#which can definitely happen ugh we never know
eddiediaaz · 11 months
so i've been talking with someone daily for two weeks and we're meeting tonight and i'm super stressed dflkndfds. like legit my stomach is swooping. they seem to be a really kind and sweet person and they make me feel really comfortable so far. they also seem to like me a lot (they've told me), which is overwhelming in a lot of ways lol. not to jinx myself here, but it feels different than the other couple of first dates i've had these past 3 years, where it didn't go anywhere. i feel like this could definitely go somewhere and i'm so scared and excited and just fdgkLDFGGDKLJFDa. send help.
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lesbiansanemi · 4 months
I don’t often think I’m upset at not having a good relationship with my parents but sometimes it really fucking hits me that I don’t have a good mom I don’t have a dad I’ll never experience having a good parent and someone I can lean on like that and I get… really upset
#I have this coworker who is about my mom’s age#I love her and she’s a wonderful person and she’s such a good parent to her kids#her autistic queer kids and she fights for them and defends them all the time#she values their interests and does things they love with them and supports their choices and jusy#ugh#today she gave me a hug because ‘it’s really seemed like I wasn’t doing okay’#and ‘I’ve been dealing with a lot of hard things and big life changes which she knows is really hard’#and I kinda teared up#my own parents don’t even know about everything that has happened with my roommate or the friends I’ve lost this year#I don’t tell them. and I could but it wouldn’t matter#my mother wouldn’t care. she definitely wouldn’t sympathize or give me a hug over it#she wouldn’t comfort me#my dad my try but he lives thousands of miles away#and I love my dad but I didn’t get to know him until I was 17#I don’t think he’s really like… a dad you know?#he’s more like some weird friend or MAYBE an uncle than anything#which is fine! I think it’s really the best we can do and like I said I do love him and I know he loves me#but it’s still… different than a parent you know?#and sometimes I just ache knowing I don’t get parents…#I don’t get that relationship that so many ppl have that’s so important to them#and it just doesn’t feel fair and makes me feel really sad#I’m glad I’m as independent as I am but even that doesn’t feel fair#I’ve lived on my own since I was 17…. I never should have had to do that anyways….#and I just feel sad because I got a hug from my coworker that made me want to sob#because it’s like damn… is this a teeny tiny taste of what having an actual good mom is like?#I missed out on so much….#kaz rambles
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
Of all the places he could have been summoned to, Danny Phantom had never considered a private school’s bathroom to be one of them.
With glowing green skin, a shock of flickering flames for hair, and a suit made out of the spaces between collapsing stars, Danny stared down at the stupefied faces of Gotham Academy’s finest students. One of them had their face in their hands, having caught sight of him and undergoing all the stages of grief in but a moment.
They sat around a circle that he was appropriately impressed with considering the limited space they had to work with. Danny could see the empty stalls, some of which were adorned with drawings and writings that were left by the, no-doubt, extremely busy caretaker.
“Seriously, a bathroom?” Danny wrinkled his nose.
“Holy shit, that actually worked?” One of the kids blurted out, then slammed their hands on top of their mouth.
“Did you expect it not to?” Danny squinted at them, frowning. It’s Friday, so it’s not like he had much to do, but Danny would prefer it if his time wasn’t wasted.
“No- no, your… uh, highness?”
“All of that schooling and you’re still uneducated,” one of the other ones hissed at the red headed kid who spoke. It’s “Your Majesty.” He’s a king, idiot!”
That was a pretty solid burn but, “It’s actually just Phantom. Did you guys want something? I’m busy.”
He’s not busy, but who cares?
“Uh…” the kids exchanged glances. The one in the back sighed and spoke up. He adjusted his glasses.
“We’re sorry for bothering you, Phantom. You wouldn’t happen to have a solution for dimensional separation, would you?”
“Huh.” Danny tilted his head, face souring. “I hate dimensional issues. They’re the worst. Who’s causing them?”
“His name’s Klarion!” The one who slapped a hand across his mouth earlier piped up.
“Oh! The lords of chaos or whatever. Yeah, I can help, for a price.”
Danny is against unpaid labor. Extremely against it, considering his side gig is being a half-dead vigilante. Then again, are you really a vigilante if you���re not half dead on a regular basis?
“What do you want?” Despite the reluctance from earlier, it’s clear the one with the glasses made the big decisions in this weird friend group.
“… A hundred dollars.”
“That’s it? No stipulations?” When Danny nodded, the kid had a calculating expression. “Deal.” The teen said immediately. He pulled out cash and wow, Danny’s definitely in a place with a different tax bracket.
He snatched it. Nasty burger money!
“Deal’s a deal. Also, don’t ever summon me again, but if you do, don’t ever do it in a bathroom again. You kids are so weird.” Danny floated out of the circle, grinning sharply. He formed a small bird- he doesn’t know why, but it felt right- of ice and handed it to the kid with glasses. “There. Proof of the deal.”
With that, Danny disappeared. Private school kids were so fucking weird, but… Dash and his goons were probably worse. What’s a little ritualistic summoning in the face of teenagers?
“I leave you guys alone for ten minutes and you summon the king of the dead?” Robin narrowed his eyes at his teammates, traitors who had the good graces to look sheepish. “How could you?! I wanted to try, too!”
Kid Flash patted him on the shoulder, a granola bar appearing in his mouth now that the possible world ending terror disappeared. “Sorry, Rob. Maybe next time! Magic still isn’t real though.”
“I’m not doing this shit in a bathroom again,” Artemis rolled back to her feet. “He sounded like he was going to rip our bones out if we ever summoned him in a bathroom again.”
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wisteria-cherry · 5 months
birthday | k. bakugo
birthday special :)
“katsuki.” you whisper. he lay next to you, sound asleep in his bed that you also happened to be in. as much as he prattled on about how he didn’t wanna get caught with you in his dorm, he never said no when you asked to stay.
“katsuki,” you whisper again after he didn’t stir, louder, rolling on top of him. this time, his eyes squeeze a little tighter, his brow furrows just a little bit.
“what.” katsuki interrupts, his hand shooting up to grab your face. even with his eyes shut, he manages to find it perfectly, and his fingers squish your cheeks, making it just a little harder to speak. finally, he opens his eyes.
“ha’y bir’day.” you say best you can. katsuki drops his hand.
“it’ll be fun, i promise.”
“i said not to plan anything.”
“i must not’ve heard that.” you grin. you definitely heard that.
“fuck you.”
“c’mon, get up.” you roll off of him and move with the intention of swinging your legs over the side of the bed, but you are abruptly stopped by katsuki’s arm, which coiled around your waist and yanked you back next to him.
“katsuki.” you laugh.
“m’not getting up yet. s’too fuckin’ early.” he grunted, his eyes closed again.
“you don’t know that.”
“i saw the clock, dumbass. you woke me up two hours before my morning training.”
“so we can do things, kats. come on, i wanna make you breakfast.” you squirm against his arm, but his grip is unrelenting.
“like hell. you’re a disaster in the kitchen.”
“not when i’m following a recipe.”
“don’t care. i’m still not getting up.”
“you’re no fun.” you poke his cheek, to which he promptly pushes your hand away annoyedly. of course, he’s never really annoyed.
“s’my birthday. i’m doing what i want.”
“oh, so now you want to celebrate your birthday?” you narrow your eyes.
“no, i want to stay in goddamn bed til i actually need to get up.” katsuki retorted. with a dramatic sigh, you relent.
“if i must. for your sake.” you flop over on top of him, resting your chin on his chest and looking up at him with a smile you know katsuki would call idiotic in a second.
“what?” katsuki looked down at you, raising his head just a little to see you better.
“hi.” your grin widens. katsuki’s frown deepens.
“what’d you do?”
“nothing!” you laugh, scooting up so you could look directly down at his face, and conveniently align your lips with his. katsuki’s expression was skeptical as you leaned down and carefully kissed his chapped lips. katsuki seemed to relax at this, his brow no longer furrowed. his hands moved to your waist just as you pull away.
“your lips are chapped, hold on.” you hum, reaching over to his bedside table to get your chapstick, which you promptly applied and then kissed him again. “better?”
“yeah.” katsuki answered absentmindedly, much more focused on looking up at you as his hands moved up and down your sides.
“now, how about we get out of bed and i can make you breakfast?”
“not a chance.”
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seungfl0wer · 2 months
Bangchan As Your Boyfriend
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Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Han | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
Contains Smut 🩵
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•He’s such a cute, giggly, bushy mess. He’s so giddy about everything.
•Finds everything you do just so damn cute.
•One of his favorite things is when you get to talking about something you love.
•The way you’re so excited about it just makes him smile while listing.
•The sparkle in your eyes just makes his heart do flips.
•Another thing he absolutely just melts at is you in his clothes.
•He finds it so cute and attractive just seeing you in his shirts/hoodies.
•The day he finds you all curled up in bed in his hoodie snuggling up to his pillow.
•Ugh man feels like his heart is on fire.
•He’s such a sweet Clingy man.
•Wants to always be touching you in some way.
•Is he slightly possessive or is he just doing loving boyfriend things?
•The answer is yes. Yes to both.
•He always has a hand on you. Either on your thigh, holding your hand, touching your arms. Anything.
•He’s very thoughtful.
•Remembers all the things you tell him.
•So when he’s traveling and sees your favorite animal, snack or favorite character in that one show you guys binge watched.
•He’s buying it for you.
•Speaking of buying things.
•Loves buying you both matching clothes.
•Finds it so adorable.
•He’s getting you both a whole wardrobe of couple outfits.
•Just loves showing you off.
•Talks non-stop about you.
•”y/n loves those!” “Omg those are y/ns faves!”
•“Y/n and I come here all the time” “y/n did this funny thing today”
•Plans out time for his schedule to make sure he has time to spend with you.
•Does in fact cry when he’s away from you for too long.
•He gets you to wear one of his hoodies for a while before leaving so he can snuggle it.
•Also cries into that.
•He’s just so head over heels for you it hurts being away for so long.
•When he does eventually come home.
•He’s all over you.
•You’re not leaving his sight for at least a week straight.
•He’s gonna be glued to you.
•Arms wrapped around you.
•Telling you how much he missed you. How much he wants to take you to the places he was.
•Giving you all the things he found for you.
•Also apologizing for leaving you for so long.
•Which you always playfully smack him telling him
•“I don’t mind, I knew when we started dating this would happen. At least at the end of everything you come back to me.”
•Your words always bringing tears to his eyes.
•Mans has a whole folder of songs he’s made for you.
•There’s some he’s shown you but a lot are special.
•For special occasions like birthdays/anniversaries.
•He also has a whole folder of pictures/videos of you.
•A lot. A LOT. Of unflattering ones.
•Has those saved in a special folder so you can’t delete them.
•He thinks they’re cute but you think they’d be perfect blackmail material.
•He really enjoys your input on things.
•Music, style, life. He really likes to hear what you have to say.
•Always checks up on you, just simple “did you eat today?” Or “Did you drink water?”
•Sends the sweetest good morning texts
•And you know something?
•The spark yall have never dies.
•The longer you date, the more he knows he’s gonna marry you.
•He falls more and more in love with you every day.
•Truly heart eyes for you constantly.
•Chan is really just the best, he’s so caring, compassionate and just.. the man you want forever with.
•And nothing would make you happier than to spend that forever with him.
︵‿︵‿୨Smut Below୧‿︵‿︵
•As loving as he is normally that transfers to love making.
•And that’s what it is.
•Love making.
•He’s so sensational, and passionate.
•You both definitely sit down and talk about what you both like.
•Chan always wants to make sure you’re comfortable.
•But god does he just lose control sometimes.
•His mind goes as he’s fucking you.
•He looks like a dog with his tongue basically hanging out.
•The noises he makes are so hot-
•This man’s vocal on a daily you think he’s not in bed?
•If he’s not making noises he’s talking.
•Big into talking.
•”Baby, you feel so good” “ah you’re taking me so good”
•”My love your milking my cock-“ “you’re so good for me baby”
•Definitely loves interlocking hands.
•He can get a little rough sometimes.
•Spanking, Choking, hair pulling, probably has a daddy kink.
•I said what I said.
•We all know he does-
•He’s such a softy though.
•Soft dom for sure
•Always. Always makes sure you cum.
•You could have been an absolute brat.
•And yeah he’s gonna punish you but honestly.
•He’s gonna let you cum.
•Even if he says he won’t.
•He will.
•He always does.
•Also listen-
•This man’s going down on you often.
•So often.
•He just can’t get over how you sound.
•Can’t get over how you look when his tongue is lapping at your hole.
•Really just drives him crazy.
•So much aftercare. Ugh dude-
•Cleans you up, cuddles you, gets you a snack and a drink.
•”You did so well baby” “it’s ok baby I’m here I’m not going anywhere ever. I love you”
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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pitchsidestories · 4 months
can't stop this feeling II Alessia Russo x Reader
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part 2 I masterlist I word count: 2954 I
a/n: hi, the oneshot is based off the ask to write for Alessia, we hope you guys like this one, it's on the longer side, so get cozy.
Vick Hope looked expectantly at the two players who formed The Tooney & Russo Show together. The question she read out loud only a couple of seconds ago, was weighing heavy on the Arsenal forward.
They were playing a quick-fire question round of who’s more likely for the new episode and the moderator asked them:” Who’s more likely to kiss a girl?”
“Alessia, she just did last night!”, Ella yelled enthusiastically.
“Tooney!”, Alessia gasped.
Shooting an innocent smile in her best friend’s direction the Manchester United footballer defended herself:” What? You just told me.”
“Yes, but that was just a kiss between teammates.”, the Blonde explained, her cheeks turning slightly pinks as she spoke.
“You never kissed me.”, Ella reminded her with a cheeky grin.
“Yes, because you’re my best friend. I’d never kiss-.”, Alessia licked the lips nervously.
“Your friends? Liar.”, the midfielder clicked her tongue reprovingly.
The remark of the fellow footballer made the blonde blush even harder:” Can we change the topic please? This is ridiculous. It was fun and meant nothing.”
“Sure, so who’s more likely to get into a bar fight?”, sensing the change of the mood in the room Vick Hope switched the discussion to something more light-hearted.
“Definitely Tonney.”, Alessia laughed.
“True, I can’t deny that.”, Ella responded, shrugging her shoulders in a nonchalantly manner.
Last night, when the kiss which the podcast had hinted at, happened the Arsenal team has been out in the bars, celebrating the end of the season. The temperature been up letting everyone know that summer was around the corner.
“No, drinks for, y/n.”, Lia told her teammates at the table seriously. The room was nicely lit, with modern art on the walls and a lot of plants as decorative elements.
“Wally, I’m 23 and not longer 16 anymore.”, you scowled at her.
“Still, the rules are the rules.”, the Swiss woman declared, she didn’t seem to be impressed by your throw in.
Clearing her throat, Katie offered you grinning:” You can take a sip from my drink.”
“Thanks, Katie.”, you replied happily.
“Katie!”, Kim scolded the Irish player.
“She turned 23 this month, you guys need to calm down!”, she scoffed.
“Listen, I’ll order a drink now!”, Leah announced as she banged on the table, to underline the seriousness of her decision.
“Lee, I love you. Thank you!”, you sighed gratefully.
“Excuse me? I thought you loved me more.”, Alessia interjected, her pretty lips formed to a pout.
“Did you buy me a drink?”, you rose an eyebrow at her, but couldn’t help to giggle because of her silly facial expression.
“No?“, Alessia replied truthfully.
Your teammate shrugged: “Fine then. I still love you.“
“Love you too. But not as much as Leah.“, you replied when the blonde defender reappeared next to you with a drink in hand.
You carefully took the glass from her: “Thanks, Lee.“
“You’re welcome.“, she laughed, holding up her own glass so you could clink your glass to hers.
You both took a sip of your drink and you had to admit, Arsenals vice captain had a surprisingly good taste in alcohol.
Lia playfully hit her best friend on the arm: “Leah, you’re breaking the rules!“
“The rules aren’t for her anymore.“, she replied decisively.
You nodded enthusiastically: “Exactly!“
The Swiss midfielder shook her head in faux shock: “Unbelievable.“
You suddenly felt an arm snake around your shoulders. When you looked over, your eyes met Beths. She leaned her head on her shoulder, obviously not on her first drink anymore and said: “You’ll always be our baby, y/n. No matter how old you get.“
“Oh yes.“, Lia agreed.
