself This Will Bring The Twin Flame Union Closer & Your Divine Masculine Will Come Around Faster And Unexpectedly 🙏🏾🙏🏾 Just Pray & Take Care Of Yourself Try To Change Your Habits & Release Whatever Is Not Fulling Your Cups (If You Have To Give Your DM Boundaries To Avoid Self Sabotage Do That !!) Enjoy Your Day Ladies 😍🌟
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
ok. after looking deep within myself i figured it out. bestie i tried so hard to do a different topic but now i’m craving a part 2 😩. this time task force shows up scarred and scared cause duh. L is there at his desk thank God but oh? mystery girlfriend who’s first impression was an ✨interesting✨ one is lounging on the couch just there chilling maybe book reading (was gonna say candy crush but i remembered this was 2006 so i’m gonna shut up) and insert [and she looks at me and i look at him audio] cause now task force inner dialogue is “how the fuck did L achieve this” and can’t stop analyzing her because genuinely what the fuck 🥲. girlfriend sees the lack of work getting done and L is annoyed at their loud ass thinking thoughts so she allows them to have one question each (please feel free to come up with the questions i beg my creativity only takes me so far 🥲🥲) i do ask though for one of them (maybe matsuda??) asking the out of pocket question about el incident. surprisingly you can make this work sfw but if you can somehow find a way to fit the “n” then go right ahead. my thoughts are jumbled but i know you’ll find a way to make it a coherent story. i pay with infinite love and kisses 😌☝️❤️
🐢| gRR this took too long im so sorry bestie💔💔💔💔 here is ur story i hope u like it<33 ngl yn is a little arrogant LMFAO
🥝| link to part one <33
🌱|also this sucks pls forgive me pls
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It had been around 36 hours since the incident with L- who still didn't seem to want to acknowledge that it happened to begin with. The task force members had shown up to headquarters once more, albeit rather cautiously this time- creeping in an almost nervous manner through the bulletproof doors, listening carefully and quietly for any out of the ordinary sounds. Even Matsuda refrained from his usual griping to make sure the coast was clear- neither of them wanted a repeat of the last time.
Luckily, the men's fears were eased when they finally got up the guts to enter the front room where L always was when they arrived- well, almost always. There, crouched in his swivel chair and holding his knees, sat L, peering at the group as if he'd been watching them for some time already.
"Hello- let's get down to business, shall we?" L greeted the group nonchalantly before turning to face the computer monitors spread along the surface of the desk. If he had any thoughts about the other day, he wasn't showing it- which the men had pretty much expected.
Light, seeming slightly on edge himself, nodded resolutely and stepped up to L's side. "Right. So we had just started to look into Yotsu-"
He cut himself off when he turned his head and saw you, sitting on the couch behind him and reading a book, paying absolutely no mind to your surroundings. L tilted his head strangely at Light before turning to follow his gaze, and your eyes lifted from the pages of your book to meet his before they locked with Light's.
The rest of the task force noticed you just after Light did- Matsuda gaping at you a little longer than was necessary. Too soon, they had recalled just who you were.
You let out a low, rueful chuckle under your breath- so they remembered you. Smiling some to yourself, you lifted your head to look at the task force members in turn.
Light cocked his head at you, an unreadable expression on his face, before facing L again. "You didn't tell us you'd invited a friend, Ryuzaki."
L's back was to you as he replied, tone flat. "Ah. Yes, that's Y/N; she'll be with us for the time being- mind that that isn't her real name. Y/N, this is Light Yagami."
Light nodded at you. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is mine," you answered automatically, no longer looking at anyone directly and focus returning to your book. For a little while after the somewhat "off" greeting, there was a few seconds of awkward silence before the others remembered to introduce themselves properly; various mumbled "hellos" came from the rest of the task force.
It was clear to you, and most definitely L, that the task force with the probable exception of Light behaved oddly around you, despite that all you were doing was reading. Both you and L knew it was more than likely the incident from the other day that prompted them to sort of tiptoe around you. Both you and L could read them like an open book- it was painfully obvious they were full of questions. While you weren't in the mood to pretend to want to speak with these men you didn't know, you felt even less like having them stare at you the entire day. And besides, it was only hurting them- besides Light and L, the men didn't really seem to be contributing much to the operation at the moment.
Feeling increasingly like you were being watched, you opened your mouth to say something- but L ended up beating you to it.
"Judging by your confused expressions, I'm assuming you all have questions about Y/N's presence."
Aizawa, eyeing you, seemed apologetic, but did not waver as he spoke. "It's just that this is a total stranger to us- there aren't a lot of people we can trust right now, Ryuzaki. It would just be nice if we had a little more information."
So they felt the same way about you that you did about them. Somehow, that was a little amusing.
"I have to agree with Aizawa," Soichiro added, sending a sideways look towards you from behind his glasses. "You may know her, but we don't. What purpose does she serve? Will she be here regularly? How close-"
Your annoyance growing, you had to cut in, now fully lifting your head to look directly at the task force members. "Hey- I'm right here, you know," you interrupted a little testily, making Soichiro, Aizawa, and Matsuda all turn to look at you. "Feel free to ask me these things at any time instead of talking to L- Ryuzaki like I'm not here."
You didn't get a verbal response in return; the men only regarding you with slight suspicion before glancing at each other and then L as if waiting for him to back them up. But L seemed uninterested in the issue, only lifting a hand to silence everyone, his eyes still focused intently on the monitors before him.
"Y/N is right," L mumbled in a low voice, a pale thumb in between his teeth. "If you want to know who she is, why don't you ask her yourself?"
You nodded, fixing each of the men with a pointed stare. "Yes- why don't we do that. Just to ease the tension." You set down your book on the sofa and straightened up, slipping your necklace with L's initial beneath your shirt. "You can each ask me one question- whatever you want. That way, you'll know I'm not hiding anything. However- try and keep your questions impersonal; there are things I'm unable to share with you."
Of course, the last remark was just for show. If you were asked anything you didn't want to answer, you'd simply lie. Perhaps then you'd get the men, mainly Soichiro and Aizawa, off your back- you weren't much fond of feeling like an outsider around someone you'd known for far longer than anyone in the task force. Besides, your ego was taking a couple of hits- and you couldn't have that.
There was a brief moment of silence as the others thought your offer over. But Soichiro, anxious to get back on task, lifted both of his hands in front of his face in a surrendering gesture. "No, no- there's no need for that. If Ryuzaki trusts you, then-"
"No, it's too late now. You've made your feelings towards me clear. I only want to see if I can change them." Smiling brightly, albeit insincerely, you placed your hands on your knees in a friendly position. "Since you're talking- why don't you go first?"
Soichiro blinked at you, surprised at your audacity, before asking his question. "Well, I suppose I'll start with the basics. Will you be working with us on the Kira investigation?"
You answered immediately; the quicker your answers, the less suspicion. "Doubt it- detective work is more L's department. However, I might contribute every now and then, and I'll certainly be popping in more than occasionally. Next?" you asked sweetly, turning your attention to Aizawa.
Aizawa had clearly been thinking about this from the very first time he'd seen you. "What's your relationship with Ryuzaki?"
"Good question," you affirmed, pursing your lips for a moment before replying. "I'm just a friend. Light?"
Light, seeming distracted, snapped his head away from the computer and turned to face you. "A question... hmm, I think I've got one. Do you have any thoughts on the Kira situation?"
You'd pretty much expected such a question from Light- you could basically tell what kind of person he was already. Of course, having L come to your bedroom and tell you about him every day did help with your analysis.
"I have mixed thoughts, I suppose," you replied honestly, propping your chin up on one hand. "On one hand, I'm not in favor of murder. On the other hand, crime rates have dropped quite drastically, and at least Japan is an overall safer place." You shrugged, holding Light's gaze for a second or two more before finally turning to Matsuda, who looked up, apparently startled. "Oh! Right, my turn... okay, I think I know exactly what I want to ask."
Wordlessly, you tilted your head at Matsuda- you didn't know that much about him, as L had never really brought him up, and you'd deduced that he simply hadn't cared to- which was likely because of Matsuda's clearly naive and rather clumsy demeanor. You figured he was less of an asset than a liability to the mostly work-oriented and orderly task force. Long story short, you weren't expecting any thought-provoking questions from him.
Nonetheless, you were very caught off guard when he asked casually, "Was that you we heard the other day? Upstairs before L came down?"
Quickly feigning confusion, you squinted your eyes. "What do you mean?"
Matsuda dropped his gaze to the ground, his cheeks beginning to fade into a pale shade of pink as he put his hand behind his head sheepishly. "Well, it's just, a few days back we all came inside and sort of heard moa- strange sounds coming from upstairs? And then you came down once they stopped. It's just, uh, we were- I mean, I was- just a little curious."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Aizawa cringe and Soichiro wince, while L continued to keep his back turned towards you. Light turned his head for a moment to glance curiously at Matsuda and then you before quickly averting his eyes.
How long had they all been thinking about that?
You took a deep breath, silently letting it out before smiling brightly and answering.
"I'm afraid that's a personal question."
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heliads · 2 years
gonna request this horribly but…..part two to going out for a drive? maybe later in the movies so tony’s in therapy for his ptsd and is the driver to a date or something (though i know you’ll still spin this lmfao)
omg... going for a drive may be one of my fave fics, so i am so glad you requested this 😩
part one / masterlist
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Tony Stark is sitting in a room with one other person, yet he still feels cripplingly alone. The clock has been ticking along behind him for about five minutes now, yet he’s no closer to an answer than he was when he first started.
Looking up from the hands crossed tightly in his lap, Tony regards the woman seated in front of him. According to her job description, she’s been practicing therapy for the past ten years, although Tony secretly harbors the belief that this must be an underestimate, because she’s staring at him with the pure judgmental prowess of a sphinx from that one Greek myth.
It’s not like he doesn’t deserve it, though. Tony is notorious for just making stupid jokes throughout his therapy sessions instead of actually saying what he’s supposed to say. Despite the fact that he knows full well that he’ll only get through all of this by actually facing it, Tony is terrified of facing it, so he escapes through poorly timed one-liners.
His latest therapist, a gem though she is, refuses to let this happen. She taps her pen once against her notebook, and repeats the question.
“How are you, Tony?”
It’s a deceptively simple thing to ask. Tony imagines that you could fit all sorts of things into that question- work inquiries, personal hygiene, whether or not he remembered to get coffee before he came here (always!), but he knows most of all that he is looking for excuses to not answer.
Tony glances outside of a nearby window, which offers the breathtaking view of a parking lot. For a moment, a car pulls up and he thinks he recognizes the make and model, thus designating this vehicle not as your average hunk of metal on wheels but as one driven by S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Y/N L/N, someone who Tony can quite confidently refer to as his favorite person in this entire universe, and possibly the next one over as well.
The moment disappears soon enough, as the driver takes a turn with none of Y/N’s usual skill, but even the reminder of her is enough. Tony tries to speak, and it comes easier this time.
“Better. I’m doing better.”
His therapist inclines her head, looking pleased that he’s not trying to falsify his way out of this. “Good to hear. Acknowledging progress is the best way to achieve more progress.”
Tony chuckles in spite of himself. “You have a way of making the most mundane things sound important. I appreciate it, it does a lot of good things to my ego. Of course, then a lot of people would argue that would be bad, but-”
His therapist cuts him off with a sharp glance and a sharper comment. “You’re referring to the Avengers, when you say ‘people,’ then?”
Tony grimaces out of habit, although he’s long since given up associating the Avengers with anything negative. As much as he’d love to deny it, especially when confronted with patriotic man of the century Steve Rogers, Tony likes the Avengers.
It’s the little things, he supposes. Natasha Romanoff’s sly one-liners, the fact that she’s the only person who’d hear his stupid sarcastic comments and say her own instead of chastising him on his obvious lack of moral qualms. Steve Roger’s irritated sigh, so fun to provoke. Working with Bruce Banner in the lab, except for that one time they intended to make a suit of armor around the world and accidentally created the latest in a long line of big bads. Tony had to come to his therapist’s office double time to get out of his head on that one.
“Yeah, the Avengers.”
Who else would it be? What other group of people has come so close to being something Tony could honestly consider a family? Sure, they fight like hell, and he’s certain that at some point they’ll realize the whole thing is a sham and pull the plug, but maybe Tony likes feeling not quite so alone in the process. Plus, Y/N says it makes him more of a hero than a part-time human weapon, so that’s really all the input Tony needs on that front.
His therapist nods, clicks her tongue once, then continues. “Do you think you will ever accept the Avengers’ forgiveness for the Ultron incident?”
Tony blinks in surprise. “Wow, we definitely hit a conversation changer there. Great segway from ‘how are you’ to ‘do your friends hate you,’ but I think we need to work on easy topic switches.”
His therapist refuses to let him off the hook, which is rude. “I didn’t say that they hated you. I merely asked if you would accept their forgiveness.”
Tony blows out a low breath. He has long trained himself to never need anyone; not their help, not their judgment, and certainly not something as foreign as their forgiveness. Obviously, Tony knows that he did a bad thing by letting Ultron loose, but that hadn’t been his intention.
“I think that depends on whether or not they see me as a control freak who wanted to creep in on everyone’s backyard or someone who wanted to make sure the world was safe.”
That’s the difference, isn’t it? Tony doesn’t want their forgiveness if they’re forgiving him for something that isn’t true. Either they understand him or they don’t, but he doesn’t want to be absolved of crimes he didn’t commit. Tony’s got too many actual mistakes to waste his reprieves on false assumptions.
His therapist nods, the light from a partially open window tracing out the silver strands in her otherwise nut brown hair. “Last time you said something similar about how you think the Avengers see your public persona and actual self as two separate people.”
Tony can see where this conversation topic is going. “Yes. I appreciate your thorough notetaking.”