You shook Beth off and grimaced at your older teammates: “Ugh, you’re horrible.“
Between some gasps and a few protests, Kim only looked at you with an unimpressed expression: “No, we know you love us.“
You were about to respond that maybe they should have their alcohol consumption supervised instead because none of them seemed sober at the moment when Alessia grabbed your wrist. Your attention immediately shifted to her.
“Want to go get some fresh air?“, she asked, her blue eyes twinkling.
“Yes, please.“, you nodded, happy to escape your teammates for a moment.
A smile appeared on your friends lips as she pulled you along: “Come on then. Maybe they have calmed down until then.“
You both stepped outside into Londons night air. It was chilly and you wrapped the arm not holding your drink around yourself. “Let’s hope so. It’s just so annoying when they’re babying me like I’m still that academy youngster who joined them seven years ago…“
You sighed quietly. You were still grateful for these women. They were welcoming and supportive when you first joined Arsenals senior squad. By now you even considered most of them your family. But they still seemed to ignore that you had changed since then.
“Maybe they still want to believe that.“, Alessia grinned, bumping her shoulder against yours.
“Maybe it makes them feel less old.“, the striker suggested while taking your drink from you and having a sip.
You let out a laugh: “I guess that could be true.“
While she was busy enjoying your drink, you used the opportunity to reapply your lipgloss. As you followed the contour of your lips with the applicator, you realized that Alessias eyes were following your movements.
You frowned at her: “What?“
“That’s a pretty gloss.”, the blonde muttered under her breath.
Her visible nervousness amused you.
“I could put some gloss on your lips if you’d want to?”, you offered her, smiling innocently.
“Sure.”, Alessia nodded as she kept focussing on your lips. They are so kissable, the forward thought to herself while you applied the gloss on to her.
Stepping a bit away from her, you noted:” It looks great on you.”
“It’s true.”, you replied but before you could add anything more your teammates lips were on yours, you exchanged short and sweet kisses.
In between those Alessia stated with a huge grin on her face: “And very kissable.”
“Oh, do you think so, Russo?”, you gave her a challenging look.
“Yes.”, she declared laughing.
“Too bad you’re only for the boys you’re a pretty solid kisser.”, you sighed dramatically. Despite the joking, it did hurt you saying this out loud. You couldn’t dwell on it for too long as Alessia showered you in more kisses to stop you from talking.
“I can still kiss you anyway.”, the forward claimed confidently. The two of you have been too oblivious to your surroundings, so you didn’t see your teammates turning up behind you, who have started to worry what took you two so long.  
“Oi, Lessi kissed y/n!”, Katie yelled.
“Katie.”, Caitlin scolded her girlfriend.
“Wait, what !?”, Beth gasped, the shock has been written all over her face.
“Relax, girls, it was just a kiss.”, Alessia tried to soothe them with her response.
“It’s never just a kiss.”, Beth answered in a serious tone.
“Well for us it’s, right y/n?”, the younger forward asked you.
“Uhm, yeah sure.”, you mumbled, you could feel the rest of your team could sense that you were lying.
The Irish woman was clearly ready to reply something sharp, but Caitlin stopped her. “Don’t say anything right now, Katie.”
“I think I’ll be going home now.”, you decided quietly.  
“Already?”, Lia questioned surprised.
When she saw you nodding the Swiss woman continued: “I can bring you home.”
“Oh, you don’t need to.”, you told her.
“I was about to leave anyway.”, Lia shrugged.
“Okay, fine.”, you gave in, after you said your goodbyes to everyone, the older midfielder and you were on your way home by foot.
While you were walking Lia was absently smiling at her phone. Normally the Swiss woman wasn’t clued to her device this much, she would have pointed out the beauty of the gardens you both were passing on the way or talking about whatever crossed her mind.
“Are you texting Mariona again?”, you teased her smirking.
“Again?”, the midfielder repeated, biting her lip guiltily.
“Oh, please, you know what I’m talking about, you playfully rolled your eyes at her before adding more earnestly, I’m happy for you, Lia, you deserve it.”
“Thanks, I’m just surprised, I haven’t told anyone yet.”, Lia confessed.
You shrugged, biting back a smirk: “Yes but you know we all have eyes and access to Instagram, right?“
“It wasn’t even obvious!“, the midfielder protested, throwing her hands up in defeat.
“Doesn’t matter we all know.“
“I guess you do.“, she sighed.
You raised your eyebrow: “See?“
“Yes. But Lessi…“, Lia suddenly changed the topic.
You could feel your heart skip a beat but pretended to remain unfazed: “What about her?“
Your teammate studied your face for a moment. “What was that about?“
“I don’t know…“ There were a million thoughts in your head, a million explanations but the reality was that you had no idea why this had happened. You were thinking about blaming it on the alcohol but you knew Lia would not buy it.
Seemingly unsatisfied with your answer, the Swiss midfielder followed up with another question: “Was it just a kiss like she said?“
You knew where she was going but you decided to act dumb: “I mean… you know Lessi. She’s just very affectionate.“
Your indifference seemed to bother Lia. She stopped right on the pavement. “But kissing is a different level of affection.“
“Yeah…“, you admitted slowly, your gaze trained on the tips of your shoes as you paused by her side.
Lia let out a sigh of understanding and when you looked back up at her, her eyes were full of empathy. “You wanted it to be more than that, right?“
“I did.“ Your voice was hoarse and quieter than you expected. You cleared your throat.
“Oh, y/n.“
Before you could protest, Lia had pulled you into a tight hug.
For the first few seconds, the embrace felt soothing and comforting but then you shook your head, signalling your teammate to let go.
“But it’s okay. I know this will never happen with her.“, you said, once Lia took a step back.
The older player whipped out her phone again and started typing: “Let me text the others.“
“Wait, what?“
“They should talk to her.“, she explained quickly.
“Oh, that’s probably useless…“
With a stern face, Lia looked directly into your eyes: “No. I know you think this is probably not a big deal. But it is. It is hard enough being a queer woman, this should not be one of the things we should have to worry about as well.“
“What do you mean?“ The fierceness in her voice almost left you speechless.
“Being randomly kissed by a straight girl. I’m sure Lessi didn’t mean it like that but… she should know.“
“She should know what it means…“, you whispered. The kisses from earlier in the evening replayed in your mind and only then did you realize that Lia was right. Alessia was the one who had initiated this.
“The others will talk to her.“, Lia plainly said before gently pulling you along.
You immediately fell into step with her as she walked you to your flat. She only left when you assured her that you would be okay.
Crawling into your bed in the quiet of your home, you hoped that sleep would come quickly.
On the next day Leah was the first to approach her teammate, opening the conversation in her earnest England captain tone: “Lessi, can we talk?”
“Sure.”, Alessia mumbled a bit nervous due to the stern expression on the older blonde’s face.
“About last night.”, the defender continued, getting straight to the heart of what was about to be discussed.
“Is this about a kiss?”, she bit her lip in front of the older woman.
“Yes., Leah confirmed her fear before adding, Lia texted me that y/n wasn’t happy.”
“Of course, she wasn’t as a queer girl getting kissed by a straight one.”, Beth joined their talk shrugging.  
“That’s not what I..”, Alessia interjected with a helpless look on her face.
Clearing her throat to draw back the attention on her Leah asked the younger forward:” Why did you kiss her?”
At this point Alessia felt like she was being cross-examined by her friends.
“I just like..her so much.”, the blonde tried to explain her feelings for you in front of your teammates stammering.
“Like Lotte and Tooney?”, Beth questioned.
“ I thought so. But they never looked so..”
“Kissable?”, the England captain ended the sentence for her.
“Yes.”, Alessia nodded, licking her lips anxiously.
“Does she make you feel things like you did with boys before?”, the oldest of the players threw in.
“No, I’m not into girls.”, the younger forward shook her head.
More softly than before Leah responded:” Maybe not into girls but into her.”
“Into her?”, Alessia ran through her open hair to calm down her nerves, but she had to admit that this gesture didn’t help at all in this situation where their questions stirred something inside her for which she wouldn’t have simple answer.
“I don’t even know what that means.”, the half Italian pointed out.
“Alessia.”, Beth tried to soothe her.
“I mean I’ve only been with men before.”, she reminded them and more important herself.
“Doesn’t mean it always has to be that way you know?”, Leah told her gently.
“But..”, Alessia begun.
“You don’t have to give yourself a label if that’s what’s concerning you.”, the defender emphasized.
“Thanks, girls.”, she whispered already deep into her own thoughts.
“Do you want to hear my humble opinion on this.”, Vivianne tuned in, turning up next to her girlfriend’s side.
 “Of course.”, Alessia said.
The Dutch woman looked deep into her eyes while talking solemnly:” Nothing of this matters. Who you dated before, how you label yourself. But if you want to keep kissing her, don’t deny yourself that. Otherwise, you should apologize to her.”
“Well, said Vivi.”, Beth said padding the shoulder of the taller player.
“You girls are the sweetest, but I don’t know.”, the younger Blonde forward answered genuinely.
“You don’t have to know yet.. just trust your feelings.”, Leah reassured her.
Alessia nodded slowly: “I think I should talk to her.“
“That sounds like a good idea.“, Vivianne agreed, giving her teammate a gentle pat on the shoulder.
You were on your way to leave the pitch when Alessia stopped you right after training.
“Oh hey, Less.“, you said casually, trying to move past her.
“Hey. Can we talk?“
You had dreaded this question but still nodded cautiously: “Yes.“
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself to get hurt.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you, that was wrong.“, Alessia apologized sincerely.
Trying to avoid her bright blue eyes, you looked straight over her shoulder: “To be fair, I kissed you back which… wasn’t right of me either considering you only kiss boys.“
“Don’t. I initiated it. I don’t know what had gotten into me.“
You finally looked at her, searching for any sign you could find. “So you really think it was just a mistake, huh?“
The striker frowned: “I didn’t say that.“
You were surprised by the defensiveness in her voice. “True.“
For a second, Alessia just stood there, studying you. Nervously, she ran a hand through her hair. “I’m just really damn confused about what happened.“
You immediately believed her. You knew the desperate expression in her eyes too well from yourself: “Trust me, I’m confused too.“
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to confuse you.“
In this moment, you wanted nothing more than to put your lips on hers to stop her from apologizing.
“I just don’t want you like a best friend, Less…“, you said, your jaw set defiantly.
“I never felt about anyone this way…“
“And I never felt like this about a teammate.“
There was silence between the two of you. Both scared to make the wrong move.
Alessias voice was light as a feather as she whispered: “Do you think this could be something?“
“I do.“
It felt like your heart was somersaulting in your chest.
Your best friend took your hand in hers, her face softening even more: “But you’ll have to be patient with me. I’m new to all of this.“
You let out a soft chuckle: “I mean your kisses were the opposite of patience.“
She playfully hit you on your arm: “If you don’t shut up, I’ll have to kiss you again!“
“Try it.“, you challenged her but quickly added with more seriousness: “But I promise we can take it slow.“
“I promise.“
“Come here.“, Alessia said, pulling you in for a gentle but long-lasting kiss.
You broke apart as Katie yelled from somewhere: “Guys, I think the kids will be alright!“
As you looked up, you saw your teammates standing at the gate of the Arsenal grounds, watching you.
Lia winked at you before turning to Katie: “I think we have to admit that they’re not children anymore.“
“Told you so, Wally!“, Leah joined in.
Kim Little grimaced: “Ugh, young love is so disgusting.“
“Oh, Kimmy, we know you love them.“, Beth grinned at the small Scot.
You looked at Alessia with raised eyebrows: “I think it’s time for us to leave, Lessi.“
“I agree.“
Maybe this was just the trial stage but the way Alessias hand fitted so perfectly in yours, told you this was going to last.
You were almost out of earshot but you could still hear the smile in Kims voice: “Such a pretty couple.“
“We knew you thought that!“, Leahs voice shouted.
You bit back a smile. What would you do without those girls?
pictures are from pinterest.
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yuikomorii · 29 days
Ayayui date♡
// I'm not sure why, but I suddenly got a burst of creativity. There's no special occasion for this post; it was really just an excuse to edit Yui in my favorite Princess Collection outfit. I like how the merch line was released right on Ayato’s birthday, so I really wanted to see an Ayayui date in those outfits! 😌💕
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I was in the mood to write a special scenario again. You just have to click on ‘Keep reading’ to find it. This one is set after the LE events, particularly after the After Story, so I hope you enjoy it! ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )
Ayato: Haa… finally!
After all this time, I’ve managed to sort out every single problem in the Demon World.
Geez, I’m gladly taking a break!
( Ever since I became king, I’ve been buried in an endless pile of documents—so many that I’ve grown sick just being in that place. Things seem to be getting better in the Demon World, though I’d lie to say it’s perfectly stable. )
( Well, whatever. I shouldn’t bother too much about that… for now. )
( Right now, all I can think about is her. Ugh, these stupid king duties have kept us apart for way too long. I’m sure she must’ve felt really lonely, huh…? )
( Damn it! That was never my intention, but I know it must be boring as hell to be stuck in the castle all day by yourself. )
( That’s why, I’m definitely going to make it up to her today and take her somewhere nice~! )
Place: Their room
Ayato: Chi-chi-na-shi, guess who’s ba—
( Hah!? She’s not here? )
Oi, Yui!
( She’s still not answering? )
Yui, where are yo—
???: Ayato-kun..!
— hugs his back —
Ayato: What the—!
Yui: Fufu, sorry for taking you off guard. I was just thrilled to see Ayato-kun again!
Ayato: Geez, next time I call you, answer me, understood? You’re still in the Demon World, anything could happen when no one’s around, y’know?
Yui: Ah… I’m sorry for being careless. I hope I didn’t make you worry…
Ayato: No need to sulk now. What matters the most is that you’re alright.
Now… about the thing you’re wearing. Where the heck did you even get it from? It’s the first time I’ve seen you in it.
Yui: Oh, actually I bought it last time we went shopping together. You see… I didn’t show it to you back then because I wanted it to be a surprise, but uuh… does it not suit me?
Ayato: Haa… normally, when a woman wants to surprise her man, she wears lingerie or something sexy, but I’ll forgive you this time. Why? Because you look hella cute in that, can’t deny.
— Yui blushes —
Yui: Ayato-kun… thank you! I’m really happy…!
Ayato: ( Is she seriously almost on the verge of tears for that? )
C-C’mon, don’t get all emotional over every little thing. The date hasn’t even started yet! You really want people to see you with red eyes and puffy cheeks outside?
— Yui shakes head —
Ayato: Good, now let’s go!
— He takes her hand —
Place: Kaminashi City
Ayato: Can’t believe I’m gonna say this but I somehow missed this place.
Yui: Is that so? I thought Ayato-kun didn’t like the Human World.
Ayato: I don’t mind either of them, but right now I’m sick of the Demon World. If I see one more document, I will end up throwing up on the spot.
Yui: Ayato-kun…
( That’s right, he’s been working a lot ever since he became king. I’m sure it must truly be tiring spending days in front of all those documents. )
I’m glad you put a lot of effort in your role, but take it easy, okay? I can’t do much in this situation, yet… If you ever need help, I want to be there to support you!
Ayato: Hmm… anyway. I’m not here to talk about work again. I just want us to enjoy some time together for once.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun really sounds exhausted… He’s matured so much these past few months, which isn’t bad, but I just wish he could relax a little. )
Then, let’s make the best of this day!
— tugs onto his arm and starts walking —
Yui: Haa… it’s way better outside.
( Ayato-kun is still waiting to pay for our things, but it was way too hot in that store, so he told me to get some fresh air. )
( Now that I think about it, vampires are always cold, so I doubt the heat bothers him as much as it does me, right? Even so, seeing him care about my comfort makes me really happy. )
— warm breeze hits —
Yui: Mm… so ni—
— something suddenly hits her —
Yui: Kyah! What on earth was that!?
Eh? That’s—
Familiar: Greetings. Pardon my interruption, but could it be that you are Komori Yui-sama?
Yui: ( ‘Sama’? Uuh… I feel like that’s an exaggeration. )
Yes, I am. Did anything happen…?
Familiar: Rest assured, there is no need for alarm. My purpose here is simply to entrust this to your care. Unable to find Ayato-sama, I must rely on you to deliver him this letter.
— Yui takes it —
Yui: But, what’s this letter about?