A raised eyebrow from the woman across from him, and Tony continues with a sigh. “Alright, alright. Yeah, I think there’s a difference. Obviously, there’s a difference. The only problem is that I want there to be a difference. If everybody thinks I’m somebody and I’m not, that just makes it harder for them to hit me where it hurts. They’re looking for a mad scientist’s Achilles Heel, but that won’t be the same as mine.”
It feels more true the more he talks. Maybe Tony is laughably afraid of falling, maybe that’s just because he has seen so many people close to him fall that he’s not afraid of it, and that’s what scares him most. He lost his mother and father, he nearly lost Y/N, so why shouldn’t he be the next to go? Tony knows he’s going to die, and with his recent streak of luck, it probably won’t be of old age.
He still has things to do, though. At some point, he might be able to accept his fate, but not yet. There are still discoveries he has to make, still bridges he has to burn. If Tony has to fend off Death with his suit alone, so be it. At least he won’t go down without putting up a fight.
After a half hour longer of such pleasant thoughts, Tony sits up from his gunmetal gray sofa, nods goodbye to his therapist and once again considers why S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn’t used her as an interrogator (perhaps because they’re afraid she’ll dredge up their secrets as well, who knows), and heads out.
A car pulls up the second he arrives, and Tony gets in with a smile. He leans over to kiss his driver before settling back into his seat.
“I think I’ve got half the waiting room jealous of me, you know. They can sense that I’ve got the prettiest chauffeur in town.”
Y/N laughs, and Tony could live and die in that very sound. “Or it’s because they can’t see my face through the tinted windows and are too busy admiring the make and model of your latest sports car.”
Tony pretends to think, then shakes his head. “Nah, I don’t think so. They can sense that there’s someone worthwhile in this car. I think you’ve altered the gravity of this planet to center around you, I nearly tripped coming down the stairs because of it.”
Y/N shakes her head, although she’s grinning. “You’re such a dork.”
Tony clasps a hand to his chest in mock horror. “Dork? That can’t be. You wound me, Agent.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, pulling away from the office building and heading into the busy streets. “At least it’ll give you something to talk about. How was today’s meeting, by the way? Legally, I have to ask in case you gave away any state secrets. Did you?”
Tony glances absentmindedly at the city rushing by beside him. He used to be so stressed about having someone else in the driver’s seat, as if his hands weren’t actively on the wheel there was no guarantee that he wouldn’t find himself in a situation like the one that killed his parents.
Now, though, it feels as easy as breathing. He knows Y/N isn’t going to get killed, or get him killed either. He isn’t good at trust, but he can trust her without a shadow of a doubt. All the while, she still manages to make him smile.
“No state secrets spilled today, I’m afraid. If you like, I can pepper nuclear arms codes into my conversations just so you have something to do on slow afternoons.”
Y/N taps her fingers against the steering wheel as she waits for a light to turn red. “Tempting, but no. The amount of paperwork I’d have to do would get rid of any delight from storming your therapist’s office. Plus, I think she’d be decidedly less happy to see you the next time around.”
Tony can concede this point. “Ah, it was worth a shot. Speaking of time management, though, you better have taken off this Saturday night as we planned. I’ve pulled so many strings that my phone lines are starting to look like a game of cat’s cradle.”
Y/N smirks. “Don’t worry about me, I never have more joy than when I get to cancel a meeting.”
Good, good. Tony has plans, specifically plans with her, and he does not intend on letting anything come in between this. He’s already had to work around his life as an Avenger, her life as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, his PTSD therapy, her HYDRA car accident physical therapy, and just about everything else the world has thrown at them. Needless to say, he won’t be allowing something like a meet and greet ruin this date.
It is a date, after all. Tony can admit, both in the private space of his head and when he’s with Y/N, that he loves her. Shit, he does. Past Tony would have said that he doesn’t like needing people, but he does need Y/N. He knew that when HYDRA crashed their car all that time ago and he thought he would have to get up and walk around in a world without her- it just wouldn’t work out.
Luckily for him, Y/N has a wide variety of tastes in men, which includes sleep-deprived engineers with too much money on their hands, so Tony has a shot. He spilled his heart out to her once she got out of the emergency room. She said that she felt the exact same thing, which is the biggest miracle the world has ever seen since the first tetrapods left the oceans to come walk on land and cause humans to evolve, or possibly when Queen came back from their 1983 hiatus.
Tony decides to switch things around, just because, and picks Y/N up on Saturday night from her non-disclosed apartment, the one he’s not supposed to know exists.
Y/N arches a brow at him as she gets in the passenger's side of the car. “I thought I was the one supposedly driving you places.”
Tony waves away her concern. “You do every other day of the year. This is my treat.”
She grins, he can see the curve of her lips in the darkness. “I feel like a wealthy superstar. Possibly a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”
Tony’s mouth drops open in pretend horror. “Don’t quote that to me. I was being dramatic. It was very exciting at the moment.”
Y/N laughs. “Oh, I know. Natasha Romanoff came to talk to me about it later.”
Tony hazards a glance over at her when they’re stopped at a light. “And? What did she say?”
Y/N returns his gaze with equal fervor. “She said that you were a touch theatrical, but could get the job done if necessary. I said that you were more than just a little theatrical, but she was right. You’re an important part of the team, Tony. That’s no lie.”
Tony hums in agreement, although he can’t deny that he’s pleased to hear that she has such candid faith in him. “I should hope so. The amount of money I’ve spent making their suits alone is astronomical.”
They arrive at the date soon enough, a restaurant Tony reserved a couple months in advance. It’s supposedly one of the best places in the city, so Tony can only hope it’s worth all the talk. Tony helps Y/N out of the car, taking advantage of the moment to keep her hand tucked in his arm like a proper couple, and they head inside.
In making the reservation, Tony also had the opportunity to choose where they would sit, and he's not above paying a little extra money to get the best possible spot. The restaurant was formerly some bankrupt millionaire’s mansion, and it has a small widow’s walk on the roof, just wide enough for a table and a couple chairs.
This is where they’ll be sitting, on top of this brilliant place, looking around at the city unfurling below them. Tony’s used to heights, as the amount of skyscrapers in New York is astronomical, but on this mansion roof, it seems different. He can read this place like a map, trace his finger down brightly lit streets and pause at every intersection for some sort of memory. It hits him how much time he’s spent in this city, how many people he’s met. Of everything, though, there’s only one person who really, truly matters, and she’s sitting opposite him right now.
Y/N smiles, as if she can tell that it’s her name currently on repeat in his head. “It’s a wonderful view. Thank you, Tony, for tonight. I mean it.”
Tony smiles back, reaching across the table so he can take her hand. “Hey, anything for my favorite agent. You may save my life a dozen times a day, but I can get us a sweet restaurant outing.”
Y/N laughs. “In a world like ours, I’d choose a date like this any time.”
She sighs, and the night breeze rips the sound away into the surrounding skyline. “I love you, Tony. More than anything.”
At times like this, Tony’s heart feels so full that he thinks he might overpower his arc reactor. “I love you too, Y/N.”
And, God, he does. Tony hasn’t known a peace like this in what feels like years. She knows every facet of him, and there is no truth he hasn’t told, but she stays. How’d he get lucky enough for this?
The night wears on, the lights of the city burst and fade, but they stay. Dawn will come later, but Tony’s counting on the stars to push back the coming of the sun for just a little longer. He wants to treasure this moment as long as he can.
marvel tag list: @thatfangirl42,  @rogueanschel, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv-blog, @caswinchester2000, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @amortensie
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bratz-kitten · 3 years
Hello there love, a fellow 11th house mercury here! just saw a post where you talked a little about that placement and it was the most accurate thing I’ve ever read hahaha so my question is if you could elaborate a little bc i find it a little hard to understand that placement. my mercury is sadly also in retrograde in my chart so that doesn’t make things easier…
thank you so much!! much love xxx
okay so, for reference, i touched a bit on mercury in the 11th house here and here (which was mostly about mercury in the 12th house anyway), but the biggest point i made there was that this mercury makes you someone who needs constant intellectual stimulation, we have very restless thoughts and it can be maddening sometimes because our brains just don't shut up... ever. which is why we need to be engaging in conversation so much or at least letting our thoughts out some other way, in a blog, for example (take it from me lmfao). it's interesting that the 11th house rules technology as well as social circles, because it sure feels like we have a non-stop podcast in our minds. like, the only time where i feel like my brain is experiencing a moment of peace is afterward a really intense conversation, when i get to debate my ideas with someone who's just as passionate (and slightly insane) as me.
that being said, we prefer to keep conversation light-hearted and fun. this house for mercury shows an ease when it comes to talking with whoever, so you might have a lot of acquaintances. you might even feel like wherever you go, everyone knows your name and it can be a very unsettling feeling at times. as in, you get introduced to a group of people you've never met before but somehow they all know who you are, so you might experience people gossiping a lot about you, making up rumors that get widely spread; people make all kinds of assumptions about you. that's because even though you know a lot of people, you keep the conversation purposely superficial and only open up to like three people, if that much.
now, keep in mind that this is a double-edged sword: not only do people gossip a lot about people, but you tend to gossip as well. even if you tell yourself it's light-hearted and you only do it with your closest friends, it can be too much at times, and it's very easy to cross the line of "i'm just curious" to being downright shitty, and you need to watch out for what comes out of your mouth because you do stress a lot about having good morals.
you possess a lot of social intelligence and you might be very aware of that, using it in everyday matters – when you enter a group, you start observing the dynamics that play between everyone: who talks the most with who, who feels the most or less comfortable with who, who's still only acquaintances and who's falling in love but doesn't know it yet; you observe all of that and start taking mental notes about people's behaviors: the way they talk, their humor (especially if they laugh at the expense of others or not), if they overshare, what they leave unsaid; you take in all of that and that's your way of getting to know people so that you can start predicting their behavior. like i said, you find it very hard to trust others enough to open up so you make others prove themselves before you do so. in friendships, this is less biting, as in you don't just walk up to someone and go like hey prove me of your worth lmfao, you simply start observing their actions and if they pass the vibe check, they're in.
the problem starts in your romantic relationships – this is where you make someone prove themselves again and again that they're deserving of your trust and loyalty as you continuously doubt them. and suddenly, this isn't the dating stage; it's like your potential partner is harry potter going through the triwizard tournament just to get the prize of 10% of your trust. and it's, like, no. stop it. you can't expect people to drop everything to offer you the world while you're hesitant about even holding their hand in public. that's self-sabotaging and it's just a way for you to ensure that you don't get too intimate with people, that you don't reveal too much of yourself. relationships are about the equality between giving and taking, and you can sometimes be caught up in wanting to receive before even considering giving.
the best way i can put this is through an example: kim kardashian has her mercury in the 11th house. so, it's no wonder that this mercury makes someone really fucking ambitious, sometimes even without you realizing. the 11th house rules dreams and humanity as a whole, so you might be constantly in tune with your dreams and finding a way to get yourself further to them. like i said, this can be unconscious at times; perhaps you take on a small project that's meant to be fun and insignificant but suddenly it blows up out of proportion, suddenly your whole life revolves around it and you're getting recognized for it. you can be very calculating and borderline manipulative at times since you're so focused on trying to control the circumstances around you. not even just in real life, perhaps when you're playing video games you find yourself focusing a lot of your attention on understanding the characters and their motivations; and then, when you meet someone who feels shady as fuck and who looks like they could betray you, your thinking process isn't how can i stop this person from betraying me, it's how can i use this person's betrayal to my advantage. it's like, jesus christ on steroids lmfao. you have a talent for turning difficult situations into the diamond in the rough, for thriving when facing obstacles.
you're very cynical about your friendships, you understand that most people don't have good intentions and you're likely to make a clear distinction between party friends and actual friends. the first group are the people who you have casual fun with, who you do stupid shit with and who perhaps you engage with to keep up appearances or further your connections, while the second group are the actual people who you'd ride or die for, and those are scarce.
here, there's a yearning for actual friendships present even through your fear of doing so, and you might find yourself getting occupied with issues of the 11th house: philosophy, metaphysics, individuality vs. humanity as a whole, freedom, moral issues – for you, nothing is taboo enough, just like nothing is progressive or out-of-the-box enough. my advice for people with this placement is to read the greeks. seriously, hearing plato spend a whole book discussing what is morality is like our wet dream. you love debating especially with your friends, and if you can't talk with someone for hours and hours on end with the conversation never once stalling, then they're not fit to be your friends at all. besides this, you might be very drawn to politics, power, any knowledge that helps you achieve your dreams.
you have big dreams and you might feel a strong calling to help as many people as possible, to save the world, to have your voice be heard. your goals might be downright inconceivable to some people, so you can feel ostracized by the members of the community where you live: perhaps your parents and other family members don't believe in you and would rather you just stick to the plan they forged for you; perhaps you were forced into choosing between their path or yours; no matter what, the choice lies in your hands and so does the power to achieve whatever you desire.
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fallout-lou-begas · 2 years
Less people know me on tumblr than they do on twitter so I feel a bit safer using this as, like, yknow, a blog that is personal, and something that’s been eating at me for a while is that the pencils to the first two pages of the next IKROAH have been done for a while but when I tried to ink them I fucked it up so bad that I’ll probably just have to completely redraw them, and I don’t think anything that discouraging has happened to me before since I started drawing back in 2020. It’s just been really hard to motivate myself for the mulligan when I’m already worried about messing the inks up again, and also I’ve been under a heat advisory for the past week and change so I’m already too hot and sweaty to be motivated to do much of anything lmfao
I remember when IKROAH first started I would put out issues every two weeks or so, and then once per month, and treated that as almost like a schedule or a deadline, which was insane! All while working the same full-time job that I do now! Admittedly that pace was only achievable because frankly my art was worse and sloppier and while impatience is definitely still my biggest weakness as an artist, I have undoubtedly improved over time but at a certain point making art better means taking more time on it. It’s created this weird conflicting feeling where art and comic pages aren’t something that I can just bang out in a day or a few days anymore, and even relatively small projects are pretty big time and attention investments. Obviously I could revert this by just embracing drawing more shittily but, like, come on, I have my own standards. And this isn’t insurmountable and doesn’t mean that I hate drawing now, not at all, but this change in my relationship to my art and my art-making has definitely been on my mind a lot, especially as I’m aware of how much I’d rather just play video games or hang out with my husband whenever I’m not at my job. Because that’s a big part of it, the increase in how much art feels like “work” means I don’t want to do it as much in my leisure time. It’s good work, it’s work that I love doing (much more than my actual job lmao), but it’s still work and lately I haven’t wanted to work!