If it’s possible to tell, of course.
Familiar: In essence, a new set of documents has been prepared for Ayato-sama. Please inform him at your earliest convenience, as his return is eagerly anticipated.
Yui: Wait! Does it mean that he really has to return now—!
( Oh no! The familiar is already gone! )
( To think that Ayato-kun was finally starting to relax again… )
( All this letter will do is ruin his day, that’s for sure. )
( But at the same time, not showing it to him… that would undoubtedly get him in troubles. )
( Uuh… This situation is so complicated. What should I do…? )
Ayato: Chichinashi!!!
Yui: ….!
— suddenly hides the letter —
A-Ah, Ayato-kun, you’re back!
Ayato: Duh, and I kept calling your name but it seems you only answer to Chi-chi-na-shi~.
— He starts pinching her cheeks —
Yui: Whey dwont, staphh!
Ayato: Hehe, that’s what you get for spacing out and ignoring me.
Anyway, you weren’t approached by any creeps, were you?
Yui: N-No, not at all!
Ayato: Hmm… that doesn’t sound too honest. Are you lying?
Yui: No way! I… I’m just hungry and my stomach won’t stop growling, which is really embarrassing…
Ayato: Haa… you never change. Always getting embarrassed over everything, but no worries, I didn’t hear anything. Though, if you’re really that hungry, I guess we could get something to eat.
Yui: Y-Yeah, that sounds great!
* Timeskip *
Yui: ( After the restaurant, we went to the mall, then back to the center. Ayato-kun… we walked a lot today, but instead of getting tired, he just got more and more energetic. )
( I suppose he was really in need of this break, so maybe hiding that letter wasn’t entirely bad, no…? Still, I’ll have to give it to him today, otherwise I’ll surely put him at risk… )
Ayato: Oi Yui, look!
Yui: W-Woah! I’ve never seen such big Takoyaki before!
Ayato: Heh, right? It’s even bigger than the ones from the Demon World!
Also, Ore-sama got you this, so I better see you eat it all.
Yui: Eh-? This is such a big donut! T-There’s no way I could eat all of it!
Ayato: So you’re refusing my donut? You’re way too ungrateful for a Chichinashi. Well, in that case, I guess you don’t need it any—
Yui: No, no, the donut is good!
— starts eating it —
Come to think of it, today you’ve spoiled me quite a lot, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: And why would that be bad? I thought women liked that.
Yui: It’s not bad, but I really didn’t do anything special. You’re the one who’s been working all day and night, for this reason I believe you deserve this treatment more.
Ayato: Haa… getting all self-conscious, just like always.
Look, you know I’m not good at sentimental shit, but after everything we’ve been through, your presence is special enough for me.
I guess I just want to cherish you, that’s all.
Yui: Ayato-kun… I feel the——
A-Ah, oh no!
( The chocolate… it melted on my hand! )
I-I’m sorry, I’ll be right back!
— tries to stand up —
Ayato: Nah, nah. C’mere.
— grabs her and sits her on his lap —
Yui: Wait, don’t!
— he starts licking her hand —
Yui: A-Ayato-kun, stop it! We’re in public…!
Ayato: Mnn… Mm…
— slowly bites —
Yui: Uuh…
( At this rate, people will definitely start watching!)
— starts moving —
Ayato: Tch, you’re making this way too hard for both! Just stay still and stop acting like I’m about to kill you!
Yui: ( I know his intentions aren’t bad, but this is getting too embarrassing…! )
( I’m sorry, Ayato-kun! )
— tries to push him away but falls down —
Yui: Oww…
Ayato: ( Geez, what a klutz. )
Haa… are you hurt?
— grabs her arm and picks her up —
Yui: Ah, I’m alright, no worries.
Ayato: Oi.
What’s that?
— picks something up —
Yui: ….!
Ayato: Is that… a letter for me?
— starts reading it —
You… you had it all this time with you and didn’t say a word?!
Yui: I… I can explain!
You see, I thought—
Ayato: Shut up!
Do you even have the slightest clue about what you just did!? I seriously doubt you understand how important king duties are, do you?
Hah, of course, you don’t! Why would you?
You sit around doing absolutely nothing all day while I’m working my ass off to make sure you and everyone else can live comfortably!
I’m out here putting in the effort, grinding to create a decent life, not just for you, but for everyone, even if I didn’t ask for this shit. And you do this to me!?
I thought you matured too, but at the end of the day, you’re nothing but a selfish bitch!
Yui: Wait! Ayato-ku—
Ayato: Don’t touch me!
Yui: …!
Please, listen to me!
— grabs his clothes —
Ayato: Quiet! I’m not risking to go through that again only because of someone like you. Get lost!
— pushes her away and leaves —
Yui: …!
No… No… this can’t be the end…
How… How could I be this stupid…? Hhn… Ngh…
Kuh… Ayato-kun.. Nhn…
Place: Avenue
Ayato: (Fuck! I can’t return to the Demon World right now. )
( On top of that, why the hell am I the one feeling guilty now!? )
( She… Yes, she deserved that treatment. That’s what she gets for sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. Besides, what she did could lead to something dangerous. )
( It’s not the first time she pulls such shit on me anyway, but… )
( Why can’t I stay mad at her no matter what she does to me…? )
Tch, such bullsh— Hah?
Guy 1: Aww, she’s playing hard to get~!
Guy 2: Aren’t you a bit too feisty for a crybaby?
???: S-Stop it! Leave me alone!
Ayato: …!
( That voice… Yui! )
Place: Alley
Yui: I-I told you to stop!
Guy 1: Just come with us, it’ll be fun~.
Yui: No, I don’t want to!
Guy 2: She keeps struggling, isn’t she cu——
— gets punched —
Guy 1: What the—
Guy 2: Such strength!
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: Get out of my sight, you bastards! If you don’t leave this girl alone right now, I’ll make sure your already disgusting faces get even worse!
— they start running away —
Yui: Ayato-kun… thank you!
( He came back for me… )
Ayato: ….
— grabs her hand and starts walking —
Yui: ( Ever since Ayato-kun saved me, he hasn’t spoken a word. )
( It’s obvious that he’s mad… )
( But if both of us keep quiet, this conflict will never be solved… )
Ayato & Yui simultaneously: I’m sorry.
Yui: ( Eh? Did he just— )
No… I’m the one who should apologize. I hid that letter, knowing full well the consequences it could have.
However… I only did it because I wanted Ayato-kun to have some free time for himself too.
Ayato: You…
Yui: I’m aware of how much work you have to do, and being king is definitely not easy. That’s why, I really admire your for that.
Nevertheless, it saddens me seeing Ayato-kun so stressed out and exhausted. I want Ayato-kun to be always as energetic and cheerful as he was today, but… I do realize that I’m just being selfish.
Ayato: No… You… You’re not selfish, I am.
I was the one who didn’t listen to your side of the story. It’s just... I’m afraid of failing as king. There, I said it!
I don’t want to put the people I care for in danger, nor can’t I accept being a worse king than that old fart, so all I have to do is carry out my duties. Hell yeah, they’re a pain in the ass but that’s my responsibility now, which is why I can’t back off.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun… I never thought you felt that way… )
N-no, the way you reacted was understandable. Anyone under that much stress might have done the same, and I can’t blame you for it.
Besides, I can’t say your words were wrong. I am indeed incapable of fully understanding the challenges you face, however… no matter what happens, I want you to know that you’ll always be the best king to me…!
Ayato: …!
Heh… you really never change.
— hugs her—
Yui: W-Well, I suppose I can’t change if I do nothing all day.
Ayato: Hmph, are you throwing shade at me for what I told you?
Yui: Eh? No way, it was just a coincidence! I swear!
Ayato: Pfft, proved my point. You'll forever stay the clumsy, stupid, and oddly adorable woman that you are.
Yui: Hey, that’s backhan— Mm…!
Ayato: Nn…
Yui: ( Ayato-kun… his kiss is so gentle… )
( I really missed Ayato-kun’s kisses. I’m so happy…! )
Ayato: Oi, don’t tell me you’re about to cry again.
Yui: I’m not but…
I just want to know, will the letter get Ayato-kun in troubles…?
Ayato: I might get some weird looks for not showing up on time, and maybe a lecture or two, but it shouldn’t be too bad. I was supposed to start on them today since there’s a lot, but... I think I’d rather spend my time with my girl instead.
Yui: Is that so? Thank you.
But doesn't that mean you'll have to work even harder to make up for today?
Ayato: I guess it can’t be helped. I don’t want to think of tomorrow, all I want is to focus on the present.
Yui: Fufu, I see. By the way…
Will you uhm… stay overnight too?
Ayato: Heh~? Is that supposed to be a sex invitation?
Yui: I… T-That’s—!
Ayato: Heh~, don’t even try to get out of it, it’s written all over your face.
Rest assured though, the invitation is accepted~.
— Smooch —
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trippinsorrows · 1 month
give me a reason + two
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authors note: wow! so humbled by people's interest in this one! forgot to mention that i'll be playing around with joe's career, in terms of the timeline and whatnot.
also, if ya'll ever watched the bernie mac show, i was very much inspired in one section by that scene where vanessa and them was doing that car wash at bernie's house lmaooo
in addition (last point, i swear lmao), i can do faceclaims for the character, mainly mariella's family. if ya'll want. i know some people prefer to visualize for themselves. just lmk.
i don't own any lyrics used.
previous chapter
words: 7k
song inspo: just give me a reason by p!nk and nate ruess
warnings: language, fluff, some angst, blink and you'll miss it sexy time.
Spring, 2005
Spring break.
The time looked forward to by most students, especially college students, who are granted a free week to get into all kinds of trouble, mischief and then return to campus like nothing ever happened. 
Joe and Byron can’t deny that they’ve definitely had their fair share of that the first part of college, but now with two years under their belts and only two years left to go, they’re focused on having killer seasons and landing their dreams of going into the NFL.
It’s why when coach decides to give the players a break, canceling all practices during said break, there’s not even an initial question about what they should do with their time.
They’re going home.
Because while being away is nice at times, there’s absolutely no place like home and being surrounded by the people you love the most.
Byron glances at Joe who’s looking down at his phone. “You gonna see Brianna while we in town?”
Joe looks up. He can’t say he hasn’t thought about it. Brianna, Joe’s last high school girlfriend, was inarguably the easiest of all the girls he’s ever dated. And if not for him not wanting to be tied down while away at college, he would have tried to make it work. 
“I don’t know,” he answers, truthfully. “We’ll see.”
“Well, I’m definitely hitting up Tamia. Heard she and ole’ dude broke up.”
Joe shakes his head. Tamia has been Byron’s on and off girlfriend since freaking middle school. They date, break up, date other people, break up with said other people and start right back over. Truthfully, Joe can see Tamia being the one for Byron considering how long they’ve been in this little cycle. 
“Just make sure you’re safe, man.”
Byron looks like he’s just been told to make sure he wears a seatbelt. “Always, bro. You know me.”
Joe knows him alright. Knows he can be reckless at times. And with so much at stake in the next upcoming two years, they can’t afford to be reckless. 
“I do. That’s why I’m saying it.”
“Man….” Joe laughs at Byron’s dismissal. “What do we have here?” Joe turns his attention to where Byron has set his gaze only to quickly scowl with disgust. “Ugh, they in high school.”
Joe is also instantly repulsed. “That’s fucking gross.” 
Byron shakes in his seat, as if trying to shake the disgust off himself when he sees something. “Wait a minute…” Joe again tries to see what’s triggered the exclamation of irritation. “Oh hell no.”
“What are you—what the hell!” Joe shouts out as Byron suddenly swerves into the next turn lane, barely missing hitting a car. “The fuck are you doing, man!”
“That’s Ella out there!” He answers, speeding near the station where a bunch of high school girls are operating a car wash, trying to raise money for who knows what. 
At the mention of Ri, Joe’s attention is snatched. “What?” He’s looking around as Byron looks to quickly park the truck, clearly eager to get out. Joe doesn’t see her just yet. It’s not until they’re parked and out of the car that his eyes land on her.
Her smile is the first thing he notices. She’s laughing. Not surprising. For as long as he’s known her, which has been his whole life essentially, she’s always the one in the group to make everyone laugh.
Usually from her klutziness. 
It’s never a dull moment with Mariella Holmes. 
Moving closer, he can see that it’s definitely Ri, and she’s giggling along with the other girls, dancing to what he recognizes is Black Eyed Peas latest song, “My Humps.”
It’s that realization that helps Joe understand why Byron is so annoyed.
The dancing could be seen as a bit provocative.
Her head snaps up at Byron’s voice, easily landing on him. Joe watches her mouth drop open in shock before she shouts, “BJ!”
Dropping the soapy rag in the bucket, she’s nearly sprinting over to the two of them, tackling Byron with a hug first. “What are you doing here?”
It’s when she steps back that she moves over to him. She smirks, crossing her arms. “Should have known you wouldn’t turn down a chance to come see me.”
Joe laughs, pulling her in for a hug. “Never.”
“What am I doing here?” Byron cuts in, angrily gesturing to her. “What are you doing out here dressed like this?”
She looks down at her outfit, frowning. Joe does the same. It’s a bathing suit top with jean shorts and flip flops. What’s so bad about that?
And she expresses as such.
“Ummm, the dance team is having a car wash. We’re trying to raise money for travel costs this season.”
This doesn’t seem acceptable to Byron as he asks, “well, you ain’t having nothing else to wear? All exposed and everything.”
That’s when she rolls her eyes. “Oh my god, you’re so annoying.” 
He starts to pull his shirt off when even Joe chimes in, “dude, come on.”
“She’s half naked!”
“I’m wearing a bathing suit, BJ.” Mariella says it like he’s slow. Like he was on the short bus. “I know you’ve been away at school, so you haven’t been around as much, but I have boobs now—”
At that, both Joe and Byron turn up their nose. The last thing they need is that type of visual.
She continues, gesturing to her body. “I hit puberty, and allll the areas started filling out. It happens!”
“I’m gonna be sick.” Byron covers his mouth. “I don’t give a damn. You’re sixteen, not twenty-one.”
She gives a sly smile. “That’s not what my fake ID says.”
Joe catches her gaze, seeing that she’s just messing with him. It makes him laugh. 
“Your what? Girl, you done lost your damn mind.”
She laughs, shaking her head. “Relax, BJ. You know I can’t get a fake ID. My dumbass would feel too bad and turn myself in.”
“That’s true,” Joe chimes, and she glares, reaching over to hit him. She starts to say something, only for her eyes to go wide. “What’s wrong?”
She says nothing, just awkwardly shifting her weight from one leg to another. He starts to ask again when a new voice joins the conversation. 
“Hey, babe.”
Byron jumps to a new level of annoyance. “Babe?” He and Joe watch as some scrawny looking little boy, who’s really not that scrawny in actuality but looks it compared to Byron and Joe, walks up to Mariella, kissing her. 
Byron looks like he’s about to have a stroke. He asks with all the smoke. “Who the hell are you?” 
Scrawny scoffs and has the audacity to throw the question back at him. “Who the hell are you?”
“Oh my god.” Mariella murmurs, slapping her hand against her forehead. “BJ, this is my boyfriend, Derrick—”
Mariella having a boyfriend makes sense to Joe. She’s 16 now. Why wouldn’t she be dating? It’s normal and expected. 
If only Byron saw it that way. “Boyfriend? Since when do you have a boy—”
“Derrick, this is my brother, BJ or Byron, and basically like my non-blood brother, Joe.”
Scrawny AKA Derrick looks like he’s seen a ghost. “Oh shit, my bad—”
If only he knew that Byron doesn’t forgive nor does he forget when it comes to his little sisters, especially Mariella. 
He steps toward the shorter young man. “Naw. You bad. You wanted to know who the hell I was, so let me tell you, I’m the nigga that’s gon fuck you up if you ever—”
“Byron!” Mariella is now fuming, grabbing him by his arm as she tugs him in a different direction. “Give us a couple minutes.” She flashes a sweet smile at Derrick and a pleading expression to Joe for him to also be nice.
Joe waits until they’re out of hearing distance. He then slaps Derrick on the arm. “Don’t take it personally. That’s just Byron. He’s always been a hothead.”
Derrick gives a nervous laugh, showing off braces that Joe didn’t notice before. He refrains from frowning. Ri could definitely do better than this dweeb. “You like Ri?”