It’s another funny balance. A wise friend of mine once said, bluntly, that you do it or it doesn’t get done. This applies to making and finishing art of any kind, reading books, cleaning house, developing skills, etc., and applies even if you’re sick or busy or distracted by myriad other things. If the only people who ever made and finished art were the idle people with the luxury of all the time in the world, we’d only have pretty shitty and boring art. So unfortunately the only way to get good art or to make it is to power through feelings of overwork or sickness or exhaustion or whatever is ailing you and make it anyway. Intellectually, I know this, but emotionally(?) I’m just dealing with a real lack of steam ever since I finished a zine at the start of May. It’s not like I depend on commissions or print sales for income or anything, anyway, so it’s not like I have an urgent need to be drawing, either, the way some other artists might be.
These thoughts don’t really have a point. I suppose I’m just self-conscious about falling off such a meaningful hobby to me for so long, about not Making Things, especially as someone who generally figured that she Makes Things? But it doesn’t feel like burnout or loss of interest, it just feels like I’m doing what I want to do and enjoying it and I just don’t want to make art as much as I used to. Maybe if I got paid my current salary to work on comics eight hours a day instead of doing data entry I’d get a lot more art done but that just goes back to the previous paragraph lol. I don’t really need any kind of “chin up lou, i’m sure you’ll be able to draw again soon” or “it’s okay take all the time you need” kinds of comments because I feel like I know these things already and I’m just Posting Through It
Anyway how’s your summer going
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
zutara fandom is such a fucking hypocrite. you all call a native woman who loves her husband, who lives happily with him a trophy wife and a breeding machine, simply because you don't like kataang, despite the fact that in the canon she is still a respected matriarch of the tribe, a healer and trained avatar and has outlawed blood bending. you came up with the trophy wife yourself, but blame it all on bryke. didnt you have a popular headcanon where she has 5 children, abandons her nation to live as the "water tribe ambassador" in the fire nation. yknow because erasing her culture sounds cool i guess
Literally what are you talking about?
Pointing out that Katara is treated, post-atla canon, as Aang’s trophy is not ‘calling a native woman who loves her husband a trophy wife’ because like, I’ve got a newsflash for you, Katara does not exist. And criticizing the way the white men who created her chose to destroy her character in post-canon materials and the sequel show is not the equivalent of being racist or misogynistic--it’s actually calling out the racism and misogyny inherent in her treatment by the show’s creators!
Secondly, I’ve written extensively before about how Katara’s ‘achievements’ post-canon actually aren’t. The show pays minor lipservice to what Katara accomplished, but doesn’t actually show that she did anything worthwhile with her life other than have the Avatar’s children. She ‘outlawed bloodbending’? Sure she did, that’s why she was present at the trial for the most infamous bloodbender in history, right alongside her husband, brother, and friend..... oh wait. She ‘is still a respected matriarch of her tribe’? Sure she is, that’s why she was able to talk sense into her people when they were on the brink of civil war, that’s why people listened when she raised her voice and told them to stop being idiots, that’s why... oh, wait, none of that happened because she stayed in the healing huts the whole time. Oh, but she was ‘a healer’--not just that, but one of the greatest healers who ever lived? Sure! That’s why she was able to heal Korra’s bloodbending related injuries- hm, no, but I’m sure that’s why she was able to heal everyone else when their injuries were revealed to have been caused by bloodbending- no, wait, but I’m POSITIVE it’s why she was able to heal Korra’s injuries when she was recovering from mercury poisoning- wait, she didn’t do that either!
It’s encapsulated pretty neatly by this paragraph:
 [The problem is] that virtually none of these accomplishments matter in the context of LoK. Very little that Katara did during or after the war is so much as referenced, and even the things that are referenced matter very little. Katara never talks about her life except as it pertains to Aang, or her children. She doesn’t get to do anything during the series either, despite there being multiple things that–were it not for her entire personality being vacuumed out with almost surgical precision–she should have done if she were being kept true to character, or if she, like, cared about her family and people at all. (Things like, oh, attending her own granddaughter’s Air Master ceremony, or lifting finger one to save her family when they were in danger, or lifting finger one to step in when her people were getting thrown into a whole ass civil war...... ...)
@araeph‘s Consumed By Destiny series is also relevant here, because it goes into far greater detail about Katara’s utter lack of a character in LoK and the comics, especially as compared with her character in the original show.
As for my ‘popular headcanon’, I do indeed headcanon Zuko and Katara as having five children (though my conceptualization of their family will be different from others, everyone has their own hcs about the steam family and that’s so sexy of us), which should probably be the point where you realize that Katara having three kids with Aang is not what I have a problem with lmfao. But where the hell do you get ‘abandons her nation’ and ‘erasing her culture’ from ‘Water Tribe ambassador’???? Literally where????? The entire point of Katara being ambassador to the Fire Nation is to represent her culture in global matters of state. It’s so that she can be the voice for her people on the world stage, ensuring that their wants and needs are heard and fulfilled as the world moves forward and the nations grow together. It’s literally the complete opposite of ‘abandoning’ her nation, her people, or her culture, because everything about who they are and who she is will be everpresent in her life (and her husband’s life) because she’s thinking about them and acting for them in everything she does politically.
Just say that you hate people headcanoning Katara as having more agency in her own life and influencing global politics than canon allowed for her and go, honestly. Stop pretending you give a shit about Katara when you hold so much hatred for people envisioning something more for her than just being ‘the Avatar’s girl’ for the rest of her life.
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oliviamillss · 4 years
reading dreams chart
im only going to use up to orb 3, for stronger accuracy lmao
**if you can’t be bothered to read it all, theres a summary paragraph at the bottom**
sun in 7th: strong emphasis on relationships. tends to copy others lingo/habits. extroverted. probably ‘needs’ others. only really shows his true self around his close friends/family/partners. 
sun at 19 degrees: a libra degree. (emphasis on this bc libra rules 7h), makes him a very charming, likeable, particularly popular guy.
sun opposite ascendant: inner conflict, probably doesn’t feel like people see him for his true self, may struggle showing true self. may feel misunderstood. may need approval/validation a lot.
sun square mars: hints to daddy issues. may struggle with a lot of built up anger and frustration, but it seems like he takes it out very positively, as you can see he is competitive, so i think he lets it out through gaming. probably very energetic, motivated.
sun square saturn: high expectations for himself. probably the type of person to think ‘i’m only good enough if i do this’. probably very hard on himself. also probably very insecure of himself, but doesn’t show it. another sun square masculine planet, more hinting to daddy issues.
moon in 7th: probably relies on close friends/family/partners a lot. loves to help people, esp people he’s close with (kinda mr beast vibes). probably very like ‘oh shit, he’s sad, i need to do everything within my power to cheer him up’ if that makes sense lmao
moon in virgo: looking after people!!! esp with the sun square saturn,, high expectations. probably a very much perfectionist, which also explains why he is competitive. may ‘always need to be right’. but virgo moons are actually so lovely omfg
moon at 9 degrees: sagittarius degree, likes to help people by optimism, and giving things to the person that they would want (im aware that sounds obvious lmao). probably feels a sense of achievement when cheers them up.
moon square pluto: probably hard time dealing with and growing from negative things that have happened, possibly struggles with letting things go. possibly self destructive (why did that one heatwaves part come to mind), possible trust issues + anxiety, probably very particular about who he lets close into his life, maybe quite protective. 
mercury in 6th: likes to help people, probably not disappointed if he spends his time working with someone, may struggle with anxiety/depression. a quick learner, probably overthink every word because it wast the ‘perfect’ thing to say. 
mercury in leo: funny asf, and out there, also thinks his ideas/things to respond and say are the best, with the 6h and 7h placements, he is open to listen to others, but in the end he only really wants his one lmfao, good with conversation.
mercury at 1 degree: aries degree, another fire placement which emphasises the loud, out there kinda vibes.
mercury trine mc: career and reputation are strongly linked with what he says. (this is obv bc hes famous lmao). he’s smart, particularly with technology and its linked to his career. *im aware this sounds like im just describing him, this is exact so thats why its overly accurate*
mercury opposite neptune: daydreamer, probably has a lot of thoughts and ideas in his head, but they just dont come across right. probably zones out, may struggle with focusing. but very creative, has big and creative ideas. i havent mentioned it before but its come up too many times now, but he has a lot of placements, when manifested badly, creates a good manipulator
mercury square jupiter: optimistic, possibly thinks his ideas are the best (we’ve covered that before), can be really overly talkative or just nothing at all. (i rlly dont know much about this placement)
venus in 7th: he will have a beautiful relationship with his future partner. charming asfff, probably a good flirt. tends to love love. needs to be liked, sort of a pleaser. 
venus in virgo: the type of person to remember everything about the people he cares about. loves to help the people he cares about. probably sees the people he truly loves as ‘perfect’, which may end up being really bad if they’re toxic. 
venus in retrograde: struggles feeling loved, possibly feels like he doesn’t deserve love. probably the type to be like ‘how could you ever love me?’
venus square mc: attract people who take care of him. either has self-esteem issues, or is quite a dependant person. creative. may struggle finding people who support his career, or may have to change a few things about himself to be liked by others. 
venus trine jupiter: very likeable, and he’s veryyy lucky. he’s funny, and a generous person, probably very giving to his close friends and family. charismatic asfff, likely he will marry someone foreign. 
mars in 9th: more things hinting to attract(ing/ed to) foreigners. loves experiencing things with people he cares about. likes to learn more and more, possibly stubborn, makes sure his opinions are known.
mars in scorpio: that boy needs privacy in his life, doesn’t like being predictable. probably an overthinker. we’ve already known this but he’s definitely a top. probably could get anyone he wants, seductive asfff. also pretty spiteful.
mars at 17 degrees: leo degree, fame bitchesss
mars square ascendant: hates to lose, competitive. people may be intimidated by him at first, can’t really hide anger, pretty stubborn.
mars opposite saturn: really hard on himself. wants to be the best of the best, leader. stands up for himself. another placement hinting to daddy issues. harsh about his work, and himself in general, perfectionist. 
mars square uranus: anger may change a lot, a lot of energy, probably struggles to focus, doesn’t like to be the one who is being controlled/has restrictions. probably struggles with authority. outbursts of anger.
jupiter in 3rd house: loves writing, and is actually pretty good at it. knows how to talk to people, how to persuade them, and how to manipulate them. good liar, knows how to sell his wants across, how to get what he wants.
jupiter at 4 degrees: cancer degree, cancer rules his 6h. he uses his luck/money to help others.
jupiter square neptune: big dreams, desire to escape the world as it is.
saturn in 3rd: afraid of/ is often misunderstood. struggles to open up?, maybe he wasn’t listened to much growing up. hard on himself academically, feels like he isn’t smart enough. hard time expressing himself. maybe feels like noone really cares for what he has to say?
saturn at 16 degrees: cancer degree. idk what else to say abt it lmaoo
saturn square ascendant: quite serious, maybe struggle with the way he looks? possibly quite overwhelmed about his life,, feels like he has too much to do at times. fear of rejectionnn
saturn square uranus: maybe he doesn’t like change, tradition v change clashing. authority troubles. probably needs freedom, but feels unstable without what he’s used to. rebelling against norms. 
uranus in 12th: probably very curious about unexplainable things, maybe quite into conspiracy theories. two complete ends of the spectrum: fear change/need it, unpredictable things happen/ everythings the same. 
uranus at 14 degrees: taurus. taurus ruling 2nd, i guess it shows change in dream’s wealth.
uranus opposite north node (and conj south node): with exceptions, doesn’t like conflict. he is fine with joke conflict, but the second there’s an actual argument he tries to be the ‘peacemaker’ guy. technology is major in his life. also quite nervous about his career/future. 
neptune in 12th: awful sleep schedule. overworking himself, never relaxing. vivid dreams. once again, this has come up loads and i just haven’t mentioned it: intuitive asf, george is the same. whether either are aware of it or not, they are super intuitive.
neptune at 2 degrees: taurus degree.
neptune sextile mc: creative, also likes helping others, empathy to the public. has big dreams career wise. 
pluto in 10th: determined person, gets a lot of hate, but also a lot of love. trust issues, persuasion/manipulative abilities. leader leader leader. another hint to daddy issues, maybe privacy invading, maybe overprotective. don’t want to be controlled.
north node:
north node in 6th: overwork himself. but i think we can interpret this as his life goal to be working to help people. literally mr beast. just work hard, and give a lot away. humble.
chiron in 9th: possible restriction from either his or his communities beliefs/religions. maybe he’s afraid of leaving where he is right now (sapnap moving to orlando, whenever its brought up its always george coming to orlando)
lilith in sagittarius: need for truth. dislikes restrictions. hides emotions, uses humour to avoid them/ make people think they’re okay when they’re not. stubborn asf. 
lilith in 10th: tend to be sexualised/ reputations for being sexual. another placement hinting to daddy issues. really wants to be at the top, the most powerful. likes using his dominance/ power to seduce. motivateddd.