Derrick shrugs, offering an unimpressive. “She’s alright.”
And that’s all Joe needs to hear to know what this kid is really about. Stepping toward him, he keeps his voice leveled and expression ice cold. “Do anything to hurt her, and you won’t have to worry about Byron.” He gives a steel smile. “I’m the one you’ll never see coming.”
Post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) 
Or some milder form of it. 
Amnesia, at the very least.
That’s what Dr. Reynolds says is the cause of Mari’s complete loss of memory. A result of the head trauma she received from the accident. A prognosis that somehow feels almost worse than the coma, at least to Joe.
Because for the life of him, he doesn’t know how to look at the woman he’s known his entire life, and have her look back at him like he’s a stranger, like she has no idea who he is. 
Because she doesn’t have any idea who he is.
As devastating as that blow is, he knows it hits harder for her parents. April nearly collapsed in Byron Sr’s arms as Dr. Reynolds informed them of Mari’s memory loss.
She was in tears, desperately asking, “but—but she’ll get them back, right, doctor?”
And Joe only has to glance at the doctor, the way his lips press together before he informs sympathetically, “we don’t know. Some patients do eventually retrieve their memories. Others….others never do.”
Joe can’t even allow himself to think of the latter option. 
A couple days post coma, he knocks on her door, seeing she’s alone, her parents most likely grabbing food or something.
She glances at the door offering a small smile that doesn’t meet her eyes. It’s insincere, and he doesn’t know how to feel about that either, because one of the things he’s always loved about her has always been her smile. So big and infectious. Just like her personality. 
“Hey.” There’s nothing big and infectious about her almost unsure tone. 
“Hey.” He doesn’t wait for her to welcome him in, just walks in, taking the seat on the side of her bed. “How you feeling?”
She gives a one sided shrug. He notices the cuts and bruising on her face have gone down tremendously. That's a plus in a situation full of minuses. “Don’t know.” After obviously thinking about the question more, she offers a more descriptive answer. “Very...confused.”
“About?” He then adds. “Maybe I can clear it up for you.”
“I don’t know. It’s….it’s mostly about who I am.” He could definitely answer that one for her. She shakes her head, providing an example. “Like, I’m apparently this big singer, but I can’t even think about singing right now. It doesn’t—it doesn’t even feel like me.” She chuckles bitterly. “Not that I know who me is.”
“You love music. Always have. And you’re good at it. Singing. Writing. Producing. Dancing. All of it.” She looks over at him as he says with all the honesty and sincerity, “there’s nothing, creatively, you can’t do.”
Mariella nods, as if taking in the information to analyze later on. “What about you?” She asks. “What do you do?”
A lot of things. A lot of things he now regrets deeply. But, that’s not her question. “Professional wrestler.” He starts to say WWE to see if she knows what that is, but that isn’t important. Shit about him isn’t the priority. 
Mariella looks him over, nodding. “It fits.”
He smiles a bit. The first he’s done in weeks. “What else do you want to know?”
She’s quiet for a few moments before asking the question he didn’t know he was dreading until now. “How did I end up here?”
What a loaded question he was absolutely not prepared for.
There’s a lot of things that led them to where they are right now. A lot of which he blames himself for, and her as well, but not nearly as much as he blames himself. They both played a role in how badly their relationship deteriorated, but Joe puts the bulk of it on himself. 
He’s older and should know better.
But, the specific incident that resulted in her accident, the blowout that ended with her requesting the one thing she always swore she never wanted to have happened when they got married…that’s it.
That is the truth she is probably looking for. It’s a truth, however, he can’t find it in him to tell her.
Because selfishly, he doesn’t want that to be the thing to trigger her memories, or any memories of all the things that have gone so terribly wrong the past two years. He doesn’t want that for her.
Doesn’t want it for them.
It’s why he settles on an answer that’s neither a lie but also not the full truth.
“You had a lot on your mind and went for a drive.” His voice shifts into something quiet. He’s still trying to process his feelings about that part of this whole thing. “You were hit head on by a drunk driver.”
For a brief second, he’s unsure if he should have just told the truth. Been honest with her and let the cards fall as they may.
And then she speaks.
“Well, that’s unfortunate.” He looks up. Joe sees it. That sense of humor that some could only take in doses, but for him, it’s always been a highlight. She’s always been able to put a smile on his face even in the darkest of his days. “How long have we been married?”
Another unexpected question, but he answers truthfully. “This March makes 11 years.”
“Wow.” This seems to take her by surprise. “And how long have we been together?”
“That….that’s a bit of a long story.”
She lifts her brow, gesturing to her hospital bed. “Not like I have anywhere to be.”
He chuckles. She has a point, but the story of them…that seems too complicated or detailed to share in a freaking hospital. Because in his mind, he’s started to sort the different ways and things he can do to help remind her of who she is. 
Of who they were. 
Finally, he answers, “I just—I think you should—” 
There’s a knock on the door, Joe turning to see April and Byron Sr.
April is the first to speak, walking over to them. “I’m sorry to interrupt.” She’s almost hesitant to move too close. Joe can see she wants nothing more to engulf her youngest in a hug but recognizes the same almost uncomfortable expression Mariella wore the minute he walked in.
“It’s okay.” He assures, going to stand up. “I’ll leave you guys—”
“Actually,” Byron Sr. interjects, shooting Joe a sympathetic expression. “We were hoping to speak with you.” He looks toward Mariella, and Joe hates it. Hates the almost discomfort that exists between them. She’s always been super close with her parents. Especially her dad. “If that’s alright, sweetheart?”
Mariella shrugs, clearly unbothered. “Sure.” She starts to lay back in her bed a little. “I’m kinda tired anyway.”
Joe wonders how much of that is truth, and how much of it is her just wanting to be alone from people who are virtual strangers.
That’s definitely a word he never thought could be used in any context regarding Mariella.
Once outside the room and in the private waiting area, her parents wait until a set of nurses pass before April is the first to speak. She reaches over and places a comforting hand. “How are you doing, Joe? Really?”
A mess. He’s a fucking mess. Joe has seen much, much better days than the past few weeks. But, he also doesn’t want to make this about him, about his mental state, so he provides a half truth.
“Been better.” His response is gruff as he quickly moves to change topics. “What about you guys?”
Having his wife have no idea who he is is brutal, but he can’t even begin to imagine what it’s been like for two parents to not have their youngest child recognize them, to have no idea who they are.
Byron Sr. is the first to answer, mirroring his son-in-law’s words. “Been better.” 
April shifts in her seat, bringing her hand back to her lap. “We umm—we spoke to Dr. Reynolds earlier today.”
Joe looks up, partially wondering why he wasn’t present for that meeting. “Okay.”
“She doesn’t remember anything, Joe. Not her childhood. Not her family. Not…not even us.” April voice breaks at the end of her statement as Joe looks away. Hearing this again isn’t exactly helpful, though he would never disrespect her parents by asking them to shut up. Even if it’s what he wants. “And we—well, we just think—”
Byron Sr. cuts in, hand on his wife’s knee. “We want to take her back home with us, Joe.” Joe’s stomach drops. “We want to take her back to Florida.”
Spring, 2022
That’s the one thing Mariella, Mari, still struggles to get used to. The bright lights flashing in her face as her photo is taken, whether on the red carpet, on the stage, or even when she’s just making a run to the grocery store. The latter one hasn’t happened as much as it used to, for which she’s grateful, but still.
So there’s a bit of an adjustment as she looks around the room, the hair and makeup team touching up her face once more before they kick off the segment.
She doesn’t regret it. Doesn’t regret it at all. It’s a good look for him. For her too. And beyond any type of benefit for their careers, she’s just happy she gets to see him.
Because that’s the part she doesn’t think she’ll ever truly get over or be okay with.
The distance.
As directed, she walks down the hall, making sure not to look directly into the camera. This is made infinitely easier by pretending she’s shooting a music video. Which, truth be told, it isn’t very different. 
Mari wears the confused expression perfectly, looking down at her phone as if it has information that could help her when she ‘accidentally’ walks into him.
Head up, she gasps and immediately gets to apologizing, just as was in the script. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I wasn’t even looking where I was going.”
His eyes widen as he ‘realizes’ who she is. “Wow. No, you are absolutely fine. Wow. You’re Mari!”
Smiling, she points at him, “and you are…..”
He seems a bit taken back at first, like he’s waiting for her to also recognize him. When that doesn’t happen, he offers his hand. “Sami Zayn. Master strategist and locker room leader.”
She nods, perfectly conveying another confused look at just what that means. “Does—does that mean you’re good with directions? Cause I suck at them.”
“It absolutely does, and you are in luck, because I just so happen to be free right now and would love to give you a tour.”
She opens her mouth to protest, “oh, that’s so sweet, but I really should—” she looks down at her phone. “You know what, I’m a little early, so why not?”
“Awesome.” He claps his hands together and offers his arm. Mari smiles and links hers in his as he starts leading them down the hall, pointing out the most obvious of things. 
The camera cuts, and she engages in conversation with Sami, who’s actually a lot like the ‘character’ he plays. Super charismatic and engaging. Kinda reminds her of herself. So much so that before she realizes, they’re back to recording after having moved across the arena. 
“And lastly we have—” His eyes suddenly widen as he realizes where they are, Sami moving his hand to her back as he directs them in the opposite direction. “Wait, we do not want to go—”
“There it is!” Mari, however, is smiling brightly as she walks toward the door.
Sami looks like he’s about to have a panic attack, frantically warning, “Mari, I know you’re like an international mega star, but trust me, you do not want to bother that man—” He’s silenced by her knocking on the door. 
His face is turning red as he urgently whispers to her, “we should really get out of here. Like right now!.”
She turns to him, confused. “Why?”
And before Sami can respond, the door is ripped open, the scowling faces of the Usos the first thing Sami lands on. He’s preparing to get chewed out only for them to look at Mari and instantly start smiling.
“Whassup, Mari!” Jimmy is the first to greet her, pulling her in for a hug. Followed by Jey, the two of them engaging in some secret handshake that ends with a ‘Yeet’.
Sami, however, laughs nervously, gesturing between the three. “Wait, you—you guys know Mari?”
Jimmy answers, slinging his arm around her. “Man, of course. This family!”
“You’re related to them?” Sami asks, eyes wide. 
Mari opens her mouth to answer when another person emerges from the private locker room, taking up almost the entire door frame, face stoic and eyes cold. 
Sami looks like he’s about to piss himself. He swallows. “My Tribal Chief, I’m so sorry—”
He’s interrupted by Mari who smiles and pulls away from Jimmy to walk up to Roman.“Hi, baby.” Sami looks on stunned as she leans up and kisses his cheek, pressing her body into his, hand on his abs. “Sorry, I’m a bit late.” She grins over at Sami. “Sami was giving me a tour of the place.”
The reddening of his cheeks is about what and what with the red of his hair. “I don’t—I’m not—”
Playfully rolling her eyes as Roman continues to look like he’s contemplating murder, she lifts her left hand, showing off a beautiful diamond ring. “Roman’s my husband.”
Mouth open like a child who just found out Santa isn’t real, Sami does his best to reel in his surprise. “Of course, you’re married. I totally knew that!” He laughs nervously, hands on his hips. “That’s why I gladly brought you to the Tribal Chief myself. Wanted to ensure nothing but the best for the Bloodline’s first lady.”
“That was really sweet of you. Thank you.” She continues to smile, and Roman continues to send daggers with just one, stolid expression. Mari peers up, kissing him again as she reaches for his hand. “Come on.” She tugs him toward the inside of the locker room, Roman finally budging as he gives Sami one last look that has the redhead contemplating requesting a switch to Raw. 
However, as Jimmy and Jey go to follow along with their cousin, Roman is quick to slam the door in their faces. 
“Hey, Uce, uhhh,—” Jimmy tries to jangle the knob only to realize it’s locked. He starts knocking. “Roman! Hey, you gon let us in?”
A couple seconds later the door does open, but it’s Solo, followed by Paul Heyman. Wise Man closes the door behind him. He looks around, briefly bewildered and clears his throat, announcing, “The Tribal Chief has requested to be left alone this evening.” 
Sami is the only one to laugh, playfully shoving Solo and pointing to the locker room. “I bet he has.” Solo, however, also looks like he’s also contemplating murder. Sami coughs awkwardly and turns to walk away, just as the camera crew announces ‘cut’.
The remaining men share laughs about the promo, meanwhile inside the locker room Mariella relishes in the feel of being reunited with her husband in real life, and now in the WWE kayfabe verse.
She’s pressed against his body, arms around his neck with his locked around her waist, holding her to him. “Hey, Big Daddy.”
Roman, Joe, rolls his eyes. Mariella giggles. She knows he has such a love/hate relationship with the term of endearment, one of many she has for the massive man before her. “You miss me?”
He makes a sound, leaning down to connect their lips. “Always, baby.” 
She smiles into their kiss, “good answer.” His big hands venture down to squeeze her ass, Mariella moaning into his mouth which triggers something for him. He lifts her up, her legs locking around his waist as he goes to sit back down in the big leather chair. Joe’s tongue entering her mouth is enough to elicit another moan but also alert her to the fact of where he wants to take this.
“Baby, we cannot do the nasty at your job.”
“I don’t know why you still call it that.” His fake irritation makes her giggle. It’s an inside joke between them that she’ll never let die so long as she lives. “And who says we can’t?”
“I don’t know. The FCC?” He rolls his eyes as she grasps at his beard that she can tell he dyed recently. Most likely because of his job. She wishes he could leave it be. She likes the gray. It does….things to her. “Besides, you know the deal. If we do it right now, we can’t do it tonight.” He continues to move his hands across her ass. “Mama’s got a show this Sunday, and I’d rather not be rendered immobile because my husband impaled me on his big ole’ dick.”
Again, Joe rolls his eyes, even though there’s more truth to her statement than the typical playful jokes she cracks at any given time. Joe has a high sex drive. She’s known this for some years. Mariella, however, does not. And it’s not even that she doesn’t enjoy sex with her husband. It’s that her husband doesn’t know how to stop, doesn’t know how to come, make her come one time for the one time, and just be done with it.
No. This man wants rounds. And truthfully, she just doesn’t have the stamina to keep up with him. Outside of porn stars, she doesn’t know who would.
Man is an absolute beast.
“So damn dramatic,” he chuckles against her neck. “You know I be doing most of the work anyway.”
She opens her mouth to protest. “Okay, that may or may not be true.” She can feel him smiling against her. It’s not like he minds. Joe is dominant in the sheets, wanting to be in control at all times. Her preference given he’s much more well versed in the sexual arts than she is. “But, in my defense, you’re built like a Greek god.” A Samoan god. “I get winded walking up the staircase in our house.”
“Bullshit.” He pulls back, pointing out. “You be on that stage dancing your ass off for damn near three hours.” 
She rolls her eyes, murmuring, “okay, that also may or may not be true.” Mari’s eyes flutter as he moves his hand under her dress. Long, thick fingers easily pushing aside her underwear, feeling the pool of her arousal. She squeezes his shoulders. “Joe….”
He grunts almost, gliding his fingers across her wet folds. She exhales sharply. “You this wet already and really want me to think you don’t want Big Daddy to fuck this tight lil’ pussy?”
Whining against him, Mariella unconsciously tries to move around on his lap to get his fingers back on her. In her, preferably. And it’s when he enters one of those deliciously talented fingers inside of her gushy opening, she caves. “Fine.” He smirks as she warns, “but you’re pushing me around in the wheelchair after!”
Between a rock and a hard place.
That’s how Joe has felt the past few weeks, maybe even longer. But especially now.
He knows Ri’s parents are right. That they have every right to want her to spend time at home with them, in the place where she grew up, where most of her formative years and subsequent formative memories lie. Logically, it makes sense.
But, he can’t seem to get past his discomfort at the fact that Ri won’t be getting discharged and coming home with him. No, she’ll be discharged and hop on a plane with them back to Florida. Selfishly, he was hoping the doctor wouldn’t clear her to fly, but that plan went out the window. Dr. Reynolds is clearly on the same page with her parents about the potential benefit of being around constant triggers. Triggers that could help generate memories.
And Joe isn’t against that. At all. 
It’s just the fact that he won’t be there that rubs him the right way. 
His eyes shut, an instant headache coming on. This is the last thing he needs. 