lilith conjunct pluto (exact omfg): typical ‘mystery’ guy. probably the mystery/scorpio vibes he pulls off attracts/ seduces people. the most dominant partner ever. sex is probably so intense and overwhelming
moon square lilith: possible mummy issues. his need for sex can change quick asf, from one end of the scale to another. struggles to open up. 
 i ought to mention!!
there’s a theory that the degree of your venus sign is the birthday of someone who is v important in your life. what’s dreams you may ask? 1. and when are george and sapnap’s birthdays? the 1st. they’re soulmates, your honour.
basically, dream has so much care and love for his friends and family, and probably relies on them a lot. he only shows his true self around them, and he (at least thinks) people don’t really understand him in the way his friends and family do. he is a social person, who’s very likeable and charming. he lovesss helping people, doing everything in his power to cheer others up, he remembers details about the people he loves. he is such a perfectionist, needing to succeed and win and everything, and is very competitive. he probably doesn’t think he’s ‘worthy’ if he’s bad at something. he sets very high expectations for himself. he is very hard on himself. if he wants to, he knows how to manipulate people. he has so so many placements for an amazing manipulator. he may struggle to express himself or open up, and may be hard on himself academically. maybe he doesn’t feel ‘listened to’. a lot of emotions like anger and sex drive may change rapidly for him. he over works himself a lot. a major theme in his life is tradition vs change. he is probably afraid of change, or finds it uncomfortable, or he may have some sort of attachment to traditional values/things, no matter how much he wants to change. he is also a peacemaker. he was born to be loved or hated, kinda like marmite but if the balance was more equal. he doesn’t like restrictions. he uses humour to hide his emotions.
im also thinking of doing a synastry reading between george and dream but idk yet lol
hope you guys enjoyed, this took ages lmao<3
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ak8shi · 4 years
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FWB HQ Boys: In which you beat the player at his own game!
warnings: Time skip spoilers, mentions of sex(all characters are 18+), alcohol, stupid people in love
a/n: ahh I’m sorry I’ve been a little MIA!!! But I’m back with this pls enjoy ! I think the fandom really make germaphobia his only personality trait sometimes which makes me sad because I think he’s actually a quirky/classy dude and very functional in social situations,, I hate to say it but ya’ll would get played by him… sorry.
━Sakusa Kiyoomi
Some of you may be like ???? Omi fucks around ?? how ?? BUT he definitely does in his own way
He probably doesn’t do much in high school to be honest, he’s mostly focused on improving as a volleyball player and achieving his goals
Once he reaches pro level though,,, it’s a different story lmfao
I can see him being picky as hell about his hookups, but just because he’s a bit of a germaphobe doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel attraction or doesn’t have needs…
….He’s so hot too… girl
His hook-ups are always taken seriously though… like he’s the type that feels like he has a professional image to upkeep, so he always arranges things beforehand; he’s definitely not messy about it and sets clear boundaries
I think what makes him kind of a player is how standoffish he can be…and he doesn’t really give anyone a chance because he doesn’t think they what it takes to deal with his lifestyle lmao
He’s just like, its easier to call the uber right after, get into the shower, and wait until he can hear the front door of his apartment shut I’m screamingg
Sakusa also isn’t one to kiss and tell, even with the boys… he doesn’t think its tasteful and would rather not have Atsumu up his ass about his flings
ANYWAYS,, let’s get into this, so you know Atsumu through mutual friends and met during college, and the two of you just instantly clicked since you also were a part of the same sports medicine program as him
Atsumu signed with MSBY and you were so happy for him, but you were bummed because you were busy with PT graduate school and couldn’t really attend any of his games
A year passed and you found yourself texting Tsumu to see if he could meet up and grab coffee since you were on winter break!!
You: hey I’m back in town wanna grab coffee sometime?
Him: who is this
You: I see you haven’t changed ❤️
LMFAO, so you catch up with Atsumu and he talks about his new career and his teammates, he seems so happy :(( we love to see that!!
He invites you to MSBY’s game the following weekend, and you’re pumped to go!! Tsumu got you great seats, and he meets you before warmups to make sure you’re okay finding your way around
Atsumu: don’t take yer eyes off me <3
He’s so…
You’re enjoying the match and you even go to grab Onigiri from Osamu’s stand, but you can’t seem to look away from number 15 on Atsumu’s team
He’s .., scrumptious to say the least 🥴
Like he’s so composed and calculated on the court, and you find it so funny how he rolls his eyes whenever Tsumu says something to him and how Tsumu gets so heated about it 💀
The match ends and you go down to meet Atsumu near the lockers, showing the security your family/friend pass 😌
You walk through the halls trying to locate the setter, but you can’t seem to figure out where he is
The only person in the hall is the tall, dark haired man that caught your eye earlier; he is already walking towards the exit with a mask covering his face, his duffel bag slung over his shoulder, sweats embroidered with “Sakusa” adorning his body we’re all looking..... respectfully
He’s truly so intimidating but you’re like….highkey lost… so you don’t really have another option
You catch up with him, poking his shoulder gently; he turns around and his attention on you is almost STARTLING.. like his eyes are SO dark
Him: can I help you
You: sir… if you don’t rail me, I’m gonna have to intervene‼️😈😹
After getting over your initial shock, you hear multiple footsteps rumbling down the hallway towards the both of you
Sakusa lets out an annoyed sigh, muttering about how he has to go, but before he can escape you hear Atsumu’s loud voice LMFAO
“OMIIII, where are you goin’? Its team karaoke night remember?”
Tsumu sees you and slings an arm around your shoulders, “Oh-? So I see you’ve met our outside hitter Omi?”