Turning around, he’s met with Olivia “Liv” Holmes default stare of icy indifference. Out of all of Mariella’s siblings, her family in general, Liv has always been his least favorite.
For a lot of different reasons. The main one being how she always treated Mariella when they were younger. Not mean, per se. But not kindly either. She always acted like Mariella was annoying, and she definitely could be at times, but not to the extent that Liv made it seem.
Like Mariella was just this big nuisance. It’s part of the reason she always wanted to hang out with him and Byron when they were growing up, because Liv spent most of her time with her twin sister, Everly, and her own friend group.
“Liv.” He really doesn’t feel like talking to anyone, let alone her. Their interactions have always been brief and limited to what is essential. For good reason too.
“I take it my parents told you we’re taking Ella back home to Florida with us.”
Joe has to bite back a smartass comment. Liv’s smirk and the almost smug tone of her voice isn’t what he needs right now.
“Yes.” He matches her energy a bit, reminding. “For the first couple weeks, at least. Then I’m going to bring her back home with me.” 
Where she belongs.
Liv smiles, but there’s nothing friendly about it. “We’ll see.”
Joe gives her a look. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“You know she called me.” He freezes. “The night of the accident.” Joe manages to keep a calm face despite his surprise at her words. Mariella has never been close with Liv, most of their communication occurring via texts and family group chats. 
There’s only one reason she would call her sister who happens to be a divorce attorney.
“I want a divorce.”
Liv continuing to speak is ironically appreciated, as it pulls him from the memories of what is now an infamous argument. “I was sleeping and missed her call, but she didn’t leave a message. Kinda wishing she did, because I’m still trying to figure out just what the hell she was doing out on the road that late at night.” 
He keeps his cool. Somehow. “I already told you—”
“I know what you said, Joe.” Her interruption is sharp. “I also don’t believe you, because what the hell could she have so heavy on her mind after winning 5 Grammys?” She crosses her arms. “It doesn’t make sense.”
When he doesn’t say anything, she continues her accusatory assault. “You seem to forget that we were in high school together, Joe. I know how you were.” At this, he can’t say anything, can’t necessarily defend himself against truth. “You and Byron fucked damn near half the girls in our school, probably at college too, and then all of a sudden you turn in your hoe card to be with my baby sister? Because you love her? I never bought that shit for a minute.”
While he can’t deny his promiscuous past, Joe isn’t about to stand here and let this woman act like he’s this horrible person who took advantage of Mariella. “What’s your point, Liv? Huh? I’m not fucking stupid. I know you never approved of me being with Ri, but just like I didn’t give a fuck then, I still don’t give a fuck now.”
Liv does relatively well hiding her disapproval among her family, to some extent. But Joe has always been hip to her truth. She thinks Mariella should have gotten with someone else, anyone else probably. Anyone who wasn’t him.
Liv, who has never done well with being challenged, steps forward, glare intense and purposeful. “I’m gonna find out what happened that night, Joe. Because I know there’s something you’re not telling us.” He keeps up his unreadable expression, though there’s a small chunk of guilt swimming around the back of his head. Not even about not being completely honest with Mariella’s family.
More about not being honest with her.
She lowers her voice. “And when I do find out—”
Joe and Liv turn to see Byron Jr. standing before them with a disappointed expression.
Arms crossed, he steps toward them, focused more on Liv than Joe. “Don’t be starting no shit today, alright? This the last thing we need.”
In recent years, especially since becoming a father, BJ has matured from his hotheaded days, often even a voice of reason. One of the reasons he’s been voted Locker Room captain for his team, the 49ers, 3 years in a row.
Liv rolls her eyes. “You’ve always been blinded by your friendship with him—”
“Hey.” Byron raises his voice a bit. “I mean it. You blaming people doesn’t change what happened, and you know damn well Ella would have a fit at you coming at Joe like this.”
Not really. Maybe before. Before everything collapsed so tragically between the two of them.
“Whatever.” She gives a final almost warning glare to the two of them before stalking off, probably to go see Mariella.
BJ places a comforting hand on Joe’s shoulder once she’s gone. “You good, man?” 
Not at all. “Yeah.” He clears his throat. 
BJ gives a sad smile. “Don’t let Olevil get to you.” Her nickname from back when they were in high school makes Joe chuckle. “You going back to work next week?”
Joe blows out a breath. That hasn’t even crossed his mind the past couple weeks. He doesn’t even really know what storyline they came up with to cover his absence. Nor does he care really. “I haven’t even thought about that, man.”
“I think you should.” And before Joe can protest, Byron lifts his hand. “Hear me out. She’s gonna be with our parents for a few weeks, so you know she’ll be in good hands. What you gon’ do while she’s gone? Sit around the house sad and moping and shit? You know she would be chewing you out for that, telling you that you gotta get back in the game.”
Joe gives a bit of a smile. Byron is right. Knowing Mariella, she’d have a whole theatrical ass presentation as to why he should return to work, song and dance included. 
Byron slaps him on his shoulder. “Just think about it, alright?” 
Joe nods, because he will. And not for himself, not even for his job, because he doesn’t give a fuck about that right now.
But for Mariella.
His Ri. 
Because she’ll always be his Ri.
And he’s determined to make sure she doesn’t forget it this time.
Spring, 2022 [cont.]
“Baby!” It’s a distant voice that becomes closer as it's repeatedly conjoined with a small hand shaking at his shoulder. “Baby, wake up.”
And he does. Eyes fluttering open, his vision is blurred initially, gradually clearing up to reveal the face of his beautiful wife. Cognizant of his surroundings, Joe realizes she’s sitting on top of him, notebook and pen in hand.
He smiles. It’s been a while since she’s woken him up for this. And while he’ll regret it in the morning, he’s grateful for it now. Grateful for these little callbacks to when they were broke, living in a crappy apartment, trying to chase the dream as inspiration struck her at all hours of the night. And she would wake him up, wanting his feedback. 
He didn’t really mind then. 
And he doesn’t really mind now.
That’s just his Ri.
Eyes squinting, she asks, “you up?”
He chuckles, also enjoying the sight of her straddling him wearing only his shirt. “Yes, baby. I’m up.”
“About time,” she complains, and he rolls his eyes. So damn dramatic. “I’m feeling inspired.” She says it while giving almost jazz hands, pretty brown eyes landing back on him. “Wanna hear the lyrics?”
He yawns, glancing at the digital clock that reads 2:37AM. “What else would I be doing at this time?”
She glares. “Is that sarcasm I detect, mister? Is it my fault my musical muse comes alive at night? That she flourishes when most—”
He closes his eyes. Joe loves Mariella with everything in him, but he’s not in the mood for one of her theatrical tangents at damn near 3 o’clock in the morning. “Lyrics.”
“Oh! Right!” Chuckling, he watches as she reads over whatever she’s written to herself at first. A bit of a habit. She’s always initially self-conscious about her lyrics. “Now, it’s just off the top of my head, so be nice, okay?”
“I’m always nice to you, Ri.” It’s the truth. As annoyed as he can get sometimes, she’s never been on that list. “And I’m sure it’s fine.” 
She smiles appreciatively, slightly taking him by surprise as she quietly sings the lyrics versus just reading them to him.
Yellow diamonds in the light
Now we're standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
What it takes to come alive
It's the way I'm feeling I just can't deny
But I've gotta let it go
We found love in a hopeless place
Finished, she looks down at him, expectantly, “well?”
“I love it.” He loves most of what she writes though. He especially loves to hear her sing. “What inspired it?”
“I don’t know. I was just thinking about us. About how far we come.” She shrugs, his hands rubbing circles on her hips. “Your show was sold out tonight, Joe. Mine is sold out too. Like, we both sold out Madison Square Garden. That feels almost too perfect to be true.”
He makes a sound. “But, it is, baby.”
“I know.” She sighs heavily and asks in a partial hypothetical tone. “We’re like really hot shit, huh?” Joe chuckles as she gasps and places her tablet down on his chest, quickly writing something down. He says nothing, having been with her for so long that none of her quirky ways really surprise him anymore.
She glares but moves to place the notebook and pen on the nightstand, resting her hands on his chest. “I was thinking about our conversation earlier…” He’s quiet, waiting patiently for her to finish her sentence even if it does have him a bit on edge. He’s never been good with waiting. “Let’s do it.”
Her answer takes him by surprise. “You sure?”
She nods, tugging at his beard. “We’re not getting any younger.” She giggles, eyes playfully narrowing. “Especially you, old man.” 
At that, he sucks his teeth. “Who you calling old?” He squeezes her side, and she squeals. He knows that’s where she’s ticklish. She falls out, laughing, and he takes the advantage of her being distracted to flip them so she’s flat on her back. “Naw, say it again. I ain’t hear you.”
“Joe, stop,” she giggles as he hovers over her, tickling her until she pushes back against his shoulder. He grabs her hand, restricting her when she opens her eyes. Her laughter quietly dies down when their eyes lock. 
So much love.
Joe leans down and connects their lips, softly, slowly, just as meaningful as any other kiss they’ve shared. She moans into his mouth, feeling his hardened length graze against her opening, her essence already making its way down her inner thighs.
He feels this too, groaning and lifting her thigh to widen her as he carefully enters her, watching her arch her back at the entrance. She whimpers, hands moving around his shoulders.
He kisses her wrist, watching the pleasure on her face as he gives her deep strokes, slow and plunging, just how he knows she likes it. “Shhhh….let me take care of you, baby.”
And he does.
He always has.
He always will.
184 notes · View notes
disneyprincemuke · 10 months
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yeah, right * fem!driver
logan definitely just sees her as a friend and nothing more
pairings: logan sargeant x fem!driver
warnings: well
notes: mannnnnnnn this was kinda cute but like i've got no intentions of making sis femdriver date anyone on the grid, i fear... my bad g
(series masterlist) | (📂 pre-formula 1)
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logan locks his jaw, arms folded over his chest as his eyes are trained on the smaller girl across the room. she’s got her hand over her mouth as she stands next to sebastian, blood rushing to her cheeks as she giggles.
“you know,” oscar mutters softly next to him with a sly smirk, “you could just tell her you’ve got a crush on her.”
“no,” he answers immediately, shooting oscar a look as if he’s gone crazy. when oscar’s stare lasts a second too long, logan only answers again. “no.”
oscar drops his gaze for a second, a dry chuckle passing his lips. “i’m glad you’re still logical, mate. she’s our best friend,” he nods. “what’s your problem, anyway? where is all of this coming from?”
logan can only sigh, leaning back on the wall behind them. it’s a good question. all he knew was that he woke up one morning a couple days ago and his heart started racing when he saw her curled in a ball in his bed fast asleep (him and oscar slept on the floor in the night).
he hasn’t recovered since.
“this is your fault,” logan argues, turning to him with an accusing finger. “you made friends with the cute girl during karting and now this happened.”
“what?” oscar cries in a laugh. “that’s definitely not how it works.”
“it is. i told you to leave her alone, dude!”
“well, she was arguably pretty cute when we met her! how would i have known she’d make it to f2 with us?”
“the point is, you talked to her and now here we are! you should be one to talk, anyway, you had a crush on her too.”
“yeah, mate. when i was 13. you’re 20 with a crush on our best friend.”
“yeah, because i totally went to sleep that night and prayed that i’d wake up feeling this way.”
“feeling what way?” their conversation halts and they turn, meeting her doe eyes looking up at them in curiosity. “are you gossiping without me, you traitors?”
oscar scoffs, giving her a disgusted look. “gossiping without you? how can we ever?”
“exactly. so, what are you talking about?” she steps towards logan, prompting the taller boy to take a step away and push himself up against the wall.
which, is unusual. she throws her hands up in confusion and drops her head to catch logan’s eyes. “yo? i didn’t develop cooties overnight — what’s wrong with you?”
“nothing,” logan feigns annoyance in his voice, heart beating in his chest as he side-eyes her. he can only wish that she leaves him alone.
“he’s just feeling a little sick,” oscar shrugs, trying to brush off her concerns. “so, how was meeting charles leclerc?”
at the mention of the name, her eyes sparkle as she jumps in her spot. “mate, he was so dreamy up close!” she shrieks, grabbing oscar’s arm for support. she throws her head back dreamily with the back of her hand against her forehead. “he’s so… ugh.”
“yeah, you were so all over him,” logan scoffs, looking into the distance to avoid her gaze. “that’s crazy.”
she side-eyes logan with a frown on her face. “wow. you woke up and decided to be a hater today.”
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logan camps at the bar counter, eyes locked across the beach club they’ve decided to visit today. he’s nursing the pint on the wooden surface as he looks unamusingly at her dancing with another tourist.
“mate,” oscar sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “this has gone on long enough. outrageous, if you ask me.”
“man, shut up,” logan whispers, turning back towards the counter and taking a big gulp.
“it could all be in your head. we’ve been friends with her for years; why did you suddenly start liking her more than that?” oscar asks, breath reeking of the tequila shots he downed with lily just a second ago.
logan sighs, leaning into the seat behind him. “i don’t know. which is why she can never know about this. it’s between you and me.”
“and me,” lily sighs dejectedly next to oscar, flashing logan a tired look. “unfortunate that i overheard your conversation.”
“real unfortunate,” logan agrees with a nod. “thank you for not telling her.”
“always a pleasure,” lily beams before turning away to place another order with the bartender.
“mate, you’ve had these weird weird feelings for her for like a month now,” oscar says softly, eyes jumping between his friend and the girl now making her way back to them. “get a grip — i can only tell you that whatever you think of doing about this is probably a bad idea.”
“how bad can it really be if i told her?”
“oh, catastrophic, possibly,” lily cuts her boyfriend off, staring at logan with wide and cautionary eyes. her gaze is abruptly pulled away from the american and her expression changes into something of excitement. “hey, (y/n)! i haven’t seen you in a hot minute!”
“i know, i got carried away on the dance floor,” she answers exasperatedly with a tipsy smile. she turns to logan with a soft smack to his shoulder. “and hey, why are you just sitting here? go find a girl and join me on the dance floor.”
“what? no,” logan scowls, turning away from her.
“what?” she cries. truthfully, her red cheeks and puffed up lips are only making him want to say something even more. “but we booked this trip specifically to meet people! what do you mean ‘no’?”
logan’s eyes bore into hers. “like i don’t feel like dancing with stranger.”
“oh, you’ve done worse when we were younger sneaking into the clubs in miami,” she states nonchalantly with a playful eye roll. “what’s got you so conservative now?”
she takes a step towards the counter, ready to call for the bartender before she halts her plans. she turns slowly to logan. “unless…”
she trails off without another word, just staring at logan with wide eyes and a mischievous grin. oscar and lily stand back, sipping on their cocktails as the scene unfolds before them.
logan continues staring at her with half opened eyes. “unless what?”
“unless you’re already spoken for!” she says excitedly. “if it’s not that, then you fancy someone, don’t you?”
logan scoffs, but in an unconvincing and stuttering manner, because his cheeks turn red and he breaks eye contact with her. “absolutely not. can i not just focus on myself this trip?”
she shrugs, surprisingly calm. “you can, i guess. but you always talked about living out the frat life that you never got to be a part of. can’t be a frat bro when you’re like… 25.”
“i’m turning 21 at the end of the year.”
she waves him off. “same thing. too old to be a frat dude.”
logan folds his arms over his chest. “god forbid i wanna spend the weekend in barcelona with just my friends.”
she turns to him stiffly with a grin. she leans into him, almost making him slide off his seat and his heart jump out of his chest. “aw, you’re so sweet, logan! why didn’t you just say that?”
she slams her palm against the counter. “let me call off the dreamy and mysterious guy who bought me a free drink.”
logan turns to oscar, a helpless look on his face as she walks away. the australian and his girlfriend can only shrug, knowing this was not the outcome the boy hoped for this weekend.
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“shawn mendes, really?” logan asks monotonously, staring down at her. “really?”
“really,” she nods, eyebrows raised to her own statement. “he dm-ed me on instagram after i posted today for the race and wished me luck.”
“how nice,” oscar teases her with a nose scrunch. “i’m sure he wants you even though he’s in a long-term relationship with his girlfriend.”
“i didn’t even say that!” she scolds, head snapping to the boy next to her. “i said it was cute that he wished me luck because i’m only in f2!”
“what’s f2 got to do with this?”
“like my name’s not even super out there yet, you know?”