You glance over at Sakusa, his expressionless eyes glued to your face, then slowly trailing down to analyze the way Atsumu casually has you tucked under his arm
Atsumu nudges him, and he grumbles that he’ll meet them after changing at home before walking off in the direction of the private parking garage
You meet the rest of the MSBY boys in the uber, and find them super friendly and welcoming; Bokuto and Hinata buy the first round of drinks at the karaoke bar, but you only have one because you have work to finish the next day WE STAN
Atsumu already has a pink glow setting into his cheeks when you see the boys turn their attention to Sakusa walking through the front door, looking as handsome as ever in his dress pants and fitted white t shirt
They all shout out incoherent hello’s, and he takes the only open seat next to you with a glass of gin and tonic in his hand he smells so good god
You’re unsure what comes over you, but you find yourself turning towards him, and you just start asking him about himself and his career, and surprisingly he’s very polite and much more animated than you previously thought
His voice is like…so alluring and he never looks away from you when you talk, its like he’s absorbing every word
Meanwhile, Atsumu is stumbling over the stage with Bokuto belting Love by Keisha Cole LMFAOO😭
Tsumu kind of ‘warned’ you in the car ride over that Sakusa was a germaphobe, but you know that Atsumu tends to invade people’s personal space sometimes and it probably wasn’t as dramatic as he made it out to be
However, you weren’t expecting the outside hitter to lean over from his seat after checking the time on his phone, whispering in your ear, asking you if you wanted to meet him at his place later than night WHEW
Girl I would be sweating… and you say yes ofc because who’s going to pass up this type of opportunity-
He gives you a charming smile and is like,, okay cool, I’ll see you later then 😊 I’m dead
Ya’ll exchange phone numbers and he’s like if you need any help with my idiot teammates let me know before he takes off
You don’t tell Tsumu about your little… entanglement plans dsnjaknda but honestly he wouldn’t even remember based on the way he’s slumped against you in the uber he owes you big time
You get home after dropping off Tsumu at Osamu’s, and operation dick appointment with the professional volleyball player is put into action 😈
He sends an uber over to get you ladies do not settle for less please, and you’re BIG nervous but in a good way as in you know this dick is about to be bomb af
SO you’re standing in front of his apartment door, and when he opens it, he’s still in the clothes he wore to the bar and its like 1 am he’s so powerful
Um I feel like he would get straight to it honestly, probably starts with a little convo on the couch and then…
YOU WEREN’T AWARE HE WAS SO DIRTY,,, it was SO good too like after getting home that night you’re going through a crisis… like you had so much chemistry together for having just met, and you wonder if he feels the same way🥺
You caught yourself in sleepless states some nights, kept awake by the thoughts of the way his hands felt against your skin, the way his five o’clock shadow gently rubbed against your face when you kissed, and how he would hold you(only after a thorough shower together of course)
As it happens more and more, he lets you into his life little by little, and you notice and remember small facts about him and he often remembers a lot of the things you tell him about you, its really enjoyable for both of you
Its weirdly domestic to a point but that’s why its so good for both of you???it adds a bit of spice ??
Sakusa: can you come over tonight
You: sorry the retainer is in already <3 no dick sucking for me tonight <3
Him: I bought pastries from that cafe you like
You: say less✈️ I’m coming💃
AND he HAS jokes okay, like he’s funny as hell and very witty when his true self comes out; but he’s also a HUGE tease and he’ll say something completely straight-faced that someone else might take offense to like “you look ugly,” but you just know he’s kidding from being around him long enough and from seeing the little glint in his dark eyes
It becomes a routine thing while you’re home honestly, and you try your best to hide it from Atsumu because you just KNOW you would never hear the end of it; for all he knows, you met him that one time at the bar and that was that
Everything is going smoothly until you slip up at one of their games
You were sitting in the waiting area with the team (mostly talking to Atsumu), when he just says something that makes your short circuit
Atsumu: what kind of animal do ya think omi would be? An octopus maybe?
You: yeah I mean with those flexible wrists it makes sense
Atsumu: what the fawk🤠
He’s like… how do you even know about his flexible wrists IT TOOK ME 6 MONTHS TO GET TO THAT STAGE WITH HIM-
Oops, lmfao so you kind of tell him about everything and he’s literally shocked for you, mostly because he doesn’t want you to get hurt :(
Atsumu: So I see he’s just sleeping with ANYONE anyone
LMAO noo he definitely thinks you’re too good for him and he kind of lectures you, telling you that he had a hunch that he messes around with girls like that, but also you’re an adult and you can take care of yourself, and it isn’t like it’s a serious thing!!
Meanwhile, Omi is like going through a bit of a crisis all alone because everything around him reminds him of you or something you said when you were together
He got with people who were compatible sexually often, but he never had the urge to have them stay over after the deed; he usually immediately called them an uber and wouldn’t speak to them again
He found himself thinking about seeing you in the stands at his games, wishing you were there to cheer for him only, and he adored the way you respected his boundaries unlike many of his hookups
Atsumu probably notices something is off with him at practice
Atsumu: hey…if ya ever want to talk about somethin’-
Sakusa: no
Girl… he doesn’t disclose any of this to anyone
Its nearing the end of your break, and you head over to sakusa’s for probably the last time before you go back to school
You’re kind of at the point where you don’t think anything will happen and you know you shouldn’t get your hopes up, and it goes how it usually goes? Except he kind of hugs you goodbye and your heart goes: 🦋🦋🦋
You go back to school, occasionally texting Tsumu about your graduate program, and before you know it, like 5 months pass by and you’re back for summer!
Tsumu texts you and is like… sorry but I’m forcing you to be my plus-one tonight for this dinner thing I have to go to
So you dress up and he comes to pick you up, and you’re really not sure why you were surprised to see Kiyoomi sitting at the table when you arrive you give Atsumu a nice smack on the back of the head for not warning you
You sit down at the table after greeting everyone, trying your best to not act awkward when you shoot sakusa a small smile that he returns politely (but you don’t see it because of his mask)
Atsumu sits weirdly close to you the entire dinner with his arm around the back of your chair, and he’s just acting strange in general??? Like he’s bragging about your degree program and about your accomplishments, you just know he’s trying something funny; but you don’t really say anything because you don’t want to disrespect him in front of the team’s staff as a guest
You almost choke on your wine and you catch on when Bokuto starts making comments after Atsumu says something,
Atsumu: …so yeah, pretty much she should be our next president in my humble opinion
You, sitting there: 🧍‍♀️
He’s so bad at acting I’m crying..,, it becomes so obvious that they’re trying to make Kiyoomi jealous
(the boys plotted beforehand, trying to get Omi to ask you out officially; after you left, he literally would never shut up about you whenever Atsumu mentioned you, and it was just obvious he was in his feels when it came to you)
Atsumu: she’s studying at a café tonight for finals
Sakusa: Yeah so I’m glad you brought it up, because I’ve been thinking about it for days. Fine I guess I’ll say it. Her favorite coffee blend is French roast and she only likes a dash of sugar with a lot of cream, but it has to be hazelnut creamer or else she doesn’t like any-
Everyone in the gym: 🗿
LMAO ANYWAYS ITS LOWKEY WORKING you look over at him and his face is like stone.. girl..
The dinner is almost over and Atsumu gets up to go to the restroom with a wink I hate him, and you get up to catch a breath of fresh air outside
You sit on a bench for a minute, calming yourself down after the eventful dinner, but then you see the door to the restaurant swing open, Sakusa looking around the corner before spotting you
Your heart pounds in your chest as he walks over and asks if he can join you, inspecting the bench before sitting down, pulling his mask down as well
He eases into a conversation by just asking you how you’re doing, basic stuff, but then in the middle of you going off on a tangent about your stupid professor, he stops you
“I missed you.”
He crosses his legs, not looking at you as he takes your hand, intertwines it with his, and places it in his lap
You gaze at him, taken back at his confession, noticing the slight pinkness tinging his pale cheeks
You say you missed him too, and then he’s asking you if you would like to go on an actual date with him
You: wait are you asking me out officially?
Him: Yes. No I’m not. Yes I am❤️
SKSLD Please he’s awkward help him a little, you agree and then you hear a tap on the window behind you, you turn around to see Tsumu, Bokuto and Adriah behind you with big grins on their faces LMFAO 🤡
Kiyoomi rolls his eyes, but you don’t miss the small upturn of the corners of his lips as he hears Bokuto happily scream through the glass
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