“so you’re totally not overreacting to his message, right?” logan raised an eyebrow, looking down at her suspiciously.
the crush has definitely died down since their trip to barcelona. when he’d gotten too intoxicated on vodka and whispered in her ear about how pretty she was, he woke up the next morning with a mind-splitting headache, blaming his words on the alcohol.
she surprisingly bought the excuse, seeing that there seems to be a trend with logan being more tender and sweet with alcohol.
now, it just sucks for him that he can never tell her. ever.
and oscar is glad. he wouldn’t be able to handle the catastrophic outcome if logan confessed and she doesn’t feel the same. they’re both just as important to him.
“no,” she trails off, shaking her head. “i’ll only overreact if it’s harry styles.”
logan nods. “that’s way more realistic.”
“shut up.”
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“i don’t know, logan’s been kinda weird lately,” she shakes her head, lips pressed together. she turns to lily with downturned eyes. “are you sure he’s okay?”
lily gives her a reassuring nod with a smile. “he is okay. that’s as much as i can say.”
“what?” she whines. “so you know something that i don’t?”
“no, but that’s what i can derive from what i observe,” lily lies straight through her teeth. it's only detrimental that oscar keeps showing her conversations with logan still pining secretly for the girl.
she throws her head back. "it just feels like everyone is on it. i feel like such an outsider so suddenly," she confesses, tapping her nails against the table. she rests her cheek into her palm and her elbow propped up on the table. "so not fair."
lily sighs, glancing at the door. lily hasn't known her as long as oscar and logan, but watching her feel so rejected within her friend group is disheartening. especially when she's slowly catching on with everything.
"i think it's just-"
"hey!" oscar's voice cuts her off. they must have walked in the second she tore her eyes away from the door. and thank god for that timing, or else what could she have possibly said to the girl overthinking the state of their friendship? “good table, ladies."
"of course, i didn't wanna hear any yapping from your mouth," she says softly, moving her eyes to the window next to her.
logan furrows his eyebrows, sliding into the empty spot next to her in the booth. "what's wrong with you? they run out of spaghetti again?"
"no, it's nothing," she sighs dramatically, leaning back into her seat as she folds her arms over her chest. "what did you guys do while we did our hair?"
“did you even do anything to your hair while we were gone?” logan asks, picking up a bunch of her hair between his fingertips. “oh, you cut it, didn’t you?”
“very nice hair, babe,” oscar says, grinning at his girlfriend. he turns to the driver diagonal from him. “you too, i guess.”
she scoffs at him. "thanks, i guess."
logan grins, ruffling her hair. "it does look nice. money well spent, i hope."
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her jaw drops slightly, eyes watering at the conversation she was definitely not meant to overhear. she steps away from the doorframe she hid behind and slumps her shoulders. "you what?"
the two boys, engaged in a whispering conversation just seconds ago, widen their eyes as they turn their heads to the source of the shocked voice.
she had fallen asleep on her couch as they played video games on the playstation, and they had to have a private conversation about logan’s lingering stares and silent pining.
immediately, logan starts stuttering and flailing his hands around to come up with an excuse for what she could have possibly heard. "i- i mean.. like-"
"the girl you fancy is me?" she asks slowly, then turning to oscar. "and you kept this a secret from me the entire time?"
"no, just let me explain, god," logan smacks his forehead, trying to calm the girl down. "will you listen to me for a second?"
oscar presses his lips together and drops his head in disappointment. "i couldn't tell you. don't be like that."
"you guys made me feel like i was going crazy thinking you didn't wanna be friends with me anymore," she complains, stomping her foot into the ground. "i felt like i didn't even know you guys so well in the past month. i felt like you guys were pushing me away."
"what? no, (y/n), please just listen to me. this is all my fault."
"i thought you guys didn't even wanna be friends with me anymore. all of that to find out that it's because you just suddenly realised i'm cute?" she bursts, giving logan a look. "seriously? you didn't notice that years ago when we first met?"
oscar lifts his head, his look of disappointment quickly replaced by confusion. logan also drops his hands, head tilting at her response.
he had a list formed of possible ways she could react if his secret ever came out. this was not one of them.
"we've been friends for so long growing up. you think that i never had a crazy puppy crush on either of you?" she scowls at them, wiping the few tears that managed to escape her eyes. "get a grip, my dudes!"
"what?" logan screams. "you're telling me i've been in over my head for literally nothing because you've had a crush on me too?"
"you've got a crush on him right now? and me before?" oscar exclaims in disbelief, pointing at logan. "and we never knew? seriously?"
she shrugs, folding her arms over her chest with a smug smile. "i'm just better at keeping secrets compared to you guys, i guess."
she turns on her heel and walks out of the kitchen. “you’ll get over it. trust me. i’m actually in the process of getting over my crush on you, lo.”
but she’s never been more wrong about anything in her life.
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @inejismywife @vellicora @leilanixx @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @love4lando @sadg3 @bborra @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
Afterwards, they do a race. They don’t talk about it, but it’s there, between them still. Something settled between them. Cleo doesn’t know how to say it; they never know how to say things like this. Still, they need to, so they wait until Ren’s race is over and then hike through the jungle to go sit on top of Etho’s base and wait for him to show up as well.
He doesn’t. He’d gone to their base. Instead of just showing up for each other, they have to somewhat awkwardly coordinate over text which base to meet at. It forces everything to feel more real.
When they finally meet up, it’s in the shopping district, leaning against the button. A dangerous game in theory, but Cleo’s not fully convinced it can explode at this point, so.
Cleo breathes. They’re both quiet for a moment.
"Okay, so like, are we doing this?" Cleo says.
"I don’t really know, uh, what this is," Etho says, "but I… care about you. I think. So I think we’re doing that."
Cleo nods once. "You know I don’t fall in love, right? I’m not going to fall in love with you, I don’t do that. Might say something about loving you, but it’s not the same thing. Different sense of the word. It’s different, loving people and falling in love, got it? And I won’t do that second thing. I’m never going to do that second thing. I don’t--"
"Okay. I know," Etho says.
"Do you?" Cleo asks.
"I mean, not entirely, but I’m frankly surprised we’re having this conversation in the first place. I never expected you to be in love with me."
"But I’m not," Cleo says. "I’m attracted to you, and I love you as like, a companion and friend or whatever, but I’m not in love with you. I’m. Ugh. I wish I knew the right words. I just--I also don’t let go of things so if we’re doing this you’re going to have to get used to that real fast. Me not being in love with you but me not letting you go, both of those things."
"You're attracted to me? Aw, Cleo," Etho says.
"Don't be an ass," Cleo says.
"Sorry, sorry. It's just, geez, this is--a heavy conversation, huh?"
Cleo sighs. "We'll work on the deflection."
Etho rubs the back of his head and looks away. "Uh, in that case. If I'm maybe a little in love with you--"
"I can't--I can't reciprocate that, Etho," Cleo says, and their voice cracks as they do.
"I know," Etho says. "I just want to make sure it's okay, then."
"You can't help that, can you? Just like I can't help that I still sort of want to kill anyone who hurts you."
Etho seems to think about it for a while. Cleo resists the urge to fidget. She's a zombie. She shouldn't have the urge to fidget; she should be too dead for that. Besides, it's hardly like it's a secret she doesn't fall in love, exactly. It's just... it's only relevant sometimes. Feeling like, as she watches Etho and Bdubs dance around each other, she's on the outside looking in. She'd kill to hold their hands, to protect them, hell, even to kiss them--but that's different. She just can't summon the same emotion of... she doesn't know.
Martyn had almost gotten it, for all he didn't get anything else, in the end. Scott was never going to fall in love with her in the first place, for obvious reasons. Whatever attraction she and Pearl have going on, it's definitely not love.
But this...
"Okay," Etho says.
"That's it?" Cleo says.
"I mean, does it need to be anything else?" Etho says. "It's not like we can just... not do this. I think it's too late for that. Whatever 'this' is. I'm in love, and you aren't, but we'd both be pretty upset to lose this, right? So I'll... figure it out."
Cleo swallows. They feel small. "Will you? Do you understand?"
Etho shrugs. "I understand that it's you, and it's you that this happened with, not anyone else."
"Okay," Cleo says. "Okay."
"Is it okay if I kiss you? Just to try it, I mean. Not like, as a--this is a bad time, actually, I don't want to try to make any kissing we do romantic, I mean, you just told me this won't be romantic, I--"
"Yeah, sure, you can kiss me," Cleo says, and he leans in to kiss them. It's nice. A little soft for what they'd want, really, but nice. He leans back. He looks them in the eyes.
"I get it a little more now."
Cleo is baffled. "How? Kissing is just like, a thing we did? How does that have anything to do with any of the rest of this."
Etho laughs. "I definitely get it a little more now. What do you want to tell the others? I know they're definitely gossiping."
"Ugh. Can we just, like, not?" Cleo says. "I don't want to have to explain it."
"I'll just be confusing then, got it," Etho says, and Cleo can't help but laugh themselves.
"This is why you're my favorite," Cleo says, and they think maybe this will work out okay, after all.
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mattslolita · 6 months
psycho killer - c. sturniolo ( 001. )
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in which ... a killer is terrorizing the town of boston and charmaine soon realizes she's the final girl in his twisted game.
ghostface!chris x black!fem oc
warnings ; blood , gore , death , eventual smut , angst , ghostface!chris , final girl! oc
"𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒆, 𝒊'𝒎 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒓𝒆!"
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
in the comfort of charmaine's home, she sat on one of the bar stools at the end of the small kitchen table — her best friends, morgan maldonado and madison filipowicz were both with her, but occupied with separate things; morgan was on the phone with who charmaine assumed was her boyfriend ( unless she felt like cheating on him ), and madison was busy making popcorn for the film they were going to watch.
"hey char, what happened to that cheesy popcorn you always have?" madison asked, as she searched the girl's fridge, "there's like, none left."
"i'm gonna be honest madi, i ate it all," charmaine shrugged, as she scrolled through her phone.
madison shook her head, and went back to the fridge, biting down on one nail as she continued searching. charmaine looked over at morgan, who was sprawled out on her couch, twirling her dark hair around her fingers, her face painted with a rosy tint and a smirk plastered on her face. the evans girl frowned, wondering who it was that she was even talking to.
"wow, chris is making you blush that hard?" charmaine teased quietly, and morgan rolled her eyes, waving her off.
"this isn't even chris, girl," morgan whispered to her friend with an eyeroll, "he doesn't really make me blush like this anymore, anyway."
charmaine nodded, but her jaw clenched at the thought of morgan cheating on chris — christopher sturniolo was morgan's boyfriend, who also happened to be charmaine and madison's best friend, too. he had two identical brothers aside from himself, and they were both best friends with the triplet brothers. charmaine has liked chris for as long as she can remember, and it always puzzled her as to how he chose morgan over her. of course, chris never knew this, and she didn't plan on telling him — it was something bound to break up their friendship ( though charmaine knew the triplets longer ).
the smell of butter wafted through charmaine's senses, telling her that madison had put the popcorn in the microwave. the filipowicz girl came and sat down on the counter next to charmaine, a small grin settling on her face. "which horror movie are we watching tonight?"
charmaine grinned back, having always loved that she and madison loved horror movies. "oh, it's definitely a friday the 13th kinda night."
"ugh, we always watch that one," morgan whined suddenly, as she sauntered into the kitchen, her arms crossed, "can we watch the craft or something?"
"can you stop being a hoe and sleeping with every guy who gives you attention?" charmaine sneered, causing madison to snort and hold back a laugh, and morgan to give her an unimpressed look.
"you say that like it's a bad thing," morgan suddenly grinned, causing charmaine to roll her eyes and shake her head, "it's not my fault i'm sex positive!"
"whatever you wanna call yourself, morgan," madison giggled, causing charmaine to stick her tongue out at morgan playfully.
"whatever, friday the 13th is it," morgan sighed, resting her elbows on the counter, "let's play something while we wait for the food."
"what're you thinking?" charmaine questioned, setting her phone on the counter and facing her best friend.
"truth or dare."
morgan grinned, and madison and charmaine shared a knowing look. "girl, is this an excuse for you to just tell madi to make a move with that one girl already?"
madison's cheeks tinted, and she rolled her eyes. "that's not happening, by the way!"
"ugh, fine!" morgan grunted, but she sent madison a pointed look, "you don't even have to pick dare if you don't want to!"
"whatever, let's just play," charmaine said, waving both girls off, "m, truth or dare?"
morgan pretended to tap her chin in thought, then she smirked at charmaine. "dare."
"i dare you to call that one strip joint and pretend you wanna get hired there."
madison's eyes widened and morgan's jaw dropped, causing charmaine to burst out laughing. "what the actual fuck kinda dare is that?"
"it's a good one, don't lie!" madison grinned, pointing to morgan. 
"fine, whatever, i'll do it," morgan said with an eyeroll.
before she could make a move to grab the phone though, it began ringing — the three best friends exchanged a glance with each other, before morgan shrugged and moved towards it. "this doesn't count as your dare by the way!"
"it's probably just steven again," morgan grinned, as she picked up the landline, bringing it up to her ear, "hello?"
madison sat on the counter idly, and charmaine scrolled through her own phone as morgan talked to whoever it was she was talking to ( charmaine wouldn't be surprised if it was another one of her side pieces ). but from the way morgan's eyebrows furrowed, something was off.
"who is it?" charmaine mouthed her, madison raising her eyebrows expectantly.
"i don't even know," morgan mumbled, holding the phone away from her momentarily, "it's just fucking silence."
"here, let me see," madison said, hopping off the counter and going to grab the phone from morgan, "hello?"
but madison was met with silence as well, causing all three girls to share a look with each other. finally, charmaine shrugged and walked over to the phone, taking it from madison and holding it up to her ear. "hello?"
"hello? who's this?"
charmaine's eyes widened, causing morgan and madison to watch closely. "who're you tryna get to?"
"i don't know," the voice said, and charmaine felt a chill down her spine. it sounded much too deep to be normal, but something about it was highly attractive.
"well, you better figure it out," charmaine said, "bye have a good night."
"wait, don't hang up!" the voice said, and for some reason, charmaine's eyebrows rose and she didn't, "i wanna talk to you."
"yeah, they got like, five hundred numbers for shit like that," charmaine said, shaking her head, "see ya."
charmaine hung the phone before they had a chance to reply again, and both girls looked at her curiously. "so who was it?"
"i don't even know, some weirdo saying they wanted to talk to me," charmaine shrugged, and morgan grinned at the girl.
"well it's about time somebody wants to talk to you," morgan snickered, "you need to get a man."
"morgan, shut the fuck up," madison said, crinkling her nose and slapping the girl's shoulder, "she doesn't need to get anyone. just because you fucked half the school behind chris's back, doesn't mean everyone wants to do that same thing."
morgan's jaw dropped at what madison had said — truth was, morgan was always knocking charmaine for not wanting to just get with anybody randomly. she would take a dig at her about that stuff around charmaine and all her other friends too, which really upset her, being that she was supposed to be her best friend; charmaine guessed madison just finally got tired of it.
"wow, madi, didn't know you had the capability of being mean to anyone," morgan mumbled, and charmaine snorted.
"talking about everybody all the time just pisses me off," madison shrugged, turning to give charmaine a smile, "especially when it's about my girl."
before charmaine could respond to madi, the phone rang again, much to to her disappointment. with a groan, charmaine picked up the phone once again. "hello?"
"looks like i called the wrong number again," the voice said, and this time, charmaine rolled her eyes amusedly.
"yeah, i guess you did," charmaine sighed, sitting on the counter, "why did you redial it again?"
"to hear that pretty voice," he purred, and charmaine felt her cheeks get warm.
a small smile graced her features as she began swinging her feet back and forth. madison was now in the living room on her phone, and morgan; well, she was somewhere in the house. 
"huh," charmaine said, looking around.
"what's your name?"
charmaine chuckled, holding the phone away from her and looking at it in disbelief. "no way you just asked me that, dude."
"what's wrong with asking your name, pretty girl?" he asked, and for a split second, charmaine's eyebrows furrowed — she felt like she somewhat recognized the voice.
"first of all, i've seen too many horror movies to be telling you my name like that," charmaine said, as the microwave went off, signaling the popcorn was finished, "second, why do you wanna know my name?"
"cause i wanna know who i'm looking at," he said lowly, causing charmaine to immediately jump off the counter.
"what did you just say?" she asked nervously, looking around, seeing madison still sitting on the couch. morgan was still nowhere to be found.
"i said i want to know who i'm talking to," he said humorously, causing charmaine's eyebrows to furrow once again.
"yeah, nice try, that's not what you said," charmaine said seriously, beginning to grow annoyed, "look, find someone else to be all creepy with, i'm done here. bye."
"hang on-"
"it was funny at first, but you took it too far!" charmaine said.
"don't you-!"
before he could get another word out of his mouth, charmaine clicked the line off and set the phone back on its hook with a loud sigh. madison's head snapped up, and she looked up to see charmaine with her hands on her hips.
"everything okay, char?" madison asked, making her way over to the girl, "did they ever tell you who they were?"
"no, just some asshole being creepy as fuck," charmaine admitted, rubbing her temples with both her hands. "i swear-"
the phone rang, yet again.
💌 lil
i giggled when i first wrote this ngl. lmk how y'all like it so far😏.
@muwapsturniolo @luverboychris @guccifrog @prettiest-poision @mrssturnioloo @mattsivy @mattsturniolosleftnut @e1ias3 @eyeliketoeatpoosay @breeloveschris @mayhem-72 @l0akkz @summerssover
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sgiandubh · 2 months
News from Birmingham, part 3: verbatim
Verbatim means 'word for word' in Latin and it is often used in French to convey the idea something is being reported exactly as it actually happened.
Absolutely not sorry for the length, nor for the lost night spent on it.
So, here go the juiciest parts using the recording I am (for those joining in later) NOT allowed to post as is. Selection is mine and mine solely - editorial line and all the rest. Once I am done, I shall add my comments. It was hard for the girls to focus on what was being said on stage and write to me in DMs, at the same time. Recording everything was a risk, but also genius. The bits I am going to post are taken exactly as I heard them:
✔️on Blonde Bambino (yes, she elaborated and I had no idea when reporting live by proxy): '(...) and it's just amazing, he's the sweetest, sweetest thing and he looooves music. And, I feel like I succeeded being a mother purely because the other day he asked me if he could invite Kate Bush to his birthday'.
✔️on borrowed things from set: she regrets not having taken some things she liked from previous seasons. 'It's been a long time since I've borrowed anything (...). Terry gave me two nightgowns made in Season 1, she gave me one that was never used. And then she promised me a lot of things (...).' Wanted to 'borrow' something from her own surgery.
✔️on her involvement with the Blankfaces fashion label-cum- homeless charity in GLA: 'oh, that is Gerry who runs that, he is a friend of my husband's and he is just this amazing person who does grassroots organizing, you know, Blankfaces he's been doing for a long time. And I just met Gerry, you know, socially, and then I thought what he was doing was amazing, and I also found the clothes amazing and so I just bought them.' Further explains what Blankfaces does, the shop, the stories, including the food kitchen, but denies a more active involvement with the project/brand. 'I was just the other day at Hozier (...),he is amazing [cooing, booing] and I'm just paraphrasing from Andrew, and Andrew said this amazing thing, which was how we all want to be part of big things, right, you know to be a part of those things that would change the world, and all of that, but it's actually the small little things you do every single day, in your community, that have the biggest impact. (...) But you can buy their stuff online.'
✔️on producing a future movie based on Book Ten: 'I would not be in those competitions with Starz.'
✔️on her resemblance with Claire (oh dear God, not that question again!): 'As a kid, I was definitely not obedient, definitely not quiet and definitely not tidy, but as an adult, I ended up being more organized than I've ever thought I would be in my life (...) shocking (...). The world has changed crazy, (...) I used to talk to people and have opinions on things, but now it feels like a cesspool (...). I miss that space for conversation.'
✔️on 'Erself and the end of Outlander: 'well Diana came to visit, I actually don't know when it was, not that long ago, she came on set, sheeee... ugh, you'd have to forgive me, it was last season, it was so long ago, I can't remember what is what and I have to remember if she wrote something last season (...). Diana, she's created this world (...), she watches everything (...). But she's also allowed us to sort of make her characters our own and she's given us her blessing to do that, which has been amazing. And she still won't tell us the ending. [Voice in public: Sam knows!] Sammy... Sam THINKS he knows.'
✔️on the public impact of OL's Season 1 and sudden fame: 'I got this job so last minute, I was living in the US and I knew it was a US series that we're gonna be filming in the UK. And I read the first book so I was like, OMG sounds like an amazing show to film. But then I went from being cast to being in Scotland in one week. And then you're just like, you're working for 85, 90 hours a week. I didn't know who I was, where I was, what was going on. (...) and we went to Comic Con (...), I mean that whole year was a blur, an amazing blur, but a blur.' Had no expectations about what the show would become, it's now broadcast in 87 countries, 'it's insane, it's amazing'. Being able to be successful after 10 years is 'amazing'.
✔️on what she will miss most about Scotland or is she planning to stay in Scotland after OL is over: 'that's the million dollars question, I don't know. I mean, I think I'll... my husband is Scottish, so I think we'll always have something there, his parents both live there, so you know, we're not never going to be there at some point, but I don't know what is gonna happen after, but I am very, I feel, yeah, I feel like it's gonna be so sad not to... you know for 11 years, no matter like if we're gonna back in the United States or to London for a while we've always known we'd be back to Scotland at some point and be there for 10 or 11 months and so now I don't know, I don't know what the future holds, so....'
✔️on her and Tony sharing the same musical tastes: ' do Sam and I share the same music [Steve immediately BARKS: 'no, Tony, your real husband!'] Tony? Yes. Sam - no.'
✔️Sam's whisky or Graham's bourbon? 'Sam's whisky. I haven't tasted the bourbon, but bourbon is too sweet'.
✔️speaking about Steve - 'he's so mean'. In jest (?).
✔️her favorite part of making her own gin: 'tasting (...), trusting your senses'. The distillery changed, from the first to the second batch - the product's taste changed, a learning curve. They wanted to make sure it's still the same product.
✔️on regretting she did not start acting ten years earlier - mentioned not being ready for the responsibility of shooting 14, 16 hours a day, no sick days, etc: 'it's like a beast'. She felt OL came at the right time, was 'prepared and ready to be there' and eager to be given 'a shot (...): whatever you throw at me, I'll do it'. 'And I think for Sam was the same.'
✔️on memorable OL sets/places: Craigh Na Dun stones. 'The new place where we are, really cool. (....) Amazing stately homes like Hopetoun'. It's 'amazing.'
✔️on another parts in movies - she looks forward for 'good writing' and 'the character to speak' to her, in a new project, the people she will work with... Cliche AF. The Cut and The Amateur roles are 'not huge', the last she clearly said it was a small role, 'it's not my film, it's someone else's film'. She 'did not want to be working all the time, obviously with a small child'. Defined The Cut's plot as 'bizarre', and The Amateur as 'funny'. Loves her job, is happy with it.
✔️last question was asked by a French woman with a very thick accent, about traveling and learning things out of it - C. considers herself very lucky to have been able to travel all around the world as a model. Traveling taught her empathy, how to get over our very Christian centric view of the world. Mentions growing up in 'a very small village in Ireland, that was pretty much, you know, one church, one tiny school and one shop'. Her parents 'instilled a love of reading and learning'. Then she left Ireland to live in France and Japan, and traveled to Nepal. Nepal :'the trip that changed me and changed my life, because I was like seeing a completely different culture that had no correlation to anything that I grew up with, but it was the most beautiful spiritual awakening I guess I've ever had. (...) By traveling and by eating different foods and trying to speak other languages, which I try to do and I apologize to everybody because I try and speak your language, too, because I think (...) it's important to try and connect, because we expect people to come here and do that and it's so rude we don't go and do the same [ applause].' Being able to travel allows us to see how different and how similar we are'.
Ended with a huge thank you to fans, it's been so long that I wasn't attending a convention, 'but it meant the world to me to meet you all again, seen so many familiar faces, it feels so weird to be at the end of this show, because it has meant so much to me (...). Will see you all again soon.'
And now, for my comments and findings. Almost point by point:
Kate Bush, LOL (we'll never agree, C and I, on this one; but I can almost imagine Blonde Bambino cooing this - awww):
So, she basically repeated the same anecdote as last year, during promo. From Sade to Kate Bush, and hey, what about that birthday - 'the other day'? But let's not be nitpicky.
'Gerry' actually is Gerard McKenzie Govan, one of the three Directors and the founder of The Blankfaces CIC, a Community Interest Company (regular company with an increased social responsibility twist and, as such, heavily subsidized by the local authorities, too). More on him, here, for those who really want to know about him: https://www.glasgowwestendtoday.scot/magazine/the-man-behind-the-blankfaces-1391/. But that is not the most juicy part, actually - some blatant inconsistencies are. Like 'Gerry' being a friend of Nameless Husband's, but still she met him socially (huh? I thought he was a friend of Nameless Husband, hence a family acquaintance?). Also, C doesn't know shite about The Blankfaces, but still bravely fills in those blanks, like when she tells us fans Gerry has been doing Blankfaces 'for a long time'. The UK competent public authority, Companies House, says something very different and I can prove that the CIC was registered in 2018. Which is not really a long time at all:
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'March 6, 2018 - Incorporation of a Community Interest Company' - see above. It also doesn't seem to be very well managed, at all:
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Both its yearly accounts and its confirmation statement are long overdue (since 2023, in fact). The CIC is, actually, subject of an 'active proposal to strike off', which means it will be closed/dissolved, and rather sooner than later:
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In their case, I suspect a compulsory strike-off, issued by the Companies House register. Fits with the legal criteria:
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In a nutshell: because The Blankfaces failed to file its annual accounts and confirmation statement AND because it did not answer to the Companies House's two kind reminder letters, it will be forcibly dissolved in less than two months from now and there is NO going back on that decision, according to UK law.
Wouldn't C know about her Nameless Husband's Friend huge problems? I mean, how more tone-deaf and disconnected can you be, promoting a clinically dead business and inviting people to buy their clothes from their online shop?
Unless... Yeah, unless - but oooh, stupid shippers, slap a shipper, etc.
[Source: Moore and Stoke, an insolvency practitioners' firm based in Stoke-on Trent, UK - simply because they had the simplest and most recent legal explanation, see here: https://www.moorestoke.co.uk/active-proposal-to-strike-off/].
Compared to that, the fact that Tracula was nowhere to be seen at the recent Andrew Hozier-Byrne's concert in GLA is really peanuts. This is serious, legal stuff and please don't give me the 'she's an artist, she doesn't know shit about business' lame excuse. She is also a businesswoman, with her own spirits brand and several other companies, at least in the UK, Ireland and the US. Give me a break, #IYKYK.
Can't wait to be done with OL. Even the thought of a future movie based on Book Ten makes her cringe. Felt it in her voice and it was enough.
World feels like a cesspool? Why on Earth? She is a beautiful, successful and accomplished woman, with her own family and free from want. A cesspool is a very strong and strange word, in this apparent context. Unless.. but yeah, stupid shipper, slap a shipper. Missing conversations, expressing her opinion.... Not even LOL. It made me feel sad. Everything that happened to them since 2016 must be such a burden.
Sammy. SAMMY? Whoa, girl! Merci beaucoup, vraiment. Term of endearment, anyone? Compare with the stiff dead 'my husband' - again, the difference between a teddy bear and a guillotine is transparent in her voice. Also, DG - a difficult topic for her. She doesn't like 'Erself much and I think we all know why.
You tell me about 87 countries, Ma'am. I experience it every day, from the sidelines, so I can easily imagine what the impact could be for you. OL, that blessing and that curse. Also, when she is fed up with prodding and unwilling to kiss arses, she'd quip something along the lines of 'amazing' and be done with it.
Bonnie Scotland and the Day After. Another great moment of 'what the hell ever, just say anything'. Also, Caitriona Mary is a terrible, terrible liar - just like Sam Roland, you know. Her answer came out as incoherent and borderline illogical. Look at this: ' I mean, I think I'll… my husband is Scottish' - the 'I'll' part was her spontaneous starting to answer, about herself, but then inhibition kicked in and shit, she remembered she is married and had to somehow insert Tracula and both his parents (alive, just to make sure). Also, excuse me, hellooo: 'I think we'll always have something there'. Sounds like a flat, more like a pied-à-terre, but lo and behold, she suggests life is going to be elsewhere. What about that pharaonic McMansion, we so passionately followed the painstaking refurbishment of, double glazing included and borderline scandalizing the local heritage protection NGOs in the process? That doesn't really sound like 'something there', does it? That Bear Grylls flat looked more like 'something there', so where's the catch-22, here? What if I was right about McMansion being a fixer-upper she never planned to live in (where, oh where does The Happy Couple live? ooooh, ROFLMAO)? What if I was right about some other thoughts I am not ready to discuss yet? Questions, questions. And yes, London. IYKYK and very different from the emotional, savant blur. Also, for a very organized grown-up woman (her own words, see above), not knowing what the future holds... I mean I get it, but how peculiar, isn't it? Drawing a line, that question unsettled her. She was not planning to answer. She ended with a joke on not being able to see 'that yellow thing in the sky for five months in a row'. Get me out of this question and quick.
The music tastes' question was very clearly audible, even from the back of the room and I had zero trouble to distinctly hear it - it was also asked in a posh & polite British accent, so that helped a LOT: ' do you and Tony share the same music tastes?' The Freudian slip is simply inexplicable. Also, she answered Tony, not 'my husband' : Tony+ my husband in the same phrase is something beyond her strength. But why answer about S at all, that was NOT the question? Why? There are limits to dumbfuckery, after all. Also, Steve is such a pain in the arse. Who, in your mind and heart, is the real husband, C?
Whisky vs. Bourbon, she mumbled her answer, very uneasy, had to listen three times to untangle it. The Soup Nazi had to step in and bark the answer, train station megaphone style, for everyone to hear and get the memo. Now I understand why. And you should, too.
'He's so mean'. Definitely not in jest. Steve, that is. Fire that dick. Plus, later on, she quipped to him: 'you have the reputation of being like a strict schoolmaster'. Answer: 'maybe I am'. A cara nem treme, like they say in Brazil.
In that gin question, the Stan dutifully mentioned Tony (arse kissers, ALL OF THEM) - she could have mentioned him openly, she had a boulevard in front of her. But nope, she came back to mainly mentioning her own experience and a very vague 'we'.
'And I think Sam was the same' - conversations were had early on. In Central Park, London. And then things went very fast, as it sometimes happens. Sharing takes things on a very different level. I think this is exactly what happened to them.
Memorable places: they both are very moved by Craigh Na Dun, and it's absolutely normal. And Hopetoun - LOL, hello, of course ('The Door Faces North', pun totally intended).
Next two movies: so long for her Stans' delusions she was given a main role. She wrapped deception with grace and hid behind being a mom. ALL THE ANTI BLOGS WERE EERILY SILENT ABOUT THIS. I wonder why. Actually no, I don't. But sure, shippers twist things, shippers hide things. No shame, those people.
The last question, on travel, was my favorite one. I think it was perhaps the only time she felt able to fully express what she meant and wanted to. Many will jump on that Nepal reference and it is correct, but to me, on a very personal level, it spoke in many, many other ways. This is the C I have managed to embrace, reluctantly at first (I admit) and like a LOT. This is the witty girl I thought I have lost forever in that sea of painful innuendos, stupid Stans ass-kissing and blurring everything in the process, plus a Nazi minder on top. Fire that dick. Seriously. He wanted to end on a 'funny' Kumbaya note - she subtly managed to break free. Thank you, C. Seriously. The wonder you are and completely unaware of it. And the things you can do with words, if only you'd dare play with them some more.
Her tone at the end was emotional. Very. It was the same tone as for that 'partner everyday' gala speech. Oh, the things she wanted to tell all of us. And if we only knew. But hey, she promised we will meet again, soon. Perhaps in Paris? I'll gladly speak to you. In French.
A HUGE thank you. Both of you. I love you, girls.
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bunnyrafe · 2 months
hiii i hope your bday dinner was good!!! i’ve been thinking about rafe teaching his sweet girl how to protect herself w guns and stuff, bc with all the obx gold antics he can’t have her caught up in the middle of everything!!! nothings gonna happen to her on his watch but he needs to make sure that even when occasionally he’s not there she can protect herself,, + she’s scared so he has to explain all that to her but she learns n he’s like proud of her n stuff 🥰
+also do we think he makes her stay home so that she’s not involved in any of the criminal activities or does he bring her everywhere with him as an accessory attached to his arm just to keep an eye on her??? (i feel like this could also go either dad bf × soft pogue or just regular canon rafe × reader too like it suits both of them really well tbh)
thank you so much baby !!! okay so. this ask has me REELINGGG. i have thoughts and a lot of them on this— i definitely think he makes her stay home during more dangerous stuff, which is a pain ‘cause she has to wonder what he’s up to all day… but for more lowkey deals and whatnot she’s 100% with him, being a passenger princess and not even thinking about whatever illegal activities they may be up to…
ugh… the day he brings home a gun for you.
just imagining he’s been out all morning, barely answering your texts and calls while you try to occupy yourself with housework ‘n breakfast. you nearly run to the door when you finally see his truck pull into the driveway.
and then suddenly he has you in the backyard before you can blink, avoiding any and all of your questions about his whereabouts but still rambling about how you two need to keep safe. mind you, you’re still in your little silk robe and pjs while he’s trying to teach you how to shoot the pink pistol he’s gotten for you on a complete whim— “y’know, jus’ in case anyone ever stops by the house to fuck with you.”
he’s got your back pressed to his broad chest, large hands on your own which are shaking, showing you how to properly hold it because a sweet thing like you has never felt the weight of a gun in your hands… yet you unfortunately trust rafe with your life so you know you’re fine and quite literally in capable hands. although it takes him a moment to convince you that this is okay.
“princess, ‘s better safe than sorry. trust me,” he goes on & on, gesticulating his words by swinging around his hand and the bottle in it, “this way— i don’t have to worry about you as much while ‘m out handling shit, y’know?”
you guess he’s right. you’re not really sure anymore, considering how paranoid rafe can be.
he takes a sip of his beer, watching you fire off once you’re feeling confident enough to pull the trigger, suddenly losing all fear of the kickback— “atta girl!” he shouts before grabbing up your waist and pulling you into him, looking down at your precious face and now blown out pupils as the adrenaline takes over.
that same night, you pray you never have to use it… but you still put it in your handbags, taking it with you wherever you go. just t’be safe, as your rafey says…
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rekino2114 · 2 months
can you do fem denji x male reader
Fem. Denji getting jealous
A/n:normally for a genderbent post I'd change the name to a feminine version of it but I can't think of anything for denji so it stays like that, also credit to x.zora.k on Instagram for the art.
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"Look at that bitch, shamelessly flirting with my man"
"You can't even hear what they're saying"
You and denji were on a date (aki came along to make sure she behaved) when a girl she didn't recognized approached you and started talking to you, apparently you knew her so you two started walking away and talking with each other, which made your girlfriend very very angry.
"I don't need to, look at how she's acting, she's definitely flirting with him"
"I think she's just being friendly"
"As if, I know flirting when I see it"
"Like I said, you can't even hear it"
Denji ignored aki's words and started glaring even deeper at the girl
"What is it?"
".......my bobbs are bigger than hers right?"
"............I'm leaving"
"IT WAS A GENUINE QUESTION, I can't let her take y/n from me"
"And that's what you care about?"
"*sighs* I need a cigarette"
"You can go get one if you want I'll just-.....*gasp* OK THAT'S ENOUGH"
The chainsaw hybrid was one step away from pulling the string on her chest before being stopped by aki.
"Stop. What happened?"
"That's still no reason to try and kill her"
"B-but what if she's a devil trying to gain his trust to kill him"
"I find it highly unlikely, but go ahead if you want just know that I won't object to any punishment miss makima decides to give you"
"Ugh- fiiiine"
The blonde girl couldn't do anything but groan while waiting that you finished your conversation (while aki went away to not deal with whatever was about to happen)
"Hey babe, sorry if I took too long, we can continue our date now"
"You expect me to act as if nothing happened? You ditch me just to go hang out with some flat chested slut?"
".......she's my sister"
"And I'm not finished yet if you-........wait what?"
"Yeah, she came to Japan without telling me, it's been over two years that I don't see her so I just got so excited, I'm really sorry for what I did though, I should have prioritized you"
"N-no it's fine I should have been more trusting of you"
"Oh were you jealous?"
"Heck yeah I was, she was holds your hand, I should be the only girl allowed to do that.....I-I mean except family members I guess"
You giggled and approached your girlfriend then held both her hands in yours
"Is this better?"
"Yeah thanks"
"I think I know one way to make you realize you're the only girl I love"
You kissed her deeply and after a moment of surprise denji melted into the kiss not letting your mouth go for a while.
"Shit, that felt good, alright you're forgiven"
"I'm glad, how about a cuddle session to make it up to you even more"
"Yay cuddles!"
You held her hand and you started walking together, denji put her head on your shoulder to admire you with a bit of guilt in her eyes.
"Hey, sorry for earlier again, I wanted a boyfriend for so long, so when I got you, I guess I was scared of losing you"
"It's fine, jealousy is totally normal...... just don't insult my sister again"
"Yeah, dont worry......My bobbs really are bigger, though."
"*chuckle* you never change, but I guess that's one of the reasons why I love you"
Denji nuzzled into your shoulder and closed her eyes feeling the warmth of your words seep into pochita
"I love you too"
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white-sinner · 1 year
Poly Yandere Alphas Asano & Karma x Male Beta reader (assassination classroom)
They force reader to wear a collar with their names on it.
Marking, reader being tied up, degrading, sadism, treating reader like a pet.
They say many things that bring down beta’s, and how they wish he was an omega, how much better he would be if he was. That he shouldn’t worry, they’ll still like him regardless of the fact that he’s a beta. Stuff like that.
you can try to resist but this is a challenge that you too know you will lose..
WARNING: kidnapping, threats, force collaring, knives, marking, sadism, sex, mention of pheromone
A/N: are we all aware that these two as yandere would be impossible to stop? with the controlled/rational personality of Asano and the sadistic one of Karma I think our dear Male reader has no hope of getting out of this fall into hell
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a couple of hidden lovers born in the seventh grade who despite the difference in classes continue to live and be stronger and stronger but what will happen when these two Alphas find in M ​​/ n the omega they were looking for?
for Karma and Asano it had never been difficult to get along their two characters intertwined perfectly but then there was a change when 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High moved M/N L/N a beta, the first to notice it was Karma who was truly amazed by your skills against Korosensei not to mention your splendid personality and your scent which, despite you being a Beta, goes more sweet like vanilla and caramel since you arrived Karma feel a strong sense of protection and with your being kind but also knowing how to stand up to him,he understand that you were the missing omega that he and Asano were looking for but despite your being Beta he didn't care you were definitely a omega for him and no one could change his mind. obviously Karma as a good alpha and boyfriend reported everything to Asano who thanks to social networks, acquaintances and stalking in the end he too fell in love with you so the two devised a plan to get you
the two of them started leaving on your desk, folder and even mailing them to your home! they started giving you anonymous teddy bears/t-shirts and even used underwear…. now if you were an omega you got those things for your nest and as a clear sign of courtship that an alpha wanted to make you his but being you a beta you couldn't even recognize whose scent it was but things got worse in class when yet another soft toy appeared on your counter
“Another gift from your secret admirer?”
“I wouldn't call him a secret admirer but more perverted stalker *huf* I swear Nagisa if this dude doesn't finish it I'm going straight to the cops why doesn't he go fuck a bitch instead of bothering me"
poor man M/N he didn't know that the "pervert" he was talking about was watching him Asano was out of class and Karma near the window
in the chats between Karma and Asano
“it seems that your plan has failed”. my beloved psychopath 8:13
"I notice ugh he's getting on my nerves why he doesn't understand we're just trying to make him understand that he belongs to us?" my control freak 8:15
“now now don't get angry maybe our dear M/N needs to be put in his place and submit to his mates”. my beloved psychopath 8:16
so Karma stopped you outside school after class was over but as he spoke to you he took your hands and pinned you in the wall as ticked off Asano who with a syringe the rest was too blurry to remember
you woke up tied to a chair and in front of you with an evil smile your two captors
“but coincidentally, it seems the bitch woke up "
“wha-Karma Asano?!"
“Is this the way to address your mates? it seems that our omega likes to be punished”
what the hell were they saying omega, mates have they gone crazy?!
“haha look at that really adorable confused and scared expression”
“what the heck are you saying are you crazy I'm not an omega! release me immediately you ugly sons of bit-*slap*
” ugh and so that you address your alphas! first you called us perverts then this… I think you need to learn some of the rules Bitch”
at that moment Karma untied you and threw you on the bed and he cut your pants with his knife
"it's a real pity that you're not an omega right now you could be in heat and we would have helped you little slut"
said Asano while he was thrusting his cock into you without even getting ready!
“aAasano stop…Mmhm~”
“nonono this is not the way you call us”
Karma approached with the knife making a cut on your lips and then licking them
“so tell us bitch are we really perverts like you said?”
"to me the only bitch looks like you M/n look at Asano he's not fucking you even for 15 minutes and you already look like you're about to pass out"
continued Karma before he positioned himself on your face putting his cock in your mouth by now those two were gone in sync it was too much for you after a while Karma painted your throat white and you came
“wouldn't you like to be an omega? being inside a nest made with our clothes feeling the need to obey your alphas…having our children inside you”
“mmm after all look at you you are already below us for being a beta you are a shame”
they continued while karma came for the second Once Asano hadn't come yet! karma take his members off you and kiss you furiously making your tongue stick out and came again
“you know M/N you are really cute when you cry but I think you need to remind you who you belong to”
with that he took the knife and carved his initials and Asano's on your arm while you cried in pain and Karma licked your blood Asano came inside you
"if you were an omega by now with us you'd already be pregnant so you couldn't open your legs to anyone and you won't"
he approached your ear and whispered to you
“try to escape from us and we will kill all your loved ones remember the packages we know where you live"
having said this the two of them attacked your throat covering it with hickeys. a few minutes later and Asano also came out of you
"we have a gift for you go get it Asano"
Asano come back with a red streak collar and an orange heart with Karma Akabane and Gakushu Asano properties written behind it
"that's it, what are you saying Asano him Isn't he just adorable?”
“very Karma so how do you say M/N when your mates give you a present?”
you answered Asano in a low voice even though he was out of you you still felt him inside
” thanks Asa-“
“I think you were wrong try again or do you want to be punished”
“thanks alphas…”
before you could say anything other karma and Asano they made you spread on their chest and they ignited you with something
“don't worry M/N although you are a beta we love you the same but wouldn't it be better to be an omega? betas are less strong than alphas and more useless than omegas and then to be a beta you are a shame you smell so sweet and you let yourself be used as a sex toy"
" this syringe contains omega hormones we will continue to give it to you for a while you will see that in a short time you will assume your true behaviors "
you wanted to fight back but you were too tired so you closed your eyes hoping to wake up from this nightmare
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aestheticpearl · 17 days
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— 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞
✧·˚you and jonah have been together for so long, so here’s a few moments that you share together
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at first jonah started streaming when he felt like it, he had absolutely no schedule and it kills his followers cause they would always ask when his next stream is and he’ll just torture them by going ‘well i was going to tonight but since you asked i don’t really feel like it anymore’ he loved tormenting them and then just giving them what they want.
he would mostly plays horror games— stone faced, it’s one of the reasons he got so popular (besides his good looks obviously). elias and him usually played together when it a multi player horror game and it’s like the quietest stream ever. so quiet in fact that the chat ended up hearing shuffling in the room which made them speculate that their beloved streamer had a partner~
spill the beans, are you getting under the desk support rn? 🤨
“if i was you’d notice sooner trust me” he says with a smirk.
“first off i never said i had a partner that was providing this quote ‘under the desk support’ unquote— besides i don’t think they need to be my partner to do that.” jonah scoffs at the chat and rolls his eyes before focusing back on the game.
truth was you were under the desk but just giving a different kind of support, to the desk. jonah’s poor desk has been on the end of many of his tantrums and a screw ended up coming loose so he had to text you during stream to ask you to sneakily fix it before the whole desk collapsed under the weight. so here you were, under the desk fixing the loose screw that was apparently ‘threatening the stream’ like the good partner you are.
you hear the snarky comment jonah make’s towards his chat and smile to yourself before finishing the quick fix and tapping his leg to let him know that you were done. jonah glances down at you and you smile up at him before he slides his chair out enough for you to crawl out and stand up out of frame, he mutes himself before speaking to you.
“thank you, i was unsure if the desk would’ve held for the rest of the stream.” you lean in making sure you’re out of frame before placing a kiss on his forehead.
“good luck with the rest of the stream jonah” you say to him has you leave his gaming room.
jonah directs his attention back to his chat and unmutes himself.
“ugh you people are insufferable.”
one of his love languages is quality time so playing games with one of his favorite activities to do with you, whether it’s playing with you or just having you watch him while you lay across the couch with your head on his lap he loves it. so when you suggested a date night which was staying inside and playing video games with each other he was ecstatic to say the least.
that was until the date night came around and you had fallen ill. it was nothing serious but it’s definitely left you bed ridden and you felt awful physically and emotionally since you had to tell him you couldn’t play the game with him.
“i’m sorry babe i wish i could play honestly, but i feel queasy every time i sit up.”
“jonah?” you lock eyes with him standing in the doorway before he turns and leaves you in the bed alone.
“alright good talk.” you say out loud to no one in particular before closing your eyes to try and get some more sleep.
you’re right about to fall asleep when you feel a weight on the bed and before you can really register what is happening your head is on jonah’s chest and you can hear his steady heartbeat.
“mmm what are you doin?” you ask slowly opening your eyes to look at the nintendo switch in-front of you.
“since we can’t play together, you feeling up to watching me play minecraft?” jonah asks in a quiet voice, which you appreciate greatly since you have a worsening headache.
“i’d love to watch you play minecraft.” you smile up at him. “thank you”
he responds with a simple ‘mmm’ before kissing your forehead and starting the game. you don’t get to watch him long before unintentionally falling asleep to the sound of his soothing heartbeat.
flash forward a year or two and jonah is now a streamer that actually does have scheduled streams, but he is also now one of those streamers that does a lot of the side quests of the game off screen so he just has the materials but doesn’t continue the main story line without streaming.
he’s now more effortlessly charming and charismatic which makes everyone in the chat swoon. he’ll say the most mundane things or respect people and the chat will be all heart eyes.
“that’s okay, you don’t have to talk about it.”
i think i’m in love 😻
me when he does the bare minimum
whimper audio?
“a what?”
the chat does know that he has a partner because you always bring him snacks at the half hour mark. they’re usually just simple after school snacks that don’t take a lot of time, but sometimes you’ll bring him a sweet that he absolutely loves.
he will always take your hand and kiss the back of it as a thank you and the chat will swoon for you.
i’m getting butterflies for them 🥰🥰
whimper audio?
i’m sleeping on the highway tonight
“good luck streaming bubs” you say before planting a kiss on his head. “bye chat, make sure to harass him for me.”
“i love you~” you say closing the door and walking down the the kitchen to make him a snack that the chat will surely get jealous of even with its simplicity, it’s more of the domestic act that they love.
jonah loves having you on his lap while he games and you love it almost as much as he does. he definitely owns like a bean bag chair instead of his gaming chair to makes things so much more comfortable too.
“mmm sleepy”
he chuckles softly, you love when he does that.
“i can tell babe, you can sleep if you like.”
“nooo i wanna watch you play.” you whine.
“you’re not even facing the tv” he kisses your temple gently.
it’s true, you haven’t exactly been watching him play more like listening to him play, you know what’s happening without looking at the screen and he knows that. jonah also knows that if you become sleepy during these cuddle/gaming sessions you’ll just fall asleep, but you seem very set on not falling asleep this time.
“what’s keeping you awake baby?”
“i just want to spend time with you that’s all and i want to be conscious this time” he smiles.
“alright, if you say so but just know i wouldn’t be upset at you for falling asleep” you nod and bury your face into his neck to place feather like kisses.
he unintentionally squirms away from the attack while laughing softly.
“i think someone is tired”
“tired of you accusing me of being tired” he laughs and kisses the side of your head. “my mind is awake but my body is so sleepy”
jonah chuckles softly and readjusts you so you’re in a more comfortable position and soon you’re out like a light as he turns the volume down and plays silently.
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.love always <3 pearl
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